M(N DAY, OCTOIIMl ID, istil. SPIRIT OP THE NEW FORK PKES8. IfNfllnt Mltorlalii from the Jity Vorh imii i. row Hit T. ! Tli tui tuir ' "f Mm N ti'.iii A.liiiitii-iriti.)ii Carrird IhiJ Mail " T- I'.v rr 1 u.o 0 rr.uj.ir.tj-, giving Ihwn 8'na.. H" anil Kia- O.Hc.-m, txtv Jt Governor, If ! lil nv, r, 1 r. I w h i v,,'iij modC glml y hiivii "if ""l "I iIii"iii in p i.m Ing an a t hi rr-'iy tin: -fit h i.irr-nf tint Ktato wonl,l lie c mi t!i- i t., M( in die ensuing Clcclionfi t Mio Iii'li.it.u, likn v. ;y i.'!,, - ,s:;is. Intnre, wouM do iintiilii : i lr I i i I. Tar; b il c.irtii d tin- St iT tlimii.-h i tin di-fr.i,-i hi'i'incn: of tie iiiMiiis, ami tiny n.rc nut ho pTe-a m to Lclp fb ifn a c'nli wiirtliv their oru heulu wmilil nurly t c l,tni'!i. sk ik milium nr lu ll una i Hi nut vote thir vi'iir utnis it tin ir ri -pLC- tlD ll'IIKS. Hen upon w r find n i-'ii'i i,r tuivrd him list the) alleged purraiitv wl.iii-ivi h lurum-jlm .iro lii'ictf truo'iil . luuiuiM i, n. i V i..i,i-t, Ul-hh I'm lullliiV (reelv, Mil f p.-m nl. l,rl. ur not ll all. Wo ki.im n"t Ih.w i in- inn m. iv iv, 'int i i cerely trust Unit (In- r.-mpi mii is aril ( rule I. V lien Ml 1 i lie li,ii..it)i h tint ne npne.l fm 11 tho licit have pnnr huine. then- w I I mill h n it less tlmii 11 ii tl on-m il ii,iii"iii i.f rnliifii-tHiivur ('iiietlieRii uiimnir ilm cii.rived ur their vote ly lliu nfiisal of tin- lute Cnppcih' nil Legislature; to i' a soldii rs' voting In. It seem to in thnt tins 't quite nv nnieh m in, Me an nur siile outflit to I r mki d to Mt ind tiy flint nt'iail. VV appre hend tlntt it is iuite all our fik'tiiia in Indiana can iillor.t. Why is il we, it-k the ilmn'i doffi once more that in Mng'r tli im critic Li (ti l.ituro hint tver jiMki-cd a doldier'it viitin law. The voiorn und .lnornaM of their party huve tor yp.iri heen claniminff tliat liirlntili w, rc ffeily rantcil to the Kopuhliean aoldiers of New llatii'.Mitr, Cun ni'it lent, and other Sta'c-, In view of import tnt elections therein ; Imt In no ean hav-' th.-vrhosen to pnclnde all partiality dy f ivorimr and pusinif o Kildicrs voting l.w. Heu in New Jeinev, tho home of Mit'lellan with .i 1) in t.atie I, unla tnro and Oovi rnor binre IH(i2 whv h m she not ftintjina nrr soldiers to vote; Why ? Wliv ? 3'cho nukwem, Why : tiik rn it :,: tions. Frm th Tiintf. Klectiona ocinr ti-mcrrow in IVonsylvania, Ohio, and Indian.!. Thov are wa'ehed with in tense Interest by men of all pirties throughout the connliy. In themselves the results in those State are of roinpar.uivi'iy If it o consequence ; bnt the Indications which tho-c results trill atlord of the prob.ih e Issue of the Presidential contest In November are of tho utmost interest and im portance. In Ohio ihe contes' has not been waqcd with any great degree ot vigor or ill tenunail m on tho part of the Ho cnlled Democratic purtv. Ihe r-invars has heen ai.ini ,'e I i.i.t mi . The Copperheads do not seem to h ive h id any grtat hope of MiC' ess under any c;re inistauees, Mid they have not, thereior , put forth any very strcnuoineNcrti.ini. There invert- lute doiHn that the vote ot Ohio will bo ea t tor tuu Union ticket by a very bundsume inijontr e hoiie not less thun ,r)(i,o0.). In reiinsylvaiila and Iuill ina the contest his been moru seere, and the result is eou.-ciiuu itly Honiewhat moic uoubtfut. Thtie is proaiidy no loyal htatc in whi. h hjmpa tiv wl h so -ession is more open and ocuided thnn in India in. Not content withcndeavomgto v rthrow the Vdinin Inranon, the 1,'npp, rheaos there have O. en hard at work In mdiuvorii.g to urrai the Miti openly and actively on the side of the Itehels. I'ue oruauixntitin of the Sons of Lin, ity teas intended to commmce Opeia Ions in ili.it State. Se tvt im por.ations ol arms have been xoiiii,' on for m i,,tlis paat, fur the pui.o.sc o' en itiliuk- me C .pperlie ids of Indiana to take the tied at Amu in uriued opposition to the O vcrument; ami it was the act.oti oi teat iiovcninno.t, m -e..nt;j thesu arms, tha arousu the eIoiiiein ind suutiou of Ujv- viimr oejiniiiir III iue i uiC.lo U nlvcnt oil. Ihat party havo heen making tho st des- peraU' and deter led tiloro, to defeat (jjveruor Morton and throw tne S mu into the ranks of tlu opposition. It has been thoroughly orauiz d, oouuuioiiijr fBppiu a i u mom y, aa I Mi-t.tiuoil yt by aid, in lavish pioluion, Iroin mis city and BniliMiHiKiilu.......... 1.-. v.... . IU c-ir,,wo. 1 j 1 , I , ' lllll klll 111? IcTillO exertions can do to ca ry tiie St ite will no done to-moirow. Rebels cx.ajued Innu lv.eutu.ky have been brought by thoiisanils across tin- Ohio to give their votes against the (iovorniiicnt. Tba whole power of the party will ne put forth, to cany the biate. The Buhners in the field arc tint allowed to vote, and not lia limn 4t,0 U rotes will thus lie lost to the Uulon cau.se. ., vertlu le s. wo have iron4 hopes of Micechs. tiovi i nor Morion oeileves we shall fcin ceed. The tUiaimia i of tho Union St e Committee and n bir irenelenuoi uf ni,.iti.,n H actively cngagid in liiu u v as, write i iai tuo chances aic dei nieilly in our favor. Coll'ax'a te clei lion is rca-oniihlv ci rtain. in spi'e ot the mm depera'c ctlnr's to h feat him; Hint wo hu,H) tne Union Ktata ticket w(,l miceeod'Oy n it less tuan iroin obOO to "joO luajoiin . l'ennsylvania Is tne battle fi I'd. Tho Donn crats have evidently made up their iiiinds mat ni.liss they can carry that !S a o now, it w ilt ho useless to hope lor success in tho November fight, 'i'hey have uccor.dnglv pui forth every possible ttloit lo secure, a suow ufviet irv. Tueir Hailing polit ciui.s iroin ibis Siati", (jv-ruor Seymour, John Van liuren, Da.tu Itictuu ond, Augu-t lielmont, uiiil others, hive in giviuir 1 tnni-yivauia their sp-eml iiiiintioii f.r s line we. k spat. Ilunureds of iliou-ails of do 1 irs bave liron font there, wrnin tho U1 tuu days. The l.'i ion nu n, mean inn. h ue uot oeeu ijie. Tbcy lave been an ively and earefilly ciu vsssini; the Statu, holding lare ptiollj uioetingi, discusbing the issues lnni veil, a id striving to arotiseand enlighten the public eniiiiii-ui of tba htate in ever possible way. Un -ss ad tne.si 'nsof he day prove deceptive, l ey will car y ;iie Str.e. No hmio ticket is iu the. tieul, and ihe'uivcticu is only lor members of ('ougrcs; nu' it is con tidintly e.pec ed that we sh iil ga n at least four members, uud General Cum r hi, Chuiriintn of the Stale Committee, thinks we mav jjaiu irvni. With very many ob.tacles to conten I agnust, Iieculiar to tbe pre sent xti uifu'lc, v. e bulieve tho nate will vote for the Union n ise. There is good reason, theretore, to ex pec sub itaniial I'nion vitvorb s in ea-h of thes - three great Slates. If all of fieui are fins c .rrle.l. I lie Presidential contest w ill be sub mni illy decided. If one oi even two of ilmm should vno against us, they will compel a snuru. r snuggle and m ro strenuous i (fotta oa our part; but iven in that cane they will not seriously jcopurdi.e the result. M''l.t'.I.I.AN T KsiTAIlLIHtl llli: IS. Dti't.xufAi t: of nit: sin in toit- EVKKI frm Ik Trtvn. i Ooncial John A. Logan, bonorcil thrniiifli all the West as a soldier, nnd respe.-ted thr )ti(ilt tho United Stales as a War Democrat, was In the XVIth Congress with J. I.. M. Carry, who ropre ieuted t!i3 VIIiU District of AUhami. L igan dtbejilxd him vec ntly ai " vary talenioi man, who, after the South seceded anil com. uu-neid lis aimed rebellion, was elocted a mem ber of the Cotifederato Congress, und servol therein with credit to Idmseli', so far us a man i can do so in a Congress: ol that k.nd. Curry returned homo from Kielimond a sh rt time ago, and made a speech to his soldier lellow- ciiii'tis. Logan said that ho hiiiisolf was at the tunc "far down in Dixie," and got hold of a Rebel I paper containing Curry's speech ; and he tosk it out of his pocket, nnd read to the Illiu c ro vd Ibenai aiklmssing tlio following staitlimj corro hurutive testimony to prove tho treasonable tne , io which MiClullitn und the l'eace D:mjera -y ( iiive consented to b") put. ".Mr. Curry said this : 'My hearers, we sho iM remember thut much dcpeu ls nvon tho clioii'j . the Northern men make for a President the In criming fall. There will le at least two parties S represented, to wit the War party, who will I d ,nl't'e-K inukenn elfort to have Lincoln retained : nnd the Peace party, who will make a bold elfor i' lo elect a man pledged to give the Confederacy 1 justice an J ri-Btoro Deaeo long-desired au-1 urdently-lirayed-for pence to our lueeding ccuu I try. We hope, we trust, we pray that the inny 7 be successful. Such a shout as was never heard before would spread over our uitlltued South. Jf audi be tbe happy result, our iii.jV.eweK'a tcmld it furrier ralutiiiiti tl. Hut, should Lincoln bo re ; elected, our hopes will be dashed to tho ground, ' our inilepi ndeneo but a thing dreamed of; for ire bave exhausted our resources, und could not pos i sihly hope to be utile to continue the war four ) yeais longer. Past experience has taught us that we should expos t favors at the bands of tho ' liidoml'nble tyrant fc.id usurper, Abraham I.ia- co n. Let us repo-e our trust in tho (iod of bat ! ties, and anxiously await the result.'" RSAD-y-lUDii CLOTUI.VQ , TIIE rnllnrfi f h l-Mirn iminmliii .ollr from AlrvnnOir I. on if. The Ol io Stair Journal publishes tile following letter Ircau Alexander Lone, the notorious mom- lH Ti.f Ci-ngr ss from the Second District of Ohio. it makes some interesting developments Rnd con- fi srilis ; t." tN-tMATi,r.rptiinKr V".t, IK.'.I Mr Disr - V r t.iM.r of tb.- 2.M is duly loeeiv d, i i 1 (Oi lo I, n ve I) ad sn raricr answer. Want ' I ' n,y evens. , ,iir(v, r, lor not doing so. 11 ' 't c to N w Wk. mo, (ir. en, ol 1 ll iu . lii.,,(,t.t,,f tne r..f,,wt, ami present I"! be nu etll. us Ht tl.e S . Nicholas Hoel, w ,s et d J.iif me t till di Isi! of H i iln t did. ' 1 I I hiol C I- I ,1 u r, ,.. I... i.. .. i : 'no. ;n th's i i-i iluriiiK the vi se- t m nk, tor He I icm-oi nmhing n ii,o -letolent noniin i Il . I nt. in the - i i f i.,v iles,Mell of lio- nv tiiirbt wtm ii iv a-not teenved uv bur. it. i S : g! .hi. u M I V. due, by, tUev ii,e i P -si i il' ii ihe i, soloti .p, couch! ii.m liiv il (I'mi ' ii il do ncthii n tin v noiil i i;o likewise. And ii(i I' the us. ito.iiiK of the rn-oiu ion, tuo Mrtro '. o,. , nd - mti. J, i( c iv d io, Inn Den YVi,..,1 -n ii,e,l to I (u ,,io at i' do i -n msi.litf y. a" a loss of Iroui -Sloiu to M'.i ( n we. k Sb flit r i- in VtVnclnn nw, n"1 hii no' li n hon e sim ill Con.-ntl n. Mis w rtole sou i in 'he c iii-e, and In-is a' this time (t i aling mi iien n ci nnici you wouni not siispci t( Mll Which bus b- i h ( (ililiib (I to me fn Co'.i le.1 -e. " I Ik ic I' no i ntio si.oiu m the lleiuo inn her '. ii Ml lie ( lei t ot. I- iilmo-t oini; by ib 'auit, ir .1 I n c Uoibii g tint (b-t, ,t . o n. rs -ee it d.llrreniiv. Int a short lin e will di-ii-ruiinc it no. I h ipii t. si c yi, n m the i n.fos- p ..,. ( ,v. nuon in thi' ( ov on the 1Mb ( I ni v t u o,,ib. " 1 1; truly jm: s. A: i oi.. n l.-is.i." AimI" JuIiiisuh ., iii, .,rrlcnrr n liilr. fiovernnr Andrew Johnson nude a stirring speech at Lognnsport, Indiana, on the! h Instant, in which be said : "I hold iu my bands, fiom which I 'shto IC:.I sn t tnnt or tt , fur the Invert' i,r so -nn ob: Driiii'Ciats, and yoi.ng on. s tin , a . -tier writ ten by (fctn ra' Jurkson bimselt', in his oivu na id wiitii g; nn. I, In handling tins retic, mr mitid M"S buik io tiie timi - ol lrt .-J. Wh'in it wis wrl ten nnd published I was a vouiig nnin.or b v, i wink in my sin p. and hean' it re el. And this nn Ii oiy ot hi ing iu my shop calls to mind what was said whin Mr. Lincoln was lirst nomi nated, lie was called the rail spinier, hi d I sat to dii.v ou were making good use ol the. ideal; while the butternut party was being split to puces, jou said the Union" never could he Split. hen the recent lioiniiiaiions were in.i.b. a'. PiiillitucTe, the t"i v papers ol the country said : Tbty hn e a rail spliner and a builoon for the lend ol the ticket, and 'upon tho ta l they hue a louiKh t dlor.' The idea at the bottom or till this opposition Is, that the mm whonses nn from the mass of the people, ihe man w ho ndvoc nes the ooi trim s that man is capable of st li govern ment, has virtue ami intclligcnc to ooveru hiin sell, should be n pnohited. 1 have no'hlug to regtet thai my rnrU life was spent in the shop. I m vi-r boast ot it in my ciinv isscs, bu- w hen it is bn light up as a reproach, I have met i' in the way it should bo met, and he who ligr-.'a with such weujions is not entitled to the respect ol any body. " Vcs, the 'boorish tailor' is put upon tho tail of the tici.et. What an insult to the ar.sto 'r ice, who want reputation without merit and with int wrmh! Y. s, I ninn tailor; but I learned I m ; since that if a ninn does not ili-ra. o his profes sion it never tl suraccs him. (Ch.i rs.) An I I limy be pirmitl! to say that whnn Ivn mil ir I ii ade some prettv elo-'e tits. (Lati r iter.) M , pminints tisid to be right well protinrtlon'-d ; but I httve sien tailo'S, nt their own e iitsnse, t i, msken man out of verv scant mnb rid. I used to be considered a very good tailor, an, I got hit wo:k done iiciv r.iingto promi-e (l.iagiiicr and ('III I I S 1 S(l I, litr I li,.n-t-h (...I... , , .. . ol ihe fin. ilament d principles of my demo racy i-, ui II it in luiiiliincuillsiii, ioo, I'liu lll-'ll sao-ltil l. r....,r,l. A ,1 .1. : .,. .. .v l. . It l,F ,11' I II. II IS Wl 1 I 11 T li akt-s the ninn, and the want of it the fellow.' " 'I hi' !' r res I Kiiiil. A gentleman who left Columbia Sunday even. lug slates that Forrest made bis appearance be. fore that town during Sunday, and commenced to ' fed" tho gariison there. A lively sklrmi-h cr.sued, which was kept up for about f mr hours Theguater port ion of ihe skirmishing occur el in the vh ini'y ol Jackson College, in the suburbs of the town. It whs reiKirted that two Pcileril and time Rebel soldieis were killed during iho en gagement. I'm rest, Hiiding the garrison filly prepared to mtet and repel any attack he could ir ake, withdrew, sn.l took ihc 'road leading to Mount Pleasant and Klorcuee. No -hing further was recei id yesterday as io his mov, mouts. A rumor w ;,s brnnght in f om Tnuno vestei d tv that a considerable lor. e of Rebels, r-jpor ed to In a portion of I-orres 's command, were in the vhiiiityot th'it place Monday, though notliiug was known of ibeir inti n'ions In his progre-s towards Co uiubia, Forrest cip luied three h nek house, and burned therailroid bridges over Curler's ere k and ih; (iJuTumout suw.mili at Carer's cr. ok si a ion. Lah h.- A dtsnatch r.ceircd nt th" hes.diuar t( rs of (lei.erul Roussiau, about :l i.'c'O 'l; Ins night, says that Ucn ral Ronsse u was on the Mount Pletisant road, and ihat Foit si w is rc tiiatii g tow ards !' oronce, II lilond B'id tele gniphic coiiiinuiiictition is open to Almov ov the C.ntt'.i(M'ga rool, I'tid fie wires me woriiiijr clear through on the Decitur rotd . VmAni;) lt.'j atii, tht. I'. A l.iirrilln itl(l iu Mnrj I inil-Wnlter IlllWiS Ikllll'll, On Tbnrsdnv eleven gurrillas crossed tho 1'oto in hc near Poolesvilie, and ptoc ceded t Sna ly Iiringi, about elgbtci n miles noith of Wa.hing. ton, where they robbed the fcto'is in the village of sone SlOliO woith of goods, and decamped. Ihe citi7iT.s rallied a party, who araie I- theiu Silves utd u i -a h, I the marauders, nnd reaps tun dike property uud a Southern mail of consi dt ruble lrrporlnrice. Wuiiei Howie, a notorious cunilla. vs klllol, iilid Ills froiber, llrowne R .wte, wa ruKcu p i soi er. due Rel'i'l was ivoiin.b'd. The pursuing patly nfeit ins sulh red no loss. h'flitou lrHivu Uy lliiiivan. N.I-(,n wns at that epoch (17M) thiriv-f.mr yiars of u-je.'shoit ol stature, pule lace, hiiineics, spate blur und with H at ...pinine nose unleh is pi cuH r to wa rior, an. I whl 'h m .kes tVesaraud Couue resemble biids of prey 'I hern is nothing io n (llcn'c thut nt tins pencil l.uitua l.v o.ina. us Dionus nlitavs ca'ls l er. entertain, il auv din, r oit dpi i am to that ut her bu-hartd as to fie p'uM oi iM'iMin ; nut I'P. on l. is tl e, we are to .1. Ictt N pies under th I thraldom which few a, i f ir io ln.vu escaped who came .thin the u.es he of t'io s.nn. Nay, cur liisii'tical romancer ouldhave us In llevc that it was to cure himself atC.ilvi and 'I ei.i rille, as to lose uu yo nt the one, and nu arm at Ihe other. One thing is cert tin, tha. the bi ro was no- euP el'ished In person when he rcappcHied in tbe picsec. e of Iji ly Uauiiltoa. in June, lT'ifs. 1' was a criiic.il mo neut i:b the brvo Biltuiitil. lie bud no! only nl!oidlhc Kreneh tleot to s'ip through his lingers, hut he hid also left Malta nt the mercy of theeucioy, nail permitted thirty thousand men to ho disembarked at Vlcx iindriu. He w as, further, without provisions or water to coir in no ihe pursuit, and sone of his ships hiol been ilanii'j'ed in a storm, ('no'im' of Naples was si.s'cr lo Marie Atitoin t:e, and it is IiOl to be wondered ul that she tleics-i d tbe per si eiiiois of the hitter ; her husband, IVrdnind, fnllv shsreil In her horror of Jacobin licnse, snd, in tho face of treaties ot neutrality. Nelson wis allowed to rovictual and repair iu the S ates of the two Sicilies. Nelson, "knew that a grout naval vicloiy could alone save him," ipiiued N iplesj we are also tultl, more deeply enamored tuan ever, and "never siueethe invention of pojvdcr and the use of groat guns, had any naval comb it terri lied the ocean by so great n disaster." Out of thirteen ships-of-thc-liuo, w hich constituted tho French licet, two only succeeded in making their iseapo. Nelson, as usual, who fou,;tit like A lien, did not come oil' eea-.hi. less. Ho hud been st.ric k on the forehead by a f.i'l 'ng yard, and the integuments, borne down over Ids only remaining eye, hn'l to Le icplaccd into tne'.r proper position, und then d'tly retained there by plasters and bondages, it wan in such a pl t-ht that the triiiu.) Imi.t hero made his reap pearance at Nnplis, but then he was also the victor of the Nile the conqueror of Ahoukir (Aboukir, fa'.her of pitch I. Yet we are told, and asktti to believe, that so unbounded as thejoy experienced at Napln ut this virut.y over tho scgre.ssivo R"t nblicans. that the ilaiigUtor of Marin Theresa, the haughty sister of too ciuaily haughty Marie Antoinette, spoke to Lruly Hamil ton in the following terms: "My beloved Pum a, In order that I may remain King, and, in consequence, in order that you shall remain (Jtmon, and this man shall belon. to us, yvj.i mutt belong to him." Tho Taris papers already begin tota'i of the Prince Imperial as Napoleon IV. At a, reoeul dinner at emu tiie little b.-y sung a luvo song, and Announced to the colonel of the I'JUi thut lie had been ordered to jo.r, his regiuaout, and was ready to "fail in." AND J 1MB TJlILOIlliJa T)A1'I KVKNTNfl TELKGRAPTT. PlTfTiADFJiPTTTA. lr.le arconii tint lti-rrtii llrriNlont. The arroni.a nyf de f Ii .n of tho Commis ioner of Interna i ivevruuo win no rca I WIIQ interest by widows and guardians of orph tu children. Tho tincsh. ns involved were Where scvoial meinli. is of the same family are entitled to a separate income, sb. I the wiiolc incline of the f inily be ncgrio" ted. Sk I th lux to the Oov- ernmei t be pal. I on the exre . above six hundred dol .lis p r ai nutn ; or. -La'! (tv Income of each mi mi.r i f ihe launly be con-idi. ' "I'""0 nil distinct estide ? Tin ilci-'oTi is u.Hiii'es'ly in,', w.t 1 , hvrnotiy w 1 1 h tbe (.''lie i al action of the C.-n ,vU "ll,"ir "' ll ein J lit i l in ; IklAs. in ll. Mill MI NT. Or 1 T ' " 0'.' 'T,:- l.lM.vt S VAsllWit...s O t.-iero t M.' . eipl "l , our . ter n' ine . Si. .- 1 ,.n l.l"!i:n. e t,l 1,0 b..'e ns . e i i di ,'i, f , 1 need, c .nil, mnl t T h- tv l I i. l l.'n, t,i.- 1 1,,.. ,, ii , iii i Mil mu i iiis an 1 1, i' l,r ";. " in. Buiiii emto an nn onie ot J : ,. lt . he th - ii luloois n n a. g'iwHti. ii.' uu.ciit ;.i )t ,, , "' I'liilg a.-t'ith.' i.i.s i . i i I, lie mr iik.s rtiic ji'ii'iiii nn i t tin- i niiili . reply t r me estate mi (inc-tii n wa. so do l.lr.l tba' the i ( mi loi i ( io ti r. el ives is the nctioil irn oiue ,.! ea 'll fioru bis it l er own . p rn e e tale, th n ji u MiCoiins nn u.Mihli- siti.lv, and i.ut in tin agcre guto i in pi . H i iy , '. A- I n I I .v-. e;''v ( .or. eiis.in , r. Is-n,. I' c, k. P..q , Ri-ij.V ol ti'iils, I! 'ti more, Nun lm d. I'm Ir. ill .. il,,. i,.,rl l.i-ner il f.nrlj , r ein ,e a 1 1 ifi i,s ) ,v,. ( 1'I IJu a l .a 1; , or, ( ieneral I a r C ills him, hi- " I'mi obi maw," has wou a ll cue during his sojourn in the valley ol Virginia of winch ho ll well worthy, lb I you ever si e him? It not, you have niisse.l one of the treat! -t curiosiiii s of tl.t war. He is a man of con. di r ible corpu line , with a Pail face, whi h lm, ihe appeirii'ice ot the full moo., when it is at its luight in rcd ni sh. lit- is b. u' six feet hiL'h aid of tnmii use siiKtnie Iiis vice sounds l.l.i u c acio d CbiM si lldiile, and comes f ruin his mon h souie what In tliu sty le of the llanlsbi II Itaptisi, w illi u lot g iifiiwl, iiccompanied with an inti rp dation of calls. In w.niei his bead is i nciti d in a net siripi d woollen skull-cap drawn i.boat his e irs, wniie his hi oy is coma mil wi.hiu toe embraces of a Virginia e.oth i vcicoin, s rikii.g his heels. II. legs are iiiveied by leggings of the same n iitrrtal, vi in p, d Iroin the feet upward us high a-t:t- I i.ic v.th !i te tape. Ho is as brave as be is hum. Ij . end as boinelj ns mi ,- man join vcr siw, ixceit l'utsdii It owi Iciv, a lm is s ibt to rivnl h s Sa'nn c Mnj sty m person. il ap; ar nice. 'I In if are ninny incidents r-.oa e l ol Old .lutiil, nt I can at present call 'o memotv tmt one. Imrirg the bullies in the Wil lerni'-s, i n i i i' i Bsion a ri glnn tit trom South Carolina was ordered to i ii ire the enemy. I'. r some reason tne;- bi-ti n it. Old Jubal, henrii g ot it, rode up t i t' c I cad ol tbe e lninn.iiiid in that pe. u laritv of tui e lor wh ehbewas no ed, cri 'd out, "B ast H you got iis;luto this d 1 scrape, and by G- joushs'l ii, lp its out." The regiment was cui l y tee rein rk lha tbey nisiioil upon the foe, diiving him tr aii every p si.ioii. Miriilli'iitton l I i il iV Vim it. Mm v. Mar s, Mali" I t-'i u e ). sig iii',- esilbil. Aciordn g tos. lm- M i on en. bnlv of the se i. ; Manliii. iu cp ctcd, s O'crness; Isabel si 'iii ti. slowly; Julia ar ' Jutn-t, si liaired ; O r trt:i!e, ao tint : I o an r, nil liuniiii; Kllun, in gn ill the ' : i I. II . Ice.i h .ne'e I oy t',e l.i'im ino. I e'i ue. so i.Iiivs ail .iii :. Ib.iiigti, arc .nii-i to ('reek t titho s, r nn a i.s one ivliu pit:, a. I he i' tei pr, t.d nn i 1 t'nol.re is i gal; I bat of iJIn -lolte Is a nin e ii ; Choa, br.ghl or clcaivd ew.d ; Ami'., i bote; Alum I', atiuable; l.mri, a 1 tr.l; Keith, .joyoit-j. (i.ivu, pi-.c ; I'.io-ic, Ig t if lie; Once, lav 1 ; S.r.ll, or .SlHi.a irniss; S phi., win. in; An. Ill in I Ant, ilt vid; M.iti oa, a m blc mai l; Maigaict.'a purl; Kiiiiea, plump; Pauline, a title one; tin i u Ii Anna. Anno, Ann ro d Nan. y, all of which are the sani" migitiil i. a n , iute'rpr.'tc I, meaii (.rsiious. o. kin"; Jann .signifies diguny ; 1 a, the I Hing ktar; iricv, briifh' no.-ts "of aspect; l.oui.-a, or L"iiise, one who pritec..; Minnin. tetnbr; Cti'huriec, pme; I'ruoc -s, or Fanny, liankor tree; Ljaia, sevorj; Mineivi, chaste. A New Miiklciil liiHIriiiiii-iil. Son c son-Hill u bus b- en i tcite.l in niusicul Circ es alnond bv the ii'vcntinn of a ni tv iustru m ml which leaves Sax's trombones niid o liei .'igiintic ei'irmi s of the s iino descripiinii v -t V fur lebinil. It is ended the "n rophone," and tho soiiiiil is piooueeii not by huiii.iti biugs, tun ny Im-IIows worki ii by steam. i -: curio i.-," s.iv.s a F. ell. uti J .a 1 1 r, "t see u pull of white sm oku arismt! fiotn the trumpet s nntu'h ;,t every no'o. ' VeiT cm ii ti,-, no noi. Ll (-sm a ( oi i .'.spoii.tnut), but lu a rlo-e rr.nci rt-rootn or iln-une tiie eiool.lv irint id this st( am instiuii'entts noi liKely t i con ti Ibuti to be ii nib it of the and uce ; a. id ns fur as the volume ol sound is coiieei ned, paintnl t sp rolee lia s ns to ll.iok that even Hin ad n i crs r.t b'a s b inds would lind the orchesaa of th' Fn neb opera quite ovcrpoiseriiigly noisr la neb tor H eir t'lsics. Fancy M ir o, (iiugliui, itU' 'IiiinU rLk fjuviug to louip.'to with a sieam tnmn ' t!" S'( iiliiiiri-S) tr III. S4ii1lnn. A l'nrls let iriu thn London star savs: "Sew rai ot tbebrst arlisis Inl'iri.s aie tmsi'v employed in si nlptui n:g a spleudi l i aih ion of l ea-is, destii'ed to In pi.icui in ihe giriiensof the Iliiii-iij at Constantinople, t'sventyawo ani n als are slreaoy complc'cd crccorti.es, porcu pines, tigits, and .'tracts ere si iilcliko one scaicely Pels late in tin Ir neighborhood. Ac cot. ling to the Inns of the Koran, the Sultan is not allowed to l.nvr the staiues of any descend ants of Adam ; he will however, no -.-ess a colioc tion of I .casts in Lioi x aud nii'ible cciluiuly uu livalkd in I' ll. i pi." About kty of the South African clergy, almost all in u c tlioccses o! t'iiH'tuwn and Ora luiiustown, have s.'gmd a mi ni... u.l addressed t.t iheii MtUopo itnn a d to the liislr.ps of South Alma, in wlrcb lin y protest aguiust Dr. ColensO ri sun ng bis episcopal luni tion-, and deeluH) that ihycaiuoi rieogni.e him as n bishop of their ( buret., ur h.nu lommuidou with Inm should In letnrn to his ilioc.se. A icn.aikuble in-t im e i.f a nobleman resign ing bis In rental) rights ocenned lat dvia tne l. oith ot Scot and. Lord S iltoini retained la his fnmi'y the nei.t to appoint the mu :itratos of 1'. asi iborcti(. h. but tho town having increased ci nsiderat li o lute, the noble lord gavo t i the housi holtU is, ns iMJte consistent with me spirit i. f lie i-gc, ihi pniileg'! bis lninilv had so long CTjoyie. 1 1 e ,V.n, states that dip Ing the stay of the King O! fn a n in Paris the Pi inc.- Imp rial ottered l.im a ro i u-r (.imi -i Is ,bel n, saymg: "l can not i lltr ji nf mejesty inn l.irg else for the (Jui i n, out I biic i !.e n i ! n -t torget rno, see.ng tLatl h.'VeSp.iM-h hlo nt in tin wins." The King ticupti -t l he ri se, and had it hi, tin d ately cn-cio.-eil lu a iica u se, so thai it might be pre si rvi I. A .ciir.ti'ii- Ilnss'an Las I'l coveted a process l y which Milder, ihii'igh newly le led, may be ta nie .o buid es to r.si.l the irll.ieticcs of the ii. ost trvli'it clini ite tor-an uimnst indetlnito peiiod. The most curious part of 'lie invention is ilist it dia-s not ids ul i e tun use of chcuih'uls of air. si r Mich a net ping in kr osote, Ac, and that the priA ss is applied to t'i-' tree while fcri.w.ng. A short whi'c ago a Freucli pne t, disputing thc.'iuiLoriti of Ids I'tiunh iu such uiattsis, went to his maw r l"r priml-siori ti tuarry. Tho inuwir leltisid ihe application, and the priest tl en iippeBlcd lo a I ii In r court for a writ to force the civ I iintt.oiity to giant his re.iii:r. M.Jules I'avie plended in lav.ir of ihe pries'. Tho court decided thnt the innyor was right in relating the rn,tie;t of the pr.i st, und Condemned tliu latter to cists. Admiral llotiry I.itt:hfie'd lo s lately died In London, iu his seventy-sixth year. He entered the imy in May, lHtiO.and w as midshipman of the Jmpiticu.r, and assisted at the blowing up of the ImwUnte in ihe Morbeum river iu IHUtl; iil-o teivtd nt thn leJuction of Aux Caves ntid other ports of St. Domiiu'o in lsu.'l, and oa shore at the attack on Cuiocoa in 1Mb t. Ho was acting master of the h'tnml, ami afterwards senior Lieutenant of the JU;ni!nr nt Walcberen, and commanded. He next commanded the Muhawk in the opera tions on '.he i oust of AriericH, including tbe attack on Craney Island and Hampton, aud served in her boat at the destruction i f the United States schooner Aip, iu lso.i. ILu held other uctlvo cm pioyivent up to l.V.io A Kll'llMCNIr ta'-ISS AT UtlASIH 1 LAN OF Cami'.won. A llichKiond prjer of arccunt ditto lijs. "A htavv fune is to be poured into tha v.iilcv 10 capture Lynchburg, the Tenuessee railroad, ar.u tne jaius u tsu, uuu :i otiuiin penntv ntnt possessioa of tbe Uanvill railroad. Tho r. ntral rui'toad il to be tuktin aud held hv a column pufbul on from Frdeticksbnjg to tho Junction, which will give tha command of botb ioi!s. They are to lend Ibe hand to another column I" be landed at tbe White, House. Rich mond Is thus to be cut oif from all communica. lion, and lii.alfy investeJ by a powerful army, aud tbe Yankees believe they will capturo it aud Lee ' whole urniy." ESTAHLlSHMts-.i", The best sen ing s'lk I now made In Amerlea. Suljstitnte br. kois pay a license to the city ofChlca ii of S " 4. California will mako 1 .oOO.OW gilloni of wine this year. F'ght thousand flovernment employoci in Nsshr li" In 1 1 se n . monthly drills. Tbcjoit Wuiltier has lojt all Ins fruit br mblK-ry. A limn rami d Oodln is row In the New Ji'tscj State Ptl-on for lugumy. -From Hire, io livt cases of sniii le daily ate 11 potted n London. A young br.de has ju-t I from Ha bin 1 1 a flv. on pol-nnc.) in Piris Piiti h tr.M. t are n ,w -tatioiie at w ind-;r, C. W , w; h r ibery, n r, v, nt lio's-1 rits -The A-,,ir is be in Auj, a. i g C'. oie.'. ' y the l ifr. li I A substitute, broW as arrc'e l i i 1; .s:i "'''. ! ''ii,! a f.'ld wa :,. -s',f' ''' i'liu : no it etr than thi", l.ftn.i (In a. h..e ibed. n.ar.n,:turim fi n. in Kill River is snid tr btiv V ' "'.'"'M y ti,,, ik-, i, m (p-toii g .f Is. T'.s Muvr of Rirhnioti.'l rtecivcj n j cr.r sa,, ' I'.ii abic in w , tl ; 1 i.e i ft. ib r pait ol the tolm-o i top in i. r. b Mury hind oi. nlnswas destroyed ltft wee k by a lad-storm. 1 . (b 7i inn, Muttiscn.oi lilinoV, bus n, vie l.tdf a not ion ! selling "luoi 'tii !cn l i rk. The King ofltaVv went out for three i Ws on the Alps to hunt rVaiimla, and caught only l.casiiiit. He w int lit me satisfied. Ti e Tuners M iry of Cambridge In I s. (omo thi-ibcr. Mio abstains from brcs 1, r f.a toes, and milk, and loses fat theacby. The N' w Itrnnswick mllithi ought in bp aM Sent to the front. They met for a panul tli -oil er (Isy, lint got into a tight iu a gravevartt Nine Indies were arrested in Il iltimorc for showing um'ue mten'ion to Rebel prisoners as they msrchid through that city. On Thursday night lat tho safe cf the Cniteii fstntes I prcss Company was blown open at Owi-o, N. Y., and f lOHO stolen. lt is said tlii.tthc appearance of Joe Coburn, the prize tighter, is so fornild ible tha. one of t ie backers pf Shut has lm ked down. Tl.etr an- move bakers tuan butchers in O -r-many, and twice ns many shoemakers as both of the former rut together. The Montr-nil carmen aro on a stiike. They t b.i'-i t to the Or uu! Trunk railway tiaiixpur.ing Ireight on Its own wncons. 1 he salt wutir In the oil w ells ruins tho tools mployod tin it, ai.il tins causes a ceaseless o:p iiili uie to the speculator. The icfiigccs ami ffeedm n in MI-so:ul who will tacd (;i)v.irmni.nt ai.l this winter nuinhcr live tlci'Siii.d. An t sfiih!i..)imctit fi-r locorailiu'S is iu.tt si ii f-it. g the iiiiiiiufacfuio of in Troy, New Vork. It is a new I ranch of I:.. lustre in that city. '1 he bin d of Dntch Indies who attempted to r-:pioic the N ile have been compelled to ah in di ii the et.t rpiisc, owirg to the hostility of tho dntivis. N itu'b'y nutives. 'J lie iii.Miul lAi'ense of Harvard College and ti e . o'ogiciil Minen.n at (' unbriilge is flil-j.t H. An hirst ai. ii D.irtm nitli each spend oo i y s-lr.,1 oil. The j uMislicr of n pr-per in M lino last week pibl b'J rents for n peck of potatoes to a suh icribt r thnt i.si d t i give leu tnisliols for aycir's nibscrljiiuin to tho same paT. At MiiiK'ibcs, ui the grand then're, one of the dnnci rs i'l thn bu'kt fell through the promp ters I ox. set her clothes on lire, and was rescued by the iiiiibani r. 'Ill Chnrlc.-ion CoioiVr talks ubnut .T),(X: Polish sohlii rs i-xp.ctid to arrlo and enlist in ti e Coi ledi r..tc army. How will thoy got away fiom Pclni il nr.d the Kn.s-lr.ns ? The police in Huston picked tip a drunken innn iu the sbfc. t h.st woh.1s who had ovcr ji),)) in his pocket. He was thanklul when be c.iuio to li'insi -li'. A lad of tib ait liltoen years of ago was inslant'y ki'b d in (.'incliii all last ts iturd.iy by the ova rturiiii'g of one of tho Fast Walnut Hilli i nimbuses. Tic in w wiitcr-wi.ik.siit Chilliest jn, M is.a chii'it'.-, which willsupp'y the city with .va'.or fii in Myst c lad e at Mulfortl, will be formally opi in d ('idler '2". A ('('setter was roasted to dea'h last week by craw ling under tho linker of t'ui st 'smar .. It Musi;, us she was takiny some recruits from 11 cj ton to Oallo ''. I land. The (h ad body of a beautiful nn I w.ll dresiel yui:g plil, lull, veil to have In en iiinrd jred, was found on the shore of tho lake, near D '.roit, Midi., a few days since. 'i he Washington c .rri'sp.sinlciit of tip- I'ri 'Mtcsnis ibue can be little doubt thai tho recent trovi p. ibt (Tour ion is on lisu Iclt failed to uccoai plish the re tilt nr.tici;.aled.- Ai aueiionei-r 1 itrly .sold a large lot of tosta mems at a sale in It iltituorc. On examination, the peri hiiser found that tl.o te'd unents wero in the Cl octaiv lanriisge. Tom 'Ibtimli and bis wife go tu Kuroprt in sty ie.'i hey have two sen aiita,several state-rooms, ant a cabin to themselvs. Tom is an illusions little Cro- . It was SUfd insti tul ot ICU, which the Trustees of Ambers1 Coili gc lab Iv voted 1 1 the professors of that institution. This pte-ident receivod a lloi.alion of e4ul). Work bahbeuu stOpi d at ilio Wamstilt Millsa n New Hcdiord.but it Is o Jpcrted that operations will be resumed as soon u the price of cotton becomes moic vet 'Jul. A coal tiamster, iisahvI T-uller, wont to a "wake" in Charleston n, Tffassii .-hinetts, last wi ,k, fell u-leep in nn open window, fell out and broke his mck like JiiUvchii. The Princeton Colin; Hasc btill Club hill cliullenged the Wllliuma CUIege Rascball Clab to play a mulch game lusi Thauksgiviug. The challenge bus not jet bwu accepted. The Maine p ipers Jay th:t allthe crops in tit Ftato have come to nitvurily, with nu avcruge yiulil, and the iiotuto orop i:i tie the largest the State bus produced for nuny years. A man named Foley had a ball given to him in Loton lust Batui-dUvy, for the b. ni ,i' of his sick fnmi'y. On g.ing bf-me from the ball nith the proceeds (yfLM I in hii pocket, he was robbed und niuidered. The Hazard rmiJer Company Irivj built a churrh for their unploy"". This company, is one of the most amiable iii-is era to iti ium fiat can ye found. It wouldn't til jW therr. u for Iho world. QUJUtii WTITKH, JH., MAS Uri.CTDEL'G KAJHINIST AN l KNGINKKH, lu-'O o. k :1 il- SB. OXD Jireg, rt.i.sai p'.n. 1'OR AlK-7'..'0 AN I'Nlii'.C'I' l'ni N- X. l-.l i,r..io a- tttnt ul'lriu L. u .inr.uin, seurtjui.u i v fthiwt . ..irlv i.ii n ti stri -t. Aid I, I" il' Lb "Is d. itliVSiH.!., i'l. BU.liivi.iii iustckic.il f oni'.TV or vuns- kjiviiia-.ta'd ur laawill i w-M at the Had. Vliian'iiin 'i ''ii'ii-N A 'I'" mrsi't.iii'.ew nms'H, It mvurdmii Su roti;y. tsr ITFT1I W A Rib A MF.KTINff OF tf t'sidii iiiiailtl.'- ward w.ll us " ''ou IlltlMlb.l!. 'u. ll'J Sllll'K ',lnll.llll..l'ii.l"lll in:ii.,M , S I' M- HHLe" Ullttm a'e paiLCiilarly leeiii sisil K. ' pri-ssst l', S A'l'KlKHOHi Js .Ststri tarx. IV. I it" J 1 PICK 1'KittilOM COAL AND LVI- rov t tui L s..u.i-n; , w So.-ir1: WAI NUT Sired. I Fii.liAi.i.i i U. S'lUal'i't 3a, H-4. i I IVII Kli 'I'l lu.aril ( t'lifti'is 1,11,1 tills) U.iy ii i, a ai-wiliiia m l WO I'bU CKN I', nil Ihe vap'.lal Kii.l i Hi i ijBuiuy, v"-' it- lo iuiii"lilison .mil tt.r Of ti uu vo. 'l i I .mli will bc.c.usMiirruui LV" 'V ' .TIE. rb'i rets,,. NOTED roil HANDSOME STYLES, MONDAY. OOTORKU 10, 186t. TRY GOODS. "yiiitiw in una c ouiiMin W HUMAN EYOT3 IT IlLC MI'.S NhCI'SSAKY TO RKI'UCK DRY GOODS T0MEET1HEVIE A'SOFBUITER "5, WK Hi:?, Ai.Vi ,f.t m,AIV TO 10 H9- A ft in rnn f'.M -w'nt UM -IwWri o'"t fU I' tl f. np, Uns day. tu fn .'n-iiin-f ( t c-n 1 in iitl I NEW FALL GOODS. Eost Sicf-f of JTorinoe-i. IVst Sioik of Foplius. Best Stock of New Silks. Eost Stock of Nobility Fhicu Eest Stock d Drew GooJ. Eoft Stock of Black Goods. Eest Stock of ITliitaf Gooilri. Best Stock of Laas Goods. Best Stock of Bhuikota. Best Stock of Cloi'.Ls. EYRE & LAKDELL, FOURTH AIND ARCH STREETS. I'. S. -We. ire riscM ackft awie,tiit wtsnv, told ipsl.. si to? i hi smbodj. Uiurrt.nv tseruii s r;,r, f ssll now a, low S.i HI? Ii.rl. 9--M mws lm QEEZvT R1DU0TI0N" IU PHTCE3 or FALL AND WINT.ER CT.OAKS. Ol. lt hTOOK C('.VI't;lS FH TIIK ciioicKsT N()v,i:irir n. Abo, WATI'It Plt0llK't.OAKs,aialiln th bt tmtm ,t, at U'bs tl.an unitJ prn es. CDEV7EN STODPAET it EllOTIIEtt, Kus. 1,111, -l.ivj, mill 1.1 N. HKCONU UTiirwr, I0-ls-:il Abas. Willow Ji:V MOV-'lliNlINtJ M TOltH. VALL STOfK. Alt I-leU'Uiit Ai-ssoi-t nioiit DEEES GOO DP, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, MANTLES. AMI MOTJltrNIIVCJ I I IwII IN KII'. THE ATH'.NION OK THE LAU1E1 IH (SOLlL'ITKD M. iV A. MYl-lllS & CO., Nil. 0 40 I'llklNlir STKKF.t. )I.AU AND HTltllMlU SHIRTING FLANNELS, f'KOVI AlIlTIOW, AT Hi. IUOKl PUIOK3. CDEWIlf STODDAET & EEOTHEE, K". 110, 1U J, lJ 1.1 1 N. titCONI) T8HKT, 10 7-.lt Abnrilljw. gGOTCH EUE8ESY DIAPER l'UOM AUCTION, A T It ll 1) V CV.it l'RICE s. OUEWEN STODPABT & BEOTHEE, Mua.110, I.Vl,t:iJ r.l N.SWOSK STItKF.T 0-T-M Ak-(i willow. JJ A MILTON, PACiriO AST) AttfESIOAjS JrKU HHIIOTItV 1IJ IIlNIO, I'TtOM AUCITON, at nr.ii c;i'.D im:ici3s. Ct;RWF.N M'()I)I)JKT & BltOTIIEIl, . . Jim. 4.111, 11V, n,l 1.11 N. KK(HIM) Strut, 10-7-,;t Aliov, Willow. PROPOSALS. J. S V 1HAUI Ml-.ST lit Itl At' ttl l'limi 'ltiS- AMI ( I '.11I1M O lofii-r H U1 hv rt it " i'l .t III if I'.i.rt-.tii iiiilll 'i o (iofK V. .M imi i-t r;n nt i'.-it.ir imtunt. tor iiiriiif-tinw and ii'livrnn nt u tinxy 1 mil it t l.ioi l.Vi n, . ite Uiiiiiiivai aWiui ul' I'.'ii r I ; im)i. r lu hi wiiiti, iihmiii ny Hi,1?, .tuviie.x to t'i ) in uih to t-M- iu.i, r(l t'e iniilH tf I)...' ''-; .t i n '.:) U 1 1 in h it fwh I'aw.-, ti'ttviiti; jiw luti ntvaftlln at ttiO tf itnn Itntit u, ana out it ii.u4 , oi eau ot i.iiu.J' v iiiui 'l . ( n in ptti-r iry "mm . ... . Ilio lil:et i,f tin.- Imh-w .r In mtvttf tfij inl it K. ts u, N"w oik, mhJ l'liLUilt'iptna, aad h iiii inn-.'tf. Ium-I'U li I 1 I, li KKS. 1' K fTI'P 1 .!( UTUT, t M .I.H MU Iti,. Di'UtKffiV Hf.'.t 1 1 rt'i uu'i if rt ot'i fl iitit unWd iinlUM ovii . t f 'I ( ' I, " I , I i ft hfn. i ir . cMKutiuiiof tr .rt iC. filvlt-li"Dt'l thr rB(,lio Iht.itJiufci. i ti i uy to on- -:v.:r id ' h au)uiit .j iu ork wili Ie tLirt'U, mid cui fi li t!'K r iiuim tutaujiitiy m uruii-utAl r it! tiit' ti in n irtii iii' nt n .1 ti'.i'.cm.e, vRprc i ye ririv itt lor i i. i kl'r ! it , l.An t. .ii iL.i'iU' i" ' I'tk -p ftti us ex'-w-hn ct C'.ti'iti.l.'' (it it A. ii ' I ji '. n.ii'ri.riM'r. J.V.1KS 1'. V. lltl'. Snr. Oi-nci.'.:, .;-li't iiiiy t. MiiuiM, null r.-c... 1 A N N f V K A C It H S.-AKCUtjr V ' HV: r . No. 4-"- A '. t r-'hU. otisM: i r auH1 tite 'tint .I i .i;ii'-il 1'i'ii.l.u r uidUni,. fii., ' ( Lruuii in 4jiili'i W. ! tit. i..i .Sw lu " . i I I'- ! . -.'t.K T l.tl.f.y, Nu lUfi It.' K ti'st-ti. rV.VVX3Xt VAr.TlKS, AND F.VM1UFS 1 f Itintih.t, t i tt.e ui i r .ni.tt (-rr.fl, I'n't.t.'uiar at 1 ! I lit t It J i. ,4l. (ll'.UlthK 1, MLF,, -T?TICN.-Ai: 1rn.!iin: .11. v ft iLri iti-j .1 tt a llrih h ll !d f'MILA I l.Ll'illA, Ci-i-tiL.'. ;.I, fn nt l.ivrri I, a no dt'. tf II t ir fCiitiiavlii l: w ,l 'i U' 1 A il tiv tla .ti.4i.in r Ci'iitKr-j, V b i t JhV 4 l.i UlCiia.itl'hO.i it ct., A ;i '4. T7&TATK 0 A'DRKW CCM&T0CK9 M.D.. J. d.C'-il. iitttis ftb.AH.knfo.Tv uon thXtt of AVDHEW vi s rork . 4. I).. (t v,.ai ti. (-ivi:- ifn xr.wto l to tu uintn:i-in tl, .ill in r.oi.t intUiiktl is, t'jfci.c are rj . Ctt tl lL LiaJ! aU.t lit, atliuiht'hfc fliiVIHK il jaIlj a -'-4tr.lt ihv niiiif.'.i' yr 'ot-iii ititiu, w.ilivut il-Uy. to J.HAt'fH IAIK!. 9Vil-T, No. IW 9 Mil kt'llAt. Or 10 hl Ailorntv. UAVil M. UAJ&ttLstrO-a, Mo. ul N. SI I II Mr 1, f n:fciUi Htm. w lCi U.01 REAISOHAILE TRICES, DRY GOODS. Q 1' Ii N 1 N U. THOMAS W. EVANS & CO.. FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, On MONDAY, lOtli Inst. Nod. 818 & 820 CHESNUT STREET. lo s st T IIOMAH W. LVANH CO., VriLLOPINON MONDAY, lOtb INST., FINE FRENCH MTRINOES, IN ALL THE NEWEST SHADES, Ar $1-37. Per Yard. N it 818 & 820 CHESNUT STREET. . 10 -3t JW-flKEiMOIIAI j elvlUT, ft I. riMryiiK panic acutioisi sales. 8uiri, rlcli at tiie ilx t low rrle. CUBTTUT STODE-ABT & EEOTHi'E, Mk. 4.14, aa f. inoOM SuMt, 10 7. H Atw Wllluw. ( ! 1-3 T 1 IS . J. M." IIAFLEIGII, No. 902 OHESNUT 8T5EET, w'i i, oraN nn KAI.I, AN I) WINTKUt arrMK of I it JZ H Ci O O JO H, on MomTAit, CTDsra io. C'Mflljtinf of MOIIIE ANTIQUE, IlOJfNET TA1T1ITAM, COLOUKD TAFff'iTAS, And POULT DX SOIMj VKLOUK OTTOMAN StLICS, th all tiie NKW COliDltH, iH lrull as.iirtft! .Sttxtk of WOOLLUN AN 1) SILK. lis WOKSTBD" rAM.Iliw J. at. II Like, pleasure In .UUim tutlin itr FAIL TBAftK ItiM lie Lan becu foriuinitc iii luDdlnir tn, ti3.irutl.in at lliu dato.sv linn Hie cost Ii THtllTV-TUUKH I'KK (iMNr. LI B ! tl.an that atwliirh a larjo iiorliimof Pi.rctan (loosl, havo tiftcu put upon tho market llils-aMtou. AU ol vrhica will bss toid ai low or lowbr than tno i,rno KOoCta oa ae D.iutl.( H.owhcrc 10-T fit T HE 1'L.ACE TO UUk' LINEN GOODS. J. C. feTKA W ll III IM1K He CO., NUHlIIWEvIiCOIlNRtt ElGHTn AND .MA8SJCX STREETS, i Bave alira In stmk a lull Una en' M -nil TABLE UM.'Uiis, Uriuukaa 8pM. Ill in H TA1ILB I.lMi:.a, Iiamiuk aaitSaot. BAJINSLLY TAIIl.t. Lik'ESi-t, tiira kssaTT. TOWKIiS, NAI'JUNS, ANl UOYLDliS. SHELTlNO.JiiO I'rU-OW LIXRNS. Xiasral uiduecnuDti li lloialsv lk,ardtnf Snlj, and 1-sjBvha.sarii or hue lets, s-27.i wt lm KYI XOU7JI . Y.IQ&TH STRKET. 10.1. I Ni't'om. tl(Nj uIhvi Art'h, (iiet Ketliartioa In ti trinkf 1 tie lt unti Lvt mi'ia-aidf rt rufnt of Lf.M''-'' 1mj i'lt'tttv Tritiuulii, c rie uiftiii na liuttunf ut our tiwn uiuk and l.u- ? rutloit, :.,ik iuitl Mt-Tliuj Stall1, all mvl 01' ilk ttu.U'h-Tatii. Hi ad lr-st n; Nfittt chpi.ir thai. rln- Vs-t.tre; Itntf' 4'.ltti.H and B.iaile llutunu, i'lt.lli Mfri.tath.iut Si Ii l)ive., K.li tltM it the !f -l luakcn, llli aotl l'okriU V Uhlmw: a;.. Scurt linr-it ri.ai. wiatht yuey ra i anacuic t iiiCj. 't.a iH'it KHitxuiH, jm, ht ami till licit lUit'rtk'a, Uk. Tn-i''1.! ol' all coUjih ami 1C; iOW'- UlltlUl.ijl U1 lUWiiM "(! bf.Vli'H U". K'C.-Ut. ii'tlutvil piu'ts; Wt'Li-iii 4 J si.ttln , uk SnuUv'ij Nnljiu-, lli-t'ds; 'LuiiK-a'.l'.tllilrt 11 , ai ii illr-st'S' Htovku ut ti-t frri.j (inci-a ; U.ur Koili, ator.-.il, lir.H-t, a ml W uttr ii.il uf oar uw.i Ua.provfil iiictl.tlii ; b.at k aail Win 1. vi ail i,r.. ami nt ItK ; Uwi' k ai:d iv' VisihI hit.t 'aim, .ti ttnl aryiy ut rit.titl i-ru-ei ; i.Uic 'ami -i,:t NiikLui. u t;r..t art;y, ftrruit.: tiiiuu. Ac.. LiU.t c'im, dfif and -ill, ai.tl rnnvinra yovi&trvcn I ciV-m Xn ) .iijf t'Ut-v. U0it.k Uiut 1. ,n w .l WuilU iu ji 1 ovu U rtsj Ik. iiiTtlive yt'.u i'l limit 111 t-'i at tli 4V',rtn Sirri t.t VaHl I.I M l.OSr; Ali'l EM . Vtu l- . : Til Htit, Stona itt -0 Utvc Artli, lWit tv Um tt, riirf. MV15I INK CF KVHIY OUArR AT PRICES -h IulU s x ariau: ha tow, or k' aei , iL.va. they cun rx..il-)y tie I'l.nnl.l W, urn k:m-iic a H.'iiit.n,-, 'i ssiitr. fi.r ill ii'ius i-rAnl; Is k!i i7'lrp'ita; -4 w.ilo, bl isvnU.. )sew Vorfc 'ddl,, Wlllluilulvlha, tiruULsuiU. c. At isiwvst l.ni i f. A'Jlho ls-iit ii.ai uf H y iui.1 Kino NaiuIJli,! in I ymj wi.lf, l, j'ntj, 2 yarda, 1.1 J'i, ond y jri!s i.lc, TaMi-Linens t ,r l"v oir yurili very Aon T.i. le I.1iiiiis lo vrr.at vuri.iy; Liusu Hliei'tlair., ult HUaJinra; Tcuv.Jf, ,uri'J l-,lr, Xaoilua, BliuUnuv Ai i I'li'l.w l.liiiA-, 'sr. 1LA NKK'l is r i r lilankcn wire br.iieM last year. Wa ' si-U:i:i a rs'i' ICankPt at 97 per iair, cil line Itlaixaua e imi ia,' ihe i.iircli.st'r $j T"r .air. ' wl Coisiiort l.k ...u aiar.r lliu yuilK, li M lend. We are ic.ll.uf y t.oa Mari4,li. (.'i..U, s.i,t uosy(i-.l t X, lutvii-t to di.ci, ruicfii, frniii Ivinar, for a,! . tr. me one ..r ibe Ku-fi'.c.t t" rrains e I avc . til. l.rs-i-n linUo and Klhmieis of all 'illl. K. D. A W. IL J'i.N.NeXL.Ho.lmlMAHKIiif tlli.1, lilow KleveuUi. Ml hVaiuia-o, AND POLITENESS TQ CU3TQMER3. DRY G00D1 JJXTJ.A0B DL5 AET EAEGAI2J3 DItESS GOODS, SHAWLS, 1FRMSI1I(J AUD DOMESTIC GOODS, torn ruing UK larnt and tkoltctt l,yiar jt rnra ai aataiu A AT miT! MWI' THB COBSHII'O trM kWMICI-'.O VAI.IIP, Or OOI.D. 1 UKNCII l'Ol'LINS, MKUINOKH, ALPACAS, WOOL IK LA INKS Ao., VKttr mmr. W lure rw.itM at p-eat Merino c Urn 84yi M a am f rts-d DUKKH GOODS, A lottlAtot AMCKICAM DKI.AtNIS AK1 M'l MTS, WMi li wa Wall offar trj lor, an ar, wU srrvli at attentma of bnyors. J. COWPEETHWAIT & 00., . K.aoratr MaTH u ABOB BinM. !M1ti mLUiHLBTIa. GKAND OINIaVG Or TBK NEWT AJID MAOMKIteNT STOltS 9W JOHN LOUTEY & CO., No, 3 H. 121011X11 HTIII3I3X', ON MONDAY, SEI'TEMUEll 58, Wh jm will be fraud a moat tMamifnl aaMTtnaaat af DRY GOODS, CLOAKH, A INO HIlA.Wt, I AT TUB CITT. Wa bar Jiut 0na 1000 rii-coa HtKH, TLAIlt AK1) FANCY1. MK IH,.i M1-UINOE8, ri.AJ AN II riUVSEsV Bsi Flei e. FBKNCII POPE.ni; KEP AND riOtlgKO. 209 Tire. WOOL K LiAI?Jl5, Doubla and Smjla Wltth. Plata and Fi(m4. 150 Pli-ce. MOHAIR ALPACA, Flala and Figured. 100 Psm ENGLISH MERINOH8, Alan a h-i Stock or t uusf and Stank) I) It l'j H 8 o o o D 8. -Jl lw - "yM. I.tirVNKHHTAllTDH, IMOkTB AND MANVPAOTOSIB OF 1) 11 ft U H TK1MMIN08, DVALKR IJT ,H0SOY, LACES, L FANCY GOODS, No. 103 N. r.lOHTII 8TBEET, Mecond dssK kbors) Arab, 10-1 tf FIIILADBLPHIA. I MMENSH HeiDUOTlON IN TUI p DltY Ci O O U W. ME3 R. CAMPBELL & CO., N. 727 ( IIESXBT STREET Ol TER THEIR ENTIRE STOOK DRY GOODS, OF CONSISTING IN PART OF BO fltTKOKS, j i'ui i.ii.k aid Rr:rs, iruibUMM, CI AM i LaI N, aM'Ai ah and MOnAtltn, bLAUK a-iu FAMJV BILKS, MIIIWLS, nt.oraa. LIMRNft, wairu no VI AN -Kl,-, Hi.1 ar. I.IVKIT and eonu.n Mllif-TIivHi, ItUrKLLAMa, tu.l tLUAJi.iail CLOIUH, AT EXTREMELY LOW RATES. W livaiMa to aaaura lb nuMto that wa hare narks down nan article isoar aiok,atid riaw bar It la aar psr ta otter HAKE 15AHGAINS. lOtslm WUOLKSALE VXM8. UP STAIltA. J N K 3 CkLBMLATRD NB PLUS ULTRA SKIETS I ! SUUtr hXIHT -WARUAHrKU AND KEPT IifOEUK HIX MO.STUO, rilEK 03? CUAUGK. 0L ONLY AT No 17 If. IIGHTH BTREST, , (Ovar FajV-ilifa'. TrlmmlQf Biora.) MONK OSMl'INE t'KT.ani OUR NAMB AND NUMBtR. 18 STAAirBU I' TON TUB WAISXttAND. EXTRA I ENOTlt HKlHTrt.and Willi an r .1: a fraUt, maitai lo or iltt at IU aliorlaat untie. UD VKISTS MA UK UVI1K jLND HKPAIUED, 'UI tu lieMT. A11HHE8 AKD PHII DKIlN 8 HK1RT8, cT ail tlra. an. alla,tii,ii,uull-on baud. 8-21-liu 11 UN NO RISK. !M RU2t HQ RISK lit .'6 rct'iuii1 tbe money, ll' dv.lreJ, tor ivory lul of Shlrtar i:Kai lall ri any re.m-ct. mm i s, KINK BUIRT8, 4'1'T LKKUTHWLK I'l' M' l.lk. liite of TsVw York kit. la aliisiin, ajul v ery Una liiieia. Di.si.aia. Oi.ly tl Usual price $o Wiiii. sTiHe Llia MiibUu, aaA Au Llnea lloiomi. Ouii 1 .o, t'tual price .'''. i0. CACi'I JiMtLX S KtlKNISIllNO COOr-l. OJbNILLall.N'H rfKaiftlllSO 100I)9 H'sUlM ,1 JAlX'llH, s-a no No. 1 OltHSU r slr.ct. H EHlN0f,S. 1 OfLlNS i-VI hips, rpliiiiliue., I'lao Flnisla A u.uras loliairs, aa.l od.nr Drea, k-C')s. JAIJ. H. AUI'IIKLt. si tV'S, Koii t'HKKUUT Suott. Cti.oi. ai SILKS, NIIAWI.S. UlbiVliiul ( hilts, tikive.,L.iiieni, and WliVM ',-oodt. I ae.p at JA8. H. C'AMl i;l.i. Ji ca S, Mo.7vt V,'UKNI' T Strict. 1.,LANNI,.LS, M ANKKTS. " JL Kiica udt'.'i(on Klie,ur,iii. Iieap al JAS. H.I'AMfllKM, At CO, l, t-' I'HKSNl.'I UUi-ri. ALL WHO WANT GOOD DKY 0013 Af tli qi lLKt yrito,, can mid theio at ... JAt CAM1KI.LC1.., lO t-H Hv, 1( vlU-JNL3fsJ. g. E. C0IOfEIl E1XTU AXD MAJX'-T 15. )
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