MiM eat TnE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 18G4. n i ii Miring clcjrapli . A JVsJXT aTTIUflIOOet KEWSPrRE. OFTICE No. 108 S. THIRD STREET. Prlee fwaae Carre r Oorr, or Kiiinrro c;nt I'ra ( fTeM, rsavraeleleeee Carries, and MM to .iib.orlbers eat of the city it lirw rs.u Ah. p Anaim, oti i..li. I umTimCtmn miTo womnelnrerlaelr In advance 1trVipmo4 vrdered. AJTirtltMBCBU meertcel at the usual rate. A liberal ol aaede eatenem in.enloua. 'ri.iiii((fmiii, K A fsaSiee Ml (Ht laMMi ill Ann ymua C iminilcat'oee. Wlliv li ill.nriru ,, lr,,,.ri .r, ni.t be ;niih. n'h -.! a the aaaae and aiklree nf tee writer nil n ee.aarlly Inr ntiMlcatlon. b:it aa a iiuarautei, mi til. fa th. We eaanct undertake in r'uTi ri letted t'oinmiinlcii.lon MONDAY, OCIOllF.tl 00. IRU. I'elon Male? Onlml l iiinmlMff Konmi, ro. not i:hpcm'T street. Pllli.aiiai.r-llla.Oct'.hcr . inn TO Trie PlsniT OK "VNXHI.va.niA h,vp recciTll lafbrraallon which mtke us re'leve tAar an atti mpveiiii eaaadebt Nw Yhiik po'itl Ini to s'ufT Iho biliot bovc la certain inralil ra In this Hi uo. Saw weet'l une.n a'l Union man, anil all other t.nraina wko Denevr in fslr Una n. aud honest totojie. u ir iirh. tntard. lUttrt, ad have a res ed and lirnuaht In trial a'id nunlihrnent all who may it ..age In am such vlllaimui practice. Tar moat certain preventive to Intnl. of Una kind la liava an cutatdr 'ally cp' at a trti election pull. Lot title be dun at every pliue. HttOW CAMFIIOV, J'hvrman male Central Coniiuiiteu Alteat: A. W. Bknhihi r, erre arjr. TIIF. r.l.Kt'TlOX TIl.tlAIIKnW. Tho State election, which takes place to morrow, In of tlio lillicxt Importance. The people In all tlio Stalca, von tlioeto now In rebellion, aro looking ftnxIoiiHly to see what We of Pennsylvania will do In thin tryliii; criai of the country. It has long beon a received rnln, which we think has bad but one eiception, that as the vote of thia Comruoa wealth is cast. In a Presidential contost bo must tbe result be; and It bos hence become a proTerb, that "as Pennsylvania goes, so goes tbe Union." Tho- election to-morrow is not, Indeed, national, but local; yet it will foreshadow pretty distinctly the sentiment of our people aa respects the Presidential election in No vember, and it Is becau.-H) it will have that tautiing and significance that Its Importance U Dot easily over-estimated. It Is not, of course, certain tliut this State will go in November as it goes now ; yet we should not conceal from ourselves tho fact tliut tho prevalent public Impression everywhere will be, that if the party opposed to the A 1 ministration shall succeed to-morrow In Penn sylvania, it will probably trinmph In the snc eeding Electoral contest of tho next month; tad do one can doubt that the prestige of surceaa now will have a powerful Influence la securing success then, whichever party shall win that advantage. a But this State election, now so near at hiinil, k Important in another respect. The peoplu are to choose Representatives to the new Con gress. If, as we hope, the Republican party is lined to re-elect Mr. Lincoln to the Presi dency, and Andiiew JonvsoN, of Tennessee, to toe Vice-Presidency, they should seek to preserve an effective worl.Ing majority in the National Legislature. That is nimost as neces sary to the weltare of the Government In Its present struggle with the Rebellion, as the continuance of power In the haads of the present Executive. Without the concurrence of Congress he can reasonably expect to ac complish but littlo, If anything, In his conduct of our national affairs. Thus lur Mr. Lincoln bas happily enjoyed the hearty and effectual co-operation of Congress, and he owes to that fiict the vigor and boldness of his Administra tion. Had he wanted that support, however, it is positively certa n that he would h ive been embarrassed at every step, and practi cally paralyzed In the exercise of all the high and responsible functions of his office. It Is essential that he shall be sustained in like manner hereafter. To effect that end, the people must tane care to send to Wash ington Representatives who will sympathize !n the policy of the Administration, and unite with the President in canying It forward successfully. Nothing at this juncture of our political fortunes could be more disastrous than to place in Congress a majority of dele gates bitterly and inflexibly hostile to the national cause, In tills deplorable strife with the seceded States, and with those, in tho North who are virtually allied with Southern treason. Therefore the Republican party must put forth all Its strength to-morrow, and use every effort to carry Its Congrcssionul ticket in each separate district. That vote, too, will probv bly be taken as the test vote In any comparison of the relative strength of the opposing par ties with refeience to the Presidential contest to follow ; and the result will, nodoubt, exert very decldvd influence on the state of popu lar feeling and Judgment In all the adhering States In the North. Pennsylvania, then, for tlie reasons stated, has a great trust committed to her hands. She may be said to hold the Jiite of the nation In her grasp, as slio cants tier vote tbe scales of national destiny will turn favorably or adversely. Let her, then, be tully sensible of the great stake depending on her voice, and act accordingly. A iv..mi:k RErt rr.u. In all political discussions, falsehood and personal abuse make more enemies than friends for the cause wlu -h requires such means for its support. Mr. B. M. Boykr, who is running as the Democratic candidate for Congress In the Sixth District, will pro bably find, by tho timo the canvass Is over, that, in fabcly impeaching the character of bis ojtpoueut, Mr. Ulohok iiri.t.ocK, ho bas only injured himself. In a late number of the Norristown Rational Jrfcnlnr, which bus been advocating Mr. Bor Kit's election with much more zeal than wisdom and decency, there was recently published an article In which Mr. Bullock is openly charged with having uced his contracts for furnishing tho army with cloth to swindle tbe Government out of two hundred and odd thousand dollars. This assault was Inspired by the meanest sort of partisan malice, and was wholly without warrantor justification of any kind, as wo shall presently show. There are but few persons In this commu nity whose character for amiability and un blemished Integrity stands higher than that of Mr. Bullock. Those who know him at ll know that he could not be guilty of a llhonet act or Intention, and with such per sons it la not necessary to refute so unworthy an assertion as that to which we have above referred. It should, however, be stated that, so far Irom Wug realised exorbitant or dis honest profits o hi. contracts, Mr. Bullock will Incur a very hear, lo ta consequence of a great rise in th. price, of labor and materials since he undertook to suppi, the Wm D(j nient with blue kerseys. "The Government sayi local contemporary, in aUudlug to matter, "Is now paying 6 SO for the tame good, that " Mr. Itullock is furnihiD(f for i 80 per jar. " On the 27 of August, loW, be comractvd u " ftirnlnh one million of yard" of rlotM at 7! " c nil prr Tanl, atVr hli h elm ' crn n it in. " erfiiM il tli'econtrBi t flfijr iwr cent. Ill tlieam o t " i if clcth to he atipplli'il, with no mm a e of " price, thonrh Ilia tnaikrl price bad grna. I a I. " vt c l. 1 ho Novcrnmri t onw pv ot r -"II. s 1 fi'j. K"ice d.il of Mr. Hull irk'a " rotitnn t wi o1 h ia riv n In ;iltia fro n iil o 7 " ci nt prr pound, the wace of lrrh lit- cien'C" fifty prr rnt., cmil lia il mkc I m " prlci- i tr nil, iutli(fi) 1 pi r pound, noil lie " liir.ll litty per n n. Mr llnllork imkpil 1 1 hM " Hie tutu for fu lillii' his i ni'sircniftK fx " trmli '', hut lit. r. qtie.t wni rrfni 'l an I th i " riMilt 1 1 blm will be s lo- of fron . i 'O l o " f-.'.iti.Ot n. Tlr-e ct sro finite a .flirt n t "rilntc tho ih.iBia rnulo -u tin N rii-nwn " iitltmn Ih finrfrr." If Mr. Ill m.iii K bas been Niircrssful In lili bticiiiess, be owes that succpsito h's in.lutry, Intelligenc e, and probity ; and we feel iite .iustiflt d in sayiiiir that in all the work ho ha done Inr tin- Government during this war be a'-ked no fsvors and received none, while In tbe general result the balance of benefit B id obligation lies on the side of the Governm int. As regards Mr. Iln.l.ocK'H nomination for C'owtcss, it Is well known in his District that so far from seeking tho honor, he positively declined It for several weeks, and w is at last picvaiJcd on by the earnest, persistent entreaty of his nel"bbors and friends to yield up his own wishes and private Interests to their Im portunity, lie has not cone out of his way nor made liny personal effort to serure his election ; and as ho Is not a politician in tho ordinury acceptation of that term, and is not ambitious of poll ileal distinction, we are quite sure that he would have preferred to avoid engaging at all In that sort of contost for popular suflriige In which, to the discredit of political morality In this country, as elsewhnro, the purest reputation and the most eminent personal virtue are no protection against the most shameless calumny. But the very qualities which unfit Mr. Gkoiiok Bullock for tbe vulvar, and too often dishonorable, arts and expedients of the professional politician, render him a highly meritorious candidate for the office for which he has been nominated; and should he be elected, as we sincerely Iiojms he m ty bo, the people of the Sixth District will bo represented in Congress by a gentleman of sound practical sense and largo business experience, and whose character for sterling honesty and manly candor is as far above tho reach of detraction as his patriotism and loyalty are above reproach. FDI 4 MI I TIIK FRKK ST.T:4. When, on tlio 4lh day of July, 177(3, our fathers declared to the world that they were "free and Independent," they did that which, while applauded by the friends of freedom to the remotest corner pf tho earth, was looked upon, even by the most sanguine, as an experi ment of doubtful issue. The successful gov ernment of the masse? by rulers chosen by and l'rom themselves was a problem which, at that' period of the world's history, had nevor baen satisfactorily solved, and few Indeed thought it capable of a solution. But the question lias been definitely settled. America has proved to the adherents of the old monarchical system that men nro capable of self-government, but that to possess this capability they must be elevated above the standard of the masses living under a monar chical system. They must receive some fair portion of education. Next to our independ ence, there is nothing of wl'ich we have more just cause to be proud than our educational system. This Is the grand keystone of tho arch of our liberty. This is what has supported the vast and beautiful fabric reared by our forefathers at tho expeuseof so much suffering and blood. But for this, it would long ago have crumbled Into the ruins of anarchy. Men, iu olden times, spent years and count less treasure in raising for themselves monu ments, by which their names might be per petuated In tho memory of their race, and yet they have been obliterated from the record ol the world's history; but we, of this day and land, have erected for ourselves that which will Immortalize us ns a nation, namely, our Common Schools. Through them we have advanced to our present cnviablo position of power and prosperity, with a rapidity which lias excited the wonder and admiration of the world. In a recent annual report of tho Sucre- tary of the Massachusetts Hoard of Education, It la shown that, during tho last twenty years, which has been the period of greatest pros- , pel it y in its public Bchools, that Common- wealth has mado a progress in Us productive j power uiipiirallolud In its previous ux-perienco. j Its capital bus trebled, and the annual pro- duction of each man, woman, and child, has increased from one hundred and twouty-fur to two bundled and sixty-two dollars. Tho Secretary Justly remarks thai "Massachusetts j " from its history and position, Is necessarily ; " a manufacturing and commercial Suto. j ' These pursuits are entirely depeudent upon j " the culture of thu Intellect. The Invention 1 " ol machinery demands Intelligence ami edt- " cation, and the best machinery soonbecoines I ' impotent, in the hands of the Ignorant. Coin " merco. theu, tlepeuds (or the materials of its " growth and prosperity ou tho prosperity i " of the laboring classes upon the land, j " and In the shops and mills. Tims " we connect tho productive powers of t " our Stat with iu institutions of learning." This Is iust as true of other States a of M.ns a cliusetts. Tho intelligence of the laboring classes of any community, In fact, is the, om great thing needful fur its prosperity, what ever be its pursuits. There Is no doubt that ' to this Is owing the superior wealth and In- ' llueiice of the Northern section of tho Union, j Our schools and colleges have been the great , object of attraction to those Southerners who ' appreciated the adv.tnta.vs of education, while our public seminaries of learning dif- fuse their U paing.) among tho lower cl.ns.es of our population, giving tliern a caste in the scale of social existence, the. inll'iene.) of which would be iuom dily appro j la' i. cauld its Us be felt. A most Important feature in our school sys tem is the establishment of Normal Schools. These institutions have been tho growth of the last twenty-five years, and the advantages which have been derived from them are incal culable. To educate a 'child is certainly nn office of great importance, but to educate blm well is still more desirable. Teaching is not only an arduous, but a difficult task, and to fit men and women for its duties require the most careful preparatory training. Tliis training our Normal Schools are intend ed to supply "Other institutions" (we quote as above), "furnish good teachers; some persons are so by nature, Independently of all institu tions ; but it is not safe to trust tho cha meter of our schools and the destiny of their pupils to good fortune or to chance." To elevate the character of Uiesc Bchools we must ele vate that of the teachers we employ in them ; and there is no better mode of securing this desirable object than by means of these semi naries. Whetier it t from the precocity of the I youth of this country, or from a remarkable 1 forealht on the part of the adult portion of J ur population, it Is very certain. tht we Americans comprehend more clearly than any oiler nation the simple but Important fltct, that ihlldren become men ; and that, to form a rare of men worthy to enjoy the blessings ota ffee nnd liberal government, nnd capable of continuing It, we must give our children the advantages of a good educat'on. Hence our system of Common Schools. ll; uce tlm fai t that It is so rare to meet an American, how cu r poor, who cannot read and w rite. Hence the sci utity of our liberties, and the unexam pled prosperity of our career as a nation. llll: IHMVSIHII o. SillltDAf Mjn r. Notwithstanding our community wai tre pared lor an Immense m tniresl all on on Hatur dny rrgbt, of attachment to the cause of free dom, proi'ii ss, and civilization, et even the frlem's of liberty and the rights or in in were overwhelmed by tho vast and nwe-lnsplrlng demonstration. It Is es 1 mated that forty thousand freemen were In line, and they were cheered and stimulated on the route by at least fifty thousand more. In addition to these tbo State House yard was filled to over flowing by a dense and eager mass of patriots, w ho gathered there to recelvo new inspira tion from Its sacred soil. No one witnessed the outpouring of free men and the ovation to our candidates with out feeling that the election was already tk'cided, and that the triumph of the national camo wis already assured. As the uprising of our people In 18C1 was the harbinger of our military victories, so was tho glorious out pouring of Saturday the forerunner of a suc cess to-morrow for tho cause of Union and liberty so massive and astounding, that tho wall of Rebel sympathizers at tho Nortli will be beard in the streets of Richmond and Charleston, to be echoed back by the death raft le of tho Slave Confederacy. One noticeable feature of tho procession was tho absence of all noisy and boisterous demonstrations. Tlio leeling was too deep for shouts or cheering; and while amid the glare of lights from lofty mansions and hum ble casements those serried ranks marched steadily, every one could read In their firmly set lips and stem glances and clenched hands that they squarely accepted tho braggart vaunt of a "Freo election or a froe fight." Here and there, amidst the long rows of Illuminated dwellings, could be seen the datkened windows of some noted Rebel sympathizer, whose whito face could bo discerned peeping timorously through tho shutters. Occasionally at the mouth of soino narrow alley, or beneath the red light of a corner grocery, might bo heard a Copperhead hiss; but with these exceptions the dense, mass of peoplo in the streets cheered and applauded every motto nnd transparency. Tottering old men on the crowded sidewalks shouted "God bless Ann Linodln," an! groups of ladies from d3orstep and balcony mingled patriotic songs with tho loyal airs of countless bands. If the work of to-morrow equals tho rap turouB enthusiasm of Saturday, we shall have a victory to chronicle which will gladden every loyal soldier's heart, and carry glojin and despair to oveiy Rebel camp. V, IM'.-l'ltrIIK TH. The list of Vice-Presidents of tho meeting on Saturday night is beaded by that sterling soldier and patriot, General GK.onriE Cad walaher, whose ancestor was the tried and trusted Iriend and counsellor of WABiirNOTON. The names of several gentlemen also appear in the samo list who were published as ofll 'ors of a Democratic meeting two weeks ago with out their consent. Will the Ago make a note of this? "TIIK Ht'ltFKA Oil. MIIA V lF VVKST VlltUI.MA." Capital, $'1,000,000, divided Into 100,000 shares at I'd per almru. Hiibaeiiotliin prico. II'.jO por aiiuu Till. Culiipiitr owq h'iii c of tlioinuNt valu iblu lanl nnd ltaat-h In the Kantlta Valli-y. altuaie on lloraa isik and CnirptMilra Una bra choa uf Hull creek, aud witnia Uve mile, nf tlie Ohio river. Od IP rue ick ltn company own one well, whtrh la iviw pim ping twenty -llin-e liitriela of ull prr duy. Thli well if only tlite liimiiriil anil twenty "even ret Uoep. Ttie aupt'-lntei-tli-nt l now pTepwilnn to bore to the drp h of tl.c ctle r wclla aurroumllna tia, wlitcn are prmliKlnir faim one liuudreil to one hanilrrd and aixtv barrels of oil per d .) , wlitn t at n'Wlid we can produce a like aovtunt. 1!ire h. another well at llorne Nts k, now l inl twp liun Jreil anil aixly-flve feet, with about thirty feet of oil In the w ell. TNe lend on which thU well U tociteil Is aa a lierpettnil louac Tbr ItnllCrcek Comiiiiiy own a one thirit iutc-rtiit, our company hive the b-ilunce of two- third. At Cunif b:tr run, the coni,ati)' own lu fee a tract of ihlr'y-thripe ac r s , Out aMtra 1 by KeolouMa anJ inlniiw euKitieora the bi.t oil IdrrliiMj lu tire Slate. The great Tuck well, !lowlii Ave hundred bJ'rels, adjoin litis property Hooks of siihirriptimi ars now open at the t'otajany's Olllri , Room fio vs, MiTchan s' Lvchaniie. A llujtet number of i hare, only will be aold. JOHN J. Kltout.il, Tnaiurer. 1 ion) the "f ittal urn liail.v 1'onl" of September 9, 1S')I. Miin. SritiKt. 'I lie 'WhiHltiia Inti-ll ireneer' aaya: We l.'arr tr m a f-inili'ti an w ho a'riveil yei'.iTdiv'fron I'll ii. ant roomy .l:.it ou Mondty the Iturtou Oil (Vm iaty atrin k a wi ll on llor.e Nick. Ill that eouutv. wiiicn will yi d a ttotj.fllnl li.nti-1. ol oil per itny. l i eve I. ri-nt i x .11 on tho ui eel to tr is tiYlu.lt, and the oil lavor 1. pri Ynlilnk' to a u urlul extent." ltarrlMl. CLK.VVK-INnna.il M. on tlio Sin of Oct lier by the Itcv Anthony Atun',,1. .Hl.si.ril W. i LKAVE, I'.i , of luliuliiu- to f.l IIIK ,11 M. INUIt vlll.M. elicit iluukhter ol W. J. 1'. lniti'ohiiui, Ki., of 1'lillad lplna, No caras. UNI. KY-t.K.AK -September th, lHdl, by Her. Ileo. W. Shun, ut No. l.Vii M. t'o.irto t,eel, Mi. J tMt) J. jYl.SLfeY, I. S. N., to Mihs IS VH VII LKA1'". Diet). H A UN A Ft D. Suddenly, on the 7thlnt., W II. I.I AM II. llAKNAItl), sued V, years on1 8 months. The relutives and trlenda of tho fumily, mid motnhcrti of Ixule No. 9, A. Y.M..alno ot Columbia .Murk LoiIko, and the Order lu general, ure resiiectlully Invited in at tiiidttie funeral. Iioui the residence o: hid brulhor-iii. law. Win. 'I'. Wniiles, No. HIS i reuse Htreet, east ot Oi rord avenue, on Tuesday evening, llth Instaut, at 2 o'clock- 'lo proccid to lluuuvor street Vault Ili.AhKI KY.-KiilKl, en the Moid of tattle, wl lle rhi ryio' the enemy 'Iwo'ks at Ch.ipin's It I nil. on the 2'jlji till . aptniuTIIKOIiUltK HLAKt;i.KV, :,ii, r. v. v. Ilia ielu:ivea and friends are ri apectluily invited to attend hta funeral, on the K'th lit., at I o chick, from h,a line realileni c, in Chester. I'a, Train leaves llruail and rriuie streets at 11 Ui A. at. ' KAKHI'I.L.-On the evening of the 7th luatant, Mrs.' HAWAII FAItltKLU Kunetal trout the rrnldence of William Bartth near Media, on Tin ntav. I llll lusunl, at III A. M. luuuiueut at VV oniltand Cemetery. HAKT.-ln New York, October 7ih, BYROM UAUT, ii. 1.. Hurueon Lra lr. H. Army. Funeral trout the reshieuco ot his father, at llartsvilie, on VV'edlieHiliiy inornltis, at 10 o'eloi-k. Itel.itlves Hie) tjlends invited Ui altc-ud llie tujierui, Without further notice. FOTTS.-On theStlt Instant, RUTII ANNA BUTTE It, wite ol Samuel I'otu, acd VI years. Intertuentat Fotutowu. SCATTi:nit)OI -On the af thof September, off Wll minHou. N. t. of aryrlpelan. KDWAKI) HCATTKH biiol), Firat Atslstaiit Kuiiiiicer, V. 8. N.,ln hlaJ-ih year, eldeal son of Nuiuuel and Mary C. bcatteniovd. lato of this city, lia was buried at sea. hllAW.-Ou tlra Ul but., ANTHONY 11. SHARP, 1 I). The relatives nnrl friends of Die faintly, and tb mem bers of tba HoBieopathlo Medical Facultriare respect, fuliy Invlusl to attend bis ruucnl. troin ttie realileuce of bis brother, Oeome sharp, No. 1WU VUia s.roal, OB Tuea aa atumsKin, at I o'cluck. VAN KKNHHKLA Kit. Tiled, October 7th, at Nash vlile, Tennetsea, In U.e 'ilth year of his aue. Captain COltTLAM) VAN KfHSKI.AKK. Thirteenth CniletJ Htate Infantry, son of the late Itev. CvrUaudt Van Uauaaeiaai, U. 1 , vf UuiiuigWo, H. J. A H I), i wn.i. ofi p.R Mr N '1' I U M S T O O K I'1 LACE CURTAINS at roiiTr I'r.n i nt. i.,j;hh than uoht r IVl'OltTA I TON. I. E. WALRAVtlN, it' ckssob to w. n. carbyl, MAKONIO HAIiIi, Bo. 719 OIIESNUT Btrent. O C0UETNEI & WILLITTd, rfNow. 1 1 nnrl 10 S. HKVKNT1I Htr -t, I'lflUm.l.l'IHA Mnntiracltir,'rt of BKAUT1FUL COTTAHE 1'lIKNI'I'UHi:, Ami the only rtllablc made ft Hits city. Also, tuning room Fatnltura and Ilednlns. constantly anhsnd. S-y-mtiia-3ni BUSINESS ITEMS. LHKCTRICITY. UXK AHA MVEl A WOHD TO THE WI9K IS Hrmifp.NTi AH dltnnl crnlltlns, both aottto and chronic, where tlirre It vitality enotiifh left to rrnct, arc pprmurirntly ruml. hy waranni( at No lwn WAUNl'T Stn-ct. I'hiU tlelphl. and In cant of a fmliin n mott olttnatn mala-liea, no rharire U nmde. Klerirltnl Iimtltiuion, aAtattltuhen Niiit flvo c(.rfl aiso by lni(lisor ItOI.LES. K-a! Uia following:-- A claN of matetllca provaJIs to a fearful extent In om uuiiihlei, (looming l'',0(0 youthn, of both aaxoa. annnally U tn early Krave. I'tiac dlKeatei are very Iraperteetly nndratool. Their external m&nifeiitailona or ymptfintB ire nerviHia dibillty, rttxatloti. and ijroat cxhaiiation, ntaiaKniaa, or waUnfr and cnumptlon of the tinue of the whole body, fhorttipna of brrathlnff, or too hufr1"4 hrtnUiIng on aondiiiK a hill or flight of atalra, palpitation of the heart, asthma, bronehltlft, and a dry. Bore throat, tretJibllf.ir and nhakltitf of the arm and lower llmhii, averalon to aoclety, bnilnnaa. and to atudv: aomntlinei diiunani of the cyeitlKht, lost of njemory, dlialneHi ol the head, ifiiiaila pain In various pnrtt of the bd jr. j.alna In the back and lower llmoa, litmham, dya pi'ptila. c-ontilpatlofi of the bowel, deranged rtocretiont of the kklufVH, and many other gland of tho body, pro dnrli k virulent dl.teai:a In both muiea and fmilea ; llko vk.liie rpiiefiiy, hyHttiria, and dl!iernt forma of nervoua apBhtua. Now, then, ninety -nUe caiea out of evwy hun dred of all the atrO e-naiiiU dilfte, and a host ol others not named, an conMimptloti of the lunx, or of tho spinal nenca, have th-r origin In tho pulvic viscera, henco the wanted auccer,s by any of the old medical sytumjof practice. MHKAHK9 OP PP.M l'rolapsua Uteri, Leu'inrhaa. Amonorrhrra, and Iya BianonlMi'A AH ti e aiMv jiseuH' ami oiei Ctritte ctiUipuUiiU have their nrtan in ilnu the vital x,wwr of the iM-uy. hrirtivht on hy Injanea, extjunm-i, dontmry habits, temiiial abutea, abortions, iia the uu of pow er! ul ineiluniHA. Huu.e til tiin neeulur inpioin are dniKKiuK pnnik thiouvb ih hi utiu iack, wunkimtiH o! the Hidoi, and extreme lanKiior and d-bitttv fhrontrhoiit the nnnre mem. Ihe etlfcts priKiocM from iliee trouii eonie niamdiek are aimot niuitUiidlmi'ia. Conumpilon, pv'tita. Neuiaikfin, rnralyla, DeainvitB, Hliiidiies. k'll and liifanl'y, mdo even Miocy, are Hot nnconmou. No eitenual or reUtthle remetiv na ever leen found for ttiese m1 A' minti ooninUlnu Ull our lae titacovery in ine ue ot Khcir1olt In iirw t accord c wtth Mie pultlvn end ieMilve of lariAaitin of the Uterine Oruaim. Vfo nivcr fu 1 1 In eiiriiiff all of the above iliseniHii, Koei)t In cane of orvnn c riiRi'meiit. or m-vcre Imuiles of the parts IMrn Pulton, a lady 01 uroat expeio -e and aolitty. will have entire t httrgo of truatiuti In tho ladlus' departiutint. Coiibtiitatl' n ft-e. mop. C. II. HOI.i.p l.eetiirer. l'HYrtl 1NS. W. ll.Ifrowr.M.li.. P. Hlteaa.M. D., H. W. llcckwlih, M.l. AdJ e-Jt ft'! lettern to Fr W. It. HHOVPN, No VIM WAl.M; 1 Htiout, PhlUdu phla. I) l-'iQt AT OU MlCDl' IN!. Pinil'Ultl'H, ulwaUliuni. lAVIIi A UlfllAIUt, Arcb h hI i t-nth. IMnuoftl 8TU K 4 COS II ANON HAMi.iva CA IN KT OltdANti. MAHON A. H AMl-1 V'S I'AltlM.T VV.CKZH UKOS Oitf.ANli. riAN'09. J. at. tlOUM. RhvoiiUi and tJbvHuutatrecti. PERSONAL. r"() MV FUIKNDS IN IUCIIMOVO, VA.. J 1 am well Alts. Itennett U very tick II.- b xhtnd N Nilil a prlNonerol war an a fche winlu tlmt Mr rt:iel nuin wi ulti puv the t-ixns and col it' the rent of uer Ui-11' r's pr. periy till ihe U ahle to return ItM hinot.fl "l-iLiulrir ' jileaae copy ; hI-o' Anifor ' H'-K-JH LKVt lfl WIlaKl.fc.lt. MU W ri'MFFKR.. I WISH YOU WOULD tp the sale of the proporty. I will settle a'l the iranis. f r ihe elmdren b anke. I witih you nnd jettl.i ntj lull with Mr O'Hider. The ainmtnt lofiom $ tuto0; nun I Hl tettlc viih jou the lirt opportunity. 10 10-8t li. LKlHOirtCt. lMchmond uKnnulrer" and "Ai solxor" please copy. CLOAKS, 1 0LOAK OPENING. J. M. HAFLEIGH, No. ( CIIESNUT STIiliKT, WiU' ea'ilblt lilt IH FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 10. 10-i-lt M 1 1m 12 FASHION. Brcall Profits. Quick Sales. 11A1S AND CArS. NEWEST STYLES. Lotreet Pikea In the city. JJOUltNK, r 'mw-ltn No. 40 V. SIXTH BTHEtT. gAUD-lOOM TABLE LINENS, rilOM AUCTION, AT REDUCKD PRICES. CHRWEH BTODDABT & BEOTEEB, Hoi. 4 DO, 453, and 434 N. SEO0NO STREET, 10-7-31 Abova Willow. -tTANstMAKEB BROWN, c 35 Mo. T9.1 fHRHNVT NOTTINGHAM AND 8WI8S IiACKB, New Kljtr. HTItUKT. I WINDOW SHAI)i:S.i No. r a :i Hf.W NTV1.M, TTFLTY " " w "J;0 K " carrin'jton oo. WAKrtACiniKit. I cnatifirr RTRr.r.t. :o. li t j PIANO COVEKS, I'HIHNIT ' t l!irf DTIH'K IN TH'. ( ITT, MTlKKT. AT LOW miCKS. AMUSEMENTS. viiw en KHNtrp" ktrkk r thk atiik! 1 I.F.iiNaliK iUUVKK WILLIAM K. HI.NU.Ua s ' i U4 Msnsj.irs. I It t-' A r Rtlfl 'F aj i,f THU W AKIIKN CllMKIir (,'OMItlN I'lOV. Tills iM,,n,lav) k'.VK.N Mi, I), t.,lr II) Hfil. 1 In h-i fiiriiiHurt,- will in, man, a with f'umi-ily ,f I nr. Ht:itnt h t taiii.y mina.'shfilrr-li Ml Wlmam W irn0 Ni-. (it ass ; nrln,i,i ,, j ,,, I ls.i. Xiiril,, M.M.rr Mr.l'aarl ax.rnia I. .. y H. ,l,r I n .ml XI" ! "Hi MniHirr T"'imrli aanli M Rst ItV (III, k VKKI HAlllhllAV Af'TKHNiHlN, uran.l tamilf Mvlm ivln n thr MKA lis luK will he proem, a lur lnal.lruir the lai.t linn, at nt'lured pm ra. MUS. JOHN DUKW'SNKW AUCJIl 8T. 1IIKA1HK f sTVM.I HI'.I, IiKMfiNllll UHMim.sr Klll'CKaH. Vr.si V 1.1 ' TO NK.IIT, A Nil KNKItV KA RNINfl, Vlih nest tV tnerv, (.''iMinni str , Hrt'ii.'tiani a henaattoDal Drama af llhl. IiKMiiNIII. Nlil.LO VK-ITVAU. Inw Irn ihii will Ntnu "VdU ARK TIIK HTH." anil "ItllAVK MAR !. Kot partltulara ul .Scun.ry, I m:l Jamts. Ac, oill.i. HKATR fFI'llRKI) Til KICK DA YH 1 N AllVA M K. r-fc fcM BI, V 1! L'lI.DIN'OS. T() N IO HT. allH! MA.I"K rA(;MNKrAmiAN,ilia Hi.rolc anil Iti'sutiitil llirl-rnr famous lUti.n .Hi, ami Hrais, h" Hirunng Advauturrs ara ao wou kuusrii, will appear In MA.IOItH I'KirORW. And rrlatr hfr pxpiTirnii; whllo In ''DUIn," faer captare, sontatirti, sail ri-rtipturi,, ami appolntnii'ut aa ( AI'TAIN or l.'AVAI.Blf. lWnh N'lthl of Ilia. WIlMiKKIflT, HI KRKOI'TIflO. 'I'llhrt V.ICI IIIS Unirvi'il sunt, .in ci-nis t'mii noiioo at M o i Pi K. Hcf d.'plTl pr a-Tnmtnr.. Ill I I fit ' II ll 1 S t K K J K V. I b. 1) , ' T in ariat ami cUibran J pntura Uv Wral.tlic clisf d u-avrc of ti.e krunt, l? NOW ON KXHIItnTON AT TIIK Al'AliKMV I if FIR ARTS, No. tojl, t'HKMSCT MTItKKl', In addition to tl.c K.M IKK Art ro'h i i,.n ofths Arsdarav. Aittnltli,nr,'Jli Cflits ; nenn rl tcketa..rf) rants. It-lt -lin 'IIIK GRAND BIIiI.IAIU) TOtMlN AM KNT I r-ommiMiwd lor tl,a tiiamp onihip nt ihi Mate of l'rnnalvnnia at HaNM IM HI KKf.I' II M.I., on MUN liAl , o, tolw-r IHAI. a d taruiluati-a MuN H Y. o.'totn-r 111. In.. AKTKHKOON A N l KlKM(l KXtlllU 1ltNH l'la to ronitni'ma at 2 V. M. nnd 8 P. M. Ka b gains Is to In; Wat p, tula, Csr.iina. I'n.li si,ots ili-'isru-il. 'I lis- fo IowIok tmnies an- tao t'omiietltor. mr thr t?li:un piolllhlp snil ITIzna : V. Ks nntis. (I lllnl, I W tliillt Iioiim r, lioM rt T Hvall, K. II. Molnta, II . llKwfa. ,1 I'lin'T, and K. J .flunkait Mi'.srs KVAN'll l. I lin.nN.dlil.ln It w A TK.and oilir prnniinair mivHrs ariii'xiiiotiil to he prraant. Hlnitle A tnlalon, M'i'itlrt, rlsanon Hi kfits aoourril aval. .Vi. For sail' at ll.e pim;l pat MllMiirit Kootn. and II itms VltTDIt K.-'l KI'IIK, J W. MnXrtlOMCKV.anil K. T. Il A l.i., Comuiitt -I of Armnin'tueiits OKHKR OK I'l.aMN'l TIII'KSDAY AKItll.NuOS--Il, i., ami RraP; Miml ipin vry ami Nslma. tVKNl.Ml I'tcphe unii 1'almur; lllnl snil tJiina:-lc HtlllsV AKIIRMlOV llaw.a and 1'nimrr; Mintiro mi'tv and Pliinkalt. hVr.SiMH Kaieplieatid Rvali; llird at,il mil. H'THKHAY AfTKUNflON Bird and Hsall; Katnpha and Niln.s K.VKNIKll llewus and riunkott; Muuigi nirrv si, it fnltnrr. MK.NIiAY AKTKItSOON llawaa and Kr:im l Montv ini iy and ltysll. KV EM Ntl Kstantieani riunknl'. : lllnl and rainier. 111-6-4t 0 FOIl PALE OU TO I.lCT. IiWKIJ.INO. Noa. 'nm am UIOI Alien ni ttr.Ef. 10-10-61 SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS. FALL, ) Tocjt FALL, EDMUND YARD & CO., Nob. 617 Obesnut and 614 Jayna Streets. LMP0R1EE8 AM) J0UBEK8 OF SILKS AJSD FANCY DRY GOODS, H1IAWLS, LINKN8, AND wiirna GOODS. LARGE AND ITANDSOME STOCK OF DltiiSS GOODS. FTJLIj LINE OF FOttMGN AND DOMESTIC ltALiMOHALiH, iNt'LuoiHa aaM-tm HBUNKR'B AND OTHER MAKEH. 10X1 (I1IKSNOT T1K.KT. i:MiJHOiiii:itiKH, LACES WHITE GOODS, VEILS, UANDKIItClIIUFH. E. M, NEEDLES. J534' ifoiiciNiif ht'kI; bt". AY fITKlt 1JOHII3UV It KT All's AND WHOIsKSAIsE. aJ. M. IIAFLEIOII, No. 902 OHESNUT 8TREET, Has now lu alora a full atwrluj-Mit of the ralelirated Dial.a.. vt l.Nlil.K!! HOSIHHV, ia ' BA1 BKIliCAN HOHK AND HAlf 1IOHE, I1IIKTT1.ES HO.vK, SIIIBrS, AND MtAWKRS, KX1BA HEAVY BILK KUIHT3 ANU UB.VWKRS, IN ALL BIZEf FOR GENTLEMEN. 10-7 iiQ HOOP PKIRT8 COQ UO HuLUfactory,Mo.t,a AKl'll Rtrrel. Uo Abvva stlatli atract, I'litlaiklplila. Wlioleanle and Retail. The moat ftnmpli-ti- a.eortnwnt ol' Ladles', afisaea', and f'lalilren s Hoop feihii-ls In tlie city, In evsry rrapi-t tirit flasa, wlili h for atvle, fl iila.li . uurulnlltji, alld vlivapuwia, bae nijieiiunl In ll.- luai k.t. hkitta tuailc to urdtr,uJtvrril, aud repaired . i-iy Hal. r. nor KINS. y rjJlL.OUt.llH. rtmrurr and aoMlrra vlaltlnf the i lly on ftirlenths, aecdtn tfWOttCH AHU OTIIKR UIUTAUY ZQVlfUENia, Are Invited t the eatenslva MAVurACTUHiva eitadlibhvent GEORGE W. SIMONS i BROTHER, HANSOM BTItEET HALL, BANBOM ttmt, ahova RUUi Btrtei. PEISENTAT10N 8W0BDS Mad to order at the sliorteat notlot.whlrh lor rlohneaa and laairnint'rni's elialleoue voeslistltioii, no other huiisii In Uia eountrv ii nililliliiii the kt A Mil-AJ I t'Kl Nil JhlWKLKat Willi TUK I-MAI T1CAL HtVOUU MAKrJa. 1 CHEAT CETHAX CLOTfllNO U0VSS, Il;Mrx. IIAI1.V, ii o r in j : t h , LAUItft' AND MIRSES' RATS. l,lllltON., IIOMKU , N it KKATIIKI'I, ."Otnil AMK1UCAN i:ihis, OTII1.II N () V ii L T I 1. S , W1 Ac CAltY, No. ;r, ciil'.HNH'r SlKliJE'r. P 8. (Md v.'v-tl itenHj madu rvar al a ai'iierav? tl, t'lit Htta an l bonnets reshaia WOOD tV OAKY. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOW HKAIiY-COaI, AT S7-.0 PF.lt s " ' n(iiK ( ONHi:IMi'! MUI'I Al. tu, I'1 Wl'M' are ii'-wr a llvoriiiK IVaa from tn Ir OkkiaDil I o l-t; .vi) tlm ri Iplirati il riLldiuote anJ Alaolmatli vetua , at 11 1 li.hnwlnw niti-s ; ToPntisiuilu r. er ton T IV To Noil Hntivrrllierf, per ton lit)) Thin, anvinir f ' prr ton in H-orkho'drrs Ite.i la. this aavlo. tin-re h til l-o a dl Idend annually on ii'e tt,,-k lu all prohnlnlily.ol at Ii nt NIX litll.l.tltit r 'II -HAItE. son. hi nf'or tfll' Ural rar Htockluodi-ra wd, not only gel tlii-lr Coal for Ii, tMlix. hut will iilno ristily root ive a i mall d, Idi nd on thi'ii Slork. Tne leitio runs for ile pre .ot low roysity tor stMern yeurs. The un dollars per alisru al Hoar Is or tl a who a term of It, e case. 1 tie prrai-tit nip nty ot the Mm" la .vi.tasl ton. pi-r vear. or om ton rar i-hiire 1 Ins nlil aoon he IncreaHed lo l-'klaiU tiina.Mhn Ii vtll jjlve tho Comiany iai,l.i t.ini to aril to outi-ldi ra ti-1 Ij-'lii'st mstket prioi-s. TIIK I'KOKI'H KI'OM Willi II WILL lit IllVU't-.U AJIOMI IIIK STltt'Klltil I'KI M. Hnn.criptions lo iIip Rtn-k (whlrh may s'.tlt he made at $lli per sharr) ill Im roeHvi-d at the i.llli-n of the Com pany, io. .'i.S H. ht'l 11 Htroi-t, i-i'Cond si or. .lAMi-.H 1.1 Ml. I'realdent. Troaaiiror-JO.SIAII KIH'ILHIIOI'K, Ho. 1211 MAK KKT street. Wrrntarv JOIIS C. 8TONE8, Mo. K2 N. THIlt lr f.MH bum. iiiiiigriiiis: JAM Ml I.TNIa. .No f.'i H. HiKth streat. rJW.Mtl K. JiiNKn .No. till vron lr, ot. lil.MO ri. PAUL, No 4111 Walnu. at i ol, T f. 1 .1.1 V ION, No I.V. N. I :illd streot. THOMAS ilAltNF.I). No In; Ch, .hut atroet. Krom the list ( f stockholders we si-ler: thn foiluwlns; well-known anil n-itlily reiiiena-ila nniiii'.,lnd,rail itt hv a M-etioo (t;) ilnoo' avlio tiave already rrontviNj tlii-lr Coll, etui who rn lo ur wltnaai to I'd superior quality. Th1.' stock is .-i,tiiK oli vriy rupidlv a, I ela.sos lit tlie continu ntiy saeniltiic di- oai-dlo aiall thetiineheaiif Ha a,tvan tears. A larye to oiihar nf ladies are emhrsred amoiuj our Stork holders, aim I here Is et room lor more: William N.Torr. JleiiiT tluiiit- 1'. II Cannon, Cuitia Cia ton, I N . H. Law renro, HWIIIIatn Orithtlia, ll,,l,. it II Hum I , V- IMam Ciitlla. ( hario- (i NiiH, 4.11 Wlie.-li-r, II. .l.iv. HClisrh a M. Mums, i sepl. talelWMsoi. U ll.'ih niaikir, William Mre, SMr. ll KdariV 1; K Nli-nolU, " Irbn Met lny, t: r nuin Ki ll.ur.ra I'csk, w ui. nlct niiy, lii Init II. Itoallv, Jnkii hci'Hlur, lti'Liitiiin 11 llaiui'S, 11, I ri It, II. I u I.. A Mi irhk, It M llallora, tlitt,i K. Watlure, Siitouel s Cmvi h, fiNsinliil Kiloatrn k, ft'itnu. a. liaM-, In, holt 11. Nadir, jjWni M. llhler. 5iio'ivo f. Omir!)-, J, hn IV. Ml.h, Jau.e1, t,. I't-a e. l:i,atiei Anno s tl, l.enii'l II h an . Jitluea tnimt-riosn, C M. t uriM-iitir, J II. I't uh. A lo nl, ant rttew sit, IWn r . small, 1 1 i u a atasi'.v, htlll-klm d Sl,ea.,s, e- riM- stnrtii s I nvul W Mblli IS, lloi ry It li.t h. t.ioiKi' W llank.utun, Wlllsai Karsou, K J. LoSK, Alltid Vi una, WilUsni Alliura" r, (ll r I ans, wohn M lii i y, II A. el. i rown, Oenrt-'e Pplor.oii, alatthew )- rttui , 1 1 ti at . McCinii,eli, Win. W. Hmedioy, VI in C llaioi-a, equine) a. aline:', Win. at'illim. t.l. r wtikuiaon. U'.oorrl MrKsiii, 0. K stone, John C Hleener. A. H.Cauitsliell, .1 II O llaia, John MsiiHilold, JiicnhU Ntrelct,, Chsrios llxey, Jol.u A. ! .al ot, Ckaili a Joweii, ll 11- I'oaey M. I. ( hsrlos 1 l.omai , J, sesih af Thou, Hi, Win stauh-r. (ioorifa J. bayloi, W. H Hpear, J. H, Artnloa, i Y. Stliibain, (teurae 1 nylut , (,'liarles F. Itr.i d, Sanuel 11. WOO' , (i at C allio, Itohort alctirepov, 1 hooiasrn H" . it I hi'in Idifton, John w hjnfti;t :Nti-pliin le iicri, hwrli'tCrtirrml, (illi nry H. rriU. ttjitolin McKi tfflit, H. II. Kfllpy, it,', l'riittdi'n 4 (.'a., ' j;K 1 Mpatieler, ,.. V ilU JOjr, ,.i(.lm r Vv ..ii. ij.his. W(j to a Fraile, U. I H. N. U. O. -VoU, s"B- Kiocrik, J.m. I) Trr, J li Itii,.), S)Wm. HmiMi. ,(..ftiK ,0 .priDCk. im O Htiiiicr, ! jKie"cricK CitJinut. V, it. Knv r, Al. y.( '.if.tm Murr, Win. u. hnnnU, It- Ixtn Jimn, '..Uriiei u. O rk. M Hii.hftn.la, I.P.ihn H. AfkieT, leVV. II. Henni'L lK. W. Htndwr. W. T.in:-ini, i baTnclfe Itn lim, howard t-ofiuetn, A(itlihim I tT t D., Jut ! McKm. Macfb U. ilummril, Kcyi.olo 1 .(MUattfi, jll L llA lowtll A Hon. 5 Ji-hn ir H, JU.if C Vouriff, bj Wil mm 'loot' I, 1- W tm, i.lnmvs tfun.vil, Hrtiuuol li. Ilowk-il, bVNiUiam H. AriUe, K-lwril C inc. ,ltihn ( Micluner, I P, Hoiii.i wurtt, Ut'nrpa L MiUtT, h J ttikjortis, sc Nclmo r. Antlu ltiako, Jttuita WUItiiutoa, ciiaii a. 11 U ltllli llh(HJ, J. L'ltlouiua, 'A. K. Hfti, Kr4.uk, M. K.Hlwii,, AH-rrt II 11 an r, Kr T Citf'lOU. 0 oli 11 Hchllt'K-r A Son, Y rid, Wiis.citn, IkvIJ H. Ttmin )ioit, J. Hinum Wu,'ioniiy, trha llirH, Jon.. Kr.r, Henry K Utmwt Hniuucl HlinAiu, A UI ftrt, Wrm ztiifioulsr, A tl. Alburttor, Utolffrt Kay. c II vii .uiiut, Ohrlim w. FVttAler, ,Airiid Wltltuutuu, Tni Mjkryt Kdwtn I'retty, IHhdiiiuI tL AnUw, Conritd It. Andrruii, Wlhlktn H. Kmbo, Jami Ke ir .U.euii It. 1 yndaUl, Jt.l d (inrur'K, tiWiiiiuin Pa ill. WHIImu U Cjaiii, (! M. liM-ry, 'M. J. HraiW, W Vf. (ittrtliuor, ,T, l. lllki, PrtUlJ UM, (I1btvJ Ufmi. i.lolm MrAruiur. Alfred 11 hh, KrtMl K.Hwope, . Lewi Km!, .Iitai M rt'f wfftrt (Ctiarlf ('ivrnell, jWalitsr ltrcma, fc'I'uutii I, douwiiy, iWiili.m KnirtrJt, ;Willlkiu AntlruM, Johu (.lilorU, 1 Jhiiici J. AWiS'in, bWllliin r. Tflor, fi'l'tjolllkt W.volllliill Violin H Fitctietl, Hon. Joseph A I W illliitu Soi , p. at juiius. W. W. hos, K. J. (iriim. Jaooh ft tM'tnnn, Kdward Hrailv. W . II. Mattnewa. O. W.Townseliil, ('. I. Huarkrltim. Joseph T . Itowaud, Wlclara A. Ko In. fee. U. 'lallrusihi-. Citsrlra T. Miltlo-..a, Frederick F.auts, CK. Kigoulet, Jot,n liwln, M tlilliiiL-Lsm. WIlllauiH. Malln. lilihaid It. Miller. 'Ihi'Uiasll. ItowunJ, Olllxrl lltilsoli, John Ui'nd, Whllam lirlcc, hi. lii utrr, A. Oarrett, Willlaln Mollny, Jsuies Kuluaileil, alntthew Millar, J r. Mli hael Tracy, '1 homaa f. ltciulnaron H. W. (iault, John J. Ki oiuer Jiltnes II. rltevetia. In uiauiln F. lilcuu, ll. Siott, Jr., K. 1. M.oit. .1. It. .Milloik, l'lilllp Wil.,11, I'iituel Willi, villi W'm. A. Ji'liks, liuvid Horn, ttuorire 1. Killer, Win. J. I'hlil.pa, Ki t. A. l .Itily, liev. 1'r. l attoit, Hi v. Ir. Mori ll, Itev, U. W. I'l'iilaou, Faatinote Wiihatuaolt tit. V. II a If v, II. II. Milllincfortl, iklartln Itwyur, I John Klein, (II C. t'lOlllllH, t k.hn K. I ay lor, K A. Wntsuu, I). F. Ksule. tl'.. A. LeadhenKr, r.ituiiniivucr, John ltrattington, iflobn I'Ulllipa, . V'"epti Jul 1 moil, ;Kotiurt Hunt. I'unnti Tuoinov, IN. N. 8 ohc8 (N.J.) j. hn M Hlieiaon, iJTdornim O. Klku, JtK T. I'htcb, i). lPQiiit, W. F.MI.ult, m IB. A.Heinlr. ana M.'tiry H. Kti l.t. cawnri Hi-J.iie, 4't.ttrlert llartlt, kK. K. HuUsh, i;i" raurtl. Thole, l'l'. Ltw.Miil t'tiuiimrtn , Henry Hettrlt k, 1 W .liter Htdvi'iinun, lMI. l McL'Alllou, 1'. H Monli, W.lllAiil Adrt r, klhtMc Halttr, M'hftrlt-9 M. Kvan. (tt.4iuul Uml y, jottn U. whittle, tK. M. Nerillea, Jaiii Wlnpenny. thai dfilvurv ol Coal In Mttnuvmik ill tie in charpe nf Mr JOHN AUAMH, who will te reudy to vuiamcntt opfrulln on '11KHUAY neat. Arr.mtiut ttta f kboitt biDf uiAd to supply aioiklioltiiri m (Urman lwu. IU-IO-J rST ARMY, NAVY, AND CITIZEN'S (loilnan Kmbruiilrred. HcuuhKrf8tri.p, WtmUi, Ac, lo tl uii9uratlial vr f0uctd fjlj Merchant Tailor , TUB LARGEST AND BEST o I'T to thu cTTiyirsrVH on FIFTH WARD Ths urd t.ui.-'d a'nld r- pr.M',rl fr.'t;u th tiahitst that tie Is nolona-ftr a candidate f't t' e OT.' e if Aidreraasji l'tl Wari. li a wii.siin 1 1 i;n.i:y. 'I F. A 11 - y C A It T K B H l:r:l'(T!U('AN ISVIN'MltLKi, . NanohAi I. a .1.. A..utit.r St., ahovii Tiivu-t ri.il,.,M,l'ln,, o, t, ID 14.4. OltlH UH So. 8. T. Tii Club "III .saiu ' If, t ilirM 'MiiMrtr V (MoiMlMy, ifitltu .t k n rl.K'k to ,h. p, Krank Icnl r nth l otKn4i4,n .) li-itri(M. II. ln.nr ,rrmtui, ti buin in.(uM. Yartt U tb riun : t' ip A' (.cnt. III. R-niitimoi tl m flub 1 r ntr .mm In thHt o mi fn tf-Mtn IUcui to thr 1 1 ul. l.rihKli 1 uruor of ( JiAli..!,.-. u .n'iilTir t liUf tonrnsW. A mrHnfr tf tin- repetitive CoimTilttfy, m hn hnM at tl c Ilnll nt 4 f'rln. k I. V. thin tiny. It u.sj i ,f (tni,r turn to be trmiartr l. 1 W V . J''"' 1NMAM UIC II K, PtftHlllOlal HALL OF T-iK UNioN LiAaUJS LINCOLN, JOHNSO.X ANI UMOlf. M ornlfiy, OrMoljor 1 f , lSO, llio IluiMe will t oionpJ u mini "JIIIH 1'iVJ.JvTINCi AHIHtlJMKH MAY DR XXrUTICI) KUiM llSUNGt lsHKI CKNIXKMEX. r : r-J TO TIIK VOTKUS OK THK TRNTH Wrd. 1 hp M owli g imr iirr ; h inir Itl apf.t-tu-rv in Thk Kt KMNfi Tf i.rUKAi'n, ui 0.tfb(-r 7ih . "Ill iNhr I'KNUI.ST At KMKNT IN TIIM TW T'l If U'.D. Ihn If HTHTntn nf thn Ttnin Waul hvt iratp n te tM lutrtfii n tn nupport Mr Hmmir) J. crrioa i r romnia (.'oii'.cll In rtu n for votcn tr 1 ternl Hciliv for ('diifrri'M. Ilim U Muatimupt to oH-at linn. Iinrlfsn U N til iir Uj i- rit-M. and tho .( hv I o m tie i upon l every rti pu il-rnti.' 1 ht oii0i"rMi.nKl i In.i im, wit.. il .cp 1 the name nl H 1, ( in i'li lu ii iiiiiitati' ii ini i' niiiioii t 'mi lie it, a aa Imlpw lhnpnt candidate, take thin ftpoi timify t pr .no mr ike a'xivi- paraa,') h mit l iiii'i.m'. i ne i a hftv-ty aiiJ MHlfv'tiM nui t ort t iliruiiole 1inlh Tiphm. wi h tt iolitarf pci-.tln K. V M.in pt lo (.'tun in n raiioiit and art not a f'XTi " h ret brKaui wiiatpver. loura oiw oionti.v , Rdwanl Oratx. i .oftrre M l"tMrn, toat'pri H 'lowmenil, t4anuipi MnfTO, H r' I lam--41. William I . l!aiii(ll. K. A AiUns K . Johnnrt, (tcoit i . Marker, .pir H. vit, 11. Wilson. Jaotb r . I!r t, m, a. t:ori, i iijamin f..Innney, Jr., Thorii'ik ('ftvTper, WiiiJf m Vt ain, J. ItaMiioiid Clngtiorn, Tiii.inut J I'otli, W ill. inn 11. Jt'titM, l tt'lilluiri (I. Allca, Mafhh H i.Mrrrftnog, Ht it i tun In ravlT, ll ria,k Tayter, John aam-w, Wi'l.iiir ('ttatidlrr, W.Ulam W. W i.i taker, i;.-.rj(M W HlfrMVeir, Wl lUin 11. w.tyrm, 1 Krplorlp' f'aKioa, (). K. K-en-t.v. j Ml "ha ' rufov, Ivm if Whltemore, 1 Walter O. Vlimmori. ft-Tv T K N T II W A U V. v I tit A KT I IyAKT I! Vntpm of (t-eTenih Ward H.ut wtra Ihihle to tlta Intft rnieiiitHr when Jim ko l'i ilt'fHiatt yfir vo-e fir a eatitU-(iii'i- lr ronio.oit i' unr I, lit HAMl'KI. J. WKI.L, the Ind ppiiilt iit Cinflulitc, cavt two Iiitlptl liollaia to thp Ward Hut t Ken J ( havlntj pr-viojblf Siven FIMy hotlartt) ll w -re t- JndRt of rittrl'Ulita uy Ib, arto n oi by niap wordn. cr pri.ts.iiknii, ihn 8. J. t r try hia trt-nromiv and enory In in lulf of hla ronntlcii'Dt, nnd ih people M'-m.-iaily. it dest-ning of ttie hivhPHt hoi or r..in Hie iilt of ti.e ward. Hv riitihoriiv of out' of I'm LXKU TIM'. COM. OT WAltl) Ruim' roN. TO TAX 1'AYKKS AND PROriARTY OWNKltfl. Iu aniwir to lii()iil:lcs made at to the mannor la irhiietx In the event of my rfaKHlon to tbo offlce of llMKIVtR OK TAXES, I mean to diichargp my dutioi, I win state that I ahall not appropriate to myseJj, bat will account to the public for ajlt f te five per e ttt. eommljalotia now authorlaod by law t- be ecUcctfd ou tliP e-ipiifl tae at the end of each year; nd Uiat I will put a atop to aN abunej touching evpenara f ( r advertising, BheilfT's costs, aud other l.lcgil cxnotionf. 10-10- 2t JOHN M. MKLLOir. I f if CITY TRKASUKKU'S OFK1CK, Hun Anki.riiiA.OctnlHTT, VQU KOIIPK. 0 f'lTV I.OANHO,lhItS.-T tie City n-a-aiinr l I pay, on pr sina ion, ai ritv I.'tann maturtaf Januaty 1, witti icicrcit to date of .avui'-nt HKMir liOMM, 1fl-lf-flt nil- TrHiirer. frf- THK KKNMNfU'ON HANK IS TIIK COI HIT r Mtir,IKi,riMA. - liiUaAtai. nil. ArptPUit er V8 A Aptcial Mm-llng of th o Mt ok liolura wilt hp lipid at the BankliiK Homn.na rMHU.t 1A Y. thr ia th of c:iIipi, at 11 oo ock Aa .M., u d o i on tlo' ('Kppdiiuiy of (ouvoriaiig (lie Hank Into alSailenal Anociathn, areatlyto an act of Cor fire ariprot)A June H IwiA, aim lake tneh otber ictloo a may be uooea aaiy. hv orat H toe Itoarj o' Dlnetorn. f 'At l!'t C. T. YKKKB8, Caililer. 13- a'liNTIl AVA.HI. Indrpendeut Candidate for Common Council. 10-4-71'J SAM U 1 11 J. (lltKKWKIiU rrr- t v. n t ii w aud. v-3-' COSltMT KHH f'tlMMON tlOUNUlU I'ltUIIAHI.n I'KraltIT Katlonal I'll,, a vote lur H.J Criawoll 10 lii-tuouiatlc aote do lota) S. J Crcm elPs volo ., E Y. Mai-holte's vote., IMS) Us) Pnil attle msiotltv rorCreswell 8ft TMs cak-blaiioii la based uioa Hie uilicial vota of last Otlo'lal National l llon rotr idtictia tha atioiial Union vote ol. .....,., ..Kit .. Milt That will hf polled liv Troswi U ltavet.. Ull ji, out tt a iota ll at amniotic win ki'U 1 hrrr-foro It Is svlil.nt fiat 11 tlia Democratic voia if Rlvttti 'o H. J. C'roHWfll he will hv alKt-il ; but ( ha la not e ecti-il, Ilien K. V. Macltatla will tHieloctcil, tor It Is loa lioaalblu tor the lirrnoiraitc oartt to pil ovor 1 ItiO votes la tms Hani. Aaatui 'Ilia ltonioorats fuel a strong interest with us that th. ward ahoolil be trorlv- ri-pru.ented. ao4 as t. ey I. are uiaile no noiuitiatlon lor Cojituon Cottnosl we contlili-iit'y oapic' ttie r vote lO-l-at TO TO-K I'KOPLB OF THE FIFTH V- WastO. Kfllow-cltiianst-A nemlligof UifCiU sens of the w aril, wltUont ilistuictlon i.r party, has fraraael the ulloiviiit ilukrl vhirh Is now pruseiueil tor yoar srirs Irenes. Willi ll.o ronllileiit belief that you will find u eveey ay worthy of jour support. It has been aeleeled Irreapoo tiveof pa-ly, and aulely with an iya to fltness ai.dgualil cations, and ttiiTefore cinuot btf revanlei la any seasa aa a partisan in. Set. It baa nrlKlnaleil lu a dealre of mea atf all ln-r.ussloiis to prevei t the i-lvciloll of Ignorant, Incom pe'ent, and corrupt men to orttces of honor and trust. Ttut canitldsti s tinre named a-e all peraona ot eilurelion, raiul llarlly Willi level tornia and the inoilea of piinllu business, and iboroni-'hly honest aad reliable This oheraousr thef have i-ained for thuiu.elves lu tholr provluua pursulslli Uie. and ne feel certain th:it should they hn honored wlik au election at thia lluie to the poaitiuita for which tiiey have been named, lliev will retlect lastiug credit upon the clU iii of ll.e Klllli Ward. We appeal to vou. then, men of the Flftb Ward, to lay aside for tliis ont-e all partl-aa predilections so lar as tea choti e of year local olllcors Is courerni-d, and aitreehar nioaiiously lo rally for one etrort to elect gooe men to ottlce. Should Ihis eltert be successful It omat exercl.e e power ful liitluoni r liereallir lu warulBK all partite of the nun s sity ot eserclsitiK utore clrcuuiapectlou In tuuklus' tlieir IikiiI nemlliailons. In conclusion we respuctlull ask your suttrages, fvUow-cltueiis,iur tlie lubjolued liutepeud eut ticket. Hy outer of Uie ludtpenilviit rxecutlve Committee. li. P. h-I.Mi.L'iuinnaa. llaliErtNBENT WAltD TICKET. 41 liSHUr.a. JA1IIKH Mi CAI1P.K. A. WTI.SON 11K.NS.EY. i es- rain t:s. tV II 1.1 tM CLAHK, K. II. s.U'L. Si'lUtOI. InllKfll'OTtS. H. Ti'R'iTN ni.iiitlinin, loroue yenr. 'OLI.1NH WKsl, lor ttteyiaiea, K. .1. KBNNfcY, 1 JOHN t'ASSis, Kor threeyeata. I. lt. J. H. A N't i.NKT. S l-3f-tf (KJ-aSTOCKIlOLni-US' MEETINO. JTAIlalKHH' AU MKL'HAN'II ' HAVK, full aoai.i'itis, Neoletnfier ill, 1hi4. A Itr.eral meeting of the Mocitiolders ot the Karuiera ar.il Mechanics' liana of Philadelphia will be he'd at their llankuig House on Tall'ltbltAY, the aota day of Oetohea m at, at 11 o .lock A. M.. for ihe puriwseof taklrnt Into ioualueration, and ileelillng on the iiueetton whelter oi not th. said Hark (hall liecotne an Aaaocl itlon forearrrlrur on UiebusUieaaof Itankiag unuer the Lawe of the ItulteiJ allitts, aud of eacrileion the power, eonferred by rM ia of the (leu.ral Asseuil.ty of this l'umnionee!lh, eu titled "An Act Knai.linii tbo lianks of U.is t!oiu"0'weailh to teconie Asaoelat.'a. for the Pnrt..e of "siikiaij nailer LheLsaaol the Uiutid Mates," approved Ue 2 d day of r,!..t iao4 : Lo to take su. h actsva lu ieard Uef t M may be necessary and l"be'', lf order of tbe it or J ol !.'''' O.'ilUl'Jllti W. Ht'HIITOM, Jr., Caslder. s. x. cohosh sixth, .UH) Hssxzi sis;