I TOE DAILY EVENING TELKGRAriT. PHILADELPHIA MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1804. FEKN3YLVANIA STATE ELECT13M.133 1 Congress and the LejjblatuTe. Till: CANDIDATKS, Comparative Election Iloturn Etr lie i:tc, it ollnwln" is a com ' f tlt cf nomination, Tfi atonal I'ninu rnrl Prmorrnir, ('otiirrloniij, Hono tmrtal md lirrjtrsriiiatrr, in bo vntrrl (or hy tho piifiln 01 I'rni'.y vnma l the Ntiitn elrvtinn to morrow Mnrh intrrost tiroi's-ai lly rone. oiitratr-. in this clectlt n, iiiusii'urli as it risu't H ill contrihiile materially to inn kin up an approximata t Die trnLd rrsnit ot tin1 rrrsliVntial ronUMt m Nnrom fcrr. Tlio frty linrs in National issue harp he n wrll d. llt r d, and no t.urrly lora issues boln; in volved In tins Mute rl'-rttou, our murm In Octuhor Diiiel If a c'rar iiitliiMiiou oi our course In Nuvoui t.r. "As I'tniisy'viinia g-ocs, no 'no- tho l.'uiou." I'li-ollon Urtmn lHtill.'ti't. Ap riK'nl Ik dm vim of lVnnsvlvanta at Vxo fcii. ral I'.livti.ius In 1w5 and In Ism, hy conntlr: - Prittint, l-ei'l. o trernor, I.'nntln. Ail U'p. Ctnui. Wioii'it A..SIIIP Ahephenv Armstrong ltrsvri I'rdtortl IWlis Weir Hmdlonl I'ncks Hut'er 4 an htia 4 anirron la. lion OMrr t I est t Clarion t'lrailie d 1 hn'on C'clainl ia Crae. tnid I'liinhrrlmul lnii.lin 1'r aware K k Krie Fayette lorrst 1-raiikiin oltnu 4-rei rc Hiinttup dun Ii'diana JefTcrsi n Jniuatn linens: or l.awrelico I.rl aunn LcliMi Lurerlip h enming , M.Kran Mercer M fllln Monroe JMontPttnioi? Mtintnnr. . . Kiirthani.toii oithuilioerlanil. . . I'rrrv 1 hi adoluhia like loiter hrlinvikil Hnyiler (senior, et t'ulllvnn fsauehaiiua Tioua TJnioi Veuaiiuo V ain n VV a.fiu.irttin W ayne Westmoreland TV yoiiuiiif Yoik Totals 11.7 H ,:'17 .... .... K,-.r. .... Hill". .... 2,v.!4 . .. 2.v.f, H.-.sj n n.'o T.'i-I Ii.4i: Hy.H) 7,Mt 2.1 it I. 'XI 2 ir.'l 1 11 2.21.1 r..7 'i 2.IM7 1J7 17.7'H a. 111 8 1137 2 41 1 H ik" 8.21 .7i! 11 2 y a .us 2.l'4 3H 1 M2 2.7M 7.IW4 1.DH l.MI 1. K17 I. 1 il II. 111 a.43i 6.11 ' 8 4vJ an (1.2VI 8,1X4 !4 a.yti t,i 1 44 8 2 f 8 1H1 1.7.-4 1.4 'Hi 13 811 3 0 4 3 iwS 8.'ft 7'f-'2 3,414 727 3,m7 1,7'K tut eats 1.112 8,4'l-i 2. 'H. 2 32.4 44,274 270 1,471) ti.fi m 1.7'.S 3. (KI ICi'.t 4.134 4,5n 2.(rJl 3.2.'."i 2.274 4 "27 2.21 1 4 44 1.87'J 5,511 1 i.'i:,l 2. i77 2.0VI 2 7'4 12,'i27 2.8-ul 2.ii-. li.Mi 3n.'4 8.'l 21t! 2.1 1H 3,0Vt 6.4 2 :VH 2 4-4.1 1.1' II !).3IJ 4 -ill 4.' 17". a.trr. 1.71H 722 8,2 a i ,7:il 8.710 l.i '22 2,'J''Jl 2.l'i7 1.9 V. 1. (1 W 1.737 ".'ivi 1.2M 2, '.J1 6,r.2'i tt 8, if. (122 8,4"S l.tljll 2 712 7.4-l 1.417 (i.-VH 8 3VI .... li .... (Now 1 7r.H 8,i r I 7 771 l.Kf.l (New (Olllifv) l.'VKI 2.4' 6 478 2 l.NVt 1 31.1 2 4 'i n.nin 8 8VI 2.7VI 1 1 in ri 2 d'H 8 47!) 47 3 218 tkil 2.7' w 1, 'i'fl 1 .1 i'l 1,14.-1 1 'Jll 0, ;)'i KI-, 4 '."tl 2. - JKI 2.51 1.3 'S 1 ,r.r,.i 6.7M:l 1.1"1 4.S-HI 2,47- 1.71 JK.tf-'l Kri R21 6,r,'-i H7ii 1,11 4'.W 2..V, I 1.2.7 HI 1. mi 1.IH1 4.(171 2 1; 4,M'.2 l,24.-i (I,ii38 1 7:M l.7:j fi.77! M.fi.HI 4 I 8.M 4i7 n.i' 3,4 '.1 1m7 4.1 .1 7tS 1.HI4 8 IK'i 3,!tlD 1,7'tl l.tMl 13,8 -,a 2 1187 8.Hrt 4.1,11 7.) 8.l'.4 1.077 5. xiV) 1,7"1- KI4 6. K2.S l.lM.'l 8 f:.l 2.1- 2 2.3,1 3U.2W1 8H 1 r,ir, 7. rt;s 1 tut 8.21H 42'. 4.471) 4.7.14 1. 21 2. twi 2.2- 4 4 74 . 2H",7 . 4.M7 . 1,21 , D1'-!H 2,2"! ! 37,1 1 1.1H4 i til!) R .-.47 1.311 . 1,7;W ! 713 ' 2!t.U 1, til7 1.2 Vi I 2. ;t7'.i ' 1.31 4 371 a.l.-fj 5.MI I 1.4 H 8,0il , .Mx.tm 2U8.412 4'M 201,171 2HS4I2 2l,171 Lit enln over a!'... 6ll,til8 Curtiii. 1". :ii' nnj. lolul vote lu Ib'i) was 523,(1 i7 ; in IS 10 it u il j,4I2. ContfrcHHlonnl. f TTiero nro Twonty lour ("oiurrertHinen to be olodotl from rennsylvanla nndcr t.io npiiortionment ot It i, repreaentcd ttirou.-h tlio Oetoijor election of 'i2 l.y twelve Ut'l'ub leans and two re DutuocralK, n Id lown: lie) ulYlcam Hon. M 'tin. ( linrli i O'N'eill, Se. coi,u l.Hti iot ; 1 eonard Mvmn, 1 h r.l I tnet ; Win. 1). helluv, lour li ltirict; M. Hunitel T.i tyer, Kiltli I) uti iel ; Joliii M .llioointih, Sev.'litn ri'.rt ; I'M 1 1 tloua rJievrn, inili l.lsliic ; il"iirv M. I rmv, lliir tci th Din.nct ; .lames r. II re, Ktilifeoiitti Diitriot ; 4ileml u. Sclinlield, Nlnlei'iilli Ditinct; Amm IHjetH, 1 went ii ( ti D.stru i; .Iuiuk K. Muorlioud, Inrnti -peonnt Distrii:!, mil lUnrt. Wliliaon, 1 wu.it tl.ii d 1 utr ct. Hi meimty Hon. Mwr. S.mi'iel .1. Randill, Cut Dixt ict; John 1. NiiI -h. sivlli III (net; l.yilenlia ii E. .Anconii, Kilith l.fltri'.t; Alyer Strom., 1'ontii Iif tilct ; 1 liiliii Join son, i'.lrvi iit'u D.ntriet; t'lnirlei lieiiinin, Iwilllli liiatMi't; Win. II. All or, Knur-K-enlli insin'ct; Jo'ili llnlv, Filloontli U.mri.'t; AtexumUir 11 1'oll'rni Ii, Sixteentli District ; A ro il ia U l.CAl IMIT, M'Vi llUl'lllll lll-U-,,'1 ; John L. Ih- on, 1 wcntv-iliHt 1 mr.ct , aud Jo.-se L.iz 'ar, t'wi u-O-louiili IXmiict. Hon. Jopli'h Baii.y, of the York Di.ilr ot, al thoupb elected in 1S.T2 an tlio re-?u ar 1 inuncraiio Bnminoe aiuiidt A. J. jL(MdIiitKNNUu(IiidiiHiiilont VallftudiKlium noiumee), bat unifornilv acted in sup port ol tlio AdinlniHtrauon and a vigorous w:ir policy. I ho CongrosH onal vote In 1S'52 wu- us loilown: Cut. Kit- 'fin. Dill. llrp. Drm. 1m (1,22.1 7,721 liMi !l,44 7,itf. 2d 8,H4 6 litis I4t lll.lnj ld.'vl) Ud 8 2Mfl K213 I5.li H.K1H )2.Si'l 44 H.'.H'I SllHIIiltli 10.4 M l'I'.IW Rll fl.llft ,M8 17t 1 7.&V1 83iS Hlh BUI'S ll,8lil 1st li 11,5111 8,SS1 7Hi U.8 4 ,446 Kllh !l,'.l;V It 4 a Plb 4.81IH 1(1.1122 20th 12.4'4 11.54.1 9th 11,174 (J.HMI 21st 10,0011 10,231 101 h 8 618 9 2iiU22.1 8,0.17 6.074 11(1 2,5!i2 11,(1,11 2ilil 8,! 7f-i 12tli 9 (41 11 408 241 h ,;,17 .i( 4 Total Vi.tn 1 ""'""cratic 220 017 10UI Vote. J i;,.puLllcllu 210,778 Democratic mijorlty 9,8U txplauutory. denote roliominatluwt. Ft HPT IllKTUIrT. tkcoud, Third, Fourth, Fitih, Sixlli anil Klcvvnlh Wards, l'liiludelphiii. Kational Union. I Demooratic. Johu 11. Uutier. Samuel J. lUudail, FECOND 1USTRICT. First, Heventh, ljKhih, Ninth and Tenth Wards, I liliudolpliia. National Union. I Domoerutle. Charles U'lulll. Willium M. Iteilly. TllIUD UlHTRItrr. Twplith, Thirteimtli, Sixteenth, Seventeenth. WuU teenth and Niiii'tecuth Wards, I'lniudelpliia. Natioiuil Uiuoli, I llemocnitic. Leonard Myers. Charloa liuckwaiter. rorrtTH uihtuict. Fonrtoentli, Filteenth, 1 wentietli, fwonty-flrst oud I'wentv-toiirib Wards, l'lilludeliilna. Naliouul Union. Deuiocrutjo. WUliaiu U. KvlWy. I George .Surturop. Firrn insTiMer. Twentv-pocond. Twenty-third and Twenty-llfth Wards, I'hilHilelplua, tooilicrwith Ilucks cniiuty, Nl.Uonal l:muu. I Demneratlc. Id. UusmU 1 hkver. lleury 1'. It oi. H1XTH BIBTUICT. Xoniiroiucry and Lehixli. Kational I inou I Democratic, (ieorjic liu.lock. II. Slmkiuv lluyur. EVENTn ntsTntcT. ( lirBlorand Dulawaro. Kational Fiium. ltrmocratio. Johu M. Uruomall. John C. It. ally. EIUIITIT DISTIttl'T, Berks. Kational Union. I Di inncintie. W l.liaui 41. lleuter. "Svdei.liaiu p.. Aucona. K1NTW UIHTUICT. i4tucuster. Kational Union. I li,'morntio. MUaUdtus Meveus. II. M. North. TENTU UlrtTllIOT. Schuylkill and Lebanon. Kational I ui-.u. I Deiuooralio, Howell I'Kher, Myer btrouse. VLEVENTI DIHTUICT. Kotthampton, Carbou, Mouros, I'iko and Wayai Kiitioual Union, leuiooratio. Col. Juiuci L. ist'llrlJe't. I I'hilip J iUusoo. TWELFTH IliaTKtOT. T.iierne aud hu-uitlniiina. National I inou, I Douioeratic. W. W. liiilchuiu. I Cliarlos Doui.uu. TIHKTKENTII DISTHK1T. llrtidford, WyounUK, .Suliivuu, (Jolumbia, an 1 61 )U tour. National Union. I IV.moerali I'lyasw Moicur. I Victor K I'ullet. I'eotilo's Ticket. f V. Torry, FOUttTKRNTH DttTniOT. Kortburuberland, Union, Kuydor, JuuUU aad Daunhiu. National Union. I TXtuiocrtiliii. OeurRti F. Wilier. William U. tlillor. Ft VTKENTIl DIHTBIOT. Cumberland, Y oik and l'orry. Independent W ar Dom. I Demooratic JoMtpb baily. A. J. Ulotbreuuor, aiXTEENTH mamtcT. Adams, Franklin, 1 ulwn, llodford andRimers.it.'' National liniou. I DeuiooraUo. William 11. tooutJ. A. U, OoUroUi. BEVENTHKNTH PIHTRIOT. Cambria, lllair, Huntingdon and Mifflin. National Uiiiou. Domoeialio. ALraUaui A. barker. R, L. Jobmou. EIUBTKKHTrl DlflTRIOT. Centre, Clinton, Lycomiux, Tioga and Pottur. National Uuiou. I Demorratic. BteuUenK. Wtlaou. I Theodora WnsUt, rinetekktu dhtmot. Erie, Warren, McKoau, Forest, l.lk, Cameron, Jet tonou aud Cleaitleid. Nstlonal Union, I Domocratle. Clciwl W. Oevutaa. I WUUaui Uixier. TwitwTirnt PiaTRit T. Crawford, Venaiwo, M.-r.-r .i.itl flirlon. Nntlnnal I'ninu. I I . mnerntle, V. Culver. W. 1,. (.orbt tt. TwrwTT-rtntT nsinit-r. Indiana, W e-lmor, lauil and Fay tin. Katmnal I num. I I'.mi.xTatie, ttniitb luiler. John 1.. Ihiwton. TwnTV-frrnun i.isntr'-r Allegheny (xiiilh ol Al!eli. ny l id Ohl Tliyetnl. Nalinnol I n on. I I i,.m,iera'io JaiiHi. K. Moorm ad. .tnui. - II. Hopkins. TWK.NrV.THIKl. lt-r.:it-T. Allegheny (no-th ntdhin sn,l Ai!lienjr Uiver)i I, inter and Artu- l' iH'. Katlora' I nlon. I Hemnisr-itle. Tliomas Willlain-. W.liiiim J KoiinU, TWKNTr-IXlI'llTIl tllTIITr. ltwrenre lleiver, Vnll li.'li.n uu,t (,r'"m. a'il.tla' r.il.in I I tnirrntie. Ctsjrao V. Lawn-nee. ,!.-- rienatorlnl. There are eleven s(Miat'ir to ' if l'ennsy.vanla in th in li.wni"' i appoi lionnieiii. ol' 1 'i'A At. tii" -Senate utoml r atnn i' l.'iiinn, 17 Oi the Pcnatnr pnlnx out four are le.rs. Wiimkii Won nu nii r.iN ( 1 1 li. lu ar. to the Se'iutft nl - riftt, under ih-s slim ot 11 t10 : lltvnocnitie, 1 1. ill in, vn , II in. Uwnrt, IIks tr Jiiiimioh ( Lvramiti'l, .Imm I'. Yr. iky ( Allejlu nv), and M.iuimw II. Inviir (l-iet; nnl at.veii are lieinerrats, (v r., Hnn. Mev-S'-H ( '. M. 1 , in ivai (I'liiiaileipti at, Wii.liah Kirv ( 1 i ). .1. r. Kuitii (.Mi.ni'.onterv), tiattutiK V. SrKi,i (North amp on), Hkitkh ' ivtrt (lirdt), Mkhnmid lil-n iv (Si huylkill) ami (ik.iicii: II. Ili'i iirit ((.'nnl. iH rlaiul). Asterisk dennto reno.iiiii-)tlin. Til 1 11 1. IMHTIlll'T. Fifth. Sixth. F.'. v' i Ih. I"iiu, -iiree.ifii. ;.. venter-nth ami Ki htcii.t'i Wai l-. I'.u .i I '.plua. Nnlif.hiil riitoii. I !, ii mr'ie. Isaac Mit ppird. (.'. II, Oauovan. FTPT'I HIRTIMIT. Chester, 1.) aware ami Sin if ;om "ry. Vationnl I iiinu. I lie imci itio. Horace llojcr. Perry M. lluiitir. di.TTii tiri:ii r. Ilm-k-. National I'nlnn. I 1 "norratic. William (.odseh-ilk. O. l .Uuies. HKVKNTII IIISTf.irr. Ilni'li and N'irthaiiri'on. NRtinlifil t'nl.in. I I) Mii M'ri'le. Onrii I.. Sclin ilter. tieor",. It. cll.ill. EinnTit tiintn-T. Hern. athi :il ruii.n. i,"iiier:tie. Mnjur Willium (tiiner. Ilei-t"r ( lyiuer. MNTII IHsTl'.U'T. .-.'titivlkiil. National I'nl. m. I I ononnitic. Col. Henry L. ako. Wilni u M. luti l.ill. KIM'IM'KKNril PMr-lli'T . l.veouiiiiff, L'u nil ami Str.der. Nntionnl I'm. in. Ii 'iii'icrattc. f tiurlea II, Mirill T. Jnlili Walls. nVKNTY-FtTlT Ilff-TRirT. lliuir, 1 1 mill iifr't, .ii, i entr', MiOlm, JunUts, and Frry. National Fiilou. I lttmncr,itie. Loins W . Hull. I Dr. IS . i hristy. Knit lluniiM. II. J. Walton. TWENTY-FIFTH HISrUICT. Allegheny. Notional Fnlon. I P'mseTntle. Tlioiuui .1. Ill jliaiu. I Jnnai U. Mct'iiutoclc. TWr.TTY-JtlNTII im-r iicr. ( rawford and Kho. National Fnlon. I Demoorntic. Morrow li. Lowry. Dan Kice. KcprfNniiiilve:. Tlio House of llepreseiitiitives, at th" session of 18ti4, sttioil Natl.iual Union men, 63; Democrats, 47 Fnion maturity, 6. Sleinhors tor 141 are olented in distnels under iho new apportlonm nt ol H 4. 1 lie candidates iutliolollow.il? list to whose nam ss astnr is attached, wcro nietnlH'rs of the House of 1804: Dittrirln. yitional Fwi.w. 1. I hi aila. .. 1 1 1 1 u t ii Fos er. 2. Fhil.uln...W. II. Kii.ldiui.in. Divi.l Mmklo. Il ls. J. llirer. Sam'l Josephs. J iiii.1 Moss. H"nrv Itninner. .loo. McV lekm. Jos. L. luek.i. Joel Cook, Jr. l.O'l . A. yuiRleT. L. li. rrv. A. D lloilenit. It. Vaui;linii. ( . Donnelly, (i. W. Arundel. A. It. Sch.iiielit. Jonathan Woli. W. H. Hurtles. Mich. Arnold, Jr. F. A. Markor. Win. H. .snoldrukD. Dr. J. Loecii. Jiicob Fox. Dr. A. D. M irklev. K, L. Sutter: liwait. I.tither Calvin. F V. I.1 Did n in. Nelson Woiser. J iinei K. Kliuo. . . Itiot. -auiuol Hliimcr. '. etcrt.llbert. -Win. II. Nelson '.lurry Hakes. A . l.raOy. D. F. Scyh-rt l!"V. R K (,md. Joliu Jucksoii. Win. II. Stevens. J. A. Limb -riu in. t .Ull'loH VllsOII, John I'nitt. D. s. lioyor. V. II. J.icoby. r. II. I'nrdy Dr. A. M. Lour. 3. I lulinlu. ..Hielnir.l llnti-r 4. I lull' a.. W. W. Watt. ,Joa. C. 1 lioints. 6. 1 Inlnilu. (1. I't iiu.la. . .Jiimes I n'lM.rn. 7. l'lii n(la...,ll,os. Cm lirau. 8. l,hlhnia...Miis, N. K'-rna. It 1 liilinlu...( Imrles lo-ler. 111. 1 hiiu.m. S. I'aiicoiujt. It. I'll liilu..F 1) Slerner. 12 I'hilaila..!.. V. Mitpliili. 13. l'liiliida..K'ins C Itenuer, 14. I'liihuln. Francis Ho d. 15. l'htlndn..tien. lie Hiiven,.lr. 10. FhilaiU..W m. F. Snii 11 17. 1 hi mla. l'.ilvarl (.. l.ee is. I,l.iliiilu..f:inic.s .Miller. iJeia wuro .... Ill . wod lysoii . 1 N . I't.iiiivpttcker. Chester.. W in. II. Wn.lilell. N. J. hliarnless. A 9irn..u Jenkins. Monlirome' ry.. bulks W . Kreull Hirer I Ilci jumill Muidi. ' I Juntos liolterts. t I J. in .. .."lis.-. l ch,eh jAarim lMi..b Koritminp- I .luo. C. Wm'barli. Inn J no, 8. Kro dlcr. ;;;;:::::w....Stro., W ttvue, l ike. IW m. N. Moni. s. Itoliert Love. K C, Vincent. Sn-nni'u'na ( t.en. II. W el's. A H i J II. M. (Merlonis. timii oi.i& t ".loHopn .iiarsii. hlil.lvr.ll L'.roineniir iiuell. Snni. II. tlrwi. Siini. A leiiiun, li, II, Mauley. Daniel Minder. l.Vi'oniin... Iifitii. and Sinier.. Columbia & Montour . or. h'nib'd Tioa and I olior. .. ( Ill ton, Camt run h .ieheuu Cei.tn li jiit'cdiiu, M till ii & J jitiuta. . Schuylkill. J. M. Former. A. (i. Olinsti art. Jno. V. ouornsey. No uoiiiinntiou. Lucius ltoers. "A. C. Noyes. .MaJ K U.Forsler. ('. T. Alexander. i.lolin N. Hw.ipo. John W. K tarns. John ltalslmeh. J. Simpson Aiiict. Win. W. 1 homus. diehaol Wimvor. ."eili W. 4,eer. Fr.il. lUrnev. l.r J.( McW ilhamsll. ll. Ktioads. I ! K. Iillllnaivlt W. S. Dhvis. I It. W. Shetik. II II. Dimliio. A brain Sh ink. W. U. Custer. Adam It se. J. W. Awl. ( nanus II. Zetsler. I.uncaster, Lebanon.. laupliiD.. York ' t Dav WtMid. ( Charles Denncs. ..Isiac Hurler. ( Ml. C. Allviimn 1 D. Knisi'r. ICeioheiibaeh.'.lotiu F..Spauelor A. S. Hinder l.imea Cameron. Cum berliind.. James Kelso. I't rry and I Samuel Ho ith. Frunklln.. A. K. Met linn Adams David M. Myers. "T "iT'iVi r i mw a- Rlair JniDO Ci. Adlunt. ( am briii Kvau HoLcr'M. ( Icartleld, &0-IS0 uomiuatiuii. ."n. ''" Armsu-ontr. . ,.John W. M"eKeo, Indiana and ((iooriro F. Smitli. M csluiuro- (Jus. It. McAleo. luud (Juiuca AiclJroy. Faieltn lobu Collilis. I, reel e tdoe (Jornou. John D. Itowiimu. J. Mal. Sharpu. W. . Milche.I. Jos. II. Marshall. 11. P. Mvers. Hiram Kindlay. . John Croamor. i . L. Pursuing", r. Jell, lioyor. W. W. Barr. W. li. Chamlien. John Mullen. .I0I111 11 ir.riii.tt. J.ibu 'A-. IHriaio. 1'. 11. Seariiiht. Kootia. Faao Newklrk. J..I111 Korirusoii. John H. Cusarove. Win. McCrwery.j W a-biiieton (M. L. Ouay. and li.av- I !(. It. ICoed. .las K. Kellev. John 1. t loss. II. A. ( o'vll o. AlleuheilY.. Allred Slack. i.e. neoKnaiu. ,-saii'U' 1 ' iiHtiivirn. 1 icior m-niia. (00. Y. MeKee. t Oust. Miller. Huus. It. Heiroli. -lobu A. F.vwua'. t lnirloa Koouce. Merei t.Ijiw H. McKilllev renoe and Jim. ll. iNiiiey. l ull' r lW m. llazlclt. VemniL'O ft I W. H. ll.iriwin. W. riasson. J. Y. J.II1IM. I. . Z. Diukn. l eiirson Church, II. 11. Fruuois. 1 rot. L. W. Savage V alien. W . 11. llruarn. J. C. Mturievaiit. Crav.iord. f ioo, II . lleinus. j Jno. It Cociuuli. j Hosts Hilt. Krie. I.ovr. Love Is of the imture of tba barnltiR plnss, wbioh, kept still In cue plivc, liieih; ( liunycil ul'icii, it Uotll notlilng. -Sir Julm Slick- l'Ht'SIDFNT LlWt'OI X'g llt.AII. "It ii tlflt tllfl land of it tighter, and he ran take no pleasure in cnniliat or contention." Amriiean I'hrenologkul Jout nat. IuuiTATiN'o tiik FEi:t.ixti. After rolling all night 111 your berth at sea, till you are mUn-r.ib I y tick, to have a steward ask you in the morning If you will have a IVcsb roll forUuiikfust. A Blacksmith's Toart. The proprietor of a forgo, not rtmnrkuble for correctness of Inn gnagc, but who, by industry, had realized a com fortable iudepemleixe, being called on at a aocml weeing fur a toast, cuvt 'Succor to Forgery." riti'.sii.uxT Lincoi.n'4 Nose. ''Its promi nence Is au evidence of a developed mind aud a iironir character. It is neither booty nor blunt, lint is lu every way a lirat-rate nose." American J 'hrenohijical Journal. Suooii.vrivB l'BiiSENT Some kind frieuJ of the leditor lias (riven him a ridinK-whi'i. lis i' t niates that nothing but a saddle, briulc, and botae, and the free use of a bam and fodder, is wanted to make hia tuia-out uud hid hapuiuen complete. The Lonq TIoiie Rt'i i i.ed. "Silence I silence in the Court," exclaimed an irritated Judge at a country assize ; "is it not monstrous that you will not keep silence I Thu. very morning we hat e drcided a dozen caee, aad not heard out) of them !" The Beauty, of a Du su. Oadhe wit In com- Eany with a mother and daughter when the latter eing reproved fur somothmn, blushed and barst into tears, lie aaitl: "liow beautiful your reproach Laa made your daughter! That critu aon hue aud those tUvery tears become her much Utter than any ornament of gold or pearls. These may be hung ou the neck of any woman : but those are never seen disconnected with moral purity. A full-blowu rose, bvsprinkled with Cureat dew, U not ao beautiful as thia child lushing beneath ber parent'! displeasure, and (.bedding tears of eorruw fur her fault. A blush in the aigu which nature hangs out to allow whet cuaotUy and kouor dwell." HIE 4IFFF.lt" Tl JKN. .HeC I KM.Af, For avme time past there have lie-n BaHertiotis In the Demorratic nrwspaH'rs, v.hieh were reifjtr ted by their aiiCAkers nt public meetln , that U 'C iiidctit Lincoln hnd nffirnl to Mnjnr (Jeiiernl McCt.Ki.t.AN a lil;li itiiiiinnml in the army up in romlilion that he wnuM not neeeiit Hut 110111 111 ti hi of tlio Chli Bno OiMM iitii.n. Snrli a tut nient, if it had born true, wnul I hnvo dime mueli to weaken fnilh in the Admiuistrriti ul, mid it would bftvo been a linr.iiiti runrernin:' whi ll sharp nniniiiilversli.M would hnvo lai n neiu ri'ly cxpn ased. At lemitli wo have, the full p irtieiilura I of the s.i-i ii!leil "niter" Imm 1 mm 1'. Hi.aiii, a pentletiinn who htilds nn t'li-itiim utnli r tlio A I ministintii.il, mid nnUssKt -ially nut I loriw I by the I'rvsidi ut, could not bind il. Mr. Hi.aiii snys lh.it ho went to New V.irk npnn bis own motion, nil 1 without Instrtieilon or snlieimtinn tro n any oin', lie hopoil, by rt.tisultntinti with lin.limr mo pi lirin'i nlii.ut tt n.neerf of linn, and to nvotic Ic dillennees ofiipiniiMi nhieli, il persist ,1 in.wiui'd (lestriiy tlio Imrnnmy o tieeess:uv nt thisti'ii'. Ho fiiw mill eniiversed with W, t'l i.i.i n IIrv ast, nf the I'.ivnhiq fust, Jam.h limiiiiiN !i:n NKTT mill HoKAI'K C It ICE ll: Y . Mr. Ill tut then soiiglit an interview with (ieneiiil M.'Ci.ki i.in. Iho result nf that coul'iniieo is thus fluted by .Mr. I'.t.Aiit : ' I had on honr'. eonversation w i' h him, whlen ' " pie ni'iil by le.lilK him tue wuinves Mhieli tin t.rotiKlil me to ,Se v Voi k sj. I l.a.e st ueii in m "' at, five, ami ev s'..fii. thnfi'H-tt In inn th it I il-t hut mint 7V.WI Mr. I.INrol.N; nf ntwt'h rifi, or " rrtn chisi nf.ro.ii turn to m ikf r.'iresn',i'eiis or " er.Tiir.'s ei,iv sort Ui htm: Hint In- h ul ti.il b ii t apprmnl tifmtf rmit or .lir.ose, whl.'ll w.n in n.irt o lo a.ivise with li:m (llie l,eiieia. as on" wlim.i he " knew to be his triend wuU repai d to the put.i.c i.i 11 ten sts noil Ins own." " I told linn that I had little doubt he would he the nominee of the I hieii ( .invention ; sikJ th 1 tt' 'w ' ncrrfitrit he leeiii Itr itrft atrit, ami II lleteiite.l, his " late would be that ol all previously tleli'.lle I e nl 't oillah'S viho hail pliiyed tor the I 'I esiileuev Ci. A Y, 11 ( Ai.iit'iiN, Weiisi-ku, ami the rest ; timt iiithoin.u ' ssiirmion to the ell el p aee in the liepu lie mils " an honornl'le atnlutioii, there w,i un insti.iet in i he " iil.iir nniid which alwuvs iciu'led 'roni aeneral " conlidi nee any wl o Soticht it Willi tlio le isi s ipi 11 cum ol selistiius at the exp 'iin ot Kivat na iou il " eoii-ioiTatioiis; and il the put. lie one pronouncel f Its t an by votuiff loin down as iiuvhit soiiirht iho " plac, without duiy wei..(iiiiK its irrtnit oxnreiicv, espeeuiliv in 'lirli a revirutinmiry crisis as tlio pro " si l.t. hr eon. n,eer rise or,lill "I i rired that he oui(ht to considel tlnlt B( t ils mo " nieut a schism ot the Union partv of ihe North, ..a 41 ihe issue oi the Presidency, w is looked toeveiv- when1, at home and abroad, i tlf nn'v ir iv o-.s-' i,e Ihriniijtt U'Ai.Vi tlm IMliM titulil .ir.",..;,i.A " is 07,'rt 1 tie tlissolulioii 01 the I n 011; that 1 b. ' lieved that he, the i.enerul, was the only ma i .VI. o f bad a position that enabled any purty in the Noitii o lo 1 nil on, to eomuiiimt a loree Unit eo ild miike a " tneiioh in Ihe piitiiolio Ijiiou paity, so a-to ileleat ' or 111 uny o-seutlal tlen'O enloehle, to vivo succo-ia " or even toe hotc to tluieueiinosol our 1 over 11 111 'lit, " loioiKU or Utmost. 0; ami on Cos itromi i I " api eiili d to Is 1 111 10 withhold bis i.auiu tiom "the so-called p. aco men who weto so .11 to us " sen. I,le at Chicago. 1 exi rrsod the opinion tint t it whs Ins uuty to hia country, and ihent.im his 11 own tme policy as 11 ro-a riled his luma and aspii-a-' Hons to pul lie honor-, to addiesa a 110:0 to Mr. " LiM iii.N usklinr command in thearinv, declaring " ul the sumo tunc time thut he did not s, a it w ith a " v:ew to iccotiiuiend biuiselt to a l'le-ideuti.il 11. 1 11 iniiiaiioii ; that ho tiioiiirht, ami hopc.l ho loo t' thoiu'ht, that 110 man, especial. v in rovolutfinary f tunes, oiil'Iii to lead an army 111 1 o ii.ml and a m M tliioinrn the strein'tli ot th:it position at once to ' rrusp the civil power 01 Iho i.iiverii.iieiit: that no M man had ever nuirohiM IVnin the battle 11 Id In the " civil power with 1111 army which ho had tliscip luctl " and led 111 person that did not litid himseli ah o and ' w illinir to iim. (hut army lu secine tlm: positiiui. 11 I urired, thereloro, tli.it it I1.1 wished to exert 11 Ihe bii:li military aitainiiicuts which Ins triemls, " and I 111110111. the rest, nelieveil liel.u..'ed t.i him, lor ' tho lei.elii 01 his count 1 y lints ,ito ami deuth ,.11112. " pie, that he should aliiili.lou the id.-ai.t Immiih a " eui On lute lor the l'lesinoiiev II he e.ilerliiiiu. I it, " aid retuin to service 111 toe lielo. iiif 1 tin- Pre. " s dint r'ftiti it Ot. n he teen lit be rrnpoiis.tite fur thr, " cms. tui ni'i'9. " li ho ussi'uted tho result would bo that h would coulouml bis eu,.-ini.i, who I1.1.I, as 1 believed, 11 nri.ed 011 1 lie War 1 'omuntn-o, and linpresse t i 011 " tne piihiic nitiid that tho dehivs ot thourroat ar:uy " lie hnd coiiimuli.le.l in aclnovina dec sive r,.ilbi ' were the eonseiilielien ot an ambition to clinch Itiu " 1 n'snleiiey by iinrjerinir oui ftin war and his enm " miinil to the end of the I'r siilentiut torn., ttnit ho " iniffl.t niako the picstigu aud bold the inouus to 11 t'ltl'Ct his ptllTiOfiC." Mr. Bi.Aiit tavH timt Ocneral McCi.ei.i.an lis tened Kiinlly. Ho liiselniiuetl any iloniri! to bo 11 rmitlldiito for tho l'rosi.lein y, und protiiiso i to consider the stilijoct. Mr. Hlaiu snys thill what he lnul done wim lioticsily tnojint, and diwiino I to prninolo tho pulilio kooiI mid thut of (lenenil MrC'Uil.LAN. It will bo scon that tlio I'roni.leut whs totally itnmnint nf Mr. Hlaiii'm vidt and its object. Mr. Hi.aiii " iill'. ic I" tlen. M. Ci.i:i.i.an nothine'. As his friend ho couuscle l,im p, cnipli.j un lit in the field, of tlio 'resident, nil 1 justly inferred thut if this toqucst should be re I'tiMcd, the renpnnsibility and cofisoiiioueos would rest with Mr. Linhhi.n. .Mr. lit. 11 it iiictiii.iiiod no con.litintis. Ho coiiM not have done ho in a matter in which ho lul l voluntarily intervened, without roiiMilialioii with Mr. Lincoln. Asa friend of tieni nil M Ol.LI 1 AN he felt it his duty to at!vis him. Ho knew nut how the subject would bo, received by the rresident, mid if (iener.il Mi Clkli.an hud followed Mr. 111. At it's kiihui s tions, tho result iiiiiilit have, boon ipiito dillcrotlt from what both of thorn expcetc.1. Itv.nn not until Mr. lli.Atit's return to W.Lsli ini'ton that the 1'ivsiilcnt knew of his well meant but ofllcioiis interference. Mr. II LA m mys : "I mentioned to Mr. Lincoln, on my return, tho atlempt I bad mu.le ut the conciliation ot parties t 111 New Y01 k, with a view to ileieut the oiiuositinn " In tho North, by resuirina: barn ouv ainouir ail " iiivnrinv the eiusliliijr 01 tlis ItcNillion by arms, " at d lo d bun I tlttmiitt tt prutmhu (,Vi.. r.if lo( lki. ' LEN might trritr to htm in rcnjirct Ut himtttlf. Ho " neither expressed approval nor disapprobation 01 " what I bad done, but his manner was as courteous " and kind as (..onerul IIcC'lellaa'b had bueu," It does not appear from thia that the President was informed w hut Mr. Ulaiii had said b) (Jon. Mt C'leli an. Mr IIlair preferrinc; that tho sul) jwt should bo broached by tho Ciuuerul if he saw proper to art under hia siiestlons. "Obs of the YomiKFNt, anil llrlli(eat." riiii.Anst.i'iiiA, Ootobar 7, 18(11. To thfi I'ttitnr of The Mining Telrgraph. Sir: History ia truth, and should bo ever vindicated. I saa by a despatch, u'lblishsd this evening, that the remains of Lleutauaiit Jobu tt. M.-Iki.oi' the lin giDeor Corps, hava bren brouihl In. rursonslly, I knsw neither 1.6 or any oae related to Dim ; but I know the area', glory ofa jouujf lite, alas I now ended. Thar glory. though hli sun 14 set, must yet be written. Our country an 1 the battle have ctiuseu him a at sacriuce lo agree! cause, lie Is aslenulu vletim on this mklity Moloch of Secession. Hut, to his ilit.erts, let as brlu this yoaili to the era of his slaughterer' intitniy. Hays the despatch 1 hsva rea4 This ollicer brought In tlie leiuAins of l.ieulenAiit John R Xteis.or ttie KiiJiuer ('..rp.. uiul only son ol' lire, el Msj .r-l.ineial kills. .,'uuri.T -nasttr ilein r.il, who was kil ed h l,wsl.whaek. rs on M,n ia lan.Hiiia niskhiaa n.iiliaiy nirvey in the ilratli 01 ilns salls.it .. nicer Hie Jie,urtmei.t has i.ccsiu.u 1.. d.'ilore no oidtn-y lost, l.unt year he araOtiateil at tlio Mnt'tiry AeaUeoiy, Wnm I'liint, wiia .he liiK'.-sl ho ors.a' lie tiua.1 01 ti lav class. rt.uiuili.Um.-d ss a Lit iiten.n.t of Kusimttrs and l.u.ue-illsl.-i.v a. nt Into the lU'l.l. He p. rti.ri.n-a uiurit. elous aa.1 dan, rniin service duri. a the last year .u the r .rtill.-atii.ua al naltlaiore, at Haiis-r s Kerrv.aml at ('iiniseiland, ami was nia.lsCtiiel Kn.iut-er 111 tho Army..! ttiu Hliensnduiti. In its can .ai.-l s lie aeeouipsuied the ariii.v uuiler sul, lluult-r, an.l ahunuun In every position he nave proof of great pmlossloiiul .kill, pir.oual eoiirui;'.. and tlevo'eU patil..lis.ii. One of the youngest ana hnyliteat ornsuienis ..(the military pioiesNion. hu lias lalle'U all early yicluil (o iiiut.teii.us It.bel warfare," Younsest ai il hnul'lesl" Is Indued a fltlhlK pleasi. for this yciina u.an, and tmes nie an uxoi-,tluru to "hat lu. .IIJ, whilst y.ia novice at Hull It 111 " Iho rtr.t.' I i-eeetve t-iti iiiforiiiullen oiri-et hy and from the most unit muted source, and a. e.s.iraiicu ol niy faith in Us trulli, I gbe you my lull reii-r.-iiee. T l.o.ewhii live, sitd hava fal'eil to peeform their full duty, .tare net Maine l):e writer who Indhes the lull lin-ed ol piai.u to li e Kultuiit dead, 'i n Oils vouth, who isseareoly know 11 hevond 11. u clrule ..1 a cadel-dop, is due one of llm most cxliuurdiuary lut ideiils lual watlaiu has yul pio-die-ed. In Ihe first battle of Hull llutl folollil Itod. Mattl.ewson reiuiii-d onleTs totaketii' t'xlreine lefi. Hu moved to the place assl'ued w ti h the eaoiuetliud. 01 an accorn pushed soldier, and was astonish. -,i to tiiel auotlier rtef otimlier reKlmeut to fn leu, the ciiuinander of each s.ip pOsios liitusell to he the extreme portiuil ol the fle-id. Cut il alatetuurln the day, the hatilft rajtuy all the while 011 therttnt. 't he noble Mtitthewson, "who 30 clay anotlier oiay dntti cover,' wasrc.tiliu ituiiutienlly ami Inactive. No general oil ocrs, 110 older., "no nothing," and yet tint cannons booming near. AlHP.M , 11 mv menory ol limu bo c.rieet, the anxious Matlheivson saw a eoiirior arrive. "Mir," said thu courier,"! wish you to protect tho road toyourlelt. You will he supported hy a I.atlery (u&iuud at the tiuiei.and must attack the aaeuiy U he attempt to come id thu duectioa." "i shall do so, sir," said the glorious Colonel. In lupintf at an order that cu.ed hi. hiii.siien. e.acd mtvo hiiu tliu ai eua a soldier loi es to enter, llelore the courier had left, how ever, Colonel Matttiewson, seeing his youth, hailed, and asked hisa wksnee he proi u.r.1 his a'ltliorlty. 'I li terms ol this coiivtusatioa, a. 1 leoolloct lUeu, siu these sua cliaraeteristlc : "Hy w hose order, sir? ' "Kxcuse me, sir, hut I have hsea a I over tUs fliili aal lhave se-u no one to give orders." bald Clouel Matthew-son,"! i-oncluJed the order siren by in; rouihiul leiuuiand.-r to be correct, aud, hy the Lord 11 obeyed it." t'Mayl a.kwl, Foa aref" heertosl Uthl geutlesssu beiorehahadlett his portion of tiia Hold. " My nsnie 1. lleLis.sIri I am a sou of Oaaaral Kslgs, and a caslel at Weal Point. 1 i-auia here to see praeti,-al war; I law no gDeialolticera aiound, ami ti-.oauht lliere ousht ta be S'Hiui so t just promoted asy.eJf, aud gave you orders I believe (a. be right aud proper." Ho Uiought Use glmious K.kI., and (i.lrllkd them. It Is not iny preeeut suhera or mr areeent business to write up (of down) the ll.reiuyof Ihe first Hull Run. Hut had he biaveboy who there showed liuaeeu both a hero and a ca.laiii,liava had wore etodstoaivo o-ders to, aud less nillliary "red tape" to coatoud with, Instead perhaps to day of doing feeble Justlee to his memory, I might have said in three words. "Wo coii'iaertd you at tlrst, bettor tuau your subjugation now." 1 au, lU.yvuri.tvsjKetfulIy, j. . 4, HKTOEIOAL RFMINISJENCI. Orlarln f lbs- Anirrlriait l engrfss. The Legislature of Vlrejnia Ixdng in scgalon when the new of the Boston port bill arrived 1774 appointed the 1st duy of Juno, the tiny 011 which the put of Boston was to lie closed, as a duy of fasting, humiliation, and prayer. The day was thug observed throughout the colonics, and sermons were preaehod ad.ipted ; the ore islon. The Governor of Virginia, disj;eae! with this mencuro, dissolved the A-aerably. The member, however, before they aeparated, reeomnicnde I to tbeir committee of corresjuind cue to communieato with the several committees of Ihe other colonies, on tho expediency of ap pointing deputies to meet annually in a General Coiiresa to deliberate on those general incisures whl.'li the united inlere ts of America might, fn tn time to time, render necessary. 1 his proposition was readily acceded to by fie other ri.lotiiis. The first General Congress met In Philadelphia the .'ith of S. ptt inl.er, 1771. It c insisted of fifty 01, c del galea fiom twelve culoniis. They chose l'.ylon liiiiilo'pb, of Virginia, President, and Clinrles Thomson, Sceretiirv. Tlio dolomites w. ic oppoiuti ti by the Colonial Legislatures, or, where no It irisltituie existed, the appoitittoeilis were ti.ut.lr l.y select meeting- and as-oeuti ms of cillzens, Tho novelty ami linn irt.ineo of the inei UP): of tins ('oiiErc-a excited universal atten tion, and their trali-art, mis were sueti n eoulj not hut tend to render tin m respectable. The Congress published a declaration of rights, rrnlcsting against the rifht of (iroat Britain to tux the colui'irs, or to interfere with their lirer inil atl.ilrs; with n aiatctneiit of grievances, declaring the late ai ls 01 Parliament to be viola tions of the rights of tho colonists, 1 hey also pn I'liied ami signed an iiKreetin nt, lu which they, for tbeniselves nnd their constituents, were I'le.lgeil not to import or to use Hi iiisli i;omls t il the nets 1 otnplim.oil of were repelled. And if tlie-c nets should not be reponlcd by th" ltlto d.iy el Septi mla r, 1 7 7.1, no Roods were to be exported lo (.rent llritain or her West lulia colonics, txcept rice to l-.urope. A'lilressea to Iho king and to tho people of (In at llrltuin were iiImi prepared, and 1111 address to the people 01 the clonics. The coiikresa was dissolved oil tho 2i h of Oi tobiT, having recommended th it un 'tiler C',111 gr.ssuinvenc on tlie loth of May following.', If u redress of grievances should iiot render it uiiiieees-ury. In May, i;7"), a seennd Congresa met from all the colonies. It was determined to organi.o nn 111 11 1 y , and Washington was appointed coiii- ninndi r-tn-clitcl l the Amciican torses, '1 bice tn 1 1 i.ii.is ol U"l urs ol paper moncv,in bil gof credit, were aiitlioi i.cd to lie issued, for the redemption ol w hich rut h colony was to pay its propoition, and the l ui'cd Colonies were to pay sin li part of tho itiota of any colony as tho colony should fail U. discharge. A gen r.il post cilice was (stalili-hed. Congress nlso pu'ilislied a iteclarntion of the causes of taking up arms, ai d another addressed to the King, entreating a change of measures und an address to the people of (treat Britain, rcniic-tint; 1 licit- aid, and admon ishing them ul' the threatening evils of a separa tion. The pelition to tlio kins; was, as usual, unavail ing. 'l ids Congress, at its second meeting a rocesg from Aligll-l to September having been h id pro uciicil in its multures for resistance. Utiles were tub pled for the r. filiation of thu navy ; a further eliil-slon of bills was authorized; and a treasury il. 1 ai inn nt was established. The Colonies In ing ill cliircd hv the king to bo in n stito ol relieilioii, war nieasurcs were adop'ed iiy the British Government. In lb ct tuber Parliament passed nn act Intcr dictlng all iruilc wPh the Colonics, and authoriz ing tlie capture nnd condemnation of all Ameri can vessels and their cargoes, and all other ves sels tunnel trading in any part of the Colonies, us If they were tho vessels of open enemies. The ma-a of the American people having become rnuiitced of the necessity of an entire separation fiom the parent country, Congress, on the Mill of Juno, 17711, appointed a committee to prepare a dec uiution, "that those colonies are, und of neht ought to be, free and independent Stales." The committee consisted ot Tliomas .Iclfcrson, of Virginia; John AilmiH, of Mas-actiu-etts ; ll.i j.nnin Finnklin, nf Pennsylvania; lloer Sin riiuin, of Connecticut; uud Hubert H. Llv 11 g-t'in, ot New York. Thus we see that a redress of grievances was all 1 bey asked ; und nut until alter their petitions were fiei,ii(nily iinswercd by insult and Injury did tl ry think of separation. In contrast to tho Ani.ri.an people then, 1 t us now read tho Ih duration of Independence nf 177'i, nod tli n i-o rtad tne sperm or Alexander ll. Stephens, ol G.oigi.i, in the Legislature of that ' St ite, N'.'Vcn.b, r 14, lsiiO, and men H-k, oil in I v and ( cliiu rate y. Is sece-slon right ? IJ. K. K. RATIONAL UNION TI0iTT. COUNTY OI'FKJEHH. SlILlLlFf, liKNUY C IIUWtLL. BEUIHTRR Or WILLS, rkEI.RUICK II. AB4MH. CDhK Or Tlltl ORrilANH OOl'UT, CIIWIl A. MGKK1CK. city oiT'toKng. UKCUVEH OF TAXKM, CUARI.FJJ O'KKILL. CITY C'bMMIHMIONUU. THOMAS DlCaSOS. CONOHK8H. l b it liUtrlct Hvcond District... Third Dlntrtrt Fourth lll.tr let.... Ki th UUIriet ....JOHN M. IILTI P.lt. l...t'UAKl.i;4 ON KILL. ....I.F.ONAI1U klVKItH. ....WIIXIAV D. KKLLKT. ....K. KU8.SF.I.L TUAYEB. SKNA rOK TIUHO UIHTIIlCr, 18AA0 A. 8I1EITAHI). Klll'llEaKNTA T1VES, First District WILLIAM F08TEB Htrond 1)1. Wot WILLIAM U. liUHDiMAV. Third Matrict HICHAHU lltTLKIl. rourth blsuict W. W. WATT, Firth District JOHEPIl T THOMAS). Kiith District JAUE UtlXHOItN. HeveuUl I'l.lrht THOMAS CoUIIKASf. r.lehlh Dl.trlct JAMES N. KfcltKS. Ninth Dl.u-loi CHAKfJlrl VodTKH. Tenth Dlatrlct S AMU lib 8. PAROOAST. Eleveuut District KltAKKLIN D. HTtttN'lSU. Twelfth District LUKE V. B0TPU1N, Da. Thirteenth Dlitrtct ENOS C. EKNhliU. t'ourtoenth Ill.lrkt 1'ltA.NClH H03D. Filteenth District GE JIK1E DE ftAVf'-X, Ja. Sixteenth District WILLIAM T. 8MITU. Beventaeath Dlstrlc EDWAJtl) O LKK. llahtieiith District JAMES MUXES- -11;t RATIONAL UKICN TICKET. FOB FltKMDEXT, AliHAIIAM IsINCJOI.N-, or Illinois. TOR VIl.'E-l'KF-SlUBNT, ANDUKNV JOHNSON, OF TLKStSSKE. Ut.jKtrj'jl'OIlAI-i T1CKUT. HENATnBIAL. MOIt ION W-VlltCIIAt L. Philadelphia. T. CUaMSUllAAi, Uoavor Couol. BEI'ItE8IiNTATtY. I. ltstisrt F. King, It. U. Morrl.eu Coatel, g. Henry Kuuiu), 4. Wllhaui 11 Kern, f. Harton 11. Jenks, C. 4 liatlrt at. Kuuk, 7, K avert Faike, t. William I lor. . . Joliu A.Ilic.iai.d, 111. lilibsrdll.C'oriill, II. Fdwerd Hsilioay, U. Charles tt. Head, II. Kllss W. lUla, ilt. Charles 11. olutuot, 1 la. John Wlsltr, 1 hi, David MoCouattKhv, in. David W. Wools, 14. Isaac Haiiaott, I I. John Fatf u, ). Heiuuel H. Disk, oil. Kverard lU-.rea, ti. John I', feaur, ii KI,-e rorM,.Jskln, 1. Joha W. Buiiaiai J. By order of th "tat Ceiiu al OouuulttM. H1MON OAMKIION, 1-1 CHAUHUW. T7DEN VI ILL IHE PEOFLE BE WISE? nunt'M.li rii IhotHftndi tf 6nr ." ifvMt Marly, fcnd hnndredi ard thoaandfl of th Dt iH mwmn ot An,M(t ltiifr ) pn. And fii, mi Olio oraniotaro ?ivt wit that nwful , T wp(ppia ThojuvthV ph)irr)aii, nrt thut tijitn.a bi t iul o m ! nn raltof, no c'0; -tJ Uf nrxi we btor of tlv m th no tn0 that b n n fVm whtao po travc cr letnrot " w aay to tN ft. t'l. ttiat (tit? wiine w gi'Tt ttili !ajr o ta oo t1F(ul rurei ofI;psipia raaileby 1)11. W1HIAUTH OltKAT AMKHK'AN DYHI'KPKlA I'lLLS AM) aTINIC TRRK TAlt (klIAL, fnm tiKn and worn fn of onq'ir-tron-hl WAfth and rpuit.ri.n Th y 1t la an arnj d fMiif i,in.a. 4 Mid r v thvlr tttfU"nT, My ot tnm we e taoJ trcui r cry wn vt dMtth wl ro a I nrp- wm R"n. 1t. Acontnt enln r a i"ihit at il, pit if Uto itomai-h. 2.1 K ami ! in-. a Why. f'o(ih ftttin anl l'm ot" apivtitf. 4th. (iioviin aiiil d ppOHion ct aptrlti, th. hlairiiira wiili rrhli tr. fth. Piitn in all parta oi th syn'rm. "Ut. t'oiiwun tlTp utptiiruaiic.u.il "atl. no; tlu li.ri. h ti. (''lull, wnt pit In m In f thn at, !th. N-rniit afctr4 n and waiHof lfp M rU'lit. 10th. IfM of atiritla and t Ditf.iikf. 11th. Dirrlw itln-tirni ( viiou and l nitht. 1 t h . lUailartio and siawrtnji tn waikinn, Wiih rrcat faktiPiii, Out 'if t);t th'-tif and nf rinpi of dvpcnla that) bavo Ufril Dr. WMmri'i tircat American lp -ila 1'iiia. nut onont tlirm liaa Uilnlaf a pt rti-i-t rirr. W a r.int a curr In wry t a, no inaMerif'of tw.-nt? yrn' ninntl Iiik. '! bjr all driisffsiata evrwtief. au.l at lr. !t.rlUk, N. 10 N. PKiMMIi Htr.-iu, I'iii.a el plila, I'a, AH rxamlnailnm and cnnn!ttlina frra of t'liatBt. Sen J for a circular. True ll kvt .Sent by ni.il, ireo cr.-IiAiKt, un tvt ft ul immey. ijYsrtl'HlA -M. HI'l.l'S! K. Mr "M,;.rt, I nl-h to att my e-tini-ny tfl t'te hnn dit'iTtu utti i to th lirttiliiai pnf,'f i(ta 01 your Tlno j 'l'rr 'I iir t'unlial. t'o, tli ttnji'iuaa tuilt"rT( trn ycari 1 of Unit time 1 have slept 01.17 in in? chair, not bt'liiK ft'ilo to lie ilov n fur ft ar ot nutltM-atlnn. 1 havti unitiloyttd -even ot tlit- In1 it pliynU Una In I till(tt lphia, who ail nrniin-cil i my rase Incurttlile I aa taken to tho Cnll'v-p. hrt' the J 1 ,.1-uuy, ha. Hig tloiiuw)at ili' C'UlJ,UH:uimi mr dh- tair an mrurahlc i-ae of Aaiho a and Chr mlc ' i!to,'U, In. il at ntaii, anu that m InnK were partially pfm. Kliitlmn one if our cciu urs, my U ir'rurvd fr.Mii your ton a Imttlo nfymir Corjlul. rjrwvfrln:l) I ntfd nfvn bi'titrH, aiid a bo and u half of your Kyup-'ptla 'Ills, whom I f ett tLat mj tliat asu huil w h-ii y Klvon way, and t'10 tJur dia. had kIm-ii me new ttyor anil utronKth. 1 o tiultiu'd to ln.pi oe and for the pant ihra niotttlia 1 havu hern able t ! p in nij Irril ua sun 11 illy a 1 nvcr itM. 1 aia now well, and liave ftoitifd twiM ty-flvt' H)undi In my Wright. I am utile to wot k and provide for mjr fi tally. I -scud yon tint true ft ml fuithful ntatetin-nt fur the b iicili of the mif erlnn. Kriindi, cull aud ( m near Ox tor. I Cftarth I'ostOtllce, I went) inird Ward, IMilUdel;hU. !HA(,' lltfil.l.KRM VW. DK. M'HHAItTS CHEAT AMKBtCAN' IYrPK'flIA I'll.LH. T 1.11 la to certify that I Btnlered for ton yearn with that drcmlfiil i'iiii)lallil f a lt d flyupe I R iilVniti much pain and dlnrrta, with kIo in and dorm-iston of tpfrfta ; X nun lit a u.i hy ei.lit (lifliri iit iiyaiiiuna lor my ujoj p'aiiitu, and at tlinea was nstn h hotter, but tlitm ntyo'd ill. las', di,.ela, would return with all lu dreadful rt a! ui. n, and in u ln-Ut ma t in waa ftttt u nstiuK uw.ty. In thin KM-a .itid ih hi lit a ed atai. I hitmlt, a clrrtil ir 1 lr. li-lirirt kr-at Ann rlian Dytiiepmu n u ivi i';ie Irtci T! i urtliul, w Inco tVivui('uili't:t ileHt'i'iiUon ot air amteilniR, wt d I deterintntxl lu pltwo myielt under tho Jjiivuir'a caiu. und 1 uke hia inedlciufri, Aa boon as I comiuenrfltl tne uh of the in'df'lno, I tKiiU to get better, and ao I uoiulnu d Unee tuo ittis, nt vsttl. h Hue I win eiHvtly euted of all in cotutilaintat and ieteetlyrrtored to heaith; I am tn-d a well mm . Ir. W li hart, I give u Una carliiitMto with a trratvtul hi arl ttir tlio bem.ll' 1 have tccelvtd run thu use ot your tiuly woiHlt iiul medio r-ea. May Wod b:e you and pre serve your truly iiswtHl 1 fu for many ye.Lni. I would any to try iek perinn who was tuillurliiif ai I whs thut my r nide m-e la Mu. It Itichmaiid atreot, i'hi.a'IelpriU. wbero 1 wll. take giciit tlelsht in Kivlnif tittitii'i'iy lu the gee at lowtr oi Dr. n iiiWt'a uu diiius to cure F II AI.I.KS. Ir Wlal ait h StoieuoJ Ollice.No.loN. ttlX'ONnriiret, riillndelrhia. bYHI'KPsi A ! DY.SPI'.rsiA 1 1, Mo-ea Koininin, do uertit) Ihut I wna nck with dyn pf inU mr tu ja.rH; 1 waa very ul k ai iho pit 01' my BH.iua li, wlih palu tn my b eui, able, hick and tiil, w tb diii.ei and iaKK'i'lii lit wi kniK,WHlMr at wew nets and K' urul debbtty. I inpko-i, m t.i U ui. ':vcn cnniiiiit pi yoirlana, ami ti.ey ditieretl 111 thmr upuil'iiiof niydlM-ae; miuio tboutilit I hud one tlinfiisM, aud some anott er. but I nas all ihu limo Ktitt iitd woratt au I worne, until I b iin v no low tbHt my w .m would 11.it to (wa mo fi-rvYet kn toi.e hei. Wbna in this d eadfoi ciiilliiu, I plm-td uiM-!f under lr. Wir hurt's tre..iin nt, uud iue.1 tut treat AuerUau lynpi pMa rilu nUlt tretuient f jr lpet .h, mui at tho pn aent time I atu peiiecdy well, ai.d have mined lu flesh twenty lour pouuda, anJ cn ork ami attend to my bu.ineHa as well ua any person in niiR).v(iiiia,aud I am siitMbd It la a perfect euro. Dr. Wiiburi, ynu eau publish my eaa if yon tee pnpor, ai I. wsrt to b ar teKlln.ony to the gret nowor your lUtdioine litt. b curt lH'pkia. Ail person are at liberty ruciU aim see nier write. MOSbti Kokl JH, bebuj Ik 111 Ilav an, rVhuy IkiU county, l'a. l)T8rKI'PlA, iYd"tii'Hli. This U to certify that 1 bad Dyxpepsia In the won. form for three yenra. 1 was treated by seven of the boat pby aieiana ui America; some of tbam were Proiei-iora ol Jef , ferfin Coil' tte, rtilladelplua, but tbty did me 110 khm1. I grew worse every month. 1 would bo taken at tliuea with ureudful duUis In my breant and atemach 1 to great was It that 1 could m ill erMt, lio, nor stand, but would rovo about from ono room to auotier ; my frlenda expected to iee ma df as there aipoared to be no reltof tor me. Jn this hope let. a oiiidlilou 1 plaeed m)sulf under Dr. Wlahart's treat ment. and used hts Brndtrinea aa directed. 1 hia auy I am a wed auan, aud lor three wooKi I have been ou my ten t.and working hard fn.tn early tujru until eleven oVloei. ai nicht. Mr. Wishait, 1 tfive you tins cr. Uueaie with gialefid heart, feellug It my duty 10 do ao; you way, aud J want you to publish It to tlie world, that every pernon suiKrlng aa 1 was may have the beuefltof naliiK your truly wonderful rvmedki. All sick persons are at lib rty lo ca I and aot uu, or write to uie, aa I wont to render all the twod 1 can to su fieri nn humanity. JAM KS 11. A.ViJKLL, OverBee of Wasblarton MauoftttteLriug Compaiijr't Vv eavmif KooBi, Olencc.tar, N. f. DYHPKI'HIAI DVSl'RrHlAl I, John Lynch, do eertlfy that for f mr m nittiH pa-it I vru attacked whh acute dNpepaia, 1 was to severely handled that 1 could do nothing but what It would till me with dreadful dint res a ; my nervous system wa porfetjily pros trated; my whole Iiauie soon beeauiu wuai aud trembling, with a coIlued botie and dtzr.luesa in the head, followed by a 1 a pitadnn of tlie heart and Keural debllitvof Uie wbtlt body. Kvery kind of medicine adinlulalered to mo did 110 iiond, until 1 waa advlael to :aU on Dr Win hurt and pluco myself under hia treatment. It Is now about nine weeks since I ct mint need to ue his Dytpep.ia 1'iUe and fine Tree Tar Com la I, and 1 do truthfully and faithfully ay, that I am perfectly cured of Dyapepsia, and all oinejr dh-eureh urlsing therefrom, and I can eal Uirtw good uieula every day, and feel well In every repeet. I am 7d year ot oku. and if it as necessary, 1 tuel 1 could aud would shoulder niy kuii to 1)1 ft nd iht cltv fim invasion by tho ItebeU. All .ersoiis sullcr.i g witli Jiyspepiia aa I was, are at libvi ty to call uud see me, for I taul 11 my duty to do ail the good I ran for inhering oumaulty, JOHV I.YVf3, Nj. Kil Poplar street, rhiJala'jhla. Dr. WIMIAUT'H Store and Oitlce, tio. ION. HKCOND Htreet, I'liiladuiph.'a, l'a. All eaauilnntiotia and coittuilta tloni fieeul charge. I'riie, $lpcrbuja. Hcul Uy uiuii on rucelflo uui.ey DYrtrF.rSIA I UY81K.rtSI! Ir. Wis). art I have been a constant sutTerer with Dys pepsia for the last eighteen yt ars, during which tnno I cun uot aaythal I over enjoyed a perfectly well duy. There w. re limca when the symptoms wore more agtfravattid Hi tii 1 at other , and then It teemed it would bb a givtit re lie! to die. I bud at all time an unpleftkaut feeling In my head, but latterly my autleringa ao much Increased that I became atiuoht unlit for business of any Wind ; my mind was cwioBiualLy tilled with gloomy thoiulit and forebod ings, and If I attemi'ted to change their current by feuding, at once a swisatlou of Icy ooldness, la ouuueetlon with a dead weight, aa It wore, runted upon my bruin t also, a leeiingof kUWorii would occur at tho atomach, and greitt pain to my eyes, accomu.'iiiied with which waa the 00 n tlnual fear of losing my reason. I alao exporlenoed great lassitude, debility, aud Bervottsnoaa, which wade It diffi cult to walk by day or sleep at night. 1 became arerae to icxicty, and disposed only to ecluiloo, and havlug ttiod the akillof a Damlerof ainincut phyaletaua of Tarlom at ho.ls, tin ally came to the ooncluslou that for this dlaeage at my proaeut age (45 years), there wai no cure In eaUt nn. But, tiirougb the Lute rfc renoe of Divine rrovlduuoe, to whom 1 tteroutiy offer my thankj, I at last found a tot ate Ik a rt'tuedylu yoar Dyipeptia Villa and Tar Cordial, which socan to have cttoctuaUy roinoved almost the hut trace of ny loug Uat of ailments aud bad feelings, awd ut Utelr place health, plea are and contentment are tigr every tfey ecaupanlons. JAMKH 11. BACNDKRi, ho. 163 N. Second itruet, rhUadelphla, urmarly ol Woodbury , M. J. j Dr. W ISUAJtT 'at Otlke, Ko. 10 . BKCQXD 8uet,Pl4-UdtU-Uiaw HYNTKI HM I rTf-fltrR!AI T, (ea Tbm. nf I heitmthaai, iwdfittvomrvrr '-oiniT, I a Uav o? (tuftrt-aj for morn than one iwr e'r.vatuii brtt d'ath HmH, ffnm Ih.il awful ihoeae, ralltH. I v rinia. I eni'Hve in id at time live nl the inou euino'iil pti)l tana Ui t'h'bi.l.'lehift 1 tn y d d HI ttiy conui tor me n if 1 tHfU cinrf aiid eui e ns', but aiiil I wB ni better. I then wnt to tl.r Iimiv ) mi 1 t.tviTiit in irtirr t" nla o mt it in ri i nl tin-iMt nvt'tV ai tifitt In tht rinotrv, tout tnelr snrtliriiir) laih il to do inti any kmh aott itlmuie I W(tro d Al d nith to tvlitt me nl my nitlBrnitf-, tiut r ik Dr. W t.han a miIv riu-fiiii-iit in tj e t'tuiadi iphm ' llu lt un, t dtrniii ert to try n r tuore. out wnd tittle lalth. I ralb d on Dr. Wtnlutn. and told him ll I mulit Itxve itied I would nt have 'PMibhd lilin. mnd ttien r"laed mv sn(lt rlnw:S tn hull le Dr. aM-Qretl me It he tailed t cure mo f Dyi pola. It WouW he t- firm rae (n 1 0 yenrs, Sd I pot mvfrii under hia treatment. O'l a 'hot gTi I bd tren ir mt-ntbs vrmltinsf neatty ev,rvihlu 1 ate. mv torn -toll woiu-n with wind, and eiled with ptin bvond it-rtpt("n, I bom, ht a box of hi i7-it i'"ia ''ill-. I uted tiiein as di rect, d, and In ten Uny I no-id e .t a heiriy a rat al at any per sun tn the Htaie ol Centm h 'trim, and In tin rty tnya wits awt iioiau. I Invite any pcmim iiMt't"lng as I was to rail and are me. nnd 1 witt relate my auf'arniK and the ttreat rure I reeeivt-d. wioiid suv i all Hv-tt'i'tu'. everwherwt that Dr Win hurt la. I rwhev e. the ouv o-rnon nn the earth that can cure Dyspepsia with any dt'Krre nt rir'.tnit MfUKS THillf, Cheltenham, M'UKifiouerv Co., l'a. T'r. VTHIf AltT'S (fl!oe. No. 10 V. HKC I Htrret, on e hours from ! A. at- to t I, il. Ail examlnatlotia aud fumi ut onti nee. DYSrKPSI A 1 DYSPF.rftlAI Dr. Yihrt f wna a fn-ut tuiT'rer wlti dviep'a for levrn enrn. Kv -r thit.u I ate tilled mewitiiwind aud dn-nditil pain ; iint m hie Wat on- of toe it tutteritt(i. I waa ao nnirti aMHeled httt ll I drunk 1 u iim ol water. It mi Id at on rtltn n uaek l a beutcd eioidiica I applied totverykltd of lutHtieine and irettine.t; but all in no pililMtbH I nw y'tir arveriUt nient in tht- "Ledger' nf a ineat t nre yiur gr-'iit Ameneau D wpi psa H 'a t.a i mnd -. 1 wei t tn your itore anc purehaHi'd ixx, nd coaitutDeed to 110 then ; ami I do thutik d thin tluv I urn a vk1I iiimii. and can eM thrre mi ,)) p,.r ,fty. j havn tuit a numhr nf pi tau atier your bills, miuI I tvuve a yituiikt man t mt w.n aufieimy with dvupt psia n my ni-tl.b"rh md eteht of your pill, and th y ruicd him tiiit n lv. Y b rntv rei-irto uie 11 jou sec proper. ,1 At ' Mt HHliU.KY. Kc nntdj rule, Kuu couuty. DeL A T-0MTIVE CITRR FOR DYSI'KPMA. JIi:.Mt UUAT .Mlt. JOHN 11. BAIU'OL'K. RAYS, Nn. inVH OLVK Htreet, rhl1ad'lphl. Jnnuarv .M Im.I. Dr. Wlshit-t 8ir: it ia wim muen pleasure that I am now able t inf..nn yn (hut, by the ue ol vmir great Anif'Han Dyhpepata I'll's, I have been entirely cured of tiiui nioit ittirrr..liiH ctmipiaint, Dyspepiin. ib.nl teen mtevoi.nly att'lcttil fcrthe .at 1 went v el. lit y a i,niid (r ten yenia 01 that time have not been ru t fim Its pntrt one week at a time. I have hud It In it worn form, and have dru en eil on a ni"U uil-eruble existence In pain day and nit-'ht. Kvery kin.' (f tos.ti tint I ate fllbd mo with wino 11 nd pain. It nmitereii not how lulu, or hoiv atuall Uie fju ditity A rom.oiii tl trh i,mn wai w to lollow. 1 had n appetite for any kind ni nif-ats whatever, and myd's trtjtt. wan so itie.ii lor eoriii UM-nt' a before I heard of your I'll in. 1 hit I tre(iiemlv ;e.ied inr dfiitn. I had tara eery ;h 'i k ihtit I had lm d of lor D apt -psia, wlniout re ceiving uny beneltt ; but 011 onr IMIU net 114 rfcoiuuteudod to me ttf oik who hnd been cured by th lu, I Concluded to give Ui 111 a trml, ulihunKb I iind no titith n theni. To my nntonlohiiien:, I tund inyaeli tttilng belter betoo I hul taken oue-tourh ol a boa. ami. uOi luktiiK hit if a ii I um n trtrY iMin.fiioi ran nt any hi mi I rtti. ajnl enov a heurty meal thne time"! a day, without iucoiivunlnce tVom aiivthli g I eat tr drink ll you think proper, you are at hbertv hi inak this public ano r ler in me. I will iheer fuhy ulf ell liepdruhle tntoriuaiiitn l" an one wrmmnveull Ou me Ynura. reMitctfully. M1N H. BAIUCK.. tor srtlo at Dr. WISH AitT H MedH al Depm, vo. 10 Jf. HKt'OND N net, fhilndelfhtn, la. Trice one dollar per nti, bun I by mall, free ol charKe, 011 receipt ol plica. DYST'EI'SI i I DYSPKl'SIA ! I, 8nin 1 D. Ilaren, have been a irn-at suiTeror with I clmuiic il; tpi pna nnti iniltt umuiiiut or it 10 khtiieva for tbrer yearn. 1 empioved ibreeor louroi Hit- moat eminmt jl.y sn iHiii of f lniiideiphia, a.s oi iturhiuiou rtointv, le .lerftt v They tlid 'til tor uie they eould. tint alt to no l urpoite. 1 wait ctinmantly nui d wth awtui pum and du t'ea. and with cuiihirint beli'tiitui ot wioii aud aourauld My touuue was cuveridwuh 11 white coa'tuk! or 111 nuns null 11 cruet-ed lu luicre tuirowa, und was tin Utlt'tilly sn-el 1 li ! I olmun a wlnttl lor death to relieve tue ot mv vuilur hiLftsfur 1 hint ioft ad Impe of evei bi-ii u wi-ll iuain I to at e It a siihu'ri of prn)r to Hod tlm Ittj voiild direct I ue U atnif ptiv sician or un d --.ow Ui t w.itild etiienn-. I j v at to u re;id mi advi iti-s iix m 01 r. Wi-hup a, in the J I'bi.adk lpbia 'l.etber." ol aniui t iue uncle upin Mr Jriiin l'sniM, nf No. lu-K iilivt, ttteui. 1'hiU te , hia. hy tlie at American IyMepsia l'ill. I w in to thu D 'ior a uflh e, anO I'lio td uiyuit iimler Im Ire ttuo nt, and told Uitu I If he lulled u cult; me, It would be tliu lat ellon 1 noid . uiahe It hint beeo aix we-kf smee I commenced thu ue ' ol bin a ctlu me ami 1 miu now a well man, free frodi all 1 pain a d tli-treati, und cuu eut ttirt o htart y meals a d.ty ' w ith couifoit iin tt el per ctlv weii. hr. Wlfsimif, I h nut 1 jon to puMUh mv ciue Bn I Hunt everv p hi-l sin ti lUlttrinu aa I wut. totdli on me, and 1 v ill tt 11 tiiein ol I the ureal cire I huve received iri m vm r itiv-ahmoie medi cine. SAMI K.4 I. U.V'KV. ( ornerof Vcnnero nnd r.amhort atrei ts, nrjir 11 fchoi.tud I tree-, t neerjy Irom WiigiiijiLciwii, liurtlogton oouuty, 1 Jvew jen'V. Iir H iNII A HT'H OllUn 111 V Hl'OVtl klla,..t DYArKVPIA. DYHTRl'HIA I DYS' ErMAl Tho Is lo certify that itnt-rlnK severely with a dlsenae tabid Dvp p!ln. with mueh Iosm of wt tnht, mv atumlon war iineet4 o tu YV inhari' ieut Atue-icaii J'ynpep.ia rilts 'be 1 uieily. Ilavinv wtt'Mu thnn- weeks tutc.11 eteven I Ills, uccortliiitf b Ihe dli ee.tlona, I lound mvaclf entirely cured, ai d for 'wu wm kit foro-o m htaiih is grcaiiy Im proved, mui I ran eut without fearot itnln or Inconvenl ne. 1 earnestly rcuu meud them to alt ritmiiarly an Writ d. Mre. M. tt. 1 lloMt'A N, Pit hmond streft.F ir doora be ow Hanover. Dr. Is. Q C W IMiAtt'l b oibco. Mo. 19 N. MkltJOND Htreet, I'hUaociphia. DYHFF.PRIA ! DYHPIeI'41AI DYSTKI'SI k T, KMrabetli Iliansr n, of Hrandywltm, Del, formerly of Olo Chemer, Jel , do eeitity timt f r one year and a iiad 1 Mitleied iveiythlna but tleath trom that uwlul dittr-axe calhd Dyspepaia. My whole system wmh pnstruttd nidi weakLOxe and nervoua tlebilliy; I 0011 id not obittatmy attHi ; 11 I ate even a criu-ker or ihe aiimlie.4c amount of ffoU, it would reiuin iul aa I swallowed It. J beuaneae robtlve 111 my bowtia iba I viouiil not have a paiiae in It ua thu 11 trom lour and oftrJi eigsht nuvs; ander tht itn luense auHetinK uiy utind aee und entirely to give war. I had dread of horror uud evil forelroduiL'S I thottkfht that every hotly bated me, and 1 huted ev ery botly j I e nild not bear my himhrinii n r my own chl'tln-n everythiiiK appenit-d to be horror-stricken to me; I had no amhiilon to tin anything I lout all my toveui liiinut Hint ho me; I would r a initio and wund r from p ace to pittce, but 0 mid 1 ot be contt iiti d ; 1 fell that 1 Wiia uOoined to bell, and that there in no heaven lor me, aud was ol en tempted to ttimmlt sulfide, fco near was my w hole utvous svtem crKiroveti, ana sbo tny mli d, from thut a ful outu.ilauit, J apeioia, that my fi ami a tlmuKht boi to have 1114 placed In Dr Knkbritte'a llniptta'. West I'liilaneifihia; 1 reuiulnd there mnu weeks, ana thought 1 was a biilu better: but in bwda.vHray dreadful C"iii(iiiiint was racing at bad na ever. Ilearinuof he wondiiful cures pertornied br Dr. WUhart s ttreat American DvnpeoHin I'tlU, and hu treav n.ent ot DjfM'la, my lnibauu called on it. VV sh.trt, aud si at t'tl my case tu him llenaulbe hid n ilonttt he eou d cure me. Ho lu thiee ilavn aitr I I'lileti.and pla'-cd mvaelf iiiicler lite Do tor a ;re -tiuei.t. und 111 two w-ek 1 1 eati u iliis1 est toy footl, and f. It that mv d'e-.e w a fat ivlcing wuv ; anu I continued lo r cover tor i.bfiit tnre innutha, and at the pretent tune I enn.y pm n et In at h of n.Hly and nniid. and 1 tnoht ln eiely return m thauih to a m-;rijnul timt. and Dr, Wndmri, and io-hl tireat Auierh au Dviipeii hia I'll a and Tine '1 ice Tar Cordial, mat suvod me from an ihioi ne msv nun and a pietuature gra.e. Al' persona atif ferii'K wph Dv tpep-ia Hie nt litiettv to cad nn me ar w nte. a 1 au wlliiiig to do a'l tue nmd I can for autiehiig hutiianny K.i.l. I T11 ItliASs H. llraimy wine, Delaware, foraterly u d Choter, Delaware coLi ly l'a in. tMHHAKT B Ofllre, Ho. 10 N. HP.C0ND Street, I'hiiadi Iphia. The above are a few among the tbouiands which this hull' n il- of It t'era from piivfh Un. aad tlruuiata Ul all t pa 1 (sol the rruutry.atav ti a tiim idt-y imvi u rei praf "rih'd 01 soJu a Uitiiiciitu wuicu t-a1. e sucu uiuyursai satiaiaoUoa. Thcbe alt-dirfnei are jreparrd onJy by U.e pfprn;tjr, UU. I,. Q. U. WiailAIl Tt HORK OI I'lCC IH AT Ko. 10 N. SECOND BTEEET, PLlalpIxia, PKKNhYLVANlA, Where he can be consulted cither par-otidUi 01 jv latter, free of rhare. Ilev are i-'ld bv Di ui;.t aj J leA.ers Overywheie; a( w bolt-tale by all New ty.kAiiJ l'htitiJol piiia houaalc Dliii(SL. U I lw WANT8. GMJRNIMHK1) rUJUHK w A NTKI, IM wt-at Wan et. 't Ixuai,r Arr.h, or Cneeaiat tttotl Aii rea "Kern aiaed aiun," at ihla will mi. la A QITY 1'OIIVT. VIUOINIA, Awfffjal 7 14VC OFF ICR tlPOT Of BPAHH, ARVFF91 OPERA rrMi A .aINST RICBafCatO.) WANTED. ; 300 Teamsicni, I5 AVliocl wrluliisj, anil BO JlluokHinll Hm, Who will roeelT.tho highe.t rat of tiov-niiMl retlous.and Didical atieadaooa. TraniportntloD foralsho by i lrr.g at "o. M rtNKSTLVAlIlA Aveaoo. Washington, B.C. K. J. hTKANO, CAPTAIt, A Q. M. JAMKH M. hKLliY, ' 11 U I Ml m'Aar.mniF.tfsi A'lKur. 'I'lXNEItS W A NTBIl -1- Cniar wussTrsHssraa s Omrra, .. ! "r or rt .sinsoioa, J W A t .V . '.' 1 - Sea..her ll, IHIak 1 i.M.n Tr ... isV 1 - " ""'"" run.. n atnrkshnaa, tinsM is tlkM" andKsi oe... I Wa-NIV IO.)l Hit .!?. J7.,,".'?'rn r'10 "t'e .land tbo manaraclur aat I'l till K U(..rf Sheet-iron aier.e. wu,., s.x.riY 0, 1 ar. per amain, with a rails. Also. pnvi eseol boapilalwlien .Irk, ue. m, AlM'tl. an. r it. lm...eiol'.ot.mj4MEI, h. MoOHB, A. V. Jt., L1. a. A., ho. IM F hifioA., f H t tOK 1 H r. . 1,,,l,lr'1n'"JIt'"le('Juartrm.tr, ' ", Deuol of Waeatnnr.il. MILITARY NOTICES. J IiIRNKY'8 ZOUAVKS. HRADQUAR- m ler., Nn AM fllRMNDT Htrrvt. below Hllth. Tkkj yl lrf,lnient III br eraulred m Hliarpehnotere, and will be under the einmai d 01 Major J C- Hrnfaf, a aaera-bi-r ot ata'or-Uentoal Hiriuy a N aT, who haa received authority mm the iieneral and ntate troveramente to recruit tt e organ' rat hm. Ult.Hh.sT t'AHU OOVK.RVMRVf, CITT. AND WARD ItODNI'IrS Ta'd tirmrdlately on the maateiivjrttf nnr man tntnthe retiimeut, atthelieadiOneri Mo ftJCUKSNUT Hitreet. tuatMiTraa. flrorirr J. Itlehardtfin, ColonM vTetherfn Loo, lion v i.ii.m Miiiward, r. winciimnnw, , ( W Das, John w r.varmao, JnlinThuinley, C. Kchosnnr. - .li s. r.Tiddaa. Ill Of Km Id, Heivamin Bullock, Alfred Adooh. -l?-lltH ll HEADQUARTKRa PKOVOST MAR-H-hal. Knot District, l'a.. Mo. 34ft g. THUtD Street. VI l'hi!alrlphla, Auauat 11. IhM. To In surf urotniii replies to all ajueatlona on nrdtnaary subiettf eonnreteil nPh the Knrolin-nt. Draft, Kxemp uon. Llatdii'lea to Draft. OredMa and Aoeounte of anea fiirnlwbed.t tticne are reti'iented to mak appln'ttloa to the I'roTim Marihal of the ConKreaikmal Dlstriet ns reach Intorntation. and not to Uie fruvuet Manhal-tanatal at Hashiugion. Iiy order of the rrovnat Marahai-0niTal . r Wild I AM K LKHSlAW, 1 au12-tf Captain ana Provoet aiaaka). V BOUNTY FOR MARINES. WANTBD ll far the Dnited Htatea Manna Corps, a le-bodied aaeai litn perform tlie dune of a eoldter at nur Navy Yards t aWand on board Lulled 8taiea atupe-o'-war oat foretea uti'ina. ' 1 erm of service, Fonr Yean. t . .. lletter rompt nnaiam 'han tne army. AU. THltLOi Ai. Hot Ni iKs paid ipoii anltstmeaC AfHrltms reiclve I'rlr.e MonoT. tor all further tnturuiatloa apply at the Kaejntftaig Rondetvous, No nu H. FRONT fitrrt, below Spruee lltreot, between Uie hours of it and $ o'clock c a. McCaWLrr. ' anV-tf Ma tor and Kecruiiiiig Odtoer TO iSHIPCAPl AIN8 AND OVVNKR8. 1 ajuw t ne unoerwtgntM naving leaned tne KSffHinte- lu KCltKW utiCK. betca to iniorin hie Tolula aud tfvo j patrons ot Uie D.vrk.that be la prepared wtrh lnerea4 j far Uit If s to aectiBBmoduie Unwe rtaing veaaela to be rateed or repaired, and brine a prvnea' ahlp-earnenter aaat ; caulker, will eDe Draotiai alien uoo to ajj veaeeat ota tntotrd to him tor re pair a. Captains or Ajtenia. rihty Caravan tare, an4 MafeJuJat havmir veitseia to repair. are aiilcttd Ui call. Itavini the aeency Tor thn saUof Watukratevtt" "Vh ! aletatl r I'omrMiaMtnn," or 4Vpper t'amt, fbr tne p'eierra- prr 01 vir"itiir noitnma, mr mia euy, 1 azn pnpavear m tunilah tie same oa favorable t"-na. , t J'D H. RAkflflTT, r KenwiiwtAn Hurew Doek. , anMI-tf Delaware avonne. ahnva TanM Rreei, IIDIGINIL COD LIVER OIL. JOHN O. KAK-U ft OO ,! JIo. 718 MARKET BTBCF.T, 1 are now receiving their lupplln fresh from the fUfceriee. The uperiority 01 their OIL in evry rrsnoct, hae gained I- ftr It a reputation and sale beyond any oUier found in tho anatket. 1 l o maintain tt, they are datermlned to tnppry aa article Uint may be entirely retted on lor freshneaa and parity. j Beeto.UiiMjuUia oi aoll THOUSANDS OF TEEfH I EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. i Tntpnt applied ftr. My new tt.Tenuon, a Doable Ke TerotbeHtlf atiinatiiiH fa et Tatlvnd Inhaler, lor a-tmta-tMeitng ltrons 1 aide and et'raoiu treeta witnout pul it Tretimiy mode that the Oae can os properly aa4 aaivly auiuiulsiered. un. a. u. munns, 0-19-1 m y. ISi SPHUCB bT&CET, ' Hex FllIIAIKLr,HlA 8UaOBON8' lil? PANDAt.K IKHtirUTF:, No. U Worth ratiicallT cured bv H a.VKKKTr'rt Preiuinn ntm Pi firaituathtg freasere Truas. Hunerinr Klaatte kYetta, E asUo Hiockh.gs. Bupportora, Suoohtar Braaea, useav lores. Cnitean, c. aledlea attended br at re. B. O. EV K& ETT. fTtt-ly WKAJ 311, UKALTn, AND oS BKAUTlf. m If to gala admtrttig eyes : If to cause tu via ous aitrha ( If t be a brot'tntng tlnwer, l ading, dy lug tn an hour Baacrr I I' to hae a boat of rt Vends ; If for vlue to saa te aaaenda; If with hiicb-bora bo-rd to wet); If a marble stone when dead WftaLra! If tn lire threeeoore and ten, Wishing ti e aa long attaint It to live a life of peoue 1 U to die and go to g rat4 a rait t If yon wtsh a life of eleaatrree ; If you value thia wor.al a LTHMsupaei If every 00 mini I you would see. Take auy advice, and wish mU Irt4, Then, having Health, Wealth, and Brjaetg. Tuu'U be prepared for every dury. Ryararofnlpfniial of Dr.WIUJAM YtiCfOd ew Book, 11IK WAhltlAtiK tail (HC, which should bo ra byewerynne. Hold by Hoosaellera gene'-allr, aad at Uie Doctor'! cilice, t. Ub BI hL't BlfaVJ-Jir prioe w ovnio. au-f A CARD TO TUB LADIES. DU. TlTONCOt U0LDEM PILLS FOR rBHAlJLft, luialllble In oorreetinif, reKOlattmr, and removing all b.itrucUtn from whaUver can sea and always uueeaaiul ai a pre veu live. Theae Pllli are nothing new. and have been aied by Um Dot 1 or for uiauy years, biih in r ranee and Ainariea, wilh niiparalieitdosuci-esa In svey ism; and he te urged by many inninaud laHMS who havH binti tiiein, ti make Uie I Tula public for the alieviati'in of thua aurfering frvia anv It retinal hks wbatevur, as well aa U prnvent aa In- cuaneoi taintiy where healt will net jieriiiit It- Pemalea 1 peeuharl) snooted, or U o uptioing them-.e!vea so. ae 1 cant 101. ed UKalnni unliif thane ul ia wtuto 111 tnai oajnttuhjn, an li e prop.ietor aittiiiie n reap no bliliy alter tne abuve a motil'ioi., although il.tr tnlldttea would prevuiit aur milt h-el 10 health, otterwle n.e t'uls are reeotinmuavtleal. I i uli aud explicit d ieciio" e aocoiupan.iug eaub boa. I 1 11 c 9 , u ' sua iniArau i rjwiii uui ij mmm iviati by the ft llnwlnif Dlliagl'la : Mlioll Wl. te At o .Ko Ni V. Fonrth street. W iiKiht A Hiddall. No IIW Market treet A liarxliall.c 'rnerof I'hl lteuttianii Marke ticeta. etKU-r & hmith, O'irner of e iiB'l a-trt l ecu street. Itvolt A t o . No- 'Wi N HtCuiiU street. It'.titiM.n. Ilt.lloway A Cowdeu, a -id t C. Inrlaeour. ( aiuden. At itjiuil by all diugg:a.. Ladles, by sending ONE I.01XAI To cliher aP eni, can have tne I'll l.N M- NT t oSKlnESTUr.Y, Itv mail, to au part U Ue ci.y or couau, Aea of pustae. r fl. D 1MWB, ton No. tftS W. TfllHTY 8! I fl Mtreet, N. Y. A" WEIGHT & SIDDALL S v No. 119 Market Street WVIWEKH 1KOKT ASU SECOND STREETS. C.T..U1UIIT. . -aiDUAJJ.. DRUGGISTS, VUTSICIAN8, ANU OLNF.BAt 8TtlKF.KEF.PKES, Can find at our ash hluhment a uU aseortiuent of Imported) .1,4 Douiestla lirngs, Popular Patent atedlclnes, l aluts. Coal Oil, W ladow Olass, Preicrlptkin VlaU, Ac, at aa low III Ices as genuine flrst-cleis goods ean be lold. TINE E.I4ENTIAI. 011.11 For Confectioners, In full Tariety, and of the best quality. Coehlaeal, Bengal Indigo, Madder, Put Aab, CvdUear, Soda Ash, Aliuu.OU of Vitriol, Aniiatto, Couperas, Ei treat of Logwood, Ac, 'Ott HYEIteV au, always otahaad,am lowest net cash rlcel. , puaB Hi'icKS rou rAuiLT esc, Ground tspreaalr (or our sale, and to which we latll. Ui atteutloa ot tlioa la want ofsellahla ankles. Also, J.U1U0, UTARCII, MV8TAMl,1ftr att 'F. , Orders by mall, or etty post, -will moot wilh prouM U'nitun.oi'apuilal aaotatlons will be furnl.a.d ,u,,teJ' WRIGHT asronAW It !i ii M r- V t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers