TOE DAILY E7ENING TELKORArHrniLADETriTIA. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1861." 8ATURDAY, OC'TOBKR 8, 114. to nv win:. In nti iat okohor w. urtiiini, d. d. A"7 from tlier ! the ranrivriK lircaks, Dni morning lrln no fy to nio; Ala.! t7 'pint nmy wnkra To knnw tlmt I hiii fv from thee, la dreania I n thy bleste-d fuce, And ihnn were nenetl on mr hroait; to dreiinit 1 li'.l thr luinl tnilir, And to mine own tby Heart was prossoJ. Afar from thr-i-! tin Kolila 1e Thounii hiii tins croi aninn I ma bo Xha kind, ilie In nnrltiil, the Kood For 1 can only think ot tlier ; Of iriec, tho kin'di'Ht, livuliea', host, Mjpirll'K' ami mv only one j Without tliea I am all iin'ilent, And wbi'liy iiic-t Willi tlio alone. Afar from thi c ' tti word, of praino My Heilr- our nnliiTdPd (rn-et; sweetness nei'im d in Iwtur ilnv, Wlthnu tlxe ui m no lonpnr swout. Tlio dearm! J.y lamp ran bost.ier la in thy mo ncmd jo to m, And In tl'y itr a-.' tiutiMial g!o, Tbou dniu's' mo not unworthy tlico. Afar frim thee' the nltfbtis romrt, Itnt sliitnt) r f om my pillow (lee; Ob 1 h can re t no lar from borne ? And my titan's home In, love, Willi tlicc. I knei'l nio down in silent pniyvr, And thin I know that thou art nigh; Fur Ood, wh aepat rywbere, Uends on ns boih Ills watchful eye. Tofrother In His lovM erahrar No iil-tan-c can our lioitrls divide ; FurRotlen quite the mediate space, i kuihii tny Kncriinn form beside. Mr tranquil fiatun tbi'ii Kink) to sleep, lint snara the spirit f ir and free; Ob ! welcome lie nk'tit's iluiubora deep, For tben, sued lore, f am with tlieo. culating on the use and misuse of words, an ilnpr after truth may, without equivocation. ttonilily doabl whether the word "super- liral" baa liny truo meaning or real sitfnitl- tOk If Mr. Willlum Howitt should see as bo Wlias eccn ihree-lcggod tublus danco wlM n(roa:lf be should bear as ho often h I of music discoursed by harmoniums Ibc d d.v invlilul hands j if Mr. Home, defy -i 8raltatiuD, should ascend to the Ceiling and bout, as ho so often has dono, I do not W that anybody has more right to call these g supernatural than I have to doubt the Is recorded. Made cogolzaut to human nature Vie Rreat rerultunt of law and forces, which Vree to call simple Mature, bow can any (feittation of senses be justly called matural ? fiero mut be a beginning to all discovery, aomcna observed before the ro.wou of thorn is apparent always seem mysterious. The tiou "how an apple, a gross, corporeal thing material entity, to adopt the language of f gets into the middle of an apple dump- iiiu'unc, uif uiuq unyo wuuuar now; uut was when the case puzzled a king. Solomon wiso man, ana io was a oc rates, and so was ; would thoy not have considered it a mys s thiog bad tbev seen niess.iirea sent hr rlc telcjrrapb to pl.tces ibousituds of miles t When Pizarro awoke the echoes of ilia ' is of the Incas by firing off his Spanish; pieces, i wonuer wuetner tne Altec pnosts ,ot regard the case as supernatural. Upon deration, I think Mr. Iluwltt. Mr. Home. fcvery other gentleman who has bad visional ions witn me spirit-world, who has tuujucu fringe of which Mr. Howitt somuwhera ks the peculiar fringo which, according to ueecuus upon ciirtn irom some celeHtlal -Merer' shop tip above will own, on con ation, mat notbing that has banuened or can kit, nothing whieh baa been seen or can be , mat nas neon neurd or can be heard, that ten fell or tan be felt, that has been smelt n be smelt, should be Justly called super- mm one of those who have come to the con- n, tbat more harm comes ot believing too than of believing too much. For my part. teve almost evurj thing that Is recorded bv a of gooo rei nte. provided tbat mv own exDa. fcdoes not disprove it; and in a general way ; v everytning mat is recorueu ny a lady, kes a world ot inutile, this unlimited faith ; is the merit of being logical, moreover, in rrgara to tne Hxiom long accepted liy an, tbat It is wholly impossible to disprove nllon. After making tbid confession of faiib, I not seem wonderful in the least decree I have been siud ing the nuinn.-rs and cus- ol spirits, botigohl ns, creatures of the ele , sueb ns undines, Kylpbs, ta amanders, es, fairies, und the like; witehes, wizardi, n rs, aufiurs, necromancers of various coun mid of various epochs ; ereuiuros, in short, 'oiuo people denominate incorrectly, as I vo, and have sought to prove" Mipur h1." Yi s, I have been studying them ail in r a recording page; from the mouldy and i.caten tomes eoevat witn toe discovery of mg to the railway volumes with many ed binding, reminding one of the parti- ed coat of Beni.uuln. Yes : theibinss fulaelv ftl ' supernatural," t bave been studying them nun careiuny in tne least orgreo, tuose fs so borriolo, so dreadfully curious, so dan- is wunui, concerning wuicn some tew ex- lory worde shall presently be written tlio terit'g, bloodthirsty vmnpyres Vroucolakas oucaiahaa or uie u reeks. haps there never was yet an extraordinary laiioo vouebbafci to the faithful, concerning i skeptics and scf Ifers pcoule of science, aa ull themselves, those men of dwarfed and mu iiiiimn, u ucauiiiuoy punrayeu oy mr uia iiowitt nave not suggested some mean grovelling imputation, tho acceptance of i wonld reduce the fact narrated to tho cute- of mere supers itions, fostered mos'lv bv rhe-,and by priests. Accordingly, in respect luuvrra, I have seen the statement made that Mumptton of these creatures as realitios Is ble to a certain pretension that an individual under sacredotal ban, and being intorred, not decay alter the manner of honost e committed to earth. in tension, indeed ! a If the learned Michael i, who wrote a learned book, "Do Mastica Mortuorum in Tumnlis," is not worthy of idence as If the learned book of similar puum-btd by Philip Hehrius. could leave Briattcr in doubt. I grant that the recital lied by these learned authors do not abound Mich derds of active vampyredom as form tyacior popuiur trauitiou in places where vredom is most rile ; but they are conclusive the main haeis of belief on which vampyra-i-vets; aflirming the proiiositlon that divers n corpses bave been known to retain a sort Serious life, to move in their graves, to eat Vver came within reach of their unhallowed to be beard munching and masticadns twine whence the title of tlio book, "Do Lets, hobgoblins, and, to be short, all other s which certain superficial thinkers call natural, had been made mutter of study Ions Is tables began to speak, or even to turn. earned Uitlmel gavemuch attention to pneu- ofy; ci nut hook m prooi or it. I uiiuk lowing sentiments, enunciated In the pre i iuai ihiuk, win come eommenuou to tne latum or many; aud I would humbly cull eader's atteution to the highly important me leameu writer accords, in tho science of -euiieu supernatural, to the particular hob is (If by their leave we may call them so) ich I shall have to treat. , always a matter of regret, writes Calmct preface, to have deceived one's self; aud it geiou. ispeaaing in a religious sense) to IV on Insulllcicut grounds, to deny raslil liin in wiirtu ignorance, or to volunturily IA wrapped in superstition or illusion. A deal will have been achieved by an indivi rho has learned how to doubt wisely, in ray that he does not allow bis judgment to ucronu urn testimony, mat nas Impressed me in the matter concerning I trent la the recitals 1 havo met with of vs or "reveuans of Hunirarvund liava- f Poland, of the "Droucalaques," or Vroa Lis, so called hy the Greeks : all exeommu- bodies, which, it is said, are unable to remark has been mtide hr the Dev. II. tmas, translator of Calmet't book, "8ur lea itions, mat i aimet seems less disposed to e in vampyredom than In any other muni tion 'of the so-calkd supernatural i that a he receives the attestations of almost Ort of anuarltion without cavil, vet the lit divine rather indirectly thaa directlv to throw some sort of doubt upon the his f ampj res. The reverend translator starts pomtsis to account for this, whieh probably le in Some mejuurA mr-rect. lt MjLvl Sbat ocoids of VamiitrArlnrn l-avvA nPi-inll V lift. td tO DfiOUlfl tllsl.liniv t,. l.aa naA, L' isln.n m m ' saajij hub uU. VI a-twivi u ft 4W1 rruiLD luiijwiri k k'ram-h .1.01 nai wuill f nllkclv toWijM the testimony Undoa tan It may be her Just as well, before ro- t j 1 urtuer, to explain, for the benefit of such KbO HI MhuU the taitwiasMtoB, What manner of bnlng exactly a Vmocolakaor vampyre v. I rmy. the name is common enmtgn ; bat the meaning of msny names that I con Id mention Is partly, or even wholly a nknown, though they are in the moiilhsof tno-tof as, and come tripping on the tongue. Awhile arn, a very p-ipalar author, Jleldiig to lmpolHivcn'4, wrote thit be wonld wnkc the trrMm; then pre-cntlr, laughing at him self, be ronfe-Md total as to what the welkin exactly nlgbt bo. A vampyre, then, Is wetl, what sball we say t Not a ghost, eortaimv ; i xci pt wi a'irr miit of om existing notions of a fjio-t. The best definition I ran give of a vam pire Is, a living, mlnchievnns, and mniierous i.tsd body. A llvinu dead hiKlyl Well, the words are wild rnoueh, rontradiciory, Intompre benstble bnt so ure v!.mpr-. Assuming ns trno the rei-ords ahint ded peo ple moving atiout in Hi Ir toiuiis. entinir th iein. toinirg ihenfiom, with or wnhont murdenms iiiiriitii.nn, the le.nied Calmd devotes entire pngi to a itsj onetl t'cbilc upon tho ca. II t touches upon the my-t' rles ol Mb and death, and seis forth Ibe extreme dillh-aliy of a coaming f.r thp libcn .mens ot a corpse rising from the tomh w ithout disinrblrg the earth, and of retmninif thereto without disturbing tbe earth; of the niter unini aningnrss of a ghonl sack as this taking nlensurc In the molestntuin. even murler. ot Itsome di an st friends. Lastly, be asks bow it ran he that a drad body, out of winch the al tho lifo haih tied, cm yat retain a second life f All inis ne aks, linn more ; ne tnro uourit on the case, but nowhere ex rssy denies the exlst aneo of vampytos. I think hi tries to make it seem Infen titial t, that vampyredom is wao'ly nn illu'l' n, a llciion of tbe Ureek Church; but he almost cuts tho ground from under In in by present ng cerbila recoids of living d ad poople, whl b come very nearly np to tho mark of vani llic om. He quotes the Uoriiian authors, H mill end Kehr ns (concerning whom mnution hai al- irady been made), seemingly deposed to believe much tin y havo related courcruing th- gltrtony iho swinish munching practwed by cerlaiu tvu ui pii i o ciirpses. Itanlft takes It for a certain conclusion, writes Cardan, that certain corpses have been known to devour the grave-clothes and oth. r things within their nacb; nay, even their own flesh. He re- marks that, in cert ain parts of (fermany. In order in prevent this norrmle habit of underground feasting, grave-diggers arc accustomed to nut a good hard packing of earth nnder a susp. ctod corpse's cliia; that moreover, to make security doubly sure, come grave-diggers plare in the mouths of suspe ttcd corpses a little bit of silver, or else a stone, taking the further procautiou to tie a h.mdkerctiiel litrht about the throat. terlatn of the milder, the least mvsterinns biles concerning dead-alive people, admit of a sort of half explanation, by adopting the hvpothesis of tninee; aa, frarcxample, the lolluwing cases nar rated bv C11I111U: The Count de Balm, having been thoaeht dead. was buriid allvo. As night approached, great cries were beard in the church of the abbey of Haute heille; and the following morning his fiavc having teen opened, the corpse was found ymg face downwards. Once upon a time, at liar la Due, a man having been Interred, a sound was presently beard to couio from the grave: being ol-lntern d on tbe day following, he was found to nave eaten toe nean ou nts arms, ibis man bad urunk brandy to excess, and bad been burled as oead. Jlaullt bears evidence concerning a woman of Bohemia, who, in 134.3, had eaten, whilst iu the grave, atiout one-halt ol her shroud. More extraordinary, and trenching more nearlr on the domains of pure Tanipyrdom, is the fol lowing, narrated ny William of iSowtirldge, an Knglish author, who lived in tho middle of tho twelfth ctntury, and quoted by Calmet. He states tbat In his lime was seen, in the county of Buckingham, a man who appeared bodily, as when alive, three successive nisrbts to his wife. and after ihat to bis nearest relatives. They could only defend themselves by watching and making a crcat noise when thev Dercelved him approaching. The creature even dared to show himself occasionally in the daytime: whercmion the Dishop ol Lincoln assembled his council, who told him Unit similar things had often happened in Lngiand, and that the only known reined r agHlnst the evil -was to catch the wandering body biiu inim it. ine uisnop couiu not at once lull in wi h this; he thought tho remedy cruel. Ho adopted another plan, and it was this: Having wntten a scneaoie ot absolution, he placed it on the body of the corpse; and from that time no more ot mm was seen or heard. This sort or apparition would appear incredible, wrote the author, if several instances had not occurred in his own lifetime, and if he did not know several persons wbo believed in them. ire latter argumeut is. i numbly think .irre sistible. Tbe same author Newondge stites that a man who had been interred at Berwick cume out of bis grave every tnght, and made a great disturbance in the neighborhood. He even tn asteu mat lie should not cease to disturb the living until they had reduced him to ashes. Thereupon the neighbors selected two bold and courageous young men, wbo took him up out of the ground, cut his bedy to pieces, and burned it to a-bes. But some one among the crowd having said that nc could not oura uutll tin y bad torn ont bin hi art. bis side was pierced witn a stake. Through tbe opening thus made ttiuy extracted tne neurt, wnereuon tue uouy was consumed, und appeared no more. it is a remaiKanie tact, ana inercrore worthy to bo not d here, that amongst tbe Pagan Humans the notion pieialled that dead bodies of certain persons woie subject to be Incited from Hiuir gravi s by sorccieis, except incremation bad b en peitormed, or decomposition h id actually taken place. On this point study tho following allusion of Lucan ; the words are represented by him to nave nccn spoaen ny an encuaiitrvss to an evoked tpiiit: "Tall ua nie mbra nepnlrhro Talibtt exuriu Htysu oiltu carmlns Rvlvtl Ut ulllto eaiitata Masot exaudiat uinwa " All this may have been, says Calmet; but that those a ho are really dead move their jaws, and eniuse themselves by chewing whatever maybe near them, is, again says he, a childish fancy- like wnat tne ancient Humans said ol loeir man dueUH, wku b was a giotesque figure of a man with an enormous mouth, lull of big teetu. tbe juws being moved by springs. Tne Koiu.nis Irlentetied cnilnreii with these manduci ; hence the following allusion of Juvenal : "Tardrm que rvdlt ad pulplta notum Kfcotliuui. cum iiersoaat nalltnt'S liiatum Ju glouiluluatlUlt'tlulUul ruiUcns IB ans.1' Jut. .Sal. 111.171, Some remains of the ancient custom may be sot n in cerium processions, wherein the figure of a serpeut is curried, which ever and auons opens und shuts its jaws, between whieh cakes are thrown by lookers on. Authors Have reasoned a coon deal on these events, wiitcs my authority. (I.) home bave be lieved them to te miraculous. 12 ) u.lirri nave locked upon tbem as simply the effect of a heated imagination, or a sort uf preitosseesioa. (3.) Others, again, have believed that there was nothing In tbem but wnat was very simple and natmal ; these persons not being dead, but acting naturally upon other bodies. (4 ) Others have asserted that it was tho woik of the devil him self. Amongst these, some had advanced the op'iilon that there were certain beuign demons, difleriDg from those who uro maluvuleut aud hostile to mankind. But what greater evils can one have to fear from veritable diinona and tbe most malignant spirits, than these which the ghoul of Hungary Inflict on persons whose blood they suck, and thus cause to die f (5.) Others say that it is not the dead wbo eat their own flesh or clothes, but serpents, i at s, moles, ferrets, or other voracious animals, or oven strigus birds that devour ani mals and men, and suck their blood. ... It is added, that these vauipyrea ure kuown only to certain countries, as Huogury, Moravia, and Sile sia, where plague, pestilence, hydrophubia, drunk enness are most common; where the people, being badly led, are subject tocertuln disorders, occasioned by climate and food. As to wuut some have asserted, that the dead men bave been bnurd to eat und chew like pigs la their graves, it is manifestly fabulous, writea my author. Such aa idea can have its foundation only, in ridicu lous pn possessions. r'roui these remarks it would seem that Calmet is altogether skeptical about the narrations of dfud-allve men and women, but I do not know why he should be, since he does not venture to impugn the following still more extraordinary narration, communicated to him by a contempo rary priest of his own church : "A cure of the diocese of Constance," he states, "named Bayer, makes to me in writing the fol lowing relution. lie states that in 17'4! he (llayer) having been appointed to the cure of Ituthcitn, lit was disturbed one morning by a spectre, who, cume in the form of a peasant, badly made, ill dressed, and smelling abominably. lie knocked at the door in aa insolent planner, and being admitted, entered the study. He then told the enre Buyer, that the Prince Bishop of Coustauce, had sent him (the hobgoblin) upon a certain business, ... but the statement was untrue. The hobgoblin then asked fur something to eat ; where npou meat, bread, und wine were set before him. Taking up tbe meat with both hands, he de voured it, bone and all, saying, 'Observe how I tat both flesh and bone i do the samel' Then taking up tbe wine-cup, he (wallowed the con tents of it at a draught ; asked for another, which when supplied be served the same. Kising then, hs withdrew, never so much as saying Uood bjs' to the cure. The servant who saw him to the door, having demanded hi name, 'I was torn at Kustiugcn, and my iiante is Uuorga Ran 1),' be replied; but he spoke falsely. Then turning to the cure whilst going dowa-stairs, th hobgoblin said (u Ucruian, '1 11 show you who "'ll passed all day la th village," Calmet' curs' loiter of testimony goe on to state, "show lug himself k everybody. Toward midnight he returned to the cure' door, crying out three tines iu ternbl voice., 'Monsieur Bayer 1 I will let yoa know who 1 ami' Day by day fox ilm WH jew returned toward 4 1'. M., and every night remained till day-dawn. Ho showed himself In ditTcrent forms sometimes like a water fpsnlel, sometime like a lion or otbir terrible animal ; sometime as a mag, bat sometime (and Ibi mm have born worst nf H) in ti e guise of a pretty girl, sitting at tho core' bedside! Thus te-tillrs Monsieur llaror. Kometimrs ihe hobgoblin mailt) an uproar In the honse like a rooptr hooping a cask. The euro, desiring to have wltniases, sent tor tbe brail le and other chief people of the village to bear tes timony. "At last tho enre had recourse to exorcising; but with no etlert. Despairing almost of being delivircd from these vexatious, ho provided him self at the end of the thiol year with a holv bianch nn Palm Sunday; also, with a swjrd sprinkled with boly water. The ho'igobllti was now soon to bave Ihe wont of it. Appearing again (whether in the lor in of a man or dog. a bon or a jotmg lady, Informant d ies not sta e), the cure lust da-hed the ho y water In tins goti Iid's face, thi n smote tho being with the bleoed sword. He did ihls once or tio, and from that lime was no more molested. Tb.s is a tested by a Capuchin monk, witness of the greater pn of Ibi se thins, August 171'." Caidau declines to guarantee Die troth of all these circumstances ; the judicious nader may make wbut induction he pleases from the in. If Ihey nio irue, here, says he, is a real glioat whti tais, riilhks, and speaks giving tokens of his presence for time whole years without any h p aiauee nf religion. f-keptics may s ek to throw discredit npon the narruloim ol vanipvredoiu, hy urging wnat 1 conceive to lie Ibe fact, that although vampires bave been seen by tbe thousiud, have in on known to leave Uieir graves and waudrr about luting and bloodsucking their once dearest liii lids, nevertheless no authentic information is available relative to the manner in which they leave thiir graves, or the way In whi ii they go back to the i sme. No vamp) re that 1 am aware of has ever been caught In the vory act of coming out ol a grave, or going back again. The omia sion ia not ol a sort to shake the belief of auy reasonable man in tho general truth uf vampyre dom, knowing well, as all of us do know, mat thousands nf occurrences lake p ace ftoin time to tin e, tinder tho very noses of people near, with out their seeing what happens. I mice explored the battie-licld of Waterloo In companionship with a local guide, who, during that dny of mortal strife, had been present In the amateur rapacity of a sutler or cauteeu-bearcr, ministering comforts to the woundod. Gazing Irom the summit of the huge mound whereon the Belgian lion stands allegorical, in a certain sense, ol Belgian bravery I looked on many a grave and many a trophied marble. Thick tboy weie thick thoe graves, those tropbled marbles I and 1 bethought me how far more thickly strewn on the evening of the day of suite must have been the wiithing wounded, the shattered and gory dead ! I forthwith pit lured to myself the turned squares, belching their vol ley s at the French columns, pressing on; and 1 sought to reproduce the scene of men stricken by lead or steel, and suddenly laid low. "They tell fust enough," (aid 1 ; "it must have been an awful sight." "l'arbieur' interposed the guide, "yon may think It odd, but 1 did not see ono man full. They would rome on, and then a volley, a bayo net or cavalry charge, a tremendous noise, lire, smoke, and alt that; and when it was over tbcro they wonld lie, just like those sheep there, Mon sieur; but ou my honor, not ono fellow did I actually see go down." Very well ; Calmet did not record, and assuredly would not wish it to bo understood that ruenaut, as he calls them, or, to be plain, disrepu table corpses w hom earth rejects, can be num bered by the million. Ho perhaps refers to some score; and if nobody has ever cuught ono of these injiugrant dtliclo, in the very act of coming out of a grave, what does this prove i Nothing, to my mind, after what tho guldo told me at Waterloo. Tbe act of munching in a grave, ofeven coming ont of a grave, violate social proprieties, truly, bat nothing more. It is uot every huin.ui mind, indeed, that is strong enough, or sulilclonlly well bulanced, to look upon a horrible prodigy un moved. If rcrwiu, as Calmet denominates tbem, vveie moie frequent than they arc, then probably many spectators might be scared Into Ut or go mad outright; but it a disreputable corpse should got out ol its cotlln, and wander about, murder ously intent, wreaking vengeance all niglit, biting, bioodsucking,and going back to its grave before morning, it would bo a very serious and a very oaugerous matter. Thi Is just what vampyre do, nevertheless. lnlike manner as skeptical people the men of paralj zed minds so beautifully doseribed by Mr. Howitt, tho paralysis having been induced by a too continuous study of what we falsely call tbe inductive sciences Hud some absurd way of accounting for, or olse deny ing altogether the besl atttstid facts of pneumalology such as tahle turiilrg, tuble-dunciug, spirit-rapping, spsctrul wilting, luminous hands, mys ical a. cordiou play ing, and oiberpnodern spiritual maiilfos'aiious ; so more ihau one writer bos attempted to explain away tho precise lelatlons concerning dead-alive peoplo'of all varieties, from the masticatorus of Haiill'i to tho Vroucolakas of Ibe Greeks. Accord ingly it is argued, as already staled, th it tbe milder, Iho less extrooidinary of these recitals, are amply si counted lor on tho assumption of nance ; and tbat the recordsof puro vampyredom, talis about dead-alive men aiming from tueir lombs, stalking ahout, bloodsucking and mur drriig, tire based on a prcension of tho Ureek Church, lo the effect that Mother Kartb refascs to accept and retain in her bos im corpses of per-ons wbo have come under orthodox cxcointn'intct tion. It baa even been accepted as a tenet of faith by the Kastern Church, I believe, that no unor thodox corpse can possibly decay if buried In oithodox soil. There might be something In this vuwof the ciso. if recordsof dead ftluo people were traceable only to authors of the p ire Greek falib ; but seeing that testimony from other quarters is forthcoming considering that dcad aiive people have been known to w mder from thrir tombs in P.ngland as well as Genu any it seems to me that the hypothesis cited labs wholly to tbe ground. It must tie conceded, however, tbat VRmpyndom has received what wo may cull iu highest development in countries the peoplo of w I ich acknowledge ibe orthodox Greek Church. Lssiern European vmnpyres bave always bocn more fierce, more murderously inclined, than coriesponoing beings of tbe west. Climate may have something to do with this, and perhaps ten.pi ramciit. J.vtn on matters of the most apparonth' trins kind It is possible to draw practical deductions. No harm can ever come of making security doubly sure. I am led to lute., then, that if a dtad body, after a reasonable tune of burial ha- elupsed, lie still found sot land pliable: il it bleeds ou puncture, and shows no signs of tu filllngihedeerrvof "dust to itutt," toore is room lor ihe worst suspicions. In such a case the un quiet and evil-disposed corpse can be I .Id by adopting one of two expedients. The first is, to cause the grave to be beaten with a hazel twig, Ihe opcrulor being virgin not less tlniu iweuty tive years old. The second expedient comist in Digging the bodv up ami burning it. Mv author ties leave me no room lolluubl that the first and much simpler remedy Is i.ot equally edectual Willi the second; uev rihelc.-H, i.,r soiti; inex plicable rtusou, the remedy of iiieremntion i always practised iu l io Is wlieie vampi res do meat ebound. J. &coi, SI. B. Kstranrdinar)- 1'o-tt OtlIi' Hobbor.v by a Hoy. The Cincinnati Gazette of Wedne-d.y say: "Some days ago Messrs. Nixon, Ch.i.iield & Woods, ot Nos. 77 and 79 Walnut stiver, upon visiting the post otltee, found their bjx unlocked and their mail gone. Before this discovery mat ter had been missed for which thev were unable to account, although it did not occur to th -in that their box had been robin d. The secret, bo vever, was now exposed, and Detective 2a:n liny .us was set to work to unravel the allalr an 1 c t h the thief. Two days' vigilance succeed I, auJ yes terday morning a lad about fifteen yea's nf age, named William Kester, aud errand boy n tbe commission house of WiULim Powell Com "finny, at No. 10'J fcyenmor street, was cuuglil iu the act of taking the mail. "Upon searching bis person a large hunch nf post office key were discovered, and finally about seven thousand dollar in check and drafts were found, which had been missed and unaccounted for through considerable period of time. Tbe boy hud accidemly learned that the key of his employers would unlock Nixon, C hat tie Id Co. 's box, and tempted by this fact, he had purloined valuable to th amount of nearly ten thousand dollar. Th fact, however, that thi key would not lock the box led to his dis covery. About twenty-five hundred dollars ia draft are yet onion ud, and it is thought that these were destroyed by the boy. The lad, whose parents reside in Abigail street, and are said to be ruspectuble, was lodged iu jail in default of bail iu the sum of five hundred dollars." People fond of punch will be gratified to leara that on theiotbof October, lCvl.a bowl of punch was made al a Mediterranean city, In a fountain in a garden in the middle of four walk, all covered overhead with oraugand lemon trees; aud in every walk wa a table, the whole length of it covered with cold collations, &c. la the fountain were Ihe following ingredient : 4 hog, heads of brtsudy.W.OOO kmons, 20 gallons Urn Juke, 1300 weight of tine white Lisbon sugar, 5 pounds grated nutmeg, 3u0 toasted bUcuits, 1 piise of drt mountain Malaga. Over the fountain was a large canopy to keep otf the raiu, and there was buill on purpose a little boat, wherein was a boy, belonging to the Beet, whojrowed round the fountain and tilled the cups to the company ,mor than six thousand in number. GREAT METAPHYSICAL LIoOOVERY NOISES IN THE HEAD, DISCHAROF.a FROM TUP. K All, CATARRH, f Vf NKUIIAUMA, Jil nilKITMATHW ASTHMA, 11R0NC1IIAL AFl'KOTI NS, THUOAT DlFncULTIKS, lUwl Kvm, tat or nJr, lfip"p-i, ftiUnritrvMi of Uic hh iHtiMf of the Kirtn-y,0)ri.t!.4Lion( trtpl, PhM, inftnUy Kin, fral)ii,, Until of l o--d la iho ll-n t, conhum rnow, WKb ll iJ wvcrj- 4Una4A which li f U tlifl hum fin tK1 MUM, M. . JIUOWIV'H METAPHYSICAL IIS0OVESY. PRICK OrttCK-Nn. 410 ARlMI Htwl. 1fi..a1Sjh.a. No. It; HON B Hirf', New t -rk, n1 tt No. H lICMUr.l;TON h nitre, lotin. No borlnn with !fitrnmQtt. Io I low i hk tn nr t ttrsj. Wi pTuifttm- ni !!.' rH nrfntrxlif ln wires. h fKitr Ukr tr.tillr ni (Jnwn th tl rost. 1 It M K f A i'ln M( ! A I, IHMCOVKKV will ntvh WWf 'poi il. m ili utw nil.) utktruLuonu wtll react, auJ lltin iHPilildi I'lm c brghlfri. Truth Ik oi'l;t and fiiimt pnvaJl; 4rnir U liiir"T nntl with ib aih c Dtiurtul muat iuir or Utor ink Into ob-ivvon. In all tho untver INtp Ik notMnir en rnnt1v iwl lofi ii In errnr a the fcia, fun, and mot oa c r-pfM-u-a wiU, U,a I'tij ileal and oieiiieU con-muliou o( ine fc, 'I hin ad it A if thins It theroKitlt of tenoninc) ami bl nittiti on tin nn of tlnioe who pr i u aJnihiHior health anil hip to the M)!f, wtnit in iaot the inajortir lanoie Oi-U from tho miumii alUHMhor. All IttviU-a ilnd OiflTi'xiif-itc in inrtphvic, ami can noycr bo unJcr ttMl dimrt frtitn the nam. 'In- r- ar men wbo mke a Iuilntn of trentinf uriirf Hi mrkah. They Prrpar lititrnnint, ton baharoita ti thli k ol with whirl to tmriimtt tm poor aillv vlr llrui, who have trnath, neither pM.U Hily ur tueuUllr. tu iinderaORuch tiratH teahni rrprrtmettt. Ilu w ho created ih human l- dv alwavn ancak of It as a oituhty wholf, and the oinn mum ht a knavo or (m wtm would attempt tu tlivliia the nvstrni h ( aortloim, and treat any dUiaR apeeliirally. Iiidiiendf nt of th parti or mUht wholo to w hich tiVy belong. All uch uracil Ion era treat rvnTt hut know nothintr r tho runt wnat aer. Thui the world la nottim less than a va.t hofipiial. 'I he alatminK coa.litlnn of the if p e phystrally. esi claliy thp yonust, who are old with dininr Wftre th iM--a to bud Into llifj,tvther with our nod oxp rt once in having been txriateU of dear Iricnta. who tiavo paaicd Into untiinrtr ftravri by bvintf cperHti d on. 1 1 . fririuDjulaiicra. with manv ntluiri which nilijht bo ni'Miiionrd. are an lrrinti'le atlmnlna to th- pemHe to d iiihdiI of every man wh haa tin life and h.uth nf thorn eK and trielrloTt donr In Ina iianiN.nnd la r.MHititm'lr aiinftiJtetliib niediclnea n tilrliihv patient is njt allow,) t know tlietiaineoriiatiirof. 1 av und. rtliintiriirniuaiaiKri the 1 rot le have a rutht to avmandof evt-rv uuru phvah lnn to f urnish tU-mwMi a chart of hi riinra- ter, that ih. y may know hiu iiuaiitlcattons, Ac, c. ; itith vdeverv phv.i c4 tn sliou'd he compel ed to ha e It hutnj u u in ht itlco at nil hotirs. Jt Is only throutrh this i-hannel that tho ptiMir ran hari any attfety or iruarantr drwhat li inot dear to 11 hi and heaKh ; othrrwian it ft niav be tn tne hands ofauiuu wore quail (led fur a biack,iaiu iliaa a pi ycian. in ti t way Inherent qna!lnatlon. which are tndlipen ubie In a phyiclun. are sure to be d te'el and ehihl:d. W e e ihls universal 'y aone, thoiinanus would iavt tnpm lefSton which nature ntwer o.nadtied them fur. If pamre )tiitlittrs not tht tm enn be uo atiltahm qtittlltkatlon, at. In oruar to f tret the flrt ranne ol dUeme, It Is rtviiiHlin und lnlonnHBbly necrjijry to Inherit Casualty. Miuhr-ali-al power and t'oniructlvenea mint also ba Inhei Ued hy all who would be successful in tlndinyan antidote eapnhleot detmlnr the cause of dltfiim. There in no chantifl hy whioh the onuses can be reached with certain tj but the one I have d scribed. T hern ure I iai with ooiiiidenoe to tlia world, thtt It Is thronch IrerlMnft then rare cmhinafj of rharaeter that I hare leeu enahltsl to detect the first r?anseofditicae 1 h ceu Is not, as rnmty ifp)o it t. b't adueaio.i is an Imoited law between aoui and which, tn A post 1'anl litis us, Is always wurrlnf aRamst each other. Tula law sends foitb pttopiiittres tnese stoppite proluoedleaM in diversiflod lurmv, and If disease Is experimented on nr tampered wttn it lakas a tinner grip of tti constitution and mult p ies In other terms ana othur locthtip ot the atenjtbuidestro) lxi( liie whole mucUlnery of th htiruaa body. Kemfmher, the Ptnmach and the l iver have nothing to do with ihe cause nf the dUease. The trrailntf of thi!e orpans, for the tauAO, haa aent Duiltuits to nu uatltut'l grsvo. With conflrlrnfe I say to the worl t that mr Mfiphvl Cal IMtrovtTy l the only remedy ov-- oih-retl tn tho world which wtll thoroiintilr annihilate the 'out ifdleaf, T'ta disrovery consuls of throe Olstlnet iirtoiiarail is ; one fir ill m alp, ine f..r tiioeis. and one hf-tClira xhe e work In citniunctlnu, and strike at th of all disis. NhenIa all, 1 moan eer' diseau that tmr Inttjued tho human bedj-, u A tADV IN THE LAST HTAOK OK iMNitl'illTIOJr C'lTatU. From (ha It a I on Jonrnal. Ji l 7. Im;,-i, Mrs, Nancy HI. of Xo. 8"' "f,rrcn street, tshi.riHiiti'wn, do cuitif that I ha '0 hue 11 a'll'Oied fnrun ers. My rlttht side wai n aiUved ihtt I could not lie on It. DurlnR tit at tlun? I cutlered from ca tarrh, st re thiont ; would cough I'm in on f Iivn hours at a time j was very nervous ; it-idom n-nid nl.-t.pHt mghu 1 had a let'WJ fever two yrant since, w Mr i retlui ed me a skrleioii. I had all the iiinlicat id 1 e an 1 uit-d cinea ni e coa'd prrcme, but all to no iMir... wtt taut sleklf ft tti the lait miuh nf ooiMiinM'n. 1 was cjnrlned to lrd when Mrs Itrowa M' uihyslcal nerr wan sent hi. It was appltel accottl.iig l diiocuua. i felt no better, but ra'httr worse lor imc time My friends wanted me to ttive n, innu It wrn!d kill Ine; I was tof far Koia and too e tk to try aunhlng; mo a Hot my mother said 1 would die If I did not Una telle! Id th lMsc very ; and ai It was the last tilal to cur me he wruhl oon'lntie it We soon f,,ind that it wai th circulation wbl h wui m-hlmr Into my systnrn which was taking eilect. As the circulation kept IncJeastng my d a CMte he tan to break up. It was i weeks after I bcifaa to upply tor nied'ciiu! beforo 1 couli a'hrr tirontttn to go Into lioston to soe Airs M (1. Krown, and tha 1 nad to have help. 'J'he secoad tun 1 ven'urad I went without halpi at a the third titna I tound my way without any dif ficult). I beuun the use of Uie Metaphysical lUswvsry ia Ma v .and the result It on this itn 01 .luly, mat heal tti aud atrenyth Is fast ret untinir to my eniac'iitcd frame. aiy paraiied side Is ret 10 red to vigor; lean now rest wen on It. Aty raiarrh s gone. My cough, my nervo 11 D4ss. and ante throat are gone. 1 sleep well. All mylr rrnularitica have dl-aiipeared, and I mint arknowledK that. I the nroviden ol ttod. I wni dirtied to the u-e of Ilia M.O. hrown a Metaphysical lieovry, and by It tttktn from th mouth of the grave and mstored to my fan 1 II v and (net rfs I know m dlseaie are gone, gad a generril rlrculatOo lias taken place ht axpect It will tak lime to regain my Wai Utah and atrangUu REM ARKABLB Wnr. OF PF.AFVKHg OF TWEJTT KMtn HTAMl'l St. I, Join A Newrouih, of gulncy, do certify that I fear be n entirely dial in my left ear lur twenty years, and for th pest aii years my right car hat b .wu ai deaf that I could not hear cnnversutl n or public speaklag of auy kind. 1 coulu not hear the church bells rl ig wbil 1 wai ittlug In the church. I have alio been irou'tled for a num ber ol years wuh a very sore throa', so that I wai ODhged to vl9 up kli'g'ng Iu church, tor I had lost u voice. I had great trouble In my head, terrih e noises, atruost to cialurss. My head Irit numb aud stupid, and was a source of eminent trouble to me. 1 tried every remedy that could b thought of. I went to aurlsts;but as they wanted lo use Instruments I weuld have nothing to do wPh them AUm one in nth sIocm I bhtatntd Mra.M- O ltrwn fleta(ihvdc-tl Iincurery,and nsed It according to the eareciionsuu ti-e b-Mtlrs And th result Is that the bra 1 Ing ol both curs Is perfectly restored, so that I van hear as well! any man. The great troubia Id m head Is entirely oiir, Mv head feek perfectly easy and at rest My ihmat, which was so diseased. Is entirely cured, ana I have recovered my voire again. I would not take one thousand dollars for th t-enent I have received ia Hit use of Mrs. Urowu a MeUph skul Ulscovary. EEIIAKKAPIE CVTlt OF DISHAUOE FROM TFIE J.AK, UiHEABtU EVk.8, ASL LO.i OK INTHL- LErtT. FHii.Augi.wiia,BeDtetTjbr 7, lftttl. I, Henry MarvlUe, Jeflerson street (near Mr. Hrowuhuldt s coal vard, Ue. -suanlowa, do certify Lhat my son Joshua took braiu fat-r and catarrh on th breast, which left biu with discharges from the ear and diseased eyes. Ti.v clscharges never ceased Hi cars beciiu quit large and uuoaturaj, cover, d with scab. Th piuows Lad to he changed duritw IL night, so saturated were they with the duchargfa;lt would be luipoeslble to describe the ce .anion or bis eve. My family physician said be would go Wind, ilia Intellect also beeatne Impaired, that h cared not to 0. or play with chUdren, il looh no notice of anything around h.u. Kuiia but the parent can tell wUat our auderias wera W khik c a our child iu this coudltioo. Mot providentially, ahout oo yar ago, I saw airi. M. t.. ltrowna"Maphyahi Mscovcry" advertiwd In th Uduer. I went tu if.e Oftlr. 410 Arch strest, aod procured the nicdo-iaa- M v wife ai'pded it faitiduiiy and perevrUgly. Th me.I.elne wo'ked slowly M the tegiunti.g.but still w persevered, and the pwult Is that our aoula anil, ty cured of hit di. ases. Ills lute tct seems to buve awakened out of the sleep of death. Hi is considered now a bright and Intelligent boy chargt irom hlrs have entirely ceased, and ni ears have become su.all and naturaL IU y cUar and eironu U v wife aud m self are wi it aatUAed iUt ta St 1 Tai by lit td lucovry,and auft heartily cotuiaviid 11 to Brown s OckbrMaa oor Rkhard'i E. Mmer.fl parltotUi kmaU ikta conli. P iCsaov tcr.H par bolfla. r,MM.M.i,c v.jmyi.iho.-Mrs. i. i. w: Pear Madam -1 Lava been U b"nd In my nghleyfor seven yea 1 have been 10 several doctors, whom beard fuld re.'ore my cyes-rhr. but they never do ;e am ufuiri I laiiw sums of money in traveling 10 "aSlU'rd lP"rl -ir. "AM m,' but noli ul Utlii ruui.1 Uo sny uod. I ISuMliI m caw, 1 Mil Md HJ "I'-ui y..iiuldrell.v me. I.MtbvaiTeuaiil"'"-''t ..ur "!leu.l.a,.kl 1)1. w" r".D in r.iiv i..ur hour, alin n. r.itr..t- taf iliUvw.iii.. j ,.,.! jours. truly, jOilH HELET. Tk C klrat4 Foot Bktard t Eys Water, SI i siaaU SU.,S6ciu. s) 1U) AHCH 8uM .... , lu-wai Hs.ilOJCUtrrt. Lit, it mm MEDICAL. AMAKITAN'M CURK SaM MUTAN it rtlHK. HKirAH (IKK aa w iti rav a I't hK. HAMAHITAN CI'KK. aMinrasa ithk.. aM ahi r,Na en nr.. hmi:itas a ( t:itK. A ABI I N It ITKt. A M tl'l I A H ( TKK. T. olr .nr. tii mni-(y litr ()nnrrht. Olwit, 0'iltO.f. Ac. cuia In all cm, la from lo M v. I nof tl-s'tlfi or Kt-msl. - ""it l.f rrmll nvoi i a cms.iIo 4knits. ram Aim a n rvi'.K. miiimriii s ci. ick. CvM AKi I'A I'tlBK. f 11 KI AN H CI I UK. KAMA'. I I'' N H HllliK. H ii' aki r h (tiik. A MAKirAN'I OI'HI;, hAMAhirt..'A ii'i k. NAMAIII I AN a I I KK,. HAMAI.I1AN S (!, MK. TIIK (irtf AT HI'KI'IHO K.IK hKi'KKT ImK.A.IM, M iniiial MltH"., ihvitrrlia-A. lllffl , As Ttrt. ti r 'ii'a'ii. j I'm,, auJ old uiii. iu uo n twlo l i'a... iTir,., It U Jo crrtin o r.lKT t(n. and pnw.r a thMc w rp l.iln.'Ml l.y cir.a ..r .pf olhtr .nj w II n.. n- .11 in rn;l vutr vf y-nJi. wtirn ihe ar. a..! ilhiHil Uia uij-Uuu. In U.Hl hum, una I'lil Uirv. tuuo. a d.. (bontl y kmJM C. TBIOR H'RR. Pi-onrlffcir, lti, fcMJ I' nl Ulllca. Solo Ai-ll(. HVD1 T At I'u., No. UI N. ,0J.Sl'I. fie etir and s.k f.r MA.MAKITAN'8 Oflll. AM.ltl TAN'a (:(ikK. fAM Mil TAN H (THK HA MAHIT tN .1 tMIKK. HAM till I A H I'UHK. MAMAKITAN IH'II a .MAiuraN a i'I'kk. HAMAHITAWa t IlkK. dAMA.ill AM a rilaK. H. .KITAN ClIKK. raiir ! riiiiiii). hi mip dk momi). bYKfl' I'llildllll. MY III) P !'. lill'llltll, M I 1 1 1 IK KKidKtl HI I1CP DK HI Mlltll. k III T l.K lIC')M. HYKIir IK Itli'niai. HI HI I' lit. kk.DKIl. HViaiP UK. KllXlim. HYIlUr' lihKI illl HI imp UK ItloOKU. hi imp nr. rumku. HYIU'P I K Kl tl.ll. H III P l.K Kll'i'lll). HI Ki r l HiiyiKn. NYIUIP DK Kiomui. HVlt'T V Km ii;ii. HYKI'P rK RICOrtn. HI HI T Di HilHiltli. HVIIUP DK KI'Mlllll. aviiUP I)-, itn imii. hviu'p dk Hivoitn HYKI I' I K Kmiltll. HI kill" DK liU'WKll. A ot ilnin i-iiip fur h iiirm, Drnnit..i liiHei lued In the Ktimi.rftn HoKpliai,, aua lUe armie, tkruucluiut KurMppand AnipnrA. Uni. fn. p-r.U in I a tia inal a. an .nnUotlnr of tM, Hinuol diii-..p. and .Ui'iik'Ji-iii thuronAilMitiori Kclinr.llr. HoiUcoifl .1 H.irM. Hn. I'luinlf,, le.itm, or an rrnpiions, no mattei ftuia what cau.s or now luii staad Int. rrlce II per botlla. C. rul(!K KO-IP., Pmprlelnr. HnleAp.Pt.. DYOTT A t'l). Hv.le Akimiu, DYOTT A I'O. (tl.ll, DYOTT . I'O. So. IM M, 8K.i'iSI Hir.'t. itat tnan addrws. autuUi ua THK 8AMAR TAN'S CDim X I A AN HP KM.IKIl O 1 UliVEIl KAi1 Tn CtMlK.l DOKi NOT N IMKATKI IH HPKKOY IN ACTION I NO CIUNIIF. OP IllKT RKijIllltKDI DOER vor im K.ui mt with iiihinkh-im:rsuit91 CAM HB I'HKD WII'UOIT llKlKOTlOJil VtKp tt. Wmpor hem.ip. Hint by mall lo any addres. C. PRII'R HOR, lion vM : I'oai )ill..e. Role Ai-ntu, HYorT A; CO.. Ill I lmh.;liii Wo. 8W W. SKI'OND Hlrppt. DK. J. 8. KO.SK'S OOI.DHM l'ILL8. I'p to thli irrl drvoiiklrii havefi.ito hnniiiunirei b IV. arid, Al il.irnlii.l HupMrt,r, Ac , lor (n. mr. of tallmiiof tli.lVonib .ad ai'n.ra Juel tiy, whirii miani e.D Li) prjve ptJIla' lv. If not IniUflou.. aoii.of Dr. Iloa.'s ..tlrnra Imv. reen unl. s aurli aa.tmtitia Tho ri'lrrn In. Ili.inrii line, an.l oh am aptn'Act ciim l.y th. tiae of onlv a nY boirl. For than, oom- ti'iitni. on. Ikx I. vrorth a hiinil d AlNlomlol Mttp.,r era. ilr.. do cnla pr boa biilo Afuma, l1 V I' T A I'll. ffa. Ui H.HtL'OJlDajiel. ID 1-tulhSlu I)ATlaNTED JULY 19, 1HH4. JOSEPH MHlTKT. Klave do Tarls, French Ateara Dyeing and Hconrtng on any kind of wearing apparel, lor Ltd-ee, tienta. and hibiren. 1'etent acparains lor streuhtni pants frnm oe to nv Inrties. Wo. KACK Htreet. trei Wo ynt H. ninth Hire, l'tiitadnlobta auVt-ltaa SHIPPING. rr bTKAM WKKKl-Y TO UVEll VMSaWisjk. pool, toiuMng at Qurfnm-wn, Cork HarUir. - i in Ht 11 kimwn Biramera ot tl' I.lverjiool, New York, and 1'hiiatleipMa Htftemshjp loiupany ara Intended la ail an follow a :- I'M V or liAl.TIMOltK, Saturday, October 8. .1'NA, alllrllsv,tltotHr IA. KlUSHI'K.I.HaiunMv.Ortoaer W And ererv sotxoudiitg Hutunlay at noon, Von Pier No 44 North Kiver. KaTKH u PAHWAflK PTAI,K IH CUKCFSCr rir.-l CaMn aitWIO Stjerge ..$S0O) tirm Cabin to I,, ndon I70W) Hioartvge t'i London... ii -tsj First' a'tDtol'ans.. I'V io Htti-iago tu I'arls MfiH) t list Cabin tollKiuhr 'kIWW Bieer-e U Uuuib ir. "100 I'an ny libera also forwarded to Havre, ttreuteu, Hot ter dam, AM Hern, Ac . at eo,uellv b.wraiea. r uffs m m l.iverpotl or Vueen Blown First Cabin, IM), $1"i0, $110 HiewraK from l,ivur,Hol and QuHens uwn,$i'U. 'I'hote who wish te sead for their lileuds can buy tli kefs here at theae rule ror turtlior unoiniauou apply at the Oomiiaay'i office. JOHN 1. hAI.K A-ni, So. Ul-WALNUT Stret-t. rUi.adoiphia. fTK BOH ION AND PJI1LADKLIMIIA SsdssKwaaa, HteetiiMbl. Une, salllii( fr-'in eaoh port oa ft.i t L Uii A Vh. IrulB fldtwiier mIhiv t'INK tnrei,Phlla dtipl aid loiii Wharf, Moeroii. Fiom drst wharf above TIN Mtree-.on Muuidav,ti'lober8, 1 he sieanislop HAXOn. Metthcws. will aJNrem I'hlla d lc'iia lor Hostwt.oti aiti.J, tf (dr H. a' it o'ol ok A M t and tite u aoibliip M)KM K. Uaker.frona HosXua for I 'liJUd.ll) hta n ssn.e 4 I. M. 1 to'se ut w and st.bftantift) auanisnioe form a roirular lint-, ft'lmit trotu trnch port putH'tuaily on Hatnrdya. Iiiriuiai'cos t3ile4jtet at one had the pixiuluu ohaiged on tt If. Vt.i'l. r rola his lAken at fair ra'es. hMppers are rrtjiiesccd to send Htlp RTels and Bills Lading wild their mhhIs. ui l latMUt tir Taasai; thavna fine arommoilatloua) apply tt IIKNkY Winsuk A (H).. jU-tf No.S:ti .1. DKLAWAKR Avenue. KOU N KW YOH K.. DKBPATOH 'SrWand Hwifuure Lines, via loiewar and ii ( iiiiftl. '1 he stt-aoti'th of Hits lines are leaving tiatly ei W i'clooK M., and b o'clock f. M.,lroia tbtsd pie above W ainut street Kor treiht, whieh wl'J he teken on aonominodauas terms, apply to W ILU A M. 1.A1U1) A CU.,Wu. LHH. 1I LavaKR Avenue RAILROAD LINES. X'OHTH PENNSYLVANIA KA1LHOAD. 1' l-OU BKTHlHtKM, tV I.KA TOW N . KASI'ON-, MAIM II (ill NK, UAl.noN, Wll.KklHUAKliK, W1L- LlAkuslVKi. Fall akranokmknth. On and aOer M "MM i . etcptomUi r H l:t, Paai-nxT Tretna HlliJen-e tie NKw K or, I'll Kl Hire-i, ibjv Tht inpsoii, I'lilladelphla. deily tBiJtiday exoapted), as lollows : At 3 ao A M. (fxr-rexs) tor Hetlilelism, Alleutown, Mutuh Cliunk, Wilk--sherro, VS'ipmintiiort- At h'Ot A. hi- (At-uoimundetioti) (or livl-town. At 10 i; A. M. ( ArconuiKtria ion) tor r o-t Wanlatoa. At P. M. ( Aoeiniaiiaaiion) tor isoOcstoMii. At i 15 I'.M (ttApifSn) for Hetlikb'in, fcistim, AO 'J his I ruin rem lit s K t"ii atfi H r. M , and mskt-s close Coniie'il n with fi e New JiTnev ( entrel fr tivw I ork. At 4 IU . M. tMall) for loIetown Ai&iof. M ( Avooiuiuodaiioii) lor Jlethlebuia, Alleu town. aid Ms Hiii Chunk. t l' I' M (Aoi4niii.i'tUtlo..) for Lana iale. Ill' M. 1 A rc? in nit. dnilou ) tor Fort WHthinitton. f 'tiroi:li 'I ii-.t'U uiii he o'Ticuii'd at tho Tn k'd Otllce, TIIIUI fttien, or HKKKm Hueei. iu order to sicuruihe luHu&t rete or lanv a ThAlNfl Knit PIHLbKI.PHIA Lenvr Itft'hiH.s'iii at i A M , li K i.oon.aad 3 12 P.M lK lesu-wn at 6 rO A M., il 1'. M ,.uiO e V i. Lai -Mi;. le ut ' li A. M ort V htnfctou at H-M) a M. and I l M. i h Ht ViivMrt Ph.ludelphta foe lle'l'Ulif-iu tat V M. Fb Hurts i' la tor lMieioun at a F. M, lh luptt.wii l,.r ( tula eli'hu nt ' "jo A M. Itr-ti.J, I . iii lor lM'dt-l(liU at 4 I. M .'M Hug an l-;fn-a- will i all f r and dollar bs ;-: at tee ded. Ordtrs may be let', at So. lilt b. tillfU htttet. U Ui Kl.MS C'I.aUK, ajrenu riULADKIJ'UlA AD iSJiil IrlW, 1.1. IK HAILkt.r. loU i. 1 h ideal line ttnr-i-s ihe Wortht-rn aad N r!tiWfsi eoDiitn s e Pi'iin iv aula to tne cttv t'.ile on Lr e Krts. It I ahiui h a-td b. the t KN.o. LU.MA KULKO VU I'OMI'aNY, at 4 oiidcr thwir tt'ij4o:s Is being raptdlv Opt'luaJ throujhfUl li ciiUru Isilt4th It is n' tu i'1 'or l'as'iiitT and K'e'ifht btislnes fna Ilarr t'Urt o i uii.oruim, ( inl.ri), tm Le ICttgru liwi sleii. ai.d lioiu s'.sfUvd u hrli. 7t uJs),un Us A'vMere ll.l.i"ii. Ilk-1- or I-AMeKNUkH 1IIAIVSAT Mil. UKL flit. Mai' 'I n. in Urui tat-rea 'Ihiaktui iV-Ut IV M Cs run ttro. b I'lHofT riiA'.li btitlt ry on ths tral: s but era t'lillt-i' 1,'iiirtaiid Ick U ou. and bsttwurti Ui't oii iriui. Loo liKveu. Ki-mint tvuin fire on the Kipret. 1 rain both ways. Por hiUru a.ttii rtco-- li.w I'ttssi-iinur huiiifs, noidy tU theH K. cwn.eurt KVKS TM and U A KKC I' Hueeta. And for t'ri-u.M buln'S oi the t'niii;'.tnv ' ApmU : H. it siiifciou.Jr .coiiitrMAltt'Iliaiid UAiLXhl trf ts, riilitnletpttia. J. W. hi ih. Oi, Krte. . M. DrfU,, M.V.C. R .. Ueneral Kr.lslit I hiiadrltJila. l.K ID L. IKIL'Pr, Oi-B.ral Tlckrl Aenl, Pbllailelphla n. porrn, )at-tr taeral Uiuw. WfUUaiap I) 1RF.CT NORTHERN KA1LU0AD Itrn n v. I I'lflLAl.l I.l'lllA TO V011TlimTKRN I'PNVavr.. V A N I A , It II UAL ANIi HtsftUS HUW I0KK, Ht'HAlO AND HiK l.AKEv. Hy rolla U li.hiA en.l Tientun Railroad, Ilelvttlere. ana Iiel.war, Jt.ilroad. I'tlaware, Jackawauna, ami IVeaU'ra ll.llrfiAtl, anil Krie Hallway. Only two change, betwevu Fauladtlfulaand DuffiK). Ilu i baiiKlna In Hie niwtit. alll.Ba OK 11R0AD OAtMP.I Mn-nlf real 8ieeiin Car. i.n the niwlit end nf tne route. Morlh. Leave Pl,imilelilna at 114 A. il.. from Ihe keimtribtuii l.ein.l ol the I'liiladvlplde aod '; , l,ai.i.atMaiiunka I Lui.k to tin- lina.l llaut et aia 01 li e In aif, I.ttchawaiina. and Wraleni HaJIr'iatl. and a: tirtat llrud lu ibe t rie Hallway, .iiiviiij al iluiialo al tfoii a' lb. Erl. KaUway Eapreas from Buri.lo at 10 W P. M., tl V'k" l-rfftllrlid tn tin) IMa a are 1 .at-kiin ktin.,and Wt ,lt-m Hailrnad, and at ktaunnka l l.unk to Ihe HHVidtre lie.aar Hailr. ad lralu, WUU.U .. ti.rt.iiiblt. l'hilatli'h.a. arnvu.K al e aoi". M. puaeotr, s,,nii nurib dine at Hi 1. ware hlatuai oa tlie Inlaw are, I41. kv,ennk and fVeatt-ra M M I'. M., aid hav. Ilni. ler aupner al Una'. Ilentl, tli. lest tl..rK la nude at S'41l P. M. Thot oliil buulb make ibe aiai chaiise at oreat t a-i A.M., ami havellii.e Pr tin WfaM belure lakini; belaweie, Larka wauna and W t'altru HalUoatl Uaia ; dluti at ixilawur at i io r. m. 1 Im.uab Tkieta to and from Buffalo Iltinklrk, Roebes t r. I-Jlnlra. Illiaca, O.wi'l'O, bllint.aiuuu, llrwal ll.uu, Hi r.nlt.n. Wiikeal.arre, liejiware W.tir llap.Ati. arv betot-rii flnlaita Ipl.l. and BuCalo, 1U Auk lor uca.u via tirvat lienrl. -Ua VU. U. OATiJUUt. Atal RAILROAD LINES K A D I N U Il A t L 11 O A D . OKRaT TKMNK I.IUB ,'R0!I.VPKri!'.i.'il'.IIU r" T" lTPItllR or I'r.lLV AMA TIIK. u-IIIITt.KII.I., !U gtiKtiANNa.CiiMrKKI !, ami wioiHimt, ICORTIt. MllTnWKT.JlNDTnP, CAKADi. PAartnp.R THAim t. Ih. f.mi..n D on. at TlilRTKKMrn fl A l,UI 1,11,1, BUMI.. I Hn.-H.,i,, u lu Itflatmna tluur. MKSIWI MAIT, Al S-00 4. IS., tor K. adila, lv.non, Knbrau. Utla ('MiaiMa, li.rrobonr. r.ouvill.. P-ninv.,.. lunaiu. Hiinl.ur , U l.l.un.u t, a .m r. H. In, t..r, Nia.iv. Kl a llnritJo. AH. u-, IVI a. NO.irr, I'lltiitoa, Tot h. Crltai.) CiiawterNloir., II... mown. r I Ik train oa.umv i. al h-A(iTla arllh P.Mt P.nnavlva pi. mr A ..Mown. A., th. K..dh,a an ('4un Ina ltallro.1 Sr K4ihr.'.. 141 a an ll .niita with lh !,lnrtn y nan lot II .m kn. . ai P. f lil.tN roN wi.ii (:.. i ... hrr-.4 irama n,r a--. U tlliatii.p.t. )K llavrn, R'Uilr., o. at kl a rt i 1 4 lll'tti! ni, l.Vnnai." "i:unin.rlanl Valx-T," Sinl "l-rli IKill anJ Nniui.n ji." lr.ina i-r "J -ft i-a bi la nil, w liiisBt-a .ri v.-h.ii.aT.ii.'r.MTa, P.aicrv..A ari PltMHlN KX I'KKHH trf...a Phllail. Inia .1 . l P. M. f"r K.dla, f U vli.', I'liifrrKva, lUm.nt.rv. Aa , c.nniM .1 llarria lir with Pet.n.yhan a Vntrl train, .r Ph'.ln(, Nrtl'.m r. mr.I UajjiaS traina luiiun r, Sortliin h.rlan.1, ! lour., .kr , anil a' r.,, rlnt-.ii wuh Oat.laaa uali.a lur Milu.n. UUaiuaMrt. Kl ulra, o. Rr.MUNII A(V)MMKi,TirH. lTr. Rii,i a .t i; i a. al , aim,,, nn at all war aia tkua .rrttn r in I l.llaii. iplua at imi.i a. M KHiinl.-,, 1. ..... Huladdipliiaat ii-wr. M.l artlra. la Iimipi l XK'P M.':iriA US ,.n rnttn.lll .1 a Ift a. M ,arTlliiK in Pun Ipipmi. at if so f M. Ariiniwta irniu. li .vti ll.rn. iikk m I I r. Jl I'olt.trluo al II ;m I'. M ., ar. limit In l-hl a.ltJ' hia al T P. M. Mara. U.ina. with a pa..iMtr.T ar all acli. I, t"v-Pti'lai-iiil. at I P. M , ftr ti&.tuiv and .11 war ata'tnnai It-art K1 m.iii, at 17, nin, .thI iMiwnlnjrtnwn al II Al P. M Inr n,Jlal.ihta and .11 w.t'ia. A il ll.a atm Iran a run rt.ily, Mtiii.tnr, aao.ntd . Blind. i trim l"v pntljtrliJ. al 7 -.10 A M.. aau Palla tf.iphi. .1 9 P M I'llKSI Kll VAI.I.KV RA1LKIIAR ."acnifrm lur t,.-mnitii.wii and mtiititial. nntntl U lln' Hio A M. and 6 i.i p. M.lrliia rr.i o P. Ua.inli.1la, Iniia Jinwniivjtnwa al ii A. U , and IS LI n.Miii. Kr vor.rt rxrim-iii pint pittiiihtri and thi WK-lT. j-ar.'w York aiilA. M an 17 P.M .paaalug Rx.lunT al I? inlff.Ufhl nt.d 11 P. M and r.nni-ltM a M..H, (Hir win, l'mnatl..l( Kallruiwl Kia nii Ir.laa fur Plln bni.. IH-td. ard III. at. Ht-tiirnii K Knpit-itB train Iravf. Il.rrtaburiroa arrlral in tlif IViiii.) li hiu. ' frtira Pitlanurir at :l On a-nl 7 :! A. M , n..m Kr-iilu.a al 4 ' anil N II I M , and arriving .INwp. .t In A. al. and a il p. M. xl.,..n. 1 ( (.'aia aci-oitip.n Urn., iram, tlirunull,btw..n J.rM Clt atHl I'lliaNira, wiiIi.mii ti..)aM. Hall iratn lur Nrw York l ain llirrKHK at l P. M. Mail train rnr ll.rri.hitrv kai .a Sa. Vnrl it II H. HI llll l.K 1 1.1. VAI.IBt KAIMUIAD Trains Wr riiii.viilt- al a UI A aa. and l P. St., ra tnrnhia from Tuc.n.r. at rl !A A. M. .ud 4 aft . J aiMIIVI.KII.I. AMI MI'HIJI ' R.I ANNA It a.ROAD. Ir.lna l.av. Atitium al Hlft A.M. f-d I'lnonnivn and Il.rrttibnre, and at I'M P M fur Plnnirrnv. only i r.lurn l" irom liarriKiiiini at I JO p. II., aua iruia at 1th A. M aua 2 P. M. TII-KF.TS. Thr.n.h flrat-rl.,1 tlnkola and rmitrrant tlek.t. to all tli. prli rlpal iwinta in tne N'tti and Wnat and Uita.l.. Iliu rtill.'Wii.K tl'-krU ara .1 the illl,w.4 R r.KAIlPilKn.Tri-.lirr. Nn VI7 M. POI'HTII Hlrrmt, i,l la. or of U. A. MI'OIXI. Ut-B.ral aunvnutaa. ilt-nl. Bnadluu : tXMMIITATION TIlKKTH. A? r.rci t. diotiunt, butwoeo any points ileilroi!, rurlamlli.s and (Vma. Mil.FAOK TirKET, (Inn fin- w mil.., .a poiuis, at S1 M sack, for f.auti.a aud uima. MtAWN Tll-KP.TS. For thm, al, nine, or twelve uuntha, for boldars oalj, a aij iMjanu, a, rrauc.n rai.a. Cl.l KilVMItH Ttoaklln. nn thi linn ol Ui. rnad will be flirnlahad with rarda, (utltlllig tlieui.alr.a and wlvaa to tlnk.u al ball an. F.R(XRHI0N TIOKBTa From Plilladflpl la to unnripitl al.liona, fnr Ratnr d.y rinnditv. ai d Uonitav. at rt1iicd r.ra. to t had onlv at tti.TlcA.tUOIi:a,alTMIHTiCKM I H naUAjLL.UrVHlLL burcoU. KRK.inirT. Otiorla nf alt rloaftrtptiona fnrwarilnd to all th. annv polnla.rrnm Ih. f'ompany's new freight d.pot, lUtOAH and WII.I.UV) 9trnla. riilCliHIT TRAINH I.eiir. Plitladidphla d.ilv al S A. M 1 P. M ,aad A P. M , f Kr.iltiii, Lehanun. Ilarrlabnr, IVttarill., fort Clia toa. and iHilata beyond. WAII.S Clo.s at th. PMladrlphl. Poa' OfRos for all plaoea nn Ina n.a.l and He tiram hea at 6 A. M., aud fur Uia prlnalpal Slationa only ut t li P M. I)HIT.AT)KI.PI11A, OF.RMA.NTOWN, AND KUriUINTUWM KAII UOAH. TiMK TAIII.R On an after MONDAY, May IU, 1HH, until fartbar DOtlC. FOR (1F.RMA1ITOWK. Leav. rhlladeipnia , 7, S. 10 U, II A. K. : 1, 1, S 1 .. 4,. r.S.n. 7,A, 0, 10. 11. In P M Loaveliermaninwn.e, 7, 7 Ho. 8, H JO. 9. III. 11,11 A. M. i.i.H. 4 .,, D.tiS.T, H, fl. 111. li, will P. M. IheH-TO Jnv-n, and the :i4 and b train ap, do not it n Uie Oerni.nt.Mii itrannh. CIIK-NCr II 11.1, RAlI.ROAn. I. r.TD rhlladulplila, 6, S, 10. II A. 41.; il, 3V,5V.T.I and II r. M. Lr.vel'heanut HIII, 7-10, f), 40, 11 40 A. M l l lO.S 4. 411, 6-411. 4il, and 111 40 p. M. KOK SBIIOIHm:kP, AKD NORRIHTOWf. luave riiiladrlphta t,H U, 11 10 A. M.; IS.J.4H,5 S.SIIn. anil IIS l. M. Norn.Uiwn,6.H,7, 7-;-), and II A. M. ; IH. M It and P. M I I. SS tram no. will slop at Wl.iaulcaoa, Manayaak and Cuaahot kau only Hilt M MSAVrrlK. Leave P1iiia.lKiilil.u.s;i.ll ii A M., tX, I.IH.I. CH.NTii.iid II I'. M. IxilYe Mminjuiik,.. 7X.S-M, US A SI., t, S, T, and !'X r. M. II. K. HM1TT1, (leneeal Hunert'tendenU ayl lietioi, M 1 la Til aud l. liliKM duaots. "VKVV RAII.HOAD LINK NORTH. 1 I'll 1 1. A l.K I l-lll A I'll RltOOKI.YH, lllUuUUM 11 K1VK llutUii. FA UK tl. KXfllllRIONTlrKKTStl.iHMlll mil TMItlcr DAM, On and alter MONIA V, August I, 14, train, will I-. .. frnt ol VP. HUtyit. I'lnladivpnla, ever innniiii a' a . M . iBimdaya ear.-pul). Ilia- liv Uie Camden aod Al Urllo end lliirll.n nd lielaware flay KaiiroAda te Port Mnnin.nilli. end by Hie cmU'iitl tu. alramer Ji.aa. ti.iyt, tititnT Allanllr atieer. Ilmukiyn ; r.iijrninir, At Untto htiwd Wliati everyday (mmdaya eaneptedl. at U A M.'cra fn the city of New Yr.rX .r. notified not to eiply rtr pa, Kane by Ihla line, iIim uf Keer Jane..? tiavlnit iirai.n d to Uie (.'amuen ai.d Ainboy tli. evrltialvn prHii.H'i nt c.n- inn pamenKera aniltviKUt be twtea III. Mili-a ol Pbilad"li. Iia and NewWIi. I)T1 14 W. r. Ulillf KIVTS, Ueuerai HupoflnlendJUt. -M'..ST CHKSH.K AND rillLADKLPUU KAILUUAll. VIA MK1UA. H KINtl AUIIAMIRMP.S'T. On and ant.-t ill DAY, Auill l,ln4, tlie Tralaa ennieav. aa loilhv, a ljve'hla from tlic Depot, comer of TIM Br r. KIKil aiiilvAllhKT tiin-ola.S A 11 , 11-ut 1M..I1I V.H.. n l" l..f.'4'. I'. M. l-lill.tleli hi. I !'. I rhan. ed from KMIllTKKyTH and MAl.Kh'l btioeU tu and Si ItkMT Mli-i.. WopI rt.i'ater. fruni t!ie topot pn MAItKBT Blnei.S-a" A. M.,7 A M , II A. M ,1 r. M ,4 4M' M. llierenff ll.e Vvent riniadt l.diia I'a.senMer Hallway r4.niaii) ( M.iki-t atit-el) v 111 cunvuy t'aaacne-urs to and fiuui Uie rblladtltiliia lit'imt. t)S MI'MIHY. l'lillad.l.lila at H M A . M an J P. K. I.t-att I tl i:Ii. iit al H a M. and 4 Jn P M. 1 ..nn lea my PMibl. pine al a A VI. and 4Mb P. V , ar d Weal I 'beau r tt l i ' A M. aud 4)1 P. M , conned with trmna nn Hie Ph'l.delphl. and Itall'mro Cenlral Kel'mad forllar-trd nnd Inlet uu' p.lnia jal II tIK.MtV WOiiH.ioii.r.l.1Uierlnt.nJont. 1)H11.AIKI.1'IUA, WILMINGTON, AND JtAXilUuhK HAII.KHAII. I IIAM1K ' K HOI KH On and alt.r MiiMlAV , Auuat 1, rateetif.r Irani, kavt- riillarie.nhla lur baitiitinre .1 I S. I Kpr.-e. .Mtind.ya OkOejited), 8-OS A. K , II l..a i' d In M. 0111.114- at 8 i, 11 It A. M., 2 JO, 4''J0, S'OO and 11-00 P. JI. VI llmlnmnn at 4 HO (M.pnilava eteepted), rot. 11'IS A M., i u. j-i, 4 ei.t; i , in o.i.d it i e u. lire ( ...If aist.'i A. SI and !'. M. Iuver .1 e l'- A VJ and IX-P.M. Sll'i. id at 8 l A. M baliahury at e i ft A. M I RAIha KOK rnii.AHKI.l'lII i. Leave Hallilnnre al e'4, i' lo A. Si tbipr jaa), la, ft -il en.i It- v.'. r. IA. Willi, metim nl I M, S ir.. II A K . U'rt.l, 1 44, 4 01). 4 :B, Taidli In P.M. i Hall.twr) al II'M A II. alliloid al 1 If. P. M. I'Mfii li U A. M and 41f P M. hi e I'.aili nt I. :H' . M lli'i tl-71 P. M . I (I i, lot ulli.HM U . l-oo.a 4i,4 40, I 'JO.T'M.t-W I P.M. I Lt-aie Rattliniief.irSKll.t'Ui7aiiillntornio(llat..tatl-r.., al lo.i P. l. I.i-kt-Hall uiore f.T U.iver and lnti;rrai-llate elation, at 111PM TK IK-t rmt BAI.I IMi'CK. ; Cl.oirr t n in a. M , .1 !'. and ll ti) . M ; I.eve Wlliuintic.ti at 11.. li A U.. 1 HI and 11 40 , P. M. Krt-.KM Irtuna, altb Pa-angtar Oar aliened, will run ' aa h iii.a L.-.e Wiua:i-rlr.n lur Piri vlll.aad Uitrin.diaiepl4t;ea 1 al ; 1.. P M HI niia) S:- tuny .1 4 Ji A. II . lump. St., trout Pbn dt lh a It. l-.a:iiii,,r- fn.u. 1'NlL.di iyl.u to Wliii'"Kl.u all-' A. M., Ili-ai, ai.s 11 P. M. Kroui Wllrlm 'en ti Ptill.tlelplila at 1 ISA. M. ) TIW , F. M. Oul) at lu-ib P. kl . fruiu li. t l l.lliuli'lplaa. i 4 11. Kt.N KKY. Suparinleuduut. rtST JK.KSEY KAILUOAD LINES M ew Arreliif men'. IMi .lid alttr MONDAY. o. t..ber in. H4, will K iiu rrou Wa'.nut Struul Pier a" fi'liuwa Kor Cape May uud and all place liiulh of Mlllvlll. at A. M. Pi.r Mlllvll'e, Brltlt-etim, ".ilrta, ant all slut'Sl loulh of YV.ll'ury at 9 A. M and ,1 I'. M Kir Hkcdbury, Oloui-eater, Ac , at 9 A. M , 11 M.,3 and CP. Si. RP.TfltKINll. I.rave Cape May at 10 Kl A. M. Milhilie al 7 A.M. nnda P. M. " liridt'elim at 7 If) A. M.,H IHP. M. l-aieui kl 7 A. M..ulid I P. U. ' Wuoiiburv at 7 and 8 47 A. M.. and land 4 41 P.M. J. VAN UP-SM-iKLAKB, ri.llada.,0t-t. 10, HOI (10-b) 1iini.ADF.i.nnA and hai.timoiik cen THAI. hAlt.HUAll, DI'h.N TO OXP0UU-KPK1NU AHRANt.KWt N T. on aud aiur 1 HIOAY, Ainu 1, lbu4, Us trains will laav iVaTb KAHTWAHH. t LEAVR WESTWARD. arATItlkN. A.M. I M.I MATlltN.. A.N. T. l. 0lurd SMI -lit Philadelphia.... 00 14 Meatl.rov li.l 6 f'i Wtal ll.aillf... 7 45 44 Atondela 7 06 4 i'l W. C. Juuouon,. 9 US 6 11 keimelt 7 VO 4 17 (Vnixitd 9 -1 t t'buld s'ord....7 41 4 41 fhadd aKerd,... S-41 S 14 V acurd S-ml p-nO kennell Hi-ui .17 VY.C. Jtil.ctioB.. b-l 6 I.'. A'cuJule b' li . li .1 PhllntlelpblA rj 6 Vt 'We.Kirovo In 7 01 Waal Ch.,ier.... 0:9 (.IHOKftrd VM Tat I'aasene-.r liepot in Palledrlphia kaa been chimind from Ell.l.emb and Market allmu. to TlilKIV Kllllit an4 MAIikl.T Kiratia, Weil railAdelplna. Market S.r.l pae.eneer Itaileay Car. ouuiey I'aaaeueers to an Uom tt.. llepot. P.aencrs iu tkrones without ehan. arcars. Jat . Utnax Wwjii, bupvruiwtvVin. RAILROAD LINES. ''7' kii)i,i.m, IN) 4. mjfirSXV' .n""T ll'"V,lelpla an TlwtM a. ts I i, i-iT.n" PiubMieiubia M kew lark ran. WAt.WtTT RTKP.IT tarnAav . . Will leave aa t ,..n.. :J"'"T At 6 A M .v.aOamaea to aahoy, 0. aaa A. Aav eoeainiMl.iirdi , At a A M , via Oaual.. and immr'ciCiiuiHi prtM Al IS M . via Camd. n an Aralxjy, C end . AeiVnal m.callori , Alyp.M. via Camden and Aaaboy, u. and ARa- H'T" All P. M.,via Oamden ami Arnnoy , AooonnuidailiNl (t rHirkt atid PaaMWi.rl At ft P. M., via I'amdn and Atnov, AtMratnoiuloa t-n (krriiitand r.aiierl lei 1'ia.a 1 kikei , M l le.. d-. TJZ Al "i P.M., via r'amdn and Amsy Artrwivtnd. uintfreikktaad paiNiior), let lilaa. rieket.... ft an l .a i, . .... . ,, l"t rM?" '"iinni AilVt'wti, "netbiefa" lielrMera. ' amlKt.iiie Piemlniildn, o , IP. . Pne k,Kint HoUv. Kv.nevtlle, feaib. I . """ at A.M. and P. M. r'vtne . id n.t,.rmi1lte R'atinna, at S P. M. reamenoa, aa vlaoa Ploreiwo It. . ' nnno, itevenv, ntrrBnfVaa. ...o-TVJ 17 JV- a .. li at., i.s aisi I, I t. 1 ," n r -run dirM Um,ua U Z'uVr"' Rivwu,"-,,h'".-.Te4lr. and R.rlbjc- At 4 A. M , Tixhii Rennnvton and New Yr r.-t fiu add N-w iora Ateil am At II Ift A. M.. ri Btnilnn:un e..d Jersey iVlfita" A.I m) P. M.. 'la KensiuVtenat.ri "i.fU' Vjitr'ia. l'w , a At fi o I. M . ela l'.enstnKtoa end Jersar CttV Wsenlnjrl-D and N-w York J' .M 4HiHli lino,, U urii et 4 A. M. and A A P M 'TlMf mm be mi Moo A. M. Ninini on M..n.i, ' ' Kor Watet O-n, c. rt-o-i-lo t, Hnraotrm, WiikMhareev wdo:rre,tire4U Umi4, Manrh ('buna. AiUh'bwb, Me-atw- ht-n. Pi Iv tine, rutoii. LtmlMr!vtl-e f remlrirf'f,-! a A 7 Ih A M This lln.- cnn w ith the trato laari.. for Meurh '( una t a K M. r' r Bin-r. ui... - .. .. . I fit ,seiimr Ut and lnriodlia eUUotta at I P. af j Fr lui-u.l, Trenton, Ac at 7 leand li IA A M , aa4t For Hid m e rum , Te-mnr, Wfsf romtnff, HrMnstmrf, andl i Kranklord at V A, M.,nt( . and ti r. Si. Ifte V aV M. Um rone 'n tn-tol. ! irK.rNVw Tori and War f ines leavn Renelnaioei j It pitt. teke the rr on fifth srrwot. above winat. ha'f asj I lioiM before dsrarti're. Thp ?iri rtin ttiMithe lcpot, m4 I on aniraJ of eerh trsln run trow thf IW. KtHr itotiotU ot OivHiue only at)owd earh paaaeoirar. I PaoM'-riKe's aie prohiliKod ftnta trisln nvUnir as bairsur) , bin wcaili.a apioirel. All bMKiWf orr fifty pyemia to he raid lur antra Tbe Coinnauv Unit their huanaal. bllity tor bairvave to On Dollar oir poond, and wilt not to liable for anj am unt bejrond $UU, axtvpi or speoial eesi tracl r alani'snrirvatf Ptnreis win rallfor and detfror haa; irave at the lepots. Orders 'o tt lea at No S WALNVT ..ii Wal. II. OAT.MRR, Arfeau August "M l.lM-.a rKtM WKW YOHK POK PHTLADHLPlTJA Wild. LF.AVh 1,m Prom feot of Conrtlam street at li M. anil 4 P. M., via Jersey t'lty ana amden;at 7 end 10 A. M., p. M..a4 It via .lorm y t'lty and ken Inton Prom 1,A ot Harr'ay trei, at A. M. au4 t P. K- vsav AmboT and aai'tea rrom iter No. 1 N urth River, at 11 M., 4 and SP.K. (Preujbt and Pa-senjer) sla A rubor and Oeasdea. i;kkioht links for NEW YORK and X all the stations oa the Uautdea and Amltor and eiiev ne4. tnifi kaili-oatls. iN;np.AHr.i f.p.npATfH. ThetJemden and auiIm Kali road ard TraasvoviatiMi CnB'ift'e rretwht I ln for New York wtll tear Walnaa aire i wharf on an' aftvr January 8. dallj (Suodajsea C. litr) at so cVora P M. hs tanittig, the abors Lint a will leave Mew Tort at 1 atsi I P M. Krehht mast be delivered before 8HP-M.W be tor wardeil t)e same itan f'reiyht lor Item on, Princeton, Klntrston, Nw Vlntaa wieh , and all points on the i snilea ami Amny Kaiiroadi also on th JtcjvidiTe, le -aware, and rieiniutoa, tne Near Jt-iYOV, ilh frerhnld aid Jatnt-sNur, and tlM IturM Ttn and M-.ui t Hoilr, received and f rrarde4 ne m iv'loVhih I. M. hiuaUpaetvaej rofMottutUoUreoelreA opto Joviwlv p m The Hetvtiii're i-elawsre tlallrnad connects at PhMHpe buiK wlih the J.ehlb Valley KaJIroad. Tbe New Jtirswrf fUHroad coimfyta at Klizaneth with the fiw Jmmr Ceeiral Kilruad, aud at IS swart with the Mumi aa4 Kssi Ksltroad. A slip nii tiMtranoum, snecHylnff the marka end. asa beta shispers and cenU' s. ninat In every Instance bw a, nt wt h each load of ttods.fir ne receip wtll betrireav Increased turliittoa bevtna been uiade br the iransMrta tlon of I.IVK HToCe jvrs are Invited to try this route, W heo the atocfe la fnndsbed tn 'usnti les of T tV( Otl rtialirt or will bn delivered at the foot of Porttetli street, near the Drove Yards, or at Pier Ni 1 Nora Hiver, as the ahlppera aiay aeslvnaie at the Ume of th lupuieiit. tVAI.TKH KKhKMAN, PreUht Aent. Mo. '2m H, Inlaws re avenue, Phdadetahlav . OhO. B KAYMOhD. Prelrht Ajtwnt. JaA tf Pier Mo X No rib Klver. Mew Yet. I-)IIIl.AT)F.LrHIA AND TRENTON AND CAMIIlLti ABU AM HOY IIAIUIOAO 00MPANIIM. NO l ira On aid after MONDAY, January 4, IW4. the Trains for Vow Yotk, leailns Keaat kuib Iiepot, Philad. pftia, a I II 1 M (MuthO.aail'i JU r M .and tbe uaia. ba.vtaaj krw York .1 d A M and 7 SO P. M , ill bereeli.r be ran exclttailely fi.r Sr. Untied MtiUiM Malta aad slew VarSx and waetilnifion 1'aaa.nirera. and will not tak 1m sar kal out an pa-.rn.era netwren a.l.i ctrt.a. Ill IV A. M end KMianum l.ln. f ern New Tort WSNlilnaluli, and the II fro A M and ft P. M. Llnu, from vVa.liii'atun to New YTk. will nnntinue aa at nriMeaaa carry itaeot-iterN to and tmia th. InternMMLiaia aialioua aav llallliiiore W a.hlftilon . a' d New York AKltANOP.MENTS lik'IWKEN PUILAOKLPIU A 1KB NKW YilUK. Line, leave PTitlade'prtta, final Kanatnaloa llenrei, at U'lha.M ,40li. and '4f P ka.,aud It Ml laldnunl. an flom Walnut Hueet Wharf tvta C.tnden),alS aud A. M.. 11 M.,4 ardSP M . lor New Yi. And le.te, hew Yoifc, from fo t of Cottrl.ndt Mreeh at 7 A. M . Ill A M . II M .4 and a P. M , and al II mld, and Irum root of ttarcUr atrnet at H A. M..aadt I'.M. WM. A. UATZMKIl. jeli-tf Aa-eat. 1M4 r K N N 8 T I. V A N I A T1IK UK"AT 1KI.HI K-TKAl K SiitlKT KOHTH T 1IIK WI-.MT. M'K'llWeHT, Anli OI!TUV'f. Ititiineiire and rat-M, ties for tlte eafk sped, arid owe- ' fort b e titrpn'ia too oi ivaaeeiMiefe. unsurpasswd or ri'Ot4' In tl e tn'tmirv. Trains itNive the lepot at CLIVKNTU aad MAItKBT Btteia s toiiowa: aiaj'Trama' 7t A X. ' ran at 11 A. -U TKiMtit h I up e-s at H .sn M. Ykw rt.Ui.iy Train. lo 1, at 10))0-v.M. I'aikfrhurfj '1 ruin. No. . at. 1-Ont Uamsl nrt AcwofQu.iHlailon at M P Af. Laiirjisiei Traip at.... 4t)Jf. M. . I'anh A' 4 rmu.odaitoa (leaves Wt-st Fhilaiel- iinaF at t-mr M. 1 rminyli 'ai tv by the Past I, In nach A tootia tat lupptH . whrf will ne linti ei'-eJleni aooomiB daions lev tn nlbht at the llous. and tn tn sosra.ia saavjr take either ihe t'hl aJ iuhia or llaltimore Knurett, eeoh et which ma ottrnecti ns at I'titaiiutw fur aV eotuis. 4. d)l)Kht view U thus aihirded of the entire line and (ta Diet iilltrent scenery r liie 1'hruufh Kxpresa Train runs daily; aUtbecUar tragus daily eacei.t Hond-iys. KOK HiriHHlilKl ANT) TUB WBT T'te Vail 'I ran. fast t ine, and Turwiffn Kipre ooav niat I'rtM'O ; ith tnnuuh trams n al dlvnrifna nstaa from that Nl,t, North lotie Lahee, West 10 tae Miaale aipi ana aiioor1 Hivt-ra. an J mutb aad fjiftwesi to aa) R..t is axt.ii,te Uy rauroad. 'i'(rouKii 1'icheta t 0ve , Uid, Jtetiol I !, rt i'aol, i1 mibus. IndianafMi'M, Hi l uis, leavenwih. Ktst, Wruv-.inff Ikavlon, Ola einniiti. l'Oiin ilh , Cairo, and all other principal eolata aud hatuavr ehi t ki-o t'tnKh INDIANA hKrt.M'HK -II.ItOAO. The I .apress h-avina at 10 -i P.M.. conneota at liialiisviife tsrsecUon with a train on this road liuff Itlair- vnl . India) a, tic. EI1KNSI ! -MM ItFrtSdM IIKASCH Rn.ROar. 1 ir 1 hrt-i- b Kxprset 'I iai' . U -at-in al i0 P. al n tn st fit --sun. a 1 t A M . wth a train oi the roa4 fi-r f het hiirg A train aso leaves Uresson for KSeasburw at 6 .6 P M iiui.t.inAVsiuimii mtASTn to ah. The Mah liall. a' 7 M , and ThrMUgu P.vpresS at 10 t P. M , (tin a " t at AUtoia with trains tor Uoliidare h'irv at 7 66 c M. end U W IVIiKNK AN1 Ci, HK-.Ni H RA1I.U0D. Thf 1 hn.Ua.1 Kxpiosp 1 ra:n. i-i.vniie i lb .10 1. M , ca nets at Tr-iH whl a train i haii.'y Iti lne and ttit-lliej bury, and by Itahl B ile Valley Kalirnad lor Port Matilda fciiifsijiM, ai o Itfiiainnie. HI H J I MtlHiM Al) P.HOAII TOe Rft.R)AD. Thf T.,ioi'Kh Rprasn "' rain. Ifavinn a' 10 .Hi . M , ooa-ti-eii. at l;U"t rid -a with a tram lur Ho, wall and ltoolv Hu. a ia a a KOKlUKlvN CKaNTAL ANli PHILAIiBLPHU A9 Kl.ii- R ill.K i.u J. Por Hi r t ary. V.'iiuuiip -ri , 1 o:ti Hi in, K mire, Raw clit-ur. hut a).. anu N mara ' all . ia-'itKrs lak wt tne S aillrrtii. VtU A.M., aod me Tm'uu Kiprass at lt' M'l' M.. t'a (y e.--pt u' di e-U tnnurh, wi tan-it i stii.0 of ears btoo Pbilade and WJ llauispart mi:K. IMS pM.and ''.Kl'TYSlinK'). thetralna ln v I ny at A. M xinl .Hi I. M , connt-ct at CoLijuo! w .Ut tffiis "ii tl)u No tl'f n Ci-mral lUilnid t I at.Khl.M Al.i KV HAHJtO M-. ine a'ail l r'.u -t 7 A. 1 , and thro-uh Kr4s a 1' P. M ,cnii ei ai IUrrUiiurK itn uaiu fr lisla, Cbaukb-T'b , and llA-aiiii.ii V A . NKMhl I tl Ittt -(Ml KMl.H 1 Thf trii 1 ,iv h a! I i a. M a d i J ('. NT. e enet itl"isnii iiiii AiiniiaiMiii, 'la itfad to w ayna-bani at')" I'liciii O'-te st-u- rs P4.1 finti i r tMoMMaiMiu appiv a- hf Ps-jKer eitatiosa 8. K i'1'iiet nt Kl t-V K t h t .Mhhlfi itre.fU. V S "iWH -.H, Tl. s- A.'nt t'OMMl Ti 1-tV i ii'H'ii S For 1, 1, rt, i.r ti m 'ii lis m'ryi rate. p the ao c uii ii'i'a iO.i u peii ns it. iu oik "I7 tow u. or ItHiata-U oa or i tat t.s bii.- ui i'iv n ;id iMii'DN ruKfTj. Fur ft trips let win an tvn p - Jt about iu eenta per uuk. 'lit e tiukvta ur- nit-iniail iur the ut ol !aiutis trnva trt-.u ntl . dml are of ri udvanute :o portoua ktakiua occasion.! tr r. WMtiOL TH'KprH, Kor one nr three muuiha. for tbe uss of schelars atundlag Khoul lu ih ci' fVKHTP.RN FMItlRATTOV. An BpattfTart Aociuauotlat)oo tram Ittave No 137 Tock air t oJii (HLiiids eai-epud) at 4 o'ckck, P. M ,ntrtrtii lotufurtalilo m dc ot travel lo lainllivs Klna West, at ene-hall' Uie usulI rateot fare. Particular attention! pa d tt- bars(tre. 'ot which uhcrks are given, and bnm9 forw aided by Uiu satxe tra'ii with paaseua'eis. or luis mivimauK-u. npp'y to MUJtOlS i L'lSK, Bminrant Agent, Ko IU UlMJK buoea. MANN'H lafiOAOB KXI'HtHH. Aa aentoi this reliable txpress ( o at pan will past through ea-h train tiure retviln' the depot, and take up rtit-t ka and dt-iivw bii-fca to any part of lip city. Alat VaK Will hi- culh d lor proinptly wtn-ii orders are left at Uit j'asst nvi r Ju pot, V.!ev uihanu alarkel strtets. The travcr Inn public are assured that u it entmiy riipotuill. HtKltMTH. Ply this route frotfhta oi ail us-nptions caa be fosv watdtd to a ud Hem any points on the railroads of Onto Kt BMohy, Indiana. Illinois, Wlcontn, Iowa, or MlsSiturl hy radruatl dirt-ct, or to any point on the aavltfable Waiexa 01 the W est, LysttuUMra Irom ruUbartf. The rutcH uf rrt o. u to and from auy point In the West by the PurneylvajiiS Central Railmad are at aU times favoratie a are i-harKed hy ether Kailrad C'mupanWa. Jderi-hanl aad shippers entrusting the transportation at their irviit-lit (o this Ooutpaoy caa reljf with cvoafldvitvoa uai Its Ipft'dy tiaiitlt. Kor freight contracts or shipping dlrecUont, apply to eat atldress the Aaenta oi tlte t'ouipauy : H, H. klNt.sTuN, Jr., I hiladUpUA. 1 A. STKWAHT. riitsburg. t'l.AHK fhitave. U Kt II k ,o.1N. 1 Astor Honse, or Ko.l B. Wuilaam atet, Ntw Yea. 1 r A 11 A iH . yio. Tl Wasnlnirton street, Boston. Wli -LIAM hltOWN. Xo. Nt Norvh sUeat, loaiasort, (cm AiuiUiiis . vuiitu nairwsj, n. h. hofbtow. Oenaial Freight An m ptiiiaiuii hia LLWid L HtiPPf; niU LWle General lupelet.4at, AJte m a rav 1 .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers