eaA-se THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRA?n. rniLADELHriA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1864. (Snmhtg SJrlcgcaph flATUROAT, OCTOBKR H, 1(V4, - A WAR LllUC. BT J AH Rd BISTINH, A. M. J) tha nirrrnorlew of our fa heirs Who, lor free-fltim, lesreffita-'i, Jft llir- lililr til chew fill lire -.1 led For a ds-arrt waste ut nui And In brnol-prlnts mirSri. Ifiolr marvhtM From tacit ban l -pnun to plum, Wa will nit t't the aceiriiful Iralwxs Until wc or I lie j arts slain. Dy thflmpBiorj of o il Warren,- Wnose-lenlUnt spirit Cell Ob toe tie. gilt of H o Ions IHmkor, 'Mia li e Hire's -h rt anil ahuil. 1 7 Ihu nipmorjr ol our Putniiu, Our alarltin, ai d Wayne, . We wil roll I Im tiiln ol Tul ir Till the liei el borelcs are. slain. BhaM we feci thr frost of aiM Whiten loe-les Unit never elrippoel In ! e wai ni hloml of cur bosoms W ith li.o ioun ry'a too annhippi'il f Coii Id we g ii' then with ut nnieiiisti On Mount Vernon's mcrcl lej 111:1, Vfi b Ibe 'Un.iKhi i f our glory Gun ilnwn lu tinyless xloum ? Ohl would not the tmre of lilicrty In bo li'W tones wail lorib o.u llii- cnlil ll,s of thei ni'ptik'lin: On thu inuntta onsof tartlt; Ai d our i-tiiiiiri-u live to mock us As iu Hfiv wo fiiiicrt'd on. To a -ave) wurc exwrution And remorse would rust upoa ? Kn! we'll fnit h Iho eliiHt-oilevl banner From the Fmlhrs of the tjat. Wherever ll ha fallen by rtlieliinn's putting; rnitflit; And we'll rtisb lo mrtl the. traitor V hi re'er tiaitor can do tuuti.l, Ann we'll hurl our vetiKcuii'e on hiin Till wo crusb l.iin to the ground. Bt the meniory of SUiloh, , . . Hall's Ululfaud Lexington; B ibe mi mor; ot At uu u. Illici t in trtedotu'a heamini! still ; Bj onr histoij pnie and stainless, And our future Ucatinv, We will ne'er giTe up tlie bittle That we wage tor lilssrty. Ltt ni f pnrn tbe proffered peace cry Wlicii It means tleltislun, maim:, For It )jien tones would rob u Of our heritage of fume. Let es kpnrn the pmHin d peve cry WLeu Urovunn a national death, And new fetters forges, lor million! Crushed tbe lion heel beneath. By the Tower tuatxeigni above us In thu nn-je-ty of skies, "We will lift the cry of victory, We will one and all ariae, For no rordld loul is freedom's. To be bought by ease or gold, Thus la saior yet among ua, We have ftout hearts, true and bold. Baltimoub, rtcptember, 18C-4. ABA5D0SED AT SEA. BY LIBUTKNANT WAllNKFORD, B. N. On tlio 22d of March, 1SA2, Just four dnys Before tbe treaty of pence waa signed at Amkns betweeu franco and Great BriLiln, a gricvaun Bnkforlune befell Jumes tlendtTHon, sole owner and captain of tbe l'eyyy, a smalt schooner hail log from Biisiol, near which city, abont a mile diitant on the road to limb, was J.iwcs llcudor on's land dwelling a modest cottage bequeitlhod to bis wife, which might perhaps have coin Banded a rental of fifteen pounds per annum. It amply sufficed for the accommodation of tlie Henderson family, which consisted of himself Wife, two daughters, and two sons liimly young sters, the eldest o( whom, Kobort Henderson, when the misfortune I Lave spoken of occurred, had Just entered his nineteenth year. James Henderson was aomowh.it m re than a ye.ir his Wo' her 's Junior stoutly limbed, gallant JaUs, Kith of tbeni. Tbe daughters, Margaret and Miry, were very much )e?i healthily framed than their brothers. They were buth delicate ; Margaret hud an arfec tlon of the epiue, not conuuitive to gracefulnuxs ot dgure, and Mary early showed Hyinptotns of pulB.oiiary (Jei Iido. Tbe doctor wus uunbuimently selucm tut cf tbe houne or coltugu ; he wus never theless au ulwuys welcome vi.-itur, furanmach tuat be held tiimly to the opinion that tbe gins Baser lontiiiiious ki ful treatment, of course onld certainly grow out ot it," Margaret being onlv fifteen, Mary two years younger. Tbe sous idolized their timers ail the more ardently, no doui.t, that, so unlike llioiii-elvt s I hey were weak and ailiuK. We n.uy be su.r tiny were lovable girls to Uiin r, mo her, and brotlierc, luTable girls. And wun't the sinters proud ol lucir broihsrs i ' Kutbei I and tiny hud Ju-t greuiiils for being sj, long before they "grew out of it," uud got uiar IKd. Brave, honest, indefatigable skliipcr IlenJerson had but one fault that 1 can discover that by i which the aucels full, amnition; and, like the fallen dm s, be was over-cuuiident, ra-li, prone to ' BbUK'ulci.l.it( cfannns. He was anxious to puh I his ions early forward la the world ; to ln-ure a e mitiru'jlc Lome, where care should never cross the ihret mid, tor his daugbturx, tor bis wife. I And vt. tb uh all the capital he had was reure- ' acnied by tbe I'tgyy, he, upon the strength of . wwsp vfar reports tliat peace with France was 119 I fooo as signed, refused to renew his assurance 1 of tbe schooi.er agaiuiit war risks, and uninsured took ou board a valuable cargo for Dublin, and Bailed for that port on tbe '21st of March, 1)2. Tbe Veggy, which was handled by himself, his twu(scn,and two hired seamen by uo moans too Biany hands encountered rough weather lor the time of year. Tbatwonld have been of small consequence tad not her loretopmast through a defect iu tue spar, which siioula have been rcctitied before the Tenel left BrUtol snapped short off an acci dent, if aceideut It could be called, which se riously reduced her speed. And the schooner ' had soon need of all her wings. L'Ecume, a re markably swift and andaciou privateer, carrying four guns, hove In sight when tbe I'eggy was struggling across the Irish Channel, immediately gave chute, came up with the partially crippled achooner hand over hand, and when near eunuch fired shotted guns by way of menacing admoni tion to her captain to lie to, and take the inevit able capture of his vessel pleasantly. The bal s fell purposely wide at first, but tiudiug that the acbooner held ou with every thread ol canvas she could si t, tbe guns were pointed seriously, ami one unlucky bull smashed both of skipper lieu Vrsou's legs! I Tbe imiomitable pluck of the man was not tamed by even that terrible iuilli ti ni. ' It is use less, boys," said he, adilressing bis hulf-tien.iud sons, "the Frenchers must have ibe schooner ; there's no help lor it; but they shan't have me. 1'itch me overboard rather tlmu see me carried otl to die in a French prison. Bear a hand with the tourniquets, and then hoist me over tue s ilu into a boat. The frog caters will not care to follow us vt hen they have nabbed tbe ves-el au J cargo: and you must tuke care of your-elve, if only lor your mother's, sisters', my sake." Tuis only available course, under the circumstances, , wus promptly taken, and the schooner's boat, Siitlii lently provi.-ioneil, was in a very tew miuuii l scudding be lore tbe wind towards thu lrl-h coast. L'ICcume did not attempt pursuit, her command' T being no doubt anxious to secure his prize au i set la S to Oianville whilst he had a chance of cl lug so. The French skipper's object was suc cessfully accomplished, lie got back to France wilh bis prize wnhuut so much as having sighted British cruiser. Tbe truth seems to be tbat 'general opioion," taking it for granted that tbe war was over, bad not only misled James iien ideMou to his ruin, but paralyzed tho energies and watchfulness of the royal navy. Henderson's legs were amputated in Dublin ; the operation was skilfully performed, uud in less time than could reasonably have buen expected lie was stumbling about in Lis garden near Bris tol. Much sympathy was expressed for him; but that is cold, barren comfort much more to the purpose was tbe generous oiler of an old friend, Captain Uussell, to ship his sons who liad, of course, been released when peace was definitively signed ou board the line brig Charlrt, about lo sail fur Bombay, as second and third mates. Tho oiler was gratefully accepted, and the first week in Movo.rnber the Charlet sailed for Iier destination. "May the Lord guide you "ght, and always hare you in His holykettp ng," said the weeping uioiher, when her sous ook a last leave of home. "Do not forget that " ' now bo earthly dependence evcept upon st2,U ,t,,tin of the two If endersoni , notwith ec.'rt f TO",h' for U'e resionsible posts of sBa.B t?.,hir niMe of 0'P measuring U ITly: L,our hundred tons, proved W TnolC.mJ"' ,but jadictou. act on the Cf a first mateT for'uiW in his cuoica elamsgc or accident, and th? Zuu .xoe'llent condition,- thanks, cai-um more than ottcc haukiy stWiwSu" to the M'al.watobfultii-M, and ability of his second end third m.ites lint mis wnll-drwrrd praise w W"rmwH)(t and gUti Dtnlel I'.eU'ler, th'i firtt mate, and tx. uo.i bis - M:n; spirit to ibu b lieI baiml ol ihe biolhirs. liisrninltT wahOiv trr, nf flight rnn-f i'i ncfl tit th-m, In,,, in CsrtMin Husi II held ruie in the thip. f 'J lie 'hnU n re jijin-'l smnewhat extensive r, t'S'M, Htiil hy the nitio they were on nplet.'il, k id a lull fn I). lit obtaire I, the month ol ,s . ,it"int)i r, 1SI 3 hail airivi d. '1 he e n K'i wai in it 'uiK, mm fi'iin.' of silks, spice", Ve., an uii ih i illy van luie or e ; hnt lliere wa- o:,t,or more com itiv two, id nis iu In-r tn!l of hi di i g of very cos ly cliar u'tor two iron boxiMcort-iiinhi'.' priCiOU sreiui, a ni Mialied to tl lil.i lion r, of Inc. enorinoiiH v Ux', aoo'. tr.er of one bun In il t;i')iiH,ud po'iidi. thisewern ilaiid nmli r tue si:nai ctiirj,,r ('sp am Kil'i II Liinse I. I wo von ig' lii lr,:n nf a f ei i ra olllcer, goinK t ) K.Mgl.ind tor the b-T tH of i In ir he.. lib, in charge ol u h."K''-li mill '"r vnit, were sImi rn, barked in the 'Vi irirn. They weie a boy ao I a g r tl boy ab iu . seven, the girl ix ten ohl. I'heanxi us ino'lier, whioi she brought thi in on imir I, g ild d, nod mb'.'iy a ngKeHin ,.f the ca;itaiu's, solicit"') for tlioni the walrhlul eare ami ui e. iiion of tlm ilenler for , a duiy which they promised to diligently prrturm. The ship sailed on the 21th nf Si t'temlier, nt wh.ch lime, ii f eotu e, tin tu.vs of the reuow.il of the wi.r with Fr.tnru h id rcaihed Imlia. Had there i e ti the b'a t .-n-pi 'l m ihat so speedy a ri.pture ol the Ani;i.n treaty minnt bav-i takci p ace, t'.e Iron boxi s would iinqiiestloii ibly nave turn k pt run k for future transport In asbipof war. 1 he ctew were neither so numerous nor of such quality as those who shipped in the Vi irLm at 1 'tis ol. No ft wi r than evi n of tho licit men Into dit.l of excess ami the Imbaii elimam, wnoie pisresioti A on y ry iniiiilleiently oe supplied b) lour Malay sailors. To render tho dcfiuien :y in eu)i ible bunds yet more ileplorable five Kug linb snllori were swept overboard and hut dunriif a tren.i pilous night hurricane, and when the Char, hud bicn only egbt days at sea. To cro ii a I. the raptuin was sei.ed with a sudden I'll se ions ilmq s, Irotn whii h be from the first lelr a strong pn sentiment be sbsu d not rcouv r. One ol the nrst p.ee uitio .s he took, in autici rminn of a fatal issue, w is to place the iron boxi s under the care ol the II endersoni. Hii glca inv mrelsMinig wai unhappily realized. On the uvcnii g of the tilth day utter the attack, tho gopd and gallant seaman was eoniigncd to tbe neep, siul liauiel Fletcher reigned in his stout. Hie uei forth the Henderson were exposed to all the petty atitioyances that a iueuti-spii iio,t cur, dressed in a little brief authority, could lnllict. Tbey born it all patiently, continuing r.calousiy to lci form their duly. Onu of Fletcher's first de mands was, that the iron boxi s should be replaced in his (the captain's) charge a requisition tinr.1) refused ; a refusal justified b C ip:a n Hus fell's written uireciions, given lo Kobert lluudcr son the day before he died. There was no fen r tbat Fletcher would bavo recourse to actual violence; thu brothers were fuvontes of thu best men unionist the crow, and any unlawful stretch ot power on the acting nup taiH's part would havo been boldly, and ihero could be liitlu doubt successfully, resisted. 1 bings continued mucn in the same state till the rAuftswiis ncuring the Line, when tbey spoke the 'aUu.t frigate, outward bound, and learned that war was again raging between France and Krklauil. The news caused the greatest 'con st rnutlon on board, from which the second and third mates weru not exempt. Fletcher hid raised one of tho forecastle seamen, ;wr taltum, to the post of Jirit mate. The Charltt was a slow sailer, and moreover, in const -queues ot her Insulll, lent, audns a whole, ihi ftlciei.t erow, baiily handled; uud no one (oulu hope to escape cuplur. in the North Atlantic, unless a bomewaril-hbiiiid convoy, which it was absurd to count upon, was fallen in with. From that day there were frequent conferences held with each other hy fie captain, fir-t muto, aud F.iiclihh crew, from all of which the liendersond, li Fletcher's desire, weiu rigorously excluded Ibe brothers, nevertheless, overheard enough lo enable tin m to guess pretty accurately at tue I in le game on loot. Fletcher's infamous pro posal, gradually acquiesced in by every man on bourd, was to run the ship on shore at some plaeo on the coast ot the United IStaies, where a landing in uic noats coiiin tie easily etlected, suuu ami curry oil the two boxes of precious stones, and whatever elsu was worth taking, ami divide the plunder equitably nmongst tho plunderers. It sinned to be also understood that the Ilon tlcrsons were not to be permiitcd to go with the crew, nor were the General's children or thoir utti ndaut to be cared tor. in fact, the enormous sum to be realized by the jewels amounting, Fletcher assured the men, to nearly ten thousand pounds each, there being but twelve to share extinguished whatever of moral iirincitile ther had ever possessed, degrading their humuu nature to the level of that of bru'es. The situutiou was a trying one for tho two yonng men, but they encouruged each other to face thu peril valiantly, w henever It should pre sent itself, and trust the issue to Uud. That peril came suddenly, bsforo the plotter! tl.einielvcs were prepared fur it. On thu Aiu of Jsuuary, Is 04, and at dawu of that day, a fri-,'alo wus seen sueiing eouihwaids, under uay sail, titie sbowid uo coloia, but a practised eye could easily, hy the set of her spurs, the cut of her can vas, oecide In r nationality, us utrtaiuly as if the tinolor had been Hying from her masthead. Sue. was unmistakably French, and saw tho CWi almost as soon as she herself was seen. Up ran the tricolor; the white smoke uud ttu-h of a gnu broke out of her side, aud a ball, outstripping tbe report, eamo skipping towards thu Urinsli merchant hrfg. It fell short by at least half the dislucce between the vessels, and the frigate was fortunately (lead to leeward. 1 here was a smtit da breeze blowing, aud the escape of thu slug gish Chtirtrt was simply impossible, lo a mo ment all whs hurry -sliurry on board the brig ; the main preparations bud been made; tho launch was deitij lowered ; water, ruin, biscuit, and beef were safely stowed, aud then Fletcher, wilh six or seven ol his fellows, urmed to t bo teeth, demanded the deliery,tho tnimediute delivery, inio their bauds, of the iron boxes. Tue Hendersons were iu no concilium to resist that demand ; the boxes were rtlmtantly surrendered; the keys were not asked for, and if they bad bees, a satisfactory nswer would have been ready. The cruw, Malaya included, sixteen scoundrels in all, wished the Hendersons joy of the capiiul prospect tiny had of enjoying a Fiench prison, must likely lur twi nty years or more, and with a louj liuirah i lulled westward, in the certainty of striking tbe iiszilian coast iu, at tbe most, forty-eight hours, should the weather continue moderate. As in the tu e of the l'egyy, it wus quite certain the French captain, haviug secured tbe ship, would not trouble hiimeif to pursue u dozen or so of miserubles escaping In a boat. Poor Mary Joyce, the Kio-'lish si rvaiit, was quite bewildered by the iDrouiprchensibilit.es passing before her eyes, and even the merry-hearted ehildien were hushed into serioiiBiiessJiiiHl silence. Tbe tirst hour which elapsed after the departure of Fletcher and his fellows must have been uu int xpresBibly bitter one to Hubert and James Henderson, whose memory b ill retained, in piunitive vicor of impression, their mother's pariing words: "Do not lorgetthat we hive noiv no earthly dependence except you;" and they, me soie props oi a loWiy yet proud household, who musi, but lor them, sink into pauperism. were on their way to a French prison. Aud their sisurs, abuso much needed ctu-rishtiut! Tha cup held by fate lo their lips must iudeud have uu n u outer oi e. They wi re not then doomed to drink it. The lnUDib bad ubupiH'arcd.and the Frenchman, who nuu not tin it sgum, was within halt a tulle ot the l iatlea, which hud not Changed its course. "All at emu iheiewas a great bustle on board the French frigate; she lulled sharply, hurriedly let fall all the cunvas she could spr ad, and sped olf, rlosi-huuled, in u direction which showed that she was no longer desirous of closing with tho t'harlrt. The reason was not long to suck. A heavy llritish frigate, showing six more teeth in her side than the Frcncumnn, was just in sighr, ai.d boiintliug iilong at a tremendous speed. It was the 1ii frgute tho Frcuchman l.aClto )uire, which, alter a long and varied chase, man ae d to escuie. The Heiickisons were, I need scarcely sav, hugely delighted by so signal u deliverance. IS the wind continued to blow from the same quar ter, aud did not increase in force, they doubted nothing the suils bciug set of safely liavigatiug the Charlei to a South American port, where they could awuit the instiuctious of the owuers of the brig and cargo. One capital trick they had plaved 11 ti ber & Co., which, now that thoy had leisure to laugh, as one msy say, added greatly to their hilarity, and was heartily joined by Mary Joyce, "a plcusunt-spirited, comely maiden, though somewhat brow nod by the sun of India ; and even tbe children capered, crowed, aud laughed ia unison with our mirth." The capital trick was this ; The Hendersons, knowing that the robber crew had determined to scire, at the last moment, the iron boxes, quietiy unlocked them, took ont the precious stones, rs lccked the caskets, and hid away both jewels and keys in a place where there was very little chnn' the most diligent searcher would find them. How Flelcher and his co-thieves would curse and blaspheme, when, with eyes on fire with triumph ant greed, they wrenched open the boxes, and found them empty; that, instead 01 Clutching the hundred thousand pounds at least, for which tiny Lad pawued their souls, their precious booty consisted only of a lew pouuds weight ol old iron ! Ho! ho! bo! The wind remained In the same quarter, and moderate, lor about twenty-fours only ; it then tbilted rapidly from one point of the compass to another; blew in violent gusts, aud once throwing the CliarUt so suddenly aud fiercely aback, before the brother could manage to reduce the spread of canvas, and properly brace the yards, that it was a miracle the brig did not go down stern foremost. The shifting and violence of the wind continued to UUlo tUeir eliorU during six dsys and nights; they made but little r al way during nil that time, and were almost worn o-i- wi'ii fatigue and want of slocp, when th l'intfvr hove In slcbt aain, and tins lime elf ' tni'y frond her prl.u. C .plain leni gc!, dchgfrtc I by the rtchnimi nl the curg.i though he kri.'W Hiding nt the jewels njsvnv po im ami civil, and Ihu ni d wnh appsreiu ly retl interest to tho yornig ineti's ft,rfc, assured tin iu positively that the t,i t en.l's children and at en, hint would ims si nl to F.nrlni d I y cartel imnn -mutely after Urcir arrival In France, and that he, had fivcrv conti iletire that ti c grand, magnanimous Nirsnoui wenkl onler their liber. ition a ipi mii.M a-lir am e which thu Hendersons uppt.tr to have bed very cheap. Captain l i psce p'sced all the men. he couM piSMbly s;are, iwi iny-live, on board the f 'W.... "fellows us I'tsily like r al sci men as one oa-i t-xjtct Fn to htneii to be' and give thi lin li nant in c nimand po Hive and p-peated Iniunc t oi.s lo inn to avoidable r.sk whatever, a el to b at Ci ni. lit ly In mind that his only and mpreino only was to take the Chnlm in'o a Fr. n ll p ut. It nay he tf.Ht Hi-se reiti rated nrdeni had a tei diiiryto defeat tbems. Ives, hy inducing the I ruti Daiit to observe a timid caution, which is about the wotst i oneei vanle policy for achieving lurress at lea, whetlisr It be to fight, run a blca katlc, or llircnd a swift ship's way through a Siattin d score ot i rtiisers. Ho, at least, thoiiglit li t yciting llmtlersoiis. l.itiiteeunt Maupss, In ll is anxiety to success fully csiry out bis sup rior's commands, closnlv, n neb too clo ly, hugged thu Aine.icin C4ast, whhin tie miles ot winch he could not he attacked bya Htltl-h rnii'er, arcorcitig to thu long reeng l . I cl law of na h ns. It thus happened tbat the ihatlrt brought np In 11 rs:on Koaii, United Sisn h, In flceipg for refuge from the pursuit of a Mippes.il liriiish cruiser, lint really, the llendcr suus believed, a clumsy Nantiiekut whaler, that did cot kiiow exactly where she wus. At nil events, tbe (:iaitin dropped her anchor within the shadow of the Kiars and Hiripcs at Jloston ; and us th re were some little repairs to see to, fresh meat and vegetables to take mi la anl, and as theie was, moreover, no knowing wlu ther the citiiscr or whaler was not waiting for her someuln re in the illimitable p-r-peetive, LicuKuant Maupus decided tisn caiefully study ing the situaiion before bnarding a daugerous move. An Idea was siipfrestrd, by the rnrions sbito of lldh( s in which they toiiud Ihetnse vus placed, to the llendcr'ons lirst, I beln vo, firmly grasped by James Henderson. The elder brother hrtd, however, soon as linn and eoulldent a hold of the Idea us his junior. Tho "curl, us suite of things" was, flint load of people who spoke I-.nglish wero constantly coming ofT, with dillc rent "notions" for sulu, to u let ot lellows whoic gibberish they could Hot unilcrstuiul a word of. ' I say, Hubert," one afternoon observed Hen derson junior "I suv, ltols-rt, if the sailors that swarm in tins pent inn t iMigil.-h, they are surpris ingly liku them." 'IS ire entol ten uro real Kngl;sh sailors. They get better pny here thun nt home." "And don't you think blood's thicker than water ?" "No doubt; and F.nglisli guineas far before French franca.. I sec what you ore thinking of see it quite pluln. But here is the bitch. We must lie dead sure ol the man before we drop the least hint nf w hat's fermenting Iu our bruins. I thought only yesterday I saw a Itristol man whom I could irust with my life. But do you lookout; I shall depend upon it." "Jan es," said the elder brother, "I was right; "I ihrl see Bid Jcnk'ns yosterduy " "Hill Jenkins! 'What, ho who left about the girl-" "Ob, never mind about that. Oirls of her sort would swear thu legs oil an iron put. 1 saw Mill Jenkins: he passed iu a bout right under our stern. I dropped him ft nolo which 1 hud pre- f mred In readme ss for an opportunity of posting t. He cot it, unci t.obody the wiser. He'll bo here, you'll see, in a brace of shakes, with lots of tli ii p h to snopund sell. He'll do anything, I know, f r the sons of the old skipper who had his pins smashed by the cuised Frenchmen." Jnnus quite tigreed in that, and both youths went on deck. Jenkins was no dilatory Isggurd. He came on board with a lot of Yankee notions for an excuse, and whilst uifecting to be chuflor ing ill ioi it tho prices ol the articles, nil particulars weie definitively settled. The transaction was no doubt much facilitated by Koiiert Henderson being able to hand over at once two hundred golden guineas moneys of the owners entrusted to hlin by Captain Ktissell, which, like tbe jewels, be had effi ctuully concealed. A more profitable Investment of that money for tho said owners could not well be imagined. The atfur was to come eff the very next evening, tbe wind having set steadily in Iroia tbe westwurd. Upon one point ltobert insiste d with quite needless vehe mence: "Ibcy would tight tl cir own battles with their own people, tio Yankees at any price!" "I should think not! Thogcnuino article, de pend upon that, bteel till through, and war rant d never to wear out." The confederates then parted. Bcsidt b carefully attending to the loading and priming of their pistols the next day, and care icsilv leaving a couple of tomahawks where they could be easily picked up when "the Harry" was ou, the hi others ventured upon ouly one other J ri caution that of sknificuiitly warning Mary oyce lo put the ehildien lo bed an hour earlier thun usual. The young woman understood ; and possibly tL; heightened color of her comely face, the sparkling hrc ef her bright hazel eyes.be- toktt.ed SKxkty for the saleiy of others besides tue children, it was James iieuucrson she replied to, though Kobert had sK)ken lo her. A feverish duy wus drawing to a close at last. The bluff coust casta wider, stnl widening ehado'-v on tbe sea; when from nut that shadow a large boat, propelled by eight lusty rowers, and con taining, resides me roweis, some inirty armed teamen, stole swittly out, steered by an otticer wearing thu Unfed (Stales naval uniform, and with the Stars and Stripes Homing from a stalf at the bow. The destination of the foil was quito evidently the f 'haiUn. Lieutenant klaupas bad no doubt about that, but why he should be hon cred with an otliciul visit at that hour of the duy, he could not comprehend. '1 lie tllh ial boat was alongside. Bill Jenkins, the impudent rosea!, In the full rig of an Ameri can naval comuiuniler, stepped upon the deck, his nun followed, a scrimmuge ensued, in which the bewildered Frc nchmen, hud each of them been a Koland or a Count ltobert of Paris, could not have hud half a chance; and iu preci-ely tea minutes ufter Commander Jenkins ascended the side, tbe recaptured Vharln was gliding grace fully through the water, with the Stars and Stripes living at the fore, to tbe utter paruly.atiun of the fort gunners, who could not, for tbe life of thorn, comjirebi nd what It all meant. They were wiser an hour afterwards ; but by that timo the t'harlrt was lar beyond the range of hostile shot. The affair, us many of us remember, made a grout noi-e at the time. Lieutenant Maupos was a brave, if a slow officer. The recapture of the brig stung him to the quick ; aud ai out an hour afterwards ho ) uiscd rapidly into tbe nr-er cabin, where, as it happened, only Jumes Henderson and Bill Jen kins were sealed. Uttering only the exclamation "Si tlnat!" he placed the muzzle of a louded pistol at the young mans forehead, und would, in the twinkling ot an eye, have made an end of Hen derson junior, had not a sharp eye been watching his movements for the lust half hour bud not a light step followed him into the cabin, and u swift bund stru' k dow n tbe niuzlc of the pistol before it could lataliy explode. The bullet merely made a bole in the cabin floor. The sharp eye, ibe light ste p, Ibe swift hund, wire Mary Joyce's eye, tup, hand. No wonder she became Mrs. James Henderson wi'hin a month niter the Charles biouht up iu King's Ko.id, Bristol. The two Heudertons were munificently re warded by owners und underwriters; und all went iiiiirvbsu n.uri'ate bell at the cottage a mile out of Bristol, on the toad to Hath. HYMN OF Tilt: ALAMO. Aik "slarsclllslsc." "lilse, man the wall, our clarion's blast Now sounds its liuul reveille ; This dawnintf morn must be the last Our fated baud shall ever sec ! To lile, but not to hope, farewell ! Yon trumpet's clung and cannon's peal, And storming shout and clash of steel . Is ours, but not our country's kuell ! Welcome the Spartan's death 'Tis no despairing strife ; Wo fall we die but our expiring breath, Is freedom's breath of life. "Here, on this new Thermopylir, Our monument shall tower ou hiD'U ; And Alamo hereafter be In bloodier fields the battle-cry !" Thus Travis fiom the rampart cried ; And when his warriors saw the f a, Like whelming billows move below, At once each duuntkss heart replied, "Welcome the Bpartun's death ! 'l is uo despairing strife I We fail we die but our expiring breath Is freedom's breath of life I" They come; like aultimn leaves they fall ; ' Yet, hordes on hoidcs they onward rush; With gory tramp thoy mount the walls. Till numbers the defenders crush, Till falls their rhvr where none remain-! Well may the ruilians quake lo tell now Travis and his hundred fell ' Amid a tbousi.ua loeuun sluiu ! ; - Tbey died the Spartan's doutli,: ' bat not in boneless strife ; - 1 Liku brothers died, and their expirlug brosth II n i freedom's breuth of life. It. M. I'uihu, Cuplaiu U. S. Army. FINANCIAL. ytMlTTI "t- UA.rVOOL.l'II, Mo. 10 R. THirin STTlKKt, IsANKKKN AND JlllOKHHH. grKf.ie.stc iks.Qi.-'rirrn.astrrs' Vend 'rs anil rhs.-ss.snst sll fiovommrni - i orHS Saturn, anil Hold, (nihil ;hiiji. s-.TirJir:ii a c;o.f IJANKKKV, No. 30 S. THIRD flTH F. F.T, 11V ANII SSLL r.til.I), SII.VIK, AVIl tiOVF.KNMRNT KP.Cl'KITIEfl. H T O O K H 1I0TUIIT ANII SOLD OB COMMtaHION. (114 JIAltIO-Otf A CO., liANKKUH, No. 121 S. THIRD KTIIEI-.T, riit.Ar.i.riiiA. Ufvernnnut Psenrltles of sll ftunrs rnret.sssil and for Hi. tStia ls, Momtft, And Uoid lloiistit snel Head oa Com tnllon INTF.RC1T AHOWr.n ON I)EP'ifIT9, ColWctleint PronqiUy Malts. WI tf IdAV LOA N. NJJW ltAIf. U. S. 10-40". JAY CTOOK.I2 A CO., OfTMll KOIt PAI.E T UK NEW GOVERNMENT LOAN, BEAItlNIl FIVE rKIt V.V.Tft. ISTEUK.ir IN C"IS, rtelrinuible! sny time after TKN YI'-.AH1,at Hie pleasure of iheOovermmBt, suet payalils f OUPV VLAUS altar date. BOTH CO! TelV AND KKlllSTKItEl) H0NDS are Issiieel for this Ixmu, at same rtaaomrnritfon as tho iVJOa. Itie intoiest en i-0a snd payatile yua-ljt oo all other eli Hoiiilratlons, hair yearly. The lev 40 bon'ls are dated March 1, lsirt. The hair yearly laterest lallinn due Heptsmrair I anil Starch 1 of each yc-ar; until 1st Heptsm ber, the aecrm il Interest from 1st of Marrh Ii rorpureil to be raid by piirelinsei-s In e"iN or In i.xoal ecassNcr, aikl-1ns- fltlj per cent, fur premium, until further notice ALL OTMCtt e.uVI.KNMKN I HKCL'JtlTlEb UOf'JlIT AM) .S0l.ll. JAY COOKE & CO., nihCT-tf No. Ill S. Tlllltl) HTHKKT. UW LOAN Of 1HH1. THE BALANCE OF THE $75,000,000 LOAN Having this duy bt?n awarded, And oar blUf proving suc tcBBfuI, wo are prepared to sell to ciifttOQiers at ouoe in larfc-r or small aunin, &117 amuuut f tlili moat UeelrahJe GOLD SIX PEE CENT. LOAN AT THK MARKET TRICE. We rave always considered tliese ltd IIOMDS as the BEST LOAN ON TIIE MAKKET. TherclabntaBMAl.f, AMOt'NT FOn BALE, smiths premium will, In our opinion, advance rapidly. I'arlles huvlns n-yo loan Win do well to call and EXCHANGE their l lO'l for Uils MOItE FKHMASFNT LOAN, eipoclallyas now, OWUlg to Uie Oenuan demand for Flve-twenUes, a tiiith rate caa be obtained fur the bl JAY OOOKE & CO., Ko. Ill 8. TIIDU) STKKET, selO-lm rhUadelphla. ;illHrX' NATIONAL, 1IA.1SIC NEW UNITED STATES LOAN, 10,000,000. Tbls flank la arepared to rseelvethe prelimlaarj deposit of Two per cent., on account of this Loan, required by tie advert'icment of the Bccretary ef the Treasury, dated October 1, 1864, asd to Isiae recolpU In duplicate therefor. Thli Hank ill be re preaeuted at die opeDlnf of the bids on the 14tb lint., by one of Its officers, and any one desir ing to participate In the general kid of tks Bauk sun in se without clause. Fiimsr hiforsiatlon will bs klveosa SpUcstloa at the Bank. C. II. OliAllIC, PltEBIPET. Morton MoMie'liuel, Jr., CiSllilR. 103-10t QOL1), J O Lt , UULiI), SILVER AND BANK NOTES V ANTKD, DE HAVEN h BEOTHEtt, snl-tf Us. 9i0 8. TUIRO BTBKKT. I . K. LUAN, $40,000,000. Kenimiis to ttjv Lil rtlaenicat of tti Boorstaiyof the Trraasrj lor l'KOI'oSALS FOR TUB NEW U. S. 5-20 LOAN, We will Include In oar bid for the same these f any partus r Wile j t j make sppMcailun for any part there l, WITHOUT OllAIUU'L Isfjjuialluai.plyto JAY COOZE & 00., JSANHKHS, Kj. Ill 8. TUIBU 81Kt.t.T, Id 4 t rtillaJolpliU. gTOCKM AMI HKOUltlTlUHl BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION, BE HAVEN & BROTHER, 1 1 Ho. H0 8. THIRD HTR'.KT. OIL STOCKS uouuiiT ri 8oli OK C'lMMIsHlOW, lly UiiOatlil. J. BOYT, , Wnkjr, . sntt-tas o.lSS.TUIRUBtssML PIANOS. COTTAQE EXCIX- 1air Orj.ni, Harnuaiuius, and Medo dsona. at MCftIC STORK. ! financial; U N I T H U H I" A. 'J la) tH 7-30 LOAN. Tns ttacietary ef lbs Treas'try rives aotfce thai l-ie-sertrtlosi wot ts received t f Ouapoa Traaanry Bsiea, pa) able tkreeyetra Iroaa iajul It, ISA4. with Hml u Dual mi.r.il at the rale of savea sad ISiwe-leslha par cent per asanas, prlaeipal and Intereal bets lots, paid fa lawful BHiney. Thtee avua will bs iwnvartrols at IS a ovrloa af the hairier, at anaiartty, mto ,ia per sent, fold bearing semda, payable not leaa laaa flvs nor snore man twenty yeare rrvso tbeir sate, a, ibe Uoverr.nisnt sna, eleot. Taiey will be wised In denomination, of f so. $in. W), I0P0, and aex, and aM ,nirripiioii, snuat be r tlfty SWUara or aan,e nmitlpie ef fttty dollars. At tbe sales draw toneraat from 4 no-net U, psereona r ahtbs depoeiu aulrassioent no uat date aanal pay Uis tnterrai accrued ft em deeof neieta das, deposit. fcTECIAL ADVANTAGES OF TUIS LOAN. It is s If tTiosai. 8avinis Basa, eiT.rlnf a kisner rats f Intereal Uuu, any oUier, and IA, t.AI uturUf. Any aarimr, bank wtueli paye He Seiweitort la Halted Btaioa Xotea eonaldera Uiat It la paring Hi tbe beet ekvalatlDf Baecltnm of lbs amiBlry, and It eannet pay In anyUilDK belter, for Its own eeaeta are etcher la (kivornrnent eeonrl Uee or In noMe or bends payatile la Or, eminent paper. CON VEKTIDLB INTO A Hl TKR CBNI. (-20 CI OLD DOM). In sdillHnn to Uie very liberal tntereet en the notes tbr tbrvs years. Ibis prlvucse of sonveraloeB ta now worta alnt three per eent. per anaan, pr the entreat rate for S-SOUmida la not let, than nsne per sml. prentliem. and before the war the preatam els per sent, United estates Htofle over twenty per eent. It will be seen that taa actual profit on thli loan, at the present market rats, ts not lesi than ten per pent, per annua. ITS EXEMPTION FROM STATE OA MU NICIPAL TAXATION. hat oilde from all the advantasee we have enamaratei, a epeelal Act of Consreee remtir, mU boniit mnd Trttuurp note frtm loral laxntitn. On the average, tui, eiemp tlon ! worth abont two per cent, pen- annum, according t the rate ortajation fn varlnna paru ot tbe country. It la believed that ne seenrlliea error so great Indoea Bienti to lenders a, ttioee Uaotd by the riovernmeat. In all oilier forma of fjidi&te-dueit, the fallh or ability of private parties, or etoea oompanlea, or separata eosuaunl tiei, only, la pledged for payment, wbUe tlie whole pm prty of lAe couuury Is held to eecure tho discharge of ail the oblitatloua uf the United gtates. Vf U the 24th of Rei'le mhesr, tbe liilrlcrlplk.se to U4s loan amounted to over SMO.OOO.OQO. Bcssenurrinss wii.Lfns KacuvsD by the Tresrarer ot theDnlted Btatee, at Waahlngton.UM several AsstsUat Treeunrers and dcelgnaied Hepoeltortee, and by the flRHT KAT1UHAL BANK or PHILADELPHIA, PA., HECOMD AATIONAL BANa OPPUILAUELPHIA, PA., T1I1KU MATKlBAL BAM It OT PHILAKKI Jlll A, PA., rOL'UTH KATIOB AL BABS t)P PHILAUPXI'IUA, PA., By all National BaaAg wolA ore aanaaliarles of paolla tnuaeyi and S-M-lli ALL RKflrEOTADIB BANKS AND BANU1IIA Throoghoot tlie. country wlO give fnrthir tnfenaatton and ArrOUDEVKkT PA0II.1TT TO BUBHCUIUKsta. pltOroWALH l'Oll LOAN, F1VE-TWEHTY BONDS. TnxaauaT Dbi'artmbmt. 1Tasiustob, Uotobcr 1, ltVH. ( Realed otTsrs will be received at this Hspartrnent, nnder the act of Cougresi approved June ad, lfctll, antll the noon f r RITA Y. Uie Hth Instant, for bemdi oftbs United rtlatea to ths amount of forty mllllona (tO.MO.OOO) o dollar). The bonda offered will bsar sa tntereatof six (S) pereontum, payable lenil-snnually In coin, on Uie drat day a ef slay and Xevembcr, and will he redeemable st the plcaiute of the Ooseniiacnt after live (S) yeara, and payable la twenty (30) years from Koveraber I, IfM. Each offer Btnet be for fifty or sums multiple of fifty dnliara, and tnuit itatethe sum, useludlng premlata, fTered for each tiundred dollars, or fer fifty wben the o0er It for no mors thaullfty. Two-per cent, of the principal, eisludlnf pre mlnm of the wbols amount bid for by each bidder, must bs depoelted aa guarantee for payment of ubacrtptions, if aecepUd, with the Treasurer of the United Btalet, at Washington, or with the Aialitant Treasurer, at Mew York, lloiten, PbUadelplils, or Bt. Louli.or with the desig nated depository at ItalUmore, Flttsbnrg, Ciuelnnsti, Lonitville, Chicane, Detroit, or Bnffalo, or with any Na tional Cro, It Hank which may content to trainee t the huslueia wiliest charge ; for which depoilt, duplicate eer URcatee will be isiued to the depositors by tlie officer or Bank rccelvtng them, the oiiglnals of which must be for warded with the offer, lo thla depot All drpotlit ihoald be made In time for the certificates with Uie offers to reach Waahlnston not later than the morning of Oetocer 14, a, aforesaid. Ko offer not accompanied by Its proper Certificate of Deposit wliibeoouildered. The Coupon and KegiaU-red Bond, lamed under this propoaol will be sf the denutnliistloB of fifty dollara, one liundrud dollar,, tlvs lisudred dollars, and one thousand dollara. Uesfialered Bonds of five thousand dollar, and ten thousand dollars will be Issued tf reqnlred. All offers received will be opened on Friday, October 14. The awards wlU be made by the flecreiary to the hle-heet offerers, sud aottcea af acceptance or decllusUon will bs liiunidlately given to the respective oOtsnaat; In satea of acceptance, bonds of the deawriptlon snd dvnoulaatloa prcferresi will be sent to the subscribers st the cost of tbe Department oa Dual paymeut ef tustaluients. The dsposlt of two per cent, will be reckoned In Uie last Instalment paid by successful offerers, aud will be Immediately returned ts U. ac vrhoae otTura may not bs accepted. Tlie amount at aeeejited offers must bs de posited with the Treasurer, officer or Uonk authorised to act under thi, notice, on advloe or acceptance or offer,, st followe i One half en the Jlli of Octobor, aiel the balance (in cluding the preiulsrB aadongiual two per ooat. doaoaltl ouUieUlitof Ootob.r. The Bonds will bear Interest from November 1. In ten est oil depsailt trotu Uat dats to h ovcuber 1 will be paid by ttit Qovernmoat ia ooin. Oue half f the first lustaluiont, or twsuty-rlre per sent, of the accepted otfer, msr bo pal J, with accrued Intsrest to Ooto bcrlt, In Dulled Btatrs "Certifkatoa of Indebtedaeat ;' but luck ceiutleateit will be tiled In part payment of tue first tnttaluient only, Oners aader this asiioo tbould bs eudoiaed "Offer ht Loan," and addrcseodto the Secretary of tiu) Treeuury, The right to decline sll ofleus not sonaldered advautagodas to tlie Uovernuiont is reserved by the Secretary. 8letn W. P. rKSBEMDEV, ,ot Secretary of the Treasury. U O NEW 1-3t LOAN. , j'e SabscrliHIons recsSyed, aud tb Kotos HiMumunw austtais,oy iiieAiinu' t r im sst3 tai VlllV ItVSCd i Ir, . Iiankstf, I Vo.Uf.THUU) threi PROPOSALS. OF F I C K CHIKK ClUA !l TFRM ASTKIl. C'tWClKWATI.Ohlf). H nMno W, HV4. l'roptlti Invtif t br ih nni1orii-ftrai un'tl H'Krt D , K'I tmr IH, ItvM nfiat t"Ck f, M hsf lh' hniu:CMtO drit! in ihti 1m nittrnt f ftr h ihT f. r Ha i.fcrny MmnAnrH. Ilkt riuhsr horkfl. An ft te rr I ', 4o i Ti.-fkt ii C'MUMi.n f-f Tlh J I r (' Hi'iffi or Hiii, r.o Hi. 1 1- h i ntj, , i nifiiry rirrr I; fliiirrtrwi, do Ocvrmm Ar.illY.j J-rt mntt, army tlrtti-Urfl. Do ('of, or,, m. FatiflntH rfm, 1 ninirj, H''t't ntai I'-olort, ni feU'Cfini. 4o Uri-m Htnrm, nc(h, Ptn ( mi ni wM. h n m man nt tic Offlrsj of Oothtnar fti r ( (in itf in M 4'1'y. To tf dritw rd ffff'i( trhftrv-. nt tti U. fl. InTfitirn Wkftfulixi tli tMt C". H IC' (Ml iVn packatrfta), wHi Id iian c fx ihf i'riy (nr iiihiT-ir, tr- kind and i'ia till gi'fH t , ditiinrtiy niark . on vach vliriaj a tl iisn'K w. I f'W' t flt'ttiif "' miiftt (liMlincMy matt! I i t f.- I r bldi l-f igintitMy ihy ifPpof to turnint), t. prim, and iho Mm c . f d ttv"y lanp, i. n tihm'Ufil, mnt t trkt1 nd tnm e1 in orrftponfl wiih Hi rropoa'; and) ihn pu tt.-i ih rto inutt fuaritniff n at the iot( II k in vtrf rip cl t'fLM iu aimy ttaiidsu-U, oiltcrwiwe Uie pr iponai tj tin Ir tronsl rt tl A f iiarntr, iviid h two rfAptiiii-U)! rflrinnR. m-it nir iiiitny mrli hid. yiitranlf ititf tliat lii lii'l'lr will it )iy ihi at kri'i awtm rd t- him nIr hu priinon-il. iMdri Kill tlP UpMM'1 Oil I UCalllfiy, Oct"ft r It iHlrl, Ht two Vritv h t. M ., at tluf otllre, and bidders are rcueMed to lv prrf (- Am ariltt will b raidr on Wdnfii.lrtT. OnHr P. ' V. h' nda will :e nqturfdihatthc contract win tw Ultdiuilr ru mi d. Tsiftfiirfi rflft licit to vrnpsAln will not tf nuilrpd. lt k fi'Mutt oi rr-pijuait,, runtraciii, and bi nd may ho hi it 1 1 oil a l lil oft.rr. 1 bo rWit to r ct any Wd Mrn4 tiiirraionalilo Ir r ii rt. End" ito nTot "Prowsl'i ft,r arifl udelrrun (oinn.l WILLIAM W. MrKltf. 10 4 1 1H Chtaf Wutrifinnanivr, t Inr nnati Ot'put. OFFICK CHIKF QU A FIT I'.U M AST F. R , fi n'i H w ATI, Olil. HopirmtMT X 1-. Propsia'i aff-Invitt d hy th un(ifTilKii1 iin-H TMI'HH. IA Y ,ih Motor t-l, lKM,at So rwih I. M.,fr the imuitMliato rir ttv i. in thttt tf panuint ol hTiN KlM.f Army HUn.lard. MKHH I'ANH-Arnii ft atifliud. IHtioVEl H A rmy Hiar Oard. I hl'WH. riniptif, Army rttadard. H iil.tN, wur Kira ninitli- l5t - Army Htandard. WALL IKMB. fotnpjru Army Htan.larii (Hid!orn may ntat htr vt tli. prnpooe to furtntti N z. or 10 ua. Jiurli and hrthr nf cott or Itttf n mtitcrial.) IiomI IVAL i KM H Army hinn.lti-J. Kl) HaHIIKM Artnv Htandard. riflmp r cl lob may i iron at the Offlcc of Clottiing and KiolpftK In th i city. To t. dt-hvfnd frrof rharvr at tho V B lnpntlnTi Vt'arrhoun lu thi fity, In itiMid, new packftrs, with th i)riii of thtt partj furnlhiiiK. Uie kind and quantity of gof df dlrtlr,'tiv marked m rarh anlclf am) parkiitfTi. J'atii oirrinit nod( mut dlmlnotiy mato In Ou-lr Mds thr quantiiy tlttjr prupoae to fnruiih, tho price, and time of deliver . KTtipii, hrn r ohm It ted, mint ti markrd and num Wrd to ccrreKrVtnd a 1th the provneal; and thn partt?i thereto mo it Kuarantee that the (timxU nhnll he, In every ri'-iert,r4ii.iHl to Army btanilard. othrwie Uie prouonal will not bt r nlt1i r d. A K'iarant6f. mpned by two rnp-nKlSIe por-nRtratHt ceompany e h htd, r"r,"t'Hnii thnt th bld'h-r, will Auppiv tde art'des awarded to him under hie propona!. Hull wit) be opened on i numuav, October J.i. IMit, at 2 o'Hoik r M.,at Uiiij o tli co, aud bidden are requested to be pr eent. Awinio will be tni.de on FrMay , Ortoher U, tw4, Itomliwili be ritiutrod that the contract will be faith full) fnJflllrd. 1el (trnnin rehitlrp to propnialR will nt bo no'kerl. Binnk fornii of l'roponalt,, Contracit , and Itondi niy be eh Blind at thu odico. The rMhl torejeuiany Md deemed unreasonable la re erved. Fniiome envelope 'Trvpoiali for and add mi Colonel WII.MAM W. MrKIM, t'2fl--lit ChleftaluartarmaRter Cinclnuati Insert. OFFICE OF ARMY CLOTHING AND EUlpae, TWELFTH and )IKKI Htrret. I'lllI.ADKI.I H1A. October I, lHTrt. Sealed rrnpoRali will lie received at tMs imii nntfl VJo r mvk M . on MONDAY, the Imh Innt., for mipplylug the Hrho: Ikill Ann ual with the fotlfiwhiK etU'-lea: lroiiNrH, uky blue, lor moiinted nien,artuy itauidard. TrmiHers, Rky-blue, fer tootiuvUi do Hrawprn, ('anion tlantiela, do M oollen mtocklnufi, do BooUee. lare tme. 10 tu IIr, do Wstter-i rW ponchoi for ihelter tente for horteiueo, ftitta perrha nr tint i a rubher, iirmy stantlard. W at r proof hlanketR, for Infantry, do t i.llorui felt Uata, 2, J, 4, 6,0, do Coat buttons, do hlurt df do Oreen worntrd lace, 1,'a Inch, do Hloi king twibe, do ie hhi K" do llatd.et Riin-t, do National cotom, InfuntO' d Kiginiental do do do do li:dex bonkR, do do orMur booki, do Fat cordt and tAito.i , artillery do V, lit9 WMIinnnnuc cotton, ho. 24, lample. required. Itlaek Wadding, do Ited Homltitf, do Whilo do do ftear et fuclngf . cloth, do bky-hiue do do AIro, for priRonere of war, WooHen Blaiokete of lew jadt'R, Rample re lulred. Hamp eaot Rm-fj artk Ior at are required, to be of army llandard can be een at th'e otlice. fcach bid muKt be guaranti ed by two responsible oor Rone wl.oHe tUnaiures mnut lw appended to the (tuarun te, and certltltd to. at be inn good and nuiflcieat Reotirliy for tr e amount luvoh td-, by ivme puuUc fuiictioiiary of the tutted BtateR Itide lirm defltiittliifr contractors, and those that do not JuUy comply vuh the. t tvuiremcnti oi thin udvertlRetneut, will nn be contidtred. Itlank foruR lor proooRa'R. etnbraclnK the terms of tho guarftn'ee required nn eat h hid, can he had on ap illcatlou at thi urtlce. and none others which, do not emhrare thia guarantee will he -cunfildered, nor will any propottAl be considered which doe uut ili tctty conform to tue requlre nent ttieren t-tated. The bid will hinte the nnmher or quantity of each kind ef artle e prnpoRtd to be' delivered It Ids must be endo'sed "I'mpoRali for Army Suppllct," iUUk la barticultir artlclr hi' lor. t'ott.nel ALKX. 3. FY, RUT, 10-4 tt QnartermaRtor'e ijepartiLent, U. M. Army. STJ11PISTKNCR OFFICR, UNITED STATES Army, ho. 'JO HOUTH Htreet, Ualdmunh, aid.. fleptembv37, Healed Propoials, n 4utltcate will oe reuclved Ht thli oflt'-e until V2 M., ou 0N1Y, ikiher 10, lWi, for furnuhlng tlte United butei SubRUtenc Impart moni, with OVR THOUSAND (H) HEAD OK BEKF CATTLE, n th Imni, delivered at the Htate Cattle Saki at Halt I -more, Md., In IntR of 1 Kid) one thnuoand each every (10) Kndaa; to be weihed within one and a half daR attr arrival, at the eipne of the cca-racur. Tney mud averiiKO about (IHUO) hirteen hundndtwundatiirosiR wtMafbtf all falling short ot (1U() one thi nwuiid pounds groei weVh, liuiu. HtagH.Oiau, Cow i, liiiiiefi, and liornlena Caitlo, Will b' rejected. A dvdneitonof ten (10) ponndewlU be made from tha wet ht of eioh Hteer accept d undur ihle oontraet. pro Tided the antmal doei not iiand in Uie pens two an 1 one half hours heft re being welched, or la not weighed lui me dia tety after removal trom the care. blank forniR tor proposals ran bo had on appllOAtlon at th'a oihce, eithur In person, by tnall, or telegraph, The tkrvernment will citilin the rivnt ot wfihtng any ene animal separate, If tu appearance In tie tea leat wetyht tl.an the inimmuui mein WmmhI above; the ex pen Re of weighing will be paid by the party erring In Judg ment. kch bid. to eeenre consideration, mtit contain a writ ten K'larantce of two responsible persona, ar IoMowb: We , of lAe County uf . 8tte of .tioboreby iruarantee that Ir (or are) ahle to fulfil a ooi. tract ts A'rtD wlih the terms of his (or their) prosptmttkui, and should his (or their) proposition be arepted. he (or titey) wUl at once enter Into a contract in acoordAoce therewith, and we are prepared to Ireeoiue hkR auciuitiea, glvtBK froMl aod sortie lei it bonds for Its futilltnent. The rvKponstbUHy of the guarantora mast h shown by the oftlrial certificate of thetUcrkof the iie,rest iitri3 iouft,or of the United 8ltea iiietnct Attorney, to be -cionA with the hid. Midden must be present to respotid to their hide, and prepared u give bonds and algn the eontraot before ltav lnv Uie oihce. The tkivernment reserea lo Itself the right to reject any or all bids con is I tit-red univaHinanle. Payments to be made euer each delivery In Riioti funds aa may be on hand, If none on band, to be made a eoon as received. Pr posais must be endorsed distinctly "Proposals for IWef I atlle." and addressid to Captain J. II. Uiinian.C. fi., Haltinuire, Marvland. Il a hid Is in the itanne of a rtrra, their natnea and their poi to trice addrt'RR uuit appear, or the will uotbj cou sti'ered Eu h person or every member or a flrra orlag a pro PistU iiioti aocompanv It by au oath ol alleKian-e to the nlted htatoH tiovriiuieut,U he has not alruady died one In thli o til co. All tWs nor compljinv 'trictly uith tht ttrmt ofthii a rrfitvntnf uiii be nyeeted J. FI OILMAN, t) JU tOfl Captain and C. U. . A. MIIEF QUARTERMASTEirS OFFICE, j ClNt l nnati, Ohio. Hepioniber Jt, l-t4. Prnpesals are Invited by tho utidtrtir,ned. until M S DAV.Ovteber 17. 14, at - o elock, P. W.. fur tttt) linmc date delivery to this HepHrtuntoi of: ihKKOLLAH 'lUOWtttUb, of any color except light blue or gri ) . Kaint'lc to be fhrrUfced hy the parties otTorlng, who tVB state InUeir hids the iiaiitity they propose to furnish, tlie price, and time f delivery To be JeliVfrt.il tree of chsrv at the Tnlted 8tate Inopei tiou N arihoiisv, In this city. In nmH new pack ukcs, with the name ot the party fn mid hints, the kind und Muantityuf good, duUuotiy uiaiked on each anlcleaud put k age. hnujpk'i, vt hon auttmltted, must be marked and num bered to c'Titjtjp'.nd wit n the proposal ; aud the parU a tticti'to muni Kuuranteo that the good ahall bo, In every reniHHit, et.ual lu Rtuupie, otlierwUe tle proposal wl I uot be ronsideieii. IU ii n in be op-neJ on Von Jay. October 17, l-l.nt 2 o'clock pa M., at thl ottlce, aud bidders are requested to be prebenu Award- will be made on Tuesday, October IS, UA. 1 eiivrains rvlatuiK to propjti will not be noticed. It auk lortua of Pruposals tuay bo obtained at UUa The rltjht to reject auy bid deuiueJ unreasonable U reserved. En dur o euvolupa 'Tro.toali for ," and al droeu Tol. WILLI AM W. M. KTM, 9-S9-13t CUlef QuartortttAfctor Ciiicmuaii leput. QUARTERMASTER -G ENER AL 1 S OUUg, Flrel livUlon, v a.ii i Norop fjiTT, tfotooer 1, UPt HORSES' UOKmEKM iioksk.sim Hortea suitable tor Artillery and Cavalry service will be purchased at UlhftllOKO I'tPoT, loopen marktH, till iNovemtx-ir 1, lrt-ii. ilortee will be delivered to Captain L. Lowry aftxtre. A. Cf. M , aud ho subjected to Uie Usual Uvvonuueat Insertion hvtorf being acceted. Price ot Cavalry Horses, $17o each. Price of Artillery homes, l)each. Payuvut will beuiade Ivt au (6, and more. JAM ICS A. EFCItV, Colonel Ktrst ltviNi,n, 10-IHI Quartorui tor -Uen oral a Otfloo. T ' 0 BUILDERS. Kksunrit's 1i.i'Shthkt. HAMtususu, Octeeu-S. ISS4. V I oaleJ rrovoanli will be' receiei it at Una oAlcu anlll IS s'olook of it'KNDAY, isih lii.taiit, fr the- eaecutiuasf the propo.eet ealenalua of the t'aiiitot Buitaiiig. HeH-urlly teione-luurtli ot Uie amount ot the work wilt he resjuirirel, aitel saeh bielelerr must aexoiapany Lis prupoeal with the name, of hia necnrltie's. I'lanaof Uie eitenai'in can be sewn at this office, where Speriacsliona caa slno be bad on applicatiua. liiela uiu.t bs aeleireiaasU "I'rop'jsaia lor etAeavioa of Cauli.,1.-' A . O. ft KTfN. Oovernor. I JAMEtt I'. IISKK. 8ur. Unerali 10-7-101 Ut.Ml U.MrjuKlC.Suni Iiuasi -. '. '.'. t 11. W Tt. MM.WI.X ft CO 't COLUMN FOlt MKi'li isr.s. Bnura.n k t. and lb tyts com t.l'.vni t i itoM riirR.oK-i. BP.Mf.nv, tlie ,r st IndlHii t'lu-etee i nr, s all i .r.sfs or ther url, ai-j ir,:aiit. sinti a In r.ii I iri-nre ef 11 1 I r lie liiiim.lrp nl the Ills, I-Ir, IriflMiima'S'n ot II e Ktel- I, , e. tu in lit' B a1.T, Ntileilire, tlr.vel, ,.lrt, II, n..:ili" a. anrl Is fsr-' l ai y leTArr.miTfleel In li-e,.e ens... of K,ii"r Altms 'r Wn-ea In finrafO arcre all ll.e-i 'el rsH.rH.hl mrul au.uM l.ave f.il.r). VW MM SIM VM M M M M Ml MM l a e vf M tf M M Vt SIM MM M M VI S' VI W M M MM MM MVIMM MM VIM MM seat MM MM M MM M v, m M MSMf MS MM M il It Is prQrl In a Shtilr roil. .nir-Mi, d n.rm. the ifcn.s mile I e-'ii, from nie 1 1, tftm Bp M.nriil. t Tia tlm. s p r lar. I o l '" r-t ttt'e ' ( .'l' 11' ts' i; Cf fit i ; . vt; feci 'fi t; i nf It la rnir.iK- ann ate-atlva In Ha le.ei i pnrifjlns on4 ' rrrs''l-s the bl 0 I, ran. Ins ' It t" tl"w in all It, oriesnsl j pur", ani vla -r ; thu. r-uto- j .mf-oni t'i .sl"m all ,ef 1 n'ri- li. ( sri-e. errlics hav ID- ditce-d oie;i.e. t C ! I r. R ii a K. r. I sr j ... i. TIl'N I. Intehiliel a" an ally or aBtnm to Ihe I'll h:KO Kl.l. IIKMKIlV, and slMMilrl hfliM-S in i'injnn,''M'n with that nifetlrlne In all eas nf tlirTiorrhrrn. Illeet, K'nor A lixi" or eVtilte.. Ms eilen, are tH'atltiM, S'nthui,. nixl eleiji'ilf-e-nl ; rrmn.it, , nil eralellnr hrat. el.urdre. and pa-n. In"lesil e,f lire bnrn.nr aud almnsl une ndtirah e p. In t at 1. fepi rie-ln'Od with nearly all ti.a cheap qaacS laitetleillS. r.r.rvr.rKr.K. FKKF.t.ir.Kl'XB HI y r. KF.FfHJ uses 1 K y.k y.-rr.r.r.r,..r. LLEt.t.i:Kt.ta; ftr the ne -f the OMFfO KKr. lcr.V4i 1V and ejllK li"ki.i: isjkri ns ins fw.t mexll, I,,... ni the lemet timo ail lmprn,er dls-rlrark-p are r,'iuoverd, snel ins wr.keMie I orsans are .peved- mi nn mi mi mi mi mi mi iiiiiniTiitiTiiiin iiiiiiiiiiiiiuinii mi mi ii n nit nit mi hji ml rv r. 't- re-n to tuu vigrir sua aire-niiiti For fi.ll particulars ffe-t enr psrophle't fniltt any tullfC Btorc In tbev country, e write lis. anil we will l f,-er in any adetrea, a trsatiac. f'lIF.BOKf F. f TRK.-An nn'a.rn a rure f.T fi''rm.i tiTTlii a. Hi nrnal We-kni"., N, e-tLit-al Ktirl.at' ns, and all diaeae'li cause-d by Helf P"lhinoti, inch as J.oas of .Mienorr. t nlvenal X.e.r.1 luete'. Pains In II. c line-, Iimnee ol Vl-lon, Preina turi' eilil Ae, VVi'aS Nerves, Inllli'tilty nf Itientli'tikt, TiemMirs, M'nf rliilnrs, FriiDtte.n. nn the t-ai-e, ra s tlnnnte-nanre., liianlly.Cnii suinpili ii. mid all it,e illri'lul C'.mi'alnlF,ati"ed hv ili'ps.'t ing rreuu the path nf' nature. niiiini'fitin I'llllUUKllI) in nn im ni) fi nn nn tn im iu nn nn iiiinnntmii l'lltllltlllU Th's m,,'ll',;ne ta s simp a-cyi-tith e 'extract, anel oi on vv liKh ail cna rely, as hit lreell lise'd in emr pnu lire f.-r nianv venr", ar wl.h thntl-aiiela treaterf, has mil tuned In a sinets In-iunce. It. cnr.itlve pow ers h.ve- liren mitnck'nt tJ' gsin vtrtory over the ino" atiilrhorii cenn. 'I o tin .ae' wh i biTS trlflcr. w ith their ceriisiiiiitinni until thi-y ! Ink therinsetves be yeind the re'ar.s of n-eetipsl aid, wo would savllRSl'Allt Mil'! the CliKHOKF.H t'l'ltR will rrator-e ynu ta he aith and viitor. and aftor ail einita dootora bave falleel. trrr.TFr.r.K ii. K rv.vn F.KI.E y.v. J- KF.KFFKFK! Kt.l.t.Ei.l;.Jt rn. wnionT-s nw. VKNATINU I.I.I.VIK; or, Ksse-uce ot Uiel I'rrparrel trt'in pure ViRefab'Q F.a Iracta, rontalnlnn nnthlnn injurious to tlio moat dell cute.. Tiro Rjuvrnatliig F.llxlr la tf.e leult of tnooern dcovmlfs In the vegeta ble aiiiL-ilom; being an enilrci; nervv end aiiH'met Dietlwel e.f cure1, lrri'M"0 tiveof all tl.c old and worn out ay tttuis. lltf It, I tut INI nn mi uu nit nit uu Tills moilfplns has been toslerd by Le most euil-Iie-nl ru. dieriil men of tha d.iy, and by tln-iu prnv noiinresl to be one of tha arrati-ht medical discAiTeaThr of i lie: au'A. One to tie wlUcnrs Gene ral I irtiiiiy. r A tew el. aos enrs Qyiterlct In Fe-males One o-ittJa cores palpi'--' tli n erf ihe Heart. A 'evr driHos reators ' orians of m-nerratlon. From one to Hires I ties rcni'iro the uu. 1 lies and full visor youth. Burnt ItllHIIlt 1 hllKRKIlhU KHIt It PR KIIK ItKR HUH ItKK KltKKHHItK It JvUH It UK Mill Ultlt Unit It lift KI1R KitB A few doaes reators tha sppeitiie. 'l hrec hnllle a cure the worst cam "f fnr potency. A fe-w dosoe curs'the low plrl'eel. One bottle restores men tal power. A ti'w doses bring the roao to tho cheers. 'ibis meelirfns reatorcs to niauly vigor and rotriot health tires pemr de bill-tale-el. Tee.rn-dovv ll, and des palnnir ' eleivotcs ol aemsual pltusuitt. tie. cccor Cvejexxt' CO CTJ ru co ct: CO f'C Ct'CCCrva THIS ELIXIR cums ItJ t' Tla, liei.urul tle-hllity, ral- rtitk,li or thn Heart, ai : BLp-iti'ilcv. Ilro.toiesime,. -U; pw.ir and the apuelit" and .'a.i.fa the ro.u toenem-. Iheehres of rsllor, und the delnlit ete'd m.n nr woeiaa lei feie 1 vignroHs aad etrsjiiK. the young, and amtituous brood t eiiurse IhmUKll every vein, tho nerve, to heereinie stroDg, and the tresj of raw lite aud visor to re animate tli' entire body, b'lil.r.UK up tho oon,tnt!tlont rea'o'lntr -oy and llfeie in sny a sud aud daaened ftretieie). i nnoo ( OejuejO ooo OOO t O J (H.ll OlrO ooo ooo ooo O'lO ooo otio odd ooo ooo oooooo tiooo CHFhOKKK PffT.Sl ni e, All ( OATl Ii KEVAI.K Khlll I.ATOIt, IlKAl.iH FKfKF.KVFR, CKKTAIX AMI HAKE. Fur ihs Ren.oval of Ob etruerlioi.s, and lbs Inaur Ulice of Ke-cehrlty la tire Ite-currence of tlie Monttily l'erlirda. 1 hty core or obviate those numeroua elleeaae-a that i-piUKtrum Iri'ergulaiitv, hy 'renrovlng the lrrcsularuy ttiell. Jin ' III! uu uu mi mi nn list nn uu They cure SuppresatS, e slve, and Falnlul Jdea) struatlon. -ei They cure flreen Shk-il ncss tChl Triet,) , They cure Merveus anil Pplual Alleit'one Falne la the Hack and lower avorts of the Uoety. lleaviuesB, Fat.mie on 8ilKH KxerUotl, l'alpi-atlon of las Heart, ,. IK Kit KK EK KK. KK KK KK KK SK KK KK KK KK KK KK KR KK KK KK KK ...m u, n . u, r,iri , iiv.re na, Biek Uiadaehe, OldJI ne,s, c, Ac. In a word, by removing i he IrreiisSarlty. thej reuiov-e lb. cause, aud wilh ll all the ettecte tnat aprui, from It. Composed of simp's vege table extract, ihey contain ni'thlr, delete-rl, na to a' y constiiutiern, however deli cate, ti't'li- fuucil'in be-lng to siit'.tltuie itje'iigtli for weas sesa, wliie-li, when uropeily used, tbey never tail to do. They may be Bitterly used at any aye and at any peilod, Cic-p'f tfeeriN lAel firil lAre tiK'iithK, during which tlie uut.lllLS nalutc ol thelrac 11,'D would Iblali.bly i-as-vtsT preiroarcy ICS FKK.F.KKKB f KhEtlJJ.tC KK . m 1 EF.R I F.r.hB Y.K y.r. KKF.KFKFFFR KF-iKKKKhr-E In lileCIIKKIiKKK MFtif cluea, uto uufoituuate will find a cuy of deliverance rri.na Bune-rlng anel pain. A day Bple-ndld and slerloua, when the-y sharl no lo isr auiter without icssaiiou or re-pee, e.ttier Ihruunlt iner cenarv eluaeks eir tbe ine'tli ci ne-y ol uau.soua prepare lluna. 1 lie "Cherokee Ucdldntst" are-e mplihb their ruoaoDj Ihelr emancipation. Au euiiiireiirallou eo great ,,o ad liiuabie, and ao pnillfle; of uulvcrrai Kt'od. 1 1rene uiedl ciue. will prove. In uny and every cube, foithlul olid irever-faii.iig fneiid. 111 Uis Uaiu ol neenl. fill MM UN MS HH SK HN.NM 1N MS UN UN Klvf K!vl KM US NS KM MM JSNNNt I'rlecs pf the Cherukea Meoleliies . I'timies Keme ely, ti a bottle, or a bentlea , fur (-herukee Iniec-iion, Jt a bottle, or V boltlealor . rh.n ki'o Core, J a bottle, or 3 bottea for SS. Or. WriKhi a KlUir, 11 a bottle, or i hoMea for 5. Oherolrco Fills, for f.nulea. tl a box, or 6 boxes for t)(i. FF.KEF.F.F.KF.B Fi-KI.tLfct.Ll IK FK ' KF.KKK f fe.UK i KK "1 F.l- FF.F.FFPTf; 1 ' M:i.tKtEt.lil( We seiM all tha t'HUItO KKK MKDlt'l.sKS by Kx- fre.B teaci pt the CheroSu. Ida, tlM-.c woaeiit bv wailt free of imitate), on receipt wi. trice, to any part of the elv-1-ivd world, securely packed. In kuc-h a uianuer that n une throimli whoae handa tlie-y nuiy pu, wouM Kuonf ths coutems. 1. allies or gentlemen cart sdrlre.s us la porh'st coos deuce, and wu will In all canes thuikiy answer their letters, ami give our opiiil jat ot each Individual case, VYa) proscribe uo tuiuerais. Fl'l KF.f r.KK FKl.tttEMr-lC KK y K FKFFF. y KKl.E FK KK I KF.F.FKF.KFK KLtLbLKIr-LK Ths fllir.liOKKE MKIII- CINKS aro sold by all enter- pnBing dritcgi.U in thecivl- , lied wir!d. borne unprin- RtS cipled dealers, howevenr, try Bsb.S" to sell worthless couipouima BSS it In place of these thoae B.s whltle Uiey caa get at a Hflvt SS cheap jrrie-e, and make m"re BSSI airsiey by selling than they S$si can on the C'lJF.Il'iKKB Bi bH-l aSFlllOIKkb. Asyouvslts b.4 ISiti . your health ajo, the health ht SHU of your ollnpili.g-do not he BSHSSSrl di'e-elved by aueh unprin- UHSeJ cipled drusitialM. Ask tor TI'KSK MKIUCIKIW), sud . take no others. I'stleuta sddreailng ns will pleses write Tost Onvs. fer.nl , Hlate, and tolas sf writer, plaut, sud luoluss posts age stamp lor reply. . JfUMUrugulsUws.il not bu tiiem yew, aeo-t te tu Slid we will aeud U.eui U you by KapreiM. t arilee ad dreesiug ua should stale the discaae and yniptoioi. anJ , fnU pariiculars lu record to their catew. We treat all dul Saaevaoiachrijnlcnaliiielaaoaleorfcuialei. i FatieiiubvlngaiaduuiiM need not hesitate keoanis ef Iheli Inability lo visit ua. We have tiealad ucuo,. fully pailcnta In all pontons of the elvilUid nl .hu. We wish lo send every reader at Una paper our thirty, two bus pamphlet urssl. AiTdTiaa aU Ieileis and orders to Dr W. U. UEitWlN aV CO .fo- all UHF.KTlf Htreet.Maw ork. riold wholesale sad telall by 1'YOTr O , SBJ P M aw-Dul K. bE0U0 rMroeru Fia.ie4. Dll. w Tt. MT.liV IIIK. ( llKlKKK i , ;.. ...... ... i.' . i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers