I) DAILY EVENING TELEO ft APi PITT 1 , A I ) R LPTTT A, SATURDAY, OOTOBEU 8, 1804. 5 ' SATURDAY, OCruilKIt 8. 18H. Bran or -rrr. sew york presr. j rrr. nwii' n:isnm. ! Mr 7VA"". ' The man who kn -ws mini IntlTia'Mv mi 1 cvn finrf! the ore rlli um n' tlie "wi'Iiem Co r'i. t 'y . is andtuli ill) Jill is. m Davi. 'I ho man who ' lias th iirt l'N"et 'I r j.n'ftl t'l.it kiio-v! l.i It also Jeif. rwn l)sv., yi t it is .Ttll" rsmi IHefs Wbo la ilie autlirn ni the su -ei li hi -h pri-liiine to all.the wnrrl I'l I t'i" in htirjr re-uiurvi nf Hie Rtbt-ltion are '! v'rM f lii.iite.,un I i's i,.,,,, of - aa Ml I'M inMifil. The Mum ap -h in pihw tlie I'lo-t tmnri1ina' y entifession evd' put fort'i liy a sr, n . rl ui'i il Ivfn-o he a 'ttl illy SlOOllIN lllfl til I.I..S wlioli n t. li the-fit enil of hl rarer. Till- ai. r, ti n vnf-.mk nni tnitlif il Hist its pntr" n'i Ity Is e ii t.o ti --'-t.-l liv a .iiul.; tsnnthrm patior. ''lit fieie M'"mi mt ran- i r I'fQht It in rett.-u li tv, u.is roc -ti 'y b-ieii ;tt ' Maeon. and has -;i. -k- i iIi t. , a-i.l h ,t wliat .rr fra oa to 'ii' a riMi "I of h s.ieoi-h ui,i -urs in the Moron 7V-n.i 1 ha ' I s-i I. ma; a i in fceptv-mlter '.'-I ; the.-') I is h. a i ivm'ulao.t ti ne f r onmraiili t n, Inn n..ni- hn ti""i main. Wo cnnrln'le the , e , Ii is a -cur.il 'l ie.i in s in stance. We know not whr 'iir tun aln.i'ar f-md'asitin Will he reevivi-il wi b mure rami liv the S i.itiiem or by the Nnr'hfrn ttiiiiriieies nf Mr. D ivis. Ail the hop. of the former, an. I a-1 fio pi'i'i-al kept a of the hitler, re-t on the military sirens' h and resonnes of th" R lic'lton. Yet Mr. Dim declare, that tw.i-ihlnls of the Relicl troop s are deserters, ami tha', not miiiir mn bv.awii en htet-u and tony live ar" left in the (Innfeilnrny. Id other wor.la. the mi'l'ury ehicf of the Ito'iolli mi Is dilri n 1 1 own ih t the ie iple fa I olf In n hW trauae, and thiit the armlea Are relae l fur lu lmT 11W ll-l. Ik l-IILII ll'l kill III. For If wo put the Iletiol fureei at four hlin lro'l thon panel men h"n the Hiimmercaup iii?n ln'irvn, we nhall lioil, liv the rMmatc of Mr. I),iit hi ii relf, Ibat nut inorp than one hun lrei and thirty thonaand men remain I'l the fleld. Tni niiin'ier Includes the troopa licith ea-it and west of thu Mil tinaipiii, and i nirani to ri preaont no' the actual but Uie O'linlnal fomeof the RdIihI urmiei. Wait mnat lie the uiirne of those armies, twn.thlr.1a .if Whose Bien hare n . rt"d In the fii e of til.- 4. enemy f wnai tne r nopes oi victory a.Minst forces whom tbiy know to be twice, thrice, four tme auueiKir t Mr. Haia eonfeaai'S not only that his armios are two-tlnnls w.istc I hy desertion, h it that there are no men t" ti l them, (i.-neral Oratit said thai (he Ko'o-la w, re r.ilili'ni? mu era I e an J the (traro to fl 1 1 ih ir ranks. Mr. D:iWi cmfosses it la true. "You h ive not many in"n hi'tjreen eiRhieen and for'y live left." An I the I'ru-idont of ibis great C "nfi'deraoy, lh leader of a aifntie llelellmn, la diiven to nppenl to womin for sup port. The chnnri' nf pcraundlnK hit aoMlers hark into the ranks rests on the di-lusionof tnoir wires an daughters. I'lace Is t he kept forabi7 of eight year-Hold nt the soicitation of his m itber, id her example i- commended to the re.'t. May, tbe chief of a great army comleai ends to beg that he may he personally informed hy letter concerniiiK il. serti rs ! To b'in the military no ceisiii of his condition clearly before the people, Mr. Davis tells thi in ilintoven Mucon, "liilcd with stores, sick, and woiindeil," taunt he di fended, Dot br K iol's army, hut hv the ''oi l men;" "and when the enemy Is tlrren oeyon l Chattanooga ( !),they, too, ran join in til" i?nu Til re joictuR." lietter have naid the yoitus; men, f ir they will have a cban o to row old before Sh-ir-nian quite resches Cnattinooita in his retreat. The empty hoist thst he shall lie driven hick, is Id pit if "1 contrast wi'h the exhixit of military deficit nries which tbe rest of Mr. Davis' harangno prrsrols. The leader Of the Rebellion has heretofore solicit d the rerpert of Kiiroiie hy the decorum of bia public sp.-ecbes and 8 ate papers. In denort ment be Ims been the rival of Mr. Turvevdrop, and In 'en'teminine-s'' has n1iutreit no poer ImlOene'sl McCle'lan. Yctthis perfumeilclM.a llej nmv pi-niiia hi ii-elf to ttlk of "Uutler '.ho Bejist," with whom no Cominls-ionerof Kxchtnia would b. I'l inn ri'Miirse, and indulges in i cheap liar iniiit linler's "eifirt to go', himself white washed bv hohll'iK intercourse wit uleni m." Vhl ber have vanish -d Mr. Davis' retirds for diplomatic proprieties ? Why are they super Briled bv a p-iasi mate exploljri of ill-tomoor? What will iven'Tiil vl Cieilan now siyfor the well-bred fruit r whose p rfeclon of miners lie once vi'hcinon ly n-aurted t Colonel Mutclf, of Kemneky ? Mr. Davis defends hlms 'If aiaim'. the chri?o Of m Rl cunK Oci ki i. He avers th it tbey wi' no tM iu-r oil in Virjtiui i than In Oeor)?i i. il ) asseverates tha' the despatch of Kariy's armv to Atlanta wouhl hae bi en the dcKtru 'turn of 11' h mood. He annoiitiC"", in sitbitanco, tb it li 're ftereach -( i "i"f ihe 'Jonfeileracy must protect ioelf as best item. Hi believes that "if one- balfthedo-ert -rsw II return to duty, we can defeat the enemy." Hut he knows they will not return, lie knews that even toe hope of MeClel at's election bs pro'vn to faint to he materially help ful to tbe Kcbeiiion. and in a sullen tit of des pondency the rrciit trit torhlurt out tbe ad nissi m that the kenelli m N irrh and the Katwlliju Souib rue to fall t "(eihcr in November. XS tl T IN TIIK SVIVI)I,V.f We bad supposed th it tbe only "great wor'.t to be done instantly in I'ennsylvanU" wis the tboroogh wbipp'ng of the foico D.nmrrats in tbe October tle aion, prep ira'.ory to tlielr crush Itg drfiat In November, but the McClellan Ci.mpain Cnminittce In this city his a job of work on band, "to be done iNsraNri.t in Penu ylvatiia," which they cnntldentinlly hlut t the Rebel fyn.pathizers in the follorrlnggleei'al wbis ; pering: '"l.flit-iilUl.J Owiers er thr rrvT'iAi. xkci:tivk (ivneiloisl Cohmitt.:s, 1'tki s M imin.i !urre?"ii'liit Hn -rctsrr, I ho. IS aikltuw. Pjr UjcurnfUt. tTok Mmui.i, ir.ir 0 lies. t vw Yort. Sepiem'mriJ, I-MI. ) ia: Th M'-i-tlni; at llnl utimco's W. uvn.ilns was eatrei-lactir, aii4 kii.iiy lJl;iiiaat uil eiicjuia.lns In lit fsisults. AtthaeJose l was r-iotil ti ailjoirn to to nair-.v I KrWay venlnit. si H 'icu-V at tufl ssins p iuc Ou b"ail sais-rts p'li cu ute. tm'. a frtnK wm. uia b Sum iii-ianitv in riiii' ii sua Tea ar. ratviecificy. Imt m .si earmistly IiivitmiI to h-ln with yw Miilist lam-'iiiH uia frituji liia-tily lururjitcl or tlia swesri mm i-l our i irt . Vet,, uwstli-nt iei viiiits, Auot.irr H-.I.MI.N r, HiMl'ttl. J. Tii.riRM, Wm.H 1cni-as, v'n. O Cuius, K. H. Uii.i.,H. Hkskv Y.i mi. John t. Hoi'i'MtN, .Ion f. iut:w, Loiao AIHtK, J-IIIS Kki.i.t, S'M T. tlin.i M . N . Cvsta AfiiHoK.S'-e. Misros 14 ia us. IMisl'orsa .V w l oi'ri yVlAw.ie, Iaa mf ttie lllortt Knouur I ry ' M." Vsmh the Itt'mttdtftH, 11 iitiifinn, .Sir'mV U. Vfe v.ry oiu- h r-itr-t havini to re.'ord the lo.s of Ibis flnc vense', w.ol knoivit m one of '.tic m i.t lortnnate of tbe t .-kade-running crjft. dh i Bailed lor Nai-ru on Tu'-sday lust, and in chart's nf Pilot John Virgin made a aa'cand exiedt'ioui ptssnge through the haul End cliaund ;i.ut mo,t ifortuniiuilv, when lieudinir for tba shore, for tk ' purl) of laniiinx her osrn r and ibauil.it. t uck in a shnai. v, hiist K"'n- at the t j of B teeu knots, arm almost bum Mutely wen dn. Iia.ip ly I hands w re stved, wi'h lis t 'etitiim of the first rook, wno sa-ik with tha il' taitd essi l l.i'.i e or no i htnce ci.n of a 'Ing the null, nut he rar,M is being raji lly re rued, and hup a s entertained that the wb de will tie saved. We trn-t that ere long somo li if tit will be thrown on this, at present, luexpliciblo UWUIICUUI. Tbe Command of thst DUtrlet of the Klowulii General 8tecdman being absent on leave, Briga dlcr Oeneml Newton y csturduy bsued tbe follow ing order: I s HaAlKlHAltTRHH DISTRICT OK TUB KtOWAH CuarraNoooA, Ncptembur 20. Orders. During the absence of Mnjor Geueral SteeUman, and iinti fnnher orders, the undersigned hereby assumes command of the District of the Ktowah. Tbe ststl of Majur-tieneral Steednian is continued on duty as heretofore. (Signed) Joun Newton, Brig (Jeneral U. 8. Y. kksrniaa stnd H4'lellan. A Western Joumalspeaks of Hherman as a fiion l Of McClellan, and takes credit for the Georgia cauipaigu as tlie inspiration of the little com mander, whereupon another paper says : "Gene ral Sherman was under McClellan, but that saga donsotticer found no better business for him than commanding tbe barracks at St. Louis." A Great Inanlt. An exchaage, quoting the declaration of tbe Opposition journals that General McClellan has perfect self-control, remarks :" We never beard sir bis losing bis temper but once, aud that was when Colonel Metcalfe, of Kentucky, told him that his friend Jblf. Davis was not gentleman, 7.1ml put bits in a great rage." HKAXf-MAEE CLOTUDfTJ A GALA DAT TOR THE LADIES. CAMPAICN OF FASHION OPENED, A Ramble Among Silks, Lk:cs, an.l Eoniict8. WKEC1IANTH, MODI3TE3, MILLINERS. AND The S1yhs and Goods for iho Present So isou. O -tobi r ta tha mon'li In which Feihl in, v it'. itii-ln d by oliat.ieles if tiuie, clrcu ii' t ill'-', uad r'in-ntn for i-o long, nrlno triumphant and iielns to give forth lier ilecnes. In Jan.' l'.i-lil on layj tier plans vi lib a vlrw to Hie biilllsne -s of ths wnti tirg place, the sprit gs, and t xcurai m ', far end nee r. In July she trttRgiei on an t b:a uly lights with Ihe S''urrhlai;, cmrvstinif eni'imrs v. hi. Ii ss-hi1 In r m tlie lonu of 1 11 ilivr.vM ,,f lmii, making m ks rus'.lu in viin, nia u-llss be casttioiu tin -shouldi ra, bilj btmneis uic pu-.'a)J a'de Lerdli-ns ot the herunjing. Tin ti c uiu s August, dining nhlcli shnaspntr. rMtSHinmllv ii I ui sonic r. fri shins ilimnl r-si ir.n in the r(Klne.s and fn-shnes ot mini n a i l gn nadiue. Hut at Lis' the do u lys co'nH"r her utterly ; and lairly exhausteJ, slie nsMi'ii'-i i shapi Iiss wrapper, tctires to a dark room, an I thinks of nuibii g. (Scpu-mlier ts a month or i xpi cia li.n. but O tooer hrinits nil things rigM mid lice we are prepared to we eome I-'aahiou in all the variiiiia tonus she may desire to assume. First of all, the bnntiot. that has alwavsiieon rnnttiurid to lorni the most lin.iortant p irt ot u lai y's custniiic, as tho lielniet did of tbe miight's armor of old. In fact, the botinei is a nource of piotoutid anxiety to a lady, und Is on i of tha most important items of expense in the do.nBnt". budget. The first temple of bonnets we enter is Ihnt of Wood rV Cary, in ChosntiC sireet, h-dow E ghth. It is the largest and most mag. illle.'nt S'orc in the city, and visitors have every advan tage nf space, laige minors, and elegant sur roundings. Fir-t ol all. it muni bo known that a revolution has taki.n place in tbe shape of Donm Is. Tbe high projecting naif that stood up in front his been pnilrd down. The present f'rmu is shallow, ltiw, and sxu ire on the top, coming at thisid.ii close to the face, Al! the crowns aio soft; tne siiif n und crown is obsolete. The frame ti entirely nmde in one, and the rape has b"ea doun uwny with ttitiruly. Wo turn n iw to onuot t le tables, and mi it we final a charming litt e bonnet in satin, of Carmelite color, the amnio I, a V.il l.eie loved. I. is simply laid In fo'ds, an l has round It a full pulling of brown velvet. There is u i trim ming, but tbe back is li iishcd olf with bl ck la e, und bows, and long ends of ribbon, which grace fully take the plnco of thu stilf cap-) of livgono days. Laying down this bouuei we, taki up an other. It is In uncut or t"rry velvet, made all in one piece, plain round the edge, and formni into box plaits naturally towatda the mid I iu of the rrowu I mm surplus nf xtulf Hem these plaits aie coiWiucd hy a string of very lare b .fit beads. The vslvet Is loose al the back, edml with black lace, and falling over a full crown of white tmlu. I. irge bow of ribbon, low down untler tbe crown, supplies tlie place of the cape. A drao b ather at the side. in-ide ot this bonnet wsa a bun:h of orange, or rather I'honuis.io'or 'it II iwera. T'.n is a new shade, called 1'hichus, from its re-o n blanceto the. r.ns of the sua. A in igulticvrit opt ra or coucert botiiibt u'Xt arrcstei our at ea tion. It was ot white uncut velvet; u cro vu of tulle end real v. hi e bloude, the lace fas cne J bv a beautiful bouipie' of rosebuds and hi e Itutc. In ibis bonnet, the ribbon which for mi tho strings is fo detl in two ut the back, and there gaibced till I' rcai-hos the one ot the lioiinetoii curb sido wh.ru the ribh iu is left to its full will! b for htiing-; th s lorms the cape. Thu lace trimming was of white tulle, wi'h a bnni h ol rosebuds and black Ocrries. 1'no fa:a trimmings in this ostablishm 'Ot have prilnir nun ks of good taste a great ad van-ie, tor tho luce trimmiug is the tnort important, ueing tin Ih coming element of the bonnet. Leaving tho wilderness of pretty, tempting bon nets, we uome to the hats, tho-e in st en :ti tstnig cnlllur-s for young and pretty fa es, but which should never be worn alter twenty-Ike, eveu by the pietticst. M. ssrs. Wo id A C .ry nave In vented a shape called the ' Coiitineiuat," copl.i l from the old thrre-corm red C aitinentsl ha'. Ii is made either in plu-b or veivet, and mm n d wlih jet velvet, and a bca iliful .S.iu'.h njr:c m bird, which seems to have jnst ligntmt ture to wbispi r tome tender secret to the pretty la -e ovor h ih It briids. Nothing is ii'Ore co iiiettish or charming than these ham. They are ol all tonus, iu lua'k. tri n niid witb feathers, beads, velvet, simod iies phiid, but nfieni r bia -k. Messra. VVojd Cary bsve an iniinei'se assortment. Miss Gael, No. IU1H (,'h. siiiit street, also had in o'iiiug. Most tasteful .ire her 'louiiuts. ()a ', in whre tulle, scarlet Velvet, and bla -k, wo epu- daily noticed lor Its onginalitv am s'tn olieity. At tbe Mi-sses tte'.iiy s, j. mil w tin it atrcot. the bonnets w. re also r- maikab e for th ir exixl- leiitst)e, ky which we man 'hit to re wis no exuggeraiion of ornauient. The faililort of uo cape is universal In ibe new huanets. Mis King, wno nas J 1st removed tip to n . liu cnesnut stn at, nas nerusiiai neaii iiiii dis play of huts, boiincta, and head-dresses. We observed that si a ofien keeps a very uirrjv caie, and that not all ber Ouunuts have soft crowns. Mrs. King's h 'nnets have long e.njoyel the M'tx iaty ot being siiuniiativuiy ntuitah, me tri n nnrg living especially el. gsa', and unllka ( whtM petti ctly In the lasblon) th it of any other nwn, In liomats, iu wed as iln s.i a, piaiu solid colors will lie aoru winter advatiCHs; velvut nmin its will be made a'most universally ot bT o le col jc 1 he ji t trimmings and orn mi -n s are like y m coiinuue in lavor, nut mu tn-nii ug wni pr i.oiv he but a piosiug lan y. toiiue (a d. e i te i violet) is a new shade; Oarm lt:e. a iuy '.to o' leutbtr color; I'l, .Cub color, a sha le .foriMg'i blue; black, of course; dil l mode, or drib, a.-t the coio.s that will l worn tnis -sinter, thj nita r Ori-b, however, not alone, bat nut d vnU some bi uiiii r tint. 1'iaiils l I only tie un d as trimmings, und lb n chl. Hi tor h its 1, -ss scrletwiil b- v irn tn.i aiitiiinu t bun is ll mi a ill t lis is in. 1' , , n ol bonucts are to van with lb it ol got I. u j !l Oili. r no rcb iiulsie. 1 ha , Uo.vevri-, ic i"es thnu M-.ll tiiK Ii, at ba t hu.bHiil. : d evil pa,i (iisiialv mure ludulguio man buniiulo I thu k so. Now for the dies goods. As fa' tin il n, oi what ibe I' ri-nch call dupositi.i:i, the no nls i m ported ihis tali p'tf ,ciu tiochi g vurv stria. u holm plots are the ttste of thu pre -ut 'J iy, a.. 1 exc... lici t lu te it I-. t. inp eli at Co., No. 727 Cuesuut tr,u, ti iv.i an iiuu.cpse vnnc y i.t lad a id int.-r .to ids uu i nt prices i tint ar- hut title in i tni ic .it tb "oln ones, u ing wh d ; a' a veil as r"ni d' ah r.,Csiiip'H:l Co. h ive gr-" a 'v mi . whictt ttiiir remit etis'oiiiers te.io ere slim ut-i lucy uiive a urge s. ipiy ot gnus, .mu .hi oitt-u avoid the highest ui-iia.'ts bv up;iil. Iioin their own warehouse. Tne r bii:? Mia for itislui ce, aie ihe ibeipesl li ihe city, m eudlers in si) le auu w.U.ii, tr m the sou I i. to the iiiHgiiiiii-eui p-np rri ois ot f'ry tw inci.es. i ue ran popnns id 1 1 r u irs sre -en ntul wear when they re o..ui,le wiuth, ,inl c but two i una s a yuid T e a l-on im poplins i blight p uid are a nuvelty (lit- seisoii I be most hcanMful ma'cri.'l, howe.or, we b ivj seen is called t pingline. Itismtdeof nils: anl wool, anil nas tne appearance ol the richest velvet It is double widih, costs three dollars a yard, an-1 is infinitely preferable and equally as neb as a inidre antique at six dollars per yard. This is a specialty of this house. Here arealso to be found printed merinos, so excellent tor children's wear, at a dollar and a Quarter a yard. The display of millinery goods, such as rib bons, silks, velvets, etc., at Warhurtoa A Bon's, No. 10(14 Chennut street, is not to bo iuruas.se ) One of tbe choicest fall stock of goods of this description has bean received, and being rapidly uisHea or at reuucea prices. At Kvnus', Cbesnnt street, between Eighth and Ninth streets, we find all tbe goods marked down forty and fifty per cent, lower than before tbe iall In gold. This is the moment to buy, for as there will be no second fall importation, no matter wbut mar be the state of the gold market, the scarcity of goods must make them increase in orice. At Evaus' we hare poplins at $1-00, in all shades; French chintzes at seveniy-nve ceuts ; a beautiful material, too. tor dresses called cloth Duchease. Evans ft C.o's fauey silks have long enjoyed a wide renown there is scarcely a bouse iu which there is so niucn variety. At J. W. Proctor Ii Co.'e, No. 020 Chesnut street, a templing aispiay or mantillas, cloaks and furs are ollered at greatly reduced rates. Tbe goods are of both European und domestic origin, and are among tbe lineal to be louud in tne city. Matleigh offers most magnificent plaid cloak ings, only to be found in his store slmaues ir very kind of woollen fabric ; the prettiest printed AND FIND TAIIrOKDii wmppem In pa nemlre. we have a.-en, rniilrnr i t tmilrm-t, that is, the deelgit printed ii darv r shade tf-an the rohrr of tbe dress, of pinrso. Mr. Ilal'rlgh's ftore con'rtlns all ihe rl hnr g-ndsln endless vatleiy, but ibt rt are the latest novel M of the season. Ibe rti-play of linen goods, embroid ries, and domestic giorli at hhi ppsfrt. Van Hirlin-an I Arrimn.No. IDOS Obesnul street, attract some atuntion. Using to the lit reduction in p- eei, tbe establishment is thn need wHh purrh !". At I',. II. I.m '-, No. It N. i; yluh stn et an extensive assnr-mcn' of Kre eh rsi'-nrioes, sdas, ps-plrna, end nrj vl. and ahr"r artie es ;en" lal V, sre I re-en rl t ir ex'il liiou Vl lie. As, alas inoiir,iiui! bus beco-ne aliss.st unlviir. sal, i be mourning st oiTa have I net e isH In ? i to n and unpor a cc. Mye-s (t Co., N (I 'A t.'h-'-iiiu Miccf, fare in v t n-rinl anl elcga m giods. 1 lo-ir sprcia'ty Is uinreov-r tbi-ir mo irrt'ng mi' linery, ImieiMid Ir. in N-w Y Tk. Th.. ta.liioii of je' ornan cms cinies inr t sppr ji I it ly into the ileeornth-n of moutnl'iff fioune'.s. M.-vn a fio. Ii'.ve mitre era t" h nnets rh it a'e .rtirtily embinkb red In sn'ill j.'t boidn; and fro if thu excellent a'y'e of the khnr , ntid ni 'ke mi i trs-n niiiiss, these bonnets are as eleg n-t and rrrh"n',t as nny in whirl, rotors are ui'xetl. Ihe p'aiii wdovta' bsmiKds here h-iva an e'e guiit simplicity .ba' li-s ntl' their he-n'ti.ess ; ' end ion I now one don", likn to bo a Tight, my tlt'iit," eien in w do wee. is. Moors, dun I im a.aie lviut fnl bilmors'i in in h di-igi-s; niBie v. ry eh g mt on sen toi tlcn . I iu chili' -Mitch. 1 ht l.aluuii il i, un i,n 'i.rt:'id I" ni ii.iw-'i.d ivs. tjn- I.a.-.l.il hae atwivs their ingn:fl rnt I M"i( , w I'liuttll and A" h, le n!t g wi h i; ni Is of t'cvirj fii-t class. Apt'' ill every pis-tec -haoe, n eiu.l ng h te, th it is b-iiii; u iiv ts ,lly worh III 1'iris, tueri .o-, ;. .il al ri-rret, pot.!us, rli h'f In Is. Ian lice. 1'he- t niy dl llcultv f ir It e rnst'inii-r is to choose. y rre-it is the variety. HI nl i t s' in. Is nrc a si e 'is'tv of this h jnse ; nnl as eveiyi'O'iy -hoilld po-sesS Mirs ar.icie, tlu said ongl t to be great l or the pnn hnse of linen g osis, the esta'dUh ment of J. C. Htan'iridge A Co., in the N. W. corner of -'.i!.-hili and M.trk-t rttreeia, is m -n-ti' lull. The lim-sl gianla of thi descriptioii in the u aikct are to be nb'ainrd M this emporium. Illi.ck silks aro In re in p- rlei-tion, up ui iwentv tli llnrs per nni. Hark Foulards, so ilr.lr.vilo l td so dilllcuit to hnd, are hern In beautiful designs. Lviry kind i f fancy end sterling flu ss ami household goods Is to ho f -uinl in this stote A new iforc in Klghth street, just nhovo Chos rut, is now atiracting Htu nii.in. It is a br icfi house ol John Lnutey Co., from Ho.-ond sire it, w in re the orielnal store S'ill IhinrlshOs, Mr. la u'ey basiiduced his goods lo tne very lowe-t Mai di. in. Wn notuvd ail-wool plaids at '71 i ems per yard, doublu wiuth. There is a grea; iiKsoruneiit nere of fancy siika anil all at low pr ces. 'this largu fii.e store, with its courteoas i nip.i.yees, is a great aiiri. tl in to our la lns. I'm gnives, h iiniki r. hi f -, I ice goods, hosiery, A''., tin. cstablishineiits of Price .4 Wood, N i. 1D1 N Ninth Hnet, and Uen F.vans A Co., Nj 4 i N F'gh:b street, a e iinioiig the best iu the city. A cle-ire s'ock ot the 'ia'i-st'' is aiwiys to be touiiil ut cither estn'i i hment. At the comer of Nin li and Arch streets will be found a store, Cowpcrihwalt ft Co , In which the tcoi ifs vary almost every duy. An endless iiuieiy of kIi iw Is, tlnn esiic goods of all kinds, aid goons of American inaiiuta?tnre (the patriotic ohoiihi wear none else) are here at tuo lowest prices, t.umcn Sii- ddart & Urn., in 8oentitl sirctt, ii'iuve Willow, bare -long liml custoui.-ri rrnth a 1 parts ot thu city, it li iliill.-ult to say IihI is not to be tounit in fits fuiiuenio eniuo- rlnm. A pli tuiliil stipiily of th it e vi'Menl thing, reai'y n.oin y, enables Messrs. fjunveii Ptodd irt Ik liro. to seice on all the opporrnulties oH'erod hy nihseliher lure or In N .w York : the efo-e tin ustnmer has rnro oppor'iinities of ub aiulng bir- mIi.s, even in thenctiest and uiosie egant goods. such as pop ins at nm doll irs, silks that wdl nMO' Uli. ami every a irt uf do a'lin uwtluri I. Messrs. Kdwln 11a I fc t; o.. Mo. m S. Siroi.d street, have every kind- of goods, en. broideries, tdlks, shawls, talmas, po dioa. anil all in ei-dlisa vaiietv. A vi-ii wot well pay the rido in tbe urn to the most di-tanl cust- nier With all these tires cs tha finish an I add I Ion hirh sets them off is to bo found if. K. M. Nee- tlh s'. No. 10 H Chesnnt street. French worn m attach as much Imp ir'ance to I tin lingerie that col am, and cuffs, and baiulk.'rc'ua s is tn. y no to dress, and all thee urn io b.i huiud in m ut i cui't ht le here. Inc. new un lorsleevc, -o ox- qti'simly nest, the sleeve bring sewn on to ad rust cull biiitoi rd wi h three bullous, aud minium! und ei'ber with a fluted frill or V il. iii'lotiiie., Is one uf tlie prcfty inv.-iuious of the season from 1'sris. 'Ihe collars aie to match, and aro endless in slitipc, Valenciennes lace giv.ng eiegunce and lightness to tue heavy lanric ot tne i nnn. K. n. idles has a line a-sortment ot la'-s, muslins for white w. lists, and p ockut handa'Tchiels in all tlie posMble und impossible foi ins in which tbe-y aie. now made. Vi is, too, now si universally worn, are here to be found in ail m-i and of all a ncs. 1 Id- we flunk a good report tor our first .y's pronifiihile in the empire of lashion -nanv ' i ur gn ni m 1 1 1 1 in r- have not t '-peH"d ttniir si dor - s box (which was a botin it-'ax, who ti e bill at the boitom), wnen tuey do we shitll it p. it iiccoruitigly. MAiiniAnn. Msmage is tho best stats for a tnan iu getural; mi. I every man is a worse mart in piopoilinu as he is unlit for the iu irrud staio. MKTALS. N. & G. TAYLOR & CO., No. 303 BRANCH ST.1EET, 1MIU. Jlt 1.IMU 4 Tiii I lull-, tSheol ;4')di' Ii f i t Cf'i'psT, ?is; 1 hi, il, L'ud, &(.i' ii.nr, I? HUM UI -iM e, iEcrit'ct J 3-4 Il'JJ, iTait icaf B'l.rif! Sliwt J roo, Galvanized Lloom Sheet Iro.i, Imitation Rasbia Sheet Iron, Russia Sheet Iron, Hoop Iron, all Numbers and Sizes, Round Iron, a ie, 1-4, 5-i, 3-8, 7-10, Teazle Iron, Cast Steel, Files, of all Kinds, Rivets, of all Kinds and Sizes, Wires, of all Kinds and Sizes, Registers, of all Kinds, Ventilators, of all Kinds, Emory, Borax, &o( &c, ll SSTABLISEMSNT, 11X3 TlBkl UAH COmi. THE TIME HAS COME. THE IU IE HAS COME. irt tiik TRICES 0T' DUY GOl 'D EDWIN HALL & CO., No. 26 S. SECOND STREET, ajik now orrKKtMii iiii.toi'i or SILKS, DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, CLOTHS, CLOAKS, VELVETS, &o., Far Bo'.ovr the Present Gold Prices. Aawebevo bad the advantage of aconilnuil rise in tbe prices of our Stock during tbe progrcat Of the war, we cow propose to giro our customer! tho advantage of Ibe FALL IN PRICES. ALL ST A TLB 0001)3 lJ',DUOED. CALICOES AND MUSLIM TLANNKL3 AN1) TABl.li LINENS KrUUOsflO. ULANKKT3, AND ALL HOUSEKEEPINO O00D3 If . B. Vf e respectfully sjliclt from the ladle and others an examination of oar Stock before nuebaslag, eouvtnctd, we are, that we hare 02rt OP THE BEET BTO C ES 1 3T TH IS CITY, And will be io!d as low, If not lower, than any bouse will tell the tamo tUAIwIXV AM) HTVLE. Jt.B.-8vrsl lots of (edi from th lri AUCTION BALES HELD IN NEW YORK. THK WEEK, AND WILL BE BOLD ViUlT LO V. lOs-stof-St NOXfiD 1'Ofl EANDSOilE BTYLhS, T DRY GOODS. JjLVLS TO BE UNDERSOLD IH OUK MOTT0II C WIN EVAN 3 & CO, No. 45 H. niETR SIHEET. We or uid by it s Ls.Usj ut e r 0hIi ir the ch ss irirr oaonnd, ana t: soriuirsiueiiSft U a (IKK AT UUsn FOll C1ISAP (lOODSIU Wr allow nson t-i ssll ;oo4s flar Issa thsa we da, rs- ar. I..S t tni t if cost. DHI'.HH UOODH, OllHAl. to p. Hmu ll.-ol. redoes 1 1 T7V wirih e?S o aits. 10 V. Atsllns lllil- sll-wo I llilslns. 44 e n s, wirl OS. Pink, III. e. M tortus s I wi.U lalnei, M ct.. w i'Ul 71. I.a. is's livuMs siul Alagls-wiihti UslaluM st s frsal r- (luetlan. WMs Plata ssj fl.sJf Purlins, $1 W is tl 71, m. rc'isitliHi. 11 srk( S.tli.Tal.llni,d(ib'.wlJ I,l 7Ho ft li.Mj Im K (vliiciMU.it wrreJ srenuw ipllliu(H.rl-Ji,e, BLA'JX AKD COLOSED DRE93 SILKS. Th few Silks w hft twft rov o.n bj ftt ft (raai iciifii. EKOCnE AND BLANKKT SHAWLS. Ws srs rot to tx uaderioid in Ahawfi br an oas, Toa can buy cheap Line-ins. Ilalmornla, Pt-krlinir I.tnena, SO, 64, M. BMeced. Winter wool fitlmorali, ti tiVH- RsdU'fKi from H. Illsek auil aula plaid llalBoraia, $1 TS. ilrli Balmorallns bj ths rar4 at Oomsetltloa prlefs. Alcii'n t-lurtiii( (JtulUa. iMMlien' Moutlo Ototlui, Ths abovs wo have attbo r4iienl price. I'liliJ Mssrnta sll-wool Slilitlns riannsi M els. Cheap, MHN 8 AND HOT OABMtMKItRS. C1IKAP. MUSLIN?, CALICOES, FLANNELS. Itesluoeil all ourMusllos less Una flr eaa be boofbt. Wlillanilvlllv, cwYalk Mllll. al competltioa priest. I list measi ws are alls to ssll Ikstn Ism than job use buy els Lore. h ew itj Is, dark colors, Cilieoai, 5t) csal i, worth ii. Ileiluccsl Prleti from 37 S lo Vft ssnts. r it colors. All wool flannels. Ml esnta. srorth 7. BsllsudoU riannela. 70 ceute. tl. Iteduood. 1 Tsrd-wlil Hallardvato rianraiU.KI crnu. X bsnjala. AllHladi of Ooodt at recluosd ratas, as ws ar aw eloU.g out our slock. OWES EVAIN'S & CO., riJIAP MAMatOlll IiUY QOODi I10D IH, No. 4.5 N. ELOHTil BTttKET. P. 8. -flftlilni oflTohsan white strlpuil Jieont aad Oaan- brlrii teolortsi Caa-lrrloa noeats; lirou Linings, Urlas Une. llrllltnjs, aad Uim llaiidsinchleri, at birgiin, t oloso out. OAlHKl.BRKtT, N. Hllltiril Stteet. It L4 W FOUETH AND AECH, ? Cftter for tho bost TRADE, and offer no BAITS or Decep tions to induce Custom, but roly on F A 1 It DEALING AND GOOD GOODS. Best Mcrinocs, Fashionable Silks, Nobility Plaids, Pirn's Poplins, Dark Foulards, Figured Merinoe3, Plaid Shawls, S-'M taws Good Elankets. QVltTAIN WAIITCIIOUMIS. KI-KOANT LACK CUKTAlNS AND BICH CUETAIN MA'ITEIALS, AT LOW MICKS. SIIKrPAUD, TIN IIAKLI.(iE & ARKIS0.V. -J w-7t o, lOOM CHK8NUT 8TKICET. rXiSTEll llOHIEltV AT IlETAII. AND WHOI.ESALK. J. HI. HAFLE Id II No. 902 CHESNUT STREET, nai bow In itor a full anortmeat of th elsbratd makes of ENGLISH 1IOSIEHY, IX BALJIKIOOAJT U08E AND HAiF U08B, BEETTLI 8 HOBS, 8IUBT8, AND DRAWEB8, EXTKA IUCATY BILK BU1ET8 AJtD DHAWKB8, IN ALL BIZEB, FOR Q EN TLEM KN. 10-7 DRY GOODS. 113 ,,,l,t'M WOOIl, HOBTH NINTH STREET, ArlOTH AKCII. DRY GOODS AT OUKATLY KP.DDCKD PRICKS. AM Kill CAN CHINTZES AND I)K1,AINK9, At tlie very toweit msliot prloss. rSI.KACHKI) AND UNIII.K ACI1KI) MUHMNS, At rediKsld rlc. nOSLEKY, HOSIERY, H03IF.RY, At li-ei tlisn Iroi'orlers' phoes, l'.I.PACIirD 1I0SK. fl), 40, M, . t, a id Ti (inn 1INIILHACUK1) HOSK, VU. . CO, to, CI. aid T-. eaiits. I.ADIl'.S' AND OK NTS' LINEN CAMBRIC HANDKERCHIEFS AT ItKPUCKB PRK.'Klt. rmcE & wood, No. Tl. lVIfsJI'Il Htroot, N.B.-K1D G1.0VKS, BKST QUALITY IM l'OHTKD, CHOICE COLORS. 1MI PLA1M ANI HTirt'.IIKn HACK. Ml'8I.lS OK HVKRY OR ADR AT PRICKS sibit-b ws warranl ae low, or lower, than thijr can isia-lhl) t.e iNiiutlit We re e.'llitf a s'"sl Hhlrtias. V WMlt-.fi.rSI een.s perard; H wlas If7rsaie; t-t wl.le, STieeiili. Nrw V urn St -li.. Wlliiemesille, Waossalls ao ai lowest pries., all ihe heel mski-enf Haesy snd Viae Mi.rtlri. lo IH yam wide. !. ymrd 1 yards, 1 1 si. V. ano II j err). I o. Table Linana f ir f I per ard ; verr me 1 alas l.lnrn. In rl .-t?: i.inrn Hheeilnes, all queUi re looliiis. Muriey ulapor, Mapklas, atiirua, ami Pil ow l.lnsits, Itn BLSKK1.- Our Rlsnkets were boti(M Isst vear. Ws sre .emeu a soiid II anknt at S7 per p.lr; on nns Biaaksts s en tare ihe pnre.btser tA per pair. It ol Comliirt- l.le.6. Mr.i-il..vlli., S0 .W e.i-ti. We ara eeilln( v. iy Hn. Mar,eiltee Quilt, the. now cn.l. .yl, asbjeel u df-rolormen .from I Inn. for lift: thi. none ..f ihe areatast barvaltie s lave s 1d llreen Rsle aed F-anaol. uf alt kl'd. M l. A W. H. PKNNKLL.Mo. I'll MASK IS f rlueet.bolow Kleventh lil-S-smUi-St Q P 11 N I N U. j. m. nAPLEion, No. 902 CHESNUT STREET, WILL OPBN BIS l'AI.L AND W1NTHU sruwa or D K K S H GOOD H, ON MOD DAY, 00T08ER 10. Oonaiillnj sf MOIItK ANT1QUK3, rtONNRT TAPPKTAS, COLObKD TAFFKTAS, And POULT Dl! 80IHS, VELOUR OTTOMAN SlLKS, la sll tk NKW WiluOKH, with a woU-aiiort! Mock af W00U,14N AND SILK Ann WORHTKD FABRIC J. J. at. II. lakes pleasure la.talliutltillieKaTAII. TB AUK that bs has tceo runanais in tandinf bis Ininriatfons at this dais, whsn the oo.t n TiiiitTV. ruitKK. raaoKNr. L188 il aa llial al which a Ur,,. portion or Psrsltn llojdi have bein put ujioa thematlist line eeaion, Allot wa'oh wlUbs sold a. low r lowsr taan tas saui sooda can be bouiht aluewhers. 7 St gCOTCE NDRtLRY DIAPER FllOM AUOTION, AT RRDUCIiD PRICES. CURWEJ STODPART & BROTHER, Nos. HC, 99, and 4.14 N.HKRONU SrltKBT 18-7-St A ire Willow. J A MI LT0N, FA0IFIJ AliD AMEiUAN MOU-iHtUN 111) IAItwI'2 4. FROM AUCTION, AT I!KDI!C;10L I'lUOlOH. CURWEN hTODDAUT A KKOTHBO, boi.5U. 4i)V,and4r4 N. eBisjNIl Stivsi, 10-7-St Above WIIJi.w. JJAliD-LOJM TABLE LINES 3, MIOM AUOTION. AT It K 1)11 C K D P K I C R S. CURWEN STCDDABT 4 BliOriER, ti.i. SO, 4, aad .." H SEOINJ S KIShT, 10-7-lt -burs WIUi. JrAtl ANU rTmi13l SHIRTING FLANNELS, FROSI AUCTION, AT REDUCED PRIOE3. CURWEN ST6DDART & BROTHER, Hoe. 450, and 434 N. 8KCUND BT8KET. 10-7-Jt Abovs Willow. ino NORTH EIOHT1I STREET. 103. 11 1.1 Hecund dour alKive Arch. Great Hediiotlua in our lunuvn.e Slock of aUapls and t'aneyl rlmiulust,coiu prl.iug lite b. el and uu.t la-litn.iile aasurt luelit of lAUles' ilress t'loak Triiauilngt, Onia nienie aud liuttonii of our own uinka and lio-p.-rtatlon. Hllk and Merino draffs, ail etvlei of Hiia and Clienllle fftad liri'..i-s: Nulti clieai'er than etso wtiare: llusle llimpi and Uaule Bultoni.t'lutli Mennoaod HI k Ilium, Kid illovee of the belt maken, lllack and t'ohilul Veilijhhawie an.l Hcarf llonlere.all widths Fancr Bait Slid bide t ombs, silk Melt Stillborn, Jot, Hlssl, Slid Olll Belt HiliU'l. f'kiak Tarsals of all colore and etvlei; Staslc Kliitlinj. ol all .it.l and etylee si sreatly redui ed prlcei ; Woollen Hoods, si Hontai-'e, Nubias, Hoodi i Ladles', Children s, aud m.iee' Htockiruri at ths chi-sui.l prions; Hell lluUl, Walerlell Koll., and Water fall Mull of our own Improved uiethudii Bla. k and Whits Laces ol all gradri ud .ivies ; Ills, k and l olortd Velvet stillborn. In mesl variety al r.duord prloee ; Ladies' and llsull Nsckllvs, Ui great variety, calreuieljr siimu, Ac, Ladk-i some, one and all, and eon vinos yonrsehres before bin Ins el.i-wliere, thai II ! well worth lo your own Intureit lo nun-hnss your Trluinilna al IU I'neap Store uf WIL LI kl lA)nKlKSlAilM,Nu.la M. JtlUUlU Btr.st, Sei-ond iluor above Arch, nest to Hie oornal. VJ-H tXO P0L1TE'5S8 TO CUST0J4EE3. DRY GOODS. Q ' ia N I pr o, THOMAS W. EVANS & CO., WILL OPEN FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, On MONDAY, loth Inst. Nob. 818 & 820 CHESNTJT STREET. is-s-pt 'piOMAH yV. EVANS etc CO., VILLOTIN ON MONDAY, 104 INST, FINE FRENCH MERINOES, IN ALL THE NEWEST SHADES, AT $1'37: Per Yard. Nos. 818 & 820 CHESNUT STREET. to -at C1RKAT HAROA1NS! ORRAT RKDIII. I tl- a la prices, at rami A IlK I.'S, osraar THstTH and PINK. Now vMdrmra aac Ion. I lot U.ndim wniar prnsTOloekius vsr i , as-tl. 1 lot colored flmired SVs. sura Qaautv, $1 1 lolMark erei enruenne, lor ni.nirn.ns st'. 1 lot vary flne Moiirnlue Uliiacae. at tk ind . I lot pieln hlsh roh re alponas, s ana Tk oeaia. 1 lot IH- Mar.elll.-S Hpreaile, An qaaaiy. :!. 1 lot Ladles' lleiniutch, two-Inch bolder UaiknlA. 44, rl, -i.il VP inu. 1 lot Hair ltru.he.,old priest. W to 79 -"U. 1 lot liuns o. Hell, Hack (Inane, o 1- ;s) osats. 1 lot Mo. Ml d.Hlnlr-Isj'Ico llisrk Hilt K b'iuB. fa) east. 1 lot No.r hlsh aolm PUId Rtlibna Vel mi, As ositi. 1 lot No. St sseula Veivet kllitMn, an enl. per pleoSA 1 lot No.sM, UUck and Whit i'aa-l Blbboa.M'7 per ic. A len. a full line nnt'nni. Bonnet and Trlmminf BiStiolia, by plees or yard Kdslnf e, Oloves, f fb.isry, o. a. Bar Salu opculns daily, - IS' JJALMOllAL IC ( ItTe-1, FROM THE TANIC AUCTIOJT SALES. Superior Uoods at the above low prios. CURWEN BT0DDART & BROTHER, os. 450, n, and 4S4 V. SHOO ID Bwt, W 7 M Abovs willow, , CLOAKS, 4c. CLOAK OrENING. J. M. HAFLEIGH, No. OO'a (JHEBNUT STttEET. MTIUai.-tMhai WEW HTYLBH ftf FALL AND WINTER. CLOAKS, ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 10. 10-7-W IXA1 ANU MANT1L.1-A. Mannfftctorj, and Bliawl Emporium, N. W. Cornor ARCII aad TR.NTU 8TRBBT8, PUILAOBLPUIA, ' ' 8. WKLSU ifi CO., Where yon eaa see a Spieadld Awvrtjaeol f th '" CHOICEST NOVBLTIR9, ' Where voa an pa' 'h best pfaaufaotarsd Oarasoalt. aad wtore you can procure I lie UBKUJtfK WtTII PttOUf OLOK, ; At th LOWEST I'HIOKM. ' ljulieawfH rd It totbetr leerset t pare-as shsir Cloa.i an Hiiawli et UUs KiuolisnaraiL. k-SU-taibs-ta WKLBH OO. WAllHURTON fc HUN, No. 1004 CUESNUT STBEET. To MUliners, Dreggmakeri, MeroL-bU, AMI OI Il.li8. We hsvs jmt opeutd our I'ALL HTOOIC or , CHOICE MILLINERY GOODS, Of fury denorp'ioa and variety, t whit ws lava sttrntlou. Our prices sre as tow a. can be euuu4 la the cU for nrsl-s'a.e tlosst. a Uttaial discount to wholeasls bujers. WARBUR10N 4 SON, 10-1 elutlila No. ion, OHKaNVr JJ l-i A N 1C 12 T H BOl'SEKEEPERS, TAKE NOTICB, J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO,, rOUMBKLT COWPC11THWAJT A CO., N.'W. Corner EIGHTH and MARKET SLreeta, Art new Acting th larsast stock of Blaakets to be (band ki t-is dly, at aiodsrat prices. J1E11TTI JIIAIsJJ-ETH, cnui j.x-ArvTitirrH, CX1AJ3I.X3 3JI.AN3iE.XS. , jiJZD 3lIA.tsT3CX.XS, all Blxesw To deakrs ws offer tk best aasortmaat of all th luxunf But-. N t 17-ruths-lai ny Krly sind Bavs tba Advance. IS. . COHNEft BUTH AND iURSZT T4V I ii i ' ' : if -! If- a -i
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