THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8. 1R4. a A.a,t mMoci rkwspapkb. OFT1CE No. 108 8. THIRD STREET. ) Twees ftrnm Pv Oorr, or RrnnTiRi CTa Pan Vi HrWlitH Oarrter.aod esallra t Rubeerlhere a)"OiiniM HmDoaiufH imm (i Ihula. 4Vs Pirn Cssr son Two tsokroa. Invariably ui idnnn to t' periew ardarad. A4rtUMaraunurn at Ut asual rates. A liberal Mi ft astandea lneer'loes. Te lrrMpmiiioiiM, rwv4e ean e tal en of Ai.ouyrn'iue Oommnnte-vHn.B W let l rntenitea' for le.ert n ntuat be ilrt.-n l.-iietl ev t) e name and .ditiviee ofthe writer nt nc.ertt tor yasti:iaii, hot es s goaremc tVtr rtta good lath. We eawai uneerease te return rejected Coooisvinicstlrtna BATURDAY, OCTOBER 8. 1801. jeVasloat P4tnte 'vlrl Cnin-iilt too Room Mo. 10 CllttlMIT Hirvnt Pllll.Aimi.PHIA, li-X 'T I), HH sr)TWSI rMOrl.B OF VMtNHSVl.V AN! A . W( have rccel'.l lafermailrsi which makes ns rteslevo that an t'cmitc wil lee mane oy New Yuu polltljane lo stuff the b lJol-ti.t" Ml certain Loalltce In thle State. slew wa ce I urtoe, rii fTnurn men, tn1 it) n.tirr p 'rteiin aWVes believe to aea'lng and hnnoit vnt'nii, t.i wv s pud-rt, aWotf, a d heveeraeed end bm-ight lo tral a-. Sww4 hoietit all who n) eueg In any euctl villa, .iu gwerftt-e - T !' certain preventive to Irani, of this kind la n luv ctitelde ully kept at each olcc .1 .n IM thai Im d ae al evoy p u Bl ()! CAMSIt'lS. Chairman Slate Central Com-autce. Atseat: A W. IImhsiiiOt, Seora arr. TO-MItlllT. Tho gTand montlnj and torchlight proems on to-night protn'.s to e -llpso suy previous tfl(nomitnkUon of ths kind oror witnessod in Our city. From erery ward and proclnot, the llborty-lorta freemsn of PbiU lal fphla will poor forth to plurljs etch to ibe other an earnest support of tha nitiorul Cu. The day ltsfilfls auspicious. The bracing tbreewM from the north wost are stitnakitlng Had LB7lgoratlng. Our National Dinner, from mast and house-top, floats proudly to the breeio, as If lu sympathy with tho hi!; Cause that Is thrilling men's hearts and norvln ; thoir arms. Slxaaurs are thronging into thu City, to witness the marshaling of the hosts of the friends of the Union. We hold It to be the duty of erory lover o fell country to take part In the proceedings to-night. The moral effect will be sublime. . aLet It (to forth to the world, that while our City has sent her tens of thousands to tho war, ft vast majority ot our people are zealous in favor of sustaining the Government. We trust that those who are unable to march in the procession will be present in Independence aSquare, where a glorious meeting will assem ble, and be addressed by distinguished Cpeakers. The eflfcet from tho State House Will be magniQcent. It Is arranged that the lWSHuTwill move around three sidus of the Square, and that a contlnnous display of fire works will be msde. It will be literally a sea f Cre, overhung with darting meteors and the flashing or lights of a thousand hues. Tl IK WAR IV F3 WW. The speech of Mr. Juffebso Dvvis at Jfoccn,wlilch wepublishod yesterday, give.! ust such an Idea of the true weal.ness of tho It fcelllon as we have been endeavoring to por troy In bis newspaper for some months part; aiid, taken In connection with the news gathered by our Washington corresponds from time to time, clearly proves thut the Rebellion Is tottering to Its lull. Indeed, Mr. Davis betrays a weakness we wero uapre paird to receive. He is a very Jocose fellotvf and notoriously given to lying; but we cannot think that he could have the prasumption to stand upon a platform mado of tho colli is o!' bb countrymen, and mock their widows and Orphan children for mourning their loss in tattle. This be did, and was so ashamed of it afterwards that he ordered the speech to be Suppressed, Iiut Jkfferpon Davis says that Snsn M an must and will be crushed. He has tried to crush bim with the corps of II audi: :, Fbkmcu, Fobkebt, and and has tailed moat signally in the attomt. Accord ing to his own showing, all Is now ht lu the Southwest to the Confederacy. I tit add to this the terrible dual defeat of Eaiii.y in tho Shenandoah valley, an 1 we And that the Bebel prospects In Eastern Virginia ttre as nebuloua as those In Georgia. Tlii cordon aronnd Richmond, which he (Mr. Davis) pretends to fear so much, is now placed In such a manner that it cannot be cut. Beyond this surety of military success on Our part, In the course of the next sixty days, we have even a more solid promise of peace of the right sort In few months through the VUer exhaustion of the small crops raised In the South th's year. Competent tUiukerj, Vasiiig their opinions upon actual observation, pay the Ilebela cannot hope to carry on the War beyond the 1st of February without a victory which will gWe them a vast quantity jt stores. Let us remember, then, that though errors lave been made, yet the Rebellion has been laid at our feet by Mr. Lincoln and his aVdv'aera; and it Is our duty to support him in coc.-equence. lie alone can give us a perma nent and honorable peace, and his A.dminis tra '.on ought to receive the blosslugs of the le for It. '" tPriXM IIOBStS M IIII.K Ih'U A NTItK A.H 7 here Is no use In talking. The peoplj aru all refit. They arc set In th.:ir mind aud ppi, ose as to the coming election of a Prjsi alent, aud will not be turned from their riso- lutk'D by any eleventh-hour considerations, or by any shallow and specious arguments of 'curvy politicians." Tho time, Indeed, does aot admit of argument it Is past ; and the time for action Is come. Or If it it not yet too late for argument, It Is not the argument of words. but the argument of action, of events, of deeds, that can alone avail In this crisis of the nation's fate, with all the true friends and (artisans ofthe Government. The war baa passed through its four first ftcts, and the fifth and final act Is now in pro tTresa, Shall we disturb the actors and change the programme t Shall we stop In the midst f a magnificent drama, Just about to close in slorlous denouement, and seud some small a?1", tome "stock actor," before the curtain J to the audience that the magnificent f pl ?! naUou,a Integrity and political freedom .? . PV4' lurtM th erand climax of Victory Is about to be won ; and that the whole thing U to be attt aside, to adodt of the per formance of a broad farce, w wuich Mr JMcCi lLLAN and Mr. PeDLBTO!( ar(J take the leading characters. We have dealt In a little rhetorical Illustra tion In tbe foregoing sentences, and Unem more truth than poetry In what w hv "ITTltteu., Many peojde, whose loyalty Is not alxtve reproach, or suspicion at leat, have aflVctcd to Isngh at the familiar phraie used recently by the President In one of his off-hand and good-natured letters, to tho efTx-.t that it Is "not safe to swap horses while crossing a Stream." But those querulous critics who are never pleased with anything that emanates from Mr. Lincoln, but are Inellmi 1 to And fault with all his oc's .and saying i, w!i ithcr they are really deserving of censure or pr ii", bfie pretended to find in that npo'hnm, as quoted by him In his letter accenting tlm tiomiiitUion of tho I) ..t'mmro Ciinvitn'J'in, an orcaMon for unbound. id ridicule an.Ia'ilmil vi rsion. Well, they miy havti tli iir fun and Indulge t'le.n-iclv.'.s without stint, b all that s rt of hypoeritic il dorisi'in. Tho people at last will Hee mom earnnst patilotlsm and sound practical philosophy in Mr. Linooi.n'.s Jo!; 'S, tliati Is to hn disiillttd from the most sober nud decorous ntumeia tioiis of the Democrat.!;: seakers and editors. ThfM was "method" lu 'llamLitV mad nrRs, and thero Is hilosopliy substaatial and profound practical philns iphy in fiu Pn'sidunt's humor and bin mots. There Is danger in swapping hones In tha ol a swollen river, wh ho violent an 1 angry current will admit of no such Inoppor tune temporizing. Ami this nation Is now ending the turbulent and boiling waters of revolution. The winds of passion are roaring Irmd and strong, and the waves are lashing the opposing shores with terrible fury. The (Jovernment, in passing through tho tompist and the billows of rebellion to the sure land ing of peace and security, has crossud very neatly to tho solid tooting that has to bs ruined, in order to save itself from boin? swept away by this surging flood. If it Is stopned in its course at this crisis, It Is lost inevitably. To change the figure of speech from a horse to a boat, we are constrained to say, that if the pilot who Is now at th.) helm, and who Is steering thu nation a:roi9 the stream, is suddenly changed, tin barque and all its precious freight will be lost. SiLSNhin Pr.nionicM.s. We haro received from Mr.'John J Kronier, No. 4'3 Chcanut xtrcet, copies ot tbe Ixnd'n Illustrated S'tici, Uu lr ili-d Tim; ami I'unch, tbe latest received, for which our thanks are duo. FROM BALTIMORE TO-DAY. 9pfial Ditpaleh to Tho Evoning Tel 'graph. Baltimoub, October 8. Oen. I. N. Palmor, of Ni-witrn, N. C, is no here, on his return to Ni'Wbern, after lei.vo of a'wence. There is cob sid' iah e yellow fever at Newhern, and also at various Uebi I towns and cities aluDg the coast. Ho later wsr news, but all Is well. We have great cxci enient on ths election ques tion. Daoitls at d many others are diiferlug as to the mode of holding tbe eluction. It promts trouble. Allft-r1 TrrMinahl Orarnnlinllon In In. flliai.a Icn- ol II H. Ixll Iroin Jll. Indianapolis. October 7 The military sntho- rln tin v.- anested J. J. Hinahnm, editor of ths Sriitinol, 11 race ex-rilonel of an In l iana rm nimt, Andrew J Ilumptireva, an i L P. M 1 gin, chtrgffl w ill belnu connectud with a treasonuhie orir mizstion. The eiiln in tie rnrr of II. 11. Ho 1. 1, "U nod C'ornmandor of tha Son ot l.ioerty," now on trial before tne milltiry i imnus-ion, discloses some t inlinir facts reUtive to the pnnosrof tbl orir .nlintlon throughout I tie Noithwrst. Dmld eifreted bis es.iptjfron the third utory of tne nriso'i till moroine, at four o'clo k, b- means of a rope furnished by his friend outside. Tbe reward for the arri-st of II. II. Dodd has bieu increased from $10 JO to $UU0. "THE F.l'HKKA ll, l!nP4!IT OK WEST IKUIKI .' Cnpita', $1,000,000, divided into 109,0)0 shares ai S 0 prr ihnrs. HiiUAcrlotluD price. ft-.V) par ra 1 hit Corneal 7 own n a ot tho most vala ioIo Ia'I I and laaitt In ih KaiiA-ha Valley, aliua a on Horx vo aal ( iin bell'. Ilun bra-cho of Hull oreok, and wllli a art niUa. r the Ohio rltar. On Home apck Uim ciioipanyowiionc well, whloh U ntw pniuptDif tMrnty-thipe bar.fUof ullptTur. This arnil li oiii tlii-e biiniln-ij and twenty-seven rant ddep. The ii,rrii,i'rd nt P. now propartntt to bore the dp a of tit- oilitT v. I aiirruurnlliig ua, wrtlrn aro pntduc'ng from one hur.ilrrd lo one Lunilred and olxly narrela of oil par , whtn wr are aliiud we can produce a like aei mot. Ihfralnanoih'TWCll at Horse Neck, now b irod two undrtd and tlxiy-flve ftet, with about tlurtjr root of oil u the well. The land on which thla well ia looatod la aa erpetnal leaae The Hull Creek Company own a ana- I third inlertat, our oompany bave thebalaueeof two-thlxds. At Cr nuticire rim. the company own In fee a tract of thlr'y -three arree, coralderad by geolouUta anl mining eninia the Nat oil terrltnit la the Stats. Tne groat Tack wall, bowing live hundred ba rets, adioiue this property Hooka ofauhacriptlon ar now ..pen at tha Company a Often, Roon No VS. Merchtn a' A lltulted lianihor of iharea only will be aold. J os IN t. Kltovica, Toamrar. F:om the 'Tlttabutg Dally Poat" of September , ISM. .11, Biknr The -Wha.lina lntttli aencer' aava: Welearr Ir- m a whe a-rived yea reed ay fro a -iia.ant irountv thai on M'nav llie nurritn uv mm ,aiy inukaw'li on llorae inai o mui . wwii wiu a a a thousand bariela of oil px aay t ere u sreat xrilrliient on the ant, eet In tr ta vloiali, and the oil lever u, prtvalluis to a fvan'ul e&ienl." wavrraal S1YFRS JOHNSON. tin the 2Rth nit , br the Rev. J. II Kei.nuru. kir. N.1LI.1A.U MIUli to Slut AlAUf JOlt O.N . both ol thU city. all U ilKl.l. lit 1. t rrmlty (Eplaeoall Ch'troh, In t.lktou, Aid., on the 4th I ft., bf th pev. R. Ujyd Goloeb, K v. It. II. H. M T I1KI.L, Kc'.oroltUe t.burcu, auu Mra. aiAUtiAtte.1 n tut. ot ciakoo. niawi DAnSATtn Suddenly, on the IthluaL, WILLIAM II. 1 AKN WIU. Due notice hiu be given or uie rjnerai. v vi in..'1-i' tin tiia ith inai AlA'.tt. ths beloved v lie o. ltenjauiln I'. Kveiett. In the laith year 01 trir aite. . II. e rv ativus alia trieu BUI mo Ittuiuy are liirr.iiau iii- V.lei. to alp-lid ine iiiut ra Ooi her late r.ill louoo. no. 14 :.. N'nth Hre -t to-iu irr.iw ( U'i ityi, ui,, inn., at s o'clock P. M. Interment ut Laurel Hill. B. . i hi. iiioruitig nui tna'.. at the re Idctice if ti hll in i, anli. f er on- In-law i, nt-ar ateula, aAttkli , Y Akl fcl.L, In ti a d er t htr a. e I i,i- i. oil wiu be itl . en of fc.,e luneral I B'Rf-At th. nad-uce or II P. 'Sawyer, K..q , . io k, UYIIIIN IIAK I . at. 1) , lata 8ur hjO Li It ij c l.o-a Nai y 1 rnieral ver! tnka placet tlie reald.inonof Ma litt'e'-ln law ft i.t'Viic. N. t.'lt t'-iuiea a r -el on Ho. dai at a.M.,prev ou. I-. r -u."aior tne i em una t V-at. v lie. Pa Tlie reutliea a-.d Irieuilaof the 'a uliy a:en-i-pTttuily invee.l lc 1'tta. n t'ie at -rn op of te7lh tnatalt. JOII M it. h '111 li It. e S'.M e.r-i li ae. 1 hi- ie!at.v . a- il til In. ' I I e tanillv a-e r-a'tecf illf llivlier lu a'llll' l.ti tut v-l, f.olll hit Ut- real-lull :a, Nil. s 'J S Te th at ect ia U j'.u.i. ul.n n 4, , t!i. ml i iua at iii o- k. Pui.eial lo pro;ved lo the W KidunJ Citu ' i. rv. HIIAHP.-Ou the 6th lust., ANTHONY II. MIIAUP, it. li. 'I he relatlvea and friends of the family and the mem bcra o the lioiucopiiiluc Mi.,11cji1 Faculty, are reaii'ut fully invited to attend hla, lioin tbe rualileuce of In. brother, l.eome Htmry No. loid Viuearuot.wu TujS dav altenioon. at '4 o'clock. TIHBKN.-On tha Stb but., Mrs. ANN TIDBEN, In ti.e ooth year of ber ase. Her relatlvea aud iriends ate reaoectfully Invited to Stteud ber luueral, Irom Sir. Nice Keely'a, Hprluii atreet. near Hhlsa road. Uoaborough, this day, Uia Stb vf October, at '4 1'. .at. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. aV-TSS RFHINQ OAKDKM I1ALI., T1IIR- it-euci;a C TEKMH and HPHINU DAKIIKN- lord'. Day. for Worahlp, In "Ihe Itreaklng of Hread. Pra:'and Praiae, and "Teai-lilng aud Atlinnlilaniug una another, ai if, .1. , Lw-ttm, ..t C11AKI E8 CAMPBELL, atj P. M. ll tTZjj" M. E. MARINERS' BETHEL, a SBIPPEN aud PP.NM Htreeta Preatinng to- morrow. 101, A it , by the Paalor 7. P. M. Or Kev. M. K. HAIlMhTKAIl, t h rut: lain U. S. Army, tixpenence nicctiiig at II o cloi k p, It' fT3f- MORAVIAN CHAPEL, HAI L SIXTH Street snd tifttAHD Avenue. Rev. II S HuPP M AN lo morrow, 7X P. M. Hul.)tc Dancing.'' All who have bean faacmatad by It. and all who have aa yet even no lis ia It, couiv. All welcome. it ev-tx. CENTRAL CONORKflATKINAL CHUHOII. JEsfif Re, OKOK11K B Cll, D. D., of New York, will preach at CONCERT HALL to-nuorrow, at tUM A. At. aid Its P. Al. Publlo luvitad. Beats free. VAtlNFR FREE lNHTITITTT.OPHCIKNCE, aCOLU.MBI A Avenue and SKVENTI- KNTII Ijt. lachlng to-morrow allernoon, at tH o clock, by Uev. P. Jtiht-S. AU are luvltedJBahbatti school at 4. Preach ar-c PNION M. K. CIIUHCII, FOCHTII 8T BEET JtSriPbelow Arch.-Bahhath, Oct. th, Rev. T. II. MIL I.t H will preach la the umrnlug at lo4 o clock, and auv. Air KIlt'DKH to thseveulug at14 o'clock. tar, I'RKACHINO OF TUB WORD. rtiAUi k.h I'AMVHKI.L. to-aaorrow evening, Spring Oaid.ntUU, TUlHIttSI TU said BPltHU UAH DS.S1 kuaeta. it BUSINESS ITEMS. BsMw ler 1X4 1 v Mr r, ltti Oftobar, IMt MAJtTKL'3 GREAT riOTUIUI or tss NEW TOKK CF.NTBAI, PAHK. Now raptdl apprMshlai aamptatioa, la oaa ot taa larfsti and sanat elalTOra works nf the kind o.rr VndAitakaa In this country. It la anmma litho irrath. IX tr H Ns In alia, aaVKlni t blnl i art view o' Uia UaaaT CasraAl. I'aaa In all lit h-a itf and irraoSanr. Tha ploture tfitrfarota ine a?paar-a-co of the I'ark bcSwern tin houra of ttrte and flva In the anernuoa of a baiuitlrai day lo Juao. whan the drlvoi are cowdi d with rleyant .ilraKe, and the w.ilas with vialtora fVoro all fierta of Iho world. 1'hn I'nrK Itand are entfitalning a pnrlton of top crowd at thflr Pavilion onthealnll. VrnfMan aomlulna andhanlaime pln.iattra b'ata arc pl InK over tie Lata wlhtliclr inly drcia'-d paaaf nf era 7.iKlrnkl (Iro nMa ae allrrutiliiled by aa itmtrli'ff ft'iwd: the KauiMa. winding In bcautltul aym metry bolwei n rial of orrrf icena and ft'iwara, with lu guy aaarnilitaKcollaJiea anl chlll'cn j the hrld'e paths with tadlra and irtntlcmon on horacoack, prt aenllne; an, eaccr-fllnfrly plr.tiiiearjuf appearaucet niairaltlcen: arnb ta brld.ra, rnatle art'ra and ahaij-'a, fountalm, atainary, hnao :e 'tra of barren rcka rialng one hundred feat or more above the surface of the lakoa.and many of tbem aurmuonti't! by quaint malic towera, furnish to tha eye of the bolioldar a acone of beauty and grandeur aeliita r a lie l. Tbe anlat baa nioit happtly bleoded atl theae Into a pli-Uire ao life Ilka and real, that la gailng upon II on coulil eaaily lOiaglne hlniaelf ataJidlnu apiiD aolne favuird epr.l wl ti tha roal.ty before hloi, evory polut being true to naiure la form, color, and ahade. The ertiat's proof-aheeta will be ready for delivery to iuhcrtH-ra aiiout Iba mldilla of nest month, wh?n the plates will be removed lo Kuroe, where Ueaara. Trubnor, A Co.,o lxmdon.and Albert I,. Herald, of Rue H'ohellea, rarta, are already rooelvlng auhaerlpllona for the eniae. Tbe picture caa be had by aubecrlptloa only, and tlioe who nave not alreadj aubierlbod eaa do ao at the Com pany's ronma, or at tbe following wal'-knowa pabllaklnf bouaea: ktcaara. API LKTOR A tO , New York. WALKE8, WISR A CO .Boatoa. " CaLI.EMiKR CO , Philadelphia. " rni..P A SOLOMONS, Waablmiton. MOOBK, WI1.8TACU A BALDWIN, Clncla natl, Ohio. Tia prcprlotora of this entarprtie owe mncH of thtlr eiioceai to the vary kind and eourtaous manner la whloh tbe have bean aealeted by the Park Comrniteton ra, to whoa the IMotare Is moat reapecfully dedicated. BITWKLb UAKKIH A CO., Proprietors, No. TIC BIOAOWAT, Mow Tork. WHAT THU PltBH SATS. Prom amonj.' the innu n-rabie, and we mutaay kindly npinnifiB kv n b) the I'reaa through 'lit the .lountry. in reirinoett our plciure, we ojuact the lollo wing" aa aa evlili'l-ce of it- moilt: The llieat elciuro. ao long In preparation, of the New Yoik return! r.rk. la aald io bo nearly ouipleA-d Thou sanSaol pe. pie are waiting anxtoioly to It laea p. can 10 oe a niMfri.llleent oiece of art. Tiulii, otleiit, and money haleg been freely iavii.b.-d ui on It to d jiutlrie to the great eub.eit it lilu.lratoa. stoaaimun, A'fW JVrA. aa.ii...'a ruatakt. Piat Tha nrrnrletora nf Martel'a Great fmuru of the row York I 'antral Park announce ihai li- viuik ia raptor aportMioung coiuateuon. n ! e& p,cteOtliat the picture wlU cre.te iiiiie a aemaUon. aa niixh va a dtle t'mt and an immanae .nni of m.iuery have be u exaattO'd on I'.and aa th aiioied la one of uatioaal sawellaa fcal latncai. Mca-ra Ml' wall Harris A Co., N .7JO it'oa iwav, New York, are the publuuue. The Critie.m- York. AKOTitva SuNSiTtoM. All New York Is Just now on tip loetoget a alKtit at "Mar el'a llreat Plciure of tne Ceutial I'ark," whlib haabei a ao o g la pr. pari Ion It la prmiert oon, and wld nt a graud atratr, aod oieofunlefal iiitaiet. button t'ott. A picture of the Central rark, by Malel, la loon to be reprndiiceu n uiiroM.o liibo'iaph. ti. roe and a liaif by lour ami a hall loot m site . It re. rai n a u.e rark of a I me atieiiK'U. wtien the hpd la playing, t ie aorlodct fr nnra crvded bv vM'ora, the I e eoilveued wita lioata.and the whole s eoe preaen ed unlnr tho ui'e'. at-tra-tle aapeota It la expo, ted that tbe plciura will aelt lrte)) In Krig aud aa well aa lu this oouuiry. Ktening i'ott, . J'. Wo canrot do otverwlse than rofor Inoldentalty to hterlerettieal I Irtureof Uie Coutral ark. which wUi aoou tie aaut d by the ublialie a, Me.ara H twell llama AOu, at Nu. "ilii I nedwa . It w If pTiOably lie nae ot the rrrert at'nalklDa of tl a ilav, and will fcavaa lare aalo. NorA itn.eticua. l'htlaileii'hiu . There la no doubt that the forthoomlng Martel'a wictnra ofilie' rnt al I'ark. which la 'o he pu 'hanc.d ny Mee ra . H'twi II llar'l. itlKku 7 i llrnad ay, lll he one ofthe m 1't nmiular works t.f art of the uute. Kwni jj Kxp t9 Ana fork. ELECTRICITY, LOOK ANT) LIVEI A WOBD TO TUB WI8S IS HUIUCIKNTI All dl.eaaeu enndlUona, both acuta and chronic, where there Is vital ty enouah left to react, are permanently cured by wa-raniee, at No 1W0 WALNUT ritreet. Phila delphia, and ut caae ot a failure in moat obatinate maladies, no charge la made. Electrical luatltutlon, eetahllshed about Pve jeera ao by 1'roleaaor UoI.LBS. ttcad the fbllowlDg A elaaa of maladlea prevails to a fearful extant In eom. niuoiilia, dooming liW.OOU youthe, of both aeaea annaally to p early grave. Theae dleaata are very Imperfoctly anderatiMMl. Their eatornal mamfeatatloua or aympt'imi are nervous dtbillty. rrhuatlon, aod great exhaustion, anaiaauiaa. or wealing and oonaumptloa of the uaauesof I tbe who's body, bortiteee of breathing, or too burrleA breathing on a hill or flight of atalra, peipltauon of die heart, aainnia, hronclillla. auu a dry. soro llrroat, tienibllior and abating of the anna and lower llmhe, . k..., , aveielon to sooioty, bualneaa. and to study : aomaUiues diuiueaa ol the rje.Uhu loas of memory, dlislneai of tha houd, tiuia-gia pain In vauous parte of the j DOOJT, pains in Mia oaoa auu M'wvr uuiw, " peprla. connlipatmn oi uia oitwcia, uwaiiKvu Kniiiiuiii in ' tlie kidniys. and many other glanda of Uie body, pro- dudi virulent dlat a-es InboUi taalea and f imalaa; like- v.-ua i pile, ay, njaieria, auu uuirrcni i-jrma ui uervoua BpaaDja. Now. then, nluei-n'ac caica out or every nun- j ' died of all Uie above named dlaea-ea, and a hoatofothars pot nanied, a cou.umptlon of the lunge, or of the spinal nerves, have Ihrfr In the uolvlo vtacera. hence Uia I ' wantol succe.s by anv al U,s old raedloal ayatemsof pracl MiKShKS OP Pk.MU.Ps. Il'ro'apaua Uteri, LeumirLwa, Amuaorrhu.a, and Iys Rienoiiluia AH tie aouve uiaaaana and ol or UiarluO C iupian-ta have their urlatu 111 a I aa ot the vital power of thu te-uy or.tut lu on by injur ea, eK.oea.ea, a Ueutary i balnta, perattlial ahua, a, auorllt'lia.asid Ine uae of powerful i utedu iiea. noute of Hie peculiar ai uipuima are draagtug pain, thioitt-h the hp and the liiuoa, . ano i-xiretue languor and u-bihtr throustiout the entire ay. tern 'I he etn-cta pniOueerl from ibeae trouhaioiae , njaleiiiee are aiuioat multliudinoia. Couauuip lou, Ors peptu. eulalala, I'aialyala. Iieainaaa, llliniineaa, Pita, ! and liai-l-y, and vven lilun: , are aot unco uiann. Po ereeinal or retlnhte renieily ha ever been found for , theae ala-ntltiaoomttliliita tilt our late iiiaeovery Hi tne uae I of r.lerirltlt) in ainct aci-ordo ce with 'be pjaolvs and I tieKaiito o lartxailnn of the Cterlive tjri;ana. We never fa-l In eiinns allot the aooia di.ea.ea, eaeeot In caae of urvau e 'er-i-geuiaiit.or luvi'lva ol the porta , gira P'lllnii, a latty itl vroat expe l.n -e attd aointy, will have entire ch.rire ul treatiuv III the ladlea' department. CoLaullalli'i! trie. I'tjif f. II. liol.l.KS Lecturer. I'll Y si ItNS. , W H Browr , M. li , I', Hheuti.M. D..S. W. Beukwtth, ! WAdJ eaa all letter, to Ir W It. HltOWN. No VrlO WaLMJ'I Hueet, PhllAtlc phla. 10 l-X t'lB liroriTlaw for the I'olinlry Loaidiug llon.e and iiotul ket-pra and o.ltera caa bave their aupplle. ef T'K ItKIM'KltlK.S aaft-ly packed and fnraarUed, tree ol cha-t'S, hy applying tu llAvia St ItltuiAitoa, Arch aod ieuiu atresia. IMianoftl Plaooal BTECK 4 CO B MASO.N Ai BAMLIN'H CABINET OHO As) at. MA BOH TIAVI.IV'S CABINET OKUAJis. DKXKKE DUOS tfirs- 'i IrrFS PiANOS, PIANOS. 3. E. OOIJLD, BsTSSth and Lkaauut ektsetj. O COUBTNEY tt WILIJTT3. lPNoa.H 011a 10 B. SEVENTH Blroot, riilLADBLTHIA. Mansfaeturert of BEAUTIFUL COTTAQi: FIJllNITlJUli, Aad tbe only rallable suds la this etty. Also, Dlalcg rocaa Parnltnre and Bedding, sonitautry oakaasL S-lU-athi-2ia VTOTICE TO CONSiaNF.ES THR SHIP 1 PHILADELPHIA. OaptaM Paol.from Liverpool, is new reaily to dlecberge at BMth StreeS Wharl aianee wdl Dieaaa lend their permlta ua heard. A r l io- pleaaa lend their permlta ua heard. All g lotls not peaixuttetl lit loriy ei-bt houra will tie anot to pubils Itore. JitOS, AtltUAJtUSMJ a I O,, it tt M Agauts. Q11CNIWCJ DAIIaV, OP U O IN IN J Z T H a LADIES' AND MIOSES' HATS. PIKItONH, KLOWP.R , NO rrATIP.ItH, KOUT1I AM KKK'AN IllKDH, AND ( T II K It NOVHIiTIKN.CT WOOlf Ac OAUV. No. 70 U1IKKNUT HTHIUPP. P. H. Old Velvet Itonnete ina.1e over al a moderafci coat. Felt II au aud donneta rnahaieu WOlL) A OAKY. c A It I) . WILL CaPVRB MT 13 N T I It 13 H T () O K ( V LACE CURTAINS at roivrr pkr cknt. IUSS THAN OOHT OP lldPOUTATlON. I. E. WALRAVtN, BUCCEHHOB TO W. H. OARRTL, MAKONIO LIAL.L., Bo. 719 0HESSXTT Street. Mo. 7U3 CBKBNUT BTKIET. KOTTINOHAM AND 8WI3i 'liACEH, New Styles. WINDOW SHADES,! No. 733 MRW 8TYI.ES, H W OOLORB, ST TH a HAKttPAClUltCBR, ICELTY OARBINaTON h 00. CHSNUT BTRP.BT. ;Mo. 7!S3 CIlKhKUT in up.r.T. TIANO COVERS, tAIKIRSr STOCK IN TIIR CITT, AT LOW PRICES. SPECIAL NOTICES. TIIIHTKENTII WAUU, EEVENTH DIVISION, UltOWM TO POPLAR, HIXTI1 TO EIUIITII BTUKKTS. Union ClUaoni of thut l'rer'nUwIll meet THIS EVKNINO, AT 8. W. COltNKB FRANKLIN AND POPLAR Hli , li AtAKo'e'ock. BEPUBLI0AM IN V IN0IBLC3. ; r'flM I A N V ti" vum - wiu aaaemhle for parade at sK o'elwk tins evening, aliarn. Kvtry n tuber la eat-aoied to turn out. lty order. J. WAYNE MB tEOITa, Capttln. , B. A. Robssts O 8. lt )$- II E A D-Q U A BT E R 3 OF THE I KKI'l'RLICAN INVLVCIULE9, Natiossl Hall, HIarkwt At., anovaTwaLPTn.) Il iLAUkLfUIA, Ool, S, ISul, f OEUP.US No. S. I. Tbe Club will a-wiiuhle at theli Uead-quarters thla (Haturdnyi evening, at 7 o'oiock. to uutte In tbe grand Llnooln and Johnaon demonstration. II. Members of the Club having lamps In their pas seee'on will re:ura them to those Head-quarters this (Haturday) evening. III. Ihe Mantlial'a Aids will report to theae lload. quarters, nionnted. IV. 'IhCAUIIST-.' HKETt'H CLUII" will teport to the Chief Maiahsl at OK o clook P. M with their ZVonl parttiry. to be aaalgned a posltlotl In line. V. It is urgently reiiueatrd that ult members will turn out lor parade thia evening. Ail having tbe success of the csuae st henit are ci.rmetl.v luvlted to Julu the Cluh - on this occaalon 1 qulpo.enta cau bo hud at Ihe UaU durlug tbe diiy and ' Kveulng. by order of CIlAllLKs W. SMITH, Chief liar-hat. i TOtWAED THE TE5.TH LbU'OS. 11AN.NKR WaKU Ii TllE FIELD. T11K PKIENUH Will aaai-uihte cn LIMCULN AND J'ill IO SATUBDAY EVRHH3 All o clock, at BROAD aud HAfkl, to partkipa In the Orand Torchlight Paiads. CO HE O.NK! DOME ALL 11 aud show ths ENKKIES OF OUR COUNTRY'S PLAU ty your preaencs, that you ara awoke to the dangers thut TllltKATKN OUH t'KC INSTITUTIO-Ni. Sy order of the National Culoa Association. A. II. FRANCI8CUS, Prssitlent. Wn.LIAsf B. LEEDS, Secretary. 10-T-J 1ST TUNTH VAJII. Int3epDtlent OtvadUttte fur Oommon Council, M-4-7fJ HAMUKL J. OltEKWKI.L. t-35T- OOD AND OUR COUNTRY'S w3-' Bighta.-The National IJalon Asaoclatlona of the various Wartla, tho t'nit.n Campabin Club, Republican liiviuclhlaa, Ihe I'ulon League, aud all oilier organised boSlaaof loal cltlaenaof thla ally and our m-hMi .ring towns, friends of the honeat aud patriotic LINCOLN and HiUN'ON, are Invited to loin in Die UKASU UNION -MKEiiNOand lORt'llUtillT PRtN.H81JN ouSATCIl DA ItVKNINO.ihe Slh of October, IStll. Let all come with 11.. Ir llausers, Trauapareuaiea, UieaT luanlaraa, and 2dVf tie, KaUenal "f jjj 3 6 (alrinan CoiumittuB ou Moetlnhja, WANAMAKER & BROWN, REAL ESTATE. RKAL IKTATBI-HRAL KSTATR! PRSL P.TATR. VP.AL P.STATfl. StESL P.STATK. PP.AI, HsrAra. roa a li.:, n.reijjoo woktu. ron KAi.c. .r..i.oi woarii. ro:t Balk s.tiao.ioo woHrii. P.-ery srriou tnooeat fany rcacriptoiiof cltypeopeety, fl.l-tf for inveitmentor oocucanry, anoind n-vt fail t" ca'l on me at ot.te. iiP.oIiUKC MIl.l.f.K. rrsst'ci: Heal Ki'eiaOp rator, N i. l-'il N. HiXril Street. TO KKAL R8TATK OWNHIlis. Part ei netlrona Of dl.noilng nl Ueil Kaiala q ilclly 'a Snd the ifrj beat flratiliaa Ri al P.nat' Agi-ic ln thli rlly. t,y ca ling on llPtHHiri 0. MILLKlt, Nil. IN. SIXTH Htr i t Nt, oceaal n to in na e pr.ip -rly at puhl o aa o A new .Sion'hly Pala'oiui ' It tW being Citn.iilrd I'atioul will plea.e cill liutnclitel), In o d if t-i aa'l Ih'rna. Wis of UiK a1ranla,,ea of the cojuux inou.uly erttn.-n. Ion SAI.P Hplenrlli Arst-rlui si e-)arl De ilun.on Hevooii, ntKirti Huttonwo a at e iu L.l "Jlf't't front hy Ijii ft t-t di-i-p Pr.oall4&.j0 i,auii o taiaiion. Net llwellliiK (now riniitt hn. 7IS Itroaru etreat, twelve tooma. Lot IS hy Hti feet. 1-iC i!1!) I let ant liwe'linca. wtn at'ica, Via. Intsiltlo Ilroara tliret. 11 IS Of si lect. Trice SB "1. i'li nr)frl a i e )ar lwelllui;.ra it at. la or Pruikitn l 'rait, Shiti e l'( p sr. Ta.r,roiai. Price a Very ai..Cil b Ul llw lllug. Hat .1 e of Pranklm stm t, imrth of Toplar. Ta. Ivo rfeia.a. 1'ilce ), P-'Ut f'eiaiii aide-yard Irwel luia, on Pil"enm atreet, StKtve Oxford. J.ora t by UA) leet, ai.d 'il by 11 ft, it dees tnsalroot. Twelve roi.rar. I'rlc.a e'l-t 10 anil $t.'0 . heat llwilliui, N i. 1 tOI ttrown itri-et. Paih.naMy bul.t. Twelie Lot II I; W lect. I'rl .100. Liuntediaia pnaiettaitta, Itirct elegant Iim ejinca on hrnwr. atreet, weal of Mlx- tieiilh. laiutile fiont dtori and wldo halls. LitslSbyOO ts a atreet. Price S.'tMip each. Ver? i y I 'rated Iiweliinir, north allo of Chenut Street, t-aa: olSlateen h. Lot 'JO by iti Price IJ.OOl. Plrrt-claaa larae d iublt- M .niton on s'.reet Has larfre aide-yatd anl lot 17a feot deep to a atrSL't. tstx et:n ntmii. Price f 40 , OS). TI) BKNT t'U FOB HAI.P. -Very ejt-gant Dwelling. No. 1C lit Mi.uet Veiaon elieot. Lot i) hv lira. Piioe S lijo. Ifeht $4et0 per annum . Very utat Dwelling, north aide of We'laea, wait of TweneeiP. atreet. Twelve rojui I. Lot 'JO by 46. Tries 3tAi. Immerjisle poiaeastoa. Hpiradldli built brown atone front Pwe'lihgott Spruce atti-at. weat of seventeenth. Price til no. Ftlegeut four-mory liwclllng. on Vine street, west of beventet nth. marble ap the ur.t itor. Lot ti by i'ii feet, to a atreet. Iricef lu,ra)0. Very excisirnt four-sptry s.-uwn stone Iroot rttveltln oo Weat ligan enoare. Pilce HR.O3. Nt at Itwethng. with side on Arch atreet. weal of Twetity firat Pour-atory. Lot Is b.r l;t lect. I'lloo :ioo. Well built, neat, four-ito-y Daelllnr, No 17ns Itace street. Hfieen rooms. Lot 31 by 1 00 foal, pries I uou, Immi dlaie poaeltn. Very beautifully located three ouartar Dweil-ng No. ICiO Hummer atreet. Lot and bulldiogs Js feet front ; 4 pth 111 fret tu Hpring atreet. I'tleef Il.tiiO. I'uaieaal. n given. Very elegant, deliuhtfully kcated HwelUng, south al teof tlrren street, wast nf Twenty-third. Twelve rutin i LoflS by 117 Price SOI. 0. Poaaeiilon given Neat Dwelling. No. 1.'4 N. Tet tli street nice li.500. To ace It i all any day at 1 o'clock. (Splendid manalun, north side of Oreen strsel, weat of Twenty -second. Lot Hi by 171) feot deep. Prleo f IB.00O. Now empty. Neat Iiwclllnge, siufh side of Spring Garden ilroet, west of fhlrttcn h. rrtuen w)0 and I4 NK). Flegant maiblo front aide-yard Dwaillng, asuth side of tircen atroet, west of Fifteenth, flrat house east ofthe church. F.lcelll.nrO. Splendid now Dwelling, eotiUt aldoofCostsi atreet, weat ofNircteenih. P.-lceiK). Mve nest 'h-ee story Dwellings, TwenU. th itree, ahiTS Coa ea. having thrist-story back biUkl ngs. L Hs Is by InO Price ioi each. Three aplendld.y built now aide-yard Dwellings, smtit side of Oreen atreet, weat ol Nuieteenth. Prtoe $12,000. Imoiodlata po'sesaloa. An oiler is wsntod for the property. No. 118 Baoc at eet. L t IS by 811. Neat Dwelling, No. 1214 Mount Vernon street. Twelve rooms, l ot Is b , 90. Price t-vso. Store snd Dwelling, No. Jlol Pa'iowhin atreet. Lot lt b) P-'le.t to a alrcet Price SII IW tilrar. Keat Dwe'llng. ea.t aideof FrAnkliti. above Poplar twetrs rooms. I'rio - f SM 0. closr. Very eaotlient bualneaa aland Ne. Its Arch atreet, three s'orlea all ihrou.h. Lot 17 by Ktl wel deep. Prl :e 17'J. Now emptr. Kin ant Dwelling on Elevet th sfrcst, lottth of M- len. ltrown stnno trluimiugs aud nisatlo front. Lot 17 by 90. rrlce BM0. Very superior built Dwelling. No B1A M. Tenth st:et, Iwe-ve rooms. 1-ot 17 by lilt) feet deop to a street. Price ItnOO. clear. Imnieolsle poaavaaion. Hpleni 10 bualiioaa aland, N . K oorner of Hlxth and Itut tonwood aireeu. L it 2u by UO feet Throe stories all Ihrour-ti. Price 80tO Oi ly t tnoti wanted. KxcelMtl llakaiy, No. Ml) S. Tbl'd atreet. Prlco '.OM. Neat Hwil ng, No. 7a 7 4 Mlvten!'.i .tenet. Price 1 10.40. Neatalx roomed DwoUing,Nj.7tVMAittir sUeut. Price $iv.rler. wen excellent Dwelllug. No.lolt Lombard atraet. 1'rlee tSVftO, e'ear; poaeaalon given. Neat.op'l built Dwe'llnj, No 4.f Yok atreet, Kensiai ton 1'rloa Itlte; auhjttct to $7.i ground refit, Taoviry large DwelLuas, on eat side of aoveaih rt-et. sfiovs v sitae. Pri.?ea S.V) 0 and llMoi). rieat als rot med Dweding. ea.t atde nf fjumce atroet, secuiid door be;ow Walnut, (tj ilnto atroet la wait of pleven'h , Price S rOti. clear. Netit elftht-tooa ed Dwelling, aooth aideof ltrown atreet. steal or.ludaon; lot 14 by 00. Piles ax) subject to gioui d-rent. FOH8AIE. BARQAIN AOfVI.V-NE.VT It-.1 Dw lllni s, No. 1131 Ogdeu and No. H Myrtle sir tei, In the rear, on the same lot. Pi ice t-ilie lor both. Unnt for IM0. Mll.l.B't, No. 161 X. BIX ril Streot, frf FOR 8AI.K. NKAT DWKLLINQ, No. fill AULIorsto atreet, a nice etnot, near Kighth and (Irean stistla ; nine rooms, hot and ooid hath, gas. Ao. Pries tSXX). MII.'.EIt, No.L'et W HIXTU Street. fir F011 AkAalvtajsc FOR SALE. ONE HUNDRED HOUSES on ha-)d,or which Immediate poteaalon eaa bn had. Prices rsnglug from tlouO io It very analiu. peraon abouki call at once. IlkOltUK e. MILI.EB. Practical Beal P.nato Agent and - roker, No. 164 H MXril Street. 0 FOR SAI.K.-LAROK DWELLING, aV-l-rkirih aide ol Arch atreet, eaat of Sixth at col w.tu ri make a aplendld atom. Lot 7A by YS6 feet deep to Cherry strrot, with sxcellcut atab.s and cnach-houas on that front. Pries '.'u,0oo. Poamsilon givsu In 61 days. MTLLCTt, No. 1SI N. SIXTH Htmet. FOR 8ALE ORF.AT tAORIFICE. Three flve-loomed ttwellinK-a, on Parker street (Ken- sinston. near Prankfori road), I.OI 40 by 70. Prlie t.ftOU, clear fur aU. HI I, EH, Wo IM N SIXTH Street. FOR SAL E. NEAT, ELIOIBLY -toialel Dwelling, No 403 N. Twelfik atreet: lot gl lietrrtnt. Immediate poiaealon. MILLKfl, No. lit North SIXTH Street. FOIl SAliK I M M KUIATB POS3 KS- lru. ikitant ilie rd 4tiUliif. rranklln atreet, ahova Pt.piar. flits 111, Quo atlLLKli. No. 141 M B1XTU Siraat. VOl'ST M O It I A II CKM ETERY. TWO I uieeilld Lota at a aacrltlce poaltively. Cue OdJ Kallowa' MILLER. No l.'rl 11. SIXTH Street. ? FOR SALE. A 1SKAT, LARGE MAN lon at Duys lans station, Oermantown 1 contains twelve rooms, Ave on lint Ujor; liable, coach-houas, als gaut garUsa, eta. Lot 1U feet front by 31b loot deep to a Itteet. price V9MJ0. MILLER, No. IM ft. SIX TH Susst, FOR BALE. LAT10I5 FACTORY. NEAR Switch to connect with Railroad. Stream of water rum through the premises. Sleeps Unguis, Shafting and all eomplete. Large tUicdaiUf, 4ts. Pvsaeitien given. Pries 1 10,000, clear. S4ILLRR. Xe. IM N. SIXTH Street. nilLADELriHA LOTS FOR 8 ALE ' CHEAP.-Olis NO by 1H0 feel, at tl Per foul. One lUi by 100 fret, atll per foot. On ll.'.by loo (t, at f 1 per loot. All comer lots. But lltus money required . MILLER, Mo. !A N. HUTU ttirssL fl FOR 8 ALU-GREAT flACRIFICE. SIX. "-A roomed Dwelling, Mo. 71 Jeffaraon street, 1700, clear. Bargain, (Oaltively, Dwelling Mo. IVU Cltroa street. LotIS hy to, with houts on roar. fl'JOO, clear Store and Dwelling, No. Hot Callow hill a treat. Lai IS by SO. Dee hita houdruli ut other bargains. atlLLSR, Mo Ut M. SIXTH Street. GREAT CENTRAL CLOTIIINa HOUSE, FOR RALE N F, AT TWELVE R0OMRD vrlliruj, Mo Dot) N. Seventh street. Lot ISkyM Pilee sssto. P. Limy lecs'ed Store anl DwalUig. Na. 164 kf. Alttk alre-t. I i aartv Ksr feet rieos in a street. Prloe tCMa). IteiloSa hnaosads ofoiberpropentea. tlP.OKOF. O. MII.I.P.R. To IM N. Slixrrt street. I OR BALK, CI! HAP, INI KKIi. NK T Dwell g. No.'rtPIM'ins itre t, twelve momi. Lot Is t li In bra b lie fet I, lo s atreet IM :s SASOIi. Imjie j lKiaeaion. No. 1VI N NIX ril Slrei4. CrKAT (XM .N RY NKAT K II AORI'.S, ait al'avrl.rl mul, 4S mil. lr,.Ti t'ie Markrt itr tirtd. Prr . h -n.-e. HJVKIllfllt FIRS r-i:i.AH3 FARM, TKN L't mils, from the city, tin tie I'enniylvaDla L'enal Italiloadt couiablii.ti t. at rea I'ltce .SJ,UiO. nK'litllK C. MILLKlt, Real ta ate Airant and Itmser, No. IM N. MI X I il Sir. aU c NKAT DWI'.I.I.INO (FOUR HIORY), Ko."'rt Nineteenih air oil lot Is hy Ins fa-t. Prle. tnm. Now tmptj. OP.O'tnie C. MtLLV.II, No. 161 N.HIXTH Rsraet. jtaai roTtKAI . 1'7,-ST L h N 1 . 1 1) M A N 1 1 ' ) N "ind Pa-iu nrt area, five mil n fr tm Br.sol.- PhgltiJy I'.a'ed. Tlir Sibi ill an liu It hy one ofthe Pnn ttf Htewait A t'o . New Y.irk. I'arrning nlenida, Ac., 40 wl h the litlo 1'rlcelWUO. t,at cNas Fa:m of 41 acre, on'y half a m le from Uio atatl. n al 1 renton, on the I'eun.) Ivtin a al io, llajexctt- Iri.t 'arge f.aiur Unprui-emouu. I'rci Sl,)00. 1 nme'Jiate roa.o aloii. 54 1 1. 1. Kit, No. lit N. HI X TH Slrm t. N B. All the coun'ey property adrerUaed by rue (at any line) i always ilrat-claaa, as 1 take noolLer kind to dlatiuie of. FOR ISA LK. FIRST CLASS A No. 1 Pa.m of tjilt acre., near Dewningtiiwn, Chaiter covnty, P.xcnllen Improvemonta, Ao. Price S-'J.O, This is sa eAtraoidlnary opportunity to get a go'.d UKOIUHC C. M I.I.P.II, No. .M N. SIXTH nlreet. Neat new dwelling, No.1646 Monrtna atreet; lot Id by SO, filer. l.'.'taVi c-ear. Now empty. Groat Sacrifice. F.ncellcni Dwelling, No. til M. Front Strait. Lr.?0njS. Prlca4'ISO. Kxcailent paker?. No ftaS Ijtwnnee atreet, and No.ftig Orchard airn t, in ths rear. Trice I KM) clear. Niarly new seven ruotntd Dwelling, No. SIS Talker streM. I.t tlnoyl 0. Price t axtu clsar. fsia-rnontcd Dwelling, No. 71U Jtflemon stre-tt. Price $ 17' 0 clear. Nest i ace lent Dwelling, Marahallatrset, above Parrl.h. Pr ct I0O. F.'ubt nmina. N.s' alx-ro merl iwe llng.No.llW Winter street. Lot lltytMoo'. Price."). Neat i-vn-ioomi d Dacllng, No- 1M9 Wood street. Lot 14 I J h!l le'. Prlt e SI70O. Neat alx-r-mcil Dwelling, No. 83 N. Sixteenth street. Lot 10 by 60 f. et. Price t!6'i0. T .rt-e very neat nearly new Pwe lings, north side of ftrsndy v.lne Mret-t, weat of T-went.sih. Price tiiooA each. Be- des millions of dollars' worth of other property, eoa i Istlng r.l fltat-claaa Parana (no ethers), If anilons, Country Riats.Ae , all within thirty miles of ths city. OP.ORIIB O. MILLKtt. Practical ileal Kit ate Operator, No 161 N. SIXTH Street. CUT TIIIB fOLtlMN OUT FORPClUKB RP.r P.SENCH. J. U8T r v i. h i s h e n. OK. E I (1 II T K K N MONTHH IK IUXfE. .IT dLOKI.K Al)fVH KflIK.K. With aa Iniro'ti Miir, by tnr lift v. William DicunoH". lUiHlitiul lltui)trtiU. Tfclti ork. wridi n in Initi nd itlrrltif lftniriiitss, by roiiocnpfcd 'eo r in Ttism, iltiH m mom t jrtilar iroi'itt rf he workiti(i!i ol lit) ftfbfl lln In thai rem i't of -li ivmiWi. A-r K.inejr, ft fttfiitlm.ii of Nn tii-ro blrih and sptli.cHl'nn. hud l wcvuitil r In Tex l store tlir hfti niriK m itia wr. inu itinymcl'itehii'r'r nf n i-f. - nil tvoilvi ft, vsYiit. h'irii BhiT Pfr-iiU'ed to trad tne caiihtrt tlmt 'Cd l" m c tup, anil :ttuint ,uint n ta f tt irr' In tt.M b !. v n cti ui ml oiiirn. ihonid hv bw. ihe wmi io tltarrt llie llotf Uil f ecued br fruot br tiaripm. Mi. KUhiT bMil; It rrll.ililo )t all ft 1',tiil,i. and it tho onl r port et pt.oiipliid, in ttihiatttil tw-rrn, fiom mo wild HiitrifT' i'l Intnl. Tho InriileuU of lua briKQii hi tut-, hn I' of im in! Khd prt p -rty ill coMMOr.u n, n'ltu p.4ii ikjtrtioii, ri'i'aiHiir', nn. Hi esep-i frum tiio lichfl arini In tl e d trhiii-n.i ol ntuht; waio'Jn.' orrt a iiiouMaliik arl ihiouh'iathu liidun Miuiitrf and m mr u th iKihtiie rouUi. rn i.liMuti a ( m't itfln d w th pt o anit lorre nut h a vn y a toyi hoan In laroa uuilei lu o a f xp m. 1 ltl ihim oontninn man? Im port ant hUlorloal rfwJ nf the Ki bi n-ovt-m i t id tin fuut'iwout uoii a will he aitxluii B(Mijihl lor hy intu e ftPiii-rathma, in itie Uttdy of cur natioti't im elia. I ha puliho wiu onJ Ut Yauki-e iincitt' ul pum .tios.t Tftltie.M wi-U ai of lil( i- isfr. ijomce p"a. Afatnta wanted m a l .'urn of thft onn'r, to wbom great lid 1st etun it. Bi4itiliM)-(i by 1 no publisher. AuareasS ai o om n J w IMUI.1I al)Y, Publisher. It o. Mutt Ch n a ttneei, raiUdeipnla, TV I AGEK'S 1NVKLOIM5 M AN IJF AO TORV, i.1 1 MAlitK 8 I'iimt Hlf e, N.i. Illii limsiir 8 reot ftlAGFE HAS HAS MILLIONS OF KNVKL- X1 1 o)-ea. M at,KK has thuU'en ts ol rea na of Letlei at sue rto'e rapvr. "VI A OEK 8UI l'LIESCITY AND CO UM TRY Jjl Hton ki etieta at fair pr-oea MAOF.E, NO. HIG CIIESNUT STRHUr. vth ileiale and rt tall at fair prtoe, . MAOF.K. NO. 31fl CIIHSNUr STREBT, lia. Itlanka of va 1 toui auei. vTagkk, "no. 318 ciihSNur sntiiK r, 1. I r.auuraeiui n. lll.ttk Itoo.a to order. MAGFK, NO. 316 CHKSNUl' STREET, keepa a general abaortiueul of Stationery, whos- aa e enl ri tall. J(11 A lt I afc CO , APOTHEO ABIES, lteaturs in fine) jUrtlpTHa lerFti i- ry, 'J'sallet Arlllej, unci HpwcitiltleH. l.RANDIES, HI H, ic sold only for Mellclual par- poaes. I'iis-'ui No. 1226 CHESNUT STREET. tj EAFNKSiS, 1'I.INHN P.SS, AND (;A tisRI. 1 i 1. iisa At. vi. li . P. ott. a r 1 1 lha and Ha-. tiesta all dlai-a.ea a.tiM-. taii-lna o ho a love tueoiUtira wl a tlio ulntnitt eucees-- te tirn mala hum ba mtiai reitab a atiutee. in ite em tiau oe ai en a' rue a iri.v-n St'iet. The klelit .1! Pai.ult.v .re invited to aocooioanr their patlcitta, asl.- h i liti iccrels ill bla practice. ltl-Sif "VU1I E VIK'ilN WAX OF ANTILLK IT 1 hi. exqul-.te t.'o.oietlc liaa 1111 ettial fur beautify- II g.whilenlna, anti pie-erving ine eiunp.exitin 11 ia pro pa id fioiu 1 uie w 1 in wax, ot li' e It. e.t.trao.dina-yqusll-tltr f. r preat rvtu, tt. e .kin. nia.lng tt aott, fair, aintioti, and tiaiiau.ri'iit. it I-- 1110. t nontlil m after ahavlng.oueea chaipad bantla and lii., removes innipltie, hlotonea, t.n, IriMalta, or aunui ri. aitu praii, uui nine lace nick, and at' ITioe IP , .'.0, and 76 cen'a. IDTSr A I ()., ,o. 1IU S.SbV'KSTIl Htriet audNo.41 S.P.I11HTII Mlait. 1U Urn i-'AUTIOW. ALL I'FRSONS ARE FORBID V iruilti g any 01 tl.ecewoi the ItrlMah ehlp PHILA DELPHIA, tepiai" I'tuil, from t.lvtrioft, ai no debt, tltt ir contracting will he p aid hy the captain or oona-gneea. Ml 0-fll THUS .t-S BlLUAlUCiyS tK KSV , AVgeillB. OS! ON BROWS IiUKAl). FRESH DAILY. 10S- OP.Uiit.ET Kll.fcY Mn Ilia RACE Strest. I'ARI'IES, AND FaMIUKS I? fu nl.hed oh u.e lu jat loa.ouahletelua. Particular attention paid. Ort') UK T. Itlt.Kt. 10-s-oi No. 1116 RACK S.reet. f POSSESSION GIVEN OF A SIX Ljirrooied cottat- Price. $74. lu-8-Sl TO" I.ND. Ill.ia POL'RTII Street, i)R0PC'8AL8 FOR PAPER. Navy DitrAKTMaNT. ) BrasAi o, l'ltoviintss ano ItLtmiiNd, Octooers, lost. ) PropoBQls, sealed and endorsed fpropokiila lor Paper," will he received at tl. ia Bureau until '1 o clock P. M oil lha Uiat eny ot October lntunt, lor turnlahliiK aud dt-llverlug at the Navy lard at Itrvkljii, N. V., Five liuiidretl Ht-auii "''ril' paper to he white, H.'j Inches by ltli Inchea. to tveiiih Iti pt'tintts lo the ream, and he made of llueu stock ; to be ruled let linca on each put(e, teavliiK Jue Inch marnln at the top and bottom, aud both tides of each pans. Humpies of quality and slzs of ths paper may he aeen at the onice of the lnapecior In charneof tho Navy inru at Buitoll, New York, and Philadelphia, aud nt this Bureau. lU-ct-'Jt -;v. CAtSH At.'KNOWLEDtlK.MKNTlS, UN1TKD f '.iJ Stales fhriailuil C'ommlaalou, tor the week eud Iiik Octobers, loot : l'roceeila of an Atldreas before the Chrl.tlau Commtaaion. Oregon, by Rev. Dr. Pattaraoit. . 81. 331 hi bunury collectlous la Oregon, per V. 8. Ladd, 'iieaaurer 1,03210 PHI! ADI LI I1IA Ladlea' Chrletlan ConmUalon, Hlxth Proahrte- rtan Churcb, per ssiae x.ieauur nvuu, nw aurer ProceidaofaPrult Fair held by the lollowmg children of Box iMiruugb 1 Marietta Ulckoiia, HualcKoch, Willie tel. t harlle Cos, WUi is Hell Rohhle Leverius aud Jultu Maikeo Mra. iSauiuel Hood A Lady, per "J. '.. Jr. Amount acknowledged slsewbero, lu religious papera ., 40 00 SCOO 'i DO 0110 tu.ival n.1 Ml.lll .W Amount previously acknowledged. SH46 tin4 )3 JOSEPH PATTERSON. Treasurer, llcapllal a'ore, 101 cived at rooina of 1 hrl.u in C0111 nilaalou, No. II Bauk atreet, puilauslphla, lor week eud. lug Oclobere, itto4! , ... PHILADKLPHIA. 1 box, Vlaa J. R. l'atteraon. 1st causa Irom otbor auariers, acknowledged at length In leilnloua papera. UliU. 11 nTliAKC Chaltuian. THE LARGEST AND BEST gtg chesnut Hacmairre ABRAHAM LINCOLN ! I A Ana ateel portrait nf PRESIDHMT LUfOOLS, IBst 94. Best llkeaiaa pabllehed. I'rleo, sjiIHK. Bent hy mall, poataire prrpald. I'lTOlIKUH, No. " CHK31VT Street. MM1KH ANU MAUA.IVIWI AU fhe New Hooka received on day of p ihlloallon, ant sold at reilnred prfcae. All M Iflneolt fttr., ' I T .. l 7 AT I SKI hooks for.... snots. , ... I In) ' 7'Kt. ....Stexa. " 1"" " I -M rsie ....ane'S. " I 'it " I ds " a.. " ....Met. Il-rper'a Msi7lns.,..0 e'a Laa'le a Ma-aalia ts ns. Allniitl M. ttthiy :aie'a. tinner a Vavaalne TOeos. a Hai:ailnc..l&ota. Lad, s Prloud It jls. An; books net on hand will be furniehed at Ihe nviaoest ran. 1'ITClIKIfH, Mo. B.I CIIRSNUT Street. QlOlKJIfl It. SIoCX-alilI-aA-ry I The Pineal anirravrd oorlralt andheit llkenesa of Q P. Hi lt A I. MufLP.LI.AH ever puhliithed Siae, lill. I'lloo, tAl.OO. 2 Sent hy mall on 1 ecelpt of price. a. w. i-n ciiKU H, Mo. m enSHNUf Street. P" OTtXjnAIMI AI.lItlMail OUR STOCK I.AROP.R, OUH ArJSJlaTMKNT BETTER, OLR PRICKS LOWE Than At any other atore in Ihe city. Over BOO Dlflorcnt tylo, lioldlrf from two lo four hundred natures, ALL SOLI) AT REDUCED PRICKS, IUnilng from ir ContH lo s$OOa Every Albaa wsrrantsd, snd satisfaction ruaraateeSL PITOIIEH'S, No. 808 COESNUT Slrset. "W. T. H II Ell HAN I f A aplendld engravlag and good likensisof OHNBRaI, BHKBMAN. Sue, lt)x(41. Frloe, tjl OO. Bent by mall on receipt of price. a. w. iiToiiPaivs, Mo. BUS CIIESNOT Street. JJOOIIH FOIl oiiir.niiEN 1 1 JTJVrNLLES, TOY BOOKS, Eto. In groat variety, and sold at a liUoonnt from Retail Prices O. W. PITOIIEU'8, Ho. SOB OUBSNtTt Slnaei, jpHARIfc-r-l 1 1 FllAMGIM IAN IMMtNrsK ARNOKTlllEaiT OF 01 LT PBAMER, KUH1IR PKAME8, ltOSKWOOi. PRAMPS, BLACK WALNUT PRAVKH, IMITATUIN U ISKWOJO PUAMRi, ALL SIZES, STYLES, AND 811 AT S3. Also, PtaasHt) Pnrlours In Great Yarlniy. Fictnres Framed and Frames Made to Ordta. PITOHKB'H, Mo. 808 CIIESNOT Su-eet. L IEUT.-OI31M. TJ. H. CJ II A. NT I A aplendld stool portrait from a photograph by BatADT. Site, lUiXl. Prloe, 91-(H. Soot by mail our receipt of price. l'ITCIIHIt'8, Me. 808 OUKSNUT 8 tress. . pEOTOGBAPHS ! PHOTOQBAPHS II CARD rilOIOORAPUS For Albums. MEDIUM niOTOORAPIIS For FramlDg or Folio. IMPERIAL PHOTOORAPUS, 2U27 laches. XTlncsst Collection in tlie City. Call and sssmlns our fltoek, whether you wish to par- chaaeer not. PITOIIEH'S, Mo. 808 OlltWUT Strest. yyiHFIXLD ECOTT HAH000Z. A fine engraving fof OP7NERAL HANCOCK, to match LINCOLN, CRAJIT, McCLESLLAN, and SHKRAlAaT. Sisc, 18x44. PBIOE, $100. Beut hy mall, postpaiS. riTCIIKTt'S, Mo. 08 CUB8.NCT Itroes, piTCUXB'S CHEAP BOOK BTOEEl! riTCHER'S CHEAP BOOK STORE! riTCni'.R'S CHEAP ALBUM STORE I riTCHER'S CHEAP PICTURE 8TOKBI riTCHER'S CHEAP FRAME BT0REI riTCHER'S LOW TRICE STORE! . 1'ITCIIEH'S CHEAP ONE TRICE 6TOBEI Booka, liagaalnet, Albums, Photograplts, Fraaaas, Part- folloi, Jlemoraudum Books, Mots Papsrs, aWTaopsa, rencila.Dik, Mucilage, etc. etc. AU At Very I-rotv I'rloets. No, 808 CHEStJUT Streot. I B. B. COBNFR SIXTH AND MARKET 8T8
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers