THE riUCE THREE CENTS. latest Southern News DKTATCHES FRuM GEN. LT3E. latest from the Shenandoah. CKIOX CAVAI.RT AT HRR!S()RCRG. BATTLE AT SALTVILLE, VA. General Breckinridge- Claim? a Victory. BUBBRIDGE SAID TO nAVC BEEN BADLY WIIirPED. MovciEtuts of Generals Hood and Forrest II A It II I K RELII:VI:D FROM BUTT. IVpww from be Volley. llBAriQI AtlTHHR AUMY NoilTIIKKN VlROINIA, October 1. General Karly reports lb it n l of the eurniv's cava ry has retired towards II irrim burg, ond ibat tlicro in now no urtntr south of Horth river. It.E. Lkh. Earhftnfr of I'rlMinrn. BichmoniI, Yirginia.Sept. 20. All officers and men of me VicksOurg capture of July 4, I v. i, WhO r,lfirrll fur tllllu ut ant, i.iphIa --- --I -.- iuiu inuifj r-ai(n the Mi!.-iM.ipn prior to September 1(1, IHO I, aro hereby declared exchanged. Ito. Ortu, Agent of F.x.tmnjo. The) Latent Vr Nrm. From fAff lit hmond t: jammer, October II. From Petnsburg we li tre no tidings, except the rumor Ibat Grant bait worked hard to f rtitv binisiltat Kurt Mi H ie,und Is pushing In pick."' a mile funticr in Ihe direction of the Soii'tHd road. Ttils is but rumor; but It is nnd .uitcdiv true ibat the boutliMde road Is tiin aim of all Grant's present evolutions. He then will eudu.tvor to run up ten or twenty thousand men In th it way to th Danville road, and so aecomplfc h what fcbcridau and Hunter laded to do. PROM BKI.OW UICIIMoN'D. A rumor was circulated ycsKrdity mtrnln,' that the enemy weie advancing in this direction on the Wiliaiusliurg road. It was ascertained to le without fonnilntton. The Yankte. nut occupy Fort Harrison, but certain et glut cting jlans an- now in courso id ext ent on which, It in be ic veil, will result in tlii-lr disliilgiiiini tioiu the salient. rsimnnim. Onocrl, 7 1'. M. The enemy are hus) lortiijing their new position near Fort Mi Hue. Tbiy bavo shown no dispo-iiloii to advance to-nn) nr to ussauit our works. Ad vi) qui. t aloni! iho un- s to-day. Persons from Gram's r.ur mv that ho hai wiovtd everything and avervmin up f tno breastworks, and ihe country behind his tin is nncovs red. i- iy bis lat move Grant, has pnincd one nifln irmie In the direction of the Somhsido railroad but is mill six miles Iroin it. 'Ihciiirniy's losses in Iho fight on Thursday, riicuy, ami Suinreny are in boated at lour th m eand. Ours was uot i,ne-filiu of these figures. t P1I0M TH B VAI.I.KY. The tews fiom tho valley is important. Wo bate auiheuiiu information that the enemy havo bien driven thirty miles norm of Staunton. Our tio po are in pursuit. The lateM newa represents our cavalry as h iv irg driven Ihe enemy's cavalry from llndgo Wuter, eight miles south of tjurrisoubuig. ribeiidiiii's n. a n army is iu the iiuiuediato Beifchboibi od of Hiiiiisonhuri;. rkOM SOLTHWESTKUN VlllOINI. The repulne of the euemy in li t,t Tonnossi e bus Uen rapidly followed up by uu iuip.n u.n buciiss In oulhweurn Virginia. A- a lata hour on Moi.Oi.y night Geueial Kuinnur, w.u con ii.ando all iho ' ri servo fumes" iu Viri il i, reeeivid the following ti legrabic rep jrl frju Drjpudn rGcneiul Kcho!: Halimi i k. ni,li, r :i, lw;4.-To .Orm-ral Rom. 'ft wi'ip;.id itie ciifiav iKut.y laire yw .t-ril ,y, ari I hlm rrtlri J u. o ." n- tvu, iaa iv.iu auj wa i'i.liu ll our Dutm. in n : ititiiii 14 lln(iilti -DnniT.ii, iu I u s "I Biftu.v other 'l'f.oro witi tu or llir--e rv. t,a u;s oi' Hi'!'" triiiiH. hluli iv ba'tl cut ui. i'n nil tvi s sa.l aetbli.a nun si-li'il MpieiulliUy. I In' nfmv H I'D'ca -vat l ui kix lli.iiirtUU, u uviir m sit ca i il tt'tua tie. Ww are in hoi pu( JuiiN KC.MI.S, Hrl.jiiiliur-iioueral. The forre thus palluntly rouieJ wis eo.u. mandi d by General lluruiidfto, ami stirtod from Mount Sterling, Keniiieny, ui)out tea days a i. The iihjeut of iho expedition was to dustroy the saltwoiks Iu Ab.ntihui county, and to plund. r the people in thai neetion of Viritmi i. I he wh do country will rejoice that this grand raid, led bv one of the mom uuiultigatcd rasea.s in Lincoln's aimy, has b. en brought to grief. Aiioihcr i 111 :iui d puu b siatoii that the routed eniujy hud gone iu thu uirecliou of tiuudy river, pursued by our troops. IUahwi -aktkhs. Ami of N.iktio hs Vikoikia. net. 4 IMM.-lluM. tsmttrury oi War: wnnral ilrsjKi .riilvn reuiiru lhat ilia i t ay aruukad Baltt il.u uu tliu Jd mil . anil rrcwvtd a biii.ily rir.ailm. Tlit ren a t u.liiv ihv instil lu conriisfnii, upiia-eu'ly ia Uis ulrinoiiiil lllly rlvir, Ifuvl k in ,.i .u ilitir ard wui.uilfil in our I umiH. Uv : pal ming tliru All of our ,rvMn Lsbavnu weU. It, Lhli. rilOH MIMII.K TCN.NKhSKK. Nooftlcial despatch relative to General N. H. Fomn's niovi incuts un received at War Ucpni mtnt JffcUrd.iy, but ii is evident Irmn the last Jiewsroivid him that be is mill gom bruVtly on aitti tl.c woi!: of !rcaklug up Sber mati's (OUimunieations. The lotjieluie ventured yesterday that For. rest would uot atiack Uoustau in his intrenched Ksition at Tulnrkl to bo dirrcct. I'l-teid ciu-kinn the loit of a large portion of hiioai- nianu at ruiuski, ne pushed on towanH lln; Ni shvilie and Chattanooga railroad, which Cleno ral Wbeeier uticmptcd to render unscrvlc,:ahle, but did l ot. Gem ral Forrest, on leaving l'minki, movid towards l'ayetuvillc, situaic all mi tweu.y miles fioui Uecbenl. liu has proiial:y be.eii joiLed by Oemral Wi limns wiili a canary fire.-, and the uuiud coimuainis will doubtless destroy the onl remaining line of railroad which coii necis Nuthville with Chattunuoa. Km-h f K. Il'llruj Oil.i, the Aeti.r. tv-wi Vie Kuhmond Jtiipatri, Ortottri. YtrUrdtiy iifteinoon It. D'Orsay Ogden.mant- 5i r of the Kii limond thca're, in compi'iiy wrai ack llil.yard, un oUlcer in the same ci ;iili ,u meiit, put into execuiicn a plan to use toe to the Yai.kes. l'revioiis totl.e partureot tin) Fie Je rii k.-burg train iroiu this city they bvto.ue m l is f'niuid ucci'sN to the jnivate up u'tment of me ud is' car, and wi rc not discovered till the irnu arrived at llowlii g Green, in Caroliuo couutv, where their bldiiir-phue was discovered 'o tbeei nduetor, ar.d they were p!a' ed uirkr atust but ml.seiiiici.tly Ku. Ggdeii jmiipej from tho cars while they were Iu motion on their way buck to Khibuiond, uud succeeded in making bis etcaie. Hilly ai U was brought here, bowevnr and bus been comuiilicd to Castle 'I'hun.icr. lS'either of them bad assort8 to leave the ci:v. Ogdcn, it will be remetnhered, recently failed' in an Bj'plication ouder habeas corpus beforo Judge llulyburtou for exemption from service and was aligned for conscript duty ut Ua uii Lee; but uever, since tho decisiou of tha iudgis Las be performed service. His exit from tlio Confederacy will excite no surprise to our citizens. Tvli tcrnHjH to ltirliinouil Inrrs. IMl'OllTANT HIOM OKOUOIA. Gun-UN, Ou., October 4. rariies from fio fnmt statu tbi't General Hood's army bold tlu Htate road at Marielta. Merman's army appears to bo completely cut off. iio lighting yet of any coi sequence. OKNKllAL HOOD'S ARMY IN HEAR OH ATLANTA 811 KH MAN'S COMMUNICATIONS CUT. Gbikhn, October 4. All a. rounts agreo that General Hood's army is well in the rear of Atlunta. It is reported positively that we bold the rail road between Vining and Marietta. A brigade of Yankee cavalry c.iuio out to Fuiiburu, on the West l'oint road, yesterday, and attacked the command of General lvcrsuu, who fell Lack, ufter leaving ono or two ki.lci and wounded. They aie reported at Fayctlevlllo this morning . but this is doubted. 6 A prisoner tuken in that fight savs that no tiuiu has arrived at Atlaula for six days. Military men here beliee that Bteriinin'sariny ill bo forced to abandon Ailanta, and cut its wy out in a very few dHyi. UlktBAL. UAhDaa MKI.laVKD MOVKMKNTB or fUKSIUENT DAVIS. GniPFiN, September 30.-OcnoraI Hardee, at wand of bis corps, ana wlU take coimauud of tho Hiinr ia.n' f e nr' n. n,. rf, n,lrn i; i.n. i l., uriy mi ai led t hi- f iff. for bm new lieii' n 1 1 ra'ii'iiA. A' r i i mlmg on.e Hny- l li the a-my, I'.e "'lit II. vis unit t,, Mm ! ry. lie p. t i to uai h Macon lo inorro v A. M., on hm n mrn. to r t rn i Ik In the fl u t po - bin spi-its, nni th. c. no ry it y rp rtf:oovi mi from It before ti e c o-e i I it.iv d i s. he ELcuiTADr, or y LMmcToii. lxilir i f Ki n. - miiiiii ut l rr-.Nt nf l' liii'ili hiKiiiii.-. 4mi.iiii-I ir,,! t trs.. itrhil ii'r.-Ni. Ft AO. n i r 'Mai vi nv." I!f i i hut. N C, Hep. Umber ,1n. The 'ul.ow.uir extra-M fniin la e V) i u. o h i u, slid F..yo u vi le. IN. C, u inp i,t( ri f. irn gtn theriM iit In-s of lix kinle rii'iuors ciipmn ii i.r d- rtn ytd by tho M .srlut le s nil' tin p. rti t W iimir.gton, and l ithc inseiit string. 'n.'y id Ihe lib ckmle id (tint port.ur.i pu'i'i-tl.-d for ihr tatis'in lion of ilia . Hi ers an I mni rnn .l nn this i.niooiis duty. A lit of liuv (si) n s iuinirs i i.piuri d or di sinn c, in vi'.lati ..g the Hnrkaiin of Wilmington, since A.j0'iist 1, Iwi iH un m xed. P. I I.fp, Acting It ..r-A Im'ril, Conimst.iiing Norih At. ant:.- II cV(; ,s .ua lron. IVi.m Iflf Wt.UitUQtnn .A.ll-Hl, .Srf.'. ,.r'J. 1 in. y b soini.lbiug short ot petit trots.m for us to say it, but still wa will say it unit wo aie not -o sine that 'ho 'i tW..e'xpeil il n w.ll sj a arge oivlilitid. .Sho i-.-rt nilv ki.-k.ed up n lus, bnt we rlotihtverT inin n w in-tlHT -tin ., lino the militurv res. unis of iho Yaukco (I iv inn i nt to any iinprrci.ihlo ex.i nt. It. u ci rt.iin thn rlie has turned an nup a n iu it id utti n inn Ujon thi- port, and may Ino cius-i of brmgitig down up iu us liie inmii t.irc of tin ankre navy. Tue hiucaadn here will be d uV.y tih t, II at m cetta n. Hie prl.e Heamer (l.ih'tn) now at the navy vnnl in I'li Udclpnla, h a new and sbara-ouiii. C.jde pmpclkr of 17.) tons h.irth 'ti, and h i In iu lil.elid and appraised. Tno N ivy Diart mtnt has Ixen informed of hera iprn-ed v.ilj. h was .j; i0,(HMl, and was ai ocpio I. Sun ii ndiniiitb y adapted for ciuislug, and will donbu s ffeuie many a prue. Co savs thu I'lnU hd. I hi.i ln ,,'r,T. How 111 inv sii. b hare Itft C m (ecliMti icrts ? !. lAt Wtlminnfon Journal, s, j'.'XT. The Mobilo Tribune of a I ilu d ite says : Thore. Is not a word oi" nous Irom Del iw. 1'lic Hum is inactive, and we boar nothing of the tnovean.-nt f the troops. Fnirmrui, as wv judgo iro n tan Yankee paiers, has goun to another station. It is b( lined that h has be. ti or lertd t ) try his prowess at Wilmiui;'on. I'ossnily. 'l'nere ii a ihutidt ring hloekaito oil here n iw i that's pret'y ceriuin, wnerher llio man v.i ti tho queer n.imu Ins git anything toiiowitli it or not. All credit it mainly to the real or Mippo-, d prcscuco of tho Tullaitaut nd umlry o. h,.r mysieriJus sea nioi mit". The Yankee papers' even lepott thj f .oixda as nmoi.g tue vessels :h it hare couio la'o this port. toss oi the lynx. I.iv-t right the tine blockade-running stoamor l.ynx, heluugtt g to J. hti Fru.- r it Co , and com ii. an did by Cap ain Hci l, c-ns-i d N.'W lulf. inn and put to sea, bound to Itermud i, with a mir-go c n s Ming ol over six hundred (odd) balos ol ci tton, one Lull on Um i ii.i.enl account. Son bad also JoO lWd in gold on Height for Govern ment. Kin- nis i had s ine le v ca .senders. .I,i,t afu r she got out -he wa- pursu d by tho block ading squadron, by wbieii shn was couip etely bm mud in. She wo-s s:ru. k i-ght lim-s, si ; at nr 1 eiow Ihe wa'er line. Fnnl ng tint sli p in ,i Milking conn itioii, the captmn 'icae'ied her live .ir six ul ove Fort Fiu r. Tub crew and pis ret gers esfai.rd with a por' cf their eilecM, and the esi-tl whs biirneu to p ovi iu, it t'r nn fail ing Into the binds oi iho enemy. The 'iM beh.i.gii g to tho Government v.s mv.'d. The enemy gotiso close as to tire a volh v of muskotry Into the l.ifnx, by which ono of tho erj was woiiEdrd. fruvi Die t'nyultn. le ( .V C.) C.n -s'ni'an, 8 inihtrV. The lrs nf tho .1. . I'nn-f is n pre-ty sevoro I'lew to our S ae. She his o.nm nuda seivieo for our North Carolina s ildi. rs, and has p ld for littie.f twenty times, 'j hero ni 'rc Clvde huilt stcamciH, and North Caioliii.i hi. money to In r cri illt in l'.uroi.e. We lii 'ii ve that the .S. ilu uwnvd but nne third of the .1 P. l iiiiee. lll.OCKAllK.HI NNLHH CAflClimi AN.) DlMfilOYKI) Ol If WI1.1IIMI lu.N, N. C , HISOrt Allocs r I, !. ,., 1IY HIB N. A. II. HltOAIlllDf, ACrtNll lllivil- AUM1UAL . 1-. l.KK, i:.ivisii:4.iino: - iViurM. Il't.mnk . .V : Ks'e ..1'AplurLil uiii.iu 10 i.r ri4 ri.yro I ' ihi Ian i- -.liiisii is, .ii..... . Jlinn I'S j llteii .s u.U. It ' n irkn lM Ii.iiM ..''.iil(ire I I ..l'AJ inn 1 ..(1 .iiiiiru I ..i 'li. ir.M ..i'a ilurivl ..l i. ll i-l ..Cl.iturv I ..' '1KiIII? I I'tlul.l. in lilr..i'il lll7.Hbilli lie-.r-yi-a Ml AMU Ileum liUH,r... ii l.iiii. i.u:iuliiio. Vi tiuti is'ify.-d M n. ti.. , hi h r, hi 1 1 A Ji s.-lv l.'stio.ri.a lilL'VU un ' loin In l p!iiruil '1 1 1 s t sin .ttui.ijy r us ana aiiuik....! iiut. rt'U I uu'il i iireil K E.Loa.. i'iiri-ii ll'r. liri.ta AI Uaw.iii's.i.ive I Stoi I'uiui.r.'il i'i-Ia In Csiil.n-i-.l rfciimieo i siiiuroa s.vr n , ij lulari'.l C'ti I?;ip.uri..l I'lvivji ). I)',.,r y.a Iho. lltiu:i,',ii d , . hi Hiioyi j 1:0.1 11 1'tpnm-I Aiili.i.n-a Iir-irit.eil lt.11 .1 . I'laure.t lit t d.fcu l).-tio td lalilrAla Cifiu el Vfs'u .ynl l.n.aii Jaoiarel l'"ie I", tin. vi .1 Klsai u uii irn l li'O'li r'.l A. U V.i. iuii :.i,e. ireil V 1I1! I'uvirl! De. ri.ied' Ki r 1 D.-vrayi-il Null eld In-hli-utr.l II.11I - .r I i Iff llr-uuie I ,,n !U:,ir t'.lnllV , iisKirioiMi' piuiil Mawii tin ir I'HuiiTitl, '.Hj; desirnyrd, 'H. klroeil,. I.iul eaplurtd sad de- iaiOMW.VSI 1 1 XGTON. Gtni-ral Lee A";rcc to Exchana Friaoners, Negroo:: and All. IKTEEEETINCr LFI'TER FROM FKANK BLAI3, SR. HpcHal llftipatclirs lo ,,liii Telo-raph. Was in; r, eon, October 8. I'(-luiUK. of' l;ri-n''r. General Lee pro.i isei loex "..nge nil priiiii m tuken in front of ivtcrsbuv, n grocs Included. 1 tio Mnti'iiii'iit Aiiihii: n' le Hill. Frank lllair, Sr., adltreses an important lcttor to the hiMlitjetieer this inn i.i ig in roference to I if interview with Geuciii M . iollnn ; heaisuuius the entire rc-poiu-ihiliiy ..f t e tranmictlon. The l'rcbhltnt nviihvrasM'iiti d nor dissented, liiuersl Itutlci'M Inliialcrr Alii. General Ilu r lately. Inid o 'easion t re vive on hiB tt. If a voliinti er Ai l. Hearing this fact, General Halluck addrcs-c I General H itler a letter, In which ho quo cd I run a circular lrsuod by General McCicllan, fo.i.iitiling tho appoiut-nii-nt i f volunteer Aids, tin.) requested to bo in Iciuud whether the (:.!. r in question wa expected to be pull. (; 1,1 al llutlcr replied, stating that he was 101 a .t are- that General Mcf'lcJIun ecmn.andcj the miny; that ho was viry sure tc did imt cumin nd his dep irtiiiint. lie further added, ihat Hi ho was not a French gentlemen, there wss 110 likelihood of his cm bioiUng as with fnicigu nations; that he was up; ointcd 011 Ms staff bceauso his services w.'.o Yaltiable; and that he presumed tho United St ites Goveinniunt Would liud funds euough to pay lii.n withul. 'I be nj iiinmer-GruiTol. rnymiuter-Gcuoral Andrews has been assigned to duty as I'rciidctit of the Board of Examiner! as to qualifications of paymasters, under thu lute act of Congress, and Major Hi Ice will a -t a-i Pay master-General during hid tomuuruiy ubseuc Hum lie bureau. Wreck of n Mcniu-Tuar. Ciuvm anii, October 8. The stcm-tit? If' tn. low V.1111 to pieces on tho railtoad pior lust uight. rive of thu ctow were lost. Mnilluar or Hlrauiers). Ni:w Yohk, October 8. Tho steamers fi'y of l.unmck; Villi of HaiUmiirf, Virginia, and 'fro. ;., lor liurope, and the Sierra A'ceni.i, for Nuw Orleans, called to-day. The rrlre of tJoltl. New Yokk, Octobor 8. Gold was quote! this iiioiniup at 21)0, and since the board at VH. nnrhctai by lIs;rapb. NrtwYokK October 8.-Flour has advanced Kf' i .'.V.: ..lis 1.1 .VsObbls nt 7.60: i.As ai .,r uu,, i , '" "litKiiwla ufur Houlhirn. ..t osuhn-d ..0.-, null.. ui.nnforlAnt. Corn dneliurd 1c. will" ,i,7 ;i..rki?-d.s,rk -Vd';:,.;': aw Yohk, October. Stock. Market Is dull riilt.jO si n Kock l.i. hi , i Cuiuhsruiid piflnroA M ;jlll,,..l. l imral . 111', ; MIchlsM 8. ,il,.ru,,;l; n" York Cilllral.llt', ; Itenoinir. Il!i, ; Uuilsuu lllror II.. (Imiloli iiiiiii, i:iSi ; tli.aaurl 6, 111 ; Kris UIV Ono Vrm I'urliicsnii. KAl, Trosnurr 7 4-10, M; la lo Sj' I Alcouiioua, tu;; ciUvufi,llw'v ' riMI.ADl LIMIIA, SATURDAY. OCTOHKR 8, IG4. Tit I III) KDlTLilX ARMY Of TIIE JAME3 Highly iKiportant. OFFICIAL WAR ',AZSrrE. EECEL AS3A.ULT ON GEaV. BUTLER'S LINE3. Enemy Eepuleed with Fearful Loss. RIEIL GENEilALGREGO KILLED Fplnulid Charge of Eirnoy'y G.)rp;. TIE ENEMY DRIVEN INTO RICHMOND. Our Forces Intrenchod Noir that City. TERRIBLE SLAUGHTER OF TIIE REBELS. OUR LOSS VRY SMALL. A GREAT VICTORY. Do; patches from Generals Butler and Birney. i.-t-., j.;tc., loto., x:to., x:tti. WAiiiNiiTOM, Octobers, 12 o'clock M. To Major-Guncral John A. IHx, Xoiv York. Tliia Di pnrtment has rccilvcd tln following ropnt ts nf tlio onoiny'H ass-mlt yestordiy upon Ttutlor'a line, thoir BiibseniPiit rf imlsc, nnd Oi'ticral Uinu-y's brilliant actio. 1. driving the enemy to their Inner line, of lu tienclimentrt nroiind Uiolimotiil: Ukaiiqiiautkim Dni'AitrMnsr oi' Vut- irtNIA AKI NoiiTH CAUOLIVA,tJ-:jJ I M.. October 7, 1801. Ut.' ir. S. Crant: At (M0 T. M., tlio oniitny. linviiijt movnj Hi-Ids' and HiAo's l)ivi.siu:i from the U-fl at CIiap.ti'n farm, aroun.l to o;ir right, at D.trbytown ro.ul, ut,ta:'ioJ with spirit Cieui-ral Kautz'a Cavalry in tlio In trem limcntti, anil diove liiin h ick, wltli H-n ill lom (i( men, but with t!io of bin art Ubiry. Tho enemy btiin rcil very co:nl,l.! loss In this attack. The enemy tlum swept ilowa thu Intraali n:oulB towards Uirny, who, having t'.irnw.i latk his right, waited their asiault aui rj puloctl It with heavy load ou the part of tUj ctiiiiiy. '1 lit! enemy In tho tnoantitnn uiltties I tow urds Newmarliot, h:it won) mjt by 11 fjr.:e at the Hif' tower at :i I. M. I took tlio odoiiKivo, scuillns Birney wit'i two iliviHiona up tlio Dcrljytowii road. Tn s ciicir.y lia.s ri ttcatod as ho adv tir.v l, and liir Lt y Ium reached and o -ciipie l tin! lulr m ;:! nu tit.s which the enemy took l'ro;r ICiuL, uad vero foit'lyiPR for Ihem-iolvoa. Our low h;u been small, not one-eii!it!i of the enemy. We have about oaj hundred I'lihotiers. (Mgiied) B. F. BurLKit, M ijor-a,;n. HeADQT AltTKUli OI" THB DkP AI1TMEMT vr ViKdi.MA and NoitTH Cauouna, Octo ber 7, 12'20 P. M.-lirl-adici'-GuiiiTal lliw lingB: Tho following despatch liaa been received. Oigticd) B. F., Mnjor-General. IlKAtlVtlAHTKItH OF TUB TtlNTU AltMV Coitrs, 10'15 A. M. M;iJor-Genoral Butler: 1 havu repulsed U10 attack of tho cne ny ou our right Hunk with great slaughter. The tioops aeera to bo Fields' and Pickett's Divisions. I end you a batch of prisoners. I am extending my right flank. The enemy seem to bo iiitro.nching on thu Darby road. (higued) D. B. BuiNET, MaJ.-Gert riKAPCirAitTKns VinoiMtA a ni Noitru CAU01.I.VA, October 7, lO-'M V. M. I.leuteimiit-Goneral U. S. Grant: Quue rul Kerry lias regained General KauU's ol 1 posilioti and holds the enemy In tlio inner lino of IntrcuclimeiiU around Iiicli'jiond.extuudin'i from tho Darbytown road to connect with VYeltzel on the left uear Fort Hamilton. There lias been no movement ot Petersburg to-day. Vo bare secured tlio best of this day's Yt'oik. A thoutatid ut least of thu enemy, killed ncd wounded, a hundred prUonors, and a bloody repulse. General Gregg, commanding Hoke's Divi sion, la reportod by a lady who saw tho body as killed. (Signed) B. F. Biti.lii, Mal.-Ocn. No despatches have laieu received from the commands of Generals Sherman, Xioseeraus, and Sheridi'.n later thau was reported in my ti h grum of yesterday. F.dvvin M. Stanton, Socreiary of War. KWMrtcr KrirtN. A''i. in.' lh'tl'a'rh fy J'ie Evening T-l-'jraili. Wahiiinoton, October 8. The mil steamer lirinat, fiom City Point, reports that early yo,. tetdsy morning heavy and repeated cannonading commenced on the north side of the Jamos river, tid was going on at 10 o'clock yesterday morn ing, when the i'jprcri left City Point but nothing was knowu definitely there as to the causo of the tiling. It was suppojed by oflioers ut City Point that the firing was iu the vicinity of Dutch Gan. and that tho Kebol gunboats had a hand in it, possi. bly with the design or uttcmptlng to prevent the completion of the canal. When the Kxprett reached l'oitrc-is Monroe, however, it wai re ported there that the Ilobels were- making an attempt to flsnk our new pi.itiou on Chapin's farm. What authority there wai for the report the paiscngcra on tho Hxprtu could not learn. On Saturduy, when Davles' Brigade of Gregg's Cavalry charged the Uebel position on the Vaughn road, a little to the left of Warren'a position, a Kebel General, laid to be named Wool, who ha 1 betu promoted fioiu a Colonelcy only two days previous, was killed. At the time of his doata bo wore a Colonel's uniform, and when he fell from hii horse the animal jumped the Hebcl breastwork aud run Into our liucs. Late Illehmoad papers received In the A m of the To oro ic coiirrm his da th. O. octal Wattcti came up on the l-J-,rti 1 n a i ort leeve nf abscni-c The hospital s earner f'otit rfi.u', which left C:y l'o'til at II 1IJ A. M., an l,ou: a. il a hair lot r ihe HrjM. reports that ire tann'vriad in 1 11 the north side of the rlvc w a y guing i n it l a time. 'Ihr C tmeeimtt hengs tip three hundred and Ira iikALd wounded. Ahouttwo hundred of ihe I. .tn r are stn t. her cases. ARMY (LMOTOMAC. All Quiet in Front of rctcrsbur:;. REBEL ATTACK ON CEN. BUTLER. 11 FA IK) I AHTKllS ARM Y OF TUB PoTOVt ir-, OcUilar 7. Kvirything quiet In of l'rtirsburg. No fight ng h is taken place since Saturday last, ith the exception of oc.:4-imil rkirinihbitig betwetnour Civ.ilry and the llcV'l scouting panics who proI around tho II inks of Ihe army, ixpicting lo rind somo place weak i nt ugh to warrant an attack. Hut they liivari bly lind our men wide awake, and -cady to give tl em a warm welcome. TleiTignie of the mail train n.u off the Ir 1S1 last night at I'ark stailon, caused by the e irclnss. m ss or somo of those In charge. No ono was hint. The weather is very fair, and favorable fir military itiovemen's. Important events may be rxpicted at any time. Wahiiinoton, (), lob r 8. Passengers by the mall bout to-day report that when they left City l'oint, yesterday morning at 10 O'clock, huavy had been goinir 011 for four or live hems in General Uut'er's Department, on the Jsines river. The Ilobels made thu ;tack, taking imi troops mine wlia t by surprise. General Warren aud staff came to Washimttou to-day. doinuai oi- 1 tii-: 11 it i n A. 'IIkl Dfmomo," at the Arch, bus made a Sick rd hit. If a Uy deprnds rntl-rly on :i-n.-ry n I ppolntra. tin, and 'lie te-enery and asp.,ltt,ineiif aru'all i roiidrd tin-y arr al 1I1I1 tlK-atra, In ihi m i-it mntuiil ci nt ii le. luiiii tin-, II. Aii'imr, .ml tho en ln- ouijiit 11. In- mil. It. . I. lift V"i..miii la . .,1 lor oiiiiitll. IIIIiiik ilr tri-n.iiri .nd lliroinitiiir tin- Iviu.,., Mml'ilo I- l i-cini iik .n tin. i i-i-e ih.ii In sov ot.iiT In w it -Ii Pt rlia- nia.i-.iri'il esi e.tllnrf '11. in wlil,-h w. Mil r.-lui iiiIn r .air u ,tli At tiik Cuf.mnct tho Warreu eombin itlon rtM-ilor-hli-il .11 'vho li.v m-.-n Ihrnl, ilrrtivl-u lu the riiisi.ut ci..s iti thus not been lliero fr s nun tins. Sir. Wai run han iiki u ti. of m.kiiiK tti ".iniiciiiu." la- nllrctun.'ly sitHneil, Willie hi. humor Co t!it1 tli. KroliniillllK-," wlthi.ilt .vrmr-'nitltur. He ! trnlr i ,1... 1 i Ml ul eoiui illun, "one .if ilm tad n tl'iitt." li. u ... . Iiijt.t bu t.iiii-i lo tut-sa un .ulmil, Mr. Iluroa li.t iinu ii l.i luuii'iio linn ; lint iiirtliniT U tia;i ovttil Ail. I eltnu.l nice no time wt llrst -.w Inm, ho aoeiu., Inivhur, lH-tw.., n t.-ltiu, nit-v .ulns, vv net it w. It nhion Of it'll, ui'l n.lo.v al,iil. lie lis. .ml Kit-tn l-iTh.i- al a IVAnlivrs. Ml.. Oilou I. uacjili:ui In Inrrt-N, fua t.l vivai Uj , as, and lun. TitoMi'soN has been playing her usual round of etiar cier. whh succt-M. T ils srueefu; and rue i.!,, joiuii: a. In ... ttnh her tondotni-ss and pnli.n. la uiles riifri-h nu r He-frt.m Hie aiere ityin-d .it In of ..mi. p'a.-Iuk. Air liern-, n-t IuivIim tl hi.ii in c.ialr.itt Di i.di ii-in litis &i-,'euri-u in srt a' r advauug-H iu Ut-r ptaya 11 a la in 11 ot.. of the tf.eal Iruiit'ilUn. All Hie alar fl-iutllll al tlie-lr rdiuecuva thciitros u,it a eta. (Try IiNTIILLIUENCC. PTAiaorTHuimoMKrEa To dat. Six A. M.. .irA. Noon, 9. One I'. M. 58. Wind, W. N. W. TllhOllANDU.NION DkMON TUITION fo NIOIIT. Cine ol ibu giaiidest Ions in thosh ipn of a political lorehligbt pro dsion, tint has occurred at any lime in any p irt of the conmry, will lake place in this city to nihc. In addition to whit l'hiluiltilbi i will turn nut, dcleg itl-ius Ir. iii I'ninih n, N..rrl-town, Grrin mlo vn, and tho ojo i.inj; iMiin it-H win piMclpiio In the do-non- iirotion. Hie 1. HCAilo Cainmik'u Cluh of G.i n d n, numb, i nn ln husdn tl iii.iui'i. rs, will ais jo n in ti e proci sst m. One of the (r'iii-o of tue psraue win ne Iho anpenrauco of sooie three th. ii-iinil snldii i s in lifie. Willlniii II. Kern, Ks i., thn Chief M has ap on teii t e loilowing Aids, aud ia-uoi tho fol lowing omIps Ait-- ol.iri-l W II Msnn. tttrtoii II. J.ntcs. Me.irU' A.Th. rp, A.liuUMI II .s. emluck, I'D iuut,lit.:o 1 1 u- l.r, Jn-r.h w. Ilul. ok. .Viilluin M..Uanl. Ii.n-y, 1 luiiiii.fN'n hoi iti.ldH, K.ln.111 il. rltler, Willie. n .1. ll-nei, INieruil II. Auart-.s, Altjer-1) Kubor.e. ft.ilitirt il. Iileitnary. neii.aa In 11. llrutvn. Heurv W. u.-.t. n. it. Alt not. Hi i ial Am-.- C.lnwl W. A 'Irav. A. K Kterinr, SI, H- 1-idy. S'. T. W.l.uii. Washliutiiti KulJi. A. a. Slav. .tor. ' ' I l e proeciilon will -oo.l-t of itven itran.l dlvlil-.ui. 8. me of the iinest banners and ever set n ill a procession will be carried t ) night. The turnout wdl bo one of the largest tint lias ever tuken place in our city. Tnewhoie all iir will terminate wi'b a magnificent display of lireworks iu Indcpeiiilence S piare. Tub Kxtha Anskssmknt. The ex'ra assss- nieal this year is larger than it baa been for a long lime. Tbc following was the asM-s in n: In the several winds, to far as rould he asenrtaiaed at the City Commissioner's oitlce this awning : It at , l. j:tra Attenntit. W.tril. Eitn Atuite l. I.... J.... il.... 4.... 6.... .... 7.... TII 14... Ii.... in.... 17.... IK.... lit.... iti.... 12 .... ti A iii!.".' Mn t;s 47 II Ul i0i 7 It VI yi i 3-4 11 H iSl 4M 4 - Vi I 1.0 ; 4-11 1 nil I 7'J I IW I HfJ i(isj ' 4ie, tut 1 ,... i'C... 11... II... )a.... Dkmcknton a DiHohOkKLY Hol'su. About 11 o'clock lust night Lieut, n ait Tat'en, wi h a posse of police, made a don-cut Uion a bawdy house at Tenth and Marb'e streets, l'etcr Kline, tho iillig 'it proprietor, seven lil"n, a nl five women, wi rc laken iu'o cusody. Thewhol- pirtywore airaigued before Al ieriinn Jones this morning. Kliue was lmlu iu $'t0(M I mil, to a. is ver nt emit, ii. d the oiburs weiu held for a breach of iho peace. Chauuki) with Foiioeiiy. Uufore Alderman Shoemaker, last evening, Samuel M ils a id Wil liam lthoa les were charged .with forgery an 1 alien. p ed fraud. Il is alleged that they swindled a soldier's wife of fi lOJ. They b id ihe money tolling to her, but got a ru. fio n her, ant then le t u -ill to over the lii'iiuy. They wcru eon nut ed for trial by Al lermuu Shooiiiakur. in ihk Tlnth Waiiu. A largo an J enthusiastic mc -tiug was held la, I night at the Hall of tho Teu'h Ward Association, corner ot liroad mid Hacn .streets. I'.lo unnt H)0.:hr8 woro noide by ex-Governnr l'olluek, lion. Oharlei O'Neill, IIoii. A. W, ltcnedict, William S. I'lcree, l'.B , and other g.-utl.-nn-n. Tho nicetimr ad joui ued with cheers for Lincoln, Johnson, aud the whole ticket. Claim EismsaEn. Tho claim niaJo to a por tion of the cargo of the pri.e steamer ('ii!l bus been dismissed. The claimant alleged that he was a loyal citizen of Georgia; that he had turned his Conlederate money into cottou, and watched an opportunity to put it oa bjari the Cliatliam which ran the blockade. Anotuuu lUiLitMO AcciouNr. This mim ing Patrick M-jrhuttan, of Company 11, 1 jJ.h llegiment; rcnnsylvsnla Volunteers, was run over by tlio Germantowu railroad cars at Turn pike bridge, in the Tweuty -second Ward, aud had both legs cut oil . Aociiilnt at A Saw-mill. This morniug about 10 o'clock, Frank Turner, eight years of age, bad his right hand cut od in a taw-mill at Fianklin street and Girard avenue. Ho was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital. His parents roiJo lu Hutchinson street, above Thompson. A Union Msktino. A Union mealing will be held this evening, at Skeppackivllle, Moat. ?oincry county, when Lieutenant Lemuel C. leeves, aud 11. A. Ii. Williams, of this city, will address the people on the ' iasuos of the day." UackuiTiNO. This morning tho Mayor issuod warrants for the payment of the city bounty to folly -eight men. Fatal Acciubnt. This morning a man named John King was run over by a locomotive oa Washington avenue and killed. Fiuk The alarm of fire between II and 12 o'clock to-day, wai caused by.tLe burning of the toof of a house iSo. 3li Vvrlt aviinue. H' r. I.roNARn Mvnna This gentleman he nt ar'y nr.l-bed a moM thorough ran.M f Ilia Third fongrosloniil His ret. Since Ihe 0)U1 nieticenirnt nf the campaign ho b. deVerod rra an average two np per day, Im'aI.Iis per- lorn ing an atniitir.tnf lab-ir which en oily lie r. slue. I In tl.ii-c lu, like hlmsi-l', ,,r.' isumm-lled to iimkr their rin a rlo rlv nm e-tn I m-trn t. 'I l e i ail t lb tl- tar is v. rv and tu re is tie doubt his fneinls t.f ma trnim ill n I n -o'i i Ih.n. Mst evening Mr. Myers address d two Istgo rnimi meetings, .me in the Slx't-einh Want, the i ll er ul Ui-n.g Kim, in Hie Twen j tilihWur.l. It., .p, ci h- am utnforiiily eti iric tci ' by alil'itv a' d po.vcr. aad prove bevtinrl caril his pciu iar mu s f.r the position be t eks. Ot Hn a ilit rest delivered on Thtirerlav cvmilng iu the NlneteeBth Ward, a reporter In a cmitein-ptnur-- thus remarks: "Hon. Leonard Myers, tl. r I nlon mioi'iii for Coii-.tims in tun inir.l 1 i-rrl, I. now t amo fnw,ir.l, and delivered a i-eirh of sntpriAsing clmpien c ami b an y. II v Iiiils p., I In tic, witty, argumentative, aud aareas tie, it held the audleu'-e Apel.-li mud during I no linur of iis tlclivcry. At intervals, notwi hsi Hid ing li e ab-orhlng dc-lre nf rverv o io present to catch each word that fell from t'lu lip. of the tqeiiki r. the tee'lngs of Ihe audience were no- to i oe leeirainril, aud tin y gave vent t them In tin i nioAi enthusiastic ourtiiirma of anpla ise." Su. h Is ibe estimate of the aldlltv of Mr. Mvers, a id with (till cnnlidenee In Ibis honcty and integriiy nf nipo the citiicns of Ins district uro do or nnnrd to return bliu to Congress by un lucre ised n Mjnrity. Political. More political meeting! were held In this city last night than on any previous creu ing Aince the oning of the present campaign. There were not only more meetings, but more of the "big guns" were present, and attempted to enlighten the people on Iho political Isnicj nf the day. The main meetings held wero the lollnwing ; Dr. Win. F.'der delivered an oration on the "Issues of the Day" at the Musical Fund II ill. Hon. John Van llureu, of Now York, delivered an address nt the Democratic Hcud.iuaruirs, on Walnui urt rt. At the Hull of the Union League, ad lresnns were nia.'o tiy tho Hon. John W. Forucy aud Mr. J..hi! Ilriggn, of New York. The political deb no iM-twenn the Hon. William I). Kelley and George Norihrop, Ksp, was brought to a close lust night. I'hese diMcusii ins have i xi lied mUUfC iuterest lu Hie Fourth Con gn District. In n gin d to ward meetings, they wore being In Id lit -t night in almost cvety part of tho city. To night nnd Monday night will be un aetivo time uniting the politicians, who will know their lute by 1'uoday next. Mff.tino at Conshoiiookrn. A grand mass mtctlt g was held at Cotishohocken last evening. Thire was a torchlight parade, in which Colonel F I hunker's Club participated. Colonel Pu'th was Cliiel M.iishal. Speeches were undo ny iho tiupiaiii nt iiaxier's ! ire .oiiavcs. M.issrt. Wosl urg, Thoinas-on, Moran, Hun. G. W. Smith, and irln is. There Is no dount of tho triumph nit clit lion of George liullock to Congress, as hu will reetiie thousands of Democratic votes. Tiiv. Chuistian Commi-mom in tub Army of tub Potomac Hev. Charles P. Lyford, ono of iheogmtBof the Cbristl in Commission, no in the Army of the Potomac, writes as follow 4 with regard to the Commission's work In that army : The work of tho United States Christian Cotn rrtirrlon in the Armits of the Potomac ami .1 lues wus never w extensive, systematic, and eillcient us now. At City Point General llospit il, Hnr nniila Humln d, Point of R icks, Deep Iturt -n, and all the sia'ions and Held ho-p tails of Generals Me.ide'sand lint ler's armies there is t well-orgta-iznl co'ps of delegites, fully supplied wiib hos pital hones and baid at work, luc fortilicutions, rille-pitH, and mo-t a Ivanced hues aro d uly vimIi d. i nd the wouuded and de-tituta cared for. Ai City Pnint General 11 ispual Ihore is a most prteoiis revival nf religion in progress, and Mini pe as il uinv seem, all along our lines the g'.rpil is preached, prayer ineet ngs are held, li no souls are uu ly converted to God. I ho reli gious imeiett never was better thaa iu this aetivo ciitnpufgii. AitnvTOP am Oi.n Tmi'.p. A well-known fou nlo thief, whoso picture has a lorned tho Hi-guts' Gallery for years, und who is known to Ibe police as L iiie Primrose, was arrigned at Ihe Central Station yesterday ou the charge) of lir ctny. From the evidenoo wo loam that she was employed in the house of Mr. Char es Stack bou for the space of thrvo weeks, during which time articles of cl itliing, silver spoms, coin, de, were missed. Suspicion dually led upon iho uccused, and sh'i wai laneu into run. dy. llur Iiouno was searched, uu I a num ber nt articles found there were as tho propirly of Mr. Htucs house. Tho whole valuo or n.c things stolen is es linatcd at three h in drtd uol ais, Mr. 8 imeia. the tletccive, to-iiliod Ihat I e had recovered some articles belonging u a lunilly w.tb whom the defendant livod n short time since. Ho would bo ready to h ivo the parties re-ent at a fuinre hearing. The prisoner .is quite a rc-peet tblc-looklng woman, appi ri nt y iu the iniodle age of hie. She has pa-sed a considi rab:e part of ber time in prison, and b ars the reputation among the keepers ai oni of the mi si uiiinorn pti-ouers ever coin Tutted to their keeping. She was locked up in default of I all. Great Rkdi-ctiow in tub Phicek op Dby Goons. We take ploasure in calling tho nttcnilon of our lady readers to tha advcrtltcmcnt of Kdwin Hull & Co., No. 2(1 South Second street, who have oneof the btst iifsortnienls of Dry Goods In this city, and who are now olfering their goods at very low prices; as tbiy say they havu had the advan tage of a continual ri-e during the progiess of ihe war, they now propone giving; their customers tho advantage of the full in prices. Lai nciifs prom Champ A Son's SuipYard. Tho United States sloop-of-war Chattanooga 11 be launched on Thursday, tho 13th Inst., between the hours of II and 12 o'clock A. M. Also a tti aniship of 800 torn-', on Mug lay, the 10th Inst., nt 8 o'cl .ek A. M. The Uniied StiU-stra sport 1 V..Mn.. lU,..,..).a.l ... H'l I . .. t ."'..W'l nnn muiiviivu t'U AUIir-UUy IIISI. Wi:st Jekhf.y Links. Wo are re quel-ted to rail the attention of Interested persons to iii'pnitant changes which will take place In the runciig armngement nf the trains on the all' ve lines, coininencing with Monday next, October 10, lHu. A IIli.ic. A beautiful cane of oak, made from the rufteia ol the house in which John Hancock lived and 'icil, has been presented to the city by 0. II. Spurr, F.sq., of tho Boston City Govern mint. It will be pl .c d iu Independence Hall. Srsi'tftot s. A well-dressed man was arrested iu one of the upper i'orles of the Girard House, attt nip-ii g lo inter a roi in. At tho hearing he plcadid liiuiiKcnuc.-s as an excuse. It was no go. Patriotic Twenty-four men, residents of tbo Twi-iity-fourih Wunl, have enlisted and, ut tb In -Hui' o of iiiiiueiitial citiens, credited theiu selves to wards still deli, ient in their quotas. Piii.k The pnito Hag awarded by tho Committee on Schoo's, Central Fair, has been presi ned to tho Fifteenth Ward Girls' Grammar School. HtiMn Ar.AiN. The Keystone riuttery, orgm. i7tcd miller the call for one hundred days' men, returned home yesleiday. Coal. During the past week over 43,000 tons of coal weie transported over the Philadelphia and Heading railroad, and over 21,000 by tho Schuylkill Navigation Company. City Loans. All city loans maturid January 1, ISO.1), with interest, are uow being paid by tho City ti reanuier. Tim GunvEit & Uaeeb Sewing Ma chine grands iiie-eminentty ahead of all olhers In every quality etsential lo a first class muchine. We do not offer the American public any foreiyn teatlmonial as to Ut merit, but the verdict of American me chanics, and the practical needle-women of the United States, who have at every Stale Fair held during the past two yean awarded the highest premium to the Graver & if alter oner all comiietttoM, as the best in the world, performing a more etene narieiu of plain and ornamental work, with greater rapidity, on a greater variety of material, than any other, and with a etronjjer and more elastic stitch, while for ease of management, sim plicity, and durability the Graver & Baker it unequakd. Tariks thr Hint. nr tub stan or tiivii hall. K AT and lila mre, a farmrr .are. Came, with put i'nr, earn and htieia. To toi n, and thus ,e man of as. SrmAe, as ihry role .Ion l An . re 't : -"A icon, the ninny farts Impressed lly my e iierl nee, I tike nate that those potato., are liked oe.t Yt hi. h have a ruuh and illn,-y cost." Pure Nat, ' How very different, ttn-n, M. nt nd must irom pontiles uel For mo.i reiianl I. Mld to men On whom he frlininett coats we sop. I'm euro If. with reitrrt I wear TH ci at theae ia'itt and s-ii-h a vel; And ye' yo I've cash nnouuh to en ire lo keep Jnui eon luui h heller driissad. "That hullihns there, an .rand and tall, (Ae irom drsr.ili.tion I .nun ..) Unit he the famous Toner Hall, L'enowned iar cliesn and liaa ls.)me ol'ithssl The prod- nt sire pau-t-d on his wtyj He. when he clnise, c iulit ta'ie a hint, A tut Nat, new chid, soon lottA'-.l as a As a briiilit gnl.l. piece Hum the Unit. Vt c arc m Iiiiik Itrady-uia le t'lullilim. e. ial la evitry respec , jrpe, , malrn t mni ttorkintniKj, t .nr matle to order at i ro AO rrr rt it. toerr rirf. M e can nt nnr one as well, or hetle , than he ean lie dtled to on:r, wilhout tit lav or troiitile. luwia Hall, No. .119 Markot sitsieL iinsNan- a Co. Wa iiav rrrelred the folio In flalterlnir e.ilslle fr on our eelremed countrman. Mr. Aarsat:. Vt'Auo. show pian, hlch we hasten to lav heftire o-ir mailerA:- .Mh. A.TOn's I'avfrk. Nhw Yorh. 1 I'vtoaerotU, A, 1). 1 Ul J Mr. Ci'Aiii.ks Ptoak ami Ko. i -1 to.k my N?n Into hand to Intlfiiht tho fullerln nlAtle to you, iH-eui tl e: you air a man alter my owu hart, au.l o rs l)a-ld inoak). 1 huv lila gralelv l.ik by y-ire trjalv putrynttlc centliiiems as pnarlrai 1 In yard ilah-f Ma I e.ltlt'r Ailvurti7.eiueiit.. aiipariAiioin lo yure wuu cla. i fust pnee close. The stall of our Country and new lraey okkiltivA mv waken and eleepln moment. ; Job hod ttllui. hat ha tr raped tilaselr will) a ovvHtenihol I Neman wus a lier, hut ho doretl Into Jordan aui oum out es good es mm I Hem'nn hed tils haro ehlnniel and wnj wn.-k as watered whisk cy t but It irrowd aaln And ho bJ.ted hU (nrmtt-al W e hev bllee and air rotten with em, hut whero'i tuo cninforlln oreetur shell t We have tepru..y, but where the Jordan to Jump Into? Our hare le short, aud thar's wharnur enemies hev sat as, but wtier's tno Kestnratlve ta nialie It stow aila7 Job, and Neman aud Sauunin altoirsther wusat es bad off es we Is. We kin throw In t.arr.rriis whh the s ires, and ths due. allekon ov urn, and then (ire eia M iu a lixi aad boat etn. I wish yoo wood send mo by mister Ada'no. extire.s a blue welvet we kll wild wite sNita Into It, I want 11 t-io wear wen I sneak atr pieces, too represent tho uulm Jackt all my I'lece. now ulr patryottlek and I want uiv wc.klt to be ov ihe .aim material. fleam; send It on whh noamou ami dlsnntch and thn bill rt'.eattsl. and I will sen I ail yuro d.ial-hed tikita, aad menshuu tl.B wosklt in uiy pieco and rotur too It at thai time 1 urea till d.-tn AiiTKun Ward osiiulra Hliowiuaa To riiADt.r.sSlTOAns and Ko. eminent one price Uylors Inside ofthe Kniiilneutle hotln, phlls del Tub AcMR op Priii'Fi.tiiin. This is the uni versal v.nll.t vivaa to the Florence Hi-uu Muehliie w) eretr litlti'iliieed. Tliu rbieci Ions lierelol ii e t i iilh.-r OlHI e s-l Hew Inn Ma-liini-s liate a.l lieen avui-e inn- In til.) Fl rt'nee,eml everyLtslv Is doiMttcd wit'i 111 iieatllvtit li.woik a. wel at the -Implit tty and ea-a of its n.iera tioi s. Ii ut.k. no lens th.n fi-ir aepurAte and dt.tltiet Atitthee, s I.. : Lock, kn.a, da.ib'e l.ieK. a- tl d-ulilii Knot, t nt-li silteh sllse nn batti side, of the talirU. It alio na. Ihr reve1 ..hie ti e I motion, ei a'lllnu the -.iterator lo la.ien on the e-u. tir .rime or stay anv pa t o a .'tain weliiut loppine the uiaelciie, tiy savlnx mtii-li nsnd la ar, llemilc. II Da. a iititlor-u lei.tlon of lhrca-1. nnd dxs not leqolie alteiatlen In cl.anu pg from ono rind nf work tu at-otlier. 'I he acnt I r liie rotnnany. at No. uai) I'lirsuut lieil. rnniirnve. cnuiparit'in wuu a I Olnr.. In.l- .-tl wten tue.h e aniarlon Is nt.ilti, tti-i pr. I -reii.:e goer In la. or of the Plo-enco Kvery ms-'hl.te wnr-aoted lo give entire Srtllsfae: Ion or money returned. Naeharne for In.'riieiion. wheihnr ou w-lnh lo oiireitm-e tir not I' rt-ular. ami ssn.l- of w-rk tent by mall oa rscaiat of .!.. iihi. M., eii.h....ii..h... Cult nn bn's CLOTniNt). it. vs mi t.. la'antt'ftitiihing. lto.' nvt roo,t.. The lane-l nnd he't assortDeii In t'le epv. M. hhuim.hkhACii.,So.1 N. KI:-htL .iret. Tub Hfri'I.t on Tuf.sday skit is looked for. waul lo with intern. 'n erest aU over the lu id. Ti.e lite blt.n or he people 111 .iou'if o-ts he .ill rliihl, a .d tv h--evf r Hi ir de It -or msy ho, tre t'Aitt will rtnn On u-iii.i.e. AVer, No HM N Ninth street, will ttoiiinue It) :s:l tlie beat coal in Philadelphia at the lowett prlewa. Wiihn you da-ire Pictures, pi' II. F. Pe'nier i. No ?l AiVh sir. et. H't'e s'e I'h no :r i ilu It. on e"lort,Cartek tie ViAlte, and Ivorytypei, aru of liud character. Window RiiAni:s P itbn's Window Shale, Curtain, and Up.'u.lttery Mlorti. No. I I'W Ciietuiit streul. Economy should be practised by everybody in all things. One d.d'ar Bvpended now In nur-ha-ing a bott'eof JatneB Fxpeciursnt b) ttioeo Irouh'ed whh a 1 Kt eouh or hoiirteaett, or s ire throit, may tav-e the espente of a doetor't hill. A neeleuted ooiish often ends In eoti.umpiloa. A sllaht InilamaaUon of tas ltnior ot tiiB wind lutiet. the .ympLima of whk-h are tors th'Oat and a pain In ths nroait.wlll nm load, thriunh want of atlintloa, lo bronrhillt. A dajr'B delay may entail m inths oftuflirlng. Ltt the aniieted t-j at once Jayne't Exasc lerant. 11 la a s'andara remeriv, and I s curative powers Iiavb been d by thousands of peraons who have recovsri'd their health by Its n.e The Expeotorant and all of I )r JayneAMor't Knnlly Medlclnet are prepared only at No. ail Ches'.uut ttre-t Rknkwp.d ma A oa. The most wonderful result, are produced hy the use of Mrs, S. A. .Vice's World's I'air kt-stoittr at.d ylohu'tsmum, or Hair llr-'ts-liu. They never tall to rettore. invlgora e, and lieAiuliy the hair ; youth renewed. No mure groy hairt, Tnehalr Is retiored "ii bad tpott. It ituparit a nost eellgatl'.ii frasrauc. You can procure tneui ai any Driujsl.t's. Mrb. M. O. II now. i's " M -tiiphvsical Dis- cnveiy," kill. IhB roof of avs y Prl-ie $a. No. 410 Arch e-reet. Sue advoiti.euieulla another coluuia. riIILAKa.lHIAV TK4KK BEPORT. Batcroay, October 8. Cotton is very dull this moralug; held at IPW.ul 85,cah. Cloveneed ranges from ti to $10-5(1 1 r.l lh.,Plax.oed frum $3 to $310, and 1 imnthj from S&-a0 to $tt per bu.h. ' About IS hhda. No. I Quercitron sale al f4 pat tan. The Klotir Market Is si dull a. ever, with an extremely lim ltd Injury, both for export and home consumption. Hale, of loco obis Ohio extra family oa terau secret, and fioo bids, extra at $11' p -r hui. The .aim Itr the tup pi of It.a tradt ran.e froui $.)-tio fur iiierrluB up ti II.' for common and fancy lots. 1 here U veiy Utile Kye Flour here.Mnd II It niunlual at $1 &Cii.SJ. In Corn Meal, aothlng d.ilngtofll quotations. . There la mora demand for Whett, and part of the .1. chac rtcntded yesterday has been recovered ; tales of !l 4) both, prims Hmithera red at $'2 1.' V I'O.h., and a tmalt I'd of Vihl'e at f 4'" I 4'.. Itvc It dull and oll'erel at $1 -wi. Cum l rattier u.itelllrd ; sa'.et or4is;u b'lsh. nntel Wesletn ai $1 ii: I'.O ou.h. yeli-iwat SI-i:i.oiil it wus otleicU ul tliti .-1...0 al t' 'In; and r.-si Nusli w nte on teriot net tnai!it pnb.lo. tin's have de.-lla -1 an 1 aru otlored at ase. 'f lililll. In l.ritTlet un.l Provl.l.ins II. e tales are nnhnicir'aiit. Ihe dtuintiil nil tin h i.t-it a. id M null.: IU....I e.. I. ....... 1... bi:eii i-AlreincI) liialli-.l, ami prices ol tl.e la-ia-r aro iliilinn Imp, i.e. I in Sec'.enitier -iul litids. .-slock uu hae.l 1st lll-tael i;;.i ,1,1-. W to! ha. aj.-inn ilecilin-il .S'i.iil. TA p-iitnd We havo tv -le a i-t.n h.ii.lii-i- of li.e itMi-tivilv anil wl.lch eli.ra.-itr.el 111- ninrkei at me el.isn ui our lual, ui-d prl. es liavo i u ed -'rv irr.: juU r. 11 1. 1.1. it e il II mii.I ,, 1, t-. dr...e I..,- . il ..I...... tvi.i.. barrels ai l-7s, and ! Hruiiue at $1-7:,. LATEST M.tttlXK IMCLLliiKXCK. CI.EARFI) THIH liotonnn lttig John Chri.tal, liarnei.NaKua.Johu Mat m A Co. i i'" "mssn, i-iuniocA, reutAola, r.. A. a.iuder A CO. Hcl r C M Carver, Treat, Kaaripurt, J. K. Hatley A Co. H.-hr Saratoiia, I'liikham, Koaburv, I.. Audenrled Ai Uu. Mchr M. A. Kleh, Hardy, llost.ui, I'wcllt A Co. Mclir ksieu, Uo,e, lioatou, bluiilckoa A (ilovor. ARltrVED TIHI4 MORVraa. ficlir I'riAB, M.yo, II davs lloui St. tiiephens, with laths and lull to K. A H..udtr A Co. cap a'tn0' h'"k' w,l"'H d ',oia 'tockpart, with mist to rn-hr H-iphls Ann, Smith, C days from Bostoa, la ballast to ruptuitl. Si iir N. T. Chart re, S.iuadcrs, 5 days from Lan.iTiIle w llh atone to oaiitain. ' to'eiiiueiii1'' lill,'lM' ,lrowut 3 da' roin Orient, la ballast Hi l,i -Naiad Quoen. Iianlslt, 4 cays from Norwioh, In ballntt lu cautaia. SiclirW. o. Aunore, fackkrJ, 6 days from Urlttol. lu ballast to caulaln. ' Hcl.r M. Hand, llrook.,4 dtysfrotu balltst toeaptalii, RelirBetcne, Kelly, 4 Says from Provideaoe, with mdsa to Crowell A Collins. Sthr Clara Jan., Owen, 10 Uy from CalAlt, with hlul ber to eaiilain. n -ur r.ieanur t. racemire, 1 days from New York. In baila.t to e..tia. Sichr A . linker, Wehhor, 10 days from Gardiner, with Onlte to K. A. Kotider A Co. Hcnr Al.,uuai, Wall., i days fttm rort Biyal, la ballait tw ' ' , , . I U , HieamerJ. H. BoeVwell.Kilwardt.'Jt hours frota New York, with aids to W. M. ILlrd A Co. Nieamer AitUir.i tie, Hhroi. .litre, luuri from Sow York, wuh ud.e lo W. It. U.iid i Co. IMPORTATIONS. Rtparttdfor Tnt Kvtning TttegrapH. Mr. PrkPHKHs-Sehr I'rlte, M.vo -7.-D.0ar) laths Ua.klll A lialilui Isoobae. herrlus E. A. Soudur m Co. 1IKI. AI.KXANtiKH. On tlx morning of Ihe 8th fnlt., M lUY J., wileol John Alexander, In Ibe bid year at her ., l)ue uotlvs ol the luuoial a Ul ksi a tu. fl'JUCE TIIKKK CENTS. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Orrica op Tu. r,tr.nea Tnaaiipa, t Sliurd.y, OeAAMMf f Tbe rfTorti of the bears, assi-ied and eNnfryrt'l t y the 's. cesh" eapiulists of New York, lo break town the price of rail war shart a, and erttate a p in tit In the m-rket, have ful ed. ThecapllilisM of he) bejel North have eome to the reaene, and roati J the ntmy as Shi ridan did their allies Id the Held l.oiitr, fo t, an.1 dragoona. It Is, as Mr. Cmm) bM"a war of exchequer ae well as of arms," nd the battle logos hot and high In Wall street. Never Uror have each rjeterml.ied for. met If, Ibat flnsnclM are.a. But the enemy have bocf ihii,ked,nd his eolumns are acattnrlng. 1 s the N. Y. Krenia, p0,t Frift Oct. 7 :- it.V? .fl"nci1 strength of ihi. eft0 r aa 1 - rp d recuperative Mer have ree,. .'.Igi,! Illustrati-in during the lam tw0 Uas7f" o-si s bit id nt to the ts-cent pank,, the firm .. 7.1 a't'd'i ,l i r,V,eo,U,l, ,0 """"ni-m ?tvr: . " "d h " rellroad .locks, is esOibl a ltd) ben vfval of tha rLe la priced U the Ptia k F.xcbsnge. .piii.ojei This is the whole story. The North, with !.' fources unimpaired and courage andiralglah!, I rings Its cnpltal and men boldly to the fc-ortt, nnd the staggorlng blows now admlnVsirre-t l oth ficlde arc forcing; the draiti-cry from lit) Kcbils, as is fully shown In Jed. Davit' " ,'ajii i-pcrch nnd dying confession " at Macon, Georgia, itett rduy published. ' i The excitement in the Stock: M irket yestVrroUf nfiirnoon exceeded anything we havo witoesjxl for a longtime. Ths Reading shares opens I at 62, here and nt fi.'i in New York, ami at 2 o'e.'ooH the price;was COiJ the bubs having lot the market down, when the bears eame in. In both rark&, as free tellers of stock. At 4 o'clock the etOsikt was selling ng ;ln at 01, with an e.igor doinand. l ins is a very pretty fight as it stands, aad perhaps never before wero parties so detarmlnntt. The capital Invested In the strife is enorn iu( nnu the battle waxes fiercer ech day. Il is s well-contested combat, in which all the skeU.ef theantgonl-ts Is taxed to the Btiermosl. nasi nil sorts of strategy la employed In the g loiow The public look on lu amazement. auLa bewildered with the rapid change. Oa) old gentleman, who bad long been on 'Chang as an operator, said Yesterday that " Ik was enough to BetaAny body crazy." Indeed, any one uot accustomed to the scones of ynstanta might MipiHisn that "madne.s really rules :k hour." Ilut there is method In It for all that lanA onr readers will s e, as the contest goes on, lUofc the real strength is ou the side ol the bulls, who) have all the patriotic capitalists on their nl.le. Alter Ihe election is over the grand fight will be) fought, and we shall have a rise that will av -na il "tho oldest Inhabitant" of th Stock Itl- chunge, and settle forever tho efforts of ik4 Bccesh to create panic aud confusion in our No Jv em markets. . a - ' The market opened nnsett'ed, the lew Y rk bears fiec sellers, marking thu slock down lot ait mai ket to 694 1 at noon the market rallied, aad the t'ock was In demand at 6 J, with rally. In New York the great movement will commence after Tuesday next, whoa the election) excitement is over. , Government bond) continue very quiet. WtJ quote o-VOs at lOlJfVi'lOlJ, coupons off, aud 6s ot laSl at IfWfnllOoj. , , ,4 Itailroad shares aro less aetivo, with sa'ew of Heading railroad at59J,fJ0j Catiwisna proferreil at ,17; Northern Ccuiral at 61 j and Phllalelptaisj and Friri at 'il ; was hid for Ciiindoa and A at. boyjfii-j firFennvlvsiiIi;44 fir Little 8ch-yt, kill; iS fir Min. hill; 17 for Catawissa common) and 4ii for long Island. . ... Coal Oil shares a-o.dull aad lower. MaCMtas. tuck sold at tij ; Dcnmore at Sifgaj ; D.iIaoII 4 8i; and McElhcny al 6. . City Pa-sen i;rr Kallioad stocks continue vorr dull, nt.d we hear of no sales. In Ma.nk then s there Is littlo oi' nothing doisur. ICS wus bid for North America; t3fl for Ptailiael- phla;()7 for Commercial; 20 for Mechanics'; tl for Girard; 7 f-r Weotcru; 28 for Miiaifa. lurers'urid Mechanics'; aud slOjjj for Oooiaiafl. wealth. r In Gold there Is more activity this moraintfa but prices have dccllucd 3(j$-t per cent, staco last evening; opening at 2-13, advanced and sold at . 204 at 11 o'clock; fell ou and sold at 2)IJ at 12 ; and 190 at 12-1. The rise during tan laat few days was ascrilied to unfavorable news front the Army of the Potomac, turned oat to bsj mere rumor. : . ! PHILADEU'ItlASTOCK HOIIANOK 8ALKS). Olt, Reported by Clarktoa A Oo., Broker. N. ut 8. Tblitl Na BKPORR HOARON. KM th ihiion W W .h MeBlhanv OU ftis msith H.leil Dil.blO lt)l Vno.h I'n , 11,1 Ok I'S liUshltevMiMuck.... S,. eah iasitvuii.. '' .J 810. h do tHll S HO sb Story Kuxu, 13 luisk oo ltd n,v liu.h iMuaiaors .. 'J riKNT BO A HII. Sionn I'enna ts tie afoKltMar..,kt flat sisb do c a IS S's W Oniral .... M 701.0 llalall -Ml... assl lo.U LehlshOa St., fa . Ilkl.hCaiaiv prr.... ,a lti.hehiufne..;. 'u e.h Heaillns a...kA nt Ise ah 4o c LBtat tfUek h ReitAI us) an do.a, v1S leiAiih (ki...r.riltj Sir iSAi .a do.,.. oa Sun 0 city se, new.... Iul f.'isoi In over 70. its $!'. Heeding bd. lrj M ik N .ole Del ... 1:1 Juf th Phil, iuu Ck . ii litllh M.'lli.l..i:k.... SV lot' th Ltentruore h'i I' D ill do bSO S't aiai ta ao.... ss H l th mm .a lot. tb so.. do., do . sit . .h) sh ..bad S Quotations of Gold at the Philadelphia 0 alcT Exchange, No. 3 1 S. Third street, second storw m PfS A. M 203 12 M ) ii 11 A. M 204 I P. M I-, Market weak. Da IIavfw ft Bito., No. 20 S. Third -!r :oC ...... , . - quote as follows ; t American Gold American Silver, A't and 4's . l'-7 lHi : I Aiiuirs nnu nan u l lues Spiiunh (Juariers I'cnn. Currcncv , i , 175 IdiM ',, New York Kxchanga ..1-10 " Quotations of the principal Coal and D -stocks at 1 o'clock to-uay : Out Mt.' Fulton Coal 7 v.' ti I V 7 V. Franklin frfl , lll llouuiaii) Coal. liA i.Y A M; llrrsai Ml. Coal.... 4'j N I'artoliilale .... S Hew t.'iiek 7. teocer liam Coal. Ctiiiton Coal lii.Uer t oal l'J Atiiertetili Rauhn.. .. t'enii Milling. ......171, Kehlulie 7.1110.,.. 2.', It', How. i Eddy Oil. 14J, Irvin, Oil tl Pep Farm OH... ft I mu mure 1 liaiA.uod. ....... I McK.lneny I Ho',,-.t OU 14 Omstead '2S; Miti-iKliuei., lh's llililiaid : , tuta I ' fl ; . j 1 tUnd ' J KSi Miory t'arta S keels or OU Hlg 1 ullk i i . nrunnr. l'A 1 1 H FglMirt Ctiiiiineuiaj 2'. ll.Me l.Und raireii Oil Creek II Alle.heuv ltlver 1 4a Curun 17 l'hila A Oil Creek I'S Hull Creek , 8 illeriuanla Maple hheile Oil.. II V , lXist'i MeCilntiK-k Oil.... 61, Penntylvania I'st.. l'errv Oil.. 4 Si 4'i Coru I'lautw.... J, 2. Hr.gss 1 1 Itnck Oil , .. t, ITarr r aru. Mineral Oil Keystone Oil YenaugoOli t'l.ton Petroleum, lleacwn DU...... Heneca Oil Oriiauis OU , 5 . Nj . 4 ' ik 5 i- s , tllooe.. t'ntiur P.oonoai 'bell. OU Co.., V','1 The following are the receipt of Flour and Grain at this port to-day -.Flour, 2800 bbls.k Wbeat, 7400 bushels; Com, 3J00 bushels : Oats. 4300 bushels. , A despatch from Washington this morning", says : The subscriptions lo the new 7-30 lo nns as reported at the Treasury Department for l'J last two days, amounts to l,18s,0uo. The New Orleaut Pioayw ot October says : "The receipts and tales of cottou for the woelC have kept the Exchange Market under a goodt supply of bills, which has caused a large deellusj since the opeolng of the week, as reviewed froint day to day in this colum. The Produce Market has also received accessions which have reducer, in some degree, Prices Irom last week. There is) an abunihiuce of niouey or available facilities U move all produce coming to our markets. t's rtincy is lu ample supply for ooiumercial uses. "Speculation aad monopolizing haverecelrett their quietus for the present ; and what Ikil trAdst is going ou is governed by the rule, ot sut.pi si and demand. There will be light suppbo osl cotton received from day to da from tno coast-' aud places within the military lin; " iu article stiU commamls high yrlcsn, Uiough lessj thau last month, thore will I ,amtj money la generai circles of buaiues. i i