TTTE PAILT EVENING 'TELEGI?Arn.rniLAl)ELrnU,'.FKID AY, OCTOBER 7 18G4. FRIDAY, OCTCBKU 7, ISM. . FOURTH EDITION ;. Idlest Army News. OUR TROOPS IN rRENOHING. TiiEitt rosmo:. nirREGNUiLn. jKto.. JEto.i 33to.. I2tc, Eto. Wahbiwoton, Ol.toV'T 7. Tu.-) niA.l IIOU Pun.l ttyxfrf, fr.mi Cry Point, r'p3-ts an wnmual tjti-c' at the front, o fir hi tUo turn Ing of powder 1 1- r nicrnnl. "' Dnrng Wcfl'irntlny nirl't sn-l np tr 10 o'do li yaeterdiiT morning, tne hn ir at wliirh. tho H6 MerU ft City, (lie J.s 'l. iro of .l s!nIc (jail '"had not been h-Tinl PiTf-. Our troops, are not Ullo, Jirnvrver, and on t5ij Advance lines ar yt tm -y iiwk n tho novl falncd positions ii-npreff-ii.t-.1o. Two fetiMtla refugee, arriw 1 liw. ti-tlay ftoiu Columbia, fSorrh Carolina, onn of wli'itn lra4 three liandrod and itiir:y-llvd pounds ii ,, KiKlih fxcliaivo on hf r poM. Thr fl'ivmi In Mrbn.rlklll t'onnty. Pottsville, October 7. Jud't) Nhinnnn, o I'jttntarp, addressed a lars:a mooting at Minen rilla last night. This tllntrlrt before ! Intensely Democratic. To-night. L. Barthnlomew, Judge Sbai ooo, aad others apeak at .St. Clair and ,, Mananoy City. Five thotisnnd poople tiro cx- - fcted at Bt.-Clmr. Thar it an intQuso excltc , merit in Schuylkill county. ' BnrnlnK r Rrlil(M hjr the Ri brlt. Bt. Loiii, October 7 It is aii-.trtained th it lie t'.6na over tho Gasftonitile river, tAonty ' " lfrht miles this Me of QtLr, htt born b.irae l fiy th Rebois. Cole creek lrid,-o bus iiIm boeri ' destroyed, with thirty crs and twenty locomn- , 1 lives.' ; ' Whttlfr'ii Hen on Nhort Rnllun. f Cairo, October C A prltonor reports that Whi e lor sent bis wagon to Corinth for provisions, and that Fonrnst sent them back empty. Wheeler's men aro suflcrinir for want of food, n .. lie also states that when Intelligence of this state f affairs rearhed Forrest, ho entered all the cattle under a year old to be sent there for bjef. The Rebels believe Montgomery, Alabama, to te in treat Hanger. . . MarketM by Tf-l-griipk. Baltimokk, Oc oher 7 Flour saloi of 1 .",03 W''e Ohio extra, at t'r;.Vielr. Wheal nrm anil a I an.-le. ; .ale. of Icon t oili. white, of ft I ;..-v.r' I (He, ami ,t N11.I, r.J at . n-l Ift. V'rn 1nil, ami very heavy: wailt-, tl WM'7H. Whl.kvdull l''74. lr.w York, Oetofcor I Vlour lin 'v. flalon fllM0Ml. at 7'7f (a H 40 for Htata. ' lt 85 f.r 'tllo,ail) I0 'JV l.l'l luor Southern. Whw m.lvjnt j TTc ; alM nnlmio'iint. Oim ailaiu'erl ?0(.'i., Iiejf , lpa7 I'ork firm; !' fJin b'lli. at ll for hkm. lint firm atlfKu'ile. Wbla'j drcllaeil lc.; ..m mi. Uuifortitnt. .. 1JEOAX INTEIXIUEXCE. , ;"' HoMieiDB Cases. Covrt op Otkr amdTkb- MIMRR AMI) QtfAKTEH SKHSIONH. la tho C1SI! of .'Barbara llHtfnrr, rharirid with iut'untleldu, the ' Oommonwealth ItaTing faded tti prove theeharife, . the Dititrict Attorney abandoned tliccaso,and tho jur rendered a verdictof notguiitv. The eaee of Henry O'Neill, indicted for the ' mot dcr ef Henry Force on the 4th of July Ust, 'wan this moruing called for trial. The prtionr bad employed no counsel, and the Oonrt bavins; aligned John O'Byrne, Kv., ' to conduct his defcuce, that Rentli'tnan nuide a -notion for a postponement of the trial, to ullotv time tor conti reme w.tli his client and for pre paration. Tbi motion wan (ranted, and tlio ciiso jpoiponed till thq second Monday in November. The Court then adjourned till to-morrow. TO-DAI'S WASHINGTON NEWS. ,- . a Special Despatches to K renins Telraph. Washuiotoh, Oototjer 7. , UeaernI Ilnnha. General Banks was at the War Department this t. meruit) g. It is considered certain that he will - return to New Orleans. The New Ixmn. It is expected that the Government loan will , (O off at over two per cent. rremlum. Eminent ' ' Inanclcrssay that it coald buvo been placed at foar per cent, premium a month later. rollllrnl. " ' rrlvato tdrlces from Ohk) and Pennsylvania ' atate that it is certain the Republicans will make , large fains in next week's elections. - Memlcna 4'wwNnl. '. . This Government continues its olllcial relations witb the Liberal or Constitutional Oovornmcnt ot Mexico, and the Viealdent has recently reeog 1 -nUed Jose Soloro Pricto as Consul of that Rc- - ..f ublic, at the port of San Francisco. Mavnl Capture. tit appear from an otticial ctatement received i -at the Navy Department to-day that the North Atlantic blockading squadron has, from August ' 1, 1863, to Octeber 1 of tlio present year, cap tared or destroyed fifty veselu. Most of these ' were first-class blockade rnmicre. Army of I'aluinar. ' The intelligence received from tlio Army of the Potomac is that unusaul quiet prevailed during 'Wednesday night, and yesterday moruing up to 30 o'clock, when the in til-bo it left City roiut. .. C Oar forces on the South side are within sound And s'glit of the r, and in a strong post. f!on, capable, It Is said, of resistiivj any Rebel Assault. It nppeurg that the enemy ere not using tb.ut railroad to any coiiHidernblo extent. Mesjby About Air'". Positive anformution bus been received by the Alexandria ( Va.) JuurmU tLut Monoby has so far - recovered from his recent wound as to lie able to Again take Ike saddle. It says: "Coitalu it is that he is once more In command, and it ai iy not be many days before there will be a renewal of tlie gum ill. i ! prcdations in tiio ad'oiuing counties." CITY INTELLIOENCE. Anotuxr Sta.iiiii.vo Akfaik. This uioraiDii A young colored man numcd Kauiuel 11. in is m before Alderman Allen, of the Twenty-fourth "Ward, bavins been arrested upon the charge of tabbing another negro, i be two ttot into a iixht, which was the reaalt of the cutting. Harris was sent below. Di facino Political Bim.b. Edward J.Iieiur ftas arrested at Frank ford yesterday upon tho charge of tearing and doiaclng political po.ittr.i. The accused Is a very Ignorant young men. Njt ling able to read, he would call upon parsers-by to inioiiu mm wnetuer tue poster was tor tue Rational Union or the Democratic candidates. If Xor the former tney wou;a oe nppea aon witti An oath, lie was utogut in me act oy a police utacer and collared. liiU uioruiug ho took pas sage to Moyamcnsisfi- Rebihtanck to tub Draft. Private I.ejndor X.Deaae, of Cuptain ttroud's Cavalry, of Phila delphia, was shot through the head with a ball, , And in 3veral parts of the body with buckshot, And lusUuitly killed, near the bouse of Jacob Ulor, in 'rice tow nship, Monroe county, Pa. Jl iMjuud of uii n, be being one of them, had goue out as a guaij to the person who was to serve noUces upon the drafted men of that township, suid w hiixi riding along the roud Uiey were tired npoAfroui the buches.witb the result above named. JUilh-r and a nian pamed becoe were arrested by the comrades of deceased, and brought to this city. Dease was s .highly ruspecUble young man, aid resident of Pil'iladelpliia. The prison ers are still in tho custody of the military autho rities and will jirubabl If by a court- nartial. A PioAKniiso-Horai; Tiiibf. An individnil railing hinvelf Charles Foater b.n b.c I going rounl the bo.irding homes lately, and stealing everything ho eouM conveniently orryolT. A number ot costs and silk dre4e hsvs dioipp are. I rillior niyatBrioO'tly at plaees where he was stoo ping. He wai finally arreted upon ths rhnrgu ot iikiirt: a silii di- wbl h vin rec ivered at I pawn cttlce, and traced to Fitter. Hi lm I a hearlm.', nnd v.a lib'ntit cd by peveral tKinrdni ; ht,n knrper". llowlllh.ive fu-tlier he iriug on the Hili inn., at too 1.1..'.. nJi W ir I S.i'ieu II jne. A f i itr.n Ft 1 1 ' 1 1. 1 hii m nn tir It h:l Wa ter, F.lii iliotli 1) i .cm; r, M nv V. Ho'.x it-on and M.iry 1I-. kej.'l -t ; i. .is a oiidv nli:bt' wtro before AldC'D.n.i f, i 'i r-'J )iii rob.' one ot fiicic "- ini s lol.r I vnl'intecrs of 13t. Th'i soldier iiil fie te males wlir, res.ile.l in IlidoT l 't -, ''Uov s.v.-iitb, iij while in thiit pi ,i-c h's s'V Mi n ti mgied by one of thu par ieJ, liile tlm otln t i tl d h, n U ets. 'I tic otmt; in in jppi 'ite.l to be asli.iuiod of the nipat y be h:nl been In. s be rel'i-e l to gnu bis U) tho VI I it n it). Only i ) of the n oi ey was re o. .Til. Iby nc-m ;. wro tent to prison. Oil Wohks Fim s'. .'it!v .ub r 8 oVioik, tlil'ir, the oil w-irlis b;' m.-tug to "lO'S' s. Ix)n 8c Lloyd, pltnated nt the coin r of W';Un uvi nuo and TnuMi' ili street, were ilii covrred to be on tire. Th? gre.ibjit constrrnatlon prevailed on aeconntof the elo-ie proximity of tlii-e oil relining works to b;d-ri. Hielnrdton Si Overman's R'm ami pl-tol initnuf.ictory, who a', tbcprcsetit time are cieeutin; n .;e routiaitt for the (iovcrtnnciif. 'Ihete oil works oi-etiiy n spneo of gromt'l of over four hundred feet, running pM-.iilel with VnyMngton avenue, over wlil -h tl;c lliltl'itore and Wilmington trains are cou!inu:i;ly ii.iss nr, and In the event of any explosion IihvIu t iliun pUue, i he whole traek m'M have be -n ! rwed, f r ci it the immense I'mnli-y of nil sioaod la bar rels rcmly for oxpoiuiti in. bcsUis iiiimoroiis wells ot crude snirits; nnd ii'k i ai iminen e boiler hoMIng ,i)'K) gallons, 'i'hom iln buiM Ing coiislsbid of rnginc liouc, conn ing-liou s, ai.d stabling, at the back ol whi. h am I lie reior s, live in number i these arc continually running day nnd night. The lint iutiiniitlon of the outbreak wai given by Mr. Inkier, (iovernineut eontiaetor, whose premises adjoin tlio oil works, in tact so close that the waste water from the still runs into bis pre mises, and the retorts aro not more tnan four yards from the wall of part of bis premises. Ills attention was drawn to thu brick work of tlio retorts as-uining a his-ing si uud, when all at once the entire top ot the still becotno enveloped hi Humes. liisiruc'ions wore given to tho engineer to draw the lires from under tho hvo amis which were then running. At this time, the outno to,i of tlio retorts was one body of flame, when the idea sug gested itself to endeavor to smother the II unca with cinder Upon this, a body of ineii fiom the sun factory mounted to the too of the rcti'its.nud by a continual shower of a-itiss, wnien were pais-(i up la Buckets, uapplty suc ceeded, after some tbicc-'tuarters of an hour, in stating the further pi-ogress of the tbimss, so that ny me tune tne tirst steam lire-engine arrived tine ueawur, n was toiiml umioceisury to com meuce playing upon the building. PHILADELPHIA TKAOK RSPOKT. Fbipay, October 7 In Quercitron Bark we have no movement of any magnitude to notice. In the absence of sales we quote Cloversced at $S(10 hVU lbs. Timothy is quiet at 8 ,(" 6 " -' bushel. Small sales of Flaxseed aro muking at $3(53-0-5. Cotton is dull, and prices nominal. Piovlnioiis arc in limited request. Mess Purk is worth JiiOfn 42 ' barrel. A sale of oO.OO'J lbs. Shoulders was made nt 'J2c. No movcme'it in Lard. Thonn'tt state of the Flour Matkct reported for several days past still continues, and there is very little chango to notice in prices. There has been no demand for export for some time past, and the sales to a limited extent, have been prin cipally confined to tho supply of the home trade. We quote superllno at .!)--i0(0 75 ; extras nt $10 IOCS; extra family at 9 10-:i71( :11 ; and fancy lots at If 1 l'.0Ol'2'25. Rye Flour and Corn Muni still continues quiet. There is a marked Improvement In the d :m mil for Wheat, but thoro is less liruiness in prices. Receipts continue to come in slowly. Tue s ilos comprire Hl'00 bushels Western am tier and Penn sylvania red at $W. White is but llulo inquired ufttr. We quote ut $2 '.'0ci 2-2r. Tjicos of Rye are weak, und hardly muiuiuiiicd. it is worth tt'l'tH). Corn is less ui tlve. Wo notice a s de of Western nt $l (iO. Yellow is quiet. Oats aro steady at !)0(ulH cent- for l'uu.isylvaula and Deluware, witti sales ol IIIKK) buslmls. In ll.irloy and Malt tiansactions are of an iinlmorunt character. 1 here is II' tie or no demand for Whisky, and I nyers and sellers are apart in their views ".So nu Ohio wus otic red at l'7tf, but without sales. THE IBDIAKTWAB. Partlenlnr of Urasrsl Nlllly' I. nit Slaitle wltli He ItiHiiisniKl luillitun. A correspondent of the St. Paul 'rc.u gives tho following acconnt of General Sully's batllo with five thousand Slonx : "General Knlly was ordered to cross the coun try Iroui Fori Rice to some point on the Yellow bums. In luakiug tho raid upon UnWimpa Camp he lost nine days time and nscd up an equal number of days' rations. He had neither the time tor rations to follow tho route he had laid down, which touched the Yellow Htone at the mouth ot the Big Horn river. His guides, all Indians belonging to trilies that live in the north west, were called together by the General, and each requested to give his opinion as to the route to be taken. Oue Indian, a lilackfont Sioux, said he could take the expedition to tlio Yellow Stone in ten days; that we would have to dig roads und chop timber, but that we couxitfot through. All the other guides suid the Ucnorulmat go around the lieail-wahrs of the Little Missouri, and that u woniu iBKe two weeas lo mai.e tne trip. Metie ral Sully was thcrefote obliged to tuke the lead of the Bluckfoot Nioux, or abandon the opening of a rente to the Yellow Stone. Junt at dusk, Auguxt li, the plclte's directly opposite our Minnesota brigade commenced Uring and fell back io camp. A party of Indians imiiieUiaiely took possession of the overlooking hill, examined our position, and refused to leave uutil Lieutenant Whipple bod given them the bi nefit ol bis G-poundcrs. The pickets kept up a continuul fire during the night, doubtless at imaginary warriors. Dawn found the entire command ready tor an utt.iek. The general im- prosiun was ttittt the day would give us a fight witti tlio siituu lmliiins we bad uiet and deflated before. This rough country gave the Ii-uiai.s every advantage, our tram" bad but a ungle track ; the Indians knew tno coiiulry, nnd it Mteiucd as though they hud toleeted ibis nass as the ground where they would avenge their loiuicr iokb anu oeient. ' General Sully gave our brlsilo the advance, and disposed the loree hn IoiIovb: Twf compa nies 2ti Cavalry, li and C, and two compar.ios nth Inlantry, mmler Major Rose, us adi ance jjuurd ; the balance of the lid Cavalry and Mthlulantry guutdid the tiuin on the right and loft) 1st bri gade to ftlluw the d wltli a strong tlank force and heavy rearguard. The udvunoo had proceeded about two miles when three or (our huudred Indians dashed over a knoll, drove back the scouts, anu n.atienn ell' rt tostntnp de the hordes, ilajor Rose wui too quick fur them ; ho iiiime dtately dismounted, deployed his men, and u.-eve them f i om their chosen giound. As soon as tho tirst gun was tired the bills on every side wore covi red with Indians. The train now corralled betwien too high blulls.aud was advanced a mile at a time until we got out of the broken country. We inarched ten miles aud corralled lor tlio night beside a small lake. ' The Indians seeing the Idaho train in the rear, lichen to pass around from the trout. Ue ieral Sully ordered Colonel McLaren, with Comp mies I) and O of the 2d Cavalry, aud GSmpauy K of tl.e Nth Minnesota Infantry, to take possession of a high range of hills on the left, and Coiouo! Rodger, ol the 6tb, to occupy a lihih ridge on the right. Both ridges were takou, and the lodiuns driven oU. In returning to camp, one ot McLaren's comiwnius, Company G, Captain Mix, got too far away from bis. supports, and W:;s attacicd by a large force, lie immediately occupied a cove iu the side hill, which was pro tected on three sides. Colonel McLaren, seeing tho perilous condition In which tho comnanv placed, ordered to his relief Company 11, 2d Cavalry, and about twenty scouts with them, and one gun of Captain Jones lid Minnesota Battery. Cantaiu Mix was saved from utter rout. l.h u. tcuunt-Coloiiol Rddgtrs, commanding the bth Minnesota luloutry, drove the Indians on the light. "ihe 1st Jtnpaae nan a lively lime in the rear protecting the Idaho train ef emigrant. Next morion; the Indians could be seen on every side. aud seemed to be preparing for a second fight. General Sally ordered the train forward, the Ad MisMjtii-i Buttery in the advance. Aftor tho train had about left camp, the Indians, in great (nice, made a dash njuu the rear. Colonel Thomas was ready and met (hem with two bowiueri uud six companies, aud a sharp skir mish ensued. The Indians, seeing we were r -udy at every point, fare up the fight and left. - Ahou I 11 O'clo V wo Cam Bp to where thr been, and which bad onlv i an n bad brn Tsctrd a lew hours. The ramp vois vitv extensive, and from all I could sec I should Mima'e the numtier of warriors engaged at four to five thousand. As Soon as we came upon the ir.iil, (b nersl Sully doited hit train las v. were now out of the rmieh rutin try), aad oidered Colonel MeLsr' n and M ijor lir.ickett to bilng their trimrnl to the fiont, and prepsre to charge, abould we cnine np wttti tlie Indiiui train. We tin lowed the train until dark, and ramped Inside two nii'M.o1. whn h barely fiiimsned H.lli tent wa er 'it the c imim hi. I. Tons eiiiled the M coud luni'it g ligt t. A i.irt"! numb r of Ir.d'Hns were kill and I It ii'-iced along tlie lnii-i'b h. Our o- I ".'lit. "We wit; short of rn'i.Mis, and the la-s'.-ni v rv ))-ior, o t'c ' ! 'rir -I it -'Ir bi ro v ir.b tl." l I. iv "t Die , ..hi- li we te.'.ii'. 1 on toe ! J'h of Aigue'.' 81L1.CTI0? 3 r;.0!I "I'UKO'J" ; A U vn toN ioiiNoths ivn tjri nil Sup pofbiu yen t nrid a ereeiitnii'it, would you, whin l ui d, be able by any means in. ike a note of It r ' II is Gr ami mot urn "Poor thing ' very pain ful I" sniil old Mk. llowline (grandmother ot the l mentf d Turn Bowline, the ilarung of his ere I, on rciulirg n letter from her limit! 'ttl relation, win rein be told her Hint he had seen thu needles right in the eje of the w ind. I.atut 1 iiom I'Aitis. Mou eher 'wiri-Tbll Is lor yon. .Malic my conpl im- ni to Maditne. l'lense to accept, Are., sentiments, -:., d -r. n guished consideration, c. Lot'ls N, (Juanil un pnnt resscmble t-ll in nniii"ro 2 1 f CJonnil II est neuf et ties etroit. (You sue? Neuf et treizc et trois.) Raii.wav Moiiai.s. Guard "Now, Miss! Are you going by this tr iln :" Miss R tiecca lnged 117). "Yes; but I must liavo a canliipo where there are no yottn,; men likely to be rude to one." Ritiiil.K (Picked up during tho very Inst ball of the pia-nn). Suppose you tiud Captain Cooing and Miss Hilling together, In a convenient (lining corner, "sitting out" a quadrille Why is that cir cumstance rcmarkit bl v like two o'clock in t'.o mori ing ? Because it's two, a-hem ! (till!) A FniKNni.v Littlt! Ahtii t.K. We aro told by Alphonee Karr that "Friendship between two woitn n is always a plot ngulnst a third." We deny It, as wo always make a point of deny int all the spiteful things that are said against tho beau tiful six. And what is the friendship b tween two men, we should like to know i If wo had the inclination to be cynical, nnder the deceitful notion that we weie being extremely clever, wo might answer: "Friendship between two men is a continual strugglo us to which of the two slmlldolho other." We arc afraid wo are not the only persons in this world who labor under the melancholy conceit that, to be clever, wo have only to bo cynical. luii'iiuKNT Ways ok Tiiavki.imo. Man travels to expand his ideas ; but woman, judging nom the number ol boxes sue invariably takes with ber, travels only with the object of expand ing her dresses. The Rioht Stbi The Bishop of Limoges hits bet n publishing a Pastoral. The publication could not be better timed, for, if our uncient knowledge of quadrilles be correct, Lit Pastorale comes directly alter L'F.te. Caiihv at His Ci.cii. Hansom Cabby (lo.) in;..ii I i.i I . 1 y .en, wmiio lines m kih a gem IIS IS a smok in'; for yer seo bad 'bucra and bad fsrc goes together, and w ieey-wcrsey. So I jest smells tho gent I '.) through tho trap a'top, und drives him uccordiu'l" lliii'oi'it.xtiv Again. One of tho secretaries of the French Society lorthu Protection of Animals, In a lecture given the o her day in Paris at tho Garden of Acclimation, revived the proposal to constitute liorsellcsh and article of food, demon suating its acceptability with a tureen of horse soup, and another dish of that noble anim il dressed a ki dnubr, which he oll'ered to his audience, Rnd they, including many. ladies, devoured. Well, who shall tax them with eating striii go lood f If all the primo tongues, ready cooked, on sale nt our British grocers', could speak, und would tell the truth, wo uporeheiid that not a few of them would neigh. There is support, dousiiless, in saddle of horse, but, for eating, we uro disposed to prefer suddle of mutton." i What we iKAnji in Fount v Pakts. When Inst we were in Paris, wo strolled into the Palais de Justice, nnd soon found ourselves wandering in the famous Salledesi'as Perdus. On inquiring, we discovered that the Sullu des Pas was not Intended as a companion rcl'uce to the Chimin iln Mars; and wo also learned that the Pus Perdus were in no way paternally related to the Enlants Trouves. These facts weru no Iihs now than pleasing to us, nnd so uccoidiugly wo have mado a note ot them." , A Retobt that ib a Little too Si'Iiutrii. Itetuliutiou in commerce, as iu otln r things, sometimes takes u most suvago form. Now look at India, how we treat ber iu our couitiicreisl relations! because India sends us her cotton badly ginned, is that any reason, wo ask, why we sin uld send her our sherries so fearfully brandicd f AiTiiK-DiNNKn Pai'Kiib. My Dear Mlsscr Punch, Cireonsters overwhich no control picvtiited my father whom you pointed your Scitilic 1'rospornU nt from writing you a long contit of the weather of Lost Mouth. Ho forgotit till lust moment aler dinner and being too bit ig gg tired to write himself we had a third bottle of twenty-cun't gettit nowdajs and he tlcp-p puted me to write iroui bit diction I mean dictation. Here it is. 1 auiVr Sisterly no Sincerely, Thomas Id zz, Ji nioh. Revibw or Weatheu fob Jclv. Daring the past month, there was a restless wind that blew down its own smoke, and took oil' the edge of the meridian with its own plane. In tbe morniug, attenuated nimbi dwindled into a luminous canopy, whose height was UiWl feet ubuve tlie sea-level. Cumuli and cirrhi gave themselves np to the full development of ozone ; while Summer Me teoric Phosphorescent I ruins met the Radiating Siciiincrs within live minutes of each other. Thermometer in the Sun at 4 H0 P. M. (How it got there, no oue knows. li., Jt nil) At midnight, on tho 17th, the lUv. F. C. Robart, of f-nint, shot with considerable velocity u cross Ursa Major, aud disappeared after travers ing un approximated space. (Uuv'nor gott bis out ol thu 'J imt t, thinking. licz., Jcn'r.) Ou the following morniug tne wind returnod to France, nnd, in a test slip, tell between a wet and a dry bath, sliow.iij sonic external signs of ihs coton tion. It will be seen by reference to tho tube. (At this )oiiit I made a relereuce to fie table. My respected purent bad disappeared. Yours, Kc., Ji. Ji m n.) Stakti.ino Cui-Ei.Tr. A well-known uphol sterer, whose uainu shull not bo held up touuiver sal exetraiion, because this course could uot bo adopted without pullery, undertook the contract (or keeping wcU-fui nished, repairing, and redeco rating tbe Ophthalmic llospit d. We accidentally caught sight of the bill for the current One ol Ihe largest Items recurring over and over again wa.i "Pods for the Blind." Shall tlie unlorliimito and helpless bo flogged for their misfortunes tim'.t r our very noses, under very eye-laihos ! Shiinic ! Shi.nie ! K.i.W rol.lllt AI. ItlMS IN H il.V. The important question of the French oceupa. tion of the Papal States a phase of affairs whi. h ever since the peace of Villufruncn, bus more or less enduugcred tho peticeal le relations between 1 iiiiuc una Italy may be considered as settled fur the present, at least. The treaty recently coiicitiikti bemt eu Fiuuce and Italy cun bo ep tnini.i d in tin se three poinisaii iio-uraiicc to in luiliiui (unci Piisent that Ficiiih occupation ot lioine w ill shortly Ci use : a vmininteu of the Italian Got crnmcut to 1 iiime tiiut the pro mised evueuution shall not result in any interference on the part ol tlio kingdom of Italy w ith the Piipul States; and a stipulation fixing tl,e term of two ) eurs from the signing of the treuty as the limit of the French occupation. This ticuty ul-o In volved tbe removal of the citpiUJ of Italy to Florence or Kuplt; aud the loruicr city was chosen. It is asserted that King Victor Em.inuol was opposed to tbi.- lu;t feature of tho uew diplo matic arrangements ; aud this rumor, with others, was tutuittie by a faction of dis contented politicians, aided . it is believed, by the Clrricul reactionary ai ty. The result wus the recent unhappy riot at Turin, where cries of "Rome or Ueuth," 'Yiva Garibaldi," "Down with Frcuch iiiilueuee," mingled with the ruder demonstrations of an excited pt pula e. The ,4itiotiia, the clerical organ, fomeuled ilio agita tion by personal calumnies and insinuations, toil ing the people that Turin by right ought to bo tlie capital of lia'y. The rumor above alluded to about the kiu,' a minor which bus been proved utterly false gave tho Impression to many, and among them the correspondents of the Kugllsu papers, that Victor Fuiauuel hud abandoned tho idea of having Rome for the rspital of Italy. This is not so. It Is geuetally believed in the best-informed political cntles that tlie present acceptance of Florence is but a step to Rome. At uny rate, the Italian Government Is unanimously in favor of the re moval ; and the olhcia! organ, I. a .stampa. an nounces that the "Government, conformably to the opinions expressed by tbn generals of the army and the Committee of Defense, and con firmed by the Council of (ieucruls held yester day, has, by a unanimous vote, resolved to trans iertlicscut of the kingdom to a place offering greater security than Turin end the city which as cms to the Government the best adapted for tho required turpose is I'lvance," Tbe municipal authorities of Turin practically took the part of the rioters, and published pro clamations host! e to the proposed removal. 1 hc-c unhappy ibllerenecs of opinion the result of party fix I ng which would not Mention itself lor the tiB'loual good brought about Ihe dis orders which disgraced 1'nrin on the 21tl of S.;p temlier. Fxclted citizens, angry at the pros jn i tive damage to the prospects of Turin whi ji the removal ul tho sea of government therefrom would cause, gathered In Iho principal, and were only dispcised by force. As is usual in un h ( Ssi s. ti.e sii;iit ol ihe military only lur'hor It Humi d tbe l ii-stons of tl.e people, and they finally atiioki d I in- s n,i rs with stones and o'ber missiles. 1 he luiier i.ied in return, aoj ten ot' the it'Ob w re hilled in d many wounded. Order was llnally re-ti red ; . ud tin- afTiir, thonb 'b giai ilul, as every rio-. is, will not interfere hh ihe pluns '.f the (iove'iitnent. Fiorcnoe Is nenre lurtli the cupi'.al of Itu y, and will cu!y be aban doned In lafor of It in e, OI'lltlll:AI MOT AT lltWII.l.t, SjliiASIA. Koldie r Shot liy n 1 rnttor-l'he Vtiirslcrrr llllleil on I he N.ol. Dakvii ir, October .1. On Saturday evening, 1 r. hums, a notorious traitor from Ytririnui, without provocation shot George W. Mclvihncn, a return) d soldier from the 2ith Illinois Regi ment, killing him iiit.-,titly , and also severely wounding Hi nry McKihhcn, a brother of tho iiccinsiil. 1 ui ris then run to the hou-e of Dr. Theodotc l emon, another notorious traitor from Virginia. Tbe comrades of tlio deceased 'ir rontidi d the house and demanded the surrender ol Karris. Limon biought blin out, when tho sold us immtilietely killed him. The tro.tble Immediately ceased and all Is now quiet. Tlie Nlnve or rlnni!il Ttiinin rontrlbu Una lo tne Mr. It will lie remi inhered by tho Intelligent reader that the tirst gun of the war was fired by Kdiniind Rullln, of Virginia (not by Ogleby Hyron Young), who bad labored lor thirty yinrs to bring about a eo lis Ion between tho sections. It will be seen by the following, elicited at a meeting In Washing ton city, that his slave woman is just as zealous on the right side : "Mr. Steele said he desired to slate one 1 i ttl o Incident winch occurred in his experience to-day He called on n negro woman, who certainly was not liable to the draft (laughter), who contributed to tbe fund because she desired the quota of the ward to bo made up. He a-ked her tiiimo, and she replie d that it was Aunt Kaston, and that she was a refugee. Ebc was a slave from the planta tion of F.dmund Rullln, who was one ot those who fired the first gun on Fort Sumter. She desired to contiibuie her quota to lib ilia ward. (Applause. I He said tin ro were many rich men in the ward who had not yet con'ributed, who by giving from fifteen to twenty dollars each could relieve the ward ftoin the draft." MEDICINAL COD LIVES OIL. JOHN O. BAKER A CO., No. Tift MAKkj&T SI B1CT, are now receiving ihflr 'upplien fresh from tl.e rVherie. The tiiprrtorliy of their OIL In errry reij. t, ha Krnd fnr H a reputatkin and )e beyond any other found in the nark ft. Tr DialntAlB H, they are determined to supply an art trie Uiat nia bt entirely r:lhd on for frexhiiM and parity. Her tefeUmi'Hrilji ol Prcf'cJom of iit dlcAl foUt-K- atiU WRIGHT & SIDBALL " No. 119 Mavkfit Street 11KTWKKS UtONT AWD BttCONU STUKKT8. C. V.'. WKIHBT. I'. n. ItllU'AI.L. DRUGGIST S, PIIY SI C I AN S, AND OKSKKAL STOKt.KEF.PKRS, Cannndat mirnnii bllHhtuentatQllassortmonloflniported and lloiueslls brua, forSilar ratent Mctlteinss, 1'nlnta, Coal Oil, Window Ulan, frcrlptlon Vliil, te., at as low pilees ttl Kcuulne tlrst-t'lafls gooilH can be gold. riKB ESSENTIAL OILS For ronfeelloners, In full variety, and of tlie best quality. Cochluetil, Bcnual Inttlse, Madiler, I'ot Anil, 4ltilhc:ir, Botla Ash, Ahun,OU of Vltrlel, Anuatto, CopperaR, E tract ef Logwood, Ac, H'H HYKltS' us, alwuja on hand, ut loweiit net cash rlcet. Pl'UIJ KI'K KlS FOB rAMIf.V t'HK, Oround expressly for our silos anil to which ws Invite the attention oflliose In waul of reliable articles. Aluo, JAVIUO, .HTAHVII, AlVHTARb, ic, of eilr quality. Orders by malkssr city noit,';vl,l niaet Willi iiroraiitat Uutlon.orapcelal tiuoiudont will bo fuinisbcd when re- tiueeUd. WRIGHT & RIDDAT,li. Wlioleiiale Drns Warohonse, JaH-ly No.,lin MAUhKT Btri'el.alKivo frost T1I0U8AKDS OF TEErE EXTRACTED WITnOlIT I'AIX. Patent applied fir, Wy new liiTentinn, a hmihle He verhtti e Hi it aitjUxtinK Ktttet.v Talved Inhaler, for a'toua ItneilxiK KUrtiui i lliie and uxtra"tniH h-etfi without pitln. TbconVy mmie ttal Ute Oaa n be pruporly uud amy auBaiiusioreAi. UK. O. 1. MIJNNS, f.l"-lB No. 731 HPItUL'B bTHflST. gTAU OIL. COMPANI OF l'lllLADKLTHJA. Dili li OTOHS. HON. WII.UAM MIL1.WARD, HAMUIL K. riltLLH'8, JOHN H. MIC1IENKK, JAME.8 It AltKIhOB, II. N. mllKRALI), ISRAEL atll HENEU, THOMAS. ALLEN. Tlie Fubierlialoa Itook to ths above Company ta now ready at tbe llaoklni; llonae of alieliael Jaeobl, Ko, 40 8.TI11UD Street, Phlladolphla, where the l)lroUin wUl meet, and tiebappyto sivs any fn'ormatlon coucerulnf Ore lands, to. Bnbicrlptlou tl per slaire, the original price, and. no c&seifcaaunta. SAMUEL. ALI.KN. BtCltETAur. I'iiii.a lan ill, Octeber 4, 1SC4. 10 J-.ll T KMl'L 1 1 FASHION. Small Profits. Quick Eoks. HATS A1D CAPS. NEWEST HTVLES Low e. I Prices In the city. IIOUKNK, ses-'iuw-itni Mo. 40 N. WXTH BTUKST. Hun bi'f.n ortte.l in ths neighborhood ot Vlath and Cttc.iait Biro is, ty eiotds of well-creased men FUJI Ci I N O IN AND OUT Of ii hi,i.1I rll'.tlAU sl .iEEonlhe upper nUleof C'BKS M'T Htnet, he'ew Nit.ih. It appaara the proprietor haa't "ITINJ i.OW.V lUcprH-eaot hla Htnari auj To baerj, :ai ih.1 cent, on nil hi stock, wattli by tlie way is el ruie cltii'ivii. Il."s eS-f If I N FRIXGINO Ou th ptt'tin 1" Cu-uatUor his customers, who always cjo ron iiimi PHILADELPHIA SURGEONS' A k At iW. IMdTITI tT IT Mn 11 kJ .ek XIN'Jil tUaACit. kImiVA Msirksit Miui turwasi raJically cured by B ' kVKKMTT'8 I'ltmiuia Fattml OiaduatrtiK I'rctsirtre Trui. Huperiuf Kiastio Haiti, jEia-itio hiockliitfa, rtiioiierf, fihouider Brace, 8uu aorn a. Crtitrhen, Ve. l.sulic atwuu4s4 Un. B.C. KVEUE1 T. -nyCt-ly WANT3. QIXV POINT, VJItt-INIA, AuKiiot 7, ISO!. l).flCI LEl'OT Of KEl'AIUS, AttMIBSl OI'EltATWO AOAINiT ftlCUUObll.i WANTED. ' CO AVlieelvrrlulitSa anl DO lilacltwn.ltlie. Who win rt ttlre the big be it rate, of Uorcrunuut mj, ration, and medical attendance. j Trauapoiiatiou AiraUh4 bjr applying at ttl PlKbYLVANIA Avenue. WaiUington, I.0. K. J. BTUANO, i CAPTAIN, A Q. M. JAMKB M. KELLY, 9 :2 Iiq yUARTEKMASltU ) AOllK'f. WILL TEE FEOFLE EE WISE? flnitdr'dl and tltoniandi of ln)Urn are tperrt yearly, and tnndreda ard thoutnna of the bet mn an-! women of Amerka llogor In patn, and dte, an1 file pfrnature trave. ih that ewful dle. I'j -nn?ila. They lr ihla ahjuklnn. and that rjhjsielkn. hi t ala! ala I no relief, no care; and the iu xl w hear of them they h-nro gone "to that tvutne frm whence ro trave rr rettirns " Wo -V ti the nick thatt'ie witnensr w j.itc tle ttay t.f the wyft tfierftil :nre, cf r prs rit lc hy DU. WIMIAUTS hlir.AT AMi;i:'('V .'iT.rMU IILLH AM) riM5 TKF.K T A It ' OftrHAl., Are fri m m n and women of o:.,ti nonaM wurth and rpmaien. They live in and around rhltadelph-t. to and h ar their (ettm my. Many of thm wi c rt frnu the cry Jaw t nf lath when -'I h p-: was gi n. Int. A rcinMunt pain r n .eaMnti f. th it f the etoinah. ?(1 Klatnlrnre and artdity. .'id. :oth riie-s anil hn of apifVe. 4ih. lihfOin and dpn hinof ipjtli, JMh. Ilarrhi a, with r rt r r. :th. r.n In all part of the nys'im. 7th. t't iifun -Wt ayiiiptomaandpulp.uiliiiicf tht henrt. h h. CeiiKh, with phlegm In the throttt. i'th. trvom gtlectlunand want of sleep af nltrht. l(ih. J ei of ftppe. fte and TomitiiiR. 11th. Ilr.lneas, dimnegi of vnion and n-e ef 'ffht. l'Jth. IltAtlaUac and MatTing In walking, with froat rnklieit. Out of the thotipntid of cane of dyipr pMa that have nurd lr. Wl-hart'i Cn at American lyppila rule, not one ut them hns tailed ef a periVct rire. We w.iTunt a in fTt ry t a-e, no matter If f twenty yoari atiind liiff. Bold by all dnit.vlif everywhere, and nt Dr. WIHHAU'I Motllcr, No. 10 S. 8l.CO.VI Street, PMia'el phln, I'a. AM i-xninlnfttloni nnd ronnltatlons free rf rhargc. Send fur a circular. Price Uperbux, Munlby mall, tret ti t haige, on ict tipt ol money. DYftl'rJ'.SlA-UVHI'KPStA. Mr. WJ.'linrt, I wl-h to ad'l my le'thmny lo the h-m-die ! yen receive tothe htallnK pruptirtlea cf your Pine Tree Tar Cordial. For fifteen yean a nuflenrr, ten yuan of ttuit time 1 have ilept only In my chair, not being a'de to lie down for fear of tunoctttlon. 1 have employed iiuvcn of the bent phyMclana In rhllud-lphla, who all pronounced ni rane lncurMe. 1 n an taken to the College, whore the Faculty, having done what they could, deciarej my dln eaie an Incurable case of Athaa and Chrontc Pyspeptla, Inltalaat etae, and that my luntci were partially tfone. Klmlnijr one of your clrcuiirn, my wile prunired from your tore a b"ttle of your Cordial. Pertevcrtnjily I nscd seven bottlee, and a box and a half of your hyspepMa I'llln, when I felt that my disease had wholly given way, and the Cor dial had given mo new vigor and atrenfth. 1 onllmit d to laproic, ami f-r thepsit three months I have been able to i ii p In nn bed na Roundly an I ever did, 1 am now veil, and have gained twenty-Ave pounds In my weight. I am able lo work aud provide for my family. ' I send you thift true and faithful statement fr the beneilt of the Pilf ering. I il nds, rail and nee me, near Oxford Church Pot onke, 1 went) third Ward, PluUdclphlu. ISAAC IIELI.KRM V. DR. tVHUAKrB 4JKKAT AMERICAN DYSPE.'SIA PILLS. This Is to certify tliat I auirered Sot ten yean will, that dr'wdful ("Otnpfiilni called OyspepIa. I tufierfd tiiot h pain and dhtrecH, with gloom ami depression of p.rlti( 1 wns trtaiel by ikht dlfl rnt pnyfcii.iiiiia lor my cam plaints, and at tlmea was ntit li better, but then my od (tleac, d;ipepsia , would return with all Its dreadfil rtaliths, and my wh'.l-i svi'cin was tastwastiug uw.y. In Uils si k and debiUta ed state, I was bandi'd a clrcul ir c f Dr. WlOiart't great American Dyspepsia PUN and Pine Tree Tar Cordial, which guve a correct deMttipilon m my BUfUiint', and I determined to place my eh und r the Doctor's care, and lake his medicines. Aa Eiton as 1 commenced tue use of tho uudkine, I begAn to g-t better, and so I continued three months, at whh'li timo I wua perfot tly cured of all my complaint, and peifceily rftdorcd to tn-alth; I am to-day a well man . Dr. WUI i art, I give yod thla certificate with a gratctul heart lor the bent lit I nave received (rum the use of your truly wondt-riul medic u en. Hay God b!c is you and pre serve your truly nselnl life for many years . I would say to every pick person who was suilerlng an I was that my renldence I No. lH'.t Richmond strvet, Pl.lli.dt'lptila, where 1 w III lake, great do light In giving tenliiuuny to the treat power ol Dr. YY is hurt':) midicines to cure. V. II. ALLCV. Dr Wlsl.arfs Store find OlT.ce, No. 10 N. bECUND Street, PhlLu'lelphia. DYSPEPSIA I DYSP1.PSIA1 I, Moses Konimls,ilo ccrtlfj' tliat I wus sick with dy pt'pila tor two j cars; I was very nick at tho pit of my stomach, with pain kn my breatt, Bide, bark and head, with dlzziiiCNN and etngKcrliig In wa'klng.wlth great weak iiohb and gt mirnl debility. I employed, In that time. 8veu eminent physician, and they ditrered in their opinion ot mydlbra u; lomo thought I had t nt disc-axe, nnd some another, but I w an all the tftue getting worse an I worse, until 1 bcrame ao low thut my wire would have to feed mo for weeks toge.her. While In thin djeadfol condition,! placed luvtrir ucdorDr. Wiihart's trcatuv ut, and used his great An erl an Dyspepsia PilU nnd treat mcot fr Dyspepsia, and at the present timet am perfectly well, and hav; gained In flesh twenty-four pounds, au X can work and attend to my buaim'ss ai well aa any person .a Pennylvattla,and I am not U tied It Is a perfect cure. Dr. Wi-hart, you can publiHh my case if you see proper, as I w aiit to-btar testimony to the great power your medicine has to curt Dvspepala. All persons are at liberty to call ana nicer write. MoiSES KoMm, HcMiylMll IIa en, Schuylkill county, Pa. IT8PKPt?lA, DY8PKPSI4. This Is to certify that I had Dyspepsia In the wont form for three years. I was treated by seven of the nest phj kU&alJi Auetlca;someof them were Pron-snors ol Jef fernr.n Cotl' ge, Phlladalphla, but they did me no goo. I grew wortte every month. 1 would be taken at timet with areadful pntns In my breast and stomach so great was It that 1 could neither alt, Ua.norstand.but would rove about . rosnon room to anotlier; my friends expected to soe me die, as tli ere appvared to be no relief for nt. In Uus lp less ecndltton 1 placed myselT under Dr. Wlahart's troat njeivt. and used his medlclnei at directed. This day I am a well an an, and for three week I have been on my feet, and working hard from early morn until eleven oVkxk at night. II r. Winhart,! gle you this oer Utlcale with a grateful heart, feeling It my duty to do so; you may, and 1 want yon to publish R to the world, that every person suffering as I was may have the toiifltof Of Ing jour truly wonderful rtiuadiet. All sick person are at lib rty to i a 1 and see mo, or write to me, at 1 wast to render all the good 1 can to sufTt rtnn humanity. JAMES II. ANOIXL, Overseer of Washington Matiulacturiiig Couajjauy s Weaving Room, Gloucester, N. J. DYSPKl'KIAl DY9PKPKIA! I, John Lynch, do certify thut for four injnihs past 2 was attacked wiih acule dyitpepsia; I was severely handled that 1 enuld do nothiug but what Itwoulil 11 U me with dreadful tilstiemt ; my nervous system wai perfertly pros trated; my whole liume soon became weak and tremUilu,(, with a contmed noise and dir.lneNs In the head, followed by a palpitation of the heart and general debilttvof tlie whole body. Kvcry kind of medicine adudiiistcrud to me did no good, until l was advised to call on Dr. WUhurt and place myself under bis treatment. It Is now about nine wtcks fcincft I commenced to use his Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial, and I do truthfully and lalihiully nay, that I am pcris-lly cured of Dyspepsia, and all other tjisem-CN urluing therefrom, and I can eat three good meals every day, and Icel well In every reipect. I am 7ft years ol age, and If It w ut neceiHury, I teel 1 could aud would ahotihltr my gmi to d if cm I the city from luvaoion by tho IteLcl.. All persoiih sullciiUg wiUi Dyiipepsla aa I wuh, are at litu ny to rail and see me, for I le-1 it my duty Ij do all the good 1 oun fur hollering humanity. JOUS LYNCH, Xo. lsni Toplar ureet, Philadelphia. Dr. WIHIUKT'I Store and Olllce, No. ION. HIU'OMD Street, Philadelphia, I'a. All examinations and couBiilta Uun free 1. 1 charge. Price, $1 per box. bent by mall on rtcclf l ol money, DYSi-M'SlA J DY8PEP8IAI Dr. Wi.hart I have been a constant uflerer with Dvt pwpa.a lor ti e last eightoen year, during which time I can uot 1 ever enjoyed a peri tly well day. There were times when the rynijdoms were more aggravated Ui hii at others, and then It teemed It would be a great ro Liof to die. 1 hud at all timet an unpleasant feeling in my head, but latterly iny sullei ing to much Increased thut I became aeaao.t uutlt lor buxinessof any kind; my mlud waM-oninually llllod with gloomy thought and loreb.'d lugi, and II I ut tempted to change their cum-nt by reading at once a sensation of icy coldness, la connection with a dead weight, at it were, rested upon my brain; alio, a feeling ol tkkoi-b would occur at tho stomach, and great pain to my eyes, accompanied with which was the con tinual fear of loing my reason. I also experienced great lasbltude, dibiliiy, and nerrouhiicet, which made it dim cult to alk y day or sleep at night. 1 became averse to aot-ivty, and disposed only to seclusion, and having tried the skill of a number of eminent phyticiuna of various schools, finally cume to the conclu.ton that for title disease at my present age (16 year), there wat no core In exist ence, itut, through the Interference of Divine Providence, to whom I devoutly offur my thauka, I at last found a tjor rflgn remedy In your Dyspepsia PUU and Tar Cordial, which Reeta to have eiroctually removed almost the lust trace of my long list of allmenla aud bad (eeltngs, aud Iu their place health, pletuure, and contentment are my eiery day companions. JAMKH M. SAUNDKUS, , No. 4i3 N. Second Street, Philadelphia, Formerly of Woodbury, N. J. Dr. iBHAi.T fl Ofllce.So.lQN. 8XrND SUtet.Phl-Itadtlphia. I VHfri fllA I VTl.rFIAl 1, .. Tftm, of ChettorhMt., Mowtiwrner innlv, 1 a hi e -inlfresl ff r iri'itr inan me je;ir ev. ryounc nut otri (Mill, hom thut awful -tie--e, eatld Dvn fM-paia. I enii'iovrd m that time ve of the m. i eminent puyneims In rh'hwi Iplna I y d 4 all tin y Mr me witn m M cfctw n a- A i ui t ng. h'tt "till I a no better. 1 then wmt to the renn Iv .mia Cnlerity to orler t ila e mveif in renen of the best mtilteal lAventS in the fflntrv, b'lt their ledleinei (Ailed Ui do me any kootl. ajid ontltne I wttirr tr death u stlieve me of oy 'lerinirs, hut e ng Dr. Wt-han s advrrtt'emeut In the PliiiadetpMa Hu'leitn. I determn ed to try n e more, hut with Utile fftith. I rallod on Dr. Wlnhrirt. and told him if I 'oiiio mive died I would not have troiihkd ,,hn. and Uien is-lnted my sutlerlus to him Tlie, Dr. adored me ll he failed to cure mo of Dvperla, It wnul-i ti. tlie trt rn (n io yeari. I pot nneli under hit treatment, nd Adhoi gh I hd vn tor mon'ha vomltina nearly everything 1 ate, m ttroac'i pwdlJi ii with wind, and tlih d w it-i pain iMivoml tU tcrtp'l'tti, 1 bom ht a box of hn Dyspepsia ''til-, I twtl Uicm as dl teeted, ard In ten days I could ei"t at herurtv a m al is any p"rnon in the Htate of Pennrvlvauia.and in thirty .iayn was ewfllman. I Invite any p'-rson nitnriha as I was to eat) and see mo, niM1 I will rela'e my snilennK and the, reat rnre I reenved. I would av t) nil I ys,irpticii, everywhere, that Dr. Wlphart Is, I believe, the only nenorti on tfie earth that oan cure Dyspepsia with any degree nt rertatntv. MOHKH TolllN, Cheltenliam, Montifmerv t!o.. I'a. v; Vr. WTPJTAltTS Ofllce, Vn. 10 N. R !'(' JNI tret. Onirr- hours from ! A. M. to tt P. M. All cxamii atlns and rvnKu tat ens lice. DYfsTKFSlA! DYHPETftlA! Dr. Wiohart I wae. a great iitTerer with dvpepU fir lett n eam. E erythmg 1 ate filled tne w ith wind and dre.idtiil pain : and my hie was ore ot great sutlerlntr. I was ko jiuch a tli le ten that It 1 drank a Kin "I ol water, it wouhl ( ou rtturn bften hi a heated erudition I fiophed to every kind of medicine and tretmnnt; but all to n purpose 1 aw your lie veriiM ineul In the "L'il(.er" of a great cure your great American D spt pi'u PI Is hai mad'-. 1 weM to otir fore and pnrrhaseii a h'x. ttnd cowm-in-ed to ut-e them ; and I do thank (tod this day I am a wa in in, and ran est three me ulu per day. 1 have suit a nunih -r ot p tsoiii alter niir bllln, und 1 e a young man t int was sufleiinK with il vp rtsla m my n-'lirhburh I eight if vour pills, and they cuicd h.m entirelv. Y o mav reti r to ine k ou i proper. jacoIi lliaiiLKY. K(nnedvlile, Kent cuii.tty , lieL A rOMTIYECTRE FOR DTSPEPfiU. ITKAH WHAT MR. JOHN II. BAIICOCK 8AY8, No, irrjti OLIVE S'rcft, rhtldefhka, January ''d $ Dr. Wlshart Sir: It is witn inueji pieusuro that I am now able to inform you that, by the uso ot your great A met lean Dyptpplu Pills, I have b en entirely cured of thai mot dlhtrespiui,' complaint, Dyiprpslu. I had iot n grievoiisly B'Hictetl for the iat twenty ei'ht years, and f.r ten years ot thut time have not hi en iieeit tmm its pain one week at a iiii.e. I hae hud It In Its wnrt torm, and have drucged on a tnst nileruhe exiitetieo in pain div and iiitht. Kvery kind ot rood tint Into nil, d me with wmn and psln, It mattered not how Ik ht, or how uall the qoHtitlty. A continued botch mn was Mir to to How. 1 hid no appetite fer nnv ktnd ol meat whatever, and my ills tres was so gieat for several rnont hw .rc I heard of your rtllx.tlnit I rrefjin-nijy withi-dtordenih. I hail tktn everythif g that I laid ht ad of lor Dvspepsi.i, without re ceiving any IjeneiH ; hut on your Pills utnir rccommeiide- J fi me by one who had been cured by Iln iu, I c 'included V give tin m a trial, althonxh I had no faith u them. To my astnnlhmetir, I found myself getting better be tot e I had taken our-lotirth ot n hi, a-id. after taking half a iiei 1 am a uviV f7,fin,7n can rat anyrftintj iruh, and en toy a hearty meal three tunes a d iy, w lihout inconvenience from anything 1 eat or drink. If yon think proper, von am at UJteity to make thin public and rfi-r to me. I will cheer fully give all ilerilrablc hi formation to anv one who inav call on me Youri. reni i tfullv. JOHN II. H.UU'VH'K. Forsale at Dr. WIHIlAHTRJfedlenl Depot, No. In N. REt OM) S'reut, Philadeltdila, I'a. 1'riee one dollar per box. Kent by mail, free ol charge, on receipt vf price. DYSriTSUl DYHPEPSIA1 I, Riimnol D. Haven, have neen a great snfl'ercr with chronic dpepiA and Intiaiamation of the khiueys for thriti eara. 1 rui;iioyel thret: or lour of tho most euiiueiu phsiciHiia of Philadelphia, a. so of IlurJinxton 'onnty, ew Jersey They did all tor me they could, but all to no Ii ir pose. I m conatantly llhrd with awlul pain and dts rehs, and wllh eotihlant belctilng of wind and sour acid ftly tous u was covered w iih a white coating ot mucus nm 11 ti cracked in lare lurrows, and was drca It'tilly smut Oh I I outline wished (or detith to relieve me of rnv infer lug,(r 1 had 101 all bopool ever beli g well again. I made it a subject of prayer to tlort that lie would direct me to some ph .slclan ar medcfne tint would euro mo. I w as tttio: io n-ud an advertUt meni ol Dr. Wt-hun's, in the Philadelphia "Ledger," ot a great cure ma'le upon Mr. John Uataock, of No. UH Olive meet. 1'hduJu hia, by the great American Dyspepsia PilU. I went to tho D etor a oftke, and p'acvd myxolf under hi treitment, and t"lI him U ho failed tr cure mo. It would Ih) the lawt ctUrt I euld mako. It has bren ix icki since I couimeneed the use t hi medicine, and I am now a well muu, free iro n oil pain ad distress, and can eat thiie hearty meals eday with comfort ami ft el per eetly well. Dr. Wlshart. I want you to publish in case, as I want every poor dysne jti i, fiift'rrinif as I WHS.torali on me, and I will tell them of tho great cure I have received from our Invaluable meiU. cine. SA.MlKu D. HWKM, orncr of YenAmro and Lamhnrt streets, near Ulcliuiond street, tTmeiiy from Wrlghtstuwn, liurllugton county, h'rw J'Tsi y. Dr. WlHilART S Ofl ee, No. 10 N. SECOND Street. DYSPEPSIA! DYSPETSIAl DYSIEPSIAl This Is to certify that suffering severclv with a disease called Dyspepsia, with much loss of wt-fghl, mv atieutu was tUrecttd U WtPharts ireut American Dyspepsia figs as the remedy, lluvina within three weeks taken. eleven pills, according to the tHrocttons, I found myself entirely cured, and for iwo weeks since my htatth it greatly im. proved, and I ran eat without fcarnf pmn or tuet):ivtni nce. 1 earneklly rtcon mend them to all similarly amicted. Mr. M. li. TlIoMl'SN, Flchmnnd street. PiMir d-ora be ow llauoer. Dr. T.. Q : WIshakTS CiUce, Ku. le N. SUUOA'D ntrt-i-t, Philatiti.pLu. DYHPF.rHIA! DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPRI 1 I, Vllaheth IlTuoson, of lirandywlne, Del, f.mnerly of Old Chester, Iel , tlo cettity tlut lor one year und a ha X I niffei ed verythlug but death Iroui thut uwtul diteae railed Dyspepsia. My whole system wu pro t ruled wiih WAakisCK and nervous debility; 1 could uot oioist my tf-0 i if 1 aleevina cracker or the sinullt amount ol lood, It would reiuin jtifi a I swallowed it. 1 became so costive in my bowels thu 1 would not have a pusnago in lens then irotn lour and often ekhi eavs; uudur this tm metise cutlet ing my mind sviuit d entirely to lve way. 1 bud dreud of horror und evtl lorebodimra I thought that ver body hated me, and I hute! everybody; I cm id not tear my hubitnd ut my own chl dtvn everything ai'peuied to be hornr-t'ickcii to me; 1 had nn auibitiou to uo any thing J lost all my love ot lumily and home; 1 would rumide aiid wundi r iron, place to place, but c mid tot be contented; I fell thut 1 was uonmed to hell, and that there wan no heaven lor me, and was olie i tempted to commit suicide. Ho near was my wrole nervous system cetroei, unit alfo my mii d, from that aw ful complaint, lipepfia, that mv frktut thought besi U have m.i placed In Dr Kirkhnoe llopuat, West t'hilanetpbta; 1 reuiolmd tlieru nine weeks, and thought I was a lutlo Ite.ter: hut in a It w days my dicadfol e iopialut w as raving as bad a ever. Hearing of ihe wonderful cuies neiformed br Dr. YVi.hart Wreat American Dspeosla Pills, and his treal meutof Dynpepslu, my ho. Imuu culled ou Dr. W stiart, und atuttd my cj to Dim- lie buid ho htd nt doubt he cm a cure me. Ro Iu three dayi, alter I mlled, and piHcedmyHell' uiukr the Dmior's ireitinent. and in two weeks 1 1 to digest my food, und it-It that my dluse was fait thing way ; and 1 continued to ncour lor uttout three montiis, und ut the present time I enjoy peneot hi aHh of body and mliul, und 1 most Miiceiely return my tltansn to a merciful, and Dr. tVlshart, and (o-IiIm ireat American Dyspep sia PH. and Pine Tie Tart'ordial, tliat saved mo from un hits tine aayium and a premature Krue. Al persons sni frriiK with D.vpepnia uro ut hbeitv to cail on mo or write, a I am willing to do alt the m'od I can for sintering immunity F.M.aHKTH BKANH'IN. lirandywlne, Delaware, formerly o d Chester, Del ware county. I'a Dr. VW SMART S Ollloe, No. 10 N. SECOND Street. Phlldrlphla. The above are a few among tho thousand which tWs rent has .aved ir mi an unttiueij grave. We hve hum red of letters trom physicians uttd drujglsts In all parts ol the country, suy ilk that fity huve u ver pre' rihed or noid a inedlcinu which i-uve such umvers! a:istailon. These Me did nt nre jrcparf donly by the proprietor, DU. I.. Q. O. WiatlAHT, WHOSK OFFICE 18 AT No. 10 N. SECOND BTEEET, rLilaJe'pLia, PENNSYLVANIA, Where he ran be eon.nlted either peraonntly or bv letter, tree of cliaiiio. Tl.ey are . .Id hv liiuvu'l.u licali-ii' everwlero; ht w I'ok'nale liy all Now folk aiel 1'lma.iol plua iioln.le tliiel,ill. ju I Z.y W JIL A l Y, COAL AT $7'00 TEEL TON 1 Mi; fOSMl MKRS' M I'TCA I. fX.l. C.MPaNV m Now Delivcria Goal f;nr. tii Ir Onkiand CoMlery.nn the cel. bmd histej and Mammoth Vein, at the follow tng rates Tn Au'i'r'tivrs. per ton le K -n S'lbscntjern, p r (n.. 7 TA U'OO Tl.-i. sdtii.e ,1-,'Opi'r ten toHfeel tn.Mer.. i. .;,irg th). ...viiv. r 're t.ill be a iltviiti d at.hnaiir tn li e .roh, la . i r. l nr a-. le.KtHIX Mil I.1IH PEB SI1ABS, titnl aft. r it, e nrt tear, sierKhi liter, will not only xe, tvir real tor cnthlev. but will alr-0 a .tii.ll ilitiilrnd en tl.e r 8tnrk. Iho Irnfo nil., a, the Mr..nt tow r.jaltr, fur Hlxti rn Yt in. The lea deilarl p.. .l.ere i: iw I. for Hie wli . e term i ihe Un., 7lie ori'.eiit earn-ity ,,f tl.e Mine I. .Vi,ri)tnn, per year t en ton per .li.tre. 'Ilil. win .....n hi lnereael it, l.'fl.tli f ten., whli h will nv. ine e einpany ton onrlton. Ij frll to eitt.iiiem at Hi. heh...t in.rket ptee.i,THR PH.). HIS Htl'M Wlllt'll WILL lit lUVIHaO AHONQ un; s iijrKiiui.HKiti. Sii'...'rltln. lo the Mock ( ni.iy t M Intrude at $10 ir Mi ire) will he revive.! at the oillco . t tl.e .""'.roi ary Jl.i.11, d. SI XTH Htreet, aeco. d M.iry. ' l'rcHleloiit, JAM1M LYNU. DlrcotorM, .'AMI S JA Mi, No. hit It. BiJth troH. F.liWAIili E. .lONKS, No til Arch .tre-t. IlKNKY 8. I'Al L, No. 41!i Walnut atr. et. I'. Y, Vl k tl)N, No. IVi N. Third stre't. THOMAS R. IIAIlSKIl, Ko. IMCIw.nrrt ttrei't 10-ltf EL.AHTIO tiTlTOH UEWINO M A O U I N E B THE BKPT IS USB. ap5S No. 730 CMKKNUT Ht.t. 1) 1SS0L11 ION. THK CO-PARTNEH.SI1IP IIOOVVJ... .win ,v ........... I I ... ..I..I... .......rtt.n 41 n. r.f .AMUI.I. N. 1 AV KM A HON. I. tnu day tmrolvid. 1 he nuKlneat wlU bo MtUctl hv Uie linden Until, al No. 'J'. ll".K Hirret. i Ham. K H H.d, tiiirvlvlnj I'artoer. g.riillodelil la, l-i ,lto.o.r 1H.I. f'O rArt1NF.KlliP. The i riltr.limed lave term i tl a ( 4 . iiruii r.lii melt r ti.t) hi oi ef I! A Vi KH Itlt'l Tlltl.'H, fur tlie trHie.Hctli'11 ef a p-nerul Itanilng aiel llioktiaijti o. VM I O K ir. t, i II Air. K8 K. PtVIES, Itlta A. ilAVU.ti. rtiilade'iilila, Ci 1, 1MII. V. B. iiTtllenle of Indi hW'Ine... Oiilrterauit. r t uclier. unit'.,atid lioeriimei.t btvurlt'i'. itene rn'iy. h'Mi:'lii ai tl ohl. 1 10-1 let Hi. mien. I'np. r atut loaaon C'olliilrr.i. neeotlaied. si'jeka and i.oan. boii. tit and fold on e'ouuu!.ton. KIN-NK-NO-NF.-AW INDIAN 8WHKIMI lOUf."C0I 'I .,i. wiul l-renow ned 'i niiiiu'i I. mitiuifctiired from the HNrxT LbaK. And camtstty recoiiiint'iiiU ft t.t to all Oentkiuen o 1 iiMirieti. Tante. field whnleiale nrl ri-lai! at HUNT'S H'l'L'LA It CtH.VH STORE, ho. oil ellK-NI r 6 i..ct. lii- 1-flui) opptmlle atate llouve. ll'LAOM I I'JA; HI! CAMPAIGN FLAGS, liUNTINd, A NO SILK, OF EYEKX DEHCIUI'IION. ALSO, awonus, SAE1IES, LiKlVTS. Tes ether a fntl ai'ortinent of MILITARY GOODS. IVANS & HAS3ALL, J-;?-lm So. 418 AKOIl STKEKT. FtNANCtAL. gMlTII & UANUOLPII, No. 16 S. TIIIUD STUEET, llANKlillH AND UIcOKEllS. Sl'fcle.ltoi ki.qiiartcrmailrri' Vouchers and 'heck., and nH Oovrrnment ttectirltlia and tjld. fmfH pnEOiK. HTEKH a CO., liANKliUVi, No. 30 S. THIRD STREET, Bl'Y AND SlILL COLD, SILVtIt, ANI OOVV.ltNMltNT SKCUnlTICS. H T t O K H HOUI.HT AMI BOLD ON COMMISSION. 914 QXA-ltlCSOlV A CO., DANKK11S, No. 121 8. THIRD STREET, ruiLAHF.i.ruiA. Government Bccoiitlci of all Inaue. riirihased and for fial. etocki, Uunda, and Uokl Coucht and MoldonCoot nilailoB. INTEREST AILOWKI) OX DEPOSITS. Colleetlou. Promptly Muda. i5 tf UQ NEW 7-30 LOAN. kl. HubRcrlptloiia received, aud lbs Note, fui Dialled Irce ol all chai .e., b- OF.OIKIE J. BOYD. Hanker, Mo. 18 8. TII1KU HU.t. a5:l-ini OIL STOCKS IlOUtlltT AtfD HfiLr OK CIlMMlsNION, llj OtUUlia, J. BOYD, HiokaT, nn-im No. 18 8. THIBU BiSMi. "I I KADQUAliTERS DEPARTMENT OF Jl 1 WAMIIINII'IUN. lr I'll K l HltK 'MfA!iTKltM,STBR, Ne..KH,.o, AM. tklS Kit I'. I KKS I'll hlKltRT.J N. ar New I oik Iv.imh Neiileuilter r.l. Iftfli. CAltVF.XTF.ItR WAN I Kn. W'umrd liumettlutely, Slty .mill earpt liter, lo ao to l'uh t Lookout, Mil. Wait 170 a inenlb, and a rittion. l:arh workuiun will brine- bl. owa kit oi tiil.. TrjiisK.rtiiii.ui ivili be lurnl.tieil by Ilia Uov-eunii.-nt, fur ttie workiueii and u.tir tooU,from Uii, oil tt Point Lookout. KlMN A. KLISON", Colonel und I'lilof IJuartei mailer, 10 1 6t lit'liol ul W'liui't.t. 'I imners'avantf.d. A- Ciuai gi ai iiumaatkr . Ornca, 1 llhl'UI HV W'AHINUTOK, WAMItWlTfW, D. ('., St ptojllber HI. 1H.4. ) WANTF.ll. AT t.M K A II r l.ovi ruim nt Woikuhop., ten iritMMlll KM II anil I nt oem. TWIN TV (XJtJll Tl VMI il 1 1 K. or Bitnvvtio uederMaud lb. tuauuiaviuri mt puliiiiit up i. Mlci-uoii lti.'i, w e,. ,, v,niy tie! ars per ii.t.iiili, with a ratbn, AIM, privt .ee i.i ho.pilul wlieii .tel. . Aupllt'iilli li t" Id iiiuu. lot anlaln IA UES M. MOO KB, A. IJ. At., I . B. A., It. i. l-l t t.. It. ltl'OKF.K, Itrle.dlir-tleni ral and rtilt'l'i,in.rteriiia.ier, H -2ti-lit ili-pol of u aaliliKUin. CllliHMAN OIL .COMPANY. O OI-I ll'C No.t.;t WAI.NI'T HI ltEBf, It., DIM Nil. i OAl'lTAL, l,l'..i"fl. inn.tVO SHARKS. el'i P R VALUE. Thi. (.'noipiiny own. In fte Imolc, the KleluirdtA.n 1- anil. riJiitMilill'ic out. luindit'd and llirfiy -ollwl (ii) acre, ou Oil Ciffk; ont'-ttMiiiy-iir-l ol all it e oil irtMlued ou ll , 1 1ln. leuM on ll. e story Faiiu ; ntid-thtrd of all the oil pn ilnteil un tlie (illle.'ie tnu t, 1 inl l 'at UolU.w ; and tu. l.n.d lnl. rei.t in ihe svtniui. mil'"-' Well ; and lea.o oa tltS l.torKe W.hlilliklon MeCllnloi k I arm. 11. o ineouiuoi iht. iioiui.aiiy I. lie w about two hiindrel f.-.'H') d"li.ii. i .r d.y. wieth v iil p.v a K'".d dividandoa the KiitiRenptioii pin-e, wlih .urn pruiimut ol a largo IniTt-a.e. UiiiimrlpUou booki aie uiwopmi at tto Offlosof tbs Coin puny. II. C. COItFtF.I.n, 10-8-t Seoretary. WEALTH, HEALTH. AND BKAIT. If to a-at. sdoitiina eve. : j li lo tati.v luvidk u. .unit If tn he . l.l.....ll..nK tt;iwer, PadlDf, dyi.K In an houT-llsAtTTt If lo bar. a ho.t oi'; If f. vice lo male aaieud. ; II wlUi hlKb norn bl.Kd u. wl : ll a uuirble when dta4 W SAX!! If to lit e re and It n, WUl.leu Ui. a. l"un aului H to live. Hie ol a"i ll to di. and ao to ietMiJu aa.LTnl If jtm wi.h a life of ple..ura t 11 you v.lue Una world'. tfeaaurM, It avei oouiioit uu would .... Take HlJ eo tlie, aud wi.h ail tArif. Then, having Health, Wealth, and Beauty, You'll be for .very duly. By . e.reful of Hr. WILLIAM YOttaTO'8 New HotV, THE UAHKIAIIK OIlllIK, whleh ahould bo nad bj.wyoae. Mold by Hooka. Her. gtiuei ally, and at tit. i J.otior . .Olc, u. alii HI ut'CIS 01 haJih prl.. a. ClUIS. aue-U