the daily mxim TELEGRArnrniLAnRLPinA, Friday, ootoreu n imi (Swelling clcvaph fkiday, ocriUK.a 7. erarr of the hew tol;k pklj3. iMdlce KrUfopml fifim thrt Ni'W lnrt Ve th T '. Tbj Jo litem I i ! !, ttlileli tn-ie si'iteo 1--1 last .k, lt.i iuu tin- p iuic i tl m .ve mtnts nf f.istnt, r hh-mim! nii!ea!ion on M in I n-, and we liavr roiri- ol th I'mminn oftli it I r'. Ld Tot.d..jV h o, -, (n n. tt'bu-li C i:n m . n Ir.g e!c i-Mriu.-. '1 .. It In l.s admit i, .; ctssist ri pulnf iii tic n u'laeiss u;ttm mr iin- -in the aoith hunk m t i.- rivrr on t rf.l.iv l.i t, i.o'. claim mic ss in (l irni liuoJrc J prlto.i-i t ttu result cf the nn i j 't i.puntions on t,ur tuft. Iu its l.i is tlii tlic f.xamhi'-r t.Vli qai Homiy ami lnl-i y ; I. it in tin- i-ilituriti, iuti.-u.l-.vl to :ic-t flit- i W aii'h:it:r, it c.U. sritl a 1-roj-cr i mo-im f f, lr Ht,, wu ,att- i,o Uj.iM iute truititully. 11,0 l:r.tmnir crios out. airi rcitorans: tioi jjs lit linun'.tio Virginia nillioutil-'Iny from an) m Iii-jy. T ic nviy 01 our llnus i-aiin it lilrly I It It to Leu's nuse.iit army, whi?li lia. 10 groat a lc..l on 11 . I r tiy. An aeoossioii tu our itrci-n frum wnm- i i 1,01 r is tbe sort) nueJ of tin; liour lli hour ot ;iu il trial, kti-U is close at liatiil. Tliut some Til iliTstiir ot R-.o I trnopi should n,.tiiuily In- in iiifjlit tu liichiu mJ, aii'l flint iu vast iion-i! n un or nt-gru women an 1 rhildn t , wlio 1 ' 11 ,1 ut r.v tliini?, shoiiM b-soiit forthwiili awny, nr tlm" friUont auil tire.tsiiir want 01 the ot-c:ii 1." Thi inniinica iit.oii' Mgh a Mate of rocnUI excitement Bf it Is ;i 1 iii!o lor a sane tniuii to he In. It is (liilit-iilr, however, to tell wli -re I.eo is to H't n MithYk'tit innlvof ruitilorr-nmems. Tin Kmmitirr an m they must be. drought "Iro n aiy wherr," Imt wo il t kii v erbai iijitioa of tlii Sou tin in Coiifcvicni 7 tliut is. !. i Mirit r. on th' Ti ibuttt. It is nluiost too bud to expose the humbug of the loud crowing of the Di-mocrntlc piper over the cli-cuon thu other dny In Cjimei-ticut. Tiiey were in such Uista.-iHal noed of Miinuihing iu way cf a tonic Ik-I'mio going into the I'cnnsyl vaiiia coiitc.-t, tliut wc urj half dl-ipoiod tn lit them p;iM unquuntioiioJ wiih this paor comfort, liut etill, tonibtliing is due to truth, an. I for thu sake of truth o st.ito wlmt rery feur pcpl.-rememlM-r that nt thit eann n'jon t h ill" th towm in Connceti.-ii' li i!d cluctioua for Select men and ginallcr ton otllcera; that the remit, ao far at reported In the local ppers ( o tike papers of both partie ) i iliall wo cinfcis it ? 1 emooratlc gain of 'hvi towns! IH'rtiy has gone )-jni!nitic a Rain ; Bridge port, for year tbe very citadel of Dctn wr.ioy, but rfcently L'nion by nliout 10) inaj-irity, h"i gone Democratic another train; AnJoiriT, which gave ui tle nm.iority hut spring, i now Demo cratic still imothir itain. We bdilerathj It'oW.f Duinaftcs to linuie -iut one mora a a gain, making four towm in all. Overthl, Inastunmnr double-leaded aitii:!'.-, thn World tries the irtmo it pnictifced in the e:ine ot M ;ine, when it ba-nti- i of having nimie imni- ntc ga-ns in every coun'y but two, and cut down the l'nion majority by in ire than AOOO. That story was m i le to affect a ruiiic itlon mootinu, this a'iont Coniivi'tieut to work, upon the elections next week. (Jus was a lie direct; the either of thu 'iiirr$i mi rt; for the H'orM oinita the iiu.Mrunt fact, that while its party baa gninid tli: ": town-i, the Unionisti have g iined , viz : South V'indor, Sutlluld, Norih Ilreuford, II -Iimii, North llven, Ne Milford, Uarkhamsio id, lledding and Wo idbury (and we believo l'oitluiiil also). The fallot list we can rind givis i'.) Union to 4'J Domora-ie towns. ihe If'ot W prints ilu Djniocra'ie, but uat the Union list. Is this t iir, when pretending to en lighten the people ? Hi it 1I1 -ro btva boon Dj Biocratiu pains iu soma few phu es wu do not donbt; that thcru bice bunn more imp mailt Union gains in other places the HW. kno-v.i, but com t ill t tliut Hie relative strength of p arties in Connec icut ij pt :ticl y unchanged every sensible reader will udiiiu the vital issues of November are not suttlod, nor even alf icajd, hy a merely local can vats tor town olllcers. Another Demoeraiic paper slugs asonirof re joicing over Drliiwiuo, wheio an election for Judges and Inspectors of l-'.iection was helil last weik. Theresas very little Interest taken (so days the Associated IVnss despatch) bvtheVnion mm, who curried only the cicy of Wilmington. The Democrats c'uini u m-ijurl'r of Hot in the State iu 18C0 they had Mlil'J. Tne "gretit i tory"ln a State so i lvcteratt-lv Democratic, is Dot much to boast of; indeed, if the State snould thro her three votes for .VcClollsn, wc d ub; if anybody would be much a-touisbcd. Fur our own part, we admit tlmt the Democrats have cir ri(d Delaware; also, that it Is rinito pojr-iale that tin y limy carry it again; mid also, fort her, thai they could not well avoid carrying it, when ttio otfu-r pnrty refused to make a contest. If rijoicings over such "vK-Uries" docs them good, let them indulge their joy, but common fairness requires that iu setting forth the result of an election, one should publish the figures for both shies, accompanied hy such facts as may give the reader a proper under-tan ling of the case. Ihis we endeavor to du this the Demo cratic papers gea rally uvoid with scrupulous caru. thk i.iit;:ci)i"fin: r.tsr. from th Titi't. Let ttio'e wlio ore im-lim-d to lie despmeiciit always recall Ihe free: deeds our heroic armies liovt douc in this war, :m 1 from those forecast our perfect nu-ec-s in aeliievlng those things that yet remain to ho done. The euemy uro now burping fl at ire can never t ike Richmond ; but have 11 it not in pa it times hsrpod loudly tint we could never take Viekslnirg, that we could never lake Atlanta, that wc could never take Chstta. iMini, that a coiiM navertake Memphis or (.'i.litiiibu, that i-.c. c 11I.I mver tiiku Doneju or Nanhviiio, that va could never t ike Dowiing Oreen it Mi l fviiu tint we cott'd never taku or keep N't w l)rif -j, til l ; we could never tike Fort Motgan, slid tuaay a s.'oioof other cities and strongholds . Avail tlieie, cue iit'icp auothor. h ive fullen, S3 In duo time uill Ui Oimoii.l, Charleston, Wii mlngtou, Augnsl i, at,d Coltiuitiiu tall. As the MikbUu-ippi, the AiNaiHis, tUe l'onni-ssee. tlr (-'nnilwiiuud.and the I1 .11i.11 1; are n iwd-miiiia'oj by onr army, to In .i :o time will we Uoiuinve the A.' d the Sav.intiuli.and the llo in il;u. A the biate 01 Tunucskeo. a:.d 0110-0411 of -Georgia, and the grc ner urt of tne Tallcy, are now con ju -riMl, so in like m tuner vviil we yei ct n-iutr ail Virgin 1, and tlie t'sroliaas, nd llio whole of th.i Atlantic scahoirtl. Jui-I now, Ihf Keliels are pro;'ulining that tlu great urmy of I,ee. em noiih -r bu forced f.-1111 its position nor whipH.u Imiiind its intrent-hm-;iit; but how long Is u s.ncu wc beard the same thing declared as loudly itbrnit the Kie u army 01' .1.11 Johnston, nd itb-eit greit uruu-s which will never lit; lit egain 011 this 01 Itae Only a lew weeks ag 1 wis pr K-liiitied our power to 1ii;i n drive ;he acmv of Kuriv, troi.f ly was It po-tu!, ua l mj m.t'ny Iniu.-.-gn ble positions theie iveii) to which It 1: in Id fall back, one alter the other. The ghost of Kir'y's army now Immi'.s th ) o'rurmo.-t verire o. tlu world, tertifyine not its, but itself teir.ii-jj a', its own skclclou-like uspoet .Sid truant. : . iMi HisriNii 1 :n iHuti a t t it Kit TS ItlH Vlt -. How Fort tniu hum Miirrruilorp J " "' lul Anilrrstm's Mntt-mt-Hl. The following leixr appears .n the Mo'iile Jteyhtrr of Soptembi r 11 Militahv I'iiison, N.:v Okli'vsm, August l, Ibtrl. litar ne : - I was ejiui!lc.l 10 suiTeudcr l-'oit G..:m.s thrjugh feelings of mercy for my olllctrs and mjii, who earueitly appeuled to me. The pi .ltion was utterly untemt-. ble, the fleet having pas-td, and an ovtrwhelm ing force by, thy only threo gam whit h I could have responded with the lUwC du al led, my picket line driven lack to tho nisi uotth, the ditches and pirapeta swcjit from every direetioii by Ihe enemy's shot and shell, no sate shelter In the luiseiable apology tor a formication, two sick men haying been killed iu whut was considered the best cawmate, threatened with a trcuienjons conflagration iio-n the buildings wlihiu, and the msgd.iucs iu great danj.t r of being blown up. und nil hope of esc i(ie, or of accomplishing ti.e slightest g od by holding out, gone. 1 did not consul r .Mobile in danger, tor the enemy l.ud evi lemly not coma prepared fur any hlng except to gain the harbor tor 4 sstu anchorage, and us a preliminary step towards further operations in thu fall. As soon as Ilia fleet rau In, Colonel Wiiliams retreated witii his command, und therein acted more sensibly than any of us. The whole line tight to have besn prejiared for the ume thing. . lioder those clrcumbtaucos my command was sel.ed wi;h ihe appalling conviction that our case was bolos, und seemed parulyxud with tlie prospt-ct oT ccrtaiu and useless destruction., I r-ardl rlt llif( bivrnr of the situ tttvi, hut mil roihitig, ai d mnrioncf) ding'ntlv .m mike tl r- lit 1 1 -t o 1 tli-po-itui'is nn. g-1 1 i ie m r, riiini, t.euii: rxo:. mi rnsking iho bet tiht Ihr.t was po-fiol. . t hi n, howctpr, ti e n-tleefs -im to n.r nl 1 r tn .tiii ;i t whlif wit hstd vi-rk. and t .i r. -seil ineni-eivi-s w rti oi-diy t i lo' ol ..nt 11,:, - , .,.! s ued me Hi tl ifi-iriutti tot cnri-1 w it 11 ile ni I , , ()ice ,),.,. ,,,,,1,,, no n fm I ! i... ,'(,,,,. Yo-i 1.1 ty innlun svitli " I "i tiii-hii e I a 1011 ti i? cnncltitinn c t no p'uno.f.ta j-.-t I h.-l -,! ixie,-n .r i-v 11 1 imt I iiled Mt..t ..,1 note 1, .md k--tnt p " ' ' ' d 1 s,nieihing l i.- tOe r.-iiu. I -tee :.- d h, ti r i I I:, V J 1 1. 1 1 .1 to U n :rae,.t ; and s I rnuM not n i-ii,i m,. ,.. .1 r military r Is with- out ,-v.i., it ,. 1,,., ,. n -,.Miin,. 11 , hiii w. I- t' I-- til.- 1 - 00 -t, it 1: a', ii.f.u r ii and m H i 'w,lioh 1 r, n,;it. , im- l.i 1I0 esa-tly us I did. I n i -l t . ate 1- ,t i.-i: hi i In- etap i rinm in I n I - I I tl-'ll 10' ; I. I t, iiik'i! t'lM would Wu!) no., it .-r -.r. , t -r h id .0 r on-ti, tit- (.i.ii.I l-.i.f I -ii t i.ttiinpte I to nbt in. 1 I'm! iM-l,it Inn'. I itl iisnl 1 1. 1 t.,. fj ... u .l ,v I t i 'i 11.1t. my .1:1.. d 10 lily ill .graeelul tn 't foli t .it In "t. i r it I t- ti en sut. ,1 it, it 1 a -, t , if, i-v t tlie t .vut to .it-i s o: ( ;t it-ral I'age. t Ins i ont In c. 1 pri-vn in-. not e t tn h;m my cond tion, und that 1 iwiuid Aoi-u hate to succumb, tint h only cl atged in" to li.i the licst I t.i lid. Ho kitw qnile mil Hint the fort Colli J not hold out or Liaise a i.tthf, nn-1 Hint th" tlm i tor ordc-s from him had pa-sod. 1 am also blamed for not answer i.g his ii.'ti.. Mr reason fortius is, that m gotiaiions were lln-11 eniliiig iinder of ttticc, ni'd tin n-foro I had no rigtit to cornmuui cntc. As rrpards my not c n mltir.g h 111 nt nit the niircntlc-, I aast ulofl ami surrounded, an 1 a nld oidv act on my own respou-ii.ility li ..ides this, Captains Sm-th and I'tinn liH lvi-i; (in.nts only the toght pr. vhu.s, and torcseeimr II- e Im vitno le refill, tiicj said that tho Uent lc. the iniifcr entirely with mi. Oci.cral I'nge also canio over while I t is at the flc. t, und Itai ring the w hole .state of an", lis, why tnd he not ns-titiui command nod illustrate, ju-t for one day, tin- ma I, fnrlnrn, nnd titiar tiling desperation of tii'iUing a human slaughto- p.-n of l'ort (1 dnes 1 Instead ot this, however, he re Inrned immediately, thus avoiding any Implir-n-tinn, which, lot ins mi'.i-. ;s exactly what I di sired, as I inlertalned the highest possible rej.-i;rd for Oentrul 1'age, and felt conscienti ously that I was doing the best that ould -. 1 rugrot extvc 1 inply to stispeet that the (ieneral hsd not as much charity for me. As for other calumnies so liberally bestowed upon mo, I pIihII not iron'ile myself to refute them. 1 mn heartily sustained by "my whole com mand iu tiie count.-I p irsuud, who alone could fully appreciate the circumstances of our position, and bentv I conli lently expect 10 bo sustiliied by the fa-tiers, mothers, wives, sisters, and Utile children represented in the command. ltest assured that it will come right after a while. Mcamimo do not suffer yuur-clf to be annoyed by what you may heurdernga'ory to mo. You cannot conceive thu curious and absurdly lal-e rumors ahout us that are 111 circulation even amongst Ihe Southern ey tup ithl.ert here, such tor instance as "that I am a Baltimore l'lug I'gly. and sold l'ort Dailies, and tha numbers of ns are taking the oath of allegiance to the Cnited .Mates," .Vc. Our friend here are rapidly arriving at the Ii nth, however, and Ihe ladies, who are etill fondly devoted to our cause, are vying wi'h laeh other in doing 111 honor and kindness, though wc arc lint permitted to look down upon their lair facts. The l'ed-rali will not all) us todo m.jheciiiise t'n-y say they cinnot c mtrol tin ladies. Vtrllv, a more loyal people to the South cm, not bo found. I will wr te ton In mv next of my Condition tit re, which is anything but pleasant. 1 am .piite well at pre-etir. My love to all. Atiectioiia ely, your hiislnnd, C. D. Amikhsox. lOBElST'SEAIDIN TENNESSEE. Rebels Again Attack Athons. THEY ARE DEFEATED. Tho Condition of tho Railroads. ;-., Kir., :r., Kio., Kits., Km. Nas iivii.i.r, October 4. The latcKt In reference to l-01 rust is up to 8 o'clock last evening. Uo was ttieu reported wost of the Tennessee and Ala bam railroad, moving towards Florence and "Muscle Shoals, apparently with the intention of muklng bis way out ot tho district across tho Ternesteo. A part of his force is reported moving on the Northwestern railroad. The river is rising, and it Is boped the enemy will he unable to cross and make their escape. On Saturday and Sunday the enemy wcro operating ou tbe railroad in tho vicinity of Co lumbia, and succeeded in capturing live block bonses and their garrisons south of Spring Hill, end burning three bridges over Catter's creek, and the (iovcriimciit saw-mill at Carter's station. t)n .Sunday Hf.ernoon an attack was mule on onr pickets near Columbia, and after soversi hours' skirmishing the enemy retired towards Mount l'leasant. Heavy artillery firing wss heird south of I'uiaski, on isiinilay evening, aupposci t bo an eiifjnjtmcnt betwetn General isaxton' Cavalry imd a jairlion of Forrest" command under liiift rd. At tlayl ght on Sunday morning Buford attacked Athens, which place had been it-occupied by our torees since ita surrender by Colonel Camplall. They shelled it for two hours, and thtu di-n:auili da surrender. Colonel Wade, 7.) J Indiana, commanding, replied that he did not piopose wu'tiug bis leot lu crossing Muscle Shoals, and could not surrender. Tl,c lb lit continued for some time, when tho tntuiy ware bund suit: ely repul-ed with heavy loss, mid ivneatcd towards tho Tt-nuesseo. N cukuaiuc of the light nre reported. Columbia htitl ru'iiski ore sale. The tvu-.-s areworkiagto l'nla:-hi,.i:.u will he in o cr.itlon to Athens tMiay. C'olt-i, 1 1 lioolntle, ItiLli Mit-higtii, with part of his icfiineiit, who were sent to reinforce A'heis Uciii g il c tl'-t stta I., were r ported cip'urcd. Cini ildas ami uet. ie , men's hi thu cicui)' are npiotid a! vani.iis points', pliiniieriiii;eltl'.-DS,c. Two tia'na on the Louisville railroad arc npi.rti d eaii-uied by gueiillas lait night, near ia Kt l:e'd Ji'iieiiou. T i c N o Ij villi nnd Clidttunn g t railroad is sift, Mint tian.s ait- limning regularly. '1 he Na;-hviilc TitntH ol lasi. evening sitys: tin Tiitsi'B.v lust, Colonel Murphy's 2d Tonne set M-uinied Innirj ry.'-u .outi'i- edC-ilonel llilll js' lain if Mcnlliis at N'otili'sville, 1'ciry eouu y, i.(l iln.M.' iin 111 10 ilards' On M'eduusdav ll'llh s was lelm'oret!,! by ( M) tneo, and attsckeil onr it'i-ei s r; ll.avi-r Dam. I he Rebels were n piilii ti; b.ii C ,ioi,el..Murpliv liuditig his forc -s oiniiuiiihiito, fi d h.tek to Du .-k river, and liud itig t. e f..rd id: oeeupt, d by the cueiny, made a t hiirge, t ut Ins way ihrotigh at a place called Kig- r lord., nnd e-cap-al. His lost wis Licu ti 1 ant lioi'-t killed, und about twenty men killed und wounded. The enemy's loss was at out e glity. One corps of lloo i's army Is lipoid .1 on thi- iu.: of tim Chattaiiojcoec, I: an I in;' i.i-i h a :fil, A rtrsiai.'h '. i.t-ou to dav, from Cilutn'ms, sit . s J on, t. when U-t ii.-ard from, was 0:1 tiits 1111. n 11 ad 10 I 1 on nee, l do M mimi l'leasant. Git-. 1.. i 1 1.0 :, as 1'. .M'a.'her ii Iu nils city, .iv. aitii g , Uei s 1,0m tjeii, ia, .-ihernian. Vrp-r 1 . ih) Muiiiiss arrived iu m city yes. t .1 e... , ri., 1 took loom- ;i' tiie S'. Cloud Ho'.hI. lie ( i'!i '-'ol--, cue yiar ii-i'ijicn', husniriv.-d i".- Ui l.tijo', a. ! is -n nut" here. 11, t e.t.'.c oi l) tr oil a: mu.-h deligiited at the tufe iiiri-,u: at th: por. of ths) lirst vesa il 01 the (drret l.ivi-rpcol liruf. Ten thou miml muk'ts wereshipned from the .""pi int -ii. id At inory last Monday, for Washington, cud rhrec hc.i tired and C.v'ii'y thousaud reuiain, nd.iei t ttiC.e order ti the Government. -I're'i.oT Aia'.-i, to give a course 1 f ItLfirts ( n 1-rio.iys, Uu.iaiii.iig rl.c klii-titrii 11 i i,:t ridge, on the '.Natural His tory ol l-i let's';, at-d An.ui.tU." All I'aiMjrs ktti tlii'iy men will I e at'inittcd tree. Tin-: we "iil'OU Odd i-"c lows in the Vnited Sta'fs. Mt,n!iy, the ntted cutrilla, stiti word to his men that Le wtuid r.ct tcou lejointhetu, and that u Wijut White si aid i-oiiiiiiaud them. General Yorko (Rtbe'.), who lost an ar.11 in ti c t attle tf the Opciruan, tlicd nt Harrisonburg in Motjiiay. Geitcral Loniax Kcbol), who was wtiinUitl iu ti e same light, was lying very low at Stauntcn in .Saturday. New Haven is i.uililing a ten thousand dollar si html-huHse lor eidorei) chlialren. Cit'cr-s of Harrisonburg state that when Kiirry j stscd throntjh that place his army was conipletcly iIeiuoraii-.ed. Long .treat is trying to moralle it, and the Uichmoud p.ip -is are moral npon liurly'i defeat. A reporter's pew ha been established in a fashionable London church. "We are afraid it wjil not be ocenjded much. AMUSEMENTS. N'Kw ciii'.sNiiT oritKKr thv,tkh. I.K N A HJi IIIIOVKH A I IX, AM B. SINN, ! i.s imI Mkiisrr. tiK'S AT Hvrrr r-TriK WARCIN t iltnur CUM Ml Ft Ct'Tf. "IMS i Kn la. 1 y, KK Mi, ;. li, Tho i-rt..rmsirr ft .. i,is,i.-t eh iv I Tot,? I em el In Mr. tv,im W.rn ktlss lisi.H .U vi-t Wurrmt Mr. Vsil.,..e mi -h-l.'. r.trrau M IU.,1 .i.llf ttl.tlivi- Miit,tr it i-ifwiii i i: ii sir riw sitti.t .1 s-,is HtlilHIII AITIItN-alS. t.lan.l I AmUf JHsOltso, t.1,,1 l ,- itS:A nt II 1. t.1.1 l,e tr, i,4,- 1, it n. r-sl. st is. hi, t d tnrt M Its. JOHN DUKW.-S NlTwrAUCH Stt IIIKSllll I trVAi.t pi t, ii:v ivi i r.fti lstlts oi t' - ..r tt lorn A 1st. BslVd.1' M'lMur, ami Hl.ia KMISINO, I 0w I "rui r;-, t tt-rm mc , tr,u -tiknt a Ssnt.ilriliAl Dr:us kl I'.l.l ei.MilMil. A"K" VI". m AM. I M lOI-i . r, vr ,1' -Ipf M'll' A IIK TIlK TA It," sn.1 "lll( K M A II 'O.-f.-r par'l-i..4i v .-s(. ,.,! .In l,. ., Ac . i-K S.lll. M'.AI -s F I : I I.I ri TllliFK Ii t Ti II A 1 1 VMS'. HK.sNt;T STH I .l-.T GI'l.KA'.. N. t I.I Clll.sM 7 street ALI.I.MtiiN A I'lM Kt N PiiNtrio'srs M'dtAS ti MIN4TNEI.SI ir. An tt!, .nil MIIHK'W, l-HtKOI'MASOli F't.ia i x i sini,. rn-i.rssn-fnc? St S a ( .wk firer-l-rl". A 'liiit.ion i(, n-iiis. Ktasris-rl r!fl to cnl ,s l Utis-iktrn ltoin luu, i. u i i i H It I S T HKJ K C T I'. , " V Tin irrektsm c,Jnl,ri,d pit-tnrs br West, tlis ehsf u .t int, i.l Utv sr.i-t, Is MltV ON lAlltntTIOV AT INK Ai tl.MII in no, AKTsl, Nil. Ii',i flll-SKIir NTItl-KI, In s.iaitl, n l.i the I It , Ink, An t o le. I .o of lht A, t,linr. A,!li,itti,liee,'..s eenis , M.,oti 1 i.-h tt, :si rcm-.s. 11-11 Ira 'I "UK (illANi) I)1I,!,IAK1) Tol'llNAM i7nT I ier lit thu, ep ,n-lifu ill th-- hiaieof rrniisjlvnnia nt hansom H i i:Kr I II M.I., ,,n MH.-s-I'AY . (h S. lsrtl, rt-il Isrtiilnsie Mi iMI VV, IV-I .hnr In. lsit)., AHI.ItOHN A N II l-.VKNIMI KXHIIII 'llONa. I' In j In eiiiiiiii-iK s nt 'i I. M . mi I s r. .M . s, a isms la Ii, he fsfl -, ut't. ("r tins. I'iiOi ah.tli ,trVirri.. I he To lnwim nsmsa tire tlie C iruis lltur' mr His Uli nn pi,,nalni mi l I'rii.ea : V , l.s Petie. I ! III. .1, J W. M ,hl nuiiir.i, lals-it T. Kvsll. K. II. Ni-hiia, II W. H..r,.. J. l-it lu.-r. wild K. ,T .rimili I M.r. KWANMIH, l'll I.aN. (.Ol.lil II w A IK, and ollii r ir.,iuoit.iit iiliiyr r sre exptoted to lis prfssllt. .Hindis A, Me.oitsl KtaannTlrkrla aecureil .est.. .,. Kor ,o nl Ihk princi pal ItlHInrd Hitrna anil Hjlell VII Toll i:.IK, J W. MOM rilOMERV.and 11. T. Kt ALL, Comuiitl-s l' ArrsiiKi-rn.-iua Hl.-IH K OK l-I AVINO. TIICKsnAY AM.KNiMN-ll. wi.a anil Rrat;Mnt. ,,., , r ami .Vel ua. i. KM.Nti-Katephtt sad 1'almar; lllrtl nnd I'lnayett miUAY AS I KHSOOS-Ilew.t an l I'slmer : Munlics uiri) anil rluaksil. r. S.M.M.,,l,eiiJ UsaU; lliril Mini .Nr ins. MtTl HI1AT AKTKItNOON lllttl nnrl HU ; F.alepha and Nelma. KVKNIMi llcnss and fliiitkotl ; Manliji msiy Catiiii-r. WOMlAV AITKItNOOV- Ilpwra iol Vo'm t i Vnatf ). merit and Itral,. KV KM Fill r.aiephranl I'liuiketi ; itird I'atnitMj Ii) It-It w "U1IHT JJlfH UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. NKW ILLUSTRAIKI) KDITION. Tl,rinih1) Rctitt'd mill Much Knl.irijrd. OVER 3000 FINE ENGRAVINGS. in.tso woims aid MKANIMIN nut fiuitnl In other Dlr latnar'ea. Ott-r tlilrty ahss Arrslrsn aril Karnptisn aehalars sm-pit-si il itiion litis rrrn-liin, and lit rly i-art ut laourex peptlt d tlstn it. Anions Ihtt rt II ittnralinra are tlr Mahn. of Herttn; rro-l.-.acra Per,er, lia u, Itlnlii.y, llaaa-y. I.vuian. tlil ntsn. and lliseli.-r; Ca.tln Ci nUlill,, ,tf We.t P-ilut S.lll arr Acai'mil; .linUe .1. tj. rarkius; I'mltMaur MOes ; A. 1,. HollfV. Kai , Ac. A c. SVt oral Oil, Ita nt itrt-at va il une ,, thcin of litv nunrtt piil-t-a. Ksplnnatiiry aeti I'r tnoiiiietne, nt tiaaea in l.-tl.n tir persona anil lut-ea p-.iitl-inuiia, a,-. Ao .as A Ml di.n, Araitia, AUianv, Krsi ncr, Moilior Usiy, Milton aa.l llistm a Line. Mr. Sllt-ai. t..r. Ae. I'eiiiatnlin.' out? Illihor one loiulli muro lasttt-r thsn any STiiirrertltlims. Kn ui ntw ?4ts,trttvii pistes aiidtht-Hhiralile. Press. In One Vol, of 1840 Boyal Quarto Pagts. "GKT THE I.ATF.ST." "GKT TUH MUST." "GKT WJEHSTKlt." Pulillsliril tiy (I. 4 C. MCltltlAM, .SprliiKtloltl. slusaitcliu -toits, anil tr. ii. LiiMMNcoTrr v co Pltll ADKLrillA. HOLIi BY A 1.1. llOOKHI.I.I.KltR. IJ .t RETAIL DRY GOODS. () i a-: in i iv u. J. M. IIAPLEIGII, Ko. 902 CHESJiUT STttEET, W II L OI'F-K Ills l-'AI.I. ANI VN' I NT Kit STOCK OP i ii i: s s a o o t , ON MONDAT, OOT03E2 10. CoUfiatinrf nl MOIKK AM IUt'F.S, I10NNET TA1 TAS, C0I.OH1 I) TAH-i.lA'S Aad r0UI.T 111". SOIliis, VKI.OUK OTIOMAN SILKS, la 1, the M-w" t '!.. iKM, w di a il: ,.-,i,tt-il Mtitck 01 WCOI M N AM) fsIl.K A N II WOlis H.! FAllltlCS. J. M. II. Like. tli'J.uro in .11,1'ii la lint KM' All, Tit A UK II, at he lias been ruminate In tantiiuit hla Importations at Mils Halt .whan ll t cost Is 1 ill It IV VIIUI.K PEIl CSNT. I.KMsi i) an that kt winch a large portieaui I'orelga floods hass bt u pat apt n tin- market this season. All of wlilcli tt 111 t't-sold -Ittsa or lovt ui- than the i.atn koois cao be Itoiitl t rl-fwhsit.. 10-7 M gCOTCH JJORcIEY DIAf'ER I'KOM .MICTION, A T it i: 1) V C 1C D 1' Il I ' E 8. tXR iVEJ fcTCLVAKT k tiROTHEE, 5t5. 450, 4.1-1, Kt t! 4.14 ".SK.uMl MRKBT 10 -J-.'t AS,v Widow. gAMILTON. PACHIO AND AMEHI0AN MOlHEI.lJC 1)1-3 X-.AIN13s3, FUCil AUCTION, at nioui;c'i:u i'uicis. CUnWEN STODDART & ItKOTTIErt, Nta. 450, 3J, mud ii t M. tECOMD Hircal, V0-1-3 Above Wilkiw. lUHl'KTINdH, PRICES REDUCED. Evtrj sitlele In our slock will Is n'd nt U. vciv lowest uaiktt ritts, t'oit UAaii. BEEVE L KNIGHT h BON, K-l-lai So. 807 CHICBkltl HfiiiXT. pjrrs aoh din aet niniArms i DIIKSS GOODS,. Frn?(isn!(; am im .miotic goods, tsnnr'isl" shs Unset an.i i,ji,.-at J1., pie, el yjes-sl si I't, AS AT ntl''n nitl .v I Uk, tMKItl Si-tlXKISt KKli'VM) VaI I I. OP O' I'KHNCH I'OI'I.INS, MlililNOKK, AM'AOAS, wool. nr. i. a inks &.., urn tiirtp We I sis receive! at a ,i-it . -nSc s lri s-k M am ill , I Dltl'.SS OOODS, A J J t.vt of AUBIllflN IlKt.AlStS Ahl Pill MS. Wlikrh we fFsll ofAir vsr tt.w,an. ar? well ari th (lie allcnt'C'n of l,uera. J. COWTERTHWAIT & CO., . K.ooraer Mkril and AKfU Htrtssta, 9 W Pll I,ilk-'!lt. Gli AND OPENING 01' TUB NIW AVO M V 1NII H.ENT 8rOUK Of JOHN LOUTEY & CO., No. 2t M. XSICJU'X'II HTHBUT, ON MONDAY, HL l'TKMUKU '., Whers wilt be feund s most bcaui'tnl satortmrnt of DRY OOODS, (T.OAKH, ANDHIIAWLW, IR Til (4 CITY. We have jas Opsotsi 10OO I'i.-c. HLKS, ri.AIH ASK UNIT. 500 l',. MHUNOK8, i i.aih ami mnmm. UTiO KEKNt'll l'ilfLIM, HEf A1 I IOIIBI.II. 900 l'isttf.. WOOL, I)K LAINE, Double end Single Wu th. Plata and KUjiireJ. ISO VUtt-n MOllATH ALPACA, Plsla and Pleated. lOO Pi. t . w KNOLISII MKKINOKS, Alan a la o Stock of I ancy and Utaple D n e a s J o o d a . 9 it lia yrw. x-tOiviNiJiiH rAiTJ3ii, IMPOETtB AND KANl PArTURRtt Or IJ 11 K a S TKIMMINQH, tll AI RR HOSIERY, LACES, 4 FANCY GOODS, No. 1011 N. MOUTH STKfcUiT, aecotid aliove Arota, rillLAOKI.IMIIA. 10-1 If JMMKNSK Kr.DHOTlON IK Till I'lllC'l-JsJ OP DHY (iOOUH. JAMES E. CAMPBELL & CO., No. 727 (IIESNUT STREET, OFFKH TIIEIU ENTIHK STOCK OK DRY GOODS. CONSISTING IN rAUT OK M l:iFton, I'l'PMMi asd HP.P.S, PiNiit im;h, 111 AN I L tl IN, al.PACAH and M'tll V'.KsV JlLAtK aad PA M I till.KS, MllAWI.S, ui.ovi;s, I.INKNS, Wlllrt. no JOS Ft AN sl;l,, III AnKKIa, I.IKKK OBJ t'lll-rilN .sHIKTKst.js, Hl.ri.l l.AMa, said t I UAKIM. LI 01 IH, AT EXTREMELY LOW RATES. Wo L l vo to anurr (lip ;m t)!i ih tt w liv muktl ilown cvun attk!e In ou: itrMk.nnJ nttv ttavf it iu our po to ollvr KABE BARGAINS. 10-l-lm WHOI.P.HA1 M PODAIH UP STAIKN. M. a. a o w a itAI IT) NE PLUS DLTHA SEIRTS ! I INKIlV r-KlKT WAHHAM'. II AMI Kl.fl INOUUKU MIX MUM Ha, FUl-.E OK t'HAl'iK. B0I.0 UM.V AT Ho 17 H. ntrHTII STREGT, (Over PartrUgt-'. ii limning Sioru.) NOMK OKN l INK I'M.RSS Ol'R NAME A.N" I) NL'VIIKR Is) MTAMPBO I'I'llS Till: WAIMi IAu. UTBA 1 ENOTH HKIItTH and wlih imt- site wjL.l, lua la to orilsr at tt.s a ,-n i.-.r n ti . . OLD 0KIKTB MA I IK l" III! AND KI'l'S-IliKt), liual In S -w. WIHfES AKD ritllDKF.N HKIHT8, of alt alzoa and feijles, cuu.' on lisnd. rf-l-lm VN NO BISK!!! KIN NO BISK!!! We wound tts menrT. Ii' d. aired, for fvory lot of Shirts Wl ltti tall i-i -' t'T it.n-'-t. 1NK MIIKI'rl, TXK KH1UT8, t 'T 1 I M. IHWltt. OS St - I IN. M it if rift, Ymk Jluls Mn-I i.and nry Hue linen lu.-fUia s ml v S 7.. I -nal prlee $U. IV,,:, el. ...II.- Atll'a M talill. sad iin Mltell llosouis. I o ; -i.e. I tuel t)r e t V'si. rlNUWKSS H lt -slllMI noons. N Ki'HKiHHINrl 1 100119. sMITil A JA UllW, ;.J.,iu No. t.llnsNl, I' blretjt. Ml-BINOKS. l OI'UNS. Il.-ps,tpiiitlil.ea, Ctu I'loitl.. All'Si-as, .Vithnirs. aeit tttl er li"ee I lOntls. tU JAd.K t-AUI'M II. tt'tl.S, "" No ;-.; i inotwur street. SILKS, SHAWLS. jK'pelialll I lout". ' itk-tts, Linens, ami Wkite notxls. tl.ettPltt JAS. K. C'AMPIlKt l.'". H, r .Nu.;;70ltKSSl fSltnet. -l.'LANNKLS, J I.ANKKTS. X I li.ta Slid t'. ltnn Sliet-tiims. l-hrapat JAH. K. CAMl'IIKl.t CO.'g, .- .No. 7'.'?lilHSJNl TMtrt-et. l.L WHO WANT GOOD DKY GOODS AX J tlie voir kini-at itrit m, tan And thorn at JA0.K.CAMPIIKLLAOO,'j, 10 4 If S.7-TCIIEaSUT HIret. I'OO ,100P SKIKTS ;00 jZO, Ho. S ACM lrt.. OO A dots bltth etreet, PuiladelptaUb Wholeaale and Retail. The most teaplrtt a.euruiisni ut Ladle.', Hleasi', and Cl.tlilren . llut'p Nklrl. in Hie cy,tn every reaiieot llr.t t la.., tahlek for .tfle, ou.!, Ouraluitt, aotl Wieipiw.a, huse uotsual In Ilia nisi .el. (.an u suede to entr,sirretl, sod renir4 . Mlf WM.T.BOrKlSI. 1113 IM.ACI2 TO UtTV i LINEN GOODS. si. !. ssTltAWlinilK.ll.V CH) b iflTHWSHT OORFJHft WUUTIl AJud MAUKET 8TRKKTS, liars alwsjre tu a' i k s lull Use jf WSMt II TAHIT LIKT.NH, Itansjk an Spot. IHI.MI TAl'.LK I.lj rNi. iai,.kij AtxH BAII.Y TAIIt.r. I.IXIIM, eatra h-4?r. TOWKI.S, NAIMilNS. AND l-OVKIKS. .SHKK11N0 AKD riLI.OW LINEN'S. I.iiifrsl lii'1uoerr.snttt to Hoia:.,, iVtatjdv ;hooli, and puirhersorisxgloU. JT-mwf lro FALL STOCK. An IClcunnt ANNortmcnt EEE3 GOODP, CLOAKS. SITAWLS, MANTLKiJ, AMI MOUHN1NU HILIilMUItY. TUP. ATTI.NION OP TUB LAUICt 18 SOLICIT l.D M. A- A. MYKUS tt CO., Ho. O'M OIICSNUT 8TURP. HPS! t llKtsNUT aTRP.KT. 1CM1 III OI1K14MIO!!-., LACES WHITE OOV.UH, VEILS, 1 1 A1V I)K lullOI f 1 1 ; It-i-J. E. M. NEEDLES. IOtJ4- I IIK.SJIsUT ai'HP.P.T. " '9! i i T A N 1 VNDi; l THE GOLD STANDARD. wow oii'2rv. A Full A-worlment of Full and Wlnlur CLOAKS, K)U I.ADIKH AM) MIHSKS. Thsae Oola IsHug raoaiti psrclisao.1 FOB sad pvAble IN ( 01,1), to no cue wtUUis ptl clin,Txl s acted TBE GOLD STA1IDAED, Hoaadsr wont -Mat the "atL-r Jeelir.M 'o. We protect oureelvra rom 'Me 0 dills purobaln U.tdu of onr sales. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., 1 II B PABIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FLU LJIPOBIUM, 0--'t Na. OUt) CHP.SKUr STItF.EP. A T AND U N II 13 II THE GOLD STANDAED. iow oi'iirsr. A LAIlOK ASSOIUMKNT OF FASHIONABLE FURS, OF European and Domestic Origin, K0H LADIES AND MISSES. Ibt floods I sing aioftiypiirch.sed "0R snl payaU IK OOLP, lu ao case will tlie pries charged azcaetl U.S Gold StautuuJ te nutter what polat ttss Lttlei tteclluos te. Wc protett enrielves from loss by daily puroaiing Gold 1 1 tin stutiuDl cf eur tales. J. W. PRO -TOR h CO., THE PABIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FlTB SM10BIVM, l6- t V. 90 OH'HMUT 8TKKCT. T AUCTION SALES. M APKl'VB AtrcTtON KOOM3, No. m MAKKBT I treat. C (" M Ar-stFT. Aneslsnesee, ee-liePe t ? .""Him, s AUS.M, A Vlt HS-Ri'HAMIIrt. I Ofal1ltiA..s nnhi'o sals at hi. Anrlioat moum, eel he ww auea,d NMMtteilf t.. aalA. f . .... . PPL t.slAin ArtD STOfKS ' . At Ihe Pirl atire. ..... ' "PHD! ! ITHHITOMl Al liweillpire. and ...... f'Kt.'K OK XEIIcrtASDthP. Al it e atnrea of t s ("e.h lli adr.artsi i,er. aVsiirwl ea ca.lnmns t sKl. ,.,r p,il,ic .ale. titr t abhp a at t. or i.Ntn.inn vntetA W 1IITR OKA MIS. AN II V.. I . PAMTilLNWAHP, in opesi liu amiable rlir and cstutitrr retail slssre kesien., Or TueMar mttntine, All' it cl-Kk, al lei ki ja aurUon ieotnl.Mt MA Mar ket street. PI INT fll s,sWAMr A'Mt. a tine a taortiiient t,l tumltler.. aai.m.. ai.lMa host le, and other elst.wa.e ' Ki.htiHt.M i.As-p nrnkP.Rn. Strt d .jen l.irp ItiT-M-rs. n. J, and 5. , r tl e cmr'tr ran irsi ssssda eersTollr parked al ttio aiitllt n ronrua. VCT10N FAI.W OF CONDBMNLD UOS. Will t I tlil, kt' audii'tV at th Mrsflrftl HU Vt k lviK.t,co m.r F Alkl fc.r.UlKK.I ia Hl,.n a , Wl l.vv htat. Oeir I f a (ti'kt n v or iiosi'ii Aii MntNi rrnr, Coiintioj of lin UidiM.i, lUtr !1.low. HhM. lUsMikeu, Muvt , CliHiitt Kuirn, lord. ttpoat, uipt 1ho.'MUoit liv? tfn cridi an4 ki nAI tor w pttfU u. Ti(n Ch, tn fr-ltM eurrenrf, Stkif incilim ( in m In o'r)icsv K , M. bf ordcir W;'r-i!riorft Austur t). HUTTIfRIetiKti, fliifrfsAo U. S. A., Mml:rl l'urr, 10 7 (t J'fiMit of Wrtthmato. 0- LAZAAIt, NINTH ANI SANSOM Ath.IT0 8I.R Or H0RSF-. CAHRT VOKfl, Mr., On Hnti'tili Jttrttmntf nom t At 10 o clock, roniprt'.nK (m hi HIM H0KHE9. Knit tfsjucrfpflrn a) Alio, Urm foUoct'on of dodtrsMi new nui toond I. nd frni8(sn, jLiihi wragiu Ac, wlih mhidx the will roumicticn. Alto, tiiiKie aitJ iloukle Imruois, MJoil br.dlo.i, vhlpi, (vivrrr Imltirn, A. No fHtntiMtncment oo oooiinf of (hp wruthw, Hair of iiorsi, Ac, co W tlnrii.ny nxt. 1 lilrd nnmml Aftlc nf hlsnthl itttck OtlutMT If. ('iili.gri natl I rrt-t at priTntp muif. U AI.KKLI M. IIKKKNKMg. Auotlonear. g.LE OF CONDEMNED MCI.E8. Can r (Jt AKTauM.sTsx's Cri-ira, liai-ttT os .anist.riis. . It .t (l-,,,har A I SllA Will he sold SI pulillc auetloii, tt Ihe Uoirsla, near the ()lt.rvalt.r in ihe Cllrof K aaldnston, on Wr.UNK.S). lAr,tctolier 19, lws, a lot of HI.EI. cotiditenned a. unlit for pnhlir eervlco. Ti ini.raali. In Corertintniit fniule. Sale Uiooaimeuce at ill o'ektok A. at. ll.ll. IIIM'KSII, . . . "'tos'llv-General nod hlor yuarieiiuaeter, n -" liepol nr Waatiiniilon, l. C. MILITARY NOTICES. u HE ADQUAKTKB8, HK8KBVK H Biis-nde, 1st Pennsylvania Multla, Pmii.a ii! i uj-Bta, October 6, IHM, Msnitsrra of tbe Rearrre who hare sol receive isj for servlcn during ihe Hoi. Iu trie county of Schorl kill, In Ma, lf. srl't call ni the Armory of Ike 1st HltOAD Mreet, near Hire, on TUt'KSDAY or PlttliAY of Ihe current wee)., liotwocn the hours of II and 9 o'cl.s-k P. M. Oi ntmendcrs of comi anli e will notice the shore, and la.tit. orilera aococdiitfcly. 10 . JOHN" E. AUDIt'KH, ritrma.ter. u lintMCY's zorAVica.-HKAnQUAR- lore, ho 6;tl rilPMNI T Btres-I, holow 8lth. TlJa VI ke.linrbl still be a. aUnrttehootere, aud will Jabbt- under II, o of Msstr J . 0. HriaissB, a Utera ber nl Major lien, . si ltlrn. . HlaS, win has reeelred aiilhorltr mm tlie dcneral aud blats (lovernuients to rt-ertiltll e orsatitxallnti. lllulllT C'Abll UOVUtNMK.NT, C1TT, AND WARD 11(11) N I IS H Pa:d Immedletcly on the inn.terirH of .nr nan Ifitath ri'Kliiit-nt, at lite Iiead,iirt-rs. Vo. 4-si CUKHNU r Hireet. CtlMNITTKtt. . (icorm- J. Blrhardaon. ,t'olincl Wetliertll te, lien W I, .lain Mil, waul, ' n. M. w Inrl-rvneer, I O. W.Pana, Joha w. P.rerinan, dolinl hornier, C. P nchu-ncr, ' Joe. r.Toblaa, II W. Arnold, Boo.aiuUi Uiillock, , AUrtsl Adoilh. -J7 111 TIHAUQUARTKR8 PENNSYLVANIA XX klllltls, (luant'lliiaslpr-Utliieral sOntce, ilAKMisnt an. Pa., Ootnher.1, lttl. Will Se sold al Public Auction to the blul.s.t oktdor (la nceordaiico Willi act nl Asst-iuhlr, appror.d Aueusl 11. 1HW, Hecllen III, at ll.e Hi.ue Arrnal, Harrl.ourt. on TUP.HUAV.ihe Ikio day of Oetnlier, onmmenolna al IV A. M., tho following un.srrlceatile ordusnoa an ina tlrtal., Ihe pn.Hrtr of the Sllaleor Pennsvl.anisi Tt u G-pounturs liraas I'annon, castiua 17C0 tn IT'tl ; s i ialu 1.140 istiinili. Kluht B pniinrti-rs Iron Cannon, csstlng of 18-VI and 1S.1T I wi iKlii abdiitbismpiiiinrla. One ii-.potuidtr U-on Csunon, wslgut aboat loflO pounds "tti Oua Iiainls (old eastlMf), weight about ,3'Ot ptHii'tla. 4 Clou rarrlaits Aslea, weU-l.t about S.'Jl po indi, tlo TiroM, tli lstio pttuuils. do lluh-rlitps.uo -Jicipotinda. do Hlrso-lion. do 211 pounds. IV rap Irnii.welirl.t ponn.ia. The alKtte will be ao tl in IM. Inrca-li. l ay in cms lo L made in iiaili nal or Uta'e riirn-nerer solttnt t,aiiK.,ai:d the articles pnrcl-.tsetl innal be reinutt-d with bt.l I. tile Otitis, ami will bu at buyer's rl.k sinul reoioval. JAMKS f IIKrNOI.n, llt-s-liitiif-ltt (Juailcriiiitsti i-Lit-uerAI of I't-iina. EDUCATIONAL. sJtm I'.NDKN'S COMMKBCIALCOLLUUK, V No. 11117 l;lKHNtIT Htltet, corner of sltvenlli. kslabU.hetl 1X41. lueorpui aud. IS'iS. Younn men prepared fut the ('.ui,tli hou.e and butl pssa lite. Thoioiuili end prnrtlesl instruction lu i iUHlK-KSM-IStl, ' Inallltahrpshe,as ntacUeiKl by Uie best Sec imit ante and busiiiM beu. rPSMANSItIP, Plain and o: names. tal, is lujltt by one at the raoit cia potent o. iiirotii. ; CoLuuitiual Calritlallons, fiu.lne'k romie. i CotTnin'. ui Lew, , liet:s:-ttni; tl.Mllltcil'jlt Nolfti, Ac. Tr.LMlltAPUlMi, By aoiind avi on pa,tr, tauulil In a tl.oroagUaad practical uiam er hv a loiiv-cxtn ilt eei d oporattir. . Hrt'lts S'l'.S ISHTKUCTKIf tttPARATKt.T, ' And rv. els t d at ant lime. veumg bcsaiitiis after ftepicuibor l-'.th. t ('A-rAT.iiiinis. i remaining tcrroa, atiiilriii.' intnie. (171 Lit year), e., fumubtsl gtaUa oa application. H. II. CKITTKNIiKW CO. se lia &n.liiiIUUe.HMU'C ritreol. OF0B BALE CHF.AP. CONVENIEN'T Ibree-sttiry brkk Hwolllng, with back k..lidlniis, aluietcou 1 ttt-iuii Ih, near Kaceainnrl, Pnasea.ion lenut--dialely. riice .soo, clian oiie-lmlf e.n remain on Sttn'tsalie. C". P. IOLA'PI.1. A 0.1NS, Ii -No. UN IT ITU HtrceL HUNI.SI11.1) HOl;th M'ANTsr-IOR I, ii'lt a litter. I . 1 11 I,. i,'A ........... ..f IU 6 ill 10. KM S "ITIIUO Ihtoul N.V. 'J8. fss FUKNIS11KD IIOUSK WANTKD, IS Jliiiwcal Walnut, or I.icii.t.or Arch, or t'hesnut stisat. ttUdrc.e "I umisiird Humu, at 11,1. oillou. lu u "I'hTATK OK ANDBHW C'OMMOCK, M.D., J t necca-etL letters Tr.ismenurv uis.a the e-Ute or AVIt:w t fiMMIK'K, W. Ii . ilce-iiscd. tiavl', been urai te I to tho IHMleretHiti-tl. all peia.tna ludelncd t i ssld ostiti art- rc Mi e.led lo mass i. vii enl, aiiilllioaaliarlns; claims a.-aln.t iLr same, lo prt'st-tu II,, in. tslilnnit iei., t,, J stlli rl HAPKIH. l-.sectit .r, No. t.H n.ri i:iti ll.sireet. Oi n lilt Allr.rres. liAVIO M IIASlllLK'IO.s, No. 61 tr. MATH Btrtel. l'ltllndelpbla. SlS Udc rSTSlOCKUOLDKIts1 MfKrtNfJ, r-3' PAKMlilcH' ANH MS.t'llt.VM s BANK. 1'ilil.Ai.i.l.rMlA, rsentiaiM.r ill. tsyil A nmetal metttnii cl tl,e hus kli'-iders oi tlie ,aiem' ar tl hlicliaii.t.-,' Iistil. o. I t.ilat.ll la tt li be In- tl si luclr lteiikinn H.mtHi.r, 1 IiIT(s.i aV. tioloiMr 11 ochirkA St, lortlie pi r;si..e ol takin.- l.ilo con. itleiaiion. and de.-ldluu on the iine.intn wlietner ir net tli. sent Hank atenl hri ouil all, i ilhei lor e.rr .tint on ti e buslntaa nl ttaul.ii.r uotl"r ih.- Line. t,l tin- UieieS lit ;ls. and of eteri'lslns Ihe sotver. eonl', re,l he the sel til tlie l.e.urral Asst-ai lilv ol ti.l. I.'tttiimfin vtr. a 111, .lilt'ltttl "An Alt k.njal.lll,K II.. llji.U. ol' thi lloin.ii Hltve.tllii IA b.ctltie A.iot taotti.a f-r Ih. -ri,.e oi ll.ninr in der the I aw. nl lie t'riitin KlHt-'s." n .,r,t ed I lo i 'J ,la . of aiiuisi. lsvsi asd to take am a ac.l.tu ia re.rj iberti. as may be necea-aiy nt d proiter lit tui'.i-r ol li. Loard u lii.e'-tof.. -'.u-t-AU W. lit S11T0S. Jr , CaiUk r. 23 DIVIDEND NOTK'K oTl''ICK01? THK IttH K OIL XIMPANY OP PE.SNSVL VAN1A, No. W WAI.Nl T Bt,s,eu I'll ii. toi.Li i.i. ftt-pieniber -kl, l.-sCI. V,e Hoard of lilrc une h.tve this il.iy d.-. lar. d their Thlid Woiilhlr Dividend of TWO Ps:K I KMT. (Twmiiy CeiiU per s-uair) on tie t'apunl sitook. payalle on dud atler .MtjNri.AY.Oetob.-r 10. tree. if stale Tax. rieTrans fer huok. will b- closed ou Tuesday-, tieiootr", at I I. kl., and opi ned uil the loth. .ItillN P. iitAt s ll'-l-.t Slert-ta.y and Tr..,i -1 1 , ,-r . KJ'J TIlK KLXMMi lON EAMK IN THK COfliir I'P Pltlt.tltUIPUl V.-PiiiLto-:!.. 1 nil, aeptitniter n A B-ttelal .M' vllr.g of lbs vto.k- I. i.l.ltre will be held al the Kanklinr House, on TIIUItM ,A1 . ih. 'Jdtli ol Oclol-er. at II ..M A, M., to dee d. on II, e. txptdleiiey ,,t' convaiuuii iho Iiatik Into a Narional Attt't'ialUiii, itgrceuttly in ,in aet ot C.oisres. .cprored June a. IsG-i. and Inke ru.-h oth'-r eeikin at auay be uvs.ei kaly. Hy elder id U.S llt ut'i ut Iiri u'.ers. It-Jo-1: 1 c. T. .KIltKS, Co.l.ler. riff- OFFICE OF THK HUGOS OIL COM-v-' tuny, No.l.-a. ForKTII sltroet. P HI tl ti . Hit. Oetotsprl, ttX. Tie Board r flilresfore hits, daelartst tl-emurlh ninalhiy dividend ni ONE I KK 14-.H p. m Ue i-apiul ubie on the Mb in&unt. The Tiai.i.n BtHtksw III be e!n-a en the llli. Slh.aod 71b iDBUtnl. (IV IS!) IIIAKLKS A. Ut 1, Trt-anirer. tsr, OFFICE PKKSION COAL AND IM- ttruvciiiaiAi i;oiuiJir. i ' Sv.MX WALVUT filri-ct. I PiriTAi'i i ritu. ti tiai:t'-Ht liA d -la -i,lvWlitl itt ! ' CKNT. on U9 jipltal tovi m' tim 4'uiuiao'i r'11 to V'uki,tJut-jr on and tfrrOUlf At. in Tiuii itt)sit wiij Jjv.CiofteMTiftui O-Is.Im t I Iv Ocwbtr M, JO.-a.wOl H. V. MUTTBH, rHry. 'fjKCMm PIANOS, COXTAGJi KKCKL. frrni M 4RHH S MTHin ftTOTlK. PROPOSALS. OfFICl', tlllFF IJUARIUKVASTftrl. ' f'l' lSN.ll,Otil. HeptsoltieTSS ISSH, irtJn.M"d"r " ""'raUn.t ml Tllosa- V. . '?" ' B'rk0' P. ..fw the IsatlaN Cl us IJ totsis Ket.enm.sM of , J-rtH KIN..a arm, ,..,. iSS l-ANH-Ain,, a,attaa,4. Siiiiivki Arm, ktai.oaid. M!lHH.eoenpl..e,Ariny Standard. lT 'x r." ll lll.Kh. w-ts ei rs n. IM Mtee-AriSr Steeds' wal l. Tna. cssmpirtsAreny Hteodatd (MSIdara wl.'tl! ll,e prtse to lurio.l, s os. r IV a. IIOs-lTL1lpfTS-,m,M.nd."d. ' V Us hill'.- Arm, Hiandarsl. Harnr. et.l wl oeh nmy oeeeea u,, oTlr ef Cisthlaf and Kxotpeire in th. city. Te I., delivered free of charm ai Oell I rr. an I lea Wartl oose la IMS t lltt. In srs. new packes;ee. wlik Ske name ot the part liirnl-h ns Uie knd aad 4nanUiyeS Stastl. distil ells enarkisten f-srh ar Isle and part.. Pa'llre ofterina oood. nilial alatlnotlr .--. la HtiSf ktsts Ihe auanuty Uei propoae te furnlali.ine ptios.aadsuMsf denser, . Hampieie, when snhmlltesS, tnnal be maiSiesI ang aaaa bersdto O"rre.ponj ttiti. the prtrossi; ai ihe aeniee Iheiclo nia.t atuerai.tre tjtet (tie good, shall be, la ererf Tfi-i,eii,a lo Annr Hiandard. oUterwi. tits ssoyswal will 1 01 becsenaideeid. A irtiarsnteie. Klfned by two rwapetfiHSIs,faeat aesatetpen, er.k b-d, that Ihe bidder, wtl si. tt the at cSe. awarded lo hfla tirtder has propn.aJ, .11!' ."J" 'WU on Tfinie.lar. OctoSee IS. I.l. e t '' P eiuiu office, and bidders are reoaaated t DO preeetvt Awenl.wrri bei..desri Prlda , Oetnbef 14. tt r,unTled n,i"'n s oontraet srUl be fatuk. 1 slearent. isisAI". to prepcaate will a.t as te4 niank lorn,, ot I', Cottiacn. aud IWadamkksk CHi.aiuesl at thu ofllce. Ttie iiaSil Uraseotany bid deeeaet inansessekte Is rs S .t,K.e snreloae 'Propoeala tor . sad jMrtee ... , rrii.i.MAr w. Mcrnfii VfS- -III Cuiet iuarietHQe.wr Ctaeiaaali ai.yot. OI'FICB CHIRF TVA RT R R KAsTSB, CrVoisa ,ti, Ohio. Beotemser , tuns rrepoaeia arr Inviied hytrss un4.r..nd nntli Taaa Ip I . o. usser 1 1 , inks at t e cloek p. M "ttr tbe uwaladuua d.Ur.rv htUil. lseirtnieatoti -.""""ei" 1 lt.,i8K.KM kli.unlesl, armr rUssdart ' HACK IMiAIM Liaea, Aratv Ki.dr,l. HAl.LIAliliS, Otma... and Atorm, Arms ntatt.l.rd. Mainpls. of wbies may be eeea at the Offlce ol ijlmilM end Ktiulpaae In tlil. oily. To be free or ohanre at Ihe TT. 8. lasaeettoea Warehouse, la tlita iSty, la kooA, new packaea, with (he natnetf the part famlanioti. the Had and qiiantlig af gutKie ttierjoctly- siarked on each article and par-kere. i-artis. oinirlns sootl. mu.t dfatlneliy state In thtdr beta the ni.atitltr they propose to furnish, the price, ana Haas sf rieileerr. Mamides, wtien enhmttted, mint be marked and anss. ttered to cisrreeiioria wit h the pmpoeat, and Ike parties theielOBCM g.aisnos. that tbe gooil. shall b., le every re. nsci, equal to arsy .tecdard.otoersnse tlie proaoeat Will aot h. e'SS.Idored. A giiaranteie. atmied by Iwo respoasltrle psreons."misaB sceonipany each M,i, guaranleelng ua the blddw will eats pty the anlol.-a awamed lo ttlm under hla propoeal. Hldawlll Iss ouenid on Tuesday. Ootober 1I.IW4, alt e'coik P.M., at litis ofllee, and bidders are miaee test U as. tueseiit. Awards win be made on Wedneeday. October 1, 104. Honda will be re.juu-ttl Utat the contract will be laitk fuinuVd. T. leiiranis rdellng te Bsopoaeia will not be aotleed. Iliank flirm. t.1 1, Contract., aad Uonds aaar be etitalned ai ml. .nice. Tlie rutin to reject any bid deemed anreasonaMa Is reserved. . P.ndorae surelove Prepoeals for aad Muuauaj. Oolonel W1t.l.lA W. HrKlg, Chief Uuartermaaur Ctuoinnatt Depot. Pt St OFFICE OF AHMY CLOTHING UfB It-iuH.afw.TWKIJ'TH mnd OlRARU Htmtts. ' . . I'MILAOKWHIA. OotiektMr I, lfWt. RnatkM Proposal! will b rrcT4 mi thu mo Ml lVo'v;ck M.,on MOMlAY,tii iwh imt.. for aanot-riM Ih Hcl.uUtlU Ami-nal with the iollowinr artldM:- TniUfenrv, ctijr bliw, for moantml wtmu, rmy ciMMterC 1 rtKinri, sky-btus. ir fiHiat4it 4 , lraMvra. raiitoo Hamiiato, rt Wnollea Hlocklnm, xti?i. imrvt tin. Its to 14f. Water-proof ponotNM ftr aliHtw tnt fur honMtM, futta-probaorioilia-rublr, ttrtny alnJarl. . W ftUr-nnxif liUnketa, for lufaulrv, d CnUnnn fell bau a, 4, . , . . , Vont butlii( On Mhtrt do d ( !nB won(M lira, I Inch, t llloi'hltif twii, Am Mi ft, do HaU-liet tlinn, ct huhi-tia. rotofn, (tifmitrf, da lfcglenia. da do do do liitlvx brntlia, do do orsThoi'k. da Hal cordi an1 tai4a, art Ilk ry da WMt Willlamnauc cottuu, N't, II, sample rear. TUhcr Wadoiiic, Aa Itftd Hunttns do While do do ' Hraratfaainct.cioth, aa Hk;-blua do da Alao. fr pnaonert of war, WooUea BUakaU af law Kiadta. tftDible r (utnsl. Hnmp'issftoi auck arililaa ai are requlrad tobaof mw tandaj d ran lie even at this oOlca. Ka;h bid aiuit be uarautacd by rwa mpolbla par ons. whoMp kiftnaiurus wuiabe appondod to the guaraa U?, and crtltM-d to ai beiUKRooU and sufficient seourlty ftir tit amount Jnroived, b fcoois public (UuoUouarj af CM L'nlied Htataa. Hula lniu dt'fkoltliu eonlrarlora. anil thaaa that U fully compty vtth ihe requtivmwiutf tuis adrarUseuMnl Kill not bt roaa!d?rrd. Itiank frrm for nrooofa'i. enibrarlnff tha tenai of tha ffiiai aniae rsitulred on each likl, ran be bad on apsilloatio ui tlii. oillce, aud none others wlilcb do uot amoraoa Uts 8uarante will be ouaiildercd. rur will auy prouoaal ba o.idrred which dona uot tii UUy conform lo Uxt ratuir Biaiita therein Mated, The htda will fctate tha anmber or quantity of each ki of arttctsfi proposed 10 be dvlivrrad Blda ntuat be enduiaed "1'rwpoaals for Army Suppllaa, ktattti the paitlculiisT article bl lur. Oolonel ALT!. JT. PBRRT, lt 01 QnarUrmaater'a liwparunauU U. Arar. SUBSISTENCE OFFICE, VISITED STATE 8 Anny, Ho. to houth huv, . - MAi riMKHf . Md. Bfptcmhsr 17.1VW. BaJ fropoaiUt, tn aupUrate, will be rcteJ at UH offira until it .M on iOSiAY. October If), I KM, for fbrnuhmc UoltaU tfUU4 bubalatauo Uavaftinami. wiu MvRTwimAwnffYift)n.?A ok rtRKf CATrr.iL on ih Iiikm, ovfjvtrel ar the Mure I'aitla HcaJea al Baltl BKrc, Md.. fn Iota of (HW) on, thnuftsnd cv-h erery (li Kndajta: to be wrluhrd wlfhin one aiiri ri.s-. .RJ arnvai, at Ua raptiua ol the eta rartor. Tiur innal avernaa about (lsM uitD huudrtUpoundaffroaa weiuM Mi.B., Wl,n ,ii -utitisa ' tin (! frTOea wevt n0 ItulU.Htata.Oxen, Ooivs, Uwirs, and lloruieM CaiUe. will be rtsjfcU'd. . A ditducilon of leu (W poitrirla will be itMt from Ui weiAbtof eaofe Htetr acoufu-d nuiWr ihia oontraeu pro lilsxi the animal do. uM itar.d iu the pena two and eua lialt r onr being wetytted, or is not weighed iututa dialely after removal trotu the cars. lVlank, fu-nik Ier roKaal can be had on appffiaUotl at th'a olbre, either Inparana.ty maiu or leia-'raaU. The-OoTarumeat wtii claim uh rluht 01 weiKtaatf aa one anloal sfsiarare, II' lia app'araoe lnrtieaaoa Ires weight U.a ttte mintiaaia marMiotwd aberat tbe fi penae of v4hin( wiU ba paid by tlie party crrioc ia Jadf aiwtt. a4iolt Md. to afors conldr ration, mu t oontatn a wrtt- tfii (t'laranlff oi two nipoukiliit peri loilows: We , 04 the County of , ntaie ol -,dobrebf iniaranteeunt ia (or are) able to fultll a o-mUa ai arrtroanoe wtrfa tha terma uf hit (or thairj prapoaiUoa, and ahotildhlt (or their) propusition be accepted, he (ut thv) vlil at 01 to inter Into a contract in aoeordanoa UMTt-wl'h, and we are prrparrd to hoae blaeemultatt g l in,,- (food and fcudtcient boml ilr IU fnl Ktneiia. - Th rp.iiiblii!y ot the guarnntora tutiat be afaowra by tlieomctalcertitlcateof IheC'ierkof the ntsartMa lU,tilA tr-otirt, or of the IJ i.tiad Si aits Oiatrict Attorney U Be aa- iueu nun HT IPML ItloMW-ra ibuat be preatmt to respond to thoir bida. and El-spared to give bund aad aign live conuaci before lonv it; tl e olhoa. 'I I R' Itrovrnifnenl re) on es to Itae If tbe right lo reject an or all bhls roiihiiii-i'i'd (turns xonabie. layiueiita to be auatle afier earh dpltrary in aaob fVihda as any be on baud; y ueoa ou baud, to be atada as so'ii aa rprl e(!. I'niiota'a uiunt be endared dlatlivtlv ,kro5aali for IWel ratilf,' anI aihireiiasrd to i:aiuui J. It. Uiiautn, U. tt.. Haltiuiiire, alarvland. ll a bid iitt. the ii'u of a flrni, their names aud their rfttotilce addcaa atuat spjH-iir, or they nil! uot bj ooa s.iered Kucliptraonorevary member of a arm offering g pro. tfihaltnuu aocoiiipativ It h an oath n alirffiaiifs). ta tba iintHl Hiwita bu has not airuady 0tsl oua In tin ntllce. AUbititnoi fMpljinfl mrirdy wiih tb 1rm a UtU md J. Of. m.iiA!f. 0-lV-H Capaua and C. a U . A. illIKF CjUAniKIiMASTKIfS OFFTCK, Ch.nnii (Hit.-. Hpp'imWf l4t4. rrtifMiMita re fuviird by Itir- uuUrraineii, uhUI M'fs tDAi.Oti.hei 17. i-,l, ai ' u rl.K-k, I'. M.. for tde imme. .lttt (1clh-r lo Dili lMiarii:tft.r of; UdtKi.t l.AU liiu. oIlKH, i,( any rofr saoept lighl blue or gr. Knoiii' to br nirnUt ed by the parttea ollrrinvff . who ngl td(c iiitt t'lr htib- 1 tie iiuitty tiiey prtrpute 14 lanUuv 11 p prlrf , and tlai at delivers' '!( he deltvciMl Irwi ni t-hrrva nt tba iiiHd Htatea p pirtun V an liint.f , in tL-;- ny In to.i ne pack ariu. with the nanif ot (lu part l"iiiliuuti, the alnd and ii,titii i ttOtli, diatiiu-tiy lutti Led uu rat . aruuie aad jntkaxc. hiuipLi'a. vsbi u aetitnit'til. muot he murkel sud nsm- lificii tn nit wiiu the limp mil ; am' IU parties tiwisHo mnt ;:nraui ihr iin t"tU an all Ip. lnvpry it'si'tisit, p. unit tu fsajuplf. ulUprn (it prupotal tji 1 out t- ctinid if.l. llt'' ln bo orw-r-esj m; Ot-tohr 17. lifli.ftt t u'tltx-k 1. M., at ibis oiiit-f. Skd bitltlira are reuttaied U is ;-i.eui. Awsiua will b UudessiU TlsisUv. Of'nbAr 1. l'4. 'I'l'U'tisu a ip!j t'nj( ii- p.ifws's "ill ott b a ttod. li auk is iiua cf i'r . m.'y b tbiasmJ at tola ao.vf. The rHtht tu reject any b!d deemed UureaionabU la rerved. , Kudwrfet1 euvckpa "Fivpwisia for 1 ' a4 " fcl. VILLI AM W. UcKtM, tt-W-Jt '-'i l' 0'u tt-iuuitor Linciuutai tepot. ipv QV'AUTERM ASTEK - GKXKRAL '8 VJ? Oihv,rir! llv!iUU. WMl..lOllTT.OofOor iioRsKfi! uvkm:s:. s::: H.Ties anitabi tor ArtHWrv ard (.'avsfry aervlee wiU bf pun l u.. a hi uilvbt.UHO li.i'Ol', Utwp lunriwet, till ov. u.Ur l,lb"4. , . , ilotx will beoVllvwd to CspfalB L Lowry Moora. A. H. M., aud be aukMted to tl.s usual tivartiiaa( li-ielivn before bma a.-C'd. I'lUt oft nvatvy H.t.i rach. Vrivt it Arnl..rT Hira, SlMtfaA-n. I'ayiseut wiiJ beaiaiis k-r sin ( T' ;. CtKUl Imt Ltiviitsttit 10. 3(31 Cwrtormasier-iitneral a ofllca. AUCTION SALK OF CONDEMNED Jb ia. mAirtSHWAiTan-OpMfTtr.'a oa 1 . KlReT DlViHltsH, W'llbaanM alTubbcAuvtl B,hi ui biuaat bidder, at the uinv and places anuie d bftuw. viz. : Ml fUJI, rKNMJY l.V A Nt A TUUKSDAY, October U, ks4. lLMlMOTOeel, lt-LAW AUK, TUCHHOAY. O.UiU:rMsa. yOXx MN!SVLVANlA.TMUR8IAy, ' Ui-tiitr '7 Ik 4 TWO UCDDHBD CA.VALK1f AT EACH Tact FoTKea liavfi btt-u c' in'.-inneJ ai unot A lb aavalry lervtee of Ihe arm v. . Vt ra aadfaruiK pur uoss aaaygood dtafla bad, lluraea gold at.ialy. BaUj to omri nrs at 10 V Tnruis .'aih, in I'nltprl M-ttci tJun"iy' Ity ordat ui tiv rtwniaeleya'"j- frKr Ni ta.nt) hi rtietist H'ai 'i-ri-la 10 Mo -a.r.- U""' O''