THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1861. f v r grating Sfdqjrapli a Mat jTDUfoo MKwarAn. OmCE No. 108 3. THIRD STREET. prie Twp r.rf Pea Oorr, r Binarr Gaara Pn vjrEZ. fr " tk Oarrtor, an aallwl to nhterlbat tmi ot Mm Cnj at Rim Doluju r A.imt Oaa Dollaji A. Firry Cmt roa Two ltairma,taTar1aaty IB adwnoa jrlMaOTMattaW. AiitMnwi toMMMl at tha wal ru, A tUxtral , m fiat aa fee umiM tnaarUoaa. ' T CwrrMpBdtt. " Wi'wtlffru he taken of Anonvrarm rvrnimnnleatloea. are t. raiimrt-o for lBrUi aiu.t b. atrt.nftrat.d v a lh ium and ad.1rea of ah. writer not neceaaarllv ror phlUaikfit aa a raernnl hr all .nod faith. Wa aaano'. andarlaa. ta ratava reaeobad OoanoBunJcalHva. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7, r EXIT CORriPIA. r - Tbl outlaw has occupied more or less of the public Attention for tomo time past. By V rtttbniug to our Mexican nwi in another I column, ttie reader will oe that the French fr 0Tat otBrlgade Du Paiw has performed a 0 palnftil duty, and with a handful of French lurellngs baa aont the guorllla reeling bark to ' tiie wilds of Western Texas. So exit Cobti t A3, nd enter Johnny Kcbel Fokd at f . Brownsville, to conscript the people and give , lbs French forces cotton, and receive arms and ; Ammunition. All of this might have bean t prevented. Mexico could have been save 1 from An Imperial Austrian despotism, and f anight have been part of tho United States " ' bow, If she had one man capable of ' governing men and leading thorn to victory. '' Tut Cobtikas Is gone, and we are glad of It. Had Du Pain caught and hung hitn society would bAve given a sigh of relief, as It did 1 when Mono as died. Did Thfj' ltlra Anything? A McClflllan club at Hartford has takrn rooms over a coln wareuoime. MrrirllMai'a Anawrr. The Country to lIcCleVan.Kn yeii for or tneet XcCMIon totht Comlry. YES, SIR! ;v ' THE I'.WiAK Or THE NOlril. VT should rather call Sterling Phicb the "Pelisbieb of the South," Judging from 1 Ida Inhuman slaughter of unarmed men, with ' the exception that Peliasier's bloody deeds , m in Algeria were necessary. Puick'b doings . In Missouri are wanton and uncalled for. But I Pbiok to in a tight place, we think. He can ( not possibly save his army. It is la the enemy's country, without a base of supplies ? or line of retreat, or a great general to extri i rate It from the tolls of General A. J. Smith. 1 It will certainly be destroyed, and Prick 5 teems to know It, for, like the devil incarnate And desperate that he la, we find him moving 1 . (bout with the sword in one hand and the torch in the other, reveling In a carnival of Mood and fire 1 But an end to this will soon bs announced by Generals Mower and Smith, and then will come the righteous retribution, which we trust will be "death to Phick'b thieves And murderers 1" Besides this Pbick has injured his Demo cratic friends in the North, for he has surely carried Missouri for Lincoln and Jou.nhox So the Rebel rapine and murder will hare one good effect in Missouri. Mfde-llnn Wfninclrfl. An exobange has a report that McClollan was vi rely wounded In the rlsacr s mil battle. Mo Rinla of at renther. Pendleton voted in ConsresH agnlnst the reso- luiion of thanks to O mitral MoCiellau lor bis pifsrlae of victory iu Virainia! Yet now these men are linked together, and each Is ashamed of m company. THE DISCIPLES r JOHN I, AW. :.Tlie present age Is remarkable for many , things. It has been called tho ago of steam, of lighting, of Iron, and of brass. We have 1 great steamships that skim the Atlantic within ten days, from port to port. Wc havo steamboats rivalling the dolphin in swiftness, kurrying through our streams. We talk by lightning, and In speaking with our neigh v bore on the other side of the ocean, will actually get ahead of ourselves and steal a inarch on time. Iron enters Into the com position of everything useful, from a palatial mansion to a saucepan. And as for brass, many Uuuk that this metal has achieved a Waterloo victory over brains. But there Is another ; moot notable featuse of the age, which our annalists will not be at liberty to forget. It Appears to be the accepted time for financiers. There have been money negotiators whom the world has agreed to call great. There was the rtght-hund man and the sheet-anchor statesman of Louts lb Grand the sna- ; cloua Colbkut who fouud resources for his , master's ambition when France had been drained for the twentieth time by protracted wars a rrmu who really seemed to have the gift of Foriunatua. Before that period, Sullv had taught Hknby of Navarre how to raise A kingdom from penury. Hoijkri Mobuih bought our independence from his own pocket. Alkxanukic Hamilton showed our new Republic how to lender Its credit respectable abrotd. f! it our financiers are not moved to emulate such examples, IMisy pas over them til! to fix upon the Scotch adventurer, Jwiix Law, n their hmn ideal. Tie Mississippi sclrjine, with Us d.izlin fciiic of iTon.ise, erected upon a bul of Mi:J, reallw.-3 their conception oi what, in tho pe. niar tongue of the Itr iketV Uo-tr.l, is at . leJ " an fji.era'ion." 1'lwir airi l to get a wide ered't, no matter hesv di'e;iu?o nio.y t"! the prospect of ever id. their en-.ige'sients, or h'w v:iI;i-i1ms I the iock they vuud. t'i en cim lit, and tk- y can bag a!l ?iiC7 wi!l of i'VirtuneN gnw. Tlie ruin of hundred wli:m tlielr sch-unoi ma j rcecc the blasting of hopes that are the i very lite of lie auu! as ia' us the world of trade is concerned the beggary of families whom their over-reaching cupidity may rob, ' are scarcely worth a thought. John Law ' was the prince of financiers, and we are hi9 disciples. Our Republican fortune-seekers, Intoxkmted with the gilded tirenms of sudden wealth, quit the certain paths of industry for Investment in " a bundled companies, which have not the 1 ' shadow of the basis of the Mississippi scheme, and nothing to support their credit but the i battle-dore and shuttlc-cock Jplay of the gam- biers la fancy stocks. .' 1 Could the Scotch Adventurer come back IVom the grave In these days, even with the awful shadow of ruin weighing upon kit ' auemory, Ue would find that the world has not - made bum progrcaa In BnAncial wisdom since , to pertod when he was the pride of the French ' " capital. H WOUld be AatouUW. to dUenvei. how great a man he eouM become on Wall or , Third atreet. With what a etaD would perfect new copper mining or oil company I What splendid flokl for his genkual But we need specify do further. Ills disciples are o numerous, and their schemes so finely drawn la emuUtloa of ub ftoloua example, that hi absence will not materially decrease the wealth or the woe achieved by the specious speculators. It might be weN, however, to build a monument to Law somewhere In the vicinity of our money marts, the noble finan ciers who have realized the most at the ex pense of their dupes being porm!ttvl to lay the corner-stone. A twitted Jlrw." A rr1y of Kentnrkiaat voted for President th other day on a xti-amcr ranslOK from letait vllle to Henilorfon. Tlicrf.u t n at f 'How: I. ncoin, ene fanmlred and (ifttv-n; McClellai, thirty-three or nearly four to oae. Mhort but SITertlT Kprftli af Mr. f.-M- On January 9.1H61, Mr. Donn ri'einthc U-uss Of llppn M'DtHtivea and amd : "I ak the unnlroou conen of the H on ti ter leave to Introdnce a Dili to facl:ltiethe trans pi nation of triKijw, storra, and tha tn tllt of Hie I'nlted fl'ates lietmen the citt 4 W'ailiinj'toa. Point of line la, and the city of Pit -liiir." Mr. Pendl- ton rono and said -"I olijeet." Ohjoctlon being ma.lo, the bill haul to Uo trwtr. THE l.IK AIIOIT TIIK IMlf'.StDI.'M I'.H SALARY. Tlie ridiculous falsehood which was 'put in circulation by the Copperhead press that Mr. Lincoln has drawn his salary In trold, has been nailed to the connter by L. K. CiurTKS if.n, late Register of the Treasury, who had charge of tho disbursements of that nature. The President and his Cabinet, and all officials except certain foreign ministers, receive their pay In greenbacks, from which the revenue tax Is regularly deducted. The wldo circula tion of such a base and wicked lie in almost every Democratic newspaper shows the des perate straits of tho enemies of tho Govern ment, and Indicates their weaknons. Ilot-Mntton.PlrV" Deinarrnry. George Sennolt, of Ronton, illustrates a speech at Hoxbury, Massachusetts, a day or twa ago, by thia little parable : "One freezing February morninir a negro nawkeo mutton pies in a unmet arnund r anentl Hall Square, roaring out, 'Hot mutton pioa! H it mutton pies I' A teamster bought and tried to lie one, nut rounu it trozen aa solid as the corti- atone. 'What do you call them hot for, yon hiuck and lilue swindler i' yelled the teamster to the f hiverlng pieman. 'Wy wy a white man t:ur 'em to me hot dis mornfn' doy wn hot win i sot era tins morn in ! 'Well, you fool, it didnt teke ten minutes to fieee them In tha'ol l askeL Why call them hot now V Wr OoJ liiesa yon, dat'i dt name ob 'era de nam oh 'em ! If I didn't boiler dc riidit name nohody wonlJn't tetch 'em ! Yon want me to holler froze pie, I suppose f iio,! I on can t tool me uat wayr " i una it is wttn tno liemoeratic party, ruey rceeireii from Jctferron and Jackson, us a free gift, their principles. Those gifts they meanly put up for aalc nnd hawked round in lbs ilea tly uinikut of slavery to frecnenp in their slia'i'iy old party buket. Ihej roar out, 'Detnoenvic prln ciilts! l)i uiocrutic piinciples!' tor s i'e beinff umlcrktood. And when you pay tho prico of your vote for tbi-m, you find slavery benumbing your nng.TS, paralyzing your lanmie, contract ing your heart, and turning your utoniach. Ask the swindlers why they call such stuff democracy, and tin y tell you blandly that Mr. Ji fTcrsoa g tre them the oriiiinal artiek that tboy have kept it ever bluce that it is just as good as new, only n it quite so warm, porhape and that you really musiB t quarrel wttn tne pieman, lor wnat uo calls it Is its name. If you want it mire demo cratic, you may tute it Dome 10 your own mate and k -arm It ; nnt in tne meantime uo not inter rupt the tatet " LATE AKD IMPOSTABT FBOMMEX WO. The l'reneh in PmMMiInn of SfntninrM "-Eaeitpe or CortiuKA New Orleataa Eallra J n nip ontoftbe frytns; Pnnlnto the Fire They Flee lo Ilruwnajrlll aa r Hrmt to Shroveiiorl kh t'onaierlpt. For the following interesting and important information wc his indebxd to 8. W. Pior.ioa, Esq. : By news received to tho 21st instant from Mata monts by the commander of the French vessel In thin port, It apiwars that General 1) i Pain, ol the French army, took poubcsblon of tbut city oa the 201 b instant. Cortinas bad previously fled the country upon the arrival of the French. A largo number of exiles from New Orlovtn, living in Matamorax, went over to Brownivillo for protection fiom-Colonel Ford, of the Uebel army, vim politely intorinca mem an mat no waa anrry. hut lie wus obliged to send tuein an to ourerc lort as conscript! -, and they were accordingly dared under guard for that purposo immediately- 1 ho city was perfectly quiet and buaiacis was g li g on as usual. Uein nil uu J'ain wa very sorry ne uia not tcli Cortina", as bo hoped to have the iiloasuro f hangii.g him. .V. ). Timet, 23A. NoniKin F. Ederly, of Newbury port, Msj.. lately apointed ju&tice of the peace, has b?ca nested and Leld to $1500 bail for having la hU 1 ostcebiou cna pushing couaiericit taoncy. Capital, $ 1,000,000, divided into ltK,0Dt) auaroa at $'0 por sliire. iHubicrlpUon priet $lFd per ihre Ttl Company owo ton e of Uiemmt valttibl Und and leatt'i In ihc Kant ha Valley, altuate on !Iori Keck and pbcll'i Una brai cttfi of Hull ercuk, JAtii with Qvo mllca of tlia Ohio river. On HrHC M-ck Ihf- contpart unon.eil, hi' i- is nfw pi i Hi lain j,' twenty -three barrel! of oil pt-r day. T ! w?ll i only ttrce hundred aid twenty -hppn fe.-t lt-p. Tliu Hiiperliitcndt iit It. now prcpvuiaK to bc ? tv tl d. p h of I tbaotbir tirrctuiidiiiai v. wbicn aie iVqib one hundred to one hundred and alxlv batrl of ml pur dy, when we are a:Uried wo can pfdme a t i mat Ther I another well at Hoi a, now bmsl two hundred and ilxty-ttva fet, wittt about tUrir feci of oil la the well. The land oil which th;i b tonited it ea a perpetual leaae The Hull Tree i outpaiy arm 4 one third inter at, our com . any hve Ui(bluci' 'f Iw .-tMr U. At CamplMiir run, the eouipsujjr owa In fe a tru't of ihirty-thrac acrri, 0Qr.idered by fedOMlti and mining; ennlmirt the Ut oil ten not in ibe hiaie. Tne great Tack well, flowing ttve hundred b-T"t, 4,nu Uii property Hooka oi'mtlifccrlptlou an inw i,peu at ft t 'iininy' Oflke, Kooiu Sin 2H, Murchm'g lAchaitie. A Itu.lted numliur jI share uniy will he told. JOli'X J. KIOMelK, Tr a-nr-tr. rrom (lie 'Miuhui tl I'stil Toit" of g 'P'.emiwi "On. H mi hi.. I he U het-lliiK ltitlt,:roti-,r' y Wf WmTT. in io a (ii-iiiifiiian wli rnvtl v'4Liriiiy tn o 1'h'HOa.ttt ruiiiity ilia! on M Hid tlie tt'iri"ii ti. Utn.-mty Ati i, h m will lilt Hit) A4 Ni rH . In iIihI t- unti. U i.ic 11 will yiaid tli"iiand brreU . oh per My I are 44 Krcal u in.-nt ii tht- niii.L-t in t tt Ih ti mil, 1 in 1 nr. lever i lr L,r mI.II. t, a I. Jinul tklttl.t.' iarrlHl JOS K - Vlt'K S !a.-On Id Sl Ml May 111. ;.T n 1 cv. Jul li l ull., llr. JOJIS- II. .KlSK- ol tla.l.llnrtun, t I Inlud. lilna. t.. Mim M..IK 1. I'll KASIi, J. lighter ..I Uiv lllti- Hninul J. l lckan-lii ol llil. i-itj.. A Kill: li III I'Ul At I'a1 In, Kraiif e. on et'inlMir ln. Uv ..v. Dr. Sli.-li. n. Him. HKSI-V riAM'illlll, .in" i -en i :'i.i- i iiiu.'.i., u. Sii-i i.Kiti'iirufc u. LI I I V ui I'l. m. 'rlnliia. HltK.I.I.V iTIItV.-O. lol.r llll. IHftl. by Itnir. An ili. x J. lij- C.iiiiii.i v.-i l l.l. VH.II.K . ui r.imiiiuiy ), in: -l.iih.ltfr'1 nd-iiiru -fi- lilij l'i im-'Vlvau a '..iiii r.. I" -Mr-, WU.i. Ul'l i-.V. IioUi oi Twciil.v-lir-l Wurtl, )iii..: li'tnll. m I i t.-.MI' YI 1). On ih uiornin-,. oftlm mh lnl., at 11. rt MiJvniH. ol IV illlam llav v l.-.i. I'V Ji'-v. A. Al.vuo.l, .. (.I'llK. Willi; to Ju.-KIMKN MKVKlt. a.l ol 1 l:ila..l l. a. IMtxt. BOOSK- In Fbaniihal, Chloa, July I'lli, the Rinlit I(v. W at. J. 110ON k'.. .kllM.loimry Uir-liupol tiio Trotud Uiit tpbcoi al tUurch, atiml hi ynari. HHAliI1 11 Ll. 'u w.tiiei.lav( tli 3tb Intt., at half pa.l o clot I. M ,alAV K.Hiieol C. ti:ert UraJ Orltl, ia ll.i- Mil yaar of l.r ai. il. r irit-Mi. anil chosf of tha family aro ri.ctfiilly lu vit.d to att.ntl l.r iBiioral, .lt-ni ,-.u at 1 0 . In. ui tl.a rf-i.l- ute ol itr, WnW M. !.., Ha.i. Iiiif ifert. I, llfl.l. I, " 11TNT -At Oerroantowii, ra., on Thumtar, Oclo titrilth, llr. WM. K. llt'NI'lio to 4II yiur "I lil aja. TI a ralailvt-a ontl IriouiU ol the lai'ill. ium in.-iub..ra lit Hiram Lotle, No. el. A. Y. M., Walkoi Lotlar, No. Jle, 1. O. ol o. V.. national Kncampmrnt. No. 41, I. ). ( O T and the Order ui itaueial. alo Ilia Iron IIuhmi Viallanliol fnilatlelplila, r. re-iwoifully In.lie.l to at Und tlie fuueral. rrow tue rvindt-uca ol liia father-in-law, Mr. Jacob I lojd, Hainan ml, oeruuiilowu, ou buu day aitemoon, at i o'clock. jciUNHON.-Oo tli 6lU lnit, ill. DANIEL JOHN- 1 hi wUiiTea'ajwi ft-ienda ol the ovnilly are reapet-lmlly hiviied to atleud but luunrai, from bin late rem.lnc, No. la.t (Jtatnoatreal. ou Huuday aJV'ruoon, at 1 o'tli-'k. LK KEVHK Near Wilmington, Iol., Octoter Stb, JAill H KLOVD LE KIEVKIS, aifwl t jreara aud 1 luoaUia, aoDofJiKreoaaiidtartiluiaUlovra. f'neuda ol tha lajnlly will meat at the burial irroanrl. eoniei Hub and Anb eUeeta. on Balwlay moruiug, at 9H o eloca, itooui imm www. L1VIH On Uia mommf of Ootober 5tb, JAME9 A. LEVIS, lu tlie Mli year ol bla ana. Ilia a.ala inenda, and those ol tha family, are InTlted to attend nla raneral, from hia lata remdenca. No. vul t'hni.t atreet, ua Satunlay Biornms. J'1" Vi i- TIl.bEN.-On the Mb tnat.,Alrt. AN llllbEN.In "HXV: 'iZni. a,. rsassolA.riF U.ltedM attend h funeral, rrom Mr. Niea Keely'e. Sprm, atreet, 5. Kia ioI.Koborousb,a BamrUay, tha Sib of October, at i If. H. ..... ILEItl.KV. On Weiliiatday nurninu, lha Ilk innUul, Mn JAM I.. y.KIU.r.Y. , ,, Tuarautieaa and frtwide aftlia family are ra.pac fully la.ii.d u. elii-itd her limerul, freia the re.ldenoe "il. So. n nprare atraet, o Uatoraey, lha Sin la Haa, at W a ilocS AM. ' A H 1 I wr!,!. Qr-rrB h r V, N T lllll HTOO K I?' LACE CURTAINS at roar? re cnt. btlHH THAN COHT (' I WI'DltTAN N. I. E. WALRAVtN, anOCAHAiMI T W. B. CARBTL, MAKONIO UAL.U, Jo. 719 OHESHTJT Street BUSINESS ITEMS. aiuiAr1 nnd nrlaxl Sterna. Moaira. Uavta A Riohaiiia, Arrh and iroth atiaet, llava n il rivKril a frrah fuppif of laiki llKr,ana itAjtoa To.wehf. A!lul Uia Duett carina. Ptasauml Planoail 8TI C A A CO S SfAHOM A nMI,IK'A ClilNfT OKOAMti. MAROH A RAMI tV'S C.tlllNRT OUUANS. bKOKBIt BHOS ruNo.. PTAS'OB. J. B. fowri, Soveolh and en nut iKMta. F. . WlillttiKn 4k Mannfarturri fl Nrw ui4 IrrXictnni OontVotlonR, Almond I'aal, ChrIt 4!arrMlJ, (rAmii Laft Mode 4 I'riij mtulBitelr fiftvorcd. EoMWdjarasvn Almonda, dte , c No. Sit Chtunat itret, bclow Foarttu S70,000,000 13 TH nominal capital or TUB OIL COMPANIES OF PHILADELPHIA. BEAD THE COMMERCIAL LIST AND TRICE CURltKNT, r ntHihe4 by 8. X. WlWflLOW, at Ho. Ill DOCK Httatt, and learn how taeaa arsaalaatlona ara aonoucted lr - PROM THE TANIC AUCTION SALES. Superior (loeda at Uia abort tow arica. CTTRWES BTODDAET & BROTHER, Hot. 4 50, 139, anil 191 X. SRCONU SUwt, 107 St Abov Willow. QL(AK OL'KMNG. J. Ma HAFLEIQH, No. OO'i CUIK8NUT HTIlliKT, Wlti saoOiltlut PC JEW HTYLiiS iw FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS, ON MO 15 D A T. OCTOBER 10. 10-7-31 gAliD-LOOM TABLE LIUEU3, I'KOM AUCTION, AT RBDUCED PRICES. CTTRWIN ST0DDABT & BROTHER, Vm. 410, IM, Ataot WlUow. pl,AIl AND 8THIPEU SHIRTING FLANNELS, t AUCTION. A.T R'IUOKIJ PKtOKS. COR WIN ST8D0AET k BROTHER, Mim. '. Ari a, aJid Iflt S'.HKOON'I) Sl'KKKT, 10-7-31 Atiova WIIVjw. 1 It li 1 A I I 1 A IS I W 1 1 1) I . I S A 1 . vl j. r. iiAfLinun, o. 902 OHESNnT STREET, Unit n.w lu rre a P U aior'uiut f tlie ti-br..'d n;ke' if I',N( II. I II HOSIKKY, KAl lltKiOAN HUSK AND 11AI F HUSK, 1IKKTTLK S IIOME, BHIBtg, AS'D MtAWEKS, t:TRA HEAVY 811.K 6111AT8 AND DBAWKBS, IN ALL BIZHS. FOK GENTLEMEN, JO-7 pRTCARD, THE TENTH LEGION. Ji ANN Kit WAUD IN TIIK FIKLD. Til A FHIKNDS OF LIlOLN ANl JOUSSOS Will a.i'nitleea SATURDAY EVENING, At 7 clock, at BtOAD and RA. E Strccta. to yartic pate iu lha Crand Parada. tOnE MB! COME A I.I.!! ai.dtlow th EStMlES OK Ol'Il C0U.N1RY i 1LAU ' by your prt aenoa, tkut you ara awaha I.) the diiKcri that TIIHEATl:M UB UtEJB ISSTlTi riONS. Ey criler of tlx National Union Alaociatlcn. A. II. FRANCISCVS, President. WILLIAM B. LEEDS, Beeretury. 10-7-1 grrOCL AND HiiCUlrtl'riEHI 110VGIIT AKD BOLD ON COMMISSION. DE HAVEN k BROTHER, V. M 6. rume rit :tt. c 3E aaaf Ma. TJ Oubsvtjt I TAIKT, NOTTINGHAM AND 8WLS3 IiAUKiH, Nfiw Sltyle. WINDOW SHADES,; No. Til TAW HTTI.EH. KELTY, mw colors, 'oAREEJOTON tOO. at ti I MAJHiKAIIUKKHH, i CUM ITU BTRKtT. TIANO COVKKS, LAlt'.K.oT STOCK IN Tfie Oltl, AT IOW rilICK8. i iusNtr UTitr.n . 333 LINCOLN AND JOHNSON.: GRAND DEMONSTRATJON NATIONAL UNION PARTY! 7r-f rn Ccram tteo f 8)per'nleudioe hetnf niAde inn,orHU or a (iHANU I iKMONSTUATION OH SATURDAY EVENING, Oct. 8, To coualat of a !tl A S 8 MEETING IN INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, And a TORCHLIGHT PROCESSION Of tlie various CLDB AND WARD ASSOCIATIONS, Have appointed tho fallowing named officer fur the I'r o ceefctcn via. .' CllIKF MARSHAL, WILLIAM H. KERN. The CMrl Marnhat tht-rororc annoancea lha follcwlur UCNKKAI. OKIIKKM. I. The pruonelon will conaitt of leven grand dlyUlont, which, preparatory to the movlna of the whole colimn wl I rendexrent ae lollaws F1HST GRAND DIVISION, SOLDIERS' UNION CAMPAIGN CLUB MERCANTILE CLUB, AND THE REPUBLICAN INVINCIBLES. They will form at inch point ae the reapectlva mariihala ahall dc.ixnate. and proceed to Clteenut alrcct, weat of ltmad, right on broad atreet. SECOND GRAND DIVISION. mahsiials. 13.VIAH PASf'OK, JOSKI'II 8. MONEY, 1I0IIKHT 11. 1'IUJEOtf. The toveral a.nocla'lona of the Fint, Second, Third, Fourth, and Hftli Warda, lu Spruce .trect, belnw Sixth, and thes proceed to Mai kit utroet, eaat of Ilroait, right oa Uroad auoct. THIRD GBAND DIVISION. MARSHALS. DAVID B., FRANK 8. JOHNSON. HAMUKI. IlKSUKUSON. The aov-etal aaaorliitlont of the Sixth, Seveutli, KMluh, Ninth, and Tonth Ward, will form oa Kilitccnth etroet, below Walnat,and proceed to Market alrcct, wot of Broad, ttKht on Broad atreet, FOURTH GRAND DIVISION. MARSHALS. II. A. It. IlltO WS. A. II. SLOAM AKKK. JON E. WAINWItlOHT, ADAM WAItTIIMAN. Tha acver-ll Aaaoclatlona of the Eleventh, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Hlxtcentb, Seventeenth, Eighteenth, and Maeleoiilh Warda, will form on Fifth atreet. north of Ctta atrtet. and take poalut.a on Filbert atreet, eait of Br ad, right on Broad atreet. FlFTn GRAND DIVISION. MAHH1IAL8. JOII OIVBB, HtKDKKK K O. WOUtciKT, (IKOKOK W. FORI). ThahcTeial Aaaoclatlona of the Fourteenth, Flftjentli, Tweutlith, Twenty-flrat, and Twenty-fourih Ward,, on Bread aticet, ucrth or Coatea, and then proceed to take ponltlon in Auli atiect, eaat of Broad, tlah: on Broad lr" SIXTH GRAND DIVISION. MA1IRHALS. Ilr.MBV BBtTNKR, Da, VIII 0. THOMPSON, JAMliS T. VANKJIIK. 1 he ,overal Association of theTwcnly-eoccnd, Twenty thlnl, and Tieut-fllta Warda, oa B.rl:itf Harden au-eel enat ol Tneliih aireet, tl.t n ptuc.ccd to take poa.U u on Broad atieel,t.otlb ol Arch. SEVENTH (iHAND DIVISION. l AHellAI.. ( oh uel WILLIAM It. MANN, Wlllcouipihe the Twruly-ltli Ward and all vitltiuti I Club., ard taKe iionIIIou lit Filliert atn-et, weat of Broad ; rlnht ri-mlriK on rtoad itri-t. 11. The Heveral tlrand livllir.H will be prepared to move pn niiti.v to il.e .Kltlor... nfthluned at 8 o'clock. 111. llieFliMtiiand liivla nn will Mite Ita position at tt.c head ol'tl.a column at prt-rjsd) H' j ti'olnsk , and be fol loittd h Die othei !, lu Hiit'':i ai.i"n, when the whol't pio- ct,fer n v III n'.Y. uv.-r tl.e lul!.jt lui; U ) I T K: i:p Arcb to riii alt .mh. down Mn.'auiii l, i:iHi,nut, t'.cwo Chcalillt bi rt.lh, ti.iwr, nltta lo Waltuvt. down W allilit tn 1 In), ip I .1 h to t'l.ciuit. tt.i,vn 1'liei.aiit ti Ft.lirtl , dt.v. li I tilirll. I" Hue, tloa u Pine IT Honna, u, Hec-nd U. S.riii lit. M;,i.i. .. In Ttill J. IIJ lltlrd tn Ar.-h, Ui Arch '." Ilroatl i.-' iiiiti-rintrrh ,.u Hoad, and then iii-ist. IV. f'i,,,s ,.-,i:i. us r-n .1 i.r..i! l-.-.l.'lJti,,' t p.r tlt-;(,fci. Uii.' II.: V i,1:'i ll ir-r it - Jj. w in r.ntev.'t, Ill Unit) atr. ft. h. I ,, IV.evill!, irp.t ruN.ry ti aetntr a.i, J . tl j, .. -il.oi. i . i ' - I.:ie '. Tl.e Clil. I M.r.-Lrfllia- ar."iil.'l M.e It-Jlt.w.ii, tl. . 1 o ti Hi be t.h.-.vtd aiu1. it a. c'td, iy :- r..!! W. It VAXN. BAJtTOM II. JK.KKS, Ma)orW. A. TUtaRI', Atl)ntantU. S. POI I.OrK, faiitaln JACOB I.Ol'DE NBLAliLR, JO.-EI'II W. llt l.LOCK, WILLIAM MII.I.WAI11), IIKNhV llll.MVI, TllOatl'SON KKYSOI.D', KlitVIN 11. FULFIL Wll LIAM II. BAIINE4, t ONHAII B. AMlthf, ALIIKKT ('. UOBFKI rt, BOBKltT U. 'UTTKIIMAKy, BENJAMIN H. BKOWN, I1KM1V VT. (iltAT, '. B. MOl'KT, W. 8. bTKWAIIT. fcl'ECIAL AIDS, t Monti W. A. (.HAT. A. A Fd HIMi, S. 8. LEIDV, K. T. WALTOX, WASmNl.TON KEITH. A. II. KLOA3IARLK , cCDircaud of 10-7 it WILLIAM T. KEEN, Chief Marshal. CANNED PKACHB 8.-ARCHEH & RKF.S, No. 44 V. WAt'KIt N'ruat.on.r for aal. a larw ,lt,. a ol f anned I'.ach.a. Tomato, ale, th. Oi l, biaiad brand OI C. B. Fltlnau A Co. 10 O I ?ni A WELL-8 E G U K E D FIRST iteitiHum inr na). 1. LJOv.-JOjI.Jv'OtiUHAitViJU JJONWKT OPKNIWO. THIS DAT, WOOI t"fc CAIIV. i No. TV, CJIiraNUT BTnifiKT. 10 4 M SPECIAL NOTICES. LINCOLN, JOHNSON & VICTORY. l-'OUHTHENTlI WARD. PARADE NOTICE. All the Loyal Oltl'ent of the abov Ward ara repeated to nteat at 8PIIIN1 GARDEN IIAIjI., ON SATURDAY EVENING, 8th INST., AT I O'CLOCK, To take part tn the Oraod Demon ttratlon aa ontared by the City F.xeeutlveCommHtf a of tlie National ITnlon Party. Te followlns named aantlemen have been lelected by Hie Ward F xecotlv. Oommltlea to act ai Chief and Aaalat- ant Manhaia oa the above occaaloa JACOB K. BIDOWAY, emir maasiial. AMMiMtAlltat. M. L. Jotinattn. II. .race M TuMie. John A. McDowell, I. K l lctchcr, Robert Dlrtaon, F. B. Uatchall. WlllltmC. (Jlashom, F. W. Leluhtnn. Job riaber, (leorv. I. toung, WlUlara II. Buck. Tlie Chief Marahal haa appointed the following gentle men aa hla Special Alda :- Thoniaa A., I, B. Fletcher. Ksq., tieorae Colkett, Fail., Jactib Brt-ta, Eq., II. C. Oram, Aaq., I J. It. Maaaey, Kaq., F.R.OatcheU.Eaf. A full Braai Band will be in attendance; alao Torchaa, Lantema.Fuura, Badge, Ac, forth ne of all thote who with to partlclpa'a. Dy order oftba Ward Extutlva Commltle of National mion I'aity, Fourteenth Ward. JAOOn E. ItllJdWAY, 10 6 M CllIKF MAKHIIAL. KSfT" COMPANY F, REPUBLICAN IN- ZXJ VIMUIIILF.8 A Meotln will be held at Hoad quartera on FBIDAY KVFNlNtl, 7th Inataut. at 7X o'clock. Kiectlon of oftlcera and other Important hiivinesi. ityorncroi ty II . At, 10 -Jt Acting Captain. jCgf- TENTH AV A. 11 13. The loyal clllaen of the TENTH WAItD will moct on FBIDAY KVUNINO at IX o'clock, at th.IIallofth ITnlon League, 1IK0AD and BACK Streota, to make the neoea- aary arrangementa for Joining the Oraod Torchlight Parude to take place on Saturday night. Cltlirna intending to Join the Cavalcade pleaae notice. The meeting will lie addraaaad by tlie lloii.CIIAItLRS O'NF.ILL, Hon. JAMBS POLLOCK, Hon. A. W. IIKNK- DICT, WM, 8. PIEKCB. Kiq. By order of the National Union Aaeoclaton. A. II. FKANOlSCJLm, PI1ESIDF.NT. WM. It. LF.F.D3, Secretary. 10-6-31 gggp haXaL, or tub UNION LEAGUE, CHESNUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH. By Invitation of tli UNION LEAGUE. HON, JOHN W. FORNEY WTO addreat the puMl Ou PBIDAT IVENIN0, OOTOBES 7, Af O'CLOCK, ' AT TUB HALL OF THE UNION LEAGUE, CIIKSMfT 8TKBF.T, All O VI'. TWrLFTH. Tl I.tdlrf are in-It, to b prtirnt. 10 - . m tt i i vwTDii i va l'a a mTi m J-A1j11 ruit a ll.LT Tt CONHIHmOt.'KhM. tll.AlM.l AIITKKM lT l.ATrAI.IuH UtfTON CaMPAIUM Tl.t B. Pin i auhm'iii A. October ft, 18 .4. i OHMCH No 4. 1 . Thf tu mlMTa of lliv lllnh vrli) aimhle, ftiHy aiiilo- p. .l, in H (li'inrn, ( HI Il.lUNtiS, on i i; uia i r. r.jt i Ttii, nn intaiani aio o ctoca pnfctHeiy, inr lilt purjA ui viAiufiu t,unituiiirAii. II. 1 Ih- Coniuitttea on Miiic nd 1 ranoftortattnn will i thHt tht nfceitaiiry arraiiucinfutM be maUawitn la baud a an with tn coaipanv, J.y command. V. C. H ' M VKKt. Cin.-l MarLal. U . A. UltA 1 , 1 t IIA.. C. KMilHT JCIIN T. FUltll, 'S nj"Lai .A 1 ia . 10 tn rj' O B V I LDKRS, Kh rnvt: Iki fAhi Mt-M, J in! h ii ai bikiiuiiii, jctuoer it, iMtrt H-u!iit 1 u ,1 lio iit'flM d at thlu oftlf unit tifiokn ll ). y, i-it, hiftant, t'ir th caocuuoo oi vi .imh m-u f ..Lnnn.Ui'( liif LHpltO! Uilll liliif. H,-( iirliy to oiM-!riirtl. of the amount tl thu work will Ia n iiuireii, aiid e.u h bii'dt-r must accoaipuuy hi iiroponal wr.h th. Iiuint-w t.f hU M CHrilii-l. rij'iia 'li ihf oui'iioii cnu be awn nt tbit ortlce, whora "PCIIU'illll l c,,. , OI, lt.dn iLtioiba MdUrwaatjd "frupuaaii tur extenikm of A . O. OX'RTI. Governor. JAVKS V. HAltlt. S-ir. a.-nFiiil. 10-7-Krt UKMtY ll.MiOHK,8tHtu ftvaa. $40,000,000. Ittfrrrint to the advtrtUeincat of th gicratary cf th Triiury for morosALS fcr the NEW U. S. 5-20 LOAN, W will Includ ia oar lid for the ame tbox ai' any aarlk w Itlilci nM applltaitun fcr any part Uioiaol, WITHOUT CIIAKOK. For iiinvmttka apply t JAY 000KE & 00 J3AKKER3, . Ill S. THUID 6TKXCT, Jv-.-w rkiiadiriuA. 1ST MUHK'AL I'CKI) IIAJL.1.1. iit itiviTAtiiiN or Tun EEFUELIOAN ISVIN0IBLE3, DR. WILLIAM ELDER vwci tnimn' Tun runLic On ti.. IS VIFS OF THK PAV, TIIIH (I'UIDAY) EVKNINd, AT O CTOOK. AT MUSICAL FUND HALL, LOCUST PTUKM, A DOVE EI0IITII. TI a lad'ea are Int'.lcd l.i ba preaent . It 2T HON JOHN VAN BUHEN, OF NEW YORK, WILL rOSlTIVELV SrKAK AUha It CONTINENTAL THEATRE, THIS KVKNItlCJ. 13T FIFTEENTH WARD. l'ATRIOTsl AitOUHEt Armed trallora and aecrct loeaaro ilrtklng at the froe Inatltutlnna of our count ty. Freemen. Bit . on. nivllt to your country, trnni, lena votir ciuntf nanc. and liilluent-a to aupporl the AaUooal Oovt-rnment in Ita preaent emeryuucle.. Let our bat'le crv tie 1 INI m'.K. t'NION. Arfft VlfTOltr. Tlie h.val eltliena of the Fllieentb Ward, Irreapectlro of party, lavoraoie to tiieeieciion ot and an honorable peace, will aaatmb e at tha Ward Head quarter on On 1 L Itt'A I , r n, at o t w trtut. t m , AT THK N. W. corner of BIIMtK Avenuo and COATE8 Street, to join In the Orat.d ,';nJ Kf ,nHKT Chi el OF.OPOF. K. UORtrOX. KoBLBT M. F.VANK, . . n.lel Marannra Ami. ID T r3T- TWENTY-r OUHT1I WARD. aWE' HliAt.orARTF.BH LINItoLN AND JOHN ) BON ('AMI'AIUM t t.l'lt. THIRTI-TIIIKII and MAIIKK T S'feeti ) Pnti.lal.l-IUA, October 7, 19fl. nniiKKH to. l. f. Oroanlaed fjluba. on l.rtt or on linraea. after fnrmlnr In their repectlte I'leclncta. will aaaemble at ihetr Head quarter, and report thromth their Ai.latitnt Maralala and Cavalcade Ordrriloe on next BATUllfiAV KVF.N1NO, Hth la it,, at 7 o clock. li. Tita une w n ne nirmeu at I o cioca oreriac v. lit. Chlzena. on font or on horae. are Invited to tnln tha prnccaalr-n; Ihey will report to the Aaalataut Marahal of their rrectncia, or at ineNe iieatiquanera. BariL-ea at Lleuienant w. u. ii..tuana I'aner ntoro, mar kel atreet, eaat of Thirty-aevenlb atliet. ityoroeroi rtl.tir. n, 10-7- Jt Chlel Manual. -75- FIFTH WARD. A MKBTINO OF S' the Union men of the Ward w.ll be held at Good Intent Hull, No.Wr SPKI'L'F. Hlreet, on HUMIIt V, Kith Inaiant, at7 P.M. Dlrlaion Ofllcera a-e pariicukiriy retiueaieti lo be ptraenr. 1D-7-JU LM A lKlisun, jr., tjecretary. JrT" KAILY TO THE SUPPORT OF OUR Peace ronimlahlnneiat FIFTH WARD Grand Union lieuienatrailon The Union men of the Ward ure earneatlv Invltid lo meet on 8ATUKHAY KYFMMt Hth Inalnnt. at Mi o'clock, at No. Wi HI'KIICF. Hlrcei.tu join In the Ureal rorch-l'fht Parade. A full hand of Mualc w 111 ne in attendance. E.iiuipinem Turnianeu vt an. IU-7-71- I. y. A l rtlntirt, jk., net-rein ry ST- ATTENTION, SIXTH DIVISION SECOND WAKDt All the Member of tho NATIONAL UKIUH 1'AKTl , and thnae In favor t.f lha LLLtUON OF LINCOLN AND JOiiaSU.t, ltkHIUINO IK THK SIXTH DIVISION. Will aaarmhle THIS F.VK.MNI1 at th houae of WV. I I.lllt K.S. W.cruer FOUUTii and CAliri'.M tn, at half-pant 7 o clock, tn take action on the I'AKAl'k rUli PA1UUUAI e.T.EIirttf. By order, F. D. BltnnKI. Mnrahal of Dlviaion. Il DANK I'AUKKK. Aid. rSST- THE UNION MEN OF THK SIXTH aw' Preelnrt i,r iho Tw. lllli Ward will Ulna to the hreereTIIIH hYKNI N'l, at S' o'c'ock, at the cornerof I.AVt itUM'K an.l ltll(iv ri rltreota, a apienniti nag. tne Hun. Leonard M vera Cntitalu Colhoun, F. Ditlinnn and 8, Hnyotr Leidy will addree the meeting. Come one, come all. It' TENTH WARD. COHTFKT HIK COMMON COl'itCIL, I'ltOltAllI lt Kr.rtl IT. KAtlonnt Union tote tor 8. J. Creavtcll Jitmociatic vole do .1'K) S. .1 f.'reiwell'a vote IniO K. V. Macbette'a vote U O Pro! al.!e niii'-otlty forl'reawell a.rK Thi calculauon ia baaed upon the official vote ol laat year. Orttrlal National Union vote tin Fioductlng tho National Union vol of. boo That will I polled by Creawell leave HU AU.ut ti . vote tl at Maehelte will get. Thtrcforelt la av litem t iat If th Democratic vole la gltea to 8. J. Cititwell hen 111 lie elected; but ir ho l. noi e ected, then It. V. M achette w ill be tltled, for tt la im noaalble for t'ue Dl-morruilc uartv to poll over 1IOU votea I Utlawara. Agalti : l li lieiuocrais leei a a'xocg intureat with ua tha' th w ard ahniild be nroperly reprenentrd. a-.d aa 1, ey lav. made tin notuinnUuii lor Cojuuoii Council ae conuaentiy enpect tne. r vote. to-i-ot- r-rST- OOU AND OUtt COUNTRY KlrhU Tit Ndtional imoii Ai-oiiadoni ot th Taiious wiide. tha l'iion (mimun OJub. Hopaiilka: liivlnclt'lct, th I itloii Lt'Kiit,aud nil otlir oraai.(i hodieit ol loi t i.iit.h or tnln city ti(i our nrixnn tow it a. inoDiia oi iiir iioiicml alia dhidouo i.ii(juijn nm loilN-ON. aro lrv trd to join in the OKANH UN'ON' MKK'J INdand 'lOKClUItilll' PKlXJUH. H on SAID K- 1AY k. VKNIN4I, i.e fitbet Ottolr, Let all oome with tJiHr Uaun ra, Tranaparanciei, tiielr Lanitrn. and liioir lorchM. Ir order of tlie Xatlonu union ny nmiittr torn- miitM, jiMift u. nuii. bit. 10 3-fit ChHtrmrin CmniiiMtee n Mnctiniri, tZHT T0 THR PKOPLK OF THE FIFTH 3L WaKD -Ff-lltiW-iriitzaaJiB : A meatiiiir of the cltl- i?ni of thu Want, without OiKiim Uon pnrtv. framed the lolhiwlra tlrkct. which Is now presoiuad for yaur nur- trow, witli Die rctifliliiit uHer that you will rnd it every w ay woniiy or your h it n port, it im hcen neieeiaa irruHptsc tlv. of iiitv. and miivtv with an va to ittioaa aid nuahd oatlotia, and thdn-iur ctnnot b rKarilad In any aeiue aa artJfaii tlvhet. It tiaa orSwhiatrilln a d?lre ot wan ol i an ptatrfeitaaiuiia to pi t i t tn uicoiton ot iniirant. incom- I jtent, and corrupt own to oru-ea 01 honor and tritat. Tha I cttiitiiiiaipa hure n.iinid a'f all porMunn oi ailiiontlim, fatnl liar It? with tfttal lortiia nd th oiodta of mibllo btiainc.a and itfiroiioii v honi!.t at mi raiiaiiio. i nia c laraeuir tnuv hara l arned for tht iuM'tvca Iti tlmir prevloua puranl a tn lira, and a fel cot tnin tlutt wbould thuv ! bonorod wl h an okctlon ut thia Htnu to the panltloni. tor which tticy have uea camad. tbfy win rolled fatal. n1 craau upon uie cm xanaol tbe Klflh iard. weanooaito .un.thfii.mnD or ina una wam.toiar a hid for tlila omt U pnrlltan preuilrthma ao far aft tho choice of yoor Iim-hI ciUct rt, jcuic:n.t.l,and aureehar- UiotiKitlNir IO ran J' lol fnieanon w eiit:i lutruiuu'JiuD. hliculd thia h bncctatt4 It tTutitt ex:rulie a power ful uitiiKMice Oftvain-r In warmatt all pan Ira of the rum-B ait of xarrtaini: mora clrciiBibpecUuD in tnamnu innr Km-jU uainiiiaik'ii-. In L-onclualon wa ruapictluliy aak your atttlraaca. lrIlow-i;Ulaiu,tor tlie aubjoluHl inoupvud- ent tickHt. lly oi Uor 0t the uoi pcmicut nifmievommnu. K. 1. KlNU.Cha.ruiuiw INM.VKNDKNT WAHI) TICK KT. A T ItHtMKN JAMK4 M.'ilAHBN. A. WJMKJN HKNililf. ( Sr.IAHi hi. W 11.1,1AM l.AKK, It. U. .PAl L. - 1KMII. DIKKOTOHH. . TI'KTIN F.I, HUIlHiK, lorona year. t'OLMNS WKST, 1'or two jeara. t. J. KENNKT, JOHN ( ASWiS. For threa ycart. IK. J. U. ANON FT, S 9-K-tf fgif- MEKCANTILK VNION C'LUU. I'artom dt ifrmii ot'cnrolllnt- thiir nanKa ai MKMlirHS CF l'llti CLUU will find l.Itfa i-pfii t nil A. II. H l.i EH. n. ' ioir iin-!. Wll LIAM A. JtoMN, So, t M .M.trk-1 uc-!. K. T. hTKFl., V-. 4 !t. Hccoii'l ftntft. M. K J1AKKIIH, No. 1. Marktl hUv I. K 11. Ill N I , N'.i -Ml t ktrvt. By older ot itt Kaacudve C.inumia. C. J. HOFFMAN, JVesiil- nt. William A. B01.H, Bt-t-rrtarv. 10-i ) jggf- F H E E L E C T URE. PltOr l'.HSOH O. II. LOl-LK.I, li t able and clotiut nt Lecturer on Electrh-itl S. Itn e, Having demnnatrnted laat even'nv, to a larite and appre. ei.itlte audlvnt-, Ilia curability of hy ui una of Llectntny, w i Ll. l-at J v xtc TI1I8 KVENINO, at Ut o'clock. At tli Room of lha tlei'.rical Inntltutr, A'o. l.'M WALK I T BTIlFIc r. Tha liiMiinl all elaaat a ara eartl.-nlartv Invited to a'tend,.nd l.arn p.'raonaJly how all diaeaaud cuiltlii can be cured by aueaua oi le'trtt Ity. It irtTrf" AUMT, NAVY. AND CITIZEN'S V3tS ill,tnu kfl!tiul(fc.r Strapa, WtMIha, ., la etyl uuauiia.d, at varyrtMlBcdpri... Merehant T.ia.r, 103 JB y.lBInntrt,lvC'aainL SPECIAL NOTICES. TliPTTH WAHI). Indr-pcoiknit OaadltlaU for Common OognotL, M-t-fl'J .11 HAM I' l'i 1 1 I. OKKHWEIiU JALLY, UNION MEN, RALLY I I 'Oll KTMKNTI I WAHI). T-i-n at In ynarralnltt, lotcotitfor thertkht. GEAPD T0ECHLI3HT PEOOESBIOff, AT 7 O'CLOCK ON SAT I'll l AY KVENINd, Ct T.l( It , lutjt. Tho niemt.L'fa of tl. F.iurtcecntli Ward Katt.iial TJn'.jat Plub, and the loyal cltireninl th Fnarteenth Wardda- Mrlpu lo para.le wl h tint Dranir'ion, are cordially Invito to meet at the , II ALL OF THE NATIONAL UNION CLUB, IlROWF, EKL0W TvVF.t.rTII SIRStr. To pirtl.-lpal' In Oia Orand tjnlo rrad. A HASP OF MCIC WILL UK IS ATTHMlltfl.H, dA 1 Fanapann. ii,1 &icua, llafs. 4o., wtB le ready far !OOf MKN. LET ALL COME THAT CAN. T'.eie will I. a t'iilel Marthalar.dt waive Kutkaia, ol Ui:in intu of great mlilury (pcrlenc. rEEDEEICK A. VAN OLEVE, . 10 6-f CniEf MARSHAL. 3gr GRAND GATHERING 01 PATKIOTH. KO NORTH, NO SOUTH, ONE COCWTRF. The Stars and Strips for J1 the Land. MAINE, VERMONT, MOUILE, ATLANTA, SHENANDOAH. All It lend of LIN00IN AND JOHNSON; All f illant Veteran, who hav fought tor oar ai.OllIOUS UNION; All who luv and honor our BUAVE SOLUIK-RS j All w ho are determined that tb MAJORITY SHALL RULE! All who wonld ncirollat an honorable peaoe, wHh GRANT, 6HEKMAN, rillFRIDAN, and FARUACIfJT As l'rat-e Coninvlaalonera ; a'l who hata TKKASON. And would Pl'NIBH THAITOB9; All who lejolce when our Armle ARL VIOTO-KIOUS! ' All who revere cur PAllttOTKJ FORFTATUKRH, And atlll ol.erlhh their tlnd jlta ; alt who ar grateful for the blelni:v tranmltted to ua by lb J.IKHOKH OF '70; ' Ad who wonld prcacive theae bieiilruT Ibr thear children; ALL AMEHICAN8. VATIFB AKB ADOlTEtt, Are rciuaated t moot at INDEPINDESCE SQUAEE, On SATURDAY EVENING, Octolwr 8, WA. To teitlfy their devotion to lha CONSTITUTION AND THE UNION, Which anned traitor In some Btatea,and nnarmedayaa- pathlr.ora Ut othci, ate tryli.g to ovurJuow. LET TEE WHOLE PEOPLE COME. And with united voice proclaim that, in apite 81 AVl:HOI IMNU SIAUOnS Attn F.t'BOTKiN DF.RPOTS, Our C'ouiitiy ahall forever remain a thF.F. L4KU FUB PO JTF.RITV, And a home for the 01TltF.i8tI OF ALL NATIONf). God and Our Country Freedom Fareror. A LBA'K UMl'LAY OF IUKWOBAA Will tuVe place, on the adjournmast of th MeeUM. IK TUE 8jU.VBE. By order of th National Unl-m City KnocaUv Goaaraltie Jt)IIN O. IilJTLKK, 10-0 6t CHAHIMAM CUM till THK OM afJABflHdl M EEC AN TILE UNION CLUB OF Pllll.ALELl'HlA. TheMFIICANTH-E CHtON CLUB.havtaf Nlvet patticloate In the gi neral Paraite to b halt On SATURDAY Kvoniim. Oot. B, Itetpectfully Invite tlie aterrhant and Hualn atea f Phllade phla to teatlfy their devotion to th CONSTITUTION AND THE UNION, Dy unltlug with them. ThC'luh w lllm t at LMON LF.AO0K (Oonoert) HALL, at 7 a'clock, where balnea and torrhe will b provide. To prerv unitoruiiy of appoarano, dark clothing la dt-alrable. aiipnlntmeut hav been made, and wan be obejed arid r-peted aoc.irtilujly : AIDS. W . UAKT ( AUK. K. HAKI' JK.'FIIIFH, TUUM'aOH KKV SOLDI. AI" K 1 ijTAN T MARSHALS. M. O. KI'.NNFIlY, J. TllMl.irtnu., K.T tj'll;i.. W. W. Al.l.LJT, II II. M- 1.1 , T ALI.UAN. a. ii, h'ixek. II P. ATklMfrUrf. CIIAlILtS It. A II II on, I. (M M .1. ltAtll',11, WILLIAM II MKSTZ, t af. P. ATKIN.tOM, C. a. IUHAIM(i, tt . a. ItUI.IN , ,1. K A-Uil - Ail. lty outer ol" J A.MKS D. KKYSER. lO-t;-:!! CHIEF MARSHAL. fT" HEADQUARTERS FIRST BATTA-w-3-' lltu Vnltin l'uni!ain flnb, Fiiil tiiKtritiA. October 4. 1461. OBLKKH No.. In accord unce w ith the aiiKKcatloua ol a Coramltte ap pointed to taa that ui.ttter Into ctiiianl.ratlon. It haa been d.t-idt-d lo rt-.r,ranle tl.U battalion, and the Ibllowliur rtlera are thon lor puhll.hetl : I. '1 he battalion will be Uwul. d Into ten companle, to ba au.wn aa ( t.iiin.illlea A. II. C. 1). E. F, 11, 11, I , and K. Thvre wll be aH'.i.' to encn one First A.ilitaut Marshal, -1 wl.owlll each select t'ne. In.ui in niiuioer oi .tarontl Avtut.ut Martlalt, nnd alao mipolnl the auldea and other ett.cera net-en,. tr. I. ee.l. t't tl.e uri.'Aili..itl'ii. l.i.-y will ho j h. l.l rfpf naib.e'.-or tl e .-0,1 order and dlaclpliiiv of thfir I .i-v.-rnl t-t'im.iand-., aa wt-ll av lor auy prtiparty of th Club 1 li.-ruatetl t., tl.fir tare. 1 11. hitch ('oui.du will be provided with a lantern and a Hi..1, tit.u win- h al.ail ' cempiciioualy Hie leittr oi U.e auic, '1 hey ill he carried by the reapectiv ortk-rly at-ru.-ajua. III. litit ka will he provid. d at thei heathiuerteri. Id which mei,.brr of the baltu:ion, and tlioa. deairnu 4 of bt'.-cuilpit aiith.luay the'r nainea and attach thio aervt tn i-uth t-ouiany a they otuy ael.ct. 'the head cuartar. of tl.e b,ittalon will be open daily, from o'clock A. M. uii'U looclmk P il .alirt roumaudant. of c.iu paint.' will detail or two ui; to attend there dally, lor th purtoae of rvoelvlng Ui nauK-sol uentbar. aou 1"l'v"ct'ataaitaiil of companie will Immediately Iwoiuea to a eorpa, and will, delay, pmcecil to aelect the alRceia a. herre oro vlded. and attend lo the tliorou.h raulaatk.a r tueir CT"inJ1ae"oorda.-. with the ret.neat of the (Soramttte. th) I hif ' a a "ly.d U loUowlna Hral alalant anhi ti i. eonimand of the .ov.i Oo ,.,, Con.eany A t'ob.nel l. w- O. Uaxiei. "ntelni ll-C.lou.l T. O. Moreaaad. t'ouipany O foul Kaiiy - '""' f- K T''I,M i'.ilua if-fapta'n J Knorr. acwipanr ....... r. u It.rrw. .Z,Z l-lJr C. hi. lie rrv. ."" ""I uMiur HI, hard tfll.. JZiiny I J. ILL. Haven. Oompaiiy K Mawr llanry li., Jr. alv vouiniand of "v tt.lonelP.O.ILUIAKIIt.ChlefMaMhal. WILLIAM A. IHAY, ) CHAin.rut v. thiuui, BpaciaiAhli. JVB4'il t I OiU, UHt