TITK DAILY EVENING TELEORAPir.-iPIIILADELrmA, THURSDAY, OfJTOBER G, 1861. i i ' THURSDAY, OCl'UltKK G. ISGt. BPIBIT OF THE HEW YORK PRESS. Lfirtln Kdltorlnl rrora the Hew Fapm Tliln Morning. fork now tii ci ti w smui'.iivi AHtll. From the Tribute. The letter, 1'rnm wMeh wc give cxtrirn lielow, WM written to iteiitletiniti "'I" ')' 'r " lf officer in Plitrniiiri's nitiiy. Tlie fr.ttik term in which he tvowa ti Is cntnont sho.v tii it it m s privsto letter, not ink-nil :tl tor pii'ilu-atlon, luit it Is the more valuable in that a 'c'outtt. Tin Coppertaeml f itpets iimo that (.funeral Slifriutn il in ftvor of Cii'ti' r.il MtClellari's eleuli m to tli rrcsli'enrj', in spite of the avowals, so reivntljr rnftd by Oenetal Shertnin, In hlseorrevoi"','n''c with the Maynr ot Atlanta, of opinions 'mii'iinst the conduct of the war, nn I the uii'l to I'OjMincl bj it, soiliatiiotrirnllT iippnsotl to tilt) course pur urd l7 (ien rul M Oh-lmn wliilfi In ' tlc sit vice, andto inconsistent h it b hln present p nitiim ai candidate of (lie jmrir of I'cndlut'in, Vnllniidisliam, Voorl.ecc, the Woods and men of thiit imss, who will use it au.l liim to Citrrj out tntir own tlcsinns. That this Ir-tier ios the true fVdititf of Genoril filicrmitn's nriny, we have not the sliifiitost dou'it, for the wrier is in a position to know whret he speaks. Were there any diligence of opinion between the army and Its ureat Captain oti t li i t stilijcet, the writer of this letter would lie pretty (tire to be aware of it, nor would ho, in a conli I driit al li tter oi this sort, Ik- likely to pint it by unnoticed, did suoli tlillerenco exiat. We have only to add that the writer has, in timus p mt, been a warm admirer of M'-Clellan, but is too earnest and candid a man to permit personal admiration to override his judgment and inter fere with his sense of public duty : Wail, the raini'slrn It at last emleit, anil wa are at rest n, e mure tllt-r mir i jur months ot man-buig. tutu ins, and d'Kirinir. I know tliat .vmi and ail iistrl'its a,i predate work we hese eeeo-npllslied, and t'rtrl Ba.pliant eurtluit nt all oil tlts. Vet ttnire li a elass 'at the North tliat do not tippreSMle our Moon neir reiolry at our eueeesa. wtist. In llol's name, dootr oe ipte mean? Just at the hjur when we should &0 a, unltel a ws were at tlie outset, anil even mire no, Itiittsaids of our old irieod, turn tha cold areulrtir to na and by wnrdsand deed, tlnieavnr tn put obsl. teles In 'he way of nnr spi-edy sineess 1 wnl-l ink tln nirn wli i bavj stiuun Die lam sl mmtns neonme iTMti-M tor peaee add alselples f the pettrn party wh.vt they tii'ian or What they eftpeet 10 aceini,illsh .' 1'tiey c in in no ;i inllite manner do kooiI, and ihey may, and ae do.n on I'ltlnlte amount of tiami by Ihti'r.'orliix with the KtrenlleMiinii of the army la not the raime wo bt eaatted In oa n.ered now u thru? Weieweuot rwht In tne lMKniilnici' If not, ttiou alt the lacrilleei we have mode arouiore than iiselean. All Ue blood aimled, the widima ar.d orphans that thla war hat ransed all the niotheri tint havehrteii made to weip, and father to mourn, are ao many na for whleh we oiiftht and would miter the puntuMuenni of a lust Hod. Butour rauae In rinhl, and the end ta near If our pople will only le truo to tlieinflelvei, I eould pile up the evidence until I nlled up a dozen ahoein, that tha end la neitr. I know, for I huve loaru-'d In this three and a ball yearn 1 havo apent In thU war, that to useaplala and homely cprii:un,'wa have theui oa tha hip." They never were whipped ao eaaily at they have been thw tumoier their denertera were novar ao numerMUK their tut a were never no outtly tnken prlmin er they aeeiu to court beli g ciptnrej thflr lant man in In the rank ; but, pnliavv I itn-re lit no oe In tnlkinit. I Wonder sometimes u" our people deerve u free llovern ment, if they aro entitled to tt; and when think ot' the war they are aetlng. I beK'in to dcuhl It nerloutly. When they have node one-ilarter of the aaorllleea thene traitors have down here, who have reoelled airilnst, and are bmind to deslroy, Ihe beat (lovernineut on earth, thiol thay njlfilit beufn to lolk of peaee and jieaci makers then they might talk ol n' mlnatlui; and trying to ol ict, for the hlltnest xslllon in their poner, a mill wno "tbitnki-d tto l that he had never voted nor lven a dollar In foipport ol ttils war." Hueh men are too tumn to hu treated with the respect we tieai i or enemies hi re In Iront of us, who ha.-e tha nsanllnesi, to come out and ll jht us They ouiht to he stnt South, whoic .left. Iiavis would ti-it the slncir'tvof their words and actions by putting them Into the ranks: but no. they wo'jld not tlsht, for they arj cowardi. RleClellan had some friends In this army onee, but they are few now any man that will heo -rae the tool of such a party cannot expect -heeupoorl of true man. His fate It sealed the faith 01 the army is In Abraham he is honest and earnest, lie h is the .upport of the army, and Is on the rbiht tde the side of the l.'rd. Hay to all your ri1tnt's that Sherman's army has not a coward or pea'-a tn n (they are lyn.uiymoii-,) In It. The votes for Mi Oiehati and peace will he as S'-arefl as hen's teeih. nnd the army la Uelrloudandsuppoitrol L'rcehlent Lincoln. TIIK IBilM A.IIAII.. Frtm the Timet. the active operations against Hichnioml which Wore begun upon tlio north bank of the James on Thursday last, and which were reoponod or continued upon the south ildu of the river, beyond the Weldou railroad on Friday, seem to have been held in abeyance for the last four days. Butler's force achieved a success as far at it went, and Meade s lorce on tue lctt also achieved a certain success; but in neitborcaso wan the success decisive. General lititler did no capture the Important position ol Chapin'a or Uhupin mint, tnotign tie uici occupy cue greater part of the fellow's farm, nor did Oeneral Meado reach or capture the Southside railroad, thouzU our line roaches within ahout two miles of it, and another mi'e would bring it within range of our suns, llau either ot those o'ltects luon achieved, w e suppotie the primary ptu pie of one or both tin- movements ot iatt wccK would nave been ell'ectt d. Our lines w o suppose, must now be over thirty miles in length, if we consider them continuous fiom our extreme lett to our extremj nnt. luo buik of our forces nro on either wing nnder Untler north of the James, aud under Meade southwest of l'eter&burg while Immediately la front of Petersburg, and along the rest of the line, we Mipposo there are no heavy masses of troona. Null Lee would nnd It hard work and heavy cost to break any part of the line, and he would lind iittlo uroht were nu to atieiupt it ana succeed. We havo strong works, properly mounted and manned, and the lluhcls would meet with tho sume reception, in an attack at any point, that they net when tin y assaulted nnd were littr e J back from Waircu'o hastily constructed defenses on the AVeldon road. 'I buH, then, matters stand south of Kimtnond, While tsberiduu and his army lein.iiii ut 11 in 1 011 bnrg, after ibeir la'e brilliant campaign. Wo do not suppose It possible for Lee, under the cir cumstances, to despatch any lurgofurcc from Rlch mond to operuto ug tinsi Sheridan In the valley; aud unless ho could send a iare anil fresh fureo, it wi'UUl nut bo worth while sciidiuri any. for Kurly's army was so severely nuuihod th it it cannot assume the olfctisivo, a"id no HoIr 1 force less than SU.uthl strong could possibly hope to do so to any purpose In the meantime, tho fact that the Miia.-ean U.ip railroad U btuog rebuilt by our forces would seem to indicu:e lit tt it is not intended to have Sheridan's army btckout of the valley. The authorities at Washi-gton pirutltted a telegram to c-mc over the wires yeteoduy, to one of the evening papers, to the eilei t that lieuo tal Oraut was on bis way to Washing ju. rOREIGN JOTTINGS. Tli Carilluul ArrliMrhi)i tif C'nlngnc: it. just dead. His duiiiv was John of Gelsecl. A fair lately took jilaec at Lun Ion In M of the Garibaldi Vaclit Fund, Tbe trut.hs in Tonis continue, and eourc. agents are nt work urin the ailu.itlon of tlie tuzoraluty of tlio Sultan. I Tbe EhkIihIi uiiuors are on ft strike, and iimct In little gn uis of svvou iliotis.md or o to diicuss tbelr (trievaucis. Tlie renortetl ili-eovtM-y ot extensive Itointn remains found in tlie river Mcrney, netr Uuu- Oiin, provis to lie n noax ltie iillu;nu uc:, were priutcd lu full in the Kuglisli papers. The thittv-foiutli annual meeting of the tlriilsk Asmii'in'inu'nt Silence met this Sept. -to her at Bath. Dr. Livingston wus pivaciit, and read paper ahout bin recent tr.ivcli. Tho tihukesnre festival at Str.it '11111 on . Avon lias resulted in a detieicriov of three tuo.i sand pounds, which the committee will have to tuakfi good. The musical and dnimu'.ic perform f ancos cost two thousand pounds. Tbe Faris. journal La Fraitct urges tbe sign ing and tending to Denmark of a document expressing lo the Danish people tbe sjmp.ithy ot me f rent u, an t tucir upjirii.uuuu m w nwu vulor. According to tho Freneh, the German jonr-nals.e-iivrially tlmsc of the North, are intoxicated by tlielr recent victories, and imagine themselves tne greatcet nation in tue worm, since ineir snc te-s in despoiling little Denmark of the Duchies -The Trnssian needle gnu bas gained another triututib. wbicb m very tlaitrln to tbe vanity of tbe Prussian naiicn. A French commissiou Las nnaniiuously recommended its adoption lu iLc hrencli army without uo.Ay. lien Caunt, a grandson of tbe celebrated 1, piiuilist, has been giving a boxing exhibition at Calais. France. Tbe entertainment was well ttu nded. aud is considered the opening wedge introducing the Luglitb tustc for put;iliaui into i ranee. 6w llterlaud lias a population of two million - tlin e hundred and ten thousand four hnnslred o,i ninetv.fciur iiiliabitaiits. of which three men and seven women are over one hundred years of age, while nve hundred ana rorty-seveu are lietwean ninety and one bomlred years oiu. Vneh s: amlnl bai hi tn (created in relicioui circles in France by the fact that two dietitiguit bed people, wl.o died lately, reruscu to receive ex UtUIQ UUCllUU. UUU Ul IIIOSS SSI IS, VHIija professed skeptic; the other was tbe youthful Winc-sn LadUbss Ciorturisia, daugbkr Of yusta Vnnsuua. rnr nortiirkm ntrRT.ni:ir. (Jeneral's llookrr'a t'lrwt Order. t'm.nMnra, (lot . Tha following order has bean kmir-d tiy (fpnerail llooaan tn assuming oommaiid of this l. parlnieiit In ah (jrARrans NoHTimnv IntpunTvrMT, Po ll , not. 1, )tii i.eiienil lir.lom No. 71 In ly with .spis-ial Oiders 'iitt, ilmeil War nt, Mept. asi ti. Hilt, the ninlers gi.e I a. ininauil ol tun N'Ttnern liounrtiu.'iit, em i ho Mates ol to lehirsn, I Mno, Iiniianas.nl 1 1 - I T 1 on . I ilieinnati Ihmiik the most oonventent and li i )niil lor the ili'-i.'iN'li ol Innings, the ii. : oil Hcad-ipiaiters Mill be riuivoi tolIi.it li . 'i Hie Hill II, it. I, , loiiiote ui.lliirtiuty In oramlhf, tlie ilnpirt ti ! t IS -.utility. (toil into foul tliMricts, ojell Mn't t ..t '.' lie ili'tnrt. I lie he.,.,iivrlol-s ll tha I'si i f ' l Michigan Will he lit lletroit. ami that ot to i .it I oluintiiis. tiiheers m .stiitaliio rstik will bo r- ' to the -e eiiiein'Mis as soon a pi astie tlile. I i i mi. h n"oittit li s ure tnaile, too (ilhoial ililttes ni I1,'- il i".i i ici.s Hill I trim -netml as horelo nro. , ho , r, nl liiil .tiot and 1 .oho.s vs ill ie uiiiii lunlor tin j.-.-'lit c i .1 .ii.i ml. th. I ho pomm n.'l 112 1,-n-i rn li iiiiies euerirv, enrnoslnoss nml llileliiy in the I' o.iM",t,i'e ot only nn ;lie part ol very nlTieol and sn ill, i . 't Hi I i-s r- nienl . I tiolr-iist anil nvsponai l llnv rei os. il ii "Heh lied ailwl lie rareln ,y and tul'v f. inii-,1. No nno will cnnniicr itn day as ei.deil nun ti.e i iities it brings have boeo di4 ol.nipoo (i luio., r u l ili-trict will nnttormly hold tlivr troops in ri ..lion lur imrvicos as reanis Instruo linlis, aiiiu.ui..lioii and clnthma;. eVImr in oroulol tho 1 ei in lini'i.l, at an hour a notion. Tne utmost inline! ce anil vijni are entnliiod on tho part of oib. cers npou whom tho (Irnilint; now In pro 'Iism has llevobrsl. anil also upon the nlDeors) eiiK uoil Hi lor vtatilitia tlie tnen to tlie II: M. fhe 1111 uiodiato rjiu Inrcoment of our armies Is a noeossiiy u the mil lenliutinti the hope. and oxpnoiAtimia ot tun ua!Ji'U t'thcors iiitrusleii with the keoping of tho nrisonots In t.ie I'epnrtment will enorolse uu- asing viirihinee in the p'irnrm.tneo nt their nutios. 'Ihnsti L'trmtt 1'ie "'purtiueni ot puuio property in cliarire, will w" ' ln, lr prnieeiion tnigucui .v-"" 1 1 us ss, Majiir-t. nigral of v ...uuloets. MaJoMinneral Ukin r.KLM a i will leave lor WhcSb ina tooiiormw. THE STATE ELECTION. Tha I'libllrntion or the Itetnrna. AoasoT or tiir AswociATrD 1"k.si, t'iii t. a tn i.- pniA. tiei.4. in the t'ha rmon of tlio County i om- mitten of the Mate, of both paities: In order to In sure more correct audenmpletproturnsol'ihoensiiinr Mate ejections tor publication in the papers ot I'b lv delphia and all the principal journals thninrh out tho loval NtNbst, the Aa.sociatod Tress respoctiullr re quest the assistance or the Chairmen of the stiueruut political committees of tlie several eountlea. All the telearanhle offices throu rhoet the 8tate will bo hold oiMsn during thu nlitht lor tho roeoption ot icturus; and by au arrange mont udweou tho ooiiiiiv coinntitts-e and bv televrsipli operators, it Is Itelipved ttiat a rciahle ostitnate ot the result mar be ptihlisoed on tile niorulliaT a.tsT the elortion. i i,e vote ii ir meiiiixraot t oiifnsaa win no snuieienr, w ith a mention of tho irain or loss romparod with the vole ot last year; and, it posalldo, the result ot tho k alative ticket, there is uo ueeessity for the vote for local othees. As there is no Htaie lleket to show oxaetlv the popular mnjntity, it is projHiscd that tho Congres sional vote should be tne lirst counted, and lor this purpose the co-operation ot the election otnooru thioiighout the State with the chairmen ol the poli- t ral committeea. should be souifht lor aud arruiorjd by tne laiior liuinesiiateiy. n urtler W oinaiu tliono ronults the AHSOofftinil FrttA Imre rt-cmvcU the intlorweinont ot the (hair luun of both tu liDoormtio and KenuhHoan iStste i fiitrnl CtMnuutUifA, m woil m Hut ut the publisher mid etlitom ot mil tho uaily pnporfl oonuuotou witn the AwMH'iBted l'rtM In I'liiiadi'lphia. It w dotiiruhie that them: rt'iuum Rliould be u accu rntp and reroivrd at an early an hour pud)iblv. AU uiesMtcen should bo tuloirraiihed to VV. V. FULTOf, Agent ot the AMorintfd I'rom, I'lnlada. M'e refer th aloT card to the nor'TaM ounty ( omiuittf of the Mate, truntiiia that the arran fte nu iit proTtowd will be ptTt'-ctt'd aouu at uo- iilie. (Mf'ivd), himon Camkkon, Chairuuu ol the Inioa .State (Jrntial (.'ommitte. (.'. L. aiu, (iialruian ol the Democratic. iStato t'iii rul t'oinmittt'e. William W. itAuiia. ot Tiiie Inquirkk. !1utom McMicuakl. Sortt Jmerfc tn aw Cnittif St'tte iinxrttt. W h, II. Wei .ph. of the Ate. .ll'HN iit'BHKI.L VOONII, Ol ryitNKY I'rfSS. M. J. ftwAi!f. lor the 7Vtic Lrtlqtf. si. ItAitCLAT ilAUUlMd, lor Arrasng T tegrnph, 1.ibf4n 1 kacocR, ior KveMng Ilut'ttin. ' .Til NU'1. KflK.t'.H." Augu.-ta r.roitnc-Uarrett, who is one of the most pleasing aud versatilo of tho writers on music In our country, is contributing to Mr. Hugcn's Musical llericw a series of " Musical Echoes," which, to judge from the opening num ber, will be delightful features of that paper. Mrs. Oarrett, speaking of the clone connection between the arts of music and painting, gives these examples of Individual versatility : " Salvutor Knsa won au illustrious example tj stincr-exccllence liicacn art. isotoniy as an un'.er. but also as a poet uud musician, he outshone all his contemporaries. 111s musical com positions which, fortunately for tbe curiosi, were a number of vears since discovered, many of them in hit nntoKraph, among tho mununcrlpt collection of old liuliun music, have hitherto burn hidden treasures. He set bis own cnutus, thu melody of which, as well as the poetry, is superior to that of the aire which Bave them birth, nnd they in- t-piro as much pleasure as surprise. It is hard to unuerstund hoiv an imagination accustomed to depict scenes of terrific grnndcur and ferocious gloom, could posBtbly sof en and melt to such exiuisitc breulhings of tender sentiment n are cmlioilicd in liis nrolOHSiou's accessories, music and i,octrv. The prismatic splendor of bis genius is lnnrvellous. How very felicitous is this sweet nni't-euH from Ins pen : ' If Time, penurious of his treftslli. SI, all steal tl e nill fmni that lirl ;ht I air, Fimr, but enntcitted, sllll isllti n.eiisiuc, I shall lcliiilil tlie wluU'iicss liiero Nny, love tlio Itiuide silver Inure Than e'er I pn.ed tlie rlcuur ore.' "Ionardo du Vinci, the famous artis', was nnotticr musiciun-paiiitcr. lie astonished the Milniieae let; by his pencil than by bi.-i pe.rlonn nnccs on the lyre, u curious new instrument, chiclly of silver, ta-lilnnt-tl by his own bund. J be envv ot tlie innsiciiins ot iniiaii was ten- kercd laias ! that pssiidl so tuuetul should g tin access Into the bosoms of the votaries of the tunc- ltd ml!), ami they clialiciiited I1I111 to a puliliu ctnitist, wheie, to use tlie wonts 01 n Historian, lie not only vtiniUlshcd them, On tlie teii-stllniied III, If inu-ilt And on ihe iallery,' but likcwi-e compelled tlnin to acknowledge that the eloquence of his conversation ami thd orign.ality of hli oxttMiiponineoui (MMtry were alike iii'rivnllcd. Liac Lord Hacon, lei, hea engaged in prnlnund tbouvlit, cau-ed music to lie pirlotnicd in hla hcaiius ; ami Milton, who catiuht uinnii!centruya 01 inspira'tou 110111 tus suxmu pealings of his orrran. Da Vinci, when piint ug Ins most sulilliiie tviiks, a ivays c's air. i tn lw lis. telling I" mnsie. Aihlison assi-rfs ihat "Musie raises ruble sentiments, iuil tills the mind with great conception.' Uulliblioioilun, Hie uiHniKUi-ueii itiiuse.ipo iniiuttr. lint for nn -aiK hoiajje in liisovu art 'tuu a lack of conctntratl 111 of puipo-c, nihjht have become an Hdiuir.shie mu-u:i,i 1; ina ha coulii never be long enough c iist 11 t to 0:10 instrument to master lis peeiilmiitfi s. X'pon bis melodious wbiinsheMpiandtii'dutoriune, purchasing ins'.ru- nient alter iu5.t1u111et1t.wi.U0ut reant 10 cost, ana ahtindouiiii-'oiie mi -0011 a ano'hei -ti ui-k his vola tile fnuey. "(leniinmul, the musician was "t divuiskit similar calilii'it to his nwtrrr ol 'he brush. 1 Its was a p issionatu lover of .tajiliu r,on its :. iuit peipetllHIIV piuyins; lllllla.'li 11110 pieniimrv uiiu cullies, lie would decorate his walls with the moat expensive picture'', and, -uler tea- ittg hi eves on tlictn for a 'eason, c jiu oe'lcl "1 s i rt- lloe ihcni to still Ibc vui(iareti0cnciesui coipjiia Leeds." Mrs.d.iiTettink'titalsolmviT uinil-d b'-rre-l- tm that Leonaido du Vin -i w is en ae?orti(i' -hed architect and military engineer, " well 11 aiuu-i- sn nnd painter. lirlKHoll In i:itrOa. Our u.iisii ill readers will be glad to Lear th.it Pipnor Brignoli, accompanied by Uii geutieiuanly egeiit, Mux Sti ukoscli, bus arrived safely lu ririe, alter a sbort and pleasant sea voyage. Itiiineuiately niter his arrival, Uripooli received liamlsonie offer of an eucaiftinent from M. Hagivr, Dlrei tur of Le ltalitnti tii Italian Opera House. An enKKl'Uieut wus signed i'r tlireti yoi.rB to sin); sevm luontha al the rate of 1000 a month tlie first year, $1M0 a month tlie teuonil year, anil jr'2iKi a month tbe third year. M. nattier is aiso uirecr i siw iwsiissu vyzia at Madrid, ami lirinoli will aipesir in thi city belure be dues in Tans, llis Muuriu occur win take place durinc this month of October, and bis first part will be""Uennaro," in l.ucreua borgut, with l enco as tho heroine. With the new railway connections between l'aris ami Madrid, artists) bave now no trouble in passing over the I'yn u; s rroiu runs to rauuriu. liriitnoli line now tuirly ornrri bis Kurciiean career, and we shall inform our inasital readtrs of the juilgniunt paused tmon him by the criticism of toreittu auUii'iues. An artist who, however open to coiiiplutul in some points, bas iviven, tor so many years, as much pleasure to the Auieriean public as linituoii lias dune, deserves to be kept U M1UUIJ niUICIMiSBll'. The Rwiss Government recently preferred request to the Austrian Cubinet, that the latter should at icdk'IU set tree tne ex-uietator ol I'o- land. The Austrian Uovernuient has, however. politely refused to do so for the present, as it bruiesests BUS w vu.iaiic. ' usunvi.ui mo nisur rection ovsircuiuo sami aiiiiij iv nsui'aus tue mp (0 lIlKtt-OU iU( SOatif (UUC. 1 1N-NF-N0 NF-AW jl imihan SstoKiimt Tontrno! 1 i,s wortd-renosvnetl Toosrei is msntifaetural irom Ihe KIlrisT t,KK, I Ami farnrstly recommends It eir to all Qsqtlemea e l.iisnrloiis Taste. Ifjtd wholesale astt retail at hunt a ruriiLAtt trnvn aroBK, No. Ml CIICsNtrT htr..et, 10 I f ai opposite state House. IAUHI l'IiA(ll CAMPAIGN FL AOS, miNTINO, AN1 SII.K, or r.vi.wt iriti'iitjTt')M. SI.Sl), KWOUMH, H AS I U .S. ItKl.TS. Te lies- wee s r-H snormintof MI LIT AH Y OWDS. IVANS & EAS3ALL, . !l T-)ra fr. 411 ARCH STItEF.T. AMUSEMENTS. 'rilH (MIAMI llll.MAUll TOlMtN AM KM I c- mmeuc-it tor iha t'lisiupum-hlp of the Htsietsf rrinisliiuis at SANstIM HI Kl.r.l' II l,l,, on Mil.v lM . ie .,l-er:i. lLi;i, ;i-d ternihiAlel M'iMlAV ( I ,h,,r IP. 14.; AH.lt.l)iN AMI KCKNINll I'.XHIItl 1I0N3. I'Uj lo coiuiiionre at 1 P. M. and S P. M. Kash Kniee Is lo be iM'O 1'i.ints, Csr-uus. fll-h si.nts debrri d. 'Iff lb lowlnu nsnies are tlie (' imnetllors tor the t.'h nn- pionshlp riul rrl7.e : V. t s e;ihe. t! Ilird, .1 ST Mont lioru.r), l.i,b.-it 1. Ilvall. II. Helms, It. W. Howes.. I. I's inn, and K. J .I'luukeit Ho-sn KAVASA'.ll, I'llr.t. A N .HO I, I il II W A TK, arid oth.r prominent pis y Ms are espsvts-d to be prtsefit. Hlnule . lnils-.lon, tsSeents. ncesop '1 P kets iceoreil seats, . or sale at (Be princi pal lillllaid Room And IIitI; . . vii ri nt r,sihi sr., J. is . inujiiuuntn. i- It) ALL,, Commilte of Arr.imrenieuts OIIMKH Or fl.AVINU. TIII'KMriAT AKIMtMHiOS-ll-wesaiid Ri .ill ; Mont. ron-ery and Nel-rs. fc. I.N1 Ntl Kstcphe and Palmer; lllnl snd I'liitivett. IkllMY AM KKNOOM llewos aad P.dmer : Montira- metv and rluiikelt. .'KMNi Ksieplieand K all ; Ilird ami Nr'ms. TI.'hllAT AKTKIINOOS Hint and Fvall ; Fslepbs and Helms. K fcMNii llesses and riunketti Moutso ruerv and Palmer. MIINI1AV ArrKHNflim llewes ana N ms; Monlm ervaod It vail. K KMMtl t.ttanheanl I'luukett : Hit it ai d I'aUner. 10-6 41 MISS. JOHN UUKW'8 NEW ARCH ST. liit.A 1 1.' I. - r - I VAI.I BKI. HKM'IMO! First Mhls ol the lin at l.yrie Arti-t. vbm I a i.i : MOMlAY. AMI KKlt I.VtMMI. With new Hi entry, t'o-lumes. e , srou U sui s nensAiionai Liraina ot IIKI. I'KMiiMD. AtlKLO ESTVAbt. I II vseleli rhe will slnn "VHP AKK. TIIK UTAH." and "ItltAVK MAtf'O." For pajUculara of Hcenary, Incidents. Ao., see bills. PKATft HK'-ITEH TllllF.K IAYM1JJ AnVAS'CK. UIKSNLT KTKKKT Ul'KHA HOUSK. No. U.KhNt-r titoU ALI.HON A HIVrKKN I'roprhlors. MoKANfl MINnTKELS in nn elegant an nu rti. i r.iir tmi RVKKV KVKNINil. Commeitrlntr at W o clofk precltN.r. Admiiiiton 'lb cintt. Utenetl BeaU CD centi Rot Ottic.M,n from iut2. 10-1 bt p II It 1 S T RKJKCtKIl, J The ureal and celebrated picture by West, the chef VucuvreisT Hie srtlsf. Isi NOW OW KXIIIIIITiny AT TIIK AI'AliKMY t)K KINK AKT.S, Nn. lei'i I'llKSMlrr KTliKt.T. In addltlun In the KNItltK Art t'olleellun nl tlie AeailemT. Adiniltenee,i6 rents ; Hesson I icst'ts,.si rents. 11-14 lin VEW rill'.SNUT STUKKT TIIK ATUK. 1 LKnNAKHOROVK.lt A WILLIAM K. St.NN, Les sees and Mauavera. tlKKAT HI IX Ksa OK TIIK. WARIiKM Cn.MKHV I'OMI'.IN A 1 IHM. TIIIH ( I hnrsdsy) HVKM'MI, (linlssr 0 1S0I, The perloimanee will ciiiemf nee wltlireleinan's eloniedy of ,'IUK loull i.LMl.DUts. Hr. Illlarod Mr. Warren Kred. Ilramlde Mr t'barles Itsrriin tuilly WorttiiQjrtoD Miss Josla Ortnil l.ucreila Mi-Tat b Mis Kmiir Mi-stayer l o liel-llossed hv HI" N IVI t'K KTT V tt CKf-NlC. HAIlillDAV A KTK.lt VI KIN", Urand Kamlly MsUnee, when tlie HK.A OK It'h will be presented by special re quest, at reduced pilees. HAND CONCKHT. A GR AND CONCF.IIT I of ocai and Instrumental Music will be given at I'HM Kill' It ALL, On Tllt'ltHDAY K KNINU. tii tnl.er It. 1 W, Knll I UK IIKHKKIT OK TIIK I'm lit Of tho t ill ICI ll OK I II K ASiHI .MI'l lii.N, aud the OKI'IIAMsi OK HKCKASKIl SI H.IIIK KS. The very best lulenl.both vocal and Itisiriiinental, tiavs been ent,,iycd, and no ell ji t bas been spared by the man. saemunt tsi muse ttns ttio liieat t'oneert of tits .season, with a I'rourauuue tlie most varied and eulurtaluln yet presented. 71ns will comprise ferns frum tt.e ttalfail Opsrn, and Kauri'd Music, with mlenal, Sentimental, Irish, Kcotch, and llinaiiriiiis Vocal Helectlmis I'rora the must ndmlrsd musical atitliers. A "tlrsiul Chorus" will be suns oy the 'KieiiMerliiind Musical H.ciety, and tho 'T.lona In Es. celMs," from Ihe tsreat War Mass of Haydn, efteetlvely gh en bv a lull Clmlr, coiuiiosi'd of the iii lnclpal slnirers Irotn all the best choirs ol city, both I'aiuolic, aud 1'ro tcntsiit. t'holce Holes Witt be performed uassll the Violin, hy Pro lesser Hummer ; Kinte, 1'ruieisor ImoiKhman ; 1'iano, Pro fessnr No is la i id i Umi i. 1'ix.lessur Allcliuchi ti cther is lib orrainal Var stfins iin ti tho llsrp, from the Oihtis of "J,ucreta Hoists. "Niiniia, and "M.,uinaraouia, oy bi. nor Ahattti, Hie reuoss ued Itallail Iliirolst. Aini'iigst oiiieis albovsho will assist upon this festive eCi Hsls'ii. ars the Am r e a Visi-alists (iiua tette Assoola ticli) Miss .Ii sephlue O l 'nliiiell, Miss Kllle Mctrattiev, Miss At. A. W ahtl. MisiUines llsmuier and l.iltcl, I, inly Aliiflti ur. Herr Annul, hamuel tv. Itiida, I'hl tp M-mru, L'li'ir'es A. Junke. tMnlel Melntyre. and a leist nl others. 'ihel'iauo used up'sii this ocrasleo Is a Krand-ai-tinn iduiui, Irum Hid celetiraO'd nisuu'a' torv of i.e.irse Hlecs; a I'.i, imd will be piosliltd at by t'rol. WILLI SL A. M l AMI '1 he duoia will Ih raicii at lit, o'chsck.aiid the perform ami ss ill cnliltuvuce al 7'a. lircc'seiv. P 1-iinli 'ii TUuMais k. II aiikini, inreetor. f DIVIDKND NOTICI'.. OI'FICK OF TUB Itot'K OIL OOMPANV OK rKNMIVI.. VAMA, No. lit B'AI.NL'T Hlrret. Pun aiic i. rut a , H, pteniber :to, lsvtl. The Hoard of lHrei lors huve this day d. -dared their I tiltet Monthly Hivlllund ot I WO Pklt I'KNT. ( 1 sreiily t'snts per .sliur.-l on the t'apital Htnck, payaldu on ansl slier MONDAY, October III. Ireeof State Tax. I'lieTraiis ler ll oks will l cl ised on Tueasay. Oi tme r 4, ut 'I P. St., ami nii ned ou tho lUUi. JOHN f. OHAKK, 10 i-7t flecretaiy and Treasurer. D lSbOIX HON. TIIK C'O-l'AK TNKKSUIP id le eM.tii.li llllilel tl. 0 Ul ill SA.MI Bis N. AV KS A SON. Is li.is day illsi olv.d. 1 lie business will be settled bj Hie undersigned, ut No. Sl'i D' t'K Nt-eel. ' t II AN. K I) viKS, MurvivlOf t'artuer. I liDudeJiil.ia, Eep'.sauoir M, InUi. fO PAH NrjtIIIP.-The tnitersli'ned l.ava this day mi ii . il a I ii ailliei slilp under tho tlrm I DAHtH llltl) 'llil It., lur thu liaiinHiiloli el a t,'en.-r,.l ItanUiiK and liliiki-I SKi' ltusii,ss,ul u. "J.i liO K Mre"t. 1UIAH, t at K HAVIKS, l'aVlLat A. HAVIKS. J'lil sili- Ma.Oi lol.tr 1, lull. t . H. I'srllm ales of Inii 'hKilnes... Oiiartemastsra' rein rs unil t i.es l.s, and livveritiui-, t ecllritlls i;ene r.ilh.b iui.i aid sold 1 10-1 Im Hi sn ess l's:i r sod Irsson rollateials neittlatud. ritouLs aud l."ans lNoslit nnd aold oa romtiilsalon. S' TAH (111, OIMP4NV OK I'HII.AIll 1.1'lilA. 1)1 l!K JXOKS, HUM. Wll.l.lAV Mll.l.Vf AKD. .AMI PI. K. I III1.UP8, Jiiltv H. MKTIKNK.K. JAMK.H M A It It I HO K, II. N. riT.OK.BAI.II, IslllAKI, t lellK.NKR. THOMAIt ALI.KM. It.e Hubsciliiilon ll'Kjk to tlie r.v. t. uupany It auw ready at tbe Hanklnt: Hense of M ilm-l Liootis, No, 40 B.THIltD Stieet, Pbiuidelplils, where the lllr-ctorl will meit.and bebapiyto (Ire any I'd rn si'iin c-jiiocrului 111 lands, e. BubKTli'tina tt per i;are, Die orU'nvl price, and ao as.i B-TUi'tlts. SAMUH. A I.TjKN. s.-VKBrAKY. 10 -'Jt pin i s 1.1 J i in i . Oel iber I, lssM. X" li .V l V . J. A COAL AT $7'50 PER TON lilt: CONel'.Utka Ml'TfAL (OAI. Ct'ldPASy Are Kow Dtlivericg CcaJ from Hit i 0iBdCoU.ery,en as ctxtraud KaiCmors and Utouuitli Ysuis, at tus fo)k.wu. ra:f . To Rukaerfbers, per U a ' 'Is 4va iul, trttstrs, pei tea l-'l TLiissav.ef t'lf per tin te Hlwkajjldns. Ilfslois this ssv.es. mere will It a dividend annually tn the nli.es, la allpr'jLablbty.tif atka-tHIA D4JI.LAK.sJ I Lit HUAKt to Ust alter ike flr.t year, steckholilirs will not enly get their t eal for aetkiif. tot wdl :'0 probably recsive tuiaB d'vUliad sn tttlr Pnv k. Tt It ate runs, at the Drrstnt lew royalty, for filaleeu Years. Tne ten dollars per Hare paid aew Is lor tbe whole term ef ike , Tl.e errseut tapac;iy oi ti.e seine is i;,uiaj tons per year, r cm tea per share. Tbis will sos.n be Increases! to IKi.Ws) tons, wlikn will five tte Company 100 000 tons to tell to eotslders al tne aifnest Biarsel prket.'IHK PHO- flTS HOM WIIK'II Will, UK 1'IVIDED AalOHO 1I1K, TK'KH0LDKJt8 Hsliserlptlon, to the Btoet (whi.b gay ,HD be made at tiOfvr Ekare)wtl be reselvsd atthaonVct of lc Company itv.l:, 8.SI1TH HUeet, leldici JTreatlUeiite , JAMEH LYND, Director, J A Id I J l.YKD.Ms. H8Wtli el. KLWAab t. J0KK8, o. tJl Areh Itrest. IIKMHT 8. ritX.tie. tJ Walaot tuect. F. r. flTTOM, Mo. 1(4 M. Tksra tueet. VUCaUl CAJtSEP, V. IM CksiBBi ftrstk K 14 RETAIL DRY GOODS. I04t ClliahtIT "-TtiKKT. II MltOXDlilUIKH, LACKS WIIITK OOCOH. TE I I. A, 1 1 A. PC 1 K M U C 1 1 1 13 E. M. NEEDLES. !3 XTEAOR DENARY BARGAINS Irt DUKSsS GOODS, SHAWLS, lTRMS:in(. AXD DO.MESTIC GOODS, Ccmprlslns tlie largest aal choicest display yet oft'Tcd at llstalt, AND AT rr.lCKst BKI.OiT TtlK COBRKRPOKIUito ItLDt'l'fJ) VALUE OP QOLD. liu;noii 1'orisiNsS, MKUINOKH, A 1. 1" AC AS, wool, di: i.aini:s ., Vt BY CTIKiP. Vs has e n reived at a aivl saenflce a tars 8iok W.Sisps rl (si DKKSS KK1K, A lu Ut of AMtttK AS HKI.MNU8 AM) PltlSTS, Which wa shall otter very low, anit are well worth the atlotitlou of buyers. J. COWPEETHWAIT & CO., A. E. corner MS HI and AKOII Streets, 9 Sd .lal PHII.A1IHI.P11H. GRAND OPENING OK TDK KEW AKli HAONIKIC'BNT 8T011G Ol' JOHN LOUTET & CO., no. 121011711 HTiti:i;r, OS MONDAY, BKl'TKMUKU HH, vYh'-n will be found a most beautiful assortment of DRY GOODS, CLOAILS, A1N1 IM THU CITT. W e have j ist Opsnesl lOOO I'L-or-si flLKH, PLAlsT AMI) KAWCr. MO l'l..ca MKltlTMOKB, l'LAIH AM) ( UIISBKU. ar.o aoo I 150 Pii.osi FBKNOII l'OPLIlf, KEP AND KIOUBtl). l'i-ra WOOL DK LAINK, Pouble and Minnie Wlsth, Plain and Hfiire d. I'i.sK.. MOMAIH ALl'AOA, Plain and Klsiircd. 100 Pi. r-.ai ENGLISH MBHINOKH, Also a large fttock of fancy and Staple ) It K H S OOODH. 8 21 lin ,TM. LONNKH8TAlTKIt, 1MPOETL& AND MA.NCV'ACTUBHK OF D 11 IS H S TltlMMINUS. HBALUR IM HOSIERY, LACES, 4 FANCY GOODS, No. 10a N. KIC1HTII STREET, Hrcond diior above Arch. 1'IIILADKI.rillA. 10-1 tf QI.OAK. AND MANTIIiLA Manufactory, and BUawi ismponum, N. W. Comer AVwCH aad TENTH STREETS, l'HILADHM'IIIA. H. WKI.SII & CO., Vs'lu re you can see a Splendid Assortment of Ihe CHOICEST NOVELTIES, V here yea can set the belt Manutaotorcd OarmuoU, and ti utile you eau ploeure I1.U tlESUlilB WATKR PKOOK I L0AK1, At tha LOWEST PH1CK8. i.Aks S.111 and It to their Interest to pnrchiue their C aks and tjuaxla SI f'K a-slauusauieiis. V iW-tutbs- WELBII t-'O rAHHURTON sfc SON, Ko. 1004 CUESN'UT STKET. Te Milliners, Dresemivkei, MerubaLts, AMI) OTIIKRSl. Wo Lave Just opened our FAt!l. H'l'OOK OK CHOICE MILLINERY GOODS, Of every deseriptlon and vurlcty, to wlilch we tnvlte tttteatlon. Our prices are iu low as cub be louad tu tluivslty lor ttrsl-class tloods. A Uberisl OUcuunl to wholesale sujers. WARBURTON & BON, 10-i itutuiiu ' U'A ciiKm:r stiu LAKKUTH HOCSIKLLlXKS, TAKE NOTICI!, J, C. STEAWEBIDGE & CO., FCKMEKLT COWI EI.TBWAIT A C . K.W.Ctri.fcrnaETHaLd MARKET Strata., Art now tferliig the Itrsest stoct of lliatt t befoend as Ubis city, tl moderate prices. CJUJi 11LANKETH, C'llADLt lir,A.NJI3XIS. UliU 1ILAMIUT8, U Hlze. To deastri we offer Ut best utertBsat of til the letdisi makes. I 7-ruU.i-l Uvy Betrly Bv tLe) Advtuiees 'MMKNai'l IlrSDHOTIOct , im tii r nitv OOODH. JAMES R. riAMPBELIs ti CO.. No. 727 11IKSMT STREET, OVYV.n TIlEin ENTIUK STOCK OT DRY GOODS, CONSISHNO IN PART OK HKP.IWOK. liirt.tNS aed Rl-PS, U'lNOLINKH, ( I AN I l.l atl.l'AI'AK and MOIIAIIlA ttl.AC k. and I AM V 0ILK-), hii tvrr ), oi.ovng, l.IMKNsl, WHITK I0 H.S), VI AN sf!l, IIHNKSTd, l.ln:K and t.'oi ion siiktikhs, ItlTF.t.LAM , an J CI.OAKINi ll.OTllS, AT EXTREMELY LOW RATES. W L-'K l.HTf to aimrt th pi:!t.' that w hart) mftrKt-4 dowoTcry article In our atock,anl now hare it ! our powor to oil or KAKK BARGAINS. 10 Ira WHOLKSALK KOOMS, VT MAiaS. JJ A.. J t IN CltLMPRATRtt NE TLUS ULTRA SKIRTS 1 1 EVERY HKIIIT VT AttnAHTF.r. AND KKPT 1M0BDKS MIX MONTH), FUEK OF CUAUOK. 0U ONLY AT No 17 If. EIGHTH STREGT, (Over raitrlilite'sTrlruiuln Store.) MONK O K.N t IN It t'NI.asS OUtt NAME AND NUMBER 1H STAMPS!) UTON TUB W AlHTBANB. EXTRA 1 KNOTI1 MKIltT8.and with any slss waist, mad to order at tlie shortest llottee. OLD BKIBTS MAHF. OVK.lt AMU P.LP AIUKU, Keiual to New. MlHBKs) AND ( Mil DUK.N HKIltTft, of all aUea and styles, ooiutanlly on hand. y-il-ln 1UN NO ltlrsK!!! RUN NO RISK!!! 1 Wo rerhni! the money, If desired, for every lot of Shirts widen lau in any respect. TINlC flllKTH, FINE stHIRTS, COT t.KSOTIIWISk OK Mt'SI.IS. Made of New York Mills Muslin, and very fine Unea llosoms. only si, .v. rsuaipneese. WtiiiamsvUle .Mills Ulnsiin, sad line I.lneu Bosoms. Only SIM), t'soal prtee flVAf). (IKiiTLKUKts H KNINHINO flOODS. VhSILtMt.SH ri'KrTKJItrWt, OOODst. HMI 1 11 A JAUOIII, -t (!m Sn. lr.u chesnu r num. COO HOOP SKIRTS f!QQ UsVO Atsnufactory, lo. ftitt ARt'll fttreet, UO Aoove rtlatu street, t'UUadttlsJilas, Wholesale and Retail. The most onmolete aseortoient uf Ladles', Misses', sntt (Milldten s Hoop KSlrts in the ellv.ln evory respect tlrst- ciass, whti n rnr sssue, nntsn, auraoiuiy, ana cneapuess, bave niinal In tiie tnaiket. isftina uutuato order, aitorea, ana riairra . Ie4- ly WM. T. HOfKlUst, EMNOKS, POrLlNS. Heps. K.plnutlnrs, t'lsn Plaids. Aluaeas, Mohairs, and oilier Dress tloods, Che.ipat JA8.lt t.AMI HKI.I. H. K, No 7.'7 t'HKSNt'T Street. 'ILKS, MIAWI.8. ) llepiilant t'lollis. Olosus, Linens, and White kMds. Cheap at JAS. K. CAMl'ltKI.I. A CO.'fl, No. TJl CHKMN IT Street. I.'LANNULN, 1II.ANKKT8. Linen aud Cotton Sheetings. Cheap at JAS. It. C'AMI'IIKl.r. A CO.'H, No. 77 t'HKSNHT Street. A IX WHO WANT GOOD DRV GOODS AT il UlSV si-v If.ssast nrlees. ean find teem at JSfl, tt. V.ATSiiir.i.1. is, No. 77 OHKMN UT Hln-et. io t.tr AUCTION SALES. TV! ACKKY'8 AUCTION KOOMS. Mo. MAJiklCT Blresst. O. C. MACKKV. Anetloneer, sotleria consignments tl IKIOIIM. W AHK.S, Akl SIKKCIlAMilsJK, Ofall kinds, for piibl'o sale a, Ids Auclioa Uoueae, aaj d will atteiid persutiailv to sains of llMsL tslAlK AND STOCKS) At tlie Eichaim". not stiiULii ruuniruui AtDweUlssj.aiid STOCK A OF MmtOllAUDlSs. At'tlie stores of tlse owners. as), Min i.e sdvaiievd when desired en oousisvitaents of sjoodsjor pul'liosale. JWA11I 1. UslULLsV, JOHN KELLY, TAILOUS, No.dl'J C11KSNIIT BTUliliT, slave reoclved their FALL STlXaiS, and a large stock of r ALL and WINTKU IIOOUS, laeluding ohuloo AMKKI OAN OOOllB, sll bought before the ria la prioes, whlei they will make up in the best llylee at moderate prloea. Tl'.ltMg-NKT CASH. '."I;1"1, JOOlEIl'H AL.11 VAULTS, S.E.Cor. THIRD and CHESNITT Sts., Under U. 8. Telegraph Olltce. OLD STOCK ALE ALWAY8 ON HAND. lumtANiHM. w( (ItNH, OAI.1FOUNIA CATAWHA WINKS. SCOTCH AND AMERICAN ALES AND 1IUOWN 81'OVT. This celebrate! old sttn4 htvdrg beea reooratsd tod thoronslily resiled wlih one of tke lines t stocks of Ales and elioloe LIiio,a in the city, te propneuvr invises tne ptibUcto glvs luaicaul, oonBdttt ts lis la of their te- provtl "Q miw-saa AllllACJUU'! FAHliAtiUTI A besutllul Htrel Portrait of ADMIRAL D. (1. .t'AlUtAaUT, ai.. i'h,si4 rtimi w Sent by mall on reoelpl of pit s. liljcral dlscouut to Dealers and Aents, a. v. i'iTOiii:u, ,f, 4 N hOH CHKsINt'f itTltRKT. KL.AHT10 (STITCH H K V 1 N ti rl j j ii J- o, - . . . .v T .s u TBB BliBT in ven. tpM No. 73Q r-irs tj l ptssnw. WANTS. Pill'AIlTMLNX UF II KAligl'ARTEHS S, .ULllSl.illlVl lih. s- I HIK.r OfARTKRHUS' RTRH, ) d klllEET. i tasenue. ) inliir VJ. ItsM. lS.lsl,M,.AH Is rOUHIKhK'rU Wiitsv run, bepteinle t'Al'.VINTP .1.1 WANT l.li Wanted unmttliately. Sity .ri intiis to so so "ii Lookout, Md. Watt,sllt) a ii.cutii and a inU'S. t ai l worau..in will brtng las ovyi i .. , 'i rui.oortaiisiu w.U be furnlsMd by the Uev Kiiu.ebt. ier iL vsorkiteu tud their tsiuls, rTeui Una sity looiL.a...l. JOHNSA. V.LI80S, . im,Iosi aad I Ut Ouash raaasler, l0j.( le pot of Waelilaston. 'riNNHhS WANTED. . X. Vtiltw s,uTsnvstAssrri' rjmrsi, 1 WINTK.N, AT WHl'K AUIifitiiriiuinl WorkiihouSa )Fr r of N I N tT I KKTH mrt T Bt rjn, T W li TltwHMlliie.ur wno bo ndtr-sisUii L iuumnv-liu W ir Km , v.n? MOUj b wvpfvn, wiin imivn, dtutvv privilese ol kespiul wl.sn skk. Applisatlok to be maile u Cast A, (J. it., V. tl. A., (io. lssl r SU attain JAslS U. MCsOItU r HUvsH. II. H KVt HKH, rtutdier-titiurtl tui CtWf Uusrtrrmaster a JlVlfl llepot v Waahlngton. TJARTMiR WANTED. A GENTLEMAN X ta isviinra lliesviuiih knowledseof if ereantlW tluslnest. tia lis aci usiii ine and aurnsienl cskpiusl, desitti to tieeotie tssoviairu su, n rariiwr w , hn.k.r .osir.ls, vmsisI tA.iUUs bustnsaa Ul Ibis s sly Or he would become uteretsssl m an eetalillsl4 boass of earaeler tad sasUS. AWvH -IJV-t. SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS. FALL, htocjic ,N0W IN STORB. FALL, 1H()1. EDMUND YARD & CO., Hon. 617 Ohoenut and 014 Jayna Strt?eU. taTPOBTr.KS AMD JOBBRRS OF SILKS AKD FANCY DRY GOODS, HIIAWl.S, L1NKNS, AND W11ITK OOODH. LAROF, AfiT I1ANBSOMK 8T0CK UKBS8 GOODS. OF FULL LINK OK FOREIGN AMI) DOMESTIC 11ALMOUALH, IIRUNEK8 AND OTHER T ANI UN 1 la 11 THE GOLD STANDARD. NOW orJGPsf. A Full Aor,i.itrit of Full and Winter CLOAKS, FOR I.ADlIiH AND MISSKS. Thsss Uoods being mostly pircliued FOR tad payable III OOS.U, to uo case will toe price charred evcesxl TBE GOLD STANDARD, Mo BBatter what point the latter deo'lnes to. We proteet oorsetvea from loss by dally purobetlng Ooldto tlie amount of onr sties. J, W. FROCTOR & CO., THE TARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FCB EMPORIUM, -,1t Ko. 090 CUK8NUT STREET. A T r I U N 1) lil H THE GOLD STAUBARD. NOW Ol'lJIV. A LA ROB AWOUTHENT OF FASHIONABLE FURS, OK European and Domestic Origin, FOR LADIES AND MISSES. The tloods belt mottly purchased FOB aud payable DI GOLD, In no cut win the priot charges! stcted the Oold Stand. ird no matter wnsvt point the latter declines to. We protect oerscJvns from loss by daal pun;tuulng Qold to tht tnvount of our sates. J. W. PEOCTOR k CO., THE TARIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FUR EMPORIUM, lfrS It No. ttHU CIlESiRT KTHKIST. c JL. 11 1 13 T.I Nt. H, PRICES REDUCED. Every article ta r stock will be sow H4 tterr lots est market rates. FOR OASH. BEIE L. ZHIGHT & EON, IC'Mu 5o. rt)7 CHESSIT 8TRKET. I1ESH OOODM j kCM IHE BEt'ENT MW YW.K AND TUILArELrUlA Ji'ANlCJ AUCTION SrVI.KH. . tntxen nciiiis'018, TL4.H) akd riAia reruns, ALlrWOCL CAHallatRX 1LA1D. TLAIO AMD tTKirEO VAUCCU. 01X CHETBBi, jdoviemuwi tu iainjcs, CLOSB CCT CHEAT. ' ' , ., . .1 l- " ' ' ") ''- ' '" CUEWE ETODDABT & EXOHOS,' ' UessSf.wHtuHHHwM.MCOSD TwBstT, ttvtt AsmwVtr,r4slU. PROPOSALS. CDBHlHTKNtK OFr-lCB, UNITRD STATES O 1HM1. No M WOTTTTf UTRKP. . . TiAi,TiMnHMtMr.,Octo(W3. P1VI rrfp-iiiu. tn aiiiMrrii, will Ott recmv olved It this oTTirfi u n(4l l( M,, SaTUKUAY, October . l-4 ft U(uerM in nimmorfi. Mirvinnd, with tnt kakuklM ncvv MRWM.nrFir. th. h.uii.c1fd atvl Rtiin In th l.tm-qiin-t, r h i .hln In tUi hiDd .juarttM- to b mm.mm4e4 VMn U m i, an i.i Pr.ffrmii 4 to .nt kmd-nn anor cl, u. tn- pv kM IB f ill Lw4 ck hurn-ii, win, two ir - n, ; mm . Or rmm tun or lum imj u tr.kM wl'kin thtrly dart of mltvwy. To h AMivm4 in tn dr.) (mm dRtot awarsj. ftirwi iarr4 of hH mutt b- prt)ftrt4 m a Mmnia 1 ti4 Het tn t driivrfd on Uu oontrani, wlvkMl will h rrtiJfd tinrl tlie d"li?ry ia matin. tJOtIMH) rolM'Mo nrt.uliiwpl,rilKi., wK nitvif wtmUr ot Kixa or tti4-flfi ftttr, wktisA hatJ lw jnnf lo th fandni -jf Mnipo m.'V adotiHl and In af hy 'I. Hut riiwr lrtps tori In thi cit r 1 h Ktur tint HnM mm m be t aamiovMl ttf the laactor on tut mc M ih frniiii ut, ho wlit moi all tkt la Ui4 quhhiyvl (I 6f lurnr In By otLMT rftjtfyt r lmerHr lo th tftdrJ ttiranlOti. RrrtM to Ml' liHokitj in uoi ot niir (-'HO poitda bst nlMii IroKM to hr inado ot f ilijr-'oa'4. vtv-d.of )'i(h kind ai will Imnart mn tia or dr Uk th k m-Ii hftiftta and p I'i-H-o. or if uf two plwf , lofiirnod nl grtmwm4 ut-thM -, iMixca to bi trppMfl wua Mht irmm hKa.r iif.u. To be 4rLren4 la ilftwa dt t0.000 PiUNi I'KIMKWIIITP, RFAV-1 fHlfn H tha bu.l.H). well aftnatrntM and dryi f94 k.-d..Hoim tot rr ta, lull had UiiW. I t O' lift-rnl in tn (ItM fn.ga dat of award. 30,000 P 'HPIMKK1op,.Totfpaeklllol1W lutiy had-lliixl btrralt, na , of wrt.Mawt oak. with ruUBd hi k.srv lirwttia.llMi h.MM u in i uiauv na ran wii II htrnttMtM. f r ilea .on a in award. (io d Uvm Urn C 5,000 Hl N1B ?Anp.riFl,LT BHf.inTitD TIA, fm ondiii backaH., UroMt, S uobim, O .h.iiK. lta.:kB tu bn wvll airappd fUk Pfn htrkr7 atrpsj, and tn porfMi ordiv. i'rno ftiid chup narkk to b U1J on tho pro- ' (m.ii. fcach unpia aMt t markfd l f with tho nm of ih priy otfartikf, ia w,o and ho)i murk i, Pr(r ant uanu f orTSiod. Hidtlrra aro rffotntrd to olTrr not m"rt tha a two aawpto of ttv-h kind of T. Ta o dt-llron-i1n tin aw 4ari fmn daio oro rtw4. 13,000 MLUNM OP IIIK I1KT QUALITY OP IM'KK VINP.MM, made onlT f.oa H 4o v whlkr t fioo from tvl) foroiip. tuidt or tnmrto titwiUiuoe, nd of nnirorm atrfnirth; Uko Widiky VlDitv taklnf kW fraJna Mearnoctato of polah to aiairiiliaa ou ouaoo troy ik tfdor VlnPiir na noax tlm am iirsnch m mar bo. to t put op In half brro a of nt raw lotit ep-o.i tiba mod of watto oak,Lk ample to b aooo at tbia otflro. Kch dslirory . lo oa atxrompunlfxi with onrclftun. e of n e i pctonl CHi-niir.! Uiat tho Tlntar lo of lot rtHliirM arronrtft- To bo dtUroro! Ia flftooa da a rvoin dato of award, , 40,000 l''Thl'H AHAMANTINE CAJfOLE (U b IK oiinoA to th a pound). Brand mil bo raon tlonod. HoKoa 1 auoppod with liht gntm htrkwrj atraua. To bo UoUvtWvd wltdifttoa dn (n'tii ilair of award. 30,000 !M)UNIM OfMlIl HAKO ftRft fTW flOAP.lA M ' nud ly boiling ana on If from pood DtntfrtaJo. , fr fioaa olny, aolublo aloai, oroihor oduliorm ' Uon, to have da nnp ouantodur.to ootiiola mm mora than tweniy -flo par coot, ofwator.taka t to writ drlrd botoro bolng pookod. Tt bo ' dt?livrr4 In ton dara from dato of award). 1 10,000 IO I MUHi Kl'i'RU iblaok). Uiddon will pleao . utai tlie varlrt ol Pepper, a Sumatra, 0laa poro. I onanir, ., furnltainf aamplf-a; a&4 alan ataio ilio ptioo por oonnd at whlaa ihnf . witi hava II rrotiari.patuptu Ibor oonoo papora and packad In boxra ountaintnc twonty flr , iKnnilt ol IVp(r. To bo debroxojd tott 4 . from dato of award. '400 BAHKKlstOrtionDOOIfMOVmKOTrriFO W111HKV, Ubo lull nrat proof, amaidao tm ' tho United tatta Ouatoai Llouaa tao1rC rl troll to bool pood aeauonM whiiooakataveo and had t tn havo iwotro wosd aad foar atrair iron boopa; head and Iron hoepo I painted, lo bo ttoliTeroU la 10 daa fro daoo o' award. 1,500 B.'HIIKl.fl fOTATOP.S (OOlbi tothelHithel). Tu bo tn rood, frrdtnary, eU-oioportd barrs. Oil 7 lioad-llned. To bo doUreid la 01 loo dayi fit m da e of award. , flMmpfeo mum be furn'ulied of all the artlotoa onrel. Wet arale pmpoiiala, in dttpltrmU, matt be mad Inr oartfc rude rnnmr rated, and bidder may propooo ao whole orauy pari of oarb. ProMeaia mual bo mad oai . biaAk rtni, nimfDhrnl at Ihla oitlce. Tho eortillcato at taehed lo Ule pruiaJ mnat bo ilf uod by two retpocuMiirO paruea. lUproai cbartro ou Mm plea mvt be prepaid, erthepea posialo will lid ho rtimidared. ;ab bid moil bare a printed eopr of Lata advertisement paatod at It bead, a4 tuitat oe ipeeine in eompijing wiui an lie lenai, Pntpoaaia Diuat not be eacioaed with tao aatnplo. t be dttlltOH-d oparatt, aud ouduraed "fropooaii ii iuc oe tUtauce trea. Pereotn not harlng th mctfto raclotr of fltoroa abort deectibid, but hav isR anh le of a otmilar kind, aro at liberty to tend ta propoaaU for upplylne Uieai. wHleb wH reoelvo attetiiion aecoidlna: lo prtoo and adaptation to tho , want of the eenrH In all eae not peel ally ooto4 Ui dellrery muit be made at tbe time peel fled. In oa-o-of failure, the United nt.ttei reerrve tb rtirhtof par- ' ehaao oleewhoro to aiako up ttto deflcieiicr.ebarelat tb advance said ovor ooairactprloo lo Uie party UlUuf ko ., dt-Uver. AU atore win be earofiilly Innpeoted and eomparod wit tlie rotabied amuph a. Bemrna of weiy nte, elraod bp a -reirnlar publlo weigher, null bo furnifhwd wbaaar re4ilsjed. a , Cortiflcatei of In per Hon by profWalofial booker or ta spec tort, eilier than tbe party Airntahiuff tlio prooleeoa. ' will bo rotiulrod tor mrata, oeriuying oa Uto partof ta. t eiler their proemi qoalliy and oondlUun, aud Ui limiao- . dlatt-ly orooftllrf impert on. Thomeou wUi aiaobousamlned and yawd opoa hy narttea from thin dli:o on the part of tho united Stalo. lXntraoior aro eaiwrtwl to hold their fooda wlthoox , aipenee to the I! tilled Htaie until required forablpmoaC I'avment to bo mad alter the delivery of the atoroo If fund are on baiia; if noaa on hand, to bo saado a oav a rtM.'ivod. , Pact) penton.or every member of a firm offertnf a pro noital, mutt acoompuny It hy au oath of allcg ance to tbo ' Lmtnd htate Uo ernuicnt, U' ho ha not alroady died om 4 tu thin oflice. In additlou thereto a certiitoate wlU oe ro . ( quired nettlnft fi-rth that the nrtirlea o'Tered the larvrera roent, under the above advertlaeint-nt, elUier he our to tho Itarty bttidlOK, or are to be purchaaed or rooeWod b tbeaa f ol loyta clliaeii for dollvery to tUe Uaiiod Hiaio Uoveca.- . ment. , HidR muit be leiilMe, and tho numbera roun be. wrlltoa a well an expreeked hy MKim'a, Aiibidknoi conjpim.K atrteily with tlta tanaa af taas ' adt prUfi ment will be rejetted. t J. H. flH.VArf, r JO S-M (Uptkla and U. 8., U. S. A. 0 FFICE CHIEF QtTAUTEHM ; Cincinnati. Ohio. Heiiteraoor l4. lnpfMala are Invited br tho ua.lrnigafMf until TUMff- y.OctLberlH. IHH4 afoviock r.M..mr tae laaaoaiai " driivety to this lJuperttuottt ot (tatrtcn rrkiutn ir ua.a,aitu7 atawiara. net reainer PMtckeia, uo . KeftlfoforKala, do 1 OioHHedt'aiinon for Ifa , do , - fa I rtHiaed Hatirua Wt UmAmt do . p llUKlee tor lli. do t'ompany Kltcure. Mortod, do ' Cuovrun. Usiutit men"anTatanny www. ' 1)11 UrTMfniiat do . i. o VatlonalColiirs, luianuy, do . . - ) KtiilmeulaJ Color, do . , , iluidoiii, do- i l irniii Mnaifui.elji. do Hampleaofwlilcli iter be een at th OitX of CloChUfef nil r.noipaKvin fin i'iij. To bo delivered free of rlianro, at tho P.H. laaneotloa 4 ttr...,K,....i. i,i tii ta ,liv lii iFtstui lute tiAtiktfM, II ttO :.i name of tho party lurnlihuiK, the kind and iinantitjr of ipMMlM, dlnttnctly inarken on each article end hooker. startle ofteriiw food" muot Ultttinotly at ate U their Wda the quantity thvy piopue to turuljh.tLe prtoo, aad tonV liniu ur umivery. t Hsmiit n lAst. when siitimUted. mttkt btBDarkodand anna- leered tu eorreopond wlih the nropoeal) and- tho partieo 4 thereto muit ROarantoa mat lllO hOOO eni Minwerr reiiprol e-ttal to army atandard, othorwUo tho prafoaal -f will no beoonnineri-.i. , a tiuhMt h ten reantnalbla DOrona. aattot 1 aeonipiiny each hid, it'uarentefinf that tho bidder wtal apply Uir ai'icira aw art ru pub nmn r"w luda v Ul be opt-ned on 1 iteedny, Ociobr lb. IK4, at two . 'clock P. M ., at thin 0(11 to, aud bidder aro seiuted ta , MlHOOfllt. AwaroJi win oe mar on tt cUuotuj . vvw-. T Hoi id. will Oe letiuued UiattUo cHiUot watbo faltUluil i TeleTam retatint to proiKmBin wm Ittank fc.rnih ot propositi, coiitraet, and bead may bo Obtnluod a thla otboe. ... . ki i '1 be rlifUl 1 '') C " UOCt-s M.tvw.se T. rt"r'd- .... . M ... : 4 aidon..nv-.o,ee h .Sj lH-4-lllt Clilel Qiiarlormaauii, CUx uuaU tsesot. , 'IlIEF Ql'ARTF.KM ASTER'S' OFriCK, tn l s sn, Oblo. aV-JUember M, llsSS. Vronosale are liis llea by Ihe umfc-rsmisiisl, uriill MON A l ,Octi ber 1J. !. at u.lusjli, f. M-liw Use IMS llSllll.llltri, '' ..nn, II.W lltltKIlt I.Alt I UWWOCi..-., " ssj - - r. -- '''islmis Ii be fulshet br tlie serins olteriu. wlissrU stute lu tbeii Lid-, tlie .iiiaDlllj tlie unuwse to luratssi. U' nrlee, anil time ei dells ) Tn be del eeril tree of elisrv-e si tb t'nlled Mutes) i. u'.rH.s,Mi.M la ttils eltss. In BOiKl uew BMsea; Ms?wiili ibe n.iue el I lie tiarij, fiirtUluiw, Uie kind auj lliai,llt UT S'SSS., UUILUIi'J USM""" " sv .mmm ''haim'ilet. wheat snr.tnlt'ts.1, must he mnrsM and nttm herru in t-iirisss's'iiil wll'i the prsip.s.il ; tud th parties t'wretsT ilill"! li-wlits i lll.l ine nisei snail ur.iu.sm, reslis'S't. eiillal u siuulili . utuerwss. sue irsjiisii,ai si uses te i'i-rsttli'iett. 4 lltus sslllbo ssfs'iiea ou ateuaav. ikiwusst i. .isssi.m sy tsji k I". SI..JI tills ell.se. ailsl biuUers ait nmueelwt vs) lietirtsnit. . , . , , ,.,1. Awaiils WJltal tiaile nn rueMiav. ,-. a. leartnis rrUtina In inviiestt. wlU be entices!. ti tLL i-ili. ' I'rsiieal iur bs ubianiasl at tula ef"''. ..... . i . , ..nM..AnI.U I. The rtinfc to reiees w) sim swt.h resernl. ,. . .i t:uder.e sUTeisse s-rejua . - OffSt Col WILLIAM W. McKtsf, Chief Quaxlerouster I itslnnatl Depot. SO-l.M v-, QUARTERMASTER . GKNESAL S 232 OuiFir-m;ToiiCiTT . . HOKHKHI HOUHKIsll UOKSKMH! flense sultaale lor Arilllerr tut! Cwvalrr sserrlee wl t. I. ""asti at olfcbiiOHO fcHl-or. Utt ittrs. tut. Y! wVll'bi'u.Jt.er.d Ctvltl. L. Uwry M., , A." Ml tnilbe .ubeetea to IMI VMUUMrl, ui',Vli" belure betas aeeepted. I-rneUl-'tYtlr lUrsea.tl.S eaea. rreeefArt.l'sVjler..s, !).. . CohumI First InrMInn, ' )tVl31 . gatrtersMtster-Uenerai s OBIot. : w ArtllON SALE Or CONDEMNED - U u"IlU,atIJI-OtJ.tllit S Ot-rtOa), . . . KiasT Division, J I WssHtNMTOlltl rr.Oesoberl.tSM. ' Will be seja st si'He Auetl 'ti.ta Uit kitiltett bulitor, est e. and rilaosi nainetl bs-Uiw, via. : , T itJri'UJi. rtmiovi.VANiA. tuckBdat. C. vot er lLlhtisV. WlLallJtOTOX, liKLtWAH!, TBVBSD1T, , Oebei X.leesi. i f - JOB, HSN?LVAilA.THl'WI)AV, ,., I W. voter 27, 1K4. nro bwdkbo cavalkt uoEsxa at each I ri-ACat. ' r Verses Ltsrt kesa esjsjntaiil as aiat M St ttvalrj terileesf llis sjtu,.. , . - ' )oi rest taltnauii surusMM ttaJtJIOSMtbaJssilissl"- baa. Su.rssal Mid tUtle. Sakse ta ctsutessesi tt 10 A r.rwis lash, to Ctlud BUvee CMrrsuie. - " J Wiles U ii sfMtwtaiter-'' e-srrsr, CVettl l e)ia H.si I .' s.wSts-if Mt-UJfl tfualWarsaaaSsW-l