TITE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAM PHILADELPHIA, TIXURSDAY, OCTOBER C, 18G1. (grating irlcgrapl. A sah.t Arnrawoo RkwspjJ'kr. OFFICE No. 108 8. THIRD STREET. Frtoe Twmr Mm Pas Oor, r BiaimtKM Cawre rn jftM,rMk,k Oemsv.amd saalled ta Hiihacrlberi ,1 ess orty at irrars imuh i f as-nrn. oss nnt.ua . virrr Osts to Two afiinra,lnvarlaMy la edwooe ar um pertaai eraeraa. ajirrueatrats Inserted at th aiaal rate. A liberal aitaaaaaMal saeda fcr x tended tasertsoa. f, i , I T (Krra)paaMliBta. a,- .f M Utiti of AsonrnHin. Ornimnwtr.ffn.a. ashaterer I tellsnild Air ln"Crtln mn.t k aath"n't aled ,1,. mai arid addnasa erf the writer nt n.s'eeaerll) for aNMH!, bat aa a ai!ranui Tor his ipfhI Unh. Wa , aaaaitaka ta pstura wwtd Ootamunleathaas. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, IfTi4. ' , AimiKAI. I. . FARR4GI r. Tb Arrival of tlili dlsllngulshfld naval hero H' Fortress Monroe has causod conslilcraMe peculation among the people. Although the order has not been promulgated, yet It Is known that the Admiral haa been assigned to Hie command of the North Atluutic Block ading Squadron. This will iucludu tki; floct operating off Wilmington and thono la tlio aTamct river. It is generally supposed that the Admiral wIM first Tislt I-lttHtcnatit-CJcnnral CP ATT at City Toint, and there porfiict plans tut the co-oppratlon of big Iron-clad squadron lu tlw James river with the army In the cap tifre of Richmond. probably the most Important movement, and one which will require the most extensive display of naval genius, will be either the closing up of the mouth of the Cape Fear river r the capture of the forta and batteries defend ing Wilmington, North Carolina, and possibly the occupation of that place. While both of these movements are eminently Important, and Victory In either would prove very advanta geous to our cause, still it Is evident and espe cially proper that the sphere of Admiral Far SAOUl's action should be extended to Include Charleston, If not the entire naval forces of the tountry. As ranking Bcar-Admlral, such a Command might be conferred upon Faiira btrr at once ; and It is due to his eminent ser Tic that the President should confer upon , him the special advanced grade of Admiral And Commander-in-Chief a grade and office much needed In our navy, and one wo have never had. .Ihe assistance, direction, and Advice which Admiral Farbaoft could give to our able Secretary of the Navy In directing the operations on our coast and rivers would Iw Inestimable; for, In addition to being gene rally Allowed to be the greatest naval hero of modern times, Admiral Fabhaout Is equally great as an executive ofDcer. It Is gratifying that Admiral Farraout lias been placed at Hampton Roads, from the fact that In Lynnhaven Bay, near by, as a youthful midshipman, he witnessed his first YUiumph, under one of the most distinguished naval commanders our country has ever pro duced. What if the crowning glories of his lite should be graciously and fortuitlvely Achieved within cannon sound of this region I tJorfolk, the Admiral long knew a plea- Bant home, and there It was that be obtained the hand of the estimable lady who Is now the partner of his cares and triumphs, his sorrows find his Joys. It Is a saying In the Navy that Admiral Fabbagut has a way of working up A great success where ordinary men see jaothlng but monotonous and disadvantageous fetrie ; and we hope that the adage .may prove true In this case, that he will bring order and victory out of the chaos which has heretofore Hinted to a great extent In the rivers and bays of Eastern Virginia and on the coast of North Carolina. 1 AX A1IOI OF PEKSOXAI. FsrATK, Wc, In Pennsylvania, under our State laws, tax real estate, and for the most part, exempt personal. Can any one give us a good and otu) reason for this distinction t Why one kind of property should bear the whole bur den of that charge which Is laid by the State or municipality for the purposes of revenue we never could, and believe we never can, understand. Taxes, we take it, are the price paid by the citizen for the protection he enjoys in a condition of civil society. But as all per sons and all property enjoy it, why should not All be made to contribute their quota of the cost? ', Governments have made individual wealth the criterion or basis of apportionment in assess ing the amount which each one ought to pay for the political security afforded his life, estate, and reputation by the law and its ministers. And this measure of obligation Is perhaps as good as any other, If not the very best that could be adopted for the purpose. There is no more Available, even If there were Any more Just, means of estimating the stake tvhlch every person has In the peace, order, And' legal muniments of society, than the mount of actual property he possesses. Tho more he has to be secured and guaranteed to him by Government, the more direct interest be has in the maintenance of Government, and It Is but right that he should be required to eAr the expense of the system to the extent of the benefit be personally derives from its ftdintnlstratlon. If this be the principle of taxation, it sseras difficult to comprehend the equity or reason Ot that application of it which subject' Linda tad tenements to tribute for the support of the Stite, but concedes immunity to cows and horses, ships and dry-goods, bonds and mort gage), bank and railway stocks, and the like. The latter are not leus real forms of personal iveultli than the other, though they miy be not o accessible at all times fur the purposes of taxation, or so capable of precise valuation. Jt I very certain thut a man whoto fortune Counts in promissory notes sod kindred Securities Is quite as iniich dependent on the pub'ic tribunals for the assurance of his cup! ltd uud lis Income, as he who hat pui, all he Is worth Into Uoad acres and flue bouses. Yet the latter Is compelled to sustain almost the entire cost of au Advantage which Is common to both Alike. Now we assert that in this difference of responsibility and retribution, when there is no difference In the benefit partaken, there is gross and manifest Injustice. But the wrong done Is not all the evil. The exemption of personal estate from the dues paid into the public treasury by the tax gatherer induces Capital to seek and prefer that form of invest ment; and hence a large Amount of money, which, under a more impartial system, would he tmployed in valuable re! estate Improve ment, u diverted from that most Important "4. 'iheuslve mode of utilising ludivl iJuaI wetl to, the latere. of the many. 7 fl.piMi we miehl discuss At w rS Um bfcd oner. tog personal pwp,,, levied on lud.u4 tou., wtkh okZT lhA habit of wild And ttnwhoiesoa TJjJ Hon wlUwMd dolly on the Stock B,'un ftnd which, while rendering th, ton liapplsess of men precarious And nutaUng: la the extreme, Is At once destructive of jmj, 'niiuJ and IcWfrltT of chAracter, We have heard of no even plauslblft reason for this bad Aahire In our taxation of which we are speaking, except the shining nature of personal property and the difficulty of reach ing It. There may be some force In this objection, but It Is more specious than sound. It Is not Impossible clthor to trace wealth to Its ownership, under whatever Intangible and Illusive shape It may exist In, or to ascer tain Its true value when found. The process may be attended with more or loss perplexi ties and Impediments, but one may be devised which would be both feasible and efficient. It should never be said that Government Imposes Its whole burden of taxation on any One rlnss of a community, becauso all other classes manage to eludo tbo Imposition of A fnlr share of the clinrge against them. All property, real and personal, must, for Its own protection under the laws against loss, be ostensibly in somebody s hands; and If the present forms of transfer and possession admit ot too easy an evasion ot the public levy, the Legislature should so amend or supplement the legislation of tbo State ai to make tho ownership or responsible tenure of every Item of personal estate either apparent or readily ascertainable, and also facilitate Its reduction to fulr and convenient appralsumeut. Tin: trap sr.r for rishm:. The editors and orators who dally and nightly are at work for McClki.lan are doing a good thing, by driving thousands of Irishmen Into tho support of LurcoLtr and Johnson. They have nublishod a letter from his Accldency," Millard Fii.lmobk, the Know-Nothing chleftan, who asserted that an Irishman bad no rights that an American was bound to respect. They daily publish extracts from the Lon don Times, the organ of tiro English aristo cracy, pralslnglMcCLELLAi! to the skies, and, as far as they dare, commanding the former subjects of the British Crown now resident in this country to voto for the Democratic can didate. There Are two hundred millions of the Rebel loan held In England. Is it not A beautilul spectacle to see the British lords and bankers endeavoring to make their cotton bonds worth something through the agency of the very Irishmen whom they have driven from their famine-stricken homes by unheard of oppression, to find an asylum of liberty on this continent? 'THE El'REKA Oil. ('l)nPAMYOI' WKST VHMJIMA." Capital, $1,000,000, divided into 100,0(10 shares at S10 par aliar. Subscription price, Sl-ftO par all are Tbla Cuuipanjr owa ton a or Mm mn.t vataible land anS laaffft (n the Kanawha Vallry. iliiiala on Horaa Neck and Campbell'! Kun bratcliaiof Bull areok, and wlthia flva mile of the Ohio rivar. On Hiirae iiccli the compan own one wall, wnlf h in now pumping twenty-three bnrrt-U or oil per dj. Tblt well If onlj thrca hundred and Iwrnty-ieren feet deep. The Huperlntendent li now preparing to bore to the dep'h of the othv welli aurroundinf ua. which are producluir from one hundred to one hundred and aUty barrel! of oil per day, when we are xatlnfled we can produce a like aavant. Ibere ! another well at Hone Maok, now bored two hundred and ilxty-flra feet, with about thirty feet of oil lu the well. The land on whicb tlila well li located la aa a perpetual leaae Tho Dull Creek Company owa a ene tldrd Intercut, our company hare the balanceof two-thlrda. At Campbell'! run, the coenpauyown hi fea a tract of thlrty-threa acrei, oopilderad by aeologlsta and raining: engineer! the beat oU territory la the Htate. The treat Tack, well, flowing fire hundred batrelt, adjoins this property. Hooka of suhficrlptlon are now open at the Company'! Office, Room No. 28, Merchanta Kxohaoira. A limited number of i hare! only wll be eold. 40UH i. KKOMSK, Treaaorer. From Hie "Pittabarg Daily I'oat" of September 9, 1S04. "on. Stsikk. The 'Wheeling lntellUrenoer' levi: We learn from gentleman who arrlTod yuaterduy fro l'leaannt county (lint on Monday Uie Iturtnn Oil Cmnikaay struck a wi:ll on Horae Neck. In that enauty, which will yield a tlionwand barrela of oil per day. Tr ere la great excitement on the auhject In tM! lclnlty, and the oil ferer la prevailing to a fearful extent." NEWS JOTTINGS. TLere is a wood famine in Montreal. Tho rices bare gone beyond the means of the poor. There was a frost In Ware, Massachusetts, last Monday and Tuesday nights. Incendiary fires are frequent at Pittsfield, Massachusetts, three barns baring been buruod within three days of last week. Professor Agassiz's course of lectures on the breeding of domestic animals will begin at Cam bridge, Massachusetts, Octoler 14. The population of Vermont is 314,053 282,3.35 native and 32,743 foreign. Thore are 13 persons in the State over 100 years of age. The news of Sheridan's recent victory was received on 'Change In Boston with three cheers each for Sheridan, Orant, and Stanton, aad nine for I.iucoln. The Boston Trantcript says : "We veuture to say thut jx the present treslimau class will agree that when thuy become sophomores ttioy will not 'haze' their freshmen, we shall hear little more of this unmanly, petty torture." A young man from Chicago, named Merrill, said to he the son of a banker, committed suicide In a saloon at Kalamazoo, Michigau, lust week. lie bad lost considerable sums of money by the blacklegs who lufbsted the place during the f ilr. A convention of German brewers was lately held at Milwaukie for the purpuse of disuasaiug matters connected witb the trade principally the Tax law. Nearly all the principal cities of the East and West wore represented. John llullidity, for the p-t ten ye.irs a clerk in the Lynn Post Oill.c, and a teacher iu a Sa'. hath School in that city, was arrested in Iloatou on Wednesday, while atf-mpti.ig to pass a counter felt fil(H bill on the P.iwtuxet Dank, Providence. He was searched, and seven more of tlie spurious bills were found upon his person. He has been committed lor trial by the Superior Court. A man on Cape Cod who separated from big wife, some years ago married a second wife, with whom he lived a year and a bait, and then died. Ilia first wife took possession of biieariie. The second wife sued bur for pay for services d'iriafj the time she lived wilh the husband; and, attur Li-arini; the evidence, !u-t week, a Cape Cod jury iave her a verd c1, allowing her tivo ilolltrs per week. Tlie silver from the Masonic jewels found in the ruins of the Winturcp H'.um- in C ston, after ihe tire several mouths ago, was sent to the United States Mint, and half-dollar pieces coined front it, which have been sold to the members of the different lodges, encampments, &c, Tbsse are the only fifty-cent pieces coined this year. A minister, writing to the local committee of arrangements for th meeting of the American Board at Worcester, Massachasctts, requested free accomn.odations for himself, his wits, and six children. The Michigan University has throe hundred Undents in the regular course, three hundred and fifty in the medical school, and two hundred and twenty-one in the law dcpArtment a large increase in all. The steamer fty cf Xvjmrt was chartered to proceed from Newport to Providence, one Sunday recently, to cosvey one passenger, a gen tleman having argent business in Nevtr York on Monday, and who wished to take the train in Providence on Sunday evening for that city. Hu probably paid the Urgent fare fo one man ever charged on that route. ElieJ Littlefleld, of Milford, Conn., celebrated hif eighty-eighth birthday last week. Ue has held the appointmsnt of justice of peace from four governors, holding the office tor twenty- eight years; has been deputy sheriff sight years, town clerk fourteen years, dram major tea years, and A school teacher fourteen years, and hats lived with his present wife almost sixty-four JAi. IMMNOA OF Til K DRAMA. KrW CiiasutT Ptrhrt Thktr. Mr. Wil liam Warren la a eefaedjan at tae old acboel-aa artlat wao, felly hnnreeeed with the requlresieate efhu art. la utterly free from aa inner. urn, exaggerations, dladalslag all ell atrainlng after erecfa. We witnessed Ma pe- foi mance of Tn .".V ftnnl or Nmn4nl, and luxirjaie ovtrthe fnreilt'ctiiaj treat ot Ma reaitints, hla ananaer, an'l the ra'inielfe cottrlij manner and me dry hsuior of nta mr l iter icaie Mr. wnrren, withent deacendlng In any grlmac1!, haa a pliyeloKi.otiiy tlmt la the verj In. leu of t h mini. Mr. Warren haa.tio. the pnner "r piillioa. Invallna, In tSe scene of Ihe nun lb act, -'Hlr I'eter TtaleV rtoointic aiM-- rual with a deNiiy anl lniiM-el ilier raeJy have, aa reprAnle.l gr-n.-rallr li'-n In 0:illiar handa, they inska the auOletice lalu h, Inatead I f w. ep. We alan wntienMiit a portl .n ol Mr. Warren'a "Bob ere." ai d eie e.ii laity atrnck e.1 h tlie por h I at r: prodiK'iiiK conilc elhils h) the mere marine-of ftpaa It g. anil lv Hie eKirr.lt.i of the fea!uiea Mr Warran I a m at refined at d Slitahed arl't - one cf the very r nr t it in.. Miaa ftteatiiyer plava i.M women with ad nlraoi faaa aii'l uoo.l ta.'e. Iler tnanncr la ea.enlial v clamant anil q- let. yet Itli all Ihe humor and vivacity urori eat). Mr. llarmn Is riot a atfururer here. lie l.aa. wc tliina, in .proved Ka'ml iac and ronflil" -e l-tit rlm.nner la a Ititle toe undocMeri, audheapeika In mi s-w a ton aa tt he Ids minis half the time. Tl o linl:ea. howere-, dec re him to tie a ver.i ha iila rae le. I' w, l.olti In 1st e and flk-ure, a fact of whl- b net. )Uit a llitle c-nnrlotia. Mim i irti.n la a young. Ilvel la ly, with roainlfVent eye a a roo.1 owrev, are are told 0ii wi h pot ti allphteat qtaMtlea Ion fnr I Uh comedy, TA HcHoi for 4Yrt.ki an well pui on Ihe alaire. We weie c-p-'cUI'y pleaed with Mr. Mordauat! Jnaeph." an II allowed more Mirt tl nn he nua:iy flivea lo I la parta. lie looked ".foaeph," and acted with great Ir telllaenoe ami effect. I I. e roat of the eomnany, Mr. K.vsna eicuilij , were inofllcleut; oven Mr. CLapmau wal out ol place. Ahcii Stkhkt TimATitF. lid Dnnonio Is la full tide of eurreta. the magr meant Ve.tvall caiulnf aoiUauae and a lmlrallon each niirlit lu Increaaed ratios. Atthk M aim t, Miss Chnrlotta Thumpson Iks plajid "Carnll e ' and "KviJiie" to fullhonMs. liar acting haa more power and flnlah thnn when ahn w aa here laal. 1 lla .voinig acueaa' great cliarin la her earnest ueae, Ouanh Cohckht. The concert to-night at Concert Hall, foi Uie brnoflt of the poor, promlast to b a flrat.c)as! sffalr, llis proirramme preaonted being a most rxoellent one, and the performers, both vocal and laatru men'al k av Ihk A No. I repu'atlona. Tlie ooncert will be under ll.a direction of Mr.Thoraaa K llarklna, and tae (ihnfa in fxceisia, from the celebrated war maal af llnritn, rlo. 7, will he gong by a full oiolr. Aflnechorui wl 1 Le aims liv the Hvngerbund Muilcat Asmclation and amorR5t ether Dnvetlea will be aeleetl na from the nioat nrmtred Italian Operaa with variation upon, the harp by blguor Aoatta, the Italian llarpint. IIIUIILT I.ni'OR I'AKT AKRE.HTH. ('Apfnrtv of Nlteeiii Inrllnttia Hnrrlllna ft rid. Three ar she I. take fcrle Pirate). Onr readers will recollect the recent attack on a RanR of lalxircrs on the Ohio and Mississippi railroad, with the design of robbing the pay master's csr, and the plundering of several depots and stores along the line of the above-named rosd in fcoutbern Indiana. These outrages were mentioned In our columns at the time of their occurrence. Satisfied that there was an organized gariR of desperadoes at work, tho directors of the Ohio and Mississippi railroad entrusted the task of ferreting out the villains to the well-knowes Jesse Worley, of this city, who executed Ut mission with much success, as the se tuel will show. On Friday last, assisted by officer W. S. Hrnkie, of Sullivan, Sullivan c iuntv, Indiana, ho arrested In the vicinity of the last-named place sixteen of the band who attacked the train. One of them was killed in attempting to escape the bands of the law, while the others were safely lodged in jnll. They are all residents of the neighborhood of Sullivan with tbo exception of their leader, one Ciiptain Vandyke, formerly connected with John Morgan. He is also in custody. Large amounts of stolen goods have been found In their posses sion, and of their guilt there is'no doubt, as each is desirons of turning State's evidence Against his accomplices. The capture of these freebooters led lo even moro important arrests. While in Snlllvnn on Saturday Mr. Worley observed three su.-picious characters, whom he at once had ar retted and searched. From papers found on tbeir persons it appeared that thrv worn olllcers in the Itcbel army ; a Cuptuiu Clay Wilson of Tennessee, and two Lieutenants named Murray and Damon. The papers also showed that they were con nected with the late piratical demonstration on Lake Erie, and that they were plotting the burn ing of Government arsenals and other public buildings. Among their effects were receipts for making Greek fire and a quantity of the chemi cals wiiicb enter into its composition. They were lodged in Jail, and the authorities at Indianapolis notified or the facts. Orders were returner! to send them to Indiannpnlis, whicb was (Ifjne. Their examination will take place in a day or two. As will be seen from the facts which we have briefly recapitulated, these arrests are of high Importance, and reflect credit upon the energy, shrewdness, and promptness of Mr. Worley. Cincinnati Gazette. Forrest's Movements) lu Tennewajee. Tbo latest account from the Forrest raid is that the Kebel commander moved southward, and that be has besieged Iluutsvlllo, and demanded the surrender of ihe place, which was commanded by Colonel Q. M. Johnson, but the demand was refused. Since that time we have heard nothing relative to the situation; but we know something of the movements that are on foot, though it would be manifestly Improper to disclose them. We have no fears for the final results. The Rebels bave done all the mischief they could, and are now at the end of their string. They must retreat at once to the south side of the Tennessee. Latkh. Forrest turns up mysteriously at Spring Hill, twelve miles below Franklin, and is tearing np the railroad between th it and Crt'nm bia. He came in from the direction of Mount Cartnel. It is not known what was the force that threatened lluntsville. Reports are in circulation that a force of 59 X) Reliel cavalry are advancing, under sotns un known leader, from the Tennessee river, on Colnmbia, and alike force of infantry on Pulaski i bnt of this we know nothing S'aahville Union of Monday, 3d. Inirlnnt Ikeelnlon of the Internal Revenue llasiniulNNlisuer. In a recent sale in New York, through a bro ker, of merchandise amounting to WJii.oOO for gold, it was clulmed the tax of one-eighth of one per centum, or i", could be paid In legal tender Treasury notes, lue collector Insisted on the payment of gold or its equivalent. The decision of lire Commissioner of Internal Revenue having been requested, he replied tbat the question to be iteU rmined was not in what medium the tax ahull lie paid, but upon what basis it Bhall be computed, lidding : If yon hare sold goods for $20,090, payable in currency or in coin, then tbis sum is the measure I wi lus vanf-wi im g'fvuv -vim, uu ii niFiu sue I n.erehandise, stipulating to receive $il),OJ0 in gold, which is itself an article of purchase and Hie, the va'tte of the gold must first be ascer tain. d. If 20.000 in gold hap;ens to be worth (MU.OtsJ in the legal tender enrre,. y, the latter sum expicsses tbe amount of goods sold. The tax of -o bring thus ascertained, is payable iu Trr.isuiy legal teuder notes. Prince Uunit ftnd hli family are (raveling in Palestine, ami will, by orders of the Hultao, be received in Jerusalem witb apecittl boa urn. At nn execution at Leerim oq the 10th of Hep ten. tier, two men, Jo-eph Myerri, aued lorty-four( and Jmuk 8urgersjn, UKed twenty, were banged, one fur htubhiug bin wile with a pair of Bciabort., the other for Hr-srir-ain.tting a m m n imcd John ('ooitr. slnrrKMl. j Kt lll Kf -liK LA Kih V. r. On Wednesday niornliis. tlCHiher , l-w. li llis 111-!!. A"v. Jliali ip oo'l, aa.WtM hv M e c Knt-r TiU'in.of rtt. slubu a t'liuri b, sl'KPUI-'.y li I I ill Kl to M A H I ai l.oriSIC.dail.hterol Alpliin.e ds l a I ureal, i '.ttiniil of I rHH' e l i f hUadeiphia. w oi k (-ai'Sri please ivipv. e SMITH -.11 liIM.-tin thellth si'Mepte .nh 'r. hjr he lti . Thtmina liruinrrd. HTKI'IIKN K, HM 1 1 II to I'OH 111. LI A, ilautihU'r ol Wililsui tapering, Kau,., all of tuts iitv. hi TTOV-LEVIS -On the Ifh Inst., br Ihe Rev. thorlesO. Cooper. :l WAUL) T ,i'TtON,ui IMula ilelphln. to i AKOI.IMl Li.Vli 1ILV. ol Delaware i'oumy, ra. 3io. cards. TLTlH-i AIKUAN. tin the 4th lnat .be the lie. W. B. Kunieae, KIiWIN L.Tr VlU to DiLI i V .ilsj.tittr of tlie lata teorse W. 'aluiau. DISKS. ZEHT.FT. On VV'rsueitUjr uiuiom.tl.e Its iiuust, Kii.JtM I.. ZKIIII Y. Tue relstivea and Irtenda af the fainilv art rsapac'futly Ir.Vitad to attend her fiiner.il, from fie re.ideu.s ofl.er l.ustiand, No. It Spruce street, oa Hturday, ti.c etb iq llai.l, alio t rlut A.M. ItKAIlMr LI' -Oii Wnlueaday, tiie 5lh Inst., al hall last t, o'clock r.M .alAAY K ,mfsi C. kitnart UfMl fieiil, iu ts 'ii year ol her ate. Iler trieiids aud il.ose ot tits finiily are respectfully In viud to atunil her rnneral,n HMturiiay srteru,mu al 'i o cKk.fieiii the realdaaca ivf ber father, Waalty M. hadclitte suetl, linsii'l, at rROT.-8e,tfmter JM, at Bowling lreen, By., of ulM'Saa coDliaeted ,n camp, Lieutenant UMUIUfc F. r KU.hT, In Ihe ibth year ol his age. The ma e frieuila of the uualiy are resDectfally InvitaHl to attend tlie luneral. from the realdenee of his uiotlier, No- Jlv VVsal X Laucey fUace, on fraiay aiu-ruooo, at 3 o'oiock. rVLLKB-At OalaaaVina, Pa. on Thnwday morn ing, Septeuiher 2U, of Oiaease eoutracted In tu aruiv. Lieut (IKnlKiK V. Kl Ll tb, U.v vl I'vlupaliy If, oity seventh Heglmeut F. . KM OX. -On tie lib Inst., LTIHA, le of Kd-ward D. Hues and daurlitar of Uie iatc Israel B. LUoL s,u-, to tlie asth year ot bur aire. Tlie relatives and iriendaof the family are TeapstfHlly anvittd to attend hsr funeral, from uie roMMleiice of bet Lusiiand. iu franalin street, between baity wid Hellers llrreu, rrejllfwd, on k'rnlay mteruvou, tb,7th lusk, M oMock. , i rv 'lV- tht memlng of Octettes 0th, J.VME8 LKV1H In the 4.M). year ol his see. His friends, and Uioae ol u.e tsailiv are Invited to al lend nls funeral, from bis tats tsaiUenoe. Ma. Itfjl Cbsav nut street, ob Raturday nioming, at is o'clock. BIHHKN -On the tt last., Mrs, ANN alBUEK. la tl.e 5oth year of beraate. lies relatives aud Irienda are reeneotruiiy laslted to attend her lunerai. from Mr. N Ice Keelr's. Nprins street, near kidirs road. JiuatHUvusu, va SalBnlay, iu sua of Oveiber. si I P. AA A. It l f Vila, OKfKA ar K N T I H V. H T O O IC O V LACE CURTAINS , r roarr run r-t.rr liUHH rV 1 1 A. IN COHT or mi'oitTAi i )i. I. E. WALRAVEN, S)rj;Orwt T ff. Bt CAIUtTX. MA8UNIO I1AL.L., So. 719 0HE3SUT Street. BUSINESS ITEMS. fitiperliir Wheat flour. 1. is A Ri'inaaiie, Areu and Tenth, kavg J'nt reeelvM a fresh aneplT of celi'brstesl !IiPkR' Fkrhv 'mIB, the genuine branJ, to which we iinite attenli ia. Ptnncaal fUssal ATLCK A COS MASON A RAMMH'H CAIllNKT OKOAMU. DKCKA8 1IK01 -aw "l'ss mrr? frrril fABOST A HAMLIN"!. rAHINKT OU'JAJi. PIAN01. MAN'OS. Seventh And cbesaut iKwota. R. . Whllmnn 4., If HDnfafturera ol Nw And Italirtmii OonfroUoai, Ahmond FaiU,Cbra9lt.t trniii(Crui(i Lft Mode d farit, Buiaitlr flavored. Rom tad Jordan Almonda, , Ac No.jlU Chasnut trect, below Fourth- n 00UETVET & WILLITT3. nPNoa. 1 4 and 10 B. BEVKNTK Htroat, rHII.AUHI.FHIA. Maiiafactiirurs of BKAUTIFUL OOTTAOK rUltNlTUUK, And the only reUable made to this cltjr. Also, Pining, room Katnltura and Bedding, constantly on band. a.i'j.ruths-m MiLITARY NOTICES. 811 A D Q U A H T K R S , ItESKRVK Brigade, lt IMvlalon PentiHylvnnfa Militia, TuiLk i ii.pbia, Octobf r A, 1H(H. MenibtTa ot tho Roaenre Brigade who haTe not reclrd pay for lonice durliiR the Hols in tho county of Bclmyl kill, in May, Ihm, will call at the Armory or the lnt Benlment,onBUOAI Htre.-t, near K ace, on THCRSDAY or FRIDAY of the current week, betwoeu the hours of and 9 o'clock P. M. Commanders of companlea will notice the a bore, and Issue orders accordingly. 10 6 att JOHN' E. AIrfrKS. Paymmtof. J IllUNKY'S ZOUAVE8. HEADQUAR- tcra. No. b'M CHKMNCT Btrtv-t, below Hlxth. 'HJi ftl Hpfiimrnt Ml be orKnnied as HIiantsliootwTM, and will be under the oommaiid ol MHtor J . O. Hrtscoa, m mem ber of Major-tleueral Hirney s HiafT, wlm imn received authority trvm Uie Oouerai and IStata tioveraiaenta to recruit it c orsanlzutlon. IUOULhT CA8U C.OVERNMFNT, CITY. AND WAltD UOUN I IH raid Immediately on tlit mnatetipi of any man Into the regiment, at Uie headquartera. No. bitH CUKHMJT Htreei. UUWMITTRI. George J. Rlchardon, i4.no) Wetherill IiMt lion. WhJlau Millward, :1. rt. Wlutjhrenrer, it. w. uhtib, jonn w. Krerman. JohnThornley, .los. Y. TuotoM . IeniD)iii Unliock C. K. Scbwner, iii. w . Arnold, I Alfred Adoiph. 9 27 lit HEADQUARTERS PENNSYLVANIA JSlilitia, Qunrteimattter-Oeneral Oftlcf, UAaHiMfti-Ki;, Pa., October X 11. ' Will be Mold at Public Auction to the hi I -e.1 bidtler (la accordance with act of AMhcmhly. approvi d A intuit '2. IHi.i, Nrcticn it), at tiie Btnio Arienal, llariisnurv. on TL'KHUa V, tlia iHin dny of OelobtT, oommencli.fr at lu A. M., the foUowinif utiHerrlcuaole ordnance unl ma terial, the proierty ol the Htate ot I'enno.vlvaniai ri n 6 poum rh Untax Caution, caatlug k roucli,d.te 1700 to)7:H; et1it nlKxit (hilti rHmmls. Eiuht (i- ixiundcrs Iron Caiuu.u, casting of l&tft and 17 ; Wi ifchl abouttJKHi pounds. Cue lit-pvundor Iron Cannon, weight about lr00 pound. 7hi Oua llarrcls (o!d casting), weight about ionnds. , 4 liun rarriai;e Axlee, wettrht about 4'-6 iiO'tndn, do Tirt't, do Ihoo ooundrt. do Huo-rlnpa.do Ci poands. do trav-Irtin. do if 11 pouadi. ficntp Iron, weight aUut '.xv pnouds. The almve will be sold In lot for oaths 'Ayni'itR to bo made In national or 8tae currency of solvent lauks,and the articles nurchusmt uiuai be removed wtih but htUe delay, aud will ba at buyer s risk until rwnoTal. J&VRH t. RBYKOU'S, 10-4 tuthf-fil Qnartormiatsr-llemTrtl of 1'onna. EDUCATIONAL. ( iRiriliNDKN'S COMMKRCIALCOLLliUK, J No. B.r7(!iiKSMUT Btreot, oornw of Seventh. KntabUahed lort. lsiirorated 1856. Young men prepared for the Ouniitlng-liouta and bital " ilia. 'ihurooirh and prartteni InHtritrtlon hi llooK hl.l.rlNd, In all Its branches, aa piaotisud bj the heat aucouulauu and tiualueas men. I'KNMAN.SIIir. rialn and ornamental, is taught by ouo of the most con potent of' penmen. Cvlouieicla! Cslcnlatlona, Uuaiiieis fomta. Commercial Law, Detecting I .i.interlult Holes, Ao. TKLKtlltAl'lllMl, B. v anund and on ,aier,tNiirfhtln a thoroaxhaad practical manner hv a long-eapirleniud oiH.ralnr. 8Ti;lll:NXS ISSI ItULTKO Btt'AKATKI.Y, And received at any tinw. veiling heaalruis after Heptembcr lr.th. DA'r.tLtMinKt, Containing frma, stuilrnta' muues (471 last year), Ao., fsrulahcd giatis on aspMcatiou. S. 11. CltTTTKSIIhir A f'O. se Im No. 6)7 1'hKSN n f direet. SIQKOR N. rERKLlil Having ratunicd irom I'.uropa. has returned hi! LbsHONH IN Nltitil.Nl,. es.tiim1ln So. I'M (.'lli:MUT STltKr.T. vv It 11 It V XI It tS UNABRIDGED DICTIONARY. NI- VV II.l.l'STHAH l KDITIOH. Tktrou!hl) Itt'ilsctl iiiul Mueli Kiilured. OVER 3000 FINE ENGRAVINGS. tl'1 vtj,J.Vai.d MI.AIMIS iwttviii diu olher flic. I lioliSI'lei. I Over thlitv sl'le Anc.-t -nn nod r.ur-sau neliuhiri em ' p.ojetl spun tliis revtrluu, B'id is rt. .nan of lauorei- P'lUded upn it. Aiiiongtiie cdiabvaiwa sr. l)r Ma n. o' llsrllu; Pro- i ie.Bui- rorier, t,a a, Hutiiev, llatv. I.vuian. iJJ iisn.aad Tnacher: Captain Cralghn., 'uf We.; Pulnt Miliary Academy ; Jude J. c. Perkma; rrolcsaor MtilsSi A. L. llviisy, Esg , Ac.aW. Several tahk. of great value, one of them of fitly e,nartc nugsi, Explanatory and frunouncJog.oi uaanea in 0. uun ar sarsous aad slace.. pieudouvni., Ac. Av , a. Abad ilen, Acadia, Albany, Regency, Matter Cary, Maionaud Imxou sL ne Mr. Mkawier, Ac. CentalUaif one- fUu.tr oas ioarib Mors sssitcr tAan any Rrui.r edition. foiii sew tsectrotype clatas aad tie Riverside Tim. la Oce Yd, tf 1646 Koyal Q&arto Pages. "GET THE IATEST." "GET THE EEST." OET WiESTEll." rnlli-kly l. A C. VEfililAl!, Sfriu.rie.d. M..rsail,u- tlW,SEl J. 11. lall'l'llNCOTT & CO.. FlIILADELf IIIA. SOLD BT AIL BOOKSELLERS. 10 t it FUJIINIXUIIJJ. iaaviai kn(Al asset r my (sateratls kefors lb lato Pl use, J ass atatied M a.y my stock s TIRST-CLASS njRNITUBE At s null idvatsc so sld rls. I. LTJTZ, M Jb f. 11 I. KLXTOfTfl lIAZSTt c NOTTINOUAM AND SVn.SS I.AOKH, Ntiw Ntyrlfva. VvTNDOVr SHADES,, 1H O . 713 IELTT CAERIUQTON h 09. CURHXUT BTRHKT. miW ATTl.Efl, HEW C10I. OAS, av rnr HAHllr-ACTUBURS, ;rio T.i ciir.hHrrr ATHKRT. PIANO COVERS, tAHDF.ST STOflS K TJIE CrT, AT LOW I-R1CE3. TOfeTelHI.'M 157 LU0CLN, jeflNSON L VICT0SY. I'OUKTKKNTH VA1U. PARADE NOTICE. AIHcf,oal0litienif Uie above War J an requested to meat al Sl-KINO OAltDKN IIAIala, ON SATURIJAY BVENLNO, 8rn IWST., AT 7 O'ClsOCK, To take pari In th (Iraad Demonatratlon anlsrcd by tie Olty KaemitlveOommlttfe of tlie rTallooal Union Party. The tollowlnc oamed gentlemen have bean selselsd by Uie Ward Ixecutlve Committee to aot as Chief and Assist ant Mnha. on the above socaslos: JACOB E. RTDOWAY, CUIEr KAJIHUAL. AiiMtnttj. M L. Johnsr.n, llcraee M Tuhhi, .lotio A. Mcliowefl, I. at Mctcher, Robert THctaoa, r. K. Ustrhafl, William (I. Olaffcom, B W. I.eishion. soo tuner, Hesnje I. Young, WUIIam II. Buck Tlie Chief Hirahel has appointed Ins (ollowlng gentls nun as his Special Aids: Thonai A. Itoyd.Rsq., I f. B. Ftetcher, Ksq., (leorscroikett.Kaq., Jacob Brets, Kso., II. . Oram, Aso... Id ft. Masse, Kso., r.R.OatcbeU.Ejij. A rail Itraas rtand will be In attendance ; also Torches, Laatorne, rtuis.Badirea, Ac., IbrUieuseof all these who srlvh to sartlclpa'a. By order of tbe Ward Executive Committee of National Union farty, Fouftoanth Ward. iTAOOH K. Ill DC! WAY, ' t CHIKK MARSHAL. tdET 00VEEN0B WILLIAM BIGLES SPEAKS Tills (Tlntrsdayi Evcnlnir, KEYSTONE CLUB'S HALL, WALNLT STREET, ABOVE KIUIITH. Its Ifrw- COMPANY F, RKPUBLICAN IN- VINC'llll.K.H A Moetlnir will ba held at Head cintirlrrs n KKIDAY KVKMNft, Jth Inalant. at Iff o'clock. Kiection of officers and other Important busiueas. !'Vrdcrof W. II. MILLK.II. 10 6 " AcUng Captain. igjr- ri" K T H WAH I. The k.y.-O clilicns of the TENTH WARD will moet on FHIDAi" EVENING at 7X o clock, at thallaJlof the Union League, ItltOAI) and RACK Streets, to make the neocs sary arraniroments for Joining the Orsnd Torohllgbt Tarade to take place on Saturday night. Citizens intending to Join the Cavalcade please notice. The meeting will ba addressed Srtlie Iloa.CHAKLKS O'NEILL, Hon. JAMES POLLOCK, Hun. A. W. BENE lJlCT, WH, S. PIERCE, Es(. By order ofUia Millions! Union Assoclaton. i A. II. I-IIANUISOUS, ritESIDENT. WW. It.LEF.TX. Secretary. 10-6 L't gT- IIALt. Ol' TIIE UNION LEAGUE, CHESNUT STREET, ABOVE TWELFTH. By invitation f th UNION LEAOIJK, HON. JOHN W. FORNEY WtO address Uie nubile On FRIDAY EVENING, OOTOBES 7, AT I O OIICK., j AT TIIB HALL OF TIIE UNION LEAGUE, CHEBh'UT STHEET, AX10VK TrVTLFTfl. Ti e Ladles are Invited to bs present. jqgT- HALli OF TIIU EEPUBLICAN INVINOIBLES, LATK JVATIONAt, II A li 1, , MARKET STREET, ABOVK TWELFTH. By Invitation of Ui. UNION I.HAOUK, ISAAC HAZLEHURST, Esq., HON. TITIAN J. COFFEY, J. A. BRIGQS, Esq., Of NEW YORK, Arid nthr r distinguished Speakers WILL AUIIUfMS THE PUULIU THIS EVENING, AT S O'CLOCK, It AT NATIONAL HALL, mauki:t fcTRKKr. ahovk twelfth. r3?f- J ' t 10 13 J4 1 ; CTUHE. AT 1 111: 1,0m ! 01' THE ELIC'i'EICAL INSTITUTE, . 1 ..'() WALNUT Mtreet. IT r.JKCT; I KDKAIs 13I.ECTIUCIT V. ritOFEsisoR c. n. dolles Will kodrfit U.e sullic en the subject cf MEDICAL ELECTRICITY Ai ai j lied ht U.e cire of rctb acute and chronic 4 K.is a, TETiSMY EVENING, CCTOSEE C, AT 0 CLOH, Attl eliooaai of tie ELJtXJTIllCAIa IWHT1TUTC, No. 1220 "WALNUT BTREET. AU are invlttd to attend. 10-t Jl ff tUKNIbHtD HOUSK WANTUD-KOJl jUishiehaUWrolr.ntiiii,e,aid. Address "II.," it)- jf iio, g? tj, TIHAK street, Aooi Wu. at). 'fj. rVRNISilKD HOUSE WANTED, IN AuJl west f alnnt.or Lotisl,or Arch, nCkuul suast. audrees "I araishad Huus," st this tinm. As 6 JETATB OF ANtUEW COMSTCCK, M.D., J aaaaaeed. I,,,"',B!,r Sia tea sirt.ts ar ANDREW LliathTOCK, M. H.. deceased, hewn.- s sa grai.asd U) tue niiSaval.ika ull . . , .. j ..... ,u ... .a. titl utukt iiAyucnt, ft(.lih nsiv.asj iim i-int HaiJiltliH, KxtKBU-r, Ul H.Kit kTll.SWt. 0- W hit Aiwrn.w. I'AVIh 1, HAlAlJaUiaO. INt). 61 S. SIX rii He. ('HKISWY STREET. THIS DAT, OOT0CLT1 0. 1804. WOOD fc OA.lt V. No. TVt CHIfMNUT STItliHT. 1 4 ft SPECIAL NOTICE8. tCT- TUF. KFNHINGTON BsVNK IN THK COI'NTT OF f fllLslDRIsFIUA. Phii.adhl FiiU, Bfptoml-w W. A fti'tx-inl Meeting of ik Ntrk boUirr will tH-boH ut the lUnklnir HuaM,n THIf KM IiAY, Uie AUh of Ocutr, t II ociooh A. M., to dcido oa tin1 expediency of convartiiiff tho Punk Into ft Ntinl AhortniUn, rrpUlto un act of OunKre.il iprowol Jun 8. 1H64, nj tuK nrh other tction aa ma be ngi ary. Hv order ot Uie Hoard o( Dtrt-otors. 9-28 l 't O. T. VKKKE3. Caihler. frf OFFICK OF THK BRIOGS OIL COM -pao, aSo.lt; S. roi;itTII street. Phii.apki.i'iii a, October 1(1M4. The Board of Jlrector8 h:ive dec)nMl the tour t)i montliiy (lividrn.l of O.VE 1'KK Oh.M.ootbe capital atoolt,ia iihle on the Hth Irmtant. The Trannifr BivolsB will be cloftMl on the Ml),ilth,aort7tii inatam. (10 1 et C'HAKLF.ri A. VVY, Treasurer. OFFICR PBK8T0N COAL AND 1M prove me nt Cumpanr, So. 'i06H WATjNITT fltreet. Phii.aihi.I'I1ia. Hcpttnaher , 14. ( rmBKNO. The lUiard of Olrectora hare thla daf delated a-dlrldend of TWO PKK CKNT. on the eaptul a took of the (omiany, payahle to atoohliolders on and after October 1N. 1 he Tratufer Uooka will btsodtoak Oct)ler 8 to October 10-8 -inwf-tK n. P. BUTTER, BecretaiT. STOCK HOI.DKRS' MVJ5TINO. F Art At Kit H' AND MKCHANIC8' BA SK, 1'iiit.AURi.riiiA. He u torn ber ifO. Hfl4. A funeral meeting of th Hto kholtlen ol the Karmera' and MrctienJca' Hank of Philadelphia wl be be d at their Manktng llouao n T11I?K6IA Y, Uie AMk day of OetoW nct,at 11 o'clock A M.. lor the purpoae of taklnx Into ro ruli iteration, and deriding on tbe queatton whether or Dot the eaiil Itank hhriil leconu' an Aaaucl itloo for rrvliui on the bualneat of ItenkinK under tho Lawa of tno United Hi ttea, and ol ex.-RiBlnit: the oowura con tarred by the Ant of the (.eneral Asm-nibty nt thla tlommonwea th, entitled "An Act ICnal'llntt tbe Itanka of Uila Common wealth ao became AatoitatUina for the Purpose of tunklnit under tlie Law a of the United Htntei," approred the id dar of Autuikt. IfVt ; and to taku am ta action In regard UiereU m may be ncedkari and nroor lty order ot Uie .Board of Director, 9 - lo-UU) W. UUHI1TON. Jr., Caihler GOD AND OUR COUNTRY7 C3Ly Rlvhta. Tin-SaUonal Ifnlon Aasoclationa of Ihe rarlona waida, the t'nion CampidKn Club, Knpuhllraa Invlnciblca, th l'nhu lA-aKitu, and all other orKanisted bodies ol lojiJ cliiena of thu city and our n(KhlxrinK townn. frirmia of the lion out and patriotic LINCOLN and JOimON,aro Inv ted to loin in the GRAND UNION MKKTINCi andTK(iHU(illT PI!0(;Et8I jN onSATUK DAVEVKNlNO.the 8to of Oclober, IStil. Let all oome with tlielr lUnnriH.Trunbjiarencieii, their Lantoriu, aud Href r Torthea, 17 order of tlie Katloiial Union Ottv Kxenutfre Cora tittW. JOHN' G. HUTLKK, 10- J-flt Ohftlrnmn Commlitee on MuetliiafC. TO Till. PEOPLE OF THE FIFTH WaRI. Kcllow-cltiteoii: A meeting of theolM zens of the Ward, wnliotit distinction wt party, haa framM the follow ipg th'Ket, whii'h la now presented for your auf fnu;ea. with Uie eunJh.eiit belief that you will Una it everjr ay worthy of your support. It ban len aelected Irriwpec tKeof partv, anil ocilely with an eye to 11 mean aiidqtialitt ratioiiH, and th ntoru c innot b reyarded iu any aenvo aa a pari i an th kets It haa orintnat d In a desire ot men ol all tMThtiaftoiiti to pnei t thu ekctton of iRiiorant, iucom ljtent, and cnrrnpi iiien to othcett of honor and truat. The randtdatra here imniid are all per Winn of education, faral liariiy with leral linos ttnd the mmlea of publlu bualn(mat and itiorontilily l.orent and reliable. Thla character they have earned lor themclvoa In their prevloua puranl a tn Uie. and we feel ritnin thut ohould Uiey be honrod wl'h an elociton at thla time lo tho poult ions for wldch tuey have Imi uamed. the will rellout laaliui credit upou the oltl zensof iho Pinh Ward. We apH-al toyou, ihen, men of the Fifth Ward, to lay aaide for thla once all purtlnan preailectiona ao lar a the cboire of your kx til oillcrra la concerned, and areehar inoniuuhly lo rally foi ohi effort to elect gooo meutootrloes Should ihia lUrt tie mecobNtul It must oxuroite a power ful influence hureafler iu warnlnn all panlet of tbe necea tdtyof exemaiUK mora circuuibpeclloB in making tlirtr loc.d numliiailoii4. in roncloaioii we reapecttuliy atk your auitrauua, tcliuw-cltUcnji.lor Uie aubjolnod inutipeud ut ticket. li y ortler of tbe Independent F.aecntlre Oommitte. K. P. KLNU, Chairman. INI'LI UNDKNT WARD TICKET. AI.I'KKM KN . JAMK-t MoCAHRTT. A. WIUSON IlhNaZKV. ( ONtTAUI.kS. WILLIAM !LABK, It. II. PAUL. Ml IKM.1. tIK('(riOlr.. H. Tl-BTi.v KLl)l,fi(;K, for one ear. COLLINS W F.ST, tor two year. J. KKNNhY, i JOHN t A.nin. For three yean. IK. J. ANONLT, ) 9 3(-tf irsaf TREASURKU'H OFFICE. THK a- Pldlude;phla, Wiirtiiuiiton, and Baltlmoru Bollroad Compatij, Pun. ,wm,imh., Reptembar 31, 1861. The Hoard of lrertora have ihla da declared dtvl dend uf'l IIKKK l icit CKN'l'., In c.i.li, on tbe capital atrk of thia comiau.V and hnve directed tha creation of KW HTOt K to ih amoant of ten per cent., to be dia trtbuted pro rata to tht- holder, ol Uie etock.ou the Ut dy ot let f Im r neatc, u. reprtneut the cipitHl ben-iefore eit pftnU'd In huf.l fir. the liriii;e ovor the Hiitqiiehaunarlrer, aud the double tTiwk, clear ot Uvvemment tux. Al.r JiKU HOHNBB, 9-M-atnthYw TrenHurur. MEKCANTII.K CMOS CLUU. Peraona dealroi of enrollinK their names aa t)-.f ;KK CF THK CLUtt will find LNta oih t with A. II. Fl'Ll.fcH. No. n N. Third afreet. MILL! AM A. HOI. IN, No. 7 f Murk-t atredt. r. T. HTI.I L, N... 4 N. Hacnl atret. W. R llAUUlH. No. t-'JA Marael atreut. E H. IHN , No -Ml Chetnut utreei. By order ol tbe l'..ecuuvtsC'uuiuiitu e. C. J. IIOFFMA V, I'reildt'Ut, William A. fti v , 8t. r. fury. 10-6 .It t3?- RAU.yT VKTFItANFOR A TRIP TO CONHHOllOCKKV. UKAbqtA.tn.HMlt! lUirAi.iu.-. (rsio Cami-aiuk Ci.ua, ( Phi i AOKi.i'iiu, Octobor U, ItWt. OlfhAOltH No 4. I. Hi member uf the Club will aiemhu, fiitty ennlp ped, at Uead(iiart r, COMMON WKALTll 111 I1.D1NH, on FKIOAV EVJt.Nl NO, '.Hi inMiioi, aH o'clock preclnely. for Uie purpose ol 'vIMiliuf ConshuiKK'keii. II. TheCoiumlttee on hifh: and I ranportation will aee that the neceaaary niraiu-hi -nu be luade with the band and with Die railruhJ L'oi..iaiiy. toy uouimiiiid, P. C. KM.M KKH, Clin;!' .M iriliul. W. A- filtAT, J CliAH. C. KM'IHT. S,..-.i.il Ah!.. .IOUN T. FoltU, S 10-6 it Ksr- iiKAi)'n'AKTi:u5j Fiusr batta- Uou Union jim rfitrii club. I i i !-n-niA( October 4, l4tlt. OKI) KHS No. 4. In acoordunce w ith Ihe auveaiU.ns of a Coiunilttee up p;uted to take tlmt ui itteriuto ciiiiilUerj Jon, it h.is bftu dteltl.4 to reorwhiifie thii btttl)out aud Urn I'oUuivUi cr tri are then fore published : 1. J he battalion will b divhtrd Into ten companlea, to be knewn ua Ctuipuitr4 A, li, C, 1, K, V, O, II, 1 , and K, 1 htrv wL'l be aiixned lo ect one Klrit Aikiatanl M.irshal, Wi.owJU each ailect three frin the uumbcr cf Hocond AciftMijt Marabali, uml a!ao appoint Uie nui les and oUitr d.Tcera i.cefr'J,iry I. perlVct lh orfanli.iti')u. T?n-.v will be if hi iti iiiib:e lor lie vood ordtr and UmlpKne of iknr lever .,1 1 oinniand'-, .i well An ivt any property ot the Out iii'ruittd lo thir i.ttre. U. Kach t ouipanv will be provided with a lantern ami a fbH:. tpon whu h si.wll be tous iti:ouily dl-pd th letur of the -aine. They w;ll le tacrkU by the iea.xliv urdiriy at-in sinta. Ill Ltvtka will te rrovUkd at these ksJAdquArter, In wi uii u-niibtra ol the batullon. and Im-a dtxmoui of bo;iujiK ivn h, may mr(il their uauii-i and attavh thetu .vclvta t4j t-ueU eonipaiiv aa tbey miif aeler-t. The head iiuoritra of the battalion will bt vpcud.diy, from W u'l-iucli A M. until lOoclfikl' sM.,and icoua iwdant of com piiiiMa whl di tail one or two men to attend there dally, fi r the purpoae ol rectlviiitf U.a uauttt oi ueuibera and ivthur. IV. C niaadaiit- of couipanifca will ininnliately aelect twu m en to couipuBt a pit. not r rorpi.und will, without claay, proreed to celvrt the itW tra aa hereU'fure pro vided, and aiund te Uie ihorouh urbanization of ibelr eoiiimandas V. In aciordam't with the rwiuet of the aommlttee, the hlef Marahal baa ata'gned lie folio wihk tlral aMixUul jiarabula to the e.omtuand of the aewrel oosipaiitea : Company A 4'oh uel I). W. C. Uextr. Couipaay B Cvloncl T MotbattU. 1 Cfjuipaisy C Company l Tolonel John 7. lUmn, t cui.pany K i oli nel f . P. F. Tappu. Imipany F apiaiH A. J. Knorr. ComfMity ti klaior C. M. licrry. Cuipay HMior Hit-hard Kills. Com a sty I IM ateaant J. li. lie Raven. Ouii'Mny K Major lltnry Baaae, Jr. Uy euimaisd of . . Colonel p.C. ELLMAKIB, Chief iCarhaL WILLIAM A. t'H A Y . i HAHLtaH C. RMUBf,) BpeclaJ Aldla 1A, SPECIAL NOTICES, I3T XlJIN'l'Al AVAlll. iDfJcpernlcnt OandldaU for Oommon Oonnoil, Kll-Tfj HAMUWi J. OIIKHWKI.L.. RALLY, UBIOIT ML5, SALLY I I 'OTIKTHKNTH WAHD. Tin ant fat rar silfht, Turn out fcr Iho rlgtit, Itt THE GUARD T0RCHLI3HT PHOCE8SI01T, AT 7 O'CLOCK. ON 8A.TUKDAY EVIiNINOI, OCTIIEn S, 1W4. Ih? i3ilrs of lha r.urtsnth Wart Nalioaal t7nliA Ctoli, anil the loyal cltlzans ol Ihs FuS-tssntti War da. string to pars!. wl A tills organisation, ara eordiall lnvtt4 to meot at tbo nALI, OF TIIE NATIONAL UNION CLWB, WtOWat, BtLOW TWELFTH 8TBKET, To participate tn the (lrarvl Union par ads. A TI AMD Of MCHIC WILL BB Iff ATTBSTANOR, snl TrsusparrDcles, Torchsi.t'lsg!, Ao , will bt road tgr lOOO MEN. LET ALL COME THAT CAN. T'lsre wllltia a Chief Martha! ami twelve KanliaU, mist of Uun insa of graat military exporlsnce mErEEIOK A. VAN OLEVE, 10 6 4f OniEr af AltinAL. tT LKOOLU, JOES SON & LIBERTY! HON. ISAAC HAZLEHUEST WILL ADDRESS TIIE ('ITIZF.ti'S OF rlULAliELratA. A.T IMA-TIorVA-L HALL, MAllKF.T, BM OW THIRTEENTH HAEST, On THDE8DAY EVEH1N0, OOTOBEB 6, AT 0 CLOOC, Br Invitation of th UNION LEAOUB. ln-A-tt 3- GBAND GATHERING OF 1'ATllIOTH. NO NORTH, NO SOUTH, OXE COUNTCT, The Stars and Stripes for All the Land, MAINE, VEUMONT, MOIIILE, ATLANTA, SHENANDOAH. All friends of LINCOLN AND JOHNSON; All gallant Veterans who havt fousbt for OU OLOUIOUS UNION; AO who love and honor our BRAVE SOLDIERS; . AU who ara determined that the MAJORITY BHALL RULE; All who woald netrotiaU an honorable peace, with GRANT, SHERMAN, SHERIDAN, and EARRAQUT As react CommlaSloDfr! ; a'l who hate TltiiASOM, And would rUNISU TRAITORS ; All who re.lolce when our Artalaa ARt VICTUBIOUS; AU who revere our FATRIOTIC FORKFATUKBH, And still olMrtahUielrprtucMee; all who are grateTti JC tli bleating! transmitted to ui hjr the 4'IKHOES Ol' '70; Ail who woald preserve these blessings tat their chlldrea i , ALL AMERICANS. MATlfffi AND ADOPTED, Are reiuesld te meet at INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, Ou SATURDAY EVENING, Octobsr 8, 1864, j To testify llieir devotion to the CONSTITUTION AND THE UNION, Whlrh annr-d traitors in some Stales, and auurmsd eaa patblxers In olhei s, are tr jlng to ovurihiow. ;LET THE WHOLE PEOPLE 00ME, And with onlted vetoes proclaim that, la spile of BIAVLUOUUNU NABOBS AND F.IIROPEAN DESPOTS, Our Coaailt j shall fjrvver renisln a KKKR LAltD FOR rOJTLBITV, And a hiisna Ar tl a OITHKJSKJl OF ALL NATIOM.S. (iotl and Our C'uuntry Freedom Former. A III1MI DISPLAY OF FIRHWOtKS WUI uteplnce.on lire ailjournmactof the Heatlag, IN TBK SUARF.. liy urtUir of the National Union CltyEnxcutlve Conrollte. JOHN Q. UUTIiEIt, lU il ot IHAIR.MAN COMM1TTKB OH MKETINOS. t3T MIEOANTILE UNION 0LTJB 01" Pllll.ADELI'IIIA. U.e MEKC ASTILE UHION CLl'B. having reiolved to paitiilpaie In the general Farads to he held O.i SATURDAY Kvamiiiir. Oot. 8, Respectfully Invite the Merchanta and lluilnesi Hen of FtiUJeli Lia to testify their devotion to th CONSTITUTION AND THE UNION, By nnltlng witA them. The flub wlUmettatUlll01ILEAOCF.(Concert)HALt, at 1 o clock, where kailses "-d torche! will he provided. To preserve nnlforialiy of aipcarauee, dark clothing Is d slruhle. Tke leinwlng arpolntmeate live been made, and will te t td snd rttpvcltd accordingly ; AIDS. W. BART t'ARR, E. HARPER JCrFllIEH, TllOMfSON REVKOLLlS. ABBI9TANT MAB8HAL8. M.C KKVNFDV, J. TOM1.INSO.N, Y..T. BTREL, W. W. AI.Li.ii. If. r. HrXL, T. AMMAN. A.11.FITLER. JI.P. ATKINSOrf. I IIAKLES R.ABBOTT, LOUIS O.llAtlOll. WILLIAM J'ENTZ, Wsf. P. ATKINSON, W.A. ROL1N. J. AKUJdetAO. Uy order of JAMES V. KKYBKIt. CHIEF MARSHAL, -s ARMY, NAVY, AND CITIZEN'S flelhins fcanliroKiered. SseuldvrSlrsps. Wr.alAl, a-, la sty is ouaurpsssed, at very rsductd PJJ'jj .laerrnsDi rsiwr, yo.lSMyril Street, abvviCheaaert. Id J 'AU