The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 06, 1864, THIRD EDITION, Image 1

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    ft. k it
The Financial Crisis iv. ErgLcd.
FailuTffj and Great Coxicquini Dis
tTCbtin Lccd?, Loudon, Liverpool,
Manchester and Havre.
Tti riiinnclitt Crisis! In I iiKlitml.
LONDON I OMMI lltl t, 111 I HI ir A Nil I 1 1,1 P K
rrii.ATOtis in a Tiuiir ri p.
Prom 1c Ion Inn r,ri iy t, h. ir) seri. It.
The stork mArkcM have ngaln been preja life 1
to day by the feeling of distrust w.iicu prevails
with irsard to tbe condition of mercantile ere lit.
In in the bdivy losses wlilcb are no Of nf
Incurred in cott in, it is fenr. d that further ta.l
ure must take pluon, the en-en of which in y
make themselves tell in other dcpirtus'its o
lniHtnc. The fnnds have declined ( per c-et
odd closed ilatly I'orcign stocks, tnotigli dull
iutnnn, wore eonip ira'ivoly well supoirtoi.
Hume railways huvegrv n way. The pririi-t al
fenture of the day's business, hovever, was the
intrca-cd weakness shown hy the .hires of Dine
of the brinks nnd linnucUl cimii inics. lncrni
lional FinanH il have especially suffered. Al
thongh a certain demsnd rnn'lnies t i bt; cxoerl
enced on tbe part of tbe public fur gool dividend
paying investments, owing probably to the ciner
prospect of the money market, and to t lie decided
improvement in the position of the It, ink of Kug
liiud, the tone of the Block markets showed iu
trt ased depression at the clmc of bustnes.
Fromttr I crl'tnrt Time' ( .'f'v at'fiW'), $ pi. 24.
Nothing further of a definite character has
transpired with regard to the Leeds Banking
Com any , hut it is believe I t int a baianci-shcct
will be presumed to the meeting of shareholders
on Munday. M"anubile tbe statements mule
regarding the debt of ilfl'i.OflO due to the bank by
a Mr. Mursdcn, nn "iron foiindor," woo appears a
abort time back to have been a pubhean, and pre
Tioasly a turk at tumie Iron works, hao eon
tributtd to increase the feellei? & to the whole
tome results of a n no per cent, rate of disc.iun'
when Jt put a Btop to the career of tacit estab
lishment. The procecdinfis yesterday In the London C mrt
Of Bunkniptcy 111 the cise of Mr. FrAnkenhelm,
in which it tran-pio-d that he had been hole 1 on
in his speculations by fro'ii two of the
newly formed joint stock bmkf, one ot whieli
liKores as a creditor for 1 lil.lsH), nnd auo'.lisr lor
lti,OCH, Imve likewise strcnihcned tbe convie'i in
of the value of the corrective process now in
At a moi ting of tho creditors of M isers. Horn
A Co., produ e brokers, who tailed on the 2 )cb
ultimo, the bal.ini'cshoec presented by tbe
accuunuot, Mr. r'. Mavuanl, showed liii'iilin.'S
tor 1.8,4, Hi, aud assets estimated at tl 1,010. A
rt solution W..S pm-ed to wind np nndjr inspne
tion, and tlie iiieeti'ig wis adjourned to tho 17th
of October, to give time for communication witb
the priiii ereditors, w hoaro ucurlyall foreign.
'lae Joliowintf relaten to the charira of fraud
afa!ast a Mr. 1". U. 1 unt, which was heard yes
tirday l.etore the Lord M.nor, on which the
priretirr remauili'd until Monday :
'eHHirrkn Voow, KSVK E uam.ik. HplPtnNf 21
I': l 'lii. t. t i.y Hie i miimiuto .if llio Hiors K
tlianteio iifiem iii tut Mr.K It. iiaiint.-vnu U rt-p .rt I
In n e. T'i? i.l ro-.iav as hivln-j i-.n una- r inAnnnat on
at ttiM Manliii llouhe. lea, aimI M. vcr bM ken. a luem
lit T rtlie 8!-.-k r.c!i e.
I a ah m sell oi' trim o.p ruinl'y to Add ihit tli cm-Biittf-u
.uvan ifit prohliet the tinMiiliers '.'I liio tt'.oi k Ex
i'!mny! Irtiru nth orilsh':; fir nu.Iiiess.
J aui, .Ir, uur ete ' i, i. i'vant.
Ijji : fit.VM 1M LtVIRN, Se -.tarv.
THE 1.1 Ei8 FAILIURS RPO!lTl:l His; or A
Sr. the lonUuH riwiri, -S. '(wr 23.
Nothing positive bai b,-en divulged to the pal
lie of Let as up to yieterduy afternoon as to wh it
steps the committee of hreholdcrs of the L-ed
Huiikirg Cumpsuy, in conjunction wiia the CO ire
of directors, are likely to recommend as to the
affairs of that company ; hut rumors wvre current
that the condi iju oi the bum is much w iro
than was at (list suspected. Some furtm r fa'.iuies,
consKinent u;ijn the stoppage of ;bo b tuk, tive
That of Messrs'. -Sa'tlfield, cloth merchnn'-s,
lias already uccu lucattoaed m the Tiinns; and it
Leeds jmicr stat-s that the bills of Mr. John
Abraham, of Alderiiuulmry, I.ond n, h:ia
been returned, the fni ure being utiribut ib'.o to
the su'p.n-ionof Mdhts. taaltiuid, agiln-t laom
a pe ni' u ' f batiiriiitev v is oM-ned in tb L-eds
Court of Hnnkrtiptcy yesterday ( I'liursd iv). Thi
total atnoai.tof Me srs. Pit ilfleM's liabilities, It is
c 'Ti. j' ctnrcd, will approach 0:),000, upw.trdsot
000 of which is due to the, Leeds U.mking
Company for bills now running.
Another tatliiie is that of Mr. J. W. Mursden,
Iron mast" r, Leeds, from whom a letter, dated
Liverpool, has been received in Leeds, -t i'.iii '
that be found "all was jp." and adding, "I'm otf
lo Piew York. As tins was an act ot b tnkruptcy,
a petition was yesterday presented acilnst hin
in ttu Leeds llankruptcy ( onrt on behalf of the
Leeds Bauldi g Coiupany. Their claim against
lilm iiciounis to and they hold his dis
honored aecep'.iuc. for arout i'l'2,iW ). They
hold as si curity the mor gige of a fjtimlrv at
Casthford, between Leeds ami York. Under
any circumstane s, hovrvcr, the loss of the bulk
by Marsdtn nnn-t lie serious There is no pisd
live Itfuruiation tliat M -rnilen bus lull for Ame
rica, and miiDy question whether his letter was
not a nite, althiiih he sta'ed tint further cmn
inuulcaiioas were to lie adtlresscd to him in New
, , 1 i uirnctLTY.
tram tAt Ltituian TtU jraf'Ui'.i!! urii let, n.Uinici'ii
Scfons dlftleul les are beginning to ho felt
among some of the weuker speculators in co'toa,
aau cue uu.cbit t, it is le'el. will spread In on
eineiie of the heavy t ill, representing alto-
thcr about tixpuDce per pound, that bas t ikes
place in the va iu ot 'he staple. Too losses trios
entailed and they mu-thave proved exceedingly
large are aifgrriMitcd by the iearue-s of money,
and tl e nlisraeUs tiiiown m the way of linns
whose position is considered doubtful by tlu
reserve nmurully evlne. d in the dis-ount ruarkot.
It is timoi tiinate m tunes like the present that
the disturbance o cisioned br a f lilure hero and
thtre e(.enders distrust, where, in fact, there is
aot the lightc-t gioiind fornl irin ; bu' the cjt'on
interest Pas Inea tor the Inst ti.w tears in a very
anmnnlous r-itnaiion, nwimr, of Vimrse, to tho
nneer'oin duration oi the .Min'rieau war. lrans-
tv lions luive l.eeu Cilidiietvd all aloug on an e.i r-
mous scare, ami .it n-ntii indications oi instability
.have develotied themselvi s. In ihe knovn sti.i.
pane of one bini-e tint tho reported cinb.irr.iss
nient of anotlier, whose inistort'ino has fonned
the principal topic ot coiivera'.ion thu altera.
Id various purrs of the ci'y. One of thu linns
rctcrreil to is Messrs. Oclii hs ,t C ml the
liabilities ure supp I to aiinunt to jL 'ii),1)!) I, but
urn h uncertainty prevails upon the subject,
in the other cu the party in , uesiion Is stated
to have Informed his brokers that he will not bu
ablo to pay his engagements (Jim to morrow.
His I'ealims are ulleed to have beeu of vast
extent, nnd a short time since he was understood
to have n aliped about 12.0,000.
"rsa tlt Liverpool SlvrcHiy.Mepleiiiber'i-l.
In the principal departments of business iu
London yesterday there has beeu very little
uoing. ine aownwaru movement or prices in
the cotton market continues, livery one appears
Le very fidgety regarding monetary matters, aud
it L fcaitd that, unless a change for the better won
(o.i i jitticf, inilit unt be srrtumly thaken.
from Hit ttanchtittr Braminer, (city article), A.'jtt 21
Tho stock markets show an iiurnovcmont,
There is no business to support them, transac
tions being disarranged by the impression crested
by the stir-pension of the Leeds Hanking Com
pany; but in the absence of Investments, prices
generally are steadier than many peoifle antici
pated. The returns of the Dank of Kngland
and tbe Lank of l'ranco arc both satisfactory,
sua-much as the position of both is struuKthencd
in their reserves, whilst their liabilities have
It is stated that some of the younger Joint stock
banks have ueen urgently catling on their cus
tomers to reduce me amount ot touur advauces.
and that this is one cause of the continued du
prcssion ou the Stock Exchange. It is urged
that, if this course is continued, serious incon
veniences may arise, and that the power should
bo very caret uliy eMHCiaeu unuerprescut cixcuui
b lances.
'-Am the Lendon Tun (ri'y arrVrV), September ti.
Ihe failure bas been announced of Mr. C. Dose
large o ton speculator at Havre. The liabili
the are Mated at 40,0(10, aud the assets ure
tiiougni to oe considerable.
ft-imlht londim foil .city arliele), Stpttmlierl.
The recent failure at Havre is stated to amount
to 141X1,000, and not 40,000, as has been named
Several lumtHs In thU couutry are suUecvn by it
vVamhini.ton, October 0. Nothlutf espo-
f lally Introstinj? lion Ixs'n reci'lved from tli
Army of the Potoraiu- to-day.
It appears, however, tliat tlie advanced
por-ltlon pained lust week Is so strengthened
that there Is littln dangi:roftliecin'iny attetHpt
Injr to dlsloile our army, Lee lieing tix weak
to uiuke such u nioveuient.
fi! rant and Hutler.
Heavy Firitg About Clicpin's Farm.
Manassc8 Gap Railroad Opened
to Rectortown.
Kt., Fr,,, F.t-., Etc., Ktt.
Npeelnl to The Eveiilns; Telesrrsrnhi.
WiKHiHOTON, Octobi r C The mall steanier
Manhattan, from Ci'y l'oint, rep rts that there
bns been no heavy righting in front of Petersburg
since tbe last reports. Warren hai swung around
on the left somewhat, to a position commanding
tta"? Sonthslde railroad, where he is thro vitig up
in'retchmenis and mounting henvy guns, by
which It is believed the Rebels may be prevented
from using the road.
The Manhattan brought up forty-four Ilobjl
officers, captured hy tbe lih Corps on the north
side of the James river; they arc under chargo of
Captain Lowell, CSih IYtii.nylv.inia Regiment,
and rank from llnnten nt to Heuten mt colonel,
inci . ling severul majors. 1 le'it nnnl-Colonel
Maury, who commanded a Rebel fortiilcatlon on
Clrapin's farm, is among the psr'y.
Cap'ain Powell al-o bad charge of thirty-two
Hehel dcsTtcrs, who came int General Ilutlcr's
lines. They have taken the oath and desire to
go North.
Captain Charles Corrier, Cap'ain P. C. Lonke,
arid Lieutenants 1'. Bean and Davis, all of tho
11th New Hampshire regiment, ho were wounded
on Friday in fighting on our left, came up on the
The bodies of the following otHccrs, killed in
fighting on tbe north side of the J i nes river
were brought up, yU. ; Cap'.ain 3. V. Vannys
Assistant Adjirant-Ocneral, 3d Brigade, 3d Divi
sion, 18th Army Corps ; Captain D. C. ftix, Mst
New York Regiment; Lieutenant J. A. Fitch
40th Massachusetts ; mid Lieutenant R. II. Thomp
son, Dth New Hampshire.
Two hundred and tiny wounded arrived here
lar-t ulght from City Point, ou hospital steamer
Smte of Maine the first urrival of wonndod here
since Gram's new movemont.
The transport steamer llelritUre bas arrived
from Portress Monroe, whieli place she loft yos
tcrday afieruoon at three o'clock. She repine
that yesterday morning heavy cannonading was
heard from the direction of C'baoin's farm, and
the report was In circulation at .Fortress Monroe
tl at we had driven tbe enemy from another line
of linn nchimvnts.
Yesterday four hospital boats arrived at Port
ress Monrt e from above, with woundod, belong
ing to the Army of the .lames. There was a largo
proportion Of colored solders among those
The Manassas Gap railroad L. bocn repaired
as far as Rectortown.
"Washincton, October 6. No further move
ments are reported as having ruken place south
west of Petersburg Cur troops are steadily for
tifying the posi:locs galtiel, hut the enemy
Is probably too strongly inircnchcd on
the KjutiiHlda railroad to w.uraut an assault
upon their works. As it Is, however,
we have possession of the V.cighn road, over
which tho Rebels wagoned u largo portion of
their supplies, and our forces bold an impregna
ble position within two miles oi the Houthside
railroad. Ibis is an a lvaiitag- worth far more
than the c at of tho attack.
t'lirtiirr Iron. .Men Orlaul. '
Sew Yohk, O.tober C Tho steamer Merri
mac, from New Orleans, with d ites to the uOtb,
ai rived to-duy. 8be brings no tviws.
Ness I ruin the Noatli.
Brnlhern papers contain the f dlowiug:
Macon, Ga., September Ti The expiration of
Ihe truce leaves. even liundico and three Federal
and live bundled and two Ooutcdcrates yet
remaining to be exchange I, which will be done
In it day or two. Mn-riu m's t. iv.ilry left Atlanta
r tine d iys stto nnd passed on u -on his right, but
Bsjet no genrrul nioveineiii ..l Yankee forces
bus taken place.
Klierinnu bas over forty thousand elfaetive
men, but his stock is in in 1 condition. He Is
s'lll brinisingupsuiipliis. 1'ix it nut Davis arrivod
litre yrsti ntiiy, uiiil maile a .n rt and cheerful
spicin. Ho said Sin rrnan win d soon be forited
to reueut and that then the so nes of the retreat
from Moscow would be rc eua el.
Tbe bestowal of curacl.s by the English
bishops is again arousing oi asslnn a'iroad A
cleigyinan w ho bus been thirty years in orders
givi s his experience to the London Timet. Ho
held his Urn cure thirteen years, when bis bishop
died, niid his successor, ofhisnwn accord, "wrote
D'e a most kind letter, telling me that he 'know
I had a claim upon him,' but be feared he could
iroinisc me nothing, as, 1 if he lived to the ago of
ilethiiMilcli,' lie should uot have enough prefer
ments to satisfy bis own family and friends."
The writer held his second cure only nine years ;
It was a sole charge. At leugtb his rector resigned
it, and tho parishioners posted oil to the bishop to
sk him to confer die rich benefice, worth tl'.'O
per annum, on the curate. His lordship was
most kind, promised all right, and gave it to
another. The Lnglish clergymen must therefore
dretid the death of their bishops. The whole sys
tem is much as if Bishop Potter, on the death of
llisbops YVuinwright and Onderdouk, and his
own elevation to olllce, should have turned Dr.
T ng out of St. George's, or Dr. Hawks out of
Calvary Church, to make way for his own
nephews aud second cousins.
The latest rullway horror In England is the
ca'e of an unknown young woman ot twentr-ftve,
ho was terribly mutNated at the Portland road
station of the Metropolitan Railway. Oue of the
railway inspectors stated that the woman was
accompanied on the platform by a man, who
pushed her against the carriage door, and that the
moment t-be got drawn under a carriage bo ran
away at full tpeed up the entrance staircase aud
pot otf. The head aud face are uninjured, but
the right arm is torn completely from iu socket,
and tho left leg is broken. The lower part of tlie
body is literally torn to pieces.
A Paris newspaper of thirty-two quarto pages,
Including articles on the theatre, faahrous, music.
und ull the tcatuics of a popular weekly, is to be
started lor gratuitous distribution to all persons,
its projector adds, "who commission me to sub
scribe in their name to a daily paper, to one of
toe pnneipai rrcncu reviews, or to a weekly lllua
tiuUd paper." While the subscription lasts, he
sunscriuer win receive uig joumat art .loonnet,
wliote proprietor's profit if to consist of the trade
allowance made to him by tbe papers to which
I e is coinniisioned to subs cribe.
nton n van. wr
Nv.w Yohk, October 0. The steamer lluuvui,
from Havana, with date to the I t i-a'taut, Ii.ji
krrivtd. She furnifhts Mexican sdviee. we
learn ol the abandonment of several towns and
titles by tbe French, and their occupancy by the
Republicans. On the other hand it Is said thn.
Mejia occupies Victoria city and Nochfstland.
Qnlpira, who dors not recogul.e the Ktnplre, bm
fights the Republicans, Is reported to be pursu
ing Juarez on his way to Chihuahua.
Tbe A?ripulco Inn 1 exp'dl'inn is cnn'inmlVy
hararscd by guetilii's and is short of foo 1. A
ship leaded with cattle lost all her cargo on the
way to Acapulco.
Maximilian was ctrca'tr'l to retnrn to tbe C tpi
tal on the nth, from Santa Domingo. Wo learn
that the Kchcls have ag'cod lo lay down thc r
rms conditionally. Onr corre spi'ii lea! doubts
this news.
1,1 ! oa'il le Te Kif.i-ig T'-tetniph.
niiiiiutioN, N. J., October 0. Au Immense
meeting of the friends of Lincoln and Johnson
w as held here la-t evening. It Is estimated that
Over ten thousand were preen', clubs and pro.
ces'ior.s composed of farmers from the a Ijiining
tountles. Speeches were made by Messrs. Ten
F.yck, Frelicgtitiyscn, Seovp.1, and o'hers, en
dorsing tiro Illation of Hon. John W. Starr
for Congres. New Jersey will cat loose from
tbe tar of Democracy at the corning clc ti ja.
Nashvii.i.h, October 6. Owing to the heavy
storm last night, the tolograpb lines are down on
the Chattanooga railroad, and we have no reports
from General Uoussean's command.
Tbe telegraph lines along tbe Tennessee and
Alubama railroad are working to Pulaski. The
rain torm of last nlrtht Is Continued to-day. 1 he
water is live feet deep on the shoals aud rising.
From llemil'orf , N. C ,
Ni.w Y'ouk, October 0. The steamers eirbern
and Ileanfort, Irom North Carolina, with dates to
the rid, have arrived. They bring a number of
discharged and invalided naval nfhVcrs and men,
ami 23 prisoners cupturcd on the blockade-runner
S ight lluirk, with considerable cotton from the
destroyed blockade-runner f.ynr. Tho Ileanfort
was towed here by the .Yirt ri, tho latter having
lost her profiler. J '
Fllrttlrr from Kfvt OrlrnilN.
Nrrav York, October fl. -The steimcr CoinUt i
(im, with New Orleans dates of tlr 27th u!t., has
airived. She brings 22') Rtilcls, captured in
Mobile bay. ,
The steamers Ariel and Cnolr were passed on
the li'jth, going up the Mississippi river.
Prriitntion nf 'tiiliiret Itnttlo-rinstH.
To-day, Fiivu'e (ieoro U. Moore, Company D,
11th West Virginia Voluiitc. rs, and Private John
Creed, Company I), 2.'ld Illinois Veteran Volun
teers, visited the War Department and presented
to Ficrctary Stanton two battle-lings, captured by
them from the enemy at Fi. tier's Hill, Va., Sep
tember '."J. General J. 11. Wilson, who accom
panied Creed and Moore to this city from Gcue
n.l Sheridan's Department, Introduced them to
the Secretary, after which the men unfurled
their I'nge arid extended them to Mr. Stanton,
who, in receiving them, thanked the men on
Ik Pair of the Department, for their gall. miry,
nnd direced them to proceed to the A lju'ant
Ocncuir otlli e, where salable medals would be
pn pared for them.
The captors of the llsgs were then conduced
to (ieneial Town-cml's ollice, where the 11 Us
were deposited, und inscriptions for tbu medals
taken t own.
Privste Crcfd captured Ms (lag In a novel man
ner. While the battle was In progress at Fisher's
Hill, he got out of ammunition, and being in
close proximity to the Kelh'l color-bearer, he
pi kid up a stone, with which be knotted the
Itebel doin, nnd captured the Hag. KWo ytan
War, retierttny.
Activity In the Kixvy- ArrKal of ltenr
AitmlrHl Lnrtluer.
Fori rnts Monuoe, Va., Oc'.ober 4. Tho news
from the front for the past two days has b:cn
rat In r meagre and unsatisfactory. Every
of boats from up the James river reports heavy
tiring going on, but no general result. 1 he fact
is that our armies are continually uiauoiavrit.g
aid harassing the enemy; but General Grant
does not bring on a general engagement -Yiihoul
he can foresee a grand victory.
AUHIVAI. OP WOL'NJiet) soMnnns. '
This morning the hospital transport Thomat
Povrll, Captain Lvnes, urrived from IWmuda
Hundred with a load of wounded soldiers.
Among them is Colonel Donobue, of the I'l.'i
New Hampshire Volunteers, a gallant aud dash
ing otll -e r, who was shot in the hip while bravely
leading the brigade be commanded during the
storming of Chapin's lllutl'. Colonel Donahue is
a highly elllcient and capable otlicor, and his
many fi lends will be glad to learn that bis wound,
though serious, will not prove fatal, aud only
keep him away Irom his command a short time.
Naval matters, which for a long time past have
been most stagnant in those parts, have recently
assumed an active form. Yesterday afternoon
witnessed tlie arrival of the steam frigate I'ow
hatan, Commander William itomendorf, from
Cane Ilnytien, having on board Hear-Admiral
James T. Lardner,who left shortly after on board
of ihe mail sicaiuer Ad'luutt tor luminore,
w hence he will go to Washington, then U
Philadelphia, to relieve Acting JUar Admiral
Mtlbiing. Lieutenant CoinoisnJu 11.
I .liur, l ite commanding the .train fnga'e If ..
tiemtto, has laen detached from ttns vassal ami
lungmd to oommsnd Ihe fust blockadtr .4. It.
l ame, recently captured by 'be Santima He
Cuha. Commodore Josuph I. Hunan is at preseut
con iuaiidlng the Afinn)ofi.
1 be Irigate Stilnne, Commander I.owrie, Is ex
pect) d to arrive here ut any mcuient, ns well as
the slcaiu friga'e C(iAir'firo,Coiumn4ore rhttcber,
which is expected to be Admiral Karraut's II ig
shlp. Dr. J Mi Chilian, Surgeon U.S. N.. arrived
here je-terday, and is awaiting tho arrival of tho
Colorado, of which he is the sm gcoii-iu-chicf.
1 he L'nited States iron-clad Atlanta, Lieutenant
1 hum as J. Woodward commanding, left the (3s
port Navy Yard a few days ago, thoroughly
repaired, aud is at present stationed oil Newport
News, awaiting orders to proceed to sea.
The gunboat Crusader. Lieutenant Fetor Hayes,
also underwent a complete overhauling at Ports
mouth, and left for tho York river.
Itetrest of tho Itebel ItuMrra ThruuKti
lErttaiuu t'ouiily.
Prom the H'heelinij Inttllhteneer, Orftier .1.
The following telegram was received on Satur
day afternoon by Governor lioreman :
Gkafton, October 1. Captain llagau reports
the Rebels retreating by way of Rulliown. The
following is an extract from Captain Hagmi's
despatch :
"Much property has been carried on". Their
conuuet wns such as characterizes nothing but
robbers. They robbed stores and private houses,
carrying ot) tho clothing of men, women, ana
children, in some cases compelling women to
take otf their shoes and stockiugs. Their horses
were h aded down with stolen property. Many
of tire citizens were robbed of their money.
Rebels and Union citizens fared alike. The loss
to this county (Upshur), cannot be less thsu forty
thousand dollars. Their entire conduct was of
the most sbanielui character.
'11. F. Kkli.t, brevet Major-Oonoral."
l.t.UAl. 1 Ml K l.l.l UKKHJK.
Homicide Casks. Court or Oyer and Ter
miner anr QiiAitTKR Sessions Judges Thomp
son aud Allison. In the case of Samuel Wood
tides, charged with the killing of Morris Pender
villi' on tbe 28tb of May last, the facts of which
were reported yesterday, tbe prisoner, aftor the
evidence closed, was permlttod to withdraw his
plea of uot guilty, aud to enter a plea of guilty of
murder in the second degree.
This morning the rase of Barbara Hoflaer,
Charged in the indictment with infanticide, in the
killing of her own child, May 30, 1804, at the
bouse of one Mrs. Strauss, Third street, below
beaver, was called up for trial. The evidence
as to the farts was conllieting, some of the wiu testifying that the child alleged to bare
been thus killed was a male, aud others that it
was a female child.
Tbe indictmeut charged the killing of a female
child, and open this exceptions were made by
Mr. G. Kemak, counsel for defendant. The
Court was considering this matter whoa our
report Closed.
t , ,
Special Dcspatthcs to KvculnR TeW'grapta.
WAsiwNfirow, October .
A ftebel Pilot Nentrnrnl.
A citlt n of Maryland was tried here yestcr hy
for conducting a Rebel force Into that S ate, and
found guilty, and sentenced to imprisonment in
a Niw York jail.
A sinliHlltnte for Mr. Lincoln.
Mrs. Lincoln is about to put a rcprci-n'. i'ic
recruit into the army.
ftvlorrsl nermlti.
General Augur has given permission to the by
and ward authorities to recruit and obtain substi
tutes in the contraband camp across the Poiam ic .
Admlrnl 1'iirlrr.
A report that Admiral Porter badbjcii a signed
to the Meet off Mobile is inrorroot. He returns to
the Mississippi ticct.
Ilrnrral llelnlrelman nl Whorllnf.
Genera', lleint. olman has been ordered to report
at Whcolinit, Virginia, for duty ns President of a
Court-martial to convene on the Vtli inst.
from 4-Meril 9fnlei Army.
There ran be little doubithat the recent nioro.
icnt of our forces on the left f. it led to accomplish
tho n suit anticipated.
1'mm IJenrrnl Itiitlr'! Army.
Genera! Hutlrr's forces still hold the portion
at Chapin's farm, on the north side of th : larnc
Miijor-Grneral Banks arrived in ton last
cY' iiing. Hon. Simon Cameron i hero.
Arrlvnl ef it Mlwlns Slfamir,
Tbe sti airier h'airtiankt, duo from New York
everal days since, and for the safety of which
much anxiety was felt, has arrived tt her wharf.
Hi r coal gave out on the paeage, hence the
tie lay.
OrlerMl to Service.
Brigadier-General J. D. Pessenden, elder of
two sons of the Secretary of the Treasury enjoy
ing that rank, has been ordered to active service
in General Sheridan's army. General Wilson,
who for some incn'hp past has had command of
a cavalry division undi r General Sherman, has
lieen ordered to duty under General Sheridan.
From Ntitrllin
General Wilson, who has just arrived from
Sheridan's he ul'piarturs at llai rison'mrg, rcoro-f-ents
Unit the destruction and capture of R-'iel
property by our cavalry, in their late great raid
in the vicinity o Staunton, wero on a colons!
scale and most cmiplcto lu their Cvcu'ion.
More than one hundred mills were d 'Stroyed,
tbe railroad was badly cut ii(i, and a
brrdof twenty-four hundred cattle and sheep
were brought back to narri-onbniar. Tbe latt-r
pri.e compensates for tho ca'llo '.heat la'cly in ido
y the Rebels on James r.ver.
l'.-rlnrsl Mtnl lteli-jtt-.l
Tho President havini;, on petition of prominent
Union eitlrens of Georgetown, Including tho
Mayor, pardoned Mr. Joseph II. Doucher, of that
town, who was sentenced to Port Dclawarj for
one year, for alleged aiding of persons to go
Fouth, Mr. Boucher was yesterday released from
further impii'onmnt.
The Fireman's Mon&niont, just erected at
Rose Hill Cemetery, Chicago, is a noble woik of
art. It commemorates the Lake street calamity
of October, IS.,7, and has been erected by the
Firemen's Benevolent Association, at an expanse
off 10,000. It Is thirty-two feet In height from
he biue to tbe top of the surmounting statu ', all
finely vi rone lit in Italian marble. I he i nl n iu
a beautiful shaft whs got out In Italy for the
State lloue In Columbia. Sou li Car dina; but
whs raptured on a blocksde-iunuur, aim sold
under routis u'loo.
00. Not n, 7 IJ. Oue P. M. 77. Wind, E. 8. E.
A Bur tal I'iuk Fiiiiit Hr.TWfttiH Two New
York Rnt'onn. A priz.o fiht bet'veou two Now
York brotes was expected to p!n,co this
morning somewhere in ths vicinity of Kdge Hill,
Ducks county. The uaiues of tha pugilists
are !) nney Harris nnd a man named Martin
Alter this come t was disposed of, a second ring
was to be formed betwj.jn two men of iss
calibre, the former two being known as greit
"fighters" and shaulder-hi'ters among tho
pogllittlc portion of tho community. The stakes
were for 600 aside, or a purse of HKX). Harris
was barked by I'hiiaileipinms, and Martin by
New Yorkers, although both men are said to be
long that city of rous'lis. Tho men have been in
iraniiiig for some tim, and are pronounced by
the fancy to be In "excellent" condition. They
arrived here last night, aud were convoyed out in
private conveyances.
Tho train which arrived here from Now York
lust nlKht brought nil the thieves, gamblers,
hnrte-tuieves, and other criminals that are for
tunntc enough 10 be ou tho outside of Sing Sing.
One of the number, on the passaire over, was
nrnstrd for stealing man's shawl, and this
morning was sent to prison. Several other
respcciahlo passengers lost their pocket-books.
At an early hour this morning all the prlvato
conveyances that could he conveuiently secured
were made use of for the purpose of conveying
Ibrsc roughs to tbe ring. As hivh as $' ami
H0 was paid for a chaise, the drivers being ufraul
to risk in any such undcrtakiug.
The tight, It is b ud, will be a severeone, as both
men are half hull-dog In their nature, and eutindy
devoid of the lea-it feeling of humanity. The
betting made in this city was nearly even, the
odds being in lavor of Harris. The result of tbe
con but, or wht ther it had been interfered with by
the Bucks county authorities, is not yet knowu.
What Bkcomks op this Ooveunment Dkvii
Potisi s. Tho wear and tear upon horseflesh in
war times is so great that it Is no doubt a matt.-r
of surprise as to what becomes of all the dead
horsi s that ure killed In battle and die In the
Government stables. Formerly tho Government
paid a large sum to batVthe animals burled, but
recently tboy have beeu bought up by part es
who pay a good price tor them, thus pert I v re
munerating the Government for tbe loss. These
defunct animals, as soon as obtained, are divested
of tin ir hides, which, utter being salted, are dis
posed of to the tanners. 1'hc b ur of manes and
tui it is washed und dried, and the larger part of
the best quality exported lo Europe, wlrore It Is
ui.inuU' turcd into balrelo'h. The residue is dis
posed of In our own markets, and is used la various
articles of commerce, but chiefly us curled hair.
After Ihe bide is re.nove l, the body is divided
Into small parts, and conveyed to tanks. P.ach
tank has a stcumpipe connected with it, ami these
pipes are supplied with steam from a boiler of
gi cat capacity aud power. The tanks are filled
with Hush, and water Is let into them. For nine
hours the meat is steamed. At the ond of that
time tho covers of the vats are removed, tho oil
is taken from the surface, and after being cooled
and strained is put into barrels and sent to mar
ket. It is considered to bo equal to any for
lubricating purposes, except the finer UsU oils.
It is also used largely iu soap-making.
The steaming process having been completed,
the water is let out of the tauks, and the resstuuiu
of bones and other fibrous matter thrown out
upon a platform, where it undergoes a raking
process, which separate! the large hard bones
from the small aud softer ones. The IuhMs are
then (elected, the shoes taken from them and
sold as old iron ; the shoeless hoofs are sold to
the horn-comb makers and others in Philade!
phia, where the parts suitable for combs are
worked up, and the balance made iuto glue.
Wheu the largo bones uro separated aud seasoued,
they are ground into the lertiliwr known as
"bone dust."
The softer bones are takon, together with tho
pulp, and placed in sheds, where it lies for a cer
ium length of time under Ihe action oi sulphuric
acid and other chemicals. It is then spread out
in a dry atmosphere until all moisture ovspo
rates, when it is ground to a coarse powder, aud
parkd in barrels or sacks ready for use.
By ar tilicial means, this fertilizer can be pre
pared lor market in thirty days, but it Is not
reckoned to produce so good an article as when
prepared by the usual method, which take an
average time of four months, la quality it ranks
net.! to Peruvian guano, and readily commands
from t to per ton.
It will thus be seen that there Is not a particle
of the carcass of a horse wasted, everything being
turned apparently to the best possible account.
There are several of these establishments in the
L'nited Status, but none so extensive as the one
on the weot bank of tbe Potomac, aliout midway
between iron bridge and Alextuidru.
Political. Last evening, the Hall of the
Vnlon Isagno was again tilled to overtlowlnfi by
a blhly Intelligent audience, among them a large
bomber of ladles. Samuel II. Perkins, Esq.,
presided, and Introduced Ihe orator of tbe even
ing, David Paul Drown, Kkj., who proceeded to
address the assembly ou the political Issues of
the day. Mr. Bmwn was followed by Mr. James
Briggs, of New York.
List evening one of the largest ward meetings
of the National I'nion party ever held in tins
ritv was ronvt ned on an open lot at the corner
of Eighteenth and Green streets, Flf ecnth Ward.
The meeting was orgaui.ed by the election of
William II. Mann, Esq., for President, and a num
ber of Vice-Presidents and Secretaries. Asenesof
resolutions were parsed aud addresses made by
Judge Kcllry, Joseph Shippen, aud others.
A mass meeting ot tbe Democracy was held at
lire Contlm n nl Theatre last everung, ami was
addicssid by Governor Seymour, of Nea- Yrk.
A ll r the meeting uil.iourned, Governor S ymoor
was serenaded at the La Plerro House, ami in
response to numerous calls made uuo her snort
speech to bis friends.
A meeting of the friends of the I'nion wn alsi
held hv the residents of tho Fourteenth Ward,
and wits most largely attended.
Hon. Ionard Myers delivered a brpllsnt ad
dress. He pictured to them the heroic sen
ile Dial of our brave soldiers its Ihe hold, an 1
plead that his bearers might sustain luom by
their votes. He described iu glowing tonus the
Into victories of Lincoln's "Pea o Commis
sioners" Grant, Fnrrugut, Sherman, and Sheri
dan and declared his unqualified prelerenre for
them over tho proposed commissioners of the
I lb miH iaey Seymour, McCiellau, Val'audighiim,
! and Company.' Ue closed by asking them to
roll up nn overwhelming majority lor their laoa
fnl Congressman, Judee Kelley. Prod. A. Van
Clevr, P.-q., Colonel Win. 11. Mann, and Colonel
Maurice also spike.
'I ho cltiz.cni of Ibo Sixth Ward held a meeting
last evening at Franklin Hall, Sixth street, belov
Arch. A number of dis inguisliud speakers ad
dressed the meeting; among Hie in wero Hon.
Win. K. Lehman, Col. Wiu. 11. Mann, A. 11.
Sloauukcr, Esq , and others.
A largo und cnilius la-lie meeting was also held
at llestonville. The arrangements which are
being made by that patriotic body of gentlemen
forming tbe National Union League for a ni g
nilici nt display of fireworks on Saturday evening,
iu Independence Square, are very ample. The
people of our city may s-ene of
beauty Dial will tar exceed any display ever
made in this city, not excepting mat of Fisher's
woods, twenty ycuis sinco.
An AiiKAL vkom PttoFi:soR SavXhf.hh
The undersigned has pledged himself to the
Councils of this city that, In case of gran Ing, as
t hoy have granted, an increase of bounty to en
counigc enlistments to tho extent of tifry thu
s.ind dollars, he would devote his whole time to
Ibo business of obtaining tho thousand recruits
still demanded by the United States Government
from several wards. He must, therefore, delay
lor a Miort time, and for a nhort time only, hit
fixed purpose to retire from all other pnbllc em
ployim nt, that he may devote himself wholly to
tbe Com t'and Saunders Institute.
1 his return to the business of obtaining volun
teer whs brought about by rhe urgent and rc
ptatod sfliel'ntlon of the Supervisory Committee
of the First Ward, especially by tbe appeals of
Mcssis. Harlow and Humphreys, oxprossing tho
bt liel that not their ward only, but the eutira
city, might he saved from tho Impending draft.
They, In turn, yielded to his suggestion to visit
Wciihington with him, and secured tho clticlcnt
and valuable scrvces of Hon. Charles O'Neill, all
pledging them.clvf s to the Government that the
most t-tn nuoris eif'Tts would be employed to
supply, without delay, the small dciiciumsy lets,
by the Corernint nt't own aeroitnt, than an average
of tiro men to true thousand inhabitants.
' Citisens of Philadelphia, permit the writer, who
sincerely believes ho enn soon find tho ro
volunteers, earnestly to so'lcltri deep and bjnovo
lenf Interest In the First Ward, which must sup.
ply means for recruiting at lea-it one-half of tho
I resent deficiency ward pre-eminently pro
ducing, huvl'ig furnished multitudes of tho bust
mechanics and bravost voluateers to richer
wards. JE. 1). tf.WNDRR.
PAsstHti Coi Niv.nri.iT Monet. Henry Fisher
and Joseph Hall have both been co'niulttod to
aiswer the charge of parsing counterfeit miaoy.
The9 Individuals worked together In tho fjMa.v
ing ninnner : One would carry the money, whl'o
tho other would offer thu bogus, and then, if
arrrsted, no nioro than the one. note would be
found iu bis possession. Fisher accordingly pro
serin 1 a lite dollar note on the Colon U ink,
few days since, und was nt once liken imocus
duy. Hall thought ho was w it had, sud w. ul
Into an alley and threw a large qu.mii y of bad
notes aw:y. He was also arrested, i he money
found in the alley amounted to elgh'oen livo dol
lar notes on Ihe Union U. ink, two ton dollar
notes on the Bank of Commerce, Di-lrictof Co
lumbia, aud twenty-live counterfeit I'raotlonsl
currency notes. Both the prlsouurs have beeu
committed for trial.
Accidents. Henry M. Rodger, aged three
years, had his right hip injured by boing run over
by a Lombard Street Passenger Railway c ir, on
Lombard street, between Third and Fourth,
John Roy, thirty-lour years of age, was knocked
dawn by u passenger car on Market street, between
Foiiith and Fifth, and had bis light arm broken,
lie wus ejected from the car by the conductor
lor being intoxicated, and attempted to get on
Owen Leonard, forty-five years of age, was re
ported to have fallen down stairs in tbe neighbor
hood of Sixth and Shippen streets, on Tuesday.
He was admitted into tue Hospital late on the
same niglil, aud died yesterday at uoon.
A Disokiieiily Rfstacrawt. This morning
James Berry was before Alderman Welding, upon
the charge of kcepiug a disorderly restaurant at
Seventh and Walnut streets. Last night abiut
lo o'clock, the polico made a doscent on tbe place
aud captured live men and eight women. Tito
place is in tbe basement, and is tbe resort of
depraved women at all hours of tho night. Berry
wus held in edooo bail lo auswer at Court.
Pmii adi l t in v Baptist Association. The
meetings of Ibis body were continued yesterdiy
morning, afternoon, and evening, at the Iloreau
Baptist Church. The claims of varlo is denomi
national socieiies wero advocated. Addremns
were made in the to rnoon and evening bv Rev.
Messrs. Ld ly, J. 11. aU atuiilh, Diekerson . and
others. The audicuoes were large aud eu.hud
attlc on each oa.aiou.
Ciiauoiu with Foroi'Ht. K young man,
employed in Fifth street, was arrested at the
Bank of Northern Liberties yesterday upon the
charge of picseutlng a chock for if 15, with the
name of his employer forged thereon. The
prisoner is the son of a minister, and Is very
r spect.tblj conne ted. He was held lor a further
hearing before Alderman Poland.
lt.miLK Rotou. Soino rowdies hired a horse
aud wsgon ut Cum den yesterday and brought it
(.Tor to tbo city. Aftor driving around to their
entire satisfactory, they wound up at League
Island. Hera they unhitched thu horse and
turned him loose, and bucked the wagon into a
ditch. They then put otf. The horse and wagon
were eventually restored to the owner.
John E. Audickk, Paymaster, gives notice to
the members of the Reserve Brigade who have
not received pay for service during the riots lu
tho county of Schuylkill, In May, lrtd'2, to call at
the urruory of tho 1st Regiment, on Broad street,
near Race, on Thursday or Friday of tbe current
week, betw een the hours of 3 and 9 o'clock P. M.
Has to iik Removed. Most of tho remaining
portion of the ball at Eighth and Vine streets,
which fell a few days since, will have to cotno
down. Builders say tho lower walls are not of
suilii lent strength to bear thu weight upon them.
Tub Italian Frioate. The Italian frigate
riimipe Vmberto, lying otf tho Navy Yard,
attracts great attention, and Is viewed dally from
the shores by hundreds. She much resembles in
appearance the United States uiau-of-war Wabash.
Sailed. Tbe United States stoamcr It. R.
Cu,ter, which has been under repairs for some
weeks, sailed yesterday to take her place in tho
A Bui tal Apfaib. Two men engaged la a
brutal light in a tavern at Peun aud South streets
last night, which lasted near an hour, aad was
witnessed by a number of rufbant. For fear of
Interference by the police Ihe light was discon
tinued, and was to be resumed this morning at
some more retired place.
A young man was arrested at the Continental
Hotel last night upon the charge of obtaining
money by means of a false telegraph despatch.
Ue willhavo a hearing this afternoon.
Homeward Bound. Tbe 10th Connecticut
Regiment passed through this city yesterday, on
their way borne. They numbered on hundred
and sixty-two, and were handsomely entertained
s)t (he Rvfrvehiueut Saloons.
AcciDBNT This morning about 2 o'clock
Catharine Wagner, eighty years of age, jumped
from the second story window at No. 310 N. Fif
teenth street, while laboring under a temporary
fit of Insaalty, and escaped with Injurl. of a
Blight character.
R wri'Itiiib. Tlds morning the city bounty of
(4o0 wus paid to twenty-three men.
To Pi urn ask CiorutNO at Low Piiiors, make
a .ss.iw.arrom .nr stov-k of ReAity-stAt. tisrm.n-s w
srswllinit goods eotial la ryi's. ju. mike An I iM'-wt,
from Vft to so per rent, ioitrr thsn Is now cluriiel firt'i
fo.lf mails too-a.r. We s I .tru's, sif .s. atd
ln- oi C'oOiinr - M'ti . You'll i, anil Uut. All caii bo
.ulMtl w)UiefatulAT ut troubi.
P.I NSOTT k Co.,
Townr Hall, No, MS Market it raft
"A W-titcw tw Timf Raves Ninr." This Is a
sroS motte at alt limes, lint it Apiule. with .pectAl roce In
jum hA.loa e.wlr.a m.'nT.. K.r tta. ret. in li'iy Hie
-rhirsrfsa."Aoie si h.. aao tatanut tret. rtiiia1eiih!a.
In firrr.rni to sny otti.r. It I. lh 'est .owln niv-tnn.'
la the wiirM, ami 1. Aft pr'tnoinin-.J hy h'tndrt',1.
of the mil prelum. at lHiutue. in taa city, wa- li w
have tli.m in ii.e. Stvery msiO'ln a,,ia la wurraiteil fo
rlvraatt.fac. Ion. or Hie oiom-v wtUtwrvlunttoa. Nuiuenail
f.imtllf.. In vflMnn. p "ftl'in. 'if tli ootmir., afttT trying
nany othrr mai-tilli, nave ileeiaM thet tao"H'irsnoA" Is,
lH'oi.d .-'.uipAri.oii, Uie tK-tt raiuliy machine In pie w urld
The I'Oitlarity of the Wheeler A Wilsin
ffwinir Mio-ste I. I"t rviic-ert by ll .nsrm-ui. ani con
it. a Iv liie'aaiina tale.. Nor le Its rev'ttatton let.
alc.iol The lalif.t premium wots sar,pil lor It at tlie
International rtSioltton In tendon, at the Iml'istntt K
nttillli'ii a I'.trie. anil at Ki nis' oinr, frit. .la These
aw.ra were in acsiritsiice with tha.e nnlvpr.sllr ni iae
A! li e v.irina. eKlilbitlMin In this ci'e'.y. InU.-ea, on
human fettln-onv r-Hiltl le .trotiifif than ttut wnl.-hht.
Ir.'U Ai corih-S ihe Wfioeler A Wl .n Hewing- Af tciilne for
niperto'ity over a'l others lor latnlly me and for s "iiernl
The Wh..h-r A Wilson ..tAtclshmivit, a No. 701 rv.nnt
ireet.cnntliinea to beousof the moat pwpalar inctlliillone
f I'l.oauVJpluA.
Always Triimi'H ant. The high com oilmen!
f dlit to the "tlr ver A fisher" S 'srftir M t. hlne t'oniisnv,
at the Krt.'on Kair, In at-aotlng tha untr .1 ver rnt-.tal to
thi'tn "ti,r the he.t Hnwltif Msclitne." wa.
wrll Reserved, as alto the pronilnm awanleil tn them tnr
Uie"he.l "pei-iinen. of newias niA' hine worn." Tine tri
umph la theinore .Ht'ilflestlt, as all the loa.ltntf ms'-hlnei
In the counlry wore pltcstlln eoiuiwtltlon, t'arsons miuI
rnireha.mir Aewlar Ma'Slnea rhoiiht hear these fa-',
n unial. and -all at 2to. taucbysuai .ireet, he lure maams
tht'ir .rleitlons.
Vnkind. "Aunustus" bail just put on anew
snl from Charles Htoiirs A t'o.'itider the I'oiittneiioti,
vs. n he a.keit "U tee" wtiat he OshikUI ol fir
"I lie a hsw! of punch," ai l-aso.
"Ilow Pk lea' V 1
"l.a a tt'j tpi'Vn In it," ..lid IKe.
Rrnkwrti wis Aoe. The most wonderful
result, are prortuee.l tiv the use of Mn, R. A. A'len'l
World s Hair Uestoter And viobAssmiim. or Hair Drea.
Ine. Thev never tall to restore. invlK Ta e, and heaalli'y
ttiellAT: youth renewed. No moye yrey hAlra. Tie hAlr
Is restored on oaid aiatti. It Imparta a moat dehanllul
nasranes. Yon ,-an procure tlem at any briujKist's.
FvnNiTi'iir, Ri.tes, or Loosa At the
present frlee nt tine KionMnre it ia sreat eoonmy to have
Hhp. ftr pine. lion. They are eul and made bv eon
Detent hand! At W. llrar? I'altan l, ll"S ChOluot
RFAiTiru si'iximens Photographs made at
N"n 1.74 Arrh "Ireet B F. tte'mer'. Ilfe-.tre Pho'oeAShs
tn oil t-oh,ra. fvoryryiies. sntl t'artsa tie Viaite.all ul'ao.ur
pasirdtils And fliush.
Dr. J 5. Rose's Alterative will cure Scrofula.
Pr -e (1. H ile Agent., iott A Co., No. AU N.Decoild
CriKi or Tn F.v.sisa Tal iic,ii', j
Thursday, October ti (
The rise in Reading Railroad stock after we
went to press ye'ler lay was very decided, and
iUit significant. It opened in the morning at
67. The New York bears nt the Fifth Avenue
Hoard, tlie night before, having sold It down to
.')0L It, wa very apparent, early Iii the day, that
large and numerous orders for the stock were in
the market, ami by 1 o'clock the shares wore
selling at 59. Ia the aflornoon, nnder Tree orders
and purchases tbo price rose to 00 j, at which
price tbe maikct closed. It is very manifest that
a party of more than ordinary capital and nerves
are engineering the new rise, and tho reactions
arc very pretty traps for tho bears. It Is supposed
that more stock was sold short of 07 than over
before, and tho shorts are putting themselvos Into
a position where tuoir losses must be very severe
and certain.
In fact, tlio whole stock list has been largely
oversold far future delivery, by parties who do
not own, nor ever did, a single hundred saaros
of any of them. These contracts must be tilled,
aud ft is easy for the veriest tyro to see th it
nothing bnt some enorroons shock to the Money
Mark't can save these parlies from frightful
lo.-st s or biuissMuatcy.'
We arc glial sco onr moneyed men coming
to the rescue In this crisis, to punish tho despe
rate men In New York who have bocn trying to
Inaugurate a panic; and every man who has a
stake in this eommtralty Is Interested In tho nttor
defeat of these daring and reckless gamblers. It
is fortunate that no such apprehension porvados
the public mind as was felt in 1857, or tho gigan
tic efforts made In New York to bring about a
crash would probably bavo been successful.
Millions of dollars' worth of railroad shares have
been borrowed and thrown upon the market
with tbe hope of producing a crash, but the bears
now find the stock In strong bands, and tbo cer
tificates scarcer than money. There is too
hopefnl a feeling In tho public heart Just now fur
these bold, bad men to succeed, and it Is for
tunate for the whole community that it is so.
The Block Market is the pulse ef tho fluanrlsl
world; nod if disaster overtake that, tho ronso
qnrnces are felt In every vein and artery of trade
aud commcrce,so that poor and rich are Interest?!
in the calm and steady throb of that mlgh'y
power. The Interests of nations hang poised upon
the business1 of the Stock Exchange from the
value of Government secnr'esto the sale of
loaf of bread, all interest are wedded to and
Interested with tbe ops and downs of the market,
A panic, a crash, and the whole peoplo feel the
shock ; aad hence the most sagacious Intellect of
the country watch the movemeuts on 'Change.that
ihoy may trim their own business sails wisely.
If any man think that "any fool ran understand
the Slock Market," let him put a few thousands
Into his pocket and go down Third street and try
It for a mouthor two : we will guarantee him that
he will come away a tn'trr man.
The movement to check the bear la not con
lined to Reading or the operators in that stock,
but tbe friends of the various New York roads,
Hudson, Erie, New York Central, and several of
tbe Western roads, haro formed powerful com
binations to defeat tbe clique who have been try
ing to break down prices. The result of this
was shown yesterday In a rise of $7 per share in
Kile, 8 In Hudson, and from 6 to 10 per cent, on
the whole list ; and In the absence of exciting army
news, the rush to buy ia somewhat amusing,
seeing that a few days ago the pnbllc could not
be tempted to touch stock at tho low figures.
Tbe purchases in New York of railway shares
wa enormous. Tbe Post of last evening says :
"Tho Btock Market closed strong. There is
an increased disposition among capitalists to buy
at tire current price dividend paying stocks,
which are regarded as bolng for the most part lax
below the present and prospective value of the
Gold bas advanced 5(Vi0 per cent, since last
evening, and there is uioro doinjr, opening at
19'Jji advanced and sold at 193J at 11 o'clock;
aud 196 at 12 ; fell oil and sold at 191) at 12&.
There is more activity to notice in stocks this
morning, and abetter feeling In the market gen
erally, owing, In a great measure, to tho advance
In gold. Government bonds are dull and rathor
lower, with sale of -20i at I00101i, coupons
off; Os of 1881 are quoted at lOlNW.
Ia Railroad shares there Is a flrm feeling, aud
prices are better. Heading railroad is excited,
wLh large sales to notice at 60,0611, which Is
n ndvance of 1 ; Pennsylvania rallro, told at
0ii(a6iti ; 15S wa bid for Camden and Amboy;
4,liforLittleSchnylkiIli88 for MIncUll ; 29 for
North Pennsylvania; 36J for Cawwbisa preferred,
17 lor common; SI for Philadelphia and Erie,
and iS for Long Island. ' "
There i less doing Iu Coal 0(1 shares, but
prices are steady." NcElhCuny sold at Ot -ud
Egbert at 2J.
City Passenger Railway stocks oontltme dull.
18 was bid futAxcb Elreeti 70 "M tsl, (9
Fecund and Third; 50 for Tenth and ElcYtith j 4
and 30 for Greon and Coete. , , ,, .
Cnnal shares have advanced, and there is snortf
doing. Schuylkill Negation preferred fold a
J iJ ; Morrl Csnal preferred at 1.13 ; aid 8usque-
banna Cnnal bonds at APft i 24 was bid for (scon?! 1
kill Navigation common 1 and V for Bosque-,
banna Canal, which I an advance
Bank shares are firmly held, but there U llt'.le)
or nothing doing In tha way of sale. L3 was) -bid
for North America; 67 for Commercial 29
for Mechanics' ; 44 forOlrard; 28 for Manafae
tnrers' and Mechanics'; 79 for Tradesmen's; and s
3fl for Consolidation. . -n
The demand for Money continues limited, and
there is very little doing; lean on call artoffercd
at (!( R per cent, per annum ; best paper is quoted
at floYU per cent., bnt there Is very IHtleofTorlng- '
The subscription to the new 7-30 and 10-11
loans, we are pleased to notice, continue large, '
ranging rroin bair a million to one million pet
day. These loans, with the proceeds of the Inter- v
nnl revenue, averaging three-quarter of a mil I lost '
per day, will enable tbe Secretary of the Treamry X
to pay tbe expense of th Government without i
any further inflation of the currency by the fesaa
of legal tenders, except six per cent, compound
interest notes, which are now Issued at the rate ot
a quatter ot a million ner day. .
A despatch from Washington, this morning,
says the subscription to the 7.'l0 loan for the lu.t '
two days, as reported to the Treasury Depart- a
merit, amounts to $1,137,000. , . . , -,
rnn.ADr.LrmA btock kxchajiok salc, oct. . 1
tenoned by Cfark.oa A Co., Bros are. Vs. 1M 8. Tatri at ,
BurOKit boa una
9X1 ah Bead. R.KdAIn tsi. 7i.blm riartlar.DS ..)
Mill do fin," fcsiali I'nion pet iNf
VKish do f'.'l AtWahMdJUatook.... Sla
ao ,yi.,.si, uu. .. . a 1 huim
t r.n n K s-zos nil
Sinn da 10' V
Ion ek Reading
zt.i ,n
110 it
na .11
410 ah
4"0 art
901 h
lot). It
1 ah
loo ab
l( d .....Ii0',
as.otsen. ISV. lets.
eiKAi Nn.. Can. a. I. . 4'isii
vmili rul'onCoAl.... 7S
sen h MeBlhtmny Oil. SSI
i 'jeo.h do b SAi
' seti h 8ch M. pf SA
. wi .a do atv.4
' 1', h Morn, rn pf ,.:a
ion ah Kubert OU....S '
1st ih I'enna KB tso,
I'ZA ak d' C,
I Mi ah de ustalX
do.. .btsAurt
I Quotations of tbe principal Coal And Coal Oil ...
tocks at 1 o'clock to-day r-
SH Hlt.l 11 . Mi At.
Fntton Coal 7
7'- Mneea oil 114
His Mountain Coat. Mi
N v A Mia. I'oaL.l.l
tnvanls Oil V
ItH Uewe'a E4orOU.. ,. , J
t Irvine Oil ' V
(Ireen Mt. Coal....
H t:artKUMtaia.,
a llenamore ,s . - ..J
I nairollOi. 8 .
1 MeKlhennyi (tf'Safiel
li Koherta Oil ., 1 ..
14 f Omrtead 1 '
71 K'HileA uelaimter.U'4 11)2 ,
' llilMiard I'i t 1
., atory rarm l-l 1
1 .Hruoer IW IV
a,t I I'elroHuoi Centre, fi -:il2
New Creea v
Coder Ham Coal.
Hutler Coal 10
Matiiclul I mil 10X
Aincrlesn Kaolin.. ..
IVn 11 Mining.. .hoi) IS
(lotiiieellcut ....... V
Key.ttaie Jtfno..,. S
KirelslorOII 1
Ills Tank f
Oil Creek 4
... - . , t
T nsiMoee 1. lead ,
iit APenheuy Klver., ..
8 I'nnin ;i(
4 rsua oil Creek. . l.w
17 lloll Oees 4
S.1. 41erta.nlA...M '
3 Corn ClAoler......
4 nniraa jij
a , Kck on 4
lsi Tarr rarm .4
1 tlobe IX
'X Upper Keuotay
HlntHe (HI. .IS
t Clmtiiek Ull
Peniinvlvanla Pet.
Perry Oil
Mineral Oil
Keystone Oil
Venaaso Oil
I'nion Petroleum.
4 " 'i
iv t
W SX Upper Keouotay 1
QuoUtlonsof Oold at the Philadelphia Golt a
Exchange, No. 34 8. Third street, second story :
91 A. M 1021 12 M 19T,1
11 A. M 19-4 1 P. M 184
Market strong. , ... .
, Db IIavln ft Duo., No. 20 S. Third street,
quote as follows :
American Gold 104
American Silver, k't and l's 12
Dime and Half Dime 177 .. ''
Spanish Quarter 175 ,
I'etin. Cnrrcncy..... dis. 1-4 dis.
New York Exchange 1-10 " par.
The New York TYme this morning say:
"The market for Money holds steady on loan
repayable on demand, with approved stock col
lateral, at 7 per cent, fne brokers have not been
large lairiowers for sonow, ek past, owing to
tbe prevailing temper of Ike Stock Exchange to
sell slocks thort. In place of buying and hypothe
cating them for a rise. To-day we n Hioe sign
of reversing the speculation. On mercantile
pnper tbe rates for money continue unsettled,
and quite dear, but most of tbe sound firm in
tbe dry goods nnd general mer hindisa trade
refrain from putting out their signatures as much
as possible, because of tbe prevailing distrust,
and we bear of 00 preference of paper in any
direction. There is also toss said to day about
further apprehended failure among the mer
chants." s I ,
,Yes'erday's business at the office of the A
s'ltant Treasurer of the United fitntes New York,
was as follows: Renrlnts. 1 1.043,917-63, iu
eluding for Customs, JM-M 000; 00 account Loan,
7:1,000: pay menu, 2,394,196 08; balance, 31,'
102,001 37.
Tbe week's export of domestic produce anrl
miscellaneous goods amoun'ed to the value of
JJ3 022,350, against 1,4 13,060 same week of last
Tiit'ttsDAT, Octobers. In the absence of slc,
we quote Quercitron Bark at 15 ffr ton.
Cotton is excessively dull, and Is nominjl at
l'2tif51'25formiddllngs. 1
Flour come forward slowly, and there 1 lilt
or no demand. The Inquiry for shipment ban "
ceased, and there is but little regularity ia p. tea. , 1 4
Tbe borne consumer purchase barely enough to ,1 i
supply their most necessary wants. Th sate u.;j
have been confined to 500 barrols Delaware ml,l , ,
rmrann private u rttis , sou b'iiud etna 1 tuts at
.Vi('il-76 fbr snperllne; IO(o3 0 '25 tor eat era; 1
aial tr lO'374" 11'26 lor fancy brands, a ioiiaaliiy..
hi e Kiour and Cora Meal con lnuos quiet. ,
The market for wheat basnitaln been exce'
ively dull, and prices are aaln entirely noml-
n al. The high rates demanded by holders, and ,.
their firmness, has had the eff tt to limit trans
actions. Holders demand 2 lOH ! S for stop I
red, but without (ales. After the close of oar d 1
report yesterdav, a sale of h to was reported at r
$-2-40. Rye sells slowly at $17 ). There is very 1
Utile doing in Corn; 1 Ah) bushels anixej '
V estim sold at (tl 65; yellow sells in a sin ill
way nt Vl-liH. Ua-s have adv meed ; io.hj reisbfi ,
Dulawtir sold at 91c. Nothing doing in Barley
or Malt,
There has boon very little movement in sny
description of Provisions, as the receipts aud
siox'ks are too small to admit at any extwi'c
traiiMiciiniis, mid tbe season is about over. Prie s)
are relatively higher than ino-t other articles of
food, and It is hardly probable that ihor will r't
much lowi r in any event, until aomethiug mo
at finite Is known with regard to the mugiiitude of
tbe Incoming crop. Small sales of Mess Pork at.
(f'l3(n44 (J'1 bbl., and prime, which i scire,
$M8( 39. lie s Beef is selling in a small ",
for ship stores, at 2I30, cash. No chuuge a.
Drl d Beef.
Whisky i quiet and prices nominal al $ i Ti
CLEARED this morwiho.
Ship I'ncleJise, Tackor, Pen.aooia, Curtlt A knlht. '
hcl.r J. X Hou.ton. L 1'Olti' oil, Tamp bay, U. A. Adams
It.... SOsf
ao in t'i'A
usii 1
do ."Z .
do en'2 '
do. ...... .10 tw'2 1
do f,02 '
do....... aie w4 1
do .10 IV
da ,1 )
dt , Sls
So olosl'i- 7
do aSSisC 1
l'i '
1 4
HulirJ.auuui. aeogiey, itasoiuiftsia, uo . 1 -
Vhr Hope, Hbannon. do. uo.
Bctr I. Aor.e, Hradiord. KHierary Points. Twella A c. ; 'I
Bout U.a. Slnar, May, Hilton Ueii,J.U.AU..iici'Jr. (i,f
Brlii J. Mewua, WeOa.S days iron Mockland, with les to
captain. . . ,''; t
Iirts Vlneennaa, Foaknlon, I days fro Fswtioryport.lB
ballA.t to llAu.ib A 8ou.. 'J
ttobr8.. t?Hh,8tudHy,lld7i from Boston, In bal-, .
lall lo eaiitaln. , . . - 'i
Hchr Hope, tlluuinoB, from Belthswrs, In bailaet to J. F. , , . . a
J'ai'"e. 0. Rnisht, Taylor, days from PrayldeaD, in , ",,,(
balla.t to eapUia. . ,. ,
hc hr (thai lea Carroll, if ahAffiiy , days from MUdlatowo, ,M ft
Vy!i"Vl!auuoudyait(ias, aays froaa Boaton, wl;lt : i t -I
a'hru','rlilirard, Weeks, I days from BotM,' ia '" ''!
b!rra'.'H.Bra,Rotla.,rdajarh)m Boston, la bal- 1,1
'"sehr Liter.' lierrsw, 1 day from Brandywtns.DeL, with
tlourtok.k.lA. 1 ; . . l
a,hrC"re aoeoce, 1 day Doia Brandywlne, Dal., wltn
flour leit.M. La. . , . u. , .. , . 0. . 1
CorretfemdenettftlitPhilmitpMti BrehtMCH. I' it. - .0 JiJ
L.wss.llel., October 4. If. Id. Rleamort Nev. from ,tv.,I
Vow York for Havana, with ntacktnery dl.abled ! Sasiu.
Ootu New York lor New Orleans i Vlripiila. erona fhUalrl-.l f
phla fisr Waaiilastoat Hew York, from VSirtreu alot,r,i
Valrb!ik, from He Yorlt njc Wa.hl1url.1a1 baisiue fctbav fl...f
White, ftout raltadelphla lor Cape Hayrleu; bns'. r.'"sr t. .
(of New Yockl. do. tor feueaooie; Viuoennea. ftota '-'
ewryport flkrPfillaeHhla; achra Brave, from lrr "'
tot ltoauiorti r. itiru, , rhildei'i nst rr.vk.i. e
kl. liver, Ceie.,CI,ailolie uk, Willow ltarp. ft ui
Buiitk ana Joua JtuAdata, art at Uis brtaAw.ivi : ,
''J !, ld OS-l.W
Rlils t. Water, tpraue, A. lose. artifS rsv V
Titsu) y Ut. k4..
O. J
' iO
' 1
'' !
1- J
' I