TITE DAILY EVENING TELEG RArn. PHILADELPHIA , WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 18G4. UNITED STATE3 rOSTAL AFFAIRS. THE MONEY-ORDER SYSTEM. Operations to Begin This Month. LIST,OF MONEY OFFICES. liOW TO SEND ORDERS. Operation nmlfir the .Kintal monrjr ordcr law will tx'gln in shout two weeks prubatilj on Mon slay. the 16 b In.iunt. The authorities at Washington endr-avorcd to have Ihe preparations coiiiplitail In timo lor brginniiir? lo-day; but a MiitUicnt number of blanks are not yi't prlntcil, and some oilier immg'Bif nt rpimtiu to lie ps-rl'.-cu-d. Tlie inier vrali g time will, no doubt, be occupied to good atrount. The postal uioiicy-rmlcr bureau In Washlnff tun, Boiler lbe bur ire of llr. J. K. Mm-Jonaul, will be the controlling olllrt ; bat New Vurk will be the rul centra of tho system, not only oa account of the Inrjte general business done, but a ihe peat dnponifory of the country. The New York olnVe will do the bunking busl neu of all the other ollli es; the money taken for aiders everywhere will be acnt there, and pon BMiMcra elsewhere will drw on the New York postmaster for the funds they may need. Ortiita tn other cttlea are divided into classes; (mall office depositing with tbe large ones, and the latter accounting with tho New York ofll -o. Mr. Jolia W. Norton i in charge of tlio money, ordir department here. He tins lone; bw n coa ert'dwltb mercantile and banking bnnine.i in Uiii city, and more recently has been the be id of the Dead letter Department in Ihe Post Oilice acquiring experience which will be of great value to him in his new position. On hundred and forty-acrcn Tost O.llcci In .arums parts of the country have been designated at "tnoney-order olllces." It was thought best to include only inch as were ot most importance, and whose oilicers were qualified to perform the w dunes now dun Ived on them. The defects of the system will be more easily obviated, and hnproicmems made. The number of oitlces will Ukb be increased according to ciroumsunueti. lh following is a list of the oilkes already attigaated ; MONET -ORDF.U OFFICES. Stale, i Of'. New i ork Milwaukee... New York Moutpeller.... Virginia Muscatine.... .(, Albany Assam As. anuria . Alio. Aaaauons... Aa'iurn Aneusta .... Balumai toot'. .Wisconsin ...Vermont V4 ........ .Illluois rsashua....New tliinitlsritre ...... .Maryland Masbville Tennessee New lork Newark Sew Jersey , Maine New Bedford Mass Maryland Newhern N. Carolina Maine Mewburn New York Bangor HtK.il ......... Hbsanaanon,., ..Wise nsln Nowc-istio....Fnustlvaula .few fork New Haven. ...Connecticut BlooiniualuB Illinois New London. COilrtltt Hilan If aw erhlls.tts New I Irleans. , ....Louisiana .Hho'tn lNnJ prteirport......Cunnectt at Newport.. Kr ofcijo... w York N-w York New York Bonn o , KotlaWtoa,,. Faring ton,., tr ChutanooKft. f ntci.o Cftl llrOO .. ClIKiDDatl... CW Tatand.,.! Coti Bibut... CieoTd Couibf rlKTid. port.. Day-ton Ie-aiitua.. Drtrtit DutHiqua..,! Kuiod , Xd.miurt,.., titia....... .New York lirtlk Virginia ,.. Vermont Norwich Ne York luwa Ok'l'nfMirv N'w York ....Illinois Old Folut Comiort Va. .Ti-niii'ii'-ee Okwcko .....New Yjrk .... I MmiU Ottawa (lit not a Ohio Peoria Whin a Ohio Philtd'l(iltla, . 'triiniiyi a iU , Ohio Vliuhur f- iiiivlvaula C hi I'll, JVM MMHiachu'i'tta , Bit I'lnttnhiirj New York M.I. I'l.rti.uu). Ma. Iowa fort K.VHl...K)iitU(Jaro(ina Otiio I'urtMitouth N. II Iowa PortHHimiih 0,So ..MK'tl. Pntlivtllu fa. Iowa runhkHpNle.. N.Y. .i'enniylvauia l'rtiVKiuiiG K. I . Main." Juoit:r IU. ..a...Ui(Kia ha-in Wi. New York hvaflniB PeunrtylvaJiiaiKtd Vim Min. Indiana Ki c h'Htr New York Itinira,.-,.. w ltan vnle , Kan Hrnr..a Volt WaM. nTrriek.... Fiwp'n..,.,, Oiler.....,.. mhsh. i Kooktonl I IHnuia ...Jndlaoa Kock UlanU.. ...... Illinois .Maryland Kuiiand Vnrmnnt ... Jiiinoli .t. Jnsteub. ........ .Missouri ... .litiuula Ht Luuta Ilmnourl ..AllclilnaU St. I'jaiil Mi)ilif -It. Omuu Kupl U.... ii art if Diug, fiardurd.., liatvaditlc. hudMO.... .Feiins.vivAina halnm Maisachu-ettii ,.. onoeeitcul Naiidutkr ohto .r-nn-vivaDia HaraiMK Spring. W.-w York .....ttow York Hurautfo Peuna Ivania Intl aaapoUt muiana ftruvtran mronmn l'-tiroaCi(V......Miiiiwinil HDitiiiriltil...iUaiiAitiiiajMtfB !rt7 til? Kew Jrrimy 8irlnn Jd luikci toiisiown....IeoDi7'vania Hrcu ...Mew Wk Kalamawo MirhUtm T- r llauiu IndiKiia karri. .....Hew iiampiihirei Tolvdo Oni Keosnk. Jowa Tieiiton New Jorsoy La Cruet H'iscuiisia Tny..... Uuw York. Lafsyeilo... lndiaita,Uis)AOj Onto tans ay MirliiKau j (Hiua huw York Lel-town....Peni.r.)laia:Vickl.uri( MiratHippi leilnvton. Kentucky' Vine tiuua iutiiu.ia Un Ohio! Wanbliutuu D.C. Lfkjmrt New York t Wutrrtown New York fvaisvOk Kentucky W i, fell uir st VlrKtnU IU Maia:huiBt n' WUIlainNport l'a. Ljan MaHarbiiit'its WiliDhiKlou Ittaware oii)n Indiana ! Wuiona M.nnexou. atatils a.... i Wlkconitln, Woonter.,.,. Onto anrhrter..M. lUufuhlr Worcenw. ..Massaohuftia OhloiXeitla Ohio HaadviUe Paiianvrrania !KauvlUe Ohio Aleaitiida TanniiSM ) HOW MOMBY-ORDKKa MAT BE OBTAINED. Orders are to be given at each of those olHcet pon any or all other otiices, for Bums of one to thirty dollan. The copies of the blanks to be rtd (printed below), with tome notes and In Btruci.i.ni which accompany them, convey a fair idea of the proof bbcs for obtaining orders and procuring payment. Tbe following la a copy of the APPLICATION Poa MONKY OIlOKtt. (To be ruWrt op by the aptUcaut.) ..mount, t 0.., Xate , ltJ . Motley t)rtler inlrad fbr tha auin of rajabta at , State of FTaWi u KaaMLit a SiaUof. bi I m M ii!b at , 8 lata f Jbiiered in Jtejftsiar ; PiMiinsaVrar ' ITote. The applicant must, la all canen, KlwuiMown crratian oarao Inrull; and wncn tha unrlntian uatntor vie fa la know u. It itiouhl la o stated; oia)rwlfie In. tl tils may be u-rd. Ifce clinatuit uatues of inrriJ wumtaoiukt LettlTi n, aud uc Uiuae of tneir bunoaiKls. rureDiple. Mis. Mury llrowa lutut nt b iusurlbed ii Itra Wtii tarn Brown. Jfames .t pa. Us and viae, and the inmi, to be written Aktriertt ir u-vi-mi ilar of th Sknit na In 4tn United R tales, rniitlrn munt ba curarul to Indlcatf wiick Cl tiMHllmi nein: and the bostmustvr wl'l Kat-sfv him- af. t'oia writ'DH out Ue ordr, that Ui place indicate i m mm wis imeauea. On the back of the application are the rate of ccmmlbiioD, as Joliowt. &ATBH OP COMMIBMION. Charfd for monry rdrs. On ortlt-ri not exctwiiiiiK $10...... 1o f;ns Ovtr $10aiid nut fcrerdma iu Ifemts, )rerjiaua uit to ato joctMitn Mo aina-le ordtT Issued for 1hs than one d diar or more inn tmrt a iiiaii; ai d no tructioii ot cmtts to ! inlro oi-fju in au oruer. pio oruurs tv ut turned ou credit. Order! are In this form : CUVI OF ORDHIl. No l-u. 1 . I'bl .UrJtla. ; Hiamp il Is tlola. L'l. .... ..... ... ... . Pay tu it, person nauiea In inv lafler of ailvla of tills .. uie niuu of .......... guli.ii ujiU .... cnu. J jitmaitr. Ollle.. To tli Foiluaiitar at Th. party to whom trill mt.r fi mail' ) payable uni'-t liKri Ikti- tin or jj.-r cliri.ilan I Htii-Piv.i th. iiauue, .xct-pt In lha rme nf tiriu, ahorc falov.. Ute oiual iiwnature 111 111IH4. ) This order la pHyal.lo only ty tlio pOMtmavtor 111 tin oftH-. upon wJiUh It I. Urawu. I'ayniuiit ot IN. ord.T .Ik uhl b. obtutni'il befoie tlio CAjuratluu ol iilneiv dais ftofla Hi. d.le of in.u.. Arloroiice jia Hit,' . inuiieyordur, hy whoujuver protteniud. Ui. fo. Tonic. I 'purtin:itt -tvlll not hv llaMft to auy flirtticr clainm. IMhli liirm tin clipped or uiuillated, th ro luiy ba dlllloullv In outanilug aynient tlieruou. On the back of the order will Ic found the fol lowing TWRTKrCTIONS. Tlie rewlpis on tl.e other side ruat b uhiioJ la tin aunnntT Un-ru described. Wlio.er pr.sfiits iht orrler ftir payment Diut lvc xuct Uidirmailon ai to th. lull num. ,j adilr. ih of flic .arly who onjiiually ohtamed It, unless suoli parly I.D a Him, when the uauie of llio tirui, loncUicr witii us andiois. siill tonic When ih. aaye. ot an order desires the sam. to he pa'd to any other pl'i.a1 lie uiu.t fill up and s , n the annexed foriii 1 f eiKiorseioi'iit, and ftimli.li suUi s.-iona paity with Sit. liifia'in.ipfu roijulred to obtain pAyiueutul the or.l.T, so. u.oa rsuuvlna payiosut, must .ii l.ls aaoie upon Utifaauftijeordir. r.y to -the auwnitt oftlio wltiiin H A i .1. ,1'ave.-. n"i 'nsa an. midorsemfnt Is piohibited bi law. Ti,.il."ua.' '""suraui invabdand liolpayablu. sru ;u ihlb""l0.';",re ""'il'J luawnire payment of Ihe to emurc it. "''"'? po.wim.ieis v--rr respect, so lar as a due A'lrwwi Vol"""u dl pcliuit. aeiiUdjh. 1.,,. ' inoney-ord. r. by whousnevar lira- tutl.tr e ,11B oIJ"" uepaitaierit will not be Habit-to any Caiitionnd. pU'.Uu are tharofore alricily let. To tat au racan. Order. a"'n Pfvant the loi gf ft mouey- 2d. NevpptondtheordWrtr. .v. rrotly Hi. onn.tiau mul. "i "(""'r ordr. I. nate Hie oim in wlmss t., n ia'J;Ji'4' sa ttie uraamo. ol 4ifl. To,.. Ihat lha naj, " S.S 'wn- .1. ins out itav iuou.ji ordnr ara t.7iu''n' "e psrion it- paiiHiu In wlwsc fanr it u ilraw'' l'ts kuuwu to 'e.iU''t ot tna Iruiruoti.Hi. win '.,k , (...aieiit, ""'"' a isuiajiua, f 1..K-1 no clri-umslaiics can paraisat l aa ord.. v. . FOURTH EDITION VEKY I.ATKST NKVS. J Gere rhh Sheriilan and Bat.er. TK FIR FORCES FORM I Jl!lT!0( SECE8H COLD RUMORS. 6pfr.nl Pcspateliw to ..vfiilritf IVI'Kr.ph. AVAMinNOTOir, ().toer 6, MirrfUiin form n Jiim-tliin wills ll.tflor. It was rumored . City Tolut ynterday raorn lt!( t..t fths-rldan favulry formal im Hon with I.ntlrrs t'mvmtry. I b Istifrti 4'fnrl. The Tilted Onp Vanal h rapidljr approarbinn; roDiptv.hm. K 9ty roniUf n re v a In inng oar troop, iiurofl" It rrrtAlB. Krllrvrd from In(. Miij'r O. I). Greene h is been relieved from dntv hiffif HtutT to (itinral Rocfiini. Colonol Jotin V. li t tot iQcrfli him. AppoInlni4nf. LiraUnniit-CutoncI K. W. SmHb. A. A. (i.,hw been aonitutin-a hj lrnrl Hinlcr Asiltant AtliuUnt- (vurriil of the I)tptrimnt Vlrviiilitand Kuriii ('ar li n. lM'trnntid lor rif iMit. Fubfltltatrn are in great clem ind here. 8inco th draft the price fr tuitltdtri have run up tj rthl Mid nine hundrrd dojUrj, and lUy ara irarc at that. ftllilr In IallMni. Advices from ludiann upoak of a charge la pnbhe rrrlhig, at.d count the Htate atird for LIncolu. Vy of CtHikn. Bt order of the Srcret iry of War, the pay and l'"wrrf of whtt frmnlr cook In tfrnrml tiip '!- w't ...ii hv i t tt ui" pr Ay an our rutiuu. . fteceritaloiB Jolrt Kiimora. Tn tho abt-enco of oillclnl di-spatchoN, tlio usual rumors liar bten xtiirttd by gold P'-ralAfora and their silks the sercxh. It Is snfllcffiit to snv that the boat from City Point arriving tbts momffift brought no un favorable intelliKCiiie, andt ths ttorita alluded to ae got up solely to Intlci'nc1 the market. The only other method of roramtinl- at Ion Is the tt'lt-tfraph. No person ronne tod with tho Government knows t belle vet anything of 111 -fort nne, nnd aiiy ane jreisun would wholly discredit, sutU a ouihlnu- tloaof dlBiottcrs. On the 3d InsUut certified transcripts of lists of laud amounting to HWMTM acres, enurlrg to the Atate of Minnesota, nnihar the frrant of Jd of March, 1RA7 to aid In the construct!' n of the Routhern Mlnn,ota. tbo Minneapolis, and Cedar Valley, and Uifl Wlons, St. le(cr, and Mtf-soml Klter Hailmss, were transmitted br the Gcucral Land oflits tQ H.e Governor of that Bute. Nnllounl Hniikn Tho following 'a:iunal Bunks have been cstablhhcd: The Flnf of ProTldence. Pa., capital, ftM,tun; hue Ieao, J're-iOent ; Warren J. Clarke, Catbier. Tie fckhth of Thdalvlphla; Jacob Kayl.T. Presi dent; Robert X. Wimnm, Cashier ; capital, $j;& Cm0. The Mrit of Mlddlttown, Nvw York ; William Evans, Jr., Presi dent ; I). UorralnCsfMer; capital, f Ifan.OOO. The Cuntl. cent a 1 of Boston ; Olivir Idt.-on, Prttihttnt; tlatacs Swan Cashier; capital, $-Oo,0u0 ' Hie Inrnaxe or the Pnhllc Oobt. An elaborutc scries of invc!tiliou8 into the Inert-use of public debt during the war ban just been com peted by Dr F!iler, of Ihe Treasury Icpartmcnt. The leiults show tiiaC the mean Increase of the public debt durliiR thlrtj-nlut monlhs, since July, la, a ticur as may he, a million and a half of dollars per diem duriiiK the last two months of this period. The taeaa ir. erase was one mi'lios three haudrvd thou sand dollars. Buh, extent to that H stands a mean of one million nine hundred thousand dollar, excep tional days showed a maximum of three mlilloua, and a minimum of one million dollars ; but tho mean for tbe time has been as above aiated-one million five hundred tl ouiand per day. This statement entirely disposes of the howl constantly made by Copperheads, upon the vast Increaseor the public debt. TW-lr document, Journals, and banners rlnt constant cliav-ftes on that subject, stating , U attfce Increase of tbe public lebt to have averaged at h?at three minion dollars per day since the commence ment of the Rebellion. Recruits lor tbe Itlockadora. Bcbton, October 5. The United States steamer f entifcticvt arrived to-day from the Bouth.-rn JUot kading (Squadron, having delivered i(M) men io u uit rem vcibois on the coast. Bhe Btopped at Hampton ltouds to mail donpatrhca Irom Aduii rul r.irmgut. iShe briugs no ncs. Slarkvla Uy olt-(rilh. Nbw YoHK.Octoht'rfi. Stocki arn lovor. Ohl. chpo ar.d Kori I.Janil.H7S: I'uinlM'nand (Iol. 41 ; ijt null O.riiral, III i IIIIikiIs ( enlr.il llonils. 1 It; ( Mi.-lilc in . iliti'in,i7i New Yfiik IVntril. HO: Keailmn llii; II11I sfii Klw. Km', ; ( nnt. 111 Co., ::,i ; Mi"un lii.tin: Kr.c. Tr.aiurjr 7 a Id-, lIHS : 10- Hi., ; r 41 Con mum, IS : Cn.ni.D li. IU1. : Dlllo Ki viii.ri d. 11..KI I. Iiunled at lh!'4. u a lti moiik. Ortober .5. F our In nnc lve. Whi nt dull; !. ., 01 iMai liun'i. at tl ili for m iv Kt'iilurkv- Mij st'd t ; Kl f r olil. Corn hoavv. al $1 H.Vn.1 Hil inr H'mi Wh iky is drooling; ni at !:. tlroc.ik'H ant nouiinal. At a merino of the Philadelphia Gold Ex change, yesterday, held at their -new room. No. o7 South Third ttteet, second story, the following mct m were elected : O. F. Work, 1'rei.itlent ; J. 1.. lloyd, Vlce-Fresidcnt; F. Btccl.Tieanurer and "'""'J si. JUU, vlCIK. DErARTi-RB op thb C0MH0D0HK. Corrtmo- dore Ktrililing left this port to-day at 1 F. M., in me cniuu tslatct steamer Xqitttne, for Key West, Florida. Upon his nrrival there he will assume command as Acting Hear Admiral of the East Onlf Squadron. As the Xeptunt steamed down the river, Admirul (itribling wan saluted with flf tecn guns lioui the teeeivit,,; Bnip Princeton, and hearty rheering ftom the crew of thiit vesul Adniiral Htrlhling, by bia courteous and kind S"n-n?-,l!'i.i"IiM hy kU cK'Plormance of duiy while In command ot the Navy Yard here, bat won the respect ami t,.nr,, t t .... VWk:rl ? nI,r ll" con"'nfi, aud carries with blin ir.lr Itest wishcH for hU future B9-m., Vn.l LKUAI. IMIIJIUENtX T:nitki Ktatuh Cihcuit Cocrt Jutlg.-s Orier and l.'udwslid.r. -n.iiair a- .... . tlosiuoinil.g. -'enup COI RT or OvilR AST) TwiMIXER AND QllARTRR ruisHs-ir.u.i.oai fcharl.s Hutnl.aiii;h.eS,iriied Willi I f u,,,r.ler of John tlntv,,, the la. t. developed upon II., irllll o( Whir I V.BIII r.-i,.,r,a.l i !. 1 .1 '. r tlie ltlry .ftetp,, MIUU , wllll , verJlot of not ..''.! '.'i"'."' R"'"l Woo.Mde, rharitf .1 with e mnrriar i l , " " Wh of May la.t.bv .tab- bint-bun. .in. knile, was lb. 11 .-all.-d up tor trial. T iii i 1 11.1 1 , eanan.ieu whm but four ' - " " a ciai ven 1. w.a issu.it 1 hi fdft,, ... h,r 1 lla.y were iilven In evblone., leeni'd rr , i . 7. .. . r . . ti . . i"ru an i.etna . warrant ' " "or an uu.-.i u a.. unit and hat- leiy.aidan a.t,ni.l 10 cut bin II111011.1 n...... .1... rr.int ijateii In lb. hands ol Uiu.lao:. hhUl.r.of tl e t Int aid. to e'ecute. He lund U 00,1,111-i , u en in-rot r.iiilnh and Enen HreilKi ll.lorinfd bun ufbis biiMinaa and the na-areof 1 ii. 1 i.ariji. uvniioiu lueierred. Hint n-ail t hllll. Woodllile ll,.ciin-d, att-oidinK to tbe eirlil.ne.or' o ue nmiKi (. Htont-. out ne llniilly rutliaed pofimrl.t In tin 10 tihM.-rllo-li look lioldot l,l,u Sueiilo.'i-u obfdlrl.ee lo ll e pioeesn ; Kc od.lf a resUleil, and a seilMlu en.uril. iinu ihe pal Ilea Idl on au sd:a, cm cellar do.ir, tne W..,il..ile, while linn dow n, drew a knife, and baforf r.,,-. e, -uiii nomiut tui niui in th. at 111. 1111. 1 a .oon fie bund. Unoil.lde in the n eiintiiue ri mini-d Ills feet, and 00.1 iiivioei:., 1 eiineivuie me ai-e-aed apiiroaeaed l a.imK ul.uiKlh. stru t, lieu Wood.i.le .lie, k l,iu, up.iu Hie bead lih lim kullt , the Innuuiueut Mui-uallui th. skull to the brain J lie w 011 it-1 tl us Innicted proved fatal on lha Bin of .Time lulloKlnii. Ho fin in. Ihe . ild. m e Iniii been yet de Vel., peil, there Is m.thliiK to show Unit Frenden file wss anithinit luoie than au lunoeeut puHHenuer alotui th. hiie.-t. w 1,1 11 l.e Ihiis taiuu to an untimely deaUi. The in-ii in miii on mat. Mttrict Aiioiiu y Mann for Ui. Couimouwei'th, l.sl CM t LlTrST JUAKIVE I.TL'LLISE.('E, clkarki) rum mok.vinh. rtsr.iir ronlillii, Kulii.fts, IW.t.in, J. w. WisrT. Unlit J . May. t'tii-hon, houlliHi-.t I'ais. 11. A. Ailants. hdlr J A. Woo.il on-, t.ldv. Wai.-lism. K.A HomlrrA-rTo bi lir K. t;. Jionuril, Mckursou.r.rt iloyal. linker itoUuui O II K 11 M A N OIL COMPANY. J Oil ll Ao.fWt WALNIi Bilii.i.'l', Kotiiu No. y i. r.U-ilAL, 1.0oO.li0. irllW) SlUhK.-s. tjo pR VM.rE. 1 Ins Coniuanji ou, III fi-e ilaiolo, tut- Hi - lianlaou arm. rcinniiilix our IniniU til anil lluny-nino It9 acrt-s on Oil t'n-.k; .!. olm tuilj-lir.,lof aU tho oil pniJu, a on llio i mi-, i. ac i ii u,i nu,ry r arm ; oiio ll.liu of all lli oil pro dmril on tli. .tlU.-tj.li) tr.u t. Wil.l i:at lloUnts ; and lie lalltl Iflli'lfst 111 ll.i- hiMiljiAlui. Wtlli and 1.4SU OU Uit tiior.i- YaAbiu!ai alrCJiulook Faroi. 'Hie incoinc ol Hit- t'oinjiauy is now about two tinadred $M) dullaih i.sr day, svl-icU wlJI ay a good dividend ou ihu subscrijiiiuu intu, Willi a suio irosioct of a larao iiirrt-anb. Hniisi ripHou boot. i arc uowcpsn at the Office of UiS Com paw jr. H. C. CORVTKr.r). , 10 8-t Ht-ciaiarjr. o lis STOCKS UUUOIir AVD SOLD tJJ t-xal Ml.tnlOKT, By UMJKUr; J. Bnm. Broker, Ro.l8.Tint.ueuv(. t awn.!.) JUW. T. i. ItHUWN'H GREAT METAmrSIOAL EI3C0VEaT FOft DKAKNK HH, NOISES IN TIIK HEAD, niSCHARGKS FROM THE BAH. . "VI-'ITIJ 1 I ll I I y( iiucuniiiit, . Ti It i. nu a Titi f ASTHMA, BCUOIUI.A, IIKONCIIIAL AFFECTIONS, THROAT DIFFKCUI.TIKS, Msraseil Kve, I.o. of llalr, l)ypp.a, Ktiln'in'ment of thf Lh .r, lil.a.n of tbe Kidneys, Con. llpallon, I travel, I'lle.. In.atilly, Klt, Paralysis, Hash of Blood lo tho Il.-ml, C O N H U M t'TlON, WHh all and tvrry dlsrair which Infests the hurintii body, cured f flfctuaily by MHH. Al. . IIHOWiN'H MITAPHYSIOAL DISCOVERT. I'lllOK omcr.HHH, no arch mret, rhiia.i..i.hia, No. in MONH Nirffl, Vew York, and at 0.IH l'OIIIKIITON Hiiiare. Ilotl.m. No iKirlnc wlfh InRtriimt-nts. No MowiiiK'lii ir.e ears. No iiiulllin: up the nostrils or iatroiln- t'lK wfr?s. No pi.urii'if ntedip-noa down the II rout. I In MKT Pln MCAI. HCI'ilVKIIV will reai-h every pot that drccs and Instriiuit-nts willn-n-li, and tliou Sunds tl place beside. Trntb l lulc .1 and must prevail; error Is Itupres: nsted wttldeHttiOL'Dsfiiiinilyniusi sootier or Inter sink Into oti.li ion. In nil the unlver. (t-ere I. nothing so enuitetely swsl. tawed up In eiror a. the fai ls, for es, mul mollies c..n n ened Willi th. physical and mental conslltutluii ol tho race. This sad sla'. of thlnfs , the result of Wtnoran". and Miadms. on the part ol thote who pr.f-ssto administer health mid lift- to t'ie people, wnne In litoi, tho maiO'lty iKIiore l.od ftom Ihe s sleui alto.ether. All riiyslcs Mud tlielrr.Msli-iiie In uittiiphyslca, and cun never bo under stood npatt fn in the .aine. 'I hi re nre men w ho m.ke a business of tee stinir "i-r.-t-lt i.iHt.Af.e. 'Itiey prepar. Instrumentii.too Oiirbarnus to thli.k of, with which lo i-speriunnt on poor sillv v,--tlnii, who have streiinth, neither physically nor mentally, to uuderco such tlrnttt tlnihnti e rirriiienz, Jle who cre iti d 'lie human bt-dv alwuys spenks of It as a mighty whuU..,urjd the man must be. knar, or fool who would attempt lo divide ihe system Ir to set lions, and treat uny dlrras.spreibeallv. Inil, nndcnt of th. pans or mi.htv who!, to which thevbelotnt. All llli h nrari i. Ion . ers treat nn.rr, but know notbingorthe cai-sk wnst- ver. Thu the wr.rn! Is Bothnia li MR thfin A t'Htr ri.iaiilTal " he nlarmini nnillrl..n nfiho .,... ..! l .. " s-ii puts 'raii v .niui" c.aijy tn.-voi.iiir. wlionreold with Jihruia ..i.,r..ii..".tt.rwif. jo ona Into lire, together with ourd exp Tienoe iu Unvlum umit lifrtnvoa cl dear .rlvnon, w ha have , a into untiDifly firitvci by twinirriHTHtPd on. llicHectrciirusiaiiccs, lih mnv othorn which miirht ha niciiiloticd. rc ud lrre.-iitil.ie ntimuluB t- tiv pilo o dfnmnU ofcv.rr win h ha the tfe and hoitith. .rthm Blei and their loved om-f in tin hand.. and Ih contniua'W aiimiiilMurifiK meij-in'f whfrh the patl' Mt ig n jt altowe I tt know th' iiflmeor iiAtnrooi, av under ihi'-iecirc'inuiaii the reo le have a ilwht tn di-mandor evrv iif It plivlcinn to I'undMh ilu'in with a rdait ol til chara-mr, that th r nmy know hi (jualifli ntl,nis, .Vc.Ae. ; iiidced t vrrv pliyiti ciu tliou'd t-e iroii.pclio.l ttt hav It Iiuhk ui in his ohw-o tit all hur. It la only thioiofh tlil channel that thu ruMU' an imvu un suicty r j.'i,ariinipe what most d'ur to h hie and health; otlKTwino hi mv ho In tho Lands of a inn ii uivrv .uaiMtd tor a blackwith Uiau a Id yih lan. In ti m way (nhf rent o, nail flcat Ion , which art hulhpen abi(j in a phyl mn. are amo to he detocvd and exhibited. AV,e iliU uiiim imiI ) ai,ne,tli'iaiid would lfav- thpro-lefiuinwlik-h tiritun never iiuaililed them lor. If naturo 'jualtTH'H not th'Te c .in he no utihalde Mti'tltrlratlon, an. in orotr to d- te:t ihe llrnt came ot diMCiiio. It in re julsiti! anl lntieii.ahiy lueertjry to Inherit t'aiimliy. M'tuhv Ual Powt-r and CoiiMtruetlt ine8 mint also ha inherited by all who would I urc!f.tul In AndiiMan antidote rupable ol dr.my)nR th eau.M'of dinfafte. Then- In no clianni l hy h:oh Die cnus'-B can be reached with certainty but i Ik- one I have d- t-enbed. 1 lu'refore I ray with eiindence to th world, tht It in thnjiiuh iiiheiiiiiiH- ththe rare combinatl ni of diaracter that I have betn enabled to detect ttie tirnt cause ot diteae. The eaue i not, as nmny m-pxmc it to b-v u diMemn; i in an In a i ted Jaw between sow and ondy, which. the Apmt e l'aitl t 11b u. Id tuwnys warring atrainst each other. Tnli law neinii ruith MopiiHues.t'iftnu ti'ppiieit iirortucedlHuaHo In divernirled forms, and 1 dlaac la exp'Tlinenied on or tampered witfi it takes a firmer urin of th; on-tTitntlori and mtiltfpiies in oth-r ftrnis ana otlnr litcsthtitis 01 the vftteni. thus destroviiiir ihe whole iiuii:hit.trvnt' tl.s. iimuari iK-mcmner, tne rtomacn and the IJver have nothInt?fo do with the cause of the disease. Th treatiiiaf r tiiss. organs, for the cause, has tent million it to an uatiuie.lv grave. With confidence I say to the world that my Metftphynl cl Dueovury Ih the only remedy evr ottered to the. world which will thoroughly annihilate the root of dlseuno. The discovery coiihitiri or three tiihtlnct prcparatl jds ; one tVtr the htttlp, one f'-r thi-eyes, ana one tor the cart. Thne work In con, nincil. u, and snhe at the root of ad dixeatse. When I baj all. I mean every disense that evor ini'ajtitd Uie huuiim bodjr. d A LADY IN TI115 LAST STAGE OF CONSL'.MPTIO ('Uiit:i. From lha ltoton JunrnaJ. Jt'isT ai7. leM.-I.Mra. Nancy Rloan. of Hn. h& Warrra fttrft t, t hhrlebtow I., duceitifv Ihatltiari! lH'n ihi t.l fer ten jeara. My MkM "ide so paralyzed thu I could not he on it. Iurinu tnat lime I suite red irom ca tarrh, sire throat; would counh from one to nva hours at nine; was very nurvous ; scuiotn Could sleep at nlithU had a Inni! teer two year xliieo. wlilcii retlueeil nm to a skeleton. I had all the tnealiual adv.ie and medicines nion.rt could precute, but all to no pnrtiose. I wns last fcinklf1 in tin laM Ktae of cotisuiupilou. was confined to bed when Mrn II. ti. Hrowo'i Metaphysical liineovery was sent loi. It waft nntllc l according ti .lirrrii.ni l felt no better, but rahtr worse (or some time My irienas wanted ma te Kite up, laying it wonld kill me ; tt.at I wa too far Ke and too wenk to try anything mo:e Hut my mother said I would die if I 01. t not And tellefin the l'ceiy ; and as It was the last tint I to cure me she would continue it We noon f.,and that tt was the circulation wlih li was rn-h'n-r Into my aymtom whieh was lon.itt rm-ui, ah me circuianou aepi inejeaNinx my dis ease betan to break un. Itwa nix weeks after I htyao to apply toe medicine W'.re I could ua-her streiuftn to no L u L: ' r" i"n, ana mtn 1 nad to f set oils' i nine l ventured went without heip, at.d tbe t bird t.um I lound my wav without any dlf flca.ty. 1 bejran the u.e t4 the M.taphviical UUcwvery in Mitv.and the result is on th.f.'ii'tn of July, mat health and """,M i mil Tfiunituj.' io iny emaciatea rrumu. Wy paraiyPd nldc I- re-itorwl to viKor; lean now rest wellonit. My catarrh is i-une. Aly cough, my nervoig ness. and sore throat arc tine. I siren well. All inyir-reyulanUt-s l-ave m-appeared, ind I must ackiieowledve m l! II' I,(roUlft,,c'' t i d. I was directed to tiie uf r l "'ii,iiiyicai uHcovery, and bv It taken from the mouth of the yrave and restored to my lamUy and fnno. f knew at- disease are ko.i,, an "a jreurrai ein ulatkxi has inken piaee. but expect it will Uko lime to retain my lsi ileal, and strength. UrMAHKAIU.K CVHK OF DKAFNKS9 OF TWEVTf I, John A Newcou.li, of gLlncy, do certify that h-ive Jn entirely Ueat in my Mi ear mr twenty yearn, and tor the pant six yeiir. n,y right car ban ben so eNr that I kind 7.rfn71VWMt,',! orll,,,bl,, "PeikiH ot any simuK In tl.echurcn. I haveals.. boeii troubled .or a nm" ber ol er. witll a very sore throat, m thai 1 was o"l " t hmSZrt??? " , ru',"- I had lost wy VJleef l bad threat trouble tn my head, lerrlbie mdses almo-tt to cian.eN.. My head felt numb and stupid, and was a source of eonnant trouble to me. 1 tried every remedy Utat could 1 thnntrM of. I went tn i . ,l,,,L,,lf tn d" f,tl " n- About ne in n.Ui sine" I obtalueo M.s.M.li hrownVriapiu.ieai l.covwr -m-l M-d it aceoro.nif toil... cimdni.M,!. tiel.uiilvH. And the resmt U iLat the hea.limoi Ik.1 em I, perfectly r t.m d so that I tin bear a- Vs HaH h.iv i ,. 'xii- i:rji t" ,?i t J. in my head is enll.f If Koue. Mr he.ul feeK eetly e ,t and at rest. My ibro..t, which wk. so dne-iwd, l "uin . Z cured, ana 1 have re. oveied mv oire Klii. I won bl ., X take one thousand do lar. ur i, 1 ,, h t have r ed in the u.e ot iir,. hrowns Aleiaphvalcal "l, UI - HFMAHKAHl.F. fl l.-K OF HIS.-)IIAIi:F.t FltuM TUB i K! t."1M'AbK" EV1"' AN" i'i-u l'liii 'l,Kl.i-lil,Set.-eti,ber 7, lMI.-r, l,.rv Mtrvlll.. ' Jet . ,,, street (ne.r Mr. H,-, ulmlilt ', e varilM e .' uiaiiionn, do uituj tl.al n y s,,n Jli,ia t'sit b?i i. i.. and catairtl on the rrcu.,, whleli lti, . m w7t , di. t... 1 iron, tbe enr .no diseased t-vts. Ti... clet l art. ,7. . .! 1 cased III. e.r. bieuui. ,,,,lt. , J J ' envtn i wilh .e.u. , ,iu,ws had ,o he chanseu dnnai U.e.,vl t, to saturated weie tl,evv,llli tt, dl.i ii.i-i". Tf ai.o l.i-c.oie iinpaintl.that I,. ,,, ,,V ". ' Willi , elm, He lk no nolle.- ol an tnlt J arou, I u im J...II. but th. parent en tell what our iiillamj, ., li" lo'-k un our 1. 1, liil in this condition. t. lost piovlueiitiall.v, about one year ,Bo, I saw Mrs M..J. Hi"wn l..a1,l.y,l, lii.,ovry- adveVllseU hi tl.e J.l,,rr. 1 went to the little.. 410 Arch str -et a, pii.ciired lhe uit-Oi.lne. lv wil,-a.l, d it a," ,l ,ll 1 wrsi v.rlaitl.v. ;iy meditln. wo-k.d lo y ut . Li kiunllm. but still we porsevorivd, and the rcsim U t our s.-n is .nilrelv eur.-d nf Ins !-,.,,... ill. iull.,, seems to tin ve n akent-d out of the siet-p of d.-aii l f. t,...l,ler, d now a bii.i.t and Int. lilKl.t boy. 'l i.o dis ehati,, . ir.iiiibl.ears have ei-tlrely ccuwd. .lid his bav.-become small and niitiiral. Ills oyos nr. cle.ir and iril,U!",T,uu" 0,1 ur:l.im by Mrs. HI. ii. i,,,'. all w o .ui'lei. ,'Ua l"y co"""l 'I M u,", Jlrii'.nMnwr ' ','-"lia I'oor HI -hard's Fy. A IIF.MARKAm.F CUItF. OK IU.IMlNl'.SS. rAKisr.i.iA.C. W.July21,lHi,4.-Mrs. M. U. Ilrown Deur Madam . 1 have boon ipute blind in niy ruilit eve for seven jears. 1 have been to Severn I dia-tora, wi'oai ri.-ard could restore niy nyesiwht, but they never done me an) .or..!. 1 ,put lamu sum. of money in traveling tu wheie I beard there were doctors who could b.ueitt ui but non.oi Uieiu could do tu. any nood. I thoiii'ht nir case hopeless, oiilil tola by a fr.t-nd y .u could reli.ve me I sei,t by a lilend and pun urnd your "aletapli.sii-ul I)-,, fovery, and In lw.nty-1'oar hours after tne (list treat Uly aeUvvam" ,U" lll"Ullctly' 1 w Uiaukful lor lrtwalo yonri, truly, JOHN BELEV. Tie CslcbtaUl root UkLuii Ere Water, ai . ...n 0Lii 2. cauks MO. 410 ARf'il HI rani a Scalp Renovator, 11. elO-wi-vu. ' ho.UQ AKCH Btreot. ,11. W. n. MKTt WTf COS COLUMN FOTt ("Oafl'OUNDKD riiOW n'lrrg.BAlKfl, AHD Ml ATE S Ihe arest ln)lin IMnretie cure all dinesses of tf urinary nritans, siKh a- In ronttnenre f Ul I r'ne. Innama'kin of the ltladdfr, Inflammation ff ttie Kid ney. Hione tn the H addi r, Nt net tire, (Jrvel, t.b 't, f.notrho a. and Is pei al'v recrtmeiH'ef1 in o " ot -'ii.r Alh'n ("r wti'n in r.-. iw-i tiii.ie all the old tiso inn inctll eu.es tiavt f.ni. d. rri i'r VM MM MV MM MM MSt MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MMMM MM VM MMwM MM MM M l M M M VI MM MMMw MM VM MV1MM MM MM MMJUM MM It U praord tn a highly i enreutratt d lonn, the do -e nnl) leliiif from Apt to two tea pollfllln t iret ttrnei p- r (lar. It is tllnrette and a t ml ve in Its aeii'iti; ptiriftns add -lean! lp the hb.ot, rauxinc it tn How tn all Its or is1 na I parity and vlk'r; thus miki- introm th M-d-Tti all tier niei.itii i ..nr wnieh base in luccd disease. i ct t t t ' A'V t r i'i t i i t t n i ( 'i r ii r r u k . k I s.ir. TIN Ik Intenifrd a an a.ly or aRitnnt to the I'lll l,') KKK Kl. MHItV, snd .if in. d be used In eitijuin" ion wmii that inellrine In all cae ..f Oonorrhon, lileet, luior AIImis or w'lilien. Its elici ts are healing, 'othlntr, hud flemidccnt ; remov'nif all aeaidlnic heat, chord' e. nrd pain. intrail of Ihe innn'.( and almost nn ndnmtre ) ti at Is aM'Tiem d nh nearly all t-e olieap jnai Iltjl-elJoilS. r.r.Kv.r.rr.v.r.K hH-.tl-.fcKKIK .K KK KI.P.Etfi KK 1. 1 ; LiJt-,1. 1.1,1. It fly thnnseAftheClir.ROo KKK KKMKI'V and CMK IU K UK I N J KC I I ') N - t he two medu tiles at ttie same time ail Improper dift- barees are ramov d, and the weakcne.1 orsJitns arn sppe'l ll v retored to lull vigor and strength. I or full particulars g"t our pampiilet from any drug Mare )n th' fount ry, write us, aud we will' mad tree to any address a laii treatise. Mil Mlf lltl ll'l till III! DM Mil IIIJPMH Mint 1 1 II lllhllilllliillllll mi ni ii n ii n Mil I'M 111! 1111 rilKWohrE f'l WK.-An linlaillmr cure for Kpernni toirlut a, Hennnal VVeakne si IVocintnal Kiilni"n, ami All dlsennes raesed by SeK" Tiolliujon, Slteh ax l4nn of fetiiiv. rnlveral a,i-l-tude. Pain In the Im-h, littnue-ii oi lh'ii, rretiut turiid Ayr. Wek Venus., lMttl'tiliy if lliCtthln.', Tteniiihiia. V ;ir-e)nin s. 1 motlont un the Kaec. I'a HIitIiT)Ini l'liiiMH i'l J-Ii Il Dh ih. nil 1MI Mi hit M 1H 1I iniiTrnin iPlli'liD C'oiintennnee, lnanli v. Oom- ntitpitnn. niui all tiio'illreinl Com plain tt "tuned hy iepnt iogfium tl.t puth oi ntlnrc. This mMtrinf- (a n Mmr-V vi-to-tiib'f. f.Mrnrt, ami on. on v- hli-h all ran rt-ly, ai It lin-i ln-t'ii iis. il In iiii'rpiac-tli-p for many yoars, nod wlih ttii.iisaii'U tri-iitf-'l. It ha. not faiird In a slnuie Instance. Its ctiritllvr pow ers liaro licon siii(!t-i,-iit to nam victory over tlio inmt atulilforn osko. To thnsi; who hlivr. Irlllr-d slth tlii-lr oonstllntliins unill thi-ff think tht-inselvo. be yond tho iV'--H "' n.eilli-al sid.vrc would snr i-'4r1 It KflTI Ilia t'IIEItf)itr.3 tX'KIS will restore von to Tiraitli and vlt-nr, and nfier all Tiiatk doctors linvu failed. BKF.F.F.KP.EK EKKKIKKKK I i; FI-: 1 KKF, y.i.t.E KK KB KK.KPRFF.K.". KtKKhl.l.l.t Till. WltlGIIT'8 KKir VKNATIMi KI.I.MK; or. Ksstnr. ol Llii-1 rri'i'sn rl Inmi pure Villrlnlili- l'. trsrts. i-intHiiliiK nothi'iir Injuiiiiiis to the most tltll-cait-. Ihe Ri-iuvrnatlllK KIMr Is o,e rt-sult of inooi-rn dlhcovrilis In till vi-ii.i.-bi kin'dfiru; liulnif an nrlrrl) nt-w and alji'rn, t nicllind ef cun-, liri-inci-tit c of all tl.u old and worn out syslt-uis. mi nil mi ii 1 1 mi mi mi mi mi nil This mfdli-ine 1ms b"n tested by tn. mott emi nent nodit-iil m-ii nf the day, and by tlo-ia pro-nounct-d to lie one of Hie lirenle.t ine'Ueal discoveries of i lie aue. lino t o tie will euro (jene ral I Kliil-ty. A few di ses cure Uo uterlcs In Females One bottle cures palpita tion of the Ileiirt. A tew doses restore the orKimn of ueniTatmn. From one to three bnr ties rcstote tlio manli Bl:l:ill:l;l:nn l;lil:l(lil;l:i,lt milt HKIt milt mill unit 11KK itiiiiiinitituit unit Its: ic l:lllt lllllt mnt neu Hlllt HKIt ness and full vlk-or of youtli. A few doses restoro the appetite. '1 arte bottles enre the worst Cuse nl liulHitenry. A few doses cure'tbc low sptrlitd. One bottle restores tin a tal jiotver. A few dnses bring the roso to Ihe cheek. 'Ibis nieilleliie resiores to manly vigor and rot-ust health tl,. poor debili tated, worn-down, and tles palrinit.iltivotee of suimioI jileiifeiite. ' Cl'UCCc'f Cl' CO ft: ft' CO to t.'fj (v; CCt-UU THIS EUXIIt cures Hys teria, l ieiicrnl llebiiily, Fal- ritatlon a the Heart, and mpoleiicT. Itrostoius uien tai pow.r and tl.e npi.etito, and causes tne rose to mount tlie cheek of pallor, and tlio ttcbllittted man or woman to feel vigorous and Btr.uiK, the yoiiliK, .and ainlil'-loiis blood to t'ourso tliroiiffli every vein, the nerves to become stronit, and the f ras of new lite aud viKor u re animate th entiro body, bulMiiiK up Ibe constitution, restbi init ,oy nod iifeio in soy a sad and dakeued flresido. oooo f.onooo Of HI ooo CO j 4 It IS out) IIOO ldO O' io OIK) tlflO tl()l (Mill (II Ml (Jilt) tlOOl XMI OOl.O CHFKflKEE PIM.5! HU. Alt ( OA l ull FF.WAI.K KKIIII.ATOrt, IIF.AI.'lH I'HKhl-.HVI-.K, ChKTAlN AMI BAFl;. For Ihe itemoval of oh. strticlioiis. and the Insur ance of Ht-xelsrtty In tne Htciirrence of the kltuthly rfrlods. 'j ht-y cur. or obvlnfe ilios. nuniemiia diseases that spin ir from irrt-iiolaiiw, by removing ihe IrTi'Ki'larlty iltt-11. IIH llll Till llll mi mi mi i in mi liu They cura Stinpress.r, Exces.lv., and I'lunlul klea Btruatiou. They cur. Groca Blck nsss tChlorosIs) They euro Kerv.us and Fplnal Atr.:l'otis I'alns In tho Hack and low.r parts .f the Hodv, ileavlueis, Fatinuo oa tnb:bt Ktenion, Faiplratlon of tne Heart, Lowoess of biirlls, Ilysui na, Hick Jicailuehe, IlidJI tiess, Ac, lcc. In a word, by reniovtniftbc Irreiiuiarllv, liiey remove lite cause, aii.1 with It all the eilecia Lkat spring from li. RK. KK Kk KK kit KK HIv KK KH. KK KK Kit KK KK KK KK KK Kf. KK 1 1; Composed of simp vee.. tub), exirst-t', th. y con.aia nothli deleter!- us to any constitution, however cieU cale, their function b.liit,r us sutistitiiteitxenKthlor week ress, which, win-n uruoeily used, tbey never tail to do. 1 hey insy be salciy u-id at htiy ste and at anv peil ,d, t-reefl ttunnq tht 1rtth'te tiiotiihi, during wlneii tne uiit.lllnH nalute ot ilu-lr i.c tion would iulall bly n... V4.M preihaecv Kt F.r.F.F.FKF.R ).thi.LKl.l.l.h F.K E V KFFK KF.k.Ut F.K KK KKF.F.F.Kt:R K KH.EKl:l I-I K In Uiet'ltEKOKI.I Mi:iH elnes, the uulorl, intte --IJ1 Hud a my ot oe-ueiii ice tri Ol sulliTltiK and i-alii. A ilsy ipltindld and i-irl.nis, when tlit-y ,hal uo lo .or sutler without cesboii-M or repose, e,tur lluui li n ,-r-censry fpiaeks or l e ... t'.l- c). nc ol naubaous wiuy..a lious. 'Itie'TlierokecM. -lichr s" acem.liso thuir ia,.si..o Ihelr eiiianclie,,,n. n eiinti eifslloo so ur- n'.sn dd niliabis, and so pr.,uli. of uiih t-r.a. uod. 1 1 . m- iin dl ciiies will prote li m,y : ud eveiy case, ft, i i-' nd ll, i, -l -lii,! n ftiu i.- in Ih. tiine ol be. d. NSW M N Mrs is N K NN NN UN ttX KS S IsT V rlJT N fi US US US as NN US s s HNS Prices of the Cherokee Weill, Hies f'heroke. Keme ly, tl a bom., or botUes l-.r 15. t'h.rokoo Inle.-llon, i a bin He, or 3 bottles lor '. Cherokee t'ure, a bottle, or n bott.es for li. Iir. W'rliihfs Kilslr, 'i a bottle, or a botil.a for ari, Cherokee Pills, for females, $1 a b, or tl boats lor ;. F.F.F.P.P.F.F.RF.K F.Kttitk.KKKt; y.K ' KKKI'K F.e.KKB K.K Y.K KKF.FFF.KKKB Ll.LlA.LLLLH We lend all tho f'llpj;o KKE -Ml llll'INKS by tt ores (oxotpt the Clierok.ie J'llls, these tire sent by mail, free oipo-tnje). on receljit of nnce, to any iArtol'tlio civi lized world, secure!) packed, in such a lllulincr that no one through whose hands they may pass would know tl.. coiiien.a. I. tidies or trentlem.-n can Ml, Ires, lis In pent-, t eouil deucc, and wo will In all tes fr.iliMy answer their Fn I'.KI I.l'K I I l.t.l.ttil;l.t; y.K KK in: if. I I 1.1. E 1 1. r I i f.i:fkf.kkf. Ki.l.LLI'.Ll'.hli iciieis, alio lve our upliilun oleach Individual case, vy. pieserlbu no uiiueials. The f'MF.IiOKKE MKIll ' IM S tut- sold by all entel"-nr-iiiti,, driii iti. n, ti, .....i lined w. rid. Some unpini Jlpled il. al.rs, boweer, try to sett Wnrthlcsh cou,sninds In l la, e of tl,eo those mo, k th.y ,-,in et at a cbeup ,ntc, 1,11,1 make inoi-e money by ,(.n. than tl,,-. can on (. (JIIKHIIKKE alU'll lM.ri. Aavouvalta your heolll.-ave, tlie beultll ! Jiui oil,p,it. j0 , , dice, j,,, by Mldl n,,riii. eil'led ilr.it' ... ..... ftS ussassa H-t hSS MS hS-l .,.4 ass Ht has X.H Hitlt H KSJ Hn.a JI1KHK .IKlnuKEa, and lekf iloollurs. r) "." '"L" siidretiinu us will pleat, wrli. Post Office, 1 , I ' ' Ltl taiua of writer, plain, and Indus, post as. stamp tor reply, ,r " ''"'"'umlsuwlll not buy thein for you, send to us ana we will .ind them to you by Knprees. Parties ad ?. ii."''?."".'1'""1'1 atate Ui. dlea..aiid symptoms. and, ii u partl. ulsr. in resvaid to Uielr ca.es. W. Utat all Uil-en-b el a chronic nsuiie la malt- or feinal.. r .t .'", '""ll ' distance uecd not hesitate because i tin Ir Inability io tl.itus. e have trealod suotsss luiK pailenu in all portions of lbs clvllUcd sl.be. we wish to send titory reader of tlua i.ai.or ourthlrty twopseiiansiilctty,.,.' Ad.lr, is ah letters and orders to llr W. U. MEKWIN t (I..N.C.II.InF.KTY Htioel.ew VorK. 8',l.l wholesale .no iMaii by liVOTT r., f V-ii w-vUi SMTH. SEWKI) btliHlt, I'hUa'l yy-HEN TV ILL THE PEOPLE EE WISE? ITnndrda an 4 1 trim. and t of rtiBurt ara ipnt yctr!y, and hnnArQn and tronarjd of tht bnt mn an1 rnraan f America tin iter In pa'n, and die, aid fill a prmafnr Itrart, with that awful d fnr-ftia. Thry trr thia phtrlan. and tlitt vhjtlclaa. hut alatl alatl no rlltf, no rtr ; arid th n l w bfarof them tli,y have font "to that bom n from whna potravp.fr rettirnn." We naj ta, tha Kirk that th wllncitFt wt ivfl tint tlmj of th won dirftit ( itrrfi of Iiy MP' dihiI by UK. V 1 1 1 A KTH !tF.AT AMKUICAV DYRPKPHIA TILLH AND I'lNE TRKK TAIt COKD1AL, Ar from rni-n and worn n of nnf.urntkinab.fl wot and rptnain. Thf y llva In and arnand rhlladetphia. and h.-ar their leMlrnony. Many of thm w.-re lavfd from llic very Jaw ot death when a l hrpe waa gone, DYPPH'IIA MH 1IIK roM.OW.NO ffYlfl'TOMS lit. A ronMant pain or anfain at tha pit uf tU ilcimarh. 2d KlalnlrncA and aridity. rid. Coiitlvf nM and loiaof apnt It. 4in. (Doom and derufnuJnn of pirttf , Mh. IHarrhn a, with rlplr.K. flth. Fain tn all parti of tho lynttm. 7th. fonturnpilTC tyniptomtand palp! fallen of thv heart. ih, Oimh, with phWum In the throat Jth. Nrrvoui a nertlon and want of sleep at night. 10th. I cm of acpetn and romltltiK. Uth. iM.lnean. dimnesi of vision and of nlirhl. K'th. Iliadachc and ftarlrif In WAlhiny, wuh yrfat WeaKnrgn. Out of tlie the iu fi nnd of raur of dvuprpnia ihat luve liFPd Itr. Wlnhart'1 tirt'at Amorlcan Iy-p)la 1'illa, not one ofUifni haa tailed f a pi-rfiTt r-irc, Wewarrant a core In cvary rae, no matter If of twenty years' atand lnr. Sold by all druttTkirtta everywhere, and at lr. WIHMAKI B office, No. 1 N. Hl.(.uNl) Htrryt, I'tiilarel phla, l'a. AM exaniinatlom and conMiltatlnt.a fne of i-l large. Pend fur a circular, l'rlce f 1 per box. Hunt by aiall, fret.' ol iharge, on receipt ol money. DYspr.rsiA-DVflrKr.siA. Mr. Whhnrt, I wKh to add my lentlm-iny to the hun dreln yrn receive tothe heallnK proirtlen of yonr Plna Tree Tar Cordial. For flfiaen years a mifTerer, ten vcari of that time I have slept onlf In my chair, not boliiK a'de to lie down for fe ar of u (Torn t ton. I havf employed neven of the bent pltyili-laiia In 1'hilad' lphla, who all pronounced my ra-c Incurable. I nas taken to the College, where thu faculty, having done what ttiey could, deciarej my Uls eaie an Incurable rate of Anhraa and Chronic DyspopRla, inltelmt Rtage, and that my Iuik were partially gone. Kin (linn one of your circular, my wife procured from your etore a tmti le of your Cordial. raiNeverlnKly I nied neven bottles, and box and a half of your Dynpcpsla rtlln, when I felt that my dtiiase bad wholly Kiven way, and tho Cor dial bad given mc now vigor and strength. I continued to Improvo, and for thepast three montlia I havo been able to iteep In nir ld as aotindly an I ever did. I am now well, and have rallied twenty-five pounds In my weight. I am aide tn work and prut lde fur my family. I send you thu true and fatthfut sttleuu iit for tl' benefit of tho suf fering. Friends, call and boo me, near Oxford Ch:.rrn I'Ortomcc.Tweutt third Ward, Philadelphia. I HA AC lifc.i.l.KKMAN IR. VISHARTS 01. EAT AUCKICAN DYHI'Et'HIA I'il.LS. This Is to certify Ihat I sutTered for ten yean with (hat dreadful riimplaiiit cadid dyflpcplu, I nutlend much pain and distrcHS, with gloom and dflprertulon of tpirlta; I v aa tn aled by eight diffcrrnt ptiyrilt liini lor my com plaints, and at times wax ranch butter, but then my old Uia dapcpsla, would return with all Its dreadful rtalitles, and my wholo syatem waa fust wasting away. In tlds Kick and dct.il.tar.ed state, I war handc.l a clrcuUr of Ir. Wlf-hart a great American Dyspepsia Pills and Pine Tree Tar Cordial, which gave a correct description of my MiiVciingr, and I determined to placo mys-lt under the .Doctor's caro, and tako hit medicines. At noon ah I commenced tne use of the medic i no, I bcan lo get better, and so I continued three months, at which luxe I was perfectly cured of all my complaints, and perfectly rcntored to health; I am to-day a well man. l)r. Wis hart, I give you this certificate with a grateful heart iv the beiitllt I have received from the use of your truly wonderful medic new. May God b'cBi you and pre serve your truly usahil life for many years. I would say to every r-lck pertmn who was mi (Turing an I wan that my residence Is No. IKt Richmond streot, Phlludelphia, where 1 will take great dellKht In giving testimony to the great power ol Ir. Wishari's nudiciuen to cure. F. II. Al.LES". Iir Wdhart's Store and Ofllcc.No. 10 N. SKCONU Street, rhiladelphia. DYSl'EPNIA ! DYaPKPHIA 1 I,Mokci KammlH.do certify that I was sick with dys pepsia for twe joars; I waa very ah k at tlie pit of my stomach, with pain In my breast, side, back and head, with dizziuehs and staggering In waikitig.wilhgreat weak iickb and g. nernl debility. 1 employed, In that Uiue. seven tmineiit physicians, and they diliercd In their opinion of my dltt ar-c; some thought I hud one disease, and somo another, but I v as all tho time getting worse and worse, until 1 bccaiLe so low that my wife would huvo to feed mo for weeks togeiher. While In this dreadful condltKin.I placed mjself under Ir. Wlihart'a treatment, and used hia great Ancrlcan Dyii pia 1'ilU and treatment for Dyr-pcfsia, and at the prtiscnt time I am perfectly well, and Lave gained tu flesh twenty-four pounds, and can work and attend to my business as well as any person In Pennsylvania, and I am sntUflcd It la a perfect cure. Dr. Win hurt, you can puhhoh my ease If you see proper, as I want to bear tcHtimony to the great power yonr medicine haa to cur Dyspepsia. All person! arc at liberty to call and see me or write. MOKES KOMUI4, Schuylkill II a ven, Schuylkill county, Pa. I'YHPKl'tMA, DYSPEPSHs. This Is to certify that I had Dyspepsia In the worst ronn for three years. I waa treated by seven of the best phy kiana In America; some of them were rrofeasora of Jef ferson College, Philadelphia, but they did me no good. I grew worse every month. I would be taken at times with a read ml pains lo my breast and stomach so great was It that I could neither sit, lie, norstand, but would rove about from one room to another; my friends expected to see ma die, as there appeared to be no relief for me. In litis liope ea condition I planed myself under Dr. Wish art's troai Bi ant, and uaed bis Medicines as directed. Tlus day 1 am a well nan, aud tor ttiree weeks I have been on my feet. and working hard from early morn until eleven o'ekwk at night. Mr. WUhart, I give yon this oer tltlcate with a gruteAii heart, feeling it my duty to do so; yon may, and 1 want you to publish It to the worM, that every pernon uftertng aa I was may have the benefit of Btlrjg jour truly wonderful remedies. All sick persons are at liberty to cad and see me, or write to rue, aslwaut to render all the good I can to Buffering humanity. JAMES 11. ANtWOLL, OTertfer of Wash In; ton Mauufac taring Company's Weaving Room, Gluueehter, N. J. DYSPF.PS1A! DYSI'KPHIAI I, John l.yuch, do certify that for four mint hi past I was attacked wtih acute dytpepklat I wus so severely handled that I could do nothing but what It would DU me with dreadful tlMrc ; my nervons system wai perfectly pros trated; my whole frame soon became weak aud trembling, with a connmed nolae and dixzluens In the bead, followed ty ft pa'pitatlon of the heart aud general debility of the whole body. Kvery kind of mexlicine admlulHtered to me did no good, until I was advised to tali on )r. Wlshart and place juvie'f under his treatment. It Is now about nine weeks fclnce 1 commeuced to use hU Dykpepsla Pills and Pine Tree Tur Cordlul, and I do truthfully and faithfully say, that 1 am perfectly cured oi !ipepia, ajid all other diacate arluing tliereiroiu, and 1 can eat three good meals every day, and feel well In every repoct. I am 76 years of age, and if It wojj necehtury, I feel I could and would shoulder my guu to defend th city from Invasion by Ute RebeU. All pei son ii aiilierlng with Dyspepsia as I wa.i, are at liberty to t all and see me, lor I teel ll my duty to Uo all Uie gond 1 can fur suiTcring humanity. JOHV LYNCH, No, Kll Toplar street, Philadelphia. Dr. WTSM ART'S Siore and Odlce, No. 10 N. BKCOYD Street, Philadelphia, Pa, AU exumluutiuus aud con. uit a tieni free of charge. Trice, $1 per box. beutbmuiloa recti! t ol luutie,)-, lY8ri:PSIA I DYSPEPSIA! Dr. Wlshart I have bem ft constant suflerer with Dys pepsia tor theltifit eighteen years, during which time I can not tayll.at 1 ever en lo veil a nertectlv wall dv. Tk.ra were times w hen the symptoms wore more am-ravatcd uinn aiuitierii.atnl tlien it anoined It wmilii I.au ur..u. lief to die. I had at alt times an unpleasant feeling lit niy head, but latterly mv sullarluir so much in. became asu.it.t unnt for bui.iuei.sof any kind ; my mind w at-conitiualiy fined with gloomy thoughts and forebod ings, and If I attempted to change their curn-nt by reading, at once a sensation of Icy coldness, la connection with a uv.uwe.gni.ab it were, rented upon my brain; nUo.a teoiingof sickness would occur at tho stomach, and groat pain to my eyes, accompanied with which was the cou limmt fear of losing mj reason. I also experienced great lassliude, debility, and hervotunoss, whieh made it diffi cult to w aik y day or sleep at nlHl.t. I became averse to soc.ety disposed only to section, and having tried -H a ! nu,1'berof e,lJct Plosiclans of various 1 V Cttme 10 the that for this disease at mPeut age ( years), there was no eur.inexl.t i wham i !i Hl ,merf""cs of Divine Providcnoo, -In ,V.U y ffr D,y thft,,k 1 " lt to"" !. m Vmlt ny.pep,!. im,,, .d Tar Cordial, w hich seem to Uvo effectually removed almost the last race of my long liMof .lunents and bad flings, and In their place health, pure, aed contentment are my e.cry day companions. JAMKH m. 8AUNDKR9, Ko. 468 N. Keoond street, Philadelphia, J ormerly of Woodbury, U. J. Udlli.hi111'8 0raco. 10 N. SfiCOND Street, rhl- DYflPF.PnrAI DYHPF.PSIAI 1, V'e Tebln, rf 'he, ten ham, Montiwnerv ronntv, l a , hne snlTrrert for more men one year everything but death ltelf, Irons Wt awful Ufase, oalr'd hvpepma. I emplnyrd in Hint time five nf Ihe moat f intnrnt pi.vaiclans lti l'hili.d Ir-rna 1 hey d-d all they could ir me will, mcdi rine and eu p'nr but still I was n b'tter. I than wtnt to the Innri aula l'nlverttv m orHfr to p1a e invif in reach ot thf het m 4ilral talents tn the rtniii, nut their fnedir.n' failed tn d tne any Kiwt. and fltini4'ti I wMn tj t death t iw-heve mo of mv ntermsr, lint ee ug Dr. Wlrhart'i advArtaM'tm iit In Uie I'hilaib iphia 1 ItuHeun, ' I deter nut-ed to try on e more, hut with Utile faith. I cidh'd on Ir. Winhari, and told hhn If I could have died I would ntl have iroubUd bhn, and then related mv siiirertiiKS to him The Dr. anr-d mo If ho tailed to enre nm of Dvr.pip-.ta. It would he u.e flrnl car in two years, an put ms-ii under hit treatment, nd aiiboite?li 1 hd teen tor tnonih-) vomltinii nearly evervthing I ate. mv ft-mHci, swoUt n with wind, and tilled with pain bevwid fcrrtKion, I loii, ht a ho, of hi liy-jprpsta ('III-.. I used U'fjn a di rected, and in ten days I could eat as hearty a meal as anv person In the Htate of I'enndylvanla.antl in thirty days was a wl man. I Invite any person sufTertng as I was to call and see me. and 1 will relate my suTering and the cn-at enre 1 received. I would sav to all lyr,pepti. a. evervwhem, that Dr. Wlshart Is, I bvlieve. the only person on the earth Ui at can cure Dyspepsia with any degree nf i-rtaiurv. MOSKS Toil I If, Cheltenham. Xtontaomery Co., Pa. Dr. WlPHAHT B Ofnee, No. 10 V. P')NT Street. Ortice hours from h A. M.toAP. M. AH examinations and citnsu.ut ons lioe. DYHPFPSIA! DYHPKPHIA! Vr. Wfcliiirt I was a ureat sufferer with dvspep-la for neven year, live rvthtnit I ate ililfd mo with wind and dreudml pain ; and iny hie was one of great sutterlntr, I was sn much adilcifd 'hut tt I drank a kIh ul water, It would si on return oack In a heatod condition. I applied to very Miid t t medu-ine ami treatment; but all ro no ltiiHie 1 siw our aflvi'trttement In the M,edier" nf a irreat cure your great American lsp pla PI la liadmndc. I wetit to jour more and purchard a box, and oomiueaced tn tihe them ; and I do thank (iod this day 1 am a well man, and can cut three meals per dny. I have se it a nniubiir of pi rsons alter jour plJU, and I gave a you hit man tnat wai suflenng with dTHpepila in my nelchtMrh joorl eight nf ynur pills, aud they cuitd him entirely. u may refer to me it oii seu proper. .lAroit IIKHILKY, Kcnocdyvble, Kent c mnty, Del. A P0RTT1YE ( tTRE FOR DYSI'KPHIA. I1KAR WnAl Mil. J01KV II, PJAHCOCK 8AVJ9. Kn. Iftfa nMVK Street, Phlladrlphla, January ftd, Ih'-I. ( Ir. Wlshart Sir: It is with much pleasure that I am new able to Inform you that, by the nsu of your great American Dypfpsla Pills, have been entirely cured of that most dtnire Kfdng complaint, lysrfpslu, I had benn gru-vouhly aihlcted for the iatt twenty -elj.ht years, and for ten yeaia ot that time have no been treed from Its patn one week at a time. I have had It In Its worst form, and hnve dragged on a mnst miserable exiitenre In iialn div ami nilit. Kvery kind of lood tint 1 ato tilled me with wind and pain, It mattered not bow lis ht. or how smut) the quantity. A continued belchlnu wav sure tn lollow. I had no appetite for any kind ol meats whatever, and myitis trean v at so gieat for several montt a before I heard of your Pills, that I treipiently wisticd tor deatn. I had taken everythir g that 1 had heard of tor Hvspepsia, wl bout re ceiving any benetlt; but on yonr I'llis iteing recommended to me by one w ho hud been cured by them, I concluded to give them a trial, although I had no faith in them. To my aatnniKlinieut, I found myself getting better before I hud taken one-fourth of a box, and. after taking half a box I urn a irrH ttxin,ani ran rat anylhitnj with, ait den toy a hearty meal thn e tJnics a day, without Inconvenience from iuithti'g 1 eat or drink. If you think proper, yon are at liberty io make thia public and refer to me. I will cheer fully give nil desirable Information to anv one who mav call ou iii e. Yours. re.MTtfnlly. JOHN H. IIAIIOOCK. Korssle at Dr. WISH ART'S Medical Depot. No. 10 H SKt.'DND LSireel, Pblladdthla, Pa . Price une dollar pur 1kx. Sent by mall, tree ol charge, on receipt of price. DY8FEP8UI DY8PKP8IA1 I, Samuel D. Haven, have been a great sufferer with chrome dytpepMa aud Inflammation of the ktdnevs for three 3 ears. 1 employed three or four of Uie mom eminent pb fitlHiis of Philndelphla, also of Iturllngton couuty, yew Jersey. They did all lor me they could, but all to no purpose, I was constantly tilled with awtui pain and dis tress, and wttu constant belcnlng of wind and sour acid My tu ni: ue wan covi red with a white coating ol mucus uni 11 It cracked In large lurrows.and was dreadfully so: el Oh I I otitimcs wished lor death to relieve me of mv suffer Ings.for I hud lot all hopcof ever being wt-11 again. I maiie It a subject nf prayer to Ood that he would direct me to atme phslclan or medicine th-t would cureniH. I was to d to rend au advertisement oi Dr. Wir-hart's, in the Philadelphia "Ledger,'' ot a great cure made uikju Mr. Joim Itabtock, of Ko. 1(8 Olive htteet. PhiUde.;hia, bv the great American Dyspepsia Pills. I went to the l.K-t-.r g office, and placed mykolf under his treatment, and told hun If ho failed to cure mo, It would be the last etlort I would make. It has been tux wenks since 1 commenced the use of his iLediclne, and I am now a well man, free from all pain and distress, and can eat three hearty meals a day with comfort and tiul per ectly well. Dr. Win hart, 1 want joii to publMi mycui6.asl want every poor dyspoutu, fullering as I was, total! on me, aud 1 will ttl! them of the great cure 1 have received from y our Invaluable medi cine. NAMUEuD. HWK, Corner of Ven a pro and Lambert streets, near ttichm.md street Irrmerly from Wrightstowu, limiliigum couuty, D WlHliART'S Offise, Vo. 10 N. SECOND Street. DYrtPElPlA! DYBPEFSIA! DYBPEPfUAl TWs Is to certify that suffering aeverelv with a dUease railed Dyt.pela, with much loss of weight, my attention was directed to H'ishart's tireat American lyspepala fills as ihe rnnedy. Having within three weeks taken eleven Pills, according to the directions, I lound niy he if entirely cuntl, and for two weeks since my btalth la greatly Im proved, and 1 can eat without fear of pain or inconveni ence. 1 earnestly recos mend them to all similarly afhictcd. Mrs. M. li. THOMPSON, Ukhmond street, Four diHirs below Hanover. Dr. I.. Q C WlsliAKTS Office, No. 10 U. SECOND Btreet, Philadelphia. DYSPKPSIA! DYSPEPSIA! DYSPEPSlAl I, V:ilabeth fUanson.of Brnndywlne, Del , formerly of Old Chester, Del , do certify that for one year aud a half 1 Miffered f verythliig but death trum that awlul dlHeanu called Dyspepsia. My whole system wan prostrated with Y-taki.e.iB and nervous debility; I could not diaremmy .Jfc'd; Ii 1 ateevtna cracker or the smallest amount of l..od, It would return just as I swallowed it. 1 became so coaihe in my bowels tha' I would not have a passage iu lest than trom lour and ofiiut eight days ; under thU mi-lue-r.se Buttering my mind seemed entirely to give war. I had dread of horror und evil foiebodinirs 1 thoeght that everybody hated me, and 1 hated everybody; I could not l ear my husband ncr my own children everything appealed to be horror-stricken to me; I had noamblttou to do an thing; 1 lost all my love ol family and home; I would ismhle and wander troiu place to place, but 0 mid lint lie contented ; I felt that I wan uoomed to bell, and that there was no heaven for me, and was of en tempted to commit suicide, ho near was my whole nervous system tieritroffi, and aluo my mli d, from that awful complaint, Dyspepsia, that my friends thought best to have me pla ed iu Dr knkbriue'a Hospnal, West Philadelphia; ( remalued there nine weeks, ami thought I was a little better: but in aiewdavsmy dreadful complaint was raging as bad as ever. Hearing of ih wonderful cures performed br lr. Wlshart Unat American Dyspepsia Plila.and hU treal u.intol lijiipepltt,niy lnnlanucalled on Dr. W'shart.and slated my case tu him. He said be had no doubt he oou'd cure me. No In three day alter 1 called, and placed myself undr the Doctor's treatment, and tn two weeks 1 Leau to digest in food, and lelt that my disease was ft Klving ami at the preaeut time 1 enmy perfect health of body ami mind, and 1 inukt sluceiely return my thanks to a merciful (iod. and Dr. Wlshart, and U his Oreat Ameriran Ovspop sia Pilia and Pine Tree Tar Cordial, that saved me from an innuiie ss.vluin and a premature grave. All porsona But tering with Dyspepitta are at hbeitv to call on me, or write, as 1 am willing to do all tbe aood I can for sum) ring humanity KhlRKTU Hit ANSON, Dramlywlne, Delaware, formerly O d Cheater, Delaware cotr.ty. Pa Dr, wlslIAUT S Ofllco, No. 10 N. SECOND Street. Philsdelpl.liu Tlie above arc ft few among the thousands which th's En at remedy has saved fr m an untimely grave. We have mi' red ol letters from physicians and druggists In all parts ul the country, au,g that tbay have nt-vnr preseHlHil or Bold a medicine which ta e such umverssl sauslacUun. Thebc Med ic.n fcs are prepared only by the proprietor, Dlt. la. Q. O. WI8IIA1CT, WH08E OPPIOB IB AT No. 10 N. SECOND STEEET, PLUadelpliia, PENNSYLVANIA, Where he can be consulted either personally or by letter, free of cl aie. 'Ihev are sold bv Di unKlitr, and Heaiues ev rwl.eru; at w bolt hale by all xiavf s'o.k and PhiUdci piaa WhoUsulu DiUfcbiBU. IU-I-jw v I". LT II, 11 K VLTH, AND If tn gaM adnillr.(( my-n ; If In emise Invirt1 ns l! iis( If t ie a hiiMuninit tl'ttser, t adlr s, dyihg In an hur Mbai'tv I 1 t have a boat of meeds ( ff ffiT vlee to ma e Amnii t It with h-t h th.rn b o n) to wed: If a matbte st-oi wben dead VTaAi-Tfit If tn live threeaoer and ten, ft lulling de as bni avstlnt If to Ihe a III" ot M-ave, If tn die and gt to vr""" HtAaTHl If yon wuh a life of pie-mnre-i ; If on value 1 hi world t ireaaurest If rvery eonito.t yriU would r,te, Take in ad v ire. and wth th thru. Then, ha vlnt Health. Wealth, and Reaat-f, Yun 11 be prepirti for ever duty. Py a rarrf-d p.ru-Bl of ir. wii.ijaw YtMfHtrs) nw Rt- h. 1 UK. kl AhHMt.K l.l ll'K, hii h ahonM be rA byeveryoaA. Hold by m-omeikri gi-ne-ally. and M V lKN'tnr b ofliee, ho; lu Ml'hfCB HTKEfcTi prioe ' aua-tf JEDICINAI, COD LIVER OIL. JOHN O. HAKlt ct COH 9o. T18 MAUKP.T H t BKRT, are now receiving their snm lteN frrnh from the fl-heriee. Tlrea'ipertorlty of their OIL In .very rri-, t, hasgaln4 r tt a reptilathm axd sale beyond any otlier found in the market. To maintain It, they are determined tosurpiy an arttcie) Hut may be entirely relied on for fresQn' and purity, hee testlmronbii "f rivfeaaora of U-dJtjAl Oulleges. anil WEIGHT & SICDALL No. 110 Marlrnt Kt.root III'.IHEKS l KdNT AND SECOND KTRKBTS. C. V,-. WIIUtHT. .. SIDDALL. nnvooisTH, rn YsiciANS, AND OI'.N'FRAL r-TOIir.KEKPKRS, Can fltiil at nuresli lillshnipnt a lull assort men! nfIraportr4 and Hom.stlc lirnni, Popular I'at.-nt MMlcln.s, I'alnts, Coal OH, Window (Hail, 1'r.si-iiptlon Vials, Ac, at as low prices as Ki-niiln. first-class iwuls ran b. sold. FINE EHHKSTIAL OILS ForCVinfectlonprs, In full variety, and of the bwtt o.nallt'. C'ochlural. Brns-al Inillge, Mad'U-r, Tot Ash, Cudbears B's'a Ash, Altnn.Otl of Vllrl.l, Annatto, Copperas, Ritraot of Lonirood, 0., FU IiVEKS' us., alwuys oa baud, ai lowest net rash pi Ices. I-l'KK HI'JCF.R FOIt FAMILY I'HK, llround expressly for our sales, and to wlnoh we lavUa the allsntlon of ihose In want sfri'llalile artlrls. Also, 1MHVO, KTARLU, MlXTARl), ic, of 0xlr quality. Orders by mall, or city post, will ms.t with prompt aU trillion, or special Quotations will be furnished wtita rf quested. WEIGHT A MPDAiMj. Wholesale Unix Warehouse, JaM ly Ko. 110 MARKET Streot.ahoye Front. p V. DCIIOHQ SOIV, Vsnn'setorsri of II NK JEWKLUY, Mo. 10'4S CUiESSUT klEEET, I'lllLAt KI.PIUA. r. r. Dcnopy. w. ii. Dunost,. WHOIKf? ATjK AND BKTAIU Watcties repaired and warranted. t-St Ira IIATKNTKD JCI.Y 19, ISM. J O S E P H MDI'l hT, Kiev, de 1'srls. French Hteara Dyelna; and ScourlliK on any kind of weartua aiiarl, lor Lldi.s. ilents, si.il ( hihircn. 1'stcnt apisiialiis for stretcbViis; I an! s from n,-. to nv. Indies. Nil. 7Wt KACK HLreat. Ilnirat Mo. 'JliUH. MM11I Hireat. I'tiila'lelnhl. .nt-ans RAILROAD LINES. --0KTH I'KNNSYLVAMI A RAILHOAD. HHl BKTIll.F.llr.M, ImV I. mil iW N, KAnroN, AMITII (ill NK, UAZI.uTO.N, ll.K thDAKKK, WIL LI AAlHl'oll I. FALL AltR.tNdKMKNTH. On nnd after monIiay, nepteiiib, r III lwt. Passes Ti.ilns will leave the NKW liK- or. I IIIKll Hlrei t, aho.e Tin mpson, 1'UUadelphia, daily (Sundays excepted), a I IOll"Wsl At t-M A M. fVsrrcss) for Ilelhlrhem, AUentown, alatirb :buns, Wllk'-sbarre. W llllanisport. Al A. M. (A'-i-oniiiindstioii) lor Doyl.sto.rn. At 10 If, A. M. I Acconiinoaa-loii) for Ko-t Washington. Al S : H. M. I Acooinniooallon) for llo l"stovn. At :i 1.1 1'.M (Kxprtss) lor llelMcli.m, F.dsl.ai, Ac. 1 1ns train reurtu-s K.stnn atii-10 r. M., and makes eloio connection with the N.w ,1,-rsev I cntial l.r isuw kork. Al 4 IS I'. M. (Mall) for llolestown Aid lb P. IV! (Accominodaiion) for Rethlcheia, AUaa to, n, and alani-h Chunk. f; Ki 1 Al. (Aociinuiodatloh) fnr I.ansoale. 11 1'. M. (AcconuiM dallon ) inr t ori Wushlnirton. I hrouvh ih-st ls liiti.t be pnicnri-il at Ihe Ticket Offire, Tl U 11 1, Hi i o. t, or lltHXB Buoet, 111 order to St cure lha lowest raUs of tare. TKAINB FOll PIIILATIKLPHIA leave lle'hlchem alUlfi AM ,11 l.-i i.ikmi, and A-45 1". II. Jii yU-stowii at li;-0 A. M., H F. il.,aud 6 J f.H. LiuiMiiile atl'.'lll A. M t ort Wasliliigton at m-V) A. M. and 1 P. M. ON HCNllViD. Hillii.lfl.ils for lleiblthem at tl A. M. )'hl ailt-lMa lor lioviestow n at 'A V. M, Iiosle-toKin. r I'hllai elnhla ut 7-yo A. M. l'.etl.l, hi m lor Philadelphia at (P.M. Iilliu.au's Usir.sKo bxpress will call fr and deliver bsfitsii. at tn. depot, orders may bo let's at Ho, 113 h. II llll D buceu 9- 111 EI.LIB CLARK , Aant. ICKi rillLADELPHIA AND tQ('4 ItMH. F.hlK KAILKOAI). JODi. Tins Krc.t line traverses the Northern and Northwest counties .1 Pennsylvania to the citv ol ttrl. on Lak. F.rl., II liaslHru leased by the I'KNNM LYAN1A KAILKOAI) CfiMPANY, ana under their auspices la belutf rauldljr opened throus-hoiit Its entire leiiKih. It is now In use for 1'assenicer and Fralpht bnslrvss. from IlarrisburK to r:mporluin. Hf miles), ou tb. eastern IlvW sinii, and Hum hL.ui.ld to trie tibmilK),ou ui4 TVest.nl Llvulin. TIMF Of rAMKNOsB TRAINS AT PHILAIIELPmA. Mall Train leaves g 00 A. V. Express Train leave. 10-IHJ P. M. Cars run lurousb witiioi-t chanok both ways on sIim trains between I'ldladelphlaand Lock llav.u, aud aetwaea Unit more and L"c Haven. Elessni a.eeoiin Oin on the Express Train both ways. For Inf.nnstlon respecting I'assenpor business, apply al tli. H. K. cornel of K.I.KV KN 111 and ftlAKKBT Hlreeta, And for Freight business ut the Company's ARenw : H. II Klni;sioii.Jr .comer BIXTLLM fU aud AtAJtKl Itreets, Philadelphia. J. W. Ilevnolds, Krss. t. al. UrlU, A.eut, M.X.C. K ll.ltlmore. II. HOUSTOaT, General Freight Airent, Phiiadeipiua. l.F.IH L. I1UIIPT, General Tic-kit A sent, Philadelphia JOMKI'II D POTift, ja4-tf tteaeral Mauaaer. WUUaaupa T-VlItECT NORTHEIIN EAILUOAD r KOl'TF.! PIllLAi KLPHIA TO V01ITIIRRTK.R?I PF.NKSTL VAMA. I'LNTUAL ASl WHSTtll.l KEW 0RK. m nAiX) ami Hie Lakes. ' llr Ptnladelphla and Trenton Hallrosd. Relvidere, anal lielawai. Hallrosd. Iitlaware, Lackawanna, and Westara hs.lroad. and Erie Hallway. si 1 two cliai'Kes ovtwceu Pblladulphiaaud Bnffalo. Mo baliKiutf In the nlelit. OT MILK'S OK I1KOAD OAOOKI fscnlncent Bleeping Cars on the nl. lit end of (h. ronfe. (loins Noilh. Leave fhllailelphla at 7" I A. M., from Uia Kenslni-tou liepot ol" the 1 hlladelpbla and Trenton Halt road i clianae at Manunka i bunk to the lircad tiauae ear. ol Ihe Jlelsvtare, Lackawanna, and Western Kallroad, an4 at llieat Ueud to ih. Lrl. Kaliwuy, arilvuiir at Uudaloat 6. .11 A.M. t.otiiK riouth.Take the Krl. Hallway Exprese from ' llii ll,. lo t Iu a.'. V. M. ; chance at llrcot Ueud tu the L cla ss aie, Lackawanna, and Western Hailroad, and at Haauaka t'liiilik Ui the llelvld.rejielaware Hailroad train, waicb. goes ll roiis-h to Philadelphia. arrivliiK at 6 lx P. M. Piisscncera niiini north dlue at Ilelaware Htatlon oa ' the lelaw are. Lackawanna and Wesu-ru Hailroad, at 1. Al.. aid havo time for snniierat tlrca' llend, where the lest chtBKe is made at .'411 P. W. Those ROlnK Houth n ak.ibc tltsi cliaiiK at oreat llend. at li'SI A.M., and bnvetliiie fer hrealifasl beiuie takiuif Lelawar., Lacka wanna and Western Kallroad train i dure at Delaware at l -lii p. 11. T hroin,h Tleketa to and from Rutrulo. Dunkirk, Roches t'T, Klinita. lihaca, Pi.i-iio, liiuliitnipton, Oruat Uend. B'crsnlon, Wlikcslidrru, Iic'aw sre Water (lap, Ac Fare helncen philuilctphla and liullalo, fit. Ask lor tickets via Ureal llend. II -a-l-lui Wat. II. OATZMKH, Aent. SHIPPING. TPrL. STEAM WEEKLY TO i-IVKll- ,3.fl tstZ pool torn hlllg at tJueeliwU wn. Cerk Harbor. I I... v.i-ll. know n steainl-l-s ol I i. LIM-1'I'OOI. ISUW Xolk. and Philsdeiphia Hti-auship Company are lntcuded ta all ss Pillows : CITY OF HALTlafOHF., Saturday, OcUibc 8. 1 I SA, Faturda.v. October li. KliIMU llll, Hiiiurilav, October K. And everv succecdlad Saturday, at aooa, rrora Pier !, MHA''n'rl'oFrrA8SAf;F. PAYABLE IS CUUKKNOV;. First Cabin lisJdO Ntssrraae... '.'' Urst Cabin to London 170 isi Hteeraue to I.on.lou... 6vis I- list Cabin to Puns.. P !' Htexrane to Paris HO-nd Hisl Ciil'intolliiuilir'KlnOIS) Bies'ri-K.t.1 UiiinburK. 74.utt I'assi-imers also loiwunlcd tu Havre, llituu.n, Kut tei ui, Anlwcip, Ac, at equally low rntcs. Fares Inn Llverpiml or Oueeiislown : First Cilbtn, H.'Ji I70, tVln. Hleeraue from Llvuriaiol and Oueeiu town, 70. I hose ho wish to scud lur Uieir Ukiud. caai fcuv tkkels hen-at stiese rales. ..,. ,m.. Vol luitlitr UiioiaiaUoii apply attha Company omcei. Ko. Ill WALls li T Direct, Fhiiadelphla. BOSTON AND PIULADELrHIA, XlIHsl Bt.sm.lilp Line, sallln frcun aaoli port oa jr. , i kTv h irom first wharl above I'l.SE blrcef, Phila delphia. nd lxm. Wharf, llostou. Jroir. flrsl whsuf above l'INk, Blreel.on Saluidav, October 8. 11. lb. s'timisl'ip SAXON. Maitliews.wiU salllr.ra Phila delphia for liostui.au Kaiuidsr. Ociober . at Iu oclook AMI and the steamship NOKM AN. baker, ftoiu BuaKH. for Philadelphia, on same dsy.al 4 P. at. aiilaf 1 he., new and substantial steamships i Une, sallHiK fi-m each port ptJucluaUy " Jj"1 rl Qt InV.runccs (siatled at ouo-haU tLe yiciulwa auamwi vst Sale vessels. Frulf litsUfcenatfalrratea. BiieAlrAa and BUU (Shippers aie requested U .end Bile Boctapse ana susa Udlii.wlthUielrKood.. ,cr)mmMaon) lor tllHiaiw iMi'i- SiVNHY WIN'H CO., iply to , .V ..wiu Avanae. annlv jaf-lf JIQ. 0Q o. . - -. ' ts t a Tr tw f ar-l-.-p.-rt Hwlftsure Lines, Tla lielawar. a i Jutbi.taif ', V. of the., lines ar. I.avlng l,.illlali anal. I "'.J',. u .lnial taUdSkt dally at li o clock at., auu w -v- . IiLLAWAJcE Avcuu..