wiring 25clcjtit?h Wl'.DNl'.KDAY, OCrOIIKK H, W 5PIMT Or THE NEW YORK PBES8. 111 E .l - Tlltt KKHM.MO. IV Timet, Wc have hail, dnrlni tlic war, in ninny t,iic-i f repentant Kebol aulili. r llirt hvc proted to utterly- worthies, Unit it p r!i (-, woll n t o lay tno Tmirh (tics on those lh.it aiv o frilly opoatoil l the present timr. r diiia srfn, b .v- tor, coin'' iritis' tbe rint n the v iriim c jr puponilcnt In tbo srallpj- with 8ii-riil m, tint .cc's iii cri't aic iii nil. if tnnlof th' ir muk; l.at they am ncttini Hi. d, nrirt-i.nr, Inl.re lumbt i .-, and that J'arly Im atnally I t inoro i.jr civrrtiim ilun lie lm In kidnl. mi in.liil, a:nl tiot!cm. I'.vcrT mill' of tin- tirtn n h uni'i, t-i'It. our nrtny tint frtii'il .,.nH i.f fii.d'ivoi r :r to art Hull i t on from tlitir Into ml !. ire mipl ntrt, tj inil rea,: to n.an li .is fur a-, iteir li n i i t M-arry tin in away In yon. I tic li ni'i Is of tliv C i- leiloriirv . I lie ntiinni r o' iinns ilinjr i (I br I. t ru in bin Minlbwm il tlliflit t. In h him i-.ur1. pn. il in itNdf tlitit his inrn t'oiilil mt lie ili'iu'ii.lcil on. 'ino 1'reat hattlr, an I it ii nn'Ui Ita lK'l'fl t()lli?'it tier hot tiilati crn-H. l O .on i at rrnsk ihe l nth" which bruin nt l iikfMine mi tr. v lUwn of Mon lav, ihu ll'th of s 'p'eiii er, nn.1 I'loioil on the outskirts (if Wiiu hi'i-trr nt iiiubitall of tie fiunetfae. In the peitra of cngage'iients wliL'h m (On up that Imitli', Mtii'ruluu tuk,ia all, b it live siir.a '1 be encasement a Kt-hcr's Mo irjt'iin, jnipti-t- ant as It wn In results, ml neither aaiiMluary nor prolmiK-d. U was a p muri'l '' pcrurle oa Karly'fi part to bold Inn urui r m rlivi k, at a iKint of itreiit iletinalTC -tronitn, f ir a c mole of Lours or no, to cnul.lr tlic duitivi s t tiuoome more to liiiibt umli-r cuei in the Hiatal. Yet liiicf and t'oitipara'iioy liloidlu-s as as tli atrnsfMo here, same sixteen Kims foil into SIhti dan bands. 1 be euitivemeni, two diys lu'er, at I.uray Court IIoiim1, w.h of a mill lens san guinary "eharncter ; ami yet between tliit ensatf .' nu nt and 1 ho destruction of the Stminton a id Waynpslioro rnilroad, r ported in Shuridan'i dnanflteh of BatnrdaT lust. nm more irtiiifl miit A jae been captnreil for the wno'e nnmhorof ' uciv in'uien in:iiuj 111 our poi' -ssiun i iuiiiiu to number thirty. looking thus at the n iture of the one iiementi in tbe valley, and coinpurinK the various r.'p ires some of which have, doulU. . ai extra nup ply of co'orinK we aio I' ir. ed to tht- c melml in that Kaily'D men btd lieaun to show an uUruiluu' spirit of dlsullictiiin lonir before ho rea-lied Staunton that tUii hasteuej his llihi, an. I eoin pellod bini to aHUiitlee hit artillery ritht an I left, and trust lo fortune aud liit expeiaud support4 from l.tr to save some rcmnunt of bi command. All the testimony aureea that thu deserters found on our line of mareh are loud and deep in their execration of their late military super iora. And without regarding tbii ai any Tory 11 itler ing tin of a revival of loyal feeling, we think it ia fair enough conclusion, that these rcnegadci If we arc to cull them euch Hud the cauieof the Keiielllon giving way. They wish to be out of the deep damnation which l overtaking the ihiug. Theyfoi'C."ee some virtue in beimjuut of tbe right when the Anal c it strophe comes. It ia a kind of vtrtucwhlch will tind a nil moor of wor shippers in poliibal life aiming ourselves during the next thirty dava. when these hc ivy hlo hy Orant and bis Lientcmnts have knoekel the pace platform and Its feeble supports latu inevi table BVWtfl. Slow ok .m:t:r, From the Ti fount. It has b en rhurgeil upon the American people indeed, It has been eh trged upon all dem cra le that they are light of purpose, umtiblem water, and Incapable of a eouiiuuous pulley. It has been supposed that public alfulia cuuld uot be successfully controlled except by tbe domi nating influence of one, or at leut of a fair minds; and this Idea ha liecn used and mliused as the palliation of autocracy in every varied form of selfishness and cruelly. We buve had an Illus tration of this in the sliivehulding Suites, in which a bastard democracy meant the Irrespousl ble rule of very much less than a moiety of tbo population. Adepts in this school, Mr. C.ilhoun and his fol lowers hardly cared to make even dermcritic profesions, or to conceal the scorn with wbicn tbey regarded absolutely popular insiuutioiis. iheae men Here not merely uuiior.s to Uie Con. stitiitlon, but they wero iuli.l. Is as to the villi and underlying truths of the Cuntitutlon, b tid ing some slack ulleginncc, it Is true, will e they found in i' prolit unci sufety, but ahs ilute y scorn ing all tho-e elements ot the Government which gave to it Its aiailuetive character. I hus it bai rciicd that while thu Dju'oeruuc pirtynt tin Noith was urging to practice the ex'.reuiuit tbeorlis of liuiuun eiuality, its allies ine sliive holdors weic r.ictl. ull y repudl.ttiiig thoie tbeo rios, aud tutou,h tbo mouths of psrsons aud piiliticians casting foul scorn upon every reilly liheiul tentimcM. The result ol this would have been to us of less importaucc, if the absolutism of the sla'tib iklur bad not poisoned the political mind of the free Mates, and made ua content with the most ridi culous iiicon.-isicucy for the aku of a nominal Union. For It was bore, if any where, that the Central American idea shoild have hen pre served in its probity not merely bt'Oiuse our people were more genorally culigbtenjil, hut be cause it was tar easier for us t be I'uiihful. We havo co wish, however, lo dwell upon the mis deeds and tbe mistakes of (he pisi. Wo would rather point ( tit tbe noble opportunity wUicb the present oilers of retrieving ih i.u'.ioual ibuai! ter. These months which arc passing so quickly over our heads are truly momentous. While engaged In i-x ermiu.uiug sedition by the edpe of tbe sword, we aie aKo called iip'n to exercise tbe most iinportatit civ. I tun tti ius ; and tbat which satiuclous men luve drente.l i cunt; opou us we are to have a l'resiileuti.il clue ion in the midst of a great civil war. It is vt y to see, therefore, thai we b ive arrived u aeri-is wldch will try ihe miuds and b arts of our people as tbey have neer been tried 'tctoic. If we ciiiuot exhibit ordinary wisdom in tbe election ol'u i'ra sideut, tt matters little wuatber thu Cmoii shall be nsrtorcd or not. A great uiml.ir mistake at this imminent moment would muiply iirue a melancholy and disastrous wa-te of nuney aad of men. If any candidate for the 1're.sidency were In the field, claimiug to suet-end Mr. Lincoln, upou tao ground of a warmer hottiuy to the KoOcllion, and promising, if elected, a inoru vigorous ami eternilned prosecuiiou of the w.r, there would be reason for a diifereuea la men's miuds. Hut Ceneml McClellan can hard iy beciiugaU wittt n over-enthusiasilc loyally, while Iha men who ,hare brought him forward, and are now support ing him, openly boast th it if President at all, be will be their President, .iulck to concede all that they may ask uutl teidy to sbnie bis policy by their dictation. ' Umier il McClellan will be our President," said Kemando Wojd, and wo have right to presume that bo ktieir what hti was saying, and tbe man of whom be was speaking. The Iiuprussioo which the Cnic iifoites soek lo convey is, that the election oi their Major-Gkmeral will bring peace, bat ibey wisely avoid details and keep Uivn tho sate side of the broa lest generalities. Tbey draw a delightful but cit Ucmcly Indeliniie picture of the blessings of peace, of a restored Union, of returning pros- Eerily and of fraternal love again strongly incited ; ut tbey do not toll us bow tuesu hle sius are to be secured, wbi'e their "brethren" upon the secession side cry loudlv t us across the lines, that tbey must decline the rose-water treatment, nd that tbey will be saiUtlud only with absolute independence. Now, we think, it becomes every voier in the lund to absolutely assure himself that a Copperhead Administration would not end by conceding that independence, contenting itself with the liest possible terms. We think ft would, and we think so for rea sons which appear to us to be goo land suitlcient. We think so because wo have uo belief that General McClellan has character enougU to make liim anythiug more than the President of a party. We think so bcc.iuso Mr. Pendleton is up.n the record aa an avowed oppouout of all coercion whatever. We think so because the men who are supporting the Chicago ticket havo always Uenouuced th war us cruel aud unnecessary. We think so because we Had men who have been at uo pains to couceal their entire sympathy with traitorsl are now foremost and fiercest in support ot this ticket. We are making no random uccu xatlon. We are simply stating what Is within the know ledge of every intelligent observer. Lut tbe reader remember any person who, since tbe com mencement of the v.ar,',)ias been perpetually quarreling with the cause of the Union, Hading fault with his ioyai friends aud neighbors, extenu ating the crimes of tho Kebels, looking grim at our victories, and glud at our defeats, an l if that lersou does uol turn out to be a vociferous aud vehement supporter of McClellan aud Pendleton, theu we are ready to forfeit what little reputa tion fur sagacity wo may posses. It ia uol for nothing that the Chicago ticket receives this dis reputable support. READY-MAD JS CLOTUI.VQ TITE Wc liave shown that a a prop'B w.' r pi flif'it cll;t.iw In us show th it us a pconlr r( cm vile inn I linf-ntl y and honcty. A nopo iriunltT, null as has sehl"ia o i lit r. il, Is nrV ird f in of proving to the world Hint s'ci ifitn"ss Is not tin rt i ulinr ch irnrtcrislli'i.f ahso ufc g icrnupti', Mill that a democracy Is not n cess irilv i o vn a1 m.t by i verv i hatiec wind i.f ilocliinc. To 11- ti t t.i.w, s to (all fori vcr. I I nlimiiloti the onl'tli'iiit"h- iced wir ci- M' t In the field and to give om v s to on? 1. 1. i- i ither lor p nee nr Tinthit'g a' nil, 'til. I I c " e ii i ancst posil'ir net ol i ristieo sn I It) entiiin'e to i rv k il:cr ho 1,'is ili-d for the li , t.lil.i , to every l.rai e man till h it' I in : in the le ', t . . vi ry I. r uv -. ot:c wh ' has fu in I c i. ti ii in thitikiii't 1'ial rn Invc I an.; I ill-d I' i In- coiuitre, in rv. rv rvnero I- i.encra.-t or to t ii givni nl bii sit.-t;i to su'u-n rur hi in . 1 1 . i vi i i hint i ho-e I n i ' 'i i t - nt of II "-rty I ' v ut i:i ("Til lv our hltm'lcif or our in lit- I. 'in-. S iirr'.Hiiilf.n w II II (Jen. I'rsnrls T rnl n. lie Hiiliw iy (New ,1 r-cy i lironltr publish' s thu lolloping corresiomlence : "It.tiv. w -s-'in inh'M. s':l - I.Mf;.. I'rtt.its Train, I- 'i , S." le,-. !' iri't :- rt' i"l.l H'-'T..!, ot I"" a III 1 III il f.i I. ill .1 ' tir . .Hill iy, sua I ' in ii ii I i. tlt I im n I.' tn . inirv III,' I "' l ' IS' I , ..'I'!' 'mi 'ol llf In I'' i:i"S ti.ti'iili llllf I .i. ..'.-. - .... ,t ..r . " ti,4ti v 'il' nil , In .Ur.i'r. Y e rur m ',''''' . m '-'nir.'. si ( 'ii i i.-... mi I Ii.. if . p r at vim rip i , 1 1. -"ill ;in ul. a Im II... ti..ii fl( tif ll. si w." iii. r hi im.t r.tiin.t ii'-rnt'Civi. in ).,.... .r nr l.ln-,.in ntif itnv anit i ,i inT.il V' ' 'I- H ut 1 1 ' ii.' I . in i "ii In i is lit In Willi sin tin i-i r.Mti,1;iti '. Tin.ti .,! Iiyara you lr.art i .-nt in ! y-i' sn .In. "S, tlin nnd. r-'ii' il. h.ai'ii In ;i1l rirtl.'s. wish (.!' te attllrci tie l l!'''lo i.l w il 111' II "U mi' a 'ana if tin n.itini. 'Ill' I.V .V'I'il;, " .1 'IIS 1 IV 1 1 I N K V , 'JOHN .tl'K SO . ,v, .. ,lc. " it .ui nuii- owl itlu'j." Ill I'M . "Nn, 1 :s Mii'i."'' AvhMi.Niu V "lo, , "..ml T v - I'usr lli'ttri hp. nr. K. -1 1 . , S"it I'l'iieii tli .' nt if ltd' nr-n uf I illoi SI , fif .lrrpv : I eu'-M il mi .e I Ini. in ul tii'i.re If. viit .n, ip..I..r. I M ll.li In li'tM- i ., n I 11-111 l cl.it wlili tlic sm'Ttcan I'H'ph', unrt wliv ii'.ti1"ti Ife-.'iiy'i no htn'i' oil Miiiil't 'I Aiii''iiv : I am l.if ikinj "lit ail "Vi'r 1' HI, lileai- nt m hut sli.m 'I i' ilo"f hi I I -li ill f. i-i i.i .. r Iii t'U Inu nn fsin it hlk yii 'isa h'rxii I'llitniiI 'I. I'll ni'l I iMiif I'll tn laiu'li sill j'Ui'.H' I illil te mr, nut lntsniir H'rii u siii-iitl.ni tn mi il.-oi i r M-inn., up nt il i i.iniiii'i i mi; in.' I w ul -i.i'iik nn t. I c i.idtll' n nn.1 O.f'll'ir. Timi I.-, I'i'i- i Irti y. , -r n. 'i.i '. 'lupo.i,, in III It'.f 1'rt-iH.rm. The I Iih lli "i t 'I tir I. ( I'. . it ' '.-Incsii' v, llr.OH'lt: KKi.v. is fit MS. Willy I rll.-r rrom IMiiIrl S. IVIehtuii.n. There was an Immense Union meeting in Pitts burg last Thursday, at which the following letter from Daniel S. Dickinson was read: 'lltsi.lilinON, aspttmnr ' J ttin W. rtH lll. K . , ('hsiilnaii of I'lininiUUH., M v lear --lr : lnr Tin nit I nun nit h.-n' ini tin- i'l.li. sua mt. Ii .1 a it less i.inilii'io a S'i nS : and lifltiK piikl :ini In Iru'l prsi-'i -i. 1 rsn-'i't In ive Itm I. r 'his. y.nir v.tj klii'l liiviis.mn f (- ih' iili.anl inv ili-nIre In venll ale tlif ' 'hlo.14.1 i aiiiii l'1'i in"'i.rr th'i ii-i..li. i.t rtttbiirs.voiil I biiills IlKcly ti so.ars my attclii'anis. "I'.clifvlnlttli'iia'sl tleni'llan nntlllnl t . filr Ir. iunf 111, I sin nn ti' itiriiiH'.l 1 1 iniMim tlitiit' ss Im an- i . uln to ill-.iii-t Ms cniiu'lv p irllO'is liv iilacn; "iiu Itii 111 tns lllllllU'llp'ry mirri'iidnr htrm tnro ef rluc tn. ail. I tlie ntlii r on a ittin-.iii iniNr-iiinn nl u pnirm Ic war no vmi nTvstlve prim. pie !' It ri"iu r-s t"'i inn.-li lens on of liniKiin aed Is I'i'tliely niilllHitlleil al tin prptent p'li'i' at' ri aili -luiiOc eli'lhllm I la t'u.cn'tis ot Kii'i li s, ta'dtih inaile in b ass nearly equil to Unit nl i.'H!i',u'ii, tfll 111 ntti'tnti Inir to stsnrl asti i.Ip a mueli nirmaiT 1,'a'f limn tsparntii. tlifnf W'liitsi ami us Hie licai-ral Is aril rct llil lil-tmy iih w-f II a cIa-imIc l'.ilili', lie will 11.11 u u tipil".-y fur sttrmptinK nil csp'iHt of sli.-ti ntilisus1 ilfln. Iliplnv Im ihe sucri'i.s of thr ITtiimi 1'niiae, 1111J lis le.'liw Hi t our iri..'d tuna u le be renaied lr"ia tne Krnip "f tlif ilfpol er, I am sinccrrly .vintrs, l. s. ltl'KlH.H'M." Aittillirr Hero Ntenka. Muior-fjrtiernl Hcholielil. formerly co'ntiinnd ant of the licpnnnirnt of the .Missouri, and now commandant of tbe Army of the Ohi 1, in ( -neral Slierinan's Kcpa'tineiit, was si ren l'-"l at Kree port, III , l'nurilav evening, and in a brief speech unequivocally endowed tho war measures of the Administration, and supported Mr. Lincoln lor le-eicction. This ilispo-.es of the ('oiiperheiiil claim that Oencrul Scholield Is a McC'lellanite. II extern paper. VKtllt HSU III AMKKH'l. HkW Youk, October 4. The steamer f'ojCfi Jlira, from Aspinwall on tho 20:h ult., arrived at this port this morning, bringing $iU!),()O0 In treasure. Advices from Valparaiso fo tbe 2 I, ami Callao te the 1,'lth ult., had been rccohd ut Panama. Tbe Government of Chill had declined to sell the Central and Southern railroads. Kxchnnge on London was quoted nt Higl-I nt r cent, ori miuui. At Va'puruiso, resolutions were passed by the Peruvian Congress that war will Im declared nmii.et Spain, ns a last mensure. to obtain a com ili to and honorablo satibfaeiion liv the sin render of the ( hinclia Islands, and a salute ol the fi igjf the KeptiDitc by Spain. A te.-olution was pen lint to seek Intervemion from the European Powers, to enab c Peru to cope with tbe smicrloiity ot sinin on the cas. Exchange atC.illaoon l.oi. don, ut tjOr JJ days, was quoted ut ,174 per cent, premium. Tbe news from Kcuador is very Interesting. J-.x-Prcsidcnt Lrbina, with a revolutloiiarv torce of four hundred, hiul lauded in the pi ovine of Plui halu, with the intention to ovcthrou li ireit Morenos. The government had dispatched two river sti-amcrs with troop" to the .-cciie; bui. ihev failed to cUect a lantliug.and re timed to Guay aquil, w here the Ooveriimciil h i." filicen thoit-a id tioops. The Kcuadian Oovcrnmcnt holds rather u pre callous position, owing 10 the opposition of the other republics to bcr inking the posiiiou s ie has nn the (-paiiish Puruviuu question. A revolu tionary movement in ihe northern part of tho republic, with an enemy 011 both sides, lo iks nj though morcuoa Uovcrnuieiit caunot hist lou. The I'eiuvisn Ciovernment is s iid to he cornea triiting troops on tho frontier. Dales from Cent nil America to September 22 briiig no ni w.. It wus announced In Panama, oIlM illy, on tho lHih ult., that the blockade of Iho Mexican coast bail been rinsed, and that the ports ol that conn tiy wire oocii to all the world. Tbe Picsident of New Urenn la h J been requested by the Legislature to withdraw tlie exequutor 01 the l icuc 1 Consul at l'auaiua. Mr. It ice, t nitcd titates Consul at At,piiwall, null imtiiieii tno iiFtnc 01 me .a ion J (iovorn- it ent Ih it he Intended 10 rc.-ist the 1 olieouon of the tomiagu tax ol oU cents per ton on goods do liveri'l fioin ships in Colombian ports until In Hinctcd by hts Oovcrnuient t ) do otherwise. The I'nitid States i-l"Ops-of war .v. l in. and iiruuan.ieit were ut P.itmna 011 the U'iili ult. army f tiik roroii I'. Chy Point, Va., October 3 An itiijuc Im pnrt..ni u should not 00 Ht'achi .1 to the reverse w bich lately aitended the cli'orw of the H'.b Corpi to advance our lino buiond Unit of the .lb Corpi. The poMlion then lought lor h a he. 11 won, ami uir troi ps are still slow ly pushing forward to the Inevitable capture soil destruction of Pint road, so important :o ibe ennmy us a menus of obtaining supplies the Souihside railroad. l'HISONKHS TVKliX' I'T TUB KNKMT. About two thousand prisoners full into the enemy's hands, belonging principally to the olst Isen York, 'Jist Massachusetts, l'rh I'cuus.Iva nlu, und 7th Khodc Island. Their capture is tha one only clicumstniice connected w ith Ihe fight which the enemy can console themselves with in llieir defeat; and mow I le.irn that our cavalry yes'erdsy n looit six hundred of thesu prisoners while the KcU'ls were escorting them southward. 1 he wounded are arriving from the (runt con tiuually, and arc at once platted on transports und em Koith. The railioad people have been un reiniiliiig in their labors ami earnest In their kind ness and care of the wounded, fir whoso trans portation the cars were comfuriably beJd"d with straw. pivVLTOKy itmvr,. There Is desultory cantionad.'ng at the front this morning. V, r. lltrulj. FHILAti:LrHIA TKAI1K KKPaMir. Weinkstiav, October The demand for (Jnertltiou Bark. Las lal.vi. oil. sad ni ia. i.rv ivy .r:.t. We i.ik'14 at Hi. t'Hv-riMdeuiiniica iii;t. Ai:of Tiumtl.y to the extfntof kiobiistfls at i'6 l.as been rtpo.-ted. riax-si-cd Is wi rth tr nn f I lo 1 110. J11 Cnttin we liave no moveuii nt to notice. Tin Prt visitii llsiiiet c. iiiiinifs unlet Tlstr.- it vt-ry hitjc ie,'i,i..r!iy In ll.e Kliur Vi.rke: Tkera bus I e 11 a iiiHrknl liiipr..vi-iiii.-nl r..r m.ii 1 Ihk. sii.1 'vtf in tn. i-ale,'l l ,i lib',, w. 11. 'I dimit e:ri tsiutiK Jll'ie KUhe extra tina;ly. 1,11 1, nn-i k- pt t. ere: ; -'.' "I l-ols. riii.ilv..uia ar.iltsli.i (.uiiiJv at flu l'',i.1I ; mill 401 l.li.s. I-' in y at lji" i-j . ,. We 11., i;c- .ni. f. 1 r... t.m p y 01' the s ni.e traCii at 'ri'.'i.l.'".'o 1'er su lerjnnj, live r I . or it lirul at J'l'.'... In c. rn Meal u.i Tim Wheat Mark.! la lv. -'0 if a. lb iiy. ami Morn hi Iltllu or nn regular!! in prl'-ct. 'I lure lia bmn vury li it lo tl 11. and liein any souree, tnil the wily nali- to report is suiiifili. lieKcutiiity wl.'.te, to tie I'xlintot MUD I, i-mls, p.irt ut '. SO, and the rest oil if.-ri t I. rm, l.i-i'i;.' a .li-.'liiie i'f or .l 1 11 himlirl mIiii-i' the rail tl.ii' W" kt. In fiO sbsenes 1,1 tali" we .moti rt-U at SJ-ilmu is, friol ot Kye art barely ununliiii i-ii. W't iinoti- ut 1 1 7V.iyl'7s. 'I iere 't httm 1I..11111 111 l oin Veil iw It worm i-sKm-. .Vaiu Lu-I.il while were ilnpivtl 01 at Ho,. Uals are inure active, Willi tajvt 01 i'eunslvauia at Wc. l;arlei and Mall are'iuicl. Wwl-H.a bftn di ll ard we reduce anr fiuetutlons. The 'all aeneraliv miiy te alir!t,ul(U lo the decint in pad, Itif Iti'l-paiv el lurtiiries, ti, iuw pri.'rii una Kii'-r.il ttne ' uaM'iioi the lo'Otlt .Muriel, a'i.1 t'i r.np.jL-1 of a 0011 tianatliiiief g....it nwt in iu ti e uriav. Tliu spi Qoutlun in Wool Ucpi-ndt ry iniirh oa the 1. irsn of hi. d.wlil. h riintie tlie fenUnss of iniji-ri tn astoa! extent. Une argument und 111 later ol lni.-a pri. et 11, ihit rmic mcnitit u.bst entue hifnre the 111 1 flip can b rti red iu the Biurket, dnrilii' ai'fli Ilia a very b.rg ijnui.tity (,f Wool uiU't be wanli it Tbo lumre coarse of uc uiersot, how eier, it a, I hpec-ilanve. W r.isti it Breu ai l Ol.to u.ds. tell at I17S; and 1ri.die at HH. A'D i'lN'B TAILOR IV Q DAILY EVENING TELEOITAPIT. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, tj ClIllNNtlT X"lCt2IJ'r. ABRAHAM LINCOLN ! ! A fun- Mi'' pnrtrsll m"sl!rNT 1,1 Kl '01, H, IOv II II -1 lli. ,'1.' Ui'l:iSr.l. l'rloc, "l ull. is Oi' l.rl-ii l ' C.sf prf list t riTOIIKKH, vo ' r-ll;n(UT in, u OCIvH AMU MtJA.lVlHl .1.1 II . 's 11. ..V. S -Ul si I' In' 1 1" i ".ti lav if p" bll-atlnn, ant All "!" .. f r 1 -.. St ;-. i.tfi '.Vn. .v.ibr.... Ki.u. . 1- ': -. ...n ',.. . I .' vs Hi- 1 .' " la. " -c. 11 ....tracts. Il"t . ... r's lo I'iiin'l' .fie ,lti .fi - M. 1 tl," i" iii. I .n.ii. Mail me '."' r is. P ' v -1 . ti UlSk !'; e..l 1 c '1. . ai . I 1 :'..! I'. jit. Any no-.is nsi on haiid w II b turn s..e 1 at the re-lnc. it rst'-e. I'l l ( IIKU S, H.X ciii,sii;T lirocH. The flnf i mutsvi it c 'li rail anil lict tik'-n.'tB of 1" I : S K. - IAI. M I I f.l.l. N l-vir p'llttshe.t. Hif,ts jl l'rloo. (l.ot. H-ti' hy inal! 01 1 eolia f pnro. (i. V. I'lTCHKU S, Mo H I'lll'.sNlir llt. VI lOTOtJllAPU A I fllUMH t ! nt; sun K I. Ui.Klt. Ulitt ASjHOUaTMKM' UErTf.lt. out 1'i.n t.H l.owEit 1 ban at au otu. r stnte 111 ihe nty. Over (Mill HIH'oretic Htylen, llnl.lllnf ironi tiso 10 lour lnr.idti'.l I'ijtlltfS, A I.L POl.T) AT RKDUCEn PRICKS, ttiing'liit from in (Nentsi to J. F.viT) Album warranted, and .tmfnctlon guaralitesi I. I'lTUMKlfS, No. ana ( IthSN! " stn el. JMN. AV. -X. f 1 1 101 C M. ATX ! I A si'letiillrl eopvavlnc atnl aod like :iet of lll-.NKtl.Vt, hllKU.M AN . Size, HH'all. I'l lee, M OO. Kent hj mail en receipt of price. a. w. 1'iTciiKH a, So. ClIKSM'T Mureet. JUVfNILES, TOT BOOKS, Etd. In great variety, and sol I at a rHeoouiit from llolall X'rlocK. L W. 1'ITCIIKlt S, Mo. SU CHKUNLI ekraet, F 15AI ir.rri 1 1 rilAMIOHII! TAN IM .Tir.VSi: ASSORTMENT OF ( ll.T I It AUKS, ll Sill H.AllKs, 10-iMV0ti I It Mil l. 11I.AI K WAl.M'T KUAMKS, IMITAT1CN UONKWUlin tUAMbU, AM. pIZKH, 8TVLKS, AND .Slf AI'ES. Al.o, I'ltaaf I'lirlouSH In UroM Vnrlety. riulares riamcJ aud Trarucj aVIade to OrJof, PITOHKR'H, Vo. si i CII13NUT Streist. A tpli'liilld tlii'l .orlroit from 1 pool ..graph l.y nit ADV. Sine, 1UV1, I'llco, $1 )(. 81111 by tutil our receipt of prk. 1'ITCIllSIfS, h. CIli iHli t Hiraet. pEOTOGRAPIIS ! PH0T00RA.PH3 ! ! CARD I'llO'XOfJRA.I'IlS For Albums. MKDIb'M PIIOTCHIMAPUS Tor I'l-amlng or Folio. IMI'F.RIAI, I'lIOrOCiRAl'IlS, 2127 Inches. IM 11 t est C olluotlon lit 1 110 Cltye fall and esarnlne our Ktock, whether yon wish to pur 1 baso or not. ITICUKKH, No. NOs Olir.WiUT Street. yIHrillD ECOTT HANOOOK. A ilae eii.ailii..f i.KM'.HAL II ANl'iiCK, t match l.l.M'l'I.S, l.KA.NI, M I.KSLI.AS, and Hilt UMAX. tl.tr, lb'4. PICE, $100. 8-bt t ma.!, ptt'-i-aid. J'lTClllJlfS, Xo. K CIIEBNl'T Biievt. piTiniE'8 CHEAP BOOK STORE!! I ITCUICR'S C1IKAP BOOK 6T0RB I'lTCHKR'S CHEAT ALDUJI STORE! riTCUER'S CHEAP TICTURE STORE! lTTCntn S CHEAP FRAME BTORE? PITCHERS LOW TRICE STORE! riTCHER S CHEAP ONE PRICE STORE! l cikt, M.u ahut, Alt nm, n.otf rapht, Frames, rort fclios, Uimirabduin Books, Note I'apert, HUiveloiies, I tucilt, luk, Jdunlui'', elc. etc. All At Very Low Xilce. No. CC8 CHESSUT Street. EjiTABLISJIiTENT, RETAIL DRY GOODS. itwi 1 111 ssor tui;kt. KMIIUOIDKHIKS, 1 A 0 K S W1JIT10 OOI.DH, V F I I. 8, 11 an dki-.iici m:iri-i. E. M. NEEDLES. I iirai I'MKSNtiT M HI K.r. XTRAOEDIiNAEY EASQAIiV3 I -s DI5KSS (;ooi)s, SHAWLS, I IHMSillNG 10II;STH GOODS, 1 c tnpi 1 tin,, the targcit snl rhnln'tt d'splayyet orfereil ai Itelall, and ai I r.i r.a ri.i.tiiv 'im: i'nKiti;irMiiN'i nad rt.u VAi.i f. or tioi.D. i nr.NCJlI I'OI'I.INH, MKIilNOKS, ALPACAS, WOOL IK LAINl .S .to., VI KV CUK.kr. W. l.svi' r'Cflv.d at S great HSi-rillce a lars'eBloeao lli diuai-irl-. r,l DKF.SH OOWDS, A Job Iai of AWKUK AN lIXAINkH AND r HINTS, Wbicli e tl.ull offer very low,alnt are well worta llio attention ol laiyers. J. COWrEfiTHWAIT & CO., 8. E.eoroir MKI'll and All'.'ll strtsis, ? aa-aej pn l,aliHt.PUI A. JUHt-IH jt)lH KltllM TIIK RIXKN'T NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA I'AMC AUCTION SALES. I ISI'.M'll WKRINOKH, 1'l.ilU AND I'LAIN rOl'I.INS, ALL U DDI. CAbUXl:Ht ri.MDS, 1-1. Mil AND RTUI I ED VALKNCIA8. POIL Its, CHKVBE8, HDl r Sl.l.llir. DB LAINKS, AO. Mo. Iu cor jlvnt receipt of Sew Lett, which we CLOSK OUT CIIEAr. CORWEJT STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. Sl.-.O, ID'S aud 1-11 N. HKCOMD STREET, ID I :it Above W llow, rnlls-l-lphlt GHAiN) OPENING Or' TDli KEW ANll MAONTKICENT BTOKE OK JOHN LOUTEY & CO., Wo. ii W. XUlUIia"!! HTItEIir, ON MONDAY, bMITIiMUMlt 'Hi, Wh -re will be hunii a uiott beanilful astortmiait of DRY GOODS, CLOAICH, AJN1 HIIAWLS, iw thi; citv. Vi hart jail Optaot 1000 Pleooa f-ILKS, PLAIN ANll KANCV. 000 l'life MKRINOKH, 11. AIM AMI KHIII.D. 8D0 Pieo FRENCH l'OPI.IW, RET AND KIliUKI.I). 200 Pirop WOOI, DK T,AINK, l'ouble and Nink'!e WUth.rialo aad HKiired. 150 I'iwi'a MOIlAIlt ALl'AOA, Tlala and flfiired. lOO Pirc-iK KNCJLIBH MEUINOES, Alt" la-gl ftnek of Kane and Hlaple DRKHH a O O D S. -?l-li 4 M FOUETH AKD AKCH, Cater for the best TRADE, and ofler no BAITS or Decep tions to induce Custom, but rely on F A I It DEALING AND GOOD GOODS. Best Merinoes, Fashionable Silks, Nobility Plaids, Fim's Poplins, Dark Foulards, Figured Merinoes, Plaid Shawls, M-w Good Blankets. jSOTlaD 1011 IUHDSOJJB STYLES, JMM1CNHE UriDUOTION ns tn imci-:0 Of 11V (JOODH. JAME3 B. CAMFBELI, & CO., ?. 727 (IIKMMIT strf.kt, OKl'EH lIIEin KM IRK STOCK OP DRY GOODS. CONSHTINO IN PART OF ii icKrr.s. Is 1 I IMS aril in fs, HM I.I vi h, 11 IN I I. l iw, A I I'll AS IIU MillUIH ill. Ala. 11,1 1 .LSI 1 f.'l,RS isn a- s, iii.iivks, I INKMS. will rs till lS, 1 1 i:i.. iu isK r.s, t ir.K ai'.i i'ii ni.-s siik'1 iisu's, Itl.I 1 I.I.A.ST.1, ai. I I Lu.ll.l.M. I l.'l'HK, AT IXTREMELY LOW RATES. Wc fcfsTliMvf' to AfMir tlif ri;l!(r vat wp lnvo lairVittl J-wiifV(n r tlrl? in our tncfc,aTi now hne It in our KAlMi BARGAINS. li) Mm WHOI.HSAl K IIOOMS UP .T.MKS. IIUW MOUIININU HTMUR FALL STOCK. An X2W'Kint AHsortntont I'BX3 GOODP, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, MANTLK3, AMI MOimNlNO MllIalPtlOHV. rur. AiTF.NtoN or TiiELAiiiBiaiinici'ir.r M. & A. MY KKS & CO., No. 0'4ft CIILaStlT HTUKKT. QU11TA.IN WAHEllOUMK. KLKOANT LACK OtHiTAINa AND EICH OUBTAIN MATERIALS, AT LOW MICK". snKrrAHi), vas haklixckV & arkisox, 9-lllf II Ho. 10O4 CIIKHMtT HTIIK.KT. MEiiiNov.a, ron.iNs. II' I'S, f.pnilllira. I lan Plalils. Al.ara, alohalrs. and other limit tlooils. Clieaiat JA. II. I.AMI'IIKI.1, t I'D S. Ko iJf I'UKSSNf T Street. WlI KS, MIAWI.S. O Kvpi-ilniit rlotlis. lllos et l.lni'ni. anil White liooilt. Cheap at JAS. It. (' AMT'lKi-l. A- CO. '8, Ho. 7i.'7 CHES C r Uireet. 1;LANMH.S, ISI.ANKKT8. I.lnt-a anil Cotton Nlieetlnjrs. Cheap at J AS. II . f AMI'IIKU. CO.H, So. iii CllBSNUTBtreet. A I.LW110 WANT OO )I) 1)KY GOODS AT tin very lonesl prli ui., ran Dm! itieni at a an. n. I.A si 111 1.1.1. a 1:1 . n, 10 Mr No. clttHNUr rllreat. AUCTION SALES. M ACKKY'S AUCTION H00M3. No. 826 Ce 0!. M A"k KY, AurtkmMr, tollcHt rontltrnrannti f t(HH, W'AKKil, AVll MKKt'ilANillKrfl, Of All kii.i),i..r uuhi c hl4 aucUoo Koume, and h wliJ t t le L.d HTgnMiiiv t' k h leu ni KI aL Km'1 Ai . A.M ttTOCKH At Ui f.icliftiive, 11OUHEH0LJI FOKMTUltC ait sDHCUinKt, Mitt hiOsJKH OK MElCOHAftiDIbE At t' nlwr) if On' itwTfr. ( nrli will Uv tlHHco when driired on cotiWnmentt of glNMla) fur yiil'lic glllf. 1 JOHN KELLY, N. Ol's OIIKSNITT STItKKT, Ilase received their FALL STTI,k, anil a larga ttoct of KAl.l, end WIMKIt (I'lODS, luilluilmg choice AMKRI CAN (1UODIS, all bought before the rise Id prlcet, whieli tUe Kill ruako up in the beat atrial at uioiturate prlcti. TKl.MS-M.I L'AHII. to7-loi 2)IlillH AMI VAULTS, S.E.Cor. THIRD and CHESSUT Sta., Under U. 8. Telegraph Oilier, OLD 8TCK ALE ALWAYS ON HAND. BUI IUIAM11K5, WIVKB, s.INrt, WHISK IKS CALIFORNIA CATAWMA WINE8. SCOTCH AND AMERICAN ALES AKD ItROWN STOUT. Thit celdirated old stand btvlrff been reoovatod aud tlioroualiljr roOlled. n llii one of tlio llaett nlocke of Alet aid choice J.tiiiort In the city, tie proprietor Utrltet ths ptilillr to give hut a call, conQdtnt si Ue It ol' their as inoval. -30 I'mir-lia pAJIHAGTJTI l'AHUA4UTI A l.i'ailtilnl Steel Portra't of ADMIRAL D. (J. i'AKRAGL'T, Sire I'meat'OO fent ty mail on reeeipt ofprl e. Liberal discutiut lo Dealt rt and Agents. O. W. 1'ITOIIKU, 10-4 :11 o. HOH CIIKrtNtIT irtltEKT. KLAHTIO bTlTOH HKWINO M A O 11 I N K H, TUB Bt8T 111 TJHK. ap Nn. 730 CHEBNUT Bti WANTS. 11 KADfiUARTKICS DKPAUTaMK.NX OF UASllINi; luS H1K.K l.'1'AKTKKM ASTKH, 1 Nrtr Nf Vurk ven iiu. AUt. sy At -iJ, AM i AM'E.NTKKS WAN i Ku. Wai.tuit imw.--ltatiy, titty Kood n- htTi U go U Pt'lul LM.Kout, Mil. W.i' h $70 iiu nili, btitJ it rut ion. l-.in L worhuiau v ill biiny litn iyi Kit ui iuul. '1 r-iii'rt.itlou will bH MruMu-!. by tft1 ili y tuniH tit, lr liiv u vrkuru and Ihur two In, iri'aii thi it iu JVml J..)fcO H. A. KMHs)Nt ('o'n .iiid i I. iff Vuurt'rinu'i'i', 10 1 ti IM pot ul Wanmiifun. TISNKIIS WANTED. X C'lllty 'JUAKrFIIHAPITKrt' R'i OKIflOK, i VaV-la.Ti)!ft J.rll, lHii4. ) iiKj'4ir tir Wa X AMIIM.TiiS. IK I HtslifCinUt', WAS'TKI. AT ffNl K Atllif ivriiu.t nl W urkohuixt. t-fci r nl X l and t-' Hit tilt. I WttN IV Hni TI NHMI1 118, nr Uajii wlio uudrrHtsUiil tb uiatuwUtftur ) tlLtlil-M Ul1 'if.t-lrO H '), vvaii Stvt-mv ivUmrn pwr Mtouili, with ft rtisdn. AUo, priviiur ol l)ui'tl v Uu nek. Al'.m-.iTU)U t tv unto) lo ni'Uli JAMJ9 U. MOOHK. A. iaj. M., I . H. A., Mu. ' au.-tu D 11. HIU'KKU, nrlfcaulrtr i'tmrkl uJ ( hwi UHn ruLui r, B ?"-Tt ln)t ui tVt u bfc tt a. 1)AKTNFR WANTKD. A OEN TI.KM AN k.tviUKa tl.iTftiKli ki-wleU of M.;rcfcntir llualnt.i, Hitti Urj tvquali.UiKj Aid tuOt Mat t4.piu),.ku-t tu biA.nju aNnociHikd wittt frutr to i.ub uh a lifukwr Ouiit ir rdutrl bAiiktuu lu'ttfii m tiu cu ; or h would t-iu tnttruiUd Ut an tetliiUliaHl huti oi tmrMoui Aid biAiidiuif. Addriii "iihOittH," Btn I'.Wl, Pt,kt IIK. lU t aV 186L PROPOSALS. VUHSlNTtli OU'lUK, UMTEl) 8TATK1 O A KM If. N 90 KOITTH ATKKKT, I ni.riHHK, Mn . tVf.hpf l-is, flsilM rroitaUi, to aiiv ni. will ! n-. if(l M (til rfHrPuutllll M.. -n Ha ruitliA , . Ociohtr H. I lor tuniiM. pit sf I'niievi Mmiri M,rir..ttiice 1 r. Ariuiciit. JiUvwf'' in Itnl'iD.'irr, M irviHnd wuli .'O0 HAi:iif:i,8 nk'v mksh ,nr.r.i. Th nn-k, hUIl.t.-.1 hmI fll.in n tuf I. it ijhal.-t. r, au.j 0 Mu tn the liiiul limrtr (rt Im vrlii lcd tvV Mm. rut At, nn i-iiti import it ft r n4 hinrf-'iuaj i ? m i, t. tw irkHi tn f ill h ntprA c Kk hgrr-, wtih m tn.n toin.j, ; rnpt I . (im frr tnrfii runt or ntnin nil tu b- rv cm J lihifi thin) i1ii p t in In rry 1 ii br ii.vi-r A in toti dl iriMit tint m rd. Hire bstrrrU i )w i nm-t b- r. -i t-d m ft uruiir .i u,j lUfJ tt te d livi riit on th. ("ntr l, w)ikm M"! br ftiiftl imtl tin- d-I'vfy it mud- I 'K,H)' KMM'Mirf n mquikii' n L n rkk i, ub midn wfifny of tKiin ot ti rfl i Umir, feirn jhai: tn 1 1 n I t tt, tftnflfird rt -ln ! tt t..,.lci and l ( tT th riti Hour itBec-lur-. in ttji- niy 'I lit' fit.. ir R-i n.1 will IK bo i KtimnM i'V th l'iM tufontiif f t f (et.fft.'ni m. wfiu Mh rn Ti nil ihtii In in iuiait ft vt rjtiurur In ioy omt-r rttix i u '.' ii-r nf to li mtidntd anii.lr. Itusn. to to j ti vs u( titty ( Mtii p..iu,tl b fail in f.i ti l-aifc ; ls(iii at' ;if ,imlf ul f .lir-) 'tied wrv.il, of Mirh kinrlkt will Iminn no t tf .r ,r Ul Hi t. (; baton A ltd tt Ht.Bi l''"r 'r if I W ) (..tea 1. lontfiuaj Kill f'iKivH t u thfr , tn. t I" ntr,i d tu, 11 ,n! (.ra-vti Im aW) fttfuiie. To In .ilivt-ml In lif'.ittD tit) tlT'll till i1f Of A 11(1. r,oiHi r .i ni i hivk wiim, txr n ffi m t tin- . ti aH-i.Rol. ftlid dty; i nf 4.M III J.tittohat barr 1. finiv U- h hue I. fo l l l.ri'i nl tn tr '1 1 k fpttn itto ot nwa-d JO, OOO lit IM H fhlMK hlT..-T.i(M )mrli.n in Trw lut f l,f nd Jht d u.rrl,m f f el -eitOM t oak. wiili r.'iiiid li kiM-y tioo.ot Mm h s,)c d n. id b nr. I i itrndf ha rvi wi t roic a I. l o if iM!iiri(J ia U'U il") 0v fiun date of n A nt . O.OIMJ IIH M8 CAKMrriJ.Y SKi.Ki'-'KI TKA.U cn fit tfljkap.e ; (trottu, Hoiit'iunti, ' Ioi.k- lutkiijft ft tii' wt'M alTrtpp d il'.a prwn llmiity ntrtti. and in pHc4 onb-f. Curno and t hop oiarra to b htaind 0i thf pr. p' at. h B,nip, m ivt ! nitrct d in witi h ttatn of th- ptrty furtrliix, t i rrM ml dimit uiftrkt, ru' mil u.ua.ti yoiTuriMi. Htddrri ar n t tifd l-i otftr not mnri thaa two nnirri of ai'fi kind ol' T a. I lie J 11 v cf-cd in uncoil dav I nun da'e of o n rift, I5.OD0 (hl.',ONi OF lllKlthsr gUAI.ITV l)T l('l;K lN.;ilt, mad otiir f otu tllar.tr witiak.v ; ftw fi-oui nil tori un mcul or In urnu ftitloiUincfio, ami of a uniform atrrtiarth fhr Wi.Uky Vinegar takltiat it iiraina bl'arrtonatn of iHrfftfcti In n u rah m' onu onnc-t tnv thit Cldrr Vlnt'Kftr a nr lh name itriitli Rt may he; to It put op in naif r' aof 'ii fttu ioii can ony bb Diftd ot wtnte oak. Ilk narnpir to br nm n at thia off o K trk d-'llvmy Ia tht or mpantd lih m ct-nl'lc ol ftom ptleot i,louill thai th VlnKr ia ol thm rripiri'd airwnntll. I n b d llvtred U UftfUal I rtn . tiom datf of award. 0,000 WitlMiH AliAMAN TINK ( AHII.F (t b It. oiinrva tu th pound). Itraud n ut h mm- I tli nt'd. linxPH t b utrai'pL-d wiih llitht i(rn Mckory atrapa. T tt ilvlivured witUiAiPu day Itnin dftt- of a nrd 30,(O0 ri UNim i.4HH HAIlO HK(WV 8(AP.to b irnd hy bodtiiK aiui only from nftod mat-rinti, trvt fiom clay, lolubi aiiaan. or othr aylultera tiun, to ha?t no unp tnaiu odor, to i ontaiu t moiAthan twruty ht Hr cent, of watr. ana to b well dried bJor hHim parked. T b ricliri'Trd Iu it-tt tUarn from datfi ol aurard. 10,0(M OIMH i KI't-KKfblark). Itldd"ra will flea atatftUin vani ty m f pr, at niimatr, Hiann pore. I iinnK Ac., luriita'initf riinplva; luni (tU'a'ate b price pi-r uotind at whti-ii they wlil have It Knmiitl.pnt up In tour nunc papera, nnd (miked In hu OantalnlnK twenty five pound! ol IVppr. Tu be dUivord In tfn (Iaji fruin date cd awriid. '400 HAMUfXS Or' litMH) l?OMMO(f RKOTIKIKD B1IIHKY, tub lull rrat proof, sv-oord u to t J e 1. idled htaira Uur.toni lluiiue utan ft d. Itarr) tn be ol pood lonaniifd nhi,oni atavut and heads; to have tweire wod aad fmc tr'tiiff iron hoops ; hialn nnd I rot liooit pa jnted Iu be deiiTPrt'd tn 10 daya from date O' a wan). 1,000 Bl HhM.S I OTA TORS (CnU)A. tut tlielttubel). To ha tn Kirfvl, ordinary, wt'il-noopor. d harrela, tul y hfad-lincd. To It deiivertd In fldeea Uaji fu m da eol awant. Pamnles nitit bd furu aln d of all tlio artlolci oiTored. Rl jratp p opou ale, ih tui'tim't, nnt v nmde for ear! an trio ? nuiuiiatrii, and bttldera ntay propttea) ftr aba whol or an port of arh. l'nt,oaala matt he made blai.k fumtt, funtioht d at tbta orttce. Tit cert d at at tached lo tbo proposal tuuit be Hiiued by two roupjnaltlt) inniAi. K&pret cbnrfTM on nam pit n nat he prepaid, or the po votiala will tn l I ronmoerrd. fcaoh hid diuii bar a printed copy of Una ailverinfmrit paatad at tt bead, aa4 miit oe uporlflc la complying wttli all tt turrai. PropotBia moat not be etciohtd wttn th aamplftt, bat tf dLi rd i-para , aod eodori4 "PrjpotaU fur nab alitwce -tore." PurtonR no having the precla Vhritj of Stnrei alva deacnb d. but havluK anlcle ot a nlmlUr kind, are at Mbarly to aoad tn pnpoiali for supply la then, which witl reetva attuniKn aucoidluy to prio and adaptation to th wants of tbe arm- In ail not apocialty eKcita4 tb delivery must be made at tit tlm speulrtpd. In oat of failure, toe United mates roarrv lit rluht of piar ehap eNnwhere to make up Uie detlt lency. cbarsilnn tbe Ad auce paid ovtr cuuuact pnoe to Uiepafi faiUog t deliver. All Rtoroa will be rarefuUy Inspeoled and coinnared with the tetulnrd natnpb h, Kftnrns of weK'ita, lgii4'd by a tvLTtiiat public weigher, must be furnUlied whviteror riuliil. l A'tifratrs of Innpertlon hv profVfiilona! paekore or Im-pjtors,eth-r than the party rurnisliinit tb provisions, will be required fur inra't, coruiying un tbe prt of tho seller itittir prts tit inalli and condlUoD, aud th Imaie d'sttely tiM!edt' in pod n. 1hinvuwlil aisotoiiamtm4 and pattdl npo bf parties in m lids tllce on I lie part of Ut OntteU tttatt. Contmciors tire apvtml to hold their goods wkilout Oil eiist to tbe linlUd Sti't until rsiiln-d lor shipment. raMiti'iits to be uiadt atter the di-Uery of the n tores If funds me on banc, If iiulu on baud, to be made us soon as rrccived. arli peihon.nr every weniber of a firm offering a pro tMifial, must accompany tt by an oe'li of alit n euce to the Vnded ettt- t,o eiiuneiil, II he has Hot already llk-d one In thJa oil'ce. in ndihiioii ileieto a errtihcaif w Hi oe ie tjitijrd htttlnc fonh that the articles o'iervd the ()overn Bit nt, i nJer tht aloe aiherilst mi n'.riiher le oiik bi Hie p.ut tiiodtni;, or arc to be pun Mined or received o theoi ol loyal sjltlzi'us lor dv It vary tu the Uul.rd Itiutcs toeiu 111 PUt. hids mu-it be IriithV, and the numbers must be written a.i well a o.pie. d by flcnri-s. Al bldt-not romplvhiK stncilj-with the laimt of Ui'k ad.ertii.utiiit win b r;i-.kJ. J If. (III.MAtV, 10 5-,'H Optatu end 0. tv, U. . A. QUA UT t It M A 8T K R'S OVFICK, r nH-AUhl l'lHA. l' , bepttxnber 29. IWM. bt-aled rrpoai wilt be received at tins 011100 until J41 O'clock M.,'lilOKrilay,Oetobfr B, lUit. for the d livtrvat the United nta'os HturehoUfee, IUa T Htrot faiYOfei'l Oiik I.umbui-, 1 inh i iua edged. '2r,(n do. do., t) do .not edited U-, nA fly. tl , a-, inch, not udge4. W'M) do, do,, do., do. ajl'iNi) Co. 00,, it Inch, not eilttd. f4,f:i0 do. dr. 4 do, .T',(HM) foot Aih Lumber, I do. :'it,ioj do. do., (in. a-Vtu d. do., s do, 3i-,irn do. do., 4 do. Allot the shove described lo be '.t Qtiallty I,umlM', -ui.rsn w mic innitsr-uui n oi an iimpi cuT piia0i on ttie paai. ui inu t-tivi) llllltlil. All of thi l.tnuher bid for lob delivered within flfioen day from date of contract. Aiddora wnl Hto (e,lNdh In writing" and figure, aad inr-iiu- uin; oi vncu ainu ohi lor. Kai:b bid Hi i' si bu kitaraiiteed brtwo rmDitniliyf ton a, who s prston must hi apintdtn uie Kuarantee and irl(fd to sa bffnir wood ami hiidu'ieiit ursrurlty for the mount irvolveil b thn I nit.-d htaUs IHitrlr! Jml.-a. Attoiney.or CoNen or, or oilier pubLe oUcer, oUiHWU "iiiiiwi arr luuaitirivi ..1ik rl,'t ''"" to reieot all bide dwaied tna ii.-ii iu. uoDiuiroma ui'iaiiitln,' couirai tor will tie ra- i'y ordir of Coljufl A.J. Perry, Qatrtermutir's f.11111,111! j 1 Ot A. ... (ir.rtitr.R it. orhk, Capuia aud A. J. ai O FFIC CH1K1' QUA 11TKR MASTER, !iM-fS4Tl,4hlr. Nrptemoei lMtil. I'ruooNals are hivlM' 1 hi th in.t.p.tl.a.i .....i, i.-a I I.Och berlH.tsm attfoil k t. AI , lor Ihe lumeoiato 111-ni 1 17 tu una isa-puriiurui ul OnLncii KeaihtTs a r Ha .army standard. ' Hat rt-ather rMK'keta, do taKles forlieis, o C'tosscd Cannon for Ha a, do Cnxauid Habrrs lur Hats, do BfKlea lor His, do Company r iurts, assorted. d Chevrons Ar HWty Hereand, army atamUi d. iio Citrporsli, do valiouaJ Colors, ) nianuy, do NfMlauntiu Colon, no (Jindoni. (ia Drutu Hnaren.sela. i HainidesotwMrli n?ay be eoen at tfce 0llce of Olothlrw an u r.quipa.eiu huh city. To be dcliveriHl fieon'f ebarira. nt the IT. H. rnnctloo Watutouse In Ude city. In uood new paekaties, wit 1 th nameol the party tiiriiMiiuK. ttw kind and ijuaittty of Kootiw, diHiiiu tiy marker on eauli article and paksue. iarllOM ofle.iiiw iioodn must diNtinrtly Htate In tlii'ir blda the iiuariitiv ihe prupoaj to furuKh, the ptirc, und tho tliuc of delne'v. HaililllcM. w hen Siihmtttivl. nniM he narked ami num. bored to correnpoml wiiU tho nmiosal j aud (he paitlea Iht-rebi must guarantee mat that toocs shall be In every relict wiuai to aiiuyaiamlard, oilifrwloe tho proposal 111 saw vnviiaiiMflniii, A uuarautea, nU'iifd hv two reso millil Mraonn. tmut aerouipuiiy each bid, knarante-mg that th bidder will uiinj m irirs Bwsri i a u mm -utu-r ma protMjiiii. bid v. ill be oiui-tl on I ucsday, 0-ihr 10, l- W. nt two o clork V. At., Al tin-office, and bidders arc rtxiuttad ta b pivsf nt. Awards will be made on Wednesdav. October H;4. hoiids w ill ju ifc'iuii-fUthaLtJi coitti aci wiUb I'.ilthtullT fill tilt d. Tuit-uraraa relatlnu tu proioW w ill not be notb ed. blank tortus 01 propusoi, cutitraus, and lt,u U may be Ott.dued al thin cl!tf. 'I he right to rt'jtct any bid devised niireatonatle It resen ed. indorse cnvca0ie "Propoaltt ti r , and addreae C.jIoii.1 WILLIAM W. Mi-kid, 10s-10t Chief vjuarterbwsster. CJu snail l-pt. UIIEF QUARTERMASTER'S OEFICE, V.' t'lN' isnati, Ohio. Hi ph-mt-er '.'4, 1U. I'nipfalN ure invitta by thu iiiidcriinitd, until MUX. DAi,UiUibi 17. 14, at 'ai u clotk, I. Jd.( lui-tb Jiuu.u Ciate delivtii v to this iMurtiut ai uf MilU.i.LLAK lilOWSr.hH, ( any color except ;vtt blue 01 xrvy, IHampies to belurnulicrl by tl.e partl?s nfYeriUR, who will tuic sjn u.tir bldi tlic Mtiantiiji tl.uy pro,tifej to luiiiiti, the prl''c, and tlaie et' ilelwery To be tielivttard tree of ilar-e M the I'lilted Htalca Inttpfcti'in W arehfime. In ttiii ily, In irthd new pat k W ilh lb naiuc ut the party turumhltiit, the anid and lufttiiiiyui goods, aitstlJit-tJy uiAfked vii each rtKiind jaickas. Htuii h , whtn sul mittt.l, must be marked and nuirt. btredto ci rriKiiiit wit'i ibe proposal; aud tht parties th it to must uuaraiilee that the vHi aha" be. in every renptH t, Udl to eaui a, otherwise tb Tipol w I not be consult red. , , Hide Mill be opened on Monday. October 17, lhil.iit o'ik.tlt'.ai.taHlusuUnc,and biiWtw are reoiu-iited lo Vwsjo's will 1 made oa Tuesday, Octf trH, W4. ,lU rtw.isrl.aiiU4l..prMi.!,ais wlll iM l bv .Uced. biaiik loraae vpoi mj be obiaiued at thlt Th! H;ht to rt.ccs uj fVMTTVVU. - UlldsM-i tUftH rivv". - '&nd ad- eVeae f ol. WILLIAM W. MYK.U, Chief Quartt-routs Ur t iaeumati Dtoput. -29-l.lt VD rOUTENEi3 TO CV5TOMER8. PROPOSALS. QUARTRRM A8TRR .flKNKR A V Offlue, riret fHvtsirm, WOitHFeW I IKtKH KH 1 1 HiKHKHIII Horsee snitabl tnr Aril k.17 and ( aa)rr eerrtoe ervl be pnrebaedt (HR8B0aU lkrur. Uiopi aarkt, tna ormitir I.lftM. Uorsea will he riVllvffwl to OapUla L httwry Moeu A. Q. M , end b ab(ortd to th asaai UirmaMW In paction Iten re belna eooetetM 1 rtce of ( avalry Horses, tl7A each, I rlctf Artillery Ho ae. 11 each. 1 ayaeaitwlii bemad lor eU and more. ; . JAMKH A. FKTTf. Cotonet r Irsi IMvmt In i'r Quart iTmaoter tieiieral e o Une, OKF1C K CH I K f UV A R THR STF ( in iia-tr. Onto, Hepu-mhet M ta4. I'rrmi aa'a aa Invlu-d hy th undersbfiifd nn M Tllilatl I'AV.thiuijw .(, l.i,et ch me laiaMatae dt-ilveij tot bti iM-pamnftnt of . Tm KlNiiAaruiv Mtanrtard. IrtKfai I'amc-A my 8-aadaitf. MN.tVK! 15Army Hiaitard. iKl'fttH,cnipir e Army tftadarel. IIM., i,t, wrm ulo(itii-i if -Army dtandart Wall U.sih compirta Arn.y Hiaiidar4 (Hideejw rnav state vshtti.rirths. proi-ne to furnish M or. Of 10 7. i'tKk anr1hni.rofaftt n iin-n mtor al.) IM1 AL-IKNl-Armymandanl VOKMKiBaHllKH-Arm. H-sartrd. Hamp eol wi ich n.av h .ten at the Office ef aethlng and r.MUipatre In tins c'ty To h riiliera firof rharte at tfcatr a Taspeeiia T a'thottx n this cliy, In (Hed, new (.itrhaa mt,h th untie o the pattj (timi b ia tt.e k'nd and q-iaatlt ei (.( d- dbtii fiu inttveil 1 n ea- h v l-l ant parsM". 1a-t es otUtlnt iieod rrtt-t oiattoctiy sae tn MiHr bbj the iinaniity tlie pi(Mr U furulah, die price, aad uaiaaaf dniu vry . HtMplee, h-n snbanhiei, mint be msrV-d and nawi bTtd'O r-irre-poml with the ir TumI; and the panl-e tloMfto tnmt uusrantee tVat the finods a.l.ail hat. le eM - r.""M. -' al to Armv Htaudard, uUierwis tu proftoeea : will 1 01 becitaunx d. A pnaraMoe. hifned by two responnlv ptrirmi.mnd acoitnipany esch b d, guaranteeinc that tie b'dder, wil mm nu the ai t clea awarded to him umlfr hi pru,osal. llids rstil be opm-d on 1 nuisdav. ttauiiM M.ltti4tatt Ctlix kr M., at Uiis cfltce, and bidden are ren.astd t be pn sent A wsrdu will he msale in Vrldav, October 4, laM, Itondswtn b rcsttirod that the contract wiu ee fattlk- -r)i Imnii'-il. leliraini icb tlrc tn proposal will net be no Iced. It is tik forms ol fropxtnals. Cot tracts, and lioada osay b Oh'ainf d at th ia ofTice. Ti.ermlit torejci taay bid deemed unrcaeoabt4 la re .nil. Fndorse cniclnpe "propotaJi for anal ddn ss Clonal WILLIAM W. Ifi Klaf, -III Chiefvnanermaster Cincinnati ieo, OFFICK CHIEF Q IT A R T K R M A 8 T R Ht CiortaatTt, tNilo, September ft, IHH4. I'rnpof als are Invited by tbe unurri xnsd ttntii TUtff lA.tit tohr 11, twit at J clock r.M..ior Ibe itnaediatw . didivirv to thii tiepanment of: 1 Kot'tthtiM Moiinten, Arrar Htaidard. HaCK ca'1H Lined, Armv NtaoiUrd. H ALLl AKLta.Oarrraon. and Hiortn, Ana 8'aalrS. Sample of whicr ma beeeen at tbe Othce ot tiloUilac end V iiuipas In thi city. lo be del vrrd freof charge at th V, Inetlai V'arehmue, ia this rl'y, to od, nw packages, wlta the Dstiifif the nartv fiirnltninr th kind and iuntlty mg giH'ds illstliictl marked on each article and packar. 'artles o ur in Roods mttht dlt'lnctty tat in ihtr bldal the ii'antlty tnev propose to furnish, the price, and wai af delivery, Hamplea, when anhmltted, mntl be merited and um bered to correHpono with the proposal and th partiee theietoBtiat auatiinte that the gooila shall bs, in ovrjr ri spsiH't.eoiiai 10 ary standard, otaarwis the prapoaat -will not be intdert'd. 1 A Muarantee. alHned by two reanonmlhto p arson, mnet gcoi'mpany each old, guaranteeing that th bidder wlU sup. ply the article awarded to him under hu proposal. Uidawlll be oponid on Tuesday. Outoher H.LrlAA, att o'ciork 1. at., at ihtsoltloo.and bidders are reqiMsted lobe 1 ptent Awards will tie made nn Wednesday, October If, lfVH. Imtis wil be required that the contract will be faiUa fnliv fullhlcd. Teloairams n lallng to exposals will not be netlce. lit rink mrmi 1 f I'roposala, Contract, and ttuiuia may b Obtained at this othce. The right to reject An bid deemed MreaooaMe Ig reserved. 1 Kndorae envelope " Pioposals for - , aa4 Addrtws 1 Colonel WILLU V W, McKlaf, Q ?-9t Chief gitar'erinastcrCinolnnaii iepo. ' 1)rofosals roil biTUMiivoua . Bltawer Coal. CiuKr QuaiTBRWAaTRn e Or mo a, l)aitTr WaaHiNoiitrf, I WaanirtToif , It. C, September is, ltW4. Healed rropoaals will he received at this ettle ental TIU VftHAi. October 6, IHA4, at 1 o'clock M., for th deliver Ui folio wtnf amoante of COAL, at tfe potnM Biirtil, via.: itn ton ef Dttotniaont Steamer CeeJ, at AJeaaa ' dra.Va. au tons of Bltomlnovt Steamer Coal, at WeaahtatX' on,l.t:. lelivn nf tbe whole a mo ant contracted for ateecfc 1 point to be maile la twenty-fl ve (3) day From tbe date ef ' tbe contract. Don da in the luin eoaal to half the amoant of III con trait will be required of tbe euoeaaafal bidder er bidders. hhis reoAived for Ave hundred (JiOO) ton or more, aad) ehouid It made separate, for tbo delivery at eeoh of Ut 1 points naaiid. All tli coal eiTe red to be gubjeeted to a rigid Inspects ' bet ore being received ' Fropofais must lie plainly endorsed MPropoali for Blta- ntliMtiis HteauKrCoaJ, Washinirton," or " Alexandria," M tl' ease may be, aoid ac dressed to the understood. D H. KIH'Ktce, llrMaiUer-Ucueral and Chief tuaneroj eater. fl3B-8t IMpot ot Waauaioeu FFICK OF ARMY CLOTHING AND 1 Eiiulpage, T VV KLVT H and aiItAKl Htreeu. 1'tmbki.t'Hia Oo'ober I, WG. 1 Sealed proposal 1 will be received at this efflrt uattl j 1 Ijovnck M .on MONDAY, tno lOtli lust , for upflyiaj . the tHchulaill AuMiial with the followtue articles: Trousers, sky-blue, ibr mounted ffltR, arsiy itaadAtC 1 rooser, aybltio, fr loolineQ, da trawrr,eaatr,n fiaanele, do ttoolien Hfencklni;!1, de Boofre. larve ! Ustolic. do Wator-rroof p.,tichoe fr shelter tenti fir hrieaeeL, . gutta i-etrha nr Ind'a-rubtter, army standard. W abr rc blankea. for intuuiry, do IT. fell hau, Hob, , 4 4, U, 6, de io; buttons, de rthtrt do do - - ( irr en worsted lace, li inch, de . liim kh g twitie, do Ave fin i . de Hatchet frimm, do " ' ' National colors, Infantry, de . lU'utmtMitai do iio de do li dex books, do . , do oiner tKtoks, de 1 Hat cont and taC a), ertillsry de H' Y,'.itfmant.c cotton, ho, W, tempi reeeired, 1 ll.et ll...l...a Wh.ie da do four et faolnffi. clfith, de fck-bliie dy do A lno, for prisoners of war,WooUe Ulankate ef leer giau s. hum pie te part d. Htimp'cs ot feinh onh lea as are required to be ef array a anuard can be seen at tha ofhee. Kacb bid must be guaranteed by two responsible aor. aons. wf6c sinaitiii'i) must be appended to ihe go era-" i4I'. bdceniihdlo as lHiim good and sD'Helent leouiitf for II Amonni.ntoivtd, by some puollc (uuoUooary of the L'niiexl ritaiea . . Jttds (tr.m drnirtHfihrCOB,rrtnri'"nd hf" that de net titty fantpti tritfi tht reutrtmrtu ot this advrtiseueaUa wilt 00 op ccrif'rtcrrd , ... Hlena PTms for propose f. "Wlnr the term of thd t gnarsn ee rejlrrtt nn each bio, belwdon aojIlcaUoa : ut this ortlce. Jind none utners ebw n 00 nm l'l gusranti-e wIM be coaMdered. rr will Mf proposal e iion.idcrMl w t.iih 0 is nut fruity coK.f,rm w reuir" incut ihere n klaied. . . . ) The bids will hi ate I7ie tin tuber ajiaa c , (tf ntllce pruposid to be delivered tns must be endorsed "l'tSposal fcr At"111 BOppneg, t afatina the particular erttch bt lor. tu.tenel ALKT. 9. .KlbRT, lOtftt Quarterraatitr s ktepannm, IT..- AjlB,r! II EARQVAUTF.RS DEPAHTMBJfa WASIMNUfutl. OP OKHCK CHIRP 01 AltTntMrtPrTItR. Ki.f. .4,.V4J, anuria oUKTfchlf TH Htreet. .If TH Htreet. t r Virh Avenue, f M't. m-.;, i-flil J Wear Hew 1 WAMMIXal-TliH. Split ritOyOAAT.H Kilk Hl(lfll4 ANll Ul!Kl Propon is are herf by Invited until toon of WKOH"-? rt A V , 1 h toinr Mb, lor furnishing: tor ue of frrMHUoasaua Uii I'epartntetit. Tr.N Ah at . HA KOVA, each with fixtures consplete, etok ft r one hundred men at a time. ONK UCftJffcKIr MvALL COOKFVtf TO Vgff. earfei w Ith fixtures axmplet, to cook for families of three r four eonk, TKN fttX ATOVKfl. ordinary aire, mr heatmg. All of li e alatve Steves must he wi. d bnrnsrs, and vest Im delivered in lids oily oa or before the 'Joih da of kotw ber. IhM. An oaih of alleffthBce must accompany each bid. I'roposala to Iw sealed, endorsed ''1'ritfHisalt fur StoveeJF and addresiaed to thu undersigned, .jomn a. F.i.Mon. Colonel and Chief Qirar-or master oc31t lepartuM!nt ot Wa-ihunften. J O yv HE AHY. COAL AT $7'50 PES TOU TIIK CONKLMJUIS' MVTVAL COAL CflttTAVY Ar Now Delivering Coal friiu tbalr Oailanil Colliery, co lua celibrate dklduora and UaauaoU VeUu, al Hie follewlni- rata, : To Rubieilliert, per ton To .on-lliil'KriDrt,per Ion., ...,r ..u-o- Tbat tavins U K per tea to Htw akoMert. Setlilea ttu tovliif, then will It a dividend aunuallj on thaetoek, la all prclaUlitT, el' at least BIX bOlXAHS l'K S1UHC. to that alter U.e Brit year, Htocknolderi will set only get tUeir foal for B.iklBs.eiit will also probatilyreaswesi a tuiaU d.rldmil oa tkelr Blask. T'.e lenie mas, at tk are test low royalty, for Sixteen Yeare. Ike tea dollara) .er ituue paid now la far the whole term el thsieae, Tho pie tent capacity of tl Mine It W.OUO tout rr year, or one Ion per tdare. This will mon he uiorea.e.1 to lili.Wi, Ions, which will iv tka Cuupaylw.itor.a to elltoout.ideriattiiebii'aet starket prleee,-! HB PltO I'I8 llOM WHICH W1LV, BK XllVIUlSJ AilONU in'OflKlJOU'tKS. feah.rrlpUwii to Ike block (wkkk mar ttlll kt mailt at f ie i'r skarelwlll tie rctelvail al U.e oiuca uf tliaOoiuf aoya Ht.t. a. 8ITU airetl, aecowd.tlorjr. rrflclcnt, Dliectora, r JAMES LKKD,o.&H B. BUlh tuett. KDWARO E. JOKES, No. til Arek tlraei. IIKMRY B. PAUL, So. 419 Walnut atMl. r. r. tLAYTO.S, Do. IM N. Third lire el. THOMAS . OARSF.D, V: 106 Cte.nu IIW X Wil