IP - lllual .Si- nil OFFICE No. 108 S. THIRD STREET. fyttt Ttmrrt (terra M Oliri, or RrOHTrm OttiTK f ea.a, payable o tM Camet.and mailed to Mubrttrri 0 the Civ at Dollan P Aim i Onr Dollas imrimftm f" Two ato rna.loTerl.e.jln advance a teee-arted erdered. MrMMwm tnMree el the canal rata, A liberal IllHWt SOT UtMlM iBMTUOdt. Ts Cr -.,, wrier at fee. w,, null., earn be ra.ae r a oiyiB-nN Oo-imnnleet'nTii, Wkatet-er le teruV-d inr laril miikt a autlien-lcaied p the . w and adrlre-. of tee writer tint nece..rili tor embtlOBUen. but aa a eiiar.ni- iter M. txl faith. Wa aauwot aadertake te ratora rejeeted Coaaeanatoaltevs- M'BrXNKSDAT, OCTOBER 5, lsll. A t-4l.etF.HOun. ThAgt this morning gives the following a Consplcuoua place on Its editorial page : Oltll API THhl'NUTItHnOARI). Oncnf tkr B cruel and Inexonmi a ontragn win Di.H'fd at thr Itvinii rrirUv evening but that haievorciimn wfmin our kuovli'do. An old Itidy, a Mr. Km a., whnae fitcv bait long rn-cn familial to tbnao evhti do liitnlnrhe at or fr. " qur-ntlv visit tbe h vtw, no among a number " ol poor persona who pick up a dune hero and "there by peilttlitiR pit and fruits uiiout ibe "boats, and anion In cn)dt tbrtt put Iter o i " the river bank", whllci on bmnl of a err "lain pneket Ina.i.-tl lth miilicm, and bcr " endeavoring to matte a iio of her little Mo 'k n was Inaslted by one of tho.e to whom she prof fcred the content tif her iakct. Upon belm accosted thai In an unexpected and unkind " manner, be nttt-nipti t to withdraw from th- nrvsrnrt of throw tn "hose midst alia hanpcncil In doing tbla she wu .nrrtiundid hyt nnmlitv of tbe aoluVera. ami bt-r rurkct w. emptied or J M being emptied of it rout, ma, when she triad t I p'naade the bra-tli-a fellow to denist, and f return b-r w kt Mm J h'i atiilrn. Her plea.lin " wm ao'wrrrd oinv i h inxultl, and finally wbiie trying to extricate bt raelf from thvm.atin d ade to riaene her from the water, hut In vain. ,sbe lank under the anrfnee, nnd bat not been Ktl aiDoa." Mrmphit Time: We do not hesitate to pronounce this a deliberate and monstrous falsehood, concocted by a Bebel tympathlcer. and copied by the organ of thetubmissionlat here, for the pur pose of disgracing our soldiers In the eyes of the world. It Is an Insult to a loyal community like ours, which has sent the best offerings of lis hornet and hearts Into the Held, to the number of fifty thousand, to have American soldiers that tet down for brutes In the columns of a newspaper which dally abounds tn sniffling appeal to these Tery men to Tote for its candidates. TITK 1IF.RA1.IIM nS Mr( l,l!l,l,t. Eerybody knows thnt the New York Herald stuck to McClkllan as long as there eemed any chance for his election, but he has been found to be too heavy a load to carry, and It therefore thus shook off In the follow ing style yesterday : " Tm Chicago Comtkmtiok ow thk Wak " WoMUtariL Ionohakcu. Tbo Chicago Om " Teaiion' explicitly dteiarea' in itsplatlurm that no Kihe war Jta tullnrc, and that we must resort to "oiber means than wsr!U ones to settle the M diflerences between tha people of Ibe United ftatet and the triuuds and adherent of Jekk. "Davis. Mow it is only n aural that the men of ibe tnhago uonTt-ntinn nnld have stnUied " veiy eloMly and Tory mtcnly the hlntory of " that part of the war that was cirricd on and " conduct, d by Qenerul McCi.pi.lan, the favorite hero and leader of ibe Cnii-ago p.ttriiits. " UnqueHtit.nahly tbey, liku sermhle men, talk of " the tbingt tbey know niM nbout, and nhun " tbey speak of the w.ir ibov iucuii lieneral McCiELLAN's pari of it. We can, therefore, "giee with the Chicago Conventiun on this " point, Ibeteiano dnulH that rbewur, as carried "on by the nominee of that c invention, was a " n.Ofct decided loilure. But the Ciiongo C'oavcn " lion onght to kuo that McClkllan has " bean -superseded, und that there has been " anoiber (ieneraJ since his time who hat con " ducted the war ditlerentlr, and with more " ancce.s. Oeneral McClkllax, e are aware, "has never beard of O.-neral Obvnt at least " we are led to iti'er that from bis omisHioa " of Obamt's name fr.nn the uuinur of the " national bt roes whom be praised go gracefully in " bia apeecb at Ornrge; hut we bad not auppo-ed " that Ibe Chicago Oonveution was made up en " tirely of poiiiistl Kip Van M'iukies. Can it ba " yostihle that thai Couvru ion knows nothing of " that part of the w.ir Unit is honoralile to th " national arms ? Has it never hrard of Uenernl " Gbaht i Is that Convention also, like its notni " nee, ignorant of that gieal man's acbieveinunta, " and even of his name f A MINTOMNTKriTltiX I'ORHKCTF.n The recent speech of Secretary Sew ahi, at bis own home In Auburn, New York, has been the subject of considerable comment In tho papers of the Democracy, and by their speak ers on the Btuuip. There is one part of that speech, In particular, on which the partisans of McClellan and PiNdi.kton are ringing the changes with considerable zeal ; and they fancy, no doub!,, that they are miking not a small amount of political capital out of it with the people. As the Democratic critics, how ever, are purposely and willingly perverting the obvious Intention of a very Intelligible and innocent remoi k of Mr. Sewaud, we think It worth while to give a moment's heed to the matter. In the course of his a 'dress at Auburn, the Secretary of State observed that Mr. Lixcot.x was elected to be Presidi-nt of the United States ; and as the Rebels bad defeated that purpose of the people by secession and the war, it was but proper that Mr. Lincoi.x should be continued in otttce until the Union was restored, and be could exercise the Exe cutive functions over the whole couutry. II accordingly asked bis audience bow so desi rable an object could be effected, bow Mr. Jjincout could be kept In office umil be should be, in fact, what he had only been, up to this time, In theory, namely, the President of the United States. Some one in the crowd exclaimed, In response, "We will vote him In 1" Yes," replied Mr. Skward, "we must not oilv vote blm In, but we must Jlght him in I" Now, the Democrats pretend to regard tUU as very revolutionary decimation, the clear import of which, fairly interpreted, really means that the Republicans Intend to elect If r. Lincoln Into olllce if they can, and to nghthlm In If they musf. Now It is very manifest to any unprejudiced understanding, that the Secretary of Slate designed to utter no such sen'iment, and to counsel no such violence. Mr. Skwakd Is too much of a statesman, too much of a patriot, and too much of a Christian gentleman, to stand upon the tltreshold of his own peace ful home in the village of Auburn, New York, and deliberately advise his life-long neighbors and townsmen to carry a national election by force, and thereby Initiate a popular tumult whose waves would sweep over the whole , North, and overwhelm him and his and all else Ha,iueg m one injioerimlnute scene of conflict, Irtoodahed, and ruin. He has no such thought u Vus mind, and il'he could pos sibly hav eoucelved and entertained It for an insUnt.hel.apwK.nof too much prudence tnd policy to have, given publlo ,xpr6s.loll to any such sanguinary aim offensvve idea. What then did Mr. Bkviad mean when be said UuU the people mw BK,lt Mf Uj( COLK Into office, as well at vote liku in Ie meant only and precisely what tha i-Wrw. tary of the Treasury, Mr. Ciiask, mnt,viw. a few months ago be declared that-tlia fliuiu. clal credit of the Government depended In a Tery large measure on the military successes to be won by the national armies over the Rebellloa. Mr. SKWAJtsaad the Republicans kaowi aad so do the Pemocntte know, tbat every victory gn'ned now by our brave troops over the Ilcbels strengthens the Administra tion In the lavor and confidence of the people, who want the war honorably ended and ths t'nlon rc-entnlillahed and that those who desire the re-election of Mr. Lincoln can bent secure the necesaary bullous to accomplish Unit enil hy promptly stepping to the front of the t'nlmi itnny, and helping the President to put down the .Southern Hebcllion. That Is what Mr. ShWAitn meant when he spoke of fighting Mr. Lincoln Into otllce, nnd every hone.-t cltlxen knows that lie meant no more. 1 lit. Kl III I4A Oils I'UIPA Y Of M V.ST VIRUIttlA." Tiipitnl, '1,000,000, .iivi.Ied Into 100,00 sharci 1 $ 0 i-or iturt-. Aultirff'liii prtre, f Mr hr Tlilf ;om(.diki, fiwni Foi H um-tit vtliiibl In4 And )f.tit-f In thr Kaiinbai VmI y. MtueVt on Mm sci ni itmp'x M' l:nn hmr rhei of ltuh otcv1;, nl wMha flri Dillon of the Ohio rlt cr. On ll"rc M- k 'iie r inpanjrownonn wlt, whkh ntw piiinti)L' iwentj tm e han ( U of I1 pr d iy. TiiiiWfltti only trne hiiiwlrnl a ml iwrntv-irvr-n rt i1ftj. TTia Miipfriiittiii't tit 1ft now ri pittiu to bore to t)i 4i h nf tnc ottur wotl urrnuiHlinn n-, whtr.n tirt rKl nrUtif fritoi our hunlrl to nne humlifd and dlsvlv littr1i of oil pt dny, win ii wt- arc B'lll d wr cum produce llk mnt There In uti nt tier well at Horn Nwk, now btw4 two litinilrcil and lty-f1vo fett, with about thuty foH of nil ( In tho w oil. The land on wh'ch tMi well In torAtad it aa a porpetnalleaiie Tb Hull (Jroofc 'mptor own a ann thlrd lutiTertt, our conipan hvp tho batlnncoof two tlilrdi. At ('Hniplii'irn run, tlif company own In fi e m trart of tiiii-f -thre itrrr , coDldir 1 y (raloUU and mining engineer, tiiti bent nil territory In the Hiata Th ureal Turk well, tlowiriff flv tniDdred barrel, a4j'ln. UiU propcriy lidk ormbrrlptfon aia now open at tlit Cumpai.y'a OfMrf", HfMioj Ko Mcn-hn Kvrtianae, A lltiiih iiuulxr of haret iny will be old. JOHN J. KKOMCR, Traurer. I'rum Ibe 'riltbnr Iilly lol" of Boptembor 9, V6i. Oii. hiwiuk. Tbo 'Who ling Intfil'trenrer' We l-arr In m tentletiian wlio aTird ynterd froa I'll aunt roiiiiijr ibui on Mondtty (lie Htirin Oil !ni..tRt- i rin k a wrh on llnrno N'ck.ln that o nt . wnlrh will t,d a t)ihniid bairela uf oil per day T ore u Kr4t t x iii'tnfiit on Uie ut-t tn tr it vkmli, and Uie oil iaer It prt'aiUnjt to a fimiut o&ifiiit." IHfirr1Ml. HOM YFRMKTII.-On thn tf'h ult., br the Ht. L. ('. IfaViT, Air. .1 AMb.S II. l.uW.KK to VtWUlf t iK MAilLl. only Uu.btor ol Cap Ul a A. lluaita. all of Caimlun, H. J. mMfl ('OOI'KR. At Wllllninxon. Wavne ronnty, Mew Tort, Pcpti nitu r (IhlKKI Til M. COO.'KK, ued 74 year. KI LLKR. At ('atoxo'ioo. on Thmtidny niurn- Injf, hepumber i9, ot ilhciiw contniuted In tho army. Lieut. OholU.R W. KI'LI.KU, lata ol Coinpan r, t ui ty neventb Kciclment 1' . IHIHN.-ln thin city, on tho art Irmt .OKOROK HCflN, M. I).. AotlnK ANHintnnt Murtjeon Camp All I lain 1'ona, In tr? VMh yearol htn ane. The rcintlviM nn male trlenrtnof tho family are Invited to attend the Itinera), hnm hie late rel It-noe. No. 1714 Itmwn Rtreet. on TnurHtlny mornlntr;, tith Iniit., at 10 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Utll ( einetery. AlOLON Y. of membranoa omuo.on the 4th tntK, OKOKdK H., Infant sou ot Henry II. ami Aunlo L, Mo lony, aiyed 17 niontba. Jtoi'KIII!-L.-On theAAth alt. at hid hfrrh-plara, lo Iluitttrloti county New Jernor, WILLIAM I. ItOCK HILL, in tho JfcHh vearoi hi ao. WILSON. At IlliiinKup'Tf. Nw JeMer, on the Id lnt., Mrt. ELIZABETH WILSON. In the oUb year of hr aVL'. The relative and frlendti of tho family am Invited to attend br mnrrtl, innn the ro-idein:e ot horaon. .No. It' :il sprmtf Harden atrvet, on 1 burdj( October 6. at 2 o'clock I'. M. Rill KY. On WeUnenday moroing.tho atli imUnt, Urn JANK L. KHLV.Y. The rebii ve at d irifiidrt of tbo family are renpee fully tnvlied to tltnl bvr fumrnl from the r-snlonre of her buftiaitd. No. 7i'i Kp u e itrevt, on H tturaay, Uie Btn In nat.t, at lnorl.Kk A.M. ATTENTIOlir, BATTALION! V'ETEItAN VOI jT fNTRKHS!! A metta of Ibe A.SMHTaNT MARSHALS of tha FIRST BATTALION UNION CAMH.U(.N CLUB, war. he iitau at iieaiqi'ixtkr.s. TJiIh CVelnei.lM') Evonlnv XV 8 O'CLOCK, rnnctiial a'tendanoti U reqnevtcd. P. C. ELLMAKER, It CHlEf UABSH.VL. AT THK B0OMH Of THE ILEOTBIOAL IN8TITUTF, ,. iaao WALNUT Htreet. 81IIWECT: MUOICAIi lOIECTHICITV. PROFESSOR C. II. BOLLES Will udiln'aa the public on the aubjret of MEDICAL ELECTRICITY A ai I'lltd f'.r tha care of loth acute aol cartalc illtaatea, TEX55SDAY ZVXTSIRG, OCTOBER 6, AT IX O'CLOCK. At tin Itovnii of the ELECTlilCAIi If HTITBT Ii3. No. 1220 WALNUT STRKET. All are Invllid hi attonrt. ?0-5 Jt f FRMAM A rKTHOLEUM COMPANY OF I NKW Y'MtK. OPr li.'K OK PL ATT, OKRAHI RUCK LFV, 1 AM. r iei it L-y. Skw You, Octebur 1.11 it ) .tOHW r. SOHKPELKR. KhiJ., f Pifttl'li-nt ot tho liemiaina I'vtroleum ('(impair: Hiu: We certify that we have ex am dud anJ approved of the title of your ooin,ani to the Internets In Oil Vhs and lsaaea, and real entitle dii-r.bed In y ;ur Proi.iectia. nnd apuated on OH Crvvk. Wild Cat Iloliow, Mcliae Bin. ond All'-geny It Ivor. Themvial rurtlth atei we have procured from the Pro -thonotsirv, Rernrdcr, and Trvasurerof Veaani( c jtmty, Peiinyviinla.ln vthK-b county the prouerty iu fiifatii ia ituatol, nlio the same to be entirely free from all llni ami Incuuil ranees. YeO' r' Spetfilly, Your obedl nt arvanta, H PLAI T, OKKAKII A RIM KLKY A' r A N II UNDEll TIIE GOLD STANDARD. rsow oir:rv. A Full A-sorluicnl of Fall imd Wliifer CLOAKS, VOll liADIEH AND MISSKS Il.eae l.oda luieg momly mrchaI FOB and payable TS OW.I), 10 C caee will 0. price clitrued txeced TBE GOLD BTANDAED, Do siatter wkal pcliit tke latter dec inea to. We protect eiua.hr ircm kn tj tail purckailng CulJto Uie amount J. W. PROCTOR & CO., THB PAEIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND FVR EMPORIUM, TOE DAILY EVENIN TELEGRAriT. PHILADELPHIA, JVEpNESI)ATf0qnEUr).6L I. an. a L it a v ii rr. JIT- C'HrH T) W. B. CAKKTX. MASONIO 11A1.1,, Ho. 71fl OHESNTJT Bt.rwt, Hai bow Open lila PALI. 8TOCK r CtlUTAIN MATHIUAI.H. f-erfk Sal a.i, I: led liiot atrlira, 05le!ln . tr co'', Dalit anil ller(1r,l Trry, Vnlan n 6 Ai1 W o, i itna.a, KifdcIi Halln 6r l..n, Frxif.h aril tvraari laqia.Ka, FtiK-h Pilntrri taatlma, f irnicM aia Hand. A avar llella'Jon 'f (;l)TAlh MAttKltLM. V N I W H II A I) II N fl th 1 n-!t Pol f and ratiorna. I. A l 10 O IT ItT A I N S nt-litjd ttian tha prwnt co.t nrimportallnai. VALKAVKK'S (Ian f Akl.YLS), ho. TIB CHKHNUr filUKM'. BUSINESS ITEMS. J IK C T H I C I T Y i UrK AST MVKI A WORI TO THK Wlrtr, IS Hl'l-KHiKNTl All dlneaned conJitlm.f. both aotile and chronte, where there vitality enough lt to renrt, are perrnanenll onrr.1, by warat.tee, at H ITJ0 W Al.Nt'T Htroet lhlla tleljthla. and tn cane of a failure intnoet obtlnatemlsVllo, no cltarK la ma fie. Kleclrlral Inatltntion. aetablltbod about Ave jeara ago by l'rofeaaor 110LLF.S. Read tbo following : A claaa 0fBia1alIea prevaJJa to a feirfal extent In com tnunlilea, dooming lon.OoO 70m In. of both aeiea. animal! to an ear))' grave. These dlfe.ia are very tmoerfetl nnJeratood. Their external manlfeatationa or ayni(toina are nervoua tfubillty. rebuatlon, and great ovhatiadon. maraama, or waiting and oontumption of the tlaitieaof the whole body, ahortneaa of breathing, or too hnrrir4 thing on aacending a hill or flight of atatrs, palnttatlon of Ui heart, a attune, brnnchltla, and a dry, lore throat, trembling and ahaklng of U10 arm and lower llraba. averalon to aoclety, bualneaa, and to atudr : aonidtl'iiet dlmnaai of the tyvatxht, ! of memory, dliatnaita of tbo hflfii, tetitaifla pain In vatioua paru of the body, naina In the back, and lowar llmoa, luinbauo, dys pepila, oonatlpatlon of the bowela, deraitfred aecrotlona of the kidney a, and many other glanda of tlw body, pro duelrg virulent dlaeaxea In both male and fmilea t lika lae ipllupay, hyaterla, and dilltwnt forma of nervous apahma. how, then, nlnety-nlMe caaea out of every hun dred of all tli a alove-named dlaAea, and a hoat of other, not named, aa conhutuptlon of the InngH.or of thoaplnal nervea, have their origin In the pelvic viacera, hence Uie want of aucceaa by an ( the old medloal ayatenai of pructica. TUMFAHKfl OF KEM VI.Rfl. Fro la pan a Vte1, LuiicorrhoDa, Amtnorrhoa, and lya-Bianorrlm-a AH ti e alcove UiaeaNet) and onr (lierino cUipiaiuw ha c thfir origin In a lMof tltevltaJ pownr off Uie ooOy. bmiujbt on by Injunen, exoeaaee e dantary hahlta, perjaonel about a, aiurtlus,aiid iiif une of power. ul OK-dic'iieit. Home ot the peculiar a miiioma art? lraKriR patna tbiouah the htft and oack. wnHknesii ol tho lioioa, and exirt nin lanituor and dt-billty ibronuhout ihe tinttra a v ienu Ibe eiioeta rmlucc1 iroin thene trouti'atoiao nialadtea are almoai mitltltudlno-ja. Conrnimption, l)va p4Pla. NeuralKia, I'Hralyiila, lafneaa, Hltndnemi, k'lta, and lninntiy, and even Mtcy, are aot nncnaiinta. io eHectnal or rellajle remedy ha ever been found fn? these nlamitigcomi'llnta till our late o .cover Ki the ua offclt-etrUMj In atrtet accorda'Ce with he pjanive and neKailva tx-larlzailon of the Uterine Organa. We over failed In eunn all ol' the above dlaeaina, fxoept In eaao of orvatn e ieretigtineiit,or avre Inxwlea of the parts ftira- I'd iron, a lady ot great ene loxe and ability, will nave entire ciiarge or treaiitik in tue laojoa aepanuioui. ConsMitau.'ti me. I'KOK. C. H. BOLLKS. Lecturer. I'll YMI I4NS. W. B. Browr.M. I) , l 8hldd, M. D., 8, W. Rc kwlth, M.I- Address a' letter to ur. nr. is. UKUwa. no iu WALNUT BUoet, Philadelphia. li i-'iX Ntiperlor Floor The "11 arper'a Ferry" U thebont Motir that coBcs to this market. I reth lot, jual rocelved, hy IlAVlH KlCHAJTf,, Aruh and l eath atreets. Brsxfilnai In Clotbluif. Ttarttaiea In ('IoIIm: g. littri-nina In Cloininu. lti:giUB in Cltf'.hing. At (iKANVILLK flTOKK-t'Old SU'ld, At Okanv 11.1,0. Hroaufi' Old Hie id. At Okah vi 1. i.a HroKxV Hd .Stuud. At f.KAMVll.LM SroKji.-. Old Htand. Mo. 0O Cheanut street. No AOCroftiifit tr'U Ho mm heaftut atoet. H9 6UCheauut street. 8 IXC HA CO A KARON HAMLIN'S CAulNKT OUUAkS. HA BOAT h BAMI IN S C'AltlNKT OUUANS. 1KCKKK IIK08 VCial AaWJb trm ffrFii rlANOS. i. n ntut.il, Rm culh aol ciUe.uut .lireoU. r.. H. Vhllman A u.. laaonfacturaia or Nw and lleltctmia Oonfeotlon,. AlroonJ f uta, Cuacolaie larem.le.tirpatn. mi Mode da I'arta, aaqinannlv tlavured. Koaiuri Juraau Almundu, &c , Ac No. HIS Cha.nut etreeu below Fourth. T EDUCATIONAL. 1RITT K N f) KN 'S CO M M K RC I AL CO LL KG K, J No. CH7 ( I1H.SKUT Hlreot. corner ot vmitu XatabUkbed 1H4. Iticorp.uated H'5. Y.ninft mea prepaied for the Countltu-honsa and bual- OMh iie. Thorough and practical InstrnetJnn In HMJK-Kr t'lNa. In all fta branches, at piacUaud by the bejt accouniants and bualtieas men. l'tNMANS IIP. flaln and ornatnenial, ia taught by one of the mot cjoi uett'Ut 01 pfiimfi. i i'ituucrcial t. aioniations, Bii'ioe's forms. Couiiot'iriiil Law, Iieits-titiK countertelt Notes, Ac. TKI.KfiUAt'lllM,. By aound and or paper, tanjhtln a rnorouhani practical nturfr bv a Ionic-- pt TU ec d ouraior. jrii)KNlS INritUi'Tcilf tthl'AltAltLV, And tecelvt-d at n titm-. KveiitUft -i-a-doits afur September lota. OA I AL' HillKH. 'ontalninr tfrm. atnds-iiU' names. f47l taut rear). Ac lurmabHl KfAtia on AppUration, o. 11 t ui v i r. in-. a 'At. ef In W7 ( UKSNlU oireet A. N I UNI) 11 THE GOLD STANDARD. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF FASHIONABLE FURS, OF European and Domestio Origin, f OR LADIES AND MISSES. The Coo4 being uottly pnrcliaaed FOB anl payable Df GOLD, lo no caie will Uie price charged exceed the Goltl Standard no matter what point the latter decline, to. Tfeproteet oar.elrei from lot. bj dallv pure' ailu- OoMI U th amount efoui sales. J. W. PEOOTOR ft CO., THE PAEIS MANTILLA, CLOAK, AND TVH EMPORIUM, M. 7.'l hOI TINtUIAM ANI SWI.-.3 CeliSNtT j I.AC'I.H, HIUKI. I Krvi tVl.ilea. WINDOW KIIADKS,, in . t 'i ;i xr.m RTn.es. KELTY, HEW VOL OKH, niDPIM.J r(H A, f! AT 1MI--MAM I ACll'HKRs, C II r.SM i f aruKKl PIANO COVKIif. iMli l ST HTiM'K 1 TMH CITI, AT LOW Pi'.K KS. i III hM T hTirt.KT. AMUSEMtNTS VKW CIMSXTTT tSTII KKT TIIKATkK. ll l KONAIJilll.OVl-.lt A 1LI.IAV1 K flINW. at l Mn'h M r. It (v.l..ertai 1 M'KM'Ml.Oft J. W I, Mi r" .iji)i i- aiife of ( W AH.f h f'MKI'V roMMIATIOM, V bo r Hi i t ir f -i ri mi a 1 .,ir,r ly t e'tfd II'K -CHO L t-i'-t ir tfr Tpi7le r.Wn Warren I im.t 1-1. Ic , MU tial' O'fna Vatji ll i ct... Mr. !iar'e- lU'n a flar-.r p.fnr MIsn Unlit ! HU'li tiHiid l imllv Mrt-liM'. MVIIlKinV AK1 KtC N (IN . i. b, r -lifti tl.cHKA it H-K. OK. A M -'I III K H I i A a.li, hM he pr ni'iiH tl by ajn -elnl ro juejt, ef rri'n ft friff. lit. JOHN iUtfr.WiS NliW ARC 11 ST. 'JllKATIK - VKrVAl.l-M. lnr.MiVlo rirm Miilit f the iirmf L.r Ar M, VKS l I.I 1 MOMVW, Mi r vr.lt V hVHNINO, new (t rnr, Co-i tin-en e , llroul m Kntimtl'innl lnmi ol IIKL l'KMl'M'". Aur.l.n VKTf AM. Ill V r It tr h- Will M'.i uV(r .'RKTItK MAR." and "HCAVK M H 'O. 1'i'r jiArtlcutara ol" ftccnerv . In i Jent. Ac , s-e billi. v 'i H HK MiKI THKFK 1ATH I H AHVANt'R. MU.sM;T STlt KIT OI'KHA IIOUaSK. No. ' IWl f IIKhM I Ntrwt LLI.S"N rroprlelors. M"KA.N H MINHTItRLH tn en elf L-nnt jMVHirAL I'KlirOPMANCK PVKHY IVhNlNO. Co!niTeiirliia alio clo k precisely. At'mi'flon "ih cr"ri. UiHrod Meats CO tent Hoi Off. re i p n In-in M to 1. ID 1 -( ill HIST K K J K V T K !), " J The gieat ami Ci4bhrnt-d picture by neat, the chef d u uvre of ti e r(lt. tM NOW CS v.xrmiiTioM AT TUB ACADKMY OK KSK. AKTrt, No. IfV'i CHKHNUr STJtl K'l', In a!dMii.n 1 the KN IKK Art Co'ltvii-.n of the Aendemv. At' mil ii'mt-.S'' r-n ; -e.on 't n wr ta.fiti ren a 1 H 1 1 11 TAU OII.1 COMPANV Or I'HlLAlK.I.pniA. 1 I U K OTO HH. IIOM. WILLIAM Mft l VTAK1). HAMUKL B PHILLIPS, JtlliH U. VICIIKKII, . JAVRft M AHUISOy, H. N. FIT.'.KHAI O, IHRAKL HI' HKNEK, THOMAS ALLKS. Tl t 8ubacrltttlon Hook, to lha a bore ComoanyU nw realy at tha hankliig Uouae ol Miehael Jacobs, Ko. 4 fl.'lllIltliH f(et,riiUt:o:plnn, wture tit IMn-etoia will meet, and be happy to give any Information concerning th- Tand, Rubarrtjtion 11 per share, the original price, and no arelsment. KAMUliL AT.I.KN. BECrtRTAUT. Pmi Ai.i-1 1 MIA. October 4. ltu4. in j-t "P0R A TRAVELER'S VADE MKCt'M, this, of all others, Is the Book." BAltPKIt'S lIAKD-nOOK FOR TRAVELERS 14 El'ltOPE AM THK KAT. Using a t.ulde throuiih Great Hrtta'a aad Ireland, France, nelglum, H-ilUnd, (lor in any, Italy, hlcily, Kuypt, SrrU, Tarkey. Oreeca, hvli7,eilan- Tyrol. Hpain. Luaila, lenmark, and twedea 1 W, rK Mil HOICK KKrHIIXJK With a Rallrfjnd Map, irrected up to li8,and a Map em bracing Colored Rents 6 of Travel lu tho above Joun tries. Third Year. Large l-'mo, Leathor, pockat-Huok rorm, t:..o. From ihf Hon' Jaurnnl. We have In OiIh gfHuly voluinf (the third btok of (he sTieb) a work ol ' gn-at n.eritand rarevalie, not on1 to lh- toiirthtaH a co mil aa a to tiiiidi him in Mntr .vwi i lvin;. an It iwtffr, all Hie pru rlp4l iiotela. reorta, rallroful?, &,; Ac . ot ery iiUre ol intoreit). but m ti, Htodv it aa a t k .f rfr nee In re a ion toMibietjtjti.f fiolast haio'Hal lnitrtrtroe afnoh lime and l.iir havn evi-ii'iiti bc-.-n U vK d tu Its irepratlon, and Krm reer -h lHtied ni'D it eompilHtion. The nrhur lias trawled ir tluae vbo l ai-iMtt, Diud' hlmhfll the guldo of tli.iue w u are tmvtie li Hnticiia'n u-and acta a a tfo d ri-corder tor both, lie has fot-ii ui ft on the aurt ue of tie rami 'UyuiiJ the "'-fills " wl"hl an vtn for fc tcnin v liHt I ha.- fen und teate( in a pledu manner, in my ii i btltii; tat. it e i.ccrnliiK prttiuioi'iit pi pic, planis note, A c. Ii woul'1 reune iiiuch ( iv-1 a ti.l t tlink. ot ihiK volume The book it uiuey, and (lie cner i1 -tbil t w mii wIik b n I p't-mii eo Ik Mifflctviit 10 arcnunt fr 'lie vhli.f- u'tHt ht-d to t . that claa ul p r.so-i t r who e aiitctnl uk- n tut be a i" pitied. Atb"- a tluii.ingh Ins v timirf It inj , we are ot tin 'iiiion that t iH itjtul l't oil" w 10 1- fo'ii a anajholutt- mrwtia non b all pcrama it in ia- tia (jIu w orld, fran On Awrnom l.itav Ga-.W an-f Pu't'teri-' Cf t'uhtr, a,-l,t,'m'er is-;. Th. nilnite aubtl.vuum of iho lum iu Murray nerlea of fn te-l'fs, Into it.i nccoinpaiivlng d a.nl a nag.- he IihmU- In cuinl ed to pr'tcute a hbr ry n mi tM r I Jit. t-lid nt alinMt every frori it-r lire ha muit cnanije h'a trunk Viidt In nei-riVo is some general work vthicii ahull nnheritie ordiuar' cxit-ene-en ol a b l-f ( "Otl; ; final exciirhixi. Ihtsw ul ia sui'plli'd In tue W(rk bef rv u, rvi lctibms been ctiou ed aul rt-taue I annually I r trio Is M (line e-rs TI.e (tubiia'-eih hnv.i tttke-i aptn al pa'HS I in t re it the mort ct'ituc and ofWui volume of thuklud plib iatf d 'I he autnor, who residi-a In lClir.ipi' ton HMtr port I n of his lime. ran. ouring the la, t te.tr, rewrHlon the .iui or the .reaeit yea., which la aaiu to betnoyeara I liitt r than inv Luiouean Hand Itouk, I V, t'hnrch The ptit.li-.liia,tn i ti-ndiM-Ing iIi'n ttlrd voluim of travels to ti e I'l'biK , do I' in lnnv'tutt-f wblcn we. hit n t i irotih t Miiiuiiatu v lot ori-e iiiKiuiilittfOiy. The hiiw.oi U Kii'i r- tt iravi h-r too hU c'ortv p'lr.ietl.co.UrXict umo am p'b -f a it hi w ant. The iiiiiltlnjileH of our n-jile no an- ivfHkM-K ie tho OM Woiui I' I, if f ey aio wi-e, an ly CTMLij!) thf v-an-s i " tilth 11 nil I took be-oru atitrtil.ff. and ittirr i Ij olitint with I htm . It ftivnn h uount of ini-imailop, hi-i- ri( al,i itlotli ul. d'aci,tive, on t ltIi-c tl ; i( advlsen tNe traveler upo ii tliounahd thin,' a wlilfh lo tani:ot anttotpate, und yet upon whlnh ho will neea lo Ik- pt-aw tl. from the Chrt-tian Alrorae, This work already eni a ile and l'uvjrnb reputa tion. . .(I It ha I en much n t b ti u lata 'I ho loi.c Hr tins i-nr l. howevi-r, a rt-at impii'vement ov r toruer oit d. aa the whole hk ha bovn tlofonvhl, rev a. d, error tnim tt-d and onUhtofoiM auop ini. a W k ul s hu dft d ilu "dec lino patttt is. tw virtue of thin pap jr and hum prtikintt- actual1 hr.iiik'ht don to thi ale of a pock-! voinuif. In Turnayino " i, wth riu-ka li au-1-fKjj slalMe tnrea vur in Kur.ipe wlrle pxd H worth Wo-htly. aim all the I'otfV1 roHti a ol t vel hei-e by the t mthtu'ka o iecealon, .he) wdl,ol cootai', v. a tit t hi a b t k. Mtttiiuhil. v.'h-t rem -In at home my stu) it hywa ol prj 'tnitiii (nr w lint we h ip i to do lnTtiahtf r, or to hi-lo ittraebea to maku lmainry (oitrnpya wnre ue renin y i out ol our rah. lor a traveler's mrrum.tlns.ol all others, It the book. Frnm the Mu ',nk Timet As a w irfcor rotvrunco. and aa an IntullUrfhle Riihle fr tl o tourtkt.thia Hand- Hook I suiHrlor to anv tub ishel tn Aim -lit u or Kuioe iu U la int d eri-ry luijro emut in rHiiwavc, ia e-e acne. t -., mm or.' likeiy 1 1 he em p oymt in niMklnit the neral tinir Tlw Uund-ltiNik la an mitioai; ami ttiertrre, uoiike ti-e uutdti titnika ot l-.ur ipe, coiditlna all fie htU'Ht Intoriuailon ntce-aary tor the en nun enititiK in mt ptinni-. m iMuriiiiioii ih nimo-loal. tooourtihlih l. and draerto'l a To the te-tt It -ul lt-.t e triiiiond uap eor tcitia up to im, atia a intp ittubraclun coii'iia rt nit ti iiaMi it, iut- cm n rioa iiautea. from the A'cwi York f)ifatrh, A work without whlrli iio travflor run lalt Kurnoe. 1 ht- anihor. Mr lVuibn-ne Kt-irhU. In a Oioroog irtv(mr, aiiiwi-ll iinIrrriainl tho Mtihjeeta n wbk-ti hf -rlt". Hit- bo k tobtaio na much uiattr nvt-onll-ray lt-d v) iiiofn rniii.tiiipr i tiutonc.-d, Btit'uticeil, aiil tleatiptlvf In'niiitaH'iii, with d liiM 1 at: ounta of wi.ai out i n.ht to see aoti v. i ne me iiaolcn lart ol the Itmk Is alao xcrlh'ttl. from lha J-... lyn tnitv t'nttm. Pitch a book la. of otiiime. iiidiiwiHblf. ar.d tliia one rJainih tt e n.toit oi ,iiok In c A:ei and in ir n ltubie loim, all tbe Intif Mat-lire hh h one rt-vdrp itu iflitv ol' orcmary (iuitle-Hooka to procttro, and at ni-(u jutieih the cost. rubllshod by II A II I r k A llUoTHKltft, Nev York. hi Bl hy .Mail, polj,e. (.,., on n-reipl fl'i't. It lliW U. H. LOAN. $40,000,000. litfirrli k to U.e ailv.rtlit uicni or (lie or.lary cl,. Treaiurj lor rilOFOSALS FOR THE NEW U. S. 5-20 LOAN, We will Include In cor bid for tbe lane tboae :" any lartlfl vUbln( Uiaate aipllcatkU fur any part ilmreoi, WITHOUT OIIA1K1K. l or InfvlitiaUc n ai ply to JAY COOKE & CO., JUNKERS, Me. US THtUD 8T11EET, HM-IH rbtladilpkla. WANjLMAIiXJv & IROWN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER G, 18G4. VOr1 OAHV, No. 7:? OHKSNUT .STItliiKT. s-Sf- WXTH WAHU tNION CAMl'AIOX C" I.I It - Ai an aijounid m..lln m Ui.l ncii-F'-n. of tiif W 4i;i, h,-ld on h. nudity e eiits. i'cw I, 1S. at Imiii N Hoiri. I'hrrrv .!rl Ul. f on m 't.. liolnirl at a prpvioii, n-tyt:tiK. ifpo-ied lor perii.arai olliror. ii, L- it'll, iwi K-rarntn uf aii.u.ca : liil..i.t,nAMIiKI. C (M1IJ1-M1. Vliv ric.il. itu, HIOUAH J. Mf'lKAK, THDMaSC. f A II K I II 1 KI1V I H C W A I .IIOII N hrticiariF., Wli.liAM W. WAKKKIKI.l), IU11U IIATKH V lio H(,rp iin.nirnon.lv clcriprt. (in uiiiil'tii.ihc I'rulCi'in appouiU'tl Ike iitllowlnf a, a r inane ..iitiv.iMt II U. 'A HfllN .IOIIM MtiKINI.FV, Vi al. VV. Vt AKI KIBI.tl. ' J t. WAItK, Wl I.IAV MMI I'll. Aflfr II i apnoli.lnn in ol a Committi' of ArranifimiMiti tt Hf rit.Hwil lo hi, lit a fiibl c me-Intff ol lli I Inn on Vt hliMfcHI'AV fcVKHMI nK. ', at O'lWk, At 'HaKI.IN ll tl.t., SIXTH rltrtet, boluw rco, to vliloh all err ItivltMt. Ktiili.enl .ieiikvrt will lp p,eeut. Ailiomncd. HAMBKI. 0. ronrpii, ITriMeitt. J. 11. 0 Dauiu. Sn-rtnar pre ten. U CtSf- DIVIDKNU NOTICK. OFI'IOK OF TUB ltlK'K (ill. (TOM PAN X Ot I'KNNiYL VAMA, ho. W.l V) AI.M T Mlnpt. riiiLAiiM.i'iiiA. Hi'Plemoor Wl. IMt. Tl e I'oeM of Iilrertora liavi- th' dur dw.;lafl tliolr, Thud Moitiiiiv i'iv.iji-i a ot ivfn rAii n.si u uy (i.it- iw-r i"liH') on ihr CaiiKtil Hioi-fc , p.yattlit on and aiiiT hi ON t AY. Oclilir lO.frtteol .Stale Tax lli'l'r.tia lir llt.oki, lll Ito cl t.M on Tue.tay, lfli.r 4, at t V M., anU oiwnea oil in itn. jtm r. imrr. Ul 1-71 HerrtUry and Trratuer. A riVE-TWENTY BONDS. TK..rnT 0 114 wtm t fit WAnHia'.iaa, October 1, l-l. fioalod offers will be received at this Department, under the act of flung rem ap)rved June 90, hull, unlll the naon of FltirAY,tlia Hih lnatar.t,for bonds uf the UalU d Status to the amount of forty millions (4 O.OtiO.fW) of dolhira. The bont'soflrrcd will bar an Interest of fcix (6) prroMttum. pa.val.le teral -annually in oolit.on the drat days of M sy and MTOtnber, wid will be redoemablo at the plaaauro of (ha Uoernmcnl ai'ier Ave (S) yoara, ard payable la twenty (t" years from November 1, WA. Kach offer snnat be for tUty or some mulllpto of fifty dollars, ainl ut slate the aota, inc.adlnf pramiva, to7ert4 for each ImntsVed dollars, or for fifty when the offer is for tie rao ro th an fifty. Ta o-per cent, of the principal, excliidlnt. pro tntun oil he who'e aaionnt bid for by each bidder, mut be deposited s gaarautee fur payment of subscription. If accepted, with the Trrauirer of tho lulted btaiea, at Wahkl'irt'on, or with the A tab taut Treauref, a, how YorV, ho.t .d, rhlladelphia.or Si. LouU.or with Uie de.lg- tcd dt-fpoaltoiy at HaliimorB, 1'itUburtf, (;(. ouaU, lxuiavtlle. h rtikt. Detroit, or liafTnlo, or with any Ma UfBiIl-epit Hank which may conaenl to irani.icl me biiairiras w I'hout chaise , lor which deposits duplicate CM lltlcatt will bo Issued to the dopoaitors by .the ofhoor or Bank receiving thein, the originals of which must be for warded with the olTeri to this depot All deposits ihoibl be mnde In time JOr the oerlillcntes with the offers to reach VaihJnt(ton not latur tliau the Diornlng of October 14, as aforeaald. ho offer not accompanied by Its proper Cettlllcait of Ih poMt wll. beconaidorvd. TheCoupjnand Kegiatcretl l'ciodi la tied under this proposal will bo of tho denomination ol llfly dollars, one hundred dollars, Ave hundred d-.llarn, and one thousand Jol;an. HefiUred Bond a of Bve thousand dollars and ton tliousand dollars will be laaned tfre-niired. A tl oflt ra ret el ed w ill be openexl on Friday, Oc tober 14. The aw ants will be made by the He-relary to the hbjbcst oflertra.and notices, of acceptance or declinaiton will bo Immttliatel uiwn to the repiH-iive offt rirs. In eases of ttcicftame, bonds ot tho deaciibtlon and denonilnatloa pi (lend will be anl lo tlio tibcilUra at the cost of the J it-part ut lit oa anal paaieut of lualalmenla. The drrptslttf two per oent. will be reckoned lu the- last In. tu lint nt paid by successful offerers, and will be lUiuicdtate'y leiumed to those whoae offer may uot bo avt-eptid. Hit amount of torepted oflV-ra most be do- poaitcdwlih the Trtaaurer.oHlcoror Uank authorized to at t tntdtr this imtice, cn advice or acceptance of offers, as ftllows : One-half on the nf October, and the balance (in- rtuutoai the pjeuiiuin and oriKinnl two per cant, deposit) on the Ulat of Uet bur. The Hi Ada wld bear lntareatfruu ISotciiiher 1. Interest on depot. 1 s from that date to Now mbt r 1 III be aid by the Uovernmeat In coin. One hull ollht htht Instalment, or two'ity-flre percent, of the aict ptt d ulier, mm be paid, with act-rued intern si toOcto IhtH, iu Mni'td Hi t.t en ''Certificates of Indebtedness; bnl hut k t.rii,luutt h will be uttd lu jtart pa tneut of tlie tltt liuiulioi nt onl. 0n. und.rtl.it uollce aliould be endorwd "Offer for Loan and .d.lre.md to the Secretary of the Treaaury. The rbjlit to decline all oiler, not considered advautuifcoaa to the Uovuriiiuent la reserved by the Secretary. (Hittncd) W. P. rF.KSENHEK, 10-4-lOt iiecretiiry of the Treasury TTklSSOLUTION. THR CO-PAUTNERSIIIP S ' In ietolore BM.lirg under tbe aim of KAMI KL N. l'AV KS ii HUN , 1. tlnn clay dl.olvtd. The bu.lneu will be .sttltd by tlie nmli rii;Iii;d, at No. lilCK Htreet. CHAM. L liAVM'.r), Survlvins fartner. Krliiluaclpbla, booteuotr M, iMt. C'O I'AHINIUHHIP.-TI). nderli.Tatd bave thl. day foruic d a t o tartiier.lilp under the tlrin of I)A VI lllto 'Illfclttt, lor Ilia trunMaellou of a general llaukliif and llrokerage tlu.iuaaa.al Xu. ti'i 110, K l-ln .l. CIIAlil.tS K DAVIE3, !,,,,, Ht'lta A. iiAVlbtt. fblladilphla, October 1, 101. V. B. fnrtlcates of IudehtedneM, Qusj-termastere-vcuelier. and check., and Goveruuteot becuiltie. uiio. rally, bou.lit and sold. iio-l-lin Du.iee.t I'aper and loans on Collaterals negotiated. iy'.' wld Loan. bouuM and mid en Ceiumliwlon. 11N-NE.NO.NE.AW J l-NUIAN HUOKIMt) TOI1ACCOI tin. world -jenowued Toi.airo La maniiiaetured Irons the . , MNEST LK Al', And faraeally revenuiu.nda It.eir to aU Oentkmea of , . . , , Lumrious Teat. Bold vt holes. and retail at ilbJ.1 S fuyuLAB ClOAIt aTORR, 1,0. H CIIKlHtlf Str.el, 10-4 tin) oppo.ita State liou.e. SPECIAL NOTICCTS. JALLY, UNION MLN, BALLY! 1 OUK'l 'KKNTII WAUL). 1 -j -n L ttt In roar mulii, 1 ii -r out fi r the rljilil, IN THK GRASDTCEcnLnnT raocEssr-ir, AT 7 O'CLOCK f.N SATUltDAY II V US I NO, (M 1 llr li 8, l.t. 1 1. I. -j tl til . iti the K' wec'ith V .rd ar Ir.r tfl t.- in tl at l,e 1 1 A I.I. OK TH Ii NATIONAL VNfON CIA! It. MtliW. VI. LOW" 1WFI.ITH S f R r f. T , To rnrtlrlttM In II. ft (.'and Union .ara(le. a iianii or Mttt-in win iv ai rp.N'iiAV'K. tut -otKiKPL! i. ..Tfrln.l t.gi, ao . vUl he n a.ly r o(i Mrirs. M'.T AM. COMK THAT CAN. himc. III l. a ( I. if I MAr.l alardtaelva Ma.-iuaU, m tit cl tl.rin tut n of srat mllliary eaKrlrnoe. rEIIEEICK A. VAN OLEVE, ifif, ii cntr.r MAiisHAt.. tT LUCOLN, JOHBSON & LI BERT YI EON. ISAAC HAZLEHURST W ILL AIiltliKHa TICK ( IH7.KN8 Of rUILAIIEItPlllA, yVT NATIONAL HALL, MAIIKET. BM.OW Tr.lRTKKNTII STIIKRT, On TETJE8I1AY EVEKIHO, O0TX1BEE 6, AT S O't'LOf'K, liy invitation of ths UNION J.KAOUK. in -t UK ION LEAGUE, CHF.HNVT STRKKT, ABOVK TWELFTH. Bf Invitation of tut UNION LKAfJWE, DAVID PAUL BROWN, ESQ., Will ailJrrwl the pubUe OK THK I6SUF.3 OF TIIE DaY, Ar.J follow It by a Lecture opon THI1WOMEN OF TIIE WAK, OH WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 5, AT I O'OI.OCI.I AT THE HALL OF TIIE UNION LEAGUE, CnKSRUT bTKKET, AHOVH TWELt'TH. TleLadtoearelmrteiltoaluntl. 10-l-lt 1ENTII AVAHU. Independent Oandtdate for Common Council, SAMl'Kl. J. OKKSWEI.li. IO-t-7t QB AND OATEERINQ OF 1 ATUIOTH, WO NORTH, KO SOUTH, ONE COIIJiTllY. The Stare and Stripes for All the Land. MAINE, VEKMONT, MOltlLB, ATIiANTA, SHUN AND OAH. all irieuda of LINCOLN AND JOHNSON; Ail gallant Veteran! who hare foiifht fur ear CII.OKIOUS UNION; Ml who love en.1 tionor our 11UAVK SOLDIERS; All who are deWmitned that tbe MAIOKITV SHALL RULE ; All who wonld rcgotiate an hoaorable ec, wlUk GllANT, til HUMAN, 8I1EHIDAN, and FAHHAGUT A. Teaee Coma Ib.lnnrrs ; a l who bate TKKAJIOM, And would 1-lltiUII THAITOBS; AU who tejolre v ben our Armiea AUK V1UTOBIOUS; AU who revere ur pa 1 mono korktathkki, AndetlUehert.il tuelr (rinol lea 1 all who are grateful foe Ui. blenetau. traiumltted to ua by Uie XlUllOHH OF '70; Ad who wonld piuieive tbeae bleaatniit fur their cliUdr.ni ALL AMERICANS. JIATIVE AMD A&01TKU, Are reiinested te meet at INDEPENDENCE SQUA1E, On SATUltDAY EVENING, October 8, 18CI, To u-.tlfy their devotion to the CONSTm'TION AND TUB VNION, Wblcharnird traitor. In aonie State., and nnarmed ya- pathler. In otbera, are trylun to overthrow. T.T.T THE WUOLL trLVXhh WS0.L, r j wm, united voices proclaim that, IB spite of BLAYKUOLMMU HA11UU8 AND F.VBOPEAM KKSrOTS. Our CounUy sl.U forever remain a KHKE LAN LI iOK I'OlTKBlll, And a beme for t) e Orl'IIEJSED CUf ALL NATIONS. (Jotl ntl Our lountry Frectlom ForcTCr, A (.BAND MSI'LAY OF FIBKWORKS vi, 1,1 take place, en the adjournnieat of tt Metliat , IN T11K bgi AKE. Fy order oftbt HaUoral I'nlon City Bxeuti CoaamltUfl. JOHN O. 13UTLK11, lOKt tHAIBMAX COlaMlTTEB ON ISEETINOS ARMY. NAVY. AND CITIZEN'S sV3tC nolhi.B tvinbroulered. Kboulibi Str.tl'l. Wreaths, ex.. tn style umurtasteu.at very reuc 'rARR M.rehant Tailor, 103 m Mo.imHTTIl Street. above Cbtunut. V& PES SPECIAL NOTICED- THK KFNSIMClTnX HANK ft THK rniNIT ill- f Hi.4liKl.rill . - l-ii I im,. I'lliA, H,lllil W A aprrial Mr lliliif Ik llwc.-1, I;(.i.ifr. IH 1 liri(l al the HanMrtir lt',irs,,r.n Til M:s. l'AV . IIip-.i ill ol uoiolipi. al II o t nik .V. M.. lo V a.: on Iho i-MHilicn y ul tum.rthi. lm Hunk inl-t a NilninS; Af-ni 'nM"n, n.rpr altlr r iwi art of Cor hTPi aii,nioJ' , rfun. : Iii4. and tat a nirii rih,'r n tlon a. ma l,c nr.ei aurv. J' i.ru.r ol tne Honrj filr, ri,r. P in I U V. T. I.IIKKS, Uaiblar. 127 OFI'ICK OF THK HUIfiCi3 0tI.COM- tt.uv. N t.7H.lrii III II S-rfft. I'llil AM I rill . (lnrl,r I, .Sl Tlx- Hoaril'.r irrvt..ri, l,nv d.,1 rx' ttiM 'iirtti mr rluf llvir nlr.f DM l llc OKNi.or Ihe c.i'ill lHra.pa al'c on tle rih In. turn Tri. tratilrr ll -.k. will !. i In.'.d on tr.. r.r fiih. anrt 7rfc in.iant. (in I MJ (. IIak, !. A. Ir i , I ie.!i:-r. trSf Ol FICF I'M K-11 ON COAL AM) IM-sV- prnrnitfnt (.tunpaint , No V'-S WAt.M'T Mtrtrt. Pun Ai.r i i iiia. fruf-n b--r !.( I l Nl -The li.nr i t t ii . a ..r, hav ml .t-aa d. i-la ed a .Wirinl otltvn ri u VftiT on tin f ip t l stnt-hol f lie ( oini-nny. psvii'.ir io a:-e ln.M'TitOi and ntt-r f t info r '.i'. 1 tt. Transfer ll-os a fit h cl itcd,fr'; (Ir'.ialatT S to (C'OlKl iV, lii : nvM Tl. f. aUjrrr.t, vfftry. ti &10ChH(l.lJ-.US' MM'.IINU, fAKaiKhS ANU UYAHX 1M11.V n I H'l a.. I IS r ja , i" 'ltIU -t 10. -Ht A ttt fieTs I met 1 11'' iot Mioiiiera . i ih-rj-.opto ar it Ki.-i -"'t- luriK o t lie'.elpt t wi be h d at ier loetiKll't. HouM' nn ilUihfi'AV. tli yina i ley j i cuif to t, nt II dork A M . loi the .Hruw.-..I tkoi I U t'.Ti-l.liv.f'Oit mil thcliil' ii no t tj'ii !!. n "-licilor . n t tb fatit Hti ltal tiwoiro-en Ainn itl' fi if rf roe on f a buain a ! Hnfi-y m-'lr.- Ihhs, -t toe lltitul Ht tra. nt.it of exert UHik (' :"iil-rrtl b tt o n ot Hie ( nt m A ri t"tv ot la Cotnm'tnwi 'I Hi. en'it 4 "An Art naMtnc the 'itunka ot tl is ;omm eann to h-C- n e A-(" imi Kna f -rthr Pnfiio- ot H tiik'OC n- tlrr tlia hnah ni tie Uni't -n Htatt'a," Hfprovi d tttt i M day 4 AtutiNi h : Nid lM-ik am r. at lion in r"ttarl theme asj tuay bt- iifeiitarj ai d irnpr U ortlo. ot the' lioaid I'll rer tort, U v2 O w HUrtltToN. ?r , Pashf.;r. TO TH K ri'.OI'LK OK Tilh PIPTI1 W aKI. - Kt-itt -w-ctt ieit : A tn ftli-L' ol tt)'- CKI- ?fn of tho A nnt, wtttnon ilmtin tlnn . t- irt h ia fi Mil 'd' the loliowi? ft ilrkr-t. Inch ta tiow ortufi'eil for jour aof Ithiji a with tl-f t t-nll.h ol ht-I.e' ilia' yon wil i i.d it everf v ay worth) ot your MipjK't. It has In en uf lecied Im-totv-ti r tif pa tv, and loi with nn j e to Wtnos a d unahtl -i Atiop. it no t Itt rt-fort r-mnot b it k-arth d In uny kpnu as a pnnUah il K-t. It ha orinh an d in h ?t'.!re ot turn u4 all f'-r- tniploi tr- prt fi t Mm- h t'n ot lurt.M'nnt, Itu nm-u''t-tit, and i-rniit nn-n totittices ol h.tn r ar.d trunt ThO t ani'lfntt-a here numfd a e all por"tii f edm-mi'm, 'ami llnrit) wtth lei al hrtnr tnd -lemodfaof p-irlU: Inilirve, and tb rtioi-.) hote-t and rehabn- 1 hta rl.rseier ll.oy hnro tqtnctl lor them t-l ea In tln-ir nrfvuni- purmil ifa ' life, and we ftl eertttn tlmt rthonid thy ht hon rod i b an elenlon nt this lime io tue portions fi"r whieh toey Itava U-en t amed, ibn will reflect lattltiR credit upon tiie cU lenK ot the HtUi Hi.nl. W e Bpiit-el to tiiu. th'-n. men of the Mftu YVard.tttler ahidefitt thts once ad twtl-an preoilerthtiia a. laraaibo chol' e of i ar hcal rttei'ra in cnt:rn-d, and ekroeaar tnorii nr-ly to tall lot otto effort to t-l sooc men t efla. hin old this ellart be ancceaftiil t inu-l eKfici-e a jiowaf Inl liitiiK-nt-e tit-realit r In wtunlnK all panh s f the i cc'S hlty ol exeit'tilnv moro t-ircnniarrtion lo mtilnx t.'ir tot al in niina 101,.. In roiici jainri we rt'a.itTtlnliy m your auflraHi-o, Ifllow-cltii-ua.tor the aubjouiea luotipond-c-nt Urb t-r. It order of the Icdepvodent Kxeeutlve Oomraltoe. K. r. KINtt.tjhsirman. INli1.rfcNIKNT WAUI Tlt'K KT. Al OFttMVW JAMK4 Mi-HAllRN. A. WlltuN HKNrt.KV. t ON.tTAHI.I-.H. AVII, 1,1AM CLARK, It. 11. PAl Ie. Hi HlKH. MUHTTOKH. 8. Ti'hTlN P.MiKMMiK, for one year. ( '(LI.INH wr.ST, lor two years. K ,1. KKMSr V, .loHN 1 Aht-IN. For three years. Ilt. .1. H. ANtiNKT, l-.K-tf G01 AND OUlt COUNTRY'S vartnii. w.mIh, tbe I'l-inn C'.miinln Club, etuuoltcaai Invllirllilrrt, Ih. Inl'in Li-auru. anil nil oll.er ortfMii.a4 iMMllt. ul lujal rltlxei.eof tbl. viit ami our nnlntilxirlnf town,, Irlt'lul. l tbe lietic.t and pntnotlc l-IWJill.N and .liUIN N.ari' Ir vii rt 10 ii.ln in Uie IJUAM) UNION MKK'I INtlaixt ItWHi.MHT PKOCICHl ,NnlUUII 1MV tl'I.MMI, be arbof Oi lotirr, 111. Ixit all ciiraa wilt, ll. ir I'-.iiihTj.Tiui.avarenciv., ibeir Lauiero., aa4 irii'lr rnrclir.. I y oulor of tbe Natlnral Cnlon Ot'y Kaecntlve t'ra- UilllFP ,11)11 N O. Itll l t.KK, 10--6t ('balrman ComlultUe on MffeUaae. acrijn ATI KNTKIN ! REl'UBLICAN IN-a-S-- vmciui.Ksi Tie ('Inn wilt axarmbleat Ileadiuartera, NATIOVAf. HAM.. (..- I'atmle, -I II IM (U(lnf.o.l eVF.MINO Oe'oter k.lSfrl, at 7 o'l lork, lo atirtirt a Mi'e'lnr, rhe nlTKKVrll WAKD, (,luli' Kelli-v1, Iil.trli ll. UK 1HMAK UlCltK, rreildant. Wii.i.i T.. Fnx.Jr.,Hepntary. It nggp LI NCOfi N, fOHNflON, VICTORY!!! U.1NO VOl R HA .SSHt TO T1IK UltBEfEIK, II. AU ItAIHIMi THIS EVE'IVI, AT UK11I AND l-OPLAK MTHKKTS. All lojal Unli.n l.'Mr), cuiaiu. aro Inrl'ed. Tbe n.l owIiik tmlneiit Spiaaera nllladurea. theacet Inii : Sam Mat Hns. WII.I.MV II. KKLIT, ('l.OKPI. WILLIAM II. MAKK. Culom.i, Vt II, 1.1AM . bM ALL, r A. Van Cl-KVK. K , THOMAS M. COl.KUAX, RnQ., And other,. lly order of the Cummlttee. THOMAS J. OIHJSK, 11 Secretary. Cfrru. IIKAH-UI Alt'ltlt Klltiir BAlTAUO-t KVJ Tulon Ciuii'KHn Club. 1-bilailelpula, Ooi. elk HA. OllllKHS, .NO. 4 In accordance v. lib tue .uviir.Ilona ol a Committee, appointed to fuke that niatler Into con.iUcrallou. U haa but u I'ccitlot lo reori-aiilve Ihia b.ttajiou, anU the lullow 1i:b orib-r. are ihcreiore publlnb.-a: J. 1 be I aitalinn will be illvldid into ten comonnlei to be known a. 1 oinpiulon A, U, ', 1. K. K, I., II I and K. 'I I ere will tio a -KiKncd to each onrr Klmt Auittint Alarrbal who will each arlect tlirfe Iron tbe number nt rictnd Analitaiit Alar.bula. and al-o appulnt tlie tuluia .lid oilier otl cit. n. cewar to pereot tbe or i. amzatli n. Ibeywlll be held responsible lor the good ordi r und dlfctpllne of Itielr aeverul coraiiiauaa. oe well a. lor any nriertv of tt e flub Intruaied to their care. II. Iiibl i inpanr will be prov..el Kit ia lanteru and a I ap, upi ii wl Itli thall be cunnpli aounly dmpliyeo tlie letleroi the Mime. 'Ibey will lie carried by tbe reiseo tlve on'erly aertennta. in iinoki, uih im. nrnvided at tbeae nead-flnarter. In w l li b niiniliernol ti e bnltallun, and iboae de'lron. of becc uilnii Mich, moy enroll Ibcir nauiei and nttui-h thm aelc. to .iir-h conipanv aa they may aelect. The hoad quarteia ol tbe battalion will be open dully f 'om D o'clook A. M , until 111 o'clock I'. M., ann, conimandaiiU of oom iiaiib a l l detail one or two mea to attend tl ere daily, tor i Iio purpose ol leeching the namcaot meinoer. and I V. C" mmendrinte ot companlea will Iromedlately ae lect two n.en to eon puae a pioneer corpn, and will, with" out delay, proceed to .elect tin on. cor. aa bereiotor nrovldeii. and attend to tlie Uiorou.h ornaniaatlon of heir coinmiiiula. V.iln acmrdunce with tl e requent of the Committee the 1 blel Wnn-lii.l ba. ulilieil the lolluwliia tlr.t an'Ult aut maicl al. lo the coiuuunid of die Rcveral couipaulee: ( ctimany A Colonel l. W. C. lienor. I'dtiionny li C olonel T. U. Uureboad. Comnany (' rmm Vi mpi'liy 1 Colonel John T. Olenn. Conn any I Colonel T. K. I'. Tapper. Ciili paiiy Yi ninaiuA. J. Koorr. Company ('. Malur C. M. Iterty. Company ll-ljor Itlcbard Kills. Con pany I l.leuten.ut J. U. IK-Ilaren, Con pan v K-Major Ueury ltecao, Jr. Hycumuiaudof ,. M.rvi.fc- William A. Gray, f hatha . KiilKlit, iieckal Aide. Joaepb 1. ruril, 1 08T. AND AVI'l.ICATION MADK FOR J, linplleale (Vrlitlcaie, Ko.745, In tbe Penn.ylvanla llnlliili Asmk lallon. (If) A. AWHKKTOW. fa H'KNlfsHED HOUSE WANTED, IM I '-l KHi altutt. er lxciiai, or Arch, or Cue.nut atreet. AiUlri-hK "I oniihhed House," at llil. nftiee. 10 fc rIltJ FliACK TO JSW LINEN GOODS. J. O. fsTRAWlllUDUB fc CO.. KOftTHWBHT COHNBR EIGHTH AND MAliKET STREETS, Bare always tn stock a full Una of b( OTC'H TAB IX LINENS, Dsmt.k and Spot. 1KU4U TABI.I LINENS, liamaak and Snot. BAKNSLEY TAI1I E LINENS, extra heavy.. TOWKI.S, NAI'KINH, ANO DOYL.IKS.. snEETlNO A'D TILLOW LINENS. Liberal Indtieements to Jleteln, Boardin Schools, ana purchasers ef lerite lots 9--mwf Utt MILITARY NOTICES. BIHNEY'S ZOUAVES. -HE ADQUAR- uaior-lienerai nirii. L !T . ....mmanu am authority Iron the tleneral ana - reeruilllieerianliAtl.ill. .iTT. AJtB WAKt IlIUHESI CAHM OUVERrMElJT, CIT, Ja. -r- VOUN1H! T.ld ttnm.dl.tely en the '" ISVJMl "r man Into ths Uueek lieojfeJ.RI'bardKin, lion. vrUllaui AUUwui, O. W. Iiavis, John Tbe rn ley. Jo.. 'fobla., Benaunla UuUock. n. B. Wlu.Or.naar, Jor,a W. E.arnMue, O. r. Sr hiener, it W. Arnold, ;ArrfAWp WW I e. b. goPBa eiiTix mMSJ tu. H Bters, No. tan CIIENNUT umi, D'" lad wiU Kenuient w 111 be oritauUe.l aa 8'a''''"f. Vi"..-. b. under Ui. eeninia.id ol SUr J iJT tier or l