rm EVENING H TIE TRICE TIJI.KK CENTS. MIDDLE MILITARY DIVISION. GEN. SHERIDAN'S ADVANCE. Tlio Campaign of tho Cavalry. INSTEUCTIONS OF GEN. GRANT, Cur KnormoiiM biK'coN.m'H. ITltA oQVA KTKKt OrNRRAI, Toll HURT'S COHI'S, I tub Fiflu, Ortol. r2.-Fjrr.ruln reasons that cnoi.-.t riow ho giv. n to the public, hut wliirli ?"..?.iaB "V;."5' untavorablv upou General Avcri.ls carter, uui. . . ,,i, r or a gmtleman, he was r llevod on the h ot 10 tiitnnmnd, and ordered to report nt Wheeling, twill further orders from higher autho rnT. In caning from hi dlviMioa bo issued lUo following order : HtAnqi ATHH (m.Ml Cavalry Divhimk, r)KrnT Ha T W, ai isi,, si. etcnine. JX. w.t In a -cor'tance Willi B,:l Order No. 41, lio.o headmarlrr, Middle miii tsry Men mi. tin, ilmc. I liere iy ri li'i'iul.li trio cora tood r Inn i lv.lo i. imMii.' I miu.-.t th oillcen and men to ae. . ,t my ilneere llianka for tie il'ill.inil otie 4. I uc '-i reapei i iht.v have aliovin lii iiiv iirili-r.,au l the per.onnl timlne., i,ev have always o, tended to mvielt. I halt nev. r (..met, oiy ciriir.ulca avnat I owe to yon. W airvrr lep itiilon iir rant I have filnt-d diiruw the ra.tjir given to nif hylh'. c.runMii.l. Hoie the t oi May tv.i tia-e uiiri h"l ort r IH'ii) inn... Kiveri'in a u comrade, wl.o l.a-. r fallen id twenty battloa, ette,t tl e d,so Ion with wli b .Mm have dope vonr itntv, and tevm ti.nle tl.ia', thuie. n cannon, and over III' een liun 4lr. u prlaoniTs ciiptnroil from Die em inv exhibit , tn a nf I e re-iihaory -nr work. My 'uu iii. w.tli vnti will B r alter le HtrimiR nir m at cI.erMictl ii.ciii irio ; aud I ptiall read tln record or your iltcds trniii day to da. Willi ri iu interest. My leirrut In m vurlnir Hie this that have r iwn hetaeen u. It nn what ,rnaanei liv tl.o knowledge Ilia I am leaving von In the hands of mat tried ami trimly niilier. Colonel W. II Powell, la nlwia the atui ist coiiil 0im ee mar be reHiat d 1 would mil er serve In yonr ranks than leave, yon, but I ain only ricrnnfod to sat Inrcvte I. Vi. W. AYEltll.l., Ilrrvet Mnjor-liene rat. As soon as It was known that General Avcrill had been relieved n dicp gloutn wm enst ovor the division. Many oi' tho oilltcrii and nu n Mtua ly cried wlien thtxv lieard of it, anil all of 'hem marched forward un tho 'JltU In Kilonreand deep thought at the loss of tlioir warm friend and giiliaot commander. roi.oNEt ron'Ei.r. iv rnttxtiin, On aiuming command of the division Colonel r well Isaned tbo lollowlng: nriDgrAjTi-Bfl Skoosi. Cavalry nivisinjj. riirAnT KtKT or Wt iki.inia, Hfli riiilieril. -.ii.n,,ii, .. Illh?a"i,,,ii',"""!' l;-N''. "fin lie.d.U.irl.T Mnl.llei aiiinary j.iuilon, I lieieiiyaiaunin diinm .ml ol' tho M tu?.VL l!'l ' " '" WtH v Irt'iila, tru.tini UiattheliituieuaybeaMhepam.vli-iorinii. A'. 11. l'OvVKlX. Colonel. TIIIHn ORAND MOVEMENT OP TUB ARMY. Finding tho enemy showing f Igna of in ikin? a 'ni.d at Mount J.iekson, the army wai agtin cdvatictdon the '2ltb-tlie Cth Corps in fro" At tbo fnrne time tho 2d Cavalry l'lVi8 . " Colonel rowtll commanding, was c, nn- t ti! right, on another mad, 'ent 011 to tUtf The movemfnt of the f.th Corps agilndtlie tnf n.y l position at Mount J.i-kbon wu not 'tended with tigliiing of a heavy cli tracter. After pome brief skirmishing tho enemy fell baek as rapid. y :n wo advanced. tin the &Oih the army renrhod UarrHonhurg. The ruvalrv tlmt wns sent nil' m t:m ii.i.t,.. Joined the main body at this plnco, alt r haviu killed tif'ieOD and wounded fitly of the enemv, taking eighteen priscuvrs und capturing twelve a.in. . On tt e same (lav the two tliviitions of eav.ilrv nt out on the led Into tl.o I.iirnv vallev roturiied to the army proper "ov way of tho New M irkct gap, in the Shenandoah mountains. It will ho observed that our arm v win nnw Otic moro united, tho ccutrnl point bjing Hurri Bonhnrg. On Ibe night of tho 25th the Infantry corrm encamped in the vieinitv of JIarrioniiurg. Powell's Divi-ion went to Mount Cnnvl'ord, and Mi rntt's and Wil-on's Divi-ions took puit ons for Ibe night near where tho Infantry was located. PAVALKY MOVl'HKNTH. On the mominir of thn aitth. thn 9il rjinim Division (Colonel Powell's, lato Averill's) moved fiom Mount Crawfi)rd a short distance up the pine toward StHunton, then turned otr to tho left and took a dirt mail leading to Port Kepnblir. BimulUMcomiy wiib this, Morritt'f Division nioveri t mnriis P. ri Repiiblie from Uvrisoniitirg, and WIImhi's Divlfion from 11 irrioiiliuig up the ike towa-ds Mount Crawford, liy thco opera lions the cav.ilry was placed in front of Oenori Uht'rii'an's infantry hue, Merritt being ou the l t, Powell tn i ho centre and Wilson on tho riiht the left resting on Port Hepublio, and tho right ou the titiinnton pike. OKNRRAL Cl'RTBIl. Durirg the evcuing of the 27th. General Custnr avnmrd command of General Averill's Division (n lievlng Powell) by issuing the following order ; Hi AiiivrAuTEaa Hkcund Cavai.hy Iuvi.ion. Army n Wii t vm ma.A. B iii miier J7, 1HI4. In conie lianee with eolalOrdar No. . dated head iiiartcia .Middle Military , rv.iu..,-, um uiiuuriiKneu nereiiy AsfelUDtt. oommai'd of thll IivIIiiti. O. A. CUBTKK, llriBadler-tlcneral P. S. Vols. EABLT'g EKTBEAT THUOt'Olt IIIlOWN's OAP. On the 28:h, a rironnolsmmrc wr.a made by brigai'es fivm M rrill'a and Cusier'd Divisions t 'wartlo ltrowo'aGnp. when it was found that tha tminy had retreated through thn samo durlug the previous night, going towards Charlottesville, .-4UU tteoet ioree nino moving to Btiian triLa. ville and orenpying the nlaca. Von'P'jBCOotintiKij-itf wu!j -aj chawoof tho reronnoisriihiC, wtnt to the base of tho m ountain, where be found a cmen who told him tliatvJoue rul K.irly had been drinking very heavily tho uieni praTious, ami tutu ue. would icon bu clicked ly (joneral Lougstrcet. WILSON AT STAl'NTOS AND WAYNK8IIORO. We will now ask tho reader tatiireet his or hor alten'lfin hiuk to tha Irnllt. whoro. ..moral W'iUivii wiik icf. on the morning of the l7ili, in the neigh borhood of Muu nt Cra ford. With Wi Hon and his ditUji jn was Lowell's lirlgade. This force took the pike direet to Staunton, arriving t lie re, without meeiing any pani.-ul ir op;ioitiou, the uie num. lu Maunton they found a Kriiat varietv of Governine n'. utvniu. 't'hnao w.ir.i ull cmruyoM. Their text move was towards Wayneibarj, enuoying the railroad track and public property as they moved down to the l.ut-n.uud p'aco. Of oour-e ti e enemy becam j aware of whit tliuy were doing, and despatcned a force t cut them off. The enemy was n it eno jcsful In anc;nu- lihlng 1.1a purpi'o. ulibouuU tviito a snlritad ight oecurrtd at Wavnesb.irii. ou the lmo of 'South rier. The cuvmy. iu moving I'wiu tirown's U.fii, tent a cav.iliy fjico ui tho wjst loe id the li.ue Ki.Ve. It was tlii, eiivalrr force that attemntcil to ent tort V ujon while 0)1011111 in thu iieigh'iorhjoi im mi, n'-mini, Having oirm n out his orders, tfi.toti's Dlvinlon and L iweli's Uriirade fell h irk iy Staiinton fiom Waym sbo.-o on tho 2i)ih, nud salelj rsmchid llariiniuburg on tho 3'J.lt. I lHHiRoviso rug ( Hois is nn: vai.li;y. -On 'I bur d iv. ci ti.'iu m r 2 , (ie.1er.1la Cm- ter s ara Merritt s Divisions were seut ur the valley to deitroy, according 10 the foliuwing order : llili 1 avti . lioiiatiiedsiuaKeyoiu.in o lie r- il 0J1I .in) cro; s Can y oil mi i.f al il,erli i'iiik anil lirwio n.mi.1. 1.1 ininYui fiinher i iantiiiK. If he warm ! lam at.otln I er, let thu Mietiaotlntn vaMey iuiriu a barrau waaie, t. rt. 41it.M'. It in further given out that General Grant h is rdered the Hhove Ui be so completely eariie.lout Data cr.w, living over the valley, will have to arry its ow n r.ituus. ah nay 01 the ..Mi botli ( uster and Merritt eie engaged in dcstroi liii the erons. uiilla. and II properly of use to tho Helxd army. Tho cene presented on this occasion was indeed a ery saddening but still a very neeoau.i y ouu. in the course of tho duy we destroyed euouglt neat 10 iilUil-l ino vviioic Ki iel army or a year ocome, besides vollwting Uiieen huudied head if cattle and about thref thousand sheep. ju 1 nuay, 111c doiu, tuo destruction and c il- ocUon o..crttilons were continued. Of It CAM'ALTIKM, FOI BTIKKTIlPlKN.MVAMA CAVALRY. Sit.,I MeMnl . r, A, wouode.l, rlnlit l.in.n ; J.il.u .JuR'ncn, ki.lo.l, mm- hul U lit'llU; Jol.a Imii.uwiiv, C. wiillnd. a, lolt hh iuhler: .. t. l.olh, A, ui.tniikil, r.kht liiiii,'; .Iaiiio o muer, M, .oniulid. I. ft llmh; tlBiit. A. t. Iiimcnii, K. i.inuJ.'4 iiro. ill f oui klile to kljn Jn.t bli)- r.li, IJ..ri. ,1 M. iroui, li, ni.iitJi'J, lex; Corp. A. Cooper. K. wounded, e; firrtek O lolilitr, C, wi.lllidid, loll arm; J. '1' le'mtl:ey, I-:. Womi.l.il,- rlg'it el'iow; llenlel Caary, I. v 11 11 in. leti leu 1 j. Hteveu.on, K, kiln it; .),,. KiU'.ire, K, . nil deil. arm ; J. H Altniuii, K, woniuled. apm ; lUinilTmi v inlt. K . U.I.'IIU : 'i'liouiaa Lvajia. II. wound.-.! .., i , . dur V. M'.eklmi, wuli.o.ed, sauiJiut in le 'aud side,; 1 mi i'.. .'i, '"1..V1 U4HUUIUI, IU IUI, arm fl'lllll fiKsal'LVAMA liAVAIHI fir.t lilriltenatlt nd Actilm Adiuiuut T. tt. Iliiikhliler. killed : K..i-....M,.t K'ni Annstroiik. f,ini!thhik';(,llier 1'uuny. A.LUleo ; J.iint .union, r., ki;:eu ; t.m;i lurreu, tv, wieindeu: Bainuel .iMiuler. (J. wounded ; H. Murphy. II.MIsnlnifi l!.t.Vate, .u.Uitl's; II. IddliiKl, 11, liilHliiu; H. C Letvel.lt, ..ili Al. Vli)tiiiui-e, IL, tun r.1 04,-: Morris allli,, '.upl Jaroh fair, K. inllnlUKl Joieph lleaton, t, ""'-; John Milrlitime. il, in .ond; 1 . 1 oelio 1 Cecil, 1 htinfiVIII am Hia-d. r, I,, nilftlnn ; Willu a Mnore, K, sok; Is to It. n, K.luUioim-; Hiekln. 1, iuin,in ; lUfinil ltainloiili v.oeie, A, Wl.led; John Day, r. killed. 1 iiiMY-Sm un, Ci snsvlvAMA Cava! ry. First L'.ni Mut f'f Ji jr, rlaUt loot; canUIn WiUi.ita F. i..4)r, U, kr, hand; Captain John II. Ilornig. K, lu the U i. dei 1 .-einimiji na hiiiiui, K. ruhl hand; Corn 1. ,1 J.mia h- a'aey K.u.i,,,-; T. W. hituji , m,,,. is; J. lie a l taen, i., mi.,i.IK; Corjioial I Ilea. k. 1. nil .u.k ;l .amoral a. V Hnowaller, If, tulnaiuu ; u Yf ttl r. 1'. lidoiliiai TIi.mh,. ei...h. ...... 11 ...i . . - -- . aiiiau ron4uf t nay. A. iiiK.nn' , Curpuiai w.lliaiii ll.irrKun, 11, rmrlkhtaini; (amoral J. Finer, K, ml. aim; I), W4M4lld4d! '.v aler, alsrliu, l',iuoaily mounded. THIRD EDITION THE CAMPAIGN. Aspect of Affairs in Eastern Virginia. BEMARKS OF A REBEL OFFICER CONDITION OF LEE'S ARMY Richmond No Longer tho Rov.p1 Capital. LEE'S rLANS AND DESIGNS. UIS REPORTED RETREAT. Nprrlnl to The Kveiilnx Tfliji;rnlt. Was niMiroN, October 5 r hive had a ran vcratiou to-day with a very intelligent Uebel sergeant-major, w ho has beenj.ierving in Col in -s Colston's Itrigade of General Heth's Division. Ho left tho llebel lints on Wednesday last, and says that although GononulLcc uud his captains bavo mado everything bend to ihelr Imperative wills to send everything to the eouuniMiriat, yet great dillleulty is experienced in giving the troaps enough fotd, even of the wcll-kuowu corn meal ration. The supplies nt Kicbmoiid have given out, and resort Is hud to tho country south and aoutliwvst. The crops liavo been seized every where as fist m gathered, and hurried to the army depots. The people of Richmond and Petersburg, snrh as were ablo, have left those cities mid cone so.ith Tho?e remaining arc surrounded by sick and wounded soldiers, and suffer terribly for tlio want of tho commonest necessaries. Leo has acknowledged his position as critic il, not through any great genius cOilldicd by Grant, but through thejudicions handllnj by the la'tci' of his iuimenso nrmics. Like a great general, I.ce has not forgotten his line or retreat. Ue hs fortified JJanville at ull points very roceutly, and DCa prepared temporary defenses on the route thlthor. Ho has taken n number of his heavy guns from Richmond and I.yndiburg to Dan ville, and has mobilized his army for the series of desperate conflicts which he anticipates in the vicinity of his present position. aa He has been madu military dictator, but has signed a compact with tho lteb 1 autho'itiM to pursue, as far as possible, a certain p.ilita o-mill-tary policy suggested by them. Mr. Duvis and Cabinet have left Richmond, and will piobably settle in Columbia, South Carolina, or Ilalclgh, North Carolina. It Is known that the Govi rnmcnt archives, arms, ammunition, Jve., hiue bten sent to Danville, which is Leo's b.wo of sujpliee. All tho newspapers except tho Whig are n oying south fiom Richmond. The Rebels have more respect for Gran 's mili tary ability than tho Copperheads of tho North have. This Rebel says that General Grant's plans of operations will cer.ainly succeed in the cud perhaps very soon. This has been t.ho con vittion of tho solid thinkers of liio Sititli our since Grant landed his army on Pie south b ink of the James river. It is southwest of that rlvor that the greatest battles of modern timos must soon be fought, and In nil probability tho decisive one of tho war. Grant's plan is sit id to boas follows : Short dan will tako Charlottesville und move toward Richmond from the west. A lin go force is said to have tuken Abingdon, nn Important town In Southwestern Virginia, tho depot of the products of the vast salt mines of that re,'ioD. ThU force is expected to move upon Lynchimrg. General Lee, with un lmde.U 1 e army, is en deavoring to keep ba k ml of these coiiciia ; but herein is Gram's adv.iuiago, us, If Lee weakens his line by timing away a single division, Grant will at once move on him nnd use him up. This Rebel tea us t l it it Is thought Grant will tako both Richmond and Petersburg without an assault in force. 11- will soon entirely outllank General Loe und force him to rctient. AliMY OF POTOMAC. ALL QUIET SLNOE SUNDAY, MORE REBEL BARBARITIES. IICADUVAUTlillS AHMY OF rllK POTOMAC, Octobers. Tho utmost qu'ct has prevailed iu front of Petersburg since Run ) ly. In passing over the ground where the 2d Division of tho 9th Corps met with the reverse on S iturday, our dead were found entirely stripped of clothing, and sume of the bodies wore horribly mutilated. Kcvcrul of the men had ovi iontly been mur dered afier being wounded, au.l one body pre sented a spectacle too horrid eveu to be described. iatcst filial Grant. A EUilOR ABOUT SHERIDAN. All Quiet in Botli Armies Or tt 0 II N K 1) (' T II E R E D IX. HlivrlMl to Th Kvriiliiir IXcss-rapti. Waniiinovon, October t I'be mail steamer Horyan, from City Point, reports affairs un changed at tho front, our troops continuing to hold ull tho ground recently captured by them. There was a rumor alio it at City Point, which appeared to be on the lips of every one, that Sheridan had arrived wi: bin co-operating dis tance with Grant; that tho advance of his cavalry had ulrcudy joined Gi ant's advance. Tho report could not, however, be traced to any responsible source C On the north side of James river tliore has been no finhtiiig since tho Rebels made the unsuccess ful effort to rctako the Chapin's farm position. The 10th and lHth Corps are actively engaged in Mrengtlicuing their positions, and have made tl.em impregnable. All of our wounded in limit ing on Clinpl n's farm have been removed from the field and placed iu tho hospitals. A Itlocknde-Itiiiuirr i( Iliilllits.. IfALiiAx, N. s.j October 5. The new Kng linh blockade-runner, Colonel l.amh, from London 011 the 2 ')ili of iScptcniber, arrived here to day with sevtiul passcngeis and a heavy freight. 4'npliireor n ICrbi l Halter) . FoitTiii.ss Momioi October 1. The lio-pital steamer from Point of Hocks, with wounded men from the iiriny of the James, reports that Uencnl Jerry bad assuulted and captured a Rebel bittery on tho Ncwuiaiket roud. IsalUuu; tt ttie -l'ensl." New Youk, October.'). The Vri sailed for Liveipool to-Uay with tjjo.oou in sptcia. Front ( Mlllornli. San FitANCisfo, October 3. The steamer Uotdm A, it sailed to-day wiih230 pusecnu'eis and over $1,1X10,000 iu bullion. Mavrkela by TeleKraph. N:w Voit k, October S. Flour 10( 20c. lower; aWe f S"t) bn!a mate at ertnrrrHi dhlo, S'K"II; Houil.erii. ftlu.rlt Wheat ei-ie. lower ; aalea unliiiponaiit ; Corn Ue -c. low er; .alts bf vs.rtsi lin.hiia al il 1 i l;s' ; llerf illill. Turk heavy; aalea ol' 1KSJ blila al lyjMH; iiilJltuUallr.i.'et. WulakJ dull al . rillLADK!.! It MAP SHOWING sri-y AY Boaris. uVILLS' CITY INTELLIGENCE. CoNCitAi.Fi) Dfadi.y Wkai'ons Tills morn ing John Cavanaugh was arranged before AMer nmn Jones, upon tho cbiirite of carry ing con ccalod tltauly weapons, lie made bis ap iesr anee at Men nth and Market : treets Inst niirh', while Very much int.'Xicatcd, and coinuieiiecd to rd;e a row gin rally, flourishing a lurg and inuidtrous-looking bowie-knile whn h be had in his 1 iX'teeslon. S heu a poliee oiliccr ;ep.ed up ml atlcmptt d to preserve Ibe peace, the prisoner threatened to ue the-kuile on him. lie wa ct inmiited in default of siluoj bail to uusvr. Vkbhk t. Yesterday uftcrnoou the Coroner held an Inquest upon tho body of the e llored man, William Grey, who was s'nbtied lust siaturd.iv n glit at Sixili und Lonibiud streets. A vei'.iiet was rendei-td that the deceased came to bis death fium a st.b inllictid byacoloied man uiuied London Lav ton. Ri i.Kiitvs. This artesiiooii, tlie fourth anul. vcrsnry of the Mothers' Prayer Meotln,' will take p'ace in tho Green (Street M. K. Church. Rov. Mr. Mit. l.ell, of the Coates Street Prohytorun (thuich. Rev. Mr. Torrciice, of the Methodist ( Lurch, uud others, will ttddresstlie meeting. A Soliubh's Remains. This nioruing the reiniilns of the late Lieutenant Conughy, who fell In tlio lu'e battle before Petersburg, will reach this t liy. The deceased was well known iu this city. A Foindi.ino. Last night, a female child al) ut a week old was left on the door stop of Mis. Hoovir, No. 11)12 Newton street, between Ti th in d K eventh sheet. Atta lied t the infant's ciothing was a slip of paper, coulaiuiug the billowing inscription, delie.itely written in a woman's band ; ' Por heaven's sakn take mo in and treat mo kindly. I am a poor little s'ruiigcr, with ro one to t ire for me, or help me. Oh! plea-') open your hearts, nnd don't tend me aay. Miow meicy as you hope for mercy. N:iiue mo what you please. I am a wee.!, old at twelve o'clock to morrow night. IMienoil) Baby." The 1 abo will bo kindly cured for by Mis. Hoover. Aoaicf 1.T111AI, Soctr.Tv. A mosling of the Bocleiy for the Piomotion of Agriculture was lu Id this morning at the Hall or the Society, in V alnut stieet. Pierce liutltr, Ks 1., was elec.ed a number of the Hocloty. 1 he reports of tho several committees appointed 10 visit the various agiieuhuial fuira were received. The fall sale of livestock was hxid for the I 'Jill instant. No oiher business of importance was transacted, aui Ihe meeting udjoumcd. rm Wrfx MfI yf jrh siitfk -- &fitf&yy'prsfM? a j fi "i,L? k i-vwiy. .-Uzt w- x u 1 AW-to ( -M 01 i tii' xJ f fi- j fjfifi' --4KrCt Aa) s 'k'i Tff1 - tA I '!. '. - K'Yf if- . ?l5wV'W ' '-"s ?yv Vt WARfirHToif - fSf V NlXf aaAsT atcatawav" 4ta'u Jt flaifta Y t S. I1. V vferSTW.V A. X23&fK 4e ? K JNsA CijRf'N T A. WKDNKSDAY, (M'TOHKU 5, 1SG1. OF THE VIRGINIA CAMPAIGN. THE THEATRE OF GENERAL GRANT'S COMBINATIONS ;w' 7 Political. Under the auspices of the National I'nion League, a grand demonstration was made last evening at the National Hall, in Market ttuct, above Twelfth. Speeches were made by CI iir'e.s Kglnion, Ksq., ono of the candidates on tin Kltctoral Ticket in the State of Kentucky, 11 11 tl t'ai tain George N. Curry, of the Itli Dela r,;i e Ki giniint. The meeting was a large and I nil n-iii-iic 01, e. Tins evening a nas mertlng of the citix 'lis of the Sixth Ward favora1 le 10 the elect on of Ahnbam Lineolu for President, and Andrew Jt't.rton lor Vice l'lealilent, will bo bold at l'ri.nl.lin 1 In II , Sixth stieet, below Arch. To iiionow evening the Republican Invin d bits uii 11 aivC 11 no! her ol their si rent pantdes. Tl i v will uttiml the mas meeting in the 1'if teft'th Ward, in Jii lge Kelley's Distrie'. Tun Un.LtAiii) Toi it.AMi:xT. Tho score of II c oilliard toiirnninetit now going on at Sansom S;reet Hull thus fur sti'.nils as iollos: l-.stcplie, won 2, lost 0; liiid, won 1, lost 1; Ncluo, won 2, lost Ot Montgomery, won 1, lost 1 j Jleivcs, won 0, lost 2; lt.will, won 1, lost 1; Puiiner, won 0, lost 2; I'linikett, won 1, lost 1. This afttinoon liird will play against Ib wcs, and Ksti jii.e against Montgotueiy. I111I10 eveu ii.g, Ryall asaini-t l'lunkett, aud Noiins against IV liner. La m i.nv or a llonsi: and Wacom. This morning William RolKv, colored, was delivered into the custody of the Shri iil- of Trenton, upon therhurge of steitling a horse and wagon lio n Ilo.uei.t.wn. As soon as ihe tin ft was commit ted a description of the stolen property was tele gri.pl cd to this citv, whither it was sup;oed tho thiol bad lied. Rolley as soon niter arrested in Library strict, above Fourth, with the horse, aud wai ou in bis possession. Annim.i;saky Mkbtino. The evening ac'shm oftheoue hundred and fifty seventh anniversary of li e Philadelphia ltaptist Association, held at tie Herei n ltaptist Church, Fortieth and Chsiiut Btiicls, was dtvoti d to the interests of the Penn s Ivunia ltaptist Convention and the American liapiist Home Mis-ion Society. Spirited and (dtqucct addresses were delivered by Rev. Messrs. Taylor, i'liririgton, Simni.e, Grier, and other. 'Hie meetings of the Association ill be C ntihticd to day. Inui lst. The Coroner held an Inquest yester day on tlie body of Jacob Wullzhauen, who was killed at the 1'iaul.foid Arsenal by the filling of the limb of a lrcc, which struck hiiu on tho head. A veril.cl lu accoidauce with the facu was rendered. ItKciif n mo. This wonting the Mayor Issued warrants for the payment of tho city bounty to thirty. tUice men, uue of whom was a substitute The Ri covKiti.i) Lf natic. Br TIIK BAHD OV TOWBR nALL In l liliaili Iphla dwelt a you'h, 4)f polished srace nud plea.lntt lorin, M hnsu aoul all honor waa and truth, host) Imurt wua iteuerona aud warm, but, Jilted by a 'also coquetU), 1 Vi'lio inuurned tuo lato her cruel act), Ills lla hecanie ipilte overall. And diiatlns Irltoua deplored the fant. He raved nnd acreeclied. and well-nlith lord Ilia biukli-ita sanuuntalroui bla bauk. Then, llko an elephant, did roar, I'tilll l.la laoc lieeume quite black. Hut vlien, one pleasant inorn, he roso, l.lKht o'er bla uientul vlaloa broke. N Anil, Kuxini; on bis (altered elotliea, hniiie earnest sonh nc.M he apoko. Hiose wenla I1I.4 friends with Joy did hear, S4qBti"r And tilesaed the certain proof llioy bore . i. 1 hat Iteasiai'a. lamp at'ttln burned clear, And that the youth would rave no more. Snid he, " These cloihes have renin 10 bad Tbut they cannot be. worn at all! And 1 must haaleu to be clad Anew, once more, at lower UhIH" llv making a aelectiou iroui our stock 01 ReaJy-mS'le tinriiients you ;will aeeuro artielea eiual in ati''. rt. mule atij maltriuHo any made to order, al i"t w Mj jer ittnl. Ivtcer priret. ' - Towsu Hall, No. MS Market Htrf.it, ;Uknnktt &, Co. Cooi i:it A Con'aiid, Ninth and Market streets, I avi fur a -sortiutiita ol l.aditia' CloukhiifaiCoAtibg., aud 0ereoa;iin;,. kj. Mits. M. O. Ruown'k " Metaphysical Dis- eoveiy." kills Ihe r-'Ut 01 eery dia"se. l'rieo fr. Mi. (10 Arch stieet. bee advettiiuincnt 111 another coluiuu. Tim On. Pevrr. We do not wonder that our eai 1UI1.U are beeiilntait rampant ou Uia aiibieel of "Oil. " Tli. a ereat diiiiu of weailli la ollulta hiianey. Tknaaxt he,t thtou to iLvestiiis id Mt)ii" la to purchase all your Ci al at ll.e isipnlar anl of W. W Ailer, N . 0 . 7 S. Mulli atieet. lou iviJI .ave money audget Ibe bat artlela, UKKinn. "Augustus" bad just put on anew mil ir-.ui l.iirlea rt'okea A t'o.,uinler Hie CoiilmoQUl, Winn he asked "Isaac'' what be tuouithl ol'ltr o.p.e a luml ol iiuncii,' aalv Isaac. "lo.nr iikeieatr Oot a toy ;.oon lu il,1' aald Ike. PiioTooRAi iia of any style executed In most nrllptlc manner al H. lo lnier ., Ku. list Ao li .Iriet,. l.iie-ate I'Uoloaiaiilia Lu oil colors, Ivoiytjiies, aud Carles ue 'ikii. Srn.L A 11 fa 11. The high encominnii which the nipa-'t' atd oreis'ort of tae "t'l rence" HeMrlntf Maet.ltie Ihe agency lor whinh, la lbl city, la at X VII l.e-init atieel );i.a) e laviahed u.nii that liislruuiaut have exelted the most tlep,tule Ilk ally ou tbv port. luoe a.pe elally, of aeeo d-cl44a. 4MM4iiiiura, a flf walaa an do no 10 id with the people, taliai we have le.rolu ore atattel la iliese eolumna tviiu ro.peet t'l Ilia t'loreitce kiaohine, will be frtntH In the lrlr, iu vara' fwr.ieuar, 10 the eatl.iai Hon 01 all wLo taU at ina roviwatid xauiiualor Ovuiialyui, in' , FINANCE AND COMME Os Ornn or Tin Ii'uko Tmoiim.) w edue.dsy, Ucti ber A The unsettled state of tho price of gold, conse quent npon army news, gives a fl ictuuting char acter to the Stock Market g ntrilly. Men are excitable animals, aud our brothers of the Ex change are subject to very violent fits of depres sion and elation. A cavalry skirmish is tortured in o a disastrous defeat or a glorlo. s victory, and, presto) Btoiks are bummertd dovn or bidden up with insane fury, us if the world was coming to an end, or tho ml lennium was to dawn upon us in tho next half hour. Tin ro are a 'class of "securities" which, like thistle down, are blown about by every wind, und tho bulls and boars do a vast amount of "blowing" of that sort. We enpposo, however, that Philadelphia will stand, and her solid securities will not disappear, even lifter tho last Rebel hai been shot or bunged, and when a Confederate million of dollars will not buy a good cigar. Tho loyal North, It is to be presumed, will not bury its gold or burn its greenbacks when the war is over, but will still lnivo some money on hand to invost In solid dividend-paying securities. In fact, when the vast hoi do of gold which bavo been locked up by sus picious and cranky people, and hidden away in old stockings by Ignorant and cra.y men and cei-YOUs old women, are poured out once more into the legitimate channels of trade, we shall awako in surprise fiom our delusions, aud "wonder whore all tho money comes from." We especially warn our reader! against the croakers who are trying to get up a stock pauio on the prospects of peace, aud by a scare to re euact the scenes of 1S57. The same desperate speculators iu New York, who inaugurated Hie ruin of that year, arc trying their host to bring the public mind to a state of alarm, that they may break down the prices of sound securities in order to enrich themselves. That bubblos will burst stock, merchandise, or others we admit, and many a Use fortune on piper melt into thin air; but wheu sober men see the mlat vanishing, they look tor clear weather. We shall not aive away houses and land, mortgages and bouds, or dividend-paying stocks, because topper mining gold mluliig, or ull itovk coittulvi may explode, fPJUCE Til REE CENTS. The really talnablc, rii of (A,wni betk " n mere t rir.ctl, and son ad securities of all aorta will . ,. he sought after, ns we settledown one more Into ; - the ca m enjoyment of life and the sober bnnlrMxn of making money slowly. The vast resonroee of the ecniitry will, fairy-like, touched by the magic hand of labor, spring Into papable life i and all aronnd ns the hum of spindles will be bmrd, while the desolated lands of Ihe South will bo . covered, as with a hive, with thousands of hardy ; Yankees, whofe spades and ploughs will turn Qj the golden earth to the sun. "Thera la a aooit tlma a cnmlna. W In n tat cruel war U ever." In the meanwhile the shrewd men, who havsj : available funds, are quietly purchasing sound . itoeks; and a number of combinations maybe ' expected to show their strength in the mtrket " 1 after the Pennsylvania election. 1 lie new movement in Reading promises to be '. quite formidable to the bears. The old clique wiiieh took hold of It last aprlng, and carried it ' np from GO to 82, are very large bojers, assisted , '. by a strong combination of capitalists and ' biokcra, commanding several millions of nvne. ( 1 " One party alone contributed 300,000 to the ' ' , pool which has been raised to hoy np tho cm -stock aud take it from the market, ..i i ; At the clore of last week sixteen thousand ' , shares of the cash Hock were withdrawn from the . street, and the certificates for the delivery o falcs in New Yoik are very scarce, and are paid ' for by t? e bonrs, in order to fulfil their contracts, " at much higher rates than the regnlar sale of , , seller three days. It is estimated tint In New " Yirk ulone this stork has been oversold to tho" ' ! tune of fifty or sixty thousand shares on sellers ' options; and as those contracts are matnrlng, . and the cash stock must be had at any price, r " " somebody has got to suffer." " '' i The growing Importance of the Beading Com-' ' ' puny is best shown by its enormons isarnlngs, r which this year exceed by a million of dollars all . , "i; of its former years of prosperity the tounago , e.,'rj rnngiug 72,000 tons per week against about 40 ,0O0i , in itie year past. The dividend, In stook and.,) . cash, the coming January Is estimated by the.( knowing ones at from 17 to 20 per cent, j and, In' ,! face of this prosperity, some crazy New Yorkers ' , have sold these enormons amounts short, estl-- " ' n ating the value of the Reading by the exploded '"' Idea of the appreciating value of the greenback: i' ,JJ cnrieiiry. In fact, th Reading road, by leasing ' '""iS'i and Controlling the lateral roads in the ooaW t " region, is now master of the situation in the coal , , carrying business, and may make enormoas ,., r uiviuenus npon us annual earnings; wnust some of the Western roads will fall off la' receipts largely at the close of the war. Tho ' New York stock gamblers every once la a while make a dead set at the Reading, bnt so' ' thoroughly is the valne of the stock understood ' in Philadelphia, and so prompt are our eapi- '-" '' tallsts In coining into the market when the stock '' ',' ?, Is low, that the flouting certificates disappear by . ... ;- I the thousand La a week or two, and the anfor-' tuuate bears are badly burned In nine caaos out often. Ro long as coal Is consumed the Read-'M1' ,, -ing road will hold its proud supremacy over all , other coal-carrying roads; and onr Gotham ' - " liicnds will lenrn this lesson every time they "' atb nipt to sell its securities short for future .,' ,J .. t" cllvcry at lew pi ices. ..' Our readers will remember that last spring wo '; '' I rcdictcd tho great rise that was coming In tho ., Reading shares when the stock was soiling at 82, and wo now put on record a prophecy that beforo 1 - ' January we shall see anoiher enormous rise la ' this stock. Wo shall, of course, have fluctuations, . , . as tho tide ot battio ebbs or flows, bat each roao- tion from high rates will be less than the last, " ' un'il the vast volume of these contracts will have .. eveiiiui'.lly to be covered ut 70 or 73 per share. , i Even at thin figure, the earnings of the ro id will ' warrant largo compensating dividends, axd tha ' '" . sti ck will afiord as safe and profitable an invest- ; , in iu ns any security in ue niarsec. reonsyln 'i " y..nla lailroads and mines ate even yet botin tbo ' 1 ' infimt exercise of strength, and the vast resources " ' '., ol the glorious old Commonwealth are but bad- , ding into splendor. ' i .-.ono) " The SttKk Market continues very heavy ; price ' ; Lnc i gain declined, and there is moredisposl lion to sell. Government bonds are dull, with , , (nits of S-20s at 101, coupons off, and 1061, with coupons ; (is of 1881 sold at 105, which is a decline. Railroad shares have fallen off, with sales of ' ' Reading at 67("674; Northern Central at 1; m Pt nnsylvaria railroad at 6yJ, which is a decline. , . , . of J ; North Pennsylvania railroad scrip at 90; -Philadelphia and Kilo bonds al 100; and Cata- " ; wissn railroad preferred at Mi 150 was bid (or , ,. Can.deu and Amboy; 4.14 for Little Schuylkill ; ' ' . , lui for Minehill; and BO for Philadelphia aoi ' ' ' kno railroad. :.": '.t Ciiy (s have declined, with sales of new at 102, and old at 1'H. Coal Oil shares are drooping. We notice sale nf Da hell at Hi; Noble and Delamelex at 121, . , , . ti Mi Clintiiek at 6 ; Perry at 4j Dcnsmore at 8J; and MeKlhenny at6t. i In City Passenger Railway stocks there is Utile .'; t oi iiolbii g doing. Bi) was bid for Second and, ,s Third ; 18 for Arch; and 11 for Race and Vino. , There is no change to notice in Bank shares,'' '' but w e hear of no sales. 1G2 waa bid for Nona . . . , ,1( Ameiica; 04 lor farmers aud Mechanics j o for Coinmcrrial ; 79 for Kensington; 4U for Penn Tow nthip ; aud 2ti for Mauulauturera and . .1 il Mo I'.antcs . Carnl shares are dull, and prices are lower, with sales of Morris Canal preferred al IDS t and i ' Susquehanna Canal at 13; 31 was bid for Scuuyl- .. kill prebrred. . There Is very little demand tor money, and tho intes remain about the same as last tiootad. ' Louls on call are offered at b(ri7 per cent, per annum; best paper is selling at from 9(n l2pcr cent. . , i There is very little doing In Gold this anirn- Irg and the maiktt Is dull; opening at lWii , advanced and sold at ly04 a- ll o'rl'X'k ; fell ui: ' and s. Id at 100 at 12; aud 190j at 12a. ' Mart.et weak. . - ; . ,( WULABKLI-HIA STOCK EXCUANQC BALES. OCT. , koportetl by Clarkson . Co., Broken, Ma. IU S. Ttlrd C , BKPOHR BOAKOn. ... lio.htsiory fatui...c :l'-t' aonahComPlAjiUr... . . Ineali lo Sit )) -h OX tl? ' , its rh Ui a i 1 41U ah Hraduif k.... jf " JiV all Egbert Oil 1', l'Sl-h o ri.n . oioli do iJ, 400 ah dn if i '1)1.1 WeLliliUsk.... in ,ti til .' , p.,h dn blO S HOah do ' , .v M4i sh lien-more I'S; l.'si.k do t' . UO.h liivmer r.l 100 ah 9e. !' riKMT BOAKI. s , Hft"0 U 8 5-'a ll i iftsi .h lislsell OH MO 'i. av, mii do is. n u on ll;! lah do bin ISO V s. lii-an..rea bU ah do.. li4i 0 U. R. Ba, HI 1' Sticot liv lis, iver 70. '"S fun I liy Ba, new... .lof H m e Am. Hold VMI ttnUlO Alle.sh.t-'o ia.ao.l'SlW, SllSH) lleaillni;bda7ii...PO North l'a atrip.. W I 11)0 ah Kesd. U.a.,..nn 57',, luiah do... slukiut MSi liO.U do 'MilA, 1S) ah do 67 ), I JKlsb Sible ! . .. i; r l.'slab do.. .... il J. r oil I al: Mcl'liuloct, t . Vim tb do bel t i Jill ah I'arry Oil... .kit 4 loo b bensuioro ' aouah do ..14 tl'i ley ill VcLllienuy.bll) 6'j 60 t'l M. Central .... 61 . 1 ls.li Morrla ( n pf...LUI lHOahfenna Ut 6-V' M nb 8uaip Cul...bA LI . Inn ah do M IM) to CauwUaol.bw) 3d . -.1 , Mil ah di 0.1 I') all' do 67 li4i.h An ....Ii6 i7 llllah do til) uiH Quotations or Gold at the Philadelphia Gold Exchai'ge,No.31 S. Third street, second story. 01 A. M 100 12 M 1801 ii a. m.::: vA i p.m iM Market steady. ui 3 . - Db Uavkk 4 Bao., No. 20 8. Third street, quote as follows i- American Gold ltlJ A I,, oni-on Silver, it 's and 1 s lt9 1U1 Dimes and Half Dimes I'i3 . .( Spanish Quarters WO , Venn. Currency tdls.l-Sdis. New York Exchange .....a 1-10 44 pax. . ,; The following are the receipts of Flour and . Grain at this port to-day ;t lour, 1200bbla.t Wheat, 8200 bushels ; Corn, UoOQ bushels : Oats, '''," 4200 bushels. . . . , . t.. The Secretary of tho Treasury annonnoa ' that proposals "will bo rtxeived until Oiule.r ; , 14th for forty millions of Five-twenty Bouda" The Five-twenties have always been among tt9 most popular ot the Goveniinent secnriuea, ud lo . the new isaue will be awarded al a liberal '6- , ,. mluin.' The new bonds will not interfere wutt the SeTen-lhirtit s, aud preaeul aa admlr1' '" ' ... ;..o.....j t..t,a. Maaaanh JJ ! I 1 Tcsiiiieiit hj i.Aiiaa)iaaa a. -- o.,.r s Cook Ut Co., No. 114 Soulb Third wh J'";, ,t o tiae that parties wishing to niaao "ToVi, ,-'f ,,f , r anv part of this popular r-sutean dtir tUtdtt i ...l I ,UewwliUout,Ai-'lutr,-e.,i;; , - t;j t6 'a i ,"r(ui ., '! si i. , , i I i a ' :;'ti .1 M ill 1 : H or. o. J t ') .;.'.t -. ''. ..a : :j 'A ,-i u . '".iSi 4 oil III )..t: ;t rt i -,l I,. Ol 1 i.S V 3 1 I' i U'J : -.at : i' d I. ') 1