LDAn'X TKI.EOKArn miLADELrniA, TUKSPAV, UOTOBKn j, . 180-1. TtTESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1MI. iitiir ir iK.rRi. min t it to HO. MMOI VA.nf.RON. Th fltihjoinod lott.ir, tn.ukod as it it by (H mphktlc tfrtrncss which clinntctorixoi ill tho yroducliotm of Its distinguished Author, will bo re id with especial lnt.'r.:sli gSAIM)ITRTIH( IlKr ARTUKflT Or VlR'MKliA KO Yobtu Carom), IK Till! KlP.oD, Sept. StS Ml Hy Dr Caair-roo Yoa will dr-m mo n moil Tlsl eurrspoBdnt. If you had bn enabled to ton mtm yon would bav found much of Internal Hmnli the qnntlun: What of the reunion Iron, four point of view I We 'J'"1 la front o l'it rmj now fT foar mouths which nav. by no man ben spsnt In vain. 1'rom the .xamtnation of thousand 0f prisoners and dnerte-rs, and Articles in thn sanilitm newspaper. 1 am certain that tns .y bin months of depletion to the nonthem annj-that the whole arn.-barina; population of Ibe States within the rebel lines have been ei-kaa-'td In the effort to recruit their forces, anj the aapability if not the will to resintaut is lust iwindlmc away. The tonted.rnt Cun(rrs in Te;ember last paaaaa art, the first section of which is In then words: "The Congrets of the. Confederate Suite do snacl that all ntkita TtudenHot the Confederal Stales between the s-m of levmttm and y.:y are Aa lit eM ice of the Confederate Htntea." Th aot then provides how farmers, mechanics and others may be ittailtd bg Mi'ifary authority, Ui rait the provisions and do the work for the rty in ( Jlild. would our Democratic friends who are so Vataat over "Lincoln's tyranny" say to ch a draft as that on our side I 1 would Ilk to see Governor Meymour's mild protest against It. I viould oot lilto o hear Voorhees' dcnuaoiatlons 01 It, for they would be vulvar. Wow, wnen I read In the Richmond papers slamorou sails that the detailed men shall be ail ajul UM the rauks, how cau I don bt the willed simony Of deserters and prisoners that the rebel ana as to men are at an end. Reser hiring been a convert to the theory that k provisions at the south would be readily em kaaattd, 1 have not placed much reliance upon Lal result Yet It is certain th:it the mea.is of to .nsso' ting those provisions from point to point fey mil have given out, and the railroads are tw ominc so crippled in their equipment, that it is inposef' for them to furnish the movement of Imo and supplies necessary to the extensive mili tary operations required to meet ar forces. Add tothls ths concurrent UisUmony of prison er, daserters and refugees, that he rank and 111 as their armies are In the confident expectation and kMf la the promise of thair leaders, that this will be their last campaign, that the nominees of the Chicago Convention will be elected in Novmnln-r asd that ths independence of tlte confederate suites Will be acknowledged and a treaty of ace be Mncludrd. and you have an imperfeot synopia of tn re sons why X behove the rubvllion near Its V It will be for the loyal men of the north to see to that their treason does not ntl in the way pro. I0s.dk; the southern leaders, aided by the elm ttonoIOen. McClellaa and tbe Chicago platform. Hers la the ouly dauger, if dangxr exists at all. Therefore whatever may have been or uiuy bo ta preferences of any man as to auy person lor la. Chief Executive of the nation, or dlssaUs. fmsUouwlth the course of the government upon. matters of m.r administration yea. even In itn ""po tn point of administrative policy, as laid town In the platform or foreshadowed in ita acts It see a to me the plain duty of every loyal man ft) support tbe election of Lincoln and Johnson, The qaestio , pow before the people is not as to 1ft preponderance or fitness of Mr. Lincoln or OsnsrsJ SfvOlellan for the I'residency. Admit Itut nriiLsr or either dm r tha other Is of himself lb be at mi o for the plaee. What then I One must el- etid No oiber result Is possible. We am then remitted to tbe class of political ideas which ab represents; and to what is still morn im port. m, to the men and their adulations by whom sub will be surrounded, and controlled in fart, and by whom his administration will be shapart in the event of election. Can it be that any true man, .specially any Andrew Jackson Democrat, can dsir this government put Into the hand of the .,...,! too, Long, Harris, Voorhe.-s and their surround ings, north and south I Let us see what tbeir plat form and their candidates mean. The war is to bo arrird on or it 1 not; if not, then a disgraoef ul aid dishonorable peace, which will be no peace, and which no true man wnnts, is to be the result. Or, if carried on, then both platform and candi dates are pledged to the disbundineut of two bun drid tnooiaud colored men, now doing duty a Midlers or serving tbe army, their places to bo applied either by voluutoera, at ttu expanse 01" nodrad of million ia bounties, or by a draft, Which 1 tbe great ground of complaint by the op ponent of the government. Nay, more, if either the Chicago platform or Mc Ciellan' acceptance means anything, thete ne groes are to be returned to their mastere, to right or labor eo the other side. becauM most of them com ing trom lb border States, does any on doubt, If returned to their masters, they would be at onoe Mat Into the rebel lines, where alone such pro perly has any value I Upon the theory of tha Chicago platlorm and McCiellan' "tonstiiaUonal -rights of Btates," 1 thiuk it "would exhaust th resources of statesmanship" to show why these men should not be returned to their former mas ters, as, indeed, was tbe practice in Oeneral Mc Ciellan' army. Still further, does not General McCiellan twic over In bis letter and platform promise new con stitutional guarantees to the right of tbs south! Is it possibl that all thes concessions are to be forced Irom th north by secession ana ;ue point of the bayonttl Thai which specially aiteel the mind of th old and true Democracy of lb country in the Baltl Bor platform is Its declaration as to slavery. In th view 1 tak of this question it seems tiat'ortu- Bat that such a declaration was made, as it proves stumbliug block to many. W by not Inst the slavery question according to the fact thai, slavery dies and is buried wherever ur armies marcbt No political action can aid, no resolutions of convent tons can binder that result. Th war, if proseeuled to th nd, will accomplish all that tbe most ardent ami slavery man cau de sire, so that if the war goes on to the bitter end for 4h restoration of the Union, then shivery is no snore, and all declaration that the war shall or hall nut be carried ou for the extinction of slavery are futile and worse tliun useless. The war will xllnguish slavery whether we wish it or not. Nay, it basextinguished slavery, by rendering the slave "Worthies. In Charleston, to-duy, a negro can bo ongbt for S.KKX) in confederal money, whuh soils for I'M) for one In geld, making the value of the X-groCUKI. And this, too, with cotton at HIS if pound in New York. IWore the war UieJ-tuue Begro would bring f ioto iu gold, with cotton at 1 ents in New York. Some different system of labor muNt be devised for tbe southern country in the futura, and peace upon hoy terms, even the acknowledgment ot the confederacy, caunot prevent it. If I am right In this view of the subject aud upon this couvictlun I have acted since I saw the fact ia Louisiana in lMiii then what la there iu tbe Ilaltiraore platlorm to which any tru loyal LK-mocrat, who love his country, and I determined to light, if need be for It integwty and honor, can object! 1 see nothing. But la the cbauges so rapid In nd tninistrative policy made by this war, no one will tie himself to any party cry or party platform. I have but one article In my political creed at the present time. I am for a sharp, tuurougb, and de clsive prosecution of the war until the authority of th Union is acknowledged, and Its laws obeyed upon every foot of soil ever within the boundaries f th United State. Believe me truly yours, liKKJ. 1'. BfTLIta Hon. Smo Caue-bon. (BesMsloai of Htws 1st turn Nonlb. Mrer rc,;tl from Atlanta a sheet of'tliln SatrhLs . ? V',uik:l1 ln writing tolitKraphitt des AddavlT .Vll',.'UurtWM ',uu(1 lb the. olU. e ol" A Htrl v f"nu V. Uil,",r" of the NoirfAr Con- ebeot, w. presume the tim Jffi. XLe iollowiug is the des,u u!-- 7 wil"ur' "Kichmono, 2d. Private and confl,lr.nit..i t tbe presit-Yon artlcarnextly 'tSth. sliret tion of the Serreury of ar, tu wvViH notice of deuionstration which oitcurruii he this DiornlDg by women, In rcuard to the tuppi. (if provisions, ami to cuuinitmirata this request coiilideutiuil. to tiiots) editorf Who may nut ivoure tint aJiuoaluvu, (iUAJis,'' MELMBOLD'S REMEDIES. rLUID EXTRAOT BUCHtf Pw IK.o- RstenlMn or Insvta'.lnerf f Prt, trrttallen, I s nam m stKm er tleersttoasY tbe lavMer or RMneys, IHin'titf lit Itl-H DanaV, ot.i in iht Ms4 ir, f'si7u, V.mrel. v trUtdurt tUftHI si. J all Plwa-f ertr-e Fishier wliitvt sad lm-iieai iiinfn. llKI.MUOLTVS HVID KXTRACT ITOHD for rvnifiirib! frma Efiilvs InAUcratlna. Th coaiUtnllcn once affened with Oreiafc Wraknen rejulrs the aid of medicine M irenMn o! nvigomlt the iylm. bicb riKiMnoij) 8 extract ntiuiu ivribiy oest, If ao trtatiaent teeoswtlltd tc, Ccntnuiilinr Innsnlty tt tie. Tltrm BXTBACT OF BVC1IV, In ffetkni ymiiar to "risiti!," is aneqnaled by an sttisr yrepsrstlon, as la Chioroilt, or IletsaUon, In-egn-larltlcs; Falnralasfs, w Rupprsislon f Customary Kvao aatloni; Vlctrstsd, er chinons Stat ef the Ultras i Leuchorrhoia, and all mplslnt incident to the an, whether arlsiag from habits of dlsslpstlca- bnjrdMlM, r In the ostites cr ebur c'br. lUSIMJLiOl.D'K YLVlto liXTBACT EUCH AltO Will rwjUJly txttsraiiAU from U 7tni Dliemnof tta VrimMj Orp-tni wlriefroin IliljiUyi" DiMipattoit, ml 9rftturt; Minyklc'y apvrt4)lb( thoc unpUm ant ad 4ayroMi rrndi, Vi ni Jtji.yia itUttM 'l!KE JlKI,MliOL.l'R 1'IAJID EXTRACT BTJCUU lo all Klssassi ef ths Vrtasry Orcaas, w asthar sxiwfcr la "if ii' or "Pmlt," frfh K'uittur um orliuwiruy, miiis aoiwr of sots long Housing. It Is plsasautia tail and cdor. "Jmmrliat4" in di'ox, and mors trtnsthsiiliii ilmnariyof tliprpartousof hark or ten. Those satTsilnt from hrokM Doun or DtU'atc Centtitu 'iii. jroetirs (A Rttntdy at on.li Tbs reader must Us awai tliat, kowvr sUVht assy be tbstakof Uisahei dlMasts.kle usnalu toafrot.W Bodily ll,m., Mtn'nl fiuirs, ia-ukm, ami hit Js terily. riITlCUSS,PLEA8B KOTICf:. WE MAKE NO SECRET 01' INGREDIENTS. DK1M1I0I.I) 8 FLUID EXTRACT DUCHIT Is composed of huchv, Cubei$, ami Juniper Iierrtet,t- Iscted with great cars and prepared ln vacuo by U. T, lll-XiIDOLD,I)r"Bi.t audC'lismlst oftlxlocn ysars'sx pericne in Uhs city of l'liliadelpula, suj now prcsorlbsd bytl' most emlnsnt of the faculty, and have been ad lultted to ute In ths United States Army, and are alio in vary son oral uie la State Hospital and pnollo Suuitary Initltutlonj Uinujliout Uie land. Trlco II per holds, or liz hi ti. Delivers1 to any tddreia, accompanied by ex- p'4vll diiecllom . Glroot letters to HELMHOLD'S Drag aiid Chemical Warshout, No, 001 Ilroadway, Kow York, OrTIELsfBOI.D'8 ilsdlcal Depot. Ko. 10 8. Tsnlh ttreal, rhlladolphla. Btwar of counterfeit!. Ask fur IIEUIBOI.D S.anl taks ao other. FbyskUn la attendant- from T ffclotlt A. M. to I P. M fW y Duiit tvtryTvUtifft Mi-VuHl 84 WKALIH, n K A LTII, AND r- ulai it. J"-1 lrt.Hl,l.iMlr,if,, , TttAI It. If f aTaln a1rlinnT t"T , ' If tn In v-l'"int lah ; If t( tft ft bk-fmini rt41it, f In mi hnni-nrTTl 'ii hv ii rvritt n."frim1; IffrT til tO mn KM'-nilai ; Jl with li'i b h-rm i -h! Ui M ; If ft ntftfbM itvMsJ Witt ti 4 ftsl -MEAL1 If vd iv? threr i'-crr mn n, W i hi ll t I AKftlO 1 If U, l r ft 111? 'H .c.-to ; Ii lo dt fttiii in ii ' TI 1 ' l t ii t II jir wuh ft IK 'f f.lAiirt : If Vntl VAlno Iht froriil a ir"'lF t U fwry tMinKt yu H.nii.l -iff. Ttikf Hi ftlvuv, uritl .h tlti f.rt. T'in Tiiii lirnnh, WA''h. in. IU suty. Tiu li ti prT ri rtr ' r u ut. liw . n-.ni. ail nt Irr W?l I.I AM VIU'WllD by r fr ib' . ' i,y nn.--sii T- c n n. and t im A M A R I T A N ' S CURE. Ham miitan a rviR. KAMAItll AN S CI'ltK. t-AMAHl t'AN S t'l liK. tA MAHITAN t t'l'lir.. KMAKlrAN S I'l llK. HUMAlliriS 1 I'l'KF.. HAM AKIT A" H IUIK HAM AT I t A N H 11 HE. AM t:ll'A'.' 1 I UK. s Ttv Sere sn,i ne renietl t,,- I .. roTrtirn. fi'f t. rltui. ao. i:ures iu all csss iu from two to I x i rirl r .--H uc ur 1 1 mate -en nv mm, 1IUI T COt. If AscnH. AVARfTAN S fTltl!. HAMAKITAN'R I I iMAItt rtNH film'. HAM MtlTAN 1 TURK. hAMAIli I - N H ttl'ltK. HAM AltlTAM 1 t.'1'KK. SAMARITAN H tl IJ,. HMAhlTI 8 l l-l". NAMAItl rAVH fUKK. AMAIIIIAN CI'IIK. 'lit C.FFAT HI'Kt lilt; KllK NK KKT MsnASER, Hi-nilliftl Slrrtlnes, tioinirriHi-a. lileet. Ac. Fs--h bos nnt.iW riLln.aLd will cuts In Iruiu two to el Cajs. I'rlr. f j it l alo r rlsin t" restore tune ana power w tnose wtio srr svpilHAtrtl i,y i'Iicm or sny ouht cuu-.e, snil will re.t.in1 all to full vitor of i-'iitlit wiirn tiie I'iIii ariu'l witliotit the injection. In tltstfc cu-t , ons I'Ul llirvs times a ln. (Kmt ty mailj C. ri!ICE ItOSF.. Proprietor, lutx .'a. I'. ut otiice. Sclegenti, nvoi r t i'o.. Kb. :rj N. BW O.NU Hireet p ttire and as ftr KAMAItlTAM'R fTRB. stAMAHITAN'4 I'I'liK. HAMAIill AN Cl'ltt;. flAMAnlTAN 8 C'UltK. FAMAKII'AN S I'liK. HAM tHITAN S ttHS. 8, MAHITAN M Ct; It K. HAMAHI TAN H CUHK. SAM Alll'l AN H Cl H. HaMaIUTAM 8 Ctlltlt. eTRI'P UK Blt'llllll. US It! V IF. ItlOOItr). HYItl'l- UK lt: Ollll. HVItTP l)K IlltXlltll. Ii III' UK UtlKillO. H V It t ! I' UK Itl' tlKH. oiti r i'K iiit:iM. svitt i or ititoiif . HYIlI P liKKK-UKII. HYItl'l' UK Itll'orfl). etllll" 1E itl' -It l HI Kl'l' I'K KICOIIU. HYHI 1' l)K. IIKMItlt. H 111 I' 1T. Ill Ollll. h IM P iilC Kll'tilll). HY lll'l' OK HK'tlltl). HYI'.I 1' UK HlCtiltl). HTRI'P DF. ItlOllltB. HYKOP JiF. HlftOltl). kt V Ot KlCtlKO. HYKCI' OK KICOKI). HYhUI' Or. Hit Hill). HYItl'l' OK ItlttlltD. HVHI'P OK Hll ORll. HYItl'l' OB HK.'URO. A c rta! cure for li torms of Venereal OlM'Ses Uied In ths i-utoen Hospitals, sua the armies throughout r.nrnpe ana Aroerice. 1'lns pr.parHtloii la ns efiisj as an eratHcntnr of this renn or li&e-af.e, simi Mrriiu'iit-iis u:e eonintiiii)in Kcuttrsiiy. It will cure all Mores, Hns. I'implca. 1'uttcrs, or any eruptions, no matter frcm wliut csua or how ioug stand lui. Price $1 per bottle. r C. PlilCE BOSH. Froprlslnr. (tele Arerts, OYOTr A CI). HolcAit. nts, OYdlT CO. SoleAfCiits, OYdTI' CU. Xo. 232M, BKCONl) Hireet. tent loany sddrrn. auio-tuUi Ua rpiu fi A M A II 1 T A N ' S CURE L CAN nr. I'F.I IKO o I HKYKK FAILS TO CI'KF.I ODE NOT NAl.'SKATRI IS HI'KKDY IN ACTION I JJO niAKllF. OF TIIKT HKVIMHK-M BF.R VAT INTKKFKKK WITH Bl.til NF.HSI'I'KSUITO I CAN HE 1-H) WITUULT DLTBOTIOM Pile j. Mule tr Female. 8ut by Bi4il to'sniy audrrts. Pox ?tli Post Olllc. Hole Asents, OY"rT A CO.. lo-l tuthsliin Ho. 355 B. HECDNO Sue. t. DIl. J. 8. KOSE'8 GOf.DEN TILLS. I'ptothis rl d females have been busnbuiiife I bf Fsssn.s, Aiittciuiiisi SapiorUrs, Ac, lor ui cure ol' palllliy of ill) VWm.b slid neneral ImoI tty, wtilch m-)ns esr oi lj provt psilia-ivs. il not tti.tiiriou. Boae of or. hu.st s pstiecu lmv reen uli x iun aosiirihtiss Thcv rfljris his l iden I ills, ml thereby chain Dtrt.:Ct cute by ln utc cf fnl a few ooxes. For ihSHeoom pisintK ods Ihjx i worth a hand vh! Alianmis-1 - uiior ers. I'rF-s Ulnrn tir bo v. bile Asvn.s, UI tj IT (.". Hi. iJ H. HST10 H'ree. 10 1-t ilhstm TUrillCSBiL COD LIVES OIL JOHN O. BAK'R & OOm r. 718 MAKl-BT RTESF.T, ftrft nrw TeMntlieir (nppU! fr)i fruu the fi"hrli. for K m rtf uUikii uiti mW tc joiJ auy otiM.r found iu Uie fair kit. Ton. allium It, thy arc ricternulned to inrply an Article thftt nfty be ftillrely rt'lvil on for frehbiiiii tnd purity. tee lettUiionlf.ia of Pioffison ofModiCail Cclkgof. anTl run mi r oirii cTToncnMai iitf"'''' MNTII brj-e-t. aiiuvo V.okrl. Mnpiuras radically tend by 11. (. KVLKHrf'H ris'iilum Csteiil fcraOuath'irr i'retire Tru-s. Suier.or Kinsuc Bulls, KiaiUs HiooKli KS. eu)H.rtrs, Fl ouldsr Braoes, Huspsu oris. Cruirli4i. Ac. Lsus attend! OMUrt. ii. v. zvi.bhit. amyu-iy O XV IlKAW Y, COAL AT $7"50 PER TON 1HE CCNH'J1RS' MUTl'AL COAL COMPANV Are How Delivering Coal fn! tbsri OVIsnt! Colliery, on tiie ce'.rhraied HaliUnor aad Msmaioth Veins, st tiie following rates i To Anhsrjltierl, per ton $7'Af) ToD-M iljionir,per tun U'CO Thus saviag f t'to per ton lo Ktotkholdere. Tssldes tills laving, thsre will be. a dividend annually en tr e stock, ln all probability, of ailtastoIX DOLLAUS IT It KIIA8E, ae that after the nrt year, Hiockholdors will not ensy get taslr Coal fur votkir.,7. but wUl auo paobsbly rcoelve a smsh -dividend en r Hto:k. The lease ruoi, at the present low xiyslty, for Aisuten Years. Tbs ten dollars psr share paid now Is fur :hc whine term of ub lease. The present capacity of the Mine Is MI.OOl tons per year, er one ton per shine. This will soon he uv ressul to lHI Cf ti tii, whieh will ive fae Coiu-soy 100 Otnl tons to sell to osliiJen at ll.e hli;li. it Ulirjul p-lcci, TitE I'UO- TIT8 FUOAI Wllle'l! STILL 11 K IHVlItfcD AMJ.NO 'iBe STOCKIIOI.DJJ'.H. HubscrlpUors to the Hiork (h!h maffirt'll touisdeat 110 par ikre)wili fee rsscived si ths jii.e cci lucCcniiiany, Vo.i'i 8. 8iTU htrsei, if,, il story. J'l'elelotl t, JAMIIH JVIVO. Jirctors, JAMm LVND, No. ') a . Hijetl. Ilre-l EtWALD E. JONES, No I'll Ari'h str t. IIENHV B. TAUL.No. 4111 Wn'.niil itn . t. F. F. VLA TOM, No. 1,'A . Third streit. THOMAS H. tl.UtRKl), No. 1H1 ChosDUt itx.--!. JC.ilf J, lA UHI FL.AUHII CAMPAIGN FLAGS, LUNTINQ, ANJJ SII,K, OF EVERT DE8CKU T'OS. ALSO, SWOItDS, SASIIKS. ToifClhci' v. Till a fi'll nnortmenl of MILITARY GOODS. EVANS & UASSALL, C-K-lm So. 4 IS AkCU bTI'.EKT. c A,H1' ETINGH. PRICES REDUCED. Every aitlole ;n our stogk will be loid at t!i vcrY lowcit niarkit.ialti, ' 1--OU OAHll. KEITVE L. OIGHT h EOH, 1011m Ha. HOT (JUKHNCT BTEKLT. S1300. l'OR PALE. A WELL. BE. cured Arit Murn.'Mk'r otlii. sniouni, J. 11A1 K CAIISUM, l.'tivi.ysrn:er, '0, 428 LT01UUY SUvU.uviu t'iiili. 10 8-21- FINANCIAL. HT NATIONAL II A.IV IC. NEW rMTEJ) STATES - - ) I- O X . 4.l))),', . This Hsk l rrrl to !'!ihe pri:mtBy dopo'lt ef Two p-r cut., on sccotiut uf tlifs Loan, rsawrea oy U.S sdvert'icnirnt f It Hrcretsry ol tin; Tresi-nnr, dicd 0tbsr 1, lfl, and to I'luefscelpti In duplh sle therefor. This Hank will lis ifyreutd at the opening cf die I Ids on Uisllth Inst., by on of its onlcers, snd anronc deslr- 'eg topsrtlelpste In It s gf nersl bid of Uie !Unk csndo so without chitrse. Fnrtbar iiiformslioa will b glvsnon applKatlon at the ItanV. C. II. Morton Mi'M i.-Iiuel, Jr., CAll!Kll. CI.AHK, PltKSIDfcSI-. 10 it-i.t jiixainc. BTxaitJJi v tu, 1 lANKUIlle, No. 30 S. Till III) STREET, HUT AND (GI.L fiOl.I), SILVfcll, AND UOVl.RJKNT SE(JI'ltlTIt:8 H T ) O K H ltOCflllT A.VD SOLD ON COMMISSION. Il-M Uo NRW 7-30 LOAN. O. Subsrriritwms received, and the Notes furnished freeol sll diarijsi, uy ii'.oii;n J. novn. llA'iker, So. 18 H. Tlllltl) Mtreet aifl-2ni gMlTIt a DOLl'JI, No. 10 8. TIIIIU) STREET, UANKKHS AND UUOIiKKH. Ipecle, Stocks, Qiiarlcrenastors'Voocl.ers snd Oieiln.and aH (lovsrnsaent fersTltles lloofh; and Rojd tolil'i u IV X T li HTATMH 7-30 LOAN. TTie 9MrHftryf tht Tkmwj ft-lvc 0t Ihat ! enpttoaftwll b rlv4 Sot Coapra Truasnry Kte, pjfttil tli re jrs froa A m tut 15. wiih Btul-aii- DOal In ( re at at the rau of iivfo and tbrae-uaUu par cent. pr ftiuiiLfta. prtnoifiaiid Interest bota to be paid la lawful cm lie j. Tbt-denmei win convert Ibte at the option of tha holor, at maturity, mto six p?retut. dold heart nK bomls, ps able itot les UiAn live uor aiore bmn trmy yara fnjoi their tiate.as Uie Govenaiut bjsj el?t. Tue trill betnfMieatndoboiuimMl.ini of A0. f lOi). f 1U0, aad jt'H-s -VI - -s.Sixsi h s"sr flftw HAllsmrsr As boilc multiple bt a'tj duilara. is Die nut draw Intflrettt from AiKt'ist 1 peraone Diakifis dioaitB subsequent to uiat tlaie iaut pay ibe lntvret accrued How date of nvxtio date ut deposit. BPKCIAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN, It ip a Katiokal Bavinos Bahk, offering a hhat fkie of Imeivit thn any other, and ifu tttt sccui ttg. Any eavlnits bank which pays lu dfposltcra in Uulttd 8UUS ois coDkMers tliat It li payinir In the test olrcularlr. mMlinuiof the euotry, and It ennnoi py la aiythln Ircuei1. for Its own asatt arc eitluir In kvuranuai eeeurl Uei or in noue crtwnda payatlam fioveinaent paper. COMYEIlTILat INTO A SIX TER CENT. 5-20 GOLD BOND. Ia addition to the ry liberal Interest on ibo notes ft.r three years, thie piivllcffe of conversion Is now worth alHnit Uiree per cent, per annum, for Uie current rate for 6-SO liords Is not less than H.tt per cent, prertuum, and before tin nr the presalnm on ia per oeuL Uulted Butes BUiCSS was ever twenty per cent. It will be set ji tiat the actual profit on this loan, at the preccat market rate, la KMit leio Uan tun ncr ai per wilhic. ITS XXrTlCSv FROM STATE OR MU- XICirAL TAXATION. Itm aRlde fron. ail tlto adianUKt we aav enamrawd, a sveoLai Act ol i'-onnrw. exempt t all bonds and Treasury twtearom local muuiivru On tbe average, Uiis exemp tion is worth abowt two .T cont. per aniiam, according to the tAUs ol 'u at Uia In various parts ol the country. It Is bollcved t!-t no accurtll:s offur so vTet lnduce bicntki to kndera as Uiuo laucd by the OuvercmvBt. Ia all eiMT loruis of iiidt-bttJuens, tl.e faith er aimlty of private taritfn, or i k coiupunitietOr iu(iarai couiaunl lies, only, is pledged fr paym-int, w ltlio the wbole pro Pny ot tie couuuy ie hcia lo secure tlt Alacharye of all the obligations of the United Mutes, Up to Uie Xth of Rflitmber, Uie lubsciipUoua to th'a loaii smutitct J to o er irlD.OOOjOOO. Bi B'i Kiru.-u ti i.f itn. Rkciiv! D by Hi Trasoror ll.p Ui.lttl Htjitei, at trVaMblnKton,tiie soveral Asslstaat Tnasurers nua Ufcrliinatod iiaosttarls, and by Ui riuriT k.m ickai, hank or piih.aliki.i-iiia.pa., Hi t OMp h A'l iON Al, HANK OFrUILAOKLFlUA, PA T1I1UI) NAIltiMAL KANA OF PIIILADKU'HI A, FA., JfUl KTH SATIOMAL HAKKOF PHU.AHKLPUIA, PA., II.t all Miloiial iiauiV whlca are ticpudtarte of public suuay;auil 19-K-Ut ALL ItESrECTAIILE BAKK8 AND BANKER8 TUrotituiotUiSieoDulry wlUglTS furtuor Uirjrmstlon and AFlOItD K.VF.B FAOIL1TY T9 BUUCIUBKUS. C 11 lTlt MAN O I I. C O M 1 A S V . i OlIKIS KO.U4 WALNl'T bllltE'l', lir.om N.i. 2-1. CAPITAL, l,t.l). Jirf 1X0 BIIARKW. tl PAH VAI-MFl. Thist'niuii my own, In fi-f slmiilc, ihv lll- lmi ,!.(ni Turin, cotitaiulnK i"it' liunilit-il hihI tliiriy-nliu) ( I !'. aurui, on Oil Cr. i'K j altio oiie-lwttiity-llrst tl' sll the oil iirudiu eil on llio T i' us It'iiHS i.u iho Ktory Farm ; omi-tlilrd of all Ihe oil rno Uiii i'il on ths ;lll''lo truit. Wll'l t'at Hollow ; and Iho l.iitd lnnri'Mt Ui 1)1 e ha hiiiiAiik'I Well; and IcasouuUiS l.i-orpo WtthhiiiMton Mi Chinook l- iinii. Itn tnroniu of Iho l.'oniisnv Is now about two lutndrsil CJU0) tlollsrs r duy.v.lniTi will puy a k.kjJ dividend on tho i."U.:rioilon rire, with a sure )rosin.i.t u( a lui.0 IliiTtasii. Huhirriptioo booUi are nowoi-eu at U. Oillceof th Culnliiiisy. II. C. CORKIKI.D, 10-3 41" jSiicreifiry. o I L 8 T O O K 8 iioLoirr avu nm,n VA CotlMIMSWN, Br lifcUltHK J. DOYII, Hn.kor, setl.tal Ho. 13H TIIIlll)rlirst. BOVGIIT AND SOLD O N COMMISSION, PE DAVIN & BROTHER, 89 TTTJEN V? ILL 1 HE PEOPLE BE WISE? n.ipdrfds and thnusende ef dlUrs ae ra yarty. and hnndred and thoasaeai of the bit mn ftn-t women f AmrliK llmerln pftin, ftnd die, a-,d nil a preiratnre prave, with Uiftt ftwfiil fl !(. rjspepnia. Tl.y tr thii phjklsn. snd that plijulrlsn hi t ala1 aai ! no relief, no ture; slid the nntne hear oi them they have t'-ne "to thftt henrne fra. hente no trftv- er rfturp We ay t) trie irk lint trie wllneflre w Rive this 'kf rf the won lierful ..oph of Dypepiia rnAtI"by UK. WIMIAHTH (.ItKAT AMEKH .AN HYHrKPtlA IMlXH AND 11 NK TKKK TAK COUIIALt Aro f re-ni men and wonin of nnq-KftOonabl worth and rp'na!an. Th-yllv In an arU"d I'hMftdHprila. ;j and hr their tfiimny. Msny f thra wero imi'J from tie very Jaws ot death when aM bene es gone. DYmrwA n the i'ii iowing pYsfrnms-- 1st. A coniiunt patn or ann-nlnens at thr pit f the rtomach. 34 riatuVnre and ft-Mdllv. 3d. rot1vepetS ftnd bSI Ot ftpi-et'te. 4th. dloom and rirpivinlon of sp rits, iih. Marrhfi a with srlt ti r. 6th. r.nn In all parts of the tyi m. 7th. rontnmptlve symptom and palp; t at ti nof th. heart h h. Outrh, with I'hlritm 1,1 the tliroAt. !MK. Nervous abortion and wsnt of sleer st niht. 10th. I.e of si retlle sol vomiting. 11th. ltirlnrn, dimness of vielon ftnd h M of AhM. lvth. Itiu'lft ba and sta(e''riic In walk'. nr. wuh L-reat wrsknrii. Out of tiie lhiiinnd of casri of dynpt pnia that have fintd hr. Wl-li.-irt's tin-at American Dyi pia Tills, not our ut thern has fulled ef a perfict ",-ire. We warrant a ci.re in every rft'e, no ma'terlfof twenty yearn" sland- Ina. riftld by all dniv-ifi everywhere, and at Ur. WlhllAKl 'H oHtce, No. HI N, HKruSl) Street, Ptiiiael- his. la. All examinations ar.d fonnltntl'ms fr.e of hart;. Rud fT ai in ular. Tru e $1 per boy, nt ty nui 11, tree ct vl.ait,r, ' 'il,t oiiuonry. 0 UYSPKI'SI K -DYHPKrPU. Mr. Whhart, I wish to add my tattiraony to the hnn- dreis yen fee le tnthe healtnn properllep or your rine Tree Tar Cordial. rr flfiern yrars a snlTerer, tn years of that time 1 have slept only In my chair, not being able to 11c don fr fear of nufToottkn. 1 have employed seven cf the best physicians In thlUtdelphia, wrto all pronounced mv rase inctirble 1 vas takento UicCollftKe. where the l acuiiy, halng done what they coold.deciarej my dU cue sn tncti rahle faie of A'thn ft ftnd Chronlo IjspeU, Inlttluat RtAKCftna that my lung's were partially k n Fliidinif one of your clrcn'ars.my wlf procured from your ton: a iMittlc of your Cordial. PemeverlnKly I ued seven bottle, ai.d a box and a httlf of your hvopi pua t'l!M,when 1 felt Uiftt my disi ase had wholly Klven way, aud the Cor dial had given me new vior and strenpth. I c mtinued to Itxpiove, and for thepaat three months I have burnable to sleep in m bed as soundly as 1 ever did. 1 a in now well, and have gained twenty-five pounds In my weight. I am able to work and provide fVr my I'umily. I mud you tins true and faithful sistenu nt for tbe benefit of ihenuf (Vrbiir. I rlenris, call and are me, near Oxford Church To't Ofllce, Twenty tflird Ward, I'hiladeliihla. ISAAC HtI.Li:UM S, tK. WBUART'S VKEAT AwT.KH'aN IYHPUfKIA I'll L8. This Is to certify (hit I siuTcrrd for ten years with that dreadful complaint cabled flynpcnla. 1 nut fond much pain and dlttr;s, wltli gloom and deprenslon of spirits; I fiiiH tns eJ uy tht diflcrrnt pnymcians for my om- ptahits.and at times wai n-urh better, but then myo'd uImkim', i(.MppHia, would rtticn with all iti drettdfnl rialltljs, and my whole system was fait want. on away. In thin ski and dHiillta td luue. 1 k handi-d aclrcuUr f l)r. Wlhtiart s great American Dyspepsia Phln and Pine Ireel'ar Cordial, whtcb gave a correct desci lptiui ol tuv inlH'iiiiRS, aiid 1 determined lo place myieli under the Doctor's caic.amt take his medicines. Ae loon as I commenced toe use i,t the medicine, I Tegan to get better, and so I continued tluee mouths, at whleh tin e I was perfectly cured of all my complaints, sod pe;fectly restored to health; I sin to-duy a well innn . Dr. Wlthart, I give you this certificate with a grafful heart for the bent ii' I nave rccelvid irom the use of your truly wondertul medic lies. May Uod b:rns you and pre serve your truly useiwl Lfa for msny years. I would say to every sick parson who was suiTorintr ) I was that my residence Is No. 1KI Itlrhmr.nd street, Phlla'lclphla. where 1 will lake great delight In giving lentmiuny to the great power ot Dr. Vuhtrt s medicines to cure V 11 AI.LBS. r Wlshart a Store and OflU'C.Ko. JO N. BCCONU H'rcei. rhlladvlphia. ItYHl'tPMAI DYSVILPSIA! I.Moses Kmoils,do certify Hat I wui i.-kwith dya pepiU tar two yonri; I was very slrk at Uie pit of 017 stoinBt h, with palnln my bteat, shit. hck aud head. with droiion snJ iUKHeriig in wakmtf, witt great weak iietsN and K' deolniy. I aiuployad, in tiat Uiu. sevcu cmi'iiiit pi yilciauii. ami tt.ey dill red in their opinion ot DitdiBi ae; ooms itu'ugUt I hud oue dneae, and souio kbbti.er. but I ki ft'l the time eit wurao au 1 worse. until 1 bet six 0 to low tinit my wife would Pave to fee 4 me rrweks toe he. Whue In this d eadful coiull.lon, I ilttctd uitcll uLdcrlr. Wuiiurt's ireuaciit,and used his ureal An ericau UAPepia 1'llls aud trammcot for Dyfpeuiia, and at the present time I am perfectly well, ai d hate fcatucd In lleult twenty-lour pounOs. an 1 cn work and all end to my huklness an well as any personin reeni-ylvaiila, and I am mitl-tli d it Is a perfect cure. Dr. A Uhurt, you can publish my case if you see proper, as I wisi.t to hr-ar tehtlutony to th ereat power your medlclnu has to curt liyipcpsla. All persons are at liberty to call ui4 (Mtcmci write. MOSKB KOllH, Hchuylkill Haven, SchnjlhilJ connty, l i lYHlE!'f la. IY8pEP1i i. litis Is to certify that 1 had Dyspepsia In the worst lona for three years. I was treatid by seven of the best phy iilans m Amerlea ; some of ibam ware Professors ol Jef fetMin Coilego, rhlladelphia. but they did me no ncod. 1 grew worse every month. 1 would be taken at times wltk aresdlui naias In my breast and stomach t so areat waa It tli at 1 could neither sit, Ue, nor stand, but would rova about front one room to auottier ; uy frteo ls expected to see us die, as tliete a,.ared to be no relief for me. In tlds liope letfft ciiidlilonl placed myself under Dr. Wis hart's treat mnt. and used his medtoluee as directed. 1 Ais kj 1 am a eu snu, and tor soreo weoki I have been ou m le tand working hard frum early morn unU eleven oVIoek at uight. tr. Wlshart, 1 give yon this crr UOeaie witli a niateful beurt, fee ling It my duty iO do so: you may, and I WMJDt you to publish Hto Uie world, mat every perwrn suftertni as I was may iave the beusOto aslnit your truly wonderful remedies AU tick persons are at liberty to ca l and her me. or write to mo, as I want to tender all Uie food 1 cau to suflstliiit humanity. JAMtW II. ANtU., Overseer of Washington Hanuiaotarlnc Coiapan's Weaving ltooni, jlou(.vttr, N. J. JiVKPKl'iilAl DYfJlKPHIA! I, John 1-yiKli. do certify that for four romths past I wss utUokvd with acute dpepia, 1 was so severely handled that 1 could do not I il 114; but what it would till me with tlitadiul dltires; my norvuus system wai perfeeib' pros- trtitea; my whoJe dame boou hecftum wraa and tremOlUiff with a ouni'used i.ol anddi2zliKBS(ia the bead, followed by a a rim 1 ion of tho hexrt and K'-noral deointvof the whole body. Kvery kind of modiciuo adtuluiHtered 10 nie .did uo iioul, unili I w a advUel to call ou lr WisharL and j 1 lace myself under his treatment. It U nuw about ntue wieks sin 00 I oonuuenccd to uku Ilia Dyspepolu Tills and Tine l'rco Tar Coruial, and 1 do trutliiully and faiihiully aay. that I au peiiectly cured of Dyspepsia, aud all otter sliai aics arising Uienfrom, and I can eat three good metis cvciy day, and feel well In every reipect. 1 am 7d years ot Saiie, and if It w us jierfcikury, J leel I could and would shoulder myiiiin to defend the city from Invasion by the Hebel. All persons sinToriUg with DynpopHia as I was, are at libeaty to call and seo me, fori feet 11 my duty to do all Uie ijotJ 1 mn fur nutlerltn numaiUty. JOUS LYNCH, No. Kil Poplar stwet, rhllade'phla. Dr. WWIAKT'8 Siore and Ori.ce, o, ION. HtOUVD Htreet, 1'hiludolphia, l a. AO cxaminaUwis and coiuulta tli ni free of charge. Trice, fl nor box. Mem by taall on rcceift oftuouey. DYfiPKPSIA I DYSPEPSIA! Dr. WMiart I have been a constatit sufferer with P,"B pfpaltt fur the hint eighteen years, during which lime I cau 11 t fay that I ever enjoyed a perfectly well day. There were times when Uie .symptoms were more agravati d tliun ut others, and then It seemed It would be a Kreut ro iiof to die, 1 hud at all Uiurs au unpleasant fee ling In my head, but latterly my suileriugs so much lncroased that I becumu ujkmiDt unlit ftr buninoss of any kind ; my mind wub cotiMuully tilled witb tloomy tlioutshts and forebod ings, ami If I attempted to change their current by reudlm,', at once a scuaatiou of Icy coldness, fa connection with a deed wftiKhl, as It were, rested upon my brain; also, a feciiiitfof sickness would occur at U10 stomaeh, and ureal psin to my eyes, accompanied w ith which was tho con tiuiml fear of loalnu my reason. I also experienced ureal liiuHktude, debility, and nervousness, which made it dlitl cult to alk by day or sleep at nllit, 1 became averse to society , and dinpostd only to seclusion, and having trltjd tho kill! of a number of eminent physiuluiu of various icliiHjIft, finally came to the conclusion that for this disouie at my present mat (46 years), there was no cure In exist ence. Itut, Uirouah Uie Interference of Divine providence, to whom 1 devoutly offer my thanks, 1 at last found a sov ereign remedy in yoar Dyspepnia Pills and Tar Cordial, which seem to havo efl'uctually removed almost the last truce of iuy Iouk 1UI of ailments and bad feelings, and tu their pUi.e bealth, pleaart, and contentment are my every day ouiuanluns. JAMKH M. BAUNDF.R9. Ky. tvJ N'. beoond street, Philadelphia, Kortcerly of Woodbury, N. J. Dr.WlfiHAltTft Oflke.Ko.lON.HKCVMDBUevt.Pia IkdiJ) hia. ItBrt.fKIAl l YHT KI M I I, V 'ftw, of rhiwihi-a, k:miiomfT .oa-tT, I a . bave ufTerHl fnr mre ian one yr evnTfthmg but t sfh heif, fioift awful rtisf, li-d D;i',Pia. 1 emiitoTcil in i at time lve or tin m' eminent pi.yiie.lsnt in rinlsdelphta Ihef d all the? con id 'or me will rall iine and rsii ns m lllll I M no fcftter. I Uien wint to the I'ennsi h snis Universitv in orrter to pls-e mytif in rsnot the best mtekftl utnts In the romiry,but wetr BnedirinrK laiieil li do me aoy s"0t and i.finiiift I wmued r tlesth to relieve m ft try iiflermsN. hut nK 1H. wUhart Bdviuniriit In Ue l'liiladeiiila - fin lenn, ' I determit ed to try nre iTifirc, hut wnn little fsith. I criled cm Dr. H uhuri , and told him If I eould have dtd I would not hse iri ubUd hlrn. and then rvlstied my suTennts In htm Tr Dr. a-nred me II he taiiml torure nie ! DyapepMa. W woulrt tu- Uie flrs rue tn o yars, o 1 put m lt iiu'let hit treatment, ml a tuoi gh I h.d been for rnoinhs voir limit nearly ttvtTviliinff ale. my tormieh swt.itf n with wind. at.O tilled with pain tH-vmui l scrlption, I NnKhl ibnlil bis Dypeia ''111.. I iihRsJ tiim as U rrctcd, ard In ten ilsy I coid eat a hearty a m-a ai any ivemon In the Mi ate of I'snanylvonia. and hi thirty dev was a will usn. I Invite any prton uttermn a I was to rail and see uie, and 1 will riae my noirerinft and th jrrat i iire I rereiv.!. 1 would sav to all Iypeptl s. evfTTwbore. that Dr. W.aihart In. I trfiieve, tbe only person on the earth Uiat can eure Ityspepsla with any decree ni ren amtv MOHFN nihil, fholfenhsm. Momaoiiierv :o Ps. " Pr. W!I"IIATIT rm:. No. 10 V. BKCOND Street. I I me- iours from 9 A. as. too t. M. All examlnaUens and i vrnnu.tat odp Ut. JjYBPF.PHIA! DYHPEPBrAI Ir. Wili!iTt T wss a pFest sufferer with drspapsia for lf,n yi. Kvrry thiiifr I ate Plied me wnlt wind and dresdiul j sin ; snd my Hie wss one of great sneering. I wss 10 nioeh ftfTilried hm It I drsns a itiitis ot wat'-r, It uld si ou rituin uses 10 a neauo eotKiition. 1 n,iiicn to tviiry klrd uf meiliotue ami treittuert; hut ail to nr pn 1 poke I aw your a- ver'l-eroenr. in trie iOait ot a real cure yi ur great American uy sp ps'a ri is nan maoi'. w't)l to joor More snr onr'-hanrd Nx, and commesi ud iir then. : sno I 00 tnsna iiou imp oav 1 ntn a wen man. and can et three msis per day. I have so it .1 numb r of p 1 so 111. s.ii r )our til it, snd 1 navnsynniiK man tout was utlciinv with d4ir'(isa n my nelhburh od elnht o( y or puis, ana tiny tuna mm cm reiy. v d mnv reicr 10 me 11 you tee prcjer. JAt'ftit HIC.HLKY. n f nneuy vine, iveiii county , 1 'ei, A I OMTIVE CTRE FOR PYSrEI'lA. 1I1AR WHAT MB. JOHN 11. DAUCOCR BAYS, No. I09H OLIVR Btxeet, Philadelphia. January 'd Im'A. Dr. Wlsliart Bir: li n witti much pleasure that! am 11 w sblf to infonii von ttint. by the nne of vour areat Ameiiean lienia rill, f nave nern enurv-lv curetl or Umi mot dlftrenslnu complaint. DyNpe, nin. I had teen ftTtevously anilcted for the tast tvsenty-eiuht years, and for ten ems ot that time huve not been imed from Its pain one wrck at a time. 1 have hud It In lti worm torm, and have df:itvrt on a mnst mi'orntiie eiistenrein pain day andnuuht. f.very kind of lood tlat I atn filled me with wmo and pain. It mattered not how llht. or how sm.dl the o,uiiiiUty A contuincii oeH tiuiK was mre to (olio. I had uoBiiiirne h r miy kiua 01 uirii wimevvr, ana my U's- trrnt v as so meat for sevcnil rn uf s b (ore i heard of your Pill, that I ireticmlv wietied foroenth. 1 hail taken evorftbn k that I had heard of tor Dvspetista, wl'twuit re ccivinKAuy heupht; but on our 1'llls ueiiu recominended to me oy oiiv who nun iieen euteu oy mem, 1 conciiiuea to dive th-m a trial, although I had no faith n them. To my astonl-hiiivn'. I found mymii getiinK better befo'e I hart taken onfonrth of a b'a. and ft!',taklmrhalf a tioi I um a veM to an, and canat ittytbing I wuh, and enjoy a hearty mealthrt-e timer, a day, without inconvenience from an)tbn gl eatortlrtiik If you think proper, you are at iihertv 10 naa inis uuonc ar.o rier 10 m. 1 win ijieer- fully Klve all uenhable tiitnrination to anv on" who mavcUj on me Veor. ret niuiiy. miiin h. HAIKiOt'K tursnle at Dr. WIHIlauT H Mrdical Denot. o. 10 V HKCOND N reer, rtiiisdelidila, I'a. I'rlco one dollar per IK a. Fc'n d; man, iree w ciiaruv, on receipt i pfice. rysPE-'mki DYsrEPsui 1 finuuel D. llavrn. have been a grvat sttfererwlth chiotue tljrpeprla aioJ inita jtiuauon ot the kliinevt for tin ee ) va.-s. I t miimed tbre or lour 4if tow ni eminent pbjsiciHliA of ''tii'Sileiphia, ifr of Hurlintn county, lew 4rey noy aio an lor me tney coni-. o'li mi to no paipose, 1 was constantly niled with awtui pain and dis liei-s. siid with coni'.aui lii'luutnu ot wlntianil aour at.lil My tontne mis cvtrd with a white coal I ok 01 mucus 11 in ut' crsoeuin raro lunowi, vnti wtr.k ureaiimiiy sue Oh I I otiiliui s wlohtd tor dmth to rclUve me f my ti iTur iim.lor 1 hud Mt aU hope of over bin wHI miin 1 n fti e It a subject of nrsyei tit O on Uia tie would direct Die to st me pi'.1 sician or uito emu tn -t would euro mo. fiisTOoiii rndin sdvei ti mni 01 Dr. V oturi 10 the I'tntftdelphla "ldker. ' ut a ffreat cure made tip n Mr- Jon 11 HiOMiik, ol Hit. 1U.8 OIIvm uticci, I'ti la le , hia. by the Ureal aueiicau I'ysMSiibift nils 1 wmi u in uieior s oitti e, so J piucd myeif under bt trestmnit. sntl told htm 11 lie failed cure nit, It wuiuu be the !it vilort I mouUI mske It ban been six wee sine-1 ooiniucu i d the ue ol tun a edieine. and I am now a well man, Tree from all pain aid diMiess, snd cau eat ihne heart? ruem a day witli ccufu 1 ami n ei per vf wuii. Dr. VVIibait. 1 want you to pub!iti m cute as 1 want every pour dynpe itl tutlrn sn 1 aas.toian on nie, auo t will ttl! tiiem ol the steat cure I have received trmu 1 ot Im aiuaii9 medl one. HMI)K,. D U WRW, i rner jf enar-ro nd Iamcrt stioets, near iticlunond lire', v ru ony irom wngjisiiwu, uuruuirion county, fiw Jeey. Dr. rvosiiA-VT ts umte, o. 10.1. BKCXJM) Htrttt DYbPKFPf A I DYPEfBIA ! DYSIXPHlAl TWs Is to certify that ofrrlNft severely with a disease calltd Dytprpfria. with much lots oi w lbt, my aiitraik.ii wa dlieetid to Wishan's Oieut An.ci' an i'ypep.ia fills a the r snedy. Ilavim wltHin three weeaa tsaen eie.tja rtlis. accornas; to me or ections, 1 lounu myself entirely cuim,mw wv wHaifuctj uty maun ia greeny im. 1 roved, snd J ran eat without fear of oain or luoonvent. aee, 1 tsrntstly rtconmend taesa ti all simlariy TU1..C1CU -"ii. su. . 1 iki.bji ni;rt, Pkhmend street. jT.iur doore bemw Hanover. Dr. L. J C .VIMIAmT tt OUice, Aio. 10 K. BtXxiND B'.ieet, 1'biiate.pr.ia. liYBPF.PHat LYHt-KP-IAl DY81Blal I, VHuhelh H snson. of brnndywine, Dl , lormerly of t'tc iienitr, itei . uo cc'iny trim 1 r one year anu a ua jMitTe-ed vetytblit out oeatu trom that anil dinotaKti rath d Dy speps a sty wnote stein wu prnrated w.J wakt.a)S and oenous detlitiyi I could net elout to poo; il 1 aiesviaa cracker or 'ho sinahctit amount o f on, it woulo ie.u,u jUM as 1 allowed u. J became so rustn e in my bowls b I wnuid not have ft pMHUKe iu hi l nil iluiu lt.uriiiiiiT.un fikni ruv. under thin 1 meiisa suilenna mv rain's sec tin d entirely to ulve war l liAdi it-ud of horror and evil tureboditivs 1 thought Ihsi eer t ouy hated ne, s il I hated avert body ; I c.iuld not lesr my nu-.'n,nu n r my oau cut ureu every thiu aiipmied tn bu horiur-st Ickentome; Iliad nouiiibitun to do anvthlnn; t loi al my love ot family und home; I w otiitl isnible and ra: d r (torn p ace to piuce, hm c mid 1 tt be coultiited ; I leli tliai I was .Onuitil to hell, and that tbeitt n no ntatti for mo, and was ol e't teoipted to couiinlt sulL'tde. r-one-r was tuvwrolo ihtv-juw iyteui , ass. u asirv ma, j as,. ..ss,a si V-St I ,'ta.l 111, D)ep i"ia, tbat mv frisnos lotiht ben to have ni oliii en in nr Kiisorue s t o tin a , veii rn-iaoenmia ; t remained there uij wtek, ai d 'UouKbt I was a iitthi be tor; but in srwdnsmy dreadfni cnrnhu it whs ravini! at b;id ua eer. IlesriiiKOl he wondtrf.l cures nerfurnied bv Dr. YS'ltbart n tlreai Ann ilcan Dvspeimia I'ills. an 1 tua treat u mi -l 1m kpepmu my lii(hhHDt;ct)l'!il on lr. W sbarr, aiid Hated my to hun llesauliiu htd n doubt he cu d cure ii. e. Ho i 1 ilnee d:iv. ater I cillcC.und placed inysell 11 tid r the Do-tor's .re tinei.t. ind In two wt ekn 1 1 e!ftn to (1 iv (st hi loud, and I' It that my dUee wai fa t flviris way ; siid I cntnuied lo n cover for nloit tnree moii'lm, and at the present time 1 entoy peuecl bai h of body and mi; d. snd I tn.'t lm oey rituro ivy loan ah o a m-rvit'ul iod and Dr. wulm t. and to hi Oreat AuiHrP-an Dvspep siu I'll s and fine I iee Tar or dial, tnat savud me from an iiisune asy mm ai d a pteiuature ura-o. Al pu rions sut fertiiK hl'Ii Dysi epuia aie ut hbeitv to ceil on me or write, as 1 am wihiLK to do all the "(Ml I can for uftTuitf tiuma?iiiy Ki.l- If KTII HKAVS'iN Itianuy wine, Dc'aware, f r inerly u d Chester, Delaware coif ty l'a lr. MIKHART'S Otne, Ko. 10 H. SECOND Sliest, I'hlKdelptiia. Tbe above are a few among tho thousands which th't iroat rviedy has saved tr un an ntuliin-1) grave We h bun- red of let'ers Irom pnyncluiu and druajtrt in all parts of the fAiuitiy.i.aH a tha'. tiiy have 11 vnr pr s riu d or sola a medicliiu nhicb ave such iiuiverssl ftatistacUoa. These MediHnei are prepared only by the proprietor, LU. I.. Q. C. WIS1XAHT, W HOiB OFFICB 18 AT No. 10 N SECOND STREET, PLUadelpliiai PElTJJfiYLVAlilA, Vierehecan be consulted cither personally or by letter, fro of chart,?. 1 h?v are .dd by Dr ukku at d Dealers evoivwl ere; at wlulcal by all Nuw 1 uik aud riuladel- pkia W l.oU talc .Oi '.le'tUlr. WEIGHT & BIDDALL 1 No. 110 TInrlrr-t Rtrret HF.TvKJI HI'tNT ASM F.COND TRF.CTS). i r. ii in I. a. 91I.OALU I) UV 0(1 1 STS, 1' 11 "V PICIANS, AKfl OKNPRAL TDltl-KKPri:Rff, I'nn find at ourr t. Mlshment a Jt.ll A'-ortmenlof Imported at d Drmesiic Dru.s, Popular Tati nt Medlelnea, I'aJnls, t eal Oil, Window (Hum, 1'refrnptK n Viali, Ac, at as low piicei an ffenulne flrtt-clss rxnli can N ioid, !NK KHi.N'l I L OII.4 For Confeellonnrs, In full variety, and of the best inHtw. 'oehineal. Hentinl Ind'tfe, MaiMer, I'ot Ash, Cudbear, f-'a A-h, Alum, oil of Vitriol. Annatto, Copperas, Extract ef Lot wood. Ac, FoK DY t'.KH' uie, alwnrs on hand, a I l-west net east) prices. I'UHK HI'H Kfl VOR FAMILY VRP, (.ronnd expressly for our sale, and to whleh we lavlle tl' aMent'on of thoo tn want of fthiide articles. AlfO. JADJOOt HPAHVH. MVTARh, 4.t 0 fcrrrfl Orders by matt, or city Ptt, will meet with prntpt et tenihn,or spihtl (.uotatlons w ill bt furnished wtien re- ' nested. WIUOIIT A HTDDATjTa, Wholesale. DniK WareJjwuse, 'o,11!) MAKKKT Ktr-t, above rront. & CARD TO THE LADIES. Dl l'0NCO OOMiKN PIU.S FOR 1KMA1.EH, DR. Ini.illlhle In corrertlnir, retfiilatin', ane removinf all obtrut tioii hoin wnnioiT cn'iM-s ann always succt.ilul at a pp'vcntlve, Thee PHU re nothltirT new. end have h en oied b? tho Doi lor for many years, both in 1 mine an t . menus, wna npsraiieled buci ess in every ca-; aim ti is iiraeti vj .ny llioli.aiid l.i'HeK no iiavr im-i. im w. 1. nutisj mc ills pni'li'- for ihe allevintnn of thoto snrTertng from n Ure.uiftriiles wliatrer. well n to proven an ln- taseot inintly wiiere m-aii win iihi permit 11. s-einafe pt-eiillArl htiniiteti, nr u.ute suppo'iim uieinteives so. are cannoned aiminut nlnv thPo p" is bile tri tintt ondition. an tbe proprietor arOimoH no ri'tpons-muty alter me ntmvo ailmotilnoii, altbonidi their nilldueos would prevent any 11 Bi h-pf in heall i.o4l)erwire tiie rnis nri rrconirnenoeu. 1 uil and explicit d ieetio' s m coinpauvinrf each loa. rrtre f I. 01 six uowm -r noiu wiioiBBie auu h.mi by the ft llowtnn Druilts: I.IIH.I1. W MM' V VO , on n. r miiin mirrn VViU-nt A Hiddall, No. IV Market street A Wartisn.crt;ornfTlil n enth snd Market utrceta. Zelnier A Smith, comer of ?eeond and titcen trvts, DyotlACo , Ko. itd'iN Hccnind Mret. .lotiiiMiu. llollowny A Cowden, and M. C. Delncoiir. t'Mirden At lot nil by all driigBliio Ladles, by sending1 To cither a:ent, ran have the I' I I.I.N eir r lo-trioi. 'ii.M.i.i, Bv msll, to any port of tbe ei y or country, fre of 0-W-m Uo. 2!tV. THIRTY BIX Hi 8trt,N.Y. RAILROAD LINES. VOUTH rKNNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. 1 I tilt BtTlil.KIIKM, DuVl.KSTOWN. F.AHTOM, MAPI II CHI NK, llAZLbTON, VlLlik.SllAJ4Kli Wl-L- LIAMBI1( 1. FA LI. AKH.t IHttr.MKW 1 n. On and after M( DA V, U-itemi r 19. Ir4, Fassenpvf Tniit.i Hill leave the IshW DK 'Ol'. I'D IKO rttAft, a!ue Thi n.pnon, i bUadelpbia, daily uin.ays excepirti, an lOiwiWH At 71W) A M. fFxprrns) for Rethlohm, Allen town, Mam h Chunk, W llk -fbarrc. w IHIaiiisport. At h ;)' A. M. (Ai-coNiiumlulioii) inr iiowBuwn. At 10 lft A. M. ( AcrntnmiMia Ion) for ton H swlilngion. At t m P. M. i Aecommmlallon) for Diile.rowi). At 3 Iff at ( Kpre8i) for hethlvii m, Kaston, tc. 1 Ins iniin rem 1 11 Kit n atn ld . M.. und nukes clOM coniiettion with tbe New Jersey ( CLiral tar Skw kork. At 41b V. M. (Mail) tor IMiviefinwn i.Filftl'. M (Acconituodatkm) Ibr Bethlehem, AUen tcv i), and klatich C liunk. ti 1". 1' M (Ae.comn.odatiou) for Lunsdale. II I M. f Ai comiuediiilon) tor K-rt v,Hli;ti' ton. 1 hrouuh Tieaetti mnt pncuivd st the Ticket Office, THIRD Street, or HEKAt Utiect, in order to itcurX' the lowcnt rates ol furo. TKAlNH mR rillLDKIaPIIIl retive llethlebem at fi UO A. M , I'J le i:un,and V4SP.H Doylesiown at ..tOA. M., S t. M.,anu 6 d V. M. l.Aiihdi.le at b-Kl A. 1 ort Washingtuit at iO'.'iO A M. and IP. M. DPI B( NDkitt Ihilsdrlphla for Itcihlthein r.t tt A.M. 1'hHiideiiHa for Dovieion at H. M, Doksti.wn ir I bila tluhla at 7 20 A. M. Iw-ll b hem Inr rbllttdeli'l.lit at 4 1. M. llilliuan n itHK'UKe Kxpree-i will call f-r and tUhver hspvete Ht the depot. tfders may bo lef: at No. IU h. lllll(l) btreeL It 1:1 EIX1S CLARK, Aknt ICiM rulLADELPHIA AND IQf'i ltl)-i. Kb IB RAILkO.M). lOIr. This urcat line traver.s Uie miurihom and Northwest counties o' rennsylvanla to the city of Krlu on Lake Krie. D haribeon lea-ed byitie PKN apYI,VAMA KAltKOAl aid uii(ir their ;i'o.pic le be.Li.tf rapidly tpenu tlironliout its entire length. it . now in use for l aiMM-aer and freight business rroni Harrifbnrir to 1 mportum. !.' inHe),. n tiie eastern Div,. (neii.andiroiu bhemeid to Kris t7K miles), on the A'eatera livision. TiHE OF rAHftl!N'.Ktt TRAINS AT PHlLADKI.I'Bia. Mall Tr.ilh leave. H A. kf. kxi.ren Tram leavrn WiW l". M. Csis run Ummkh wntmrT 'haniir both ways on- Viena tisiiih b.-tin rluisdelp:iiaund Wk lUveu.aud between lijiit mi. re an.. I ck Haven. i.leKnt P e,),utf ('urn en the Erpreis Train both way I For liiforintittt.it respec-niK I'assetiitur hiiHnii". a poly at tte M. K.C'irnut of Kl.KVKN i ll and V f ItKKI Nirneia. And tor r relish! buniiiiss 01 Hie Company's Agents : S ll Kinusirn.Ji .corner M.XTklt til and MAJULKT etrcrts, Pbi's ielpbtn J. W. It. vno'ds, Krie. I. M. Drill, Aeni, M. K. C. R., Daltim-Te. II. MOVHTOH. General FreLht Anunt, )hHaap na. I.RIH I. Ili)i:isr. General Tieki Avent, PhllaiH iphle JOHKI'M vm bK, 4-tf weaeralManaixur. WIUuuispo TV I RE CT KORTHERN RAILROAD A 9 HC 101 TEt I HILAl 1 I.HOA TO KORTnflTERN FKVK8Tf- VaMa. (ENTKAL ANi WESTliK.S NEW j ORKt Ut t AUJ AND THE 1, KRS. Itv Piiila'ieiptila and Trenton Railroad, Rervldere, and Delawaie Itslltosd, in lawnro, Lac Ka wanna, and Western Kaiilroad. aid Prie hull way. only two chai'K's not ween Philadelphia and flu (Tak?, Ko chaualiitf in tl.e nicbt. 7 ll.K- Of IthOAD OAC.iKl JfsirmMrent Blee, ii g Cars 011 the ul.bt and of the route. Oomd North. Leave Pbiiailelpbia at 7l& A. M., from Uie KeiiMnvlon Depot ol the fliihoieipbift ud Trenton Rats read ; clause at Ma nun k ft l.unk to tho Hr ad U a 11 we care et 1 he Dels nait :, J ackaw anna, and Wus tjrn Kailroad, aud ai iient bend lo the trie Railway, ariiving at llutlaloai b ltf A at. t.omjf South. Take tho Krie Railway Kxpre! from Butlhloat lo H. M. ; change at threat lieud tu the Data-, waie, l.ftekuwniiMi,and vVc-i.mii Kunro id, and at Maatinfe ( liuiik to tbe He. viuere De.auaru Railroad train, wniclt gnes ti rouvb lo Hillside pbm. arrlvlii.; ai 0 Uu 1. M. fiisn-fi-ers itoinu tiortli dine at Delaware Station the D)uuare, Lark-twanua and Weiurn Itailroad.Al 121 As., aid havo time lor supier at lr a. liand, wttt-re the u s eh uue s niude at ti'-tu . M The hs stung bouih 11 ave the Hi at cl.atiif" st i;reut B nd. at ti d-'l A. kf ., and tm vm nine l r brcal 'ant beiore taking Delaware. loka wsnta ud Wusum Rauroad train, dine at Delaware ai 1 ht I. M. 'lhmiK'h Tickets to ard from Rutl'alo Dunkirk, Rochaft ti r. l imlra. Iibaea, Oseo, Rinuhampion. Oreat Bend, p. ranu.u, Vt iikesbarre, i)e awuro w'ater Out), Ac :t betw.-eu I'liilftilelpbtii and llullalo, ill. , Aik lortuKets vlaOrc.it H-nd y A-liu W.U. H. OAT.MKH, Afent. SHIPPING. It WAH 1 1 1 N GTON, ALIXAHIEIA and GEORGETOWN, D. Oe Tiie nw and substantial fieta-hlp C. KNIOHTi" I'AFTAIK (lAI.I.A.illllS, Will sail for llio ubovs port. 1 Cn WtdneBclay, Ootober 5, at 12 o'clock M., Fr..ta tlr.t Wbsrl'alxive M.trkct struL lor freight, vrlilc-u vr'U 9 laen t r.aoiiatt ratti. aiil.v lo WM. J. T.VY I, OH & Co., lfi i -at No. 20 .. llK.LAVr ARB Aveuu. tfPU STFAM WEEKLY TCT I.IVEH- tii.riisl. T""' ""i'i"" - 1'orh llarlnir. 1 1,-.w li knuwn steamers 01 His I.Isrioil( Now York, ana I'luio.u iil.c bicui.uii lL.1up.u7 is latouiKU I sail ah r.iliovs: CUV OK HAI.TlMOI!K.alurJay,Ottob3. T I KA, Vamrtlay. (Kl..ucr I'.. i.l.l Mii:iio,Hiurd.v,o.-i.r. Anil sisrv siiocscaiaii aalu.aay, at noon, Irom ri ta MKA,Tr'lHOF,''rABRAflF PAYABIK IH CUKIIENOT. 'lri I sl.ln ihiii niwrsno .;i) IW UrM Cillllll lo Undo.. I.UKI MuiaKC to LollllOU... tlS lSJ f IrsK'abia Ui I'uils.. l io" Hi.-.imki-to I'sris bii'no ,ltlC.il.liitolli.iul.rnl'MpiJ Hie.r.tii-t.. U .1 inl.urn. ,4.lJ l'o-.t UBi'is ulo loiwsnli'i to Havre, lireui.u, Kot tonluiB, Anteri.ac,als.ually..wra'i.s. Kiirw, (.'.m l.l.Tt or yut!ensl..wn:-First Cabin, fl.Mi $1711, 'ilO Hurra.' fruoi l.ivtTuool and 1,'il.ns toi'i.r7H. 'I Ik.is wli'j lb t seuU lor Uielr IrluuJs out Luv tit Kcl l;eic st Hism- rales. i'ot luitliti uiio. msUoti apijly at th Comnaoy omcai. No. ill WAl.Nti Hlroel', r'liliaaeioUi. BOSTON AND nilLAnF.LPIIIA. Rtnil l Line, ssUltif from mU port o 1 s. noninrhtwiisri ai.vo rir.iMro.i,rniia- inli a snii Iuk nauti, n.nton. imm ui.i Tli steuuiliii bAXON. M.tUifW, wiU saillram Phlla. Iiliibia lor Itnsion.oi. Batunluv, Oouibt-r 8, at lo o'oloolr. A M I and Hit sti-aii'Shlp mjusiaw. uuavr,.rowoosow for l'Mlatlelihla. on ssins tlsy.al 4 l. M. ,,,.. Tbt so new ano subhUiuial stoaiu.iiips fcrra a regular line, sailii.ii from oacb port puia-iualiy on aturds . ltihui .me ctiucloil at ouo ball ihv ,tuliuu eUatucd 0 fule vi!b.s)s. SMppeusJriad M SUlt L."!rir.btl'i-i..g. tfcW " mmod.on am, .10 IIKNItY VYINWIK I'O., uilv jat-U XO.M Otl AWAUIt Av.uu. rr a, FOlt NEW YOUK. DESPATCH JE ASaTand Uwin.ur Uus, via D.lawar and TZTi. Tl.s.t.siuo.sof tlius Uns ar suvlnj diiy t 12 o t lok M , aud o'clock 1". M.,lroin tuUd vial alio s Wslnul street. . tor ft.iiit. v-liito will b I"'1-" Koommodstlag terms ai ph to UJ.Li.kl M. LAiLl ii Cy., Isu. lis d. liLLAit XUl Avsuu. ..