The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 04, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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7 I'M!
'II Arrival In I.onlnn-ilrvnt Fmrlt
Mal Ihftprlr Tnnfr' .rrtlr of
the Voyngf.
I'ran Muiier, the K.ig1.b nil ay mtir'l'tvr, ,
rrfvel in Iondon n tlio 1 7th ult.m , in citody
of Inopvctor Tinner. His arrival avatid Intimte
! i ' ement, auU the paper are rlloil with a :
toauts of the prisoner'. nppc ininre ami ronve.
MUion, and report ol H'eexun.'nvJon .v. th! I. j
treui PolUa, Court. I' appt-am th it lurii. the j
oyugfl MulkT wnt krp; In tni; iV.tmlc hopt'jil on
Lhe i-Mta, in cltargu ot' two poticenn-n. Only ft j
liiciy pasfi..,'t rs and eoine Ruullrinca wor.j ;
, lowed tptMik. to him on one or tv?o oo wionn.
A gftltk'ttiftn mho W.'Mt nut ill tllO J irtoria
wi h l ira, vii.tcd lilrn at (j h enlowu on the
.miTal or the "tpfttner. ll. r conifed and ivn
v3rit with blm (recly. U ate nmt d irine
voyiif-'o as if U"thin;; happunvil, mu!
"iVkwick" and "David CMptKTMe.t.." and utill
p-rM in ftflcrtlng hn imiocenrfi, aducrini; to
ai firrt Htmeiit ua to the notsiju of the
at"h .ind hat.
On tte train frnn ..ivorpool to London, says
the Star, MulUr hmked pale and a link arared
by the noise and tauhhnh rrcntcd by the mans of
rtt;iuny employees who swarmed like beet on
and around i he arriae to grt a flood look at him.
fn r the tickets ot the pa-winders had ten col-tet-'oVho
trnln set forward for the Etnton St itloii.
and readied there at 2-45. The prionor'a van
waa in attendant e. and Muiier wan at once plaectl
in it, amid a deaieninif roar from another crowd
oi the F.iiton Station, and taken to fiow itroot.
lu nitiliatciy on hut arrival at the detective oltice.
Mmlertked for and was supplkd with some
eer. lie mouk d p:rfcetly c ilin and collected,
but on two occainna cxprcHbCd the auauancc
LC tVitt at being made an exhibition of.
A 1 wilt a quarter to 12 o'clock a tall and gentta
man y lret.tnd man obtained admiMion to the
room by walking in rear of two of the detec ive
unicert. Ibis w:t!.un walked wildly np to Muiier,
wlvh whom he shook bamiH, obHcrvinir. "And
ou are franz Muiier r V II, I am very glad to
n yon and shake band with you. Do you think
'ou will be ublo to prove your inuoeence ?"
ttulJer, bUinUiiiu up, replied. "1 uo. J ho can-
tlemiin referred to said, hi a loud tone of voice.
1 V ou know, MulUr, tint in a very serious charge,
lo HiU ohseivution no reply was made.
Upon bt in locked up in the cell on S:iturd;ty
afu-rnooD, MulUr tat down and lemalned for a
few "crouds sltiini; with his hands folded m-twoen
his knees, and hia bcud liKhCly biwed, ap
parently In deep thoustit. lie in if asked by the
oiHeer in ch;iro of him whether no wanted some
ten, he replied :-"is; 1 have had nothing sinco
nj(riiin. Mr. Beard, the solicit or, and Dr.
Jucb. the interpreter to the "German, letfitl Fro-
t tiun Hociety, came In. Dr. Jucb, ad Iresftinj
til' rrismier, mi d "Aluder, howldoyou ueton r
He rep ted "Very bud," and bunt into tens.
Dr. Jut h told him ho would be protected, und
mtroducid Mr. Heard an the ttoiiator to the
sociaMon, and ht-iiiff eupnti' d to act as his
MuK-i'h) hfiat ndviMrr. Muiier replied that he
vti.i aware ot that, having hen iuforiuod ot it hv
his attorney in Ameiica, and ttiat hewasvei y
feappy to hiar it, txeame he could not arlord
iHttitS to u lend niiti-oii. lie au ieit: "l am
(Uile mtiOi em ot ihe crime, and 1 snail Ijd able to
rove that." Alter a lou inttrvie Mr.iieirdand
Dr. Jucb k it him. He appeared sotnewhau hecred
niur (he Intei view.
The fi Mowing statement hi Teen made by
I; specter launcr, wm hi had chatira of Mullur
Mice hU ftfprchcn'iun on board the I ictoria;
We -tfl l'e r ol on the ? th On ih Mi of
Aur ui I itKncil HcrHniM U k at Maten t-Iiii ahout
tigb iii i pi iroui 3itnu rt-fji,a piarc wfitr tiirra n a
i. grjpU ti.iu n. i w "v ' i u m-lf in couuim,l a
i hi. Uia I hu ! hae i. V U rnui iurwanlt t mt- a id
lo Soirai.i n tt.d tiiitat t coo hi una vm wiii'i;
"t t- en-, nevt rtheri. ti, i a ulrttc ult to k it ever. Trio
allots ti ift i't ahounti lt Urif imm'-1 t. uud t pre-
rntan ot in ui fotnmimit au wan nuitr ji- m iho
kVuM.fia arri'tl, n icl lianlhi tt, $ ini: ft mwitrj nf
txiy Ooi arit to tde tlrst ilhf who would butrtt tlm ven l,
(irlvai Jjrusk tliu to tt cuh to un-vout
kluiitr I sv 'iu, h I) Win WMiiifd. Ittwk a iMrtuinht to
UfH a 1 tl pi Jt. and t1'!! f t'.tl iti ou in.
'Atoutmtt'fn ohj h aficr this ttic Tni uViiit-x made her
ip.A and nir nt th .Wrmftr, ani many otner Hti'pn.
S! alto tiiok il,o Jam? tmk, ait-l maoe hur lir iwnlt-r,
tin tt, beli. it tu ptkit-ac 1 hid prevlonaty enKUvJ,
ftdttU'd a if'n1 dittU iipy. Innpn tor Ktirt-ttey rnvt d
iij'iui a wf h aitur IttiH. J '!' uut tnjit in cuaimMiii-
ail o with the poikv, wlio rt i d red aid ad Oje ailmait 'e
i."ii)io ItH-Luiu I M i it Miraiial deputed -erfdui
rran,f )ew York, Dftectra and dit: iwliii wtr
.UtUid ll Siateil Ulutid. Ua too 2 Ml thd Vir'.oria
tiled. Tiir Itt.v Wi.'tid Hot all'isv itntn tslitrit'f
New f n t" t mt a w.trrant ttll I o -olil ui.iko mo u' it
tin t M r v an lu Amo l nn wattM-n. Aa no-t. OnT-frp.
an ttitr n t f tt h its io i uracil U i wtiot lo Now Y nh. aid
made an adW avit to cilt--t. wt k'ti was witU
h HlK-H U ion 01 tfi.' Mil ! h C- IID'll.
H-r. ft 'i ti i an and -:rK''.tTit t.'arV b- ardfd th'! Vir.
a- m. Mr Tic iih t: I the priaonr that a war
i in u r hii at'ith in'oii. Mlr ulti.'V'try wvil;'uut
Wan l-Cil III thrt lr IK a ai J d. Ill) Mi SCHTm rl, n nU lit.
nd keys toi.nd i-n "im. Illi hot wmmov- nad u;d a w ttct
w, i uuii, a-d MtiUjr HR(i lr wui his W4t-tt, and tnat he
Q hoQ, hi t' Ulan 111 'lu L.ti !oii 1 k. and Kvr -,
nt tt, lit- am iii- ''i ,T f'e un: mo iiit in rciin'o4t
M. ' n m;cr ti . Ir la-h nd in at if arr vd. an I
I r d th jirtM n--r h kt-pton b'(d a I aU,'it- In 1 t"4 hhn d wn, wti'i ovrn otn irn, and
likHUr )lo it t any on ttif -e who IkmiicuI tbo
chain lie tHid Yh(,' and oliitd out tn urNonoi. At
ilt tttii-Oik ec'itni-iii in Nvm, ) oik waxlrae'iso. Tliti
wer hurtirtdt ortwmti ar nnd the ship.
t 1 ... n t.w.k li. n. .k.iir tA Uiiih.iTu tlnllnn t knfta
he hao bad noOtlTitfto et aril drink tor i"tne time IJ to
Mil Dfr'liiVnl orrVn petlYi:U inUllT'-roiit to Wllt Will
aati f When la wan in the tttioa I itlfd him if ho
wouflhave dnihnv- H- rryihdo' I loid nun 1 liat
a duty t-io. toroi,au! iiit I wiih.-.t to d it ki-dlv.and
ki nifr have met lung lln sild, 'No, I rtunit
ai," anotiifit h , and lubVd al'md fur twouty
uiii'iiitH. Ha ai'ier v. ardi aie home or ad id butivr und
trank aome toa O' the :dit I trot ttie war, ant. in ih
HifHi tiu e 'ht pri"Dtr kept In th" Itinii, anil I
nr-hgtsti that a prls ne atiuulj tievo wltli hlia tne waolo
1 km).
t n tht 8d ha wan handed over to my etutody, and I
vOnvvyixi hnn in a r i , 1 M o 1 1 the lili, havia ' mihIv
rrtiuid 1. i.avtt th lioinlal at my dinpo nJ. so Umt he
w- h tt) ot ilia BifvrHK. 'e l'tt on fn1 unlay, tti ;id.
Ittfore thlft tho thlp win lltvnl y rnmm'd with p"M'lo
Jf r o -e Mm er i e an. t had pat Itnn down utlow.
W Wh)0 I jut htiu ou hoard, I til him It vv.n :iit tmurv to
.n h nrl j lit r..itd '.III I lint tin A. ulr.i ti
five mm unnt'i'"Piiiry pnui, .iu n n woti'u pfu'iun- to
jubjtvi lilm-tit to me, and to rt-niam t that iart fthe
v-k t ni-a. r Mi1 di- a I hid pia.cj nvt-rtilB.t wu'd
oa 1 at h m in iron. Hf wa er tiiaakdii, aid aaid, 'I
wi l do vnvih'. 1 1- att '
Oa lln'H'o4 day 1 a-ked hlrn li he Olt illt. M
pati.t'ko; 1 fwi v-r r.n I ht uy nurtti.' ll
tht. tt a vi rv antefi-nt to wtut im nt 'n bianl tlm
Vjiifia and t'tia tin rthtti wjh nil wd tue uA-tiirii.
lie Ad thoy tan 1 10 0itkth.-lr own d'oner. an I It
waafOiDinou ir ftirif 0110 t" walk ott wim mint ht'i
a, wfcUrn tine-l to aniline him, awl coined hin to
luii ita tdy. li-.-u.a .ti a a ih'- p 4--i'iui 4 -n Uur .1
the Ki (tf ola 11 t w- ir Vity iniid tt-'t aotlit' tt, nut
I tin rot ttiif 0 (roui hi mftt ln h ut b e-i la
a y C'di d tnai ho In ih'. h itiit nf iwranii;, 1 aikid
nbiiu ti I fiiulu m."e iwmaiivtiitnrt t . I; a. Ho aid.
fl l alii u d Uke ktiDit) hint o r-A-l ' t h-nt tiim th IM. kwiek
Ju f up rii, I : t j V.a. r p. iiil w ill ti hi i-urtl,.u.) lauuhcd
9 hear tl v. 1 mvc nr- l'it ti'ni 'D tl ! 1 opti -nt- Id,' with h
a t now maulw. In-ii n-' vr eo'H itne,d duriini tn
whutfr t a.n if.- h is ih 11 1 1 '-e tint I '.oth and a;i'A
r lay tr in v- I h hm'Ii urn iiiui li a an 1 1 lj u b an(
ie"t'- i' li' N "v ' ik , -riftM i''itl m;in
came or. b"rd ur d -k i !' t n htm h-ie ah ittirvmw
ito tf.'fif't. I.i"''t '.i ii if fx1 w i-, ,i - .Mc't r. ho aid
ho wa not. 1 t!: u tul t ini 1 w i o j,r.n' i- -im'-.t.
ni ti i ked idm It." i) et't tn iv in tn ho ih- prtiiMr.
lie - Bio he te -t i. hj'ti-r 1 n i 'tr'ii in no ( r to ted
,1' r w'n n 'ie it. Kti . I d ht w.i ,'d d t "ii'ed,
ifbt' ' ha t tti-i' i ! I ui-1 t u ujii U of Mr Heard, and
tm 1 n him ih t 'n ik i p. o i.e n u j .' j t "f t tt 'iniup r.
Hid tM' tr. tn II i d hnn hi., ft) i t -n t!;e . inij. U)
fav ute fie Uner. nu li I ii4vc i j Mn!h-r. 1! ia l it and
pO tl Ml t ; Aild MUiel'-JI"4 WM'e hf la r;ldlM( t
book, h W I I tl0.i-nl ltd ll d..- n Ai-d ie i t t TO I t I T,
and (lit n r" I' in i h h u 1 1 r "V , mi (In- wtin
v .! If d-'iic ti it' r ft l- . :bhfi t ; )f'ii inmi ind
entcelyli diiti ii; i t'i hu .). I il n II I; i i mi--.i fiM.-n.-il
to t h k l' h it't, il I'd ll-t ..I" l t.. to per im 4 ll iVf Iiwii
ilU wed in 0b hllll Will h'uvi' l.i. Ipud I if London
IhiK uiMTun-; 'iilv."
I Hon kast tp;m:ssi:e.
Uennrnl lilllrim li-fM the ltelcN-(Jeu.
rrHl llnrlirlUicv nt Allntliii, i.
LoriHVii.i.R, OutDiitr :i. Tho following dus
putch lias jut licen roeolvoJ :
Caiih's Ktatiow, October 1. To Onoral Rclio
fielil : We arrived here about 3 o'clock yesterday
nfuTiioon, and found the euciny under (iouurul
VaugUD ttiougly intro.cuta ou uotu iuei ut tue
Alt. r tii avy I'ftiin'iriid'tli and FkirmisIiiiK all
the altciunoii and till noun to-day tho cuemy wui
driven out ol li in f'urt to wards .ollicoilur.
I Hill Imni t lie bri.'ico and drutrny thu railroad
from this point, and preyent the resource '
East Tennenne tinui imed in tbe tuojiort of
rvbi llion. Our artillery tired unv lii j. ol' two
bucdred rounds.
(Sk'iicd) A. C. Gii.M'.m.
Oei.oiul buhofh'ld Iiai aluo received inforniHtion
Uiat Ciiutiul liuiljridf.'e lias cajitttrud tiia Halt
worki tint Abinpdou, Va v. illi little reUdtinte
Dai. Jtlre a nulternut 'ndlditlo fur the
I'rmia.y Ivnnlw Ntnle Kennle.
The Tittsburf? LHnjiatch of yesterday say :
Dan. Hicc'a laat and wornt joke U Hie accept
Anca of the Democratic nominittiun lor Scnutot'
fri'in tba Erie aud Cravtford diatrii't. Dun hai
'een failing rapidly ai a clowu f'r yenrs, and we
iur the purty will not gain luuch cUcerfulne.s
faul. liU dc&perato eilort-. to be funny, lit will
Htiudnly dutuover that there would have been
f.ore pn.lit jn oxl.ibitinp his elowuLli autlcf at
ti niy-livo cent adiiiibiion," than iu wasting
bis time gratuitoualy on a ciowdof dead-head.
Th r Pikatk 'aE0H(u." United 8 tat ea Mar
abul Keyi i piocauded to New lledlordon Tuotlay
4iud took poaHHiiioii of the pirate Ueurgiu. The
mate and cnuiueur. who were not in the l aotui-ed
v isel when the wan on her piratical cruiae, wei
'nnclit aa wituffaea to thia city. The iteainer
for the preterit at New Bedford, and tbe
- in the charge of Deputy Marshal V. ti.
.... that cliyJJoiton Traveler.
What Was Seen and Done.
Organization and Strength of
Leo's Army.
Kir., Etc., i:te.. Etc., Ktr., E.'c, Klo.
IIi:DurARTt:H Ti niii Aimi Cokr, Ttr.i ona
Ft ii mon n, October 1, midnigbt. If the loth.
Corps still retain the position it he'd at thu ditto
of my Inst despatch, the ltcboht havo only to
thank General I'.irm y, Its commander, and hi
superior otlieerH. It ii not because of Insur
mountable obstacles in its froi.t that It ha not
advanced into tho ltebel capital. Qtie!inn of
C.vpediency alone not political, but purely mili
taryhave conntrained the higher military
Biithoritus to hold us in check.
And still the day has not been Idly spent. Not
withstanding a stveic storm of ruin thin has pre
vail! d sineo la-t ll'Klit, we have been busy
ircnpthculnft onr position, and are now so
eciuely jotud tliat, if it shall Im deemed expe
dient tor us to rem.iiii where we are, we can
lately uety the whole Hebel army. 1 trust that
no one wi 1 consider thai in thi remark I am
betraying any military secrets. I do not profess
to know the plans of this caiupiis'u. Further, I
do not believe it is the intention tor ut to remain
h nn where we aie. I simply relate an accom
plished fact, that, notwithstanding we are sent
six or seven links from Kichiuoud, there Is not
the ltebel force in existence that can dislodge us
fioru our position.
Tlio grand feature of tho day lias been a
noitsiuice In force np to ihe Inner line of the
ltebel works, llirney has again pushed bis
lon e- up to the very outskirts of the city, and
bus only retrained Irom entering aud taKInK pos
session heiause his orriirs won id not permit bim
toiloso. This lnornipir the division of (leueral
Terry, with Kim i'i ravalry, sta. teit out on the
in.'ioitaiit mission of ficlimt the enemy an!
atccrtiili iiik his streni;tb in thu immediate vici
idty of Kietiniond.
l or this delicate movement tho disoo-itiom
were made as follows ; two iiM!ades ot Terry's
inlatitiy moved out hv ih irriiiht Hank totlie Cen
tral road, and covered by the cavalry, advanced up
t but read lowarns ttie el y. Uo onel Smvr's
Unmade of Kaut.'s Cavali y, with one seeti in of
IrOl-e urllllery, was thrown out on the Charles
( ity roan, wi h skirmishers deployed on In Irft
to the (Antral road to cover tnc in jvenuut in th tt
dirrcti' n.
'Ihe rest of the cavalry deployed as skirmislera
in trout ot tho inliimry. aud i xte.noed ttieirluivi
on the h it down to the Mn f nu, main line. Six
piceia ot hor-e urti.lery acc.m..i iied tin: move
nu nt on tbe Central road.
Wbtn tbe line h.d advanced to the Powell
louse, a point on the Coutial about three fiotn Hicl.niond, they met a line of ltebel
At this point tho cava ry skirmishers were
withdrawn, und tho 7ih ami M h uvinn nts of
I'uniKcticiit inlanlry depioyeil in tlieir steud.
There reimetits advanced Inindsouulv in per
liet lae, diiving the Keliels butore thorn with
eute. Iheicstof the Co, mun advuncod steadily
iu line ot battie in leur of the skiruji.liers. .
When the line had reached il'iwe's house, the
rntniy opiucd on tliem with heavy artillery
tli i r in i in woiks. Jiut, uisregardiag this, I lie
skiiuilsl.ns pitestd ou, and uu. u lac Kcuon
into thrir lit u ut works at S.iurp's house, two
u.nis nisi of Hie el J. The cavmry on theiiht
rear la 0 Miiiiiltai.eously u.e Same lino of work".
'1 hi so v.ori.K were a c. r aiutu to ho of a very ..r
uiiUaldv ehar witr, similar in nature aad cjn
ili Uulioii of those in our imiueui ii.i trout at
I.iUiei lliil. 'Iheyrnouut heavy K'lus, but are
uiui n. (J liy a lorce id uu itiamen prc-sed int the
seivn e, in li e iinei'-in v, luiu .Uo shops, stores,
factoiits, and slrnis ot ilu umoud.
Tin; txpedit'.on. having uec impbehed all that
was ih sifiueil, le 1 b aek at tih tall to their old
petitions The losses in tne niovemeol were
uboul tb.rty nun in killed aud wounded all told.
While Tetrj 's troopa were on the way to make
this reeonuoiesiiDje, inforiuation reached these
ha J(U:irn rs that the Rebels--re tuat..iig on
our kit and the rightof the lHth Corps, ovidonily
with the purpose of renewing the assault tney
tuutie at that po nt yesitruay uaei uoou.
At IMS point our lotos hold a strong earth
work in the main line occupied by the enemy,
distro) in K the cont unity ol tuu 'tue, and render-
itift ptiucily secure au anlu iu the present for
mation of our Hue. ibis they teein oeutoare
pottetsin, and ull the prisuiie.s ve capiuru from
iLein uniie iu assi rtinn Ii as tl'.e lixed purpose of
the KelOi conimiindirs to retake it at auy cOit.
A Ot'Mf K HOVeHLNT 11 V lllllNHV.
Whin tlieir intentiotis anil preparations were
mudu knoan to Ciermral llirney, he advanced
four rtgmitnis of intautry on the Newmarket
road as tar as the 1 aur. l 11' I churuh. This
diversion had uo sooner attraeied tne attention
of the Rebel, tli m Terry's movement was dis
coveied lunhtr to tue rinln, and tliinkini? wo
Weie adrniicn g seriously u.u tiieir capiutl, tb"y
at Olno abiindoiied their inedi ited attack and
prepared to dtl'i ud their own left flank. Thus
tliey were completely oulwittv i outinameuvruj,
auu outnemraled by Uuney, ,ind a Ucsperato
la tle was avoided.
v u.i a in. r. surmi.Nrs or i'risonkrr.
Wc have Kaincd niui li vai.iable luformati u
from pn oners enptined I'sJ y. The-e, beiui(
lurte ) raw iniliii .no n, iiimv of them hastily
ciowucu into ilie rauts, are bv uo means so chary
of iheii li,iorinat:ou :ti the veteran troops who
arc held in reserve.
Aoim it the Inforniadoii ol vn'tio received to
day is ttie follow lug btuteiuem of tho position of
the ltebel uruiy last evening, w nicb statement is
(onliniud by tue iiilorinaiion p'linped from 0 fl
eets us well as privates, and alto by tho fact th it
we hove taken prisoners from all tbe commands
nu mime a us being on I lie north tide of the
J units :
AT 11 TKi:-li: I
Aiiil.-rsuli's olil itiiLi.,11, ol' llili . Corp, eomiuaiiilod
bj li iivitO Mtiliuilu.
iln- U ml . Ini, iim iii'n Pl I si. in. ol IV'iurfinird'N Curpl.
huy iwsuiy ilwusans UI all.
aeaTH of nil: .lAui.t.
(icri-rul I. re comiusndlns In person.
Ili'ili'a mill Wilrox't 111. Ismiis, ol Hill's Corps.
Mi-M s IhvIbIiui. el' l.nliKsireiit'ii Cor.s.
Unke lllvihloa, ol lleaureMSnt . tirps.
Kay lorty tlnuuaiiil lu all, tke mllltla bulug scsttoreJ in
tint Ullleri ut ilivl.ioim.
It J. ri'MiiU't! Dint olio of tli above divisions .lpstinft
UkU unkauM n ri'iiirued to Peter. tmrg lu.t ulnhl.
IN FKilM Of m ItUk'UA lU.'MiltKU,
Bicki-tt's libi.lou, oi'LOLtisiroet's Corj14
wira i Alter.
Krr.lwinr't and l.ail (,:,!) DivMuiis, of I.onj .tract's
'. limit v, lion end Ksmseur coiiaiaiiJiiiK,
llli'lkllklluKt t uiUt'd coluuialid.
A railroad men captured to-day asserts that ou
Monduy last he taw tlx tliousuud troops moving
from l.yiichburg to tiordousville to tuppart
Jaii ly, and tinit two brigades of Kershaw's com
mand had pri viuusly bieu tent lot ward for the
tame purpoto.
lilllNlllNIl ltullHoND.
The most of tho troops we have captured on
this line have bet u nt the rawest hind men who
Lave just been forced into the ranks on Ihe emer
gent y. These tcpresent nearly every industrial
pursuit, and their preteuce Id the Rebel army is
a strung commentary, as well ou the detpeiate
tiraits of the Rebellion, ui on the panic prevail.
iun in Richmond. They tell us that when our
advance became known overy mun capable oi
bearing anna was tent into thu bold, fatou-s,
shops, and ollices were summarily closed up.
AI! employees of the Rebel (Jovcrnmcut wore
excused troin duly, furnUhed with muskets, and
pent iuto the works defending tbe city. Tho Navy
Yard was descried in less than an hour's notice.
At 11 A. M. the men were ordered to hurry homo
and get their dinners, and return witliiu an hour
mi nared to march to the tield. Railroad trains
were stopped, v. ith the exception of one mail train
on each road, and the employees swept iuto the
ranks of the aimy. No excuses were accepted
from any who capable of hearing arms.
iivcithiiig.whetUvr of a personal or public char
acter, ps IMlb ud:n lP'l 'i the (lefeMSe nf th"
city, w , -b Is now con.1, 1 ' red to te -nor.- se- in ly
in i!iu ! r tl an i n any b rrier ocas-ion.
'iiuiY or an mii: aim sr.
An on.' in r iMptl ' a very ri p'( 'ahle in 1
i levi r iippcar't'ir in. in, who repr''ene l hi'iise f
as ti e cast i. r nf the vontlieiti n:'. l'iis i
l'xpiefs C' nipany. His story was p irti i.larly
mti'irir. At nonn lir w.i noiitiedto repair to Um
reidi vr us fur set vie. lie halaneetl uu his ra-,
rlo-etl bis otU'i , mounted one nf the Kxpress
t'nnipiiny 's horses and pa'riotieal'v hasteni'd to
the p ntlf rv us. On the wav he tlropped in a! a
ly corner and got a julep for thru.- dollars and
n -tmtf. At 2 o'clock he was confron'ing ihe
Yankee invaders. At ll, with a small sips I of
brr-fn-m, lcwas sent down the Newmarket road
to reconnoitre.
Tnfnriuiintely be rfeonnoltrerl too far, anil run
Into our lines' Ho wits sent to headipi irters,
hue be mane his statement to (leneral llirney.
He plead that he onelit not tube snhiecril to very
sevt re punihnienl, since his i ampaieuiiiif ng mist
Ihe T inted Slates !-ad extemled over a ierlod of
only one hi tir and a half, llirney sent him for
ward to Oeni ral Duller. "The lieast," on cain
lirrg bim. caiicht him In sotne ciiilvoc itlon,
whereupon he was pr mptlv liftl up to a troe to
meditii'i' on the mn'ahllitv of hntnan events, with
especial reference to the transformation of a citi
jen toB'nblier and a soldier ton prisoner, al!
within half a day.
i'ai'ti rk or enisos'i Hs,
I reelected to state, in my de-patch of last
'itht, that in the Rebel nssanb on the left of this
orpsand the right of the IHlh yesterday ah nit
live bundled prisoners were capMirel. Tiles
weie mostly taken by the lMtti Corp", the neirnves
of this corps not being proficient in the art of
tecuring prisoners.
1 iik i oi.oni n Tiiooi s Tin: iii nors of m:VMAn-
Tainc's Division, of the ISth Cori", which has
been operating with his corps since the com
ment fluent of Ibis movement, yesterday returned
to their rroper ennmand. This division were
en nbetlcally the heroes of Newmarket Heights,
end in parting with them (leneral llirney very
prt pirly paid tin m a deserved coinp'lmcnt in the
follow ing m te to their commander :
II i in.i ahtuks. Tksth Aimy f?one.. Rrr isr Rt. ii
Hiisii, t i i iMlieritO s,4 llrKttliT-lli nirulFiln,'. eoia-D-ft
rilit u -li1 Mviil-,n.KlKli'i'.'lilli iimil 'urns. tlntri .
ti .'lni wltli y n Irnm my romnisml. I t-Atinul n-lrlln
lioin rsi rc.slPir tn Mm niv hU'lt su I. Iiirtltm wild Oio eon-
ein't el t'iir rtminiHiid ftntl lit gtlluiiiry In .turiniitir t!ie
,t wii'.ii tp Uel .tits W ill vna sny tlis In vnur Irtiopsy I
sl. tt'.inli ynti tor ntir ir hipt nnd .iilliusiusnc ohe'lt
faco te ley orili r. tjiirillif ie t.-rituv's fli;iil.
tears, truly, I. II ItlHNF.Y. Hujur-Uenersl.
Last right a cold, tlrizsllng rain commenced in
this rrglon, with wind from the northeast. Tho
storm has continued until the present moment
without ces-iitios. This is undoubtedly the
equinoctial storm, und may continue for several
diixs. Its ctleets iijion tbe roads in Virginia are
too wi ll known to those who have wan heil the
his'ory of campaigns in this State tueTilrercpe
litlon now. The storm is mill irrassing to us, to
sny the least Yuri- Ihrn'd.
Latest Southern $cws
Removed to Places of Safety.
What he Thinks of Moseby.
From the fu'ihvioad Eifuu-fr. S'rea't'r 'H.
The Yankee prisoners have been roTioved
fioin Andi r-ouvillo, cteorgia, to safer pours
When tl ey In gun to take tlio ears for ibeir new
destination, believing It to be for the purpose of
exchange, they were in bmh spirits.
Jivm He Richmond A'siuirre, .Y pttmoer 37.
D he following Is a cony of fJeneral T ee's irt
dois mint on Lieutenant-Colonel M isny's rep ire
n' Ms ni t rations fr nn the 1st of M.ira to ti e
11 h of tieptemner, 18CI .
Ill Aligl'AHTKHS AllMV N)K Till I1M VlRillHIA,,'r
II) i .'tiiM'tliim lor Ui l nt A tl U'.iu a:ld liisimr tiir
! r ita'. to' ilie iiil'iirnis'i-iu ut its ditu.trtiDent- A'tenil in
I- lr.vlt.'ii lo Hie ai tlvliy ai,J skill 01 I , t,a Mnit'i'v, an I
tli i' o llsei c . nu Dtaiiss si alio tirttofrH and ms of kis
i emmat d, s. (lUft svftl In Ons 'Viiurt
W illi i,e li,stt a iiiiiu uo'S tasti twHiity nun. lis has
klMt-d v Ou i deil sti I t'Aptur tt, auri' s Oie t'f Iti'Isiiit'riS''' it
in ti t r. poll, .li ml iwi-lvs tiunatl vf the l
tn! i n in. ,r tt:, n .ixtc-wt ainitlittl lnir.i's iiml nitilt s. lis. i
I titniittl hi d lb rlv lei' ea'iie. antl eitni.-tv Mtifiu.
and flail UUnct w itli. ut t'tainilni; in Illy sin ill htsm iis.
i i si rvlt v, r.iitlti'ei lij C'tilna,;! Mteeb. antl his .' la
in .uij. In wiiichti ,1 ttt'l ri'iinr in ftiu .nem y s in ivr unit.,
Iisve la btt-n ol' srt'at valus. lla ,po-ailons havts osoa
tiiKbly t-r.-tittable to tilnisull aud tH. t'lnnnian 1.
(Simcd) K. K. Lte, (luiu).
rowi the Richmond Enquirer, fit ptemU r It.
The last tad tribute of respect to the lamontad
Co pern! Robert 11. Rhodes, say s the Lynelitim't?
Ittpubncan of Saturnav ihatof consigning his
body to its final resting-place wai performed
yiiterttay by a civic aud tiillltiry conciursn
exceeding In numbers any ever as-om bled In thia
rity.ixcept the Itinera! procession of 8 ouewall
Jackson. A' 9 o'clock in the morning, agreeably
io the rtnucstof the mayor, a1! bu-iuess houses
wire closed, aud business of every kind was
At 10 o'clock the Misonic fraternity (of which
General Rhodes was a member), o beers of tho
Conledi rate. State, and City (iovernments, the
Aiiii'UlaneeCouiunitoe, and a large numtier of
military companies, formed on Main street,
whence, under command of General Colston,
tin y marched to inn house of his childhood for
tbe purpose of reci iving the corpse and escorting
it to the place of interment In the l'n sby tcriuu
No funeral discourse was delivered ; butattbf
grave, siirioundcd by numerous members of hie
lumiiy, tbe services, uuder tne ministration oa
ti e itev. Dr. Ham ay, of tho Presriyiei Ian
Chorch, weie most toltmn and luiireive. The
i evert nd gentleman, in a few eloquent remarks,
spoke ot the great loss our conn ry ami his
Imnilv have sustained in ihe dumb of Oeueral
Rl odrs, of bis exalted worth aa a min.astil
ditr, and a CbrlstinD, closing with m fervent in
vncetioD to Cod to vouch-ale to our strui;liiig
nation a lit soldier to occuuy the high post the
deceased I ail so worthily tilled.
A most pathetic hymn was then sung by those
sssinilileu around the grave, followed by praier,
rind a bei edieiiiin by the officiating clcrgvinan.
Tba Masonic fia'ernity then surrounded tho
grave, i.nd, according to their beautiful ritual,
tlucw in their i mtilt matictokeua, and consigning
"laithto earth, a-hes to atbes, dust to dust,"
proeeerlid t shut forever from mortal vision the
body of the distiDiruisbed dead.
This being done, the hand nf lovely woman
bestrewed the grave of the noble gentleman, the
chivalrous and pure Christian warrior, with gtr
lands of evergieen and immortritri - tit emblem!
ot the undying love und esteem with which the
mi mory of Robert F,. ltbodcs will ever be cher
ished by his bereaved countrymen.
TO-DAY'S WASHINGTON NEWS, Despatches lo Evciilns telcKraph.
Washington, October 4.
'I lie New Iitisn.
It is conceded here that .Secretary Fetsonden
Bticceedid In keeping the new Six per cent, l.oau
announced to day a perfect secret. Everybody
was taken by surprise, the press having been
repeatedly at.- ured that oo such arranomont was
couttuiplatid. It is stated that the proposal was
wiltten by the Pe. rctary himself, aud known
only to bim until tho promulgation.
Js lllainlHanl lor ItUloy ally.
Bilgadicr-Gcncral James G . Spears h boon
couit martinUd and sentenced to be dismissed
the service for utiug disloyal language. Hii sea
ttuca bus boen approved by the President,
i About Jrir. ItHTta.
The 1:elicf that Jeff. Davis" visit to Montgomery
aud Macon means his begins with the family
plate and Confederate archives is, becoming gone
ral hire.
The rrealilent'a Nubatitn.
Yctterday morning, John 6. Staplee, Proaident
Lincoln's tubstitute, was mustered iuto soryicc,
aud afterwards presontcd to the President as his
representative in the aimy for the ensuing year,
by the Piovott Marshal-General.
hmuuiary Junllsc.
I General Rosecrnnl lias ordered that traitors'
and tpiei caught In tbe act of pissing the Union
nu to the guerillas or to the Rebel forces now
invading Matsonrl, be shot on the spot.
Till ill) EDITION
lie,, Klo., lite, F.Kv, Etc
)rrlnl tn Ttin Cvcitlns; TolPtrvr-
Wasiiinoton, October 4. We havo no'lilng
startling from the army to day. Our linos on
the left havo been advanced one mile without
much resistance -, the second Rebel line was cap.
tnred with ease, 1 ut abandoned by ns during the
night, as it interferrcd with future ojerations.
l'fert ons ate more numerous. Hancock is in
fnnt of Petersburg: skirmishes tnke place hourly.
Hancock Holds the Boydtown Road.
They Will Not Stand Fire.
'.lc He, Etc.,, KIC,
Hi AMifAnrRua Antsy ov tub Potomvc,
Cetober '2, evening. No fighting has occurred on
this line to-day. The enemy foil back this
morning to their main lino of works, which
runs from the Lead works to the Souths ido rail
rond, or neur It.
This position ii n very strong one, and cannot
easily be carried.
A division of the 2d Corps advanced to the
Poydtown road, over which the enemy wagon
their Mipplies lo Petersburg. 1 wo lines of works
were found unoccupied, a skirmish line opposing
the advance, and falling back as our troops went
Near tbe Boydtown road a very formidable lino
of works was found, behind which the enemy
were posted in heuvy force. It was not deemed
advisable to attack them, and they fell back and
occupied a sate position. They lost but a few
wouudeil in this advance.
Our loss on Friday was greater than at first
stated. The total In killed, wounded, ami
prenncts will foot up not far from two thousand,
more than half of whom are prisoners. This
occurred In comseiiueuce of a grip being left
between a part ol the 9th and oth Corps, through
which tho enemy charged and llunkcd thu 2d
Division of Ihe ilth Corps.
Among tho casualties ore Lieutenant-Colonel
Oli, commanding tho 1st Brigade of Ayres' Divi
sion, aounded iu tho face, but not seriously;
Colonel inn ( f), Hlth Pennsylvania, wounded in
tho leg; Captain Snyder, 120th New York,
wount cd j Captain Fisher, 8th Infantry, wounded
seriously iu i lie head.
A shell from one of the enemy's batteries Geioral Jlende's boot leg to-day, took a
piece from tho tail of General Humphrey's horse,
andintercd the ground between Generals liut
lett and GritUn. Fortunately It did not explode,
else I should probably have had to chronicle tt
lots which the army could now but 111 atl'ord.
October 3, 6 A. to. Home tiring occurred
daiing ihe night, but without impurtau: results.
Southside Railroad in Danger.
JtiltfD., J'JtO.. XZtO.a ItO., KtC.
rsiieeliil loTlieKvruliiir TclKriiti.
Wahiiinoton, October 4. Vnoillcbtl advices
from the Army of the Potomac, received this
morning, state that while no decisive battle Is in
progress, oar army on the south side of the James
is continually engaged lighting and recjimol
ill g tbe enemy's lines.
General Meade's advanee lino was within two
tulles ol the Mouth.lde railroad; and his occupa
tion of this Important Rebel line of corivnuuloa
tiiB and supplies is considered as a foregone con
This road In onr possession, tbe evacuation of
Petersburg by tbe enemy must ensue, and Rich
mond Itself would eventua ly fall, as the Dan
ville ral road would then be subject to tbe sue
cessful raiding of our cavalry.
While Meade la thus iiicjasfui on the south
tide of th'i James, llirney is also in good fortuno
on Ihe north bank, at he advances cautiously
towards Richmond.
Gencial Grant Is ttn'ihornly bent on a grand
plan, which his utlkuis believe be will carry out
most happily, and tho results will be grander
than the most tuiiguino hope to announce.
thlrurrnl Hooker In fj'ninitnanil of this
.Virtlirrii l rcnif t.
Cincinnati, October 3. Major-General Hooker
has assumed command of the Northern Dep irt-
ment, with headquarters at Cincinnati. M ijor-
Gcnerul lleint.lemaii Is ordered to report at
I'soiii Wcncral rnl'i Army.
I'orthkhs MoNitot, October 3. Theniail-boat
from Cltv Point reports heavy skirmishing ou
the north sido of James river on Sanday after
noon and evening.
I'mttii Status Cuictit Coi nr Judgi s Grier
and Cadwalader. The City of Philadelphia vs.
Deihl. Before reported. Still on trial.
Disinter CofiiT No. 1 Judge Ha'e; aud
Thrvriiii'T Cociit No. 2 Judt;e Sharswooi.
Both udiourned this morning for tho weca, no
case biiiig ready for trial iu either court.
Co. kt of Common Pi.i:A-Ju.lge Lud ow
TheCnnit was engaged this morning with tho ll-t
of Road Casea, ami also with hearing arguments
upon motions for now trials, lo-iuorrow the
Insolvent li.-t will I e taken up.
Covur of Oyf.k ani Tfuminrr Avn Qvarti.r
BtioNs-Jiidges Thompson aud Al itoti. 1 he
rati of Charles Baumbiui;h, charged with the
killing of John Graves, on the 4tU of June last,
at a tavcru, corner ot l'assyunk road and 1; edcral
stieet.y. as yesterday called, aud a jury having
bet n cnipauneled tbe trial proi-ecded.
The facts in regard to the case were testified to
liva nurvif witnesses, and appeared to be as
follows :-Oi.iue day in Muesiion Baiiiiibauis was
seated in the tavern at Federal street aud Fas
avui.k road. Graves, the deceased, entered and
asked the defendant to play a game at cards,
which the latter declined. ninftir ..
Giaves then laid delendant was a "loafer,
and used other insulting epithet, towards bun.
The attention of deceased wa at thia point
attrurted by some one else, with whom he played
a game at cards. When this game was over ho
renewed his piopotltlon to play with Baumbatigh,
who again ielused. Cpou thi Grave rec.iin.
mcuced hi abutlye lauguage, aud proceeded
fiom that to blows.
I' was In evt 'enc thu1 be st'u k tbe p is iner
lb no t nie- ami was abn t b stnta him fourth
lime, In n the Ut' r. ravin.? firs given wsnini,' be wouM slioot if struck aeaiu. turn't and
tin tl t' e but wt leh lesnlted in the almost Instant
d 'tl nt Graves.
I n in lb s -hurt -t it ineiit of let it will raadily
ticpiri iiied that the ib fenst set tip was self
ilelt use. The pri-on. r's good character as rc
gji ls prai-e and ouief was also proven.
('nnncl were sneaking lo the jury this morning,
ml had mil c i eluded at noon. Attnrney Minn and T. Bradford
Dwij.l,r, I'-tp, tor the t'omnionwcalth ; Uavid
Paul Dnnvn, H- , for the defense.
lIG?sl f TICK nit AMI.
Am it Snti'.r.tTiiKA trh. Thismnchcanbe said
,f the An h- wrali'vi r premises the inHn,iKS'ii"iit mat'-s
it kfvtis. ll prfimlrt apleetlor and majrnitliasnr in fe
lit .tteiitii, and both were givi'D wltti illre n.aliiatlim ant
arllslie fa. ti. Tlie tint sc lie tln'Utrll net tlie must ntt- lv
tn Inkp ttir paMtc, was iHiaiitlfitDy palntrrl, and uti tsact
r'ir'-nfi tlon ef itit se,nerr rM' Ihe Iranim I'.liripiena.
1 1 a rail In tha pate. ilrslnl was must e'tt' tvt- all
Itmiui'h ; tl r fhsrae'ri Istlrs .H Hip art ' lliDtnrfi tv"' vvt'ry.
wl.Tr ,r st r.pil. '1 hi atnenllv ineakltis. tint rtr. tn we,-.
prtiinl iintt .nittlinir. 1 m.iia at Hi' enai'lii.ioil "f ttta
tci'iiml ni t, s. hi-re A Im.' raits from the tirlilxe, Wrt.
novt'l antl err.llr ally v.rll tltme.
1 l.i .l.f' 1. rull tl (ins (...'on. anl "rrowtl.," rjanaralt?
T tir1- nleil lis to tT lift', but at Ilia
Arrh Ihe .taffr was aettinllr flMfil wllh jssopl., Rtiil i't'rv
ari a., liaiti.tsr, ami Hi conitsrn it-'h an I aetirtipriata. Ttia
oiip wl ra -'.AKeln" snalelitss hi. Itrltie lit altar
wn. in.i.l i(t ttit.tiiiiflv ei'fltrKi'tl : the O'lils. pi'O'ile. -unl
larn-at.arma launa irmfip'il aa a patntfr wmtld trrt ipthpin
In a piriura ; Hie M.iirt hatl ni" ol 'ho rttlsf. and 'ai
Vinili nalilt lie matt'. "Ihe TitrAtilt'lla' w.ia luisl
arlrltel : In I'.ft. fn evt-ry detail, tn every si'i-ne la t's i-ry
ai t, ll I- lint rt.., b to sM..ik oiherfrlse riis't tn rl. hfifn-f
til ins uf piai.e nt tin- "teltlnic up of lit'1 Jfonoaiti. "Mt'l
. nnif In" I. sn liiintiliiiirv lifro. mt.ntl up tmiMt what niys
lerl' nrtls with the M.iorv of Sisrrts V.
I'y ilia wav, ilia till a tfil us that lh period of th lav Is
trsti, hut SIM ti s .itct-rHMli'tl l.ri's'ury Mil, In Pi.!, and
iVi'il In I',!"'. II I. I. st an olv pn..ltl. The ri'inan'li' pur-IN-n
nfll rstnrv la tasrn iVnm a short talf by monilhsl,
ontlMfil '-I. Ah,'.., tit I'a.tra. " We havo .ih.ii' 11 alroatlv
tn a tltaneitlr furin. Imtn hi'ro ant In Now Ynrk: In NiW
York It a. ralltil llio 'uep or Knn: In Phtlnlftphla.
Atrrii. r. anil art-tl at tho Ar.'h i Momto. Khowotl. Vynoat
l.y. artl Maker y Ih ylntl tho print-lpal mala eharartora,
W ht nil. y ht'lin " A i ir ln,'' Mr.. Prow, "baiia," aud Mrs.
Wells ll,0 "I iillhll K Cstiiplrt ull '
Mr. Itntiit' sm Is mippiiat-ti to havo rawrllton It. but wo
eonhl it-c vrrv law tutors nf t'lianue, antl nono fur th
1 1' lt. Itroiiitt'Mni, with very fw t'M't'pilnns, la alts nys
Imrili rotts. ptinip'tits, ait I ot,nnton-plsio. Ills rl a'ti-tie Is
lli vi iy Isite l niolti-ilriiimnlt' ratiMiis, aa unnatural as
iio.sihlt'. anil ivlik as many hlK wnrits a. can lie thrust in.
Vt slvnli hiol A eot llkp a iiit'ln- lira tialle t i Ikaii'I. bin tlko
one 01 Arllii'a pnotiriil haroo.. whon .tie rtppfarea In
itru.ur, 'I' tinereri Biotiitsl tn stand lif lero ua. Ilfr fafo, att
swt t't ami l'Oniilliw.1. assniDts overy varying sxprvasiaii,
siitt tier honrlne Is Pill ot'ilivntty.
In tha low enntotly irons Mml'it Vostvall dt.otsvot!
exit f ordti'itry tuleiit. Ilia v ine-osrrlor n a prrrl
iki'li h ; ol, vt tilif we aiiuirotl, wo roioattMl almost that
stio "heiiltl ,ttv.t ss talent la tomtit hoi Puo anoa oarts.
Ilf pnssltiii, en.rav, antl en husla.m are now to an
atitllt'iito su uitteti at'i'iisttimo,! tn eol'tness antl Itiiltllor
i eo lior tliip eoiiirnlt'i ni-tos aio utiiiinltki t-nt. anl
atako her .Inulrir taio nf tie pre at sllraotion. M 1st I'rieo
ssa. pieli. . ft'iii'or, ifnilnliio ttll ttiat was tl.a'rotl. Airs.
Anna t 'oWi I, ho was wstmlv wloonn'd by ilia public;
landoa part eat nf vorv wottk elomollli.
.Mr. I'arden hopan tho 'I'lirtlliihl" verv wil, ss btness
ho hail tit act fho old in in hut In rtitvotintrnst, tMlnir k
In Ms ro al nr ar tl . h'.r. I'O lall litlo cant. Ills rt'tllniis
aro nlterlv ,. Itieonoo, InttioaOnir l'tile etililvA.
It. ti and oe ntlint. Mr. Ws Its w a all that i'miiM ho doOrod
In th sffrts,tvpftllyrant ol a niol"-tlratea. Ilotiuttl
ft a C it ntl It ok it art ihfB.illa'it, rrai-ortil. haitfh y f iva-110-.
Mr. IJnlP'hA ininle. hat ho alwnvs iloe., wtion ho
lit l. a t liaraefor p irf. aninsf stteoeAirul in,!a"tilt- sSoteh
of llitinirel.," i ho old rmttloiti rr hravo, lontlfr hoartoit,
and fnllni "liBlt in" hnninr. Itl.oni. of llio tntfl'o.'tiiiit of th pleca to sro the Ranacelo" of Mr. liril'
lilhs. l. mnsf TUIss Ctnra Rood bo f-irp itten. ITor Mttt., s.-.'na
v. a. sory w.-a it no .ho .tins and d im il writ, and ws.
a'ti.n Iht-r sMtl.r.rtmy A, a si.uw plof H?l if m"tii.i I as
nt,i boon snrii.s.ftl. antt will no d'niht repav the nianaf
n fitt f.r tho irtiolao and ospf nao tt has cost thr in.
Miss Co aiii.oi i Tiiomikon apKoretl list
nistd In the eliaructoror "Pauline. M To-niatit aha plays
VnutiVe. ah la tho nnly'M'emll a" who knnws host to
Itiirstihe t'r.uwta ivltb nymnslhi ; hfr if utletn ss ant'
raihoa rt'iHlit'os for wltifh .ho la fuiluiatisaxe uovcr
more apparonl than In 'famine.'
Nkav Chesnit Stukrt Thbatkr. The War-rt-n
con hlnutlon troup nado a m-st flttmphant i(V',e'
la. 1 1 vol. Ie.', and ot them we will discourse ti-injrrc.
To-nidit Ihe An o(.t.
Etath op Thrrvomktrii To-dat. Six A. M.,
.')!. Noon. HO. One V. M. 7. Wind, E.
Tim BiixiAiui Tournament. The grand bll
liaid tonrnumeut was commenced yesterday
afternoon iu the presence of a large crowd of sper.
tators. The matob was begnn between MoissrB.
Victor Kslcpbe and Christian Bird, generally con
sidered the two best p'ayors In Philadelphia, aod
corfalnly stirpn-sed by very few in Aiuerici.
llsti pho bent bis opponent bv 107 points.
The secoDtl game in the afternoon was between
Mi srs. Montgomery and Hewes, and wa won
by the loruur by 6XU to 379.
In the evening a tiiil larger audience was
assembled. Th" tournament wis yisumed by
play between Messrs. Ria l and Palmer, tun
tormer b- ing victorious by 300 to 4ir. game was between Messrs. Pinnkatt
and Nelins, in which the latu r Hok the lent and
he'd it firmly, playing benutifutly, and securing
the best run of the'dav, KM.
Tho tournament will be resumed to-day at 2
Among the distinguished players: present yes
tcrduy were Messrs. Phelan and Kavanaugh.
Tun Pot.itii-ai, Kucitembnt. The political
fever now inns high, and it It hut jnst to say thut
loth sides arc working like beavers.
At tbe Union league Hull, Chesnut street,
above Twelfth, lost evening, there wat ft large
attendance. An address was delivered by Daniel
Dougherty, Esij. ,
r The Democrats ulso had a gathering at their
licadtHarters on Walnut street. Governor Par
ker, of New Jersey, addressed the meeting.
A laige Union meetmg was held last evening
at Hecoud and Christian street!. Hevorul speeches
were made, and a series of patriotic reselntions
were adopted. ''
Tbe Republican Invlncibles mado.a street
parade last evening. Tne men woro eaps and
cape similar to tho-e worn In the campaign of
lMio, and made ipiitu a lino disp'ay.
The Noiioiial Union paity held mass meeting
at Hili te nth and Oxford streets. The Demo
cratic parly held a muss meeting a'. Pit'ili street
sud Gid York road. AH tiie meetings were
largely intended.
PuiiAi'i LruiA Baftiht AssofiATioN. The
1 ''7th Anniversary of this am icnt body will com
mince this afternoon at 2 o'clock, at tbe Baptist
Church, coiner of Thirty-sixth aud Chesout
stieitH, West Philadelphia. Rev. Richard II.
Austin is to prea. h the Opening fieinion, and
Rev. Jott pli 11. Keunanl, 1). I)., tbe Doa rlntl
!serinou. An interesting meeting Is anticipated.
The Ai.mkiioisk. TheiOpula:louof tho A'ms
honse.on Satniday las', wa repoited as 2l0i,
an Increase of 23 over the same period last year.
Admired dming tho put two week, 2m!; bir'.hs,
ti ; deaths, discharged, 10G; elopul. -ti; fur.
nished lo, Icings, 23 ; furnished meals, til. Total
limits. 1072; females, 1331.
Contracts A WAitntn. Contract have beou
awarded for furnishing ld.OdO cabbages nt the
Almshouse, during November, tn W. 11. Nichol
son, of llaildoiilif Id, N. J., at itr'.i'j per hundred.
Contracts for furnltbli g coal for the out-door
poor in the l'.'ghtb lli-trict were, nwanloi to H.
O'Brien, ut $IU per ton, N. lliller at IU .0U; and
for wood for ibo sniiiH district, at $10 pur cord,
and coal for Ninth District, to John Adams, at
jj'pfio jier ton.
Pni:s Ci.iii ov Piin.Anni.i'itiA. A regular
suited meeting of this organisation wtll bo held in
Select Council Chamber to-iuorrow (Wednesday)
afternoon, at 3k o'clock. Iu addition to tho trans
action ol important butiniss, an address upon a
professional theme will be delivered by a Justly
esteemed and dittini.'urtilied meiiibor of the Club.
A general attendance of the members of the
Astoi iution is purlieu 'arly requested.
A Hi avy Pai sum.-The ium of $7,0'i;l has
hem paid over by tho I'cuusylvimln llailioid
Conopniiy for the use of the city, tho amount
having bt en retained under the ordinance au bo.
riing the subscription to the steam-hip liue, but
subsequently ordered by the Court to be paid lo
ilie i:uy 1 nasnrer.
Tai: Coi.orkk Union Leaoce. At a mooting
of the C. P. Union League Association, held on
Thuiaduy eveniug, Scptembor 29, T. C. Bowers
in tho chair, rSergennt-Msjor A. M. Green, Thos.
J. Bowers, Davis 1). Tumer, (St. Oeorgo Taylor,
and Georgo W. Goinea wore elected delegate to
the Colored National Convention to meet iu thu
city of Syracuse, N. Y , ou Tuesday, 4th instant.
Kli x i ion or Officers. An election was held
yesterday for otllcor of tho Almshouse. The
only change made wa Dr. K. 0. Btickwcll, out
door phvtician in the Second District, iu place
of Dr. W. A. Cantwcll. Drs. J. J. Black, W. 11.
lord, 11. W. Mclfny, and W. W. McClure were
elected lUaident Physicians at the Almshouse.
Inpucunt Conuvot. Johu Collitw, alias Cald
well, was arrested at Pairmount Park lust Qlght
by Lieuttnant Godwin, for indecent conduct.
Uedecoved a llttlo glil, aged nine ye.irs. up in
the baslii, and thei-e proved himself to be a brute
in Ihe worst form. He wa committed in duluull
ot f 1000 bail, by Alderman UukiUutou. .
Aknial ReroRT or ntr lloMtr.orATtiii; In-
i h tt ar v. This institution In'en in oporafi.n
fof more than live years, aad during this period
over twenty-flve thonsand proscriptions have
been given out, .mil many hundreds of families,
who bt fore knew nothing of the llomieopathlc
practice, have, throngh the Influence of this
org an I jailor, become firm believers in and advo
ralis of this system of medicine. Tho ofYlce for
f rt scnplinns is open daily from 4 to P. M. The
loaid of Mar agers in tho early part of the sum
nir. reroived to open a hnspluil at the northetst
cornirol K.leveoth aud Coates street, foraurgical
eases, where person who wire accidentally in
jured In or near tbe city, or discharged soldiers,
who had been wounded in thoir country's cause,
or in fact any one needing surgical attention, ami
rt fi rring this mode of treatment, should bo ad
mitted. As tbe winter approaches, the cxjionses
Kill neccfsurily be much Increased, and therefore
thr managers feel that they will have to ask tho
roininunliy to lend them a helping hand In the
shape of funds, blankets, trailta, and oiber stores
net dlul for the support of such an institution. have appointed the following committee to
receive and collect funds and donations: Amos
Phillips, No. 140 ri. Third street: Reno Guillon,
No. lti Bank street; Charles Parry, No. 2o:ii
Gnen street; John Welsh, S. K. corner Fifteenth
ami Jefferson streets, and Dr. B. W. James, No.
101.1 OirtU street.
Ai riiiKNT. A colored man waa run ovor by a
passenger trJii on the North Pennsylvania rail
road, tienr the Reading railroad crossing, about
7 o'clock last evening. His right fo it was crushed,
and ho was Injured Internally. We speak know
incly when we accord the bicbest credit to the
f niployoes of the Fifth and Sixth Streets railway
for their hiiii.iine conduct to the unfortunate suf
ferer. Messrs. Woodruff and Dill, supeiinien
dents ol ihe stables and dejiot, which are within
a stone's throw of thesceneof tho accident. Imme
diately took a niuad of their men, and with
almost womanly tenderness placed blm In ono of
their cars, and sent him to thut admirable institu
tion, tho l'.pitcopal Hospital.
In Skarch of II ku Sou. A respectable Irish
lady stopped at the Central Station lost night in
search of her son, a little boy six years old. The
mother camo all the way from Jersey City In
search of him. When last seen ho was on a
"peach train." This wns on yesterday week. It
is supposed that tome farmer in Now Jersey has
the little fellow. 'I ho name of the lost one is
John ltairett, but it Is thought that he Is too
)onr,g to lell bis name or residence. Jersey
newspapers would servo tbe cause of humanity
by noticing the above facts, aud thus bring Joy
to the bosom of n distracted mother.
An Italian Piiioatf. at thb Navy Yarp.
The Italian frigate rrincipt I'nhern, which
failed from New York a low day ago, arrived olf
Ihe rsavy lard yesterday aiieinoon, and wa
received with the customary salute. She I a
tine looking vessel, carries (10 guns, und her crow
and otllcers number 800. She was built iu Eng
land. Cavoht im the Act. For some time past
parties have been engaged in stealing obi Iron
fiom the Depot of the North Pennsylvania Rail
r nd Con p ny. Yesterday Michael Keefe was
arrtsted while Ii the act of carrying some of the
iron away. He was held to answer by A Id jr man
Df.atu of a Weil-Known CirtBN. Mr.
Thomtts Campbell, a well-known citizen of the
Revn temtb Ward, reshlb g at Second and
Thnmp-on streets, died last evening of typhoid
fever, afior an Illness of only twoniy-four hours.
The deceased leaves a large family to mo'iru bis
loss, aud was very highly and generally ro-pe.'ted.
ArrFAis from tub Asskssoiis' ltKirnNs,
This morning the ofhVe of the City Commissioners
was crowded with parties desirous of apoe illng
from the Assessor,' rotnrns of the vilna lon of
their property. The rieeoud aud Third Ward
were heard this morning.
Installation. To-night the installation of
the five professors composing tho faculty of tho
Lutheran Berolnrtry lately estiibllsheil In this
city, will take place in St. John's Lutheran
Hri.I) to Answer Samuel Davis, colored,
has been heir to answer tho charge of burglary
at Kesdlnir, and James Yonng to nnsivor the
charge oi receiving the stolen goods.
Army Hospitals. The wholo number of
patients In tho nimy hospitals at tbe present tlinn
Is ln,ti;l. Last week, b.'2- convalescent wore
returned to duty.
RtN Ovnn. James Megonlgte, aod sixteen,
was ran over by the W.irren II , at Ti;nh and
Arch streets, last nigbr, and bad y injured. He
wts taken to hi home, No. 17 Mallory street,
CotiMiTTF.n. Tbls morning Fllabetli Polk,
black, wo committed by Alderman Devlin to
answer Ihe larceny ot Jf-K).
RKi itftiiNii This morning the city bounty
of Jf'-t'iO was ;aid to tblny-sevcn men.
To SciT Titn Fali in Gold. We see that
Charles Rtctsa A Co. .the eminent etulluers uaJor the
f'entlimul. tre nsklug largt dtductlons In tb Ir cue
teaieri th:a watk Irani the market iirlre of thslr goods to
tuil the fait in iold. AllhotiHti thfclr ptlrona did n-d ask
for It, not' Iter did tiieyespant It, yet ili a-i,m In taki'it;
a propoiiktnato price irom what waa psld a weua, atfo wsa
viy we.i rocetveti hy lite buy ois, Inn rossin ilisu) slronuly
stni fa.orabtji of ttie system of oorrect charuea ad-jpltd by
I his boose
To day lathe time to buy at Charles Stokes L'o.'s
"On 1'iiee," uudox the C'uataientaJ.
Valvaiiib Trstimony. Procure at any
nnifslst's one of Mrs. 8. A. At ieM's rlrculsrs 4 tier
Hond a lliir Keatsror and liar Drestln, and y iu will
flti Id it much valuable Information concerning the
human hair, slao taaiimontala from well-known and re
llai'le partirt ihat win aalisfy y.iu thu n.r prnoaratlona
lias no eiiuals fur reitJCIiiA, favltatalia and tieiudryino;
the Hmr. If your Hi rdsre.v. If o l haveahat.1 apnl. If
ycu wish to retain jwnr hair IbruUKh lln),uaeihne ureyax
tlona. To Pi RCHAsr. Ci.otihno at Low Tuicrs, make
asolecliua fr ua sar stoek oi'ttKAOv-UAua Oaruieais. We
are setliasr gwds einal ta ffyta, .it, itsbi anl miMriat
frem'lb to W ptr ent. tur ihAn Ii ituw charge A fur tie
aao e g.oat mane iu icier, wenaveai sty c, sue, ana
pr.-n. of Ct'otiiisi; Mi'ii'a, Youtii'a, and butt. All oail be
suited wlU-ef-tdtflsy or tr.iuh e. Hi s-skit A c'.i.,
towor hah, xso, oin tlArtet airect.
The "Floreni b" Macuinb Is, without douljt.
the iDtchiae t-f lha age. In appearance', rbe clitraotorof
Kt work, sod perfect atmptlrlty uf cuniiru.-Uun, It Icavos
r.otht.K le hf dttirod. Every maelilno I. stipplifd atan
with a ' llsruuu St-li H jwer,' aa luv,il,iaule arr.nieia.iit
I'ur uuidlt s uud ' lu. tins the wiak, witlutuc lha .Iwesist
1 tn tho npors'iir, and a giiaratiiee aouompailUia ttvory
uiA'ililLi' In-urn.i.' U to vivo the purutiAi purlaul aatltlac-
no. i, ur iue naoDe w tc leiunutu.
Fi'iiNin ui: Slifh, on Jjoohb Covi'.ns. At the
pre.eal free m line r'urtiilitrti it i. sro.t eonn-tuiy to bare
llps tar jnortrtilu... 'Iheyareuat ana mail by ttra
l.'. i t hi. id. at W. Ileiiy l'ilou a, Jstt Clioiuut
Dn. Marshall 'h Catarrh Sni ff Opkns Awn
p.irmeul all obstiu tlon.. s'rrnth.n. ihs glands, aad
f1!. a haalti.y a''ttm to the parte aiteetod. riuld by
Ljotl to., .So. 1J N. Second tlieet.
Go lo No. 024 Arch street, B. F. Rcluier's now
and mloatlld Oa'lerv Ills Ivorytypas, tlartt a do Visile .
and Ii o sUr rli.ii,vts:ih lu oil i-uigra are uu.uruat. I In
Tn i'.sliav. October 4. Bark is quiet ; uo Bales
of Quercitron have been reported.
Cotton continues excessively uuii, aua prices
are barely maintained.
Clovcrseed Is but little inquired after, aud
prices are entirely nominal. Flaxseed is in
steady demand at 3(rr3lo W buthol, with sales
of 250 bushels. Timothy sells lu a small way
at $0.
Iu Provisions we hear of no new movement to
ri.a it.,11 fi iitnre which baa characterized the
Flour Market for somo time past still continues,
aud prices ate unchanged. Thore Is llttlo or no
demand for export, and the sales, to a limited
extent, have been confined to tho supply of th
home trade, at 1-60C'0 75 ii' bbl. for supsrflue;
$10(Vj'10-75 for extras; aud $10 5012 for low
grade family and fancy lots, as tn quality.
There Is very little Rye Flour here the demand
Is limited, Hnd prices are barely maintained; we
uuote at fctl(r'9-26. Corn Meall nomlual.
Wbeat continues dull, and proseut pricel I are
above the view, of buyers, 'J"0,
tales are only toa limited extent. We notice
"".of 3W0 bushel, prim Pennsylvania and
WeZn red at W; price ot : white i are droo,.
log and weak. Jniii
Corn 'Is' rZS,- " of liw bu.Vela ixod
AVeslern is rejrtcd at sSt'fie; there la uo yellow
here. Oats aro in moderate request at UU cents.
Parley 1 quiet. A tale of Malt on private terms,
IO ttie r Alt Ul UI otvj uimmm is ic)twitut&.
Whisky Is lowtr; sales of ttO bbl. Ohio at $1 80,
M,,J amiiA lSriltlite at iiil.7H.
He Delivers a Speech in Favor cf
ProBidont Lincoln. j
iion. iir.isnr wiirr.R ntvia oh inn
ffperiat Drtpaiek to Tho Kvoninf Tthfrmph.
IIaltimorb, October 4. lltary Winter Savlsl
addressed an Immense Lincoln meeting lastnlgl
la the nw Assembly rooms, lie spoke two)
hour. He advocated the re-election of Iiaeolt
on the ground that he wa the only candidal
embodying the loyal sentiments and wishes oat
the masses, whilst McClellan wa In bad anil
dangerous company, supported by too ma ay
knows disloyalist and sympathizers with tbsj
Rebellion to be trusted. lie defended himself
against the aspersions growing out of tha WadJ
and Davis manifesto, contending that tha Ad
ministration and the people were coming into
these measures. Ills speech was thorough in JtS
t'nloulsm, and calculated to do good.
Hranlnt Ion ( aurrraleg the Islalrtbatloitl
of t.lrctton Ticket Among tbe KstlrJIerai
Its our Armleai.
Bfifial DutptUch to Th E ten ing Telegraph.
Wasiiinoton, October 4. la or ier tosecaria -fair
ditti Ibutlon of ticket among aldlur In :h
field, who, by the law of respective Sut'es, '
are entitled to vote at the approaching election,
the following rales and regulations are prescribed
by the War Department . .
Onestjent for each army corps, may bi desig
nated by tbe (State Kxecutive, or by the 8:aHJ
Commitiee of encb mimical party, who, on pre
teniing his credentials trom the btate Executive
or Irom ihe chairman of said e mmitteea, snail
receive fiom tbe War Department a pass to tiisj
headquarters of the corps for wnich he is desig
nated, with tickets or pruxles, wneu required by
Hbite laws, which may be placed liy hnn In tha
lunula of tnch person or persona as he my el;e
lor dittrlbiition amontr tbe olllccrs and soldiers.
Civilian HiMitors of eich political party, no!
to exi t tu one IrVrcHrh nrl'aile, may in like madnec
be designated, who shall receive paes.oo apuli
cation to the Adjutant, General, u oe present out
the day ot election, to see that the elections arej
fairly tomlucttd. '-" 1
No political speeches, baraagues, or csavasg- o
ing smoug troops will Ih: permitted. Command
inn iilllcirs are enjoined to take such measures an
may be essmilal to semra freedom and fiifue",
In tbe elections, and ibat they b voi.dncted wittt . j
due repaid to good order and military disuipliao
Any titllcer or private who may wantjnly destroy'1
Mifkcts, or prevent their proper OisinbutlOBI
an in it leal voteis, Inierfere with ihe ireeJora oi r
electlen, or make any false or fruudu ent r t irrl,
will bo ties med guilty ot an otlonso aKsiost good
order and military discipline, aud oe punished, by. J
summtiry uitmistui or cuurt-iuiuuui, . . , (1 ( ( ,kt
I.ntrrat from the Prone.
The mall steamer I'.xprtu, from Cily Point,
bring no news of Importance from tha' front.
At ten o'clock je terday morning, wheel tbsi 1
mull bout left City Point, there was considerable) '
cannonading heard In the direction of our extxemA
left, but ii was uot known at City Point what oectte) ie
tioncdit. , -ti ; i .'. ,iw
t'hiln'a 11 luff. . , (l' i
The imprcshton which prevail that Oenexai 1(
Giant holds Chapln'a, I ib at Fort CaiUnfJ rj
is llaukeil, is Incorrect. Our forces have taken ,
from the Rebels and bold a line of works oa
Cbapin's farm, which is below the bluff, und baa '
probably been confounded with it in printed
rejorts. . n- I -
Krlxrltt Dlaglnir op th Rod lest f evel '
HetMteira , . ,i.''.- "J
It bus been ascertained by Colonel Weils, Pro-
vobt Murshul of the southern dufeoses of Wasbj
ltiijton, that tho Rebels have bees for some UmJ , .
busily engaged In digKlog up dead bodies on Iht)
buttlc-fli Ids of the Wilderness, and stripping eff
tbe clothing to be sold for rags. '
It bad been known that trains were running '
from Richmond to a point a few miles below
Fredericksburg, and ma h ipecolation arosa
upon the probable object of railroad optratl na '
in that vicinity. .j is
It turns out that these) train ara ran forth) J
purpose of transporting to Richmond tha aMrii
of the Wilderness batt'es, old Iron, rag, 4c. : ... . , j
We learn that Union and Rebel bodies ara botll
exhumed by these Jackals aud hyenas, and thei , ,
garments stolen. The business of these train is)
directed by commltsloncd otllcers of the Be il
aimy. ' , , ,
U; i 4
Qrrtui or Tua rfivasffMa Taiinsara, I
Tntaeky, Octuoet 4. I
The Slock Market, as wa have not-ced lot
several days past, continues very dull, and price
are unsettled and lower. Uoverment bonds have '
diclimd, with sales of fi i0 at 100101,
couioui eff, and lOo, coupons ou; 6s cf 18elsol4
In Oold there is very Utile doing thi morning,
tbe market la dull, and price have ilsdiaiiiJj .
opening at 193; fell off and told at llllj a. .1 ,
o'clock; 191 at 12; and 19(14 at 121. icIa-,!,,
tor are all looking to tbe theatre of war, aud f
General Orant is successful with his move -at at
on Richmond, gold will go much lower.
The Money Market conilnnas rather strinrent, '
and there is very littlo doing ; loans on call ar
quoted at '" 7 per ceut. per annum, and .
pill r at U('t 12 per cent.
Reported by Clarknon Co., Bnairi, la. lit a. TtlrtJ
Hi ah KeatlliiK K.... HI fj llHUb Ui;.Jr .
leu .li tiu. .
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Cuotatlons of the principal Coal and Coal OH
..VWt. . v.w-.- - - ,. i .
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Hi. Moiiniaia Coal, til . Hetia oil. a-4
1 hi
H .VJi Mid. Cool. .14
drees HI. (Mai.... s ,
k. I aitwiMlal..... Ik
Feeder liaia Coal. ?a
Clinton Coat 1
Under I'm! J
1 laniend Coal KlX
an.rt, ..i Kaulin.. ..
Franklin Oil
Hoot, a t-JJOO.. ..
Irving Oil IJ)e
I , Pi I arm Oil
14 lieuauhure
Jl lalHuli
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17 ,lriH.nla. 1
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K.'VslOue Oil.
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1)8 Uaven & lino., Mo.
20 8. .Third street,,
q,U0t as follows r
1 tnit. '",';7
...S I'tf .! J''-
American Hold...
1 American Silver, A' and Ps...
. IO
, lf3
di. 1 6 liiS.
Mil P"-
IUiuies and Half Dimes
8pauUh Quaruar '
Penn. Currency '
New Voik lixciutitfe
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''-.' 'd
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