X 1'aetli'' K ' 8 TnE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPIL rniLADELPIIIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1864. "- . fa MONDAY, OCTOHKR 3, 1IV.4. THE ATLANTA CAMPAIGN. The History of a Philadelphia Regiment. TUB SEVEN rY-TllIKD V, V. IN GEORGIA. exthact rHnM ii.TriTii FFADHVAHTKim l'WKNTIKTH AKMY Clltll'S, Atlajita, biptiiu'icr 19, istit. I) ar K.ithiT: Too will ncvive lj thin mail iprntiaril) ) a cohi yUt rxrt of tbwt part of tb tfors:i catiitii)u fatiiolaietl io 1)7 tbe 711. A'lj iUnt Cbarlei iiojtr, ihfnh in?? Ir would lie of tub-rent to jou, tu bet d to K n 1 aa io iirnparo It iu rouih munu (crlnt, and if of mttl.rlim interest j ou may give il publiVlty. I nvail u.y e!f, iinur thHt you h ive 11 iFUIIif'il ik'tnil of tile 1 kit taken by nur rtigmiiiut la that miiipnin (alii natcly so inijiur lant at It fell jirovtd 10 ,v), of a a oujioittinl y to say, that kad it not Ici n f.r the 1 ra thai expi.-rii 11 x ami cqotrtd skill of our ii-m r.il, . I liu W. liu iry anil bis prrsvuee among us diirlug tho various and perilous a tackft m.idu ly liii division, fev of the hoilles nndt-r liis control would havn ni'i-oin-pnslit such lucrecliulu tints til (lill-vniiunmce anrt Tutor. lliar'ntated presence among in wMleln sr-lon, ana bis continual cheeiini of usun to duiy to p-tMtvetlie retuia ioti of 1 lie old ;;).), and ol our ttlic-rs, rxciteil in na a true mtrtyr-llke son I nnJit. We m-vir jolucd in any rcinf irctuieni or aid to otht;r divi-ions of tbu Uiltti t,:orps d'arrui'C, i boa' loot-inv for hint to 1 licit.) ns on. 1 1 a is truly abravr.Cbrieiinn ()nrrnl. I do but ri- -at what many of n.y ctitiiriiiii-s whj hnvo fallen iroold bate saut and thoao rai hire lieeti at providralially anaii'il wiiu mysulf, partliip iui wiibnein thus euloi.lun our dear (itiuur il. I Coeid furnmb yon wi'h sptteitlt: instances ol Ills (ohlt qualities hnt will lesTe that na il I see y m (that i, if be will ftr.uit mo a lurluah tu spjud Ctirislmas weik athiinir). We bnve ltl our Irieud, C iptiln Harry Hos, Co II . and bin brother. Muj.ir Crosi-un Is null wltb ua, w:tb a ball remaining under bia sbiiultivr-M- di a hrv( and lO"'! otiirar. Ail juiiint (,'Darles Vojtr, whm 3 on itiquln d nbout iu yours of the 30 ult., is iiiti. li t-Mc-enit'ii and udinired by all of tb risinitut; liia industry and iptalille itioin t Itlo rim, 1 think, 10 a bifiher rink, (iivc my klDdistand nio-t (tiati lul rcurds to J ly Co ke Itrq., and tu uiy good friend Air. Next in, for their tiei-tt't In my wolf ire, and tue ge.ne.roun cideiKea of their ai prechitioti of the many priva tions we Iioyh toleriitu. . (tj.gnild) EVRSEBT II. DlVKR. Tenl -Third renn-y IvmiiIa Volunteers The tllHlory. I IlEADQVABTEBa 7'IU IllOlMhNT PeNNSYI.VA- m Vetbhuk Vi.miTKKHa. In piirau.ince of ordtn received, e broke ramp at 4 o'clock I M., May S, cro;hlt)( Lookout Mountain the s.iaio t'tninp, and raiainpinK for the niKht nc.ir Chickamanga cnk. Taking up our lino or roqie at 8 o'clock the following niortiiii, Wd purufd na milnierrup'ed in:ircb until My Sib, when, about 10 A. M., our advance guard fare iLtiiuation of the proximity of tho enemy. Our regiment wna luuui.-dmii:iy forinad in lino f bailie in thu wooilg, the riht of our regiment itttitg on tbi l-4ih New York VoIuuLeern, the eftfoictlngtl.e txueme k-li of the brigade, uuJ (kiTuiibbtrs were thrown out In our immediate fiont. At 12 M. we received ori'cia to move for Waid, and whliout upiurt we ailTim e.l through n opt n ticIO, througa the centre of which r.tu a crtk wose l auku were grown thick wiiu un i ;r Lrunh. Act ti e inifWiin or tun ibrew our line-, into lout u -Liu -11 l, wo were orilercd to Unit un-l r.-form, which cau.-ud a dol.iy of soiuo le-v 111 in . Our akiriui heia k epmg up Ukcattvnui; tiring, we attnn iiov-inod our linn, una net wltb but liti.lo reHi-ttnce until oir nival at the husu of tho necoud cmi msec, fiom the in in it ot whicu the enouiy lonrtd aoi-iuily Inu 11110 our liuo winch w . tttudily udvanciUK- Owiun 10 ino u.iture of the frt uud,our anceulwus a tended wild extrvinu oifht uhy, the nieu being unlived to roltn uiti atinitLut the hrlng, h at tiuus they were c tu- Iclltii 10 ore botu bandi 111 ,nui muting H10 u4i. tiouldi 1a ai.d uuiikaol treta wn li wtiicU tno iriound wusi coveied and Me wi re onl ge-i to Halt ai re-fomi our lino w vi rul ti neN. Whtn within twenty yunia of thn rocky-liaod crt, re halted, and too enemy poured a dea-ily and withering In e into our ruut.8, rauMiirf tti j fall ot ui ny a hiave mid duNIu fill hv, our iue:i loirg unnbie to do them mucb dnm ixe, at not ad CBi luy was 10 he t en in our iluun Uiie floor, th j Cjc I bung po ii-uipletely aud denwiy covered lib irtes utd ihi k uodei hi uh. I. tvai uecuiud aa Baneot taary losa to keep our lin 1 iu us pre-mui positH i, and even ah nid wo hut iucj luritior slo tbe etest be gamed with our pn s-nt tj ce, we wou d he nnuhle 10 noni it, o we fell ba -.k to tbe base of the In I und re-f.iruicd. II. re wu ru etived ordeis to advance up the acclivity 011 our Tight, to the nipport of the 13ttti Now Yor Toluukers and 'H1 New Jera y Volunteers, wuo were, by an BM-auIr, enocaioriug 10 gain tue ssamit. When within nf-ei a vard.4 of the m n Bill, and pto eeliug thu right flank of the l.il.h Mew York Volunteers, we received order to bill no ho d 00' vomuou at ui bata ds, wtin h wui Out until nighliall, the a.-auu liemg iicees-ful, wbi n we were oidcitd to tali slowly lut around the Uuse ot ihc ililfjc, aud to too rifthi, ru,ioaio t our l-nga-ie c oinmurnl-r, Oin-iuil U. "We tLen wire oidered to ihj diviatou ho pitnl, nd Ihiew out likeis. Although in a niuamire unMtccesiil'ul, we were as-ureO by Uei.er,ii Snennau that ouro ije:t bid la-en attained, as it was merely his imouiion to tiiiom ai-ma l force 011 tuai p .ri ol the Hnlge Kuu-vn s ituj Gap, widle (Joneiai Mcfiierson, 1 11 his force, ujuichi'd through Knnko Uip, ao-iuc tlva m Its 1-- our right, thus coin pe. ling tliu enemy to vaeume tlit-ir preiu ut pouitiun. Uur lo 111 mis engagtuieiit, out of oi.u buudied aud sixty eu ynteo, was forty-one iu killed, woumleii, aud ianssing. Llcuuiiuut Kdward Uolcher. 0 nupany K, I tii r wounded and uimiilo to make his way own me mil. wu c qtuiea The foiluwing lour days were spout Iu throwing p or aiworai lor our iiinuediaio protection, whl h, by Mel'birsi ni'a pasaum), were rend red irlcM, u- no 1 tit my wai iu o ir Imtue lla e trout. Ou tbe 13th we resumed our inarcQ. and con tinued it uuiiiierinptealy until the l.itti, when, t 1 o'e.oek 1. M-, u wore uiuwn up in Hue ot liattlc, right r-sting ou the I'll h S.-w York Voiomeeir, h it being the lult of the briga ie near Kei-aca, and advanced to 'be supp irt ot our 2d Division, which was tudi uvorin u elislod.-tlietn-. my from an elevated ihjbIlKiii ou our fruui, ahereiioui they wero throwing sunt and smdl ii to our ranks with impunity, l'uu nrdnr beiiii; gii n to ' chargr," the .-even linen of battle, wiiu U rr.lic yeli, runhed forttarl, ihu eueiuy tlceuiK iuconiuin to Hit ir works. Aniviug ul tuu sum ni t fiom bi b thneiu iny 1 d lit d in ic notorious confusioD we baited ami rrniait.ed in tue poidnim iitd-ra very anuoyiug hie Ir. iu the enemy's harpshooters, hf) weie ported in the ti'eCj in from ol their woika. At aOoui'J P. M. we wuru relit yeti troin our position, end wi'h the l iltli ISew York Volun eerj and lVnn-ylvauia (lieneral lieary 's old reguin nl), were ordered ti iclit vu a torce that bud tastn iMji.iti.in under a mull fort of the enemy's, completely si:eucing their guns. Tbe rteiment wits cngiged until 12 M., digging through the works, cudeavoriDg to luaue an exim vatloii of Bunicicnt si.e to bring the guns through without exposing the men tu the lire of the enemy; wlieu tho enemy, nidierio so quiet, midc an iimunlt ou our wurhing party, but these, hav ing plenty of support, repulsed them, and tho lour guns, which hud been o dua-itious to us during the day, were brought oil at ii'miii 4 o'clock iu the uioiiiing, with but little loss. Tue regiUK'Utitl los.s amounted to ten men severely wounded, out of one hundred and fifty cueauod. J'iniling in the moniing that the enemy had eracuaied, we took up tliu line of pursuit at about b A. M., nil continued an uninterrupted but rather dillicult uiureh until the 2olU, cumjiing during the H'tJi, k'Dih, and L'lsl, ne.ir C'assviile, preparing for a tiieiity day.s' umich wiihout com nuuication, as it was found nucesury t Jahaudon the railroad. Ou tli 'Aitb, at II A. Hie a hancc guard of ir division came up with the rear of the enemy Pumpkin Vine cteok, ucar Dallas, where, alter 'ily holding our position until (i 1'. M., rein r"l.en'J,J"'TBd, aud tho line being formed, After lai1 "''Ce. 1 bciug UitO dark, two Tline. c n,?l,uut 'luartcr of a mile, paiag raiuiog heavily, uu i,'' U bt!H Ua,k "uJ nmnicatlon, we' Wtia -to,tP '"! huo 01 ltuo, without any shelie'r al 1,"u"m u'Kht ia Cf the eneuiyV prke1I;t.li':riJ,0 tUo firB more fully develop their pu,owa At daylight we took up our portion . ttpbreaatworks. W. reuiamej 1 i "V trader a heavy (ire, and owing to the nitureo'r the position the nun were compelled to he u ,oa the ground for safety, until thu morning of 'n,0 itt Uiet., wZitn ire were rviicvvd by thg Zvi Corps, nd nrderrd towsriN the lef, where we ortenpfed the tiny tunc in n arehina and the night in inihilmg iirra-iworlts for our proteethm, until June i. We th n went Into e tup near A' Iant rn-ek, an 1 re main d theie nut 1 1 the 1 lib, employing nur liinq In gelling up leiorts and renovating the arm-i, aertiutn nit nt-, tVc, of ihe men. On ih i 14 h wt: were 01 di red loi wmd at 10 . M , a el joined o ir flviMon, lot nuil In line 01 Imrlc. in trout of I'm) Kdoo, wht ie we reiUHlurd during tloi nlglit, 1111-I wt re ti'ihn-d hirward on the Ml-iini ni'irtimjj at Ml o'clock, heitig 011 the right of tno brigade We now halted on Mi eniiocui'j In o n In) r, ami fio or.Und lor'tty, tue or I. is l..-iug ct.ulin rniHtiilerl iiluoi-t a no-.n 1-1 la-u- -I, -i-i-t ' ie eliiugt." mli ti und. With a jn. 1I1.1 H id liioeo foraurd in i-pl. n-ii 1 oril-r, iri,-,iii to-, eiotiiv info iln-.r ht-avv tvoik-, and r.I 'n n , I o-iiion 11 Inn Mity.iarm llitnol. Dn'ii.oir so Vi.ni e I lie t r.em o,ieui d 'ie ivily il n .' in l,.r. r-hot, tint i.tie. I -rnia nui of tue gr ii. rl 'tri i-l 1, gtt a' f cilitit a lor plot, c 10.1, tun -lnn lew h .r 11 h "iy tmr our 1,1 a s. In tlrs -jii.t M jir Ol m i t'n 'nii in-iiv. d a wnijii I in t ie r.'u 10, l ut ii .l 1.1,1 I. . ,v. ;Li li. ui. ,.' ipi 1 n -a 11 1 I ) 1 1 1. r hms aoui.il it ny a iniuii) 1 a" 1 is r mu .he li lt Mde. A ' xiin-h r Ihinliiu' r re tno 1 a liuek-litil ivotii, I tlir.uiKh the ruht h 1 d. 'l iking iii our H,vi 1 .11 . n .1 k 11 1 I lull l i o ir fi 1 t, . oiuirnl tin-ivas k -j.i. up na il 1) IV M , whf n e w.-n- ordered ha-k to b id I lire i-t-aoil.s, working uunl 4 A. M., wi,en we , re rnoeii il to ii tulie .ur old po iMon 011 tliu hi I. I he Mlm.i on h iviug l. i n ui.an lone.l, tun ie ny autig i-rontid 1.11 our li, hi, mailing it i aiin-seil,! for u to ti.ke up tin- portion wiiu itm hr g 1 nj o-i our right Hdvaiii lng, us our it-ur und 1 lit. it link would be xptis. d loan o,n n tin-I'mui tu ten.onv j so we loiun o on tlie dicnvit.of Hie lull, fi iun' so us to pro ect uie r g it iihiik ol ihu on, Io. I'. u iu 1 or 1 rol, -ivius 10 r. t ike tni- mom-, on id, it we l.i-t V ipt'im lit nrr He, f'i-ipinv II II hillve uuil Tainan u nil. e , who, wlipa urgimt his mm to ni- pilt thi in-ieives noiilv, rei-.-n d H lliitne.l nil tl.ri.uuh the abdomen, e .nsing h-i dtiuii in sin. 111 tl.r e days. 1 lie ui. u wer.i c ini pi Ih d to lie c oM-to f he gro ind, in every m i 1 stowing linn-elf ere t i in ie. 1 o r I'll.- c dor b no, r.vi g 1 1 o in ihc trouiid, r-c -ivi-d s hill In leg roiti ; and tin- limn w.'in m1.. d the c do's on bis lull, n ceiv. il a lull through 1I10 right arm, i-ftiisli.g the lays 01 th it n.cuiiier of tint Isi-ly. In li 1 1, 11 mu almost ceitain dcuth toariau from a tior oiital jm, Mill n The itii-my becoming ci.ihnM.-Tir.,) Iy n limlt!d aucii-i-s, saung tin ir hue slid further t the rig it, x pi sing na, ahlle Ivinuon the irrotind, to an 11 II anitig tiie on the ll.tnk, which cium-d such Oesiiui linn that it was inrmed adv:.itilo to ivminiie the position und fall lui - k a ioui fifty i.rih, to a hut 111 our reur. That would eipuily us v.ill guuid tbe whole position us the one in our liotit. Hi le u rt muiut d uuileriiheavytiie.il' sin II eiul 11, uskeiry, losing a lew men, uull the mmriiii g ol the 17h. Our !os in tiie entire cn b(J tiii-ui wus 11 kl'led mid wounded, out of 12.1 u.uskt ts luki ii luto the action, or d:j per cent, of 1, 111 w I nle i.uinlii r ung.tgeii. On the nn rnir gol the 17th wc found thefliicny hud inn m.tid ihe line of delen-ej in our Imnio dlalc trout, mid (alien back to safo ipinrters, vtliiieupon we imvuncid und occup ed tliu now h strtt it vioiks of tbe ileluls, remaining about two hours, v hi 11 we wi re ordered to "tall In," whii h heitig done, wo advanced about a ipiarter ot 11 11, lie, In v our inlvnnce gtiurd dev. loped the pt silmnif Ihc mi uiy, who bail lukon up their .nsitioii tn a thickly wootled Inf, with a clmir ami t pen s nee of about a quarter of a mile iu tin ir imn etlla.o fiont, giving them a fair vie.v ol any tinops who should uiuie on their front. We li ttt.eu our line, however, and advanced stress the opening. Hot kiioivirg wbt instant a iliuuly hie ni.nlj hurst out from the thicket, and Lurl ne ah und tie truetion ainoin.' n j hut I inn hupry in cny the 7.'id liovs are alunyi remy for sn.v 1 mi renci , mid go where tin yarn ordorcd v. ill out one nissentiii spirit. Arriving a'lout li e (i niieol the elt aritig, we were ordered to "Uuil," hen Ihu at iilciy took up position In our icur, f inning a seuiietr. lt1, and openel ou the tin 11. y, who noon it plied, thereby developing lilt ir poMtii u. Altt r uu uetion ( irtMh-ry) of almost fi.-u ho'irs' iluriiliiin, the guns of tho enemy suddenly ra mi ined quiet. As soon ss- old Nol had sunk to itsi, ai d (iiokness enveloped the line, we com 11 lined throwing up breastworks, thu iioys work li g sni.tii yoii tin 111 nut i ihe "grey d iwo of liitn.lig" lieiuhle.i thu npproaeh of furtln-r tiiightitsi; aid the w. rks bting fniibetl, we til ui tl in In bind Ihrin, nil of u- inaurdlv ni-iiiug thu ' J hbines" ttonltl give us the bcnelit 01 shtl er iu i.ur next engagt un nf. Uur, we wore iltMinnl ro di-iiip.iiiiiinent t)ttr pi lnus g tve i.oiice e rl.i iu the niori ing that no enemy wna in 1 ur in 11 tdinie In tit, they iigaiu having "taken ti e buck truck." Our ustiui itmtire had by this time become so s'irtt ti pi d 1 1, at tiaturiil'y lell Inn our pi ice, n tin 11 nk up the "l.itie of fursuit," unil, alter an jtijltigrl.o enuilijii- of a soaking ram without M u g iitovHltil wiih shelter, we cnie op ilimt IB 11. mn in lit-j, nit. nn nuoil 1 1 l'. .Tl . I'.irilluaiuy v.e l ull a "Iu e ot bittlc"lii our liont, mid o e i nl cal i d U on. The lollowin;; day we spent in t l.lllatt.I ll'U lu tlliti our nriuur Os-.'it.,,, 1..1, ,i.j HI 1 lien g shilti 11 iiiitl clmiig .1 us eii-.;u-ii,i,iii, r qtiiien, we d d not gel Into our pr ip-r p is n in tint, I the tveriing ol iln 2D h, and aoer it refruh 11 g mslil s si'ep tie inuvto l .r.inl iu lue on Hie lol nw uu morning, miMmr the It liel skiruu-lieis, 11 i n ti king up out p ai'iou j 1st lusnle -f bitiilgeoi' ihe wt oOs, sepur.iti 1 iroui Hie one n.v's liu i by mi i pi n spuee of annul u q nirtMr of a mile, our ss iiii'islnrs met t r.g In ihe ce . Ii ai uu ihe uiit nn on o- rliis d ly th i', wub oiii lin g p, it cipiiiits, wu wtro abiu t wituess a "plei.nid lie In" utmur HMOyirdi on our light, v. In re ihe Id IkI lln ui's Co pa had m isst d under cnur of ihe wootiH, ui d i aunt out iu divl-lon Io M opposite Williams' (1st Division, 2d Curpsl Division, nt d alter a dt-pernte bat deteriiiinod nil eight they "-ketluild ed" hack iu contusion. Hut 1 t,ui dipier-sing titun tacts imiuedialely o m i tend with the 7d, tshieU is uliuont uuparloa- lteiniililiig In this position, asd atreiurthenlnir oni vniks unMlihe mor.viig ot Hie Will, we were then mtirciiid about one thousand a ds to tno iikl.i, 0111 division foiuniiK in bi ig ide Iront, the z.i tii.g. or nittiiig tne novanee. Here we were or dirt o ovi r tt,e aori.s. and tbo comma d "enaiW us gt eti.wht n the 003 s iimkcouliuitplen lid :y e snd gnu ed the tilg.-of the wtsuls iu our front uiiiii uitosit g a mao.wuerc we ha ted. re-foruid ut'd 11 uigi d iliroiifib the w. o s, gaming the outer ingeol which we Iml id, and were ord- r.-d Ui otiiiy our i-iiion, tin- two .inns being within easy musket shor range nt ca"h other. A small ii u i.f giouud in our resr tnado It ti Usui 1 to nave tue works, nut the boys hid now got so itceunpmietl to the sound of mitiketry tint turj. o aitartj' u 11 uiiin cotuinir into actual con Ucl wiiu iu We remained In in s uneouitorl.,il)le po int 11 uutil the inoruii g ot tho 11 Ith, when we wne n lit-.vtd by purt ol U1.1 4ih O'orps, from our light. 'I bo intirveuiBg lime, until the rich of July, was spent in Changing our position as necissl.y reunired, when we went Inn ....,.. ,., i,nuut uoocnte river alio pui up for a fo-y davs' ii-sr, whuii wsa exceedingly a-vc;tablu; Iu tact, at- 1111 tved It almost witu tnankiulm . On ihe 17th wu iros.ud the Cna t .hoo.-heo nt Tate's 1-rriy, where Itic t ve111f.1i ba tl j at l'ea b 1 ne cie. K loimnvu on tl.e 'Jinn ot July. Poire I in a winus at "stat kt d linns," and bearing tiring commun e in our immediate trout, we m.iv. d lor aru 111 1 1. at. mu-cti. 11 to me supp-if of the H7ih I'ei.lisj liania Voliinicers and the 1,1th New York Voluu iir iiuiicrv, couuimuded by C.iptaln . u.i.iT. y intivv me was now pouri-u iu on our Hul ks, wln n e moied huek ah.iut eigu.y yards ami 1l11n1g.1l In nt to the "rishr," ni jviug 0r aurd to a small ork in 1 ur I -,i;.,r., iv,.,.- M e hi ie 11 grig, d the i n- my, wuo were in fur sii nor niimut i, i.n utxiiit two hours and n halt', wht u Ite eniinv 1 - 1 1 back. We had 111 ived slowly lotw.titl, Ite nig our ptaitiun, and lor but- 11 r worn 1. cimg iinasiworks, un il tho morn ing ol the !ii to, wuen we liH-aled perm incut y in tioit and '.tut otie and a half miles frnm Atluntu, ut.iil ihe '.'.ith, when a ch mga iu till line coiiipelltd i s to t ike up p tuition on th i t'hutiuhoocliie rivtr 10 r rant's Kerry, and on the 'Jiith we were ordered ou picket on Ilia Atlanta road. At uIm tit 10 A. M. the advance pots gavo Inti niutionof the approach of tho enemy, upno,ed to he dismounted cavalry feeling for our pudtion. 'Ihebo)s kept quiet until the viduttus of tho tmmy wcru close at bund, when they wero ordered to surrender. Hieing they could not esnape, they came into our lines. A desultory fne v, as now kept up all d .y und until 9 1'. M., when we weie iclievtd, and took up our position in hue. Nothing of Ii.teicit or-cuninf: until the evenlni? of Ihc albt, when wo received news that Atlanta una hot 11 uu upicd by our troops, every inun was p uked up in scout hvc minutes, and tho column st ilted (01 waul t3 occupy the city, nn iviie; w ith rol-ils l.til gat.J tliuius beating ut ubout7 1'. M. : ai d thus ended tho cauipuign. Our hopes and anticipations for the lu-tljKi months having met with realisation. w 1 ; a l x n . a i: a l t ii. and i BLAtTV. If to vain aVlralnrm v? : If tu cttiiau' luviJ oub iilu; Jl to Iw a MiaoriiiiiK lloMtttr, 1- ttdUitf, d ink iu d hyur llEMirr t V Ut hstvt a hoit of rrlcadt ; If f-r vice to iDNto bmi'ikU; il witJi ht: b-borD trUKd Ui wd ; It a njjixttle tuna whon d-aJ iVi4LTsi: )f to live tirarorp and tea, WisliliiK iltc aj Ion axalu; Il to live a life of ih;m? ; Il to di and no to ynuitf HtXTHl If you mh a IO of plea-nre ; il you value una world trvtuiurei; JJ evtvy co ui lort you would Takj uiy adviiti, aud wtuh ail Ihrt: Tlien, having Hualth, Wealth, and It tin If, ou U tm pitarU tt every duty. By t f-irerul perusal of r. WILLIAM Y'MIMO'B New BoW, TiiK ItlAltiti At.fc, (ililDK, which atiuuld be read l ,vwr' 't,y HooUM.Ti kt-m'raM)'. and at U.e FINANCIAL, NEW UNITED STATUS " - - J, A IN '4tJ,i )i )t ),i 'i ii ). 1l.i Inn la 1 rt ru.--.''. t-i r. 1 tht rr l:inl,iiry 1 f -It .if ro prr ri'nt.. on a 'c sic. ftlila I.o.n rfioihtel ths stt. sri st'u.snt of Hie Hr -r try ol thn Tr.sinrv, i,tr-l 0' t' k.r I . l-'iri, ami tn i-atis rli't. In dui'.'sui nr. fi-r. Tills It snk will t't r .r 1 tit .1 itt ihs r.rcnl.iR of the II4 on ths I4ih In at. . hy one ol It. . el -ra1 snt snirnni tlf.lr rr topanl.if ste 'n Ids frnarsl ht-l of ths Rank csn do ao without ciuiyr. l'u-t'isr h.feuisileo will tie Ritsnoa sri'li'sdou a: liis lurk. C. II. CI. AUK, rita.slt)?ve, Morton M.-Mi.'lotfl, -Ir., OA'IIM.'-l. 10 ,-) Iftt TJNJ'I'jej!, J. A.'1'iurs) EIX PER CENT. LOAN 01 1001, I 'Oll H A I K, In amennta nd siiet Io mil fart-haters, si lowest mvket rates. H0ND.S BKADY 1 Oil DELIVXKY. C. JJ. WHKJIIT A- CO., o. 149 B. T11IBD 8I RF.ET, 0 noalus Ui lUcrisnire. stU-tOel (jOL i, o o ii i, aoL i. 6ILVKR AND BANK NOTES WANTKD. DE EAVEJJ & EE0THER, SEl-tf Hi. HO 8. TniP.D gTHKET. QJAll JvtrlOIN fc CO., liANKlOItM, No. 121 S. T1UU.D STliEET, , Pnil. AIlELt'UI A. Oovt-rnnient Beoaniit-s of sllttsnes l'i-.r.kartl sue fur flsl. Stocks, Jiontls, ana Dele llousnt sud tjoldcuCoia mlaiitin I VTEEEPT ALLOWED ON l)r.F0KJT3, Ctllenllcna rrnuiitly Mad.). fr.'. lf gMlTJI cV It A IN ifL,l'II, No. 10 H. TIIIUD f-TREET, liANKi:HH AND UKOlVJCltS. ps!e , Rtetss.CusrUnriHtoit Voailien stul C lie-ka, mi aH l.overniasui St-corliioa B.o,-tit soil Hold, mt.l'i JJ N I T JJ I) M X -w. 'X' Jti M 7-30 LOAN. Tl.a flecrttsry of the Treasury (tvta attloa that sub scnpiloaawUl Da rocsirod M o.mpon frtasury Slotca, psjsble Urn jetn from Auguat 14, its,!, aits lain. -an-Dual laisreal at Us rata ol sevsa and tsrea-unltu ir taut, per aaiiuia, pruKipaland interval boOi lo De paid la laaful noiiey. Tlit-ee notes will be convertible a: the option of tha holder, at uiaiurily, iuti an per oeut. sold oeanna bonds, ' DS3 aDIe not loss Uian Ova nor mora than taaoty yi-a from their data, as ihs llorcrLment may eleat. Tlwy wul be mtusu In deiioiutr.allone of S-O. tllai. (MX), lliasj, snd ..HKi. and stl autiienptioiii uut be for Ully dollars or - Die ruDltlple ol tuty dollars As Die uotes dratr lin-reat rrora AiiKint 16, periras Staking dopoalts sube.sjiient to test date moat p-y tne lntereat sect tit d hoin dsteof note ro dars of de.oatt. sn-CIAL ADVANTAGES OF Til 1 8 LOAN. It is a Katiokai. Bavim-.s Usk, orTtrlii.-a hij,hr rata oflcteriat than nuy ctler.and lAc tn: ii.ue.tj. Any savtnaa bank a hlrh r ays tta d -p waiters in I'aitd Ht ilea Soieicon.lderatliit It la p.iviH in ike boat cli'eiil-iilng ni.tuuiu of lh aoi.n 17. and It ra inof pay in a mniuif be;t--r, lor us oaru at,"t-ta are aui,fr In 0.ivt-nut.-a'. a.urt Uet or in ootee ortejuds payable ia tverumont paper. CON" YERTIULE INTO A SIX rtll CENT. ff-20 GOLD 110M1. In adthrhin lo the very liberal Intaroat on the notee fir three ytar, this prlvik-o of cwiiveralua is uoar wuno alsiut llirae per cent. 1 vr auauai.lVir Uie ourrt-it ran; f.,r &-0 lionda Is noi leas tiiiiD wine iter ctini.ifmmm,u,& bt Mire tin wsr the premium un six pvr oeut, liutttsi rilaus Htix-ke was over la tiny per cent. It will be ao-n Dial tia actual prutit oa ihJs luuu, at U10 preaeat u.u"k.ut raia, is aot lasb tl.au ten per cent, per niuinin. ITS EXEMPTION I'KOM STATE Oil MU N1CIPAL TAXATION. Hut aside from all the advauUeoa we have enumerate!, aspt-oial Act of 1'unsi tea exempt all and Treisitry hctetrotu ItH-al ttuativH. On U10 avciairs, thtaeKcrup tion la worth about two per cut. per annual, acraidiiuj u tin- rsio of taxation In varluua pans ot the country. 11 is believed that do aectuldus otter so great luduce-Oit-nts to k-ndura as those tasintj by tho U,ivonimcnt. Ia all oilier fwiuie of ludtbtodueas, tha faith or ability of private parlies, or stock companies, or separata oomiuunl lk.f, only, Is pleased (or payment, while tl.e v hole pro perty of Ike country Is held lo aocura tits dis;lir .- of UU UlO obllnAllODt U U.0 UllUld HUtul. Vp to tU tlih of Sapk-aiber, the auhiciipCjuj ( fits losa sup'i'ntcd tn ovrr lo,ooo,ooo. Beast Ktenosi wn.Lne Kkchi lo by tha Treaiarer Ihe Lulled Atntes, at WahiDgton, tha several Assistant Treasure aud deslnnated Isrpoallsrtes, and by tha njtHT a AT1UKAL BANK OK riULAllKLPlll A, PA,, HKCONI) VATIOalAX BANK OKPUII.AUKLPIIIA, FA., TI1IKU NATIONAL BANK Of riHLAIlKf.PniA, TA., I-OIIMTH MATIOM AL BAMK Or PHILADlXl'lilA, PA By all k allocs! KauU which are deposltailes of puhllo Bioueiaaa o ; i.".J ALL HKbTEOTABLB BAMKI AKD BAKKEItS ThroughotU DaatsoButiT will srra farther inforautioa ana FINANCIAL. g'rnr if- aini Hi:cuitrx'ii-3-i 1101 OUT AND NOI.O ON COM M IHHION, DE HAVIN & BROTHER, Ko . Titian i-rii ft. Ji:V J.,ArV H - 1NM, thk ni.Avi r- ne tiir 75.000,000 LOAN lli-ln irti d-iy IWn aw ipiJM, and o" tit prrviriiT sk-cw-iul," ' rrfl ftr"'l rt "'tO').tri at once in luy.' or lira., sum-, a.j- an mm et Hi ni it i!tirote GOLD SIX PER CENT. LOAIJ AT THE MARKET I'HICH. Wtifav.i alwsiiC" isii'errtl these IHM BtiMtm aa th 15KST LOAN ON Till: MAHKET. T'nre la bill i HMAt.t, AMOt'V I I'-lP. S t.K, to 1 tl.o prt M.iiiiii trill, In 0'it' o ui- i', a.l. i.nce rs;-!'l . 1'sniea I svlrg fj.yo LOAN Win tfn w, II to eajl an-l F.M'll Ntlf, Itl Ir i K l hi this MOItE P7'.ltHAENr LOAN, esp-elnlly as now, owhnr tnttie 't ruuin demand f.r fit e-tweutlei, a hih rstc tsa M t-b-air.sd f.r tht-ra. jav oooui; 6 CO., K". lit H. lis 11 It I NTIiFl.T, a10 lu I'hll id. Iptils. THOUSANDS OF TEE TO EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. I'stt-iii scp led fnr. w.f ras if.v. n'i"n. a li".ii.s Ro- raih e H. If ni'l-tliiL' Hit s- T.hi-.l lt.li tl- r, f,,r A Inen tstsi iiik s ,,,, t x,n (I .. . nn.I .- t'.r.it'i niri tt .'tu wiliioi psln Tlsoiuy mutlo UnittliO lias can Ot iiruj'.irly sad ssftir stluunlrttiretl. UU. C Ii. MUNNH, 9 1!-Iin Va. Ml SPItl'l'E bTKKET. MEDICINAL 00D LIVEE OIL. JOHN O. HAK-'.R & OO., Ho. 7IH MMIkKT HISr.Kr, are nr.w reci'Mim th. lr supiilMis froHh tY.no tho fli-herlcs. 1 l.e sTip-rieT'ty of llu lr Oil. in every i-ai-e t, hAs ilncd ftir tt s reputation and lulc lit-yonil any other found in the Dsrkft. Tonciintsm It, thry are dvtcrmlnsd to supply an article Uist ius he eiiilrely relh'd un for ti'tisluiesa and purity, flee tralliuuiiluls of Ptoleasurs of M. meat Culi.ihtis. null T'HII.ATlI-'.I.l'HI ll!lf)RllMS U(i7 BANllAtIK IH.S1I1UTK. So. 14 Nort MNfll Htrs. I. u'iun M.irk.'t. I!i.,.turvi ra'lif-s.iy eurt-d b h. I.. KVKI'.M'r ,1 Pretnium f-itlent llraiiiiatuiif I'rrrsnrs Tru-s. Kiot-ri"r kusuj Uslta. K aitic HlocSlr.ia. Nupporlars, giiouider hrnjes, fluapso fonea. I.'rii't:tia. Ac. Ls.Usa stteodtd tljstrt. II. C. EVERT. IT. tnji'-ly jyr:A i--rvi-iH-i,i:YrJ3AP, i n vu, TlinOAT IUSt'.ACS, ATARI'V AMI AHTUMA, TULA IRU Willi TUT. ITM-Mr SLTtSMf, 1W 1H. VON MOSfJHZlrJKEIt, Aulhi-r of the r-"-t iilly p-ill!th.-. wers, THE EAR: ITS D1SF.ASKS AM) THKIR Till! ATM E N'T. G9ICC. No. IWI WALSUT fltrcst. TO TIIF. fl'ni.irj. It Is i'Ji f una d -ri'ils sall-tii -llnn t'is 11--. V 1 Uu CL'ski r rati ant Ihul tee Mlee--s-t lot, Kiaee l Ii n it-i . ri.a si.-ft I-'i iitm MrsliiyuiK i' 1" tuitl ey tmin tit h" ni.nisr'US I I IISM hi- lisi leetej in the slu'o rusa-iits. sua tu.- 1 t.ieat hi pu'Luii-, (anm whotuine totiit- ivrv liillue'iiirtl t'loiecii) ha-'f. fru n a l l f i-1 f jn I i: eiul aia-i inn-, tiiloi n t-i or.'-ii'il'- tt. Ini'lr tf,l luoi.ia a, W'H.leu In lie rry liiLtt ( -root. CJ'I DO CXUUilMll si Ills till !'. No Id-; VM.-.I T- r.i'L TH IIIK Mi l I" AI. I'ltill'l.si'l-i. )r. Vtu oacl'ia: . r lui. h Ina luiiili-ilu-il wui Sa and t'nt Bit.) dini.-ull Cii-i'1 lie Pan Of .lit tvuli tfii.'.'eia un ,r liu Ir i.tiil. t- p.utt.l al'S' ti- la ttili-lu oiS-iiu-in in le- ir.i Iomsi a rsia.'ilt. r n' rm-ruiia i-ti i.uila t'.eirltinua'v at in Mm P. tl'rni.nnil klett iiu'li ' uf 'i in a i l liii iv.nks lull.tl. lu-tllts Jt uiieil-,. h.- rt-tiirns th.-ui eth in lliauss. AHI'AltA ' us The apitrstiia cmalr, il.u h. Dr. VOV ll.isotlzm- K I II, fur the to-.iliiit'i.r nf .he aimve m.iht h-s li i-i l--tiii hy II t-D pl.t-al no diem aitlli i llu'H hiui un w lin i:ainliifil it tiitnuie d llif r'tul.st lue.li. s iit-iu I'ur tli-- euro of iHikKsS, HlltOAl' InsfASlhH, IMi'Ailrtll and AS-1 I! AI A 1 1 iiM- w no atilter fr-'in ni y -.r ihu-o mit'ii'l as li.t e nuw tin l't'-i ii n,i shi es nii-uti ,'t iiicnI' inn a l II I ll At iiiTstiiis alio r nan I lie. t IN most ll.ISK KIC may ru) lli.ii II.- Mill roe til. In m ,',inih,o ihnon ol llii.n-r.lsit, si r a l.ai tit la alilu lo do lor ttituu. OUKV H f. I. N I l dlieet. a -.'I -Srf, nt A u l II A SMI, Iva'-'tf ,M S" K""' K w F I t 1 ft H- KIUIIMI s-lm-l.oro ii a s m i, M r ci (jo's -It I1IM-1. No. Jil row Walnut. J-.'7-lil 1,1 TATE OF ItOUEKl' V. MASSEY, I)B- Jl.ll.ss),. ihe An- itur appointed hv tli Or)iitin' Co-rt f r 1'is I hy ami I o'.tily ol I'lillMilolt'tiia, to udil. f i.e, no.1 a" it the eraouiit i.l IS A K , SHI. . Itutt r y, tl.SSkl.J, . and ..OSKI'II II. KlaVNaKNIS la lulro, ti e t rot liiu astaiuatul teilniuent ol tt ills; cr V t-si.., Stt-'ust'd, and is r.'.,uri iliairlliiil.ni uf the Slsiu'i' In t't tiiiniiaol' lite un-- nn aula, wul oi-'e' ths raiut'. I. irrc-letl io-l.'.e puriio-wa ul h'a a-ipoi'ittu 'iit, un WdintoaT, iM-olmr ft. 1HI4, ul II oi-lork A. M ,itt his ll re Nn. 717 W'a nut atrovt. in thn y or lu.iln i 'h.iiu. t iU-aluiva.'n JtlllN 1'l.a foN, Aiidilnr. 1 VliLIC KAI.K OF W11AHK. ursici. or mi. Po.nri t.e IVtiuiiv, No. lin Ws1.nl 1 Sirt-jt. fiii'iiii'i.'r'Ji', l-oii. ) "The I'ourd i tSar riit ul iho p..ri o- I'uili tt -lnhia." Iifit ;i S'Vf 1 olit-t-ti at in-di-r unit n autl nrit y 01 an u.t or tl.e las B s.urt-til .'1 nns it en'u, t'l.lltlt-d ""An n-i to am l,ir U. tin sale of rerun 11 r.-ni c-i tie In ib -eltt 01 1'nili iiel les," iii'iuini 0 Jn il. I-Sil, mill ut u Ki-siiliiti.'D or ani.i Itoa d . I as urtli'iia pinniuii'i iihimi, pi.se.l on tie b'l da) 1 1 Ni piriui.er. A. 11. IM I, llmv will s.-li 41 I'uh lo f-ilf I .1 r. s'.. le II, r hut' it III. I, I, r. on tin! I l-'l ll WAY lit- il ' rtl Kit , lh..s,ai l-iti t l -s nn- n, at tin- I'liilt.l- t I h s I M'ltin Kf. 111 Iff Oiup e, tn-e, eli itr. nnd disohuryvd In 111 ull ui tl t-very irtot. unit 11-f, unit !tiil:.ili,.n All mat t'-rtsln iritel or jil -re ul r eiiiil,,tii eril,eil 1 1 the tie. d 1.1 K'iiitt-iti Miir-lui I in 11 tt t.i-i,'r a d A.ti.tant V a t'.-iia i.f 1 1 ni t'uri 01 I'liiltiiit-ipiia, il ,t, a n,o ;weiiiu;ih .. 1 1 Ainuat, A. 11. 1'i.ii, uuil re rdetlMav ill, W 11, at luilalilillii.lii lif.il ll. ok I. I'. N ;l,i,ao j.'i, as hit luws, l.. Miiia-n ui the To'vii-hip i-l' M .y.iinunlnu, (una In 11 . Hr-t Ward of I' t- I'l y ol I'll. 1 .01- phl.t. ) ejn luii.li v 111 hri'iulih 111,101 ami s -aicaa loriy iti-t, .m,i njtlt ii.l Ins ir Ifiuih tu d- pth en si unit wi-ac fuuii lt;t i-,,,iil -anlnr tu iMiauoister I unit lulu iba rivor liu ait ire 10 low water Baa-k luaatdei' an thn ns- l bv the rlvrr I)ol,iwre, on tho a eat h t' f hytl Mid Ittl.lluK in l,lutlft-i.il-r I'oil.t, I'll ISO liurtll l.v trouar now or Me tiicm-nl a tu the a ild KU.ho'h At at si 41 1. ni'd un the a-uiih liy if. o in. I nlau ni v ur late he. aiiu to ttif end hl'Zthei'i Sltrshal; t-ia auiutu-rn t 1. 11 iirv hi inn nisi, in 1 ml, 1 le mi t tl 10. t ur th. 1. .u' oiiih fr 111 ll.e n.n th si- e 1.1 i ho a imrl tiuor ur lice ..wne.l hv iMq asid 1 ii.i ht th Mur.l'itll, ai tllutiL-fMit-r olut; lofou-r, al-ii,tl'h till liiu rl.ht-i. hht'itisa. rlvil t.es, h.-rt'tlila-n 1 1 is. in d nppurtt n luoi-s h aunt duett Klan t-.t tti the ,.i.l Mii-f,r und As.ia'iint Waith-lia, ua will bo lu.ldo kn n r 11,. ie fully .111 thf ttu) tl ,u c. I' iillh.'r llittu uultltill oii.allift' nu nppMe s'l-i to riiAiti.s;s m. wsvnr, ft K tilth-fit JIj.'-t Warden Curt 01 I'hlladelpnla. JJOOPKU'H AMI VAITIVX, S. E. Cor. TEIITI and CHESS UT Sts., Vmler V. S. Telegraph OHlee. (JIJ) bTOOK ALE ALWAYS ON HAND. 61 ll hltAMUKI, W1VK9, fllNS, WHHKIK3, CAI.irfM'.NlA OATAWll A WINKH. SCOTCH AM) AMHUICAN ALES AND llliOWN 61'OLT. This I'tl.'hrateiJ u:d atand bsvlrit been renovated and tlniroeiihly reemd tilih onoof lite lineal stocks of Ales ai il ehuhe Lhiu'irs In the city, t'ic pruprtetur Invltui the pui. li.' t" jive liiuiHcs l, confldiut ai l.o la of tholr uu luuvsl. 11 ao I m w -Ira KL.ASTIO HTIl'OIi li li V INO III A O li I li 13 tl, TUE Kl'ST I USE. a'J8 Wo. 730 GlIKHNUT Htrnaii. (r5K"n I'WTV'H ninii COTTACIK OltdANS, Nrt or't t'T1FOFI I f'.n but UNKIIAI.r.KI) In purity otT.-veaiid -i.atr,ilt'iie.l oa;it-liniy fur crnirini t and Mi h. " j luf 1 ui.u ut be t'lin.il) at il uiiaptcd la tbe i'aiior and inui liooui. loi sste ouiyby iimifg Ko. 18 K.bKV'y.Nlii Rlln'-t. Alas, scnipVIe assoi-unent ol tli linoct aleia.tooa Conauiiio oilhsud. aullt-aui P X'. DUXtOHtJj s!fc fcJOlN, Manufacturers of .LINK JEWEIiHV, o. ( HEHNUT MIll lCI', I'lllLAOl i.i'in.i. 1. I LLUOSo,. Vf. II- ULIlOS'l. VVIIOLKBAIE AND KKTAIIj. Yalt.ht'i npalreil u, warmutett. 1 lut yyHEN WILL 1LTE PEOfLE BE WISE? ITnrdrMi ar.1 IsSoinand of lV'.rri a r ytrly, ml afiditjf ar 4 tf out&t a of thn bt ntn wntnn f Awe ta lnr' -n i-a'n. ril d-e, ail fill rm'nr fiave, wur that ful c),if. J jsipai T tyirvihii fbji"la. end r).?i.7iii hi t rail a'm? n r- Ur, n- cure ; i 4 l'if nix' we fcaf of tl n l'if h.ie k- i "to lh biiro ff'ia hn ro !rav fr I'turn" W. -ay tn W s V lit t lh ln-ii i . i 'tit -t.ijr i f th f.rt"l nr i ij ma I,'T lilt. WIMiAKL tS OKKAT AM.:.i lVl9t VV.L AM- TINr. mr.r. i ah 'uff ii i , Arc fft-in D.n aiM wfl'ii"n of u'l'j'iraftonA'iirt w..r?i n- ft ft'HA'on Tn-y h-e in a- ami d rllidelpai. i and In ar ih-'r '! ti nv. Mny ai ft. m w-e tavod Ircui Ui x try f J Ala w tu . ( f t -nt?, DVPrrRU ins rm. rf! Yw.vrw- 1 et . A on-'iiit '.n -r nfi"in- at the f it t the Itotiimh, ?d FUIdIt and ''U'y. 8d, Conil hp nnd V ! nf eprii'e. 4'h ilkt'if, at 0 iliT-f-l-'ft rifliitri'f. Bib. Marrtiwa Uti urii i! . 'b. Pm In all raru ( th- yi m. TOi. Cuimii pilv R'niiiMi.( and ajtlt nof Ihc ne-vt. (4 h. 'tii.'h, itt' iMt,ni In th' lli'rut. flilt. N rv fni ai erttin and w.int of ul ep at nlpv!. Jftih I r fi'oit1e inl vomif iTif. lllli. lfiif Inriu, J I Tfi Ti-ae vilo i and K1 Ol' i ht, ivth. ltf(laohc and iAacrlng lu wa'kinpi, With trtat H?fcpil'"H, Oui of the tnomand of onri of t1yt14,Ph that ti t Q nurii Dr. Wlr-hr'.' (ir et Anvsric.in I fp p-i I'hli. n it one of iheiu iin lillnl mf a pTff t r ir. Wo rn rain a viiTP In evtry 4'a-e, nt ma'tor if of twen'y jvm (jiaucl liir. Held hy al drug ever wliort, and nt Ir. WI-iM Ml T "tVce, No. 10 W. K'MI) Street, Pi.lia el rhit, All fnaniliiutlnnt umI roiAniditioni fr.e of (ha-ge. f-nd for alrular. Trice fl per box, Ht'iitby IwpK!,kl -lY-l,Kl,sr-i. II r lihart, I whh to add my eittrnnny to the ruin lia'e)u rc.i' tu thf htaiinc priii-fttWe of iur Pine Tr- f In ('uncial, fiu llf'ern y arn a mir!err, tu yori of thnl lime I have ilfpt oi.l in my chair, not acliiK aMa to He doTu fur U ar ol ullKtitlmi. 1 hare employed ieu ol thf iHdt phyniclaiie in I hil.tds Iphia, wnoail pnaiincl my fane incur. tie m taken to the Clle;e, where iho Fitcuhy, l.a Ing dotiehut they coul l.deciarei ruy clH rair n iaoi raM i'ae vf a'Iih a and Chronic 13 -iiijpxU. Inltnliml Bti.K, aau hi. my limni were pvtUiiy k Kinduiir line foiir c iw-n .irn, my Mf triM iircd ffiMa yuur tOM' a hot ne nf your CordUI. i.rrev-rlnrlj I nrd -evon bntUvs, ai tl a box a-nt a hnli ofo ir HwpL-psia llli, wiio i I felt M at my dni a-c nul w hot y , en v ty, and t ie t'ur dia had Kivon nic new v.p.ir and btronnih. 1 c Miilrui'-d io InpiosC hd'1 for thepnit lhn-e month I havt hv.cn ah a ti u p In nr b d ui ountlly ai I ever tlid, I am now veil. Mid have pain d iwci ty-nvt; pcHindn la my Wt iKht. I am .ihli: to eoik utid iiovHu fr my I'muily. I ho rul y m tliin true and faithful sutf ui'-nt fr ihc h' ntt of iho nif-firiiiK- rl.ndi. all anl utf, uar Oturd Ctiir Ii ro'tonire.Twcnl) tOifd Ward, I'hlUhd:ihl... IH.VAO HtfiLIaF.HM iN. IRs WHIIARTS OHE'l AMKRICaN" DYHPlit'HIA TILL. HiM Is to t rt tf- f li at I to(ls--red f.'r t"i yearn with .h dretitlful - oinpliilnl ca ltd ajHu.hl... I HJtTtrtd umct. lalnand dK.ie.t wl:h n -j iroaud d jprvnnhm of npfrln ; :h tr a i : h.--ii.iit iin.Ti rt p,iy in Un lor my i-u-j'ah ti.aud at tiiiiff a-, D.u-h heitv, tti' thtn myo'd tllK'nsr, da,tpiia,would rtun with ull lti druadlut ji ahih'i, tt'nl my whol hiimi. fot wattitrf awiv. U this r-.c tit l iKhihta ed Ma e I ih hnd-'d x clr.;ul tr t f Lr. V Miaii I ft ervat A mri an ly ,aiiiu Pi H and Tine t rev 'I LordMl, v tu co KLive a torr- t l"t(.i-nii.tn, ti my nn'.'-ifiiK", :i d I dticrm iif-1 in pl.tft! my ;: imd-.r tl;j lnj-.-u r h c ii j , jml iihe hio im-dliyi.e. An oor. a-4 1 cnmi'tce I Uie tiht- of the m -d Inc. I be,,) n to K t hi ttr, an ! nn I : iiithri 'J tlue' luo itln.at hl- h lin e I m pfittc tlv vmel oi ail nif vnilalati, and pifv;tl rutoied u h.-.i'tit; I am to-d.iy , w oil iun. Ur, Wiih ii, I Hive you Una ci tiik-.-itc with grat-Jiul h:art (! th" fent il" I b 4s r':lvi d roin the uie of yo'ir tritlj Vsoiuhrnil ui'dt-'ic. A1iy ( iol h,--.a ym and pr.; auivc yonrtr.ily uihI I fi lor uiiny yei.a. 1 would uy to etry pervon wh an !ini'tj(-iiiK' at 1 wan t:i:it iu rtiidfucf h No. li'i KIlIiIu .nd tii'tCi. 1'hi.aJejiptil i, vhurj Iw.hluko r .it tlcli'it liiK'vtiiK tt'iiiin-jiiy to the gret pywtrul Jr. W ih irl'n iihU Iuii to .m v m Ar.r.t;.',. Tr WtO av s 8'cre ar 1 om.:c,Vf.l iN. HKi'ONIi H rt'et, iiitiMlit)ilMa. lYftt'LP-IAt OVHI'LIMIA ! 1, Montis Kti.Bi.ilB, o ,oi 'Ify t'i'it I w is atck with dyn-prp-la f(T two jrn; 1 wj very ih k at the pit of in Biitinm h, wlilt p. htlit inyh.iAt, hfli', b.ik and hcul, w .th di.z i.t'"" .uiii ittiKsA-ri'iK in kuiK.withrt aL wtith uesari and k -ui-il itrhiuiy. I ain 1 - a j, in 1 tt U no. iovcii iruiiaiiit pi .kttti., and tu-y tlni. rod hi their opliduiiot tuj fit-. ;; '-inio (lit ott'it 1 hud one dia- ae, a-id titmm uiidtj.cr. hut I a all tho time w'i n- worn" an I worse, until I Ijitho j ko Uiw f ii.tr my w.ttj wul navt) to ie -d tno (orwot-kfl topji hoi. W'hi.o lu lhl tlcidfui coriitlluti, I placid -Hi i,i dor I'r. Wirh.inV tn-xtiu nl, and iho I hia p. i t-.it An erlraii l-p-p-ia 1'illt und treimon t r lyp'i ihmI a' thi pr. m-nt thuo am peri'co'jy well, ind hao i, nt nod In tlt!i intnty loir ouiKin, uu 1 exu work und uttf!id t ii hiiin.sM aiHla any personam I'ennilvAiila, and I am nti h U l: la a perfi irt cure. Dr. M-thjrt,jou can ,'iillih D.y .!. if yon see piir, a I wis i.t tu li ar ttajtlii-oDy to tha urtiAt pjwei y-ur m- flicme hua t 'urt Jfytp'pkU. All poiioni art! at liberty to cult ana ie mtr wnt.i. MosilS KoJklvlH, SoLu. IV ill fin . en, Blui LhiU county, la. IflTSPKPPlA, JiYKP8Ii. Thl la to crtif that I had Jtyi.mMaia In the woratrunn for three yvara. 1 wna treati d by acven of the boat phy hluna lit Au.e.Ka ; Mime of ibam were Proreibora of Jof fcrin C'U ifo, I'hilauelnhia, but thtj did tue uo jood. I grew woi.e iry ui' tr.h. 1 wtmld Imj lakun at timt-a wuta nrcudtul ititciia In my bnust aud iii)iiiiti.htaO(Tnit waa It Uiat 1 cou'd iifittor alt, lla, t)o'und,hll would rove about ftom one room to aiiothtr; ray trteida eapoeu d to sen iue die, (hero iiiipcared t" he no n il f foi' nu. In tliti Iiope lt.ua diidl loF 1 placed mBt')i' umh:r lr. VVlphart'a truat meiit. attd ns'-d hu tDdftiua aa direfiod. 1 ma day i am a vu ots.it, kiul tue luioo wtnki I )iavo been on my fo t,iind working hant fr m early m ru unti' luvt'ii o'tiook at iikM. Mr, Wtuhati, 1 kIvo y m thla cer Ullcate with a ktatful be.trt, fetdlut It uiy dutv to do ao; you may, and I wunt you m putdiau It to tho woitd,ihat vtry fHTMjn auih-rl'ig wt l a may have t!.y bjunt v-lnij jour truly woutlortulrb'tiiutla. All sick poraoua aua at lib- rty to ( a 1 and ae nie, or write ia aa I waut to render ail tJio fe mkI 1 ran to fuflerhiK btimantly, JAsMKS 11. ANittlX, OrerBt fT of Waa ilntt.n ManutVtitrlng Couipauy Veavuitr KK'iu, Oiouo iter, S. J. lfYHPKI'Klak! UVBPKT'ilA! I, John I.yncli. do crtny tltm for f iur mmtUt past I waa attHrked with aoute n , npopva ; I viit to acverely hanillr.) that 1 mvKl Uu uothln,.' but what it would till me) with dieadtul ditiru-H; uiy ur ous lyiU m ki p 'tfoo.ly proi- truied; auy wboh- tiaiue ooii bot-a-no .voaa and tremolliu, with a coniu-r 1 i.obc and di .o. na In the bead, lull ved ly a pa pitailnn of the h-ait and k"",''! d oljitvof the wboitUdy LverykiBi'of mesheiue adml lUtvrcd to iu-j did uo wood, unm 1 was adiei lo call ou ir Wiihnrt a id taca niyt.c'.f uudur bia tit-atmout. It U now aout ulnu wtvka aliice I c.nuin n ';d in iue hi Uiapfpihi IMJa ud l ine Trt-e Tr CMlal, and I d truthfully .ti.d faUliiully say, thai i uui p riacny cureii ui n Hpt pohi, aad all otner dtsiac arhsinu thort'fioui, and 1 i au cat turoe m"d ma ila ever) clay, and iwl w ell in every roipxit. I uiu 7U yoara ot aj. audit It wiii uecexiury. I col I c uld and woidd houldt-r myelin lu U f. nd tlit. citv fr ui iivaHna by Uw jtcneis. jiiicratn auncr.ng w-li'i lypp-laaj . h.ii, are at Homy to all and m e me, fur I loe It my duty to d all Ibe t;ood I can lor auueriug iiumunlty. JOHN I.YNt'lT, ' No. 1h.;i poplar atn'ot, Piiltiila phfu. Pr. WlhllAPT'ft Siore and Othcf No. 10 N. HKUON J riirett, rhllatlelphla, I'a. AU ixumluaitous and coiiaulta tl.ni freo.nl charge. fl per box. Hcuv by uwU ou rtcclft ol money, rtYSPKP.SIA I JiYSPKPHIA! Ir. Vlthort I have toon a constant amn rcr with Dyi popaia lii the laat cigiitu?u yoaia, durim which tlmo 1 can not hay that 1 tur cn.loyud a ptneotly well day. Thera wore Uinta vhen the hymptoma were mora aK?i'avaltd thiin at other, and then It couit-d it would be a Krtat re lief to dlo. 1 had ut all tlmci uu iinph amit fi-eUu,; lu my ho: d, but Utterly m unileriniix ao much lucnacd that I bctttuio jfcauit nn lit fur buhiiiehaof any kind ; my mind wa cciiAiiallj iiliod with yloomy thoiiAihts and .rebod liis. and U 1 atu mptcd to i-hun.e their curn-ut by icudiu,,', at once a fitnsalloii of icy coldness, la coumxtion with a dtidwijiiht.ha it were, rcsttd upon my hr.uu; also, a feeling of aicknib w ould occur at tho btoiuucb, aud groat littiu to luy eyta, aiconipunied with which was the con timuUfearoflofcinguiy rouaou. I also experienced Kn-at IWitude, dibhily, and nervoumieaa, which made It dlffl tLlt to tv a Ik by day or bleep at night. I bocuma averse to sotii ty, and Ulspowd only to seclusion, and baving tried tho skill of a iiimihirof cmtnoiit pliyalolani of variuiit achoola, finally came to the conclusion that for this diaeaao at my present aa years), thora waa no curelnexUt tn e. Hut, through the interterunceol Divine Providotioe, to wliom I deroutly offer my thanka, I at la it found a sor aiein remedy in yoar Iypepla l'UU aud Tar Cordial, which sceui to have aiTociuaiiy removed almost tho lust truce of uy long IM of alimuita aud bud feelings, aud lu their place Uenlth, pleasure, and conteiitinont ara uiy eei iluy compaiilona. JAMKH af. BAUNDKR9, o. ii H. booond struct, PuJlaaHphla, I'onueriy of Wootlbury, N. J. DYHPKrPr A I ljYSrKI'HlAI t, Ms-iura T'hin. of Ch'ltrnhn., Mont.nmerv roonty, I'a . tiftvi till m 0 fir more Uian mhi your evi-rvtlnnit hut death Itatll. 1 1 nn. I hut tt I tt) .ue n-, etill-l i I , t'i in. en.iio( f tittinrtinii Ivr ol Ihe ni-mi loniiient pti tle.ini In Ih huh lliin I in y ti ti a it th"v ronltl tnr nit w Hfi m t ai'd ni a lip. hut null I wan mi h-iter. I then wr.-ul to Un- rinii. until l'fiHi-r)' m or-tcr ir pliiee nnt if in ren ot iIk i.-m nook ai tupciit. In li.o r..unlrv, hut ti.etr aiedo men tnih-d It) ilo no- any ,' .wt mul otiiltut- wish. CJ tut dem ti ti ftl'pvc im ni ruy iifennpf . tuit 't n Dr W ll.al' fsdvci tiemi ill lii U,e I'Ml.iU, i.i,.n H i i.-nn. deUTinn ed to iry oi.i e im.re. tail watt little failh I r I'h-d on lir . Wit.hHn.aiHl (Old lurn II I nuh) h.i.e)iod I w.mM nut have PHih. d htm. Hnd then r Utc.i mv iulriu 't t htm The Ur. a-.-n.ffi nn If be falifd toeun ni."f Iyp'l'la. It would tu tnrtlrnf rae In i w o T' arn, io I pot nm It un.ler hi tro.itn eitt, ndaihoig1) I h ,d u-cn lot nmnthP vnmiiiiiv nenriy ev.-, viiil' H mo, mv tu.m tcn awi.urn wcih wmd. and ttilfd with nin iievfno ih m npri-.n, 1 boiHlitahi'Soi hot liy-p. n- i '111-, f u-te.i turin ,H. rrrd d. a fr) In ten dftvi I ro. Id eat a heifv a m..t at nnr pfron tp the Hi uie ol i'runtiTlvHiiiA.iiMi in thirty da vi wup atllnnn. I Invite miv P'Tmhi ouctoitn an I v. an tu null ami aoe me. and I will reta ; mv lutTertntr and itm treat cure I rreetvert. I nn'd nv all hvtHPtl i. rrornrliPf-n that lir WlNhi.rt In. I hoppve. the only tM'ri(n on tw earth Uiat can cure lype (ibU with any dtpcrrn ri n-r'a-ni MOSKM TU!IW, fheltenhim. Montisnfrv r... r. Pr. V'rPIIATtT fl ( ftir. No. lo V. HW evil mwt Cfl re li' ut p. in.rn 9 A. M. to 6 1. il. All o.utn!nutItia and ioIimi tat oni liee. I)THPKP5TA 1 DYHPF.PRIA! Jr WiftJiart 1 waa a !ent anfTprT with dvtipa fir mn yenrs., Kv r thu w I ate ilil.-d ni w lih v m l and tire, dlul j nm ; und my hie wm on-- of fcrau snttf rim;. I w mi iiiiiUi ail.leitd h.it ll I dri-nt-a i:iiim ot wMter, it would ou Kiuiii tfitek i't a heato r..ndm H I appded to i t t kl' 1 nl inedl-'llio ami tre.ttue ; lint nil ft nt t'ttipoup I 'iw untr m vtM-i tii'iu in it e .drr " nf a L'rettl riTf- lir r t AmerU an li -i i pi a I'l 'a ha i tlirt tiv 1 - i i to your (tore nnr purchased i Ihit, -iirt mmmrirtd t.i i e tpoii ; nnd I do ih ink tifid .hl dav I an a vM m in, uinl i an cnt thtet? nn nil, per thiy. 1 Imvtt mh it a niiuih -r of pi ia"'iis alter our i,IMk, und I iiBr a yniinvt man t t wn . Mitirnnif wiih d.p'imft n my n- k'Uimrh iota ilht of yi ur pllla, nnd they ciuid him cut rely. Y c m iv ii-n r to me ii you beo proper. tJAC'iu IIK.hlv Y, Kiiinedyvl.lo, K-'in cuu ,i, Del. A rOHlTIVE fTRK yon VXHVZVMA. llKAIt WHAT MU. .JOHN II. It A IK .'t M.'K HAYS. Nn. Kas OMVK fltrnot, Phllndelphid. January AM vh1. rr. Wiahari Plr: It is wnn nnu ii pieamirn thai 1 am now able to inform ymi that, by ihe die ol ymir tcr.it Atm iMMii I ty-pspal.i lllli, I have heeu eutiit ly oortvl nf ti-n mo-t dis-iies-ntiiLr I'l.mti'aint. Iiy-i"ptft. (' had hvn (Cnevoi'Hlv all! lot ed fur the uist twenty -e hi yearm. tuid f r ten en. a ol iti.tt lime huve not been uued iioui Un pa n oil a eek ul a 1 1 uu. I have hud ll In Its Htirtt lorui, ami nave dramrd ti a nr-ii ml emiipt fxt"Henin pin il ty ami in. lit. Kvery kino -j' iomi tt ar 1 ate nu d me with wnn ii nd pain. It lnmteieii not Imw livht. or hnv mmU thn rj ti;. utit y A CMiitiuned be'elnnu wm -u e to lopQ. hid nuappei'ip f. r nv Istnd of meitta whutevT, and nivda tre vsuh ao ym.it lor -aevctul i(iiit hi-i-.ie he ird of your I ills.. Hint 1 treigiieoilv waNed lor de.it It. I had Ihkoo eei):.ii k tii at 1 tin rt hea' tl of tnr litpi an, w n.mi re oeivir.K any lotis fit ; hut on om I' HI-, or uu- roc'iinitieodod to mi ny one w ho tnifl tpeen cureii hv ih"ni. I co teJmh'd to iie IIk m a trial, nhhotiph 1 had no luith n ti.eui. To inv M.lll"htiiel!, 1 ttiitid invseil 'tillix Ih'tter bof.ee I nini taken one-h.urh ol a b x.and afior t.ikiiw hntt a i-o I ovi vi li ii tm,itifl rati rat nny'liimj I irih, ami euj,i. n heart, meni three Mnos a da. , with. mi luc uivonM nc i ipun .inthli R I eut r flrlnk ll y.Mi think pruper.you am m lherty 'o nmke thot i.uhiic imo n ter to me. I will eJie-T-luliy ulve all deshnl)t.' tiitorniaithm to miv oiipA-h'in.:ive.iU oil li e oinh. rctp. rltiiMv, JlllIN II. ltltfM('K er :iIp at Ur WIHli MtT S Meuo ai lp t, s0. io s M.( ul' N rep-, rinli.tif IHt, ii, 'a. Price one d dlar pel hu. Bent l) nu.ii, ireo ol elmrvo, on receipt oi'prico. IvYPKPI ! DYSPM'S'A ! I. Pnmiul I. Iluven, have boon n ureat auiterer with cluii'ic dvfHiola nuti Iniiuattiim Ion ot ilni kiiueva tor 'hi i e veurf. It in, loved three or tour of tin- m ii eml i -nt lliJNH'Uil H Of "h'fldelphit. am (if IturlltKtor, eoun'V, New .Ilim-v They dial an (or inn Iln y m.J. hut all to ho Mirpope, t wam eoimianrly ftihd with awtiii pain and tlu t i h nnd wiih C'ltrtniit heleulnn or wlii'l and sour n$u My totiitue wah cowndulih h Kioto eo.i'ioK d m u:iii un il i' cttici-ed in laiuo tin row . mid w-tc dreadfully ao o ! it 1 od tuu a wlMttd lor detith io relievo me i nit miifer' i i ' i h , tnr I hud ioi-t ad hupetii vet heir n w. li .Kiln I U fl. o t a mihiert of priijt i lotluo Ihm lie w.miI.I ihreo'. u e u ht mt ph. Hit lun Ot- tin d eine tli it ir mid etjre m . I hs 'tiuii r'i tlitn uil ot Hm atent ot Ur. Wi-h-in', m tue I'liiuidi tphiu "i.t d-er, ot n K'eat cure uiado itp ui Mr ,1'inti Itaitio.p.. i-t Nt. in.H tiilv. p,ioe. I'h li io , hu, byiln Kreui Anteiieuti liippiia PilN. I wen' in ith- I t r.ir -t .din e, una i:.n id uivon mi'ior hit tre unit nt. mi. I told tnni It he i.uit dci (mho mo, It hould bo thu lane eihiri I (! il make ll hu. beyp nix w -k aiuos- 1 oouwueiict d th.ni.'i ol hit n edieiiie and 1 nm now a well man, ri-j lio u ad p.i'n nd di-tieitrt, und can tat i hit e henrfv m'Min i d.iv with o'liiloi i tinu ft pi per '! well. Mr, Wlnna' 1. 1 whiii n t . pnHiii m caMj as I aa,a mwt p,.t.r tl.ono ti , niiii'tinu' HA I w.i. totah on me, nno 1 ill it ll t'.em (lf the kii4t cure I buvu received fri'iu (i r luvuiu tnic medi uni', KAMHK , l U.ir) . t rrner d cmv eo uml T.nm'iert wtreets, m-ir itk i,M ,,, tree , i n.eriy from WiitjUtit wn, UuiIIukMu omuu. eW .le'U'V. Ijr. WlMiAltT'S OlUae, Ho. 10 N. BlX'OND Htr -et. DYrsPElKIAI lASPfcrSIA! DYSl'KPsl K ! 'Mko J to t crtiiy that MfTTiiiK eeverelv v jth a dl.iaa ffclu d !'P' f tu. wiih much Ions it'vi. iht, m uu. mi -u wa iilm ltd t w iwJiurt'b tiiPiit An e- an i y-pi.p m ax i In i lut dv. lluvim bt,ln Ihrep weetia tuteri eleven I ilia, acenniit pt to ihe til-tirtiona, 1 lound iuynlt t n'lroly ruied. ui d for wo e k. ftipee my htaih it uremiy mi j r t;U, ui.d I can eai w ithi-ut tear of pnln or iuc,iveui iuo. 1 tsrn.cblly rtcounnnd them t all himi arly aihhud. ra. M. H. 1 lit imcm 1 I hmi'iid troct, four uxors bo mv u umver. lr. I., i) i' WlMiAul b Oihco. Jo. lu N, hkuond bttcet, l'hilai.ci)'li: HYH1T.PPIA! DYHIKPSI A ! I rtl'KPHI 4, ! I.FM.ihith It-annon.of hrnndy Ino, , f rrnt"r,yil (He (;i.e-.n.r. I't I , ilo to i lily thul l t one yexr an l a liii I' (iilie ed iMiythinB hut de.ith tlotn Uiat a vful ilii'tv' cthi d h ei u a My v hule ra-MM-m tui t r ittiatt tl wl.ti VsiukiOsh anil mrvoua debulty; lem'd not i ;ihr m In ui ; it 1 ul t c n a cnteker or thp sup. tini'innt ul' P oo, it Mini hi icili.n jUHi iih 1 fcHUilott-ed i;, 1 h. up mo ei Niiwinmv bowilh vhu' 1 woultl mt have a imohiip-tj In es thiiu ntiin I ur and ofien eiwht i hvn; iiitth r thit 1 u tue i ho auileiioit tu v mind at eiu d en'iruly lj,iviwav I hi dore.td tl hoimr and ell inreh kIhi. n 1 Uk u'U ths i ev( r. I ody 1. tiled mrt nd I hit lot. evert bmtv ; iiotKiir my hiih'u n l n r my unit uhl di uut-ervthiuaf M ptu ttl 'o hp hiT'or-at Irkeiitome; I had u Mitihttioii tu tin itlii ihliij.-; 1 IkI ah mv love ol trt ntiy und home; I Vsonitt i iu hie at.U wuiuh r trum p nuo to potce, bin c otld I I t he em lenti d ; I felt tha' I a un mid 'o tie)', an I mat tine t as .i ht aen fur me. and wa-t of e l t''iiit''d to ((iiiinli M'leiOt'. Nt)v.ir Vsin mv wimV ii'TVon ytra t i otrt'MO, ut ii aNu my ml. d, from that i ul com dntiit. In hpei- a, tl'Ut mv ft ivmla ttwmolit he.: to h-ivo in.i nhieod In In Klir-hru c'a I'u-i'fa , Went l'h'Uaic!;iritt t romalnutl ii pre lin e t e.H. and in .iiptnt l Ma, a lutle ne tt"-. hut n u w d., my ditmli'il c-mp aiiii was ruriti.-a h id ua "or. loaru veiT ne woiio-riil Cjfpi peiformid bv hr wuhurt littat Aiu ihiin Hvitivs iii nil- mi 1 hi (...ph. u t itt l h i I p-iu toy hiisbaun Called on J.r. W s'l i't, t id liutitt tii c-n.'to him lie ael hj hid n ti mi. i !,,:,,,( t fitre ii e. N.' In 'loop dav, aitor leiiloi .and 'ae.u niviHt limh r ire l' i tur h .re-linci. t. und in iwu h. I -... iIi.eH iny i(t.,ti, iit.d t-It that mv dM-.tie t-t t ilvhu vat , ni i n iiiiimiii m trtJtULT IHI" UlaslUt ttirell UI'l'lMll, ami ui Ult pn sstni (line 1 enuy pei!et?t h. ui'li nl b -dy nd inn il. ti no I mo-tt nm t 'y reinm my ttians to a m r iful t.ott and t'r, Wuhan, jtml to hi Ore at m.-il a i U. ispep au I'M nini fine I ree Tart onha', n.a' aavci tuu from ai iix-anr no li.' ui a u preu.il u re era. p. A I asTno:' nul- oi ", I'H lJNfis:4mi' ill libCUV IO C4 I O l UlO or w rite a- I am wihit k iu ou alt ihe d I cm i..r mri ruiaf liuioi-i.i'y Ki.lA ltKTH ItltVNsiM Hi. timy wine, L-'att arc. f.iruicrl) o di'htur, ULla.vare tr. hixhaUTS Ollloe, Ko. 10 N. NKCJND Hire l'tMlldtll') lu. The b' p are a few among tho thouxaii''. w-til h th'a an-isi reiu oy haa (.a t"' tr un an uuttmcl v wr i"e We h. e iiuii- uu ui Mi'iT-iriiiii pny -ai. iuum una ilrtitiifTs in all fell l ut th( roiiltf l'y,( ll i; ihru turj l it Veil vei pr 1 Tlh I ui ftoiw a imoitiitt; wnicii KUe SUen UllUfcrntl BU. latdoil.iu Tlicito Mcdiclnea tuo ) repared only by the pMpi ;i r, DIS. I.. Q. C. WISIIAUT, AVliOHK OFI'ICE 19 AT Ko. 10 N. SECOND STREET, Philadelpliia, Pl-NNSYLYANIA, ..a . ... a .. v ..10..ms. ii ciiiirr periuiitiiiy or lV IPTIPr, fret- cf tharrp. 'il.ev are a dd hv lrue!tm-.d iH'.n.rs w .. . v' . . '""ww oy au s) Iirkaild j'iulnuol A' WRICHT h SIDDALL nnnpt a i hmT akii di.rosD antr.ETti. i.. v. . a iin.t t. r. . amnttt. 1) It V 0 .1 t S T y T f I r I A N 8, a n i.f.sty ai, niiii"Ks;i.i,i.Rs, fin fli if .ure- Mi.'nirnl a ti 11 S'.t.rtinen' of Impoii.4 ai d In ii aet c luu.a. ! t,.n .ir pst.'nf atMI.-lnea, 1'alnls, t tat I'll, v, i n 10 tn ,-, V . -, ri.t:un ll", c , at aa soar pill-. a ta ri null, f,t. ).,.. N, .,.,( r.n lu- "nl.J. I INS r-.-Sr.ST I a I, Oil -S K"r IV -Urrtl. ra. I , lull r.-li, a'ltt of the haat onallly. '-a-l.H-.4l H.ti.al i. , , nu.'.ler, I'lSt Aah, l.ujls-ar, ( s A-l , slnm.ll I i I u,l. I nni-.t..,l'pp, raa, I'ltraot .,f I t-rae-l. At , run I Kiis- n, jU u, ,,n hanJ, at l-.w. ai n-1 ,-a-S rit. na I'i'i r s--t i:s mit KAMtf.v vv Crmin't rxreaaiT for our sale,, ami to wnu-h we liivlus II, a s-leiiH.i ' innaa n a 4li 1 uf r. llnhl.- am, laa. ai.o. iMt;o, r. ., mi .sj'.ia,, a.-., 0 extra euett'tt, Ortl'T" hy mall, or "I'v peat, still men) rrUU prompt at ti nitiitt, or sen Inl suo'sutnis a ill f ttirniahed wlicn ra- l0t'atetl, WltKIII 1 MtlDAtiU Whol -lie Drill-Warnhonso, JaM-ly Vo. 110 MAltKl.T Hireet, sl-ve rront. A (A1U TO TIIK LADIES. uu. uri'jNcoB K'aI r. n piii.K rm t,m at.ks, InfullU'l" In rorre'tot , rfjulitln, aid feovlrtg all obtrnttlo't- fi 'in tiuit'AiT cutiei and always suc-itMui a a pruvtnihc. The" Pllla ar noilimp- new. und hfiTt-h en ued br th' I 1 i.k i'r n iii) yrai , h i'h iu I .nine ami ni :tni t, wi:a ni p irtl e ii am Vr.a tn vn y rn ; and he la nrttd by li aiiiy t'toiira U U ii' it Alio li tvi 1.1V 11. cot, tt liMKO thu Pui- p. hip lot h" niti n of thoj JiiTfriiijr from nn brr.- inai m m hntevi r. a- a r u to preteu an In-r.ra-i'Oi iandl w here tiealt w li tut pei nut If. Fo-n-tlpf (ereliatly nil u r U o v tiippnoinir toen.- jtvti o are ertti'toi 1 11 at: mov 11 lu tti pi ia Ml.- iu ti'.n oo'iditlun. a( it e pnip icur i-isiimea n reap, pa bl'uy afo-rtiA Imivo aitr-oii liu ,a''toii.h ilt-lr mildiii" wm. prevent any nifih pfifi Ih hIi h, ot em i-e n o I'uU an reo eiiinan-letj. ml Hi.tl , lico tl let tio a lei'imitMii.lOpf ai- h I'tuvSl.o niboieM r $'. s. Id wliolnauie and retell by the (- l' wir. Hi m el u r.lli' lt M t- t'n , No. tot N. rmtrth Kreet. UthhtA Huitldll. V. :( Mrk.t itrv. t A ai a r hall, c rne of 1 1.1 t' en'h tiiil MarKe! a?rpei. cifji, r A t-rotih.cnrner d -e "nd and tiieeii tre'-ta, l ott ft i n , No a'st N S( i .iml ttret. .t IntM.n. Il Hum i -v (.'owdcii, ami N. . Ii- latour i siii-.Ci u. At let nil hy ad drug's a. LuiMe",hy entlinir dm: r oixR To either Si t tit, cn huve Ihe I II l.H MS' t HN'KU'KNl I KM Y, rty malt, to any part tif tre eny or country, free of postno. l I HiiUE, fl-t'2 7in No. 91.', W. THIRTY HI 1 11 Htroet, N. T. HAiLHOAU LINtsT DI K K OT IN O H T 11 K H N RAILROAD IHM 1 f.! I'MII Ai r I.l II I A Tft Nvl.niRSTKRV PKVNSYtr M... IIM UAL ANj- HKSIKUM NEV jOHK, Wt I A' ami 'rt V, l,.KKS. ll v pi iIh i i ;iin nini Tient. ti Kallroad. llelvfdere, anA I elr.H uie K ipaisiit. in uw are, Lacaawanuu. and W color a 1 ilirt hI. ui d rle f ul w.i v , t-'i. i iwinh t iifiwin n I'hlladt lpbi.i and FlafTalo. H i hlllatlDV In It.C MilIll. ;t-7 v , K- ok nnot CAIMK! H;nnfh-i-ri Hl"t, h g i a" n the nl. ht end of the route. ."in s N. rh l. a i l h a tptphla at M ". A. M., from th.; K nr-ii, ..ton I'M ot ot ihe 1 1IU i Iplua and I ronton lUil r s ; n :i at Mut'ni.ka 1 uuk t" th'1 Ur .nl (..luxe eara ol ihe I'el - w uie. I ie n w nnti. mi d Wi'Oivn ll ulroad, and a (i ft,' li- nd ioih Krie ltaliwitv,aiiivmt; ut llu.laioat .'A. A M. I. mi i! -'ou". T iVe ll. l" iJa'lw.iT ExprcM frtiiri Uur- loait ill al.i '. M.; iliarike nt l,r'rtt stetld ti thtl Dtla- v an- I .o v. iu ri iitrf, iii-l a tei ii Itx' ro id. uu 1 at U iiiunka hut k t- tt.e Ite.t it ie lie me haiir ad irnir), wbklk n tl nmih to hi nmo t-h.M itriivliisf at l ;i i P. M. I'li's-Ti -(. mun. tnrih (Mue h lelavaro Slat ion o the J -niw ii'- i.ji k untiu at d Wcmern lUdrond, at I it P ie. n d hV" ti ni tor r.uprat tlrea llrjnd, where ti-p I. a eh.ri.'-- n cp t h'td I'. V Th ti (f-'liip.- Houih i a1- hematelaii t '-rr.it K-nd.ut tt U A.M., and l.avi-lhu t r liin-i'itsi txiitir r.inti Heia are. la ika v. (tit :t .snd VVcin ru Haiiroad train ; dine ai Uo.awaro at I 4ti IV Al. 'i hnn-i h T to a d from Huffalo Omkirk, Rosnhea t r. I ni'l'a. I hueji, fapi.'0, l.mivhampoii, t ; reat Uend, t-t'lbll i tl VV I 1 t'stni le, l :e S'A nre A' .tti r ii H, AC r are In iri'i' i t ii.lu'! Ifih'n and HulUIo, 411 dk loi (t'-a td vl t rvut He oil V '2 -lm WM II. CAIZUKR, Agent. NORTH I ' V, N N s Y L V AN I .K RAILROAD. Kit li V i'i 1 1 It H M, li.Yi.hSMJ.VN. KAMON, AIT H "Ml Mv, Ul.t I OS, II.KlUAlUtC, VV1L l.UA.ftl HI F I L ItR Ni . KMKNTH. On ut laftr i'Mia i , ,-epN'inf). r i:i IV.I, Pastonr "f initio win hu' e ll e NKM I J2 Of, TH 13X1 Htroet, ubuvo '1 li hp-soil, t iiiiudrlpiila, Uuuy (Huiiuaya e.voeptud). at lO'h'Wt. ai 7 ::ii A M 'sprevtt) tor llothlehem, Allentowa, Mum h I ui-'-, V'l'k (tmire, U il tuini.iort. A i .. A. M a i oit.iiioo.il. on ) ur Doy lettow. AI H) .' A- M. ( At C'.ei.iiooa l..n) tnr KO't W.iihiUajtOU. A'i.t h tAt.M. ut'ii.'i ailon) lor itoth'rif .-.vu. At it i' i. a K ni. ks) ir itetMrtp m, K tatmi, e. 'Ilin.liaiiin.ri vsh M it ut . iu '. M .. a. id tukus close cot. ne i it w iii 'dr .? - .ler-ev i entral tr New lurk, a l 4 I." I' M Mii) f r lleylv to. . tl A' ft i.'i . M ( o -n m.Ki.iti ti) f.,r Bcthtthtm, Allen tow ti. iv fl M nri t'ht.i.lt. . i' l- M ( .o.t nt.-o'io ) I' l.-sna :alo. HP M , t . c j'imu d i bin l lor I Ore w a!i'njton. 'M-i.ii ti. 1 n i t u,- i tn-i.ni -im-ii jt th" Tiek-.'t OHee, T 1 I It I hnee1( ur Ur Kraf hi.ee,i, in ord -j io at euro me lo el lutr c-l Ian? iiaaINS MUt PlI'L.MJP.LPlliA Uui- fie" hi-' t-iiu .ii A M , 1'.' t.t r trii(.iml VMp.af, I.... leal . w. -iiiwUA M . ,1 I'. .M,,;ind i 1. M. I. 'IHO: laj at 'lo A M hurt atl-iiuion At no .0 M. nnd 1 P. H. (-N hi S t , i. 1 h.hdr-'phts for Ite-l l. h-tn -t 'i -. M. 1 I', .nil- -y In i..r it e -o - n a a IV M, li,h-l. n r I hi th.l In at ;-.'o a M. hen 1. ti in t n phi ad- h hii a 4 I'.kl. I1iJ1u.wih i'-isg u-ii bpreas w-11 esll fr and deliver b:'.'! --.p ut tfl- diji. Ord ra may bo lof. at ho, lia r. i It il: l etieet 1) lit EI.LIH CT.AHK, Ajdit, 1-W-f'i nilLADELriUA AKD io-jm J r h AILidl I. lOD L Tins t-r-'at I'ee Utivtoti the Ja.nihurn and Nrrhw."-it C-iuiiin v J'tumyiv Lia to tiie citv of krle on Lake Krie. It l.a-tHPN I.'i- u ley iiit l hNiSAYI.VAMA KVlLKOAU iiliK,, end uii.HT tneir aoHpics la tKlag rapidly opened ihriiui.li.ui iu ptnir. ietiytn ii x luiw ii. umi or l -tip-tji kit und Freight builneaa from Ilarr hhur,! io I- ni-rmni. (M i udli"), nu ihe Kst-ateni llvl amt'. ai d tiout HI et'ieid to h.na 7H miles, ou ua V ester a I'ivUi"ii. 1 1 hi: iff iaAeei.Kii;u tuainhat run. vur.i.rttia. alatl l n lu 1" e , h .k) A. M. i..jtiei' I rion iPlves -- Ib;W P. M. t'sra run ti ni -.h witiioi r i iia vr-i: hotn w aya on iheaa train) hiv:f n t lulu) Ipiuu and bock Haveu, and bvlweuil li.i't Ul. IV h UL ! Ck J I u. nil. K loa-ito- f f pnifc ( -tn i -it the Fxpn'ii Train both waya. sir (i-tonn-ifej, raoe-- iny l'a'in,ur.'er hipiinesa, apoly at i e m. K. poriifi oi Ki r V Mil and M-MiKEl' Htreeta. And lm I- ten. hi nulio a ol the i oiopjny h ,;eiua : H it K n( - ii.Ji , corner Ml.l tEM U and MA1UU.T (trert--. I'hl mlelphia J. W. t.0" it-t,iiip. J. att. Irill, Aa-J'.. t K. 0. H., Ilairlrure. II. IIOUHTOJf. Ucneral Frtdpht Arton, Phi(dd"ptila. I.B vis L. lloi'Pr, General Tlok t Airetit. Philadelphia .hhr;ni i i'trn, Ju4-tf Oeaeral klanac. U'tlliatxiapa SHIPPING. jjfi'frfts ''"OK WAHUINOTON, ALLXAlIl'UId. and GI0EQET0WN, D. 0. TV.e uta- and sii-ia-antlil flessashlp 31. O . KNiail TV t AH A l.N UAl.l.At.liaa. Will sail for tho above ports, Cn "Wtdnffa-r, Octuhur 5. a4; 12 o'clock M., J r.u.-. flrat Wli ri above M.uk. l sirt-et. Fcr frtiblu, t. , :.h aMI be ulen itt rt'-n inshlc rstfi. ' uppl tu WM. -! TAYLOR .t Co., Id 1-llf JJo. '.si R, lil LVW AhB Aveuue, ST RAM Wl-.F.KI.Y TO IJVUU potjl loi tliilit- nt IJiit-i-uali wn. L'ork llnrhur. - 1 i,. t i :i-Si.u u ait-iili.fri of tl tl 1. 1 til-pool, Ni-iv Yuik, snd I'htiMi' iiil.ia Hit-iuiibliip I ouipituv arc luiuudeti to aail a. ioIi.iwh : ITIY I'l- .'.tlNHON'. Rattirdav.Oct 'herl, tl'IY ur HA I.l IMOItl-.. riatarOay, (k-tubitr 8. I.'I NA, hslitritiiy, tlrn.hrr I'.. Arid eit-i r auo"oi-illHK batuvilay, at nuon, from Pier Xo 4S Nunh Itlvi-r. ItA'l l- N US' rAHSA'IP. PAYABLE IN CUllUliNCY'. Kil l I al.i n JlullHI Hlociai:o (lurA 1 ll i-t f.'iililli tu I,, lilul, 1711 (al Miera.e it Lull. Ion... frt-tiO 1 ii -t 1'nh n lu l-iiri... Iianai rst.-r.iir.-1. I'urla fin-ui) i ii at Culiiii tn iinmt,! nlMi iai Hierrt tistu si.'iuliiirir. Tl.rn) rttfthi-ni.il''- al u tutaaittttl lu ILivre, liieiuuu, lloi t. i iht in, Anlut-rp. Ar , ht euiiitlly luw I jlfa. fsrt'fi tr.ln l.ivi-iin.. t.r t.uu't nat.'Wii : First Tallin, I'ai, .7u, t .'lu hu .-nc n iruni l.lvi-riiuol and Cnu-eiii-tu-Mi.t;n. 'I i.use w! n ivmh to .cud lor Umlr n lends oau I uv ti, ktta hei'i- itt 'hf-t ra't a, 1 or tuitliu liiiuiai. ii.-ii ui i l-- s( the Company's offlc. .urns il. n.M.i:. Afrnt, Ko- HI YVAI.M i' Blrci-t, l"iil!atlelplua. 4fH iioston and rniLADi-r.niiA Jltaatw. Btaam.l Ip l ino, sitllliur from enoh port oa h.t I I itli.W N, lit'Ui flit at hart ahul. I'INK IStroor l-lllla- dtlphs. aid 1 i vtu;!if, llu.ton. 1 loin drat aruaaf lu' 1'IKS airt-tl.i.n Ssturdar.Ot lober S, Tlio atmuiship SAXON, M.ilht ar,, w, M.lf rotn Phlla drll'hla tnr ih.ai.ii. on haiui.lav, Ot-mhi-r 8. at lo o ol.n.fc ' w ,:, ."',' 'i'!" stiaiinnip jyikM lti. liasiir.n-oiaBoaiou fur I'hilaut-li'hlrt. t-n same day.al I 1'. at. '1 ht ae lit w and auliaiantial sti-ainaliipe form a regular lint-. saNais In-in eath put I pun. uutlly ua Hamrdass. Iiiauisiit'is eliiiud at oui-liau the prvuiluut iu.at.iitl oa anlo vi-a.t-l., I n-li hla laken at falrrates. rllupprra ait-re.iiealtd tosend Blip Kecelpts and BIU j Lsdinv anl, tlii-lr iiooda. Kor V isiahl or i'as.aue (hnvtnir flne aerommodntloaa) appiyto 1IK.NKY WISS..K to., Jaf-tf Kd.Ull. Jltl.AWAliB Aveuua. " A Ta, FOR NEW YOKK. PKSPATCM ' i,s-'iTS7and aoin.ura Lines, ht IwiawHra sua itnnul. 'J he ateulufl. of IIii hh hiif-M m.u i..u .UH..I I'i ii itloak M.. anil A o nUMk U 1 ... .l, 7., f iVwal.n.1 sir.,- . uuu Kor tr.ithi, whi.h will t.e taknn on arfonnuoilatlns' J