The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 03, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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rfieclal Dcsp;it In1 to F.verrtns Tclt;r.iiili.
fL Whbhikotow, Oefjhcr .1.
( Itnltrarift Ki'io.lrc.1.
tai The Orange snrl A'exunlria ruilr id i be r g
fj)Ird to the IUpputmnn "ck.
Tll 'rcallli'lll'o luWrillt.
i,i Tre-i'leui Lincoln tit a representative reercit
tf tho army on Saturday.
jl, A Ni.HII.-r Iti thn l.nw.
n Cnp'aln J. K. Herbert h been admitted to
pother of the Supremo Court of lite I) '.strict of
"lo arutiia.
r 'ii In l lie Frnnl.
jTlrlgadlcr-Oeninl It iwlinB, Chief of SUlf ii
lat'0'',nl Hr.wt, In.iMy tor Hie frm', nfmr fin
1- ence cf torn- lot.gth for the betietit of his
off A t'orrrrtlort,
.The report th t Commander It wn bii boon
cV'if ncil to tho cinimutid of the nvil f irecs on
J tosst of h Cirolinn is lu irrct. No
jnlinpe h is hivn nude in that Department.
c-r, Onfrnl l.ninn f Hnk In lllliiol..
sb Gcmml Jack Logan Is advertised tospeik in
enoothrrn Illinois. He wi'l take th) stron? st
wind in favor of Mr. L'ncoln and against
cCIcllun aid the wlmlii Copperhead crew.
"JJ It Is mmrri'.l tint a successor may so in bo
jjnnd for General Rosecrans. Tin It said to lie
s. trouble, though the precise nature of tlic dlnl
asnlty is not yet made public.
w lloltosiltllrliaj of 111 bile I'll nils.
hi following Natl mal liinks bave been em
oted d pnsitnrie of public fun Is and fiscal
P -tents of the United States during the past wool; :
''JirstNnt onnl limit of Hatavia, Illinois; Second
tI .tlon..l Bunk of Hingor, Maine.
iot fttftnlittr Ntifpllrai
to The Sanitary Commission sent to-diy to Slierl-
i V im y two car-loads of supplier, consisting
f lo-pi'iil clothing, hospital food, stimulants,
w.c, with aridit oml relief agen's. Tim Is the
U"urtti ini'iiiment of supplies, fumi-ilied y tho
jj"; pi ', that h is been furnished slnco the bittlo
pjthc 19:b.
CO! A'lm'ritl Kurrnarnl.
ryTh impression Admiral Farraaut w'll
Jing the vonhels of the Oiilf nnn Iron with him
e' n bi' eornei o the North Atlantic si'ia Iron is
fnlthcnt fnnnda'ion. The (ieship, the Uirtford,
Pill come Noith, bttt that is for rr.p'i'rs, af'er tho
utTierotiN fiery ordu.ils throuih whieh that rj
ownrll rrnt't bas parsed.
Ii ( nplnra f tli Rl-kiiilr.ltiinnr
Jnformntion ba been reeeiiel at tho Nivy
jeeparlent of the eap'Hre, liv the Unlt?d S'a'es
jjyeawter Mninnlla, of the blockade-runner sterner
i&iy nla. atr ut ievent-llve nii'ci from Ct w
.jjhtmiiii, Cn . the wig from O ilvns'un fir
dJavaim, ami hi r cario eo'i'ited of cotton t'io
jjeck-losd of whtoh, some 2;10 ba'es, wm tbr iwo.
"'I'lbourd. Plie li s lid to bo a splendid steamer
If Th Nritffnl ltitnl.
Ti e f illnwlni N ational Bmks b ive been c
yjliliohed dnrrnt Hie p ist wc-k : I'ir-t Ni'in il
. "ink of 0,'ei.ln, N tw York, eanltil S'2"i.')iKI;
K'r t Ni linul liin!; of Wirren, rcnniylv ini ,
L jlOOfflt); Fits' IVurlnrtil Ilink of Provlde-nrn.
''fpnp'i Ivsnin, $"i0.010; Klh'h M iionil IHnk of
"hllttdeli.ldn, lVnn-vlviinli, fj,nr, OKI; Fir-t Ni.
-ioni.l !onk of Mid llrtown, N.!w York, $101,0!)1;
kiirlnerral Bank of nn',on, M isa "hmetN,
VfO.orOi North Dank of lij-ton, Mas'Khusottt,
; n000.
15 1
tlilr I'ri.lni ! ! otlll'f I rtieii.
Ever' bodv rems to be runni'ii; er .f on thi
fnViji ef i oil. Al'other epeeulvi ns h ie been
iBOitl-'tf iy t or bed. and alon the OMo, h 'tween
fb . elty ai'd P i ki r'biirn p ir'lciil irly, littlo c'so
V tirkul or. Tne IrrtTT nn attnetmit tho
t lost afen'l n N 'n Wood and Flena-its countie
'tihU'fjfe and n-ar tbe Olrn river. It lio
t Fr.'ni'b rrei k in 1 H ill "'"-k.
Fr reh i r"fk empties I'.to thn Ohii ihont t'lir
V n rni'e !ilvo- I'lrirt,a It l n tronil-iiMi?. leit
tur nr-i'ev loped rl rerron. not tnorn th in f.inr
t-p rmvtntr hfen rtta iPv Imred on i's binks.
j Jn orhee, the properrv of Mr. M'l'htle'd. alves
I f pmni'se of snivels It U a'i "it four hundred
Vi t en. Tiri ii on ti o mdnt of ltintf tnSnd.
' Tb "Fre'ieb Oeek Coimmn." for-nnd in
Jotk, o opera' on the I mil" leaded by Mr Tin
111. ate. about to bora eight wolW on this tor-
JjO w reek, whleh emp'iei In'o the Ohio about
p lie ab c M rioita, it "inn but hit e wo1 kd
it on n I orfers, fur id. The lands are no
ire I fid bv K "tern eanif tll-tn, an I nre'itra
f'oi' are fx n insde for a viitornns proJii'ii'io i
,'w rk I poit thiii ereek is a renmrkiihlti nhov
0 ir'acc oil. ex"e- rllni? that of nnv oTher triin
() i this rreek Is i well .IS ) i.t
Vep, oned h J i-'k-on X' I'edro, whieh hr.iv
leayt'ream of (TV tind ter 'he de mst
la i t o V,it Virginia od Imds. U iwi
re-r. fo as to eea'the bli 'kshaie in whi 'h
pernii.irs were stiim tided, ihis w 11 iniht nr.i
' , n " TO' V iHs'et"n reni't,
I Villi creek, eioo'ylnff into 'he O''io even ni'les
Iwive ..rie.t t in ttie omit fatnotiv .(f tie Wei
V r'ra stiesms nov kn wn as skir eil v "oil
e rit' it " Thn main uri nm I a-i vt Ini' II tie
nkerf. The lire it wells wlil-h hive hroil.'ht
-)ull f refit It 1 1 notice, nro on urn ill srnnn an I
tin-whh'h re tr h iMry to If. On nn "f th 'si!
on as llnmeneek l i imMd the Illit w II,
r meilnies known n i he "OUMMen well." Tnls
en Is Hhour 'J-'d) feet deep, has been af work
bont On month', n"d ha' iededS1) b irrels
per d.iv ern; from tl at down 1 1 7"i b irre's
The "(iner well," mi ll'irsi nt'ek, promi'cs
Tl e lt Itrrilt well ill tb's nolifllborhood U on
V-iwion's inn. afuvler of Hor eneck o-vned tv
'ck X- llr th'T. of I'hiladdnlila, and struck
Atmot three weeks nii. Ir nbiit S).l
. ,o'r. I' ot oil in a nit'ttle dav. I" in rii'fl bis
ieen. Tcrb(ps, l iO bin l a day. It Is a shVoisr
ftVWn feet deep 'er this Mefi'ri. T ick ft
Aroth. r ha e a weP, 5S(t f 'et deep, lucli yioljs
Jifini 'Jti to ,'0 barrel' ot oil dally
Vhen ft is n ri'Mered that not nvvrc tluu
twi pfv-fi tir we'ts hive been br.iv I on r.i, wh i'o
ieriltorv from 1're' i h cre-k to IlnH eieek. It will
tpier ibst the snec.'ss a're idv oh alii d I verv
fi neonrarii'ir. About lsty well' ar-' in of
,'linrinir on lids territory, and pr.-intrviotis fir
(lierintf twice th t iitmiber nro In prorcu. The
Vlmlnle and Ohio Petroleum Mining rimn.iny
nre i pernin ft ex'en-iiu'ly on all i reu'ks.
''.i ,'!, ,, ii,.n:,,r.,r
!klenvy I'nllure nml Itccllan la rleex
,-A llitiiU .1lobll-'l!ie MilHnry till led
f'uicAno, October 1. Thero !) been (treat
aniic here to-d av. On Thnrstlar. O. Park 'a
iJai.k failed; yi sterd 'y, J. O Conrad's followed;
ml to-day, the We-coni Marine unci Fiiu Iiinir-
Juice (Joiiipiiny Jtiui nml other learning l s were ciiieiiellcd t'i r fuss the ptiyni-nt oi'
,t"rer till Mo-iduy. Oilurs j'aij lu Now
Yi rk exelinnfte.
'lbc panic spread throtiKh a'l"-.. snd
tiiis me Iok it. 1' letir tell 21 e 'n". Wn
J, Ci tn :i. OiH Ii. Itye !N'M. Whisky 8;
I ji'vetytliint' dsa in piopoitkai.
!' licavy lat'in'is ftn.'iny inercii!ii's hive
fc iioieJ t'i "'y 'oiue kiiiitll luiliuci in t lie
aiijuc trade.
JiaVJ"1'1 tliionteiicd the W'-itein Marine Rink
,mt Tylfilck 'I'utile.a, imvrn.iwly csciped
'ii.tiu n'U, liein;; ixsouid by the niiiitaiy, whicU
I VlliH rulkd out.
I '1 he cause of (Iistmlmaee was the refusal ol th
iXlank to ive up the TwoMiU Wsi'd draft fir the
I sjcldiert.' lutul, dcpo-lted yesterday. Finally, the
. "ureiioiB of the l'auik lofl t'ed n'cui itics to pay on
iCvloiiduv, Hid tho mob dispersed,
i The iiiult i pttiiniiL! f'tl nuiedy.
lA The iuhubitauts of Clialniis kur-Sa me wjro
tj'iiuch iiHtem-died icaiitly to heo the mil, which
""was fhlnln;: la ij-ditiv, ktiddeuly objured by a
cUnii'. of im ctn wli: ji lliitteicd In tho air and in
teii'iti.d its layB. Thd iiih.ibitauls be;',n to
tliuwcr water over them , and the ground uud the
towns f the cathedral were quickly covered.
'liny provui to be winded atit, very rata In
. -France, bui freiUently keen in hoi countries. A
"'jcliatitte of weather was predate J by some old
people, and tl.e prediction was ejuii klr aecorn
Vlk.Li.d, for heavy raiu KU lUortly afiuwardj.
Ike laU'st War News.
Staunton and Waynesboro
Success of Meade and
Gen. Sherman All Right.
lOtc, IHc-., Kto., j:to., JUto.
Wasiii.voton, OcUiber 3. M.ynr-Genorul
I)lx, NTi;w York : A depatch fro'n OiMienU
Sliorlilnn, dntcil at Unrritwniburg, October 1,
0-30 P. M., lia.s biu'u roouivoil by this l'ti.irt
nn nt. It states that
I have bt'cn to Staunton and Waynesboro
with the cavalry, and destroyed tho Iron
bridge on thn South rlvor at Waynoiboro,
throwing It Into the river; ul-to the bridge
over Christiana creek and the railroad, from
Sttuiutou to Wuyuehboro."'
The di'tnllH of future operntloua are for
obvious rrasoiiN omitted.
The followins despnteli is the Isitcn t receive 1
rum O.i'iioial Grant:
City Point. 8-30 P. M., October 2, 18 II.-Mnjor-Gr-nerttl
H. W. Hnlleck, ChiefofStiT:
General Itutler, on tho rilit of the .la uci
river, anil Ueucrul Me:ule southwest of Peter i
burg, occupy the came pos'tlon as yet 'rdjy.
There has been but very little lighting to-d iy.
A few prisoners, however, have been captured.
La9t evening General Butler sent t vo
brigades of Infantry, with a littlo cavalry,
within n few hundred yards ol the Inner
f.f works euet of Utchmond, meeting with n j
opposition. U. S. Grant, Llout.-Gen.
Xo ile'-pat"hea have been received for Uirea
dujt) from General fthermau, but vlgorom
measures, which a 1h believed will lie Kuecew
ful, have been tukeu by him to protuci, his
coiimiunication from the 'tebcl raiding p.u iies
ucder Vi'hoi Icr and Forrest.
Eiiiwv M. !rNTr.vl Secret try of War.
Advance on Richmond.
Fnitri;i;sb MuNKoKjOeto'iiei' 2, 4 :)) P. M.
The mail-boat bU r, from 'ily Point, has
The rumor that Petersbmjr was evaeu ited
Heavy tiring tvas beard all this nioi'diug
ft oni t lie north side of the .1 "nca river, hut
notliinf Important as to tile results had b:vn
Rebel ftigltlvcs of all cli-vs are pouring
Into Ileriniulu lluudred In every conceivable
manner. Some am coining dou a on rafts, In
ti.clr eagerness to escape from tho Confed iracy.
Ilebel odleers, now prisoner i In ourliaudi,
Ray they think lth hinond c iiuiot long wltJi
stand the siege now In profit"-'.
All hem lire lu full hope. c to bear
of great results.
General Stannard Woundod.
tosition of ouji Tiioors.
Rebel Attacks Repulsed.
Successes on Iho Squirrel Lovel
Npeclnl lu The rveulnir l' lev;rMli.
WAsniMiio.v, October !. 1 lw mail ;.i'.' tmer
Il'f 'i.'i i, from City Poiti', brine's up thirty Kljc.l
d.s iti rs. Odiecrs who came up on her coulinu
the u-j'Oit of our sncois-cs, gained by Meade on
ti e Hipiiirul 1a vol iv.el on Friday, but tho en.
papenif ut, wlilc'a closed i.ito en lire eve ning of
tli tit day, bad no'. bc;n renewed ut 1 oVloei; oa
friiturduy luorniiij!, whieh, however, may be
accounted lor by the lact th at it was raiutu voiy
bear ly at that time.
On Friday, Meade drove the enemy from their
two tint lines cf defenses on the Uiuiircl Level
toad, and at tho end of the cuHugeiuc'.vt we held
tUebe iiiticnchmcuts, whleli aid some four ml!cs
from Petersburg.
Coloucl Welch, of tho Id'.h Miclngan Regiment,
was killed while gallantly leading lib regiment
in a iluii;o agaiu.t thea works. Ills body wi.
bioiigbt up ou the ll'iii'i e, and ill be sent to hli
friendi at Ann Arbor, Michigan. This regiment
was hauly cut up in th; engagement, and lost six
out of nine oilleers in killed and wounded.
When the Ili6'w- left City Point yotciJy
uioining caunouading wu hcaid in the direction
of l'vtei.slitirg, but it was not known whether the
fighting hud keen renewed or not. The informa
tion Irum tho ncnlU iide Of tUe Jamv U 19 the
ctri ct that on Friday the rnemymlo three nn
fnce.lul at!- uipts to retake, the w irks
Chap'n'i Farm. Hiey were repined eichtlui",
with ftreat lots to then, and we now hoi I all tho
works wo capnin d, itU the tx p'l n of a im ill
rrdonbt on the Jsmes river, which e nld not bo
held withoo' U'eli-s saeritiee of lite, as It whs
eommonded by tho Kubel rams in the rtrcr.
In repnlsnif one of thce ntt.ii k', O nieral
Oeorgo Kutiiianl, eonim inding tho lit Division,
IBib Corps, lo-t hi' firm. Foil.-of hi' ill'
wi re woi.nded at the same time, anion ;st the
nuniU r C iptiiln W. L. Kciuj' and I. entenimt W.
8. Ilnbbell. (lenctnl Stannard n;id these tvo
oil ccrs cuni" up on the HV6s'er.
Niarly allot' our wonndrd at Ch.iplt.'s Firm
lmve been nt to Fortress Monroe. Our vr I
in Mi .n!t '- liphiii on the ipiirrel I.-velro.iJ
will uundicr al out live hundred. Thn lirst ambii
lanre train of these w. undid arrived at City
Foil t jc s'erd iy niottduif.
Ik twei ii two hundred and three hundred H- bcl
rr'ji irs, hc ti -t Instalment of the linin ir eiji-
tated in (iumi'n I ce m ivcni' nt.bavo riaeheJ the
piiioi (r's cunp nt City P un'.
The body ot (ieiicrnl Durnhain, ki'icd In the
fvh'lnpnt Ch ipi i's F irm, has re i. U' I hcn o i
its w ay to his home at Cherry livid, Maine.
General Ewiug's Defense of
Pilot Knob.
rtc, Fir., r.le., F.ip., K.le.,,
Si. Loi is, Ojtober i The train from Frank
lin to day reports till ipret there. The ltobels, It
is reported, have destroyed the bridges and
burned all the railroad property for tventy miles
below Franklin. The prisoners who were cip
ttired about sixteen miles bylaw Franklin learned
from tin ni that Price was about two miles beyond
with 7 "0 men.
All is iiuict on Iron Mountain as far as Hills
Ihto, where tho Rebels are reported to be work
in c the Iced mines.
Fretlerii kton is still occupied by the Ucbcls,
but not In liir'c foreo.
Gi n. ral Kwing's defense of Pilot Kno'i Is
tlcseribed by an cye-ni'noss as being one of tho
litiist of the war. Ills p trra- als i is said to have
hem moid g dtniilly conducted. 11 is lie u had no
s iep for l air ii'ghts, and nothing to cat except
what they could pick upon the way ; und they
I'niight the i netny coii'tdii'ly. Ji.ithin' h is been
heard from then since their arrival at II irris ni's
St. r inn, but it is believed tluy hid reiehed
The depots in V.ishinton find South Point,
fifteen or eighteen tulles wi st of Franklin on the
Pucttie road, are reported to have been burned.
The f-on-woilis at Pilot Knob have tourero I to
.ho extent of l etneeti SJO.nOo and S..' i.tlOO, and
the s on s In the town robbed of from 9-VtyWO to
S i;r,ia.o wonh of goods.
A nentli man who left Pilot Knob on Frilny
tiluht repre-cnts that Prieo has from Sd.Otlt) ti
2.i,( 00 veterans, Indep. ndent of l;em 30 KJ to OMO
recruits recently obtained.
nir; Lowm Mississippi.
I'I.'iisi.ii I'xtrnriN tri.tii Si.ntliern I'ftpersi.
Cinio, netoii. r t!. The eteainer II-IU; feorn
Men hi', brings pap rs that city to tho
ii)lb, and Duvall's fllnir dates to the '.':'d, but
thej fiirnl-h no lit i.
T lie j.' ii i: I ,o it Vi a I was attacked at ie foot of
I. tt'c 1 linul by Kn ill is from both sides of 'he
liver. The gurmoiit shi lied them und killed eight
or ten.
The tdc.iTuer A' nt-m was fired into below
Clsieiidon, ou the U hi e river, and tho .t ii
Jnnlm was altaekcd nt Tipton vi Iy, on the Missis
sippi river, but no person on either vessel was
hint. 4
The Federal officers furnish tho followlug sum
niury of news from the Rebel papers:
The Mississipni Legislature was to meet at
Innt"Otiit ry on September 25.
General Joe Johnston has been at Mi on, Oa.,
since his rimoval from comm mil.
The Selma Jjial says that Henry S. Foote
locks on the McClcllun prty us a ie ice party,
und counsels a ready welcome of peace uvertures-
Tho fame paper says "the enemy is strongly
fortify Ing t Atlanta, und probab'y making pre
parations lor another movement. Our army 1' at
Jotieshoro, with pickets six miles b ;youd the fsir-
"The Southern ciple look for arei-n of terror
In the Notth us grca: us that during tneFren ih
Hi volution."
The Montgomery . I itm-IW of the .tilth i.ijs
the depopulation of Atlanta shows Sharmuu's
exticuilty in tint way of supplies, as the met
suie tkiiii adopted to save his army from starva
tion. It does not tee bow llood could have re
tained possession of Atlanta, and thinks no
puui.shmeut t jo severe, foe the miscreants who
took the iiuiiiesty In orjcr lo save their property,
und wci.t N jiih.
The Moiilg' niery fuil Fays tho Mississippi
river is pstrelled by Yankees with a sleepless
watcl.ltiliicss, rendering it Impossible ti cross
ai.ya bi re.
The Chief Uu.irieruuister of the Mississippi
ttO'i S has Issued nrdeis fur the proscrv.ui .n of
the worn-out lugs, grain i rl', rope, and other
n stt rial, out of paper can be made for the
public use.
Admiral Porter left Cairo to-d 'y for the North
Insuadcf New Oilcans.
TIIK AltVANCi: N K ti ll it Si .
Oi totnT2. I'ho enemy atui'ked General Ayres'
Division yesteiday moruiag, and were repulses 1
tilth heavy loss. This was the ouly lighting
which took place on the loft yesterday, with the
exception of an attack by Hampton's Cavalry ou
General Gregg, oa tho Yauflin road. The enemy
wi re driven back with a good deal of loss iv.i I
Suine prisoners. Ojr lo-s was very blight.
The army is now stroLgiy intremhel, and a
battle may oe ur at any time. Our losi on l'ri -day
is not yet nscettiined, but it will nit vary
nun h from I stated yesterday.
Hie enemy claim to lmve captured a numbs.'
of misoiiers iroiu the !l;'a Corps on that day.
't he T'.ichnioiid papers boast of a victory over
KLet'idau lu Hie valley, and tajr that he wa re
treating. Our troops took some thiiiy prisoners' yeser
di.y, among whom is a Lieutenaut oa (Jeneral
Diuhani's stall'.
A heavy raiu storm prevailed all day, and
prevented uioYuucuts to any considerable extent.
Movement ot IJraut'si Army ou Kiiuilay.
WAsiiiMiioN, October 3. Pasncugers who left
City Point ytotciduy nioiuing at 10 o'clock say
that at that time there was bring on tho right aud
left of Piteisburg, hut very little in front. The
entire army was iu motion, and tho indications
weie that a gem ral eujaigcment was meditated.
A stcunnr had arrived with a loud of prisoners
fiom tbe James river.
Folly deserters from the Kebel army arrived
beie this morning, took the oath of aUcytuuce,
aud Lave been seut Noriu.
Another Humor nbsnt erst.ura;.
liM UM. Hi-, D tolu r 3. H'e l- i:heiitie t'' I
tie. i ui.ts hr li.thl here by passengers tV.nn Ot 1
Point thi mornlni; ny I-e h a'efaeu itnd Peters,
buig i ml retire .1 to I'hin the iiutticdi i e defcii-es
l Ii ichnioiid, and M ado is sal I to be i'iHja-ih
him closely.
Arrlsisl of sit.'isfnpr.
Nnv Y itiK, t eto'ier .1 The BUuoier S i ,,m',i
arrived to-d.iy. Her adilees haro b.'n miiiel
putid. a l-o the steamer I 11-mn, from Loud in
un the loth.
Iiisnlon tiy ' SI nils nil' Jncltsoii Tli
Mlllllit I ,.lt.l Slut- I'oMHchI froipecl',
I if.. lr.
MoitoiMowN, .September 2S Tho (1 iviru ir
of West Virginia has jti't ca'led ou: the tnilit 4
of Harrison, M.i ion, and Tailor c unities. A
putty larse ravulry fonv, variously reputed to
ni nibrr from 'MI to 2 sh), unlor Ucner il 1111
Juckson, of skedaddling noto.ieiy, has Inva I d
the territotyof mme of the opprr c.iuntls in
Wi st Vireinin. It is sa d tie y came Int i Weston,
Hie c nnty town of Lewis eotiutv, night liol'jre
lli-i, illid took p s-i Mston ot that i l us'.
The I aek driver from la rm unit ti 'h s p' ice
n-ibiv brines in'oriiiiitinn lint yst nliy the
Hi 1 1 js were on tin ir way to Catrk-liur. wbhan
Iru miles of that niece, somo I.Vio str. m, and
snppos'd to be gi I n to Clark-burix We hav
no pintieul is of what thev did ut Wo to i, n ir
do we know theobect of tho raid, nn'ess It is to
plutidi r at.d cot. hi ript soldi, rs to put. thtu in to
a d the Rein 1 m the uidcy. It Is certain, ho v
i ver. thut (bin nmr Uoreinan hss called out tho
in 1 1 n lu ot" llarri-oti. Tavlor. and Mnri-in coan ii!9,
to ff Hi d drive out the thieving ruea's.
The State ot WestVirginii m iv hi set dawn
c. r ain to east her vo'e lor "Old Cn l ,i i a id
Amy," by an ovei whelming muj uity, the second
Tuisduy in November.
.itrrnl lirr tolloHltiK "HI laj" Tlilien In I'rimp' el.
The apprehensions of many go id citizens, and
Hie looli h hop. s of some traitors, may be re
innvi d or at least diminished by Intelligence ol a
fact heretofore "contra'aind," but which by this
time must have made Itself known to tho enemy.
Tint Important fact Is, that Ptice's forces had
scarcely reached the vlcluitv of Ibi csvill t, Ark ,
wl en a heavy body of national troops, cava rv
Iniitntiy, suid artillery, nnder Go ioial .lo'eph
Mower, moved iu two columns northward
after Price's rear, from Ilro msvlllc, wliieh
i op the line of the r.dlroad between I. f-lc Ito -k
mid Ituvall's llpitl. Mower's adi'a'ici left .V'l'
lin, seine -ixtei ti miles norttiea-t of llrnw risville,
on lio- I.ith instant, on which cUv (Janerals S eelii
in d Mo cr ere Iticonsnit dion at the I is'-na ued
place. Tt is form dable movement, in iy soon
M-iilt In skirmishi'iu or a tint e li't vcu l'ri e
ni i Mower, but it is bclievd tint the I nter
wi uhl willinit'y iei niit th" main Itodv of his
pdver-ery lo proceed a eon-litcra'de distance int.,
Mis-Mini, or li I bis front should 'lecotue engl 'cd
by the I'oices nnder flenenil A J Smith.
Mower is undersiiiotl to lie uctiiii iiud r or-l 'rs
front (mti ral S'e I, snd the bi-'erlo be follow'iiit
insii nit ons from Mnjor-lieneral fMnbv. Tim
irtssuie uton the O ni-rai's immedi ite den it
niei.r tas b-cn so tar r lie veil hv the fall of
A'lpii'ft. that he has. don'ir'ess. foim I hi nseb
id le to nbiindiiiitlv reinforce Steele nt Lot n II ek
ntirt nt Ilrownsville, nni'bliu bini to tak i 011. of
the It i' llire itenul and ut last uetua'ly progress
it. it it vnsUin id Mis-oihI.
To 'l e It' d river ievere we are, do ib'less in.
di bti d tor the magnitude of this ineu-si m, ivi
the incci us at Atlanta Immensely iviurreri I incs
that li.i-ter, nnd will, probiiily. nv dvn th
s'ct'iil d fei.t of Pilee's exoediiion tiMisso iri.
Had Atlanta stttl detied Sherman's etf ins, or h-i I
bis arrr y ht en foieert to retire, Steele would have
been Teem ed to the defense, if not the nivurion
no nt il" Lit t in It.ii'k.Hnd ilie lovali-tsof Mss.i iri
won d piolait-lv h ive now, aboo.t unaide I, to
tneci the in vii- ion i f the triumphant itu 1 n 10 . rior
As 'he ease s'auds, M'ssoorlsns hsva nmvonlv
to lei I in Iv p ri'iirin the doll at hiiud, fsj'H I
ii B el e. 1 ml v to the sppeil of thn dei ir' nent
een irni 'icr. In orde- t.i ln'Ure nor "nlv fie
sat. iv i f tl" State, but thn n' er di con bure of
her iiibolet.t iuv.ideri. ttxvutri l-mocri?.
TiMi'ioMii. to i ii:i ri;vtii".(iRvi".
It A I.'.
The loynl ladles of St. Imis havn ever bivn
fcnnio-t in apiireeiating and re.varding tio
11 crits QD.l labors of our distinguished o IKcrs
and snldTrs.
Soon after General Grant was called to W.ish
Ingtoti last st ring, a few of tho Union lidic of
tit. Louis, desirous of honoring him, conceived
tl.e idea nf pies' nting him with a ban
Mr. O. W. Alexander, on Olive street, under
Iho Montoo llou-c, undertook to get It up. Tho
coat, which Is of the regulation blue, is of the
lim st, nnd the sleeves and color are m it
Is antiltiliy worked in gold oik leaves, so lut;r
h c. d 11s to loi m a continuous baud.
This gold woiklnd is inn quilled perhipi hy
any piece of Bold embroidery ever done in the
country. F. eKatiisliiiuldir-triis,aiul asulcji lid
pell ot gold p luleites, w oh three silver siurs
woik'd on thi'tii. embeilisti ttie cut. Oroit
ciedit was iveii to Mr. Alexander for C10 ideg int
nun. in r in which iho whole thi.ig w is I I'.toi up.
Tbe iO't ol the coat and epaulettes w is ,f'2M.
One delav utter another occurred onong the
e n ft i t ii anu s, so that the coat did not reach
(ieneral (irant un'ii a lew dav ago. I ho I' lilo.
ut ei.rie-iiondeiice passed between the ladies and
fii i.cial lir-iut :
Mt I 01 is .tunc '.'7 I leiiisn'int lliccra' IT. a. ilranl
llel '' .- '' ll- llllilerslmii A ll I'-s el si. I.iiih b -s vua
y ill lien- r ll.' in 'iv ae-esiitins .tils I, leii'e'isnl U"n rail
rn.l 'I l e pllt Is verv nnHlt unit as snl.les'it 0i ili lie. I i' siea an 1 meili .mivh ii. a..s. r u. tint t!m tail .
. will in . n it It a s ila'lit t .11 nun si ni ili.'lr
1 h e. u. si. 1 l it. 1' earnest wish ttii'y enialttia fur loir
In 11 e 1 iieee' . snrt nciioii
1 lu i ni vet" I-. t 11 liiiv iriiliieil ror the ns'lni
onus ( li'ate s i.l ciiciei. i i.ii tmv- liisinreit In itin
ul eveil l-w Ol' lie "t ft'i I'ltiu 1, s' le. il. nun In
luOOesiiin tv". I unur sii-l y.i'ir ns I nrn'il toil lorl-.n -rum
sil Mm- la e'-s cioi hu i" to u 'd lu yunr ts'i i-s srs
:lie (irail IS ut' I'li-lr h' .ris (r yujr continue! uee
una It e Weak el ttmir tis' . r s nir iir.u are! sielHrliiit
Hullliers. Ver ll'iie. Uulll ll llr'l'y .ei-.
In liel'S'l 'f
Mia .lelm o Ks'leo, M'. F. P. R',
Mis l We, Mn O l. Klllev,
,.li. 11 fsi. 'Mr.. Sua" T Oliver,
Vrs. ,l,.s. ii. Iir-. s-ll, Mrs f. -rii. Ill inn,
.. w M 11 l ie i.. n, Mr.-l 'leirliM r.-rcs,
r-.lHe Inll'V. .M'S Sll.lil'l HHeJ,
lis.,l ll liar I'u r. Mrs l.-hn .1. If e.
Mis'i.l.llisi'li, sc.. ll'-iu H'-lm h,
HI., "ii-l. I.riui.n, M -. W T Kill' v,
l 1 -. 1 1 I II 1" il'el , Mils llelleVleve Fad..
Ml-s Mi rj I'. Miisn lie, 1
Hi i"ji Aim us tusi' s in T ir Tnit' i flr Ti-.s. f'li T
Pi I' T. V . -i,,(.lt-Teli r I, 'Wi 1, St Is. H IT ''. Hl.l 1',
si I. mils. Mn - I luve Itu- tin 'ii. tn iicki.iwle.1 e til" re
el l.i treee vet' I'tiUonllie 'i 'di l.isiim ) ut ur n ileuf
.line '.'.'ll. mil III'' In llillll"!' C 'Si sslileli aeeoiil'iHII'iil It.
I H Ilie CSIiri-sH HIV nin reel it nn ut'tlia Slil'l I'l'-t Ii IfstH t'14
)lu. tui ell till- t' .O "lul l""U III" lull'', ul' Si I.. ells, II 'ill
tnv I SI I est tillpe 'lis' nd- lllt.-riisl hi ttie Itrent e (si- nt
ll.i untrv v nlel. 1'ie.i piu'iil.'' I" your Iw itTtu 'ijit'iy
llu ir lino its ol Min '..'s. ami lev the wurk nf Itieir liaiels
tni i. in In ave mill -int. i li.t sul' Ii''h,"iiiii' nri-er II u: until
stiiei-sils fiellili il' e mi-Hshe'd, ftUst uur lrAve sjljlum
an- cul1' it t' mi.ii.t nn mure.
uer ulieJiyi.t sci'i'init,
I . S. i.ll ANT, Lloidenmit-C'tisrsl.
fit. L:iiii '' itipe;'...'.
I 1 ti II. m iil l lUKM H.
Cm un St iri s Ciitct ir Covut Judg s Griur
uud (.'adwalaiier.
'1 he Oeiouei .Sc-sions of this Court began th.s
laoi nim.
'JlieC .ty of Philadelphia vs. Thomas H.I chl
This W'is an nrti-m to tccover ba'dt tax paid by
the city, under pi ok it, lor g 'Suaed in tliepu'j.ic
lumps.' . ,
'i he cae l.i ln ;s up a test question as to who
tbei Hie city h linble to way a tax tip m
Ujanuracl.iled for sale, but ior use. A
nn ount is involved in w.ati.rcr dc:i-i.m th
Court may make. Messrs. h. h. . N.ebol, ll.eha d
l.liill.ev, W. L. Hiit, and I. O. Vw."t,'r .!'" 'ho
city ; Chailcs Oilpiu aud JoUtl K. ft.entliie f jr
the United .Stales.
IMt intcT Cot rcr No. 2 Judge ShurswooL
The Court met this morning for jury trials, for
Ho September term. The llr-t cuso ready for
tn il was that of Joseph It. Keim, assignee of
lleiiianiiu 11. Piillield, . Woldon K. Park.
Tiiis viiis mi ai'inm to recover ou a bond for
ittl.itiil. The defense Is pivment. Oil trial,
tihaiplcss and Meyer for plaiutill ; Stover tar
detelldunt. . , m. , .
DisTiiicT CoctiT Nd. 1 Jinlgo nare. This
court also nut for jury trials. No case upon tho
lint baiug uudy, the eoart Hjourued till ta
niorrow. Coi ut ok Ovun anii TuMMiMia Ami QuAurna
Bi.ssjoNS-Jiidues Thompson and Alllsou. T ho
October sessions of this court commenced this
morning. 1 he week had been anuod to the
tiial of liouilcide casvn
The ri... of Wdt atn M piire.rh ir d wl'li Hi
ti ii i'n i f M ru'iri' l". i t, nt the f'eiin iiti
'I In, was tir-t called f -r 'ri d. In si i.s-trt "I
a ii i.ti nf ra 'oti'iiiini' ce. lr. i' issety ,i- .en r.
un iittiilm I' of H. i- pnsiice , ih 't 1','i. i' eru W igh',
mi in p'Mtii.t witness wis i.ii-fni. f orn th it v
lii" i ttii'u vi ii I s i sits tor h ii it Mrs. Wr it'll
cm i ri.v. tl a-, for two vecks prior to "lie 'i.'ciir.
r- t at he C in 1 1 m-n ' il I'll a're, he 'u t b e i
diilill I'g toixecss, ntlil I 'leri'f T" v.S li lt Is S
(i.i dif i". to know v b i' tr msp re 1 oa the nmht
Mn eh ll er w is kd .. i ni absence of o her
suie. ."is wes a'so Ihar-'d.
Mr. M.i' ti oppo e.l iho ecn'inna i e, ri it the
Ci nrt pr int. d iin iii itl ui, m I fixed iho see., id
Moin'ny in Nov ni'n r f r 'he Irak
The e ot Ciinr'es H in nha i, cha's""! with
the de-i'h "f .bihn firive-t, w ii nt CAlled, und
b jurv vi : bee nn 1 1 lie enin in''l d.
'I he defendant Is chnrn I w ill the killne of
John Oiavei, nt a tavern do.n town, m to -it'i
ot' June.
A jury had n it been ob'iiitied tvh' ii oil" v rt
Pi ath or TitiritmniKTita To ny. Sii K. M.,
6 . N.ion. One P. M. .VI. Wind, E.
Tin: finsNii HiiMtmi To'-nN cm mr.-The
b Hi nd tournament between eight o? thn ni'i't
skilful players In this eitv, for the cha naionshi.i
of the S'afc of Pennsvlv inia. comes off ut ! m'OTi
Street Pall this aftprnooi, and will bi cant nuetl
rverT nfternoon and evening u i'il tint 10 h. Th
illielpn prio will ho in ele.'i'it cue. of th"
viiiiie of ff'jo. desljrnated the Cha n d in C I" of
thn Stile" of Pcnnsi Iv mis. Th ieoiid prize
will be a handsome service of silverware, valued
at J I (SI.
F.n ht p'nvers h ive thus f ir ent 'red tin, le-ts :
Chii-ti'in llird, Victor Ks ephe, Jn'ii i P ii'ike t.
John W. M.i 'tciimcry, Hubert T llya.ll. I'.d ird
II. Ne'nis, ,1. p. liner, nnd II. H"wos. With tho
fxceptii.ii of Mr. Palmer, all are profession d
pl. ycrs, und their skill with the eti" Is i gn irun
He that iho contest, will b a brlli int one, un I
that t' c w inner nf the emblem ttie. cue will h ive
well rurni d his laurels. Tho g .ius will b live
I tindrrd po rt' up. and each a'sver wi'l contend
with evciv other p m er. Should no mora tbvi
the prfent eiu'ht players enter, tw ntv eleh'
clinics will havo to be played, utiles' tli"ro be a
The nnronneenient of tbe hobUnit of the tons
ran ent Ins awnkeried in biipard c;reles genoral'v
a live'y interest In the pr. oeetlin:s, and tho eon
test' nre nwuPed with plea-ura'de an'.i dui'i ins
I mil r tbe man genient '.('the etllcient commi't'e
of nirnniteuicniH, the to-irnniiient c oinot be o'Ii-t
Ibun a giiind 'in ec-s, und nn Import mt even' in
ilie nun -Is of i'ei iisylvania lid i irds. An esoecinl
feature nf the mectii it wl 1 bo the exclnsloii of
Ihe inishing stroke, which wi'l also be pr.ih'bit 1 1
In the siibseiiicnt contests for th" Ch mipl in C le
II. sides brln ir a rotisliicr itu defi ren 'O to the
oplidors of thousands of hi'linrdwrs, wh'i, jtis'lv
reeitrdtng ihe "push shot" as a chn k to artistle
m ogress in bllliii'd", nre clsmorous for I" exnul
s'on, yet piopi r'y hi"k to profession d player 'o
initiate the reform, the exclusion of this stroke
ri duci s the eonti sis In an nxn isition of true bll's, nnd thus doubles their attraction,
roinicAi.. A birite meeting was bold on
Saturday evening at the Cnlon Leiguo 11 ill, in
C'h sunt strert, above Twelfth. An address wis
delivered by General John Cochrane, late a can
didate for the Vice-Presidency.
A mass meeting of the friends of the Union
was held In the Twentieth War 1 on (Utiird iy
night, ut the corner of F.lcventh street and Oirard
iiveiitie .Nfcchcs wcie nt mo by Samuel Owens,
Fsii., Maj a Dierny, mid o'hers.
Though the weather was decidedly nnpr ipl
lit lis tor mit-iloor display on S. i nr. I iy evening
vet H ere itas a flag-riiising rlemonstra'ion a
Si cot d and diates streets more than us i illy
inteii siiii". The hall was tilled to its iitinos
ciipjcity. Aiiellle'cut briss bind wn prowl'.
M .miress, I'cij., wns etui-en President, wh i.
Ii; on Inking the ch1 i.", di livered a fev rein irks,
si il introduced A. II. Mo maker, 14 'q , wh mil"
a bru t sntl effective speech, which was loudly
n I plumb d.
1 he itri ti' mass niectlrg of thn First. Congr 's
s ot al liistrici, ilia, was to bavn been hald on
S: lurih y csei.ii g in Second an I Christian
stiiets, iv is postponed becnise of tho d.i"l ug
rain showets that ! i nt intervals. Vti-'ia was un
lull In that lie ni'y of snlli i n' cut ity r i w
ccn ti ocute otie-tenth of lini people, there'i'r'! n
losiponi'n.ent was sg'ccit upon. Pile inu '. iig
will be behl this even leg, and it I' un lerstoo I
that a de egatiuu of the Caiup.l 'u C'eab will pay
a l-it to ii.
1 he Cnlnn party f the IM'ivcith Wirl have
fclecied L' vi 1) t'lgiio ai tlieir c and. I a e for Sol ici
Coiiiicl'. Mr. Iluiigan was f irtnerly was a :n in
bi r I the Six h Wrd.
H ero was a meeting of th" D no. r icv at the
Couth rut I Tl en re on Satur l iy evening. .1 1
sn b it on " ul I , F'q., presided. Siai'ches we-e
made by li nera' Morrow, of Kentn. kv, Ciiitaln
(Jeiny, of We-tern Vl'lnl i. and Mr. P"irln .
Siereiiiryof the Cli'i'sno Conveuiion. A b t'er
WHSreCeind from Mulard ! illtuore, whieli was
Fall of a New IIi iiding Naurow F'sijacr.
This morning, alsiut half pist 3 oMoek, the
new building at the northeast c truer of LCighth
and Vine streets fe'l with a tremend ins crash.
The structure was nearly completed, wis about
1 10 feet on Eighth street, -ll feet on Vino street,
and thn e stories iu li'ilglit. Tbe first fl wr w is
to be used for stores, wuilu Ihe two npp r stories
were to be used as public halls, for the hoi Iiik o'
ni.eiiigs, balls, fa: The budding was of a neat
pre-sed hrick fmiit, aud would sojii htvo been
leuiiy lor occupancy.
About the time mined two police oil ers, who
were sta:.i;!iig a shnrt distiiace oil', h.urd the
lading ot bucks. They ha teiied to the luiLuluu',
with the view of aseeriuinmg the rati e of tnu
alnim. One of Iheui a"ieiideJ a lad Icr on Vine
si net, nnd mane his way into the soon! store,
whin more nan ouc-lulf of lue ntrtic'uro on
ptijhih str. et f. II. A portiou of the r iot' and .ill
ll at art ol the front tell with it. an I tho ruins
eie sca'teied Into i Im street. F ircnnutoly, n i
Mrit wtis in jureil, but had the accident hippjiiet
ut liny otln r time, the result would b ive hceo
most Oi-i.siuius. Mr. Rush is tin' coinract ir for
the i reel inu of the building, and aserioes the
ticiidint lo the giving uway of tho temporary
upiifhts whn h supported the nirders.
'ihe Hnl ding ln-pect .rs o vo it to themselves
to make a thoioiigh investia ion as to toe cause,
of the aecidiiit. I ho wh ile s ructure has in o'i
lo wen ke lied and sliu lereil by the fill, Hint pu'ilie
siifi ly drmunds I' n"nrly ull should be taeen
down. Ti e cars on Klghth s'reet were nimbie, t )
prueied on their regular trios tins in irnkig.
Anot Thii mi'ii The silver medal offered
at tho late State Fair .V Fusion for the "best
dmiblc-tLriiid Sewing Machine" was awarded to
the "Grovcr & linker" Machine. Also the pre
in inn lor "best specimens of Sewing M tchiuo
wink." As ull Ihe leading Machines T( i'l
cnn'peliti. n, nnd the C imml'tite aek io.vle.lged
to I c oue cf the utih stand most iiitel.igeut that
i unlit havi been seli ced 10 in die tile exanll l i
11. .it und award, il Is a lull cntnii tn .tion of thn
verdict of 18'..'). when forty-four Ibst niemi'ion
wtie iiwuitled tho "drover it linker" C impiny,
bv tho dill, rent State, County, and l'l'titutn
Fairs, lor "I est Sewing Machine and best work."
Those ii bout purchasing a Sewing Machine should
not lull to cull at tin ir oil! e. No. 7 W Chosnut
street, and examine these Machines uud the
elegant specimens ol'woik done by them.
Tim Jr. wish Festival or Hahuaxa.
The Jewish year .')''.2'i commenced on Friday at
sundown, and as usual was set apart for telle -tion
nnd pracr by the sect throughout tho giobo,
as cnmuuihdcd In Leviticus xxiii, 21,21. At
dnybiiak on Saturday the various c
assembled in llieir synagogues, attired lu their
robes of dentil, and the Rnbbis recited prayers
and exhortations, and themiphur, a ttitiupci ma le
from a rum's horn, was blow n. Until these cere
monies a sliict fust is observed. This festival is
the second in iiiipoiuure in tho Jewish Church,
aid is i tun iu e moral ive of the creation of the
world, Ihe snciitice of I'aae, und Ihe future com
IV ol tho Messiah, nud continues for two days.
A Mi'an Ciiahuk. Last week on Individual,
itsidiug In Goruinntown, tcsjk out a warrant for
the arrest of u husband, wife, and daughter,
charging them with tho larceny of a allele of
wood. The piOtecuMK produced a witness who
swore that the sumo stick oi wood he saw
In tho defendant's yurd belonged to him, tho
prosecutor. As sticks of wood are to much alike,
ihe Aldi iinau "could'ut tee it," aud dtchurg,ecl
the parlicf. '
Fast IHiiviho. Duiby road is made a regu
lar race-course ou Sundays by roughs from the
city, who hire burses aud go there to umue
tl.eumclves. Yesterday ouo of these oifcnders,
named George Clark, was arrested (or racing, and
held to bail by Alderman Allen.
lUcMiiriMci. This nioruhig only nlus men
received the city bouuty of IM'tO. Rather a poor
day's work for thrto wards Wat are yet liable to
the dull.
Imihovivini w c Firi; CoMcesv. Tho
"prii g fisr.ti ii lln-e Couipi'iv, w nn present
ea'i m is In Far. i-h s'r.Tt, la low Tsfclfih, havo
pur Inord s v illi .bio lot of ground on U il.t
av iin, ah ive Thompson street, nuoti whl h
Hi' y nre loiw erreiiiic a costl threa story etigtu'i
house Thn fr .nt ot ihe lirst story will bi Iron
and the upn- r stoih s of pressed brick. 1'tie sio
n Ihe I milling wit bo tinny-two leet front by
s Veniy hvc I". e diep, and will have all the nere
sry a a tiuiui "'a lot's for a so nm engine and w li as a h i ik nml ladder.
Coi n rnu-KiT CriiaiM v. Churles Williams,
alias Cl ailcs Ilet, was arrested In Water street,
ib ive Cailowhill, ou Sitii'day, by Lieutenant
Spt r, upon suspicion of bring a professional
' shovrr" of counicrti'P money. As soon as taken
II I" ctJtodv the prl-oncr threw snin, 'tlnng aw iv,
wlin h LieuP naut Sh .r pi lo d up, nml I to
tic a tiuiulleoi' eouiitertcit fnt'tiional currency,
smountitig in sil lo one tuiiidreil dotlar. Ttie
i ount' rfeits arc exec, dingly wi 11 i xei uted. nnd
riiKld casby deceive, ihe pils inerwas loclisd
up fi r n hutriug helore Hie United S ates Coin
Ini'sliilier. Tun Vkiihii r Tho jury empannelled by the
(knnner to invcstigite the ruuse of the fa ling of
'he iron rafters at the Philadelphia and Frio rail
toad depot, Six'cen'h and Market, streets, by
which the lives of three uniiosrn in n wero lost,
have nncend a verdict that the accident w is one
nl Iho c ylilch i aiinot he s itisfictonly explained,
.'iniirw hl. litlievciiir.i.t utt icli blamo to any
if the pan i s concerned.
Asitil.r ami Ilei rnhv Cash. This morning,
.1 mis Ford was held in fr" 100 ball by Aldertusn
Tol.ii d, to answer Iho charge of assault and
buttery. He was arre ted nt Third an I flteon
sliu ts. anil niHilo an assiiultun th p dice, "ill scrs.
Micbui l Waul was iirresied nt Dock und Spruce
slreits. and hel l iu '.! SHI ball for assault und
battery, and Ureeny ol jfjo.
City Mouret.iTV. Tho wholo number of
deaths repented ut the olll-c of tho D iard of
lleulth last week was .'101, of which 1.1 occurred In
tl.ceountry. The deathsaud Interments of soldiers
iiiindieied 41. Tne iiutintv was as follows:
I'm cd States, 2: ; t'oietgu, nil; unknot n, Id;
t n in tho Alm-housc, 1) ; pi o,de of color, 21.
Tub Hioiilht Prcmh m Ykt. At a recent
meeting of the Seven h Ward Draft ComiuitteO,
a gold dollar, the gill of a widow In humble cir
ccmstuuecs, whose only son Is in the Union
amy, was put up at unction, anil after a spoiled
ei mpctiili n was knocked down at onu hundred
at d eightei n dollars.
Disomii.itLY Cu Ti-tiK. The polieo of the
Third District made a descent on a disorderly
dunce house. In IS i'inerstreet, be'ow Sec mil, on
uiurd.iy night, and arreted thinv-nino persons,
mule and female. At tne time of t'tu arra-t they
weie engaged lu drinking, dancing, nu t lighting.
All hands were sent below. Cask. Two negroes got Into a
at Ninth and Rodman trec's, on S itutd iy nl;ht,
whin one of them stab'.' d the other in the breast.
The oflei der, n irncd Harrison Cull, was arrested
and C'lnnil led to nns ver the cliurgu.
Dkath or an Oi.ii TiiortiNo IIoum:, The
trotting burse "Old John," o vued by Anthony
Ftii hi r, of this city, du d a few days sui te at the
.idianeed age of forty-six. years.
Heavy Laik.knv. Ibis morning Qe.orgiana
Pnxter, co'ored, was coinmit ed by Aldermin
Welding to answer tho larceny of two hundred
dultais, the property ot a lucly ut Media.
Do Yoc Wast Photooiiai-iis ? Vbit B. F.
Iff .Dier's, No S.'4 An'h alrnet His ll e-alze l'tintnui aah.
..Ii r -Ist'.l tvorit.viia. ami 1'ar.ea ae Visile uro nidi mlM
-i uciu..Tis ol ihvitgrj,iliic art
Cult diicn's CLoritiNo.
lli.J .'Bii t.
is anf.'rt'iittiiiiy.
1i.iv eiiT'tfiin.
'I tie liioe-t ami ci 'st'.aniiit tn tho eltr.
M. tslU'EW-KUK A Co., No. I N. tCUIitl street.
Tun "FtonnNcr." Si:winu Maciiisi:, wo find,
la ttvifig tiotnih: in urelVisn.'o to sit ottuus In uan. The
rs.ietii lor tli s are ttl incs c iout anil aa'Diir nis. ltil.ioa
netler sue C'erwurk Hum any nf its rival i; Itlliunnly
uiai i I e cmal'le "I oi.Ul 'a ll'i lue . auj kn'.l -t 'C'i n : !li
nn ) SBirliiiis tiiving a perf et unit ii.iilnrm le I I n if
i .,i a. el I'.-.r liuoi.l; tne n'llv ma tune lust ass ttui
i. Vt r.'li r fesil mull n enu'i.l a ti u eramr til la.lell thu
iaj it .fan... de. ...ii -alii. iiuieii anJ. ii'viuu
tn I's siai.l. ra.ili,ii ever, gits nut of
111 llfT .
Nhw Mesic. We have just received from tho
tutu tiers l lis roi'nwinff chit-e pfere, of music, ilia
lilies. It will le -ern.are .npgestcil hy the evsn I of Clio
IIiii.i: "Mn'l-.r, came! sour Is.y ha. st Ihe miasli's,
a It, a vidtar A.'e"iiiiuaalairiit," al. i, s bcau-liul ipiariotte,
id atiises -t'jvv teal p nnlv hssinlis tieardio ! itmre
i: iiteu ii- sin tt by the Vinilruutl ,1 iihm 'iiiii, i ilmlr II ml.
So. s-.'S t.'licsmii .licet, em lie I '.im ill mai-ke l it iwii til
.ml I'. e Isl In S'Si' '' wor.u hy Ihe "iTinelu , . iIuhiu.u,"
I il eti In aeicup IS't iiiii.i.', bv those cm! u-nt i-cvli en.
M. i'e. -tuliss At e.l.; a an. nuw lia'la 1. with a !!Ulek
.e.'i 01 1 '. i ll. iii I . n.l'erftu( to 4 Ucll linyU, ' atylua Uia
''Ki'.ai iii.Lat;...rnia.le to noli r "'
Plllt.AIr.1. 1111 TKtllK HEPORT.
Monday, October 3. Trade Is cxeess'voly dull
o ull departments, with but Ulllo probability of
any immediate Improvement.
Cotton is entirely unsettled and quotations
n itHina'.
Iu Cloversced no movement. Timothy ranged
from fiJ-liO to $7. Small sales of i'luxsced at
M10(3 15 J ' hush.
For Fon Ign Fruit the market Is very paorly
supplied with all descriptions, and the sales bare
been unimportant. Imons sell at J 10
box, a decline ; and currants at 21 (e.
Green Apples are in limned supply, und
range from $1 .ri'Ctt ' bbl ; and dried applos
from lOtveilc. Tho scuion fur green peaehes is
visirly over, and tbey c uumand Sl(" - If basket;
dried peaches are scarce, and sell at 20(n 22c. for
uiiiured halves, and lfl(174e. for quarters; saloa
of Jersey cranberries at $i ' bush., aud 12
)' bbl.
Tbe Flour Market Is exceedingly dull, and tbe
ales are only In a small way, at .fO 70(r3-7o tier
barrel for superfine ; S'lunJ lOo for extras ; S10 .50
(n 10 "."i for extra family ; snd i l(d, 12 for fancy
lots, aecoidlng to qu ility. There is but littlo
Rye Flour here, and It cmni inds I2. Corn
Meal Is scarce, and prices en'irely nominal.
Tbe Wheat Market dull and prices declining.
Odd red was olf.ired at IS; white at tfMi,
without finding buyers. Smalt sales of lire at
Sl K0(il82. Corn Is scare-, and held atJfl-70
fur yellew, and 1 6S for mixed Western. O.its
ate in tirm requu-t; 2)CK) bushels new Pennsylva
nia sold at 90 cents.
In Groceries and Provisions' trado Is at a stand.
Naval Stoies and Oils are very dull.
Whi-ky Is Inactive; small sales of Drudge at
il SO; Pennsylvania bids, at 'l 81, and Ohio at
rilll.iKI.rillA 4-ATll.R If AKKET.
MnsnAv. October U. The receipts, as we have
noticed for severul weeks past, continue very
huge; tho market Is dull, and prices have de
clined fully lc. IT lb. Extra quality are selling
ut from 10(i' lfijc.j fair to goml at Huclio.; and
comiiioii at fiom '.il'l' . j" 1'), according to
The follow ln,r are the particulars of the sales:
173 lit:.d Martin, Fuller ,v Co., Western, l'l oilfj.
11 l " Ullniau Si t.'o., We-'crn, Hc'ld.
lhil " Mootuy Stiiitb, Western, 12;n Ki.
12 i " 3. Mcl'ilh n, Chester c on ly aud Wet-
e rn, I K" iri.
187 " Gust. Slioniberg, Westeru, 12,i'l."i.
lb j " P. llathawuy, Westein and Chester
County, l'li;' 10.
133 " P. McFillen, Wos'.eia and Chester
county, In." Ti.
81 " Owen Smith, We'storn, ISi'c'M.
Vt " Junes McClo.-e, Western, ftymi, gros.
110 " K. H. McFillen, Western, llut'lil.
60 " ll. Hrauson, Chester comity, HcH.
" A. Kennedy. Chester county, lli.'"3.
23 " W. McCtil), Chester county, 13(ld.
23 " K. Merrick, Chester county, K . b
IH " T. Webb, Chester county, 1 A" 144
102 " 11. Hood, Chester county, '-'('"l'4; r
Ml " 11 C.llaidwiu, Chester county, lO'ajil y.
US H.Srtitt, Wsrylsud, 13c"RI.
( ows-A e rather dull i about IM head arrived
und "old at bJikW t-r Sntingers; and frW
u c,n ner linul tot Cow sud cuir.
She. ll-'ikc receipts have increased, reachlntr
about JnOO besd. Ihe market is less active, and
ni ices arc laiber lower, with sales of common at
tV 7c, aui iiood to e-tua at 74''H4c per pound,
8"""' a..ll.,,..l . ol.,.,l MAO h.iail aiwUiiit
I lOgtS-IIBITSI ll'-s ullVsl , "J... " - hs.hs. n . . vs.
and sold at the ditleient yards at t'rotu ill'o'llJoO
lue lov pouuus uvs
General Rosecrans Takes the
St. I,ori, October S.-Surgeon Carpetmey,
Medjeal Director of the Disirlif, sceal moan led toy
a Rebel flag-of-truce, arrived here last night tl
procure medical supplies fr tbe woundedof both
Tbo Rebels lost about to hundred killed and
six hundred to eight hundred wounded in the
sssnnlt on the fort.
Mnjor Wilson, 3.1 Missouri militia, eotainandV
nut of the post, and Captain Dinger, 47th Mls
souil, were captured by the Rebels, and were
badly treated.
Major Walker, who bravely dofended Potosi,
and several other person', were murdered by
Colonel J). Blood, after the surrender of that
Nothing reliable ha yet been heard from Gen
eral Ewit'g. Tbe Iron Mountain railroid is
pretty badly damaged, and at least two months
will be required to repair it.
There is no news from Frinklin to-day.
Two brigades of the enrolled militia of this dis
trict have gone to La Ch ile, station, on the Pacitic
rallroud, eight miles from here.
It is understood that General Rosecrans will
take the field to-day.
Among the Rebel wounded at Pilot Knob ara
Colonel Thomas, Colonel Monroe, Major Serr.dge
and sevcral,Captains.
Orvieit or Tin ,v.sie Tar tuSArn, I
Man day, OctoturS. (
The Money Market is witnout any material
change, and there is very little doiug. Loans on
cull are quoted at )(t 7 per cent, per annum, and
best paper at 9('iT2 per cent.
The Stock Market continue very da!!, and
there is more disposition to sell. Government
bonds are quiet and ratner lower, with sales of
fi-2(is ut 101(o 102, coupons off, and (Is of 1891 at
Railroad shares are unsettled and dull; Read
ing sold at lilfni'i'J, whl h is an advance ; Pennsyl
vania railroad at fWL whn h is a slight decline;
Mincbill at -VJj ; North Prima Ivania at 30iij.'JlJ;
Cutawissa preferred ut 3 j.(i.l7i a id PhllaUeiplua
and Eiie at 32; IM was bid for Camden and
New City Cs are seUum
In City ras-engcr R d ro d suares thero is little
or nothing doing; 20 Wi.s bid for Arch Street;
and 2fi lor Girard College.
Coul Oil shares continue dull, and prices are
lowir, with sales of MeCllntock at 6; Ddnsmore
at 101; Fgbert at 21 Daiuell at 9 rand Perry
Canal shares continno very dull and rather
lower. Schuylkill N.tvim'lon roaimon sold at
'i'.ij.und preferred ut 37(374 ; 111 was bid for
Huiipiehunna Canal.
In Hank shares thero Is little or nothing dolo;
this moinlng; 102 was bid for North America; 67
fur Commercial ; Vi for McetiantcV ; 4i for Penn
Township; Ho fur Western; and 37 for Consoli
dation. Thero is less activity to noli te la Oold this
morning, and priees havo declined, opening at
Pl.t, fell oil" und solJ at 101 at 11 o'clock; IDOat
12; and lhOJ at 121. Mu.-I'.ut weak.
A dcsputcli from Wa-tiiu ;tou this morntnf
says: The subscriptions lo Ihe 733 loan, re
ported to the Treasury on Friday and Saturday,
nmountcd to $1,713,3''). Tbe t itul amount of
these subscriptions to dice is $1 1,901,8.50.
Hope reed by Clarksnu at Oo., Hruaara, Ma. Ul a. Third at,
i sh IleadliiK Ii.... Hi ft" " lllb'iartt 3
1'Osll Ho BlIIICISl tslsh Mrl'l!!itiet4.... S
lisish n.i iM.'isI see sn t'urt n on n;
acsish to cud I
nuHT no s mi.
turno n. s. is. Hl.cuu nr.'.
'isiahMoTJntock.... 4
1st S bti 4
mi' si Ixiisiuoie )'(
Mi ss iln b"0 10 i
3iil ah Fallen O I..... Vi
100 .ti Men. Nav coin. J
I'll -li Sua M. pf....o 7 iii jiios;.,
wifll do HKI37
O oi DlU.'U O.I. MCI S
il ah Perry Oil 4f
10 .q "anna KM Civ
sfi .h M.nahlll tetsj
1(0 ti North Ca-H.UJO aijj
sn .h iio '.HI
I li an CataUr.t' :n
101 aii d.i r.m ;)C
SHI an da blO .17
I' ll .b ao Jii'a
lull .h Phil. aie..U) il
:i,i il U SI 'Jii 11.-4
Sim do pit
fa. (I 1 imi'v
S'l.'.HlClty Ka. Daw. ...III.'.1.,
; ai , i. A iuk'i. ;st,
Si tin Am. ii'iid luv.
S.'.'jm I'lies'k .t 11 ui.ltiv1.
I list sh FuI'ob c'oaL.. 7 '4
i.' an lila aiouiil ....
leu sh do
lis h do
IHl.h do
.Sllsll d" bi
100 ab 111! Creek il
)' n an Kaaslms It. .: 41
liA sn Uo aaO al
7 ill d SI'
1. d tsal ni,'.,
44 ah do Si 1
ritifF.8 or stock m nuw tork.
ttsportcd by Clarkaon a Co., Brnasra. ). Ul . IhM M.
i'l eat Call, Sxcnt Cl.
rmtd mate. t'.. issi.intofr no', tud
Koek Island lla'lmad Sid
llt'S'lius llallroal HIS slid
illn.ii Cenirat Kailroaal tn.t
Nnrttiweiinru .. bid
.ow 1 -i k Central Kailruad ll'J1! li d
Kris Hnllruad Sn' lid
lliicou Kuilruad bra', oil
Onlil I " '. o I
I lilted Hlaie. th ft in X end
Uarke.t Heady.
90 aajoi
Si aal-sS
1'4 saia
ai- a
.. aalsa
.. saMit
.. aoiua
Heai y.
Quotations of tbo principal Coal and Goal Oil
stocks at 1 o'clock to-day r
Fulton fkinl ; i r von-acle on IM
liv Sfniinmiii ttoal. AA. Sl I STankUn Oil
.Y a. Mill. C'..J..I4 Is illaxci KJaOU.. ..
(Ire. n Ut. C'al...
K i arlMiiHtaia ...
New Cf ek
t i-tstflr I 'am Coal
till 'I'siiu till ..
3 it-ana l aiia Oil
I Oensnuira, ........ Ml
I lianallilu.
llutlcr Coal
la un int i mil. . .
Snterieioi Kai.llu
Psn.ll athilns
t iiinits'lk lit
In H ' iia OU 1 .
vl iO mstaaii '."a
S I R. Lie l laintar.l."
is'a.llili'ivd A
'HlT Varm
, 14
'." i'
.. I
Kflslulin .Inc..
Fkei'ls'nr OU....
Ills l ank
I'l.iitinuiiial ....
I 'a re nasuiu csnua. a
J; l.... Isl.n.l
. a.V
l-'atrsit s'
till treek
alan hlis.le Oil.. HI
M. i'un'.'.k Oil
S iAi t. haiiy Ittver..
4 tnriln
17 I'n la at Ml Creak..
5 ,lltili t'raus
H IJsrin'nta
I'atinsylviiuia Pst.
1'ein oil.
4 V
4 'a ' orn I'laalar
5 llrisss
1 It ' k oil
I 'l arr Furm
3 ill (l.olsl
II Lpiivr Ksaiiivia-. .
Miiii ibI Oil
Kcvatonei Oil....,
I'l. Ion Petroleum,
beacon I'll
Henna Oil J a I
The New York Timet this morning says ;
"The mnrket for money is unsteady on most
descriptions of mercantile paper, the rates rang
ln" th' 12 per cent per annum. At cull oo stock
ttdhitcrul nn Wall street, the rate is 7 per cent.,and
the supply of menus fairly steady ou satiofockiry
collateral. Bui the heaviest balances with lenduri
continue to seek the popular 7 30 per cent.
Government Loan, or the Treasury Certiiioate
of Indebtedness, as being at preseul the salest
employment. The Stock Market continues i to
yield tnpiUly on the Railway shares; the leading
riperalons in the Slock txelmnge taking the ilasir
view of tho market, and finding but in. liferent
resistance from the outside public. At the close
of the week, prices were much down, after signs'
of leaetiiiu ou Tuesday aud Wednesday."
Captain Moses Libby , of Scarborough, Maine,
voted for General Washington for President, and
has voted for every Democratic candidate for
President sluce. Ho was ninety-five year, old
last March.
Hnrkets bjr Telrarriapti. i i;
New Yovk, October 3. -Flour bat dccliuel
(.e.l salea of a-'O lib's, at 7 an .'svs f. State,
117ft lor ohla. and 4H S'.i.nlS lor Huullieru. Wiiaul d-
elined.'u i aalaa lilituiporuut Corn t i lev er. P'"'
dull. Pork flrui, wh mlea ul Iflou at i.l lfci44 Is "
luela. Laid slaady l la.'HS'o. dull. . , . '
X' ... .', v ri..l... Mliiclra illlitit. Cllk'S ''J
andltuck lalanrl. SOS: eaunbcrlaiiS prerereo,
nan ,uB..uiiiiivi u.i '
n.aa t'elittaj. It.'. haw ur I rl. '- ti..T,n
l.-l Hud Koer. l'--'il'""(", !vl--sy .
M; ttncuu', '. Ol-s-ar I .rliie J.s.. I I ' j y., .
C.un'ii., Hi . Cvnlioa lis. loii "Vdi lJI S. -" (is.
lia'..4, ,