THE JU1LY EVEN 1KG FJ,EGKAriI. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OOTOnKK 1, 18G4. 8 FOUltTII EDITION IiTmy OF rOTOMvVC. MOVEMENT ON THE LEFT. COMPLETE SUCCESS THUS FAR. STARTLINC CITY REPORT POINT. AT Eautz Captures the Itockctta. ftprs'lnl o III KwcuIiik Toli'it rti. WAtiiiNOTow, October t Tho Star lay, : Uy tb arrival of the mull steamer Morgan from City PblBt we bare the following ncwi from tho front ; Esrlj- yesterJay monilns; Grogs', cavalry moved out In front of Wurri-u's p wition. and captun-d the outworks of tho enemy on their extreme right. General Ore c aftcrvranle Kit heivily en? gl with the enemy at a point the To nicy House and captured between two and three hundred prisoner. General 'Warren Immediately' prowoilcd to fol low np the advantages thai g-ilnnl, Imt at the time the mail steamer left City I'oint at 10 o'clock yesterday morning nothing definite win known of hi further operations. General Meade moved yetorny morning in tho direction of Toplar Church, and achieved a do cided success in the way of Important posill in gained. There id a report at Cfr Tolnt tlml Onncrnl Kant, with a large hodyof ravnlry, hud cut his way through the Rebel' furtillcwions, and had reached a point near the Kockoto, a short dis tance be low Richmond, where he lock up a strong position, end sent back for reinforcements. This report, though not confirmed thus far, shows the hopeful and confident feeling prevailing lit tho front. General Bnrnhum, commanding a division In the 18th Corps, was killed in the engagement on Chapin's Farm, and his body is now at Bermuda Hundred, whcTO It is being c.nb.iliuoj, prepara tory to being sent North. In the attack on tho Roh:l intrench monts on Chapin's Farm, Cutler's ralored troops arc said to have fought with desperation, and they suf fered severely In killed and wounded. T. very thing at the front looks lopeful, and officers and men are confident that lUchmond will fall this time. Later and .letter. OUR CAVALRY WITHIN A MILE OF RICHMOND. jrlfil to Tli Kve.t nit Telnfapti. Wabhij(itO!, , fcVtolwr 1. Cooifli'lul rep iris ' from the Aryy tf tho Potomac up tu yesterJay morning Represent tho niovomor.t of Cfrant as propreiiflng very favorably. ' ii.aut.'s cavalry bad ma le a rcconnoihsmca C within a mile anda-haif of Riclimon 1, and found the enemy's line very weak. The foitific.r.iuns ' are numerous, but feebly garrisoned. It is evident that Lee has been entirely misled by Warren's recent a tack Dion his riyht. i Reverters arc coming into or.r linos very fist, and report that Lee's army, before. Waft-en's attack, was moving to and fro, laro'0 bodies going northward, and few retarding. The evidcut deign of Lee was, hy this move ment, to deceive Grant, and withdraw, without detection, his troops northward. Tuu opinion prevails among our ofllcers that Leo Intends to contract bin lines, and get Ills urmy l.i p iiion at Kk-liniond.aa soon as p is-iblc. He will doubtless act entirely on tlii def.'iislvj, and give bis attention to the iinmcdiito dcfor.i.) of the Rebel capital. A battle emtio', holing delayed; In fact every moment ni.iy brie;; us t!u most exciting news. General Bumttuiii, formerly of the fitb M line was shot In the stomach during the battle ot' Chapin's farm, and died in twj hours. lie w.vs leading tho colored troops, and aetlng with great gallantry. Ills body arrived this moruiug. Wasuinotov, October 1. Cotton f'ouuil at Mm. Lieutenant-Commander Gillls, coram ndlnR the . gunboat Scotia, reports to the Navy 1) ft irtmtmt that on the 10th iunt., In the Gulf of Mexico hu picked np elghty-thiee biles of cotton, nnd the gunboat Arooitook secured thirty-eight b iles. Naval Promotion. The President has approved tho reports of tho Naval Board, convened under tho Act ef April 21, 18tS4, on tho following cases, promoting them i James Flndley Schuuck, It. W. Me ido, nd Fabius Stanley to bo Captains, and Ubcrt Thompson to be a Commander. The following are not recommended for pro motion, and the President has likawho approved the action of the Board, : Captains A. K. Long and Francis II. Ellison; Commanders Samuel Lock wood, John Calhoun, Benjamin J. Toiten, James C. G'ur'er, J.ihn J. (ilassen, llenj.i mln M. Dove, and James F. Armstrong ; Lieu tenants G. W. Soty and Joso;jU P. I itleo. fsiriMms.titli Nnvjr Ynril. Ai'tlnir Hear-Admiral iialley assumes commiind ot the t'urlhirouiu Isuvy Yard to day, lu nlaeo ot Ciminiudore l earson, who has been ordered t the Pacttic, to relieve Uear-Admiral Hell. rEOM BALTIMOfiE TO-DAY. An Orstr from (.erM-rnl Wallnrc Must.ta Klon of t he "Fvi'i.iuir I'ml," Klo. HjXKial Detpatett to 7 'e ''i mtm Ttlfjrt'yn. Baltimoiib, Oetolier 1. General Wallace has suppressed tho Emtinti J'ott, and has issuu 1 the following order about it. 11 HniM.n Dki'Mitwkn r, 8ru AhHY Cohi's, Septeuiber 31, lx.1t K li or oi hxtning l'oat: Sir ; As the surest means of pre veiitiug your oilH'B being ma le the subject of viob iii, yon will di-continuu the publiea;ion of your paper, tl'i; .'nil, I'uit. By order of Mujoi (icnral Waii.k t. Oiiveb M.v rnihw s, Cap'.aiu and A. A. G. The Pot had recently become rampa'it in favor of MeCIelLin, and i;uj)( rtiu;ut in su Jitious lucgnage aguiur.t the Oovei anient and Adminis tration. It was a decided favorite with all the Secessionists nnd sympathizers with the Kebels. The loyal community, and soldiers esj-o. killy, were becoming much excited, and it was feared that they would create a mob and tear out Ihe concern. The immediate cause of its Mipension was "publishing lies adverse to the Union causu." There is nothing litter ut present from General Grant. Komi.vation. This morning, Patruk Iiuiry t-.Mll was nominated by the Democrats of tUi Ward lor bchool Director. bTALMNo Ar AiE. Two colored nio-i got into fight at No. C01 Lombard street, this morning. One of them, named William Gray, was stabbed in the stomal h and seriously injured, lie was takeu to the hospital. toLica Statistics. During tho month of September, aou arrests were made by the police totee, apportioned among the several districts as 1. rt, lts.Tlitr.ct. Arrets. ... 127 ... 107 ... ti ... :i ... 3(i ... 1L7 2 3 ; 4 6 6 7 H 9 10 Toldl..... Wl 11 47.0 VI S'7 11 i W ' 'AIL h 1'.3 IB.. ....... I'1" lteserv. .. Ill ; ,rndJuVbor"' ,1',' Wwfcuis....: 20 1 1 1 30U Latest Southern News SHERIDAN ENTERS STAUNTON. Early Hcportcd to have Gained a Victory. CATTLE AT NEW HOPE. Tho EeM Raid in Tennossso. CAPTURE OF ATHENS. FORREST'S OFFICIAL BErORT. Beauregard Supersedes Hood. DICK TAYLOR'S NEW COMMAND. hhown'b nir ami ristmn's mi i.. This was tho hole, the ntrongbold Into which the freat Jackson ased to withdraw wh never the enemy pressed him dung rotnly, an I ho always emerged from It to cn iuer. Kec illecu nig General Jackson's camimtgtm, wa are airnck with the fact that though hn often fonn I It -snry to retreat np the vnlh y, he never m nlo a stand ot lislier's Hill. Hi military eye dis covered Ihut, though apparently a firlres, it was open to a flank movement. The cient bin home testimony to his sagacity. General Kirly was nankedout of thn Misitlon. Wo hnm this fiom persoes who wltuc-sed the ntt.iek of the enemy and our retreat. STAt-NTON. From rcpjiectablo citizens of Staunt in c learn (hut a sum 1 1 body of Micrl lan's cavalry entered that town lit 6 o'clock Mon.lnv evening. Our tnforr.innt did not linger to soo how the Yankees were about to bchnvo, especially as it was re ported thst a much larger force ol the enemy was approachinir. We doubt whether .Sheridan h is iK'en in condition to spnre any conr1d"rnhlc body of his troops for Tabling purposes. He, wo hope, hud full use for all ol them ut brow u' Gap. OEXEnAL m-.At niviAiiii ahcki'Th tub 01' THE AHMY OF TKNNKSHEK. From tht Krhmoni flfimiiir, Utjdri -r ti. The Charleston Mrrcurw tavs that General Beauregard has oceep'cd the command of the Army ol Tennessee, and was expo, ted to arrive In tin. t city on Sunday last, er. rnulr for his new scene of duty. Tho Mrrrun (s pleased with the appointment, as every eno will no. a K'HI, rOlKE CUOKSIMf! TIIR t U M II m ff.V I) KIVKIl, AND MOVING INTO KF.Nn.CKY. Ffom the Richmond A'rinniwr, Xrj'ltiHb'r'H. Monil.K, September '2(i. A special despatch to the F.rrmnn .Vc, dntfd Seua'obia, '2ith, and Meninhtr. 'Septemlier -'JH, says a Conledarate force, five hundred strcng. have crossed rl.o Cum berlnnd river, below Fort Doncjson, moving mindly Into KentucKy. Ilenrrai Mower, win n portion m me iiiin Corps, has reinforced Steele ut l.itcle Hock. roHr.rnT TiiiiBAii:ntNfi biikiimaks mnr op CUVSll NICATION. Fr'n the Richmontl Lxamtun-, .st-fti-inUr ?;t. l'rom the following official despatch, it will be seen that General Foircst has struck ano'.lier of bis telling blows, and, us usual, in a uu.irtcr where he was least expected hy the enemy. T'tie epiure of Athenn puts him in the rear of Sher man's army, and very near his solo lino of com munication the Western nnd Atlantic railroad. Future events will, we hope, prove, the position more (mpoitant even thau the other captures, great us they arc. OLNKKAL KlItHF.hl'B Ori'ICIAI. RF.l'OUT OF Till! CAl'Tl lit OP ATUliNS, AI.A. AmrNS, A'a., Si ptemlicr 20, 1801. Hon. Sec retary of War: My forces captured this place lids niorning, Willi tnineen numircu omcers ouu men, fifty wagons and ambulances, five hundred horsis, two tiains of curs loiulcd with quarter master and commissary Hjirc, with a largo nuuntity of small arms and two pieces of urtiliery. My troops are in line spirits. My loss is livj killed and twcnti -liva wonniled. Is. B. Fouukst, Mujor-Gcncral. tub i ediibal cavalht on the koutii bans: of Tllti JAM I.S From Vie Richmond Ksaminrr, AVpeinKr'Jfl. Gram still remains nuiet In his trenches before Petersburg. He now throws scarcely a shell an hour to show that he is still there. ll is reported that tl.o enemy s (Tircggs) cavalry has disappeared ill the last day or t.vo, ai.u it is conieciureu tney nuvo cros-B'1 to mo nor ill bunk. We put no faith in this story. The Yankee lire still working away at tlm canal across Dutch Giv, and are said to ham it n arly cut through, lb sei teis who have r. cent'y . nie into our lines say it is designed by tin; Yankees to mine and 1)1 iw out the west cud of tlio r itial. Our butteries peppered the Yankee workmen beautifully yesterday morning. TIIF. PATTIF. AT NKW HOl'B EAKI.T 8 ItliroHTKl) VICTORY TUB HtCCKHH DOC U I' Kll S 1 A I' NTON KNTKHhll BY t NION CAVAI.KY, KTC. f'ront the HifhmnnU Examiner, September '2H. We ate still wiibout any positive intelligence from General Kuily. We staUd yesterduy tliu n port mat there bad been a battle at New Hope, Aufiuaia county, in which Karly re pulsed the enemy. Tnouub we have so far ob tained no satisfactory information as to the truth ol this rcort, everything that reaches us goea to establish the fact that there, was a consideraole battle in lb it niglib irlio o I, and tbut our troops were not tauten and again lorced to tali back, we know ositively from Ihe circumstance that up to yesterday at (i o'clock A.M., none of them had readied tho Central railroad, which runs not more than ten miles in n ar of the point ut which the cunnouuding was heard yostt rday. Had we been worsted and obliged to retire, stragglers, especially from the cavalry, would huve swarmed along tiic railroad, fcitlier there was no battle, but only heavy skir mishing, a tiling that sometimes makes as much noise as a great battle, or we repulsed Ihe enemy. This we con-ider certain. We have nlso found it impossible to tlx the exact lecality of the cannonade (or battle, if there weie one) on .Monday, l'er-ons well acquainted wiib the country, who fioin Waynesboro heard the tiring, ate 1 1 opinion Hint it was more pro liable at Biown'sGupthiin ut New Hope. Brown' Cap is in tho Iilue Kldi.e, eight miles southeast of 1'ort Kepublie, twenty miles northeast of Suiintcu, and litleen miles north of Waynesboro. It was bclicied that the Yankee cavalry bad ecu red .Summon, but nothing positive was known u Ihe subject. The lu est ponitive information we I ue fioin that place is up to '1 o'elock A. M , on Monday. At that hour the telegraph operat ir, Hitii Ins instrument, left thete ou the last train, l i e Y ankee e.ivaliy were then reported by scouts to be tit ft n miles off and ''coming." '1 here was a mighty stampede from Sla int in. The roads fioin that place 10 Waynesboro, and even further east, weio crowded with men, wo rm n and negroes, w. icons, cart aud umbulaacss, catrii.s ami Imi'gks, hor-es mules, niggers and bievi p, all Ihciug iioui the wratb toeouie. Kven si n e ol the tiimll traders of Staunton, who for mouths have been renting to sell tl mr and pro visli lis for Coiiledeiatu money, deigned to swell the eiuigiiition.and i .stled witn runaway iiegroea forpreicdince ou tin highways. I. I J I tl ( M'IHM I ION OF IMKIV'S li t: F II: t I'll M( I lilt V- NO Ol I'll 'I A I IS 1 1.1. 1.11. l.M i; Ht. Vp to Seven o'clock la-t night nooillcial inlelli pence hud hem rec ived Irom (j.-neral Karly i.ibT than Gunci al Lie's despatch of the 2 1th, pul li-lnd yetirday. lint from gentlemen who came uown hy the Central tralu lust night we huve rcieivcd lute news of interest from the ullcy, aud which goes as fur to establish the fact that General Faily gaiued u victory on Monday as can be done iu the absent e of otliciul luteiii gence. . A gentlcmun who left Brown's Gap on Monday hunt at 10 o'clock, uud who up to that tune hud been with the army during tho retieat up the. viillev, state that on Motmny morning the enemy uttaekt d General J-.arly ut Brown's Gap, and was repulsed. Our troops then assumed the offensive and attacked the enemy uud drove them ba k . miles to Port Republic, und, it was Lolicwu, ucio-s the Shenandoah liver ut that point. 'J ne ubove siutement is borne out by a large 1111111IK.-I' of poisons from Greenwood, uud other ioii.t-oii the Central railroad uc.irol lliosu's Gup. 1 hey say the liriug hicli begun ut brown's Gap during the day gradually iceeded in the illtcitionof Port 1U public. They further state tbut they, throughout Monday and yesterday, heard but one account from the fiont that l.aiiy bad repulsed the enemy. Our bavins revival no official intelligence of the tin t Is, w ith us, tuV) solitary reason tor doubt jug that our arras have been crowned with agreu victoiy. 'I hut a battle w us fought on Monday there t an be no doubt ; that we were not beaten is CMuaily certain. Uud all not been well w ith us before noon of yesterday Charlottesville would have been full of stragglers from Lurly's army. prom the same informant who give us the rewsubout the battle we learn that our troops are not and never have been dispirited. Tuey huve mine than once found it expedient to get out ot some places, and they got out of lliciu in a hurry. t I'.lnla riKlit Itt U In . lurk- sr. er, V-m 'he ITWiw fr,t- (. . n. e (lovcinor H ireimin bid received a ""!"" from Colonel Wilkinson, connn in ling at ( la.. burg, to Ihe effect tint a llcb. 1 forco appeared at Bnckhannon, In I'pshur eotin y, on Monday, and attacked the force of Ciptam llagins, who, with his cnmpaiiv, was ' dioned Hnirc. C.iptnln Hag ins, nl'ier oilerlng resistan c, wm rom,ie led tocivel'iii k for a tune, b.'t by bl ip of the local m : 1 1 1 ii . it is in -ii'i.i I, ll .d regmmvl hi' grout d, and wns still boding out ugaiu-t the ti i my. '1 tic Uclicls iv, re repor'c.l to be under llisil lltikc, John M ririn's o 1 rornpnuinn, nnd fi Imve ur'ive l t'roiu SnntiiA'Pilt: n Viig.niii and Teiini'!.Fee. CoiiMetahic iilann seems 10 lie felt, cvn as far this way as Clirksm g, in ennse qiierice of the appearance of the Ki ln) s, un l last night the de ohiisof I be b.iiik a' thai place arrived Li ro for sale Id i ping. The telegraph wire between Iluckh tnnon nn l .i. Wi stou is rcpoiti i ut hist aeeountsto bo cut, so tbut Hie exivt situation fnt evening was not known. We had ouu repor; ycsicr.lny that tlie cm inv mini beied six hundred, and were, under ltl)( it "Mu.lwa l," .la. kMin, Gut wo do not ei''.,it the na'( nn nl so far its nutuoers am eon We have no idea that the n'ta '' amounts to more than n tuere raid on ft ver- i:ni K, ,i!e as have bad no inkling ', nnv body of troops bring In romhwiat Virginia snv-e the dispersion f .Morgan a gnng. 1 lie Kfehmond Rei.e s must lie "tn tstrt lain" sure enough if llie raitl is ordeted as a nitersion to assist K irlv. Hiel7th Kegimeni, whleb left here Monday evening, h s been ordered bv tho Secretary of War to Clurltbiirg, to await the development of he Buckhannon nllair. ITTTI K t'ROW (1KIKU, NK'lil.rS. New Y'oitK, September 2P. Dear Sir Y'our iiapiiry made on behalf of ts veral niembcrc ol the X'nion Congressional (dttvention for Ihe Ninth District, whether I would accept a nomination for Congress, bus received the respectful attention due to the patrio ie scarce from wliieli the sug gestion emunated. In declining the ne of my name as a candidate for this high trust, ) only adhere to a resolution formed when I entered tho military service, to retire altogether f.Mm from polities whllo holding A commission in the army. This deterininatien, with i.hor considerations, had ulTcatlyionstrafncd me, during the present canva'ti, to decline a s! mi lar reipiest f ade by a nuni'ier of my old and tsicemrd constituents In the I'oiiith District, who desired to present my name to tho Doiuccratic ' Convention. 1 yield tc no citleu or scldier in my scbclttide for the hororable ol the war 'Ihe war was deliberate.? begun by the Kebels, and is per sistently waged by them to divid i and cm iucr the 1'nlon. 'Tt is not so tran;;ethnt our encmirs should tuid allies among l.uroptnus antagonists or tree institutions; Imt it will never cease to be a mutter of humiliation and wor.der that our own people could be seriously divided upon the question of submission or resistance. wbo will be lor sntiriiss ion, I am for resistance as long as wo huve a battalion nnd a battle-Meld left. I'ntil ihe Constitution and laws are vindicated In their supremacy throughout the land, the Gov ernment should la) cnnlidcd to no hands that will hesitate to employ ull the power of the nation to put down ju Hellion. Ihe resources ol tlio lu siiigents are already so fur exhausted that they w ill give up the struggle as soon us a majority of the people at tin ballot box, s coiiding the martial summons of Futrugut and Grant, demand the unconditional surrender of the enemy., so won, thiougli the noble aspirations of the people, will exalt the. i n ional charu 'tcr, and challenge the lion. uge ot ull w ho honor patriotism und valor. Pi ace, Imposed upon us by an anda cions nnd mrogant toe, who would' owe his tiiumpb not to Hie super! irity of his arms, hut to a (legem rate population, unw orthy of t heir lineage ami foigctf'iil ol iliclr traditions, could only last until the contempt of mankind evoked from our shame inotigb mnnhoodto renew tho struggle. Very respectfully, Damrl I-'.. Sicki.fs, Mujor-Gcucrdl. Uomi:r Franklin, F.S'. OK lilt: DKAHI. TiihWaiihfn Comf.iiy Com hi ntiov Company. This tioupc of cclebiated dramatic arlisU has been playing highly successful engagements at Vashiug'on and Baltimore. Tho press in both cities huve been unanimous in their praise of Ihe entertainments given hy this company, and have eulogized it as tho most perfect and talented that has ni yet visited them. It is composed of Mr. William Warren, the great comedian; the pretty and iasclnatiag Miss Josi. Orion; Mr. Cuaries Emms, the dashing light .median ; and Miss Fmlly Mcstayer. Mr. Warren a native of Phi delphiu, by-thc-w.ij has by his vtisat.iiiy, truth to nature, and chaste humor, won fnrhhnselfa repmation second to that of no performer in the country. Miss Josie Orti.u b is hy ber grace, her i legniice. and the htdv like finish ot her persona tion", been pronounced one of the most uccmi-pli.-licd and perfect soiibrcftcs upou the st igo. Mr. t'linili s Uiiiion bus likewise won for himself a proud reputation lis a most dashing and s,)iri ed ceiiu iliun ; while Miss M 'stayer, in sueti pur.s us "Miss J.ucrctin MeLas," ' Lady Duberly," and "Mrs. Malaprop," has been prououneed uu C'ltiiilltd. This company will appear at tho Chesnnt Street Theatre on Monday night, where, doubtless, their success will be as gratifying and as complete as it has Ixeu elscwbure. They will appear in the best of the old Kngiisb coiucdlos, together with some farces. The bill for the 0eiiiiig night will consist of Coleman's comedy, 'J he Htir-tU- l.nir, und the new ixus,l)andiu:krttu'a J'it nic. lu the first, Mr. Warren appears as "Dr. Punploss," Miss Orton us "Cleily Homespun," Mr. liunon as "Dick Dowlas, and Mi.-s Mesiayer as ' Lady Duberly." In tho farce, Mr. Warren and Miss Orton appoar as "Peter Dunl ackeuy" nud "Letitia," re-pectively. Doubtless a crowded house will welcome their debut. Aiitihtk' Italian Ofuka Comfany. This famous troupe will give another grand concert a'. Musical Fund Hull on Monday evening next, which will bo their farewell performance in Philadelphia, as they go a, once to Washington. Signor Amotllo will Bing Verdi's grand ai i i, " II llalen Doloroso," from frortiture ; Mi latne Whiting 1 oriul will give us the cavatiua " S 'lia rumiile;" Signor Stef.ini will sing an uria from 'J'roratmr, and Signor Testa will favor us wi'h a rotruiiza from Trariata. Altogether an excellent bill is oflered, and wo may exp el, a vory large audience on the occasion. Seats m ay lie secured at Gould's, Severn'' und Chcsnut streets. Ot n two young tragedians, Booth and Adams, have continued their successes through the week, but in diameters already known to the pu'ilie, and of which we have already spoken. Mr. Itooth might huve played "11 nalet" yet another mouth, uud he would have found each night an atten tive audience. He has bud, too, "id foivb;a aid cf ornament," for tho support he met with w is sufficiently bud M mar the ellect of any orliuary talent; but Mr. Booth's genius was stroig enough to rise abovo it, coueentr.uiiig the uttea lion ot bis uudieiice so completely to inak ! ir forget the gro:esitie inelli iency of tho eompciy surroiindiug hiin. We mist to see Mr. Booth again this seus in, even though undir the stimu di-advuntageous ciiciiinstiincs ; but ill it can scarcely In', fir I' is Impossible that t lie VA alrut company siio'ild not lie stiengtlicncd. Ou Moipluy, Mi-s t.'tiarlut'c Thoinpsou wdl appear. 'Ibis yoing I uly bus uc'iniiid a lepnt.ition and popuhuity ibr .ha sweetness and simplicity of In r si; I", f'.lie has tar mure refinement than Maggie Mitchell t is they jv'uy the same parts, li.ey must mbinit t tlio comparison nutuia i.v mi egc-t'.il ) uud iias a ten deinestiuiid pathos Miss Mueheil, does uot pati-c.-j ut all. Mit. AbAits' engagement at the Arch seems to have scarcely given the public a taste of his utility. He has just reminded us of his fine deli iirutions of "Kobeit Luudry" and tho "Heretic," renewed the picture on our mimls, uud then van ished. No doubt he will come buck ere long with new (huraett rs he has not had the time to piesent us here. On Monday Mud'Ue.Yestvuli will appear in the grand melo-diiima f eebler ma le so cele brated in London, and Vestvali in New York, entitled JliV Jiemoiiio. Arch Streil Hieulre, with the artistic taste and liberality which distinguishes it, has expended, lust, mtnuij, the most etlectual iugre (I it lit for modem speiU; then skill, euro, taste, and time ou the Immense scenic clleets of this druiuu. It is said that two thousand dollars will iioi cover the cost ; and, when we remember how Hum dale imis produced here, bettor than at Wal luik s, we can imuginc what llrl iJrmmiiuviM In no lulling oil from the New Y'oik edition at Niblo's. Mad'llo. Vcstvall, who plays Feehler's pint. Leeds no pieliniitiury eulogiuin to the jiiblic; the mention of her nuiiiii is Bulllclcnt. But in lcl Ihmimio sho displays talents so varied, from the heroic down to low comedy, Unit ber artistic powers appear greater than ever. Jiel lkiiimiio is one of tho most inaiiilicent specta cles ever presented. I O H T-AIIOLT TWO O'CLOCK THIS I J ill. mm .n, b. le n l i.nrlh and Walnut and Third and I'lifiinil atiaet. (via Tl.lra and Wa.niiD.a FACKAi.B HI IH.HH and FAl'Klta. In. fluj,r ,n 0 rcnaidatl by leavio, Uie ma at Nn ?1 n Tiiiiiii sir,a - . . "Wll, ewtimyyuui , co. ' October 1,1801. l(. GLENN'S OYSTER BAY! O'.V'S OYSTER HAY I GLKSX'S OYSIKu Ji-A-Y I ULEMN'S OYNTEIt HAY! OLEXfr.1 OYHTKR RAY! CLEW'S OYSTER RAY! ;l.EWS OYSTER RAY) ULKXN'H OYSTB'.i RAY I ULESXS iYsTRR RAY! GLijv'S Ol HTER RAY I r,LEX-"S OYSTER RAY! il.l'..'H Ol'HTKH BAT l' .I.K1S'S OfSTKH HtVI lil.KNX'S OtSTKn BtVf lil.KNM'S OYSTEIl IIAVI .I.E''H Of HTt'.ll B.Wt il.:!'8 OVHTKIt ti iI.K.N"l (ll'STKIl IIAVI -l.l;X'ts OYISTIill IIAVI .l.l;N'H OVSTKIl nAVt ULRK.VH OVSTtll IIAVt N. AV. CORNF.Il OF SIXTH AND CI1ESNUT, N. W. COHNF.K OF SIXTH AND CIIK.SXlT. N..W. CORN Kit OF SIXTH AND CIIESNLT. N.YV.CORNFR OF SIXTH AND CHF.SNUT. N. W. CORNKR OF SIXTH AND CH KSNUT. N. W. CORNI'R OF SIXTH AND CHF.SNUT. N. YV. OF SIXTH AND CHESNUT. N. YV. C0RNK11 OF SIXTH AND CIIKSNBT. N. W. COUNEIt OF SIXTH AND CHF.SNUT. N. W. C0IINEU OF SIXTH AND CHESNUT lU'motlekMl, Kejuvcnaled, and Kofltted! r.euiodt led, Kejuvcnaled, and Kcflttctl! licniodeled, Ilcjtivcnated, and Refitted! Remodeled, Iii ju vena ted, and IluflUed! rit modelcd, Uejiivenated, nnd IleOUcdl Kcmodelcd, Rejuvenated, aud RellUcd! lU-'niodeleil, licjuveniiU'd, and Refitted I Remodeled, Ilcjtivenalcd, and Itollttcd! Remodeled, lli juvcutitcd, nnd Uofltted! l.emoduliHl, Rejuvenated, and Refitted! JUL OEM SALOOS t)E THE COS VISES T THE CEM SAI.OOV Ol' THE COSTlSEXr.' THE (i EM SAI.OOS OE THE COSTISEST.' THE OEM SALOOS OE THE COSTISEST! THE OEM SAI.OOS VE THE COSTISEST! THE GEM SAI.OOS Ol- THE COSTISEST! THE (1 EM SAI.OOS OF THE COSTISEST! THE OEM SM.OttX OF THE COSTISEST! THE OEM SAI.OOS OFTHE COSTISEST! THE OEM SA LOOS OF THE COSTISEST! Whorf unt)f turn 0f Qjn)r)0a tantc Where KPntleuifn of luxurious taste Yvire Kr.i( run of luxurious taste Where kceIIimii n of liuarlou. tast tvberc cnllemcu of luxjrloai tanto (AN ALWAYS rROCl'HB CAN ALW AYS MIOCVRB CAN ALWAYS IKOCl'BE CAN ALWAYS I'ROCLUB CAN ALWAYS FllOCl'UB 'XllliJ H13 T OYHTXillHi Til 12 HLHT MVHTiilUH, Til 11 IIEHT WYMTMIIW, THE IIKHT OY'HTEHH, T1II2 JIMts'X" OYtjTUHH, ALW AYS a i-VAYK ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS MU:KII, FAl, AND IWITIVU, FIIENII, FAT, AMU INVin.Vtl, MtEkH, FAT, AND I.WITIXl, KIIESH, FAT, AND I.MVITIMU, I Ui:SH, FAT, AND INVITINU, tlttSil, FAT, AND INVITIIMU, FKESII, FAT, AND INV 1TI.VIJ, FIIEKII, FAT, AND INVlrl.VG, ftieh as Such as Such as such as Such as THObK DELICIOUS BIY'ALVES, THOSE DELICIOUS BIVALVEtf, THOSE DELICIOUS BIVALVES, T1I0SB DELICIOUS BIVALVES, THOSE DELICIOUS BIVALVES, THOSE DELICIOUS BIVALVES, THOSE DEI.UIOUS BIVALVES, JVJt'H' Y RK SO UNDS ! AEir YORK SOUNVSI JV:ir YORK HOUNDS! SIIREV -y HURTS! I SIIREV.-SIIURYSII SHREW:-HURTS! I SADDLE ROCKS HI SAllDLE ROCKS HI sAI'bi E :OCKSH I EAST LIVERS!!! EAST LIVERS!!! EAST ERSHl ARSECOXS! 1 1 ARSECOXS 1 1 ! ARSECOXS! 1 1 LOG CREEKS, LOG CREEKS, LOG CREEKS, MORRIS RIVER COVES, MORRIS RIVER COVES, MORRIS RIVER COVES, AND ALL UH1.1CI ACTIOS OF 1TIE SEASON, AT GLENN'S OYSTER BAY, GLENN'S OYSTER BAY, N. YV. CORNER OF SIXTH AND CHESNUT K. W. CDKNEtt OF SIXTH AND CHESNUT. yyHEN TCILl 11TE IC0TLE BE WISE? nurdrili r, thontnrlt of ftfi'larw A'C fp,.' yflf, nd hnndrf d. it. A ttiotiiand) of tht th nt m0 ni rpomfa f Amrki Itnrr tn p, and dM, ml All prrmft'Tirti rrY, will, tliftt nwful dlKiK, Pjtpot.'m. T-iny trt thm phj rln, and rti.iwfmn hi t aln ! a'a 1 no mllnt', nn rriffl ; i rl th ufxtwe near vt l!io hiiv i'i"to tbat bourn trrm lin po trar1 rr trtur " Wi ny tO (t. ( K II at If"' witn 1" w o r t I Mi J ,t' t'l a iH- Ct nil ur' f Iy rpta mnr y liHlsAt AMt.UOAV l-Vur)PHI, TILLS AMI flNT. TEiCt: 1 All for.DIAL, Ar frmir.-n and fcmn of oni'ir tlona')l Wftr'.i n. I fOwi'iru Tbty ! In a n ar tr d ,hlillpru. " nd l. ar thrlr tcfir.iny. of tl.ra v(,'l "0M U.(. very Jaw tivaih, 'i h:p: II1PPirIA 1! AM 1MK riT.I C VT!fa PTMMOas - 1-t. A rtn!r,t rain it U'.f.tnvj nt tlio tt t fttoma h. 24 Matnlnr and 'MUy. .Id. roatUmria and lia ot M it'.' 4th. tomn and dpr'4lon of atur-ti, .'4h. Marrtift a. with prli'ir (f. th. Tain In all partt of tht nrff-rn. 7ih. (oiiwan p'lrc iyti)puiiii anil paifiitwttli.iio;" t ). ticari. f h. Oti(tfi, it ri rhirifta In th thmnt. th. rrmit aiTfrtion and want ot' ukrp At n!pil. lUih. I.cii ttt appnft n4 viol tin. 11th. Dinlrir't. ilimnrnt o( vllon and kt of ktt. lVth. llt'ailachn and H.k rlrifc' in walking, reut wcakiioft. Out of tlii thoiHftnd of cnM of pnla thai lav nnfrt Ir. Wi linn's Ormt Amrir an lyip' psiA l'llli, nt nc ot them has failed f a h rft-ot rare. We w a-rant a C'irf In Ttry tar, n uiftHurit of tv.i-a'.y yi art' ftiattd tvtr. Hold by all drtifwisu cvar.v where, and ut Dr. WIPIIAK I'H offlc", No. 10 S. "Li'iiS'll Strrot, IMtlia el- phta, li. All exADilOiUloiit and ronnKati"iia fn nf ct-mrnf. Svnd fur a circular, l'rir i.rbx, Hintby auall, tier ci cliatfie, on n- c pt ol tumiey. i)YrtPKrsi k -Dvsn:rsi i. Mr. Wlnhart, Inithta add my tjtlm.ny to tha huti- drTs xti rrct-lTP to the htaltnd pmpsnrilua of your Phifl Tree Tar Cordial. For tlOarn yara a sutTeiMr, On jv of tliat tim 1 hav slrpt otilf In my chair, nut IMn aMe to ll- dow n for frar of aatlorutlon. I hive ampioyfri suven of tlic lrBt phy lcliina In 1 hllad IphJa, w no all prunounrot my rnf lncurl)l I wan taken to the Collrio. w)tirn the Faculty, havlnit done what they could, dfctarl my di- an mciirahl caac of asOio a and Chronic Pyspop-la. InllHlAat ata!, ana that ray Iiiiik were partially k Bc M lull ng ono o I" j our tire a,nr, my wli proiMircd from your tore a hollle of your Conltal. Pursevcrlnly I uci seven Ix-tllci, ar:d a box and u half of tour !p -paia l'IIU,wheti I felt II at my rlit asc bad wh y Klven way, and the Vr dia! had Riven mo nw vtor and .strcnKth. 1 v miliia d to Itxprovc, and fir tLepat thrre month i I have bcenahla U p in 114 bed aa sutindly a I over did. 1 am now well, and have Rained iwei.ty-tlve pounds lu my wi-lnt. 1 am able to work and provide f.-r tny family. I sc-bd you this true and faithful statement f.r tho b'moflt of tho suf fer, nit. Y rlends, rail and se me, mar Oxtord 'htirch Vvti OfTka, 'J'wviilj' (bird Ward, I'bilad. dphJu. LSAAC iIl!.l.LUMK. 1R. WHllARrS CiltKAT AMKHK'aN IYSPIS'HIA riLLH. Thin Is to certify (hat I suilered for ton years with that drruillol (nuiplaint caiJt A oy.npcjola. I Htiiiortd much n and distress, with kIo.iib and daprussi oi ot spirits; 1 was irta eJb.v nulit uiflVrt ut pti.vsn inns tcrmy ont- j.lnmtf, and at tlmi-SHat nurh butter, but then my 'd ill cfl, dap-ptla, would returi wuh :U Its dreadful ralMUB. and my whole s.n'rtn was fu-tt wtiHtittir iwy lu tbl- . a and d-hi1lta cd stnie. I was handed a elicit ir ot Ir. U'il.nrt great American Dyspepsia and F'ine Tree l ar Cordial, wbico nav a eornvt desrriptlon oi my huttrilua, untl I deLi'iininetl to place mytult utiJtr thu ltoctur s care, and take his medicines. Aa coon as I commence l too ion of tho medu'lno, I feer.nii tu K't bt'ltn, and so I contiuu.d tin fu monthi.ut wiib h tin c f wns H'Mctly turci of ml lay eomplaints, ft nd pe. iVcMy rfdtored to health ; 1 am to-dny a well man Dr. Wlshart, X rive you this rtrtirtrate with a irriitetul heart lor the bent rtt I hive reruived tritiu tho us-iol your truly wondrnul medic ne. May Ood b:c.i you and pre terve your truly ukcIhI 1 fo for m-iuy years . I wojld say toeeryd(ek perton who was iiiturini? an I WAsttuttiny rriidence ! No. lKt Kichm id street, l'hliitdelptna. where 1 will lake reat del It; lit In giving testimony totliereut ptjwcrol Vt. Wit hurt 'u inedilus toeure K II Ai.r.r..-. Dr Wlsharfa Store and Offke.Ko.lf) V. Mr..oI.s:r.ot riilluitelphia. OYrtrtPSlAl DY-JPKPrtlA ! I, Moht- oertlfy thm 1 at ck with dys- jeyila lor two jairn; I wjb very nick at tho pit of mf itotna h, v.ltb pain In myb.eut, fide, bick ami hcml w ith dinHiCr. and i hkritii k iu w a kmu, nhttreat woak- nehs and k ituI deblliiy. I emploe.t, in I ia tliuo. seven mititit pi yi.iaiiK, and ti ey ditler'd iu their opinion ot my dira:e; wime thous'it I hnd one dlm ae, and soruo but I waaall ihe timo ttettinv u'ursc au 1 worae, until I beran e so low that my witc Would Imve to n-tin-forwifks to.c tei. Whi.e li tint d enlful c.-uU Ion, 1 plactd in II iiLuoj Dr. t a ir atini nt, and used t in nieat Anerican lyip pflu I'ilU and tre.ruiint t r Iypei ala, and at tho pretu nt time I am pent xtiy well, and tiao ialntd tn lleU twtnty-ioir poiiiidn, an I work aud aticudto my builHesn ai well us any purion in Petini LTUiila, and 1 am natl u d It Is n perfect euro. Or. WUhart. you can pubiihh mycafOU' you see I wstil to bnr tentlaotty to thi great power your uidicliui has to curt lvpepslii. All pcisom are at ilb. rfy to call tut ate mcor write. .MHKJI Kom 1H, Schuylkill Ilaen. 8 hnj IhUl county, 1'a. I'YHPElfU, l)YDKPHIi. T)ils Is to crtH ti, at I had Iytin.psia In the worst form for three years. 1 win tl rated by acven of the best phy sician! tn America ; some ef them were Professors ot Jof feron CoUge PhtiAdlpUia, but thty did mo uo &nx. I f raw worse every mouth, I would be takeu at times with ureadiu) pmns In my breast aud i.oiuuch so Kn at waa H that I could neither sit, lie, nor stand, but would rove about from one rHm to another i ay irrends expected to see tae die, a tfcre appeared to be no relief for m. In Mils hope less w million 1 piaeed mj Lf under Ur. WUhart'i (reAt-ment- and used his medicines ai directed. I nn day 1 am a well sua n, and tor tnn-e weral have benoum teit, and workliig hard irvru ourly iu jrn untl! Jevcn o'clock at n in lit. Mr. WishArt, 1 give you this cer UlWate Willi a gruteful benrt, feelltiK It my duty .o do so; job may, and 1 want you to puMili It to tho world, taat er peroi. suih ring a I was may have tho brwtdt of bUiv your truly womlvvtul remedies. All kk pT-ons are At life rty to ea 1 and see me, or write to me, as 1 warn to reudtr all tie good 1 can to sufltrmir humanity. JAM KS II. ANCLLX, Overseer of WasMn' ton MAumuclaraig Company a Wearing lioom,01oiicctr, X. J. I'Vsl'KI'HIAl DVSI'KI'HIAI I, John Lviich, do certify Unit for four nv-mtui pul I was attacked w ith acute dyspepsia; I was so severely handU d ttaii 1 could do nothing but what It would nil inowltU dieadful distress; my nervmis system wai perfectly pros traied; my whole tmuie sron becamo we.iit and trombltuif, w itb a coiumed Lotte and di.ln s In the lieu 4, loll mod by i e pilation ot tlio heart and Kneral of the whole body Kvery kind of medicine diul tiit red to me did uo good, until 1 uas adt Ued to tall on Dr VViihrt aud pluee my set' uuder his treatment. It i now about nine wteks ili.cii I counnen-ed to line his Djapepda Tills aud Pine Iree Tar forulul, aud I do truthlully and lakhiully ay, that I am periscily cured oMnpepsu, and all otner cis.Biei arising th reiront, and I tan cat three cod me ils vej day, ai d teel well in evury rep ct. I au " years el age, and If It whs t.ece-isury, I leel I c uid aud would ihouldtr iny :nu to l f -nd tht cltv from Itnanlon uy the Hel elif. AU L.-isi -us Willi HyHp-UiiA as 1 Han, are at I'bcity to call ui.d e me, t r I ieol ll my duty do ail Uiofcovd I can !., Miikrini,' utimaiiliy. JOHN LYNCH, No. I'-ll P..p!ar siroet, Plill.ele'iilii.u Ir. WIS1IAETH Sioreand Orttce, No. 10 S. HVA '0X0 Htreet, I'hiladeiphiA, Pa. AU examinations and consulta tions tree of chaise. Pr:ce, $1 per box. Beat by mail on rtvtlf t oi money, DY.srill'SIA I liVsrEl'HIA! I'r. V.'ihhart I I ave ho n a constant suhVrer Utli I'vs-I-vysU ut Ihe lust elghteun years, during which time i cau ii. t Kay that 1 eer enjoyed a perfectly well day. There weio limes when the i-yiuptoiun wore more aiavaUd than ut other: , und then It seemed a would he a givut re lief to die. 1 had ut all times an uuph aaut fi ellny in niy head, but latterly my MitterliigH so much In. reasud tint I tet nuie aejawi-st uutlt for hu6ineftof any kind ; my mind vnn ci.i.twTii.illy tilled with gloomy thoiultt am) uurj d iniH, and U I attemded U diai.e their current by rcad.u-, at once u beiitjution of Icy coldm sn, la c uinectlon wltn a dt ad w kI t. us it were, reste-J upon my hr.ilu; aUo.a Hciingoi ffi'Lueut wuuld occur at the stomach, and great pain to my eyci., Accompanied with which was tho ton tintial harol loiing my reason. I alo experienced wr.-at laafitu.le, diblllty. and tiervUbiiesi, which made it dlili cnlt to w alk by day or steep at ulgJit. I became averse to soeiity.and dispo.f-a only to seclusion, und having tried the hkiu of a iiumherof eminent physicians of various thoiyli, fliiAlly came to Uieconoluslon that for this dumaae At my prehent ae ( yearn), there was no cure In exlst m e. Itut.throuli the Inieiiercnce oi Divine, to w I ou I devoutly oi!r my thanks,! at last found a sov ith u remedy lu your Jiyupepsla Pill aud Tar Cordial, winch heetii to Lae eflectually removed almost the lat trace of my loi jf lt of allmenta And bad feelings, and In their place health, jdetwure, acd contentment Are my every day Cobifauluun. JAMKK M. BACM)KU8, So. 4.v K. hecond stmt, PhiUdelphiA, formerly of Woodbury, K. J. It. VlfiHAJiT tt Oilke.ho.lON.BiXONDHUeet.PM-ladiijdiia. ihir.iMui jYHrLiii V t. Tihin. nf Ch.trnriani. Vr.nti-mrt eirrr-tT. ?a . h tifVred for more then on ear rvs-ryn'tr but de.ilh lt lf. linn, flott awful -ll-ee. eall- d lv " I'M- 1 it. I loYeii 'li tl tune . cil the in H rmUf lit pnyiu iaf l iM I'hOmi. Ittliia 1 lii v d d all thev c'ill n.r me win m 01- ein' and u p tor. but still I w no bftr. I tten wTit t the reniiiv l inn I'l-iverun in ortn-r i- imik w rmchoi itit-"h.'Kt m i..-al iHtt-n's In tin "Miilrv, tint .heir ai-ti m- tail- ii u do me any n. ml and o'ti une lwnfi d r death b wlieve me ot m iH'ertniT", but nn Dr. Wll art ndYetll-i nifiit in U-e I'lniad. ip'ua Hn 10 in, I rieu-rinii ed to trt m e nmre. hoi with little faith I railed on ir. w ithHri. and told him tl I r"iiM tmvo diM I woul not Imve 'roubhd l lm. and then r l"'ed my sutTeriuvs to him I he Dr. Anred me It he failed t corn mo f I)v pola. It would IM' tbe II rM rae in two yi-Hrs, so 1 put BiAM it under hot treiitn e"t, nd a Uieisgti h .d 'n-on fur (FKlittiP vcttilltnu neaiiy evervtlui'iy I uto niv t'imiit) swollin wtih wind, and tilled with m:n hevono d- sfrlitlin, I bniuht A box of htn Dyietiila ' UN. I u-eO t'lem at dl r eied, ai o" tn tf n dv I con id ent a henrry a meal an aur peraon tn the Hi ate nt I'eiiAnvhuiiia. and hi ihirty tavs was aw man. I Invite any person uftnrf.i; a I waa to rail And ar mr, and I will tela r mv nnfrerinir and tho ur-t elire I reeived. I would nn to all l)VMHpth'. evneTwhero, that Dr Wthiirt In. I Vlievn, tte only pernon on the eartll that eau tnre I)) spepula with any decree nt , eramtT aio: Tintiif, rh-ltc Moiiiifninorr ila.. I'a. Tr. WIPIIAHT Tfl re. No. in V. NKC iND Street. Otfiee hour) irom V A. At. to 1. M. All cxdinibutl ua and ruiisiiitat oni liee. DYHPKPHIA! DYRPKPKIA! Ir. Wlr-h.irt 1 was a t'TOAt sutTerer with dvipApaia for fern yciiM. Jivi thti u' I ale Ilileil newiihwini And dre idtul pnln ; Hnl my Ihe was one of e.reu stitWInjr. I w ah no riioen AlMeied hat ll 1 drunk A if-ava of water, I would n on tetiim ttrk in a heated (n.iidui- n I applied tnteivklrd vt nila ino and trout me t; hut All u n pfltp' I vijiw lotir !l' ver l- int'llf ill tt.e "l,rd, er " of A ifreat el re y ur threat American Ptspi priit'l I ha i made. w ei 1 to j our i-iorf am purcha-ied a (hi.. ntl mmiu 'o ed to nr then ; find I do IllioR In at ihl- ditv I n u a el mi hi, and ean et three no iU pee da?. I bavp if nuuih -r oi pi ill-UK aiti r our toll, iid I iiaxe a younx man t'lHt wai eOlfterimr Willi ilipei,i n my le I'.-rinrh t- oil el.t oi i ur filln. ai d they rt ud himentrelv. V oniivrnerio hie il j ou me np- r. .IA oit Hm.iili.v, K(nredThie, Kent, A POSITIVE ( CUM FOR rY8VF.rlA. 11P.AK WHAT .MIL JOHN U. It.VllCOCK SAY8, No. liiUH OLivp, fltf(.ot, f Philadelphia. Int utiry L':M sol. Pr. Wlshert Sir: It i witn mti'-ii pieasuro that I am now able to Inform you that, by ihe a no of your gret Aineiii'iin Dy -pepuhi Pill. 1 have tM-eii entirely rured of Uai innt di-tn"-inii complaint. Oynpepna. had leen grtr voiihly all Icted for the ia-0 twenty i.lit v ar, and lor (i-n jea'n ol thai time httvf no heeii uveii tmin Its pan une week at a time. I have had It In It worm Inrni, and nnvr drilled on n m-nt mleraide ex'stened, tn pmn rly and nn ht. Lviry kino if ionI tl ut Into flihd me with w mo nnd (.am, It mattered uot how lihl. or how rnuail toe iliii'Titity. A continued he'chini. waa urp to i.d'o v. I h id no appelate fi r i.nv kind ot meats whatever, and myd'n-tri-nH w a si v ie-ii tor neverul moiit n bei -ie I t eird of your l illi-.that I ir iieuilv w ahed (-de.itn. 1 bad taken evt-rytlio h that 1 I i d of mr l wpe(,i t, w re. ceiviny any iMoietlt : hut on y our fill" in r'oirinieiided u me tiy one w ho had been emed bv ih'm, I c-cl ti1--it to Klve tin ui a triul, ulthonyh I had no laith n tneui. To oy untoiii'liiiieti, I toimd uivnell gi't'iiitf h'lter h(.ro I had taken one-founh ot n b x. nud ater taklnK halt a hat I nff i a vt ll nt raittw anffhinrj f wish, nnd - ttjov a hearty meal tlm e times a dav, without jnc inveni-nc irom aiithug 1 eat or drink ll yon think proper, von are at liberty tu make this public uno rler to me. will cJieT tuliy irlve all dei-hattle Intnrniatloii ro an v one ivho n.'avcuii on ii S Vouin. reoix elfolly. IOHM I). IIAtUMt'K r'ortiiile at Dr. WISH Alt T M Mednal De)o, V. Ki,( iiM' H ret, fhiitideli hia, i-a. Prleo one d- Har pet boi. bent by mail, lite uleiiarxe.oii reoeipt of pri c. IjYMPEPSI 1 ! DYMPKISA ! I. Hi.uMtel D. Ilivm, hAve beenAirreat Merer with rhniinc lJ.'I,tta himI Inila nuiai ion ol tli" M.'.oe.t tor i brer y ears. I ml lo e d tlirte m lour ol Uf m Miuiiuaut tliisteuii a or Wn'adejpht. tl' f hurlioktoo ouoiy, hw Jtut y They did a i lor me th-y poul . b.i: Alt to no ( I wan eoiistamly tilled with awloi pain aud dis t'em. bud with roiintHiil behudti of' Wind and hour aci 1 My toiiuiie was coirtdwiih a white cuauiitt oi m icus ii it li i cruel' ed In Itirrc liirrown, and wax diva, (full, nn e ! t ih ! I ot tt nut h wi-hd lor denth to relieve ui- nlmv i'i(hr ii vn.lor I htol i"-t ad tiopool ever beii g w- II iaih 1 lia e It a ni.toeci ol prayer to i toil tlia' no ouhl dtr ct me Ut ki me h si'-iut. or in- d ei'ie th -t Would euie iu". I Hisiunii' re,.d in ad'iti utem ot Dr. trVi-harrt, in the Phi.adelphla l.ed,er.'' ot a r at cure made upon Mr John ;i-.o.k, ot No. io.H tJlivf t'eel. I'liUte.nn ry it, treat Attieilt ah lVHiepia IMIn I wt ui ihUh' I) i.' oth e, an J pia d muii t.n.iet hi - treitnu ut. nnd mid him U he jailed l cure me, li w ouid be tlie Uit ed r I otilil make ll har Inen tix we s ui I eouiin' uced t'i o-e ol l.i- nediviio ami I inn now a well ainu, 'iee t'ro n all pain a' il di-tii'fcs, I-nil can t m, i i in.:4., , , v with com lot t tmc n i-i pt ec-fl. we i. r. VVlHoatt. I i it you to pul. lull nn eio-e Un I wiinl tvrv p'nr ilMiiti ', Mil' ntw Ji I van. to i ah mi me, and I w dl u II i.ein nl th- meat curt I huve reteivt d tVein m.r I ivam r,,e i4 cne. fv M I' K j I) H tVK j. t i rner of Vena tro and l.niuert utreeti, near it ie iui md ftreo', I-niteny lioiu W nh iihi nvn, HunlngLon county, ew J"nev. Ir. WaHUAKT H OtUe, Ho. 10 N. BKCOND fltTeet. DVrrrl'HIAl bVHM'PillAI DYR'KPsl A ! Th'n In lo f ertlfy that sufTrlnu severHv w ith a illere fAll'd lfpe iia. wuh much Iohh i f weight. Ill atti ii .1 iii wa (IlieettO tu WKImri'n (iieiit Au.'i. an i'iHp ia i tils Ax the r medy. HaYtm wicii, three weg tuten i.nco IrilU, aceoMllnff to ihe iti'urtiofts, I tound mypuii en' truly cured, ai d for -wo we, kit mice inv his th in greatly itu I roveu, m.d I can at w ithotit tear of pjin or iucouvcui ne. cariivstly re- Lin-iid ibem t nil M-rit any atl.klid. rs. M. II. 1 ll MI'8M, PU hmnd street F.u.r doors be ow Hanover lir. L. 0 ' wisiiAKl b uilice. to . HirnsD fitleet, I'hllakeiJdilA iripi:rmA! dyhpkpkiai DYiSPHpau! I, V'.lh iil.eth llfltion, of K randy wine, lh , niruterly of Ole t'hovter, )e , do ceittly that l -r one year ami a ha f 1 Mifli' i'il veiytl.tne but death from ttiat a wiul dmeasu eulb d Iy epn a. My w hole nysiem wu promrai d wl.h weakieni and nertoua di hilny; I could not i.Uont my ft oo ; it 1 ateevtna cracker or the amaltent amount ol' U itil, It would i e; in n .,ui an I sum lowed It. 1 becil'ue SO ruittiw in mv bowiN iba I woiiul not have a puasae iu h f than troni four and often eiiht envs; under thm ha ineime sutleiinK' nv mind neeou d enMn ty u the war I hiUenad of horror and evil lortiajduun. thought that ev r body hjt d m-, nd 1 hale; everv body ; I ould not i ear tny huht si n r inv on eht dn-ii eerthiiiK iippt iiii-d ti be borror-it (ckeii ! me; t ad no ambition to oo au ihliiK ; 1 lot al1 ui.v tow ui lautiiy and bouie; I would lumlile atid wand i irom p uce to place, Iui' ild I I t be eonieiited : I lei, thai I wuh jhuuiI lo hell, and th it Iht ie w an no hi aM ii tor me, an 1 vmu nl si tempted to rein ml i mm ide. rn ne. r wi. luvwi.ole nrvom sycte n ut hiro rii, uru also iu inh d, irom that .w tul complaint, iMSpepia, tl ut un IVieiiUs thoiiKht 'esi to have me uho ed In In Kiikhrioe's Hosii. a , Ve.nit'iiiaioiptiiat t remained tl ere nine wtekn. ai d th.niiit ( wan a imie ho tor but in efiwduvn my dreadiul etnp'alnt wai ratnif a-hud as tier. Heath. k of he woudtii.ii euicM puitormed bv Dr w i) art n tin at Ameili -ui ()s ei'Mi i'jJlu. anJ Ihh m ui u ent o DYpepftla. my li ImooertlUil on Lr. W nnart. aud ktaied m cam-to him Jic hai-i ho bd n t douhl he eon o eere c.e, ho It. ihree iht - a lci I tllci .and ida ett mvnell I-nd r tre J in tor's .re-tmei.t a ml in two w, ekn 1 1 e,an io ilivett my loud, iiiiri t It thai inv ilinoipp u at tat ihuirf way: Ht,u I et ntiuutil to r cover htr about e, ai d at the pn ent tune 1 euioy peimct tn ai h of b uly and mil d. uud I ui'o-t fhii ei ei i t urn mv t'lAut o a m -r.-iiiil th.d and Dr. inhaii. and b. In- OieU ..o.-i a i Dtapep Ha I'll s nint I'lui- 'I ice Tart oiihii', mai avd me tVo-u an inane a um a. d u pi utMlur if ra e. Al knrsoaa suf leiii g writ Dvs( ep-sia uib ut 1 ontv to ca.l on mo or wide a- 1 Am w ihii a io uo uH t lie . d I eau t r Miii.-rii! bomanl'y Ki.l. IIMTI ttKNS'N. l(iaii(iywine,le'aH are, i.o-.ucrl) o d Cheiter, li jiawar.'' col i ty I'a Dr. UlSHAUT e) OlIU. So. 10 N. Street, 1 hii4delpl,ia. 'I he above are a few Ainonir tho thciMaiids wlil.h th's ri't tet'icdy Imh a d rr m an tun line iv ra e We ii e hi.ll' i d id let'em trom pnv-l.'iiiut and druiiytn't In aH jinrt ot the iKnuilry, rv u u iba nit-y Imve u vur ir- riin ii vr tola a medicine which ta e such uuit i-rstl sa.iaUi tl m. These Medicines are iropnrrd only b the pn.pi ie. ir, DK. 1,. Q. a. WHUAUT. WUOKi: OI11CK IH AT lTo. 10 LT. SECOND BTEEET, PLCaJelpbia, PI K'NSYLX AMA, Whore he can be eonsulte 1 eltl er personally or by letter fi ee of chaii . 1 l.ev are s J bv D-liront at d 'iim'mi every wl ere; at wluui Mile hy all iiew tun. and Hhilmtfl phiu lioUaslc Dilylstf, 1,.. ,w HELMDOLb'S REMEDIES. j Ii;j3viuoij.i'h ', rLuiD ixteiot Bucnrj I Fi t .v. n- Ri tontlcn or Inaontlnonr. of Crlns, IrrlUlk Ir.iisfrinatloii or ricf ration nf lbs nimldnr or Kktiws llitf'tof the rroitrltf Ulenii. Stone in th4 BMU 'J'-l-'i'i' rorel, or hrtek-iltltt, and all &MM ol u P .iif. r. Ex'.nfj and Ilnpslcal HwoHloi. . ' i ll'l.IM DWLil n 1 LUID EXTRACT DUCUU I r IVtikntixi arising fioui Eirwilr IndlecrMlca. T ci.nslltntlon imc airccudmih Orijanic tl, aid il mritlrlnc lo ttrtngthen and ineigoraU (Aytf which llF.l.MllOI.I'a EXlItACT Iil'fno InvarU'; dors, Il ro traatiacnt Is untnnlttcd t, Cntiintptloa Iii'anlly n.ny oti-uo. ' I 1 't X f LVID EXTRACT OF BUC1IU, In a flee lions peculiar to "Fkmalis," ia aues,oaJed by ' . o titer preparation, as In Chlorosis, or Retention, Irre J laxities ; Painfulnoss, or Supprei4km of CuatomArj Ur uatlons; Ulcerated, or Pch rrous Bute of the Uter LeuchorrhaA, and all e "in plaint incident to the r whether arislr.g from habits of dJsnlpAlion, lupradene 1 or In the Uci Hue or eliange of life. 1 15 '1. FLUID liXTBACr BUCUO AND lUl'ltONKIl HOR WASH VIII radiralW extermluutu irom the avateni LiseaiesM the Vrinaty Organs urlrinjt from Habits of DliiiptOoa) liuie eaj'tnttt littU cr no tn ;frtf, iv ineo nvenkt or t-xpwure; eouiplete'y shjm rhedlng those unpieaiatU ' iaNtr&i" tiutttlit! Cvj aiia ami Mercufyin alltb UlBcAei. 1,'KK HKLMliOI.JJ'S 1LU1TJ EXTKACT BUCHU i In all Messes of the Urinary Orana, wbetber axlittni "Jfuc1 or uyetimltt" torn irAuOwr rauM 9riginmH and uo waUr of hotr hmff itandittg. It in pleaMQi tahte And odor. "Immniiotti" in etioH And oV stren Ktl ciiltiK than any ol the preparations of HtrkerJrt Thoc eutleiititr from Itruken Doun or DttUa4 CwtP livns, jricnre tt-t tltnitiiy at once. Tte reader nuai be aware that, however sLyM may' theatlaekol the atnive dlBeuat, It la oertain to affeet i ii 1911.,i i iCaoiu noiat m. I, v d r- T a t- a v , l- r rn i,n Y li MAKE NOSl'.CKKT Ol-' INGUlDIENTs' UtLMJtOI.U S JLU1D t.VTHACT lyCIIU In e.,iu..vci1 of liuehH, Ci Whs, and Junipe llerriel, t lsi'tod v. lth treat caro snj piipared In snuobyll.' IIIX-MII.D, Hni;slt anjt lieialst ufsixltn yenrt'i. peril-Hi- In :tlie city of rhlladclplda, sol ou proiorfbi by the niot eminent of the fm ulty, auj Lr beea nl hi beea " J y, an ere J ll er n;W,VV nilltid to ate In tin I'uiU-d 3lato Army, very i-enciaj nie In State Itcspltal aud Inatitutlom tliruu.hoiit tlie laud. PriCo tlx n.r r.. Delivered to huy ddrees, ccoiaulcd by nlliitdlrettloni. lilreot lollen to V HELlIHOlll i Di ng aud Chemical mehoui, A, HQ, uui sora, Or UKLMBOLD'8 M.dlU Depot, Mo. lot 8 T.uth street, nisdelphia. Beware of cotuitcifclls. i..k fur IlEI.llOLD'S.aa take no othtr. rbyeiclso In attcnJan. e from J o'clock Att. to I P. old by DiUj jl.ti vcryiLvre. M-tutui-lia