TnE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PITILADKLHIIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1804. jwuing telegraph ftATl'HDAV, OUTOIIKIl 1, lH. y it. Y Hit II A nil Cm. Im I for wnr ? Ay, to the ktiito : I War to the liittoi tn.l 1 fllll triior In rti sh ill ttvmtilin tune And trnl or knef li..!l liri.1 To the liiiMi din tune Ciurl t.rilAin.M Udoii this ranlilT S'.nol. Upheld liv 1 inorrnM nt nl.i. Mnjoriltvn thatl rule. Am I for wnr ? Tli'ink On... I nm "Short. slurp, ili. i-ivc t '." t nave one oiiiv s n with llmni. Would Gin! timt 1 li.t.1 innri' ' It otluT I'hlhl n nnidi'ii Rrown, With lntal ptiUe unit true ; lltciittn" lilt'ssinics i n her nntivc Un 1, And aiili the iniliti'T, tun ! Y micc licltl fni'li that war wits whvii.;, A Uu iKi r-liorn am 1 . In mttiiiK ttr.uiii.l, h irj by ; I ;ut had lie IIh-'I until tliin hour, f And h( unl nf .NuiuttVa slimm. Jfli think- his patri-.t mill lul tlui.l.: 1 ft With filling a I silniuc ' & IV'Sllt vn a d iPPit at tnv ll.ri.:. Anil lliruat ic In tli lii:t; 'rill my lilt i e'lliinir out, VY ltd "the n d hlo il I've ni;t : R!.U it my (in.l vout'liaafo to mo Aiiirtit ot n niaiiiini: strength. IV our corpse wi.h tiiine shall e'eu go lowtt 10 measurr tarCii ai it D .'tn ' So hare thrur. Ilolicl traitors dona tiilo uit Nntlvo l.aml : I'hcv'rp nluiiL'i'd a il.uriior In hr heart. With fratricidal hind : And now, come wel or woe to her, Amid the cannon s roin rbe ei ho of a thousand hills Kepeat the cry of war ! oil Mens yon, Maine! and you, Vermont! Clod'n llcniui! he on vou 1 ylew llainpshiro's honcst-heartcd sons f SuHtain their crmirry, ton ! to follow every loyal Slate, 'Tili traitom near and far .shall throw aiide the kwnr.1 and gun, ( Anil cry -r.noupn oi war: MEYERBEER ON RELIGION. Vhnt lie) IIioiikM or Jnrtnimi. e New York Muncal llrrirtn of hint week hed a report of a conversation Meyerbeer, lite coiuoser, once had with a friend. M. Meyerbeer said must make a confession to vou. In order ji Jew, even to the umallcst extent, one mutt mana ucorew, jun as to he a Frenchman uw understand trench. For Judaism is ly a relliiion, but also a notionulitv. The allty sticks to us were It onlr hociuse wn ways churned with It. even when the ndi. iai entliely Taninbod. If 1 bad a ion, and fd to bring him up In the Jewish rcllRion, I Id take care that he should nnderstimd Jw. For the little of Judaism that mill me i am Indebted to some biblical , some reminiscences of Hebrew. Not onlr li boys, but Jewish cirls. too. should at il.n f three besin to learn Hebrew : thev would never run the risk of wishing to change tholr yhat you toll me,1 replied M. Weill, 'de- me, and at the same time astonishes me. nay easily luifttiine whr : for vou are re. ied for havinir permitted vour amiable .Ut to get baptized.' have,' replied Meyerbeer, 'allowed my teratho liberty to choose their nddrlim. t ed then that I ucted in this as a kind Darent. sophcr, and pood citizen. I believed that a ' had neither the right nor the obligation to Alas ! I then had did not know the and especially rounir childhood something be word had not been ten abused, I should have said that children 'T:rl thn llRMt hit nf fanatloiam ' )o yon think that Instruction In Hebrew is sullicient to lire the imagination of a k person oi mo jcwish taith r flertainlV Iliitl. mui t.H..'nr. In w. fjl.ord" is as much Christian as Jewish. The the case with tho "Ktcrnal." But .Uunui e something, especially when I know that a mysterious word, which combines the of past, present, and future. dn hink of this, who understand Hebrew as is your mother tonuue ?' I think you are giving utterance to precious sb, aim mcreiore suouiu not like to Inter im. I shall take unto of everything, and h our conversation sooner or I'ntn. An J a lew Irrolovunt romark', M. Weill Con- -No, no; I nm not como to speak, but to Let us resumo the subject. It Is as siin it is true. A Jew who docs not undxrsiand w makes upon me the Imnrossion nf a l'..tcr mlcl, who has lost his shadow. Th I 1 ouths in Oormany who only loam Latin 'wn "ib ciiiii-r Kiutpicious oi Ki't baptized, st the same with Jewish girls ;' and imrmg ued to describe tho degeneracy of modem Meyerbeer replied : i a surety, Hebrew is the lanciiai'o of reason. i order to be a good husband ono must have reason, and that too in a goodly propor- V'ho tells us this ' have read the Iliblo j my mother lias, more- nun rcpcuicu mis hi inc. vt ucn she was t'targulng she always concluded with some iv Mll.itilllnn m'liii.l. o,. ; ,, n,i,iU ouiuiiiiu up uveryiuiug words: for mv nwithpi nnl.,,..wl ...... r me, when I was a boy, Hebrew appeared' iuuiiiiiuiiim useless, i nave sinco cnanged ir. mv uroincr understood more Hobrew He began all at once to study it, but he lomrcr time for it : it i Snillv in Vlhlllh that rns well.' this Case T ttltv niirivnnnn Tnura an.l future; lor our young Jews, even tho sous uiiw i'uuiiw, uuu a uisiiKQ toiteorcw. i.icioi arawnijt meir rules trom J-igaro, tin Jauue, and from morning to eve study uui mjo tuuuvj articles, as ror lue poor, inly devote their sons to rabbinical and V HtUlliRH. Whim fhnir tfilnnt la n.a,i:..n... a VOUfh Axllihitu pvtruiti.lin,.. I.U.. 1. Is himsei to some other branch. Do you what out young men now-a-days become ? , v, , jimruaiisia, pianists, literati, ins ruatkematicians, and still more rarelr. ors i. ., icliolars. as Montaiene sava. now what others before them knew I ' L Jtwcedcd to deplore the tendency ng .owso wen oi the present age to devote Attention to money-nmklng rather than to t will be seen by bis remarks that he was litcAbe strulgutcst and strictest sect" a M NKAIi JOTTIMiS. obr'i ojiirft Jesiorula has been revived at the Ordiestrm nf the, nrura hniiaa nlm thfUtrn thn nut Pu-m nit,.). I. ., i.nnn . ' tVll l.tQ UbOll a in tlieouera of JUnorah. s recn; fentival of the " Music of the at Car jnihe pasaed oil" agreeably. Liszt e brig L tat sur ou the occantou. the HtTcford Musical Ft'Htival 8puhr's liabuiot Will nr. rl nrtd Imr 1hi mi tPUU , tedium ind satiety. 1 niiAfnia a. .11.1.1 ri'J . rt i n , . i vi' wtum m fits jurat lieaurict, ijy (t.tiinlPifafr. hiLl tkOttrt n..rr'..i...oll .. .tl. u.,.. the LouOm Crystal Fulace. ,no, after having been engaued for the .mm miKicai resuvai, writes troui his tilvititi .' at Kbirencfl tbut lie .v ;,,. ,;. .,.., cannot filHI his contract. ' ing the 1st season of the St. Louis l'hil- IC SoClet'. tWCTltv.ninA u-.irlra naiu t, Ihul TO DrOdtli'd. 'I'liP nn-haclr a.,.1 .I,..P..U ,'Cd over ue hundred j.erl'urmcis. .;eni, metcnur, wbn engaged to aim,' in 'I 'Jill UttbA ltnawi,.i l-.iii-al lu the lust umient he failed to keep the ap- u, ue upera was sung without n ftht nciiCrystuI Talaoe opening at Atn- , utv,u, kuv uinsic luciuueu orencs- inous sim on Weber, Uaudel, Men- nee, ana yuiuuiu. The two i i cteuriues. I Mllon's roccnt Beethoven concert T nii.NmniA i,i-liiilu.l l.u ............ uunJi Arbt.' tutlii'1 1 l,lei.t nn, t.. 4 pianoforte, (irand Heeiia, "A qual furor'' L'), and the' Fastoral Symphony." Oicn, the on of the celebrated music ' v. juajba, uMbv iui tf tiromeridA rniw-Mrtu inmmiiniiiii tn 1 1 of V I October, 'h Inn .une scale f etticicney as last year. OflArft Plnn. .1 Tl : V. 1 ij ."iuw mi. j Arm una Kvupcum I'Hint. me ulterior ui tue ,f P.ln Uuh '"Pfoved, nnd the stage IiT. n" "ue.w -'ur"in or crimson and I if,v !nt Lyrlgue has also been re- . niTe, " .."t'V''",-,'arV'"?. ." jic the Iwoiret operas. runs cuiiuren uis religion. I Jig to teach. I myself 1 iti religion ! Women, VVinust have In earliest l7n inspiro them, li t 1 , ..i.,irTfl T he Jliniilnb iin K. stivril was opened with Meiiiii Insulin's M. '.m, Inch wn given in a most tinposirg niKpnir t' 'j now oritorin, A diimott, proved a ft e it sin-'ss, the rrtH'trnt of the fintital one I, -rhtlelil d"ininiling twe e rcpi ti'ini.s adni r.t portions. 1 he gnat, st Hppl'Use wsi to a H'lanel, "Honor aril (II. rr, A nirrnv, be Thine," suns; by Ailelinu l'st i, Miss 1'hmi.t, .Nidi Keevex, and Mr. Mantlry. M.l'.suiir .inn .iih.Hj ibat li.' will upen the 'ili ino dp. ra at I'm , 011 the 1st of (l- o'ier, 1' .1, Hr the v in'cr s -1:1. I uinoi impr.. ve il ti.t. bhTc I . 11 mail, in the hniiKc. 1 hubs', of tl e 1 ',y.'' v shin1 .1 Kimdly oiimier of finger. 1 1 e m plain's n enn" alius compri .e Mcs i.i'ii s Ch tun lb mi 1 r, Mi-4 A i....ili, I1, nc, thi Situs Maiiiii-i.., 1), li tilling.-, 1).' M-ile-l.'ibai.lic, Taho-l'. . I 'u-ti : , (tuisi'iipma Vruli, (' urn Ce I'.tiKi.i. Sh..i, .lniiii Vaiub-r lie s, .lid A'a tia I'ntil, the tinois are l.uaTh, I' tircll. (0' s:. N.iuit.'i, Nei:i .i.i. .m J Nieolici ; t'Hl t III S!l" U-M"., .ll!ll'lTS Al liltllll'li, A-iei, Hi lb v-ii'lr, I ,'"'' 1 ":er'i ..i. V. rhl, A ti t 11 11 1 , 1 .1', M .rinlii, S, lia, V..111, Seal -se, ani ul.ii.i. An itic tiinus inu-ii 1 in in Oeriuany hns gone 10 work bni t na over 'inisiol bi'irr:iidiii s, ami riirrriM-rs that almoit all the well-known musi cinrs ere born In seven iniiiiitis ot" thoyeir, at follow .luiitiiirv Aanrr, Ati. lluloiv, l-cr.U-iiaiul liavKt, llciold, hulls, Mmart, Kaissiger, .lulisnii Schnti.ier, Finn hebubert, llon rma Mi.nt.ig. Li-m'ir, ilirri Her, li ir.-n, T'rfiKrrk ibe (in at. Sib hi r. Fe'iru ity Albrn 'Ltst.ergi r, De llniot, Ci-rny, l'i ra, I in. k, On try, 1! un I, Il 1II1 ia i, Manrer, Mi-mlrl-solm, 1' ica'iinl, K nl , lio'sini, Vlcutti tups, FurUcI, Ole Hull, N. Ilurir mullcr. March S. busli. ui II up, Felicinn Divnl, llase. Haydn, Malibran, Nmirnt, 1'erg ilesr, .lii hni n Mri.uss Mi ptembi r ( her'iliinl, I) mlettl, J. Fuehrer, Meycbicr, JuImh (Ht, iSpouiini, A 1. lire. Ci t"ber lln y siioek. laile. II tuptitisiiu, 1 ci 'I in bikI HiPcr, Kont-ky, .letine I, in I,, l urtnng, Ni hroib r-lb'rlent, Vrnli, Myscder. N ovf oilier r.elllnl, Ciirnf 1, 1 1 1 :i 1 1 11 1 1 . Ihiniinel, Kreiizi r, Kucken, Fop, Marx. M irtin l.ut'ier. Hies, Knniberg, Kitiiinsicin, S,in I cr, I'rlneo Louis Ferdinand ol I'rnssia. liorcmber II etho Vcii, llerlio., lloililii u, luipn J., (iungl, I, tblache, A.iolph Muller, Iticz, C. M. Von Wclwr. The only in mint musician-, horn in tho remaining live months are (JI11, ky, Hnlevv, I.ulll. Marsch m r, ripohr, Schumann, and Rich ird Warner. A (ierman ri tr calls all this a "coincidence," and wants to know whether there is any physiological reason for it. It reminds in of the "remarkable lolnciilence" nn nlloncii in Dickens's "Old Curi osity Shop." when Barbara's mother and Kk's mother, on coinptiring nolo, discovered that "Kit was born 011 a Thursday and Ilarb.ira on a Monday." A Hit dllftlloa Among; n I'omliK, We are sick of the "latest news." Polities aro a dcluvlon, and the last election a snare. News paper rcaillng is wearisome, so many of tho papers having assumed a butternut tiut that is bud for the eyes. Like "Macbeth," we stand driven Into a corner, and cry out in despair "Ilring mo no nioro reports." We sympathize with D ig berry, that wise old "fellow that hath had losses." lu fact, "Our lisp h toss, ,,nr hope but nail despair, Or ratisi are liruke, ami ruin follow 1 im." Light rending Is out of the question, and jesting has become unseemly levity. Sackcloth is the only wear, und grave literature the appropriate study. A voluminous collection of epitaphs forms a part of our "hook lor serious hours." Wo have been searching its pages for an appropriate inscription to place 011 the grave of our buried hopes. There are none Bile, tine enough to desciibe or sorrows. Hut tho following selec tions may allord our fellow-mourners, as they have us, a few moments of sorrowful delight, and fierhiips provoke un occasional burst of solemn uiiKhtcr. The following being a specimen of consolation extracted from misfortune, appropriately com mences the selections. It is in Ashbiirton church, ou tho grave of Kluabeth Irolvid, died I77t' : Hers I ll- at tlf fhsnr! dour; Hi-re He I becmiiMi I'm p.'ur. Tlie birlhwr In, (he mere y.,u pay ; Here del ai r arm as tlu-y. The next, a specimen of tomb stone brevity, is at v rexuam : lie re lies Hhnre, I sav no nun!, WI10 was iillvi Id tlxty Ave. Thn following jaunty specimen is at Stepney, on tt unam lieuticy, nno died A.IJ. l'.bJ : Yi't.ixsr treadrth on Uil atnno, I iray you treat! most usany, Fit iiii.lerneuth dm smiiu .l.iili lie Yutir lii.uust rrielij Will WlieaLU-jr. In Harnstablc church, on John IJoylc, who uied A. v. lib 1, agcu cignt years ; litest was 0i l'ri'1'liet in Ills lienitMily ihaile, lint 0I1. hi.w a s'ii ilid liia uuibn lla tuile 1 l.ikt' mi r fiai. b-itl-s, wliuli, l.euiK liora ofclay, Mprlns In a nlKQl atlU wlllier In a iluy. A tolerably safe bet is the following, at HriKhtwiii, on Mcphcn Jtumbold, died A. u. 10h7, aged IPS : He live! One Hmi.lrei and Five hani:uliie anil striin; An Hum ree t" Ivo iu t live 911 Ittn;;. The following so'einn tombstone ballad is from F', ou Martini Wells, wile of John Weils, died 1777 : We fr from home dM coma, Ea. li Hil ar Ixr to j"lu : hi iieiiee mill nil null lere we lived , Aim did III 101 e 1 oiut'lne. lliitoti! eiimrk the alniiis'o, Vet liraveii's wise .Its-iee, I'm lodkt d within Ihi- illt-nl ifi'Avc, He a roiilliitf on the ai a. The subjoined Is a whole epic, condensed into nn epitaph ol epigrammatic terseness. It Is from King Stanley Churchyard, Gloucestershire, on Ann Collins, died September 11, 1S0I, aged V) : "twaa a she trlft frr.m ra-k to cult 111 ai tin- liiiDKliole iiuti kly r.vtl ; builoLUtimi vt ua tier task, bin- hud Dt ntaa to say fitrcwelt. At the Old Men's Hospital, Norwich : Id memory of M rs. Ph be Crave, wlii died Sluy ,s, lsl7, aued 71 years. Who Uilllliii fortv lenrs lirai lice us a ujidwile in this city lirousbt into lltfl world ulna lliouiand seven tuiulred uutl thirty childrca. If Malthnn. the antl-poiuilation man, should meet Mrs. Crave in the laud of spirits, he would knock heron the head with his Ks-ay on l'opu lation. What a heap of misery one wotnacn brought into the world! And some of those 11710 children, or their descendants, probably voted the llutternut ticket in Ohio, and thus caused our woe. We give a few more at random : (ientla reader, sortie reader, Look, ou the apot wheru I do lie ; I v.aa always a very good feeder, Hut now the worm do iaoU on I. At Church Creton, Salop : On a Tl.uraday ahe was born, (in aTliuratlay made a bride, (am 1'buraday put to bed, Cna Thursday broke her leg", and Ou a ahiiraiitiy died. At Woolstiinton, on the grave of Aim Jon Dint'" : B'.me lave children some have none lleiv Uei tl.e mother 01 tweutj-oiie. At Oakham, 1736, on a woodcutter : The Lord law koikI. I was lopplny otTwo. J, And dow n fell frooi the tree ; 1 met with a check, and I broke uiy neck. And to death lopped off int. As a match to this unbnppr woodcutter's fate, we give the epitaph on "Mr. Joseph Orapp, ship wright," in My lor, Cornwall: Alai ! friend Joseph His and wear Aliiuott Sudden As tli'iu the mandaie came fcs-prcsa truia h.-aieii. Ms fool It Klii- and he lllil fall, ltelp.liclii be etlea A lltjt wai all, Al Edwalton, Nottingham -hire, on IUuimcj Fieeland, died 1711 : rhe doank sood ale, too.l puncti and wine, And livid to (he ae ol ?. The next is rather severe on a departed spin ster. The fellow who put it on her grave no doubt made sure she was ijuitc dead before he durcd do to : Henenth tin silent -tne is laid A noisy aotniuuti-d maul, Who (mm cradle tuik- d till ileatL, Anil i,e er Ufort- n.ia out ol breath. The statement in the next was somewhat open to ixccptions on questions of fact ; I'r.eer Hits soil lies John P. .und, n 1 o wits iosi in the sea, and m v. r was n und. In (inil-ncld ihurilivrrd. on David William, tlittl 17("J. I'r illr this Vi w-TriC. Unrietl would he be, Ili-came Ina s alder he I'iuuttd 111. a Yew-Tito. The most touching of all the epitaphs given is the fi llowing, with which we tc.irl'ullv close our "Meditations among the Tombs. ' It is from Ejuiock, Olouccstcr, ou the graves of two ChiU du n ; Two iweetur liatii s von nare did no 'I I., in He. I an.tty pud to wee; Hut II. ey wur orlaken wee aeur Sits And oiai ti.ty ly baa dead u num. rnoTrcTiON aoain6t Ili BiiLAits. One cent's worth of stout wire, bent in the shape of the letter U, is a good proteetiou against burglars. Hang the curved part of the wire on the door knob, and let the two extremities pass through the bow of the key after the door is locked. Then the bur clors may rae in vain unless they break tho door down. A Oascon nobleman hud been reproaching his ion for iinpalleuce. " I owe you nothing," said the uutiliaf young man. " So far Iroin having served me, you have ever stood in my way ; for, If you bad never been born, I should, at this mo un iit, be the Bvxt heir of my rkli gtuuUiuotlivr.', BIX PER 0E!IT. LOAN Or mi. Kill S A I .I-', , In ain nn'.s t'l I s e'l'iii' ton n 141 i , 4! !r s--it twtrkal 1 a. si. bonds r r.vnY imi mkm vi- :iy. CI. 11. WKIOIIT X CO., t . in. 1 iitin . 1 Kt.r.r, rtl.' tiVcl o -srsil f is Kv-lmn. MARK HA SSI, Kit f, CD'S I'llN'i rnlllK WAUK. Km IMS, Hi .'II IS 11,111111 stie.'l,Ut.. tVal tit. : J? fit' i;f'IAT., VV llom-'.RT V. MA.S.SKY, OH I d i l . 11. lie ail it. r aiui.t nl".l I.T !h iht'imii ( eirl f..r ISn ( tl Slid 1 ..nnt ,.l I r 1 1 a, ir'i vi, , vdn. '1. .tn.i ll'l H'C Ar. a,,et of ' A K M l.l V, l"ll. lT V. Missl.1,,1, . si .1 l.H 1 1 II. I 1 1 . S -I.S i, ,( i.Mre. 1 v.-, . t rs.f tl.. i--iiii : t.-si .men! l It Ml-. 1 1 V Mc"U, ill i'. h i.l. ar ,- rs re. ..It ilistril.u !.n ..f II, e blll'ttlC 'II Un' Isil.lSOt ll.e Sie' lOCrtiai, Will l W tl I'srtiet letero-l.-.l '". tl s 1 nri i.i'i m his a-po 1.' ineiit , ml V. . di cull v, (1, '. ... w;l, nl 1 1 o . I., a lm oih.e ,S. ;, ." W .1.1 ,:l s'le. t. .0 I s.jyni I'll . I., 1 .Jis 1 1 , :l-l v Hiiss a-'.t J'lHW CLAV 1'. . AnJil'ir. 1 ) VI'.I.IC SAM'. OK WUAIIK. J. HI M I -.1 Till I'Oti i. i. Weios., Ni. Il'i WaI.NP f Sue. l,, Iv.l. " I'l e Hoard el War I, 111. ol ll.e I' .it ... I'liil.d -li-hla." I.i-i. i.t ,'ive t o' ee t1 at ii'id-'t .in. I l.y antl ernt of an n t ..1 ti e l.i icsinniri' i I I'. irisvli nniii. eltlli'e.l "An si t to a 'I I hot it I hi sale 01 . ertHili oil ailste 111 the . n 1 ot I'lii 1 . lie t. 1. 1. ' il p...M tl ,ln.) .'. lM.. aii'l "I II lleinl itl'.n i il -si I Ilea il . I tr.trll. p'lr-tiaot 1' ps--" l on t ie .'.tli tl t v i t Si pTnt' er. A . II. l-i.l, (it"i w ll! sell at Pn'i le nle. i,,r ess'i. to 1 lie l.nC'e.l on tie lis I'll HAi nl' m i .it 1 It , I,., a; I.' .. . 1 .. s eo n. i the i'tii,.. t'Ti a 1 xehni.tie. in u-r om. p, tn-s. el. ar, sua tllsehartjed In 111 all and every tre -t, and ue, and . toil 1st ten All c flaln trio I or pie. e of eirtl, ..c-e-'Iie l li l!'s deed of K'litbi 'lt Mitr.-.oi 1 to o la.t. r and A-.-1-laiit W a dells ot 1'iy I'.TI ol I'l lU-lelphia, .Iste'l lite twt Ittlettl tin 1 1 auklsi, A. n. Ihi.:. and r.o rdei Ms il.H I'l.i'a li :pl,ia. In I'. 1 J Heol I. r, No .1. ihi.'i. 'i s, a i.. o s, vl.: Mteaie in the To.'nlnp of .M'tvaiiiensliiir, (row In ll.e 1 irst aid of I'.t I I y 01 I'tnl .de pltl.,i eim Islrli e in hres.lili it'-rlti and a .nth loriy lee", and esliMid lite In lent Hi i d pth ea-i mid wesi, f...m tl.e i.uid les.iltnr It. (.loin ester rolni 111I0 the river lie. aw are to low wa'.er Hisia. It' nnde.l on li e easl hi Oe flier IJelnwre.on lite writ In It e -aid road lendlna to Itlouei'ier I'oint. on tee north liv sround now cr tali- in-loniili s to tin' asm K.lKihe ti Mnrsliiill, anil on I fie seiilh l.y u'O ind also antv or late Int lone;im lo the asl.l Klislieth Mirslia'l: the southern li..lindniy helnir d'stant elaltt hundiid lector Ihsreiifioits frelti tin- noun slile ol the whatl now or la'e owned l.y Hie stud K.llnl.etli Miir-liall, at llloneestpr I ohit : toK'-lher, al-n, Willi all lite rUhts. Ilhettles, prh lleees, h. ri'dltil nel ls.aitd iippnrlenaiieea hv said deetl itiatt'ed to the 111 ill .Mjster end Aaslsiunt VVaidena, aa will be undo know n mere fully- on the day ol sale. Kiiriher liiiin matlon oh ainei on api'lleailen to CIIAIil.K St . W AYNR, H 20 tmli -fit Ma-lrr Warden fort ot Philadelphia. 1 K M O V A I,. THOMAS M. TI-OWMAN, J t Carpenter and HulldiT, haa removed his shop IVnu ho 'A' Straw lerry street to No, '.':.'i e'Alt TKK ioluinit the old Post Office Itnlldlnw. Ilavlmt incraaied raellitles f.r carrvlnir on (he tiudnesi extensively, be liopei o re-eire a share of public t.atn.naee. Ja7 CT.CKF.T DISKASKS! SKCHET niSUUSKS! O HAMaHITANN 1 II r T i HAM A HI I AN a lill'l' ' T10. Mi-sr Critiais ci 10. Likii t.-t.i.. In, a P' sMti e rnre It.r (.liSOKItllH A, t.I.KF.T. SI IIIPTI ItKH, Ae, Colitaiiis 110 mineral, no llalaain, 1,0 Morrnry, lllil) ten pills tu Ihi taken 10 i llicf ii iu e. ('urea Inir.m two lo lour ils, und reeenl eaiss tu "tweniy-lonr honre." Prepared ny a atadiiata of the I nl. verslivol ftniiayiianli,otii- of the. most etnniaiil lloclors ami lie mists oi the prestnl dav. hi. i xei.-i its , so 1 in .c in s, so en isi.h wn 11 Kern. Let tin. se w ho have nfir.-ttiilkf cured, or w li 1 have been purvii-dwlib lulsum Copalia.or Mercury, at 01. eu try Hie SAMAltlTAN B fll KT. Sent by uinll In a pluln envelope. I'lii e, male uuekauc, $'.' l emalea, S;l- ni.ocu: iit.ooii:! ni.ooi):! ni.O'jn:: SCKOHI.A, I'l.CT.ItS, SdltK.S, SPOTa, IKTIKI;!, SCAI KS, HOI I. H. SYPHILIS OK VRNKKKAI. IHSKASBs, Ac , Ac. StAVIAIilTAN 8 POUT AM HKItll .ll'lrKU Ta 0IT1 red the aa a positive curs, fv, PHII.IH (IK t NKItKAI. I)sKAHKH-lli.. SAMA ltlTAN S KmiT AMI It la titers .stpoteiii, eeiiaiu, and eiii-ciual remedy ever preserilud; It remh.-a und erinllciites ('lory puilli te ot the vi.neieal thai the core Is thorough mid permanent, l ake then of Una .t nt vimr n meily and he tieiile.1, and tin n it tl'anaiult to your pofeti-iity that lor which ou ma' repent lu after yiais. liO NUT nCRPAIltl Alllioieilt 1011 ninv be pn no.iiii e.i inrurahletthe RAM V Itll AN ItmiT and HKItll .1 II II 't will rein -vo even vesiiM. 01 iinpiii I. ii-s liom the system, as will aa ail 1LS bud eliic s ol lueicuiy. H.VAI.KS! KKMM.KS! In iiiuM iin.ellons Willi which niloi'iers 01 lemitel stiller, tic Killil AND HKItll Jl ll'KS me most aimpli tl, in I Ii'ithI. d ('term, in l.eiieorrh.i'ii, 111 lie.rlii' Cow 11, 1 n'liiiu 1.1 the Wouili, leMlity,aiid IVrall eomplaluts laet.h lit to On sl-. hi 111 l.y rrieefl a botf le, or fi bottles for $i. SI A M A It I IAN S WAMI la, In eases of Siphilis. ued in eonnei'tioii wilh the ltoot and I lei I. Jul. Full iltreelions. ITiee 'l' eenti. 'I lie eltic.i. of these r.-luidii s is alike iiekitoti le.bod hv physli ians niid putients, 1 hey iin ua- d in Hie t iilied Slittes llo-pitnl, thus reatotlliu IteuUll lo uiS iy ol Jour liliiie soldo r-. 1 10111 II e ll.iliilnoie "Sen 11AI I II K SI KI.KONH SAY OK Till'. BAM AUTI A . B HI.Mr.i IKS "l'..-l 111. M'l I A I,, 1 II llt-IIAI.l., I "ltultimore, Mil.. Kehruary in. lull. S "1 have lirenl sulislactioii in statins thai 1 have use I '!') e Siimn iliiii Itiiiiei les f.r Vim leal liistase lu Hi Diost i-lll'.uinry ti. mis ; thai I tiillt-ll-ed Ihemwllh Jutl-'-liit nt, d st retion, and prl er.v. and liuve found Ihetu lespoitd to m aitlii' putiuns proiuinly ami elleeliiiilly. Kl'iiwlnt: Iheir cotupoMtion , I lt.11 e the I11II1 at eonililenee In their t-atrney, anil an tar as 111 Lscof toem estends, I recouimei d them strongly. "AI.V'UK.Ii ('. 1IOWKRS, "Assistant SurK. on 'ilh New V rs ols." let It lie tliiilei atoo.1 that these reitied'ea aro as recn'ii lneiidi tl, will posltirely cure the dlecasi-s t'r whnU tl.ey a- e i.ttered. b - S. O. I I'II AM, NO. -H KI'Illlll Nirtct. HKsMOMli itt 0 ) , S-VOInlha fit No. Ill', It.H K Street. SAM A It ITAN'R CU11E. f iMAlill A at S (i Its'.. SAMAKI'IAN'M t i;K. HAMAItlfAN'S) (TlvK. SAMARITAN'S (TltK. HAUAKIIAN'ri Cl'KK. SAiiakirass rtiKB. SAMA1IITAXK rt'ltl'. SAMAltlTAN rt Cl'KK, HAMAIIITANN ('(IKK. The only aure and sale remedy !.,r (ionorr'n-a. Cleat, Stricture, Ac. Cures In All casta In froui ttio to s- days. 1'rice Male or r'tuisle sent bv mall. moiT A Co., Sole Amnis. RAM A KIT AN f rt-TlE. HAMAKITAN H CI Iti:. SAMAltlTAN S I I KK SAM AKITAN K CtiRK. SAMAKlTsN b I'bl.K. HAMAKITAN it Cl'KK. SAMAItl I AN S Ct'ltK. SAMAKITA 8 ( I'ltK. SAMAIII I AN X ( UKK. SAMAltlTAN Si ( I UK. THE (HtKAT SI'l.lTUU Kill MilKKT blsKAiKS, s.-iiiliial Wonkness, Ooiu.irh.ea. tileet, jtc. Kat-h box contains 'Ju l'ilis,aud wis cuie in frotu two to Isdiiya. Trice Si. It 1 also certain to restore tone and power to those who are di btlltiiit-d by excess or auy other cause, and wiU restore all to full vliror of youth, when the I'llts are s-ed without Ilia injecliuu. In Iheee casus, one i'ill three tlues a dav. (tteut by ruajlj C. rtllCT. ROHF. Prnprlefor, llox '.'fi'.fi Post oulce. Sole Agenti,,. No. iU X, Ss.C0.NU S:reet. Be mre and ask lor SAMARITAN'S rtritu. HAMAKITA.N'M (.1 kK, SAMAltlTAN M I'l UK. SAMAhlTAN tl I'l,' UK. OAMAItl I AN M II It K. SA.MAHI TAN S Cl'KK. HaMAKlTAN H Cl ltK. HAMAKIT N 8 ( I KK. 8A1IAHTI AN S ( I KK. SAMAltlTAN S ( I'ltK. Ynrr l'KRIt'l'ltll. Svitl'l' IiK KlOolir). K V It I ' I- l'KKI(OKI). SVItl P 1)K lilt iiltl) SVIiHl KB ItlCOItU, SVIIIIP UK IIIOllllll. h Kl ! UK ItlCullli. KVItl'P UK Iticnltli Still P UK hlC(iltl). SYltt'l' liKKUOKD sriil If IK 111' t'ltl). Si Hi p l,K KlCUltll. ki p nr. iticoitii. nviii'P in: Kii oitn. si i;t p m: itu iiiti). si 111 I" UK itu nun. Si 111 P likl HK.'iHtli. SYl'.l I' IiE KICUKl). SYKI'I' UK ItU'Oltl). Si NIT' UK KK'OHIi. Si lit p UK KI' OIU). KYI CP IK Itll (lltu. SYl:l'P IiK Kll illtl). SYlll'P I K HIClikD. Si lit P UK KK'iiKO. A ci rtil a . lire I'or aH li rms Of Vi Ulseasea. I'bed in tlie Kuiopean Hospitals, and the armies lurotlanoul Ki ri pe and Aunrita. 'IM. pi.p.iriiin n n eiinal si an eiaiHe.ifnr ot this fl 1 111 e f disease, ai d stri ns'l.i'in H i KjiiBli:iili..nioi,erii,!y. 11 will cuie ail s.rea,, I lun les, Ten. rs, 01' any erepikni, 1.0 u.iitttr iicm wuat caoe croon l.,nu stuuU. i'rlit (1 ler t cl k'. I'. PlllCE I10UP!, Proprietor. 1 1 vt 11 r in. uinrr i o. I'Vu 1 1 ,u 10. A'O. I'JJ V, SKI UVII H'r. et. auJO-tuth a liu Si te Af-eiittr. Stoe Ai 1 nta. Hvtc A elits, Bent to any aCdmif. 'V 11 K SAMAUITAN'S CUUK X CAN 111'. HKI.IMi ON ! JstVCIt 1 AII.M TO CI'RK! iiUl.B) NOT NAUSKATKI II HI'KKUV IN ACTION I VO (TIANCK OK HIKr IlK.jl IKKUI tfcES Vejl' IN fKKlKKK WITH IIUsl NKSs PCKSl'ITfl I CAN 1'E I'sKU WITiiUCl' UtTJSCTlOlal Prli M.tleor 1 tuiale. fctU i t ut.iil le any audteif, f. pnir-B hosr, Una Jo-Hi Poll Oillc. Sole Al'ilill, iiiOl r A CO , Ju l No. Jsj X. SECOND STrett. DR. J. S. HOSE'S GOLDEX TILLS. fptollna trl.'d fenialia bavt bio huml.ayae by I'essarlta, Abdominal Supporter, Ac, for tho euro of yalliiis of Ilia Womb and deolilty, whi. h lueaus can ciol prvvo paliialiva. If not lniul..m. jlona of lir. itose a patiunta huva Seea sail s siuli The rely on ina (lolden ITIla, and Utaraby ulcain aperiMit cure by th use of only a lew boxea. For these ooru- fiamta oua boa is worth ahuudred Ai.doinioalbui.porU'ra. irie.U etntt per boa. tleie Aj-.DH, Ki UI I 4 CO.. No. S.1J JI. btcOJili iaivt. 10 l uj j) J 'V M UNITED STATE' UK V K N V K AMU roHlAOH MAMI'S, Tin TIIK VIUI'I.K ANT WPsTKIlsi HTVrv.s. No 304 CDESNOTSTFllT.'ili a. 1' H'.'-l HUt-'l l0rl SlMTlpt ' T i iir cent rthpt i it n wnd 1 w'ii.I,.!.. 14 (r 'Nit ;t .ill ff.i'M K-v tl Ut on " v"n:f It 1 tl A ". ;r l-n liv"M ( lent t JMSPKIt IIAHIIN, Collector of First District, J)i:a I--N i;i-m. i; ic a i i; vn, TTtlVAT K ' . ATA1HII. A.NI A.THM TUB AT I l W.TU T'lK UTMOftr rt'.U'f.i. 1V VON MOSOM.ISKKU, A-ifl" r ot' 'Im1 rm:. n'.y trorli, IM; ! AU. ITS MaSK.KS AM) 'lUl'Ml 'iuv:.iMi.Nr. O I,.?, N . li'.'f w.i. I .T'.r-H. to Tiir rt iu.i . !' .1 wit! ( n'J.TM nntlnfn -ilnn H;( l VT lt 'It,' k.r iKAKKl llirtt III HI., 'sh (iti HlloCil h'a V-t ' I.m tu iinliinf nmr umiifvlin; mi ll i -itl i-i t owing to ihi- m tin .-,,! i V h Ut t"i ti'.l Iti tli a hove in i-IIm, Mini lUc itittire, tn pAinu (-iv-n,' h. iu . iniH nr IntiiMii-. (lil.t-rif) fmr, fi..,n a i. r i iiit't f ftfil ! 'iiii', twrn ri in prom-M it. I'll i'r ct mot :V,W'iPii'i in il e er !,u(s.t ii-rmi, cn Im T I UK -H f Al. I'Rt'KrXnS. It. it :i,i i ),-. U I, is i.ui.,1, ici ii!t an ! l'i" ina: y (I'f.rni: ci-ih hai' if-- .t 1 itli iitiTrm unr y tin n in-Vif (it.i.f.i tiitt tit U t-it? to piTtei m in lm ir -tinilm ,! iMt. Fr n- iii'TnU!. nmiiU rn'irlf un' m lit (i. in hj ! mi. urtii himl iiotf im of Mm an l l.i n w.Yrk-. ui im-li im nt tli " iiiiinU h( rctiini tlu'iu I'Mtxic tlittnui. API' It I IS Tlif aniatitm cnatn .-Utt h It. ON M)-HCH.lrt-K I K, t-T tlie Im- it.i.ei.t nl" li. i- n.-iU lii-n li Ih'Oii I- t)c li ii'.ft li-. Hiithoiliirsj unit .-til win. rniliuii it in ouhiim -il (ho i;Ta'cl inil.. al ;ii;pm Inr ttm run of I'KAKM'vH, THUOAl' IHiSLVSW, CAIAKHIl Ami ASI HM . Tii.-... w if dii'Vr n u y .f ili.e mi l l'! have now tlictn-nl niu! ntf'.t nti ii an i-f otMf-i'ulii; a rlir. A II p. rm w l( t !r. S MiS( HIKF.It my Tv J tli tit li V )i !IM' tin til i illilul it i'l Mi.. II nl t'leir . ist", rih) i.a. ue ii to ti. lor ttiviu. oiiici- un; I "'trK't. ! .1 THOUSANDS OF TEEm ESTU.VCTF.D WITHOUT PAIX. ratcnt appiltxl for, Mnw tr.Tontlnn. ft IomM Rh TiMtie , it (liutlh Sn'wt ?ivrt1 ItiIiaIit, for a lniin. t.Htm tin; Mtrout t xli.r tu. and tiaunif Htti witliont jiiiln. The only moiit; Unit Hit) (.. can b iripurl anil aait'Vy aJiuiolJitorail. VK. O. Ii. MUNNS, 9-l-lm Ho. 711 NPIU'CE bTRKKT. JEDIOINAL 00D LIVER OIL JOHN O. UAKrtR A CO., o. 718 MAUKKT MIBCKT, art now recth Ins th ir mpplle frfa from the flsheiH. Tli aiifHTtcrliy ol thi Ir Oil, In every rt?siect, haa ttaliied Hr It a rR'Utatkii and aal bejomj any other found iu the Biarkrt. To maintain It, Uiej are determined In mpply an article that may br entlrp rriinl un fur f rtvthnfut mil purity. Bceteatiuhmlali of TtolXiMuri of M"d!aal &. .vgv. anil tirt riUT.AT3KTPHI SUROEON.S Sjty BANlAiK IHHTITUTR, No. 14 North MNTII Htrwt. at ove Mark ft. Htrntuma raOically eared b It. C. k k lCKlT fi i'reu.him Taunl Ora.liiatMitf I'mtinrs Trnan. Hu.rlor Katlo Blta. Kianllc HtAckliiKi. Hupporteri, Shouidar Bracea. Baapeo orli a. CrotptiM. Ae. La.Uea atteoUid bj Mri. B.C. KVLRETT. mr-ly T It.l,A VOllTK'sf.It'K KlalXIR KKSTOUKS X 9 to manly vlorall who nr anitrrliiK frum linpairtxl hiit al KiK-ry. Nur"oti9i DvhJity, i.oivnent ot .Spirits), i.oa ol Mmiorv, At., whihT arisliik trm tho cflecta nf a imnn'lisB Vice, 'rrssiive itudr, or inurtilur pifnrt. Trie?, $'2. S'iit pi. tit-paid ti any alln -mi, h H. C. ITU AM, No. .6 8. hltilllll .st rift. I'lreularit sent Hue. "IKVEU AND AO I'l-. Cl'ltKl). ITH VM'S J hptr and AMuf Hperltlc la . runted t cure any ae of Chlha and KeTt-r- Try It uml bi cnv In-'i-.i. I'neo, $1. Snit po-t prthl io anv n filri ai. by H. ( Ut'tlAM, Hit. Ot A. hhtUTH Stiet't. Cir ulam mtu tiro. ASTHMA CWU'.l). RKI.IKF OUARAN J teed in I'D niHiutcii. and a perinAiient cnni i'rtY'ti'd by the uir of "I'ptiHiu h Asthma Ciirf." fi.,- of ir-m ten to twt nty yi ar' atandiriK It-Id nt tn e to Itn in'tm ii. . rrlc',$.'. Htiit p. iit pant loam iuIiIphh. bv rt. r. It'll AM, So X'o H. KM lllil atrevt. Circuhirs bent trof. HAIR V PROO t v; D From low f. n'lii-iitlt, and aU p;irtof th' body, in tup mimi;e, without Inmrv to the hkm, by ' I pliun li-piintorv rowiU-r. ' iTin-i-l. fi t any fur fl".'.. y H.I. I l-MAU, No. X .S. fcU. 11 Ml dtiott. Cii'i ulura ai tit tree. T0 YOU COLOR YOl'R WMlSlvKRS AM) .1 TMomt tfl o'.' II mi, tiiir the '" llur Htiln.-' N hair (lyein thA "orid eiuei u it. oiilyon. pnpiia : roh m a natural bitok or hn wn. I I'll AM, No. '.' 4. Ili a li Ml flmet. ajle a,cut. iu c-ut a hu. as thulut ! l)UIU)H(i fc HON, Mauu'ictursr of ' I N I- .J K W K Ii II Y, No. CliKH.M T M1CKKT, r. i: bUBasii. w. it. duboh.. WliOLK&AT.K AND RDTAtL. Watchea repaired and warranted. 9-M-lia M J: W 1IA ll II K U'H WIIOLKAAII AWI HKTAIL CLOCK KfcTAm.IfcHMUNT, 8. E.eoruar 0KCOM) and CUKHVVT Htreeta, Philad'a AOKNUT VOI THK I'ATlthT EQrALIZlNti T11IKTY-1AY CLOCKS, A Tory dffirabia article f-r Churcbci, Hotel, Banii, Coi'iitmw-Hotise, 1'arlorr-, .to. AJsi. MAN! KAi'Tl Itrit OT INK OOLD rPMA. ( UH KM I.E1AIKKI AN is S AKKAN I aU. Jall-ly (iiock IrUnuuiiMi of ertry di'acilption. AVM. A. GRAY, N". E. CORN EH OK SIXTH and .MINOK HUoi-tN, buy Diauonda, Waicuei, Gold, Hil tr, and Loan '1 Irkeli. iUUbiL Ji." WANT OY MONEY CALL. AU baatnesi oocfldeutiaL aul9-3n KL.ASTIO BTITUH 8 K W I N a MAOIIINBS, THI BF.HT U L'HK. P No. 700 CIIESNtJT Btrtm. EHTY'H ftrRl COTTACJ1'. OliOANS. -fot only rprCFr LK but I'NKgl'ALLKII In purltT of Tine and rowi-r, il.a' .spwlaiijr fur tiourntii-a anil HiTioula, but fi mill to tr t-iiuall) svimI a.lapUiil lUia failor sud irailiis Kuum. a'i.r asla osI ly UKri'K No. IS X. RKVKNTH Htroet. Alia, s ernip!.ta si-sortiucul ul tli I'.riaui M.ioajri cousiaHto ou lianJ. aulu-jui piIIL-AOELriHA. WALL PAPERS. llOWELIi A JIOU1IKK, '. B. t'DUNHH rCIJBTn AND MARKET STRUTS. VAM 1 ACTl HERS HI' 1'Al'liR HANGINGS aso ttl'ilia WINDOW HIIAIIHH. JJ .J. WIIJ.I A.AIW, He. in IT. Z:i12 6TSL'ET, iLiiaifu. lui r oi' V 1 ; N K T IAN li Is I N L S ash W I IS 1) W KIIAIJ 10 H. li t lincsl Kimit A.soreoibt la tic el'.y, ! lid tOWKST l'KICJi.S. Ktl'.MIllMi ATIi;.M:b TO riiOMTTLV. eionE snAi.KS mai i: and letterkd. no iu BRIl'KSUl'IiCi MAt'HISE WOHKS, mcK, Xo.ti N. 1 IIJM' STItUtT, I-II1LAI H I HIS. We sr. preterm lo ml or.!, n 10 uy lwit for our wil knost n im iiiNKiiv ron ror ros and viu.s, Incluitliiir all rcctlilla.vitiv.Ui.ut. uaCaidlus, Hl'iiidlns, and Wi avlns Ws limit the stteniwn of mtnufaclurers to our eaten h. v.oA.. 1 U ALKhEl) JJCNKI SUN. ' WPICHT 4- SIPDALL Na no :.r.'-v-. fMv..fc. lt..1F.I. IS'IST AU .l i'.IM !THK.:T!. r a in. i. r. w. tit.i.v. i. I) II V fl O I ,s ' N-Fll i s 1 C I A N , AM iitsritAl. mm Krr.pi Csti iil..l a' ui . .I. Iilisliiiuitil a il'll -iss uitiisti: ,f Imrsitt.-d a' il iMinrtlu- lnuss, I'lipu'sr rat.'nr M-.ll. mii. IVtmls, Ctva. till, WmJnw l'r.(.rl.tMn Vlsls. A , at as l.iW pi !rs ,-i 1 'i I lit' fir. .-las" ..'.! t-an lis (INK K.K.MTAI. OII.A Fsr ('..iiCrtionrrs, In full .arl. lv. at r nt tl.aSssl inallly, C.rliii ssl It.'i. t al 1 1 .lt,i., Ma.l.l.-r, l'.it A.h, ('miliar, H.s'a Alt, A In ni, on ,11 Mlrli.l. Aniiait.., Ci.pii.-ras, p.strnet of I sK.t n-l, ,Vr , K'lk liV K.KM use, alwAa .n haml, at .t .t 11.M cah pi iri-s M l.'K M-lt KK Mlt FAMILY isir, iir-nin.l esprrssl. f..r nut aslos, an.l to wlilrh .1 Ins-its the alien! r-n u! Ih..s !n want ..f!il.. artli'l.t. A.-.i, ,i(.(', .ITAK' I'. MI'.fTARn, e-rlra ?l..ll'V. l.y mall, -r rflv pos', wt; in-rf Willi imnliil t. t. nii.-n, jr . is! .iuivsil..i..i will tti- tin i,isrt.-.l y1h.o re I'jiii'J. wkkiht sirnn-vT.r., WNo'-'sali. Irma VVarshmtsa, JaU ly So. Ill M UtKFT Str . .I, l. i.e Ff.uit. W K A LT II, Bi.At rr. U K ALT H, AND Il to gain a lralMnu ey-M , H fn re)iic t'.vni'iiin si.b.l ; It lo t a Mooimni; llowiT, nt' tig, d.v.iit. In aa hour -Ha mi I t- bve a hoat of rr in In ; If fr nc 10 ma te ami' , ft willi hu h horn bl-wnl to wr! ; It a nhirble utone whpn di a.1 What rn ' ll o live tbrpoeTrr and r.n, WikIiIhk ii t ai lima acUn; If o hvf a iu ol pcaue; It u die and .o u 7rfie TlKki.rM I I' ynti wNIi a life (!' pleaanrea ; j V, )mii value tlitu wurid a trrmnret; It frrtf comioit ymi would T1U0 my atlv.i a, nod wlah (Ui thr. thn, havlnt It(lth, WaaHh.anl Iteauty, Tuo'll be prepare l for every duty. Hi a rarpfMl pi ritual of Dr. WILLIAM YOirffVH N"W Itonk. THK MAKItlAl.K til lDK, wM- h thonld be read bvevrrvoat HoKl by itcoi ifiii ra gjiit aiiv, and at tlie iHx tor a oiltce, Nrf. lo Hl'kUC K HTKBKT; prlre a tnt ant V Y CARD TO Till. LADIES. Dtt. 1MT0NOOS ilOI.DKN TIU.R FOH KKMA1KH, lnrallll1e In roirertttur, re mtltlnn-, and rmovlnc all ub.itruLllum ft out wliuifM-r eaniMi,aiid tUaj auccititul ai a prcvfiitivo. The. Plltt are nothing new. and have b-en mod by thn 1i. tor for many yvar, Uitb In I- ram e and Ainiria, wit iiiiparalleird nwci ei in eory iaai-; and he la urged by ninny thnnsand buliea n ho hn e uai-d them, t tnake tho 11 Un publP- for ibe alrevhitinn of thoae antTiTin fnm an.v Urruiarltiea wlmterr, a. well aa to prvvi'iit an In rri rtsroi laniilv where bealu will ni pnnit it. Fomtlva pi't iiliHrlf Hituateii, or llmke npiioinr t)irinalvui no, are i-jiitttoniMl aimlnt tMlinr the pltia while In that condition, as tho propiicior asauiue nn roiponihlilty after the above ailtn-iitiioii, aliboiikh their mililneia wmild prevent anv tuiru h'et to hi rilth, otherwise the 1'lila ar reeoinm ended. 1- nil and explicit d'lecttoiia .ircouipnn vlnx ea-li t.. I'rlre $l,or aiK boxeuf'tr $-. Mold whulcaale and r?tall by the follow in I ru:irf tM Klliott. Wlnle A Co., No. M N. Foorlh itruet. Wn.. lu A Sbtdall. No. II: Market atrcet A Miirnhatl, c rper nf I'lil'ti enth -itid Murket nlreeta. 4it(ler A fniirh . corner f sa on t and (in en street. liyutt iU'o, No. 'JSi S. Hti on.l Mti4. JuliiiM.ii. lill. .nay A Cowdeii, aud N. t'. I 'elm our, nroib n. At ietail by all lrurig!aia. letiditix ONE 1)01. LAR Tu either ai-rtit, can ha. e the I'll HKNT t'iNKI!KNHAI.l.Y, Ity mull, tu any part uf lliti eliy or voiuiiry, ftco of pOkUK. fl. I. HOWK, l-2? ?m No. 21:. W.TIUUTY HIXTll Mln et, X.Y. RAILROAD LINES. 7 I K K C T W O H T II K UN HAILROAD J KOI 'I K fllli.AlsKl.l'IHA TO KOKTIIR 8TKRV rKVN.SYT VANIA, ( JAII.AI, AND WKMTKKN NKVY lORK, 141 r r Al O AN I 1 II R I-AhKS. Ity pfiiladelphtn und Trenton Railroad, iteMdere, and Pelaware Hallroad. Itelaware, linuaawanaa, and Western liaiimail, and Erie Kitlluay. 'nl two ehanui'N hot ween Phlladelphlft and nmTio. No i UaiiK'nv In the niht. .1.17 MILK? OP ItHOAI) tlATiIKt ten 1(1 rent R)ee(jing t'ar on the ntuht end nf the mute. (loniif Norlb. Leave I'tniadelplna at i'I-i A. M., Iroiu tin: Ki iinni:1oii 1-epnt of the IMiilmielphla and I renbiti Kmi rond : elianee at Mminnka Chunk to the hread tiaue -ra nt (be helm are, Liiekawanna. and We-itern Kailmad, ami ni Uivhi Mi nd to ihe Kria lUIIwav, arriving at liuihilo at .v:.2 AM. Cm n if South. Take tfc Krle Italhvuy F.xpreni from ItntUloat In .'. . M.; cbanve nt Croat Itend to th l4a u me, l.arktiw it nun, und ertein Kaliru.ol, and ttl M.iii'iaa Chunk to the Iteix id re Oetaw are train, wlili il n(n through to I'litlHdeipha. arri line at i. I". l. l';i.-ers.i'r punK imrtli dine at lelavaro Hiiitinn on tin laiAiwire, Cat knH anna and Western K tilromt, al Iv' J'l I. M . aid bavH Cum ler auiH-r at (.na' Ittnid, where the Ina i litnce n trnnie at 'W i'. M. Tlna ffoiinr Houth n ahe i he Mini rhaiiis'.' at ureni liend. at . 1 A. M , and brtrUinu t'-r l.ri'Hkiat tielore laklni; J)elmvnr. laH'.ka w aniui and WcsU tu Uatlroad tiulu ; dine ut Itutawaru at i m r. .m. '1 hrniKh Tirkefa to ard (Yum Hiiffaln Dunkirk, Kochm. t r. r.ltuiia. Iliiaca, Ciwe -o, Hliik:l.iinipiout Ureal llrnd, H-TAiitoii, W llki"-haire, I'e'awiue W Mter t;ip, Ai". fare bt-twein I'lnla.lelplitH and Hllllalu, 11. Aik lor tii kclh via tireut Iteml. 'it-lra WM. II. fi AT.XIKR, Aonf. X'OJtTH 1KNNSVLVANIA HAIMtOAD. 1 It'lt BKT1UKMKM, I mi, l.CM'I'i W S. KAIOS, .M ACt II i IM NK,UAZU:TON, WILKKSlVAUUl-:, Wll. l.lA&.bl'ulii. Fill AUK A yiiF Ml' NTS. On mrt afler MM A , Hepii mh r l! Pimentfer TriiiiM hill it-Hve the .NKW IH 'OF, I'HIRU Htreer, nl,,ve ThrijipHun, i'iiiiaiiilplua, daily (Hunuaya excepbud), ai loli-.u s : At 7-: A M. fFxprevn) for lli'thlohero, AUentowa, Slam h ( hunk, WHk- Kbarre, W il'luni-port. At H ;.' A. M. (Aevoinmnilntiohj tor I - latiinwrt. At 10 l' A M. ( Aeeoiiininila'lon) lor Fort WasMncton. At ,1 I' 'i t Acitniiujoiiauon) lur iinj lentown. Al M 15 I 1 Kxprean) fur ItethU hem, fcAHioii, Ac. 'l iita iral Teurbi'H Kaitrrn ati'i'lO t. M . and innkea eloie connection " itti the Naw .lernev Central fr Svw lork. At 11.. I'. M. (Mall) tor lovlr.t.wu. Ai ft lf I. M ( Ari-oniiitoilatiuii) for Rethlc-lieui, Allen tow n, nt.d .Matich Chunk. t 1 V M. (Aect-nintndatlou) for, 11 I' M. i Aecoinini d uion) lor Kurt Wu-shfniston. 1 linuih TUai la mmt be procured nt tho I'n ket OlMfP, THIHlr Hue!, or HLKKS Hueui, in urdur to muruths lowest rate.- uf fan-. 'IUAINH Knit rHII.ADKI.l'lKA I.enre netldchem at 6:,o A. M , Vi I.,and ''- V. If. lh.tlesUrwn at i ;u A. M., ii t. M ,.uid 6 ) I. M. LuitbiiHle at i. li) A. M. hiit Wabbiumou at m .Vi A M. and 1 P. M. ON HI Nl . b. Tlitbidriphfa for Itetlilehetn at 9 A. M. I'la'adi iftnia lui l)o.aion at 1. M, I iov le stow u ttr riida. elnhia at 7"J0 A. M. Cell. Me in lor 1'lilladelplila at 4 I. M. liiiiman a lint:-a u Kpr'aH will eall f r and deliver liiKj-Hk9 nl toe lpd. (Tdera way bu left at Mo. lid H. 1 illi.D Stteet. ti :i KI.US ei.AKK.ajtenL KVf 1 rmi.ADKI.PIUA AND 1Q4 li). KhlK KAILKOAh. lOlH. I liH kt' ' Ifne tra verm a the rihern and N.rritiweat count it 9 et lYiiiiM Ivaiita to tti clt nf trie on Lake Krle. It hahefii leaded bvlbe I'KNNM l. AN I A HAII.KOAIJ COMPANY, and under tlii-ir anapicea la being rapidly opened tlirtiuuhoul IU entire leiiMth- it U now lu ui lor I'Msm rKt r and Krekht bmlneti from Ilarririburr to 1- incorluui. vx', miles), nn tho fcuinrn lnvl nlun, and (row bhtUluld to fcria i.7n nUua),on tba Weaturo llVlkiiM. TIM K OF PAiMKNT-ICH THAIKAAT PHI L AIRl.f lit A. MallTnilii lent en mikj A, M. txpreat. Train luavea UKto P. il. Cura run tbroiih wiiHi'i'T i iiaMsK ltU waya on these tralna betwrca I'h lladejphia aud Lock ilaau, and botwuou hu t wore aud lfck Haven. KttKHUt k eeping Car outhe Ktpreat Truln both waya, 'r tiiiormatujii reaper'niK l'amcnKer lmciiiei, apply al li t A. K. cornel of ECKVKN Til an.l MAKKti Htrnela. And lor r'reiKlit bunineai ot the Cnmpany'a A'entt H, K. Klnuai. n, Jr .corner BCVTbtMlI and MAatKK'I streets, 1'bliailelplila. J . VY. It. iin .li, F.rt. 4 M. brill, AKuiil, A. C. R HalUmr. Ii. HOUHTOM. General Freight Avont. I bliadelpiiia. I.K'18 L. HOCPT. Ocucral Tu kt A(enl, IfMiadeiphia JtKi il li Purrs, 9aeral Uanauer, Wilbaaiano SHIPPINu. piraJi tYT.r.r.1.11 iu livkk- io.rtiil loin iiinn ni i.iuiriisli.wii, ( ork Harbor. -i;i u. Kiir.un steau.l rl I tl.u l.i iri...ul, N.'iv Y.,rs, ard l'Miaiii'itii.ia Hit'tiiiisliip ( uuipiuiy aro 1ui.l0..1 ui tall a f. ! lt-ss CIIY US' I.ilNliON'.Ratuillav.Oit.ltrl. CITY CF l!AI.TIMOI:K.,riaiiirda, VTN., .ali,ri1a , Orl. U-r I',. Ami .i-ry uccwUlnij Maturday, s n-ion, pier o 41 N,.rin ll iv er. I.ATI'.sl ill-' IE PAV4BI.F. IN l.UlillKNrY. 1 ir.t Sim isi siavrsi,!! 11 rust C'uImii tu I., itdl.ll 1 7m. I Miai'ii!- t I on.loil. .. li . H :rt Com t. I'.iria.. 1'si (SI Hurrar to l';lris sM.ll Irst (';.!., 1 ttl IlliUllir i-'lN. Oil UU-IT 1.S t.i 11, .111 . Us'. .'!.t I'a-v.iiLi rs uImi lurvni.iU-,1 to Hiiro, l-ic'litll, lioi- i -ouni, A.iliH'iTi, at i-,;uailv 1. k num. I urn- in in I.ivi.ih I or i,i,.,i ,H-t v.l., f.-ii, tl.e, irjlli sj.r-tru.'4' trom iu. ....- ii.nn.t o'. 'I hois v i u wish io sn.U li r tiieir niuous c .n Is I" I l.ri' at ilivsr ran .r iui tl.i-r iiiiuiniaiJuii ar.)-ir at the Comi any a r t).-ca. JOilV II. II U.K. Af-lit, No. 1U WA1.NL T Mlrwl, riiiUdiii.!,!. fff, BOSTON AND I'lIILAUKLI'llIA aSii.'i'ta. hi IJnr, laillur; In rn ... li port i m .11 JiuAl N, tri m Brt svlmrt al,oi l'li: Mr,,!.- m il lms Hk.irf, 11. -ton. S r.,m U.l lirl' al. i. 1 I Nl Htrwl.i.s isata dav.U. loriar S, In... Tl. a' KAXON, 11 illli.wi, w.ll tal; 1 1 am I'hlla l. I Lis lor It'.r.n.on Na'iir.lav, Oi-r.t . r n, at 10 o tCa-lt AM; anil Id. sli amsli ii MlSM V.N. Iluktr.lruui Ujaluu lor r'l,ii.ii(..illu. on aani. ilsy, nl 1 I'. U . Tni itcw aiiil siitistaiuial slvanisi,.pa fi; rrn s rapular !)., ea'ln k Iri iu ti . rt punt !ii..iis . n fcauiritaAa . In at an-ta tuit t.u at uit La tl-t pruut.iu vi.siatl on Siil. lt-ss.1. taken at falrra'rt. Hhii r rt.Lcsua to stnd Rlla Birultta and Bi'l, J-amn, us, thi lr us ds. 'r ll. il.t ui l asts ( (Ina asroramnilattoll,) Pt'o Ht.NltY il A !.. I"-" Vo.Ui IH:l AVVAhC Avei.uV F sr7Tr KOHNKWYUKK. DKSPATCH Slid Hstlittnr I. Inn, la Htlaoar and 1..U.UU i aiiul. T li st.iiiijera ol ll,,",. Uuta arc lasving if '."L 'V'1'"" M .wmucw.-kl'. ll.,iroaa llilad pli Sti. Walnut ftlrtfi. r Kor Irrialil, lil, h lll ba tak.n on aoromin.uUtlng " SI. HAlatU a CO., .Nu. M . 1CLAM.IK Ar.uu.. RAILROAD LINES ) IM R V I LIl C A D . "nrT thi sis; r.Tm fllOM PIIII.AIil.l, lilt Ti TIIK, INTKKIOR Of I'HiShUVAMA.lllK ,. 111IVI.KIII -tt;i yl Kll V I,' 1 .lltRSI VN'., A.Vll W1..MIUI. V Al.l. . svt H I1T;I. MlHl'HWKHT. AMI TIIK CANAUA r.1HKN(.l K TBMH ls" h rrim snv s li.p.t. at TlllltTr.r.NTIf and ( A l .1 i iW ll I ..I. istriia, I', a Ui louuviivl li.'Uia Vi r.MNil MAIL. AIS-I0S..M, fr hi-a.liiU', I iM-crtl, F.rjhrafa, tAHa Cnlnmlva. Ilarri. rnirv, r..n.vtUe, Pii-s.-rovs, l'a'aa.ita, Nuni.tiri, VV i.nniitsM.i t, s.miira. K...)....i.-r, Nlavara tal.a, Hii' si..! aui...t..s . , vv i kr.t.ain., I'ltt.ton, lmk, carnal.. I hsrrhirsl.liiv, llsK'-rstoisii, 1 hi uafr roniirs-rs at kK.MmKO with Fast tVnn.rhra ma Ksilr.. ad Irani, lor Aiisntnwn, Ao., tli. Ksa lms and C'.iliitiitHa hullrnn.,' f.r Kpl.ra'a. an.l Chimin and lih li s Valli-j train lor ll.rrl.lxnt. . ;al Pf CI. I M l "N c.-itaw is. a Kallron rai". it-r vVillisa .arrsv, W llliamsii,rt lo.S Us Kimlra, Ac. j al IIMtKlS- IH l;il Kh Noitliani c.iitral," "I'liniliarlund Vallrv, stal .'.-.Tn.tlkili a."l Hii. iu.-lia.ina' tralna r..r N irt uim twrbsn.,WI!llam. -it oi, Pingnv.,te aUTI.NikiN I M'lip'iH I.tavsi I'l, Ha,i. ipiii,, at .. .si p. M. lur llai.llnt, P-slt.-s lllo. I'ltu-n'-ov. HarrlalMirr, A. , ronns.itlni; al Marrla-liiili- s it.'. I'.i.u.yli s.i.a C.-mral iratn t .r Pilisloirn, c.f h.irt'i.m c.-ntral Itillrosd irsl.n r,.r ltinliiir., Nnrtliutn-l.i-rlap.l, l.ltinrii, A.- , sn.l ai l'rt witli Cntawlas. ItailroaJ fit Milt..u, VV illiaiiiajori. I.lmira, ItulUla, Ait-. HP, M !NU M'.iVViliTlii1. I.. s Ri.s.lii an. m . al., no..rnf all warsts I ions, ai i ii ii a In I nll i.ti lpliia at n Ni A.M. K..i.nint. l.-as.-s 1' lot at -Via r. M. ; arrvei la I.'..ii'.ii.: at s in p M , Trains lor l'iitl:iilel(.ila Iravp llarrShi.raat 7'inA.M .and PotKvlll.. al 1 l.i A. M .arriving In Phlla Inltil.ia ai 11 SO P. AC AI'nrmion tnilns leave H;ir' at I 16 P. at., I'ntts.llia at j . p. ki , ar Ivins- In I'hl'ail.lnhia at I P. at. Market calm. Willi a i.a.s rf-r ifcr Phils. IrlpMs at 1 T. M .for sn.t all war statl.irta; I. avr fli-sdins at I'.', ii's.n. an.l I ..... nltiiowit at W Jll P. 34. lur rMI,i.l..;rT la an.l all ssav itatl.Mis A ll th. al.usi. trsu.a run oails, jsun.lssa rsesptwl. IVnn.lar trnio lt"nr l'uit-.tUi at A. al.. Sii-I Dills dil !ilaut.'l'.. I' M. CIIKSIHt VAI.I FY R MLRO Vr Pai..u.'prs l, Im..:iwi wn an.l Ini,.rnis1las points laks tJis Hl.o A. M. an-t ISI P. l. trains fro-n I'l.lladsli.liia, roti'iMi t friim lli.wniii.ili.wn at ll 4.J A. M.. and li-li n.s.t, HKW YORK r.XPKKSI klt PlTTMPt'Rtl AXn TUB VVKsT. l.oaTfs Nr.w York at 11 A. M. and 7 P. M., pas.lns Ifwdlnt at 1'.' luioiilalii an.l I M V. M., ami at llairla t.iKK s ith Pt nnsl.aMis Kallruad hsprt-.a traiu. Itir ITlta l.uru, (T.i at... and I tin vv,.... Krliirtiiin,. Rtpri-sa tram Isav.a llarrlarmnran nf tli. Priinsylvaiiia .sl1rll-a from Pilisiuira at lliai anil 7'iHi A. M , passing Itt-a.llint al i anil li s& A M-, and aniTlin stS. wV.nk at in A . M. nnd I sli P. M. Hl. sp. li I Cais srooinpany thssfl train. t'irnuh,b,tweail Jprai.j' liv. ami I'lttslHirw, wltti.n ehaniio. M.ill tram lur Si w York li avrt at I P. M. Mail tiaiu lor llarrNhurti l.-avs. N..s York at It al. m'lU 1 I Kll I. ALI BY KAlLHi IA I. Trains Isav.. PottsvlHo ai n tu A. M. an.l il 1P y,rf tnrniui; tp.m TttsMsnra nt K V, A M . and 1 lift P. H. HCIII YI.KIIX AND HI !HUI Kll A N N A KAS HUTI. Trains Icav. Auuurn at lllo A.M. for I'lii.... au4 llarrlUiru, anil at 1-Mi P M f .r Puisarova only ; n.tiirn train Narrisl.tirt at lW P. M., and I rum rtnsfivat 7 4.1 A.M., audi P. M. TICKKT8. Thranch flrst-rlass tickets and amfirrant ttoksta to aQ tin1 piinrlpal Imlnts in Ilia Nurtli and VYi-it an.l Canada.. Tli. ftill'.vrtiia tlrksts ar. nnlv at thi trlri.( R nKAl.riiKIt, Trpasurrr. Nn . ril H. kill KTH Htmit, I'lillaili .pi la. or of tl. A. .N U nix's, G.-noral .1uporluu.ii-Ut-nt, Kraultis i OOMMI'TATIOX TK'KF.TS, At'.'R prrcaut. dlsruunt, between anr points daatrod, ii, r iawiica anil uiuis. Mll.RAC.K TH'KKTS, Hood 'X n miles, all pulnti, at 60 each, stir families und ilrms. SEASON TlfKK.TS, For llree, sis, nine, or twelve montlis, for onlj, to all putnts, at redure.l rales. Cl.l-UII". MRSf ltesldltiR nn tlio line oftlu. mad will be fitmlsnisd with raids, cut II line tliems.lvea aud wlv.a to lickeu athall VYCTTKRTOW TfCKBTS From Philadelphia to principal atatliin., fsnd fur Ratnrs ilay. Hun. lav. and Monil.iv. nt retlnc-d tare, to lie had onlr at the Ticket Till KTKKN J H auC'ALI.J WUILL eitieeta. FRKKIIIT. Onnda nf all description, forwarded in all the ahnrs points, I'rnm tlie Company 'a new freight depot, liHUAll and TV 1LI.UW Htrreia. ritF.IOIIT TKAINS Leave riilladelplila dnllv at (i A. M., I P. M.,aml 0 P. M , f..r Hcadait. I.atii.niin, HarrlsUtirs, PutuviU., Port C'lln tou, and puints uevond. MAILS Cloi. at lha Philadelphia Post OITIr. for all plans, an th road and ita liran. hes at a A. M., and for the ptTnotpal latlons milt at si,'. P. M. 1)HILA1)KL1'HIA, OKUMANTOWN, AND liURUlHlOWN KAIl.kO.lll. TIMK TAIII.r.. On and after WON HAY, May It!, lsr.l, uatH ftvthar notice. roil IIKHMARTOWN". Leave PhlUdeliihia 6, 7, s.'.i. In. II, 12 A. X.; 1,1,1 It .1', , 4, li, r. v . . 7. A, n. Hi, 1 1 , la P. M L. l.enualili.wn, li, 7, 7 .'HI, 8, S SO, It, 10, 11. 11 A. M. 1.2,.1. I", S,S. 7.8. . I". II, SI..I1V P. M. ThteV?llilv.n, and tlifl-S1' and it tralna up, do not at. on the tserniantewn llrnnrli. CHKiNUT llli l. RAILROAD. Leave Phllnd-lpliia, 0, s, lu, 12 A.M.: J, 3,S'X.7. ami II P. M. Leave Chesnut mil, 7i", S, 9"40, 11'40 A. M ; l l0,3 44. 6 40,1, Ml, s 4.1, i.n.1 lu In P. M. KOH CON8IIIIIIOCKKS AM) NIHIRIMTOW V. Leave Philadelphia S.B'UA, llltiA. M.; IS, , 1'si, 6 !i,HIW. ami li P. M. Leaie Norruluwn, i V, J, 7-W.9 and 11 A. M. XX, IX (. and 9 P. M. The 6 train on, will stop at Wlssatilckon, Manavntut and Consuovkeu only. Hilt MASAYTNK. I cave Phllad-Milila. S, , li-oi A M., .1, 5Vf, r.i,.e'U6and HAt I'. M. l.iavoMnnayiiiik,tii,7.8-20, "SI, tli A.M., i, S, 7, and U.S. P. M. II. K. SMITH, Crucial Supcrlrten.lsnL mvll llepot, .NINTH and tlltl.KM Minn tl. VKW HAIL llll A 11 LINK NOR X 11. 1 PIIM.AUKI.PIIIA 'HI llltnOM.VN, TlllCULUli IN HYr. liULKo. 1 A ItU KXTT'TISrON TICK RTM $.1, 1 II nil I KOn TIIRPIK DATH. tin anil alter Mi Ml AY, Aunt at I, )ti;4. Irntiia will leave f'sit nf VLNk: Street, Phllilili'lplna, every tnoriumr at 8 A. al. (Hntulays e.' pleu I. ll.ei i e l.v the ('ninili'ii and At innltu and Jturllan und l.elawurc hay ICtiuniads to Port Moiiiiiiiiith, an l l.y tho alt-atu.-.r J.-sse Uuyt, tol.otol' Allnutli slieet. Itriviklvn i rat.iruinw', lenve At lantic hlrt-ut V. hurl everyday (.Sunday, eatcpted), al U A M. Travelers to the city of New York are notllled not to apply For pnssiino ht this line, theHiatn uf Niv .lais.-y lis ini? uraultd tu the Camil.n aiii AmlMiy the CM'liisive priv lleite ot earn hut pnssi nuers aud frt li;lit l tvvci the rules ul Pti'lsilclnlila and New York. Ivjll-kt W. 1'. (Jlllr rilT i, Utnaral Huperlntendeut. ST CIII'STI.11 AND PHILADELPHIA ) I UAILltliAK. VIA MKIllA. Hi KIN. I AIIIIA.NIIF.MKN'T. On and alter t Kl DAY, Api ill, lsoi, iiieTrnlm will leave as lullov-s: l.enve PI llail. lphla from the n.'pot, corner of THIIirY' HICsT and 6UUCK1CT rtin els, 8 A. M , 11110 A.J1..2 J0 P. M ..41IU P. M.,8-4.'. P. M. I' hla li. pol ohaniod fium F.llillTKKVTff and M.M'Kl.T totliU to llllltll and MAItkur Mri-.-la. Leiive Westchester, from Ihe llepot on K.ast MARKET 8lii et, 6-211 A.M., 7-41. A. M.,11 A. kl ,2 P. M..4 4ft p. M. Tl.eeuraul' tha Wet I'l.ili.di lhla 1'ass.cuer Itallway ri.mpanylMaiket street) Hill convey rasaurujitre to aud frutu the Philadelphia Depot. OS HI NDAYM. l.enve Philadelphia at h ;io A. M. aud WMI. Leave VV eat Ch. slcr at 8 A -M. nnd 1 P. M. Ttalns leas Inn Philadelphia at 8 A. M. and 430 P. M., ai d WeatCheali-rat 74. A. M. and 4 l-l P. Al., connect Willi trainl on thu Philadelphia and Hullimuri) Ceuual Kallruiid lor Oxford and Intermedial.- pnluta. jat-tf lll.NIIY WOOD, tinner nl Superintendent. 1)1111 ADl'I.rillA, WII.MINOTON, AND 11.SLII JUICE RAII.RiiAD. I IIAMIK OK lllH'ltS. On and alter .MuNHAY,, 18.14, ravseniier trains Ivuve Philadelphia lur Da. tin. op- ut 4-3' iFxpresa. Monday! excepted), S'Cfi A. W..II M.,2Mna'd In mil'. M. Chtaler al B 06, 11 li A. M 1J0, 2 l, 4 JO, IJ 00 and H'OO P.M. Vi llrrliiKton at 4 ?0 (Mondavi eveeptedl, 8'U6, ll ll A. II.. I al. 2-;l, 4 ,m,H IX, In m and III V P. M. .ew ca-llc at 8'H.'. A. M ami 4 all P. U. Dover at u'. A.M. aud Ivo P. M. MUloid at 8 Ui A. M ..alisl.ury al ll.A. M. 'I KAlhM FOR I'HILAhKI.PIIIA. Leave Riilllmore at 8'4.i, II i'l A.M. (Cxpreaa), l it, 6 -i mill Hi -'0 P. M. V 'tluilNvtuli ai 1 48, '!.'., 9 A. M., Ir .'l, 1,1 U, 4'lM,4', 7 ar d ll lo P. M . Hallshury at 11" A M. Hillurd ai 2 4'. P. M. Hovel alii HAM., end 4-16 T. M. Is. I'asth. ai s .m A. at . an.l tl f. M. Cheater al I 10,1110 A. M ,1 Hi, 2 i.i.4 pi, ,V0n, 7 .VI S 1 P.M. ..Le"v BuUI.",, fnr e4,iran.iiil. imi dial, alaliotll, .. iu2., P. kl. Leave liallitior. fur Dover and Internal dlate itatWm at 1'luP M. TRMN'M roil BAI.TIMOKK. Leave Chesier at a 10 A. x , o., and 11 is. t . M Leave Wlluiuutuu al iMi, 'J -i A Al., J Ml and ll'M P. M. k ie'shl Tralna, with Paiaenver Car aitaetieJ. will rua as li liov a : Leave VV iluifntlon for Pi ir vll'eanil li'term'.dlalcpU. r, ill 7 4-'. P. M . ' f I fr,A , n Only at 4 : A. M.. tun) P. M., from Pblia- d' lphia lo llaJi r. ruin l-tmadji lj.!.l to tVlli.iini n '. i' A. VI., llKIC, t r.iin Wll'irliu-l.n to Philadelphia at 1 48 A. M atu! 7 00 P. M. Oi.iy at lu-jo P. V , -... im ii ti. .... -,, ; iu,.i,:,.';,i,;,. tl. K. KK.NNbY, buiivriiitemltut. K.ST JlvKSfcY KAILUOAI) LINES. ' nil .nil alur 11 RSI.AY, HelHemlHT tl, will Itav t frt.iii VV aim. I H'r et rt I uri Hs foieins. tOlt I'll'!) MAY. Al .1 I'. M. I Fi r Fiilem a. d Bii.lie...,i, al !. A. M iinil lP.M. ' I l..'l,o. ., al it A. M. SI il 1 slid 4P.M. I V'..r Wu. ill ury, ,kc., a 'I A, M. i:U 12 SI... I ami I P. M. i 1 t.r (.tuuiisi. I. .ve.. ..i 'i A. W . 1.' l , I, i, .u,d i. p. d. ni ;i I1MM1 lliAlNS 1A4..K I fi 1 e V.iv ... t. A. VI. I At . n i. aim; i.ji. M...II1 i li A.M.. m.d Hi P. M III Hit et. u at.. 1 . A. M ., 1 :iup. M. t.i-.l..i.. nt 7 in ai.ill.'li A. .M , 2 ?' P. V. U ti iltiuy mI 7, i iu and f ll A. Al., j ul iuUl'.y. TIIK TVrR'P .IFIlKKV K PltCNS CCMPARY, OM.e.No. a WAI Nl T wre.i, ill e.iil for and deliver Ri'll" V1', und alKB.I lo all the br in-I.e. ..I Kspress kus.Ltls. A hi tt.Mi lutakt-l.i r .u . i i.nui c.i.-li truiii. J. VAN 1.KN8-1KI.AKH, 7 tf .1u..lnleud.ut. I)1III AM I.rillA AND TiALTIMOUH CEN THAIi It A 1 1 UOAJl, 01 KN IU OMTOKD MI'RllJ AKHA.Nl.KMKN it. On and alter I KIDA Y, April 1, lrs.l,th. tra.ll, wi.l leavt as u .lows . ! I llAVEl'.mWARB. i T.KAYK VK8TWAlin. j a r A Tll'KS. A. VI. r.M.I SIAMI.S-I. A.M. 1 M. Oxllild I.M t 2. Pliila-elpli.a..,. 811 4,1U VVemlrovt' I.-. J . Vv esl t l..ttr. .. 7 li Ili Avon.iaie .7 I 'i 41 IV. O. Juiiono.i,. ll tu J n Kit. neit 7- rt 4 1. C'.iii'.'iil P'.'.l .'! t'hadii Ford. ...7 42 4 11 Clui.iu sl'viil,... 'J 41 tilt f . ui-ord 'fc ill 6--l Keini. tl l'i-r. , ,;j 1 W t . .li.nctii a.. 814 6 1.'. A on Uie In n t ,,, I'hlladi l...a I. Vi 6 -o Uet l.ruve 111112 J fij , Weal ii.sler y .11 S in 0l... I lu 0u 7mu I'a.flin'r I'. ol in Pl.lls.l.-lpiiia I eeu ..;(.,.i..e.l fruia E',M. emli ami Mark-t s;:.-t, lu Tltl 1: V Kl It vT aid MsltkKT Mr.ela, We.t Market 8ir..t l'a,suiiirKa.lKaCaisCuLiv. l'aaaui.ku'a lu aud nous tTi,Diot. " ! I'aaatusvri go UirOlieh without ch l-iie .,f cara 1 Js4 i. IttSIll, bupniUiieudeul, RAILROAD LINES. lO'H. NKW tOHK I.I.FM. ICVt)4. 1 he t am ten and amlioy and Plnla.lelpkla and TreaiM Bsllmad : ni.ani.a Lines K Hew Iw. And Way I'la'.-e lai.kl WALRTT RTBKBT WHARF, Will leave as folln. , viz. : rasa. At s A M.. via Caiuden and Amhoj, 0. and A. Ao cvmuxi'laiMin $ffBs AiS . M . va I'amdva and Jeraef CKy, MnrmniaT R'pris. l-as) At I JM . via Csovden and Atnlsty, 0 and A. Asoorav m. cat or fB) At t P. M. via Caiud.a and Amboy. i;. sad A. Ka li , ys At 1 P M ., via Camden and Amuoy, AooomeandatJon . r rei,'i t ai .1 P..iiu.t( 11 At f t. M., via anidet. and Anilior, AeiN.mmolatloai ifnial.t and ras.antrr) 1st Caas Ticket - 11 ( la.s d A171, P M.,v.aPsmden and sinS..y ArfsmmMa ... !?.'" I'""! I and Paas.inaerv, 1st Claa, Ticket.... f Id t ii-.. d...., a..! V"ht h"n,' Allent wn. Itethlehara. IMvldere, "V .' ,vIm.. Fleniln,!li.n, Ac , :1m P. M. t or , i,,...r,e.l ate H'atlona, at S F. kL uMzmn. M'aiSYp" si'1' iv,u,wwn' "jv'"w lor r ri-elioid at fi A.M. and P. M iKiJ". U'iV'T' ,j,T"ti lii lanoo'. 'lt'overly, Rnrtlrurtaai. W TreJiLm.' "" '' M' ""' t. n'a'l 7 V 1t""",n' '""ro. Revstlt. nj Burllat Isii sml..ii Trsntnn, f .r llrn'nl. nurllnaton. n..varl. an.l 1a...t. at'.-m A M an li fi p if MM'" Ui'-M hK.NnlHlilO!! Ur.lUl ' WITI Ions.' as ..r..w. Al 4 A. HI., (tilshll via Rnsln,tnn and New Tort. Ws.l i.n'.niaiid Now V oi k Mail St SI At II IS A. M . via K.rilniiton anil J.r,',l. citvaVt- pr- i-M At 4 m P.M.. via K.'ti.iiiaton and Jersey CUrKa- les, ... t4 At A-in I'. M , .la Kensitikioo ui .l city VV asl.inirt.-n and Vw York Ksnus... ... $ f0 Hun,).) lines leave at 4 A. M. an.l h tr. p. M,' ' f tsar, will be lu. line nt 4 A. .VI . tNlshtl nn Vlomlavi. For Water tlsp, n..n.u.lslni'ir, su-iantnn, W lk.ilwrv, Mnlitrrse.llr.-al Kend, IHa"l-ll Cliuns. A IWn'nwi., IV.-Jims. In ni., k ast.-n. Lam!,, rtt ii-r M.inlnemn. A. , at 716 A. M T Ms line rohn.-rt-. with tlie train leavma- Baetow. for Mauch Chunk at :l : P M. For l.aml..rt tl.e and Intrrm. .Il.-e at 6 P, M. For, Trviilon, Ac. at 7 10 jnd 111' A. M.audt P. M. Fur Holmest'tirr, Taennv, Wli.C-oinlnt. Rrsleilnies, im4 Vrankfl rd at n A. H.,J,i I... i.J s I . ai 1 tie t A. M. Ua. tuna ... Ilri.t. I irFor New York and War l.ln.-l leai-'ne KenshutoBi In-pot, lake the ears on Klllh sire.., shove Walnut, half aa. hour Iw-lore d.-parturo. The Cars run liiu.ll.e llepot, $m4 on arrival of e u-li trim run tr.-ui fl I'.-i.ot I Illy l-iMinda iH hiunaie only allon ed eah pasaivllirar. an proltil.lteil from l-iklm.- any th'tiL- as l.airaio. but their weattnv appnrel. All tiauiraie over flftv pound, to he pai.l fur etia The Contpaiiv n ail their respnnel bllily lor l.arf.'ai-,- to One.l. -llsr p.-r po.u.d. and will not e-a liahle fur at.y amount beyond 9IU0, br special MSI trai t. tli sham's Rat'i-aae Fxpress will call Tor and dslrvr haf tas. al Hi. letola. Uldars to be 1.11 at No WALNUT l eet. Wirt. II. UAT.MKB, Anwit. Aurtist s, lust, 1.IM-.S HtVJM NKW YORK FOR PlIILADEUinA WILL LKAVF. rrom foot of foartlaml street al 12 M. and 4 P. If., via .lersey City and Camden :ai 7 and 10 A. M ,' P. M., and U I Nlltht) via Jersey Citv and rrom I.n.1 ol Ran lay aueet, al li A.M. and I P. M., via Aiulior and Caonlen rrom Pier No. 1 .North River, at 11 M., 4 and R F. M. (I rvlshlandpasaenterj via Amhoy and Camdeav. lltKIGHT LINKS VOU NKW YOUK AND A all the aiattuna on the Caiuden and Amboy aaa a eav nectlna INCRF.ASFD l)F.a.PATCH. The Caaiden and Aiuts.y ard Tranapertatlisai Company's Freisht 1 Inea f.r New Ynrk w III leave Walnat kirMt wharf, on anc arter January K. datl (Hundayaex CenUC) al 4 O eki. k P. M. rii turuiUK. the atiov e Lima vtill leave New York at I aa4 4 P. M. mint be delivered btfore b. tnr wanled the aatiiu day. Fr.tshl lor Tieutun, rrineeton, Klntatnn, Xew Bmna. wlek, and all noltits on Ihe c'amdt-n ami Atn'.ny Railroadi also oa the licit litem, Delaware, anil Plemlnuton, ma Naw Jersey, Ihe Freehold and Jamcahitrir, an.l the HurUnttoa and Mount llolb Kallruads, rtnelvetl ami fi.rward. up u 12 Si o'clock P. M. Small pack asoa lur Mount Holly recolv up In 2 o cliK-k P M. The Itelvldero Delaware Railroad runnenta nt Phinino tiurK Willi the Lehlsh Valley Rallroilil. The New JeraAF Railroad eunius l, at Klir.alieth with Uie N.-w Jeraey Central Rsllntad, and al Newark with Uis Morris aud. Kales Railroad. A slip nietnorantlttm, specifying tha viarka and naoa bera. aiilppeis and coiislaiieva, muat in every tnataoc aw lent w till each load of goods, or no riceipt willbetiveu. lucreaaed tni-tllilca hav Ina been made fivr Ihe transport a tlnn ot l.i VP. b I'tM'h , e-ov..ra are Invited to try routes W hen the stuck la furnlsheilln iiientlilua of TWO OAK T.OA D8 or more. It will be drllvarwl at the of FortVaak aire.!, the Drme Yards, or at Pier No 1 Nona River, as Die ahtppcra may dealanare at the time of tha shipment. W Al.iKK KKF.P.MAN, Krelnht Aasint, Nn. 2U8 S. Delawuri. avenue, I'bltailelphia. tiEu. II. RAYMOND. Frals'lit Ay.nt. aJ tf 1'1,-r Mo. 1 Moris Uiver. Mew k.rk. rHH.ADEI.rillA AND TRKNTOX AND C'AMDbN AMD AMHOY KAILUOAI) OOMPANIIC. NOITCK. On ard arter MONDAY, January 4. JW(. the Trains tot New Yoiln leavtnii Kensl. stun Depot, Philadelphia, at 3 11 A. M (NlaTit). anil 2 : I M., and the train. Pvavlng tiew Y'ork at 8 A. M. nnd 7','iO P. M.. will heresiier Ise rna exclusl. ely fi.r He United Htatea Malla und New York and W ashlmjinn Passeiiireri, and will not lake iu uor let our anv paiscnaer. between said ciil-a. The IP A. II. ami 12 Mldulalit Lines f nm New York to WaahlhttluAanit the 11 Ml A M and .' P. M. I Inns frora WashltisteWlo New York, will eonlinu as al present, and carry (.assei aers Ui and from the li.ter.ned.alo a:ailoua aud Baltimore, Wnwhlnitton, and New York. AJUiAM.l.MfcNT.l lin WKk.N aaill.ADi.I.rill A AND NKW YllHK. Llnei leave Thliadeiphla. from Kensington Depot, al 111;. A.M ,4Ui, and ill.. P. M., and I ." .1 ni'iln.-'it. and Itotn Walnut Hlreei Wharf Ivla Camtlenl, alt. andSA. M.. 12 M.,4 ard IP M., lor New York. And leaves New Y eik. from fo t of Courtlan It stre-vt, at 7 A.M. Ill A M , 12 M ,4 and 8 P. M , and at 12 mld nli hi, aud fioui f.Kit 01 Ltarebiy atn-el hi 1 A. M.. audi P.M. WM. A. UATZMKIt, jat-tf AsenC tC4 rUNNSYI, VANIA Ji-4 Jl)'4. CFN' HAI. KAILKOAH. IW-. Till: lillFAT liuCIII.I.-l K.VI K tiilllliT lfOCTK TO T IIK WFHT, NURI IIH, A.M) NOI'TH WB ST. F.iUipmeni aud laelhtlei lur tlie sale,, and oora- forts l.e triu.i.i.oiinilou of passeuu.ra, tiiiaurpi'.as j.l uy an rotlli- In the i-ountrv. Trains leave the lli-M,t al EI.F.V'KN I'll and MARKET Hfrita aa lulluwai Mull Train at 7'?'. A If . Fits. Lim ut 11 2 A. M. Thloiub Lspross at M m P. M. ran .'Siitiri; I l ain, jso. I, ai iiiin a. si l HOP. M. llarnsl.ura Accoumiodutlon at 2 $1 P. M. Lancastei Train nl 1-Ol' P. M. l'aoll AcoouiuiOdalll.u (leuvua Yv'sll PhlleJel- plna) at S-WP.M. Throuiih Passe ui'trs hy the At.Knafnr tipper, sxheie v. Ill lie found emeUem acooaiinndailoua foe the nhht at the Lin-ati House, and in tnu niomios may lake either the Philadelphia or U.iltlinorti Kxt.rosa, Mob of wntch make. at I'ulsliurt for all iralnll. " A da.vlishi view la thus allor.K-d of Uie t-nilre line audita niiuiillleeut neiiery. The Throuiili K a press Truln rum daily; all '0l ottuaT tialna dally, exe.-i.t Miniinya. lOR Piri slil in. AND TUB WK'lT. The Stall Tr ull. Fast Line, and Tin . null Kxiinniooa ni ei nt Pittshti'KwItli tlirnutli tratna en al, dlvervitit nttutt from that point, Norlhlothe Lakes, VV esl lu Uie Mia.le B.ppi and Missouri Rivera, aud Hootb and Nouihwest to all riouita aocessihlel.iraiiri.iid. T hlotiNh Tickola lo Oiev and, Detinll. Chli as", Nt Paul, Coi unhus, liio.anapnlUl, hi Louis, Leavenworth. Kanaai. Wheeitne. Iiavuvn, Cln rinnali, l.ouiH. iiie, t alro.and ull other principal aouita. and bauuaiie ohis ki-a thniiiah. INDIANA IlKAM'IIRMI.RO.Vn. The I niri-ss. I. ii. Inn ai 10 ..j P.M., eonne.-te at Ulalrs.llle Intersection with a train on this road for lllnli.ville. Indiana, Ac. Klir.NKMI-nu AND CIIESSON HRAJICH Rn.ROAf. 1 l e Throuul. Kxpresa T iuin, Ua. ins ut Id K) P. M .oon nects at Creston. al l'.'lft A M ., w Uli a tiuin un the roa4 fur 1 l,eti.l.nib.. A truln alio leavci Cressou fur Lbouaburs ai 8a. OP. M. IIOM.IDAYTIUItl llltANTIt RO.VII The Mail Train at 7 2.. A. kl.. an.l Tlin.utli F.vprese at 10 iti P. M., connect at Altisu.a with train, lor llotlldajre biiia al 7 fs. P M. and . in t M 'IV HUNK AND Cl.KARFIKI.ll BRANCH RAII ROAD. The ll.ruuah Kx.iesa Train, leavlnu at 1.I0P. M.esw nes'ta ut T'vrone with a train lor hanily lli.le and Philllps hurit. and hv Hal. I Ernie Valley Kallrua.i lot Port Maliula Mliesl.iirn, and llelielonlo. Ill NITMIDON AND IlltOAD TOP R VILROAD. The T hroiiah Cx press Train, Icuv'iiir at In HI P. M , con-nu-ts at with a train for lloiaiwail and lltootLr lln n ai l.'fs, A M JVOJtlllEltS IL.NTHAI. AND PHILADELPHIA ASB FlilK R vll.R'l.vuM. FiirRnnLnrv, Whlismspiirt, lck lla.en, Klmira, Ro ili.ster, Dul.alo. and Nia.aru rails. nn.a-nn takuui the kfallTraln a' 7'2AA. M., and the T .roiuh Kxpresa at lo-mip M dan.- escept istindnys. mi dlrc tly tnrouah. ui cars Ixtne.-n I' and W4-llau.iiHU-t. lorYOIIK iJANllYP.n, amlCrfi-...,.,,,,,. ,. . , . ll.nrlnr Ai " A l. and " . rY 8Hrilil. the trains iiauiif ot . i-. M., e.inneet at Columbia vi llli trjlns on Hie Noitncrn Coniral Km I road. CI MltKlll.aM) V.VLLKv l:.VIl.l;iD. Tne Mail Irani ut 7 2'. 4. .Vt., throu.-li It.preia a ll'l'u P. M.,i.oiineci at ll.iriisi.nn.. ivlih tiain.t fir Caillile. t, and MsL'trs-ou n. WAYNKI4III Itti lll(ANi:H RAILROAD. The tialil' lint Im. at ,' 2. A. M a-d 2 .1 I'. M., cinneot ai Due mi. Kt'.w u with trains i.u II. ii iuu.1 tu ajuasbui and - .1 Hill " lu. .tulle "It. linns. For fiirll cr l-ifoi i.intli.u a pit a' ihe P i-i -nuer RlatJoA. b. K. t oi nor oi 1.1 kit IN I 1 1 a. d v UK C r siro-ii. .1 vkii.8 i on iir.N, Ti, Ut AaeM. COMMt'T V I i.l.V IT.'li SI'S. For 1,1, i'..n, ,,r 11,,, dt v -i y I w 'f.s, f.r tha ae- couir.i.'iii-iiu of per iivu,,i i ut if imu.lli located oa r LCor ll , .'trie o' " ''il'riVis TrrsT, For' ir'i . he... et . i t..o p u rs. ..: .ihoitt wo eens p.riuiie. 1 1:. ... lu-kt's ..' tl i't 'l.' u.-i ,,t f,ii.iil,-, tiavelin;. lr -ineiiily, and aru of great aU.'autMae lo uorauus avasiu. oe' ti'ins. Ut HilDL TICKETS, l or r oe . r tvrec njuuii i. loriLe use ut acholiu iaUetidiu St-l.o-vl In the t l'v. W1HTI IIS EMlliRATIOV. An E-nilLrnrt A,.'. uiiu.;.tm, iram U.ives No. In7 Dock , dii i -it.i,a excel al 4 u , 'uck P. M. .nllurlu a le iiiiu .ravel to fmii.-s solim Weal at cue -hall tl.e u,ii-. 1 rte .1 far... IMiile ular uttentlonli pa il to batii!.., .! v, i:,i, el.-iKs .ire, mid PuMiiaa lo. wan. . l.y li. e sar.etran null u.. libera. t tr 1.1:1 IM lu.t .. u, iii.i to I'll l.N.b ti J.K, Km., rant Airenl, No. LIT DOCK. otjr-.tlt-MANN H 11AiK;Ai.K Kai-HPsi. aii at'.i.t i ti., a re.r.ble lir... I i.i.x.ii.a mrlll n - . ti h 1. 1.... ... . : - 1 ." i-- .... . - . . ...... . lt;,tv ,,.. ,. . ie ano u- s net'k a and ilii er hascaa-r to any part nl' Ilia cilv. iCui. suse w I, I, ci: il. .1 i,.r iioiiii ily vs il. n ,..,h ii .ue ir at ll.. 1 as.-.i.s.rli.,K....'ru Band Mail..-: sr. els. The ir-,oP Ins pl.l...t k.-.a..iiiid '.'.ii u . -".lm la ic li Ull6e. 1 I s. Hyth1, route Ini.-i,;, of ,. u, s..r,itinn, can be for- K.iV"; i 1' "f !" lr""!!.V'" ' iiiru..d. of oino, twilr L ' ' " u,lo..u or Missouri, I'.V la ir. kel , , I or tu i.-.v i u,v oa t a .1. ..i.,. fl !, I'. si. a,,.. frii'n ,7 "'" WU"t litlVZ'',,'f.(,n' 'f,''' ',":'"" '.v point in tha Woit ! II. PfBs Ivan I Oi,..-., iff.,.,,! w , ainimea aa ll.elr ireullTo.V,1' ''' ,'u'""""- " V itisnnr' auou of li. 'mv' ) iraJlsitl t'"u v" "y "n if.Ji.tao. 1 or ire i at counsels or shi ..,U d.. otiUutit. apply to of SiK'.re.s- I" A,, n's ol tl.e C.-mi. .... ' S. It. K1NI.--T .V, I... I ,,,' ..,.0,1, . 1. A Kl FW A I.T. Pl.t, In, ' 1 La 1. K .t 1 1 1 , i... - - 1 I ti ii ilC,.g lAl'nrlli.neor Xo.lU. VYlUi-SS kin . t. New ink, I I U 11 ; I'll , . n Was' .ni:!. . slr. et, Rostoa. IVUI.UAt li LOW N, No. so Nni-, .u.-il, t..tlaere. A.-1.1 ; ..'..lil lla..a.. 11 II. H'i Brow, tlenera: Freik-I.t A "t I'l'.i": ru,. LLV id L- '' iTl. k.1 am r ii i t-""'. . ...j-x. Alassaea. Utnerai 'J tleueral utiuieii-ii" -