The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 01, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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vmim Sclftjrapli
nr. Ta-s. r Crtn r-r .Curt, of Biwithk O. n
in,Hf"l"M Can-tor, no' MiM to i.u rtbo'i
aart tt Cr 1"' otl P Aston 1 Oin IfciL-la
aj.r !." Cii-"r. ' To c M'iKTHa.tTi-rftrlaM' Hi ft'lt .nc.
jKwfWl'IU tnarrtf-t .1 tho null rnu. 1 Jlt-trftl
yriirMil aaatl. f xtanttf-d In.ortlon i.
i ...I., rtfi tUrl Of Ati-iny-i-vuM t-or-o:ltl-l'.-f or
Wl. tartar ta fti.n.l. 1 for lr-ill .. n.Hl b. aul'i- i I' v.-l
tr .... nam. and i.tilr-t r th. wrttrr il r"c ..a-il for
paMtrattmi. bnt a. ft guarantee for tilt f fit'tlt. W,
Mitel rlaa U rotltta rjta4 I Dnlirk'U li.
T A4rtliMrav.
r. tat W ttio frpat lina la the (trmU'lflf f Tn
vi!(im t.L. turn, ouiilitna iin to an ta frr. at an
hoar, '..nil. riiur.t that aittr.rli..m- -it. maf
I. haml a. '. 10 o rlrra. If potllbla, lo i kii
Qm sa hi In ail ot our Million.
Tina WAit rviiWM.
Gbawt lias roramouol tlw (Treat movr--Bient
of the campnlgn for the destruction of
tntral Lek'm army, lie threw ft.rwnril the
left wing of tbn Army of the Totornac on
Thurmliiy, and carrifil a trong line of It -VI
work, wetof thn Fmlorul poxltlon, on tli
rWldnn railroad. Yentt-rtlny another atlvanc-
toward the Dunvillo road wan madi- ly our
troops, and Unlay probably the entire veteran
portion of the armies of the rotomiie anl
Jamt-4 river are c MirentraU-d on our cxtrenv
loft, and are movluj rail, to dixputc- with Lkk
lor the powcasion of his only remaining llnu
of retreat and supply. That our army will
make considerable progress westward, we
hire no doubt ; for Gem ml Lf.k must take
care of IUchmond, l'etcrsburg, Lynchburg,
and Danville all at the samo time. The Ion
of cither would do him InculiuluMe damage,
and the defense of all of them is a tnont tli (11
calt matter.
General Lkk U prolmbly At this) ironvnt In
tbe attuation of the puzzled lover, who ex
" How happy could I be with cither,
"Were I'oilicr dear channcr away."
He would like to help EAiti.r, just m soiuo
fifty or alxty days ago he would tutvc bueu
fUdtobelp Hood; but G kamt, who would
not let h'un alone then, has once more begun
to trouble him. The Rebels have spitefully
named Chant " the Butcher," and Indeed he
Rtooraelesitly slays all their most carefully
nursed hope. IIu la a very lnconvonNnt
man to have so near Richmond, and ought to
have been long ago removed, as a number of
-JMtfOl.ELl.AN Journals In the North have
already urged.
Tbe Newmarket road, upon which General
BraerKT marched, runs root Richmond to
Newmarket, in direction nearly southeast ;
the Mill road intersects It at a point about
eight miles from Richmond. Chapln's ihrra
Is near the Jamea, and to the left of General
Bibxky's position, as reported by Quant.
According to the map It flanks Drury's Bluff,
or Fort Darling, and the movement may remit
in the capture of that work, which would open
the river to our monitors to wlthlu a few
miles of Richmond.
This advance of Oiu and Biu.vf.y men in
Uie capture of Richmond Anally, but not now.
Its designed effect at present is to attract
Lice's attention from the real point of attack,
which Is on the extreme left of our line. That
SuiatiDAN will be assisted by Grant la
these movements towards the capture ot
Richmond cannot be doubted.
We are aorry to observe that the Robel.s
Fouheht and Kihbt Smitit are " plvln3
hob" in Tennessee, and Prick, Siiblu,
and Mabmadvkb are doing the samo In
Missouri. The latter Stale has almost been
overrun, and fears are expressed for the
aeilty of St. Louis from a Rebel cavalry
danli. It is well known, however, that troops
are moving forwaid rapidly to NasUvlllu and
St. Lout General Stkei.k Is also supposed
to be advancing upon the rear of the Rebclx,
from Littlo Rock, Arkausas.
General Sukkidan is " puhhig on rcgunU
lets of everything."
A party such as we ure accustomed to in
town is a notoriously stupid and uncom.brU-
blo amiir. There was a timu, we are willing
to believe, when a gathering together of
friends was productive of a not Inconsiderable
amount of cheer and comfort. Our now-lot-
terlng relatives joined their associates, and
had a hearty romp on the green turf, or a
lively game or dance on the t lean, unearpctcd
fli.or, long ago, when they were full-cheeked
end tithe. Such frolics and fun us they
eejoytd, in those simple, sunny days, we find
It difficult to lorin any conception ol,
Now-a-duys our young ladies and youn
-gentlemen do things dld'crmtly. With tuo
kfg-OMgIit permission of her parents, the
Miss who bus lately relinquished the use of
text-books and sliue-pencils forever sends out.
her delicate Ilttk' invitations to at I'ast llfly
more individuals than both the parlors cati by
Hiy possibility be made to accommodate. And
nbeu at last tU evening comes,. in J the rooms
ai d balls, tq: -.-talis ind down, are fl.xjd
wiih the tf.'ulgenee of all the gas-burners, mil
a vast number of bnrd, polished candles, the
giver of the entertainment awaits, with a flut
tering heart, tbe arrival of the first "com
pany," who come presently, and are discovered
to be the Bobbs. These Bobbe are sin
gular persona of wealth (probably members of
a society called "Shoddyiles), who,irom sheer
force of babit, caunot help comiog " ages too
toon" as is the general observation of all their
acquaintances. There are Bobba to every
Poor primitives! Nine o'clock precisely
finds tiieni ringing the bell and rustling up to
the undressing room, and advancing in solid
Ihljix,wUh tbeir m08t charming smiles on,
apparently confident of meeting a great many
people. And 0f course, when they lace only
tbeaolltaryCUUe UmaX aDpellatiori
Of our pi-eaent heroine . the v ti
lleved, and let W"Wa. comrtdcrabl, oown,
and tbe Bobb girls indulge lu a g0nae hugl
glng nnd kLwlng aU rouud, uite th yJ:.
Uotb, their brother, looki foollA, u4 tarU.
cut hla hantlkerchlef, which todUp
serrea to conceal tb greater part of hW fm,
After certain number of mlnutof have been
dTot4l to th Amicable little eiercUea
aJrwtdr rtcited, there lllowe a genent) over-
iauling of what each other Uu on.
During this proresi the lad throws his rle;ht
leg over his InA, and his Infl over bin rlht, anil
looks nt a rrmoto corner of the room, and
watches the Journey of a fly over the surface,
ol the mantle-mirror, and finally Axes his
gnv. on hl shiny boots. Anon tlm I's and Cs
and S mnke their appearam e, and thf Invited
are nil assembled, ln lulling the unseeoinpv
nleil h'ni;r (who have ft way of Hlipplng into
the rooms without, much ado, which Is quite
peculiar to themselves), In 'Iin iielghbiirhond
of 1 1 o'clock.
Then the exercises rtre fairly under way.
Minn t'illle 1ms cn'erted rmmerou' Intro lue
tioiL., to her own Immense coufii.tion, which
flv.U so completely the better ol her that she
niakts known a high, bashful youth to a cn
iiettish little en nlurc on the sofa no less th in
lour M'pnrate times, and has to be tol l of it
(M iilunlly. She hns nrgued earnestly for a
commingling of the sexes, but without thn
slightest surress. The girls deserlbo a eircli
all around the rooms. They are huddled
tnpethcr on the lounges, nnd their eh ilrs ar
backed tip against the walls.
The gentlemen appear Intermittently t)
these excessively gotten-up damsels, and ply j
them with Interrogatories concerning the
weather, and exhaust the other equally edify
ing and diverting pnrty topics. There is
boisterous, all-talking-at-once, and dreadful
lulls In the colloquial storm, during which
there Is universal uneasiness and n tierce ex
pression on each lace, as though Irs own?r
bad something very particu'ar to say, but was
conspired against and uttnrably unthle to get
a word In. There is yawning tortured into
roughing, and gaping behind cambric pocki-t-pleees.
There Is a struggle on the part of
Clll io to look easy and used to this sort of
thing, and an awful effort on the part of her
dear friends to appear perfectly delighted, and
as ifthey would not think, for an inst iut, of
" giving anything" to bo at homo and out of
their tight, disagreeable, clothes.
Before long tbe music moment is at hand
and Miss Cillle rushed at a romantic-looking
lass, with long curls and humid eyes, but a
gcnerul appearance of nugularlty nnd early
blight, who Is looking Into the sutfiised faeo o
a sedate urchin with his hair very much parted
behind, and his coat sleeves very long, and
wide at the extremities, In the piano parlor.
The romantic looking lass Is astonished mom
than she can express by the absurdity of tlio
request that she will sing something or piny
something. She starts buck, and throws up
her bands, palms out. She states emphatically
that she has not touched a piano for such a
length of time that she has forgotten all about
It. Cillie presses her suit with vehemence,
and appeals to all the by-sitters for support,
which they Instantaneously and energetically
extend, cluste.rlng around the musical object,
and pouring forth touching importunities and
savage arguments to convince said object that
she Is the victim of self-deception, and was
never In better condition for vocal or Instrti-
mental performances in the whole course of
her life.
After a protracted siege, the romantic
looking surrenders and ls led captive to the
Instrument. There is a solemn stillness ; un
apicol to sundry moons, stars, wild flowers,
streams, and the like, embraced in four long
verses, a hum of adulation, tho entire com
pany chorusslng " Very pretty 1" and " Hoiv
sweet t" A smell of hot food Is suddenly
wafted down stairs,. Then there Is nn eagur
stampede, two by two, to the Held of lubor(
where tbe gallants go into Immediate, and
active service, and devote themselves to tho
hewing of pyramid:) of Ice cream, and tho
dexterous spooning and plating of eccentric
Jelly, and tho pursuit of Hie cake baskets, aud
the successful wending of their way through
the throng, with their ofl'criugs to their
favorite females held high above the swarm- ;
ing brads. Several dresses are ruiued by
dischar'cs upon them of soft refreshment.
A variety of scraps and dr.brh are chucked
flily under tho table; a bijc!i in il stripling
tukes too much wine ; bis liiw are uuealc d
and ho waxes declamatory; the elaborate
large cake with randy trimmings is pitched
into and demolished; the flowers are all
snatc hed up and stuck in button-holes and '
bosoms; pockets are lilted with ornamental ,
bonbons and such nice littlo knick-knacks as
may be discovered lying about loose; and, I
by-nnd-by, a descent is made to the parlors.
Thi n there Is some weary, laggard dancing;
the ball fills with inquiring coachmen anil
servants; the guests drop away. Toward-!
that bourn hen the sun leaps up the eastern
sky and lights the world Into another djy of
toil, sutl'cihig, mirth, and madness, Miss Cillie '
is quite alone with her inaiuin.i on ( more, 1
und very tired indeed. Poor tiling I How I
heavy arc her eyes, and bOiV Isuguld her ,
steps as she drags beisell otl'to bed I 1
llOSI'ITAI. Kt:il 1 T!0 l IMII V.
I 1.11114.
ritlladfli'liia has Ih'couh- w.U a lurt mlti
taiy hutpiial, tluTi- lHin about twenty-two
tlloiiftund UmIh hi tliin l'jmrt mh-ii(. (hut if
iiiuUiT ol'toiue Ititi'n'ift to trm tin .1. v.'lp
nit nt ami blritoiy of thfftt Iniit ut mmim.
llio grrui wai tho 'Iiri.-sll.tu Stn't t Hos
pital, ttlih h was orfcuiilrd Immmllntrly alt.-r
ibvi att:u-k on Fort MumUT, and n-fflv.-! nlt-k
ul,d WMiiiilt'd of Iht tlii'w uiouth'
ftiTviro. May I, Ml, uml. r tlt 4 h iri;. ot'
Surron John Nmi.i.. lrnltnl Mui'M Vtduu
U'tTi. It win rsialilisli.'J iiiult'r tin- k ii1 -f i
oftlif HotiM Guard, ami wuh I'lti ui-li" ! inl
HUpj Iit'd by Innc Volt fit fiLiit-, but Ns-.,tu-i a
l'llltv.1 Slate hiHpIt jI by ol I i' o(' (i-ii r il
I"aitkiiov( and IVoqi thU nuvlfM bv
lrown tli ImruiMiH i-titMi-'iv..,ut h u jr
around tu.
11 ;h;)irLiI.f-st tit our illv.i'si n'.'i'ioi. 1
bUity to KiMtrru araii a iJ l'i
wruriiy I'rom Ui attwilM f ir .-ii-Ma , ib.
rb'0i iivh ui living, aud ll- ml. il
ftnntliii, wrr' lntruii."iiVil la i ! i r i't
hoKpital U Ilitl'tt; aud Surp".,)u-t;iMi'T,il I
I KY, tbrn CD tl a'tlv INt. W.H proriiTit Ji I
roeojruijng ita advaiitiurt a-t !ur 'n-avr tli.n !
Uiom po-M'-feJ by Wa.'Uljiroii, w ni.'li It lu u
mulailoiij dL-ttri't, and Ualrimoic, h h'u li w.n '
unMifu lu point ol' g-'or.ip.iUv.J p'-l.!i. j
After the rlrnt bit'le ol 1 ill I; m, all tn '
accouitnodationn whn b bad b"'-n I i
d urine; Ibe t-uiuioor about WaAbbiKto.. bet ain ;
crowded. In November, the Suri on- I
General ordered temporary ho-pitula t
be prepared with tbe greatest dp:itrb
for immediate uho. Uuox'cupled bull ling-
and grounds suitable for a u.'U p u rp s
were immodiutery procured, aud Uie construc
tion of large boKptUila, on corruct prlnflpleH,
commenced. At that time, thore were no
depot of supplies or purveyor' store in U.U
city. Everything wad obtained through Uie
i,....i... ..i.i.i ..... h ' ...
.. ,.,'.,
of Quiirteriiut.tijr'a ' D pxt-
UifcQt. The traiuformatloQ of fjctorWt Into
cottiWuble depoU, rurnUlu.d with ail tho
wxtem lmprovBMiau for the muuly of heat.
what, aa wtu aa tbe eoantructlnjr of
new hoplubi9 u enutuwd to Mr. Jyu
M'Ai'TiH'H, Jr., the an hltect for the Govern-tin-lit
; w hile the mollril org ml itlon was
Clli ctcd by Dr. Nkii.i., th -n acting n Medlcil
The peculiar features of our I'hihdelphia
hospitals, In their police, ventilntlo:i, lut-rlor '
economy, and disrljilin", were b.oulit ia'.o
I'xistenro at this time. Christian Street Hos
pital was enlarged Immediately, nod the hos
pitals at Twenty-fourth and Houth streets.
Twenty-second and Wood Mr.-els, Itroul a:i I
t.'herry streets, and Filth and H ittinwond
stn-ets were ready to receive p.iti.-nts berore
Christmas, and soon after ovg.inlxerl ly the
apf ol'itincnt of surgiins, t c.
These were tilled by patient nluiott iurn,- ;
diately, and it soon became obvious tint exten- '
sive boniituls should be constructed nitsid of
tlie city, and the authorities at Wa.ihington
hi-roved of the building of a large hn-pit il of
one thousand bed- In West Phllnd.diia, not?
the Sntterlee Hospital. The phtri of rons'rue
tion Is entirely due to Mr. Mi A ktiiuii, Jr.,
snd from this hospital has originated all that Ls
valuable In the principles of the construction
Of "shed hospitals," as these extensive build-
Inss are often termed.
i n't... u..iahi..a ir..oAi ..t... ..n
t iin k'ftvirtnu jiijnj.iviti v nr n u O.HM urn V I J
lunch enlarged; but it is very questionable
whether any surgeon Can, with propriety,
oversee professionally the necessities of over
one thousand beds.
Other general hospitals were put In opera
tion during the summer, at Mechanics' II ill
Fourth and George streets, Sixth and Master
streets, the State Arsenal, at Sixteenth anil
Filbert streets, National Guards' Hall, Usee
I clow Sixth street, Hustonvillo Depot, Oar
man Hospital, on Turner's lane, and the hos
pital at Cheater, while many of the old ones
were enlarged.
At Chester and Turner's lauo extensive
building, have been put up on the general
plan ol shed hospitals; but the most striking
of these structures were built about this time
at Chesnut Hill and Nlcetown.
The hospital at Chesuut Hill, originally de
signed to have been built at Hod Rank, N. J.,
is said to be almost the largest hospital in the
world; nnd when a visitor contemplates its
vast proportions, ond yet Its completeness, he
cannot but regard it as one, of the greatest
feutures of our time, In connection with the
Tbe hospital at Nlcetown, which was in
tended to have been placed in Hunting Park,
has the same general features, nnd Is regarded
by some as the most perfect model of wooden
hospitals that we have. Additional hospitals
were also fit tea up for special loathsome and
contagious diseases, at the Summit House, on
the Darby road, and ut Twelfth and Itutton
wood streets; but at the present time tho
smallpox patients are accommodated at the
building at Islington Lane.
Wc must not omit to notice tho wonderful
capacity for extension now possessed by
j iniuiy of these hospitals, by means of hospital
tents, which have been lound to be the most
I salubrious tenements for the sick. By these
' additional accommodations no sudden demand
j can over occur, whereby churches, stores, and
j private bouses may be required to bo used for
temporary purposes, as wns the case curly in
, the war. This improvement Is undoubtedly
due to the fact that many of the surgeons in
charge at. tne present time have seen field
service, and are prepared for all emergencies.
In order to show the capacity of Philadel-
phla at tl.o present time, we will enumerate
' the hospitals now hi operation under the direc
tion of Surgeon John Camiui-:li., Medical
Director. It will bo observed that the size of
this command equals any corps now In tho
ft'tti. Jiotfitat..
.!'8 Line
sou... .Filbert Srrct-t.
It'ilt Nrttti rlco
;ti'J.... Mower
Nicctorvn, Piii!a.
'-0ih und Nurria, "
Kith and Filbert, "
4 till aud l'ino,
t liefimt Hill. "
OtTinntiiowa, "
.W OnistiHn S rt:ct...Nenr Tcntb,
'J?.'!.... south Stm-t Corner 2. h, "
'.', (MixciiV VoJuntot r I.roidaud Prime, "
V:(Hi... . Sn m in it lluuf-o-. . i tiiy roaJ
'.'it '0 Yt t
.York, Perm,'uh anil Viue, Phil.
.Near'JOth t.,
.Chiquc's Woody, "
ltroad & C'uuiry, "
. .CtU'itor. Perm.
..Near Hritol, "
. .Hcvurly. NtiT Jersey.
Pittubtirq, Pen ii.
lTJj....l.:i(1ilinstn ...
. .1-liugiuu
.VJ."i....ltivaU htnci...
1100, . . .ClusuT
lHH...,biU' Hull....
MM..... .Pitti-hurg
V AMUll'It T
-MARTIN. Hptimiipr-JKh. lrt,4,i y tlm
l!cv. S . '!!( ilnlo. Mr. JolIN iiWhN 1'Alitllt
r to
Mixh 1 V ANIS MAUl'lA, Ih.IIi uf Frunk.unl.
il Alii: IK - IIU Ml n TliiirKluv, KcntfinhT 2fih, lv
thf i i'V. J r . I Oiiriliiiitll, ln MATTIK rt. IIL'.MK, of
1'1'lNKtvluUU, to Mr. ilUAKLlCS C. UAKlUH.ofNtw
i urK.
.It NKlKt iTRN'Klt.-On tln muniinjr of the 24th
hisit., ht tn- n-nMt ncts nt' tlio liritlo'H lutln-r. v the Hov.
. Illmm NniMiintH Mr. .1. hl'KWA UT .( SKINS t. Mnti
.M A ( ( : i k . vrnnigi'Hi dr.uK.itr uf Mr. Itlcluuil II. Turaor,
Mil of thte ( itv.
Kbo l.hK-ntlK.-In Trinltr M. K. (Miiirrti Vt Hot.
U'hn f. t hfl'iluln. nil Thiirwliiv luuinliii.. HiwilfmhiT'iftiti.
Ik-si nr. jAMKN ii. KNOWI.LS, ,)r.. ot New t tiU,
I nnd M n KI.LA M.. tInnKhtfr ul Jtt-r. W iUUiu
I tie, it 1 litlnticltilMu Mo cunj.
I.I M MM ITll. I(y On- Hr. JoKftpb Pi itv, on th
V lb rMiiiitMir,dni4, Mr .lo.iKI'H N. MSI ut leQ
utut o Mi-- J1AKV .LI.I..N K.IIIII, ol i'ijiUdt lpui.
l(Oltr itTJ -t.M.LAtillKj: i un.l(iv SfpH'ii.btT.Stb.
Iv Ihn Hv. Tlioiim C. A Utin, M l . . I.O. 11 Ui UliiU
to M h ('A illAKINKOALi.Al.lItll.
U"Ht K'lN -M IM I N'.-On lb1 Jtih t.1f , t Ht.ftill'j
rt.Lin li, (( . , N. .1 . hy K'. H. M At.- rcr-.tiilm ,
liAMM r hOdl.h lN Xft JKNMh C, ilmihler ol fie
uiinliiiii nl l. MurtjQ.
THOMAS MA Ml. On tho KJtti Hit. tv ttii Uc-v. J H.
Km.T1. I itnt tin II A M I'TON H. Til. .1 A- ol Hii.n ot) ,
to Vifn Ki I.IK H. i B AlU, ot r lifter . ou ity.
v Kivn ! ri l.l;.-m tttsp 'i' th itu.,lv Hi,, itm-
i. N.- l.n. ftlr. S II. f I M W 1 1U1 lo Mi-, . .
II I'll It toia ol I'm fit v.
- i i
H 1.M N, Oil ! ri'Iay, tli? m-h alt.. K.1J.A AN'N
I IIM l N.
'Hi" i-h.lit on1 fHfUiN ol t'i i:nlly ' lii.-'tt'-l to
an. lit) h-r huh ml , Hum tin !;. inn-o oi hr itiiMlir,
.'I ot i mi reel, 4'U &lntitiv, oatir . m It) oV.-l.
rirNK.-Oii M,.n.l . tlit Jt.ili Itt-tiat, WILLIAM K
I M !-- In Vv 4M far ot tiii u,,f .
JtM O'li'iid a. til tlie iio'iniHTu ami Ii 'i-1iit of tin ( hi'
ill. ii. I'nx p-vtTi l.vt'fim. nn lnvltt .1 (ttitMut lib in
ii 'I, fi'i ir ml N.uioiil rttiont Hull, in toiiiuienv ut
, I M t.ii Numlfiy.
4 I't I'. -At Ft ll Ivor Inlt-.f, ha i I' ol Kloriili,
on h nut I'lPti'il kind's) m, t'Miti.T J-,tn ,1, ( . iit.tjfmt
Hiititi h I JI'I . -on iii if.c iftitt .lo4o'i l-;i"rtti-r
I n ,i' , "I i it lniU'lj-h ii, m tliu j-ofi yt-ur ol lil-t iik.-, oiyel-
.1. U l.t U I
.it J . 1'iitU'b'i
ll Hi. ,i;-f uil. M V1IV
h, In ;l.o i Mil yeur lie."
I ii.- r-'lit esi Mil-I lrl.-Ti.1- ..f Itie Inlil'Iv ore 'iivit . .I to
si iii ii . .', liuin Hie r",l Mi. ot l.- r hn-iN-iet,
N . ti, H:i.,d i.i el un s(li0 IV i.-t il.t.xi. 'jt.iliT 'J4,
1,1 ' n k. I ll l: Ot'llfU t'l .Vivluilll.'' I 'Hit tTV.
I .fcol:h -tin t itt .Will Hit., Mt.NH I" t.H 'I AN",
I i in -"ii ii Kim ii 4 k'. anJ tbu 11 J. ilultui i-lliij.'t,
.1 l..i HU. wD-1 1) da, .
I Kl ll Kit KH.-On the V'th Qlt. , M A It' i A Itt T, Wii
ii r i-mmi I- rrtiertt k in Ui1 in yi"r ut her atce.
1 far leUiivf-anil irii-iitU ill the lniniiy art r'
hiv .it ti u ( lei.. I ihtf, ftoiu th.- rewuU-iioe of ber
t.L, -1. .il. So 1 ..'i h. r'litii airuvt, co luinU i-tUriiouD,
tt.e l ilifl-, i V CliM h
in i k I , -m the mb uil.,ROSK I:. , hi'ci I Anthony
I' H-ck. m-i fim.
1 n iiit.a kuil irn-iil are rriie -tiully iiwii dfo
i. u! ii., iri'in tic nulen e nl lit r h.ih Jtl,
f . . -i l ' ni, !. i ril rt.Ril , i in v i uihImT itliil nti Mt-umi v
n nt i, i f i t u iiotk. aiiJ inu ruii-ut at ?t.
ii .
H 1 1. K hi-' T'l'. -f'n the nh ult., tLLEN C. KIBK
1 l(i 1 l , iii Mr i kl vmur ft a.e.
Mir it'.iHM uml trii-uilt arr rrni t'tfully Invlteil to
tvritnU tit r ii'iirrwl, dotu her Uf relin e. So. lUi
1 I rii-l ull all wet, (vD Aluiuia uiuruliiM at 10 oVluca.
MWK.-t TurriMiAie, itt'h Heiiteuihir. JOHN
I I I' li A M Jkl . FKN lu li.r i lit 3 i-f nrtnaaK.
Iliii iiitiuli, ami 0t': ot tlm In mi ly, art) Invitwl to at
li i. U u. iin ri. Inm hit I i' rtwJencn No. iZii Afcli
ln rf in UuliilaV uurillfijf L il, bl 11 uVlutk.
lMW"tV On ILurMU mon'inir the Wth mutant,
II v bit k i , m it ut Jftuira at Ami laraii I, liuuwvy,
I hi- relative ami friend of the rurally are re pectfuiry
(n iirO I. ti ii U tii iiii-ral, hoio the nul (ico of hi it
pop in N t-l i-rtit-r of heventu antl t'xi rl ntnet, oti 1 o ilma V. t. lo rtMetnl lo CeUtir llhl
i. ruieirry.
liOllr.r K.-Ou the Mtbolt .IIKI.KW KMA C LAY
TON m'niit Hatukbtcr vf tail, k uu auU Mttry L 'UiM
hohn-r ol ihte tnjr.
fcnWAS -Hl- aBih.llnu, LiMltKBT W, BOWAS,
n lh yer of hi
HOILV-Oo the 'th uIV.bnu Vliirttn.bDfi, Va. ol
woui Ui n eel uu tu Imh int.. If 1 k.H f t'.. 4'M.LY,
ot i ouijujf A, r'our ni teii'i Ivan Vol niUer
1-ftva.f.r, l iUUri W. a4 Cilm fc. Molly, lu th MU
vvr o Lu ve
I , rfiiiv-i bd4 fif4a of U fh illv ar Invito) to
at.rDJ fc l IUDth frcirn hie tatb'?' reniUni: ou th
Ariuia roa4, M rwfc lord, a Kuiniay iiforoooa,
lh 14 oi iKtober at iVUik. JTuwai to utvcd m
tii frAhjtri Wpo!A t JTraaaforil.
UTr l4Si. t h lwta inC,ln a..r fifth yar, MA HV
( uMt.i.L. yuui4st Lmitmt of Hauler au4 Mariva
Itf hi 7 for Df livery I.TIli rtitrr, t
or t n k
N iT rii"Vy fctpl ('t nt f 'iTi-lHr". , ! n.
Ims- it nn I tnnm Ik r v -r "f tlis hunt
t'l .1 -t'al n l "nl f. i-irr r. If t - i : mi H'l.o
lira Ii Uy 4 f. l I . , -nt in.- f ' r I
i t f "j '.iihi i mi -.i. tMit in ill li ti-t-'
I a a:' f 1 tit pit 1 off rpri ' t.ti I i ,rt. 4i
''' l M I'A.s ''' I'll l.f.tilsj . tlf"
n tt(rrt(H' 'f t hi ti'ul rtn) l Jon n -U-
!'( ' t ; v I 't. "in i v. ' ' .'. -r r h, A it i w ,i
itt vM.'ritr) !'t in i ol O - ww',&. 1 lie I' tr iv Hun I
u f jfcO'i h rl in f tin (o. -I itt 1 1" t -i t'i '
Kiln Mall fiiiat! tfiniV'trt mi b-n ' ' ii. Tm-'i n-
I r at hi. i , In : Uf T Kt iMillcir Mt 'lriii't
pntjnrTi ..ti.ri '' ''rutu.i:, siiii-.t. i l tiy !
tlniir'i s rrt'Wt . ti o ICamM, w tnd;in ( n h iMti 'il )tu
tin-lr l-l ."-n nvf 'i'rg'"iJ m-1 il'iw m i, wi Li, n
uty nt - i.iiUfc t (oli nl ri.lJ.lf ii , I iC hr..lit'j nitm
ti. 4 nr.l 'n'irniii n lf i.f a yr .ilm. -ii.
cf f"'ni(! p'.'tur 'tt i inirnimr' r , n-art i n t- '
t,!'b"n. riittlf tu tor and niia-t'', 'o'li.tai'is MUeuar,
Ii ifli 'imJuch of tirrn ro kj rmli. 'ni hunilri -t fet r
nti t" a'ovn the iiirfoot hi lnV-1 'in mun; f M.mii
mii in 'Mile.! by (jiiHlhl riniir t -t, nietMi t tt f e -it
ti.O lifho'' fv'tif of '" 'i t; Mrl sCBitli' 1 4 'ii
f.4 U ll.
1b am. 'iiJ m ui liApf ll Lt'tn1U J thti tnl
tl t-jf t IM" Li mjI rral that Iii firtinjr nn it ona
C mU! e.inii;' ifiiKclr-' blmtelf !f nrt'n; t.p.n oin? tnt tr-tl
lot wi .1, (f r.'Ahl bef tirlilia, cvn pi n t 'leuiH tm. :
nature ir iirtn, cu'-ir, ai d h.l
The rtitt 'r-if-i t wi:. be tt d ut J ) u
i ub rnN r alio'i. t.i midillt '-f not monlli, rli.a tli
pint" vttA lMrtnov(td lo Knr, wher Meir Truhiirr,
V Co . , ! I. on Jon, ni Albert L. ncrold, of Hup K :) 'HfU,
I'.irN, are aifudp rcl iny mhicrlj'tloa r tl.o itinf,
li-ei'lctiirr can hn by udcnjtlon only, tiinta
Who ba n-'t already si bctl6ed ran ') ai at the Coin
pan roCiiii.r al '.b fo Iiwidr wl kn n pit'Mti'niy
hottss : -
it'isr;. VTI LMOIf k to , l..'w .rk.
" WALK I- B, WlaF V CO .Htv-b.ti.
" CALI.l'M'KK CO , thlailiJph.N.
rnil.P A HOLOMON, WaiibluiitAii.
MOOltl'., WILSTACH A ItAl.DWIN. t miln
MHtt, Ol io.
Tte in'pfltori of tb'f entcrprMt? oo mn-'h ol ttirir'tto the vary kind and comtona man mi In which
Uieybaia txu nHltoil by tbe Park Ciiulihloiir, to
.iOm the P'tU're l muM repcfnlty dMllcitrod.
pr priolort.,
NO. 70 BRO.rVAV, Nw nrk.
UlHI' tllK PIIEM.4 HAYfl.
Kmin .n.itn: t:.u uiiiucni rHMe, an l ne nm-t nay kindly
oiMiiioi .v n b tho Pre tliroiiKlioitt the -u.nry, in
n trifin to o1. r plrtnrc, h f.trct tho loUowiug ai an
i hU p i :- l -It infill
Tl e o.jt I'inurp.i.o lmiR In preparation, of tin? Now
Y.i k ( i iutaJ rrk, lt Maid to Ih; neari c Hiipii- i il I hou
bMudnoi pcoi'l aru wmtintt aiiMooly to moo it, .i It in
jh cel i" bt- a iniii.lMrrnt pk-rc of iirt. Tim , tnlcui, and
ii.oiic bwii f ret-1 laiUla-il u on it io do JitsilroU
Hit 'leat aulrttt Ii lllmiraloa. StaOmtm, A' fir la A.
MAitrn.'! CkNHtAi. Pai:k Tlio proprlctori of M;irtel'i
(treat rtctiirvof Ui ew Yorki'eutral Park anKoiuu that
thu woik In rapiaJv npttniHu'ilnn vouipietlon. It In en
pirteilthat the picture wiU rratp quiiA a mitaUon. m
inneh a.uahie tini" and nninoiiio ma of ninety have
lit. ii exHiidnt on It. and ai tlir aiib)(Ki Is ouc ol' national
iiwrllm Jicitl intfirHi. Mfa'ri Hiiwoll llnrrla A C.,
Nn. ll'oa'iw nv, Nrw York, are the publisher!.- Thr
Ci-tV, Arr York
Amitiiih 8kn-atiun. Ail Sew Vork la jint nw nn
tip -to to net "K"t at Mrirl'a ureal Hciurf of fie
Ci ntral I'ark," wh'xh hnti bt'co so long in rtptr t lou. It
Ik pn ioited FOon,aadwi4 n- doubt, b a gra id ailalr,
ana one-of uniefsl nitetet. Hvton t'ott.
A p)t tuff of the (Viitral I'ark, by Muriel, it anon lo ba
rcprwti'CPO in rnromo-liibouinpb, ti.n-ei.iiU a ball' by four
niiua hall ft-ttt tn tire. U ii'ir4 nn tt.e V ark ol a Juno
alter uoon. wt on the b.iid In playliiK. tho xoolo.c!
j;ft nm cmwoi-d by visitors, fx.- Ium iQilvoned will
bontH, ar.d tbe whole reno prifi'iitiM und r the mi at
Itarthe opf-rta. It In exin-jti d that the picture w III hell
litrcly lu Kits Rtid an vtil as in this country. Kvtmng
rot,A, i'.
W rnpot do ot,infvlo thun rt'frr lncidentnlly to
'Murtcl t tirt nt I Irtiironf the Contra) irk, whloh will aoq
be issued by tho fiunllslie h, Mihr Milfoil linn In A Co.,
at No. 7f- hri ailH; , It v lit pmbnhl bo one ol tho rent
st'ii'-aiiorfi o! tl e tla . and Mill have a Urxv itlo..trA
Atit' tcan, ''r'mfAi .
therein iif I'oitbt lhit the torthCftmiiiir MarM's Picture
f tlir (tdiiil Turk. whi h In to be pu i alnd iy
M'tt il HittTlit A Oo.t N. i fO ltroad .vay, i 1 tl lie urn of tho
inoM noimhir Koiaot.trt of tbe time. Htinj . ;. mt
fker t i i.
Jrnnd 4pcnlutf of Ftill 4 lotliiu'4 l liU
(irai.rltipening: M Kail Clothnii; TM Diy.
tif'tiu' tipfiini.' uf r a l. OloMniii; llu Pr, .
lirnnil Opfiuiu of I nil tHotnuiK TiiuD,y.
Omni) OiM'iiiiiK ot -'all tUo'iuiiti 1'hia Oav,
O'Mud Jp' nln( of 1'ttil Clo hilin fni Ottv.
tiraiitl OfemiiK ot t'.otu nuTlii Oav,
Or-inrt Owning ol KiulC i;hln ; t int lav,
;tai d Opening o' K.ill CI tnii. T-iu ly.
(rut d Opnlii(f nf KtliCo hint; This Otiv.
I t- Kit Y a CO , P,tfiiil Cl-nhl'itr Ho it.
yn itY ,KhiuI CI thirip IIihom.
l'i' I; It Y A (', Kvi-nn voCl ithiiiK llonso.
fkbki iV to, KMi n-ive tl.oi.e.
I-r 1 KY it CO , 1-AioiidiveOio'bliu H ihf .
I'M hY A CO.. I'Ati'iisivo Cloth. 1111 11 ms.
PI" ickY A ( ., Ksioiiitlvr Cloitiln II iia.
I'KI.'UV A t O , KKtunnire Clmhiiu' Oouo.
l'KKKY A CO , t-'.U loive CktiliiUK Mouse.
N kk A CO . KxUriHlvc t'uihiiu II u..o.
Th? lai m st at bttt at ck of Cl.thniK in the city.
The laryt'Ht an 1 bo-it tnrk ol f lothl f lntiect.
The );it j,eit and host aioiR t ( Cu tnlnjf in the etty.
1 he Uiui'ht nd ht-ht ittoi k of lottJtiff in Out city.
The lur.ttt and boat ttto.k of Ci-.thii Hi ibo city.
'Hie Urtit and l-ti atork of CIoUiIti in tbe r.y.
The In. nt-si un bt HUirk of t'lotliinu in tne f ilv,
'J'ho "uvHtaitd httHi -it(k of Cl.-tlittiu in 'ben f,
't P.e IffMi tt nd Iwit uttKk o' t buhltiK lu to city,
Tho 'iu'ct antl best stock of Ciothiiuf in ihe city.
At pneoa low for tlm tunas.
At p Ufc'oe for itict Hun.
At pnet low (or tiie ti jitif.
At p l e low tor Uie tuntM,
A t price low lor tho timei.
At piii os lour foi tx timet.
A p'h ut low tor tbe limes.
M prices low for the tliuea.
.It pi ices low lor tho tiiin'i,
A' nrlees low tr the tinios.
Wt-w stvlns t taMuts and new sty ma ol i.itnaunu.
Sew stl i of (iooils and aew stylo oi i.nnuent.
Nsin s! les it'(oodii and new stvkvk oi Oarnumts,
Nef st ! o' 04iIj nd lie tv sty o ot tinruieots.
New niy e el (i.Muls ti'iil new yU'i o! Onriontt,
New Ion of OroiU and na stylos of liai iiunti.
Now st) U t .(Hlod and i.ew syla of arniuits.
New stales ot ;.Kds and new styles Of rin 4tti.
New stvles of OticCs i t nun st lo ol tiaratentn.
New bA rt OikxIs i.d now t ! ot Onruii at a.
FKKUY A co .1 h.rd uD.l ('uennut stret'tn.
FUtli Y A CO , Third amt 'hesnui street.
l'hJ.'tY A O., I turn and Cnoftnui utreetb.
11 ion A '., Third and Oho-nut wtreen.
r:;if K A O.fhinl an. C'lmiiiut ttrootn.
I'l.hH . A ( O., Third ui d tii snut stroets.
Pi.i:i: it Co., Third aud ( homut street.
I'KlllM A 0 , Third and t ""iiut S'r e .
I'Kli liY A CO., 1 bod m el Cheinut strict h.
I KUKViV CO , Tnlr.l ami t'hesnut -firasts.
. II. Ituiat 10 oi miner Ciuthliig Kllttiy u at Mry
i-"w pr.uoi.
Ituric.iliiK In I'lottilng;.
Itaikulna in (' i.-hit K.
Mitry"!". In r oitniu:.
J;nrif.l'i. lit 1 1 ..Inn .
SI i;iUS II.!.. S Uihlr' Ot.l S il nl.
At I - t ' '' 1 1 I , Sfn..V o'tl Slft.iJ
AI 1 1 ' -. ' 1 1 11 Ir.,,.- (Jl.l .-ilrti.,1,
AI ;.'.- il I SI ,K UI I SI I ill.
. oii'i I !
v .. ..
I rr,tJ VltiLtl-
... I. , I'M.
,i i) t r f""
iu t . ii.j-.iti- . I...' : i 1 1 .-1 A. S.'-
Ne-:i;l !'U.o lU l. 0 ivn
.i I'.M.
I'-t t j. , f llh
, i
! in. .-i ' .'ti.- ! ttli ,,l . vl A I
" '. ) ..1' !,'
ii m1 v.- , ... - nr:ji t '- J l.v v
L-l. , 1" i.iM' i u tl. Iti -ii ii,l!, Ivl.w,-!'. Iii'i- til l
F; '.o: i n r Ci'i.t jur mi, i ju'e ., :nrtu . q tj...
1-t day in ffie uioiiu.a ol' J iii'im v, iil, Jtilv, aj.J (JJl"
ter, of eui'l) t ir, mid hoth prhu-i'ial antl Ui'.en-tit secured
b a ni-.rtBy vii the Ooaiiiaiiy a otitt nmt lintet.
Ilie irti i, alt uiit-l I' ill rllhiK, endnrneit "rroula
ler I.el.ll, L'ltu, ' and leit ai V.ti oUl.u.wnere tt-.ey Hlil
rtUiMin mrhv.ut bi-iuir (H-iiei1 until tho wMby nf th
l:ariUif MaiiHHei. at Uireiov cn di Jiy, tne bill
vt Oetober next- 1 in.' i-im t-ern of nc -epteil proi-osalu Hill
be carl tlifieafvtr noticed ot' nc:eptt,!i.'f1, nvhan
lfi; ri liiluUii ciTrreit v iil be iinuii-tti.itejy invl.!. a a)
iMr-rwaril e-h will i. at Mm r;y to jmy iriii Kit:ut nt a
dl'rU hy utt'ittily iiiaittlim nii il it: it re. nut. i-r iuorv
itireoi.ui (In vi holu at t-tio tlit.-'.Ht h'i r hur ovi-ii.
1 ti-- it ati ahrei reserve to ilnjiust U th rii't ui I' jtctl'ix
ai v l ui- i.i.i t-uUt' ii nry.
t a . ..rti Hi,rii nf Ini a ri.
' KUWIN' WAl-TFH, Treavinr
I lui tV.U I'ort Wine
lo. i '! r. Hiy nr
l- iniriiii''' ?.
I- Ul'"-'.
Ar'i .ind 1 ir.ii-
fc lLf-K A 10 8
M A 8 0 N
BAM 1.1 V-H
3. E. MIULIl,
Baventh a VM.aat rtneu.
j m w a. 1 it a v 13 rc.
H'n ,HH(a TO W. 11. CAKHtL.
So. 719 OHESNUT Sit wt,
i4as 01 OjK'n hii
A la I. s T 1 0 X
(;!!l A I N MATl'lltlAU,
1 -'ret' r'tat'r4.
itirii turn st'lie.
l line, t. C V.rt.
rial' and PonlerM 1 iry,
1'nl. 41 n0 AT-Wot I I.ep.
f r 'Vr Hattn Jo .aio.
I 1 it I si d 'rii itn luniaK4
I rit li I'r'i t Lasllof a,
'.rrl.-ii slid hsniU.
A C fvrr J'sfrtfl'"! or C I HTAtb MA I r Kl
Ot (I y iewr st Colors an.t I alterra,
I. A V Pi (MI KT A I N S
to' 'tili k'oi ttiSd th pr-? ui coil o IdjJ'O'U'.Iou.
WAtHAVUK'S (lair C'AltKY L'H),
N o. 119 CHr 8 NUT HTKUKT.
V -m. It n..d IO S.HEVKNTH8iwt,
PHIL U.I' I I'll I I.
fti .no ao1.'! it. f
cottaoi; i tfiiiVnriii:.
AJ the only rtil.bll In ml. rltir.
Alan. Mlafng mom furniture Aod fteddlnK,c.ttRtanU7
onMtxL a'l:.-m.ti--m
Are Now Delivtring Goal
(nin thi-lr Oakland Collltrj , on I he (-M.ratr-d 8:.i.liuoro
and MftmmoUiVfl.ia.nt thefollwlni ratna
T Hpliaclliera, par Ion $7'f0
Tn Nin-Hnlilrrit)rstper tun l'i03
TIm:s .nvinx ll-fili pr Ion lo Htorkhfjldnrs. B.sidc-s tni,
laTlnfr, trrf wlU bo ft dividend anitusHy on tl.o atock. In
a I pr- bnl llitLof at least HI.V IIOI.I.A1H l'Kl NIIAKK,
10 Unit airr (he flr.l t,ar, .Slocl-hiildi-ri will i ot onl; gut
"!r I'nal tor sntiilnK.but w ill alo pikalily n oel.o A
.unall divldrnd on tkoir Stock. 1 ho loiitn nin-i, at th.
prcaMit low rnnltT. Tor Hlxtopn Vimi. 'I'bi- trn dnllftra
pt't hhnrf p.ltl now for the wli j'o term ofthr lea-e.
1he pto-pnt caiiafrity of the Mlno la TiOiO i ton. jier year,
or one ton por aharo. Thlf will nwin ba Inrro.-eit t
l.-i.OiA? Ions, which wJI nive llto Compaiij l'lOOlifltona In
M il tn ou.Klilrra at the bishp.t maiki-t pri o...TIII: INtO
Till: STOCKlKH.M-.ltit.
Hnlihcrlptlons to the HtiM-k (i. hit li tnir mil made at
(lOpsr .liwr)lll tie revived at the ortii-o of Ilio0ompan,
Nn.O'j . HIVI li Street, lecok d Hotj.
I resident .
JAMI.H LYNU, No. ,'.' 8. 8lxth air. I
EliWAUl) K. JUNKS, No (HI Arch alra.-t
HEMIY B. rAlX.N... till Wulnut lrot.
1'. Y. I'UVTON, No. 1M N. Third .treat.
THOMAS R. IIARHKH, No. 100 Choinu' ,trr"t. 10-ltf
MAtlLE S I'aiwr Hloio, No. ,'ltti Ull - HNUT Htreit.
lt I oK-a. M AtiKK baa tliohhnnriii ol repots of lA-ttor,
( ai ftuu Note l-urx-r.
. btorekteiK-r, at lair prioei.
v r.oH.caio hiiu rcirtii mi itur price.
Lu IWanka uf ai ioni sizes.
niauuiaciuita it mn a ioua to oroer.
Yvi a Keueral aa&orinivnt ol Stationery, whue
Kfi.e and rvtail, it
.MIOLK8ALK li O O K S T 0 11 E .
Hol.1. and ordtra nlltd hi
Wltul.KNAI E Fllll Krt.
m.ia tau Clreu attn, L'lrar ,
A r II il l' PliK-E,
Br T. i.uv'tn.i.T.
rnli'lslii-r ftj c HooliNeHfr,
1..-1-S Ko. 1;S!I CIIKHNUT MiriMi.Niomid Huor,
i-iMiO(.itAri(i:i iiv ax AitiiHT AinicrKu with
Soii.-.l to the views of both I'aitii-a. Now V Iowa con
stuali) ateii w ILli both f-ia.
Wliwu tiait h a lani-y lor Ibe
Lt Mm veniure V cent, on ft .Itijjle card. O.dtr.iiUod
tur the ' at two iUvb' rotlre.
ruhliihed by
Ji. K. fTKIMIENH An.Mlt.
5... m ClltSNUT .Hirort, l-lillsdlj.lua.
Hiaful K.niblrmt of LINCOLN ftud M'-CLKI.'. N. In
Ot't Oval., foi- tbe trade or Cltiba.
I A It 1 II T I N ii M,
y. r trli. u- -n our .l n-k will li. .-l.! t I-,
uiHiit rife-,
j i-im Ko. hot ciiiMNi r sini.i.r.
T1.e new ftrd sutsl.ntial ll ifti-l.ii'
a:. kmoiit,"
Will sail tor the abova ports
Cn Wednesday, Octoler 5, at 12 o'clock M.,
From Hut Whan ttW Marl, t tr.' t.
Kol ftr(i,iat,wlKh mm b UUa it rnHuirt ra'.ri.
Pl to
WM. J. TAVJ.Oll .V; Co.,
lfrl-3l Ho. 20 sj. lir.LAWAHE Aveauo.
i dovfts-.
IfU.ri 1 tsuaientary upon tho eitatx of AIiUKW
I'M.-. l-.H K, XI. II.. ilci-eaird, liavtnK beta irai.LiI U tli.
uiu:erniian-l, ail pi-nona iulcln.l Ut ald rttait arc rt--liil-d
tv aaake payment, and tlioM )iaviu vlaliu. avalitil
tbt- aaina, tuprtiitut theu, wltlniut delay, ti J. SMll'd
IIAIIHIM, Kxecukir, Mu. I ll H. KOI U Til Su.ot. Or to Ml
Altotutr, HAVII) M, ilAMIILtlUt., Ho. N. ITU
htrt.t, FlilUdilphia. K11U..4
'H SI.KI w.K 111.
roil h i.k, ..f'i'.io wimrii
Hill S.1L. . li,lirl WOUTII
K-rl f r.nii I., -tn. nl -t aii. .oi'iiiii'ii i.' , 't i i.t.' .
r t'l ff fi-r In.n.i ii n- f-r e, i t'i aiii ) . . I m ,t n l I 1 1 ' t r .ill
i'ti 'lie al ' ori rtKMIt:K.' Mill H.,
1'nii'l' .1 lt"Bi l-.4i.ii- up r .in.-.
N v Lit N. six i I -t -t
f TJ" ' I A I-
a 111 Pn e 0 ... t . .
n flint tt." f- I
tl.m ( It r. I cm: . - t- i
1 Tl! Sir- t
i If A It- V ' f
riimn w nl rli . . ' - in
'In niKt hri l a
VUK iftt V - i:
n n at i Ij" i '
ii :a ;
Nf.l Iiwt-illi . i .
ts r'v- -. i . ' ii
W :.t)iilr 1W :
1 1' ten r'iu a i i
K STAT K t)'.V. I-.Us.-tt.
i... - l'.-i 1 -x i- i. ,i-
Mil. 1. 1-..
ifV . .--!
?ft All t I (I
I'-, hti' - t
e r.
I t- r,ci.i I tl
' Inr I, l'i-
'l-.'.rllU '("'
w-r.i. I i 4
i t -ie i c -'
IT -
1!iM'i-n f.t
ri iitn-Mli ahv
ii i i .
1 'if e Tirv jij.1 . iVv (in, s
Mt.tint Vwie u, t i i i 'I i t'f
.Ni-at r early i lwllin,
lvi,f rvf-tit ; Itnu.i t' nti i--f
Itir'-e iHihii.i . i, i. hi 1 1 i
Hn IMl. tt I t ' t'l th Vf"' I
Ne. I -l fi o t tr'.-l , rrui n(
i i wr l. ihIuh. iir:r li1 f
r-'t t'T -Vend,
u M Ivs r 'if f. t I l'i h
Vi r rit fit '11' n il-i
Kthhth iwt ; t tt Je f om
11 h II t. l tl.
tllMl. I'rire . "HI; lIV ai.'-t ( unit reijtum
M-Khl'iriiit flf-t i ! hn-v.ii 'urn , (l.njr ,r
! eiin, a- uih t.Je ni T .i i' t it t I'nt 1 1 O :r. 1 . f)tlt -n
roin a ; lot W bj I j. it et, to a lr'et: rouu tliati-pos ( .n
I ti e .M,lnli.
Neat lMfl'l!-fi, v ill -Me Ml f.l e m.t Irn-t, t rf mi v
I. t lh. .c. .1.1 1 I J. - c t Ii op l'i.. tn (.il .i mi.
MfliM.lf l'-M-le MutiMr n, W 1 h V-r U.e l t fH
( bi m ut htne- . I'r e HO.iimi.
hjir rlhll buili hi ml r-turr Ir iiit lwr Jjr .n nnruct
airttt, tt t nl -tv i- 1 tl . I'n e at.
fOeHit f"'ir t-T I f'Mrijr, f.n Vl-m it-ift. rf (if
ht-it-i ii-rth niTi le u" tie rrm tti-. l,o: t ut v
tii-(,iiirtt'. h a lo, uo.
V ei r-( tie nt I- ill - li.; ) b 't-w nica trout ll 10400
lifftn wi.;:. !' H" -ft
Mi Al I -wt litre v Hb idr ' n Ari'i Hti l'1, wmI 01 1 nnty
llrcl Koiirnlot). I. nt It h ..'.t-i riirf.-v
X bull', It' ( l"'ir utory liwellltu No ITuh U-cr
s ii-tt. r.fii'eii r. i.t L a 2? h HO feti. tr caf
iTT-meOuiU' p'irKeinitn
rty bfjiiititttHy Itt :if-0 l!,Tf quarter T ivrM': ii S i.
I r , u M.nnn r Ktr ei. I.ui a luburiHui ,'.1 het rruni , J !(tli
ltl ft-et i-tSi'tn; s'et rrtff ll.ii. Ii.-iiit-n it ven.
er i kwant.i-tlifclitltill) l taicut Jivlbn,f, niti ti fe nt
rnn ttrtet, v t st of T- nt -Inlrd. '1 mclvc ruonit.
I -i Is 117. l'i t "c ; (t'f. I'tii-- Mon ui ven
fftit fiweirinr. S: ?il N. Tift!i atiwt rrie f -,am,
'Ir, Be; ll cull nii, (Iti v at 1 o eh .
Pijii.Jidnrail; dmv ImriilnK. .No. Kli Mmitit Venn
fctiH. 1 tl r 'on .m j Of I'm. Iiicefr. . fsjif
1 mot.
'Hihs" nenl mmv 1 Tmeilim i onW'ltr, weitnf
'i 'weiitieibatreoi. I.'db ' uv -t. Vre ftWV CfH-li.
Sp 1 ml itt ntnMiin, Kntt'i al'Ui of (iiceii m'ret t. went of
Tvi nty-iw coiio. L"t 1-'- bv 170 let Oei-o. I'c.c lti,'JUj.
.Now etw'ty.
Neat hTtcUltii: ,ai.fri side of SprU ffGarden irwt, weet
ofTliir et nth. I 'Ire j.!MM a''i1 , I .'4I.
VleM UiiiibJv Irot t sl'lt -yriril Jm i-JJii-f, nou'h nUU nf
t-neii fctret I. v m f l r lfMi-nti:, flrnt bu-c ta-t ol the
tliun h. I tire All. 01 11
sp'oiirtiJ hew liwellli'if, oiitb alt!eoftonte Mr'rt, vioit
of Mi.clei uth. I l t
five neat tnrtc !"ri mi iifnuo, Tw rnlh thutreet, above
( oftie. Ihimok tlirte lo'y buck bulliHoa. h- In In by
li0 I'rlce $;iH0(ineh.
Three -picnliiliv built new iiilo aii1 HwdHn, nahi
aideof lre-ii ii reel, uefi 01 MtieiesfnUi, irtre $12 Ji n).
lumi OlKte pO'B'f- h-tl.
An i tier la wtmej utr tbe prttpcrt, Ko. 118 R-ice t eet.
I. t in o MO,
tHl J'wtljinjf, k. jtl Mitiint Veinon atrvet. T,vJv
10 mi. IaA by : H. t'ile .n0.
Hiote and Jhi i'iiiA.', No. 7ltH t'aitoblll street. Lot l'i
b ! ft c to a utr t lh e ier.
Kent DwollnR. eif-t nid'-oi)! rwikltii.a'iovePottUr twele
roitiim rriCffi-t I'ii Hi-.
V'-iy entlient b'iiu s et.utti Nn VI Arch Mif-t, thr
orie all,li. 11 li l lul Vel deep. l'iu ixiu-'.
Now eu.pty.
K leu ant dwellii k cu Mm ex Hi Mr et, pnn'li of M1U11.
Brovto atone trimnu' i unit iniittk front. I."t 17 b tni,
I'ric tAQ.
er lu.HT'e' ,1,r,t dM:Mluif N Hi; N Tnth atient,
tce ntmi". In'tr by Uij Ici.t tKi t a utrex t. I'ricc
h7tO. c4ftr In lueduiie -s(i.n
StU in hi btuli ett Httirid. N. K r trner of Hlxth aimI Itut
lonwtMxl Riretth. 1,01 .ii by !H) itet Xhree tunon all rrtrt
Lxcvllei.t llaaeiy. Ko. a t Tliirrt atrw. Price $W)0fi.
Nf at Iwo)llnt, N'..i Mlvtentb .rrit. Price Ni.
Neat tlx rooo tU lwellnft, Ko. 7' it Master street. I'ric o
$l.'n (I, c-.Ai.r.
Very KNllent liwe'tiog, Vo.lOl'i I.oiunrJ ttnM-t, rrleo
$7.'0, cier ( pta etafi n uien.
Neat, well buhl Un eiiniL. No. 4.0 York stn et, Kenilnx
ton Trice tiWi itihje' i to lb miiml rent.
Two vi 1 y lari' Imi Umikh, on ei mdo of Hevenlii
afreet, above fca 'er. Trior $nri (i and nil.
N'eatlx ruomed liweillntr, eaat subt ol' iunra aTi-et,
MTorHUH'or be o VVahiut. (ijultuo & treat m wo it of
Klorentb. Trh't. elenr.
NeHt hviclli lK.aouth aitlnof Itruwii aln-et,
went of Jitdiou', lot 14 by ri . Tib e m; aubjtcl lo iO
(.ri iii d ti nt.
Nwit U-ront'd MweliiOK. No. Summer it rout.
Pii(l4-0; auh.ieit to$J7 U) grounU rent.
ayil InvrMlnf a, No. 1 1 :; 4 tbfdon nnd No. tl: Myrtle atrt,
In tho icar, 011 tlm haute lot. Pike wiOU for both. Kwt tor
KthO. MIL). Kit.
Ko. K,t K. SIXTH Htreot.
pf-j. I orain atn t, a nie t-trcet, near l-.lhlh and tn-nri
biifiito ; ouift riM'Ui,t.ot mill co.U bath, grin, tVo. I'dim? aiiuu,
No.lM N SIXTH rttreet.
ijiiwulvi a on ha' , ot whieb Immediate poareveloii can
hi h..d. iTicis i-.uii.Iiik Tom 1K0 10 9 M0W, iiM-ry
wnxku errou chimin cull at otc.
lil-OltiiK 6. Ml I, T.Kit.
Pratt leal K1 Ktaie Afft-nt nnd roVi r,
ho. 1- 4 N hlVI II Mir. t.
aUakm rib dido 01 Art-ii trwt. eunt of Hlxth ttroet. Viu d
ui. ke a HpKjidiil ftort-. I.ot b 2p It?tt deep to Cli'iry
ht. 1 el, witt exct ib'iU htnbie and coacit-boaie on itint front.
1 rue 1 ah , M M.I.Kit,
No 1 .1 N. SIXTH S 1 root.
f$ ran saik-(jiikat sacuificr.
tThree!!, (!! Parser atnetKn
it,; ion. tttar Imiakinri road). lot 40 by 70. price
WO, tlenrlorall. Ml' l.RK.
No. l'i y HIXTH bireot.
il(Mi,le.l Iiim Inu, No. 4h.t N. Iwelfill atreot ; lot 1
fnnt. ltumcs-l.tili po.tResKion. MIl.L H.
No. IM Kortb SIXTH Htreet.
tJj, hlim, tlrt'iiat mdo 1 anl ilwulllbg, Fratiklla street,
uivo Poplar. Pi Ico Slt,uuti. ill,l.i;ii,
No.lM N NIX I'll H.rtet.
bpli-udltl l.r.i it it arrttU-o jnsitivc"ljr
No l.'t N.HUTU Slwl
aMi FOK tll. I-'. A NKAT, Ii.MtOU MAN
I'.;l Bltiti at Diiv'jt lane rtnt-on. .ii-riuaiitin n ; cont.tiiia
tHrlvt rumm. II. t- mi Uri. M Mir; atalili.-, (-uch -li'iil.c, cl v -Haul
tuiit'l'.ttr f.u: Jl' li.t I'riMit by .III r.. ili-i-p tn ft
uroft. rrk-o it "!". MII.I.KU,
N. IM K 81 I'll
f l'OR PA I I-; I.AUOH FACTORY, Ni: All, cn the ltaUinnd. Lnrutt Lit, Hirli
bttltrtitu oojini" l Willi Itnilniad. htrtiaui of walrritua
tint 11.I1 tli. -rt uhbo-.. Nttiam r.nHine. Mialtli-K autl aU
titiiniit-te. I.aiy -in-tMlii.', Ac. Iu...aiuii k-Ht-n. i-rice
i.i,MS.clrar. Ml I.I,,
I M N. HI V I ri .Hinvt.
Kc.-iW Nin. iiwntli strot; i"t Ifhylim ro.t. ITit-o
-Now ou.iilj. uKIMIlIK t'. Mlt.LKlt,
Ural K-t lr llr ki-r,
No. K4 I'll BurtK-l.
AVl'M' P1I11.AOI 1.1111 A LOTS FOK HALI4
IT CIIKAP.-Un.WHir I' Itt at H ptr I.k'.
t'tit- ll'lby J'41 Itt-I.aiil lieriout.
tin. I.'ly l-fl Ifi-I. t .1 H-r
AU corner luts. Um Itttlti tuuntiy .
M l I I'll,
No. 1--4 N. HIXTH Mrret.
B.:l rootnM l-v-llnK. N't. 711. Ji-rtHfrtin itrt-t,t, Sliio,
tU... ll.rqalM. 'i.lin'tr, Itwo.ilaK AO. l'';t t'tlrun
aiu-rti lot 1ft i- .(i with liuti.o on rt-ar, $t'tiiO, rlti.r.
Htttrt anil I wo To. . Nn. -'.s.l t:alutQ.I .iro.-t.lvt 10 by
Stt. ,.'o.'0. llokli't . Uaru'rctl. ut itlitr baru-tiim.
So 1. N. BIX 1 11 H.rcoi.
I I liw. mnf . o VVI N. S4-venlh utrrot; lut IS b.ynl
l-.ito i.iWO.
I.lihil If 'ftlrtt Mti.ri and I.h t'lli'tir, Vti. l'.l N.HIth
atri-t-t: Hit ii-v it-t-l tlf " to u xtrmt. l-rlo. .U 0U.
liKrltlea biiuilrfit- oro li-i irox-nii-.
(if.HKtir. C. Sltl.l.KH.
No. I I N. hl III hlie.t.
GFOK HAI.I.. C11K.M', IX I l-.l-.U.-NKAT
l.wrlllaif, Ni- V'tnt Vii'.-t-lri- t. iw-lvr rin-n. ; lot H
1, . 1 li.tbr. b ll'lt'M. t a ttl. I'll -e .V-i: hii'.t!.
tlutf lu..alofi. MII LLIt,
Su. M X. KJ VUI Mir.-l.
on th. Ilavt rluril roatl, t'. uilk-. fi'oui Uie .Market
.lft bihlye. - tl. ul
ntllt-a ir.itu in-vltv, t.n ni. I'i'iiiiMvlvaiiiA t t-iiirol
hit if. ad. iXlit.i.'uli. a-Ttft. I'tli liOM
t.l'.UHl.i: ('. MII.I.KI.',
l: 1 E--n: AKi'.it ttn.l il. ol.t r,
-So. 1 I N . M I 11 Hi..-.
Kill SAl.K. KIKST (LASS No. 1
,L, ' arm ! a n i ir lo-v -i.' ni-.ii, t 1.-id-i-tT
' , , fr.tii.i m ir -vt intM.k. At:. i't'ik'v' 'ii,
St.. 1 t N. tti 'l il -'i...i.
Vt at n ut :. i -. . N" I.' ' M-rl tt tn- t; lot li. ut Ml.
in ..-.,!-. .bii.i). .
r .t r-.frt'.. t-. 1 ft. :t in i-Htlllu.-, No. iili N. r.nit
Ir., t . Ivt .'101 .. I'lUlHtil.
t.i.iUntti.arry.Nii MUL.Hr. trttl, llltl No. ti.M
l'i r li.'i'l .'r.i I, iii ti t- m r. I'rlo I ii t i f tv rtD rt nit '1 tlMtlii.,, t-lt latttrr
Mn.ti h.l Is by I .H Pn.t , -lrlr.
rl.a rrtlftrU 0W..1.I,, No. till Jll't-fiun ItXvtl. I'r.iO
Hhi t ii r!t nt 1t.::n.i.-, MaiLall, ai,. t l a. i iii..
Pr.i f , .-n.i. I i.ktrt.u...
Nt at '. rootioa liw.uini-. No. 'Jlu'" Wiuirr :rttt. Lot
11 t v Hi lft. I''l l '!
N.itl m.n riKiiu'.l l'W.IIIii, No. 151'J Wood itr.ot.
lt IS I'? U) I.. I. Ir ilill.
Nti.tiia-riKo.ttl l..;iii i,No. H N.iiki.-nth line!.
Ia t ll Or ;o in. rn-i..-
Il.rtf vtry nut n.ariy atttr llwr lioil. fi'irth altto of
Kraiitlinliit lti.t, . ! ol Tw oUt l.w I'rir. I .
hi. .tli. i.'i.. n 0.1 r. wt.rlli ol oil v irfirtvi-on-
otiii. ol nrtl t.ot r.w. I no utht-r.) l ili.Hiu.,! ouulry
tit. at ,all iu.iu it u i k'i-t "i "it; "?
.K"KiK C. Mll.l l II.
PratUcJ Hi K-t.t. i'n- t.tor.
No. U. N hH 1 11 Hlr..l. ,
(Tl Tl: I Ml MN CIT KOM ri'tl'HIi Ufcr I at.M t.
.' U'INti'UAM A Nil st'H
I .AC I 'M.
m Hl.
' HI 1.t T
( u -1 r r
WTM)t ,Vi1,l, -'S,
s: v .t ii .,
N H A ( ' I ' -ll i
!N " . 7 11
0 4 BIN i TON ij:.
K tl . ' ' ' 1
'1 7 : I
Ml Jlll'1 , . ,;
. 7 ltl. I I I
f I. y n - tK. I-
I'lVN't Cily'.MW,
' I M 1 11 ' v t'l I )'
; T.nw 11 ir i'-,
( -ri -if-i . n:jirsiA.
A.iK.iiti 7, inito.
' - l"l ll .tl,l-AII S. AltMIK'l
liS .'. l..l;IIM'llt
i 1 'i a Ct'l mh :
Jl Ti'innsifin,
rjo tfc. 1 w 1 11;.. 1 -. 1
r.o 1 11 it in it Iii.
tt l. I .( . v , I' 1 I . , ,., .,
r H oi. . tn, k.i .1, .1 .t t.. t t
ll"-,!! , i ''. 'i-l.i-.,,. ''I -l'l
" t 1. ii'-i.t vJf,
l.v a 1 1 t -o .... v film; n, i 11.
I .'. H I K N(l,
( vPT:-, a Q M
IAMKH M. Klil.l.V,
1)H7.-, MiVT I'AtllM. AT CINCK-NKvy Al
-A Mil K I A.N 1'-. OIITA1SKD
I'll Itt I I I 1 Kit Ti)
No. &, tVALSV I Tilil.n . l lllLAIrHIA,
till' MII.ITAm AMi NAVAL A'-fc.H'i,
ntii.i'riho, iiwM'ini-v, hkau iioMKr,
N-' I.HTKItl-NcI-; I y tiik ai 1.1 K, MARIHB UB
(H I'K 1 11. ltl IN l., HKUVICK OB IM4
v m i iii:k.
"IIAYFOR Till-; AV 1 V I : S, T 1 IK M0T1IKKS
J Mvhni f ulritr) .ttrt-, ,. nt Prl. ..ner. ul War
Ili'W In the h-i ..l. r-nirfl r"Mrtt(t af lie Mtutarl hi.4
Natrl Kon.j, N.I I;; tvs! ni T Htim, 1'i'i.Ka
.11.1 ir'.rll T. HKVII t I'wMI'AVT.
a NY NMliOU" Oit l U!- XT.flt IIRPITAX,
Ti Iti'.il t r r M-.'.i rti tft S !il. r o- H.Hir or
M tl IK kt lJ.or wl 0 I N il't J III tilt' hen-lfo ut th. (lri,4
.-t'.i iv-, 1. 1 o tlt-iif. i' 1 11. ' y .uiTi-litr. (I'''iayrar
'l"n ; I 0111 - '.f I iiii-ti'l 1 1 .Vi rn l.un'L , J itu i lilut-tr nvo
(In lut . H ' il 1 i .1 . r -rt . mi 1 hi tlir 1 nit nr ti.y
tlio hri .l.cnl'l fill! a- nr trll(t to JftsKt-H K.
I'KMIT l.lkll'A Nn Ii7 WAl.NLt Htrvot, IM
it ilitao .no m .1 akh . . ritt.i, ill. ma.
Mil, Suit- Vitj.r.u .1 ,. ( ii) . a'il, or nt'ior hniilr,
A- . Ar. Ii'ihrr.' is mtv Aj''' .lilier In icr.'in Mliy
It Irr.
nl.NMII.lTI J. lilt CO 1'o.KTXF.KMIIP
I t- t iii . ip t Mating lutil.rtti A m of HAMI K.t. ST.
I AV Kl A f-MN.l. ti t. day .it,oivt4. 1 l.e h iiiikm wtB
li aettN-.! b ll , i. nl.r irfti 'I, at No. r.-'i l t'K t t-t.
.II.H K It -'rt, rltirrlvirif l'artnar.
1 Iillrtt.. li' la, Hrpti alnr .1. Inu.
O .pRl NKIfillll - "I o Ll.lit.lwii'd I.., thllrlar
toi.i.ett a . ti a nor Mp tin r t.if llrm nt fAV(Kt mill.
'IIIKItw. rut- II.. t rant. si't ion i.r n ittfrtl linntfitg na4
Itioat ra.t- .ii..ut. at ll. -TJt I.U K 'tro.!,
. II 11.. Ir) K liAMEll,
PL ILK A. llAVlL-t.
Plilltli s,, 0' I. lit r I, ist.l
IT. H. Ci rtlfc in of Intl' ttt ili.oit-i, Qaii-lermAit-n'
't titlit-M iinrl Cuit ... ah'l t .tit c. utile. .Si-curlllfit K'ir
r.-ill.v. b-miiii at it in- ira
tt.'.H on. I'hdi r ami Its-, on t'oll.tAra'i n.vitllntttd.
Slot ki nut) l.tian botulit anil .oltl on Ctmimiision.
lo ii Oniiltuiir ent ted "And d nauer to m a mn
AMfii tat ion lor ll:e l'HMiient nf toe-' ' ' " '
MHltr lie rerrt t ull t.f ih- l"c,li'.-nt o, U16 UnJt4 BUt
Hllroetl lHceiub-r IV, li,"
PiMMi-ii I i no Mht i and Coin m "n C'oum-iii cl iftat'tty
ot l'liilhtlelolua do ontaiii, I hi tin Coiiiiiiunivniirfi anttia-
i ii ti t Ih' HinMn eil under the iti .llnnni a to ii cii iliu tm
ii fi.i tln-r U(iljreni. f..ill h emt.nweri d lo firtdlil.-n to
lite i nainiclpul boun y ol l.inr hunlr.d $lotid4
I.Ufi. to n wit ul M1 (sf i d.u't k in nun n e i." i.c tie u
fcai itMlnnUcil Htto hlnul nfl r (lit unpfowit til iliiiiemt
niliee, lit mi enli-t unit oo t-r Hie i to iha nrintn ol ( Iter of
ilie wunia 1 1 tin M in rtnladi .lna. wliii 'i a tne d in of
fcurll i lilihtiiM lit Hi d erotlir Bhis. lie t)lletit In fht fuil
miiul-or of lii(U"i: l'r Oe.l, no in Ii addrtl mal
boitnty nl nil lc lut'il to aij vol'Mit.-r niuiit )f to tlm
Oil o any wrif w it- ir g'e in 1 o ol'tll tin n ' e Miie-t.
Heel ion if. 'I hat Hip tiin oi ltl -It vthnttd i $ 0,liO) tl 'I
lat In uid Ilie H neu iieifi ap ro; iiiii tl It rttiai-1
nt.-iH oi 1 1 U ordii.m(i', t v p n. nt ilifi ot in mn h . ama
ol llliy fM) i'n Itiro. It .;.'! re r w it It lli' penint inn)trlA
horniy to 'iinieerM in t n,ui Iii warntn'a of lour liua
di t'i! mdo Hi ty ftr-w) licliurB end., uh.ii toe BiprvJr
Ilie Mn jit o tlie eti liti. a: of tin .-a d r-u)oi .inn, aatf
the Mi'rnuith tlit-reior tnliPM ind in l -a'f il tt p Major
ntt litntuli iv t tistoniniy y tit Ink or nsn'tt tnt cle k.
W 11. 1.1 Wl t At' IKI.K.Y,
Piet-iilent ol I riU'ii'Hi CotiKtU, oiu um
AhIUMam 8pkw Ai:T,
AuMitmu lurk of Common f-.itn'!.
. JAM l.VNI.
Pl't: l (CT4 lit 8, Uc tVuncM.
Aiiniid tl.U tl irtleih d.iv ol Keitnubr, Ann
Dniniiil one llioi kviiud i iM tuiiidiiMl and ivt--lour ( K. I.
aj. i:amh-.ii urMtv,
It Mayor oi I'liliadeliiitta.
4 N
J To mnke an Amu ori.tiiit'i tor Nu ii'i-'hiL: a I'litloB
nt tr.c rweut nr n nurd, aud couitloiltt Ibo ludea
luHi"dt o'Mrn ioi rili Vrtl.
.St erloii 1. '1 lie Hi-lei't itiul Common OfiUiiC'H nf Ih f 'ltr
jnr 1 lillHiieiilila oo oraivlu, That (he mimol rivs tundrnl
(.Vh i) thil hr bo aiid the aitine i litreii mn roptut- 4 !
the Depitrmunt of s. Ac , lor the ourtM'ti o(
tionibrrinK tl honae 1 1 ' ttmt iortlnof tli' TvtntyfltH
W;,rrtliri w us 'ormeriy emu iriMid in tha Nlrt fti
W iinl, and t-ouiplctiiiik p'lwiug ol lndo boardi la a
ISiij uentli Vt ntii.
Presklirit ul ('oiuiuoii tumu li, pro tviu.
Al m.4
At. I AMAM hil W vttt,
A'-bi-tUtut CI ik of Com m to CounrM.
rrf iitlent of Mt leot i.'omirM.
AlMVid this tldrt'etli il i nf 8eiHem m r, Ana
li inltti t ne tioKbnnd eirjit liuiitlmd uutlnikiy-toar (A. A.
It .M . i ) t f ul Pliiiadfl!ii.
I V To Aitnnr-'i the i.Mi.liiii- nf AIMnn atreol, tliriB
Itat-e nd Vhui Miei'U. it. tu Iah VVmril.
Ii ..i. i 01, Itv Un Hi-it-.'! uml Ciniuu.-n Council of thOIr
of Phiiutk lpliH, '1 :t too Ciuel (!faniiK.tuer oi tiarflt
u:i Is l crehi ant Imrl 1 d ti Pn ln Aluloii stroitt, Uitw.
Ilai e and Vim- strceia, in ihvTeiHh tVnrd, to tlie r-tlati-lutiid
Kiiitle oi il ti cit , at a voit itt uxcuaUiux oua buav
tlndaiid io. i Ui:1him.
Pra-d!cnt t,f C.)i,iru"u Council, or tt-m.
Aitt -
Wit i. i V. ha 1 1 ,
C.i i tv oi Cimujoik Count 11.
Pri'vldetit r Heleet 'o in. lt.
Apro-.ed this tliittletli dny of fiepiemwr, Aau
Inuiiinl one t tiitt t numii-od and iMy-luiuiA. U.
If M--ytr oiT'iiiU.itlplila.
W H l'II P. It 811'1'I.KMKNT
J To -A
nieiit ol tlm fit oi M.lliilei ihl. appioved AUHuat iH.
HHi'ti.-n 1 T!; Sc'f.'t jnd Ci'imnn ('miiiella of th C'ltf
or rtiilrttle'p'i';. do or lain, i l'.it thtt Ndieltor Ii hereby
tint in i-;! t' f'-i r fa -1 - ' in niun U.e otH-iAl Ih.imIn of
iiipei i i rs. i ;.lt the rerf 'll't of Ui hlf Coinuiif
pIim i' i H'vL. w,t iiiiJ ui t;.e Cuutmll;r, that they ure in
no uVfV'l .
uK u; c'uuiuioii CoiinvHiiTu tern.
M"l! 1 !
m r.
: l tumtin Ciium-ll.
JAUI.S 1.VN1),
p -vlil'-i't oi s. i, rt t 'oun.-il.
tli tUy ol' St'pti-iiibttr, Auua
b tiiiiultotl ftud Kitty.iiiur
" AI.PX IIKN'liy.
Mu. tn ol I'lia'
I Anitvt.
1 IIHI.I l to-
I (A. It. It- 4;.
)liItAI J'.LI !UA, OCrOBKIl 1, ISiil. r
-iaiMl I'r i !. 'il Ij'-J ' c've I at Til lll -e of IliO
I' i -ib. "id. iHul i;n-ti, i i r. : 1 1 n-wm oi
Tl fcSi'iAV. OeK i.tT I. im, tor i!"lvrlmf im.iwilnilHy
nt Ha eily C. H. A. '.'ti-trul lli-pnl, nuJ ioi u. tho
Mi.-wi.iir. Tli. :
Mo met J to- n rntii. vr nt it,
ji o iVt-t 1 ln'! r'.i ter l.tinf
'i piit ami ttttHuhoi' nit, fomplcio.
oampii1 inun t-e " v .
I rotvoiiUs uium iiit-B' i'ii Ui pne j"f Kti- i"' Utiao, iwwt
t.noiiiM ail uiU' tu.tuta. ... ...
Ho i.roi.tal mil ' " r--l'l nnlMt properly flllrd la
. .. A - .. li, I... ki nil Al llua nillc-a.
Itiel HitnlMnUHieM rven th iuht to rojui an warn
.1... . , 1. -til. la. 111 ItH llllttrt HtB. 1
Mytntl-rol .1 A. J. Perry, rton.iintort XX-
Juiimi'.,t,l'o.t..lSiU.Aray.iiKii,r s AHIIMKAO,
It.. . at f.i,la;n "ltl AnUiauHlutu frim-ttoT. I
tiy u.uitur. j. n.Tii,
,kM-1m Ho. 18 8,THIltLl SnL,