t (Brnunrj Sklcgraph SATURDAY, (JCTOHER 1, 114. TEC "JAM'ETJER JEEJEEEHJT," It it now cxai'tly a ycr ngi tlmt t)ic Mirf" Jtijrrbl.oy, a tenk built, cip'Or-tntt uni'd str-am trnriport, stnrti d I'roin .'Mii.'iij.nic Willi a rujj.-j uf Hindu convli t, ontt nicil In tnui-ji iriaiion in tlic Asdamau Island". This trnnpurt, named after :N ir ,i ia! pro prietor, the ticntvoient I'ar.-ve nun limit, Im I teen hired ) our fJovrrnnion to curry native convict, a tnot traipc R ( w hom lillcd it between decks the .luno evening, l.S.,2, that followed that in which the thlp lia-1 lett its anchorage. The fit few hoars after leaving port are full Cf bodtla and excitement thoro in rope to coll way, cargo to nhakc Into in place; the men need an hour or two to forget their lloen.-c 0:1 thore, and to return to Ftra ly dispiplinc. rty-and-by, etery one goci into his own groove, the ails till, the npes tighten, the rudder work, the fhip "gets her itridc," ho forget-i the land, and away fhe goes, true and steadfast ou her iletiued minion. Tbix transformation, this taming down, hai taken place on board the Jnmirtjcc JerjeeMioy. The- carpenter was busy arranging the hatchway fur the prisoners' sleeping-berths ; the second mate was superintending the, transfer of stores from one part of the hold to another ; the. ruen Were splicing and knotting, scraping and scour ing; the d'H-iur was rating the "lolilolly hoy," a tall, freckled, ungainly Scotch land, Sandy I'.it terson, who was always pondering over an old copy of the "iSenman's Manual," when he ought to have been compounding medicines; and the boatswain was reviling Jack Davis, the ship boy, a brave little fellow, but rather too fond ot mis chief. The ship was like a great sea-bird, which, ere It finally quits land, rests a moment on some fore land to prune Its wings and rulUe out its plumage for its li ng flight. Tlic great white canvas was shaking vut alolt ; the. vessel rose buoyantly upon tho lurge waves ; cheering shouts run I'roin stem to stern; the boat-swain s wuistie pipeil shrill and A bidingly ; the vessel began to "walk," as sailors rail it, i e lore as fresh a gale us captain could desire to have at hit buck. The convicts on board were Sikh fanatics, chiefly from Lahore and Umricntr. They wun follower! of that pseudo-prophet, lliiloo Singh, tthn half nil I ill t livrllnil ntl ttii.1i rri'rtii ill ill Ihn f I'nnjab. lty trade a tailor, he had declared liiin- Pfiplf til hi. Itttllilt Kilu'li th finiiiiliir nf tlin &tit who died sixteen years ago, risen from the dead to preacD flown caste ana Mitioeism, ad to expel the English. This dangerous man's disciple ivnolf-n rord. nrai-tised milltarv drill, and usnd the words " ah Uooroo as their mystic watch- orcis. X he only good thing about the deported ect was that they preached temperance, cleun incss, and truth-telling. In all other respects these Hindoo fanatics were as sensual, blood- blrsty, and Insane scoundrels as ever abused the unuiv vi luiigiou. xiiejr uttu utvu vevuiui unvs on board hi lore the snip lett port, under the omewhat loose guard ot the second mate, a mere ouib.in the scrvicekil the company to which the steamer belonged. it was just unset aucu a sunset as can only be seen In such seas as the convict vessel was now traversing a sunset as uuliku au Kugiisli sunset as a daisy is unlike the Marvel of l'cru ne ot those volcanic utuurattt ot golden flame. nd streams of crimson, and wafts of purple lire, nd rainbow radiance of green and yellow, that eem to mantle the v holo western sky, and turn lie ocean to a whirlpool of blood. It was color ing all the sails and ropes, and every plank of the convict vessel, and buttled tlio walls ot tho tate-cabin, wherein the oilicers were Just, sitting down to dinner. The bell had rung, and tho steward had just brought in the soup; but one olUcer, the ensign n charge ot the convicts; still stood at the cilnu iVindow, watching the burning path the getting un cast npon ttie tranquil ocean. The doctor laughed, ami said : "When I was ightten 1 used to look at sunset: now, I only regard them as signals for dinner. Come, Craw ford, the chaplain is waiting to say grace. Wo ptt not to wait tor tho captain." . 1 no ensign colored, and look ms place ; lie was (linking ot other scenes fur away across the sea. The party consisted ot the cantuiu. Crawford, rhe doctor, the chaplain, the first mate, and a leconu ensign. "llow s the U:i Jan. to-tlny t said the first mate I) the doctor. "Oh, well enough ; but the rascal misses his I plum, and shams 111. Soup, Jobson " "Thank you. I should like to give him a round Ilozcn. 1 cutch him sometimes lookjjjg murder l me ont of the corner of bis eye." At that moment tuo captain entered, and laying Lis cup und double- glass on a side-table, bowed po me company, ana toon uispiace at tuo ucia oi fhe tuDiu. "Alwuys some worry, lie said, "in this delight. (ul life of ours. Mow it is that boy Davis that Mis dowu the companion-ladder, larking ; now it a bead-wind that keeps as at tour Knots an 'Our; by-and-by, we und all the coal on hoard is I. id, and the engineer does nothing nut gnimhle Et the little heat it gives. And yet these young enth men" (looking at tho ensigns) "rave over .eir cigars about the glorious lilo ot a sailor ! I ctiuw 1 we always like what we haven't got. 1 I lion Id like them to have our w ork, Mr. Jobson" ho the lirt mate), " lor four and twenty hours kiiat'd sicken them." Mr. Jobson laughed, as In duty bound. "Glass of wine, Captain i avers ." said.Cravr- ord. "With rlcasnre. Steward, hand Ensign Craw- rd the sherry." "We thai! have a fine passago," said the Chap- run. "May be, if the wind keeps up." The captuin 1 as evideutly put out. "but bang me at higli- later murk, if I wouldn't rather carry parrots Ind monkeys, than these niggers, with their piur :ular food und their perpetual complaints." rmo soup whs removed, and the second course as biongbt in. Tho steward had just lifted the ,iver from a magnificent Joint of beef, that uoked like a great aacrilice, when Jfatlerson , tertd. and whinnered in his ear. ribs captain threw down the knife- and fork in (pet. "Ibcrc again, he said. "ilcro, Mr. Jotj- yo, take the joint, isot a moment, night or day, rie s own. .bxcuse me, genuciueiij a suips fptainiB everybody's servaut." ilhero was a howl heard, and the next mo- !cnt the catain entered, red and furious. f"Mar's nest again," ho said. "By Jove, sir, that boy Patterson didn't call me out, doctor, to Jl me there was a mutiny goiug to breakout iioug the convicts." 'Why 7' said 1. 'Because heard them whisper together," suid he, cool us (u like. 'Blockhead and lubber,' suid I, giving m a backhander, 'what harm can niggers, whom could snap over my knee, do by wuisperiug? t them whisper; and if you come and interrupt I again with your mores' nests, by Jove, sir, 1 keclhuul you.' " 'Well, that s very odd. said the chaplain, r this morning when liavia brought the cotleo liny berth, he told me he was afraid to tell the , ., but he was sure that mere was mn-chiet ing among the Hindus. He told mo one of ' men hud seen the Kaiau, us thoy call him. , nrA hand nearly out of his handcuffs." Nonsense !" paid the mate, "I examined every Fadcull myself at eigut oeas. luoseuoysure I pest of tho Vel with their co-.'fe-fHtJ-t'"'! rue. If I seo them at'ain near the prisoners, 1 keep thoiu ull day hcrupiug tho mast." "('ran liird and 1 ulwavs sleep with revolvers jLlcr our pillows," said the i-eeoud ensign; id there's a seutiuel ut their dujt uis'ht uud t'Mutinv be d ," said the captain, testily, Ti.,1 , ;,iinr ton. If t;,e fellows did ri-e. I'd : them iu live luinutci with the snip s uro- jiie. Kn excellent thin;: for lowering the puise, the doctor. " liy-the-by, Ciuwlor l, you t remeiubur I challenge ou to chjii to- au"- leic's tlic inui to thedi. J on," S.iiJ Cf.twfoid, Hung to J.jlisou. ! Jobson's bard to beat," sa'd tlic doctor; "but 1 1 tne ctiaj luin. hat nit;ht. in thr di jd of tlic d.ir'.itie". the boy i us. who ha.l f.illi n asl.-cn in tho cook's Billey, rs awakened l.y a biorm of musketry, a .-plash ruoiiru, a crabU ot babies, groan.?, ouvuu, auu be lay irrcso'ule and frightened, a bury, , v baud clutched him by the urui; t:ieu a i j he knew to be I'atterson's cried : "Davis, .villi.iub buve ri-.cn aud murdered every soul . I tave us uud the fircmeu but three, ana l ev are chasing into tho state-cabin. ty y've )llfc Ji guatd over the engine-room. 1 4'uiUed over the captain just h iw; be win v.hbedat the conipauiou-ladder. U Ciod, gaide Davis, He is guid and gie.it, and Hi) holds L seus iu the hol.owof His baud. He is a strong rer and a fortress. Davis, piay, for hero lliey OI " k dozen shin's lanterns moved swiftly towards tin, and the next moment the two boys were Who clutch of adoen Hindus, whoso white ics w ere splashed wan the blood ot tuo mur d nieu. hey were about to plunge their bavonets Into ir kneeling victims, when their louder, the ub, appeared, and with bis sabre struck up ir weapons us ho shouted tlio watchword of sect, " Wall tiooroo !" The Itsjuh whs n fat, smo : i-faced Hindu, with small halt-shut ryps, h'hI a cruel mon'h. He had the captain's (louln.' u a-. swung round blin, nnd'the ciiptiiMi's gold watcii ehaln twisted round bis b!a k and vellow turlui'i. Davis clung to his feet, and pn ed for h'n 1 ife "HonlT.hooly.Ja k,"said I'ut c.son to him, but w ithoct looking toivards ln co n inmn : ' let me nlorc wi' the liluid-tlilrsty drcvil. mid I'll try bltn wl' jn-t a word or two of Ins ain lingo that I picked tip at Singapore. Tu y w unia twist our thnippl.s If 1 can help it. No f.u-. man ; w.i must make the best of a'.ad l.u in. i. .sneik them gently, man, and don't svrelgh there as if you'd got a ilini knivrs in your wum..'1 I alieison wm s iMn-boiieil s, . Ii lad. iingalnlv Iu body, laru-tootnl, n d-hiiired, -humbling. Hut he was a hr.ive, thmightfiil, shr ".v I in I, and fir- g . h'S own danger in his cine for his younger companion. He Oi l not nt'er these ex'io t.itioiu In one brratb, but plcecincil, as thev wire lm:ti led to the staic-cabiu, where ll.iloo Singii w as now entlironeil. "Take In art, .Tack." be said; "remember how David, ti c son of Jse. slew the tug thief of u giant wi' a wee flint stane." "I am not afraid, Sandv," replied the little fel low, his cheek flushing; "I'm only a wee skeared. rook ! tho murdering rogues, they've got poor Mr. Jobson." "(Jod help him !" said rattorson. "TiMir Mr. Jobson !" groaned Jack ; "look how he's rut on tho forehead." In the cabin, w ith one foot on tlic dead body of me niurnrreii c ipkim, s it llie cliicr Unatic, lltloo Mmtn. lie was a tall, thin man, with dead oh,i.d e es, a f cc of a corpse color, blue lips, and long shriveled hands. Ho sat erect, with no trace of any human expression upon his face. He certainly acted well the part of a resuscitated dead man. Thirty or forty Hindus, mid with excitement, stood round thoir lender, holding lighted candles, boarding pikes, blood-stained ahrcs, and ship muskets still smoking at the muzzles. "Worship him, worship Tialuk Singh," they cried, us thoy drugged tho unfortunato raite to the feet of their chief. The brave man stood erect, without a look of icar. "I be cussed If I do!" he said, and turned Ids fluid, and spat on the ground. The chief made a sweeping nioTement with his right hand, and the m ite was draggod from the room. There was a struggle, a yell, and a pistol emu, men niiLin o. "Wah (Jooroo !' voice. shouted the fanatics with one "Wuh Gooroo !" said Iialoo Pinch, with a Tolca that seemed to rise from a tomb. "So perish tho' unbelievers !" A weasel-faced Hindu, thin as a girl, and his dark, mean features almost hidden by rank, straight black hair, now seized l'atterson, ami sabre iu hand, dragged him to the feol of Buloo Sough. 'iiiid-bye, Jack," said Tnttcrsnn, with a rueful grimace, and clasping the boy's hand. "It'tguld byc to my barns (brains) now the poor deeviU. Yet God's atili aboou a', and I'll hac a try for my life still." Hadji Hannn, tho bloated wretch we have already seen, stepped forward, and sticking his fat fingers in the red hair of the Scotch lad, raised a carving-knife that ho had snatched from tho steward's pantry. "Son of Heaven," ho said to his chief, "let us sacrifice this unbeliever to the goddess Kbalco ; she baa told us to purge sea and land of theso infidels, who deny your resurrection." "Quid-bye to old Aberdeen the Lord have mercy upon me!" groaned rattorson. Then a sudden light caino in his eye, and he struggled forward, and seized the robe of flic false prophet. "Iialoo Singh, sou of Heaven!" he cried in broken Hindustaneo, "I worship thee." (Then, nnder breath : "Hand nn your heart, Jack; there's precedent for it. Kemember Naaman bowed himself iu the house of Uimmon.") "There is but one God, ami Iialoo Singh rose from tho dead to bo his 1'iophet." "Let him go ; lie Is one of n ! Wuh Gooroo !" cHni Iialoo Singh. "Wuh Goorool" shouted bis disciples. Hadji Hatitia put a yellow and black turban on Patterson's head, and bound round his waist tho mystic knotted cord. "This lud, too," said Tutterson, pushing for ward Jack, "is also a believer; tho miracles wrought to-day have convinced us both. Baloo Singh, son of Heaven, we are your slaves." Aguln the shout of "Wah Gooroo!" was raised. "Sons of the unbelievers, laved by Heaven from the doom of thy race ! your lives are given back to you !" exclaimed tho corpse-like chief. "Hadji lliinna, put on this younger convert tho turban and the cord; these converts will help us with the accursed vessel." "The patiblin' skate." muttered Tattorsnn ; and then he shouted like a madman the watchword, " Wab Gooroo!" till he was out of brca h. "Stay below here till we have proved ynnr fidelity," mid the chief, rising; "you shall wal on ourselves, and help to steer the vessel. Kb ileo still cries for victims. Come, lUdi Hannn come, my disciples come, and let us perfect tho work." A ho uttered these words, tho chief left tho cabin, followed by tho other fanatics, Hj Hanna stayed for a moment behind. "Beware !" ho said, with a baud at the throat of either lad "any treachery, and you dio by my hind. You are now followers of tho great Son of Heaven, Buloo Singh. I place two armed men ut the cnbin-door: If you move from tho door, they shoot you both, and fling you to the sharks." As he uttered these threats, Hadji llunua's bloodshot eyes glared on the two survivors. The next moment tho door clo.-cd behind him, the key turned, and there was a sound ot two muskets being co.kcd. The moment tho door closed l'atterson leaped np uud bugged Jack in his urms. "God guide and protect us," he cried, "and forgive me for telling tho blackest and biggest leo man ever uttered ! The accursed seed of Satan, tho revin', God-forsaken blasphemers, the cutthroat sons of Belial, but I'll be even with them! Quick, Davis, help me with this table, that I may see out of the skylight what they're doing. Kb, man, just hear them ! Ihey've found one of our poor fellows np in the rigging, and they're worrying him as terriers do a rat." In a moment tho ready lad was on the table, und with his eye cautiously rai-cd to the level of the glass. He was sileut for a moment; but h'S bands were clenched and the perspiration dripped from his brow. There was a sound of a heavy body dragged over the deck, then a Sound of shuttered gluss. "Ob, what is it, dear Sandy ? Do tell me. Oh, What dreadful things arc they doing ?" said J,u k. Patterson replied in a low voice, und with face flucd to the glass : "It it tho poor steward, Jack, hey've lied him to the mast, uud they're pelting him with champagne buttles. He is streaming with blood, and his hands are clasped. Hear the cries ? Now one of them steps up with a drawn kuil'o . O luorciful Puttier ! I dare not look again." As be uttered this exclamation, Pa'torfion leaped down from the table, uud sat hlinsmf on a chair, and hid his face with his bands. "Jack," said he, at last looking up, "as 1 live by bread, it would be doing a duty to set lire to the vos-cl, und burn these wretches. It bad be -n better for us to have cursed their prophet and d:ed holy murtyrs, like Mr. Jobson." No, no, dour Sandy," s.ild Jack, ruddling himself near him. ' Think of David. God has not saved us w ithout a good purp .-o. There's many a lowering morning, you used to say, that brlujjs on a fine diiy." "Ye're right, bairn," said Patterson. "Como and kneel down, aud pray the Lord Jehovah who put to li ght the Assyrians, w ho set the stars to tight iu their courses against Pisera, who made the Bed Sea like birdlime for those awful rascals, the Pgyptiuns to give our b iuds strength and our braius wisdom to beguile the children of Dedal." Tho erne! massacre had been but too complete. Two suilors only were left, uud i hey stood by the wheel, with six armed men wuh drawn sabres to guuid them. The firemen below wcro left to manage the furnaces , and the s.'iittie leading down into the engine-room w as ulso w.i.cucd hy a dozen men with loaded pistols. The murdered men's ! bodies bad been flung ovcrb ;uvd to sharks, and ; the decks wahed. Three or four of tho Malays, v, bo l ad been sailors, were up aloft taking in a i sail, for the ship's cottito had been altered, und I the little wind there was, was now against them. Tlic chief und some twenty of the lunatic were ' eating their simple meal of rice and curry in the iluet cabin. Pntter.-on ntiil Jack were waiting on tl.e guests Willi feigned humility, choly wat .'lied by the suspicious Iludji lianua. Once, and once- ' only, Patterson contriVi d to get clo-a to Jack as , be removed a dish, and said ."If 1 could only 1 gc! to the doctor's room, Jack, I could get enough 1 iir. enlc to kill all these rats iu half u'l hour; but 1 tiny won't let me out ot tiuir siht." j A howl, in from a wild be:-l, m.. le tlie boys 1 stnrt. U was Hadji lianua. I "Bed Head," h'e said, "thou bast tiid care of the Hakim's drugs ; where uro thev i The Son of i Heaven dcsiics opium; liud it within, half an j hour, or thou tlicst." Piitu rsni's biai t leaped for joy. "Son of tho ! I'uilbfiil," ho exeluiined, piostraving ho.uoif "1 i know where there Is opium, but it is uiiprepu'rod Let thy servant prepare U. One, of thy followers 1 can go with uio, and sfmd over mo, armed, till it is ready." j "Go; cud YassaltUlii, go thou v.ith him; so that we ii. av Lave the dream-producer, that L adikiieth tho heart of the Pr jphet aud his fol lowers." When Patterson was gon;., Jack's lieart leaped for joy, for he saw, uesp.jfJt0 , WttS lucu- comi. tion, tome hope ol deliverance. Iu the meautime, the wretchos in their lan yuuge, unki.own 'x the boy, discussed the mur tiers of the day, "And t.iou, too, wert not Idle," said tlio thief to Hadji Huuu.i. ??AILT EVENING TELEGRAPH riin,AT)ELriTIA SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1804 "I slew the captain with my owe hand; and I slew and Mahtitd four of the iulldela one in the rigging, one In bis h uiimnck, one ! i tho hold, snd t ne un the cabin stairs. Htuvcti be pr.iicd, and glorv to his Prophet '" "Audi threw au mlidil ovor'am.I," s,dd an other. "And 1 beat out the bruins of the cook." "And I chopped down tho Chr slian priest us be tried to shoot me; but we are iiiviiluera'dc. Glory be to Heaven and the Prophet ! Hut here the lied Head comes wl h the opium. Wall Goowio' it sends blced dream." "It is good." slid Hadji Hanna; "It is fit only for the taithliil ; it takes us to heaven b. iorc the tne. quii v., Ked Head; and you, Yellow Ha r, bring the snioki g tidies of the'dead luiidcls ; we can tern tin m into opium pipes.'' l'a'tcrsc n left, and r turned in a moment with twenty or thirty pipes und some hot charcoal from the cook's ga ley. A bilge cake of tho moist black paste was prep ired, and the t latum chief ntnl his to lowers, arranging cushions on tho lloor, settled themselves to their intoxicated sleep. Patterson eyed them w ith the eye of a raven watching a sick lamb. Jack was hreatk'cs), be cause he saw that Patterson had some scuctuo in contemplation, and he dreaded Its failure. i he opium was powerful. One by one ceased to talk, and fell hack in dreamy r po-c, and eves lit d and dilated, upon their cushions, the pipes still In their mouths One or two mado faint ctlorts to rise, then fell back, with ban Is half raised to their swords; but the most, including the chief, Hadji Hanna. and Yassaktsln, l.ips, , lowiy into a deathlike torpor, pale, but brcathim; heavily and loud. Patterson and Jack stood by tho sideboard, surrounded by twenty entranced and helpless men. "It gangs wtel, it gang wed." said Pat terson, In a whisper, as if afraid ot awakeui ig the sleeping rntll ins, "thanks to tho I'uuiivr ili'tortis and the drachm of morphine. A little more and 1 could have sent the blood-thirsty gang to their ain place, but I just said I'd keep 'cm alive for an Knglish gibbet. But, Jack, our work's not half done yet; ipilek ; gather up the pipes ; we must take them to the scoundrels at the wheel and on the engine-room stairs. As sure as there's a heather in the Highlands, another day and I'd have dosed their rice with arsenic, anil they ought to be thankful. Come, Jack, bo quick ; let us apply the pipes." Jack and Patterson gathered up the pipes, and in a minute alter were on the deck with them, In sh tilled aud relit. "Brothers of tho faith," said Tattcrson, "the Trophet bus sent you two hours ot heavon in these opium pipes. The relief-guard will bo up before your sleep begins. Take them, and thank God for sending his blessed Prophet." The men took them with shouts of "Wah Gooroo!" and needed uo inducement to begin at once. The Hindus at tho engine-room stairs accepted them with no less alacrity. In a few minutes the drug worked its ellecls, and the deck was strewn with sleeping men. Then Patterson seemed all of a sudden to go stark staling mad ; be hugged Jack, he danced the Highland fling, he shouted, be screamed, he run a little way up the rigging and down again; finally, he run to the astonished nieu at the wheel, and drugging them on their knees, cried : "Dowu with ye, Johnson; down with ye, Jurvis; down with ye, Jack, and thauk God, who smote in the night the whole camp of Assyria, who mnde the earth open aud swallow up Dathan and the whole company of Ahirani, for delivering tho good ship Jamsctjm Jeijevbhny from tho bauds of the Philistines. 'Here, lot me take a spell at tho wheel, while I turn Iter head back to Singapore, and ye run und take a look at the God-forsakeu sons of Belial iu the cabin thanks to tho essence of morphine and the i'apmrr dtosionJen." "But you don't mean that you really have doue this !" cried Johnson. "Sandy, you're mad," exclaimed Jarvis. "Come aud see for yourselves," returned Jack, biking their bands as ifthey wore children going walking. "Como and see what brave Sandy has been and done ; und call up the tiremen, too all tbat can leave the fires aud give a hurra, for the ship's our own, and wo'vo got a rope rotiud tho blackguards' neck." "Well, they have got pluck, eh, Bill ?" said Johnson to Jarvis. "It's the neatest go I ever see," said Jarvis to Johnson, us ho rolled Baloo Singh nuder his foot. "Well, I never," said one of tho firemen. "That chap '11 bo admiral some day, or my name's not Jarvis," said that worthy. "And when I am," said Patterson, with a grim smile, "Jack here shall be post-capiuin. But quick, lads I'm in command now to business b fore pleasure. Get some three-itiurter inch rope, and tie tbe-o fellows hand and foot, and throw them into the hold. Remove all their knives and pistols, and search their pockets; then bulten down the hatches ; uud 1 and Jack will mount guard over tbcm, and tell them our minds when they come to.", "My eyes, when they come to, old Ilullaba bnlo '11 think he is dead again," suid Jarvis. "And that fat butcher of his, won't ho cut np rough i" A murderous passion of revenge suddenly shnno in Johnson's eyes; he swore a dreadful oath, and slowly cocked a revolver, and bent over llud.il Hanna. "He spared none of our messmates," ho said, grinding his teeth; "and I'll now settle his ac count." Puttcrson leaped forward, seized tho revolver, and threw it into a slde-rahin. "Come; no mutiny, Jarvis," ho said; "I tell you 1 'll not have a hair of their heads touched. '1 hey shall answer for these crimes in another way. We'll not repay murder with murder. He member the holy book: ' Vengeance is uiiue ; 1 will repay, suith the Lord.' Touch those men, and I w ill shoot you down as 1 would a mad dog, Jurvis." "Well, I'll bo hanged if Sandy Is not a mix ture of the parson and the king of the Sandwich Islunds," grumbled Jarvis. "But I suuposo we must knock under, for he got us out ot the mess." The sleeping men wcro collected, and thrown, not very geutiy (especially by Jarvis), into the hold like so many cotton bales. It took two days to get back to Singapore with that insutlleieNt criw; and the quantity of food given to the prisoners during that time was hardly worth mentioning. fruiall us tho crew were, they were lutlieient, thanks to Puttcrson's energy, to crowd up every Iiiece ot colored bunting tbut was in tho Vessel an mur belore they entered Singapore. It was soon known that the Jamieljre Jcejeeb hoy had a mutiny on board; but thanks to the courage and prudence of two boys the cabin boy und the doctor's boy tho mutiucerg had been seized and the ship recovered. An hour after the arrival of the Jamsetee Ji cjeMwy, Patterson and Davis stood hlushiug, and yet delighted, before the harbor-master and sevetul oilicers, who had come to hear the con victs examined. Pale and scowling, the Prophet and bis followers stood in the compound, adjoin ing the harlior-master's house, guarded by a dctacbmci.t of Knglish soldiers. "And now, my brave boy," said tho harbor master, "tell as by what means you succeeded o admirably in counterplotting these murdering niggers." " Weel, it wai just rapnmiVoti nriiU$," replied Patterson, pulling at the tuft of nissjcoleb bonnet. " J was doctor's boy on board the Jumtrtjet, and when I was not reading the Word of God or the 'Seaman's Manual,' I was just studying tho na ture ol herbs, drugs, and minerals, little thinking what use I should one day niako of them ugmuet these sons of Belial." WO It K M c " rs 1 W F. I.I. I s. In some respects, the most remarkable of the model lodging-houses in London are those which have been due to the liberality of Miss Burdett Coutts and Mr. Ftabody. The munificence of tlio Iudy hero mimed Is well known to all who huvc interested themselves in the welfare of the people, especially in crowded localities. In a district about half a mile northeast of Shoreditcb Church Is Columbia Square, a name given by Miss Bur dett Coutts to the handsomest cluster of work men's buildings hitherto erected in the metropolis. J-'otir cltistti.s or blocks of buildings enclose the four sides of an open quadrangle, und have two trontiiges one towards the quadrangle, and one towards the roiid outside. l or distinction, the four blocks are known respectively as Columbia Square, Cast, west, north, und south. Ka h block is of gie it length, five stents b;gh, snd fitted with baths, wash houses, ( itib iooms, and numerous appliances conducive to health, cleanliness, and comfort. There are -J'- 0 rooms for lni families. In the centre ol the quadrangle is an elc-'nut cross t,r uicliitectur.il lower, laaring a few iii''7,,,,I0,l . and iior.liHurd of Ibo clustor, sci'Vated' from it only by a plea-ant rai-ed lcr;;lCll i' a commodious new church, with school and parsonage. The rent., avenge ah' .ut two shillings t fifty cents) par Ooin a standard very extensively adopted in such buildings uud tho tenements uie tagcil soiifbt tor. Still moro recently another cluster has been built, somewhat southward of the lust, and in the thickly populated district of Spitaltields. The reader will remember that Mr. Peabodv, an American merchant who had made a large for tune m Knghtml, some time ago made over tho noble sum ut a hundred und fifty thou-uml pounds sterling to trustees, to be applied us thev might think best for the benclit ol the poor of London. As this gift was a very unusual one (tho donor being still alive), to is the duty of the trustees a delicate one; for they have to choose between many conflicting modes of benefiting the poor of so great a metropolis, and are Inundated with applirutioiis irom committees aud secretaries of institutions. The trustees determined that one of their first euurpn.-ei should be the trectlou of a group of lodglng-bousrs to assist In pnttlno? to the Ust of experience the problem of making Such places s o-pnyinii. A sue was purchased at the junctien of White I h n street with Commercial street, Kpiiali!?iat Slid -n this uli' a handsome structure ta is laieiy been opened. The hullding hn two main fmn's, of tuo hundred and fifteen and one hundred and foity feet respectively, domestic Gothic in their architecture, und dicidedly an ornament in a neighborhood where handsome huildiok's are ' tew mid far between." A peculiarity In the structure is that the basement und iloor and lirst floor are built as simps, store-rooms. Hint dwelling-rooms for the shopkeeiers ; I ir rrsnci ti vi ol' till tinim.iita f,il f.,. ,.. thiee p otiis raebl on the ei mid and third floors, which arc well furnished with nipim irds, cooking-ranges, boilers, ovens, lavatories, baths, etc. Ci(imit rs' JvitrtmK An exchange savs the lato rain was well re ceived. 1 ho corn picked up its ears and stalked proudly through the fields ; there were jolly blades out in the grass plots; the trees made their lowest bows: and the potatoes winked their eyes reguishly at the pumpkin heads in the next lot. Tun Dirt aur.NCB. A schoolmastor, who w.ia as fond of his grog as tho globes, was asked tho d flerencelx tw cm gravity and gravitation. "When 1 vc drank five gla-ses of grog," replied the peda gogue, "my gravity vanishes and my gtavitatiou begins to operate. Fob trie I thank the stars I m not great ; 1 or if there ever conie a grief to me. I cry my cry in silence aud have done. None knows it, and my tears have brought me good ; But even were tho griefs of little ones As great as those of great ones, yet this grief Is added to the grids tlio great must bear That howsoever much they mav desire Silence, they cannot weep' behind a cloud. fVuntioa, A Scknf Mounino After Klkction. "l'a, does wine make a beast of a man?" "Pshaw, child ! perhaps, once In a while." "Is that tho reason why Mr. Goggins, the tavern-keeper, has on bis sign 'Kntertamment tor man and U'a-t ?' " "Nonsense, child ; what makes you ask ?" "lie cause ma says that last night you went to Mr. Goggins' a man, and came home a beast, and that he cnb rtalned you." "That's mother's non sense, dear. Kun out and play; papa's head aches." 1 t W I '1 1 1 s N CT atBKKT. i :m 1 1 u o 1 1) 1 1 ;h, LACES, viirri: ooodh, VEIL 8, E. M. NEEDLES. io'4-i ciiKSNUT Hinr.tr. MUSMNS OF KVKRY GKAPK AT THICKS wftli-h wo warrant a low, or lower, th.m trVv can pudoihlv tr hnMk'ht w art' Ha'tlnn a kh. Hhiniiic, litv, Ut Jl rum por yard ; H wliip, :(7S cftun; 4-4 wilo, fli rMit!. Npw ork M-lls, W'illlumi iJlr, Vajntta A, at lowest rii v. All the btt uiakt'i uf Ho.i v an-l Tin.' Mu'eMnH m I l4 jnii .1 w id t vtirtl. 'i vim Is, : r,, J't. , atitl I vnnlK l if. Table .inrni n.r tl j: p.-r v. ml; verv flue '1 tiMe l.lii n In ureat vnruty; J.liu-ti Hiieenns., .til iiiMtifi. 'loweiinir. Nur.vj Dlupcr, NuifWim, Siurnin;, and I'lllow Linen's A. KLANK K ;th. imt H.anXoti wrre thWRht !a.t Tnr. Wo are ftvMiiiK a koiI It ankot at 7 pr pilr; on tine it an hot o inn ae Un-pun tiser f.'i p. r nir. i ml (.'umtitrt allfn. fii. Marei)fti (lullli, !$ each. We ar n-Wim vi ry tin Mitr-oHle yullt, that now twti $ 0, auhiect t. iltn oli.rnien', from l lug, for V; thin ! one of thu uremeit b.-irt'Bhis c tiave 'Mil. iireeii Hnio and PiannaN of all kluU. K. 1. W. H. l'LNNULL, Hu. l'-Jl M AhKET WtM't,lirlw Kleventh. -tuUia-.lt jjVK NO RISK ! ! ! RUN NO RISK!!! We rofund Die money, If oVaircd, f" vcrj lot of Shirt wldi Ii fall in -my rt-net. HSU HIllKl'rt, KINR KUIItTS, CVT UNOTltWlMK, III-' HI'HMN, Maifo cf New York Mill Mn-ltn, und yrry floo Linen Il iih Only 1 7, I'-iiitl prlrr ; Wiilianiavllln -Mill Muslin, uud tli Linen Iloflomi. Oi'ly ft .-. 1 snal pr1ev:i l.l'.l LJdh H M k N i H III NO ;0O!H. t'tivi LEMhVH KrhwiHUivo noons. I I II J V :OHS, "3 ni No. lrjtt CUKNLT Hlrwt. (JOQ HOOP SKIRTS rOQ UO Manufactory, .No. bi'M AKCII fltrw, 0O Above hltth itreet, I'liUadt-lpMa. Wnoleiale and ltrtail. The mont complete Baoiiimm ut Ladi', MiMei', an4 Children n Morn hhirin In itiu eil v. In i'Vitv ri'-ut-i't tlrt- cismi, whu ti fur iylo, llnmh, aur.ibilltv, kil.f cIicu.im,'i, u.. iiuhiiiiii in mi. niMltri. hklru nisils ui urder,altuiei, anil rernlrrd . 'fir wm. r. nofKiNS, JeATIOI?AL UNION TICKET. FOIt rREMIlEHT, A li HA II AM LINCOLN, Or ILLINOIS. Foil VtCK-ntKKlDENI, ANDREW JOHNSON, Of TLNNE8SI.E. EJUIICrOIlA-Ij TICKET. 6FN ATilRIAf.. MOIlTflN McMtCIIAKI., rtilldilihl. 1. itlMMiUAM, UeiivsrCouuiy. BltrllEeCNTATIVR. HohPrt P. Kins, 41. Murrlieii 1,'vatsi, lienr liuuitu, Wllllniu II Krn, ltartiil) 11. JhdIih, ( linile U 'i,uk, Itulu rt I Hike, Mllliuni 'I alor, fell n A. Ilirmand, ltliliril II .Curt I'll, KitHar.l ll.llliiay, Cl.ariM t'. Iliad, is. KiIiih w. Hale, ,14. diaries fl. Hhrlnor, l.'i. John Wlilir, l'l. liavid MiH'iiiiiHinhy, 17. l.avld W WiHid, fs. laac llansoii, 1:.. Jnlin fMttuD, Kil. H.mu.-l U l.Mt, Jl. f.vrard Hli-rez, 'SI Jolin l. F.r nv. 1'J Kti.n.'rer MeJanltlo, li. Julia w. Jllaucnard. Bj order of tlx Stats Centra) Committee. SIMON CAMERON, 8-8 CHAIftMAN. RATIONAL UNION TICKET. COUNTY OI'FICEItS. BiiKitiir, IIENUY C. HOWELL. KEUtSTEB OP WILLS, rHEIir.ltlCK M. AHAMS. clkhk or the oiiniANh' covkt, UDW1H A. MCUltle'K. CITY t)I Kl'OKRH. HECtlVKU or IAXKS, C1IABI.ES O'NEILL. CITY COMMISSION!:!!. THOMAS I)ICK30S. ctwaui'Sa. I Irsl M.liltt,... PiCued I'litrl.-t.. Tl.lrd Dl.trict..., ruiirtliUlntrlct.., fl th liistrtet..., JOHN II. tll'TI.EK. C'lIAltl.Lf 0 N'LII.L. 1 EONAIt!) MVLIfi. WfLLfAH P. KfXLLY. M. Ll'SSIil.I. TIIAYEB. SENATOIt Til I CI! UISTI'.tCr, MA AO A. BIIKITAttl). BLl'LESlVTATIVI'S, l'trl Ulltrlct WILLIAM l-'uSTLU Second Dt.t.ld Wlt.llAM n. HUDDfMA. ThilJI)tlict LICHAKf. HUiLt:i. rauith filstlLt W. W. WATT, lifih luslrlct JO.iKPfl T lTIOMAI. euib Diitrltt JAMES) t'UKBIWUV SsvculB Wstrlct 1 HUM AS COl'HKAN Lltl.th Hbtrtct JAML N. KEKSS. Mutli District CfLVltLES roSTEK. Icuth I'Utllct SAMUEL 8. l'ANt'OAST. EleviUtH llistriet HtASKUN li. H1EKNEU. TtiolWi Ulslrlct I.l'KE V. Bl'TIiHS, tt. HirUentU Dltrl; BSOS C. BESSlllt. I'curtetnUl DUlrtet iKASt'lS UOjlJ. I Ifuouli UUtrlcl I.K5UUE DE HAVKV. J. BlxUcuth Ulltrlct WILLIAM Blin'll. 6vuuutli DUIrlct ElUVAKD 0. LEB. EViUMitb DUUkt JAME8 MILIXB. l-10-Wt RETAIL DRY GOODS. -XTEAOROINARY BARGAINS is DKKSS GOODS, SHAWLS, HI!MM1I(. AM) DOMKSTIf GOODS, oinj rlin Uie Urjrt anil cliclmj d:piar ;tt oftvrfA t Katait, AND AT rKli'KH rll'.fOW THE CORRK'TONniNO ki.ut i tu tah e or UOLJi. 1 ' RI--.NO II POPLINS, MKlllNOia, ALPACAS, WOOL DP. LAINKN Yf'HY air.ai". Wr tiavf ri'eflT.d .it (rf.it 'ST'lrr s li-f:io fttidiiiui-irfred dri:ss (iOODS, A Jeti Ut of AMEIile AN fiF.I AINE1 ANT! ffRINTS), Which ihall utrsr rcry low, and r well worth the attention ol buyers. J. COWPERTHWAIT & CO., 8. E. corner NINTH and Altl'll Ntreits, 5-7S-1SI PH I AlltLPlttA. QUBWIN STODDART & BROTEGB, lNVfTE INKPECTfON Toh farce and arid itock of FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, WHICH HAVE IlLLN I t HCIIASED SINCE THR DECLINE IN CJOLD, And marked to leUat inch prlcss as slU effoct quick aa!a. TLo Stock comprises FREMITI MfRlNOl.3, TARtH I'OPI.INH, 1't.Aiii ron.iNB, MK.H1N0 Pt.AIDM, WOfHMF.I.INK HE I.AfNT., 8AX0NY UltESS HOODS, lll.AI K AND COLORE II IlllP.iB HILKg, BHAf S, CLOAKS, AND SACgUES, ri'HNtxaiNu noons, HLASKETS, COUNTEKPANES, Ac. AO. MENS AND J JOYS' WEAR. CLOAKING CLOTHS. CTJRWEN 8T0DDART & BROTHER, Km. 4 30, 4T-4, and 151 Nf. SECOND Btreaf, t Atwre Willow. yiDE IRENCII STYLE PRINTS, REDUCED TO 3i CENTS. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, toi. -130, 4.V4, anil lil N. 8E01N1) STREET, H-21Mt Alwvs WUlow. JIEDUCTION IN XltlCJiS or MENS AND J JOYS' WEAR, CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nci. tiO, tr.i, and 131 M. BKCOND Stntl, Above Wllk w. I) H II H H OOODH AT REDUCED PRICES, l-rom the lute Auetioa S.Ucs la linn Yurk and I'liiludeljilii.i. Paris rori.iss, cifofcn shadlb noo KOLIU CHECK POn.IMS fl 00 DOCflf.E WIDTH PLAID VALHNCIA1 76 Confl. I'HENCH MEIII-NUES IN CflOfCB SHADES 1 76 PARIS MOCHHEL1NE HE LAINES.in niackasnd Colon, AI.L-AVOOL HOl'ULE WIITa CASflMEltC. IMO.V CASIIatEKE. 10.0C0 Yards S&XCNY DRES3 GOODS, Katiging from 1) cents, opwardt. CPRW1TN STODPART & BROTHER, Jioi. -150, 4yt, and 434 N. SECOND KTltKET JJ-3t Abjvo Willow. EIGHTH STREET RIBBON STORE, INo. 1)7 IV. KIOIITII Htroct. We win Inform our cimtomera. and Hie ladles penernlty. Unit In onneiiii nee lit' the recent ilL-i-litiu lu Ul IHlcO 01 Vo.il we, have roilucod our entire toca of FALL MiLLINEHY AND STRAW GOODS Fully 33 iercciit.,or one third, returdlcl of the colt ofgooili. Laillei in want of HIBUOWS, VELVET KfttllONB, FI.OWF.ft4, BILKS, VELVETS, FEATHERS, liJNJIETU, UATS, Oranr article In llie Mllllnerr line, will And with us tho moHt exienalve aamirununt Iu the city, at jirice t' .it defy eoniieililun. Country onteri promptly attended to. On e Ua call BIOKEL S) NVEYL, ic26. f3 No. 107 X. El mi ll streeL J L A N K E T H, nOL'SEKEKrEllS, TAKE NOTICE, J. C. STKAWBRIDGE & CO., FOItMF.ItLT COWTEItTnWAIT A CO., N.W. Corner EIGHTH attl MARKET Str -jets, Are now c flcilnjf llie lareiit ll.ictc of lllao'icl, lo lie founj in this clt.v, at tu dumte price. IIJIIM-JL XiLiANIviaTe. CltUI llLiANIUiTH, CltAliJLU ltl.VIVICXil-M, Jti:i ULAMillTH, all 6?lz,o. T" deal' ra we o.'ru the b. hai 'mcnt of all tin 1, j.il.n U"ko. 'j j;-iutlu-lm 3 Wiy lt'fli-ly niiil Kiivo tli. Ailvaiins (JLOAU. AM) MANTILIiA lLituurtictorj, and Shawl Emporium, N. Corner AHCH and TENTH STREETS, lllll.Al l LI IIIA. b. welsii a c;o.. Where you cuo lee a Sileiidld Assortment oi Hie CHOICEST N0VEI.T1K.S, Wl ere Ten can 1.-C-I the heal Manufactured Uirmontt , and vihcru you en uro. un Uie GENUINE W ATF.K PHOOF CLOAK', Al the LOWEST I'RICES. I.niltiewlll II nd ft te their Intereil to iurvhue tlielr Clil. ut Uliaw It al Uiu tU01it.uuiil. V J-tuUu-a 8. WELSH CO. SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS. FALL, H-rocit f FALL, H-A. ) ROW IS STORE, f 1 4. EDMUND YARD & CO., Nob. 617 CLesnnt and 614 Jajne Streets. IMFOKTEItB AND J0DBEK8 OF SILKS AND FANCY DRY G00D3, KIIAWLH, LINENS, AND WHITE GOODS. IAHGK AND HANPSOME STOCK OF rilE88 GOODS. rilX LINE OF FOREIGN AND D0ME5TIC 1IALMOHAL.H, ixeLni.i anio-lia 1IRUNKBH AND OTHER MAKES. GKANI) OWNING Or THE VEW AKD MAONtFICEVT STORE OF JOHN LOUTEY & CO., INo. H. 1CIOHTH HTHEUr, oy MONDAY, BEI'TKMUKlt 'JO, Win re will (t fc und a meet beautiful auortuient of DRY GOODS, CLOAKH, A. IN I) SHAWLS, m THE CITV. We f.ave ji.it Opened 1000 l'ivvvn hlLKS, PLA1JI AND FASCY. 600 Virctt ME1UNOKB, PLAIN AMI) KltlUBF.D. ar.o Pi-c frenoii roPLiw, REP AJ.D HQI KKD. aoe rircca wool. lk laine, Double and flmgle Vi'lith, Plain and Flgnrod. 150 rt-opn MOHAIR ALPACA, Plata and Floured. 100 Fiopps KNOLT8H MERTNOE3, Alio a large Block of Fancy and Staple D R E S S O O O D S . f ?I Jm INI. A . JONBij CELEMIATED NE PLUS ULTRA SKIRTS 1 1 EYEHY RKIltT WAItlt AHTKlJ AND KEPT IX OBDI Hl. MONTIIM, , F1VEE OF CUAIIGE. BOLD ONLY AT Ko 17 N. EIGHTH STREET, (Over Parti idire'nTrluiuifng Btore.) HONH flF.NUINE VNI.KH9 OUIl NAME AND NUMBER IS STAMPED UPON TUB WA1HTUAND. EXTKA I.KNOTI1 HK I ItTK. and with any ilze walut, made Ut order at the lliurteiil nutico. OIJ) BKIRTS HAflE OVK.K AND BEPAIItED, fe'iual In New. MJSIS AKI) Cim.Dltr N H SKIItTS, of al Hi0! and HjIob, voiutanlly ou ttaud. H-il-liQ JJ HIIOKMAHKll Ac CO., CHILIJEEN'S CLOTHIHQ IMPOBIUSf, No. 4 N. EIGHTH STREET, rilfT.lflF.I.PIlfA. jay mm mm Hy, We reipectftilly invlta special attentioa to our eleeaat Allot tmnt of OIJII.DItKN S OKOTIIINa, ComprUIng BOV.V, fiIItL,IrANT, ant) HIBAES CUiihiiiK in evrr variety, la the luteal ityiet, ud ofiupfl. rfor woikmnhlp. Hjxcial alttDUou paM to MISSES' DHEflSHAJUJfO. Tbe public are Invited to cuU and examine. M. SIIOKMAKEItA CO., o7-WiTn ?m No. 4 N. ElflHTH flTKEET. VEWAND CESIJtADLE STYLES OF FALL X Clothltifr ew und do mr a hie Ktyirt nr t an riotiilnf Now all- 1 ih H t t.l Hlj v t t all rinVJiin ami ih'nirViie Htyiei ol' Kali ('lottmiLj 1S1 w and iliirubic Hiy.p-. of Kali Clothing New ana (lahlruhlt? Rn of Knll '1-( li 1 iik Nw and dinlrsihie hi,-- Imi of t n I ( 'lot Inn New mid dfxlrHlitfl HlIuf Kali Cl-l ni Jvm and dtilrnl.tft Hi j m f Kull ij'otrniiif lt W aud dt'rH nt.ie ttr. Wi m Kali i.'lwlt4iia OpfuinK title dy OiwkIih; this day 4tfi4tili'i: tine Juv OpfhiDK thie day (laiiitit; Hi in il'iy Opninw thin d ij t'f.iiiK tlii day OfteniiiK Una day Onftiiciu tine day Opi-miiK tt U d iv At JftNKft', 8. E. curuvr Hfvcmli and Kaikft Btri'ete. At JON KM , h. E. cm r H'vi-n;h und Murk. t tu-.-n, At.lONKK, H. h, corner Ht-venili aud Market Htrt-ot i. AtJoNt', N K, coinur Nevfiilh und Viarkt Hin-tM. At .MINI S', N. 1.. inrH'T MfviDth ntnl tn'kt trtMti. AiJ'iSKV, ft 1. t'ornT h. v.-hlh Mud Mrki'l ttrt-.-n. At iJoM'N , H, E. corner Sevourti und .Murhct it nula. At iN I.H , S 1-.. ctriit r Kt'vi iuh and Markvi Mtrfniji, At iI"M;H', H. K. corner H.-vi mti and iark;t xtrcriA. At JuM.S", 8. I. eir iur Hi vftith and Maikei ktrt;. Ktr.iiiA,'i r" and ' t.l'i.ji h'.run. iTa ana citi.i n Strnni.i tk itiid cMi.rii mit-iTt. uud cin n htlol'l'll lllid Oll'' IH Mrn;ers and oil Urn i htnticr and ciui'iia htr .li.'i rn and i iitfiix Si i .i and i-ftiit'iii hiriiin-is (iiul ili'tiiii Invited to ml! and i-xaiiune our BLtrk liw ii- it t 1'iiil and cviiiinnf ouv Ki H. Inviful to i;tll and 'Htiiiii(i nni hti k it tl to uult and euiiiirc our utoeu Inviicd h c i ii and t'xaiit.n' our Uc)i Invdt d t call and eaiunii our stuck Ju il d lo c.ill and I'X.imini' our t'i k lu Iti-d in call and oKaiidi! our hUk'. in ilf4i to call in d .x.uidnt) u'H io. k luvit d to call and eaniie nr itork Jteiiru iir- l.am cIm w tn r.fma iiiiriitik!iu elM'w li'-n . IWlolO (HHt Imsilirt I'Ih'W I:li0 . licti-n pur. r'dMiix el-t win ii' . ltuiore u rvlias ii ltv tvtv . I ' i i ro j.urt l.asinu elu' vtn i , jUl'ire I'lirritAhinu ci-'ewiuTe. I'.t rut jun rli'iMin clsuw lifU' . lU'iMf (MtrciiuaiiK t'lacwheiv. lit iorv inirilm-ioji u t;w lime . .TOvyq- CKOtlnw, K. :. corii.-r Hrventd an ' MirV JOM iS' ("loll. in, K . E, corner Ktvnli1 and V-rkri Jos! S1 Ct.-it ii.u, H. K. corner Suvi'iiUi " 1 JM S1 ( lot hi hk, H. E co: nor Heentli and -M uet . JONES' CI.,l!Ji ,f, 8. K. c-n or H-vcntli anJ M trctnu. JOM.S t'lutiihm, H. K. corner Hvntfc and Markfta. JUNKS' Ciull.intt. B. E. oim-r -Hill luJ Matkutala. JON EH' i.rtJtlim, H. E. oriMW H.-vrntli and .M.irkt ati. JnSKV ( lotliii.n. H. K. O- riuT Hcvai.ih end .ukot JiNK.S' Muihfiirii H. K. cormr H'fiirii and .Mukut h. ti. ItalanuH ( teuiuuie ilotk aeUni, tor. fclJltAWlLU TATNTED JlTLY 10, J 0 S E P H J MOVIH. Eluvu da Karl. KiwiilIi IStiMiu ltyrlnif and hiutirln on any ktj-d ol wtailnw apparvi, lor Lml ct, (.cuU, aad Itnid-eii. 1'aiaut aiiwiaina hr tru-Mn tant n.-m ore to () tn. t.ea. Ko. ?.W M V E Hiffut, ttuA 0-i.ii. iiTU 'ictt,KLUa4vlpuHV au-a pEICIS OF TET QOODJ REDUCED. Our Stork, lilh ornlnsf the frttrnt month, eelnf Tory llU, we were rrepari4 toforcliaee at the , Sew York and rblliulephU Auction Sale ' Since the irrat cllne In fold, and are bow able to i. hlbltap.irtlcnofall the LEADING STYLES OF GOODS, hi which inch linmne kjn were lu'imlt'.H te tj in- , lorttn, alournaual email proflu. ,nwl:t INVlTF.D TO A V EXAMINATION Cr OI'H STOCK. In dally recclit of LOTS OF O0OD., w hli h art rimer oil cheap. CTJEWEN STODDABT & BROTHER, So. 450, 09H, 431 x. 9K JOND Btree:, 0-5..H Abore WtLLAW. JOHN KELLY, -- TAILOHH, ti No. (Uy CIIKSNUT STIliiKT, . Uav reoelri-d thr Ir TALL STrtEl, and a tare itock of , FALL and WINTER flOODS, faclndinf -choice AafKJU CAN GOODS, an boniht before the rise la prfcea, wklek 4 hey will make up in Uie beit itjlee at moderate yrtaea. -. TEItMS-KET CA.1H. eeT-la ; J t)KIIVtJ-CJIAMH AND riCTCRE FRAME MANUFACTCBT, VM. II. MOIICJAN, , Ko. oh n. fTH stkixt. Oilt Oval Photonrnph Framee lelO Hm CONSTAKTLT OS HANI). rilHMITDHIl. Ilavlnit botinht meet of mf kiateriale befbre tw lale great rile, I am enabled to off. r my itock of FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE At a imall alranc on old prfcrt. I. L.UT5V Ko. 191 B. ELEVEXTTI BTBEET. VC11 EiCIXlMJEIVT )la been created In the nclfhbnrhool of KlaU one l Chetnut streeti, by crowtla of wulfrenaeiUneQ , , DODQINQ IN AND' JUT . Of a email BF.OAR STORE on the upper aide of CHES M UT Htreet, bolow Nlntli. It appeara the proprietor hal ' been CUTTING IOWN the pncei of hla Sawu and Te-, t bacco, SO per cent, on all hla itock, which by the way If " '-' f rare collection, thni let ft-tf i I lNTRlNOIN'G . . k- On kit rreflti for tbe benetlt of kii cuatomcra, who a)wayt GO FOIl 1IIM! ' . " 'l CAMPAIGN FLAGSj JJUNTINa, AND SILK, : Or EVF.KY DEHURll'TlON. . BWOHDS, SAEIIES, Tecelher with a full aiaortmenlof . . i MILITARY GOODS. EVjINS & HAS3ALL, , ; Bo. 418 ASCII BT1L1Z7. . COLLUKKS' OUPUANS. THE ARKANOK- 0 niutiih tor the adm-atlon and mumtonaiice of the le tilitUOt pliant of the Boiotare ana Hallora ot th State, undrr thf a. i rt lnting to th f ub.t nt b- ink now itittli-tttaiy d.iup cit dio enable the niidt-rein. to reaolw aoplica tloitH, notice tu t trehy iclveu that hlank toraa o' atplic tlon, w till tlx- necensary niairucuoiu, have boea liooejutwl v 1th Uk fidlowlr.K Kvntlcmun, tr.ua whoji ttiu relatival or frit i ua of tlie oriliui can ba n tem, Hht d the app Icatlon ana autmint ta each ctte rtiall be iiro-i rly OtU and -worn to, and crU'Ud by tM 4oartl 01 t oumon rtchooi llrctoraof trm Olntnct In which in " itrphan rcMidia, It Is to u laiumttd to UieKeuUcm) from VB niltwan irottvvd, or t mint othrr oictnoir of tli County Hnpertntf nditiKUommitKe, by wluu it wiU bu fuc i war (ltd to Uie underwifrned. "' In a horl tiino altar tne receipt of the application by tl tnndiTfiUnt.-d.lt' K be In duo form, and th orphan bi eniitli d to the b iit'Mtft of the at, an oritur for the adm'.i kion to lite proper hool will be aent br mall to ina niuiher, or otltcr ajijilylny relative or frieinl, with utcea mirv limtrucllojif. It It expt'ctet that the tichooln lelcctcd for thone orphtne will be reiuly tor their reception durlim Uie month nt Octo ber. 'J h-lr frlendH will thrWorc- take the nweMvary stfpf anil have them ready ibr a Jiuiaalvu by Uie lul of uvaia bt r at the Ititeft. '1 he Mute will provido clothing, boarding. waaMeif, nioiidtnir, lastrtit'tlott Itooka. Ac ,hr the orjjhain wfilie m the hoo'a providitl for theui, hut the lelatlvua or fr mla are expt ctcd to aend thcni thnhor without cunt to ttie ' (State, ai d also to (tend with ttirm, (n aa frood order at fKumble, aucb clotldnv a the may then have, to be worn ' till "UiiTH cttn te proviiiec tor tin in Tl.e foil.iwit M U thelutol gtnUriUien to wboat apptioA cations can bvuiade: Adania county, Oeorir MeClel an,Jttybiirg. AiU'Kt.eny " F K. Hrnnot, I'ltubarit Aiiiixtruinj " Colonel J. It. Kin y, Klttannlnf " lt aer ' Miciael Wtyund, Ueaver. . Btdtoni 11 J- Lliwen elitr. HedMrd. - l - It. rka " Hon. Wm. lUliUr, ICaatln,?. liluir M lion. Bam'. A. itlair, Holl'davs btirg. " Ttrndford " B. H. itu-mel, Towanila. liurka J.l MumUnhail. iHivleatCWn HuiUT " John H. N.-or.v, MiHlcr ( amhria " Ktlward nh'teujaker, KDenhirrg. ( nihou 11 M. M. IHrntutck, Mu h tJhunt. Cameron Kdwanl Voftnurn, Htnppen. Centre ' lion. Hainuel Linn. ItfJMonte Chtstnr " Addlsoll M:iv, Wrut ( hunter. Clarion n Jlou. ltinptHjlJ, (,iaton. i Clearthld " James It Uciloiin Cietrrhhf. Clinton ' L. A. Miter, Loek fiaveu. 1 Cniuiubia ' hohrt K. t lark, ko' r-itnir. Craw And " John Hernoidi, Mnadvlile. Ci.inliiiland " Tho in i'a&U-ii, ariiale. lauhni Iir.Oeo Rt Haiit-y, Harritburj. 1'eiawure ' lac ildldeman, Chtr, , . . Vlk " H- nry Houthtr, Kidwuy. t.r JitiiaN Junniaon Krle. ruette ' John K . Kwliw. I'nlontown. Foif-t ' tieor.e W. u..se. Manonvtile. truiikltn Hwi. Jamca iii.;k, CuaiMOtrs-. nnrir. Ku'tmi 1 M a; Jar King M'.'ouncilaburk'. OiccieC lr"l. M l'.. tUir sou, Waw:e ' burn. i i Uunt'iiRiloii ' Vim. It. OrbUo'i, HnnHnrton. li.iliana " KohertO. 'tailor, ludiana. .1 tiler -on " l-aai' i . CumI ti. lir-t ik Ife. Junutia " Kdwis -4 ttto.i, W A'll-t- mi ' Laniiier " I'ainel lU-nht-j' l.ntaater. l.uwnitie ' I MoirU .Ni ('..-t.o. 1 it ai t u 14 lifor. e aimu. t.t ijoon, l..hi(jli " K. T. -r. Ml 1 i" jvt. Liicine " ei:ewn I tar -n, tViHteahitrrev l.yi'OiuiiK " -Abittdrtiu I i'uivtaii. wuuaxe- Ititrt. M.Kau ' h i. HyronO. Huuiim, 6au;;bv Nercer, tiom li. lianua. Mercer, tinlin, " Antlrcw Kt-vd, 1 i.own. MoniieH, " Vm. Oavis, tattoudtburK Moiitv.n.ery, " I1 M. hi.yir. Norrtstu. Aloii our, " ddeou Mhot'p, ImnvUlu. J-'t tteii itn, 14 lii'V. Johu audervtar, Ka(oo. Noiihnuilteiihnd, " Win. J. 4;n-enoiii;i, Himhury. Vir, ' il"ii. It K.Junkiii, Hinoinuelde J'lk.t", " Kdwifd Hiilldav, Mi'fnfd. I t.lt. r, ' Jokn M llaintltAiii. C'oiiderHporte H t.m;M!, M lit U. I O rarrv,r.tniliJ. BnuVr, CoL. Wm. F. WuenaUe,eUnt- Bnr.U!-fc6t, ' Hulntnu, WaKcr Spencer, Laporte. hnni alItiiU ' r . Kitcli, Wwitroso. Thoin a' in. vVeiUltoro. 1 mn ' Captain John Owan, LewlsDUTg. t-i.ario " K K. l-jlle, r raiikllli. . , V'mrtn Unn. Lewi Aruott. Vahnirton " JaniuaO. Ath.m, w aahlngton. la. ' Ji. Ii. SiuiUi. Uoiiesda e. W etwiiinri-la'it! tino- Arru-irontf, Jr., Oreenntmitf. t..iiiuin " It-M.tSarhuat. TunkUauuoca- V,.K M ,'"r r-wher. York. J'i.i:adrlpliin Uury flallowWI, Kocrvtary. Itiaid ol cntroaera, uiru,rimi.i.uitguiit'. TUKMAt H. BUKHOWKS, uperint' iiJtut ut SoldWiY Orphang. Lancaster, September Hi, l&X, w-w-tji C0VSIY'S TliA AVAKEUOrSK. ESXA J Lhsbtnl Initio. Importer and Ofah-rln F ina I W iuae, ami Liquori. Cliolce HavADft Cl. arti, crota & UUkwtir Fuklei and Saucea, ' rngUsh and Rcutcti Aie and t' ru-r, Catmad Mcata, Fruit. Soap, o uvy Moist mi up lth cr, At ko. n . BKrovn 1 JH ly JSUtA U. cot b- : CTKAM IIEATIXQ FOR FACTO It IRS, O Mill, c. lloaied wttadl-eciar waet tmmm colU f..i l.cauire.eoiid. uptr.. apoi a-et '. i