The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 01, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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rmcE TiiHKi: cents.
The I.file t Newi -I irimt llevrd 'it rp
4lriil)-Rn-rhlnit I. ..(or from Pllut
Mnnb-Vct 4J.iicrnl I'.nci'it incut
W huvs bnt little Iditional inU'lbecu in
regard 10 iho morcmcn's of ttic Rebels ia South
east Missouri beyond that published in yester
day's lirpulnUan.
Tbtio was no licttitinc; at De Sow or belo v that
pint yesterday, where a portion of (.itinera!
Smith's force are concentrated.
A nptwt comes tijr telegraph by w ly of Illinois
that tirirR wis hoird in the direction of Cape
ilirarilcau yesterday afternoon, and it it not Iiu
fsrohahlo that the llelfcls may have tnailo an a
lack ou that place.
The ditut n-trations of the Rebels tint fr
would seem to indicate their real de-Urn to be
tore for tho purple of procairimt supplies,
plundering the country, and destroy Im; property,
than UDHInror el-o. They nro mount.' I ontlid
ry bst horses tiny have'len able ti procure
In the country through which they have passed,
and lire prepared to daih upon wc.ik an 1 de
fer leu ixmiis, wherever our troops arc uut
intoned in force.
Another ohjrt-t they hove in view is, the pro
mring of reinforcements, and no doubt a con
siderable numb.r of the diiatrertedla conse
quence of the draft, will join them.
At Miner. il I'oint, on Tburnday, one man, who
was drafted at 1'otoni, thought to make his rsc .tpe He was arrested and placed
nniler pmuii. Watcbltis? hit opiNirtnnity he
wrested tho guard's musket nway Irom him an. I
nudcrtook to make his encapo. After running n
consi.Je.rub'c distance, however, he o.uuo up
against our pickets and was recaptured.
hit. Iamis is at present full of prominent citi
zens fnni all parts of the M ite and particulur'y
fioni Southeast Missouri, who h ive in ide their
way here to escape conscription into the Uobe.1
army, or even a worse tate.
In iniiny Instances they have been compelled
to leave their wives and children behind, and all
their vuiuahlcs.
Ainoue the nniiilKT we notice II in Mr. lljsh,
of fct. Fmni ois county, and present State Senator,
lie made his escape from l-'arminuton on M n
diy, and aiirr camping out in the woods during
Mhe rain on Monday night, and traveling; lilteeu
or twenty miles, succeeded in reaching our lines.
No news from 1'ilot knob has been received it
headquarters since Tuesday forenoon, when the
telegraph wiics were cut.
A tcli graph operator who bad been stationed
at the Knob, arrived hero yesterdav aft irno n,
having kit the Knob at 12A o'clock Tuesday.
His statements at headquarters were so contused
as to be unreliable; but he declared the pi. tec was
almost surrounded, and tho lleliols, posted on
the n 0-t commanding heights, were shulllni! the
town at noon, Tuesday. Uo ssienped on foot.
Get. cral Smith's headquarters is at 1)0 Soto,
ffty mi es south of this city, and our cavalry are
keeping a vigilant watch over the movements of
the enemy m that region.
Yesterday a Rebel foreo made Its appearance
nt Ki' hwuod, Franklin county, in a uoitheist
direction Irom Miners' I'oiut.
piolli'ng d. finite concerning the real strcng.h
of tl.e Rebels has yet been as cri. lined.
The cannonading at Cape (iirard -au is tho rrht
to have pioctcctcd trom our fmnboats shuilii.e;
the wood! In that vicinity, in order to prevent
the lttbels Irom eoneentra mg in force.
A lu'ge number of veterans from Illinois
arrived in town yesterday.
The organization of el iy.en soldiers in this citv
is ins on rapidly. At host twelve thousand
militia are already under aims.
General Iflair, wbo is a', home on sick, leave,
ha offered bis services for tho prcsuni em
grmy, and they have been accepted. Ho his
been assigned to the defense of the city.
The Advance upon ltlcliiii.nil Nticoct,r ai
AlttiehN of (Jt-'iierHlsi .Icaitn mill Wjtrmii
on Iho ItlKlit or Hie Rebel l.tue V llrl
sailt ol'Slivrlilitn'M 'MVlry AiiiIiiinIioiI
thfruifin KxrhnniUHr rlsiinerN.
WsniNOT0N, Sept. HO, 1R11, 9-10 I'. M. A
despatch from General Grant, dated at i;l o'ciork,
this al'icrnooo, at City I'oiut, stiles that a
attacked and carried tha enemy's line to-day, on
their extieino right, capturiuj a num'Jcr oi'
lie immediately prepared to folio t np his
General Meade movel fnnn hij left this
morning, and carried the enuniy'n lbm njir
J'op'ar Grove Church.
A latrr despatch, date J this evonlng at S P.M. that the enemy had just mi le an
assault in three columns on his line near Chapiu's
Farm, and bail been repulsed.
No report had been received from General
Meade Mnce he curried the on'.nuy's lint) near
l'pplar Grove Shitreh.
Mo iivelligenco of General SheriJan's opera
tions has been rccelveil since Sunday uight, ex
cept ihiough tho Richmond p ipen, nn I tho
hiteot report from that sourco which his reached
the I); artnienl was the advance of his ctvalry to
Btauntcn, as heretofoie mentioned.
The Petersburg papers of to day mention a
ruiuor, which they say is not coniinned, that oni
brigade of Sheridan's cavalry was aiu'jushed at
Umitt Run creek.
Despatches from Newborn, N. C, received
this evenit.g, mate that tho yellow fever in exten
sively prevailing at that place, but is noc fatal
among the troops. They nro encamped outside
the town.
A despatch from General Bhennin, dated at
half putt 8 o'clock last night, states that he has
made an actual of 200i) of his own
army, and bus made an arrangement with Hood
to tend to the other prisoners a supply of clothing,
soap, etimhs, .('..
Eow in M. S r v ids, Secrehtry of War.
Bpcclal Di'spatt lies to Kieiilng Telegraph, j
Ahium;iN, Oct ) icr 1.
Army .Vras.
The mail boat leavlini City Point at 10 o'clock
yesterday reporta but litile aldi.ional details
from the extreme front. All was progressing
well. General Ijuriihani. of Maine, in reported
badly wouuded at Deep Hot', mi.
riio tii i.iufiixu.
Advices from Ohio clearly indictilo that at the
comiUf.' election the Union pir y will cany tint
hlute t y scv. nty lise thou n.d lu ij jilty.
'I li i'rtceol Uold tn tl4liiuiku J.
rcr-clis leaving Klchtn.inJ U-t Si urday, and
hIiko tlie rc;iilt of SlK. i. Inn's prcat vle'.ories in
the valley of tho Shenandoah his been known
there, suite that the pi ice of yoU lias gon up to
three thousaud. The Rebel tiaaucial system has
j collapsed.
'I lie New I'osliiiHNlei -Ueiiernl.
lS V.sjtioro., October 1. Rx-Governor Deu-
nisi n whs this atternoon sworn into o'il.-e, nn 1
V'"' entered upon li's duties u l'osl.'rait.'i -Ueneta!.
The (inartity of m:iplc Mi;.'ai returned i:i Oliio
tLis year amotiips to ii,7M,'),17 pounds.
A i.'umUr of intcr.i.ting Indl-tu relies have
recently bo n l.roegl t t jl;c'l:t hy eKcava'.ioa in
li .iclic.-ur, M.u;aeiiusc.ti, near Mount 1'lcasant.
lr. Id bbttid pronoun-es l!i?:u Indian ske'.o'ons,
as the fonnidl'iii of the tUuMi Indici'.cs grea
liimue.-H end dtrujiii'cness, and many of tti
bones give iiiiiuistukalilc evidence of hit-. and pieut ,s:rt" ,h. Several bca U, l.ulve-,
pine tree sb tiling?, nn t.iroiv, and o:her tare
relics were among the icuia'.iu, wiii.U wili uo
douuf he l:'icttcd with avidity.
, The liliitig up of toe Rack Bay i.t II jtoa ha
iVeu tiling ou for uiuic than live years, jit it is
liV half lione. The fin ds received for tho.-e land-,
othe cost of liiUng, and diapsed of, are in
pait s follows : 52' j.tyOO to the public s:ho .1
luinis; jliHi.uoO to thu Mubeuiu of Comparative
Zoology, ut Cuiiib: id.;c ; toO.OOO t j Tufts College ;
-2S.H0 to M'illlaius Colkgo ; .'5,099 to Auihcrn
College; $.'2 j.OOt) to Wilbrabatn Aeideiny; an I
WihO.tOO for redemption of State crlp, in all, If any more Is icali.ed, the Public
fcichool i'und Las the reversionary grant.
Till ill) EDITION
Victory of Chapin's Bluff.
Our Forces Within Four Miles
of tlio Robcl CapitaL
tic,, i:to.,, Km., Etc.
FoitTnw Momror, Scptenihor .1"). Tho
United Suites hospital stvamor .V il'l l has
arrived with HC wounded ofllccrs and soldiers
from the front, wounded in tho net Ion of yc
tcrday nt C'li.ipin's Ulufr. The United Suites
utenmcr Gcargc H'ovifnifon, with 150
ViontHled, nnd tlio hospital Bteatner Thom u
I'oKrll, with 2"J5 wounded Boldiers, mostly
jirivates, all from Deep Bottom, also arrived
hero this afternoon.
From the officers and others we gather the
following fueU In regard to tho action on tin
north side of tho Jatnod, w hich haa thus far
proved a most brilliant biioopsh.
During the night of tho 2--Hh tho 10th and
ISth Corps crossi'd tho James river to tha
north sldo, moving w ith groat celerity, and
nt daybreak on tho 2!Hli suddenly camn upon
the ciiemy. The 18th Corps (General Ord'sjiuet
the enemy at Chapin's Ulntr, charging tho
Itcbid works with groat gallantry, and woro
successful in carrying tho post (Fort Morris),
with seven guns, and then charging and carry
ing at the point of the bayonet six other earth
works, capturing in all sixteen gurut and live
hundred prisoners.
The works thus captured are very strong,
and fully equal to any that the enemy have
around Richmond.
General Birnry's Corps met with great
bucccps, driving tlio Uebels from their works
cointnanding the Newmarket road, anj gain
ing an Important position, seriously menacing
Kichmoml. All accounts agree that the
colored troop9 behaved admirably a fact
which Is abundantly attested by their large
number of wounded which have reached here.
Of course, our bravo whito veteran troop
fully sustained their well-earned character, so
nobly earned on tunny a h.ird-fought field,
and showed clearlj by their actions tlwt they
believed In conquering a peace.
Major-General K. O. C. Ord was wounded
whilst gallantly directing the movement!) of
his troops. His IViomls w ill bo glad to learn
that his wound Is not serious, and will pro
bably only keep liiin from active duty for a
few weeks. It Is a Mesh wound In tlio right leg.
General Bimiham was killed. lie fell at
the head of his brigade while leading a charge.
IIIh remains have reached h.'re. and will be
wut North Immediately.
The l ntrsl ; pons I ! p Aitvniice nn
Kfcliiuo ml.
The latest reporLs from the front of that
pert of our army on tho north side of the
.lames river represent everything ai highly
eucouraging. Our forces were within four or
live miles from Kichmoml thU morning, hav
ing driven the enemy before th :;u In con
fusion. Kcaily nil of our wounded in tho action of
Thuruday, about 070 In all, have been brought
IlAi.t iMoni', October 1. Tlio following ad
ditional particulars have been received from a
participant tn the light nt Cirtpiu's Blull'.
General Ord, of the lSlh Corps, with two
small divisions, ptihhed towards IMchmoad on
Thursday morning, fighting his way, and
driving the enemy's front line till he reached
Chapin's BUilf. There are heavy works for
several miles uround. Rebel gunboata vyero iu
the rear and below them.
Tlio Rebel garrison, at tlrt small, had been
ninloreed from Richmond. One division of
Staunard's took tlm talietils ol'lhe main work,
and thence swinging around insldo of and In
the rear of the enemy iu (lino Uer worka,drove
them out before tliem. While doing this rein-
ioreouienanio dow n from Kichmoml, but,
they wet't) lso driven out. Tho division
which did this lost every lni ; ido CJiiunatldr
killed or wounded.
General Biirnhain was kill' .1, and Colonels
Stevens and IJonohue wei i i nl, but not dan
This division behaved ni l.' 'illantly, losing
some oOO men and olllc 'ts. Mi'.-d and wounded.
The works taken were tV Wrongest which
bad so fur b 'en seen aro.'iid Kichaiond, and
the sumo tihii li M.!"'l! i tried in vain to
take. Our !os shows the i ibborn character
of the fighting of Iho Bclj. i ..
General Old was only ly ivo.tnJ.d.
The lollowin,: is a eorrc -t f thecasualti
among the oiiieeis, si far a-, i . ..ived :
LiC'ilenant 11 Cl'ritt, illi i. S. Cavalry, loir.
J.nuteuaut-Lolonel McDou.i 1, Neiv ork.
Ii ', unipiitateo.
l.teu'.i mm' i . ji. Km', i vtb ivnuyivaula, arm
Captain l'ih, hint Mew Von, leit.
Captain C. M. Allen, UHih flew York, shjiildci.
Lieutenant Aiiioj Heide, Hth Conntctlciit.eroiu.
Captain CormicU, '.iS.h New York, lioii.
Captain W. T. M irsl.eud, I'a., fo it.
Colonel S. A. Ishli'tli If, .iih U.S Coloivd, hand
Colonel Daniel I'. Duncan, couiui uidiuj -1
liiiaoc, 'Jd, t"ot.
I. a titi iaint John It. Young, Till Ooiio., fn-t.
J.ieuti luiiit J. A. Kuth'atiiu. S : ti C iau., side.
KujorT. It. llawldns, Mb U.K. 0 1., slnuHci
f ap aili UobCit Dcilaid, 'j U.K., heal,
l.ieio. i.iint 1) 1,. Way, otli U. Co'., hip.
l J. C. liichardum, liSth U. K. Col., lun.
l.i. ut. ,1. 11. il icUcit, bill V. S. Col., thigh.
Maj. 1 U. C. Tuy lor, a Rebel o.iicer, Ihiijli.
I.iei.t. S. 11. a.i ( i.'tl, :.tU U. S. Colored,
l.iei.t. 1'. II. I'licc, l.t I.'. S. Clol.aed.
t up nel A. 11. Stevens. 1 Ith N. It., command-
n K 1st lirit'ude, Ut Diws.ou, tl.itfh.
l.i. ut. Col. C. II. Kodceis, Oih IT. K. (,' .lore I
I.iciiteiiaiit I.. M. l.anoon, (ith CS. Col.,lluull
1. km. in. M J. It. Julin-on, i. Mi II, K. Col., arm
Caiitnm It. II. Kent, U:h I. . H. Colored, ankle.
Capiam . A.Jones, 1 IJ.I Nc.v York, arm.
Ma. or 11. T. Covell, Mb f . K. Colored, arm.
Lieut. M. C. (iosi.eil, o.ith C. S.Col. bhoal.ier.
1 -it Hi. J. Murruy, lth(iolored, urm amputated.
I.ici :t. K, T. Johnson, l.'iMH New Yora, tbigh.
( pt. 1.. N. Comeiae, of (iuueral Ktaunai-.'s
Stall, and l'iovot Ma.lial Ut Div., ItiiU Corps,
J.iiul t aunt E. II. Harnhiim, ttth Maine, hand.
Captain A. McLauch in, Pah New Vork, len''.
A ...iu ti.nt haiiu.el r'oss, hth Connecticut, thiftn.
Cnptuiu Kaiu'l Xt'ynu, oSih IYunivivaiit,cuut.
l.icuuiiunt W. 11. Mvllvery, UU L". K. C dorcd,
Liiiitei ant Mi. hael Hadcn, 17th N. Y., hack,
l ieutenant J. Johiiou, Jd I'. K. Colored, side,
l.ietitciiiiiit D. W. Kpiccr. sHh V. H. Colored, log.
Csptuin A. MalthowB, Uotli New York, foot.
tiik aiv: ti rii pif mrrr,
Hr.AimvAHTftiis Aumv or nisi Vorom:,
Prp'cmber !Kl, llvciiiuc U"ports from Ooneral
Untkr's Department say that thj lOh and IHth
Corps cros-ed the J mei river ft'. Pep D ittom,
and advanced aa nst the enemy's works at
Clmpin'i I'r rm to d y , takio? the first line of
riHe-plts without resi-t nice at 0 A. M.
At 10 o'clock" enemy's strong posi
tion at Ch.ipiu'i l'.lail was carried byassiult,
and three hundred prisoners, sixteen (funs, II igs,
be, token.
A division of the isth Corps is eaidtohavo
enttered consideratile loss, but to whit extent ii
not known.
(ur troops hold tho position, whih is about
tevenmil. I from Hi. harm I.
Heavy tiring was beard late this on
the cxtrf nic I. ft, bell, ved to bo flrecg'a Cavalry
ciiguff ing the em my in they went on a recou
noissance in the direction of the S mthslde
rvilroail, but tho result of the trip has not yet
been ascertained.
ltcbcl scouting partien of guerillas have lx en
capturing safe t-'unrds Ifft at hosens in IMace
George county, during the l ist few diys.
One of these came in to-day to get his pay, and
while on his way back to his post ni seized ani
robbed of his money and other valuables, b id
Iftnn and pait of bis clothing, and w.u then
Another was coining in, and beim; ordered to
halt and enrrondir, drew his revolver and shot
oiio of his enemies. Afterwards he ma le go xl
his escape, although pursued several miles.
The ltcbels have been moving hack and forth
to-day in every direction at one time marching
off towards onr left, and agalu returning to
rctcrshiirg, as if ((oing to liiehiiiond, then
appearing at some other point, ami finally going
out ol sluht altogether.
Koine des, rtcis came, in to-day, who say the
deft at of Barly in tho valley had caused a great
pr. ssion thi'oiiL'hout their ranks, and thousands
were reudy to leave on tho first opportunity,
having lost nil faith in their fin U success.
Cnpluin 1). O. l'uts, of the I'Jtb Colored Regi-
mcnt,wiis killed yotcr.lay on tho picket line, and
two or throe of his men wero wounded.
Hkiti mhkh 30, 0 A. M. llrisk tirini; was kept
op alonv; the centre of the lino all night between
the pickets, tut this morning tho utmost qniet
Reports thnt the Rebels aro evacuating Peters
burg nre ngnin in circulation here.
Detiiit of llio lovriiient The I rosxlnur
ot Hit Jhiiipx 1 lie Vovenmut not ii
lilvrrsloii ic-rcy f Hie I'ltiu. Ann us Aumv or Tin: Jvmi.s, Sep-
tcniLcr :l A. M. I ne entire Army ot the
Ji.m.s is in motion. As i write, nnd all tlirouen
the niplit, tl.e r.nd ,a--ing near (i itutlcr's
laudiuiii ii rs has echo, d to the tramp of intantry
and the rumble ol'aitillery and on, ply trains.
1 lu.s column ot toe mar ii is ine linn corns
(Got oral llnncy't.) on its way from aer s the
Apomttox, beaire 1 'etersbtirg, to D.ep llottoin,
wheie it oni gallant service in August oy divert
ing the enemy wheu Warren's Cor,. struck the
elilon road.
The ISth Corps (General Ord) will evoeuiti! its
posit ion ut Ik rnjiiua Hundred, and tako a p li t in
the H.ovcn.tnt ivito the tutu
There was a slnuularly quiet oxeitemont all yes
terday a! ci noon un l last ni'ht ut G ncral Uut
lcr's lit adoUiirt' is. lliub otllcors with tnoir ro-
(p.ciivo stubs w. re roniumtl) eomltiK and going,
tiiul tne portotiitoi a, comm.'' totnectunij were uu
inistnk.ib e. Hut not a q nation wasasked, not a
whisper uttered, so far as I, a close ob-ervnr,
ould usceitaln, tcspecliug tne oijeci ot tue
llv Kentittl consent it snpenrstobo ono, the
euceefs i f which mainly denils on a surpriwu
ol tlio cinniy, and about headquarters everybjlv
i s uiius to know Its precise ciiauicier ami urea
lieu ; and, by common consent, tb re is n ittimj
mho. lbebui'jcct is completely eseUewe.l. In
nil my expend ce I never Ix fore knew plaa to
be kept to prolonn.lly secret. That it. has oeen
to in ruin. I eecuis thu best augury of its s j;eess
lul i e. uiion.
'I Is n enoral slir this morning at bca l
qnaiicrs. I.ate !at ni hi we were no ido l to Dj
m ih.: -ad. lie at live inoriiing, provided with
t.laijkcts, ponchos, and f'eo iluy' rutioni. The
mi vants are t mhtisiasiic this morning, inky .1 ira
us it Is yet, piepuring cotl'.e and sindKnes by
the lit. s tor our c.m.uinption.
urn to ay tb'it the movement Is
to be made on ttie north side of the J vuct. 1 do
no-belioc ii to be a diversion quit'i tho e ni
tr. ry. There is ercnt h ipefulnessaud con:idon :e
f. It everywhere respecting success.
IjiH uiiht, about 10 '10 o'clo k, very heavy ar
tillery and laaskc ry thing was heard in the
dinciionof l'eteisburg. A telegram inlorim us
here that the Rebels mad.; an ait- ni at to feel the
lines ol the 'Jth Corps iu front of tho Jerus ilciu
pluck road. Firing was continued for an hour,
and then c. a-ed. Tne lletiels wero doubtless
satisfied themselves that we wero stroll.; enmuh.
Lieutenant-Colonel K. Worthiugtoti Kmitn,
lately Assistant Adjutant-General of tho 1 til
Cups, was announced voter. lay as A'-istint
Ailjutunt-tiencral of the Department of Virginia
nn J Noith Carolina. .Vew York Tunes.
A It MY OK iiit: Jtmx
l.pnrrnl Itiltler Aitvnucliii;.
FiKM. September 2!). The Army of the James Is
in motion, and the fact by itseif Is not deemed
comrub.ind by tho military authorities. Unity
bo further stated that its operations during tlio
i' xt lew dajs will be of a must important and
te lu g character.
The men lire really in the finest spirits and feel
1 1 1 1 1 .. 1 to a strong undertaking. Tbougn the m ive
nunt bus been org ini.ed and conducted thus far
with ibe grea'ost possitile secresy, still iho most
graiifving contidence is fell nnd unreservedly ex-pus-i.lihuta
(treat ell'ort is to be ni .do to at
eompl h the long desired objective, poiut of the
Louestrcct iu Command of
tho Itebol3.
Upeelnl Iu The i:rulnc Telerapti.
Wasiiinoion. October 1. There can bo no
doubt but that J.ongstrcet it in coru.ii md of
the Kebcl forces in the Shenandoah valley. Over
a wick ngo he reported to Heneril Lee for d ity,
mid rcftifc'ccs coming Into Winchester mate
be was immediately Assigned to the emu m I of
the valley forces, an 1 assumed rommand nft
Knrly had left .Staunton. I.ongstreet is evidently
a supiT'or Oeneinl to Kurly, but he wi'l fi l l a
full match in Kl.crldnn.
lcrioHH ItCHiiltl l.i'Ie.l from tlie
l. ei i, t MiiveiiieivtH of llio Aiuiy.
II.m iiMoiti., October 1. Mnjor-'ieneral drd
i muled in the recent battle of the army on tlm
north bide ot the James river, arrived here this
morning t'loui the front. He ii now ut llarnum's
Ii.. lei. lie has u llesli wound in tho riglit leg.
but is doing well. He U fuil of hope of gioiioas
re t.lts ol our present movement, and e .:pj. ti to
be up and tit it a0'aln in a few weeks.
Arrival from Aew (Irlrnus,
Nfm Yohk, October 1. The steamer Ueor-if
C, 1,11 ii lium New Orleans on the '.ilth, urriioi
this nit.rulug. tho brin, uo news.
The foundry and machine company at Tatm
ton, Massachusetts, liai just completed a large
fraticn dirrick, having two slx-i.tch drums, so
arranged that one will hoist while thu other
lowers, to be nscd for sinking two shafts at tho
Ilootac tunnol. At present only two gangs of
lubonrs can woik at a time, one at each end of
tho tunnel i but it is proposed to sink two shafts
at points iuterniodiate between these termini, so
that the tunnel will be divided into three short
sections instead of ono long one, aud these cat
lions be all excavated at once, until they meet tn
The Rebels Sorely Pressed
Very Great Destructioa of Grain.
l :t.
Wamuniiton, October , 11'50 A. M.
Miijor-Cioneral Dix, Now York: The follow
ing despntche from Slajor-Ocncrul Sheridan,
detailing his succors ful operations olnci! the
last report have jtidt been received.
llAitltiHoMii Rii, September W, 7.10 1'.M.
l.ioutenant-(!eneriil V. S. (Jrant,01ty Toinl:
In my last, despatch I Informed on tint. I
pressed Knrly no closely through NcwmarUet,
ut the same tlmo pending cavalry around his:
llnnk, that In gavo up tho valley and took to
the mountains:, pun.slng through Brown's Gap.
I kept up the punnilt ti Tort Republic, de-strojinisi:venty-flvewnioasand
Ibtir caisflous.
I MMit (iiMicrul Torlasrt, who overtook me at
lliirrisonbiir, to Stniinton, with Wilson'n
Division of cuvalry, and oiih brigade of
Torbert cul.'ri'd Stauutoii on the 21th, and
destroyed a largo tiaiitlly of H.tlMd tjoveru-
metit property, harness, m.I.IIch, small nnns,
hard Incnd, flour, repair shops, Ac.
He tin ti proeeei'cd to Wiiynt'Mboro, destroy-
iti the iron bridge over tho south branch of
tlio Shenandoah, kcvcu miles of track, tlm
depot building, Government Uutiery, and a
largo uniounL or leather, flour and stores, e.,
Ac , at that place.
Ho found tho tunnel woa duli'iided by in
fantry, aud retired via Stauntoiu
Iy ImprcHslon Is that most of tho troops
which Ktirly hivs left passed through the
mountains to OWarlottesvillo.
Kershaw's Division c.itnr) to It's assistance,
and I think passed aloipr tho west basa of tlm
mountain to Waynesboro. I a-n g ttting from
twenty-flvo to forty prlsiontiM diily, w'.io
come lu from tlio nvmiUiiiiH o't eaoh sidj a id
di liver themselves up.
From tho most rcliublt: accounts, K trly's
army wusj completely broken up and U dis-
lrited. Ker htuv had not reached PJelitmiid'
but won Koniowhere in th ; vicinity of G irdon--
ville when he received ordern to rejoin K.uly.
The destruction of the grain and forage r. i:n
here, to Staunton will be a Utrriblc blow to
All tho gniiu, forng.!, &.!., in I'll vicinity of
Staunton was retained for this use of K lrly's
army. All In the lower part of tho vulloy w;is
shipped to llichmond for tlu Uso of Ldo's
aiiny. Tho country from hero tj SUun', m
was abundautly supplied with grain, A i
(Signed) T. II. Shkuihan,
A r'nlKllivr i:iellel.
IlAtim.-oNUUitd, Va., September 2(1, 7 P.
M. Lleutcnnnt-Gcncrul Grunt: I see It
going tho rounds of tho papers that tha l'.ltli
Corps wus late lu coming into tho battle of
Wlnuhester. I was entirely unconscious of
this until I saw It In tho papers.
The statement was made by H. L. Shelby.
I w ish to say that il Is Incorrect, aud thai this
correspondent was arretted by my order on a
previous occasion, for writing untruthful
(Sigucd) P. IT. Siikkii) x, M i.-(!.;n.
No report of operations iu front of liieh
iiiond or Petersburg, later than my telegram
ol last night, has reached this Demirttimnl,
Eiiw in M. Stanton, Secretary of War.
Statb or Tbfiiu"iihtkb To pat. Six A. M.,
62. Noon, :.C. One I'. M. o7. Wind, E. by N.
Makh l's CiMiiAi. 1'ahk. 1 his fimom pic
ture, which has been so Ions in preparation, will
be positively re for cshibiiiou on thJ l'.tli
of October V Mcs-rs. Appletou'a, in Uroadwiy,
New York. This portrait in e of one of thesrandst
paiks iu the win Id has excit. d an Immen-e In-
terist In artistic encie, ic mi
gi neial public. Ileing oi.eol'tlie lar rest ehrom i
ml.i'Kriiphs ever published, and having been
taken troiii actual drawings ny Mr. ai irtel, Its
accuracy cannot be doubted, nor its merits, in an
iiitlstie point of view, denied. It will be on ex
hibition also at the establishment of Mr. T. 11
Cullender, corner of Third and Walnut streets
We Mucerclv advise our readers to get a plimpto
of it. 'I he subscription books will lu opened on
the loth at Mr. C'ullend. r's, w hero our citizens
can have an opportunity ot ' o'.lntnin proof im
pressions, which arc always tha boost. Tl.e im
mense outlay a't. n.linir tic production of this
picture necessarily limns iu sale to nubbin iptiou.
unit it will not be oi-poscd of otherwise.
CoSHoMKAtifN or 11 ia. lMttMs. U.nler orders
from the Secretary of War, the recruits of the
L;lth Pennsylvania llcgimrnt have been consolt
dated with those of the l'l'.Mh Ke.'iment, Colo
li 1 l.e. hler, the whole to be under the command
ol Colonel J.C. Briscoe.anold veteran soldier, and
to bo designated m the IW li Pennsylvania Vol
unteers. Six conipmies left for the front yester
dav, fully armed uml .'quipped, with ord ts to
report to Maior-lieneial liiiuey, lor whom Coio
n. I llriseoc was or .aniu.g a regiment.
The men took heir departure under the Pom
muiid of Colonci Lechler, who Is now the Lie i-teni.nt-C'olonel
of the regiment. The four re
maining companies are now at C imp Cadivaladct ,
wbuc they are bciug organized and equipped,
aud will probably leave on Monday.
This li niment is one of the finest raised in
I'ennsvlvaiiia for some time, and under the com
maud 'of such a brave and gallant olliecr as
Colonel Ilrlscoe should under a tine account of
KixHiniNO. Thi morning warrants for the
payment of tho city bouuty of $150 each wero
sued to roluntvcis.
Vol tri.M The hail i f the Keptiblie n Invln-
ciblts, Murk, t fin-t, Mow Thirteenth, wis
dediented last ninht. The hall wni ti-tefutiy
decorated aud a larga audi, ne.; was asse.u'iicd.
Tl.e meeting was addressed hy Mr. (feor.-o I.
llii he, ex-iiovcrn .r Pollock, D.ivld Pa il Ilrjtvn,
, and Mr. Willi nn L. Dennis.
t.'.ii. ceit Hall was again crowd"! 1 last evening,
to li-tin lo sie.elies d . livered by the lion.
J .i in. -. M. H. ov. II and the Iter. Mr. Dennison. a
elc palnof the army. Thu speeluvs were fre
quently up inn. led (luring their rem irks.
A ti w e l.higs, since, Iho soldU'rs In the Niim
te ii ll.u n llosintal, who aro in favor of the
rlcc'inti of Ahttilnim I. ine tin for President and
Andrew Johnson for Vice-President, hold a largo
nnd i ii ' h u k in fct ie meeting.
A pican.ble and re-olutions were psod, en
dorsing the Administration an t favorni the
i'levti' n of Abraham'n and Andrew J itm
son for Picsi.lctit and Vl.S'-l'iesi.lent of the
I'lnti d Mates. AI(.o, that th.'T will ootin on in c
i n flrn.isiice or compromise with iraPorstn r.n,
nnd Ih it their eecmiiKers be the gallant army
and navy of the 1'nite.l Suites.
i bnt they consider that by voting for (foo ge
TI. Mi ( Ii linn tluyw. uld tie doinir an injury to
tl o c;.ue they have fouclil for for lm la.t three
y.ais.und tint the Chic igo platform Is bastvl
iip.inprinciplesw hi. il are c ilcul ited to destr.iv
tin net i.ii.l glorious eoiiutry, and tnat tlio
P'ircipal leaders of that Coneution used llieir
irtluenee to prevent the soldiers of our army
Irom voting.
A n il wus then opened, and upwards of one
hundred and til'iv (denatures were o ilaiiied.
This evening ( John Cochrane will sp:ak
nt the Hull of (he I'niou laague.
Mr. (ii o ge litingan lias been selected by the
National I'nion party of the Ulevcn'h Ward as
csmllcate for Select Council. Mr. Puuititn was
torn.crly a tuemberof Council from the Sixth
Ii.miel l)..ugliertv,l'"sq .will speak ot K.c Union
I.engue Hull, on Monday evening.
Kki.ioioi s. To-morrow morning at lOo'clock
the newly elected paster of the l'irst ll.iptist
Church, ltrond and Arch streets, Kov. tie nge
Dan lloardman, will formally cuter upon hit
new charge. Mr. lloardman is a step-son to the
eminent missionary to Indli,tho late Hev. Dr.
.ludson, and has for same years past been one of
the ii. ost esteem, d nnd clUcicnt ministers hi the
eitv ot ltochcHicr, New York.
It will lie remembered that soon after tho com
mencement of the war several of our churches
were relieved ot their pas or s on aivount of eeruiln
existing S. nth. rn ulliniiies. Among this manlier
was the First llaptlst Cluirch, nt llroad and Arch
streets, nnd sime V r. Cuthlicri's resignation the
pulpit of this cluirch has been without a regular
Tlio young nnd gifted divine, ltev. Ill-hard
Mallory, pi.i or of the tioutli Street I'res'iyteriaii
( Lurch, will hold forth to-morrosr morning and
evening nt the church ill South street, between nnd Tucltrh streets. The hundreds
w ho (lock each S ibb ith to hear Mr. Mallory attest
the I erca-.nK popu'o' ty whicli be is gaining for
lnniK' I and the chin. Ii, whicli is now second (o
ueiie in tho loivir section of our city.
1 heie w.ll be a me. ling in tho Central Prosby
t. rian Chun h, Miiiliih and Cherry streets, to-mo -row
evi Timer, on l ehalf ol Ciirl-tian Commis
sion. A i.uiiibi r ol de l. gate, of tlio Commission
lvill a.ldiess the meeting.
A Si us i itcti; SroiiY. The following was ob
tain) d at police le a. I. matters lo day. A country
con crlpt contracted with a gc I'.Iem inly looking
chap y. uter.lay to go as a substitute for $ lot).
Five dollars were paid over to b ud tho bargain,
there were sundry drinks at tho saloon, and as
the sul stitute coo Id not he examined until to-day, went to the hotel together. The cmseripi
kept a sharp eye ou his substitute, and at bedtime
lisistul on occupying t'te sunn room ami the
fame bed. .Suiistiuee u u; never bod been
lu the habit of sleeping ccith anybody, and would
no, which was the long and short oi' it. Finally
tiny compromised ou a room vclih two beds
Mine ho-t escorted Hum up s'airs. Substitute
insisted on blowing out tho hitht lieloro undress
Ii ii, nnd, 10 noiUo n long story shun, confessed
I. else I a iiuhkiu. Thu conscript, who is a rn
spcctHlile liiiiiili d man, was terribly shocked,
si. (I, lockli.g the iloor, bfo'iebt the propriet ii .
wli. n, inter consultation, It was doierudned to
let her go. She was shown to tin) s reet door,
a no is said to havn the mi luight tram
Noiih. flic is, doubt.csa, a prot'oihioimi siouu'y
Tiik Late Union Mertino in iiiu Twunty
si:cond Waho. At the Union doinonstrat.oa
whicli took pl.i.e nt Gcrmautown on tho JH'.ti
ult , no mention was made of the ajtivo and
pairi. tie part taken in the nll'air hy the pa'lents
ei iilin. d at the Mower United Spates Army ifoi
pitul, nte er the charge of Surgeon J jsoali II ia-
kins. .ii. The ho-piml, we leain, turned out loll
m n, i.iined with 130:1 lanterns, wno marched in
a body to ilie meeting, toget her with rive nun bed
crippled wieians, who wero conveyed thither la
oii.nibti-es. T he proees-ion was headed with a
lii.c baud of music, and was the m ist enthiisi istlc.
ituihcrirg we ever witnessed. Tills Ii npital is
ore of the liuo-t and best managed institutions la
ti e country.
Chinos, or I-ocatiox. As is well knwn, tho d Slates (ieneral Hospit d, or tho "Stump
Hospital," as It is generally called, In Christian
strict, VU9 closed by order of the Betretaryof
AVur a few days since. Dr. 11. J. Levis, the
eminilit surgeon in charge of this hospital, bus
been appointed to the United States Armv Hos
pital at T'wcniy-fouith aud South streets, to
which iiiHtitut on the Doctor will transfer all his
cast a ot amputations and deformities.
Miutaky School. Colonel John H.Taggurt,
late Colr.el 12th Regiment Pennsylvania Ro
serves, and more bitterly Preceptor of tho Free
Military School in this city, bas established a
military school No. 1210 C'hcsnut street. At this
institution applicants for command of c .lorud
troops aro instructed exp-cssly with a view to
becoming commanding otlleers. T ids school is
also un.ier the supervision of the Supervisory
Comtiilttie, aud ut it ilie same branches are
tatiglit as in the late free insti u'ion.
llt iLiiiNO Pi:umits. The following is an ex.
hibitof the p. r nuts taken out during the month
of September, for tho erection of new b lildings:
Dwellings, 2.1 thicc-slory; CI two-story; ti one
etorv. Total, 91. M ill-bouse, 1 ; depot, 1 ; facto
ries,' I ; foundry, 1 ; forxe, 1 1 greeu-houss, v! ; h ay
jiress, 1 ; oilicvs, t j p .itery, 1 j school house, I i
r In .Is, 4; stores, ti; slauitlili r-house, 1 ; shoo, 1;
aides, lo; ador n ions and udditious, Wuole
nun. tier ol improveuieuts, l'JZ.
Hi.iiion Ointtiis i on rim Tw i.srv-SixTii
Waiih. A point was raised this liioiuin-', before
Juclgo Allison, in the Uuarter Sessions, by
la eimrd I'letchtr, Ksq , n to the appointment of
e'eetion oilleers for the Twenty-sixth W ird.
Judge Allison decided that the election olll en
fi r the F irst Ward should meet nnd npp lint tlio
election olll.'cis tor the Taen'y siMli Ward ; and
1 1 at by etc. tiou oilic'. rs he nieaut the Jadjcs and
Inspectors only.
Hit. l' run th a Sol. mi:u. The f.iendi ol" Mr.
Jhiiics Dugan, an honorably discharged and dis
iifchd soldier, Intend giving him a eoinpliinentnry
bull, on Monday night, at the National Cluurds'
IIlII. Mr. John I. Han o, tlu well-Knowa
i.'arcing niui ter, has kindly consented lo act ns
must, r ol ceremonies.
A Nr.vv Maukkt. The new market at Twelfth
and Market streets was opened this morning. A
baud of music was in attendance. At an early
Lour the lumket was thronged with purchasers,
i.ll iinxious to out du the tirat pick of the good
things ollcrcd for sale.
Cwiiniu-kionk Lavino. To-morrow iil'ler
l :i o'clock, the corner-stone of the now
Catholic Church of the Immaculu'c Conception,
Ciimilee, N. J , v. Ill bo blessed and laid by ttie
l;;"h'. Ucv. J. 11. llayley, llishop.
At i Fkm u. lu the cai.e of Robert M.
lae and Srrgeant l'ran. is, charged with fraud in
the enlistment of recruits, a further hear'nit was yesterday. A decision is rcsorveJ by Com
missioner Smith.
Tub Union Livi.ib Rluimknt. Company
1', recruited by Cunt iin Suinuel Wrigley for tho
(itli Union l.eiigtie Kegimeiit, took its departure
) tsieidsy for the seal of war.
F' Raisinc This afternoon at 1 o'clock
Union Hug will bo raised at F'lont and Otter
streets. Seveial eminent speakers will bo present
at the taisiug.
Poi.mi'AL. Thomas M. Colcmau, Esq., who been addressing a number of political meet
It gs in this ciiy recently, in favor of Lincoln and
Johntou, will speak iu Heading to-night.
TaiAi. Thir. Tho United States steamer Zi'I
h'nn, built for blockading purposes, Is expected
to uiuke a trial trip to-day.
AcciMNT. William Cosgrove.60 years of age,
bud bis collar-bone broken last evening, by being
struck by a car, at Sixth and Waitiiugtouuvcuue.
Kav u, I oi n- Mrhai. A Jfava' Cou' Mar
tial is about be'ng orgaoi.ed st the Thlla lelphi
'avy .ird, Commander Richard W. Meade
bacing bten ordered hero for that pnrpo-e.
I'sinni in-br Meide will lonrf lv rememb red as
ihc i lltrirnt commander of the Ciute.l Suites slrp
.Nerr f'.ir.iiiia, at tho llmokljn Navy Yard
Conin ander Samuel I.sack srofsl ha. nl.o hcao
ordered here as a iin mb. r of the Co irt M irtl cl.
pANornois Am sum rnt. This morning,
about 8 o'e'o. k.a little son of Alexamlcr Mo
Crow's, icsi.ling at No. "1'J S. Fifth street, set
Iho to some drecs while pi ivlng wph in ilehci.
One of the dro-ses eout dn-d titty dollars, winch
mis also consumed. More tiros origin di Iron
rhilor. n plr.jitig with mutches than from any
o'.bi r cause.
Nakrow l'.scii i; i'hom Drstiu nv Finn.
At an early hour this morning afire was dis
covered In th ' third 'ory of a tarirc printing
rstniibshmrnt at Uroad and Olive streets. Tne
light wn seen by a citien who was p issing. He
rushed into the pla e aud f x'ingiiishe.T tlm
tl.., thus preventing a most serious eonll igra
t On.
F.vmT thino I" its Plait.
ri.Ll.w.ctben Ions tiftvs isurrtsl
'I hat tieautv suit ut'3
Fnun tltneM uf plan,
tin In urest meiv-ure. prne.o.1
An.l by sirlne well we In iw,
Hint tn II. I- ml'.
Ill W imtoril's srtlool,
A U o( our comfort wr inu.t owe.
' lu"lc hnth charms-;" few tlilnsa have .nara.
Hut. II it kern
V..0 man ynur sle. p
Of nUhta. il may hec.uiifl a tiore.
'1 lie i Iceel mess that cools can plsu.
Theucti 'twere a treat
For Sillies tn eat.
Is loathsome to a te.i-lrk man.
The Unlit, tool narb, In Cuiuuu r's low
That oil we ti ss.,
llrlnRs much aL.tie.s
Vi'h. n chill the or Auimnn blow,
ot serve then, still, each chaiMtttg h lur,
And, If von've wit,
C hoose elothilltr lit,
From thai fine stock at TIkssstt'S Tower.
Fconoml. in the pan hiiso of 1'loihlnK tiviinRlnna
selection train our stock of Uea.1y-ina.lo pmwls. Wo
can w'll an article e7ti.1t in 1 ry.'e, ttt makt ani inatrrl tl,
:rom '.' to SO fer cent, fuieerthan Is now obartic.1 f.r
siilne Koocls made to or.l.'r; ml esainliintlon will aatlsfr
ail. Towel Hall, No. sis Marmot street
ltEHsarr a Co.
What Onr Skks on Chksni t SruiiK.r
(Hi mo, what curious smhts 1 sou,
u bat prottv girls 1 ineot,
What eulijccts tor iitillosoubv.
A-couiins d.iwntlie street.
Hallway ears In place ot ' basses."
Vc and other sorts 01 ''ausa.m,"
1 l.e bin b.itel, the - .I'nntincnuil,"
With boui.lcrs nay or scnliiueiital,
htores fosell tuaclilnes that sew
And the clodimii stores ot HroKRS ,t Co.
I w here clothes uie iiia.lo so cheap ana nice,
Amlecery sarment markcl "one tiri.-o."
With llrst class stilts an.l nrst-claui imtirs).
1 Intel irallt.rv sisiis to shooters.
Flowers In Hie seed siorcs ro.iUns. m
I'l hev have a s.ifM.'i sli.i.itiitii);
laltlo hoys with hoops -couf.eiu.l 'cm.
(litis, with bls'H.'r li.ionc arouu.l '0111;
lirotis and pills to suit all,
Aibrj .'naln and other kl.uls.
Colored ttonps with mnrtlal bearlu,;,
Krom an.l d isth olik? are d iriiim
..tcraiia homo In arms cturulnK, V
KtUl with love of 0 .uutry bniiitnit.
The Htute llous-e pave, with, patriots Tath.-rliu',
Freedom's lilrds their uosui a fenttiorinn ;
( hcerini! with ij napoy brothers
Ate Lincoln. 1'en.llcson, and other.
Nuch are th varlom sliihis we see,
And such the Uilnr-S 0110 moota,
'1 wixt Htokp-s "Cue I'rlco" ciotlilng store,
Ana Third and Chesuiit sireots.
A Fact W.ihtii Coxsiucaisn. Wbst aro termed the
lirovrr II linker" Slit. h, and the ' Look" Htitoli, ia
Scwlnu Machine work, aro unlvocxally admitted to b3
the best, Uiouuh either one Is considered preferable to
tbeolh.-r by some operators. The Utovcr A lla'cer (Join
puny, whose Aneney In this city Is. at No. 7:iil t.'hesiiat
street, niauufacluro 6011 these stitches, an I In selling
these machines sOvo ilie piirelinser tho orlvlleffo ofoji
chutiK DK one lor tlio other, ufier hIviiik either a lair
trial, thus obvlatinK ad pos.lule risk lu puroliasliiff. lto
sldca tills, every drover & linker Machine sotdtswnr
runted to mvo satlsiaci Ion, and Is kept hi repair
lor one jear nee of charge. We aro only reiterating Urn
tesliiii. ny of Uiou amis, lu oiyl.iK thai tha UroverA
linker .V achlnea aro ttie best lu Iho world,
1 y t ' e way, iu.t ae we aro r.iIiik to press we learn that
the -'(trover linker' has Just taiccu tiue only prg-ntU'
cum drU tor double-thread mnvhwei. at the Mtate Fair at
Kastout also, that the Company ,wro awardel a pre
u ium for llieir .'lesuts.eel...i'aoi work.
Tub Aon of Invp.ntion. While a largo nnm
ber of Machiie's h ive been otr-'red to the pub Ic, same of
wt.i. bp.iRscss p..latsol,e&cc,l('n.'Caii'l.ickooivleJii..d oieril
we buw lens felt, what ..the s haiecs.ieriea ed.the necsi
sliy ol a Ma-tilae moro perf.-ct in Us mecoaalcal suuclure,
ceublnlnic, III toe hiyheil itr,jr,-e, litt.'icitl Willi tfura
tnli'y, and while eipicUle of doliu; a ircirer rwij of tcork,
odo Uiat could be eatlly onderstood and oomsrebcndotl
by aU.
This, we are happy to say, ha b san ao.sirapVshed bv the
liberal n"ee.eture of capital, atd the pitknt, untiring
labor of years.
Kloin Its first : Introdnetlon the "Flouksice" has k'nlnel
hosts ol fneitda. and la by our lira famlliei at a
hoiitrholil'y coii'luslvely pr.ivlmr. what wo arc
moat happy to act now li ds', lb it the public (ullv apprs
clate tlie Mi'iVy, beauty, and durability combined la tho
'Flokksck 1 1. him." Hold at No. 11 J Cbesnul streeL
For the bsucat of our readara we will mention some of
the advantages and Unprovamenia of the Fiorenco over all
It make four diftertnt ttitrhti, th toek.knnt, double
lrk, ami doubt? kt4. on one and the in uc ma I111101 each
lit. b beiun nli'mi (!. udes ut tue lalirlc, sud noithcr .11"
them will ravel.
It has die irr.'e.oV,... feed mo'wn, and by aliuidv turning
a lluiuih-screw the work w lh ran either lo the rn. ut or left,
orii any part ol' tl.e 1 fair liist'-u tl.e ends of tlio
sesn.a wlihuut (iirnuic; the, in. r.-l'J savlun baud
lalMir. , . , , M .
Clianslnir the leniith o'tlie stitch, and Irom one kind of
stitch to another, .an r.-s.lll) be .lam while the Machine II
lu motion.
Aeri-v tiiteh it pertet tn itult, niukl.iK the seam sooure
and nlieoriu.
It 11 ainioAt noiteleit, aud can bo osi .1 where .pilct It
Us ui.ittoua are all osV'(ee; there are no sprlmri to tret
out ol order, ano Its sUuliclty ounlilea llio mast iuoo-
rlei.ced 10 t.puisle it.
It inlt vot oil th drei of ill j operwt ir, ui all ojAclilnery
Is on the top of die lutile.
it the rie.t ntnd ie ti' irt the irirtd, making flvo to each re.oliitten.
Il HlUlt coll l.ilie t awn.'i.V, tlreifjfh, au.1 H'ttf,
It ...rl i; A.'.lt l'ir or J- ...fir.iei with lU.'il laclllty,
irittOUt rlinntle fit li o.l'.s o. nl't.-lunrr'.
F.iery Maenca has on of J" in ks' pst-mt heiomera
rtlscl.ed, enabling the opeieur lo luio ui,y uidlU ol icu
It oce not rc'inlfeflner tiircad on tl.e under si te than
It dca 00 the ii.per.
It will sew a, r. st the heaviest
am, or from one to
mare ll.ukn.s. 01 cl an, wus.iul
.... f..u ... tltr. Ait ,,r skt.ll.lllw Sill.
ehunao or letikiaa or,
It Sbs a umforiii an.l ai-ll--ei'Ui Inn fensl-tn of thread
A ' liarnum't Se - .Sever.'' which cit'oft t'te work tall
la nirnlsltctl wi.h each ma 'Itln'.
'h le p..s..ssms- tl'c a'siva and mnvothr a.!v.cnikei.
the Ha. nee Ii ...I.I at c.r.ol'O price, wliu oiler
llrst e'ass Msclilne.
'Ileie Is 110 risk lil biivbig It's Hor.-n'e. as every
.Maehli.e to mve .mire s eisin, ti.m. or l'io
liiuio t atul.dcd. t" ' l.are boins mJ lor lv o oiaji 10
..p... a'e it. IVelevrn an oksu' y lr the s . e e tli. trt
woteleiliil Ma. I.loej Is about t.,11111 et .l.l'.'ie l In all tha
iirln. Ir at clues and towns In Iho I Mia'ts, and wo
idvi.e our (if they c .un it csll at .lie sl. r .ins,
s.. isle C'hssma U".clJ l. ieua lor circulars aud saaiploa
ol sew lug.
Ghfat Pisi'LAV of Silks and Fink Diiess
C...U.S. Wc luillo the attt'lilloo of our readers to tno
alU-a. tlvet.ird of K.lwiu Hall Co., in au .lliur column.
Their fclore ut Vo.'-'G St. Second stree presents au"h an ex
I1II1UI..11 01 iichncas. slvle, and Hood tusie.ln tie way of
silks nil. I all other :sliliiaiilo dress rarely can
I cl. .1111.1. Maiaiiilceiit as l.sva hwii ll.e lonuei dispisya
ill tills well kit.. 11 III ill, lies I. live never had lis g .1 a
un u the presciit. IC "lid t sa.nilie II t.) all means.
'I hey suv their go... la will bo s..ld a- i'oi.iiiil' to tl.e lliiuuia
llon of gold.
Cuni'BFN'a Clotuino.
It.. hnils.
Il.os Overcsts.
. ,.:. t..r. ui.a li.-sl as..H't-ncltt In t'.e
M. M1.U.MS..1." 4 Co., So. 4 N. Ciji.tU site
Valiaiii.k Ti.siimosv. Procure at any
Inii .clsH one of Mrs. B. A. A1.1.1 sV circulars of lier
Vt .irld s Hair Itesiour and Hair Iiit.siiuj, aud you will
tied 111 It nmcU valuable Information cilicaralui Hie
human l.alr. also tsalliiionia'srroai well-known and ro
llable parties that will satisfy vou Hut bur .re...i stion.
l,,.v c 1.0 0 111 id" f ir restuniu, liivlsaratins. aud he tuiirvinc
lhellir. Il'voorllair isi-'rcv, II o 1 haves bald ...t, 11
ou Mlditorelaluyoui hair Ihrounh Ilie,iiauue preiar-
Great expectation arc realized at 11. F.
tteimer csPerv. H-..4 Area street, by all who net lira-sKe
HietoKiapUsluoUoolois.CaiUs d i.lle slid liorylyuaa
Ft'KNiTi kk Slics, ob Loose Covaas. At the
riUSlllKS "SI. e, "
rresenl price ol fne II is freit ocoo ;my M
tliiis la" li.olecl.ou. lh-y are cut and uiada by
pcleni binds ai W. Hcry fallen s. lla-l flu
by caul'
Ihok Hkhsteaos, and Cheap Hesa, llAta,
n.l alfls Matresaaa, at W. Usury fallen's, No. 1101
i'Uesuul sticeu
Mai. M. G. Hhowm's " MoUphvaical Di
coisty." kill the root ol ovo-y disease. I'ne S'i. M.i.
4iV Aacb itrcst. fteo adsetiiseuieai In aiiotho soluum.
Orncs or Tna Kvaicro) Twr.SfiSAm, I
aaturdsy, (Krtotsar I. I
The Ptoek Market continues very dull and
heavy, and the transactions are limited j Ourern
ment bonds are quiet, with sales of 5 20j ai lirA?
(1 1H.1, coupons olT; 6s of 1SH1 aro qnotod at 107
(j 1071, and 7'30s at 100.
ltailroad shares aro dull, with the exooptlm ot
Reading, which is more active, and prices have
advanced, with sulci at 624C"sT2! ; Camden and
Ambay Railroad sold at loll '., which is
lifeline; North rennsylvaiila Hcllroid bonds at
m ; and West Chester Kallroad bonda at I04 j
C,V wna bid for Pennsylvania Railroad; 41 ft
Little Schuylkill; ati fr Miuulilllt 314 for
North l'cnnsylvanlai 17 for Catawissr eoinmon,
37 for preferred ; and 32 for Philadelphia and Krtd
New City 6s are selling at 103, and old do."
at IW1,.
Coal Oil shares continue dull, bat prljos remain
alscut the same as last quoted, with islet of
Story Farm at 31 ; Irwin at 7(jf7l ; Dalxell at 9 ;
Noble and Delameter at 13; McClintoek at 61;
Densiuorc at l"i ; and Hock Oil at 41.
In City Passenger Railroad shares there U IKtkj
or nothing doing; 6 was bid for Second and,
Third ; 19 for Arch ; 11 for Race and Vine; 3D foe
Green and Coatcs ; and l'! for Uirard College.
Dank shares continue quiet at anout formoc
rates; llii was bid for North America; 64 foe
Tanners' and Mechanics'; 41 j for Ponn Town
ship; M Air Western ; 28 for Manufacturers' aid
Mechanics'; 37 for Consolidation; and 70 foe
C.iDiil shares nro very dull, aud we hear of no
sales. 30 was bid for Hchnylklll Navigation
common, 37J for preferred ; 13.5 for Morris Canal
preferred ; !' for Susquehanna Canal ; and 80 for
Lehigh Navigation.
Tbire is very little doing In Oold this morning,
and the market is dull but steady, opening at
193 ; advanced and sold at 194 at 11 ; fell off and
sold at 193 at 12 ; and 1.12) at
There is no material clunge. to notico in tha
Money Market. M'e quote loans on call at 8g7
per annum, aud best paper nt from 9ael2 per
cent. 1
A despatch from WaBbinirton this morning
says : "The subscriptions to the now 7'30 loin,
as reported at the Treasury Department for thfl
lust two days amount to about $1,M0,000.''
Kaporud by Clarksoa A Co., Brokers, Ns. UX B. Thira Bt
Wish Datioll OH. ..
:vm sh Keadlnir
R.... 61
c Si
IK. sh do bla
,'si ab d
H.M1 th
l0 sh do blO
I'Slsh do.
SOUIl Rot tOlt.
V.'a sh Corn Plautor...
vi. in d c
Inn n do
JOo sa Curt n oil
tVAian atuLiuttaiiy.tsJO
4e(. eh (Union Coal...
ItHlshUeailiug IL..bO ci
eillall do C Ms.
1.SJ ,h do 61
.' V 8 Mi's lo.".
Ho th Read b"Srn
1 !"f
, sic
spaj do 11(1
(Jtsilt' ts. lo-lot H7
t.'.' Kl U. si. 6. Hl.ti.u 1U7
MSI Hi do ,
list o da ,
W s.i Irwin OU 7
.s do reg.H.7l(i
(..vssinty la. now. ...Ins
th'.. S I'a. Sa IIBCa
t mO W.l K. J. IOCS
'.'ilOI'ltMls.H I'.l
Mlih do M 7'
l.SlsD do SI0 "
HOsh Kalioll Oil. bid,
(Sisb N .01" A IsaL... U
IHOsh M.!C'iuilooi..A -TS,-f
'ia h Cam s Am....V -e-Ash
do.... is- ('
4o0 sa Hoes. ou. 4,'i
3M1 h Head. K. K...C s-il;
l'0h do oili'i
1.x- aii do c sr.
100 sb do tU,'(
Quotations or Gold at the Philadelphia Gold
L'xchanpe,No.31 8. Third street, second story:
DA A. M 193 1 12 M 193
11 A. M 1U-4 , 1 P. M ml
Mai ket steady.
1)b IIavkn & Eito., No. 20 S. Third street,
qnotc as follows ;
Jfutrlnf. Meillnif.'
American Gold Its 1111 -
Aiiicrieun Hilver, 's and ,1'h 172
Dimes and Half Dimes 16.1 .. '
Spanish Quarters 16.) . . '
Venn. Cmrency .lis. 1 5 dis.
New York Exchange 1-10" par.
Quotations of tho principal Coal and Coal OH
(toeka at 1 o'clock to-day :
Fttltrn Test H s', Soiioca Oil
10 .vionntain uoai. t,.s
N.V A Mid. Coal.. 14
(ireen il'. Col. ... 4
K I arlH.i.eale .... U
ew ( reek J
seeder Ham Cool. V
Cllniou l.'oal. ...... 1
Holler Coal 14
1 Into, nil C.1.1I
l.i, lin.aule Oil ,
Is Krai.SIIli (Ml
(H Howes KdayO.l
a Irvius Oil
I V I'el-e t arm Oil..
1 I liensintire ..,
) V lis. elicit.
19 IMrKlneony
il O instead
Aiiierle.iu Kaolin.. 3
tl Heek' A ISulauieujr.l . V 14
Pern Mining.
. 1
1S'5 IIIM.rd l'J t
Htorr s-ana '4
I oniiecllcnt ....
Keslolte Ztlic.
I, fleer Oil...
Ills Tank
Kroner li
1 'a Pstndeuta Centra. 4
J'f Ks'ls rl '!M
1 onimeiual
Kaireil '
(111 Cr.k 4'i
Maete Minle OIL. IS
M.CIim.a'k OIL... H
fennsylvunla PeL. ..
Perry Oil 4'
mineral Oil '.",
Keyslone Oil IV
VenancoOll ;
1' Petroleum.. i
Iteacoa OU
2S II. sie island.
8 .Ailorheuy Klvor..
a j arnn ,
17 ll'hiln AOIIUreuk.
X Hull l.'isea ,
H (lennaula ,
4S 'ora master ,
H lllris'sa
Ibstik mi
1 Torr Karm
94 (lobe
3 lUpper Roonomy..
6-i is?
The following are the receipts of Wmt and
Grain at this port to-day : Flour. 147.i bbls. 5
Wheat, (inill bushels; Corn, 1500 bushels; Oats,
3o(.0 bushels. ;
The Preston Coal and Improvement Com
pnny have declared a quarterly dlvldoud of two
per cent., notwithstanding nearly all tba month,
of July was lost to tha company, ceased by Iho .
suspension of transportation on tha Ilea litis; rail
road and by canal. The Company have been push
ing their Improvements with (treat vigor. In
November they will have finished an entire new .
first-cla'i breaker, with a capacity of oue hundred
und fifty thousand tons per utiuuuj.
The "Hock Oil" Company haajtiHt declared .
third monthly dividend of two per cent, (twenty .
rents per share) on the capital stock, payabUs
October 10, transfer books to be closed ou tha 4lh. .
Fatvbdav, October 1. But little doing in any .
The Flour Murk. t la rerjr dull, and price eon- '
tinue to have a downward tendency. There ial
nv sb'ppiug demand, and the tales are mostly 1
conlincd to the wants of the homeoonsamerf at
$'.i-.V107 10 4J' bbl. for snperflue ; 10 15l0 75 foe ;
extra; and -10 to $'U fsr extra fainilf and fancy,
ye Flour is lower; small sales at 99 23 per bbl.
In Corn Mcul nothing doing, and price nominal.
Tho Wheat Murkot is very dull, and prices are; L
unsettled and nominal. In tho absent of sale
we quote red at $.'(a30and white at f 2-55
'2 CH. Rye comes la slowly and commands gl til
(i I'M. Corn scarce, and yellow la worth t 624;
2i.00 bushels mixed Western sold at 91 64. 0
lu firm request at r0c. No iliaugo la Darleyot
Coal has been completely unsettled by tha
auction sale In New York, and we rednco oof
quotations 8- per ton. Tho downward more- '
ment which we have recorded for some woeki
past still continue, and thcro ia very little de
mnnil either for shipment or home consumption. ;
AVlilsky is held firmly ; sales of 200 barrels at
$ 1 82 fur Ohio.
Markets by Tfilotfrnph.
NkwYokk, October 1. Flour is dull; sales 0 (
8HUbl.ll. at 7!S"u-:7& (or Hlale, 'l i.'s.yll 50 for Ohio,
sud Slij'iu..' IH f.r si.iutliern. Wheat dull; salea unlni
i...rinnt. Corn dull. Beer dull, l'urk flrui, with aalos ot
lluubuLa. l.sid linu st I ! At.'Vc. Whisky duU.
Nkw Yohk, October 1. Stock dull. Chlcairo
anil it. ck Island, Hi',; Cumberland nreioired, 1 1 llll Ceuuiil, 117',; Ml.hltuii Houlbeili, 7U New York
( antral. Ha; Itcu.tlns. 1-6: Hudson lUicr, lli"i;Kilo,
IU; One Year Ctrltl. .it. s, WS; Tsn-tordea, S; Hv
Twcnty Couitou 0s, ; Hestalorcd, lu! Hold, UsJ.
Bieamslilp Norman. Haker. Hoston, II. Wlnior A Co.
linn II. C- lUl. v, Ksven, New York, J E. Itaslsy A Co.
bi.M llaniiden, Ssw,'l alupa Hay.Tylox oV Co.
Scur K. I.. W illsrd. I', rrtlaud, C. A lUckihr0o.
tchr Wwisla, Hawkins, t'ortroas siourix,Couiu.
Rrls Kllon llernar Rurnoss,! days rVo twVk,la '
ballast lu Wot kuiaD Co. ' .
Hieitioor Vul.aii, Morrlaon, 24 hours trom Vcw Ters ,
with ludso to W . U. Hand Si Co. .
Reported for Thi Semitic TtUgrapK
(Is.sos liamua I'msm, '"".jTuliaiirtii
..saoilV.d..uiu.csn.i.iS W'-Vm'1i ' '
tuosV A Barton, IX - ' 1 "