3 V? t i CmWt V arc " A htill UTKklllKlI VVWHI-41'F.K. J 'i .rf-f.: in .-rM OFTICENo. 108 S. THIRD STREET. fries) Tni r rtT OiTt, ur Riuiiti i ( st I'm Wiw.tmrt Hill iilsuiTtW'i M0lll4r!l el Misr nil,LK i'il asnViii Us, t .Lt. Am Fir it Ci it mi r M'stii.. iovan'.jlri iilYem-. jrtkeK4 rUr4. .(..,' HimmnmiM I'imx t ui. iwul rata.. A llUeraj tmvivicMnt taaata (or axttnauA tnriMii9. " ' " '' T IDrrmiiAiiilriiK. Wnf.trr It leui-uli-il to.' Iev, 'l.s idim tot ilk. o l siou V ttir lif.as aod ad.1.. nl It. wrtfi-r . ..l h, s .rM f..r .tiMk-atlon. hut mm a oar.mr Ho M rl fr..!,,',. eaio u ioruUa tr- return r (rid ''nnwuticnttMai. I -.. t I- -, ! fit ii)ilwn., 1 i OsrtaerM lr-jin ikin itrcnliftUM tf Tnm (mini. T'i '.''rai.cijii.t'iiiaj. tv w pit,., at , earir rirwr, . rtrM't,i rrpiKM Urn ar-,-, r'lJnmt 1 t. mav k.aeiiaerlta Boon ( ,,, wurll thfta ee InMtrlfoB in al. nf .m .-an me. Tlit: Ki niiiKiM m i-hf. in rv oi' . t hie un r.n r. U mny row n'.a'ipti&lily liojtil that tlip wtt .rapully arswiiLf ,t It slum- , In I'm, only nmnncr and on Uit only jbuts pa wlil.-.Si It, ought ,to H coucUkWJ. r Ve me lik.-ly to make peace .a iiwcemUy with, Hue Kilwilt, eralrtk Uioy cannot, if they n-otikl, pwlpono lohgt-r. Nd MAC bat that would be vlaahln, titlier-to thfm or to ui. ''Th tmrjvo.i of thi OoTPfwiftfitit Viould br to 'tii fill wp Rr th tekrWng' bf 'Wlniwojii (h.d !H, IT rlhriy Ironed, cffootwiifly'ipAk rtbftloii ' lito llilllty W ttiU luii In 'rwlitcr,,' 'T.itt ou'Iit t b jlho jnai civil jv.tr 'lict hlf'( jiubtic,. and It Will bo If the power of , tliM niiLljii iupprwi o formitl'tUe insurrvciioA as ihni of, tii SouUk in nortiaWaJJy sud pursevpr Is&J pot llrth, and aownt to bo tutiroly deqnate ta the emirgarr.y . r . , : ot thai Itobflllob thuHt bo ooiiiiioreil by anitAlftbat lHU'i hoped for, It aiimt br quelled by virtue of the orivp piwpr of tlm nation, If thi nation would vlndlpntAlta suthiv rlt'y, hi ttipre)y ' avert 'recurvi-nee or tho calamity. . Bijttcr far have a protracted anfl expepalvc struggle nowi.in onli-r t6 nnlnt.uln t)u dignity and suprome away of iw t'udcral Cottftttrttl,1 tlian by weakly tTnatliift and odmproufiiting w'UU' treiwoa , at this time, en courage 111 to repeat 1U folly and wlckuduu1 in the rbtur": ! " 1 : Tliosei wbo uie an anolstirc and a Cuuvon- tion 6f the States, to ronter about Ine terms of paclncatlpil before the McU will rounds thentaelveB' aubdued and brought under, by comjmWort, profess to make aueh projollionH fof the, ake of humanity , and , iJv!li.:tl!oii And yet very. mail of scone and Uoiic.iuy niust ee that any such concesokm to the R" btUioo, at ,Ud precise nUge or trisU of It, would be, in effrct, fabe lonh'firy to tholnur- ienta tUetnselves, as well aV grons Infldt'lUj1 i nAliijustlce to .the national .ilmiaoter and we)fc.-:"-:,;V '..! ;. ; A Cither, In dealing with a frnctUms child la sometimes obliged to be rrucl In order ti he kind. Goverumcnta must pcclonully dcnl with thelf refnwrtory aubjerta .n tlieamnu nwn- ner, and upon the enme sal u wiry principle of paternal benevolencv. If the child is not properly ohaslistid, but hi allowed to get the upper hand, it will certiuuly lose all rexpect for parental authority ;',and If a rebellion, fro' u, a foolish disposition to jumper with It on soiuo lah hypoUiuHis of pity and clcinency U per naitted to dictate the condition" on : which ' It win lay flown its arms, the spirit of revolt and revolution will be tompo.arlly conclliuUd, and left liable to break out again on the first n.'vf provocation or opportunity, i , ', , : , i,','. The OoVciDBifBi, Indeed, has a double l'ity to perfbnn ha the prosecution of this war. ; It has first a duty to itself, whah Qomhtl la tlie perfect vuidlcatiou of it power and nutliority, Secondly, it owes a duty to those rulsuldjd Bobelf, whom It will be the truest mercy Hud benefaction,, to teach, not only the fearful crime; bat. the amazing futility and insanity of attempting to break np the whole1 fabric o civil ordor by a wild and hind insurrection o t comparatively few diwilIVcted Stale ami people.,'. i ' i '.'.'..'..' Thia. no doubt, Is a truth which Mr. Ji.r FEKhom Datih and hla lollowftrw will be slow to ,apprehend; and it may take notno Inrd blows, ofWtt. tcpoated, to overcome their aad obtuseneM 'ax respect their folly and vlnci-. biilty. But the ' lesson ibust 1 lie tiiUj,'"1! plte of. tho duluusa or the ohstiiuicy of the pupiU; and when (.he work ' s once fairly accontplishad, the rerult will be ln:ttcr tor tnaater and ' scholar alike, than any possible conhequiTices that could flow from failure.' In thie view of the matter, then, let the wiir ra on until the lvcU llion ta suljugatcd. . ! A. variety of -musical entcrtalnrn'.'iits ari given in every considerable town during each wrck of th(- year,aave when the strong suni- mcr fcim U bluiina away with h'u ut.uuwl rai. Here in rhiladelphia we are furtuniite enough to have- an extensive uml sjili'iltl building devoted to music, t'uli-.-ia the time) are unprecedentcdly tight and lugubrious, we can go thither, and, scaled on soft velvet' snd surrounded by all sort-s of beauties, e.ui II 'ten to eweet aoiuids ' We can put on an exceedingly critical iroun teiumce over sclentitlc, sublime, and uiii.ilel- UKlbie compositions. We can jet griulu illy forked ipto a fearful pitch of vxeltenr nt In watching the prima doimu cros h!r arni-i over ber cbcst.and raise lierself alol't, whili' ihe eice'nte a brilliant flight of ln-t't, " W can keep lime with our hundsund 1 'i t to -om iniple, appreciable air. We esn lop nr-ii w, in admiration of the extraordinary noi'j pi-o-dueed by the s!ii?')i-s. C'oiwerN are of in-.-v BHiit occurrence, if opera is wauling. We esn listen to the same 'Indefinitely extended ti-il-llng at 'tho rather attipui oll'ln to the ante shrill high notes, and rumbling low notes, nud Jarring loud notes. I'iuno-t'ortea are not, aoeommon household apjsmdnges. In the ahsence of either opera or concert, we can lavish our muscular strength on those duliht nil Instruments (of torture, how often!), and indulge lu the moat approved modeju vocaliza tion while seated at the same. Surely, there is no lack of music gay, lively, romantic eutuuental, abstract, thrilling, cheering. We go Bhiglug or whistling, or humming Hpamodi idly, about our week-day work. ' TT think It will be very generally acknow feihiti ht Khea'Ute fjabbath day arrives, there oaW be anwtlre chiuigo in the stylo or ournmMc. 0n t h()ly (luy It muf)t occur to every K-Ue' mUl4 ;tbat Ut tmip .nut nrw prgir to church w go u, rget the world. We want to ahu ourselve, aiftty ftom the dazzling, tlreaouw ma.,uervli.. Wa dusire toratoe our thoughut abovn th hount, built of atone, ; and the ; streets pava witu brtcka, and to fix them on -purer, hrlguter acene. ' Once In every aeveu day it ..iu Xinsilile, nay, absolutely aucesuary, to breathe . a untaiuL:d air,aud to atrlve to I made letter aftd Jjajplvf CTcaiurej. - " ' -; ! ! lo v.e want Ui hiVtr tha same ol lru li of the opcrs-hoU'C. conccit-roo'n, s 1 1 prl')r? Arc we tickled when the orml.t nlily in'ro- 1 duces little ccms from Vi lli. i an 1 I) in- ,T ,, , ,, , ' 11 vf in, anil kossim, and IIkii.im, a i l Ai iikii,'m!ic Furrow, into his volunU I -i a 1 1 I symphonies? It fejolce us to heir.fn nlo a male chorlotcr, or a fe.nile chi.-i-it -r, dululng In an el.ilmn.fe solo lof.r,. servbi. : drtogo away from the church to a llr"'r icasure? .Surely none of th-ie th n ;i nr.- rfKht. 'Why, the very birds Wfl to ui Vir- ! sffind Urn meaning nf tho solemn biuh of lln ljli seil day of rest, and j4e not it rlu.irily i ( Isiltcronilv as on other 1 its, AV3 1 iv'i it if the truth about a great d.il of our in it.ir. , , . ! I ""cl tmisicT V We i.'o to aouip'sunerh sine' irlry, s inip'u. I iin.lv ,l,.,,l uj.. There are voluptao,., c ui J mill rlirM'lJ III liir liiHiiioiriuii: i,w J. lU T,' m Ijeavy iililing on ttie pr lyor-hwks and hywi lH,ks. Kvirythmg Im ojcrec'ibly su?i Mtlve of tlie ol things of lile. The elegant cjii'tre nlionj having dropped In a id s;ent a few rtinmeots In serious reflection on w'i it ea'i dthiT (ilih on, unit win r.) it wis h u j'it, l Mow titich It cost, a few uotes are so ml 1 1 nl the Inige nind liiHtrtimeiit, anl for'hivit'i . a Milenliilc nolo l labored through by oiip 0fl!i3 ilarl (I pralcrs nf God, or else tlie entire iN ul flirccH unite in a diversified and sprightly nuineia. iiniuuy crave worm are iruic i aai il rkcil i out In preclsidy the same method wj I live recently enjoyed ao burdy at thfl , LCiidi lriy of Sfusk or Mjsleil Fund II ill. Hclvfeen praycrg and sermon th-relscori-iailera'lie , jsTformaiiee on Ihe org in. This Is by no means of a sober and religion char.v- , tT. We defect u sratch from Tranio'n, or a Hindu from the last new song. The ormlst liccasionally indole's his playful fmcy, and iluies Hliurp, qntck, eccentric houijiU Cru'n the inai'hlue. When the nervlcos are cbn- t hided, we go erushiim down the aisles, listisa ig to jho gossip and chut of the worshippers, i i bile ft om tlie. orgiin-loft thcru hn i:is tutrry trains, In Jig or gtlop time. We d.inca home. 4,ulte fnlivencd,' nttiTly oblivious of sermon ml milemuity. Sad this, hut inrtlcularly true, j Intact, wcOnd people urging each olher to po to a certain church, for "they luve such lovely music their," or "Miss So-aud-so sings ko sweei," or "Mr. Thnnip is aiich a tpUniH tirgnnUit." The congregations of some of our asliIonable chnri'hes never droiru of d 'votitin while they sit enraptured by the delicious rn'orts of the paid performers. This every day music, now, In the house of God, is a monstrosity, a wicrilcgej .Suroly, we get enough of the melodies of the worl I In six lays. I And although we be not memhers of any religious association, we would Infinitely preler to listen to simple, un id n-n id, old fadiloned praise thnn to sulTor the infliction of sedate arias and hypocritical jig. j TIIK l.HV IIIY, , We trust that every one whose eye fills on this paragraph, and yyho h i not been assessed, w ill cive immediate attention to this vital sub ject. 'And we urge that no man will take it for granted that his name is on (he Assessor's list, l)(it that every loyal citizen will verify the fact by a personal examination. We have beard of several discs of the grosjest careless ness in the registry of voters, not to call it by a harsher na i.e, and the stake la too import ant to lie left to hazard. The Assessors sit from 3 o'clock this after noon until V o'clock Ihis evening lu their re spective wards. This is the last chance. Do not neglect it. TtiirM-Hvtmilli Mrw J-ixfy Volunteer. JOiADUl AltTKIU 'll.Nllt AKMV C'llllCH, A UM V or nit J.tMis. in i on li J'n i:usni. hc, V i., Nri Uirilu r '.'.j, Id'! I (Jer.i rai OrduiS No. tit.-Ine .'."Tib fitw Jlrcy Voliiiin-ers, on the Z iininst., iUI Jiavc for fnn'oii. H.J.. r p irting to the Nuidii.K rilcnrof n-cruiiing servlr of tti.it St its, io t c nmsti rei out of fci v:cc at the vziilradon Of rs ci,iij-tii tjt. 'I be IMajnr.ficner.il Cnnimnnil:nK i anuot n irt wfMi iMs Wpinunt of "one tinnilred ilnV4 men," itLcot i xpn Miing bis gratlti adnn anil's itiv'ic ili.h wiili tiitir cumluct. I li.y lnvc cnlur, 4 ut iiae, MuiiuieiCil ihe ltuticl foe 'ike a ul i-oli h is, iithI hnvc fiatiieil the ciccein of the vete- rnns r.l Hob I'oips. lie is ronf iIim t ili.it when they ret'irn to Now .Urn y.aMa'e that ban Illinium il mi -o m il.lmrs eh kuuitii y, Mint.HiicI Torrmrt, tliuy will coiitiutiD lo iu.iiiiii tLu vi.U-rauH iiey have h it nt ilia tro it iioinic vhut Sutrman udvincd, "tiUtiun ibis o it tile men." '1 lit. li r- CH neruI Coniinnniliiiit will he pteit.0 1 In im-M me commnnuinit ottloi-r nt this n-gi mnit in n-oiTjunlziEt; It, to a d in ttio li uile of the Uclii'llioii, in coiijui c I ui with ihis C .i ps. Ike tJiiartcriiiati.-r' U,-iriaicul will furaidi tilincportunon. liv a 'innimid of Jliij T Gl Ui Till p II Hihnky., l.n. W. MKlt, Assiaiaut ArtjiiUiit-Gcuord!. ICaiii y. A classical and patriotic rnrraspond-' iDt Hiids us tlie I'ollnwlDg:- . ,, Lit ihe Itchcls ting their MttiiKl Marly we will sii g Jubiii'e." fin Ihe fame inpie a onntcmpjrary hues, that "ttai ir tlie year of Juhl V,." CITY HM'riiLLlUaVOE, Sri i'i(i.x (iiiiAiin's (iio. Mr. ,K, C. Ivnitfht liun presented to tho city the git; loriuerly ciAncd l,y Stephen OimrJ. Tho jtili w.tii a rep Oil, und will bo phiecd on ttic fiinird Colleno property. IniI!Kasj:o AcioMHonM'toy. Tho 1'onasyl-' van in Knllroad Coinpuny havo pim hasml tho ,...i 1 . - f .1 . 1 1 r 1 'l marLvt-bonse on TUlh atreat, below Nftrhei, wbicli litiihllu will he used In ronoci'li ia wth IhP llrnrilnt I'-i'Vcntli uTirt MMrLo, lv..rs lim'n r ine ocpiir ai : i.'ivi.nin una Murkci strerrs. iiinili.: next iniiiuh the pimoneur it, pot will las trims- lerred Ui tho lmiiiiy ioutlIi m J, lyheii oaannn. jvr eai. illcairvlats8l.IKr,to me du,,oMc that, lMlnl SAtAEii.s Wairinia fir tho payment of the salariee of School Tci i.biirs will hu U.-uod ai ful- lows:-On Moudny.friin, the Iwoaty-Urth to the SeTCiilein'h Section, lu.'liisivc ; on Tnesdav, from th.: Si-aec,,th , to the Ntntii Stio,,, ln-hisfva. on Wednesday, from the -.!;Vh to 111'-1- irst H'-etlon,' Inclusive. 1 he warrants will bn withhe'd from all acctlr.ns whm ,ti ir!erly rcp..rts aro no; return'. 1 to the vin belDW tins Uist pri-imo. Kit Ti.:i.et.- t a uttetlQ? last iiigbt tho fol-' lowing tlelfi'l -.vis d2.'d In nsmlnntion hy tho itl. ri of tho I-'iiCi Va il, ihi p.vivlcrH ticket bTinK h''n wiihlrawi! in i;ouiuiiaue" with Hi rcii'icut oi th 1 citi.ena oi ti iu w ird iri'esp0'!'.iv6 of ivirly : r'or Alil'iriiimi, A. Wilson llnnsn-f and .lunii s Jti'i 'alien ; for c'onttuhlos, hi. 'hard II. l aul nuU W ih.uui (Jliiui ; inr .-euool U.re. t n, E. J. Konney, H. J n.iin Kldridgo, Collins. West, John Casnin, and Ucorge Fried. Imri;ahi,i) liot-NTV. An ordinance passed C ity Councils yostenlny aiithorilng the payment of a bounty of fc.OC', in addition io the t HX), to r.l, h of oiicthonsind nien who nlmll enli-t and ho credited to thn deiieient wardi in tho city. 1. was dune on the npplh'Jt.on of 1'roiessor Naunders. Tho ordiiiiince yet reiualns to ho rhncd ty tho Mayor iieioro it will take e'tis .l. AhSAiir and lltntUY cn a Woman. Two brothers, named Mn:'.:n and Jaob Distu'l, were arrested in Chujuut a I ill a nilit or two ime, upon the eharreot cornmittiiiK an asua ilt and h.;tterv upon tlie niico:' tl.u Icrjier. Tlie iieeiisvi were drunk, and boat tho tioor wein.ui in a most Mmnictul manner, ii.ey were held to auwi.r by Alderman G.md. A Colored loan. r.-ineu Joseph itaeil. w.is committed this nioiu n,1 by Al krinau White, In delimit of t"-'ia0 had, to answer aehar0eoi as-.uuls and hattcy. Ciikkp.t. The mutch h' tweon the fit. Ocorgo Club, of New York, and tho America, of this city, resulted in the snccess of the I'hilnite! phians by the following svore .' pirn-. AJO SUA. i I' r. ..a:,i;,.t. Auut Hunt. rir'l ill'llnsl. 40 PMt li'i!K' " b.'Ml Iiiiliikh 'fourwlvk- 'Hncjntl iiinit'cf ..-in H 'ullj... I'l T . . - Total l T"l w; irt0"ay.it") V""": Aiuerieaas will play a mutch Lo?gW.d Oob',rf ?n.5l$lA1!-T. ?Y?.M.,i?? .TF1-.???.?1!3? rnn-ADET-rniA, fkidav, septkmijer so, isc ,ti, f.'mi. Hoi . -Th- .rHr.,n a cr-n inf a Icnu of ffl,"'i,0'") In the cm lo n bonl liixscf, Ac, s rep .ncd in C tin c' ""r" '"""'")'. "nn l H "'lr A aii.i miiik nt hi th, C . ptniir on b m . r in :- wu ! awroiiilniior. ihe r'nil. K.-t- (i.i, 9 i.ui; I'-itiib ' cm ion. lo,(( n; -,ii u n li s i, 1 1 p; .,.,.,,. j.,o,-.:- i .,i,i, ti, i.,i ',.,,. ft ia.i.si, i,, ti,n .'M.rmie.n to t,n- Ti ri 'i ". ""o. '''Va'swi Uiucjtl) t lu um i i in vi m. n ii i hi r.ti p oil i in' pt t y tadwar cuuoticl and iirnvri w ,ti 1 1 ,j (ilv r,p(;lt. Nv.,,m. r ., ,,, , iKl, u.c of ti'a kMiie read, iht r. in-, .re or I. . c . it . it tinti, wb Un . wbicli li-ad- to ill,- in it iIiiik r .in in .c hrt rti lt I ninriil 0 lin i f tin ilr lsiph '' r" ' " 1 ,M-' '.i i.Ih.m ,r o m Ji ll ,w car 1. 1 TM inclj n.,m un in r i W I ui Mrm t l.cl It ihu . i i rr lunii lu, . i n 1. t la m inivi Ihe ihi r uf i n i r 'wen t ifim' .i-ei ' 'B i,,7h ,lu . r, ' f , h "e i.. .";., .. . t . 'r, iilvci wliin titniliiK tec mfei -i eiiuu ,il I : .:hth anil Wi,iiiut ih tn.nliii. Alit-oty .i ihi'iiki nt j M' i inns tut I'M-i.Ih hm o rn re I. 'iV I . .i4'.' nut ( i,t iiniprf Im-i'i k in utile t rhci k iiiliH)v en ui. ti II e 'er(l Of ttii lr lior-ts. ami tin- cii'i Iron cnlli-un ti ,i Li- irl'iuti j iimio to "U 1 IB k tl "ii I'Ml iiiaui'gt'iui lit. Th 1,'nn 1-Hiii, While a ti'ij'nrif hi I w u uufti r dee im iiii ul Pp'cit Council yesn r Uy, tlie I mix-nits, an uti!, hu,L OiCk-Iihi lo tnunl the i.o-l urn m ieuiil m Hi; iln.fy ImAHing de'it oil lit; t,1ty, Whl h at III pisert nino, the argue, rilrti'4'Vir furl) niillHiii.or'diliai. lu aaswrr to kcL a i.b itip, Jllr. .N.ieMi read smtmnent tinti.rul in Un- t'l'inr .HorV Ufflcc, tiiorini tun tnr- ,i hhk anil whitmiii.s iiniji-.il ata lUiiicd to W- .a.'lii.Mi t, lo wliieh'iliere nre i.lf.et, umountiii ( io v 1.4 1 s,ijltl. Tin c nllM'tk nre lo ni In sum iltf tuna. Cii.-li in Hili,.' fMiiil,V'oM rti An i slu.- n fin- wmhf, i i'v h rvvs, uj'ia ,r , . r.tiius, d , 'I'ttf hivih ii N17.77I 4 v ul i il rtdit not ro .rr. en ti.i in ni,"rt nt atii kind !' tti i hiii a i if funk lil.uve i:u n, Is to ie ailtlnt the v,m of ti v nhiie li.:iutinK, poller ht.nioa, cb ' lioiifi unit tlnir irnimil-, en1'! c iUnrc ainl lo's of pn uinl fmin h jcli no reven-iv is iierlve . ,A"1VAL Off'lMNl WISH AMI I'oHUlllS VaHSKLS. The rdtowing w.ll t xh.ljii the arrials of c int. wise anil ,Hircin veshels at tliU jioit during tho month of Jepti miK-r : ' ,, ' . Htlll'I'.S. ' fiiirw...'. r n.imi..u.... )loiU4f.,. v II n''li'".uirM... . . ID f,7 S.l in I' t. lipi. ...,....'. Mni'iiiiia....., lift"...,. , in.rni.Hr.' .. II .SI'.O),! .. ' S Bn-mniT.. ........ .. i.l hnr.psi . . J .. I'l .. Sill Unit 17111 Hill. ,i IMFOBTAKT PKOM GL'.EGIA.. i , i l'enee overturifi from Uttvernor Hriian. " 'Wahkinotos, fttptwiihcr 29. T(iu re is reason to believe that Central Sherman has reci ivoii overt u ids from O ivefnor llrowu anil Vire.l'resl dent Stephens,' mkltiij towards the readinl-slon oT Oi-orgta Into tho l uioo on ths fiisis of her abaiidotiliig the war and s ceding from i ho Co i ftdi racy, and siiboil'teil them to tr.o O urcrniuvnt hare Jiff. P.tvhV pniiic lu Unco a U thought to be fn rclircnce t this mutter. ' 'I lit: Ft hkua niLi niii'iM iir ur,sr Villi. Il t." ' Capital, ,iO,0(h, divided into KHi.n iu shares at Pf aliany SllbkCI itliill (iflrr $l'.'l pit 'i iri ThiA Ccuvpni r own am aei ilibiiii-.t atiiihie liiil anil VtNiirbf n tAf Kaiiav lia VaIIi-v. dimiaH' ihi HurMt Si-,- nil I Amjibcll'ft lttiu brat rlit'mf Hull ci'i'it, anil with., live n.l!o uf tye oi.lhri'i r. 0i Moray MTk lhe,l,n1Al..,'lln,l, vell, whi"li b nnw piyiiil'iiiliiViiy-tiiii" bar.it i,l i-li pi r il ly. Tnkwt'tlls il' t,Hi' livtidrnl anil tin lily-tervu frrf ilri i. Tin' Mupeylliteiiil'-iit li now .ri'. Tin ; lo l,r:e i-,llii' it, , h tlitiiillnr w nil kiirriitlnilli K us, wtilcli are prodil, liU' I'r.nll onr liiir.iln'il to otic tmii'tti i ami hu nam-i tt til .x di-A wliilii wr art-iiM arulali pusliirti a llav urn unit. iMrrelaaoollicr well at llure Ntrk, now li m-J twu liumiri-.l axil tnty tO'c iit-r,liti M,oni iftiriy rtn.o(iil In liir writ. Tlie laid en wli'iti Hit,, wc-'l l tofii-il la nn A it!it'tual .eawi 1'l,r Hull I roi k ('oniMii own a mic lUljil HiH-rt t,.fsu cou.oan tit t'lti d iiiri'i f two-tlilnti. Al Ci'Ui,.ln'li' tun, lln' iiHiiiai,y own In l,e a triut nf tlilr(T -tlifi-p itcr.ii, coi'i-iil, ia I hv' ,;'ili::l -In anl inlnfn? i-nKlii'S-a thf Is Tit r II trrfl"i in flic Slate Too nrrt I'acl wf 11, flowing flvu huedreO batri-la, aajolua thia property. Itiiek or, u!.criitfoh ur riowr i pen al tlip ttdj,Aiif's OIIto, l;iom No 'JS, Miti l. oi a Lcl,,aiin. ; A lln.itil nini.li'.'r i iliAirs only will I,,' i.rttd. .TOIIM .1. KKOMna. Tnaurr. iinm Ui "I itlslurw lially lint" of Srj Kiul'tr 9, ls.il. , I 'lili. , Sij.iki . 'I lift 'IVhuillutf Intoli yi'iici-r' iisy:-T ' We li nn li' ni a i-iitl,'i,.aii wu., a nv.-it yi'Tnt iv iro n j I'li-ii.iiiil mnnly lino on Mi,S.r lln linrlon Oil l?i,m A'iy , ntnit k a vii li on lli'ini- N-t-l.ln 1 1 , a ' i' tint .w liiiwil th- i a f io.n'.iii.'l hmirri of ell pi-r uil.v' l'''rtin (m-lt' ar li-uiktii on Hit .nlisvl in ti ' l tguiilj, atiil ihe wil luvor, j if j.i . vu:'tib' I A 'i-r fitll PVlMll.'' ! larrlHl. JI'MUNa n:iiM'.R. On Hit in,.7nlni of h trilh ln.-l., al li e n slili nro ol tlnj ItIiIc's mlln r OvtiolC'r. Mill. inn Hinlil.'ir.lH Ur. .1. fjI'KlVAur .1 . N K I N s t liis M Ai (ilf., youiinoat iiuiiiliior nf ,Mr. BlohurJ tv r.irii.T, all ol llijicil.i ii , , . , KSOU UKS-VIUIK.-lo Trllillv M. K, Clilirp'i. by Ili'T. . .ti.l.ti I', tami.liiin, on 'lliur. Mnv inornli, rli .ni'iii.i r i nli. si,4 Sir. .lAivll.s II. K.M1WI.KS. ,lr..i,l Niw ritl",1 Pt.1.. ani, Miss H.r.A M. On uliUr 'Ol Kvv. WUlliiul Lrl. ul IliHuilhlt.lil.. tiuoania. MnUISO.N-alUJllN.-S'ii iiini'l. livU, at HI. Paul a fliunlt, nalii'H'. IS , ,1 i l,y iM-i C. M Alii-rcr iiiil'i", jlAMf.l. n lllliO'S Ul JHSfili; O , llau4tltl)i I'l VIP ' lull' MniUllI .M. Mnruti. , tUSV.. Oh Mfii.li , tlif ZfJili intHfit. WK.I.I VM K 1 4(AH I . hi tin-4itt yi.irui tim H.ti. kti iritHHlx miU the un m.tf'r.) ami Intdtn of tUe ;tiU- : rtniiH' 4'rcvt,-r itr-ivtt lajri t iiiti a o tuviittd Lo tttirnJ itiri u Ilfi' I. MT. Ifrt It! MUlnOiii Mitt't II till , I O CUIUl.'Iie Ut , ,"i P. Ji -rii mtiinfuy. (tNOMi vii. -NuiKh-m.r on llnritlt lnttunt. MA Ur tfu.tr.l.Hvuol.Ufii,lu lit) ili vbarfol lier Mif rflaTtpp- anrl trli-nl-of tlio ffimtlyurft Hivlfrlto ntttfio rtif hincrHi. troiti tlie rfi'luiicp of Imr i.ukHinid. Nik ti. Ivumau ttfet. on rtuniWiv it. ivriioo:i, oruivr Mt , ' ul nU.aV. iu jrH'eia to Mt'ctiaujcV Ciiieur. ! J.A.u:.-On V(UtifSfljtv, tin- 24th Iiihi.. MAItY "i 1 li 'l 1 K, cuiLviitt-r 01 iKtimiiu and Mar..v. T. KriKie uod 1 , 10 4orH. - s '1 li lutattveit nud lrt-ml of t' Mu ll arn tCNK'4t iillv j! iiivlli'd 10 htlfiid ltr Miii'Ml, fmin Hie if n-nl Iru Vn. i il j n ml, on futunlv ut-xt, ut o'c uck, wlihoiit rurttK'f 11 notu e. 1 I HI nVIIK KH.- On lhcith Inof.. MAltCARKT, wlifc ni I nii b tavarilrk. ui Hut toili yn( ul Iwc Atw , , , i ' but' iiotli o Mill 1)0 i;i vi-u ul Un- niiirral, j; ! HOoKI'.V.-tm ihe Vwth liit ,!((.- H K.t wf of Ail I , tli .il V. HoOKIiV . M,v4 H ,vi'rn. incTi'iiifivrs Hint in iniH nre niU'i'ttuny luvitoa tt) nt i "nil tlif mm rot. Hum tlie irkn n oi nor IhmuiI, )o. --' r'l'finkn ul roinl, lu low I uliitH-rlaiiil, on Mon Ihf : mormui . uihl u:UV. ttervUi-a and luuimmui at Ml. ,, . . ,,,.t,.. ..... Hull MANN, fin ttn iStlt Insl., 11. A. IIOKIMAVN. ! Hi. male Ii1, nuimui iinm-ol thr laiml, c. r. , ; i, inv n i e. iinciui i h fn, r.ii ir.nu in- nm. n s.,1 n o, -v"' 1 '"''' "aiuriay ueiu u,i:u- , j '..nn'TnV tn.t., samI hi. Ii. Mti.r.K.,, I In llm a.il ei-ar ul his ui'. j ! ,JI " r;l"v " ninl innnis an- nmniiciv inv;t-. to ! . Mi iHiai.m m, nn ii.nnnt.ij uiumvou at i o ul.ni! i ' ut:-' atX n,. ,.. i,,., ,., J! anY i;.,si.n o ..lumra M. ml .laiali l. li ims , a.i d j . ' ,lul(v, ., , ;,.,, lulum . r,,';t,,n, ! !l Inilmi tiiii,ml ti iimviui, iroiu Um n.'.'l n'i- i ins ' iiamiis n. I-. inrnToi .-'i v.'.'iin nn.i otn,r.i str,.o . on I i i',!",'..;,"' 1 . oV"" " '" M' ''" i '"'-' " hhi m u,t .th m'..iii imiu'm .-r. m tnv . ii.'lVn1" """" '"" '"'r '" " '' ""' M " i i vn.soN.-f'lt ttif 't:ci n-tinii, ..t nmtriiN. ai.kxan- I Ii V It Wlf-OS, nt tin-fi.l viturui a", t tf i I'rtpnda I'-ml tbrmiot tin- lit nit , hi iv-hm i!,tii!,v in- vifitu ti Mifinl lib ;uii' i"ii!. inin iiij Ut" ii' ul n ', Sn. i Mti rruii" i-ti't'i't, on Mutun'.'t.r mlfrrnxiii, Ofrinh-r In, f -1 nrliiric. WATKItWAK,Ni'fM IUirtlninwn, S. I ., on rt-rtem-lurriti, : , I.l. ni. imiit i ll'.l.l.i s H ih.LAS .V V- if.KVAN. liihid -t.itfH ('orp-i l it. i s In tlif ' Jil yur ot hh air, n nuinniM i,t thr lut it trii'tuufliirf rl.n.i at th Mlllfttrv Ai-mUmiv, W-t l'ulnt N. V. mid Him ol tlio lrt t'ululi'-l Albti t H. WtiLi-rinuii ol I'liHrt li-luhlit . Lou don county mid Jtot-'Kinyluiui tuuiit tViiiuiaj paytT j'-fai-e coj.y. EDUCATIONAL. fMtlf-.NDS' ACAIH'.MY KlfR fcOVS. UK.VR J ol No. 41 N. tl.l.VEN I II Hire. , coin n imp jth .lt. t l'j LMfr l.TIU Ol' Ji VIK. All i.lt'llwll.ll.rtlU'il't 1.0- Ui..id. m1-1ui' W. WMiTAI.L. iliriTFNDK.N'S f'OMMKItriAl.C OLLKOK. ' no. ti t; i'llrM T titn t't, triur uf Mvi -nth. tatilhtd lc4. iiiiOr..t,rttJ it ,;. YcMt.if nun i rtjaifJ ft r Ui O uiulii-lic..ie .rd b-:,-.'- Il.f - lifr. 1 iioicuili aiid jra tic.il Intntclon In fcintK-KKKflSW, hi all IU liraufli, ittc;u)tl ly t'-o e t a. ;o..i:.a.t.j ami M.m uri ucn. I'KVMANIiir. I'irtin ai t) orniatnemal, is Unyfit vne 0 tt.t ui hi c.-ui ltCUt I'l iIHUll. t (.u-iiicrtfaJ dtculfitif n, Dm in; mi form, Cuoiinor- lul t;iw, Ititt'tiiik' .Viliit"-i iiiit Ji'jUs, A. TKl.Kt.HAl'JirNi;, By .oiir.t urii! on V" Vt, tauttit in a tnorrnKliand pra'-'ticO innnnt'i by lii.n - - ite-rU-iit-vd oi,iwrutor. HrtM- NiM ISsiltULitU btl'AllATtLY, Al- rxcivii at nv iuu. fcui4iA,tt.-.o'!- after Si'ptembtjr lith. VATIMilM , ContMliitiHt Wrwi, ntniifutU' imiui (471 tail Jtf) t., f.irnuitj k-raua ou astlJ-atK u. 0. II. CHITTKNIK,V A TO. IllMlO No. t; IT f 'UKsNI I' Htrirt. o I L STOCKS BOl'i.n r avt doLri f CUMVIIsHIO!, iljr titOaot J. BlfT), nmkrr, Va.l8I.TUIRUausMt iiteii I: W A I, It A V Vi is. Sl l l.MOI I'l W. II. CAKKU,, MASONIC) 1AI,I . So. 713 (JHV&SHT Btrmi r 'i (,i. leu I A I. I STUCK Cl'lt'i A IN Ci i M I I'. lil.A 1 S. f'rrri n.i'o, li I, Itr,' n I ii, I li ( ll' ') C l'rH, I'lmti , mi II. Men l l'rrr', t .i li m l AI e o I Ik l PUll Sl!lt ill l.-lll , y ' , I I, i , a ' 0fim, i.b. VlH III I'lll.l.l I Mi lll , ' i ri ir k sii' llniln, A S nrr. it .nl( linn Jtl HI '.Ih M.lll'l:! '.S. AV I s HO v m li A li I1H Oi II i. nf'i-t ' ol n uml fr.a.drri. 1 . AC ', (' II It'l' ' I N H Ol . I. tut li i-i II. Ar. Ill ,"-c i.l cnbl if Input A irn, VAl-ltA VICK'H ilitti I AMI ..S) bo lit) t 'llr.HM'r H ill I I. AIIIE-' 1'AM'V I'"Ult. JOHN FAREIRA, N-.. IH AIUMI STIll'.K I', AIIOVK nKVRMII. ar uis olii HTAiu.iiiiiHn stokii, iMrOITC I AND MAslTAt TttltK I Or LAI IIS' ftnd CHILDEEN'S FANCY TUBS My aMhrimtnt of FA VCt FUltS f ir LH.Ile. anil ('hll Urn li a w com lp t, emkracln : KVFliY VniKTV THAT WlI.I. UK WORN DVR1NO 1HK COM lli G cKASON. i:inita,l'M Ilia name aud ay ,.bar, J O II N h' A It K I H A. No. 718 An li Bus-t, AboTo H rant i, I HAVK HO COS .SK TlOX WITH AftT 0T1KK STriP.H its lUt I ITV. li-an-lm J OOI' JIt'M ALU VAULiTH, S. E. Cor. THI RD and CHESNDT Su., Under V. S. Telegraph Office. OLD STOCK AI.R AI.WAV8 ON" HAND. 611) MCA.MHI.g, Wlafl.B, f;iNM, OaLIKOKNIA CATAWliA .WlJfKrv ' fSCiTtHAM) AMHIltCAN Al.KS &S0 ' i. ltiiow.N srour. TMs nli'lirati'rt nd.tRnl bavira t,-.i'ii rnova'od a'id thoroni.'t.l-rnrtiiid wlh oni-of th ll'ii'U nt .ika of lo, uiilctionci i.i,,Q aa In ttia oirv.ttc pmnrlator Invitci tiio pnbl o to tivr tiuaaial, toulldint aa aelanf Uinr ao pinl. ylo Iijiw 1m BU&irJt8S lifclviv" " OjTiPiilHir IMy. I'll rtrl I'M OnLrord X Krif, Ci' tlri ih; U"Ul, v (i nw n t a Niitnriln v, ti. t.JnT 1. n i ,' RhlH 'trill fill. ol l.l jtn', Uflitll'llUllV, Mtj-jtrt llilit ( Ml fik'& JU att s ttJ( up-i. . 4tlM' r lh Hil l it lifii- tii-n i Tiipunj iMin Aim r ritf , Hoi, muvr 1 1, 1;,. hmhd li if ri'"iv1i In- Ti-cHvnt ul thit fiilitf until A o'r.infc !'. M isj 'J'u.T-titi , tin' n-rv t . (;ti r mm, in , it or n,'. In v oi i u ilil;l mi $,'Mi, I'lj'I'Di- I ui-.H' i ii'i ct u new liuiii nii(l. iri"(I ii y rt-,Mi' ts om ! lilt, i ni.lil iii tin1 l-i of 'n-nl, m-i, tvlin nil1 nt arm ! mi' oi'-'t . r(-fiii per ri iiitui, rvMt Jb e ii rti' K , n lut i-l tiy ul tt i,u it.1- (il Jail"itiy, -(. II I11W4 -4 it i:i . ! lKr."''ai' ,t.ir,i.tl 1 It i' in. iji tl n iui t -t c tr t( ; H ITU-' IR-i. I mi Km- k n 1Hii,V S 1 1 ilii'l fliiui' iixi . Ti,. j'HK whm t tn wi-irhiif. fnunrsui 'vroyxn ' f'fi 1 11 ikli (."Hit," 11 txl lei at itiiat ninii. v n re ivv wi f mi iu 1 I. nt . tM! Vfjf(i un'il 1 1'tf dim l r ot" I'tc ; l.inuJ 1 f Munij-i 'r. ut l) ii'i: hA u Y iMf.-'aw, :,v ft h o' t tiliftri' T(ii olf yf i nf ftO'i-'D'I liniiMi-trtU vH In tnr j ttit-iftr'or ?,itfif i a' mirvi u: mv mini ti t tt intiu i niit f.tliMul wj I ti ituiii-jtiiil t v a t Ul l, t t(l) I 0 H: iili r,vi(. 11,1 tf tt'iHJ'l'il at- 1 il 0 ii.i.iTl.i iib it ; nn 11 ; or n 1 tr i"-nt, ir nnr- tin rt fif r ihv It -li t rtt tlin, Ht lilt nt iicr opit tt I 'I tit aiictiBi'i-k it'ui'in Hi tl.otnMtlrn Ihu flxUt A' rojccliii,! i uvy liul ui'C a.ii'm torv , ( !H u tier ui ihe lizard n Mai a -iff. i;'..Vlrf WAlTKUTteiiMrrfr. l ine M Nlirm- 1 I nt. nrt BUftt Ml 1r.it fltT, 1 . . Jti-I letM ltinl 1i.t ! , , . , J va j- A. It i" 'i m-, ! A rh nnd I'i'ii'h. , MHiH.tm tniet--t Ni airt lien, mii Cnnfcotionii, Aluioad l'at,4'UfHlatai Chiuuiii. t;riuti!i itt tMiMJtuUo f aril, OXi.iriIrl flnr-a ISt. U 4Jhuut af.riubiuir L'oarth. I'lnntml 1'liiuinst tllK 4 lots UihOti A" imiufs ' OAi.iNKT OhliANS. MASON ft iiami.in'h l-AhlNt'.T OUild-Nal. ii:cKiiii uitos I I urn rnrrti I'lANOS. j. T.. OntJl.l), R'-vnlll and obi'stitit sirei-la. T 1IU t)ITa COMfAMUH, THE rO.MMKRil.IL LIST 1 11 ' .1 , V 11 I c 12 C IT 11 it 1; N T 1 .'. i ' ro-MOiUiow ' WiUcoula.n a fol' II. tolallll, j OIL GOMP NIE3, j Tl.air Cupltat Xto?k. .t s 1 1, 1-ilcea, A . li" ! qeossTye caricatubes':'"" " CLQ8S-EYE L'AJlILA TUUV!l CROSS-EYE CAItICA TUJIESI! liOUi.HAFlIi:il liY. AS aitTinr AI'FLICrBU WITH 1'OIITltJAI. HTKAUISMI'H. fi.iti.il to li.e vhwa 1,1 too, I'i. lira. Ni Vi( uii- Sl.liltly "ill li With b' ttl l t'S. Wi.ob, I a i, a in ,.r 0 e UNADULTliltATBI) tJUiilii: Let hiu vrrlurr licints cn a Ini'li' ia."1 O'h rt Mli d n.r !tif Tasila at two il..yB' notice. A'lTHACllSH nHtAT ATftiKT.ON. Full, bail It X. JI. HTKI'IIUNW, Atti'llt. Nc. ioO ClIUHMCT Siii t, H.:uaeUl..a. 1 1auiu.1l Kiul ienia 01 LINi l LS anil M' IXEI.LAM.In Oil: ova.i. lor tin tr.nl: or ciuH. ti no-'-'i TT n N K V 7-30 LOAN. J , l, Mnliir,IU aa rstflvaU, anil the Nc-tea ruiiiial,iUliv(il an U,a,i,'t, eji UBOIKiE J. POYD, Itankf r, Ho. 18S.1II1K1, auiat. MARK HA SSI. EH tc CO.'S i i iNo tome waiik ai'OMs.Mo. an 8. LlollJii ijirnt, l)li Wuhiiii. II-J7 lit" irrvv 1. S'! s I 1; I I 1 tSi-n Stylio. IMMiW MI.lr.S ni k t 1 1. -. i VTILTY n i 1 01 111. h, CAHRlNH'Oti 00. at no MAM I AC , I'l Mts ' (llf'Si t M eill.f T. riANo cov;.i;s, .1 rtf hllll KIN tit-. ( 111, a ' i.tiw ri.uf. ArVlll.SblvltN IS. JJ it.s jr-nv I'unvs ni 'c At;( it ST. I Al'l "111 III 'rMtlll'lH A n H- Ml. Ii'l fl i,,.,, I ,. Mil. I.INi. HI rl'l, com VI ' " , '"l's V I.I.Wts AlllMS ''' t, 1 I""1 iS I . a r 1 IC I I a.-o o. .,i .r, )( ,. '' ' '"' Vl'.i A.l.rj'u.ii Cri . I'-n- o u i.i h 0 , ,r ,,( If f A VI s lip III II pi Sir 1 1 -,,! l'lii:i I.l WIN in MS l.ao) V ... ... Wis, t -Italaia MO II AV VK V V Al.l, III I, ,. Mil SHI, U M (, A I, 1 I. N II II A I. I, A f Kl -'n rn . tiM in i . tin-1 . r.in- - !'' A lit'il Aft 1 .1- , tin- It Uiaii .t4( i .-ii (.rt... f Mm- i'l;i vViMTlsti, 8 . nr rf t mi, Si; 01 1 1 1 , fi n..r 1'HI Mo i ul I'm 1. t and "ct,iiin tnr Mr M. .t t:-:N Ai 1 ii fndirti'C'T pit wtiti lit- ip i-o-A-. u' -pm r.l H- :m, lus'iv ih'Mi n m i on into out 1 Hi Un- Man.i: r hi . ' tltlCIf lo H ' l '11 It t U "I'l- HHi 'iV'M, OiV't,!;'! fnV'tltA. I'VfMNti, ti.t .1,. r;:. Iff I. Wmn no intUt l. 1,1 mnl rrf iiu l trip,,ir,i .ro a'lin it t Pt t-( 1 f t iirfi.d A lltliiNfii II IV V Ufft-t V d Hr' TSh.rx.1r I'.vfrVMl -ii" It nMNMMt m ,1 v.. r,f -.lts Must -O -re, PI 1 S 1 II it il ( Ml.sM I p.tiiHU.oiiitt. nrliiK atiiMiif. Ut I. at' . M. Ilooift njifp nt 7'. .iir"l niTlfii'TI' a i- . j AfrSKMM.Y bUILIIN(iS-OK,rNI"Ml KUK- HT liKfiprifftH. ST- KUPIH ,tN. TOt'K u tr u 1 Uf, WiUfJ.h. im;k tivi.it tmk vvoitt.i. Tills KVKMMi Al' H iiVLgt K, tt.u Man- .loin lliHM 11 o 1HK tilHWn; T" v ti'iuhr: A d ol or MipIi.i ytvMtM Aimilf'thn . Cf-l.lH ClUldri'ii, , rpntn. t-t-1t VB' rilKSAM.'l felUKKT THKArilK- ..IttlVFIt 4 RIN.ST (m-opm ami M iiirm. I'' ill, i-l , tlr last vfifk o MhiiSIMS ir,MN, oii'l i'lv tut' In-t w rli ..f Hip Hi; tiK UK; OU, A TllilfST Ol( t;oJ. '1 1 It l.-iiiii.Mil hinai ion cli ,ma lilt i"i h'K lti- in ok I iMlitie tiiiitr, 1 r .liu; till I tteaiTO 1 k' tlj wilt our ni'i-t Hifi llcr fiial Kti.t H lito il c-l ?.i'im. 'I I'o m-i tor niani i' will colir iidii Hid a il'iw tut vir Imu lint.H cn ttiM tta, f ntnli d I t 4 V I M I ito Iui -n Mi Ktltt-urri!...ii, .Mr wfir I.cmt ik. tod Jamc 1 . Hhf rry. too open at 7. ('otoTiiP'irp .tiartt r h' fori 8 o r) trk. Hit t.iHi.d family M:i tinr, H1IIH1IMV AfTF.K N 'OS ul i io I. . tit ih.- ritiir-l Ti'('a. yh(0 tl.h HK.A HI- II I,; tilt A 1 lltl.h f r if U.lt, will tr pfrronued. II HINT It K j kT 1 TTj " ' Tht cicat an.l ci l( hrntcd p'ctnrt by Wpst , I !ip chef 1 u-tivrc ol ll. ir r 1st, M NtlW ON KXIIIIltTIOtf AT T II K ACIK. ul E AUTS, No. Ifrv;, t'ir.SMi;r T Itl.KT, In addition Io Hie ,N IICK Art t oli.t -1, n ot llio Ardrav. Annn'MMf t' itiih : -pt-on'l u ftft. -Vi rattm !' ll lm M IIK (M.AM) IJIUJAIU) TOntNAMRNT 1 tor tl.c l liampioti-h'p .f 'In- H'ntP f (Viiiiivlvatti will nun rr nt naV- IM H I It V,t T 1 1 1. 1 ,. i,n ll I N -I A . 1 njobiT 1 '!, it d trniiltniti Mi M h 4 Y , O totnr If, IS. 4. AKl'KUNOCN ANI fvRNlNti f.T II I H1TI0NH. l'ln lo com 1111 i'co nt I'. M. 11 n-l H f. 1. I. a h (titiilO if Io t'c .'.Hi !' mti. Car -mi. IT.sli MITS IlK.it IIKKI. Ttic tVlowipf tu. tn- an tbo C'taitiii.iri f.r the f'loim liu tirhi,. . ii-l -rijeo V, II 111 1m-. K.. I fl-ioku I. II. tV, llcuci. C Ilfd, J f a nor, .1 A' ..nton. t v, l. 'I. lirill.Vkl rlKt.-lic Mr tr K.m nt'i, I'Iic'hn. C.ld tlm nit. rout 1 r. and oth r prouiihcai I'luum aro mim,U d lo I r n m ul. humlrA hiNflon, .Vicon'a. iSfMiion 1 It artu (.iirt'd hrali, JtV 'I o hud nl it c (i tiM-lpfil itlH a-d It'ic.t, and II ic!tj It T. KVal.l.. .1 W M)T MKItV, unl VH T'lK KhTU'lii. t'omniitiee of Arr:iiuimcutM, i' : t;t MILITARY NOTICES. W BTliN FY'S r i'AVKS.-HKAnQl'AU-m M's ,'...:i iii:m r m-ki, in-inv sixth tiki V1 l mo. fit v 'll lw o'friiiol. il ,0. Mi,iirjinii...t(M'H, and i lu niMin bv roinmiii il 01 Minor .1 . C Itisroa, a mem Ikt ol a'fcji.i -(K im al ltiriiii i. h iio Into re ri -J aut'oMi., Mi m tlir . iintral and . late t.ovoriiuioiitii to H-rnHl tK i i-'BiitHilott. lllvHll T L'AHU (t tV Kit NMKV T, CITV, ANl WAUI llt.i'S 1 1 H fa d i iu diat.li ou il.. Mumnl' v vf ant man intoMiO nv-inctit, at Hit: )irudii .1 tioa No ojICHESN VT irvvi. OM.M (. for li ,f4 It-lt-liarr-Hi ( oloiicl AVthfiill I.ee, lioli ! Jiti ALiJIwiard, O W Inl-, .lolinTloriik.f, ' ' '' .ill. fr' 'll'IIHK, l,tii,nna Hulk'O-t, n. r. v In. itch ei, .lolin w I i ftrmtuii ( f Hf'lli. iiT, 11 n a t ti i.i, AUiid Ai'o.t li, J .'T in U IIKADUUARTIUS PROVOST MA Il fi -m. I ifltft lMMii.il. fa , No. '.'ij h. TUIUU Mtreot, MU '.MtiuiviiVila. Ayiht 11. i To lfi.oi . itoiii'-t n iil n vt ;iU ((notlonn oti ordlnar? nilijo-t- titiHCcifd tif-l, Hie ftirolim-iit. Ilr;j't, t.KPtnn not) 1 1nI) I iot tu lirait. Crmlitb a d Act-u inMi of iu-n tm nit-l-t il, i "iti- 1; arc ri'ijMt .-! tn iinKo npil't tdni tC til I'i-owm-i .Nianlial of til t m-.' rcantoiml I ttatrwl f..r sut fi In'ttPimiiiratan, atid imt ia tK Hiov-oant Mrilml Hpiioiai at VVaihitf"!1 ll v ortlt'rol tlit frovmi? Mrriial-'r'n' r.il. WII.I I M i; l,KIIMy, auU'-tf ( uuiitm and iTotuni Mi;rilitti. a. I;0UNTY 1 OU M AHIN'ES. ATtKD Hl'iit 111 I'ne.il Mum Marini. Cim j,., 4'iip-l,.dn-ii ins r-'o oeno ni 11. .Iinii". t a wolmr hi our Navy irtia, i ami od uoaul t nlxtij Huies aluea-oi-war on iurua atoiiona ' 1 cm l "i'l In . I'orr fan.. llrtliT riio,,i ri.satloii i)Ao Till' army. "' ' i A 1,1, ul h,l o, ai liiniMii piij uionaulltiiiont. Msiliit. ii-'-i'lv .'rt.. m iii,, - iNvr n nmiwr uiiormatlm aiHir at tha Ittcrutun. Hanuuaiona. Mi "11 H. VIlONT Klrwt, ti,'Io Siiriiec Straet. ketvfeotlu;4ujiu-ai yiwiil Juioock C 1 1. ItiClWI f:V, ' ao'.-tf . Maior ana Bpiiiuiuif liiHiKr. i; U It L O V fl Mr! PC It U O U fj U S . 1 Kl'lll.ot'flllS- KI'ltl.llt'dilM. I L'Ul.lil lllfa t.ltiAlUi.llti. Ofltrrs n--d fhti'lrrs Ti.ltl. , Of nn AiTAnuli 1141111 hlvUKI I- AMi UTIII It .VII.I I AliV I', ;l llMtl,N S, bttolioa A.sp OTtii.i; 1111.1i AKr n .'.Mt.aiia, Areiiiilii, t ll,i pin-iii'i i 1 MtM'rtC'll'KIN'l l;IAlil.tsHtKNT 1 M.t.l:Ai:it ItlNl KHi'AHU HI MUNI .. . . (iKoiinK w. Hnjova a BitoTnr.rt, Ua.oni.i: w MvfoMt ,r cimtiiks, MANHOM'nntKKr Hal I,. HINMOM STtttKr UAI.U SANSiiM Suecl. alx.lu tiiAth Jo,'t. ' ri!t:iR1CTATIIlN awoiins l'lT..sl..N 1 Al ION HWilHIW kliitle to out, -r nl ti .linrtesi iio.ic4.,wIiImi for rtc'tnosa and inanllli-rni'e rlinllcno o.nili,-lltt n.no n"i'r timtsr tn tlie niumry is.n.linilnu Hie M A .N I'PAOriTIM NH .ll.AKI.Mt WITH lll I'llAi.riCAL SIVOIUI MAKKg aa CAMULl. .1. CKlSWr.I.I lisg. l).;u 0 air i Tlie ninlrabn. ,1 aiaialirni ol'th., N 1 I.h,sI linioa Ci.ilv of lii' 'I I'lill, Waiil, iMiitiatlil wh tna nouil e lion of UliWtN V. MtlMIKfrK, as a 1 nil'IMit t'rlto noliion o iiieiiiliiT ol C01n1tn.11 1.' mncli of aulil Wartl,ainl doieinnn,'.! initler no oiroiiuiKlunoca 10 vme f r lulu, oaru. ..ll.v eolicll ; oil, in whom iva-oi.t; inuillilonre, to allow your liaina to Iim u,it na ua lii.lo.,innf aMinl . Otite for tluit ullii v. U !lnvli. tn.t your 'iiilhful illichnrife. 01 Hi e dutli'H llioiool', ul wtil, u )ihihi e aa hon.fra'il' mem br itom 11,1, w.ird l.s in arli tlx tara. tn jci.i ion lu trn con 11, lore.. 01 tlu 1 lei tun. , aotl ,uir v.xuiii'e ,r ibia ai ,lii allnii v.oiilu In-urn elully arknoaileJij.'O bv yoiu: obedient -I'naiil'., I'.IIWAIIII flllATZ, lll'.OIK.l. II. bli'.ftT, .J,..I'II 11. UiU NStKl), SAMI1.I. Mlllllll., y. iiaNhki.i., WM. I . IIANnM.I., f. A. Al AMU, It S. .l,IIINnlN, Hl.lllllll r' I'ACKI'.rt, 1 'A ii' a 1 mil., .1. It. W I I.Si IS', iai.iii r. iianu. A. 1 ul l.t:, i-:n 1. s .ianm:v, 'r.. I 'I' IS. l ll'A'l'KIl, ,VM. IV A 1 SI IN . .1. II AV MONO I'LAllllultS', . It. Ill I'l htt, TllO.MAS J. I'Ol t'S, william 11. junks. William ii ai.lk.n, i& V It -sll ALL II V II ItiHI K, JIKN.IAMIN TAVI.IlIt, II. KCANK 'I 'A V Lull, -H ill N AUM.VV, Ii. IVKil-l Ut I'll VNnl Ktt, WILLIAM IV. Will I' Kl.li, .KulliiK VV. H I y.t MM, WILLI 111 II. WAV m:, r!:i:ni:i:ii'K taxson, '. K. KKKNUV, KI.ISIHTHAi'LV. iiavio 11. iviiii i:10rr, Vi.vi.iT.ii e. 111 1 i:1011iT, Alul lil.-ill etl.. -s. J i ..11 ;i r'.ij, Siptiuii ir -s. is.;i. IoM-ars I'llwiuil i. :.'.! L orprll. l!,i!,i r!M. Jo.-irn!, I',. 'Ion 'i, in!, l'.',on. a-- 1. IVtia, l:..b.-rt H. Ji.l.nsoii, a'l Cllii-rs . imiiioiueii Vo ir I lad IMit o'ti.e '.'sth Initant. Ln-it-Iim am 10 brcoinn tin' unit io-mi-nt i-iimii'i.iLa tor U,u Imi-ition oi 1 'nmninn t'oiiiii-J, ol lou l euib W.int, Las l,ru,i r. i-eivt'd K.iolna, out, aa it iloti, in.: naraes 1 ao uianv of my Irl.-nda a:ot .11,1,-111 aiUcK-Htei 01' ILe NAIion,il I'tiion rurty, anil vvitlili.e conii.l,-nc 1 it nri-ln epro.ee,l, ill rlied fr-,ni n.y foriui r oltl. i.il co'iriu, I i-ordl.illy ac- i,t tt.e ii,-iiiina'.i 11, aim will, 11' tldi-'e-l, i inii-nvor to intiiy tli.ir .-oriild'-ii- e liy sn lion.-.t a'id utthtul lUst-harKi'ot' ll.a diiln a tt,rolt ta ihe beat 01 my iiidiontiit nnd atllity. MAVtt.KL J. I KKSW1.LL. ltllLVlll 'I lli.l. ft ,l. li.li.r'.'ll, In ,l LAW UKIAU1.MENT, UNIYiaiSlTY tx' of rrniisjlva'ila. A laraa Kill cumin, n.-a Oi-'IOBKH 5, IHf.l. Tlie Inlrcdiirti.ry I et-iure will Le l(iv'id at o'i twa in n,t cvii,ii,f 0 thai day, at toe uaual Lvomru-lloow lo the llm. f'KOHIlK rSIIAUHWOOD. lMlt CAMI'AION DAlJUfcU, EMULLMS, M.-Uuls. rua. r All ilia tent '4itU,l,4k'Wo(tr&U Vrw itvlen con- w. i ii. Lett, O V i i I. 'te is ji 3 w? in altf n.iMiaiaftVliTAtfuV ' 1 MM u aiaif'sl 'l ?JI 1 Ni'TTINtlHAM AMI SWHS l III 'Nt T I I.ACI'.S, No. .JI I ( I'reV 1 ' 1 ,,1, SI KM'! ! t. K-Ai-J :,'ir A ll-a- J V " 1 1 - t. W ECIAL N0T.Cf3; t'?.r DAM, 0F THE UNI"N LEvriUEl, Cltl'-M'T .-1 I. II f A 1 1 0 V I-', TWf.l.Vfll. I' n lii'ton of tin t I.AI.UI;, PAXILii DOUGHERTY, ES.f : s t-i.r ? t 1 tv frm If N Ti i- (, 01- iiu: n.Y( ON MONMY 1VEN1N3, OOlOHEl .1, AT e O I L"! K 1 1 I - I, ;. . ', O.I'i rt t, Attll ll. ' I .It JCr IDE UIl'DBLTCAM invinujelej i ' r, i i.A ii NAT IONAL HA I.l. I r.R rill. I'M . I N r f A . v As,. A N II I'llt'l'i -t ; 1 ,1 HCA'I lt.N f I lo I .r jr?i.,i ltl Ui, ( jiu;..n, kiii" it I:iiia . I v i Nino, pi-,i'-ri'Y5 lsfi. li -i.'lia 'io io in, d ( - in,.rifu Iiavo i iiieni4 tsal lifi tti- a- r -. ci - -Co.-.tl. r l' ik, o. d rn" Vt- v ii. A Ii l'. nn i l I,.., pi. 't - I,, ,. s , I . 1.'. il I VI i lll'l, .1. i i IV. ., , , II L. Wnpi:lT, t i l r,f, wiiisn n yi.na. V I" I In t I pi., Will HM1 s IV .re, K.a k iv.-,i. J .io, .a l i ' m id, f ,1m in I: ( . ..(.,, iOV li t.oU ll. 'I let .1,1'r ATfon .al. tioit.sl lr hi- .rirrt. C41 fillMI-: INMAN It'tMIK, rt:l itlliiT. W:l.i.l.',M L rnx.jlt.. Hur -unir. It HALL til' Till UMUN LEAGU-"1, CUl'.SNU'J MKl'.l'.T, AH0VK TVVKI.VT1I . HIIS KVr.NINd, AT H O-..1.0CIC, ll- at. .-iut tlti ol The i ii i; EON. JAMES M. SCOVEL, OF NF.W JKRRKT, CAl'TAIN COLHOUN, OK Kl.NllitRV. And oilisr iliitl ii. 'neJ 8icaV:, V:i I AIU'HI.H TUB I'll BMC OM THE ISR. F.S Q Till: fit Hi K.ST POLITICAL ( AN VA83. The MdtVt : : c-i w'al j In Itrd to attond. ll i i r.XL'T P riin.i. f mi aim i. pin a. Hcptmbi r tfi, iH'.i. Al a ppriit !i ft iiu o; tl h. rectors of tho lnon ftMi rt of I ln.f. - )I.ia la Ul liit. tlit , the dinili ( .lO'lS I.. MI.Vk, I -m , a l-4 ' fic-ldc nt of ti.t I.t'ii iif.WAk nit out ct-d h ti.t Cli ir, itt d.f.n tin tion o' Ilf ncr Itlnn"y, lr . ft.fi., the ti Ho tv la r -sol itlonf smm nrii.nl nouhly tild: irci-o've I, Tl.at ti o Ilr.clo. of tlie 1 rooH Ir itiieof fid aidi Iplla lit- if 1( iir'ii'd witii bincno sorrow tl.o (lr.it l of ,t('HN P. M,l;l!, a Vlff fithllrnt or tli. iPfl.pf, nnd who, Itom li fout'dHiliii , U''k an ra-mMt bi.d IM cnil c on if P'OHioi'im fta pron crit . lii-bi lvcd. Th: . in Mr. MSI.IM the rountry ha loit a u.ocl loyal nnl o.i'l.iul t lu.r-i. l c rrmm nit v a n.t n'er it the piirtu. (i tc;rily, aid li.p j cm a fil.od of wi m lieurt aiid oj t -n Mod, hI -hi' nir nor.r u iii loni.' In1 ci i-t Mm! i;i tin t in w-u li lie died rv-HM lt d, l,i'i..fcd, Hnd i.'.irf j-'eii. f--rdvtd 'I In. t the M-cclor of U I iilon I.i au'ic, ou In hi. II ol 1 S Illl l.l'.flH. U'MlM' lO tilt t Tf'.VIMj lAint'V ol' Mr. ft. . KKi tin ii inoit kii.crc iiii'tnl.j a id c -od -U nco. It. r-(ji I'd, 'I i a the fon n.li rct lotion! l-p pitl.l-.n d ii. lif iihlii j, ii . i ' oi ti i i ii-. ! la) It dl Oftil. K. I.oKi;ir, Secrrtarr, rX- III AlKjrAlcTMlS UIU'UIH.IC vti X-' lt Wi t H, I A illi.i Al. 1 1 L1 , I'l I I.A I M T. iM I , 8eijttllllit'r .to, 1 Ml, I'lEDr.ltS -o .'. I VI i Cloli vi.i a -uui '!c at ihcir Iii-udiiiirti r on pA'I I Ml'AV Al l t liNOl'N, tK 'o! .- 1, at . I .ck or -iin... tor tit i-nri i mi it .oily io LfAHi.i. fa , i i iitiK pi.tc In ti ' ( I'liioii t i m ji n to lie litid tticrc on that tiiiili v. I). 'Jni.it" r i'i c ofciirtd of the 1 rpa.iinr, Hi the Hall, to liny atiJ io iu-i row. f rice nf M-lu.-h wi t ho o ic do Ihi and t l. 1 1 1 n nt (j I rt(') lor the a1 iihIo-i. 111. 1 he . q in unit "ill to ii ad for dfinhu vm 111 IH (t ritii. ) l. i Nl N ,iit tl.c tl A I. la, l err Ui ine n io th mu tin in inn i In mil 1 1 t-in. 1 . 'I he h Hi" i .iuird .i't;t!rniAn are afmoiiited ier- tl'flllOIlt Alti to Ml li'Ol M.H;.lill; - .IitWN H V n;it, , W. S M St n h. wu I K, .1 ' 1 1 N' l t.lt iVKR. fHMll.fh J fi.LIH, .ii.nm; t k t.ri i i'. ' iiiiim d fit t.tii'iiM ft ro t ixtli l p r- I JMrli1h ol tins Ciiih : Al.l.X. II. VV.I,KISSIIA' (.I.OKt.K 'I HUM VN .h:. ' v t irH'i'Mt'inn f 111 In timii r the r -'ii- H ('oiiio'iimlt r, w.io will m-e jih it t th' tnno otiitcd. .'. order cl ( II KUl.V d W AMI TH. t hiol MuTii'l1, Ami :). I--niahont AmIbIi i V. 1 li' I omt lOMI (I f'f tin t' ' Uit.v uio iu llm iuu-.it rif to nn: ri.on.K ok tuk kikt'i WaKI1.- I i il.iw-tliizfiir : A luoctiiiK ol ihi-ritJ- 71-1. t of the Wh' . Mtiiioiit dia'ini ti"ii t purl , lno liivii t the lollowli g H' 1 t !. . inch in now (in fcCiitfd for your kui' tru w Ith the ' ihi'ih'iit ht lit" tt.rtt you v ll f nd it ovory w tty worthy ot .. our -oppot t . Jt han hi on t h'cted irrcip.'c -tiva id' pa ly. A .d !( Iv w ith nu yv to iltio.'i.t a d pi.-thd - CAtlOON, nnd th nuo I h rt K-rrdi'd in niiv hfUM h purttit.ui tick. r. all in TrUaidohr! pti'Mi', uml v in : I uln.ldHtfi lL"0 I; imi jt with Ui:i' utwl ihonii'tduv It have t urned lor tt l.ni oi iiiiriri il ui a dchc ot 11111 ot '-it-,t tilt; t-hl' loll u! Iiiormtl. Iiicoiii- t u. :i lo othcp.i of ti.iitor uml tr-jit Tim . : 1 1 d a oil poren i ohiC'tlt n. 'a-iti roth nd ll tt modes f I'lioiu? loin---.-:, ft und rt'liiilof Th'-. ch irac ur ttuv ilnni ctvt'is lu thi-ir pn-viou-i pur1.11l-.ht Ihh, and wu (Vol in ihttl nhiihl ihcy he lorn rt-i tvl h nn eicotion ut thii inuf) to tin- poK.ti-nh lr wloch l cy I.hmi iii-en iiiniH'J, iiu u unrct niiiing imoju np.iii tia ciu zotitt nl rhe f llti- .Vat d. , Wo appful to -, n'i, tlico, uii-n of Ihu flfto Wnnl, lt lay ftr-idrtoi ttii on- :t 1 p iriimu prciiil'tluti io tarn-Mho ciioli c of jiir h - id o'hci th ih tm t-ini.ri,ini I a;rcehi--inoiiioiihly lo ral v l l ooci'thrt tichct jf..o: IU"n lo o tli ', Mhouhl ilim t'ftor. 'e iin.'t:oMiil f nuttt tit'rci-.o a povpr lut Inline nre liui 1 -tin r m tt undnr al panh-a of the 1 c-i-h-aliynl oxcrcltiiii:.- unrt) 1 irctiiuvppctioii 111 tnikimr th-lr lot-ill ijorDtna ic:-. In cticlmn n uu rr..' iffilij uk yiiiir isiutiut., 1 iiuw-t -to nil. tor tlie nuijoli. d inie; jj--u t rm Ukct. Ity ivrdirol llu lLd m udent I' xcculi.c Ctmtult' e. it. I. KIMi, t'ii im -rijiiu, IM:.: l.Nnf NT WAR 1 1 'iXi'Khl. . I OKItMI-N JAMMS M ilAllP. N, A. W ll.hDN Ili;.S.tt.V. 1 M'.M I A Mi l H. WILLIAM ('LA UK, It. II. P.Vl' I. . .i iimili liiHi'fM.lt-.. 8. TfRTiv P 1 .1 t:i in ; 1;, lurutic y. if. ri'LLINS Vf.sr, lor two yvara. Iv. .1. KKSNr T, i .lulls t 'AM -Hi N, Ilf. for three team. JUt. J. li. AN'.NKV, S It vr.STOrKIIOU)KUS' MKKTING, ' t AUilLUH' AM jlKt'HAM S iJVK. I'm i a ok. 1 111 1. Nt 'Jtemti'T 2V. lol. A I'Mienl mofllltiK 01 th.- st i. ki.oid-ri ol the h irm-ra' at.ii .Mtcli.ini.'t liniiK I' L 1 1 o .ji;na .11 hp lie il ft Ho ir JtanlMtiK Hi.iiBi on TlU'!!el. . the -Joih d.. vi iiciohm next, ut 11 o'vloek A M., t.ir tho ; .ir.niooi tnklt.; oi'o cou-hlcratlon. and lecldli- on tli-' iin'itl.i uln-ther or n t tht nhl llmik '-L.iil l'kom ..n Vx-n' i v(h a U.r. :trr nu oi tr e bu;iKa;a f llannin,' i.n cm- t . Law a 01 ;f Lioiiid iSi.tti, .iiolof extTt-Isi:!),' thn ptirti .i con,. n.l hy i'o- A. it' the (ojo'rl AHB'-ifh'y ol ti.is 1 'oiounmu c utl, , etituhti "An Act Klit.l-ifm.tii0 )U iks of U i Ooiiioi. rv.;;tilU to I tiinie Aitu 1'iiitins for t-to i iri-e of IUh,.in- 1110,1 r th Ui of tho Dnfti'd stitua." ai-pro .ed tUe 'J.'.i day of A tit. u at. Ihot ; a:.d f tlc u li act it il i:i 1 ' anl Uirrtt k nie'-.v I'" net;'B'-'rj 1111 rl i'roiiei liy onli r ul iu Loara ol Hif 'tori. ti-'.ti ii'fO V. lU'HlirON. Jr., tfiyl.Ur. rHILADKU'IIIA AND KKADINU liaiinud CtU.i'iu.y, KJti.tt hv, 7J 8. lULItTU Ktlftt. f HIT Mt.l Mil , fr: flllhT lt.L TO AVOID UETr N i JO.N.-'ib hold, n ol tho Cuui oun 01 tt.! b t'"iiip;.ii v, dm- iiu Ihe lt I itiMiuo, nru teMum d to Ivuva Hi cm at thil oillcc a or hftoro tin 'tothliHt.iilt vh a ici'll'te will tc Kini,aud chc-k will in; fiuui lor de livery 01: (he lit lu aiuii', lu t.ivhatLe At ta.d rerripte. H. LhAl'e'UUH. 0 2J7t TrfiHurfc. rj?r THE KKNSINOTON BANK IN THK V-XS COINIY (IK lIULAli:LPmA. filH.AUii I'ltiA.mepiemaier VH. A i.m IuI Meeting of tfc" t' k Imldcri will hv held at the Hankiiiw Ho ie, on l in HAY. the .Uth of October, at 11 ovi, vh A. M., to .J" lh expedu acy 01 oouverting the Hunk iI,lu -;!. ' imuiwu, aKreablytO uu act o ouKr ''V June ii. iHfH, and luka m h tbr eettou at cei- ' V-iVtoi w vKThul cttu. I COAL AT $750 PSR TON. 'J III', 'I NM ! M 1 .KM' MUTUAL GOAL COYlPAtfT. CXI'I'I At, H7l)(:lti C0,CC0 SlmreR At Y?t K'jm' $500 000, i i Vlil silo T.T, I AMr-'.-S LY.NII. I i i in st ni;t:, .ltM Al I KISl l-.KI ! 10 K. S. . 1 ' I M l, 'Ml ' HI- I I f VI. I . .11 II UN tl. ST N : o.H '' .N. Sinn, I'l.U h not Mil n ion", I A SI I rl 1.1 Nil, No !: N hi tl HI et. "I'WAHIl f .lfNr, N" I I Ar. 'i fctro.-t III'.M.'Y K. fM'L.No IIU Wal-i'll lrMt P r CI. 1 TON, Vo. IV. N J- rd iticet. THOMAS ft l.'U;M.l, N i. I S I'll, ii.ul .t wit crnoE, Nn. 34 s. Bixrn btrect, "l.t OM ST'KV. l'itAtt tihove litli a roniMtif ha lt lit-md enntdc mme, laryo nnd t.mnl1,hy ta anreiato taf lln ir i jrly t xii-ndl ura ltrccal, 'O own tielr nn j and to iii d) ilioin trhun n tli the arMcli at Qoit 'Iiu urra'Iy incra rd prkei of a 1 e mu.oil-ile, jr ILfei Hie pn1''f ittcrifise f lit tbroutcnlng. ahouh lead !- iiniit'fi to itfvi-.p ar.i all thriiiNcI ej of a very aTtylct tt.i me'h'dof e n ihIt i"k up in tlii'ir own C)iiaii!nptlna). A lar a tt.e lut- )aitrion of ItO are r ncm.ed, talt maf lj atxiMi.iti-hi'rt by Hhithipncc; hut da to Ut ntcmaaiiMfe aomc other iri fi. tv im t-t bw clled Into re ,ulitl m. in tin1 Jit of net cnai few iirlu-lvs hold a hi Khar I-taco ih.tii coal, n nc in rcjanlto Dili tho mvfuat jrn- JT i .'( i . fi rlli tint I-1 . hotli aoolir'ialil mid Hili niiAti-. . too ot toai dclt tiird at are vitrdin flula loinhltv rt.it. ', tl-Oii' 7 In il cud ut the consumer n door it rokta iu 1 ho riiilrn t.cc its taid yd tho c.ist d cartiny ia ol '0 rents. 1 ht iiidi.iintion i aimprc. Tho rnllier mtut hvra bit jitoill, the j I'Iksi titti.it hae hi proht, aud tte tettUW imi..l huve ti m prollt. rVI.y cannot cmiautucra, by o tat, hinnir, fur a klnu'lc year tho amount of their Cxpenil tnr.'fi for (nai, im.-o.chh0'. ilttlr own Co ltory t ani mtvko Ut '-e throe irc lit tor thoimiclvcsV lln- Conr-timorB' Mutiml ('onl Company off. ra aa hb ut:ail fuvo atl o'ii'rtiniii f r currt lux theic prim-iplea Into i racihnl oK ration. I hcCompiDy Uns purrliaird aa old-i'i fiihlinhcu t ollierr, nhout five mi ci aino r.tttnril't with ftiiini c-nuincei, hrinKfrn. uiiniTt' huuscf.blackiiiait-thop-t, rnwunll, fftm, miilti and ad tho cijtnpmotu f r luili.t-f. of ir-CiiO tons of roalptr nnnim, and kavinf a) rlc !:t forti'e n aura to wwrii, 9ver a mile in Vn(A, ibe liffct thia- vt'ini in -cliuylkill county t lie HkldmorAvftIa, rlfvfBii frit thick ; taa Mnmmoih rein, from twenty fire te tidt t) lei I thick ; m d tl.c Sf vi-n hoot vein Ihp tollh ry ia now proiln ln l'-O torn mt diyof beat fjtittlily Yi I. He A-h 1'onl, nnd a new bloo la a mo at rum pled d n-hich will .ficrcabotu cupnc ly to WI (oim por 4 if. The prrleIlt nrt c l of a ton ol coal dcllrt frd from kl oilior fit tiic di or ol tho i-oribumer ll : o(tah , mli:iiir:, hri-akin. U-Hdina, r f4 th lol Mli'' lii'it-tit on huailin,' Uniiriad $ d-i I. vim r at con-unior'n dmr 6i 'I hp retail iri( c ul the reitt y.nd In. nt) St. vp on tl 0 mtitinl p'an ptrtonl;t t H7 Tho (1M1M.U.W- 01 U n tout of coal p.-r ypNr dn tt')iHte Un sh.iuh ot atoek nt f lo per ah.iro.and will be en-it ad t tfntfiu ot ciial ai net ro-t fur Mxtot n ycart. At pre-ieui li Icon he will tavo about t'A) the lUbl iar. Hiiuldthe price ol roul morintio, as la htroikgly apprehended, th auvii.'-' will he stilt (.rea er. Ihej-n-Hifit nunual production of tre col lery ie &0.iJnO ton only, 01 one ton per sl.air of atock ; but the la,rnu.iiat lnlm-Ion ol fxcnli (nvh ctpl at I110 It v ill (iicieir Iti pr ductlon, b' li'ic ili n il 01 tht year, to toe Mto or 1 .'4),WM ton. Ttiia will oniible ttie conipany 10 illstr(lnite) In cult df. lih ndi the '.ii tit uu Jfto.'Mio i tra ton of col each yi r alU-r the puenl, wl ich at prucnt pricvn wlU b ohout n.i fm.or SIU per ah.ire. Tftrr i- t y yfo.' niuii- 'f,ai tin ut'h tcien( tfih Jtrtt tff jnrs ,i tH n 1 ml it r tit us U kh liter. the fritir$ vo."t 0 tf'fi,' Mock, Very few enteiprlht'- ran ehr e juai ImiuciDit litis. Itcombim'a production and toneuiapUou, Bavin? and Kttitt. livery ho'iKPhoIitcr and bueuieAt m a III the i.iioUiiuiity can pJutici;iHc in und ahou d avail hlm- fccll'ci ilA ailVJllltM-,1 . 'i he payment on areonni of the stin k may be made tw loliows :-for hharr ou suhhcrlhiuc; $'J ptr ahare Oc a- ber I, iHerl ; per bharo Novcmhei' 1, Irjol; $ J per har beet Diht rl,lt I, 'I he 1 1. ( ct of the ldrfctorh Ih ti render Did rouipur ft yn iit t'lji'lle htviuiit. ui d to ttivh'i lit advantage aiaMa ft lari e number ot Individuals ; thy lutvo lhcrnforo relanod ei'otu' oi'eia I ruin hw ; nhilori to take lur,'e auuii a aT .t Lk,tui nnul the I-! ihiy of October noxt hav limJte4 the iiiiinl cr of nhiirtii thiit rimy boniili iii ihid by uuy perat-tt to 1 uc hmidr d. Tfii O'lupuuy in now pinpared to deliver roaJ lo aub acriheibai tVl p:r ton. SuhicrtpttoiH lor a limited iiuoj Ivr of haros of b.ocK can bo made at lb oftlctt. No. 4. hi Tli Hii tet, ami order for coat 00: nine L Kl.lOltr of COMMII'I'KK uf hi UIUKH4. 'Ihe vnlrrilgiiftl, purfciieiut to appoIutia'iit, pncexidu4 on I ut-f-d-i;.', .Inly to f rn vl!l. ft'id caily f IitUoarlag J;i coiiino lui'-I tho fiu'cMon of the colliery. Ac , the pro pi ny thit com pit uy prop ctii to purctiaso. 'Ih. y r.-fcH-ciiuhy ttuhuiir the r'tliowiiif np an Uu reaiilt of lh'-ir curciul jiive.tUati.'U t'irt1 he coal ia uf gocd ,imLty on-'raU.-, and mtich of H U very --upctlor. ,c..m- Th. ro 1 on int"ihautihle iui'itlt' of lo thft tr.ut,lor lh Ifiw of ti e U -un ntfcatt In fact wu are -Tincd, with our iitinct capacity lor inlulmy, exceidlug the l.iruf fit ttmiitity pr..jOMctl to take out annttil! from tliia r.'lllvry. only an iiiiprciotuu would ho made upon thft Vbfet amount of coal ciiiiaii: d in ih truot tf land. y'l.ti ll.a fu.'Uititra tor uiin.ug :u.d market ai vt ry HovH ther' ai pi .trlng nV II m.iclMi'jrv, Ac, necc- iary lijr cspi-dltiuiii miniiih' 'i he 11; u-.'. litii:, the ud:.'toroili V lU .Hid thf rmlri ml .do'. iC'h'o Tin mw kipe yuii h c j trc Jii'.r.t y Neard alluded t.o i"a .ery O'tperf. r int. anl .u now In proccs of being 11 ni. h'd.ui.d uhi h in c e t- d to l in 4 11 ceiaful op-M-tien 1 1 rj f, on. A I'ortk n of ymr c -wtii'ltec vluh'd otoef iollifrlii iu order t. thf.im t,dhitn' knowlcdKe for prue)r ttmpuriton The ri bH 01 th! hraiah of their labor ' they did n-t nud any - .-nl Uui t on sale i t leiic that pr fntd t e inmculvi.tit.ii; for o.ir pa'i'Oies ai thie. Nui wtsre uude.elop- d. ether 0llid require Iuiukuw;11' momy to reitore lhir work.Ptf CAP city, wnk ti. t u hiiih prt.e of mtUt.kl..ud tabor, wculd prober xoeii ( the coM of this, wlrh the uiun tatHty of IM- colliery kck in u-mfhU' wW1' i''nns. I:ui.yiio:Hiiiproper to wyaity or rent of , tMa- coiuery only about tw-thiru th. coat of nearly all the colluirl. im the .uyikill region, being K, oente uiinit 00 or W eftl.' the pre.cnt ka.001 th 4Hrrdlndai yn Wi-W fts 60 l eOoenta per tf., wLUit proxUuHy of lh ie nUiiai to a market and to uupexr fA-Ulilfi ft rt'' ktrc nbo. ,afoetiUJi tcJiury. WM. 8. TOUR, TV'M. il. LI'J.KR, WM. A. P.OLI.S, K. M. J.0KL8, t'UA. x. MATIIEYS. rtiiiAiii)riAii fiuit lMcoi. V U la