The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 30, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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    iL JJjIJlLi
nncE tiiijkj: ckxts.
J L1 A
'Iff, Tr.Ti" fnnipMlicnlnic Tlm lleul.4
r Priulint 4rii-niltil. I lie Teat uf
M rli.
Tte Richmond Am, A-.t Cons '(self fr (he
li at ol Fnriy In ihu Sli-.-i.-iriii. . ih I v reea ii ig
lie fact tln.t S oneaull J n I.s in m ir.'h .1 d uvu
he Tttlli y B id is driven bark; t'l it tin ngii.i
nlvaiici d and wai oblige I to rctr.-nt ; that H-v
Marched up and w is ile!'.:i'... ; .nid tii it llnnvr,
fter ftming a complete vi.-'o.y ovir Jones, un I
f.ftrr havii g p iioir.itul to Hi .c'ens.-i oi l.yaeh-
urg, win nbo cornpt l. I to r- trice hi steps.
The Riihti und jo. un il:-t ill :itv from his rcit il
f ih lads the I'onc'.uslnn history is agam
pi-atlng it-cli In the rue nf Hhnld m, ami tn.
will lit hi turn to return! an m. tl. tlm rei
ning c .irrci't ir otherwise, It U wo-fi while in
CilH ;hc leading events in Sheridan's rain ,algu
fur, that we .""V sin by lin." uf ml i-
'tion l.o Im huh -it.? been gull,)!. Thi
me day sheridiin enteio.i "nou his duties
s coiiiiimiirnr in the vaiu-y (Angus' ' I, lieuem
rcini anumed the It -Hon ut Muorti m, v ..ami
cetotd in capim ing tivo hundred pri.o u-rs.
mm thin 'In 0 Ionian), tin Rebel Life, or
mall, has h. in sfi'n north ut tno Ruiom ic.
On M inlay, ti c Mill ot August, ) uor il Sheri.
in hiid hi- prep iritu ns in si forward .i suite i
.jimnt) Ins mining . i p Hie valley by an eu-yl
iticefnim 11 irpcr's Ferry tn surds Cli irlesiowu
ii to f ntiirouy, tin- l:l li of Vuv'it, little hi
Urini-lin.g ordered between the ono isim
j riff, Jinriy making n quirt retreat, evidently
r.ivitiu nin'iivcrt'd tli it Mii-tulun s purpose was
Jhnply t.i press him gently up tho Vuilev, leel
-ls strci .j'.S, umi hold hlni5,.-,f guverucd by tlio
?l tH fli'Vl'Ulpi d.
llrt.wwii H .turdav ni;ht and Sun l ly m irninu,
v KM i mid 1 1 Ii ui' A .i ; li si , a ban. I uf M i-t .y's
Ttlil in lilt. Illi itlllttim llltllid ml l ..i.ri. I n ' j l.l'. I
' i iinuotl upuii it mn til h ii , i ly train near Uorrv
. il . 'Ibo itlu ll was mule iroui'
lil. ki'rs (lap, noiiriy upp hli to vvlin ti tin!
luumi il'inh i." t .r.mnlij at t poiiiti. T 10 train
tf Bwiiiu tweniy mill's in re ir ut Shorid n'
,1.1111 urniy ut tho ut' tin; ami 'k, .ri.l '',,rj
until loroe m c!i.n ,-o ol it wai e.ioiiy o,vor
ruwtrcd. Dtllho Illthtof Slltulliy, the 1 I'l' rmn.irs had
ih. lied Hliei id ui, wtiu o. he i'j,,nia i, r ;, tlie
Iiuk Wire niur Li dar t.nel.. ..,., ..uLih,.
mil Wiui'hcMt r, thul '.eiuio eeiiiiiiin lia.l lieen
h l.t t'urwnid 10 the. Mipp t ot L.irly by li,
Vee : that CiihiJi ilia e n.irtiuu uf I. m -
firfit's 'corps was muv njr norttiwtnl o i tlie
hKlu "f tlul I' iio ' Kulu mid tint a
rluk atuek on our left in w-iv uf T'lur-
.iubturu I.p, was nit Ootioral
1 tieii'inn, however, deeiinni; it wis? ti 'ivis
fxlla oidrrx leuciiim' tl.o pr iteetiiin of Ins
i.pply tiain, iLli u.e i i. w, if in een-iiri , ut luv
y it hei.t baok to V. no hitler, dot r.uiiio I to
Iiiuve mill Inn In r up Hi" vhI cy, in ord. r to tin I
ut the r. ui 'lii lip'ilj ut Lis aiita... n t. '1 lie
kentuie cost umi tin Muii.l ly, tin:
f.U, tbc bupi'ly train hiiiUi; boon tin: in nlo
Lir"Mri'il ba-'ii, : e will l.invnd i piitV uf live
pjiuooieo lO n H
. jpiirn to i ivi t a i
Sy'iseovetii g 1'. l
I'iiiii. This lor
fi'S 'he t'tiiuiy.
'liililuil'U luu iih u.iiiiii u mi. it uty.iuii n iiiH
inrit to i ivi t tt Biitii .1 st iliun tr tni p irii .se uf
.riy p iii nm on I'ls ier s Vuun-
luroc was miiiiiuui ily "ub iled u,i"
On 'I uu-i av, the li.ih, ;i purtl m uf the f nco
' ''Tit fu) wur.l l-y Lee 10 D.iily'n "Upp:rt,i-oii!)is in
t invulry unJ inl'iiiiry, ni.ul its .qip ar i u e il'.
I boruU( (iap, iho i.njeot b.iint. ti s riko
Midneii utiU bemy l.lo v uu S'n i J ui'h left II im v
t nil ri nr. The m veinent, buw. ver, wis d i s
Snered in iiuin.o nine. O ir e v.iliy rn ued the
. -hall. li): column vi th a.liiiir.i de -lull ii'iit .1 isb
itoio it was lanlv I', rind fur tliu au.i'k, and it
wis si. on i ompi l.c-1 1 re'n us ivr.u u hn0'e los
id priui t'is.
t At tun. lose uf the riulit near TnoroiiiZlif .r.s(i m.
heriiirm ti;. ins ll,:t' 1-ulv ivas s runvfiy in-
ii tiele i nt Ki-ln r it M.ii in in. an I tnat tU 1 1! ip
in tlie lllue Kidf mes. n ei m irn in.-n ir uuiuo
lliiui I' iis unlet a'de to cuineiuiil ite f ir .1 roirv
litii'ii uf i lie a in k up in his I. Ii, or . ml hit
Liny to lull tun k 'omji Wineiies er Kr nil
1. 41, in er wnnu iwry ' r nistiun;. In! re
nd turn iynl e jinl t iiarli-io.ui. Ami in tun
ti ' , il. d I la? eunt. n uc oim i'e.,i ; nt- ii we l
ii i ri ui un i KarliV udvrtin e. livoi'ivs .roeuu
suiii. a., Un han.luy, tlie 21-1 of Anna t. a -ov. r
ei k iji'iin 1 1 (nek pn. u t-v i lines no. un 1 Cu .r e-.-
ii, m wl 1. it i.ur lu-s w is .ii.lillitl.i'il it Her, veell
ro d ix Imiiilred. Tlie u' j . . of III ? R j'i Is
in biiruin-'i on tins t ii' Wii lo i; lin o is
(ipnioit ul iariiusbur j an-l ui tnis o ijiiet hj irly
. H lll'C. ss,
k'ri.m tin' Jlst to Ibe '.Mtb uf Aug isi thero w s
bilk' lo vmy tlie iusiii.u ul tlie op is n ir.iiies.
I'eiisliltit ri eiiiinuisHiinees bv our Oivilry iveril
k pi up to 1 1. 1'de f i mtil Sli ir.ln ti isnruru
trie innii'u.euis and inreiit nf bis iidi'or-ary
I n ni ibe J'i'h M tlie t inl uf tlie in. null, a -tci t
f !uunl w is I i'i upon i lie ul tne iiii.n'r )' it f mid In-tb. r r..ii"ly t irurt eii 'd tne p ir un :
lut ri - ji i in :i hi- exp niin nts j- in inv id r n ir'.'i
ol 1 1,'.' I'i I. .inn.' or i.o, mi. Ii i. me v l'I ot
the wutob e-tiiii ln.l bv sn i, t'i-u nun
'-ii tile liebi'l veiitnri d to svt f o: I i M irytii'id.
HsttersUiwu wss shel i d foru fe v Hours tru n tin?
tuuili H ie ul tlm I'orom ic, lint 'i-yun l tint,
Wii.l.iiijiuii ir.uii C ij I' i in, oa his
nay to tiio, up
l'o.'iiua '. Wiin tr i is,ure.l in
fcuu'il 'letwein t'l". I,,"iitenaut-(; nieral and ins
firustv Kxei ii ive l.iemcnu t in the v iley, tu.?
1,'h ol tlie Ii ll iliivs inti rieiii i),' o I'Ucu ihe
111 h Mi-1 2!"h iu-t ..nt h tve .sho vu wl U to...Mnlt;
i d ih'n im
At ih tir-e ol these ilats O in'r " Shnri l m
I'eiwner.e. d his an. J a tic.i oil K .i!y'- line- at
D.iiki sil'e on t!n tia.t', and o i tne lijrryo.lle
nd Winehi s'er pik , n .ir I nn qirm e.e mi tin!
lift. At Hie lale-t ..I i.i ! .1 1 i i tsii.'i i Ian s vio-
tin ions urmy h .il pursiiid tiieileui irat'.v;'! lor -es
'of llnr y lor a disUnce ol nv. r one hu.i lre I miles
1 1. mn ti e i penin' n ittie-t'i' iuini, an l is n.-ir i
ifr nm to ilsy l.eyi.iul Sijiiih n. in f uns lay, .ha
iSJ. tne two C'lip-i l . i . lit an I i; u .ry, with
. Siniiil.ia hiirt-i If a'. Hit it he.iil, e mi i up tvi'ii
lOarii !!i l-'i h i s Mount -i:i m-le c d h in fimre,
tcutmriPK hi for :u in every direeii m, an t eap-
luriiK si'.K i n pi. cesoi his ic in ei v.
Willi n im.- .liel I'.ilniiui ul nv;. ii y. sinvH in
I .Ii utei ant, Tin i ct, m' en oveno. .u a i n''i ui uf
the Ijiir' nun ant at I.o ray Curt II niso, on
t itiir. ay, the '. 1 n, ni kii iuiik oris imi.-s, mil
1 0 1 ive. I lie fu-itr. e i m d i.el i.o it. A' s, o'.l n'U
tu Monoay moi uin.i init i.'ii' innu ni uiv. uu.l. r
frh u ;. it lulu 11. e tticil -itiun 'ii, Vuijiiuis
lipniid, tli'.nu'i II 'ul .- .u ei"i:.d in
li'inib m d I. in T": .in ;l:
r.ulrinl n.'li
' tln't pop. t and Wa i.i ,b n'o,
I i
i, nil tne Lot .l.i.isv. tic
Such Is a I.ri. f mnii'e.iry
of I'p'fy .livs iqnri
S'n a iU'I i.i'i, 'a : Ijr
1 t'm In tic v iM, v ol tl:.:
) ni n't f-'hei I "ii.
Ikl llll lll'l si. III.
Asm' i, ri. si, S pe'n'n r li I. I' n'.'i ,-t M le
nt i;l t;, i i r 1 1 I'i y (I. i les th '.i t hose pe. - .in ln
Ij'uid en unit ninny in I'i nuiiy an. I
.Mnreh last lire CM inp' for one year from the
tin e t hi y paid the in iiioc.
li Is I'i'ii.i.;; i! i-' M'.ri.;i' ,r but ',: w'tl not i!!ay
(iemral fiiaut'e inoieinei.ts.
!!! r(AltM:iTV.
l ou'iursn Mi.Mioi:, .vi-pi iii'.n r ). l!
pnj.f rs i f i!
taiu the foil
'iflth hnvc ' i". n root ivc.l.
win;; iie-pat. In.'-:
i on-
CiiAt.t.i.Mo.v, si ; t. rubor i 1
catioti toi 1; i.i the ii..i l).u' t j
Yui.kte FUieoin c' a;. lain,
by i s. A t.iimlii r of n nr. '.
' ".unl
Kirliii en
re'eus. d
iron '.i lTJ
n.i e.
Bent on licuiatl.O .t'l.-et t;u.:j w
A cifi'ej mun mid live toidi' rn came into our
l:nc-to dnj'. Ono Ituni'icil and lii'iy b ixe et .-tni-cs
una ciotuniB iiom tuc l ntiea Mateii .".mi ire
''onimb'-lou, for Yanl.cB i ri-oneii in o'.r h.iud:.
.-ic uieirecl hud lirntiaht to tho ti'y.
.(ur lointutd priftoueu lepurt a lu'-ent iiui'j..e,'
of UCups ul Ildtou IJLad (or New Yoik.
(m tlie tnt o( 'October un cxcUanj' of priioncvn
vlll ttil.c pluct in tli" hiii Ijji'.
11EA111S AT ll51ll.V IK-.VIl VI..
Foil-linns MoNf.or, Peptetu' er 2-1 The fol
lowing l'eiiLsylvaiilii bolJiirs hnvc tlio-l at the
llaiiipton Lui-j iiul kiuci; the hut repoik
Wiithias Miutier, yd rer.nsylvnniii Artillery.
Join ton W'idluie, PTih I'cuiisvlvania.
ewl, J'usli.'Jd i; nnevlvania'Aililleiv.
Jtobi it li. (ircir, -M r. nii-ylvani.i Aii.lloiy.
tooipu S . Cu burii, h.-.ih !,
t a; tu.u Unia M mUiun, S uh lVuiisynauia.
; Alo, the foliuwiup fro,,, New Jcitcy :-
Johu Jliowu,a7ib 'Llv Jersey.
I-ruutia llvudufhyon, nu, jeucy.
jf.Untly mai'e iio siirn nr ot inv.i i ui.
1 Outhe'ii of tii pteiiiliur, Averrll fiih'id the
T iTlfbelti in ur M irtiusliu it, and ibu foilu v ia d ty ,
J J;'ioh iittii-ktil ih' in near 11 rryvniu. Inn. til
t JeMinceuii nts our l. ii' .le iiemil very coin di a-
If tile Micei sm'B. I'n. to r is iUt to the Hit i t le :
ir'feiiiiatmii nt atfiiis vnried to Hi euiist.l ri'Pe
1 flPi'rrt'. Ii iheu eaim? nuf. tli it lieu -ril lii'iut
I fluid reached
Willi) T n. irniav
.alest from (iranl.
Heavy Fighting on our Extreme
WHOLE ARMY.,, :tc, tuo., i;ic, if,,
Fmi i i!t" MoMtiii:. .Si'jiienilMr 2l. The
I'lilti'd Slates ! HfoamiT f.Von- Lntry,
arrived In n? this iiftertioon from City I'dIiii,
w ilh about two hundred sei !ln sixty
wounded solilieis from the lOt Ii Army Corps
Thry report tint heavy firing wils heard on
our lift ut 7 o'clock Lift cveniuij until 10
o'clock tliis (Thursday) morning:.
No results wore known ut the time tlie
ptcntner left.
The removal of patlentf from the fronl hos
pitals, ns well s other movements now suing
on. Indicate immediate activity w ith, the Army
of the rotomnc.
ANOTIir.H AI.'lUll NT.)
AVAsniMiTON, September :(). The nK
lircuu'ht today by pussen'Ts from City l'olut
who left there yesterday, has been unti .lpated
by the olUcial bulletin.
Tlicy mi i.tiou thai on Wednesday niht tlie
lleliels made un attack on our adv.iii. ed In
trcnchmcntH, In tront ol fort. Seds'.viik, tcr
the .Ii rusalem toad, but wero easily rcpuld.
titon urMKti, i.Ktvrs aumv.
llf .Mi.n Aiirrtis Aumv or the 1'jimii ,
Seniiinbir 'JH. l'.vo do-erters eaino in 1 i-t
ni hi in f i tnt ol Colonel Hussoll's Briiptile of the
Vth Corps. mviU'f tliemsclves tip t.) tlic ol ued
pi Ki ts .n the line. Tbe-e men h.i 1 h'l ii cou-
mii tid, und had nerved out their tiuu'.'iut l
in t ob'uin their ill-chaises.
As -( ..a us they Uiind that thw mil no' be
for. oil into mir raiiKs, ihcy in i In up tin ir iiimds
to ili'sert, expressiuir iln ir to their c. mi
ni. h . tin y nnoiupH-hed, and ui'o. no on
tin ir wev Noith, tii.ilcr the terms of (
(iiiint'd ino. launiiinn.
The Rebels in to h.i.o g it over their in'.'.l
iititlna'hv to the colored io?Uic'S. Some lime
am ihey inaile it a rule to Keep
the when ver tlnso sold eiJ m nlo their appear-
niice, hut l ow they remain us quiet on that part
uf incline occupied by luo culuiod troops ai at
any other pom'..
vl.m iliMrters eotne in, m iny of th ;in I i i
ViiBinlin-', tiny are, nhviiyn willing to a. -opt
(noil, Iriin wlia'ever sou ice it may c imo, ami
tl () can oft n b'i feeii Hituns on th'; ground
ikiiiig v it'i I br iietimes, und ui tin towards thuui
us though their nhiim were us wliiso as tiieif on.
I.;i titt nant A lues, of Ames' 11 t ?iy, is ki le I
on Minn ii j t y a liebel sliirpsbi.iier. The tiall
nti ii d h 9 Mile, i U he dud a. most
A i-'r. at deal ot liritig has lit en induced in by
b un miIv -, M-dn , ulntiir the eenin .in i right.
Qnl'i' a li .ily skirmish oe. uiro.l u: dark last
i vi i.ii ', r the pi kuiK A'cro lic'ii relioveJ on
i l.o i ittiie ul the line.
xi. J-J
taportant liesvilts ExpoctoJ.
ElJJiilLS taken by buuraisE.
i:;(i:.niiM totally imjufemo.
Union Victory on tha Woldon
i eelnl lo Tlie lliculiiir 1 i lfirilili.
M'asiiiso ion. Rcp'cinoei' M. Iho Imp
, ri ws by the mall steamer ;'.., from Ci'y
l'oil.t, bus OttU u ituip itcd bylir.iui de-pit.:ti
I ot yesteri ny, hut some addition il partieulars are.
I givi n of ihe niw mo. emeiit oa 1! jliniond.
I Iv.rly on Wnlni sday nigh' Or i's
Corps the Will, b go.ii to in. no I'roai their old
pusiiiou lo Jonoa' i!cl:,ou the. I lines river, wh.
I a imnoi.ii brii'KU had been t uown ttoiosn the
tiv. r, and iihii.eili.itely beit-in t oroHs. By mi I.
! l.hjlil tlx .ill v nice i-na.d ia-t -i oedtd in ell'vct
! U.( diC el os-ic; in su'ety, i.trl 'mforo iliyi.jht
II,. win le Coijis l ad ci'. s-nl imL.oiii ..p isition.
An i Uv.iin e nas iiniiniili.iU'lj ordered, .ml the
' i;,f"i,cl.!iu litis on Cl.jpin.s f.'n.i we.e Cipuirod
; i h hut little sho of le-i-lani: .
Thin upi oaii d lo te but ! ..v ilcliet irmps in
' ti c niin li' luni nts, und it is tiiouj it they had
pri v on
: .u 1 , i.
j i ti i .
Us u ti in
ly I n n v...lniiaiu t
r . nt to the W. l.i.ia
a niuvt'ii.Liit by tin:
Iiiiii o u le uf liis Jt i !
i' to rein; tree
Ir.iiiil, in antici-
. .ii th t d 1 1) -ti ,n,
oiici.1 i j tiii'caieii.
Tl e istli C ri"', uinler il
Mir. 1 1 d i.Iioi t ihe Hume liu.e n
iniAiu' In in Vp lljiinin ti,)
i nil Il'iney, a.
ll Ihe Mill Corps,
t tic Ncwi.i irket
In the intrenc'iiiioiits, mo-t of which they car
1 .1 d villi, the HehelH uppcaicd to be taU Tl
l y Mivi.ti'C. Of tlic bulise.Ue:it iipiveuieii'.s of
inn noop r.nthiin,' was luiov. n at City I'.'int wlien
tl i' ' let't t! f tc at 1') o'clock yuienl . y
i. ci ..ii ; , I nt all tl.o iudk..t:uiis were that both
to. d ;.i:'i l.iiiu'y w ere prociii--:!'. I. it!. out i heel. ;
ii'iu r i .as lieiicM'd i' Irnin Iho rnnp!eie'io.sii
ic ihv sui;:rU' iy tl.o iiiciiiy, that very imp. .riant
i on i.i be attoiiicJ holuro cuil'l throw
a rilii ii :t l'i 1 1 e itiuiinJ from l'etei-hui -jr to coii
t '. : Ci..:. t'n luliuncu on t'ao u'.rlli il.lcol'ilic
Oi. Wcf ill idflit the P.vh.:.- ii.u '.j a f iilmis
n't uk n j r ii our advanced ciMlucniks', oa the
,!i ri'.-ii'ii.i j !miI. ruLd, In (Vot.t of Tcit .i!;;w!'. k.
Iht.o inliercl, ui. nts held by n union of
li.e iid liiiisioii uf (he 2d Cmps-, and the enemy
v ns linr.i'M nicly n with coii.-clcinl'lc loss.
ll.cset.K- tl.o woi'!.s uiptuied (ioiu tlm Rebels
tevcin'. Milks a.n.o, mid tills is the hecoinl inisuc-ecs-ful they bine lau iu to regain ll.eui.
'lie '. icii bi flight up anoihtr bu'.c-U ol c.iciity
lie in sciUrt.
:elieni! I ruiil'H Mot emeiil Itejioi trd
I.tlil ntiliou ul I'i it rsliiu
Wa-oi iM.'ioN, Heptmiher 'J',). The rows from
C:i.i lb niiny nlibcil 4 cvcijtliing else if intci ci
l.cie lo-cuy. A ui'iiclneiit of kun.o kind Lai been
umi cq .iteii tu iy tiny tor mole than una week.
Al! tin t ib kcnvi ll In re of this advance n hich it is
1 1 in ! e li t to pulilinh has uheady I .evil couiiiiuiil
csku in un Mile iiiniiiicr. IntcubC au.lcly is
uiuMle-lcd lo Lear U.UI V Uvluils.
-H-Jr JWT'TVi .
. xtKth AdM ?v Y ' vt I..i..r..rr. yf-
V yr lsa 1 '''vc'ti'' i''C&
si. 1 v--';.'j'Y':;7y
It I- ai r.eral y lielievc 1 hco Mi it 1'. tei s'liirtf'nti.or is bio i; i v i nateil, ami tli it im
li ei 1 t, nm s Ii iv.' iHil.'ti n it no in tne .1 :t.:ns. s
nt Kiel iitoinl. hi iit rnl i,r . ii s lun.i i ms Ho d
i pun ibe U , liciu I'.-iil It.iu slnee ml .11. 'le I :lnl
alil.i of I'i elftiuiu. und !. is n .'liuved that i: a'.
1 M I r ' II e .lb t till I. I illlteil ble.
l.e. V ui ii'iir de in .vemei." i i uppo-e I to h ive
n i ii ci- 'i.c'ii nv (n n ial lira it, 'vho pr i.nnnv
ex i ii'. .1 f r.ipl.l ilenii.l.sir'innn np.iii ms iixtouio
. hr. iv 111 a il. w In fniiie tne Oe'.'ll-.'S ul Un: i-
n und li p . n he -un h side, an I, it in.) s iiiio tliim,
li v r'i.e tu l-nri lliili'ij;. Now tint H-in'rii
II hi i- i . umi un n ui ay t xjn t to 'I- ir tn it
I.e loin iniln ul .1 uvri d and b is jaoied ini
pi i ant p s .n, c t ir Ins new n'iiii.1 of Oporali" ill
. illlirl itc It. ii-'l c iplttit. ll wif.
.'Iiei'lnl lo I Ik- t vi'itliiif IVIevraiili.
'.- iiimiton, Sepu tubir30. Th'. Utbel itta. k
1 1 Vt'i i ntpili. y nip lit on our position in fiontol
V rt hi i'kwIi k.iiti toe Jrusa jiu p unk r ml, was
u ei nilu iy ! sis'ed 'jy the 2 I Urbane of the 3 1
Dirndl n i l ihe Dili I'oipK. and the troops assailed
ii le ci iniiiSi ih il by Colonel U l- st'll, of the 2Hiu
U.S. Ciloicl Tr ops. I'i rt Sedgwick open-'d
up. n tl.c Rebels, aim ac eleiated thoir relroat.
I'rinle vlil.H O'lli'illy atliultlitl lt I'riie-
I !'.
Charles ' llalpinc, a fro incut rnrtrihul-.r t
the pi.-.-s ufcotr tl. n.twi ttt; nie ol Miles
O i id y, tins iii'irtii K look Hi-) ot l aad signed
be loll-an an Aili rni y und Coiinsi l or at Law
He whi. exiiniiiied at the cloc ol M iy term, Out
In.s in tnl now presi LU'd hmi'.elf tor adiulssioii.
Ai if IniA1 litiily rir.
Arrltnl oi tafiivritl llaitHH st .w York.
Niw Youk, Sept inli. r :!(). Hp? steamship
Nut. o Yitin uirlnH ut i tits port i his morning.
Anii.UK the 1 iissei.uors arc ( eueriil ii.iuks uud
t,t .It.
Laltsl Southern News
niliTLD AT.
KIP., I'.te., IX:
I '.If.
im: K ii iinN or iruN'rov i una
I im i n in: i tu a I.
From r'.i V.'il.ui.,: .1 ...., ni -S- 'ei".T.
Ri p. rt has the t'acii.U:on if Jstnunto'i
i it s: itl lor on Simony
uniiny ; let our h.
e-t iu'.'oiiu's
Cil.',' Mn 1
in." oi linn? to !
1 1 . .ill of the .
mi jcsii .liny give ii- i.o news imin
i.'i.ii hiid belli iibani! .tied. Rally,
li l mis ilci Iiicil jt'liu'ute, watt mil! in
cm inv home tnui iceii mil
vn iniiv of Mint llnil d
beion .laiiil'i.n, in tiio
p. hiivii':,' driven bad:
t i i in lev In in bis
tiunt near Ivec.ucloA U nnd
1 io t Rcpi.biic.
In the mi (nsjcii nboct Wiiynerbfi S.iii'n-
ton, o. c,i.-ioia d by movement ciiimei teils with the
min , li any cinioiu and ulteii absiirj iiiinni'd
h;:'.c ai;-i li, and bonai to li ii binoiid by Highly
j ai-s: I ci 1,., nr n lit on in until -ipatinii by credu'
loi a ti a 1 1 1 p!i';.-ls. 'I ney have si.n fd their le'iii
ii.ete iu ci i I nf .si iimii inn. The
1,, iif lion, li nt quaru r is ei'titaoied Iu tho lol
liuvirg ;
Hi. Mc Minis, c, s.qiteiiih r?ii. ToIIon.
J. A. .seutii ii, Mciciaiy of Wi r ;(.e Rarly
ripens ll a! IPe ci cull a.iMii.n I n:,iiiu-l him nu
tl.o ',1'h iiot. at iNiiwiiaikct. llo K'.l buoli to
lc"t Reiilibl.c.
tin the 2 .11. Iho enemy advanced toward line-ilM.bbi.!-,
bis raiairy liuvitg probably i.aca
tl.ii.uKh thai I'laee. K. j,;. J., ,;,
'1 l.i laconic upoit gives us no ii.l'uiniaiion of
trmidai'n nj nii.tiiuis, uf tourte, uud so tho
ii inou ii.ust tuii iluir comic for some houu
I' l cr. It is tho inq iitsioii in w ell informed
qiuulus llnil this is mnply the old valli v innue
Icing jil'.inl over again. AVu triiht, tlien', tint
tlic sjiiiit . no a nias will animate uud Uncut our
itiutikl- until it in I 111) id out.
m:.uv liiuNo in roiu; inniism Ku.
I'i oiii Ihe i;..A.niiiii'"''or.'', ,s'i j.ttn.l er 17.
Pome luavy filing has occuin d from both sides
in the lust day or lo, wiihotit important rami Its.
lnuii g buiulay and yesterday boinbaidiueut
win. in in oin cuB liom our batteries iipou the cuomy
at IluRU Oup.
Tkc New J!ovon:enl on Rieliimm,!.
The Vs '.iii I n !'! r.,1.-, al er eotn nen in a'.
.ei c i n oh "ii tie iiiii.o-i'iiiis tor p.-ice 'n-
1 d'Ti -I 1 ti. ,1. Sii-i ni in :n'l .ides tl- n iiu:-
'I I r. pi v ul (lov rnur Uriisrn, wo imi r.i in
I ni- v. rv ii in Ii t i ihiself. . ' :-T II 1 i-on r il Mi.-r-I
ni rj ii ai I iii'il' rsuiiid u m u n .env a u . i
j i.l'. l i i- Kcil 'l'll innu s. w i to I 'l'.l ni ''I
I . ;; I .ri..!' 10 .CI' Ol tl.C ( 1. C . f I T I 0 S t Id. I
1 .o,i' s hniv " n n' ' ill I'e ; or, if 'v s io il I
, ui vit ise i , mir ueoii it lo is e in ! a I t
' nl.l el .ellein r -ul'-.
t.lMliM. inlll'isl's MHVi: '.l.N I -.
y , i'. i.i.-I iff,.i.r-r. .-(...('.;.
'1 !n- Y.f ilofs ui 1 ii pui- h vti .t. Unit 1' .rres
Im 1 1 -1 il 1 1 .' lice," of is in i si- inn i 1'eniies-ee
il Nnilh A.l'll!:i:l. If ", -.Vsl'i.i Mo it.
i mi i 1 1, ii Lricli'i r mi v will .on ilnl .1
iq , n 'In ' ililfiti l i 'V. II.' ol all iiheis ! .'I .M-
i i 0 : . il ' ns tin pre iiee 'o I'le il Ul Ki'i'iibru'.eii
M .'Mn'Ji.'b ci mil uiiieatluiiii and louipel bi n to
ial e Up sl!;, s i t A'I'lll'.l.
I In K.e t I'nh w : t nr is fr. sh In the niin Is o
ii N.iAi'c I'ani-ni.s an. I irotip-, -o tint mi 'n
I'.. in . i lepi rteil Oilii.n.'ii f their c f.vii'd y
In ui i. s Mil tin m iu iinlieii aiion of Ihe ilo iui in y
f li ili ly cx',"0', u-id Know they so richly
ill ive. It lient ral l''oriet has been tliiue I
t u-e IMth Ills lliVllii'll.le lllere. nil bo .i rav
111., cl tic I in-, nut Ol the il.iill, us III tie
i-ioii i. 1 a U I. but .on ir A Hie iioics m lin
Yin Li i H's p:i'hnv will in- H'cy ol il i'b
In if the 'mi . s i' I lib a h lor ve ir. ai'er this
v ai ' Ian .'Ins.!. Cienle mm 1. i il.
Ill p
tie i ivalrynf Hie .Iniivol Ituunss e
er I, is enn nninl w mum. 'inn is. nun i'i '
ini. n- ni' Merman vt on In Im Heidi. a: iiwinl
Y. l l ' e. inn, i i ll pursued by the ocsoiii ol
.It ni. nun.
"I'I i ?vl.n.' cniTitry d. m Ir, looking ti him
as tli t una tl I. in.ei , and u,.nk..i mi
I ,? i xi i in ion ol tin-ih cis'.ve work m lb" rv. r. II
as inoen equal to any tank orex.iloit. min
vi l,n I. In li is c. lisi nt d Iu enit-r, wh.'t'ici -villi a
n till nr l i en lorce, nnd always mi nnsi ml
I'' .bl wiili I. mi Isto kill ni.d iiriiiu h vu'.torv tr un
he i I i li y In 'bene In Id ilid." und, wil lie' 'eve
la: he wi l il'-pliv Ins creiit nioi'iny eeu'us I.i
'lime am iin ii .e Hi in nu any f n iner oeensi ,
n1 a ih siiu)iug argil in iho tU'iJorn Set-
PraiB or TiisiiMiiimTr. To mv. Nix A. M.,
72. Noon iio. One 1'. M. til. Wind, N. ! W.
Vol nu tl.. A im c tin j; of thn l.'il.n m en of
t i ik en y was held nt Co iivri 11 ill I' t i ceniu.;,
Im the purpose of ix. rensini ih vntimi to the
cdiiMiy and its cause. Ri aulu ions warn pus-ed
i tnl' tsii g the Ailmii i-fa i"ii of Mr I.-pu-oI i, and
lis na. I: bv Messr-. J. liu il-li, (if.iigo
I, by, A li. u ir I, 1 Mill ni w 'ii.t'iiriy, a ni
I' ul. lief, l-'iiili".'. The meeiiiii; was a l uv; ; and
"'i'l" 'in iM'c'li. 'iveeii lion. V ll'itm 1). K lly
i i .1 I i nice Nor In. ei as en in in .1 last eivuin .',
in il e re i in e of a 1 .rgc audience Tli.! iini'iist
li anile -ten in '1 ill 'U'"' " ": ,'''1'
1 In I;, i nl lie oi 1 ii vin. ild i's lii Id a nice in;-' at
N .1 Ha Hall, M O l et st i l", I ' V. Ill'lll, l.'ill' U
v'-iiiuil ibe In ci si tn it liis nt la ken pi'ico
Hirer tin' l.l:-l'ieis ot tin) nr tillli "Ion. Ml'.
'1 1, lii;:.- M. o r- iitiiii a.iilr.s-e l tin) int.t-tli:r ut
is c-iociiP le I n. Ih, another company was
i.. ,1 r:ii in 'ivied. This eicnimr Ihe
Hall vi.l In: '. a'.idto lllorron in
(ll.les will viil I'o 'idiii.'J to at c;.'l a nice
tin li.val ill . ells ol '.hat ciiy.
I.I i i 1 1 s.-1 . in i in: T v-i ockth V.
II. Ce t ll;- Ul thO f. I'tieS nil i ill llV.d I ''ill
held lust cvciiii g a' the llc.uio"iii '.er-
'I' u rule, nan lb Wall C'l.'n ,;l . '11 C.U '.
I). A
oi was
ol f..e
Y. !'.
.tie ad-
1 utt.i, I'.' l-, I'eliicn d an able ;:ul pitri'da
diets, full nf mi. v.: i v r(iim.".t, i I was
hn.ul lo the Minn,.' tnui t il out. J ''
N li l'.'li 1.1,. V ll ise clo
powiiuil ..ih'.u -s lias it tac I I' (.. . li'inr t u-ll.U-.l,lll.
AIM Mb. li.Mi'. Mo.i.6. '' ''K'
Cub, n.i'g "loir l'ia .. l'latl.ii.i. and "Lily
Rciiiul ihe l'-'iu:, l.'"- in aiM'.n;, iciveni was
m ini bv Ihe I'd nu nt Mr. ( hiii'len (litln lis, that
ti.e ll:i I iwmlil be I'l'in cviiy evening i if the
Uvh until-" lb" imnp df'ii, nnd 'hut on Monday
cti'iiiiig nble 11,11 i isi iigni-hed spui'.crs would
be I iin'iit. Ciiitc a i-f tho ynng iin-a
ul li e vat'l LLnf i'"i'v.'nr.i Jail -1 tn olhd lueir
n. i! cs, rs uiciiib' r oi the Campaign Ciuli.
A Pn-oitPl MA iloi nK. Margaret l'.llct is
iiii- "i d tube tl einMic-8 of a hetisc ofbud tepute
at No. IS Tnl i tte .s'.i'i et. Ssaul house Is alleged to
le t: itul at ull Louis of the l.iht by j ouug und
oM.who nttiin. - create quite a rumpus to the
tli'.inli. Iiii'tmn und ii.seoiuloil ol the in ic.hlun j.
ScMiul old (.ii v-liiiiud sinnciH secin to have lu-e
access nl uny 'liine, caiiyiiig uighl kei s which,
loitunatelv lor tin in, but uuloitunately lor their
liimi n s, iret 111 c uUlisiuan on the door of Xo. IS.
C'oiupluiutt ofthise pioeccdings were unu'.o to the
poliee, and ycsicnluv Maiguret was taken into
custody aud held to hail h AURriuuU Juus.
Tnr Kill IN I'liiirs The Sullen f iM In
pric h lus h nl s i di an (Tec, up ia th ! in 'u s ai
will shed a gle ua of j y Ihrouuth ml cveiy b m o
in the Und. I'Mvislon'irs Iho bi,;sl i" i-:-tnrs
and tiie sin b-ni t'.iner gro ery iiici had to
"eii'iiii do vn," try as niiicll as they could t i ': ' ,i
up Ilutti r fell from "ity cents to dfiy in
tliue tins; rbrese fi-ui tweiry-'We tens li
twetitv ; tii i.i r and notatoos, (-VO t J do'l u'S A
I mn I; meats of all kinds In prop -r icn, thrigli
the li.tilcrs aic a '.o iscrvi'i'i; er ic, nul Iu Id
i ui as loi g as tl cy cm. In families tho ! ;ue ;:
ol lb. li o.i nu nt have been felt in I .y tbttci -.
le lemlily i pr-cluleil. 'neinniihuv is ipttsl w
lo Cil i lie li'S'1-in.'d dr .in on his resieire.-s ; i i'.,-.
ft it'it to sel. and enjoy tli? pleisii.e
wl.ic'i all women feel in e onon.y i f lsousc'Di.!
i x pi inc.
lull ns?, llictigh, who live pr in.mly at
In on t :tl. (1 i atitic-l.u'i'is, iho I. ill of prices His
I oi, ns m t, I n.iii-hl any pcreepiinle ijlief. Tuo
I o cis ri.u't-e tin ti line us i ver, and n'.tng' ho i es
b.-tcii'i r. uiiciil llnir scale of prices a single
tu t. A huge elui-s of the community aro tuns
tu meil iiniiiii ly. Hero in, uowuvor, tn u I li
iii. I . .1 ii.iiu.'ii.n ut to younij men to got iimrriud
iii.o -ciileil.
I hut sen-iiive I u-lness, thcilry gills tnl'),
was il;e Iirst o (col the inllucli :: uf tun oho dt.
li iii iil.i be inipoi iblo to give in detail tue
tin r o toiidilioii ol ihe tirilf w hich w.i ut onee
niiiipn.i in eii the leading s ores ihe r sioons are
no vin 'id n U extensive; nut, it m .y be staid,
in a grin-nil wiy, that nni'ly everything wis
iiiiirkeo down fioui meniy to twomy-iivo par
en t., ami some aitn les pun em ir-y lnn.,eruus to
aid iil I inr. Iho cloihl g ir d? mora
nun nusly lid'oivt d unit. I hey b g iu well ten lo
i iit t i' i m ci nt., but w nl pron. lily b ive ui-ne
it Oolililelhut ll'f iM peo,ii) all! K iilip'll I by -.un
el in ge id sciisou t i ouy their .ruin r rii .ieut.
Ciuil iil-o ta li li ii ii'U two to thr u loli irs a
ii n, umi ibe d iy nf jubi.oj BOC'iis anout to uiic:
u ore, ill. an iq, n US.
Tin. Dim r.- The drift will not uko place in
his city for u few days, thero b ing soni'i delay
,u i.rujcrly nnai gi: a ihe crcJits uiiej e'ettiug the
u.ui l.ihuj in good working nrjer. Tnis delay
is loituiiute, indeed, lor these wards which are
-nil ili lion nt in the r quota. The hill io in :reiso
tbc City bounty to incmiseof S't', w.ll,
we me '.l of tho Miyor,
II having be. n pienl'iiCtdi'i CoiiucTe wl .h his lino W
liiifc urn i'i-i:iivc-l lii- (auction at tli it time. If,
ni li tins I ii i Iter iiidii. eiiicM, t ie wauls now
ib In ii ul cannot luiuiuli tho iiiiui'ior of men
n qi.iii il ot un m tin y uesei ve io 're tlrjlteil.
Ian nu is deli, mil anout run tliou-au I men,
d siiibiitcii .iiuiing ti e Knst, Scv. n h, l-Tevenih
.-s, i in 1 1 n li, Niiieiieu.b, und T .o.'ii y lii'iu
V inns ti e o'her wards I uviug lilted tneirqu ca.
(.! w ills still iu airtars, sunn) ol tin-in
I uie I ul vcri f w men to luuiHii. Of ili-i id 1
n i n li quilt d, inure than o ,e-ha:l' ni'i) d l i ironi
ii e Kirst tun Wards of tho eecnud
l)i-. ic.
I In- iinluei'ineUs'i to vo'iintcer to-d.iy to enter
II c I mini S ales urniy are giviter in Inis cny
tiinn ,n any oitn-r, or ut any previous innu in ill i
l.isioiv ol tin R lici.i'n. A volunteer fir one,
jnn't'n i tire t i his country, wiiich lie owsat
unj tiu.e wiilioul oao c. lit of p .y, i.ow reooives
tin" ii il !ii ir.e :
C ty lii'Uiuy "I
(iovt'llllliclll Hull lit." '" ''"
Waul Inanity
0:.c Ycur'f l'.,y 1'-'
T' tnl
Si 12
hat is, a toini.leci' ;
. e:V0.-. S i 12 for our vein s
fi 1 1 ;ce ; in' '.ic)' ti. In a ailiuiw ,iti-: -ft-., uo-ino-innil,
cl. tliinf, iii'.end nice lice.
V le n liclore, in tl.c history nf tho wholo w ind,
was nu h i ay given to the snMii r i Hi -ides this
ii u , ii -1 I o ii'iiu mbeiid that each nieuih r iu th
!i.;i ill Oi neiy tnlui leer who goes lioin tnis
my is ci. 1 1 1 c tl to a ciriuiii wcikly paiuu ut fioiu
tleCiinii,- in. i b ;'hc Relief id li.e lauili - ui
A' ..-'ii uteris. Ihls includid with the ?-'S 2 will
li.i I.i a to i'l nun of abi.i.t feliioli, wl.ii b isi.ioie
Rii'ii is in. ued l-y any nicehiinie, nnd by many
piolcs-ional iii. ti, who are oompclieJ to toil day
,n and ui y out, and piobubly uot lual.o lunch
li, nu- than one half of this am aunt.
The u'.oic (acts thoiild bu Kept constantly
lfii. re the ) I'lijile. Men lire now more needed
tliiiut'Mi; ami, in view of this (act, the aiuhori.
tiis arc w illii r. to pay for them. Let our ii. ll-
i ii rt vur-'ii tin i eti i c nl'oue, und with one proper
nini united tilou ti.e ilci, ic my of lb-! city can be
li, i. do up in Rt" I'uni u week. N'o hive two
oijiimi'iiiiiiis m th s ciiy yet to Ull; one, the
I'D on l.ia-iuo ltigliuinl, which wants live huu
dri d nu ic men, In addition to the hub thousand
nnrt al tho n at ol vur; nnd tho other, lliruey's
Zuiu-Ms, tiliiih is filneg up rapidly from tno
country. Tour lOinpaii e v.ti.i at lguod In Thila-ili-lnbii'i
Tl i ue thuulil bo fin uished ut once, tio
time should I e lust, 'lue ono thotis unl men now
liceilid io bll the quota of Tlnladolphu won. a ol
thtin-elves rill a regiment. It lour companies lor
tho .ouuvta are lurmshtd, U will induce the
iiuoU Ivur huuilrvd Uioa.
Till OiiinsAisci: granting lil'ty t'lousi-ud dol
1 i-,p ,sse,l i.y i oini' I's ut the lnst.ui -n of Pro
ictsur Sunn le's yesterday, was signed Hill morn
ing ' ) me Mayor.
Tl f. llnlMf l l'NII IN rilll StVI'.MI'.UStlll
Wai ii. Last evening, Iho pupils of the 11 irri
Noii Olrls' Oriimiiiar School, Sevontoiinth Ward,
g ive a concert in the " building In behalf of
i be mud b uiitv fund, and it w is a m st nle is t it
and siici'es lul ufl'iir. Th i Seventeenth W.irJ
iinw only lequ'ics sniiic tl I men, mid tuo com
mit re arc inp'iii'd ti pty u lu'iror um unit to
recuiiiK ib ui ii ii v other ward, having ut proson:
about $ 12,CIJ0 iu the treasury.
Ci nr, i on X Ft :i.ns Take ono sp unful of
rt'., iis.M-. rut' a niee ui l.iiil.f"ir vrslns uf I ic, Hinl il
l in .irl. ri i-In mn e It t' a' d ,'i't nil.e lilnl thr up
Mi.' tin.. li. Ir.v l ie r v II, il We ilo i'l IV i it 01 lans'
lis irrt iitun, l-h" ti --iiiui li,,s i-iji ' an, I llial r,ul. tu
si II I Mi. i. ill..- ili anil ft II I'i V -nut sue 'I. 1 1 tit- m-i -fl-Is.rl.'.iil
-a riisrlt s .-I I .V i'n. Ono l'ueu Cliiluus
Hlulr, nil'li r tlie Com lin mill.
"A KTircii isTimt Savi.a Nini:." This is a
Knotl iniiitii at Mil i lint!s, lioi It apt. lies wild spnclal I'urei? in
1'iiicha.lnir si'wiiin nisi h nes. Tnr this re is. in liny tlm
.'I'lurei re,''m'ld at No. 'CHI Clu'tinit Rlreot. Pliliii-lcliititu,
la p!t't-r.-nre to anv cither. It In tli! 'icst seu'ing liu ' 1 1 n
in tllo Hurlit, sml It Ni? liritiiii.uic.'il liy lllnilrels
ni llif must iireiaiiii-n lainllii's In me el y, hh ii nv
I tti n n tfia in li.e. Kie v in ti-'iiiiu teiiii i vi arrt iteii in
iti H.illsMe ,,n.or ti.e iiiniii y win he r- imi.leil. Niuii-t nu
liiunll' s. n vailnim ii.,nii-iis ti ilio c iinnri , sl'i r irvlin;
it. in y mh. r oiartnniiii. nsio Un iil. il ibat tnu''!-'! ironen" .(
t eeuiiniiisuli, illc b al luiniii luarnllii! Ill Ilia mirtd.
llAVK VOIIl rilOTOOKAl'IIS iiiado at R. F.
Itf In.. r', So. il'.'l 'ili .Iri'i't H tro tn plp im.'n-sl.,i
l'iii,n fr i,in In nil I uliirt. leiir0in'- anil (.'anon lo
iml am untriuaiicd.
lin. Dyoi r's I rcit OiNrwrvr is Si rnntoR to
aai ti ln-r liir tin! en 1 I ull 'Ms cri'ieilili' ami I jriu.'ii'.l'in
r..ui.;.tiD'. 1'ri.u ilaiuli. l or ic liy o.i uil x cm, bio.
& . i ollS auui t.
fim. t oi-.i.i'iii iHtiiii t'.r.i'oitr.
TutiiAY, September 30. No sales of Bark have
bci n n ported.
Cloversecd is quiet. No sales. Wo quota
1 imothy nt SI " 0 ' (('' Irish. S lies of Flax
si ed are inakiiif' at Sr'i 20, a decline below yester
laj's figures.
Iu Frovition, no triinsuetioas nf special nolo to
Cotton continues dull and nominal, nt fT 2o.
The Flour Market Is quiet, there being Rule or
none here to operate iu. Tno s'ooks are very
much, and the demand for export has
fallen off. Tho fairs have been confined chierty
to slum lots, ut ,SK' 2'if" b'-od for Mipcrtlne ;
T0 7"t" 1 ' f rcMin; mid ssll 21 o 12 for es'n
lunily. Rvc Flour is held firmly at fr'IO. No
sales. Cm 11 Meal Is quiet.
Ihe ilcuiiiDd lor heal has boon li;;ht. and
rcei ipis me coining forward more fu ely. A s lie
i.i Wciiein rid to uiiiin of 7.HI0 bush Is is ro
pint, il on M-oiet lerius. Wc quote the aril 'le at
t iinpi 2 lo ; whi e ranges fnnii s In "i.i, 2 di.
Ilyii is tinnlv at -SI Sd," I Vt. 'I'll mod; ol Corn
is ali!io-t rxi'iiiu-icil ; Inn I i.u-l.cls in . sod West
ern wire in pocd of at M'h'i. Velio ranges
liom asl'i'sin i'(ll). Chits me licttcr, and have ml
vaneui; tlm) tin-In Is new Dclaivai'O sjld ul U lo.
BaHev nnd Malt qu . t.
Wh'i-ky cum nines dull ; small sales ut $1'8)
(" I K-. t
Niiilirt i iy Tt-lei:rnili. r .
New Youk, Septeielier MO. Flour hnl
- .l-e is.oi'.e' ''t-"' f! ' - eft I'.r hlnl.', -'-n i)
I,,, liln i. miJ till," ll ur s mil. nil. Vt 'leal in.
,i n.l. i i. i., i' -r-ant. '"Hi .'I'll. IL' f 'lull. IVrk
i, lib ui . 1 1---- 1-J. I. urn ami win, ky umi.
N i w Youk, t"
ri'.cini'.r 20. broras n regular.
: .i,,l. :o . . ' .'iilli f ,ii,l ;, I e'li'l led. '.. i
nta.iSl.U III
I I, ,,
8,.i He
I , . '
11. .1
. II'.: I
, I. IVl; .til-'lileull
, ; Nlo V"t
111,. I.I. II
t. ui . 'il .-'
I f .1 r I ' , III'. l'e-lll! I'll Jiuil
1 ... H. ...11,1 Cecil I a.,
.. . a' : . hi. . io '. i"a--v.. ir
7 pi; : I Ive T.t -uiy
l'. l.lT ' . . On-li-in i;., In7'( lle
e l, If'Sl .1. i:-l .".
'..IM.IllI-. 1'ls
d.l IV
r.u i'-;
CtKAHf ll litis M.)lth'TKa.
j: Sia. rait. I'leoo , .Sou'.UnoJt l'J., V Jik-
I;n"i"e I i i a
I. io A ' i.
t.i i c i eOol't
,llst-'r, 11 ' -a, C.!;i
aKKICr.llTlliS M ii'.NIMl.
ft,' V.P'i'li, '-I, ll""' .1 l.jini li ,ia lartioai will'
toe, III li.ii.'llsl t'l Ijll't C"- , . .
Is. la Sen- in M.O'a, 1- ..1 -1 . 4 ,Piy fl-nil llul'luiara,
loeie tn I'i," cil A Hi-l.n'lM "I,
hel,r 4 H, aioiai-iiii
,llva 1:0111 I'jrtB ))'!,
'"ll. "'J ! U- -"v'j' Jim s j, 4a fraai Aloxunlria, In
luil;-l lit cuclam.
VI Mull M1.
Hrl-r Ale- lU'-'fr (Ml,a ci i. "I Ci "i'i' o'awn. wi p,ili,-n
ifuii. iusi., a; M i...iiiuit it',, Willi lis) iMirela
wu.ilc uin) H Uaiiclt liitrui en. ait will.
Cu rr'I'ir. l-nrr ttH'r !' V i-ir'o'a Kr-MsM.
I.i it i s, liel.. Si-iunili,-r Ss.-,S:ettinlnu Auit-rlea, a lai'L-a
iliiiiiner, Ir, ia Niav 1 u k l,,i Wa.liiiiK'lnn . In 'n H. II llirl,
wan u r Ii r Sml, .11-; se! n .1 c I'lln-, ,,u, i ir 1'nrt ll inl ;
H. li. 'f. 'I ':iillUi-"Hi I 'i lla't-Til! Illiet; H.I 'a. ailil J. II.
Hi iii'V.far NeiviK i n.all fnna I'liaa l-'iilita : N-p n t, Iruiu
N. w y.nk lot l.eiioi; T. I'l I runeli, tr na W aslum.-!.,u -,
aliirv I- ainly . lor nilran Mnuiotj, It.nU liaia Ns.iV Voik;
alnl fcinily Orr, luailt'il viilli i;io.l-i liuiu wiecu uf ilnu
J. bli'illi. !' t Ik bliakmitol llm uln rivnai. Wlinl SV
Yuurs, im., Ajoiva jUajuauli.
OrminfTHi p. Usui TvLiimiAra,
1 f'4 y, sptAothar :iU ''
Tic Sto-k Market Is rry dull And depressjit
thin morning, and pri e h v de. linej.
In Ooti rinnvnl ciiil ies the e ia Tnry littl
doing, n.J price are lower. .V2D4 lold at IM,
eoiilioniolf; Ci of Hil are qiio;cd a: i07 j anil ',
7-:i0 at I O'.l. :
Tl ee Is very llrlvt iIi'k hi R idroid d'lares, and
prices have fallen oir; l' m'l-y mi lltllro id old
alti'.lj, which Is a tleeilnr; and Keadluft at6W
hleli l alto Unver; 150 . tnd for Camden and r
AmtsiT ; 414 for Ll'tle Hr.imt (kill , SdJ for Mine- '
hill ; 32 for Njrth l'oan.yli inn-, 17 for Ca'.iw.ssa
common; and 3 '4 for Pinl.nUlphla and l'.rl.
New Cl y t'xsohl for 103, uich U a decline.
City I'anicnRer Ililinav sto. n c mtmae Tery
dull. Oieen an 1 dmtes old at 3); 69 wa bid '
for Second and Thiri ; t8 for reh ; 11 f r Hue,
and Vine ; and 2n4 for O'.r id C iIIorb.
Coal Oil lmre ate dull and lo w, with tile
of Inrinn to notice a 71; Mineral Oil 12J i Rk'1i
at44ilVrry at4li MeO.lnoek at 6 DaUell at
U4 ; nnd Noble and Delanieter at li.
Canal shares are also very doll and rather
lower, with inlet of Lchucn .Navigation at 80 j 30
was bhl for Schuylkill Nuvlgatioa comma & .
for prcforrod ; and l i for Musquebunna Canal.
Hank shares continue quiet, and there U little .
or nothing doiog iu the way of rale j 102 waa bid ,
for North America; 13 a f r lullail.lphia ; 24 for
Mechanics'; 41 for I'eno Town-Lip i $ for West
ern ; '7i for M.iuufa 'turer.i' aud Meoli julcs'j and
37 for Consoll Ion.
Gold It Tory dull and rathir lower thai mom-
Ir--. Siccnlatori who are holding dIkd cot gold 1
arestmggling bard to reduce their louea; the
market at any point over 200 per cent. Is very dlfU- .
cult to QKtaln ; openins av ItuJ. advanced and Bold
at W at U o'clock ; fell off and old at 102 at 12
and 1914 at 12J. Market weak. ,
The Money Market continue! rather tight; bat .
the demand ia limit d at ahont former rate.1. .
Lo.un on call ro offered at fi(u.7 perceaUper
annnni ; best paper is avlllng a. '.)(. 12 per cent.
A niw conn cn'eit of the Ofty-ccnt postal ear
rency not the fia.'t'onnl currency Is in circula
tion. The lace ot the mua is printed la paler ink ,
than the j-'i uuine, uud may easily be detected ;
1 ut ihe haek Is good luiuaiion, and ealralatnd
to ilccilve. TUoi-o who are employed to pass .
them iilwnya preu-nt tiiein with tne batik up. t
Aili'piiich from Wa-hitititon swvs the snb.
n rli tlnliS reported In Washina'on on Wednesday
to ihe fovt D-ilurtv eiirre.ici loan are stated to
have bicn .I,'J2!) lldO, in kiui( a toUil of more
than foity-ihroe inllboiis sunsenbed to this loin.
Cotum inrrchanis mai tiJ loicrested to know .
H at, under the law of July, ifi'il, iVffulating trade ,
with the rclM liions S ates, the lol owlng agints
bavcleen appointed : Mes-rs. Kllnrv, of .Vow
York, at Mtmrhls; G.'e" Adams, ot K ioto ky,
nt Niisbvllle ; Oath r, ol Maine, ut New Orleans. ,
A new cede of rcguhi'lons, more liberal in char- "
in ter, hits b. en pr. p in d, and will soon be linned-'
by the Tie ii-my 1). partinent.
FUlLAjJItlJIllAaTOCaitXlJIIAMllE 81LB3.9tSPT.J0. .
Kaporwl by Clarknaa & Ho.. Union, No. Ul 8. Thud 81 ,.
BKroim oRoa.
4C0nhCornPUnior... Si Bcail. B. B... Bl.Vi.
lin -s ivt-iisumu ....ii a
t Jo 1)10 ill
itOth Uua-IIBS K...IMHI
;um ia do c uri
Solsll i"
aw) in an 'I1 id
Deo sh Fal-oa Cial...e aft
Mlsn d tK S 'f
' si. tleciinioca...,. '
ISO) h llriintir.,..uil l.'s
I'.sm It -...
nu i lj sh laihlshl? H.. 80
Sl't til Uf lio
f.lmNiO A A SS. '70
4 l) -I, MuMiaiOII ..
yiio .n Irwin Ol
4im .h K'iok Oil ....
i,m ith Perrj oil....
.1:0 111 -II "tinis KH ItllV
,.lis I lie -ti spriima a....tvii4il
,. 3' ann tir-i-ii ' tales .w
IA'8 :w
.... (.
Mi J .
.. ;k (io in McO intKk .
,. H to -a Uskcii Oil.bll
. 4 , 60 -h K .blaA IH-i..
J0i h on..
Oiinlatlons nf Q ild at tho PhllaJolphla Gold
Exehniige,No.34 H. Third sireot, weond storyi
Pi A. M 1IM4 12 M R2
11 A. M m I f. M
Maikel dull, bat wtuk. ,
1)k IIam'M it Uao., No. 20 S. Third street,
il'lule as follows
ihtlilii. MtBtnf.i.
American fluid Ith) li
American Silu r, 4's and ' 170 .
Union and Half Dunes I'l 5 ,
Spanish Ouarns lfH)
I'enn. Cuireiiev Id's. 1 5 dll. -
New York Fvchsnge 1-10" par. '
Quotations of me or, BcipnJ Coal aud Coal OH
stocks at 1 o'clock fi-ilay .
hui s.c Bit
Fll'ton Pa.-!.
SS "'' Oil H
Mmiara Oil IH l.V
Hi,i MilaiiiKin I lujl. Iil
S,U Mul. l.-,al..l4
tln-t-n M'. .1
N i tr-li, ,iifatti ....
New Cr-t- I
Ki-e, er I 'sin Coal. '
1 l..n...iM rtn 7V
17 . kill, 11:1 1
nv, 'Mi ran 01.. 1 t'
I'l I'vii, Oil J.', IH
1 r-i Kanu Oil I
I " ii.'io 10' .
I 1 Vin ii-IIIIl S'V !uj
I IMt'KLnni' y , ?.! .
3 i M i H-ln OU fl
IH't 11 ni-ttnl 1 1
t, V K.,i,h. A Ili-lHiiteiar.U 14
I'i 1 i i .riili-uca C'aatxo. 4 4 '
i 1 U Ut Kir J'tH
t'Mll'nii I'Oitl
loiter I'nsl
A iiir'ra.i,lln..
!Viin Mining
I 'illlll.'t lll-lll
x. f Is or Dll
llm l ink
(Yin annua)
ml t 'r-i-a
Milli'n slmlf Oil..
Mrl-liDl .rk O'l....
Iiiiis.i ivama 1'al.
I'riO OH
Mlmriil Oil
Kt-inunt' Oil
Vt-nn'ni, nil
lo Ion l's'uilum..
Ilenno till
3 ii ACf-iheny Itivar.,
4i n riirmr
, 8 ia
li.', 17 'I'lnlii AOilfreaa..
ti i. nun i rei-a.,
: s
I tiriniua l.V
4't 4! t'te-n l'lautsr..... 4 41
V , S llr-un .I
I i ia n il
I T4rr Farm li,5a
1 J.'l'liHK!
The cnriditfon ofths luinks oftho throe prln- '
clpnl cnnnnereial citH s of the Cnl in Is exhibilcd
in the following table, which shows tbeuggiegatca
of their lust weekly itatemi nts :
."dm. .s-fxelt. Clrrulttt'n. TtTieiiru
S. V., " VII ' INI 4. li; 1117 ll.Wl,aA
I'nilj.S ,l.i. 41 spyiVi ssMi.l'l a tiio Mi lit
ll,,si,,.,,si l.iil I'lllJiiiJ ,, IS lli.i'S,s(j aa.asjvfjo
T.ilnl JM.VJIif ! 17 0IJJ4 ft tt.N7ilai
l.u.l miit.... '.Utt M.4Ml VtljUSi JtS I7,lllsi, Vi 2 i7.u l.aas
III i leum In luani M BlLnil
lieilt-usl III "pi-r-iH ;!'"tj!-i
It.en s-e 111 elii-ii-aliiin 127,177
lieert-ase in ileiHitna. .lsi,i4
The fo lowing aie he thimucnts of coal over .
the Huntingdon anil D-oal Top Mountain Rail
road during Ihe wees, nifilng Sept. '), ItWl: t
W,-li. I'li-vlnnity. I'atal.
ItU'-t ail: lon. 9-1., ll unu. a U . !'.' tnns.
iM;:;::::: m-7 .i w .
IlFL-n.tir... S'.H " .
,u-r.a.i- "'' " ' ;
llie (ollowlng arc tho receipts of Flour and
Grain n' this port iho patt week :
Flour, 1,1.1- 1V'i'
W I, cut, bushels 45.0W
Corn, do Id, I'm
(Juts do :!2,!2
The follnw-ng are tim receipts of Goal Oil at
this port during the east week :
Crude, bbls b'OO
lietii cd, bids 2SP
Coal tonuaoe of ihe Rciding IU lnj.ul:
For the prc-ent week 87, Vol
tnunuwcik last OJr 72,U.i
lit en n so ,
Coal tonnage of
Company :
Fur the present wo, k
S-iuiiC wetk last year
the i.'hll ik.ll NavieitttOi)
The New York Trihune this morning says :
"The Dry Goods sales to-d.iy wore without
Fi'ccial Interest. Wilmeidliigs & Mount bad a
sale id 1 iriicli gouds. Fancy French flaunclf
mid fur Hie., which last week Bold for Woe.
Coloied tlaiinels Toi l Toe, w hich recently brought
liom -To. to s-i. T he tale of tliawls was remark
ably low, fume ileterq tintis selling Iu the market
for lir'ng'fR only s-'.l" ;0. Tartan shawls,
a to JsM'.' Li. i'i ices, on tne average, were nm so
tod us i n osterday. Messrs. Wilmerdings,
Uitguet K Co. had a bit of white goods and ilks.
be bu lo coinpi isi a i reucii, ciigiisn, aim ueigiaa
gouils, and prices were from 10 to 2U per eeut.
loiter, linns lulielas sold at Sfo-i agalust
i-l'7s lust week, 'i be sale included many very
K-iottt I'.iseiipl.ous of gtiinls. Messrs. llaggerty
Co. bad n large salo ot ribbons, tho inipovuitloil
of Sideline Fi cres. Tbc lots ottered were of good,
quality, but brought only uiudt ratu prices. The
decline iu prices ranged from 10 to 13 per cent."
Tlie follow lag were the quotations of Amorl
ciiu securities in London ou tho l'Jth Inst :
liiiy!ni'(l Vo' i't l.
us.uia emle l s' mil....
I in. li fi ri-ul
Miami': A Q W St.V. tec , Ml, I Iu. 7 ft caul.
Im. ilo '.M uu.rt ls,l
Penusvli anla lal muUKaia. Is. 7... ..........
lin. Vil iu in ita-f. Issi.
m' fi a '
' 'i ii 1
1.1 nS s
H 8
as iif 'ft
r.ria ilia-et. anti (nil paiU)
nu. i r' cull pre itiriiu (tin t"i! Z :h
1 t.i. 4ih !iiiiiluai.i: r, ,.p
llu. tllll Uu-lUiVD 7, ( Ml
IliluUi t'.'lillal il n et in.. Is? .' 41 HI .-t.j
Un. iw suawa 1 '.;..; 4.".' ' "
Marl.-lli".iii1('lm-li.'.ia.a l'- i'i .
I .......... In ui,.ii- "'. ' nm w ' -
iJ ui.,11.
- - j .,1 . jtt.
l'uuiyiuiK.H ''
iu. n r ui