. 3 HMfcjMHHMWIMI I THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 2318G4. s OmCE No. 108 8. THIRD STREET. file Tim Tt 1 Oorr, r Bimrraaii Oar a Pm .- ute Parrtar, aa nana t Rubacrlker taw f w W Bin DouiM ree Anmu i On Dmxi a rim Cwrr roe Two Moamu,lnTarlakly la tdrroe tlnriwuli tnearaaat M US vanal rate. A liberal Vniil aaaAa tor xted nuaniene. Va nala eM b Ukn af AnonTmona CnmmrniMlnnl. What-. Fa tatenAffl tea-taaenftn mtiat be aollin'l''iari bv th e ant addra of lb. writer a"1 niMyiaaarlly for 4ililtrlfon, but a. a guarantee tor hu iriwul fnith. Wl eanut B.nrukt i return rejaetad UtmauniouKm. 1 ,. ' Ta Adveirtlfwm. fifr! a traat Inoraaa la Ida (Initiation of Tiir ltvaaiK Trr -Bar,eair'lllnua to an ta preaa at an early boar, we anenMy rniunl that elvi.run'nte may a handed la a. aa 10 a el,, f pnaelhM. to i". are tkaat aa kwarUM la aU or oar MKtoaa WEDNESDAY, SKFTEMBKR 2S, ir.l. ROAHIM4. A HOI' f I'RM r.H. We are orry to nee tliHt the utiipii npii- tlH are Htlll kept up In norne of the no wajupiTi, at the head of which stand the Now York UrroW, and WorUl, bocclna the lmlilii! mil to buy arUclrt of food and drrin, and by no doing compel merelmnla and stnrcki''pir ti mark down their prices ; In other wonla, e'.l their goofls at lew than cost. The effect of such unworthy and iinlVr argumoDta, If continued, will he to en-ate a panic, Our retail doalcro have 1 ild In a-n)rt saeDU of merchandise to moot thu uninl 8e onable demand of the public. They are sensible men. They, of cotirw, am willing to adnpt themselves to the exhenelea of thn hour, and to repilate their prices to the satisfaction of their patrons. But they ask their customers to come to their stores and examine and Inquire for thetn aelvea. Tbey will not nubrult patiently to Injudicious and needless appeuls to the public not to visit the store at all, but to remain housed, L; emulation of onr misguided and misguiding Southern sisters, who sit in cheer less homes, In all the pomp of antiquated finery, in hoopless and shoeless mWery. Our advice to the patriotic and loyal people of Philadelphia la to bo "gay and happy," regardless of cost The war which has deso lated other region has spared this. Money Is abundant, and everybody Is able to enjoy the luxury of good clothe and a well-spread table, , Our community has been benefited by the struggle which Southern fire-eaters prophe sied would result in bread-riots, and panics, and commercial revulsions. The grass was to grow in our streets. It has been swept down . by the trains of our ladies' dresses. Because the madmen of the South have lilted their red hands against the Government, "mviht there be &o more cakes and ale V IOt our ladies go a, shopping to their hearts 4nt. LetV'nein draw on their husband 'tethers for the bills, and all will be well, the absurd attempt to cruate a panic be browned down by every business mau for the ft.-ty of the whole community A MOB!) FOK OCK KMX. I. AIM IS. Modern young ladies aro soundly taken to Itw-lc, ridiculed, remonstrated with, satirized, and stormed st Are they not silly, scnselos.4, and monstrously extravagant t Do they not cause the hearts of paternal relations to sink, and their countenances to cloud, and Uieir liveliest apprehensions of regular ruluation to awake, by their unremitting cry for cash, and the perfectly frightful length or their "littlo bills f Do they not spend their days before the mirror, or In flouncing along the proper promenade In a rotund and exaggerated con dition, In violent confabulations with each other on the pavemont, and critical surveys of what everybody has on ; In vigilant look outs for fine fellows; In thrilling glances; In fiction reading; in persovuring gossip; In languid incapacity" Are not their nights devoted to dillyluj dissipation in the brilliant parlor, the warm, misty ball-room, or at some other g ly and festive scene? Believe Mr. Peck Bitti.kr's 'Nothing to Wear" and the lachrymose out bursts of snarling masculines, and these fair restores, In the flush and fervor of their ma'denhood, are heartless things. , It pains us to be compelled to confess that ur young ladles (our young ladles how nice that Is to write!) are not what they might be, nor what tbey ought to be, by a good de.tl. Unquestionably, they are too stubbornly con vinced that money is lying about loose, in plies and pyramids, and expressly Instituted for the benefit of dress-sellers and makers. They are slightly Insane. They simper, and giggle, and trot about too steadily. Ocea onally, It is a martyrdom to be driven into a Conversation with them. They are rather more delirious on the subject of duue.lug and tenors than is altogether commendable. Plain Cooking finds too little favor lu tb'.'lr sight, and plano-poundlng too much. We cannot wonder that mwciiline li. 11 T'uluals of tender ago feel themselves gradually Congealing into bachelorhood, because they cant make up their minds to taku these gy, giddy butterflies to be their partner fire von until death doth them part. Thu prosnettt of domestic comfort, and an economic' and happy We, cannot present itself to t;i :se will ing but not able lads In an encouraging lV. They know that they would nvd fl'is'i finances to support such delicate b'1ii ,'i, an t irould be compelled to keep a liru;e re il ir tuff of sempstresses, cook-i, and li'ind ' about the houe. Owa we tin-1, in ' v !. that one is not particularly li ilile in ia it n-ir young ladles in dirty alleys, d'.n Ii the bedside of the poor wretch I!:'.' I golng out In unllluiiiin id n'sjli w.i r : " Is sulTerln; be cast out. And yet we will say boldly ,that these urg us lor abuse and ridicule are better a hundred fold than the world makes them. Uere is a proof, which cannot be got over easily, we take It. Up to Salem, Massachusetts, a bevy of girls (blooming and beautiful, of course) came to the conclusion the other day that the state of the money market was distressing and lugu brious. They had hitherto been bent upon hAving tasty winter bonnet ; no doubt, of those pretty hats, trimmed with flowers and fcathero, they had dreamed through many a alehi. They had pictured their captivating ppearaace In these diminutive appendages to the ajcttwiu. roar of their coquettish heads. natii the, dot Sit down and go Into a LmT.,U" tta favorable to h:wnne? Kolve not to stir out or the ho aU . , N , They went stralghtw.y to 2 thei everlasting honor be it i.w-nd made their own bonnets! With the nfl,-d,uJ oote, which would have gone to the fashionable gullllner, they will gladden many a cold ai cheerleH hovel next winter, when it la bltterl ; Cold, and thera Is little for the poor to eat, and to put on their shlf vlng, shrunken bodies. " W know they will, for it strikes s forcibly M iUU ti st9 win girc pp Uivlr .W lrV&a'4 In the lsteot Parisian style, and go not near the makers thereof, will do anything that Is good, and noble, and lovely to behold and think about. These ymmg Indies of the town of Salem, we desire to be'.leve, are not isolated ex ample of modern belles and sweethearts, with generous souls an 1 sinslb!i vl-;ws of matters ni.d thingt In general. Our Cbesnut street and Academy di as will he eafer to Imitate their Ma.sif nnetts rt iters, wd are ftinvliK cd; and with nil thl i confusion and (li.-tTess around them, will cease ta be ned-lesi-ly i'Ktrangint, and strive to set like Floki nck Nk.iiti.xjai.k with her geiitle, canifht, active sympathy for h r fellow-creatures although the crl-'S th -y hotr co iio not from toritoil Holds butheil In lil.od an 1 shiiitiiled In nn ke. For mr part, we are sensible of a w.irm fi cling of respect, not to say affection, for "our young ladkW It would not be well for any tf thera to approach ustooclofiely at tills time. If any of them are disposed to be better than they have ever been before, mid to do without new Isiiinets tills winter, we hereby express our wllltngnesH to hold their old ones, while they go In and do their poor brothers and (listers good. Meanwhile, wo hear of no strong end superior men, In Salem or anywhere else, making tin ir old coats do awhile lonjer, re ducing their diurnal allowance of Havana weeds, or other refreshments, or letting them selves dow n, iiiitnuriimringly. to a lesi expen sive manner of living. We should certainly udvlse nil thoe unfortunate fellows who have Is'on afrulil to propose to our homo damsels to migrate to Salem, Massachusetts, and lay siege to the hearts of the girls who make their owu bonnets 1 I'l tVI.A!VI A KAII.KOAI CenPAW Al ITS) MANAF.MKT. A thorough Investigation of the late acci dent on the Pennsylvania Railroad has been made by the ofUcers of that company. Testi mony has been taken upon all slds, all of which goes to show conclusively that the acci dent was caused by tho disobedience of orders of the conductor of tho coal train In not keep ing upon schedule time. The pissengur train had the right of way to the track, and its con ductor and engineer could not, of course, expect anything to be in the way. The attempt on the part of New York jour nals in the Interest of rival routes through New York to hold the management of the Pennsylvania Ilailroad responsible for this un fortuniite accident, will utterly fall with those who are familiar with the perfect system which prevails over its entire line. The confidence felt by the traveling public In the comfort and safety of this route is best shown by the fact that Its business has In creased so rapidly within the last few days as to compel the addition of another fast through train, which will leave here at 8 o'clock In the evening. Orders have been Itisued to prevent, for the future, the locking of the ear-doors while the train is in motion. Heretofore, a single door has (been locked between the way and the through passengers, to protect the privacy of the latter class. Under the new arrangement this door will open on the Insldu only, which will allow (be exit of passengers at any time, but will prevent the entrance of rude and disorderly persons among families and ladies. lklNUI KTING ni.ASrilKII V. ArotJST Belmont, Is the agent of the house of Rothschild In New York, himself a " Jow of the Jews." lie Is the owner of tho New York World. In an editorial this mornlniz he makes an attack upon the Independent, the chief evangelical religious paper In the country, for its support of Mr. Lin coln. But we submit that Mr. Bklmoxt has no right to Insult Christian people of all denomi nations by such unheard-of blasphemy as dis figures and disgraces his shoot this morning. The article closes as follows: " ,( t Mr. Lincoln be re-elected, and we havs only too Rood reason to know that the bare tin " for ibe lmlejirndent't support of his candidacy win ne cameu our. -uur tattler winch art in blioildy' will again become the prayer; and the pious owner of the iiious Imleprntlcnt will again " cxclulni, and nut without avail, 'Give us ibis " uuy our buouuv oreau. Mr. Bf.lmont may endear his cause to the burners of Orphan Asylums by such degra ding and brutal course, but he will drive still further from It the grent Christian heart of the world. Our jieople will not submit that thu founder of their faith shall be "scourged afresh by hands accursed." Mr. Bklmont's ancestors learned something from the Roman soldiers at the foot of the cross. lie may yet be taught decency by American soldiers, who fear tiod end love their country. WAK1l:ll-A f ll f.AM AIluN. It is a phantom of constant fear and alarm to the New York World and rhlladelphla Age tlmt, upon Mr. Ll xcoi.n'h re-e'ectioii, the diH'trlue of miscegenation is to be put la practice. Will not Mr. I.iMioi.sr Issue a pro- laiiiation granting exemption to all con nected w 1th those papers IVoin the necessity of marrying negroes, unless of their own free will and accord A Ouon Time Cumimi, (Vmiiirt"is of roid nmy take heart- At the great auction sale of about thirty tho'is.tiul tons of SiTantou coal held in New York at no in t'-day tlicre was a reduction of three doll. in per ton from former prices. laril-t l onv..i,.n-;iillli I'. V. 1 in i wkl.' m v Pa., Heiiinuer l-'Jl . , ' f ! 'i'i'ii' T.ic A' . In'." tiph. ,tw In nu ur ii-lc r. lining ti tic 10 tt.Ii IVim i I - ai.ia . ..mi t.s ia, v. I'm Ii I.j b en pie. I hi il in a- e al j'.ii ' o Ir." Oil.- ,a a; an it. -iii i an o'fii in-u io me e.ic- i l.a 1'. Ll'.lt ia!,n'il s 'ie"U ;l''n-tei" i.f II, rei- rui. .in'1 .i-i--.h a' !.. I, i-h . . .' .rit: iao. .ft- cuts . If :i-ii .n I W...HJ a tht a. an a'-' ni iua:l.elrt ear i f i li ' n 4 ;.i. I! ci-.-e l ri ' la . la.-a'. 1 h-r. i.o inf.: oitli . r lu lha r.-ni.u nit .11 "J. II! aiisi-r. 'i r 1.4' li v. a a ii,! il I y il i1 HUh.a-ile-, 1 'oh'ii -1 . w. II. Iiii'-i.. ami H.. o". 'r. ot i.n re 'ini.-iii, ana w:-w r . re. 11' bti .tu. Veil to th -lr erT ir s ahoui l hr a iar.-.1, aa ha.e r.eii uie uarua auU haj-.lal)ipa ul tnree yeam tcrvice, by eali anl all aa their aeveral pallium rau.reO. try raaiiei'tiiiiiy, your uokui-hi an mm, A. WAI.I 7.., I irt Lleuienunt and Adrntaiit lotth 1. V. In Cincinuatl the consumers of co.U have enough of that expensive mioeral on hitnJ to n till May of next yenr. A prominent citizen of Boston is about to open a hone fur iiicarat.le consumptivun. This is the f.rst intititutlon of the kind opened in tne wt'ild. An totiuato has been made, ly wlucU it li proved that a glass of Ui-ky costs more th.tn a iiewipaper. We unooltl thinK so, wncn me lai is contidcred. At a factory in Franklin, Mas?., a boiler ex ploded and carried a young girl up to tho ceiling of the room In which she was working, without icrioufly injuring her. Tough, but true. A aatural eel pen, in the rock, comnianioating with the sea by a small aperture, and tilled with myriutls of wrigfcling eels, hits been discovered at Point Urnle, on the St. John river. A prli of 10,000 was offered by Napoleon for the most awful application of electricity. It was awarded to Mr. lUhmkorff, for hi Invention ot Induction coil. . A J hi Portland caught a boy sixteen 1 J" h ." after the fruit, attacked wuul 14 Uonl "Tlir W.I RF.HA Oil. sn si PAST OF WEJT VIRGINIA." Capital, 9VX),0H, Uivhled into 100,000 share at S paraham. Htibao' I "o i ir'c "ft par alilra. Ttil.('4Hn anriwi aaaci'rs 1'i-mo.tv Inab'i Un4 and la"a In iha Ksti.wbt Va' f y, alinata n Hrtra Nk and famSii'. Kb - lrif ciias i tiii reck, aua wliKn fls nl'aa of t a i hlo rtrar. On Itorta fris-a. to. c tii-' ownAitfwtl,.bkb ia now pun.'n iweniy t'T f Mm-I. rf ellpfrilay. Tl la wfll il tmy Oiraa itindn-l n ntl lw i.l) a ri ia t fi,v Ihi a,uatli tandfot ne w r car tin V bor, in tha dip1i isT tlta thar "S a -urT' nn'lln n -, vttilrn arr pnvliicliiii from am hkt ilrn to r.ir lem'liril nd alutj Narra'a of oil per Say, wlion ar a i-ru-'l a r o tn ituslio -t a llki am nnt. 1 hrra la anotliir w, II at llor-r Nr k. now hwit two hni.Jnsl.rH.Ui I l.-l,l.h about tlilr'ir f.otof i.ll la the wall. 1 lia 'and in - htrh tlil.i wi;i I. Ioialoil lion a pern- tuat . TIip lltilll re. a l.'onii any own a ono-tljl-rl inU-M at, or uinpail) liax I 11 b tlant f I wo tlilrtU. A Omptif I.', rue, il r nmp,My ns n iii i a a tract of tlilrif-iltrra .v rs. csia'.V'a I b rr-Oiu1 ta and mlnlnf aniiliipira tlif bt II trrrlirir In th" Stat'. Tlia iroat Tark w.ll.noaln, m' te nd ril liain-.a, aaV.lua Uul pniafljf ItiN.ka 01 auti.cripili n ari iua opisi a1, ilia (;.ine.ny'a OiIiM.sio .U2WAI.M T K-.rt-at. A tin. lip 1 1 uoqIc i ol tliarra only wl I ha aold. JOHN i. KKo.Mii.i, Trt-aanrar. Knsn Ida 'Pitt luira Daii.v Po.C'of savtcmtMirS, IssL "On hihiKi-.- Mia 'WiP4linir In" ll'ffrnis r' aa),: Wi-I, arii Ir aa a cnl i"ntaii a-'.o a rlvi-.l j. -'i-nl v I ro n l l' a.ant r..unlv II e Oh MurdHy llip ll irl.-n Oil l'.ini..ft'iv alriii l. a i II i.n Hrn N.f-a.'ln iluil r nt w ' Irh mm .Ttf d a tliriitaii'l liarrf.1 of nil prr a:iy 'I'mrel. Ltpl a. iniiMit on iiii' .iiii'i- i in tr ia l:inliy, and the oil lever l pn vailllix to a n arlnl ratont." Slnrrlast. II AC I: K.N IT HO Hi HONI'M AN. fn tha H of Sop. trnilx-r. hy tlni lUv. Isaac l.ri-acr Mr. WILLIAM It. II M I.KM'.nill to nlla Alii LINK, ilauhlor Ol too lata .'oai-iib nclioni'tiian, all ol tula city. MiTA IlKV-rATIIKKW(01.-On tlia ftlb Inatant, In ihi- 1nth Pnhvtarlim t'lmirh, hy tha Mur. J. .a 1 II autl llanrj.Mr. .lAMr.s II. McKAHIlKN ol I'lttariura, t Mira Al'H.AlHL L uanjh.ir ol Uio late U.ith t atiii-naoisl, Ijwj. tjriNK-IMMI UK R.-On Sopiamhpr lith, lSDI, hy tin Iii v, I. .hn f. I liaplaln, Mr. K'HII KT QTT S K. to Mra. MAKY A.S.N KMMKKICK, holli ol l'Uila.lcl.hla. HIIKI I1I II)-iKNMS.-On Tnaailar evening, tha FAb Itistiint, In the Dliurrli ol the Kyani;allat, ny tlia Itirtor llnv. Hatnnrl lliirlsirow. Mr. KnhKlll' siIKi. IlKllli, Aolln Knoliin I'lilltil Htiiliw navy, to KM ILV, dauulitM ol lUo late W Uliam II. lnDnia, ol this city. niasj. KIKrAIIH'.-Suililanly, on th Sdtti Inatant, J AMES, ounst hod ol Janii-a ami ratliarlne KmraUl'. lu uotloe ol Uia tuni'ral will he kIvuo. IIU 'HAKIMON.-On UialMh Inatant, JOHN J. UIC'II A Kl iRO.N, in tlir 4lh ynr ol III" a.-e. 7. ho ri-lutlvaa and Irlfnila ol the faml'y are Invl.'csl to altend tha lunaral, Imm tila late re.idcnua Nu. M.I N. huih aticai, on Tliiinulay niornlng, at 10 o'clooa. To procaod to Laurel Mill :7lMfl WAN1K1) ON MORTGAGE, AT OfWil' 8 per cent. Iiitorea. for Ave or Unt yuara, ar.4 will ac arcuri-d on rity pruee tv. CP. KOI.WKt.L A HOWS, It No. II M. PIP ill Street. JJXTEA0E0INAR7 BARGAINS IN DliKSS GOODS, SHAWLS, i i kmmiim; n homkstk goods, Ccmprlalug Ute laraeat and choiceit display yet offcrod at Helall, AND AT PTWP.a 11K.I.OW TIIR C'OttltLSCONIIINtl kl.lHICI D VAI.VK Of GOLD. FHKNOll I'OI'LINS, MKlilNOKH, ALPACAS, WOOL i)K j.aini;s A.-., VKBT CUKAC. We have recelrtsl at great aaoriflce lui-ge Htoclc a M'sIiudj riced DHKSS GOODS, A Job Lot of AMUKICAN OKLAINBS ANI r III NTS, Wblch we than offer very low, and are well worth the attetiUea of buyara. J. COWPEBTHWAIT & CO., S. E. corner NINTH uiid AliCIJ Htrovi. 9 W-tln PII r.-UKLHI -U EIGHTH 8TEEET EIBBOS STORE, INo. 1UT JV. KlUUTJl Htreot. wI'Mnform our cttitonir-i. and the Iftitloi pf r,priI'y, tlmt lu v niUi net' or tlio rncnut dct lme iii the pitco of (ru d we have rnltic ltitr eutire tuck of FALL MILUNKUY AND STRAW GOODS Fully 3ft S perooDl.,or one Uilrd, ra,nr'lk-,, of the cot Ol (OlMtt. LaVtlet In want or KlUnOHH, VKI.VfcT KIIIHON'S, KU)WKKS, A1LKS, YlaV.T8, t'UATHKH4( BtN3ll.r.S, HAIrJ, i Or any article In the Millinery line, will find with tn t Ut most oxtt'iulvti aaiiortiueat In the city, at (rnei that d-ty I comix -tit hiii. Give tit a rail tlUKKl, WKY1,, aeet-wfait Nu. 107 N. RIJIITII Street. MILITARY NOTICES. S5XTI1 UMON LEAGUH SKIMEST. Au hor't, ha hean wcl . t-d to raorull taa ft Sixth Union lene Kouinient Ti I'll 'I KKN COM I'ANI I IS, Hp i i' 'I iiiy will .i i'l V iliiu un It-! 'tie aiipar. Iai..n of I. ll.f T. I'll A Itl.KS W. l'-IKU. A Ui. OI.IX II V III; A IX 1 1 A It TiiKH, M. .ft . 11IIKH si m:i:i. ! t),i. K.ltie itt iailH' ril Hie urn.' p ili!:ii ia tl.a.er i.e. I p. Id. mnlrr the c uiuiainl !' . Ol.ll ASlt hM'Klill.M'Lll Ul I I' .1.111. ; Ibi I il l.i.v.t ilioaiit, i.lti , an4 'jkn HuiiatJa, aia ' H -tl lit I'? HEADQl'Aiai'.KS PROVOST MAR- l.ai. J lr.t ll.ttrlcl. l'a.,N... Jii S. T11IMU Suaal, 'nila.lel(iLui, Auruat II, 1. 1 ii tn.ure nrf.niDt rerlli-a to all aneitlona o erdlnara aal'jacta cunneutatl wttu Ua Knrulmeut, iirail, Ka.mp 1.A11. LUt'Lltiaa u Jiriut. trailna aua A:uuiita uf ea lrnlabell, illtiai aa are rciueated to malie api'lu-attna t tlia Pruvoat Mwralual ol' the IVnirreaakmal lnatrlctlTau.a laifruiatun, auU uvl lu Hi fruvoet AlaraiuU-Oautal at y, ailjiitrl1,n' Jlv rdr (if Ibc rroveat Uarahal-Oaniral. WILLIAM H. 1.KI1 MAN, ai:12-ti Caftaiji and 1'rovu.t Mar.aal. EOVNTY FOR MAR1NKS. WANTED for Uua raited Htalea Jilariua t'iriil, able-todiad aa t lu tierHirm Hie tfiir... ul a aoltiu-r al tnr avy larua, .and ta vtiaia iujuu Bu.ua eipa-tr-war v iaeja aitMna. 1 arm uf ier1ca, Vunr Yeara. abetter cumi.enaatJiii than tlie aro'.y. Aid. THE LOf'AL H(l:.S"l ll.M pa d or0 tallllmaDl. Martin a reo iye I rlaa Muiiay. tor ail tanaar U.lurii.auva anly at th BccrulUis Kabdaavuua, Nu. 311 B. KIIP NT Street, biloar Sfruct Euaet, !wua UitUnuIwiaiidautluik. CO. II- OAWI.EV, ajoi.tf MKf aud itwrultuif Odicar. 1; URLOUOH8 FURLOUGHS. n Ki.ou(.iiK-ri.Kuir.ii. iliiLOLl.taa H. l.tXiLolja. Cfrif and aolilf if vliltin the rlty en ftirleuiM, netiUcf SWOKIiS ANIl OTIIKK UILIIAKV K(l IfMK V ft, twoiia inn otiiku Mii.i i AKV ijjiimurii, Are Invited lm the extrualv a MA KIT tCH II I KU K-irAIILISHVIFNT 1 AM L FACT I'll I S li tMAilUSlIMt.Sr ( tf'Kl.E W. SIMONS k BKOTHI'R, ai.OH"t '. SiMONl A IlKOTUtK, KASSOM NTHKET HALL. HA NhOM BlKl.i-T HALL. SA.SBuM Sueet, abov bum Butat. FKKNENTATIOJJ BIVflBnU r"Kr:NTAriOS SWOKIIH Mad ta rderat iba aiiurtaat iiuttoa, whiah Sir rtehaaa ana luaiminccni'aiallauaoumiHillticn. no itr honar 1 ta wiimry e. aiuinfcia tl.a MA.N'UKAiJTOHl SO JSi1VJftl.ltl If llil 1UA fitAUiVAi. DWVU aUAaUA 11 J XTJ. W a L. II A V 13 N, atJ(X'fcSO T W. H. CAKIiTX,, MAKONIO HALL, To. 719 OQIaoWr 8treet, II aa a,vw Oawai hi FALL STOCK or OtIHTAIN MATI'IUIAI.H, Cn.,(iiUi4 It Prenel. ftatlpa, Kli h H ocatrllea, fioterlna, tn eo'ora. PI .In ai.d rterrierrd rerrr. Union and Al'- Wo I Itepa, Piencti Satin da Lalnra, P.ngPah and Iteraian p ,niaha Piannn rriatan Laailnra, Cortilcoa ana Ranila, Aideyery oVarilptlon of C I IlTAJb MAV: HI M.S. W I N 1 () W H H A U 10 H Ot Oie new at Colore an.! Pattern. LAO L O U HT A 1 N H Ono-tliUd Iism than tha prraenl oost of I tn porta '-ton. V ALU AVKVN (lalcf ARItVL H), No. TIP CHKSNl'T STCKI.T. DUSINES3 ITEMS. Otlir f lie Lclilirh onl nni Nnviicn- tin Cinii-Hny. rmi.Aihi rtru, Hvjit- nnrr J 1, ln;, hialrd rropt-alu r 111 Kc rw-lvrtl at Ihli nfllcn until 3 o'rlotk P. M of TiiPHdNV, tin- th of i ( ioTm r next, Tor ati iM.rti..n or tl. whole of ori" Mil Nod , l,im,inr) uf It.l lais.nn ir, ot a new lonn authorized t.y Art of as(ui lly. invithlr on llr Iit of Artl. with luro et at th rnie nf'ntx p r cvnt. per ai.rnin, ia.vitb r rtmrier , on 'he l-t (Kv ol tr.e u 01 th) of .IiiniirirY, pfll, .Inlv, ai d Orto Imt, ot arii vurt and h.Hh p' UKioatl and Intm-M noonn-d h.v mM ii'o on the Con'pHuv otiifi and fi-mif-iuncH). The iroKtHjfi tiitirt he In wrUhur, emlorNed iai'mioiilii for 1-ohlKh Iiosin," and tart at this) odlce. whore V.vy w I I r niHin Miihoiit hi'liiff ficii"d until the n,-e'liK of tha lioard of Mnnauet at Vi o'clock on WtHlntjMiav. tha 6 li of Oclxbfi nt xl 1 bo of) rem of neefptd proiMmalu will bo carty thorfafhT notified vf mirh piccpjjNi ih, whrn tho pnmttiniN clferrd will ho lmmcdiittoly ialle, and al'erwardn iaeh wHl ha a' llhenytn uay tno autount ac ren'ed h.v monthly Inntiilmt'iifa f ton tiarcent. or more tlHTtiif. or the w hole at oio time, at Ms r har option, 'i lie umntrrB re'trte to tlit mit h c the rifiht f rtt ctlug biiv hid" not iintitririorv. Ity order of 0 o Hoard of Ma- a re. KUWIN WAl.TKU. Trca im r. ItarttHlna In ktihii . Itnrwiiliit In t'loinliiif. hamal'Jk In i:JihiiiM At tllUN'Vll.T.I. SlOKV 1 Old StMld. Al (iKANvn.i.i NfnKK Old Htaud At tiKANvu.i.t Htukkm' Old Mtand. At Oka ;u u.lk H rent K.i' Old Htnnd. Ko.fWiCtieonut alteet. No. 6"ii (!hpiDMl ( reel. No. fiHOi heHimt ni'eal. Ho. W ;hcnut atnet. ;rDl Oponluv ol lolbio(f ThU lny. Orand Opanlnf of Kail ClMhlPH Thla ly. Orand (iiwliiiit. mt Kail Crothunj Thla lay. Orand OpvnliiK of t all Olotnitia Thl !. Orand Opening of alM;ro:t)inK Thia Oar. tiaod opt-nli.fr Km (Mo'hlntt Tni Day. Orand 0ning of f all 'tottiing Tim Ia . Omnd Opening of Kail Clothing ThO Day, Orand Opanuu of Fall CI .thing Tnia lay. (raodOfpentugor KallClo liiug Thin Orty. fKKKY ('., Ext4-n-.lv Clothing Ih.usa. PKKKT A CO , Kvianaie ChUuug lloaie. PKJtUY A CO.. Kxttrirt've Clothing llonaa. l'KKKV A CO., Kt ii'lva Clothing llmi), I'KhRY A CO , r.xUniivaOlothlnv Honao. 1'KhhV A CO.. Kvieniiv nothing II him. Vl'.UKY A C O., K.maiulve Clothlnu H .ua. 1'KKltY A CO., K.atenMTe Clothing Home, I Kit ICY A CO., KxU'nutve CJsMhlnK lltMino. 1'KltltY A CO . KxU-nilvt.- Ciothlnu II. um. The lai'tsiat and belt itork of Clothing In tha city. The larsruat anl bant itoi-k of Ctothi' f In tna ci y. The largrat and beat itot- k rf Cloihing In tho citr 1 h largntt and twit atot k of Jothfnf lit tha city. The laigi-at and beat to, k of Chdhliiff la ihooity. The laiN and bei nock or Clothluif In the city. The Uriteat an beat atork ot ( 'hithiog tn tna Uty. Tha targeit aod bait ik k of Clothing In Ute ul y. The larKt'nt and bett ituck o' Clothing In the city. Toe Uryeat and biat atook of Cloitilng la the city. At prioaa low for the tiniea. Atpdret'oa fir the t Imps. At prlc a low for tha timai. Al 9 Ice i low for ta tunen. At prloee low for the tlaaea. At prion low for t tluiei. At plce low tor tha Uaua Al price low for the tlmea. Al prlca law for tha tlraua, Ai urlcet low for tha timva. Vw stylet ol CModft and new ttyia of Oarmenf. Ihew stvJp, of Ooona and new atyle oi'tiaiNieiits. hem atvlea ol OooU aod naw atvloa of Oarrutiitta, hew itjlpa oCOood and new aty'ek of Oaiuit'iits. ticw aly e ofOooila and new a ylea of Oarmauta. ew a- l8 of ood and now alyiea ot iitnnentj. hew at) If (COiatidn and new Hiyla of Oarmanta. iew atylba ot Ovodii and new tvln of tiranniitii. Now at) lea of Oooja and new Mvle. ol Onrmenth. New a') Ipi otOood and new MylPi of 4larnipnt. yyUHY A(X , Third and ( liemiu t it rp4-u. 'Y KUV A CO., Third and (Timanut mreon. l'Ki:tr A CO., 1 iiinJ and Cbtntnui nlrcit. Phl.'HY ii'n,, Third rtui' Oho-nui "ire-n. PM:UY ACn.,TMrd ant tMienut ntroftfi. 1 Klf I: Y A CO., Third and CfiPtmot atreato. M.KK . A Co., Third and Choannl airotxi. I'KKltV A CO , Thfid and Cnofliint alrcota. l'KI.KY A hird and Cue-,, nil mrot tt. I'KIIKY A CO .Tt'lrd aid Cheauut aiitila. N It. Halatco U 8uuuei Clothing boiling oil at vtry low pdofM, t'rourh lilnrlilnu la small Um y baraula. For aalo by 1AV1H A KlOltARh'4, Aio'ii and Ti N'rii Stroot. K. 4. Whitman A 'o. MauiMHt turem ol New and Oellvloni Confection;, Almond l'tistv, ClwtoJate C'aramela, Cream Lm Motlu da I'aiia, axqiuatittly flavored. Raitd Jordan Alutondt, Ac, Ac No.JloCheHimt aueeubalow Fourth IManm! IMnntHit HIL'-K V CO S M ARON A II AM LIN '8 CAIONKT unoAisH. UAHOtt V HAMI.IVR CAl'.INlT OKOANli. 1 DKUKKR UltOS I'lANOS. PIAV08. J. K. IIOIILII, Beveuth and o'he&nut alroeti. EDUCATIONAL. IKIKNDS ACAOKMY FOR BOYS, RKAR of No 41 M. KI.KVKNTI1 Hu-opt, nopaua on the 6tb li.t. tlo pi?r tvrm ot Ifti neeka. AU di-noiiitnatioiui ad uiilUd. fad W W. Will TALL. Utrni.MKN COM M KUCI ALCOLIsKGK. x ' No. ft 17 CMI.NNO i Blret,cornrof Heveitlh. tHahlu.licU Irvil. liu'oruorAUd IA A. Younc men prapaied tor Uia Coimtlnit-houka and bul ukm life. Thoroutrh and niat tiotl Inttrurtloit lu BiMh-Ki;i.iiNtl. Jit al! IU branch pi, ai p;actled by the Tst M-conniaula and Utuiiiva uen. Fl NMANMIlf. l'laln and oiftamntui, ia taiiuht l.,v uiie ol the mt"t c tna l'( ti:nt oi ppiin'tu. t wumirC'a, CaVidation., Untitiea fori n , Coiiiiut-n i -t 1 1, tr, Dv-uvti'iji Ciz-aaUn It X tr. .be. Tl lJ ultAIMll i'u Itj urn tin! aid on aw,er, laur(ii In a tboruap-hand prtciirul id an i. ( i b a !'n-f v- -rl i; d operator. KTl WKSTH INMltl afcPARATKI.V, Ant) rtr p!pd al n ump. Lvtmluy rchions after Heptetuber lith. CATAI. iUl.'i, CorVivnii tt-rn-s, Ntnilefitt' u.4fiMaa (i'l last year), Ac, nifntuti yattd ti Appll'-u'ion. 6. 11 CHI l' I KN'OI A' A CO. at ft-1 tii V'.tpt. ;iii:sMr aiiraot. 1 I. IS T U V K S HliU.IIT Hi,H i; .:: oioi.j. hoyii, HroKa-r, ' .'an No. IS i. iilUO A r -n. n r. H St.-: ::t- a i. tit 7 - :i " i ..." - I. 0.1V, ..C'l, and il ! r,..-; i tii oi.'.i; j. bovi. I'.s -r, Ko. It 4. 'I limit Street. MCNKY TO ANY AMOUNT I.OANKD upon ilMimumli-., Watctel, Jtv,lrv. Mate, tS "k'-'Miilim, Ac., at 3 jriNKH a ro. n til-T) K8TAII1.IBI1KII I.OtN OIKK-K, Cumu ui XII IKI) and UAMK11.L Hiraett, llali'W L.iiiil..irU. N.B.-StAHIOSli'J, WA'Il.'llta, JEWELBV, IIUN8 Ae., ar aie at JlKHAKKAllLY LOW FRICJiS. ieu-a fjVIlXAJN WAKtJIOUHK. EI.LOAN'J I.AC13 CUKTAINH ANI RICH CUBTAIN MATERIAL3, at LOW rmt'EB. bnKrriKD, van hiblimik.n & abrisox, I iw Mo. 1008 C11ES.VVT STREET. 1('6TATK Or' ROBERT V. MASSKY, VZ J j ceabhd. . . , The Auaib.r arneint'd ky the Orphan'' Court forth City and I 0'inlv of rtiUaiielphla. to audit, aaille, aad ailitimtlie account ul ANXA K. .MaxsLY, hdUKKX V. tASHtY,,li., and JOSEI'll b. TOWNHKND, la.iulre, Kaectitriof lh laat will and taatawaal u hOBEltX V. MAShLH, dacraaed, and to reiirt da.trlt.utleB uf the kamnre ia Ir e hand, uf th aecuuntanta, will muel th i . run laier.iu u lor u.a piiruoaea ul kla appomiiuent, on Wedueaday , O.-tuuer u, Ii4. at 11 a cleck A. M , at ki m. a, K..?17 Walnut Ut. in the clly ur PhUailaUikia. - wy.wait JOHN CLAltroU, Auditor. WAAiUSEfl JSOWJt. CI.l.aVtim Wt. TJ 01TN0HAM AND SWISS MM FT. New Atjlfx. BMW HTXl.Wi. j KELTY. W alinr0""' CAEEI2,GITON00. MAMiKAClUl'KIt-, t OHlMinjT BTItKKT. t IIKfNVr j n,, ur HTOf K IK TTIR CITT, MitfcKr. AT LOW TRICKS. AMUSEMENTS. MKS. JOHN DUKWi. NKW AKCH .Si'. IHKsllii:- l.t'.T NIIIMT tK r.n M)V1 WTli.M-"ttY AVU till ItsliAV I'Vr.MNiiH , . TUB IU'RKr Of M.tVK MtN. H HI RT HKIHILV KI.WIH All KMA l llii liailnr e Mr. I li.nal.'a ill tmu! li.. i.'. J.H.r..n Wi) Kltarila , ,lr,,B .ra. V U'onat.ur m , i,,a,r In c urn ,uil.- elili tin 1 UM Ol II' IN' Ht t'obea erxna Hniarl Itnliaon ii'ii'ii iir.r.'-ir tir l.HAIN A.lAMi. Ml)M AY - VK.iTVAI.I, Itl l. UrMilNHI, ( II It I S T It K J K ( T K 1) , V 1 l.a an al am) cilehrali d picture by Wail, th-' Lhrr d'j uvm i.f u.i' rriM, li N"W ON KXIItlt'TinN AT 1IIK AI'MilMY HI UM; A It lit, So. 11'.'.'. t'lil HNIi r HTItH'.r. In a.Iilltli.ii t., the I M I UK Art Co lin-ii .n of Hie Ara.lame. Aflliiilieliie.?.,fenla ; -ei .on 1 let f la. M cen'a It lm H'lIK OttANI) BM.I.IAKI) TOUKN AM RNT J lortl e Chninpion' tilp or ih' Sinte of I'cnnavKanie ei mniriice in ft.iV-WM H nil KT II t I.L, on .lln.i. I'AT. In lulu r it, l.-ail, II i.J terminate MH.IIIIAI, Ihlnlier 111,14 AKTI.IINOllN AMI KIKMVII K. V II I III HONS, l'laj lu i nimiii'ticc at i I'. M. nn H P. M. l.ai'h Kama I. to lie Mai I'luiim, Car irna. I'l.HII MIUTS III IIAKHDH. 1 he firii.wlt.K tiiftnOH are tbe t'omia'lilora for the Olrim- rloin.ilj anil I'rizeii : IS. II. Ilflui... K. .1. eiuiileit, II. IV, Ictiea. 0 Itinl, .1 Pa mer, ,1 IV. MonlKomi ry, II. T. Hjall. Vldcr l.a eiihe. Me-ara. Kanna(li, l'lniiiii. tkold lliwalt, Kmter, and other rimli.ont (iiayera aru iAietvd to lie preai-iit. hlllkle A lillaslnn, Wl cen'a. Saiiion 1 Ickcla aeciircit i-eala. To I li:i(l at the prim l..il I'.lll'.tnl It khiii ami II il"ll. H. T. ItiAl.L.J W. MUMII Mhllt, ami Vli lOH I. h i I. I'll K, Committee of Arrniik'eini-iila. M-'hi 'it VKW CIIF.SNUT STRKKT THKTRK. 1 lllKIVt.lt SINN I cueca i,,nl M uiaitera. I'nalt'veh Hie laat week of Mlia HI i N HKNIN. I'oaiH.elT the laat week of the Nr. A Oh' H E; (111, A TlllhHT Hilt HOLD. Il ia lienlitllul aenaaHon drama ha- crcalefl the nioal intcnnc fnmr cr iwiIiiik the Theatre .1 iKlitly with onr moat Ititellei-iiial anil reilncl citizen. 'I he iierlornialice will cumviifle w-iili a niiy anil eery lauiihaUle coii'f dlcttHteiilltl.d KAMY NIIAYINU t'ltroduo. Inir Mias Ellle teeruion, Mr. Waller limox, and .lainua F. Sherry. liooraopen al 7. Commence quarter before S o'eJock, hllto tfriind lainlly Mailtiee, HaTUKI)y AITKIt. J'IK)N at lI o cIih-K. al Ihe re.lnci d prleea. when the KKA til II l.;li'lt, A IIIIKhl Kih l) H.ll. will be performed. MUSICAL FUND HALL. ITALIAN upcrelronpt of A"aoriiileil ariifta. Ihe Mauavor uf the Italian Artlat Aasoclallen. eom pil.lna Wine. WlllTINfl I.ortl Nl, Hie celalirn i d Soprano; Hljl or H ' I'.l AN I, Ihe tiilnoua Tenor Itotiii.fo; isunor l e.N'l A, tLe favorlle lenur dl lirala; HlunfT AMOIilll, the renoivned Itailtone; Mii.l' al liliecti r and t.'oiuliif-tor Mr H. 8F,Hi;ia,y4 Will pire in thla city TwoHrnii.1 fp..ratlc Coni'i'i ta, WEO HKHHA1 and TllllUHHAr KVKMM1S, nep'eniher M ami a. Tha pioitramme w ill conalst of the chuiocal aelec tloiia limn II e repertoire of modern operas AiltulhBioBlrac. Keaerved Heaia. fioo. extra. The aale of ri aeryeil aeala 111 commence on Monday at 9A.M. .at J R. ciDUI.U Muilc Htore, 8KVKN 1 11 and CIIKMNI'T Mtreeta. Uiiora open at ti . Coarert commennra al S. 9-'Ji-4t "I R K 8 1 1) K 8 T I A L CANDID TKS ! A 1 ap-t did colored Kiuj'avine or (IK.OIti.K It. Mi t'l.r.L LAN and AllltAIIAM LINCOLN (on one plali ) frill he aent to any addreaa, on receipt of tw nthre vcent atanipa to paj poetege. Addreaa I r W. MKKW'IN A CO.. D 'T-iH. No.gll.llir.UTV Street, New York. MAIIK HASSLKR h CO.'S PIANO FORI R vVAHK-HfMJMS.No. il4 H. KIUJ1TU Street, below Walnut. U-J7-At AMIEN AND AM HOY AND PHILADKL. PI11A AM) THK.NION It A I LI((AI CO VI r A M K8. 'IKNVBYLVANIA HT AT FA I It AT KVftTOM." i:.C( RHIOM TICKKTM will (c iMiictt to K is VOS and return Ouriufr Itie contimitinct? ul (tie iHihh' Fulr, by I'niiiis ipHvinir Kcnuluj-'ton Iopnt, M 7 in A. M., and Wttttmt tr-t whart ta-30 P.M. Uwud to rvtiirn a orlioturo HertcralMT M. Khi fur th? Excursion, ! 90. Hcpt.irr, Hrfrl. li M-iti) W. 11. O 1TMKB, Ajfcnt. I70II TIIK STATK FAItt AT EA.ST01S, VIA NOKTIl l fc.JilSrtYI.VANI A UAIUiOAl. KXCt'KHION TICKKI H TO KST(N Al) B AK, will be I a n mi from 'tie Ticket ntk otthe h.ir.lt IVuiHyl. viidi lUilrimc during Ute conttnuunce of Uio FJr, utoil tor iho .()(, 7Mth, ?1Ht', nnd :VHli bptciubr. t u tor tlie KxcurktoD W ill. 1n trnlns on Uohi- 1vi. h avintr ILe new nr.At. AlMOA. il. mid J irP.M. Thrr.niBii In tamiTs. It t ii i iunw If mvo Kaston nil 1 4? A . M . aod I I) P. M. N lAcuniiLnTlckeU ioIU on tln-CnrH. l -lT7-;4 CLAItK, Afent. COLDlfcKS' OUrilANS. THE ARK ANQK fr mvnih for ttc Hltirat.on nnd mitlntonaiu-e ( tha Amh UtuiOilianHr tha HoltilbiK nno Hullurh ol tlir Htate, undr ill- ait relating to UiCr-ubicot bi nii; now uiliclHiitly roiup ftod io enuble the andi raind to rnHlo anpllca tlokbt Dotlcu In I rtt given Unit uluDk tonan o' a,ilU' t Jon . nii the nc4).iiirr iiuiruciloiiH, have hnen dvpostted lih (he ii'llowlns gent emen, trom wLoji tUe rvlallvee or fn r cm af tl o or)hnB can ob a n t- am. V hfn the aop iation and ttmmit la each cie ihall bo (iro,MTl fit-d andawurn to, nnd cor 11 ltd l Ilia 'krd ol o union rtchool Dlrtw ion of tne litnct in w aioh tne trpl in rtidiH. It U to bj iiumcd to tha Keiitloinsu rroin wliuultniii reciived, or to mme othr mcmtK-r of the Connty tur intending uoiiuailWa, bj wkjiu It will bv. fur waroid to ue underxitined. lu n hUnrt time Mfttr tlie receipt of the appllciitfonby the nndirniitni'd. If It b in due lunn, and the orphan be entitled tu tin bcntilt ol the art, an oitier lor tJu adtul lon to tne proper achotd will be neiit by mall tu tne nit ther, or other applrinti rulutlvt; or Inond, with HBt,8 bniy liihirui tloiit.. It in exiiHe4 that the (vchoolH telected for thone orjhini willbe ready lorthuir iccopilt.n durhiy tlie moiitti oi tcio ber. Th ir iriendn will tht i iure take the nouesnary Ntupw aid liuvi- them reudy lur admlnilou by tbe lut ol JSuvaia bcr at tlie tatottt. Ihe hiaie will provide clothlntr, hoard I ng. Aahlcff, metMlinu', luntriK'tloti bt !.. tvu .tor Uiu oiviiamt wniiu m tha a htio provided fr ihem, htit the iviati or tr aiida a4ccvpifltidto itend the in thnher wit hunt cut to the hUtte, ai d alio to wend with them, in a too l order m pukklble, Kiirh cU4liiD : an thi' may then have, to be wuru till oii'iTk run be piovMeC tor tltrin The foihtwatf it tlia lut ol gcnU jm"u to whom appllca caiioiiki cau be luitda : Adams county, tieor!- Mf lei an,iQtttburg. Y it. Hrooot. I'ltt.-.bjrif " I'ointiuU. H, l ia ov, kmamtlQjf. Mif'iHtl Wyrttni, Heaver. J LlUatAU elier. ltdt tni. ' Hun. W in. Jftitt , Ueailni,'. lion. Ham'. 14. It lair, Uoiildayn burtf. " n. H. liiimn'l, 1'owandn. ' J.l Mendanhall, hovleHloirtt. " Johu 11. Netihiy, Htitlrr " toward HhocuatifT, KbeniUnrg. H MM. JHunukk, Mau.h I'd una. IMwnrd VoBburu, Hhippeji. Hmi. Hamuel i.mn. tteilt-innto " A Ullhon Mv, Went t'hetttir. Jitm. laniphell, ('Ia-In. Jamue It. t.rjiiittiu.Cla u-tn'Id. L. A. Mttokey. Loek Haven. Hubert V. C lark. kohrburif. " John Reynolds, aleul.ititf. " 11 it. mat Pftxt.ni, atrtUI?. " Ir. UettKe 4aiuy, llarnibur. linac llitldemaii. heter. H-ni Houther, KidKway. " iJunao iltinmson, Ki ie. .hiliii K. RHltifr.Vnluntown. tifore V. Kor-e. Maiioiivitle. lln. Juiuejt Itlatk, ChtiMUer bnrjr. If Ki'ar Kinir, MiCounrllibnri. Pp.i. M K. Uarrliuii, Waynait- bun; Wm. It. OihUon, HiiDtlinrtou. " K'itrtt 'J ailur, lnnana. ' Inaut; (.. thrd n. liruuk life. KJ.viB Htitl-,,1, ai.'Alilst'TMUe. liu:3t Mei'iiier Lmo.iU-r. It vi..rrl New t'utltt. .r. At!. In. I.pi.rtiit.n, F. i. s,i,h tr, Ail -o'.twn. " ew.irt I'vAi- V Uke.!.irr. .MroitniiAi rpitertat, vVllJ.aiUft- A deny At iv i tuna Hever H. dtt.id Ittiatt hl.ir lirtidioid Id irk, 1 tlltler ( aijibria (' mtx hi Ciineion tvl tie l'iieiter Clarion Clvai fluid 4'iliitoh t'olnmbia CraviM.d ( tiiiUH-riMD I'anpMn Helawarv ilk Krie I eite Koie I Fiaiiklie Kill ton titt'tue lltnti'iiKii.a liitiiftna J elite i oi Jt Ulnlf I. MM' ti -:r 1 ll n tli r ( "Lri'-.i 1. I filavl. I. mr i 011tH' iUK-ai. " HyronP. II ml (u, Kuicth lurt Jj.' ii II. lianiia.Mvreer. Ainlrew Heed, l-ew iUwn. Wui. la it, Struu Ubnrif. It. M. Ii-iyer, Nttirhtt wn. ti'duon shoop, L)aniii. Key. John auderveer, Katun.' Win. J. t.reenuur-U, Htinburv. Hon. It. K. Junkin, b luotuxu id, Kdw..rd II n Inlay, Milt'ord. Johu M Huinlltun, CoudtThport. lion. K. O. Parry, Pottivthe. loi. Win, ', Wi.fc-eube,ivf,tiel.us Walter Hpeuxer, I.ar.c. tfi. L. t FltCh, Meltlrcv;. 'I 'loioit Alien, WedftborO. Ca tain John Oweiia,Lvwiitujj(. fc. t. Lytle, Fraitkiiu. IU. Levvit Am tit- JaineNC Acievn, Wubint(oo. li. B. Hin iltt. UuneUaie. Jno. AruittroiK, Jr., reeibt urfc'. K. M. OHttriom, TunkhftiiiJOvk. Hury J. Fii-luT, York. Hfurv Uallowella SecreLarv. Wrrrer. Viftiin, Monrm-, Moiuoiutry, M-'Dtour, icritin.i'ttn, Northuuii-eriiiifdi Perr, Pike, Pi-tttr, H. In,. v. kill, Bndtr, Ronocmet, HullivftB, 1 KuMiuttamua Tt..va I'liitvn Vuanuo Warn n M iiliinj.tn v'tll UVitmortlaJ-d 'rk pi.hadeiiMa LvJd ol tvfttrvUtri, Athan.miii BmUJuits, 1UOMAB II. bPltl(0Wr:4, H jpeTinUndvnt cl riojdivrir OrphAui. taw-atter, Beitembtr lbo4. U-iM-M J7IMUNX) A. HOU1jUII CO., O0MMIB8I0N KEECHANTS, AXD SHIP AND STEAMBOAT AGENTS DOCK BTItKMT WIIAllF, PHILADKLPUIA. BftUl'Vl) A. MirPCI, 2 A II I Hil b i r r f Y , 5 ait.rii.M t. boLiJkii, I 1a4-tf trAT CNIKAL ClOTUNQ liOVSB, p rim nooic Tiuuiai B. IEIER30N & SROTHESS, I ti' II-I itI v I ookNollori, pf i . rrirtA, mix , R-'nfti tC.'T r'lriil thint.1 tn (he liberal wnpfrt au adJ II em 'In .on od a ,u!J caII tin aitin ti' n rr tho ox fit,;. i. the f -al adai laat. 'her tn rh-ii b c r.i' rh g (' , i nl licn'i'oi) iin t ot v PiihH l.lrira ler- in c 'TaNDAI I) AM pi'Iy LAI !'.( K , e 'i i j tin' in n.h'l in jnlfi tt fdr'i tin dii f 1 1 yr I , tf i. ill h i a -n Tk t a Rt n i t nil o' Ofc n 'H ly- v Uh ' mp v,i rn'f i, (I At'tMit' nu 06,, H! HH'vV I 1 1 rt A - c , t-h ! i p. ( A I AI.CM K . ' IK"')? tiH, I. TO .,1.1. t,'Ui.MI lift Onr Mrm-niMI I'l 1 i 4 l!il nil nit rh I to j . e tu a 01 IO It Hl,l. ,i i .. AI M;l .?r. T. B. PET IE PON & BRTmERi I tU.UMIKliS I,OOKSKI,I,;KS, . rilll.ADMiPlPA, Pr n. )K8() MITION MK I o I'f'cjtf t r Stjr n. h (,t M ,e llurke, Ut HnpT irr o I lie! I irrt m.d IV tirth tVftf(N. ItPMdved, ty the lt nn i C-.nmon ( oiincil of the Cil o I'hhan !-h .1, limt Hit? i',ny rrIU itar ho ar.d in herd. il'iii If . i f t liter '-'io Hon on the otMriat 0f.di f Me ItiuKe, Im(' Mtperri't r .f tne l h'rd nnd I ounh Wmdi: I'mwdi-d thai the ( Intif l"ninmJU.iur of Hi((l- h e-rt if j that his accu.mt an- correct. rvii.1,1 t v RroKtr.r, preidrnt ol Ctiniiaxn Council, put ten. Attest i i.li I - Sv mi, t'U-ik ot t'fijumnn f'.iijnrtf. JMKH ,TNI, , PreHidrni o .teh-rt Coim l. Aptitt.ved thl twenty fumlh dt.y of 8ritemhcr, Anno T"!i In one Uiiumud eight hnndrea and elxiy fbur (A. I. Ii4. ALKX AN'DKIt IIF.SUY. It Mayor of riiUadfl-hU. 1) EBOI. I'TION J L 'in Antt orte tlie (iraiinf(n Iaupln utreflt. from Jteorra r at r et to 1Iob ttrevt, In tlie Mneteenth H urd. Kennlvett, By th Hi h ct ftndCoiumoii f'oiim INot thet.'ity ot Plillttl,,Ma, Tnt tie Ctilef '!oturni.torir i Hlnwv be and 1 a m her -i y ftrnhmlztd to urde laup nn .liota, tiom lleixrtdi htree to Wiimmi tienf ii ttif Mm-teei ft Aaro R'ir-nt not exceeding tbe iim ol ievt hand red and Oily Colhin. WII.I.UM n 8TOICI.BY. Piei.di-ttt ol O-'tutuMi CVuucll, pro t m. Attet- Al.lfAHAV SlI.WAKT, AsMtaiit Clerk, ol Cummnn Council. ,)Av!K.- I.YND, Proeldentol Meiet t'ounrtl. Approved thK twenty-fonrth dty of 8eptemh.'r, Aunt I)milni one Uroc-aml einht hundrMl and nUtv-tour (A. II lwil). ALKXAVIPR HKN BY, It Muyor of Philadelphia. AN ORDINANC K To make an Apnroprla ion to thu Independence Rteara Pire Kiutinu ( (iiii, .my. Hex i it n I. The Hle:t and Cominn Oonnolti of the City ol PhilnrHphia tin ordain. That theMirn ot eiht hun dred and th ny ihree dollars nnd thirty-tlirtM centi U,l. te and ton iuine U ncreoy approprlnttd twine Inh per denre hu uin Hie rgine t'ompany. lor tlie year eVMeeii hcudTd ;ind fctvty luur (HiiJt hald rompatuy havinp beeo 1 'i(el nu a Meani 'IreK.nine t!nmpany by an oiuinance passed ot the thirteenth day of June laat; and ImvitiK ho ciui-Ii'mI ivlUi the reiinrumeuu of xit liK lawk, tor th ie ulai.on of Htiam Fire hug ne Cum baniei in ac-nul ervlrf Hen-th-n 2 That arrinitn hirlhe ratu ahall be drawn bf the Chief KoMlnei-r oi tho l ire Jepirtment, pHyabie nii'iittny. dutiiik .'nnu the tlrit day of Aunut, of tlie present jcar, WII. 1,1AM H. 8TOKI.KV, Prealdcnt of L'omtuoii UouikII, pro tt-ni Attc.l AnhAHAM Sii.r Ait r, A.itutlt Lit rk oft'ommm Coitnelt. .IAMK4 LYN'D, I resident of .Htlect i ounril. Apjroved thi t enly-lonrth day of September, Anno iH'ininl one tl oii-aiid eight hundred and alxtv-four f A. I. aij:xan.ki iikwrv. It M ayor ol Philadelphia. l)EROL TTIONS J t Of Weh on." fo Maior-tlvneral Itlmey. Keiulted, Hv the 8 I'Ttuntl Contin nt)un IIrt of the City of PhKadf lphiu. tno ibanka of the aiithotitlea of the City of Phtlaitlphia are emincii ly due, and are hereby tendeied to M.if (.tonernl l. It . Itirney, for hia brill! am ten Ice In Ihe t-auae of the Union, and hm eHhrtii tn mp. preMthe unholy itheilon AKnni.it the authority af the ttoveinnieut unit the peuplo I thu Di ited SU'ea, Keito.ved, '1 Imi tlie uo ot IndHpendenee Hall be f ran tod to Major-Gem nil Utrney fvr the reopti n o- luafrieiuU; and in order to attord the eitixona of Philadelphia aa opportunity of .tltlii(x their pemoual regard tor hlot, atul their appren-jattot ol nls gailiuitry and pirloUm. I, evolved. Thai the Uayor of tho City and the Preil dewiti of Council he rettuented to carry theae reaolullona into ethrt ; and thai ti e C'lerka of Oounctla be rtviuovred loftirn bi a eop of the ime to fienoral iUrue on hia lartuii in thla city. WILLIAM B. BTOKLKY, Prenldcnt of Common Council pro torn. Attet auhAmmh Siw nr, Aa tHatiuit Clerk of Common f onnrfl. JAM P. 8 I,YKr, Prettidentof Select Counetl. Approud tld: twt-nti -fourth day of Sep emmr, Anna Iou inl one tuoti .Kd tight ouudred and slxty-iuiir (A. I dll.A.."(l!.K HKMtT, It Mayor of Philnlelphlw. AN O K I) I N A N C K 'i n make an Apiimprhitinn to Uiu William Penn Hoao uio Hteeiu h ire l i iult:e t?om'itiy. Section I. I he ht ieet nno Comtnoii Cnnnclla of the City of ph'hidelpbia urduln, 'i'hnt the mm of one thouaAi.d one luii died and Aiiti uix. dillai and fcikty hi, ecu u (vi1m tai b, aid the f.amn In herfb appropriated tithe W II. lam t'enn fhe and Hteatn Tire Kiilno Compnnr tor the jearoncthoiis mii eh;ht hundrf d and nlxty four ( iH'il ), (u:tf t uinimuy 1. ivinit been located an a Hteatn Klre I'.n KireCoiiti any hj an oioiuninjo paateil on the tweiith day oi Mn ast. and itavlng also cwmpned with the ro(:ilrj menta of exlMni Uwit tor the ro.rula.ion of btaaui Pire I.m ine Compann n in actual aer i"e. Heclion '2. 1 fatal warrants f r the aame ahall be drawn b the Chiet Kn -ineor of tlie Ptro liepnrtineiit, paahi mouihiy. dating liota the llrxt dny of June ot tne presreut venr. WILLI AM H. hfOKLKV, Prejldenl ol Oonimoa Council, pro tern. Attet- Ahuuiam Sir.w 'it. A-llaIlt Clerk of Common Conned. jami;h i.y.mi, President of Heieot Oottmt'l. ApprovwltM twenty-fourih day ol 8opieniber, Anno Fk)iiiini one thot'nd viyat hundred and sUty-lour (A. l. 1StHJ" AI.r.VANhPIt IIRNRY, It Maorot Phthde ptna. k IS O K I) I N A N C K J Aulhoriit.-nn Andtilonal Loan to Kncourag the Knliafinei t of V iite.T. Hectton 1 The clM i and Common ConnrHi ol the Crty f I hlladelnhia do ordatn, Thut tha Mayor of Phtlad 1 phDn he and h ta hoivnj au hor.aed tu borrow ou tlie credit of the cil , fiem time (otinia auch tUDH ufnw x'f aa may b oe e. ar. to pay hount et to vtilun'eera nndrr theaeveral cap of Uia IVr-dil ' l of tha tn ted 8tuaa, made or to be made, not exceeding in the whole Oio nuui ot one milliou fi.o In ii'ired Uionsind dolUm; torwhl:h Interokt not to ex 'ed tho rate oi nix per rent . per annum hall he paid 1 1 1 vctutv, o the tlmt days ot Jaima-y and July, at the iHee of the Ctty TreiKitrer. The irincl palof tlieaaid lnti Khali bv p.iyalile and paid at the ev plratlon of Udrt veai ir-mthe date of tho nnua. and not he tore, witht'Ut tlie 'oiMeni ot the ho'deri thttreof; and the certitlcaten tl retb . in th u-ual 'orin of tha tjeriifl catei ofclty loan, haH be tunned In au h auioittita a the lenera mny reot'ira-. hut no: fur any tiutioiml pari ot Of.e liundred dollar, tit , ii ir.iilred. In aui'Mintt of dva liuti dmd or one ihou iittl J- UarH ; atul it uliail be expressed In bald certidcaie--that he tald hn 'herein m attuned, and the inter., c.ere.d, are pttyable frite ft. in al: laiea. 8.rtion i. HI n-v. r an loan ahall ha m.ide byviittte thareoi, there all li he. 'v I'tire.e ot t.'ua otdinanee, annnaPy apprepiirtted on' u' theintvine of the co'porae eata'e. aod from the au u r-iied by ttKatlon, a auui udtclt tu par the iutertut uli uM eeitilleatea; and the furrhor aunt ol three tentha ui t-ne p.r cfntnm on the pr ah oI'kkU certineatea ao i"ned. .h.ill ha appn.prmtea mian -ryoBt of aad inoont" aiid tja. to a ainklea; loud; wo ch fund and Ita aceututi' itlna are hereby especially pU-ogcd lr aha redewutiuuiii-d pauerti ut aald uerilrt. Atea. nereuesup.vM r WI1j.IAM s. SKlKI.KY. prt-i tent of c namuu CoiihcII, pro twin. Attest- Willi v I . hM.L, . u-i K oi l uiuiitun CoimcU. .1 A MKS I.YVII. President oi'S'luet I'l.nti'.-U. ApprtrTed thl I)oi4iml 4fU tilt)' In..). It t ! v. fourth il l' of Heptemb-r, Anijo .u-i r, ;,i hnudred ami aily-four .. t. ALKV ANHPH HF.VKY. iiftvor ni I'iiLtadvli-'via. KESOl.V'l ION Anttvirlin h- .r.iditag vi I-evou'li And o. er irrat,inUe'r.er:iv rir-HVyd. J Hen l vel, By tne fto"- and onitAn Cotiui'tla of the Cltj of fhlladel.di a. Thtthe C'Mf cmiiuiistionar ot IIi.'h aaja be nnd be l hereby authorize It kwUMu tt;ejtab hatied grado ol' t'.t cay, the iviloraiog namvd lUetts. vl ' " Eleventh, Iferrine, Twelfth, I'amac, and Thirteenth it reft from l.cjks to l.aneantvr atraet.and L;uickter street iem hlevi nth to Xh.rtunth street, iu the Twenty hrit Ward, at a toit not exetedlng the auin jf four thou, i-uad Mid twelve dollara and leventyllve centa : Pro vided That the Chief Cemoaiit-toiier sh..il udv-rtue fir rroiu'.ala for auid ifiadinK, at so much square yard, ti!e a-week (vt two weeka, in two Bewnpaper-i havint ti e larneat elreula'Ion in the city ot Philadelphia ; eaid rropo-a.when received, ahall be opeied by i-.o .aid c iw Ci.niiiiiiiioner.on a day and hour to be rixed in said adTertieeiiWut, in the jre.enve of th Coiumittee on lUgf. wVvVand riKhui' the b.ddera aa may t.ot)e to be pre-M-Tu and thew-rk allotted to the kwcat bnWer.frt.iu vvhom aei-uriiy ai.aii tve reared, in acu-rdaiue ub txl-.i-U.t-.udiuamea. WII. MAU N. RTOKI.KY, rrrsM)nt u Ctrnmcu Cii intiJ, j rt km. All t y gyALL. I ie;k fcf Cimmen fmin ti. JAMKH LYNn, President ot Seu-ct t.'ount'il. Aitrod U twenty-ffiiirtb ilay of Ktptembei , Anao Iioinn.l ue thousand i-gt.i nnndrtd iu;d aixty-kur (A. i. iij- iLrxANnp.n hknry. II AUjur ot PiiiiudtiDMa. r-TT?r TIIK KLNSINGXON BANK IN THE 3tJ COPNIf OK plIlLADKLPHIA. Piiilaudl rHii.Bcpiemher Bpeeial Meeting of t M;k-j- hoidira will be held at the Jiaukiiig Houe,on TIIMi lj V the "Otb of October, at U 0 cluck A. M., to deciae on the apedieiey ol converting ti.a Uank Into a .Sat ion al Aaautiatiou, agreeably to an let of Cooreaa approved June J. lh4, 'd lake aueh otaer aetion aa waj be nel- 'Vk M bV"1 C?rVHKK. C..t,..r. TUB J.AI.Q29T A'I BE" hall. oi tiih JTNION LKAOUH, CIU'.Sr, UT STKKHT, AHDVKTV liLKTII. fb!MJ..rv'',,', . '''i . JUDGE RITANKOy, WILLIAM B. MANN, Ai i MMr Jl.'ii.,iilii,,J f ( . .1 1. WII. I, A ll.'ll'.C THU cni.hissoi' niii.AiD'l.i'iriA. ll Invluiiiin el ! a "MOW I.i:A4Tril, ' THIS IVENIN'3, SLPTEMBER 2tt, as ihe isN'jr.'i O' in-. re-v.-e.vT rr.iTijAt CAMt'AlllN. .a fT UNION OAMPAION CLUB ottmmH tvo. a. 1U C'Lt-'B WK.I. AMMfyill.K AT IIKAP'iUAltTl'.r l.lBKAUY HrUkKT, Co WEDNESDAY Evening, at 61 O'olook, TO VISIT (iKKMANTOVK. 1 h. . ara l li b I a i I d il pi' i IA. .1 i I t e, VISTII ai.il l.kl.lC.N ai a iiia ti r tif'ir, 4 ..tJ'.cW Of If ot W'M. 11 MANN. CMaaT aaralial. It tT5T ATIEN'IION, COMPAUT 0, lil'.l'l ltl.lCiAN IN V INOUM.l '.S. 'l t.-mrmlra of tlie Cnmpan)i will uifttt al ilvail'iirartfir THIN K.,t:MlV4J,t MO'rllMk. Klrrtir.n of oniri-i-e and f'ther hnalneai of luip'.! arlll tc brnuii'it to tlio uotloe of tlie C'4inpaov-, J. WAYNK Ml.KEIMTa. B. HWAVM., W. H. Uli-l'IN, ' 11 fommll ' IST" TO TBE BU8INE3J MEN or ptni.Ain.i.riiiA. (iliAMi MASS MI1KTINO or TIIK MEECAJSTILE UNION CLUB. Ibe-MKItCANTII.C UNION CLUII,' t ftUlaoVljiajA lnrl'a the bualnraa man, without diitlactltMi of art, ark ' de.lra toihow thtlr bialtx to tha tfoverniaeat, o4 tbcaT piiilt-f of all Inn In the effectual auppreaalea of U Kalnl. U n, by auatalulnff tbe reient NATIONAL AUMINIHTHATION. m A.w.Mni.t: in TBUESDAY EVENING, Spteicb 2iJ, AT O'CLOCK. 1 le Meeting will be a'l.lie.iuat by A. O. CATTKIiL, t.EObU.E L BU7.Br, KBrilFRICK tXAi-GT,' MUKTUH WCMICBAXI., DAMI.L DOUOntRIT, Jit And othera. 11 V OBflEli Of IXKCOTIVli COMVITTKH. ' KC-f" RALLY, VKTKHANI?, FOR A VISIT -' TIIK HATILKf IKUIOK (1K11M AM rOWN I HralilitArtllia'' Fllt"l B.itj.u.h Unii.n lahfaIhH Ci S, Fmii.auki.i'iii.i, hei'toiabi'S VT, iwit OHUKKH I. Fniaiiart to Ornera ao, t. llaadq'lirtara UKIOIf rAMI'ailiN t'l.l 11, lua tluln, th. m iujf B ol the be laiioa will p:iriul,'lllin(vviliiialai) KVK.NIiiii, loi the pur pi'ai' 1 1 iriTi'eillnit to Ui'i-manti iwn. II. '11 a line win i.fj luiniuit In Independence Jaqaar, ai l' o'rloi'h lk. M., Iirecl.fily, on tliatilay. , III 'I he Ollliera In ehurife al.l havothfi Baiuior. Plan. I.au'pn. and 'I rHiiai'ari'Ui'ir. In reaillnra at Iti-att inart a ('tiMnlONWICALHi Ulll.KI N. at (io'c ok ! M. Trina poiittil'in will l iirov difl for all Voloraua who dealr t iiamciiiaie In iln. Ui mou.Uailvii. liy ooOiUiaLri uf colonel 1. C. El.l.af AKEB, CHilcl Mardial. ' W'll.LIAM A. WlMV, 'HA.ia.Ke C. Knhiiit. 8iclaJ Aide. JlM'll T. 1 OKI., ) U , fvpf- BKVliNTH DIVISION, TII1KTKKK1H WAItI. Hlin to KlIIUTU Btreola, and UKUW.N to riPt.Aa hli. U. An Adlouriii'd MectliiK nl ihe I'MOai I'll'IZKKH of this Klaclhm Uu il'fi, wiutiahi'ldat Iir.VI.KB'"., N W. roruer of SIXTH and HltOiVN Htrc.ta Oil 1'lll'BHIIAY fcVI.NIMI, Wih laaUnl, fl-JH-'JI' At TS O l'I'K-b. C2T UMON CAMI'AIQN CLUB aV3 OKHKItS Va. . The Cl. li m aMinli'o at II nilMUart-r., I.IUKABT Strict, on Wl.iNUl)AV l:VKNINil. at i o'clock, lu vlilt llfrliiailliiwii. Tin' cura wlili'h havf beenprov.dM will l.f Miuh ami tiu-cji aireeta, at a Quarter before S o'clock, Jly onlci of WILLIAM B. MAN, 9-27-Jt ClilLl alar.bal trt5T NOTICK? NORTH ROH V8. KKLLKT. 'I hi I it I"IU' I'T the IWI.NTIE1 II WAKIl will he be don WU-M.-iAV and TliriHliAV BVKMINua, HI the H ill, IlKiiAH and Ml'lllS'i HAltUhN Hireeu, inatcadiii Krvi-ntai'nili anil roiilar atreeta, aa (ravloua'ir aiinniir.i cd. r38" NO TICK. COMMKltCIAL BANK OF Pi!n..lvaina. Pnti.AMvi pint, Heptember 9U, IfMI. A K-Miortil un-et ti'. of the M m aitf-ldfr of the '('oaa- Birn ial liutil. ot Ivnnv. ivnriia" will he he'd at the Bank li $ iioiifce on TUl'liMiAY, tho litHli dav of Oolooer, lrto4, at 11 o t l .ck A. M , lor the Dnrpwo ot deciding the quea-th-n hetlR-i" or nK tho said Hank ahill bfumiie an aao cialim hr caro hin on tlie b'oliii aa of bankmK under tlie lrv.rtJt the L ured Mt",, ana of exMrdaltig the uowere etmierrt d by th- a-t of tni- ti-nr4l Aiiw tubly of tuie Com monwcai'k, muled 'An Ai:t I n.. Wing tb's Hauki of uua ("omnnrnvf Hlth to bw'ann A-a'-ltioiii for tlie purpoie of liankmo, iiwh r the iswir th t utted Mtute," approv ed the r.MdavorAiiff'i'it, l!, aid to take amh actio a In ri-Uttvii tlicrt'to as m.tyhe tiv?!-ary aa.ljirwper. py .-rd-'i 01 the Hoard ot Ur . O. PALMER, ( a, War. rr tTCKH(JU)KRK' MKKTtNQ. a3 OHN .t iiANfH; BANK, P.fii iui M in , .)timtr Jd, ffiA. A Kn-ral ni vt!rg ir tho Stockholder ot the Oorn Ki chame B.-nk t PliMa-lc!hl.a wOl be held at tlielr Hank-in-- House, ou Till L'hitAi , tt.- itU day of Oi ioier nvtt, ,ki 11 o'i-Ioi k uo'in, tor th' p'.:rpoa oi takin,; Into roualdev n.rl'iT) und la'ci'iiitK-m the nne'ition whether or not the aald Hank ahail hvco'o' an n-ojmti n (or carrying ontM b i'iucaaoi D;nkin under t:.t laws of the I'nlud Htaie, and oi "tT l-' tik" t c pov-er-i (.r!rred by the a t of the tiviifrai A'ai'int y of ihi t. u'ntujnM alt h, entitled An aet enabling ti e b.irar: thi t oinuonw o.UlIi to bei-ome ao Mai.jnn for 'hv- purpoa t bnkitik' uuai.r (he law oi the I'nitfl :afei, v:rvt'd tr. iWd dayo Auaiuit, mA, ami t take auch a.ti.u in ftt;rd ti.c.-env a. uiay be acveaarj r arooer. p y order ef the -Board of lire tor. it Wwt J. W. TOKRHY. Cashier. 1ST STOCKHOLDERS' M K KTl NO, rVU.ADa'-f'lll' P""1"" v. A ainrral meetlnr of the Hto. -kholiWra ol the Farmer' aid M.eiiaiiicB liana .if r-huaaVlpnia will be hrid at Uinr liaiikiiii'tli uieoa Tlll'IIBKAY, Uie Allh day of (Jatober ifit, at 11 o'tkica A.M.. forth purpoaeoi lakluu lulo I'l.nniiltralion, and iiailding Uiu uneiilon whaiher or not tlie aniti llank.h.Ul lieiomeaiiAaaficlttiun forearrylmr on the buiineeauf baiiami.' uniler t.-tr Lawa oi tac liuliwl rllitaa. anil of aicrrlain,' U.e p.iwi-ia ctnili rred by the A. 1 1 the t.rnaral Annul 'V rf thia 1'ouimonwtAllh, eiilllkft k'An Act knal'Ui'K te Iifialia of Itie Coiniui-nwoalln Io t.c"B AiMMiaiiona for lie rurX"of Baukinu un.lur the Lanif'f tie Ua.lfd Mlaiei," ai'proyad the a.'d day of Aug-iiit. Itai4 ; aad to take au b aliau iu regard Uierat aa B,iy It m-eeaaary aod i.ropr. l' orof oj io JvfMu vi w"'-'"i;r d-mmt'O W. 111,'KnTOS. Jr., Caahler. Titll AflKI PHIA AND READING KauxoaU CiBru7 "' "J . '01BVU auv .natfMii. Rertember 39. 114 (llltl. TO AVOID TiETENTlGN. The hoUlira ol the Coupua Of thit.Vn,pl.v, dm' ll ll.c lt j.rimo.M r'll',:,w'1! kliv 11 .in at ikia .'c on er bfh.re th 'wr" rt t.ll'ti will lir mn, alio - " rat'elli. - j wi on U. lit prvA.auo. I l"'&VrVllW -93-Tt A MUlir. LAW DEPAUXMliNX.UNlVERSITy f I'anna.lTanla. A term will conuaf-uc ..,i.Ao. iry rectnre will lie dellr.reil al I o'clork tai!e .V U' U""U -''" Hon. OEORCK SHARSWOOD. I 17-ltt B. S. CORKER EUTH a'D NaRKBI BT8, 8fE wine . 1 1 A lihi'iia Ition ( ifcaat si. At lie at c ter I hnd Id loo Iwin i 2A A in Jo Ni fjord Sa llurr Mi Iicv Jc Iwoi Vi 1lcri ruo I'l It & iicac TI Itogt A goii I CUII O I WUk Idire A .A liLe A ll'H A hlie A i Itum luv I V01' V lllii'i Ivoti V ami V atVli wn; lez i lav fiuf t 1 A 1 Ma I elm Jet lam tthf the Htm MiO r. VllVI trl VII on litr Kcl lie Luc aw kit if. ID
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers