The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 28, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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r'lii LADKLi'iiiA. wi:i)Ni:suav, sHrninKu , istn.
He Futa in a Good Word for SLer nan
aiid Sheridan.
tic r"., r.i-., :.,
There t a ma-s merlinc, of 1" ). r erne i li,
l-oe men, st jildyites, Ac, a: range, N. J.,l-:
at tit.
when tbia meetinit s i-urn. l the serenade1 b
cnl M ci-ll i c mum -n. el. Murine i pr -
grit the Oenetal was in'mdii.".! to n number of
friends, all ot whom he received most politely
nl ofu B cordially. Van jus leoiarkt were m ulu
jy Ibe General ot let sontimeiits
towards llio individuals who arcro introd io.ul, t ut
the mo I remarka'Ce h u'cinem th it lull from him
mom1 In r.ply to A. J. H-icr. when ho a-k.l
kim insularly lor his Vice this fall. "I will
vote on the right plank anyhow," replied the
Wbn the o reunite had preeeciti '1 nn' tine
Governor Turner intriiuTil the General t tlie
as-embly, who now numbered live or six thou
Dd. As soon as Ihe General made his appear-
(oce on the ha cony, he was receive 1 wit i the
greate-l . n'huf i ism, wni-'b wa '.nrna:iiet tor a
nnsiriVrahle tunc, Cheer followed flid'r for
"Little Mac 'lor the popular commander i if the
old Army of tho Potomac. G ivernor I arkor
introduced trie General in a fon'iu i inonaii.ircss.
ormfhai M'n RI.I.N' SI'KICII.
,4 be Gcrerul replied as follows
Jdy F'rlends and Neighbors nnd Your F.x.el
lency I am not hero tc-nigbt to make a limit
sttcch, but merely t acknowledge this most
p:ea-liir compliment. I irnst tint this ib-mon-stratum
is ibe res' ience ot that great civil vic
tory win di we h ipe to w'u a', the pol.s In favor
of the Cons'itutioti nnd coun'ry. I hope tin"
arlnriiua vietories vvon by tb- gallant and skilful
Sherman, the heroic und ila-hing Sheridan, an J
the In in piu Fainig'it, are the forerunners of the
strral victory for the dcfi-me of the Constitution
which shml loon, I hoiie, be ach'.oved.
1 tbDk you, rny friends, for this most pleasant
demonstration, which exceeds all th it lias
been expected to-niirht. 1 finnk you for yirir
exprifM'iDB of frundly iiti'.ni nn, aii 1 I trust
tun will now pnmii tn to n.iy nood inj-ht.
The General rben retired am'd a seen ) oi enthD
iara inch a la rarely witnessed After lhi he
wat intn dnced to a number of lii.t friends in fie
tmtel. find too'i retired for the nK'lit. 1'h: meet-
ln( o ntinm d till t l i'e honr, and the utre.rts of
'toi rang with MoCKUaa cheers till m:.uibt.
The Pursuit of Early Continued.
Extent of the Rebel Losses.
llAn:n's Fhhry, fte('-'er 27. '. vii to-
twite army Is pufliing on ri.pUlv al'wir l'atly'8
lttnoiuli,i d fttcca r?hriJ&u' he.. Iiuarteis on
Utitday was 5 tl'irrl-Liiburg, Ail to-u g'.t will
iiubtiily he lit Stannic, uf out onij hniidml
mucii Jintiiu; Ironi unci ;.!.. :o,aad HHy-tee n uo n
I jnehoUiR. Our civ v! y ;.t far boyund iii,rou2
lur, anuo) ing the l! bel Hank and rear.
On Samrduy Torliirt's eoiiiuiaud str.i'it the
iniiii boJy of tine Rtb-1 rar ilry ne-ir luray C itm
lIuii'C, while on their wav to onwat-! 'u our rear
lmrp tlytat enaurd, in wtiieli tac lnnwi wo.i)
wi rMeci iiixi cui:i,e l- J to r 'tn a; up -.he valley
HHh lo sol tsvcial Duiuired kuled an J nou idod,
auunviaiv luur iirisouers.
i)u r-unouj morniuK flencral T rter'. jol.-.ed
fih-jiliian b ) otid Nuvv imi'kel, uu I lui.r.e,'dj
u.-uu Willi bis wui'lo e iiuaiaaa .u llio il i'i .M.'il
el b auuioi.
l iifoi.eiii hhj that after the figlii a', W'.u .ln-st rr
tro xmem lo. Ued a I their mi.f trainj wi'.j
noundtd. About tCTtnteea hau.lied wo.o tli.ii
cmrivd oil, uiuou thcoi a Jirfe nuiir:
oil tern.
Our 1' mcs in the a":v'k on tho Hohel position
at r iBen bill on la: luumj iy Imvu ueun over-
eu'td. They wi'.i uot Du.nn-r uijre tlu.n two
hui.dredand liny or tlneo uu idred. lUccaiiial-
tie wire- coiiiiucd prnepuliy to I'm jk s V irn,
wllc'i tin '. uf the tl'i-.!!!. Ta losiu- in fio
IS b Corp, ia the iit;hl ou lite l'jib, wilt uuiaoer
early two thonsnnil.
Tue CMn,dutciiea of '.he surcrise of the Rql-els
at Fibr Hill pi iy bi imitoi:d fr jui the' faet
tl at thu (iuaii captured there were all lri.d to
tbe luut.ia wilj urape and r; Out Ci'ook'a
charo was to iniu::uuui and rap) 1 tl'it'.hc
ktiiem did not ),et liul'i to (li-ea,ir((e ;ueai
Uueiiila aru Dccuiuiui irju'jl' doine oettreen
Harper'n Kt riy and W ineU'iiter, I iitoveiun, a
lutie alier uusk, two aiu ulmic-, cont un u
6urtou-U"iitral I'billipa, of l'vuniylvaoM, and
a party i.f fii,-jon, were nct-ickeJ twj milct an 1
a Lai! Iiom here. 8nrai.nn Kuuver. i tli To i nyl
yubia Cavalry, was ho', thiouli tuu aud juu n ;
add twoi.f l lie) i sum to, belouitint,' to tuo 17tu
l'enbhyivifla Oav urv , nen.'uaiy wiumd-id. tin
Kuu'iav, alo, l.i.', rfiieTillas nttuk'd a trim
beiaecn Winche-ur a: I Hurner'n t'.i 'v, killln
ar.d sev-rilof too an ird. 1 whuui'
(be kcojndiein were uiierwaida .nplurel and
UTi li ot th ni Im: (-'
The ItiMmoie :c.t Oh'O railroid u noy ,n
lunnitiK orclcr ibroui;b i V uoelri,
riiiien pu "Htj ol captured uvuliery vd ;our
emreuiii u bruum lj 11 iriwi ' I' :.ry this
Blurin&i,'. K.vuu ueue oi. vein. nil hi Vn liter,
lae Hctls In tue t v i ii itiloi loit ttire )-:. ui tui
of their aitiliery, thi'tii;'! ihey :1 io.i t liav
tiiTe Dark tit kiuu"-.imi in ie m
'Ihe l"li.(tl' lt"i;ii io tho leee In
lie bkcDaud'uU v . II, 7 a v t'"'.i stated o 1 1. au
tin rny o! a (,ov:i m at u i.eial sent lor tae pur.
on- of anc.Tt.iini:,; :
Anrivid at ila.', ir' leiiy '.!i'!e in '-de
200 tittlect -l
Vouiidid it Wiie Im ti'v
Caplurtd be l we 1: l't !itf-' lid! ni l 'A jjd-
Woiinui i . Mri 1 1 lul l'; K
V' uadtd it. fu id-.-'e 1" 'u.
litiitd anil vi'hii ii.U iy
m-i -a'.
-ton .'- I
t t -
IV. -If
iu l i.
YaJlci ',0
Total i.j 1
(ii teral '"I i,)ni,i'i, .d he '.1 lii i i I.., ;,. Divi-
tlun id f'av..l y, ivound' d 111 j! ot
. pi iiiuii. anivl b.-re 11. it i ,iji if in t
ailierlilan I'nwM.iif ftuiidl In I'.iralf ol
ti:' !: 1 ur.j iau I is mo into)
-fr ta'l HIn iii i'.NIj.
Woi n r J iii kM.N. '.'., s. pterin. -v - i A Itl.ou li
we b.ive h i! sot'd-ra ilts linlitin mpioj lei.i i.
Vinelitstvr, ill thin: I1.11 liee.i no'.hi.:i; in th
.iy of a lecu'ar ha'tle or iinviliii) appro niliim-
Ihe action i-f Monday ai ; the en.ituro, of aiil-
kty, l'ugj, etc., at l-'i.-hi r's Hill were nuido more
by the rapidity of our lnoviinctds and acurntu
iniiiiuaivniig tlittii by the force of battle.
Infonnn'ioa fituu the re:ir l to the 1 lie t t!
the pnoriiitit- me vciv active in that quaitur. Al
1 ur t'li, ns have to he heuvl'y guarded topi'otcc
tl.on 1 10111;.
'io dav we are Mil! moviiiA' 011. Tl.e fittmy ii
retiring. Maindsl.iio; 1 unit mtly Koiiu' ou
Uur "uvulry !s dii.i,' uohly. The nnpiv.-i-in I
t at Ihe not 111 ..o uhotlicr f.'cueta
Mund this hiuc ni Siuiintoit, nnd pel ! ap hot there
It Is beyond a doulu now that Ktriy m doing
trci tiling lie cun to pet out ol our re i"U nt (
s poariblc, and should an rivagdiiHit ciibuj to
tiay irto morriiw, it villi be bcc.iusc we liav
forced l-.iii ly into it.
bhuiild ull our 11L113 1 rove ticce".sful , tin
j. re cut nioiciiint ni Sluihian, before it i
. vlfdid, will prove u rcinnrliable, in'eiv-tiu r, an 1
"vuhiitUc 0- any ot the war, and I think the
Tcople nt hoiiicwUl be as much .-uipri-ed uu the
Id btla will be nt iio tendency aud in iiiiu ition.
ABweure continually oil the wove, it ia iinpjs
fiblcjubtat this time to vide loiiu' depateho
or y o into detail, l.iciy hour adila uioie uuu
luoro piioiiera tocur alicady initnen-e nuiubi;r
fMnicclcrg aud Ut'trltr como in rinid'y and
Cur wouiu'ed are being rapidly bent to t!ie rear
ti.d tollaiper'al cny .Yii lor. JLiuh!.
Tlie -1'tiia I1.sur.1uce Company, of llait'onl,
b.t received :uo restitution ruoncy tlnouh the
intuence of the Catholic confessional.
l.he Kilo liullwuy I'oinpuny are expendin ;
S'JOfyXio upon new buildings at the Sttsaueliauna
Gold Out of Sight in l ichmond.
A Brigade and I've hegimoute Sent
to Reinforce Eiviy.
Hi.u.i,fAHnn P11 AtiTurs oc tub .Ii t,
September ..'(' In reeent Vtr I Uiv.) gurni
m iny Inci Jenn teiulini- to pm 0 that the ea 1 if
the war eaiiu't be d.-tau;. 1 ue tir.t of
exb:ntion and wtnlnc ntiden in :re.H';.
Dcmrtions art more nunierom. IU:fageet come
in almost every nmruin froio He htirmd ; o('-:
a doen together. ('H int famine HLilm thr.'.i ;h
the streets of the KIrI eapitil, nd vannot be
dtivon away. The Heix ! .iourni.H, iu each an
oce ling i-ano, whine in ire d.-ro. illy at tlm miser
able condition of the t'oufe tera-y . alt aaugh their
laincnt.uioni are I ar;lally e 1 In I r tvo and
kc!- rhetoric. Th 'e arc a few of the Uui'iio
and apparent tokoa of fas'. ap roaching di-iolii-
11011. but I am K.a l to he able to a I t anj.hur
and nior einnh iti" "It'll that the dea'h-'i iu: .S
n ar.
(,obl, the siiii" 01 war, it on'.o'uy 0 r of the
b h lmioml Market. It 1 .uni.e in , 11 tt 1 1 ' m
n.ond nn v at any pric S icrid m't li t htairg r-
iii' blow, on Mo. id iv, rent the S 'tsivo 111 d il
hi 'h up the lutie of th- orotneter. and the figure
showid a eorrepondn;g b pn ed ition of c uiil
di nee in Conlc Jirato paper. Th ' vcind b!or
ailniln'eied by nhcrid in ct'in 'd a further elo
vution, and brokem held one dollar in gold to be
wwrth thirty doliart (1I01 in Icetiei paper.
tin I burs lay hir u was decid 'd Ma' there w is
no h iiper any comparauv j value between uol !
and Ctuifeder ite luiti a, and the loruier waa w.:li
diawn Iiom marliet. Thla i a igu of cotla,n9 yon luayliok In vain to tin t ui any ll"'h
Diond paper, but depend upon its truth It is
told me by one w ho Kiioa t, an l .'' hi't iitVirui
tion n' what happens in re leblo n from trant-
KUiiur noiirces. int'e 1 111s 'u ui'jeui v.i'iit:
at lUchniond of a Coutederate dollar n it,;. I n it
mil m areely paya ibe cotof tbe en-'ravltig and
pi itit Inn, without con-i Icnum the pap T, and that
hlKU 1 nceil.
it ia the miDrermion nere in wiii.'n.ormca
rircieB that I' irly wili gatin't up hit ta at erj I
in my for a at l.ynchlmre. ia reiu-
torcuig bun. Me hat already -en: nun wi'iiai
the past two days one brigade, and Uti reg'nKnts
bi'Hidi s.
Atiairs at Tint h (. ip aie iirogrc-ung suroly, if
not la-' at was a' lirst antlelpated. It, is hop Ml we shall ce'etnati' the open. u? of the cauv.
bifor ) two weeks are voue. I n no seen sneci
tiitns oi co il froai a atraiun) d'J' Ovcre l in thu
excavation. The Vitgituaiu air-fly hive ex
tensive coal mines In the 1 luuiy of '. he.-'-t-'itield,
and this vein at liiueti hi may lie eou-
ni euil with tbeni. We ire not only 111 k :ri a
valuable "internal im r iven cnf," but alto de-
loping ihe uiin-rHl wcaltii ot nie .t i' .'. surely,
Yirimiins, y should be gr iteiui.
Ihe thoiu'litleasheat in tc.:i,n ne. vp.ipnr
feribis in w elting ot ui.t'ti rt with wbtri rti"y and
the public have iu apei nil cone. r;i. and the pub-
n ull an ot widen is apt to ,tive "aid unil i ointori
1 a th.; eni my, has cal cd tortl a circular Irmn
Omcral H itler for their I'.utir! guidance,. Ilverv
01 revimuceni with Hie Army 01 llio, or ia
the li par'.nient 01 Virginia a. id N.jr.i. 1' uolina,
has 11 ci -ned one 01' tin se ' ueula' ii)d llio oae.
UilutiSi .1 to aie 1 con it for pun'i itciu, w.tli the
simple remark that I heartily coincide ia the
tieni rara idea ol tne matter. . r. lime.
lltAllUl AUTKHS Dl'I'.MlTllENr VlltOtNI.l VNO
Nokiii C.tuoMNA, iu '.Lj Field. Sep'a cib ir 2-,
ltib4 lo Ihe Njwspap-r Corr-.tpoudi'iita cm-
nmt-d with the Ariny of thu Jamat ant la thu
Deuar'iiK ut ot Vlrmtila aid iNortii t;.ir.iii..,
( 1 1 m cd uot say ti jou, p-olu'ily,
H at 1 have never lutericri d wit 1 the iiu.iniuy,
kii.d, or nitniitv of your c imnniul" .tion'in t4i ird
to lit iiiiociiicn'.s of ihe Ariny of ih-j James, or
id tula Unarm eat. 1 liav 1 a acii to soiua or
iou, thai 1 di sired tl. it you r.hoiili! apetk on J of
acts di ne, and lo sue ncih.i g o: .11' veuienis wnen
n prep, naiiou or while in pruhrj, I- j.'ty e'g it
(IH) i.uurs at thu l.irih-Jtt InbKi i the u.uiiiiy in
priuti d lorr.i, well th i so :u! mom a id iirog
1 o-ticidioiis of cv3nts all rir to tuiij :n, 1.1 wi'.ien
uu 11 tty i. dulue. as tho 1'tet.s tin luve already
iiar-pia eil wt. ch you narra e.
1-n'in my knowic.lgeof you and etc'i of y,-u,
si lurasyou are known lo mo, 1 h-buvo ill t.a-
,t rcty loyal and patriotic, an 1 tin. eitn-r ot y on
would 110: willingly do unvtbiri' .vnici aid
the 1 ni niy, ai.d y -l unwi.tingly I ba-e t:;on 'h:
that J on do so.
isow, then, 1 iiesir. that in any . o-rosiio , 1011 ee
iri 111 lh i den-irtmerit tncra sha a b no proj.ioiu-
hi ii i, no asertioiis that you could give ounrt if
it were not :on!rabaud, no pr : lief, mt '.a at
inovenieuts are ul'Oiit to lai m 1 lo th t vj;l t-uc-pilse
the enemy or anybody ei-e. In lend, gen
tlemen, allow mo to cratniend t-yo 1, ui a rule
of action, tho inlvi. e of "Ilanilo '' to h IVimd
1 1 i alio," when he d-s:rud tu lo'tp aeeivt h t
ucia nnd intvn ione.
'Tridt yoil.t iu, 1. liiueft. s.a.ic x.s r ;..!,
W ah a. ji. .n.julill.- r'a Iti is. i-I ! .1 1 sh.i ,
Or j lnui i-i .lutf iteu, II Ji J- . -ie.
. W il. -il w, kn v-
, W a rtaiia. :ui I: n e 0 .'-I
(Ir, 11 li.l I-. ..jk . i f, 1 ..' t V
....nie im 1 n.l si. 11- ia. O'C . .'-
P111111.1I11 w I iu.; ul ie ,
I in. Ou j all ifflir. '
Alter any aas been r
, ide ami c itii
; al miui of it,
I in it, aa your
y die oe, an I
.1 die or oil' ial
; put at your
p eteil, then you -ui give tiich an
tmd of the nhiecrs and rn.:i -n 1.'
goi d itid-ment u id good U-j .o
lor Ilia. piii'poe every f .cili y o. :
iiojnnients in m po-re i .a
A word inrtn-r ot ' 'iii ni, uuu 1 nopo 1 scm
not h eve t.oubl I Mr: in va n. uetenpt on 01
the Piova.iie'jis of .ill'.e.ri jl b gn rmk t.-e-u,m
nil j ivc the en. aiy a duo a. aoinc 111 ii'e-
inent is in popr-ss, wireii a r as aaoej umouur.
1,1 f atviciiy '.Till en lb e th an to i"m over.
I li ive tae lion r 11 uc, ;' '.no i, YJ.'y re-
4peenully, your oaeoicnt A -rvani,
i: nj v Mt. I', in lire, mij. 1 .-in. Coatt 1 g.
.1 ii ts k ri'm or
I'ttci: hi:m.
yesterday p lb
undid j to jvnej
iitoriii tl iuv la
ity on tno 1-i b
The New Yorn. I mi 1; Y- " ..
li.-tts a I 't'.er i'r.iin iViei.iinitl.t
mn tliioiigh.ini th - ei.nvry
1 on to ineei in ci nv iii! m 1 1 ':
of ncx: t 'iur. Ihe vr '.'i -
that ever tinee
ihe "Mei'lei an bee ,l-,l ; ,,i"
pvai ti men L n b-.. 11 ii. a t'v .
tc lib's:
' Ciicago, t!:a
: ul;:i:i, and
1 f ir tho a- 'em-
' ltd formal el! Is t . 1 " i -i I
, blae uflhitcoiiveioio i, '.It ,.mi;I
. 1 iucu turiling
1 iiupo. tan. e 111 Aiac-1, an ni
. cin-e wit'10.1 .
ire 0 1 ii'iiji'
ne) (fit ir iluil
1. ,-l a, r il
S ites ti 1 ii d
no a 'aiiji'il
1 I'
u 1 u:
c 10.1
d II -cult to 'S-ll an- a - e
la aruly eoiici.ric- t i.u.. 1' t 1
of iho Sia:et !Li)(h's ,,i. -i .,. .
bell g C.eeined s oh ielil M -
it is ibe oe.i ;n m Ulc -s .! 1 .i.;n 0:' tiie. Con
wlllinn at I iielnlitoi 11 -a - tile criul'llil
.111 1 -s ion 1.1 tl.a' at tt'.iei ; i. H here is a iy wts
li rn, lai.';e-s of prin-iple, pa r.ui, tin, an 1 eur
r.i -tie of pin-nit" left in th- . 'u ne in po,.P. it
is lApectid lo be manifested here. A . th j (,'nic igo
Convention mi expected to have been t'r) in j-t
iittgu-t nnd Important assciublago ever cmveued
mi the Am in un coi tnictit, and so s-omlly and
iichles-ly bdied in its bicii ur-siou, the cyci an 1
hiij cs 01 ini'iiknid mn-t nun aMiu tj tliaL aho u
to 1111 it ni Cii'Cinttuli.
"'I he ilevatioii if no manor fct of tti-ii will
intrude upon its deliberations. H will be pur-ly
ilcvoteil, 'rri pi ctiie of all current ciec.nns, toa
clear eiiiini iation of llio cinlinal doetiuKS
ibroii(,h which, American liboitv aud Am-ri -an
I n'Kii were sieund, nnd I. y which iilonu they
nut be r. stored ; nnd it will apply them direct y
ui.d luiaiiioiitiy to the tua ti ly ttoiv upon us. Tiic
great idea 01' ibe Democialic'purly, its traditions,
ai d the long unil evudful liiiutc, deui ud that its
duciplts bt just to it no'."
I laeinl Hooker lu Iho 1 11I1I Airnln.
Mi.joi-GciiCiuI Hooker received orders id a
late hour on Monday night to report iininedi'.ii ly
to Iho Secretary of War f-r a-.-igntiicdt t d ity.
1 1: a General accordingly left the Aitor I1juo
ycsterdiiy morning, nnd arrived In Washington
lu-t 1 Tkc exact nature or liebl of the
(Icnciara titture pct.i.n Is l.ot yet known. Th)
jiiiblic, bowel ei, w id be c'tlihud to know Hint
tuch a gallant leader la soon ai ain to be in the
fuddle, 1 idii g lo give tlie finishing blow to tho
liebtliiuu. The Ge.u1r.1l'. brief period of rctlre
n. cut bus been a season of much -needed rest and
roelul 1111 nt, and Lo returns wl'U a ivncacl
ivst lor Vifc'oious ten ice. -V. I". Tin n,
Tho potato crop In Hampshire county, Mast.,'
is to luigc this season that farmer arc hurrying
them to market for fear of lot,
V- ivi.iov, hpptcm'ie" 2-t. I'ue '1 !
In an ftm pa'd -In s the lolloping "'.Ve karn
1 trl aally thnt the advan.'e of the llct d .Jciit?ral
Foriest has been suddenly checked at i'n'niskl,
Teiiit., to which point northward lie pushed, f er
destrcyirgthe raiirnad bridge at F!k r;vcr.
Despat. lies were receive J by the ijovernment
(Ida 'jiorning conbi'uitig the latc-t rep rt fro.n
Oet.eral Shcriilan. Tiiey announce his a-rival
at HarrHoii'ir.rg on Monday, aud his In e'ltion to
follow ii)i the pur-uit of Farly, alio wat hi-ten-Irg
to..nrds Stanntoti, wi'h 'lit shvere l frag
tin H' of h. lcfiat'd and J in ir.ilir cd army.
l'.very .ittciup' of Farly lo tike alvantage.j
the gap-iu the Illue Ridge mountains, to at.aoy
I ien. ral Mierid ma's rear, h is b e 11 d. fe.i'ed , i,h
gri-ut ln-s to tin- Kebel-.
nn .".itur l iy Toroet's (avilry met tiie Hc'ul
rava iy mar I.ur.iy Court lloa-e, au l aft. r a
-i iritcl (Vht, which la-ted ever il hours, routed
ir.cin with a loss of several b in IrcJ kill. 1 and
woiim'-'d, and aiaiut W) pris nicrs.
1 he lb bcls were cannon ulcd by ficueral W" k
man. They retrcatvd np the valley.
Oti Sunday, our cavalry effe tcl a juo'tiua
wi'h sbeiidin'a Infiiitry, near New Madr.d.
Reported Capture of Two Trains oa
tilt Chattanooga, Railroid.
Nssitx im i', septeiiiiier 'il. kinnlsbing with
the llebcl for e under Firr s: .outinued al jjy
ycsterdiiy. I'ciieial Uous-ciu fell back to
miles frotii l'uiusk;, but rea lvan ed and held his
posiii 1, and the town up to 7 1 M. To- lay the
CLcuy .nlvnncod his sKlr.ulsh line to with n li ill
a mile of ours, and will probably advance hit
lines mid atti 'k in the morning. Our lots in
to-dny's (lilting will not exceed eighty men.
rrisiciers captured In Mar-hall county on their
way lo MeM.imville, wi'h dospntchea fur Corro
Ooido illiutiit, who was to utiita with For
rest, state that l orret hat twenty pieces of
ariil'cry und about seven tiiousind men. Six
regiments were reported sent to him front
Wheeler' f"i e. General llouss. in, by a strati:
gic movement, Invited an nttack front the Ilohel
lonipjoii'lir, bn! he did n )t respond.
Hieic Is nc tclcgrj b in wjrklr.g ordar to
.It ia rumored at (. h in.anooi tbat tw trains
w-tre cjptured on M inday by tbe llebcl fcrce at
Illg Sliniiiy, oa ihe Ci: ittanuoga railroad. OiUcois
just fniM tho front eonlirni Ibis alt etncnt.
Governor Johnson maCe aforci lo and patriotic
tjcech la't night to a torchlight processlcn by
ihe (liiaiau icsilcntt, beaded by the 6 h Ilcgl
meat lcw York Volunteer, who have ro
en iti d.
Colonel L. Donaldson. Chief Quartorm ister of
tre lb p irtnewl of the Ouinberl and, hat cgan
i il ihe entire force of the department, amount
ing la over seven t jous md men, comprising eight
1 fi'i.cit-. Arms and ammunition have been
ririt-htd tlieni, and they are in re iJincss at a
monii nt't i-.'irning to co-op-rate with the regular
t:oopa w h. never o-'cusion re.itiirca. Orcat praise
i-i uj to '.be chief of the dep rttneut for the
1 nei gt aad a al displayed lo bringing Into ac'loa
Ibis i ili ciive br;ai Ci of inn service.
Tie! liii I and lioth Ohio hut.dred day iDjr.
Lave .niived in '.he city.
Captain W. hnorr, A. A ('encral on t'i statf
of Ui nerals O, anger and Miller, has hem ordered
lo the rotomac, ou tho st aff of li: iucmI Biruey.
4il.)lloi of
llio New (.'ouHtUutlnn
Cmo, Sepleuihor 27 Tue ateuiur Muj. n'a
No. 21, arrived hero to-day.
Tbe stciiiura CromictU and sierra .Ycciu'a w;re
to aail lor New York on tho 24 b.
Tho ateauiahip Canunmui'ir, which left New
York on the 3d, had not arrived at No v Orleans,
and tome uneasiness was felt in eunse nienv;.
Tl-o Ktiuboat S.loui, from Mobile, arrived at
New O.leunt on the 21--t. The rams Tuacaioom
and VasAri'fc are rciKirted to have gins to M jnt
gomory, Alatiaoia, but the report was not
credited. It la believed they had gono up
Spanish river, to get a near po I ton to Mobile
Tlie au liner tiertrud-:, laden with cattle, wa
in binary atwrc-, two hundred aaeke and lifiy baits
01 cotton, waa aunk st Uolleg point, 011 tho Mut
nasippi river, ou the 2t)ih. l ive of her passea
fers lire uilifin;. Tbe bo Iks of two la lie had
been recovered.
An ulbcial announcement of G ivernor II ihn
give ihe total number i f votes ca-t for an l
acaiiiit the new Coustitu Ion, rntgre .'utiiij; 0S:ii
lor It and lC 'ii against. Tuo do' er lor e pro-li-n.aiton
ileclari a the Coustitu ion h -in ' it nth the
oidaiucd aud established law of Louisi m ,.
Cotum was at a stand a::ll. l'rovi.-iju
piodu 'e were extremely dull.
A lire at II iton Ustgo, on the 2. -t, dc-i'ro
bkik of huilditigt,
c 1 a
.v ial iaUh to 'I hr. :r n-n. T-' trnrfi.
I! m. 11 mom:. Scpteiular 2S Tue Ii i tinnrt and
Ohio railroad coininenceil to-day ruatiinu' tr liu
Ihmiigh to Wbicling und l'.u keis iu g.
I.cbi 1 piisonci continuf iii'riitig from Sherj
dan's i!..iLitineiit. M.inv of them say the Kcbil-
lii ti is ii'avtd out, and uro njo.ccd at b.-In
pi Ironc:'t; later from (itant. K diel lcioit.s of
l.i.-. bci; js nc iitly repulsed arc ail la!.-o.
ArrUbivliep Spauldit.-? ! bomewhat bc'.icr to
tipfi'Siil Do-iia'.ilies lo Kunliu Tt'ltr.i;li.
WAiiiiKurox, .September
F-Govctiu.r Dcniiison accents the Post O.llca
f-'ei 11 tciy.-blp, and ia expected here in two or
'brvc ileya. Governor Curtin, of l'enusylvani.i
I, ad a Uu g lutervicw with tho I'lesidcut tint
Craul lo l i;; lit Soon.
The f'hrvmele this morning says that fighting
may le exiKC ed of the Army of the Fotomao
within a day or two.
Miei IiIiiii'm I'rlsnnein.
One hiiniiitd and eighty-live toinnii.-sioucd
Hi bel otucera arrived at Fort Delaware yesterday.
Tl ey wire tuken in Sheridan' battles.
lliritMK'i lor W lif-i linir.
The lir-t thtou:;h tiaiu for Wheeling left thi
I ruin .Nrw Ifrlraim,
Ki vr Y'ouk, Sciteinbcr 28. The steamer ",.
taiulra. In iu New Urleuna on the ISth, w ith three
hundred prisoner flow Foil Morgan, baa arrived,
rvi iiik ahviv r nir roriin!.
IIkauki AHiaua vi tut. Aunt ot- tiic I'oto-
ac, Se-ptcmbi r 2rt. (Jul. t t 11 prends In front
Of t'eter-butir, br. kin o ly by the usual pi k-t
f ring, with oci a-ional a-til'ery due'a, tho etfcut
of whi.-h i merely b large ron irnptl m 1 p'
der by tutb psrti. -.
A good dec I of heavy fob ng -vis heard yisor
day and to day, iu the Ice ti m ol J imes i.ei,
nppoacj to ie from th i;
A large bo ty of Heb-1 Cival-yare repirtcl.
thla afternoon, to I t moving to our let, 1. it if 1
their onje.-t ha- nut yet lie n develop -J.
Three eoi.t were a' rested within our lines
yesterday, anil evidence has been obtained which
Is faid to be atrongen "Ugh to conv.ct tlinm.
Two cltiicns were also arrested, charg.' ! n i'h
giving aid and c mfort to the en -r.
An order has been Issued in relation tithe loss
of colors in battle, namely
II 1 1U I Ml 1 1 IIS A It M V Ol' TIIC IVtOM r, Sep.
timber 23, lu'.4. The fo'lowing order of the
commander of the 2d Division, .'d Army Corps
having been transmitted to time headipt irn-rt
for ihe consideration of the commanding I Jem ral,
the aime is approved and contirti.eJ, and it
la annoon-ed lhat hereafter no rvg iuent or
batterv that loses Its colors ,n 3 tion
will ho allowed ti ctrry others without
the authority of tho coinmand rg General, and j
fu. 11 permusion win uot oe given 111 cases wticre
l! -hall appear that a regiment or battery his lot
its colors through mismanagement in ba'tle, until
fuch troop- shall, by their bravery In utber tl. ! 1-,
fully re'rieved their tarni-hed honor.
liy command of Ma.ior-Ocneral McAin'..
(Sgied) S. Wit 1.1AM-, Ass't Alj't-Gen.
llCAlmiAHTKna OP THE Hl'i'.lfl DIVISION,
Sn osn Aiimv C-ui f, Auguat 3' li" I. The fol
lowing named regiments having lost their regi
r.iental colors in action, are hereby deprived of
the right to carry colors until by their co-.duct hi
battle they -ho-v themtclyoac JinPOtent to j':ote;t
filh New Y'ork Heavy Artillery,
l'Mth New Y'ork Volunteers, a 1..
;i'tb Wi-eonsin Volunteers.
The ofti cr9 an 1 men of the eoui'iivn'. -hoaid
urdersbiiid that their colors -hould be the last
thing surrendered, an 1 t'.iat in al! well-regulated
military org miati jns it Is considered a di-gr 1 e
for a maturity of the command to r'i.tra fr-"U
tbe f i -il I of battle without them.
lly command of Majur-'San 'ral Q nii N, , mi
nimi ling tho Division,
I 'lined) A. II., C ip!. and A. A. O.
An crder has bceu issu-: 1 tb ;t ciV.c.jra who have
acrvid three year as ofllcrs may he ntistm-ed
out, the time during whi.-U they may have be ni
in the army at privates noi coonting.
FAiuna 1iint, P'pto.u'ie.' T Iu tteatn-
r-hip .Vmn Sininn, ironi I. verpool on tho loth,
und Locilomerry oa tho lurh, hi patfed tins
p. 'tub He advices are otic d i.v later.
n tie ft"iimsnip f.nw, inim vsaw ,uk. ar.i-ait
at U leenstowii on the evening of ihe l.i.h.
The news is not 01 11111 h Imp irtau.
The Crown riiucesaol given l-irth
to a -on.
'1 lie Spanish Mmls'eriu! er-si? cjai:r.iicr.
4 (iiiiiiis-rrlul lntlHirs'Mi' kiii'ool, Fcptetiiher Vi. t in L ridon I 1 iy.
Cot tun sales for the week oi.'.OO biles, iav.tu.ling
,'i,( (l to speeuifttors ami TUM 10 exooncn. The
u arkit tcbiia ilownward, with 1 ducilno of on;
pciiiit ou American, and 2d.(..i3 1. 1 other da
tci i lions.
sub- on Friday 4blKI hale,, the market closin
cun t aud steady at tut following i.aiotutio is :
'ne. JaV..o.-l
Orbans 3 U l. 2i', 1.
Mobile .'1 ul. -'M I.
1 1 i n ds i-iii'i. I
Unik ia put 3U-1,000 bul. a, iiiclui'.,nr; 12,01 ,)
Ann ti. an.
llr, .ulstiitl's iiuiet and s'e idy. (.' .rn still de- i
Ing. i'r visions Inactive. II ir m adva icii.g.
I.oMioN, S. p'eiuher 10 C inso a clo-c at hS
foi 11 ot.ev. The mi ban to t ic U ink o;' Kitglaa 1
fa 1 - c r.'a-ed Hi.i.OiV).
'1 he niiiiUet fir A inert -an i.-it-'tici I' n 1--h;
ne, il, wah no s ilcs to r 'po"t- K ie is ion' I
it t'-fa-t l ; liliujit Central Blares 4 ivo I'- 1 e: end.
Mill Inter from llurope.
Si. Jiiiisa, N. F, .Ssptoniher 27, vi . To'iT
llono, Si'P'einber 2S. Tuo stea uer .1iii. fro i.
I.i.irpi.ol, Ma l'ueenstoQ, with daiet to the Jc i,
in-iaru, ha? pa-sed thla point.
tJolil Iu .N.iiv York.
New Y'nitK, Septcinbiii 2 i 1 . M. Cold ni
now iUot. d nt 2(2.
Nr.w York, Septemtcr .'ti. Gold rose iniv
morning to 20;;, but aiuce tnc 'to?k boiud b is
fallen b 1'.'!'.
HlHrl.el) by Trlrarmth.
IUi.tiuoiik, fjepteniher 2S Flour lias 11
d -
rllnli leintvney. a. d Is r. aw. V'i'-nt I ti'a.vsM
is 11 wane. rilK'.ar it rniie.i.lyi nil iu tl'oiuil'H.'
eiries uull uit i ronlnal
Tilt: I. a UK IHIi: I'
t rout 'A hhjju.o 1 jaiatei . lai .l.i ci li". : .s'y,. C.
We learn that on Saturday aeven or eight of
the llel els con 'crned in the recent piratical ril l
m 1.: kc Krie were aricsted ut St. Ca'harines, C.
W., by older ul ilia Attoruev-G iieral 01'C.t i 1 1
I In y were p aced In cus oiiy, and w ill ne held till
ilehveieil up lo the United S.atcs under the extra
dition tieiuy.
We leiin th it while Gere ril Dix was iu this
ri'V i n I'hui.-d iy. he hid frieudlv con ercnee
with Maior Farjo, ia lefennco to the re "cut
iruul It's i.n the lakes. lbs business lo Detroit
111 d other We-, 0.11 wa- to obtain Hi a 110
tar rial, iiienta and -ittid ivits for the niaUi ig out
id 11 -la nn'iit 10 pre-eut to thu llritisli Govern
ment. The cx'iaiiitloii of ihe pirates witi be ile
um di d, und inn, ut a doubt conceded 0 the
11. in- h un horines.
. ,"ie Cirirtamt . i' (. .- l i t.
Ihcelllicrt 01' the Cni'ed S.acs Conn re
nin id timn ttindnaky U-t cveuiti-;, wi.hout
flinging wi b thcoi nny ui' th- con-pi. alors. M r-
I 'ck in 1 Ki -en h il were ordered by lln-wa!
llinl.i linan to be heal aalij-e'. to inid'.iiy au
'lu rny, and urn clos-ly con inc ! on tho is! lull
Cul ai d Kobiiisun weic or t-'cd by S.c etaiy
W clh s to tic no t 10 Koit. Wanvn. inn It is not
i:n rol.abie tin' iley wi I be turn-.lover ' 1 ti.e
II ib'iiiv iiuthorilies uu tho i-'au l. i. !.' eon'o-.-es
li.huiebiin a li-'cl cap' on, but sty h ' wi
c. si ll ied b r ilriiukeiiuesi, a story wtiieii h.s
hal it- u. S.nidu-ky lender souiaivhat plausioie.
A jcnloiia lover named Ford shot his rival
last wcik, and got locked np for his paiut.
J. C. My er-, of Providence, H. I., is about to
ii--sur:,o the inan.igcuteut ol" the K oval Lyceitui at
A vcs-il arrived at Ro-ton on Thursday Willi
a caro ol Campbell Coal. Chief F.iigiujci' liud
took in, atones to prevent its landing.
The Connecticut tobacco growers are soli
citous lestafruet ahcu'd spoil their prime lluiaiu
now f rowimr.
Tho Southern Cun'i !ctr. -y has ordered a
Ma'iie of Stoncwull Ja:k,on Irom an artist ut
Nurcmhcr .;.
Five persotn were In I. m ioti, on
tbe 3"th cf Auitiit, tJt ttttcmpting 10 cjiaiuit
Hnntrrr bears atf making raids on corn
lielda and ho--ii'iis, in Minnesota. Several Ur'o
ones bavo been killed already.
In one of a lot of old army canteens, put
chased by a hardware Bpeoulalor ia Memphis, a
toll of ff-'ocK) in greenbacks was found.
Iho Mtuivertary of Oaiibaldi' eutianco Into
Nuplc.--, Mid the Might of the liourbons, was celc
brated in that city lately.
A Washington detective had lit pocl.el
plikcd of whilo riding iu a hone car the
other day. How's this ? 1
bouio English papers haic expressed a doubt
as to whether the New York authorities would
leimnMuller, thcmurdsisr. -
s, ii, r r . 1 11 entorMir.nietit for the
la- i.f 1 t' ir Ha a -r Hal A.-H lb s .il t. ,a '-y
f. s a r Iii it, all I tue -ili run , Al lis; An l.'lou te
1 tin a. -' 11.1 I, I ...itn ,1 ! f ttr..s.
F-.A1- or THaiioiiii!TB To bat. "la A. M.,
ti'. Nitn. yi. VntV. M.77. Wind, W. S. W.
Ill 1111 uiNo. This n.ortiliur, the M lyor ias .ed
warrants for the payment of tin cl y bounty t-j
M men, none of whom were ub-titutea. These
n.en were all cot signed to the liirney Zouaves
and I'tilou I.cagno Regimen', and mostly credited
to the Tenth, F.leventh, Mnet enth, and Twontr
tdtb Wards. The Tenth Ward annonu 'ca tint
Its unota Is full, which makes -till less 00 np. t.tioo
lor 1 lose warjs which are In arrears. Tbe records
at the various re ruitin -t.iti eis aho t th it v-ry
few ol the n sidents of I'hlla l-lphia a-e at present
enlisting. This Is particularly the 'iiao with the
regiment of Zouaves now forming in tbit f-uie
for Ucnonil liirney 'a command, t'f the T'lrlnicnt,
four cumpnniea are to be raised In l'nil .de phta,
leaving six to he recruited in tho various coiiti I s.
The l'hiladetphia com pan cs are completing
very slowlv, while the companies forming th oucb
out the Male are rapidly tilling, and will be mus
tered in and ready for the field long before ih
lormcr. If the lour companies are 0 i recruited
as toon at ibe other aix tbe deticicney will be
made np in other parts of Ibe S ate, and thus
l'hi.l..n.ia alll !... .K.. ..M.ll. l,.v-i.,.. e..
m,nfd D,,r ,.11,a. u ir expnet,.d to h ive the
reclment tilled in about four weeks.
1 he same Is the case with the recruiting for the
additional companies authorised to be rai-i I anl
attached 'to the Union League regiment. Recruit
ing fur tin so companies la beiiu conducted at tbe
old city headipianers in S. Third street, where
tho volunteers received are generally young
and healthy men from tbe country. This do.-a
not reileet much to the credit of our city. Those
w ho enlist as riiiladelphiens, and are credited to
liny ward, should remember tual their families
rue e ntPa-d to a certain w-ivkiy amount from tiie
c, inniistion for the relief of the families' of
1'oLiTii al Judge Shannon, William B.
Miinn.and other dl-ting i'thed apeakert, will ad
dr'ss the ciiiens of Fail idolphla to-uight, at the
Union League Hall.
This evening a third d-bite hs.,,,.n M asra.
Kellcy and Northoro will lake place at the II ill,
ill oad and spung i ir ieu s'r-en.
Tliis evening, at a iU trier pa-t si st o'clo -k, the
S dttii rs' Cnmpaign Club will me t at the Hea l
piartcre, Conimonwi alt It lliiililrnt, and th"ue,;
pn cccd to Gent, annum, to a tend tbe mceti'ig
tin re. All soldiers are invite J to join the pro
cestion. L ist evening a grand meeting of th" eitiensof
l htladelphia, wiihout regard to party, w is eo.i
vemd ut Ui ion League Hall, to lis'eo to ait. a I
clncs by Gineral 8. F. C ir-jy, oi'Gdin, on the
i-Mi-, s 111' tlie c itiiiiiigri. 1 he ii J Ire-e wn t vo
hours and twenty minutea in length, and wis
lull ot wit, anec Jotcs, and eloiueii .e. It wis
lt.-t-neJ to with milked attenilou by the and.
ruce. and the wildest enthusiasm iicvailol
Pi yoot. M armns. The iinartt of S 'hnol Cji;
trollera held a Sieeisl meo'in,' yestcritay after
noon, to consider the subject of actional aupcr
iniciidiug, and the glviug of an as-ls.ant to the
lirst giaiiimar . schools, as reconununded by the
fpicial coinmiiiee of the joint commissi n. It
wa discovered that the elian.te wjuld incr. a-j
the expendituies of the school from seventeen to
twenty-ii.e laou-and doliaru, and this was the
chief ground ot opposition 10 it. Af .er a diseji
si 111, n motion 1 1 lay the report on tun table w is
adopted. 'J'bn r 'port of the joiul covimlssioa on
the subject of liuiiia i in of studies w ia also taken
up, and the r sol ti iua 1 appended to it were not
agreed to. Adjourned.
Oh an 1 1 .S'.i iNiaiNn Yesterday att'rn on a
military olll-er, t gether with eight peitong woia
srrcsted iu Arch street above, Sixth, on .ho charge
of compiling toohtii.i fr.ui bile itl tha bounty
i.n in y iho HU'-iinciit la tint' it oirt in o:b air,
caiiied 15, acting us a rieruiln agent., w.s
iirns'-.d on eomplaiut of l.ieuter.ini Walker,
aetilig as a re T'i.::i'g oil'.eer for Ca it.iin,
chimin", the isbl Leo wua Issuing torgeit pipers
to i.vt n.y -two ia.:i una y vsteitlay, and ooiitaot
Ih:: boui.iy inon.y iu eicli case, rile reruiis,
alter Hun hiving iiecu iniistercd lu, went sent to
ciinii. Thi re a ill be a bearing be'brn A 'derm tn
Denier this aft.-rnoon, when it Is ox.iocted scuiu
a-touuoit,g Jeveljpiueuta will take pla.c.
l.Aii' oi' Coai.. The amount of coal stoii,:
fr 'i.i the cms of ihn Ha i ling railroad by we. u:.i
and "bililren, is much greater than most, people
Im: gine. Regular or.'.in y. d binds of ".h cv"
have men in the hiU'itof nuking raids 01 t ie-'i
ems iltiiiui.' ihcir pass , no ihro i tn t ie Nines etuu
V ard. Some wonj I juii.p 1 1 the cai s, 1 iad h is-ket.-,
kettles, e., wlitie oth 'is won d run a'.ou.;
aide an J carry them nil'. This 11111. mug a woui in,
nu in eil lba Miailcr, was neld to answer the
c.bargo of facing one of the oil. nder-. Duriuj; tho
lust lew mii'ilhs rncr S'lt i) worth of c il has been
stolen from Una company.
Attnc.-r or l'n kcoi-i nr. This morning Wll
li'im Glcason was before Alderman lliiiltr,
charged with BUcuiptiug ti pick a boy's peckei
oi a watch at Sixth and Che -nut street. The la 1
litmiej that G i.i-uii had me wat, h lu hit baud
when detected. The all'air happined ut a lu'O
lu ur last night, and iuuiic liaii ly niter ibe urre-t
ol Oleasjn two of his friends, n lined Cnarlcs
Walker and John Saunders, went to the lad and
olh icd bun $2.i not lo appear at liio hearing to
day, i ho hoy rciused to talie tiic, uioney, a id
stand the circumstances to tti", Abler. nan, w v.
caused ibearrcsi of both Walker and tsauudum,
and thty, logeilu r with thu reai tuiovvcrc cim
ndttcd to .U.11J trial at Court.
A McCi.riLAN Woman. This morning, two
of the m 1st filthy and dirty children wo ever be
hild weropieked up astray by a polI:e 01V tcr,
ami were taken to ibe Central Station tl await
iiienini itioii. '1 hey ha I not been tliere loa.:
bi lore the rao'her m lu hi r app -araiiee, piesent
ing the aamu Uilapid l ed and God-foisiken aa
pearunce as her . hi dten. Upon her brei-twai
a iike'ic-s of " l.inle M i"," and up in being cans
tinned as to why she wore it, sue rem irked that
she wi-litd p-ioph: to iino -he was a MeC ellau
wi man.
I i.i.srss 01 John 11. M vrtts, lisu. Tilt p. 1 llio
will learn with regret tin'- John 0. Myers, lis p,
Is lyl' g very ill at his re-i b ti e in Arch stioat,
nr.d but slight hopes are ent ruined of hit
r.- ovciy. I be disease, paralv-is, li 1-1 en br mgtit
on by a too el 1-0 ntti inioii to tue d t tils ol tbe
iniiiunf! business ol mo well-uuiwn li.'tl 11:'
w hi. h he is the tenior r ir' ier. Few of o ir ein-
t.i'i s l ave a wider cm lo of I lends, whom !c: lias
won by his geiii.l p' r-mal inaaii is an 1 tbe
spi t;ess iutoguty of bit busliicss life.
A liiii ri. Ait Aiii. A little girl, a.'ed ab .ut
12 yeara, was .stabbed by an uuknovn 111 iu list
evi n-i:g, in Monroe street, b 1 iw Tulrd. Sue was
tva 'pile 1 c, in ing 111 her arms an
ml. 00, a In 11 a man i 11 the oppostto sl.le ot th :
s ie.l ru-lud our, with a ku tc iu lua h.itt.l, an 1
thiu-f it into her side, causing ilieeiuiails to pro Iii. r. Ironi. '1 no II tic aullcivr rush" I tun)
n In n-e m ar tiy and (ihvo the alarm, nu' the vil
lain su,:. aeilt d in 111 iliinif bis escape. No cause
KbtlteWT call bo U Ig cd for ItlO 111 'ird.'i'Oil t
as-aiilt. 1 he man, it is ihouut, w.ij lusauc fruiu
ll.e 1 Hi eta of ni iu.
Di I'.viiTi in: or a CoLOtiEit Rkoimrvt. Thn
127lh Regiment, United tint's Colored Troops,
Colonel James Given, came lu from. Camp
M illiam Pern about iciou to-diiy, and made
a street parade previous to taking their do
inrtiiicfor the Seat of war. The regiment is
twelve liuudied strong, aud i.t c imposed of iiao
Di'.owmm. Cases. Ye.'crJay a hoy, appa
rently about fourteen ye ns of a-e, wat found
drowned at the foot of Nonis street, D.'!a.iro
river. The body waa badly decomposed, aud
Lad been crushed betw een the wharf logs.
Another diowned body was found at the lir-t
wl aif below Market street.
Uoiu Tnrrr. James McF.lwee was arrested
yesterday afternoon to answer the larceny of
iMiic rui.ioad iron, Iho property of Mr. Charles
Ci rnell. The iron was stowed iu a lot at Six'h
and Kerks streets, aud McKlwcc, when arrested,
hud a cart backed up, and wat loading it with the
not). He was coiuiiilticd for trial.
Coi Ni t.itKKiT Noti.s. This morning Porter
Osier was bifoto Alderman Tolan I upon the
charge of Laving a lot of counterfeit money in
lua pcssitsion. He bad one hundred aud nine
colliiis iii cuitntciicit notes, one of which was a
( i,c bundled dollar bill on a New Yoik He
was committed lor trial.
Foil ihe Ot 1.1 fcui Aiiiios-. To d lyths United
t-lutcs supply stunner Hrinnidti will sail from
Ihe Navy Yard lor the West Gulf Dlockadiug
Fob hie Fuont. Some time during to day
Ihe 127th Regiment United Stutea Colored Troops,
j,'oloncl Jauai a Gryc.u,w ill lvav tot the swt of yttr.
Aaaasr t.r Oovwti arnrtaa. T'ae Waahlns;
ton rir tf yesterday contains '.he following : On
f-aturday, we mentioned that Col jnel L.C. U tker,
chief ol Ihe mllltiry detective of the War De
partment, bad ro iJ another haul of counter
feiters. Ibis 1 arty is ccmpo-cJ rrinclpally of
army cfhVer, arnotjg whom I a Captain Mc
Donald, of a Fennsyivaiva regiment. Ano'her
of the party arrested was formerly an army onieer,
and lo-t a leg In tbi service. Hi) Is a red lent of
lVnrsylvimia, and it charged with sending cnun
trri'Hlt m 01 i.v hero to soul'! Oi" his friuii Is in U rn-
pilal. 1 be paper w hich thc-i parties h io been
fhoving is S i bills on tin- M. rchtn's' It auk of
Philadelphia, and fifty cent r luntnrreit pisral
currency. T be face of ihe fifty cent notes is very
pale, and is easily detected, but thebick is a
goud iini'ation of the t""iuine, and li the note la
presented with ts baek up. nnsii-pecting oacl
would be very apt to rxeive them.
The parti 's arrcst-nl have be.iii commble l Id
Ihe O'i Capitol, we und erst and, and thry refute
to loll where or b whom tbe counterfeits am
manufactured. Colonel UaW is on the traek of
othi r panics etig.ue lir. shoving- these counter
felts, nnd doubtlcs the whole party will bo
btougbt to lualice.
lliuiiiR Walls. A mass nioeting of the
Working Women's Ilclicf Assoi'iatiott w.ll be
held this eve ln,r at o'clock, at Sausotii "stieet
Hall. Seioral prommeut ep-aker will address
the nicctiDg.
GintAT or S:lkh amp Ftva DtiKBt
iaWii in.ltn th kite iisin ol'aur riia.t'irs to Ina
attract: v. card of E-lwin Hall a Co., lu an -tlier ealiuua.
Ttiir .tnw il Ho. 7fl l. Mi-ce i.l str--' iira-rc. in hsnes-
ii'tiloan el I ,-i'iii stl I... nn-t t-aad M'f.ll tiawarof
Ills anil a" "ii.-r la-'itns'ila ibe.s ao -!-, rar-O iai
t.e i.ain.l. SfikMiirl. em as have t..'.-a ti e t i,-m-r dl-P'avt
oi ttili well fcaiawn rlrra. it.ay liavf n.-ver ti i.l at ,,.,1 a
on. us tti ir.--av li . act esaiii.'!.- it to all in-nns.
Hi") -i. i'i-ir aoain w.ll i? '.Iii evor.:I:.t' w Hi liueiu
Ilea af f"j,.
Tnr. Aoa or lNve.HrioN. While a largo num
bi.fW'iaii's,:avboerr.'ff4 t lh paii'lc, .m "f
wt i.'T,pjst p. l,itio!A :a:U-a.'uii'1 si kiviirl"arfi''l tasrli
wa Jlave icbk I'ell.wt at a'ha s have ni..rln ad, r lie no-as-liy
of a Mrt.-hln luara ierf'-...t la !ls nis -aaa'eai sir'irt'iro,
romslnluc In toe Mnttt d.vr.a, limp iiiily wiUt da.-o-61IV,
auO whlta -spat,. of e.ili.d fr.attr ri?i) o ifort,
oris tli..t eeulrt I t tasit anih rau 4 aul cuiprelinnlaa
by a',1.
Tins , nf ar hippy t snv, has l a at.'finpl'sliad bf ttie
libera: rsi-tnailnre or :a,lil, anl Ih fulieat, unllrmk-
latsir oi jear-.
1'rcni hf first tnire. la -Tira: tlia "K: " r' has
f.s-t- ol frlrmls. anil I- recsrcfd I y our ttrit faradlai at a
houtrUM lien iii y -on 'iMslvoiy provlu. wliat wa ra
mutt "lappy t a l nowh-Jn. ihn tha pniuic tally a, aire
elti. ttie iriKi. braul!. dm a'.ifi'c -utlilned la the
'Ki oni ti 'c Mai "its " ".'lit ki So. eruif'tiasnui ttmst.
For Ihe hi Ar or aur r,i lara we wUI uif aflon tiiiao of
the a-lvantsa-.-s ami .atpru' aiue.'i'.a of tr.o r .oieiiea aver ah
It m.ilrt f.i..r ilifT'i'tn' iti'-h't. "il I..1H"', '.''
.lel-.aria dowl.1 ku .1. oil oai- a Id tlm 'iu.'inl Ina-; I
sot, an Vina a.i. "i I 'I'i !'': "f Hie fit'iri--, an l nrltli.
I' has th" m mi' '' f' i m, oV-ii, .nu! 1-y t' trirubii;
0 in null -er w ttl" win A will run liltle-r ti. the ri-'ar or lofi,
i,i, itsrl al ti,t Siuil'.or I -.-tea lie -ni-or tier
tcan.a w.t'iont t'irniiir Ilia inline, I'icroliv tatiiia hana
'"ei'uis-lna-Pi' I' l''h-"l'' 'i''1 InT '''n'n """ Mnnt
sides l i auoilwr, an ma'li1) jc ! "s n -dio thu M is
'"i'IS? v'nip. A It r-rrtttt ii. Hut', n.aklii t'm se im siaiare
al il tn.l' inn. . . , , ,
Ii is t'mo.t tioiniVa, and ctntt n"'il wh-ro nulct it
n'l''"'.!o-.i are ah a 'i'v tn-re a.e no r.r.Da to irst
oat al ur.Vr, ana i:s -inijlu.l lac lu.-sl inaveu-
rli-l-.l U I-' ale-iai" 1. . , ,
II in . udl le nrw- of the ofm ili i, at at. uiichlnar
U Oil III" Ian "I 'la. 11.1,1. .
II i. rr. .so.f iii;k. teuyi hi IM
if of-Jef , inakaiH fiva
tlit fc- Ini-.v ti re . a uli. il
If ni' A oa l.-'t.t Wn'fr I'.V. 'W"i. ne '
II l;tS I'.C lllll'ie.'i ' J.HI.U I- 'I 1- t l"al -I
trith Jul .-hntt.if oft- ( .n of inwnliiei';.
Iry Slieu li.ia on" of J.n. pat -nt hoiuiii era
tt'i-riil,..i.,'jlin-tlio :ieiatjr ti uirn oat, vn i
Ii a, as 'ml r"'ii'h slluer thread or. tlie
die ft. tu
It ae.t or ilin ncfir.
it will iw a ra-. ii. o
'i"a. ia; si'irr:, or frail ona la
nisra ihi. kait- of el-Hi. wi'""'!: eimra or lentua or,
laeuUui ol Iriretcor sklpplll-til.'li.'S
li'us i unii'. r".i anil fon e.-il.i'l'itr t'aisian nfl'iri.tit
A''.'aiaMi,i .Si: .sar r." wlnebiyiinki r;iei'' l.'.jf'
Is e.i Ii ran -nil".
li Ie n .-iin-lna tin. aMve n-.i iranyoo -r la'aies.
Ih II on., la .old a; coa.osi'O; pn.a al'U aiuer
ttr.l c .v.. fct utilin-s.
Ili ! Is no risk in baying Ilia Ho-enno, at evory
tui:l,li,e wtrriil"il to lvi. . n'.'.ro t.e l-l.i. ll .ii. or tan
mutt, y ibiariisii. No i.iiir, s bl. B ra via lor numlaa ta
ouva eii. W'n eon It it ta tuoa.-y n i "'' a ', ili 't
w.i. .liaiii' Ma. umss n .ih"ie Dei is .ii liil-lioil in all Ui
Dilli l.jl -Hint noil loans hi H i l i).i; tv s . .unl wa
3ilu-..iie. re.v ie(ir I'u'j rnmil " a! a tlrini
a 4i.i i.bosimt iit.i u tiaid f..r mi iiiais aaa aaaaika
l.i lev, lllfc'.
To Stir iiik Fail in Got.n. We seo thai
Cliarl.'! fit.' s .V Co.. Iho amlntot c'a:!. art no'-r taw
Can Inrnial. are makluir lary, eclatlioiit to Ih-lr
ton, art tt,rs w,.i k train iha saailoturkaof linn' n mat o
luUmt talHH aula. A ill aiiigli Ihtar t uraim ,nl n .ln-k
l ,rir, .-.i In r il it tiayctpa.". II. ym in a 'I "' in nbia
a p'oponkn are pitl-e lr..m wleit wt p. 4 a wnn asa wis
vs.) At i It .."l t'f ttis lilil.lrt.lin res-lnirlli-tu-ti-oiily
tuo m.iu-sblj al tat I)skui ol coimct si.araea a.l.ipni'1 by
1 a. : s Ian. i e
I'a.i.y It'bs :rn to buy at 01itrla P.okoi A i o.'s
"Oi.a I'll :o. ' ur.df iho Cuoi-naaui.
Yotr DfSiaM aaiisfaitmy Tl turns : go then to
'o US An il untrt, 11- :'. Ita'. ou t .. a!try. in,l a e nil
las tir e rhiilecravlis ir. ell, lvortyp"a, and ..arli-a
Oa Vlslia.
Mil S.
M. O. TlROwit b " MiUphviiical Dis-
'ov.iy." tii.s me fun oi av air..", ,-r,,-.- j,
SW Arch '.rtsv. a. a wavtrttiaiueni hi ai.otnei co'.tiiail.
WitnsLf hay, K;ptcmer 28. Ihe Htgnatiou
In business circles nutod for somo days past
still cuniinue!. There is to-day, however, more
tlrn-.nrss manifested by holders of sto. k
Nothing doing in Quercitron Hark.
Seeds are dull. Cloverseed Is without sales;
we iiuote it at jJ iD'.iO 11 til lbs. for old, and lt
(o lil for new; Timothy at 7. 7-12,1; small sales
of Flaxn ed at $; I IOC.' a-3.i.
There Is much ina tiviiy in Cotton. Middling
Is nominal at tf l d0.
Wehavona change to notice in ihn Flour
Maiket. Tbe only ail s are to the trade, who
mere y buy as their wants com-y'l them. Tho
a.ilea to da vv. oio at 10(1 iO ii for aupcriiue;
flu o'J(a 10-7o lor extra, iud j' l '.(.. l.'l for cvira
Inmiiy, iiiul y lots according 1 1 ipialby. Ryd
Flour and Corn Meal arc very ijulot.
Wheat there is very little hcie, and prices urn
entirely I.ouniial. 400 bush, of re I sold at !
J-.! Ii if bi-h. ; go id Pennsylvania w hite it unlit
ut si d'K ' 2 i-i. Ry ''tis in a sin ail way ut
f-Si (a I'M f. r Feiiusylv aula. Corn i vin r l . Its
ae nelly, li a ie is 1 ul lit Ie doing. Siles of .'i 1 1 1
I n h. mixid at r 1 li-'pi I t 7. There is ralnr
Bi'iie iteii'ui.ii for oats. 2-'ik b ish. now Soutuurn
wete ao.d at bo. . No tvansaetioua iu l'.u lcyor
There is vrry little tlrmnn l for M'lpslty.
bids. F.iistein new sold at "j 1 nit" 1-W.
The followi'ic nr.) the reei ipta of I I uir and
(.ruin at ihit port to-day :-Flo ir. 177i bolt ;
Wheat, iilnll basaols: C uu, Ivoi! bush la; Oats,
12' o bur belt.
Coil. S i.i s. N i;iv Yobk, Sup'.giii n'r 2S.
Siiaiituu s.iiis t o-iljy .
. , "-t.
S"n on
10 ill
10 lit
111 Hi
lo s?
10 2i
1 g't
Che-juut. . .
k in
li i'l
H 75
CIKtni'.l) THIS Mli'fsINil
l , ,' '-. V . -I. rn ,11-, Milloll, f all
SI .aru,
i - Men Ms Ileal l'ln"'tr.
I I -Hian. tun, I.....H. Lou. aai.i.i, K. A a nid.-i A (.',).
,,, I e I. mil. I -.II-... "' . r.oO- .1 'Kllle'ir.
ar V. K. w s II, hialiti. I l.a'leii'ovu, s. a., niir iot a 10
.. .11. 1'. .I.uni. -r. M.iria
W . I'.i--, il l- sr. i-,iiav,j.
lo ,1. I run. Ull. i.s
l.r. (' 1." r. l.a
I ..Ilea. '1.1 I-I'. .1'
I aa, as tun . If. A . A, lain-.
lloHt.'ll, It ilia', e iiUl v-li Al Co.
I h o .,1, b. s Sl-t.-n .V I'a.
Ii ..'. r'
.lall.liottull, Itepllsr A Uro.
lir. It
M, i'ilv-v, ivnl. alU-tioli, AlAiuu.l.l, V aa laaoi-n
8. l.r. I
oe.tyw'.ne, C..r-.ii,l'.iwiiiiki.t,Catliu.r,Siotki.ey
& Wt illiia ai.
s, l.r. C. l . Mm . Mar, Boaton, H. A
Aitntvrri this MottvTtstn.
Han us IPh-on. W .k,10 day a Uoua Alaiaiizsj, lu bal-
li'l'.iuii1.'Aunio,, 8 Jaj a fr-ia llotton, labatlatt to
11. A. A.laii... , (1, .
8ilu Ksi.aie, Vuii.-s, 17 dyt from Havana, wlta wise
lo A. Km di Uro. .... -
M, liri'. A. lit-kd a r, Rnuih.4 days from 0 jr,-towa,
w till old Irorr In A. I'no ..
.--.hi W. b. I haunts, W intuioro, S days Irooa Unit a, ia
hsiii..-.! t.. . ,.r..:u.
tiihr J. A. Wisidliouta.E.ldy.ldayafr aai Fortraat Uau-
r. . II halla-l I'l i.- A. s.aidol .t 10.
tii'hr K. A. Cannon, Norton, dayt rrna Hot ton, with
uide loTwa U -'...
s, In poi at.-nia-, Birry, 0 dayt (rora It uton, with unit
ta I rati i ll i C.lllils.
ficlir li. Han aid, M. kertou. 7 ilayt ruui Stain Inlet,
Willi lad... lo K ker Folstim.
Silo a. l..('roikor, l'i.lir.y,i day. fioluTa JUtoo, with
Dal-.- t" Tiv. lt- A t'O
fail r Y. Warren, Cinaabt, 10 days from Uansar, with
li.lut ir to ft. A. bandir al Co.
S ported for The Buninj Ttlc jrayK.
Havasa Sciir Katuna, Vaiieal.d htilt innlatsoa 3 4 T
Woiah , ip tvut uld Uuu lj.wv c Silt A lk( A jViv. .
MMMM a ' A
Ornca r.w Tua styewrast ssaajrwiursa, -" i-a
WaoaasaVaf , ssttuaaatsai ,
The Money Market i rather stringent, but lb)
demand is limited at about former rave)' loan"
on call are offered at (7 pr eentT per anaaa t
bestrpcrUellingtA-om9CPl2r)tTeenL '
Tbe Stock Market if firmer tbl morn Wig and
prices have advanced, but them Is snora daepotl- .
tion to acll. Government bond are steady and
prlew rather better, with ra'cf of "(- at tOSJ,
couiron off, and fi of 1S.SI at 1071; 7 30 sv r
quoted at lOnfif too. -
Rallrmd shares have advanced, with aV)i cf
Pennsylvania at 704; Little 8chny lhi.1 nt44li
Minchillatfifli Nirth Pennsylvania at 325) 2i '
Catawiaaa preferred at S'i; and IthlgH Vall'7
Pnilimid lionda at WHQWl; 17 waa bid fjr
Catawiaaa common; 3? far Phlladolphi anil
Frio ; nnd 01 ) for Reading Railroad.
Coul Oil shares bavo all advaaoed, but there ial
less doing. Dunsmore sold atllj; Dalaell at.
lul; Rock Oil ul 4 McCllnto-k atdl) MipltV
slisilc at 174, U(1 Noble and Djlameter at 13. .
Caiuil share are Arm, but there Is very litt.e ,
doing; Union Canal Hands sold at Z, '01 waa
bid for Schuylkill Navigation Common, and 33
for Preferred, which is an advance.
In City Tasscnger Railroad stottki th'.re i
yciy little doing, and prices ntmsln ahcut the
same aa last rjnotcd; Oreen andCotttta sold 4 30
70 wna hid for Second and Tblrd.
Hank shares continue s ea ly, but tha9 Is i
bttl or nothing doing iu tho tray uf sa'es. 16
was hid for North Amorl tt; Mi far Philadei-.
phia; .57 for Commercial ; 29 for Mach laioi'j 76
for Kensjngtun; 41 for Pen a Township; 8.5 for
Wcstein ; 28 for Manufacturers' and Mechanics' j
70 for Tradt-mcn's; 4'iJ for Union; and Cj far
Corn F.Nclmngo.
Gold bus again des-llticd 4 a par ceo!. ; opin
ing nt 203 ; advanced and sold at HlM at 1 1 c'el tk
fell lid and sold at 20 1 "J at 12; and W) at 1 P. M.
rnruaur.Li'Hi a a-rocit cxoh ab axaaa. aneT. to .
aaporial by Clarktoii Utk, Urokars, V. Ul . Tbxr4 l
list .h lteaiilna n....e hl' lmi.h Ba'ICra..... 4,'
lis) .1, do taV Si
iuuin uu o
lituri J- V
Ssista U.....1,UI t'J-
sish Jo s'a
liu-h il li sh flo SU il-J
1'ii-h ita II V
Imnh el,. nisi
,'H'Hl liu'.z.Il Oli..l'.1 l"t
.... ..II. ti.V
sue th nu v.
:f0 tn Union I'au.... 3
, alii l"V
mtiah no ,.r 3 -
'A..' an Hclinnar .uau l
Jililari .to I'i
;ssi ah Uo li.
liu-h en hio I. H
asisaCuriD Ol' alti
I I' sti il- ilSi
..'a h Mc:iim.ik .... '. 1
Miill do 7
lor ii 0. "il 7
.'saitb - ... 7-a
inn -h "tory farm
sish Ji
:KJ sb do 3 si
IflOsh da bS
;,, ".unit t .n in
lo tli Jo too T
1' sh Densnioro..l.0 li
yitisll do li
Jit' -tl llo I t
lift) .th llrina 0:1 41
,',.10. h la
, bJO
mi limner.
I'Sisli Ci...... IJ'al Jililtn
1' I'stl do In t''t
riKKT no Ann.
a'ju u f ti-:s' n. 'i
:,-0 ill ei.ll. ,k 011 rk . l '
l.-l.n do aJO i ail
l,,. n a,. nu'
ii) d, lei
a. ioi It. s. es. hi li 7' Msei.nUH..., Y
iiOJlll .1).
i.ll.h.l'ii As.... Ii I
J-sHJ Mill. .Il'.lll'tt,, !S)
Sii-Si l'iil..nt.'lh.1s 'inU'
ai'su iio ,,
y us o I , hivli Val bill. ,ill'2i
SVItll li. I'H'a'
-m sh'i If'ti
in ti sh do ho 11 ' i
posh l'emi Mm. .blO Its
l-o.h liiiicul oil. ... In'.'!
lit an MjpIo Hhatar.. If),
jii ih M : ISeiiuy uil. i;.,
lh IM l)i ?
vU .b ceuuA Ka..... A'--:
MithUt t'h a.... S.
t.'itii . do......... ;
7-Sh Miiial.ilt,....afv
( th SirJi l att.,.
acta Ja b-v
HO - Nobia Oa.Ui l
.im -h itn!!!!!! .. . lo'it
IA) .h It. Ck Oil ,'al
all a ...
100 -a f'Ataw. pf. .... Sr.
li) ab ura. u c'i-.fca i
i iiu t.t of aroi K in Ni:y ion.
Itrp, rtrJ to-Ciaiktan Co., Broken, No. LU 8. Milrlrii,
jnc t7. ttt4 ou.
riniter! mates ia, list . mt orr..,',' bM
tbsit Island liailronil bid
U' lollliK liallraa.l Cl.'a Dal ftenirai Haiiroail .. bid
Nortliwvsuln .. b'4
Na.v lt I ..niraJ llailr.,ail 117'i re. I
Kiif Hi'i Oai
Dai .on It tllioad 1 uLv o it
Until .'"I'i O'Ct
baa-d Islaus a j.'t ina.'i lial
Msrsi'i ..lit iaair.
CI ta'-a
.. . saio
... aa'
.. tattfl
.. . taats
.. tal.
Weak. .
Quotations of Gold at tho 1'uilad-ilplda OolcJ
Fixehoi'gv.No.'il S. Third street, aeeoad story i
Hi A. M 2 -J 12 M ........2.HJ
11 A. M U0.i 1 P. M.......,,,.lJ'j
Market weak. ' '
Db IJavi k Uito.,No. '20 6.: Third ttretrt,
. i Jh.tno alal7ii.
JUSsJtiataOiOiVl ),i ivf
a-i i n fi ver, a's and j's...... 17.1 o ..o
Dimea hihI Half Diuica... 170,
Spaiii-h IJuancrS W ..
lMm. Curri ncy dla. lifl dl,
cv York Jtichange 1-10 " r par.
Jy CouKi: A Co. quote lioveiainent 8ecurl
tier', etc., to noon to-day, as follows
. 10'J
. 9ol
, 9i
1 900'
TT. 8. (Is, ltSl
U. S. 7 3-10 Notes.. io7
Ceititli atcs of lnileliie.luess, new... OaJ
(Juaitcrinaslcr's Vouchers I'l
Gold Pio
6-20 lionils ...109
Quotations of the principal Coal aad Coad Oil
stocks nt 1 o'clock to-day ; , . . . ,
Bui At. It
Fmton Coal a s'a' ifrvaale Oil....... M
ltiA.Moiiiau,iii:oal. ii ' 7 l iaallu. 1U IH
.I A .Mm. Coal. .in 1v,' llowat Kil.iy O I,. li
uris-u Mi. Ckal.... It
N t a.-..ia:alu .... 2
how i.r..k 1
i..'-. Irvuia Oil.....
9 I'-, I'trnl Oil
IX Uanimoi IDS
1 .l!aj.flliiau.........i..'.l
IM Mcllnauiy.. lj,'
)i ( llooC'ia Uii. ....... .
'.'1 1 m-ta.l ft '
f.-'-oer 1 am Coal. . .
C'lluion Coal. .
Inner I . al.
.. bl
I lanu nil I oai....
Anii-ri' ioi kauliu.
IVl.ll MinlUN-....
1 uiuui'licut ...
Ksisioui: Kmc...
Y tieiaor UU
tils: lank
is .X aifsA Lhuaiuelar.l
S 'lliln. aril I'Sl
; IS ItUiiiy faraa. H .ki
1 .Brunnr 1 41 lv
S Kno-drual Caalr. kkl ., s'Q
1 Kiiisin 3 J va
II 111 H.vslsUad ...... I ' ' lk
. 1" Allegheny lusar.. i'J
tl'i Curm...: H vl
b ., Aoilvittik.. li ii,
t anllliuiiliU
Fairrii -'I
till I net 1'a
ki ll.'., shsilc till. .17
Atet'inlock O'l.... li..
I ei.ii-) Iwinu i'al. ..
Toil-) Un -I'i
Mli.eiiil Ull '.' . lilt I
mi ant I'll "a
I'i im. l etrnliuiii.. 3 to
Hear. a, mi
hein-.ii UP
1. , i,i., . im.
S. Ilea mania
:l i i ii Plainer. .. . s.i ............ .
il , llo"k Ul 43, 4'
2 I srr Fa-fta...... ,. H
1 il ''' , , 4
:i',' .-ii Ob fii, I'-jtj
1 t')iir a. '..joJmj ... j X
Tie following is a statement f oil tiai.'k
por'cd on the Delaware and Hudson Canal : )
yr iA re inMtmj for rn
Jl. I'-1.
tl nun. anil I!nd-..n CanalCii..,
1 ei.lia.. l.auiu coal Co
4. I
Trilrd tout St. JA)
Fur Ihe sumc period Iikst year :
Fjr tKt mil.
1 Oil.
- 4j ai i
In liiv nre and lln-l-an Canal Ca
rein.'; ii am i oai Co. ...... ...,.
.ii' ,0, a
Total tout...
'I be follow ing is a statement of the eArniagrs
i.f lln. Chicuoaiid North vestera Railroad fvr .lie
week ending Sept. lulur 21 (six day-) :
l 'i t i
Pj-sf reera
1.4 u
..f IU.I7I) I -i -.fa.i
Tl c New Y'oik Trthut.: tliis niocniiig says
"The Dry Gooi.s nuetiun sales yetterdiy wero
uusiitisluctory to the owners of good. At llag
getiy & I o.'s tbe atieuiluneo was liberal. Mauy
bii.ds of goods fell soiiie lo, 2d, and 2-5 per eeut.
l ull de t. bevies, w hich two weeks ago brought
s.') tents, fco.d at .i'J and the Bale stopped. Inferior
qualities, fioni lid to oil, sold at Pint II; 4') iach
burgin:: and burlaps sold utfrotn 1-5 to 20 percent,
below cunent prices. Doniesilc goods worn
lb in in couiiikri-i'ii with foreign articles. Messrs.
W Jmerdin :a. 8. Muiint Leld a sale of w oollen aad
tailoring goods of a generally Inferior character.
The biiulinir was spi. ited.andthe quotation irre
guiur. Messrs. Tuppiug in Co. had a large sala
of f. rcign and domestic goods. The sale ws
well attended, and the prices were sati-d'actory to
the owners many duplicates being sold. Moasr.
Kobbe Ai. Corlica hud a sale of hosiery go fda. Tho
attendance was moderate. Daltiiorals, gloves, and
liusii iy were sold at reduced rates, some of thi
lots being withdraw n.
"The ngcregate amount of exports of product
and merchandise (exclusive, of opeeie) for tuo
pait week was 9.4,j07,'ul." .. r
The New York Time thi morning ays
"The revolution la gold uud exchange, the
panic in the railways and the unsettling of pro
duce and merchandise values, ltava nil c)-
iriiuitca to uirect popular altenuou, mors Jinaaiy,
to Government securities, both gold anJ ciii
rency Interest. The subscrip ions to Iii n7'j
per ceut. currency interest for Oareai years and
then Convertible into ti per cent. o d-bu"J"
tock, are on the Increase throughout m ca""'
try, aud Treasury 6 per cent. IVruilea!"
airotig deinai.dat the lu-k Kactiaiitt
Wall street. At the '; ) Jtl
Blocks of the Unrted f"-". 'tugrn
nioved from their tsidy f"'J ua wiaicU
.-li.mue in iho va'ue oi U" , ..
:rr7".:.r. i. baif-rearv wwr--
I il isiiii", ----- . . .
b, . -- I - ' - w "