The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 27, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Image 1

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Farley Between Gon. Sherman, Hood,
Stephons and Brown.
The Importanco of tho Mattor.
Ixn isvji.Le, September 2d. The Journ tl ijr :
"By an arrival from tho front, we learn 'hut hut
lilt e activity exists in the army concentrated
around Clwtt inoogi. Humors wero current on
Tuesday last that Hood was ninnu'Uvi Ing hit
Command to cover the Athinta ami West Point
railroad, so as to present a hostile front In cas
General Skcrinau attempted to niirch on Mobile
This rntnor occasioned no excitement, and ou.
lint e remained ns before.
"It is believed that (icai ml Wood will b : as
signed to the command of Atlanta. Tho lion
art busy at work transforming tho city into a
trrand militnry depot. Where houses mind in
Uie way they aro being torn down, and the mate
rin Ik Usui fur this purpose.
"It Is stated on what In deemed reliable authority
tbat Governor Brown, of Georgia, has tendered
1 tee propositions to General Sherman, and that
tbat Ocacral has appointed Commissioners to go
Into the Confederate lines and confer with tho
Georgln State authorities. Governor Ilrown, It is
liimored and believed, Is su-tnlncd in his poliey
by Alexander II. Stephens, who Is operating in the
background. The Commissioners are said to he.
already In conference with the Governor, and tho
peace propositions will Foon be forwarded to
Washington for the Pn sident's npproval. Tliis is
an important mnvemont, as Georgia, occupying
the position the does, might bo considered tho
Keystone Ftate of tho Southern Confederacy. Wo
axe assured that the story Is true, and sincerely
hope thnt the movement may meet with success.
"No civilians of nny kind will ho granted passes
to Atlanta, not even members of the S nil'ary
L hrn1TrilT n r- iitssnnni
Eosecrans Calls out tho Militia.
Prico and Shelby at Farmington.
St. Io-is, Si ptembcr2'i On the recommen
dation of Mayor Thomas and nnny of the
leading citizens, General has issued an
rder suspending all business not ah-olut ly ne'es.
sry .aft ir 12 o'clock to morrow, fur the purpose
Of orgaiairg tho citizens for local defense. The
' exempts aro revested to join this orgin'zaton.
General llosecr.ins bus i-snod an eloquent
appeal to the citizens of Missouri, to talco np
arma to repel tho Invaders of the State, The
Officers and soldiers now discharged arc uppeilel
to, and those )( the city requested to report to
Colonel L'libold, who will combine them with hi
own troops, and form a brujado of voteraiu to
the defense of hi city.
Colonel Morrill, Chief of the Cavalry li'iresm
Is ordered to arm and mount every man of hi
command for active seivico.
The Chief Q'tatt muster is dircctod to org inlfl
into companies a'l the employees of his dopirt
luonttbat cau boar arms. Tho entire militia of
the State will probably be called Into tho field.
Pilot Knob has been evacuated, nnd the tro jps
have fallen back to Mineral Point, where General
Ewing has 3000 infantry, of General Smith's
Price will soon bo with Shelby, nnd their com
bined strength is estimated at from 10,000 to
20,000, and 16 pieces of artillery. Their advance
reached Farmington, twenty miles northeast of
Mot Knob, ye teidny. There is no Information
with regard to tho reported Ilebol capture of
Cape Oirardeim. Active operations for offensive
and defensive movements are continued.
Coloi'txl TrooM SIitMNiK'i'od
Sulphur Spring Trestle Destroyed.
Nashvili.k, FeptC'iiber 2d. The Hebel For
rest, with his whole firco, advanced ou and de
stroyed the 8ulphur Spi lug tr?stle work yester
day. Colonel Pace, commanding the F.Ik river
bridge, evacuated that post at daylight. Forrest
took possession this morning. His force Is esti
mated at 7000 strong, with three butteries.
On Saturday, in the fight lit Athens, ooo men
of tho 0th aud 8.u Iudliua Cavalry were cap
tured. Forrest It reported to havo butchered nil tho
ncgrois captured who were in tho Federal
I.ATXST It I'll I i. srvw,
fpe.-t-tl , ct, h to The ' tutu? 7V'-yraffi.
Washington, September 27. Tho latest Bicli
nit ltd papers received lure nro full of gloomy
td toiiuls ou theinllituiy M'nutioit. They ackuow-
ledie tho defeat of F.tuly itt Winchester and
Fiber's Hill, iih the loss at tho latter place of
t he pieces of cannon. They represent Skeri
drtn's force us outnumbering F.aily two to one,
and Unit the latter has made at-tunl at Strasbuig,
Bevei.ty-fuiu- is I'i-, mr;li of Staunton. The Hich
Inoid Enquirer f..v.- IIoo l Is piepaiint; a
in' Mincnt wl.iib will coni;i-l shcrmau to cyacu
o:o Allabtit. (!ioh!) TLt 11: mitun-r urges Lee
to tc iirctitra e nil bis troops in Virg;ui.i, us Grant
will soi it lii'r! bis ri iniorcid cuinmni ngiiinst
Kliliinoiiil. Tl.e Itclifl nc.-s concedes tbeclee-
tion ef l.iiaolu. Flour in F.icliinou-J is -TJ5ier
I'ltivii iV.'iiij,i: niv.
NlAV Youk, Si jit.MidK r 27. The gunliont I'm:'
Munjr.n, tiom I.oliilt ou the loth, 'uriirvd this
Our iron-rl.ijs r.nd punboMs w. ro tbea ne ir
I'ob'ic, but no uttajk ) ct been tua.lo on the
Ths Mmja,, l a lr..'.j nttn 1 cr t,f ot!le.-ri
Mm siil(,i ,,f the kindrii, lucl-.i li!: Cum-ii-ui
dir Mul!ai;cv, c t tho . ),., : .
1 uon KAXSVN.
ii'!."V'.?'',,K"!,,'l''i' '-P''iiM-r 2 i.-Tl.e agent
1 ,1,. ,., "Ild ri"'',, lino '"'ived from suit
i . ( r,C""18 ,IU r"'"o emlielyfieo from
T ; " S "",ttml " r l-ioes.
Ilia Forces Near Fort Pillow.
tic, vac.,,,, :., k(v.
Cmo, Sept'inler 26. Kefui.'ccs from near
Fort Pillow report tbat a Tlcbel foroa from Too
tiesti f , l.i.000 strong, and said to l! under Kirby
Smith, was eneumped forty miles fro.n the FirL
All the males between Id and ,V) are iMtiiig con
scripted. It was underwood that tlio Hebels
were en route for Missouri.
The steamer XtuhrilU isrev)tt. d nseiptured
and burned by tho Re be la yesterday, near
ton, Cumberlatid river.
Sixty lioshen Is of tobneo have arrived here
from radtn ali, New Ycik.
A refugee from Charleston, Smith Carolina,
arrhed hero fiom Memphis, r :p n 's h iving seen
tin thou-and Fnion prisoncr-s near Macon,
The ltcbels are running the to lVinol.i,
Mississippi, part if the way witli lior-es.
Tiie cotton crop in the neighboi ho id of Vicks
burg has been taken to that eity to b -ginned.
1 he quality is very lino.
TLerc was great excitement at New Madrid
when the Mollie. :We p i sed there, the
ltcbel! I:ug reported live to six miles back.
The steamer l.nMlle, fiom St. l.onis bound to
Na.sbvilie, laden with Government stores, struck
a srag near Sanilville Island, four miles a'wve
Cape GirariKaii, yesterday. The boat and cargo
will probably be a total loss.
TLo teainer Ittllmun brings Memphis dates of
tho 21th inst. Dr. J. M. Osbom and Lieutenant
K. I'.tntlywere murdered on the 22d by bush
w backers juttoutsidu of the Memphis picket line.
at Mount
Rebel Accounts of the Fighting
in the Valley.
Hi AtwAnTiiiis in Tin: Fii:i.i, September 21.
Fiom the defeat at Winchester Early with
drew bis forces to Fisher's Hill, leaving most
of bis wounded of the battle of tho lDtli, and
those which bad accumulated from the various
cemba's of Crook nud Averill, in our hands. At
Fisher's Hid he rested his riht upon the Mussa
nutiin Mountain, and his left upon North Moun
tain, having his front, about thice miles in length,
covtrcd by s rong nuiurul and artificial defonses.
His right, vihich whs about one mile lu advance
of bis left, was considered almost impregnable.
On ti e 21st an important posiilou in front of
the t neti.y 's ci litre wa.- gidned ly Wr ght's Corps.
Ou the 2d iho mtiiti attack mis begun by a
urocg dcHion-tiniion by Fmoiy's troops on the
t in iu)'h riUit. At'. nit noon, or a litt.o later,
lecti ns' lMnsiuti cf ilicii'b Corps advanced and
bieineii son e iiMiorta:it blights in front o ftlid
(cine; w l.i lo AveriH's Division ot Cavalry
rtt.:ked cud drove the enemy at a gallop fnvn
bis mlvuicid position in hi, lift one mile
buck in'o Irs mtiiu works a: d held him there.
hue Crook 'r Corps, which ha I bei u coace.iled
iiiiiii'g the day, wu tran feire l in the rear of
Av rd 's IMvIsion. ou tho enemy's extreme left.
At .5 in the iittei noon Crook and Averill stormed
anil euirnd the works of the enemy, ttio euva'ry
hupii.g the bariiers ereclid by tlio cnoinv, cap
turing two baltle ll gs, lour guns, au l ever ono
hundred prisoners. While. Crook ssverit towards
ti e l in n j's (i n re, the tiih Coips attacked, fol
li wed by the I'.Uh, whilo Averill swep' along the
lu-e nl tho (Math Moutitain, outward seven
miles, captured one hundred .aid seventy-live
ctivnliy Inches, four eaii-sonn, iourleen wagons,
e.eht mnl tiiaiices, and a number of fugitives.
The enemy, having probably learned of the
inovinicnt upon Ms right nnd rear, bud corn
nut. eed leuvlrg li s position some two hours
In fore our attack. His departure was to h istoned
that he was o iup Hud to leave sixteen guns and
over u tbousuiid prisoners in our hands.
Ycstirdiry morning tho pursuit of tho enemy
was promptly continued by onr cavalry, and he
was found iu position at Mount Jackson, twenty
live miles south of Fisher's Hill, where lie seems
disposed to oiler u stubooni i it-istauce to our
urtt c r tulvnnce.
Yesterday morning Karly's rc.:r was overtaken
neur Hawkins' bridge by General Averill, with a
cavalry division mid the brigade of Geneial
Devii s. and driven to the towa'of Mount J.iek
son, n bete bis entire force w..s fouud in pos
scrsdon. Mi.j..r;lv, eon.n.ntidicg ! .o battalions,
captured, with n vend prtva:es.
Our cavalry pressi'd tho en 'iny with great vio
lence and succcrs, until lie b-o.ijit an Infantry
divirion with artillery, nud tb v held them in
clock until the of tlio bill Corps, which
fotud thiin in the sumo pnitc n this liiorniug,
olii ling ti stitbboru resistance to Its advance.
(ieneial Averill was leiieved fniiudnty with bis
division this muni'iig. and gran'ed a leave of
absence lor twenty days'. The in der has caused
a universal fei ling of nma.enn nt in this army,
and it is centrally thought that some nucstion of
ratik between General Averill ai.d General Tor
bert is involved, tho former b ing tho ranking
i lliier, but the hitter Chi.f of Cavalry of this
mllitiny divisi n. AveriH's division otlicers and
n.i n i Nhibiti d their devoiiou to 'dm by the most
mm ki d f'enioristriit oiis.
Ti e ofileers, w ho seemed to love blm as an
elt'cr biothi r, shed burs at li departure; and
as tho Geneial mile u!oiig t ic ines for the last
ilme, the iiieri grie ted him wiih the most enthu
H'Msile cheer- , and many exore -ions of nlf ectiou.
(iimral Avtrdl culled tho i.liii era together and
nililic-'ed tin to, ( r.i'Miiii g up ji t'lem to continuo
a i nivgetie nud ntteiitivii in t'v liiiure uf tliey
hud In i ii in the 'U t. aud to I I I tie- :-aiuc obe
illi neH to Ids Miei esor ns they ). i J to iii:n.
'I lu re is a r -peet of an e ejemout iu front.
V. . ll,ni,l.
1 lio ( fiiiali It i.
H 1 i lt A I.Tl lis Ills! Ili.K.AI'F, TlllliU
DiMsin:;, Sixni (oi.ih, mmi Srti.vs
i.i no, Yirgiuin, September 21. J lie following is
a list of i liii ci s l.iikd nlid wound d iu tiiu buttle
to ur Wiuehej ter, Si ptember HI .
I'lil tilhi Hi in v friul.iU'l', Klit e. fci Veil .' .
lliil.l'U M l.i,,.
00 ill Si. :i 1, -ami-Si i H N, m ul:i.. F'iet l.;t"itell oit
' I'. I'i well, th,.u'.diri K:i.-t l.ieutt iie.ia Asi.ul A.
lll'.Il-.lll II.1-, II.
1 ee 'i1 n J'l ' ,ti y. -! v - V.b. ,i- 1 e'er 's. it,.rlnirli,
n'e 1 : I it -I ft II.'" l.'ie l . I.n en . n-.l : A, I n-
'" ' I . l-.c. I 'i w, hi.,, i. ' 'i v ; 1 .i.e. hi .1.1. l il'vi ll,
i nn I i, ; , sjit (. ; l . j ! .mi iu : .a I, ..ii 1 , r.i, thlii ;
In" I .nit I In ine , .M t: licit ,,.:i
i li 1- i . i. Iii-.i,. en.- .t.;..' l.n.r I',
Si: . n, t:, , ,,t 1 '. hi,. Uli , e . T I: . J, :
Sl i -iiliieil Ie::e V ic tier, I ; . il,u Ll.ei-
I' l u 1 I'i in II I n:i.
t-iUlittu II 1 1 Ll.leU, . ; e .llu I'- l, 1 S . Uli i 1 1 , I'..
I'Ct tt ; SSh t itliiii'H Otieriitlors on (hp
'. In ion- 1't if rNliiie,. 1 Itc r.u
iixtkI I.iaeiiiitiuu ol (IiiiM !...
W.vsriMnoN, S'cpt, mber 'J(i. Much i-iterest Is
felt iti the pri liable elici t of't. o;.eratious
ou the de-lgiiH ol (ii neral (iraut.
It is siiimiscd that t lie very complc loness of
the tt.i.t it slicted on Fnrly niav prompt the
l.iintei ant-Generul to maUc a speedy movement
v. lib u i, w to prevent Leo's receiving a ly accession.'-
it' stiength from Karly's command, should
l et order l is lon e to make a junction with the
nrmy lit l'etcrshurg. The actual direction 01
la ily's ri tieat docs i ot, however, appcur vet.
lline is nothing to indicate whether "he 111
tiuo e towards Kichuionil, or v. hetlier he will fall
bulk to eour LynihbuiK. lu tne lulteieuso there
might be soiiio pinbaliility in the report current
hue to-night thut F.uilyhas been leiulorced by
Loiigstnei's Corps.1
No conermatlon bus yet been received of the
rxpcitcd evncuutioii of IVtersbur? ly Lee,
although it is considered I'euiaikabl.'
thut, lor soiiio days wet, no respouso has been
necived to our artillery lire along tho line iu
iiont of IVicuburj,'.
Latest Southern News
Rebels Hunting for Comfort.
Two Generals Killed and Four
Union Eaid on tho Orango Railroad.
rrtIIIIM-MiH!illl It (MUM.
Etc., l.U:, Ktc, r.lo.. Etc., t'.tc, Klo.
OA1M.O llY 'Mil: ll.ASk MOVl.MliNt OK 1 u i:
Fiom tAe Jlti-hnumit J: ' afii'i. r, .Y .'ni''tr '.'-I.
The biittlo iu the Vulley last Monday still eu-gios.-es
pin 'lie niiutiiion. There have been no
oiheiui uespateties on the Biibjeet in addition to
the one In in (rem nil Lee, puutistied ye.-uird.iy,
and it has piovea unusually didlcult, to ootam
tiustworihy 111:01 ma ion through private sources.
l'cr.-ons nacheit the city lasi evening from tho
valley who tell at U st very straight tale, and
one w hich wears the nppcaruiieeof Oeing correct.
Vtoinukc a hin t aetoniit from the statemou s,
which make thuutl.or uppoar not so hud as at nisi
bclicM-d. We regret that wo havo not yi!t beeu
uble to lcnrn the e.u t loca ity at which tue battle
lagan. The 1.11,11.0 iuiprc-s.un is mat il w.i-, as
stilted by us jisuioay, a mile or ityo south of
V itichi&ier.
1'eisor.s from the valley, however, say the
einiiiy utLuktd ns 1 orth ot W un licsier, and that
i' town, lu ties eondi t
ol o inn n it i.t wed to recall the words of (Kme
ral la e's Ccspntch. Ho says : "lieiieiat V. irly
rt poits that on tho morning of the l!m tlic
tunny aUMii.eed on Winchest r, near which,
piate he met Ins attack," &c. SV.ieieerit bg.ui,
wo l eiioewo have substantially a correct ac
count el the battle.
Uho tneiin, in heavy force say between
twiiity-liic uud tlinty tnotisuiid niun attacked
us. A bloody battle insiied, in which the enemy s
iiilantry, alter desperate lighting, were bei'ug
unveii buck with (peal loss, when they turned
our right tlntik wnu a force of between six aud
ten tnousand cavairy . All our atteinpis to drive
back tins eavaiiy torec, which is Knmvn tone
ttiellowirit the wbolo Yankco army, proving
iinsticitaMui, we wuc toreed to retue, winch wc
lint in good oiuer, w iih face to the loe, and con
testing curv inch if ground. The enemy being
evidinty loomueiicul up to pur-n us mtha t
vnnuiae, lollimid our column o.ily a oh-ici dis
tance and drew oil'.
Uur 100.- iu killed, wounded, uud prisoners will
ecria.niy not exceed twenty -live hunured men.
liln.ues Division sullered most, our loss thurein
being a thousand men. Wo probably lost five
Luiitiied i.rioe tiers in all. Tho euemy's loss it
esiiiiuiitd at between six and eight thousand men
l.ii. id 1. nd wounded. Ou Wuonesuuy the Yau
kns with tl.c Hag of 11 m oat Vienna endured that
ihty Laucapiured live thousand prisoners. Yes
teiui.y the) Inul iiiotieiaieo their pretensions so
I in us cluim but tweuiy-tivo hundred.
li w is repoited liuis jeoitruuy that fourteen of
0111 lieul oli.eers had been kiln d aud wounded;
out, no nave reeeiveu uu correct lil ot tue casual
ti UeLiral Lee's despatch uieutions the death
id Cietierals lthotlis and (iOuWiu. The Ooay of
(ii neiai Ithoues has un ived ut I'hiuiottcsvillo,
w l.tiu it is to bo inbrrcd, we h am. l'riva e
ten grains buie uiiuoiinced thai Ciuuural Fit. Lee
aim toiouil (ioigo 1'aiteu rat wounded, and
Hint I lie I. ater was 111 the tiieuiy's liuuds. Tae
lOi.ehiuig papers toy thut Uenural Yoik, of
Louisiana, lost an arm.
(niiuai Kuriy, with all his trains, ,c , seen 0,
now lioios an impregmible position 011 Fi.-her's
lull, which is iwenty-lwo limes tuuih of W'iu
1 Litter by the valuy turnpike, and by tho raiuo
toad leTenty-lour miles north ut istuunton.
From the fiuhmoH i Srntintt, .Vicmfcer 2:1.
As we get moie light on the sutijcct of the late
battle near Winchester, the more favorable It
appeals lor the Confederates. The earlier part
01 ihe eimaguneiu was ilecioedly ill our favor;
but u movement 011 onr right flank by a heavy
bouj ot cavalry made it necessary tor our forces
to tail hack, winch was done in perfect oritur.
A gentleman who IcUlnc ariui since the bat lie
siijs our total loss 111 killed, wounded, and
missing will not exceed three thousand, while
that of the enemy was estimated ut from six
thousand to eight thousand. So severely were
the em my punished, that they could not molest
our troops in their match to tsiroshurg, although
it is known that their cuvuliy greatly ou
nun. btied ours, uud is the bust tuey have in the
st nice.
(Ji in ml Fatly occupies a very strong position
ou Fnher's Hill, two unlet south of Strasliurg,
and BiKiut twenty miles south of Winchester,
lue valley is very narrow at this point, not
being nioiv than three miles from mountain to
Gem tul Averill is reported to have been killed.
1 heie weie no udditiumtl particulars received
tit the Wui Department last login.
AUbrrioNAL I'AiiTtoL'LAUs of run ii.vriLi;.
ftom (.t Jiicliiiivltd .fif0i7, .Si''. 21.
llio article from the Charlotto.iwllc Vhronule
contains uli the purt.culars we could gather from
tho vaney. '1 he Vuukeu accounts are very 1011
tiadicioij and exaggerated. The following is the
urueie lioni the Ulirutucte:
About daylight the enemy advanced by the
Kerry villc road on ltamseur, who was posted at
the potlt .Spring, on ihe same road, soniu four
milts est ot V luehester. Uordmi was at Hunker
Hill, on ihu Mitrlinsburg road, on a reeonn iis
mtice; lthudos was ut Hopewell cliureli, near
M biiehud, to the It ii ot 1110 Mariinsouig road,
abitil eight miles below Winchester.
About daylight Oordon, and about 7 A. M.
lihoces, i I'liiiieiieid moving buck to ihe point of
attack Wharton remained ou tne extreme let ,
011 ti e Maitiiisburg road, u short distuned below
Wibcheslu. Anout 10 or 11 A. M., all of our
ttixips were ou the Ik hi, onr lino i.n nig oast tne
1 111 inv lacing west, liam-clir retreated from
Abiuliuiu ireek to the llnryville pike; Ktiod -s
Inul position between Inui and Gordon
linrton, as we have smiid, holding the left. Tlio
buit.e now bore strongly towards our left.
About half-past 1-, Geuciul lthodes, who was
I lacing a battery 111 the gap IftKccn liini-i li' and
Gi rdi 11, was struck by u bull ju: t tehma the car,
ti ll home liom thu field in u dying condition.
HcviKs iilteinlid ut tlic time by only two couriers.
'Jlieu.tmi continued to pu-h thuir line around
our leli, and about 4 1'. M. their cavalry ou their
exmii.c right lapped onr lints some tAo miles,
'i bis eaialry chuii d our vavaliy and coiupletely
tinted it, ut. d iheu wheeled into WiueUealer ou
01: r rear.
'lliisnoi'e It lines.' at y for our infantry to fall
le i li, v liu li it Iiil slowly, reaching Winchester
idn ut i':iik. 'ilic w hole ui my then retiea'.ed ou
thut eiin ng to Newtown, and the next morniii1,'
to I i lnl s Hill, a n.ilu or two I10111 Ktr.isburg,
where it is now justed, 'lhis is eighteen miles
In in i)ii hcster,aiid a position of j uat strcngih,
li k i 1 g the Nnrih Mountain 011 the ku uud Mas
sai nlinn Mountain on k light.
'1 he futile is described us u severe one ; the loss
mi botli sides heavy j their.- supposed tolas greater
tl.i n ours. Wo took some five hundred or seven
bundled piboneis moro tlmii we lost. Aveii'l is
ii-l oited killed, but this is not authenticated. Wo
lo.-t time guns, iinu, 01 course, leit some of our
woni.ilid 111 tho liumls of the eneniv. 'ihe ambii
iniaes ol the anuy, vibieh were loaded with
vi l.lidid, eiime oil mlely. With tliis ipialilii a
tii ti we bioughtoll our wcgons, nrldleiy, &c.
1 lure WHS considerable stra."giii'g on our pun.
'I l.e casualties Major General Huodis ,
llileo; lliiguiiier-Gem ral Godw in (of Foi t.
liiouth, u.), killed; ila.ior Gereral Fit. Lee,
mio lo be slightly wounded ; llrigudie r-iJi-iicral
Yi tis (cen ii.andn g llsys' and isuitloi d's Loui
siana biigadcs), Him shot ctf; Acting llrigadier
(1 111 ral 'i l.oinas 11. Carter (commanding' ai til
ler ), slightly wounded ly shell iu the back, aud
live eoh iii-lts (liuiuts not remembered ), klded. .
llrigiidier Geneial liatlle, ol N'oHii Curoliua, is
in c iiiiiiin.d of Uhodei' Division.
Thu iViM'i.cV'i iul'oruiuut staioi tb( tUv fore
1 f the ft eniy was vcrv larce m ire th in two fold
inr to n:bi is. I'pto the fine of our being tlankci
e w re pushing them buck.
'ell It 1 Al.-'.fiu rnl ,M. ,s ; ,V ','r -;i.
At fl o'clock on S'i dm sd iv tnorni"g the
ftii my "I'i'iiiil all h s battt r es, and heli. ! Iho
ci lor more than an hour. Our hiittcrii replied,
and the ciinnoiiiid tig w is furious for a time.
e,tl'ltlly was eoinpaiatively ipiiet.
iir 1 11 k imon l oners.
t ! I'll' I.I ',.'!. 'Ml ll'il". A, I'flnt. f 21.
llesvy reii forceini tits to Grunt's army are -t II
i nnin g in. Tl'ceniiiiv are verv vlgi'aut on our
r: Ir, ev dci.tly K urn g an attack on the Woldnu
Tin; suoTTPn iai.i tk.
!' i.M M, Km, .tut I inmit'r. A; .', 'uAc ?1.
A'l w.'.a iuiet nt I'etrrslmrg yesterday; bit' on
i dnesdny , at ilaj dght, the whole ol the Yankee
artillery op nt d upon onr lines and upon the
t It) , ai'd alorg their line from Deep 11 ttom to
the Vteldt n iiiilrond every mother's son of a
Yankee in Grant's uimy cheered and hnzz led as
it he wen id i-pdt Ids llnoat. All this meant tfnil
tin y l ad brant the new s of their victory Iti tho
Mil i y, and were In honor of i lie tame tirme a
Miiirew ith shotted guns, and making a jubilee
gi nt rally.
I ,Hl.L llAMl'TOx's CM Tl Hi: Ol' T'ti: It llKllVL
t'VTrl K.
r 'i. I'n- Hi' tumir,.' .s', i., '(,1,7, ,s,;., i',, i
Hit l ull i ll eommi-saries buv beeves of tho
hiigest m.c Ii r the use ol their armies in Virk'i na.
'I he 1 xpi use and trouble ol transport! inn, w hich
aie iu proportion lo miiiibers, m ike this very cx
ptditnt. Thebtivcs taken in HampfonVs lao
1 t coition uie jndgid by a London gra.ier to
weigh eight biiiidrtd pounds m t.
'lwetnj fotir bundled ami eighty-six beeves, at
fight hundred pounds, would make an n.;gregatii
01 one million nine hundred and elehty-clglit
thousi nil eight hundred pounds, or within a frac
tioimt two mil Ions of pounds. This, distributed
111 e'nl y rations of a pound cuch, would feed a
I hen mi id men for r.euiiv two thousand days ;
tin tin u-atid men tor two hundred days;' or
I I y thoif-and nu n for forty days, and so forth.
It is a very nice addition to our coinmlsai in', fur
which we are very much obliged to Mr. Grant,
aid 1 ailieulaily lo General Hampton ami bis
01.0KK rou i.Miot.MiM or a 1.1. winrr. mm
i rn.i ns ni.iwi i n -tui: aoi:s or 17 axii rsl.
F.Mioi.i.iMi Oiiit K, UiciiMoNii, September
10. Tl.c billowing circular from the ilnnau of
Consenpt iin is published lor tho information f
nil eoiiteriif d ;
Con 1 i.M uaii: Si vn:s of Aukiiu-a, V.n Dr.
l AitiMi xr, 111 i.i AU or CoxHi iiii iioN, Hioii
momi, Vn., Scpu lulie r t. Comiiiuntlatils ol eon
scrt ts will Instruct county enrolling oillcers to
piotnil Oil gent y, with the aid of thu letn-Kirarv
iceoids, to make a complete registration ol every
white male n snleiit in thiir respective counties
I etwei n the iigesof sc-ctiteen nud lifty years not
in luiilly eeivii.i; in the imny in the fitdtl, or With
the resiives. The name, age, ocenparion, p-iysi-cnl
ti n dt'on of tl cpt rson n gi-lered. together
w l b the gin 111. ds of t xemptlon or detail, or other
icasou tor not la-ing iu active military service,
w ill be stuttd 111 these n-j-'isters.
Specinl cure will be taken in stating distinctly,
tltiiih biieilv, the tniises which prevent tie
prison fiom bung sent to the army, and not to
1 in il any per-on in ihe registration not serving in
tho army in the bold nt with ihe Reserves. Tticse
ii gisti rs must be loiwiirdt tl to tho liurcim before
tl.c loth of October m xt. To accomplish tho
woik lu due time, enrolling otlicers and temporary
boim's arc itijoli cd to use the utmost vigor aud
diligence 1 be ti.lnririi'ion to be thus I'urni hed
is ngi. itltd as of treat importance, aud the ser
vice must be uceuiately us well as promptly per
lormeil. Another and tepanfTo icglstcrwill bo a, the
seme time pu and ami lorwurded of a'l voirhs
in each eounlytwho will aftain the ago ot '"seven
teen jtais during the next twelve inontlis. In
this a't-niitiietl renster will be state I tlio month
when tin se youths will attain the age d- sinnated.
lly 1. mil 11 mI el lii igudier-General J. 8. l'res
ton,Kiipi riutt Iidei't.
C. ft. Dnni i.D, A. A. G.
Ttio I!f-linisiiil MurkotN.
Cm aft I'll, l.e nftlie ,l.71r .'.iiiim'iel-.
Flour of an exerllniit grade entild bo ha I a
foiti i(.l,t since for $?-'-'"; but tho lliuisy excuse
01 Grant's oecuputiou of ttio Wcldon roid, opor
a ing 011 thu lively nnd tiiuid imaginations ol our
iih n hams, nt once ran-cl the price s.100 on tho
b.irrel. Heel may still ho had of Mr. Ingram,
the public: 1 01 tfnetor f.l 00 pur pound ;
o In r bull heis sell it ut llacou Is soiree at
and S, at d slippery ut that. Chicken- ringo
liom S7 to S'10, t.ud 0 Inr meats in proportion.
oiopl.-leiirsH ol Mi mlmi'M Vti'tory l'in
ll lit lis I omi Onr-lluir ir llirlr lllri
1 rc The Illness or Arelihlsliiij.
fiprtial IHtjiahh lo The fcii-ninj Tilnli'aph.
Hai.timohf, September 11. Wounded ollieors
and soldiers, who arrived direct from Sheridan's
am y, rej resent our recent victories in the vulley
as sin passing in completeness uli accounts yet
published, though F.arly nnd his shattered, do remnant of an army have thus fur
escaped up the valley.
Nearly or quite half hit entire force has bjen
left with us, either dead, wounded, or prisoners.
We buried three of their dead to our one. It is
feared another fight will not be go'.tou out o
them. Our men were never in bettor spirits and
health. A good many wounded arrive here, and
scon s of Itebel prisoners.
Archbishop Spaulding, of Baltimore, is dan
gciously IU with typhoid fiver.
Aceeilnuce at Uvrnr ItrnnlMiti.
Wabiiim. ion, September 27. Governor Den
niton baa accepted the position of I'ostuiaa'cr
(Jeneral, and will cuter 11 1 ion bis duties lu a few
Special Desiiit, lien to Evening Telegraph.
Wasiiishton, September 27.
The lrrt.
Tho draft proceeds very slowly In this city.
The Government will g'v" every possible oppor
tunity throughout the country to fill the ipiotas
by volunteering.
Army Ituiiitim.
Humors of fighting lu tho Army of the Fotomau
wero current last night, but they aro entirely
without foundation.
The 1 iftlt Ulul t:iiodllloti.
The Navy Department lis received details
from Admiral Fuiragut of tho successful expe
dition up Fish river, some particulars of which
have already been publi-ln d.
On thc return, the vci-sels wero attacked from
Fetcr't LlutV, nt one of the sharp bends of tho
river, by sixty or seventy lit bets, who had ulso
felhd trees acr -ksjihi stream.
t,The lire w as returned from our howitzers, and
onr vessels putted thioiigb with one oiilcer and
two men killed on tho Slm-ldnle, the smoke-stack
of which was knocked overboard, and the of
the y'i(Vo)ii', lost by being jammed between that
cbsil and the bun!..
Adu.llnl Fnriugnt cointiutieeat to Iho N'avy
Dipaitincnt that be is sue es.-tu! y eir.'.e'ed in
reinoving torptduep, und tUus far ka .slice edci
in tul. 11:3 up twinti -ot e.
Itrf liforcentt-iitss lor Grant.
A' (.1 sia, Scptin.bci V.7. The Mb an 1 litli,
re enlisted veterans, tath 175 Kruiig, Kft fvr
Yiiginia te-dey.
from llie li lle.
Ni w Y01.K, Scittiiibor 27. Belize advices
ltort tie wreck of tivcral ve-sels, viz. : lwig
llumiah, ot St. John's, N. B .y schooner ChJe,
lliitish bulk fj'i rkslihe, and tho diagger At'nrt,
nil of w hich wire total losses.
lie baiks Malum, of iioston, I'utlai, Helen,
Mt I lout) it', and brig A'Monio Mn'.he weto alio
liainugo l y a luliislou.but not very seriously.
Market by I I.
Bai.timoi.i', September "7. Flour dull and
Itnvi; IM.ti -li. M'.'l iiiil'ii, ti..'. Vi la-ill li.,. u
til c 111:1 s O li''' '' j;l il lh 's1'- i'r - re'. e'oi 11 10 1.1 ;
whin-Mr--r at Hit ' ' '''"' ,,ir" ."" V
Iteltll SUU Ui inllisl. Mnsk,l ll'iuiiui'l a tl Silnl.
Ni.MlYoiiK.Scptcu In r'J7. I'huir hasudvuncci!
tt.e.; .ale. I I ri Hi inb. l'i s uu fur Hi He, una in ii
f" 1 4 -(Hi lul Weill I11-1 II. M tint Hilt ui e il :c; 0. . .iil- b uniin
IMTlnl'l. ('mil dull. Willi MiijilHietf. iletf titill. ful K
tuaj ; .uli s ui HHm l.i-its'- t t-io'ievo 10 lor Alt.. Laul,
dull, at ltu-ev- VStilikj unll.
I itou roiti ntisnor.
IUliimoki:, S- pb mis t 27. The following btut
bei n received trom ror'rcn Monroe
The Cintrd Ma'es Irigite ,lfiiie.rfo sailed from
here early this morning, nndcr teab'd oi tiers.
Hi r ee-tmaiion is suppjed to bo Wilmington,
jNor-b ('atoiimi.
There has been no regular communication with
Ni w hern, by w it ot tho t anal since thu nt ack
ou the so aim r uicri, some weeks nso. It Is now
designed to establish a nvtubr line of steamers to
run outside, and tllit -t to th s place boui M ire
bi ad city, i oin.c, ting with Newborn by railr ml.
A tbri e-nuisied schooner, name unknown, from
l'liiladt'tphia, bound to l'srt Koyul, S. C , and
loadidwi.h coal, put in hero lor a harbor this
mnrtiit'g in a It nl.y condition, having liecu r in
into ou'siilo (be Capes by an unknown vessel
belongine to the navy, w hich earned away the
ft I'oohci ' bows ril and tho greater p irt of her
rig-nil g.
I'. S. Since writing the above, the tf nn, s.if i
has retiirnid, from some cao-e tiukoown.
Ilrspnlrli from General " Tho Jilv
S i riiint nl I rnlu lli-relitlj Cnialnrt'it l.iit
!etirl Sfl.OOlMllKl- f urther I'urtlenl, .-.
1'itinlfii l.nientnt!h O'.Vftta.
We gave yesterday a short account that h id
been ri ceiied of tho capture of a Government
tiain at Cabin crick, which is a'sont KM nu.os
trom the Arkansas line. '1 he loss to the I lover n-
! ni. nt will not bo far from 1,IKK),oxij, There is
bl iiue somewhere.
i '1 he loilown g telegrams were received at head
' quarters r tcrday ;
I l'oi . Septeml cr 20. Major C. S. Chariot :
i I lilnir rrportt that the train tor Fort
(-iidili was captured by the enemy at Cabin
link, Said to be IIOOO strong.
Gv.oiioK Sykes, Majnr-Geneml.
Foiit S'i ott, Sentembe'r 20. Major C. S. Char
iot :- Lieutenant-Colonel Wheeler, of tho l.'ttli
Kniisas, who was with tho train when cap'ilred at
Cabin enek yesterday morning, has arrived at
t ne ol my ouiposts, ami sends mo word that thu
Labels took but lilt, e of the train with them,
bniDiiig iieur y all of it. This rather indicates a
lnoven.t lit further North. The Rebel lorco was
t-iiiniiwiiiie's, uua Colonil Whoeler thinks it four
thousand strong. The survivors ol the train
e coiturc on tlulr way up near liaxter's Springs,
l'licc's lictidouaiurs uie reported lo be al Cane
CiiAni.i-g W. Di.aiii, Colonel Commanding.
Foiit Scott, September 20. The train for Fort
Small was taken by the ltebels at Cabin creek.
"1 he ltcbel loree was Siundwal;c's, now said
to be about fifteen hundred strong, but not com
manded by him." Have not yet learned who
was in command. The attack was m do about 2
o'clock )cstcrdny morning, and everything Is
luktn. liehels hud three pieces of artillery. Hive
Mil Iturncdyjs yet of any one escaping, except
Lb iin nanl t olonel Wheeler and a few wagou
mastirs. Tho traiW consisted of two hundred
und two wagons, hvo ambulancct, forty artillery
Imrsis, twelve hundied and lilty-thrce mules
sen t ty-ihrt e w ngons liean ging to tlio post of
Fort Scott, the n mumder In longing to Furls Gib
son and Siniib, ulso a large sutlers' train.
C. W. Iti.Atii, Colonel.
HnrtH o tolm Tr ckn, l itvlor, new orl-nn4, II. A. Adftiun.
l'.Aiti Ortk, Kdcr. lioiun, Nibl,rtiiiiwel i A i o.
hrik -AijiH't .utitii, hutftift, O. O. Vuu Horn.
Pli nmnhlp t.iina , Itnirr, 4. buun trom ttuaton, witli
flHlC HDU tilM-it;rn o II. WllDwtr.
hi hr i.toU-iifea, Itftntcr. 3 0 fiom Ronton, with mUse
tn 1 Mt-(In A i.
Hffir , Ke.1y A 1a from Kurtretn Monro. wKh
Di hi u I 'tfiweii A ruihiiM.
-iir lc. M. iti Ki-ilv, 4 do si'roin Pro vlocotown, with
n .dm In orPu li.Kt rtiMit.
MrK.W I'.ait, Kfi.dri.h.a iyn from Nt'
bn'lB'-t iO r ptnl li.
iscl.rJ- it. Hurilctt. Itockhlll.d davi from Jlattoa, wlili
C"C n tint" to ! it m' .fii-s ,u i o.
cn WiiMiiliH, l'ortiH, 9 duyi fruiil rorilaild,
wittt mil at iu B. A. houilvr lo,
C' rt f) rmliiire of the lhiiatt,hia F.rchtxigt
ii., ciitt uibtr J'.. hitit Nt-w F.nnlaiid, for
I oiihivgIh -. Stiifch M , inr ijih ti'; hrUt h-tllt. a ttl itttti
h. l'r 1 ttni ha ; ciir hvt n. tir Saw 4ri-ttn, mII
l.-t in Pliiiutltili)ii. m d lli U it): Ml Maii'tlmrUu Mli'iitn,
tmi.i to ia ii't 'i4ili ii'otam t,vT urn oho tftuR'r Aiitl
fll.t m tH-ont-rt ut tiriukwutur t'tm lnorciiiK
Stats op Tubhuoukiku To day. Six A. M.,
50. -Noou, 7o. One V. M. 774- Wind, W. ,s. W.
6ai,i:s of IlnAb Khtatu, Ere. Tho following
ales ol Keul Labile, &c, wero imulo to-day, at
tho l'hiladulphia Jvxehango, by Thomas & Sous,
auctioneers :
It shiiit'S Aciiflny of Music, wl'h I'-kft. t.'M.
VI M nr. H t:ii S..e(lke Knu llttiaw sre t't iti.ti Cj., tri0.
S.tnti H- ven itr rem. ( uui uu llioitl. l.ieitliaril unit
himtll Mlevis I s-tCllKil Uullvl) U iliil'A'iV . t'lj.
1 Nlmrf Coi.tliit-i lui liini-i riiim,iiiy, tltil.
IMn hintris Ct initiui ire t s- Uost Cuu.iany, par, 110.
1 Mitib l .nnt Urtnne 1'sik. tiett.
I'o, jSu. s-j i;. nn mi 1 ii)-tiit-ii.iik CliQrch. $J0.
'1 iii. i ..I" y Lnck ilwilhii, iSi. bet jN. biiveuiesinth
strtn. a-isi.
l.sri;) HLUvslutlile itkktiLce, Ko. 1M7 Waluut su-vet
i.ini.f mtl vRhiBlee tot, llrt ad strut t, sntl extentllrui in.
dt etii "V it t iu i uli if vi. Ui ktiii-t. titioo.
litttiubi Uiu uititlern riMiietit-e. biali.e, and toaeh teuso,
iiuil-tA.t coiner el Tuirly llura tlrcta mnd 1'uwtaiuu
svinnti t'JI.lsm.
V Aluslilt-bruti cry and hug lut, ho. tih-J if. Hoveath
lilt 1, aouve l'uiliir. tstxsi.
'I hr u-kt-iry rnrk ilwelllnv, Vo. jt.ill Queen street, tlsno.
Tnri'e-stel biles d wi-Iiiiik, No. '2 1 Wutniu Hruut. fll i',
'J hrtit-slt r. lines tlweillliK, jNu 'i- It ijutlon slreel. tl.i-'O.
1 wi- sler Iniu e tliii'Llus. Ni. il'-a tinstnt strut-l. $ 17s.
Iwn s:ur iruibtl tlwellli k.ho . -J-'l iii.cii nlrt)l tle-at.
'I' laics uwulliiiK, jNu. sl.i ft. i'ltild sirvut.
'I iirre-ntnry lirlek dwrtltnii. No. 1"" Milton stravt.wn
Tlnti'-ttnrv linck tiHi-llniii.No. b 91 Milltin Ir.tst, Hlilt.
Hirto-btory bru-k aHt-ninH. 'i s:i rmlislt'trtst-t, ti.tiu.
lliiec-sl.-r brick a ciUngi .Sn. Mi jS. j ilittttulli siruol,
'1 nii.i'orvbrli'kdni llinr, No.'Oi: S. TlilrJ : rtyt. t Isi..
iHO-sloiy taiek dHKUUIg, An. 1SMI ft. 'i'liltd kLTUOt.
Stat mtdsm resldtnce, No. K. Tenth slrecl. $srti,
1 hlfe.klory bnek dttt-lllftk' 14- euil.iiiii ttnitll sud
f.l ttrrv klrnels. S WW KOI.
1 Iii e-kier brick li.oul and ilwillliie, .V. JS. corner of
Itiiniiiiiut. i lirr sir. -els. jNnbld:.
1 litriC-Hiery liriuk itori- uud utkelliiiif, No. 13-1 N. Kourta
strut, oblll.
Tlni-u r lnlik M'iri' anil ilwel'lliK, Ko ii'Jv K. Klilith
llreot, sliove Wt oil. No l.ld.
four stur) brnk dwttlhns, Nn.vtl3 Siiruce ktrant, ri-.t
ol fn-totid. Su lea.
I i.i.r inillttli'n liitn.Ttitrtjr-iwH'nth stieoi, north of Syrs-
Dli rt-. Wt st Hi Itl'li-ll'liu. No b I.I.
llilte in.rj bl irk ihu lllin,-, No. 4 d Mnjsr U-Vtl, i.jve
CVltiUibia uveliue. No bid.
Political. Ioist evening the numerous politi
cal t.alU and club-rooms of our city were
thronged with large und intelligent audiences,
uho nero assembled for the purpose of listening
to discussions and speeches upon ihe grcut politi
cal questions of tho day.
At tho Spring Harden Institute, the second de
bate betwieu Hon. William J). Kel ey and Uoorge
fiorihinp look plnco ill the preseneo of a largo
auditiiic. Tho hall was more Uensoiy packed
than en tho previous occ.isi.m, and even before
li e oi tiling of the debate the door- weie besieged
by mi iiiiuicrise thiong. Tho meeting was of a
quiet and oroerly chained', save an oocasion tl
hiss which prociedid from a tew roughs iu tue
Ai the Horticultural Hull, Broad and Walnut
streets, u nii.s- meeting of thu I'nion citizens of
the Liglith Ward was bcid. Kesoliitions were
ollered endorsing: the Congressional, Legislative,
County, nnd nominations of tho
JNutioind I lin n I'Uriy, and speeches were made
by Messrs. Chnrlis (Jilpin, Morion Mc.Miehael,
niid lion. Charles O'Neill.
At tho Luioii League Hall a largo andicnco
wus oho assembled. (Speeches wore made by
Mcs-ih DennisO'lhien and 1 lioinns M. Coleniati.
A liuniber of ladies w ero lire eut.
A bu.uii'.ul ling, beating tl.o name? of Lincoln
nnd Johnson, was thrown to tiio breo'.o ut
Lli vi nth t lid Mn ter streets last evening.
1 et dies were ul-o made bv Juhu s liiearley, Jr.,
.1 hn 11. teoit, (o'onel luring, l'ledcruk A.
Vim Clivc. Co unci N m. 11. Mutii'ce, andloth'-rs.
'U.e K.-publiiuu li.vnululc.s held a meeting last
in i.ii.g. i t Ihe.i' In w liuil, the National, Market
Uu-' t above Tucllih. Young men arc luvtled lo
ji in tl"S sj Itudid organii'.ntioii.
Tut Commit on WlunesoayiICviiniso. Tho
uithds who will nppcar lit fore us on Wednesday
uie all of the very I'r.-t class, and tho projjiatiiino
n o t uitistiiiil'y chosen. Mad. Loriui will sing
fi r the first lime in this city, the celebrate. I Waltz
iu lo..-,', iiiraiiged lor tl v lust time lor the voice
by lion i mi hilnsill. Mad. Loiiui's finished edit,
cation, and her line method, lit her peculiarly to
Intel pret this diii'cuil Inutile foi re. Mcl'aui gives
is nn impassioned loiuau a from tho Ihwo.
Amoiii", :a n a liom i rive ton art, very
little frown, but admirable. These novelties,
adtliil to the other laiorite uud popular pieces,
lot m a progiuiiiiuu of rare exes deuce. Kitior
Kt sti's ib lieate, tender, and touching voice will
lie laiiid lo ptileelioii in Centil. This first
taste of goou iniisiu should biing a guoi huuso,
uud LO tloiibl will.
TiitHiNAl.. M.I). II. Hutchinson, iho pro
prltlor of the famous United States Hotel, llar
i is .mig, arrived in tl Is city this nioruinj, and Is
Mi i piLg ut the Menluiuts' Hotel.
Khi n AT Last. Mis. Klemnr H. To-viisend,
the acamstrcsa ho was convicted some weeks
since upon the charge of the larceny of go ids t
Inrgc nmnnnt from places where be had been
employed, died at the County Prison yesterday
ot congestion of tho brain. Previous to the dea-.h
of the deceased, it is said that the became almost
fmiillc, In coiisc iiienee of mental animation In
iluctd by constant rellection upon t lie acts for
which si c had been committed. No one who was
prment at the Inspection of the stolen g dt at
the Ccnttttl Station, on the occasion ol too hcr.
ing 1 dote Alderman lleitler, doil'ired for a 'ing!
moment that Iho woman was nfll e'ed with a
mania for stealing, nnd thnt, upon th s subject at
Irtist. rhe was Insane. A far as c mid t0 aeer
tiilin d, not one of the articles stolen by her dnr
li g ti c last three yesrs had been disposed of, but
ihty wire all huddled together in trunks and
I uk mis, cu lrely it g milt ssof order, and wltho-it
re ferercc to the chnracter of the goods. lint she
has received her discharge at last, and Iscfore a
bight r tribunal been called to render an ac
count of whatever eanhlv Intirniitios a'.llieted her
weak, frail body hero below.
Uandsomk Thusknt. Mr. AVIlliatii Flehcr,
who illieeti d the orchestra nnd choir at the dedi
cation of tho new Jcwl-h Temple on Friday last,
was la-t night presented by tbo Hoard of Trus
ters with a magnificent silver goblet and three
h n nil ted dollars in cash us a mark of aopieci i
lion of his service s, and a t kcn of re -peel. The
pri se tuation rccntrcd at Singer's Hull. No. .'123
Vine stuff, the address Ih ing made on the part
of the donors by Mr. S. Sil', which was
duly rcspondt tl lo hv Mr. Fischer. Speeches
wire ul-o matle by the Presidents of tho Smnger
bund and Ciclliu Verein Musical As iciuti int.
An I'niert.'iitinicnt was partaken of. and an un
usually agreeable and ploasmt evening apent bv
the entire company, numbering somo hundred
Inui vst. An inquest was held last eveninj In
Ihe case of William Young and John Kane, two
sien who were killed by the falling of the girden
of the Philadelphia ami Krie Udlroad Depot, nt
Market and r'lltceutli stroeta, on Sattird ly after
noon last. It appeared from tho tesiiui niy that
the fall resulted from tho fact that tome of the
purllrifB intended to connect the Iron rafters did
not have sutllcient bearing upon tho wall, and
roj cs wero used to keep the rafters in placo until
such time us they could lie braced together. How
fore this conld bo accomplished the miters fell.
The inquest was continued until to-morrow
Asraci.t and B v-n-nnT and Rioting. ,T,tmoe
Koncli, a foreigner, who has been In this country
but two months, win nrrosted at Fif.h nnd Clio
nut iireeta, yesterday afternoon, for attacking
ut d knocking down two colored women wltlioat
the least provocation winterer. He was held in
$ I I'i K) hail fo answer at Court. During the inves
tigation, tho defendant was recognized at b iving
leen engaged iu tho disturbance on Saturday
night He was held in &f(0 to answer this charge.
Tai out Ukttkh. This morning Michael Col
lins was committed to prison by Ahlei m in Wel
ding, upon the charge ol assaulting two colored
men nt Front mid Walnut streets. Thfl m-n
were tncnged quietly in conversation when Col
lins cuiue up to them nnd knocked one d iwn
after the oiht r. He was asked bv the Aldermin
why be acted so. He replied thnt ho considered
It Ins duty to knock every "nigger" down. Tlio
Ali'erniun thought different, and lent him to
Btrtivixn Stoi.bst (loons. Yesterday af'er
noon Jiimct Young, a resident of S. 8 -vonth
sttcet, hud a hearing on the ch irge of receiving
goods stolen from tho trore of Samuel II.
ton. No. 4 L2 8. Tenth street, nnd also from a dry
goods stoic In Heading, Pa. Ho was held for a
fnrthrr hearing.
Kim-UN ok a Onb HrNiim n DayV Reoi
u:nt. This morning tho lh7ih Pennsylvania
Volunteers, a ono hundred dnys' regiment,
urrivtdln this city, and proceeded to Twolfdi
nnd Girartl streeis to be inusteretl out. Tho
regiment wasdoing duty on tho Weldon railroad.
Paratik This ArrF.rtNoov. Tho 101th Regi
ment Pennsylvania Volunteers, which arrive 1 in
this city on Sunday, 111 iniilin a street parado
his atten tion. A full description of the regi
ment wus published In The Ti:i.kouai'ii yos
terilny. DisnoNrsT Boy-. A lad of lo years, namod
Richard Nnlh r, was sent to the IIoiiso of Kefugo
I y Alderman Ib ltler, noon tho chanro of robbinir
his employt r. Ho was In the habit of opening
btislncts lotters, und Hiking tho money contained
Jtnor.R Thomi-son anii Am.isok sat this
murning In tho Court of Common Pleas for tlio
purpose of bearing tho ensos on Iho Orphans
Court argument list. No other Courts wero in
SisoiiDt.HLY HorsF. Sarah Ross was beforo
Alderman Welding tbia morning, charged with
keeping a bawdy bouse, at No 02 1)11 -vyn street.
Several of ihe inmates of the house were also
Payment op ISoi'hties. This morning the
city bounty was paid to twenty-three men. This
is a mall number, and deficient wards will have
to do better than this if they wish to avoid the
druft which will take place on the 20th inst.
Youno im CittiiE. A young girl, only sixteca
ytart of age, waa before Alderman Moore this
morning charged with keeping a disordorly bouse
at Front aud Union streets.
"A Btitck in Time SAVKt Nixe." This it a
food motto at all ilnies, but it tppllei wltb spaclal fores In
piirrhsklof swing machines, r'or this ressin buy the
"Fkrence," sold at No. C-10 Cheinut street. rtil!adlihla.
In pr ft rents to anr ottir. It Is ths best tewing maclnn
In Ilia world, and Is so pimioniiei-d by Itundrt-iL
or tlio moht prominent fitinllirM lu the rl'v, who now
ba tl eia In ue. Kvory nnteliine told Is Witrrknled to
give saturnc leu, or the money will tH-riTuinlisl. Nittaerous
tniulllt-s. In various pnriloiiN' ol ihe country, afler trylns
nialiy olher niacliineh, nave tleclitt-d Ibut the '-1- l.neiiee" la,
bi-joud comparison, rue best lainpy mactdiie la ihe world.
Now that the system of "one price" has become
so popular and li adopt cd liy so many bnalneita houket and by
man In the clothlns hno, e would say to ttie pulilia that
tin mi at not toiilnttiid auy othi r esiittill.hment with that
of I lie coleliraled atnl lonitt'ktel.hkhe-d ' o;ie prle.i" clotalnK
house ol t'rarles Mt'kei A- I ii.. under tho I'tintlneatal.
O.rnientg also niadt- lo tarder a' ths lottett prleiiN an I wl.ti
d. spa it It. A litrtti- assriuieni ol new ktyle a'oitk lor fail
and winter weur.
Dr. Bkckeu'b Ci:i.eiii:ati:i Eye Balsam. A
rei tain spreltlc for Inlluuit-d, sore, and weak eyes. !re-
Iiart d by John ab.ore. Ilamlile. J'ut up in sla.e poU
'ilt-e, tit eints. Sole A;tiils,
T W. IvotT Co.,
No. '12 N. ftueond atroel.
Have you been at 11. F. Ucimar's splendid
Kiy, No. BH Anli - lilt iii.frb life sue I'hotosraptii
In t its Color, Ivorj t. lie, aud Cartes di N'isllc attract
jHiiular attvoilon.
Ifooi'Eii'a Ai.e Vai lts, Soihikast Coiimkr
or Tiiikd asn C-iik.ssi t 8r;:Ki:rs tlnttt-inf n of rt-tlned
lakle rtatronlo thli tfetmrrlte estahll-h-neut, from the
faet met utiailuliiirau-d Liiutrs only aro ittd on Us
Ibok Hi-iirte wis, and Chrap Hi sk, If vnt,
Hint Mob. Slatitissea, at W. Ileriry I'alln'e, No. HOsJ
t bv-mil kllt'i-l.
Ti i:sday, September y.7. No sales of Bark
have conic under our notice.
Clovorsecd iB but little fought Timothy
i in steady request ut "'l-. ith sales of '.'UO
bushels. Flaxseed bus declined. A sale of SOO
bushels has beeu reported at $3-30 ,ii 3-35.
The stock of Provisions is, almost exhausted.
We notice sales of Huns at 2'1(i2-c. ; Sides at
'JJc. i und Shuul Jeti ut 22c. Laid may bo iiuutcd
id 2'.'(.'"'.!3c,
Flour comes forward slowly, and tho stocks
now on baud tire reduced to a comparatively
low iigi.rc. The iLc'.ine is gold and sierling cs
chunge has bad a tendency to limit transactions,
ami a feeling of much unwillingness ou the part
of buyers and tollers to operate has mutiifcsted
ilself. Tho tales havo moetly been coullned to
the supply of the b' me trade at $10(ji 10-23 j
Mil. for mperlino, SI0 50iJ? 10-7.1 for extiM.aud
ll(.r 12 lor extra latuily. ltye Flour and Corn I
Meal colitiiiiio ojiilff-, ,
'1 lie market for W heat list been unsettled, and
it is impo-sible to give correct quot itions, owing
to the violent Iliicliiatious ill prices. A sale of a
cargo of red is reported at 2t 3-2-. Holders of
while deiiiniid jp2-.Vn.ii 2 ti l, but without sales.
Lye sells slowly itt SM hi). Com is dull. Holders
ui yellow demand t107, but without talus. A
sale ol lnno bushels mixed WeaUiru it reported
uitsl ihi. (hits aro iu fair reipiest, with sales of
Hot U bushels Pennsylvania in. store, at 81(a7c.
Lnrh y und Mult ate nouiinul.
Whisky is littler i loJ bblr, Ohio Ivld Itt 1 81 ;
aud toiuv Diude al tjl'bO.
Omea op Tw T,w write Tai.RtkeArw,
'f Hedr, eptenioai
There it a better feeling in the Stock Mirk 3
Ibis n, timing, nnd price hitve advanced, dm
err, nit nt securities are firm; 6 20t told at I
H'3, coiipont oir, and Ci of 1881 at 107 ; 7 3 V aro
quoird at 10S109.
New City 61 sold at 103, which I n da-llne.
In Liolroad shares there is very little d net,
but prices are rather better. Reading told at 59,
an advance of 3, and HO, buyer 30 j and Pennsyl
vania Railroad at 70; 136 wat bid for Camden
nnd Aniboyj 41 for Little 8chnylklll; 31 for
North Pennsylvania j and 32 for Philadelphia an4
Coal Oil shares are more a:tire, and pfiec
have advanced, with tales of Dalell at SJ ; Nob'o
and Delamotcr at 128; Rock.tJ; Deutaore, 10t
(ti 10J ; and Mellhcnny al OJiGJ.
Canal shares have advanced ; 8 liuylkill Navi
gation preferred sold at361;and Union Canal
bonds at 20'2O ; '28 wat bid for BchaylkjU
Navigation ceimmou.
Tbcie Is little or nothing doing In City Passen
ger Railroads, bnt prices are tinner. 70 wat bid
for Second and Third; 17 for Arch, and 32 foe
Orcen ami Coates.
Bank shares are steady. 1C2 was bid for Horlh
America ; 137 for Philadelphia; 57 for Commer
cial; 30 for Mechanics'; 24 for Manafaciorars'
and Mechanics'; and 3d for Consolidation.
In (ioid there it less activity, and the market if
very dull, bnt pricct have slightly advanced
opening at 11)2; rallied and told al 195 at 11
o'clock; fell off and told at 193 at 12; and iOJ-j
at half-past 12.
There Is very little demand for money, and
the rates remain about tho same as last quoted.
Loans on call are offered at '.(7 per cent, per
annum; beet paper is selling ut front 912 per
We are pleased to notioe that the subscriptions
to the new 730 loan Continue largo, reaching
about $10,000,000. The people are conviuood
that theie it no investment more profitable or
eecurc than the United 8tates bondt. '
A despatch from Washington morning
say the subscriptions to the 7'30 loan for the last
two days, as reported to the Treaasrepart
nicnt, amonnt to f 1,632,000, and tJ 110-40
li nn, $37-l,r.0O.
Reported by Clarkaon Co., Hroaers, Xe. Ill 8. Tmrd Bt.
IcOkh Densmortienl 10-, -V h Uorn PUuiler. .c 4','
lie in
bio II lnu k0 do I
..c li'Vl 3tkiali d' b6 4
.... i'.l IMIen BeatlUis it.... SO
. . "', ! loom do ,3 Si
I' ll ,11 do
Ml ii II ' l ank..
Ill ah lMUfll Oil
riKhl jiiUtHJ.
'WtT. H. Its. "Bl lu-7
IMUh .VnlleJ Del... l.W
t lot II U H b-iLi 111:1
t'.sO an InsV
ftHsjS) do Inn
JU It K, lli-4c 117 S
t.Ml l'eiina tjs 117 1.
S.sMiCilv lis, over itl.lno
Sstsocitj tie. new... .Itu
S-smi UnlnnClbdi...c. m
SI' no do a VI0V4
Slum l.eliiKii Val leU...n
.'iJ Citui. JI A 6a...iW
st -i 1 sh nr. Mount 6
lnokbl'enn Mm.. W0 17
lino lb Ualiall OU. ... II V
l ah Hsok Oil S'(,
K'sj sh Hensmiire tn . I0
snu.n do te
i;iti.h Mi-Illienny Oil. .
l'si st. d' ..i'
V-'O ah do
li sh reuinii4. OoaJ,
'J.hBen N. (t...t
luuah do -
t an Penna Hn.. -f-tnn
sh itea lina lt...'.M
vmu aa do....... -c
bUsa do .rS) .
100 kb do....M..bJ
lteported by CUrkion ar Co.. Brokers, So. Dl 8. Third Si,
l niieu Biaiessa, istsii.inioa..
Rock Inland KaliruaS
.ltin.S bid
.. aeuea
ft H sa'es
Kt aalea
lis aal.s
4IH sales
11.JX sa t s
.. tales
.. sales
... W Did
"J .
...iK.'ibid -...
1)4 Old
...llS Od
...bill, tn 11
...I'W. btd
.... K 11 ill.
Kt-ttdina Jtaflroad ..
minim t-rniral kajlroad....
INeiv V4i-k Ot-niral Kallroad.
Krie ititllmad
Iliicson Kallroad
United 8utea 6-'joi
Quotations of Gold at the Philadelphia Gold
Exchange, No. 3k 8. Third street, t-jcoad story :
1 A. M 192 12 M 63
11 A. M l'Jo ! 1 P. M 1U31
Market steady. . . r
Quotations of tho principal Coal and Coal Oil
stocks at 1 o'clock to-day :
. HilAtt.t lid itt.
runnn t-oni , h1, ntitler t-oat .. 10
111 Mountain Coal. t 7 Keystone H.. IV
K.V iMi.l. C"l..ia Mi beh.more loi
Oieen Mi. Coal
N t n'lM'iittalo ....
jSew Crt'elt
Feocer barn Coal.
o iJaizejiuu.,,
S 'JUollnennv..
'i 'l
S il'i
IM lloecrtk Oil s il'i
Cllnrou Coal 1
American Kaolin.. ..
IVnn Mlnliiif Ill
Coiillfi-llrnl V
Oil Cn rK 4,1,
lltli'i Sillatle O1I..IU
MiClini.iek oil.... eV
t-eniiavlvunia i'at..
i v ui-uoau a
1 , It'iole.t Delariiater.lJ'i
H 1't.rnSeuoi Cenire. S14
17 iKulierl j',-
1 llnae I,lad t '
'Ibboard t'4
17 StlO'T Karen ti
K'i Mruoer 1'
S KxceUiorOU 1
4'4' Ilia Tank t
I'eir) Oil 4
Mlut-ial UU
K' alone OU
l'lilun I'etrolturji.
Heneta Oil
unanle on
Frank 111, Oil
Howe's hitly Od
Irvius O I ,
Fepe tana Oil...
VI-til I'i Uontineutal
1 i Karrell ..
I N 'J"'4 I'lilla AOIICrik.. i
lfi Hull Creek 4'',
H 1 iCornruaier......
.. 1 Hrln
1 a Tarr I1111 J
S 7 j L pper toouom j
hBH 10.
Union Bank of Weymouth, Mass f liW.OOO
First National Hank, Jacksonville, II). 100,000
l-'irst National Hank, Jollet.ill 100,000
First National Hank, Loominster, Mass. 100,400
Illuckstone Lank, Iioston, Mass 7JO,000
National Lank ol Kedempuon, Boston,
Moss 6til.70O
First National Bank, Yarmouth, Moss. 350,000
First National Bank, Quiucy, 150 O K)
Kendnskeug Bunk. Bangor, Me....... 100.000
First National Bank, Oneida, N. Y.... 125.0(H)
First National Bauk, Warren, Penn'a. 100,000.
Tobil capital of National Banks.. $2,58fl,780
Previously created.. . . b3,3od,000
Total $8.3,060,780
The weekly averages of the old Banks of tho
city of New York, on Katitfday, September 2t,
lttb4, present, in the aggregate, the lollowiag
changes from the previous exhibit of Kep:em
lier 17 :
lie crease In Loans $761,308
Increase in 8eclo 120,135
Decrease in Circulation 22.4iX
Decrense in Untlrawn Deposits 1,723,607
Including tho Clearing House operations of tho
week, which show the inter-exchanses between
the Banks, including also the Sub-Treasury bal
ance at the close of the week. Tho following Istho
general comparison with the previous exhibit,
and alto with the movement thia time last sea
son ;
Rent. ?n. lm-3. Sept 17.1l. Bert. 21, KM.
Capital 'l.olK) $ i!i.!7 TJa. fw.'l.'l.ii.
Iians 3i4.itH H it 1SU .117,619 la.WI.U;
Hlieeli- tin,' OS, .nni Vii,ls.-,, 1,-, Demj.l
Cireulatlnii A :II7.SH1 S.iiu..-'1 4,'M i,IS
Criis, litii.ikiia.. . 4.'i,il'i 444 l'jn.iiu.iuu ajtiesv'1
Exehaniii-a .VI,' 114 .tit I KI Ocil V 7 '. r.'.ijoi
I 1. ts ,.77a ll .ll7SMi II7 7.'03
lu Biih-Trrtttltry.. li.-'ll'a IKNH.j.'4i
The Sau Fiancisco jPriVt Current of Septcv
bcr2 says:
"Receipts of treasure from the mining d s
ti lets since our report of the 21st ultimo h .va
been large, nnd amount to ,wl,b-i0,'Wo, of whijh
sum $r l25.0o0 was available on last steamer day.
The Branch Mint in this city has taken during
this period some S' There hot been a
boiiii w lint active demand for China, but the tap
ply ol bullion on the market It lair and thought
to be sutllcient for the shipping requirement to
morrow. Kales of gold bars are reported at 840
("hlo. Silver may be quoted at former rates
par to 3 per cent, discount.
"The rate for Currency Bills on the Atlantic
citits Is iUitc unsettled, on ing to the 1te material
decline iu (iold; but tho Hankers were drawing
to-i ay ut 11 ) and 120 premium on gold. Tele
graphic transiers are ollered at ftj (. (j' cent,
premium, and drafts payable in coin at 3(n t.
tStcrlinir it current at 48 lM for Bankers. Bales
of commercial slerliog reported at 4.yd.( lujd. j
Fi a lies at of. ,, ,
"l.epal Tenders were exceedingly active to-d ly
at 4 H(ui closing at 43, and largo sales wero
iiiiolu duiiug tne week.
"MtxitHii tlollurs arc m some denund at lOOfl
11 )ier cent, premium." "
t. WIiI.FN-fATIIKUWOOII.-On the U7th lnatant.
In the It nlii rreslo tertan Chur. h, lij ttie Kev. J. Ad. lis. .u
lleitv, JAMI.S II. Mi I AliUKS'.ol flltabura, lo AUK.
LAlUt L , ilauiiliterot the late Hush Callieraood, Esq. a
Th tint) will asiom'.i'e at ltesilquartt-r,! LIHUlltT
Sir.el, mi V. KDMlHUAY IVi.SIStl. at fcV oelo.k tJ
vl-tl C.ein,ai.l..wu. Tl. 1. 1 - '..
wnl liavt; Nnitii and Uietiu slreuu, al a 'ittaiuij beioit 8
0 cluck. Hy oide-r ol
o- ,, WILLIAM n.WANNf,
" - ?t Cliii-f
-Tl'Holatef.r ths 1WKNTIKT1I WAHltwiU
1 e lie d on V. r-.lhKlA V and Tilt KShAV BVr Mteii.H.
ut the 1UII, HHl'Al and 14 IllS'i OAltl'-f.H M rew,
nsieati oi htinuuiliiiil4l"tt kw sUwis, as IKvWft 1, 1