The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 26, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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mmm. Sam "SasSSlI
Railroad Betweon Daltoa an J
Atlanta Cut.
Etc. cms, :., cm., :s., ,,.
rtiTnri 'M'oNimn, Scr"emricr 'Hi lUeh
ww:J H'Aiy K tbu 24:h s)B thai heavy sMnfuree.
ju'eiM to f Grant's urn y are Mill cmiit; in. Tli"
winy arvcry vigilant on our TiftM, evidently
fearing ft nttnek rttiThc Wcldm MlT-.-oml.
MkUKtiAN, Mm., BepUmbe.r ' ZQ. Martin's
Br1gilo loto tjo-Uie track butwrccu Atlanta ami
' OH-tpm,' C; SepUmlKr ?t Otic thousand of
iur"iien wctvxaiangcd at 'ilouli ami Ilea ly
"to-day. The 'oath ot alk-inuee, was oil" red ut
'Atlanta, and was Irmly tnli'n ly many j prl-im-.
ra sty that-one tiitlre. OcorRlit regiment took it.
'There Lat1cen no movement of tho enemy from
'Atlanta tf to last night, and nothing it known of
' the wteref.ljouti of oorr.rniy.
I Gairlt!!, Oa., Setiteir.bcr 21. The enemy Wflre
airmb-Wrig with General Hood's urmy near
I'aliLtiin jesterday afternoon.
A train of Yankee, i.risoiir rs went up to It jugn
and lady last night to be
1 The tm day trtrce expired to-nighf.
A number of gin rilliia ou ihc way from Satitii
"ficlfl'lo Louisville verpowcred the gu:ird on thu
' hoa., and forced a lnndin'. I''nrra;;ut does not
' dtilf'D attaching Mobile at present.
fierumn baa issued an otiKr forbid 1 lug all
' cHiter.s from coming this Hide of Nashville front
' e;ondIt.
Twenty. five thousand prisoners have been
Tr.ored frooa Andcrsonville to Snviinnnh und Au
SUBta. Bull's Gap, September 21. General Vaughn
' diove thenemy from Iliue Springs this morning,
captnricg twelve prisoner!. The enemy uro
Itiotigly f irtlfltd at Hull's Qap.
Early's defeat at Winchester is explained by
facts generally understood in this eliy, but which
it U not-expedient at present to give greater pub-
licit; to. It to fay, they in nowlxe reflect
'upon the commander, oltuera, or men. All thai
va'or and skill could do, done ia tho lute
fltht. .
- Arrival ofKeleased Uuion Prisoners
from Kichmond.
'Fotteess Monrok, September 2.5. The fl ig
I ef-truie steamer -Veto York urriveil hero at 5
- -o'clock, bound for Annnpoiis from Variua, on I lie
James river, with eight hundred und tifiy Union
doners, just released from Koutlxjrn prisons.
iiiong i hem are the following ofllccrs :
iiudlerOmeral VV. T. Harriot,.
Aicauinaiit J. U. Ilnrolay.lllb reiitsylvaniu.
eutammt B. 1. ILeillihg, Mi I 1'eiiD-y ivanm.
Captain W. H. Watkiiw, tfd Pennsylvania.
' Captain H. C. Firry, 1st New York.
L'cuieiaiii C. K. Ur.swuM, 1st Vermont.
Cup aln M. l)oran, loiih New York.
Ci. plain J. McKean, Atn New York.
Cupiain C. K. Chse, Ihi 1). C. Cuvulry.
I.u uteuuut W. K. Xage, I Ulh Urtio.
1.1 utci aut W. K. loiighty , 2d l'ciinylv.ini.l.
Adjutant A. B. Caprou, 1 lib Nuw York.
Lituunaot J. I . t'onrielly, New York.
LKU'iiant C. W. tJstranocr, l&JJ New York.
Ci piaiD A. J. HoiikIi, Ulh Maaaeliusuita.
Capiaiu J. Tripple, 3!)rh New York.
L euien nt Fisher, ll'Jih New York.
Litoutant J H. Cnne, lt Coinieetieut.
l.ituitiaot N. 1). Ueaebum, 9tu Ohio.
T.tuteuuDt C. llurlout, Win Ohio.'UieiiHiit M Si hrmtr, '2dih Oni .
Lieutnut II. Me lavish, lUith New York.
l.iintinant K. C. C'or.ien, 4 r(i New York,
lii uurjunt N A. White, M4tu Ohio.
1 leuieuai.t J. Urmnan, 2d l'enusy Ivania.
Lit nienant K.O. A Dell, 38th Wmeonsiu.
Llentcniint M. C. Cowdi ry, 'id Ohio.
IJvutenant H. 8. Doune, 6th New Hampshire,
l.i. ntei aLt It. K Kiug, 7iu Indiana.
Lhmei.iirit (J K. II tidy, li b V. IS. Inlantry.
Luutcni nt J. K. Ahrpiwrd, Hth M.iiue.
Captain 11. Lee, lUh Connecticut.
Tlia Draft ('ommcncwl In (Mi to abkI In.
Hun Itllled lu H Mlttlitr.l NaIii.iii
Nnlrldn of a Moluler Two Ilea I'rnvti
c to Dentil lulnu IlHtlou Altitek-d-Two
Mvn kuil one Wowitia Hlllttil.
and Nevrral Wouolel.
Cincinnati, September 26. Tholraft in thin
Suae and Indiana is progressing quiut'.y.
Beveral new regiments passed through the city
Iftst week lor the front.
A man named Bieiman was killed in n billiard
saloon on Saturday night.
A soldier of the 174th Regiment committed sni-
. eide by falling on bis bayonet.
A man named Cramer was crashed to death
. by the falling of a hunk of earth in Stouera town
. hip.
George Cadlnar was crushed to death by the
, overturning of un omnibus on the luer creek
t road.
Tho delegations from Covington and Newport,
mhile returning home from the Union dcmouairu
, Uon In this city, on Saturday night, came into
, -collision with a mob in the Fourth Ward.
, Eouldcrs and pintols were UKod profusely. Two
men and on woman wore killed and several
.others were wounded. The riot was soon iiuictcd
ArrlvHl of Wnul.l hi Auniiull.
am4hoi.ik, nepiemtier ai. Tlie II ig ot'-truec
., uoui. ,!ir t oik, captain unisiiolm, h is just in-
riveu wnii inirri-uve paroieu orticerri and 1 J
viiUiiicu men. Ul the luiter l.iu are sick or
wouuueu. Wiijur Muituru has the.n lu charge
I'rain Aispluwaill.
Nw .Y'onit, Septembur'-'S. The steam'. YoiM
.-.S'lurhas iirrivtd wl h Aspinwftil advices of the
17ih instunt, and gliiO.OOO in specie. She brings
.Do new s.
Warrant laaiicl latrllix drrni ol I lie l..tUti
t-a-lw fiwHtvn.
Tohon io, C. V., Keptoiu'ier 2 Warrants
Jmve bien inHiied liy the uiuium-hu-. n. re ( r tic
aneftot heveral ot the l.tkc Kno pirates wini
Jiave bttn sceu in tins eitv.
jor: ituow .v tMi i iik . i:oit;i .i
3III.II I i.
Thijre Ib no question but that Jo-epli E. Urov n
is one of the most sinirulur, as well m cxtrnordi
.rnary, political leaders In tho Southern Confede
racy, lie was firt elected Governor of Georgia
iin 18.55, and hns been continuously re-elected by
iuaciu.ed mnjorities ever wuce, over the ublest
juwlmo8t influential citizens, of the State. Toay
tliut lie is iu any sen.-c a gi cat man would be
doing violence to truth, aud reducing the stand
ard of greatne-i to a degree which would not b-i
tolerated even by tho-e Fponjrers ho write up
poliLcUii!S and ofllccrs iu pioportiou to the
inbuilt of patroimje in whisky and other et
ceteuii exj.euded on them. Governor browu
is l ot great, but he is very shrewd, and h t in . re
rve than any other routhcrn lc-idcr, save Wil
J'ttm w. Hoiden, editor of the Jtuleigh (North
--rolina) Suu,(i(d.
iu.ll'.e"'i,u '"''lorrat. ke has ever co-operafe.!
Win." ol Uemoeraev, not
alcteof ?i,y."n,,'ttli,-v ,uo HKtoiTatic
iTaudelid to u'i U;tt,!d tul the sake of
o?!ei",. fe V' preiudiees
and .F1uru,.lm who iidtt "UU Uul"-V
tainted wiiii IiIw.k.1 every thing
gion, or iu the socUUh to 0ule'""""'. iu rcii-
Aflectiui.', In-line and siner- tho ,i
seaious dcrtiuii lo Mates Kiii.t. . ' . mo,t
Jen. Uavi. no iiitlo .rouble, oa puUur !"Kive'!
to ,he latter pe.p,,,,,,! vtolatiouW.1 "!
in the puliceafer.ed UK.n wliieh Ke,-e-fo,, '..jr
islwsiil. HehuKlniu dittiui.ted by the Kgi
jcadtri ,..: m.u );!;! Womh,-ct ho M
hfrotofore supprTtcd the Coiif,,nriv.y wt, gU(,n
Kenl and pure. a hs to ilenc t enemies
We now have a miwtinK TtHtx, demi.nt from
Governor Brown, w hich Olid in the Clmtta
nooga (P;n, Orlflln, Oa.),of the ltth.
It is dated the loth, ,n,i r,.ln'u f,;ow,
n r M-'S ,. fV ' V' "'" ,,uri" ll" '"PlK" -in.l
".'na. orth". . m'n"".'' by t-n ih-. ii, ii., ma
"X ,? .. . "'" ma a ni ol ll, lei t Ui. lr ho n-n
rf!i)iif'l in .-rvi.T nTr llir iv.Trin
I"""' ol lt
i,., iw : '" "'." 'i i'i.:i'i r..inr. null
T. ..V r niHUd.wln. un. M. nr. j.n.iv l..r lli
in . il'"lii. to r. tin n in Hn ir li in.-., ,n I k.k li.r
iiri, ,f ill(.rtm.t im.r,.,, r prei,r, m.i ln.
" ,, "'l' "'' ' n my l r-rnn-d wli. ii nnnhi r m-
n" A'r 0""",'"1' si"t nun r ii.....ri it p.. inn in in
I Ihprrl.v wittifirr nn 1.1 rirciiilnliiiii rr-.m y mr imiii
ItnifU. In hull, tlml I .luill h" nt. p t'i ri'iuru It iviin
liipiilrr i.i.m. -r Nt il mihi i-il.t i.. .. , wlifu tin- tnifr. al
'In iiil.l.i. ai r u p ri..).,.!... il lii iin. i-.tnnp iti.n I
KSvrio fpniipr in ...i. . li n- rnl my nl'ii" r funk. I ir
' "nr lii..sriin i;i'iilip .Sim.- ii.hii4 mi l t.i. v -nr
t ou ti n) mill f.i in.- iii'li iI.miIv " .iu
st.r. .1' my h i u ! p. n i.ii'.ti. n .in I I'ii'i iu, 1 kin, vi-ry
l k peel I nil j , J..ijr wb. i1..-nt iirvunr,
,n'i:rn r. iiitows.
.'ow, tie proela 'nation may not tviio'iiit to
niiMl.ii g, or it limy Imj tlio "iiegniniii; of thu" In mir Jin iguii nt it is ominoiii nl the most
m r cub distnrliHiMU in iho camp nl tho enemy ;
ami we arri.e at thii rime usiou m in.ieli l'r,im
the eiri'mim'aiiies Tinder which it appears to havo
l ecn ivmihI , as the spirit in which lim Jell' D ivi"
organs receive eoinineni iiiuii it. In tin;
limt pliicr, trom the very face ol tho iloeii nent,
it ih clear that the order were issued with nit
mriMil'kt n wi h ftrncml llool, ml tint I lie
ordi r itself was tho ir.( niMlicution the KiUmsI
c niinai.di r hurl ol an inteiri .n lo lake siieu a
uti p. His promise to return tlmrn wittim tti.r y
das is easier made than compiled wild, if, in
Oioil. ho InteniH to do so.
How lltMiri wid receive this IsiM step wo are
not as yet advised. II he q.tic Iv hi -k-i down,
and 1 1 rin lu .loc lir.wn t come In o his camp
and luiloiitb l.i.ouu is i.n evidence ol'
extreme weakness which we had nor. hoped M
see (leve'oped o soon. If he refuses to re. og
I.i.c tire Gi.vetnoi's authority, the public iti. in ol'
the nrdirwill l.c regarded oy the mili'ia as an
invitation to Or -er'ion. if not mutiny. View -d In
any light the Union has every thing to gain by
Ibis pmeliiHl iippliciiiion of the priii 'ipics of
Suite fovirilgMy and ernpli ri di.reir ir.l of a
j.luin sintuie ol tho ('ont'eilera'c fiovern uen'. To
nrprcciiio ihe real importaiiec of the proi'lami
tion wo have only to imnginn similar one nn
our side from Governor Seymonr, nl New York.
'I hc Cliinlanoriga Vf.Ari Is ctiemely severe on
nc.vriiinr ltrowu. and we inter lh it thai pipr
only reiterates the opinions of the Jell, liavls
I liny and of General iioud.
Iho Uri says:
"We once l.c .rd adrnnkon oldlcr shout, 'Vhut
Is freedi m wi hout li a rtv, mid what Is liberty
without independence ?' Governor Itroivn says
what is Inilcpendi nee without sorghum, und how
is s rghiim to tie saved without the melish?"'
And again :
" We have heard of men 'savin? their bacon by
petting out of a lighi,' but Governor Ilrown has
called his militia from the front to save thoir sor
ghum. This flank movement on the sorghum
is certainly a 'sweetener.' "
In another place ' John Hippy" (CapUIn
'Hoiicrts, one of tho editors), g-ts off the follow
solum cm byhit and tub mimtia.
TuniUltlli.tll. I'lltror l nki ll o'er Ilia villi,
J'n "a-'inn wriuli In ll. i rln ami In man.
"iih I Heiivrii. ''cried .loe. -'wi. nuist tnir sorittiiiin save .
Is fit- t- mi luiiiil un hU'h fi save dm lir.ivs?
Vi'liar ihtiiu'h etrur,'lin iwipp lliese l.ively iilalim,
Vi'lmt a in,, fly to us ll surhiiiii yel nt nam .'
Hy tlmt swpf t r nine wp rit .e nn- kiitvi'sun
And wvar to reap It wlille we live, anil sucK it an we dip."
Wc bwpe our correspondents may bo aide to
obtain I'm u re numticis of the Rebel org iih, so
tha' wc may be utile to lay bnforu our rea'lers the
uciion of the pcopv of Georgia and of the Rebel
nut hunt, es on the questions which the document
under consideration has undoubtedly raised.
Chattanooga (iazttte.
In amounts and littil.i tilt .ur.'h nfrs, at lowest msrket
C. 11. WRIOIIT .t CO.,
0iK)ilte the Kki'tiaiiire.
MOUTI1N Mi 111 It II All.. rhlU.Miihla.
'I. ItS.MM.IiAM, lli uver Cuuaty.
Ilol.prl . Kins,
11. Morrl.nn TuatSH,
Henry liuuini,
Wllllnni 11 kern,
ilMltoli II. Jer.ks,
( Imilis U Sink,
H..I.I rl Parte,
W uliam I ii lor,
.liihn A Itamand,
lil. l.ntd 11. l:..rv ill,
Kd aid Hnlliuey,
CLarlek Ji'. litau.
l:i. Kilns W. lisle,
11. Chdries 11 Hiiiiner,
l.'i. Julia Wishr,
l'l lluvid .Mi-Conaiuliv,
17. lisvld W Wuods, '
la. Isaac llensou,
la John I'Miutn,
M. HkiiiiiiiI 11 l.l.k,
2. KverarJ llleri .,
!fi Jnlin I. put nv.
v:i t.lipiii'iT ti'Jankln,
1. J..I.D W. liliuicsurd.
lly order ol the Butte Central Cutumlttee.
liKNity r. iiowei.l.
.ri.HiiJi or tub ohi'Iianh' ici jv.,
1J1WI.S A. MKltltli.'K.
T1I0M VS IllrkSnX.
1 list l.l.lilct
B c riJ Mulrijt....
'lhlrd W.lrlct
F'.iirtli DUtrltt....
I I tu Iil.lil. t
...JOHN M. IMTI Klr.
...I.KON&III) M KltS.
i.N.vroa Tii inn l is tlic i,
ISA C A. HllKI'I'AllI).
m 1'itEsrvTAi ivrs,
lu t lustrl.t WILLIAM lo.-iir:rt
rtc.Lll lilslricl WILLIAM ll. IXHOIM N
Thiid Hl.-trlct liH IIAIUi IU ' 1 I KK.
l nuith Iii. uict W, W. WA I T.
J lflh Ili.trlct JflSKl'll T 11I0MA9.
H xlh Idtllkt JA1IE!) Htl.LUOJiN.
Set tilth M.lrlll .QIIii.MAS C'Ol.'Mt AN.
Ji't'l lh I.isiiicl 1AMI.S S. KtV.Xi.
M.nlli lll-Ukt CI1AHLES KOSltU.
Tenth Mklllct 8AS1LLL8. PAtl(!IA1T.
I levenm Mslriet UtANLLIN I. RTKHNUII.
lviehlh IHsllict M'KK V. BUTPIIIN, 8a.
Tl.UIecnlli Pl.lric E.SC3 C. M.NNKIt.
t'uuitetlith Dl.irkt IKANI IH U03U.
MlUciilh Uiilrlct I.KiKGU DK 1IAVF.N, Ja.
Kuuxull, Id.trlU WILLIAM r. BMITI1.
Btventetutl. butrlct KuWAKH II LEE.
.aMsUUtkU, UiUut JAilLH JlLLIXIl, 0-Ii Jd
He Approves of tbo Hdti-tioro
tlf.,,'.,, I.ic, I.K.,
ftiperlnl IiiTI p I v lilnir Tfli-urntili.
Wasminoton, He ta mber '2. M 'ntg.iir.ery
Mliilr in a letter to an afternoon paper says:
"My offers to resign were not in ido Iwca no the,
prii clples adopted at llaltitnoro were ohi'jeiluri
nblc to me, 1 ut on the contrary, were made in
rood faith, with a view to allay .tnitnoMlio among
the friends of those principles, and in order to
st cure tluir triumph."
Mr. Illa r will, by reipiestoi'the 'resident, con
tinue in flli until his successor tU ilnics.
Nothing h is yet beea heard from Governor
Di nnlsr n, who Is ranv:ising in Ohio, at a po:nt
while tin re is no telegraphic communication
but no doubt is entertained that ho will accpt
the illlie.
Army tif Mm Polnmnt.
Tho mail steamer ;r j.t, fioin City l'oiut,
rcj oits ul! ipilct jet befoie IVtersburg, Attempts
are Icing mmlu to raise the steuner Knjitoit,
widt h nink off For rcss Monroe last M unlay,
und it is belli vod the ffnrts will bo successful.
hihI Itei rmlN.
Orders luno been issued by the N ivy 1) p irt
rni i,t, dirt cling thut hereafter no substitutes will
be received Into the Navy, e xeept they be soa
mcn or fin no n. A'l subsiitute, i for enrolled or
drafted men, with the a'uovo exceptions, must be
nmstcied into the amiy.
l,tiNt of ltke Yt!!.
("I l vi i.ami, Septemlwr 2li. The brig Sultan,
w-hich h it l.'h velaiid i.n Saturday, struck a b ir
anil sunk about live miles east of In re. Her crew
took to the tigging. The owners obtained a
Htetiner at diiylii hi, and rescued the m tie, who
wis li e mil) survivor. Seven lives were lost.
1 he vessel is a total loss.
l ire In Detroit.
lli'.moiT, September 21th. The warehouses of
II. G'Gr.'Uy, Cl. rk ft Young, and Russoll .S. Git
cht ll.weru stiuck Ly Iiglitmng Inst night, and
were entirely ron-niiicd. The loss is Irani ft'.'-'),-O'lO
to $.50,000, coveted by insurance.
Hf arkcti by I'olarrapli.
Kkw Y'ouk, September 2. stocks arc lower.
Clili Msu Blnl Itoi'k Iftinliil, ; l'liluli.r,niid t'ual, -i7 ;
Jl Ceiiiral. I IH' ; Mlt l.L'iiu Hutiihet n, 7.j ; i
SiieriMiilPt-'i, l.ll;tw Vmk I mitral, lit,1,; llnadulit.
II;1.; Und. tin Kivcr. 1 to, ; t.'.iiil.ui Co., '.'8 'i ;,
('., ; Ol.a tear CvrllllMpa.lll'.i; I or F.i't nt. t ; l'ive
'luillv C'l'tll'oni. If'-'; (:iAN,ii lis, Iih;!,: K.s'lslered
I s ul lstiS, I'.'U; l.iiM,lo7l slnue ihc Heard. I!0.
Haiti vtokK, September 2i. I'lour heavy;
SNll H ul .1111 liiiri'-'n Oi l ' t Mrs nt SIO .'SI ; Howard Hlrp -t
ui'prllnr, Hill.1,. Wre-iit dr,npliii.' ; wimp, H7t"'f7s,
t'lin tu'ill'ce ami stt'inly. tirin;i'ni'i very tlall, Wlilkv
llio Srroiiil l.reat 'lfltry 'oiiileto
limit of I lit" Itfliflt I'ltrlit'ulitrM ol Itie
llnlilu Hi l'lhlit-r'N IIIII.
AViNCiiKsrrit, Va., September 21. Victory
still perches on our banners iu Ihc valley. Ttio
choicest iruops in thu Relicl service, meltidiiig
the tan.ous corps vt hi 'li did somuen to make, the
reputation of Stonewall Icon, is nuw a dlsor
giinizeil, shattered body, lliug pojt-hastu to
On Wednesday night, General Shoriihvn rc
folvtd to utt.u k the Rebel positl'iu ut Fisher's
Hill. The pluri ol'aiuek was as follows:
The Hth Army Corp', under iji tieral Croilt,
was to move to the rlgm, towards Ninth Moun
tain, the extn ii.u it it of thu Rotn l line, nod
stunk the lie lie I left ll ink, und, if posMhlu, gain rear. Rickcits' 1). vision ot ilio tiih Corps
win to join Crook on the left, whilo Whcaton's
and Getl 's Divisions of tin) ..nine corps were to
form the ci niic. The llith Corps wcto to hold
the left of the liuc.
Ou Wednesday afternoon, about hnlf-pist 3
o'clock. Crook, utitr u r. pin und uiillcult march,
struck the Rahel left Hull h , ai d ibre one of bis
(llvisinns in then rear, liy u magnuicent cliarg.',
Ibc lutn ehi as ihey aiKauccd ou tho dotioie
qu ck, tlie Rulal kit wing was driven in contu
sion on the centre, which, ui the sumo time, was
cl. urged by the fiiu and I'.hh C ups i.i front.
Hie louihimil u'tuck iu front, 11 ink nnd rear,
was mure lhau Keia-I Uesb und blood could stand.
Tt.eir lelt anil centre Ihjcuiiiu eonl'usetl and disor
gun zed, und the whole Rebel urmy broke and
r n, nliunilutiitig urilllery. caissons, lior-cs, small.
arms, in fnct everything that could possibly iiu
pt de them ill their retreat. Their rout was most
c nip'e e About twcui y-livn hundred of thuiii,
who wtrc liemuiid ill. threw down their arms and
Riirrendi red. 'the rest lied pell-mell townnl
Wo dstuck. 1 he road between Iho battle-liold
and the lat cr place was literally strewn Willi
IiiU'ki ts, knapsucks, haversacks, and almost every
rpceies of property known in an army.
Our losses in iho uuack were very small, con
sidering the strength of tho lajsuiou attacked,
and Ihc advuntuKus gained. I do not think they
will exceed seven hundred in nil, which fails
principally on the Hth Corps, uud on Ricketts'
Division of the tiih. 'lite losses in tho lliih uri
The Rebels were CvirTcnfly tnken by surpriso
by tic assault on their lilt, which they doomed
impri gnutile to utiuek, and before they h id tuuu
to recover from their consternation or lo make
provision to repel our attack, tho ti'li and llliu
Corps hud gained the crest of iho hill, broken
their centre, ami cut oil thu lijsbt wisig from i lie
main body of their army.
Kersliuw's Lilvision of I.origstrecl's Corps,
which had been detached by Early to protuet
con miiniealioiiB, and especially to gourd tho
ruiliotul at Culm per, arrived in lima lo lake part
in the light at l-'i-hcr'e Hill ; but tbey came too
lute to infuse courage into the hearts of their dis
piri'ed, demoralized, comrades. They aliarod the
same lute, and wcie forced to retreat aivng with
tl.c n t ot the Rebel in my.
The strong eavalrv force which moved into the
I.urui valley on Wednesday aieu.tively eeuiiloyed
in Ihc Rebel rear und ilaiiks iu gadieiiug in
priMiners. llundicds have been picked up, and
bur.tlrtds are coining in aud vuluiit inly giving
Hit msclves up.
Captured ltebel olllcers say that their f.ircc iu
the l ull t on Monday wus tneniy-lwu thous mil.
Our mldiers are in giniituis spiiitH.and au ivrns
to be led torwurd. Our cavuiiy hy this tltue h.uo
probalily reached llurrisiiuhurg, which is uUm
forly miles sunihwct ul Woodstock.
Hundreds of prisoners are coming into Wiu
t hi Bier every It w hours. Tbo town is one vast
hospital urul liebt I prison. There arc over six Ri In I prisoners, iiu hiding ihu wounded,
Cfiign gaud here, lillieii huiidretl privates aud
one huii'lled und twenly-six olllcers. Iroiu miis
ni ls doun,wciu tent io ll upcis' Ferry yesici'
duy. 1 l.c prisoners are a w ell-drcsocd, he irty, liculth v
sit of ii, en, wlio look us thuuii lniug iu n,..
Vi.lley bud ugiced with them. A :ou lly propor
tion ol the privates have ulicudy uski d poi uiissioii
to iiiue me outu oi iiiieuiauce. AHol tliciu epn ss
tlieiusi Ives li ltd nl Iithtiii", und Liioo that the
war will si on cease.
tier wounCcii are In ing we)l c.nvd for at Win
chester. The slinhily wounded are be-in re
movu I to liurper's l erry us uipidlv iu; jinssiblc.
bevcrii! bundled were sent there yesterday.
Rebct officers captured admit the completeness
of their defeat, and express loars that it w il
result in the amiihiiaiioii ol ' F.arly's urmy. lieiu
foietinents they say un- out of the tpiestion, as
l.ic eui.iiiit spare any more men from I'eU.'i'i lung
to (It lend 1 ynelibuig.
Hius bus the ilisguieo of our vaiious di fciiu In
H is Mtlley of liuiiiiliatiou Ineu wiped out by
glorious little t'iiil. Sherid iu and his brave armv.
Lolonel l'tilei's regiment, tin' 1 1 lib New York,
in the battle ol Mommy, lost about tun hundred
jinn. Colonel I'erlcr himself reieived ihiee
wounds: t, ne through the neck, one in arm, aud
uii"thcr in the side, which exposed tho lum,'.
Niilwilhstaiiilini; this coniilication of wounds
he rode on horseback from Winch, sti r to Har
per's Fury, a distance of tncuniy-niun milts
lie goes to New Yolk on a fiirloii-li. .V, r Yvri
I t limit'.
All Iron chid for the Turkish Gov.
was launched in the Clyde on the 3d ius.
A musical convention was held lust week a
Gardner, Mu. The singers numbered over 200.
A lady in Rhode Island w as relieved of u..
luiuors lust week which weighed 30 pounds.
Large arrivuls of cotton from India n,i
China are reported In England.
A lirpe furee at kti M h. i.LA. 1.1 ui, ' .
- - - m vw--. vi n uranenes
!, tWiiiud, " iuiem
H irdrfilt mi1 ltifuiii(l of dfklUri )-. il jry
mid huoJrf!i fld thmnuru of th mn til wmDun
oi Amel(rt llntrrrln t'n, und onl fllla. prniarfi
in.i, wttt. ibAt flwful fl!t ioe, I j)!!. T'iy tr Ihit
phf inn, und itmt ntijilc tmi hi I Alan! a',- ! u ff-llpf', no' : uA hr m-xt WO licur of II.mii the hvn utio ''io
tho' toir no I'rm nhn- no trove tr frTiir" " W iy
1" llif f i i. l hi tr . v ill. -M wi ivc ' Mil .lu) - tti- rtoi.-
ilf rf'i, i ur ot ly-i-f pio m.iile hy
f.M. T AMi:i:.i AN I.Y-M'KP-A I'lltH AND I'lNK
TKKr. ! Vlt rOKIHAI ,
Are rri'inni'ii ond wiimnn f nni-iirvt.niihi wir(h otI
r.pnu'oit. Tl.rytt in ,nc or'i-i-id riitUflt'Iiiri. ti
in '! Iifar ih'-lr tetiTi, .tiv. 1 my of t'im were n (rr-in
i'i very iini ittth wt en a'l h' . vi (rone,
1 p r . A r tiifavt 'hr i r uncfiMnei ot the pit ( iho
n't timrli,
2d F tu!' rv A nnd o Miv. i tir-s" an I l-n or npi-rii'.
4th. in niitl tl'-pr 'ssioo ( T i.ilrttip,
fih. Matrlio lvlth v'M-h p.
rtt)i. r.i'n In nil pi(s ol the m.
7th . ru - uir 'lo iM.'.n.i'd;i.ilt1'lll' n of t'.f hpr ri.
h. 4"iih, wit ft tiii l m lu the tfiroat.
''tK Nt r.oim oiitvtiu 'i and want 01' .-p at ntVit.
lOtU I f t,f :i j i ijfr iin 1 v uilt ii,'.
1 1th. l;tm hp, of Vir lun nd loftl of liht.
l.'lh. lit 'tnUcJ.c and n Tt ig In walking, wtih
w fnkiifin.
Out of tfio th"iiiniitl nl cn-n i'f dM p.lo that havo
nrl lr. U 1 linn tr nt Amnncan !)y hji.-ptia 1', not
oiip nt iheiti Jmi tii!idaf o pi-rfi ct fir. U'c "trtut o
cure in firiii'p, im n-o'ter ifnf tw nry ytar-i utaml
linr. Held liy all drii-'.iitn vr v w dero, and nt Ir.
WIM1AK 1 f otl'.t c, N. ID S. K( t)l Strict, I'luta cl
lilila, To. AM f rinmuil!(Uil nrtil ontitiltiiliotil fn 6 nr
rliAje, p' ltd fur a circular. I'rico tl ft li., .S-nthy
juinl, irt i ni i ha! t;i', dii K .j t ol money,
insrKl'M A - I-VSI'KI'.-tTA.
Ur Wlharl, I wt-h to ad 1 my -.etlmnnv to i'ie hnn
dio'i yi u rec Ive t the hraUnn prf.jjef of your I'lno
1 ri-o Tar 'urdlal. n rifoon onr A nufTrrer, ti n veri
ot thAt time I have nlfpl 0117 In my chair, not bclmrnMH
to lit down for fiar of su(Triitin. 1 havo omploycri navvn
ui tlr hest pliyU faun In I lillmh lphfa. wtoail pronnunccil
in y (-ant lrcurtlo 1 v hb tal t n to tht Colle.-o, whrtre. tho
hucuuy, havlrR donrwhat they c.mLd, drcmrol my dis
cnf.e an mcurohlc raao of AUin a and Chrrmlc l'yp-i.s!.
Inlnlnnt tit, anU Mial uiy lu:n vote partially fi me.
KindniR one of otir rlrculsrj, iny wlf procured from yinir
tore a bottlfl of your CordLil. runovorlnsfly I lined invfti
bottluM, ai.d a box and a hnlf of yo ir I rpep?fa I'ilN, n lien
1 felt tl. at uiy dn aac hud who) y Riven way, and the Cir
dia htd Ktvrn mo new vior nJ strength. I c nitlnui d to
Irrpio.e. and for thej as three iiionth I have bt't-u ahte
t4 Bleep In tnj bed na uminlly at 1 over did. 1 am imw
well, and have toim d twenty fUe pound a In my m-Ik tit.
I am ahlo to eoik and provide f t my fit mi I. v. I , 'id yu
this tree and falthlnl ttcnu'itt fT tho benefit of the uf
ferlnir. rrleml. call and nee me, nuar Oxford Church
rottOflico, Twenty-tdirU Ward, riiiliadcl.ihla.
isaac iiici.M:urvv.
Ihls (s to certify that I uih red for ton years with that
dri'iidlul eomidiiliit railed oyhpejnlu. I Hjiltirtd tn.i-rt
I'iitn nd (listrans, w 1th lo inand depretslun of npiriii;
I was tn a oj by t'lht 'Ufti r lit pnyirl.uia for m ejin
plotiitt.and ot linn wa a m-tx luster, but then ruyefd
dl-i'a'-', il' ipi-ptH, would rtiHirn with Ml ti dreadful
niiliiU n.and my wholo satrn was fast wasdag awy,
lu tliiH 4ii a nml di-n lltav id utme, I van hitndcil u olrcuUr
i.l Dr. Wl'tnirt s i-reat AniciU an Hvriipma yi,u and Pine
Troe T- t'urdnil, w )dc& gave it conect tlci ritiin nt my
hutU'iint-", und I ileti iiulned t phu e n:yttdi inntir the
iHic.u r's caii:,nid - at e l.h medicine!.
Ai sum as I CtMiimenee 1 too uio of the in- ('.iiHno, I
tM'an to K' I Li tler, und u I ctintluui d ttireo tur :ithi, at
which tine I win pcKt i tly enrrj of nil cmrplainu',
and petiii ily r -itorud to health; 1 am to-day n well man .
Dr. WUhatt, I Kite yu this certiilcne n Kruu-ful
hi art for the heiuflt I h ivo roreivt d imip thv vtm ot our
titily wetidiTinl medic i.ei. My liod h.cis y.m mid pre
eive yotirtruly uelnl 1 fe for innny jeam. I would sa
to vwry fhk perfon who wn hiirrorlnur us I wn that my
rtHidetice Ik No. Is't Kichmond street. iMillndw'phlii. wrn re
1 will lake great ddlKht In giving tcHtiniony to the great! lr. Wu'lurl'.t iinilicliien to euro
Tir Wtsl art. Store aud Oilue.No.lON. bKCOM Street,
iiYHi'Kp.fAl iYriii-:isiA I
I, Clones Komtnln, do rortify that I wan eirk with dyn
jw pita iur two je-ii-s; whs very ,.( k til th.! pit m' my
sioniaeh, w hh tJiUn In i-ybieut, fci'U-, biek and head,
with ditM'-s and atHfcrlug in wa kiiK,nliliKr at weak
him, ai.ti k neinl drhldty. 1 ompltc;l, Iji t.ia neven
lUiinuit ji j MCiHiiB,ariil tLey dlilerud In Lbeir opinion of
mydtntre; m nie (i.-'iiftit 1 find one disease, und fonm
aiiotlior. but 1 whh all the timo K 'tmif vore ani worhe,
until I heean.e to low that my wiie would Have to feed mo
lor weeks t(K he. Whnti In Ihls d Adful condiilun,!
placid iiim',I iiLdT lir. Wuliart'a in stiiucnt, ami uncI
Ins uxvnt An or lean Jynpepria 1'ilU and troitnu'Ot for
liypepjiii, and at Iho pnmnt tunc 1 am pcrlt r?iiy well,
and hne vnlnud In 1lch twenty lour pouudi, un 1
W'irkand aliend to my tiHkliu-hN as well us any puruon lu
1't'i, ii i-y li attla, and I inn nati- in d It Is a pe.feet cure. Dr.
Wiithiirt, yun (an imhlitsh my ano if on nee proper, a I
w ai.t to hi ar toftlumny to the tfttovt power ymr meilicliio
litis to cur Dvpipflu. All per ao n at are at Jih"r to c:ill
aim eee meor writ:. MOSEfl Kuil uis,
Suhui IKIII Hevon. Sehuylklll comiiy, ia.
liYfiJPKI'glH, DY8'KrSIt.
Till Is to certify thai I had Dyspepsia In the worht form
three ye ars. I was treated by seven of the bent phj
iana in Ameiiea; aonie of them were Fro usnora oi Jof
foTHon College, fhlladolphla, but thy did rue no tKxl. I
grew worne every nn nUi. 1 would bo taken at times with
troadlul uulns In my breast anil stoma h too gruat wsi It
Uwt I could neither nit, Ho, nor stand, but would rove about
frotuone room to another i my friends expected to sou mo
die., at there appeared to be no relief for tuo. la ttds liopo
Ifit ei million 1 Dlueed myself under Dr. WlshJarte treat
Hi4'fit. and ued bis niedJclnea us dlroete4
1 nis any 1 am a well man, aud for three we4vi I have
been on my tent, and working hard from early rmm until
lueti o'clock ut niaht. Mr. Win ha it, J give you this oor
UiuaU; wliu a Kraieful lieurt, foelliiK H my duty io do so;
you 'uiMj, and 1 wai.l v to publibh It to the world, teat
every ptmjh suilerlug aa I was may havo the boucfltof
Utinu Sour truly womtej-tul rvinodiea. All tick pertons are
at ltb-rty to ca 1 ad see me, or write lo iuo, as I waut to
rvnder all the tood 1 vau to suflcrinn humanity.
OvertiCiv of Waahlnuton UauuiactHriiif CMUpaay'i
Weaving Kiaobi.lih.uu ter, N. l.
li.M'WMAl msi-KrMAt
I, .hihu Lvnajli, do nr ify thut for four mintrn pail I was
nttaekd wiJi ai nu l epttia 1 1 wus lo gci erely handled
(hat I toultl do tvOlUln.; but what It would fill uiow ltli
(lieailtui .U:1 1 crtfe ; uiy ue-r on b,.tem wai pcrfeeily pros
truti j : my whole lniuie .ioon beeauie weak aud ireiuuJluj;,
with a i:oiiiued . oit and duliit ba lu the head, followed
b k i a pitailon ot lae Limit and ireueral deolhtvof tbu
a bole body. l.v r kicdof medicine ailinliiiHteied to um
did mi uood, iiuui I v a udviMv4 to call on lr WtatMi t aud
p ace lu.Mte'i uii(U-r i.u Ucutiucnt, ItUnuw aloiit nine
wiehs i luce 1 loinni'iieed lu Ui hit Dibpfpla 1'iha aud
J'lne Tree Tir i', und I do truthfully and faithfully
j o. , I mil peiiec-iiy eured of DMp and all oiner
diM ii'i-n; itureiiom. and I eau ea three jcood uit iN
ir.( i il.i y, itnil n 1 1 i ll in every roipeit. ( am 7 ears
ol , . n.l tl' it v .t. i.n enhary, 1 leel 1 could aud would
bhitiiihi iLVjon ,.i .'Uijul tht eltv from luvasiou by tlio
i:. cj. . Ail i-i f n ii-er.hg wltli Dynprpflia as 1 was, are
m iii' n to eai emi m o me. fori liul U my duty tu do ail
..I. i 4 ji ti I i an !t; , lug hUluauit.
J'MIV i.vscir,
V . Kil Poplar street, I'hiimtc'phlrt.
.Tr. v.JSMAKi ;M...eand Oilice, Sn.loS. MKCOVD
Hiu.-. t, i : inieii.h.a, I'a. All exaiuhiuiloiu and coinulu
tni fu ewf cl.uiye. J'rite, $1 pel box. beat by mail on
rct-b; t ot uu,ney.
JJ'SPi:rslA 1 D.&Pfcl'.SIA!
Dr. it) art Imve been a c oisiuut mnkrer with lis
pepfiia U r the hist ellileen ;eais, dnrlnt,- hii'h lime A c;iu-
B"l buy that 1 eniov id a pt-riectiy well day. There
were tiiiiis when tUe hymiitoin-, woru more a-:iavuii d
thttn ai other . and then it seemed it would hu u reui re
bel to die. I had ul all Jiiks un unplcaiaiit feeling In iny
hi td, but liitterly my Mitiei ingr, so much In. reused tliat J
hciainc ab t unlit lor (jumuom ot any kind; my mind
w js ecii4niilly filled w Hh Kloomy Mioiu his and i..t-b -d-1iils,
and ll i atleruptt d to lisin.'e their enrient hy reahiu'
at once a ( nsatl'ui of ley coUJnons, la i-'iniiecrlon with a
deiil welyht, hh It were, KbUd uixm my hraln ; aUo, a
feeiliiKof blt klKsa would oeeur at the ttounu'tt, OU'I
1-iiln to my eve, a comjijinlud w itli whieli w.ii the cun
lli.uul ft ar ot'lobinK my reason, J also experienced trreat
lahaliude, dehiiiiy, ami uervoiHiu which made Jt dl'tl
cult Ui v a Ik ay iluy or bleep at niht. 1 bo.uiue averse to
tociity, and dipooid on'y to seclusion, and h.i ing In.-d
the skill of a l unihur ol einlntnt p)oi- luns of vai Umsi
aclio .lis, ll n ally cuine to the eotflu-ton that fur this dluo-iso
at my present age (45 ear), there w us no cure in oxUt
t nee. Hut, UtrouU the lntci ftrouce or Divine Providence,
to whom i devoutly otk-r uiy thanks, 1 at last found a sov
oitivn rt uit-dy In jour D.ipepia Pills and Tar CjrdUl,
whkb so ta to have efleetuully removed uhipju the hut
trace of tuy Iook Hit of uiftuents aud Imd tt'ellm,, aud In
their place heahh, ideiuure, and contentment uro my
e.ery day C( uipanlons. JAM KM M. 8AUNDK ltd,
No. IM N. Second street, PhlUdt-iphla,
J-'oruiuriy of V'Hltiury, N. J.
lr. UIHUAJtT'tf OilliC. No, 10 N. JFjilcOiSU Jiueel, Pl.i.
I, ro T'bin, of heitenhAm, Mmifj-omen' 'oun'y,
r i . tinve aoff, Tot for uiori! than .mo .kt fvrv'h'npr hut
d. nth tci if. Horn Hint awful , .-Blr"l lUnipepsia. 1
rin imrri m it at tune five ol tfi ni'nif eoiliieut phvilelina
In t'h'imn irhia 1 y d d all thev coiin) 'or mo w t h in .
i Un and ni p in hot mill I at no hi tter. I w.-nt
to the renin nma l'i ivi r-!) v in nrHer in nle rnvaeif in
tvi h nl tin list do n al t.ih nt In t.'.n v, but t.-tr
Tteil trin rs rulleil lu ijti ut! noy ;no,l mt( ..iinine. I t-.t-. d ileum u relu ve me ii u v an'VrUirj'., hut t e nir Dr.
Wtl ait " ml !' tiM-ini nl In the I'liinnlelphift ' Hu ieiin, I
de ti rm n I'd to ir oner rnore, hut w irit hitle faith. I railed
on Dr. Wp.hitri. and told hlrn if I caild hiitn died f would
-n t 1'nvp trot; hi d him, nnd then r-lu'ert my tufTeriuis
I-- torn The Di. a- o ( m II he (ane tortin inn -if
Dnj i pt-la. II would in- Hie tlrwt rae in two team, no 1 put
rrrll nn'li-r hH Urutinerit. ndatiioigh hoi Senior
m nth o?nl!ink'iy e ervt hi" k I nte. tuv ft. mu t
w. I!i n with lliil, .in. I ii!l-d Hh i- tlli heyoiKl i,
I Umi lit a box m In- Dy-p'-t'''! ''Mis, tNein a H-
rei ii d. at d in ti n dnyv 1 i onid eat a- ln -ir y a 'ii'-nl any
p-itin in 'he Htiiie u 'enn Iv inifi nnd In Ihtrtv 'lavs win
a w ll ii un. I Invite nny permm initieniijr aw was to eH
atil nr ine.nnd I will rel.i r- my iilreiin an.) the irreat
i-tire 1 ree-lv il. I Wt.ii:it mu to 1 1 v-.rf,l'tie, evcrvwlo rn.
that Dr Wuhan I. I h lie, e. the oniv nernoii on the eurUi
t!.ai can cure Dyspephij Hh iiy deL-rei' nf f ,.r ;u.,f T
MfHI'.S Millie.
( l,r!t' tilirim, ,f. ,,m ,-v jtrt -
Tr. VIMIAKT'fl ffVee, ,. 10 V. Ki;c ND Mtrei-t
(in:. .- honrH troin ft A. 14. to t i. U. AW e. uml'iatlons and
oiIimi tst o in liee.
11 V r' inPPKPMIA! DYSpr.PHI.V! mwi&fr.
"lr. Wlfhirt t w . a ,r t aufferrr with dvnpe;(ji, tor
irm juir. Km r ItM u I aie illhd ne w n li m nid
ilrendiul j am ; -inl my Hie wa mieof trott isnfiTiiic I
ws o mine nitileied Ii ii li I ilr mai Hieof wHier.u
voi'ld i. on riMi'ti raett h a heated eondite u I applied
to eei V kir il nl mclieilllt Hint tli'iHiie t; t.iif. nil to n
.'iipoe I tw oiir u vi ripi met it In the either" ot a
r. hi i i ri' yi nr treNt An ericat, a,l( p,:a j i ,s ll ul(.
I i i to i our tore hik pun liasl 4 lux, Ht.d ooinrn 'red
to mi' llien : nnd I do th ink i mil ,hl i!n v I a-n a veil man,
and ran e-i thtee no nla. per day. I have int a nmnh-r of
pi menu alter your till, unit I ave a ynuuir roan i'iet wm
niit'i-i mu wiih iM-pfppiii in my n. ru.iii n-od ei;l,t of
yi ur pillx. nnd ihey rmtd him ent relv. Y n m-iv retr to
me it you eco i ropir. JA'') HUiilLt-.V.
Kt nriedy vhle, Kent cmintv, Del.
N. In-J OMVK. Rrrpet,
Phll.idetphla. Januarv J'M luiVI.
Pr. WUharf R!r: If t with inin'h iiicanttm that I am
nnw flhlc to Inform you Unit, by the ue of your vi-eut
AuieriiHli Dyppi'pHlu Pillft, I loivn hetn fitttrefy eured of
iliiii mo.! di'trerbinL eomplo nt. Dv4inTiiia. I had hein RftilcHd for Hip last twenty ehht Viarn.and .T
len veil, n ol that time have no' been inei fioni In patii
rne week at A lime. I havo I. n It tn Hi worf form, and
have drU'L.ed on a m"it tul-erahle cxtt'cnro-'ii ii-iln iuv
and mtlit. Kvery kind of food tl at 1 nto filled me with
ino i nd einii, ll iniinereil noi how IikIh. or now 44,-111 u..
itiiintit v A Ponriiirwd twirliinu w,n u-c to tot low. I h td
iioapiietHe h r any Kind ot moMt whato.-er, nnd nvd -tretM
w m no tient f r sevni m.tit lift ore I heird of
your 1'illh, 1 tri'Ti' wiattfd (ordeatii. I had MKin
v rythn u tlmt 1 had ' eaid of .r Dviiiepsii., wl hour m
Ci lvll'K "liy heir-.fflt ; biitcii yiini t'lll-s ittit! P'C'Miifiietulrd
to lul- ty one who had been emed ,v ih. in, I conrlmh d to
Hive ilicin a trial. Hiilionli I hadnottnih n them. To uv
UHionKiimi ii. I I'Uind m t-h frriiin bettor hehi.o I
hud taken om-(our'li oi nh-ii. and. niter taking half a tiox
1 tiih a wit man, a nil ran 'Ol nntfthhu I ,ri .A. and eiliov li
heart.i meuUhree times a day, without inconvcnlencn n-nm
ituylhtiiv I " at or drink, li .m think proper, you am at
lihrriy hi muae thii puhlle uud r. h r to nis I Will ejieer
miiy-uive nil desirable tntormuiion to unv one whom iveali
on ti e irurs. n-M efully. JOHN H. Kvhcock
For . M Dr. WISf 1 MtT'S M'tliet 1 Dep.t, 0 ill S
bi:ioM h reet. I'liiladeliJiU. Pa . price one dollar ui
bo, bent by iuull,lreuoicharKe,on reeiipioi priee
I, F;inHt'I D. Haven, havo been a ureat tuiler.'r w Iih
ehu.hlc d. ( pfia -umi imU wiiia.fou 01 the ki.inevn for
Ihree !ii. 1 e mplou d three or n ur il th: in t eminent
Jit HieiHUB of ";pM, .i ut ItiirlhuMn enmity
New Jerney They- did a. I tor me thev could, but a" to no'
puriMitie. I watt eottruanttv filled wub uwiui paui and ih
t-is. and with rmibtant belctiluv of wind and soii'-ucid
My tmc lie wan invcrnl with 11 white eoailmr 01 mucus
tni'ii ) enicked In Inrie turrown. und was droadfully tofo 1
(h ! I oiitiiueit wif hfd lor death 10 relieve nie of my srnhjr
li'i.K,f-.r I had ifift ail hnpeoi tver hi'li Well 4iu 1
rj u-e li a subn et nf pnijer to iod that Hu would dm ct
L.c 10 stmt! pi" r lue or to d cine th ,1 iv.nild ci1M. ,,. j
wsf i a in rei.d j;ii uOm i tn-i-meni m Dr. Wihart'ti, in the
I'liuatUHphm i.e., er, ' ol uKrtat cure uutdn upon Mr John
HaiMo. k, ol No. lOH Oilve fclicei. Pu.Udo , Inn liy ih-)
jri'tit Ameiiean Djai-epma IifU lw.-ninihe i ..'-tor h
o.lue,aiid nhu:i mjt.oif niidur bin treatment, an. t rm.t iim
II lie liiili illi eiiieine, ll would he the tail uu'.ir I voi.i
mal e it ha men six wntk nil I eouinieiieed tim mi
ni Un n etlieine and I 11m now a well mnri. free fro-n all
pain ad diln hn, ond can eat thn 0 heart iueaiNdiv
Will. Comloll mil Itci per eelh Well. Dr. Wlte ut I want
you t. pnl'liKh iii. eabo na I want every p.,ur dvniwn
MiiIertnK ia-I wu'- tali on mo, and I will tell the.m ot
the 141 cure 1 hne reetived from vn-.r liivainaiue meii
vine. HAM! i. 11
oilier ot Venm iro nnd l.amtmrt street h, near (tie ,.iid
"ytTl IrU'U Wr,K'ilht'wl, nrlluKUm eounty
lr. WihtlAliT S Ofuee, No. 10 X. BKCOXD Street.
DYhPH'SiAt rsrLP8iAi'r.rf-rAi
'I.iUIh to tertify that ftuiUrlnirseverelv with a dfic-iie
i ali. d lyf.pepia, with much Iosh nf wek' utiein'ion
wuRiluietid to WlMhurt's (Heat Ameiicitu Dy-iH'i,iu i-ilia
as ihe rmiMly. Huvim- wlihin three wuehs takn eleven
1 llln. uccorilintt to the dl'oeltous, 1 bnind niybeir entlrelv
und, ai d lor -wo we km. ime my beaith is iretiv iiii
I roved, mui 1 tan eat wilhont tear of pain or lnwo,v, ,ii.
1 etarneMiy neon mend thcui ti all sin.i'ari.
.,. . , t Mrs. M. It. TtlOMt'H'lN,
Pl'-fltuond treet.K .ur disorsi tw ..w n....-,..!-
lvm:rmA! hyhi-kpsiai HYHPHPsnt
I, V.Mal.i th ll'ansnn.of Itraiulyn hie, Kt-l, I'.irniiTl v of
Olc l liesit-r. Iiel . tin t ettii v tl.ut i',r one 3 ear and a fiaT
I nl' I tmryUillm but Hi ndi Irani that awnil illseasd
cnlli.l lisS,.. My lu.l. aysiein was Mnwlralrd alili
weakia.a and lavous tltbiliiy; 1 owaitl uol clisstuv; 11 I atpt-vina vruekerartheatiialli'se aru.niiit 1,1'
loud, It wtillltl 10.111 11 jusi un I swalluuwd It. I brraale t.u
t tisllif III lay tMla iliu I v.uul.1 uol hava a Dassuve In
li and n t ijlit .. ,; under tills 1 a
Jii-'lse sulleriuii .ay ininil ataia. d euluely tu nlve war
I W cninl t.f horror anil evil rnri-bialiaii. I tl,,,u 1,1
sh.i .vert hand me, and I Inn,.,: ,.vri (,,h1t . ,
411 ray ruiHl...a. ai r ray o n eldidn n-e'vervih aJ
alipeuieil to be h..r.i-l-Icken 1 ; I ijtu n.i ainiiltiim
.?,"',","' : 1 '! u,v ,ov" " ""vmi
1.011M iiiinl.l,, ,,,d h Mint, r ire-111 ,,,aee , p,w., t. , lM be euiileliti'd ; I nlithail 1,i.,itl., he l.audlla
Ual u un In. tea lr la... and urn . , t,,,,,,, ,'d ,,
caii'iili ...ii . ill'. Muio.r ua ny w.iile llnuua vsteiii
o.strotc.l, ami ul-n i v ml, ,, m,,,, ,, vlul ,,,.,,
lM.,.ia, II111I 1,0 liit-ud. ilnaisbl Ih-si tn bavv i.n l, e,i
hi It Klikbrltl. . Ilu.pi,.'. H-..I iM.lla.,11,,1,,,,: t ""n
Ilitri-Jiiin. tek,ui.H lli.HKht I was a lull.- l.o-.Ur, bin lu
liwiay.m.v dit cuil'liilnl was raaiuir . lud at
eii r. .Ii .rint ul l,e eutes peri irnied bv Dr
W tal ari Hinat Anitilcaii livtit pl,t l'ill,,m,j lii. tr. ul-
II till.. I,, lay liuslmuoiallctl oil ir. W slutrL and
lalt-U liij ease tn blia lie aald I.u had no duiilu ,t
flirt- me. Kola llneedavs alltn I , alltiti. and u!'
iilul.r lhel,.it..r's:re.tniei,t. and In t,i tek 1 I Amu,
iliui at ii.) iud, anil r. II dial my wa ..i.t lti
unv . ai,a I ...i.i.nunl lu n t iiver lor abuui lun-e inontii.
ai.d at Ihe proem lime I onii.y ps,iut l.u., blHi alld
nih il, and I u. sl tliiteiflj rMiirn uiv rriaiikii a m.-r ,lul
ti..,l I ,d l.r. Wlslmrt. and (o bis to,.., Aiiietl.-a 1 Ii, k,.
s.a I'll aim I'Li.- lite Un tirdia'.inai sated nu-iro n ,ta
Uisaiiciisviiiniaid a iiaiiin. sra.e. Al perauns i-
Icni K l'li li.v.i.epsiaiuo t Lueuv to oad 011 nie r
writ-. - I am ll,l,,e io du all ,!, ( , .a, ,, , rrln'J l.l.l.slll- TII llllt SSI N,
JtWlZ""' Ur:K"t' """ O i'h'.ir,'l,.irware
I'lu'i'.-d.4;,!,?,"' 8 mut 10 """i "..
Tin-abt.tii are a lew among iho ftioiissntti wlil. h this
treat rt-it.til.t ba. ,.,.,! ,r ,m . ,,,,.,,. Weh. o
hail .. .l- ot li,i.v. l,a ,t drii U . 1 11 aU
pail, ... Hit- ('.in.lrjr.sAMi ,1, ., I,,,v,. ,, V . ' I,"
01 sola s liietUinu winel, K, , ail, Ii unwcra.l sasislaetlon
TI..-K,. Vr ,11 s , rq.arotl only by il:C pr..prlcl rr,
l'K. 1.. ii. C. WISIIAU T,
Ko. 10 N. SECOND ETREET, PLilaJc-IpLia,
VI l.t r l e 1 ail be cuiuulted t ill er peraon ill. r bv -.
lr.-et-ftl.ati.... H.f. are. Id l.t In etuis,., i,"',,.r;
.y.r.t a..,.., I.y allii.w t oik and I' '.
.Pi.ut M i.oii auk' luiii.ials. I'-.'l iw
No. HO Market Mtroot
C. w. Rti.mT. r. h. inn. u.i .
UHL'OOIS T sTTlI 8 1 c I A N rt,
(vjn find if onr ea. hll-hmi nt a fi II iin'-ortriinut .if Import' 4
m d Dnnirctle DriiK", Pnpiilaf Patent Mfdtelne, P.ilni, Oil, Window tlia-., Preenptt"n VlnN. .tc , rtt at loar
prlcen as (tenu;n flrtt-rlais H'-ila can h- top!
riNB EHrtvn W. OILS
For f onfeetlon- rs. In full vnr !'! , ond of the he-.1 itiuMv.
(ottilneal Helical Icd'ao. Madder, Pot A oh, t ',
P. a AhIi, A In m, Oil ot Vlirh I. Annatt, K.vira.-t
nf l.ojiwood. Ac, K"lt DYKUH' ure, alwaja on hand, itt
luweii net eab pi li es
(irmind esprcdMy for our aalet, and Ut which we invite
the a'tenrlon ot tl oe n want of ri'iini.te art Ir lea.
AUo, JMHtiO, xrMitf, Mt TM'Ji, tr extra
ei7, ii'v,
Ordeiw i niKll, nr eltv pfist, wlM meet with pritnpt nt
tenilon, nr up. .'lul (Ui)tutfons will be- furnlr?ird w hvn re-
1U' Sled.
Whoiet-nle Drinr Wnreh:"e,
Jail ly Vo. II!) MWlKKf Htre ", Ff. i,t.
Ko. 718 MAKKKT HlBlvKT,
arc now reeeMiiii their supplies fre hh from tho fUheHe:.
1 1 c tup. n..nty ol their OIL in every n spcet, hua tiliirii
for It a re ntaihm and sale be; end any oUht found hi the
Tomnliitafn It, they &r! determined tn supply an article
that may he entirely re 'led on for fiCHhiifst nnd parity.
ISce levtinionialb nf Piolevsors of Med e il CoHetces. au.l
rirt t i Tirt nut i
IKSTirCTP., No. 14 NnrU
MN'fli Htrc t i oove Mirk-t. Kuntorxi
radlcnlly eured bv It . KKK X T' I're.nhim P,ipii
tiiaoimtHiK I're-nnr Trusa. Huperiof (-.laiitifl Butts.
F'aHtc ritorVT:ws. Supt'oriera, nhoulder htuces. Huteu
Oirlea) Crinr.ieM. Ac.
.Ladies attended bv Mrs. M.C. KVKKK IT. myiVly
Ii to gn admlrlDK eyei
u io i Hii-e in v nt i in- Mt'in;
If to Ihi a hi.Mitmnu Mower,
aiilun, dyii4i In an ht-iir Mt. t; t v t
I to imve a nott of triemN ;
I( for vice to m.ieiiui noi;
II with IVLh-ti'im b o id tn v,ei!
li a marble tone w hen d a l ; n I
If to live tlToeserrc and ten,
Wtnhlnif il e an long awal;i ;
It to live a life ol pi-ace;
II to die and lto to it ci f- Hi ALiii 1
If yon w iih a ilfo of pleamires ;
It oii value thu- wot id a ireitfturrs
1 vi"i.v eoinlo't oil would tp.
Take in ae.v'ce.. ami wl,h (( iAve,
Then. riavttTff Menhh, Wealth, and lieamy.
You'll he pieparvd for every duty.
Ttv a careful m mal ot lr. WILLI M Yot'ti S S'w
Pnek. 'I ll K M Alt HI AUK tU'lDK, which nt-nuld be ra id
hy every nn hoitt hy lioonM-iii-rf" nene-ai! . und at the
Dm tor's eft'ee, No, ilb fcPUlLi3 hTKKKT, jth o ib
cents. aa'U
I'lfalil'de 'n coir"-tiu'. remilitln'., nnJ re-Ti'.vinir all
obstruction iiotn vvt.atevi'i e.ami and ntwavs
Biictis-ful ar a preventlvu.
The-i PMIi are nothint' new. iituj have tirrn n e.l )y the
Deetot for many year, both In Kriui'-e and America, with d mic ehi tn ee-yiae; tou he ii uiK'd ''
many UiMia.O he'!' s w ho h i e is d thi-ia, l in.ike the
I'lltH puhltc for 'lie Uill'V liltl 'll Ol' thotu alllVer.inf fit. ID
Dn L reuinrhl s whrtiever, as well as io provi-n an In
eii iineot lamtly uhem dealt will not permi: it. l'e.uiieH
peculuulj hitiintc;, or t' -v tuiino-lnL; thctn-e.vci to .ne
cauio;.etl lu-'ihoo u-iti" th?e pl ls while In tmit rondhloii.
ax tie pit p. ii" or mimes no rep..ns hiiily alti r toe ahoi n
ailnniiihioi., ahlioiih ihelr iinlduess would nrev'-ni. auv
mifch ct lo health, ot' iTwisn ti e I'nls an re' mild nded.
Pull atid explicit d'teetio ircornpaiivtiiK ea.-h hv..
Price $).o toxtiov.sf r $ . b-dd wlioietuiiu ami retail
bv tfi' fi u inw Dm- i-t
Klhott Wl te,Vl'o,No r.s V. Fourth Htrei't.
t it- ht A "idtLiII. No H! Market etiiTt
A Slnrhall.c rrerof 1'hl leenUi ano Mari e Mtreehi.
einh r A huuth, corner ol und and tiiecu --ireeti.
Dvotl A' Co,
h.iir.n. Ihilloway A Cowden, und
N. C. in lui our. i 'arrden
At leiuil by all dniKia s. seudlm;
To cither nt nt, can Lave the
Py mall, to any part of ire city or country, free of
fl aJ'J-Trn No. 2lr. W. THIRTY BIX HI Street, N. Y.
J ti r It F,
JS'o.Ik'iN FK ST vritKKT,
We arc prepared to itll onieu io sny for oar well
Inch dtiiic all rcc ia iu iroveoieiitH rui.a.dloK. iSp.naniy,
at 0 Ut'aV IVtf
We invite tue atl' t tiuit of manufacturers to our exten
sive woikn.
I ll ALFhlif) JKSK8 at SOS.
1 Kilt BtTHI RIIF.M, DnYi MTIHVN, KA-tniN.
AlACt ll i III K, UAZI.RTON, WlLKawMltAltHh., WIL-
On and afier MONDAY, eptvmb. r P infll, PaHsenr
Trains will k-.i-e ihe M.H I B Ol", I'IMKll Htrfet, -ih .vo
Thimpiou, i hihidi Iplda, daily (Sumiya ex.eep:ed), us
lollows ;
At 7 W A M. ffxprc-H) tor Bethlehem, Alk'utown.
Ulauch Oiinik, W tlkeftmrre. Wilumiipnrt.
At A. M (A. eoiiiiuodiitioii ) tor Dm lo-town.
At 10 L'i A. M. A rouiiiioila Ion) for Foe Washlurton.
..ri I'. M. Ai:contauoiialion ) lor Do entowu.
At :t IK P. at ( Esprit. s) tur Kethletn m, KaMUon, AC
'1 hit. train rci'-bc F,-ht n ut-ilo r. M , aud in Wen closo
coimectli'ii with the Ne Jertwy etitral f-r New lork.
A HI.', p. M. (Mail) for
At ft lit P. M ( Ace inimouuUoii) for Bethlehem, Allen
town, and lManeh i'hmik.
f. Pi P .M (Ae-oouui.otiutloii) for Laos da to.
II P. M. (Actomu.idaiion) lor Fort Waihinuton.
1 hronvl. '1 ichele inn t tie nrocilled at the Tl ket Ofliee,
TIIIHD Huaei, or 11KHKM htieel, in order to aiearu lite
lovteitt rules ot lure.
Ienve lle'hleiiem ut A A. U . VI ll noon, and VF U,
Dovlesiown at a hi) A. M., A P. Ai.,uud6 J P. U.
Luiihdale ut h'lo A. A!
Foil Wu.J.iiiiojj at lo-.V) A. M. and 1 P. M.
Thihideiphla for Heihlt-hm at U a. M.
Phl'rtdeip iu lor Dov OnlOM II ut b P. M,
Dovle-tow n I. r I inlu eliaLiu al A. 51.
Iteit.h ht in lor Phhadelphu at 4 P. M. a Itntf.HK'e KxpnsN wdl (ill t r und deliver
hfiKii't? at tne dvot. oidtrs tuuy bo let. at So, lid
.N. iltliiD Mi cel.
lCVM KhIK li AlLKO.vD. JoO 4.
I hia un a' line trave ea the Northern and Northwest
cooiitn oi Peiiiifaylvaniu to Ihe citv f i;rie on Lake Kri.
II haf hi en eutd bvthe 'K.Nfl LYANI A HAlLKOAlJ
CfiJrfl'aNY, and under their uukplcca la bvla rapidly
opcinvl thniuvhoui tt entire letit'th.
It is ttow in iie fiT PunbciiKcr and FreU-ht bu til nets from
HHrrihUifL lo r mporlinu. (!'.' iiiIIch), on the Kaateru Uiei
Mun. audi rum HhetlleiU to Kile (7b milu), on tuo Yuturii
UMi: (F PAsai'M.I-K T It A I V H AT I'lllt.ADlil.lMllA.
Mall Tralii louve- h-oO A. M
y. x pre to1 TruiB U-avi s to ,u p, m
iai5runtUrnui.tiHiiHi.t r iiiamik Ixdhwavson theft
trahid heitvi tn I'l.ilsdeiphiiand Lock lUveti.aud butwawu
Pu.t nmte and ly-ck Haven,
hlemtni 1 eepuiK t'ers otnthe Kxpreai Train both ways.
I or intorniat'on iisitcciinK I'asc nj;er txiNiueHt, up uiy al
tl 0 H. K.ei rm i ut EI.KVKN i ll and iM AKkKl Hlreeu.
An ) lui i'relKhl tnihini m ui the i niip;iu v n Aenth :
kt H hliiL'Biii..Ir .coiier MXltLM'll uud M Ait lit;?
'rc t, l'hhailelphla
J . W. Pt v noidf, Prlo.
t. il. Drill, Am i't. N. N. C. R., lialtlmore.
11. llOHSTOJf,
Oeticral Freight Aeur. Piulad- ip-ua.
Quu-Tttl TU-kt t akciiI. Phiiaddphia
J lit.l ll 11 I'l n i ,
!at-tf Qeneral Manauer. Wllliaiutpo
mil at., aha Mia V "' lol.i lllnc 111 tllt I I...1. wn. L'ork llarlsir,
- 11,1 tt,, I s'i',H n .it-ainei. ol Hit- Lit 1-rj.oul, Nt-tvYuik,
and I'lillmli Ipl.i. Nteuiiisiiip l ars liittude.1 lu
sail as t'nlli.w a
I I I Y Ol MANl'IILS I'KIt, pliiinlHT 31,
Cl'IY HI- LUMaiS. SBIUIda) ,IKt 'l.ei 1.
I I I Y )lf I'.AI.'l'IMIILK, .sallUiliiv.O.'l.ili.TR.
Aed evciv sticeet'dliia IsatulJa), at 0,uu, Iruiu Tier .No
41 Norll, liiter.
IIATI.N OF l'ASSl.i: 1'AV.ifBI.K IS Cl'ltllLNCY.
l lr-t Lul. ill il.'.nii Maa-iatf , ,.
I li st Citliti. In Li 1' ITi '41 sitei ate t't i ui.. Ion, .. i.s' mi
I ir-t I III' u In 1'itiis.. r-tM.ll Mil-. -ram- tu I'aria Mu-lii,
L It st Ciiliin 10 lli.iut'i kI-'I' IHi Slt'.'i- ns l- II .minus-, 71. nt.
l'11-.M iiti rs nisi, lui waiilt-il In Havre, llieuit n, llnt-tt-rilnlu,
Ann. aPi. Ai. , at ,iiullv ii.vt r.ue,
laie- Ir, lu Lit 1 1 put. . er ijiiit-nsli'tvn First Cabin,
II..', ll7n, f.Mii tslet'liUf In III Lli.'llssil and t.Mi. ens
li w li. -." - 'I wl... tv isl. In aviij lis tl.til liLiula e ui
buy t.tket. l.eii' al tl.e-i lai, I.
i or laieiiu.iiK'ii u ,!' si tl e f er.inaav'i otlu..,.
,IIIIN tl. ll VI.I-.'Ah. .it,
No. ill YVAl.M 1 iNtieut, I'lilladiliil.n.
rifs IiOSN ani riirLAiTiru'TnA
SmmJltotltir Line, tvWi.n ir, . ,ch ., ,
h.i l I 111 'A IS. Iiuui 11 -st v. Ii ul .lU.te 1- nf. street F' na
d.ipl. a uriTLoiti VI' haif, ..i.l,.n. 1 ,,n Oralwiajl
abi.vt- l'INK Htreei.i.n Sali'idav.o. lohsr I ln.1
Hie slenmaliip Mm Man, l-.ak.-r.will aaill'run'i I'li'ltdcl
plua Iit lli'.l-.ii, on Sitiui.Jav, Uiti.lKr 1. at 10 A vi
" ,'' fuanwhlp HI. VON. Mulllewa, Horn It,, , '
Pl.Uiiielpl.ia.tiB aamv day, ai 1 I'. M. arsj i,
'llitae new and xlilmlaiiiial sli'inn.blin I.TiiT repiiui
Illif, aailli'K tin h put piieiitmllv ou Natiiulata.'
ale've'swir tlUtU'd ' UUt haU U;v vrduuiai cbaisi'd on
Freisiit. taken at fair rates.
mappers are ro.iie.ti-d to at-nd Blip Bercliti and Diua
Laillin wllh ihelr mstdi.
For fi.isbtotl'asaess (hsvlm fine asrommod.itl all)
I'l'1.1'' . . ... INKY WISSUII l...
jai-ir . f y Jd aw Yl)iyn.f ItB Avetiue.
p:.1ryHKW YtTrllv.-llKisl'ATCH
i aa ii a I. uand Hwniaura Lint'., via Deiuwara and, i uiiul. 1 he alenui.'rs ol these Unfa aie leuvina
tor freltlil, wlilih will be taVen on eeoin.noi.jilns
ftr'!".'u"'.'1,, 'wj-vm m. uauu to., -s. ui .
uluaw ale Avvau.
lU'i AHH ANfil'.VIKN I S OF lOf'J
IpiH. fkw miiik ll.r.a. lil)4.
1 1 e Camil.n and Arnhy arid lhil..l.lpiU and Tistmoti
lla Ct- nipansia' Liot rrom fhiiadelplna lo Jlew lark W at l'ia. a
i iem w Ai.NiT aTHKr.r wiiAiir,
Will lain. e. fi l fiisa. tl. : . FAHaa
Al i, A M . . v . t 'mud' n and smiSiy, C. and A.Ao
i i.ioiii' itaiior. $1 M
j' s . si , v.. t ..null u ...ii ,i.t.i't t ity, Murnin,
It ipr. aa .-.
t I'.' M . via Csirden . iw'',iy,c ael A.
r. . ' i-',et
M . I . 1 .
Al 1 f. .
I I If il lit
Al "f JL.
1 1. t .nu
n.i liu'uy. tv. ai.d V
t 'i' mil. n anil e lii'iuv
I T I'M'' I
"Oini Hla'luQ
.fin!, li ind Mul'OV
s- mm.) llli,n
1 least
i r .
'.I if il I
r i I.' fi.
ll i l.i
, Air. I' M..v,iii't lea an, I iti'nT l.'.'s o .n.sla.
i In. i. ( Kri'.jbl a.Ml -a a. 'nsrl. Ut Cl.lfl Ticket..., tl
I ' "-s 1-
; lor Viatel- I , , n v , A 'n-'-t.". a. t.,i ...enl. lU'vldera,
K t.rt -,. I ,i.,i'...-u I l... Fl. m Bsmo, r , :i-:i I". W.
' l -r vl:- ,,t t , a,-,in. ! I a u. t
F..r M. .urn lluiiv. F.taiiavii. 1', mls rlon, and Yincesv
. et. ii, .1 A. fcl.. 2 iiiui r, I- M
lor IT'-, In. 1,1 ;, li A.M. on, p M.
l-'r I h'ii, ra. Iih , rl.-ti. Lelnn-o. Ilevrrlv. R irllnirtoa.
1 1.
lit i. i.i m ,, , I, . J i!t..l.i.v
and V M. I he -1 .to ad-I
to I 'Mlton.
. I' M.
In.ea run iineel thruusll
. Beverly. Sll'l FllirllaVI-
F"( P- r-iva, Plvertrn, Detnn
t irni I". M
Mi-i i'o.u Trcn'nn, f.,r n-i'.1, fittrll-srfnn, rtcreflFs
1 ori ef'til". ar d 1 iimy at ,t :t M. ndt to P M.
I.INKrt I UM hKNMN'ilU Ub.uC
W III lenvi hf nTi w
At 4 A v' K'ntlnni tnd Nrw Yuri,
W iialri yi. n Hiiij N i w nrk Viml t $2'14
Al 11 1ft A. .M.. vis Kin amnion ai.d Jemfy'i Vty
P""" 3 (19
At t . o p. M ., v m K i nlni( ion .ind tl-rev City Ki-
I.... -f)0
Ai .'i-'' P M . tii I.eiiatTi.o.n H, J.r.y fliy,
w anfiini.ton int S-w ora i.nir's V M
Humlity liiit'h Ii ii v i at I A. M. and l l-'i P. M, Thtre WlfJ
be no line at I A. M . ( !. ti ) un li ititiv.
F'.r V ater i;ip, Vr'Ui1hii u, "erantnn, Wllliiattriftrrw,
III out rr m ilieai It.'iid. Maoeb i tmnk. Ailei'ovt n, Hethla.
In ui. Id lv i'.m- V iit(. ii. LihIh . -vo e Flftiiiiiirfiori. Ac , at
7 I-. A. M 'I ) I line e tn- (P with tiie train leviak fc.atosi
f. r Man. h "l tiiik l :l t'i I M
Kr Lsmti'rtvli e nnd ioti-ritv dlite slat-ins at .1 P. M.
or liiiMi.i, irent. n Ac. at V l.and It io a. M., aud 5
P. M ,
1 nr lloiiMi-hi-r.-, '! n.'onv, W- ntnttur, Mrld' brirr, and
Frank! r-i nl ! A. .M , !t, h ii. and P. At. the I A. tf. Line
runs o lltotcl
IrV F'-rNt wY'Th and Way Lines leavinit Knslnir-nit
Depet. tae ti.r r un I'll t nth n'te.-t, ab.. e al iut. hail an
hour hefort di parfire Th, CrH run Ituottie D. p"t. ami
on nrtiv nl f ea h trin i on from 'tie Ih-iiot.
y nty pomiitn ot tmcifaki' only alUiwaxii eaeh patsenirer.
I'a-. i,.ci. are poli.l ten fr-m t.ifc U.fc auvthiiw ni huy.-iuS)
I 01 tl eir w en fk hpi.rt e(. tl h V it. I' o v ir t llf'.V p-Uliiiia
to te uhl tor ettta Ihe ( '"mpanv 11 n't ihelr reaixninl.
hiltty lor hart nie to One Dollar per 'pom.rt, and will not
It itiie inr any amount Irevond aluo. extyipt ut special oon
ill nVarn'o Hm-i in Pxpret will rail for anl .l")lrcr bnf
trat. t at tne Jiepots. oriicr. o in-ieit at .no ;t w
St ei-t. W u. 11. OATZMKU, AgenU
Will, i.f.avk
Fnm foot of Cnnrt inn street at W M. and 4 P. M., tI
Jef-ey l lty and aimien : a 7 and 10 A. M. , li P. M.t ami 1
lit iM.lilh ia .leiiai y l ily and ivem imftoii I
From loot o' :ir m t-tivtu, ai b A.M. and 2 P.M., flu
AmloN nnd '.invert I
Froml urSn. I N.rth River, at 13 M., 4 and 8P. af.?
(1 relent and raseenuer) via Amixvy and Camden.
;bkk;iit links kok nuw york and-J
a n:i tne RtatiuiiR un tl.c iamden und Aiuboy ami on
nt(.iiu. iiaoioauK.
The i 'flmdi'ti find Amtmy Kai r. ad aid Trnnportafiwf
f!"ii pan. ' I te-iht I tiff tm New York will leave hf
siiittwhaif on nn a tier tlanuaiy tt, daMy i Bundays yj
c 1 1. r ) at 4 o r'm k P 51.
hi tiin.inK. ti e anovf Lints will leave New York atl and 1
4 P M.
renht must he delivered before 8 P.M. to be for-
warned tl e fume it ay, 1
Fre;hi lor I leim.n, Ptlnceion, Kingston, ew Bnins-V
wick . and all iomti on the ( 'anvlen atid Atnhoy Hsllroad V
dIkooii the Itejviiieri. De awnre, and Kle olnton, tne New I
.i.rn'v, tin r re notii m u aiucsmiri;, ami iimi iiurttiKon i
nnd Mom t lioiiv Ita'ir. ad-, received and f rvardedupto -K'S
o el.'i i ' Ma Suull paei.ues ur Moniililoliy received 1
up to 2 o'clock P M
The Ileiviileto ehiware Hnllroad connects at Phtlllpe
hnr" mtli tne L hj.h Vallev hallKoul. The New .hwitey
H.illroatl eonneets at Kl zt'-eth witii tho N"w Jersey '
tVttiial Kiilroaii, nnd ut Newark with tho M.rris aud
Fusex It it i road.
A aop un mora tt'iim. upecifyinit tho marks nnd nam
tf rs Dii'dpc i-t- ainJ eoi.-lLt e n must in every Inntanno H
nriet, iiciir the Drov
rove Yndi. or at Pier No 1 North f
irs nmv :i'ti nro at tho time of tho I
ILVKK' Fill- F.MAN, Freight A?ent, rf
n s. Deln -vam avenue, I'titlmieipliia
rn cr, Uc the ahipp
Ihipinciit. AL'
Ko VPm t
(ihO. H HAYMOvli. Krelu-ht Am nt,
Pier No 1 aNorth Klvor. Now Yot'k.
MU it K
Ou ai d after MONDAY .Jui.uary 4, IW4. the Tralnt fo
New Yoik, havniK Ki-nti nv n Depot, Philadelphia, afc
S I A M Mk.'ht J.anit I : A . and the trams toavin
NiwYorkaiuA M. aid 7;.0 I', AL, Mil herentier be run
exclusively f.-r e Ctu-cd st.tten Mat's and Ne-v Yorar
uiid w auhltytrn Petkfiiuer, nod will not take In nor let
1 he in A. M. and I'.' Miunum I.he foin New York b,
w ashina;toii. and ihe II Mi A M und ft P. M. Luiei frOn,
Wakhii LLon lo N"w Y rk win eonttnu' a- at nnent. anrt
riirry pa-ise' pers to and from tie Intermediate nations auiu.'
Bul'in ore A uhit.Mion, a u New Vork.
Lines leave PhlludeVt ih, from Kentoinirton Depot,
111.'. A.M ,400, ami . W. P M..und li mldnlhT'it. am
nom Walnut Hiuct Anart ivia Camiien)tattt aodbA.
a., a ai., 4 ur u ti i- .vi., ur n'w ion.
And h aves Nev Yoik, from In t of Courtlftndt streetw
at 7 A - M . I A M . IV M . 4 and HP. M , and at Pi mid
iiuht, und iroui foot or llarchiy street ut 6 A. M., amis
P.M. VM. A. tlATMKIt, i
Ja'j-tf Ayeut. '
P K N N S Y I. V A N I A
1 II r. A I in X' It If,- I K .VI K Ml Oil T !tll TK IKJ
'I UK WKhT. Mlt i 11 We T. AND MII'TIIVVKSf. ll
FiUipmcuTH und tneii iu s 'or the saie. newly, and ooin
fort tb-e tiurt-jioiia ion of pnt-reiikers. uuurpdMsed oy any
route In tl e eountrv.
Trulne leave the Depot at KLEVKNT1I aud MARKET
fitreta as to I tow h :
WallTrauta' 725 A. nf.
as' at Ll 3.1 A. M.
Uroiuh l.)t pie-far in-.tOP. M.
ParM slmrK Tram, No 1, ai l(Ms A. M .
Parke-huiy'l mtn. No. '1. at pnO A M.
llurritntu Aecon.medatlon at 8 MO P.M.
I.uneusrei Train nt. ... 4 OJ P. Ai .
Paoh Aeit nm oitiiileii ('eavta We it Phlludel-
phm) nt 6'OdP. M.
1 hrouuh Paast liters by tbo Fust Line reach A toona for
supper, where will ou i..umt ek. eilem aocouuuoda'lons for
the nliht ai the Loi an lloii-c. and in the inorniiur niavl
tuke either the 1'hl'adf h hia ox Haliimore Kxpress, caea o.J
which tunkes connections nl I'uthhurK for all potnu. A.1
dAyliKht vk-wwi Ui un aiiordedof tho entire hue aud Its j
muLiiitlcei't JTenery 4
Ihc Thro i u.' , l-xpress Train runs daily; allthe othur
trains t iily. e ee,.t Suml.iys. 1
J Oli Pli'lMitl Uii AND TUB WEST. 1
'mi., r unt i nn-, a hu i nnjii)(ii c.x prune con-:
met nt I'itthu with Uin-ueh trams t n ah dlvoruiUK roads,
iroui mar Kmi, lH-lll to tiie t.akea. Went to Uio Mishis
sippi and Misf-ourl Klvera. and Smith and Moui h west to aM
pumts ucechhihie hy railroad. '1 hrouuh Tickets to Clevo-
iiiv, i-eiioii t i.r ai.0, i I'aui, roimiihus, Indianapolis
Nt liui. ljeuvenwotth. Kai.SftN. Wh inv liavmn Tin.
cinuail, Lou n v die, Cairo, and all other pdueipal poiiiU,
aiiu aaaaiosaiF vim 'am hi 1 1 nil at It ,
i rie i nroiiLh 1 lnretoi h nvmi' ut Hi :tn I w . Mnnaii
at Dlalrhviiie ii u rMvtlou with train on this road ibr,
"'"'""lir. IIIUIillH, AT.
I' It I- V M ll I ' If I . .kll I HsUdliU UDatDtIinatnnan
si nt w i h each loud 1 1 .-oods.orno rouipr will bi kriven. W
I net i :iM'd roc; D i n Lav iml been uia.'e tiir 'he 'rnroria- S
tlnn of I.l F S I td'e , nmvers are Invited lo try Hits ,-nutn.l .
I en tl e k'och lh ritnnslifd In M'lsuti ies of iU CA It I J
IM Kir mote. It III be Il.ereil at tne foot of Fortieth w
' in-i't-"'.- ur,,nv ii itniitnuriii.T-, oi
Ihe Ihix.uKh Kxpri hf T i uln . lenv tn at in HQ P. M..oon&srl
a.. . r- . -pun. ii . iu a ., mi ii i ram tm ino roa
lor r h'lltMlrr A train a I Ml tatMVtia f'rfaituin .st h'Kaanashisv.TY
ai ti'lb P. M.
"he Mall 'lraln at7"a!A a. M ,atul Through Knpresd at
Iu,lu P. ai., conned i at A I toona with trains mr ilolildaya-
blil'L' at 7 .Vi f M. ami H M . U
me inroiuii r.xpri-c I i wu. leuvuu at Jl iJ 1. AI., Onli
ne t ai Tyrone with a train fo" hanoy tVe und Phllhps
burtr. und by Maid Eiul Valley KalimaU for Port Matilda
klliLhuriii O IteiiHoiiie.
111N I I lil tl iN A Ml I Itll A tl Tf.P If A ir Divin
The 'I hroi'ith txj.r-ii Train, leavfnp at Id H) P. M .eon
utuik m itunimu n witn a train ror llot,eweli and
liuti at h x A M
Kit IK Jt.IL,tOiH.
ForHwr.l-ury, Wuluiuio in. Loek Hion. K'mtr. Da.
ehehter, Hunulo. and Nitara i all-, nnvseiers lakma UieJ
Aiaill rum at 7i.'. A. M., and tne T numb. Express at
1 eti't uuday-.ff.i dire.: uiruairh,
wi hout thatn.o of caisbetevn Philade.phia and WU
Itumhport. F"i VoltK.IIANoVKH.andOKlTYSItlfltO.thetrafru
U a vlii). at e A. M. und 'I ' i p. M., connect at Columbia
Wllh Usilns on the em Ct Itailroad.
CI MlU.ltl.rtM. V.M.t.K ItAILKOAD.
t tie Mall I rain at i '.' A . .il . ami b's,.,M.
If an p. Mionmci ai lUrn,i,iirH rtan tralno l r Carlisle, 1 1
CliUIiibi r-h' H', Hint Uvt I hU'iv u. Sw
wom;mih im huanoh railroaix
j or ,.m ui-i uvim.' ai , v a. M a d v .kj i'. m.. conn
ai now nnij-ti-wn nh iraii;s on this toad to VV uyndnbur
ami ,i i m itiHie i-ii. ii
For fiitthei inioimunon apple ut the Pa-ien.'er Rtatloa.
b. K. cuiDcr of Li K 1. ! II u- .1 M AhKKl StrceU.
. w. V h 8 " KV 1 " x Aieiit.
v , - tflMMLTA 1 luN I'll KK1M.
rnr I, .fl.f, cr pj in n'hs. ai very )w raten, for tho ar
n pin ni's'ion of pciM.m uv mM . ut of tow u, or located oo
or i. ear li e Hue ui H e road
For iMi trip? l etvv t en an v two p.nnis. at about two centa
lu-r iiillr, 'J In -se licketi nie Inti nded fur Ihu je ol
truvehnt; ire.itii nilv. un.i aru of ;ri;at udvunUaTO to uursout
imI ueeu.iuiuti Trip.
or one or tl ree moitihs, toi the use ol bchoiars attending
v huid ll, the tli.v.
An Em' :rri Aec..min.hi!io'. ti.t.ii le.ivi n Ko. P17 Dork
tie t i ati.t (."ceJi.Mi excepiL-d in 4 V, lot P. M. .oileriiiat
a i- nii-iituUc n. ide ol uavel to l.tiuiiics Ltulm; .Vent, a t
oi:(-iutii uie lltli l rateoi iaie I' P U Uir utteiltl.iill I
atd to hjit'jif o, na w hum cheek- iit-e yKi-n, and bawijaL'
I(n w aided by the nan i- Iru'n w tth p.if.heiiki'jrh.
i ui iml mii'iuiai ion, 'ipi.u io
I-iiA.N iSj i I NK , Killer mt A,'ent,
No. 1.17 Imk'K. atix-ot.
M.lVN'S It At lAi.K K, HIh.
An areiit ol mi lehabic K v pront i ompunv will paa
tl i vit. I. eat I. tiiurj lu n ie It .ilu.iik ihe u. pol, dild UKe UB
checks and iteiiver h.iL7'..Le iu iu.y purt ol tho cdv.
Kds.0 Will he md. .1 lor promp !v when ont-Th are left at ti,
Punhciif. or Depyl.Kleveii'h und Market slreets. The travel
Ua puhhc uii; uaiiit-d thn a ti t .t'ntiu ttiuttnflti.
By this rente rreluhth ul all desi rintlnns enn ba Cnr.
w unit d to hi d ir.'Ui ai y points on Uio i.tliiojais of Oiuo
Kclit.ieky , linhulM Illinois. iecon-.ui. Inw.i ..r UMotin
hv ru.ltoad drt-i i.ur lo a-ty p m or. the uavUfaulo waur(
VI VI,ni, Uj ri'UlllUt ir.llll I It I !l'(l ! Jf .
'I he rates r.i lu i. f to mid tr.m an v point In the West
hy the Peitnt.ylvuio.i Cenirut It.illnnl aiv ut alttlmes as
fuvoiai U- a are charged by other puiinud t'ouipanies.
Mei't-haiits unil hhlppem n: 1 1) st i ntf thu irauaportatlou of
their Ire iv lit lo ihitt Company cau ie.y with oa
t hpt ed tiuiiml.
1- or irei Ut i on'rut ts or shf pplng directions, apply to of
t'olrecs the Afci'tit of the t'ompai y :
It. KlMsM'ON, .Ir., Pf 'ihtdclpuia.
1. A. HTKWAltT, riitluij.
( LAKK, A hit sa-s.
1.1-h ll A CO., No. I AslorHoute,or No, 1 8. WlllUa
ltret. New Yok.
I I K. It sY C , Vn. 77 Washln ton street, Boston
W 11 Ll AM HilOWN, No. ivoith struet, HuJllmore
Agt. ut or Ui rm t euiral ii ai I w .iy . -wro
General FroIht Avut. Phlla.lelphla.
imtl t I-LWiH l. uoupr,
OwneraiTlckot awm, Philadelphia,
General Suporiuleudvut, Aitv k fft,