V 4 ! TIIK DAILY EVENING TELECJUAPIT. PTTrLADKt.WIf A. MOVDAV, SKPTKMBEIt 20, 18GL 7 I. Monday, hkpti'miu'k an, mi. EriEIT Or THE Niw YORK Leadlne Kdltorlal Trtim Pip Sew Torh Pupt'-rt Tills dmiilnir. Tin: rf.iii ti.or ii trom the Ti ". ! It t tl tit. !ii-t'j.'i'Mi Inve ritr.l U'c ciinH'iiii'i,! Ill .'li .! III. , it- it ut. nv i if I 'li 'll. Il w .1 fin f, .ll I.i'lli in ill, ir I.I inn. 'I ii il lin the liitfli price of (Mil, i.il price or Mi llic net ic? tlio Imimc ff tlio Aili.i tby" mi id, llmt tlie n ii.( I MiiliK in r (it io n Hie I4. extent tlio ---ci 1 1 m t- tri, If il lm- r iti" m:i s conliiitti't in the 1'Hnti'ii; tvint .livn. Potiiiit at-i .'t tin-ni'ui.l nml 'i.it.ti'ili .'ll- iff lurjTC :Mi " ul l'tt iik. i t . nml tin i ll'i N .(" 'lieiuli.tom nlso to cniiie nu i.itnu l il di in m l fur Coin, the ; rlro "r t' i Iiim4 mi vnn t." tin juililir t t.nl'di nc r in the t. jr ri.:m lit. W'liil j II C 'CO).Ic I tllcvcd, or fenrul, II ill we could 1 1 t I uit down tin' Ki l. i lnii li t tin ur wniM m j cu ti .tin ut !. ! in- Hut 1 .' 1 1 i " 1 1 , t heir f i i'Ii in tue A V.illlO ft (iOt'l I II 111 -1 . t Illtli.lH Ol 111 I' V 1'. v-v I nU lth, ninl ill" eiuni'Hr.ilitu valiu 01 jjuld S prt'iv nmre hi d m rc. Isotiiii.p, incicloie, hus piven t'io eii"nu of thi Uoturrmciit mh nl r nil' i.ud cti.n'ori in in t!ie liiRh I riT of plil. fin j !i:iiv pomfi d 10 iu Htei'dy uicrcisc :is pi "if i'n-liivi tlmi tbe Aduiia ihtritt (in v.h lo-inu it hold oi. thi' ciovidoir'o of the pie. v'i;h Kold, it m u i r of m ir'.., o( rj iLiup il c t ' in un ; Bu i tine .! nut le tin1 r Wis lor fic.-!i J.i-.uilt- upon itn cru.a ( the fjo ei nriii'i t. The t:iAilr km in tn lie turned. Within a mouth (told hn tiilli n isii per cfnt. I'.mn the ac!i.iu III till. t'UUn I '. .11 fl'llti. ill 11 U i'lll 11:1. I lll II. I ll il e lienrt full of depnndt net" unit I'eiir. I' ie arniic- of the I 'Hon true nm winning virlorii. zuure ttHH ouau'cr tuiti, iu n in iuicih oi U'limi nil dlmay, the pi-op'o ini;lit um ii 'n the tie niiind mudc nt i'lncii(?o for a "e "H ttionof hos tilities;" llmt the v. iti iniitht be uli.tiido.ioit its it "liiilurc;" that tlie llei'C.li.m would actiiove it Virtual triumph, and Ilic trent rcpu'ilic lie forever Oterthrown. Hut the pi -t firco weeks lm vc put a new fare on allairn. Karniuiit took Kong (..unci an i M ir fun. Micrmau molt Atlanta. Niieriln ainoie and i alien il KurlT and lus hott. Tlie pe.ipln all over the l.'iul rallied to ibo call fir roiul'ir.e menia ond poured tin in forth no'ilr and ri'h a hiph-licnrtcd ilctcruiiniitinii to iiuitnialn at wh it overcoat the honor of tlio .iBtional Hi. Kronii ji courage took po-acMiion of the national heart. Our general at the he, id ut our tirtni 's s.-nt lortti nii.i.anu nt fhpur ui..l iiro.-lui im..l ll.at nti.i m..m atroiifr and united effort would end the c uiteat V and restore the Union. J The result it .oen on evory ide. Public ftitli jn the Oovcrnntcnt in revived. l'rite are r.ipi'lly Ti&.'oind buck to their n.ttur.tl Htundard. Tlio people liegin now to ee tb it the ctnitfijle is not I hopelenK. that il drawn near a iilumim and vie- y torioua tiid. And this revival of cjiift lenco will VOUll IIIIIIO IllttU All tlllU eiM3 IUO Tictory which it toreseei. m I'-vkkmii:. r n;Mii.t:ri.v. roi f he 7fiV.ii rir . Pendleton has accepted hi nomination and put Himself square on the Chicago platform of peace nd surrender, although the committed whole duty It wan to notify the candidate cliosea by tlie Convention of their nomination withheld the cuitom.iry notice from the determined P., 10 as not to give him etiauee of writing a letter cou trarjwitc to tlio plastic McC'lellaia, and to avoid tho danger of having the tukct pulled apart In the centre. Hut Pendleton bun accepted tlio plat form. He spread himself all out on it at Dayton, Ohio, on the 10th in his i-pceelilet in which he (poke tinctuouaiy of ' the Demo rattc party, whose bemficent princlides, recently solemuly announced in National Convention," Ac. &c. Kc. Pass by the anomalous s-pcctaole of tho dia metrical antagonism of two candida:cs for 1'resi rlent and Vice-Picaidrnl on the name ticket (highest proof of the rapidly hurrying disintegra tion wmcu will, wiiuin six mown: uuer tue election, wholly deliver this continent trom the curse of tho pro-aluvery Ueuiocratie party, and obliterate the very l.indiu irki of i- existence), pn8 by that, and uunceive of tieortte 11. 1'eu liu ton aa Vice-PreMdeut of the Cuitvd .staler, lie is In the etinir of the Sena.e, armed wita ttiu deadly power of Kiviuir the castinii vot , when necessary to be used, lie sits lucre, perfectly assured of the lawliilncsu of aeecasion. l'or did he net say in debate on January IX, 1I1 : "I' ilie Hoi.theiu sot ei cai'iiut ne eoncillitiixl, it 'id It y.m wntk'nifii can. ol llml li In .our neartt li s'rinil t-slr ile liiniMla il tliv inul le.ne tm tuiuil iii.mslo I I wo ltd visualize II ijlr tlt-'iHirlnru hv itikaiis it love. 1 woitiil lint tlifin lun-ueit an liuif'ily mil liey w.mlil t.no --or li toiiclif d b the ril.O.ll-1 lun ni l . Anil il, lit tlie vlrlsMlililel f their rei'ttiale -ssieiieu, ility rt.oiilil Ueiiru tu oiui ti'Sellir with i,s a,mn in unc e"iinu'.n l .i.vi niieiit. tliort should hf nu rleo to lie tiunnlliiltii iIhtij n'loulil liu u wemid in'Mo eil lo mv tntiiil li ti heuled T.m.v alnulil tunio anil I'O Ki-tC'iuie to tin.' iluce ihvi unit oeeiuy." This f uppimititions Vi.e-Prosidciit Pendleton Tba'ts, we my, in Hie chair of Hie Senate, perfectly Vsfured, logically tilied, that tho Snutlibida tight to secede. Keverdy Johnson, of M irylaud, Powell, of Kentueky, eiaiilsnury, of Delaware, Wright, of New Jersey, Uuckulcvr, of Pennsyl vania, and others, approach tlie predduiK seat dignilitdly, and at intervals, one after tho oibur, and confer in whispers on tinlional affairs per- haps an unusual spectacle iu our developing ' Home of Lords. "Old fellow," ono would say, "y rosolutioti, that secession being ihu iiniiuestinn ioIu r i lit of a State, or of a number of btates, the war wairod by the United hla'oa against tlie Confederate ' States wut) UD.iusliliatilo aud w ithout cause, and that all the expenses the Confederate Stttoa were put to iadclcuding themselves ahouid, in law and inequity, be assumed by the United Stamen that 1 say, will be up to-iuorrow, and I just want to reniai k that the 'dciiinitiou sum total' of those expenses, to be allowed by commissioner, Is awful but that way down to the bottom is a pile for the 'true blues, euougu to enrich them for ever. Do you understand i" "I'nouisiioiiafjlv, Senator, we are hound t w ' asfnnie and pay the Confederate Stales' war tleut. tue wttr wo wageu upon inetn wat one 01 unjustifiable aggressiun. -McClellan will sign such a bill but if he should hesitate, well, tio ought to have the grace to die, as old Harrison did. If I had his oll'KC, I would mighty iiuiek slap uiy name to your Confederate debt -saddling bill. Hut he will sign it." Another would say : " Pendleton, I am aware that you nave no doubts that every 91 to who has been lost to his owner, by any cause of this war ff whatsoever, direct or indirect, should he paid for V bv the I'niied Hiatus. Hut would it not lie iust to give owners damages upon the loss of increase of slavery Iom of the fair average, auntul cro; of young niggers ?" " Certainly, the Koiith had a right to secede. .Stick that loss iu the House bill by way of amend sneui." Another toga'd one would ssy : 'George, tve will shove tiie Confederate VV idow-' Penslnu bill thiongh this week. 1 think we had betfr HOparate Hie ehildioii, and the mothers and fathers, ai.d the sisters and brothers, and the nieces and nepbuws, and uiuke eigli'. ditli i-cu; bills, with dill' rent proceedings and commis sioners. 'J here Is a lot of needy good felluirs down there to provido places for. Hut these pen sions will wring tho life out of yo't Yanks." "Yes! mortgage 'cm into good behavior for 11 thousand years! The Mouth hid u riu'ht to secede. Why did tin y try to light her bvk, and in the unholy endeavor till her with widows and orphans :" Another Senator would say : "Mr. Vice-President, 1 want a ur shake. Here are the amend ments to this Virginia Siillcrors' bill, that are not ball completed, and there are twelve other States whose iiiilorcis be the Yankee war have got to be provided for this session. Now 1 want a fair chaueu at the unappropriated mouevs on hand. Just speak to .l.tlin-on and iiin k.ilew, nml get 1111 understanding that all tliesj reunion measure shall have un equal clianee that there Ir) no "irst come hrst serve' .rab, ut the cash in the Treasury." "What will the Virginia SuflurcrV cl.iinu Amount to r" "Oh, we have slopped c nisitlciiiig the claims of single States, and .m trying to lind oat how much the thirteen '.uai t 1' tales' can get, wiihuiit ulttrlv busting tins Yankee concern, ll is the toughest financial iirublcm I ever tackled. How much do you tiiins, the. u ttioual credit can stand ultcr the war dcht and other incusures are provided for? Never mind tho -.'elow par let tho scrip liuvo uny value you jdeaMJ-rbc merely market t'jle." "ly ucur lelloiv, I hat e not ciphered on tlu't. I oulv know that uiy Southern brethren s'llfereil causelessly, and are entitled to pay tor their losses." "1 hear that McClellau has been set up against thete bills by llulmout, who hadn't any ut tlio claims. You don't think we will havu any ditlt tiiity with him, do you :'' "I think not. He is committed to the nnjiisti lablcou. of the war, aud 1 would just like to sue UEADY-MADE CL0TH1NQ Jiiin I ny a lioiilc i.f trti' I' k. lie imjr iflr, ton Vn"tv. Two Soulier rrreiilt nf" litve llit tl, ITtil lilt llti .th Icivitu kprmiltlt piiliti.'liiul A lie-I'nmli'ntu to liikc up nml currr t' r ( iverrt. nu M iiiiwmI, win rr it fight tn en." Vice ricM.lrnt IV n. Ik-ton i:ro un , Ibtie Is too rtiticli of li I th for our kih v to-ditr. Iwtt! IIomu! llitanl Tli.rc i !t cent ral bn nkil.-Hn ofirhe. An ai.e ion sale ot wool, Wcdiicsilnv, nlmweii a de lime of e hi 1 1 nts a pound Ir.i u last 111 nun's itioiatii ns. i he pn si ni 1 vot brant prices tor nit i h s nf food ami eloitiinr, in a r.Tt m ii uit .f casts, result trim pure at niu r, rutin r in in fn-in any ntees-iiry ri'iisnn. A inaii'it iciiirir ol liater tiiiilis for ovirroitinL" remarked n fmv lint 1:11,1 Unit tint e teirs inn (i tot Uim t ..rd to ii autilin tine his i:imh1, ititit tie smj iiii it l"l ""li-.'si. Now It eo t li m 7l a v ird to in unt il"'! me ; em, and he sohl tin-in (111 si. A nd h it is le.t 1, so I :tr itisiiiiice bt anv iii.-'i:..-. I i tin c vi .is 11 hen 11 1 ti ut tc cm lei t wrh fin a d 11 n lim raiivc plot t. anil that liri tni'st return fls'fl'n. i he people .arc brrniiiiin; 1.' niulrrs'iitrl llmt It is not PC price ft gi Id nt the xelirelli of uiiic'i s that ch"M s much of ihe n.ti -.in e In the lit 1 ol t'Oci s-nri 10 ticii s, but thr gr.eti ihirst ti 1 g ci til. 111 s. Tin van m.t d'ii n to pitv mic In 1 diet prr cent, iiroli tvnn t Imt tt n per cent tin-, ci iisitlcrcd alii le a 1 hot t 1l1.1t n"i, aid 11 111 nl einii'M aril lie irt - ttitl h .vt to -liai tlicr emtrse acorlit'L' y. liuis ol e v, t tni'.i ti 11st trine tlniin, ami bu-jies lticn Witt prepare lm 1 lie 1 nu igt net . 1 lie Illinois Ili-ti.ni al .sot it ty L. ji.st ia o. I vet! riffs ' f s''i ml but' c ;Im.-, ami hn'-1 le b d l'nifi.'si r f iolilttiii St.ijth an hoi-erai v n.ctii'ier. A ymTf man in I.' uivllli . nsnn d H ue, tun away lt-t wei k with his en.iiii.ttr's wo".: but tlie I uiy ul'ieiii arils "cut" him, m .1 r 'tr'ied pi iiiunt'y to her husband iIi.iish sum of stolen money, which Ilooue took care if. The llristol (I'nglandi t bun h fiugti-s pronilses t i be a lailure. liccaii-c the Dcsn of llristol (who is topresidei ha ninirieil 11 divorced lady, iicny ministers rcfiit to meet un lor him. The marriage was legal according to the laws of r.nglaiitl, but not of the (iiun li. Kev. Dr. Todd, of Pittsliild, Mass., sent to the Christian Com mis-ion the sum of S s ; 1 1 which has been raised In Ilerkhiro, through his influence nnd labors. About of H "as gitcn by the operatives in the f irtorit s in Pittstteld. and b'l.iij 07 are the proceeds of athildron'j fair. u IV 1 T 13 I M rX' A. T ItJ H 7-30 LOAN. TLc Hcre tury cf tlie TrMtarjr n-1vei ni-Uo that tjti criprioowiU b rwivett fir Cjupoa In-astir ffjtti, pat)te Utrett jtra from AiiffUAt &. n itli n ami-Anna il Inter cut nt tlie rut uf von iut tlrn-tcntti por fut. ir RBiiHBi, prtncipaUud Interest riUi to be juid la limful money. Tboee not will be convertible at fhe option of the holder, at maturity, mto tlx pwrctnt.RotJ hcurtnt burnt, payatile not lebi liiati live nor nvro Uiu twenty vcan from their date, ilie ttiverr.mnt may ettct. T'iey will betfiftuctl In di)mlnatloiie of f X. $ Hmo, nd s)tjtu, anA all iuljitripttotin mut bv for Uitj d!lare or timet uiultlple ol Hfty Uoiltire. An tlie notes draw InterenC fnra Aitgnet pereoiie ttiaklne dop.it8 iibflc'itit itt to that date mutt ir the Id t itch t accrued iVoui date ot' note to date of deposit. Bl'KCIAL ADVANTAGKS Ol' THIS LOAN. It a XTttN.i. 8 win. a !UhK, ofl. tIiik tiuhttr rate ff luterc.it than any otlitr, and the Wut s' nrtty. Any larluus baak whl-!i pays jti depoiltors In I'nlUid HKtc. oih cou.tliler iliat It it pitying In the n t clrcuUtinir Duthuiu of the eo.nitrjr, atid It en it n of pay In aayttUiifr bettvr.for Its mu aM'fci are ettiier in iovi-rnin 'nl sionti U? or hi note orbomla jayaiilc ia (. ivcrnmont papur COVKliTIBLK INTO A SIX PKU CKNT. 6-20 GOLD UOM). In Hriclltkin to the very lllieral In I o rent on Mip noteii for Ihri'C jii'ii, tlni priwli'Kf if cuiuurfilcii tt now worth about tlueo por went, jer auiiiiBi,i,r Uto current rate ftr t9: IWiitda ia not lenn tltua nine p'r cmt. iretnhin, and bi lore tJit war the premium on aix percent. I nned Stau-e htockt was mer twenty percent. It will be e n that the actual pro tit on thl kan, at tho present nuirkvt rate. Is not iy tJ.an ten avr cvtit. per annnnt. ITS KXEMTTION FROM STATE OR MU NICIPAL TAXATION. Hut aside iron 1 ail the advantage we have eniituerAted) a apecial Act of I'nnreiK err m itn aitt'ttuU pud Triturj note. from lo- al ta-ratiitiu On the average, title exemp tion ib north about twe fx cent, per annum, according to the rate oi'taxatlon in vatioua parta ot the country. It Is bciicved that no aeotirltles otl'er ao grat induce lufnttt to lnd' ri ui those Hnind by the tsuvernineat. Io all other (ernu of Indebtedueaa. the faith or ability of private partb-a, or etock cenipauica, or aeparnte cumtaunl ta, only, in pledged for payment( hlie me nholo pro perty of Uie country la held to secure the dlseliargii of all the uMlfi.tloni ot ttie United Suites. 81 bm. uriit.a ill in: Rt.cKi, rD ty the Treasurer of the United States at Waihfngtoii, tho several Aislstant Treasurers and designated Iosltaiies, and by the .flltST XATiONAl BANK OK tHIL.IKl.rill A, PA., HIXUM) JI AHONAL HANK Of UJLADKLPlllA, PA,, TI1IBI NATIONAL BAN Or I'tllLAhKI.IMll A, PA., rot KTH NATIONAL BANK OK flllLAIUI.l-lllA.hA., By a'l Natu ral Banks which are deposhartei uf public dcu ; and p l.'i ALL KLM1CTAHU BANKS AN I) BASKLCS Threuitlaii t Uie onuntiy n 111 K'tve further lnfnrmtion and AI'FOUD KVKKV KACIUrV Xt Hl'B.SCltlllKKH. j into AT iisi:ahk8. CATA ItHII, AND ..HT11M A, 1 ill. uiu WITH THE ITMOfr SI'-'CKMb, J. 1H. VOS MOMGHlSKKlt, Authi r 01 th rct inly pitblJthci w. rr,, THE FAR: IT DISEASES AM) THR IK TREATMENT. ri-te. N. lit. WAI-Nl' 1 Htrttt. TO Tilt; 11 111 1 '. It is itn c i.ld t.'li.J 1411.: ;il..n tl nt It. Vm Sloiet,. irker iQfi. tluit liU kit, ., Unt Iriilvftl l"-u v't t. 1 lua sucet na ia the more rat;(yini; hi It .a entirely i.Mt-to Oe nuniertuK t KKS he it it- etituV-d in tt,e ai. ive u.aiadifs, nd t(i .ntvrea pal. ant- (aui 'ii . (ioiu.tif nnuf erv intlufnti ti clti.t-ni i.a in ni a i--i:a- t-i 1 mi- e ufni Kra'r.hl , t 'k n to pp-mtitM it. TM-ir ti utimonn.ta, wi.rtleii Im Oie verv htv't ;. terms, can w ex.-iuiriii! at t.ih tfit..-e, Nj. ln.7 WAl.Nl; I s.irtjt. T' Hit; MKI B'AI. I ii"i-iHION. I r. Vor Moict ir.t i m. 1 , M. e 4th-i,e.i n anil I te DjI'V illlth nit C.iei he hut tre:it-tl Wi 1 . - n uor itien Jicitt v. prtittti i :it u a'lle tn th ri'nrui In !im pr' I'sMi'Vul I,. (-in .ty. Ft r Muii'.eiu .h b.-Kifitist r .iri-itt'y del 1 1 t, un lij I'.nut i-ntl kind nttl 1 i Mm a.i 1 ivt-.-hi in ti ti.' lut liia: uriii.l", he re;.trns lttm ti''lo tli.tDKH. fl Alt.t I LS. The i.n.ni.tiii r-list im l. l.y I r. VON MO",Hlj K KK, U r Ilie In atinvi'-f the uf't'Vc m .In. lies bus In en l.y (S h i lea l mi ukM u ItinJJ ll :e uii.l all wut, .an ill 'lit ln u tr.e' il Hie i-re.-ut v u i li . a L wut f r Oi- u.f i ( .F KSKS, 1 1 lit OAT MfcA-r, 'I'AHH1I and AS I It .M . fi i t '.v-.c sutli r ir in ii-.y -.f tV"-e laft'inl ca 1.A.C Buw tl t ti n iuitl Miie: t ii. i .mf - i b:i nil.' a -iri. Ail ier-i)tS win nonsuit Oi. YN Mii iiISK W; may rt lv tlidt l.t m ill y i v i tin nt a u.nditl iinii..(i ut n,',i.i use, nud l.ai he it at . iv tK tvt i:iu. Oiii'.tlc! UAlNi 1 b'trtot. it A fgv TEOUSAKPS OF TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT TAIN. Patent ar plied ftr, Ut new laviatji. a iMniite Ke s.'mH Si ii aiiiuniit.i.- H.,i:y Val tvl 1 khmh r, ftr a Uu: Kierint Nitro.ia C hle it. and. i x ini m.g i i th wiihout 1 it. The only nioilu Uu U.e la4 a b prtprly aad i uiy atiM iu:-iii. ' StPtf'4'.1" m;nnh, 9-19-lm " - " J'u.'T.II bl St t en .THLtT. AND m"E TA1L0KIXQ SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS. FALL, ) ( FALL, Iho i. f SOW n STORE. I li-to A. EDMUND YARD & CO., Nog 617 Olitsout nod CH Javne Streets iMi tn-in-.s ts: ivHbr.r.ti or SILKS AND FANCY DRY 000D3, SI I A tVI.H, I.INKNH, AND wi ill oooph. I..M ' v st HAM-OMr. IT'X'K. ! i k i. s s u o (i n.v tVl.h '..INK C".'lii!:M(.AMri'Jv,.qi'.' IIAI,J11)HA1,M, t' 1 ': ant..-.'tit I'-UTMHH AMI OTHllt MAHKH. i "itio iil "Mil 'i nt-.i' i i :i:Mititoii:uii:, j I. A 0 F. s . i 1 1 1 1 I T. fJOOl S, - ! I V i'. I 1, I - I H I ,R 11 ANDKIilK If IIM'M. S ! E. M. NEE DLLS, (MisMi Miii.tn. UN MO H 1 H K I I I- R fTf refnnd tb. moner, If tle.iiett, for try lot ci Shirts wbka fill 1c any rrtpsot. FINE H11IRTR, CltT LKMtTUWlt, I.f Mt al.tN. Uad. ot Ii't'W Tork Milts Mnsllti, .ad very Und Lines tkt.nnil. Only It 7t I'.imi nice 0-OU. WUI.sntivUle Mill. MuiVv an. blt.ro Uiioxi, Out; fi. I.'. i' lite -i-.tO. Ol-NTMMTN'8 FURNISH IN O OOOU8. HMITII k .lACOlM, mrl-to Ho. l HI-HSL'T tttrsst. GRAM) OPENING III HIK MlWAMU M.ttiMMl KNT SrOIti: Ol' JOHN LOUTEY & CO., p. : m. laiuii'rn writiiJUT'. MOM)AV.SKl'TKMl)l':i! -Hi, Where will le1 1'xind luott beiw l'nil mort ment tf DKY GOODS, CLOAUH, VINI IN THI: cm. We I. sic ;iit 0p-iuj4 1000 l'i.H- H'tKH, PI. MS ANI li .i.Ni . f.OO i'i. MHUNOF.R, li.AIN .VNI HHrHK.ll. :.0 Pi...-. I'ltKNClI l'Dt'LIN, ItKI' AS1 Kt.H Rl li. SCO I'i...- WOOL tK LAINU, nmblt nml Hii'ilu IVUth, lluiu itii't I it nr. tl. 150 I'i... -. MOI1MU ALI'AC'A, t'itilo Ititd r'loiirf.l. lOO I'i. .'. - KNC'iIjISH MliKINOKH, AN lu's1' HiiMik of t iiimy si"t 9!a;'le Dlt K SS (I O O L S. M. a. . .i o is ii a l Kt.KHHAIKU NE PLUS ULTRA SKIRTS 1 ! EVK.itv hkji:t WAUi!Nrt:r a nu ki:pt isoitnr.il MllNTMM, miI'.k of riiAUoi:. SOl.n ONLX AT No 17 N. IIGHTH STEEtlT, (Over PartiiiUe'sTriiumlm Store.) NONF OKNM INC l'NI.KS OUR NAME AND N I'M HER 1H HTAMl'KD tl'OX THR WAIHIBANU. fc.XTRA M: O ril HK I KTH. and with any ile waist, nuid tn uriior at the aliortont noli, c, Ol.ll 8KIKTS JdAhK ON T.ll AND HKI'AUU:!), Kuml it New. MISHE--4 AND TIU.IHh8 HKIitlH, of ail aies and stle-leiiiiAtaiitl un hand. y jl-lni JOO HOOP SKIRTS l!OQ U-wO M.ibuiactcrj, No.ti.'K A It ' 1 1 Street, UO Alxive Mlih a'teet, rhiiudelpliia. W!..'le:tend Ketnil. Tt etiioal cnmplet nsurtuieni ii' I.tKltet , Misses, and riilWien'H Ihsep fistriii m Hm i.ifv, In '-vory n-apect itMt ciaits, whl h Ir ile, Dnisli, uur.ibiUty, aud chuapueas, have r fcnuiil ill (he inoi aet. hsirts made to urder.aliereU, uuJ r'Hi.i'red lVly W M. T. UOI'KIX.S. R S "M A. BIND E It ' S TI.MPI.K 1 H II"S. NO. Ilrjl, I HlNti mKKH (IrwiiJ 0(m tiiutf. s".U'H.i'r I. 1'itriH. L iihlnu,aiiil Saw Yi re I usluoiis. Ji'-t r-eived, 1m -tl 'e. iVter M"dcla of A!l tl 0 teiUi'iie HitO latest tUi is detail". I r I ad 'en a. id Ctiihin u tM'ess, itn.iNti'il and es-trauj trimmed, w to pieaeut tlio must poiioti res. iiiU.anjfUj thooilgiuul aith lea. 1'aiierna nf Pr.nienai.le. F. enlinf, ll'tme, Bridal, and raie v OreantH; aisn, 4 iuaw, hmtlMS. tt rltti, J;tktta, Si' -vvi-h, Aploiis. hek ,i itp B''S d-' " humbrn, IiiJer (i.irinetiit, Ai, anl every si,ia m' anaent alrpt'dtn Itoj , Mist . and hi'itutt, tha' lat anv cl iltn i'-t either iiovelt v tr uiflity. ail ae n'ately r prmiu.id tn T sau-i I'upor soon ut tiioy a.T. .ituretl flttier In Purls or htn dHi. lireRUiid t lot.a luaknii; n all it brun.iitit. an'1 a pf rteet lit w iiriuuted. C'Jttni aiiJ B.-iitnu. I rMich Klut n ant! i io'li r Mtiio ien)ir'"t a -Hk O-, l'a-f'',i!.'ehia, Kfe-n i ( orattJ'. Ilvi-ki, Kves.il ian4,.inl 'imrerK !inor of TaaMuii. a t U-wTinlui CAMPAIGN FLAGS, 131JNTINO, AND HIMf, 0 EVl-M M-8ChITilO. Atso, HWORDH, SABI1KS, If t ti ti wdl. n t ii jj nfstitiiw nt ci MILITARY GOODS. EVANS & HAL3ALL, fl ';;-lio go. 4 1M AHt'l) 8TI:l'KT. jiioiioiJ HTiTiis, an., KANUrACTUBIUa MACHINIST AND KNQINlililt, ss'7-'iin No. H21N. 8KCOVD bT.,I'iuioil.rV.ia. SI K.AM HKATINO FOR FACTORIES, Mill., Hiiil wh dirt, t or unit' tum. Alto, toiln for l.cultri.r.'itJ. ni r. i vrti-otanut, At. leMin At.lOlltM.tN,.N... N. li T1I Bucct. ESTABLISHMENT, RETAIL DRY GOODS. 1SV MOCtIMO H IOUD. PALL ST0(K. Au T lrant Aorl tnenl Ll ES GOODP, (I.VKH. MtAWLR, MAMI.KS, RIOt'llNIIVfl MII.MNKHV. I UT. All I.MOt Or THE I A!IE IK 80HCITI.) M. A A. M Vl'.KS (.., K tint fit"" tir ht ti r. '. T i: m i i: FASHION. Ciimu rrofito. Qit'i k Eu.li'8. 'IMS AND ( Al'5. NKWKST fTYI.F.s. I itf.vt I'i l- . in U'C ell f. JUHKNIi, ." ''-'ill w . in v. hi tn (tritsr.T. JJ HIIOIOMAll i'.K A. tH., OUILTiRIN'S CLOIHINQ IMPOfillTtf, 1 N. I K-in ii snu.i.r, rim. tiu.i rut . - W CM ' It ' ,v. i .v V' V A Mr- V re n ofu!'.y Invite apfi lal attentioQ to our elegant af Of in.eiit oi ' 1 1 1. 1) KILN'S cr.OTIIINCJ, Ci'tn, rltliiK lllltk , l.lltt.S , INKANTH', and MIH'-KV I loitiint: In i vert 1 4rirty, In tin littc.t hit tot. itntl oi'mti'e r:nr wi. I. ti-an.nlp. Hl.oi' nl 'l.ml-.n pnlil lo MIHSI'.K' llHI HSMAKIXii. Tho ptililu tiir int liod to cull aud .xaitilni. M. SI lOIC.M AKKK A- CO., Sf7 v m.i ..'nt Nu I N. I'.limril HfUKhrt. JDWAIll) X'. JOHN KF.M.Y, TAILOHH, No.C.l'! t'lir.SNUT STKKKT, Il:iififi Htil tl.-lr I4 A l.t HTTI.r'S, .ltd a lurpa slofk r 1 At I. .1.(1 WI N4! Kit UIIDIK, Inrlittling clt .l. o AMKUI ( AS (lOOI'M, all twiiRiit tiif'.re Ihf ri- 111 ptlcea, titnoh lin v ti ill iiiiit.r no in tlir li..it tyl.-a at miHltrAto pi le.. Ti.l.MK- M l H. no7-liu 1 1 1 U -V 1 13 La 1 1 1 A. WALL PAPERS. l',I,. A- IK) II 11 KM, x. u. c i:nkk FOURTH AND MARKET STREETS, SlAM I'Ai n:i:Ktti ok l'Al'l.R UANUINUS A'.l. Mt'lJ.lut VIINIOW H1IA DM, J .1. WIMJAMH, No. 1G N. SIXTH ETREET,. ISlHniira.'tilrirof VKNKTIAN IlliINUH AMI AV I IN I O AV H 1 1 A. 1 12 K. Tlie l aiiicit anil Flmiat Ai.ortan'iit In Iho cilj, st Id. LOWEST l'RICKS. IIKI'AUIINU ATTKNIt:D TO nttlMl'TLV. HlOltK SIIAIlKtl MADi: ANU I.KTI l'Ri:i). ,f0 lm j OOJvlNti-CilAI-leJ ANU FIC'TURK FRAME MANUFACTORY. WM. II. MOIiOAN, So. Jiow ninth s:nti:i:r, Ciilt Ovul IMmniKi'itpIl I'faiin -StlO'lJl I'OSSTABiU.V ON lltSH. KL'NITU11H. Jlitiln boUKht aiixt nt my lulMnli t'ori l!ie l.i'.e reat t', I sin eii.bj.0 to oi. r my .tork ot FIRST-CLASS FL'UMI'I.'RF: A: n Mnnll avatur on old rrlr. I. I.I'TZ, sii K. 11 s. klka i:n i ti sntKKr. jj L. IUIIOf-iti Ac WIN, ManttU-turor 01 i im; ,i m w i: i. i: v, jn... in-iN -m:-M i hTBivt:.4. ).!. I '' . r. I'HllOH'.i. i- MI'i'-i.'. WHOLKBAI.E N D HKTAII.. t ,.t. ! ci niairl iu.: wurr.u.t. l. 'j-'H lui JA Jl i; H HaH HBR'H tl ll.H'AlS N HkTAIl CLOCK hiBTAHLIBHMENT, . E. ttri.tr SKCONP rd OiES.NVT Hlxten, "PU ada. ,1.11.. I l.'S 7llli 1'ATINT JlOrALUlNU TIIIHIV-J'A CLOCKS, a m oVMraM. srtUl. ft ChurclMS, HoltU, Ear.n, "jSZVkrtivViHbr mt .)i.n PKjjii. L' K! HEr-AUlKU AN1 WALK IS I MJ. )al2-ly coik Ttlii-iuiiik. ol ,rj ut.trti.UkO. AI'mI aToRAY, N. E. fORNKR OF 5UT1 t It, J MISHK Mr.il-, buy 1i.jUjii..'., IlkiUli l--i HUTili'bl,N'wIvrci' mom 'At-t. At) I'litint-.s ct'Dudtutibl. J 3ia Vol' sty's tka wARi':iioeM:.-i:si-A. j t,..'l.d.l.lc..-U.-li rt.r.t.,'1 ,l"'1"''", . v iii, i t.is, tt nits, anil Lh;ou. Ci...,cc 1I.. 'f,'"'..!,' t.. V, kk-. umI tait. t,, l:ti;Sh ,u.l 8l. Alt -"f4,, tal.,. ,0,,, 4o. ,av JUtM-i l-ut upwilh... fI..,.,,NI( s..,r. 1 ifty JOrtUt A 11. ll UI Y. lOUU'Sl.Ml'HOV ED fTH AM AND WAXKR. ITV UKATINK All'AhVTUM. iZi amus suit Vii.iilsi'fH W tnu!dlns and M al. UitlM.v, CMOll nil- jnxuoi.1.1 III. V, JAMKSP. WOOD, N0.41H f OI'KTtl hlreet. kxikH (a B.U. rtLTWtxJ.. H wiwtentlat jj0ID I" II.VNDSOME STYLES, j) d r o t r o it INIIHI K T A T F. 8 RETKNV F. AMI i-oaTAdi', TAMIs, rn TIIR Mtrtll I AN It 'IVt'.'.lEKX s-Aim, No 304 CrEoNOTS'HIT, Pliiimielpl.ia. I'n ' d lv-ktaq- B ft, 4ol 1 wSil-pit'e an 1 rot all. T pircent ditai-rl ft 11-. raj 1 1. all f'fi lrt.tr f ur tut 1 nty li'as; Iti fP ! r ( -tit. u:i 1 vmi: Lmila aru' eewft''a. A I or.ia:-. h' b' ll b JESPER If AKDINd, OolUrtor of TirPt Di.stut, H I ' !l '-N'"' i-iM,PM,.a.ieiplilis. CITY OID(NA'CEs! N O U D 1 IS A N (: 1. I.' if 'P:, lSou'" ot,. it mi ( i niifT r i'1-ieii- of t'((r ' i I I. ni .1 o n I il. tn. tl ill tJ. i 1 (-,t Hi' rt" l.i r. C .1 (I (i- iiili'iiln Mei tt '.' tu I i i i r. ;. ... . ...n , pbit'l" .ill I I'll Of Al i1 Uttil 1 t'.tr. i -ri i; ...t.il .a 1 ovor- it t ..n Is l,iu tl,t I (i:ri, yc,r l . Ci it' I I 1 1 : ( m ilr t i-n a-? urn-u tich l.. l ( t it - r .i Im l''v hin ui il e C iibt'i ni . 1 1 t i l hiiiiii'i ii'.'i'iiii.i V!-''iv;,!iiti :rin I ' o ',i i t r i.ii lr..i. . .r tn nt:- h hi" r.iH i i -t. 1 , th in .- VI ll ! A .till,1 ill I I ,t' i 1 1 l ' J . I f.f li. s- n r. p.i. e t in;fnf;n a . n -i. r a! la- it t" .ir h-4 i . i. rim ' vi 'i e -i i i , i,t I-tai ihi i i i ' i . . , I., ji l " i. ' "I nl a I nl I'i it,(.t, Nt ji ai.Ti.rt to n -fit ;i . .fcttii"i. r lif.wi-r i"if ihi wr-el.ir t(- r of ibtre ,i? -, w,t il. 1 il. K -I-1 , b' .trd" -fr oil . r 1 ti--i--, or any I . i . .-;.i .t 1 li. Li i. .MM. ti m . r I. ti. , it eu ji. !i i r a t , If anv i-tir-l r mri t 111. u I' '.U i i . Si r . i T i c ; nit!, t uh . tl' ii , i r '.-mi lnr-r. itr drift' a e i. 1 1 1 1 of atii V mil a.'k am ci ti.r i rti il im M ,i in hiii nlrt I el t o I y .fi.n H. 'to n"i mt wi ehirriMi, tr.r.M ifift , or t ni iK lift H.x t) ni) i.l il,( ill h"WH - t.l 'he i I'.'li rn tin t t . r M'fiT ! !fi t -! i . i t, V i f ill -m It u, lioei tle V tn il.st ml M r-4h U- "he ''n it "e, t in -h , ami l.e..ie ! c c .nek In iie tiiie itliit; the i-.c rt Oie V a n i ep-, l-nrifM r. i ' en t .f i m -ti In I - e tie I- im njif-r iiiin rnlHlln uui r r. I. ei U.i I'I'-ai;- t l.t f.H I'l'pt '1, IK nbl t iTt"'i..1 nu'' vi(l' -i;,m'i Hi -4i ll ill 1 1 in-1 . t i ' e h !id "i" butt'- n I eieielln m 11th ir -t II tin i.ur It el Ir tn ti e v vrrn,. p. net? ( Mieii v,.mi n-.,. i-r in (ii 1 1 i Htn pniiioii ot n lot t i.jr m it tnd it r um ii V i,n ten 1 1 ft it r i' Tn un1 or or permit hhi.w to re .u -tin more ti an "i Hifl. i I tin 9 r tl e II li 1111 f-H'l tt ''til. tul rlll P , . (. . (,.-tA h nr eint-v of the i-n , ta t'n.ni ( r a 1 i.'-inn in . - ! 1 r h, f. Hi lie blil'itilli;, bmi-e, hUtle, S inp hlt.l'la, or it ei' 1 1 t nt httt K nH.i.r the fi'iininliiy able ird thete t, i r ii.-nni Ir.ltf ; um' It e iieeiiph r , ur owner. It iii un iiUM'il, i'i m n i'ien' -e., 'i t.l be lUNt lor tlie viiall hi rmi!ter prest i iIk O iut nld Ml eiioc. Strtciii'i id t vend or pr.'jer.t frcin any dM'ellinu or tun oti a, ri ept liiiih, hii ttiufifnuini, pole, or ( tin r d v u e ii tl.t; m. it ib ii'-it or i-hto tle pltee ol biialitean, or n3 ii i ti l iimliM- or ll nik-n wli ch fe net. pnt tlietmt tin i u tiitpott' cf inlo -r o er anvm the i'-n.ih it n oi' anv street of H e t te oet ibt- t'-p ot .he ilrti hto-.-. , or to h -,u.ter ev ti ni ti.nn to r ieet three inebi-h ou any uf the other pii is ot am I i.ii id iu. i-ci t in 11. 1 o pluec or hiiibd;iln anTefllar ditoi, futroh, or M s v t n h -li;Ut exit no me e than lour leel iv In-bt'a It'lit him toofwitvot am (tiri'.-ttit nity tfN-t Mbto or np a rtfiU. i c h i fi i"ri It ii;i te til-, aner Into iilij fitutn ay IU auj tttft l of vs V liltli lliMU flltj -t el. hieiioii I,! Iomi iiini iiiMiuitin an fenee bojrond h I u hiltu line, or miv ruil n; exi pt nrouml eveat'id nreu" now exththiii, m (is io reeme he Uuis ,vh n tttreettt nl i'ttv hiiiidri'il leet nnd t. er Mi w ulth lit a Idth ol I -aa thiut at.t en ti ot ; oi i nint net aireetatoa it hit h ii Ifm 1 1. im tour 1 1 I tl let I ; of st 1 1 ft s of (M y leel ill w nllh ut lem than ti i i tt et ; f 'trt "h ( t,. i ht tanlth m iea than u n n et : nnd o nil tn 1 1 of a width then ttityfeetto a it Ullh ol b v. Ilit.n t blit leet ; or l linnet t Ul bulk wln d w in-Te tin. ti i .hp tout into the Co tvt a v br-iouil the Iniini-tt-u ime. or to kep up it her Min-ei ami Ot t-.re xiinrttie an itiU- I U. the ii u l ur the II -ht In aiiv unKle la up. Hec.ii n U. lo aieavdie or eotifltrjet, iervaiter, nnr an a. i r uit ir em rn u inrehi, in an o-itAvavut the e-tv, exeei t an beiem ailonrd. Piovfiled, 'Mini ttds HOMlbn .tl ell not ftpi' to tl o uMotliiK ui' tree'-, fir me iMing trees Ii Imii' , ui at' m-'iik'-aton a, or hUtlilmt-t'osttn. Bct 'on ll. It- p jiee.u' ni er t rertiaia on Hunday. any k'o.,0'". I'm or ntetc lamlite, or any ca-ik, barrel, r otiier ti nig ratmi'lc ut eoniain-iitf toe same, on a::y b-twav or h i;liet ot l lie city. .ei i (M I " anileT sut hortf. innrft, or Keldina, t si mill in nu v stre t or 1'iulHiij hll- lu-iua iitl einai T.'fUaiiv k.to In any ot the hihwuys or peb 1" a t,u i ei i ( tbt nt , H rt on 1 1. To place any i. units, ware, or miTchand'ae, hMP.it tor wale or I'tlierwote. o any part of the footttitv, to I roii t ot hii t'oice or ptenii-t 1 1 i-i-npn-d by any peri.iii o p rtt nt. l'rtix uletl, i nat iioioliit: httrt-in cn ainert ahail te eoiittriifo t' 1,'t vi nt any tomhi, Avfcrt a, or merchin lie font leiint Uken to Aetl htiu att) ntoreb uv r utlior htiihtli it. At an time n ImteVt r Htn.dav a Oxcapted ). Heet -on li. T" phtei- or pile nny e.u'p y Imixi h, btrrols, hoKtihiaaF.or cruiea.on uny looinay orhlfthwuv ol the hee'lpnl'. Tomf'eror pirnilt avw curt, drsv, wacnn, at ni;e, or l itekney coiieh ii-i d lu'bbe. or t carry intr etiai.eloe or puMteii-ra to a and ami rt main -n any h'trh ia ot the ( it v. exi opt tor to .unu a tune aa ma te nvcei SHrylur the 'tan-net on of the tm.-htea In wlrei inch vor Ir eniat he i liid- eil I'm .deii, Pniit this ecli in ahull i.i lot i ir rt w ii b an-, r'-kiilittiui s prrvr bed bvany oidi iiunre rt latinp 'o uiitrketa,or atinaa lor hatkuey-coai-hes, t i ther et ( leh. JtrtleiiW. 'liiaiii'iToi pn-mlt to(fn at laige.ln anrof tin lii-tliwa i or a.nl :c .unrt-a ot tl.o ch, tiny humo, inari ,to, t eller, bulhsieor, sheep, h gt now, aluat, pl, g ii ', ur p af . hi-eid'H -.'1 Tosnfler any waeon. eart, or other vehicle, l.i. n with hny or MratT. to fiiitiid In any 'tf tlie htreetnor ilie thy, f(.r the pnrpoaM oi oiUinix utch hay or ttrnn for a ah. Metioti 'a?'.'. To tranMirt, or t nrrv Uirotuti tie streets of Ibt i lt , in any dm or other t bit te, any iron, or o her tmcIhI. in tir , ri ib, at.n, m, atitps, ur hi an o to r f tia, in ik h n aunt r that the hiinie hbH pro.eet or ettiiil bo- ml tlie Init'of Ilie hit' s ot Huj whei lit ol Bitch Vehicle, iiiiutti the iron or metai no transported or earned ahll haw- iM' ii.il thoreoi rueert tl wi ll a hiaro I'lauiliiR hti tn ii T. 'lo wittulv ri I- any hn.o, or drive any iior. t. or tt.er nn iual, uibu lntl to awi caiTiSno, wtiuon, e.iri.or ot'er vohii le nhuttot er, tnroi'K i anyhlKimiv of tie Miy nt a Kiillup, or oilier immoderate tn't, nr tii drive at.. Imrhttor other Anima-attaolifd tn any xleuh or ojiriiait or runner, wiihouiuiie or inoru beha atiaehed to Hit- Mild iili'litttt. hi-ciioo.fi. I o t llfnlly oha'rtii t the free pasaAxe of any bluh-H uy ol the t'lt , mi us to pre cut It TM't or chicle, fi. iii p oMou-r to h five any b irae te nhind nnoMicned in i pub lc si rin'i, i r to puico liotrv's or vchb-les tipui the pnttnc itHJlWio or liiiteioiioa ut tho cruaainijs In tho uliiia. henion '.'ft To nnloj.d,d(rbn'e.or deliver ehrcn;tl in or un ai of tlio aft etv of the nt , in m any ntu, or her Mid1 ! . e rent hi Imrrcis ol the tup.iclty uf a e m -ii oil hi in hnirt 1, or In Miuiu oiher tufas ute wauaoL-upaehy 1 Tim it t la . Section vo To i at( or throw down, out of an r-irt, wuuoii. or oiher enri lve nuy ruiiith, o. aU r nla-lla, irt, ir ui ih, in ai y b uhw.i ol the city. Mi ciion V7 'I n tliM'tmtire l.nl or niiisroim ti'inldi from aty ilil h' ttec. ap-in.iiinir, or o'lior cxta UthnientH, no a Mjet- ll'iuor ih ill prim Info ur iilotc; any uf ttiu utrceta ol tin- illy, ot o kc-p, t nilet or uau-nny urbae or dl'b, oi an, anile, pittnd. or tiinklni i.tt. tfriaai , or othor mat ter III or lient uny aUiihti r hotttt. her ion 'i. Tit rati or lay trie earensc of any dead anliual, or any oirenwni vr AHh Iruin vaults or prlvten, on ai y h'Htiva in tho ojiy, or ou a-y vaeaui ltd, -a Ithout tuiyiiiu or laioiiiaT tlie aittne a aiofl'leiit dtp h in tlie f iqiiimI. or to cu t nn cim:a-e ut uq j uead auiinul inlo tho river De hwuiit or helmi Ik ill. Hot uuii 'Jit. 'lo aell or expoae lor Hale, at any place within the ch , any hlo n, tule. or out Iituc.-iti.ne p-u inion. hecilon At. tu cxunuiiith, withwul autboi ity, any pnblle Ian. p. or to I ri nk or ii.iino any of tbu public Umps. or tuu.p iMfttti.or to lyore or itainairo any of tho lire-plngt, hvdraiiti. pumps, ur lonrtoiiih. MiK.'iion ill. 1 u lit i II tl-.iuw nun the rof of an) public market I otihe a iihlu tho city, any trick, stone, or other thin-,'. bt ciinn:. To unlock, wilhoul uathoritv, or (o break open any of the nate or amin of Mitraneeot the pub.ic i-'iiJNrri ur parka oi tlie city, or to n le into, or to dm e. or tu (tike ii tu imt of iiii nam Mfuure ur parks, any heel hiiriow. l ore. cmt, ur cuirhjue, withunt authurity, or to avilju'ly In, ore any o' lhe trees. iVneea, a onec 'pint,', step-i, r HHlflhereut.ur to limiMt tbe crasH therein, or to run or will ii ei. or lie upon the atno,ur lo amuko any clar or pipe therein. (ohmIoi) '- Tu wilfully ent or to ('etkei any pari of the Kt-i npi-H oi. the Ntatu liuuao. or any oibtr pruperty of the eitv, by wriiin-.' or ilrnwliii, ihureuii, or in any other manner. her i ion -M. To bbiat rocVa-with fuwder on or near any htyliriy, without Hrt Imvinv obtained permlasbin irom tlicMayur,or havinv obtained mirh oeniiltaem, to blaat withuiit cutnpLyli a; wih mmmi cinJitioua a tho Mayor shall jireM'ul.f, hcLiMni lib. l o eunatitid or nuihitan an' privy, well, vault, or sink lor the pmpuHf oi eunUiulOaC uny otlensn-B tiniiii-r, liiuii two iei-t ui tlie iiuof any udiuiniiiH hit; and In H.iititiun tu t ic io.irtifv hert-tnatiier prut-ulcd. tlie kit Id w ell. vault, oi alnk -hill be lUlt-d ui at tln enpemut of the nt tier or ik'.i thort oi. hv lie! supervisor ut the dla triel ill Which skbl propi'll v la UsviUrtl. s tion !. To tinov , iaat, or nre a'iy anui't, roekt't, or uibr tliewt rks In or mio any ol ttif highway ol the en . heetion fc. To tin- on" or din hatve, wanio ily, and Hlth- oiil miv reasi.iuibl'i ean-u au ft in, pmtul. 'tm .liiL'-picev, oi other tht-unun. al any 41 1 , or irm ii a-iy house u ithtn thr t'ify , or in am ot the -I'sthn ttvs oi the t ity. Nciiuii h 1 u alhiw or piTinlt any iMTsnu to tireotfor d.M I a-ye, at or T' lM at huu ha Out ity, any k""i pis tol ui olle r tin anus. 8titIoii ;tl'. To ui ike.or at-iu to make, any bonfire, or imt n uny hu in s.ur othor "tiibtixtiuie inciter, cept in pn .:iiaii"li- b"" ru-Miie.', pa tin;, or lay in iT'is or water pipe-, in ii n; of the pwiiij-: bl.nuss or jiiarci ui parks in tn e-lt Mi lull 10. '1 Le ii'u illuils (n 111- 'JUth. '."il, i?Jil. 'th. 9iMli, :m h, iJ 1, Uih, :;tn, i-it i. -iTih. '.'i, imd i'(h n-i ti-m-. oi tliis onin atn'i tlnil m' niul rMi-inl t all tde ward l tin- i il) . T' e pro Niu;n nl tlu n-tiist'iniiK s-ciloUJi of tin 'itiiin tt. ,'i , ". ' j' tin- .,4,.i'l. a' all pi-1'-' uii'l en oi) it. the at-"!- ml. 'I hil l. Koil-'th. I UIM, MUt;.. aeeilth. Kiith, Nliilii, lenlti. Kiv ui i,, Twi hHi, Thirteen th, l-'utirtt-euHi, Hurt titli. Sist niUt . m mih, fc '.liteentli.Niuo'ueutli, 'iiul 'I w-ntH'tli aitl ot lii' el.- Mio. to ll'' porliuii oi'lhe h-t-i Winlt'ti i Itr" 1 1 si i et f m.i in. rid of M'tiuu s'rce in -lint i' ik - ml I1:'" id .ji I Mittltu ttrt ets : tu that pn tiou II. c 1 i utv nr-t Warn ibriuuiiy cuiMprie 1 willuii the ht- hoi oni: i l M.tPftMinK; tu tl'.it putt on ol ttm Tivenl- -i Ul Wunl I"' li - rl V ci UHirjjeil Wi'bm l!;i bur.iU'.'f' t-l t.c uiar.ttis ii : Iti :'ii,- (i"Tiii in ni ihti 1'Mt nt , thiid .VauI im un i . t p-fi-ti -.t iih ii i h" I.m i-nr'niii uf Ki'.mk i rd, l-.t hi tiuir-. . .in i W'.ttu.a:!, ,:ud lo li..tt portion nf j.e lui i iiih V.ni !Mi'r., couiprjai tl m. in tin; u'.o lli'-tli-.i Dl i -I VhJItOlellil.ltt. e iu i il :i-. pt-rsi.', t ...I.itini.' rt ii v privi-iott :i thn orUi.l1M.c-.ial' jllrll lit 'il(lir IWo tlo.i ir, tO I'C . tS "V- Mtl tn l-'i't t " .'I.ii i llij.l Wli-e tiMcti it lociireil lie krst thi pU Vtlure -'' Vo hifl.ll t'C'urB,.tt lb- ;T. ol tie i l I 1 1,4.1 -i-j ua, i"r tin1 u-ti t .o til : i: .X uvrt iiiitci ii... 'i tit ii. if . i: . si, .1 jtoi-p a t-)i,iT.ife tlork-Hi i ir mj, Ii rtt a, ts i I sli.tli u vavs l e pt n io I e hi-p- -h ii ui tt e ..l.iui', .iy t.-t..i?i', ( iy H ir i' r at,d hit i.abi:a.l', .11. U a IUIO I'.il- VJ t..i.vli-. Wll M AM -4. TCKLV V, -ti. nt ci Ci. in uit n i.'o'i-,. .1, j . o u m. AitiM- A b-A H m S 1 1 tv w: r, At":!.ii.l t ie r k i TO mnr! Oi !-, il. .1 VMi'.H A Ml, T1 re ide nt t t H' h CI ' UiiCiV IH it '.n' li.ti tst .W-li irtl ilav ot S pttuf-er, A .no Oi'imnJ ii i ii"it-,riiii t n ia Joimijed uut bi,xiy -lour t.. l. UOj, IIKNaJY, It H.Mut I'M.aili 'iih.,1. 'AHJ'KisS, M A'IMNGS. OILCLOT1U AND V V. l. i'.ow Hbatlt it, doio JJv wrk Ale lion SAjes. n(,i,!ly vtM M ir.fiviriit Piuisttsj, ?4' v-mto, $1 2 tl V' ,J,I1,;, ami 1 7 j i Iiw.Ut-a lru-tatU, (i..u d k.t,;i., so A:id tn. ceiila;i-4, aud 11 4 ai propor tit oate Ult-A s; Imj - rial i Mptts, 11 (7 u l-i Mr yard; Im-rikiii, iro n u itiits to ai Is,; Vi -iscilaji, Km, ami il.n.p, ilom M'i to th wnts per ywd; Ma'tiiiks, the Unit aasi r u.iitevr itiil . a n 1'i.aulLhu, fn.ia M t To ent- A ya d, at the (tt w Ye.'k u.i... i pot, (lori'.serlr Srj't'.Ww a.) No.lt . kki 'iMj ajutet. ... . u s-.-st-.il l UI U X-AC(j Kia. Jy7-ia EEASOACJJi: TRICES, "V II ii A. I V. COAL AT $750 PER TON. 1IIM CH)NHl:MI',ltH' MUTUAL COAL COMPANY. CAI-ITAIj tHXfOICi 50,000 Shares at $10 Per Share, $500,000. rur-.!'. knt, I AM I'i.- LiNU. TAnati' sun, JOKIA11 KlAIKKlHIOiC . I.' I MatVM rm si ( l v r uiy, JOlIK O. HT INKH. .' t 'f i 'Lh l-u?'. IHIIK T,B.1, JAtil i.i ". -:', J. r-'i fi ti meei. HitVAHf 1'. .lOVKs. Ni. f. II Ai.lt atff.. IIKMIiV 8 fAfl., Nj. tl Vi itttist tfMt V. T I'l.AtlJM. No. I'-l H.TlilM tfMt TllOM Ai B. MKM.Il, H i, li l'l.wnut .1 . OrriOE, 55 3. SIXTH" STREET, it oyn kT'ht. Vnlfrtho ahorc title- company has been 'ornted, to enable eonnime'S, lame and small, hy the aitrevate of their yearly expendi ure tor eoal, to own taelr otra col lleiy and to supply ll ein-elt et w th the article at aost. 1 he k really lucreaed prices of a I coaimoditier, with the greater Inereaae still thtaatenlnf, should lead eon auinera to dovlae ar.d a ail themselves of arery prwUca ble ruethed of eccnnit'lns upn their ewn oonaurapUon, Aa tar as the mere luxuries of lift are cencerned, this may be accompli shod by abitlnenee; but aa to tta aecemartee, si' me other prlr cip.a mtat be called Into rejutalti m. In the list of neceaaarlei, leap artlehs hold a higher place than coal, and In regard to this the mutual prin ciyit Is, fortunately, both applicable and adequate A ton ot eoal delivered at Ite yard la PhllaJelphla coits about 7. Iiellverod at the conanmer's door It costs fl?. The dlilerence Is $.5, aud yet the cost ol carting Is only 10 cents. The explanation U simple. The collier must have hie profit, the jobber must have his profit, and the retailer must have his protu. Why cannot consumers, by com biBins; fur a single year the amount of their expendi ture for eoal, posaesaea their own co Uerj, and niake ttose three profits for themaolvosV Tho Conatimori Mutual tloal Company oners aa un amally favorable opportunity fur oarrying these principles Into practical operation. 1 he Company has purchased an old-established colliery, aUut Ave-nii'oi abort) Pottanlte, w ith lUnra-enjilncs, breakers, nil u era' houses, blacksmltb hops, aaw-mill, cars, mules, and ail the eiuiptneata for a hutlnetnj of VOfliiO tons of wal per annnm.and havlnf a rijubt fur sixteen years to work, aw a mile in length , the beat Uitee elna In fcliuylkill county tho Hkldiaora vein, eleven fett thiok ; the Mam moth vale, from twenty-Ave to thirty ie ot thick ; at d the Haven 1'uot vein. The collhry la uw produvlug Lr0 tons per day of test rptaltty Vt hiie Arh t.'oal, and a new alope la a' moat 3 m pleted which will Increase Us capacity to R"0 tons per day. The prcaent net oust of a ton of coal delivered from said colliery at the dcor of the consumer it i ' Jtoyalt) , ininlitK, breaking, londtng. Ac Tell and iiel-ht on KchUIhk KailruuJ 1 i Uvery at cunatnuei a dwr . i as . if f4 ... I0 ll.e re lull price .it the ceal yuiC Is..,. a iug on the mutual plan per ton la at ft The eonaunior ni Umi tuns of coal per year t an subaurlhu U-u liuna of stuck at fin per sharu, and will heeiitlt.ed to ten tons of eoal at net cost for sixteen years. At pre ken t prlucs he wilUavo about Vr-0 the flrsk year. Blivnld Hit price ot coal Inarenae, as la strong U' apprehended, the saving will be atlll greater. Theproaent annual production of the colliery U 50,000 tons only, or one ton par abate of stock t but the Imiuedlato IntUaluiinf fieah cabh capital luto UwlU Inneuae Us pro duction, before the end of tlie yoar, to the rata of 1 .'0,000 tout,. This will ou able the company to diatributa In cash div idends the profits on lOO.OoO pxtra tons of coal each year atttr the present, whhili at present prices wtU bo about tX'.OTA), or fclO per share. There i it-try probability that the cah diritt ttili 9fthe jirst tf0 prar trill reimbmtt to the stockholder the entire) cimt of their itock. Very few enteipriaes can atler e jojil inducements. It combines production and ronsumptlou, saving andKUjn. Kvery householder nnd bus hue t iau In the eonimunity can partlUpate In and should avail hlm elfof III advanlages. The puyment ou aiM'ouol of the Iock may be made a follows: $t per aharoou subacrlbiiifc; $'J par sliare O -berl,lHC4; $J per share Kovnmbcr J, l-l, 1 per share December I, I'M. Tho object uf the ldncburs fa to rentier Ihe eotn pan y a gn ut puhlle beiulll, tu.d to divide its advautaaas among a iarwe number of Indlvidoala : ihfcy hat e the.rfore rtnuaod several offers lioin apcet:lators to take iare auiouma of Mock, and until the 11 day of Of tube r next hate UmiLad the number of shares that may beauhacribed by any person to one hundred. The Company i now prepared to deliver eoal to sub aenbers at $7'M) per ton Nub-crtp'tuiis tor a limited num ber of hare. a of siwk ctx he made at the ofTt t. No. V- I. hl TU Hlr.-et, audord jxa lor cual obiatii'SiL MKPOKT 4 IF COMMIT IKK lit HI B-V kllBl R. The iiuderalgoed, purauunt to aptHikUmeut, proceeded cu Tuesday, duly i, p Poitavllte, and early fie lollowlntir day cutniiicLced the ui)H-cllun oi the col'iert , Ac , the pro piny thia comp.nn proposes t purchasr. TLi-y I'eaf tt'n ha subinlt th tolloarmg r i"jft aa tV result of thnr eaii-:ul invcitiLatioii i'o.'.r 1 ha coa1 Is tti'ifoud hum lit" - ijeriU.t , aud in u 01' ll is v ry -upeii'v. Arti'o'- ll.ci' t i- an im-AhanstiMi 4 ianlltyo;'i ail he tr.ut, tor the tmiu of to lease t'ea-i. In lac. w are asaurcd. with iinr utmot capa It ur mliilii'.', e jtcJiue the lark'est (uuuiltv pitpoeil lv takeout unut 'ty irom Ibis c lliei naly an impresMoa ivojI.1 be m.ule '41011 the vast amoivit of oal -uiitaiiu d .11 ti- truer of laej. Third 'I lie lUi-Ultici for uln.ug and m.uk ireery lot tl, 1 i.t f j i.ii t ai; tl e ai. clowery, n.-ary 10 r i-xpeJlt'is mujtit, I' tn tij:is b'..n-.i i.e ,t. . 1 p, j. Villi a'd the jaiho.iil ..'or r-l '.f- Ti.e iiev sVi'eyon ha-tt so irc.iienlly I.-aa.d Allot1 .tl to Is a try niptrior n'j, a-i.t is imw 111 pre-a ot beiui: lim -?it d, ai.d w In h ii ec tt d u bo in -ia a t-sai il or rrt- tic a y A port:, ji --f 0 r c innn'ti visi'tl oth'r (iliitrlfs 111 yrilir toi M dn .,rtl ii nt knuwioihie tr pn.'t'ar 1 uiui arl. it. The rt ' o'.l ot tM- brmuh uf their l.ibor is they a.a rot rlnt'. nn tl tr t on silc ef le in: ttut 1 re 3t).ted H e stviae ad ne tares kr cur p a.t'cses is iht. Si mo Hi re undeveloped, other- tou:d rtciurc inuawoHU .,iiim of bomy to rvit'ire llivir woikin ctaS' n,, whkht U.o La;:, i ib e m" m jiti i.J .1-.1l la' or, 'Mi ild ptuh.to'y . 'i-t d ti.eco-tot thit, tin in. t ... 01 tie :(i i iis collicfy 'Ut' iui ii !'-' '"Ht iyo.i1, i-n.'iu ki, ltrjQiLymftiielinpr vi.tr to iu!o, U.e royalty or n ut of Is colliery it inly UDout tn ty uji-d t!i coat of iieaily all tlie coiber-sa ia tU H tti-.y ikill rtkw'U, teuic centi aj.a iist ;0 ur .t'Dtsti.ii4l m the prt-iciit lease ul li e (iirard lands nitOf reach aa hk U as .into ho cent 1 per un, Vthllit Uo piv.niiiy si Ibnc uur.c. to a imirkct ami the tun-r'oi fa.-HUiia ur n !.; lUrc yr ally enhauus ho va!ui 11 ti5 it l'icry WM. 8. TOUR, VV M. M. rill.KK. WU. A. Kill. IN, K. M JONKS, CHA-i. T. MATHKY8. ri 1 1 ami MiU, Ai:giit 10, 0-iJ-io AMI rOU'f ENlibS TO CVST0MEC.3. N PROPOSALS. 1ioroAi.B for tiik iNrKHManr or timim Htiif,.. .'..ll.Altpl rwi, ap.mb.r IS. MSI. K.al'll prnrKl till hi' rwHd at Ih.i.lllcf M t t. 1'nlfHi-ll, So I lH.IKAHI. lrt, until moil of 4n dft) . Vtb In.tant, Ur ti'. It.irrmt.iit, d'triti, tli of ..C trtiwl... rAn.mn..rin, im: i iihk.h l,li.ot all 44 .Itr. a ltlilu tlif llmil. of Ihf military ttl.trlrt oT 111 itrliia. in. ti.ill'.it flictfr. rh.,niit lllll, tw-rmantttw., Mcc'nwn, II. Irtiml.T. Hprin. M'll, t Tt Mith a. Cam tt llll.tti rrim, tt hll Hall, anil Hoi arly , a. wl. ...... Mlirrllo.tMtal., Itvrarl, iM 0.mtt., that ma l .ataaw ll.i .0 . illiln that . mi . , rr.w.ai, tnn.t ti.clt.rtn a plain tint nat pma..SJ't. S'ainr.1; ll.f a-F.ir a t nr; a Imrtil !.'! a, tan.av ml h tttoa up at .arh iithevt , ht- lUi.ird tfn.aiar nl.i'.d ly tnr uv.rnm.nti.an. all ti.arvo. nec..ary a. H11.1.F il e I... ria rtuplr a (f'l '.raiF pr..pH.a ma l. nffwaTitftl frtfWr.lt. W and ltFrrrl3, triit'is tlii'.e St. tkvrrumi'ut Cak.t.riM t.i.lili.lit tl. No piot-0,.1- will b rat-pi.rtl nn'r, pmirlT ftlle 1st npo til., ki., t...'h fan hi h.fl.l till, t.m-a.aii.l ml.i 0 S -tfttiittd by it'r,f uj known at u.n oftlc. to k. rat..a .ili'r ii. I'li'ird Mate rf.rvMtl,. rli.M to rajfet all Mtls d" m.it in, f.t,.ai.l. Willi ll. ttilww.t. Hy ortlM .1 CV.011H Alt t J farrv, if. VC TH tr R. . Al.llhlir H. AtllMKAtl, J1 1 'K t'ai.taiu ami a. IJ. it. jtUMV r.-tFrLlK. " llrMtirM.t,.H.ran,ri.tTVtt VitniA, t.Htrt.titt..Tl.H I.INkllAl.a IlKl-AKTIIMirr, l M'lll 111 1 rv. I rtt, a H, p.t m Vfi. Ifll. It a t.l 1 n.lKSal. (I..IViMtoo..l. Pr.,pt..al.'ir XpMI KM., K.'l.tn.r:-.. I4. f., , .t.n, , ! .r!'fPi":'.l4' " "at. Ari, Ita.rt.kjr,, i'i i' Mrt.Hn liiar., Iii'taan, I . H,r ut ; :" ti.. M t , '" ... (t , I.lillrd 1. tl lll, nai tt y an. 'u.t Iu boa. Ilf .ainel. b.it,..ntdaK pr.il .d b.tiaot of ..fmblj miliil 10 Ik- 0.1,-rrwl In ts.uty day. Irm tl. t.l , ard ... ai.ttt a-ful uioilMa. T.. itn.d .i. fllr. loi t,. f .fhfol pwormanr. of M. Ir.i t will r r.iin rt'd. Ham. t 1 1B rp0,.. , Ai d 11 tt lil I. r. t 'i.,11.. re,Mt au k.U. J deumril tur tl.r Int-rr,! ol tin Mali- to dot., u.i i . . JAMU I.. KRTNOI.nt, , " ? -t QiiaHfuia-i.r t ..i.m of rnna. I VH'AUIMI Nl UK l'l Hl.iC moilWAYH. I ' OtUo. 8. W. enter 01 WALNUT and KltTil . dir.' I.. rim uai rm . Vn'Mtilr , Istt. NOTICK I'll OUTKAf TiiKH. Hf.Ii-.I rit.i.hali will Iw rt'Ci- Tt-d M this OITlc. .nis tlirtp u'rlfirt P. M. on Mntl lAV. Hrpfpniher lS IMI.tlir t.. rf.n.lriictit.n of a mowo.. two iwt ala Inna.. tm ri'aDirif-r, t iirnlnr In I'tirm, on tli.lln.ot Mi-mnMi .trw.t. frum Itip aouttt aldt. of Noma .trtH, n .Mil ward to tli. -.wpralrr.di con. Inn tt tl tin .aid liu l.la trei. wonk 9f lown.ntl .irrn, anrl .1.0 on I'leltnwof' Vienna .treat. n.i,,ii. turn ffi-.iw.iiu, , j.,.Dtiiiia ai.rrr. wita .. ll aidr diainrlrr of lltrre reel (o tie coH.frnted In eoa Icainil, with plan, and erl!lnaiina f h. f.ra..lte4 I' t:.c lrparitiit.it 01 Hitriaja. The nnleratn.inaT to lie tl.l the rontraetnr .'all take tt'la prrpar4 ..nlnnt th. firoiny frt.Dtln, tn aatd 'wer. t. ta ant. nut of .,-vti,.) flvt. tent, for , h Unrtl ftot of liotitnn rat h antr of il e .tret-l an much a.k pal. I. tha balaraoto or paltl by the city, all lit Itirr. an turned to b pre.em .at Ii el nir and plare m opetti'.f uieaat. pro po. alia. k.. h nn.noaal wih be aofotnpi.nii'tl with . crrtino.tr tfcal a. I nd riwlnttlrii In Ih. Iw 1'sp.rtBeat, as direct.. I.) iin ltrnw r MaytA tttw. If the lew e.t btidrr .hall not exerat, . rontnet wtthla nve day.' alter tut work I. aw.rtle.1, he will be m drrr.4 kb oerilnlriit. and will be held I .Me 011 hi. bowil IM U ttlllrrtncr Mwoen k , btrl .nd th. neat hlvhor hel Hpet illt 'iwiitna ma, be kail at the Department til JOrvtySL whicll will ilrictly .dkered to. w. w. mm pint nr. A-il-st Chief (VmaUMkmw of lUabwkys. Q 'AUTIIUMAJTKR-QENBBAL'S OFnCH. WajaHtN-nrnir rtw invnii ai laaa 1IORiU! 1KKHK! I HuitHKHI I ! Ilnraea suitaatft tor Artlhy and t'avaJrr aanrloa wttl he purchased at 'KnM-DW l'tiVT, laopea market, 114 OCltHiKK l.lteta. Iloravs will beoyllveretS tn Captain L Lawry Ifoavaj, A. Q. M , and r a injected to tha usual Goveraes-esst lnsKCtlon tieiore bHng a-pted. I'rice ol I aralry Ifmw( frlTt earth. '"'", Frtce of Artillery llurae. lrJoach. Tay ment will be cade star ala t(ij and mora. JAMK A. KKtH. (Vhmel f irst Uivtsiua, sM-taWk) QjieraaatrwUAiieral a Oifloa. 1)H()li)8ALS OK tTRAvV FOR U03PI- ' tals, Ac Phii ,nviuiA. flepfeuNtrl, 1R04. t Braled Propoaals wll be rveaived at tha fttccof the nta-v dcTahtned, So. 1 Hki ( )IK A.RU Htreet, until noon of TUK IA,.t.ih instant, for fnratahlng to the Foiled rttaiea, ft six niuiitha, comntenc saj tK-mher 1, lKi, all the required lor use at the various hosplu's, barraoa," t other public buddlras.ar camps, wltbin iba iltului oi alliltary l.httr.ct ot I'huadaiphia. Includlna Cheater, nut Hit, ermatowrt, Hitiatown, Haodlikaton. Alii), Kurt k intln, White DaU, and Beverly, aa wall ff oihrta dial may be entabitahed within thai tlaae. ' l'rpuaaU muat atate the urb-ee eepaj-aielv for rr a heat atraw. In bumilvs aud bates, and naust Uaplude t delivery wbereer orditrad, lio pmpoala will be raerved vnleaa properly fUia4 f uion blanks, which cq had at this oiftce, aad asieg. b k ua-rajsieed by persona known at Uus omca to bo r apnaiMe. The l olled ntatea reserve tharisbt lo raeai ajl bldaj deetod Inrompatible with lis Intereata. Hy order of Oort.nol Aitfas. J. Perry, Qaarterniaeter'a Psparuntnt t. , A- ALDUST 0. A-VHaTRAO, P-14 lit t apltUa, a. Q. at. JK0F08ALS iOR BTATIONKEY. ,r , Hoithb or RKpRKar NTaTiVKS rnrrrT MT-tTaa. C'I.kiik h Ofvira, Auifuat l-4. RKAim HtOI'OMAl.s wdibe receWed at thts ofle tihiil KltlUAV, the iioth day of Heptumber, 1mh4, at IS o cluck M , lor fHrtilatdiiK eivrh of tue tolbtwlns cU st ataiionet for the m-e si ilie House of UopresautaUvaa alt the Fmtid rttn'ea. Ui Hu reams widte quart post paper, extra ajuporfhsav leiut llnt d 100 riama white commercial nota psper, extra strpatw flne, telnt lined. So raama white c ininerclal note paper, extra asnxS U ne, eoarae ruled ott all aides. .10 result i hue commercial note paper, extra taper flue, plain. ftOioauiR white twkcap paper, extra auperflne, IMaft lined. if-r reama legal cap paper, etfra snporAne, faint Uiies 10 teams flat ran h r. plain, l.'tii reams thin Manilla paper. Hoo reama Mtni: a paper, !ihyI9 hiohee, welgbliia; IS IrOiintu per ream cry tmikii a tad m oth. 800 re im a Marllla pajter, ! by V4 iaoluta, wHilat XI pooutta per roam-t flat, vary sutooiii sum ton-, a. tfOO reams Manilla paper, tl hy 37 incnea. wtlirhtaMr 41 iHiuuds per rcaost tlat, very smooth siai tonn. 7:i 000 w hite thick adhesive envelopes, 6 bySlnekeai. tm.UH) white thick ad tint 1 ve anvelupet, Ui b Incliee. jo 0.0 white thick t,iliesJto cuvektpct, H hv a inetiea. 1&.(ko white 1 hick adhesive envelopes, K', bft inchaai A.uay lai.ci note envehipoa. lub.bvo bull adhetlvefnvtttotts,7 hy Inchee 1 vrosM t'oi.KTeaa tie envelopeb. " 2' bfixet aleol jvtriia, vi-no'ia klnali. aroaa 4 inch Hat Uikataads. 11 doavn Inkatunda, vartotui kinds, - 10 doxen bottlua beat black, tna, tvuarti, plats, aa kaat pmta. S dorun best blue Ink. rtnarti and pints, lfi iloxan rubber pencils biig and abort, U do en gold mom td pencils, various kinds, Agroas biaca lead pencils. Favor's ootaKoa and waaat ho i. y, gmaa S aber's carmine and blue poatrila. H fir of . een-huldtrH, dlileiwttt aiuda. H dcen ruobor pen-bo dera, various alxee. - fi dosen be tiles miieiiriHe,rsaaii sieesw , -lo ouien packs v slung caisae, 7fi spool pink tap, 'I'i puuuda beat scarlet sealing wax doittu disiriea, lor Inili, vivrkma 111 ids. '1 dn.mu an uioranduiiu, jrasaas kinds. '2 d ix -tu prtrbMnn. 12 dor. en paiwr-lbldora. g duxen rubitar ruiern 3 dor en pn-er wetKhls.. den I n-wlpcsra. g"i doen pocket-knives, rw. thee, four, and etX blade ; mag. pearl, ahekh aad ivory haadloa 1 dozen U-Inch all e. IT'S, i iunda eraaluv ruMjr h tiroaa nibbr baiuia and rinns. liOthinH parchment, K.by, 'di lodiea. '2 doen sponae cups. 1 doeu punches. In the suppip of tmda.r'nra"tors w1Ularl(ldly ltsUr4 to lur until arm h lully atuul tw isnHa. I roptMiiit mnai be a ctjuipaiued o lb suunas of ibeaare tla Iti it m ed to he otTerfil. Ah txiuliad bv law. pruieranoe will be given to tho ara ducituna or American lndutny,.tf e-ia-ally cheap and o aa g.K.l iiualtty ; ami all pttraoa making prtkpoaala tu eupplv anv rktsto! articit swill vmw whtrtkar the muds axe th manaiactur of tbo Fuiud tiiwUtw. Iho anicleaareiobaUeUvaratd, fr-of any chanta for carriaaii, at tiie oitice oi ib Ji lerh e tb llouao ui Kopra-. itaiivta on or tivrore tiMvatii aay t oenmr, ir. Bi ll aroimaaJ 10 be ei)dori "yi-MMala i.ir eUatlnitturv f tlie Hnuse of heprnsoniauvee otf the t'nlteal tflaAaa," au-Utddrea-d to th uikI-mu utttl . sumi lent apeciaicnt ni fMwti eiauT aniee rwoaa lor muat a. company the p.xtpoaaj. awarked wilk tUs asaie . Ot 1 ue ninner. Tha pvrsuii nffiwinir to- furnish any class o-f articles a the lowest pricy, tiuality ; on sde ha'l rteia a cota tratrt lor tne -ame on evutu ( a isya-l, with two or mor) . huit-ue-t, iaiiaitcior to the i'U rk tx tte Uootoof Reitris auitntit es, lor ih p4tsniam-tif ttiu sawav umler a taw-t-.tare of 1 wit a thf c...rio t prut, in case. 01 ruilurv, wlucb k lunti ktiiht bv bled In j...o(Hvt) thii aaitl 1 lora wit Uiu toa 1 at alter tiie prouotltliavi n opemal and tt. raaullw (Jtt an'tl. KOMlAllll Vti I'UKI'SOS, I w-ik o'he Htt'V)V'nLatit'oa 1 &.LaHi btAiceu. wlO tllW ' riAL'TION, 0RIE2OAL DUTEESIVE BOAP. Tl.j. i.viiite &.piaaiW ottmcv.it year. In uiskj. at Iran One SnnJitd Tlionsand Familica In 'niiv''.' iinr.. it ia uiule upon cutirely uetv pfini..picf , of neriVctlx sur. saaterials, and always tn the aaiu. wa. It tloeak away with Ik. me of a Wa.U-Uud, and will v.h rwk. a. umi.hw'othe. with two-tlilril. It., labor ikM say olka Btttj; u:..!t til tli. Un ill il Stat. 1. ITS CHEAT TOFULAIUTY lit hit'tKtd ftcvcral kra'.i.lt.a, aisp-iuAkm, to luiii.4Atk. Is avpraruiue only, ami, ky oilt riii ktcol luducatenu tta. ui.'rlml lttl dtaltis, put tLtir svuiioiNiajrlkl.oii U.t uuu kit oa tl.. just rtpulaiKB iniitina ty vi.r Ixwi.xt. Tkoi. iltslring to )'iucaa. out ka., sboal hauubs and stt that OUR NAME AND TRADE MARK Ia itamrcil tipu tVEBY fOVNl) cttl.s 8ojji Ufu ll'r U kf it. "VAS DAGO & WoKEoari; uM-1bj TUIIJlliKLtPllI. 6. E. COlEH 6UTU ASO SIAliitT 6Iw