v 0 TITR DATT.Y irvrcisrTvn mpn,,,n. ttttt. A TiFXPIIIA. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1864. wning Sclcgritph a Mill rrriiwoo jir whpapkr. OFFICE No 108 S. THIRD STREET. Vrtt THKirrixr. ri.Oc.rt, p, .. i,i(f,(;rsT, ,. ., par able m m .-emar.and maili-d to ui..i--ibot. (o(11i( ii,ii lmu rn, At,N, , (,,, MP r.ITT Clin ...a T.f. ati.NTlia.lt.-. arlabl, Id adv.nc 4Trtm.lltt lr..n.- .1 , A Mjf '"'" t nin4ro Inrtttlnnt. T rrvmlnta. Kntaattrtran of At,ninnna i"-mnnrtMf'n,a ki ihf um n ai,. ( ti win r-i.m n." ..ir i? 7 . p. MM-.tl.-n. b.i- ft,. r.l fmh 'la'-'I "aa-nuk. to reiara r. )M!.d Comt4.inlolK.uj. lm Aiivxrllxf-ra. a,0" ""' "" ax 111 II'. ('Irctllatln.1 nl Trt earljr how, . a,.ntl. r.ni that ail?, r ? .. ' " MONDAY, BKI1 KMIU'R QHH. AltMvr. K TIK IIO R VU are norry to see our cnntemponirv, he JVmft.fr Bulletin, In an eJltorinl on syurd iy. make a lalse Mlle wt, roRtnj to tl0 prrscnt condition ol butt'tip-m n:,lr, rU one wliii-li, If frenemlly acrrpttni, will .ioft-' our more-k.-opera and tradctmr-n Into Irri-trlival.le ruin. The cloning pnraxr.v'i of thv article w Dude to In nu follows M Kfgnrdinff, h m 1o, the npconlaton In poM ' and riffrrtibiiiH-e of all njrui bi inif rnrmiri I "Of the Kopuh l.! ihn mine ext. lit a. lln.w bo are act.vely tiKhtm K.iinM tin- UrpiUill : H ta with tbe p''U'st (. (H.nrr tlmt we ?re iliem " likely to tie mu-rlj JlM'..piiH el. In thvlr ruii ' I in tbe aat.-tv ul . lionet, loyal u.irt of ibe cciDmnulty. ' The effect of auch nrijunicnts will lm to create a determination lu (he pulillc rulud to withhold from the purrhaxe of ariou com- tnodlt'ra of everyday use and necessity j and ' thUjTery action will be the mean of bringing ahout a state of panic and Htagnation which will Ml with learlul effect npon all cliiHm-g or buDlncas men. ; . Speculation In gold i entirely anotlu-r thln . from (peculation in tnerchandixo. Every . atorokeeper and merchant is, to a certain extent, a apeculator in good. He must keep a Hock on hand of the articles In wlik h he -' dwils. Be buys at Interval of time, In order " to mike a profit. It may hppcn that the goods h hat on hand advance In value, but ; It has generally been the case that they have been retailed at a small percentage of profit I on their cost and not at their speculative value. Thi has been the general rule with ; atorekecpers, for the aako of retaining regular customers, and not driving them to rival ' eatablUilurenU. Conimquently enormous ciuantltles of goods have been sold at a Icns figure than they could be replaced at. It Is, . therefore, untrue that every titorekecper in buainoM has grown rich by a speculative ud ' vance In prices. ) Whlli'!, of course, the general result of the 'feline of the premium on gold will be a Tuctlon In the values of all merchaiidiHe, auch reduction will not be sensibly felt jJ?TlTe time. Meanwhile those who have ina to continue tbelr purchases of goods nt our stores should not bo persuaded to ruudenly atop supplying themselves with every need Ail article of apparel or subsistence, on tbe ground that a few months hence the ' same material may be bought at a reduction on ita present price. Such a course would have brought untold ruin and misery at any time within the lust fifty years, as it will now. ' By such ingenious teaching the public may be brought to believe the doctrine that by a sudden and universal stinginess and contrau ; tlon they can wage a war agnlnst mer ' chant and tradesmen, and drive them to ' bankruptcy, and flnully obtain their stock ' of goods at a ruluous figure. Fortunately there has never been such a combination ' before made or attempted. It is now bolnx . urgedafor the first time, In connection with the inducements of loyalty and patriotism. Sut surely such pleadings are fallacious and dangerous. The vast network of trade is so broad and . intricate, that the strain on a single thread U felt throughout the whole fabric. It' one class ; of business men are plunged into ruin, they will drag others down with them, until finally ' all are alike swallowed In the vortex. True ' policy and true loyalty teach the doctrlue of mutual encouragement and mutual support. We therefore aay to our readers to resist the mean promptings of small minds, and to pursue their ordinary course of outlay, and purchase, not with a spirit of reckless extru- - vaganco, but with the generous and sagacious reflection that the whole community should bear a share of the reverses of fortune which, when divided among many, are easily borne, ' but which come with crushing violence upon the individual who sees the world turn their backs noon him In the hour of mist'irtitue and disaster. tho fatal Arciiti: in. There are two acclt'eut of recent occur- ' rvoce which call for special notice at the bauds of the press. The latest in date Is the foiling inof the roof of the new depot, build ing at the corner of Fifteenth and Market - . jttreeta, for the Pennsylvania Central IUilroad 'mpany. One person was killed and others severely injured; and hail the disaster hap pened after the completion of the structure aud ita occupation by a large numher ofper - lions, the destruction of life would have been terrible indeed. Investigation will, it Is to he hoped, a-ccr tain the true cause of the casualty, which now appears to have been Nome strange and'un- ardonaMe blunder either in the architectural I'lan of the edifice or in lis iiieclianiciil execu t'on. A building of such "real size, mid to he used lor the purposes of one of the richest rail May corporations in the country, shuuM hav liecn carefully put tip w'th a view to strength aud duratlou. iiut it tumbled hi on the hcid-i of the builders like a house of cards, and it will not at all surprise us if the whole atl'air is forgotten in less than a week We presume, of course, that the imperfectness of the building 1b in no degree attributable to any want of expense In getting the best mate rials and the best workmen. The railway company named Is wealthy enough to pay for coimtructinn Its depots aud the like in tin; most thorough and substantial manner, while everv cent of necessary expenditure in uch cases is the falsest sort of economy. We have no dcslie to be unjustly censorious In referring to this matter now, but wo may be allowed to say that, in our Judgment, such an accident could not possibly have taken place unless through the fault of some person or persons, w ho should be held duly respon sible. If the superstructure, or any part of it, was too heavy for its proper supports, or if there was any want of skill or caution in the pioccssof putting up the walls, and so forth, then, in either case, the casualty aroa from criminal ignorance or carelessness, and should l, if possible, punished exemplarily. Otiier wlse, occurrences of this kind may b? expected to go on multiplying lu number and frequency, .until no man's liib will be s.ilo against the we li.T re- Incompetence or the botch-work and masons. Tin- other accident to which we buve re fiTred was the recent collision that took place on the Pennsylvania Central IUlbovl between a passenger train and some freight cars that were standing on the track ne-ir John, town. U appears quite useless to sat that such thinjp should never orour on any wcll-regul itvd toad. 1 ,o remark has been inadn so oflcu that It has reused to ev ite at.ything nuro than contempt on thn part of railway o 11 -lals, '" me puhiic H apparently getting so mc' to catastrophe of the kind of which v arn speaking, that conductor and engi-'T they hiive acquired a v'"''l 'o di a they plcuse. '1 he deplorn).'' "m of llfi', however, which followed the- olllslo.l of the trains fn thin par ticular -tiince, was occasioned Immediately not 'he collision of the cars, hut by .tison of the cam Inking Ore and the (nihility of Die passengers to escape trom a situation in which thej were literally shut up like beasts In a cage. Thus a number of persons were rousted to death In a manner that is hhoeking alike to common sense and h i:ni:ilty. What reason or what right has a railway company, or its servants, to lock up a scare or moro of people in a car, from which they should hnve the utmost facility of egrn.u in case of an accident ? Whatever the object of the company may be In such a regulation, wo w rlously doubt w hether the evils that m iy, M we have Just seen, result from the practios do not much more than balance any possible good ends which it Is designed to secure Tbe matter Is surely worthy of the grave con sideration of those who manage railways In this country. Such an accident as the one of w hich we now speak seems to furnish argu ment enough against the custom of locking passengers up in cars, to require IU Immediate and entire abandonment. AKOIT TIIK Itr.MIIAK. Whether it is altogether the correct thing to bestow a congealed stare upon the thin, white, sad face, which, with its deep furrows of privation, its hope-deserted eye, Its livid twitching lips, and its tear-blurr.!d cheeks, looms up in our path ; whether wo shall be fultllling a high moral duty if we stride sternly by the beseeching figure, with our noses as ele vated as it Is possihlo for these appendages ever to become ; and, with diluted nostrils, snufling a rare and pure nlr, and our fingers fumbling the currency In our pockets ; whctlmr our bed will be any softer, and our sleep any sweeter, and our dreams any brighter or bet ter, If we answer the eager petition, 'A penny, plcuse, to buy some bread," with a cruff exhortation to "clear out," a threat of police, or with a desire to be informed why the squalid creature does not apply to tho proper persons, or get to work, or go to the alnas housc, or do xomvlhinfi these are questions which we, must decide for ourselves. Now, for our part, while we are fully con scious of the gigantic Impositions practised upon the community, and are well aware of tho dexterous means employed by numerous fellow-citizens to bring about a touching hol low ness of their cheeks and a tear-startlng disparity in tho length of their legs, aud to overspread their countenances with faintn.'ss, and despair, and desolation ; while we have occasional ly heard of the discovery of Cikk m:aN opulence on tbe part of sagacious seedy men and women ; while it is ai clear as crystal, or aboil, or a book, or anything else that Is famously free from obscurity, to our mind, Dial "you can never know who to believe those beggars are such liars;" yet, iu lace of all this mass of reason why wo ought not and should not dispense alms at random, there Is a fascination In the habit wo are hardly able to w illmtand. The wretch before us looks very miserable, anyhow. With the samp, amount of appirel cf the same quality on our back, and the same amount of food of the same quality In stainach, we can readily believe that our sensations would not lie precisely pleasurablo. If, by the extremely simple act of pulling a con temptible little coin from out our pocket, and crossing the lieggar's palm with it, we irra diate the hapless life with joy and hope in ever so small a measure, we find it hard to believe that God and the angels are frowning on us from the holy place above. And it has oc curred to us, in moments of surliness, that perhaps our fellow-men who are so severe on this system of encourr.glng "beggary aud pau perism," who get Into a rage whenever they hear a knock at the back-gate, and who are forever prating of "systematic beneficence," don't do much, financially speaking, for their pet hobby. Perchance they don t scud checks lor good round sums to the various benevolent socie ties. It may be that extensive supplies of food and fuel are uot contributed by them to such praiseworthy institutions. Would we be certain to come across thein iu the swarm ing, noisome alleys, watching by the fever stricken on the filthy pallet, and cooliag his hot head, cheering the disconsolate, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, reclaiming the vicious, und spanning each mirksome shanty with the rainbow of hoiie'i If not, they have no busincsi at all to denounce us lor giving the beggar a cent, or three cents, or r. shilling. We find, in an ancient book which is f illing sadly into disuse, the story of au uufortuuite fellow who lay iu suffering by the wayside. The priest took to the other side, and went struilit along. The I.evlte had a look at the unfortunate, but reflecting that any nsistuncc be might oiler would just lie an encouragement to others to get wounded aud forlorn, he went by too. Who wouldn't rather be the Samaritan Die good Samaritan who In l id the fallen to Ids feet, and sent hliu on bit- way at lat rejoicing? SllKUU AN'fs Mo'iTo. Flght Eai.i.y aiul l'rstuiil Xolire. A r- 'S. i i V.. KH'HMOM), .t JULY -o, ls- l. I i'. .loi ft J . Ne..h , riiii.il'lp!iiit, P.t. V-tir tamiiv, h t :1m r w ;!ii :ii-it .i Ali-s . .I.i ine Snui;uVi , 01 ( na l"tt- i- '.iP, , .in -VcJ:. Illlt H'H ip'-lirwu-- (ll .itMllll. fl'i'tB .- I.. l'' ..it D'. ii'i at'MiU U 1 1 1 1 . i in W.tinit lutwi.e, I ti .( i.e.. ..u l c' .tlr.'M ol L le !ihiirn', H'Hiiii t '.irolin t, i. n teiywii; .int. ati'tj ti an -ii'iin to trar irxtu Phu. Mv tr, juI r..:ker -fin- ainl well, ne.ir t'eti rshiuv. Va., Wl.eii :i-t heu:'il IM -lu. 1'te. iv tl'l 1UC the I.i . i'i tu iiiuM'ul ii. y i.iitit) itu.i it ivuli f iny ciitHHie I lieihu and wei. i .i , ..ud t in gi) ..I .ia m iv t.i in ,ir j rem teia, n ( Imv in, lie.tnl e Oci.ier. Write l.y 'hi- til triU'e, r i) - ut, p f-i nai. I' l-e i up;. t Imo liuuiu of HI ' hni nut -,, . 1 1 . , . 1 r..jiiu rPr a -i:-;ty .in.! imppy re, , til. n, am f , i, ut ft nu r.i p'.'4 e si i til pi'iRpent v tn n T U ml, V.u.i- duly, O 1-m-l in: Wi'LI.. l'-:iMii- .p; iu t- tt" 'in i ualt J'-tV:'.-- L. ;'j , , aii'l New Yo.k iu.lj .u. .1iie.:a-.i,(.v. In iLc rcfirn 01 enrolled men iu Button there lire -'hM it roii8 i.t-tween tho aua of eighteen and twuity-ft ur Iwh!e t military duly. 1 litre it a teareity of lirewoid in Montreal, where the ..nnual coiHumption or that article i one hnudrcd ami eighty thouaand cordis. Tie VhW-Ao j 'fiitcrd say that the Nurthwcriteru .Samtary C'timiuisaidii is coinnieneing a labor, in feme, alU revenue ostein, which ani every inUivuInnl to give the proceeds of one day's labor, one Uay'a rotits, or one day's iucomo to tbe trea sury of the Commission, thus enabling It to cany cut u UuevuKut and patriotic schemes. ' '-a' v 1 .1 11 ,I IVurir-Ai, Anion- ibc many imtbi rin-. rif-Ai.. Anion- toe many rather tut of the r-atlotial l'i,ion party, on Natunl y nhjht, wa fie Hit following: At Concert Had, the orator orhn renluv wis I jouiij; I n ion .olili. r, Capm t'a h mi, whne fiiihi r wh. tln fltst consi- of John (,'. t!slhou and w ho was r ami mi, I- ntilliti itit.ti. ttic irn.,,n aiiillliechiv.ilryof S""1' (-'noliiia. - . w. irarocii i in-lie auilH iico hr Dr. iv .o ." i I'h In, I. h". a Merllnir "D 1 He nrtt.l- hIiooi, Maiinrli n. ainrrt,-''""'' '"iiVe "'" ,k' ,ce''ea hearty as In ai A n,. j or the citiens of the T.tf-.i w" pi.ltil MMilci. nii.iu ro,,,;, ,,,-;, f il 'i W,V I flu en SaM.r.iiv venln- r acet rk "ommition, ol ti a ' n III IXh'IOIiSI A. turn W , s.H'iuiial. AUsm WaI .i,u... .' '.fl.-ir i. I I.lim turn Ll. mi sisechc- iviio in .ln hi- M, m iiiciiii, i- n irew J, ito.tntn. u i imm K .Puree, V illiiim Mitiiibdii, laumtrd M(, ai ii o le r.s. U,i fen pi.pn !.! a'iir of VrmiKford ill mal.c a d( n on-tnc inn snd firciiliuht pro, cssl n M- i iplit. The l.ciidur l a- Ju.t decn oip wmM, un1 will n uiler Mllcii -tit service 'o the n cnu-e of Hie 'I Ml iii.. -Hi rd Ward Ii niiftibrri Kmin 1'. ii i in! I r- ill," moM liill"ciiiiiil anil timi'irn ite c-iti-!" i ot Pr;, nl-foul men who never hctore pm ti c, I slid tn ui y poliiicni nun. uu nt, out who ara i 'iw rail'. d into iln arena ot politic- hy the pros .i ;. i nu r.'i ncii a of the Hinr. fm Wi iiiu-eiiy i vi nine iiet, a laryc II ur, dedi ri, lid to tl c chtitc 1. 1 I i im ol ii, .1 ,Lu-un, t nion, ano '.. lis My, w iii In- llrli.' lo tin law o al I on rill ai,C Cop ul. r ct't in. A iniiii' 1 1 of diHtiifiiiiHiii-d (o in Tint n will (klkcr uihfiv-cs. A liappy titau is ixpi't ted. t ovKMii'K or Uni w r.iis. A convention of German liicr brewers lately held at Mil wni.ktc, Wis. Nearly a. I the principal cities of the J'.ast and West wi ro represented, for the pnr-tc.-e of cliM'Ussirig mailers rutinected with the ti,.de, piim Ipall; the tac la. Amonit the ilclo laas prt-Mni liom tins city wire Means. C. ltottn hu I'd del Ick Co, litis, 'the tollowin reso liile lis were pa-sul in nlecvure to the collection lit U1MHOI, llllllt ll,lu,is: 1 l,i.i Urn s.s-n tiu-y ol tl,i INiiivn tlon b(- dlrpctM to iii-t- i lrcul.r tiieiicli ltr..Hi-r.' A.i-.,r n.l.iiin ilie Culud SIMTl R, ID W Incli tliU 1 1' . Ol lliCl'i.ll . e .li"ll m IhI,I iIowii, tli.l lie ruumi ,,nn iii ul thuia.lii lip (Itiii-riiiniMit K - I il i,t-ri-. -arv. hii, I le rc-t ,v-i il,eic rt.,iidiloa M'P-.liit f.'irh ii i-iiiiiifiitn-i- il tnrf , l,o-p Mi. inc. . n hn re i (n.!ii!ie e.rlt m,.iitl, Hip II. i , ol me i-uiici-toia lt u, .ll.lru l, ii,l w-lu-iici r ihey .u-.cjt tli.il l-iii tux In lm-, liccn e il( (t ti an mcinlicr, liit-n a tii.n in- tim itutv or On- committer lo il ni,,n tin, dcl.ii ,a,-iit lr. vcr, ,ni ir ta. r fli.il tliai tin 1, Mii.ii-lont, an- crn-ct lo re iiie.t ik-Ii lifuwfr lo ,s. Oil lull Hiiioiinl of tl.p late. (Inc. Ill c-4-e Ik rplu.i - tori,aj'l Huh tin- t iii-t In- .hull Hn ri-ti-irt, . to tr,- l-'Ca: acor m 1 ,n . f llm dl.,nct Intake rnrttiur avtloa in r fcTcnci- to tin- niMllrr. 'I i.at a I ointiinti-i. ul inn. mi-mti t. he anp,,lnlcrl lo pro wi to W'atiui mm to i on tr c ith ilia i omuii.il'iucr of Inn n.ni KcM iii't- In ri fi-u- c. to Hits tuallor. Faiai Hi hi l is. J unes Hua er, wh t was injured on Saturday afternoon by hcin caught iu the Uy-whcel at Ilcllieid s brass foundry, II road and Noble streets, died yes cnlay from the effects ol hi. Iiiiui a s, ai tho hospital. .I0I1 11 J. itictiaidson, K,p, of Nj. 41ft N. Filth street, died at Ida residence- on Saturday evening, fiom the clltct.nf injtirns eceivid aout two weeks ago, by hnvint? his ai,k,e run over by a Fiilh-Hieet ear, which he was utteoipting to get on while it was in motion. Ai-saclt anii JIattkrv wirH Intcntto Kill. This morning Dennis Foley was before Aider man l'aoroust, charged wlih coinmitiin an aii-a 11 It and buttery lib intent to kill. A night or two sines he, with ecveriil other), pot Into a drunken broil at 1 wenty-fltth and U dnlc strwts. Foley, it Is alleged, struck a man with na axe and otherwise nialtie itcd liim, so that be was un able to appear at the hearing this morning. Tlio ca-e was continued tor a further bearing. Cm MoitTAi.m. The number of deaths reported at the oMieu of the ll-iard of Health last week amounted to T.iS. The ago of one. poison was reported as being between 100 and 110 years. The tin tntier of foldiers interred was 10. Tlio highlit niimbi-r of deaths are reported fr-itti the Twenty. fourth Ward. This is invtng t-i the loca tion of several Uovernment hospitals in that locality. C'nv Coimii.s. At the approaching cloctioti, thirteen Select Couneilincn, and twenty-seven Common Councl'ineti arc to h olectod. The re turns of the list of taxali es just intdc, show tbe whole number of tuxablcs to be 110,.(iJ, a dlail nuiion ol 90(H) over lust year. Mimtaky I'l Ni-iiAi.. The funeral of Colonel Henry Young, one of the oldest members of the WiMcrn Knglne Company, took place yesterday. The funeral cortege was one of unusu tl extent. The (food Will Ho.-c, Western Knglne, and Fair ruount Kngino Companies attended tlio funeral la a body. Pick ani Woinuvd 8oliikrs. Fivo htm dtcd sick and wounded soldiers from the Ilalti- i more hospitals at rived in this city yestcrdiy j alti rnoi n. They were received at Broad and i i line, and taken to the various hospitals. I'hkhi nt vtion. Joseph 8. Itobiuson, the newly elected A.sisiant Knglnoer of tho Second File Ibvi.ion, bus been presented with a splendid I cup unit In It, being a gilt Irom his friends in tho I United States Ho.-c C'.uupany. I Citt itiii Ori.Ni.so. I'ho North liroad Street I'ri-tnterliin Church was opened ycs'.orilny ' morning fur the lir.-t time The pastor, Kev. K. ! K. Adams, 1). !., preached morning and evening. -i iif t:i ri:ha oii omimm ok w est TlttUlXIA. Capitals nOO,(KMIt divided into 100,000 Nhares at $r, er aharo. buhsciiptloa prk-u H'-V) per all ire. 1 his Company ow n uu e ot the tuoAt valu jhlo laud and leasia in tho Kanana Valh-y, aUua'e on Horae Neuk and ( auiphcll'a Hun hra: i-hca of ItuU crtnk, and withuitlvc Hi tie. of the Ohio river. On Horse eck the t oniai.y own one well, whteh U tvw pumptuy twenty tin ee harnla of oil per d:iy. Thin well it oidy three hundred and twenty-seven feel deep. The Hiiperliilendi iit U now preparing to bore to the di p Ii of theolherwH surrounding iu, which are productiiK from one hundred to one lioinlied und aixty harrtla of oil ptr day, when we are hUtUtled wit can n rod net1 a like am unt. There ! uuoiher w ell at IIoikc Seek, now b red two liiindred and alxty-Hvo lbet( w itu alout thirtv foot of oil in the well. The laud on which this well in lo. tied la on a perpetual leae The Itul Creek C'uiuptny onn a one third Julerot, our oompany luve tlie b.tUtiueor two-thlrda. At C'HOiplH'U't! run. Uiu Company nwu lu leo a tra't of tUhty -three ai-n.t cibaid-red l.y f;eIo,J.U noJ mining eiiKHiM'tk the bst oil territtnyin iheSiatu. Tbe great Tack weU.tiowliiK nvo huodrcU ba rel-, Hijoin (hii property ltookaoriihK(Tiptlouar now open ut the ( unipau) 'a i O'hee, No ;i:ij W i.m; l' stn et. A Ha ited tin rohor ot iharei only will be sold. JOHN .1. KIIOMlt, Treasurer, 1'niin the 4,I ittshuru dally l'or' of September !, 114. "ttu Hi id hi . The Vlie'linjr lnlelpKeneur a ay a : We learb in aa a Leiitietiiaii tio arrived ye.terd t iron liiutant cotiiiiy 1 li, on Mondty the itiirmn oil C)iiiia'tr atuiekawtli on It. true Nt-ck.in that t antt, wi,tn will yie U a tli.Hi'iiiid bain) ol oil per On;'. 1'rerei jjru.tt -m ileuieol oil tlx- nulnecr ill Uot Mclilliy. acd the oil (ever In prevailing lo a ft until extent." AavrrltMl. ( KAHi-STKWAHT.-li.) the .lth lilt., hv I?, v. V m. hHrna, Vlr. KOhKliT .1. Cl( .. to M1- ltKHKCi A Ml.VVAIM. alt o! rhllitii.lpiua. In a i.tnuer pjhii.a. tioii ol tli in liiiirriiiLie there h uu ei'.-ur mi IP htdv V nunie which i here- corrected. . Hau. r KHKIS Kit WT. Oil the il'h ui-i., hv tlte ) v. W. .1. WiMtn, TlHt-s I Ki;ltH. oi New Vork to A I.I NK Kit A I , ol thi cif v. No eanl. (iliiiVKH hi TI.KIt. "n the '4th ot tent -mlmr. hv the Win --inliliinl- .1 llu.ir l. filVI.K, o Ni-w 1' rnn Hi, . .1, to mi i'i( Jr N. P.. iNiiiile:-ol iliiinu llniler, ol rpihol-lpliiu. I Mod. Al.lMIn.K. On Hi.- .'lh 1 ii -t . Li 1 1 A , w ji i 'loo. Alrnle. hi Hie !4ihyearil tier u-f. I lie relative nn.1 ineii K ol tlie iitinily are repeettnllv inviliii to intend the luneral, linin the it-Pleiiee ol per liiHhaiKl, llennuiiii it ml OHeenin cirei-t-. deriiiaiitun ii, a; i u'clfiek I'. M., i iM'stlay uitemunu. J7th lint. lUM'KH'H. Ou the 24 1 It lust. , JOH1A H UOfK 1 C i , lit the tmh veiir ol hl u. 'I lie reUtiivex und iriendu ol the Liinlly are renpeettnllv hi i It it to attend the turn-ml. trnn the reM(len-e of pin uioitn r-ln-luw, All-. i'rovo-t Main i-lreei, helow om ( n, (ierumaluwu, 1 ucduy aiteruouu, 2itli iuit,,attt u eek. hl'MIAM -On the 2nh li.nf.. ANMIK MS- II A M. diiuhler nl .laitiex U. I utitiim t. 1 he relnlivert ninl tin itl- tt tl liimlly lire reipeftMliy llivlled t" uttehil the lilliertll. tn It the re-ltleliit ol h. r intii r. No. Idl S. Mih ftreet. 1 nineii, S .1 on I n. s- iftiv ulteriiooll (Sept. J'lh . at 2 o Uieli. Without Mirther loiliee. 'lo pro eeil to hi. i'Htll'a Cii ifi h. ami thelltl to New town ( eiuetery. KN.i:LM.N.-uu the yiu Umt, ANSA l.LI 7. A ItKTH Inhiiit daughter of lieurv 1'. and Alury A. ICiigilnntu, Utn ti 1(1 ni'-iiih-' uni'. ti.e Uit. Tin- leiutive- uii.l ti i.ii.U ot the fan illy at ri"i.eettully IhYlteil lo atteii'l the luuerul. hum the n .,deii ol lor imreniH. No. !M S. fsixt h wtreel, ou 'I ili-d,i Htttrilooil, tlie Villi tllt.. Ht I o'ehu k, Wittiuut liirther liulii e. Itl.HtiN. tin the '21ih li.ht., of wound-' r.jeeived Any. 1st li. in the lm tile en the We Won Hmiroinl, .MAI llllV VV N1, M'U ol Mutthow and Luj.ua llcrou, ued lo yt-ari. 1 lie male reUtivi k and irieutt-, (uu the inf mti-r ot tho l iu -huhtlri d-wini-lill v xevi-hlh reinic . Ivdtn.i Volun(eirH, lire muted io atteini the iunen.1, irotn the rei.. m e oi hU purelith, No. tjin etl -treet, oil I uenduV ulleruooii, at i o'clock. Interment tit Monument Cemetery. ItltllA ltlHtiN. JOHN J. KK'jJAlfUSUN, III th th year oi hit ae. 'ilie r. luiivtrt and friend oi the ihiiiI'v are Invited to attend the iunetui. I nun hia late rcHidiiice, No. 6JJ N. Hixili alieet. Inli rinefit t Laurel Hill. lUe Uotk'C Ol the ttilierttl W 111 I KlVtfll. WALKKK- nu llmr-Uv, Hepteuilier 'atJd.lKG4.otdl to um e.ininieied In lite urn.y, W tl. 1-KSK,L1N VAL khU. ol t ompaJiy 11. rnnty Ivuuia CuvaUy, iu tbw leiti year ot hia tii-e. Ilia relauvet nnd trlemla are Invited to attend hit fu neral, I roin the reiritieni n of tiia tranduiolher. Mr. Kdlita V. hlonuker, No Tti'J oatea ittrtet. on TtiMUy worn inu, rteiitenilH.r 7th, lao4, at u'oloeku Xu procetd to 1'iaelaud, I heater CounlV WAN AM AK Kit -on Numla; , QMh in-t, U0KCii, in laot H'ii of John aud Mary A. Wuuauakvl. IVY J. , '1 1-- ,.f , U 0v".O ,ciOMIO IIAI.I,. Ho. 719 OIIESSUT Stret, luj r Op. n hU ALL STOti or CtlitTAIN MATKItlAl-S, ai.lllns if V-oael ful'ra, tUft fl lK.Oll.1, ririln.. in (w on, ,l'l In a' it Bnrd) m d 1 .rry. t'nlvn i ud M'-ws i ln,. t'm ill Satin d. I..tn-.t I I i.kiltli at d op.tf,an O.niA.1.. f teic-ii rii.l.il l.a.llii'a, I orrlui-a ana ll.tiflii, A d fr.r da -lp'l,.n 'fit ttT A b tf A to I,S. V J ft 1) O VV H II A lll-IH Ol tl.p li."--t CV.lwa ai'-t P.ti.roa I , ACM O II UT A I N S i 0i p-tl-lirt t ... e-a:. thapi .-.put coil m I -apsrta'to-i. V Al.lt AVI (Ian ( el'.io I. hi bt 7IH I lit MN I I S I KK1 I. n COURT NE1 & VYILLITTd. I VNw. 1 n,.A 10 S. HKV1 NTH Si t'lilLU'HI rtllA. Msnufa' '.i:.-ia f BI'.ACTIFl, I. COTTAdI'. I-'lJKNITl'HK, Anil tlie only mislilt made In tl-1. city. AIM, I'lnit.ft loom I Piiiitui and r.isliarit.ioii.taiitljr Ii I'i-iiiiih -.'iii ontisaii. BUSINESS ITEMS. )IHr of Hi1 LrtilKii nnd Ntl(n tionCcniftny. riiii-ADiti rHiA, fiot under It, 14. NtaM l'ruM-BiN Ut rerrlvcd at thin nflk-rt until 9 O'rhtrk 1', JM. (tf Tii'Hlftv, tho 4tli of Ociobt r mcI, lor an) portion nr tli wliolt of 'n- Milii m $1 nu,KV) of !tl i aril, h part of n new 1mm a nthorii'd Uy Act of Anscm lily. imull on tlif lot of April, IM4. wllti nt cl t tn rtf pi tx fr c ut prr Anttiiin, pvab n iAnoryt n 'h let lUv ot the noitli of Jnnnnrv, ,rllt Julv, m d c(.'. Iipr.of each tear, and lu'li p-lnuiil Brut lonri ( focircd hy x mnriRHivp tn tin Company cHtnea ami lraii hifir4. Tin- prupobaifi uiui-t To fu writ In ,f, ctnliirhAil "lioostli for l.tl iiylt Ijoaii," ami lei t at tt.U oliro, wnoro tv-v i riTriHii. witlioiit N liiK i petn'il until the nvtlr of tut Hoard vf Man item at U 'clrck on WYilnosrtav. the 6 h of octobor o nt Thooil-roia f acci-ptfil proposaU will bo eany tliereafitrr notified of audi irTnnif. wliai the in'iiinniN rflrrrd wi 1 he tmmeiilxtf Iy iiaysihle, and Hf-eruarila cArh wHI i a Huory hi pny Uie aniount a rfp fl by rnoitthl liismltnini of ti-n t arrant, or 'iiore tlirroof. or ihewholo at one time, at tila or her opn n. TfH' manaKra rrrf r e to tliouisch oa th rltfht of rcicctin anv Md not ntlitnrtnrv. Hy order ol the iionrd of M ana,'er. KUVVIN WAf.TKK, Tresnnr. Oltlrf of (he Ililtfli 4 ohI aud lVnvU- Hun (''Di'aiiy, ruii.kDKi.riu, Reptctiilior 'I, HOl.DHtH ofthe 0:.1 CtRHKIOATKS Or LOAX, Who auheciihed f r f'ONVKUKION INTO TIIK "I.0N0 I.OAH." tm leai tug thtin at 1 HIS Oil ICK, can hate Ine New Cortiflcatei the Kr;xr D.vr. iso. u :i. lrnn lia ItKMOVKI TO 413 ClIKaM'T HTREET, (nunoMie theCuiioin lloiite ) M o. KAN, ao 4U CHKSNUr tti KKKT, WHI ell. Vt h It date an ItutaH, 1'ltOJtt TtN TO Ml TV I'KK rKNr. LKSB THAN YOU CAM Itl'Y KI.SKrtHKItK. l)EAN ha the l-urw-fcl and lieal Hiuck tn tnla city of tho following llr-t ol Oov: 1. Tlit-bcM Kme-rut Ctiewlnp Tobacco. V. H loiiidoaod ItoiiRh-nTitl-Keudj Tobaceo. H l'lrtiti Htid Sweet old VlrKlniH looaeeio. 4. l n tt a d hwt ( avondish lottaeeo 6. it , and t:oiiKrc n, ani I' n 'I obatco. Ii. 1 he lea aioek ol Hhvudh iKars. 7 The boht aioe a of Hoinxntie (!ara. H. The hen .luck ot'Hinokl -U 'J'uDncoo. i I'I(k-0 nt.d siMjfli, ft e, 10 l.yitciii'titg S nokluic, IlOeenta pxr pninid, 11. MlluKinii k niokini:, .' eenu per pound. IV. 'I he ( Apit' I Klne-i ut ( hevln. l:;. The IMP litwim F ne rut Chewing;, , I t. I me cut 4'honiiiK, lM cema i r pound. - K Kin- nil Cnew ni;, I c nth per putiiid. Iii Iienn a In more than un ten atort-H. 17. J)ean e la leu tiaieac enper- Iri lean sella be Heat aud Ciienpeat. To IK" continued at M-.AN'S, No. 11-1 CMKHM'T Ktroet, OpHJkitu Cuatom It'iuse. Another .ret Vlrlory. Th rerfnt Ticioru a of Shfnnan at Atlanta and Karraiutat 1lue, hae liifUMed new tlie Into tlio Itf'puollc; anc n no tier vie lo-y ha iinntd o into f o hmuea ol th.mrtinl. We rePw to the Met r rot Mr. IV. W. Alrer, No. it. 7 N. Ninth street. n er all competitor), in the niatier of aiKting iho Post and cleiinent Coal at the lowed pritu-b. llve hint a triMl, every body, l'ln llnvnni l:ir hi KanRN, 1A IH A Kl ' AHIt-4, Aitt'H AM ThWTII, have just received a new importation of Havana Ciuaic, ot the eholcst brandn R. . Whitman V. ManniaHurara ot New and heiuiont Confection!, Almond faate, Choc late CaraniuJi, Creauia La Mode d I'arla. exquumely flavored. Boaated Jordan Almoiida, x , Ao Ho. am Chaauut atruot, below Foiutlu PlanoHt 81E(-K A CO 8 MASON A HAMl.IN 8 CAUINK.T OltUAHS. MASON & HAMLIN'S fc'AWNF.T OKI1ANS. I DCCKKR IIK08 ffrrfl ruxon. PIANOS. J. K. (lotTI.H, fluventh aud cunsntit .aret'tf. EDUCATIONAL. IFTY CENTS. LKSSONS IN GEKMAN, A KATIVB OF liKICM ANY. WIIO 81'EAkS hM.I.I.Slt KI.vrTI.Y, AT FIS'TV t'KSTO AN HOI K. I.AI)I1-:S AND rJIII.I'HKN ONLY. llv li.-iw.-eii 11 anil 1 o'clock, at i-dla No. 1J2 KLOItin V S-.r.-t. PHILADELPHIA MILITARY SCHOOL Thirty-ninth and Market Streets, KKOrK.NS HK1"1KMHKII i. Adtlrt-ia, -lm l-KOr'KtNtilt F.. D. HArNMKHr,Ii. 1. IltlKN IIS' ACAllKMY I I'll BOYS, It E i,l No 41 N. Kl l. K I II iw, r. eiw "l .no - h t. tl, ir trrm of All ilt ii .innirt'n-ni ad Ui'ttCd, W. WIlirALL. r 'lUTTIiNDKN'S roMMKUClAI.COIXKCiK, L No. i..: rJll.sMT Khh-i, .i mtr - r Hccnth. inaliihid lM-i. liuftrpcrat'd Youni; Bin prtpvtd ft r t'i .n.;ii.t-l. .se id t..v ien. pre. J horoukti ai.d I i- I c . 1 lh-'.rei lion .n fctMirv Kl M'IS'i, ua ly ir i ,t a -'. - ! NMAN-illll'. U,, . U I y cite it U C ni ! aii.i i t.i.tll IUCIV I'ta it ..; (.i i.mec .i i, .i .i '.I bi . l(,aik II tl UKrt-lJaJ I la.r'ilnttt'll", l.iii i.t-itt f i-riua. 1 oniiiiei. ml Liw, iieicr.'ii.' i:nr'.i;t N t , TM.hi.i: VI'MINti, h oi.t.d hi d O'l put '. ;nm.'it in , thonHlL-l. tni (n.;,t, li.J.fm I I'V .t rtii.K - r.'-i'i ' d operul.'r. SITPIMS INIHI i il'li hUl'MtATK.'-Y. And n - cr- nl at itnv Itul. l.d.ilifc' Hi s-rnNK ftller pti llibtl I'th. i a im.o.,im:m, CeMti.hnup t'mi", fcttKhiit u.iiueN 471 last ytar), A: fi.riul.ii ivriat.a on ttfci.il uti'-u. H. il. t'ltirii:Vlu;V A O. It9 lm Vo.t 17 fUaisMLT Strett. MONLY TO ANY AMOVM'I.OAM'.l) i,l,i,n l,miii,ui.s, Wulcliii. jLiilrJ( 1 .al, I l.ll.ll,k-. tr.. at .in.", i- n k in. ?) I) KfT Alii ISIIKI. HlM OF Tl ' K, t'orm-r ol lllllill ai.il OlMKII.I. Him ii, lli-a,w L"inl, inl. N. F. WAMOSIth, HAII'IH-.H, JKWKl.UY, l,CN8 a.-., ti r 'alt- at l;KMAI;KAlil.V lOWfltllliC. is;-3ia WANAM.VKER & LT.0W.V, 1 " 11 N,, 7j:i i NOiTINOII AM AND SWISS tHff.ftNlT I.ACM'.S, BIRPF.1. I New ftlylM. WINDOW SUA IKS, No. T U :i KF.W HTVLES, n E W f! O IO K H, at mo PIANO (!OVEIW, !. m.vsr ro(,R i x Tim c it I, At LOW IHk KS. aljL AMUSEWCNTS. 'ill'. tiliAM) Mll.lAf.-O I, r tl fl ,i,, i, , n.,,. - f , Kit KNAMo.M i-iil. f IV,,,,., I. it. a tiiii, r-f i.nsim lll I M il,'., II II - '-' ' "l '-r; l-il, ii , ti,. i, an I , t 1 Motlltt. , l i-Uer AlTt lrSOON AMI l"FMMl rlilMIIONK l".:i,- li, ri.m. r,i at 'J l. M ' H l , I. a.h ( an l. i,, i i f. ,.,t rr ,tfi.. I I Ml Ml it s HI ii f.ii. II. 0 lo I i, im-. ,in llii l .im i i,i,.. f,,r li. ('l,im-- ,nt' ) , ii,t r,.-. - K II llMi,,. -,.l 'lunl , t. II. -, ' ' 1 ft I,," r, tv Mot Ill I If I . I'l i Mi- .r- Kim,... -, ,i n II 'tj -tin i (,i tuiii ft,! i j r. r. , .p, 9 nl I e jn,,i,i. S mi ti,l--lor, .,.' rnn'., Hti,.,,n 'I I, l-ft. .f-'-ir, rt .rpl. , 1 ,, l hi,n .I I, o In, IhI h, l i-,1 R,,,,n an II ', -It. I! T. tr -1.1. .. I. w MuMll M ..lev. ami Vl . l l; I Hi tlllP.. ('0-, n.l't.r i,t , iviini.-'-m, i,t. tl t-.r,,. Al.W Clil'tSNliT (SIKKKr Til I', A I'll K. iy 1 IllHHI - Bl N M M na((lra. r,..ll,-l 1 1, 1- In.) Hfftk ..f M.. HI, S S llf.M I . ' "I ilr tnrln.t i-i-kn tin HK A IT U K; Oil, A Tllll Ml Hill i.lil.ll. III. h'lintilul imuing itr.ius I .i , ria',iMh, nio-t 'ni,-i,n-,ift,r, ii ,w,ini-lia riM-atrr I Il H -f I. i-ur nll Inn llrrtmil up, I irnni-i' c-t f ,-n.. ill- i rft,'n,nii, ,- alii n.tir iult hi Ii a rirtw mil vtr Iii il I .I.i.-1, iri-.ii, il.-i, .nlnl, ,t t . sy ml i VI si; I t-iYirltir-I"" "i. Kiln- l.i-iniuli, .Mr tValli-i l.rnn ,v Si d .lamva I'. Sl-l-rry. 1 ,i,i . i ,r-r, nl t'f-tiiin.if . 'iiar'f-r t r.n-f H n'rl m-ii . 1 l"l I - mm! laililljr Ma'lina. KillllillW All! It N" 'ON al i ii,, i, . in il..-n , tiir.rt ,rv... lin il.n si; nl Ii h: .me, a ! iiii:bi k.i. i. ,t.n,i i in- p i r.rm. l. M1 lt.M. jomn uuiiws m;w auch ut. 1 IIKATNK -- ri'NTiM'n B.ici'r.sn. LAST WI-K Of KliwiN AHWM. Mn.MnV AND il Kili.M. r'fii.u r vi. an, I 27. 1 1ll. UK (I) III.AKI . KOIIKRT I.ANI.Kl KIlWIKAIMMH AliM, l.aimir Mr :.,r,l.i 1 "l.H.- Sni.irl ll,,li.uii ' im n'li'K M,. llrnlmiii t ,-m- i.'. .Im-,ui, Fi r Jiurtlculir. of sri-Di i y, i iililniits. etc , tei- bUl.. MIIHAV -lll'.,'KHT (if KIlVIl A OA MS. MOMI.t,-l 1 .-. I A I.I , till. IHiMUMH. I'SICAI. !' r N 1) II AI.l. ITALIAN Oocra Tn.nn rl A-xii lntnl trilii.. Hie IVIanairfr of the llullaii Arllmt AHMXiialirn. Mm. pilsinit ; JMiui. U HIT! Ml LOItlM,tni cell ra ed Hopranoj H'ki or H ' K.K' Nl. 'ht tnri)oii 1 cii'-r KohiMto; hU'iior TKH1 A, the fv..nle lein.r dHiria; h Ik in r AMOIti, ttit renowned Itarlione ; Mudenl Itr0' t r and t'oniliit tor Mr H. Hfllllt.N -4 UIH ,ive If. tiifh elty Two t .rHi it Op.-ruHe foneerif, WRO NKHKAY and T H 1 1 ltrl A 1 KVKA'IMIH, Mepemtoor 'iH autt K Tr.e prormninf will eoni.t .f the choicest ice tioi h irt.iii tl' rep.rteirr uf 'ii.idern opera AdUiiMiii o.M'c lteertd Aph'K ftK, extra 1 he aie of n n-rved seara will o.minorn f on M'trtdav at ! A M .at .1 K. r.oui.i Muhic rttore, 8KV KN I II and '1 1 h,H . I T Mreeia. JUDoiiiopen nt 7't. Oottrtr' mmufnn'ii at H ?'. l-4t p H It I 8 T K K J F. V T K I) , 7 Th irrrat and ctUbratcd picture hy West, the chf d u avre ol the ariint. is sow on riirnTio AT HIK At Alr.IY tH VtsK AIIT8, No. icr. (H1.8Kt;T hTUKicr, In atldilP.n to tin KN lit K Art o leciioa of the Anilomr, Ac mil fence. 'J'. eentu; elon 'I iekta,oP cent Pt4 lm K.NOU N. rKKKLM itatKtf returned intnt l-lnmpe, haa reiuiae4 hit tliMnlln No. lyiH t lll-.aNliT HTItKKT. I AMK8 W. lUIt D.TKACIIKH OKTHE I'l ANO, J Nw. f.'O Hi TKtNTH Mrwt. htlow oprue. muU lm 2nOCI.AMATiON BY Till-. GOV I.RNOK. YVAIA, a: A c;. n ktiv. IN TIIK NAME ANI HY TIIK rTlftItlTY Ol THE C(MMOW'AL1ll tr ''kNNHYLV ANA. ANiiKKW ti CI ItllN, ( OVM:mh: oi ink nhim iimmhshk.M.ih, A I'lKKILAM ALIO V. WI arena, It; the thiro jetton ol the Art or the (ienral A -(eiiioiy r.f thin t omuionweaith. piis-ed the twea j accot.d day of April. A. 1 tno iPounHiid eU'ht hn d ed itid fifty eiuht.enti'lert All ct to v ta'-Unh a H un t r una ir ti..-pAvment or the ruhne iwd." tt Is math tie dut ot the K. eiefarv of the (dinm -nM cltti, th An.ihor tej em, aid Hiate Treaanrer, ( ommitonern ofthe Tfin liik 1" ntai. treated t y aHid net ot thv tlpi.erai Aaaemhry'.ot the tlrst Moiida of HentemtH r, A- ' one lh na d eikfit liondud and 111 'y nine, and on tho ha me diy annually itetoitttf r, to report and ce-tHy to thu (luv.ruir tnc auioont niM lvtd under tl a.ilrt act.tt'e amo utt o ' inlo-if-1 laid, aidlle amount "f the detit nt 'heC'liimon w filth retiemei mid hold hy them; w'iuniipii, the (otenior ol ull direct the o"tlnealeH reprciriitiiiie the f.n.e to le t aneled, and on auch citueei ntlin iaiie his lincianiitt'on. aiatliiK the fact, and 'ho eulr.nithm -nt hi d tlii tti ( lach it (fi of ao iniicu of the urtiicioal of uni cMif t Anawharcaa, Kll ftlifrr, laac HIenker, at'l If enrv I. Miwu-W-iiftidn n.tntuniMo'ier of the hiiiking I'nnd, la otafaUm-o to the reiiuliementi. ol" luw.repjrt und rerilfy Ut ice Cant the flehtof the ('onuitonvea tii of I'oii'tayi yjiiiiu. reeeemed und lirld h tii m f om i he loven'h d.iy S pttuihei. A It. one tlivuand eiunt huiid td a d rtixy ll nr, to the tittli rtiiy of Heptemh r. A. I O.n t dohm id eiKht liimdted iu d tixty fi'tir. iimoinni. to the mini of two limiilied and oKty-e Kht ihouMiid five hundred and fcij.t)-iiine uo.lata and Ulty cuiiId, made up aa tbllowa ii. , I i,o percont. Loan of the Commonwealth..., $t;ttriHii3 Interoat t 'eiullcutt a redeemed 17 lotal .'uVi 6) Now , ii.i it M.r i r ini.oti oy tim I turd Se 't:.n oi trie Act cf Anf-emhiv ilr 1 abvo mentioned I do hereby Isoue liia my prorPiin .Hon, deda' ina' 'in p-ijrmt m, mic u. l.fn. tlnkiiihinent, una tliinl diachari;e o' t vo liuadrej ai'd tlfct?-eirt thoithand ilvo hnndrel a 'id nlty nine do'iari. und til, cents uf ha principal of tlie del it of t nl VtniU)onaliIi. iiitcb iibOet my hand and the tireiit Heal ofthe State at Il:inibiir', thii twenty -see.. nd day ot a.ipiom h r. In (he year of our Lord m th..n?.and elKht timi ilred and Ki.t) foiir, and of tho Uuiun.ouwtulta tlie ehhtj nln'h. Hy the tiovernor: FJ.l HI. U Kit, It Hooremry of iho t'oiiiinciiwalLh. DI HE CT NO R T II E R N RAILROAD KOI TK! fcl'HIL.M H.I'HIA TO N'Olt IHF V Pi;V8 Yl VAMA. CKNTKAl, ANIi WKHTKK S SKW lOUU. UUi-rAlO AN I) TDK l.KFA Ity ridlaiieiphU and I runton Railroad, ltolvldore, and Ji)a ate Uiillioanl, lu law .ire, l.aoaawanua, and Wcatern h il road, aid frit Kaitwuv. tMiiy two ehai.ktfi, netM-n rhlladelphht and H'tlTalo. Mo iliaUtipi.t in the itkht. :il7 MILK- OV I.HOAO (lAtMKt Ma tin i II ee nt Bleeping "ar& on thu nUht end of the route. llohiK Nonli. L"ave philii.leiplila nt 71 ' A. L, Irom the Kenolntoii Depot ul the rhilmlelpnia and Trenton juil road ; hanae at Manunka ''1 unk to the tirtm l ildnire tm ol the Ielvare, I ekawanna, and H erein H:iiirad, and ai .ii li. nU to ill" I rlo lUliwiiVtairiiin at HuiUW at 6 A. M. tiolnj? Houth. TaVi Ibe fcrlc Kaltwnr Kxprom mm Itutlalont lo 'J't P. M , ; clutn'u at i .rent llend to the Hut a ware. Lackawanna, and vVe-tern UanrouiLandat Munuuka Cliunk to the Ite. vidi re Delaw are Kullrnad nam, w tilt h gova through to rhitadolph'a. arrivim; at tl JO r. M. I'liaePk-ora iminrf north dine at Delaware: Htution oa the IUw Hre, La kuwanna anil Wotp rii ltMilroad.ai 12 M 1. at., aid haH time ter auperat ireaf hand, win ro thu I it a ehni:e ta made at tpw I'. M. Those iroinii houth make the iUm e Pan it- ut (treat Hnd. at ii A. If , and have lime: rr hreakiaM before taking Oelawuro, Laeka w anna ami Western liallnmd train ; .line at Delaware at I 10 V. M. Through TirketH to aed from Unffalo li-inMrk, Koehea. t r. Klmlra. Iiliaca, Oi ivo, lliiwlmmpioii. lin at llciid, Kcraniou. Wnkeniiarre, De'aware Wuter (Lm, Ac. are hetween I'liipidelpiiht and ItutUio, All, Ask li ticket vtaUruat liend t .f.i wm. n. oaimi:k, Knf. VliTAlIV WAIIKIIOL'HE. KI.KOANT l,A(;i; C'UKTAlNa AM) E1CH CDBTAIN MATERIALS, AT LO N riill'E. SIIKlTAItlt. VA II UH.IM.KN i AKKISOV, !i il w 71 o. lOOfc LIIK.sNt r S'lHKtr. JliAV UAMU OF C'jVllI) THE BEW MUSICAL CARDS ;r;f i td t v R. al FamiW of Finland), ara Mnt b? p -: di fnhfcK l Ol l..i;. Tl.ey are a uioh aui.iunK u t , ai.u icuiu Jdu.icai Time ijuiLkvr than any otavr Bl 11.. .f. A I.. t tiitwttiiRiud v-lever gnme "Time. " :u iri iv ad .pted lor Uhlufc MuittU I iiue. ' Ulna Uiva I i il n h . .l A. J'jYi L, No.t2 W. lUIKTY-SlX Til rert( . w . .a. aoJo-liu IIML'Nll A. M1UHEKACO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND Mlir AND bTEAMCOAT ACiENTS DOCK BiltKKT WHAia', KI!LAD!.I.1IIU. ar-vi p si, rr, i.n, .Hi lllhll l- 111 III t D-i'm.n t. sui ui-.H. M-U i;STATK or Koui;nT v. m asky. de- J 1 1 ti AHKIi. The Atiullcr lu'l'iihlnl l,v thp Oii.har.aTfnirt fur tt,a Citv ami rn'jiitv i,r l:inla,li-iiiiiiu. to audit, .ettie, an.1 ail u.l Hie iii-.uulil ol ANA K. UisHl.l, IliillUKT V. M mt-KV, Jr., autt JnSKi ll II. KJWNSKNl). I.fiuiru, Ketll,,r.of tl. In-t Kill and tn,llil.ul ol llllliuK I V. MAShl.), dvc-att il, a, nl to r.i.ort Oir.rlluniu nl ttif taliinii.' In Uu- I, Miiil-.ni' the ao uuiituula, will uit-rt tl,a Imrtiuii inturfhti U lor tna ruriii,.i,a ol till a(ifioifiilil'.-tlt, Witllii Killy. ), tnl .r o, Iv I, at 11 oi-liirk A. M .u! III. otlii . Ni,. 1 17 W .an.it i. hi ilia rliy "I I'hllailiil'hiit. V- wluiwa.it JtlllN tXAY TON. AuUilor. CHEAT CENTRAL CL0TII1N0 HOUSE, AUCTION SALES. XlnCliKVK AUCTION I.OtlM.S, No. t C ('.VA H F V. Anit' 11.1". a.l r'l. rsn.1-:mi.nt. M 111;!,, WAllI- !. A! Hi- HI IIAM IXK, OraiiKtiMi, i-.r t-iii.t r .a'. M. Atirtii-o Kioa-s, at. ba wl Hi". l o.'Pi I a.l- t,,.ali.rf II. I. EtAiK AN f f-rut'Kl AI 11a t Jttl.amr-. i 'ni ii i ruusiTtntg At !ril .f-a, ai,-l h I'.'K . 01 Wltl!OIIAMthf At !! -IAr . i,l ,., ,,m -. rf ) ..1- ii 1- a ,iri-,l vltt) iii ,lrwl i-n c ili'V'ni, nil ot Hi.. i. li i t,ilil f . nlr 111 Cut M R I tliOK HALT". Ml,, til is I f. ISli ( 17 Y Itt.TAll J- I . I KM I'l I'S. (il ' ill ,l'K l'.lt ANII OI.ASHWAIjK. ' ti T ,,1 mU i r 11 , A' .' I, ri V , in . 1.1 In .11 lati r f,. r . 1 r ai .1 c -unlr . ' k-l Uli.-l K (Ml. I I n I O. I "IT A I'f! 1, r 1 .r.!-, 01 u ft, d roni.,t l-.ilMr.. fl I Mt' I!., If "III .1 Ml -. I l U (Ut Oal t-II lai Ic I AW ".-. AMI lU IIM.l.s. . . '- ,1, t 11 1,-irni ,s, 1., 1 . an 1 1. I'll L"ITI In .i .-i. 1,1 I.' ..fits, c, ,11,11 iiui t.t 11,, Ir I- i-ac )"1 1 sit. nil r 1 !-t,r, l i.-i -.s l--r ai, lull) r.t tli 1 11 1 t,, fU,(M 0 c' t 1 1 i : m , HI I Y Tl ioi;s.M. riKSI nil mi, . Tli K CAMTAKIN DIAL" w II L IcsVF ON OC'JOIIIilt IK, IMtl, A.1. " ILLUS1 RATED UAMPAIGN PIAL," A N-'w.p .i of TV1 V1Y-I KitIT COLUMNS, nil.fi l.-rd villi Cltl.-INAl. II I U-TRAil''N,l L'l irwnl ,.,il aal u.pic.. 1 HE M T CAMI'AION IKM'UMRT THAT CAN UK WnTHIHllTt'l'. A tint Ir j i)-m-o a of rut. nro Ilia l-p-f . and ... ftr l.rs villi i" lill'tl a t-,.ci,a.i.tlu 1 n.i I1.1. 1.KAl.l. K-.. I l.l 'ltN Allli MK li,i,. Mill M.W's A,.tr lilllil lul till -,H r; .1, uiiQicd .till AM ii'i,oirti-:,'i' Ii'iil.-i'.. Ciila, llRilt-d to 'en .In, oa, hid -rii.tr w II In mm -nw. at l 1,1 r tint. Ai i.,tl r. ti'i'i t. arrini.,.t,ii.d wl'h tti-1 n.li. i 1,1,11 .ale, ll(,i.r linroff-e. Ninglu cims, nftaa (. nt Aililmi R. V. COHKN. Piil.llt....-, No. II -S TII llltl Sixci't, ril Jati vbla. 4 Ay pq FOUETH AND AECII, Cater for tho best TRADE, and offer no BAITS or Decep tions to induce Custom, but roly on FMU DEALING ANO GOOD GOODS, Best Merinoes, Fashionable Silks, Nobility Plaids. Pirn's Poplins, Dark Foulards, Figured Merinoes, Plaid Shawls, Good Blankets. OUm UV OKI'HaNS Til 15 AKKNOK- ii) t 1 in tor tt e ninriiiioii mid m;t me'Miie.o uf th it-.H- titui Otl'hxf 1 I tiia 8oioitih un i Willoris t the Hute, nni.ei' 1 hi- ail r IuIiok 10 the uh.i ct It.intt;bowaiiitliieiiUy inpeied o eiiiihle lheni.drt,n l to re leivr 41 puoa lioi.a. 1 otto, ik 1 enb uK?u il at idark ior.ua o' a,i.ile t un. iib the iircesnurv n rnetioiih, liar iei dM()Mto.t wnh itif i. hov inu Kent enjen, rroin wtioii ttio relatives or It it m a of It roh ni can oh ant am. Whii the aof lcait'in and ht-te mi nt in earn oa atmll be iioim rl ti ed und porin t. and C'trti'Wd tiy the Hoard of o naxn eho-'l IHreetom of toe l)ntr.et in h bico 10 1 rot an redtd a tt In to t ntnrned to tti jjentlcmtu itoin vh' m It w-n peciivaHl, or t no to oitor Ulewntr of toe County Hupe ititen.linKoinniliti , b hIihu it will he fot- varu(ti to u-e nnurrKiKiieu. lu 11 hhtiit nine an or ine receint 01 tne Bpuiirutinn or the iiiidoi htiH H if I he in due lorni, and tho orphan bo cm I (led u the hentiiiH of the act an ora.r for ihe adiuU kion to the pn.jtrr ai hool will lie ti nt hymt.ll to ine moihar, r ott er Bii-ty.iig rclittlvo or friend, with uea aiy iiib.iuviIoi. it IkfKoteto that tne schools tt 'octet for inee orirtt ttis wi.t b.;reHd lor their reception dtirlntt the inontli 01 Or to iler. 1 neir iriet a ill iiiei ciiire nine mo noersaai y ntepa and have thin reiidv tor adimmloti hy tlie lxt of ovoin- ber atthtl.iu.-t. The Hate wdi irnvio rioinmif, itoanitnt. waihlEi;. niehdiriK. Hwctrie iiin nook a. Ae ,ior the r ha ita w one ut the tt;ho a pro d .1 for them, tmi the elnMve or tr and aie txpectin to ond them t inher wuhout co-d to too Mtate, ai d alo io Mnd with them, in at ty.md order in no Mole, ktich tlotliin. aa the may Uieu Jiave. to be worn till other enn ht fios dei for them The toil.-tu . "1 ineiiai ji genu 'men 10 wnom appiica- ratHiita oau Oe noioe . Aduina ouniy )exre Met U l an, tletljaburg. A.Mgi.onv r nrnnot, ri(oar' Colonel .1. It. I ino, hlitunning. Mle it.ol Wi yund, Itenver. .1 I.huou tiller. ItedfoM. lion. Wm. llrltUr, Ua dnk'. It'll, bam' el AJiair, Hoiitday.s. bnr. n. tt. Unasel, Tow anii. J, 1 Meutlenliail, itovleatowo. John 11. Neley, Huticr Kdwaid tftioeuiaker, EVwiuburg, M. M. Iiiiiiinlek, MrtU-n (Mm n it. Kdward 'onbnri, Hioppen. Hon. Hamtiei l.init, lluilehmte, Addtauii Mity, trt Chewier, lion. Campbell, CU1i!. .lames II llruhaiii .:ie inteld. 1.. A. Miikey. IH-k Haven. Kobert t-'.t lark. Rotn burjr. John Iteynoidi, aleinivllle, 1 U'tfuAm l'au n.t arliHie. Ur. lieu j,'" ttHi.ey, Harh4hurf. Inano lliudeniaii. ChO'ter. li. 11 rj Soiitiibr. Kidnway. Joitah iuntiiMin t;rio. lotin K. Ewiuj.;, Unlontown. George W. Honn, .Marioiiville. Hun. Juuiea lllauk. Ohaiaheia hurg. M K i-'ar Kinf. M''onnfllUburir. Vrot. M J-:. tiainaon, Wayuen- bury. Wm, It.orhlaon, llnntlnKtuii. Hubert C I'uilor, In HHiia. iHi.n.. (i..rd n. llro-ik iCo. J:-t mutt 01, tfcAiiMemiir. lun:el lleiiMn r Lancaster. It. Vlorris Ne- Oii-ttie. ti-or. e Aikin-t. l.eh.ili.ill, K. T. Siiei.' ir, llen'own. s owurt I'earce, Wilkeionrre, .t ml trim l hihwai:. rt lllianu 1 "n. ilei. HyronD. Hamlin, Suitth- IHJft .Iv'in K. hanna, Men-er. A olree. Itent. Lew iowil. Wui, havia, Htroititxhurkr. IL M. Iloyer, Norrikt tan. liideon h'joup, Hiiiivllle. Kev. John anderveer, Kit ton. Win. .1. i.reenuuuh, Sonb.iry. liou- It. Y. .lunkin, lil.it. urn Id. Kdw.ird HatUtav, M: I ford. John M Jliiinlit.in, i. 'ou.leriort. ton. r. O. rai ry, rittai.ie. (.ol. ui. J-. W.itienaeller, Sellii- Aiuihtronif tetvcr U.dtorU Itoaa illair Itrndford Uuraa Itmler ('.tfijbiia Car boti Cameron Coi.tre Che wr t'UraJi Cienrli.Ud ( iliiion Colombia Craw lot dj I lumiiaua l'auphiu lieuwura I.I a Vne Kattn lirel .'ritual 1 11 Vulion tre-ue Huntingdon Indiana .letierirOti Juiilaia Lancaster . aw rene J'tuUJoU I.ehlKb LlUTlIt Ijconnut KKan M ercer , -MlftHn, SJonr.M', Montgomery. Xonioir, TtliatliptoD) NoiiiMiiuNr ai.d JVrrj, I'lKe, l'.-tter, SihnylKllJ, 8 11 j Utrr, -'onieratt, Hiiluvnti HuMii.thaJina Ti'ft. I nion VenaiiLO Wairt'i '.iunKt n W.ivii-' WcMinor l d W s eliitltg -irk Walter spencer, T aporte. L. Y. t-'iti h. Meuin-te. '1 liuiii Lk) An. li W tlliooro. at nifn Jol:n Oivtiiit, LewisLiTi;. E. K. I.Mle, Kraiiklin. Hon. Lewi Arnett. Jumef C Ai-he tn, Wi;hinttOil. IL L. Smith. Hoiiti-'Iiae. Jno. Ariuttrom;, Jr., tiree 1-1 ir, H- M- Csit.rt.ohi, T'ink.'irmi.. :k. Htiny L. fi-tiLT, ork. Henry llallowell. Seerotarv. J'f.H'tdfii' R , per m t ndeiit oi SQidKiV V. j1..u.i. l.aitr.itr, StfWnt Il !' -1 '- t OIL STOCKS lOL't.HT AND HOJ,n ijH U'M ll-iSKV. k) (..tOliGL J. BOYD, rir.k.r, U"? wo.ie w Tin ho Hinct. NEW 7-30 LOAN U hobfriptH.na rectivad, aud tbe otta furiiieleu lite ol all iLarg, iy ckou;e j. BOYD, I tanker, No. 18 3. TlllKb UtnaU aiJ23-S'n XI1E LAGET A'D CE8X FOR SALwT AND TO LET. Hrti.r nd froa';1" tcrttm t Tiir firc iaiorm. iii'M ith ot wi ho-ii nofX','", r omh an4 cood trade. Iiuif-rr nt, f-..,, If t-. J " A M, TIM i H I LOW V i S . Hn fcH' M I ' H RT1I rtreaH. SPECIAL fMOTkCf S. .r- HXTII V ,Mili.-I.fCll.N, .Kilt!. Kll.. I Mlilf. ,is,j tlin.Hl. Tip Cln-,t,.,,l II - tt .irn .sn ri,in.lH to' SI Ifca 1 'lihe i, t.f, 111 MmiT . .-n, 1 ... hiim ' iiiu'iit v'"". ft. 1'B III 1 it.i I 11 I. I Ml at . iilL fi t tin I -it o 1 1' '-1 :, . 1 a I -'i. i'i-Ii,, s M, 4 :nli rf h) ot- ' 1 t it s wrd I I . I,- . I l,,-,1,ll f ' .1 Si I .-s l.lllil , If f Joo. (; j 71 - I . - A 1 II .( I . v Mjt- , 1 I v ail.li Ti I ,. '.,, I'll 1 11, i,r,r l, 1 1 r ii-,'n- I'll. 1. a r uti-a tm n-l . 1 i.li fin, it 'I t,'l i. II. r -I ui. -l-il, 1 wi 1 t, lif til aa S CTIOSAl II A I.I. 1 I'-Mrt , i.'' tl t. -I on rotiT lotw cr.t :it . utt ,t A" f 1 e: -.r 1. tr,i, f'f 111 L"' If WI1! I ti .(.!) A nlr r f.f iii- k a the IU 1 at ; o ( lu l, T IM f M .tuti .' I . SI N I i.ii.iin: ishan 1111:111 irfiitif. .lr rri.i .- . hoM wh.i.kh i, r, 37- OUAV'T, 1-AltUV.IT, H'.IKU-stA. HII) : I l . AS h'i,.tl I'll TII 11 a I.I 1 - 1 l,i- I nl 'i m 1, o iiaMwii mr at l out lin.it Hull, SI IK I f, Km.", nil- n s uit. .i. H I M'.'! . Kith ln.11.1l, a, in nr k P. M . liiaka artMi .pun nt. ir. 0 It, ll. i,.r.i'.o in l.u,.i ,,t ,a rn put I'l li,p nr ,tk All !i 1. ,11. In .1 tn 1,, i- 'laoti.in W l.li.i. 'I mill .lulu.., 11 an 1, . Ii . I-1.. ,r ,-ul In i,r, ir ot tl 1 ab , 1 1 1 inn . VS Hi I. .1. 1. ATKI vs'i.V HKtratarr f3T me uni'in cinzcNi III 111. l-.l(lll'lll WAKD. AH'i'Sal ri'ln II. of ti l I l;;l.h Wail fa -I 5 tn tkt iiviioiior AMIAIIAM I.ISlOI.N AMI AN iKI.W .Kill MSO.f . lirif-1 In ft ili.i rin-ri'l srii..liri- :ii,i ii- tiiiri.r.nsl..in. Im .mi iri.i- ..-ill t iii i i,'-i r i-tt-ir . tn i rif tl. a It -'m.-Ih-ii hii.i n.itti- i lie- I ui, n, art -!'PiM'j it'-rti t.( ua imi't 111 i. iim-lt at HOItTICTII.Tt'ltAI. IIALU IMtOAI. ASD WAI .NliT, Ou MO HI' AY EVIN1NG, 2Gtli lust AT IIAI.I' TA8T 7 O'ttOCK. llailv, fili-mla i.f a fit-i- atiH l.liC-rat tlovntiimolit, a4 ai ii, im Iii.ii.iii tic I- gi in Har.l I-.-tin true to at ai.rlt 1.1 nconl. I ct ii. I i-i'u-i- wtio rim. Itn.iut-.h nl ni-rat Imnortanrai ta !,p trai mm ti n. 'i 1 c .mi Hi-? will I iiditnsMil b) true f,Uorrlnc ili.tta- ftUlhllill Kl-lilIl-Jll B : MOHTuN M. M It'll AI.l.. I in. I. CM MII.KiS lill.rlN, .Ki-K' U Mil' I KN. l.,.'.. (Will l lto-l-: UMITF.N". I'.4' . 1IKN.IAMIN n.tV.WSTKII Km., H II. I 1AM ri HAM I.K. t.,l., .i"(-i''i r. rmiMis )., Ill i.S ( IIAI.I I S li'NKII.I., I am hi. i.i.t u'ii:ur . h.'i., LUAiiLlvK IIII1H NU bail , II) iroi-r i, fill. Ward F.ii-ciillv. I inuioltl-jO. ALKVANUKU P. CtH.l.SBKBltr, si ai Bacrata f. rzzr- ornoK ok TIIK CI fY BOUtfTT lay linn uonimiriion, io. in i ni' r. nirrri, teiolver 'J'-t, lb'A. 1 he Druft lis heen poBtj onod foi tb Oan.to ulve the WmiU w hlch Bt atlti derleivnt a tin aft il'portuilt to 111 tin ir Moot.. by volmitecrloif I hia cat In neo.tnp.t'.r.ed by a w Tona and unit d effort on tha patt of the eiiletiM ot lho-c Vi nrd. AIMvho are t.aolet diiitt hou d bwat In n.lnd that no bounties national or lm.ai at-e iald 10 draft t-U men or to their utibfl Jiiit t. Tha Ctt Itoir ty, I uwever, w ill be roiuii.ntd to Vtilimtoeri aa loii'if aa ihey are crMUtid vp'n ((uota of fie City tinier tt e present call. Ity iroer ofthe Ct mmlninn. V-i-l-.H ii 'it ciH i ai. aiu jut., necretaiy ff STOCK HOU K US' MKHNO. a5 lAltollilift Ah I MKCIHNICi' BANK, run. Aiibi. I'ltiA, he tit mi Kir IW4-Ar-inprfllnieetlnRof tho Hbrf-kholdara ol tha farmers ai d Mtehanicit' Hank o fMiatioipt ia w ii be lie d at tnoir I'.ankina lloioron TIII'HKI.a V. the 'Aha day ot uatabar neat, at 11 oclick A M , tor tha purpose ot' tnklnuf -J ct ncideiation. ai d dcMlnif on tbe ipietlon whether or 1 n t th anld Hank abad tieoine an Aafoei itioi forrarotnc on t'ebuainnof U.n.iii nndr the Lawa of tnc (Tmtea PI ira, iiiiiui rMTi:iii.iK imnnii jiiiiivnvu u; '.'a .1 of the .emrl Aanemblv of tula C'onitDouw eatfii, emltt4 M . A . a. nul.ll.iu tl.ak lliilian' (Mat PnmiitiinaTHailli I tMc'tu AdtMH iM n.im (or th lurKHeof Huikimt ut-dor IheLawaot tl o l:i.ieo Mfate," appro ed the iid day af . , Aiiaukt. l-Stil; and to t-ke au n aeuou iu regard Uiaret aa x ii. ay be neef-nai; d propr Ilr order ot the IIoki d ol l)lrertna, U ilM'JtU W. HI 8HT0K. Jr., Oashler ' 35?" mil AUKI.rUIA AND KUADINQ a3' KaUlwul Cooipanj, Ottlce t.o. 7U 8, t'OUBIU bluet. Pun i,F.l.ftiiA, 8rpti.mb.r W. IW.L TO AVOID I'ETKN I ION ihf imHlura of me OoviMiia or tliifet'onjiiaiiy. ilut, dii Uii 1st ir.'nitmi, an reiiu-ati-.l las .ai. tiiriu at this nH.ei- tin or u.i-rn ilniiKitliini.iaiit,whpai ti'i-i-iila will be ;lvi.,, and cliirhs wi I ho n-ail.f-ir tfa llrtr on Hit I.i pruximo, ia f cliann' f " 'al-l riwlaia. at. lillAlif ullli. 2,'-7t Trol.utW, rSf" LAW DI'.rAIlTMENT.UMVEIlSITV w!-? of viinn l r.nia. A term will coiojnence uctonF.H 3. 1WI- llif Intrt duetory l.e tnre wdl Ik lel)vered at ft o'rto in tlio bitmtitf of Uiat day, at the iitual Lecturo-Keoaa by tlie Hon. GKOKOK SIUUSWOOD. 947 lt trSar- UlfiAl-NKMrt AWo ttliiW UMiH8, it I tact. M IL . f roicakivof the k,y and Car, araati all dlseaae a parUiinthK to Uie aioe-nnnd lueiavben wnk tlie nitnoat au-ceaa. 1 antlinomal from tho moat rellab onrren tn tne eltv and country cm be aecn at hit Ortioa, So. 611 11 M K HtraeL ArtitUial Kyoa Inserted without paua. No ehargfia nadt fot exauimatinn. Otliee boura from tm IS A.M.. $ tof P. M. Ko.AUPIABHtraat. auT-ai MILITARY NOTICES. i SIXTH US ION LEAGUE EEGIMENT. Authority aai lnf baaa recflv.d to recruit tfca Sixth Union League Regiment TO 1S- J I'XI'TKICN COMPANIES Ittci urilng will tilll cuatlnua tmJur the iup.rii.lua af LII.UT. C1IARI.KS W. FUA.IER, At tha 01.1 CITY lllCADQIIAItTEHS, Hi., '.fiS K. TUIRn hTKKST. Tl'l. Itttlincnt la otic ofthe moat popular la Uia aerrloa, bt taiir uuiler th. command of OLD AMD KM'EKIKM'KD OFFIUKBS. Tht tlghr.t UovirnD-i.nt,Cjtj, and Ward Bountlaaara pnid. mm y TENTH -WA.il D. 250 MEN WANTED TO 1 IX.L Till VCII1 A OK TIIK TKSTII WAitD. 11 la-heat II'-idIj Fald. Applj W A. H. Fit ANOISOUS, el-If Ko. aia alABKKT BTRBICT. .7 UEAUQl ARTKRS PROVOST MAIV. J.li.1. Kir.t liiitrn-l. ra.,N.i. J44 8. TIUUU atraal, Cjl hlia lrlLlila, Annual II, f-flt. JL T, In.ure frniiipl n-iillna to alt iia.atlotn. oaordlaar-f .ulii(.'ta c'inui-oti.,1 with tlin hnnilDii-Dt, lrart, Ktunap lioii. l-la'-liiti.!. l Druit, 1're.litii aud Accouuil of maa rirtil.hi.l, I'ltU.-na arv ri.iim-itiid to niaku apt'lii. tlon la the lnvot ALtrhlial ol the ('-inrt.'a.kiMl Ilalrlv4 roraiK-B liiti-ruiatkiii, and uot to the lruvoai MarauaJ-iiauarai a& tit aah.lujt.-ll. iii c-rdtrrol'tLt Frevost Marslial-Onni-ral. WILLIAM E 1.EIIMAH, ai 12-tf Cui-laiu unit l'rovu.l lar.hal. u UUVNTY FOR .MARlNKS. AVANTEH B for the I'mti'd Statfci Miirill. orpa, ablc-liodi.d aaaa. Ill I.i peiiurui U.e il.au- i t a au.dn r at i,ur Naijr Vu.la, aWai.d on Uard Oulilt Hlal tuil-of-war va (ortaia tul,'-iia. 1 enu r,f .itvIi , Vi nr ear., llt-lti-r i-i,ni,eiiiKltu:i than tl,-- aniiT. ALL TUfc loi ai. uiit siiLS iaid men enll.tiueal. Tu,.rh,i. - I-.. I'rl. Mi-iinv. ror ait-TuriL.r luKruiaii-.a ajilr at tt.a HocrulUas 1 KcLdMLi ou,, j.o. Ml s.I'LUN r 8tn I, hi low Spruce Suata, telwil-D loi.Li.ulk oi tl ud J c iii-. ).. II. M' I'AlVI.hT, au,',-tf Mtior aud Kn-ruiiiua ottiii.f. V'HIO V O II S FURLOUGHS. ft MOI'i'lls H Kl.i't'ills. llll.0LOI)i-ri Kl.ULv.HS. nifr.. ntii. .filillir. V tlnathr rltyrn f ,rouv;h., nor ihng uwiiui h ANIi OTIII.II M1LH AHV K'.'lil'MKN rM. i HI fcHOl.l-'H AMD oniKIt .MIMTAKY KiiUfilLN'tM. A-e Invi'i'd tn ttis i stt-ii.li e vevi'KAl il IIIKH KsrAllLlsllMRNT -JklA.NLtAl.l(.illJSll KSlAULlSlialtMr .. " i.v .IKOK iB W. PIMON'A BltOTHt n,' CiaAlltltF. W. KIMIINS liliOTUEU, HINMIM STtl KI' HALL, MAN-SOU Mill"-!.'!' IIAIX, BAJiSOM Buott. ahuvu SUUi BlrctL Mir.HENTATION WORS I HKSI.MATIOS KWOKI.il M.uie to onlvrat th.- aiiortant niiitre,wliii h lor rtrnne.i aa4 iai.-u.nci-art ehatknoe k uiiioiii tm otai hnuai- In tha "lumrv .-..nitilnliiK tha M V M V At! I Ultl NO JtWtl.Kai Willi Hit. l'UAl T1CAL SWCUU MALLaV. aak B. , CCRER SIXTH AKD MARKET 615., i i i i ;
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