The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 24, 1864, THIRD EDITION, Page 8, Image 8

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Closo of the Correspondence
A Final Appeal to the Almighty.
It., ., Et., :t :t,.,, Ktc.
llEXDUl'ARIKR ARMT OtTf.NN.-F.F., f 3llW-
fcer 12, li4.-Miyor General V. T. Sherman,
Commamlirg Mili(ry Division of tbe Mis,i
iiiipi : General : 1 h ive lite honor to know
ledge the receipt of your letter ol' the Uih imUiTit,
with Its lncloaine, in reference to tlia women
children, Mill ohcr whom yon have wen propor
to expel from tlteir bomm In tlio city of Allium.
Had yon seen propor to let the matter rent there
1 would Rlntlly hnye allnwH your letter to close
this rorreHpondenofl, nd wiilioiityoiirexprenin
It in words would have been wiillni; to beiirt
that whilst "the Interest of tlio I'nitcd S'.atoH"
in yonr opinion conicllcii yon to (tu a ()f Imr
barons cruelty, you regretted the n'ity, and
WC would bive dropped the snUjo
But yon have chosen to In ni In mu'eniMit
hich I feci oiimpolleil to Viticie," at leant so fii
as to signify my dissent, tn, ot allow ntl'nca in
FCRard to thiu to bf. o.n-lnicil . .c.(Utesccnv.
tec nothing In ; ,urrsn,ninni. a1 ton lii'U iinliires
tore to niodiiy the latiriife of condemnation witli
which I cliarncn n,ed your order. It but
trengtbetik mo In the opinion tlmt it standi "pro
emliu nt In tin dark hi- tory of war for studied and
Ingenious ciuelty." Your original order was
stripped f all pretense; you announced the edict
for the sole reason that it was "to the interest of
the Cnfreil States." This alone you offered to
vs and tlie civili.ed world an an nll-snfpcicm
reason for disregarding the laws of God and man.
You fur that "General Johnston b'timclf Tory
wicly and properly removed the families all the
way from iSalton down." It in due to that gal
lant soioier and gentleman to say that no act of
ins distinguished career gives the least color to
your unfounded aspurslou upon his conduct. Ha
depopulated no villages, nor towns, nor cities,
either friendly or hostUc. He offered and ox
tended friendly aid to his unfortunate t'eilow
cili.ens who desired to Hue from your fraternal
embraces. Yon ure unfortunate in your attempt
to find a justillcation for this act of cruelty, either
in the defense of Jonesboro by General Hardee,
or of Atlanta by myself. General lUrtloe de
fended Iris position In front of Jonesboro at the
expense of injury to the houses, an ordinary,
proper, and justifiable act of war. I defended
Atlanta at the same risk and cost.
If there was any fun It in either case, it was
your own. In not giving notice, especially in the
rare of Atlanta, of your purpose tosbell the town,
which is oanl in war among civili.ed nations.
' , UP inhabitant of cither town was exielled troni
home aud fireside by either General Hardee
vself. and therefore vour recent order can
r?m o support from the conduct ot either of in.
: ' 'ja. no other emotion than puln, in reading th it
- of your letter which attempts to jtimify
i llluvrf Atlanta without notice, under
i JWthiit 1 defended Atlanta upon a lino
sV-vto town that every cannon shot and
muKet-Dans irom your line ot investment,
V vershot tlieir mark, went into the habita
j'uttt women and children. I made no com-
i.unt of your bring into Atlanta in any way you
liiooubt moncr.
- 1 make none cow, but there are a hundred
thousand living witnesses that you tired into the
Habitations ol women ana children lor weeics,
firing far above and miles bevond my lino of de
fense. I hare too good an opinion, f mnded b ah
npon observation and experience, of the skill of
your artillerists, to credit the assertion that they
for several weeks unintentionally fired too high
for my modest field works', and slaughtered
women and children by accident and waut of
Tbe residue of your letter Is rather discursive.
It opens a wide Held for tlio dieussioti of ques
tions which I do not feel arc committed to me. I
am only a general of one of the armies of the
Confederate States, charged with military opera
tions in the fle d, under tlio direction of mv su
perior officers, and 1 am not called npon t j discuss
with you the raiiae of the present war, or Hie poli
tical questions which led to or resulted from it.
These grave aud important questions have been
committed to tor abler hands than mine, and 1
shall only refer to them so far as to repel any
unjust conclusion which might be draw a from
my silence. You charge my country with
"daring and badgering you to battlo." The truth
is, we tent commissioners to you respectfully
tillering a peaceful separation before the lirst guu
was tired on eitocr side. You may say we in
tuited yonr Hag. Tlio truth is wo tired upon it,
and those who lonyht under it, when you c imo
to our doors nion the mission of subjugation.
Yon say we seized npon your forts and arsenals,
and made prisoners of the garrisons sent to pro
tect us against negroes and Indians.
Tbe truth la, we expelled by force of anus in
solent Intruders, and took possession of our own
forts aiid-aioenuls to resist your claim to domioiou
over masters, slaves, aud ludians, all of w hom
are to this duy, with unanimity unexampled iu
tbe history of tbe world, warring against your
attempts to become their masters. You Say that
we tried to force Missouri and Kentucky into
rebellion In spite of themselves. The truth is,
my Government, from the beginning of this
strut'ule to this hour, has again and again olfered
before tbe whole world to leave It to the unbiassed
will of those .Suites, and all others, to deiermine lor
themselves wbcthcrthey will ca-t their deatmy with
your Government or ours, and your Government
lias resisted this fundamental principle of free In
stitutions with the bavoiit-t. and labors dadr br
force and fraud to fasten its hateful tyranny upon
tbe nnfortuuute freemen of thrse States. You
aay we falsiiied the vote of Louixiaua. The truth
is, Louisiana not only sebarated herself from
your people, but bus vindicated the act nixin every
battle-lie Id from Gettysburg to the Sabine, aud
has exhibited an heroic devotion to her decision
which challenges the admiration and respect of
every man capable of feeling sympathy for the
epixei-scd, or admiration for horoiu valor. You
aay that wo turned loose pirates to plunder your
nanned ships. The truth Is, when you robbed
us us' our part of the navy, we built aud bought a
few vessels, hoisted the ilug of our country, and
swept too seas In Ucnancc ot your navy, around
tbe wnole circumtcrence ot tuu globe. ou suy
we Lave expelled I nion families ay tiiousjiiJd
Tbe truib is, not a single lamily has b'-eu x
pellctl Iriitn the ('ouiederate States, that I am
aware of, but on tbe conirary, the moderation of
our C-overuiuent towards tumors has becu
fruitless theme of denunciation by its enemies
and many well-meaning Inen ls o our cause
You sny my Government by acts of Co.ircsi lias
contiftcuteil "all dehts due .Vorilicm men lur
goods sold r.nd delivered." Tlio truth is, C
Kress gave due und simple lime to your mer
chants aud traders to depart from our shores
with their ships, poods, und el! - Is, urH only
stquestored tho property of our eu nines in re
taliation lur their tic's dee nring us traitors ail I
coutlsuaiiutf our properly wherever their power
extended, ell her in tuur country or our o a.
J-uch are vour accusations, and su li are the facts
known of ail men to be tine.
You order into exile the whole population of a
city, drive men, women, und children from their
boiiics at the ioiiit of the bayonet, under the plea
that it is to the interest ol your l.ovci iiiueiit, ami
tm the claim tjiat this Is ini net of "kindness to
these families of Atlanta." Ilutler on'y bed
from New Oilcans the registered enemies of Ids
(iovcrnmcjit. und ncknos lodged that he did it us
u punishment. You issue a sweeping edict, c v
tiitig all the iiilialiilnnts of a city, and add insult
lo the injury neupea iijen the uelenseless ny
to-stiuiiug tbut You liue dune tliem a Lindne-s.
This ou follo-.v bvlhe ns-eition that yon v.ill
'make us much lor t.'ie pence and honor
t the t-otith as (be be-t bora Souiiiron." And
because 1 rlinructvrie v hut yen call kindue-t
being mil cruelty, you jaeMU'.-.c to sit in judg
Ineut bell, ecu u e slid Iii.v God, und you dec dj
that my earnesi priner to the .Iniij. Iity l atherto
ave our wouieu und tLildi n Irom wiiat you c ill
t,mliies U a "sairiliious, Lypui n'tical ujipeul."
P You c..n,i: im our tuuiitrv v. Ith your unny
uvowc.tly ior tlie P,r,IM.e 0f hu'iMii'i'iiting free
wiiiu nun, women, and children ; 'and not only
i'! m J , ff I'"1 "'. ''"t i ou iuiti-0 negroes
I, - rt... rttl,1 to place over us an inie-
r,n ,r'.Ti',' '"if, 've ralsid from barbarism
ton. present position, which i. the highest cvtr
uttmncd by that ra,e In any couuuy iQ all tune,
lliiust therelore decline to aeeept your stutcl
Hauls Hi rclerence to your kiu,!,, "varus he
.eojde of Atlanta, and your willing, ,es. u a".- !,
lieu everything tor the peace and bunor of the
.ontli, aud refuse to be governed by vour do i
ioa iu rcgaid to mattcis between icyn.lf, ,uy
country, and my tiod.
You'f.'ty "let us tight it out lil.e men." To this
iiy reply if. f uiyseil, and, 1 believe, lur all
Hue iiicii, Myo, and wouiuu aud tuildicii, iu
tny country, t v ill liht you to deatu. lie iter
alii: tUoueuud tludlis tuau tu euOuiit to livu
; mm3m n , . -i
w i.s ..... sxTLa'i-.- rrvvsv.- ss I ' i
i. - t it.. iv.s. : I i I I--.- -
m m art.. - ,w za 'i i h i i w vi
-"v . i... .. (.. ji
under you or your government, and your negro
Having answered the points forced upon mo
by your letter of the nth of tScptembcr, I close
this correspondence with you, nnd liotwithsbiud
ing yonr comments upon my appeal to God in
the cause of humanity, I uiruin humbly and
rover ntly Invoke his Almighty aid in defense of
justice nnd right.
Itcspectfully, yonr olicdient servant,
J. II. Hoop, General.
II. VrtifAi.L, A. 1). C.
Wenltli of the I'niirtl Mutes The Nnflunnl
!.!. I.
Tho growth of the Vnitcd States Is tho wonder
of the world. Nothing like it Is recorded in
authentic history. To foreign nations tliis growth
is known almost exclusively by the increase of
our population, or the appearance of American
ships in their ports. Hut when we come to inves
tigate the ability of the nation to incur extraor
dinary expense, or ta pay an accumulating debt,
tho question is not so much one of population as
of industry und productiveness. It is a question
of the rate at which tho nation increases in
wealth nnd resources. This problem lias scarcely
been investigated at nil, and is un lerstood by
few. To meet the question of tho ability of this
nation to pay its present und futnro war debt
with promptness, nnd without tho least distress
or doubt, we propose to cxamino these points :
1. What is the wealth of the nation ? 2. At what
rate docs it iucreusc i 3. What is its proportion
to the debt
I. What is the wealth of the nation ? Weakh
is nil the iiviitla'ile property ol the country
lands, homes, precious metals and domestic ani
mals, ntnl instruments lor tho employment of
labor and to inaliu lands proline, vc. lus inio
ceuntrics, as iu Holland and JJeleiuui, there Is a
considerable (hawbuck on many of these, from
tbe fact there Is l.t'le or no market for th-nt
exccjt for too nso of tho c who hold them.
Thus, a man who builds a house in Amsterdam
uocs not expect to sell it ior wnnt it cost; he
taiiHis it tor ins own use. in this country r. h
exactly (he reverse. Kvory man expects to get
n ore tor bis property than it costs, and iu umo
cases out often Is justified by tlie event.
in a country wnere foreign immigration is im
mense, nnd the natural growth rapid, the market
is always a rising one, aud all s,,eeies ot pro,Kirty
is maraciumc. nence, in valuing the properly
of tbe country, there is no drawback from the
want oi a sine, or tne possioie lall or values. Tlio
property of the nation in one year is worth more
than It was appraised at the preceding ye If
incieiore, we can nnu a tair valuation ot iuc pro
putty of the country, that variation is a perfectly
saie suiiiuuiu k asccnuiu iuu weaitu or. tuu
li is only recently that amy attempt has been
(nude to vauie the property or wealth ol nations.
in this country the only valuations we have ure
in the ceiituMctt of lKoo and lsdd; hut these are
enough to csttblish both the actual valuo of pro
perty, and tLe rate of increase. The valuations
arc very well proved, by corresponding nearly
with seveni; State valuations, which are nude lor
the purposes of taxation. 1 or example, the in
crease of wealth iu the Mate ol Ohio, givun in the
United htates censuses of lsjnuiKi 1h o, compared
very nearly with that given by tlio Auditor of
(state und Goiuiuissiouer of Ktatistie.s, whioU is
known to give very ncer the actual swlculde value
of property. We therefoie arue tne valuation
of property of this country given in the censuses
of 1M.',U .and IxbO to be kubst.Kilially correct.
Taking, then, (ml v the .Stales and Territories now
In the iioahCK.sioit of the lniu-d tstates 'Govern
incut (although for tbe ultimate payment of the
oent, we nave a right to asBtiu.e that we shall
recover the whole properly of ike, natioal.the
followiiiL' brief tabic will bktr; our wea th Iu
JtihiJ ;
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The j'loblem ol winllli, i siiuiiited by the cash
mandar.l of vulue. Is soUed. '1 he actual wealth
ot Ihe country en the 1st of July, Is Vi.was eleven
thousand loin l.tiinbcJ and ten million-, includ
ing in this only tiie Mutes an.! Territories now in
itctuiil pott c-s. on of the (iovei uinent. Gu the
niu.c day il.e wealth of Ihe entire country was
sisteeii thousand one linn. lied und hlty-niiie,
millions I .- i i.l ;'.l, o 10,01 ill . Hence tlio entire
v.enlth of Il.e Males now in rebellion, including
poiiions of Louisiana. Arkansas, Vugini'i, North
aroliiia, icM now iu our control, was buc four
thousatiil kevcu Lunilru.i luidioiii, andol thissuiu
nothss tin 111 one and a hi. II thou-and uiillioiss
v iis In sliiief. 'i Le i.utioiial wealth, by the rales
(.1 l-'.o, was in fact thuc p.ld that ol 'the K I.
Cniilidcnify. II we tuLe from tho l:st hull of
Virginia nnd l.oui-iuna, fully iu our control,
the vulue of the Confederal y is but three und a
ball thousand millions; so u'mt the wealih ol the
loml (oiintiyis ually tout limes that of the
11. Wo find tlie'ile.ccnniiil in- inline was 1.7 per
cent., und the uiinuii) iueieasr 1J.1 ; so Ihut the
lour veins Irom 1 vio to liol give an increase of
,'jii per tent. Gil this basis the uciuul wealth of
the loval Mates Htnl Tcrritorius oil the li.t of
July, l-ol, would Lc sixteeu tboiu.und six hun
ilie'd luliiioiis of dollurs t l'l,iitsi,oo(.',(on 1, V'ual
to that of the ent 10 nation iu 1S'.0. ilnt suuie
one may a.v that the condition of the war has
0 ) 1 1 i 1 1 : -1 1 1 d the Itu lease of wealth. Some con
sidi iatlon will make it evident that if this is true
ai all, 11 is only iu a very uiodciate degree. IVar
price are always high prices, und high prices
such high piHesuswe now have stimulate pro
duction W a vast tutvut. 'ihejajtuer wutiai'e
We niu't finite strong enough
we d never bo Aiir.B to
riiie you nnl eueli a millstone as
-i-i-.'Sfcr---- -is J -..I,.-
o,.. . - - - ia-u,2 .sl---fa -
somehow to sow as many acres and reap ns'largo
hiii vests ni ever, and we not only feed our armies
nnd home population, but continue to teed u jjood
par' of Knrope besides.
lint let us look at some other considerations
1. With ihe exception of Tennessee and .Missouri,
the loyal country Las felt none of the destruction
of war. i. A Inrge part of the increase of wea'th
was due to iiniiiierutinn, and that continues as
great us ever, and goes exclusively to tho loyal
Slates. II. '1 he production of the gold and silver
mines Is far gn at. r than it was iu lsiill. I. A
large proportion of the inercaso is in the new
Steles ami Territories, which are still incrca-ing
very rapidly, o. All the pavmennsof the wai arc
made to our own people, and, with the exception
ol wastage, tho war hits drained no wealth Irom
the country.
Hut suptioso our national wealth doe.s not In
crease us rapidly as in time of peace, the gain is
umloiihtcdU suilieiently great to demonstrate the
cori 'cinc' s of our position.
111. VI ai is the proportion of debt to tlio wealth
of ihe country : The debt created by tliiee years
and a quarter of war, from April, July,
lWil (cxeli sive of the Icxal-ieiidur noics, which,
being the currency of the country, will continue
out , was thirteen hundred millions. This is not
nearly the ir creased wealth of the country! if
c should snppo. e tho war to go on Irom two to
six ycais loi g'-r, the additional debt will bo les
than the mi ural incria-c of lis values, l roin
tbese f. cts the following dedm .ions mo Inevit
able :
1. That, even with n considerably diminished
incrensu of wealth, the country can cany on war
for an iiidehnite period, and continually increase
its wealth.
2. Thnt the resources and progress of Ihe na
tion lire so great and inexhaustible that any pub
lic debt ci'ca'cd by tills or any ordinary war c in
he paid, principal and Interest, without any
serious burden on the people.
'I. Thai, therefore, tho public loans of the
I'nitcd States arc, and will remain, tiniinpcach
nbiy secure, through any period of war, and
bring good interest. They are the best invest
ments wliich It Pliers can have in any public
ecuriiii s.
iioi.ngn oi-- 'tin: iiHtnt,
The "Sua or Ice" has triumphantly estab
lished itself in the favor of the public. Tho
scenery nnd stage clleets arc so excellent that
they have carried the day despite tho shortcom
ings of the actors. Mr. Murdaunt has, h jwevcr,
arrived at a decent knowledge of the words of his
part, and is now ahlo to give full etltvt to tho
acting of the dramatic scenes that fall to his share.
There could not be a moro admirable "Carlos."
Of Miss Deciu we have already expressed an
opinion; her rough and crude manner Is suiH
crcnt to mar tho dice's of her handsome person.
She is inost too -CJLieieoS in rcuard to costume.
There is neither tuu-to nor frc-huess in anyiiuui;
the wears. The jrem of the piece is I.ittlo Katie
Baker, the prctiu st, ueiitcsi, and most graceful
child wc have ev. r seen oil the stage. Mr. Lennox I
gains in luvor. lie has oik groat Ualny In a low
comedian-, lie is not Line. Mrs. CMiuiiiiiiiii'm nnier I
ludyiike mannir, her clean (that we sboild bu
educed by tie lrequenef ol the opposue detect
to m tico ibis!) and elegant dressi ig is quite
refreshing to goo 1 tc.sie, beside the tawilry
untidiness of the ether ladies.
The orelxtstra, too, tins not selected appropriate
music, and time Is a v ant of deci-ion about Mr.
Smith's loading whi'-b makes it flovenly. The
ellects on the singe k ive unproved nightly, and
the iconoenc, with the coming of the ship, is most
impress! e, aud suit, -ient for a whole specUele.
Air mis VValni'x. Wr. liooth bas plaved Kny
lllas every night, his marvellous power conquer-
lug every obstacle, and making the audicueo I
forget tliose by whom he is surrounded. He, too,
playsthc whole of next week. AH throe theatres
have been crowded on each aud ssvery night.
These large a'ldif nces, who, of course, rill the
treasury, are not ull used ta public entertain
ments, und many of them des rve criticism as
aiuuli as the uctcrs. S .tne gallant soldiers sit
with their arms r.-iiud the 1 nly of tho'.r love, she
reclining 011 his shouhiir, au xhiii'tion which
U;cs isit siiege-t f.ivoiable opiiions, though ihcy
are in the respctabl - poi of the aiidiuniiim,
and oilen respectable lueii.sclits.
TI.1-.1 tho habit of 1 atiog, which has become
ulmo-t universal, is mo.-t annoying. I'ei lies,
appt 'it, cukes, uro swallowed in pioluelon ; stones,
juice, nnd s'iuii be'iig, 01' ci.ur-e, uiuuerelfuiiy
btiei.'j'l around. lint worst of ud are the pea
nuts, lor ihcy positiveli lo'eirupt the perform
ance. 'I l,c sale of peanuts, at least, shoiiid In
lorl.iildeu Inside the tiica'rc 1. s i,r the eustoiu
of 1 In win,' anil spilling in tlie. l.iee oi a v 01n1.11,
en atit g in nr ln-r, all loiiud her, a disgusting
j.ool thnt stains her girmeiils, aud niukes the
lioily sicken, it is pr ib ibiy useless to sp uk of
this, for we ure all loud of distinction, aud being
the only nation that chews mid expectorates, in
public , with, lur less disgust to those around u.)
we nii:lit clean our tenth iu public, wc should be
proud ol it, no doubt, us a ilistiiu ilou. Certain
it is, that even men otherwise replied have never
been prevailed on to quit this horrible nusti;
cuing practice.
At 'ini: Alien, Mr. Adnnis lin- played several
ol Ins populur characters, in a manner that has
maintained the old good opinion. Mr. Adams is
tho most sympathetic young uctor on the stage.
Of the support he has met ultli we have already
fpola 11. With all her inivantng 'S, we think there
is not u Hunk of wannlli, genius, or pa-siou is
Miss ( 1 nil hi 11 ; therefore is she untitled lor any
part beyond that of u walking lady. Adams'
1 liea uncut toiitinues the whole of neat week.
Cx MnxiiAY wc shull be roused from our mu
(icul uputhy by 11 grand Conceit at Musical 1'iiiid
Hull, ghen by some of the finest urliuts We have.
Mine. Whitint', Lour. I, Stelunl, Amodio, Teila, a
charminf.' tenor, and tlie husband of our Funny
Ileum, ail of whom will l.riuu' back the best mu
sical traditions, aud brilliantly commence tho
IliUsH.ll ttusou.
The journal ol iScmiucs, of the Alabama, will
sboitiy be published ut lniitu's, iu 1'aris.
A inonument to the uieiuory of John Clare,
tho Noiiliainptojibbire pott, is creeling In Help
ttono I'liurcbyaid, in hnlaud. t'omidetc edi
tions of his poetical works, including muny un
published poems, Bio aiiUuttU' td by two publlsh
jpg houtli ill ipuduu,
c sEc- .-j-;.:- -
- i-sl'fc. " - -- -
- :i. - ,Tv.. -
Ufa i us oi I'm on Sot, hi mm in Li iiiiv 1'hison.
T he following list of prisoners who died in
J.ibl.y l'li-on at the dates .stmod have been fur
nished to Messrs. Joseph I',. Devitt A Co. Their
Informant was present nt the deaths of the mt'i
I,,,,,,, , ptryr-x'-Tv.. SviytDI
...Ulan. IVurce, l, ill Sew V.rt..l,inf t-i;i. &&
Hi mi.el W ll.ini in I ,1-t N.'w V iik. Jicie I" I.
Ih.r'v .( S.i,i.ii v. i-:. :,ii V. II., .inn. '.'i;. pel.
I iii nl II iiln. . 'i. )l-'li : w V'.rk. I.n e .'il. hi,i.
iininlit' n Inhy. I , i;2il New Vork, Jim.' 'J'l, is. .
Miiiiiii . S. iiji. Il.ll'lili Wl.c.ll. Inljr 1,
I. W . Mill. r. I II Hli V. w Vvik,.lillv I, 1-dl.
fnlii-I., luii.ti.t: eili Main.-. -I . J ! I.
P.- I.I . v h'n.iih. l ie:, v..v, Y.).-k..liil a. In 1.
i. I-. I'.iw :,!,. '.'1 New ..rk M. '..1-71.
ill I.. I li i. a. A . .'.I s'o.v V , k A. mlrn . -I'll. '. 1 v-l.
.1 tin li Ni II K. I"'li V" Ha. iiiiv ir... .Inly 7, W.I.
Iin.r Kli... 'l. ', 11, p.-uMolvanl i. .Pilv s, it I.
Smnli Oki'iv, I--, I l-i li Si. v Y ,i k,.1ii1 s, Wll.
Ulllnn. T. tl 1 1. -, 1 1 . li.lll. N.w Y.iik, I. ib K, Isill.
V. ni. ilrli, l sin Nun liukAa., .lul) 1.1, Is .1.
J ,n. lei I I'll I . I,. 1 1 1, 11, -,l!i Ni- .v "iiniiiHlilr,. .Inly .',. is. 1,
. If sal if r IV H vii. K. li.lh l'innslvi,nla..liil 14. 1.1.
. ,1 on. . Aocril 1), l4-.Pi I'l'iutsi lvaiia..lutv 1 1.
I'.lwanl lli'ii'c.v. ll, III Vttnii.iiil. July P, ls.4
rlanilhr Iminil,, 1', -'.7(11 l'iiin.vhiinla,.l.y l.'t.lset,
Tiuil V. ( 'liii-n v, A , ill li .M.i-.a. ln.i-. l's. lul v I -,, l-,,l.
.Lie 'h lurlli I:. 7t ii i-w rk ArtMIiry. .I.ily I',. I-M,
Vt . II.'IimIiI, I. Ut M.lUK-husctiKAM , .lulv p., 1-1 i.
Im oi H. Ilia le I. nil Mh l lean, .Inly IU. p.J.
Nictiiil.iM V. illuins. J., )l Ii V y., 11. Art., Jinn 7 7s.
W.l, oi. Mir, II, ih . II. Ilnivv in., .him. te, ' i I.
.1. Iin w eip.nii, 1. 7ii N. V. II. Art ..liiac tun. a-a.
II in v ,ii-s. II. 7Hi s. . 11 .-.i y lr'.. .tu " .'nili, l - i. t.
.n.lin iv initi o. II.I'ii N. V. II. ' ui., Iin,?-.' a .. imi i.
l-i !Oth. .1. ..', , II. 7'l, N'. N . M. n , Ju'y .1.1. is..,.
I'.Uilcl K siwnrt, K. 71 h N. V. II. Art., . P.' 7'h. I.
Ja.i.l. Hiirtli, l',7lh N. V. IP ivy n., lulv l it! , lb' i.
(ii O'sc ll allrr. I. stli M.l-4 . .li 7'h. H,l.
.lo,i s lli.rl. II. P Iii N. Y.,...n Till, lsi I.
liirntln lleurrl'-, I. PV.Oi s . v.. .Ini.,-7r, -.f..,l.
.1. I n lliilia, II 11 h Mn-, li.iii 'ts, .lun. 7. ls..
C iv 1'ti f uller. II. SI. i IVn-.-yo aiiia. ,l,ine P), IhM.
ri.iirt.-. Cos. Il.r.rli Nw Ynrk Art., Julie 10. 1 Si. t.
1 Imii.a-. leolnaiief, r, 4 I ceo srivar.ia. I nnii u, 1
Ki riliniii .1 lnrl H , spi Nfw orfc .vrl., .Pi'iti I'.' it
l "lor . C'.i'i.l.'ne. (', Isnli Pinn ,.lune Is. Is I
l-.'liniiid Aiuiiony II Sih New I. irk An., litui: 11
Is. !.
Jliilecll ix . I' III N 'v i.i,-(..l.ii. p., I-.I.
l .s.ill.-io Spn'ti K..'lli New II ine.-lilro .In-r 17 I-
lli s II. Il'.ijl.t . nsali N Y-.rK, lane Is. isi i
Inn, r H T. .r K'otin itv. June I'', Is. I.
I'i tr tl i -I tiii)'. r, K.iil-t w Y. rk. .1 iiik IW, JS. 4.
A Iii. h' l m , l , 4-ii u i , I ,i in ii, 1Si;i
W He. i., Kin. .s 11. i , VI h N-w Vies,. I in -J I, Is.,-,.
4ie.i..',iri.Milw : K. 11 N M.i.ily P., Isis.
.n i .i I. ini'" i. iii in l-i. luii pi, imh.
I'H r s". Mi N-w J rev...i y I'i. 1 4.
I I rl-t ' r 17i nil.', K, 71 t I' ni a , I ibf IT. Us '
J. In, M K-v. i t . ''. Iiillli Nw Y'n-s , In y !s, lf,l.
I Inn l- Hull 1 ': ll V. rin-llt Jul IS, lN,i.
(luii cl. w . I, ' ::.l l'i. .iisiy.i'..i, .Pil 21, 1N,4.
A 11 . r. I . Admits, Mlh New Ynrk Art . In' ,, yl, Isi.l.
.Mil i on I . i ' n I . 1 1 ih I '. s. I ii , .In I) iii, p wl.
,) ,i-i l. I rr-.r Ii. Itsth Pertisylvrn'n July!!-'. ls;4.
i in if m.i ,il.ii.l i'"i 'isiivuiiin.jiip j;l. Ii4..,
.bin. I. f.tesi', p. 1 Sto scv . ill, Jul) VI, IM'I.
V llinlncloii null tlie Welilon It nail.
AVilinington, the chief commercial city of Nov;h
Carolina, is situated on Cape Fear river. It is
distunt 2'iG miles from l'etershnrg, and 21S
from Ki hmond. At the present time it is the
chief ei treiot for blockade-runners in all tho
Kebel Sta es. It is conceded that if Ate close the
pott of W iluiiiigt in or capture tho city, that the
llebels will not lnmi a single foot on the whole
extended tea-board, from Norfolk to New Or
ients, which can be used as a safe port Ior Uotk-
lid.-i unin is.
The importance of Wilmington is therefore
I'-ominci t and manifest to tho whole world. It
Is a mutter of nrotound amazement th it the Ad-
liiinisiiution has not sent an expedition, long
lain. re this, to close the month of Cape roar
river. A sma l land force count have landed and
creeled a baitciy, or tel. en possession of r'ort
J-'i-her, a Rebel earthwork at tho month of the
titer. It is stated that a small force would be
Mitllcient to capmre that fortilleation. Send Ad
miral I'tirragut to W iliuingtou, is the
ileslie of tha fioith.
It is 11 signitieiint tuft that's army, at tho
present tune, is supposed to bo provisioned from
the Northern S o'es. It is done In this wise:
Flour is exported from Now York to Halifax,
fbencc 11 is transferred to blockade-runners, which
sad for Wilmington. There is said to be twenty
four vctsils 1 unused in this Hour-carrying trade,
' 'I heir capacity is two thousand barrels of Hour
peach. It is cal . ulati-il they can deliver twenty.
tour thousand baire'sot Hour every week in W if
Now, it is known thut General I.eo no longer
depends tor the supply ot bis army upon Virginia,
orth ( ino'ilis, 01 -Georgia, but be depends upon
V.'ilmiiielou and tbss eldon roud for his stip
) ol Pour. Ai'Voncean, therefore, apprucmie
tie immcusiiraitlc laip.ruinee 01 uraut uoldm,
Ms-cssion nt the M 1 ulon roni. ihe numerous
battles which lai I1&11 loiight lor that roud. and
tb ; number of I ves in bus sacriliced iu order 10
repossess a -a ction of the road, provo that that
Hoc Is re.uiv iuu.iuoieuiai iu uiuiy,or as
(ietiieinl I iiMiit e vprcsod it, In one of his euil
nil, ises. ",ee cannot stand il.
ii wc should ) os ss Wilmington, that would
be still more i.nui blow at Lee's army, us tint
would la uij ing up tho very source of s ipply.
At the pr sel l lin e, Hour can be, earn nl Hum
Wilr linen. 11. . 1. . olds'ioro and ii ilcc.h, ou the
riin-ille ni.iio.i l to liiehmoiid. 1 his is the
route, of ion which tlio itebels use
since. firant has lasteued his inn grasp on the
YN'eldjn loud.
At l'lymoutb, linglnud, the price ol'illinnina
ting g.'..: is three shillings (T.'l cents') per IntlO feet
In rhilalclphl.i, with coal as plenty ns In I'ly
1 iniilli, i: is three dollars per lOi'O feet.
Then lire in Knglaiid and Wales llirail
vcavf, covi ring 770 miles, on v.hieli passenger
utins me run on Sundays, mid US railways 011
which liisiKliger tin. ns do not run on Sun lays 1. 1st l.aveti mileage o. ni, , including: .
bun ehes or portions of inilways, neither of which
pi o( .leuti.r lu.'ifc'tli tbiin iii in. U.S. In Ireland c
ruiiw. ys, huviuS IIo2 miles, run trains ; and
11. r,A 'lines 1,11 vs lie 2"a ini.'cs, f'.K'f which are
I raiubes or portions 01 railways, do tiot run pob-
singcr t nins oni tindnys.
A t ui.'oascas is about being tric-1 U Paris. A
lady is ahtnt to prove iu open court that she is
not the mother of her children, or rather the
children which hir husband utlrlhtites to her.
'1 his nuttier is to be demonstrated by decisive
nigiimenlb. the lady herself dciniinding to plead.
It is mid that amusing revolutions will be made.
Tl. people of Cluiurocrbbiirfa', Pa., arc prepar
ing to build their ile.lroyed dwellings, fcinec tho
work of making tho town is to be all dono over
again, it is proposed to biftutil'y It by Increasing
the width of its streets, making tho houses neat
nnd upllonn, and llulng the mre jts with shade
Ta 'r.B lntlon or Insoatlncn.-s of frtn, Irrllstlon,
Intenouuicn er l'lcMtin of Ihe nimidsr or Kidneys,
DUtam 0 V rrcilrete fllaiuli, Hlcnt in the hlmlhr,
t'afrufM, tlrattl, r r7ri t-iuil ffpna, tn an pi. nr.
f ttc Els'dtr K id ojrs, r,0 Ii-i icul f'
l'LVU) LXTH ACT Ii V-110
I or IVcarf sf p srbir.e fr'-m K. t f.ivs hule. retb n. Tt.e
run it It ul len linn st1'til 111. X'rittini' If. nine rnj arm
tl.c sal of nieili'ilne to ilrc l'lni ondill. a-veec. thf 'j'.a,
wlikh IIKt.MIIOI.D'8 r.XlKAC T III HU iBvarls'il
(loft, If 110 triAUarnt it uB, ltd', tr. Cool.m li. n er
lrisS'ihy n.;iy 1,1111.
In a fit' Mom prculiar lo "I'mtii tf," 1 vufqnaictl bn
ottier pre iiurat:n, fts tit ( lorosli, or Ftttntit n, Ir;fg'i
lritifi ; KalDfulnei-i, or 8upr-)on CwttMnary Kvac
nationii IktrtUd, or 7fhirrciiri tiuit (f t' literun ;
Loot rutrrJi-i a, ard VlJ ctiipltitnt iLCil-Dt to the gei,
.Kihttr ari"iri from l.ftMti of (Jhslj. hiic d, Imi tvJ. uciw,
t I11 Uic H ')iif or riHc i f life.
1 ilil,Mi;oliD'K
ru in jiTHAcr ra-ciK'
Till exUruinatc from tee ajt'.eto bacasrscf
T110 Urlnaiy firffan. tirlalns from llabltsoi' Dleripu'on, u.'
(';ie txj'tnn lidk or so ihumjn in diit, no iucoiuiitnct
er c.'7'O.ou'p,' coiiipletety iipi'rifi'iiig those unileatant ai
dainjfrtv.t trittetitif. Ctj'cuu unii At:tr,la ulttiaae
I'SE lililiMHOLU'S
I.U11) 'i;XTItACT liUCHU
la all idseasaa of tit Urinary Oman., whether cxltlios ta
"Mule" or "rcii.''," rout xchalcvtt raui oriyinitfitttf.
and no matter 0 toe long I'asitiy. It Is ptaaaailt la
tasto anil ulnr. "Jmmeilitttr" in ttetiun, and mara
ttrriiUinliii'tlin any of !hairi-uaratunsof Harlot Iron
Thmo saileilng froiu tlroktn lortt or Dtt-ttte Cont'.ila
Uons,iroi-urt (As limtetty at aw ft
'ibo rtadcr oniii ta aware that, tn.wseor iliirtil maybi.
Ihe attack of IP above dtaeaaes, It ia csrtain to uffuct Aai
Jiodtly lt Mt'tr' JVi.'f.e iu, a if , aid fih 7V
I.e ((.uipnsiat Of '."'.it, C'e'.i li, a'i't Jttniitcr I'n', re'lt, so
letted iwtheriat care uin prepared iu va 110 Pv II. T,
IILLMItOLll,Irii.'slst nnd l'l.eial-l of .-i.Meeit ycais' sk-
perleiice In Itl.c city of ri.llad-l !.lo, and now presorliisa
by tl.c luustiniiiicut of the uu-ulty, aud I..110 boun si
lLlikd to list hi th t inted stutei Army, atul aro al-.o In
vary pent rul ice In Stite Iloipltul, and public Bjultary
Ju.Ptatlona tl.r.iusl.oiit the laud. Price $1 per Pottle, or
rtx S.1 IS. I'euu'tcd toouy addre.s, aicvoipatiled by ox directions . Iilrcol lellere to
..'KLMUOlVfj Jirns anil t'lmailcal Waiehouae,
Ko. SO t llriiadirnr, New York,
Or JlkJ.MliOLb 8 MadkaJ lieput,
Ko. 101 g. Tenth Ureel.riilUdili.hla.
KtwAre of c.-unilerfe-lta. xl for IiBI.M HOLD'S, and
tul,e 110
I I yalclan in nttcn.'usn from 7 0 'dock A. M. lo B P. hi.
Silil brlrutb!ativiTywli(ro. 9 H-lntli-3n
- ' 1HK limoKf RMKIUI'IMts.
"l rel linllmi lii.irie.
'"" h !' nf Ihe
arlnarv urtian., an, I, M.
l M H M
...1 uiirms ir ih 1 rum list
MW Mil
inniiniuoim i.rihr lllail.lir, MM
Ii.tlrtn)inat.,n nf II 0 Kla- MM
in v.. .shim, in th H n-Mrr, V M
Ktrieitirs, Orvrl, oli, mm
(l. nnirfin s , mnl l.,,ir v f
flfv n "inuiii'iiiica in it.ii.f mm
('.i or f r Ainu. (,,r m M
W 1 In In lin n'i lir.
l Si M M
tl M M H
M M l 1
M M l .1
l M
al' (in. 1. id n.iiicnis iikiIi
1 1 1.1 s l-rtvi- I'rtlti il.
It . r , 'llirrl i I 1 I, ,.!
( Ci ('(' Ptilralid ii.riu, ttin ,lio
I I', it'll' 1. nil l.i-a. I. ni. 1- I , 1 wo
'. 1. t ...m.ils I iri I'm. p. r -tm ,
'.' ( I It i'l,- ,0.1 i.-f,ii..r
( I I'I lt li"ti... ; . -ir . f In - ,,11 I
cc 1 Ifftii., it; llir hi. .ol, eun-ik'
it t- 11. .1 In nil tin 1,, g 11 ,1
II' purity mid W'r ; Itiu. re h-i-I'i
ai.- Iran I'm sv-l.-in ullnir.
' I ll' I .11- 1,,. ;. h (,,. ,,
I 'I f
( 1 ( : di
cni.ttilh K K IN If i '
1 ION l Inti-i .li d si s i nlly
in a-si.nou t. Ihi. ( lll.ltti
K I f. Ill MKI'V, nnd .li. n'.l
f- ,i'.l In eiiliillll.'Ono ivi'h
ItiHl lni.(lkin In ill ess'-. 1. f
(I .pi, irla. a. i.lis-t, I i.'.r
Altai nr White-, it. tne. m
' fe SliiiS, Sv.tliPi, Si .1
dctiniliTl.l ; rtmn. irl sii
raiilirijf hi-sl. elairil' i., soil
PSJII. bi.ti-Hil i.l Oil1 taitlnnri
ami nit. nisi not tid.n at. e .,iin
tl al Is e ,i'r. 11. i d with
-arly all tl.s cheap iiia- k.
Ifi.i- I.iia.
I dlscn.c.
I I K! I 1 l I '".
I I f f IXKI.I.K
1.1 ':i r.
I I r.r. '.
1 1:
1 1.
l.l.K.t.l.l.l 11.1.
Mr i'..' a"' 01 ih
h .f. mi mi in .it iti.-
11' h I I . IN.IIlC'l IV Hi.
tu. 1 mill 11 In. a at lint an ai'
tliui' ail lui,r..p r le--1
I1.1 l ees an- r.-ino veil. an. I lie
IV.nSl'111. I .,f I. Ml - ll'l" -(,. .' I .
Pv r.--t.. r.-. I t.i lull li ir alul
I'nr lul. J.a-tleulrtrs net o ir
l'in li l 1 1 any ilre
'ni.. In Ha. i-,.tiii'ry, f
wrlli- a., nnii ni. mi, I ma i
Inn h, a a H,l.'r.-ss a lull
iiiiiMiit iniiiini
trctU a .
nalainne 111m ter tsntiiM
l. rriai n.Hi ii' lml W i iiknr.-,
Nii'll.11 il' ll-. nnii
till illn.'ilM-s limned l S e il -f.'illiioi.n,
iti'lt n. !...' "t
Miinorv riuvnal Lissi
lie'.r. Pains 111 tln I'.a.'k,
Inn, nr.. ol l-..ti, I'ri-iuu-lliri.
('Ill An. Wi nk NiTM'S,
liiltn iilty of 11 i. iftilie'.
TlCtnl'lll'Ki Will i-nnneas.
I raeln ns on tin Fa' C, I's's
(Ni 11 11 ten n 11 it, I iis a ntt v , (luii
liiiiiit.n. inn) all il.e iliri tul
en in il una in nm-il hv 1I1 pit t -
laKitcut Hit imlli of natnri-.
nn nti
Ini nn
I'll Mi
nn in 1
lot Mi
ni nn
1. 10. III. I. I'll
'I In-. iiie.U.- ni. Is a siiiip'i.
Vial ' 1 l', llil.l ial.
on .1 In. li ail can ri-ly . 11s It
I. its lueaiii'-il Iu mil prac-
II. f ..r nianv vi'urs. ami
w i Ii lli.alsan.l. iri' ile'.l, ll
Pit- l..t paled In 11 shape
ill-tani-e. Ila C'iriltii e tow
rr leivi- l...eii mi (licK-11 1 to
KSln vli'lnry ovia ltn tn.i.l
l.l.h1.l 11 en. i'.
To I'.-.a.- w li" linva irltleil
v Ith their isaiis'ltniti.ns until
liny tliink Iheinai'lvus Po
vniid tlio rea. h 01' n I'd'ertt
ii nl, we would 1..1V HKSeAllt
N'H'l . I tin I HElt'lK ks;
( TIIK will resnirn von In
ie'klili mid vwnr.aiiit iil'.rr
all .pill. K il. .:(ora li.iv v failed.
Ei'I'.l.f'f r.F.K
Y V.
I Ki t'.
Ml. VltlMHT'S MEU'
Ka.en.e ol l.l.e! Prepaieil
Irani Jllire Yci:.!llllr K
tracts, e.intiniiiiK luahniK
1 11 1 11 1 11 lia to tlie itl'.sl U1-I.-
Tin- Itiiuvi-rintitn: Kitsir
Is t'i' ri'ailt 01 iiiisi'.rn
lircu '! In Hie v.iietu-
j Mindum: hcinif nn
i-iii iri-ls iii-w and nti-'rii't if cure, liri'-lno-
tpei.i nil tl.c old iia.l warn-
.,.K u.s.
1 til. liirdl. Inf in. be"ti
Ii siiiil lo pic most eiiil
luint lii'diciil lu'ui of l lie
day, anil by t'lciu pin-
llOI'tH'.eil lO III" .ini' Of ttlO
lire tp-.t medical llico cries
ot tin. U'ze.
(inn eo lie willoiue (;iiie
ral lu'nl ly.
A tew doses cure H. -stories
In Felonies
One linttle euros pillplta
lion of Ih-i lloiirl.
A lew (P. he's irnlore the
or'.lu. 'ifeem-l .tttoii.
I rout one 10 llireit bot
tles restore the manli
ness and tall viyor ol
1. hltUhllllliH
itu;: pint
1:1; it PUR
hid: 1. Kit
itltiilt intuitu
it lilt
A Pw do.s restore the
inrei- iii.iiii'seare ine worsi
can-1 I Onl'oti ne.v.
rc. C
I'. (.' , 'Cl'l'
(',' c.i
tfl t'tl
( 1;
1 1,1
A lew ilo-ea cure.the low
I Iri't.l.
o,i mine nmorea men
tal p'.WIT.
A 11 iv oesi'H Lraitf I'io rnae
to Uic dines.
ID. a mmlteiae remoioi
to iiiHDly vigor and rotmst
In ullli ll poor ui-oin-tatial.
w i-rti-iti.w 11. and ilcs
palr.nir itevoleo of aeiisiial
1 'ecu to
1.0 O'J
T HIS F.M.V.IK cure. Hya
lcrla, 1 ,n.ieial liel.lliiy, i'al
pilatiuil 01 the IP irt, a id
iBIl..leliey. II rest.i'i-H l,ai-
lai power and tin. aiin 'tlto,
11 ad ea isn. ' ae 1 Osj to in. mat
Ihe eti.-ek Of pa'lar, Hlld Ilia
itelalit iti-d unin or w.i nan
t-i lent vii:.iiiMs and mr..u,
tlio youna anil am'.i 1.1111
Mood to ('aiiiHe tluiiauh
rvery vein, tlie tiarves t-i
litKoini! a'rnu;,'. and ths II 01
of new pre and vlitor to re
nulinalo the eatiro lioily,
Pull.tinu up III'' eiillUllllliiei,
res'orlni: lay nnd lite 1 a ouny
a sad and daliened llnolde.
( irtoi 1
roc 1000
1 100
in 10
(n 10
t ItPWik FK I'I 1.1.1 '.
Ki " Alt COM r.u
I lVAl.K KM. I I, AT Ut,
llliAl.iH 1-III..-MIVKU,
I'jr lite Iteitoval of oli
I'roa lions, and the tasur
an.. if FeKiisrily lo (tie
hteorrenee ol Ihu Atouthly
1 hay cure or obvlato those
riouieiotia el eases ilia.
pn 11 1 lulu Irn iniliirlly , l.y
rniiAn hilt he irt.-l-'iiiiilTty
Tlioy care eiipiirnsmol
Kscesslve, and I'aiiutil Men
btriiation. They litre (Jroell Hick
lliiss (Old iroslsl
UK Kit
hlv KS.
KI. kli.
kk KK
Tiiey euro fjurinita and
Itliluul Atfejl ona Pains ill
Die lia. k and lower oar'.s
of the It.idy, lleailil'S,
ratiKito "a auuni i',ertion,
l'.ii)iiatiou of toe floart.
i.owDeaa 01 ni.iraa,
lla, Slek Ile idncne, l lid II
111-aa, Ac, il-.e. In a word,
l remov lin.- ihe Irre ularlt v.
lln-y ruinovii (lie caue, and
wllh It all lite i-flei-ls tlial
sprios lioui ll.
fVroi'i.sedof simp's vcwe
talila f Mrsi't", Hiey eontala
woll.ll deleterl.. Its to a"y
e011-tl1111l1.11, however doll
cute, ft eir luuo'l'.u bema Ui
Bll'.slUuil'lUi'IiS'U.I'.r lleuk-
lis. wlileli. wl en oronerly
ll-isl. Ilil-y never lull lo do.
They may lie anlely used
al any aue and .11 uliy pel toil,
r , !. 'Itirir'il tl' Ji; . tin t
wi-iioi., dunlin which Ihe
110I.III11K linlUM ot llailrae. wou il iniull Ply 1 iu:
ytsi piefctiaiicj
rirt Kl'H E' f-
In lhc( IlKlloKl.l. MKI'l
elnei, lin- uiil'.)ili uaH' will
lin, I a cny of ilellveriinci)
iri m siitlerniK slid pain. A
ih.y splendid io.d nloriia.s,
hi ll Ila V aliHI I'" I" 'S, r
snl'er W llliii"! ' e.aallatl or
repose, (alner lliini'ti iner
ren.irv M'"" Iii "r U"' In.'Ul
ll in ) lul nun ions piopaia-
'"r'lie"' la rakl"' Yledleliiea"
lien mi'llsh their rniisaiii
lliell on- All
1 111111 ei a-l"0 so ,:r. u'.S" ad-
Price, of ,i. (' hernial)
tbaleiiuiK (-aeroki Ueine-
o, aonttle.or ll batiioa
tars, S ' ln.ri ik.i in ,11, lien.
- a tia'tli.., or H (..nt (1. lor
Si. llierokeii I Tire. Si
totlle, or a tiolt i-h tor t-Y
nr. Khxir, Si
I' 'tlte. or a Pol oa for
Cli'Tiikt.)- pill., inr liau ili.a
si a nux, or 0 iii.xc. ior si.
I I f '71 l.l.l-.t.l'
!:i:ki. 1:1.1 1.1.1.
I I.
f p.i:i:i:
I l:
II lll.KPf 111 K
M l. 1. 1 I. till. E, and " I'i""'" "1
liliuerra. 11 od. 'I he-e luedl-
Ini will prime la iy and
iviiv c.i-e, 111.1I1111I and
laaer-liiil oK Hands 111 Un)
l"""'"J- WV send all the ('IIP.po-
K K 17 Ml.llltTMlM l.i K-.-pl'ess
l. leij.t Un- I'liernlieu
i'llls, 111. be in e m at I,,,
In '- ill ..etn.'i l, on r,-. . pa ,,1
lu ll e. to iuu . n t nt tin- i:,i .
llfcd world, 1.1', ni i'i.i pnele.l,
I 1 sueh a til.illlier lliil' liii
1 tie Ifrnllj l.iiij..
Hie)' 1 1 'i is V anl.t kaniv
I. niie. .a- . iiileiu. n can
ml ness lis ill c,eit, , L ,
u, ii. . , and we will Iii all
I l es li.uil ll ae-liei' la, ir
111 r.i '1 1 1 1:
I I.l. I. I.l llll.
i 11 1 r.
I t I. l.K
1 . 1 i.l I I I 1 r.
I I 1. 1. 1.17
1. tier., .ind no e -ur . . j, luii, 1)
ol e n h p. ,1,1 iilu..l 0,1-c, Vt e
pleiiilp't no luh.
Ti e ( III 1:01:1 1: vi I'l
IIMS1.11 .old to all eiid-r.
prna.K Urii-i,i.sti 111 I. a l ,i'l
lied Walal. holla' llUp.Ul-
1 ij.lcl .1. nl. 1., 1 oiioi . r, tiy
tO St!' Wertllll h 1 I'OtllJ" a 1 llii -
In phue ot Hie e tliaue
vliieh tl.ey can net al a
(lii-np pi ice, iilal llilll.e liinl'e
llll. Ill V PV si Un i pull, f ' , ,-r
nn oil tiie ( III 1,'nf I P
Ml I'KTM h. As ioinnUe
onr iKIIilli- Hie, l.'a luiillh
Of 1111 e'llflli - do ni l pe
iteieniil l.y st)ch in, , -ltl-(
Ipl.'d .iri'e;.'ist-. Afcli. lor
Sss n
,-.S-i Is:
Is 5
" Ss)
TllKsb HI.MI IKl.s, una
take n.'Otl.i I..
I I'tttlelil- u.lilr.'.lti ll. vtU ,YS-( Wilts 1'ailOtlliO,
('01 1 till , Kiaie, hi .1 laiii.e of miloi, plain, und iiulose po.l
utie stiiiup lor ri'j-lv.
V e wish to K.ii.l 1 v. i) riinuT ol tldii paper oarililitv
two ainij patopi, ii 1 111 e.
Aden s all 1. 11. 1. m il orders to Pr. W. It. MI.UVi lS
C'J . N" O i i.llif.UT I a Imi.
rs.,11! i n. le-nie m,a
0 1 1 1 a 1 1 1 v 1 . w iniii 1 .
.So. TM'N. rLWf Ullee'i fnUu'l.
I' -Til an-eia
J SV it K A I v.
5C.C00 Shares at $10 Ter Share,
i it ; i-f n I,
lliI.iHl Mil;,
JOSIAU K I S'l Kl'.Hi )CK.
ht. I f M.tfrf trtp-l.
''t y N. S ftl'Mlf; StiCt.
id in ' i on,
,M M' h 1 Mi, No I : li iU '..
1'1'WAitK K. IONK-. K" i.H W. h t!tr- C.
III:NHV S. I'ACI., Ni. HI" .il iol KrctSt.
I . I ri AY TON. Vo. iv, X Third trert.
TIU'M-- 11. i.Al'KI), X' . ' flint rtt.
orncc, No. rA s. sixth street,
L lfT'-fh' khi V tltiV .i r fu. f .Rfi y tft? tKCl t' Tiilfd, lO
naii,r ton time rp, Wirj-'e and nionii, th ftftrcgate of
t,Rir yt trij txM nill ura tor eo,i), to onn to(r own col
lfty ma! to mji-iiIj tlieiiiir n.tli tlie ariiulr at cotU
Ti e Kreaily lucrca eil prle-M of a 1 cpmrooflitlet. with
tiie ((ff liter liirrfttHO itMl tltn .Ucnltitf, -honld It-ad oon
sam.T to dovitf nr.d (ivull thcnuclvc of vr practice
blf nic'hod of . nnmlrlng npjn their coninmptlon.
At far a t t)e aw Invurirs of Hie f re con -"rned. thla may
bf a. coiiiitihfiI by nbitiniMicc ; tui As to Iti ntcekharic,
nvat other prii cip.e bt ctlUd Into re ju'ition.
In Ihe itt of iie. cK-sarii i, ftw arlf i"n Uuld a lilfchcf
pin- ' ctiAl.und In retjanl to ibis the mutual friit-
i; It- i, lurltih.ttely, tioth nf !irjll and a.'t 'H;i(p.
A to ; oi ' Gail tU'ilvcri.'tl at t v yard f:i riiil.tlcJi.iiu ootf
tlioiti $7. iH'Uvorcl at the coiinm-r dnr It cotti $12,
1 lie dHVereiice Is t-o, nnd yet t I.e tMit ! c trtlntr li only
The t'xpl.inatlon ih iinplc. The collii-r must have his
profit, the Jobber mnt1iof; pniit, and Hie retailer
mtft hrtvc his pnillt. Ahy c.ninot cotmiui ia, by com-
binlnn for a nlnglo year ti n amount o:' their expendi
ture for mal, pccios the r own c-iiii -ry, and make
tteic three prutltn tlr thjiuuhi"i'
Tn ('onsinncri' M Cnnl Campany ofl'-irt ft it nn I
bu ually TaToraMe opportunity fur canvli;; tlicar jtrlnciptei
Into praukftl oinratlou. 7ti0iini uny bus purcuasod an
t;!d-estublishe(l colhury, a' otit Ave mile above I'ottivUlet
with iff.un-ciilrifis, breaker--, tnlrwr' houses. bli-'ksmith-f
bops, Ruw-nnll, cars, mitloa, and all the cjulpmeaU for A
btuliicKH of tons of ooal per annum, and baring a
rlkb-t.r lixtetn e an to work, a nuk in kifftht tho
bet th'fo velm in HchtiylklU county the kiJ more vein,
tle eti f-tt ibh'k ; the Mainmoth vein, from twanty-flve te
thirty ift ibick ; at 0 the Scv,;n 1 out v.mi;.
The colliery now producing 100 p;r (.hiyoriiint
quality H'li!ti A"h (L'onl, and a new -I 'j-t1 It A:nnt cna
pleted whLli will Inert uae iii to Cm) tons pt-r dty.
Tin- prp-sent net t:oit of a ton oi coal delivered froinad
colliery at the dc-if of thf eoit'nnirr Is :
Hnaliy, miniuy, break iny. lo-.tltiin. , I JO
Toll tiii'l iielht tui Ktfuiluw Ita:iruatl
liei..ry at coiiwuutci duor
7 41!
.fU 00
T ,e r-uall pr ke at the coal yard is. .
B.iving oi, the uintual plan per t.m ...$4 97
Ti o consuuji-r oi Un tun!, of oni'l p-r je tr in iu'jorlbe
Un hnrci of tbck at $10 pur share, uuJ will he entitled to
teutons of eoal at ud out f-r sixteen At present
pneet b will ave about f 'X) tlie Ural year, fl-.oiild the
prae oi coal Inen aso, as is strong-,)' ftppriheadtd, tbe
savinK will be still greater.
Tbeprestnt annual production of tbe rollitry it &0.000
t'iis only, or one ton par share of Htiu k ; but the liiiiaediate
InlUbion of fiesh cusb tiapltal Info It will increase Its pro 1
duotluii, before U. nd of the year, tu Uie r.ue of l,i00
whs. This will euubtutbe ootupauy to dlHtrlbuie Ineuh
di idcfidn tli pnilltrsoii lOt.CH) extra ions of mal tacU
yvt.r alter the prekent, which a. prcsiut pricea will be
about $.MH),oO, or flu per hit re.
Thfit m trn i I'tufta'itij that the iltcvli ml 404
jirst fito ftnr ictU i t nut-a, m to the 'tovihitttti tOit entity
co.t uf their ftork. Very few uteipiht.'S can (lor e.iual
induct niciitti. Itcoinbluii production and coiisumptlou,
suv in - and k1ii. tvary bouseliohlor and buttnesi iota j
In tie community can participate In and should avail hiu
of Ut advantages.
I he payment on account of the stock may be made M
follows: per nharcou subirrlbtiift; i per share O-o- '
berl,Isti4; per share Novemijer 1, W-1 ; $J per lmre
December 1, 1M4.
The object of the Itlrectors N to render tlie eompuiy a
gri at public beiHtlt, at-it to divide lt advauiaes among a
lartije uumber oi tndivlduals ; they bae th rc'ore re I used
i xera1 oilers front sp tilators lo take birhe amounts of
tt. t k.artJ until the t tiny of Octoht r ne t hae lUnituI
il.e iniutl er of slutrts it. at umj besubftcribtd ly any pertoa
to tine biimtred,
Th Cuinpuny Is now pieitaietl o delixer ctial tomb- -scrll'cia
at $7'-' per ton. Side-ijiipTluii !ur a limited nuiu
ber ul tltiu us ot stock con Ih mado at (be oitl. o. j B. .
bl Mli Hticel, and tudcis lor coal ob;auted. m
Jtl.lOKT Ol" COAiAllTJ'tK ul' hi; 11 Si 'Ml Ul. AS..
'foe undeibignt tl, purfcuniit to ( p(jlntra,lnt, precee.l.f
on 'I uertilay, .loi.) 2. to lMtuvlliu, and eaityi'te liUowln4
day 1 the Iuhju-cM"!! of the colliery, Ac , the pro
jury this company piopoHs t pLrcna-e.
l i t y refcpi-ciiully mil, nut tne uiiuutg r 1.0.1 as the
remit ot ih ir can lul nivt"ititi(B-
' C- Ihe coal ii ol youd .nan'ty jj- ii'.r.illv , and luucb 01
li if tci Mipeilor.
,Ntro(, 1 1 ere In an lnexhnu-tihle 'juttiitlty oi'eoal af the
tint t, fur the tt.m of tlie lease otha'. In fact we are
Utftured, with our utmost eapa llyfor mining, exoeediu
tl.c l.nt'ht niiinillty W'ljioscU to laWe out annually tioin
iMs c 'hici , only an luiiirt-Qlun ttoiih! he in.ide npou tho i.iiiotu:! of coal ct.i.itim d In thlii tiuct ot laud.
Tl-ii l'i lie facilities lor lalniuff mid infiikct ure vifrjr
ot l, tliiui' ai'iii'itrliig nil tho niachiuir , t M uccchstiry tbr
cm ciiloiib ininlu 'i l,c in me- heitly the mnixst to I'ottl
V Im una Il.e luihoiul u'ot fc-nItU'.
Ti c ntu .d"i't yoii h.te ho ireu'ieiitly heard allud- d to
vii di:. ei ior one, m.d Is now in process of beilnj
Ihiihlii d. itii'l v hJch U vib t d to be In su .vciuful opcra
ln n ' h s- vn. A tiou of ottr committee visited other
o!i!t r t s in older to hi;iin hudh lent I.tiowleiVe lor ipjpe:
ci'iiilnuiK.!'. Tne reMilt in thiN branch of tin lr l.Hior 1 :
tin ili'J i "t find nil c nl tr,i' t un sale or lc.t&e Uiut pro
sent'-d t! t ,iuie :id f -v cur purpo'ies uslbi-. Sum9
r-.' uiitlfv tlopi d, iiiliui oiild rt-iiiire
rc luiiaeiisu stilus of M
Ity, Hlil. lt, at Hi t'
li i-l-t?r',,T
ul Iti. 't' llini.i ..1 11. ' 1. .
iiiom to ri-ti'ic their uikn.i- cap
hi,.!, ini i ut luiitci and hi I 'or, would
tie t o.,i oi thik. t Uli the ii ((' fa iii 1 v ul the ' tJi Hun to .i i;
thU (.lii.-. v t ,i In' ,rf, -I i,,,, i-ym e name, nrtler l
, .trt price, ut cfise ul failure
" ". "V finiui-ei to ifive t'lliff OI Hie hitio ' iei'1 H lMllli
Hi Is coUlei v lb utily about two hae b. in opuiicd n l H e r.
. ; . :. ai KlWAl:l M I'liMtMiis
nie cojm i.eH id u.C fjciuyi-- Upreentaii Ciol I'nlied hut,'
itfcauni on oi ti tenth, auu
lla.a. a. U fih'
whilst the inximityof tl"' (0 VKU STK AM A ND WATl J
supeikr fu-iHtlea f -r yctiW A'MMti AI'rAkATl'N.
value of tlj
wm. s. Ti 'i:rt, . .
M M. M. ('Ill Kit,
VM. a. fun is-,
K. M. JONf.S,
C11AS, '. AtATtlfcVS.
rnUAl tl-l "l-i. Alla'llst ll', lS.,1,
i t-i
" ! C