Ur I 1 TITR DAILY EVENING- TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1861. 4 HATt HDAV, KKITKMIIHR 21, IhM. two conRADB in akh fhe Ctt'if'irtiinn. oiurmlo ! I hear the liru'lni; of it lrum , tve reinforcements conic ?" hero il n fujiniti mivc li st whippm will ring from yonder lull." omrndc! I Fee spiriting mnnsion stuml. li t I'T my gmmMre 'a baml." S(i boiiitiitl iiti'Tiiry hnve loft stone ut I may oil my own." CKide Itl liertli my j.'t mlc Imlj' i0 sweet ( IhM In h r nun." .otenilor wile upon her loving lit jst ills bulie of in. lit' lo list !" :m! how her lirialit lintr falls in enhlen .snow is. wined with fitittttnnnl Unworn." -.0 waving hmr, Ly ttni:r.iiit i!i".v r -tg pie-s- I, as my rough bund c iressed." h what cm limit, il wing tlie mi if: i'lUte 1 1 i e s inrir ' by tlio-e heavenly eyes." i low (j. - i J mid how Idiik Hie mhI In , us seem ' in b ! 1 cannot dreum." irnln I hear tin- he itintf of a drum , 'inrade. ling t In' loe eomo '" ft'ce, that K'e il fee or friend w ..II ;nu.t meet lio netcr knows del' it. n the Imtlle-firoiinil, at the lueuk of dny. wo IHcltse koldn i.- lav : no face looked pitiful with, yearnum pun, ono aa nu prays in vain ; fflie other v Wild, from 1 I V'd picture ore a look divinely blest, his pulseless breast, picture of a lady and a child keit up to bun and (untied. TEE LILUTLNANT'S EEVEN3E. A True Nlorjr. on, ,7 T 'r.t. it;,',. Aftor I got the second wound, through inr kUm, I trawled down to tho edge of the river , idur tho bliiir, and looked out for a ehiim o to t t over. Hut it was Impossible. Ono of tho Ast swiinmets we had tried It, but after swim ,T34ne sonio dlslanee he entno hack and renorted or c current too strong. I knew then that tuscupo Ifiy iinmlng was out of the question for me, Ith bo'h ankles shot through, and a bullet rough ray shoulder, so I lay quiet until it was 11 over. At length the Kebels began creeping und, looking for such as wero hidden under e river bank, and one of them, a powerful fel- one of the largest men I ever saw, with a ige black beard, eauio up to where I lay and ercd me to got up. I told him I was badly it in the ankles and could not walk. f f I he brute gave me three prods with his bayo lt in the back, ordering mo to rise at eneh stab, leonld not, and he finally gave it up, and I was lken away. I swore never to forget that man. SVw I hated that man no one can realize who Wis not been in a similar po-ltion. Oh ' It seemed 4p devilish to cowardly stall me with his bayonet icn I could not rise. I swore to be revenged tver that man came into my power. Weli.it air long time oftorwards. I had been ex imnged, and bad got well enough to be on duty am. wncn one day 1 was ordered to conduct :ime Kebel prisoners to Fort Delaware. judge now my heart leaped when l recognized y tyrant, himself a prisoner, but unhurt, and ouiing np as large as ever. Ho was changed in ll)lng, save that tils r ,tues wcro the worse lor ear, and he had the downcast air that always imcs over a braver .n wnen lie nnds himself i his enemies' hands. 1 looked him full in the ye, with much the same feeling, I nnag ne, with hlcb a cut watches a captive mouse. 1 tolt all ie cruelty of his act to me. and in my heart of carts I vowed that he should never reach 1'ort claware alive. I loft the others to the rare of e sergeant and tho men; I took this man in targe myself. I would not leave him out of my iDl a moment, lie uiu not netray mo biigutest collection of mo, and I began to think that bo d not recognize me at all. I bad fully mado up my mind to kill him, and 'ter tho boat started I walked aft to think how should do It. In tho meantime he lay dawn on lie deck and went to sleep. 1 had resolved to ,11 mm who I was, and then blow his brains out, ppie mm oyer into toe river, ana lay ms at am n bis having attempted to escape : tor I know mt our Government would not have allowed me shoot him merely from revenge for Ins cruelty my me. But when I came to him, and saw him sleep, I hesitated. He looked sad and careworn ; 11 toe proud, deliaiit look was gone, lie seemed o helpless ami miserable, that 1 could not do it hen. Then I sat down In the dark, and began to hink. "Poor devil." I thought, "he has been led iway by those in w hom ho lias been brought up o trust all Ins lite, tie may have a wito and hlldren." I thought of my own. Well, alter a our debato between mo and the devil. I made un my mind Unit 1 would treat him as ho ought to have treated me. If bo ban any heart at all, it may be the means of saving soiuo Union soldiers rom bad treatment. 1 Knew ue was hungry, so 1 woke him up. iic slightly started wuwn 1 woko him, but in a moment he was as cool as ever. 1 took him to the side ot the boat, and looking him full in the face, with in v hand on mv re volver, I said, "Don't you know me i" Mot a uuscle moved as be answered that be did not Don't you belong to the Mississippi?' Yes." "You were at Hall's lilntt'r" "Yes." 'And Ton don't know mof" "No." "Well.' Maid I, "come and get some supper. I got him Abe best 1 could, gave htm a good drink of TjMiiiky, and turned bim over at the fort with as .Marge a share of the .-mall sum in my pocket as i could conveniently spare. en, l bade him good night, and promised to see bim in the morning. J thought be looked oncer as I went up to him next morning and held out my hand. He took it. and burst into tears. It ain't a nleaaut thing Mo ace a man like that cry, and 1 teit allected my 'jtaelf. "Well," said I, "do you know mo now ?" J" xes, ne answered, "ana i knew you tue mo ment I saw you, but I feared you would revenge yourself on me as I deserved. And. indeed." , f lie continued, "you have revenged yourself, aud iiuitteny too, out l givo you my worn as a inau rand a soldier that you have done vour side no iniunr. So help me God. if ever a Federal falls into my hands again, 1 will try to repay to bim tne Kindness you nave mown to me. uood-Dye. na mar uou bless you, ana keep yon out or our lanai again I uoou-bye. l shook bis baud, ml we parted. I have never seen or heard of him since, bat I felt that I had fully revenged myself on bim : 'ildon tyoultlnnk so? 1 told the noble, gallant f ibiiww ium uia m.s r nm vuo mat buy until 11V1IIK might be proud ot, aud that I honored hint Iiiiore for what bo had dono than if he had revenged himself by killing all the Rebels in our prisons. And I could not but I feel a glow of pride to know that I too wore the tftiniiorm ot uie army in wuicu such mon served ur sucn men as Lieutenant our country may well be proud. And surely such acts as his must nave a good enect on the minds of those who have beon led into this wicked Kehelllon by me traitors wuo uuve so long unaueu tno people Of the South. This is no fancy sketch. I have detailed it almost word for word, In all essential points, just as it was told me by the Lieutenant himself, as Due roae siue oy siae in me cars on our way to SS.arlVtrm tl.j, ilntv f,. wal.u.l 1,.... .1 ... .. 1 1... 1 1 only wish I could give it the life with which it was told, and make it all'ect my readers as much M it allected me. ,, z. Tho bagpipe is almost universal throughout Asia, though at present not so much in use as - 4 1 seems to have been in former ages. The earliest vidence which wo have ot its existenco in Asia i representation dating before the Christian ra. This curious relic, to which I shall afterwards recur, wal discovered in tho ruins of Tarsus, :'ilicia. A Hindoo bagpipe, called titlu, brought from Coiiubatoor, may be eeen In Hie Jiast Imliii laseum, London ; and a drawing of a similar ustrumont is given in Sonnerat's "Vovairu anx indes orientates, " where it is called fotu-ri. Mr. Hill found the bagpipe in the hands of Chinese musicians in Mainiaiehin, tho famous truding placo on the border of Mongoln. Sir Win. Ouselty rijetwlthlt in rer.-la.tvhero it iscallod oui nn, a reeu or pipe, and iiinlHiiuilk, a bag nun wucre -ii aiso appears to have been more t'tncral in former ages than at present." Tho .line uiuy ue sum or tno Kgypttun bagpipe, OWtiarau Which is HOW Of lint mm ,i.iirr.ti,n Hat bas-relief of the sixth century of the Chris tian ci'tt; representing a l'ersian eoucert, ono of the musiciiins Plays upon u bagpipe. Moreover, we know that the Jtouians wcro acquainted with this instrument, and most likely tho Greeks also. t pi'here may be sonio reason for supposing that it (Kw us likewise known to the Assyrians, if we ro- jncinijcr that most commentators on Hebrew imusic are of opinion that it was ono of the Hebrew kvind instruments mentioned in Holy Writ. imong the instruments of the ancient Lgypti.iutf uvwever, not nunerto appeared, An tndia telegram states that fitr Charles yTrevelvan recommends the introduction of tho sovereign iutg. Uiut country a h'gtU tvudvi; Ivr THE CHIVALEIO DATS In the old feudal times, which it pleases many of onr mors imaginative young people to believe were as Inr superior to tlieso days of modern d( g nerucj as teal heroes are super or to carpet knigLts, one or two little points of morality, which we are accustomed tothiuk r.ithcrscriomly of, wire on a very unsatisfactory footing. Not lh" least unsatisfactory of them all was the con ilition of women In t'nise grim baronul halls, where romancers and pre lUphaeiiles would bine usbcluie thiy . isd their time In the per il tual iiccpt.on ol ineen-e going up nvm the kn gl.ts and warriors iieemlie1, and weru In. id in the runic I.Lh lienor as now. We could not make a greater mistake. In tl.o,e old feudal turns, when wive were divorced without simple or iilfeuse, handed a'.oiit lio'n baton to baton, a a man votild mav hnnd ovi r his hunter or his i icer for a consideration mar liage hud neither sanctity nor siiiety ; it was mere i cr-onal pos-esion and legalized hi ulatity ; when ti o l.t rs were rcg.uditl only as the ap omto.l i.o.in-l.eis of their sous, Iikc hiiv otlier torn of liieli i.l i nature, malei uii lia.l no holiness nn.l I'loulii with it no respect; when in.ii.lvins vvnetlie pre ol the sttongusl uti'l the pri'.e ol ihe most daring, wooed, worn, ami cat oil without love, ilhotit regard, anl witinrut ni-Kt, inaiueu honor wu- a l.d.le, and v,rgm 1-odi -t a liream ; while a-. lor love, what there s ol it In woman s nature grew oule round her mi ii lit al t in sorioiv till ilreaui- an.t (iciisive I tig. It e lor an impossitile Ideal ; not a lilue ol it went to that hairv luuu who oiauk anil gainnl and swore nnd (ought In ihe liall, and be d lil lady in tier bowi r its no In tr-r, and not so pie isaitt, his "gentle tapcl on Its perch, or bis hor-e wniiiu its stall. Ko: the wi:nauliooil of liio teudal times sal itl (Jar km ss and humiliation, pi)s-e--i il. and desp. sett ; and it Wtis from this degraded con dition, with ail Us savage instincts and traditions, that chivalry came, like a new Perseus, to rescue II. e help. i ss Atidioinoda ol t lie human world. Chivalry gave women the two things denied in tin ir leu mil marriii :t respect uud love j it gave tin in poetry hi, J pm ity in plat-cot passion and possis-ion, anil allowed them their choice of a ki ight the friend who was to deb nd tlietn. lit. nor, celebrate, and love as some consul uijn itga.nst the husband wno held them like any other of his baronial litis and chattels, ami with as little re gar il. 1 lio civilized custom of the adoption of a knight, or friend Ireeiy chosen it net publicly maiiitiiiind, who was to be all und to do all that his laoy tle-ire.l or demanded, was, m a n cent writer justly says, tho moral protest of women nganist the humiliation of their legal condition. ery solemn was that choice, hallowed bv the most sai led forms used in tho holiest ceremonies ot the times, and blessed by priest or bishop at a contract binding on their soms, anil of heavenly VHitio in nieir uvea, ixuver iiguiiy ueait wuu,nor losing Itself in dishonoring familiarity or the stain of sense, it was a woman's badge ot loving purity, nun her tirst attempt to set herself on an equality wuu man. Her knight devoted himself t redress her wrongs, as he devoted himself to redress the wrongs of all the oppressed consecrated to that olllce by the Church, which preuched celi .arv us one ot the gateways to heaven, and granted tho San Graul only to the pare in heart and the ( haste ill lite ; und it would have been impos sible, uccoiiling to the molality of the times, that bis love should have any unseemly meaning or culmination. Tim most solemn, us well us the mo-t passionate pledge of that love, was the kiss the lady gave him, when, kneeling before her, his bands clasped between hers, lie devoted himsell to her service for life, and the priest and courtarouud blessed the union, and bore witness to its celebra tion. Then giving bim a ring us tho sign of their everlasting union, tho lady raised bim with that one holy kiss, which was the Inst and (Rarest and highest consecration ot their love. So thotoughly spiritualized was the, kuiglitly union of lrienil and lady that a wouiau win assumed to have lost her lover if by chance she married him ; for it wns impossible, according to the ideas ot the times, tuat tno knight and the husband, tho lover and the possessor, should be one and the same person. w hercttiro tho Indy who married her knight. but who had promised auothcr aspirant that if over sho changed ber friend sho would take him In his stead, was held by f.icanor u'e Guienne, presiding over tho Cours d'Amour, to bo hound by ber promise, seeing that sho had lost hor knight when she becauio his wifo an anecdote sullieiently expressivo of the spirit of those chiv- alric unions, and the sharp lino drawn between marriage nnd love. lucre wero tonr degrees or stages in the pro gress of this knightly love. When desirous of pliuslng, but at rant to speak unit paying only mute court, the knight was then a hesitant ; w lieu encouraged so fur as to humbly express his feel ings otherwise than by dumb show, he was u prlunt ; when retained as a knight, and given a silken cora, gloves, or a sosii to wer tier colors, in fact he was then uti moii', a knight who h id the right to maintain tho supromucy of his lady's charms against all comers and wear her favors In his helmet; but if after this sho pledged her love to him, ami gave him a kiss, then he was her durtz or ami, her friend, dearer to her than any other human being, for whom was reserved all the imtlahlu love of her soul, all tho gracious tenderness of her heart and fancy. This was the boon which fair and fruitful Provence gave to the w omen of tho Middle Ages, tho t fleets of which were felt nt tho furthest cor ner of the then civilized world, and which have not entirely died away, even to this day. Dante is lull of this chivulric, or what wo should now call passionate and platonie, love for beotrice ; and in many of tho older poets before Dante the some exalted state ot souitual ecstasy is to be traced, the same rendering up of heart and soul, with never a trace of grosser longing than for that divine charity of love, that noble pity of womanhood, vvuicii would give duck thought tor thought, uud gracious acceptance for iaillil'iil ser vice. "Trustful In (trvlitide I have bell Mid will h, And loyal auto l,,vr mv wti.Se Uft Ikrougli. A humlrod lulu or ttsa Until lis not fnierdoncil nis For what I have et.a.irod of irriut and woo? Mnee lie liatli iclveii me unto one ot wlt.nii atiui natch Is laid Tlutii unsluuat ioea lor ays An.altcr or licit worth, so beauteous. Joy, tliertltre mar keep house III this my bearl, thst It Ititlh loved SO WOll. Meseims I scan s could dwell Ever In vrearv hie or tit dismay, V no true sorviua sUU uy heart save rooui.'' These chivulric unions never throve heartily In England. A less imaginative rucc, with thicker senses, it was scarcely possible, for us to subtilize aud reliue on this subject ; )erhaps well for us, in one sense, since it led us earlier than must others to the perception of the fact that the truost love is contained in tho happiest marriage, and tb it the lady does not always lose her friend when site transforms him into her hushund. In France, that earlier chivalrous respect for women, which acknowledged their moral supe riority, and besought grace and guidance at their bands, still exists In modernized form less dis tinctly than a couple of centuries ago, but with marked emphasis yet, and undeniable social and legal results. Tho notable facts, that women possoss half the capital of France ; that they are habitually employed in many of the callings de voted here solely to men ; that they are consid ered Intellectually cupublo of managing large commercial concerns, and are always associated with the husband's business us ho would associate auy other intelligent uud trusty friend ; their wide social inlluenee, and the moral hold, which, as mothers, they retain on every man to the end of his life; und tho allowuuce of strong personal friendships between them and men without scan dal necessarily accruing, so king as personal respect is maintained and the world sees no familiarity ; all theso circumstances of social lite In France aro remnants of ehivalric timeV.'ltcrcil through the laivnt of the sixteenth century. What those talona were, one ot the be-t of our new writers shall tell us in that delightful book of hers which goes by tho name of the loveliest woman of the last generation. t In the beginning of the seventeenth century the Hotel KambouiUct took its place in tho civilized world as the latest form ol the spirit of chivalry, which had never died out from France. Madame do KambouiUct was only t.venty-two when ill health and her own inborn refinement drove her from the coarse, and noisy Wuot the court, and led her to form a court of lier own a tufuti in which beauty of language, ilelicAcy of manner, and the acceptance ot men for what they were themselves and not for their lathers' names, wero the principal features. Mallierlio nnd Vungelas, the one a poet, tho other n priest, grammarian, and academician, nnd both creators of French style, were among the most favored guests. They were cat h between forty-live aud fifty years of ago, not personally attractive in any special manner, and not of the social class usually courted by ladies since the race of Truu built irs had ceased in tho land, and song waj no longer a claim to favor. Then other literary men Came into the circle, among whom wore IluUac, Voittiro, and Kavan ; w hich last fell madly in love with tho marquise, nnd wrote a play in which, under the name of Artheniee, an unagnuii on Catherine, her owu name, he described his love, but afterwards sup pressed the description, "lest it should make- her unhappy." Uurely, a trait of noble delicacy and self-sacrifice quite ehivalric I Amoug other tilings, the Hotel llumbouillet assigned to itself tho task of purifying the language, from certain gross ncsses uud vulgarities ; nay, ot evon adding now words, if occasion served, as w hen it coined the famous word "ui'buwty," aud the world ucxepted HmslilotVAliiHuv-RnttwH'i tranvlailgii, t sUftvUwt iivvituivd ii) itaUm.it it. the coinage. This Htnall beginning, In the draw ire. room of a private lady, came afterwards to lis lull j erlct lion in the colehrated Institute, the most successful conservatory of language ever know n. Few know that tho Frent h Academy was origl null) due to the refinement tilid graci ful taste of a woman. In time, the purl ot the hotel Itain bonillt t, getting it exaggers-ive imitators, tie generated into prudery and nllecMllnn. and "I.es Fret It u( s F idietih s" of Moliere were no bad pho tographs of what liautv hd become when travisilid by f, 1 y. To Ui. licit ii, the jealous, hi.voiis, arbitrary minittr, those plnjnt inc"t lug- at the Hotel were c-pec al'v dista- elu'. He wantr.l to l,rmt nil th t w is sel l nnd (I tne there, and eoirtl not lie' t ve that .o itmnv pei -on-could be ga'ht n .1 iMtl.oiit plntrng and evil spcikliig. Soon n .v l.e set M secretary unit "py, llol-ro-be-t. to t; e i:iiirqiii-e. asking Per its a lavoi to t, II hint what h, r people said iq bim tin t . "Sir. ' sai l the n.ti'.itii-e. . rantliv. ' inv fiictnls know in v ,'ii'ai'liiin n' to ! i-. nto enee, nnd il l not, tl en Ion . ho s.. imp lite as to spctn ill of bim In my pi es! m e." His i mini i.ee never a-k, ti again, and ti e ro et-irg- went on as bn-klv us b. iote. Nor t aril-. i inn-ic were ntii tl In to help the lc:idf!-fo,.t d hours a' the ll .li i II unl, niiil, t, but all the f.'llt sts talked; thev eiiiltv ill ti Ihe quit kin s. ot r. i nee. the ter en ol i pigrnni. the bridiaiu v ol I'.i.cv. tut m ;'i. I right p! tv of thought. iiVt Ii in s sp.i't to e, u.( crs. o ion. 1 hry did in t ea h null e up his thnugnt into a p-. Let. w hit h he litti ;n t't tl at the ti.a.l t hi nciic-t ncphht.r, then with, rew m , mu-li Ironi t ie H.iv, as i too otien the otilj tiil.ii',; to ho ! d Li u-, but tiny loved, and ' spoilt d. i.r.tl 1 1 'Veil, nil I ft lied iil.e Aran m at ri, i - in t'.e i' led g ime, This new ait , .1 i'i uce he nine one ot t!ie gre it-c-t ulir, crs of linn, tiers ar-d hi Ipi to pleasant living known to mod. rn society, in those days, too, the world reeo'uiel the po--i'ihtv if uitnel inent. wh'ili should includa all the "it n- lerri ss, and exclude all the pas-ion of lo... Julie d'Atigovtici, the eldest ilauglitt r of the in .--tpii-e. was n striking cm nullification ol this, as aSoof tl e gieutei tret doni allowed then than now to in. nun rit .1 witii.t n. Shew usher mother's Ie u lt lio lit in that graeetiil nruiv ot wit and beauty, and bad a iiiai.y toversas tilt re were days in t be year; but she won'.l Ii ten to none of them, ami iuwas said that she would never marry any one lower th.,n tni.stttvus Atlolphus, Ilie gr ates hero of bis age. M. de Monlinisier, however a hero in his way, il not quite equal to tho Idea! the lair I tl lie hud inline tor herst II atler tune years ol patient and loyal serving, succeeded m convinc ing ter that a husband may sometime remain a lovt r. It was M. de ft'oiitausicr who caused (iiiiiliiii. e tit Julie to be made a h'ghly charac teristic manner ot wooing, with still a dash of the old chivnbic sentiment clinging to It. This Garland" was a It, lio volume of tweutv-muo pages. On each page was a b ut or llower, paiutu 1 I.. ...! :.. I... ... , . ..r .1 ... I in ill until til v iiy lite ocsi lit iisib t.i tuu war, nii'i undei neuih each palming was an ode or madri gal, written by the best poets ; tho w hole executed by .lurry, the noted culligrapbcr. immediately alter tne Hotel K.ini'iouillet, Willi its gracelul. (lignitied, and retined mistress, came the stitrm of Mademoiselle de Seudery, where the two (rlciids, t'onrart, the it alous secretary ot the Academic, and reiisson, tne secretary and de fender ol Fotiquct, met to dispute possession of her luart. Pelisson, sixteen years her juuior. and painfully distigiired by smallpox, was the linully tavored, aiul Lourart liad to dige-t Ins disiippoiutnicnt as he best might. The fiien Iship betwem Jiadeuioseite seutiery and 1'ciisson stands almost unriMi led in the annals of I'lu tonism. It lusted through the five years of solitary con finement in tho lla-tile, w ht re he was imprisoned for the defense of Fotiquet, aud where he formed that celebrated frieudsUip with the spider which lias made his name more (unions, perhaps, than bis I rit ml -1) i p with I. a Seudery; an I it lasted up to the day ol his death, vv hen lie was seventy and she eighty-six, ad the grave parted them but tor a bnet day. Mo one ever dared to slander this noble alhction. The bitterest satirists left it alone; tho most cynical disbelievers in human purity were torced to respect its innocence. It was B tiue-hcaried woman s verdict in lav or of intelligence iiguii, st station, und of the superior charms of mind against tho mere outside graces ot torm. Madame do Sable next carried on this grand war of womanhood against tho degrading In fluences of class and taste ; and in her sulim, us in those of her predecessors, the literary man aud tho retinetl man wero ulwnys welcome more weleomo than tho titled or the wealthy, if biainless or course. Mie, too, maintained tier plai e as lawgiver and superior, uud recognized nu holiness in the Griselda typo of woman. Our next tiiicen of society was not so true to her class. Tho Duchess de Longuevillo forsook her pridu for a lower, if a more natural love, uud her biography shows us the rare phenomenon of a lady who humbled herself to her lover, and accepted laws Instead of flaming theiii. I. a Kocheloucault whose w ise nnd foolish, true and Inlso maxims were, like the nobler thoughts of Pascal, mainly elaborated Irom the conversations held at Madame de Sable's found means to bend the duchess to his teltl-h will and to break the sceptre of a dethroned queen, l.a Fongtiuville is the tirst woman of tmim notoriety w ho boned herself at tho foot of man ; und in her humilia tion may bo traced the beginning of that com parative decline of female inlluenee which bos been of such evil couscqucnco to France. I any comparative, for there are many years of lalon supremacy to come years when MatUtno de Mnintenon und Madame tie Sevigno, Madame Koland, Madame de Stael, Josephine, and Mad ame Kecaniicr gave laws to their various worlds ; years when woman's grace and purity, and line moral perceptions and spiritual insight, holped men through many a miry way of couseieutious ililllculty, iniule manv a doubtful matter clear and bright, made politics, religion, and friend ship un article of faith, and preserved still to modern manners something of the fragrant deli cacy of Ihe old chivnlrie times. But the greatest result which this recognized lullucuce of w omen has worked in France lar greater, oven now, in its decay, than what has ever been allowed with us is the higher position it has accorded the literary men. When our best poets and author were standing, shabby aud mean, hat in hand, humbly waiting on some rich man's five, or wallowing in every si-ceies of low vice when they were hiding in the contemptuous poverty of Grub street, unable to face a dun, or juiy a milkwoman's paltry scoro w hen they took their victuals behind a screen, and submitted to the insolence of footmen lor the sake ot the paltry pound w hich was the price of a fulsome dedication in F'ranco they were courted, fctetl, caressed, protected ; the favorite visitors to those desired talon which sifted out all that was best and brightest fur their special keeping; the only kings holding joint rule with those beloved queens. "Where, except in F'ranco, do wo find it a general rule and custom for women of all ranks to make common ciiut-e with the whole talent and genius of the country ?" asks Madame M. Assuredly not here in F.ngland, nor yet in Germany. Here a woman waits lor a man's fume before she ex tends her huud to him ; in France she makes her fame by her friendship ; here he must add to bis reputation some aroma of birth or weulth before becoming thoroughly adopted in our drawing-rooms (temporary patronizing Is not adoption) ; there ho needs only to be witty and well-bred to have the entree to the best taltma in runs. Iherelore, In r ranee li'vi an e is the highest profession a man can follow, higher even than art; here it Is no pass port of itself, but only the occasion, the accident. Women who love art and literature, and all the finer phases of mind, have so little social inllu enee hero that they do not rule and reilno. If they did, we should never have heard a word of tho penny-a-liner or the old degrading Grub street taunt such histories ns Chatterton and Otway in the past. The chivalry which exulted women would react upon men, und the homage paid to beauty would lie rewarded by the puriu cation und reliucment of force. M. F.mlleC'here, the inventor nnd propagator of tho method of musical teaching by cyphers, revived fiom Jtousienu, died two weeks ago in France. Goldsmith's Crben Arbor Court, says the London Atlunuum, will soon belong only to memory, und pilgrims will look in vain for the old "breakneck steps" by which the court wa,s gained on tho west side, and which marked a portion of the steep face of the Old London Wall. Major-General Hutchinson, of I'.nglantl, has invented a muill gun which ploje. ts to ait extreme; distunce a heavy ball with a small churgo of pow der, tho recoil being very trilling. The experi ment with live ounces of powder nud a shot of four pounds, gave an extreme range of two thou sand yards ; yet gro.iter results are expected when smiio slight alteration areniudc iu the gun, which in shortly to be tried again. The vnblic annuity and pen-ion list in Eng land changes every year. The finance accounts recent y issued for the year etnliHcivith March, 1N.-I, introduced for the lirst time tin) names oi the l'rinco and l'rineess of Wales for thoir re spective annutics of 10,000 and 1o,ik)o a year, 'iho other lloyal annuities remain the same as before, viz.: lor tho litmso of ( 'umbridiro, '.'l,0u0; tho l'rincess ol l'russia, 8000; the I'riucess Louise, (itKiy. The perpetual pensions remain tho same the heirs of William i'entt heading the list with their KHJ0 a year, to bo paid as long as timo and tho Treasury shall last. The grant to tho Canning family disappears from tho list, and so does the retiring pension of Lord Lyudhuret; but there still remain four English ex-Chancellors receiving their ,'AiOO a yeur ; uud there aro two Irish ex Chancellors, four Knglish retired judges, und a Vice-Chancellor. A retired Irish judge, Mr. Justice Cramptou, has place in the listuo inure; but fato still spares the house maid or tug lrbu J.ouDv vi Lwdj (o rcceivg ber ORIENTAL DETERSIVE EOAP. Tli fT rite b 'ftp tsntw over tovur. fx tn rn hj ftt lcftvt One nnnlred Tboti?inl rtniliea In rtnnvl ni W' . Ii il mmtf UDon ntlrfN new pi nflilM, nf prrfrc? pur ti atrritli, ml always tn t!io ma '. lt(i.N hit with lh uif of N li-iHnr J, anl wilt ttnli ivric nm it t it. tfi r v iih two third i ! la.tr than any othar Hoftf U ft If i:i tl t I t. it 1 Katrt. its c.uv.at ron I.ARITY lift tr. It-Til a. i oral fcrNtiiVa t;.-irVi''i to lu:U'Mt I f. ;,.ar.ti' e y , n 'vl, h r fittfrin-; nr at in4tironi.. to um.t 'it .) I- .1 tl' era, put ti clr apui i.tii artrl on t!i raar k n tin in: ii !- ra'j i'i a 'j.T" . by f.ii I tniv. 1 h . tl'' -ir i i to ;urcl.e 01 .. a'urt'J eaniln atl h fi.tt OI U NAM K ANDT1UUL MAUK X ' np J i; nLVrilT I'CK N It ot Ui'. So.ip ;K-frf Hi-y VAN EAQEN & MoKEONE, I'llll.Altl I.' IMA. 11 U LT 11, AM) W I A LT II, III At 11. tl to gu. s-tn Irlfn f f ; It to is..-.- mv 1.1 "UK sthl; li 1., l.e H t'tii.. itiili Met. el, I .mil s, .lylt.ti III 101 horr - lt v.; . r I I' t teive s t.nst of rrlen U; I ;,,i t ir( to mni, Hn,,'tsss. ; 1' . it. M.-h Item '.' t 1.. 'vi.,1 ; II ft tn.vrbie st, me m hpa dent Wr.4t.TU t It In live Ilit'CPS' ITP fttltl t"u, V 1, It. 11 j a phi li.ttt: iistilii ; It ',. Ik s Ie,. ,,1 .,.-(-; Ii t,. dip fttnl 11 10 yri.t.t Hrvtrnt 1 1 ven st -st, 11 his ef plnmiirv : Il ,nt vuliie this weritl s irt-nsiirps; r ever..- iniiitoil yon w.iiil.l ,(, Tke nt a, It a ,, anil wliih all 'lire: T'iP-i. I is v i 111 III nttli, Wrs'th, Rli,l llcailty, l,,u II i.'.ei.iire.l f-.r tv. t v .h.ty. lie. re. Ill nt lr. WILLIAM V dttNliS N"W M; unl it,!, itl tlil., win. h siiottut he reu.l ,' hol'l l.v It .'tk-flN rs penc-nilv, n1 At Ihe '.lie, Hu. 'lis MIMCB MI'KKKI'l prl. e ui Nv ft ure ! -.k, tilt Itv t'v(T en )..,. t, t s t f. lit is. C A M A K I T A n"' S kj M V VtAIIITWa t't UK. C U H E . S V MAI, I I A s ft l;r'.. SA VI A III r VS ,t CfliK. - vvi itn AN s el nr.. NVMAMI'ANH I HI. stJUIIUMV H ( I l:K. ft VMAI.irAN ,H ( I'llK. s vi Ann as -1 i'I hk, B Wl Mil' VN S I I' 111',. VI VII11AN It ft It K. ft A vi .v 1; 11 anh cni;l' MAVI.vaiTAN H CI UK. M.sMAKI'l AN H VI-UK. K M A l:l I AN S ft ItK. 8 A 1 illll AS M ft ItK. K VVI VIII I AN H 01 UK. KWIMIirASS ( I'llK. NAVt All! I AN S IKK.. HAM A KIT W!t CI UK. Ta.lllIv sure Hn,l sate retttrity l",,r (,,.ti,trrltn,.i, r.ltyl. p.neiuii;, , u. i urus III All cases 111 trotn In,, tu s,- dsvs. l'rlc t - Mule or Kentftte sent tiv mull. KVOl l' A I'D, Sole A(-"nti. WIAI1I I AN S (X'ltK. MAMAIIIT VN H ( t KK. H vMAItlt AN A ( I KK. SAM till IAN ,N Ct'KK. PAAI Aid I A N .1 ('IKK. HA VI AltlTAM H CliHK. I-A VI A III I' A N 'St t'll.'K. h MA 1(1 I A.N H (IKK. HA VI A KI I AN S ItlltK. SAM VKITAN S CI UK, H A M AKI 1A N'.l It ItK. HA VI A KI I AN S ('1KB. HVAt VKITAS S t'l'KIC. NVM.AKII AN H ft UK. hAMAI.'ll'AN'M ('I KK. H AM AIM r A N 'H (IKK. ISAMAKI I'AN M I I KK. HAVIAIIITAN ." I'l'KK. N V Vt VKI I'A N M CI'KK. H VM.VItl 1 AN S CI KK. THE ( IKK AT SIM IKKJ Hill HWKKT IltstEASKS s. inliiiil w,.il tifss, ( lenorrti.i ii. (Ilet'l, .trr. Fti, Ii Ik eoutsttts ii IMlls, uiitl will ctue In trttui twota iiv tlns. Price t'l It Is nt-i, ertrtln I" restore t.aie nnd power to those wlm Arc e-l litnti it b- cAi ess or tiny other cause, sntl ivttl re-t.re nil iti fail vleor 't veutli, Whi n tlie I'tlu nre used -sithoul Die It1jecll1.11. In these eases, ono fill llirce ttuies a 1t.1v. (. 111 hy uisitj c. niter nnsK, rrnpHer, ('. I'KICK K(V-iK, 1'ruprletor, ('. I'KII'K ItHHK, fniiirlit.tr, r. I'KICK Itusr., rmiirirtnr, C. l'KU;t ItoMK. I'roiiriemr, llux JlUi 1' ist (jtlloe. ll.n iiW Tost Oilier. II. tx 'JO.,-! I',.st oillt-e. Ittix ! ,0 I'll ,t (lilt, o. Hex 'Jixi Tost Otllce. IIYOi r A lt(( nvin r A Co., DYllTT A CO., itvoi r ,v i n., i.viii r a (tn.. No. 5:12 K. HS.('t)NI) Street. Ho!,' Axriits, sole A vci'.t! s , Soli- AkImiIs, Holt- A mails. Bole Asmts, No. !. N. HKI 'UNO Street. N. -JlH N. HK 'ONHHtnft. No. -i.fi N. HKCON'II Sliet t. Jvt.lH'i N. MKUONli Hlrtot. lie hiuc fttnl a for HAVIARITAN S ClfllE. h.V At A KIT ASH lb ItK. HAM AKI I AN N tit KK. HA At VHITaN S CtlKK. s. VAIAKI I AS N IIIIK. H.V.M AKI I AN H I I It K. H , M AUI I AN itC 'I. SAM A It I IMMSI't r. .SAM A UII ASK tll.'KK. H AM KITAN S CIIKK. BAMAKI I AN 8 I I KK. SAM AKI I AN H (IIIIK. SHI vKIIAN H I I III.. B VMAKI I AN H CI'KK. S M A 1! I I'A N S I 1 KK. HA VI A h II VN S (IKK. HAM Ah'l I A.N S CIIKK. SAM VKITAN H i t KK. SAMAKI I AN S rt'KK. HA Vi A Ul'l A-N 8 CIIKK. HTRIT liKRIl i'Kli, H Kl'l' UK itinonn. SYCi r ItK KM tlKII. HV KI P UK. lilt'DKII. SV HIT" ItK llll'(tltl. HV HIP I IK KI.'OKIl. HV Kt I' LI. l.li'i'IMi. HV KIT UK Klt iltli. svKt r in: hit'iniii. hykit hk nii'oitn, Htlill' UKKlt l'Kll. HV KIT' UK KICOKII. SV KI P PK PlCdlill. SV 1(1 I' UK Kit ltl:l. HV KI I' ItK KM (ti ll. HV KI P liK ltlt'OKII. HV Itl P 1. 1'. I. It I' till. HV Kl'f UK KIC11HD. SV KIT' lit KICt'Kll. pvitt p rr. hit (inn. svki p Dr. iticonn. CtYKIT' liK It I '( 1 1. 1 . HYKIT UK Itll'UKII. SYl;l 1' IiK KK.'UKII. HYKIT' I'K ltlt'OKII. HYKIT' lih UK OKU. HV Kt 1' UK Kll'lllll). HYKIT' KM (IK1). HV KIT" lK UtrilKI). HY KIT" l.K ltlt l.Kli. HV Itl I' ItB IllCl'ltl). A C.Tlilin cure lor all forms of Vt'lieri'Ml lllselises. Used In llie KiiiopeHD Uosptiais, sua the ftrunes tUroushoiit htirpeontl AiihtUh. 'I his pr. pnrntton I ss its eotial as an era.llr.itor of this rnrtu ol tits, ase. Anil slreiisthens the constitution ut'lterally. It will cure nil Hores, Hpols, I'lluples, I'etlers, or ftuy eruuUoiii, no u.attor Iroiu wlial cause or huvv long staud- uiv. trice f I per bottle. C. PltlCR ROSK, rroprleter. ('. I'llK K HUSK, rroprlelor. C. I'KICK KtisK. l'n.rietor. V. I'KII'K ItusIC, Proprietor. C. lTtlCE KOSK, Proprietor. ItYO'lT , CO. DVO'IT A Ctl. liYOTT A CO. ItVtlTT A CO. llVtl l T A CO. IIYOIT CO. liYOTT CO. So. JM X. BKCONIi sirtet. an ta-tutli s'tm Role Agent. Hole Audits, Hole Aseuts, Hole Attellls. Hole Agents, Hole Aleuts, bole Aselits, Real to sny ftittlrest. SIlCllKT UISHAKKS! SKCKKT DISKASES ! HAMAKITAN H l.lIT! HA VI A HITA N"H llll T! Tiik Most Cfiiiain Ci to: liVhit L'siut. i es, a posltlvo cure for l.tlNOKIIIIH-.A, Ul.KET, HTHIIJTBI1F.8, te, Contnlns no -sluer.il, no llulsatu, ui .Mercury, ('lily leu pills to tie taken lo i-ttuct a euro. ( 11 ret Inirom two to tour titiys, itml reront cases In "twenty-lour hours." Prepared l,y a graduate of the I'm versiiyoi i'enttB ivunt.i, one of tho most eiuiueiit. lioctors anil eheinislB oi' the present day. SO 1 Xl'lisl ItK, Mi llt.tCltl.K, Ml rillMIK V-UATKVKlt. ltt those wlio have tlespalri'd ot'settiiii; euretl, tir who luive. been purged with llalsanl Copal-a, ur Mercury, at la e try tho SAMAItlTAX 8 fllFT. Hent by mall In a pl.un envelope. I'lico, unile auekaKi'S, tl. Females, ' 1II.00DI IILOOl'll lILOOlll m.oe)U!:: SCROFl'LA, ri.t'KIII. HOKKS, SPOTS, TETTKItS, SCAI.KS, 1IOII.S, srruiLii) on vkmkkkai. hihi: se-t, ., e. SAMAKI I N H HOOT AM IIKItll Jl'ICKS Tsollrrr.l the I. lit. lie as a im.ltl v.- Cure, SAPHII IS OK YKNKItl VI. I.HE VSI'.S lint SAAIA ltl l'AN H KOtiT AND II KKB .It It K, I. Ihe ra .st pnl.-ns, t rriitiit, ami eilt timl ri tie ily i vitr pn-s, riio d ; itn .irti. a ui'd er.t lie. Urs i i. rv p titl. Ie ol' tl.e vei, treat poison, so ti a: tt.e'r.ure is tt.or, ; nh ami p. riii.in. nt. Take men oi this pnril v nut r, iiil-.l 1 ,uid lit' Lt ,ilt 'I, mi l do II it tl HIlSnill to jour pu.u.iii I.. at lui'wi.ich oa iua ni in', in auir j i utt. 1.0 MoT UKHPAIlt! AltliistKt. vt.i mav he pi n.,ti nc d tncurftWo, H o SAM . Ill I AN S I. 'oil and lll.ltll JL'lt'Ks ,11 run -a i v-.-rv v, si.:r ,. ,li) l.nl ,-- llelil ll.C I.. illlj, Itl V, .., Ai all 11.0 tad ei'ielsol uaicui:-. IKMMl.s! " IIMAIKS! In ii.anv i.t".ti''.s wit', vvhic'i rniniWis tl l.iiii.s sutler, tne limn ANIi 1111:1. Jl'lt'i.S .tie m. -'.!.., pi a.i.'i t .1. j:i i Uti'..:, ti t'lrin-. in l.eu, ,rri.,. t. in t .r.:. ttoiin t iih n j. i c, ,,:i.t., L'et.h.iy .nan i .i aKiiap..,o.u ill,' tl, lit to lit St . Suit l.y am ii s. Price 1 hrttte, or f, Lotties lert). S . MA 1.11 AN s WAsll II. In rs.'r f.f S p: 'i,-. i st .1 in lonti, ti, a wi'U the Ie ot aiul Mr, I. .1 :lh e-. i'ull ttirr. Ileus. I'i ice et tit. 'I l.t ell.t... V thrni- rune. I its is lu.xt .ickm.M let't',1. h't physicians and p.ilit'tlte. J h. y etc tisrti in tie I 'iilt-l HtiiteS lle.l .t.ii-, U.Ua Cli'MLLLl UVUlU, lO lftu Ci (v.lf ll.lVf Hol,t!-I-.l irilji t' e I'-, 1:Iipo-c "Sun :'" VVHAI till. HI Ki KONM SAV OF Till; bAMAIII I A S h KI. .Ml HIES - 'P., -I II., si n. ii , I .on M iii-tl l, I "ll.i'tui.orr. ill!., h fhrnai y 'Jtl. In !. ( "1 l ave front s,itisiu lu,n In staling that 1 have u-od t'lhe s.iUiAr.liiii Kiiiitd.t's' for Vetur.al Disease in Its nii.st t u.-loiiiar v I'orias; that I have u-td theui with ttuls'. li.i-iit. tlii( ii'tieti. ti'.d property, an. I Imvu it.itud tl,et4 respond I" lev aula 'ip itieus j,,on .ju.y .in. I i irretir.lly. Kltowitot tht'if n.liipesltloil , 1 hMie tiie Itiilest eonihlei.to In ti.eir till, m y, ami us o.r as iu u.e ol ILeul eitulids, 1 ln.tlallieiU ll.t ut ill t'tt. .i . ' "AI.FhKD c. nnwKim, "Assistant Hnr', on al. N'.-w y.-rft ols.' I.ol It he mtdi i it,'., ,1 that u , - reuit.ln s are as ret-oui. nitiiih-.l, ami will pusilivili v..lti I..D iliita.i'S lor AilutU liny are ellsttd. bvld ly H.C.I Pll VVI, ' Vo a I 1 1 1 1 1 I II Hnett. i.l sVIUNIi A CO., ,NV. Jli liAt-i. SUvcL A WEIGHT & SICDALL No. HO M;vrltet Street 111 lvET N HIONT ANIl Hl.COND HTItrtT.. C . V . V 1:1 ,hT I . .ill. I- U.I. . 1 II V G (i I 8 T S, 1' 11 Y ft r C I A N s, Ol ' fltll. SKlKI'Ktvrj R', Cut tli.,1 at nu e.t lili.l.i.n t.t h t. s irttn, nl l ttiipott'-a ftt d leanest,- ir, Ks, -,, ti'ir l't tit M,',lt- inei, Psltit.,, Cot ,l, VV .-..Ijii I'n'-i r pl'on V 1 1'-. A -.. at si l.iJ pen - si. n , nine first t :sn i un t. M'd, t i M. K-isKXTl M. OILS for ( ,,nl, t'ou. r, m f,,: r,.' 1-1 ., nt., I ..I t' br.f TtAlltr. ('...lilt,' it hi'i.l.iI lit.lt.o, Ms.tt.r, I it Asti, Cu.lle:ir, H,.rs A-t , Ahull. it, t ,,t Uriel, Annatlo, i:isrp,-rss, Kvlrsel ef 1 Ao .'111 ItY t US' use, al-nsssa oa lnn l. lt ,,VTf -I ti'-t re.h reirrs 1'IT. K Sl'lt I S roil r AIMIt.T I "K, tirnun I espn- .'? i r om smI,-., sti.t to which wt Invite the ftMetlti.il i f tl. .e te WA.lt of ',-:i:iM, urttrles. A'.o, .i' ii. ,s y.l( , MI-STAHI', a-., ( frs qvnl;'-, Or.lt rs hi ii.ftil, or eltv loit, wtll meet Willi prompt al tt nil, m, or sp, l.tl ,iiot:itl.,n.- ill tie ttirnisliril tvtieu i- " "'' v UK hit a hini.T.rj, V luilr-a!,. UriiK Wateaouie, J:i-ly No. lit AIAKKKT Hlr.et, uliove I'rtint, JyJTDlCINAL 001) LIVER OIL JOHN a. HAKSB oo, Ko. TIS M AUK KT HI1EKT, art n.w reeeli Inc flflr supplies 're.b, from the n.ht'rtes. 1 he S'tperl .ray ol tie It Oil, tn every respect. Itns RAlned for It a reputation anil sa'e Iteioiid any other found in the market. To uuitnlAln It, they nre determined to supply an at tide that niai bi entiiel.i rolled on for freshness and purity. Hee ttistlttioiilnli nt I'tetossors uf Mettle a) Coll'-Kes. All 11 iPFj l'lm.ADKTrillA SUKOEONS' VrsHi'T? Iianhai.k IKslllliTK, No. 14 North MNIll Utter'. IMS Market. Kttntat-M rniltrsllv eurrd tn II. f . r.V l.KKI T'tA 1'reiiiltini Patent Oi tsitiifsl isiu 1're-anre Tiuss. Httprrloff K.lastlo Belts, K'ittlc Slooviims. Huiiportsvs, Bliouidef braoaa, Busva orli s. Criiti-l.es. Ad. l.A.lirmtten.lcd hi Mrs. n.C. KVKRKTT. -njj.-. ly 173 KL.AST10 HTITCH 8 K W I N J M A O 11 I N E B, TUB BKHT IS UHkt. P No. 730 CI1KHNUT Hts-eis-it. i:ht"8 COTTAtlK OIUIANS, ot oriv rF''t l.rn hut 1'Nkoi'ai.i.it in purity 0fT.nc slid I'oiii-T, iteeiiiueil especislty for CJtitirrht' and Si ii,H,,s, lint I, ti no to he e.tiHMy wril s.laptod 10 Uie l'arlor aud lirawliik Kooui. Tor sale only hy C. M. HltUCR, Ko. II N.NKVh.MIl Htroet. Ais. ft ooniplete assortment of tlie l'eriect MetA,le.iBi C.iltsMtill.i etlliAlld. aHKl-.'lin QlCOlltiiliJ HT1TUH, Jit.. MANUFACTURING MACHINIST AND ENOlNKKIt, rr-im Ko. tr.ji n. bkcond sr., riuia.ii-iphia. CTFAM IIKATINO KOR FACTORIK3. O Mills, Ac. llnatetl tilth illret-tor waste stuatn. Also, oolls lor lieiiti'it.ei.iidrii-rrs, rvapotators. A a. aol-lni M.tOKl.M.VN.No. at N. HlATII Street. IHilDKSlli rsa MACHINE WORKS, 1j oh kick, No. 6.'. N HUNT STREET, viiltsl.Ki.eulA. We are prepared to fill orders to any eatent for onr well it ACIIINKKV run cottom aud woor.Ktr mills, liirli iliiiR all rcoent loiproveuients In cariliiifi, Apmoiiu;, antl Vt'eavltiK We invite the attention of manufacturers to our oxten ali e uorKs. I ll AI.KhUD JKNK8 80K. JUMOVAli. J. MEIER & BROTHER, MKllOliANT TAILORH, lliive removed trism No. l'.'.l N. Heoond street to the S. E. corner af HKCOKD and AltCIl Htrseta.wticra they base ontttitida enod stuck, ot IT.OITIS, CA.H.I V1KKKS, and VKSTl.NOH. lauHO-lia Also, ft splendid assort ment of ready -mndeCLO ITU NO. TJ K M O V A I,. THOMAS M. PLOWMAN, It Csrpi liter anil lltllliler, has rrmovotl hts shop from o '-iSirillilirrry street to No, -i 17 OAK I'KR Street, Hd ii.ltiltiit ttie old l ost Office Itnlhtlnit. Ilnvisiir Ineraased Irti-illllt's Inr cHtriliur on the business oxlcnslvely, lie h-Hia to re'-etse a sliaro ol public patronage. Ja7 RAILROAD LINES. TVOK'HI l'KNNSYl.VAMA RAII.UOAI). Il Kill HKTIII.KIIKM, DliV I.KSTllWN. KASI'ON, .MAI'l II ( III NU, UAZI.r.TON, WTI.Ks'.SllAKIlK, WIL LI AMBPOIIT. KALI. AKItAXilKMKNTS. On nn.l after Alt i.ND.v V , H. i.trmti. r In 114. Pussenirer Triilns Mill leave Ihe NK1V DC 'or, I II I KI Street, nUova Tht inpsoll, 1'hiludtlpliiA, daily (Suiiuaya uat-aptcdj, as lollows : At 7-:to A M. Oxpress) lor nrihleliem, Allcntown, Illltueli t hunk, Wllk 'sbnrre, VVtllhiiiijHirt. At fear, A. M. (Areiaiiiiiotlatiou l lor Dovlastown. At in 1.'. A. M. (Ai louuiioila'lon) l..r Kort Washington. At'i V. M. (Acrolniuoilattoti) for tloi lestowtl. At a lit I'.M (Kxprt-ss) lor llelhleliein, Kaston, An. '1 his Irani roitehi-s Ksstou atti'lu f. M.. and makes close connection with Ihe New Jersey Central ter New York. Al l l 1'. M. (Mail) lor lmvlrstowu. At A l.' I. M t AeromiaodAllon) for Uelhloliem, Atlen tovvti, and Xlauth Chnuk. t I'. I' .VI. ( At i-oiiiii.othttlnii) for Lansdale. 11 I'. M . f AecotiitiM dmion I lor I on vv aslilntrton. 1 hrouiih 'I It-ai t. inn.t he pnienred at tlie Ticket Ollloe, Tllllili Hiraet, or ItalKKrt HiiiH.t, in order to at, uru ihe Ion est rates of lure. TKAINB Foil PIIII.ADKLPIIIA leave Betlilelietti at flail A.M., Villi noon, and 'ell. P.M. liovleelown all, SO A. M.,a 1'. M.,and 4 U V. M. I.niisiliile at l", l" A. M. tort Wasiunnton at lie'l A. M. and 1 P. M. ON HI'NDAV B Ililliiilrfphla for llethlehera at II A. M. I'liCsd' l.bla lor Dovlastown al '4 V. Si. llotlrslown lr I'liilat'i'lt.hlA ill 7-.'0 A. it. Itethlt-hrui lol rhlludrlphla al 4 I'.M. lliiiinans tin,'.Muo Kxpress will call fir and ilollver hattsne tit ihe depot, orders luiiy bo lei, al Ho, lit S.I until Bluet. U-la EU.IB Ct.AUR, Aneiit IcTm T1I1I ADKI.PIIIA AND ioi'I JlTlW. KhIK KAILKOAI). lOlVl. 'I his iirrftf line trav erses the Aorthrrn and NorHiwrat Coutilli s of I'l-tillsvlvaiiin to thr cttv of F.rle on Lake Krle. It has hern leased hylhe 1'K.N .NSY LVANIA KAILKOAI) COAH'ANY, and under their atisploes la beta' rapidly opi liril tltrouiihoiit Its t'httre It liKth. It is now In use for I'lissrnKt-r and Freight business froni llnrrtsbtirif to hinportiuu. Co liitlesl.oti the Kftstrm ISfvl sioti, and iruui siisih.ld to Krlo 0 miles), on ihe VYeMern lllVisloll. iihk up 1'Anar.Mii.n thaismat pirfr.AtrKi.ptna. Mall Train loaves H.SJ A. M. alspress Train leaves llf-lJO I'. .VI. Cars run llirouith ii i t tlot'T i ii anok Is.tli ways on thesa trains helwi-en rhllattelphtaaud Lock Haven, and otttwaen Jlall more and lvk llavun. Klt-Kitnl S pink' Cars on the Kxpress Train both wnys. Vor uilorinattoti n'sp.'ethiK I'liHstniier husitirss, apply at tlie S. K.iorm i ol KI.KVKN Til and MAKKKI Htreuls. And Ittr rrriitlit business ot the ( 'otupuny's Aiteuts : H. II. Klitksien.Jr , corner BlXTLKiClTl and MAJtKK'f trerts, l'hlladelphia. J. W. ItevnolUs, Krks. t. U. Drill, AMtmt, M. N- 0. B., Kaltlmnra. il. IIOITSTOK, Qcneral Frelylit Airrnl, I'lilludi-lpliia. i.kivis l. iioin'r, Otncral Tit kit Aiient, I'hlla.l.-lplilt JnHKI'll l. pon s, jat-tf 9tHeral Mattaucr. wnilainspo SHIPPING. 2ip i'Cil, tow liint: ut tift'iiitmn, Cork llarUir. kit' ,i ii -tt iin tH ol t:. J.ivt-i ol, Nfy York, and I'tuint!' I ' Id Mvtnu-hip niiipniiy re int.ii(leJ to bHil fi'Mt.w. : ( I I Y i) M N"M l Tl . It, Si'unlav.'vfpfc-inU-r Jl. 11Y 'l I.oMm s -"ann .In) , tit t ..ti l. I'll V K I. A 1.1 l.Mn ; , ViM,.,.iy. V t. 1 . r Aim tMT Nrc m!.h. .-utui'i.t; , at ii n, ft ui Pier No Ji t n': Hh i r. i;au;s oi- i ah-k rAY.vfti.K is tiu;i:ny I ir-l ( .il'.l) j . .m ij -:tji: f H el t (' it) :i I. n 1 " ' '.' t'l'a.c t I ' ii.lon... t .t n I,, I'-ir.',. r-i i N Hf. . i.u. Irt I'.irii s.i-mi ill r.t- - t .Ti .1 in it Jl.u.ii'! . I- ' ir." i t" il imam,'. 7.' iii.ll- .ti-.i !..iu..;.; .1 I - ll.l.r", Hitlucu, iiul- An v. vi p. A .it ir 'in I iuti ( 1 :, t.'io. s . ..uf r .jtn i i.si.twi : I vt i it i)i n, f .-HI l.i.. a:ttl t,'H '!(,- ii ' sUUl .'ur I .'-.i" I.lvitJ CaIU m. i iit'dv w:.k . vttt 1 t:t- i.t :i:t-M r .it.tr uu..t:' m tl.V t. lit j U it tVe Cf rtiT-an cfP.cci. sMJilN i. l.l,l., Ij;ri, No. 111WAI M I S:iM'i, I'i.i ft.K'IphiA. f49 1 1 II .Jill M 1.11UA 1.1 A? il..iji a. i.nl I-' nk WIm-i. I. -'i n. i-i' in nrM wi,it !..,( Vi NK (Si if -1 .H'.'Oa. S. jiii-'iil.ttr Jl, l- . '1 1 0 sll-.t It i !.!' (..S. M illln w, H.li --rt 1 1 .'('111 (" llrt- A . M ; Mli'l tin l un. mii,' Jtunu - intevvi ,ifuui ouaion I'm U 1 hi. f'll s4l.. '!.'. i I". V- 'iiitftu imv Mnt siii..i.ii,ii.il t.iMiiit:p4 form a regular lli e, i..i;Hii! Irom en. Ii int niii- ni.til n .!uit'wvij . lt.-iii.tiK i k t.;Ut.ttU ut i'iii-t aJi li t i-ftii-juui wiiftid uo 4: c t ii I. j r,.lVi,iM ukn .'it fa r rnM. iii.i.4-rb (iff rciiivxHU lyecnO :ip Rceltti and Billl LrHl lik "Ml tilt h i.'t tl". -ir 1 ifc-b-'lvi l'rtaK (t-n)iiff flnfl ncfomm-vln t.oiii) in- 111 HY WIN'viK A I'll.. i-tf No.o.i . 1H.1 AWAU1-; Avi:u. m fcTT VOUNKW YOUK. OKSrATCH jniiiiI H v, nt am Liu-. , vm Ht)lnure utl li..ii,ni i .niiil. I lu-tf,im. r of tl.t'-t) lines iwu Iw.iviim dniiv iti 1.' o Uurk M., b w cluck i'. Ut iruta HUiJ piuT al.t-TC Wtnlimt iire i. t-ur heiiit, viiUh wilt b tfik'-n on rconintodallnf toni.i. H)'i lv to YVILU.U4 M. iAiiU A U. ti Ui . RAILROAD LINES.' E A I) 1 N G K A I L R O A. D . flltriT Till K If I IV KllOM rillUDKl 'lin Ti TMK, ISTKRTOR OF I' SNM L AM A. tHK MC 11 II y l.Kf L.I., HVH gi KHASNa.I I Al UKKI.A i, ANII NvlRlll, MMtTHWKHI, ANH1 lU. CVVUA PAN4KNorR TIMING f v- rrniun) i l..r,, Bt TMIHTKK.VTTT tfd t At I OfHiM j, Htifvtt, ri,il.tcli)hlA, at ttis fotiuirittf houift Mol:NtNl M AITj. AfHnQA.W., f.-r Itimtiiir. lon..n. KohrvU, Mt( ( oliimh.i. HarrU lnr, ntvl,l, PnifittrM, 'f tim-tutt, H- iii'ti: . V iLm-nip-'M Knnira, Rorl tr, Nliitri'-a K t1 Hn'il.. Ali.lfwn, Wl k.liWiA. ritUt-.D, tork, Ctvlitl! 1 l nmi r-!urrf, Iltniii nio n. A- 1 In irmn roin.t. tl nt hKAIMNd wl'h KuM Pnnrlrl n: R'ir"il (rtitit nr Anrntown. Ac., tli" Iiea1nn4' tn ('"litti Mil l.mlii'rti tor Kp) ruin, I.tl', ittid Citlniutnft, mnr ilh il r l.vhKH.-n Villi- j Ufvn f.r IUnUniiu, Ac ; n l'K f t'l.i NT N whft ( ,itnv I-1 hdiit i.k4 train If r M'ltVtn .t, W ll.ii-Tiist.nrt. I ml Hftrn, Klniirft, at H'KKI- l;i ;il ntth ' Nmlrifrii 4'rtitrnl," rnniii'rlinJ ValirT," hi) "M'r.t,i1hiii mill .fca"iii'hnn" trniii f.-r H-rtmm-tuuUniJ.W i!ii.ntiioi t loik.t,liinii,rhiiru, PincKnivt.Ae l.mvi'ii 11ii,Mpiiia ai n-'W P. M. rr HmJIih, T'Atn- Tilt- . 1'iri' it in llnrril'i'rv. A., ftcniifttlm l lfrrlt- , tditt-- t It.' I inf-yi t" ' ntrai train lor I'nti'nir;, ., , N-Tihni ' nual I; mI r n f triiiun fr Mrmhinr, Nort riutii - I I'fi lit till, f Inurn, A , mill al l'rt rilniim tvidi 'ritali- ' KaiirtuJ train (or Miln-n. kYillmini.Hirt. Kluiiu, Itu'laio, c. lir.AMMl AC''nMTOT THV. Kef du u at ii Hi . M ., ftiiiiM-itm it all Wfty.it- ( ini'B t t I . II it III t'MI :) Ipt-tii 't ! t A . M . lti'iiMiiii'B I. itvt'i nnln'tcli'lua ai i-uu I. M.; rrlTt tn I4i niinn a' i "o i i . 1 (MlnMi.r I mm ,.!( llilairrtVfTUrrMmrKut 7m A M , nni 1 I'.itt-Mil- m( H .' A. M ,nnlMi. In I Ii i l.t i(Mlita uL 1 -0 1 1". M. Atpni'xtn insnt Wnw 1 1 n rn n 'nrw nt I I. l. M., ' Totti llie at -'' I. M.. nr. h In I'lil'tnl. l-ltif. at 7 I. M. I Miukii tinii, Vtl'h a p:ttin(.'r . ar ntla l.oil, - - , Pliilaili-lpl In at 1 I. M , lir Hvlmk' ami all w a lntl'tn ; j Ii nv' K' nditiK at II, rtiHiii, ami Iiv niiutiiwn ai I. .Kt i'. U tor I MliMlctpl'la atiil nil wav Knitoiit. A II t hf Ktn . (Mini t un ilailv , .smnlini rxcfpli. Hon.iai tt ,i'm- If.ve r-ttiivllit- at 7w A. M aitd PltllA- i drii.lit i itt H '' I' M 1 CHI" S I Kit VAM.KY It AltflOAl. Piii"-onr.s for li'wnliiK'"Wti mnl lntriii"1lo p!nti I tttko 11 K i ii A M f.n.1 Mail ! U I. .m. iiMiirt Ptiila.liilith.iA. rrtiirnltig Iidui liwiiinrilw n nt b 40 A. M.. ami l.' li ' ttool,. I Jil.W YOHK KXrHKKH toil Pinsili ntl AM) 1118 wi-.sr. ; I.fairrs New York nt !' A. M. Bint 7 P. M., pusslng Iteaillnf at 1J ii.Hitiii.lit nn.l I :u I'. .VI .. nn.t i-.Miiti-, t Inn at llnins hitrit m ith l'i-nnsi Ii at. la Itiillroiid Kvaress trams for Pltts liinir. t'1,1. sii.i. anil llie vv est. ' Ki'liiriiii.u p..ri's train leai es Ilarrtstnirirnit arTfral of the l'i-nnsi Ii anta hin-a from I'lttsi.titit nt .list an.l ' 7Mtt A. M , pa-stnir Iteit.lit.ii at 4 It' atnl it .V, A .V4.,iind nrrivltiii ntV wVork at 10 A.M. and 4 All P. M. M,-ei- it g t'atsa.-.-otti.iiti tlicse trains llin.iiyb.betiiat'ii Jersey ( Itv an.l I'tltsl.iiriT, without cliature. . Mull trsfti tor New Ynrh .-aves ll-irrlsharr at 14.', P. M. , Mall train lor llnrrtsloirn haves New Yora al Vi M. Will 1 kll 1, V At.l KY ItAILtttlAli. Trains 1,-aie Pottsitiie nt M-trft a M. an, I )l sip. M.,r tnrnli.i: from Ttisran.ru at ti .v, A . VI . nini 4 :t' p. M HCIIt V I Kll, I, AMI HI'Htil KM ANNA MAI'l KtAAIY. Trains leave Anliiirn at :i 4-', A.M. for Pnn'itroee and , Iltirrt-hiirii, atttl t l-'-o P M t,,r Plni'k'rova ottlv : i-etiirn- lnu Ironi tlHrrlstiora at I HO P. M.,and trunk t'tli.rova al : 7'4o A. At., ana ii V. Al. TICKF.TB. Thrensh flrst-rlass tickets atttl enilvfant tlekets to all the tiit,i'll.al lollits In ttie North mnl Vv-.t unit t'ann.las. Tlie fnllowlitK tlt kets ara ottlatitnlile onW at the olllitaol 8 nKAlirilltD, Treasurer. No -til H. Hit K I H Wtns.'t, Phllatli.,ptla.uror (I. A. Ml'OlX.", tteaeral Huperlauu dent, Itcailliig rOVMI TATION TK'KF.TS, At'n percent, discount, hvliitH'U any palnta daslrad, foriamlllca and tttuis. MII.FAflE TlfKF.TS, r.ood f,tr'2"0 milt s, between all points, at IW-35 each, for families and firms. NKAMON Tlt'KKTK, rr three, six, nine, or twelve uionths, for holdert only, to all points, at reduce,! rates. H.ntliYMI! Itesldlttir on tlm tine of the road w ill ha furnished with cards, eutltllng tlieinaelves aad wive, to twketa at hall fare. FNOI'ItSltYS Tlf'KBTB From Pliltadelpi ta to prttu-lpal stations, good Ihr Rstttr dav . ttnllav. ami Montlse, al reiltictl fare, to he had only at ihe l ukitOllke.at lUlllTtt.MHaBdCALLuvAIUl-L ntn-ett. VRKKIHT. floods nf all descriptions torwartled to all the abort points, from tl.e ('timpani 'a Dew Irelitht depot, IIKOAK atnl Wll.l.UW rltrei ta. I'KKHIHT TltAINS I.esre Philadelphia dally at fl A. At ., I P. M. .and B r M , a slip ntemoranr'naa, speclfylnir tho marks and nisa f,.r Reaillug, limnnn, llarrlithurg, l'utuvilla, Port Clin- tiers, n ippers and t-on.ltnei-a, must In oi ery Instanoa ha ton. and tiolnts bevoud. MAll.fl Cloae at the Philadelphia Post Offlcst for all place, on tha roatl and Its liianrht-s at 6 A. M., and for Uie principal slntlon. onlj at i Ui P. 1. 1)IIlLADKLrillA, GK.UMA.NTOWN, AJS'D NURKlhlOVA M K.MI.IItlAIV. TIMF. TAIII.R. On and after HONHAY, May lu, lfil, antl ftsrthw DoUc-0. FOR (iF.IIMARTOWN. Leave Philadelphia tl, 7, H,n 10.11, 11 A. M.: I,,t ll 3? 4,6. tit,.. 7,H, l, in, H, 1 P.M. it iivetiermalitown.fi, 7, 7 .Ml. K, H 20. f. 10,11,11 k.U. 1 . 7 . :l . 4 . V, ft.tl',.7, H. II, 10. ll, and li P. at. TheS ifldown, and the It; und it trains up, do not .to On tlie lit-rtnatitewn Itrant-li. 1 IIKS.NI 1' llll. I, ItAir.ltOAD. I.rare Phllndi Ipltta, 6, , It', 12 A.M.j I, .1',SV,T. I ami 11 P. M. Leave Cli. sniit HIM, 7'10, , 9'40, 11 40 A. M.; MO, S'40. 8 4U,l,'4o, H'411, and 10 40 H. M. FOIt ( 0.NHIIO1K1CKKN ANT NORRIHTOVFN. Leave Philadelphia, f.tj'if, 11 Ut A. M.; IS, 8, 4 Vf, itfi ,K-(ln. and ll'i P. M. Leave Norrlstown, li, 7, 7'fiO, 9 and 11 A. M. 1 1H, X 0', ami V P.M. The train on, will atop at Wlssahlohon, Manayv.uk and Coiishoi'koti only. FOR MANAY rtVK. Leave Philadelphia. li,b J.',ll uI A. M., 1, 8, 4S, t)), CK.H'tl.', and 11X I'. M. Uave Miiliauuk,li'a,7M,8'lt(), 0k, 11. A.M., 1,1, T, (nd Li.1-, P. at. II. K. RM1TH, Ceneral Hnporlr tenilenL mvlll llt pol, MVI'll and LlttK Slre.'U. VEW HAILKOAD LINK NORTH. Xl I'll 1 1. A 1 lh: I I'll! A TO HKOOKI.YH, 111 Kill ill IN IIVK 1IUIIK8. t ARK P.Xrt'ltSIONTICKKT.S!, IIOOII FOR TllltKP. IIATS. (In Hint alter .Mi IN I1AV , Aur nat t, tii, trains will leava flKitof V1NK Street, Plillatleiphla, evi-r uiornlluf at fl A . SI. (SuliitHys est't'pleil ), diet te hv ttie Camden and At lantic and Kiirltan mid IVelaiiaro ilay Itailn.aUs to Port Monmouth, anil by flic cnmmiMtlous ateauler Jnssa Hoyt, tott'Otof Atltintlt' afreet, Itrooktyu; ralnniinx, leave At liinllc btiuut Vi'liorf avuryday (Htiiidava aaci ptod), at U A Al, Travelers to the city of New York are notified not to apply tor passape hi this line, the Htnte of New .hsmcy liavlnu uranicd lo the Camilen and Aiuboy mnnoiKily tha enrltiHtvc prtvlleite of carr) Ina piiMsi'nit'rs and frclitlit bo twetn Ihe cllli-s ol Pl.Mit.l'Iphln and New York. lyltl-U Vi'. F. I. mi l l 118. tieuernl (superintendent. T F.sST CI1KSTKR AND PHILADELPHIA. RAll.ltt'Alt. V IA Ml UIA. K ItlNll AllltANllF.MF.ST. On and after FIIIKAY , April 1, lr4, Ute Train, winiear s Inltowa Leave Phlladi-lphla. from the IVepot, corner of TH1RTT riKHT and ai AltKF.T NtreeU.il A. M , Il ls) A. M., ti nt) P.M.,4 :W P. M..6-4.', P. M. Philadelphia Hepot chained from F.ltHITKF.NTH and MAIIKLT Btrt-eU to lUlltlY-I IKbX and MARKET Mrt-els. I.eavi- West rhcster,from the Depot on Fast M AttKET Blnot,6"AI A. M.,7 4.'. A. M , II A. M ,'.' P. M..4 V.P M. Thecaraof II. o Vtost Phil.nli 1,'hla Passonuor Railway Compatiy ( Market street) will convey Paaaonger. to ansl tYum the Philadelphia l(,'iot. ON NUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia at 8 IK) A.M. and ?W P.M. Leave West t in ster at H A M. and 4 P. M. Ttallis leaving Phllaile phla al H A M. aud i-'JO P.M., and West Chester al 7'4 A. M. and 4 I,'. P. M., connect with trttln. on the PlnlattelphtH aud Italtlmora Central Riittrontl lor Oxford and Intermediate polnta. jat-tf 1IKM1Y VVOtlll, lleuaral Huperlntandent. IIIILADF.LPHIA, WILMINOXON, AND UALlLMUitK RAII.RIIAU. CIIAMIK OF lltll'ltfl. On and alter JtuNIiAY, Aiujust I, lftH, Passetiftrrfralns lanve Phlladelptila tor liaitlmore at 4 SO i'Ev:pr,., tlondaya exoepted), IPOJ A. It. .11 M.,o-;mard lu ml P. M. Chcslur at 6 Do, ll tlt A. M., 1 JO, D UO, 4'30, 0 00 and UIA P. M. VYIImliurfeji at 4-SO Ofontlay. excepted), 8'06, ll'lil, At., 1 :n.i-Mi,tm,iii, In island I row P. H. New Castle alD'iiM A. M. ami 4 JO p. M. Itover alH n.', fl. M. and 4 JO P.M. Mlllold attliv A, M. Halishury at K tn ft. Vt. 'I HAINI4 FOR PHIl.ADF.M'IIIA. Leava Italtimore at '4,'t, U IU A. Si. (Kxpros.), 1 1, 6".", anil in v.. P. it. W'llu.lntlol. at 1 P, fi t'., V A. U U'M, 1, 1 44, 4'00, 4 J, Tandt) lu P.M. Mallslniry al I I'M A M. JhlK.nl at'J 4,', P. M. Itover al f! 41 A. M., and 4'IH P. M, IS. wl'abtl, at K.IH A. M , aa.t (J-J7 P. St. ( ..aler at7 4.'40A. M..l'UU.'J4.'t.4 4tl. 6'fsV.7-5fl. '40 I'.M. Leave Btilttmoro furKallshuryaudlnturmodlaveiftaiioss, at lo if.'. P. M. Leave llaliiinore for Dover and Intcnnt dlaW autlon at l'iup M. TRAINS FOR BAI.TIMDKh'. Leave fluster at It 411 A. M , a I..A anil lit". X M. Leave YVllmlnulou at S ., -i: A. M., a M and Il ea P.M. Freii,'lit Train., with Passenger Car attached, will run a. fitllnlt S : Lt uie VVIIwlitgton for PeiVfvllleaiidlntermeillateptace. at 7 4', P. M. HI NIA) H Only at 4 JO A. M..10f0 P.M., from PMlav- dt'lptilu to Ralttuiore. From l'l.lludi lpl.lu to VVIltiiltiKton al 4'JO A. M., 10'JO, and II P. VI. 1 loin Wlimlneton to Philadelphia nt 1 4N A. M. and T'OO P. M. Only at IAI-J6 P. M , trom ilnOtiiior,t to 1'lilln.l, Iplna. a4 H. F. hKI.Nt.) , Siipcriiilend.-nl. M ST Jl USKY HAILKOAI) LIXES 7 1 un si.J rtit. r l'l:l'.s.i) i , h, p'nu'H-r t., loi.i, will It-.11 e frvtii ahml !tr, , t Wi ur' u- f'.,i,,w, I OK C Y I'K MAY. AI I'. 11. F, r S.ili ni ;i',d llri.lif, n, at A. M. tin.l I P.M. f. rl.tassMiri.. al ! A. M "I i un 1 4 P.M. l.,r W o. ,l,nry. e.,l ! A. .VI . nn.l Pi .v...i sti.l I P. M. 1 or (.loiatstt-r. A. ., ..t it A. .vl.. 1-' M-. .1, 4, .uiu 0 P. vi. 111.11 11' I'M. 1 l.'Al.Vs tt.A K f.-pe Mm .1' i. A, M. -VI,, nil.,- .11 C'i,7 A.M. i-.di in at tl A.M.. mid II'. I'. M in I, Let.. n at .. 1'. A. VI., I , '1. M. i.:.i it 7 I" an.l :.' 1 7 A. M., .tit.l '2 2' P. M. VV o, ilht.rj' .it 7, 7 lo nn.l tl 17 A. .l ui.U '.') I'. M. TIIK YV1 KT .11 K.HI.Y EYPItF.SilCOYlPAMV'. fYii;..N. t ai m r tsiiei t, ii ,u . .ui i.i- ..n i u iv-r it.i'-i.i i-, anil lit., -li t 1,, ,ili Ho- i.sniil br.itu ,es ,,l iiii,--ig htlftl.itti. A fil tlioll lLessen,.T ,i , in; Anl-s c.i,''i tr., n, J. VAN l;KNS-.l-:i.A-.l!, 30-tl buimiai.iii.lbiit. 1 )111L.1)K1 l'HIA AMI nAI.TlMOU I" CKN 1 THAI. It VII I..IAH, Ol'I.lv" lu (.U'lJitlJ-M KlMJ AltllAM FMI NT. l.ii utm itir I Ri DAY,. April I, let,), tha train, wt.l leava as !..;i,,ws . 1 h. L LAjsTWAKIV. I IV.4.VE YVKtlTWMIJD. fitiM,i t: ,m "ji. p.'ila.leti.hta.... ats J ..i Wen i i.eslor... I it 4 ' I VV. 1.'. JilliCi.OH "A 4 i: i',.i...'i.i ''-'; 4 41 l li.i.l.l sl'urtl,... -I'll b'.AI Kellll.'tl l"'"-' fi I , A iA.iul.ile It' -1 li .',. lli'-l t.iuie I"" t'l a nt ostoi-.i in '.il 4 Itl 4 ill ill Il .1 till (i i7 .',.',1 YV est t ,1'ove i Aiontl,tlA- I t'J hn,.i.",l J - I I'l.s.l.l a Fold. .. .7 ii t..ncord '' vv.t ..liinitk.u..'lJ l'hiiml. I.lna 'J'J'i VA esl I lie.t, r 1' 7 J T ) Passeiuter li.'r' m Plilladelplna has h.'etl rh.lii .e.l Irolo !mh..l,.l llaitsl slieotj. to lllllUY-Hiittl' and F.ik V, J i, i. i. v ,r-,t. West I'lithi.till In. Ma.k.t Slnel I I'.issoiiser JtailnayCoiai;viie l'as.iiier. to and Uoal ''i'iitL'ors go through wtttiont ehaiue of ear.. Jet " Utlattir WtOi), niiVAiiuiwavloat RAILROAD LINES. 1M AHRANORMRWTS OF 1QM ' JOHi xrvf ohk irM. ICHr T he famlfn ftnl Amlrf-y and PMIais1ftfA anil Trnto Kailr-mi Prtnpniff Linrt from PhlU.lelWila to ! and Mar !'ia lh M W Af.MtT HlfchKT WUAtr, Win l iy ii r'lHowti, vii. raaa. At ft A af ,v.(iaim an A.ty, 0. and A.Ao- r..tnmt -latkn At A. M . t i (un id m and Jvit ( ttr. Uormium npr.- ;;. t ot At Vi M . via r-imrl-n and Atal. ij, (j and A. Aomoi- mnt:ntt , fJ . At P. !. via Canidt'D and Amtw.y. c. and A. K- I pn- Mi ! At I C. M, h I flrmlpn BMd Amlmj, Ar(ynim'Mla(lnn 1 1 rrlirl-t and PmM'iinr) I'Tf At P. M., la aimlwi and AiilKy, ATnrnoJwUua riRitaod I'amiiffir) It ( lAn Ikkvet f-W ! i w. la t aino n ana Amimf Ac-('wirt,Mia- tl'-n ( frMidht and I'uMi-ntii'i). lot ('Liaa TlnktM t-fl 11 'a- itfi 1 r of Mpii h Cliiink, AHtMit-'Wn, ntl.loli'a, IMr14(, Ka-ton. I amhrTtvli , I- it mlnirton, Ac , A P. M. I r I.tiittNtriMl a nnrt tut'rniisllatp HiatlotiN. at ft P. M. T Mount linv, Kvarmviife, !'im(wtotI, an 4 VUKi town, at H A. M.. ami A I. M. I or 1 r. fhnid t A, m. nnd P. M. t-r Palmyra. t(iirriin, lu lanro. Ilirrly, fliirl'nrtnn. ri-Tfroa. Koritrnr.wn. Mr., at A. M., 13 M., 1, A a, an.i r m , mt ii-maatl.-.p. M. Hum run diraat throua to I r nte ti. I- nat'i rp. R1,mon' ,,l,,nco. Beverly, tul BurUa Ht. an.tH.ta Tr.ntn, fr Hrlitd, Brtrtlnirtnn. nrarty, lom-ivtlm. r,i M ;;" m A M.aodi i P. M. wilt teav ,- as f, r vss Ai 4 A. M., niKi.t i ia Kftiinirtvn and Naw Tot ta s.l.lini. ti ami w v rs Mall tff(al Al 1 1 in A. M ., ia Kensinittoti and J.',, 'J'i'iiV ti- PIS S Al 'i I. at., via K, n.liwiuii mid jrInJ Cllrjta. I'ttss l At i,'..' P. M.. via Katisinuinn an.l Jutssi C'llr, V astttii.-t(.ti islitl Ni-W Vors t-vprfss..,. (at Hiiinla In s ti'HV, at 4 a. M. and ft t.V P. M." Thar Witt be tin lint- at 4 A. at. i Nlalit) on M,in,lass. Kiir VValtT lisp, h'rou,lslirK, H, iMitnn. WltltusbartAa, M.tntroAo. llrt-st lli'tiii. M'ltirli f'tiiina, Allon'own, Itathns- lit tit, lli-lvi,lirp, t.sstoii. LaiiilKTlvill., t tomtntrtoii. Ac, a4 7't A. at '1'ltl. Itttr i-.-nti. i t - una tlit train Icavloa kastoav fi.r Mam 11 ( t iiiik .At :l it't P V. t or l.atnl.nvllii- anil Intcrmotllata sHtVAns at t P. M. r..i uriaiui, litinitui, Ac, at i l, una tl la A. af., ao4 1 IV M li.r Itt'lttifFlittrff, Tarnnf, Wl isttotllltir. t.rlilsslmrs'.aaj Vrai.hl. M at II A. At., ,V,6 16, anil It 1'. M. The II A. M. Lla rims tn lirfst.,1. tor Nrw York and Way l.litfS lavlna KenAttiaa I n pot. titSr flic furs on 1 lull stttii't, atii.ve VV alntit. half an litmr l.t'ft.ra ilrpartnro. Tin-Cars run Into tlta 1 pot, antl tin tirrlTiil of iit h train run front rfie licpot. I-mi iiotiiiila of hiii'Kfivf' tiiljr aliowail aah passntinr. I'as., iif.i.rs arc pniliil.itt'd from ts.int.' anytt.iiia as bairaKAi fut tin Ir tt-ai!nr anpNtPl. All Ittinitiiu nvar fifty pnantla to It ralit for extra. Tl.e f 'tittipan II.Dtt tltt'lr rusponal tllttv lor hain't in One llollar tier potintl, and will not a li.tl,l tr any auiuuut twytmtl fliio, aaoapl by apoial eaajl tta.t. t'.rAliani'sTtsiri.-.ie Ksnnsss will rail for and dclfTarhaf aai.-f al lli Drpots. Ortlers I" he tail at No .1 WAI.ISUT sti.'.-t. wm. lt. UAT7.MRH, Aaraaii. Aiiin.t.tt(. 11MS IIIUM Nf.W YOHK FOR PHILADKLPIItJl WILL I.KAVR From foot of Coartlunn street at VI K. and 4 P. If., Ttav .lersav f Its am i lu.i.len : at 7 and Itl A . at ., P. at., au4 I'i l Ntfl.t) v la Jrrsfy Cttv antl Kensington, r rom fool of Hats-lav straat, at 6 A. M. suit 1 P. M., trla Amttoy and t'iianil.-n. Trom Pier No. I North River, at 1 M., I an II P.M. (1 rvta-ut and Pasaotuior) rla Anitior and Camdea. fKKIGHT LINKS FOR NEW YORK AND all ihe stations on tho Camden and Am boy antl aoa not'tlng Railroads. IM'ItF.Asr.l) PF.SPATCH. The Camden and AuiIm.v ItailMad and Tran.portatl'va Company's 1 reiitht Lines fir New York will leaeo Walnut atit ti wharf, on ant alter January 8, daiis- (nustlays axe. C l teitl at 4 o clock P. M. hrturt.uiK, ilia abova Llns will leavo HiwYork all aast 4 r. m. Krclsht mnst be delivered baton 3P.M.to ba for. warded the same uav. t ret. hi l,.r Trentou, Princeton, Klngaton, New stninsv wlt.k. and all points on tl.e Camden and Amtioy Railroads, also on lha ll.'lvldfre, tlelan are. anil Flamlmrinn, tiia Mair Jersi-T, the freehold and JamesbutK, and Uie Kat-nngtoa and Mount Holly Kallroada, rtM-alvod and a .awarded up tav li.'t o'chH k P. hi. buiall pavokactea lur Mouut UoKy received, up lo a o'clock P. M. The ltertrl.fero lielaware Ralfroad eowiaeti nt PMTH po tt tint with the Lehlkh Yallee Kallroad. 1 ho New Jeraaw Ifatlroad connerta at Eiualieth with tho New Jersey Central Kallroad, and at Newark with lha Morrta aad j'.ssi'i KHitroaa. aent with i-et-h loud of aeods.orno receipt will bear Increased tnt-llltlt s havlnn been made tor the trans portav- tlen nf I tir S ItS'K. rintvnr, are Invited tn trv Hits ran ha. W hen the slock Is furnished In quantities of TWO CAB f LOA I) or more, it will be d. llransl at the foot of FortleUl I street, near the Drove Yards, or at Pier No. I NonJs Y 111. nr mm tl.e .hlnnnr, mi. ri.ll.nst. at the tl m A Of tlM .T alitpiueut. SVALTKK FRKKMAN, Freight Agent, J Ko. 'in" a. Delaware avenue, PhU bilaiJ, ipiiioe- Oto. n. RAY MONO, Freight Al"ate J.5 tr I'ler lio. I N.orih Hirer, Maw lots. HIT.ATYELFHIA AND TRENTON ANIJ CAAIDKN AMD AMROT K AILUOAD COMl'AN UUtis NOT ICR. Onar.dafs.'rMONDAY.Januaryt.lttfM. the Train, ft New York, leaving Kensligton Depot, Philadelphia, aft e'li A.M. (Night), and i ltd P. M., and tho trains teavlagj New York at HA M . and 7,1o P. M., will herenfiar be run exclusively ftir We United Mute. Mull, aad New York and Washington Passengers. and wlM bios talis in nor leg out anv pnist'tigers between said cities. Ihe 111 A. M. and li MianUht Lines from New Tort fu Washington, and the 11 60 A. M. and 6 P. M. Linos froaa WaslilugUin lo New York, will continue as at present, and curry (tasseniiers to and from the Intermediate alailooa aa4 ' ltaltlniore, Vl'ashlnKton, and New York. ARUANtU.MEMS llKTWKKN I'ULLADELPIU A AND NKW YORK. Line, leava Philadelphia, from Kensington Bepot, at 11 1, A.M ,40(1, and tiVi P. M., and ll'W uildnlght, aosl IromVA sUnit Btreet Wharf (via t'.sioden), at audi A. M., IS M., 4 and HP M., tor Hew York. Aiidleiivi B New York, from foot of Courtlandt street, at 1 A.M , Id A. M , II M .4 and (I P. M , and at 11 naut ili! lit, aud Horn foot of llarctuj street at A. M., audi P.M. YVM. A. OATZMKK, )a&-tf Agent. lU'-. CKNTnAI. RAILROAD. l0V'4e TIIK llltPAT ltdllltl.K-TKArK SHORT ROHTR Tt TIIK H'KST, NOI.'TIIWF.ST, AND BOI1TU WRKT. Kiiuii.euls ami facilities for the aafe, speedy, ajul oonr- : fi.n.hie tiitnsponiiiJoaof passeugors, uusiupaaac4 by ajuy , route In the counlri. Trains leave the Depot at ELEVKNTH and KASKKT ' Btret ta as ftitiowa htiul '1 rain at 7-tS A. hf. Fast ,ini ul lli A.M. TliroUvh Fx pres. al I" P.M. Parkeshurg Train, No. l,at 10 00 A. M. I'arke-burgTraiii.No.l.at 1 HOP. M. HurrlsPurg Acc.lumodallon at I'.YtlP. M. Lancaslet Train at 4UUP.M. I'aoll Accouiniodallon (leave. West Phllailul- pine) at ffJOP. MT. Through Passrniters by the Fast Line rea.'h Ataoona fba? upper, whetc v. Ill be found extollant accommodations for , . the nlrtat at the Lo--an House, and In the morning ma? ' take either lha Philadelphia or Haltimore Kxpress, eaah otf ' which niakea eomcctlona at Pittsburg for aU potnU. da.vlight view la thua ailurdedof Uie enure Una audita mm ulllcent scenery. T ha Tlmitigh F i press Train rung dally; all tha othar traiua dally, except nutttla) a. FOR UTTHBl ltd AND TFtlt WENT. Tlie Mall 'Inun. Fast Line, and Through F.xpras. ooav. nect at Plttshie-gwllh through tralnaon alt diverting roadaf from that M,lut, North to tlie Lakes, West to the Missis sippi aud Missouri Rivers, and Hotith aad (southwest to all points accessible by railroad. Through Tlcketa to Oleve lend, De(i(ili,('iik-ai:n, eit Paul, Coluiuhn. , Indianapolis, St lnils, Leavenworth, Kansas, Whi'ctlng. Davton, Cln clnnail, liulsvilli., Cairn, and all other principal point, and baggage checked through. INDIANA llKAM IlK4lt.ltO.AD. The Throurh Fxpress. leaving al 10 M P. M., aonnecta at Itlalrsvllie Inierscrtioii with train on this road uc lllntrsvllle. Indltitia, c. LUF.NSHt RII AND CltK.SSOM BRARfll RAILROAD. 1 he I'hrough Express Train, leut isu; at lt)'JV P. M..oon nccts atCrcsn:;,, i,.is A M.,lth atrtvlu on tl.e ro.4 for I l.cri'loirg. A train also leavca Cics.on for tbensburg I h'lor.M. llOl.t.lIIAViHl'RIl RR A NTH 0Al. The Mall Tram at J-ii A.M., and Through F.xpraaa nt 10 ' P. M., connect al Altooua Willi UalSs lur ilollidAya hiirg ullBP M. and 8 Hi A. M TV Kt tv F ANIl CI.F.AIIUF.I.n PRAWrH RAfT.ROATt. T he '1 1. rough Kxpress Train, leaving al 10 JO P. M.. aoa nei ls at Tyrone ntth a train lor eiandy Itl.lge and Philllpa burit. mid lii Itsl.l Esgle Valley Kallroad lor Port Mania Mllesl.tirg, atid ltt-lletotite. HI NI IM.l.tlN AMD RROAD TOP RAILROAD. 1 he I hrough Kt press Train , leaving al 10 il P. M . , cota. attts al llutitiiigdon with airalu fur Hopewell audUtoodjr Itun at fprx: A X JtOKIiimtN CBNTRAI. AND PHILADELPHIA AMD Fit IK RAII.IttlADrt. For Sunl.nrv, Wllliauisport, Luck Havan, Elmira, Ro chester, liullalo. nnd Nlauera Falls, passengAU'S lakuig that . MatlTrHin at 7"ii A. M., and tha Turouuh F.xpress at ltl;:0P M., dallv except Pundnys, go dlre.'tly through, wltlioul cl.ante ol ear. betwoen I'tuladeiphU and WU liauisiMirt. For VttltK. HANoVK.lt. and CI'.rrYHIttUKl. the train leav ing tit H A. M. ami '2 J) P. ftl.. connect at (Joluuhln with trains on llie Noilhern Central Railroad. CUMIIKIILaND VALLEY HAILKOAD. The Mad '1 rain at 7 'fi A.M., and through e-xprea. n Ifi-.'s. P.M., coimi-ct at llarrlslturg with trains lur Carllal, C'ltanibcrshitrt', and Haverstoii u. WAVNKHltl 11(1 UK ASCII RAILROAD. The trains Wiivlntt al 1"il A. M. and H'JO P. M., connoot at Itowtiingti'W u Willi trains on tliia lo.vd lo Wayuabur( anil ' .1 intt-i nit ilmlc st.ll.iliA. For fuitlier information apphv at the Pusgeneer Statloav 8. P.. coiner ut tXk,V IN I II .nil MAUKF.l si tree is. J A N F.S I '( i 1 1 r. N , Tit ket Agent. CfVMMl'TA'l li IN TICKKM. For I, ft,,., or I'i nioiilhs, at very low rates, (l.r lha ao ri.niiiiudallou of itersoii, living out of lown.aciooatadogt or neur the line ol the roud. cut PUS TICKF.TS, For '.fl trips hate t anv urn p, .mis. at about two cent per mile. Tit, -e ti.-kets .ire Inlfii.ts.l for the use of fcuulea iruv . ling tr.. iii-nily, and are of real atlvauUna lo Hereon xuaxilig occwsioUdl trip,. M IlitOI. TICKET", F-.r one r.r three uioiiti.s, tto' ihe j.eoi scholars attendlnf; Ii -ho, ,1 in lh i tjv ms rMtll)ikn0S4 An FllJi-rart Ao ,-i.iui ,c'io i tielu le.ives Vo. 1"7 Dock tirvet uft-y (.-tLMt iis eiv'i i.'.li at 4 o', ,ck P. M .otrerin. a .'..ml 'Its', Ie ru 'itr i.r Hat ,1 to tniinlies c.'ltig West, a t t.ns-li.ill tl.e iisin.1 rate ol fire. I'm tti-ll lar alti-ulltint. a..l t l.rtg.' .ee, 1,11 u Inch cl.iv a .ue uivuu. and baga loiviar.ltl t; lh' same na n i. '.!, .i.sc.iarn. 4 IT lUll UiloiUl.l'l-'ll. Ai-l-l'. to I'll VNJlfJ I I'NK, Fmttrrsnt Acenr, o. 1 '7 HOUK, oin-et. M V t4 Ult'lAl K t VI'l.'t.At. An accnt 1 1 tlm re,i-bk tvi I'otuiaiiy win rasa I tl. tli , I t in he. rc te.i. -Litis' the. l, po!, and take uav l i h. . ss an.l ,1. livi r h.i..i.Hitc to tu.y pan ol tl citv. ItnK-i;.,i-1, I, I.i- i.t ll- .1 tor proinpilv w:.. n orders are lull al Ui I'us.ei'g. i It. pol.l.lev. ii him I Mark, t .iriets. Tl.e travur In,' put, lie uixu.-i iid " " it " ' -'.'trc'y icinnilt. i u;i:it,HTN. Itv 'his tS'iite frtliitits of a, I descriptions ran b for w.ir.le I P. at.u tr. ui any pcinfa on lite i.uiroaas ot Ohio, Kent. i l v. I.i.l .ui.i. l.llii. is, YV t-i.oll-111, lo'V'.l.or Missouri, l , re. If itd .Itrt'. t.or to .t-.v is.iiit on the navigable waters ol t ,i Vt'e .t, to st- et.i. re trout I'lttslmtg. 1 1..- r .if. ol'ti'-u f io u. tl from any point in th YVe.a; I v li.i' P i)iistvai,iTl'ii:ial Um.rog.l uie nt alltuuea a faioial.le a- nre , I arueil l,y other ltxlr-.a.! ( 'onipanles. . Men limns na.1 si. ipoi r, eninisting the trmisportation of ti.i-ii ti. is l.t to tins Company can rely w ith uouadeuoa on) lis sp, iiilj liaimt. t or hcoilit lui.irftcts or stilt, ping dlrccUoui, apply to Oa a.l In s.- n i- Asent- ot tlie l'onip,ii y -. s. Ii. KINi.l't.s, Jr., Pinluililuhia.. D. A M'W All I', PltlsUuis. t I.AUK .V CO., C!iK'.o. I I tt 11 A ( o.,,o. 1 Asior ltouie.or Vo. 1 8. Willi Itr. , i, N. w Ys k. 1 I F.t II A AO, Vo. 7,7 YY'neMn -ton street, Bosten. YV1I 1.I.1M IIHOYYS, No. Hi NoilU sUoel, llaltiaaor. 1 Am ul jiesiijuo CeuUaa iluilway. , Oeuaral Frsvight Ag, n't. Piui''l1li LbVUrl L. ', , , .' OinaraJ Ticket si. m, I'i.' "''J.'i' fnim'H I t"!: Pe eetieral lupluteua-us, iue. il f j