JUMatHH . TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH FITILADELriliA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 18G4. c Gluing .degrapli SATURDAY, REPTRMBKR 21, lsfil. T1IF TOI.I'NTF.r.lffl TKIOI, llT MIS II. C. BOOTH. list rlcht t lay in the rain. And looked np to heaven ttiro:i(th the nl'-ht, A viclon rnmo o'er me, ami liirht'.l mv hrniri With a ?l..rv thiit never wlil Hood itnpHin This tide of llio Klvor of Light. And I lif Ar.l a woet onnil M it enmc, Like tlie llutL-r of liulliery wink's, And tlie voice of eri'li kept lallinir my nmn", And her breath In my tiesscs went playim; the name A the nir fn an infttramriu'i strings. I told my wilil heart to be still, 1 ht the vision wus nnuulit but a dre.un, For I knew not that over tlie ami; thy. it hill The feet of my darling I ad wand rud at will On the banks ot Kternily' mreiun. I said to tlie seraph-winged lilrd, O, why have yon come, from th- West ? And ehe told how the liuvus of the I'uiTHt were utirred By the feet of th ntagelii who brought her the word Of a land where the weary may ret. heaaid she wan tired and faint, And her heart whk all covered with nnn : The anitels they heard bcr nnuticreil onnphiint, iLey called her, and bro ight her the rubes ot a aitit, And she said she was ready to iro. 1 told her the l)loHoms were sweet In the meadows the same a of yore, Hot she showed me the devr on her sp irkliiiRfoet They had caught of the lilies that hundred tlio street By the sands of the Tarndiso shore. J anhed her how long 1 must wait Jlcfore 1 should meet her alar, And I prayed her unfold me the hook of my fate, Dut the vunir-hed, uud jmsmjil Uirough the crys talline fate Che had left in her coming ajar. Pear Ilneh, there's a battle to-day. And perchance I may happen to fill ; If I'm not at the call ol the roll, you may s iv A good-bye to the loys in my name, for 1 may Have said "aye" to an angel's call. ME? LIBER ALES. A SOYKI, IN Till'. I Rl:N II SI VI i:, AIOIHT18 WATTS. 1. On the first day of May, 18i0, a man walks ran idly down the Hue Ilivuli. Oilier mi n are walking rapidly in the same trect on the same day. 1 his man cannot be dis tinguished from the rest, Ho turns a corner and is lost to view. At this point, this comer, this mvsterious start ing place of a dim future, hs vanishes from our Stvry. Cod bkss him '. li. In the Faubourg St. (iermain, which Is not far lroro the Faubourg St. Anionic, there are several churches. One is enough. Our story forces us to enter it. It is empty. J.et us go out again. in. lr The man who vanished has reappeared. You tj know such things do happen. He enters the . church. He crosses himselt with holy water. He :' .'n puts three sous in the box for the poor which ' si, bangs spniiist the wall, lie kneels upon a hard 1 J fooltttool and moves uneasily in his pravers. V ..... 'Hijy erjiets, puts down a cushion, and, kaccl- ") "ifnTi -Tn it, remains motionless. CusUions uru flM:tler ihan luotst")lri. . W ho is the man 1 You and I know him. He is an eseaced convert, and his name is J acmes Mont Jacoucs. 'Who is the lady ? She is the Contesao do Tric trac, and her income is a million livres. Bui for the interposition of a wise I'mvlilrnco the might have been a convert, and he the t'on tesse de T. Who knows? Such is li to. A rela tive of the a at nor of this book wus a Coiitcsjc, and bticunio a convert. IV, Jr.enncs Mont Jacejues raises his head and looks around. At this moment ho istenilile. llo ai proaches the km elmg lady, who kindly uecdi Llm not. lie purines. He admires tlio i licet, of the light Irom a .tained window upon her bend ing head and shoulders. lie draws a deep uich, and casting a look of devili-h de-pair at ihe ci uciiix over tlie altar, ho taki s Aom the laily's rcticulo cix silver plates, nd darts ont of the church. I'll it man is to b.: jiiikd. He is on too point of becoming a good niun. She calls after him. He has forgotten the can Olesiicks. He accept them lio:u her white hail 1 with a low Low, and piomies to do better in futuie. Also, that ho will wear motuuiug for too lady when bhe dies. v. Just round the corner from the ch'ireh lie meets a sweep. The sweep's u.ium is Jetty lVrvav. Jacques Mont Jacques pitches forty sous with the awet-p, and wins them all. The sweep has no more tons, and cues. Ho will soon stop crying and starve, that is all. Cry and starve, or else laugh aud grow fat tuoh in Hie. It u the fault 01 society. I. Capital punishment is of no use whatever. It delorms its viciims without reforming them. The writer of this story and all his relatives are down on the guillotine, ever since it. came so Dear being down on him. If the guillotine had its dues, it would tukc away nearly all the characters in this ron.ance. It would behead society. Therefore, a taa I guiiUitint I A good bishop whom the author once knew, and wiio was nervous, also disliked the guillotine. It is disliked by several good men and all ba l onea. The hi-hop 1 speak of u-ed to turn away his head when be parsed it. Worse men than be have approached Bearer, and lost their heads altogether. This It a terrible idea. A beautiful woman, with no hair, and two front ttetb gone, is unfortunately engaged in a street tight. Her name, since sbo took to dritikiuir, is Canteen. She has a child, which is christened .Dphorbia, and she calls it I'i.en, for abort, bucu is the wondrous etymology of mothers, battling all the philologiuiib ! I knew a good old lady whose grandson's name was William, and the called linn Dill ! The fate ot little l'izcn, who was put out to board hall way between Puris and the street light of which we have spoken, is relutcd in the last chapters af the second story of tills series, alter the description of the btttio of Hunker Hill, and few pages on ibe Art of War as played out by the Young Napoleon. All the young Napoleons are humbugs. Al ton!! VI 11. Jacques Mont Jacques, having sold tho silver plates and set up a Htote in Maiden l.ane, in the lownot No-Sur-.No, is now called Father Matdcu ianc. He is acknowledged, even by too bon tun, to be a licneluctor, and worth half a million. Ho wears mourning for the Countess of Trictrac. It is he who rescues Canteen, knocking down JLI. Jabtrs, SuMriniendetit of Police, llo takes ker to the hospital, where he owns ten beds, and put Lev into one ot them. She is going to die. The Sinters of Charity ur-:.' all ready, hut aons. ManicnJatic- ha an emi:.'c went to attend Court, and the de itii b-d is jio.t jjontd for suveml chanters. This is nothing Mrimgc. Kveiyiio'ly would postpore n dea h-beil It he vere able." 'liitt author ot' this story iv ut.,o Mons. Mai'h nh'.tjc nev -r went t Cour before liilice he Was first converted, ll-i feels nervous. He whips tho livery horse until patience on the liait td the horse nii'k'ri'ocs a triiunfonii iti n. It cvnscs to be a virtue. What it be omes is of little roust quern e ; lor it disappears altogether. The lioise kicks the buguy. 'i he buggy w brol.en. ll is impossible for Mous. Muideiiliine to proceed, lie proceeds. Ho reaches the Court-room just in time. Tie gdes on the piisomr at tlie bar. He sees it is not Miuscli, uud e . i'-iu es unto .1 ugouies. The piieoncr lit the bar is in a bad hx. .Mons. Ha'deiihinc rises from Ins sent and interrupts tlie. 1'Toi t edii.(;s. Jniring that awful niomcnt his Imp turns white. At tbl- j oint, the crow ue J Coin t Ioim Is pcrvmh d Willi a shudder. He suys: -.N"i;ot tha' man, but 'noMier man :" The people, tho popu ace, quick t ) iw'm, twi'. The iMstrii r Attorney lecogining the phrase of the Immortal Toooies thinks Mous. Maiili niane to be mail, or someibn g quite as disreputable. a Qihiinc', quiet, I i in voire, never to be for soiteu.aud iu h-vi ikI way rtiuarkahle, Moll-. "'denlai, coutli.u.d: Wy tiiinr u not Noi vnl. It is .Trtcqtus Mont IiIhI'Ti11- iK. j"u dnI' l)Uevo it, look M your Wue-iiicUaimi,ptl,ai.rs;. kiiuul ion. life. Met , . 7 "l remari.aom lint 4.s iuule;.u, juill., Wlli;U u U. Jubers, Kuperiiiteiiilent of IVdce cn'crs 1 He is more than terrible, he Is sublimely' loninie' lie is symbolic, llo is surrounded by iutiuue .'cj Ihe, Jie jic-isormics awlul d'fmtks, Jacques Mont Jacques hits him with a bed po't. lie sees stars. Now I will go with you," says JncUcn Uont Ja'tiics. XI. Heing po-'Ccd of hereulenn strenrth, he has tscHptd from prison ami come luck to his own room, frirhtrniiiK the chamlx-rmaid. Ilu tuvls Sister Satiit Kroid. She is sad; the pernsul ol story by the author of this one ha made her, not a nun, hot a woman. At this moment she is positively trnnMif up d, and her eves are red. H. Jtihers comes up the stairs taikinc loudly. The escaped convert poes behind the door. Tlio Ulster kneels in front ol hiin. The Snnerinieti'l ent 0tis the diKrr, seei thu Sister, and a-kn : "Are jou alone .-" Ml. Pi'icr Sanp KroM never told a lin In her life. To-day, Hhe Ih-k, 1ii lies. Shu says "I a:n alone, upon nir word and honor; m ,y I lnye to drop tie a.l this bleed mlnii'e if I ain't." It is the opinion of the author thu this remark, al though a lie, was muro Until mil"' .'nt. It was lirsl-cU'S aiifc'i lie m. That niaflit .Tannics Mont Jac.iics silently and forever h it Nu-S-ur-No, carryimr a p irtm mteaii, in which were half a million limns, two candle sticks, anil a piece of chcen'. I, i no mil! tear lor his life. It is the author's intention to keep him alive for lour volumes more. Thc-o volumes will also contain the inli ne of 11 linker Hill, the entire llevouitionary War, ami a ercitt dial about senen, n hie ti Is pleasant reading. xiv. H may be asked what connection the title of this work bears to iis con'ents. None whatever. A NOBLE WORKING MAN OF OLDEN TIMES. One May morning, in tho year l i.'lU, the inhabi tants of the little 1'ietieli town of Saintos were both astonished and angry to see that a poor family had come to reside among them. They would have rejoiced to see a well-to-do household come, hut they had no welcome to give to these poor people. On Inquiry, the neighbors learned that the he id of the family was a painter on glass, t ailed fami liarly Ileruard. As lie was a very quiet, indus trious man, the fears that his family would be a charge on tho town gradually suh-ided. l'.ut there was soinelhllli' that they did not umh r-tund. The man was always kneading clay and baking it, and making various experiments in trying to glac it. Why should he neglect his reeular trade, and injure Ins wile and family by all this Iruilless trounlc, which never seemed to end in his making anything worth looking at r Hut the silent llcrnaid was not a niun that could be much inlericred with. He was very sober, a kct pi r at home when others were at the wine- houso ol' an evening. So tlie neighbors were, content to call him an unsocial fellow, and began to eye him with distru-t, if not dislike. How soon prejudice springs up in the mind, and bow bad aic its eliccts! If these suspicious neighbors hail been less hutv iu judging llcr naid, they would have found that ho was a man to whom a gnat idea had come; and that he could mil rest until he hud worked it out. This llcrnaid was very religious, and Ins religion showed it-elf in his being in earnest iu all that he did. He believed that iod as honored by every fin ul'y being tledicined to linn ; and full of the belief that it was Cod's appointment that ho shoald lulHir at his experiments, be continued to work on, unmoved by tho jeers of some of his neighbors and the ccusiires ol others. There were, however, some who pleaded with him ibat it was tliihcult to resist. These were his wile and children, who. alter ihcy su-v that the husband and father had tailed in many of his attempts, implored him to give up his plans, what ever they were, and return to the pursuits that would piovide for the wants of the household. Iu wim l'.eriianl told them that if he succeeded in making what he was in tempting that he should cinfer u gient boon on the world, and, by (lod's blessing, would enrich them : they mourned over his li uitless toils as the delusions of a madman. At length when, in order to heat Ins furnace, Her nan! uetually tore down tlie leuee of his gar den, autl also ripped up the llo n ing for fuel, there was an outcry that tho experimentalist was insane. Just as their patience was quite exhausted, and they were ready to rush out and bring in those who would curry tho bend ot the house to some placo of restraint, liernaid littered a cry of joy, for he brought out of his iiirnaecun enamelled cup ol a kind of pottery until then unknown. This wus the work lie had been toiling toaeliieve, anil now success crowned hisetlbrts. Directly the rumor ol this discovery was miide known the neighbors saw at once its importance, uud spread the tidings fur and near. The king (lleniy HI, of 1 ranee) sent for the ingenious woikiuan, ami having assured himself of the great value of the discovery, give him a patent, ai d put him at the head of an establishment called the Royal ltustie. I'otiery, and the in ventor became known as Ileruard 1'alissy, of the Tuiicrics. The prijuilices of his neighbors and the poverty ol his family noiv all passed away. Jiy his useful invention ol'eii.tmelled pottery, ho was the nnunsof givmg tinplowiicut to liuti drcils, and increasing the conveniences ol domes tic hie. l or all tlie articles in u-u in the home, none are mere conducive to cleanliness und com fort than good, n.-elul potury. In the possession of this, we Kuglixh people surp.i-s tlie world, thanks to our Wedgewoods, Upodes, and Cope lands, Minions, and others. But in tho times we speak of, liernard l'ulis-y was the inventor and benefactor who first gave to modern Kuropo specimens oi improvcu pottery. Hut it was not permitted to this earnest man to njoy in quietude the results of his long cureer ot toil. When be wa old and lonely he had to bear bis testimony to the laith that he professed. It wus a time of teuiblu religious persecution, and thu aged potter was shut up iu the liastilu. Tlie king, who professed both to admire and like the ingenious workman, visited him in prison; and finding that ho could not alter l'alissy's opi nion, he suid, us he wus about to take leave of him : "That be was afraid he should be obliged to leave 1'alissy In the hands of bis enemies." The old man replied to tlie monarch : "You have suid repeatedly, sire, that you pity me. Hut 1 sincerely pity you. He obliged that is no royal expression ; 1 will teach you a kingly language. Nor you, nor all your people shall obhee me to deny my faith. No, 1 will die first." Surely among the honorablo class of workers this inau deserves to be hud iu grateful remem brance. JiritinU W orkman, I la- utll-kiiow u nsuie of the C'laul' jt.ivitl Pdlitce Iu Parlt, Is taken ovm '1 lie -tvorkn. Ill l.lt i ll. MflASI ltt.ll K.MS. We often read of delicate admeusuring, so in in ii to as to be surprising, and the question at once presents itself, by u hat means such extra ordinary precision can he sustained as will, for instance, give us the hundredth part of a second ? On this subject we Und some curious methods and apparatus described iu no important profes sional woik, entitled "Tinito des Mecauisnies," by M. ilaton ilu la (joiipilliere. Thu description is ktibstnuiiaily us follows: (suppose it wor.s required to measure the exact ' time ol Ihe descent ol the hauiiiter of a gun-lock ! entile iiipnlc; the motion is so rapid that the I most delicate stop-walcii is lit fault. A needle ! might he fixed to the hammer, so us iti desceud i Ing to mcrk it curve on a blackened nu-tul j plate ; but stnl tho time v,ould beau unknown , quantity. It muy, huacver, be measured by ' incites of a tuning tork, also providud with a 1 murkiiig needle; then while the loriuer one , murks tlie cuive ilcseribed by tlio hummer, tho teeoi.d nctille wnl maik the vio'.c'icms of tlie ; P:i k ; and ns we Luow thai tiiev arc lsoehro i li'. ii-, e.a-U of the siuall hinositics -.bus obtained on tlie bUicl.cned pliito will r. present fraction I i f time, and show hoe. many buih 1'rifjtious . e'ap-C'l beloie ll.e le.ll of the hummer. To give I an iilea of the decree of preeision which may be 1 attained by l;.,.s piotcs. It t u-siinpose tlie iiornnil I 1'iencii tuning-tori., Hlii h will eiio;i,i v-j v I nitidis i't a tei'ond ; then the duration t.l'cnch J il r,.tio.i w i! I.e I ,s P'hof u secoiui ; und as tuu (.ii ate: 1 1 nor Uat can lit committed cannot c I t e d Lull av.btaiioii, t..-. iicasuiviut.'it ad! li ' i a''t to 17 'j,i ,, n sci ond. A bilui ur upv.ii.t!is I. a- been toqloyccl in couuio.J li.e ibri.ie.T.? of u i ice ol oi I' :.t:cc. Jn tins ca-c Ihe lueiile i- ina ie to mark a eui'w f.t' a t iintli ;', i.i.tl in o'ber to moid ti.e con:u -ii n re.-tilting liom the ni t-J,e passing t ivn v o i-r the shiuc ground, tl e r liieier i.s made t i ndvaiiee v.hilu it turns, so us to movenke u icicw. Vi:, ii sin h nn () e'nte'i: is 1 pplicd to the piil-ut;.n-- o!' 1 the heart, us it is ended a s nhmogr.i;;h. 'J'he st.oj.es urc C' ilniii ei;ic:t:e J I y inmn ol uir-tubes t i u very elastic menibr. ue, und t.'ieiiee tJ u sys. It lo ol' levers bearing in xoies, whn li ti.ite the lontspoiiiiiiig curve on a tun, ing 'yl,.io.er. llo, ti uirivum e was invi uted by Vieio.lt. The second edition of Tennyson's X.iOcU Arocu" is ttiiiiouncxtl in London. The number culled for on this occasion by the trade will not be far short of fifteen tiiou-tind copies. Messrs. Hiuii kin ti Co. take one thousand six hundred ; Longman, tli;ht Liiiulivd ; Mr. Mudie, two bun died; 'Ihe l.il iaiy ( oinpuny, one hundred; uud many of the London booLjeUtis onv luudrt'd copies tueh, FROM DARKNESS INTO LIGHT. Month alter mouih I wandtred up and down tho streets of London from morning to night, avoiding no place, however Infamous, where there was a chance of (hiding the man of whom J was in search. My quest was Interrupted for a timo by a letter from my sister, summoning mo home. My father was very 111 ; and no hope was held out ot his recovery. Win n all was over, the medical man suggested that I might la' more sitcccssful in Uniting my cousin's murderer If I went on the Continent. I thou: lit he. was rl;lit. I went to I'uris, thence to 11. .den. and through ell the Cler nuin watering places. From lb rlin I went lo Vienna, und fnun Ihitt city to Venice, having been diawn to the latter place by n paragraph In a newspaper stating that the ciry was thronged vi ith foreigners. 1 was always wed supplied with letters of in troduction to pels. us in everyplace I visited. The lust 1 presented on the morning al l r my arrival in Venice as to Count Krasini, who, be- lore we parted, gave mi: an invitation to a n ill to lomeoil in ihe evening. Thu Count occupied a i iilaee facing the sqiiaie of St. Mai k, a very large building, width on this evening was erntdcd with visitors. 1 h. id seated myself on a balcony outside the ball-room, fnuu whence I conhl see all who approached the Countess to pay their re spt ets. 1 dure say it was close upon midnight when I 'niv two gentlemen making their wav towards the spot where the Countess was seated conversing with the young Archduke Maximilian and the commander ol the Austiian troops. Hie fuller oi the two bent his bead so fre quently that I was unable to get a distinct view of his face; but the partial glimp'-e I got of it from time to time convinced me that I had at hist lound the man 1 bad been so long set king. I re entered the room ; but just as I did so he seemed to think it would be hopeless to attempt to reach the Countess, for be turned suddenly to the right, closed ihrongh a doorway, and disappeared. Little as 1 heeded who I thrust nsltlo in crossing the room, it took me so long to muko my way Ihrough the crowd of visitors that w In n I reached tlie staircase tlie man of whom I was iu pursuit hud reached tlie Micci. I rushed down tlio siairs, and found that they led mil lo a small door, w liicli likewise opened into the square ; but it was not that by which 1 had enteretl, which was at some distance, and surrounded by servants und boat men. I looked eagerly alcut the s inure, uncer tain "Mill way to pur-ue, w hen suddenly I saw a bright Ihish nt the further corner ol the square, as though nunc! oily was lighting a cigar. The dis tance l elwttn ii- was so great that I could only imagine it to be the man 1 was seeking. JSuNeriheless, 1 rushed across the square as fast us I could run towards him. i overtook him us he was leaning over li lui.lgo which crossed one of the cuniils, looking down at tho water. I seized him by the arm with my left hand, and with my right I grasped a bantllul of Ins clothes. 1 could not speak for the moment, so great was my excitement; and just as 1 was about to raise my voice for help I felt a sharp pain, and a de scent through the air, followed by a sensation of extreme cold. Alter this I was half conscious of n ciy than un assassin was in ihe water, uud then I seemed to fall asleep. A long s ccp it in ii -f have been, for it was live weeks ullcrwurds hefoie 1 knew that I had been thiown into a canal, from whenco I had been token by some boatmen w ho were close to uiu Willi their gondolas where I had fallen. As soon ns I had rccoveied my strength sullieienily to move about my room (lor the wound I bad re ceived was mine painful than dangcrou-) I was told that I must consider mi self in custody, the boatmen who gave me over to the police ollici.ils having told thcinthat i was attempting to commit a robbery on n gentleman w hen his two servants seized me, und in the scutlle wounded uiu, and I jumped into the eannl. 1 sen for Count l'rasinl, nnd told him of what had happened. He soon settled tho mutter with the j ulicc, but, although 1 showed him the portrait of thu guest, he was unable to Identify the original, 'which,' said he, 'is not surprising, considering the number of strangers who are here, and that nny of my friends are privileged to bring us many of their friends to our parlies as i hey choose, without the ceiemotiy of an introduction. 1 did not lose courugo even under this disap pointment ; on (he contruiy, tlio conviction that 1 must one tlay discover the murderer grew stronger then ever. Tho first use 1 iin.de of my lent wl strength was to resume my search iu Venice, but lo no purpose ; and when nil hope of filming lorn here was gone 1 traveled to Koine. At this city I found un accumulation of letters from my sisier. 'I hoy spoke of tho satisfactory way in which the baililf, who hail served my I'aihcr for many years, managed the estate, of a grei t many matters of less importance, and urged me strongly to letiini home. The strongest mo live she had lor desiring my return she said very little about ; nor did I, iu my then state of miml, let ! gieatly Inl. rested in it. She win. ted lo consul', mc respecting an oner of marriage shu h id received Irom t unny s brother, who hud returned to Kngland and become recon ciled to his num. I uuswered her letter, telling her, that if she liked lo accept him us her lius In nd, I could huvc no reason for objecting to him ; that she had better net In the way most mineable tohcrinclinulious, subject to her mint's approval, and that 1 would endeavor to reach nglutid in time to bo present at her wedding. Having written thus, I dismissed the matter from my n mil, uud continued my wanderings. I shall not weary ou by speeilying any more of tlie cities I visii'td. I had heard that my sifter was n arried ond was very happy; and in utter weariness und almost ihspuir of succeeding in I'gain meeting with f unny's murderer, 1 resolved to come buck here u short time. 1 left Loudon, and on reaching the station where my journey ended, I told the potter to put my luggape in u safe place till 1 should semi for It. 1 had not t.iktn the tioublu to write to my sister to say on what day I should come, so, us I was not expected, I wuikcd across to the old oak tieebincath which tlie body hud been found. I sat here bin ied in though lor a long lime, uud, soon utter I tuning intolhe lane on my way to the house, 1 met a woodman w ith whom I had spent many days in felling tree... He was so anxious that 1 should go to bis cottage to see his wife, who had I wen nursemaid iu our family when 1 was a child, that I walked with him there. I stayed there some time, listening to what they hud to say of fd jnges about the estate, and of persons I had once know n, hut w hose mimes I bud then almost foi gotten. On leaving them I found It was to late that I pushed my way through a hedge to get to the bouse by a shorter way than by follow ing the can lege road. Hy going this way 1 h id to pass through a wood ; and directly 1 stepped out Irom bt in nth thu trees, I saw crossing the field, about a stone's throw distant from me, u man tallying u gun. 1 etcppcdoiit quickly to overtake him. The land had been m-wiy ploughed, so that he did not seem to hear my steps till 1 was close lo him, when he turned round, uud we stood face to lace. Tim sun w as going down, and he hud to bend his head a little to look at me, I cause of the rayj which, shone di.ectly into his eyes. My heart fur an in stunt ci nseil to luut. There before mo his face inclined cxacily us it was in the photograph stood tlie miir.ierer I hud been seeking lor so munyjears. lle.no doubt, recognized me, for he looked as Inanimate us though he b id been sudilenlf turned to sione. As soon as the shock Lad passt tl, 1 l ii shed at him, aim seized him with both hands. "Murderer!" 1 said, "you do not escape as at Venice!" He ollered no resist ance at first, autl I looked mound to seo ll iheio wus iinv ho.ly near I touhl send to tho police station to hi. I the CoiisUhlcs come, and fetch him uwny. He iiuty have understood why I withdrew my eyes Irom lilm ; lor he recovered his slreneth lii-lauiuueously and seized me by the liireut. 11c wits fur stionger than I, and I let myself 'tossed libber und thidier; bin 1 clung to him notwithstanding. I tried, as t wrestle I with him, lo throve linn ; but I could get no loot hoid on unevtii ground, und it wc.s he vv ho mic ictilcd in loicii.g me backvvar.ls to tl.oe;:i;h. Still, I hi hi him ; but he could now press niy Ihriiit Willi lull force, and it wus I now who hail to snuggle to save my own life. My head itemed to be swelling to u moiistrus size, uud lU i - was tho last thing I ivntciubcr. I Iny iu field nil that night. Ill the morning Iwussten by Ihe mini v bo came to l.iu-h Uiu ploughing, Mid 1 c, wnh II e help of tiie keepers, (nil id me home. I vves quite unable to move; but 1 hud a (i it i. Til I i L A eoliseioll-i cis ol what I c i g nunc. I ; li e lime 1 w.:s laid on the bid, 1 1 ml res. vt ied "i.: l.ir us to In able to speak, and the lirst v. oi d 1 i-poi t w as un oi dtr lo a loan to l ulc as l.li i tl r.s lie c.'tbtl go lo tiie polit e st o. on n ml briii,' Lack, w.th lorn the super. rn ni'i.-nt. f.iy sii r came t, j u v hcnr-i!e its the m;:n left the lot iu. We wire tiwujs strunciv attael.ei! to ci eb o'hi i ; bi.t I vvi. mrpi i.- d lo sec h i so a :i tated by, sol si.pposc.;, the ,'in;. k made o'l n.c. Her e s w t to red itnJ sv olleii, it ml sin; looked so woin and we'e that 1 icuied -h" wi.s h, Atier Miswt run.' I.er om- i on with ri-l let to niv.-til', Iiui'1. ' on were wlih minium wi.c:i I luailo those plains rap lis id' poor fanny's inuruen r, iiuo huv o never .sci 11 Ohe, l.avo 0U: 1 ll. ought nol. 'J ootii lit d ; "lult if l.iil i pen Ihe poikolb.ok which ii- in ti.o 1reUil-i'iH'i.vt oi my coat you will sec ii." She rpened it, look out the portrait, and, look ing ut It, said : "'I Ins is not ll. '1 his is my inn,. Lund's portiait. AVhcro old 3 oil get it ;" "Your husband ! l unny's mother ! In r lulir deit 1 I" 1 staiiiineied. 'Ihe truth Hushes, npou our luiutis at the same ln-tnut. for sen ral hours she remuiued totally inset, ti lde, nnd w hen lit lust she h"cuiue eon m'-Ioiis, skt? talked incoherently, uud bus not since recoiciod the u-t ol her rea-011. 1 was tliaiikf ill, when I was told that the (iipcr luUudiiit Im J mined, 1 In it 1 had not hud time 01 opportunity to mention to anybody but my sister the cause of my being found insensible, l eaving it to be inferred that it was due to sudden Illness I gave the superintendent to unders'and that I had tent for him lo dirct a search after my brother in law, who bad not b .'on seen since the pn ceiling evening. After he had made Inquiries among the servants he came back to tell me that bo would send over a .ns'able to follow up the matter. As he was leaving the room, 1 laid, tarclessly : "Have ynti still go', the portrait I gave you Sen ral years ni'o 1" "No, he replied. "1 kept It nb ait two years ; but It had then fudid almost entirely away, and tin n I threw it into the lire." I made him 1,0 answer; but I was thankful that ihe copy I had given him had been less durable than n y ovv n. It was foiiiul that my sister's husband ha I gone to London ; and that is tho lust 1 heard concerning hitn. Do 1 think he was bis sister's murderer ? you skk. Is it po-siblc to doubt it : I have no hesi tation whatever in saying that in ail cases where death occurs In broad dnylight, and especially when it is caused by similar means, the last ob ject on w hii h the eye rc-ts will bo found depicted on the retina alt. r death, and from Darkness mcy be brought into Light. "Tlll.l. IT AH Vol' llllAltn IT.-' l.vcry one lias heard the story of the "Three lllack Crows," and yet we cannot resist ihe ti inpiittion of again telling it. A man s lid to Ins neighbor that n common acquaintance; of theirs hud been recently very sick, and had, mi-rahili- (lu iv, vomited thtcc black crows. He to whom this story was narrated being of a sk.-p-tital turn, and possibly linii'-itiing that the teller of the Btory was n little of it humorist, and dis posed to uiibellish somewhat, asked for the aiithoiity on which the truth rested of the strange stall incut. Having got tho name of tho informant, nnd resolving to investigate the matter, he found, ill the lirst stago of his Inquiry, that the story, as told to him, was Inaccurate only in one little pur culnr. There were not three, but two bla k crows. 1 olloning tho clue, and determined to get to the bottom, he found to Ins astonishment and relief, that the two hecumo one, and that poor crow was changed into something as black as a crow 1111 n ly; bill nt toast, it might be a bit of indigestible' swine's llesb, or s:mo stewed prunes, 'i he tcinble tnle, when sti ipped of the lies that hud giitheied nii 'itid it in its travels, was found to be a small allair a very ordin.ny occurrence. Not long ago wo happened to hear 11 friend cautioning his son against receiving us accurate the ri poits thatwcie in circulation respeeilng certain matters, and urging him to habits ,,f strict attention and inquiry. Among other judicious observations, our friend expressed his conviction that, apart al ogi ther from men's w ish to.de :eive, which must be taken into consideration nnd allowed for, there was not one man in twenty who could give an accurate, account ol what lie heard; and consequently laets vv ere, and could not but be, distorted us the nairationol liitm tiuvelcd from one lo another. '1 he ytuith.who w as fresh from his lir-t session lit colligc, and was besides naturally sell-reliant thought his father's opinion reflected severely and uniiistlv on human nature. To test the souniliie-s of the opinion, nnd to nil lad u little diversion, it was resolved to muko an expert ment, and in a few days ulterw irds u favorable oiinoitunity pte.-ented Itselt. uur irienu navm invited twenty of his acquaintances M his house, lo spend an evening with him, suggested that one of them should w rite a few sentences, narruiing an Incident, and should read ihee sentences slow ly in the hearing of two of the company, whose business: it should be to write from recol lection tho storv they hud iu-t listened to. I'.aeli of these two was then directed to read hi-'- ver-ion in private to other two, and so on 'ill al! the com puny had bun gone over a result which was ac complished In Italian hour. 'Ihe original statement was then read n'oud in the presence of all tlielii.nds who lull been put on their honor to do their best iu the matter, and who were, moreover, per-ons of more than average education and then the vnrioiiB versions in the order ol di scent, or departure from that oiigiuul. 'J'he reading excited not 11 little sur prise, and humiliation, and lun. The story, us it had been originally given, was ns follows, ami It may be observed, by tlio way, the writer sail it Was entirely a iiihlc : "In an inn at Lockerbie, In 182",, n woman murdered her husband, by poisoning him with mi infusion of fox glove. 'J'he evidence, though entirely circumstantial, was deemed sullleient, and tint jury, by a majority, convicted her. She was executed iu Dumlrics, and her body given to the surgeons of the town (or dissection. '' When the uecoiinis given by those who tirst bund this story were examined, itwas discovered that neither ot the tw o had relate 1 the clrctiin staueis that the woman was convicted by the virdtet 01 a niajoiity, und that Dumfries was tho phu e of execution. (, Of course, these being lost .al the commonec nn nt, were, l.ot lound in uny of the manuscripts. 'I he sulceqiient reports showed some curious tle v iutious, anil furnished very amusing evidence of the illative Intel, igci.cc, acuicncsn ot hearing, e., on the pint of the writers. Thus, at "Lock erbie" wus changed into "near Lockerbie;" the lirciimstuntiiil ln.turo of the evidence wus given by home as the reason of the conviction the "though" of the original being altered into "be cause." In tho niaiiiisei ipt of 0110 whose powers 01 In in ing hud apparently not been very acute, tho wines "poisoning by loxulove" weie changed into "passing hy n fox-glove," ami the story was thereby made iil solntely tininteiligiMc. The lust and most luateiitil change, was in an account in the final serus, which actually repre sented the husband a killing his wife, instead of being kdkd by her. There were other Important ( hiinges in some ; us, lor example, lh-o was inlldo 1SI i in several, an "iniusiou" v.as in on.) case changed into a "decoction." The last version lead thus: "In .111 inn nenr Lockerbie, in IHIo, a man murdered n woman, by poisoning her with foxglove. Tho evidence, being circumstantial, was sulllc'cnt, nnd he was convicted and exe cuted, and his botly given for dissection." Another trial wus ulti rwurds made, the original this time being as follows: "A parochial school master, called -liiicas .Mackintosh, iu the county of Midlothian, claimed, about thirty years ugo, to be the author of the famous ode on thu death of Sir Johu Moore, ut ( oiuuiia. The liaud was discovered, and the poor man was rendered au object of general and deserved contempt." The chunges which this story underwent were us curious us those of the 01 her. Tho circumstance that said J'ncas was a "paro chial" schoolmaster was soon lost, then "Mackin tosh" wns changed into ''Mclntyre," by somo one who, attracted for the moment by the Trojan prirnomcinhttd not had sullleient attention reiuly to lav hold precisely of the Celtic patro nymic; "Midlothian" turned up as Lust Loiiiian, AVest Lothian, and Linlithgow; "thirty" years were diminished gradually to ten, and a few more cautious used tho word "some iiide.iluitely. In st viral mnnuscripts tlie ode on Sir John Moore's death wus changed into a life a biogra phy of the gallant soldier, und that which had 111 thought diverged most widely from the origi nal, run thu.- "A schoolmaster, called -Kueaa Mackintosh, in Lust Lnthiuil, ten years ago, wiote a liieof sir John Moore. Tho author was discovered, and lie bocuine the object of great contempt." Our excellent friend toolc occasion, from tho experiments, to give us some wholesome instruc tion and counsel. "You may see," he said, "how gnat need there Is for close attention to the suite nit uts of u speaker, if you are to derive any rial uiliiint ige Irom them. When you read, you have the opportunity of going over more than once w list is specially important or deficient In inc. ision, but it is tl 1 tit nt when you uiu listen ing to oral communications. Ministers und pro li -oi.s tat, :ii s..y that 11 largo pail of their Tabor iu lei hit ing docs not prove of much direct bcticlit, and we can ,.11-i y Le.ievo it. "Ami it hearers should be careful to ncqulio 1 uliiis of lixitl thought, concentrated attention, I is : l-o in 1 H ii for iho.se who tea -li orally to bo distinct in tlx 0' 1 li 11 11 . lit ti. 01 , precise and simple intbiir 1 .huui.tc. If they are incorrectly ru iiorml, tlay may bo moic blameworthy tliem s lv. a tliuii uny one else. In reporting what wo have heuid, we should be very cinr 'otts, and th"re i.- much r. 0111 for Ihe cxer isc of charity. Many say w hut is not tine ; but it is their cars, H eir until lsliiiHlii gs, ruth, r Ihan their hearts, that an at I.iult. Mo shoii'd try to cure thcui; 1 nt it is not to T.e done l y lecturing against lying. Wl.iti men li e till ed lo judge of Cue ui . in uey 1 ii r ports, to Wei;. Ii evidence in 111 es of s inula', how nee it. ay is it lo iX'Tcije a hi"c tn. ci i 111 ilia' icu . and how iiutinui seem tiie r.su tool p!te 1 ito. 1,1 various iciiditus iu the itiaau. ' tr; 11 the : a.r. 1 ;kri..::.s, ::ud the (L'cik I'.t.o l.omai. ele.e-,.s ! "1 1 -Btbly, also, the li.tntt n-nildj ivli:poti.i IcrtiiUs tbii'. laivi acquired eiirreiit y ill a.l c miu t'ics nil"! t.ges may, lo so. or et. u'., be tiie result 01 u pioce.-s, voUij.t.uy und iuvolni.i try, 01 rt -torn!, eg, trao - o' to in:', or in;., "11 it;. ti-' 1 ,nr.t'i 'is niigiiiuiSy I'oumlt'd 01 ltd." '1 hesc icin .1 U lur-li-ht l luatiii'ul lor ii J'.o t illteit-L'n,' ifitl lui piovll.g c.onveinat.011, it.d we l-'t etn' lii.iids house v ill. the t oi.vi.'tioii tint' titiie Here ways of tpeii.lii'.,' 11 so: j :t 1 cvt i:irg v liii 1; were a hun. 1.1. d t uns looie pleasant und piolit ibiti tiitiu touile drinking. Siol'i. '1 Liu-jsc Jo-oiti!. The Aecdcii.io du (..ml Lave j ist ollcicda j prize ol u gold medal, value tide bundled fraud, 1 for ihe host essay on the subject of "Lo Cutiul ' buint Louis it le 1'ort dc Has lihiu." I 'Ihe fcuplc Society for thu l'l'tmiotioii of ' fscieiae, Literature, and Art, mine time a$o oili red a prize for a good ili-unm, vv bleb has now I Lici uu nulcd to Alfredo Moigiul, lor all hlslori- Cal ilruiLU, '.iitHlcd 1 1 'nuivtfi I out. u. GREAT METArHTBICAL DISCOVERY NOISES IN TIIL I IK A I), DISCHAROF.S FROM H1K EAT!, L'ATARHII, JiEUKALOIA, JUI I'.UM Al ISM, ASTHMA, fS'f KOH'I.A, BRONCHIAL A FT KCTIONS, THROAT DIFUCTLTIES, J'ic.iSe.1 Kyes I.os i Dair, Tiyrr"'H, Knturirtanrnt of tla Llvif, li!.rtBi' of tlie KltlnrvR.I'iaistipAtlua, IjrHtil, r.le, Insanity, r lit, Paralyse, lUah ef lllotd tu U.C 1ft.!.!, I'ONHVJI I'TION, Vfll!i all ice. vory disease wt.k I. tnoan tl lutnnu botly, ciiied etrt-t tually hy METAPHYSICAL DISCOVERY. I RUT. . OITIi K'f-N'c. 410 A!T''!I Street, PUls.li 1 tils, !o. Ii; llONtl ktreet, New York, nntl Ut o. is rEMItUKTON B'.uari', Mutton. "Ve. hMflne w luS Instnonrn'.t. Nn liPiWint.' in the curs. N simlllil 11(1 tlie tK.Mriltl er int a.lat inc. w.rt'1. .So p.oii ti,- inula ittes ll.iwn the tins. if. I tic MK, I M'llV SUA I lilVf'ilVI'ltV vtltl re li everv Mil ttint linn hihI iiislriiiiHiit willreaeli, and ll.otl tiiiels 01 .ii. ,' ttfsitles. "friii h Is in'i.titv ,i nil mast prevail; rrrnrls liniirep liHle.l will, ileu!i teuaeiilltilly l,.ti suelier er l.itersiuk III 10 nti.lviau. In ml tin- universe H ere Is no'lOntr (a ennipIlolT wll- lOW I 'I Hp ill I'trer as llm Mete, I'.rees, llll.t lie.ltt.lH e-l- te.l will) t tie iliy-ieid and mental I'liistltatlnli ul llic raei I lil- All soot ,,f t li inp i In there nit of litnorjn. ( and PPiiiiai -..n tlie pun ol those w)i lutaltli nil. I lite to tlie people. V, Inl. iviioo' I ,.i irom die sv-n-i t allot 1 ' pi'i 1 -s lo a.lmlinstt'r ' in tact, Hie luaitnllv tier. 11 I'iiv al. s tltnl ll slo.tue ia nn to.t.y-it s, ,iu.l e .ill nevur iiti uliili-r- tti.e.l nent trom 1 1n- Mime. I h ii- are men who ioke a loistni'ss of treitiiiii -ete 1 l i. i-isiAsi-. 'I hey prepare Itimrtiiin'nls, loo h.irl-rtroiis te llei K of, Willi whi'fi lo experttnent 101 p-ior n i 11 v vl - lllns. who Pave st'elisth, neither plisil. illly ur im lit. illy, to oiiiIitlO iu ll ',ff'l th'tlin i irfrnrKiit.. lie w lio ervttli it 1 he li.nuaii .t'd.v alivnys speaks of it AS a oils hi v wliol. , an. I ll.e man 11111-.1 lie a knnv or f ml w iio W' llhl u'teinpt lo ilivl.le the sv-leln ll.n, n. ellori", and tri'itt imv .inesse spcclneAlly, liitl"pi'ti.li-ut of ihe pans or liitlilit) wliola to w lil.-li lla-y heloiis'. All am li prai ll Ion -its 111 At 1 1 1 1 1 s, hut know iioihlnt.' 11 the 0-1: what ever 'I Im. the vv. rut in nofhitm I. -s ih.-tn a vn.l hosietal. 'I lie alai niiny eon.lltlon of ll.e peep e physically, espe cially Ihe y no Ilk', w ho areoid Willi dlse.nie lielore thi-v lieum to hud Into lilt , toLfi'itit r w ah .,iir sail e rleti. c 111 11.1v ing lieeti tarinve.l ol .li-.ir Irliues, who have passed. Int., Itiittliiely 1 ravi s liv li mi epfrnleil on. 1 1,1 se t m iimstaiices, w I1I1 many others which mtiltit lie nn iiiloiiid are mi Irre-istihle stinniliis to the pDopiu 10 tlt-t.i.inil oi ev i-ry mil ti w ho husth.- lite 1111.I rieittttt ..r iliera- elves Hint theii li.T. il ones III his tiattilsainil In eotitlii.tailv A.llllilllSfei I, Ik- 1IH-.II. il.efl VV hieh Hie ,li.-t is 11 ll AlloVVI- I tO k flow-the imtneor 11:11 11 rent. I sat utnler llinseeiri'iiiii.taiiees the I en. le have a ilk-tit to tl, ninnr! .it ,-t er v sueli pli . sl. l.oi In li.rtllsh Iheill will, a ehait ol his ehiirA'-,.r thAt they limy Know- tils .i'iAiiih ;itiM:is,e.,.v:e. : ui l. t .l everv physi thiii slioii d he ciinpel e.l t.. have l 1 1 11 itk- ti p In Ins oitlee .it nil hours. It is '-inly ttiroiik'h Oils channel ll 4t the piihhe , an I ave auv s;ilety or k'tiaottitee f . -r vv h it 1- tno-t ile.n-n, n-hie Ami health , oimt-v is,- 1 re rn.iv t. jn 1 no liiin.l. of a niun uiore .iAlltled 1-r ft hlAt-ksiiuin th.iu a pl lelllll 111 ti is way inherent iiuttlllicutiiais, w hich are Inillspen- siihte lo A I'll siei.lfl. itfe -uie to Of ilelef'e.l .1:1 eshihl a;.l. M e-e this iiiav ersnl'y itotie. ttitni -anils w-ou( i.rive thelpro-le-sion vv laeh nnliire aevtr .iil.iiltleil ineia lor. 11 nature iii.iliiii s 1101 tie re c 111 he 110 suiiiil le ii.ilitlcrttiou, n'.iu or.lir to ll- tl el the tlr-t e.lll-e ol it, a fs re..iKile and In tt-pen-al.ly ni et -iiry lo Inliertt rasunlty. M'Ta.iliy- sh al Fovvi r nail t'oiistna ttv ene-s iiiust also he Inherltisl hy all who wotihl he suicessttil 111 tiiuliuk .01 iituldoto e.ouihle ol .If -Irov 11:2 the cruise ol ill.e.i-e. 'I here Is eh.i'ii.el hy vv h;. Ii tin uses iMti he r'4' lied vv jlti t t'rt.liilly uu. 011-one 1 its, e tiesi-ri'H'ii. 1 herefi re I la with Conlhlence to the world, tint It Is tliruiali InherlittiK these rare eoa,liiiuitl nsol rlmraiiler Ui it I have heuii eiiatilf-tl toitelecl tuu lirst eiiiiseol iltsea-e. 1 l.e cail.-e Is not, as n,uit' nclf'i'-o. ir lo he u iliseA.e. 1' Is an ll.-lured law hetwu-n soul aiul nod y. vv liicti.lha Ap.st'e t'niil ti lis as, Is Always w-.irrhik' alMiast each other. This liiw seatls lollll slop.i.iKi'S. taeso stoppa.es iroluce dlseAsO III do 11 sitletl tonus, una if disease is experlineiitt 'I ua or lioiip'-r.d is If ft it tnies n tlrtner k't'lp "f tin' constitution aid iiialt'piies in other firms ana other IiiimIII.uk ot the. sv sit-iu, tliu-deatroyiuif tlm wiiole machinery ul U.e liiiiuuu tindy. Ilemeinl.er, the Ptomaeli rind the T.Iver have nothltik'lo do wlili ttio eauso.it ihedisenso. The treatliu' 01 those ortaas,loi' die eftase, has aeiil uiillloiis to ,111 antiiiu-ly W Wlih eoiiti.lt nee I say to the wnrM ttiat mv Metantivst- efi! lilieov.-i v is tlie onl- reiui ily ever oll.-r.-.l to tlie worM which will llior.aishly ii'inihilate the root of disease. 'I ho di.... very curiKiMs ..t tli oe oi si inci p re( a 'al 1 in s ; one lor the n'Alp. one l- r the eves, ant! one forth.- ears. The-e worn 01 totoiineiien, ,111,1 airiite at tie rod of nil di-.-i Wln-ii 1 s,o ,ill, I na-.ia every d ai;.iie ,a; ever li.lestfd tie hulni.tl lii'ily. A IN TilL I.AT -IA. 1 Ci' CCfisilMriiO.W Vr m th ' l'.octon JonrniJ. .Ii i. -.'7, 1 mi .- I, Mrh. Niin-y ! nn, nf No. "V rrc r-tri'i'l , t hu rts town, do ueitily ttntt I h:i In en nrli n-r il for t n i iir. .My j-iK'it Huh win pr.ilvi'd iht I e mid not li on it. IniriiiH th if tluio 1 Mittrreit from tarrh, . re ihtnat ; would Couh from on, t hW.? hoiirn alum'; wnl vr iifivmiH ; ik.hloiii rmild s)(-p at nij-rn. 1 let a In in- fever two yrar snire, wlib-h rodiite ni to a kt-ietin. 1 had all the timhuui ad. he and luid.ini-u inoi roii d pn un-, hut all in no puiio-e. I w h tat i-lnl-i tr in ilu- la-t taie nf eonsiirnpiion. I wr.i roniim d to had wli. ii Mrn II. H. llrown M4 t,ioliysn;.il !-e.ivrv w.ii-sciit i i. It was Mppin d at corvimto a.reciiou. I I'.'!' no h tiar, hut railn r worse for Koiot- tl no My irlemi" wniiti-d tn to i'Ivb up. aavlng it wnr.id kill mo ; t at I w ui. ton far jint.e and ion uk tn try anytime inn e Put my mother Mini 1 would die if I uid not find irliet in the hihcoery; and an it withr l.iat trial tocure ine she would cnnMnue it. w o Oon h and thttt it wa4 Hi em nluitnn whh li ru-l.mi.' t.ito mv in which wtt4 tiUiri,' i-tlect. A( Die eireulail"t kept innt-aMm: mv d's ciiBf lift an to briiik un. It mn m hi fkn afu-r I hati toapidy fir medieim- before 1 could j'aiher ftn-imtft to Into Poiion to Me Mri M a. l.i'owu, and H.tn I had in have htip. 'I hcupi'ond tune I vi-iiiiued I went wlthmit help, at d (he third timo I inund my wav without any du ll, nit). I hean the uu- tlie Mulaph U-l lrovi-r in Mav.aud the rf-nli in on thi-v jTtu ot'.iuiv, that health aud Btreii(,th In r.t?t returinnL- to m eiuact. tfd fr.iuif . Sly parayed side h restored to vljcor ; Iran now ret Well on it. my eatarrh In k'omo. Mv oiik1i, iuv nerv nua-in-KB.Htid sore tlirmt are t-one. 1 !ot-p wt'l! ll my lr r'Kuhintien have disappeared, audi must akiutiide thai. I Hi prnvldenc- ol i.od. I tn a-, dhfrii-d to tiie ue nf Mia M.. Itrown Mflaithyiir.it liHCOry. and bv It taken from the mouth of the Kfave uud restored to iny Irtiully aud Inendd 1 know n. discftses- urc yono, ami a Heneral (-rrulaTiii hai taken pla tint expect ll Will take luut-' to rej.ani my i ji Hen. and ttieiifcit,. ItEMAKKAIU. ITIti; OK IipAFSKSU OF TWKXTV M.ACti STANOINm. I . John A NeWiOluh. of t.Hllll, . do fftify thnt I h.-we hen entirely ilea? in n.y h-it ear tor t enty years, and for the pus! au (-art my ntr'it ear has heeii no deaf that I could not hear iineib.ithin or puiilic ipedkliiti o any kind. 1 roulo not Iu a- tlie . hureh hella i Inn w lulu 1 wm tit I ini-' In tie church. I have a bo heen trout led for a num ber ol j earn with a ry hore tltroat, on that I wm ooliwtl lo niv e up hli.'HK 1" iVuich,Ior I had lout my vmcu. I had treat trouble In my head, terrll ie iihIm-i., nlmst to tiaiiifNH. My head telt nuuih and klupld, and was a source ofcon-taiii trouble to me. I tried every lemedv that could he thought of, I went to autism; but at they wanted to u Inntrnmunt. I would have iiolhiiit, to do wiih 1'iein. About oin-m intli tdiie.' I obtained .Mm. M. ti limvvn Metaphvip- il IHeoverv,anil lli-ed ll urennl'iui tn the ( Ireetmrih on (he h'lttleii, And thu reniilt Ih that the heaiiuu t hoih i-ars it p-erectly rcstortst, hu thai 1 run hear as wellfus any man. 'I'm- treat ti'oiih.e In uiy l ead In entirely nun.'. Mv he.ul f els pi-rieellv easy and at rent. My ihm.il, which v. a-- so di tented, 1 entirely euied.ano 1 have ie oveied my v,,i, 4. a.1111, I would u t take one thoii-auil dollar T Hie 1 fio-ui 1 have reecived lu the UmC ot Mr. Uruwn s M taph hU ,il M-vovery. ItKMAKK F1 E CVUV Y IHS,tll lii.ps PPdNr THE J MKCASIJ) Mi K8, ASH I.' 'MS Op lNti:i. 1.1..T, Plili Ai.l MUIIA. V-D'eitihor 7. v.;.V Hi rirv V.inlll. .Teit t-r on siif"t in i.r Mr. Hi iwniiohtt s mi aid t, Je -muntown. du eei pi v i rat my - on .inKhmi t"'t hi nui tevei niid i ii ' ii i r n on ihe t reat, w hh li Jot c huu with illm u.trKO-i Imnitlieear and diseased eyes. I he uisrhart- never cu-en ilu eiira hic.unt iioe l.ir-.e ii.nl in t a. mal, coveted with m ai. l i e pillow m had io he . h tnued during tlie liitht, mi satnfatMl were thev wilii Un duo tiai tf.-i: it won id he in poB: ili- io di-tiribu tlie (iiid.:i at oi hu ve. M 1,-inii pim uu said ne u,.ii;-j s-o hhnd. IPaluiellect ato hei-acie in ; .ured, liat tie cared not tu l.e, or p lay w tlh i lUU'ieii. lie -ok lei not ire of ,lIi thnw around him. None hut the parent tan tell what our au turnips Wl-iu to took on mi r 1 1 lid in thin eoiutitioii. Jo nst piu ideutodl.v , nhont oiu- year HK"i I miw Mr. M ti. 1'iown s '.ieiiiphyriu nl lMs(ovei advertltcd in the l.titnrv. I Went to ti e Ollhe, III! Ar il Blreet, and plot uretl 1 1 e undo Inc. M v w in app l d it h.it Mol l v and j-. . ui 'iwr.' . 'I he no U cue i,, l.tj sio- Iv at l ho l ,-iniilii, hill Ftliwe iertev. i-rd, illitl the result Is that 0111 noil i eillllelv Cired Ot tils Hi-seat i h. Hp Intellect m ems In lime aw nKi in i oni o -a n,f p of d at h. Jl- it i ui -nU reti row u bin i I und lult ni buy. The Jia ciiiii ;es li'oni hlteai'tf liit, e er lii'ely e'liv.tl, aid hit e,M- Iuim- hei'i'liie Mint!! and ll. i' Ul'al. Iliseteaie. clear and il. 'iiK. M . il. and ui .V It an- w . i -an- ..d I h I n (. re.! i lire L-n. i m -i t.n oi.r i-:,i.d hy Mr,,. M . t ; . lir .wn n , t v I..M-1 . I !'! on i ,aiui uto-t hstti lily couinu nd it w lilwlell! r. ."-.is. M. Itrowp-.- ( I h:..td p. -or l(h Sard's Fo V at.i.M jer h,,nlC , ,L.uit tvU,. vU ,, Keil 'Va- to,-, H i i-r hoi ue. iri VAPk Am k ti:k op iii.ivusii f .l . t W-.h. i .,l-.l .- Mic. .i . i.. I.mwn: Jm .if Mio'a-ii :- I l.a, e la e:i .jio'e hhi d in tut iv.hl .-e loi t-uvt-il ti,.!-.. loivu ben to k,v-ul il '.Hm-, w n.mi 1 mn (..iinl rMoie my t-vt i.hl, hut thev nev r dom- mtS nny v. hmI. J i.tni i.tie -sums (l imuiet in li ji rhn to It l.'-ie i to .'id tlare wee (io 'i vt ho voiild Ih iii hi iiu, In! i, out oi tl em e-.nl I do in,- i.nv (.-'od- I tl nl lay ii -i- I opett--s, nnttl (ild hv a friend t"ii coii.ti r hte nu-. 1 Mil hy u 1 1 lend and to, ut.-d our '"Meiaph m- ul Id" Ci,, r-." in tuentwimir hours afu l' the 111 si htat- li. i-nt, i e.-uid ML ijil.lf diolll.cllj . 1 UIU thttliUllll lul' lo tit ilVei ll.n C. i nijiklii youri.tndv, JOHN IIKlahV. 'IIiO (Vlihiaitd Ivor Jiixlard'a Kyo Water, tlj binaU Xo, f 10 AKt'll miOet. Hejllp PellOMitur. 1. r.'y-wi m il'J AllC'll tiiiu;t. PROPOSALS. A RMY MT'I'LIKH. flFIil'f TKP I'T vYI IWl HI IT ! f f , Vt aii r n - i n ui vr ! i. - y nn t it nt , M A uiu -m mi, I'PiiitftvU-HntA H tiVmiHT 2. t. Prm), , IT iriU 1 1' i tw ml'irncd Pr-y-iil- fur M ti l-' T ! r-r " will . rt-ci l nl Al ihii nfTi. u, tip ft Kliili V. I'J M .. Hfi tt nirtfr -. IN.. , to fiirinh tti t jllowiiirf h -t'- e el ti . tu tM'tir-ltvwl nt Kit. Ar ii. tl, M irn-li irtt, Hf "I ! r fitrM for lnii, iff l nt rrtii.,e. :' M tili' l.ritiTK, litmirtii. I'. , in h Mtc. itO. H. d-v, f ilo. d'i tl ,t, 'lo rnrfonn In 1 1 1 4Ll it y to th l lfrm l"urtil.ln 1 li tlif I'f.itnl .-ltitf(i, rttvt (nit li 111 .n('T li'M'4 i.ivji, litiiil n rl (tli ('it tity anl "iir- in 1 1 mw to N in-MTtcl pr- 1 liv tli. H-t f ft mblv. nrrt ml tu Im liwTec i) tu eilt -l iyn ! rtin t imo Ol N Til t'l MK .' tllll-trn. Twi po. (1 sicfU-i f. f tl 1 t'l! i tf ui pcrf'-ritinncp m' i-'tn-Irn't wtll h rrMiurri Numf-i to ! 'V-n m t'r.i.-i. Ani t rli Nt it rr-o-vtjrt to reirct All bids, . I d''in -d tor Ilu intrriit l tlie hime f il .1AMKH !.. 1:KVo,j.-i, 1 ?.-,.t t.ttiftrUTTii.i-tf r .iin ril !'t 'in;l. nKl'A HIM KM OF 11M.1U II Kill WAYS, 4JHUe 0. W. tonivr of W ALM i ami HI-1 11 MreOi. Tmti Ai'i rnrn, pptnniior W, MITIfK H UiM'll (Th!X, Prnl.1 rrr ixionU Mill tr net' v.tl al V fllcc nntil tfirf tr (i.Im k V. M.. on M"NoAi. S. 1-tt'iiih.r Jti. f.-r t'.t. iniilril' tldl nl A Mr wit. two h m iw tl," hi (liHindir, rhculnr In ft Tin. "n ll:e line of M-mpMi tn'i I, fr.'in th onih .ttlf til Ntun-i (!, n trtlnMiril tu i r alnmlj on--iriirt' 1 nit mini Mt ai'int strte:. iionh t'f Tom iiM'nij tlr ti, hikI nlo t n lv lint it 'icunu ti(M-t, frnin Hi tjirfl'N 'Ti--t Wi'M war-ll'. t" Mfiiiihii .t t w in n ti HUU- diiitiM'ti-r of ttin e Ic.'t to he cuii-tru' led in r-r rm in ily ith pUtm nnd h lfi-nti(i'M to ho rnrnn'i"l hv the )-iHriinfMit ol MitrvfVH. I lie unt-i Niniiii to .f tli it tdC rnilr.lCv"r Rl.ail Itik" btils pivji irrd ni. ilnit tfn' 'ioK-ilv I'rnrtlttn nn o,id m-wi-fn to tlin mid un) ol fvnl tUcifntn lor rv ti ltn ll loot of front on rn h "idr. ol ll wtrrft its no much i-b tni'l.ltio hiiuiinjcto In- )m4(1 hy 1km iiy. All hi Ii.ti arv tnvit 1 t t-e in-Mnt ill tt 1 1 in- urn! Ann oI'mi1i r ihv "iil I proi-nsriln, hurt i propounl will bi Hcc'iiiipfinit il with n rcrtllii iiK ili.il a Imnd t n href) (tlfil In tho I,hw Jcnirtm'iit, n dirr led hj Orriiiunc' l Miy 1-K It tin1 Inwc-t hit di r fthali not fxoonU' n rontrm t wiiliin ll e iIr rttlrr tho wmk U aw nrilt- l, he w III hr ni d r an dp. ilnlni,'. And will If lnld ln'ilc mi hit hond Im (ho iitii-rtnoi- b twtrrn hit hid and the next ti I l- fiir hid. SjH'i itl ii!ioii tniiv Im had nt Ihe iKpiii tiu tit ol Hir 0 l, vi fiKli will tt itrl-th alhcn.-d lu, W. W. SMI'.m.F.Y, f'-JI-nt Chief Commissioner nl HlKliway, 1)VBJ,IC SAI.K OK WHARF. Oiiia. m rm Itoncn k Vai;th, i or riu: I'liiirnr I'mii aokm-hia, No. lit W.M.M:i Sln-it.Hcpmiih.T'iih W.I. "Tin- Mo.ird M War.', to of ih- I'-rt lh -! ii l -h in ." ' iorrti nlvc noMri- li st und'T nnd hy niitl orttv of tin ii 't of the Lf-Klnlaliirt' ul I'l-nimyh anlu, cnthl'il "An lotto anlhorie the hale ol l ertam rViil .tiiU- in ih'- rit.v oi Ttitlri dt li'hlii, apj-rost tl ,ln,y 1 1, "., hiiI ot a Ki'solution of null'. oak! oi War.liMiN iursntint tlnTcto, pu-ned on t'n .Mli dav ot Scplrnihcr. A. I. !:, th-jy will ri-II ut I'nh'l. Salo, lor t-Ash, to ihf hnrhi it hhlth-r, on tin; l lh l li lA OK lit roiLKlt, siA. i 12 o ti h k n, ut the I'lnl ol l- (.IiIa l-.xt haiikP, In t- hfrnplf, in-e. h nr, an. diicliurK d (roiii All and ovoi j trnt . and ur, Hint ittiil'nl inn All triiii :irtaln Inn f or pie- v of I'nuintl, doorilK-1 in tho dct d ol Khubcth Miir-hn l to tl, Master rt'id .--1-tant W aidcnn ol Hit: Tori ul ri.iUdi-lphi.1. -Ut. d tnc tv nthili il.iy of Ailnh'-I, A. 1 1. W-i, find r ! 5Ia il,W",at I'MlH Iriphht, in licfd llcok I. ' . No. h.in- J..'.. ns M-k-wt, v. : Miiimtf tn thr Township nt Moynniciiiln-cr, (now fn tho 1- irM Vrd ot tin- I'l y ol rhiltUo'phl-i.) nm laitnnt' In It-udih north and mniom u-t, nnd fstond Imk it Ivni.lh or ihpth cii-l mid wc', I'mm )t- ro.td l olii: lo tilnm-csRr P'-Int into thu rher iM-awart'in low tkawr mark. Hounded on thr ra-f by Iho river li;J.n arc, on tho wftst hv tho mi ul r-'Ad icjiditm tn (.loii'T-n-r point . on ih" imrih tv u round now or laU' hrlonKli-K in tin- Hid hiiaheth Miimhull, und nn the south hy ro iinl nNu now or late ho lonwliiu tn Iho iiltl KllMht-Ilt M.tMliail; tin aniithnrn h. iinUiiiy hcliiK diBiwm tic.it iit-ndttd i , t or ttn.-r'-iihoutH fr in ih- n-Tlli si'1!- ot u.e wharf now or hvo owned hy ihn aid hllMhi tli Marshall, at tlnni'OMtr Hnint; tot-oiin-r, Hh.n,wlih all the rlL-hts, hbeilivn. prlviv.t loriiditti n nitt, Htid Appurlt nunei'B hy mud dt d iAii'.-d to the vnid Mif-tor and AntNiant arrt' iis as will bu m idu known more fully "it Iho dayof taie. r UrilKT Infuiuintmn oh am nn application tn t'HAI.-LK-l S. WAYNE, f ?nttithsOt Ma-trr Warden Port of I'hlladplplna. pl'KNS' COTTAO K. J) 'lhla avor popular, coy, and well-known rlaroof wf'como yisltatlon. at the H. I-;. ro?nor of HIVI'II and HISdR Htri In. it dostnv a nini thrivtin; hatnent uuUt Uie aupici and iD.im-aietw supervh-n nf Al'MlKAL JAMKH kLSON, rimritu: ron. The Admiral spares neither time, mone -r, nor attention to ftupplj hii patron w ith tha t ln-lceit Win-'n and ljiuorr.( and iiiperlor Fc-ntch and Old Stock Ale on draught, which cannot be I (tuallcd In Philadelphia. T. t every n an who lovfs hit oonntry and is fond of ft frocd drink. e the Admiral a call aii.;o-lm 1 'LOrRISIIING HOTKI.S.AMnN(JST THE 1 pnhhr hontioi In and around Philn'ciphia. th'iro Ar none tn turpa-n Hm- i-aw "lOXIINK.' Ill HKVKNIII Strref, ihovr t liONUI' ; or. the old und w il knowti 'HiM'OM H" Hotel, at the rornir or NH'Krowjj lrm Bi.d TOWVSIMl' LINK Koad. Mr. tiKinmK W. KOMI, In Proprietor 1 1 both, whl h In tndi od attiiiHricnt rfiiarHnte for their entire niktoiii. i lie ver liem nj wverj Vtian )t uhlf fiul blhiMa w ill hu Toiuid at earn nlncc, and, iii witti pt.niUtT fr the timet are nm of joint, the terms will be quite low, A pplendtd Lttnch every day, lioni 11 to 12 'cluck. ftuW-Jm VV window Hhndei, from New York. Auetiuii amea, li' ly wet.) Mafiiiitlcint IinMrjt.lt, wide, $i 2ltt H ili.'B, I I'M) aiul fl'T'i; lutftatlon Itruneli, ( painted,) 4 wide, 70, hi) and Jih cents ; fi-l, V 4 and Pi 4 at propor tionate prices ; jmp'Tial 'tir.etft $l':'7 to Hi It per yard : liibTuln, Iroin ijO nts lo (I PJ'-g; Venetian, K.i, and lU-nip, fioiu J7b to 7 centH pur yard; Mai th. I'M, tti lari.'t '.t anForniont ever nirn d In I'niUdt-lphia, fmta .47 to IU eent a yard, at the N-w Verk Auotlmi Hah-n De p it, U'-nnerly St.-thlow a.) ho. 147 S 8KMNU Hireet, bri-t dovjr atwo WaUiut, uppocnte Cora Kxctiauxe, JyT-Jm thousands or TErn KXTUACTED WITHOUT PA IX. Fatent thpiled f r, Mvnaw ti.Tentlon. a ItotihleRe verMiueHtll adjimtiiiR Sn'ei v Tlved I ih-tler, for mluntv l-teiliik' t it rum I xlde ii, and eu aetmj t. etn wituuut pitl'i. The oidy mode ttat tiie t.aa can hu properly and m:ijy kvituiniMi-rea. un. a. i,. munnx, J ll'-ll.l No. 7.11 Sl-ltL'CB fcTltlitiT. l) 1 MHOAT 1ISI' AKKfl, CATH1T,' ANl AHTKMA, TtltA I EL) H IT 11 TIIE tTMOSr BCtXelHH, IVY 1H. VON MOHOH.IHKbUt, Author of the recently published work, THE KAR: ITS D1SKASKS AND TI1KIR TREATMENT. Oflitc, 2s' u. 102J WALNUT Stroot. TO THE PI 1UJC. It la with con4ldrahe aatlHfuutlon that Dr. Voi Wnchiker can nay ihut his kucc-sk l a indeed been LTfMl. 1 tint luieesN la me mure uratit'vinu al I i entirely ovmto the numerous I'l KKS he has e net-ted in the ahove maladies, and ttie luterent tils pa'teuth (am mi whniatire no.ne verv Intliieiilial cill.eunl hate, lion er.ae id nutlet) and atatl ude, taken tn UMin do ll. Tin-lr If stlmoniaH. worded In the very highest terms, can b examined at hm ' nhee, No Wit Ai.Ne 1 . rett. Tt I UK MP.I H ii. PK'iPKirtlON. Ir. A nn Hafich.Uker has b hU puhli-thfd workv and Pie many dirtU ult ca"e he ban treat -d with nue. esn under ttieir noth o. proved what be U uhle tu perform In his pru- lefchiniial lauaeiiy. ror iHiiuer.uis pti'ieiit-i cnurienaMy M-nt Miu b; theui.lind kind uotb es ol tuiu tt'ld Ins Work Intbeli mwlkat journuls, he returim iheiu putnic thauka, APPAKAI L'r. The appanttua c- mtno'ie.l hv Dr. VON' HOSC 1 1 .I fl it Pit, for the Irealment id' the above mala ih-h has b.-en hy the b l.vit imdicalauthoiiiiva und uh w ho examined it pronoiuif.d tlie Kreatest me.1l-al ajjeiii for the euro of IiKAPSKrt, Til ItO AT DlSfc-AShH, (A 1'AKItli and ASTHMA. ' hone who mtl'er fmm uny of thote malad e have now the befct and Miitt nieank ef ohiah.in, a eitre. All pernoni w ho eonau t Dr. ON M hS" '11 I Kit may rely thai he will yive them a eandul onlnioii ol lli'-n ease, and what hu in aide tu du fur them, uith e VVaI.N I I .street. -'1 Y CAKU TO TH U LADIKS. 1K. IH PONOOS tJOMiKN PI LPS FHt PPMAT.K, IhiaMlhle in eorree tinif, reulatin,', and reumfins all oh ti tK tloiu from what- -1 ur cutih. , n.id aiwa s mict-iiti'ul ai a prevcuihe. ThCte Pills are tiolhihff new, and have In en uted by tho Diiilor tor many years, both iu PiaH'c and tin in: a, wlih Miparalleltd snerfh In eve'y ease; nd In. H Hike,) hy in Hit tlioiisand laiHen w ho hav e used itu-m, t luaue thu Pills puhlli for Ihe alletiatioii o' thoie etiih-roiK fro-u uu.v lire! ulat'iiu-a whaievt i, as weil ua to pn .u' au lu- enasi ol laniilt W he re tu-alt'. W 111 loll peiod' il. T. n lies pee nlurl slliii ied, or II o-e tlippOMiu la. in e've, o a o eatilloiittf a.iinst u-dut Hilm- pi is tthih in tual eoiidil on, as the prop.ieiur acMiuies n i resp- ns bl ltt an-Tlae ,i!i .to aolie iduoi , ui'ho.ikh ih ir iinUiia-is would pr.'vn' :mv nut. h'L-l lo health, nt'ii-rwl-e ti e I'.tN ar. reeo.,,ii o h-d. 1 nil and e lie it d leetluf S ai iiijmnt in" e.i -h h. . priee i' ni boxen I i $. 'Ja wIioU-hu.u aud iviail by the tt-Tiiwinn Di uil-ts : Phhdt. W t te A'l'o., No. M S, Poiirth street. Wih-ht A' Khhlali, Nn. lift Market ti. .- A Marshall, c rner nt I hb t eni u and Mat kk st:- ! -t. Zeinn r A Nlllllll, CurilLT Ol ."?:oUil 'd tiivCll ..-..-. Dtoll A" o. .lohnton, Ibdlowiiy A Cowden, and H. Dehu our, t uiikIi ii. AlleUiUo 11 Uubci Ladle', hv t-ftulini; I'VE tOI.LAK Ty tilher a- flit, ran l.i.t . tl,.- Pll IS M r ( ' i.M PIl'K VTI AT ' V, py inail, to uny part tf the cr.y or . j'.:u:.y, l;ic of PoL.ilv. S. !. It iwi;, 'i-W-Sm Nt. '.'!' W. TIM It TV Ml i ll , t. r. V. l" xu.i.A roiiTK's i,in:r.uiu i:i:moi:is I ' o Ik. iil!y or a!t v.ln are m i n i o n . .v. .aired hj iMil Pn. i v, N en ..io, Pt '-'.it , Lov.-ne v, of s; P-m, ol .M.inoit, At., ttlnther arliiu mil. tho e .a- oi a ii. .h.e.i .-!' a e, t tu it , oi ni!.". i , , j.o . Jtei.t ha i I" ii i ii. V. h r. (Til V'l, No. V.i S. Ph. Il l ll Mvei-I. t'in -ul ,m s . Ml ifee. 1;i-:vi-;r ami aol i: cl im.h.-'. i'iLvm's j 1 it i r ni.d . . . e (it.'i'ic it iv,!. r ui I ti cm.' .mi.- ( a: e ol tilti." at n 1 v , t - J I V 't Hi ! Ii - l,!,.i,- I. Pi e:e, i. hent -t pr.i lo ei'.t atVrt s-,. hy i . t. Ta AM, No. I,. ,s. l.lt.li i li Mia l. t .1. eiaro n-'i.l oil. 1 MUM A CI UW. KKUKK (il'AKAN- i j'V tetd in I' n i.noiiu . ai"l a pi . :n.i' i n- (.'.-. 1 I l. ihe i.M'i f M j.i ..m Ath... ( vi. i- - fir -a l I. n tu w- nt v eai ' si a ml in- 1 1 Id at on e to ut inrltnui. 1 I'l'ife. J.'. s- m p.--! p.d l twai.- mhli-f st. b v . t '. I pll AM , riu h. l.Uill 1 it .Mi'K't. taicuUin btm It ee. ll AMI IT KOO T l 1) J 1 foni low h-ieiteadh. ami ad jarti nf th ly.ln lite Inilililft, will. out ih 11 r f tu Ihe MMU, !'' "I hjtna Jtfpilatorv Powder.' Pr" 1 t. laied to iv a -iraa lur eP-' ., bj K. f . I l'it.V.M, y. 'ft b. tltjlllll U-l. LtlellliU k lit litif. DO YOU COLOU VOI' It W11I.S1C1.US AMI Muust '!,!'.' II Mi, ll.e 11,11' J..U ll'"' '"' N- i.Hll vly. Ill llic vvolld ti'tunl ti. II. Ol.l I Fte I" 1 11.11 ; is, I ,1. ii.ilui'i.1 l.ln. k or I.r. n. I I'll M. ".'.' I.I'.UIU Bue,i, , jk Hi.m. W cviile k liux. ivj ll.tlu. PROPOSALS. A It MY ( I.OTH 1NO AND KglUt, Othce, 1 wl.LKTll and t.IKAHD HifviH, run to v.i i hia. H p'emh- r P. IHi4 Itfalfd N p. lull will t rreeivi l m Thin Olliee ur I'"!.-!! .. on )nMi, the J.ii iuBiaut, upp Inr th I'.'ilov. In. nTlh ies : riot C'.ri", I't'-ici'in. and llritide r laws, the drtvwt unit n ft- u - wln( li . au he teen m th.i o'll- e. ft thr oumil y r'-'i'iitfil. lM'n ,iriM aut-'ti Mnnuri, army vandard. Pump r- Hired. e f id w i tv the nnp,t,. r r 'inau'ity of each ki pr"p"se I tn he delivered. I a- I, oi inu-l i e l ii, irani. n n' iwn retT.nl?tin pi n. tt.'He til'lta'tlieti lillisi e p nth-'l to th,. c.m nod eltmi d to ,i- h, mi; V "l .ir. utti'len -. in, fi r tl' .im .tut tn.'lvd, hy .Mie pitnli fun t'-nry tt e I niteit H'atr. It ) lr"Tii ih uiiiltiutr rnntrartor". aun fim inni . fu h cifnp,y s if;, th'- re'iUirt melitt o( this dt riM'ilf,: i I not h. e.mt 4v d. Itii.nk I rin for iir..p-. i! Mnhrpiinf the trM o. , i"H autee ie. ii I red on hid. run h- had on .tpu hi. t " 1 1 I - .fl). e, a ul in io- ..M -th wl.i' '.. do li"l i-inh-a.'' t fuiiantio w.Hhf con id. te.!. Nortvlll any pru;-"e! nht Td w loch i .. ii. .1 Mrn'ti CoUhTin to li.e red " menu therrin lalnl l'rM, .fcnu most b endnr. d " Prttpaali fof Ar npi'ii -,' i,iUiil t'ao .iitunlar articiei. tuid will ridllfe-u! tu Toloo. 1 M !'.. J. PEltRT, 'J11 "d t.'uarle nnni'i r I lepartinen', U- H. Arm. J'i. aM d sih.ii- r-. I'liii Ai.n niiA. l"pfer r 11. Iwi' Sf ald pr..ponI Will h- reeeUed at ti.emhceof tue i nVr-lrf d. N.. I in 1 1 , it m: -trrm.iiiiiil n-nm nf vVedn tl " y . l'-th In tt int, t..r ttie ti t. niiftit. dorh.if toe lenn of ineiMi n,r..t'iuj it. in- iirnii;i,i; l,l-.,oi all d tea Md ih rs v. th in t he lumu id the mlhtfti y dutrh t of Pi' h Ipl ih, lliehidl'ik' Cliettt r. t hei-iut Mill, t terinani 1 Nmi-twn, II I'diTief'.n, Mprlntr Mill, Port Mimin.nl VOHlHii remi, line IllUl.llKl i.everiy, ai W.'ll as n: '.M I l-piTal-, Pun n Its, or I uinpn, that uiay be es Huh. d n Ithln !iat ( nil. Proposals niu-t In. hide ft philn bu neat piue en at H -1 if : the uoenl a htatte; a Initial plaee; lalen '4 ami i tt mir up at ea.-li yiave f a hentlhoard (to he i nisi id hy the i,oeimii'-t.t',and all thar. iu. easar mane tiie tuiriai eompieie. Separate pripia'H ran v lie fonvitrded Tor V hite I i 5 J nnd Pever:y, where theie are tiuvoriitin.-iit Ceraelcifl' ehtahlmhed. 1 V" Nu pioponK will be reeeltod unlet property ft'l7( upon hiHiik-i. u hit h e;m be had at llm oiiiee, and niu'V,1 $ uiranieed by rioiis known at this oilU c to be reP' HMe. 'I i e lf nlled Mi at es repres the riifht In rejeet all I deemed Ineomi ailhle w ith lt Intere-di. i'.y uider ul Colonel Ah x. .1 Perrv. t). M. Dp l . A ALIH.lt T K. AHMMPAD, ft 1 -l?t CapUuu and A. i- S QV A H T EllMAST K U 8 OF F I V PiiiJ.AM f i iiTA. 8e ptrtnbf r tl. In. .,.mi.,A P-nrn.-la ,i ill rnn hml ! lulu t.m. ft t. M'MiY. i.th In-tant, at Pi ol-n k M., for 'urni.'! no nt. Kr a p. nod bix moil Int. uotiuuenuuiK Isl i :u. l'.i. and ei din' :;IM Man h. 1 l oal to be a the i i uuallly A nth me lie, for the U'-e of steaniTH, In Weigh - 'W lrfnmd? t" the ton. nnd tn he nO'iier-t to Inspection. yi The ( omI ii lo b-! ilehvered on board veisels In th1 t. of Phi'a.ieiphia or New lork.in tuch iiiantltiet am nu h timi t rs mav be it iptlrf d i ItirtuahlL, If ileiunu In eiitf oi ia h ure ui deliver the foal In proper uu'1' -v and at ihe proper hum itiul place, lite dnvurmueiil M i es (he rlj:i.' to n nke jmnd any defu n-ney bv purot; nt the eontrnrtor rtnK ami ep'-n"e. The priee must Luven senaraielv fur the I 'nal delivered onboard of" i-els at tin port ami at New Vmk, on the terms and i dttl-lis ah. e ilatfd. Twenty per e nt. will be withl trom the amount. f all pat un-uta niada, which re-ef lion k not m he paid until the eoniraet "hall hat e l ttiliy romph tf d. PavnifiiU nt Iho renalnmir einnty reii I . nr lulnni'iiliii. w III tie made man I til v. w he n the ppitiiii nt i 10 fundi for that purpose, P.ai-h otTer in lint he aecnmiuineo by a written cnar.1 J li-iied by twn or mn-e responhe part lew f thetr refip. bihty lobe ci-nitlad by a Pnitt-d St ie J ntU'e, Alton if -g. oiiev lor i. ttiat thu uifiaet nr maaers win, u uia or . i bid he afffpted, titer Into written otilik'atinn, with t I nrd sntii.-if nt iietieH, in the mm nt one numireu im kiuid dollHr. in lurniih I'm nroHiuieil unnllrs. No nr to Hon wilt te eniiKhien-d un iett Uiv ttrnu ui Uiit advH I Uient are eomphed w 1: li. 'I he rt hi Is reserved tn re)e t nil the hid If (vn1b to he tn the Interest of the frvlce to do SO, and no btdli. s ,I..IUI .a--..,. I.,- u Ol Ka P,,...,tW..ll PropoiaiB to he endottsd "Proposals for Coal fv 'I War liepariuie nt," and .iddiesed tn th midersU;net. ly t.y nr.ter m Loioiiei A.J. I'crry, vnnrTrmmier s upt mem . i . . a i.i.iMd.t;ii,iiiniT, (iM7t i. apialu and A. -M QVAUTKHM-VaTEIUGENKRAL'S Of FL',; 1 irtt Ditiilon. W -11tvr.TOV TiTr. .VlffiTlt -llilMJ I!RKS' IIOIIKS! ! HOltSKH! ! I llornen -uitatd" inr Arb 'i-ry and (Javalry sTvlceV be non hattf .1 ut I . I Mrt IIOLCj ilKi'tl 1'. in oneil inflrkut 1 OClnlUJt 1,1 "'4. f A. if. M , and he suh eeted tu the usaal oernti! 1 IliJipectiiin beiore Im-Idk aei'epted. ' Pi if e .a nt Airy llMrtes,$i;. eaeh. 1'riee ot Art i I N ry Horse hl -f Isoeaell. '"l Pn ment will he iniido tor six f hi and more. .lAMKH A, EKIS, .1 Bei-tscoO Qiirtrtermaiier-Oeneral s O.'B- ' i 1)R0r()SALS iUK STRAW TOR IIOi tal?,itc. - Pun Ai'Fi nn, erb?mber13, lft'!-1. Staled Proposal will be received at the ottiee ot the deiMxned, No. IP'.) (IliAHD Hirffll, umil noon of TU 1AV. Jith lintaiii. for furnUlilnii tu the Pnued H'aLes, lx months, cornmehcln Oeioher 1, )lt all Ihe S." ; leijuired tor uie at the various nnspitairt, uarrncks. oilier piibli buildiius, or ruinpi, wlilnn the iltuba of Miiltuiy idttnct oi riihadelphiu, lucludiim Chester, "-. iMit III 1, tieriuantown, Nh etown, lla hlluntoti, Sjv Mill, port V ithln, White Hall, and Iteverly, an w. U as others hut may he eMahiiBhed within that time. Pn nonais nin-t state tho prieea separately fur rye wheat ft t raw, lu hundlun and biuca, aud must Include' di liver w hei ot er ordered. i L Nn propoT-ali will be rtuelved unleit pmperly tlli(M W upon blankn, w hleh cn be had at thin oflico, and u be fc'unianifcud by peisoiia auowu at thii othce to be sff BP'Ufiri.e. The Pnlttd Stnte reS'Tve the -liht to reieet all . deemtd Incomimiihle with Ita Interetts, It v order t-t Colonel A-ex. J, Pvrry, Quarterinasl iHuuriUKht I . IS, A. ALBERT S. ASIIMKAD, 9-11-llt t aptaln.A.ti. ) pROVOSALS FUR WALNtrTlE X liuards. Tuii. a id Mill , September 1-1 !. Wealed Proi ofl-Tl will he p eon ed a' the odlce or tho derilvmd. N' IH .I . iluAKI) street, until noon nf ML kA V, Vhih ins'.. lor delivering at the Pnited State Wi 1 oiiea. liauoer street whan', un or bciuro UCi'Oll Ks lull : im 0 W ilnnt Tahei, or "lead ronrds.wlth oval eath 4 tee; lony, lu im-hei whle, 1 '4 inetiea ttileh, imojt on all fudei and uied. nn tuple uui'-t he Kent with ca-h proposal, and n be Imllar In ciinUe now al this nlllce. Pro-oa:a wilt he received br Uie whole or pari of above. No proposal will be rie elved unlets properly till1 upon Malik h whieh un he hid at thli otlif, and it be Kiiarai teed by per onus known at thia oihve to be p. niihie Ihe Pnited State reherves the rlhl to rejixt all ' dei mt d iiHniui atihle w ah tli li.tei tsi. Hy order nt lolonel A.J.Perry, tjuartermaster's part men t. U. 8. a. AI.PKItT 8. AHHMEAD, t 14-lot Captain and AmUtant tuartenua.te pRUroSALS FOR STATIONKRY. lluf-r Of liri'HK.f NTATIVK8 I'MITt n STATVt (!l I KK ( II- F it V. A 0111 -.1 -At. MU PP.A1.VD PKOPunAI.8 will he reeelved at thia ' 4 until hlD, the (nth dav of Heptemher, 1hi;i, a r oi'kkM., tor tjrnlblnt' eaeh of Ihe fnll-jwIitK el Hath nf ry fur tho u- of the Hunne of Iteprenentauve the l ulled .Siaiea, U: , loOre.um wuno uuurto post paper, extra luper t feint lined : 1(0 ream w Idle roinmerr-lal nute payer, extra an, line, If nit lined. '20 rc.iiJi white e -mmerclal note pstper, txlra su- 1 nne, KiHric ruh u on au tine. . c .10 reaniM w hite commercial note paper, extra nil' f flue, blalu. UiiunuiN tthn luokeap paper, extra iiiperttiie, 1 lined. 25 ream. lej.al cap paper, extra uuperflne, fclnt lii lo team tint ran paner, plain, 1. at ream it till 11 M ainlia paper. y biO reanii Muni, a papei.Ulij l Inehei, welghl. puuitiln pt r l'euta, ery tonsil aud Miiuotli. 800 renin .Manilla paper, pi by Ui ladiei, w-'li?, Ti pnuuda per roam, 11 at, very auiuoth toilKb. 2C0 ream Manilla p.iper( '2 by 37 fnchea, w1k Ai iHiundH per ream. Hat. vcrv aiuooib tone. 1. '4 7. 0"O white thick adhesive envelnpei, 8 by 3f Inc ho.i nn white thit k mhievlve envelnues. .i'J bv il1, lm-1. LMi lihU Hlii'e th'ek adhtnlve eiivelopi., IH ' bv U'i luelt id, inn wine iui. a atiioMt e en t elope 1, h'g oy a tucr. ft 1 10 lunev tiue envelope. Inti.hbu hull adlieiilve -nv.-open, 7',' hy Bl( llK'hei. I vt'ivh t.'oiiiireat Ue i-uvelotei. b im-s Meul peitH, vtrinih klndi, 1 , i rohH uii'h llat jidsttatldn. 1.' iloeii inl.tiand, urioiu) knidti. Id doen hntt leu lent black Ink, ijuarts, fint-i, aud pmt. !t dozen b it b;up Ink, quarts and plntu. 16 ilo .en ruhher penetln loni; ahl short, ti do .vii cold ue ai tvd pencil, vanoun kind. hio-H t-ittcK h aU penciit, 1 ajerS ootapon uadroi Sn J. ' . i-.r-.fi- t-'aher'H carm'no anil blue nine j I), h Hi'oif pej--ttnld-ri, dlUeietlt klndi. h 1 et 11 iM.h-i pcn-tio'dt n, tauuukiUcs, r ih.el. hiilTl. h mill Ha ye, -.h.all kUaH, lU Co. e) parks V KiliUJi Irtl. H 0"li, pi:,k tpj. '2- p.aitMl- be-.t -.ear let wealiiiif wax. h do -j; di .rien, in,;,, , uu-. ki ids. tl-ii Ii lo- lie.raiiUlllllH, Vaiiout Kiltdl. 'J do .ell prtl lfOII.e.. V: do -in paper-1 'hhTH. h ih.en r.d'.cr 1 11.. rt '.' doen pane i weuhta. t im i. 11 pf ll-wipert. 'rf -jitoeu iintkit-kMves, I wo, Ihrce, four, and hi 4th ; Diu,.', p.-ail, ahed, and i viy lotinilci ' " 1 ih'fii!i im li -he: r.. , ,r. ) oniult em-in-- rui'her. 1 I inti rubber bainl- and rin.'t. i I ;.U -kiie. pan huieiil, ! b J iucliub, I ih-' n 11 onwe up. j jjj 1 doen rune ' . n, Vt uliy re it. f lOl'tllOjl I In th.- anppiy oi v 'dt,ronirnetoi- will be rlyidly 10 Itii 10 -h uillv a in in 0 nun 10 uiu I'l .ids 1'iiiht Li' U' onil'.uiivd U. lue UUUiti lift o t 11. eil lo he mm I. .1 f A- 1 1 ..HUt U ot IMit . oe-ereive nm rre piern to IH ; "v. . d . tl 1; - 1 Ann it ii". indu-iiiy, Ii e ,uuil cheap ai.d o 'j an 1 ! -?. 'i 11 1 1 ; ' n h tt i :.i't wla .tar lh aiiie ui'u li: I 1; .H' I li : e 11 M.c I Ult '1 l.e r 1 tet ere c : t mi.. , al li e ' Li lit lit . 'II o 1 h l a. ( lopo,..! U fur tl.u ltol.i.e of I 1.1 d a di. aid to 1 . be tu-'lt f ied, free nf nnv charge ( 1 oi no ( lei!: ot the Horn,,. 01 li I it the 1 -. 1 1 1 Ua o .Soveiiiii r, 1 . I . - i d .n 1 "I ." 1 o M) h,r SiaMoii 1 -pres. I'tniivfi (i thv, tinted Ma; Mill . lent .-p. i .11.. Im 1 Im. IOU-1 e ..'..n lb i,' ret. tier. Pi' vi -"Ii offer :.! I ti.e iott. 1 pt.e - otiti .1 iioii eaih clt.tr. of article uroi 1 pi' pt.tai( uo.iki.a viiu. i n 1 fern'sh any clatg of an. l.illMth-red. -had rieelttg linen ha 11. ll.e Mil.iC1 ... rstuit.lM llld. tt It'i lot or ., I . tiC .-l.o It.) J lo lie t it il ..I tl e lloili.e t i. I i 1 1, p r the pei ;iii nonM-f of ti v name, vt d-r a 1 j I lH.i the colli 1 o I pi iff, ill cane ol .allure tt . j 11 b li.e I. ill loe olhei- nt the killl ( 'itJl h HMu ' 1 . nt.; f a i"ll.l, tt Ith ta h, aiiii the pi 1 umh I. a v e in en openvd md it c r nr'd. KI'WAUll .Mi PHj:it.si.S I I i. rj. oftl.t rloiifcfr ot Reiireaei taiit e-soi L "njied hi- L' t ir: e .00 a. f-r OUVS IM I'KOVKU PTKAM AND W ATI i I III ATIIM.i AI TAKATI H. r H armlSh mid tviniii. Him l utiiio llulictluc, and 1 .1 .l latu.vWut,aa. Mni.'if.ftt.n .1 t.y iho tkiljH blt.VM AMI WATKR IIRATINQ COtfP V Ot I'ULUiUti.l UlA. , JAMI si V. WOOD, , No. il is UIIIITH Mret. fct'.'.'-Cai 0. M. riLLl WtLL, Sut.i.uc.uavii, tl 1