H A PRICE TIIItEE CENTS. iaUIADl-LriHA, SATURDAY, SliPTEMHKR 24, 1S(J1. PMCE THREE CENTS. I'l IU' I'?' I, i-l .-! 11 Din' plac ,10-: id ,' ftp lull ,' K3'. 1, . M. I..lln l.lllr- .H auu CE'i 11 D. la ' s 6 I, 6 6- ' 7 11 d fr..l IT I HIT. , 1 Uvj dunk 1 FRANCIS AGAIN. TRAIN e Fircth Another Bombshell into the McClellan Ranks. E VISITETII THE SHOW IN UNION SQUARE. o Givcth ItiU Impressions 'fbcrcof. ro f.EMMUL Vi:oniiB II. MiC'i.m.i an, Tiir, An Osmiid.au: or tiic. Tr.m u Piati-oiim. uto.m Hoisr, Nituuia Fulls, September l', M: Cn-w.r bad his litmus, Charles the l ust C'romwet'.nnd f Icorge If yon ke -n on a yon vc tirpun (lu NovcoibiTf, yon tron't lone any l.an; Sutnlay I stated that Ton wonUl lo-e ty Stilts but one. After wltnossiii!j your Chi- io peifimiiince Saturday night I am coni'idou i will lo-c Now Jersey. Two nioro such slimv. I tin Empire City will give lifteen thousand linst yuli. When Pennsylvania, and Indiana to J'jh down among the de id men, yoa wil fhdr.aw. .Some minds must Co through a sur al operation beforo yon eiu get an idea Into i'.' leads. Maine says, if yon could not tuke .'limond with Washington ns a base, you will 1 It Impo'slblc to take Washington w i.h Kich- ynd hasc. YQur " priming hooks" arc changed into -Lruoklnc' prunes. " Soymonr, the rcitee cindi- tc, is nominated on a war plat form. Mcl'M ii, tic wnr inrul ulnto, is nominated on a peace atfortn. In November you will see the diifcr- ,rc between a fac timile and n siek fnmihi. orutio sold Richmond, nnd Richmond will sell jratio. The stae becomes a wag-on the igo. "Dure are seben llichtniinds in de Held," Id the negro alil-de-eamp in It churd the Third. tow many ?" "Debcn." '-Put up do bars, don't any more In dor." The peace bolters are all k again. 'Tig the lirst time that ever rata used to leave a sinking ship. Virtue moeteth th Its reward. "You can't bring us buck," said d, Mullah', and McMastcrs, "unless you are liVoiigcr than wc arc, and ire mow you arc." i ucro ru some icw peace men wnosaymit principle nas neen sacriuccu ny tlio Democracy power, wuy not join tnc party (as it is only a stion of power) that holds the bayonets in- ad of tlioso who don't. Ileside. as vou noiv It the platform you are only a stump candidate - the White House. The whipper-in is a power in F.m:land. Souio- uy is playing uouwc, or If. li. would not quote lieilan through the dead Douglas. i iiHll,a am getting clear ut mud, when war men cheer r'ernantty IVml, H only costs two thousand dollars for a MrClrl- mating' Young Kitchum .unit tn. Pshaw! at show Isuturday night cost tun times that. entu thousand dollars. One hundred thnusuml Fulcra for our starring prisoners at AmUrsviuitle. 1 1 if I vn nnr ntu ruins flu hit tu inin l.ir .1,.., . .,, EORGE HJfmds is divine. ore you sure mai wucn your committee takes MiDi'D oi suuu iu Union square, yntt can mako nati.n sno,ze? The West now siva what East said years ago : ' find hens Miinliattnnl lt her fatf y claim, W Id 411 the honors oun her san-iettr i 1 V .nh, V -ai it, iiml . hi, a 'ountli.u 'i ' 1.) t Are i f,., rlfaa, remiins. at isi liei iioti.s(MU.re, i fun tvii lun-i rte- hvoaus,-1 mu inn. tian,-., Tie iinil's of I'aria wrim ilia nejk of 1'iaiici'. I' fAirt; A ,i?.f trtt.i tlu.r?, ,, Htijt. I be time has ariived to suite emphatically that pcjHu ui iiiv uaiioii oeeiiiie 10 autuiE iulic York city owus tho cnt'ro I'tiued Stales. ci$o hurst that bubble. Alus' poor f,n o- mi lnrirk! You may Inv rour re.' in ttie , but cannot make the country cteklo. M m 'JO tbo one. Ood made the other. Wnydjii'i no clever itrtist draw a cane ituie of tho Duno iiieHriy, A man (your faco would ho reco,f ed, Ueueial ), huiiging with a rope round his k, w :rh ilie platloriu pushed uu lYoiu uuaer ii? Yt u urt u Kiiiuva in an. u hnoic it is 'ij'.ruus to stand on the Pi'itfornt. The Unl-m iinre sliOA' was llin weuUt'tt tliimr I pv.ir mi m E sent c iuipaiiy, ui cour: e, exreted. Any Clii- e Timnit.irin would ee'ip-o too lantern display the hirth of a male child Be decided. .Scop so foolish slious. J'ic battU-'iM is led Kith r (Oinrudtijt' iift-Oluod, l he tnir hloiv iiat-le rill. At t '.hMai. Ii thi eiiir j ti i rtwi'-f ti in.5. To-tllv. It" n ; T'rJ roliilnn. I'o'in To tit lit lur (.: HQd iia. h .1 litud ! in. Mac! on! Charge, Mac! charge! weve last words ot the Presidential Martniou. You itnted. The carpenter told mo wuy he re:'ue I ut two holes in your pigeon-houc. ny let tnem matte tic're stands minion lare Was it done to show that Judas was uded at tho speaker's banouet ;- How singuinr t Urovcr should hring out Kami at the i a- uy, while you were piny In? it in the 8iuino. jut nuy men coniposd th it celeorated 111 ire.li. passing and repassing behiud the scenes, it !ts as ll there were fifteen hundred. Twenty- War els move up e ich street, aud then move vn another. There mn-t have been four hon d and fifty thousond jmijiU in the Siiiore. The 11U iHt i. uecausc the licrntd is going to ugresi. McKeou tuys : TlieoftVe-seeki r, thick a tlo.'i, In itaa oHra nf t'nt'( J;i-l rt-seut ali-f-l.-riipli-o-li",; but C.ililiittoav ' llie.i caiinut i-tieat lur Aa lie etieineil "MaraucreitH' ijcure'. jt'iiii- paradise la it. M'hat is a barliecue ?" aked Ike. "Roasting x whole," replied Uncle Kogor. Mrs. Par- ;ton observed that such extraordinary changes e taking place, she should not lie surprised il November they roasted McC'lellan! hn bir Charles fcapicr ciiterulSelnde.hu K3 t this Uriel despatch to the aoeretary of War, cciuu. uy dou t you say souieihing. neriil ? there are three rooms In tho honso that Jack it for you iu Chicago Attic, Cellar, aud Yard, n November the Summer of your discontent 1 be made glorious Winter by 'your occupation he last. Yeurvmsel would rVaimliT on any sea, Willi iml 11. 1'. W. unit J. V. II. y tho by. General, vour commission cinie 111 your home in Ohio. Yet you livo in New s y and reside iu New York. Where do you lly hail from ? The Constitution prohibits Ii candidates being from the same (irate. I ho siuui! was full of patriots. They lorn 1, General. No speaker on that platform wool. I ept nil otllce or n contract. 1'hcv surround w out 01 purl affectum, were vou elected. y would never remind you of services reli ed. O'lee S(.n-Jv, mm i'Ino U trutuii, lb- ii rl" in noitiiu n'ia i' -a imji, fs aixil, riioiil. aii'l 1 'amii'i.-, S, i.aiS '.). iio.il'le as thrj d -eil IV, in-.-. MollM.. li v x tf.ei an escci-.liiis ivrutli .' Tl.Wr lei'l ure u t ili.i.le tlic inoiiiti. icrv f Will wooilen speeches, wooden stands, .den mottoes, wooden bands, wooden guns, a wooden coi k, bring voters to your billot- i No, (Jcnerul ! 1 h w hole show was luauu ured for ctlect outside of w York. No uu.UK.in, no hi ni t, no f aith. Y oil cottld have 1' l.uie lighted a wet Miiili. Cliieugo spit oil end ol Hie muti h, and the brimstone declines tnile. Loud cliecis lor l.iitw .Mac. I wish V boily was brine enough to cheer for (iiu v i The circus sliov. paia led the whole Icbstth Droadway, und, as I said comiu j from ( 'lucao r the iioiuiiiiitioii : ot n drum was hrurd, not a sinL'Ie tvitn. ,s your corpse dow n Pr.iadwav they hurried, ot a iKi'i ii.i sciit up a smile suout I'cr the gravo w here Mct'lelluu was Imrie J. IV,,., X lUl'niiml that the liens y:v.J.-rf her;- V 5 o'ihe t 'uoi c-hdon und tic jo ttr yji' i tjo t -' 1 11:11, faithfully, til.fi, l'UANC IS Tit MX. Thc French publisher Closselin has just pub edawork containing tho biographies of ull present members of the Corps l.egislatil'. -It is said Ihut M. Thiers has determined to V.iU a pamphlet, in w hlcli l.o will refute the timciits contuiued in M. de Peislg.ty's reei nt ecu, and cudiavor to oveithrow his theory of eminent. lf-iue mat volume of tho Kmporor Napoleon s 1 .... .'-expected "l.lle of Ca sar" Is anuouueed posi ly to ii r In November or Diieember next. 0 tecoiui ihiino will appear iu a mouth or six ekl after jo lirst, and the coucludlug volumes 1 then npjjcar at short iutyivuls. OlIRI) EDITION (iliant's Army. STARTLING REPORT AT BALTIMORE. The Great Battle Commenced. HEAVY FIGHTING YESTERDAY. NHrlnl tn I lie. t'.vnnln 1 eleirrnpli. l'At.TiMtMtK, September 24 Wo linvi; ru mor" hy tin" Norfolk boat to-day, which s ty that fiencral (Iriint wan fighting heavily yes Irrdny, nnil was p lining; n jrro it urrv over the IIcU'Im. Tlio uiovcineiil of troojw Is very active litre. ihom nit: Aimv or Tin: I'ortititr, II r iwi n rrns Aiimv or m 1: Put iH r:, Sep tenibcr 22, P. M. The liriti? I tven the picket in front of the right of the 1 1 Division, 2d Corps, still continues, and casualties I'ontiiitie d lily. To-day a private of the !'td NeivYork w.i killffl. being shot through tho Ib a I. A Rcrireant of the J7th Pennsylvania lost a lc? this morn:n'r. WfUcrday a new recruit, only hero three, days, and belonging to the Jnth M issaehtisetts, was killed in front of Ihc 9th Corps, and his pocket ritlid of Sftio. It was said he was killed nnJ rubbed by Hcbcl sharpshoo'eis, but many doubt the truth of the sbiteincnt. ki raits should u it tiring such largo nmotints of money with thutn into the licld. As a general thing, they are never easy until all they have is either spent at the sutler's, gambled away, or stolen trom tliem. One was seen to oiler one hundred dollars for a canteen of whisky the other day, but he failed to obtain it even at that price. To-day the batteries of tho :!d Division, 2 1 Corps, wno ordered to open tire on 11 barn from which the Rebel sliarshoo:ers have annoyed our men for sorr.e time past. The tire was so etlec'n il us to mako them decamp In rather a hurried manner from their hiding-place. September 23, A.M. All is itiiet this morning INTERESTING FROM WASHINGTON LATEST FROM PETERSBURG. The Hcbcl Prisoners at Point Lookout. EFFECT OF EARLY'S DEFEAT IN RICHMOND. S Oi lal tu 'I lie i:ventiir I I'lernpli. AV as 11 iNc, ion, September 21. The steamer YanderhiH, from City Point, reports adairs un changed be fore Petcrsbur ;. Tho Vanderhilt biought up tifiy-tivc Hcbcl deserter", Including one captain. During the present week one hundred aj l twenty-live deserters have come Into onr lin-s trom u single Florida regiment. Tlioy any that nine tcnihs of Lee's nieu arc conscripts, who will hike the first opportunity to desert. T'lere u'o now 0 j1.") Kebcl pri-ouers at Toiat Leukotit; Ml) arrived there y.v.erdiy iron liiam's army, aud within a week some 40:) have liecn transferred to Northern primus. 'I wemv refugies crossed fnia the Virginia shote yesti rday, and succeeded in reaching Point Lookout. Some of the party arc from Uiolituoud ; and they s.iy that the news uf Parly's ihst defeat in tho valley had just reached llielitn md, a id caused the great' s', constenn tio 1, a i 1 rofugecs were leaving lti tinionil In dr v s, thinking it nbont tivie to get out of "Dixie." (in Wednesday morning A party of suiters left Harper's Ferry in company wiiu (ioverujicut oupply tra;n, route for Sheridan's army. Be tween Ch:nlc-t"n and Winchester the wagon be longing to C. II. Could, S.itler, 1st Vermont Cavalry, upset, und a gu ild of tAcuty m'jn w is left to protect it. While camped for the night, livo miles from Winchester, they were surprised by twenty-live of MoMiby's men, who captured the party, lob bing them of moucy and goods to the amount of four thousand, aui thirty horses. TO-DAY'S WASHINGTON NEWS. Special Ik'siuti lies to Evening Telegraph. WAHiiiNiiTox, September 21. 1'reiiiout'N l.e!l-r. Fremont's letter is still considerably discussed. His retreating tiro upon the Administration is deemed more advantageous to the cause th in his umquiroc.il praise. Kut Sherman leads iu episto lary warfare. Movement of our trnilcs. 3 There aro evidently movements now hulng developed connected with our armies which will soon electrify and still further re.i jice the hearts of all loval people. Admiral Porter Clone Mxt. Admiral Porter left here lust evening, en routi riit Cairo lor his old post of duly on tho Missis sippi river, thus effectually settling all rumors to the coi.tniry. Kiimors about the Hartford." The Navy Department has no information con firming the rumored destruction of the llnrtfjrd. Sick KoIiIUth 10 llHit Home tu Vote. Stirreon-Oeneral Karnes has Uued un ord a' to the superintendents of Ilospi'.il , directing them lo permit ad soldiers able to travel, and yet unlit lor duty, to visit their homo- a id rein uu until after ll 1 0 Presidential election. As the order Is general, uud makes no excopti 'i,i there can he no ground for complaint if tlio "straws" do not -how tho wind coming from a iptirter to suit tho Copperheads. Maine of Iti-us;. Ail influential and prominent C lpperhen l leader was recently overheard iuipre-sitig upon u I'cllow-copatriot of Jell. Davis, that "e must buig this Presidential election through." ' I'd re ill e times," said he, " hen 'taint neecs-.uy, but we uiu.-t do it this lime on l.ittie Mac." latent. IteiK'ittiiiaV Tlienitteli en. As another cxeuipliiiealion of hoiv Die iainor. uut events of this war repeat theiu-elves, it is noted that Karly, with the remnant of .St n u all Jie kson's coiiiiiiund, seem- preparing tor batilc iie.iin on the old ground of Cross Keys. HlM kh It I I A few daj siliee a Wushlugtoii crri sp in lent of 11 Western (icnu.ili paper v. r jte iu one of l.is letters that (jiTtu Clay Smith, of Kentucky, was wi'l.ug lo back up his ussurauce of Liueo'.u's election with a 0110 bet. The Teutonic coin-po.-Itor dirniliad the ligares by cxteuding the amount lo fc-.WO.OOO ! Arherottpon a seceh capi talist 01 1.oui-ville "iual.es u u poil," and re plies that he is nady and anxious to match the augmented figures. This was rather more small change than the CongiosMiiun had to his credit In bank but cirtuiu liitaueiul friends hearing of tho circuui stai ic, have tendered tho "greenbacks" and iu sist the Louisville man shall bo accommodated, and have already deposited il,ll'Wu a forfeit fur fulfilment uf stipulations within thirty days. Their only fciti' is that Louinville will bu louud iu tho v veutive. The (ireal Yiclory. BATTLE OF FISHER'S HILL. DETAILS OF THE TRIUMPH. Gqcrril Crook's Impetuous Charge. HARD FIOIITINQ BY WHOLE ARMY. THE OUR SUCCESS COMPLETE. OFFICIAL WAR GAZETTE. Despatch from Gen. Sheridan. ENEMY TOTALLY DEFEATED. "Worst Routed Army Ever Known," EARLY ABANDONS ARTILLERY. HIS Night Closes the Slaughter. OUR CAVALRY IN PURSUIT. Washington. Scptcmbor 21, 10 A. M. Majiir-flciicral I)lx, New York: Tin- follow ln special de-patch has just been received D iim General Sheridan, detailing soin of the particulars of thn battlu at Fisher's Hill: llKAIlVt'AllTl.li MlDlll.r. Mll.lTAHV I)i vision, WooiisTot K, Virginia, Sopicm bcr U:!. 8 A. M riciitcimnt-dcncral U. S. Grunt, City I'oliit: I cannot ns yet givo any definite account of the results of the battle of yesterday. Our loss will l.e light. Genera! Crook struck the left ft-iikof tlio cnciny. doubled it up, advauciug uiong; their lines. liicketts' Division of the tith Army Corpx swung in and joined Crook; Getty's mid Whoa ton's Divisions) taking up the stune nioveuicnt, followed by the whole line, nnd attacking beautifully, carrying; the works of the enemy. The Uebels threw down tlicir urnis und lied in the greatest confusion, abaiidoiiin? most of their artillery. It was dark beforo tlio buttle ended. I pursued on tiller the enemy during the night to this point, with the Oth and l'.hli Corps, uud lmv) slopped here to rest the men and issue rations. If General Toi bert has pushed down the Lnray valley, necordini to my directions, he w ill achieve great renults. I do not think that there ever was uu army so badly routed The valley soldiers lire hiding away and going to their homes. 1 cannot at present give you any estlticite of prisoners. I pushed on resmdlcHH of evorvthlujr. The number of pieces of artillery reported captured is sixteen. 1'. II. Sitiitti dan, M ajor-Gcuoiul. Vou nre directed to cause a national salute to be Hied of one hundred great gnus for the victory. General Stevenson reports that three thou sand prisoners, from tho Held had reached Winchester lust night. Reinforcement uud supplies have beun for warded lo General Sheridan. Eiiwi.n M. Sta.ntov, Secretary of War. THE GREAT VICTORIES THE VALLEY. IN Over Six Thousand Prisoners Captured. Washinotov, Kcplcmbcr 21. Tho Itepuhliran extra makes the following jiuuoiniceincnt: "Tho Government has received despatches from General t-tcvoHson this morula:,', dated at Harper's Ferry, announcing that 2iW) Strasburgi Mui.i wi. .1.1,1 ! ri,su..i. ..,vu .n..,... ........ lie also stated that lfiOO of the prisoners cap turcd on the 10th last., near Vinchostcr, arrivA at Harper's Ferry this morning, aud that 1(0 more are yet to come. A Inter despatch roccisd from General Stevenson, this forenoou, annouces that 101)0 more prisoners, captured at KtrasUrg on the 2'-'d, reached Winehestcr this moraiii- When last heard from, Early's army was log down the valley, panic-stricken. Suoiid.' is In hot pursuit, and uear Woodstock. I.ll.At I.VIPl.MliE.ME, Cot kt or QrAitrcu Sessions .IiidgcAllison. Habeas corpus ca-es occupied the a"1'10" toe (Unlit this ninrniiig. Among lice ho.nd, nnd the oulv one possessing any publ Interest, was that oi t'harles Warner, the b' youth 111 prison on the clurgo of attempiiiu,,u shoot a young woman named Minnie Kir iyttt the"L'i sino," Chesinit street, on Tuursdi eieuing a week ai:o. Gtlieer I.nzulner, who assisted' r"c """ after the occurrence, at the cornel'' Sixth und Chesi.ut sireeis, telilied tint no '"'1 was lomid upon Warner's persnn, and that denied having hadiinv. Miss liirhy, who ud'ed Ilia: she hud been intonate Willi M inner no visited her licinii ntlv, and starlod to ncC'd'any her to the "Gaslno"' that cveninu', but oinoled with and lclt her in the street, mid lime"', with 11 tomato friend, went toycthcr und w ib'-'iiiAlves iu u pt i Villi' bnX. Isiion alti r Warner eamo ' "1Ul'' intoxieuted, nnd set Iu a box opposite. ut a sh'"t intei va elap.-cd win n the heard tlelT"" ' ?' " I'"""' all J lsintcd. She denied havii "ecu ainer mo tuc pistol, or that sho saw hir11"",0"1'' , . She said, tiiithcr, that " ltlid been ndn-cd to leave the city bv two nU- ho.so names .she did i.ot Isiiow, nnd v ho ga' "'ensou lor fi.ving the advice; una thai she a ',la' '"end, Jenny Uhl ton, who "lis w itb her V'e " " night ol the shooting, uceor'K1)" Co 'Ncl ork, nnd uftei'Huids lo ll;'""r,;- , , She also admitted1" 8,10 huii tv, "derviews wi:h Minnie urn e t'"'.lra5' UH M "'B Sb'Hon llou.-e, uud ye.-U-r ul ,IU '''I"""' HJ ' unl "Charley ' w,"""' Sood Irieuds. .liiiimv fliitiiiho "-'cnis to have been with the pai la s fun.1,0 '",'. U.";-V.HU "a, U J ? 1 nun, , . ' ""uu iiKB. t,( , theatre until the tiling of the ther to go lc-tol knew p ii'ioiti me iii'iin tact, vi. : who shot tl.i-'u'"ju "' Uur trka Mi'in'o hi'n li'11 1 tl1'0'0 n,llttcr wns undoubtedly tired un No u'r wl,u"Sl's ero Court, except those aire' n'""oni'J. though there must have been nun "tlier "Pc'ators or employees of Mr i ov'u manager o the concern, who saw ihe'trur ,'u"' uiul would have no dilliculty iu tayillg. ether Wurreii was the guiliy peroou or " T in01"'1"8""1 "ierc''orc, irresistiblo that ,t) Hisses cxauiiued huvu been taniperel ,lt,nd others w ho should have been examined . ,.,'Cen kept out ol the w ay. .gu Allison refused to discharge tho pri- .', and held him in live huudivd dollms bail taWU Ihu chaJo'c. CITY INTELLIQENCE. Ptati or TitFRMOMRTBa To dat. 8lx A. M., 71. Noon, So. One I'. M. SO.1. Wind, W. S. W. ClI ABfil O W 11 11 I'l lie II VS1NO S rOI.TN To'TAda Sum.-This moriiliiK Simen Strauss had a hearing before Mayor llonry upon the charge of rccciviii(f I'nited Stat' s poftago slami'S to the value of M Tcral thotisaud dollar', knowing them to have been stolen. The robls ry was commit ted by two employees iu the Washington Fos', l't)ice,nho sold Ihcin to the defendant In this city. 1 ha latter used thctn In the payment of bills, and from the evidence scorns to have had extensive tt itt-actlims with numerous parties in tins city, who dealt with him in good faith, he liexim; that he came by the o'amps honestly. 'X" tie two imploicis in the Walnnton l'ost OHbn iip' ii In tti(! nrreted inade a clean breast 01' the hole ntlair, and testified to having sold them to the dcfi tiilfttlt. 1 lie postal stamps which arn duni u'ed whilst in tiiiiiMiu '-!! the aueiiey ntheo iu NjiV York, tu ic tin - .itc liiamila. tared, to the various 1' ist dtlieis ot the coin, try, aie triiusmi.'cd til the l'ost Oit.ee Department. CiedKs nre given for tin in to Uu' various postm.isti rs, and the d cu lt:' id Atiimps k 1 redin d are destroyed. It 11-ually Inipl tun. hoi er, lii.it many of the aianips are not solicit. 1 he-e siamo-, insiead ofbc.udc s itiHil, wtrc iuld in re.ie and sold. T'iic following was the evidence elicited at the heai iitjj : .Mi. W aller, Spc. iul Agent for P.ist Olll 0 at U'liHliington, was sworn 1 Mm iiuoi'iuatiiiii neiivid he Has undei the i'lipiessiuu Unit the liipailutcnt hud hist somo hvu or six thousand ilollaia' worth of pn-Ugo atumps; to parties wireancstid in ashini;ioii fur the tin 11 ; one i t the men was emplovd iu the Department, the 01 her had bull removed a slmrt tune before. Win. H. haiton sworn Saw tho defendaut once befnic ut his house. After I told I1I111 my name, I asked him if ho knew Geo. W . Alexau der. He said lie. did. Told him I came there to sic linn on I ui-idc -s. loid him I had h' me pruperty, tuthc amount of If 111,000, 1 wanted to mIi nun. lie said a l ho wauled was to know it he could place eoniidnnca in me. 1 told him I could tell him no more than uiy liavmc AU xiuidi r's name. He thuu asked mu who I was acquainted with. 1 told him. He then said wo might as well proceed to know what my business was. 1 told hitu 1 bad fifteen or sixteen thousand dollars' worth of Blimps 1 wauled to sell him tlio sntno stamps Alexander had promised to mine him about two weeks since. He then said that Alexander told him he could get as many more stamps as he wauled, and it lie could manssu 10 get from thirty-live to forty thousand dollars' worth it would be bcticr. I linn told him 1 didn t know about that; that this lot I hud advsnced Alexander money on. 1 said to him 1 understood that IriiX) in fltiiupl Inn! been riven I'm isfsoo and two gold watches; iiilciidiiiit replied yes, I snio or oyer; then said you had another bit, when you paid him a more valuable gold much ; In i aid yes, such watch was worth ! ill. M'm. II. Warnc, ol is city, sworn Known deli ndant two years ; olten cinie to our store and bonuht articles; lively hud stamps which ho ottered hi trade ; said he got them irom a party in flic bunk business in t.'alliornia. Wc tojkin all vl TiS worth of stamps Irom defendant. George W. Hussell sworn I am a jewvllor; known defendant In business for several yours ; in tall of lSb;t he b.iu;;ht some goods for HI or tdln, nnd asked it I could use some three-cent slumps; said be had got them from a sutler; 1 tof'k the stamps In payment lor some diamonds; next transaction wus 1 eeeinhcr !', Isil'l. He did wit pay fur the articles at tho time I sent alti r him, mid be came on January 'il, and sunt he hud been again to the front of tue army, and bad got some more postage stamps from u sutler, lie paid the bill, 11!, In stamps one cent and iline rent. He paid a small balance in Man h, lNbl, in cash. I had a peculiar diamond pin for which I asked S'17'i; he took it away to slow to u ft lend, and brought it hick, and cth red a eer'ntn nuioiiut for it, which I ileedne.l Detective Mi Devitt, of Washington, and CUba. nan Rnd t'nritn, of this city, who made the arrCut, Icslitii d that they visited M 1 ran ss' lion se, and taoit I10111 his pi. civet a slip of paper with W'hur ton's name upon it, also some mm ty con' st imps ; alto took a picluro of Alexander, one of defend ants, limn un 11 hum. The th tendant was required to enter ball In tho sum 01 i.im)U to enswer. TncM.MiKKis Notwithstanding the declbio in L'obl. fti tides tif daily food and wear continue a!mol iiudiiiiini.-hed in price. The result is that consiliums purchase very sparingly, causing an unmnnl dulness in the trado. Hotter was selling yesterday ut from 'i0 to "0 cents per pound; beef i'rni ;o 10 :i.i cents; sweet potatoes from :lu to ,li ei ni per unit p'-eu ; and poultiv Irom 2 i 10 ci nls pel pound. The prices fur the necessaries ot lite are new so exorbitant mat workiugoien can scuiceiy iiiioru 10 ouy. The raies lor clothing aro treble the price they were hi fore the war broke out, and cleaning and pat. hing an mending hard boon resorted to, and 0111 ciuiucs uro iiuco 10 pass muster by reuo valinit. Iu the sine trade there is an equal dullness, owing to uu uikii price 01 leaiuer una orutie 11 1 Gam is wiieli were formerly imrchased at two doll. us p r pair uro now live dollars, and boots w lin U aiu at six Hollars aro now considered cheap a len uud Ihiru-en dollars. Indeed, all flooiis ii this liue have risen more than one hun dred ivr cent. Miilncry and silks havo, however, somewhat of a 'show," but it is only among the richer eiiiscs, ior lew 01 1 no poorer can atlord to buy boiucts ut froai twenty to one hundred dollars. Th only husine-s which seems to be doing well ism- iui nam-, ine iieuiauu lor uirs inn tall is teuly per cent, greater than it was last year, and s fast are the orders coming iu, that lurite a I- itionni ncip is needed tor sewing and unishbig. f his is owi:ll( to the bu t that luu nricos have not udvanccd In the sumo propoi-tlon as have thus; ol dry goods uud merchandise, and the revcntiu is only twenty-five pur cent, for impoited goods a,ul 'ei PKt l'ent. lor nalive manufactures. A "good overcoat now costs trom scveoty-five to one hundred doll irs, and a "silk" hat cannot be obtained under ten dollars. Asa natural con sequence, light fall overcoats will he worn until the deptn of winter, while "felt" or "Kossuth" huts will be all the rago. Captain W. (S. Davis. The many friends of this gentleman, who Is the Assistant Adjutant General of tho 1st Division, 5th Corps, will be gratiliid to learn that he passed through here yesterday, in Improved health, on his way to tho front. A few of bis former associates, p irtictilurly such of the old ollb ers of the Corn lixchaugo Ri ginu nt as heard of his arrival, had the plea- e of meeting bun. Few men of his age and rank In the army have hud such experience of ivi ro work as Captain Davis. F.ntnring the ser vice as nil otllccrof the 2Jd Massachusetts, ho wusditailed as uid-dc-camp to General Martin dale, andscived as such during the winter of 1,'i'd and campaign of lw!2, until the armv ar rived ut Harrison's Lauding, receiving a severe wound at Malvern Hill. As acting A. A. G. of the 1st llrlgadc, 1st Division, oth Corps, ho served nl Hull Hun second, Antletam, Frede-liik-buig, Chutn.vllorvillc, and ilio Gettysburg and Mine Hun e.imp dgns. Lust spring, on the sintl nfGer.cr.il Grlllln, he participated in all tho libtiiil I'loni the crossing of the li ipi lan to tho oet uj.ntinii of tho Weldon railroad, winning the approval of his superior oillcers, uud Ihc warm 11 caul ot his associates. To them ho now re turns, '.with hi ulth only partially restored, but anxious, if po's'ble, to add to his record, "I'e ti rbl.1113" mid "Kichuioiid." Ma-s Mi. 1.1 1 so, Tuts Lv 1 mx.,. A mass meet ing ! the Ii lends of the National Ciii. 111 party, rcsVipp in the Third Congressional l)ls!ric', will be held this 1 villillg, lit the Collier nl Fl'.l likl' It'll r".iii and (iil stuet, Ninetienth Waul. Auil.u-Ik-i- ol exiciu! .-peukers will address the 111. et d..:, and exb nsivi prcpar clous Lav e been ma le ti- iciii.vi tnc o 1.,-ion one ot uure than u -u il iicpoi ;m ee. 'lbeiowill ulso be a magniiii cut ui-pi.iy of fircwoi ks. 1 isoi:oi:iti.v llocsiis. This morning, Cii illcs Samuel and Minnie Lewis were before Alderman J.'iies, charged with keeping a disorderly hou-o at No. 1 Fayette slieet. Sarah Campbell was ulso chitiged with koepiug a duorderiy house at No. lo ) uj cite street. Fanny Wood, Saiali Shaltcr, Mary Davis, and Mary K. lirieu, were ulso ui rested, being iu tlio houses at the time. '1 lie iiircil ine made ou coiuplaiut of tho ucl.'hhois. Aw aiting an Ovvm.k. A woman, while con siderably undi r the inllueiuc of liquor, went into a storo In the Fir.it Waul yesterday, and laid several bundled dollars ou the counter, staling Ihut she would call uguiu for it. Tho money is iu the hands of Lii-utenaut l'Uller. Ittrui iKi.xii. Tlsis moruing waiiuuts wero issued for the payment of the city bounty to twenty. one nieu, three ul w hom were substitutes. L10 IlnoKiiX. James McCucn, aged lifty years, broke his leg last night by falling oil a shvd ut TvnlU and UwiWH UwW. CUR CITY LAST EVENING. PARADE TO-NICHT. POLITICS GENEIlAby Chcimit street, Spring Garden street, and other portions of our city was in a tremendous b'aO of political excitement I is', evening. The air was vocal with the strains of music, the tread of men marching "o'er thn stony streets," the buzns of an excite 1 populace, and the h irangiics of speakers, who, fiom the stages of public halls, or from door-steps, discussed the great questions of the hour. From tlte IwursM-'jnriy ovc un? il midnight, thousands of pede Hins thronged the a-rce's, ruber in repairing 10 or returning from thedif fennt poin's w here speeches wore announced to take place. The tcene was an intensely .mini ited cue, and n foreigner entering our city las; even ing would have been ulloided a goo 1 opportu nity of hauling how zealously tho p -ople of the North have devoted their energies to the great poli'ieal contest oon to take place in our 1111 1st. Tho fraud torchlight ptrade of the Couple's Campaign Club, the oldirr'a (Mmpak'n t'lti'i. und the Republican Invineibles this eveuiii'; w ill, if the elements conspire, lie an imp i-iug aibiir. The t iiiiitiiitiec of Arramrcments have sps-ed luitlier pains nor epime. to iiniUe the atl'iir grand us 11 spectacle and woitliy of the patriotic ocCiisinn. 'lho following is the route of the procession: Start Irom I if.h and Walnut, up Walu it to 'I ivellth, thence to Christian, lliou c to Third, thence to Green, then e to Fifth, th -nee to Drown, thence 10 '1 weltth, thence to Arch, then c 10 Sixteenth, thence to Ctiesnut, and thence to In dependence Square, and there dismiss. At the Square there will be a display of fireworks. The public discussion between Judgo Kelley and Counsellor Northrop, opposition candidates lor Congress in the Fourth District, came oil' last cvm.ng at Spring Garden Institute. Tue hall was paikid in all pints, and a large nudlonce was n3 usM'iiiblcd on the 0111-lde. The douuio was niaiiily cl'limd to tin di-eiissiou ot th ' (Kiwcrs of lho Coiistilutiun. and the doetriue of S ate rights. At the hall nl the I'nion ls iguo last evening, Hon. 1( h-hard Ii. Dana, Disinet Attorney of the I'uiled States for the F. is'ern District of Massa chusetts, spoke before an immense audience. Mr. Dana has lately arrived In tho city, and had no preconceived intention of making any remarks in public, but yielded to the solicitations of some of the most prominent members of the I nion Liugue, and conseutcd to give utterance to his political convictions 1 1st cvcnln? In un entirely extemporaneous manner. Mr. I)itii poke for over nu hour, and his powerful argument-enlisted the attention of all present. Morton Mi Michael, F,sq presided, The It-putiliean In-vm.-iblc- wire present in force, with 11 full baud ot music. Last evening the Itepublirnn Invineibles ma le a sheet parade along Chesnut street to Ftibm League flail. A largo number of the members Wi re eq'itppcd in their new uniform. Ti e Club was pr. ceded by a hum, nnd curried with thorn the old campaign tings of lHi',0. Although but ni wly reorgani.ed, it bids fair to become one of the h adiug Clubs in tho pre-ent cumpt'gn. T'ley meet temporarily in Suusom Street Hall. Tlio roll is opened for the signatures of new members after 1 o'clock in the uiti". noon. A handsome Hag wns raised last evening at Tweuiy-tirst nnd Thompson streets. Shcritr Thump-on called the meeting to order, aud James M. Freeman pr.-sided. Mr. Donlson, of Loston, William M. Hull ami Thomas M. Cole man. Fsqrs., of Philadelphia, wero among the spiaU-r. l ho topic of tho addresses was the eigiuly of labor. 1 he remarks of Mr. Colemaa were uccived with much spnlnuse. The friends of the L'nlon in the Third Con gressional District will hold a Mass Meeting to mailt, corner of f rank lord road and York streets, Nineteenth Ward. Among ilu shakers on the occasion are Hon. Leonard Mvers, 1(ijti. William l Kelley, Hon. James Pollock, Hon. William b. Mann, and others. Cuptiiin Colbouu, a returned L!bby prisoner, and several other distinguished speakers, will address the public tins evening, at 8 o'clock, at tho hull ot ihe Union League. 1 he loyal men ol the Twenlv-fotirth Ward will meet this evening, at the hall, Market street, be low Thbty-fourth, at 114 I". M , to proccd fro n thence to Darby Koad, where ears will bo in waiting to take them to the Mass Meeting at III110 lb Ii, k 'LgSlSsillg. Our Jerscv friends are engaged in the prelimi naries of a L'ongresilin.il Convent on, to bo hul l at Hrldgcton on tho 2d of October. Delegatus irom Camden county have bo -n electel, an I two-thirds 01 them are opposed to 'ho renoinina tion of John F. .st.nr, the pp's nt It 'preventative, and in favor of a now man. Bit.i.iARii Tovkm.mi:n 1. It has been la con templation to postK)tie tho grand billiard tourna ment for the championship of l'eunsylv.inlii, shortly to take place In this city, in eousequonco ol the interest now manifested In the approaching political contest ; but at a mooting of the gentle men who are to participate In the play, held this morning, it was resolved that the toiiriistuuut should take place at tho time previously an bounced from tho 3d to the 1 lth prox. Quite a largo number of season tickets havo already been di-posod of, and a sutllc;ent sum guaranteed to dilray ihe expenses of tho exhibition. As an index to ilie zeal with which our citizens ate conducting the campaign, we may state tuat the receipts of some of the largest billiard saloons have been materially damaged since tho opening ui me uuupuigu. ine several political clubs organized iu our midst have drawn withiu their cliuruu d circle a majority of our youug men, aad nightly they are to he found devoting their intel ligence to the success of the great Union cause. Hut a lew weeks will elapse before the struggle shall be at an end, aud then the votaries uf this beautiful sclentilic game eau "pocket" and "carom" to their hearts' content. Ai.l.i:onu Assaclt a.no Bati 1:11 v. Colonel Frank Beach, the olllccr in churgc of Camp Cad walader, had a hearing before Alderman Me- Cuhcn yesterday on the charge of assault aud battery on a Mrs. Brewer, tho wife of a soldier. Mrs. Brewer testified that her husband enlisted un Tuesday last at Third and York streets, uud re ceived tho bounty of l iO; that after ho was tnken np stairs to change his clothes, he throw the bounty money out of the windo to her, and told her to lake It home: that In tho afternoon she visited the cumi), and was pointed out as tho w ife of lirewer, and that the Colouel iu his tout attempted to get the money. Sho resisted, und h it the tint. The Colonel, as she savs, dir.x"ed her husband to take tho money from" her, which lie, under a threat of punishment, did. Tho bus. band was then put in irons, and It is alleged was ill uuoir IiliiilHbiuciit when last hcar.l from At the heuring. Colonel Beach said that be h.iri uuthi.rlty tor what ho hud done from the War I'epaittiicut. Escape and AnitEsr or a Mi iuttii:it Jen nilah II. l)iiiin, alias Diusmoic, convicted at T unkliuunock, Wyoininf county, of the niurd.tr of a colored man, and who mado his esmipo from the Shi nil of that county, in this city, on the nth of September, was rearrested and brought here lust night. This morning he was sent to Wyoming Olllll V Jllll , Ui 11 ni.. The funeral of Father Mclaughlin, of St. Aim's Church, took place yesterday. There was a very huge attenduiice. High muss of re quiem was ptrformed by Bishop Wood, "hud a si rinon was pleached by him. 'flic church was It iing iu mobriiing.anddhiicwuld'.s grand reqii'em wits sung by a powerful choir, under tho direc tion of Mr. Thuiins l Harkius. D110wM.1t. Putt iek Loguo, lifieen years of iv;e, was drowned in the cuuul at Fuiriiiount. ves ictuuy. 1 ink llisixi.i-s Iviritor.Mr.Ni ox E1011111 1 ri 1 I. Tin- oM uiul well known thru of Me... 1. .lotin "iitiy A Co ,lnn,i IJ.iiititii',1 with ii,u jiry (i,,oiii l. ale ul 8 Sfei, nil slieet, lime lust oimplouj J a 8iacliu new liiislia-... oilltici! ut Ko. W H. Kitihtb street, wliers, 01 Jbiiiilay nut, 11. c -jiali li.il.mt, they will oj.ea mio of lho chuKt ami nu. l niin.iis .toek of Una ir-a OiigJ. In il.;iili'l,..la. 'I iiiii new w aruliuiiie ha. been emiulr jcloil. II Us ili-1'Uitu.ciil., wltli tliit'c-t relbrenee lo Ilia bu.t rciiilrt U11.UO, ul ui li an astalilisbuient, anil, w-o ui.iyauy, It'tlceta t-irilit as Bi-II ui'Oll Slessra. Clo.u Jt Nsn'iilt, tie binbleli,, s up-OJ lis enlerpi isIq. ow.ii-i. aui lr poet' rs. The liiuima llisir oi tlte tiuiiitiri: it it iiingiilar iu im 111, airsni'd with tl.a la'esl linprovo 11. ants ol lubie counter-, ga-, and otucr Ustuios, una, bv Ilie aid ui lour laiga iioitlietii skyngi,i, It one n li.c icn-t cltci tb el Ibl'led stlcrii"in. iillieiby. '1 liis, tu inuchsii'i ". Ill selecting similes of tires, go.nls e-m iioly, 1. ol Un- utmost iiopoi-iMUi e. 01 11,0 it .i envied ii nice gi nlleincii, tiM uiui n could tint lie .jot ; tl.uiihli it Is nuiio iiiiucceiiiiiiy tu usuuu lliolr fm iu r Innri'ii st' II- si i ri'irily. Mr. Loutcy's esiMirtcnee in tint ln.il.cli ot bii.li e-s. Hlih'itish hu Is a ) oiing tuau. extend, in vi a uiiaili r nl u century, during tiiiucii y. aia of w Ituli l.c has 1,' en ll. c licit. I ul nu- 01 ui d big Ini.nu-.a at N.i. U S. r-icina stoet. 'I tn-latter stand, we beneie. is sfili to be luotn.u, d l fcl, si. L. A t o. as a in-uiich ol o.cir ouii. urn. iue-h nil'ii'S luive alwsvs cm stuuli d a 1.11 ui it. Sei laity nf tblh boii-c. ulnl tln n' sulKliur Usla m u,H 111 . HI I Until Is Inilvelsillb II k IIOM , Ood. Ill ailutliur tolutiill ul olll paper to-iluv w 111 hi li'iiiul an ailll'iuoce 11 am 111 Itielr "ui'i iiu.g nu Mund.iv, wiilcli wu Culuuivjuj tspiiiab; lu lUslUuiC'U vi VUWaJ; ivsvlvis. If any of cur readers sulfer from defoc'ive Ib'S'lhg, Imio.tr. U Sislil, Ttirnat IN-ri.p, ratarrli, or A-tl tua. we Clrfrt ike 11 1 . ierue U . V01 Uj-lo.likar a aiiverilstinf nt In thli 1 vi-iiing'a TKi.Riitui-ii, Tlss uttera of actmpw-liMiatnrn'a ol' eii.ea rsnCilu -tl pi t rnrry 1 11' ntn',,' ri'ni ii '.on ef Hi aliil: of (Ins i-inliidiiT Aur t Mn I 0 nll-t ; II ev are, I'lles t. 'r.On .i h ti vh 11 i-1,. ,r . T o nt all fin tier cnmuinii! up iu Hi 111 weiiitl bi sur t.Iiiuuii. Mhs. Whith's Oi.n Cloak. UT TIIR BAKU Ol' TOWKR UAt.L. (lneil Vti.tri title, with rn-mli il hnall Ana anxious r rs. sin v, isl a clunk W tii' ti on In r bin -hi ha-l uiit"iri'a'l, A' 1 tun. 'II iwii.Ii e tetii'S .be ,miSi ! " I tils 1 teiili I 'Tn worn rive wlnti'm east, A lli-n-il t-ii'li rtiailflni; .ti-le t suit It l us in" Ii i'il wet. , lint ni . at la-l, "i'is quite Tiern out, liovorul iliseuiel " I bail senis pnri'o.p to liavp nimlo Ki ni It an iniTi'imt fur S're'l, Hut 'tis -,i old tliat I'm airat t "1 woiii'i 11. t ti n. it 1 h tin, titne anil Uitcail. It VMMt'O tiv bi'ltiir far to taiv His ti"y a o w mat, 11111 ami stronf, I'r'.m l owit Hsli. w tier tlll'V iu:iilv l Iftliiiifc ihi cuai 1 hat laats no lutii. I " As fur mysplf. tlU cloak, I fi'ar, Mnt s.-r- e uiti vet aiielliiM m-.isnn, htiii'i-all ttnuis iniw hiivi' riiwu no dear, Aml'or ei'i'imtiiv I e n-asnii. II I nor r 1 1 nl I "ilt I i.tu i-lonSs t Ami ItiiTO tlii'V V i' si nfl insti f r plenty 1, I'il 1 i'l u fnini tl'.i.ii -a-ii'.il In ks llmt woillil i'IIIIh-i a entiilll 01 IWeiltvt 1 In prli-rs of ctetli lint Ii ive aitvaneoil. hat tn no ,nms toilie cut' nt vi hh-li iiisiiv siieini-''. Our en. toni"i-s ai-n a' i-eeatilv surtiriseil earli ilav hv rite fomnuriitlv ol, loiv l-rlif- ill wleetivili s.-ll ni s f - . f as ' 111010. 11. ir ol'l iii-tetiii rs tiHvi- lotii; situ e fniin,! out ttio ailvanr tin's 01 rniri-tinliiif tii. rlv tti.i.i t.o, 7. uewoiii's aroil.ilv iltJeiiii-llii llirni. We Iui po mh-Ii a- lists- 11, a yot vlslttil mn etc Ml'li-liuiellt to ilo so. w lit-llu r tlii'V dli'.' to p.ir-Uu.-ii or le t. Tim't'H ll.vt l., No. SIS M.irSiM stro.'t. tlKNNKrr A co. Trie Vomr. Itm.wtr i.kik The rtltwir clerk ibeises smiirllv ami vsearittlo .Mc('l.la.l.N nioil.tai'hnl lie is a fileml nl a lilri'ctnr or a eou-tn of a larrfe Bhare lintili'r. Ilii.lnrsa with film Is finite a aeenmlary oou siili ratlnn. He du'n lit. Ilttlp trap door Ave rnlnittea In l'nre lhi tlnn' ot slurtltiu tuMOre which the crowl have In en siirTiHailiiii tor a hulf an hour, ami closiw It the nilnute tlie ollli e cloek Indicate time up," and If T"U wrri' unat'le toiM't 11 tlcki't tie snva. "Ihero alwaya will bo aoinetinOy ltl." He will taau your inotiiiy ll you unit a tli ai-t, lint Is noi Untile lor any mUialieA, lias no Uuio lo attend to uilntaki-a now, or 10 recount chang'S not to aii.-wrr 'tucsllnos ahoiit the tralnsi that Is uot hla ileparllni'llt. mid red ni vou to ttio dally iaMira. Holt "norry" lie ean't take nttiat note," hut would like to hiivi' n ttrreiitiiiek. lulls odlce Ills usual amiability de serts him. tits linen tishiii is beautifully smooth, hut Ills tcniicr Is sadly rulHril, ptirtti marly to those wha do uot patroule hlni dallv. To unuestina from a stiay traveler about the price 01 a ticket, a lost pack nee, or a "ilroaJiul ci'lll-ion." ne only stares or uln a a nod that mur express yes" or 'no," lust as the poraiiu plean'S. outside ot hlstritp door however, the rnllwitv clerk la as ohllnlnn as most clerks, with this advanlaite, that lie la very good lnoMtiK. itn's-es In "iiertect" taste, always ordering Ins clothes made at Cms. Nrogi s sr Co.'i, undor the Con tinental. In the heat uf summer tie lmv.a cool, and In the depths or wlutor warm and cointortahle. Ha was evlilenrl.v Intendisl hy nature its an orn nn-nt to a tea party or bom to grace a plo-nlc aud not for m clerk on the Onv-man iuid isiuiiU.', lullroail und Transportation t'oiiij.iu.y. A Oiif vr Sfwino aoiiikk KsTAnr.tsHMRNT. for Ibc pnr iim' of I'liriil-linig mure neciirati' lnt-tttgence ri'.-pecUrig the relative merits of the various sewing mat hbie evtatilliliiiu tits ni' tho. elt,wo yestt rday caliefl at tl;i' wultihou.-o of tbe lirover A Bukor Coruiiany, No. 7iil 'tu-jpyut sli ml. Time uru inibitt!y low puraniia at all fuinlllHi with tlio hUAlnflhs avenut'. nl' our elly who uro not ai-'iuillnleil with lilts iirtai Icwltiii-lnucliiil' tmpjrlum. A few woriis, hiiwcver, w ith rcKSi-d to Its advantages over all rivals will nut In- iinuss a. an Item of Information : Ttio capacious windows ol the house ara mainly devoted to the oxhilil'liill of gu.iin-iits clalstrati'ly wrought by the tlrovt-rc Bukor mae:uno On ent 'ting, tha visitor Is pre sented with all tbe style nnd spleodor of a pataee. Tne groiiiid tlanr, from tho yn-sily lueressed btislneis of tbla house, Is now- w hiii y m-e'ipli d as a -salesroom and for cx hitilong iina-hlncs, arid the rrnst irt etvb and llow of eiiitninf i'l during our vlf.lt showed tbu. however apathetic nisy be the business pulse tu souii' other drnartui-Jiits, tlis sew lug taaif.ine trude, so tur as It concerns the" llrover A llaai-r," la luiceai-livnihan ever. Korls this surprising wtn-n tl.e siii'frlor exei Heme of tliem w irld-reiiovv ueJ ll.striuiirnts Is consult red. Anions the ttiousiiniisoriiroverjt V.aker M4ohln"s Pow In use in this city atone, there Is p-ob,itiy not a.11 limirl dnal who would I'xrhuBe this for any other tn use. To spciify hi dotiill tha eiillni list ol advaicsges which thla mucbinv pnssessf s fer a'l family purpose), wontil protne-t tl ts urlli le to un endue lotie'h, though there are ionic fiw tleit rsnni'l tH'overlonkeil. Inttotlr-t place It mii-t tc borne In maid that tl.e Crov er & baker t-'onuiiiny iiianul'iicliiri: both die ' Lock" and tin "1,'iorc- ,( linlrr" rltilili Muehllics, uud tuat thay Ictive to purebatcrs the widest privilcgo lu making sel a ll' lia, . e , It ulti r glv lit nlie a f.lr Uiul tho oilier It pre. lei red, ttie ext-li.iiice ts promptly and willingly ui itte. Tlw work that oh her ot ilieaeuuiehuiss poi-i'urius la amarveto atreegth uiul iie.iltic-s. The giiiui'nta which wseiamlnod, as th y oams fram the handt of lhi'roierutorsnbtt'i-Jay,eiimid atiythtngla tliewai of artlsile neoitlo work that we have aver aevn The pieelslon wtlh vvhleli the most ornate stitching Is per formed, II - einllte nnd o'abornta emtirotdei-y whteh la et cut cil b the I b over A linker fac hint s almie, as d s ilii eil 011 va Ions garrin ills lor belies and ehltdren, and Un- its ul .Ircisdi a nil i-liistit-ity of tli,- ssatua ma le. ulaeo tlieie htriinii in-tar in nttisiice rf alt rivuls; ami It Is net suiprl-itig, trfole. rhnt the work essenrpd 011 llii'se iiiuenines las tiecrr lallisl to take Uia lllgllcat pieriiium w bi'tievi-i-nnd wlieiever i-xl.ihlied. fin tlio sicoiid ito.r of ttio osubiishtiu-nt ara the "liiftrintlnn" ami ' Htlt, lung ' tuin ihe 1 inner 00011-pii-s tin- t'lii-siuit strei-i (runt, and is oneol the lnot eheer fnl arid 110 ititig iiimruni ut, im iglualile, whore, under ilia 111 i-ral and pr.il.cwoildy rugulalioua of tlila cmupaily, lailn s :i' st lli.crty to g 1 ut all hours of th-d.v, und metre unit urU-m in the ine of Ihe ffsiring It ilnut tirtiiiittituiri, trlo iher tiiitinlino I" juierlmne or not. This generous and, ai it lata turned out. useful poliry. waa adopted l.y ihc present intfriiilsllig agent of the nr.ivnr t, llaker Coriit'any. .Mr. Kildv, In Is mi, in tho cilvol Balll luore. und hue bevn since, we helieve, followed br some oilier isirnjiaules At lh same tlujo auolln'r e tiia'ly' asoel Hiil rule was iiil..Hi,i fur the bitiellt ol iiurehassis, n.ilnely, s.lid lis iiiau-s Cumi'Slent to tc.ieli tj Ilie 1, o. 01 eiistanu-rs I ir Unit put pose, uud giving all re iul-ira Ini-ltiii-tions tree of charge. lu ailflliiou to the uilvaulaues here named, we may also state thai even drov er Si llaker Sumo Marhlna sold la ton eaufnl end kept lu perfect repair one year without incuse to the purchaser. 1 n e Htili-lilne-room Is a sort of Industrial iraltarv. whara a tudy can luve mailetouraer In liie best at vie, a e im- pu-te oiitnr in everything iicrtaimng to her wardrobe, at tiiesh'uicat no-fce. Iluiidreds are availing theaisalvca of tills gieat convenient-. Hut we huve said luore than we Intended, and In eon ebihion would simply request nil iier.oiit who wish to procure the be-l Hewing Mat hoe In tin world, without the lirobul'lllti-of ever regretting Uielr selection, to v isit Uie t irovur A linker warerooiua. No. 7-'t0 Cbositut street. "A Stitch in Tim. Sams Nink." This is a good luolto at all lime., but it applies with special force In purclia.big avwiiig machines, lor this reason buy the "Florence, 'told at No. UIU f'heanilt street, t'hlhtdolphia, In pri Terence to any etlu r. It la Hu best tewinl' maehlne 111 ine norm, anu IS to pronounced by hundreds of the most prominent I'.iinlln's 111 the eitv, who n.iw lime tl ein lu use. Kver.v riMchitiu sold la warra-itcd to glv-easli.tiie-lun.orttiemonc.v will ho refunded. Suini.ruut lninilleti, lu viirlous p'atiuii. of lho eonutrv, after trying niunyolber mucliines, nave decided tbat tlie-'ITorence" i., beyond I'uiupurisoti, Uie butt taiuily iiiaeltitiu In lbs world. Cllll lHlKN's CLOTIIIMI. lluvt' Hints. Inisnts' f'liithlng. Ilovs' Ovelcust-. 'the lun-e-t and b"st assnrlment In the eltv. M. rlliol.uskl.lt aCti,, 0. 4 M . r.lshtb street. riiinooitAi'iis, V.Nht iii'asm:) Stvlks, Artis tienl ill exi'Cutfon. 11. K. hebnsi' s finned Ill'u-sUe Ph'ltO- gruits In oil eol.irs, lio. vtyies. and t'nrtes de Visllct, Dover lull to ilcise. Ku. it.'l Arch street. IllOX llinsTUVIS, AX'll Ciikap HrsK, 11 iui, nnd .Mots Matressas, ut W. Henry Patten's, Mo. 110s l annum stri-cl. Mits. M. fi. Ilnov, y " Metaphysical Dig. eovity," kills Ilie root nl et erv disc nui. Pi-i.-o S',, n.tt 410 Arch H'ret'l. fscn utlvert'sciiieut lu anntliei' cnliimu. Asthma, nuosf iiiTts, and nil diseases of the Lune. iire snl'diicd al once to Jav uo't tipe tot.iut, Hoorni's Am: ailts, Soitukist Coksiik or Tiuun ami t ut -s l T 81 in 1 Ts lieii'Jt men of reilned ta-te iiatrnnie tl.it ret hen he esuhUshtttent, irom tbe li't-t tl.ut uui. lullcrated Li-iiurs only are told oil Uiii ptcuiliii, Murl.els by Tt'letrinpli. Ki.w Yoiik, Sep'einber 1!!. Flour 21 cents lOVS 1 1 : -a.es .it'.' "' Ii. ill ;s. M,li..,S',l e.'l; I Ii .. $ ,l l ml.. S i,, 1. tin, til .11:.. ',i,c.i,-, u'tii. Ivwx.r; sales nt,'ti....ri..!,l. I'uiu ,li !l i smrill siil. s, ll.-,. ,lnli. pjik ll. ,. .. ul - ll'.. II '.. I.alildilll. W I.IkK V .In il. Kkw Yoiik, September '.'I. Storks are lower. 1 '. 1 n. at it lit. 1 1-1 ,1 mil. bsi 1 : f 'iniilii r innl ',.;!. nr.'. It rr. tl, '..', : II ill--Is, I 'clil l;il, I -1 '4 ; .M n tii.-iiu st.-iittn'i 11, 7 ,: .x.iv v ..ik 1 .-i ti ..1. 11 . bt ii.n.ig. l.-j; Hudmu ItiMi- ll l .11 n il l'u.. :i.', Mi.- .im I,., t.iic, oi; Oi l le.i, 1 vrl'tu it . . vi ; Tre i- rv 7 11, b.l: I ive-'l,-...ic t. 1... mi',, tt..t,n lis, lu;-,; It gistcre.l, 1- , li" d. since lb.- Hoard, 'JoJ. Uvi.'iiMoitK, Septeiiiher 21. Ilusiness Is nt a st:iii,l--t II 111 c 'U-e.iii.-nce -it tin' .I.-cIim' 111 gultl. tirani e cue ..i 4. ai 1 1 tin- ,n, .- arc i.i'in'n.-il. I to'ir 1. uccIih led li. ni .irj uiii.. rilnc, ilo s,',.o-l. w in.ky Juio.) all si. LATCST 21RlE IXmUtsEXCE. CI.EAKED TUIts MOUNIttU. Stcanihliip h.ixtin, Matbewt, li-iston. It. Wlttsnr A Co. ling bli.il, Api'iNiitc. lunifs hue.. I. I;, lialey Co. lltig 'I iherlss, illnii', l leuiuc.o,, tl. I', f 'i.iBu il t'j. S. I-1 II Mliii-'s, t I'liini-l-.n, ltc..ur''-rt. I. S s'.ets-iu A Co. hi In t W . I'm pen: el-, l.dvuu .Is, luih. K. A. Sunder .V; 1 'o. Sel r J hstlci tit 11 aite . buns. Wash tig 1011, Tyler & Co. K. nr Hint e. bohln u, llusi'ili, W. UuuUT Jr , & Co. "al.r 0. M. I'eibl. f,.iik. It.i.l do. tv In A. 11. Klug (new 1, Snii,i r, ijuiury Point, I'-.UIn. aRIIIVKD THIS) MOIININU. Slap Retiaslonol, S.n In, 1 . du.is Horn Habile Point. In b.illi.t lo J I.. I1.1 le.v A 1 ... hci.r r. st. t'srier, 'I inst, b days from Wareham, lu bul bi.i lo J. I. lliiilt 1 at 10. hi In lb 111 y , IM.I..U, J day t IMUI Kcvv York. In bslltst . in last lo O M IVItlt, ( birk, d.ij bum llultluui-o. lu bui lt . Hunter, Jr., A Co -4 hobrT.P. M. i'.iiiey. .niK,r.,iii, i i.lv fwl catriaea c ,1b gralutuJam.dTl .rr .il ' VM V" ''',VU Del FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Ortna or th r.vRmre Tn.raara,l Sstuidsy, Hapietmliaf sl. Oold hat aram declined 0(176 per e-nt., opealns; at 212; fell of and sold at 2101 at 11 o'clock ; 28 at 12; and 20 ,4 at 12-1 The effect of this raped decline ts to lower pr log for all kinds of merchant d ae and prodnee. The wholesale trado of the country Is therefore Tory qttlet, and specnlatorf of all kinds ire compelled 10 operate for a fall. The S ock Marku ii rcry dull and dopreaaed this morning, and prices have agsJn declined. Ia Government bonds there Is yery little doing, but prices arc steady, with tales of 6-20 al 10 ltfa m, coupons otr; 7'3ns at 110; url Gt oflKSl at 1074. Itailroad sliarea aro ery heyy tad lower, wlihsnlesof n.dinatfi2tr611; rr:nsy!anits Ha Iroad at 714 ; Utile Rchuyikill at t:,(t 16 ; and Camden ft Amlxiy at 167; 35 waf. bid for Catsv wissa pn fcrred ; 31 Tor Philadelphia and Krle and 17 for .nt Island. tj There it uot mucti doing In C;l Oil tharct, but prices nre steady, with sa'es of mioeral oil to notice at 22; Densmoro at 11; Rock Od 4 ; Mcriintuckb'4, nnl Irving at 7j ; which is a (light advance. City Passenger IUilway shares continue very dull, nnd there is little or nothing doing; 70 wac hid for Second and Third; 11 for Arch; and 26 for (iiinrd Collepo. There Is no material change to notice :n Btnk shares; 101 was bid for North America; 131 for Philadelphia; So for Commercial ;C7 for Northern Litanies; 2!) for Mechanics'; 7H4 for Kensington; 114 for I'cnn Township; and 27 i for M mulactu rcrs' aud Mechanics'. Canal shares are dull and lower; 3! WJJ bid for Schuylkill Naviguioa cotnraaa, aid 3') for pre ferred ; 20 was bid for Susquehanna Canal bo'ids. There Is not rnnch demand for money, nnd the rates remain about the same as lust quoted; loans un call ant offered at GCft'7 per coni. per auuum ; best pajver is selling at 'a li per cent. A despatch from Waahingum this mora log snys : The subscriptions to tbe new 7 30 loan for the past two days, as reported at the Treasury Department, amounts to $1,701,000; thus far the entire amount subscribed la g'W.WI.OOO. rUILAOKLrUI A STOXIK BXUII ANUat SlLKd, 9CPT. 1. Keporled by Clarksoa A Co., Broitars, X. HI 9. Hurtl It. BBFOKB BOAROSJ. von sl He lis mora I..OPI U ...b. 11 100 .h B-a.l'ng H...., tV.t wo sb do ej S-si in Rweeisior Oil . I A-tl 4'i th .Mi't'Uoio k..ij est ;lih liu.lOrts-k..... , Ml to Uig Taut 3'4 Cisi sh do n o .a io 013 11 SMI tn I ni.-n l'i t 2 : lislsh t'aixell Oil ... U It.sith klrlllicniiy ... 7 li"j tu Od Creek riKtiT BOARD. f .cnn it. s. s. fll Iu7),' $::iii. I), s.o o..'oiiotr.if..ii, t -o do couu olf. ICi. siiso do. ..coup otr lot u $isi IT. H 7 lu .a.Ail.lltl f.stsi t:iies'k At uiit.li..') ;$ ;t i 0 Sits. 1 'an. bits ..c lid HKSiC Act K-J lei t.'H do m. at. ill .MlTioea P.bits....UJ .'siliHh KuKoaCoal. ... 'Jut) ill do HO sh renn )(i...k l PI sh M"iisl Oil .... 3",' .'SI sh Ho. Oil i-i . IIS) in IrensraoreOU.. II ' AthCara m Ata..,.17 W'sh Lit Hob II r,X . HO SB do t 0 4fi "1 so Bca.1. tt.it.. Us9 tr." , lislth .to rtll's I'SVsri do...bs- s-jAaius. south da.. Id - v ACT'CIt BOAUUS. f.foll. II T. In... 80 UltisiAllegh.t'o'ia.bt. 7S fitsaicav lis, oltl lot) SIMS, city St. new MM. ..Sluts) do.niuulclpal ltV UWPenn.m.tHs..t5. tH '", 's) th McJllutoek..bi St , I III in e.nn. I. Ill liMsliPhUErie"" ; PKICK8 OF STOCKS ITX NEW TORS. Jteportcd by Clarktot Co., Brokers, No. 121 R. Tblrl St, , . nest Cat. AtCS4 Omtl. cu11.11 nia.r h, loni.int orr.....lul OKI Kis s Island fla an 4 kid Kewltng llsllr.al 1 11 hid llbnoit (teteral Ksllrcad ., bid N'Uthw.iatem b'd daw Vat k Cencral llailruad 114 b d t rie llaproad 101 kid lluc-on ita-lroad nvr 0ia tlold mo'; Ot 1 T iul"d 8ia.et 5-JOt loo1,' hid siarket Heavy. let aakss ale Y.Vi tales ' 1H .ties ' .. 1M .. sans .. !! .. taies sale Uatttuad. (iuotiiticns of Q. ild at the Philadelphia Gold Exchange, No.31 8. Tuird street, second story : . 1'4 A. M 212 12 M 208 . II A. M 2101 1 P. M m Market weak. Jay Ciiokc Co. qno'e Govcrnmrat Becurl tica, &c, to a yon to-duy , as follows : TT.W81 -.TXT "Wi V. S. 7 a-ION. ilea 100 110 C'ertilieatci of Indebtedness, nesr.s. IH 9i tjuarrermujitor's Vouchers.. ........ 91 92 (iold vtx) 2f5 o-2o linn. Is lora not 1 De IIavi-s C110., No. 20 6. Third street, quote as follows American Hold American Silver, 4 a and i's. Iiivivf. !?(. . VifO 1402, . 1 iJimesunii it ail Dimes. Spanish Quarter! 1 ( a 170 .. . 1 itil. 1-S dla. 1 eiiD. t. urrt ney New York Exchange 1-10 par. Quotations of the prtacipai Coal and Coal 0U tucks at 1 o'clock to-dsj ; J) id Ait. l MM AH. . 1 - i t t si ai Tnlton Coal .. a 11 11 tier ccal Big Mounialii Coal. .. K.V t Mi.l.l.ial..l.' Oreen Mi. Ci ai.... t N larbnivdalo .... 3 New (Viek 1 y.'etier I lain Coal. '1 Ifi Keystone Ztat.... IV PJ lentmor ....ll o.'i Oaaeliotf ttU 3 Ucilliaiiuy (V I V U"i'i ts OU 3 1 (cnistead 3k,' 1.1, NooleSiltekuiMMr.UV 3 1 1'aOoJeuaa Cauuts 'a'4 17 iKsbert jjj I'. 1 Huge Island 1 HV'Hibbard t '. klvry rarsa Vt Bruuer Im IS kxcelslorOi! 1 ti's big Tank t't S -Continent! 3V4 4. laireU J i si Aiegheujr Kivtf.. .. 1 ICurun 3 Clinton Coal I American kaolin.. 2Vi IV1111 Mining lu Miahnikln lo.ta stwataia I'otiliecllcQt .. Oil i 'T.ck a Maple sih.de Oll,.17V McCIIBtnck Oil. reimtv Ivania l'at.. I'etry Oil Mlueial ou Keystonf Oil Veuai.gn Otl I'liluri l'enolsum.. llctcnn oil tteneia Oil 1 il'hila A oil (reek.. 1 3 94 .1 1 Hull Creek. . 4' 2 'Herman!.... IX llnggs Com Planter. 114 Hock Oil Vt II obe 7 '4 tipper Ccouos . V. , 4 a i; manic Oil Franklin Oil Howe s kgilyO I.. in no. U l Papa I arm OU.... ty... The folbiwiuc nre the receipts of Flour and Orulu at Ibis port to-day : Flour,- UD0 bide. 1 W heat, 8(100 bushels; Corn, 2d?9 bushels ; Oaia. 4G00 bushels. The New York Tribune, this mornlnR, says : "Money Is nhundunt among Stock houses at ' 7 )a-r cent., and more has been off rid than could be used ut the quota Ion. Commercial paper s limy he quoted at Ho1!) for bankers, and lOfri'I'J for dry-goods and grocery bills. Thcrs ara . symptoms of a panic iu ine rihundiic, nnd as a 1 111 1 1 1 nl consequctice an aversion to buy paper, , based upon goods boupbt with gold, at 2'Ai'2M0. Day by day consumers becomo more prudent, aud it is uuvv cuiicrdcd that the enormous rat ports of this year can only pass into consumption at a reduction fatal to the fortunes of m .nv im porters and jobbers. The bubble in prices based upon the theory thatthe premium ou gold exactly represented the depreciation in legal-tender no'e.4 -tins been pricked, uud the fortunes uiiide by the tidy. un e. lu gold are fast disuppearicg. PII I a-jl DELPHI TRADE KCPOBf. Sati riiay, September 21. Cotton is dull, and prices nominal, nt l 'iO for middling. There is very littlo Quercitron Uark In market; a sale of "0 hhds. at i ui per ton. Groceries all have a downward tendency. Provisions aro luactlvc. C'lovcrsccd is in small stuck, and it ranges from trld to sit y CI lbs, at which there have been small sules. Timothy is held with increased liniiiiess at 7(7"i5 IJ ' bushel. A sa'.e of 100 bushels of Flaxseed was made at tjfMij. There is no life at all in the Flour Market, and the only sales muking are to the trade ut ' 10-50 (10 7i If bbl. for superfine, Stllfji 11-25 for extra, and frli-7-5c.l- o0 for extra family, and fancy brands at a higher figure. Nothing doing in Hye Flour or Corn Meal. Tho Wheat Market Is dull and prices are nomi nal, with sales at $2'3.5((t2 W for old Pennsylva nia red, $2-4 t2 o0 for new do., and Si-jOo? 2-52 Tor Southern do. White in held at 2-C0i. 2 05. , . , Ityo sold In a small way at ftl-SOfS 1-81. Corn Is dull and prices lower; a sale of yellow ; was made at frl-os, aud so.) buhcU hit at 1 7i OaU are in good deuiuud al 084c. for uew, aad 92e. for old. f llarley and llailcy Malt are dull and noniiu'- Whisky dull, und prices have dacllacd ; sales at T-bO(fel-t3, fc-eurally held M " Mtt), ' (i C
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers