TUTS DAILY EVENING TET.EGUAril. PIIIIiADELrillA, KlilDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 18G4. voting fMtjjtap.. OFFICE No. 108 8. THIRD STREET. f-rlef Tvmiii 0tm P OorT, Ktnvr.aii Oawr. Put Wan, "arrtaf, aaallad to Rulworlbort at t City at H' Doclam Faa li!iOai Dnixaa m ptrrr f!i roa Two M,iimia,riiTar1a4y tn xtrimi trtiffxMnlnl. Mtkama turtsj at tl a.sal r.ua. A literal arraacraxal aaaat for xtaoawd IBMrtMu. T ftrm ria. mNm aaa b laVaa of A mitifmnii. Cmi montrattonS. tlitnir I. MHnrh-tl for Im-crtl n mti.t b aulh.-nil at.,1 tv th. him and aadraa. of th. wrlfar not ai-cf .arll for a,nllaalMn, b'lt aa a aiiaranta. tr hi ipK'd faith. W. oaaaoi aaaartaa. ta rctura ntjontad Couaunicaiiou. T Advert law. Aw to an-at tncraaa. hi Ilia Clrmlatlon af Tn stm In ", .n.rliln tin In bo to pres. at an arlThoar, wa araai'Mx niicat thai adv.-rtl-ruiMH. m.r haad a. aa aot.a ai 10 oolixk, II rall,la, to art ar. than, aa ftaoartioa tn all of oar aditlor... FRIDAY, BEPrKMDKIl 23, IRiH. Tl 1 11 WAIl NldWM. ITsd It not lieen for the. Jiv.triietl.iri of tlir railroad bridges, stori'S. &c., uliout Gordius t ilk1, by ft cavalry expedition a few tluys since, General Siikujiian'm vie tor would have Cloned the campaign in the valley of Virginia. Tbis achievement has prevented Gi ncr.1 Eari t from leisurely retreating to Hirlimonil, and has rendered his prospect for obtaining supplies ratlier unsatlsfiictory. Eaki.v Is now wending his way aa rapidly as possible to Staunton, and then-e probably to Lynchburg. The latest reports slate that he has taken a position at Flint Hill, beyond Strasburg, from which he was partially dislodged on Wednes day. Since Wednesday night no further ad Tlces have been received from the front. There la but little doubt expressed about the recapture of Staunton by our troops, and the Itebel army under Early will be of but poor use to General Lkk, even If it should get bacV to Richmond without further disaster. The tact that Shebidan has been able to follow and drive the Rebels for a distance of fifty miles beyond Berryville augurs new suc cesses In Itself, and we shall bo disappointed If we do not soon hear of some now victory In the valley. A predatory band of Rebels moved west through the Blue Rid so gaps to a point between Winchester and Strasburg on Tuesday night, and succeeded In capturing ome of General Sukiudan's despatches, hut m these are now all sent in cipher, their pos session will be of little value to the enemy. General Sokridam's supply trains huve Kirf ed safely at Winchester. f"be Rebels under Shklbt and Maiima- V&AO&mM' to be advancing Into MUsourl, directly into the hospitable arm of Gon A. J. Smith, who knows well how to receive them. -. All Is quiet yet In Geucral Ghant'h army, but stirring events may be looked for at any moment from the south bank of tho James river. General Shkrmax Is still fortifying Atlanta and exchanging prisoners. THE TRl'K IMHITK. ' The coast is now clear. John Cuari.kh Fiiemont has formally withdrawn his name as a candidate for the Presidency, and the contest has thereby been narrowed down, as we expected It would be, between the two great parties of the country, the Republicans and the Democrats. We shall say nothing of General Fremont that his dearest friend would except to. lie was, as even he will now admit, drawn Into a seeming, If not actual opposition to the political party which Is really the party of freedom. The lasue tn this Presidential canvass should not be mis understood. They who would seek to cancel, or disgrace, or disavow It, are not and can not be the true partisans and adherents of the Administration. Principle, after all, is more powerful with the people than policy. The masses love truth and candor, but they liate fuUehood and equivocation. Parties must be distinguished broadly and positively In times like these, and not be so nearly assimilated by a weak and timid assertion of their distinctive views and opinions as to leave the great body of the people at a loss to choose between them. Now, what is it that really divides tho Re publican and Democratic parties at this time ? Not the naked question as to the termination Of the war on the basis of the Union, because both are professedly committed alike to that grand ultimate end. McClki.i.an says that the Uaion of the Stales is the only foundation on which a permanent pence can be raadti President Lincoln assumes the same premises He declares that this war must be fought out on the principle thut the preservation of the Union Is a nine qua non of pacification. " But while all this is true while the Repub licans and the Democrat are alike engaged. by their solemn ('oi-UratmiH, to a refusal of any settlement of this civil w.ir except ou the coudition of a restored Union of the States, it is nevertheless notorious that th two parties are radically distinguished hy one IVindanientul inane. The Deinoerutle party, represented by Gene ral Mt-Cl.KM.AN, and accepting his letter as their platlorm, have taken the ground th.it the Rtutes In rebellion nviy come back Into the Union, in ututu iuo uhIv buVum, upon sim ply laying down th ir uiin, an I huMmv for peace. But that is not the Republic in plat form. The President and his party say that the Rebels shall be punished for their revolt ; that Uioy shall not be restored to the state from which they seceded without suffering Borne Just puniahment for the atrocious war they have made on the peaco and integ-ity of the nation. They say, in a word, that slavery, which was made the cause of the war by the slaveholders themselves, shall be destroyed, utterly uud entirely, before peace is concluded. And they Insist on this condition, not only because it Is right In point of principle, but because they believe that the Union never caube re-estubluhcd on a IjomIs of permanent harmony and stability unless slavery is first extinguished. This U a sound political doc trine, and it should be boldly asserted by the Republicans Ui Um present canvass. tUMhTMAS. There Is an appalling lack of earnestness in Anierlcau lile. In the hot and hurried pnr uit of wealth we grant there Is seriousness to profound as to amount almost to sternness and there U zeal so fcrvld as to look like lnfi tuatlon or Insanity. No one can vli&rge us With coldness la our business, for U U as clear as meridian sunlight that the heart-strings are tlthtly wrapped aroupd It. Khop-llfe Is some thing luU'iioely grave, and your money-seeke Is no dullard or dreamer, but a croature brist ling with ardor and breathing energy. We ell and borrow, we buy and lend, as If we fl-cl a warm Interest In what we do, and as If we attach meaning and weight to It The state of the Stock Market is not regarded with placidity; we do not fold our arms, and walk laggardly, and talk gently, when a glitter of gold flashes In our eyes. As working men, we are Impressively earnest. We treat each other with the utmost sober ness and solicitude In store and office. But where else but In the places of business will you point to downright earnestness? Wo ought to find it In the pulpit and In the )ews surely there. And yet the minister of God st'inds up in his solemn pluee, Sunday after Sunday, and mouths. lie Is grucefiil, It may be, and he writes prettily anil speaks sweetly; but does h mean ivlint he snys? Does his soul burn with a passionate desire to sow the seed of eternal lite? Does he henr a voice that is never still calling upon him to warn of the wrathful fires that shi.ll burst upon the unrepent.lng sinner soon? Dots ho look, does he act as If he loves his business? You listen to hlin as you listen to one who recites a beniitllul story in licautlful language. You catch the glea-n at short Interval:) of his white pocket-handkerchief, and you slmlllu a little, or clear your throat, or look to see how somebody else takes It, when he concludes an elaborate and bril liant sentence. When the services are over you hasten to exclaim to your friends your perfect delight with tho "splendid sermon ;" after which In evitable weekly outburst you vehemently inquire who thut was In such and such a pew, and work your passage down the al.slo, through a gust of lively conversation, rejoicing that your preacher Is so easy and elegant a man. Or else his speech fulls upon your ear like the hum of insects in tho white noon of a mid summer day. You feel ponderous! weights on your eye-lids your head wabbles you tor ture yourself, with pins and finger-nails, into spasmodic wakefulness and attention. You are waiting for Are you are served with milk and water. Why Is tho march of Christianity so slow, Its spread so Imperceptible, its benign Influence so little felt? Why are iU apostles so few, Its triumphs so hard won? Is It not because there is no stirring, struggling earnestness in the pulpit nor beneath it? Most divines, now-a-days, evince no agonizing concern about the souls entrusted to their care. Wiiitkiki.d'h blazing spirit has not descended uon them. They read polished essays. They exhort in a half apologetic manner, as if fear ftil of hurting the feelings or shocking the nerves. Oht that the outright earnestness of St. Paul would animate our passive, gen teel ministers, or the glowing ardor of that old preacher whom Wiht saw and heard in the woods of "Virginia, und immortalized forever. Earnestness, moreover, does not mark our press. It does not strike hard, brave blows at social or political wrongs, it sugars, and gilds, and compromises ; it breathes a spirit of cowardly conservation ; Its word-) and phrases ure tho mildest and most harmless the vocabulary affords. No subject scarcely Is treated with feeling. There 1b not a palptble desire to come at the truth, to sustain good men and pood actions. Editors rack their brains to All columns with orthodox Inanity. The aim of their existence is how not to say it as agreeably and Inoffensively as possible. The people would as soon look for vivid lightning In an undecked sky, as for vitality and force In the public journals. There Is no earnestness vivifying our press. In social life there is the same absence of the same grand and plorious element. Wo play and fool with each other nil the while. Go to one of our parties, to one of those stiff and awkward attempts at social enjoyment which are indigenous to the soil. How com pletely "in fun" are ull theso bright people I How flippantly they exchange their Ideas; how they smile polite mistrust of one another ; how nieuninglessly they simper and nod their heads 1 Why you would absolutely ter rify them were you to attempt to be in earnest. Seriousness would horrify them as much as the sight of a mouldy skull. You must say what you don't mean, or what from long-continued utterance you really begin to think you do mean. And so, not only at parties, but in the home-circles, and In all localities save those of business, we assimilate to chill clods. Earnestness how noble, how admirable a truit of character I If you dream of achieving conquest over mind or matter, be earnest. If you Intend to earn your footing ou this beauty-teeming earth, and prove your right to be culled a mau, bo earnest I AMVNKMKN 'I'M. s I.ini.K Ka-iik JlAhKit. Those who have wit iiesmid the performance of (be character of 'Marie" in the Sea uf Ice, by this precocious female prodigy, will aiiree wilb us that she hits DO equal of bcr yearson (he stage. She acta with the grace, correctness, and power of one much older; which, while It is aslonlsliing. la so admi rable an to cnu the larger portion ot the appluune bestowed upon the piece It will lie Kiutiiyim; intelligence to those who nightly ad mire and applaud "Little hud, ," to know tti.it she is a pjod, de-urving, and olio li lit irl m private hie, ai.U is In every way woi'lliy ot the attentions ,'iven her. An a native of our city, we an-g'ud to see her appreciated tliu-, and bopu mmhi to uitl In .'iving her a more iiljstautial proot ot our admiration. OiniAiic Coni'iihis. We ara informed that Mr. Ie Vivo, the well kiuwn ina -tro, has con st ntud to give tarn or three concerts in our city iliiring the couiinc. week. The vo m! )(. in of tho nnl popular opera" will till up the programme ot rut h concert. The I iIIowihk d,i-tiniiiihcd Biti-t tire lie iiiIhts of tiie ho'iii": sinora Vliitiii).' I.orini, Niiior.i Fanny Nvtlie Tos'.t, Silnorn Mel mi, Tes'a, and Ainotlio. v.l'ti Mr. S. lMiitna in mil -1' u I cuiidiic:or. Detailed ail IK.u. c i ii.i ins will be n'ivi-n next week. Tiik VirnKoini on. ll "a think of beauty Is a jcy 1'oievu'," then can this quotation nu.s. aptly be applied to tliu Ktereoptlcon cutsrtulu ments now being given at the Assembly Iluild lncs. ft is, without doubt, the most beautiful am) most pleasing exhibition that his visited our city, and but one opinion has been expressed in rruiird to it, and that is admiration of its "re it merit!'. 1 lie "dlio-t" fane i- a curious and U'liiitilul illusion. We would advise ull. e-po-cially the ladies, to see this splendid cuterta u- llltlit. CITY INTELLIGENCE. Tiik Im.ai i. Kerolulions w .'re pas-c l by City Couiieils, requesting the Mayor to uk the, Presi dent and Secretary of War to suspend the draft, in view of the presmt rapid volunteering, and also to a-certuin whether an arriineenient can bo made with tiie Provoid Maiahal-t iencial to trans fer (he exi cmi ot quotas m certain wards to deti- cltnt wards, that u draft may be avoided in all parts of the city. CiitllAT Mass Mi.ktino. A mass mo. tin;; of citizens was held last evening at Concert II til (Union League Hull), to listen to a speech in con nection with tho Presidential campaign, by Hon. VSilllum I). Jvelley. ho great was tliu crowd atm-nibled, that hundreds uiiuble to gain admit tance, orcjiui.cd a meeting outside the hall, at which speeches were made by Mr. luuuias M. Co. email, and others. IsvvaiMkNi. An Investment of frliOO was made in the new (lovtrnmeut loan yvstorduy by Us Latayetuj Uosc Cvilupuuy. Tub Wat to Do It. Yesterday morning tliu Two-hiinflrnd-afi'MMrl Ktitment nt IVnnrlva nia Voltintoars, ttuck touts at ( amp Catlwalatlar, and niarehnd tlirnuf a the cltr on their war to trie Irmit, nurlnr ordtirs to report to General Iiirskt, rnmniamilnf the Tenth Armv Corns. They went through without display. No presentation ot fl im or other ceremony Micntl"il tlioir departure. This Iwneeni rilaplav lis. ohaianteriiteil the raising and organlratlon ol the entire regiment. On tho Pith ot August, J. W Mooim, Mnr ot tho Ninety-ninth I'ennavlrunla Volunlmrs, oi ened hi recruiting in tins citv, and aulirciinllr in other parlaor the Mtate. He tiail come lip from the triuit with authority liom the War Department to raise a rr Kini .nl (, .hooters to bt attached to thi letitn Con V r-lit in Wnrk alriiiM muA It, Ii.hiI,.,, il.l-luaV.sl nitiHlciffl ill idiom thirf.-nn tnonlre, mini tnnaa as) whh leijtnntil lur In. own rc.'lliicnt. I he (iovo nm nl were hi stile to furnish unns ami iiiiilnrnis t.ir itie en tire rt'i'imciit, or Colonel Mooiik would hare lett the city ten nnia ago. I lie -nirplo- men will lie nttnr.h d to Hm Tw.i-lm'i. drfC-aiid-iliirtci'ii li Itegiinent, winch, I I . Uumcik, now .Msior on tiem-rnl Iuiinkv'h -dull', is now nuoii ; in thecttv. Tlionittl he lia- Umui jit ttovn less tlniti I'll dais, nehns n'rcitdy nearly six hiniilr.'d men lliu n'loinetit ill tie iirniod nnil tiiiiliirini.rl as slnnp. fheoti is, nnil will he ntiiic led to the tenth Corps 1 lie lip enislice ol thn l wo-lilllidreil-Hii(l-llliril Iteiineiit, ajt they mnrcheil ttiroioh I tin s.rnesves. terdny, whs the theme 01 general reinirc Mire tlnili one-halt the men were veterans, and iho o he-, wrie men tn the piinieof lite and alio to endure tne hntd-dilti ol the Held. 1 honvh we have otlen sfs'ii mure tli.itayoti Htieli an orr.aii;,n we hum mwer m-cli a liner IxmIv ot m ll, wtio hMtked ns il they were in I'mcct, and weir not on a holiilny excursion. oiotiel MooltR tlescrves Ktent prtose tor ttie energy mol luet he titui Khown in ruling the re Itneiit, lln lias liimnelt come out ot tiie ranks, and 1. an acooin-I'hrtl'i-d soldier. With such men as he has so eo ted we are sure lie wilt proyo liimself a eompetont leader, am. the Kelsds will oltun got iDoii.ig,,, from his slian'-fchiHtera. Itta nt itino, If the katnc actliity as is at prci-ent shown is continued by the various com mittees whose wards are still delieicnt, there are rome hopes thut the draft can bo avoided. This morning warrants were ismtcd for the payment of sixty-five men, seventeen of whom were sub stitutes. There are recruiting In Philadelphia two orpHtdiitlfins, or rather parts of orgaui.n'lons. Authority has lieen (riven to raise two more com punlcs for tho Union I.camio Keeitnent which i ft lor the scat of war last week, and four com panies for tho Uirncy Zouaves. This latter regi mi nt is to Is? recruited to ten companies, six of which arc already tall, while the four bein raivtl in this city arc much behind. Kor the credit of Philadelphia, these four rnmpinies should be lilted at once. The several wards here (Uotus arc not tilled will havo their men credited to these companies. As a step in the right direction, we would state that at the draft meeting, of the citl.cus of the Second Ward, held last evening, the following resolution, tillered by Mr. John W. Fra.ier, was adopted : ltfftrrl. That Inasmuch a. (tie nuotaor the Si'ronn W'lirtl i. new rill. Willi n Mnall siopl'ia, we deem It Inas liedn ill at the prcsem time to tllll.t an mure ncn t tlis cndli ot tl.i' -eeotiil Wuril. Mr. l'ru. cr oih red the resolution and advocated Its pashiigcas an act of charity to the 1'irst,. Seventh, Tenth, and other wards, that are largely delieicnt In their quotas, asevery man enlisted hy the Second Ward from this time forth lessens the chances of the deficient wards tilling their quotas in the few days given them by the Provot Mur.-hals. fad all the wards that have met the requirements of the law stop recruiting at once. Financial Condition ur tiik Cm. The following is a comparative statement of ii jtiiul payments made in tho years is:i and IH'li, from January 1 to September 1, in each year. Tho amount of payments to the several Departments in lfsf.3 was $3.201,0.10 25; do lW'.i, l,0t l,n,S 07 i tho ti crease of salaries in tho Departments amounted to $:i.r0lfii0, two-thirds of which was paid to September 1 , lSH-t, c puds r'Xl ll.lli :: showing the amount expended in IHiil at the same ra e of ltsliil, except for materials, to bo '2,K11,(VIH 71, or 8:t!i2,:tHl-.'il more in lsii i than In lW.t. The outstanding warrants of former years paid in lSii.'t ninoiin'cd to 'i i.'f.H )l 7H ; do in lN'.t, g-NOl 31!) 34, ahowingan excess of tjsl 17, 711 2fi in 1H04. Theamoaut paid for defense In 1 Still wps $.7,fi(J.i H7t do In lw;t, l0,.riH)Ha-, or jf':il.l70K).i more in 1H3 than this year. The amount paid for Muni Ipal lio-pital In 1H63 wis .".')!; do in I Wit, I3,K11 HI, or $'13.7.'i7 3.j more tnis veur than last. The amount paid families ot voiut.tcer in ltthl was $12'J,lo2di2 ; do in lsiii, jll2H.77.''7l, or a decrease of $71(1 !U this year. The homilies paid in lstit over 1H0.1 amounted to 3.77H.2iitidti. The outstanding warrants for the years 1W3 and lHtit are as near equal as can be judged without going over all the accounts of both years, and they amount to 1,80:1,220 (i'i. Bui ial Assault on Shii-hoahd. This morn ing, one of the sailors on board the ship 7Vvi rora, nnmed John llccrsy, which arrived at this port yesterday afternoon, was arroited upon the charge of assaulting and attempting to outrage Mrs. Julia nearti, a passenger on Do.nd the same , vessel. About 1 1 o'clock last night, tho ut'eutinn i of Lieutenant J'ldgar, of the liiver and llirtior i Police, was attracied by screams which seemed to come from the ship Tmcarora. The Lieute nant ha-tcned on hoard the vessel, and there I found Mrs, Heard struggling in tho hands of I Ilecrsy, the la'.ter, in order to a 'coinpli-h bis hcl ' lish design, having struck her two violent Plows over the head, indicting severe wounds. The I I.leuien.iiil tushed in and sei.ed llccrsy, whj at j tempted to resist. Ho was soon laid low, and I II nit 1 1 y lodged in the Siation House. This moru i ing he was committed to answer. Mrs. Hoartl is a very respcctablo Irish lady, her husband liav I intr lieen in this country live months, and she was on ner way to join mm, lie naming lorwarueu her money for that puroae. ItcMi'i s at a IJai.l. A colored ball was given at Franklin Hall last night, and among thnso in attendance was a darkey named Charley John son. Charley got drunk and begun to rai.e a row flererally. Alter upsetting three or lour benches ie turned to the audience and spilled aa m my of them. The police were called in. He showed fight, but they proved t a manv for him, and ho was carried out. While proceeding to the station house be managed to slip from bis coat, and while the olliccrs were ho ding the garment Charley heat a hasty retreat, almost equal to tti it made by i arlv. Theotlicers soon discovered the vacancy, orop'ped the coat, and started after the runaway. He w..s toon ovei taken and i idged in the Siation House. This morning he wo trans ferrt d to 1 initio. I.KKIillM-WOHDAN.-lln the 17th Inst., hv the Itav. J. ('. WIIbi.ii, HIAM'IiS I.Ki.lHlM to Mrs. MAItY ANN WOUilAN, eldest ttuiitfhter or Martin ami Mary Ana lei. (Han Kruuelsco aHTS ulease copy. J Itlt'llAllliS-KIMf.m m the nil Inst., hy r'rleniti' ceremony TIIO.M As Itlt'll A ItllS.Jr , to IlKllOlt II M dauuliler tilt i e lale 1 houiaa Kunljor, all c,l llila city. st'H K.I.I. - IIKVI.. - Weitneailay, Hcritnlllber lt. at llel) I rainy Cliur. h lir the ltev, I'billliM ilrook., Ke ler as-lHist liv Kv. Mees K.vana rdinl W.vl. .1, HI tth.l.l New Jar.ey, to Alia. ill.LI.N I.OI IH.V IIKVI.,ul Oils city. naMt. CAN II T. on tiie Hat Inst., ( I.A1IA, Mil of John K. Caiull. as d :ts years. 'lie n-lat.ves and Irletuls of ttu fauiltv. nl.'i Htirjiig ll.trdett liiove, No. ft ami I. r. ol B. mill H.. No. I. are ri t-iiiiciliiiu Invited to ultpti.l Ihr iuiii-imI. Iroui the r.wl d4 ii ,. ol In r liu-liaod. No. lull s. Koutth -Iret't. on S in tlav allernoon at Jo'eliH-k. iill'K -Ho the JUli Init., tIKOItl l V. lllt'K. non of I. cm Is a' il t ntliiirliiK lock, hi tin- 'i.'ali veur ot tits ay. 1 1 1m Iriemls ami tlio-e ol ttie laullly, innl (tin n)Hint,i,rs ol l In- loierii AMlH: adoli. am nHuoetmlly luviu-d bi attend l'i luueral, irniii loa tatlier'.s re-idenire, No 1 il liiimi l lute llnkei street, on iSiiuttav , tic Jlli lust,,utl I, 'riiH'k I'. M. llH..MIiiil.ll.-iin the 21st lust .1. Kill lit-.HH K III I.MIiil.11 ., nm truiiklui an 1 Klla .elli ll.l,l,,,l,l. In the iifli ear ol Ins aue. Hi- relittiv aiidllio.eol tin rsuiltv, ure rci"ett die Invited to atiend Ins tun'Tiil, tiotn the r.-slil oeii of hi. ititle r-ih law. r nrlc'lli sir i'f , itliovo .Unr et, tl t-sl Pliila tl hdiiii. en Mimlay .llertiooii at '2 o'i lii'. IIASSoS. .in, the J t lii.t., HANNAH A., Mile or Will nm It. Itallioll. ttiiltiiuore lm,"ri d 'as cone. 'J lie r I. ones mid Ire nil-ic tin-iiiu.liv nre invle-il to Htlt-lel the llilu-l.ll, Iroiu lo r lute l"ild. nei. So ISI2S. Kitie:il ou.i .-i.jiiare, on .Sutiirtl.tv nioriniirf. I he ilth in.t., ,n 111 I... k Mefl.A I N. Ou the nii.rnluit ot ttie '2M In. I, alter a l-menim illoeM, M A It V .Mi III. UN. 1 In i, lutivii itlld lot lulu ol lliu llullv are n-Hiei'ttlll Invited to attend her luueral, liom her lule tel.l,.iie Kiirllt'lli si reel, alio ve Market aire.. I .on Hal urlav alter tloon I he 24111 lu.l., ut 4 o'elock. To Jirncued to VVou I hilulrt t eilielery. N.vriil.lh tin ttie fit h tiiMt. . frutn amiiiitutlon riftne tru at t loalrv t'nri. Ilostiltiil Citv I'oiul. Vi., MoltltlS H. NA I t,l.l:, ('iiiiiiiahv t'.l-itili retin.vlvioila ( avulry, Veteran Voluine.'is, in the 27th year ol liU.-it.. line iioliet ut tho luueral ia 111 I slveil on tlttf recovery ol tl,.-I....U. Y I M,.-On ft, e -.'1st Inst alter a lone ate! severe ill- II, t -ololli I III. UY HI M.. i l,e rt i.oi .eM uiel Iriends ol the lanilly, tha uietiihers el tl.e V. e-I. in I'.ncllle, I liu.d Will f ur In,., ti,,,,.l W III llosr ami 1 iilriiiounl isteitin fire Kuirlne I oiii,.tnlrs, hI-o II e Nut me liil.tnU anil the lleiiiocritl'c A mo, I,, t loll ol II, e I lltee th VII,I, are nolle, I to attend th r.lll'-r.ll , liom i:t- Lite reniilenee curler ol r llleeiith and f '.iIIkW lull n n " I. on soimlnv allenioon, '2.',th la-l., at 'i clo'.k. I iieeiui to ,rote,lt'i Monument t'l ue i, ry. l.'S'l'ATK OK KOUKHT V. MASMiV, 1 I t I Ash II. I)Jj. 'I lie Aiuit'.r niilio'nhil tiv tti'- flrpliuii.' teirl f,-r ll, ( ay ami t .iinl ol I'lnia.lsliiloa. to audit, -e'i: ii.l.til 11,.' .oioiiiit ,,t ANNA h .Missis, Knur; M issi;', , ,ii , ui.,1 jnr;i ii i. low.NHKNU i t xt.1 lit") i I tl.e l.l-l will ami teslaiuellt ol ll'IIU. MASI.1, tt.e, a. .1, anil 10 ri jM-it ,li' rll.ll iv I I14I...K.' ill II... li.tliUol th. ttfi otllilailla, VM1I 111- i.i.iIi.-h iiilei ti .l l.r U v ,iriohe. l his ..pj.o inn ,(lr, nl , 11. tolr .,, Is,. I, at II oelo'k A. M . o'l. v. N,,. 71; u .ilnut .ireet. In Hie (liy .i t'liliu 1 .1 I', ,111,1 ,tl' V. I ,111: ,., It I V. of ti I',, nt, ti ..t 11:1 ,. In.,. I. 'or. 11-ao Hliu..i Ji.il ti.Ai'I.JN, Vn JIiW UAMU OF CAltlS. TDC HEW MUSICAL CARDS ('atr'-incd'ii tlw Itoval Kamllv of I'.iul.ind), a '-nt by p..it lT JltUhK I'OI I.AI S. ih.-s, MltJ 11 uji,-,! mutiatiig piifttime, niiU ifcttch Musi al Tin jm kur than any uibvt Ui Uioil. "A iiujat Int' rntlfijr ttid ' li vpr gam "Tim "A.liuhriii atinpitd lor t achiiiy it u. but Time.""- IHuk- trail il Ixii0"1i N a. A.ld..-M A. Nu. 6J W. TUIUTV-8IXTII Htrflt. uw iuik. an-iui ja. w a ii tt A v i: n. I'lCtMill T- W. II. CARRTL, MAHONIU IIAI.I., Ho, 719 OIIESirrjT 8'.r."t, It ciw rpn hu I' A I. L STOCK tit- CUUTAIN M ATI'iKI A I S. wrM-i-tUlal it I vr.c't. H' i, rh Hro' t 11 . niHIrif, In c'rt Min n:ni liordorptl J vrty . I'Dl.tn and AI' Wfiii lufti, I fMi' li Htln (ft- liftlti' , t.t.uWfl, tr.fl Utrmiiri Inink Via h PhnIM I.nai.ni. f ornlrfM intl HiiTxIn, Aid wr ilTrrtpti't ( f CUKTA. M I Mil . I.H WJWDOW HII A 1) I.H Of U n !rc,l Cilori mil PH.tii4 I , A v. i; i r UT AI NH Otis -'.tilrd I.-., th vi lha present cost ot fmportaUou. WAI.lt A VK.VH (ialeC'AIMtVLH), No. 719 flit UNUT H't'ltt K T . BUS1NES3 ITEMS. Ir. Jnjne'n Kit iprlorrn(. ut.f.1 U K nUinliitil M 11- i"' :r All wlio bnvfi AS1II1A, URONCIIITH, whooi'imj t'-nr-m, ri.KflRIMY. :oroim and toi.ips. r anr ruliMnarr Onni'lutiti , AttfNt It n uoiulnA t. In prof of this fuel, we wouJii Lite thatl fr thirty ynr 1kI tho Kxfctornjit tm ft he n holorn the polilio, and that (ft. h mvicftliiiK yi itr linn Rtldftj t It Hfpulnrlty, mnl ex ti'tinrd (h floniHiid. tintll It Is Knuwii and appro lt-d In all 'piartt-n of the world, and a lmitll to hp tht ilrvat ltdnctlyof the Airo tor that claaii of dilate fur whlofi it Ik eapt'iially deMnt U. ItK.C KUT CM'(illH AM COI lR, lMiifrillr I'aini, Ac. irr milch I j niwj rth-i ttmJI cnrd hy lt diiipli'M-i'tlo, soolli luj,, and cxprctorant power. ASTHMA tt alwayR rtircn. It ovfronni Oif iaturc'dir contraction ol the air vci!h, and hy protluoinir fre ex K'Cteratloii at one n ni'ivit all dKUciiltlei of brrathlng. ItUONCIin IR n-adlly y)clJa ttli(Kxpertoraiit. It nib dttt s Urn iitUrnmnti(fi which vxtund through th wind ttihoi. prodtueit tn-p CKpfctoralion, and hiiiipruatoi at wive thu ro i ik h and pain. CONSCMrTKiX.- Portbla InaMlotia and fatal iRn-asciio remdy on rurth has ever been found ao cfitH tnal. It mih ittHn the InftatiutMitlon, roHevi the mukIi and pain, removes the dlrllculty ( bnihtinr, and producn an enny rla torallon, wherrhy all Irrhatintf and ohatrnctlnx mat tur arr n itioviMlimrii the lung ft. WIHH'IN1 ('OtJ(Hllsi.rom.tl lYllrved hy thl Kxpcc torant. It nhorli m the duration of tho dlHoaxi one -half, and greatly mltlKUl the iiitfr-rliH ol the patient. In all I'CLMtfNAItY COM PLAIN M. lit (MtOHlM'I.Kl'. lilMV, Ao., It will be found to bfl prompt. a ifaauiit. ami rt iuiile. I'rei Mird onl ut So.'.'li t heiimt utrt't-t. 4. III. K'hhiiii utiy Itenn Unn li KMOVKn 'IO Vo. 4 11 ' 11 K tt N 1' T HTRHKT, (OiioohIh 1 1 if- Custom Hmtihiv) hV.hS, wo ii-i CIIKHM.'T H1KKKT, Will o). Wlmli-Hiiic an h. titil, I'lttHVl TKN To UrTV I'KK t'I'.N V. I.KHS THAN YOrj CAN ItUV KI.SK VVHfcHK. DKAN liaM the Lr. nt anil li-t HUick lit thin city ut th follow Inv list ( immh : 1. 1 In-bet Kiiif-rnt Ch wtntr Tobarco. V. Kl IMiiiido and ItotiKh-Hitd Iti'Hih Tobacco. A 1'1'tin mid H tet Mil Virginia Toliarcu. 4. l'ltt.n and Swcm CavoiidiHh Tota to. ft. Nmy . ami 'ontcri1-, ana Tobacco. t. Tlit-hoi tock(l Havnoii Clyar. 7. The beHio' k ol Uonijtir Clitara. K. The best Mock of HinitkitiK Tobacoo. !. I'liH-i mul Hi'itfli. At . 1o I.yechttiirR Nnokltiir, itOcptits per pound. II. KIlhrkiKick snioklnit, Hocontn per pound. li, 'l he Hpitnl Kmc i nt ( bcw lnj,'. l:t. The Mich'Knn Kmc -f ut Ctiewlng. It. Kino rut Clawing, iHtcwua par pound. iV Pine t ut ('new inif, 'b vm per pound, lti. Dean lit moie than any teu nlorut. 17. Jiean fc li ten tian-ie, enper, 1H. Itean heiii in-IteHt andCneapcat, To be continued at JiKAS'S, No. 4i:i CIIKHNUT Htreot, ()poiitu Cuatoin I Ion sc. 4l1 (soveriimcut Java ' i- i.k, ltA.rKi Khksii i; HUT AfoHMiVO, PAVM A Kit HAttOI, AiK.-if and Tt-.srtf, F. U. U liltman Ac ., MantitHctureri ol New anil Ueliftoni ConfecMona, Almond 'ate, (Jh'X olatu Carameli, Cn-Aiun La Mode de Tarn, e a.'iii.iitei flavored. R iatid J'rdai: AIiiioihIh. Ac , Ac Js j. Alb Che. nut atreet, bulow Fourth. PlnnoNt llnuH4l KTH-K A ( 0 8 MASON A ItAMI.l.N'S I' IllNKT OKIIANS. MAHOM ,V IIAMI.1NH CAIIINKT 01t(..ANH. DV.VK.iuH BHOH I Frirfl PIANOS. .1. K. tlllUMI, Seventh and Obo.nut akreetj. EDUCATIONAL. "I.Ml'TY CKNTS. 1.KSS0NS IN (iKUMAN, 1 in A NAT IVK OK IIKIIMANY. WHO SPEAKS 1'MII.ISII J'l.tlKSTMf. AT I'llTV CUNTS AN IKU'R. LAIilh.H AMI I llll.l'Kr.M OM.V. Aiil lu lu, , I, 1 anil 1 o il... k, at f la Tw Su.TlJ H)ItlIlA 8trsi. SPBILADLLPHIA MILITAEY SCHOOL. CO l It T I, AM) SAIMIKUS INSTITITK. Tliirtj-ultith aud Market Streets, HKOl'KNS SKl'TEMlimt (I. Addra.ti, ati7-lm 1'ltOKKSHOU R. D. BACXDEU8, 1). D. laMUKNIiN' ACADKMY KOR BOYS, KHAR I ot No. 11 N. KI.KVKM II Htreet. rooponi on the rtii HihL tl-' per term of Ti n-wki. All Uenomiuations ad inilKd. m I-Iiii'1 W. WJIITA1.L. JAMKS 8. HIHD.'J'KACU KR OK TIIK TI ANO, io.a'A)HTKl.NTll ttlreet. bt-low (pruc4i. ailrt la 'HITTI.MlKN'S ( OMMKUCIAI.COI.I.KOK, t Nii.tiiJ CIIKHM Hlrett,i.ruer of Htenlli. ; Krtabiinlicd lsi4. Incurporatrd 1H '. i YointK nu n jirepaied lor tlw Cotiutlnn hoiue and b-.isl-1 liean Hie. '1 lioiout'h and pra tic.il tn.triict(ii In It ( iK - K I.Ki'l Sit. In all tt tiTiiiif h'-H, a piautia'-d by th liet a iiiiiianti 1 and liii" im-a nifii. I'KSM ANSIIII. I'IhIii ard oriitinifiilHi, i taoMM h.v uu o tif mimt r )ia De I e ut ol pitint it. '' iiiiiM icml ( niciililun, ;ilii e-a 'irmt. Couiiii) ri lal Law, hrtiTii'ij ( di'iff Melt r I.--., .VI!. Thl. I.i. If AlMMMi, . K v -.li ml ii I'd on pupcr, l,tiihi lo n llnirru.h at)il pea -r tc.it Hutu i r o l in -mi 1 1 t-.-i (1 opfi uttT Mll'hf-MH IN-.IKI Till HKt Mt ILI.V, ' Am! 'ivt-il -.1 nm nrn. hi'-iiiiifc cifi"iir. iii'tcr Si-pteiiibor l-t i. t I Vl.ui.tH-,1, f 'oT.tniiiriiC l"rois, Mii.ti nli ii.uiii-ri (471 lut year), tV :., fiirni'ln l , ial1 oil dpi. lln. it. . Jt. ( I.I I'I KNUhN A CO. lulMin N't. titiCHENl-T Stret-t. O 1 L S T O C K S l:OL'i.ilT AN'IJ Rol.il UN t nMMIsSl.lV, Hi l-I.OIHIi: J. ItOYP, Hr,,k.-r, Xi, 1 1. Till III S'lt,l. mi. : UC N K IV 7 - Z it I. O A N . t. H ,h. I .'. n re..., utal III. Note, rurinijl.tiliiicei all tl.ai;t-, hy tiiioitnu ,i. rtovn, Hull MY, na-'i-'-'ia Xo. It S. 1 until sir, et. 310NKYTO AN V AMOl" N 1' LOANKD poll Vl.tliinil.l-, .llClitl, J. UtiC,, J'Ulf, C Ti' loll.lio'. A w M jus. i H A- ro .1 ft ti I'SI.Mll.lHlll.li IlitK OKI I T, ( niiii.r ol IIIIICIl anil IIVSKIII. htre.ls, II, low 1. 1. ml, ill ,1 . V n.-M VMONJ.s., VVAIlllKh, JKWULHV, tll NS , .. lor iile al l.i;MAliKAi:t.V I.OWPIIICtS. seo.Jia THOUSANDS OF TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT TAIN. I'l-iimjn i.-i, mt Ufa it in' N'H'n, i-ii iv l.'.t. V. t m. .(., i, W. . V.l..l I. .. .!.. t..m ai.i I. l-tiln.- Nil rot m C xliie llt. and cktiaclniK t-etb without I'. tin. The only M kU Utut Mu .a au b piopurijr and itl aOisi. tti i u pp l . UK. o. I.. MUNNS. ti-lli-lm Mo. VJI Wl'ltl t K STKhKT. j o ii"iN chum j., CAKrENTKU AlfD linil.DKH. Mo. ill l.-illll STRKRT. A lam. fore, ot aulldlns lu.UMUkf of all bran, ho. I. NOTTINGHAM AND 8VTI33 I.AOM8, Nrw Nlylm. WINDOW flIIADKS,, nr.w HTVi.tst, No. V '-l I FELTT, at s, CAREINQrON h CO. WANITAf lUrlftRH, I Ctlf'N'.'T KTRKrT. ft., t ill ( IH- ast'iT HI Ithf.T. TIANO COVERS, t.Ol'.IIST HI'K K IN TUB ( ITT, AT LOW TRICKS. AMUSEMENTS. ASMIMllI.Y M'lU.INflS.-UlK M.'I'I.IU! il Ml., re.,,, il, TIII1 KVIAIVi; AT 1 Ol IV K TIIK tilllisl AMI 111111.1: NO- Kl.ril R 'in'.l, I , .:, renl. ' II. li, n. 1 , cms. I. '. ! ClMtKfil'IICtlN A I ASMBMIiLY IH II.D .. . "'-'it; pl.ni.V,..i in Nli.IlT li' cn iti'.nnicoN at assi.miu.y uiui,i). tns K., (til. tie Htsi,ii.r Tll-Mi.H r. i l.W t'UKSNUT STKKKT Tli K A7n7l',7 t.ltOVKf JINN I'mpri-tw. and Msnr,. I IKS I Wff.K til IIIKM A lit I, K. 1 l,e nianaeni.'iit l. t,a.. to anno, me., an enira '.mailt it, the ilnl'm.iUli,.,! n-l,,. mims ni ha j. ursis, Vliotsill make Iter ap.e,uai,raeverr nlirtit Itn. wenk ss "l.,.ttiie ,1e I, i-ronrn ' an, '! ir.:ri, a ' In I UK Mr' A Oh II K; lilt. A Til lit. S r rmt (4lll.li A llnl.,i,ii t amiK I'lr, le, 'IV. ; l.r, . i i, I,. n.t rr 0'it. Sle : KiMi-rve,! Ilre.s t.'lrtlr and l'ar,nel He.ls, ? e, ftslra. OrrliehltiiHaat.,ai ; no rliiirire fir secntei .eat.. I.., or. om.ii .1 I. rlirtl ; rnrlaln rise, al 71.. KIM KTII t.ltAMi MtTIM.i: HATI'UUAY AKrtlt .MiOM, Se nt, inh.it 2, al raduci d pro. .. CI KKKOrTICON. Till'. I'AMut'S (JltOST il M. eiif and gtli.-r Novtlu., TO Nltllir, ASsSKVIItl.V I'.l II.HIM.M. i,. C T I-. It K () I T I C O N. Til I'I (iliosr IS t 7 m.kin ia si nsiiti .ii. It To Nliilll. AS li lt I.I llllll.lllMtlS: n. MUSS. JOHN DUKW'8 NHW ARCH BT. TIIKA l ltH ( HUH lif.ll ANIl I'AIIIIONAItl.K H ll'.sl 3 llllMUr (IK K II IV I N ADA M H. TO Nlt.llT (KI'.II.AVi. H, iitetal'.r 2 1, II ll.ll OA IS. ""I Hi KinVlN AI.A.Ms) T o oik linle wild II, p n.titlenl l.rams t4 111. .(.'K M Kit Kl .SAN. WII.I.IAM KIlWIN AtiAM-t 1. li.tliri.il -i,,,lrt itonson Ht .sun Mlsw K. I'rlee Holl .Vavllomr ...Ml.s '. .1, II, rsoll A OIIKAT Itll.l, ON NAM HHAV Nll.lir. CTKRKOITICON. A rilT.KNDII) l'RO- I ' uiaiimie TONIi.llT 1k l.l. t, Mialuar, Itiyul If rain?,-...le CT K R V. O l'T I CO N. INST AN lANKOUS I ' IIi-mh ol Kl iflnnil. Kriuiee, liflTiany, Auicnen, eif , TO Mt.HT. ASSK.MIII.Y III 1 1.1 tl N (is. If I I II R I S T It K J K (t T K I), I TI.. an-at anil ctialirateil iiletnre liv West, Hie tlinf d o u re of tl.i- fcrll.t, IS NOW ON KXIIIIIITION AT TIIK A. AIH.MV 114 KINK, AltTS, No. I.r;, ( IIKSNt'T KTItl III', In a.'dllli.n lo the KN 1 1Kb Art Colle. Hon ol tin. Ac.nl.mv. Ailnillti.ne,'i.'icunln; isea.son 'I leketa.si eonla. !i-U lin tllAMllKRSIltRf. IN IMTINS SHOWN IO NltillT l.j- the Hri'.UKOfTltlil.N. AHMKMItl,!' III ll.lilM.h. If 'ITIK GHOST KCK.NK TO-NKiHT II Y THE 1 stereoi tleon. Aftlaivell.ni. Illn.ion. AMMKItltl.V III II.Ill.Ntlsi. ,. KKNKINOTON II AI.I, . 'I'll IS I'Ol-UI.AR tnare of Knterl.linnent, Noa. Irrdiinit 1IWMIKKM AN T VH Avenue an.l 1IUI N HKt.'OMI Mreet (enlal.ll.l.ed :m years aim Uy Mr. John l.ip.l, lia. heon rnl.iK",l an4 renovated, and now lio.ae.a... itt-raetton. iinejioii.d by any oilier I'.lahll.hment ofihe kind in ttie eltv. A larx and Kill, lant Orr.ha.tra. under the direction of Trol. K has bivn ei.Ka .al, and a rholeg proirra.nni. of I, a aland lii.lrninenlal Mule will he pro lined oa.li rveiili.K, frafi of fspen.e lo (lie aoili.nse Tl.e Concert Kooai l. lant., airy, and ooininodlou. lliu relni.hmenls aoiierlor, and Ihv attendant. i,nu. and a,.eoi odatlnK. W-lm HKNItV ilOltNlTHO. 1-roi.rlctor. ITIK OHOST! TIIK GHOST! THE (.HOST1 1 To night. HTKUKOI-ITCON. AH.sl.MHI.l lit ll.l.. 'ITIK GHOST AND II Al'NTKI) C1IAMHKR ..V..1.?,'!."11, '" S'rKIIWJITICOS at AiHKMIII.1 HI n 1.11 NI H. j, 1 ;hke conckht saloon. ii ?.'l."l,'srr!.,,nr ,mi P,-Iel t largo and conim.Uotn HAI.OON , Willi ex tftnolvn , , bUMMKlt OAUDKN, attnchH, K. K. LOKNF.R Of KKAHKT.TN 8THEKT AND Ol UAKI and lia eiitfao.! a fntl f)n li,ira. under thp leadrrfthli. 0 f whrt wiu nuhty i cifonu a cliuire proiamiuo of Natloni.t ami other alra. At aidf-aant plur to pn.Hn an epnlnir free of rharija, tliu prftpricior ! dotvnulmd liii KtiMi.)i11Joiit ti.ilJ uut be mii punned, l' ClIUIsriAN ItHM fHCHI.KIt. AM. OVKR KirROPK BY Til K STKUKOP. J tl.on TiiwMT at AHSH.M RI.Y hl'llhl Nt ,H. rrilH litlNCK OF WALKS AND SUTK AT I Minvara Kalla. 8TKHK ll IfON. AS.iKMMLY r-V.-T- .T. D. CIIKNKVS TE.MPK RED ,hKI MKMlKON.-.J. II. JehOT'i II r I dtsrovery for t-'mpuiiMn Umda h .t prnred tilwtlia mtva valu m lnri-niiou for nttti kceia of vi'rnt)yii, tpucli and d irnilliiv, rver in-Vt-imd. J Oil N MAithll, -k- A'nt. ! W It Nrt.1102 ( ITK'iVl'T fltrf'ot.M.lladfjIi.hlrt. 1IAINKS BROTH EHK CKLE I iratcd New ork Iron I'rama. Orer-atrung Urmtfi New Siuie i'jutm I nrten, mux MAitmt, Hoi Aat'nt, No IK2 1IKSSI I Street. I'luladeli'iila. 9 ?i-3t MARSH'S Ml SIC STORK, No. 11' 7 CIltSM l Ntrpi't.l'nlladviptiia.Holc AKi iit ti.rHaine Hnittiern' I'r.-iimiiu nanut Miimc MtifirRl ln.tr.m ent. and MiMical MtTcmtndiha ol eii'n dp- riptlon, wholonate and retail. (!i ti it heci.ml hand 1' i am i it taini In e-hanid and l-r attic. Orders Uy mai priuptl executed. Oj en eeumt. T1IHOAT IU8KAHK8, CATAKSK, AN AHTIIMA, llir AThU WITH T IIK UTMOST B(X.'KH8. ItV IHt. VON MOSOHIHKKR, Antb'H-of th n-ceutly publUhi'd work, TIIK KAR: ITS DISEASES ANT) THEIR TREATMENT. Ottlca, N. iCir WAI.Sl-T Htreat. to tiik rrm.iu. It la with cont'd -ral'lt aatlirautlon that lr. V'n Mu'Cliliokcr aa nay that nit ti i-cms ha litdeetl bian ( lent, 'i Inn iiMt-t M In me mora Kratii'yliiK al It is entirely im liiic ti ih fiiiiiier'ttlt. ( T Ith.H ha ha eitetted in tha nh..e maiadieb, and the interest hi" pa'jniiif (antou uhiiuiHie yiMuo wry tfilliianiial citleim) iiava, iroia a t i uv 1 1 jiii(:d and Hiatltude, taken ti pnniMte. It. Their ii-ftiinoiiiHV, wnrtlt'd In the verv hiyki'it term-t, cn Ij exiitulned at IiIh oitlcf, Kit loiJ W A 1. S t ' I K n e. Tn ITIK MKI K'Al. PK '1'i.smoN. Jir. ''n Mi'hehinker hitH hy IiIn (niUliieil wurki and tha rna Oiitli ull cie) helms tH itd with hiii'( under lln ii imln p. pniM'd wtittt be U able t Dert'.inu III hia pr t Mi. t it i-ttptu it V. For li'iiiiiTutm pa'leuU miirteiiinly H iii tltn l.i iheut. and kind tKiti-hs nt hitti ail Inn work m tl.i It mm ll( ai it-Hi n il, lie reiurni iti in public ttiaaka. A HI' Alt. I i;s. The ni iinitim vnilinilH h. It. VOVMOSPM7I4 K I- It, tor the in iiinieiit ( thtj aov4: in tlaaieh lux tn-n hy the h il,e( liit illeul HMlltoiliics) and ull w ll't i'uiul lied It i..ik.iiih'mI Hie ifieale.t ine1i al nu-lit lorlhi, cure ut' HI- AI'MS, TIIKOAT 1-ISKA--KS, J A KICM and iM MM 'I !n i w 'it niiiY'T from nny of thoo mn'ad have nw The l( -I Mint Khie Iiieiina "f ohtui tilll a nire. All i-oim wl.ii en hiii t lr. N M.v ll.ISK Kit may I i l hit lf vm!) t' e tiniii a t.i ml .tl otoiiioii i I h.r aiu, ni.e Lai he j aM- tu Uu lur tlitiu. uih i li'Jl WAl.Nl 1' Mrtcl. ' Jl Y CAUO TO THE I.ADIKS.- 1H. M TOM'OH (JOI.UKN 1'II.I.S J-OU KKMAI.K, I iii.4ilit-lo In c(M-re-tlut:. fitnlitln and reiit'.vintE ail oh-ti utli'tui liom whiit'-w i r-iuve nm. rthvuyi bitcc t'-iul at a irt V'.'utii e. ' he- fit la are llottilitK i;evv, and huve hi ell u hv tl.e I . ... or for many ytui ifth in I ..Mi' crnl A,: c.-m, wii 'i iittl-.iriUli lul mhi ehs in tneryr.in; he ii mii'il hv In.tov tl.titi-uild l.oliett who lutva ilh'd t)i-m, ti nukt: th-- MiJ-.' ).uhli' for ih- iilltt l.tilon "i timie antr-rmK Tiu .luyliic iharitu fc whittT. at well im in pr- ven' ..it in- itiisi ot t.ihiily tare heaitl wul not -ri.,i' it. jfrunj-u I I . t.lt.irl.v Mt. ait 'I, oi Ih-.ie a n f i. o- m : tt.i nut ivi . ,ne I .I'.lltilK it .ILKill-t U-lIlt, ttK'Se p 'IS Wl I" Ml t'.llt f-'llllif lH, .it !l,e firopi ir tor i-siiluwt ll'l r KpoMnti lll l!i r l'ie ,liu e a.iU'.i.niM'iii, .tttl.oin.i tin Ir inn-hn'-n woiihl (luf-it ai.y li.i-.. hl'.t'to he.ilth, otherwl tiie 1'llN an Pt.jhiiu -Dilctl. I ii ;i ami 'X.iicit dtl:i tloi't iif'.(ini ni , iiix e.l li ho. I'i u e f I , or m bos.es ii $ ., ft. iJ ifles.iiu tuW r :ail liy tliC foilowiliL; hrncnUt-: 1 l lotl. White A: Co., No. :k S. Kulirlh trei t. Wlk-hl .V Slddall, No. ll'l M-rke (jtieel A &tnrshaii. l "M1K T ot I l,h tt L-llth and M.U ! t' ti"ei t(. tit. u r A Siulth, corntr ol -ill', a M .n tn it ti, I .ott A .1. hntoii, llulloWiiy 4 Cowdgtl, und M. C. I'l-ldi our, aiu U ii. At it t.nli.) ait '!i t.etJlu. I iullo-.hy sen dint NK tiOI.I.AH 'I u ;ltla r a l en! , r .ill have the I I I.I S SI N T l (iNr lUKN I I i.i v, !v mull, tu any p.trt ui' tli3 cuy ir tumnry, liee ot ittl.in . S. It llnWK, !J.,'-.' 2nt No. 'Jt'i W. Tllllt I' V ilil Mtr.tjt, V. V. 11ATUNTKI) JULY 11. lHtli. J O S E P II 1 MOTTKT, Kleve tla Furls, Krenth Htam I'veing ant) Hioiirliikt on mujf kind ot waarln uio.iaj't)!, lur Liditja, i-.nti, 111.1 aihueii. I'ttiviu aiiaiaui lor ui hlng I 1 1 noli. In tu una tu tlvt In. )in. No. 7 M K M t ntrtiwti Iff. T3 tnr.siii'T HIK1F.T. AUCTION 8ALES. M AOHIYH AUCTION MaJIKIT SUisk. KOUMS, No. 3M C.C. MAKVI . AnrttAtits-r, . 1M. , on.Unmflt. it (ItlOlm. WAKKS), Alltl MKHIMIAM,HK, O'all kind., f.r . .1,11 , -al. at hi. Auction Koinn. aud h. vrl.l aUri.d I r'.'.i an. ., .at". ,4 HI I. KS1A1 4 AMI ST'lt'KS At th. F.xrli.nrn. I'OI Hl.II'Ji.l. X'KMT'lUK At iMa-oitlaira, nn l him'lil (IK MEIt('lANIl'. At tt' .t'.r' f.f II,. '.. r.. I'a.h IH I., al. nn. -.1 til,",. ...altrl vn i it,..Ui,m, nt. al gtsl. for a, ,1.1,. .k WANTS. 1VANTM) AT TIIK NAVAL OWHNANf'K lV aril. Va-htf.k'ton, J r., twenty first rlasn HN I H If KltH. Wm rvt i-.'.. per da. Appih nl''.iii imivIh' innit'' in Lkiitenntit ( (.mttinndar W . h . J J-1' I l.l;M, lit Hi Vmd, hy h-u.-r or in irrvon , tut l fr tut t'i it-e n u '.i km' n mill mc-h us dn imi eiatui em mitCoti fioni military er I. e on afC-nii't of alioiriifa, i.im d apt-ly ii I A Ie, CNf of Irir- an 'f OT.Inan.-a, frmvy hepatrtinent. FOR SALE AND TO LET. CKOR SAI K. .O.O(M) WORTH IN OiM)l) lk-nsfn. lan.-e mall on term tn null tmif hfri, erl.-i wiU, r.r wIUioim tn imihranfA. far lAub and Bood trade I n. pi ire t, fr If' to 1 o ol-xk A . M ., TlMlrt. M. I'l.OWMAN. N H Hl Rl Tl flrfat ,00,(X)() J'H I'll I V THOUSAND. rittsi 11,1 in, n. 1 II K " CAMl'AKiN DIAL" i i t. IHSI F. OM OCTOIIKK IS. lHOI, Arf "ILLUSTEATED CAMPAIGN DIAL," A Ndw iptr of TWIMV-I'.KJUT COIAMNS, rml,4ll.hrd with OK H .IN A I. 1 1. 1. 1'-I RATH. Ot ireaeiil putUtal t-,plca. 1 IIK I1KHT CAMrAIOV DOCI MKNT THAT CAN UK HIM I III ItVTKIt. A. Mm. lmpr.ai.lon. of rut. ah- tti. ho.t. an.l a. m-ilir. will l,,.illfda,i',,r,i,i(l,,IJ,i. rro, pun, I.KAUI I'.H, Mills w AUli Ahf.it IAIHiSM, and M.W-- At. EN 19 ali'.uld a nil thrlr ,r.l-r. in unnii'diatalv. A few r.taclall ItuMins. Card.. limited tu re n Una. ra. li advi-rUncr, wili hf rcratTaaat Si p.-r Una. all or.l. r. inlial I,, a.-coinpaiii..! v. . 1 1. tne t a. 11. ii'.lp.ale, $IUi..r liRicopai.. .stnuie l.uI.'., rtfian C'wm Add IT.. H. E. OOIIKN. P..1.I.-1..-1-, -?l-:it ho. li t S TIIIKIl Strtrt, I'lilladi'llna. o CI'OJllOU MAUAIN KH lit IIAItrKRt AH.AkTU I I ,,llil I ! J, 4.:-l. I K ' rK'fKltstlNJ I.AIIV H KltlK.STll PITOII KM'H, (1 S3-2t Jtn. HO-4 C1IKHNUT Htreot. 1 1 JT TI 1 1 3 1 IKMT 1 ! 1 SPLENDID STEEL ENGSAVIN03 ! ! KltOM I IIIIIOHRAI'IIH III ltKAIir, Ami tho Only CORKKCT I.IK1;NESSES riUlLISHRl). 1. President Abraham Lincoln, 2. Lientenant-General U. B. Grant, 3. Major-Geneial G. B. McOlellan, 4. Major-Geneial W. T. Sherman, 5. Major-Gmtral W, S. Hanoook, rrtuttd on ihirk rial, l-aprr, IU'44 India.. PUK'U KM'OO KAC1I. f (.pin tt-nt bj mail t.n r.icoipt of prite. AOI.ST.4 WA.NTKII TO HP. LI. EVKItl WlltttK. LII'.KHAL DISCOUNT TO THE TRADE. Al.lr.i., . w. j'irciiKit, Book, Allium, Picture, aud Trarae Store, BT. HON CIIKHSL'T Btroat, tlJtt rillla,i,-lul,,a. ATI'.XT - ISOOK l'OTt POLITICIANS. V, 1'lll.ltmiN'H l'01.ITIt:AI. IIIHIOHI 04 TUB 111. UKI.I.IUN, 111 to 'til. tor .ale hy JAMKM K HIMON, Hilled nl tl,f Ki'halllon lir, nr.1, ! al nt Kit.ttl S. M.XTII Hlran, al.,.vo chi snul. Ari'I.KTUN'8 N4.IV AMKItlCAN (Vf'L'il'Klll A. Thl. Invnluubl. work form. In Itvlf a cnmi.let. Iibrury of n.i'tiil inioimuti'.n. 1'ublii.l.ed In vi.rtuui atyl.. of hindliiK. AtlKNt I Kfilt niir.AIIKI.rHIA. d-'.'l nt No.;;iS. KIM'!! Ht..ah,ivr Oll.'.nilt. EltKALINA, AN AKTICLK OF DIET, " Dii.dn liuui i.,brannr.t Wltfat, itive. Hiipily relK't fil cah.-a Jlynpopsla or ConHilpation . t or d.llr.lu tlhll 1r n It It nature a on n rtn.'dv. h'nr aalf by arnncr. and .titi.tli,ta m'aara'lv. Munnlai lory Noa. liii to 1..MI V1NC Hm.t. riiiladtlphia. a-Vl' .'Oil ! (1. HO.V K V, Munaiior PERSONAL. fl'llK NEXT Ol' KIN OF THE FOLI.OW J lux namt'd ti.-r.on. nt tti. I'nlU'd Htt. .tup ' IV yo Inliilr." In ill. Nuvy: IVilllaiu t'larkf, a .rMtn.n, aila. I1 .rmtnR, anppoi.i'd 10 d. fiiim .New .lar.it t flforifr f owler, 1.11 .,rtlinar a.ai.n.11, i.iipi.d at halt Fraui'tac; Jama. CaraHol, a lanil.uiiili, flota county Tyrone, lr..,tn,l, htiipprd at Sun 1'iatirl.rn; tioorKL' watH.in. a tandsm in, thlppt'd at Han Fraiirdacu; Jam.. Kilward., a .t'Ainaii ; llionia. Ml..lii.ns'.l.. ti,mrt.iiiiai.i..r liuiiuiir; .lirnd.r M . t ailonK. V I-all' 01 uiarioea, ha. a ui .tliw llvlni: In h. ir JerH. v, -it' llnd :t in. ally tn tli.'tr advantir... to c.tl nirn or writ, at ..in. 1 Mf.nl Jus4:i'll K l.4'.l"fTr Al I O.. at Nr.. 427 IVAI.M 1 Sit. M.riilladalplila, Ui. Mill aiy and Naval Aiianty. S-n-i ANY WIDOW OR VARENT, OR OIU'HAN, or llrotber rr rll.ttirol any Holdi.r. O' Sailor or Marlnr kl'led.or wt.o hi., dird In thr avrvltie of tha Unlti-d Malr.,tio deir., iiln.'lr-al dnllira ($ il)ayaar pi'ti ali.ti ; Horn on. hniianid In auvon humlrod and nlnclv nvo doliura (llHf.) ritali. lM.unt),nnd all thu arreur. of pay Una hlra .hnuld . all at one or wrlle to JOMKl'll (.. I.KVI1T A I'tlvrAM No 411 H'aI.NUT Hlr.-al, ttlr alllltarr and Nn.l An.nry. rTiliadclpi.ta. Al.n. hlaie , '..ui,t . t ll , aid, or nthar bounty, , Ac, II tli.lt- i. any dli. Apply nirmr III pcraoli or hy Liter. TO WOUNDED SOLDIERS. ALL SOL- 1 tlira who I avt hern dlM'haritcd lr nwin of wolindH r..olvtd In an b.ttia. and who hav. a- rM-alvoittha tluo lHHH.t,can rt.''li.' in. aamo now aa n-.', "j ai..' .k. ritli.T in pi-rwon 01 t.y l.-r.-r, at the Military and Naval Anton-. S... I.'; WAI.MT mreat. fhllad.. Jtl.---.l'll K. UKVI'I T A TOMI'AMI-. 1AY FOR TH F. WIVES, TIIK MOTIIEKS J (when Widow .) and the Uhlldrea r1..inar 01 War tow In the Haul'., ii,,iu,'l.v c.ll., tf .1 at tua Military and Kaval Aaellty, Ho 4;! WAI.M V Hli.-rt, t'liMada MILITARY NOTICES. STUNT 1 1 WAHD. 250 MEN WANTED TO FILL THE (,IKH A OF TIIK TKNTir WAKI). lll.hoal Iti.unlyPald. Apply to A. II. FltANCTBOlTS, t- tf U... HIS MAKKKT RTRKKT. S HEADQUARTERS PROVOST MAR. .hal.rirat l)l.lrlct. fa , No. all 8. Tltll UtrMt, I'bilad.'liila, Auu.l II. IrH'-l' !'.. lii.ure prompt n plb lo all .pi.Htlon. on ordinary uhlert. i-onmcim miiii IO" r...... ......... ....... '.. .u,.- 11011 I laldlllla. to liri.ll, 1'ra.llta and Ao. us f men . irni.ii'd, Itif in ar- rr ,;iiiHt.'d to mako npfli -atioa to Hit I'niv.ial .llur.hul.il lb. t', iiiir,-loiial lll.ln. 1 Mr .11. I1 liilotu.atKll.aud not lo tl.. Pruvu.t .Mar.uat-i.iiUMal at W aahn.fct, n. j fll Wovost M.ir.hal II. o, nl. ' ' M 1 1.1,1 A M K I.4JIIN. IM, BUj.j.r( I'm l.un n.l l'ruvo-t M tnliat. T,)i(iT N'TY Fdlt MARINES. WAN TKD K ii i-tl, a 1 un. il sta-.a M uitin i'itii", iiWn 1,011 '-I mta Plii. iimforiu ihe diin.1 "i a oulii-r ui ,,ur Sa.y lur, la, IZaiid D Lvar.1 1. iiuu.l Hl.Ui-a al.i,.-"f-war ou turt-Kd .utli-'li.. Term of 'frvl. p, F..UI I CI". lu-ft.-r ioni enatn)ii than t'H' anil.. AI.I. TIIK LOCAL IW.CMTKS : J.d u.n.n eh.istm-. lit. M..1I1.. r,-,.-i-e rn Monoy- 4or all I'uitin-r uiinnailoo ant at t .f K.-crnltini l.eudaoj..M p NT ptlr, ,.,i u,.,v ,, ,.. siraot. Utwt.n lot hour, ui and II o cl.M-11; (, M (.v,v, tl( ) iji .t Ru.t K--, rulMiitf 'id' :.'f 1U 11 1, () I' (i H S P 1' IILUUUUS, ' I lll.l ll'l , 1 11- 11 Ul."l''.lll. 1 l Kl.OI t.rta -rt IlLUL'i.im. fifiri r- and si.l.tli r v I. Itln tho Itv oa fnrloiinl,.. n Inif MV.IKI.S AM' lillll It Mil, I I AllV K Jl 'll-IIKS fH, k"oi;u1 AM OlIIKIl .MII.ITIHV i:,,t ll-Ml.NI.S, i,- III. Ill t 1 tic t-xl.-iialvn vNTKAt"l I II I Ni I K-.I'AI1I.IH11MKNT MA.SUl ACTl.UINti l.((lAIII.I1ll.ltl.Nr (IKOItHf. W. rllMONH .V BIlivrilKIt, ..UUIK'K IV. SIMiiNS llltilTIIK.lt, MINSIIM MII4KT IIAI.L, HANMI.II hTKI'.l.l HALL. 8ANbiM BUttt, ubovo S1..U1 Httci-L i iii hk.ntaTiiis MIVOBDH I I I -.I.M A I 1. IN HWOItllii . al.i.l. to oidiTiit Ho- ahomat noil..,, uu h f.r r I. ;'" I.,... inn.-. -I..-. c,iii..u.,... iii..,ini,.n. in' 1 j :-Ki ..-ti ,,,,.rv loluMiilim Ihe MIM ' ,V 'a! a 1! ML ' ,1 WITH Tllti i'UAl TtCAl. alVOKO MAW-H- -XV It I'3 A I V. COAL AT $750 PER TON. nil': ooNsuMioits' MUTUAL COAL COMPANY. CAPITAL HTOCK : 50,000 Sluros at $10 Tor Shara, 300,000. I'lti'iii.i r.T, JAMKN I.YND. Tin: Aavnttn, Jf)SIAII KIH1 i:UIf)OIC. U ..Ull MarKot Mreft HI ' I'I TAIIV, JOHN O. Hi'JNEH. .. K' N Mi'iatemllt Hire. . Mitni rents, 1 JA Ml I.I N li, ho 5S S. Mvh trrl. HiV-'Alttl t:, JO.NK-., Ki nil Ar h .tret. IIKNltr H I'Afl., So. Ill- W'llnnt ro.t. T. r. CI.AIION. No. lr..-.N. Third tr.at. IIIOMA- It I i A I ( I . I , N,.. 114 (l.c.uut at "t OFFICE, No. 5-1 S. SIXTH STREET, Un.Ifr tt. h"ve 1 1 ! m coniiti.f hat t)Mti fanned, t uDMMf' rotiMtimern, Urrt and ftmall.bf tha asurecata of tlit-lr v ftrly axiH'ttfl. ore foreonl, to own taelr rn col liiity, and to Mip1v tliemrlvf s w.th the article at coit, Ihf Hrratly Inrrra rd price i of al cmmoditlei, wlUi Ihe Kater incnHfe nt 111 thronlnlof , nhoutd lead coa uiiwrn to ilvix and all themm Uu of every prtc'.lca bio nirthrd of ecnn:litlPg upin tlielr own cnneiimpUeii. A ferae ti e men- InKiirtcn of Ut ere cencemed, tlila may ! arcmplU.iod liy ahillrn iicp; but ai to Ite necceiailea, feomi- utlicr prli cm1 ni"i bo celled Into rt-iuleltlm. In tin- IM of norharii i, few article twld a Ii'kt j.Uif limn ciial, and In repaid to thie the mutual prtn rt,f u( fntiunntf ly.bottt appupuhie and adi-iuato. A Ion of coal delivered al ard la lMiilAlolphia conto abonl $7. iKlh tirdd at tlic coiisumtT'i door It cot fit. The dlllennco Is '. end et tha out of crtln ii onJ rl con Ik. The ep!rtDation i eiuiple. The col 11 or mut bv ale prrflt, the Jnhler numt lt tils profit, end the retailor un.tliHve hi i profit. Hby cm not c on u ra er i, by com bining fur a Miitflc vear tho amount of their etpoiU 1 1 1 re a for roaj, k -.. no flitlr own co Hery, and makd tl vm Ihrce profit!, for tluiinhelves? The Con u me is' aim tut I Coal Company offer an un uuaJlv fjivornhie (pixrtnnlt,v ft-r carrying thoie principle! Into practltal operation. 7 ho Company has purchaned an old-cntabllkhed colliery, alKnil fli e tnUei abore PotlariJIe, witli tteatn -engines, bnHkern, miners' houses .blacksmith ehops, Anw-uill, curs, mnlcn, and all the eqnlpmeiiU for ft huiinoiiH o( 1W.000 tone of coal per annum, aod havlnf ft rfhl foriiKtecn eare to work, er a mite in ttngth tha bff t three velm In Hchuylkill countythe B kid more vein, eleven fet thick: tha Mammoth vein, from twenty-fire t thlny ft-et thick ; atd tho Mevcn 'oot vein. The colliery li uow producing 100 tons pr day of best iiaHty While AhIi Conl, and a new sloped almost com pleted which will lncri-anclt. capuclty toiVOtons per day. The present net cost of a ton of coal delivered fromaakl collier at the dror of the consumer la : l.o) lty, nilniiiii, bn-aVinir. loading, Ac t ti T It aud lielKlit on U-s.ItiiK lUilroad 9 Bi Ijclitory at c nbiniicr's d-ur 09 7 it .M2 00 Tin- retail pin e at the coal yaid id.. Sto ing on the mutual plan or ton Is $4 hi The consnmer in ten tons of conl pi-r year can subscribe t n il.nrea of stock at $10 -r mtmre, and will be entitled to ten torn of coal at net cont for sKteon years. At present price, he will save about M the first year. Should the price of Cfu Inorcafte, as Is Btnmglj- apprehended, the n idu will be still (.reater. The present annual production of the colliery la 50,000 torn onl , or oue ton per share of stock ; but tin lm media Uj hituaion of fn-iili cah capital lutoUwUI Increase Its pro duction, before Iht end of the car. to the rate of I jO.OOO tiins. This will enublethe company tdiitrllute Ineaah dh Idi nda the profits on luu,ooo extra tons of coal each yenr after the present, whlcJi at present price wlJI b about !,Hi,or K per share. Thrt t is trerit probability that the rath ihriiinti efA Jirtt tiro yt&rs tritt mnlut tr iu th4 atwlhvMrrsthe entt0 cost o their tUKk. Very few entnrpiibes csxi Iter egual iuduct-mviits. It rombliu-s production and cuusumpUon, saving uud Kaiiu Every Householder and business mm In the louimuuity can purtltipa'e In aud shou'd avail him oil of its advUlltM(.('B, I he payment on account uf the stuck may be UAde a Inllows : per imn- ou stihscrlhlug ; 9i per share Octo her 1, VA $2 per share November 1, lWil ; tVJ per fcliarn litn-mbcrt, IN.4. Theobiectof the l4ri-ctors is f n-ndr the ompany Knut j.uoho twin til, ai d Ut divide Its adrantaKes aiaonf larve iiuiulH-r ol individual ; iht-y havo therefore refuse! ev eral ofters from iprtilaur to take lartte amounts of sli t k, and uB'il ttie T-t dr' of October next have limited the uuml er of nhures il M ma b subscribed by any person to inr hundrt-d. The Company is now prMai cd to deliver coal to sub Acrihtus at VU) p r ton rtuliicrlpthmi lor a limited num lHr of shares of stock imt b made at th olflt e, No. o , M M 11 Hirt et, and ordfe lr coal oblalned. It! I OUT OK COMM1TTKK OF H(.BH JtlBKKS. Ihv iindtTblgiird, parfeimiit to appolntrarrti, procede4 un Tuesday, Jul J. to t'otisville, and early the lolluwlug tlu cotniiu i ct-i the ifeMpt-iitlon ol thu culllcnv, Ac , the pru piri this couipituv prMints t purtliae, Tby roipi-fjiiiilly oubtiilt the loliuwmg swport a the rosiiltot thir careful in v estimation ,-, f The coul is uf kpmd 'lunlHy generail , and muoh of It Ih very superior. ,vvi Then-1 an Inexhaintihlo i.tiaiitloruf coal in tho trui t.for tho ti-nu of Hie h aie at Uar lu fact we aro usfciiied. with our iitiuimt capacity for mlalnjf, exceodluif thu hirKost iiu.iiulty pivpowd to take out annually from litis f-'lliui v. niily an impreirfion would be sviide upon tha vt Amount nt coal nmiain- d In thin trnot of land. Thu i Tliu tacllith-s lor mining nd maikot are very fe,.,,l, there apiwailng ull tiio lo ichiuery, & ., neCf.-aary for pi .i.t.i.ii mini--.: Tlif Mint- Im.;iii; 11 uc-irt l 10 lotU-T-lle .ihd tliu ruih- lid Hiis'l'li- 'll.ei.ewsl.ieyni so iVo.Ueiil.y bean! alluded to is o very Niip. M. r nt, aud is now m process of bwliitf niiih'v!,i'iid uW- li is epe.fJt d to be lu suree.slul oju r ii. u ' ltj -.im. X jiOitii.no' voui cujuumeijvihited ether , e-llitT'e-j :n i.nler tn i nt.-Ui ui:i niu m iti t vv rtinpaiiM.n. Tne n-ult oi lhu branch of their laUyr l: tl.vy did not tin. I .my e ul tm t on sale r liiie tLat pro ,,.Ml j n.e ,mnertdvttniii.en for cur purposes asthl. wtre umle eloped, otU-.n wou:d require Iiumenso 'iinl of my to restoif their workif; japu-ity, wlih l , at tho ...i .' .1 .in.t lul-or. would in-ohably exceed tl.e tost of Hub, vvl.h the u n;4,-tanty of tl.e fJl '. ihP. colliery IncoAK' o l''t',UA' n . - It may m,t b .wr to tati, H ro ally or rent oC tl o,mery i. ou.y about l.o- tiurd. th. co.t .1 mrly nil flit- ioiherles in the Bl1iu.mh. - - - - ..i..t or to .enu.au.t lu the Pn, ml ha-eof unaiu lauds nu(.vreU.b a bUb a. ,o toHO cent, per b,n. widist the rmx.Mltyof mines to u market and tt.o Mii-erl r a.Hi'h s (i r Kett.ng there eally enhaiwss no vwlut) ot lb s l oiliery. WU. S. TOItlt, W M. M. t'lll.KK, Wst. A. K'U.IS, K. M. J0M.H, CIUB. T. MATUKVi. 1'iiu Ai'k'. l liu, Augn. 1 10, N1. -U ItA N
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