The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 23, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1
MING T SOMA TED ntlCE TIIKEE CENTS. I'll! LADELrillA, FRIDAY, SKPTKMHKU 2:1. IStil. PIIICB THREES CENTS. rm TOT TIT- IEVM THE FALL FASHIONS. WLnt Will bo Doiio During the Fall and Winter Months. OPENING DAY IN NEW YOHK. High Trices, Trctty Bonnets, and Dresses. El., V.te., I'.lc, !:., r.U: ".., Tlio opening of fail fashions ha" boon siirn il-i-d by a larger display of novelties this e on than we remember to have seen fur several years. Donncts have undergone a to:ul revolution ; ex traordinary Innovations have Iwcn introduced into garments for ou'milc wear, whi'c in dress ami ornamental fabrics ni my quite now and lcMrr design and combinations liavo mule their ap pearance fur (lie timt time in this country. Triiis, nf course, rule liigli, but this Is to le expected in "war limes," and as labor is plenty f iges good, and business ucilvc, few object to tlio advanced rate, Hot. nets which wore formerly told for ten dollar tire now sold f ir thirty, lui this set Di d to llmKo little difference to ttie croud Inch, us usual, attended the semi untiii il olii bition. I'ciHxltily fewer bonnetM were sold, bur certainly a much larger quantity of materials were purchased. Many ladies seeking to cconn miAC hy exorcising their ingenuity and Unto in the limiting up ul their own hcud-gcur. It bas been a question of dome interest whether the l'urltdiin innovation of a bonnet wiiliout a curtain would be adopted by our ntudi.irs, and yesterday it wbb at least partially der ided in the atlirmarivo. More than half the bonnets on exhi bition were without a cape, and when any at all was inrp'oyi (I it wus a simple frill of lace, and so email as to bo hardly visible. At tbt thought, this would seem to be ex trimely unbecoming, but it is not so. Skill and taste can overcome many dllliculties, ami tin y have certainly succeeded in overcoming tkc ob Mnclt'R to tlic production of a pretty bonnet wi'h out a curtain, anil in arranging it so tii it the cur tain is not missed. Tbe bi.o ol the lionnets, extremely a la mode. Is scurcely larger than tho. which preceded the famous "coal scuttle ;" the brim is small, and entirely divested of its "scoop;" and the crown colt and low; tho trimming, which consists of luce, loops, und cords of velvet, or ribbon, and velvet flowers, falling over or hanging pendant from it. Few plumes are used on account of their enormous pi ice, hut on this very account they porscss the more claim to distinction. T1IK I'kKTTItoVT IIONNKTH. A fine iuallty of real Lyons bonnet velvet costs this auison from twenty to twenty-tivc dollars per jurd, so of course tliero is not much of it usul in making up the ordinary stylus, not even those which cost from twenty to thirty dollars eacb. These are nindo of German velvet, which is interior, but looks extremely well, an 1 often does duty for real Lyons. The best estab lishments do not lend themselves to such Imposi tion. We proceed now to describe u lew of the more elegant designs : A very distinguished bonnet wis of black T.yonJ velvet, with a soft crown of black spotted tulle, and no curtain. Over the crown was planed a fenchou of velvet, with a gore of pttrnle satin in the cm re, surrounded by an edge of Ida k thread luce. A band of purple satin covered with a band of rich black thread luce, crossed the top of iho crown, holding down the fanchion, and constituting with purple loops, and ends behind, and a nialmaison rose, with purple velvet leaves inside, the only trimming. Anothor hail a sort crown of rich black volvct, and transparent front, covered with two Killings Of white colored silk. The curtain consisted of a simple row of white blonde, held in on one side by a largo pink rose, in its leaves; arose in leaves in the cap, high up on the opposite side, side pink silk strings, notched out, and broad burbc ends ot black luce, fulling over the ctawu, completed the trimming. We noticed a charming bonnet of rich Mexican blue velvet, pulled lengthwise upon the founda tion, and oruamented with a large rosette ol bl u k and white lace, and a short white ostrich plume. A narrow curtain of blonde and a crushed rose, with blue velvet leaves In the blonde cup, comi h ted this graceful bonnet, to which description cannot do justice. Anothir was of black Lyons velvet, with a white silk cord placed au inch from the edge of thu plain brim. Soft full crown of white satin, edoed with narrow blick lace, and caught dow.t in the centre with black pendant balls. A cluster of roses was placed in an opening on one side of the crown, ltoses also on tbe inside of the brim Mill another was very striking. Tito brim m block velvet, with a crown composed of rather wide binds of scarlet velvet, em'iroiJercd with jet beads, forming a Greek crosi, over a star of rich white blonde. L ing ends of black ribbon, with a 6carlct corded edge, drooped bjlow tho crown. At Ibe rooms of a distinguished artiste we noticed a very beautiful evening bonnet of white royal velvet, with a crown composed of two falls of the richest blonde, mingled with long loops and ends ot blue velvet, over pulliugs of tulle. A white luce turned over the edge, a white rose with blue haves in tho blonde cup, and a largu white rose laid down near the crown, arc the only other ornaments. A reception bonnet was of velvet, of the new shade called "violine." Tbe small brim was plain, with the exception of one white and two pnrple erysantheuiue on the inside. The crown was composed of cross-hands of volvct, edged with black htro, over a soft crown of silk of the same shade. These bands terminated in long ends, edged with luce, which bung over the cur tain. Very wide silk strings notched out on the edge. Among the bead-dresses we noticed one of red grapes aud autumn leuves, mounted on gold; am ther of white japonic as upon scarlet velvet, and a third of exquisite frur dc (n upon blue velvet. J'lrur tie lit are also mingled with the orange blossoms in the bridul garnitures of this establishment, a fashion Introduced by tho Prince of Wales, ii i id now the rage in Hans. SVe had almost forgotten a most striking oru iinent for the hair, composed of lilies and dew-drops, droop ing ribbon frnss, and long ropes of scarlet cha biile, studded thick with mountain ash berries, and crowd half dow n with a pond lily in Us leaves. It was very novel, and w ith a bouquet to ma'cb, would cost .!.. Iliad-dresses and furnitures uro made almost exclusively of Mowers, which are very beautiful this season. The full cluster is still worn high up on 1 lie side of the hi nd, or over thu forehead, the wreath only extending down oue side, and termi nating in branches, which descend upon the neck and shoulders. Gurnitures for tho dren arc worn as a chupc laine, to loop np the upper skirt, and as an order aooss the hicast, tustenipg upon the left shoulder. Jtoscs are principally worn, but japonicas are, perhaps, inure elegunl, and lleur'de lis is the latest tloral fantasy known. ISM to return lor an instant to bonnets. White uncut velvet is very much in vogue for evening aud carriage bonnets, and is most admired when accomi unied by a soft falling crown of black lace, a plume of white, aud black ostrich feathers. Hoses on the inside. Corded silk trimmed with velvet, and velvet flowers of the snme shade, and felt ornamented with velvet and short peac ock feathers, will be worn extensively, aud inul.e very nent, service able, and ludyhl.c Ikjiiuois. Hound hats ol K it trimmed with velvet, brims turned up in iront and oruaiiiuitcd with u sh in, i,iu' iline hiusant plume, aie a o.u-t una ci's. illy UUopUd b,i )uuug indies. CLOAKS AM MAMII.S. Vintcr cloaks 1, avc hardly as yet mad 3 their I I c in ii in u, but it is already iiulerstood that the tight lilting pali tot, with or' w iihout u cupe, will lie one ol the most loiuini in styles. Kniind clout aie n,so in vo;.in-, m v-'het, beaver, or plu-b, and tiiimucd iu the fust instum e w ith II t hriiids und hanging b.ittous, and iu the second wall heavy cl.eiiillc liinge. In light! r cloths they are made with t o or three capes, handsomely trimmed with sill;, htitched uu with u scwiug-niai hiuc, or with binids p it on in braiding p it terns. lSiautil'ul 1 all Clunks uro ms lo in heavy bhvk ribbed silk, which will be very fashionable during the autumn. These clonks ure termed CjuIs, and arc a smt of comproinbe w ith the garment of thai luiine which lias appeared In Talis. Tnev uro r. iiude with i"nr,v, and two wide basques, which gradually decrease iu sie, aud lire cut square ul the botiem. The tiiinming is eithur friugu with II headillg, 01' jmihiim ittfi ir Willi halloing silk buttons. 'J' be coat-.-leevc luij uu epaulette und tutl trimmed to match. The uio.-t distinguished cods arc made inbla 'k J,uns leliel, sod this miiguilicent labii' Will Idso constitute the elegant winter cloaks of the season tut with velvet at the proper width at a hundred dollars per yurd, and the addition Ot a guipure lace, f,r trimming, a single one one would cosia.-iuull fortuue.und the mirclia us must, tliiretuie, of nece-sity, he tew. 'J he ciiculiirs, with hoods, aiu nuw mile used us wraps, aud are piuticulaily uubveyuiiu;; aud. vulgar- in t' e !.:M, .liowy p!,.id cioths with which tin m rikot bus been dei ig- I. A very giacemi novelty in the e ia re of a laco ct' i'l has been introduced re Tuny, and will bo prti ulur y wo . omed by ladles who liko drapery r ee lu ir rich tiering dic'sei. 1, ; e points have bent, lore been nse.i for this pi. pose, but they b 'k i at t lu i n a portly p, rson m d. mimwr, r ipiiie ei iisnleraiile sluli lot their eruc fill idj it in, nt. The co.'. nit's aie larger, more ample, aud sacep the duss n.tli much more imposing cll-ieu l'lll sses AMI IrlU SS l VTI.IU AI.S. Gored Cresis h ive been revlvirg this fa'l, nnrl are made to a c in-idi ruble extent iu p iplius, in hr'iivy nbbr d silks, and in moiro antique. In blue opdn. the v are sometimes rord d doisn the Brums with tbn k crimson, or g rid-colored silk, and the same lib a c imcd into the trimming nt the si ait and sir eves. The skirl is always laid in large single lox plaits, and bungs very long bvhind. e nniy remark, rtt pitfii?itl that in the street these black corded rones are math very striking by a bla k toiietle tlironghuur, w ir h the exception if pdves, which are u in; Minor gold co:or, to liii.ti h the shade ol silk in the dress, and some more i f Ibe snuie color liirroditc.d into tho oru.i mi ul- of the but. The cimt-sleivc is still rxclii-ivclv worn for lioii-o ii lid srrtet dre-s.s, anil is rlgliter tlun ever, in .king their anus look painfully attenuarrd. I I gbt and white silks thev ought positively to be ilisr aided, or covered with pulled lulie. Light ribbed silks in opnl and or her shades that w i 1 bear strong g.igbt are admiral), e lor even ing wear; they have all the elfect of uncut velvet or ribbon satin, and uiicr they become soiled can lie died to niivunoiae. Satin, to r, over en nys the bighr-t consideration as the material tor the richest tr, ih ttes, and is wonderfully effective when trimmed with costly laco and lit up with llowcrs. The dress coats which have been the rag'! in I'aris during the past year have been Intro lueed here, but In that shape will hardly be recognized by our ladies, who d'slike extreme or very outre styles. A modification consisting of very loose slender basques, attached to the waist behind, has already attained tuvor. II isqucs, round, gauntlet pointed, but generally long and slender, uic now the i age for all sorts ot die ses the waistband, with, its broad buckle, being fastened ovt r them. The dillcrent styles of crimson and tutrmif or wine color will hu very fashionable this coining winter, In heavy silks, In ineriuics, in cmorcss cloth, and in poplin. Light gre n is ulso desir ublc, ami green, black ami crimson, a very good i omhinatioii. 1 or early fall wear, grey drcs-cs, trlniiue.l with bhick tullctiis, stitched on with the sewing machine, in cllective designs, are in excellent taste hat trimmings have lurgulv taken the place ol liming, ruches, and the like. Low bodies are made altogether for evening dresses, w ith Grecian folds, when the m is thin, and long wide scurf of ttie materia! ut the back, edged with quilting of luce or ribbon, and lioatlng nearly lo the bottom ot tho skirt. In thicker materials, the body is niado low an 1 srunre, cut oil sharply upon tho hips, und de scends iu bug tails In-hind. One ol the new ami piclty French capes, with a volant, m iy bo worn with these waists, or a Iu, ked or prided Totnpa. ih nr chemisette. We cannot forbear describing a v -ry beautiful full-dress toilet, made recently. The muteriul was Mexican blue muff hoc, a silk with a minute rib heavier than tatletas, but not so he ivv as iviij iiiiin. The trimming round tho skirt consisted of black lace, in the form of liut'erlties, with n blue centre, oml thc-e lm terdies were united together by live rows of lino black silk cord. Niniib.r bii'terllics oi n imenied the bo lice, which was heurt-shaped, and the sleeves. A hl.u k lace suh wus worn with the dress. Latest from the South General Sherman's Proposed Peace Conference with Gov. Erown,", A'exander H. Stephens, and H. V. Johnson, of Ga, HOW THE SECESSION DOCTRINE OPERATES. Separate Stato Action Agitatod in Various Quit-tors. I)i:STRl XT1VE HUE: AT ( li RLES T0T 4inirrftl Kliprimin lBro.OHlug' n 4'iiirr-s-iii'f- rlJoi I'riK.r ttronii nnrl Otlii'rs uu Hie Snli l r l-oico. T'lt-'iinni to tht lti-hmtmi fcrocr, ,s i-".ricil.tfc 17. Macon, Ga., September 17. It u-riors arc rife to-day that .Sherman has sent an iirbrinal request to Governor llrown, Vlco-rroiileiit Stephens anil II. V. Johnson to come to Atlunt i and confer with him upon the subject of peace. From tlm l!i hmouil DiifMit-7i, .SV.',,hV,- fl). There is no mistaking the obic t of Shcrnian in desiring to 1-old u contcrenoe with N ice-President Stejihens and Governor Brown. It is to detach rbe State of Georgia, If possible, from the Con federacy, through tho agencv of these two gen tlemen, whom, from their course with regard to the hihrai enrmt act mid measures, ho takes to be nt hi art well disposed to promote such a mensnre. We nrc confident that he will fi-id himself dls apHiu!cd in bis estimation of thou two gentle men ; yet we very much regret that they should ever have advocated any line of policy which a Yankee General can by any y. jssihility thus interpret. We trust the meeting will not bo accorded. It cun answer no gnod purpose, ami is designed for no good end. Il there w ero no other objection to It, the very fact that it Is propo-e I by Sherman Is sulhcicnt o( itself to iiidioate iu impropriety. No good citizen ought, especially at a timo like this, to do anything which may, in the slightest parti cular, serve to indicate that tliero U a dilforenee, lu his opinion, between the intere-ts of his State and the interests of the Conludcr y. The Governor of Georgia ought at least to re collect that bis Slate was one of tins lirst (thn llrst after South Carolina) to secede fr un tho Union, und that If she now treats of re 1 1 on her own terms, n a soren igu State, she withdraws from the Confederacy, and h aves her s'sters the lw to hold, after bnviug got them into this scroiie. We make these remarks bec iiis,! npiirate Sla'e nrtitm ii7,i Acri tuiitati d r.f l,rtr iu more, quart limn one. The late deplorable oeaco delusion gave rise to It, und the di-nros-lon consequent upon tho disappointment of ho. i s ruined by It lias kept it up. We hope it bjs no spread to any great extent ; but we may be assured that Sher man has heard of it, und that it encourages him to seek this conl'err nee. The Constitution confers up .n the Tresldent, by and w ith the consent ol Iho Senate, uutlioriry to make peace. If a Stuff mi '., i ir on -r 0icu account ,sic witlutruws fruin tlir 'nut', d-'ruri. Sher Q' nil knows this, und thinking be has his heel upon the State of Georgia, he hopes in this way to brin.' her hack into the I'nion. Are tbe people not the poll icbins are the peon le of Geor .ia pri pared for this st-p f Will they consent toubaudon Virginia, which entered into this Confederacy because she w i-- determine 1 to share the fate of her sister Will she uban i'oii Virginia now, a'ter having dragged her luto this war We runnot and will let. believe it of the gallant Mute of Georgia. Her sons have luught too gallantly to warrant such a belief. leoiriic'llve I'lrrsi Having; in I h uleslon. '( inn t' I lii -'.ir.'r'il t. ii niti v, ,s, -JO. CiiAin.tioN, Septemlrcr IS. A largo lire oc currrd hero yestenlnv, des'royin ,' ah nit twenty live bul'dii'gs In Archd do, He :u(iiic,('lilf rrd.nnd West sir. cts. Anoibei' fire broke out this morning ut the southeast corner of Trade and Meeting sticets, dcMr. ying two bifge mniis i ms. Whilo the lire wtis in pru:;rc-.s, about oue hundred and twiuty .-hots wcie luci ut the city. !! i iik iiIs ol I eilernl Ituiilcrs. .nr. iiium.e ami ai.i x r. un: v itin.noAU nuiiii.i; iui; Haitian iit.siitoi'bu. t'iciii. tlif l:i'f iii'iivl I: i.i.ninrr, ,SV;,r, lu'-e,- Jn, A paity of raiders visited the Orange and Alexandra railroad brl Igo over the R ipidnu, mid puitiiilly destroyed It. It is stated that they bul lied Lloerty M lis, und at hist account wcic iiocreiling towurds Madison Court House. A body of the raiders were, lute lust evening, moving on Gordonsville. The report wus not geiiciaily believed ; but, ill consequence of It, the Kichmoiid bound train on the Central railroad put bin 1. und returned to Charlottesville, These i i.iilci s in e no doubt tliesiiiiie with whom Moscby wu; recently sUirmlshiug. Their force is not know n. A l'liiMiso establishment was put In opera tion last year at Man Icl.iy, the cipl sl of liur lunb, by the king. Nothing has yet ooen printed but u lew l ull books und piayeis. Too attempt is made to priut on palm leaf instead of paper, and is uoi iciy niccvuil. THIRD KD1TI0N SHERIDAN ' S BATTLE TROPHIES. The Rebel Colors Captured Presented to the Secretary of War. Niwlitl to Tin l;vinliitf I'l'lcicrnpll. Washinoton, September 2.'!. This forenoon, Captain l.lias, ai ting Inspector-General of Gene ral Torbi t's IHvision of Cavalry, reached here from the front, In the Sheiiaudoi.h Valley, bring ing eight Rebel buttle and llags, c ip. ttircd by that diii-ion, in the battle ncir Win chester. lie proceeded linmedi ite'y to tho War 1' qurt ment, where the Hags weie tortnally presented to tbe Secretary of War, in the name of General Sheridan. Six of the men bearing them were the actual raptors of the Hag which each curried ; their naini s being G orgo Reynolds, l'atrick Me Kiuor, Chester 11. IlorJen, George K. Mea?h, Henry M. l'ox, Gabriel Cole and Andrew J. Tarrish, of Hew York and Mh-higan eivaliy regiments. Secretary SUntuii, after t iking c idi one of the gullant fellow s by thu hand, and iupiiring his name ami position, thanked them in the name of the lvpurtment for the gallantry displayed la the capture of tho, and said ho would direct the Adjutant-General to furnish them w ith hon oiablc medals, with their mums inscribed thereon, lie further requested them to return the Dej artmc tit's thanks to their bravo comrades In nrnis, who participated in such a cheering and glorious vkt ry In which these II igs hid been taken. si i vavs anVa u m v. EXCHANCE OF PRISONERS. DESERTION EXTRAORDINARY. CiiATriNooii v, Septemlwr 22. General Sher man, by special arrangements with General Hood, has c Itected the exchange of 2IKHI piisoners. Of u batch of 'SID Rebel prisonirs, seventeen refused to be exchanged, and look the oath of allegiance. Of ahiiudnd picked men of the Rebels ut R nigh and lieudy twenty-one de-cited. This is u fair index of the feeling in Hood's army. The truce In tweeu Sherman and Hood expired to day, but will he extended for several days, to complete the icmovul of families. INVASION OF MISSOUSL Itcporlol Ailvnncn of Shelby' llvbol Arliiy-Kxrlli'iui'iil at Clnirlcrston, Mo. Caiuo, SeptcmlHT 2'i. just from Charleston, Mo., stnto that the 2d Regiment of Missouri Volunteers, feuiing an attiek from n superior force of Shelby's Rebel army, evacu ated Iiloomlield, Mo., nnd retreated in the direc tion of White Water river. It was reported ut Charleston that the enemy, several thousand strong, hud ovortaken tho mili tia, und a light was going on ut White Wutor last right. Grent excitement existed at Ch irleston, but it is not thought that any considerable number of R, V els h 1 been iu (hat vicinity. LATEST IROM NASiTVIL-LE. Arrlvul of Ailjiiliiiit-rjciiernl Uioiiins -Nnliil In Honor ol' SlirMin-t Icttiry. N isiivn.i.E, September 22. A salute of il bun dled guns wui tired from tho Capitol to-duy in honor of Sheridan's recent victory. Adjutant-General Thomas arrived here to-day, and will he serenaded ut the residence, of Colouo! R D. Mus-ey. The river is three and a half feet on the shoals and ut a stand. FROM NEW Oltl.r.tVS. Nr.w Yoiik, September 2 1. The steamer '.'n7y II. SoutU-r, from Xcw Orleans on the loth, arrived this morning. An urrival from np Iho river, at New Orleans, gives a doubtful account that Little Hock, Ark., has been captured. A large supply of clothing, h id been sent by Hug of truce, via tho Red river, to tho L'ulou piisoners. Hereafter no persons will be arrested in New Orleans without a written accusation is m ule against them. Tho water in the Mississippi is very low. The Kteaiiier Nldon" nl New York. Kkw Yohk, September 22. The steamer Sidon urrived at this port this morning. Sho ropurts having exehunged signals with tho steutnor fun di itiilt oil Halifax, on tho 2uth. From New Item, NT. '. Nr.w York, September 2:). The steamer ''crry, Irom Newborn on the 2uih, arrived at this port this morning. Movement of Itlnckudc-ltuiiiM-rx. IIai.ii-ax, U.S. .September 21. The blockade runners l.udij Sterling and Armatrmuj cleared for llcrinuda to-day. The blockade runuer I.itdr Ituttie, which suilod a few days since, returned to-duy. Ill I llaral Mill cli iu IIonIou. IiosroN, September 2.I. The billiard milch between R. M. Wiluiurth, of Mutton, and Harry liuton, for l(KH),of Culllornia.'.was won by Wil iiinith by 7b2 points. Arrival or the 'Mili.n." New Yoiik, September 2 k The steamer sidiui hus aiTAed Irom Liverpool. She reports hiving ixcliungcd signals Willi the stculilcl I andeibilt oil liiililux on T uesduy last. Market by Telegraph. Ni w Yoiik, September 2:) Flour declined '.'". i eills' s all '0 USSI l"'l. l i 1 'I ?,', lor Htl,; l'l 11 1 (., fl Inr 111,1", mill Ib'i t''-' l"l S,,a'li.'i n. W Ilea I'-eluiL-a , ,r ', . nl- ; -ii'.-s null it "T hill I n Ii -I, i II : ;i I II on-', i!. si. 1,1 j.l SI "I 111.. I , 1 1 .! . J',eUh-H;, -.1 I'M M.l.ti. ;ll t ll;'.r-' II an tor MfS.. I.'irrl iluH ul Ci.u:s. V Ui-i.y ilitli ; fcaii-H el li'i"' bl..-. l H l'ii. Nkw Yoiik, September 2:. Slocks are lower, imtl ll.i n- is 11 nine 111 lia- lout Kot. I la. anil H a I -ii.Ti.1. II I I I j,l.-r :.l 1 .1 I i ,,il , l,.o; ; ll.ill,,lf I'elitot1, 1-' - ; .M lei, I mii 8,.inliein, 7'!' ; .New o.-k eiitr:il. ll'o4 ; C.i.'li.. l.l; Hi, .1. an Itoer, III . 1 lu',1 n C,i .'. Mis-uun I.., I.e: ro If, ll.e,; ii,i- V I .roil Ml, . S , ; i i leilw,!.; ; I Jvb '1 atr I' ,u,.a..-. It '1 , : I i.i..., ' i' "' 11''-.; since n.o lluaid, 111. IBE EEEEL EAIDON EANDUjKr, Ss iaiii e ni' Tno Mi Biiieris-..Ie.lriielloii or llie l'hilii Psriuui auil Islaiitl 4tns-en Alleinpl lo Helxe the I'. N. Meniuer lHleliluu---Tlic Selieiue Frustrated, S 'li ml 1 isi atch tu till- Cii'Velsud LCH'lur. Samhsi.v, September 21). A dcepl.iij and ri.ieiullv -pliiiimd Rebel conspiracy, which had no less iin object than tho capture of the United Mates stcutnei' iliehiqan, tlie liberation of tho sccesh prisoners on Jobuson'a Island, and the serious dniuiifie, if uot the entire destruction, of our lake ci ininerce, culminated yesterday even ing, cw leg to the discovery of the plot und the uiiest of the lending conspirators in this city lust night. It was almost cnliiely frustrated, and the only duiiaige done is tho cupture und p.uiial destine lion ol tw smull steumcrs, the Woio 1'unuif und the hluiul (Juten. T he billowing is an outline of the fuels : Tho I'luto 1'urMun, u side-wheel steamer, running be tween Sandusky and Detroit, commanded hy Captain Alwood, hit Detroit yesterday tuorniug at ball ulier debt, with alxiut lorly passengers. She took un four passengers ut Sandwich, Ibiec links below, und about twenty at M ilden, twenty miles down the river, both ou the Canada side. The, only baggage they had was nu via 'mnk. loundwilh cords. On rea king North Ha Island, where Captain A'.w.iod lesides, he went s hore, leaving Ashley, th" clerk, in eo n Iiortid, and the boat continued on iir w iy, A in ut six rr'elis-k, ns soon as the hut lett h el'y's Is'atd. on her way to Sandusky, the clerk was seized by lour m, n, who die it revolvers on lion. 1 he trunk wl,i. h they had brought on with tl i m Inn i d out lo be tilled with navy revolvers and ha'i hct. V. hen it was opcicd sonic t'e'ity tive nun aimed themselves from it. I ncli man having iwo revolvers, the p irty were hi.idnlbyan ml, l ifnl Knu'lisbman, apjnirentlv well uiipi. intcil w tli nautical matters. Ih y li en li ok po set-ion ot the bonr, tbreateniuir diarli to nil who resistnl. The wu-then Inadid down the Luke until ten i S.imlusk v, then turned and run past 1 llev's 1-laiid to .Middl ' l; iss. While hlng ut Middle l'uss Island, the s'ei'ner ..Vnirf ytiirit. Captain I'rr, a small sule-wlu'el steamer, usually runiiitig been S imbisky ami the i-ianda, but now b ,und to Toledo w ith a num'tT ot passengers, including thirty or forty return ng Hal days' men, r.irno alongside about 7 o'clock. She was instant y, nnd as there was fir a moment some show of rc-istance made, some shois were tiled, and the 1 ngi'iccr of the ml Qui nt was wounded in the check. '1 tie passenger ol both boats, t 'n."htTw i'h the cli rk, A-hley, rc then put a-li Te, the soldiers being put on" parole not to lake up arms against the Southern Coiib ih ra -y tint. I ex, li mu-e l. A portion of the huggnu-e was uNosent a-horc. No private property was taken, b it the boot s, papers, and imuicv of both boils were sei.e t, I In- boats were tin n stal led out itro the lake liorthuuid, tho I'arumi lowing the iV""rn, winch was entpiv . 1 be crew s of both boats were ret i ned on the l'u)o)i. The jutei was scuttle 1, a hole was knocked in her bottom, and tlie was sent adn't ell l'oiul an I'elle, and she struck a reef about thicc miles from land, where she lies in several feet of water, ral lies who visited her to d in, say that she can bo recovered without scrims damage. The I'urtnm then relumed lo the mouth of Sandusky bay with the bin ntion of seizing tlie liniti'd States steamer Mn ln hin , bin not receiv ing the expected signal from their leil-nv con spirator, they returned a.'ain, nnd piuse lthe Island under u full head of steutn, headed for Miibien, Canada West. At this time Captain Orr, of the (Jwi, who wason Iniurd the I'arsimx, und from whom we gel this iniiiriuaiioti, was pla, ol iu tlie hold of tho vessel, and about seven o'clock this morning he was put u-hore; ho afterwards m ide his wav to Detroit, and arrive 1 here this evening. The 'n sun. i hu I subsequently been run ashore at Sandwich, ou the Canada side, ami robbed of her furniture, si uttb d, and her steam-pipes cut. Wc hear a rumor that she has siiieo been g it into the dry-dock ut Detroit. In a ciniver-utioii with the ciptnin and the eon spiiatoi s, they expressed themselves in favor of the election of Md'h llun. The plot, so tar tiiumphatiily ciiriied orr, was onlv prevented I'imiii its i ouiK t.ou by suceec hug In ibe diseovety i.rul nrie-t of the "leading cou spiiutois iu ihls city. About six weeks ago a stranger, who passed bv the iiamc of Cole, made his a pearance here and sto ped nt the W est House. He had a large amount ol gold with liim, und ciainicd to tie Hi" son of a wcalrhv I'hil.i.leipiiian, und to hue, conic lo Suiiuusky lor the purpose of buying a vessel. lie became very Intimate with the officers of the Ciiited Stares sleainer .Wo liiiuu, and made arrangements with them for a grand supper but evi nil, g, intending to drug their wine ami men with the helpol lending Copperheads hereto cupture the vessel, but he was recognized by a southern refugee, a few days since, as a Caotain in Iho Rebel urmy, and was arrested tho night betoie last und placed on board tho steamer Miehitiuu, in his trunk wero found full details of the plan of the conspiiu orH, which wus to culminate yes terday, nnd included the seizure of the. .Michigan hy Rebels und Copperheads here, a union with the liebels on the I'ui.sous, a liberation of Iho prisoin rs on Johnson's lslaud, and a marauding cruise iiinotif" the lakes. He was frightened Into turning States evidence, and on his revelations six leading Copperheads here were uiicsied lust night und taken to John son's island. T heir iiiiiiu s are Captain Abraham Strain, John 11. Williams, U.K. Stanley, 1. M. Merrick, F. Rosenthal, and John M. llrown. v A companion of Cole's, Rjbiu-on,'r4i also urrestid this afternoon. The l' tilted States Marshal, Commi-situier, and I) sti let Attorney are here, und will iuves igi e the cu-o to-morrow , Kxenrsion trains ure now running between l'aii- and Madrid. The distance is accomplished iu thirty-six hours. A new iiIKumcnoid siilis'an e Ins been dis covered in milk by M M. Milton ami Coiiitn nle, French chemists. It has hitherto been believed that i a-i In is the onlv protein compound lu milk , but these cheuii-ts have now shown th it utter this bus been removed there remains a substance possessing ninny though not all id tho chara 'ters of albumen. Tbey precipitate tho cisoin with acetic acid, and the when heated produces a cougulum which possesses lib pur cent, of nitrogen. T he new substance, hieh they pro pose to term, provisionally, lui .'omgeiie, has tin following chara -ters ; it is not cougu urcd by heat, uor by nitric acid, nor by bichloride of mer cury, nor hy the combined action of acetic acid und beat, it is hut slightly atfected by concen trated alcohol, but Is readily precipituted by uu acid solution f tho nitrate of binoxidu of mer cury, tho precipitate, however, rcdissolving in excess of the precipitate. LKUAL I.Vllil.I.IUfcMCK. Cot iit or Qi AiiTiin Snssioss. .Tames L'lly, n soldier ut home on furlough, because of a wound, was tried this morning on an indictment charging bim with having Committed an assault and but tery with intent to kill one Juuies Gallow. Thu allulr occurred tho latter part of Juno, in the vicinity of Twelfth and Vine streets, whero the defendant nssuultcd Gallow witli a knife, aud in dicted npon his person six distinct wounds, nono of them, however, fortunately for lutU parties, proving fatal. The defendant, In jnstilicitlon of th3 attiek, alleged that while be was In the army, where bo had served for two years, ho had, nt the solicita tion of Iho prosecutor, enclosed him money for his wife and for her support, which the prose cutor had failed to apply as ho had promised; and that w hen he, the defendant, returned home, be found bis wifu mid family lu a stato almost of destitution ; Hud that, while smarting under this gnat wrong, be bad assaulted the prosecutor us testilicd to. Tbe jury rendered a verdict of guilty, but recommended defendant to the mcivy ol Ibe conrt. William Gupe, Seventh und Fisher streets, was tin n arraigned on u charge of obtaining goods under false pretenses Irom M iekay ft Hogg, com mission merchants,"r street. Mr. Hogg tes. litied ihui he gave the defen lnut credit for u hill of Hour upon the representation made that ho (the defendant) owned the property where bo resiih d and did business ; w hereas, in point of far t, he bud really Sold and couveye I the pro pi ny more than a innl!i prior to the transaction. On trial. CITY INTELLIGENCE. Ptatb op Thpkhomktkr To iiat. Six A. M., bl. Noun, 7-5. One 1'. M. 77. Wind, S. W. A Biti'TAL IlisiiAM) John Filgeruii Is the name of a white man residing iu Annut s root Germatitown, whose repeated brutality to Ids w ife bus long disgusted the whole neighboring) I. A l. it-lit or two since he eniiic home diunk, and met Mrs. l'itgcrnld, turned on her, und heat In r iu u most shocking manner, aud llie poor worn u is so badlv beaten about the head nnd face lint lm own niost Intimate friends culd not recognize her. Her brutal husband was und co.u initted tor tiial. Mi siriibii i.v ITiis morn lug C iitinany L of (he Union League Regiment was mustered into Ibe United St des service. Tho oltlcers are : Cnplain, Stm. net Wrlglcyt I'ir-t MeiUcnwt, Chiules W. Fra.ier j Second Lieutenant, W illi.uu A. Miller. Lieutenant Fra.ier having be n so succe-slul In procuring men, b is been detailed to recruit for the remaining companies w hich ure to be roni'Cil. The regiment is to emit iin liftccn companies In nlh,and recruiting will slid continue nt the old city headquarters, No. 2iiS S. Third stieet. Ten companies of this regiment bavo already left for the scut of war. K.uuoak Ai tiDKNi. A report wai on the street this morning that two freight trains on tho rhiludclphia and New York roads came into collision this morning at Torresdule. Uuo nun is repotted killed, but neither li s name nor tho cause of tho accident cm be uscci uiiied. Final Hi:uino. Uefore Uu tcd Stutos Com missioner Sergeant, yesterday, u liual hearing took place iu the mutter of Iho prosecution against John W. Diibreo, late a measurer In the shoe departmental the Arsenul, 'he charge being fraud In Ibe measurement of lealher. The Com missioner reserved his decision mtil nx( Saturday. Tur. SvNunoorr. or K i.nisrii TU Israel Dvnu ronv Fxi ncisas th m AfTKRMnott rHooKAVMR or PKiiMr rs. The magnltlccnt new synagogue, "Keni.cseth Israel," In Sixth stn'et, above liiown, will be dedicated, with the impres sive ceremonies peculiar to tho Hebrew faith, this aficrm on at :l o'clock. The services will be conducted hy the Rev. David l'.irhoui. D.D., of l'h ludc'i h u, ti e Rev. D iac Adler, D.I)., and Rr v. Dr. Meyer, oi New York, assi.'ed by all tho rabbis of this city. 1 be oratorio of "The Crea tion " by llai dn, w ill be sung by a choir of ono hundred ai d fi! y vol es, accompanied by the new organ and a full band of instrumental music, toe.etbcr with sefr ral so os. Tbe society of " Kennrsrth Israel" having adopted the ri t'nrmrd styleof worshio, the hollow Bo.unro and reading desk has been dispensed with, anil )ews substituted, tho males and female v'ttiiic togi thrr, and not nuart, ii. heretofore. An nil. ir at. d pulpit is use.!, while, the gallery is do voti ,1 lo an organ nnd choir, the congregation accompanying them by singing out of p-a iu books; and, iu fact, other forms are adopt ',1, and the general appearance of tho synagogue la ars a very cloc tcscnibi ince to tho churches of the Christian faith. The edilicc is lighted by a lalcri did chandelier of titty-lour lights in thu ecu re, and numerous side lights ; arid the n'tar is adorned by two splendid pedestals, from ea, h of w h eh extends seven branches, tv pical of tho "Seven Candlesticks" of Holy Writ. The decorations aiid furnishing of the Ark was done by Walruven, No. 71il Chesnut street. The curtains are m ignlticeutly embroidered with gold, and the pew cushions, manufactured of rich crimson dani.vk, are ulso furnished by the same gent etiiun. Tho Hours nro civered with tapestry velvet carpet, and the building through out is of tho most rri irretr character. i The eh dilatory exercises this afternoon will be of tin most Impressive character. Tho gates of tho editice will e oso nt precisely a quarter altar two o'clock, und no persons will bo admitted ex cept those having tickets of invitation. At pre cisely three o'clock the procession, composed of the llourd of Managers, Directors, olll ors of the Congregation, invited rabbis of this city, and the residents ot neighboring eongicgt tiuns, will U ave the old Temple of the Congre gation in New Market street, Above Noble, und proceed to the new edifice iu Sixth street. On their airival here, the choir will sing the llSih l'siilni, music by Mr. Stadler. While, tho pro cession Is entering the temple, the congregation w i 1 tise, and the chior will again sing a hymn 01 niUjie, by Sell Sulger. T he canicrs of the "Rooks of Law" will then proceed to the llrnmli, while the remaining p ir ticipaiits of the procession will halt in front of the nunc. At the conclusion of tho hymn tho Holy Rccci tihle will be op ned, and tho bene piction, Ncie I lee In ,n n ii, will be delivered. Tho "Rooks of I. .w" w ill be pi iced in the Rieeptilde, all' r which the puiiieipaiits In the procession and the congregation w ill take their places. Alter these e'eremoiiles have been gone through with, the Rabbi will read the "text." The choir will then sing l'siilm Lmtli. music by W. Fischer, the leade r ol the choir; after which Hymn 2, th, li i ft and second verses, w ill he sung. ' T hcu fol lows the sermon by the Rabbi of tho congrcgi tinn, which will be followed by the choir singing Hymn 2, lb, third and fourth verses. While the print r in I'-alui 2 ld is quietly being rehearsed, aiioilur song ofpiui-ewill be rendered by the choir. Dining the singing of oue verse of a similar huun, the "Holy Roecptible" will ugiiu be opened by the Rubbis, aud appropriate remarks will be m ado. Next follows tho "I.ecturo of T bora," and the rehearsing of tho text ol prayer, read by Lr. Mayer. This prayer opens us follow s : When I siih ii.,i; far s suMiiiier ereeil) Hi r -linii e texf Irani Nature volume tu'iilit, ts'ie 'w Hki-neU ini'iixly, wlni-r slu-ll n4 reeii Il liolisli rinle up, in her s,lrlt yently wraiiKht. Iti.t semi fniiu Ivan n'tars she inek wins, llllislr I'aJaiHl'll Hllll ttll' IIUU.-I Mtht; ina1 Hi' niari'. she leu la'li ii Kabliai strltlK, An, I t.tnf a' I i,xl iii Ke.rl It loll 11 111. I.enil, leml our c-hi,r,lii, ye iTaili inilr 'I hu soul ol Jesse s loll, Tluit wcr rn.i.v Iii tuiriiiei.ions jirny'r I 1 1 it. II, il) lint? After this follows a sermon, delivered by the siiino divine. l's ilin Ibth, lir-tund second verses, will then be sung, ns also l'siilm JI2d. I'rayor then follows until the couelusiou of tho exor cists. In the ceremonies the vocal society "Saenger himd," of this city, will participate. The services to-morrow will commence at 8$ o'clock, A. M. Hev. Dr. Adler, of Now York, and Dr. Deiit-ch, ol Hultimoru, w ill conduct the 'fe-livul".sei vices. The "Cecilia" voe il society will on that occasion ussist the choir in tho singing. The templo will no doubt bo thronged to excess this afternoon, long be I ore the hour for com mencing the services has arrived, and unmoors In possession of tickets will be obliged to forego the pleasure of witnessing so impressive a cere mony us the dedication of this new edilicc. National; Sa.nitaiiy Cohve.n tion. This body will assemble in this city on the 2 th of next mouth, nnd will bo largely attended by representative from nil part. In accordance with u request of the Convention, the following ii. inied gentlemen have been appointed iu behalf of City Councils, to bo in attendance as dele gates : Messrs. L'hler, ltrightly, and Kaui rly, of Select Council, and Messrs. Gray, Laughlin, und Lit' mill , of Common Council. Cai i.ut. George 11. Lawrence wai arrested nt Front and Noble streets at an early hour this moruiiig, with. i coat in bis possession. When nsked by the police what be was doing at such an enrly hour, he could give no answer, being unable to tell where he was going to or where ho hnd come from. Alderman Toland provided hint with free board aud lodging. A I3au Boy. This morning, a lad named Wit liuin Malone, aged 15 years, was arraigned before Alderman Toland, npon the charge of entering a bouse in tbe lilcvcntb Ward, and stealing there from the sum of tj, 10. The same boy was arrested only a few weeks since for tho larceny of pig. iron, but on account ol bis youth he was rolcasctt. He now stands commuted for trial. Accident at a Mill. T'bii morning, Joseph Coyle, 17 years of age, was seriously injured about tho head at Arbiicklc's Mill, Manuyunk. It is supposed that bo was caught in the belting. He was taken to bis home in Jacksou street. Ac cidents ut the Munuj link mills ure of most too frequent occurrence of late. , F'ihb Mattkiis. Tho Assistant l'.ngluecrs of the Fire Department have petitioned Councils for au Increase of salary. The William l'eiiu Hose and the Independence Steam l ire) 1 iiglne Companies received extra appropriations yesterday lor services rendered sun e their locution. 1'ABAiiR of Tim Ur.rrni.tcAN Invini iiii.i'.s. A meeting of this organization will be held at San torn Street Hall this evening, for tho parposo of perfecting arrangements for making a portion procession to-morrow evening. All w ho wish tn join should be at the hull early. See uniioiincemint in another column. roi.n icAL Dkiiatk. Tho first of a series of political debates between William II. Kelley, l'.sq., the Republican candidate for re-election to Con gress, and Mr. Oeorgc Northrop, Democratic can d.d.jtc lor tho siuiiu position, will t ike place this i veiling, ut o'clock, nt Mioad and Spring Gar den streets. Majou-Gi nbiiai. IIikshy. This gallant officer Is soon ex'pected to arrive In this city, on a short vi-it to bis home. In view of this fuel, City Councils, ut their meeting yesterday, adopted a n solution tendering the use 01 Independence Hull to the General lor the reception of his liiexels. imi Timi . F.iuiuu Johnson is the name t f a 1 rout street buiuiner who wus committed by Aldcrmun Dougherty this morning to answer tho churgeof tbe larceny of u clock. When over hauled she was milking 2 It) time. Man Fovnk Dhow n hi. Yesterday the body of an unknown white man, about forty years o npe, was found at Smith's Island. The deceased had ou a blue navy shirt und dark punts. Ho bad dark browu linn uud led goatee. limn n Answ int. Charles Warren, charged with an attempt to shoot Minnie Kerby at Fox's Ca-luo, last Monday night, hud u final hearing beiore Alderman Duller ycoterduy, nnd wus held in s l,",oo bail to answer. Mektin'i or Coi.ohkii 1'iioi'i.n. A meeting of colored people, culled to consider tho subject of riding on passenger mil w ay curs, was held last evening. No deliuitj plan, however, was pro posed. The Mi'NicirAL Hohiutal. The ndditional sum of '1S,000 has been appropriated by City Councils lor the completion ol the Municipal Hospital. Anoihui Risignation. Mr. II. W. Giuy, member of Common Council from the loth Ward, bus presented bis resignation, to take etl's'ct on aud utter the lUtu of October next. CuicKtT. To-morrow a match game of cricket between tho lirst eleven of the Hamilton aud Young America Clubs will come off on the grounds of the latter, Turnpike lindge, UcrmuutvWU. Larimiy Cash. This morning Mary Ann Th'ui as w before Alderman Cloud, eh irged with having robbed a ru in n imed Flo4 of twenty-five dollar. It that tbe litter visited a house nt l'ront and Norrls streets, d tin rc Indulged prefy freelv In the ardent. A'ter h-c"nl"B stri-elicd, It, is alleged that Mary Ann rilled his jackets. 'I his minions, a case of youthful deprsvltv was heard hufore Atdennan Meitler. Two little girls, aged right nnd ten yens, were charge 1 w t'i tbe I ircenv ot coal Irorii the Reading Railroad cars. The Children, Recording to their ow n story, were sent alter the "black diamonds" by their parents. 1 In y wi re sent to tho House of Refuge. Mary Dully was before Alderman Thomas, of (Sennautown, charged with larceny. It seiims that she was eniploved ut a house in Harvey street, and stole a pa r of stockings and tw o pO' t nuint air s. When arked by the magistrate wh it she had lo shy, she rep'ied that tbe stockings she b.lJ put un in a inn nkc, und that the two port moiiuaies found in her pocket had been placed thire Iy lur mistress In mistake, ulso. The reason not being a good one, she was committed let llUll. AiTini NT. A woman named Catherine M irke, sixty-lour years of age, had her shouldiT-blado f' uc urcd, and received a severe contusion on tho back part of her bead yesterday, by being struck l y tho row. catcher of a loitimeitivo at Ninth street and Columbia nieiiue. CuAiioi: or Laik-f.ny. Maggie Labran, and Catharii c Connor, domestics, employed at the residence of Mr. David J. Johnson, were arrested yesterday on the charge of the lummy of a breast pin alticd nt f-lji'ti. They will h.i'vc u hcanug tins afternoon. DiiowNin Sailor. This morning the body of a droivui'd sailor was found at Washington street whurf. SrssF.x Lkui Comi'amv. We are Informed Ihui Hits tnmiiiuiv lit bo renily In few days to send lis prt'puri'cl oris lo market, the crushing- raaotiincry tiolns eonqrliaeil and ut wmk. Tho jlglim, or vimrat-.tiK ma-i-hmery, w-bl tin lliil.h.-tl aatl la operation In a few- days, and lie emur-any, hmlng a UrRo quantity or leid ore s&lned ami ready for the machinery, It la In tie presumed, w 111 soon have a regular reseuue I'roni Hie products of the mine, whu'kivtll detit'ilesa tie very aeeeptatilc to stoek-liohter-. li anv or wtiom tuive paid hls-her prleiot thnn our prestni uiiotntl ns. Wp Irani, also, that tho ore or thlt ci rnpar y h-ise he, ti te.te.l in Louileo, whh a view to a mark, t in England, w-heae the orcu desired lor enaoiehiiir pin poses Tlie mlloxs Iiib la a ropy of an aKHlrala made hy Professor 'o:id, ol Lena. n:- Tiinl.n FTrsT The pulverlrp4 mineral freed as Wlicti tls pon.ll, v If , iu vHllsile, yielded sIMjr-nve per islnl. el leiol. I. rail iil soiuifly piiio' lenieii,,) ytold. from ai-vtiuy-llve lo seven y-nuhl percenl. I l,r rr four samel. ol the al reduced from Ihls ore were i-uin-iled ; iho menu result iliow ed lourteon ounces ot' slher In the loii of lend u invorahte iel l, and uim which iii.tlllei a caiolul seareh lor tin- mineral (Hulled) IIKNKY M .NO At), LI. D. and K. K. S.,4, ,,,tc. May iS. Con. iiy oi r War CoitKr.spoviinvT. What order is presumed wa- nlveu hy inunr l.i ririernhin, wifu I tt sent lulu with Ina cawilry to the uiley ul Uio Snenaa- deali : Answer Prise Karty tmck lo Itierimond '. W e prupos. d when we III . t ri'i'eli el this from the front to at nil it to riuirles Hlokea .V to, Ihs enituein thaiieri. under the Coiiriu' i. lal, , a their penni a hu.-r la lu.k an 'aill it" of. hill oil s, e.,n lhiiiu:hs w o c llellhleil lo yi.a It In tlie orlKliuil Horn Hie pe-n ol uur g-ltu-d corre.trondout. tAi. Tiik Ton. op Am s mauk a RKnir.ATto AN-n A uk. V. h, n we n ile'Ct om th untold havoo wrous-lit upon the phvalcal coiistltiilion, Uiroasli asui, by tho hcal'h deilrovlni; use of llie needle, wo feel a just pleasure and pride lu pointing the million lo the ho-elect reoir dy pro lited In the t lorenee Sowinx M e 'line, aula at No. li ,ll I'he-nnt nei-t, heiow Hesoiilli. Kvury one ol' tliemi eelebruied machines la uip-led with a -llarnum Sell-sew. r," a luosl luliiahlo aiiiendniio. hy which the work Is teli-d rivteil. wifwur the least eare or tnilbla to the operiitor. All these iiucllnei ara sidil wph a muran tee lo (jive entire astlstaetloii, or the money Is rn'iirnod so that paohasera invu.t their mnuej In the KioreQ'-e w It limit a pai llcle ol IIsh. I'elsou. a w visit tnif the elly ahoutil not omit calling, at thl. vstahlishuient and suioctinr n maehine. Visit tho attractive popular gallery of B. F. Reimer. Ko. li-.'4 Arch mroel. and iret llie-aUo IMmlneraphs lu oil eiders, Ivnrjlype.or l arie. do Yisltu, unsurpassed by any Asthma, UiioNcuiTiH, nnd all diseases of tho Lungi ure subdued at oace by Jayne'i Espoctontnt, lloormi's Ai.k Vaults, Southeast Consult crTiinin ash I'liKsNi T Stio i.ts (leuiieinenuf retlasd taste patronle this rri-h'rel,e esraMt.tcneut, from the fact ttiat utiaitulterated Lhiujrs only aru sold on lae lireiiiisi's. flllLAtlKLl'IHA TRADE KKPOBT. Friday, September 2.'). Quercitron Bark con tlnues scarce and firm, ut ' Itl-oo ton. Clovcrseed is coining in slowly, and is in da niund at $l,'l('. I I ' eil lbs. Timothy is In steady di niund at $7(" 7-25 ( ' bush., with sales of 20J hush. Flaxseed sells in a small way at bOOcj1 JsU'l'l... In l'rovislon the transactions are of au ex. trcmcly limited character. Mess Fork soils In a small way at fl'I'To; and 200,000 sh3ulders In suit, at early in the day. Holders now de mand 20c. The Flour Market continues dull, and jprice ore well maintained. Tho demand for export hus fallen olf, and no Bales have come under our notice, bales for the supply of tho Government and home traele at $10 oO-Vr 10 7.5 for superliue, fll-2.5(ll-oO for extra, jl i'7og 12-2.5 for extra family, and 13('. 13-25 for funey brands, la Rye Flour and Corn Meal no movement of spe cial note has come under our notice There is very little doing in Wheat, the market is dull, aud prices aro less firm. We quote new Pennsylvania and Southern red ut $! Mii 2 .58, and while at '2'70 hy bushel. Hales of Kentucky white to the extent of 1200 bushels, at the latter figure, ltye Is in steady demand ; a sale of loud bushels is reported at THU. The Olfcrings of Corn are liberal, and wc notlcg sales of 2500 bushels yellow ut 1 till. Oats ure iu limited re quest, with sulcs ol UOOO bushels new ut Hs, and old at 03c. Cotton is necessarily dull, and has again de clined. Middlings arc nominal ut btio. There Is a steady hut slow demand for Whisky nt jd-H4 for Pennsylvania burrels, and T-ua for Ohio bright do. LATEST IWAMSE IXTELLICEXCE. CKEAKKD T11IH MO K HI NO. Thrift 3an Antonio, ,)ack.oii, ISVw OrlrAtii. 11 . Hlmons. liri. I fcUIVot:. H'-vi n-jix, H mtou, J. K. ItaU-y .V Co. Hchr K. B. 'iuwNml, TovMinnU, Tort l(iiltl). SMt-t-i ii A t o. pc it Mitrr I'Atifn. Vhllilim. Salt-m, E A. Sundi-r t ('u. K.-hr Hem v .Mutt. Htw-., I'ott K"Mil, Tvh r A' Co. HWir Uaritiu A Hm-.tli, i hr: v nrth, Htiinnnu, 4u, Hflir K. 4J. Tyler, Hieflwitll. I'ort iutu. hiht Purauii, AiittiuH, AU-narnt, (. itpiaiu. ARRrVKI THIS MORNTNO. 8chr S. O. Tir,.Stis.'liuaualroui I 01 tros Moinoe, fn InilUiil tn cjil1n. H'-lir Mtnitiu-e. Mutt, C tt-j frutu Port K'O 1, la ballait to W.irknittii Co. Ks lir I., t 'nrtn'tt, 8iMiikini, 4 dy from, In bullKAt tu CUIttltlll. St hiiit W.C. IMi m p mt. C.riet..?4 1tiu fruiu Nvr Yuri, With uiulbc to . Al. Hnua A Co. Corrstpotuttncf of the l'Wln.itihia trchinqt li.wKi.. hii-U-iiilri 21- Tlif liritt Kis.u I Rlcvvart, from ri.iladoliil.ta 'r Nc ((rlt-aiik, wltti i-nal ; ur Ann. Ktit-an Hi-ratitoM, Cnetn .laynt. and A M i(MI"ton, from Ni w ) rk tor vV'!ili)fton. with tij, oat, tfratn.Au.i h)m, ictira Ann. with ontu hikI liav; M.-itiJrn k llit-iiuu, w lili iuiiibi-r , W. C . Wils.Hn, au J Wui, with nay ; M try C. T" n, .la.ti Itnyruoml. ail K il. 1. Mayen, with hay", fcirnw, and iruiii, t-r otieM Monrew ; i . A. Hum mi, In ha 1.. I'littt, ktiiJ oil. oris, all Willi provt'hiitr. lor Haltiiii-Htj, (. -rii'ti'Wii, A- , an- (Ji'iftiiittl in the rouvtiicasl t,: koulli SIXTH TJFIOIJ LEAGUE REGIMENT. n Authority bav lnj bean rcciieJ t.irociu.l th Eistli Uniou Icajue Kea;iiuent to i ii ki:n companies, llceriiitlat ulUallll cj.iuiu unlui the Uior I,, ,n af l.IIX'T. CHAULES W. ITtAZIIiR, Al ll.a Oi l) C 11 V HKA1 'QUAUTIillS, Kn. :'e"8 S. TIIIUH STItCiT. Il.slni' ul is i ne of tli luo.- jiaiiu ur iu the .orvies, bi Uii uii'lin Ihn ce uiuiaud of 01 0 AND EV-l't IUt.SC LI) UftlCtBl. Tin nishe-st CuvemiMiil, Oltjr, an! Ward BotiuUaaare ""d. rK FINANCE AND COMMERCE. " Ornct or Tw rvn-trra Titmiira, f' t'iKli, S'-ornnUM t. I The Stock Market is rery dnll and heavy this morning, and prices har declined. In Govern ment bonds there is veiy little doing. Small sales of tV20s are making at 103, coupons off; Cs of 1881 aro quoted at 1674, "d 7'30s at 1104 Railroad shares art) qnlct and lower, with sales of Reading at 62, which Is a dccllnoj Camden and Amlroy 157, a decline of J; and Philadel phia and Erie at 32(5 34, a decline of 1 ; 72 was hid for TenntyWania Railroad ; 43 for Little Schuylkill ; 80 for Beaver Meadow j and 38 for Catawlssa preferred. Dew City 6s art selling at 105. There is little or nothing doing la City rcn per Railroads, and prices are nominal j 70 was bid for Second and Third ; 15 for Arch j and 2Ci for Oirard College. Coal Oil stocks have declined, and ther la more disposition to sell. Mineral Oil sold at 2 ; Iryirg at 7 1 i Dulr.oll at lCf 10; MeClintock at 6 (o f'l ; and Dcnsmore at 10J("Ul. Rank shares continue firm at about former rates. 102 was bid for North America ; 131 for Philadelphia; 29 fur Mechanics'; 414 for Iena Township; HO for Western; 27 for Manufac turers' and Mechanics', and idj for Union. Canal shares are very dull and lower. 31 wis bid for Schuylkill Navigation common, and 37 for preferred. Tbe decline In Gold noticed for several days pust still continues, and prices are 4;a'3 par cent, lower, opening at 217; fell olf and sold at 2l(, at 11 o'clock ; 213 at 12; rallied and sold at 214 at 124. There is very little demand for money, and the rates remain alHiut the sumo as last quoted. Loans on call are offered at 6fi. 7 per cent per annnm. Rest paper is selling at from 9(Wi2 per cent. A. dospatch from Washington this msro ing says: Twenty-nine millions of tbe recent loan of thirty-two millions of dollars have already been delivered to the subscribers. ranDELPlUA STOCK BXC1U.MIIK SA.LEg,KPT.J3. Baponaa by Clara. on A Co., Hrokart, Nt. Ul S. Thtrt gt, BEKORB BOAKbH. nen ah MeClintock .... S tmu Mi Hull Creak liar an do uj s, Sim ah Mineral OU.... tl'a Ml ab ao il si lui-h Ilalzrll Oil .... til, isi ah ln.uiur.01i.. Il'ti do lie. IKIah do bin ft ll'.iau rneoo Pat aV (ssi h Tulaoat Allay I k 1'0 tb I'orn I'lanler... 4K 1'Wab Uilil-ard 5V lHh do av luelali Bsa linj ...... as 7iSlah do II I 20Ush I'h A 011 Ck... Is.' 1 L-1 ifwau uo.. DO W UltST UOSKK. irnrS5-JCs !' S-'.o l'lly Sa. 0.W....I1.'. ai -h Phil. AOll ' , I if tlUlab do O.S) l is :11m .6 MHMIntoca . . . . 6V Mori do b.0 vi Innh Dau-mirt :o V I'.l.n do tuoliw iKl.h Heh w. pf....e ,K'sm A A10....IS7 siHiah Mcllheaur .bis s'i llrl .11 ilo ,, ti , 110 ah Phil. Kris bJO I,' , I,') ah do , .... ii.t ..sic'llv H., over ;o.ina f nasi city S, I'i.. . .o.luu Si ll. Nr. Sa'tU.aA SO S's; fciinft 6s lm. tir.Vj Sun ah Fulroa Trial.. ,. S Irwin Oil 7'4, liaiah lialell OU.Inlft S inub do bi li., S -h do I luci un du bin to, : I'Kll.'KS OK HTOC'KS IN NEW TOKK B ported by Clark. ton A Co., Brokers, No. IU S. Thii rtnt Call, ..107 IrlS .. .. bid .. U bid rnlted Statu fta,lKl.lnt off.. Rk IMauit Kallroad l HFmUna-sfailmail . .. -r ii'.rj U sai-, larvs 110X sales llllnoiv a-ntral Uallroad..- ' bid a bid haw Vark Central Ballnwil.....ll'l' hid Krle ltullniad list1, bid lliiosou Kallroad tils bid (loiit -;t,v, Did I'nlti-d Stausa A-aos U"S lud Market Heavy. (Quotations of tlie principal Coal And Coal Oil stocks at 1 o'clock to-day : , , Bid .li. 1 Bid Att. 3 3 - u ii t"H 14 Diamond Coal 901,' 21 PanniylvuDlaPsu.1V Nwataia Yl l-i i-erry uu 4 I Mineral Oil 1 a1. K.ivslimo Oil 1 t. xwlalor OU I1, Ills Tunk '., ronllnculal 'i,1, Fairull 3 J'i VenansuOtl K II1, onion rau-oiaum.. J I'lirlln ft 81.' Hanaca Oil.., I'lilta AOIICrcek.. Vi 1S-temiaiila Oil.. A Hull I reel i b iKranaluiOll 1 licriuaiila lejlHam't May OU e rirn 1'luulvr , 4,'a llrlc 4 Uiolss . t iiiuui Coal ltM Mountain Coat. S.1 N X A Mid. ('!.. Ift llraen Ml. Coal.... t'-i N I arlMHulalo 3 Now Crvck 1 I I'.'ilor Ham Coal, 'i Clinton Coal 1 Auiorican kaolin.. 2 IVnn Mining li Coiitieellcut Oil I'ri'ek Muplo shade Oil.. Hi V Mcl'llaliick Oil a.- Irving vu 4 ' Pn Farm Oil.., II llueler Coal H KVKtoae ZLnc... IV 7 llK'naniura. 102 311 'Daielloi:.. 9 V .1 b Hollrrnny ti 8 KnlierU OU IV O'niatead...,,,..,, JVniiloA Uelaiiietar.1'1 1 V I'etroleiiin Centre. 4 ' 3 I Kuban s at 19 llun Island....... I 1 milliard 3 t Hlory Karm aV .. Bruner AS 6 1 Quotations of Oold at the Philadelphia Gold FixchaiiLte, No.34 H.Third street, seoond story: !4 A. M 217 12 M 213 11 A. M 21 I 1'. M 213 Market weak and excited. Jay Cookir & Co. quote Government Securi ties, tic., to noon to-day, as follows : Auvntf. U. 8. fm,1881 107 V. S. 7 3-10 Notes 110 Certificates of Indebtedness, new... 64 Quartermaster's Vouchers 01 Gold 210 6-20 Ronds .110 108 . 112 tt4 92 215 The following are the receipts of Coal OU at this port during the past week: Crude. 1730 bbls. 1 Refined, 3185 bbls. .1 Tbe following are the receipts of Flour and Grain at this port during the pust weak : . Flour, bbls 12,8tV) Wheat, bushels AVi,7J Corn, do 33,3(10 Oats, do 45,300 The following are the Inspections of Flour and Meal for tbe week ending September 22 : Hal! barrels superfine ....a 60 liurrels superfine 11,822 Rye Flour 80 " middlings 8 ' Corn Meal ' 200 " condemned 101 lotui iz,oo Coal tonnuge of the Reading Railroad : ' Tons.; For the present week 70,188 Suiue week lust yeur 67,389 Inereusc 2,79 Coal tonnage of the Schuylkill Navigation Company : J ' ' Tone. For the present week 31,441 Same week last year 24, 'MS Increase 8,501 The New York Timet, this m iming, says : ' "The linglish advices by the I'emia represent less excitewcut iu tho London Money Market Ihun by the previous mail. The KuglisU Funds were a fraction better, and no further advance in money bud tuken place at the banks. The Con tinental letters by this steamer brings forward A Hood many of the November coupons on the 5-20 I'ufted States lrond. for prepayment in gold, as advertised last week by the Secretary of ih Treasury. The bonds are ououid linn both in London and Frankfort, and are from 3 to 5 per cent, higher thun beiore the news rrom Mew i ork of tbo prepayment of tbe Novembur inU)re,t. 1 bis iinnouueeinent was directly the reverse of the previous false rumor, w hich some, sneaking enemy of Ibe public credit wrote out from this aide thai the TreuMiry niii;ht possibly not be able to pay the November interest, because of a deficiency in our gold customs." The Importations And exportntlons of specie into nnd Irom Oreut ISriiuiu uud Ireland during the first six months of the years 18U2, 1803, uud Ibtil, were as follows IMl'OBTATlONS. n "'d. isib tr. flolil unit miver 1SC2.... H.l-Hl,M,'i8 5,282,176 13,429,032 ltso.i.... U,7:il!,43 5,uyi,Kii 1.5,3:iO,'J20 lMd.... 0,23V'1- 6,410,9-3 ll.GSO.UJ F.XP0RTAT1ONS. 181.2.... 7,3Ki,7fi4 6,018,374 12,910,138 181,3..,. 8,(..)il,ill8 6,72-1.7 lo 14,38o,3i3 lMil.... r.W.379 6,158,137 12.737,519 The chief countries from which, the gold lui povttd wus shipped were : 1HUJ. 111. lSCt. Unit, d Stales CV-Ml ml 1,-ji.t mil Aumriilia ;i,.ilii,ill l,sii,i,-'i Lsinji'ir Mexleo, I). America, Av.. l,TU4,j,i 3,le.J,.)7I ,e,;o,41e) And tho silver : Sloxi' O, 8. America, Ac. ',WJ.2 3,50,i;u t3,W The chief direction of the exports of silver was as follow s : Uidlaauai auia,viaEjil.,3ii4,lM tl.tMfiU Ct.WiW The product of tho niiues of (ireut and Ireland, in the year lbu2, wen : , Frcducti. tiita'iHti. l'oal,l..u sl.....l S - - l'isiroii s,tn-,i'J . . ' -j .UIC If is- 111 Mivt-r. mil ee- ,,i,i !. ;ln, I l.eau, lolls mils ' - ,,, JJ'PI-er '-:'J ;i wi i r " Slai.taiO Other uiulaU Slid mliKWl.- , WbrWJ Total value,., A.