THE IU1I.Y EVENING TEI.EOIiAI'Il rniTADKlJ'HIA, THURSDAY, SElTKMBKlt 22, 18G1. T1ICHSDAY, SKITEMBER Q2, IH'14. GIKEBAL SHERMAN'S BEPLY TO HOOD. Ill Cmp''"" SoUly AnwrrMl Th rlnlm" f Ilrnvn Plolllr . 1alk Tliua In Mrliii'. Hut fc'oi to )f"-rntlnr H'"li t ItyorrUy . Bll C-owdnrt triixnlly KivlfwMl. WAMiinuTON, hcpt. 21.-Ihc tnlluwirK l t.if rt plyol (.rrieral Pukkmas to (jeneral llnon'a chaw f "ttailtwl .nrl nnin-nfroua rnii-liy," wiiiih tn reonlTcd In Waaliinirtiin to-rl'T: Head-qdartkk JHilimiiv Liivikio or the MiNiuiri'i, 1 Tnu Frru, Ati.avta, ;., Sept. 10, 1P04 crteral .1. H IIhii, enrnnmnitlni. Army cf the Tonmwp, e iiirilirui eriny : lioiidrul I kere the bnnor to arknowlpilm Hi" iwi'ipt 01 your lettro. thta dato nt tho lianil tif Mwm, II am. ami Cmrw, conaoi'lmir to tlio rnuiK im nti 1 liaii pro ponfd'to tallilte the PMnoTal South of tlm peo ple of Atlanta who oinlcrto no in that ilirwtiiin. I enclose you a copy ol mv outer, which will, I an Mtiafleri, accnniplialiuiT iiirpie perfectly. Vim tyle the mcaauros prnpuaed " unpri'ceilt'iite.l," anil appeal to the dark history ot war inr a pnrallcl, aa an ac: of " utinl rd anil utiireiii-ron. cruelly, " It in ot uniircecdrnh-d, lor iH'tiernl .litiiMeToH hini-cif ery wisely and properly rcinorod the taimlimi all the wav from lialion down, end I mkmio reason why Atlanta al.ould be excepted. Nor li It ncceiwary to appeal to the " durk l.tttory ot wiir," when rewnt and Bodern cxarni lea are ao hanitr. Yoe youtill burned dellinir h..u!o.i alonfr your parapet, and I have seen IihIhv II it; linnac. that you bate rendered iiumhabituhlc. becuu-w they Hood in the way ol vour lorta and men. luu dmended At lanta on a line no clone to town that every cannon hot and manr musket .tiota from our lino ol iureot ent thatOTemliot their mark, went into the hat taOom of women and children, (leneral llAKimit did the aame at Joneslwro', ami den. Joiimstus did the same lait summer at Jackmin, Miu. I hae not accused them ot hcart'csM cruelty, but merely Instance thi'HC cases of verv n cent occurn'nee, and could to on and enumeralc hundred! of others, and ehallenre any lair man to Judue which ol us has the heart ol pity lor the inrnilii'i ol a "hrnTo people." I say It is kindness to the families ol to ro Bore thorn, now at oneo, trom scenes that women and children should not be exposed to, and tho "braye pcoplo" should scorn to commit their wire tod children to tho rulo barbarians who thus, as you say, violate the laws of war, as illustrated In tuo page of Its "dark history." In the name of common sense I ark you not to appeal to a J it iod in such a nrr!cirious manner. You wbo, In the midst of peace and prosperity, have plunged a nation into war "dark and cruel war;" wbo dared and badgered us to battle, insulted our Baa, aoiaed our arsenals and lorta that were left ill the honorable custody ot a peacelul ordnance ser geant, seized and made prisoners of war the very fn sons sent to protect vour people against neproea and Intlans, long before anv overt act was com mitted by the, to you. hatctul Lincoln (jovcrument, tried to iorce Kentucky anil Missouri Into rebellion despite ol tbemtelvce, fulfilled tho vote of Louisiana, turned loose yonr privateers to plunder nnarmed ehips, expe'led Union lainliies by the thousands horned their homes, and declared by an act of your Consresa the coitttsoatiou ot all debts due to North' rra men for good had and recoived. Talk thus to the marines, but not to me, who have seen these things, and who Will this day make as many sacri fices for th" peace and honor ol the gouth as the best Southerner anions: yon. II we must be enemies, let us be mon, and light it out as we propose to-dav, and not deal in such hypocritical aojtea'8 to floiimut hu- Cod will Judge us in duo tiinelu' Ve will pn oioancc whether it to nuirii'rmiiiuiiu tn 11 sr lit with a town lull ol women uujirtlio tunuhesol a "brave neo ao"t our bii'iaror to remove them in lime to places 4,JTy among their own trieuds and peopa). 1 am, vtry rcspectiully, your ohedieut sennt, (Signed) W. T. SiiKKUAN, J!ajorljcnerai (.oiuiuaiiuiug. fHtlcial conv: iShrucdl L. H. Dayton, Ald-dc-Cainp. LATER T0M THEEJO GEANDE. CortlunH I.Ht Wove The Kebel 4 lonel trl AltAckeil nnti l-leiel I'oriliutM In f oasfisMiou of KrowiiMt illo. IiicIihIiiiu; Forlsj Hrstwai ami noiitarMiier Siiuie Account f C'ortlOHN Uixniuy of Hie KenelM. Ac. Nw Ojileanb, September 12. News lias just come, via Brazos Santiago, which is considered reliable, that a few days ago Cortinas divided bis lorcxs into two bodies, and leading ono bimsolf und placing the oilier in charge of his brother, Colonel Jose Cortinas, crossed the Uio Grande in the night, a'ove aud below Browns ville, lurprited the Rebel Colonel Pord, and, after harp engagement, captured tho town, as well as Forts Brown and Montgomery, and raised tho . American Hug. pord, with his discomfited troops, retreated to Binggold Barracks, one bandred miles above, leaving (,'ortinus, with a superior force, in posnes slon ol Ilrowniville nd its dependencies. It is to be noted that Cortinas has guns in Ins posses sion, which, if mounted in Prom Drown, and in the river buttery of port Mon gomcry, can com mand not only Matamoras, but the approaches to that city lroiu either below or uhove, and which wouid occupy an almost idcutical position with regard to lirdwnsville. It is also to be borne in mind that, owing to Cortimu' having impose 1 n assessment (by no means onerous though it was) upon the movable property in Malainoms, the Kebel traitors there bad sent a large propor tion of their goods over to llrownfivillc, lu order that tiny might lie protected by pord. A word In regard to Cortinas. It is tbe fashion with all Ut bi;ls and Kebel sympathizers to vilify and abuse him on all occasions, l'or cxunip e, observe an article that appeared in the I'inujtine about ten days ago. It Is well known that he has been for ye irs, and Is, the mortal foe of the lead ers of the Hi bi llion in Western Texas, und tint if they could rapture htm they would show him no quarter. It is also well known that he gave every protection he could, while in command in Mi xu o, to ad loyal Tcxuns who sought refuge tbi re. in order to ect into our lines. The writer has personal knowledge of this facr. and of the additional fact that when divers citiens of Brownsville wen; about to rinse the American hag there (which they did), alter lice bad tied, ana before the United Hiatus forces arrived, be was applied to, and asked whether in case the flag was raised and the Rebels weie to attempt lo lake it down by force, he w ml proieet it and tbe lives and property of American citiaens with it, he promptly replied that ho would do so. It is amusing to witness the eflorts that Rebel svnipathi'.ers (of which there are plenty In tni city) make to decry Cortinas. Ho is an American, having beenboiniu Texas, upon u por lion of tho 1.1 ty -n 1 1 icj iu grant, still owned lv his mother, awarded to Hon Salvudor de los tli urges, one ol his maternal ancestors, fonlistin jruii-hed military services, by the Crown of Spa n nearly a century ugo. Ilu is a brave man, un can make no terms with the Rebels. Ho is Kepnblican, and will never draw the sword pre scnted him by General .McClcrnund in iiiaiuti name of uny other cuune than that of free tiuv rnmcrit. In these times are tho services ot sue! a man to be thrown away, aud himself s ieriliced .cir Yurk '1'itbunr. Tlio l(le Mlure. The correspondent of the New York Tri'mm writes from the front of Petersburg, claiming that all cur ca tie captured by the ciiuiuy Iro'H tlio Janus river corral ero recaptured liytucga cuvaiiy. We regret to say Unit the 'I'liliniir correspond ent is not Mell inloiuied. W o luvi recajnun I ut luht acciaitits piecisei y one bullock, an tirit'orca riHto animul wi n a broken log. whose learful b '. lowings in a piece of woods attracted our cavalry to the place, and the woods having been carefully recotinoitcrcd, surrounded, and penetrated, rim recapture above mciit oiicil was siiccc-smlly male. 1 be cattle account theietore stands : rapturd I y enemy S7 JCetupiuiud .' 1 Jiirsing js. ; It seems that the liebc'.s kept up a tremendous polle r by Hay of feint in (rout un the night of the raid, while theii thiciiiig cavalry were m il. im; fortjt-inile liiciiit by tho Lluck water swamp-, und so iiieiind to James liver, in our riar. As a piece of ruidi ay, it was perfect. H'-ni-itiytun Star. Urnnil l.otl o I nilcil Mule"., I. O. . f. UokioM, September 21. Hie (jraud I.oJgeof tlie V lilted States, Iinlcpeudent Older of (Jud l sliows, is liolding its annual communication iu this city. The attendance of representatives is larger than untal, aud the reports from the dif tcitut juiismcttuin ho thu Order to be in it much more nourishing coudilioa thau lot inanv years past. Among the representatives preuont art Dr. Jolin K. 1 iptr, John p. lUvcnner, a:.d W illiaiu It. McLean, ol the lilsmet of Columbia, aud K.charti Mailiy, Joseph ll. Eseavallle, Alexua tier K. Maui., and t . A. P.llis, 0i Maryland At tlie session to-day, the ti.iiowing 'were tin ted olticei s for the ensuing term ot twu years Isaac M. Vciteb, Missouri, M. V. (iramf tiire' Jnincs P. NuDilers, New York, lieputy timud hire; James L. Jiidgcly, Mm lund, tiroud ttor ri s.oiu iior and Recording Sc rotary; Jodiua ttosulit, Mur;luud, (Jrand 'I'rvajmcf. Iteniri ot I'ers Fnfoiitln. The death ol rtnrthelemy Prosper I'.nfantln, th relelmited eliii fof the St. Minoiiiuns, is antiotincod as having token place at Paris, on the 1st of Sep. tcniltcr, of apoplexy. M. KnCantin, gcnerully known by the name of IYio Knfnutin.on aecotint of his prornineni'it as a lender of the St. Himnniau sect, was born In Paris I'ebru.iry 8, 17!'rt, anl was roiist'wi ent'y sixty. eight years nlil at the time of M-ili atli. li s linht r was a rcapnta'ilc b inker in 1'niin, and at llir ii'ti il ug, young Knt'atitin became a number of the Pi'lytcelink' School, from wl.icli lie win ilinnis-ril In the spring of 1H1 1, fur haing lirol on the AlhiM trop niter tluir ( ntiunce into tin; i i'.y. Ho suh-e'iucntiy cngagid in nieiinntile pursuits, unl In 1H-1 was earTVit g on business In St. Petersburg. lii turning tn I'rnnce In 1SJ.I. be bee ime a .'im vi rt to the system of Nt. Simon, anil upon the lUathof us h uinicr In I1J. wm aeknuwh dpeil ns the leading prophet anil ainst'cof the new (litpciisailun. His inlliance tended to impriss the Imlustrial movi mi nt of St. Simon with a peculiar religious cliarm ter, which was ih enicil lantnstic by his opponents, itid w inch was cer tainly n vnlntionary and in'gnsive. In conuee tmn with M. lla.iird ami witli M. Michel (,'hevi lii r, who has since a. 'iiin il such wide fame a a I iil.lii .l, he orgiini.ed ft system of prosclytisra viliich at that tunc proiluce'l no snia 1 etlci't on I u t; li opinion in 1'iance. A hcIiimi nt length took I'linc. among Ihc Icinlers, anil Knlautin wa ilefeitcil by the tndu-triul mnl political sc lion of the M-hool. He was a bold and original thinker, of strong iileu tendei rii s uml ndili ted to subtle an. I I'.itt cilul i-1 1 i n u inr b . In his view, the inllacnce of wi tin u "as to play no impoitiii.tpart in the now Kicial niovetni lit, and the snhcre ol love anil nllcetion r-Lc ll lil ho relieved from tho res'rainM I li gi'lation, an I aubjc 'ted to tlie e iutrol of the te igious utit incut ciiibndieil in the ulllce ol a prii-t or cotirc.s'or, w linse uutlinritjr slenrd lo lit at in ninth ra nf nlfectinn. Alt tnm ili his sin gular tin orii s were vehemently ntni kcil by his lurtncT a-Miciiitcs, tin y iniule eutmil ralilc pro gress in Prance, uini even attracted iittcniioa in the principal Knrcpenn ctipltals. His nioveiiient nt length Cell under the sn-pi. rlon of the (rovcrnment, and liis lneetings were onlired to be discontinued in lM-i'i. lie then w uliilicw witli a number ot las lollnwei-H to an estate lic'onging to blm near Menilnmntiint, in the vicinity of l'tiris, where they cHtnlilisheil a coinniiinity for tnaniiul labor and religious aer- viecs, Over which I'.ntantm piesiiioil. Alter a short residence In this place, lie was summoned in the milium r ot is.vz nclurc the, iioverntnont. His. trial laslcd two days, nnd he was sontouccd to a year a imprisonment, hut was set irue alter a dt tcn'ion ol a lew months. Prom this time, although not renouncing his convictions or b s hopes, lie devoted bimsolf mostly to practical allaits, engaging in agricultural pur suiis, und taking chnrge ut a post othce in the ncigliboilioodot Lyons. In 1811 Iiuwhs appointed a member of the tcientiDc board lor Algeria. Prom lM.i to 1H1H ho was tliieclor of n lino of railroad between Paris and Lyons, nnd subsC'iucntly re ceived aci nimit-eion in number denartmcntof tlie nime ctirc In lH.j!) lie puiilislicil a work entitled "The Knowledge of Man nnd Heligions Physiology," In which he presents his aocitil and religious theories, with new illustrations and alignments, hut substantially retaining their original character. M. Knfantin will occupy u place in the intellectual history of the tigc us a couragi otis and uncompromis ing innovator, an enthusiastic dreamer ol a social I topia which should do justice to tho noblest in stincts of Immunity, and with little reverence for the esttiblbhed precedents nnd traditions of the past. 11c hud the to leitrn from experience the lessons ol wisdom, nnd to Micciimb gracefully lo the law of progress, winch forbids the sviTiic. ace to .share in the conception and the read zaMon ol vital idctis. Tho niii'urest portion ol his life was given to the management of material interests, and with as much energy and success as if he had never been a dreamer of dav-divams, but always a votary of iiininmon. -V. V. Trihunv. Interrhnnjr of rlloiul t'onrtcsie at On Saturday, tlio '20th of August, the Minister of the United States at St. Petersburg, accompa nied by the Secretary of Legation, roturned tho visit of Admiral Lessoll'-kl and his olllcers, by going on board tho flagship at Cronstadt. Tho yacht of the Emperor, tbe (hieja, conducted thorn down, Hying the American ensign nt tho mast head ; and tho Government vessels along tho en tire route participated in the ceremony by the usual demonstrations. Arrived : the frigato mahia, ono of tho snuud- ron lately In America, ran up the Stars und Stripes und tired a salute, and on tea bing tho deck tho party, escorted by Reur-Adtuiral (irelg, were received by the Admiral und ail his ollicurs in the most liiunuly mid complimentary manner. Being shown through tho ship, whl.e the Iniud of thu li igute played tne national airs of the Repub lic, tho Minister und Secretary were invited to a sumptuous breaktiist, served in tho cab n of the Admiral, during which numerous spec ties wero mudc, iiceoiiipanied by toasts expressive of tho iveliost regard. Anion" them were the lollow- Inp:- . . Alirnnam Lincoln, t resident ot the united Mates" by Admiral Lessoll-ki. Alexander 11, tho Liberator tv (jencral Clny. " The first la ly of tho F.mpne the i;mpress of Russia und the Imperial faintly" by Mr. Hagli, Secreiary ot Legation. Kcar-Adinlral Lc soifskl und the iuipcriai Navy" by (lem ral Olay. "Admiral r iirrngut, the ncro ot -New ui leans by Captain liouKutow. " llie geniieman who so cioiiuentiy anurcssca us in p rench the day of our visit to the American legation Mr. llergli, Secretary of Legation" bv Riar-Admiral uicig. "Iho Uoveinor of Cronstadt Rear-Admiral (ireig nnd his gallant Hustia-American llecl" bv Mr. Bergh. lly a preconcerted signal, the tbreo first toasts were rcceivtd with twenty-one gnus each, und the temuimler by the most ueutemngshouts. T he repast bt ing ended, tlio Minister and Sec rotary returned as they came, amidst the tiring of salutes, cheers ot the ottieers, ana tne inauuiu of thu rigging ot all tho ships in the roadstead Wu&hittytvn JiejtuUican, Xcw ItntlrwnU to I.Rvke Mierlor. The Chicago Tribune announces tbe opening of ti e new route trom that city to Lake huperiorund Madison, isconsin ; that to Madison, Wis., over the lielolt division ol the Chicago and North western Railway : and tliut to Luke Superior by thu Peninsular Railroad. A party, consisting of tne duet executive tlliecrs und directors ot tho po ithwcstein Ruilway Company, with a few inviti d gin sts, alter iheinsclves hiving tho last rail, rode over this new road to the capital of isconsin, direct nom mis city. Alter remain Imr there a short time, the party left for (iroeu Hay, over the roud to Milton Junction, and thence b the Nuilliucstcru. At (iiceu Bay the party eititinrivcn upon tne tine new -icaincr tuo (cn .. l.iinliiii, built expressly lor this route, tor Psi iinuha, the terminus, upon the waters of Orccn l.uv , ol the I eniiistilar Railroad. 'Ihc cms ol the Railroad carried the excursionists to Maroiiettc, upon Lake Supe rior. The pirtv visited the new mines about I cing opened bv the Iron Cliff Mining Company II I- confidently asserted that imwuirc upon flu face ol Ihc giotic is there so much neal Hi ot tmn ore upon un eiiial urea as in thc-e mines. They vtill be connected ilirictly by rail w ith the Penin sular road, and thence, l.y sti ainers, wifti the Noiihttc-tcru at (Irecn Hay. I n'ol l wealth will i.e speedily pi uied into the caoacious l ip of Chicago. It is well that our p'.aines arc large, lot we shall netil room. 'Jo shoe, tne viluc of thi-ni w roi.te. it is on y iiece-sary to incuium, that leaving Pake Superior at 1 o'd ick in th'1 alii ri i. on ol Sutiinl.ty, stopping an i.-'-'ietatc of twelve loans on the ..y,tlicy leaehc I tlii- city ut o'cio k on Moiiday nuu'inng. 4111 Mel fx. The cost of sinking nn oil will, : hnndr 1 thus set lei l dcip, in Western l'ciilisylvunia, is forth by tie Pitt-burg t h, ;, le "Oi.c engine, in-hoise pow. r, delivercl on tho -tcmi cs, s21oi); di irii !., complete, 1 'ill; wall. int.' Ii. aius, Sai'si in jsisl, and apput leiiatnus, ,o ; I'l l V'K'I, l'iitid- heel, and belting, M2o; one s t teols, .v. .no ; l.i, inch hawser, and 1 inch pump rope, .'i0; too feet lulling at cents, s, ; ,-,.) fi -i t ill vmg pipe at :, ,u; ooo husliels at 'lo cents. :;i'ilj two cngdp s, sav sixty davs e.-eh, l-''; cotitiuit to; diillei'M, liHi feet at Si"'iO one puiuping buriel anil valves, ii " i; tw o w leeches, at slO each, Jo ; one clasp, ; ; two 2 inch gas tongs, Slo ; ti(tal, ,ooo7 oii, rj tliisudd live hundn d dolhns for contingent ex pi list-, such as iiccideiits in lucitkiiii.' ma liluerv, getting tools fast in thu welis, and the charges by pioic-sionnl tool contractor-, etc, anil there ill I less than three thousand live hundred dollars left of the ten thousand dollars. It will tints be u'.cn that where it is intended to pin dow n a mind er ol well-, as proposed by to many ot the new coinpunies, ILcio must be a UiJer Kscrve lund." Ii is reported tliut the Turkish Covet niuent is about to ubolitb thu censorship of the press, allowing the journals to print uit tihilum, without the itinrlennce of tho authorities. Tiik i om Mi ni f. ol the world rci)iiiies six mil lions of men to he constantly traversing the sen. Of ibis number, "ooo die every year. Duiim.' tho mouth of April, thirty-six American mure iiitde sia-gon,g ,a-sels were reported as losl or uiikiug. MUdiuMay.-Uttca, FOURTH EDITION IMPORTANT GOVERNMENT FRAUD CASE. Arrest for Abstracting Stamps. ajMHnl to This F.vrnluir Trleicrfiiiti. Wamiini, ion, September 22 B. P. Wilkinw, Cbii f of the Sunup Otlioc, Po t OH'.e Depurt mi tit, and a man i.umt d Alcxnmler, of Phtladel phui.bnve been arrcteil f ir Iniud in ali-tiacting and icPing post olticc st amps. Tlio loss was estimated .it fifty I! in and dol lars at firs', but It turns out tobclc-s than ten thousand dollars in all. INTERESTING FROM WASHINGTON. NOTHING FROM SHERIDAN TO-DAY. Continued 1'ursuit of Early. Nperlnl to Tim I venliiif lel'grnpli. W'asiiimitov, September 22. The S'nr snys nothing had reached the fiovernment np to 1 o'clock this afternoon, in the way of information concerning Shi tidan's operations, later than that published by us yesterday. Shoridin is doubt less pressing on In pursuit of parly's Hying tuliona, or what may bu left of them. The fact that nt Harper's Ferry they have n later information fiom Sherlilim goes to show that V.arly has not attempted to mnUe a stun 1 thus far. We may mid that no information of public interest lias reached Washington to day from cither Orant's or Sheridan's armies. til t RII.I.A AI TAt li - A Ktll.HDtll I !t IN. I.orisvti.T.i'., September 22. A small portion of Magtudcr's gang yesterday afternoon liicd into the train lmtind to this city, at New Haven, Kentucky, and were repelled with a loss of sevc rnl killed. The guerillas returned and burned tlio New Haven depot. Nobody was hurt on tho train. niOM BALTIMORE TO-DAY. Bai.timoue, September 22. Tha draft pro gresses here uninterruptedly, aud volunteering is also very active. Many of the Rebel prisoners captured by (Sheridan arc pushing through hero to the AVcst and North. They generally cxprc-s satisfaction at being freed from Rebel oppression ; their clothes uro rugged and themselves much fatigue I. Vigorous movements are now making to re open the Ohio railroad. Immense Union meet ings are being held in diflerent parts of otirSiu'.e, and the cuute will certainly triumph. Shcrhlaifs Victory. FULL AKD GRAPHIC) DETAILS. Enemy's Loss Nino Hundred. MONDAYS Ol'KltATIONS. Hahi ku's FmuiY, September 20. In accord' inn e with orders received lute on Sunday night, the bth and Itltb Corps und IJeneral Crook s com iMinil, wub the euva.ry, wero under urtns at day light, and about live o'clock took up their lino of iniirch towards Winchester. Tho order of march was its follows the lith Corps in the advance, moving oirt on tho Uerry villc piko in two columns, parallel with and thinking Hie road, upon which they were instructed to keep their ammunition trains nnd batteries; the nth Corps lollowed tho bib on the same road, nnd preserving a similar lotmailon in ibeir line ot marcn. rl'li Kamiwlui Corps, under fienerul Crook, v.cre lo Htriko out simultaneously with the re mainder of the army, and pu-liing through to the southwest, were ordered to form a junction with the Hill Corps at tho ()peiHan crc tk, near the Bcrryville turnpike. Our cavalry, consisting of the ;id Division, wero meanwhile to take tne cxiieine advance unci siciiro a Bate crossing for our advancing columns of infantry. Merritt and Avtrill were to amuse tho enemy on our imnio d.ate front und conceal our Hanking movements. sui.iuuan'h plans. It will bo readily perceived that the Intentions ol dineral c heridan were to turn Parly's right Hank and so gain bis rear, and for this purpose be eliunged his lines from in front of Bunker Hill to turn ielt by massing his troops by a rapid and simultaneous movement on to tho Borryvilio pike, nnd so threaten luchestcr, eventually to gain, at I have, said belore, Ike enemy's rear. By ono of those unavoidable and inexplicable mistakes to frequently the stumbling slock to all nicely balanced plans, the Commanding General's expectations were not fully realized, aud bis in tentions partially thwarted. Owing to a miscoii ccption of unit rs, (iciicrul Pmory unfortunately failed to connect with the fith Corps us soon us intendi d by deiieral Shoiidan, aud tiius two va liable hours were lo-t by the cntiro army not being coucetiliated ut the appointed time. The delay caused by these Hilton ard circum stances enabled Pearly to reinforce his right, con sisting ot Breckinridge's, Rhodes', und Katn-eiir'a Divisions, by rapidly murchiug down to liu ir sup port Oordou's Division. All of these divisions sintered terrildy in the engagement that after wards ensued, und Biecknn ulge was the ouly division roinuiutider who wus not killed. W hile our opening movements were going on Generals Avirill und Merritt tlin w out a h avy force of skirmishers along Hie lino ot the 6poiUiiu, directly in trout of thu position of the enemy ut Bunker Hid, and by various other movements u triicied their attention, and kept them em -ployed. This muno uvro wus doulitlcss the cause ol tlie great success ol the day ; lor it enabled our troops to gain thu right Hank of tho Rebel army without h i ions opposition, and in a measur'j deceived harly as to our ultimate intend ins. Tin: utTiX!;. Immi diutely ufter the capture of the lunettes commanding thu lord, the o'.lt Corps moved lor waid, leaving the trams ill ark in this side of the creek, ami piisning up the pike towards Wiu ehtster some two miles, formed line of ba'tlc, throwing out a heavy lino of skirmishers, the ariillerv iillachi d to thu corp at the same time taking up position and vieorouslv shelling th works in which the enemy had lakeu shelter. P.vci) thing was now ready lor an ouivar l iiiom Hunt, when it was suddenly disc ovcrc I ti nt (icneinl l.mory had failed tj connect wi'h (niieinl Wrighr's Corps, but was still oa tin oilier side ol the trick. Orders were instantly tle-pati l.ed to collect this error, and as soon as the l'.Hh ( otps ui nvi l it was t 'nne j i.t lot. r lines of battle in M'ini-ni i-ioiis. a few l.uuib'ed yards npiirt, on the rL In of the 'lili (' to-, n id tiicu tlie advance hec.'in. 'J lu- lir-t line of battle had advanced but it fc.v hundred yards when tiny receive J a heavy vol ley lioin the tneiny, mid soon became holly eu gitgi'd with the Rcl els, tlien somu six bundle 1 yurds disiant. Our butteries simultaneously c 1 1 li I u stiirchiug lire, intchitig shell and shot into the wootis spoken ot hetore with great rapi dity, und hittu-sing the rear coluiiins of the1 enemy, und ctiiharru.-sjng the moetneutsof rei,,. toi'ci nit nlr, which could lie seen moving up. At this tnueOiiicral ! heridan rode iilong the lines, uml wus leccivcd with great cnlhusiasin I y the lucn, ui.d his pic-cncc S' cmcd to atiimato f hem w iih ic new ed dcteiminatioii anu an untiiuclt il. 'I pei let inunt c ill their perilous duty. Our ttoops contii.iuiig to move forw ard, tles pite the iiiuidcious lire of the enemy, they suc ceeded m ;: ttiug w it li iu two hiindieJ i.iids of the Relitd lines, when a furious c mnoiiailc broke mil from suine batteries hitherto concealed, ami by their iccatei disehat -'cs ol gr.ipe ami (uiiiii-ter mowed down large numbers of our I I ifii . So heavy and tlctructivo was Un file fiom thC'C ' batteries that our ndvauee'd hi.c was comiiclled to lull buck, thus moincntu rily deiuiiMin:' lite lornuitiou of the Second und thud lints of battle. Thu order wus ipiiekiy givt u lot the nicii to lie dow n, in order to avoid tho nhots of the -howers of giupo tliut wore ploughing through their ranks. Our artillery was then rapidly brought up und given lominuodiug positions, Irom which they soon toinmenied u wi hi'iin..' c tnnouudiiig of tho inein) ' advancid position, und r thu protection of which our linos, mm icloi med, again advanced, und utter u dcs;eia!i on thu part ol tlie Rebels, tlie t in my weie compelled to lull back, and wcoine mine guim d the po.llio:i we hud lost. Alter this in hicvcu.ei.t both coips were ordered to lie down in the lines of batlle u they wero, in tfd'.i- Iu uwtt't tlie iinital of Oeucral Crook's cornii and, whl. h was u i to this tlmo lying In reserve on tbe eiisicrn bank of tho Opoqnan rrrk. Oenernl ( rook was ordered to take np a position on Hie light of the 19th Corps, with a view to cheek an evperted a'tompt of tho enemy to turn our right flank, who could be een massing his troops on bis left for that purpose. It was marly H o'clock when Crook formed his linn on our ri 'lit, l i-sc ond lino beiug in rear of and supporting tho pith Corps. ATlttlVAt, OK TIIR CAVALRY. if n ra! Torbert, at this juicturc, came up very opioriunely, bringing with him Ixith Averill'a r nd Mi mil's Divisim s of tho Cavalry. They had I ecu lighting all day along tlie bpcrpian, nfter crossing that sfrennr at Burns' and Knox's l ords, meeting with strong Imdi s of the encinv, nnd suensstiillv and stendilv driving evnrvthtng bi'fore them. Their i re-ence was gn eteil with gn at sritisiactioii, for now we had our entire force together. 1 MR (ill INll MIAltfiF. fienerul Sheri'lati h.ivini: become sa'i'fiod w ith the dispoiilion of his troops, row gave the signal lor the grand and linal charge that brou.;!it ve; torv to our arms, and added one more page to tbe gloiioiis record of our gallant armv. As the order was given, our line, now over three miles long, advanced with li tig-continued and hearty cheers, the sound "f which rose strong and t Icar litniil the pair and crash of artillery, and the bonre and continuous rattle of musketry. The charge was made with a headlong Imperiio-itv impossible lo resist, ami it was one that will com spare favorably with any of tbe famous movi imr.ts of n like character during the war. Our mm sfemt d nnimnU'd l y a sublime feel ing of victory nltcii'ly In their grasp and ad vanced w ilh an eagerness seldom w itnessed in tvinsuch old and well-tried soMicis. As out lines pushed on, und drew nearer and nc .r r to the enemy's position, the baale raged still m ire fiercely, and with a fury Impossible to describe. The loss of life on both sides during l!io- fewr feiirtul moment must have been verv great, f ir tbe terrible rour of artillery, nnd the lieep, sullen crush of musketry fold too plainly of the carnage that wus in progress. At every volley men could bo seen dropping in every direction, and frcqmntlv the opposing lines could not have bet n many hundred yards apart. IIETHIAT OP Till: I'.NIIMV. The shuttered and utterly demoralized divisions that go lo make up General tv.riy's command now lied in utter rout and confusion, throwing away in their pnnlc their guns nn I equipments, and whatever other imprihmmtn they happened to have on their persons. They started in all directions, pushing for the mountains and Win chester, othtrs doggedly giving thetn-olvcs up as pri-omtH. l.irge numbers of the enemy were captured by cur lories during tins disastrous retreat, and by tins means swelled me heavy list of prisoners already in onr hands. TAKING l'OSsl:ssl0N OF WINCIIDSTl.ll. As the hiftdof onr column readied Winchester, the Pnion residents, ronsisting.of course, mostly of ladies, ciunc out joyously, und greetetl our victorious soldiers with glad smiles und words of warm welcome for the defenders of tlio II ig which they now so triumphantly waved over their heads. You will remember I spkc lu a former letter regarding the Union sctitunont I tound lo be existing lu that town, and I rocog ni.t d 'cveral of that mini; little club of loyal Indies I mentioned at that limo among those who welcomed ourarmy. They nil agreed iu saying that General Early's army is utterly demoralized nnd routed, and that his men rushed through with haggard taccs nnd discouraged looks, some frantically rushing down the strict.-, throwing away everything that would impede flight, and seemingly only bentou a sale nnd speedy retreat. Tbe Rebel loss cannot bo much less than nine thousand killed, Wounded, und missing, us General Sheridan has just sent iu to General Ste venson, in command at Harper's Perry, a des patch saying that hollas taken three thousand prisoners, and 1 know that the wounded now h ir g in Winchester w ill not fall far short of four thousand, besides the large number of doud now on the Held, and tlie iintncuse number of wounded not yet attended to, will still more swell our gains. Among tho losses of the enemy they have to iniinuiuie lour of their seven dive-ion comman ders ns killed, three ol whom are major-generals, Rhodes, Gcorgo Gordon, and Rumstiur, the other is Biii'iidier-Gerieral Wharton. General Bradley Johnson is also reporled budly wounded. Our losses have hten very scvero, but nothing like an approximate llgure to that of the enemy. The total number will not exceed '.i'lOU in killed und wounded, no piisoners being lost. Amongst our killed stands loiciuost the gallant old Gene ral D. A. llussrll, a IcarlesB soldier and true gen tleman. His loss will be severely lolt in the- glo lions old corps to which he had so loug been attached. Colonel Wright, of Iho I'jCtH Ohio, of General I'pton'B Division of thotith Corps(wlio was him icll wuiindid I. was killed abo unother very pro mising und bravo nfttcer. Lieutenant-Colonel Brewer, ol the 7th Michigan, was killed. Owing to the impossibility of gleaning anythiug like an net urate or lull li-l ol casualties when 1 let Win- thesiii lute lust iiighl, 1 am unable to forward vt u more than the ill ove. Co-ting us it tlid so many valuable lives, it must be acknowledged that this battle was ono ol the most determined during the pie-eut cam I'. Hen, ami while wc mourn Hie loss of thu brave nit n w ho thUH t (feted up their lives on the a.t tr of their country, yet wc must rejoice over the sig iiul victory thus achieved over the Rebels in tins vnl ev, so loug their boustod v.iiitcge-grouud. X. Y. Time: 1ST NOT1CL AN AD.IOUUNE1) MLKT- iliu ct tin- HHHi' 11 I 1 AI.H'.N L'MOS CiVI- I'AltiN t.LI'lt will !' I. Htiiii'pniUMH.Ci m;n.jii-v.-tjlih hul tllnjf, rilFS.Nl'T tStiuct, unove Kixtli, mi M(I1 Y KVKMNU, ill-Unt. at M u'.-liH'k, tor tho put ,(iisf 1 ciupl'iiug 1h' Arr.iiit-iiH'iits tor thv I'ltradc tn, hai in Uny et'inti(. I'. C. r.IiLMAK t;ii, Ciiairiniu. A. J. hi i.i.Mo, s. relaiy. u 2i-2t rr- i i k a i x j u a tvr v. it s first iitia- lli n iiittn CittiiinMiiC'lub (llviiiuitihly I'lfcharctl hnliilciv .ui. i tutiitil). i'hii ka i'mia, September 22, lixll. OltDKKS h-. J. I. Pnmiar.t to OrJ r No. 1. Hea.l imrtrn UNIOV CAMi'Ah.N II, tli Dieiiitters ot tl.ts batiu'l-ju will ;tr:ule.lnilv f.1(ii..i.f,oo SaTUHHAY KVKSlN l nol. li. 1 t:C line Will !.' Hi, lll'-il Ut N iiilmk 1'. M., p,"lM lfiyt In .( IhUmicc hqunrii, t !if rstiiiK mar tlx; Hail; ).r i itrnnrv t wlm-h V.i- n"-iiH'i r will itsM-tulilu nt Hfiil ii.ariirN (C'iiini'nwr;tili lluilditicj to reut-lve itto 'tuH, IraMi, ui't'iirtt, Laitit'i im. Ac. III. Die itt AbFiiN'ii'it Mari-bilH and AM to Chief Jiiirslmt w III tipiK ir ruoiii.trd, IV. OLi'ili-iMBio tl.i-onicra of tic M:ir.shaln Is U'letly flit hi-it, tiiiii 1 1 it hi (iillci-iB will ha iii'ld retiiUBiOio ir tlie i- ndnci ol tliu uo ii. Tii'-y will iirunitl HupiiiaiR unv tilni.rtli-r, uml -- that tm rc bo no mm-yiiLtf at mtf tlio V. I'oluiiel Wm. A .r:iy. l.U-iitrnant-t'ol'Ufl Win. O. A ard, .Ma ort tunlt'n i . Knight , 'upuiu U m. It. Wruer, t ii til n m ,i(ixii'i I IukI, (aituni Itli'luirJ IiiiiiL'.ti(, l.Kiitciiiint .1. It. lltn. mi.) V.1u Kom linn' bii n ntilTt-i AliHio tin- 4'inW Marnlial. i'lit-y w ill In- ntn'Ai d ami n etp i tvU aucoidiUKly. I'.v ei'iuuiuiul ui Col. V. C- I'l.l M VKl'It, riiiel .Urilil. ti.l i am A. li: v , ) ClIAlil 1. I . K M . 1 1 I , M(Mfitl Aide. iIiini i ll 1'. I'.-un, S V 1 , A. L T II, U K ALT JI, AN'D irtnaal" Hilnilrlnif oyri : If tn cuic-i-invidious blifhH; Jl to 1 - a I I tomim: IloAtT, I tin 8. l. i lu aa hour Hkadty I Ti T' d.4 . a hOHt of trlentlt ; li'h t vm- mi) it atui'iHlH : li h I'll li ti iMirn biuod to w eil ; It ft ll.muk sUtUO wLt-n duftll "tA.LIM I li in ii v i i Mttoai'ore and ten, iVih! n i: i i aa Ii-iik ttinln; II i ii-. u no ol iKce ; li tn di" a no to yrt:a.e- lIi:u.Tn t I: v. ii !, a life of lpaturs ; It V'ii i ai i- IttlH world k trruaiirti; it fi niioit ou would a., i a, an 4 wikh uit ihffg. Health, Wealth, acd Hcauty, I pared fwr tvtry duty, -t lr. WII.IJAM YOI'KO'A New til'IDK, whl h bhould be read I oor.fci'ilim tu m- allv, and at Ue :. tirutcfc M"iiti:i'i pn.e a.w If IjVLLIC SAI.F OF WHAK1'. I Hi Mr ui I M I lOU:ll nl WMilllAJ, 1 ii' J 1 1 f ! n; I or I'll II Ai'i I ''ill a, '... 11!" WAI.M'T Stnl, H-;it( inh-r'-'i', 1.1. S "Tin; !l Ml ul WuiVi n ut tl.o I't'i't n- riul.-!.hi.l l;iiti v no! ice tl at liiidii' nnd by iintl orit ol uu in t 1 tl,i'' l.i t'lrVittlil't' t'l fi li'if. i ;iH!;i. (Milhl'il "All ;i t tn ie ti e vMli ui ci'r lii'n i ;il ' in in-. it nt l'ln:.i iiil)-li'.' pii'M it .tn v V.'. I-til. an-1 it it itth.-i itiuii .'.Mil ii Mill Ol W.lliN US piltM rtllt n.fli t'l. l mi r: 'ii d.i (-1 . ptfiui ev. A.I'. I M, t!.. y ; 1 M-il .n I'ii'i1' Null', L i I'M-", In .I.' liU't . -t liHldi r. un ti e I If 1 II l'A iK im-'i thl-'.II, W 4. tti . l i. k i u. at t!u' l-i.ilii'i I I'lilll I si hai.i'. Ill In: Mlt1(.t. , l, e ,i,.n . ,LiIL ,1 I' ii J I i all ii lei , M iv tl ii -t , ii i, a a-' , aiel ,. .111 1 m ,..n - .V1! II1111 e iliitn tent fr it' ,. o' ,'1 ,1 ill It, II 1 M a,!ens el II. e 1' I I '1 li ll il, 1 I Aiue-I, A. 1. I -' . 1 i 1 r IT lla li II I.I.I, in I eei! Ittol I. I' , I". ml, Masn ..I A-" ,e In.- Itle I M : a. u.i. 1' II. :- Mll'.tle Hi II.,' T oss II -1,! 1 ll'.i.M in II i- I a - I 'I t ti i i 1,: I'ti I tl t.imii e ill I.e. It.llli li'.ltll hiel s -lit 1 1 tie n !. ,!. ink .1. 11 in In in it' lt ami "' .ii. 1 1 na 11 In I .llin 1 .-.(1 1 l'"lin nit" 111', lit el IK'.UI.HI. I r...i'liljeil ell !' e 11 -f t! It e liv el ll'-l l Sli lit im- siial ini.ll li inliiu; tn til'iin 1 -lei I'linii anil f lll.l.l 1. 1 ijiv 1 lit n'l.tllul i r tale (..''..i wiih to !,. ss'il 1.,1iilH'ili alulsiiitlf, ami "in H't- -mi Hi li.t iin' .il li. 1.111.: t.i tin H 11 i.i Kliiilie'li M 11 si, a I li.l- UliTII hen 1 ) tn !iv iti sl .lit ei:'M le ml'. .1 li'.t.r I t.e 1 .'..'... .1 ir III tl..' le "tl. -I'H' "I ll.f V. I. .Ut I en "I lu U lli'.l t' ll." l.linl, , til Mi r-inill, lit lit sti r ..lilt 1 tm" tie r, UiMl.llllll ull liiu liiTils, lilieilied, I'Uiil .'is, lei. .lll.i u 1 it, , null li.inlli iialil'iil in 6.11I ii..''.l hlJti'.i'l tn ll.e Mli.l !Mll-tll Kll.l AsilsM'il l Uld.'l.l,, lis Will Le lU.lJ.' Lll.' nn if iu!v en ll.e ill. vet .Hi.', 1 uiiliiT' 11 t..i 111. ill. hi vi'.anwi' i,n aieiie a tti 11 t 1 t ll.lltt.l.s . V, Al N K, tl 2'i I nil -i.t Master Wauleii l'..i I el i'i,..a.l':.,.li..t. ."T-ATs 1 lIll.AKl.l.l'lllA KUIKifONV yi.r-' itAsuAi HI SI II Mti'ti'l. ii.,v Ma. T. t . Ueptiirej rmlicHllv curt'tl bv II. t'. MITthiT'H 1'isi.niiru Fs.ut I . t, 1 1. ITiteia Tru.-s. Siiti"lir l.lasllc Ui'li4, K's.tie s,ioi"hli'ii. Hui-i otteia, Biiuuie'tr lltrtt ve, rtini'.a ..irn . frill. i.eH, Ac. I.a.iit t .tuudiil Ui Alr. ll.C. EVEKrVlT. W-lt HELMBOLDS REMEDIES. J DLMIIOLDH rLUID EXTRACT BUCHU For Kon-Rtentfen or Tnoondncnre of Trine, Trr!Uita, Inflammation or Ulceration of th Rlaililtr or Rtdnsys, Diirninef the VoiO-art Olnnils, Blontin IV IHaUdrr, t'nl'-t hl, tircirl, or Arfci . .out, and all Ilil of tf.e l!l4tlr, KiJny, and Don, sicil 8rt!inp. I ll'.l.M HOLD H PM'in EXTRACT BL'CilC For Vtaf.nitfs arhhiK freni F.ioon.tva Imliorllon. Ths coDtttttHkur once afTertt'l with Or';ii 'if'' Wmkntit rr-jiilrps tli alif of niMli Ino (o i.OYtie'Vri ami ifirigoraT tAc ttri, which riKI.Unot.D'fl EXHIACT lit CDU Invariably tloos, If no trraUiwat It nihrnltfcr to, roiJiaraptli'n or In-nutty o.ay emu. FLUID EXTRACT 01' BUCHU, In afTfcUoim peculiar to "Fbmai. is niiequnlrd !' an oilier prc'ftrtlcn, aa In CMoroFls, or Rctentlcn, Irrga Urttlcn; rnlnfuluefif , or BuparebBlou of Customary Eyac iiationi; I'lceriuetl, or icl.irrnui Ptat uf the Uu-rnk; Lco liorrti" , and all Cfniplulnts iouilQt to tlu? wfitther arising from tiatiltfi of dliclpaiion, ItapmclcnclM, or in the ilt i Ihie or rluunrc of life. 1 IKI.MliOJjD'H FLUID FXTUACr BUCHU IMI ROVrU I109E WASH Will nulu ally exterminate from tho attem Diseases of tlie I Hnaiy OrKinis aribing from Habits of Dinnipatlon, at httle c.ipene Wtc or no vhamje in iV, ho in'-onrenicnt vrexjKtmre; completely mipmedliiK tboe unj-Uatant atul dutujtri.ut ri me-iiet, Cbjtia and Mireuryya all Uieae rsK nit:i.Mji.)iJ,u's 1LU1U KXTHACT liUCUU In all Diseased ol tlie Urinary Ors'tin. wlmtlier cxiitfHR la ".laf"or "'i iV," from whatever cauti ortjinnHng amino matter of Aoir long ttanding. It Is l..iaut la tn-te anil odur. "Immediate" in action, und niuro fctrt'iivtlieiillietliiiiiitnyof tliereiarati)iisof Hark or Iron, Iliolf BUiitalng from liroken hoivn or liflirate Constitu lions, I't ocii re tl.t Itroinli at onrei Th. rt-ailer uiiiftt tie aware that, tsaeawr sllslit may b the atlrtt k of die ul.ove, ft I. ctTlttin to ufleet hi liotttly ltatlh, il'ittnl J'uotr't i7.ani', u7 hi 1 ritij. PHVSIf TANS, 1-1,1 ASH NuTKT'.. VK MAKK NOSKCKKT 01' INOKI'DIKNTS. I r.LMr.OI.Ii .s FLl'lU RXTKACr liLCIItt 1 - eetnji ee.t of l,u , C . t.t.!, J,,hiiH4.' A, ;ri. J, e leoli i ve tli (ai ii care ami i!0i'ait"l iii vactiu u. II. T. lli:i.Mlt(Jl.D, liriirii-i 11 a .t i lieunst ol' sixte.-a yeai s' cx l.eiiei ;c In Ml.e lily of I'i..!,iJ"l, t.ia, auJ n.w ne-crllieJ to llie most euiiacnt of tlie Id Tilly, uml c been ftJ nilltetl t., a,e lu tlio l iiit.'d Slates AiTiiy, an.1 aio also In i.ry t-.netitl uo ui Kt.ile llopiuis and pulilic HitaUary liislaiilljaii tliroauliciit tlie land. I'rlcet tl per l.ottte, or i. for '.. Hcllv froil to an) aMten, acc jmiiaale J tiy ex liliell direellom. Mnot letters to liLLMHOUid JJiu.' and Clionifcal M'aioli .ui.), Ko, Oil 1 llroiulway, New Vorl., Or 6 M.dleil tieimt, ha. ltll H T.ath ulro.l.lTllUde'li'liia. Uewar. of com lei ft 1(4, Ask fur lllil.MUOI.b'M, and tal e no other. Fl.ykliirni In allcmlaiu e frem 7 o cloth A. M. to r. M. bold by Uruti8itte eriT)nlmrv, t H-tulhi -3m SAMARITAN'S CURE. S.AM MUTA N fl t'llK. SAMAKIIAN S f l it 1'.. SA HI t A N S I'I'KK. tsAMAKITAN H t l UK. (lAMAItl I AN I I HI., a A M A HI T A N'S I'l'IIB. a A M A It 1 T A SI H ( IIIIK. HAMAnt I AN S I'I'KK, AM All IT. N H 't UK. HA MAUI I A N a CI II I:. a A M A It IT s N A I t'UK. ftAMAHITAN CI UK.. K s M Alll I A S M t THE, MMAIIIIAslH " I II I " . MAM -till AS H II 1:1.. HAMAUIt VN'S fl III'.. HAMAIIIiASS) I'l'ltK. H A VI A KIT M N t UK. AMA1 I r A N ' sl ( I 111.. 1fi ii)y suro stiil iieo rctat a.v lor t cti'-rrli t a, t;i,,, t( irleluie, Ac. ( urs In ad ess. s III triail twi lu nx tint. I rn Si Hi.tenr rvmale- sfni to- rntl. Idol 1 A Co., s,le Ak nti. AMAFtT V rfRR. h A M A It I T N St I I UK. h it hi;. S M Mil I AN SI I ( UK. SAM Mil t - N S IT III.. HAMAKtriM IS Cl'ltt:. KAMAIII I'AN'S CIT1K. fAM Alll t AN CtllK. N A M A It I I AN H t Cfll.. SA MAIilTAN S t l'UK, B IMAKI TAN'S! I'l'ltK. HAMAKI I AN N IT UK. HAMAItlfAN i ft UK. SAUAI1ITAN M ft It K. SAMAKITVN ft ITTtK. HAMAIIITAN S ITTIK. .NAMAIIITAN'M itiik. SAMAItlTSN'S ,lt:. AM ARI r A N si nits:. HAM Mil I AN M IT'IIK. TUB I.KFAT SI'Kl IHi: l ull KKi UI'.T tiKAtKH sw tnlrial stenhni'.i, I ,ine irrlei n. I , iret, ve. Fa h l ui i iu I ill, and wul , ult In Ileal I wo to lu ilu, s. I'r tl II Is sl-n rt rtain to ro.torr tone anil pan r lo ttio.s wso are tii lulitnit it bv rusi or anv odar i-inl-o. an,) wdl ae all In fun tlser el voiati. w fa n He I"i0 an u-oil without Itm iiijoiTioa. In llit'st' easi s.oae' rill time tiiufi llHV tbtnl tij inallj C. I'll If K KtiSK, f. I'llll K htlsl,, f. I'llll K If in'., f . 1'KH K tt'isr., C. i'KUT: If INK. rreprlrkir, rropni'im', 'r.iliri.'tor, rr,.,rii'l'.r, f'niiriror. Ito I" 'sl tinice. lle -JIM fostll'tle It' x '.Si'ii' I' 'St tKlire. in. vi ii I'o-t tiitii i-. llox 'io- I'osr tlllice. fiviit r it fi) HVHTr A fll in n i r m iivtn r a- fi , fiviil I' A ft i.. So. !.tt N. M'.f ilSII si re. I. Nn. N. HKI'IIM" Mir.','!. No.'.'W N. HI'. tllNIl Hneel. No. N. Hltt'dNTi street. Hn.i A. hl.CONU Mtraet. Sole Aa'lits, Self AkitiIh, Mete Agents, ISnle Annts, Aafiui, He sure ami a fnr HAifARtTAN'S ITIIK. M lMAItlTAN'rt CI llll. HAMAItl lAN S ( I l!H. HAM Ami'A.N S I'ttKK. SAMAtll I AN S I HICK. .sAMAHI I AN M Ct'RK. h.maiiitan h ci nt:. HAMAKI TAN B ITIIK. fsAMAHI't AN S f I' UK. HAM . ItlTA N IttHIK. HAM AfllT AN 8 I'l'ltK. HA Ml Hi IAN H f I'HK. H M ltl I AN H f f UK. RA if A III I A N'sl CI'ICK. HAMAKI IAN St f fill'.. HAMAH I AN H f UltK. HAMAIttl AN'S CI HK. SA M AltfTA N ft ifllK. HAMAItl l AN S ("I'ltK. HAMAUITAN H ritliK. KYRtT fiE Rfl Ultfi. M 111 T I'K UU OKIl. HVIiff UK Itif OKU. H HIT I'K hlfi'Mi. Hi ni l' I'K h lt:llltll. b LIT iih. lili I 'KD v KI P III SY KIT I'l' ui v dk i;t(yiti. HVKCP 1K IIII UKO. HYItrP lK KliMMtl. HVItl'P I'K ItlCOKH. HYKI P 1K IIH IH(I. H lii V I'K KH OLD. Sl KIT f'K Klltultf. H HIT I'K HI. OKU. H KIT HVKI T hn nt i' PY IM P PF. UH t'Kll. H KIT I'K Kit OKU. M K' f 1F. HIO.'Kli. K liff Ir. It.fOKIl. Hvi.l'f Us lat i'im. i-i; KK'dKII. OK 11 OKI). UK KKNltl. S. Itl'P tY lit P HYKl T HVIit'P S lil P I)K HltV)ltI. nr. i;i 'i;i. IK KI':oi;n. 1K HHMH;l. liK Hirn. M 111 V I'K Kit tnui h. It I P .K Kit ultl. A ci rtatn " un? iff nil I. .tins of i iii' IHsc-im-i 1 id In 'he I- moi'din Hnf.iittitit, ana tho armion tliroiiKtioiit hun. tie and Aim-rii a. Thin prpsni!H'll l as Ti rriiiii tin wrnim.unr oi ir.ix fnriuot lib aM.. und tn'iiy'lit-iia the count it ut Ion yeiu'ruliv. Itwilli-uif all Holes. Hioi. 1 'itntilrfl. 'J'i'Ltirn. ul inv fruptloui, no matter Irom wUat caiibe or bow lung Und- Trice 91 per bottle. C. THICK ItOSF., proprietor. I KK i; ltnsF., PruiTli-tur. C. PltlOK ItttSK, P.oprioior. PKU'K Itt-sK, Pmpriet'ir. C. PKU-'t: KU.HIC, Prooriftor. I-YOTT it CO. I)YniT x CO. DYOTT A Ol. 1YHTT & C. IYU T ,t CO. liYOTT it CO. hyoi r jo. No.i12 H. 8i;tiVI) siri-pt. au.HMuth s lot fiole A(fft tn. Hole Afci-nta, finle Avpnta, Holt' A cuts. Hole Autntiu. Hole Ai.iiitJ, Sole Agi iitB. Bent to anyaddrrsi. CKCKKT 1)1SKAS.;S! SKCItKT DISKASKS O HAMAKITAN'H OIKT! HAMA'I I'AN'S (IIKI'I Tmk Mort C.r.m ain t:i uk fcvhit Uhld. its. a pi-fcli.M- tr (tONOKKIHi'A, ttl.KKT. Rl KICTCItV.S, Ao, C nuiilin tin minerii), no ii.ilmun, no Mffctuy, Onlv t ii oiili to lie (liken lo i-Ilect a euro. ( un-a iniri'iii two in tmii tlu. and recent cfttes In 'tentv-lonr li:iin." I'rri'aml by a Kradiniie of the In ver-Hvot' HenithV'Viinlit, one ol' tho luo&t emmo'il i"Ctori and Cheniifcth ot trie ores' nt ov. Mi hXI'UM HK, M. lll'il IH.K, NH ( MAS'liH, Let th.'M' who tmvo d-'i". led ol'iii tl mi.' emed. or w hnvo hi'i n purged wtiU iinhaiu Oinalva, or Mercury, at oucu try ino NAM AltlTAN 8 tilt T. H nl by iiuill In u ihii envelope. Pike, mule piicKiifi-, Keinalen, $1. ni.ocu: ltl.OOD! lll.OOD! iii.ooj: 8Cltt)H'I.A. I'UKHH. HOHK.S, fiPtiTS, TtlTKUS M?AI.I', I.OII.H, HYP11ILI3 OK VKNKI1KAI. IHSKAsf, t. AMAKI I N M HOOT AM) HKKIt Jl'ICKf In ode re-i tlie i-titli- u.t n iiositiM' cure HPHII.IS OK VKNKItF.AU I'HK HK-th' SAM- ItlTA N S HOOT AM) 11 1 . IU1 .H 1 'i. 'n the m nt put. n t-riaio. anil eHi'Ctiinl r nn tly i ur iireseritud; iin ueti at d eradicate everv juirtb ie of iho venereal ool--n,89 t) ai the core Ik Oiotoiih and periniinent. Take then tint imrll'vinif reined v and b" he.ileil, mid do iut tianmtt u tmr oitltrlty that turlikh )ou may rtjicut In attcr DO NOT DFPAIlt! AltboiiKn you may be nn-nouneed incurable, the KAM A If li an m Kota and ItLliU J I. It 'i ill reiiiv! everv veitlitoi mipnrl-le irom the n htem, an well as all the bad etiecu ol lncrcury. VKMAI.KS! FEMU.K.H! In innnv ntteetloii with wMc'i liuniiere of I'ein.iles nutter, the Kou AND IlKlCIt .11 ICKS nr nmst h ippily aiiapttd, in t Ireriitt d I tem, In l.eucorrho a. in lie inin; down, h uijinu ol thu Uoiub.Debimy.and turalleuuninntt liii-li:ent lo iliet-ex. Went by expreiH Price H a iM ttle, or fi tiottlce for $ HAMAItllAN S V AMI ll, In rase of HvphilU, used in eoan- i tK-n with tlie K.xit and lleiti .Inlet h A irll illreet ioiih. I rice i . eentt The etlicney eft he we reined l e In alike urkiiowlttdscd by iihvsiclatia and tiiitieiitb. Tin v are umd in the I nitei htutea llo-pilitl-, thus re&loiinK buullh to many ol mr tirade Kotiin r--. iroin ti e ialilnio,e."Snn :" WHAT I UK HI KOKOVM SAY OF TUK 8AUAKI I AS S lll.MI.. IKH: "i'o-i llu.ri i'ai.. Knur Mah-hai.i,, ( "Itiiltunore. Md.. Fetiroary I. I. 'I have l re i it aulihlaetion m Htittt iiif I h.ive hm1 'The hamitiitau Henu-i ies' t r Venereal Diitime in ti nutkt eiiu-iiinai v luiiio. : that 1 lim e ued them with md ineiit, it 'tn n tloiu und tir''tr., nnt have loiind timm rei-pond to my antir putiotin proiiiptiy and etfeetu.illy knowing their i-ouipohiinin, 1 Imw tlie lullent i-onttdmie In tlielr ettU'iiey, und an Inr an my uf them extondu, recoiiitutjiid tla-iu htuiiKlj'. "Af.FlfKD C HOWF.KS, "AnMltnnt Riir;oii 'iih New irn VnU," Let It he iindei mood that thet- reiiiediei are a ro-oni tne ml i d, ami will positively cure thu di-eHen for whi' tt ev aiu i-iiirtu, hold by N'o. '.R h, n. r imi a m, KI'lll I II Htrtet. IU;sONo AC), No. HACK H net. 'JO nthN nt MED10IN AL COD LIVES OIL i , . a l.- l.' t r. 4 Ho. 7IS .MAKKKT KIBtiiKT, are now rectdvlnp their Mippllfh frehlt from the flhctie The iiip rUrlt ot their Ol I. in every renjici t, liaa cati.ed for It a reputation and uh bejuud any otln-r tound tn tl market. Tonmlntaln It, thty are determined tomipply an article Ihut tua be inttit i reiiid m (or rnhrifjn aui parity hee icitliuniihil of I'tofenhorsof Medicil Cilh'k-eii. anil SHIPPING. TO UYKR pool, touehlns lit l.'lieeiiMi M il. Cork llarh'tr. i. l.iiuw ii U'aiJU is ol thu l.i en-nil, .New York, and Philndehia Sn .iiiiflnp i ump.u.y ai Uut LJed to sail a- loilow s : CI'IYOI M ANCM1 Ti:i(, fi;lndny.epteiilKr 2i. CM Y OF l.oM io N . Satuidtv, u. t-.iici I. C11Y OK DAl.TlMolcl-.. miiiiJu.y.O. luii.T S. AmteverY Miceedttu iiltiid , ai u -oil, fioiu Pier No 44 North 1th er. kai i.s oi pash.xi.i: i'ayabi.i: is i vi:i:i:N(f. 1 ii-i Cubiu filoioii o-m.v J... un 1 h ('. It. in to l.endoii 17 1 MtCiiiw fi i uliilon... t-'l 1 ii -t Call it to I ii . I'to'-d to P.ins v no 1 ii - t Cii' in to Hiiiu''! 11 Si jf to linnliji. Tl.mi J'av-t i li ,iImi U'Iv.iikIiI t' llnri. I:ciui-n, KjI- t 'him, Antni'j p. A , . t v inlh 1' n 1 ,ilt- lit In I.IVCI iHH.l or t.Mi, en:t - l'irrt C.i fH-i sI7m, ylo Hie. !.: Ilolil l.vit'ol anil I'Mfi'ii1-- tt-wn.rn. 'I it.ihe wi.o v. ;h to oeiiJ lor tiieir iiiemn .ttn tli v t Kvlc hei t Ut Ilu --e .th S. 1 jt tuithci iiiioiui.iiioii apiitv nt tl c Cotn.nv's oiif.ts. .JOH N' (i. DAl.l'., HeiH, Ko.JU VA1.M I Si i vet, Pi.iUdfJi.hia. sttt r7isuN am riiihin'.i,riii. LafeUaISto Wtt Hill 1 1 10 Mill', Biillll'U' tl . Ill t'lti'li (Kil l Mil . i t Ki'A n. in-ui fl; -t w 1 ail ab l'l M'. siivoi.Pmla- tteiili a. tl I d l.oDK Mi.uf, H"'-t"N. 1 .'III Ilritt Wl.all alo e PINK Htieet .on S.tlin(la ,S..teiiil.ei 'J I. l-.l. 'I ho MfiiTi 'l.i. b. o, Matthew-, will hail I mm 1'lll.i ih h I iu tor J'.iiMliin.on hauii la . N-; temln-r Ji. n i nn iiiiU A.M-: Hiitl the nl. uiii.-.hi NullM AN, liuLci', lloui li Jhtun l-r ri.iludel li in. mi miii u day , .u I I'. At '1 lie ne to w and sitttstuiitial hliMiimnins form a regular ll' e, hil'lllir: Dnin i.t h p"i I (n ht I n tli.t tn aiui da . lio-uriini-ea i-iUrtcJ ut oiic hall il.v priujiuiu c!a:tiiil on fillO M'M'!. I ri'U hi Ink en at ra'es. Hiii)iietM me ri'.U0hied to jctlJ Flip R.rclitl nJ UH Ittdini: v ith their oodn. For i 1 1 m hi ui i'rtSMigo (b.tvM.i? fl' e aeeoiutii'iilittiou; aplly lo l'KNKY WlNN'Ul A CO., JaMf J.:l.J.ll.I.AVAltt: Avtnut). FOKNKWYOIUv. DKSI'ATCU and HtviltMiro 1. in n, vin Dulnnure and 'I I v kiiMinei f uf lu.'-e Unv aie lauving nuilj ut 1-.' t. dock M turn 6 u'Ooik P. M.( lioiu tlUid olor ahot Walnut stnei. itr ln-n-ht, whnh still bt) ttVen on aieoinm .iditiim ttiu.s, ai i lv tu WILLIAM M. DAiitU k JO.-No. 1' li,LAWAa; Avvuue. RAILROAD LINES. in- 4 AUHN(Kllf.Si or lvJi.'I MH, M.W IIMtK l.lM. lOO'l, t he fainfl.n ar.l Ainhej and rtala U'lplila and Trssnwri nllroait V rn.nle.' I.lnn rYotu Pliltndflti'hla to N.W T.rk and Wajl ....'. .......... .. f HUM ffALHUI PIKMil T II A fr HI U-iva h fnlmws. tn. rax. A M . , via ('Hind n and Amboy, C. and A. Ao- rommcjntinn f a t h A. M , via famtlf o and Jry i Ity, Morolnji Ktvnnn aw At l'J M . ia Ciunirn and Arntioy.C and A. Afioom- criioii At 2 I'. 11. Tia Cainui ii and AtnOny, C. and A. Kx- .r. vB 2-35 At 1 t. fumiVn and Amboy, An'ouimmiailnn ( I mint Pnni iu rl , 1"! At r, p. w ., vin ranntt ii min Amt.oT. Aronmuio latlon Y r mfit Cn-iii liK'-rj lit ( iii Mi k't J M i( li.. .P. ... 1M ti T M., vis I'Miiili n and Ain' y A' rnnn.Kia tu ii I niL'tii nil I'Amt.iiu, ri. 1st ClARi Tlckflt 3i ui-- d.. -9 KfrVan.h thnnh, Alknk'wn. Itftlikhem. HlvWra, t,rt. i iiMiSi-rt I'll- F m nvr n. ,v . V to I. M. 1 1 r l ain r.rr v 1 1 r nnd int rmi'.ititii S'fttton". at 6 P. M. K..r M'itint 1 1 J i v . Kvan-v),,., p. rton, and Viactnw in,t A. M.. W nnd ft I'. M. Yor IT.-..,..d nt r. a. M. and P.M. fi t 'almr. Hhrtnn, Inlnno, l.pvfrlv, n iirtf nirtntl, I'.rri'rr, Motili'iiti-wn. .t ; u f i U . I . .1 .. nd fi I M. 1 hf .( :0 kfll i I M. Wuft nui direct Lhruurh 'I n n'mi. F- r ritnTra, Itivrrton. I'rlntn n H. v, rl in.l Tturllu- U n ai 7 r. M " Fliani'K.rtt Trenton. ftf HHtrl ntirlfniHnM 1(tti4v- Torri'AilaN-. apdl amny at n-M) a M.nndi iu V M. l.l.VM KKit KRSrti i nv i.iM...r Will Irnvr nn fnii.iw At 4 A. M., (itlitit) vt Knlnffton and New York, W nh'rirtn and Ni'w ork .Mail . . At 11-It A. M via K tnntiiKton and Jeru'j i' 'it j VA- pr 3'0a) At 4 1. M vin Kniliiulun and J i riser Cltv Ka- irrfin . vr At f.M.- I'. M , vu K.ii-tnwton and Jr' C'Hv. W a fun1 tn and N-w ork t-'.xproai. fn HuiiiIh) line I. nvf nt 4 A.M. and r. 4-r I'. M. Tliara aviU be no Mi i- m 4 A. iM . ( Nlnht ) nn Mfiotav. tor Watrr (np. htr inUlMi'ir. Hrrunton. WllkpalW. 1 Xuntrrne , t;r-at h-nd. MnucJi Chunk. Aiii-ntown, Hu.)-h-Dt. nl err, Knatcti. Lambirt ville , Y Ifmhitrton. Ac., at A. M IMi lint-1'' ntn-rtn w uk the train leading Kantua r Manrh Timk n ;! :m P M. Fnr l.anii.rtvUio and interim df at ntatlont at P. M, F'.r liiikKd, IrvnUiii.Acat 7 l.'iand U lo A.M.. aodfi . M. t T Tlolmexirp, Tamny, Wi-fcl'ionitnit. Ttrldit'iirt , and runkf "rd ut i A. M . 5 4V., and k 1. M. Tho'J A. M. Lana una o Itriftoi. li-'h rNi wiork and wi i.)ni- iravinir K' nlnirtnn nut, tnkc tlie rjtrn on Ifth tr. I, ahnx e Wnlnnt. Iialf an ho'ir lictnra iW'imrtiirii. Tht-t'rn run Into the 1 put, and on nrrivtil o( nrh trln run th I)innt. Ilflv iM-imiii of hiiunaho onlv altowd earn naiotitfer. AMi'iiipru in'tti .1 frm inking nn vtt'iiur nn haw s; ma tmt thi tr wcatlnir Kpvurol. All Imiryitk'P over fifty noundg ti bv t aid for xtru ihc ' oni(ianv limit thitr rt-MiHinal-Mllt.v tor tiaiivni' t One lIUr i-r pound, and wilt not b liniilo rr any aiuoutit beyond exocpt by poclaJ con tra t. tlrnriaTn Vnui tu' Fxnrami will run for and ditvor nn trane at tin iK nota. Ordem tr. be loit at Ko 1 WALNUT uct. WM. 11. UAT.MKK, Agent. AnrnstR, lW. LINKtJ 1 HUM XRW Y-HK FOR PHI LA I) KIJ 111 A Wll.l, l.RAVK From foot of fnnrtlund atre!t at I1' M. and 4 P. M.,vi .lor-ev city and I'lttmien ; at 7 and lo A. M., 1. M., and VI ( Niulit ) vm .l.'Mi y fit v ami M-n tnaton. ' riin t"t ot Huri'iav utmet, at A. M. and 2 P. M., vl Ainli'iy and t'umdi n From Her No. 1 North RIvm", at 12 M., 4 and ft P.M. (hri'ifclit and PdHcnui-rj via Amhoy and Catudi n. (RKIOIIT UNKS VOR NKW YORK AND all tbe stations ou the Camden und Aiuboy uid C0Q- dc tiny itadruad-i. li iir.Ar.o nni .iii n. The Camden and Amhoy Kailnad acd Tranportatfr fl JomnanT'B Meiuht I Inett lor New York will leat Walnut atret wharf, on nn' After January 8. dalt& (Sundays ei- U C ) at 4 O eloek I m . u inrnintr. tbe ahove Lims will leave Kew York at 1 ant 4 r. SI. f niiht mutt bit dillvercd her re H1: P.M. to be nr- warurd tlie nniie dav. Ireisht tor 1 n iiH.n, Trlnceton, Kcsbm, New Bnini- aloon tbe Ut Ividero, lue aw an, and riemiaton, the Near Jern v, the J-reehohi ai.d JumeiihurK, and lh H'trH'iiton and Moiitit Itollv KaUmaitt, recoived and f arded up ta Vi o rim k P. bU Muull pachUKes lor Mount liolly rocclvea a up to '.' o'clock P M 81 The P.elvioere i.clnware Hallroad conn acts at Pbtlllp- 4 hurt: with Uiu Lehigh Valley Hallnmd. 1 hu New J urate ltatlroad ronnrets at Khaheth with the Nw Jersey Central Kilrond, and at Newark with the Mums anil f.Mcx i.anrona. A mip uu tnorftn'nm, M'ccllyinir th" marks ami nvm bers. thippem uml coilkiiM . s, must In etry Inntance I Sent wnn eaeli l"iMt i I K'''n. or no rereipi w hi kiv-u. Increuited iitf III' tes )a imv been maoe ur the transporta tion of 1,1V K h loCK,oroern are Invited to try this rmito. hen the met k t tiirnmlicl in iiuantiiies nt I ru I.OaDH or more, it will be ) livared at the foot of KortletJi street, near the Prove Yard-, or at Pier No 1 Nortll Itiver, at the shippers may oesinna'e at the time of u stnpiui-lit. WAL'l KK I- UKKMAN, Freight Acnt, j o or t. ueiaw urn itvenuc, i nimui-iioii. (itO. It HAVMOMi, FreK'tit Ai nt. jaA tf Pier No 1 Nonh Ulvcr. New York. PHIT.A1)V.l.rHIA A n TRKNION ANI C A.MDLN ANU AMtlOV It VtUIIOAU COMl'ANlKS. nil i n is On and after MONDAY, January 1WM. th. Train, fbr Xi w Ymk, liavlna KiniliKt' ii f'uiiot, Plul. la.plila, at I'll A. M. (MiiliD.anil 1 :i f. M., ami thu train, leaving New York at h A.M. and 7H1 I'. M., Till hfri-Bfiir bt nin exrhnlw'ly fer Me Unln-il Htntea Mull, and Now York and Watliirtuton ITmi3iiK.rii, anil vvill nut, uaeiuuorlut oui anv .iiinTiKi r ti'twi-en nil.! ciiIi-m. I lie 10 A. M. nnd IV MIOIllKllt l.lli irom Hew inra hi Wnhintini.ainl tlio 11 Ml A M and ft P. M. Mnaa from Wanlilnvton lo New Yurk, will continue a at praarnt, aiuY carry pasnrrKiTf tii and from IlieliitiirniedJaloataUiiUa aud r.altlii.nre, WimliinKton, aeil Neiv York. AKltANIIKMItNTS IIV'IWKEM I'lIlLADULPHI A AND new YOICK. Llnoa leave Phlludc'vnla. Kenln(tUin llepot, ali H'lii A. M ,4 til', and i,'! I . M., aim I. wi uuaninr, .nr. ttom Walnut Kneel WhaiT (via Camdun), ut li audSA.: M.,1? M.,4 arriliH M ., lor Nnw York. Jinu leavrii new loin, iioui n"iui i.uuiii.iiui"hk at J A. M , lu A M , M .4 .md ll I'. M , uml at IU mld-U, nltht, arid from fo.itof UariTuy atreot at A. M.,anuj I'.V. YM. A. UYTMKK. Jafi-tf Agent. tc i V K N N S Y U VA NIA IrlH. I'KVI KAI, ItAll KOAO. 1SU4. T11K OKKAT Dotl!I.K-TKA( K HIIOftT ItOt'TKTO HIE WI.8V, MiiClliWKM', AND WOCTIlWfiHr. Kiuiitnenis and tin ihiitu ior lie sate, vpeedy. and oom-feit-tbic tianf.poitution of paokLiicm, untiritisned oy an route in ti e eounirv. Trains leave the bopot at KLLVKNTII and MAKKKT 8tt ta follows Mail Train at 725 A. M. FhhI at 11 'i'i A. M. Tl roiith h xi ire a at MKtOP. M. Parat shurK (rain, Nn. 10 On A. M. I'aike-huiK Train, No. 'i. at 1 (Kt P. M. Uttrnhhurai AccotiioiiHlallou at S ik) P. M. Lam aterTratD at 4 J P. M . Paoll Accomnjodiiiloii (leaves Wtst Phlladol- rhia) at 'M P. Itf- 1 hroinh Paint ners by th Fast Una reat h A'looea for supper, where will lie found exeilem accoMituoda'lons for the nlvht at tbe lH'n Hoio-e, and in the mornl lift may take either the Pbliadelpnta or ha lit more Kxpress, each of which makes oucnecth-m at 1'itulnirK for all points. A. dalijihi mcw Is thus aiiordcdof tbe entire line andiu iniu nlilreiit seenerv. Tbe ThroiiKh Kxpress Train runs daily; allUieothar traiUh dally xeent tsumbivs. OIt PITlSlil Kii AND THK WEST. Tho Vail 'I run. Fat l ino, and Tlinnigh Kpreeon n 1 1 at Prtt'l iVK ith ti.roiicl) trains n all dlveriflntr made fiom that point, North to the LtiKes, Wl to Uie Missis sippi aud M lrootiri Klvi rs, and Honth and Southwest toaU ih nnts acct ssiole by radroail. 1 nroutth Tickets toClove land, Detroit, ChieaVo, M Paul, Columbus. Indianapolis, St 1'Uln, l.eavcnnortb, Kaosns. Wheeling- l'avton, t-'ln-clnnatl, Louisville, Cairo, and all other priucipai points and bacpaiie cheekeU throiiKlu INDIANA It It A M'll It KILltOAD. The Throut-h K&iireftn. leaviuu ut lo ;iO P. M ., eotmeete at Itlalrsvlllc li leinectlon with a train on this road tot H lu in ville . ludiuba, A c. KltKNShCItt AM Cl!KMO?i UKANI'll 1 lie llirun.'h K.xuresa 1 ruin, leitvinn at lu aof. M .con- 1 nt'Cta at t re, son, at hf-lb A. M ., with a train on the road for I henOmrtf. A train aisti leaves Crcssoa for bbensburg at H'-iit P. M. HOl.LIDAYlrtHl'IlO HltANCn ROAIJ. The Vuil Train at l"iU A.M., ami Through Kvprasa at iu an r . M., connect at Aitoona wun traios tor uouiuaya- tiuie Nt 7 iTi.'. P &1. and H ;l' A. M JMioNK AN 1 1 CJ.KAltHKI.O HKANCH RAILROAD. neett at 'I'.vroue wtih a t ruin for Handy lodge and Phillips tiiir', and bv Hald E ie Valley Hallroad lor Port WaUld, Miieshur, and Itetieionte. IIIM INOIhjM AM) HKOAH TOP RAILROAD. The ThronKi Kreort Train. IciivIiik at ll) M P. M .con nt cts at w Ilh airniii for llo,.uwll and Hkwdr Kim at fW A M OKlilKl:N CLNTBAL AKI PHILADELPHIA ABTD F.ltlK RAlLKOtU. For Runl ary, W nlumop rt, Lock Hcn, K'mira, Ro cbt ft r, lliiiiulo. nnd Sudani t ulin. ph?hi inxars taking the ftiailTrulo ut 1'11 4. JJ., and the T-round Kxpreis at lo:.o I' .M., dail cri't fijndij..o dire tl timnik'h. w blit.tit cl,aii.u iif cars between Plnlade.pnla aud WU lluinsnon. F.r OliK, HAo Kit. ami ! i F. ITYS ltlT RO. the trains It uMmf at h A. M. ainl .';ti P. M , connect at Columbia w ith trms on tne Noi them Ccinial It ml road. Ct MULItLAMi VALLEY RAILKOAO. -I'he Vail 1 rain at 'i .'.r A. M , nod through Express. c ,ai V. M , colon ct at Hun liuf with trains fur Carlisle, t lihiiiht rthi rt.', suit llnv tUi n. f WA.M.Mit (t, hit a C 1 1 UAH, KOAO. The train- h .i. in.- a: j '.' A, U N il i -V, I conned . at iow mrttt.'W n w iih train en thia iouJ tu W ayiieaburg anil I iim-iiio ilmte t- (i.ii.h. Ft i fuither Informat'oii aijdv ut ihr Pa-ientrer htatioa, N. I,, i ui net ui L1.K I. N l 1 1 .1 U M A KK K 1 Stl oeU. .1 Mr.S t ow n, S, I h kot Ayent. COMMI T ( o rn Kt: I S. For I, "l,(.,l, or J in .i.'hs mo'iyl w irttos, f..r the aft cetiiiotx'uiiuH uf pi i M-i.f. i .n: 4.ii t yj( tow u, or located oo or i cut U e iino ot tt e io:,.i. Col po TIfKrTR, Forv trlp4 letweeu anv two p.'ints. ut about two cent per inilr. im e m kch uie inti ude.i Mr tlm u-e oi Uruiiea, tiu i in; lrei,ut-ntl , and uiii ol (.ret uiltuiU. to cxaou BjuKinj,' oil iiMuhat II' '. hi MOO L TI' K K rs, s For fnip it three uiotitliit tor tht u oi scholars attending Ivhoollil ihi-tio. W 1 STI UN KMIORATIOV. An EU'LTiirt Ac-oinmoitalioii Main leaves o l"7Iork at I let i Th I St. i ida t t e liU ul 4 o'clock P. M .oderlli a i "in!, i UMu Hi tilt I'l ha-1 I lo litinilieh volliK Wat. at el" i.tilt ll.e liut 1 rteut fn'e I'.ti ileul.r liUeniionll 1 tl i,. I in tu-e, tol u heh i t.e. 1." ui- ;io u, ft) id b.igce lot W ui.ieil h the hli.i' tia n w Ilh p .i anen ;. Ti, i ol Iiul aiioiUlH loll. i , ' I I v to iii.VN.'ts I l NIC, Finn rant Au'ent, So. IH In K:iv Suoct. M NNH hai,.;m;k KrUls. Aii atfi'iit oi Hit', lenuble I'Ai'iBm 1 oniiiiiiy will pa-i fit iuifc.1 a. h t' uu hi i- io i lu 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' iiit ihpoL, and take up i in .'I - and li w r I'ti. t-.ui to any a l .l tlio tit . im-jiiint- he rath d f'"i pn-mi.'lv vt n oidern are left ut tl.e i'MNseticei l) i oi .Lleveinh an 1 M n k.-t m! r- i ts. Th'! ira oP liiu iii.hiic ait aa-ni't d thr u f.'ittttj rcijnntii I hi m. in l',v 5 lil.- ronte ftell.i.. ui all dem rl tloiiH can be for V WUiiItt! to ai il tit in any poiiu oil tlie Litli-.a-i ot Ulnojt - lentdt l.y, lint:aiiit. Illuii lu, l .i on-m , Iowa. or Mii-onrid J hv mill -ml diuci,oi to .i'.v poiiu on tin nuviaijlo wauia TJ of 'I e W e-vt, h Mhiiiii I'., irom I'K t ? Imi ,. ; I 1 he rates ot liei-.-y to uml from am point in tuo vesi by the pepn.-vlvuioR Ct-iitral ILiCfohil im- at allliiiU'4 us tasuiKi b-as tuo ihttr.od by oHiei' Kailroad Connmiilto,. Mfii'j'iint-aud flttppem enniitintf ttiti ti tnporiatiuii of Iheii Ifeicbt lo t lila tonipany cuu P.lj with uomlileucu on it hpi ed tlHIlii. , . I or iietkht contracts or ililpplntr direi-tioui, apply to of ftd.-rt-ts ti c AKelil" ol Hie Company . h. It. KINOsT.iN, Jr., Pbiladflphla. 1). A hi r.WAK l', rhlihuirf. ( LA liK & Co , hh sa I h Li 11 A I Astor I! iuse,or No. 1 H. WllUaia ktH'l t Nvw I if ' k. I I M il A CO . Ko. 77 Wast In ton Mreet, Boston. Wll I.IAM lO.tlW N. No. '0 Noilh hi i net, Hamoiore, Aiiuit Aoitl.tiU tcuirul Kailw.iy. II. H. HOCBTOy, Ucntnal Ftcil.t Am-i-t PhihdHiihiA. Ll Wls L. IMCi'l. OiuerAl Tickit w-nt. tMniadeiphl, KNOCII ,i:H'H, lien i al ftuperiuieutWiit, AUovaa, PaV rj II