THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1861. 3 V1 Till TiSDAY, SKPTKMHKU 2.', 1S!H. SPIfilT OF THE NEW YORK PRE83. Loading Editorials rrom tlio Xrvr Tork Paperi This Mornlni;. ItllSNItH. II ASK AM) !'.. from tf ft i f. Ex-fccm-tnr I'll ise ilrlincil lilt prjli'iral M.,i. tion nt till' pic- n ct:i. hi a sC'cli whii li liu ilo livcrcil tu at.opulnr H.19I iiilj a;:e in Wailimmnii on Morula cvin.i p. Ah b tn lei- ol Diirc, lie took lilpli mid c ' i I' ground in f.ivorot I'ri'ni tlefit Mii''"in, t'li' II. Til-.i-t- . I itf.irm, ami tlie I'nion ;irt) . II.- H il l thai tlie turrit s of I.iiu-o n and Johtivon "np-on-nt 'o-iliiy prin-lpVi aula policy, t!t j-in-. mil purpos.'s, liy which alone thin coiiiiiry rim he Mivcd. II' all the votcin would take my Blvire, tlicro would not b; a voto rnsl csci'pf fir Hi" so two (rrntlo men ;" and lie hi i I- d tint, in hi . jiiiiirnitiit, a litrgc niiij.ii ny of vntot w on h I ho Kivcn for thrm. Mr. t'h'isi' Ihm proceeded to illu'ii. the liaitiinore pliitlorm. mid cloe I thin point liy ask iiiR : ' Wliieli ot the plankH in our id aform do you want tain n out? Ho you want any ono shaved a i-liiglr pailu'le?; lot it Hturnl a Hi'. It le ml uu.i.i. l,ct ns miiin'iiitl it all." Ilo flirt hi r announced thtit he propo-ed noon to so to hi own M te in tlie Wuxt, there to aiivo irate the cauo ko dear to us all. On Su mday lu , S tiii',..r H. Wade, of Ohio, who united w th Mr . Dn-js, of M irylan I, in thu iicunnre of the cilelirntiil Wade Davit in imfcsto, deliverrd n political pt)i -M of great vigor and letiptb at Mcmivil'c, l'a. It whs a torritie uniult IHHjii the Ti'Miim head oollev. nlatlorin. anJ cm. dilute, mid a scjlhiiiK exposure of the iinoecility t i I MuOloilan's niil.tirv oirecr. Ho closed In ft lortinu' his aml'ince to "go homo at missions ; and lei even man,' e ii.l lie, "devote him- If to work for tne I'nion cause, and the greatest l iumpli rver awarded to a iiiulon will bo vour. Die country's, and mine." m:Kli vi. noon ivi)ii;vAT, i'ro I the Tt iVmie. Tho Iiehel Ueneral Hood cries out with indig. nation at the order of Ooueral ciUcrman sending on ay the few remaining Inhabitants from Atlaula. ;Uo say a it "transeeuds in studied and ingenious cruelty all acts ever before brought to my atten tion in the dark hitory of war." Hood havitu; been whinocd and out-uonoraled. Yyoow assumes the rolo of martyr. Like P irson fl Hatby, "pastor in .-aiil church in charge," ho un derstands the Importance of the "martyr," Tho ipretense is ingenious; the occasion is favorablo : Wl it will powerfully appeal to the sympathies of If Northern Copperheads against the barbarism of II Lincoln and his "butcher" generals; it will help ft! the election. ' nv. .i,n..i w-i... r....ii;..M .1, . ...... 1 I (- the Rebel generals and their army during tic. late campaign in (Jcorgia, the virtuously indignant attiiude of Hood i. ludicrous. No; Atlanta oulv, but every village, tow n, and ham N t nearly every house from King'dd to Atlanta win fcwrpt clean of it inhaiiituuts during the running fight into tiuoigii, by compulsory orders of tbe Kelicl genera is. Mo entreaties, no arguments suf ficed lor those who wished to remain by their iioines. They were denounced as Liuuolnitei and traitors if they dared to hint that they prctcrred their homes, mid tho risks of tbe Yankees' ad vent, to following thu f mines of the rcirc-tting ltcbcl army. If they persisted, their farms, Jiouscs, and barns were always stripped, making it impossible for them to live. The universal pretext for the outriigo was: "If we don't take your stock, your bacon, vour corn, the Yankees will get It." N' t an able-bodied white man or negro was left Ik hlud, trom Uiuzwd's Itoost to the Ctiuit hoocbee. For weeks beioie General Sherman reached Kcne.-an, und captured Marietta, tho whole of Middle (Jeoigia was densely populated by "rofu jrres" fnim loans aioug tho loute pursued by the two armies. He uen, Ciillioun, Adairsville, Itowe, Cartoiviilc, Kiugs on, Casvile, Uallas, AliUoon i, id finally Mariutta und Ailanta, wore swept as I.. .....I .. : '.it.i- B UlUUllli UIU UlUll OIIU WUIUUIl, 1UV11IIOS cripples, were ao ut the only human beings bcLlud, and these, iu nearly" every instance, to besuppiid with fiMd liy tbe uriuv com- wissaries to keep ihem from starvation. It was a part of their policy to cripple tho L'nion army by leaving this cluss to be fed out of its cum in issariat. Scorts of peoplo who concealed themselves to escape being envin lroin their'; that first persecution, tben threats, and finally force was used to compel i hem to tall back. This, of cotiiso, obligtd each family to carry with them most or all their provisions thus accomplishing sevi ral objfC's ot great importance to the Kebel leaders keepir g the people lroin boi ling any intercourse wnh the "Yanks, " and depriving our forces of any food, aid, or comfort from a resident population. They fjuud all towns, all farm houses along tho route swept und garnished by the Rebels bef. re ibey arrived. Thousands of people would have remained at their homes if they had be. n permitted to do so by the Rebel generuls in John-ton's army. Tbe same wholesale ex.jnl-lon of thn neonln iand negroes wasuirried out in Atlanta. Notnlng but tbe suddi n and unexpected evacuation of the place by Hood accounts for the larger number of families found here than at Marietta and oilier plnces. Hut they are cluelly the iamiiius of men who are in tho Rebel army, or who, from iear of compulsion, have gone South. It wouid no uuubi pease General Hood If General 8liermnn would no consent to feed this deserted and dt p ndent crowd, and permit them to remain where, as in hundreds of cases he ret o iore, they could bo made useful to him iu giving information of our army movements. General JShernmn understands this und acts accordingly. Nil Kill IIAXN YIC'I'OHYIXTIIK VAU.CT i'rem tif Timet. The clear supp'CMientary reports which Iwe publish this morning from our speciul corros- w jiuuuviiidiiuu uuin oinemi Buuries, SO lltr irom m detracting from tho importance of Sheridan's V victory, do but Illustrate tho carefully conceived plans, the matured purpose, the resolute action, and the matchless valor by which the national army achieved its triumph. Thu modest st ito mtntof Sheridan doo scant justieo to the bril liancy of thu achievement, but iu truth the story needs no coloring. In Us simplest untt baldest form, It supplies a record of skilful generalship, execuiive energy and decision, sach as will well comp, re with the most brilliant of tbe war. Kven tbe partial miscarriage (for in every grand engagement there will bd some iniscar riigs) ot one part of the commanding general's plan of action only brings into stroug:r relief the quickness of Ids perception, the wealth of bis resources as a tactician, and, above all, th it readiness of decision to which the foreiu jst of Knglish generals uttribmod his success. The Kim teehih turps sho ild have coin ) up with thu fiixth at Opi quau ciei k two hours earlier tn la it did. To uu lire'oltitu or purblind leader th hi two boers would have been fatal. To Mt.triiluii they brought inspiration. Hcsiga lug his first plan of striking out heavily wuh im lift on the exiieme righi lUuk of the euemv and netting in his rear a1 Winchester, he ordered as powerful a diver-ion as could be midit bvour cavalry on the enemv's li ft, between I) ukeivilla a ,and Hunker 11 ill. By this Karly was prevented .luui BiriKiug iiiu ivjmicu oixiu Willi SUIUieilt orce to turn those critical Hours to acc ount. jVrhe three corps (Wright's, Kmory's, and Crook's), iu spite of all the delay, were concen trated across the )peiuan iu ample time to hurl back the powerful Ibrce now thrown out from Karly's right, and thenceforward the tide, of vic tory lO'led on with uninterrupted success. How perfect in all its details, how far-reaching iu i s results, this tiiumnh ill prove to bo, we shall leurn anon. .Sheii Ian is not to allow the grass to grow under the feet of his army. The battle of Monday ended ul near sundown, and wearv, w orn as li s men must have been, they seem to have tula n up tbe line of inarch with scarce un hour's ,r, interval of repose. J!y ihree o'clock on Tuesday. Sheridan had f iutmed the retreating Rebels almost to Stras ourif. In spiie ol this vigorous pursuit, how ever, the looted armv. shattered and broken n it w,o and lelieved of most of its many iiicumbranc ;s, Would seem to have made suillcieiit use of its lc-s to avoid a secon l battle. The olllcial rep ut represents it ns altogether demoralised a la :t entirely appreciable when we read iu thu latest telegrams that seven of Karly's best Generals are either killed or put out of the lield. These generals include such names as ifiodus, Kaniseur, Gordon, Terry, Godwin, liiilhy Johnson, and l'it.hugli And along with t use there fell In lame or were captured of the Hebe rank and ill, not fewer than six tho isaud live htimlied. Jt is to premature to speculate us to the Imme diate Iruits which will iollow this decisive vic tory. Jt seems, however, that the Richmond press has tome foreshadowing! of wb it uitv shoilly eoiiio to pass fiom the of warning given to the p,p,; 0 Rh Umon 1 only two days btloie tho opening of the battle on Monday. lilt!. I M I.F, TO Itr.HKI. XKIWIKW. The following Is a copy of a letter sent to a Id In J ollicer (captain) In the Confederate Stales army, whilst a prisoner at Kort Delaware. It rxpliiins lt.-elf, and will do every man, either lojal or tiailor. good to read it. Its chancier is so marked that ihe oill ers eximiniiig letter," to pii-oiuTs relaliiicl the copy troin hirh this is tlllvt i, . Somhi ,Tuo!umiic County, California, July ''(). IS'11. My Nephew : Your letter ir.m tort Dcla wsre, tinted the 1-t-h ult.. is it n -reived, liy it I le. rn the mi mt triwcii icnc tidings th ii a in hrw of mice ha" sei v d iu the Rebel er ice si tuc the ii until it May, ;tiil. 1 inn aware that, hi the n''.v ol thirteen years, you went to the "Sonny South," as you term it, and there, no lb n 1 1 , have I iu hi In d tiit pre.iu lict s of tiiat trait ir Ihmi noi only Mi'iiin-t your kiiuln d, Ion agiiiit J oh I Gov 1 1 ii in i ni and Ins.'; and you w i itc to mu ill tl.l I Ol li s' tn Ol IK I ) il).s 1 1 ile, of I Ik' tunc ".iilcr i nr cm huiige," lenviim me thus to infer t'lat j mi ii.'t ni! to ri. turn to the scivicc of llvbels and t o ' hi w s. Yi u tell me that you arc " sulV rin .' (or the iMi--aras of 111'..." I till you frankly, sir, I don't bcl'i ve It. I am si iiihlc thai the R"ln Is whom )nu served have toiluicd to de ith tl cir pr-soi'.ors of war, by u irocess of slow starv ition fnd ixpo-iite, and rvin -ed ii degree ot inhu manity und cruelty nt which the b'oody sav.i,;e would blush toi shiiine. Hut, sir, your ivnrd ior It is i.ot stilliciciit to sa isly me that the Ke Jural Government, or its ministers, permit their pris oners of war to sillier lor tho lu'es-arti ' of lite. i on have lucu serving the wor.t cause in which man ever cncagi d since Go I created the In. mini race; and though you were inv son, in Mimd ol my lil'plien, I rtOllid bless Gjil for th, bullet lint', should piece your heart, and fills pimilwe jour arm. 'I here is a du r, sir, that cu'ry loyal man owes Ins country in this struggle owes bis God owes to millions yet unborn, that oven ides und towers above all the ties of blood and kindled in the mere present. '1 he luliiro of fire government on earth Is one of the miplity slakes, lo pcrptvu ite the glory and proi perliy of America is another. Let hut the accursed cause of Rebellion tiiunipli, and the great ami glorious Rc Hblic, that has shone among earth's rations with the exceeding brilliancy of that counties host ol stars that mark tho "milky w.iv" ns the brightest constellation in the sky, will have fallen to uprise no more, and lilnriy he sent away bowling iu sullering and allriglit from the lace of the earth. If you arc determined to servo on in surh a cause, never expert recognition or sympathy from me; lor If bell made a jubilee at ' the arrival of Judas, who Intiaycd the Saviour, or llenediet Arnold, w ho I Iracd his country, a much greater one will await the arrival of the slain Rebels of the South. Judas himsell w ill t ike a second place, mid even old Lucifer be half persuaded to yield his crown uud sceptre. 1 hope this letior may do you good. I write it with that aim. Grandfa ber, you say, has written you "a kind and most welcome letter." I know not what my poor old father may have done. Ho is eighty -two years old, hut ho is us lojal us President Lincoln, though as kind hearted hs a child. Hut lor me, justirf Is my motto, and that ficees in my veins every dropof kindred bliajd towards a Rebel. 1 never want to hear of you, or from you again alive, until you have reused to be a traitor to jour kindred and your country. I see that your lias stumped up m the envelope, 'prisoner's letter examined ;" and if Its contents induced its examiners to believe that you bad an uncle who sy mpavln.ed with traitors, I hope they w ill examine uos also, and le irn and immune to me their error, and the receipt of this Ictler. which 1 leave at their disposal. With deep moitilicaiiou, I subscribe myself vour uncle, (Signed) J, N. S. V. S Your "sense of duty" that prompted your letter, 1 must say, has been long in getting aroused, some seventeen years. It is the first let tir, in laet, you have ever written to me sincoyou run away in that clandestine manner, which lelt j our then aged grandfather, by whom you had alwuys been petied more than his own children, in the deepest solicitude und concern about you for u long period of time. Y. air manhood is truly but an lamest of the ungrateful boy. Tho boy to bis kindred the man to bis country. J. N. S. Thk MiHsiosAiitKS of the Rhenish Missionary Society in Sumatra, it is said, have penetrated into legions wheio previously no Kur.ipeau f.iot had ever tiod. They have addressed assemblies of 7h)U men und women. Their appearance and priucbing piodu ed great commotion in the thickly peopled valley of tho mountainous country. Amono the Zulu Kalllrsof Netal, South Africa, fathers sell tbelr daughters for wives to tho man who otitis for them tho largest number of thu fullest cows. Tuciity-five years since, a girl was sold for eight or ten cows; tbe prices has now doubled. A petition has been presented to the governor i f the colony, looking to the abolish ment oi this custom. WANTsT y A IV T 11 i THE HUMANE AND BENEVOLENT To kiu'W that the "Working Women's Eelief Aesociatiou," No. ".Ui AKCII MTUKUT, Idis (.pned a UKMlHTltY OKI- ICC, where nil wnmenonl of entiiVvmpnt may find ItuuUoui, fref of clmro, und w lire famine drMitiv itTon ft r buuic-hold service tan obUin all kind ol Baitiitaa'it,from a (Ji.vtjrneiHto a Wuh woa.tin, upon the payment of a uiuuli fee. Tim patronage t (Le Dc-ntvolt nt It ntttciilarly aolkited for ibh Ai. rela tion, wtildi pnpn(!i rather to Iieip wttrann to he p tlieia Bt lvt tt an to make them uIi.ccih of cliarlt j A work room liatt btt'D tipt iud, where ai k'tul ot tautily and kwi tliMiier's sevtlnK wil be proiupily aict neatly executed at a iiKHttraU' price; tlie v hole proflt pf the work, tl go Into UielmnaNoi thoM' pe.iormluM it fit f ANT I) AT UIK NAVAL OKDN'ANOK TT aid. 'aohinNtiin, l (' , twenty llrt clam l-'IN-1HHJ-.KS. Whwi'n. :; : r daj. Ai'piKMttniiii ii ay bt intitf to I.ifiitwiiHrit (.'oniinnnder W. N. JKFh KhH. ai ihe an), hy letter or ia perou,tat I nit' hut Hi tcinsn vtrkini it H'ul mh Ii a d not c'anu t'Kf'iii) troii iiiini mllkiary ttTvh e on account of ttlliMiittto, un ii apply. if A. WISE, Clifef of linn in f Ordnanre, ! 1 Pit Nnvy lit-psirtiiieiit. FOh SALE: AND TO LET. jey ton SAi.E.-y vi.Ouo wokth in good jLlloussi, Ispi.'mhiu1 .uiall, un term, la suit purolisiisr.. t'Uiiiir wall in wtilmut liieH.iu.rsni-.i., for eauh sua sixi irsil". Iii.iir. i.r, from in tit 1'J u oli.ek A. M ., TIIOH. M. PLOWMAN, Nu. Jin H. t Ul'ttTU Hlrsat. MILHAHY (VOllCt5 I 250 MLN WANTED TO HI.L THK III (l A Of HIE TKNTII WAitlt. II 1 1. est 11. cm y I'. lil. A .ply tu A. II. KltANCIHOUS, K.i. .11 ! UAHKKT STKKKT. IlKAlxn'Alt IKUS I'ltOVOST MAR hl. Kl-H M.lriel. l a , Nu. 44 8. TlllKU Htreal, l'liliaii'lililn, Ani .1 1 1. 1-j I. To Iiiiur- .r..iunl r...ll.-ii lu nil uiiesttoni on ordfmiri suli.ieit euuiicclcil ulili tlui Kuruliiii iit, lirait, KiiHiiiii. lion. I Ul.lieies tu lir.ill. I'm.lus aii.l Aucuiiii. ul' men liiri.Ulii il, rilix. ti Hf i''iiic-li..i tu iii.ik.. aiilli-. tli.n to tlie Truvuhl .Mar. ul llai ( '..l.ri..luusl llntlrua fur such liuonuriiioii, sti.l itul lu His Fruvua Mar.lml.llouiual a asiiilsi..u. II) order or the I'rmiMi Mur-iitl llnr.ral. III Ull K LKIIMAV, ul'.'-tl ('iiutii una t'ruvu-l Murslisl. fliOlNTY l'OR MAKIXKS. WANTKD t'nr tlm ruin-it Slate Murine l -r., men lu iierluriu the do'it-s i.l a suluisr st Navy Varus, snu .a Luaril tinted Nlaiea aliiiul-war uu turcaru ktiiliuliH. lei in uf ht Ut, Vt.ur Year. luih-r cuinpeiisatluii Oian tlic snny. ALL THE LOLAI. IIOI .M IKS paid ui.on eiillatinfnt. Murine, ri'i . l 1'ile ler all further iiirurinati.'a s..)y at tlis Kejrulttni Ksudoveuti, So. ill s. Kin ivr Htrevt, Inlaw Sj.riice street, bstutt d uic l.uiii a ul II auil u u.u. K. o. n. M' c vwr.KY, a"''-if IfSanr and It.-nilliiai ' 'il.cer. 1,' L Jt L t) I' (i H F V II L O uUTlT. J r i ic. ul1'. isji ni. in i.ii, 1 Llil.ljl toft- l l;LOL'i. us. t'it:n r- .uu! M.lOii rs i-itlus oi.' i Itv ,n Pirloiut.'j, n -e.lina V'Jltl s ANU iiTHI.II M I Ull AIU t .III'MI-A rs. Bttt'llliB A. NU OT II hit MII.I'I'IKV K.Jt 1 I'M i;N I M, Are in vil ivl l. llu- ei.-iil ,. MINI IAITI lilS-l I'.SIAIII.HIIMKNT JI1M IAI I I HIMI KSI'AIIUSIIMKNr i mrin in w. himiins x, btolli.K W. KI.MUNS .t IlllllTiltli. KNsil. .snil.Kr IIAI.L. S l VMIM VI 'KM. ' N AM., IMNfiiiM duvet, uhiivu simu Slreet. 1'hKSKN TA I ION SWdBlls I'HIJsIM AIION SW)ltli-l V ufe le onleriil ihe ahuriosi nuiiee, which lur rl.'line. ,iuit iiiianiiu. ii. e ci..illeiiu.i nu u'h.-r fiuuae iu ll a eeunlry ...uiliiiilnu il.o ,l VM'l'AUI'tlKi.Ml JKV'i;l I It ITH Tilt; l'KAl TIl'AL SWellU MlKl:K. ,u tAKl'ETS, MATTINGS, OILCLOTHS ANU J Wlinluw tfli.ul.i, from Kew V irk Anetlore aalei, ItllKlilly '.) Maiiuill. out llnliiii, wlili., tl- f 1 k't.H'W uu 1 7 . 5 li.Uuii.iii'li, (i i,,te,l i i, wiUe,7n, ho and llu cenli i i-l, u I ,oi, j ,,ri.ur. Is'iialo .rli' ; ltiiailal I'uriieia. fll? iu per unl ; liuruln, Iruiu .'Kl etjiita to ti l:.".; Venetian, Hiu-, a.iii lleuii, from oli tu ,o ciuts .er Ma'llna, tlia lureat Sbaertnjeiit iver otler. U In I'aila.leli.lna, Cium ..TU l..7iienl.a yuiu, at tl.a New le k Auetlun Mulna ue. ut, (li.rinerly sielliluw'a,) No. In ,. ski !o.nii diruat, in.t iluor siiuvs Wsliiut, upiHMiut t an KiUmuue. )l-"Ul SILK AND DRY GOODS JOBBERS. 'i;W l(i:-s(rj (iOODH I HOM AUCTION. VAIIDH SAXONY WOVEN DRESS OOODS, t .jl;.iis'l:t Hi- In.'! el" ut-woot riM:. rAHvi:nv:. M I. '"0I. HI. I I Nil TOIL 1)1' NOIlI). M t, WOOL I'll. t. IV! SCIin ll PI.AI!) CIIALl.V. AI I, WOOL Hl.I.IMI T.MITAH I'l AI J CIIAI.l Y. BATIS-t.Kut'Ml l.MIISil AMI SI'l.r.NI'Ul ( nl.oiis. HA1 IN lllfOI Sf I. 14M Nil, -i ijTl II TA1 TI HM-I, t 1: 1.1' I. ;. HCnTl II l'I.AM 1 I.AMA-. IIKAOIU'UI, UNION lilKCKii. I'.I.AI TH I'L r.KHCY fSI'JN Clll.f'Ks. l'rl.r nf tl.e aN.'Vs rtiiirf.- fr."ii . enf'. iipwai.1., Kiel the tuek rmnprlie. Ilii IIEST A NO MOST VAK1LD AS.-OllTSIEN T WE l. l.K OH EKED. CUE WEN BTODDART & BROTHER, Nue. 130, tni. ami I'll K. SKCJN'l) SritKKT, ! '.'l- lf Almo. W UInw, FALL, HTOCIt FALL, lHO-i. )0H IX STORK. I iho i. EDMUND YARD & CO., Nos. G17 Obesnut and 614 Jayne Streets. IMl'Oltlr.ltS AM JOIIItP.ltS OF SILKS MB FANCY DRY GOODS, SHAWLS, LINKNS, AND VV1 1 1'l'K GOODS. I.AKOK AND HANnsOMK. STOCK 01'' nilKSS ROODS. H I.L LINK Of FOHKION AND DOMESTIC IIALMOUAIiH, iia.i disu saW-Jra 11BUNKKH AND OT11K11 MAICKS. P HCH UJJ1,L1 HIM ANN iSc CO. NO. '4.1 N. F.H.IITII STIIKKT, riiiLAHKi.riiiA, WuiiM luviio tlie attention uf buyers to their utock sf FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, Which they have now open at le. than marhot pilcn. llnriAiiie In Itnxtie, lllauket, anil .Stella ShawN, Ores Ois.dst h tirnlehing tiuuds. Men nn.l lluys' Wear, Ac. ,Vc. 1VHOLK8ALE AM) ItKTAIL, AT N. KIlillTIi BTItKET. 9-l7-t IIUI t I1KSNUT HHir.Kf. 1 1 Jit o n i :i 1 1 r, L A C E S , NYIIITN GOODS, VEIL S. n a in i) rciaiici r 1 1 : vh. E. M. NEEDLES. lU'JI CHhHNUT WTit'KK r. Hi a . H li UN NO U I H K I I I- Wt refund the money, If de.lred, for every lot of Shirts which fall lo any reapect. FINK BHIKTH, CUT LENOTHWISK OF MUSI.IN. tlade ot Nrw Tork Mill. Mu.lln, and very fine Lines Boaonis. Only M-T3. U.unl price 10-00. Wllllaunvllle Mills Mu.lln, and fine Llnon Bo.ornj, Only H -50. lnual prlee ID-AO. GF.NTLEMKN'S FUUNISlIINa GOODS. HMITH t JACOIW, myt-m Jfo. ClIKHNUT Htreet, QARPETS! CARPETS ! ! CARPETS ! ! I Olof ing out Late Importations 20 Per Cent. Less tban Present Gold Rates. I RKNCH AM) KNOLISH A. MINS I Kltft. W1LT0.N8, Or KKTIItK KLW rATTKHKS, VKLV1.TS AN1I TAl'KSTIIIKS, Wide Quod., Willi s Urgo a.sortiueiii of TIIHKK-I'I.T AMI INIIKA1N CA'II'KTS. NEW VENETIANS, FAT.ATI NK, AND KAMASK MAKE UltlldUKTTS. WKI.L-8KAH0NLU OIL CLOTHS!, Ac, Ac. .IAMKM II. Oil N 1:2 CO., Nu. 'io ciniHNi r .sritijrr, 17 H Itel.iw Seventh. M. .1 O N K H 1 I KI.F.IIHA 1 1.0 NE PLUS ULTRA SKIRTS ! ! KVKKV SKlItT WAIIIIANri.:l AMI Kl:l"f INOBIll:il MIA HON Ills, FllKK Ol'' ClIAUr;K. SOI. I) ONI.V AT Ho 17 N. LIGHTII STRDCT, ('.'V r 1'artriilt- u Tiliiimlnjf; Siuie.) NoNl". fi l'N l' I N K I'NI.RSS OUU NAM K AM) NUMBKR 1H STAMIT.I) ITON THK WAISTUANU. KXTttA LKNOTH SK IltTH. ami wllli anv nle w.iist, nuile iu i-rdtT at Die ftin,rt"i n.i.' f. 01 h fiKIKTS M Kl)F4 0 Kit ASH irUI'AIKUD, VICS A.H rim.imhX H skiIM'M, m' all .m.l "0l -, k.-jiiiiamly i-ii limn!. 'i-jl it,, i!iiO IIO(Jl SKIKIS IfOO U--O MuMii'iuinr, No. Altrii str - f. UU Af'i'VO N.XItl Httfrl't, I'iuiti.i.'Ji. iia, Wiioletlt? and IN-'ail. riimiicn IIKi' skirl in tim ntv, in t vory rinptjit i.rit- ,nl,lli r.T-tvie, tniMi, uur,ibji;ty, .unl ciuai.taf . hiviM;n ti.Uiil in tl.t' uiiirkt't. hltuii uiavlts to jrJt.r1.Ut;f mJ, .iml r t i.irfd . Iv4 ly WM, T. UOI'KINS. T76TATK ) ANDKKW COMSl'OCK. M.D., '!tTf Tciam1 nt.irv upmi tho esr.itu nf AVDUKW n s mcK. M. iI.'-mn( (i, Imvirij.' liven ifrat.tij I tu t to liiMerMpiM.. .ill raons imlt tiicil t .Uti I'st ut urc ru- rt.e-.tfri. t'tDinkc (nyiin-fit, mill t h; f,.ivmi; c I, linn .1.11 mt 1 .t' s.lhi-', In lit Iliilil, ilcluy, t.i J.MIll,l M AltHiH. Km" ut. r, N. 1 U S in 11 sir- et. Orto I Aifurntv. I'AVIH M. HAMI-I.t-'IUN, .u..u N. M; sire;!, ri iliidt ij'hi.1. u l,-,.ti,,,t I ; ST AT K Of bOl'HIA G. IlKlTjriTT0N7l)K- 1 i ChAHKH. Ilia Ami Jt"r ap''lnl'tl lv tho Orphans' ("mire inrtltp Ci'y mid C'liituiv 01 ffiiin-i l'ln. 10 Hint:t. h'-'tle, ami iMhiift the first ! unt n (H'ouiiK Jt'NKIS, Jr., K-11 Km i-ut'.r tif the htsi iil iiml Uat.uiitm m 4 Piii j HKItl-.KTt'M, dec M.ii .l, ami to uitki- ilKtrli' itimi n i!i, huluiMi' In the hMiitht nt the avomiUiit, win m ,-t tin pitriun luttrt ti J ir tho itn)o,n of m-j nti..iiiria-nt ..n 'I ui'Mlay. 11, inlu r -I. Istil, ut I uvlti"k I'. l m MI Mtilt'e, Nu, 717 Walnut stl'tol, lu the ' ity m I'iiHadfl ihtd. RETAIL DRY GOODS. JliW MOUUININU MTOllE. FALL STOCK. An l.lfuttn! AaNortnipiit MESS GOODB, CLOAKS. MrAWI.S, MANII.KS, AMI MOI'llMIMl MILIINIOIIV. THF ATTKMOS OF THK I.AUIEJ IS HOIK'ITIMI M. .V A. M V V.HK A CO., n .. tun ciiKHxrr htkkk f. jjiiArsi oii:iNiivct( '!" Till. M.W ANI MAUNIftCgNT STOUT ill' JOHN LOUTEY & CO., Wo. ill ft. 131011TH HTUKl'.T, on MONDAY, HKI'TKMUKl! Hi, Wh 're ill l.e I '.;nd tuo.l lieautij'u; amorttu.' it -r DEY GOODS, CLOAKH. A.IN1 HIIAWLS, im rut. cm. We t'.ave ant Op-111 id 1000 l-i.-oi-M fILKH, I'LAfS AND KANl V. r-00 ri...-c MhltlNOKH, I'l.AIH AND HOI'BKH. n.'.O Pi - FRKNOIt iter ani noi Hi.i.. JOO li.'.'- WOOL IK I ,AIN H, I'onble and MlugU) Wkllv, 1' and I'lsur-tl. ISO Ti,.-.- MOIIMR ALPACA, rinln and Klaurcl. 100 Pi( t... KNOL.ISH MERINOES, A In. lane "toek of I'ancy amt 8U.le D 11 1". S S OOODS. .'llin jjUArI li.?INCl Of FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS. WATKINK iV- OO., On Ihe N. 1'. Corner of NIM H and CIIKRUV, bo tn in foim tlielr I.ady fhendi. Itint tticy have now ready TllKIIt MAMMOTH A.SSOIITMKNT Of every vsrletjr f style and Quality of Tall and Wiuter Cloaks for 18G4. Our atoek rclU1ftca aa tarne an AHHOrtmetit and n itresl a vnrlely aacunbe round 111 tbe of all thu CLOAK. STOHL8 t'OMIIl Mill. Oil! MOITO AS OK OLt: "bmam, rnorrrs andlakoe sai.ks." ( ur ltei'UtiiUi ti W.tIJ Wide a. THK I'llKAl'KST CI.AK HTOKB IN THE CI TV! Our Quality of Workmanship. THF. riM'.ST MANI l ACI'LBKD IN THK CITY! Lillle or 110 Advance on In.t yeiir's uiioe. l- SriXl l. Ndl'ICK. Iu roraeriirenre .t tl.e anrre" atfendliift our Hy..tein of poi.xi.i. ri.nrun, rum More, iiave, niu.liriM.ui-llke, Fl'rui up nil ri-oiul u. : but. I.Hillen. lie mire yi.u iret In tt.e riKhi nlaec, anil look for llin iiiiuio ft. well .-I. the feign of UIK CIIISAI'KHT t'LOAK HTOIIK IN TIIK CITY. D. NYA'l'lvlNH it CO., S-LMlllliilit N. K. Cor. of NINTH and CHKKItT. AND MANTIbLA Manufactory, and Sliawl Emporium, N. V. Coiucr AliClI uhJ TKNTII 6TRKETS, riiiLAniLviiiA. S. WELSH A- CO., Where you enn Bee a Rili ndld A.rortinent of th CHOICEST NOVEl.TIKS, Where you ran net the belt MiuiufUctuied Carni.'uttf, arid tiere you can iroeure the (.KN'llNK W ST Kit 1'KOnF CLOAK. At lbs I.ONVKST 1'ltIOKS. Ladle, will find ft to their li.erent to purclm.4 their ('leak, und Hi.awla at thli. L.tuoliiimeiit. V-IW-tull-'.'ai H. WKLHH M (10. J UOlvlNU-tiliAHH AND I'ICTLKK FRAME MANLI ACTOUY. VM. II. MOliOAN, ko. WH N. NIMH STIIKKT, Oilt Ovr.l lliolcHli"p)i 1'raiiiH aelO-llrn CONSTANT I V ON II AND. lUvlriK bought luost of my BittcrlnU tre'ore tlie lute great rite, I em enabled to fl r my stork uf F1KST-CLASS KUKNTITRK At ft fcBall ftdvfttico on old jrlc". I. I.UT, aelO Uin Kd. ltl S. KLUVKN'TII KTKKKT. jUAV OAMU OP t'AHIM. TB'E NEW MUSICAL CARDS (Patronli'd hv the Itr.val Famlty of Kuuland), are ent bv pom tor TIIKfcK IU. I I. A l M. 'I Lev are a m.Ml a.ii.i.ius l.amiiuf, suil iiiavti tubKalTiuM)iUK-kor tha i any other method. "A nio.t liiterewtliigand clever iirae " Thn-1.. "Ailnilruh y aduled for t. aehins Muaical iiiue." Iltu. trntcd Ignition heiH. Addrraa A. JOC K, No. II.' W. THIltTY-SlXTII Slr ist, New York. au.' l lin ARMIAL'S SALK HY Villi i'K UK A Writ of Hale, by the Hon. J.. hn l ..d -l-idi r, .lulp of the liintrlet Court of tbe liiii'ed Hm.i. in a.nli'.ir the Kaiern Iii.iri.-toi reniiii.liinU. In A.liulriillv, to nu .II reeled, n 111 be .old at public ale to ihe J a i -r . i 1. 1 and hn.t buhler. for ea.h, al Si H II Kl.KK'.S .H OICK. No. II.' N. Uto NT street, 00 MONDAY, neitea.her JU. IV oeleck M..the caio ol the nteaiu. r "Lillian," en. i.tlnv of l -l hale, i.l eellou i ulto, .'.ij bale, ol ctlou, thu Curr4 ol vemei tinknevtu. WILLIAM Mll.LWAltD, C. S. .Marshal K. K.of I'i'iiiia. Full Al.l-.l .I'llIA, r'i ptf.lllitr 111, INrl. Mi.'1'J-lllt JA M 12 H II A H II E H'H nilriLKHAI.E AND UkTAlL CLOCK KHTARLIHIIMKNT, E.ccni.r BKCOND and I'HKhNlT Htreeta. Fbiiad's. aoi.m y fos inn tatknt EtJl'ALIZI.Ml TIIIItTY-l)AY CLOCKS, Avery d. .liable article for Churchei, Hotel., Banki, Ct'iii.tinil-Hi.iise, I'hrk.rN, Ac. Alb", MAM 1 M Tl It I'K OF FINK OOI.D FKNS. f L'll Ktl KKI'AIKKU AM) WAfiKVNItLl. Jall-ly l:'loek TriiuuiliiK' ofe'ry docriptlun. "'M. A. RII AY, X. 10. CORN Kit OK filXTB Vf am I MINI iK Hlr.els, Imj s Uuiuoiid., WalcliL., Oual, HUvt-r, ami l.ouu Ticket.. JUOMi IN WANT OK MONEY O.UA. AH l u.'ilf.s cenilitei.thiL lull flm DU-MOVAL J. MEII'.H & IIUOTHKR, MERCHANT TAILORS, Have ri move.l tv in Vo. l-'l N. Seci.ud street to the 8. B. lormrof SKC0NH and A UfH Street., where they have in hand l kovd tuck ol I'lA) rilS, CASI HliUtS, and VKHTINI1H. auJO-lio Alio, a .ph niliil am.rlin. nlnf ready made I'Loi'lUNO. "1 ) V. M O V A 1,. THOM YS M. PLOWMAN, Ii l ' ItulMcr, ha re ve.l hi. nhop noin .Si. tl Mlinn beriy lrccl lo N... . I'.' I'All 1' KB Slreel.ud inlliliu' Iho Old i' Ollke llu I.l in-'. ll.lMlu; lilrin.iM-d Mi liiili'n lur crtrrvliiK on tin- hunt'ic. e(eii.ivcly, ho h pu. lu :o 'lirv s .iidio ol 'public pair nae. jel ,MWA Jll 1. ttlOLL-Y, JOHN KKLLV, TAILOHH, Nd. ui'j cni:sNtiT HTKiiirr, Hie received their FALL STTLKS, and Iarj;e elivk of FAI L and W OO0IH, l,.. ln.llni choice AMKM CAS uoODft, all twiifiit before the ru-s In prleM.whleh thev wl.l make up In tlie belt I'yte at moderate price.. TF.kMH-KKT t AHII. ae7-lia 2)IIlL,AIKIJa'llIA WALL PAPERS. IIONN M1,K A r.OHUKK, n. t . cjknh; FOUSTH AND MARKET STREETS, MAN! II A( IL'ltF.ltS OF 1'APKR 11 A N 0 I N 0 S ini. i'li-lat VIlNlOW HIIADKH. J) .1. WIIiLIAMH, No, 10 N. SIXTH BTEEET, &f anufactun of VKNKT1AN lllilNDH AMI V I IN I) O AV Hit AI) 12 H. Th l argest and Flneet Ae.i'rtniciit In the city, at the LOWEST riUCKS. IlKl'AIHIMI ATTKNIil'.D TO l'UOMPTLY. 8101IF. 8IIA1F. M AlK AND LKTTKRKD. sell ,a x o t r" o ii UNITKD STATUS It K V Ii N V Ii AND l'OHTAOF. STA MI'S, FOR TUB MIIHll.K AND WESTERN HTATLS, No. 304 CHESNUT STBEET, PLiladelpbia. Unltt-d Slat ci Io.tiv.e Htam,i Aold wl Mtlo-jjile ftiid rtatl. Two peroont- dlncount allirwed on ell nalea fruiu Kh e t Twenty 11, n; Three ov cut. on Tnt Uollur aad tpvrtvrdi. All ortlera should b lent to JKS1KU II A HI )I NCI, Collector of First District, No. 301 ClIKHNUT .street, FhlladelphU. "JNITi;i) STATKS INTERNAL REVENUE. Mrt Collect ton IXttrUd of rMinyh anla, rouia.rl8ln the fcecoml, Third, Fourth, Fifth, . sixth, and Klevi ntli WardJ of the City of Philadelphia, NOTICK. The Animal Anieanment for lWi, fur the abovo-named Di.-ftilct, of per.sciii lljible to a te on CarrloKes I'loanure 1 adits, lttlliiird Tnlites.nnd (iold and Hllvur Plate, and a1o of persons rriulrt'd to takeout LioetmcB, harlng beea cotni)p!el, NOTICK I HKUERV ClIVKtT, That the Taxes afuronaid will be ricelved tfallyhythe undemigned, between the hour, ot 9 A.M. and :i P.M., (rii.mlii)i exceptt d.) at the Oillce, No. 301 CUUSNUT Htreet. orrnd floor, on and after Till' HSU A V, Heplember l.fliid tuitu and Including 8ATtUlAV, bepteoiUor 21, on suing. TKNALT1K8. All pot-hon who fall to pay tl.elr Ajinual Tuxos upon oar rlM;ot,pkeiur. yuchis, billiard tahien.ffoldand nil ver plate, on or bt tbre the 'Ith day of Heptemher, lHtil, will tuoura penalty or ten percentuiu ivlditlonal of the amouut thereof, and be liable to costs, ai provided for In tho IDih Section ot the ExcUe Law of July I, All per.soni who Id like nianuor Kali fall to take out their llf fU8en, a roRtilated by law, on or before the MtU da) ol Htpteniber, Istjf, will Incur a pinaLty of ten par C'-ntuta otUUtlonal ot tho an to tint thereof, and bo iub)oct to a probecutlou for three times the union nt of said tax. In accordance with the provlkiuni of the M'tli iecUia of Ui Uw aiorenald. All payment! are required to bemad 1 InTreainry Notes, under authority of the United Staton, or ta notna of Itanka orKaiiltd tinder the act to provide National Currency, known aa Nhtii'inl Itanka. NO rbKTIlKK NOTICK WILL HP. OrVKS. JKHl'KH I!AltIIN(i, Coltector, $ : ilt So. OOI UIKftXUT Htroet. u N I T K I) H T A T 11 H 7-30 LOAN. I lie 8ec. ci.rx of the Treaenrr glree police that sub crl. Hod. will be received far Coiipoi Treuure HoUie, p.jal.le three er. rrum Auxu.t IS, I BUI, wllh .erul-.a-nusl Interest at the rate of aeren sad ihrM-tenth. per ut. per sniiiiu, prlnclfial and Internet Iwlh to fee paid Is lawful mutiey. Three n In will be con ertlble st th. option ot th hiiklir, .1 uiaturity, Into tlx percent, gold beerlns bondi, paj able not leae Uian five nor more than twenljr year. Irom tlielr dale... Ihe fluveri.nunt may elect. Tuey will be iahued In di'numlnatli.n. of f H, f m, Kn, and :hXki, and sll iib.crlpflon. niu.l be for tUXy dellwe or ...rue nmltlplc of fifty dullari. A. the not.e draw Inurert from Augnit li, peraoai Disking di'ponlt. tub.iMiueiit to that date tnu.t pay th inttirct arcrncd fiiui date of note to date of depoett. I'artlt'. d.piielllni! twrmy-nve thou.aud doBari and upward, lor tlie.e note, at any one time will be allowed s ci.miuli.slon of ne.qiiartiirof one pi'roent. SI'IiCIAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN. It in . National Havim... IlANK.otriTliiga lilither rat of Interi-Kl than any oilier, and ttf I'CH ttctirity. Any auviniiH bank w hli h pay. ll. In 1'nlted Stt... Note. cuUKlder. that It I. pnylng lu the htet cJrculatlita uirdlmii of tlie eiMintry, and It cannot pay Iu anything h.iKT, fi.r 11. invii uaiii'ti. an .UIut In ilnvurniiii'iit eiHjurl tli. i.r In nuien or Uimls puyaiitc in i loveriiuiunt paper. CON VEHTIBLK INTO A SIX PEIt CKNT. 5-21) (JOI.I) HON I). In aiMIHnu to the vury liberal Uilvrcet on tho notes fur three yiure, thla prlvlU,e uf converaluu la now w.irta. alniiit tlir... per I'eiit. per aumiHi.ior the current ratu for .Vil) Itnud. I. nut Wuh th.iu nine fiir cent, premium, and the war tht' preniluru uu lx pi-r cut. I'uittd Hiatus Mlu.'lu Wim ovi-r tlsriily piT cent, ft will lie .ui n that Uio Mclual prltt t-n thl. Iiiiiii, ut thu pi'ieiil uiiirket rule, ll not le. than ten per iht. per aunntii, ITS KXEMFTION 1'UUM STATE OR MU NICIl'AL TAXATION. ' Hut luhle irnni all the a.vant.iBijH p have riiHineMted, a special Ai t of Convri.i c.nmi.tiuUl"mts and 1'i tnmri) noie.i ivm toml Uu ntiun. On the average, thla exemp tion i. wurtli about tw.i per cent, per annum, accor Jing to the ruto ol'titxatlon lu varimi. part, ol the country. It la believed that nu .eciii ille. oiler m liiduca uienU lo leuders a. ttie Inhu. d by tho ilnyernuient. Id all forma of Itidebtflne... th. faith or ability of pi Ivule part lea, or .toek compaiilee, or eii',ile couiiuunl tlea, only, I. pledged fir payment, wlillo th. whole pro perly of tho country la held to .eture tl.o dl.ehargo of ull the obligation, ol tl.e United HUtce. Hi Hii'in.N.wii.L nu Huinvi-D by th iTreaiurer of tho United Hlate., at Wattilnglin, Uie acvaral Anslstaiit Trea.uiere mid deik'iiled bepoiltaxiea, and by lh rillST NATIONAL HANK OK HIII.AHK.I.eill A, PA., Bl.i-UAli fl.v i n'KAl. ll.K UKPUILAUKL1MIIA. PA.. Tlllltl) NATMKAL BANK OK IMIILAHKI.INIIA, Pi., KOI )( 'I'll NATIONAL ll.VNKOr PIllLAIlKf.l'HIA. I'A., Hy all National bank, which are depo.lliuiei of publio money ; and f'l. is ALL HL-srECTAHLE BANKS AND BANKCItH Tliroiii.l'Ut th. country will glv. further Inioruution and AirOKDtVKKY rACILi l'T TO BUBSt'ltlUliltU. FINANCIAL. JIIW LOAN or IHHI. THK BAI.ANCK OK TIIK $75,000,000 LOAN Illru thJji day hen aw arJM. ai.d our btdi prorlna iuo roAiituI, f prepared to to cutm(r. at once la Ur.jv or sir all annit, any am unit thla mit ditrDle GOLD SIX PER CENT. LOAN AT THK MARKET HUCK. WjkiaT.? alwija coni:'erf t ttieie IlONhS aiths LOAN OX TIIH MARKET. There l but aflMsll.T. A MOT NT TOtt BALE, and th premium til, In our o iddd, advance rabidly, rarlei havfna fi-'-JO LOAN w.MIto call aid KxciiAMHK thur 5 0 a ft!(ltr Pl'.ltM A NKN T LOAN. Crtpeclatly a now, owlnf tothe (tflnnan dftaand ftr t v e-twentlet, a hlh rate can Im ob!!neJ r thni. JAY UOOKK & CO., N lit . TlllltU fiTHF-KT, F IltHa NATIONAL. 1SANK. FIN'ANCIAX AUKXT or TIIH UNIT K 1) H T A T H . V. M. HIXKH 1WH1. Itimil of this vary de.lrable Ljau on hand and for tal atlhle BANK. 7 3-10th BOTES, Of all denomination, an In auy amount, cositautly on banl. 1 O - 1 O LOAN AT TAB, INTEREST PAYA11LE IN COIN. Subecrllri liav. the i.rllleeof pajlns th. back Inle- ret from Heptetnlier 1 In United Htaua Note., addiiuj HO per cent prcnilum. Conve'aion ot 7 I 10th. jvor cent. Treaiury Note, to th. Loan ol ikil attended lo. All National Bank Notca recelred on depoilt at par. o. ir. or.Aiiic, l'ltr.811LNT. Morton RIoMlol.noI, Jr., CtolilH, ,L''1 (JOL1), GOLD, QULU, SILVEK AND BANK NOTES WANTED. DE HAVEN & BROTHER, sol-rf Mo HO H. TUTHTl gTHFFT. CLAliKBON & CO., JiANKKKH, No. 121 S. THIRD STREET, PIffLAlP,I.I'UIA. tlovtirniiirnt Semrllle. of all l.suea l'urehasnl and for Hale. Htocas, Bonl., and (Iold Bought and Hold on Com tnl.elon INTEKE8T ALLOWED ON DKPOHITS. Cutlectlon. Promptly Made. fe-' gMlTII k IIA.IS DOLIMI, No. 10 S. TIURD STREET, JIANKKIIS AND 1JUOKKKS. SlK'Clc.Htocki.Qiiartornia.ters' Voucher, mid Cheki.atid all (Jovcrnnu'nt Hecmltle. nought and fiold. mhls EW LOAN, NEW LOAN. U. S. 10-40s. JAV tOO IS. 13 Oc CO., Ol'KEK 1'Olt SALE THE NEW GOVEMMENT LOAN, IIKAH1NU riVK PEU CENT. INTKItKBT IN COIN", red.'eiuat le any time alter TEN tbeploaaur. of the Government, and payabl KOI1TK YEAItd aflor date. BOTH rOUl'ON AND ItEtllSTElIEU BONDS are Isaucd for thl. Loun, of a.m. d. nomination a. the -2ua. 1 he lutercet on t-Vi and $10U. payable yea ly i on all other denominations, half yearly. Th. 10-40 bond. sr. dated March 1, 114. Tlie half yearly Interest lallluudue Nepleniber 1 and March 1 of each year; .mil lat Septem-kM-, th. accrued luternt from I.t of March I. required to be paid by turcha.cra tn or In i.rual cuaatM Y,aild liutflfl) percent, fur premium, uutil furl her notice. ALL OTHElt OOVEltNMENT NKUUBITIES UOUtlllT AMI SOl.ll. JAY COOKE & CO,, BbS'l-tf No. lit H. Tfllltll STIIKKT. plldsK. HTKE1) A CO.. JSANKl'.KS, No. 30 S. THIRD ST R E E T, III V AMI NKI.L . fJIII.I), SILVER. A Nil GOVEBNMPNT SP.CI ftfTIF.S S T O O K S IIULIIIIT AN1I SOl.ll ON C0MMinV. 3 It tTOClvts AN 1 tsraCClllTIEi! 1101 OUT AND SOLD ON CO M MISSION, DE HAVLN & BROTHER, i i s. TlllKU si lt '. ET. o 1 L STOCKS HOI I.HT AN li 8HLII ON l:nMMI.-tlON, liy UUUHUK J. Bftvn, fln.ker, snlBt-2m Ho. IS H.TIIIltU Sireet. u O N E AV 7-30 LOAN, e Snb.i rl'tl..n received, and tho Note. funnelled ire. or all charge, by IIKOUIIE J. BOYD, Hanker, No. 18 S. TlllKU Mlreet. ji:oiu.ia H-rrriiH, ait., MASUrACTORINQ MACHINIST AND KNQINl'.Klt, s'.'7-Im No, li-'l N. Blli'Ovr) ST.. I'lilla.l. iplila. CTKAM II K ATI NU Foil "TaCTO 111 KS, Mill", Ac. Ileal. .) with ilireetor wuale .(cum. Also, colls I. r licitcr.,ri!nti,, ev.i.ornl'ri, tc. tel-lm SI. i ollLU AN, N i. SI N. SI.VTfl Street. BRIDESIIL'RO MACHINE WORKS, orHi E, No. bo N. Fit J.N T STKEET, i ' 1 1 1 1. A II I J I'llIA. We are preparcil to rill order, io any exlent Air oar well known .MAUIINKKV POIt rOTION AND WOOLEN MILLS, Ineli'iiiiiK all ren in imuioveureui. in caidiu.;, Hp.uai.ig, an.) VV'.'av iinr. We nu llu the attention of liianuiaeturei . to our t'il ll. e wuika. I ll AI.KhEII JENK8 A SOS. CUH'SIV'S TEA AVAKEUOCSE. ESl'.V- bJinhcd lu IWHI. Imp-irler ..nil Healer in r'uie l eiti,, s inc., and Lliiu.u a, Choice Havana I karn, Illaek I'lekle. and Sauees, Elig!l.h and Scotch Ale unit Purler. ' nod Meuta, Kruln. Soup, tc. Nuvy put up Vtiih eMie, Al No. Ill H. NEPONI) Stieet. I2 ly JOSUtA 11. COLSTV. PROPOSALS. AHMY CLOT HI NO ANI KQVIPAQB OHIce, TWhl.tTH and UtRAH AtrHi, IMiii.AitKi i'Ht a, Hrptembor I. IM. fleale4 rrrspnaala win ft rrrirrxl at rhie OfHca mntO Vi oolorlt M .. on MONDAY, UiC Jtnn. luitant, far Mippt Injr ihe fdtl Inv at(lh A run ( itrpn. iiivlKin, an Hriffade Klaff. flie ArnwUim and ie- fkntfnn of Hhich tan le eea at lb fa office, th'1 'inantl j rnntlrpd. jnrd ti'tn Flam.), array atandard. flamp4e r('tiir d. 1 l e tid IH pfat tlie nmniVr orauantlly of each kinJ , pfH"i",i. ti It (Jplivrrrd l-arhtiid mtii te unnratitrfd bv two reipitnthle pr rii, w li' .1 sina'tiri'M ntiini t- epp-ndoi to the narai ! t p. mtd ccrtltK d la binr od and -nnirint tcur'tf i'm ii v nin'-Miu iitv'iivfd, ny Hume pumir (nocciOnary m tt I'nHwJ 8atri. It f lit in tlHtiultln r ontfacfo', and thoe tliat dine fiMlj r.inM''y wlir- (li. rpi.uin mt ntt of this advif tU-meut. e- mi imi im- r 'iiriaiTi'n . j Kinvk f rmi rnr pn-p mil, einh'-arln the trmef the Riia unii ,. ,,tIrwj ,,,, PAi j, hi.i, ctt j, . i)4(t un Mpp j,. tttoa , t. till . f itlc1. ami H' nr oitwrt w hich d i not rmiirin thla , ntiis.Mi.tB W H lf rr.n-id.-ied. Norirlll any pro ionat lx I '"'"w h d- - aoi iritt.yconiarratotl.erequr. mritu tin'ieiu Hiaitil Mir-plif-; Mlh.g Uf partti ular artlcoi. and will be um-bru io Colnr,.! Af.KT. ,1. PltftRT, i.irtwir.nii . lieoaiimut, u. 8. Army f-TO r,t QUARTERMASTER'S OK KICK, Vim ,.i n i in. pa . hp,.n,br m 1il I di livi ry n tlie tuHuwniM d.-w.r.ln?l -tnvr f V v "i.O V.V Z" 1 ' No. , fff. Jft, ft He). IJ. .. No. axura Vk HflvM, with flVt.e ron.pwn rr No 7, v. No. h, Ui ho. M ko.0), o'u'pN ! Hiovii, rjvira larKet witU fiiiuiea P trie fchorteftt topuiiMr itme.aml iibret to In pec lea Hnfii. r to tiirnUti on of eaon r aa a aamule IU;1d..i.s HI aa(t- .rir. t.(h In writi.-n R'nd fmrtt nuinlxr of earh m'e hid for. and th tmrinat llmer' Muin-J tur tkitrtry. I'fkc to inemde box mi and ee livfrr KacfiMdm't be et'arafeM by two repnnilMft pr iti, whoMr HKiiatnn't mmiki d anpcniloft tn tne ruarantM, atui crrti ti'ul to a heiPK (,id and uttnient -tour it y for tlif ani' iiiit ifvvvfd l tl.i- I' nlted Statei litrtrt Ju'!t AttorncT.cirri.llrctor, or other puhllc ofllctr, othfrwi ihe hid wli) not be rnideird 1 lit-tUht l rcite rv-d to n-iiTt all bldi deemed too hkn. an. I nu bid from dffuultliig cntrartor wfU ht ra cclveit, Kor fnril"r Information, rail at the office, N. 1131 OIKAKIy Mrpit H order of f'olond A. J. Pen? . O'l'TtTmattrr'a fpart loent tl . A. (iKOK'UK tt. OliMK. H lft Ct Cajitaiti and A. i- M. QUAUTERM A8TER'S OFFICb I'Hti.Aimr phta, SfptorntwrS. IWM. HfiaW4 Vmrovalt ui b revived at tula offloe nnUl W"MaV. ii.tti ht-tant, at li orl.Kia M ., f..t ftirninhin ANIHHAi J1K HTHaMEK COAL tor the War IXtparV mnt, twr a pt(i of iUmon ht, commenoioe, lit Octatker, IH1V4. atdi duitf :tiat alan h . Itstyi. t oal to oe of the bnni quality anthracite, for tlif use of ateamnra, to weigh iwiniidii Ut ll.p t.rt, and to be in-joct to inapnotton The Coal is 10 bf (.ellwrod on board Teneeta In theportff of riiPmtviphia or Uw tork, In nuclt quantltl and at auch tmnn bh ma br reiittn d; fnrnlablBg, If demanded, seven tliutianr d tone per week. In caat ol lal.ure to uWIvit the Coal In proper qn entity, and at tbe proptT time and plHt, the (rovornatotit re-ai'ivt-B thp right to n.ake i;nod any denelnnry by purenaae at the osntrai tor a na a. id expnniv. the itrlce mailt Ktven aovaratoly for the Coal oltvrred onboard of vei . at thi- port and at New York, on the torau andoeia tlitl' na alM Ve elated. Twenty per rent, will be wUhh14 tr' tHthe amount of aH pa menta a.aita, which renerTa tion I not to be paid until tbe comrart ahull have ee fully coruplrted ravmrnts ot the re-aalnlng elhty jor cent, or halanre due, will be med mjuUsJ, wbeo Um .irtrttcnt In In fundi for tliat purpose. K.arti oCit mimt bn accorapHnieo by a wrltteii onaranfen, In tied by two or more roMponaible purrtoi (tlnUr reaponal bilit) tobu ctTilfled ar a Unltt'd Sttloa Jude, AUorney.or f'ollfctor), that the bidder or bidders will, if bJi or their bid be coo pied, enter Into written obi Nation, wltl gno4 and unirtt'Mt fill elicit, tn tha aiimofone hundred Uioti amid dollari, to furnlah the propoied auppllex. Vo prooe 1nn will be corinlitcmd unleita tbe term of itjlt adrtUMs Ui'-nt are rotiipHert with. 1 he rlwht la reirred to refect all the bid If considered to Im to the InttTi-at ot the ntn ice to do o. and uo bid ttwm adi iaultltiKrniitrnrtor will be rtHM'lTt-d. rroposali to be nd'K.ed "Propoaala for Coal fbr thtf War Dihrttnent," and luhtrenst! te the iindttrilgniKt, lij order of Colonel A.J. IVrry, Quart ennaitor'a lwr-mt-nt.lMS.A. (.KOKUf, H. OKMK, act--17 1 Captaiu and A. (4. f. QU A RI K K MAST EK - G E N E R A.7s"o FFICK Klrat MvUkm. - v Wasiiinotok CtTT, AugoJl, 1881 1 Horme.h: houhks! i hokhksiA 4 Korkea auitable tor Artl lery and Cavai7 rwtyt be pun lmard t (ilKrtHOKO Dtt'OT, tnouen marltefc Uort-tH will be delivered to Captain L Lowry MqJ A. J. M , and be ub.ected to the uaual UoveriHA- Inapt ctlon beiorr brlnn acoi'i'trd. - ' I'rke ot ( avalry HorMvii, $7A each. hriceot Artillery Hordes, i)each. l'a; mint will bu made toe tlx (ti) and more. jamks a. KKrnr, Colonel Urat IHviaton, Beo.tacA0 Qnartennaater-Ueneral'a Otflce. rltOPOSALS FOR STRAW FOR U03FI tala.Ae. Phii aioa.PHtA. .September IS. 1RD4. Stated rroKhala will be rt'cuivoti at theorttceot the iin (lfrMi,ei, No. llict t.nt Mil Htnet, nntil noon ot TUKH 1A. UHh Instant, for funilfhinii to the Uoitnd eUwe, t'uc bis nu ntlii, coutroei ciiu: (K-tuber 1. iHii. all thn Straw requited tor tue at the varioui hoipita'e, barraokj.and other publir buddlrita, or rauipi, within ihe ilnil'a of tho BltdUry 1'lHtr.ct of rhiiadelpiiia. InclwUnK ?heuir, Chea nut Hi 1. Ittji'iiiaHtown. Niceiowa, Haddington, 8pnng Mill. Fort rVimiri, White Hall, and Beverly, a w nil a an Otliera lit may be Ub(iaiiod within that time. I'm pott.! mint matt the priooa epurat.y for rye and wheat airaw. In t.uiila uui Omci.and imut luclude Uid dtllvery wbcreer ordered. No jtot oal will be re Hvnd nnlea properly ntled fat Upon blank, w hich cm be had at thla t-nlce, and aauat be if 11 a raid cod b poieoua known at luia otttce to be n nf n tibi. fllie United Statea reann ee tleiib-ht to re)eel all bids deerotd lnroinat(hle with Ita Interewfa. hy order of Cu.i.nel Ajox. J. ferrv, Quarteroiaiter'a I)tpartiUi-tit U. 8. A. ALBERT 8. AH SfKD, g-H t Captaia, a. g. H. 1RO VOSAL8 FOR WALNUT HBAD Hoarda. Piiii.ADr Li-uiA, Hoptember IS. WA. Renld Prooenali w Ul be received at the olhee at the tittw fl.TMyn.Mi. No 1K4 01 KAKI Htreet, until noon of Mdtia way, nn iimt.. tor donverioK at the t nlted Hta'oa Win. liouej. ll Any er a tree 1 wharf, on or buiire OUTOUUK V lrril: 1IK4) Walnut TnbMi. or Head Bonnli. with oral top. oath 4 loo lonr, Uiliu he wide, IS, hionuu UdcA, amotaed 00 ail Uien and olied. A 1 ik mole mut be Bent w 1th each propoaal.aud tnutt be klinllar to sample now at thla ottlee, l'rojviitaia will be received for the whole or part of tho above. No proj.of.ali will be received untei properly flUei In upon bljiuksi which can be had at ihti otl.t-H.atid muat be Ktiflraiitocd b peraoni knonn at thla ottke tobero aponaibte Tbe Cnlird Statoi reservea the nwht to roject all biij du'-iai d Ineomi atlhle wltti ltd IrterthU. By order ot Colonel A.J. ferry, Uuarteruiaiter'a Jt- partuc-ut, L'. A. ALBERT ft. ASH MFAI, Plt-lOt Captain and Aailatant Quartermatiter. pROl'OSALf! FOR STATIONKKV. Hote of fli:iMtK-.KNTAnvi-:a FNiTKn Status. Cl.KKK'a OlHI K, Mlfflist ltm. ftK.AI.KH I' will be received at thla offl Until HtlDA V. the .HKh day of ttrptemher, lo4, at It o clock IW , lor n.rnlMhluK etich of the follow in cUattos of ataitonen for the use of the llotme of UepreaeutaUrei ol the United Htai,itz: Hv return while uarto post paper, extra laiMrDoo, tuiiit lined I'O rt-ama white commerrlul note paper, extra mper fine, feint lined. Vf ream white cmmerclal noe pnper, extra laper tine, coarse ruled on all aide. 30 reauu v. lute oommercial note paper, extra euper- flue, philn. &0ieamk wbito tookcup paper, etra luperflne, tVlni lined. M rtainblegal cap paper, extra a u per floe, felut lined. 10 lemuK flm cap paT, plnla. 1fM ren in thin MatillU paper. Kv reituii Mb til a paper, 1.' by If In'Oiei, welyMnj pound ptif refim. very toiun ana Kiuooth. iHi re a mi Mar .lie puper. 1 by J ixohee, wihina Ti iwund PDr ruaui, tut, very nuooUt and tlHIKk. 200 rcAuia Manilla pa er, af by S? Itlchei, w'lilna 41 poiuida per roam, rlut, very aiuoolb aud tlHIK!. 7.p0o0 white thick adhesive envelope, 6 by at Inched, bo.uwji w iiu tlin k adhuilve euveli.pHi, b ii Incbat VIUiNi white thd k adluaive envelope, H hv :il4 tncnea I6,("(i white ibu-k adheMveeuvelopei, 8't by y7. niche. 6,i uo Ihi ov iiute envelopea. lnj,ow hull adhesive envt-u;ea, 7 by a inuhaa. 1 trnhti ConkTeah tit einelopea. )t:t bnek kieel pen,, v rii.iin kindi. lj in.-h 4 inch llat lukstauJii. I doen Inkritiiiid, uiih kinds, lu do i iHitlli'i bene Mack ink, quart, pint, and hail piot. ;i duvn b at h u ir k, i( ara and p'nta, ir. doen rubber pem ila l'n(rmal ihort. ;i doeu hdIi) in on trd twnclU, varlou kinds buniM iJlm aU-uui-eucUa, t aT HOctaKonaudrouid. No i. j tiri n 1- nbcr'a curinlne and blua peuciii. h nrnK poi-);ildi rt. diilrreiil kiiula. ti urt u rutibur ei)-lio der. anoiu tiea. ft fJii.eii bet 1 lea uiuciiriL, am all aita. In doen pack r itiug i-nrda. I'l p(Hin jiluk tiiie. '21' pound bent ocarlet vriillng wax. ti ilu en doint'H, h-r lH'', varum klidm. J" Ui itu tm iiioriiuiiiui, vriouM kind. llotll pWlUu'ln.t, l'J doen pfijier-loMcrn. u doen rubber rulem 'J ilnen prtuer-weitihti. 1? doen pen-wlper. 'Jb doen ptR'ket'kiiivea, two, three, four, and atx bladen; stUK. peiirl, ihclj, and ivory huadloa. 1 dozen !l-lnrli nhi-or . o pouinN ei aHlii rnliher 0 rohii rubber hamU and r j 1 1 IK-0 NkiiiN pan itiuenl, It, Ly Ji lu lies. 'J tloi-n npuiiKf cups. 1 dozen puiu lii-s. In Ihe mipplyol go.-ds.cintrHffors will berffc-UHyre-nilrod to nu uibIi tutu -lea itiily e-iimi tt KainoJa. I i oponniit uiiisi be at Lonipsiiiicd o Uoj uantf I ol the iura flea intt need to he oiU-reit. A requiitid by law, pmierenre will be irlven to the pro dtR tlcni. 01 American lnduu, ii oiiuady chi-ap and ot as H'MHl'iniilityjaiid ull perm nMimiMiitt proposuU to xupply anv claa of article! will mare wluther the same are llio luanmai ture 01 Mi I'uiud suites. i he article are to be delivered, free of any charge fur ti.eoiHeeoi tne rit-rk of tlie house ui KMra- bentiuivi the l"th day ol ovinbr, IN1.4. ravh i.ioponal lo he endim d "I'loposaU t'.r HtaUunyry for tli lioue of Jtt'preatMituiivee ot" t'n.lod Eilrtl..,, and atldrerled to the uiiiltTbiKUf l . Huihrii-nt )e iDH i! of ea. h claotof artleiee propufietl lor uitod. a company the propoaal! umrkvd wliU the uaiuo or tiit- bidder. Tlie perst'ti cITerlnit to furnish any cUs of artlclea at the lowest price, nualily eoiui.lm d. luW receive a coit tiaex ir Hit name on c unrg i oond, with two or m .ro ureiiea,r.atlaiactory toihe u rk ut' He Hoosoof Kcn m ntativeh, tor tiie pertoiiuaaeuuf ttiu aiime. uiidar a itar-t-ilure 01 twu e the coutnu X price, in case oiTitiliiio, wtiuk hmid 11 no, i b Hied ill tlienm.-e 01 the sahl Clerk witrttn tvn tlnya niter the propottali have bi-en opened and t'ie reull Uti lan-it. KUW AIili M. 'm-,Ji.soN, Clt rk of the llouac of Repieacmaiiveaoi tuHU hiatad- hfio-till'iu far- 9 OLD'S IMPROVED 8TKAMAM) WAi'ltif- VJ iihATINti Al'i'AKAiUH. Jtor Wanning and ViuuUdinv Vubno tmiuUmp aod rn v ate Kvaldeuceai, cJloixll.byA,M. WATK ntATINtl COMPAJf 0 HUlUtl.HMV r w(K)Dj No. 41 e Ol ltTH 8u. (kU$-m H. I sXi SVsLUU SmwmumJwiL 1 1