The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 21, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Page 4, Image 4

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ra rntT
T. ihw (Wn ol I. tn coin nnd Johnnon
in IV ntiylvi.
t tmvf thetitmr'.t ImporuiTKM. tor'tuf'ill v'
4 oitT fulliuii wHi'ii in Hie army lur uiir county
. Iit at the Ortoher ioilin.
m lvotimt nvwhlnirr W cnrrym on thm
IrtVchon mII by tin" Smie ri'ViTiiineni.
Th worn of tlndlne o..( ho are enabled l vol...
arid of mteridlii to m ni-w.ary worn ol en.ibluin
Ihcm lo .oli, devolve, upmi you.
II I. necevary that every ..ililier from every
emmfT now In Ihe nnnr th'" receinlv
nll'teil) hoillil ! Mr'il ' name, mitt the nmni
aal of ten cenli paid lor each to entilile bun to
On payment of the t the collector mut cive
Tempt in the n.ime of the .olilier. 1 f yon r:in, irt
'itiiplir-nte receipt, anil .eml on" to th' eulilicr hv
letter, and request Inm, it he vote, hv proxy, t.t
Ucloc tl IB receiit til till' envelope with hi. proxy.
Tlcfcit" ehoiilil tie provided hv each county, aii'l
eent to tli" Itrlil hv tin' I'l'inlilissiolier. nppinil ' I
bv the Governor, and by letter direct to the .niltlicrs,
he rever thev hi.
Dordrrti)riiri a foil ns.e."meiif, it will he
'ere..ary tor our friend. In encti ilieitlct Ui nuike
a thorough and immediate run va- ol ih.-ir respec
tive dielrlit., in order to Hurt out the name t
' rery oldier the rein who 1 entitled, to vole, ami
have litem assessed
We tiiunx'l onr friend lo attend lo tlni at once.
' The method of llssesstneiit I pointed out In '
Hon 4i. I l ho Hrl rcceil'lv p:iseil, via:
Section 4o. It eh ill he Hie duty of every
wllhtn line cmnninuwciilih, aiinurilly, to find
return, In the milliner now v. (Hired hv law, n
county tux ol ten cent upon en, li unit every non
commissioned ollicer tunl priviito. tind III" tun U
taxes upon every commissioned ollicer, known hv
them to be In Ihe niilitnrv service of the I'ni'c.l
' filHtea or of this State, in the tirmy. and wlieiiHiiv
minion "hull occur, the ointlted loime ahull le'
added by such Hasesmirs to the''iii nnd 1ft-
if voters, on the npill'itfion of any cilr.en ol Hi"
election district or precinct wherein .n.'li soldier
' might, or would, have a rirht to vote. If nol
' in such service :m nforesaitl: and such, uou.
commissioned otllccr.1 and prtvnteH hall be ex
f mpl Irotn all other personal taxi's dnriiiir their
rotitiiitiance in such s-m' ic; ami sin 1 ai"i'iri
ahall. in eacn tintl everv cawe ol such nsse-tieil
soldiers or otllcers, without fee or reward there,
for, five ft eertilUate ol Mich regular or addi
tional assessment to liny citreii ot theelecilon ills,
trict'of precinct who tnav at any lime ilemaud the
aume;uud upon the preseiifitnm thereof to tile tax
collector of said district, or the treasurer ol the
aaid county, it shall he the duty of Mich ollicer lo
. receive said assessed tax of and Irotn any pi-rsou
oftiTiutr to pay tlie same for the Mildieror oiti er
therein named, mid lo endorse upon such cerlill.
CHt a receipt the re lor; and it shall also he the .in' v
of aid collector or county treasurer lo receive
aaid assessed tax from any 'person win. may oiler
to pay the same lor any oi said ollicers or soldiers
without, requiring a certitlcate ol as-essm-mi,
when ihe name of such person shall have been
duly entered upon the assessment books and tax
duplicates., and Rive, a receipt therelor to such per
son, specially suiting therein the name of the sol
dier or officer whose tax is ttius paid, the year lor
which it was asseesed, and the dam ot the pay
ment thereof , which said certiltcnte and receipt,
or receipt only, shall o prima tcia evidence to
any election or board provided for by this act,
beiore which the same may be oltcred, ot the
due assessment of the said lax ai:.iinst, and the
payment thereof by, the soldier or ollicer
therein named, olfcriiiK the same as Htore
anld; but said election board shall not be therchy
precluded lrem requiring other prool of the rorht
li ote, as specilled by llns act or ihe iron"rul elec
t on laws of tins commonwealth; mid if any of
" sild assessors, collectors or treasurers shall ne
' rl-'ctor reluse to comply with the provisions ol
' ihia section, or to perform any of the duties therein
njoined upon them, or either or them, he or ttiey
o otleiidinir shall be considered and adjudged
, ' vnilty of a misdemeanor in ollice, and shall, on
(f ouTiction, be fined in any sum not less than
ytwenty nor more llian two hundred dollars; 1'l'ti.
. vlded. That the additional asse.ssmentp required to
be made bv the above section In the city of I'hlla
J delphv.'-srinll be made on application of any cm
vrm of the election district or precinct thereof,
npnn oath or aitirmatlon of such citien, to he ail
v Vninistered by the assessor, that such absent sol
filler la a citUeu of the election district or precinct
, vhereiii auch asaeasmeul is required by uuclt citi
Sea to be made.
If any assessor refuses to perform his duty, ap
ply to him the penalties herein pointed out.
It ts ol great importance to have the army vote
cured for the October election, because the No
vember election is materially inlliu'ticed by that in
,. October, and if we carry the Suite at tlio llrst elec
tion, we are ure (o do so at the second.
There U a clas of soldiers who lire away from
their coin paiiiHS and regiments, on detached duty,
In hospitals, in the Veteran Reserve Uurps,
Aad the election law provides that whtrti'rr tkrre in
m Utt number than Un tohlier at any mis p( they
jaiay send a proxy to any friend al home to vote
' Jbr them. The mode Is pointed out by law.
Section M. When any of the eloctors mentioned
In the first section oi this act, less than ten in num
ber, shall be members of rompameu of another
fcit-ile or territory, or, for any sullicieut and legal
Jtnse, shall b separated from their proper com
pany, or shall be in any hospital, navy-yard. ves.
ael, or on recruiting, provost, or other duty, who.
ther within or without this State, under such cir
cumstances as shall rentier it probable that, he or
they will be nimble to rejoin their proper company,
or to be present at his proper place of election, on
' ' or before the day of elections therein meuiionad,
aid elector or electors shall have a right to vote in
the following manner:
Section 3-i. The Toter aforesaid Is hereby au
thorized, before the day of election, to deposit his
ballot, or ballots, properly folded, as required by
the general election laws of this Slate, or other
wise, as the voter may choose, in a sealed eu- I
eluie, together with a written or prinu-d, or
partly written or partly printed statement, con
taining the name ot the voter, the county, town
ship, borough or ward of which he is a resi
dent, and a written or printed authority to some
qualified voter in the election district of which
aid tout is a resident, to cast the ballots con
tained In said envelope for him on the day of
aid election. Said statement and authority to
be signed by the said voter, and attested by the
commanding or some commissioned oltloer of
thr company of which he is a member, in the
ease of a private, and of ome commissioned
olttcer ot the regiment in the rase of an otlioer, II
any ol such ortlcera are conveniently accessible,
and if otherwise, then by some other witness;
and there shall also accompany snid ballots ait
alndavit of said voter, taken before some one of
the ollicers ftloresuid, and in Die absence or such
olllcvrB, before some other person duly authorized
to administer oaths, bv any law of this Suite, that
be is a qualified voter in the election district in
which he proposes lo vote, that he is in the mum I
military service of the 1'nited States, or of this
Male, describing the organization to which he tie.
Jonut, that he has not sent his ballots to any other
. ' person or persons than Uie one in such authority
mentioned, that he will not utter lo vote at any
poll, which niay be opened on such election day,
atanv nlace wtiateoovcr. a id that he is nol a de
serter, and haa not been dishonorably dismissed
from the service, and that he is auw sutuoued at
, m the State ot Said sealed envelope,
containing the ballots, lateineut, authority and
afhdavil as aloreslild. to be sent to the nrolier per
son, by mail or otherwise, having written or printed
' '' ' on the outside, across Ihe sealed part thereof, the
, words, osoldler'a bnliot fur lowilsllip, ( uo-
, rough or waid) in the county of ."
Seuiion ;W The elector lo whom such ballot shall
be sent shall, on the day of election and whilst the
polls of Ihe proper district are open, deliver the
envelope so received, unopened, to the proerelec.
Uou ollicer, who shall open the same lii the pres
ence of the election board, anil deposit the ballots
therein continued, together with the envelope and
accompanying papers, a1, other ballols are deposi
ted, and stud board shall count and canvass the
same lu ihe same manner as other voU's cast at
said election; ahd the person deli verlug thes.ime
may, on the demand of cornielled
to testily, oil oath, that the envelope so delivered
by him is In the same state as when received bv
, him, and that the same has not been opened or the
couteuts thereoi chunked or altered in uuy way by
1 uese proxies muit be hrre. ttrnre Ihe ir- aitd Tuti
. . stay oj (jlitery so mat whatever is dune lu sc -ure
them must ne dulle itoiw. our Irieio.s lu efi"h district, in ih.-ir rnnvr.
for this pin pose, nscertuin the names and a.Hre-s ot
all w ho are to detached, that the) cannot vote with
their brethren In the army, and send blank proxies
to them, Willi llckele, so that I lie lil;uiKs maybe
lllled ttlld returned 111 time lor the 1 Ic'.ots-r elec.
Illatik prcvies can he h'ul on ni'plic'uiun to the
Chmruiaii ol the I 'ollllH ( 'o ttee.
We call upon our lrn-iiils tin on I'lcn ! the S'a'e
to lake this nuiin r in hand al once and pu-u It i
. gorbsly to i otn p!
Having eci I to the soldier 111" riirllt to o e,
let us see to it that he has e cry pu-si uL oppui I u-
lllty of exercising that right at the Octubel eiec
lion. Hy older ul the t'ommittee.
f SlMoN t,,'A.MKltl"V.
Cliairman 1'iiiou folate (.' al ('oiiiiuitl. e.
a. w. hi.m on t, )
YV. J- utui , J
Secrelui ies.
Two Kclirl Slrsinrrs on l ake I'.rlr t liat
l ln-v ! r
The Goveniinent has received inlorinatio.i that
two aimed Jteln.1 etcainuis. tilted out on tin;
-Cauuiliuu toast, uie ut large on l.ako, and
vheu lust seen were til IJas islmid.
lly the terins ot a truity with (Jteat Filtfim,
lliel uite l Suites arc piuhibiied from iiiuml 'lin
ing moie than one vessel ol war on l.aku Erir.
The gtinboKt Miilii'inn is there, mid a protest
was some tune ago entered by the liritish laiv
trucient that tier aruittuiL'iit exceeded the entire
iiuinii) r of guns agreed ukiu lor ull the lakes on
cur KoitUeiri laiidef. A comtiromiso ol Hint
matter was elh eted, we believe.
iiut the Muliitiun Is rciuiied at Jolinsou's
inland, wheie the Kebcl prisoners lire Cotilitied,
and there is nothing to irevent the Rebels I torn
destroying the commerce ot the lake uud layiug
Utiltulo uinler eonlribulton.
W e presume the pirntos would comroniiso on
flection day with the lliitlulonians uiiou the cou
di Ion that their entire vote should be east lor
Jdctlelinu and l'tndleton. H'aiA. KrjiuUicun.
e-T!iO King ol'Pjiiiin, before Ids departure from
I'avila, ul "u"i of twenty-live thousand liuuca
to ihe JlmiMi r of the Interior to be uistnbutud
nuioug t-he poor of 1'ari. Also, on leunnir
llayoune, Maiesiy guie a mu uf two Inou
rMiid live huudted franca io bo duliiOutcd uUioUj,'
tteiiiaj-eoiofjyetywa, .
It in ar.iionnriKl, apparently tot Mitliority, that
Mr. Forrest will not play any engagement ia Hoe
rm during the season of lRfil-5.
Mr. I.eonsrJ Cirover'a Oprmnn Opera tronpa
la to cunimi'iiin an oiigafjcmeiit at the Ilodon
Theatre on the Mih of OtUitntr.
Oonnotl (who wa only a few works ao
reported to bo lnane) la sai l to lie writing; the
ini itietitBl music lor a new play lor M id ime Kit
tori, liy l.eouve, for prodtirti n at the Tiieatrn
I.viiiue. On fit tliat liclsulso rcwritliig the
last two acts of Mm llf.
Koine of eelnhri'les are
mi. I to linve ni-i ovcn il that the hum in voice,
very string inul sharp, whfn stis(in iif-tr it, will
criw'k a tlrinking-s'iiiss. Why not when the
(Irinklng-fclHsu haa cracked so niiny liiltnan
voices :
l.a l-rmice Municalr says llial Mr. ("irtn is to
yisit ltnlv Hi once, lo tortn rwo opentio troupes,
one lor liaiana and the oilier for the We. tern
ntics ; inul that paoer mi ls that he will pick up
liadii g coh hntiis at any cost and wherever tlioy
may be li iildcu.
Mrs. 1'. II. f'onway, at tlio Brooklyn Park, is
p'ntltig oltl coinetiies ami Shukesoerian drain is
wi'ii very fair mccc-m. Cotisiilcrahle i'lni'i ;es
Mini. n is iilloccd, iiiiprovcineiils, have hcen tiiadi;
In Ihe 1 otise (luring recess ; and it tu-enis pro'ia do
that lirooU yn has really arrived at tlid dignity
ol a pi rm.. in lit theatre.
Mail'llo Carlotta I'at'i h is met with fie most
cnttitisiasrii' success, at Altred M''s (irst con
cert n London sincinc; Hie Molcro liuru the
Sicilian l' V"'r. til' I'olacru from 1'in i'nni, and
Hern diet's vuriH'ions on the ' Vtcao o nf I ci. ,
in 'l Irrli, a leiiill'g l.oinlun eriti ul papt r say a,
she ae' nally'l licr he irers" of coin sc
not lo the pen il lulotiii", lint to the 1 tntl of I'.ici o.
Mr Hun S telicll eotiniieni eil an I'h'j.MTi'm cut
fit the Huston Tr. iiiont on Mnn l.iy last, ooetnn ;
wi'ji tl:e late l-'runk Wood's luiric-'i'ie of I. ni
the l-'ntmink. He Is to lie followed in u short e'l-
KhOi in, ni in- Mr Corson W. ( larlc. Mr. and .Mrs.
Hurry Wiitliins lime still li'cn i ny'ti ,' at tac
llonuril At licti mil, with a new Ivu'li-ti feature
in the sliie of a plav railed H'ki i t'.ir tin
Ymtu l, Mr. MrKi tin lliieliantui and lit- il,i u!i
ter Viri-'lnia ate to I'oninieiii e there on M Jini.ty
tviuitig next.
Tl:e lute or present whcreali nils nn l cngif-e-ments
of several of Hie tlieatrical peoole m iy Ue
siiintiHil up us to loNvs ; Miss Helen Wi stern litis
been plnvnig at Wood's, ( in 'iminii... ..Mr. Wil
liam Warren, with Miss Josephine Ort mau l Mr.
t'lmrlos Unrron, Is ilaing sticeessml'v at
(rover's, Washington .... Mr. Henry V, Jarrett,
w ho only had two t In litres lielore, has now added
a third in that at I'm t ami, Maine.. .. Mr. (icorire
lioiniuce anil M i-s K if Newton me at V 'rd's.
AlcMintlria.. . . Mr. .1. CJ. Mvers hn tiken thr
Toronto Theatre, to open ( let Im r H.. . .Several of
our valuable people, linve gone to New (l. leiins to
piny at King's Varieties. Atnonifothers, Me-sm.
ltartoii Hill, iSctillan, 11 1'. Daly, Jo-epli 11 trnett,
and (Jiirtin; ami MesditiurH J. 11. Allen, Viol.i
Crocker llaintt, .losephiue Henry, l'reston, Chip
pcndulc, and Seyniour. Mr. ScnlUn is Wj return
in the spring, and go heme to Australia.
AnexiJiange gives Iho following Interesting
list of theatres lestroveil hy lire in the I'ni et
.Slates, with the time f their hnrnlng, which will
bo found liichlv valtnlile lor reference : 1'edu
ralhiicet 'I lieulre, hoston, l'chriiniy 2, 17 'S;
Kiekct's ( iiriis, rhiliidelphia, Dceemher 1",
17Mi; P. mini IJowen's Miisenin, nostun, Jana iry
l.i, l.Mti; Uiehiiiond Sin et Theatre, Richmond,
Pcccnilicr III, lull; f'hesnut Mrcet Theatre,
I'hilaileliihia, April 20, Inl'U; Theatre Natchez,
Missislpii, 'Sepietulier 4, IHjl ; Park Theatre,
New Voik. was hiirueil .Inly I, lMl , ami Ileeem
lier li', IftlS ; liowery '1'hentri'., May 1SJS;
lilnuaiv is, l:ts, ami April 'ir, ISI.i; Ne-.v
How eiy Theatre, New York, Scpteinlier 22, lNitH;
NiitKiiinl Tboatro, New York, September U.'t,
ls;W; Ntw National Theatre, New York, May
l';t, 1-11 ; ('nldwell's Theatre, Cincinnati, Oehiher
Tl, isj'.ij New Tin ntre, Charleston, Stuth C'aro
lira, April 27, lHoH; Mohile Theatre, Motnle,
l elniiary (1, INilS; Cook's Thcitre, Baltimore,
February '2, lM.'irt ; Front Street Theatre, Balti
more, January .1, lhJS; State Street Thea'ie,
Mobile, November i:t, 1HI2; (Md Auieii
eun 'ilicatre, Cincinnati, Scptoinber VI,
1M2: Aiuerienn Tin aire, New Orloans,
July 20, IRI2; St. t:hlirles. New Orleans,
Mureh 12, 1SI2; Providence iheitre, Provuletu e
(iclober 21, 1HI1; National Theatre, Wasliinu'tnti,
lditreh r, lH-l.i; Niblo's Theatre, New York,
Seiitembci' II, 1SKS; Theatre l.aliiveit",
(tiaua, March 1H, ; Avon Theatre, Norfolk,
Virginia, February VI, lS'iOj Wood's Museum,
'Cincinnati. July 1.ri, ISM ; atlontil Thcitre, April
21, 1S.i2 ; l'lm lde s Varieties, rsev tlrlcnna, rvo
yvnber 21, 1 Sol ; Chinese Museum, Pliilnde.lplii i,
July .), ls'ilj National Theatre, Philadelphia,
July 1, lS.'it ; Ann'tienn Tlieiitra, l'lncerville,
Calilot hill, Jimiiary 3, ISM j Vam tuhiu'a Musuiiru,
:w Orleans. MnyO, lM.wj Metmpolitan Theatre,
San F'raneiseo, IS.iV ; Ijvccuih, Sun Krincisco,
lSo!i American Theatre, .Siierau'eiiio, I.V)2j For
rtbt Theatre, Sacraniento, 1801.
Ftilt Pltlll'K,N r,
A 1 1 1 1 1 1 AM LINCOLN,
or ii.i.i soih.
flilt VK'K-l'ltKltliJ'.NT,
MOItl OV Mi MK IIAKI.. I'loLnel. lhU.
1. CUHMSi.llAM, Heaver l'
I. liouert I'. Klitsr.
J.stl. Morrison Cuutss,
II. Henry loinini,
4. Vt'llllitin II hern,
A. Hsrtell II. Jeuss,
t). (Jisiles U. ruuU,
7, H.iliert I'l.ilo.
8. William 'I svler,
a. iiulni A. lliistsnd,
lu. Jtlchsril ll.Cnrvell,
II. K IwsrO llnllliiav,
III. Clisrlet f. Head,
IS. Kllas W. Hale,
11. l.arics 11 Mariner,
V. .I.Joi Wlst.r,
P;. liavid M t'otiniuliy,
17. Iisvld W WimJs,
IS. Isdiic Uensnii,
la. Jehu i'.ittn,
mi. HiHimel 11 lilsk,
'il. Kverari llleres,
1:.' John 1. Pw tiv.
v;l Klien. er Mcllltlklll,
lit. Jelin W. UUacUanl.
Uy ordvr of the State Outi al CeaitaltteQ.
an Mm r,
KKOisicii or W ILLS,
fji.eiiK or Tin; ohi iians' let i1.-,
bl)VI.S A. MRKItlt'K.
Ki;t LI '. Lit 111' I A XhS,
I list nidil.t JOIIS M. 111"! I. Kit.
Knolid liUtrict CIIAKI.I1 OM.ll.l..
Tl.tril Id.trlet l.r.ONAUli MVI its.
fourth IiMrkt.
1'i 111 llhtll.t..
...M. Jtl'fSLI.l. T1IAW.R.
kKNA'lolt IIIMlli l'I-ri;a I',
It i.i s pts,
I h.l lildrkt
t-tf r.d Tji strict-. . .
Third I) Mild
luurtb I'.sttM....
lllll Intlrtct
t'ixlll Iiiitikt
fMjinilh 1)1 ii'lct,.,
1-U.utU limltlct....
KiUtli 1I trlst
Ttuth illilct
Klsvcktb ltisUict..
1 e silili Di&lrict...
1 hirlcvuth irutrlc
Itlt ilAiili i'.i. 1 1 Li;
J'J.shTlI T lIloMAK.
.TAMLS Mil i:i!OLN.
8AMI I.L 8. FANnoA ST.
eso8 c. Rtv.M;i:.
I ourti'HiUi Dl.liet lUlNt'ilS 11931).
liltrciilh U.sti let
CiiiletiitL but-lit
Heveuteeiitli Liintrict..
.liUviiia i).Ucl.,
,,.(.!: JKOK IK IIAVFS', J.
...KliWABli U. l,Lt.
Tim IUh.y evening Tra-KonAiii. MiitADitLrnu, wrj)ji)AY,smmniEBgit
l.alcsl IVoin Sheridan.
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to bo
Opened at Onoo.
Sirrlnl lo 'I lie I'ventiiK 'I rlri;ritill.
Wasiiinoion, Si pteni' er 21. We have nti-
llleiiil uilvlees from the Shetland i ih'ey
stating that (jeni Slo riilan has pursued Larly's
arniy ovir forty nil!es down the v ley.
Our cavalry arc constantly i kin! tip strag
glers, larrely swcliing the iiiini'wr of prisoners.
1 he railroad utul Iclecrnpli lines to Whevliu.t;
will be optni tl in alsiut two days.
I rom (lie Army r tlie Potoniitp.
WamiinoIov. September 21. The informv
lion fiom the army of Ihe I'otomac is 'h it n ith.
ing ol has i cctiin d within the ;i.i-t
three ila s.
The expected atLiek of the en. my on M id iv
did not take plaie. although f.o-u l i li ati.e-s it
w us believed the K. bcls seriously meditated a i
Se.iicclv a shot hm Ken heard aloi.g the U'te
for ti mi -four hours.
A iiitiniit r of deserters curio lu every J . , !;nl
bi ing no news.
Latest Southern News
now nooD was wnirFED at
1 ROM I'LTKIIHltlllll.
Von Ihe i'c hmulul .'icenvr, .Sipcm'tr 17.
l'or three duys past the enemy has been
iiiiiiiivuviiiij? to eireetan expansion of hil right
wing, inul, if jk ssible, sei.o the Vaughan road.
A battle Inn consequently iiecn expected, and
rumors aic now eurrent in I'etornbtirg ceh duy
anticipating the event. At an early hour on
Thuinliiy n.oriiirii;, Warren's (1th Corps of au-
kecs huving ielt their works in the vicinity of
the 'cMon railrnad, adviinced ami broke through
General llutler's lines at Toplar Spring ("linreh
Colonel 1. 1). l'enebee, eoiiiniatidltig Oencni;
Hearing's invade, nut Ihun, and after filitinir
them for lour hoiir",wilh vary inn success, finally
repulsed thetn, iullietinn eonsiderunle loss.
'lie em-my mceeeiled in rtaehiiin l'oplar Spriuft
Clitireh, and' threw up brea-tworks at that point,
hut were compelled to uhniuloii them. Our lots
was sinail. 'J ho enemy Ielt several killetl and
Mournkd, uud a iiuiuIht of prisoners. Tlieso
piboiiers tta ed that this movement wae an
alien pt on their part to iidvanee their linen in the
direction ol the Soiitbsitle railroad.
On esterihiy niorninfr thecnomy made nnother
atti nipt to cxlei.d the piekei lines on the left, Hut
were suddenly encountered by a portion ol Wil
cox's command, mirpriised, and driven buck,
losing eiejht.i -nine in, and several iu
huh d unil wounded. We lo-t none.
'I he eiiemv have now a viduttu post at the
intersection of the Yatitdinn mid l'oplar Spring
Church toads, which is now their most advanced
Miint ol ofeiipatioii. l'oplar Sprina Church, lroirt
wliiih they were driven, is situated in Jiinwitldie
county, between the Vauithan and H iytltuwn
loails, abonl two rnilt h west of tho Weldou rail
road, anil nliout toui from the city.
Tnnw Tin' Wfinxn sitif.
The city uao disturbed nith variom riinior?) on
yc'tirilnv of ll liflit on the J)ai bytoivn loci.
Ofticinl inti lliffenee states early yetiudiy
mornii pa elroni? body of the enemy 'a cavalry
adianccd up the load near New Market and
drove in our pickets. Later in the day, our
lorces made n cbi-h upon the enemy, drove Cieui
elf, and re estnbli-licd our picket linos. Is'o Io-m
oii either side Is reported.
nun comiition or Tin: aumy of tunnkksi:!:.
(lllli inl information has been received that the
Army of Tennessee Is in aplenditl condition ami
In a despatch to General Hracp, dated Septem
ber li, General lloeid says ho is very much erinl
lied ai the feeling now existing amutiR the olll -crs
uud men of his in in 7. anil Unit they are in lx tti r
I condition for battle than al any time (incu they
crossed the Chattahoochee.
Olhcial infoiuiation haa also been received that
the extra duty list (cousi-tiug of detailed men) is
being materially deoreited.
rilUU (il.NIUtAl, LAItl.YVt ARM V.
CorrefptiH'teiie of th liichiuund iujniri
FiiKiiKHH K Coi N i v, viigiDia, 1 uOsday, Sep
tt UiIk r l.i 1 tu ri' waxd'UMiitirti'jic caiinniuuin
to-dnv. ecenih itiy on the Opttiuuu. houthuat uf
Winrbtdier. (JiiaiiiM with iiriaoucrn uuc Uttniirotl
and eilily, who have just pasvfcU up Uie roail
any tint it ncenis to he along the line from llun
htr'a II it 1 to Id'rryville. A foroe of men yestor
day c ame up tnm the Iront, ami went to work
n contiriM linK tho bridK o?er Cedar cri ek, on
iho vnllry inrnpiUn. inn stunt rcucc8hirms to
Knrly's afiny p.w8 down -daily .
'1 li CIihuku plu.loiiu una iU nccnpfin's atirnct
hut litiU uticulion uhnul here. Take tlio North
cni chiiiiiuic ot the Constitutiou of the United
Stale ( a tovt'imnt with diatu and hell"), their
valuuiinn id' the Itihle when it conllirU with an
it in; their reprd lor a cartel, or any otln r ohli
f.' a' iuti, and it is easy to deduce tho worth of a po
litieal platform, even had there been a mule
f. inline plunk of ie:i'6 in it. Simply strnnst
ftrnwn to slmw which way the wind blow at the
moment in .. country.
(,' u intjwiul- i,t:r vfihr l;i-lwx.i'J Enquirer.
Camp m.ah I.ovi jov Miaiion, Ga., Septomher
5,-Wi' have bi en ki constiintly in motion lo- it
net 1, ihi t it has been imposibie to write yon of j
the existing o'eiinioiiH in which we haviio.-L-n '
piirtiiipatin. And burn Ih the liekle fortune of !
war, that "n haw crurcoty heard thai Atiiint-t '
)ve b'tn rt;itel iKt'oie we have io announce iu
The recent movt mout of Mii-nuni., wld. h, tor a
time, wu-s tnve i ptd iu myury, h.w at lusi
Iwtu buihi icidiy ili.iily developed. About thu
Juth uit. Lc w uhilivw hih ro4-j frniti our Irmii,
uud ui h live tui'i f oiovs d the Cnatrah "O hrc
uvi r, mcid i!own about nveiitv miles, the n w - '
riobfd at antl own nnd Sc't W.itrr. huhmI to
wiihin a wltoit ili-l;.nre ol .lonesburn, ou t li -Ve-tun
at d M.foii r.-ilrcad, and then-tinr.v
up a idiom. iine f.f jntrcurlimeid. '
On the nifht ol the JiUh, (ientral Hiiodonltf-d ,
I.rt's Cori)", th n nUnt live links a u h ul' I
Ailiirita, to ii.n.r down the, U ;rK' - '
Coipf huving oueeded it. S'e.vari'r (' irpr and t
the italitia uml r .lu nirH-iiiiiui n. . ."ji.Kti,
Weic It It wiihin ihe worltP uroai.U thi- city.
At 'A o'clock the next evening, otir line of
battle was Vuiined in trout of JouesUoro, HurdVu
di the right uud Lee on ti.e kit. anil at om e
moved upon the CLemy in his imienched pj-i-(ioii.
The enemy wiid iiiased iu frnt of L"c,
while the forre ojipotcd t'i lluub'i 's uuvanec wan
(hhlly nalry. Our Ikio))9 advance'd st'judilv
and uniullt-rinj-'ly wider a gulling liie, drove tl.u
enemy uUnti the entivo line, uud from )i.6
intiint bed pi 1 et line.
The enemy, in front of liar lee, n-tri-uted to the
liver. Lic'h Corps re-ached tin- eneuiyN principal
hue ol I woi'U, bid iu tonti queut e of their yiwd
strergth ami Iho gieutly hiipeiior loicoot the
enemy, vviih unable io Oiirry thctn, anl with
draw n in t-rdcr, nn l not followed by the cm-my.
Mcvtnon'rt Ibvisiuii, of'i Corp-, Miiien"d
n ote than any other division, although the
whole- corp t'oiight with great CJOine-.-) uud
n llr. ..try.
'J'lus dnision advuneed under uh Inavy a i're
of fcliof . hhi 11 nnd mm-kcliy i" W' ever laced by
tjoops. Htill it went t.n under the guiuum eof
its gnJiunt commumler, wlinse coolness and
presence ol mind under lire have become prover
bial. He ua toon htiuck on the head by a ball
paitially fpcul, and although Muniicd, remained
in the lOiddLe, aud reluiuetl commund during the
f lit.
When uliuokt uttlio cnemy'a works, liriUcr
(.eneial Cummins, eommauding a brigade- of
(ieoriana, fell Msvciuly wounded in the thh'L,
uud woundod ajiio iu both huuds. Colonel
ol the Hd TeuneHnte Keiiaeut, uus killed oui
liht. 'i bo U of thm di ibion, in killed uud
Kidinded, cxrci i tivw hundrtd.
fn the morning of tho lht I,t e' Corpi was
ord;ed to Aihmla. It niiivtd nur tho city
fclboul, u'lk, At bud Uuw bceij tbUiUiiutd W
evarnntc the cltv j utid, after remnv!n; a larsrr)
Biiiotinl ol slores, the tnops were withrlr iwn, and
Atlanta was left to be occupied by the enemy.
Almost all the roininlsury stores were saved,
though shoot thirty ran loaded with ammuni
tion, ami lonr engines were destroyol. The
cr cmy did not occupy the place until the follow
ing mot nit g.
s When it was known to the, enemy that Loe's
Corps had fx en sent olf, he massed his five corps
nnd iitlarki d llard.e. He was again and as-iin
r pnlsrtl by Hardee's single line ; but tin illv tif
en iletl In enti rins the win ks at one point, and
nip mid Hrlg.iilier-Ociitral (iovun, ami llewett's
and Ki y's llalli ries.
Fieeptilos small xrtion of his line, Hennral
llari'ie held Ills posiiioti during the whole day,
snd W illi i ouii 'tiii'ively small loss, li s loss
during the two ilav is estimated at ci;lit linn
drid, wlil'o the loss id the enemy on the left
rei lies the unmet incredible numb r of ten
thousand. It mast he reineinhorc I, however,
that the enemy elitined our position repeatedly
with five or SIX lines.
A ft i r le.ivn g Atlin'l.i, the troops marched to
McDonald, llmiec In this place, where tbey
joined Hauler. We are now in line of hittle an I
eonlri nted by Ihe et emv, though no atta k is n t
i pi cletl, us Sherioaii dou'it, be content
to r si Ins army lor a litiic, niter h:tv ing nttuiueil
the pit at tihleet of hi- rampnigu.
V the full of Atlnnta, in ronsc'lnrn" of
the ii'tiral elbet. is p 'relied. Its possess, in is of
to matetiiil ailvatita 'e io Sherman. He hnds
there on v empty h"ii-es, while our com niiiiie.i
tions Ir. tn iiiol niond to the extreme Siiuili R'c
t ll rpcn.and as secure as they h.ivo been for
(i ti e months,
s. l.teinl'i r ti. Tin' enemy disippeired from
our front this n.oiiiiii;'.
i'oii sAi.i;,
i . a'kI .!' t "I.' perchmiT., at lowest m-irl.c t
ruNPs Vii:ahv l ull dkuvkky.
.:. It. NYKK51 IT .V CX.,
tin i rj s. Tiiian h i Rr.r.t,
n',.1 Ot'ctt th F,' luiiH-c.
W 1, r H, H 1ULT II, AND
Hl At Tl.
Ff tn mmn a 'nilrin rvfH ;
f.t-v ti vitl. -tit tvh;
J1 to Irf1 h IiI.m'UPIU' (lim-T,
I H)inii, til A.i lionr Wnxr.i v !
V to n tioM of fytemit;
It for vifp - r m"intH ;
II m ith ht-h In.rn b-Mt'1 to wpd ;
lift innihlr ftu when dt a-l WfalihI
If to live tiirroBcorp and tfn,
W int. in k' i f tin IfUtt uKHln;
It T4t iw Jiic "i fwve.i
li in dt an.l kn u (r'fj-ir HKALrnl
If yon wi-h Hie of ftlcnaMrPri ;
If ii Milne ihif world n iri-HU'ircf ;
ll f-vtry i-.iiiiioit yon would "po,
TaVv iu aitvu'O, and wUh aU ihrr.
Then, tinvi'i-,' IK-iilth, Wraith, Htl l'.oauly,
lfou It he n paretl for vry duty.
lUtrllTffMlp-rt's.l o! jlr.WILI.MM VOl'S'CS Nrw
,,.,' -i.f M ill-1 (vI'IIM:. which sliould h ren'l
) v or v tu' . Mont M r.-mn'ilTH v ffrU . i:nd itt L.o
I m KirM on ce, Hv. h NrfcUCK bl KKK i ; pru v
C'-itM. au.'i-u
I)i:oroAi.s 1 ou
Jii'HUS'C hoWt'T-.
1 vfUK. Srptom'-rr Y. iw.l.
ii-i Kt thtoltlcr of t'i; till-
Kn1d nr"nonnt wii h
di-rviu.i tl. No IM' H.llt tn-et, until noon ol i -In
UrtV, i.lli 111 t mil. lor l -. 11 t rmnit, dm i 1 ik th1 i:riil ol 'K
liiofll h, citim. "illU' 1 H ' 1 1 ll' I! It 1, .wH, of nil U-1 m--1
fo iii -H within tin- luntis of the lutllturv district of 1'nHii
il. Ipritt, tin Mttlin. ( lii Mi i, ( h'huiit Mill, Hi 1 ni.tHon,
Mu iowii,, N.irinu Xld, Kurt Miillni, '.inm
Wilhe-in JMiit, hil" Hml hr. crly. an w.-ll m uuy
otluT Hor-l'i!-, llarriu ki.or CuDips, tii:it ui..y be ct..l-
llf),l ll (llllll tllrlt i ri'i
t-NjiiisHiN iiiiiKt im liuli' n plain hut nmt pin- nit'i,
Ulanuil: He lli'i.l a lii'ifNr, it hill i'il la tiTllli,',
itnd -i II'iik liH-li univf of h hi';i'lh"ard (totM)!ur
hlhtifd h Uie liowiriiiii"i.i),unO Ull ch.uKn n:':on-iAry to
iintkr r l.t- hi.rmi I'iiiut. ti'ti'
Si-pmutf piot..':i h Tjih i forward-'! for widto 11 ill
mid Heierly, ult-u1 li.-if mo Oovtiruuunt (Jcrmiicnei
4 Minhilhli4!(l. . . , .
No pioponls will h- rtvfif.i d iinUn proporlv flUnd In
upon l'ltiiik. win h in h. h id Kt thiH olliif , uml uiuhl hv
g Miiaiui'i'tl hy i ' id-jim kirown at thin oiik-u to riMpnu
hlhlc. I he VnUnd rttnt'i rt'-rr.-en Ihe rkht to roji-cl nil hlJs
U i IIH ll lln out put i hi,- V, i Ih tlN IlltlTUnlH.
lly urdt-r ol Coloii-1 Al- . .1 Timtv, J. M. !)t I. 3. A.
AMfKltl' H ASUMI'Vl),
) 11 1.1! ('MpUill uud A. St.
irtl luvi-ii.ui.
;r.n)N Ptrv. AiiKiint 31 . lS(i.
IHMHr.s: ! II-HISKS! ! !
IlorTi) -iii-jiIi'- h r Ar.ilcry nnd t'uvulrv Rnrvlfrt will
I." inm l,ii m tl i HK-i.-UUO PLt'Ol', lnopuu lni.rL't, till
i'C:i'f.i;u I , iw t.
Hor't H w ill hf i liv-i- to rnptfiln I LowryM'-orn,
A. ',. M , and l- hu i--ted to the usuul i.u-rum;nt
lnpt I'lior ht-n r in iim ac 'ti'd.
Iti i ( avuiiy li , ttJi each.
1 ri.-ft o' Arl!l.-ry ilo. h. isnt- i, h.
lut iit will u- ii..,'i lor aiA t,o) iirnl m;ire.
Colonol I'icU lovihi-'tl,
ftVthf SO inftrt'niiasUT-t.t'ii',rara i uilrf .
X tills, Ac.
I'm i i ij:i phia, KcptPDiher 13, lw4.
Hf a'i'tl l'rp'tf.!i w til i rt rtivi'd at the ottlru oi tuo nn
(Vm , No. 1 1' i.i li ,v tl Sir et, iiiiul ikmhi of i'L'K H
1A . . -liU iliht.lil, tor 'tiniLiliillK t) th' t'llltcd Htilitii, tor
MX uh nll.t, 'omul, r iiu' ift-iodfir 1, N.I, :ill Ibi1 Hi raw
it ijiiiMd tor tisr at Hi- arloita hoapltu'H, larriO'Ki,ai'd
oi ht r pnhi.p huiltil' i.. or ainpi, wliuin ilio timlm oi the
llnll:iiy i.l-ifct ol I'.niMtP Iphiu, tiifUi.iiiu' t'ncHtr, ('lies
nut lli 1 l.frtiianl'iw.1, M ot-iw-n, lla-hllnt'iu, Spring
illlll, l-urt in it I in, hitu i: U, and Itcwrly, a well a auy
oihtri hat inav be er-t.iti'irli4u within tout t luiG.
li iHinalu Diiiht tan tti- iirh'cn i-p-iru'oly for rye and
u hput kiruw In l.niKiiMM Miiri buioa. Mint miiit liitiliidu Ilia
dt inf-r wiieterunli tta.
Mi lil ul Or aw Will lv rtr fi ' hiihihh iniiBiiy inti in
upon b.Kiiki. w hleh c in t' liud ut tiiln ollice, and muit
ht- K'naranietU by pernoi nuuwu at Uuk oitlie to ttc ro-
lpMI-ll .
Tho I nltcd AtatflK rrtff n the rlulit to re i tot alt btdi
di i n. til !nimjaiibl will rU intiTi .is.
K ( ijer of O A jx. J. l'urry, cjimrtoruiaiirt-r't
Inpaitmuil U. 8. A.
!' II lit l'apt.dii, A. H. M.
Uul'M Of Hi M'l I N rTlVI FI Tnitkii Statks.
ClM(K f Jtl I H I., AllkUHt IMA,
M ATKO PKOI'OHAI.S lll he riM-ulvt-d at this ollloa
tin i il KlilliAY. I hi' .with tlay of H'-pu-mhcr, ld, ut It
oi nek M , lot rHtiiliiiiluv ont'li ut tli' loMowinu ilitdkei of
biati'iii iy for ihf w of the lluiic of JU-prestiitulivtH of
the United Htaiea, , :
lOoretimi whim ur'o jiont paper, extra supurlhie,
feint Hih il.
100 return while .ouiiti'iriLd note paper, extra super
am, feint lilit'd
V6 rati in w hue iuihtcIM no. r paper, extra iuper
ftnu, coame niu 1 on all aldi'd.
;;o rvniiin Hiiho couniii ri iul Lote pwpor, extra inper
flim, phihi.
&)rvainp Mini toukc tp paper, otra Miperflae, feint
n-auiH left a 1 inp pnp'T, f ittru siipc-iAti, & lut Uue-tl.
io it-tum n 'it ran put - r, pltiiu.
I'll) reniim Uilu M un 111 nttpor.
,-m-O nuioM Mi. i.i a pi-;iT, K hylftlnt'liM, wlj-'lilng U
(.oittMln t r ri hu. , vi toiikh unil Mtioo'h.
: (t() n-Hiai Mh H a . yor, Vi by 24 ixi'lu-s, w. lj;tif!lK
'd'l pound put ruuin, tut, yery aiuootti aud
yO nn in ManllU p
ii jtoiiim p r
-,' whlti- Ihh k mil :.
r-i . M i w hilt- Ih.Ch .uh I'M
'.-li ' im Wl.Me till' k aolar
J. i o u hi e ib" ..iitn-
'27 by 37 lnchi. wlKhlntj
rtaui, uat, very auiooca and
v e rnvelopi h, .pi7 hy IneliPi.
. i' eu vt h 'po, hv J1,, 'I nolle.,
m t!iM niL's, H In hichut.
! i nvi Jp'H, b-t hy I 1110111.
:, irO h.l. ci unit- fiiVi'luiK"
l-.i' oo i ml adhi-hiw ti I'ii-h, 7'i' hy 3.'4' hieties.
1 Vllihh i ton. n tl i tlVfliopf 9.
Tm boxt-ai kicKl t-i ii-., riou& hitidi.
'.. -T" I ih u i .-I 1 I an .
I'i ('Ol tl lltk f ii Ti,t-. virion kind".
In ii IxiMU .o olack Ink, uurls,piut, aud half
I'U t.
tixtii. Pt id h k, t)uartn mid ptnti.
I,'. ,1i en rnht't i , H.h lone it'l hTt.
Ii li". n "lii in ut i id pem lln, vuriou hinds.
,i i,i "s lilies I ' m ouciiB, haji r'x-etitp'jfi utid ruiiti,
.No J
.'. r'- h- 1 ..If," 't .iriiiinc am! Mne pi m iU.
h n, -1 vn I; '!! i . iti ''fi fiit k iiiti .
C tit'i-ii i ut her p'-n-l.o d" r.t, a iniih liv .
fi U-'t It LclHt'k uui. I!ii, fi, bUlldl BUlf.
In cot n piirki V'ntiuy tnrdt.
7 J'll" pink t ie.
'2- p. llllli" htvt hl.H Ut lif .lUllL' wnv.
t UU- eit dial ifn, li'f I Vui:olls ki -d ,.
f. dt .i ii h nifi'it i.rtM,:i, van-Uh l.ii.'l .
i' lS.l II pWIII"1!"-.
I.' il t li ..' i i-M'hh'1-.
H (ift n n hi er i ui i -i
id., n paper wen. nU.
1.' ih.i a i" a-wirf , , , ,
i,,.Ui,.fi t.orhi l-ki.n li.f, four, and Sit
l.udi - ; la., pt nH.a'tAjl, mi l .v iy ...w..i..4.
1 (V.rO " l!l. h vln HI'-.
f iimii?- fiuiii L' nihhei-.
,H.r. lllhh. rhillulb lU.ll IMU
: to ii.- i i. 'i i. ii.. ut, b- by v.' Iii i.i".
.1,.. :.poiiiriipa.
Iii t!.lhI.pH,ot,ko..ii-..c'nlriirt.!-f. w'Hbe uhliy re-piiri J
1o !iiinitli ui ll -ir i'ih iHiil I' aim"'',
l ii j;. uiiiKt hi i.i roil i aiiicd bj iuv tiMiit ul i..e biire-
th ll . tt 1 1 1 . U to ht- nllt M 'I.
A t rt inn (Jil hv law. pieterem-e wlil be 1vi-ii lo tl.e pro-
Ui.i:n h ol Aiuwltiiii u.uiiu, ii iiiu'.Jyi hi up 'u..l w tm
fc'ood u'.ullty :nud all p'-i s n- maJ. "'K ptopoMih t iipplV
m i , v ( in oi i.i ; i. It h v ill r-ta-e whi'Uiur thu aiuo uio Ino
ui.uihii'1um' ol the I nitc d Mii'i ". t ,
'tnv riuiiM.ri lo I t- a- uv fn f of any I'uir.e fr
caiiaL'',ut lidofTn'id thi'iMi-rk ol the House oi K iru
m niaiiM nn i i li.'li.i'r lht I 'll- day vi iNuveiiih r, It". I.
1 nth piopoid to hi i tidoi'M-d "j'lop.iMil- pt Miinon.ry
for theilotiM' of lii'pivarnuiiwH ot llie I mtcil hiaifcn, '
ui d i.'ldn i-aed tall e u'ltk o.'iii''
tt-i.t t. u. it. ,.oi ea h il-i"" "'in ! i""i"M-u
I.M Hi
or ti i
Ml io ..yu.paiiy l he H -ptnai, nmi Kt.u no mv mtuiu
link' to fuitihh any of aid' le-j at
tl,i. h.w cm pi.m . e i.h-rcd. -h.i I if i-uo a con
Xim4 t .r ihe .mnetiii i M' U'n h 'on I, v. III. two or
liii. th Mltih'i. K.ry to ill' 'Ui'k of ll C lluiue ot
lor ll,c peiioimant eol u- mi t'-. under a lor
1- ;;um ot tw!. ethr .-ni i it. t price in k cot tnhirv. whit tt
I ..-,.! ,otl u Mied til tho olllt ol Ihu ald ( il i w itMli toll
... ,.!.... 1.. v:,;,v;i-'i.r;i:Vi;;""
( h ii of il t lloiihc ol Itt pi ficuiain t-Bui C lilted hnjiei.
I'iieft.e.1 Last ef if air, In'spaf-la, Knt.irr-ariit of
On- Li' r-, Ili. i. s ef th' Kl'lnrj's,''"e.-ti el-.n,
ntBol, Mlr, ln..inlty. Kin, Tarn I) si",
Itiuh ef llio. d lu ti.e 11. ml,
t; l) JS M U M I'TION,
Wttti all uud tvery lllsefe wlilch lnl'..,f the liinnni tvety,
cure d ( tr cltiaM by
iMHH. M. i. HllOWN'H
I'ftifi: i'i.
-Sn. 110 All' II Hhaet, l".ll,vl. l.!ii,
N.i. hi I'.DMI Hireel, .New Ynrk. ati'l at
o. Is rf.Mlll.HTON H'l'iaru, ltos:cu.
No hfiltis' with in-Inino iitn.
N 1 1 I l..u mi., in l i.i ears.
N" mi o Hi us: ill' ttic iinntrlU er nitr.ii! i. tin wire:.
N.i i" i r ns' tin 'lie ne it it 1 1 iv n t In l li ri sit .
'Hie Mf.l Al'lll SlUAI. I II HI ' IV I ; I.' 1 will I'll everv
!"v Onit ih ecu unil instruments ivill ri'ie h, uiel tli".i-
,l"lt S 111 lltl C t'ClllCS.
"I'I toll is int:'l,tv inul must rTi'Vii'l: eri'.ir (i lltl'.ir. 17-
iiutcil v. a li t uiti- c iini"iK li ly iii mi soon, r or Liter a niK
l.llll l ll IVll.ll.
Ill nli lln unlvcrso U ere I" ll"tlilni.' n comiiis'i'lv i ll
lo a cp In in rcr as ilai lc's, tureen, unit ni'.livi ii 011
rt" teil villi tho j'liy s k-al ami mental iiiistitiitiici el' 1110 i
'1 1 1 riuHtita of thine In Iht r.'-iiH of U-iior-ne o
hi n Inm-on ihi-p u t ol (ii'"e w ho pr t t" .ol ulnl'-ii r
health aihl lite to tho pi opU win m MC , t!H' nia o'liv
i);l DM ( inti tloin Mil' t hU ttl lllli.l t ' ..I'I . Ml l'rinlt-. IHltt
tl,' lri't't- rf In no titp-iysp.., jdnl t .in never he uiiili-r-fto.
il ii) art irotn Ihr iiine.
lht' re ineti w ho niAk'- a htn ti i of tro .tin;. - ir.' i
Hi hi si ai . l In y pn paio limit 'in..' tit-, to n.i hurt hih
t.. thu k ot, wiili s)il'h i'i v i.t. in i ut mi (t.ior mil, vic
tims, ho h.ixc --t' i lit h, nt'iihet phti mII.v u ir liiiiital.y ,
to i.l.dt TLO MO h f n'i itt ititt-i i i "' imt-nts.
He v. ho cri'itti d die htiinan h( dy alwayn jpc iki of II as
ft nithiy h-tle, untl the inun liin-t he a knav or f.d who
v'of) H'.ttnint to divil, the itfm tnto "'i tloli, nnd
treat . ti v uiM'tthe ft'ecltl''ali , ludt pen.I'Mit of Uih pa-ii or
iiiht) whole to w hieh lht pel. in;. All sm li pruul P.n
erh in nl v i 1 1 i . hut know iiolliltn' ot Ihe i i "e whit
er it. 'I hni the wi i ul ii not hunt l'-Nd than u vast hot pit al.
I he ahunilm. i i ndition f ihe pt p e phy t.e;illv, efny
tl.lll Ihe oii in , who are oltl w Uh ttiseiKC lotore tip y Ittvll
m Pud Into liie. t 'I'lhi-r with Hd e-p rienic ui havm
been drn iivnl o near livmis, who hava d Jiuw
lintiiPiely truM hy ti ini. i I .it' d on.
'I hi'ite eirt nin-'.aiie , u ii h many ot.'n'fJi which miifht In'
nii'iilhuii il. nif mi n r-.tiUe Hiiiniilim to lln- pgonh? o
dt iiiand tit fun iunn who hafthe hli and h'nitli of" thetn
H'ht'N ii nd t i.elr l v.'d Oui in ii ik hand .Hint Ih onii'.hiiia1! v
n 'tin inliler I lit; tiietti. lion u lii-h the ruth lit i w n it allow e I to
know the iiionei'i iniii.n oi . I sa initerihi".eeiit'tiui!ttaiii p
the tot in have a nvlit t J- iiia'H.. everv toii h ihv. lan
tot(.rnlsh ih. -in wiili ft 1 1 art of hi . h.ira-ti-r, that th y
limy know his ii'iHlili'-atitiiiH, Ac, Are. : imlt ed i-vt tv physi-
tl:in bliou'd he f-i' ul t hav it hnn,' tifi in hit olH e
ut nil hourt. li in .miy thi"iejh thn channot tht th'
puhMe t an I ve anv -: iet or '.'iiir ante1 i-ir what i" ni-wt
dear to li liie .iiul ll alth ; oll.erw I tr l.To m iv he lu fie
humltt of a iuu n mote tiuulitled hr a hluckinnth tnun u
j.l y l lan.
in if it wiiv mm reai 'luiiiiiirati'niH. wriii-n are innnneti
hhie In a are sure to he dMeived and exhiid'ed.
e:e i tils iiiiIm'i al'' aone, thoii-Hii'ls Won Id Pave
which nut iirc never 'iu.i;liitt them lor. ll na.nre
'iiiiiunen lht re cm tie no MiitaMt' tMi.ihlit-atiO'i, a. in
i n:cr to di tt ft the llMt i nu-e ul ill-ea-'. it in re inite. :n 1
liii 1 1 i . M-H 1j v iit ti iaji v m lulit rlt t ammltv. Metanhv
bieal I'owi r aii'l 'oiotnit-ti ene-s mutt also he iiiheritfd
hy all who would he huci-elnl in an'hl'.ft!
eanatile t of Hrmih'l the tau-e o tlisea-e. 'I In' re i
ehuntiel t y w hieh the emitiei. can he reached wilti certainly
in, i i lie out i nm v ti ei im a.
'l hef etore I tat with confidence the world, th t It I
Ihrciiil) ii.i.critirtK tl.ife lure run hinuti im ol eliniat ter
th it I Iihti- hern f iuitiP'tl to detect the first caimeol di-ieas
The tiill-e It not, n.i '( li fi'.-.-i' it t i In:, a diSca-n'; I' li
An Iti' it ted law lietw-en hoiii nod ioly, w' Aiwt
1'uul I hs in-, I" ahwis wurrltik' iiK.iiii'.t each oiher. ia
h.w si nils toith stopi.u'eH tlu'to stopm-en pro tiiciJtliieHfte
in divei ailleii loriim, mid If tit-eaoe Is exnerlrnenteil on
linnpi'iid wltfi d laW't a tinner np of tin; eonstitiitioil
ami intiithi'if s In othT K ruin and other lot 4'itie ol tho
t "ti in ( ihit b del truylng iho wiudc m.iehiiioi-y ot Uie luiniau
h. Hv.
pi'im inber, tin Htotnath nnd tho I.ivcr have nothing to
tin Willi ihe i .iiht'Ml' Ihedi enti'. 'ftn tr. iltlili,' of thwstt
means, for iUj inure, haa sent nulUouft to an untltaely
With ri!itlth n e I miy to tho world that mv Mcianhv!
en I I Mi cuv. r it the only n mi dy iver oilered to the wnrld
which will thitDiiv;hly nnnihilrt'e t lie loot ol dlni'uae. I'tin
diht-i-very co'ini-i1- oi three uistlnet pifpaiait jnn : one fur
tne m alp, one I' r the eyen, and one (or the eari. I heM- wurk
in e iiu ih ii, and dtrihe ut Ihe riot of .ill dwe io,
H hen I f-ii' all, I mean every di.HU.ihc that eser InieaieJ
the h u tun 1 1 hxry.
Kn in tl i Ha-toii .foiiniaJ.
,Iclv V7. imi.-l, Mr. Nancy Hlnnn, of No. ICiWurre
btiet i.t in rii'ftow , doceitifv that I ha -c heen attttcteil
lei hn Mar. My rilt Mde wai no farilvze.l ihit I
conld not lo- on it. Dunn? that lime I Hiillerett from en-
tan h. . re Uiioat ; v. unit I cohkIi irom one tn ho.n i at
utuiie; wa ry nervoU ' ; n. hloiu e.aild en at muhr
1 I an u luor levr two i .lift nine, wiiii-'i re iliii ed me to a
nke.eioti. i iiui ail the mtviieai aaee a. id medicine
InoM' eon i! prcein hut ait to no purpose. wh tant
f Ibkie,: in ihe latf .tj,e tt ciHiHiimpt ion. wfta contlin d
to hel when Mr. tl. ll, llrnwn B Metaphys'cil Discovery
viiKM-nt lot, itwrtft Hppiie i at'c oniiny to direciion. 1
Ielt no lx Iter, inn nil her worn- tor tome time
My frtcmih wanted iao to up, layiiiK it wonld kill
ine ; ti at I wni. ton fur p i.e ami too weak hi try anything
tiio o inn riv iniiiner nam i wouiu die it i tixi not Uml
lellei In the lNfcoveiy; and as It was the hiht trial ti cure
nif w oiitti coni in ne it. e soon tound ttiat it was urn
tin illation which wan rn-hun; Into my ayftteiu which was
tukin ' t-ilect. At the circulation kept IncieaMntr my dn
mile heian to hreak iu. Itwai mx we-ka after I
to ii'H tin- iitedt-ini' hefoic I conhl gather iti(njttri to mi
Into lioston to n;e Mr It i. Hrotvn, and then I tiad to
liHeh p 'I he fe'ond time I ventured I wot without
reip, in d the third time I lound toy w av w ttfiont any uif
tU nlty. I U'i'i.n the nue t the Meiaphv fK al Uiaeovery in
Uav.and the renult on ihi JViu ot July, tnat hualfh and
ttmiL-in m tat reiunnui: to no emuc-icti frame.
My parn'yetl hale in retiored to vi-or; 1 can now nist
wen mi it. Jhy eatai rn ih Koiif. .viy ctmh, uiy ihtvoiih
IirHB.nnd horn ih.out ure one. I nh "ii w ell All iuv ir
ri-nularltli H have ol-apiieiiP'd, nnd I nnttt aeknowicdne
thui, n ine piovmuiice oi (too, i wait oireete'l to u- u-.e
Mm M. tl Ilrnwii h Welapfiycical Discovery, and by It
taken from the moulh of ihe aravo and restored to my
landly mid Iiii-ioIh I know nit dlttcasun r none, imd a
l enerul t in nlailon haa taken plate, hut epet It will tuke
time to rrj.ain my iuai nuan ana aireiitii.
l i'.AI.n N I ANDINU.
I, John A Newiomh, of tiaiiii v, di certify that I hav
iictn entirely deal in iuv P tt ear lor twenty yearn, and f
the pnhi ii eitrh my riuhi ear Imn hern mo tit af that I
co iu 1 not lu-itr i-onverhatPiii or puhiic spctkltih' ot auy
kind. 1 cop lit not hear ihe church he lln rim; while 1 wai
altilnu in the chinch. I have itlao hern troubled lor a mini
her ot jeart wilh a very i-ore throat, no lhai I whi oohKeil
to inveiiii mii'int,' m enuiri .ior i nail iohi niv vmue,
hud jtreat Ironhle In my heatl. lerrlhie ii -Im , nhimHt to
ciaiuer-. My hctid Ielt liumh nnd etupld, and waa
source of con ft ant trouhle to me.
1 tiled very remedy that eon Id he thoui'M of. f went to
auiitk;bnt an they wauled to ime InMninu nu I would
hnft liolhlm.' to lit) W Mil them. About one m nittl nil it' I
oh tit load Mih M. O Jirown h Metaphyaicdl Jacover , and
ii bed it iiicoi tl'io: lo ihe Oireetior, t on tne tiotlka. And the
remit Ih thai Ihe htaiiiiK' ol hoih euro m per fee lly re.,toritt
no that i euii I e ii an wel'ai anv man. The reat li'oiih:e
In my I eal in entiti iy i; My heatl Ice in perfectly ivisy
lind at reM M ihrout, w hieh wait mo tiihcaxi'd, if eiitin Iy
i nn d, ano I hae re. oveied my vuict- a un. 1 would not
lake one tin u-und iht'laiH lr the l.ein ;it I hav r-eeivcd
in Ihe nn' ol .Mr. I'.iown b Mi-taph i ul llitcovuiy.
1 Ali. JiihKAHj;i EV1.8, AM) i.o.i- (l IMLI.
1 K( P.
1 mi Ait i i m , i piemher 7, NH.-l, Ih nry M'lirville,
.Iff cr Mm tttii-ei in t.r Mr. It c w I'h.'Jilt coal am ), i ; -liiaiiit.w
it. tlii t riiii i ( ni it y k n J'lhhua t hi urn io .er
(iinl c itmrh tn the tTeci.'. w i.lrh let! l.iui w ith diht tjarifoi
Imm the ear mm iii.-tni i yen. 'I ;.u tint hari;ci never
i iii-nl Ills et-ra I'tc.'ine tj'iite lar ami onnatinal,
ini en d w ii h m ah. 'In1! iIIi'Wh li.oi io he 'hunted tluniiif
the nli-hi, mi hMurat iMvt re tUwwith tho du. Imiin ; it
i.ll il hi fl';p iHMtiie to de-i'.ihe the CO i'llll"ll ot lni ri'fi.
M v i.iimiy p' yti iio ;i',d he w m.d no lind. Ill Intelh-ct
ai-o Pec;. me n aired, ll.iil he cul td Hot to he', or play
w ith t hi it'll ti. lie t.i'k ! ii'.t ;.'i oi an ihini.- aroiimj tnm,
.None hut the p:ieu( ran te!l w hut our NUtlcr ill v Id
lu k ( ii ton cl i il in thin (."tlnit.ti.
M."-l ii. ioeniifcll. , iilii'iii on.' year i;o, I Raw Mih.
I'.row n h "..e!npl.yi"lt al 1 il.-coverV advorth-cd in
the fi-'ir. I wild tulle O'tue, 41'- A ri'h ftre t, and
pi.a nn -I i lie im & I ne. Mm lie iipi. tl it taithtnlly uml
j..". M vi-rli y. 'I I r ir.t ihciii" worked Mo-- iy at I'm
ht tjiiuuiL', hut nidi we period nil, ami tl.e in that
ont f. l.l- I'Minly curt d of hi- ilh'ins. Hi-, inte ii-ct
h elm- tt. h.w aw aki-iit d out ol tl e Hin p of d, ath. 11.
t 'hpnli i-d low u loii;lit aii'l Inh Ulsiint ioy. i,0 ihl
1 1 mv i tn-iii Llti-arh I. live ei.t.rely tvust-d, and hi" ear;
l.aM hit "ine t mull at u nut i-i al. Hiaeviat eh ir it 1 1 1
.-t i' iirf. My viti' nun iinm li are w i II sBti ,, d Ml h f o
r.iil nte pei I'm n.i ii on our child hy Mr-. M i i . li r.n lis
U h no 1 I 'iiii on iv, and inu-t hi ui tily commeinl a t j
all w-h" ."iiih-r.
Mi'4, M. li. Hrnw rTi CeMn-Mfd 1 .or 1th lianV Ten
Waiir.l pei hott.t, Mii.ill tize-'.'' n uU. .a!p Uciiuv.i
toi, vl pei hoiue.
A ui mack Ami: c i'i;r, (v ni.ishVKs.
(AM-it.tA.C V . .Iin -j ;, ift-.j-Mi. M. ii. r.rownv
lu ur Miidnui ; 1 l.a i ht-en imite hhnd in my nit lit e lor
ri'Mli M'ni-. I lime hi en lo io verat doctor, wh. mi
h' iiu could restot'i mv evi-il.hi, hut U,e never inn
any nioti. I .cnt laue nintt of money lu traveling t
when I In-Mid theie weie doctor who could heiielil uie,
bul none ot llii'in i hi hi do me anv o;nl. 1 thoulil my
riihc l.opolf -ti, entii told hy a trit tid mn could relieve iue.
I nt h n 1 1 end and intieiii i d your '"Meutp'n im ul fift
cn 1 1 , ." an J in iwcniv-tour hours after tin tlrM treat
im -it , I oold M-e tiuiie'diitmcllw I uui very thankful mr
Io iKliveriilo e.
1 icutaiu yonri.tntly.
The CtleMufi
t!lu,0 CtsUU.
1 Ivor H..Urd' Kye Water, (1 ; i:oUl
Hu, 410 AliCII 8ire-t.
Hcalp I:enoator, 1.
t.ilU Alt U Slrtvt.
C. C. W fK F.Y. Aurtiotifr, Mtlfl'd on.U'tirnnt t
Of All ll Ind. lor p,iMr ifttr l "I Auction itooum. o4 he
willtttfi.d iiirMi)v tn ih of
At the Fxituuir.
At DwfUiP yn. pmrt
HUtt'K OY MKH(lt.:MlK
At tl "forf of tM- mtm
( -vh in 1 1 n'lviiii.'td w ) 1 - - ta d'irnl in c uiiUr.inonfg of
$ ,ti fur puMii l ale.
1 n
,d niiniv of rrniU'tr't titi. tn '!f1it. r"r, n.l
ll,.t thr n'X Cifliit nf 4N"A K M tf.i . K"!!'..!' .
K.,.l nnl .'(inrii 11. tow -r.i i-iiiiro,
VTi .ra 1 1 Uif 'iff i'i atnl tt innt ot iC'HlK't T '
A-K, df.Kd, n-l ti PiHirt ilwinhit'l-n ..f the
lilftfnr m tin- luimlorii lh )'C tnr r tit, "I m-rt th
urn1 iiitfrrtni for thr imrt- t n oi ftvi'Otnimciii, n
nlrcMii v . 1 i.f(,,r ... lt.i. tn 11 n lor n A.M.nt nn
!;, f Ko. ;i; Wiunut iri' t. "i thr dry r.t I'ti'l.ul-JKrort.
miiiw.M .UHIN CLAY l')N, Ainlnor.
1 K S O I. V T I ( N
V I o t'ni'B' the phi. c of VoiinK in the rrnra riTrinc:
I tr o I- ( urtt fifth
etl d. I' tie H'-t-'l and I --mmon "tin M m nn
Hv of I hUmi'-lphla. T t hrmne Niimhcr liJI ltid.e
vcniehrt atol hirhv flxtd ia thn Ihlrc Pn t
n ..I it e 1- "iirt' en' I. W tiro. )!. hoime l..riin riy .-nii-
it d (or fiuch pin poi s hi iiK ' ho l'i t av.iiite.
W I 1. 1. 1 M . P " l I.I -i .
l'rrf IiUnt of t omuioii ( oiilii il. pro tciO.
Alb it -
wm. r. pmi i ,
Ch'iK fi (' tnmon t'o'inrll.
J iVKfl I.VVIi,
Irr hh nt of Select ( onn II,
Approved thl ntree nth 'h y ot H.-premher, A nn I mi ni
it- iiioii-iuid eikht hni.ttri d and -hmr ( . l.
It .Vavor ol l'hihiJtl.h;a.
4 N O H I)
j To f'hi.Pre the
Nittne of t'hnrell allev, in the SW th
Yffrd, ot the i I y o' l'hiatlelihla.
nl. I he H' lect and I oiulii"M t'oiint lit nf tti' City
I I'lii'adi'lphhl 1" 'Ttlil'll. I li i all T t h" n tine ot
A 1 If . tr.,m He find to '1'hPtl KTO'Ih, h.'Te.-n
Mrkt nnd Arch nlreeta, hhail he ciuiiiKed to t'hnrth
Mi let.
Wil l 1AM H. STDKI.I V.
l'ri-i-lilent et t'omiiiuii Oonncll, pro tetn.
All .f
Am: hum Rn wa'it,
Arv-ihtunt CJi ik of (.'otnmoti fvmnell.
.IA ill".s I.VN'O.
VreMi'ent m Select i niri'-ll.
Approved Ihiit
e inmnaiiil
Iw entieth du v ui Sen' etnher. Anno Ihnuhd
i ifcht huiuiied and mxty-iour (A. 1.
AT,F wnr.n iiKMtv.
.M.i, or "I I' ip'iliu
1 K S 0 I, V T I
1 1 To h nil or ?e ihe Kt
pa ink.-'
f I'nitev- alley, he t ween
Alien and lit i en tnec. in il Ku h ei nth aid.
lit M.ert, I'.y the flict and I oiiinioii ( oiint iH rt the
It v of I hihnV'i h a. 'I hat the l hh t nuiinli-nlotier ot M Ii
-n'y s he and he is hi n h initio. rl-e I ton tave with t-a i-
wii t. rn-f r;i'e all tn ni Aiit n to i.eaiti mi eels, tn
K giiti nth Wiird ; and. 11 ihe csriwuy i-i wMer t linn
ii i"-tat v for n Mtitle li jo k. he in anthoried lo reduce
It io tl e pn pi-r w idth, by ttikiD an eiml ijiiaiitity from
eat h fritle.
WILLIAM f. l')M,h(
rre-Idrnt ol Common roiinclt, pro tern.
Wll.MAM F. Rt.r.
Clerk ol I oiumoii Council.
President of Mlect Coim -ll.
A li)' roved IhU twentieth dny . t Seut'inher. Anno lloinini
'' thontaiid t'lKi.t hniitln d and sixty -lour (A. 1.
.Uifi vii r. it iir.Mii,
It .Ma v.-rot I'fitladelphU.
K S () L U T I O N
To Au'hon.e ihe H- pav ln of TrotH r i aihyaud
t arinun t'lnce v ith Iniiiiw a Ptom;.
lieiM tl. H vihi hi le t and mnion t oiini II- of th1
City of Philadelphia. 'I t.t t the nit i Co nmitioner of
1 1 !l h w a f l e ait tl ne is to r nv nut r, .ri 1 i to i ept, ve, w nn
Ira in w st ne. in ihe track ot the wht el Trotter a alley.
from hef. ml to Strnw lurry -fr e'8. and I -ironi! piii;c,
ti Arch and ' Im rr , and Me t nth and hu'hih Mieet - ;
and it Ihe i ai I w i ii w uler lean In ll -cetttar (or ft dtiylu
Hack, J e I k n lit In. i led t" r dnee il to t lie proper W Idlll by
lukiti;; an iiUl tinantity from each s'.lo.
W 1 1.1,1 A M S. HIOKI.KY,
J'rcsld. iit of Coitimon t 'oiincil, pro t.-m.
Wi m.i V. Small,
Clerk oi'f' Cnitnefl,
Pre-sld'-nt of Seh'. t loimefl.
Ajiprtie-1 ihit twentieth da d H. pieuiher, Anno l"ininl
ot e ihvlif-and huiitln-d and mMv-loili' (A. It.
lM.t). iiKsirr.
It Mayor ol l'inhut"lphia.
I r, s o i, r t i o n
i ToAnttorlc the Pavit-t; of TIMrly-
Ixth Blreet, In
he Twr 'titv-iourtn w nrd, urd Mut'er atieet, in the Nmo-
tiei.lh S ii Ml.
Jti "soed, By the Beh-et aiiiK'omtnon Conn-IUof tho ey
ot 1'hl lailid.d: la, That the Cnief 'oiii(niitHloiir oi Hlk'liw. n
te. anu tie in t ereny mriion,"(i ami tiipc'en io en
Into eontraci h with compitent paverH. wro hhali
nelertid hv n tnaiot Ity of the owrertt of property fronting
on the follow li a rttieetw. lor tie nuvini; mereot u
1 hlity-Mxtii t- el, lifliii Market lo Filhcn mreet, In tho
Tw i niy toui th Warrj.erkia-WiW- FAfbf
Mu ter fttitel, Iri in J.ubiKli u'iiue lo imupliin S'.rtiet,
hi Die Mn-nnnli N aid
1 le com lit Ion k t w hh li rontrn'ti ha!l he, that the eon -
tractor wih collect thecoxl ' i HHitl pmlnn Irotn ihoownerft
ol t roiieiiy iroti'iiiK on naiu ntieels. and Hhali enter into
ii n ohlnatloii to the t iu to keep haul at net it i u ordr
for two car h troin the tune the rti- ini? i iiniN.-ti Ami
the Chief ( 'omtrufii-ner In alto aiithoned to do the nc
naiy (yradlnii on .Mutter strt-et al u cot not excueUiny
Uitte nuiitniu aim ninety im i ir.
rrcaldent oi Commuii Council, pro t 'in.
William f. fhut.i,,
Cork oi Common Council.
Prtnldent'it Select Como il.
Approvetl thi twnli ih ilav ot Hepietnhor, Anno I lominl
one thoueiiud ei,lit hundred and nixiy-iour (A. I)
It Alajorot l'luladel.hia.
1 t TO A i
Auth'irlie the ttrttdtnu of Arniat fitn ctani Duy's
Uino. ill ine. i weoiv- hcronn vt urn.
ltistlvt d. ley the hileei and Common CouncHi of the
Clir of I'hllnd. Ii'hla. That Ihe i Inet Commo Hi-mer of
Highways he ano lie In hen hy authorized and dirmP d to
trade Arniat ntnet, Ir .tn i emir lane to (.new street, to
eity (rratie, at nnexpmieto the city not execedim.' live
hu dred dollar, the property ow uern lo pa the halance
and Iu s lane, ttotn ltrtde lo hew utieet, at a coat not
exceidini; three hundred and tlfty HoiiarK.
w i i.i Jam s. htoki.ev,
rnaldentoi Cetninou Couacil, p;o U in
Clerk ofCoinnion C mnH.
I'lf "hlent Ol He!f Ut CoilUi'll
Apfmned Ihia twentieth day ui SejiU iooer, Anno Domini
one thoi.bai.u tit; tn iiumireii aim iixiy-iour tA, jj
H Miviur ol I'hiladelptiia,
AuUioiie the Connlriictli'li of 8i wera in the
Kn htien'h and Mneteeiilh WhiiIm.
Miction!. The Select an Common OounrllH of the City
ot J'lnlaiie'phia do oriiuin, l hat ine iiepai tuieui oi u k'l
ivhi In ind ia li i autht rled to ronniruct a htwrr
two lent nix Inchin, eirciilar. hiHlde diameter, on the line
oi Mt mphiN icn ei. from thefoiMti uitte of Nnrris treot.
nuril.wuiu Ih the nwer a'n ntiy coiot true ted on Mild Aleut'
Phi mreet, north of TowiiM iid Mrei; nnd alno on tho
line id Vleiiiui t-trcet, fiom Ite'L'iatie utreet, westwardly
to Mi tiiphin Mfet t. w llh an liixiile iliameier ot tljie loel
to he coiiKiruetid In eoiiLirmiiy w ith plans ami upecinca
tlotin to he IT pared hi Iho I lenartmeut of SorvevH.
Hen th ii 'I. Tne Chi! Commishloiuir of Il'uhwnv fhatl
adveitlMt arconlitiK to law, unuounetng that proiHiNata
w ill Im-n reived tor the eonxtiueiii n ol a d tewuia, ami
he 1(11111 allot the work to tl.e Jo we I didder, and It ahull
ho a i-'Oiidltioii of kui h coiuiact tlta the coitnicfnr
ul all acefpi thti hiimi amnimed iim uud charetl to the
iiropertM'n Ivmy ni uu tlii' line tn ahl sewert. as uutlio
r I'd h act i f Aoeiubi . uppro.i d April ri, 1n!C and in
nn nnir ano foim proviiied in aeetlnm .( and ot ordl
l entitled 'An lo pr i'ie far (lit) emttrue
tion ol hriiut ti icwfi H," np) rovt d Nowmher 11, 1h H; the
balunce lor the mieet tnierech na uml countnicrion ot
Alkt ami Ii.alihi h m, to ht paid ('ill ol hem for Unit
puipo e dt kh iii.ii tl in apt roprhiilon made t the lienar
h.t nt of Hinwei k, A j., lor the iHi.t.
Wil l 1AM s. HTOKI.KY,
riebhlent vt Ct lumoii Council, pro iem.
WiiJ-iav K. Nit A 1 1..
Ch rk ul Coitiinon Coum ll.
l'rcl lt'Ilt Ot Select I'.OIN. I!.
Api mim d iKif twentieth da ol heptt ml r. Anno In mint
om thou a nil elUt humlied and kixty-lour (A. I
AI.KXASIiMt lll'.SltY.
It Muror ol I'lnuidiiithiti.
i? No. 7f!0 CllKHNUT Htrwtt.
v.i IVIr I'l l 1 K.n lull ITNKOl'AI.LF.n III nnrll.
O' Y .l.t 1.1. Cl !'... r. .Hs.slil'il s'MiIIJ' li.r CMl!ll..' aii'l
S. !,. :s. Iiiii I ri.J li' In- i"i'ull, v"'l mlujiU'il tolUe l".iriur
ana l'tawli . I ul aau uuly by i(tl (;
K i IS K. Bl'vkstll Iti i rt
1s aronn.VIe -..oi lli.tlit ol tnu 1 erica i,U.wu
c.ii.-i.iiitl I'lil.anil. aul'i-o
1,MM UN1 A. l-iOUIiilt A C.O.,
HftirNh A. sori'fcil,
Am 1 1 1 11 A I ll (.1111,
el I 1 111 h i. HOI I'ill.
i h.l-tf
IlllJKblll KG M AClilNMi Y0KKS,
tn-1- ici:,
Ko.W N. FRU'NT aTHLi;!',
1 It 1 J AI.H.I'lllA.
V( are ptipuii d tonuoidura 10 any extent for oar veil
V nt,, u
Inch -diiid all recent iqjiu cuianu iniiuuuitf, Hp.iiuiny
ai u w eu iu
t in itt tlic ativiilevn of manuiaiturLi-s t ouraxtm
llttKAT Tltt'NK
FIiOM rilTI.M'H. Ill A to r-ir-, n rr.Rioa ur
IT.NNHHVAMA, TIIF. H'-im vi.kii.i, hitu-
Ol F uANNA.f'l Mhf.ltl.ANil. AUD
W.w.MI.Nil VA1.I.LV,
Irtir the rrmium I I - "t TIIIHTP.KVTfl
i Al l (iWlill.I. lIeela, I'hiiath luiiia. at Uie luhewinj
At w-'i0 K. If., for Ktatlmir. 1 enmi on, P.nhrata. TJtl.
C'lninnia. liarm hnra, roUnviiie. PitieKrov-. Iinma,
H'llil nrv. H'nhanitport. K'tmr.i. he.f-T, NInifara tr'atla,
hiii'mol', Wi kfnt.arre, I'iiuton, ork, Carltala,
i hiin t r hnr , linn rni n. '
1 he trtn eonio m At HK ll X with P.Ht P- nnayhra-
li a Rn .ul tram ir A c Mown. Ac the Keatlmn and
(' luiiihiH l(iirmi'i tnr I- phra . l it .. and Cii im'na. am)
with the 1. hanoti Vallyiran for lirn.h..'i.-, r.;at PKT
t'l.iM'iiN wnh f,itttM lmllr.'K li aln lor VVtlke-arre
U illlfltn! -ort. I n. k Haven, Kinnni, Ac : at IIAKHlH
I'l'lti; Ith ' Nortkern ('entri," 'umnerlnnd Valii'y,
and "Mh.,ilkil hikI SnKjiieriann " train h-r N-ut inm
iH'rland.VN iJliam-i' rt . k . ha hi hunt, Pineirrove,A
Al- IKKMION I M'hf.Hfi
I 1'hllfttli iphia at ;i ;wi p. m. f.-r Iteadhie, Polta
ville, l'in fro e, Hrtf rliiiirf. A ti , r'niit rtlnif at Harris
I nri.' v i'h l'ennyl an:a t't ntrAl trnlni t'T Pitt-nnrv. e,,
NortiiTti I ' nt i al Ital rnid tr.utu fur Hutuniry. Northnm
hi i met'. I- Im ra , A , ami a- p.trl I llnton with fatttwla
ItMhr.o! trains for ililtnn, Willmrujori. einilr.t, ItulUlo,
I.mitp Rewth? k at t1" S.H . "topiiin it all wiytA.
t ioim. arn if -k in I'hllndt Iphln at t imi . M.
KetiirrdiiK, h ave ptihadeip hia at 1". M. ; arrives La
ftr. ulna- at fin I' M.
Train-lor I'miiidelphia ifvr Marrirtira'at A M . anl
Pottlle at H'' A. M .anlv.ioi In Philadelphia al U Ml
I . M . AlMTIMWllI 1IMIIIB l'r'C IH" I it.'i" I ' . " - A
rotttv)ii ei i to p. i., artlMni. In i'hi.adelehia at 1 Y. Mi
Mnrket tiani. with a puvm ng-r tar aiia ha, ta-
rhihnlt !phla at 1 P. M , for liendin and all w v MaiIoiw ,
Irfive R hd'nif at 1'.', noon, ami 1 nw idnuiw n at 12 .j V .
H for I'hllntlt 1 Ida and .ill whv i.itiotn.
All ttie at.uve irah run naily, Undayn exrent-d.
Hnniiav trams P uvq l'toiavuie ut 7 oM A- M., and Phil-
PflnenrT tor liowniiiKh wn nod intermedU'e point
take the h l.0 A M. nnd fi v l ai. tram" iro n i mitirit.:io..
returning Iijmi liownuiguiwn ai u io j
M.. atul i; i
a h.w YfRK r.xpii; rmt vi
I. aTeNew nrk nt't A. M. and 7 I. M., p'iilng Tteadlnt
ni li minnleht and 1 ;w I'. M., and connect Ini at llarrlt
ImrRwiih rmnhnKii K iPrond KsO'ei train- ror Pltta
hiitK. CI h ae. and the WM. , , ,
Uetuiiiit.u K prt"tn tmln leaver HiirrlhurKoii arrival of
the pcmiMtiaiila Kprt"B Imm I'll l tnurK "t ( an,
7-: o A. M , pa-slnif Itcudlm! ill I :i; antl A. M., ai'
nrnvinu in w vnti ai io , . m . ii'io i . im. i-i- ! .
ii ir Cur ii aecoinpimv thetto trains throin;li, between JorseiV
t It v itntl l'lttfthiirv, withoul chanui1. .....
Mini train for HarrNhurif h iiven New v.rk at U U. J.
Train h ave l'ottuviiie at H eu A M. and ;t -iP.M,,n
tumli-a (roni Tuscarora at h ;.: A. M . and 4 :" t. M
c. ...... . . .... . . ... a. . . . i ,.. . . i vu . i li train
i ill i i.hii.i. a.mi to T'i r.' i iv 1 1
1 iH.o have Aiitinrn ut ii t.'i A.M. f..r l'imvroT an 3
Ihiiri-bur', and at Cod p M for im'Kr.ive only; return
in, irom H.irrlnhurit t ! 1. M.,and itom TlneaiM. ii
. '.I-.
Til hP. N r
Ihroutrh flmt-etniiii tU-hi-a and emlvrant tleketitoaff
th-' principal point in the .Norin ami went mm i a mm a
The following ticktth are oM nli.:iMi' oiuv ai fm om-e c
MtAtiKiHtl.1 r- a-nrer. No H. KM Ki ll Hire.';
I'hiintti td ia. or of ll. A. MCOl.LS, (P neral Supeiinteo
dent, Itiadintc ,,.,,
("O.'l.'ll rail"?!,
At'.'li percent, dncouut, between any pointi deetrei JL-t
lor laniuiee aim irnn. Iii
;rod for 'K"'u nnU'-t. between all points, at $W 35 eacr f '- i
for lamiheH and ijrni-i. p
For three, nix, nine. or twelve months for holder! on
to all poiiitn, at reduced rates.
t i.i.iiw i ai r..
Itedltif on tho line ol the road w be fi.mHhed wit
raid: , cntltltiig theniielvrg and nvives to tickets at ha
From rhHadclpi ia to principal nuilon, goM for Rlurf
at tie I MketUIlUe.atllilliTlil.NlHandfALI.'JWHIh
r Kr.liiH I .
(htln of all ilen'rlptionn fi.rwr'lrd to all fl
)'iit.frr m the Coriipauy's new I'n btht depot, ltKOA
id w ll.l.fn htreeiP. ;
Leave IM.Iladelpliia dally at A. M , 1 P. M. ,and fi P.
for Ki aHi k, l.ehanon. Harrlshury, PottavtUe, Port CUi
toil, and points ueyona.
VAI1, '
Clone at the Philadelphia Poi' (itHee for all plaoea on tr.
I nnd ittt hinnt run at o a. ,m ana mr uie pruicip-
Matioiih only at 'l ib P. M.
TiMi; TAItl.K.
On and anirMONHAV, al uy Id, W, until ftirth,
J-OK liBKM F Tinv.N,
Leave Vhlludelphia d, 7, h.ii lo U, li A. M. ; 1,2,3 1 1
:i;,,4,o, 7,h, !, n. ii. w p m
Lene (ii i ninntown, , J, 7 J", i, ii, ia a. ai
4. 4,.', ti,'5. 7, H, !, In. II, ami I'J P. M.
Theh iMtiown, unit trie ;c. aim !: iraiui up. uo noi ice
on the Oeriuant"w n It ram h.
( IIKM;r If Ml KiMli.
T.envo Phl!ndclphla,e, , lu, la A.M.; 'i,
an'1 1' ...
Leave Chemmt Hill, 7"in, n, it' io, irwi a. m.; riw, a 1
C 4o,h' P,K lo, ami (l -10 I. I .
lllll ' NN II IIIM-h I'.N AN I "I'Ml (HIO'TI,
I.cnvp l'hilaiielphiii ,8 11 (." A. M.i l,S'3,4,t
6,'p,H or,, nnd 11 v P. M.
Leave .NorriHtown.oJu. , C),:i miau
t:. ami n 1. M.
Tl c ii'.', train nn, win nop at v )nsanicaon, juauayu"
and Colmhockeu olitj.
I (lit MANAi I nh.
Leave Phlladeinhia,il.bik'..llu;,A M. IH, 3,4..o
(IS.H-P.'.and ; P. M.
i.eave M.may uiiR, :ii,ot, n;
aud P. M. , A
II. K.HMITn. Ceneral Hiiperirten.lent,
rn:il Jiepol, SIN ill uml . . IU. KM HtreelS.
llllUH l.ll IN I l Pi 11UUK.1.
On and after MMi V, An oat 1, 1,4, trains wtll la
foot of VI. nK htivet, I'hiladetphta, every morning at 8
M. (HuntlnyH e( i ptec ). the1 i-e hy the Camden and A
lan lie and Kuritan and Iniawuro I lay Itanroadu to V
Monmouth, ami hy ihe coiii'iiodi niH steamer Jee Ilo
to tt ot "f Atliintie ntieet. llroialyn; returning, leave A
lantic HUeetHlurl tveryday (rtnuduys eaceptiat;, at
A -M.
Traxelem to the city of New York are notified not
apply ft -r paiMitto hy ttiis line, theHiato of New Jrt
havlnv wranied lo the Canine n and Ainhoy monopoly t
exelunlve prlviltK t e.irrj line puhnenio rti and fiirht I
twi n the elth a oi Ph'laih h -hhi ami New Voi-k. lytW-t-W.
F. (.lilt 1 1 IT, (jeneral BiiperinP ndent
On and aft r 1 K1JJAY, April 1, 1,4, u.oTraluwUIlea,
AB tolLiw. : j
l.r-uve rhilar1rl1i!a. from the lippot, corner of THIRT
FlKrtT and HAUKK.T Blrona.8 A.M . 11 04 A.M.,t
I'. M., . -Hi 1". M.,'4.' I'. M. '
I lillHdiii hia Hi-put cliuiucd friim KllillTKKNTFI a,
MAIIkr.'l blnit'ta U) IlllltrV 1 litBT and HAMKJ
Leave Wit flunlrr, from tlic Ilnpot on Ea.t MABK.
Bu.,"X.IA.M...-4.'.A. M.,11 A. M , 2 I'. Al . 4 4.1 P. M
1 he c-uri of tie West l'lilnuti 1,'lila 1'aniMiiiKer Kail
CiBiiali ( Mark.-t .trct'OwiU com ey I'uaien.rl lo a
fruui Uie I'lillaileliilna livitit.
l eave rlilladtli'lila at 8 :KI A. M. and '."W P. M.
l i nva Writ Clii slcr at H A M. ui.d 4 .HI P. M.
Tialns li'avllm Plilla.l'lila at H A M. and 4'M P. VI
and Weil I'liralrr al 7'.. A. tl. anil 4 46 r. M.,ooiil
vilth trulna on tliu l'lillailelpliiu and Kaltlmura Ueuu
biiilruiul fur 0fird and IntiTuii'illnl.' points. I
i4 if liKMIV WUiili. (Icneral Nuoerlntenden,
X. liAl.ll.MOI.K KAll.UHAII.
CHAMiE (K lllll'RS.
On and alter MuNliAY, AiikusI 1, 18-1,
PaiiiieiiRer truliiN leuve Philadelphia fwr
llallimiiri' at 4 Jlh (Kxiire... Munday, excpU'd,.!!!!
Ill .,1V M.,'J l "il III mil". M.
Cheater at b'Ub, 1116 A. Al., l'lltl, 110, 4'ilO, 0 00 and 11'
W llli)liis'"n at 4 .10 (MnnilaTa excrptrd), 8'04, ll'lt
11.. 1 M,f9n,"KW. 1 110 anil 1 1 14) P. M. .
Kew t aslle al K nn A . M . an.M ai P. M.
Liovnr al H li'. A. At. ana 4 JO 1'. M.
MHI'iidul Ills'. A.M. , ,
Bali.l.ury ai h tr. A. M.
TltAlNrt KOIt PHII.AtlUI.PHIA. ' '
Leave B.'illimor. at '4.i, 11 4u A.M. (Itaaron), 1
b"l anil 111 'Jit P. M. '
W iJimIvl at MM, C-4 9 A. U , 24, 1,1 44, 1'QO, 4
Ini.d'J in 1'. M.
H. llsl.liry at ll'-'Jl A M.
Alillold Kt a 4'i P. U.
lKiM-ral I, A. M., anil 411 P. V.
i v. I at s uu A. M . anil i:".'7 P. M.
t'lie.trr at 1 t.'i.H'tO A. M., l ln), a 4i, 4 to, 5 00, 7' M'.,
P. At. i
J.ruve lliiltliuoie fiirHah.liuryttlidluturuedlate itatioi
ai 107.. I". M.
L ave Itallllnore fur Dover and Intermedial, itatiom. .
l lOP Al.
l euve Chi sler .it h III A. M , .1 "'. uu'l 1 1 no I . M. '
l eave Wiliiniui.'ii at .'. a -.'" A 11.. H 40 and 11
I'. Al.
Inis'M "1 nun., wilh I'aa. unner Car attached, will r
a. ii'iini' ' '
I. i iie v iliiili .leu inr Peirviilleandlnterme.liaUpla'
at 7 a:, P.M.
M NHAli-niily at 4-! A.M . 10'IOP.M., from Phi
di iplnii I ii Italllini're. 1' I ia to Wiluil.iht.iu at 4 J0 A. M., 10"
anil ll P M.
1 i in N Ijtrll -ton In rhllHilelplim nt l'tti A. AI. and f
P. .M. Only al lU2i P. M . Iii'in llulilinnre I" l'hll;i.leiil
ai H P. KKNNhl. buperliueinl. il
i:s'f Jl Itsi'.Y UAII.HOAT) LINKS.
in tul iili. r '1 1'K.sliAl , M'lilelulier ti. 1,' fluUl Vt alnut SI' eel Whl'.rl us liulua. 1
At a p.m.
r. r Hiilrm ai d llrhh el, n, al n A.M. nnl t P. M. '
t ni lil.-hlii'l". al II A. M., uii'1 i fil'l 4 P. M .
j i , , .li uiy, Ac, al -i A.M un.l I'i M. .1 ami I P. V.
1 er i . Ac. i t ' A. M . P.' 11.. I, 4. nnd l P. M
kill HMSli 'I'UAIA lliN K
Cul'e Mflv ul li A, M.
1,1 Hi.- al mj7 A.M.
s. ,;, ui .1 li A. M..11111I M-". I'. M
1 il.l, el. 11 at 1. I'. A. M ., I ul'. M.
I. in V'lnui.'l ielt A. M.,nil'i 2'2I.P.
, ,'UIjiiI) at;, 7 In urn! !' 17 A. At., uud .'OOI'.M.
Tin: it kst .irnsi.v KxpiiKtHCOMPAirr,
.V KM'ltl.SN I'llMPAKT, -f I
Mitel, lull euii f,,r nnd ill l.fcf
llie nBiii.1 hriuu-liOl nl Kvpi jrW
ijii r ici' in 1 1 1 ti 1 1', eiii'h trul T 1
J. am:kn1"Ki.akii, V
huiiorlnic'nilant.f Ar
Ollire, Nn. .. Al M I
ltliini'k'e, ulid UIU nil lo ull I
Lii.uiiM. A iptc.l u-cen
; 0 tr
1 lllll.ADKI.rillA AND HAl.TIMOKH Ct:
J 1I1AI. 1I.MI KUAll, 0P1.MU OXf'OKl.-SPltl.t
fin and .iitri 1 lllll VV, April 1, IM, Uu train! will leu
an Ii -11' 'Wa :- ........ ...,.u.n,.. . ..
l.KA K 1A8TWAKI. I 1HI''
S I A 1 Hihs,
West llnne.
A. II.
IHIS4. A. M.
Pl.iladelplim.... H Ol) 4
il'.'ii West Chester. .. 7'4 4
4 ul W. C. .Iiniolloll,. n ils! h
4-17 Ci.iicnril IIVI b:
4 41 t tnidil n i'wrd,.. ll'lt li'
i-i.l Kenin lt I'HaJ li
li )', Avinn1. lie In '-'I
6 Jii Worn llrov Ili-H 7
t lu llsl.ii.l In jl "
lillinli'lnhia Inn hcen i huni;ed U''
I nr." n. t" Tllllll'Y f llft l' a
....7 oj
Kt Miell
4 haml . 1'uid..
I'.. ncurd
W.C. Jl.nelli.n
V e.l t'hesler. .
.7 I'J
. S'lii
.11 .III
PasenK"r n. i"'t in 1
Kli.h nth uii'l AliirV,
.t Phlli.'leliihia. Market Htn
MAHM-.I Ktreeli, V
l'.i..enner ltallu Cancoun-y faa.eii.eri w
li e Hep. I. ...
I'lisbUi.'.rfc ( tlirotis'h v Mlionl change orran.
jut .. 11LKUY IfWl), BinictiunspJlllll.