tAlWr. " THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. rniLADELPIIIA, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 186-1. (grating Willi A blt irrniKoow Hr.mtrLTY.. OFFICE No. 108 sTtHIRD STREET. Yvys TmriCMm PCorT, or PinnTCK ckt Pn fa!, fim l tM Carr1r,and MIM la Buhwrtben I Cite M IH DoU. ril AXXI'MI " II..I.I.AB riTt Ckbti m Two Mi.tmie, Invariably In adv.nc At re parted wilwwL ' A4nlMntiu truMrted Hi tha ntual rant. A liberal InuoMl uli far mende. ineTtnne. H s nsvaks. MM a taken of Anonymnn. C-tmpnnnlrillntil. W-ate-it ra.nilsil for tesrnl n must be antlo-n't. ate-1 lij Ihr inn rit " ' ' -...-. nece.s.rli) tor Ma.iin.n. bat a. a guarantee Tor Ms etHl luith. We guoot pntoukl t return F jeotd I'oinniuilicatK.Uf . To AdTatrtlnrra. Otrtof to Mi treat Ineeeata la tha (MrraUtlnn f Tit 7ffVtNir0 TKI.KrRAI'H, ContlH-llllIf 1IH f )fO tO pres. at Mil art? Imar, tr ai-Renaly roanc.! teal adtir'leim-iita nmf b.h.ndedln a. toon at lo n cl k. II p..aalb.c, to tccura them a d tiMerUoa in all of oar editioni WEDNESDAY. ft BP I'M MB Kit 21, Ml. PATRIOT IN If A.l IMH. ITU'S. If one of the wio men of (Ircero wtro abln to wlk in front of our St ate House before and after a municipal election, unacrompanioil by a contemporary of this gmipratlon, what trnnfe tliousrhu would All hl.i mtndt He would behold before hlni men who arts so absorbed In tho welfare of our city that sot even considerations of lutcrv.it can knop them at the'.r trade or biiHlnr.; m.-n who, i behalf of the Intere-ita of politic!), forget all pewonai comfort; who toil with Uiir tongiuts under a burning sun, without thn pltsvmri) of the noonday meal or the prattlu of their chil dren ; who, with all thi,are unappreciated ; men whom the pasfier-by makes a Jest of, or freti at for contracting his way. Such a sago would aurely exclaim: "Here, Indeed, I " behold dlslntcreetcd patrlotlmn ; surely this country Is safe and la-sting whoa Its citizens so eagerly watch the Acropolis of Its power. " O Greece I never In thee have I Been such things." But If It were explained to the resuscitated Athenian that those patriots loved more their cwn than their country's welfare ; that they watched not over the city's liberties, but for opportunity cither to cringe and bow before Borne potty official In power, In the hope he may drag them to his own elevated position, or were seeking industriously recommenda tion for ofllces of all grades and kind, we fear bis raptures would turn into the Just Indigna tion such procedure so richly merits but so rarely receives. Yes, these thirsty seekers of , Office carry on their contemptible practices in the face of the world, and excite only a vupid Joke or a passing sneer, instead of a healthy acorn that would at least show them that the (great majority of our citizens cannot even see . such base selfishness In others without a ru .'Duke. As for reforming the office-patriots themselves, the Idea Is chimerical. They who riaa, descend to the tricks of the trade of poll ttca are too far gone to be changed in charac il(fer and might as well be abandoned as lncor i ngioie. fficicn ' ,, The wide-spread practice of office-seeking Inflicts a three-fold injury first, on tho chief Who is to appoint; second, on the appointee to office ; and lastly, on the rest of the com mnnlty. It is thought necessary, when one Is elected to power, that ho must draw after him ' ft host of his own party to All tho minor offices Whose control he holds ; and hence It Is not tho best man who Is elected, but the party man, knd a well-meaning chief is thus encumbered With knaves and 'dolts, when his intentions axe really Just and good. While we arc on this subject, we would liko to know why a man who bos houor, magnanimity, and nerve Cannot break the chains of custom, and where a duty is merely ministerial, retain an efficient Incumbent, let Ills party be what It may. This practice would raise a howl of denunciation from the lobbies ut Washington, at Ilarrisburg, and in front of the State House, but it would be a noble herculean deed, which would crush the modern Hydra ot office-seeking, and be embalmed by the thanks of all whose posl , tion would render the commendation valuable. Upon the appointee or office-hunter the effect Is blasting to morals, no less than to business. The tricks, artifices, and shams to which be has to resort are derogatory from all manliness, and are without number. Most offices In the United States, whether under federal, State, or municipal disposition, rarely exceed three or four years as respects the term of service; and as the Incumbent knows tint after Lis term is out his business is sliat- tt red, if not ruined, he endeavors to supply ti e deficit by a species of indemnification, w'nked at by those in office, but styled em bezzlement by outsiders. It is impossible that a city or State should be filled with such officials, with their prac tlces now and then leaking out, and the effects constantly beheld by its citizens, and not be tainted by the pollution ; and such we fear Is the Influence of such patriotism and politics, A heartfelt popular interest In the affairs of a nation Is undoubtedly its best security, and a guarantee of Its prosperity ; ut when the Interest frit is a coveting of the fattest office to be held, and a concern as to what party is most likely to be in and what out, and the llJvc. It Is undoubtedly a sign of corruption Id a community, which will cause every real pa riot the deepest shame and apprehension. HOW A HI. Ht JO K t'.lT Do the people of this country govern ? We Ui'.' k not. To our mind the United "t.ites jx itlcally considered, appniirs to be an oil- gricby rather than a republic. Paradoxical us It may seem, the principle of representation b: in practice become so absolute as to di troy, virtually, tiie popular element In t!iu C vernniint, There is a uioe't complete mib Sl utiou of the lew who net and tliink fir the m; ny who do neither, save in a most slavish or mechanical fashion. As elections are conducted now-a-diys, the multitude cannot be said even to choose their rulers. The thing 1b all mado up for them long before they are required to perform their little and formal part of the business ; and When the day for It arrives, they march to the polls and deposit their ballota with no more Intelligent sense of what they are doing than , If they weie pitching pebbles into the sea Each one of hundreds of thousands of votew silks his Individuality lu the unity of a parly and the pany, through its small band of coo.. trulllnir. nianuelnif leaders, designates tho caudldrntea to be elected, the principles they are to reuroiMjut. and tho whole scheme of atluiUiUtrailve policy they are to pursue In liic event ol their elevation to office. This familiar routine of proceeding Is, for the most part., blindly aciulceed In by tho Bjilllt n ; and the practical elTuct is that we have ; a civil system that Is representative only In theory. The (luminance of profewUinul poli ticians among us, as a distinct tuu, bu been rtudcred so supreme through the uiudlumof party organization, nominating conventions, and all that sort of machinery, that the inde pendence of the citizen, as a powtr In the JState, I effectually nullified, and the novo relgaty of the people a mere delusion. One of the ntrlk ii (t evidences of this sad and hu miliating comlKlon of affairs Is the free and authoritative tone with which a Tew hundred men often talk of withdrawing a candidate and effecting a fusion of parties representing several millions of actual Totem, and affecting the political Interests of millions of people. Thuse self-created autocrat-i seoin to think thst they hold the great body of tho American population In a aperies of serfdom, and under take accordingly to dispose of their sufTr.iei in a national election very much as tho buughty barons In feudal times wore wont to engage for the amo'iut of force with which they would support one cause or another In the wars of rival chieftain. Our ileinogues treat the people as If tliey were a set ol abjoct retainers, whom they can throw on any sldn In an electoral contest with the mo.H perfect ease and certainty. There havo been nume rous Instances when, within n few hours of a moHt Important State or Federal election, an entire party ticket has been suddenly can celled, and many thousands of vote trans ferred to an Intercut with which tho necess try arrangement and understanding had Inen made. And this whole matter, seemingly so complicated and difficult In the number of sepainte wills and voices to be controlled, ha been accomplished by a score of cunning wire pullers, sitting together in a secret conclave and settling the condition of the bargain. This is disgraceful to tho country. It indi cates a most discreditable sUto of political morals ; It proves how shamefully thu peo,ilo have allowed themselves to bn brought under subjection to corrupt party leaders; it places the government of tho nation In tho power of few ambitious, designing men, who are always ready to sacrifice tho public peace and happiness If they can but gain by it Boms per sonal profit and advancement. Politicians In nil quarters of the Union change their prin ciples as readily as their coats, and are never at a loss for some specious motive of patriotism to juhtlfy each successive act of apostasy. This would be bad enough If It stopped with the Individual. But when one of these political Dalgettys undertakes to carry with him in his frequont desertions from party to party two or three thousand voters, whom, under tho name of constituents, he regards as so many blind followers of his lead, the fact admires an alarming Import. If there Is any country in tho world where every citizen, In the alPuiis of government, should think and act for himself, that country Is ours. We cannot surrender hero Inde pendence of thought without abandoning our lilHTties. The integrity and safety of tho State depend ultimately on an intelligent and honest concern of every man iu the cholco of public servant, and the principles which are to lie pursued In tho National Administration. We have hitherto been too much controlled by organizations and creeds, and party cries. Political writers and political speakers have had too absolute a sway over our passions and reason. The time has come when evory one who has a sjllrage to cast, which is to tell on the Interests of the Republic through the Government, should da bis own thinking aud voting. Tho time has come when conventions and platforms ought to lie considered as possessed rightfully of no authority to override the un derstanding and control the personal freedom of men in their political conduct. Never before, perhaps, was the welfare of tho nation in more peril than it Is now. Never before did the very Integrity and perpetuation of our institutions so directly or bo critically depond on the choice of a Federal executive, as njw. Let the people, therefore,act with correspond ing deliberation, earnestness, aud Independ ence, and all will be well. KOW IN 'I'll K TIMK. At no period In the history of this san guinary and long protracted war have tho people been called upon to exercise more patience and moral courage than now. Tint we are approaching the crisis of the Rebellion cannot be questioned ; and with faith in tho 1 ati lotism of the Government and support to our brave armies in the field, we may honestly anticipate the return of peace and tranquillity within another year. Now Is the time, then, to brace up for the closing struggle; to cheer fully respond to tho appeal for more troops, and to hasten them Into the Held at the earliest piactl cable moment. Thus far we have met tho demands of the country, both for men and money, with an imm.i.tnfiMi mid nm.ntit Il.mle llnktmwn In Hip i history of nations. We have sent oar brave sons lrom our farm-homes, from our mauufaj- l.,rli-i n,l i(irlul,iw, willmilt cnmi.iiUinn rr tones and worxsnops, wunoui tompuision or rwrri-t. W'n have nalil tuxea in mlllinnu nf " .. , ,. . money wunoui uemur or protest. This wo did because we loved the old Union and its thousand lencflccut institutions. Now is the time, then, to make the lust sacrifice that shall crush the great conspiracy, and restore the nation to peace, prosperity, and happiness. There are preliminary movements in the great army on tho James that promise suc cess before the first snows ot winter shall whiten the hills and valleys of tha Old Domi nion. A victory there will destroy the last ho, of the Confederacy. Oban has proved himself the ablest general that hs coin iim le J the Teteran Army of the Potomac, ami hid determined and persistent eir.irla will era long tell upon the Kubel atrongliold. Now la the time, then, to strengthen thn foree undur bin command, and to en: jurat?.! tl.e brtvj, I'roud heart that have atr:is','ld nobly on tVt field, in the trent'hes and the ritin-ihi, without renluliiKB or regret. Nothing ho en irir-M the Boldler a the knowleilg.t tint hU l ibirj ure aipreeiated, and bis Hiitlerltii alleviated aud HymuathtzHil with by I'd in ii it In n . The mfortnation derived fro it ev 'rypirt jf the Confederaey U th:it their ar.m-b : u'iti ( Ioiiulatlon la mainly exhausted, and tint it will be utterly l.n;o.si'lii to ru.truit tU Mr nrmles to their former atrcngth or churaeter. The recent appeals from the Governors in tho Southern Stutes is an evidence of their ex haustion, also of tlio extremis desperation o " their cause. Now is the ti.no, then, for tin; half million of men ord.:ro 1 by the drait to reinforce our armies, Tor with our pivseu lorces Increased by one-half that number nucces must bo certain and llual. We hon estly believe thia last drall orduretl by the I'resideiit will be all the men required to finish the Itebellion, to break its back aud U:i, an I jrlve it a respectable burial. There are unquestionably many weak ami faiiiHiearted men In the free States tU it believe the country Is ruined, that Its trea sury u bankrupt, aud our resources terribly exhausted. Another class, principally broken down and decayed politicians, are exciting a baleful Influence to bring those forebodings Into practice, to underrate our military u : ceseea, to depreciate our cunoucy, and pre dict mUortune aud failure. Now Is tne time to cheer up the doleful and di)spninllii, to counteract the pernicious etforbs of the dis loyal, and with patilotlc resolve and deter mined law and aucrltlce support the Govern ment to ti.a last Loyal uiuu of the North, Dow 1 the Omo, what norm it nnnt While every loyal paer In tho land broke out this morning in a jubilee of largo type over Siikiudan's victory, the Age entirely Ignores the glorious news, and crowils Its thrilling detail j Into an obscure corner with tho Bmallest type. CITY INTELLIGENCE. - - An Aivkctino Scknk. On Sunday eenln !at llie rourn nation of Ollvut Huptiit Church, KKtli and Kcdirnl street, lint, nod to tho fare well scimouof tlnir pastor, Kov. Mr. luidwln, who, after eleven yean of acllvo and very mi '. co-Will lalo-, in ro'iipelled to retire in eonwq'ii'nc.n el HI health. The hc nis was deeply iiitcrcnui?. Aflet hii ell qui nt appenl to the coiiKic f iiiou to ci 'tit ii i ii 6 to live in penep, n geiir.il UreuH was taken, and tmtiv a tear Seen to fail at the lunula were clapped, In in n,y lim'aneea pro'is'i'V fur tie lat time. Mr. Haiti win retirea to lliu (Oiin'ry to rei operate. llow Tim Soi.iiiKiia Voth. A ly or two since a voto fur the 1'reni.lenry ws taken at tho Haddington Military llo-plinl, where them ars np anls of a thousand alek and wounded men, nine hundred aud sixty ot thoui are youth. Tiie remit wns ss follows : Lincoln . , . 010 I Mi Clelhin :t )() litiiiont - Majority for Lincoln 2'iO Tim Diiai t. Triturations for tho enforcement of the draft are Ixing mado. A stand from which the drsini.'N will lie. made Ima huen i roett d in fiont of the headquarters of Ihc Provont MiT-disI if the Hicond District. Two wardi in iliin dixttict, the First and Seventh, are still very much delicti nt in their quotas. I'oi.mi a i. The City Kxcentirc Committee of the National X'nlon party, having received authority from the Commissioner of City Tro pertT, intend having a pr.ind mnss mretinir in the Independence Square, and in ihe front ol thn State House, on Saturday evening, October H, 1'aiiadp. I.ant evening a meeting whs held at tho Commonwealth Kuilding, to make arrange ments for the parado of tho Soldiers' Campaign Club, next Saturday evening. The Union (Mub, under command of Colonel William It. M um, is expected to parado with tho soldiers. Hhn lit.ii'AN Invini ihi.ks. A meeting will be held this evening at Concert Hall of tho llo pulillcHn InvinclMoi. Wo earnestly enj iln all loyal friends of tho (lovorntnent to fill in and join this Association. Addresses will hemadu by several prominent KopuOlicatis. Aiiiiivai. or Sick ami Woinhkii. This morn ing 17r) sick and wnuudod Foldiors fr om the Washington llo-pitals arrived at llnuid and l'rune streets. 'mi: r.i iikha on. omi'AX v of wi;sr YIKUI.M.t." Capital, $.'00,000, divided into 100,0)0 shares at S.'i iwr.liarr. 8utcr!ptlai price $t-0 ier utiiri- Thin CotiipnDr own mod e ol Iheninht atullfll I a'ltl and learn . In die Kanawha Valli-v. iltua'f on Mor.e Neck and Cauil bPll's Kan bra-Chen of Hull crci'k, and vrllhin jllve n.l!e of the Olilo river. On Hemp Neek Idp romtany ownonp well, whleti I. now pnin)lDK twenty -thiea lutml. M oil per liny. Thii well It only Uiri-e hundred and iwenty-sevun feet deep. The nuptrlntendi lit U now prepailnu to tiora to tiie ili-p h of tin- oltur weiU eurrouading til, whicn are producta rrm one hundred 10 one huadted and elxly barrel! of oil p.ir dny, when we are kallstli-d we ran produce a like aoviutit. Hieie Ik Hiioiher well at Home Noek, now bured two hundred and slaty-five feet, with about thirty last of oil In the well. Ttie land on wlileh tide well In lo'led lion a perpeiual leaae The Mud Treek Company own a aao Ihlrd liileret, our company have Uie bul uncc of two-tldrdt. At Camphi'll'a ran, the couipaorown In lee a traet of thirty-three acres. coreidereJ hy Keoloxlta and tnlnliiir enlncerr the b oil teirltoiy In the Slate. Tne ureal Tack well, llowiMu live hundred bu.r. , aiiia this property. lioik of hubucrlptton are now open ut the t'ompany'a Oinie, No WWAI.MT Httpet. A limited number of iharei only will he Hold. JOHN J. KltOMKIt, Treaiuror. Krom the "Plltihurit Hally l'osf of Sepleinher 9, 11. MIM. STUlaK. The Wheellnir lnlelliKencer' eiyn: Wi learn lr' la a n-iitleu.au who arrived ycHUTd ty Iro a 1 It-Hiatit r oiu.ty ihat on Madi the Unreal on ;.,m:an.y blieekawill on llorae Neek.la ihutc Matj , wi.lctt will yie d a tlieunand haireU or oil per duy- I'l ere In Kr-at ear lenieot on the ftuhrcct In tr.le vicinity, and Ilia oil lotor In pre aiuug lo a annul eAlvat." lArrlMl. At RI.KV-WII.KI Sft.-Soptotnber Jflth, 14. at SL Paul's ( bil'ch. I iiiiidi n, N. J., Iif Itev. l)r. Joieull K. lrrli-nn Dr. IIKMH A KI.KV . Ilultml Slates Navy, to H.iMPiAU.lK A. MI.KI.N.-,daut,nlvrut (he lata Itlcliard Wiikliu, I (., ol t'uiuilua. N. J. AI.HINIU K-W.kTHON. On the Hth Initait. at Ohr i-t Church, by tiie Iti v Ir Imrr. ISAAC J. AI.KV AM'Klt. ot I'lillaileluhia. to IIAKHll-.i, dau. liter of John M. Wuteon, Kai., ol 1 Utltowu, Salem Cuuutv, . J. CnAKI lll CKl.e.V.-on the illb ultlaio, by R 'V. W llilaui Hams, Mr. llul'I KT J. ( IIAIO Iv MIM MAllt A. lit I KI.KV all ul t'hlladelphla. 1 'Si I'K iNM 7.AN KM. on ll e 13th t the reil lonoe ol tl.e hrtt e'l hnither-in-law, J. II. Alllwu hv the Itev. f. A. L. Itlehards, AMIilKW W. fo.vll'ltl.Ni to I-A 1X1 K II. iAMi1, ul VV ut 1 bllwlclpbia. nia. llltVP.lt. -In front ot FelpntmriT. nn tlift ISlh Initiuit, rinin tiipelTect ut woundt received while on picket diity. JiihKI'll VJ. ktKY Kit, ot Cuinpauy 1, i lilrlteveuUl liealiuent New Jeiaey Vulunteers. (Mil IK K on the uioruliiii ol aepteialier iDlh, JiihKI'll C. COI'flti K. lathei.Mli year ol ills kp. 11m Irlenila are paitlculnrly Itivlujd to tnnut ut Ills late ifshlence No. 611 V Tcntldflreut, ou '1 huniday, id lust., at huh-paet -i T. M. Intoriuent at .Mount iluhy, .N. J,, ou Friday, eutelnber 2;id, at ii o'clock. HA. On the IHth Inntant, at the Hrinlnary llmpltnt. (leoraelovn, IJeiiteaaut KitANCIS el,oi the Invalid i orpH, late Cuntain ot tha lliu-buildi'ed-aud.ourteuntb rtiiiiHVivi.nla oluiitei-rs. iMie nonce will be ulven oi tne tunerat. . I l-lllll I N ...lln .a trill. In. Dn. tlirltf i Mei.ArciiMN, ptr vi hi.' aium's cburoii port itiea . !,; raiin.mi.i'iricndH, i tiie irvcrmid ciurirr. am rtun lllllly Invited to nllmid lh lunxrul, u t rl.lny mrllln Bt i o'ciut. Korvk-wi and latnnuunt ut Mt. At im' Cliun :h. HI.OCI'M.-On tlm 20lh liimant, WM. II. acin of Win. II. and tho lute Haltle M. Slocum, aaed 4 year aud I month. '1 he relatival, and n-lenilR of ttie tamli.v are respctlullr Invited to atte'id the tuaeral, iron) lh reil te a's ol nU lull er. No. 4A tueeu elienl, oo TuuMiUty uiornlnK, at 10 o'c ok. Hill l Y -On the 14th Instant, HAMt'Kl. SOOr, of Mu- i uuunty, Ilel., lu the Afltu year uf hU ago. Wll-KINS. On .M lav mo mini, tile loth Inst., JAI nil K. v ll.K I N la ttie 7 an vieir ot nis a Tuiieral from ttie . W vorticl ol Fourth and NohlA alreeU. on 1 IiutimIuv . Ilia ''id lust., at I o'clock A. M. Inteiuunt at Laurel Hill. NltK'K COMMKRCUL I1AXK OF r.au l tiii. iiii. Alv i imiia, Hfjitftu'ier W, SGI. A f riinral initBV il tli HI- 'a.lnilJTi f ih '"I'vKn- W&imrWxWX : ai n oei. ck a. m . tor n. .r)H,.e ot de-eiinK theimes- eiallxn lr enrry 'ita "i. 'lie buolni-Nt ul LmiiIuiw uuiler tiie li.M.er It.e I lil ri stale, .ne if eierci.ina tile 'iwnn tiiuiM-rrd tiy.tr tuM nl tl.e ii-r.erl Atki'iiiluT .riui 'ibi OiouMea lh, mulled ''Ail A' t Kluibllnit ihe lltliltH of tint Dnlbllini.Hi al'li In 'e null Akluel ttl'Jlt. fortlie l.l.riHiiif r.aiikliiir. uneer tiia .ew.it the llnlti-n State ," a;irnvi-il tin- .Vil l.y nl Anijii.l, l"'4, anil 10 take mi Ii ai'tlull til i ri-lil:eri Me retn an uiiiv he m-i-ei.ary an l.prner. I liy i.ril I ihe UearU ul' I.lreeier.. I 1M -:it t I'. P Vl.MKU,t a-lilcr. I - STOCK U01.IKI(S' MKKTINQ. , COI.N CIIANOK HANK, t'till AI'IM'iih, rtt'itt-fn',iT 'ft, IH VI, 1 4. utii rt mrt'ti' a ut thf Mioi khutdt-r. ot th C ru K-c-hniuo It.tnk pin Miflid.U will ho liflJ ut thir lUnfc -ii.f llonaf. o.i I lO K-!.. t i- .Mill ilav ..t ttflo ar ti-if, a. I.' o i" nek i.oon, . r th" i irt m -it t Ritu Into coiiKi.t" ra1 it'ii aii'l 'I' ul MiK-iin tl.a 'i'ie on win t-icr or not thnttitd t.tnh chit 1 h. tou.f l tl (' hi 1 Ii tor i' iTVind 'Ollhti hiiMi.. aa i !" t.uiiknirf tui.h-r ttio lawa ot the I'tilt.Hl ) itfi, into ot ox-r liiii the onwara ruutiti rd h th 't of ho t (i iiprttl A h'-iuhly tl ihin('timtiii)owt' it'h, t?i.tl:lc(,,.i. li.'t fOHblifiu thr hunk it of fiU 1 'omul nvtilllti 1 1 llDroiiie itino t "rtituiih I' T line pur.i.tf of l.iU't.ink' iiinirr ih! Ittwtot Uio Cnit.-tt htatoh,' apinovt-ii ihe vM day oi Aiiutt, i-H, uid t t!ik auih Hctlou ui romd tti-rulo aa may ho uutjottDury or profit r. Itv ndtr of th Ilonrd of Dlrtftortt, V ai v J. W.TOi;ltKY, Cftihler. TKXT HOOK I OK POLITICIANS. J M.'PII plihltS i.S'fl I'OLIIICAL IllrtiyJtV OK nir; .MSIKH If HI MOV, Olllee ol 11. u IC.'tirlll.ii It, . i.r.l, Nn. lit H. Nl I II Mire-1. Kli ive .'ln'tmit. tit ITI.KTO.N'3 iV XV.W AMl'ltlCAH I'VCI.OI'KI.I . Till. iTivuhiatle work furm. In It.i-lf 11 , inli-to l.tir try 01 III 'lilt lli'u.l.iatleu, I'ubl.ilivJ 111 VUI1UUI ! i lilllUlil. A.iKM'Y Kdlt 1'IIIf.AnKMMHl. ;i..'l ill N ..J.IS. hlMU .Sl.,iit.it'tMiut.J 'jiiT'i i:.M)i;n"s com m f :u - i a i. anxm k, I .. i.r.-M T t:n-t, vraer uf Hevewti. t.lkli.l-lnil teH. Ii.i'..ri..'r.trJ li'.S. V. in.k imn irri'a:eil f..r th C untlns huiina and btil- II. lile. 1 hvioutli anil j.r.f tlc.il In -inn tlcii lit H.H.K-KKKI'IN.i, In all lt liraii.'tiea, at riacnil liy Hie best acaunlanta at,u iiu.i.iv.e u..;... 1'I.SMASSIIII', I'lain ar il firn;irnental, i, n.1141.1 ly one of the muit Cjm I i-ti nt ut t.ntu. u L.'U.u.eiviai Cau iil.tliilli, IliitlTie-i funni, Ciutini-iriai Law, I. el. 1 llriK .'iiunteilult tfutel, Sic. TKU'illA I'llINU, fly 1.011 nd and 0.1 pn.er,ti.iu'tit In a iliorua.-b and practical limnn.r t' .1 ..n-i-l.u tnn 1 d i.ima'i.r. Hll i'lMK IS.SIKI t. IliU BhfAUAttl.., And K' lite'l wl tt,l iuvenl.ia ev.i".iii arter Heitulubur li'ttl 4AIAI,..l.lKS, rontnlnlnir terwa, .tint' nt.' nmuri (471 lt rear), tc., ru,n,.t.d.r..ua PfYV.u-( iirrKV.'KH (10. iai .su.wcutiaer trtrt. BUSINESS ITEMS. Ir. Mnjn'u Fmperlornnls, All wti have 0rl Ut la ttftiHlaiTd MMI'ints for AMT11MA, VN4UMrTIOIf. FIWN(!llTlrt, ri.M'Risr, roroifH AND OMA. !lfAltHKSK,.t ut fknr I iilrii'inary CitnpUiiit , mt( It iiwOiinMt. In , proof of tli I n fftct, ff would -tii'f thutl frf llilrtj JT'-IM j MM t Ihr Kxi'frlorilit liftN tiPrn .H li-m llift .tltiliO, 'li Ihil i'ft' h uari-tOii'tT yor lit Ulilrdtn lis (."pit Inr.tjr. ami i nufd thr (".ttitnitd, wiitH 1..1W II U h nitwn and appriTtntrd Id all i,najim ( il.n wotlri, a1mitid in fc lli lrrat l H. iiincy of tho Af t'tr (hut rlfinn ol (Jiarnacn fi.rwhfnu , lit f bi clally dcfiviid. j KK,(!.NT r(.l! AM riiir1ftr Pa.fM. Ar. nir iilrVI nml t ff- .null) purrd ! IU dlpli rfott' , hikiiIi utf, tmt.il ftfcp-rlcriiPil pmiT. AM1IVIA It alvnyi nurtM. It ftvnnt-tnri thr tAini"illc cnmriu IU 11 of 1 In- air vpi-cln, and ly ir.diinii,c f.oa ex.- : i'rto'all-.ti at oura n ijiv all dtnicultloi uf hrcathiruf. HltON( I1IT1H rradiiy yloldi lullir Kip -tor ant. Itaith ' dm-R Urn lnflanifriHtlr.fi win-h mtMiilA thr.iik'lj 1h wind tiilifm pr.dui'r Uf- xt trnltnn, a.id mippronhti at onco MiP f 011U1 nud patn. :frSH1 MrTHN.- FrthU lnlHoua and fatal dlooanc no Tfmty on twirih evrr bvri ftun1 no tTo'tual. It iul dtii'i Ihr loflaititrkfltldn, rrlit vm the . h and pain, r-iii"v-i tlif dltlifiilty ul brcftthlntf, and prtMlut an cy t ki (oral in, vtx'n-tiv all lniintiiiK and olittru ting nirtt tr are r inuvcdirotn Uie Iuiih, WIK'Oi'IS TOUCH In promptly rrl laved by thiiKupoc t'rnt. If ahnrtcn thndnratmnof tlicdlioaiono-lialf,and greMlf mltiKatrn Iho auilcrlntia uflh patient. Ir aM ITLMHNAUY (OMI,L4INTH,liiCKOtl,P, I'LEM IdsY, M- , it Will li found t-t ttt pr.tnH, pit-matit, an t r iln) le. Trej rrl Miljrat ho. '12 t'lir-nnt alrcci. o. III. Itrntun why Irnn hni H o. 4 1 : (' II K fl N C T H T H K E T . fdtriM hill thr Cuitfitn Hi lint'.) fry. A S, (wi. 4ia CHKHNUT hl'liKKT, Vtll M-lt. WhiaW' nn t IN tfiH, 1KOM 1KN It HrTV I'KKTKNP. I-KSH Til AM VOU ( AN HUV KIKWIIKKB. tlKAN Ima tle l.briH aitil lU-at Hiwk Id thla city of tha f'.li'MMn list ol tn.i: I. '1 he bent KilH'-ci.t Chi'WitiK Toharco. '2. Vi I Mn ado mid It'Miifh-niid Kt-Al I'ohacoO. 3 I'Jrtiii HiHl Nr l old Vlrxliita lohaoro. 4. I lu ll ai d Hwiot ravetidihh loha'-ro. &. Nn . and ( '(lOftr''.. na T k 'I obaw o. H. 'I li lion' aHick ol lltivmiri ( I am. 7 Tl-r bent tocn ol lioioi.tlf Clcura. 8. 'I he l nt finck ol Hinoklt; lotmcoo. if. I'lpt a iii d Hi'iiii.i, Ac. 10 l-j t c'ltnirit H iinkitii, 30 rntiln r p'mcrd. 11. Kllhi kinkk MmuHiiK. c"iiU pvr puand. Vi. 'I It H I in 't ( b inn. :t. Thr Md-IiIkmii K:n ri.t Chitwlnir. II. me cut ( l In?. coir a i er pound, l.'i Fine -nt Vii wiiii-, I'-ft n-ni pt-rpunnd. It; limn m lis more that, any U n aioiea. 17. It nn c la ten tinea a f tor. IN. Detti sclU he Ki at mid C'i.ciipeal, To be c. -iittnurd at JfKAN'H, No. 4U !IIKMNITT Street, (ipoBito Custom 1 inline. tJrniMl 0rnlK ol t'nll riotlalnif I'll Is ,f," (iraml (ipenlna; of Kali ('Irtthlnu Thla ffly. I.i-hihI uptifiini; hi 1-ntl Ciothtnif Thta Day. .rnnl Opinion of KullC'lutnliiK Tl.llty. I rand Opcomfct ot l-dll t'loihliu lliialiav. f .tiiiid tipniiiK of Km) Clo'liiiiK Tola Iy. i. rand UfiiiiiK ol I-ti ''mtiMiKTiiii hay. I.nm.l opi-ilni4 ol Kn M l i-hiiiK 1lil hay. i.raiMinpvr.iiik'fr F.ilM'l tmiiK Tnia bay. Or i d OprniMK of KkIi C'io hum Ttlia ll.iy. l'thkU . a ni , K.tt'ii-Ia ('loihl i Houa. I'l- PKY A t'O , Kvonai e IT UtHm llo.ie. PKH H V A C , Kt n.vc:i-thin ll nao. 1'KllKt A t o., Ku ntvf fh.thlttK Hmi. . TKIiUV A C' , I" iteimtvoClnihlntf II . tio. 1'KhkV A CO . Kxtonailxi Cloth nn H-itise. 1'r.ltKY A CO., hxttmalviMTiWilrtK 1 1 Mike. I'KKIt. At ' , I'.MtttlMVfc l IDIIltllK iioiua, 1'KKltY A CO . Kxt'lnlve Clinhuii; IIdiimij. I'l.KltY A Ct . r xtunlvt- (it I.InK H ue. Tin iHiC'at a. ! ! t st. ck ol Cl..ihhi(( hitheclt. 1 he lar'( an l best t k ol Cl-nhi f )nti-e:i.y. 1 hv iHri ht and l-cit htiM-k f t;iotnh.g In tho nity. 1 bo Uiui'ft and iM-ot atcH-k of lot). it m in the riiy. The Inrucot and boat ato. k of ;i ihinif In the cuy. Thn laiafot and heal alock ol Chithliw In ihfl rlty. The liiri-f at an ' toil aturk of t 'luthhiir in tne Ity. Tha nrK.-at aiid tnt ht m k of CI 'thln In be el f, T be lerttot ond l41 toch o ( iothliiK In the rlty. Tbe Ureat and b"t at ck ol CioiOIhk In the ell. At price low for the ninea. At p Iita'o foi the ilinejt, Atpncolow lor the tiiuai. Atph eilow fr tl-e tlinen. At prlwif low for tho tint 8, At pilwa low lot tfit thnoi. A'p-UDHiow lor tho tln-. At prlci'N low fur the tlmi'i. Atprlcfilow tor the tlnina, Ai iince low tor thatui"a. ITi'W atylea ol tl-otta and new atyiaa ol tlarmnnfi. New atytoa of tJofx'a ami new atyht ol (iHrnienta. ivf aij lea ni ood and new atvloa of (Armetit. cw atla o- OiMit.i iid nuw nty'OH of dtiiiuiiila. New a'y oh oi'diio'tn hh1 new a j h a of i iitrnieuta. iscw i'jli'B of toodh nml i'w nty.oH of Uiiriii.-i.ti, New at; U f (o-oth and new iyl-- of 'iariauMti. Nt-w at.vlen oi ioodK aiid new tvliia ot (i.itm ntt. New hi lea oftiootf a and nw Ktvlm ol Oiirn.f nta. Hvw U-a ol ti'HtdH li d new atylea of riiiLQt. Kit It V A CO , 'I h;nl and CiiHr.ii tit Nttfcta. I I- Kit V A ff.1Th.rd and t hmit ain-ei. 1' Kit H Y A CO., Third and Ch'-anin utroota. I'l- If K V A CO., Third and Commit .ftrc t. I hit It V A ( Third anc Chenut airot'tn. IKMiV A 0.,'l hiid r 1 Ctu nn-it m en. PKHKY A CO., Third and Chotitit itrwta. I'M It It Y A CO , Third and "li'tliul a'nf a. I'l- IfKY A CO , 1 bird aiol Clumit airrt'trj. I'KRItY A ( .Tr Ird and CliPanut a'ret-U. N It.-Itainrcu of Mourner Ciolhliifc' u.liu oiT at very low pr.oe. It ft rfcc I" 4 In 4 ItitltliiK lUii-itina In Cloihn if I'.n. aim in c:oiniiif(. IturLklna In I'Ji.lliiDLf. At (fiiANviri.r Sti.kfV Old I'a-id. At (hanvii i.r h nut hi Old Hiaod At (HANvti.rii Nmki i' tld Miitnd. At Okanvillk hrua- v Old htand Ko. Chctnut street. Nu. Ct fl-nitt rtn et, Nu tJ t hfcnut at'ot-t. No. tioti Cheauul atreet. t int) Quality 4'htinf n. Mi'Mit. lvi A HiriiARitu, Arch and i'L-nUi rttrooU, Have Juat recttvod e Kreab luipart-itl-ni or ( liarlt a IloMa oi-k. 'lptTiliH'ta1''k. Mndam Cltrtpiot t.rm-ii I at. Milium A Co Toucher, Aud other atipeifor branda of i'hainpauin'a. K. U. Wlillmnn A- Maiiutarturera ol Nrw and Otditdtnit Confectl.ma, Aliaou-I Faate, Cbocolalu ( aiamt-ia, i roauia ui Atoue u I'atia. exiutain'iy flavored Roaatd Jordati Alnmnda, Ac , Ac No. .lib Uhakimt aueei, below Fourth. PinnuMt llinoMl HI KiK A CO 8 , MAflON IKCKKK OltOS IIAMI.ISH 'AIINKT OIUIAN.S. MAHON A II A Ml. IN 'N CAI.1SKT ftrrf I'l V NOR. riavos. j. f.. iu;t.i. flevenlh and cae.rtut aireeta. j I'e i:hh, i;vkaii uH, 1 llltO AT l'ISKAHK.9. CATARkll, AND AHT1IMA, The. rai with tiie ur.uo.r su'.'ckhh, OY 1H. Vt)N MOSUH.lHKKlt, Autniir ot tbe reci nlly t.bU.U.-.t wi.rk, TIIK 1'AU: ITS DISHASKK AM) TIIKlIt Tit h ATM KN T. O'llre, No. )na WAI.M l' Mreot. TO Till) I'l 111 I'?. It It Willi mm- d ir.il.le b l.i't Ion tint lie. Vol M.i ci If ki r .-.w.. Itml tl'n : .tii'.-i.h iu. iii.lneil lin MM 1 til.- .11- r 1. II. e lllli'H 1 ittll.l Nik' ll 4 :lltt I'l.V uwiiiiit.i lir ni.ni-ri..i I t IteS n- li.t-. t-.M".. in I'm abi'Ve lna'aili. N, 1 wl tli" Ii len-at til. pa l. tits (i.uiirir VMn.tu ;ire i-oini- 1 rv inl!ih-i.,iil cill-i lil li.l .'. Iiu:i-. a n 1 ae i.l iii.tni. umt Ka'l tuli-, tnK.-li In piMiii'ite it- I'll-ir t.-.lilnnn,ii'H. w..nli'.l in li e vuiy lil. . -t I. Tim, Cn t. lie CAaUilmd l tils ui.,1-1', Sn I1J1 !.l...t I' e r. ct. TO TIIK MKI 11 'A I. I'KilKKtMION. lr. Vnn M.iHetilitk.-r lias l.v tile iitllslii''l workt anil ttin many Oiltli nlt cases he ha. li-eit.d wltti ein i-es. uii'Ji-r tlii ir 110111 e. nruviMl w tmt he I. aide In om iorni hi 1 1 Ut )ru li.iuTinl ruinn ity. F'.r iinini iiM.s i.iiiii'iiu cuiirl.-.iiisly M ill him It tl.riu, ami klnil t"i - nl Inn. and Ins wi.rti. in tlivli uicituai inuriidls. lie ri-tiirns Un.-.u untiiii: tliiians. A. I'Alt.l 1 U.S. The Bni.aretilfi eslisliiu l.'.l liy l.r. VON Milril.M K l:lt, fir tlif tri.ttiii'iil il itif il'i'iv.' 111. tin Hi-. In-, ti. en l.y tt.t- ti Llie.t in. ilie-il iiutliiii In. 1. ami t.11 wii.i -s untiifil it ini. in, inn id tli.1 K'. i.t.'t nu'iit. al lu-i'in -r lli-r cure ! liKArSKtsH, 1I1IIOAI ll-k A.lt.S, (AlAllltll ullil AKTiiy.t. . . ... 1 l,i..e who a.trf.T fp'tn ""y "( t'"1 nialail et liave now tl.e beat ami "'! til' . ' ' "l.'l " ''"'" All nirsoni wl." ' ..iisii.l In. "S iii 1 -si ll.lrshr.lt may ...iu ,1... 1... in jii-i. tlii'iu a r.tml.il o.iiiil..n o' 1 i-ir . .i'.", and w i.at tie 1. at.- to ilo l ir tl.fiu. ..ill. l.r.'t VV hlrtet. Sl.M 1' :t .'1 r;-- THOUSANDS Or TEE I'll "' kXTKACTKD WITHOUT l'AI.V. Tatent ai.pHe.l f'.r. Him" Inr. ntl..n, a Inn.Mo Ke. v.rtib.aHill ail..iil.. Kule:) Talved In 11 iliT. f ir a liiini lue.liit Mir.n.sl aide 1. and n iiramiiia l-'lt. will.o it iy.1111. Ihe only 111. .no Hut it.n ..at tub ut properly and ali.ly adiuiiilsti'red. Ult. V. I.. M1INNS, U'lti-tlil iJl Hl'ltltl.'K bTdttr. TJATUNTKl) Jl'LY 10, l.Siil.- J O S K I' II J MUII I T hli ve.lo ran.. I ri-ii'it Menu l.yi lnj and ...irl.iv "'. i.y Hi.d "1 w.i.ilim ...ar", tor ....I.e., tienu. .Ml hildr.il. I"alt l''''" '' 1-an la Imui o'-e Ui live In. net. ..' Mlr,,ul- Ii,ai.li Xo.B. MKOI unci. 1'hnad. ii.liia va-m WANAM.VKKR & UI10WN, I. in. w a L n a v u w, BUfX'KMOE TO W. B. CABRTL, MARONIU I1AI.L. So. 719 0HESKUT Street, IMa dow Opn hll FALL STOCK or CUKTAIN MATMKIAIiS, C"Ul-llnii if Ii pcI Ratine, l:i-h Urm-aMIt, ( ow-ldi", In co'on, I'laln and Itorrirrd Ti-rrt, ITnhtn and Al'-Wot 1 l:i'i, i-fiHli Hattn do I.iIiki, l-.tivllah and lUrmafi Ifn'nak. FrriK h Printed I.naltuM, C omtce a n l ltanla, A"d ovory dtowrtpti tn of OVUTAIN M AT KUI 4.1,3. V J W J O W HH AI) H Of tl e newett f'obra and Pattrni. Ij A (5 1; CU UTAINH One tMrd lean than tha prctrnt coil of Importa'.ton. VAUtAVi; 5 (iMcOAKUVLH), No. 710 CHl'.Nrr HTltKKT. AMUSEMENTS. M1 Its. JdTIN DUIiW'S NKW ARCH ST. 1IIKATHI1 - t ni DKil AM KAMIinSAIII.K Hot - KlltHl WfKK ot l.l.w Al'ts. MEI'M.MIIAI AMI III' IIIOAY KCNINi1S, TMK. HKI1KTII'. AMtlAN IK1M.!IM' KOWIN I A M S HnMiieiirt Mi. .tnii i ' .ritn l-.Mnor lie 'I'e l.tir M AlinluUi aitaut Ti. colicluile w I'h the .iark linit e.m"l!H'i . WHICH Hll M.I. I AlAltki r Saltern Tli at tinrt R..rnon Ai. ri'e Hlii ark Mr. Mel ilaivMi" Ml.'. Jelliraoii f it.l'A l l.r.. a.r . . or Mn. nut i-s. EW CHIiSNUT STRKET THEATUK. t.HOVKIt A 8INN Pmpr'tora and V antron. Klltt T WKKK OK I IIK UKA OF U K. Tl.t manafcOuii'Kt It liP.y ti Hiinouiti e an eiiKanomfiit WIIN tnn tii"toii(oonMi ariiftio, MltS H1H.IN ilNiS, W!io will mafco hr Pirraiice every nk'M w pek na l.ouiac tit- Laxciura" and 'Orirr.ri:" In THK HI A OK l('K.U. A 'Mil ItH I' rolt HOLD. Ailtnlfaoii I mill y !r lr, i Htpnh CutIc tn L Pnr- qimt. ; Hcaorvptl Itrvnn t;ln;lo nnd I'anpiei Moaia, t ' pxiia. un'.oaii U ft'aix. i . imcnarn" ir rir;iin.-ii rvr.fc. litira itot-n at 7 o t-lot k ; curtain rina at i FOr Hill OKA N I' M A I I hr. H.VI'tJ KliAI A I' lt.ll- NOON , Hi'totnl" r ul rotlnct tl prln a. Ill R I S T R K ,J K (I T K I. J Th rrr-at and c4olrati-d ph ture by West, (lie uhof a o ovff oi tho arioti. IH MIW ON KXMIHITIO AT TIIK At AOI.MV ity FINK AUTS, No. Ittilt ( HKalNlIT HTKKKT. In addition to tho I.N i IKK Art ro'luloB ut tha Aridamv, Aduilttttncv.atirt iita ; ttetxoti 1 icktta.W) rauu. ! im- T7ENSINOTON HALL. THIS TOPULAU l !,. nf kMl. rialnm. nt. Sob IIKiTiind KUirMiKK VI A N - 1 iil Avriint' and llol N lKt-'O.Nlt Mrnot ( jnhtlhed ItOji nrw atfo t Mi. .Itthn l.ipo. has tunn tnlK'd and n"i;ovitid. ai.d no paai-aM at rv:ini uniiointu dj iiiv ill tier nil&ttllflimi'iit of tht' kind In Lh ctv. A liirita and ctnrlt'iil On losntra. iini'cr ui ointrTi-.n oi IVot. F l(--hf , hat Ot-i-ii fhKft L ft'i'l a cholm proa.raiuina of Vm al atol h.BiriJinto ial Mutlc wilt ha produced onrti rvfninu, lre ol cxpfnan to flip amuan . Ihs' 'tticeri Koom ih Inik'c, altr. "d ftriiinoiloiit( the rpfrt mnti atipfrtur, and ttiu atteioMnta iolito anil aTonnm. dating. au.'.i liu ur.ii hi UUI..1U.1U, rrorioirWa j;UEK CONCERT SALOON. Th MiLscrlltor lim oavned tiia larire and commrxtloua hb.MMKIl UAKDF.H, nttttfttipd. H t,. COUNF.a OK FUANK1.1N 8TUEKT AST OIKiHO AVKNUK. and haa enagt-d a full Orchpitra. ondr the lealrihJp of I 1 l(Or MlnUK A II r,. I Cli, who will ntyhtly irtotm a choice program mo of National till nthtM mm. Am aplrasant p1a- to paaa an v-pnlntr frf of rhartre. the proprh-'or la dotiruiliu d bi eaUuUahiutiut a hall iml tM? aiiriiatiara. au2;vlm CHKI.srlAN KKNTSf'HLKIl. RETAIL DRY GOODS. JW MOUlltSINO HTOUI2. FALL STOCK. An lllonaivt AHNortmcnt EEES GOODS, CI.OAK3, SIIAyLS, MANTLES, MOUHlNIlVCil MIX-LiniEIlV. I11E ATTKSION OK THE LAtllEi IS HOI ICITKD M. A A. MY KHS & CO., No. t'0 CHKSNUT PTUKKT. oii:ninoi OK TBI'. MSW ANI MAONIIfK'ENT 8T0UR OF JOHN LOUTEY & CO., vio. an h. i2rc.iirxui HTin;i;r, OK MONDAY, hKl'TKMUKK till, Whcro will be found a moat bcamitit atsortuiiut of DRY GOODS, 1 CLOAUH, AKDHIIAWLS, IN TIIK CITV. Wa have ;at Opne4 1000 1-l.o.a. IUK8, CLAt.i AND rAMCY. r.OO 1'Iu:h Ml-KINOES, n.AiS At. II riOtlHKI). Sir0 Vii-H FBKNCII l'OPLIN, HEP AKD PIUUKKI). 20ft 1'infM WOOI. UK I.AINK, Double and H111i.ll Wit tie. Plain and H.urcd. IfiO l'i..-.- MOIIAIK ALI'AOA, Plain and Huuied. 10O I' V'Ntl l.l HH MKHINOKH, All., a la'tjc Ht.s'V of I un. y ami Slai.io II It 1'! H H ) ) L S , 11 .1 liu A. . .1 O iN K H ' ( 'ElKllllATKD PLUS ULTRA SKIRTS ! 1 lAt'.Ui' HKIKT WAItll ANTM) AS'l) KKPT INOHUKU P.1A .1W 1 ll"S, fht'.h of (.iiAit'ji;. HIIMI ONLY AT Ko 17 W. EIGHTH STRUCT, (Over rtrtri.l i 'i Ti humln R:jro.) MiNB fl I'.N I'l.N'K VNIKSS OL'R NAMi: AND N CM HI. II IH S fA.MI EU l i'tt.N TIIK WAISTIl INf), KXTK A I.l:: HI hkll Tl 4111I with any aie W-i-t, iu le to iriii-r hl tuc a'tnitc'.it. ii'itx u. fI.I PIUHTS WAhK OS Kit AM) ItLl'AIUKI,. K (iiiil l Ni vv. aMISSKH AND (llll.DHh N rt SKI It". H, of nil '""J aiilM.ottmtuiitly uii iiLtn l. -i MONT.Y TO ANY A: v iionri liuiiu'.n.lii, wl. .TiCimIIiIiik. A.'., ut W J .MINI M .ti tO. MONT.Y TO ANY AMOUNT I.O.VNK1) Walcli.t. Jiweuy, Plato, HI. Il r.rUlAIU.Iillhlt I DAS (IKKII'K, Corner 01 nillill anil 11 A -IK II I, rltrv.lt, II.-I..W I... Illll. II ll. N.B.-WAMONI.S, WA'lt ilhrl, JEWKLfAV, till.V a;i'., ..r sail- ut LKMAllhAlll.lf LOW PKICKS. tisi-ilia QREAT CENTRAL CLOTIIINQ U0USE, NOTTINGHAM AND SWISS I,A(ir,H, New Nlfleo. t HtatniT STIiFF.T. WINDOW HIADKS. Pf . 7 :i :i HK.VT 8TVI.ES, j 1TELTY, KIW O O I. OKU, CARK1U3T0N C0. CIICHHUT 8TKF.KT. AT Te. MARirACli 1'KltS. No. 73 I'lANO COVEKS, i.r.ar btki k is tiik citt, AT LOW TRICES. flll'.lsNlJT jnriKKT. IN :w )iiiH ta)H ! UO M AUCTION. lft.000 VAUDH SAXOHY WOVEN DEES3 Q00D3, a u.iiMng the bett ttytcsj of ALL-WOOL I'l.AII. CASIIMKHK. AI.I.-VfK)L I'll.l.INU TOIL Dtr rtORD. ALL-WOOL UI.I I Nil fslOTCH FLAID CIIALLV. ALL-WOt'L HI. I. ISO TAhTAtf PLAI3 CIIAI.LT. BAnS-fillOl..NI I.AHIINH ANII SI'l.KNIItl) COI.OIIfs. fATlS-dUOt'Ml. LABTINtl, Ht'OTCII PATrKR5S. NTKII'EI) rilKI'K I1AVK. rtt'OK'H I'l.AII) LLAMAS. HF.ArTHXL VMOM CIIKtKH. IlKAl TIKt'L KANCT UNION CIIV.CKS. I'll, et of tiie tl.nve ratifte frntn Ci cent., npvrardt.aod tie t(K,k cont.tlKit tie REHr AN1 MOHT VAUlhl) AHHOlnilRNT WK l.VKB OKIEItBD. CTJRWIN ST0DDAET & BROTHER, ti. 4DO, 4.V4, and 1r,t N. SfXIJNl) SrltKKT, 8 '.M m liov Willow. L4 W FOUETH AKD AKCH, Have ordered tills Tall TIIK STtlNIN'O RTTLB I'l.AIIlS.tu-li as are use! ty tho CM dren ol tll Nobility abroad. lend A 1 1-Wool lMutrta. (joo.l l'l.-noli Merlnopa. O" nod IrlMti I'opllns. (iootl rreni'H IoiUib. CjSootl llrown HI1U. ;ood ltln-H MtlKej. Uootl Sltilro AnllqtiON. (ond Xtill HltawlH. Qootl 14 Ul tiltivcMi GOOD STOCK OF EVERYTHING tut-til L PUKNCH MPUIN0E8, $1', HtkS,ll Ml'.hlNOKS, 100, From the aucllen tale of yctteritaT, vtr.rtcn ai"i:isop.!, mouhlim he lainks, of Hood rabriot and choice cs.Krt, which we n't telling for LESS THAN IMPORTATION COST. FltOM Itl-XPNT AUCTION SAI.KS, PCI . I'F. CMKVItKS. TAKTAN PLIII.a, ALI. WO0L Pl.AIIW, IXAlll POI'llNH, I'l.AII) MKItthOKS, c. C, All of which we have n.arktd cheap, to aeoure an early aoo actle trail . CURWEU ST0DPART & BROTHER, Not. 431', t r.'d, and 4M . 8KC0NI) SIllKKT U Abuvo Willow. SPECIAL NOTICES. t3T REPUBLIC AN INVI1I0IBLE8 Ol' 1MM, 1 1 A I I . Y r O It 1H(I 1. A Ml K 18 i WILL BP. I1KLI) AT CONCKHT J A L L, Cbeenut Street, Above Twelfth, TIUS(Wl;lJNE.SI)AY) KVKNIN'O, At' a O'CLOCK, Old rnta.txrk. -nd AILOTlIKItH deairou. of yAaUit treo.iue.tlj 1m n il to atteud. OKOIitlK inman mciip:, PltESIUKNT. WILLIAM rOX, hKOltl:! . TWI'.NTV-l'Ol'ilTU WAIIU-.S I' E- tsar, clal Meetl.iu -Tin- l.o nl Vol. r.ol lUe MNril PMKClNi;!' TWKXTY Ol IC I II WAItl) Arfi i(iim tf"l to iiicfl .it tii I titnii I. niacin- ITtnte, 1 lim 1 y Kit ;u ra ash maukli diKKbid, lu NiiIil. 2 it l Hint.,! J.1 utl-k, 1 J. I'ATTON, It 1ST STOCK HOLDKUS1 MfcKTIXU, l A till KltS ANH MW!iKM HSK, I'llII AUKI I'MIA, .-st-UMmilMT 'f, l"Vl. IMIl Atikl i . .......Liliiii'Mliiuui tl.e Sti.i alii.lilvrs ni t'u t-'.irinf 111 .1 Mi . 11.11 . Hank .f rh!laulni.ia will be lie d at tin ir llankil.H H"."" "il I HI I.'HIIA I , lliu ir.Mli day ol lic'.O'ier n. at.ul 11 ocl'-.'i. A M . lorllie inirin'to of tuklnw i ito t ..n.i.l. rai.n.i, and ileci .llntf on tint ijni .t 1..11 wlii lo r or 11. I th. ..ill Ha na .hull m'i jiiit- an Ass... 1 .lion tor. urn iuf nn tie bli.lnt st ..I lluniii.i nn.i.'r tin' tan. .11 lf,e llntl.'.i hi -tes, an. I exm. .tun: the powi-rt inol. rre.l ty ll.f A t 1.1 tl.e .,1 111-ral AsB. inlily nt ttilt l 'oinmnn iuiii Ii, ui.ntli'.l 'An A.t Kt.u'.llni. ttie luiihsol U.i. .-oiiiui ill.u nn 10 loC'lne AssoriAln.lis I.T Ilia Purin'seol tttnkiio.' no. l.r th,- Lu.. t 01 I..' I nitiil Stittrt," approved the I iia nl' August. ImiI . ax.J to take tn. I. a.:lion ill l'-..r.l tlicrilo ut un.y t"' lii'cessurj and iiropt-r. Lt or.li r ol tha llourd ol lllrei tnrs, j .o i.0 W. Ill BUTOS. Jr., Oasl.l. r. fp-?P- LAW DKrAItTMEN T, UNIVERSITY ae of I'i ni.ii. Ivanla. A term win comnnoi. e tH'IOBKIt 8, W.I. The llilrcdtlrtm v l.eulure will lie it. livar. d ut u rlork Iii ti.o .vinii.g of Ll al Uuy.at Uia utuul Lecture llooui illU . CKORilK (sllAlHWOOU. 'J 17-1 Jt TUB LAROJiST AND BEST Ma. T3 JNCOLN AND JOHNSON. J UNION CAMPAIGN CLUB.' OKlF.R N. I. Tt.fJ (.,b HI jn ftr'te fm (if;rt4i ra) , SATURDAY EVENING, 24th last., illO't Ull'K, j ATT I li;A 1 nil lAUTKKH, I.IliitAllf sTftKKT.IIKLOW KIKTII l.antert.i an t Trail, pa. met.-. e,fi be provided f er all lb,' ietrbera. flTlie thief Marshal ha. a,tinte4 tbe folljwlai gp4i Aid. WM. 11 KV.HV, JKKK MICII.il.il, IIKNin ItlVM, ...si r bl'TI V. I.KHKIIK T Tli'MtN, vll,t.i.a jr. i ....svAr.ir, JOHN M. lill.KY, and tl c f Ins aid. : IIKNJ. H ItltHWN, Tlltmil'sinN KKV NOLIIsJ, JAI. M. ll l.NKi, It'lBT. T. (til. I.. PUP.K M A I'AMU, TIIOMAH Lit hB'IK. HI IIAKI) M. IIATTUK. III.NBT M INTYKK, .luFIN IIIVP.N. .......... I M B. H. HHLItr, .A.I I.VTI.K J III:KST, WM. ANDUK.-sS, And twenty tit Ae.lttant Mar.hal., ho eIH taAen tti Uon In tl.e nrieasion in the following order I. JOSKP1I IIAILKV, S. (IKt. W. SCHAKIT.K, X. A. I. KI.OMKUKBLT, 4. HKN.1AMIN ALLKN, !S. A. WILSON HI'.Nfl.Er, 5. W 11. ItAKNKH, T. WILLIAM KI.LIOTT, tt. PKAKK .IOHNSON, 9. Ill OH II. ANKIIOKKK, 10. 11RNI1V C. II.'IWKLL, II. A'IKI. LUKKlfH, U. NATHAN NI'KltlN.I, 13. Al.KX. M. KOX, M. AI.IIKI1T V. litillKHTrt, 11. PKKIltHICK WOLItr.ItT, II). ANIIKKW WUI'IIIT, 17. IIKNItr A H. HltoWN, IU. CIIAKI.Kd II. (IK AMP, lit. (IROKlIK DK.IIAVKN, !f0. OCIlltllP. W. P0UI, Jl. (IKOIlfiH A H.M1TII. 111. P.. T. CHAMP., S3. OKOIt'lR HAKT, il. THOMAS K. K.LI.1S, V.. I1ABTON H. JP..NKS. t V.. TIIOMAH DALLAS. T.ie nienihera or the Peoote'a C'ampaiiin Club 'of 16A are tnlteil to Join toll organization, aud all trae aid leye clttzeni ..hoata determined o tii.taln and pre.erva vi' Oovemn.ant from the aa.aulia ot open and envart traitoTi are rei.ne.Ud to Join In our ratika, and maroh vfltk na i' vl.Kw. WlMilAM It. MANN, (JIIIK.r MAUU3AL, SI ADD LIBERTY! ANOTHKU CIKANI UAL.I.Y II r iuvl'tll..n of the MoiiiJMrt ot tha t'l.'.oo L.iau". HON. WILLIAM D, KCLLET WILL ADDKKiJ.1 TrtS Cltlona or IMilltKlol j.lilA, Wtthiut dullni I'm ti Part. ON TIIK u LSSUKS OF THE CANVASS," OH THURSDAY EVENIH0, Srptember 22 AT O'CLOCK. AT THE UNION LEAGUE HALL, (LATE CONCKUT HAI.L.) All who A-el Irrptest.d nlth tho laportance of th, pel ui. f a.ociorai canvat. upie iu, ..mi lutsu.isi w A repullc a e ea.r. e l In.l edtoh. pre.eiilonl-ttcsca.t'ljr All who daaire t near Hi. merit, ih men ana anatypura dl.eufei liu'y, rat.ty.njtiinaraie.v, i.ar.M.ir, tttaitt (uHr, are Inviiel lo tltend Oood tea pre Tided for all, and order and eanforl In anted - tpr THE HI ST OF OKNKUAL GRANT a3 .Tiiti llH.rHt Lculitnre. ao muck tlatr4 Ihr Kin Ana t.ftiU't . la hw on Krn K(.Hition ir a tm laa, nl t AKl t,r nninr., n wt uiibih u . Hut-el. As iuii'-rl.i.'oa i It arw far Ui rliaf uf lta bled BsMdlra, pfftjiiiia atitm'rluuu nut only Mneflt th but r'v titiMiibki pvulrinnt if ther aprftcUUta of ou our bftKta-i'. Hy (til mi-m see it. IiVU H OK TUU Ltiigh Coul anl Navigation Osmpan; I'll I I.AHKI.IIII A, Sef teuioar 14. 1MI. Pealed pmpobalt wilt he received at Ihit Office until o'clock P. at., of Tt KSI AT, tl o Itti of 0-to'Mr neal,fo any poiiloo or U.a whi le of ONK MILLION Ol DOLLARS lrl,(c,ii), AS I'AKT OF A NEW LOAN nuthorledby A. ttof Ai.euibly, payabla on tha l.t dt; ol April, lNO, 110 lliti ro.l m me r.ie oi o per i.r atiiiuin, payable imrt.rlr on 1st dty of the niontht o Jiuiuurj-. Aptll, July, and October of eiu h )ear, aud boll, principal and Intervet aecured by u lu irliaa on Hie Com punv't csti.lc and trumhisi't. Tiia propntul. uii.tl lie In v.rillnil,euJor.ed " Pr.ipo.alt f"f Leliiuli L.ian,"and left Hilt ollUe, win re they will remain without being open., until the luceluiK ot Ihe llieurdof M inai-. rs, at oYlixk on Wettnctilay, ttie fill, of October uet. Theotlerertof c in t.il propo.uit will lie eur'y ll.i r.uiiir notlfl' dol tuil acceptunoe, wlien the preiiiiui.it ulti rcd will be Inline dial, ly payable, and artcrwrur.l. ca. I. will u at lioerty pay tha aun.uiit n. ccpted by uionthlv In.talaienlt of lo ' ei.it. or more th.-r.sif, or ttie whole at one tune, at hit her option. Tin' Miiiiuu. rt reteric to tlietutelvet lu riul i,f K-ji ctliik' any l"idt "."I t.itl.tuctory. liy onlcr ol tl.e llnutd of .Man .Ki rs, KDYV1N WAIl'HIt, TltEA9L'Kt:lt. !l l.V-iit rrf- UKAVNESS AND lil.l N DNKS8. J fc- Itaact. la U., Proretfrof tha Ly. and K.ar. treat. .11 dl.eaiM.,.p.ruii.l.iK..lh tl,. utn.o.l tuici'M. Te.llii.oni.ll IrnUl U.a uoal TO anl. tource. iu tn. city aud c..i...tr cn b. t.-j... al hit in. ho. ill PIUK Hirw.u Arumtal Ly. 1"' lu'" u "ff m,i iiiiu. . ii. .in. inr estiiioie.il".. - IU al. tk.jp. al. Ko.HU piaKHlruat. aul-lol 8. E. CORNER SJXTU AND MARKET ST8. ft 1 J 1 .