The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 21, 1864, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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    it" ;
rillLADELrillA, WIlDNIvSDAY, SliiTEMHEIt 21, 1604.
J JlLi , LI IP j
Sheridan's Victory.
Rhodes' Body at Winchester.
in the l'mn, Sot tii op WtviursiTRit, Sr.r
Tfmuf.h 2, A. M. Ere this reaches you tlio
public will I c u(i r i -c 1 of another ImuIu baring
taken place in this quarter. It was a h ird c in
ti(t, commencing at I c y , l-h t on the l.h mi l
fading only U mporaiily with the cloud of nillt.
Tim who c movement was made up of a
of eminently successful coniiunuti'.ns. I'.vcry
tblrig on the field was more or less t-iiir ?r-l. The
cavalry did some very hard ami r-plcnUiU lightim:.
Mciriit and Averiil joined, und repea-ctly
rharonl. It w.w A ei rill who turned rtii ciipiiiv',1
P' lefi Hunk. tukinir oiiu idovo of artillery, on the
1 Koniru y road.
General U bodes' body Is in Winchester, in u
private house.
Ocneral Irnbnden li reported
(tencntl Crook' Corps dl I the hardest of 'h
Infantry lighting, nnd iu nil probability lo-t tliu
Lt av.cst.
Colonel Duval, commanding ft liri raj.- in
Crook's Corps, in (lightly wounded and iu a pn
- Tale bouse in town.
The battle was a decided Mice?'-', mid our
Achievements wcie hrilliaut one. No lir nicli o:'
the service more Mian llic cavalry ilc-crv' M credit
I for gallantry on the tied.
The Nlrmctr.y of .lie lluillr-.
Wakiiino ion, S picmh, r 2i. (leneial Mi -ri-dan'B
grand success near Winchester is nonvl us
the first victory achieved by tin; national arms in
the Shenandoah valley. But it is so mai;uittcent
in its proportion! ns completely to w-ipe out tliu
long scries of revcr-cs wnich have given to th i'
region the designation of "J he Valley of Humilia
tion." The loss to the enemy in killed, wounded,
and prisoners will, it is believed, reach not less
than ten thousand, while the circumstances of the
enemy's defeat lento Early's army in n condi
tion little, short of absolute rout and demorali
zation. ropu!ar logic will doubtless associate this bril
liant exploit with llm recent visit of the Lieuten-ant-Ucnerul
to the headquarters of General Short
' dan an association so far correct, no doubt, that,
had not (icncnil Ornnt authorized General Slieri
ln to assume the offensive, we should not now
liavo this victory to rejoice over. This docs not,
however, detract from the credit to which til it
gallant ollieer Is entitled, and all the more so
from the modest generosity with wh eli he
ascribes all the glory of the splendid achievement
to his subordinate commanders.
The bearing of this oporation on the greater
pioblt-m immediately belore Oonoiul tit.iiu is of
ci pital importance, and will go far to decide the
fate of Lie's army and Richmond. The treinen
; tlous importance of Lv uchhurg, ns covering the
now only reinainiug line of railroad coinuiuiiica
tlon with lUchtnond, has compelled to retain
in tho valley lull one-half of bis entire force; and
notwithstanding the terrible attain ho has been
pnt to for lack of troops to meet the movements
of Grant, tho fatal menace which the presence of
Sheridan's army in the valley constantly held
forth has forced Lee to submit to them, on peril
of the loss of Lynchburg.
The army catering thut point lias, by Sheri
dan's splendid success, been disrupted and
demoralized, and we may, at length, look for the
execution of that movement iu tho Valley which
has always been nn integral part of General
Grant's programino of operations for the capture
Of Richmond.
O her co-operative moves, not now piooor for
finbllc mention, may bo expected ; and those be-t
n formed ol all tho elements of tho military situ i
tion leol tho most assurance that we shall li ivo
Richmond before tho Presidential election. .Veie
York Tunes.
' Farly'n l.nnt Order obtain Favor with
tll l"fOlt' Of lilt ltlll.
In tub Field nhau Luk.towv. Va., September
17, A. M On the 12lh of this mouth Uen.Til
Early Issued an uiiusunlly lengthy general order,
of which tho following is in part a copy :
I. Commanding olliccrs will be held rusporo-iblo
that the tioops coiumit no depredation. Wnoii
cam pa are formed, tho inspector, with the quar
termaster of each command (and in tho aii'cnco
ol these olliecrs the coiuni indcr shall deall an
clHcer for this pnrpose), will m.iko an inspection
of the hou-es, fences, e., near tho camps, lioth
on reaching and leaving them, and any proixTty
destroyed will be paid for by the iia.term.i-ier
at the charge made by the owners, and the money
will bo stopped from the pay of ollleers of tho
troops camped nearest to where the property in ay
have been destroyed. In each case of such stop
page the commanding ollieer will forward at once
to these headquarters tho names of tho ollleers
against whom these stoppages have boon undo.
II. Straggling, the greatest disgrace of any
troops, for it produces every evil, will at once bo
stopped. Soldiers, and even officers, uro pro
hibited from entormg the houses of the citizens,
except tjpon invitation. Moglcct to enforce this
regulation will cHii-e any ollieer to be relieved of
his command. Oiliccis commanding, or ou duty
with troops in tho Held, will cunp with their
respective commands. The practice of oitieers
taking houses of citizens or public ejiiices is pro
hibited. Ollleers and iin falling out of ranks
on account of sickness must do so with the writ
ten permission of the medical otli -er ; otherwise
they will be am sled and brought forward by tho
III. All commanding ollleers will hereafter uso
every exertion to pncine leather, with which to
(hoc the troops of their respective commands, and
a detail will be made from each regiment of such
a know how to make and repair shoes, to eng ige
in this work whenever tho army v lying idle,
even if It be but tor a day at a time.
IV. The geneial commanding relies upon tho
energy of the proper ollleers of this command to
(updy many of the deficiencies which it lias been
impossible for the departments at the capital to
1 V; Hivleloti commanders will order their com
. mhsarics to purchase when' and buvo it ground
M the mills iu tho ncighboi hood. Where wheat
cannot be procured they will purchase corn for
VI. It his been proven to tho ommtiidl ig
general that soldiers arc iu tho habit of selling
government proin rty of nil de-crlption. This
unwarrantable,, and vicious prac
tice must and shall cease. UcrcalVr unv soldier
detected In such un ai t will be punished with the
utmost stveilty. Any mounted soldier w ho shall
ell his hoisc, or Rt'ompt to do so, shall, on the
fact Icing established, be immediately trans
ferred and sent to a toot command at a distant
and disagreeable po-itiou, and his bono turned
over to the iU irurui.ister fur public use. Any
otlieir becoming aware of any violation of this
order, and not dm up his utmost to bring the
gui'ty l aity or parties to puin-hiiieiit, will Ix;
relieved from command and brought before a
court mtirtiul for trial lur neglect of duty. This
ordir will be read at the head ot each conipti'iy
iu this command on ut least three cunsccutiie
V II. Quartermasters will hereafter he instructed
to pay for the wood cut and burned on the en
campments of the commands to which they tir
severally attached. Such payments will be ni ele
in accordance with tho price of w od,
. . but not for lurger quantities Hum are allowed by
the regulations of the army.
VU1. No passes will now be pruutcd to e ther
oftlcers or men to go more than sl. miles from
their respective couiiumids, unless it b.- to Visit
tin se head inar.eis.
IX. In futuie, ewes will not be slaughtered,
unless it bei oines absolutely necessary to do so
iu order to supply the les-lng wants of this
army, ('omniis-iiries should ration tho com
Inunds w ith be. t mid pork as far as practicable.
X. Commanders ol divisions and artillery bat
talions must do ail they can to keep their men in
as coinlortablo a condition as possible, 'lhcy will
direct their iiuurterma.stcrs to take churge of all
tho tiiiiiierics within reach, and c.ui.-u all tic
bides and leather lhcy cau procure to be dies-i d
mid prepared lor tho use oi the troops. SubsLs -em
e otlieers h ill cause to be collected as many
supplies as possible, and they w ill uo the men
Ol the army and the Uovernuiuut teams to have
wheat go'tcn out licie the tanners have not tin'
means ut hand to do so. The order relative!'
impressment must I e strictly adhered to. RiKi l
economy is exacted iu the Use of all supplies,
und commanding officers will be held accountable
lor any destruction or unnecessary wastige.
XI. Mo more wheat shall bo fed to stock.
XII. (juurtcruiastcrs of this army are
authorized to exchange raw hides tor leather, li
it is fou uu 10 be Impossible to procure suih n ru
ikuther, shoes may be made out of the ruw hidi
tosuoply inimediuto wants of the nn 11. C old
we-atlier is
uppio.iehiug, uud iu this
mutter is exu. teil.
XI II. f'.iiilaintshave lai n made (o tho coin.
Branding general of this army, by f.trniors and
dileiistless women, of tho bad conduct aud dei-
indaifrjj committal by souin oulliUd nt n
unworthy to te called soldiers. Hereafter if anv
lm re romp aints of t tin kind specified are ma lo
trihee hcudiiniirtr r, the l oimn indmg gennral
will ploce one-half ol the army on guard to keep
the o hi r half In camp.
XIV. In conclusion, the Gencr il com man II rig
iippi als- to every oil ccr and -oh.ier now with him,
bj Hint love which we all txar I or our lovern
na rt and the protection of f. milieu and their
iiit.c-tfl,to hoover ready to meet tho fie, i r t
watehtul to defeat his designs, nnd always on the
alert to check his advances. 1 hoi if by the graeo
of a protective Providence, ever watchful, ever
guld ne us on to flic great end of vi tory. our
call'. e will succeed as sure as it is just and holy.
Jr n vi, A i m a mi T,
I.lcutcnant-f irneral (iuiniaudaig.
Sketch of llrlirmllcr-IJi'iirrul RiikwII. David A. Russell, whoso
lariii r.led dcaili it is our mournful duty to roMrJ,
was a gHllant soldier and an rnvoinpusiieil tfi-nile.
man. He was u native of irMn.'toti c.mnty,
New York. Entering the West I'oint Mi i ary
Ac-demy at au early age, be gr.idu ned in July,
IMi. '1 en years of uis su' ineiu lite went de
voted to i s rations on tho l'aeltie coast. Ho was
n enptam in the 4th Regular Infintry. When tho
war broke out ho was i hosen colonel of the 7th
Ma's iclinsi tts regiment. Ho le i tho regiment
vviih honor through the memorable cunp ngu on
the I'criir'sula under General Met 'lellan.
1 or di-tinKui-hcd si rviees in the battle of Wil
luimburg ho was appointed brevet m i r In tiio
regular aimy; pas-mg lliroimh tho bi'.tl'S of
Si ven l'inc and l-'uil Oaks he u as soivn ni In a
lull minor in the tstli lufantrv, and su'i-e-
iiieiiHy uppoinlcd brevet lieuieuant-colonel !u
'In rceiilur uiniy forgener 'I good condii 't d'
the whole camp :ign. In Noverutr o the sa'iie
yinr ( isni.'l he received his iipooiiitriienl as
d er-(.eneral i f volnnieers, which was cotiuruied
in the month of March of the following jeai.
He couii'ianih d his tnigade, on the let' ol the
line, at l reileru k-tairg in December, lSdJ; at
Sali ui Heights in Mav, l.siij; in the expedition
lo Hevei lv and telly's fords iu tho fol'j ing
Intic, mid at ticttysbui g in .Inly. r
He pre-ented 1 1 the War Department the colors
w Inch Ins hi igade bail captured ou the Rappa
hannock. '1 be General wa highly eoiupllioeu'od
lor his gallant conduct and iinp.ii tiiut services
hi c In command of his briga le, and was sjou
alter entrusted with the command of a division.
He took command of the 1st Division of tho
(.th Corps In Noveiiilicr, iMid, and, with the
exception of n short time, when ho had
rhnrge of the Hd Divis on, lie coiiductod the
1st Division through the sanguinary scenes
of this wonderful campaign from (he battles Iu
the Wilderness through the lights at Spottsylva
nia, Cold Harbor, and near l'ct rsburg, down to
the recent important victory in the Shenandoah
valley, where the fatal force of a e union ball
closed his grand career. General Russell was II
man of noble stature and pie ising manners. At
the time ol his death he was about forty years of
ngc. His loss w ill be dei ply b it by his compa
nions In urms ns well as by the country at large.
Sketch ol lii'lgiKllcr-tnicrnl I iitoil.
l'eigadi.r -General Knu ry Upton, who was
wounded iu tho recent battle, is a young and
galiant ollieer. Ho was appointed a cadet at
West I'oint in Vu, and graduated in lMil. I'.arly
in .May of that ho was appointed second
lieutenant In tho 1th -itllerv, and almost
immediately afterward lirsr. lieutenant in the
6th. Just two years ago, in Septc luhor, IM'!J,
lie was appointed Colonel of the Onc-huudrod-tiud-twentv-lirst
Nw York Volunteers.
lie served w iih his regiment as its commander
until the following summer, when lie had com
mand of a brigade. He commanded the 2d bri
gade, 1st Division of the lith Corps ut the ba'.tlo
of Gettysburg, July, I.Sii:) and at the pnssngc of
the Rnpidun, in thc'lullowlng November. During
the eailier operations of tin year' campaign ho
(being senior colonel) had command of the sia'no
brigade. In thut capacity he won distinguished
honors in tho eight days' battles from tho Wildor
lies to t-pottsylvunia.
In May of the present year, upon tho recom
mendation of General Grant, ho was nominated
hilpndier.gcncral of volunteer-1, for gallant and
nitiliorioiis si rviees during those eight days, and
his nomination Was Immediately confirmed. Ilo
lias commanded his brigado In the Otli Corps,
under Geueinl Wright, through tho subsequent
opeiations ot tho Army of tho Potoma ' up to
Petersburg, when tho corps was detached and
sent in ptnsult of Marly, fust In Mary I mil, and
more recently iu the .'ibonu'idoah valley. It is
hoped that General Upt-ui will soon bo enabled
to resuma his duties in the tie-Id.
(aiant and Sheridan.
Etc., Kic,, Et., Ho., Kle., Etc.
Hpeelnl tst Tho Kvcnliiif Tclotc rli.
Waniiinoton, Septemlxir '21. Nothlni; further
iilllcially has been heard from Sheridan, who is
now, with his wholo force, in active pursuit of
Early's shattered army. An uggregate of three
thousand prisoners had been sent in by hint up
to last night.
The highest cstimato that has reached hero of
our losses in killed, wounded, and missing is two
Tho Rebel General lira lley Johnson is ro
ported to have been seriously w junded la tho
lighting on Monday.
The hospital steamer Sl.ite of liiiiie brings up
three hundred sick soldiers from the hospital at
City I'oint, mostly fever eises.
The muil steamer Daixiei HVisftr, from City
I'oint, reports allalrs unchanged in front. Skir
mishing and picket tiring on our outposts con
tinues, and it is especially ho ivy on the Wei. Ion
Our depleted regiments nro rapidly filling np,
and the army is iu e client spirits aud fjuo
lyhtUg trim.
ltflicl Ish-ims'i I 'nile-rrnt m1.
tie., Ills-., !-., lie. ;.lc,, Etc.
S-rlnt (u 1 1n- Kveniiic '' -If'irrnith.
1Iai:iu-ih no, September 21. .V gentleman
who has just arrived hero from 11 igersfoa n snys
tl.cie was nothing additional there this morning
iu regard to Sheridan's light.
A Union t Hirer arrived nt llagersto vn lute last
night, direct from Winchester, who reports til it
Le heard no urtillcry firing during yesterday, but
tliut Sheridan was still driving thu enemy, who
hod retreated to Strusburg; and that tho Robol
loss in killed uud wounde I will rea'-h over live
tLousand, and iu prisoners to at Ica-t four lliou-s-aud.
Our los-es will scarcely rca !i two tliou
SiCiid. A salute iu honor of the vl- tory is b !n;' lire 1
I'roiu lint nun.
Ki w Yoiik, Septembir'.'l. The steamer 'W
has arrived with Havana udv ices of the 17th.
St. Domingo advices stuto that the Spanish
troops had bie-n w ithdrawu from l'orto 1'iiita to
Monte Chiisii.
Ve-neztiela advices report fill quiet there and
that the gold mines were yielding largely.
Tbo Rebel lthiili arrived ut Havana
en the loth in-dunf, fioiu Galveston, mid lac
.soourivrt, from Houston.
The latter bad only 73 out of HoO bales of cot
Ion, l aving thrown overboard 201) bales to escape
nn Ameiic.iii cruiser.
The steamer UmuinuM,; from Key West, lo
poits the arrival there of the captured steamer
Mdiwinnhi, with tii id bules of cotton, while eu
n li e Hum Galveston for Havana.
Au unknown coal laden American ship, u'jan
doned, was louud a-lioro ou Mouurru reel.
'1 hero is nolhiiig uew front Mexico. M
Major-General Philip Henry Sheridan.
f.JY- e f'fe'-'tr'WW-.
i'f . . f
. - -
Gen. Sheridan's Arinv
He Chase3 them Forty Miles.
List of Rebel Generate Killed.
They Destroy Two Bridges.
A Eold Attempt to Cut Early's Army
Off from Richmond.
WAsmiNtmiN, Soptcmboi- 21, 10-15 A. M.
M.-ijor-fJcncral Dix, Now York : This De
partment Iiuh just rocelvotl tliu following tele
gram nnnouncin the coiitinucil pursuit of
the Ilcbcls by General Sheridan.
Cedar creek, where Slterldun was crossing;
ut 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, Is a sliort
Uistuuce this side ol Strasburg. Ilo hud pur
sued the Kebels over thirty miles from tho
point w here he attacked them at daylight oa
HAni-Kit's Fekby, Se-ptemlx r 21, 18(11.
ITon. Edwin M. Stanton, Socretary of War:
lle-liublo news from the front has been received.
Our tinny wus crossing Cedar creek yesterday
at 3 o'clock. There lias been no fighting.
The following list of tho Kebcl Generals killed
and wounded Is correct :
Generals Iihodcs, Itatnseur, Gordon, Terry,
Goodwin, Bradley Johnson, and Fitz Leo.
From all I can learn the prisoners will
approximate five thousand.
The Indications are that tho Kebel.i will not
make a stand short of Staunton. They are
evidently too much demoralized to make
another fight.
Joun Stevknskix, Bilgadler-Gen. '
General Grant transmits tho following ex
tract from the Klchmond Sentinel of yester
day :
"A slight ripple of excitement was produced
here yesterday by the report that a Yankee raid
ing party was advancing on Qordonsville, and
were within n few miles ofthat place. The result
of all our inquiries on this head is, that this report
originated In the fact that early yesterday a
party of Yankee raiders', who'e number is not
known, visited Uiipiduu bridge, aud utter destreiy.
lug It, proceeded to Liberty mills, live or Bix
miles above, which they also destroyed. From
this lath r place they uro believed to have gonu
t.i!-' j Culpepper."
The r i-rutlon ulludcd to by tho Uieliiiioti'l
.SoMViiif wasl ya force sent out previous lo
the Initio of Monday.
F.ivi.v M. Stan ton, Secretary of War.
All Well at AtlHUlit Tlie lraft l'roceod
I n If iiloll.v. Ac.
Wn iJhi'.MirMr.NT, Wasuiso ios, September
UU, 9 1'. M. Maior-Cieti rul Dix, New York: A
ele-pntch Just received from (ioneral Shcrmiti,
Rt Atlanta, says : "Everything continue! well
with us."
Tho reports of to-day show that tho draft is
proceeding quietly iu nil the States. In most of
the disiiicts vigorous cflorts aro continued t'j till
the quota 1 y volunteers before tho dialled men
aic iiiiisteicd iu. Edwin M. Stan row,
Secretary ol War.
Ite.jolelUK over (lie 1 ietory.
Ni w Yoiii., Xci-i'KMiiKB lil. A salute of ono
liuiidred guns was lired by tho Union Central
( i lini.iitce ut uoou to-day, iu houot of .Sheridan
great victory.
Sitllinur of the '-Seolin."
Nrw Yoiik, Septeinbcr21.'-The steamer Satin
failed to-day lor Liverpool with ijJ,UJ'J in
Among her passengers Is tho Hon. Hiram
(slbliy, 1'icMdciit of thu American Tcle
trui'h Cotui-uny.
Movement t lttil4H4le-liiiusr.
Hai ii ax, September '.'o. Tho bio ka lo-run-ncr
l'tumiiyuH has arrived here from Ikimuda
lor repairs.
s - - . ,
m m:kai. miiiiiuimn.
1 nii ii" Hkni.y Siikkiimx to wlioin the rouniry is
indebted mr the rreat triumph mar Wiiiehesier,
chronicled in our relumus v-sterilav, i a native ot
l'erry County, Ohio, bom in Ilio lie wai
grailiiiiti'd at the West point Military Academy In
duly. ISM, and at thai tiiim entered tlio nnny as a
brevet Second I.iciltennnt of the First Itniteil .states
Infantry. Huiiinr the tears 1 sVM aud B he served
in tho Indian cnuipnicli In Texas; and III July of
the last mentioned year, alter serviiiir a tevv month
In command of one oi H o lorts In New York har
bor, he whs-ordered to Calitornia. Kuai'ed tor a
while in the jmivc ri.nicnt ritilroad surveys on the
I'tu-itic coast, ho was detached Ironi that servn-LS lo
take part iu the canipnieri airnlnst the In. bans, in
OreKou Terntorv. Iu the severe feamualitn, under
Mnjor ItAiNKH, he irreally ili-tunndsliwl tiho si l i , and
was highly praised by Ills coiiinmuderj for f?,iilant
und nieritorioiis conduct in the light at the l'actilo.s
ot olunit.lo, April 2H, lsf.l
For tho part he took Iu tho sett lenient ol th In
dian troubles iu Oregon Siikiuuan wusveiv vvatudy
euloirired by (ieneriil Scorr, then ticneral-in-ch of
ot the army. Just after the brcakluir of the Re
bellion he was niado ( aptain in tliu I liiileenlli In
funlry, and served mr several months In Ht. Louis as
President ol a Miliuny ( oiuuilssloii convened at that
place. Iu licccmlier. Iiowbs made tiiurterinas
ter of the Arm ot the Southwest, then operatluir iu
t-outtiern Missouri, and ntterwaids in Aiktiusns un
der lieu. Hami'hi. It menu, lie reiuaiiieil with that
aimy until alter the irreat baltle ut Tea ltiik'e, iu the
spring ol is't;2, when ho was appointed C.iiel' (Jinir
termuKter on the stair of i.enenil IlAl.l.ia K, llieu In
ccuiiiiaun of the army betoro Coiiuth.
In -.nv, IH'12, he was olfered and acenntcd the com
tnuuU ot tlio Second Michigan Cavalry, and trout
this tune he was in his proper element, ami his great
merits lis a soldier iu active field servico wero rapidly
developed. 1 hree duys alter ho assuuieil command
f Muv io lie loujilitain! deleatcd a eousalcral'lo body
of Iteliel cavoiry near Corinth. Iu eleven days alter
tins lie vwis entrusted with Ilio command ot a hrl
pndo ot cnvalrv ; and on the 1st of July tie vindic itcd
the choice ot Ins commander by llu'hting mid dc Icat
iiiK a iti'l.e-1 cavulrv toreo of nine re'tiiiierits uud T
the notorious Cuai.ukkh. 1'his action was so bril
liant flint It won lor him the star ol a I Heade r.
Tlias ill ono mouth hn vvon his way by sheer force of
ncttve and meritorious service from the rank otmnior
to that ot ireueral oflicer. Iu .Septeniiicr of tho
sumo year ho was fiveii tho coiuiiiand of the
Third Illusion ot tlio Army of the Hhio,
then operating under llccir. In Ken'urly. Ilo
fought bis brurado with dislinmilslicd gullantry and
success In the severe battle of rerryvillo in October
of that year; and ayalu, with still (r renter distinction.
Under lieueral KoHia iiAN" In tho victorious Mur
freesboro' campaign in liecemtior, 1802, aud January
183. His services at this time were of such distill
fruished merit that lie was made a major-general, to
date from December ill, l-sl'J. 1'roiu that time ou his
career iu tho 1 ulla'iouia, t'hattanooira aud Chicka
maufia euni) signs ol (leneral ItonicnAKS, in the
Chat'anooaa and Missiou itidgo campaiirn with Ootu
li kant, and in tho great campaign of ttio Army of
the l'otouiac coniineiiciii in Slav, lHtrl, all tho tiuio
as a most accomplished and successful general ot a
(orpa of cavalry, is still so fresh In tho incioory ot the
people as to rcuder more particular mention uunes
llisdashinv oxpfdillon to tho roar ot the Rebel
lines near tho Wilderness, in Mav last; bis destrao
tivo foray on tho irciuia Central ltailrosd. in Juno,
and his almost ubiquitous oricratious against tho
enemy, with tho splendid cava ry ho had Imbued
wilb his own soldierly sti.rlt, made loin thu terror of
Lee's army in the early munths of the catnpaian.
In all his various employments, whether as a sub
altern iu au Indian campaign, tn tho difficult execu
tive duties ot the Quartermaster's Office, aa tho Co
lonel of a cavalry regiment, as tlio (loneral of an In
lantry division, as the (leneral of a cavalry Corps, or
iu the higher and more responsible position of com
mandinir lioncraj of au iiulependuut army In tho' IltKKY tsMKItlUAX, uow Malor-lioiM).
al, and HriiraiMer in the Iteculsr army by appoint
nieut yesterday, has shown himself a most thorough
aud (complrshrd soldier, aud well detwrving; ol tho
laurel wrcaiu tho victory oi Winchester will cast
ui on hi. brow.
MirrMim'a I'rlHoiicrx.
Vashinoton, September 21. Iuforiua'.ion re
clved by the tjovernment up to noon to day
makes it ceitain that Sheridan has teiured '0 iU
prisoners, and thut e-veiy hour moro are being
scut to the tear.
C-s(ISiJ lIIUllS 114-IIIH.
A ;.-roat mass inectin--' of the friends of the
I'cioii In the lower end of Bucks count,- is to bo
i held on the Fair Grounds at Newtown, on Sutur
1 day. the t'u.,t of October. Eminent speakers have
been engaged, ana win uc present.
farmers down county commenced taking up
their lute potatoes la-t week. Tho '-llnckeye-s '
und "l'eui h-ltlovvs" turn out pretty well ; but the
old Mercers, ut ono time very popular with
farmers, yield very poorly, not being mora thau
hull a crop, l'otatocs are selling in Doylestown
for S KA) a bushel.
Fresh pork bids fair to be a scarce ai tide in the
lieiuhboihoi d of lJoylestown the coming autumn
It is a question whether u sullieii nt supply of
polk can bo obtained to .lustily out sausage
makers to embark in the bu-iness, even ut tho
hieh prii c of from fl! m per hundred pounds,
which it is supposed will be the juice tletuaudei
by jiurk iirodUwCrs.
Provost Marshal YardKy receive 1 ot.Itrn on
Satiilduy to proceed with the diall in Bucks
county to till up tho quota- ot those sub-district
which have failed to furnish their duo proportion
ol ioe-n uiidir the last call of the .'resident. He
is as yet without oihciul knowledge of tho full
credits to be made to each sub-district towards
their quotas, but will probably roceivo il soon.
The dralt is ordered to begin to-morrow. It i
tl:c belief of Captain Yardley that be will not be
obliged to draft any men from Ducks county.
Idilloid, Kockbill, aud Uristol borough are still
a few men behindhand, but they have yet several
riavs lelt in which to procure thoin. Nearly all
tbc other townships have now a small surplus to
their ct edit over the number of men uow rt pilied.
Hie Lucky Ones of Ward One-Tbe Preaf.
ilcnt'a Kei-relarlea IraHel.
Among those iu Ward One who are honored
wiiUacsid to serve their country in the tented
field, we find the names of Messrs. Niculay and
Hay, the President's private secretaries. Alder
man itupley Is also one of tho lucky ones w hose
tickets were diawn forth by the blind mauipula
tor of tho diall. H'athinytvn liiublUan
Pirates of Lake Erie Taken.
X2to., i:to., 22to.. Ktc, i:to.
AVaiiin(itov, Scptetnlier 21. Comtnan liT
Carter, of the 1'nitod States steamer Michi
gan, liua telegraphed to Secretary Welles,
tinted off Johnson') Island to-day, concerning
tho capture by pirate"? of the steamers 'io-soiis
and Island Queen.
lie says they were pursued by him, and that
lie lias got the principal n'jent ft prisoner mi
board, and many of bin accomplices.
lie adds that all is well and sale at present,
and that the object of the pirates was tj cap
ture the Michi'jaii.
It further appears that Colonel IT 'll has
six of the pirates on Johnson's Island.
A Hiiluto lor MicrMrm.
Tl i .riMom:, September '2. national iltite
of one hundred gnr.s was tired to-day by order of
General Wallace, from Fort Federal Hill, in
honor of Sheridan's victory at the Upequau.
1'ronl Culll'iiriilil.
San Fit vncisco, September 2 1. Political meet
ings ore being held all over this S:ato, and Agri
cultural Fairs are iu progress.
San isco, Scptcmlier JO. Advices from I to July II stato that tho war was
virtually closed. Tho llri ish troops gained a
signal victory a few days before tho lid of July,
and the lenders of tho insurgents were yielding
iineeii litionallv.
StAlB OF TllllllMOMHTKa To IIAV. Six A. M.,
til. Noon, "2. One P. M. 7t'-A. Wind, W. by s.
Mni.riNo at CoNcnur 11 all. An impromptu
meeting took place last evening at tho Union
League Hall, at which speeches wore made by
Thomas l'ligeruld, Esq., Major Urown, and
Thomas M. Coleman, Esq. A recitation was
made by Mr. N. K. Hichardsou. aud several cam
paign soegs sung by Mr. Paul lierger.
Mr. l ltpi raid pointed with pride to the victo
ries of cur armies, especially thatjust gained oyer
tho Rebels in thu Shenandoah valley by Sheri
dan, and impressed his hearers with tho necessity
of preserving the fruits of these victories by stren
uous and unceasing exertions to elect Ahruliiiu
Lincoln in November.
Mc.ii. r Iliown attributed the war and Its at'en
dant rum und bloodshed, tolho doctrine of States'
(tights, which had been carried to ex-rctiifts, and
natuially resulted In division. Ho considered
that tbe're-elei tlon of tho President would bo the
popular rrnlllrmution of tho doctrine of tin) suoo-
ii.tity of the National lo the State Governments.
Our alh glnnro to tho tlrst was paramount, a-id
tii is w ur would result in the vindication of that
Mr. I liotnas M. Coleman had been a Demo
crat all his lite, but he had voted in tho last I'io
si'len'lal cleclon for Hell and Kvero-t, bccmisj
ho believed that tho eloetion of Lineo'n would
cause a revolution. It did cause a revolution,
but tho guilt was not up m the choice of the
people then Abraham Lincoln he who will bo
tho choice of tho people again. Ho hid sup
ported John Hell in order to avoid wr wiii h
at all times was inconvenient and terrihlo but
since the South had refused to he ruled by tho
people whom it had ruled during the greater pert
of the existence of the republic liec iuso it had
relusi d to submit to a fair decision at tho bail. it
box because they had invited and tlrst levied
war, hu would vote at tho November election for
Abiiihum Lincoln. (Appluu-e.) Lincoln will, if
sustained iu that election by tho people, prose
cute tho war to a successful end.
'1 he speaker discussed the question of slavery
at length, citing his personal experience of it. He
was born and had lived in the South for thirty
years, and during that time had uncommon
epportunith s of studying its workings, both on
the working rla'S of whites, on tho planters, and
on tho mgroes themselves. It bi utilized tho
plan'crs ai d degraded the low-or classes of whites
almost to the low level of tho slaves. Indoluuee
and apathy in every concern of life was tho result
of the system, but the war was fast extirpating it.
Keferriug to the victory of Sheridan, Mr. U de
li. an contended that tills victory knocked ono
plank out of the Chicago platform, nnd one
would be knocked out by every successive vic
tory, until not a stick was left standing.
Hoahd of Trade. At thu September meeting
of the Executive Council of the Hoard of Trado,
held on Monday evening, Mr. Sotider occupied
the chair. The report ot the Committee appointed
to investigate the cause of the fulling off in tho pe
troleum trade during tho tlrst quarter of the year
occupied the attention of the meeting. Tbo full
ing oil is attributed to the luug-coutiuuod closing
of tho Allegheny river daring the past winter,
thus shutting off from tbo I'ennsy lvania
railroad, tbeironly source of supply. The second
quurttr of this year shows a large Increase of
receipts as compared with the same period last
yenr, nnd the total exports to foreign countries
from Philadelphia from January 1 to September
In, lhei4, show ti,l41,obT gallons against 4,H'.j,tsK5
gallons to the same time last year an increase of
7 tG,t'jU gallons in regard to transportation aud
A communication was read and referred from
Th mas Adainson, Esq., Fulled States Consul at
Pciniiinbueo, urging upon tho mercantile com
in ii ti I ty o( Philadelphia the great advantage which
would result from extended commercial inter
( rse with llruzil. He says : 'Establi-h a line
ot s-eamers between Philadelphia and the ports
of Ibis empire, and the tide of foreign travel and that is now louud Ukii tho shores of Great
Pritain nnd France would How to our own land,
l hilailelplilii might build herself up a magnifi
cent nude, for which her uririty
ever New Voik us a tlour market eminently fits
Soiki:f. IHtAsVA tieii K, Mr. Williim E. Slim,
associuto lessee and manager of Urover's New
Chesntit Street Theatre, entertained a number of
his friends lust evening in a most pleasant und
apj.roprlato manner. The party consisted of seve
ral of the representatives of tho Press Club of
Philadelphia, and newspaper editors of Washing
ton and 'cw York who had known Mr. (jinn iu
those cities. After inspecting tho thettre, mid
itncrMiig the uiHgnilieeiit 6Hjciacle of tho N a
vf It e, the company were invited to partake of a
neatly prepared repast near at band, where ull
pie-scut enjoyed themselves hugely. The "health
of ('I'.vir iv'Sinn," "success to tile iiianaueiucnt
ol the Mew Chesnut." the "Press Club of i'nila
dclj bin," und the "health of our guests from tho
national capital und the commercial metropolis,"
Were tho toasts duly honored. Witty speeches
und anecdotes follow ed, uud the company sepa
lated ut a Into hour, highly pleased with tho nn
i.u.ltipiu und altogether unlooked-for entertain
ment, wiih three cheers for "mine host" of tho
New Chesnut.
Oi it Soldieks. Mrs. Carver, from the hospi
tal! at Fortress Monroe, is now In this city ask
ing for funds to assist her In her laliors us luir-e.
Cuitribuiions, no matter how small, may bo
enclosed to win, Ellis i Co., Market street,
below Eighth.
SuooiiNO Ai iAin. This morning William
Furniiin was before Alderman (iodbou upon tho
(haige of (hooting Edward Warrington. The
two got intoa tight utTliiiteenth and Vine streets,
wheu l uiihun drew a pistol aud tiro. I, the ball
sir. king Warrington aiuljgluuciug oil'. The accused
was (ou. muted to answer.
1 NTUIS.O 8"i.i)itu8 to DhSEicr. Henry
Welsh, William Mullcr.and Joseph Oliver wu!
iiiicstcd yesterday upon the charge of enticing
soldiers to desert. '1 bey were held for a hcivi'iutf
Kloie the I nitvd States Commissioner,
Postal Kaii.wavs The new railway postal
system betwetn Now York, Philadelphia, an 1
Washington i now f aiily in oporation, the first
tiain bavli g started from the tirit-named city on
Monday evenlr g. Tho clerks which went from
that city numbered four. They did no work
while on the trip southward. Tney went for the
purpose cf taking charge of the New York null
from Wa-hington, llahimorc. and PhiUd Iphla,
and returned to New York with that unit, which,
they despatched by the way. I'ho New York cr
took on I oard lialtimore and Washington clerks
at a point south of lh, city, and th s men dis
tributed the mails for Ha timoro, Washington,
and other points, bef'.re the car arrived ut th se
cities; as tho New York clerks distributed the
mail for New York and elsewhere before tho
Washington car arrived there. The plan f de
tailing clerk! from the principal olllces to elt tri
buie the mails due at eat h of them must neces
sarily be follow d for some time to r ime, until
nn n ran be Instructed ' in all the peculiar duiies
incident to the new service.
On the car which left New York last nl i;li,.1 tho
Superintendent of the New Y ork mails came to
this city. A telegram was sent during the fore
noon to Mr. Waiturn, reqiie-ting him to sen I
eh rks to New Yoi k to uiulcruiko the distrlbuti u
ot the mails beiwi en that city and this; but the
tclrgiuin arr veil too Ian to despatch the clerks
by the '2 P. M. train, so that the m i'l for this
Post Otlice was received at midnight unassorted.
This morning, however, Mr. Wil'iorn sent
three cletks to New Y'ork, who will leave tint
city nn the Washington train nt 7i o'elo k tins
evening, and tho work of distribution will be done
by them (luring the passage of the Ir iln to t'os
i y. l inn it w ill be seen th it the mails for tho
est at d mher points will be readv f r forward
ing iu the early morning trains, the work being
finished by the tune the train reaches Wust l'uil i
il Iphia. At this point mads for the South will
be put aboard the New York and Wastim rtori
tram, aud it is also tho design of Mr. Wain on to
p ace two assorting clerks upou this train t -night.
In tho nrrangetnpnt of this postal railway tho
letteis are so separated that tho-e for tbo ho.v'9
of the po-t cilice, according to tho "srl ns"
Into which the five or six thousand boxes are
divided, can bo distributed at once at this oillt-c;
that the letters lor the callers at tho "general
di livery" b"X can be mil le ready imuie n itelv ;
nnd that the lette rs for tho aarrlcrs and f ir the
"stations" Iu this city cau be given out on the
arrival of the tiain here.
The cars contain every convenience which has
been thought necessary for a thorough perform
ance, of the work. Besides tlio sevi ral hundred
"pigeon holes," into which the m id nuttier is
distributed tlicso pigei'ti-holes covering a spice
equal to ono entire side of the ear there is sul
ticient room for the mails, the tables required by
the clerks, and for working spMC. Th'-rc are
also conveniences for resting and sloepinir, and
altogether the cars are titled up with much ta-to
and beauty. This curly delivery Is ono of tho
first of the effects of the new system ; and our
citir.cns who desire to send letters southward at a
late hour iu the evcuing can do so n lieu thu train
starts from West Philadelphia, bci'oie midnight
this evening.
Rk.ti'UN or a Iti;oiMi:NT. Tho 101th Pennsyl
vania Itegiment, Colonel Davis, Is expected to
arrive in this city from tho front towards tho
close of the present week. Colonel Davis has
succeeded in having this regiment discharged
when their time has legally expired, und they
will be mustered out of service possibly ou Satur
day. Tlio Id Ith regiment was nearer to the city
of Richmond on tho day of the buttle of Fair
Oaks, more than two years ago, th in any other
regiment before or since that time. Woleiruit
is conti mplutO'i by some of the citizens of
Doylestown and vicinity to glvo those brave
men a public reception when they reach that
Dm'AiircitK op IIiiinkv'h SiiAiii'siiooTnin
This regiment will leave Camp CudwaUdcr this
afternoon, march in'.o the ciiy, and tako tho cars
at llroud and Prime streets. The odlcers uro as
follows: Colonel, J. W. Moore; Lieutenant
Colonel, J. W. Lyman j Major, O. P. Harding;
Adjutant, John A. Loslie j Quartermaster, E. Ii.
Puiiek. Lino Ollleers. Captains A. W. 11 ich
man, Co. A ; Wnjauiln Ilrooke, 15; Jnco'r Km ill
wood, C; Matthew Moore, 1); Alex. McCuon, K;
M.J. Cook, F ; Churles Morris, U ; Lvinau,
11 ; II. It. fcssinger, I ; Coleman Twining, If.
'1 he Irieuds oi Colonel Moore intend present
ing him with a lino horse and handsome trap
pings, which will be forwarded as soju us pur
chased. Hoiou Ci'Stomf.iis. Two roughs, hailing
from Pittsburg, and giving tho natnos of Terence
O'Connor and Florence McCarthy, got into a
I'ourih street car yesterday and insisted on smok
ing cigars. They were remonstrated with by
the conductor, when they turned and insulted
ti mi . The assistance of the police was secured,
and the two men were committed to answer by
Alderman Shoemaker.
A Yftkbaw Doo. The 3d New Jersey Regi
ment, which recently returned home, brought
with it a large poodle dog. This animal belonged
to the Asiistunee Eire Company of this city, and
was in tbo service three years an 1 six months,
participating in many hard-fought battles.
llEcm iTiNO. Thil morning warrants for the
payment of the rltv bounty to thirty-five men
were issued by the Mayor.
Hsra Fxrr.mMF.iiT. Thsro are hundrcils of persons la
this city who are persuaded that a Hewius Machine ta a
temtty U very desirable. If not iii'lls uensiiblo lo lu coin
tort, economy and health, and yet lhcy hostute to buy
because they sr ati'lectded u to which to the tssst Ma
chine, W e can help them to sulve the problem. 1'he
"PlortHre" Instrument Is umiuostlonatjly the roust de
slrsl.le Machine ever Invented, and as every macnlae
suld at the office ofthe Company, No.sihj Cbesnut street.
Is warmutcd to slve entire saiisiaetlaa, the experluiout
of but tag one luptrtctlt sa. Try le
Bra Tmvns. Lomton Is retelty, nd Kew Ynrtsrs
na:(trd their as an Umneuse luuiiicliaillly. aid t'hlls
(tt'lphla tn equure miles exceeds either ol them, bat It
Uni .lUyom ol Muevali and liebylon could revisit the
earth they would lat'Khst the pretentious "t His mo-leras.
'I he area of llanj lon was iA ssiueie miles, surrounded
Willi a wall IvU led Midi. IV leel (ill. k. with one hundred
In asa sales, and Nlnevah conuluoUJie no,uftre miles, car
r'.uuil' d wllli a well pill reel lilli. sn.l wl'l- euauti for
three eberloU to drlre ahraast. Yel with all this they
fail no rroily made clntluiiK otatillriin--iit where tticlr
clllcnseoiild be clothed banils aiiely end chmei'lv. as we
ran. with e HAUL.KS & Co.'s t iist-tlM l.'lolhliiK
Hlore, under the (.'onlliielltet,
li. F. Kkimkr's extensive uud perfectly ar
ramted (sllery, Ho M arch sire-e'.i prjinat to execute
aiders for tils soperti llfe-sise photosidi'hs ta oil coturs,
Iv. .r u pes, or ca. les tie visile.
IIooieh'h At.K Vailts, Sol-theast Consult
orTiiiuoAso I'ur.sM'T 8tkki:t.s (Jeiilleroenot reitueit
taste patronize this re. LercI.e. etu'it-tin'nl, from the
tact that rnit'lullerated Ll'illiri only are s.ild cu (he
Why be troubled with Coughs, Colds, Hoarse
ness, .r any Pulmonary (..iiiilint.w lien .) sure a renoHy
as lavne s Fxpeclorant car. Imi obialuedr Mold at N ,. all
ehOKUiil struel.
Mum. M. G. Hiiow n's " Metipbrsical DU.
coviry." tills Hie n.ol ol eee-y rtn .. I'rlse c. .
-till Arch s'reet. aoe adveiiisoiouul iu notler e-oiuiua.
tini.Att:i.riiiA ib Aim kkpost.
Wi uNFstiAv, fepteinoer '21. Cotton Is very
dull and nominal at l-"0.
Holders of Bark are firm in their dennuds at
s loio-li) on for No. 1 Quercitron. There is little
Cloverscedls quiet. We quote at 13(aH If'
01 lbs. Timothy is iu moderate re juest at ?3-73
lo l-2o, with sales of 3 JO bushels. Flaxseed is
worth sjH.G.jI" 11.70.
The Flour Market is quiet, owln, 8 the ligU
roeeipt.s. Tlie deniatid for export Is limited, and
the transactions small. The sales comprise 2 KM
ban-els W. 11. Thomas' extra, and 3i0 barrels
"Kedstone" on privute terms. Small (ales to the
retailers and bakers aro making at $107H 11 '30
for superfine, and ?f ll-"-r(' 13-25 for extra family
anil fancy brands, as in quality. There is a
steady Inquiry for Eye, ut $10-23(o'10 -SO. Corn
Mcul is quiet.
The market for wheat continues dull, aud there
is less firmness in the uiurket. Prices have suf
fered a decline of 3 1 cents J' bushol. We
notice sales of oOOO bushels old Pennsylvania
and Southern red ut i-.'-40f.-'2 l.' ; and some new
do., til .' ;'!)((( 2S. White range! trom t2 ( to
2 Htl. Itye is in steady re-quest at ts 180. Corn
i dull at 1-70, with sales of yellow at that
figure. About l.'iuo bushels mixed Western sold
at TM. Oats are iu moderate deiunud, with (ales
of ;ie.00 bushels uew at uoe.s uud old at ii3,oiHs.
Jlai lev und Malt are unchanged.
Whisky ce.ulinues dull, bale! of Pennsyl
vania are' reported at l'l, and good Ohio at
jslbeioj. 1-67.
Market by Telegraph.
Kew Yoiik, September "21. Flour i dull;
ssti oft). s. I.arrels at 'e(iO" lO'lft Inr Htlc (ll vl .o
loi (II, k i flli.i It iiOI'iir bouilaru. Wheat and Coiu qulei,
with iiiiiiii, Unlit (ales, llb.-f iiuu-l. t'ork buavy M
kli'i.-iul.jn.. (o, Mv. Lwaaull. VlkitkraaU, .
Or r lea or Tin r.mrM Tn naera, I
VVediwsday, aspleoilstf 11.
There is rather mora doing in Oold thU nMirn
Ing, but prices have declined, opening at 222,
advanced and (old at 223 at 11 o'clock, fell off"
and sold at 222j at 12, and 2-22 at 12j.
There is no material change to notice in the
Money Market. Loans are offered on call ai 6(e7
per cent, rcr annum. Best paper la telling ai
from 9(S12 per cent
The Stock Market eontinaci dull, bnt price
are Heady. In Government bond! there l not
much doin ; 20 sold at 1MJ, coapon! off, and
7-30.s at 1101 ; C( of 1S81 are quoted at 1074108.
There is rather more doing in Railroad eharoe,
but the market it dnll. Northern Central aold
at M ; Pcnnij lvania Railroad at 734 1 Reading at
fil-ftnGfl; Minehill at 611, which ii a decline;
Little Schuylkill at soj; CaUwIssa, prefarred at
3!4. which is an advan.-ei nd Philadelphia and
Erie at 3n4( 3-14 ; l.r7 was bid for Camden and
A mlK-y ; 8.5 for Heaver Meadow ; 18 for CaUwlss
Coal Oil sharci arc more active, bat prlcei are)
without much change. McClintock eold at e;
Perry at 1(2'.J; Uensmore, 13 ; and Mcllhenny
Coal slocks arc rather quiet. Swatira sold at
F!.J ; we quote Fulton at H').
In Canal shares there il very little 'doing.
Morris Canal preferred (old at 138; 32 waa bid
for Schuylkill, common, and 38 for preferred.
City Passenger Railway itocks, as we have
noticed fur some time past, continue dull; 70
was bid for Second and Third, 15 for Arch, It fof and Yine, and 2 '.4 for Girard College.
Dank shares continue tinn; 1G2 was bid for
North America, 1324 fof Philadelphia, 64-1 for
Fanners' and Mechanics', ,10 for Commercial, 29
for Mechanics', 81 for Western, 2S for Manufac
turers' und Mechanics', and slOJ for Union. '
Reported by I'larkson 4 Co., Broken, Ne. in 8. Thirst St,
KslshCurt'a Oil 3f.
).sih do 11V
SOU sMIIms'ea't 1 VI
nnosnni! Tank ' '
loisk aixaUoi.. i
lisisn do bHO
lisitti Mellhenny ...0 'Vitj!
tsslshBruner li
:shi sn l nion 1'itt '
llsistl do Sl-.i
l. o do H
100 sh Story f arm ... .IS I
lKlsh I'SUnll ' 111 J
60 sb N .bis llel.,.. 4-2
too sii Upper Kcoauiv 1
aieniiir. s.s-joa loiv
ai.sssi d mis
900 sh Vallbennv Oil.' 1
X as M. CMitr.K .... 61
M ill Kiwn Oil.... 3
i0Hw.its.Cnal istf
1 sb Morris (In nr.. Jos
f.sssi do elm Si
F.'iso cenua ns en
i-iou do cuup.lOO
Je.s-N.Clly (le. new 1".'V
ns.'C .V Alls SII....0 It'll
$.MSSI da Iiiort.lll
iu l a K u in t... .11!
its. -h IVlill Mill., ki lusi
IK1 "I. I'hli. ml ('k... I .'si: McClui(ock...o 6'4'
'.'i n sb d.. I i
li'Osti IeiisiDore....e la
lis. sh do bui
ltsish d" nit la
liei sb do ta l.i I
100 sh I nion Cnl pf.. II
ll ('nl pf.. !
Ka 7Sf
i. nui
tsJ0 6-.-
a an renna KB..
.'. 'Ih Uiw.l.
nnusb do.
ISHlsb do..
41 ah Mlnelilli sl'
6-isllUi Meh S.'.'J
Iisihii du. bK)4'i;
ll an Cauwlsapr biki .lir1,
Iki sh l'uil. A s.rle .... mi ,
InO sh do boa .s.
wan rerry ou.,
riuc-Ks) or stocks is new tork.
Kcpurtcd by CUrkson Co., Brokers, No. Ut 8. Thlr
ffrii Call. Stcr4
iinuea neatessa, issi.iniou iu ma
Kih Islnnd Itallniud bid
Hemic. s Kallroad U bid
nnnois t'emral Kallroad .. bid
Northwestern bid
Isew vrk CVnurol llallrood l'Ji bid
Kne Kallnied KM",' bid
Itiidson Hullroad.... b'd
(leld tit O'd
United Suites t-:1t UIIS bid
AUrkut Siesiy.
Ul W.W i.
.. sai
.. .'eaies
.. (alee
.. sale!
Nkvv Yohk, September 21. Stock! steady.
Clileairo and Koek Island, tlsl'; Ciiinbi'riand prelslrre.l.
Is', l 11 Iniils e'enrrill. Ull.Vl Miclilsuu Hontliera, J) e
New Vork Cer tral. r'ltS: lleadiiu. W: Hudson River,
11' i Kile.liM1.,! (Hit Veer Ccrurlcates, W( rrauury
7-l", 111 Si; Ti it Funics, 117. : I 'ive -Twenty O.iunoua,
IU I., ; Cos poo (is, 10! 'i ; Uo.d .'ij.'i ; slujo Hie Hour t, tfi.
Quotations of Quid at the Philadelphia Gold
Exchange, No. 31 8. Third street, second story:
04 A. M 222442 M ,222V
11 A. M 2231 1 M '22U
Maiket steady. '
Jay CookbSiCo. qnoto Oovornmcnt Securi
ties, Sic, to noon to-day, as follows : '
wbi. (llAiif.
U.S. lis, 1881 107A iwt
U. S. 7 3-10 Notes 110 ,112
Certiorates of Indebtedness, new... 04 j 9.1
Uuartermaster' Vouchers 01 - 92
Oold 22e) 223
-20 Bond! 110 ill
Db Uaviin & Bito., No. 20 S. Third street,
quote aj follows -,
yl. MtMnt.
American dold.. 220 Zii
American Silver, 4's and l's 2(13 ..
Dimes and Half lliuie! 105 -
Spanish Quarters 100 ..
Perm. Currency did. 1-5 dls.
New York Exchange 1-10 " par.
Qnotatlons of the principal Coal and Coal Oil
stock! at 1 o'clock to-day :
Bid Ast.l Btd 'Atk.
f 'rB Planter 4 Perry OU 4l 4 V
Hnvas 4 4 Mineral Oil 'JS? t
1I.K.S Oil 41 6 keysloae Oil 1 1
larrf'arin SSf VenonyoOtl Is,'
Fulton Coal. tj bsl tlnloureerile(UB. 4 t B2
lilt .vioiniialn eoal. 7 7's lluaeon (IU. ....... ..
K. V-A .'il
(ireen Mr. Coal.... t.
r. . ( 'arbondaJe
Seueea OU I Vf lsi
(V oruaule Oil....,
8 i Krai. Iln Oil
ew e-reea..
et'k 1 1V. Howes Bdd OIL. lsi 1 Bl
I 'in Coal. -I"4 I llrvini Oil t2 7
Coal IV lHifope farm Oil.... .. 1
01 kaohn.. is t 'Keystone ZUM.... t 3vf
liUnc JO 10'Hieuaniore 12V is
Clinton Coal.
American kaolin.. 'J
( urun.
lirlln a, DalzeUOO. is! lOVf
li.l. AOIIcreck.. 1',- ls UcUnennr 7)i 7V
lull !reek. ....... o f'Js , li'Hssrta OU. ....... t .,
lit iiiimsiAiwi 7 3
IS onle DeUaisler.n.'si 14 tf
1 '. I'etromim Oeiura. 4 '2 sO
aceUpir OU,
lug Tank
Conllnrmal 'JS Kslsart S 1-1 ,'
'"lll'reek 6 rsa ' ll'ie Island I'i 1 I
Maple (shade Oil.. 17 'i 30 llllbboid It'-, 1-2
MeCllnl.Kk OH.... e,K(ory Farnt Ss 8'
feuiisj lvania i'et.. .. lUrunar l.vj 1J
The following are the receipts of Flour and
Grain at this port to-day : Flour, 1600 bbls. ;
Wheat, 10,100 bushels ; Corn, lOOtt buiholi; Oats,
6000 bushel!. .;
The New Y'ork Tribune this morning sayi :
"The auction inle of dry goods bought by a
Cincinnati firm, showed low prioea and a disin
clination to buy freely. The selection was caoiee,
and no ordinary sale would have received as
much. The emhroiduriei sold at very low pricoa,
as did the tarlatans and hose. Toweling sold
at a profit. Shawls (old at W" 10 per cent,
under agents' price!. Drees goods sold very
low ; t ut flannels brought fair rates Prints,
Charter Oaks. 30c; Arnolds, 34a.; Sulfilk, ,VA('i
3I.Je. ; or 3(i 4c. per yard less; Sprague. 3iilc-;
Aliens, 37c. acaiu-t 4'24e. yesterday; Riehtnonds,
38c against 414'!.; Manchestcrs, 1040. ;'Hna !
(qiened at 3'2e., and closed at 304c. Darne ls, 3H
('( o74 -,a lull of 3c. ; National, 36c.; Pacifies-, 41)-.,
worth 4 le. ; Merrill. as, 4ite., a fall of je. ; Co Jiisoo,
4 lA(n44c.,a fall of 3c; American, 3S'e cut
4' Standard (heelings (old dull. Lelalnes
Pacific opened at llic, aud tell to 434e., agimt
Cm. ten elu) 1 since."
The following ia a statement of coil trins
portcd on tho Delaware ami Hudson C inal :
J-Vr thf .-l eniiiay J'or IAS
.",.( 17, IS.. I. woson.
rvetsvare and Itndseu Canal Co men-) s.,Jsj
I'euutylvaniaCealCo tst.lit UM.Iol
T..U1 turn P(U,iW4
For the same period last year :
Fjr flit ft.
D, lawarp sa l llndrnn f'anal Co 77.717
I'elili.) lvania Coal Co ...Vi.lsSl
Ttal torn W iJ
(slilpSaraliM, Hu. yiiel.iie.J-R. I'earose.
linUe AI. Wimaioseu, ikouipson, lamps Day, D. 8.
1 1 rtli' Mo"e' Vt 'v, bond, l.rt ltoyal. E. A. Sunder & Co.
PriK I'l'sr''dt-r. Hreiiu-li, J. t. IV ixltv A Co.
llrik 11. II. at. ililveiy, eiiikey, I'.'iuuiouUi, do.
Iir.s M. sin wart, lleiuil.eii, I'ensa. '.la, da.
fs. lir kate Walter, lauleileld, llosiou, do. I.. VVa'ili, t:it.)u,8t. John, si B., f.l.ttue-kahsrACes
bchri'. l!oas,I)avu, ln.htun, Uuntur, Korlou A Co.
r.aroire Eureka, ( liandler, rroiu 1st. Tlioraas, via Ks
vii, lu &i) , w ith tuuuo to J, E. Uailey 4t Co.
Crr(-)wn'fenroi;i phila Upltia Erehami4.
l.swt s. liel., Septeuilssr There ai-e l the Break-,
walur this uiornliiii : Har.ioe May Hlelsun, Iraa MoOIIS
Bay, w airily ordera -, one brla (Hie Uitus, reoeuliy at"'r
and Sj.,1 oil last tsa'urdas ), and lour acuoouer. A Uryt
snip la at anchor hi the uiuiuti of tl.e ti.iv. 4lni.utn Alied
ol the Sai'nne May rttutsou, reports:- id last., oC
K ottda, siioke bpauish stop eiiaud Cauira,llal ll00i
lor Be w York. ;T
ioar(,c, Aao iUsAosU-
- IMPOKTATIONS. '- kuroka, ft audl-W tool lOanO J.
"Xi-'SrlsryeUssa, Uit.--4el bct. ffSSSf.
! JvhaAlass'n .'. - - "