N Ji " -r nniui.iir iiiiiaaiv uxTrvr rn:Mm u-rrrprou ir -iULi-"Likir;x n.;i lit ui iaa.u r ; aiu: (Evening Sflejrap!! A BADLT 4J-TKRNO0H KtWariTr.. OFFICE No. 108 S. THIRD STREET. frlo Twarl rT Hn CnPT. or KiimTrKN O-cTn l"R Wa-t. oaaM. lotaa Oarrtor.and nallod to Mtiliai-rloeri I of Vnf at tlisaToi.i.Afca Phi Ah m m : Osa IS'Liaa at fivrt Cmi rot Two MosTita. Invariably in advanoa tor tue pwtnd amortd. Advortioomeaia niaertod 01 tn. nauai rato,. A tllieral orrArrnivct wade for eitenaro Im-onlona. Ta 4'orrfiMinlcnf. Tr. onaioa oao o tartan of Annnymmia fv.nintnnl'an,n.i .Wipta" r le tauentled fo, lai-i-ril -n uin.t Of a-ir-i-a I- iti.il br IfH lihr Mlid arilt of the wrltt r rrnt rii.'rv.ii l l'ir enMS-atii-.i. lint a. a pttarante.- 0- -l. if"'"! I""1' Wa oaanoi undertake to return mooted ivninuniuiiiKiiii To Aderll'tTa. novo, In ttio area! Inrr-raae 10 It." rirrntatuv. nf Tin: mini Tn x.Kiirii. rnnM"-lilii to no to pri nt an eeriy hoar, we 0'tTiti r.-iine-l thai mli iti I'lncnM uiny be Sanded III anon a, 10 n'l-liH-a. Il p.tel0 0. Ill iM'll'O then, on Ituortloo in oli of oor edllltiiie MONDAY. BKPl'KMHKIt 13, lH'.t. "A rurr. bai i.or on a i iii.k rit.ii i." The pnrty opposotl to tln (iovi-i nuioiiL U working itself tip Into a terrible temper. It profwues to be for pcaee lor Its own lovely Bake, nl yet Hpt'inrt to lit! ittilni ileil by t lit' mot belliert'tit nmloven ri'vulutlmiry s;iir!t. In order to nociiro an amioililc arriinjiivri'ii1 of dliftrfnccs with the relx-lllomSt itiM, it tlitvi -ens to tum everybody and everything to;ny turvy In the North. These fiuti-wtir people in ourmlilst are marvellously violent and puni ' clou. They would have the speediest posi'iM,' Cessation of hostilities as between I lis (I jvern ment and the Rebels, and yet they talk rtvut fl jpuutly about involving the wlioln of tlii-i section of the Union In civil convul-lon on I blood, unless they can have their own w.iy ot make their political opinions and wishi-i pre dominant. A common phrase just now with the De mocracy i, "A tree election or a free fljjlit." They carried It as a motto on their illumi nated banners and lanterns on l ist Sutunhy evening, and It Is paraded dally In the Dunitr Cratlc journals. "A Iree ballot or a free, fight 1" Ibat Is stunning proclamation, truly. It warns every man who will not stand out of the way 01 the "unteirlfled" to make his will and prepare for bla funeral. Nimple-rnludt'.l persons at home, and even Intelligent strain gers from abroad, might think, In reading such a sentence that affair are fast getting to a - feaxfUl crisis la this country, and that the very foundations of roclety are about to be up heaved, and the pillars of civil order toppled Id general ruin upon our heads. Surely, there is no such calamity Impending, The fierce shibboleths of parties seldom mean ail they would seem to Import. Men's pas sions are often stronger than their reason but their passions fortunately are short-lived, while their temporarily dethroned roa-ion soon regains its temperaUi and salutary sway. Besides, barking dogs are rarely ever biting .. fwadogs. So Is It with men. The really dangi r- Viu conspirators against the peace of a State "fcrie who make their threats in acts, not 0 -1 Their designs are first betrayed In litoibn', not in windy braggadocin. The themes or the temper of the vaporers gene jilly exhale In "sound and fury, signifying jiiOtlilng." I But what, pray, does this manifesto nhout .V''a free ballot or a free fight" mean? Is it to be understood as impoiting that if thu Democrats do not carry the coming elections they will assume that they were .ot Iron, and thereupon proceed to accomplish by force what they shall have failed to attain by peace able means? This would appear to be, their Intention, or at least their threat, since nil election, however It may result, shojld be presumed to have been fair and equitable, until It la shown by Judicial Investigation to have been otherwise. The mere laet thatono party Is unsuccessful will not warrant the con clusion that It was denied an equal chance in the contest. The Democrats, however, aro becoming desperate ; aud perhaps in their Jear of being unable to carry their ends by votes, they propose to spring an insurrection, an 1 smash up the Government they cannot lenlly obtain control of. There is no danger, however, that any such Inutility will possess a sufficient number of the Northern people to mane It fonnid iblo. The Government will exercise no more Inter ference in the elections than may bo neces sary to secure their freedom and Integrity , and that sort of polico will be Impartial and for the benefit of every lawlul voter, what ever his politics. And we now predict, tint slit uld the party opposed to the Administra tion fail at the polls, they will bluster for a litt.'e while about frauds, military despotism, and all that, but quietly nettle down and t ike their disappointment with becoming sobriety ai d decorum. A lltSI'KB, Among the brightest intellects of the Dcmo- cr-ulc inrty is (Skoik.k M. u ii ahton. i nn seutleman was invited to speak at thu meet Ins on Saturday evening. lie was absent, bi t he sent a letter w hich has (alien like a wet bb nket on the enthtisl.-.sllc friends of "Litll, M- e." He says, among 'tln-r nlootny sen- t i ces : In c- n mon, abo, I r-nppo-" w i h a'l 1), in . on., I di e, iy ii -pti-t il.ot the fair ptos.iocts " liii h 1 1 tirst'a't'.-uiii d our noiiiin tti in", have .B p ilia'l; lyver u-t. Arcoitliiip to Mr. Wn Aitms. the pnnpeets w.-re only "fair" ai Hr-t. nnd even these hav b .ti "overcast." - m h fi ri : Lcrtlny Irom the i -liln-r i'.i pel o deep thinkt r are worth all Hit- hoars.' yi ti in tt n ihousand thro ifs. fra-.T-mt wi-h tin- h; lly -w allowed Miiid r.-itiniis ol'r.- I-I m : -ni b -1.,1.1'i'tt 1;'. tiik mm; tins We consider t!ie prosperity ol I'n Ails" in our city of vital liiipm in I- Ml, in a p;i,clicul jiuiul. of view. Painting lias b. too frequently considered as merely suited to elmiiu the eye. A uioro deliberate rellectiou Will convince us that it Is capable of a hiln: and nobler purpose. In 1 lie exerci.-e of its more elevuted (acuities it Inspires the mind with a taste for whatever U trood as well us beautiful. It fills the heart with tin: mo Balulary sensations; promotes the love of Virtue and the abhorrence of vice. Hence when an artist makes no appeal to our better nature, he lulls to produce a work of any lil'h Talue In this enlightened and practical ue Tim cultivation of a fondness for the " I'lue Arts" Is a branch of cducaiiou which should be provided for all classes of society. Free gal- lerles of art for tho Improvement of public tuste, and free acudemics for Instruction in the arts, are as nearly essential to thu social welfare as free public schools. The success ol the Academy of the Flue Arid" Is a matter of great popular Interest, It Is cupable of being made one of tho leading attractions of ur city, as weU as eminently useful In devel oping tho arts of design. Vnder judicious management, It would be tuirly entitled to liberal subscriptions to lu stock not ouly by every enUsrprielng tltixun, but by the city uud ilifl sute, The principle of unity of Interests In all that promotes the prosperity and Improvement of our city, ami the honor of our Commonwealth, Is becoming more universally und-rstood. The Inquiry ulili h seeks to know where tin attractions n our city rau be enlarged, and finv they can le made subservient to the general welfare, Is f It to bo Important. The tin illtleo which enable travelers and biiibiess men from remote parts of the land to reach riiiliith Iplila in less lime, anil with more run, cett ilnty, and safety than any other of the Atlrititic cities, are belimliti; to bit advan tageously realized In every branch of trade nnd Industry. Bit our object In gettlii't the travel concentrated upon our r.iilro nit will lie- lit initially iiccoiii, 11-hc I If we il l not in ren.se piopottionalely the Inducements to lt-iimlti in our city. The agency of the " Academy ot the line Arts" In Increasing the- prosperity of the city di es not stop with Its power as a means ot rerwemd enlownont. IVihaps Us most Import ant feature Is its capability to foster schools of design which shall dillus - their beneficial Influences throughout the whole range of manufactures. This fe ll tire alone Is of inc il- ulal 1c value to Philadelphia, for she is em phatically the first manufacturing city of the I'nion. Certainly, it anything can compen sate her for the loss of here mincrce, In which she tor a long time hcl 1 the foremost pla -e, it will be louml In the extent and celebrity of her manufactures. 1IIK l i mit l.4 K or ItOIIIKK All elalKirate and extravagant display of fireworks was made at ludependenco M piare on Saturday night. A huge crowd was con sequeii ly In attendanci'. The superb beauty of a moonlight night In September Is of itself sufficient to throng our streets j and when to this Is oincd the sense of freedom which tint eve of the Sabbath always brings, no better reason is required to explain the bustle of last Saturday evening. The Aijt has the Impu dence lo claim the heterogeneous assemblage that dapped their hands at rockets, aud Human candles, e.nd llengola lightens a mint ing of the friends of McCl.r.i.l.AN. On the same principle, the Fourth-of-July crowds w hit h, In years Bone by, toiled out to Turner's lane to witness .Jackson's pyrotechnics might bave been classed as a temperance meeting, If any one at the meeting had proposed cheers for Lincoln orGiiANT.thcy would havo ls-en resioni!ed to as w illingly as were those for the "anu'stlco man'' McCi.ki.i. an, or lor the Copperhead I'knih.f.ton. I-KMTH .W. Kill ( ITIIIV Of TIIK 91 ANSKS. We believe that it may be demonstrated that the world Is outgrowing the learned pro fessions; that In proportion to the. increase of population, less resort Is had to tlio services of the doctor or the lawyer; In short, that the learned professions aro fa-it losing their at trac tiveness to the generation which Is now fast stepping upon the threshold of preparation for future usefulness. That this is so, we Judge from ample evi dence, from the Increased ardor with which scientific and mechanical pursuits are adopted ; from the enhanced degree of respect whieh Is attached to the proficient in mechauical arts ; and from the lucrative return which reward- the mechanic or artisan who possesses supe rior ability or skill. Gradually, but surely, the line ot demarcation between the techni cally learned vocations and the more laborioui pursuits of life Is undergoing obliteration; i mill ere long, the law of caste, hitherto lnex oruble lu Its cxcluslveness, will be no longer recognized among us. The Increasing intelli gence of the age is accomplishing this change. The light of science, which Is burning every lay brighter and brighter, and spreading vvitlcr and w ider, must ultimately render the great muss of the people to a certain extent Independent of the specially erudite few. IVople now-n-days think, and thought Is tho souice oi seii-it'iiaiice. i arums uu mil uow ee, as they once did, a paramount advantage in an education strictly professional. Within short time past, our highest colleges have ma r..-lnti'il this f.iet. mid have instituted scientific departments, in which they gr idu itu sttitlent.-, us a substitute for tlio usual course in the tli ad lunguiica. This is a wi.i.i and ucci't'tulilc Innovation, us It enable a Htuilent to discard tlie studio which would be vaIucIcs to liiin as a uit'cliitnic, while he cun devote his entire attention to the modern languages, iniitliciuitllcs, aud nn-l'itl feience.-i, and take his tlcprcc sl(lt by side wllli tluwc who have spent their Im-sI years In devotion to the ancient cllis.-ies. Willi iciird to law uotltiui; need be s-iid. To judge of the facililics which It oilers for advancement, it Is only necensnry to comimre till" iiuinlx-rs of the successful fe,v lo the litut who fail to cam a livelihood in the profe-nio'i. Win n we observe the iimiiilcst spirit of the otic to ttimilily li-pil irocecdings, ami to tear awsy the cloak of mystery which Miirruiiutl-i tin-in, the time caiiuot be fir remote when, except In extraordinary eii-e, every tn i'l will I e hii own lawyer. We repeat, the Wurld N uulj'r.iwin,; th ) learned pltifesMiiins. We are iflitd tint this is so. It i one of the most gratifying sigm of pinif w hic't mark tltU einlnently pro- i;rt .-MVe aL'e. It is all HUpieioiH out '11 of (he 1 i vi i.tnal iiiiiiiiitr cl'llie tiuie -,viien a pervj- ' sive, Hiiivi r .il pojiular i-iililiteiiuieiit respect t'Hi vv)-Klever cittieeiiis mankind in the pr.i1 lii iil hiiniiii's nf hie will lese.i the barriers of il v'siiui that nut only break nielety Into ! i -','t i ( whieli Is. u- ri f.'ards mere dill'ereuees , i if i eruiatii ii iiinl eeiitioiiiic re!:itinn, nec'J M.t t lll il liellellel.-l) I, but sep il lte tlleul III - ei.tl t-i.t'-il'li uud inti-ri-iiut-M-. l.ct ni li'ipe, lin-ieliiie, ihat til" ivjik of ill, lie ami individual ed-ieatiuu viill eoalinii j In uo lii w.-ml rapltlly, si:n-c It ill h i-t -n t!ie day win ll (lie uVciMp1 nl i,reiietal eo.'iiltii't, prosperity, and happiness w ill be uilvtuiccd to u point more elevated than any it lias yet attained in tlio history of the race. a in riot 'i.o.ri. nit iiroui! Colonel William Ijiiam olo w as a strontj; card at the sky-rocket show of Saturday nijjht. lie prcnid, il at a sUnnl. lit! was thus hniiorcd becausi! lie is known us the rally patron of (jcncral JIcCi.kll a N. lie it H as, who secure J from John Tvi.i ii the uppointnieut of "Idttlo Mac" to West Point. lie it was, who engi neered the appointment of his prolcijK to Ihe Kiininand of the Ohio militia, which wm the Hist step in his singular military career, lu fact, tho friends of the robust Colonel know that he has always Lad "M- Ci.li.lav on the brain." Colonel IlllAliKillli, on opening hii sliiv of Ihe meeting, said: ' I have a U tter In my possession which I ro ,-t ivcd not long since fn in a Nimlhcrtiur, novv "tiir but once a millionaire, w ho writes that it "AiuiviivM Lincoln is r.- lecud the Southern "peoplo will surely puin their iniiOndcnee : but "If General Okohob U. Mcfi ixun is elected tlie Union will yet e naveil. There is aumeluiug "ominous about the Administration." Now we fear that there Is something ominous about that letter. Ju Us K'xHl wt -iter, a very worthy Kout.hern gentleman, snys that ''there can be no permanent peace without the abo lition ot slavery, and that such a measure, Is essential for tlte salvation of the South llself." Colonel ItuAwoiiu Is a gentlem in of the nicest sensn of personal honor. Will he deny this f l.lKIt tll'IKt, Mr. lmir'dssrlo and Katisgi-r Drover hs pro mised tog'vo tis a si n of Uoriiian opoin, m a shott time, at the Sew C '!n sniit .Street Tbt-stis with his new com pn n . DI this new Cuiiitiiu itioll tli Sew York llmml of Krhlsy ssys crilli- illy : Mu iig, r I.Mi-'ir l. r -1 .Inly m, i-n il iiit In f.ii 1,-nr.r (ioin.oti ue-rn lusliii.n-.l-l', in -r.-iii, , 11 n,t ti-'ii . t li hi I m -I , ,tn I t-i inn. , h 1 iii-s.f initii or In. i-l.li- (,il.- In t l. i-i-o. I. mi- bi-tiiii- niiHrrt t tn ll III. Ol -I'lUIH III 1,111' i en i',---, I III, (II.IVI-rl,ll (tlrriiM-- H il oi, I i-s m ,, H, I. l-Ji'TO tio ii.i , n,i, w II .,ii 1 1 i da hi ii- tl, it wi- ixiii.iil. r il'i- .u's-, nt ii ih mi or riu -, ,-oin,h-l 1 1 1 , i il i' i ic s n i' our u " it iV ,- r n ottn i. mi In It.jt I" li ri, if.i-in l' ' n ",nin- of nn t nli-nnl i mi 1,1 w Ol ill V ii' p .1 iiiiiiwi-. M I'.rl irirlll" l-i Hn w-l I k in, n si- h it,' m i-'Tli ii ot oil no i ni ,,l niipr. t h it w n . I ilo no trio- r- hiic il nn run i pi, i n i 1 1 In in on r lo por I mn n,,i,, Shi,-1 Iihii, ts-i n iilwn. hii-1 rotii oMi'- timt luo ri-iu lnilor of II f a t-m i on wl.l in- :i l, Mil n, t. "Nltlifti Ti-rnr'ittKji ti n -f unic' In. t pvonlnir. llli vi n t in rein Ire-l.t-coc . Tl,l fir tt I,a- s mo -I iiu i-iin't j loin , wl.fi li l,i nun,, iv, . i. l-l, ..kill Hi, in-nli ni t'loio'iil. Hod il'.t-rvtilu o Mm" I ri nn-! ( ,Msf. 1 kio-,1 ii- ) -'Hon will niiii.l, n,or(- .-li it th i. nn (In- nr. I p r- ' Ii i niiini i- ol It l iio-i a . Nl.i- wn fioi n. on ll'Ptt or A- -iloii, Inliotlt K tinner i ho rininrd ri.rvctiiiii , ol Ik tlr.t -nil! w hi nun Ji m"Tn d-i-nrni. In II o Ilia il o t hlii' , , mi-i-.i Iti-r iiini-n I'Vn In-t. ifi' i-ivi il tlui warm -.1 na i, lii-lt ) , a. hnv" l"l -ro V in a i,i ."ti-rti tnnnii.r II.- i noil" n -.a k , aim ai r, ini nlniri d On- a,,J,eio' wtarh tin- ilu,ini -J au-llm r IllnTHll to -'owi-e l: -P "Itlitlli. " I h rri riifi'i -o.-ii- n.l will oi'rijr. Ilio irran'l 'Ho .Hi-r fti.,1,. h.-iri- f p-ii,.:;. -rli t "iiilsi . il . a. iii,i-,, I'M, I A.--c msI a ,ii nrinii'i-ii mil r,,r an riir on In u, i li i r .. ji. il,,rri,a iC" s-i o niir, i .n. no inocti an aitownr ram man. i r lirnt, cr In en - li I'Miig tlaa bi-s nr,-al car J lor tl.'i " Ojwii. ' CITY INTELLIGENCE. liieAKTiRK in- v hi-. Sixth fMiiN LsA-Hli RiaiiMhNT. About ! o'clock yesti.idar morning this n -giinctit, '.KXI stroiiKi was nitinlcred at Cimp CudwHlmJcr and man Led into tho head iuarteis of the Union I.i nue, at Ihirtcc nih and Chi snut stttets. Hire tho column hailed, and was dressed facing the league House, w hore Mr. Clanhoru pretiCtitcd the dihii itic-i. nt cjlors of the corps (four beautiful fai;), with a few a, propriato rematks. Colonel Horatio Oates Siikel. cum- nuirnling the ri-imei.t, ri celvi-il thu bnners and ti i.i oitil Iticin la tiic mlor guiitd, ami turni-U lu the Conors and iboukcd llietii lor the -,'U'i, pledging a solder's word of honor I h tit they sliould in-vcr l-e nirri'tidi ml by his men, as lon-t as any wi re It-It aliie to defend them. Three Musing cheer wcr? tl cn pin n in saltito nt the llnis, an I tho bimil performed the usual airs of salute, when the ngiiin nt was brocflit to a stionMur arms and in, in In it to llroad and l'rlme streets, all, r giving Nine dicers lor the I'ntoii, the I'nion l.eaui-.an t (ii-urtal (Jrntit. in roii-eqiience of the sesreuy of cars the regiment did nut get oil from tin' It at -tiinorc depot limit iifierniiun. More men are liciiig ralfCd, nud this rciiimtnt w ilt ultimately add liltecn hundred men to (irant's army, under an able Colonel and tiattlo-triod Held, sutll, and line olllcc-rs. One of the comt,uilt- now recruit ing for the n Klmetit, at No. y.'n H. Third street, under Captain Wriiiley and Lieutenant Kra,er, is nearly full, and will soon leave, 't he highest bounties arc aitt and every guarantee given to the volunteer. Su a ami Wot n M r-. The following slrk and wounded, just arrived, are at the West Phila delphia Hospital :(ioorge Ilrel-lcrd, 81st, Win. Ilailey, 10mh ; Henry HutturlT, MSili; Charles W. Coward, 18 d; Henry Cutiklin, 2d Heavy Artil lery ; Alfred Cable, tilld j W. I.. Devltis, HSth; Ocorgc Kvans,1Nth I 'a.; Wm.S. l'idlor.'id Heavy Artilletyj l-.dwin l-'ought, 2d Heavy Ariillery ; l'i ti r (tcary, 2d lliavv Artillery; ti.-orge 0eti, lOtuh; Patrick I'urced' 48Ui ; Thomas W. Potts, 1st Heavy Artillery; (icorge 11. Keedy, lnl-1 Pi.; Attnor Hichanls, MHiu ; C. P. Shoemaker, Hlrh ; inrge JSIimIi, 2.1 Heavy Aitillery; Samuel Van dcrpool, futh ; Nat. H. White, I l.'ith ; Jotin Wlnt bod, lnoth ; (ieurge Walki r, tsltli ; John II. Wolfe, 2d ; John Howe, U'Jih P. ; D. W. Lewis, 2d Pa. Heavy Artillery. Kxtknmvk Pin sitNTArioss. An interesting and pleasing ceremony took place at Camp Cad waJadcr on Saturday afternoon last. It con sisted of the presentation of eight swords and two revolvers to the following named officers, beiotig IliKtothe tOlUh Pennsylvania Volunteers, C.ilouel A. A. I.echlcr; Cspt.iin J. (I. Smith, Company I); Captiiiu J. (I. Schuler, Company A ; Captain o'Di-niie I, Captain Cooper, l.tBiitenant (treg ry, Lu-iiti nsnt S.i'phena, Lieutenant C. M. Herold, and Aiiiutunt l'i m-rald. The owords wura tho Kilis ol the men ol the dillorent companies. Tua pre-entntlon stnech was made by diaries Hack ' waiter, f.n. Capt.dn Murpliy received tho swords, aud made a few remarks on behalf of tlio reeiilei ts. A lurni- miiuhor of ladle and fe'ou tlimeu wire present. (ii.si u.M. (in.v.N r in Town. L'cutontint-Qen-: oral (ir.int arrived in Plilladclphia on Saturday , nlftlit, artl proceeded to UnrliriKton, N. . Oti I aiiivii fiat thi depot, at llroad and Prime streets, be look a carriage, procicded to Walnut street .,., t.,i .., m ,i ,i,-,io.l ,.t n .n ycotirdsy. At C iimlt u a number ol peiple wcio present, and on ic-iro lift t .at me g.e it u-nerai ,,Hs--,l to the noiit. On arriving at Walnut street wlmrf. lie took imsi-axe ill u bits'KV , aud drove rspiuly tonarils the st.uili-we-tern part ot Hie ctt-t. "His niovi-tni-iils arc so sin-edy Hist even the iclvginpliic rt pitrtcrs cannot keep pace Willi tlietn. Poi.itic.vi . The Uuiou Soblieis' Campaign Club have ciimnienci-d ortratiiinir. Tticy num ber already about two tlii'Uxtiml men, all veterans. Mont ol tin in have lust tegs or ai ins. Tncy will I. me a purudc on Natimlity next. I A Lincoln and Johnson Ciiuiii tigu Club was orgi'Lieil m Soutn wurd, CainUen, on Sstctd iy ivt inru. 'l i e iitiiiiiier ctii'iilkil w is large. I'hc Cliit) liss seemed V'aaiiri.'tiiii lit I for tlio csin- i fn.ifin. The hall will be open every evening, s cn lics made ami the pajtcrs ol tho day provided tit-c ol eliiirpc. 'I be Kepulilieiin InvincitilcK will be ori:inied tli if evening ul i tie tunm llealiiuirtfis, Ciie-oiut ; sin ci, sttove Sixth. Hon. Wrn. I hellcy anu tl. w. Nortlirori, 0i- i posing lat diuatto Ic-r Citi(-c.-ss in t lie Fourth j liisti ic', have nn ri d into an agreement t i vlis- ' eti-s tlie n ti nt n-n s iuvtilved in tue coming con- , test, ou tbe tsiiic ktuiii.. lo niclils ute to lie . i'( voted lo each ward in the ili.-ttn t. i AriiiiMvi m. Mr. It. C. Tittt -rmary, of the Si-cut d Ward, bss been appointed by tile Seere ! tin y of ihe Treasury under the "illi section of the ' set of June :in, tor the scverd asse'snv-nt di.-ttli ts ot the lour coileetlon diitriet ol I'ltti- sjlvanin. Willi sK-ci.d reft rencs to t ix-son ir.aiiii- ' lac tin t ate! piodiietion", and license of wtui csne , Jen It ri l'i:iMMii:i'.-llit drivers ol ttis liieineii s ami ulitiices bae piircUa-cd a very . imli -cut pen and piticil. which they intend tu present to Dr. Ket.iiudii.e, Midirul 1'itect r ol ri.iu-,Kiria. tion Intlii-citv. 'the Doenr auperiuteaua l!iu rum vol ol all sit k m.d .uml d suldieis upon tt,t.n uiiivul l.i re to the various tni-u il". M tt-s M t it no oi mi JoruM v m km Iviioih. 'Ibis morning imer meeting of the j urnc int ti t..i! rs. w..s helil at Fifth ami Prim.'; trei Is, tor il.e pnrpitse I nn-eini! o-i ti uniform enK-of .i!('ei A ilvt ol i net s 'V a H.pvil iti'iu, wtiit-tl ur- nn nil vant i ot a i lit !! i-i r e -nt. on III.- lonm r i'iis. I mi itov i mm. Tin' i-Mcrior of Race street vvliait is liiin I v- coiiipli'ti-il. One liiiuilied and eipl.teili teet it. the extent of the addilion, tluis milking Ilic wharf, when liiished, two hundred I and lorty tet-t in h nirtti. The wharf is about sixty leet w ide nnd is covered with the cubical paving. ! City Molt tai.ity. Tlio number of deaths re ported nt the olliee of the Hoard of Health lor the, wct'k ending Saturday, is.'!:! I. DeaOis and intor nieuts ol' iol-lieio numbered ;' -,iu.iles, K'i; teiuali s 1 I'l. mnrrliHl. HWfpl lt rMil ltlll I I. At tlio UMici' of the liid. V iiHitlo r. hv i'ri.iid-' ciTiiiion v , uti Iho iiiornin ( ot the Nth In-!., l'lWAIil li. 11 It I' I It h I! M M . I ' N il l;nil,I., all '.I thin city. IK-l.nutro nn.l Murvlunl Jutpi ill .0tf tnjry.J Il-4l. I- I. IS. -(in tin 1 tli in t , I. M il i:.. d'nul.tcr oi" I'l inc I.. mid L.nirrt A. L . KlIU, n- d ll m.iiillH. '1 he il lative ol tin' ttl'liilV urn IliMfi'.l to mteinl tll fiiM-ral, tn Tiic-ilav. 'imh ni"!., nt J o v I'-ck Ifmi h'T .,ni iiim n ti i nn', So. 1 ill M. 'i'hlrU'i nth Htrc-t. i'o l.n.Lci il to l.jiui t l 1 1 ill- l.hl.H, on Ho- l,th liiht., .IAAIKM. tho Infant ion of ,Ioi .h nnd Maria Lccn. ot lijuiti-iiort, .Mouuomcr tolllltV. I'a. 1 hi? relative- and trlcnd ot fhr lainllv uri- ri'iiictmlly litvid il tn ulti i d tin- liinvml, h'oin tht r--i -li'iict; ol Itn iMiiiiilla'ht r 1'i-ti-r Hinkh', on Hit- lltdi'i' r"id, ahovi- tin ii m i 1j nun- atoUf, ul i o'ciuck on iuced.iy uJUiuoou, thu jiiili tn-i. I I ( AS. In iho r tv of V.iliHlh'!oii. I) ('. , on the Ulh limt , Jt iS M. 1.1 AS, til the i-tl. ye-ir m hii af. 'Ihe relnlive- iintl noilo IrlcinU ol thu laoilU aft ro Hpei ItllltV Invited to Rtleild llU tUllcnil IT' HII ll In llltrt r'-l deiivn. No. ,.V Florida Mivet, on We ln luy iiinrnniK, lloi 2lt iimt , at 10 o'clock,. 1 o orocuud t j thu WuodUula l'i mi-tiry, TlluMAft.-On Hunday morning. 18lb liut., JAMS Tllt'M AS, In the 1Ut yearoi liur aue. Her relatlvfa and ini iid aro rtpfet fully Invited to attend her tuQi-ral, no 'iuoaday airuMiu, at 4 uVlok. Irom It-r lata iuaisUiitA', a, W . toruvr MariuoUa aud triyutatrvvu. I. ia. W A li It A V l'J ts. ir SSK- TO W. H. CAItRTr,, MAriONIO IIAI,I,. Ho, 719 OnEENUT 8treet, M LI. STOCK t)f CM: Ul A I N MA'lT'.Kl A I -H, (,i., Un ' K-sr-li Sai'r., Ill fi ltn to lie, f .o'-llni', in r-n',,--., I'latll ami ltr'l"ir-.l forty, I'nion i it SI' o I lo (H, Ft"I ill Hallo c l..lro-a, PrlUh at it ofrn.an DaniAilii, Krnn Ii I'tli.ttsl l.aallni a, t orrl,'ia an U-in.la, A-.d or i!.irrl,iiiii of ( l 111 AIM MA'l I'.lil VI.H. w j r 1 W H II A l ti M 01 11.,- n-!"i Colri ar,tr-.llAri,a I. Ad I". O U li'l' AINH Oirj-r.li d li-ia tl antlift pr ant cost of 1 mp-ilta ,lof. ,LIIAVK . (lati- fllUH I'8), No T Cllf-HNU r M-KKKT. a CCUR1KEI & WILLITTd. PfNix-. 1 i "" l'i S.Hfc.Vl-'.NTli Hn t, 1-IIII.M'Ht.l IIIA. Mailu.rluo-i Of BKAtllFl L C'OTTAflK I'D KN'l'l'I ; Kl'i, A ri I tie enlx rctlslli niaif m tl-li citf. AlfO, Ii'bltttf roui Furniture aod Ili-iloli-f.rori.tiii.tif onl.rl. Is-iu'lil-Wio BUSINESS ITEMS TrcifiMP In I he 1'i.lMlrnl Irnnm.- A ilium in Uift 1 iiiirf iHio uu i thrmtin nn Int'Tnal m ur tn. intti ti )"r ma niivitin a iuki i.inu-r-ti.Uiiu '-ltt-o f 1 1- (.urtibH c- mi ri-i-1. li-Mi'lt flittu-iilty mn til nriHi- tn ti f r..m tn-hn ot w. w. ai pt. tq !r-7 N. Ninth -tn ft. h yr ni"pi t. ipjti.o .'.! ('oil.tifi t Ht ii if. n vt il, M llin .dtsi ricet, ami nvir i-nt) kmwN thU he i tlMl.k it t inrsl 1 hl'4 tuwolnle tv.AVIM k I('HAICIS. Aftl P1 Ifllllt aU"'l, livr now In kt"te n "l'l'r 'r lne I I". I lltMMA, 'j 'A futr.i 4 and (trAltl-tH 'tl I J r a FlMlrK ll v - All Aciito hmnk llliowiia duo l b oicont it Ihe diHirpot oia-llllcolH'Oa of Hi-cttlaily. ol too n.K('TBlCAL INkTiri'TK, Ho. lttfO WALNUT HTkBKr, folla.l-lplil. mor". c. ii. noi.i. Will ci.niuiout-e, O- renal t. 1H04, A omirae of lcturn n fii'l InalrmUon for april.Hru llalviuil.m, MiiKDrllf a. ond od or mo-lllOotinna ol kltv tnclir oa o ri name ibpra'.ouue oupnt fr tho ourc of Axilla Ol, d Coruolr Xlaeoata, AT TUB IWHTI1UTIOK, No. l.KI Walnut Hiroot, rblladolplila Msdli al tr.pn ar,d othara di?aliIiiR to alti-rel tho oourao i t rp'iua.tiMl t-i r-onkc ati-illcaii-jn earl. r. il. Wlillmnn aV .. Manutai-tnrara ol Nrw and lipllrlom Cfiofsotloua, A'monJ Pa.te, ftim-olaiu Cainmt'la.tln-ania La Mode do Caiia. OK'iuiAt'iiiv llavurou. IViaauin Jtiroati loiomla. Ao , Ao Ko. ttlti Chaanut alrpal, lie low ronrth. I' I nil oh! IlnnoMl HrrfcK a ce 8 MASON A IIAMI.1NS ( AiiiNST Ohl.AN.i. MAStOH A IIAMI IN'1 ( A III M T OUtiANS. I DKCKKIt 111(03 I'lAVOS. .1. K. . (l.llJt.K, flpvphth and iiuhimii a,rot-la. AMUSEMENTS. M".F 1(S. JOHN DK.MW'8 NF.W AKCIl ST. 1IIKATHK - hunt Mi.irr ok kiiwin aium. Tlllh (MiiMiav I K t'.NI Ml. hi-inember 19. HAUL K T. IIAM1.KT KUWIM All VMS lil i.hl Mr. Oiircn litlorilii-, Mr. OrlMlili 1 aartfa Mr, O'tnnliliiiii lloiuilo .Vlr.c'tau ,' uf t I. ran' lii,k'-r siiiiot KhOhoii (.HH-.n Ml.B Annto -lralt.im titthflla Mia.b.l'rict) II K.-tHat-MiHV AIA A i. INK-ra itti-n ot 1 ; culuini-nci.- at 4 lo S. i!v cuksnut sini;i:r thkatkk. i. nOVT.lt A SINS I'mur flora "d M.Mlartr.. lilts l Wf.KK Ol i UK .11 A OK 11 1.. I tiu luaitaenir-l.t It l,at.v ti. hiihuui.i-., an ensa'ouirnt will) Iho lir-t-nf tritlioit ai'tiato, MIn.n MIS I.N l.r .XiN, Who will moke l.or apin'nraitce y irliilit lltll wiak ha "1,1,111m iti- l.aiciiulM-- anil '-OriarCo'' lit Till. HS A OK It K ; 1 1C A Till Its I' rtlltt.lll.il. j Ailiu;.a-oii 1-amil) t'irrli', ?'i-. ; lirua. rm l nn 1 Par- Qiit-t. U..I- ; itfiti-r eil llri .f larLli- kiiil ani'iot mi na, ciih Onr-i-flru .Ni-al, $1 ; nu rlurur fir at-curoa stall. 11-.nr. i.tfii ar 7 o rlii-li ; i-iiriam rlei. ai 7 l, . mi'lll H 1.KANI- SIAII.NK.K Hil'llltuAY AKIT.H NoON, Htii-ti-iulii-r J, at reuucitl prit ta. II It I S T R V J K C T K O, V Tl.i un-ai aurt ctlibrati it pu-lure ty VVal,tu? chf'f a j-ui it' i-t li. r t.r.t.1. In NOVV ON KMItltlTION AT 11IK. ACAIil VIV til KIMS ARTS, No. li'.'. Clll'MNi: I" SIIILKI . In .ViMllii.n to tlif I.N IKK AH 10 Ic. ili.n ol thf Ai-vitntv. i uiiiit i.i . ,?! i t-iu a : ion T irtti la. -'a' ceiea nil tin F A I. I.ADNKH'S MILITARY HAUL No. f-:iv N. TTIIltll saipt. iToit-ior f.xtil l hi . tint wi ll Knoon Mus.trj, l on- t-avi-o at ih. Hi.ular pt.it-u nt ri-.ort. a. Oil- l!n-ct ,r nf a l-.Hi f;ii '.iri-t iih, mitl ei i ry evriiiiiK Ci.il'o ai oi-nonv ol our n-titic kre kl'Oti to tnc auilirncit gratution.iy. an A'-l-t K?5. KNSINOTON HAU-. '! UIS POI'UI.AT mm ,i I-. u riMl itit. nt. Soi lrviTiiiid lo-CMiKM VS- H AVI nuf la'.'l 1)M N Hl.LN l MfCft Mf4ihllh'i1 ,t"Vi4fs h' by Mr. John I ipO, bin lufii ealiryutl tutt ri oVbhtl. .ii.il -hm e Jit r.-t'r ui.ctctHv.aox AliV f tl.4-1 CalMOIstillx nt ff till- K I till III tl4 IMlr1. A inre mid cft'cli-ni On ltwr. umlor the dirootl a of rroi. I- Lt.-ne, I An Ot tu riu,' .-ti. una m ciu'k.c irouiAiuin tr i ( nl and It n ti.c"il Mn-.ic wiU lie liro liici-ti vhv.i fvriiiiifc;. irrr if ivrnniiii ti tiii amt'c'i c. 'Ihe ( oni'.-ri l.rnmj ih iiiy. a'T. ami ri.iuiiini-ii. ih rif in. mg iit rn.l . al.U iii .lU'li'1 nth x!i! At tt a ( (nilii'.ilftl hi j;. nn-.'i 1m H KN It X UUi.sr itt Vto.mvfX liKK CdNCKUT SALOON. 1 1 r .1 , I'l Hil.liuS . w.i .h ciMitU tt t U'urfln,! torn M I . I C M MMM: (. Mli'KN. lit -Pin i en: im in -ntr.1.1 wih,ii;ih avknui . it lu'l ' -id r-.tr. uu- tr iii- It l'-r. i. if ol i', ot it ay .u : i i., I i in' in u .!.il i i i' .i iiiiiiuw'1 N.i.lo.ml tUU I III ill H - W ill V, ,)1 tllkl il him' nil cr nit k A a i-.i i. mii l (.lint to i-iM-' in ewiilnv fr of h.r.vt tl.t it itfji ii-tnr N lift- i lniiu d li t CiUii'li'liHii Hl nl. ill ii t Yu'i.'J'liV ' C'llftIS TI AN KI N rst iiLnit, 'lUTTKNDKN'S CO.MM I'.KC'IAL COIXKG K, So. is.'s; riusM i Btrcat, criiLr ot Heventn. Ubii.-la'U loll. 1m oiuoratrU 1k."5. YnntiK men irt'ini U for tin t.'ouiitlns-hoit';. and b .: 1 1-in-ff. In.'. i iiorouuti and prft' tic 1 litrnclinn In iiiioK-KKKI'IMi, Iii all itr. lirancln'H, ua inacutiuil by tl.c htl a'voun'.ants and liuivliicsa men. rr.NMAssMir. l'laln itiid orniini(-nlul, m tUHaiii by one of the iiKi.t cjui-I'cli-m ol pfiiiiivii. t'ouiiuerciul (.'all itl.itlom, lJuitieH t ol'tiiS, CoiiiiiK'n inl Lnw, hoti'riin- i niuitci t'cit N di A''. 'I Kl.Ki.lt 11 1 1 N 1 1, Ttv sound and on papvr, tauulit lu a thoiutiti an.l practical 11. till I. er hV It InliW- i perleIIC d OplTtttor. Hll'lU NIH 1NS1KI 111.1 Hta'AKATlXY, Am! rtcehul ut '" tun. J'.vunlnji tftnons nt'ler rnteiiibi'r 1 th. r.vi ai,ui,,;i:s fontiiln'mf tirms, ntudi nti' u.iun a UTI Inst yrar), Ac, i furnished tjiuti ou aDnllcatioii. ti. ll. 'l; IT 1TNIK .t f t), tfil.m No.t,;7t ItKNl T Sliott. MONKY TO ANY AMOUNT I.OANKI) UA i m mi lii.iiuuuiU, Watclitii. Jmcio VlMv, C ( lutiiiinf. A'-. HI.M fXI Ull.lHllKt l.tS t'l'l l"K. toiia-r ol illlltl and liMl.l- .Sumti, Itcl-.w L hard. X. n.-J.j M0N1'S, WA'I'CUfcri, JKW'Kl.KV, r.L'N'-i Ac. lor vhiu at , ", KrlMAllhAlil.V LOW PHK'K. bC.m WA.NaVM.UvKU & BROWN. 1SOITINOIIAM AND SWISS I.ACJI'.S, lew Htjleoi. WINDOW SIIADI-H,. N. TM kKW HTH E.S, TfELTY, n w o o i. (. a a, icAKRIN HON 4 C3. AT TIIM j MAt KAe:n tiKits, ciiksnut srr.r.r.T. N.t. 7 I.I i-nr.sN'.T Ml UKKT. I'lAN'O COVK.IW, Lin ,rsr Slot K IN THIS CITl, AT LOW PRICKS. E WANTS. A NMJ-.1 1MM HlllaTi: 1'IVK OR SIX HOUSE CARPENTERS, A? 1 1 jU'i-i at Hliti. C I'. U y a is rr j j n THK IIUMANK AM) liKNKVOLKNT T ki.w ttial tli" "WorkiLg Womcn'a Etlii-f Association," No, AU(;il HTllKKT, linn f.fiift? a M-r.'iSTKY OrnCK, wUrr all w-ran oal fif -fD.p nj-a.pnt nay nnd Unntloni. tr c of chat-af", and vlifrp ftiBilriet dPaiiln; rrrioni nr h jtn-t'lioid nor Irp ran olitain all kfD(l ot aiHlntiiii'i.frotu a li-ivorncm tn a WAtt won tn, upon Hip pnymcnt nf a Mn ill fee. TIip pfttrnanffl tt the Of n vi.Unt I particularly iiint,-l far iHi Aa Via tion. whlrli prtpos ii rutlior to liep worni-n to up'p ihPiii idvpf thHti to in like thtm pl.,oct or rh.-uit A work room hat lcn opcurd, hen any k ml fl imnily anl mn tlauier'a ii-i itiK il1 hp promptly ami nH rxecntfd at a mcnltratP pilce; tl;e wi ulc yro&l of tlm nrk tiU'Mnto Ui hnJiUQt tlior p". tonnuiH il ! IG fit WANTKI) TO liKN'T. A II')LM AMI I '"i: Kfinip irt-nn on it.p line t tlu- -Miprm inH' vn" r ;M.iih rciif.sjh'Biua" Unllnnid. )htic nxikt tiatotii'. ilfrii lutprovria. ntn. Kent ihm MtfcxnM i Ail-lrt".-, ft nt tm. idll pa. ttcutur, atiHMHit nl luinl, 1'Kntii'H. , (tcv ,T ANTfcl) AT '1HK NAVAL OHIIoVANOK iml. arlnnntoii, It tnt-ntv tlrt ciaj JIM lMlll.K-4. V awn. $..'. p r ilrtj. Ai!l;i -ffir.s navup innilt- to utfnant t nmmnviar U . f. J I-r t f CW. nl the ard, l- liitt r or in p.Tfcnu.tut I orr Imt thxt-ciAn wTkrm n anf am h n- iti not cUnm pi ni t n trum lutlltary prit p on arc-uut of alipunjfc, n (nO apply. II A. V ina, ,nioi tn jiun-aiii "i uiiiimnrv. 13 .ft Navy lt-tstniiM-ii t . ANT I- I), WANJ LP. WOKK VOH Cil.,,UI.AK AM) JIi) SiWi At VASmtHKN, OAVIDHOM t CO 'a, I'ri.n 'I rritM MarlnP Kilwnv a ni xnip ard, ItrAt.Il, abovo I1A.NUVKU Htraot, KPimin'toii, H-H I.V l'hiiAitu.piiU. C IKCULAU AND .HO vSAWIN'U fcAF.CI iki WITH HKSI'aIUI, Ud rfUnnftblv1 Urms, At VANTiT'UKV, hAVinsOV TO.H, PiddTmIt Marine ItHoway and PU Yarrl, ltl.ACa.auofi' II mvkk rttntrt. o-?t KnihtiiKton, I'liiUdclp ila. FOR SALt AND TO LET. A FOR SAI.K.-t.OKJ WOKTll IN OOOD bLiiIIoiiiia. ian.'C anil umail.oti lrmi u NUit i uiliiiri, viihr witli or wi.hout incuniranr. fur Pitsh aoa ooa tratle. ItKiitirn of, from Id tu 12 n flu-clt A.M., TIIOH. M. I'l.OWMAaN, No 'J; H. l- OUUTIf KtTMt- EDUCATIOINAL. IjOLYTJ'X'JlNICCoI.LKOK.I'KNNhQUAKK. Tin 'I w ollth Annual hern a ul Lot'tutcs and I't nrti ral Iti uioiiblriaiioi uti Anntiii:, Mu(allnrK.Vi Civil anil Mt- run' h iiK'tn ruin. 1 licuiifvtrv, jimi Archiie Muni, in tlio IK'IIMCAI. bCHO'tL-i nl tlie t'olnwn, will h Rin oil MOMA V, terp'eint'i r 11 Hie l.nb oratories, Orau-ettliw, mm) MiHin.IiiiK lUMMu.t lutvi tiecn onlnri'd ami rcltitfl Aill nt ta will f cm nl Ih mnilvch lr xnmlimtl'li ttt tlui tmUHj'HifHi . en HA'M'lUltYoroMijNtlAY, lVlh a idl:lU ItiHiHiila, at o'clock A M ALtKKI L. KKSNF.DY, M. It , MtJ It 1'rralilaiit ot r .c,ulty. l.-Il-TY CKNTS. l.l'.SSON.S IK OKKMAN', nv A NATIVK OK UHIt VI V.SY. WHO Hl-BAKH J-JMILIMII Kl.l'KBTI.Y. a r l iyTY ( KN I S AN' HtMHl. I.Alill.H A Nil I llll.UKK.N UM.V. ll-ely lit.-li-i'li 11 anil 1 o'cittitti, at oolo w u. Ttt KUIIilOA SlmitU JU PBILADELPfltA MILITAEY SCHOOL. Ji t'OlUTLAND SAl'XDKKS' I.NST1TUTK, Tbirty-nluth and Market Streets, ItKOl'KNS SHI'TKMUKH II. Addreafi, ur-1ni ntOKKHfiOR E. I. HAVNnKUfl.D. I). i;iUKM)S' AOAPKMY I'OIt BOYS, UKAC, I oi No 41 N. Ki.KVKN 1 II Hlroi t, rcoieiui on tne 'th iimt. lv uur liTin of 'li wueka. AU ilPiitHiitnatioiis a4 lu.tUil. mMu.-J W. Will fAJ.U AI ADAM K KUKRI K JLLK.S MaU- US d ftll'I'I'Kn llilnl IIIiMLn ; r I uiii oi I- II Y M A I. thUCATION, Attnil l' i" t-''Hy- Mi1!;' oiifc, im I riiiai Hunot Ti iiti il.. a, m as by itm l'iliicia's oi tiiu beat h lit n!.x, iii-M- imuu lire a-nil d iili'li.irliy 'II i ! rxerriti s lu t tii n i.,irov(i ot and uuttiorlf d ai M. Murj h II h 1 Hd.ool liirl nti"ii, N Je , on thti 1tl ol AOkiiHt. J', : I4' KU'Ik lie t . W. I itf UIO, IK T.. I.. I.. P. . Itl-liop ot Ni w ,li'fo y. a. d ha c le'ii c m liiiiu cl aitue tl at time w.tli uurki d htu-i ci and tlie lHilll ht lUI tt. lashi wl i ni aMendd to ul H -ardiiiv; hcNool-., (T vh'kI tliat uili iUn ryuhi ol not lea tlma ieive I MpU. KI-HCKS( KS. lit. Itc . Altno Fott-, i'. 1 (lliiliip of lViiuvlva- liitt), It' V. tint. II A. VtlK'Hh. Itcv. .lo'in II. L it mi II, l P.. Ki v. Mm' ft II .VI.i'i'liT, I. I , li-v. Wni 11 firiiM', Kuv. Win. Cio-wel itoatit. I'roi.iir sa n it I .lack .sen, M. I. I.inn H'Mtf, v. It , I ul It ilo I dud, M. !.. Ju-h I'a.iri a t, M l,(.fn. VV. .NoirK V. 1 ., f. It. lo.iff. M !.. franklin tlaimt, A, L. ( itiir ilitC'011. Ni'W Jcri-rv I, H'Ulit K . .Umu- W Hid, 1 li. (Iiiiiiiiu ( lul.H(lcl)'iiia), e y H. hurlHK J trt r. otivt nt ot tlie H,tc.d ilctrt (IMeri Hall, I' I, Af4i.f 'if ot It.c l in ot Mercy; AHrt'd Htillc, M R, .1,-hii Nftl't, M l- K. l a llociir, M , o.h ,r Mvirrn, li I)., John U'll. M l , v.corr k-tirftu. M It,, Uiliniiii V. Kiaiuifj, M i. V ttri.on, M U, Iirtui h WiNt. M. It, Kt Krv, U'. H. Od-nhclrosr li i (It'ikr if Nrw.lon) Hi v. KKln K. Hml h iff u final oi M.N'i.ri Hall. Uiirlnnjton ) ; Mlsa C lUyard, iii -i'f mi I In r'nr" k l U rwl.y. M'Hii h Cmcy, Mnw 4,Pl-.i-, Miftio liuik. MIhh ai y K. 'I lirnra, Mim Urn .ki mid Mm Hull, M m mm U mm n.onna'iiowu,r.i ,Mn Curr ' Lti.wo it Hull. K Mi- ari'i ntrr. lu ii.e In rimn iin thi il ol C jUhIm ihcn, MmUm Mar tin mum i':i ed to ifU tl.c uiiiiioi Itr luo I cwn, of Iti it' ii I H ernl arran ji-uiciita ma lv made lir t'Usitt i, Nu. 1 tCM Kl l.Hli'l- 1 HI V AT K HANCIN fi SCHOOL. J VAItAMI- n.l-it.KiU I.I'H MARTIN, avAa'i- tli t Dm y -n ni oh n t tu thi-ir chl dicn atter-d-io" ("ilil c mn intv' Hdnuit" . vs ill "-tvi lr i '. U-ci at In 1 l:l -M'i-.N' . No. I-lo M'KI IK ! r. it, on M'MAV, 1 1 ,tt r i 1 t ) i v r ' i i ' t me n t a tin Hod. niic mil give w , v utint!' n ti dun1 'ni; nnd ilt-,i inni' nl. ( I V hrb . ASH lini:iS. nr .mil. I.i.ih'i aid Mh.iii.-,oii l'ndayn, Wcdnoi tV i.i d i rid:i-, ( u. ri il I' M. li i 1 1 in'iiih 1 1 lnf t ii Mi- 1 n Hn will kWc n 1 1 i i it ii i it'.'- i if " Hinl.it :ul tl.f H' lio -!f licit-Mr. Mrr'in '.mi H i' 1 oii'ir lo ti tifli, I m i i.'.t '.'d .'-. it!i i ircti' or fri i"l-., ltlP to ram any I t,-,!.c- M-j ai it'i l.v , Mu l.iiiM .Utti tin , ill tu.ikc nrmnKc - mi nif Tor iiiiin. I or 4 it. Mlii-. ii-rlv :it Mii.l,uitf Martin's rcHlili'm e. ,,i Manin ..ill ulvO tlussci lurmi d nt Ito inllnj; h"cl or in tin- cttnii;iy. f I7-Muv,..t AMl-'Sa.IIIHD.Tl'.AClll-'.KOl-Tlir.riANO, So. iJO 81 IEt.N l 11 miiim I, lialnw nyrui-e. tua iui- KINOIL N. I'EIIKI.U r5 lluvnii.' ri-liiriir.l Iriini Knriil. Itas ri-iumi-d liil 1SHNH IS SINillMl. t.-a-llit-uillll -No. l-.'lls Clll.n.Nl' I' STItKKV. JjEOlUJia MT1TEB, ait., M ABUT ACTUBING MACHINIST AND KN01Ni:i'.H, ttir-lm Xo, H 2IN. SKI'ONI) ST., ri.iln.lt ij,t,ia. CTKAM UEATIM1 l'nli l-'AtM'ORIKS, iTv M 1 1 1 o , A i-. ll.-.ili'l with tlirt-t ur w.isl alciltn. Altttl, rull" Inr In lul-ltu iluia.'ti-ritlt'Miii r-t, it iiiiiiial'ir-., c. .VI. 1 lilt I..M AN, Nit. i S. MX I'lI.Siri'i t. THOUSANDS OF TEETH " EXTKACTUD NVITIIOUT TAIX. l'tt.nl twillad fur. Mr new InT.-lltlnn, t Ii'Uiltlo K Mir.il. , ii a. ll oiiiu-iliiii-Sn'i-iv VaUi-tl l.il. il.-r, fir a'lttun-l-utlltv N itritua 1 xlttit (i.a, ami I'xliat uuif It i-Hi itUmt li.iin. 'I D.- only nn, tlu tli.il lUt t.a. uau b trupiily aud aalily uiluiiiiitttirctl. UK. O. I.. MUNNS, li 111 Im Mo. 7.11 Hi'lll CK bTUKEl'. CHEAT CENXUAL CLOTHINO HOUSE, No. t:i CHr.SNCT Bimir. AtCTION SALES. M ACKVYIs ACCTUN IIOOMS, No. MAKKKT Htrn-U S26 C C. VAr R KV. AnfO'-noi"-. a,.i"-t'a frtTe-ltfrnnrTa ,t IHMillt. l:t s. AM SS ."I'llANI IS"., Of alt aititii.. r,.r put" r o' - til. AurlSio Knoira, ai"l ho wl.l attii. it i.i.' i ra.lt t,, .atrn ol IlK, l. f.-lAlt. AMI KTOt KS At tha Pxi l.onrf. liOCMl.h . fl I'.NITOIIH At liwrll rira. ran I m -K ot MF.ern vmusk At tt a llftr, . i,f I ' .-1.- vi-r. Ca.h will I atl vn ii, e.i urn a. nr. ,--ti i in.'i.mn -tila ot f,Hl. loi fiii.l c .rle 1 AI.'.K, I"A1 f t l vi lli 1 1- ol.' IM'I I t i l Kr I.V Mil, III I ii- -tt.o Mo, At lf '.'.l-V, S ' , Of. In,., .'I t,,, IP It ANI '1MWON cli- ami r.,ttntr re'a i 'l,Ci . tti.N'- V VI-.K. A til C Rt,r run. M ,.' Ml. p a .' n.l,,-' I." i",r. ' O ' I. I'l .. I. '..VI III 1..N I l.fl IrV 1 ,il r, I, - I "fi i - I III N V I 'II - . 1A1IMS VV M.K t.-f Arlivi'rr if ( I,' . ii 'l,i-, I ii.- an I amiini, Mii, ! ifti V otP, an i m .ti I " i I" JtALI TDl'.SDAY KOtNINGII HA II 11-; I I'M M ACIAZIIV iJJ ! '(HI OCIOl'.l ll. !! i a ii h u h, I, Vn. HO I llliNUl fUrft. QCDLY, and LADY'S TKILNP. 1' O It O C T O 15 i: u, I'l lOHKK'N Uu htm CWCHMiT BirxHit. ? I' ll! llts. JOM-l'll IICI-IY DKSIHKS TO I 11 fv.-n-hi r lie nl. tt.iii .hp I. a r- nT il fri-m Hn. WT IIIS.MMT nln-.! to No. u N. 1 nl It 1 il Kirrpl. II ASK A lU'l-'TY'H NKW PLANK lifltiKS v at ii M;iitiiMi'-r). o. if- S). lot Kill hire, t, 0,enod Toliay IM INK AHNOI.D'N WKIIINd FLUID X and Cui Ilia Irk, di't-cl trum Utmlitn nt I'll.VSK. A III r TT a Itlank II'miK anitstail n'-ri Sutro, Ni. s I Dl llfll .-.iri-i't () N 1HK M.OC KAnii-UrNM'.U "ruis- I atr Pri- Cap l apvi, a pinion ii n Ii rh It Tor r-a p at w lllnnk li-'k ana -tttl .i..-nr Mtorp. No. TA ti. lOVUlH MJfH't- 1 iLaNK UOOKH ov J tl n on I aurl, or tnftOc to vni Ht a "null advance uu old pnc , u 't.Mh A III I" I I N-T l'.laiik Itnok Rhii Stuttd'I'Tf rt!n-p. N-1 m h i ti mrw ANY Ol THK 01.11 V A III KT1 KS OF Lc Hi r, i::.P ft' 'I Note I'apor. tunc la MlftTi'T In llutai oi l:it r umniila' lerp. can i,i- r a'l ar lit isi; A lit I'TYt, h'i'W Il.ariK Hook ami S'liil'.nprv Bioro. .Nn. tl S I Ol'i; Til .-n ml. ( iOI,D VKN.SAM) 1'KoNril.H TO St IT Al l. I Pic.trcnccs, and warraiii'd 'or tm ri-r, ran bo I. ai al rtiANK ,t- iii n v lt r Itlank Hook anil ntailmirv Hl. n, No -11 K. KOl Ill II tn ot. ill 11 avVJ cliaaiog jour Stationery at lilSF. IW1-TY H Kow Itlauk Itnk anil stuinni rv St."0. auw-lm Ho. a 8. munrii MtriN-t. 1)H1-,SI1)KNT I.IXCOLN II1S fount AIT, 1 fi.r. iinl'-iJ) ,' il HKi "ai-liv. Al.o. linn. Mr. rin- 'len, ana Uu- II I t l!iah"n.. Tinniiiit.on, Mark. a iU hlt,.alir. I le l'li"in. with Imrtiailt. nt tlio Ilo 1.0. l,,un. littrli'a. V . 11. Hlii-cn. K in. V 1'. I Ml. im'l Anie lo; Our 'l.-i-tli ami .tt.t.. wli aiK'.aol Olini:ir: Siiiiniir iiik. It I'liht hii J I'n; In ert.on ; A .li-o-l-li Wmin.-; Tlo Atrlt-an ti liltn .-il Mllli inlri'r Haeoa I Tho Lull Hiifnin; A Ni-w T rn-orv ; l,nni:nMirit ; Ori-ti'n; flant. Httlio tVii-u: U.iilri. ,ni M111 ; l Ctirri'lii'.nH-ri'a ; Tho lor ofAiluni ui..l K.vi-: l.tirnnl I'linlarim-nl: Unl'ilicl; Hiinl' attil spirl! VVTiiit la tin- liMH-rrlH-o.' lininnrijluv ; MarriliiR t '-iitlri!.. Ai: , In Ot'tntii-r iiuiiilir-r of "rltri-no-1 un iil .li.iirtinl am l.ili III- rau-il." Ni-wslnPiitiavi.il. Si-nt li tlr.t M'-l -,r ''" ' i-n'a. In Mi-ira. 1 o A' l.lt At VV 1 l.l.H, No. ; Hi OAIiW V Y. Nl w V nrk, or ,1. I.. V 'V I'Kv, No. l'i 1 KN I II Stnel. ITi la lo'l.nia. V. II TyJ li WIIal.lAMH, No. 003 MARKET 8TEEET. MIHI.INf, MI'M.tSSt. Mi:ril.lNI. MUHLISH. ill l,ISM. MLSI.im. .VHISIINl-. MIIHl.lNS. Mli-l.l.N'. .Vl'.sl,S-. Mtl I.I i. MUHI.INl. Ml. hi IAS. atll-l.l.-iS. MH.-U.-vt M!S1..S. .VI1IS1.ISH. MliHil-S. Mi'M, SSt. Mimi.'NH. Mtll,iNf. MI'SLlNrl. MtlSLS. Mi;s,.lS). Atl HI IN-. Mt:SilS.i. SIISI.-. MII-LI-i. o.t'Sl.lH. aU,l.lSJ. llmln:, m hton alarti' atochol Mutilator all popuLir In hikIm. a,(ti,,o of whii-h wi-rt rurri aiud Dotoro tin-lato an vain c In ii.lt-o, t-iial'l-a mo lo ottei tliorn oillicr al VUOI.l'.SAM'. AND KKI'AlI., Allot it llti-1 Cftu bo I'tin ltRtt-d r-1-.oirlioro, togatlisr Mltii a UrKO at' ck uf I lliMiiH AND M-ll.sIMiil, Id .stil.r,CI'Ot-ia. ttr.lllaata, I tea, ami KlKurea ; alio full line nt nno lttiKardtalu J- liANNIil.S. Itrnvj Tlllt.l limp, Wl.lto, Itt.l, uud Hrf Flatiucli. TICKINCIS, TAUI.K LINKNS, III, ANKlsTiS, Atltlt l ot tsaoriui liti I HOMF.KY, At lh. 4 and I K. SI Mil Sinn, and No. llll.l SdAllht.T Htfi-el. l.i m.l-;it M. K UUUM-t. HAM Ii.l Of FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS. ATKINS .V CO., On tiii-N. E. t'lriurot NINTH ted ( IIKRIl i , li-s I" lo Intut tlielr l.a l.v Irlciida that ltii- h.ivf imar ready TIU'.IH MAMMOTH ASSUKI'M 1-!NT Of every varii-tj -,i st.li- ami Quality uf Tall uLd Wiutcr Cloaks for 18G4. (Mir lock uiirimi aa lari n an.-orvmciit and n yreat a varlet Hi tin tc found in tlio ldlanc' ot all tne CLOAK 81 OKI COMIIINLL. Ol'K MttTTO AH OK 0L': " SMALL riiOFIltS AMI L AllUK SALI'.S." in i Kii t.iatli ti Worl I H id aa THK rnKAI'i W floAK HHKrt I .N itn. Oi : Vn,1,it) ' Wolknian.liip, THE l'IM l MAM I AC'H IN Till. CUV! l.lttle o( i,u ilu..rt on la.t jiur. (olce. kM'KUAI. NOTlf'K. lu rcrai inetiM' nt tl.t-aticceh atlnidii K o tr H lem of SMALL H.iirlb, nal st-.re l.avc. imitiir ut ua-, tfiruiiN up all roioul iir ; rnit, LH.tltH. (.- ur.' ou m i in tt.o rili p a i. a, auti 'ook tor ttic n.iuic hi well ide h !' THK l.UKAl l.T I I.OAK Slt'ltK IN THK CITY. 1. W ATKINS iV CO., y Lt-tul-..;t N. i" Cor.iM NINTH and CUKICKV. TEE NEW MUSICAL 0AHD8 (Tatntiilrril tiv tl i- t.-. tnl 1'aiiiitvi.f Kri-lnrn!). art ai-nl li litttttti.r 'Ittl.kl. I tin I V il-S. rit.-v am a ui iit auiuaitiir ,ii.iion-,aiid urw li Mtt-i.-ulTiiui- i.tiil-'-r llian any oiUor D,.-tli'il. . ., , "A moat Interr .ulna. mil i-Ii-vit itnran -Tlnr-i. "Adn. trull v ad.ii.ioil l'-r liai-hlnii Mu-lt al lliui'. lllll-i- 'Tldr.rAO.U-:. No. Li W. 'I UIB'l V-HIXTII Blroot, v,-w-luik. aii.'.-liu v l) T II K 11 I " 1 i . . Mr. JAMKH SINM.rl nu" ri-riltiv.u ii nt tl;w anil ii.,,,. II,, nt,,, iNt...l.il Until). N-i. '.M f. r "'. w.. .. .....i v. nu, liit, iilinilt I" tihu him a .-.ill ;il I. ih l .i-t.n.i'iiutiili.i. day, to-m-irow (l'tii-'l,iyi.S' !'i.-;ni': J.l.Vli:o HIS SKIT, lf I'roitri.-l-ir Mll'l-.TM, M.V1T1.NOH, OILCLOTHS ANH twiiidow Hlt.ulta, from Naw V'lrk Auitu.il aa'-l, (nliuttlly rtt.)-Mii.;lliIHcnt Ilitian.-H, Wl.l.', l'fi M i 'V-: ami tl V.'i Imltailini Hrit.aoU, ( i.aiuud,) I, who, iii.MUtiid uocitiita; j-4, 91 oiul U I at itr.tt..r-i.iiau-l.rln-; lit.ti'-rial t ,iri"-ia. tl tli to l-li i"r y.ml : wrulil Utti" f.U i-elill to l U.l Vt-nitllaii, lt.,.a.i.l II. -ii,i, from to .5 C'l" I", V'1,'1,1 '"i1"-"".,1.'1' ur.t at aa..rli..-"tvi i'i)'l-ri'l ill 1-liiU.I. lt!i, rro.n , , i. , 7' "int yu.d. at 11,0 Ni w 11 Aurtii.ii Mai.-n lio L tti (itirii.t-rly si.il,l..ws.) No. 117 s. hk.ixiM) But, ,iit ; ratHivo Walnut, uiii-oaita Coin K-vcltaiigo. ) I ITi ui-: si i its. t'siD oai.i.s. ri'iii-'t sii Ilia, iv u.lh jrooi. IW '"Vln. Vl' I V.': '.VV: l'i j'-V N.t. li N . I litis f Htreot. SPECIAL NOTICES. it-rjr- LAW Dl-T AHTMENT, UNIVEKSU'Y A term villi minim ii- u Ui lonKIt 3. l-.l. Tin- liilrt ilui-litry I i-.-turu will im il. livetrd ul " o fin' ill Hit tuiiini of tliavl day, at Ilio uainil Utiut- lli-oiu urn. (iKOKur. sii Aiiswoon. -i;-i lllfi largest and bkst frT" LINCOLN AND J0HN60?!. Tl afltlfPna i.l ISO T'ltlll V P.N Til VAKI a p- tin UAMl'AIUS 1 I, Ml, AT1 '1' I OHM' K or I 'ni It I '. ii iiikI (lur HtreelN, HUH 1'VnMMI, Sept. uiVr t t, Al v. i) i I. Mill. H,t J ,p i-.t In to I.J II, n l.r ')N Villi Ml ri"V, I' It ,11.11 I-. 't,l I it IK , Hi n. vv. i K CI.I.KV. au I oUiori. u TJr LINCOLN, JOHNSON, LTBFUTY I AHEAHAM LINCOLN AH I" HI Mll.lrtr ANDREW JOHNSON A-. ILK l l::..ill-KttT, or tiii: r.Mri.1) mates oi' amkrica. fill r. MH.1.T on M(iivv i.vi:rviiNO. SEI'TKMBER 18. Ala O't'l.rn 'K, A I orSCl!lllT HAL Ij, Clu'MUitEt., Between Twelfth and TbirtfentJi, 1 ti Iiiai. k-urati ilio Uall tt-r Uio c-uuiLig Kl.KCTiON CAMPAIGN. M'tntlioia of tits L'nlon Lsiiuifa, and all l-ijal nion.aro Inviwl to be prrn.i. ilalliia'tlah:-tt iiHitlnnttn vrtll O'lUraai ihatiHUng. By oplornf Hit : 17-Vt lOMMITn'K OH I'l'ltt.lC MKETItf'lS 15' EIPUBLIOAN INVIHOIBLES, l'.AI.LY FOII LINCOLN AND JOHNSON. All moinb'. rn ot (In? atovi namc4 Club whf flfialret" unite, tinker a new tamo appropriate t pfMent luaa lor active imt In tl o pirtcnt canvas, ani all othar loyal cltifeni, rptclaJly tt'O jouiirf nen, whether mt-mentf the C'h1 or rn't, aro car neatly Invited lo Mtfrtiioie al U COMMONWEALTH BUILDINO, CHIiSlv'lT SlIU'liT, AI10VK, SIXTH, On MONDAY EVENING, 3qtember 19. AT 8 O'CLOCK. OUXHtOK INMAN A" J t-17 it PltKHflVKBT. fKPt THK 1)UT OF fil'.NKUAI, OltANT. ji l3- 'I'lila itlalairMt'i .--culillin', ao mui-li nduitrcd at f tlu- I'lno Atla tiitili-r,, it linMr on Knit. Ilvtiibitmn rur a low f ilaya.at HUNK. - l Altl l.l' hTDKK, Nn !ll CIIKlN.lf J 1 htn-.i. Aa aulii.i-tl,tl"iia tn tt an-Inr trio ri'iio ih- i.t.a. tilt il hn US ra. p.-ratnit. aiiti-i-rtliiiii; not only ooiistlt tlioul, but i-tv, tniia't'li' i- IiIi-ih-ii of ll, r ii(urocl.ttlvu oroiro M i ur In at ftw lala. Ity Hi' iin-iin. m-- It !l- 111 UtrJ lUiAlKU-AUH-'US IIKST HAT- tlllKttl I NIKN CAMPAIGN ChVll. ( OolMONWK.VI. I U lll'ILlllMI, Nn i.l l CHKSXtJT MM , s pii-oiti.r 17. ISiii. A tiiLtfl.l'a' of ihr mt.ti.tit ra ol tue I'li-ti will be hold on U'hsHAV r.VKMMt, ii'tli fiat . At 7 tn-Ioi k, al thfcli Ut adiiuuitoia. i'uottual atUiadatu ih ro-r.e.ti.1. l'. tidtrot tlio tti.n,ir.lltoi. t f Huoarltit-ndi-n'-o. i ' n.-l r r. l.l.LM tKt.lt, f ua'rmin. Ma. ir A. J Sn.r.ain, H'-crflary. i-llt lf o J 1 r-- i c h oi" Tin: Leliit',li Ooal an'l Naviatwa Oumpany, rUll.AUKM IIIA, S.ptcuiltor tl, WI. Mralid I'l- ia aait. will bo iri-alvfit at thlt nftlco nnUI o'cloca r. M., ol Tl'llAV,tl.ltu Ojt Jiir aoat.ror toy poitltin or ttio win lo of (INK MILLION F IKH.I.AIW, , sl.O" (, ' , AS 1' A li T 0 V A NEW LOAN authorized y Acthof A-eiutl) , aalla on tha tit da of AprlMi. wiloliiKntattli rt ol per Mnt.er oniium, paallf ijiirtrrl? on lit da of Hi inoollu of .Ihi uai. A. !,. 'nl, and OcU.tor of nch car, and botk I rinctpai ani Inton ht aeciin-d y n m-Tlatd on ttie Con pao? entali s and tianc ihci. Tte propoaala muit ba la wruli.v.-, einicfiatd ' l'ropopaU for Lpl.igli Loan," and loft )ilaof1)ie, litre tl will remain vllliuut being opetia4 umi. tle m.ct u in ui tiH' lai iiritot Mnna.cn., at li o'clock ou W tilm Mia;. , Hit r.tfi ot (irtul.er next. Tbo olTorara of at ccji proi obaih will Ih ear'y lb realtor noUiled ot auoh accn'iJtioe, when tlu- prrtnlumn ottind will be lmune riiatt'lv payable, aud ait rwanU each will boat liberty U pay the amount ai tted ly umtitlily Initalmonta of U per cent, or iiiori' tiiorcot, or On miula at one tirae.athlao Iter oiiiioii. 11. i- MaiuKira riicrve to llifaiae lri the fiflU of rt-Urtln; any Md not sail iLiciory. y ori'i'i - I tin- Hoftrd ot WafiH'.Tt, I.liSVIN w'ai. ri:u. TKKAHtfRKK. D'.AI'.NLSS, NOISES IX TIIK UK AD, TIlllfiAT IHSKAHK8, CATAKItll. Tl.oo wlio mflrr tVoni tt.fai- ni.iladitia hara noartha vi-rv Iti-ai ut'ifiiiiiiiitv itr in.dinK ri-iu r. I'lio apoaratua t,nitliiirti-il ly In. VtIN .VltlSi'it.ltVKLIt la liriil.tulitutlly tin- in,,at iit-i l'tptlv i lliH-tlvo iiwi rit vi-r naoil ftr rwac!ilu-tlu-Ki-ut ol ihe iltat ai- to wnuh tl la directed, and eradi ratliiht It vvltli ivitiidttrlul rtiitii ity. Tito aiiiillcatiau la itamliaa. Olllti-, u. t.-.'J WALNI'T Blroot. IKSIMtltNIAI.S. To tlio tlciif. I r. V'tu ,Mnclil.k.-r, Anrlat, No. 107 Witlimt trlut, rivral..l m-ist am-' i-ai-fully an roy wira, n aiiirnif iui- tn it.-rlu t hrtrliitc. 1 auilMvd rrtnii what Uit liltTlllana ctUi'd a tlucki iitiifc' "C tli.- drum it tlio oar. r VVII.I.I VM CltANK, lluildar, Iti rildi nt i, No. lslj ii. h.tcoud alroot. PhUlv.lrlrM". Atiir.iHtV, ISM.t. ..... Pun alii ill IA , Vi.lli ,luuo,lM. Thla I, to rarllrV, that f. r lour yrara I va-im tri'iililid Willi an u'tauaivo dra.tl.ara-o, a.-. i.iiil'iui-.l wiihdi'tifufaa. I li..vt l--- IrwUod Uy uu liu r.iiia pnvsk-laiia wlihoul r. ' oK-ino- any bi-riutlt. Mt.rno lit.tliltia ant I ttl'l'lu d lo nr. vuo ju,oai.-u.isarl otuo uaai acv.u,1.l..l:dal l-.l.cli:ur;j.iKi.iii , ,KMAKKU. Ol'tlit Umi of Slt'.tinaker A IimIiiI, M.-rt lmnta, No. -Jtl S. llroad alroot. Private rc-sldi a t, No. Tli tlmu atrmi. a-vj-rtr VOS MiiSt'lll.lKr'.Il ran bo cnnsntUttl ott M ti. iinttlt i.l uu-Kit-. I'lio sriiiili'Aii upuaiijua l ""xn:! WAI.Nt.-T fKraof. Wli.r. tiiiiidrd.ol'aiii.ilarttil'Ujttniaj. aa Ilio aii.vo oait lit iui-ii.ad. u"-u tv-r-4- DEAKNESS AM) BLINrVNKsa. J. IA 7 . u i. i..nr.,..,,i J tti. Eva and Ear, treat. lMlUtllaa..r.--u u h- Ulllo. tourci-K in ho. bit ho ehai UA.M 1 Mil l "'" "