"TTD H PltlCE T1IKEE CENTS. I rillLADKiJMUA, MONDAY, SKITOll.KU I.i, ISl!4. PRICE TIIIIEE CENTS. latest Southern News THE TRUCE AT ATLANTA. Sherman on Certain Exchanges WiTCFESTIhG FROM PETERSBURG. AFFAIRS IN RICHMOND. The "Steam Sijuirt" Don't Operate. EFFORTS TO Ill.U'033E33 ATLANTA. Rebel View of the Situation. i;ii., icto. We have received ti'es of K i 'bin 11 1 papers tiovt ring dates to the 1 tth ln-t int, tint they are barren of important in ws. I'lio folio .vi is e trai ls are fiom lh ,7,i m . r of the llm: Tint VI tir New. Yesterday wis la nil r -pe -w ns Muni, a .! iv in tin' mutter "I pews ii" the proco'lin:.'. Noth rig nf iui ortiinoi bis oeoin r.'il iit l' ' 'i s hn'g. limn tiiiii' tn I mif, but chit 1 ! v during tho Distil. Ill'' cm lny threw a lo in h snort ir -It'll ItiIo i In- city, which explodes Willi a greit u.usc, Lut Hi l (i nothing. A Mice t-v iil i njj on Hood's linos, ,i li ivo nothing of ii i n'-t tinni that itr- r. We -hill soul, n t cive f hf nee, tutu - til om hi I'V i fi" ex le- ot the Y nriki e o- upnt on of .Mianta, villi ll a i!l he liitce-ling. 'I In rr i- ill news from tin; Yalloc. There was a tumor yi ar, rlnv that 1 arrng'it liml l li, or a ii'mut 10 It ife, Moiulo nay. and lull g his llti t to tlm Atlantic t-on-t. In aid In a miiihit.d Itiml ami iiiival attack n Wilmington. Ve lave no oHIcm! con h i ma ion of this ru-uor. triiin Cviir-ilii. V icon, Si )ti'rtihc r 1'. The ti n daya'ai'iiils'lee lltWt't-ll till' tWO III III iCs fOlllltlCtlfcd this inorn- iiii. Trams have rone haw urn fur tlio purpose ol lull ping nwny ilin Atlanta oxi es. lli til Mill", will main' vi.'oioui procurations to renew biis'.ill iis tttitl guihcr lori es lor the la 1 11111 unign. Stttman 1ms refused to exehung" prisoners for men whn-i: linn- of scrvco have expired. Ilia 'i ti r io Gem nil Hood will mhui appear, mi l ia i loirni' t ri-tir of Die Yankees. 'J lir (inn pia mil. tin Imvc received f urlo'iglis of thirty On 8. I'rOlll Mi. lit If. Hoiiii.r, September lit Scout-- report that the enemy ire making n r.iiil on Fi-b river, 'vnii throe triinti oris Iinlon witU troops. Oth Tni i', ll 1(11 ic t. From l'i-ler.li.irir. The I'etoribmg papers report tli.u during tl.i !'- B few ). theie li..i iK'i-a vit' litil.: ! union i dnip on thi' lino, iiml a:i cniiru a i.-i-jm c of any tbrl'in of thR nty. It in ih, iikIii tlm' Iciii'ra'. Gr int i ap,i ui'ii'lv Ijlnj; pi'f-ie until l,o cm t cue stidi n inline BiriilB aa will i mili'c him to fctriuo a hci y h'j.v. lie ii ri'p rii il to bo receiving additions to Iii-t rmy ixer dm . 1 he f..niint- in (ir.uit'M lin "s arc eoini.i'll.'.l to uhin t Mil oiilv to re.it pnintiiin", ti.it alt ri intuit and nl.n-"c In in til" in-olent Y.inkce tluevci who vi-ii their l. rnii. A y'.iMeiii fr.n.i s-ur T oris t li tit the people oi tli.i eja'ity an: .iiPc.l Bin o-t (l.lly I v ii tinnl of ni'tro e t uie, c mi II. ' din ty whi'e otli.vr-, wh pre en l tn ft; pnaid ris the ti'loitrnpli lino riinninr: iron I'm-, ronbatan to SaiiIi'h i'oinl. Tin 8u ! llo p vi ol tl o couMrj llin null which tlio ire rii'i-, Dnt lim liav It and Iimik li oil' m tny miks, sw il h K evtryihliiR in their rca -li, a nl tr. i ln ilu In lplc f, ii ales in il hon eimiti Uan'S in til : nl nl kliniiitfiil unci iii.-uli ii' maimer, i Hi v.Mr. ilurua.iuh and Me.r. Dill, Il:ir n.wa, lliln-i, and Motri", Ii ivc mi li.vu ir iiaitil.oii cbiiiri' of C iuvmlri i:,f inn iii i i to tt.e CoBleilera e-; and near y every m l i: I'ftkoti on or t.i'iir Hie teVjrupli line h i li .-en louipelli d HI Ic ivo h'n lionm or submit to i'nl li nne imprisoumei.t. I'l.nii iti 'nt have ! ti ro ihs I ol iln ir n 1 1 1 ii i u i i u bliins, hoi. s, eal'le, war m-, iarrii;'', . ""d ih' vi tnehs arn im inai v louden wi b valu ib ei iind friiiti before tli r imi crivi n i If. The Nlliiatlmi In forirli. The l ews we si t by in iii of the itn.vion in (iioria i i nconi a:-'iin?. I he, Mir in I'wf'f lnrurt Klu'e. tK.it our imny is reiiiesenti il in biiinir Pi (teed eoiiditioii anil u i !' r for the ti.iv :ls they wi re previously m leaving Att.int i. Tun i.; i t'iy liavo Ml-iu'licil a leverse their spirils ure as un cotiiiiiiaiiic hh ever. The ('onfiilntui B.iys of ti e hiltilitinu : Il I. repo-lf-il dial Sh.'imnn i fo.'tTviiin K lit P.ilnl nnl Itrctlur. TP'T.'hilB 'wn v"ii icv'it ,ir nl niirf i r Iruul, out it A4n t'luriv U-r.ej ny hltif H..irlc iim licr iar. 1 ww It or llilrij iirlMini'ni wr brniK'lit ,iwn o-i Wed HiIm alt riexiii. 'I bey wort iaitu.vil tq ih,- l,.(t rfnlli klinru. 1 llfj licl liii'iuitlvi't nl. nl luc.l ,i II e war. W- liav very ploaii on runinri eimcpniiii our future priH -o, lin Ii ;ir- al i-r. . ul i miir ili.i il . Tnti llritliii H'lr inv- t'l-iulia. tin u ii '-'ni'i.n In tlm cm uulnii nl tl a r-hi ur irn. l i'iip r.' wi in n; in if 1 in tiur asi.iuai tun m nm n ii iima.iiic ir. il, ,' m'ir't-il 1 lii'.v .tin, til In lidM' inn, tl oil Minimi n prei ii il mi t'H1 il all tliflr li.lri neullnf lonls Hi'il iu-n Ii . . i, i ,',- ,r, tltltairnii d Wlio t-r tln'v h.ive IS'I. i, lin k I linil or am mauiiig nnniiii r i.tiMin, em nu our il ink. imi, n e iHieu Oiiflutit:t1. rl Is iMn.vr.utU tliut i( iihii' u Jnne.boro. - Ano'iicr Macon pa;ier miys of the pisltion, .uuuKi ii, niiu pnispec s oi our ui my : Thn Vani-ei h:ivt)H wlili.lrHiin lliflr lint'. l'n.ir.l Al lanla our iiref,nt-.:uiiit l .ltniMi,"rj -iimI llm iiiln'U.-lnn no bv.viiu! un 'U'-sila' Trmi'iili u. oin nn i" ili.n i.l ire llleh Ik uiaut I'.i ili'l' it nl nip;,'! .jr III'' .rmv nf IYl nr.aa. I tia aeueriil iuhio a-ion r ti mIiiu tlil, Ust m ivciiK'nt Ol MMrriuaii I., il. in Un wi 1 rinnlil In" jnm :i, 1 . i-i imny tn A lauta. uni u ','iiiiiul.iti' 'tior,' t r- Ni'ir' :ui.l auiiir. p:t'aral'uy i., n iiual rapiil caniiau,ii ilu..aj auiuiuii. 1 1 t- n-lli ti e ('.'iitl iinoi reii '-l-i tl ut Hl nrtu in nr inii .1 failouill.. In l.'Tn nnu'li'n, nl' iW lin n .n v.t.u i,h t ii y ovc.l till A I In lit a. ana lit. I vvii.l" In ri':unt rati- all I'Tli lc llllti in ct, u in. s.iu'i' i cl il'iil n i I ii ariAl . ii" 'til ff'Vt ui In. U' Inl-i' liml ml iw Om ui 'n III ,1 ir- lull ".! prlvl rut. It I. .uii".itl thai lie H I I prrrt't't v in cur,' tli" cleiea.eo ,if Allan u toi l nit int-s tu t .na u ui,'"iii 'ii a 'iiu' tat- rttnli' reml. 11 1 llm ill! ,. iiiiii-.tili in i,"ti.i j I, i. .truiy w III Imiiuiiliv. h nirl I'tll tie I ir-,! un. in, r. Il l ll KM tiv uinni it, a i si.i riuin,'. n, i iiii.v,' u 111 1.': aluiiK thf l.t-i, Lia I'm umil, itll!i u'ii II Io lUi.t.itvli i in .at w h li In ttill I, , , , t iii It i', i ',, i, tiii rii l'lli'nli It in he t : IT -, u:l .nit nii. y'u is i ,e lin- ; ,r i' t, Inir nMi arnit i, U'uhi.c .u m .llsi-n !t in I mitlilorit A Iti .,.i:;,.ii f ..,ai !,., ,.. r, ."t,.,. JllWIi III III,- luiril.l i.'H M flit' I.,! t., U..I, i , li ,., ts t nf Silujlit1.. I,, tl . , J nit rill . t' IL tl.f li.lll ifl ir nl e I T' I : n.i.'lt' ' ., : ... .. t. rtultttlt'i', iV'V'i! i t -1 uii;lit, tvs; it- t , I. ,1 si, rni.i - pr ,,' l-!li ii I III' A (iii.i.'ia p ipei , Hitii r.t i.. ii It"' ' ' nl an hrwlsll' i t it I. .! a:ilt f.ni !'il I t tl.tr ' IV II',' nl, full.- i!.' I 1.' llns i rl- ett till In- 'Til t an : ui'i ,. all llif w hut' iit-.n, ,nnrii, I! i-ilnl til I ,". ! ' I I'm. i.i.' rt'.l, 1111,1 It ut I " 1. l i i ti mi t "Mi'tr, n ' ti'-l-a tl' ti ' Inn. Il l lKf ll'ls ll, lit lin n' ,,l il' l, Vt hnvi' I Ml II if, I '.I il.i.i.'I li. 1 i,. , writ iiiovt tiii iti h" s.-i ii u In. .irin tl.iiii..ii ik sal'l In I in v .it . kilt' II' "l.l t' !!" I- '. ,i l .t or M"llt Ma;Ul.lll., lul tin i'Uriu-t' ' ..i tt.-i,' nl Is f. ii tl ,U11 'alt !. ri -ii, m iu- l. 11- 'J MU II Ml, ftt tNtl-.h-.l 111 lai ii'ur I till ' tllll!'" A tl .'li .1.1. 4 omliH t of the ViinLi ri oil lliilorlii Atliiiilti. 1'roin a jiv u'K inttti wlm K-ft Atlunt i Kcvi-ral dnys ntiur tlie city irtl, the Mwon ' . .'i.-i It-aruH .oii;o iiitcn :'! "a ;miti'u I .r of t'io ti.n: t tlic VuiiKit miil ih-" iuii.luclcf liie 1 ihv city. itM ivpntt Saj. a : Tvt'ii mi it. 1 c ilu . a .i!:t r tLf t. ii v "(':. ( . t , .-, , i; 11 - r,'ii.. ui '' ii 1 Jti.iti . a,. 1 iifti' ! u: 11 1 . ti't 1 1 ) nit -I 'I'. I', fii sit,.,.... ( :t ; n WiV ll.il.iH. '...r tat. " lilt , 1. ii. '!-!.' Ill' ( .il ttaiuLi .1 i .ill (I . lis ,.!!--, nl i.e. ..Hy 10 II" , At Wi'l f .SiitUl , S f. , III,' 1 llll",', - 11,1 11. ..Iil.'il Ic, I n ! In'. II mil. el.iinil'ai.iif via- ,lia.,)t In h. .1 hiill tut It the 1 1 ih 1 al io ins, an ; ih. n to t t-i: Jt J :tt . tii"i niUK. nut'1 jilt it I tc ..nl, a 1 11. a. lll.ti el t! rti.st .r .-is I -"..I Io tin' Yiilil:".-- Ii:i.i'.ii .1 II. e i.t'LT' t'-Unit Cn v is.. its im .,,,ti.",.r p'..t'"s. in. ( "., Aniern ttti . ii 1 ins .,1 Aits, .in il.'t . tl.'' 'I ,.- t re in ,,. , lifUlnlls 111 the tut. Hint ! a cil'l llnl tn- i- ir; i -,. 1 a.,i'.f nl Iht-"tt'l itil it li. t;!'li.:tl l! ' 1 a. i f a-,i'..-I . n We rental ta le.iiu tit vt itui illii 11..' lir ' r 1' 1. '.. , v In. 'K 1 1 "' t 'ii! h "I all.'- it'"' tn ll., I - A i Ai v a. ,'it r, l.l.. llin liUnaa . t"iii"'rl- "itii-inr-t iit.i.a.i r ' ,n In- I a ' hi ii rr 'I ii1! L .eilli matt rtj n.iiit 'l m Allaina wiln t'.c ia lt.l!t.ill"n 'turnip On' lilt i'-l tin 1. 1 "I i In-1 ilv . 'Iliirti'S I'i't lilllf ..r r.i, liii-iia-s-i taiili.l on Ih' cut . Pkt.tllt a lest It .lilel N . It lu, colli c.lli il tnb.t. . 1 si tl,e express Uirl'l,sf Ul .-sl-UlUK ll la t.it' eiiinti -li'iul l 11. i , niter i lit- t.nt n. 'I'll....- en iilni.'s, o Icon, are U Inn a lu i.lt bit sii,.!-., w.ll. tl i' j l.l. tie tttill'.'is. 11 i. ti la a I'n.t .el Mai .l.ai. ana a scinl !' nl.-' lei j i I on ill it In tin-t il t ; a.l t(. ollti l ti'. Ji't al l' lii.iiiie' I i '.- tai jt. ui ti e ui)', , Itlt IiiiioiiiI l ocal Neivs. l'llsoiiei.' nf wur tn the number of liiieen or twenty were received at the Libby yca.er.luy fiom AbillLltlilll, il;;,llill. At the Castle Iho tisiul mrlantte of prisoners vii'ie lite led de-eilcis, ncjruea. Col letlerate t'llenilcrs, Ac. Tliu ( 'onfederaie .'Slates I'eulU'.i tiary at iSalishury, Noith Cuiniina, exerts u nalutury Uiuiu upuu Ibc C.utle, uatl keens Uuwu a a'ciniiiuti'i of ile'.erire r ei and cbir-i.cieii Inv Kn :onp 1-inr l'liio up -'.nne of 'lie ir em hers ot thi lirf Ueii utnu "it of Kielicn md liavo fit Heir vinil in'e inipnned hy ihn tl mm jienfj i- of ti e lire In M inrhester lie n t ai 1 1 ibiitei! to thf failure of ihn .t' ini fire eniiui'S to iiiiit M'tio'f t'r'it ie and rtt-i-it in ttie pnirpr'!-!- 1. 1 tl e rnnthiiri iti ii. lu tlm lirst p ,'c, ai ii'le l In our ii.i'.iiiiii nf the tire, the cry or li- tniiit '' iisirn ls me use of the ''ii'i'iies io the of v, .out an or,, r fiutii ttie i 'h cl I uk'nieot to i: 1 1 1 in d It. lu.i's ; that nn U' ti order w. nivu ; tl fuiihi rn.tne, i li.tt hue t ic w is ra.-i iir, rh e( 1',1,-i! i Honrs ti ti-1 nn mtervi r wim Hie Man, bi-sicr lir.- t Hi ers in iim ,ir l M r'ie qu mtiiy t li'it-e ; aiul iln.t. hi on i al ui t'l'tii, i: tv.i. f nm I Ih it t? e rnmi'i'Tof tf' t ol trn i I'li iie leia: 'Mi ImihI w it ii a' lei i ite to r i ti ft o'ii ill e in tl ', i I he i.o ot ttie. lire, the M in hesl'T ie-ervo.r I't ini: wot of it i. an at.d inii y. Till Milltt 1'llls. W illiam II. It't'liiiriKon, A hut i -it-f ; . h.m i' of the S am, has mmle a r t I tin .ul i..'rsi:is h .l.dnc no anus, ae. niiii.Miirtrs. , ., im I n .t. u-n.; It. i in ,ls nit'ili'K'rt ot S'lui'' ri';' i!ar!y oi iiii.'i'd tiiiht ii i I'oitv, to re'urn the s iin.' a-, -.'.ci'ilily as I o mIii,' In the t);h it in "inni.ui i f iha Si i.c At nn ry, ( apt.i n V. H I ' it; liimi. lu-tnln' b ip d it, M tl if iit.l' r will In' p.niu.viv o'leyt'd. I' is in poii.ini : lull it -li'iul l t o. Vr nn' h 'I l u:: h i h aims ail r ttus or h r tor Uieir n l irn wi'.l be lie d . rh tl v rt i'on;)) e lor tlieni. I rilt'ii ol lite Hiiintiion. .''.ti-.i .-, : .i ,..'i. i , '.,...,.,,, 11 tin 1 1 I iiunniis.' t-s'i lion ami half avoir's pri pain ion in ereittini an army, of an unririiu' t an j'.iieii of inore tli in four in iu"is. nf eon '-'n-traiiii all llir Iiiree-avaiia'i'e in a i-re if in l n ol t'tiiintri upon a Min:'e ti 1 1 i ' t , a. id of ujvin ; up nil Ire subonlina c d stucts ol tiia', re.;;i in, i(. im ivy him Miect eil'-d in pi iii'liaiau' deep into Oi iiiRiii, ami eaptm i!i."ii alu:i'i!e st'iitei ' point ill the liollll ot that M t'e. Thi! i lioit bus eost him sixty t!i i'.iand ni' ii. a In (ivy in pent! ii ti re of material" irnl iii.m' v, ui 1 i liiiee the length of tiiu-' he hid es'i.nat.il fir it a' the tiejiriniiiir. I i to the nii ldie of .lii'y he had inil'ett d a loss on the ( '.oitedorve army t ppo-ii " li i m ol i nly n ne Hi ni-.tul mii,n i.l il. iti' f the t li it "c nf its c 'iii"i. t illers, tlio I is ol thai .irin v h i- In en ilniime a- "re u, tin' 1 1 al tct-s of the runfeili iHev in men h i- li. en li"s in m halt that stis'aint il by ihe iiit.nl. n .' ton". I o n Hint. un liiiiisell in li s p "e- nt pi-itioii, Slu i men will rt'' pi lie. all tin-1 iuiui fetnents win 'h Hie Federal iovernnit ni i l l liirnisli him while t e remains their, mid the c ipture il Ail ant i will pnnetbe most cxpensivo au.l t xbaitstim; tri umph ot the war. It is the laie of a country oiilniimticrad by Us adversary to be ina l. il, and to smler the li io and tli nil uction liicitlent to iniasinn j but w hen tint limit! iiuiiieious pnM,r has pein tr ited t i a ot r t it i ii i istnnte, an e iiiiiiiii iinn ol" loiv.es takes place Klttion the contt ndm.' p iriie-, and Hi' miiki r one funis itsell c iniieiis.ated in some s irt lor iiiMitbeit ul nuiiiiit'is by the eiiil'.i ras-iii nu wliu h Urt the inv.nler in his i o! itio i enihai - rapniienis hieli ineieise in ietric.il pro- (trtf.'on with the dinain e bo aliances. '1 lie Northern pren It nve out of utvoiint tivo very potintial Coniedoia'O f.ieis in their im rile t'XiillHiions over the taptiire of Alla n. t. 1 ucso fac s are. ii i st. that th'-ie is atilt 4 t' mfed iii e ani.y in front ut the t iiptuied ton u, w .tcliiu 1I10 I't ihral force with an cunle eie, 'vt.icli ii. wonul to ruin for Sliennuii to despise; the st'eoiid l.icf l.s. that il will 10-tlwieeas lusnv trnops to bol l All. nta us would bj reiiuii'..'d I 1 operate on a Dornr line airainst nny oilier point in the Cua In'irneyol e.pial iuipon.'in' e. Nor not a the value of tblspiie bear anv pro- I orimi to Ihe e enilitiire Lv wliieli it was ciurcil. It is a .'ciural truth, iudeeil, that, ixi epi lUchui'ind, there is 1111 single point in the ('1 nledt rat'i -o located ns to r-ipiiro a eon en Irnlt d 1 Hurt ol the enemy to ta'te K, that is vurt!i tahii'ir nt Mich a 1 ott. lbs ipiioiipinent is eert.nn to ovt rtal.e the t aptoi in every Instance, vr'ieu he II me- t" rt ul o the mlvaiiMr.' - ri'iti' lp.iteil ironi riical I'ltiti puii! 11 - iie.du-t small lo.vns. II the oui-idt! iioihi ton! I at this mo'iient iiitpect tl e viluie.', and tin: pos.ti ui in Norm ' "t't'Tir 11, Inch has en 'a:.'' d its aMi'ii'ion and liilotl its iuin: illation for a ti ir p st.it ivnui i bi ns nun h tli-Ui'pi'inled at the value of Ltie ciniUt!sl us us pit sent pO'M ssnrs d'oiiit1!' s were on tun iiioriiii a: thai they inafche.l into ttie loin: sought i'ii v. The v.ilin- of the pii.o Is v. ry . tosiion inle II et 111 pn r, it tvnh the coat al w li.ci it was --e an 0 I ixly tlii'if-uni int'ii and bil l tin! 'an iu t1 0 1st ol Ihe I'oticinl war, nny tnivtj t live biiii'lr.al niiiln li- nl tl .1 ui'. 1; ihe iowii ami hiii .uii.lt r 1 on 11 1 1 y ir ten unies oi e mo: i:.-..' -tl tor the cost ot it- . iiptine, a sue of :l;n ' r .0 ,.,,', ivnnl n ,1 pav the micrisi a one on hat co t f ir six in. nun-. Thf cluct ili ineiit of .-siiiiliein bit 111 i nlitv et'ti-i-'s 1 Ti the eiicum-tan -e th i'. it novaer- h-t; 1 11 v t tun 1 iiitawtu of lalue t.- o 1 nt il, til-' s, iure ot wbi, h would impair ii.s m t'vrul stieii ."h. Ti t re was no -u. b m outim':: mh uf c ipirii ul .y'ain.i, i.tir is tiiei'c in any city or af auv iim. m the h iinb, ix;e,,! to a p.trtit' extent at Rich mond. Mr. Sewaiil's simi'c of tin' m; : Is a'nur.l. If Un hmnnil i- one end of the e .' t ie oilier end is to He found on tlie fan her side of the Mi-si-sippi. It was io ei.tek Hull o her oicl th.i' lienor il II inks limit rtool. bisi xp In, nil un the lied river, from wbieh lie f ;l;irntil in lief, very mueli enisln a bin -elf. Jsol only Joes the c apture i f V uifo lor ito towns fur ilihind com an expel, dituieil men, means, and Hint! wholly beyond their value, tint thn eotiunued C't eup.iiiou of tbeiii em til. nu t-xpenso jtrcitcr tl uii liny eompeiisatin a liiiiH.no which thev iillord. A- I. ic i.s Sinn ,,,an hoi is A l inta there will be a itmiii u,iori ih,: l-'eiier o n'sourec ivhieti wi'l I't rbi I fuitiier upi'iaiomi mi a irra-nl sea 0 throunbi.ut the H i's'. As the i.tu of eon pinst, the ta-k ol aitu're-iiKi is up n the caetnv; ho will (mil the piscrsiou of t!i s I'liin ,1 heavy clo,' and liiniper. t.le iiiipediiiii til upon his lu'iirt: opeia tion.s in ihal (licit ii itioii ; an l if ho he tint ci 11 pelletl to evacuate the pisi i .11 bctoie many nionth , be will volutitinly do - s loner or Inter, wi'li uviiw to inore pioiiuble ..ml less costly etiti rpriM-a. 'Ihe efa? of i,i.,!(ii',if iriiod Ih Un'u will materia. ly die, t ihe o't' hold up in t- .. ieui' s ilen tn.s U...n Hit liinond. Iliei boa -i of numberless v, li mit tin. tluckiiii! to th Ir leoriii nn; stiind lids ; but ttie-c b la-ls ate a iruil. n. iho recnntini; uii 11 s Ihein eli. s ; and ei.-n il they were well foiindt d. -till the v.diini, or- an no v troops, which wii! poorly Mipp'y liie pi i-.-s . 1 Io! veterans h 1 urc yo t iT out ol m rie nr liav. rteu killed. It will r. iiine u (ii'-iit ae u -1111 o , eteraus to cua. tile (irant 11 oai-rat" . .i:u-' Kicbuioml wi ll a sha.low of h'lcie s, a el ihesti .eteraus can be loiitui 11 iivhiTe ii.it in "slier. 11 in s arniv. in strip Mienii m ol his tc ei lily him widi vo'iiui. . rs to b bu'iiilous ,,i,d thiiie il. a- , I n, snry, but not pi inlen. ; an 1 p . , he doi.e to any en' ut. I! it d prol ah y nut I, on ,',, u , t '.'...o till-tin' r-fl r ."J -ai b l.i -i.mon.l. .s nn I to sup l a p tsl inii as , may bo u-ees. ! iiibtlul il it t in ir.t all is oi er, VatllvSei i ,y ! 'Sii'iiiin.'iU.il iu LIEEL riOVEMENxS IN THE SOUTHWEST. Cm-EST It CAR MEMPHIS. Minn Ice to 1 ! va-'o Missouri. GLK. I' II I CIO TIIi.EATENINQ LITTLE ROOK, ARi. ion :-v; i.i r, yot'ttftii" "-r I't.' tl !' . lei . a l -1 :l.f (a 'd W ater on Mo.l.i) ilnp 'il li ill: in tiitei ii niiles of Mi liililu- (ii lieial M.l' Ii.i'.dul.'!, V. ill; 7'M'l llH'U, is ii tl.e Si. 1 I'lin i . 'iili'iiui: ' to i'Hii '.e Mi-:!" i i ioi.ci a! I'i ;i e is tlu'cuteniiig Litil? it i jk. (.etci.-l Si Lulu Iti an I Uri.ad.et i J c ' . . '',i uiriv, ,1 lit; o (Vi'iii the front lo-ni'tiil. IROal EALTIMOilE TO-DAI, .Si i .? " .'. -t T'f A', " tin. 7. '.. i; .'.. i.i ittil lit I iii'iii il lo I lie Arm - lit nil i!t .Mai-3 liti.il. t'lc. 11 ii.iiMtmr.St-ptciiilier I't. Gen er i'. .'ia:it a, nl back to Ids army yisle.iliiy. The Wasliin pon Clinmii If hat a letter dated the With in-'ant, near l'etcr.-biire, wbi b say, .,iieitteeu re'ini''!ill i't the enemy l.atl passed to aids Ueauis' U'.i'n, and their oloe. was ti couceutiate u fjiee on our flank. There was much apparent activity anion ; our cavulry.pici aiino, lo meet tliisToicc. The Kebels cliuryed our picket line wod ol the Woldou rail road and weie at fust successful, but wore finally driven back w ith severe loin au I we oeeui ied tlie old points. Tlio draft in Ua'liiuuio is now goius on. Tliere are renewed well-autheutie.ited rumor fiom the ti out to-day that our entile have beeu recaptured, with many ITiivUvrJ, Till III) KIMTIOX FROM THE RIO GRANDE. CATTUHE OY Jill J W.NSV1LLE HY COUTINAS. DeK.-i.cs the "h'tar.s ami Strij-o.'' TRANSFER OF THE CITY TO THE UNITED STATES. ( Si iji.'in'ier Ih. Tiie St' J I II 7 , f.oiu N- 'v Cr.r.i.it o.i :h. In re in day. Tie sie iiner I'i. -i S, . i rr t . i d tiler on 'he 1 J b. '1 In !r n-i ort i '.a;. n. n! -I Io .' mi the -a.n day Im , i York, vm I'or r i-s M mro. Mi xicitns who ha l ju-t airned at No v ir'o-.i :s roittliit Cortln is, beiiii; nni'ile to cope .ntlt the lr' m Ii, ers-i il his tji'i'e of .') t i.i.n and I ', cai. i. on over the Kio ir,tnile, and o'-up -d llrowii'Ville, drii ins out thi' C'luiederalt s under Colon. I F'erd. lie h i-ti d tlio Ani" I in lia:; and ilcc'iarod that as In' w.is t e.ii.ii of tb'l'ai.'l Males lie would hold l!r i w rl s v 1 1 1 f. r ih n K ,v trnuient. He immediately nm; ied the I'tdo a1 eninmatider nt llrao- of bis pro tending-', n id nleit.il ilnoii.:b hil l tn the I'nilel StV'sl.jv e i nine nt, the -ervn cs of lilins. If an 1 his .ii'mv. Tin: r.a;i!ad t,Mexie.il ei rn sp indent of tli.' I 'i, to, mif, uuder dn'e of tlie Kit, siya that Iroui the rttpo'as of thai place cm be 'i"i foui' armies in li-.-iilf array lU ' IV bo ,1 an I C ui!'o I. -rite on taie side of ll o river, and tie' I rene!! au I Mexi can on the other. Thel r -nfli w-er-' f ntifi ine; Mitb i o'.t'Ui I d. .-, and it is rep irlc I t'n y wo , Id niart b Irom M.in'erey to M itainora-. The t spoit duty on -pi io had been rt! bleed to one ic cent, on eoltl, and li . e per cent, on silt er Maty 1 'it! in h p'i-ons hid temoved titer rei ib't ec from Mat inmras to 11 idad. The llibel Cnlonel I'tird, previous to bcinj? tliien on' of lirownsvlllt, ten. lend protection to nil tl c French sul jecs tb sirbiji to cut :t his lin' I. Mr. spun lie, a in 1 1 li ti 1 1 of I'. 'ed.i I, who h i I Ihe A in e rt nn llnx dune; luiin his b itt e, ,as inre-tid by the I'r, i.-h. 1 l.ort is a mi al deal o ' cotton it M it lino.'.!-, but it ' at. not b 'rS t tlo'soi the river. I i ni'l mi l toil's i- worth in eel, is. tJi-eenb ,cks are ipijietl at 'i to. on the dollar ft' Itaeahul. Ca i no, September Id. The de.tni.T ! i'.'. , froui Mi iiipld-, tin- arrived, ts ,th the Menipuls p i.ers ot i-!ori av i'i- niro;. Seie, ,,t V'. s. ( laike. i f the dl-t F.linnis lu I'tintry, tniri-hcM ad.l'il 'tiul iiilurni.it o,i tnii'e.'n itie ail i r- mi the Kio Ini'Ple. 'n thf nioriiiii' oi t'ie titli the French mniched out ol llio ilini wpli a I'lrct'e-iitiiiitetl at oito , and itni.iiieiiot n tl.e iiset tit of the llio (ii.mdc, lor 'Ip pni'I ice til a tip kins iM.ii.iin 'r;,s. 1'tio m noli -vis n ti i n 1 1 1 1 u tt tl until it icii' lied a point opposite t I.o U Pit. II niche, her.- they in- t Cortina, 'v.Vi tlio Mi xie.i!. ton e, prepa'Ctl to cotilot rtieir ui proat b. A tt irilie in tills ry duel ensued, when tli ' I n in h t re t i inpel.t'd to bill back nl omfu-i m, clo't ly loT'O'id I, ir three niiles, '.vh u, I'oml.i,' to cleipi 1 1' ll, '.hey nn. tie a si. mil. ft itit a- i), i-iif'l on llm luiprral force with .ht't and -h' ii, aiol ivude enjiiied at tins p 'ill',, Ihe lielitl t on iii i .. n i lor at llrotvnsvill", Coloipl l-'urd, t ame tltoin on the 1 ns si le of tue Kio tint tide lib a 'ui ye drove of c it'l,- for the Fivich, m il on m'i the i '"lilodi'iaey 's Ineuds n iiii.i l wuh Coi'inia-. bo Tiiiiiptlv e-poiised theif cause, Mid o, on' d on the Mexican re.ir. Seeing this, the In, I't id aimy ip.nie un nueiupt to turn Hie t.de I Oaf le. a ltd ell ir.:t tl the Mexico ia with too bay.t i et, won the iiett i'tiiin tti'tn to t oii'iuei' or tit! ; I ut tlov wt re 'linen lin k in iliio.'der under cover ol eh ippt i ell. Co' i in a- tl,, ii tnnulit t-vo pi! "OS of ni'ti'lcry to I'chi un 1'oiii, ttiiein litui I i r-'iii'-.', Abiii.t (It's t:u.e the Pl-t lllin ns, at I'.r.i is Sin tii so, hem iii:; the In ins on the Kio (,' ran le were t itli n ti to i.iureli ro the n-'ene, itud arrive 1 th re in tiuit! to w nil' ss the repulse of tliu Kebels. I'll ! jali. tiit "Sin kei" bins then piteiieil lit to Fori Mitl dr ive him live mile., e.ipt'iriiik' his e nap tttup;tee ii il -1 ai..iut tlitity istatitl ol aruis. In the lue.-nliii.e IJornta- aueeeeded in puttin,' tl e 1 in pei ml i -i- to liiiJiit, and tiruve llioui o 11 ayo li I Km, win re In- Suoded them. As bis artillery i oiilii liot toinp' to with their heavy orduaii '0 on - loplioard, be .vitlnliew Id- forces to Wtii'.e K. nicli i. Dd ero-sed inil men to Texan, where they lay on their in iifs ouiitis the ni;:bt of the bib, by" tho sine of the Alien, nn troti 8. No sou icr had C uriiiias i ri ised tin: 11. o (ir.iude thin he Iti.v red ti e il.i! ol his eoiii'tiy, white, red, and urcen, and lioi.-teil the St iru antl St'iiiea, winch w aa lireeud w i t ti ei thu-iustie clncr- by the Mexican aoldiers, ns well as the Auieiuiin. (intl.c'.it'i. c .!::r,.is i ,'l.)T'l 1 'irl ti Vm!! I'litile-liilil oi l(e-aca tie la I'.ilmi, w ere he lecrniteil his troops for the tiilit, while F ud led I nek lo llroti list :lli-. Coriinii-, in the im antitne, h i l fjesp it hetl a courier to Matiimorns to order liie (ortis there to pn pure to move immediately ; and early on thn liiuminc, of the Sth live hundred .Mexican- i.iotcd up the Kio (iriindo, cros.scd tho river, and came tiown on the Texas hide, uttael.ins Jlrutyusvilio aiuiuiUneoiiHiy with Cortiu is. The strusulo for llrowhsvi In wai brief, and rvt-ulicl imhc defeat of Ihg Kebels, who were tliiveu from tlie town, and Cortinas took postes ision. The Kebels retivutcd bo hast'ly thi' they lilt llit ir 'Taos" Hunting on the Court llonae and othir public buildings, but they were soon torn down, and Ihe Hiars ami Stripes hoist d nun I the shouts of the eitien. and .Mexieiu aoldiert, who weic almost as proud of the "ittairy bannwr" us our brave boys. Caiiio, .Scpifuiber 1. Tlio Ulir I'. iqle hat a de-patcli from New Orleans of the Uhn, atatint; tliut a iiumt'cr of vessel. hieli niiud from Unit port for Mut imoriis niih n crj;o intended tor i'oitmas or I lit' fieuornl iuikets, were Helped bv the 1 rem h at the mouth of Iho Kio Cirutide. FOEEEST'S NEW EXPEDITION. Rebels Concentratiug at Jaoksoa MEMPHIS AND VICKSBUflQ THUEATENED. A "WINK" AT CAIRO. (.'.n it, Pcptciiibcr IS. The 'iek-biirs II r il t 'f I ho 1 "t'.i (-ays there Ins been a co.n entr.i'pm of the Hi hcl fon'i-'t al Jael'.snii, Mi-n. The tro'.ps of Finest, Taylor, (i.il-eti, ui,d Win Alans were mc. imped ur noil the city I'or seier.il miles. Thty are csihmit, d to numb T twenty llinus md incn,iilli exlen-ive wajon, pint "Oil, nn 1 aitil leiy ti ins. All t!:t-waj'oua fta marked " L . ,S.," l i io.' tin ,-e C'i; ti:red fi 'tit .Stur,,is a, ii mdei','. n. All ihe l.'OVelltllltS ,,r0 l eil'l'.OCtl' i wilh M Clt l'i'iri.-t i.s t O'i'pi !:.d to walk on i I'uU'ln s in-iii thev. or.: 1 liiiinlat Ti-pulo, but lan , pie on hi- !i ., ,e. A ,'iei- fiiiii Miiiij los -.-ty l'"fiest lus i,-iieJ I 11 1 1 a l , ill.! i '1 the 'Jd, po.-itiM !y pr "liibit i: . 'J ail ' .it or ten -a fiom Inn lines after Ihe 1 il'l, ai. l J e:ilii ton'y tin b.d'lll.s the tianspolt.il lull ol eiii'tui uidaie oi' ihe tenitoiy under l.i:, control. '1 1 1 i is e.uij"ct'.ited to mean tliut lie bus M iae iiitl't rti.nt exped'lion lu loot, which, nay., the 'ie!..Li.:K ll.ia'J, doll'. U.-s re lira Ij C;'.it. iii mhi 1 m r. 1 1 nr. i xr.w Miiib. Ni Yoiik, .-'opti'inbe:' 1'), A lire liiok,: out this iiii'iiiios, it t3:t. in Wood .1 llr.iiher.t' Car i:n"i' Depo-itory, No.O.ei liioadway. The btiild ins inn n'.so oieupie 1 by Kangs, Mem iu , V ., liouk Atiitlonecia. T he l.iiildins, and Ihe stock of Hans-, Mei wiu Co., were totally destroyed, but tho carriases ol Wood Kioihtu were snie l. The total loss is about 'J.")0,U00, of which Kan Meiwin t Co. are ihe piincipal losers. Arrt'siletl Itir 1 1 rasun. 1 n 10 Ah A ool is, Seite tnber IN. Dr. Howies, of How lea' Spriiik's. Iud., was urrcsted to-day by order of Major-tioin ral llovey, on the charge of triuaou. He will be brought to thU city. FROM CITY POINT. Heavy Skirmisliin Lett. on the FKACAS AMONO JUV.l'KRS. iioun ry r.w., T.te., Kio., i:i'. :ir., i:tr '!'. ftpi'i lul to I In- I't 1'i.lHif I fit arni'lt. V i-iiii.t.iv, Sepicni'i'T 11 The roii' Mci.tiior 7'""'n.t. H'lin'i, fro ti Cl'y I' 'id, n oris thai at an i irly hour ye-ier.l ty in ir ons skn inishins I. t o, m on our extreme lei. iu front of 1 i P ri-tiuu;, and when the W oyiia left C t.' I t'lid ut ten u'e'tn k jeiterdtiy moriiinc it hid ptirnti lo he 1 1 u I '. bri-k, I ctokenitiu ftetive work. Cn 1 ritbiv tl.e 1'iiciny was seen eouiTnlrvin. a ciiS'ib ruble loiee on our left, eitll r for ml' n-.ve purpose- or auti. ipu'ins an attack tbouisel- ei. A tit spera.e l'n;lit o, t urn d y, -tei lay on b i ir I Ihe mail steamer inh h'it, which lei'i Ip re t"tit nn inius for Cit I'oinl, aiuone; a party of .uiun'j jumpers who were beins -cut to the tun under eiltlltl. '1 he I'e,ht orii:iinitd ty some nf ihe p ir:y tumble; on tho-e lyitn; intleep on tl-, k. thio, , man u,.a stablu 1, and died a few iiii'ittlc ..t;oi. Ihe ik rpetrator of tlio deed wis arrested nn 1 p aced in heavy Iron-. Tit' daily mail b "it lietwee'i b'-r.' and City I'i nt will in future touch al l'nint l.ookimt i'or fii il'iit and pit-.-enr;ers. l l.e draft lo lill the 'pi im of Ibis di ti i.-t i,- In prori ss to-day, eoliinienciug with the pur ion of the t t'lnttv oinsi le ot the city. AlilM V OfToTOMAC. THE REBEL CATTLE RAID. ESCAPE !0F THE REBELS, i w. . .- T'niiisiiiiit'ii. ANOTHER LIQUOR ORDER. i:to.. nni.. i:io., j:tr., l.to. II ...t114l A ll 1 I l' AllMY Ol- I ill) I'olovtvi, Si i'ii 111 tie r IS. Our ti iopsHh'i staited in pur .'iiitof the raiiliin; parly that carried oil' the t a'tle tinl not siii t'i'i d iu ovt il.ikinrf the Kebels In their 1 .11. ut. The latter bad too much the start, and vately tilt clod their e-eepe wiili lias e 1 it in: herd, Lunilai it.g LMK "., totllur with si .teeu of liie I.i. 1 ih is, lint two of these were killed. The cm my, when I'li 'l dis'-overe l, h nl almost eon idetily sin r-tin led the her.! audits rii ml, and only a small numb T of tiie luticr ell'1, led their e-eape, Ihe lo-snf the suard and the 1st ll.-tri tof Columbia Caiulry is not known, lint it was .pi, to latec. A few (-trailers, nnd a -qu id iviio w ro runi iti? nil' a crowd of nesroes, were pi;kedup by our Hoops and hronsht iu. Iho euttie wen: a part of tl o siip,i! e for th tt aips tiiu'i 111 ill n a,'.iin-t Kiehiioii 1 111 1 no', fur ihe A nny of the l'otionie seneiallv, and ihe. lii rd w 11s under die ch.irse of Captain Kioliai' 1- on. Colonel Moroni, Chief (.'annuls try of sn'i listtiiio ul' the Annies, lu I selected the lo'i'.i i i I. r the herd oil aeeoaut of tile ,-'' 1 pi.iidy 01 Hit (?niil, llieie. Lieinen..iit-(;t neral I iraip has i--ii"d an order lh.it ro spirituous, malt, or viu ins li.pi ns sh ill he iill.iivttl tofi'ino into the ar.ule-, exee'.'i.S t'littiieh tin: commissary mid iiie lie.'.l tlt'init Iiicnls. T his was indiieetl by the 1 ir . ,1 11 111 l -i 'irousbt t.'nw n by Mt'ieis and others on orders fi'jin oill ccrs, but which was n-iially kepi on sal" by Ueitli rs, w ho thus man 1 ed to eva le the former orders in this mutter. llrioinllei'-liciicral Motl has been breveted 11 Mi'inr-iii neral by ihe 1'ie-ineiii, for i;al!au: ser viets durins the late campuisu. Firins is kept 11 i ulons the Mil", and 11 1 ex 1b111ij.es of pajters, Re., are ma le between the piikets. A l'iritlt' till llit li.titl.'. ol Atiu ruiiiitll.ititl. Iliis roN, Sept' luticr I'i. The schooner .If II. Smith arrived at I'.ernsiy 011 StiunUy, report, that ihe -poke, Sep euib r 1, in latitu le 11, I 1, liippiliide Hi, M, the llshins KChooner IF. II. I.nrctt. The latter reported that when twenty in 1 1. n to the eiistw ard tlie saw leer or tire Msscls on lire, nnd that there was a pirate on the Hanks, nnd that he immediately not under weigh tl escape. from Nmi l-'rinit'lHro. Sin Thanc'Isco, Pcptcmlier I". Advices from Mexico -ay that tho hlookaje, vf Mm, isvillla bad l ieu raised Htl'i tommunieiiiou with the inn rior reopened. The Territory of Ciilunib.l his berime part of Ihe l'.mpiie, nil J nil (llectlvc resisanee to the tint ire has ct a-ed in the Northern I iciiic St ues. The Iniriino l.ilinml, lor Hung Kong, takes l.OtO iu bullion. Ariiinl Irom Orlt-nna. Ki.w Yoiik, Septembt r 19. The steamor fuii t.iniititl, from New Oilcans on the l.'.h, arrived here to-day. Auioiii; her pussenyers is F. Mills, Aim rlivu Consul at Matuian. MnrlM'lN by I el'ifrHill, Ni:w Yoiik, September H'. Flour is ipi'ie1.; mt'i'iiol Tut'ililirit It al f S"' ' -'11 tor fsloa: flluli tt' in, h,: mitl f 1 1-.t'j 11 In -Si'iorit-i 11. Wlnat iiitaii' -tl Im.' iinls; hales nu iit,i'irl.'.', I .nn dull; .-,11.111 s.tlts. laiitull. I'uil riiui atl.'',i,,i .,1 .,: M'.. I.unl .tealv ili'.'.' I. .IV Whi kt .,!! 1 1 ci 11 is- lit I'l'iur, j1.uo t,t i..; bt'it. ;u.""o I'litl.-I. ; t - I , !''.' '11 I'lialiCls. TO-'DAI'S WASHINGTON NEWS. Sji'dal Dt'siditi li(" tu Kirn!",' ri'li';r.i(ih. Wtain so iun, - pt 111 er l1'. litlt'l'lllit Hoist' lltletls. Tl.e oiierilhis ate slill operii'ins In the Couu'ry luoiiml A'.i.xunilriu. .Scleral ni ;hls aiMthey made H Uisei lit on a faun six or si veil milts south of tlmtcily and carried nil f'.ur hor es. 'i hist-the Ibiid laid uiutle by ;;uiiil!as on eiti.ens of the Aocoiiuil! ncighboihi o l during the past ton days. The KiiNilM" Ailmlriirt Unit tu Hit I 11 11 in Mil let. Ii.for:: ati 11 has been received l.-r tl.at t' 1 a Js the t 'ote of the last mortb Admiral I.. .e-i..;ii,;, by command of tho Kuipcrur, :,u on 1 .11 i' J by . Il'cer- "f the Kus.iail S'ii:a l roii, liilflv di An.eiie m v atcs, made a vi-it tj ti.e l.e.-'.'.'.t'ii "I t'.ie I ndel Mutes at St. I'etei,--bi:i .", : 'l t'.ie puipn-c of expr.-sini' to the Minister , f that power their cordial liianks for the nnprc-ee-eiited ltiis'itiilities .shown them durins their atvoiiin in tliii country. The Auie'iicati Mini-ler ni'liid :u terms id" the w.n nest admiration of Hi,, Imperial Miiiesiy, and ol" coii-idciatinii for the brute and KCHllomnuly oilieer.- present, and fin tlit-i more fiuve utteianie to hisdi.iio and con vi. nou that no other riialrios were ever possible betwtiii the two couutiii'.ith.itl such as aro based npun the wish to aurpa.-s each other in the per- loi uiaiii 0 ol reciprocal benefits. The Queen of Spain is almost a-bad a. Wa-h-buine in per.-ectilions of newspapers. Two guerillas wire hung iu St. Lonls lust week, to the graiiiiiati"H of three thouaaud spec. Uitois. Six tliounantl pei.ioiis were recently crushed to death by tho lulling of a ohm ill at St. Peters burg. The l'lus.-lan Guveriiiiiiut, as a mutter or morula, has forbidden uny unattended woman to I'sidt ut liadcu-UAvlcn, tlie KA ffuterlug-platvi TIIK l'HT 'tin-.'P.O. V.'lttl to llt l.ti limit I rli'urHtni.. WisniMiioN Septemb r IU. The drift wis ouiiiniiri J h to this nn rniiiK. by Ma,) ar Mid die k, I'livn-t M.n-hal of llm N.xtlt nisr.et. f 'rt una alt' r th'- draft nrc to ho Aibtsvt d CITY LNTLLUUENGE. FtHTH OK TllKHMOHI'TKal Ttl lT. A. M., 1.4. Nix n, ;n. OneF. M. 70. Wind, W. N. W. Iti mos'iitii tTins. On Saturday even ns la-tt tie left wins of -tell. l.l it' a-tny hid a ftutitl 1 nr.. do, toreh-lkht pr it-nsitin, an I 111 i-s muling. As the time appnkiehed, Infuri l ed, noisy crowds of "peace" men miebt tin aeon ninkiim their way Inwards ludependotn'c tipi'i'e, time to polluto ami deaeeraio that billow etl crt mid by tin ir indri'rut or.-ies. As the even ns wore on, the crow I be,. mi to 1 at her, aonie w lib lamps and lanterns, others wo 11 linnspareii' les and llass, till at lasr tho stpiarii wa. nearly lull of con riini'-ioiii of '.no r io. is nnd rubble tnun the 1. liferent wtrds of th'tuiy. It atenied n if "Hell It-elf had yane.l " to let ttirso intiiriated demoi'i forth. I.1V0 their eo-wttrkers, ihe pirate Se nuvs an 1 the lietiela. they used the Aiiieri a 1 tls to ,i"oeii,! nnd Invt iel,. the iiiisii.peotius. As we tl iv.j n it the space to give a tletaiie 1 aoeount of mo p a ct etlltiits, we will stve what wn cm, ii'id tles-ri'iti one id the tti'lega'.iou aa a spe 'iiiit'u bri 1 if tiie rent; 11 r- l'lvi' '.. n slol mi Mda stint One I. if tt irtl- : -' - t! ' - lil W.n risteen nf llm s. - Mm iiif ,iti it IKl". 1' iii-iai ,t,l intl -.'r.ej ti , ear' tins a I r. 11 -11 ir- 1 Wat, I Ih 111 ".rii'l CI anl r.i,"..l (,11 Jc lit " I'ii,', alien el llnniuy Jin I. U'T- ant II, -ft ' e.rrTin I'lt Li,'i li''t '' lirneviilt'iil --titlatl. . nt.. wl:h tlacs ami 1 111 - Hard ll'vlnir "Hulljr ltnini'l the rise" I at it tvi. a .t Maim 1 Sat 'hi-i, it I. irt'-uiii'tt me Hi-tnl fln -vat Ol'iStlt I. K't't'Ti.t't it .0 l ,inin-i a Ulna Ucht. r,irt.lf. l.,t,. Is. tsui I r.n-, 'to if-v, siii.iu "llivn I' lln, ", t Jin-1 'I I I ',. Inn' lIl'l'T. ' Mt-lf 1','an. ia,.- ami ttit.li l.-t-e' ui;ra left, t'vtti I ui ei. I, ir ut- In ,ih 1 tin nu, 11-. t arr inn 1. in I, 'in., it nu li o tlil Ne.ii . IS asp-il. i rn-atl "f nun ai.-l I'-o. a"h 11 i.-s in. 1 tr.itisi'i'ii'ii' it's siin t ill uni. Hint I-, t. host It 111; I'T 11 free II 1 hi. Atlitiatrti tn 11 iiui'ii,tiatii .itiilt-'t riiiintls W ,nl. !:- :i. lilti.t. 1, mi a tun!". A -elt'i't Icii i:ii'. ui el I'm B l"li''"iius, wil l liive "i'm i-.i's In lilt- S"I1I." "Ituiiuiii'is," ' lliveis,' ' "HI, -a s.'' anil "rta'itil 1," with l.ir. tu . Ac Tit e l aii'H'l.itt s f"r Al'l' rman -opp"t tittx a 'alio' lr.lils- S..ll, ll' I , ttitl. 1 It,' tin ts '-I'll ,' S"'i'i'.l '' ittut it "I" I'I. hi " Tlireo "Html ll.als uii.l "llruiiTs' tin a tlrav ililm .1 tin " f-ittumn. IV ith a 111' a, t I'a in tins .t at 'I "l -tia t-'l ra In iii.-lua oi' i Im - tnir. It in ImpoKsilile t" Rive a description hem of the various banners, llaes, mid tr ni-pareneies it is t nlle. n lit ttsj-ay that they wi re scntirally "Hue la hack our Old Coliiinail.lci'," ami the "lilts I ye I toy " ( -uppei-ed to In: l'-udioroti the "li.iok -i m' llm "), w itn a reat in-iny a.lusions to tree s efch, Iree nlssers, anil free w hisky. There were several stands lor speiklns. an 1 pic-nli ids and s.eiet-nits iu srear. profusam, 1 inot 1 1 it 111 -evoral ilinpp bitt d politicians and 1 i'Siaecd or ki''k"il out ex uriuy mil 'ers mi l i ilieis who bine been bully used by liie l.iiienlii Atinniii-tiailon The principle, and vioart enun cinlttl wine eoiill etinii! ant.nioni-tio, iueoiis'steni, in tl vaiiid as the eh menin of the "Iteinii ruiie" putty. While n'l profes-etl to want to "save the Fnioti," yet the nn ans proposed were as d it' ll tent a- the speakeia 111 1111 in tier. ( bio I'l'iiei'ltle, In his urii'i'i'til, ui'Sr iminaiioil', sl'ive-tlrivins sn le, wiiiileil a ' (Ifiitleiuati" elected, ami said ihe "people of the South never iuri'luscd th : ci list tn 1 li ll.i I i:elit-'i the North." lie wa-for peine un i l.iitl 'i M ic at all tin, litis. Ho har.lly ilnre vcniureha k aiuoi.g loyal I'eime-seauus will Ihcse seTitiineiiis. An .tiu r billowed, who pr iposed "tlsh'ins to the bitter end;" iiilnlln 1' l .in. J "F.iion" Willi tlit.' "liivme insiiiiuio i ;" whtlo a itiiiiei wool I .-wallow the p'll with or without, l'.i! u l lieu 'e wi le cipuilly eiithu-ia-'ie, 11.1 in I'ter what t'li siitimuif; nnd nny allu-ioii tl I-iip'Olu or tin) "innmu" w.uil-l -ot tl.f lit t"i:i 11 ' ic, and cime ,1 ter lilt, tliscbaise nf ro kels aud st t'peu's, ilu la tor veiy iippioiii ut'e l.eiitis wirti e.xpe'tcil tn bo rc id fiom Jo If. I lut i-, Tom. ibs, uinl U'lStatl, sv,n,i illn.itis witu the nieeiinio but O'Viiii; '-0 llio ciipiino ti'. the bi-t liie. h.iilt'-i 111. nt r. anil iho correspond 'iicn Hems iu pti-se-sioii of the (ioteriiuient, they were 1111 ul'le tti giutily ti e e pect.tui-. Davis C 1. wore wi II ami bilthltilly ropn uretl ny l!i"lr -pe I'.ors, and tin ir leutimenis duty apine.'i ite I, w:ii :i may con-i le them lor the loss of their ni'te. -. The crowd duly cheered all the lea lers. ivaih: improinptu cheer- for " Ml tinsin fid rend 1 Itni'," nnd Vnll'inis ill nud " l.utlo Mike" 'H I I e. , in lit I v In ard. Whl-ky mil nioiiey tic freely list d, and w heu these I id in s tvei - t .1 ind I'lii ii Ariiiislice men liml thai ins o id ot .Hi ir e in li Dales hems 1 leeietl, that our noble, p itr o'.ie, a id hniic-l Ahiiihiim l.inco'n is rtiturued won a tre 1111 minus majority that tn.ir fu-s ami linvvnr.s will have 1 11 11 wa ted in vain, they will rem liu a-nhj. cts 01 scorn, to be -hiniiied by all lione t and patriotic na n. Tin: Dim t. Tho tit aft will most positively take place in tho different wards of the city on 1 hursday next. Our city Is only deficient about 2"fm men, and with properly tonic. effort! on the part of the deiii ietit wards, this number could be leatliiy act uretl. A- it i-, there is no uuibiriiiiiy of aciiou, 1 Hi h w ..nl workins on its own oe iali, and nil giving dilleiunt I'ti iiitits. Ttie w mis that aieniost Ueticictit are the 1-t, 7th, l o.h, 1,'in l.ih, mid lu ll. In the 7th Ward, greit aiteation is btiiig paid lo forming au exemption fund, while but little is contributed to the fund for tliu pn no ii 1 of extra bounties. If the exouiption I iii'd wasinaile a bounty fund, the good uauio of the ward could bo saved, but as it is, a draft will most certainly uke place. Some of the wards aro most tardy In tho work, and look to others to help ihem out of iho mire. 1 In se Hill lie tiie first to I eel the ell'ets of tho coi acrlption. Tho way fur the ward c itu'iiittees to woik is to appoint an ollleer to sit at the head tiiuriiTs of nunc rccruitii g station, ami them pay Iho bounty to aa many men u- will consent to bo en diicd to that particular ward. A tine oppor tunity to do this is no v pre seated at tho uend ipiuitt rs of the new rcKim iil of Z uiavos forniins It r (ieiierul lliiney'a eominand. Kecruitiug for the reguneul bus just been commenced, uud aa ntruiigeiiiini could eu-ily be made with the c ia. liiuiiiiing tillict r to this elk ct. This lnoiiiins wnrrnnts W1r0 drawn by tho Mayor for the payment ot the city bounty lot. leuii'eit, live of whom wore substitutes, l'lio e cy must do better than this II tiny wish to oscaiw the tlrnlt oil Thursday next. Kecruilhijl olll 'jrs Infi nn us that ineti were never inuro abundant uinl w illiug to i iili-i ; bill nre holding b n k to get luree bouiilies. llenee, thost wui'd- that wo'.ihl till tin ir 'inula- mu-t pay a high bointy. It wt.iiltl be mtiih I'ttti r, h iw, ver, to uiaAe the sum 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 u in , and lo slop rt cruliins for tli iso war I wtare the requisite niimbi-r lias been furnished. A public nulling of the i iu.ons of the See. in 1 ard will In hi Id al the KoLcrt Kailtes' scli'ml-hoii.-v, Sixih eticet, ah ite Ctrpetitor, this even ing. 'I bis Haul, bv the cxiraoi dui iry exertioQ id Ihe eiiieu-, liaie iiein ly lillud their ttlo.a. Fi nrteti, men me now wanted. The mi cling Ibis i veiling Is for tho purpose of pivni't those w ho wish to contribute a t'li iip c of tluing sn, thoiel.y saving a draft on Tlntr-div next. Our oini iis shoiibl comn leir.vaid uu i shew that In the lo) id .See.md no draft can take pbuo. HnoKi.N Nn Ks.l'ojple who will jump fr nu ruilroud cars while tho train is iu motion mu-t not be disposed to srumble if their insme uds result In bruised shins or even broken limbs. Not a day as-es but nn ac -i lent happens on some, ni ihe inilroads connecting wi'li the dif ferent t'iiiea of the North mid F.a-t, b -t tn-e ol it ncclei l to iif i the catitto.i uneii i:y ui" pa'tiie pi nits. Not alone ure tlic.-c male sex, but feuial ecitloiits conlined ta the are very fie p.ently in- i ltiilitl in this eateu'i'iy. Duiius the pa-sage ot Ihe two o't lot I. train fnuii Philadelphia to Ambi.y, on last tsattud.iy al'leiuo"U, wo nuticod no less than three persons thrown to tho ground while tiidiavuring to .-top out of the cars before, they hud In en liinughl to a full stop. In one tu.-.' a lady was precipitated with grea'. leuetua plaifoini ul one of ihe lntermedi tie t-t.iliniis betueeu this city and tho point before nan i d, and w e are nun h mistaken if her Grecian I robo t s was lint H'lorni'd with sundry bits of llo-h-i tihiie.i loiiit plaster on Ihe Sabbath, as a re-ult of her unwise ucii'Ui, to say nothing of tho blita k wlin h her Du ly must have received Irom bo sudden a -toppugo. People who ptelcr alighting on terra firma on their hi ads must, us n uiuilcr of cour.-e, expect Pi have H eir mil's broken. Hut itiasinuch us man's lut were made lo walk on, we see no neieusity for reversing the order ul cieatcu. Tin; Hisr or GiiNiiiiAi, Gkant. Thil elabo rate sculpture, so much admired ut tho Fine Art Gallery, is now on free exhibition for a few days, nt Oi ne's Cat pet Store, No. !X1 ChcsiiitT street. As Mib.iiiplious to it aro for the relief of disabled soldiers, persons subscribing not only beneiil t lit i.i. but give tangible evidence of their ap planation of one of our best geueiais. By all lucuus bey i PisoHMirei, How A party of eight or t'n rtstigh In carrii ge drove to Ihi Klue Bed tavcrtl. in tl 0 Tci.ty-f..urtti Ward, ye-tenlay afternoon, and 'heie behaved In a m it di'gra 'e fol niHiinrr, The proprietor of thopla-e, Mr. Floyd, naa about going into the ell ir to draw le, when one i f thcsillains Ihre-v iim,ilr a hurt, stilkiog him in the hf.nl. i ill en q aeve e rash. Tlds -rriiei1 V bo the signal hi' a .tuner n lght,and nil hands pttlnd in. 1'i-toU wen duiwD, stvi tho-c who itietiipieil tn .pteil tn r o' wrre aerhm-ly threiti n tl. Aner in bet ng a I the iliininge they eoulil. the sh ipe of breiku g fur i ituiu. glu-ts, bottles ,e, th" pir v h it. Lieutenant I'aulin. of ihe I'.'sh h W.mi, g it wuul ol the nlla r, nnd, ns most of 'ho c irria.'es w-'r i bind lu his il,-triet, ho set wren nmti'i I t ie tat'les, for the purp i't' of nrrea i ig ibn oif"n tors n-ihtyrama in. Ttneo of them, nune 1 ,1 i in Ma-on, 1'iitii.k Ma on, and .timet Mii'leti, ore In this way taken in'o eu-lo ly , tho o ilers 1 end Ii S Ihe iiirrhnres h ull" Ity am ill ti .ys. I 'lis itmriiing the ihree prison, rs h id a he ir.ng tiei'iire A It ' r in i. li l'alciioi, w linn they w. ro recog netl by Mr. F ot d n- h ivmg parib ip a'.etl in tho ail'.ur, ai d wt in commit e l lor trial. Misu- inn Titr. Mtt i.toM. --'ever il of t'ie prominent mil-it i ms of li is ton aro rngigedin the piepa'a'ion of a now speciet of cutert liuinsn', 10 which we cull the iit'en'I.iu of inti-ieia n In our own el y, ua worthy of l:int.i:iin. It is pro posed to se ure an clisiblo hall, of mo lerat" ca initi , anil with tin: ni J of the b"St v 1 il Hid iii-iiiiu mbil performers to compoae a snttllaid lit. ii nt oithc-tr i, with a tpurtctte of vop'oi, mab at tl ft main, which will im in keeuins with each other in point of ah lity, that will iu-mo the 1 1 s' pos-ililo i llecta ; tlie sane, under can ful an 1 eat'iible in.in.igemi lit ttl give ni 'htly euter'itiu mi nts of u ileeub'illy popiil'tr oh irai tor, eo'i-st-mg of lingli-h niii-ie, aiieh as four part songs, "In ., Irn s. tpiartettes, da lads, , lniers,)-:isi:,l with bpl't anil pleasing arriuistmienls for or lr'S trn, inl nf which to h" rendt rt'tl in a manner ticvi r la fore Mpproteheil in this country, a id which, by their i xi"lh nee, cunnot fail of intor es'ii g even the Most fastidious The init'isuri tlt.n nf -ueb a p'acoof aniii-tuiieiif will uns-i tho Miiiction and beatiy eo-opi:r.i'iou of all 1 tveis of niiiiie. ami we trust that the auggesiton may npi etlily be acted upon. Tin'. I. in: Snooi imi it F ix's C'-ino. The youi g man nirntd Charles W.irntr, who ah it ot a ft male in Fox's C isino on '1 hursday night, was befnti! Alderman lleitler for a lie u ing on .Satur day. Ollleer La' lien', who ii-sisted in thn ar rest, lesiit.e I that he arre-lcd th" prisoner lit Sixth and (Tic-nut streets, for tlisorilerlv eou iltiet, anil that he ind nut w mess the alio ning at the ( iinrn. tin b l l be. ml t nit tho fein ile lired nt did not wl-h to ai'pear ngiin-t Warner. For ties who wire ire-enl when the pl-tol WHS tli cl. urged hud pioun-ed to app ar, but ha In it di no so, and he had iiesleeti'd to take ttieir nan es. Iu aiisaer to ipn s ions bv the Ahlerui in he siiid the I, m ile's name vas Mintiio Kir iy, and tl al he ui ilor-to.nl ihe pls'ol tv ist irn vu out of ihe w indow at tlio I'a-ino at rr us di-eharsc. A -ubpii'iin w-.s fu-ni-h' tl tin' po'i -e nan to o't tain Ih" nttond nice of Minnie Kirov, and such ot In r witnesses as toll d be found. limoi n,i im: Mas Mi ptino. A m isa meet ing of Iho Deinocrnts of this eily, f ivori'ilo lo the election of (.eiietal MoCiiIlan and Ueorgo II. 't ml i t ni to Un: olllee.s f l'ros dout and Ya e-l'rt sident of ih" t'u ted Suites, to ik pi n o in liiilei'i'inleiii e s iuai'0, on S itu-, I ty evening. Speiehes wire do'ivered t)v ttie Hon. Knin Kelt hum oi Nev York. lion. Kmeisau li'.heridgj of Teniies-ce, and others. Com i tiiu Di ttiiv Wi ai'ons. This morn ing, Wesley Ilii' hau.in. colored, was befire Abljr inun ratchell upon the eloirge of cii'rv'ng con ccalid il atllv tveapons. Ic se."ns that ha was a'tueki'il, at Niil'll ami Loiiibnd sire 'ts, bv a pariy oi whites, when he dre.v a pis;o' on 1110 ol tl em loimed F. iiv ird MoM-n 'Pin. T no Ittfr whs also aire-teit, ami both were hcl 1 to answer. l'l.Ao IUi-ino. Wo call attention to llioad viriiMinent in number column, nuoimnciti ; tint our friends of the Thirteenth Ward wi'l raise this evening, at the corner of Franklin anl Pool ir meets, a new earn i.iisn II is. .Iu Ige K illoy an I other popular speakers will address tlio meeting A ..'ci hen rAL Siiooi'isjn. A party of youns men were iu it tavern in Market street, n'mve Klove:!'.!!, on Saturday aflei noou, wln n :i pl-tol in 'Im Iniinls ol" .mo of t'ie iu '.v is .to 'nleutaby tli--i l arsi-tl. Ttie bull took clleot iu tiie am of llt'iiiy lleliiitiolit, mlbeiing a pt ni'ul wou.ij. Ji Mri.ii i kom v WiNiiotv. M iry O'DjiniolIy, foiiiticn jiars of aiie, jumped from the th r 1 sti ry of her resilience, T.voirioth mi l II iwll -tietl-.nu Saiurd.iy cl ciiins. and w i- senou-Iy iiijuittl. Ti:l: Man I'l ui-ia-r SKWiNil Maoiiini! of tiif, Anr. -'I lie ciairse ol tlio " lt'lori'iire Httwaii llat-liliitt" tins b -en wit may niv, a triumphal inurelt tnlti tliu alT.'Ctlunt of 111" lit'tilile, II' tte e:in Jiitlia frtiin tho stri-ain nt' si'Wiii,;. iiikt'lilne-huvlni. liiiiiintilty that limy tlally litt set'ii etihlaa anil tlutthiK at tlm " I Inrnnutj" riituiis, Nti.i:n) t tie-u it sin el. 'I ills t-eli'liratit I mat hint males n ' lest (hail t'.nir n-pariili' ami 0 i-tln. t -I In- lies. 111. .entity c ui-iraett-1, ami i-t-rltiriu. a , rt-uli r vait'lytil w,,r , luiin ails' .nlier tu-wlliK mat-. .lul' hi u.so. l.vt'r'y inai'liliie I. snltl wall a fiiiaranty tu tlve in iit.n iia.ser iitanci suiisiaeinju, nr the uajlii-y will lie rt-iuiitlt'il. Thk Htm 1'Acna, Viceroy of F.irvnt.ls aatrl to lnvit (tait-tu I ..ns tn lie tri-utf,! tur li s u'a'ii'i ; to he tu it-1 imwiil In lie liroiulit tints u tn ttla lit'arlu-; In no eel IniiMtil; In tie n-tl with rfleiiait'it tn inu-cn tu 1 nut la t,ri-t. l.rlua a M asseliuan . tu t-tiur-it In -tii..ltl t-ilitlvattt llit; lliu-t .a. nuu ttuula auppose, truiil llltt aeettullt.. tin liaut.t'.ii il. (lie lint'lt .it reii'liiiit tlm btunrtt nii.tcj of the n leliralitl l 'lutliiiii' ll.iasn ttr i'iiah. .-sTtiaiis ,b Co., lint er tl.tt rtiiitint-ulal, ami In.ltilsl.i'' iu tun imivr i nf "lauyli and amw lul." Lad varrieil tha juke a little tnu far. Lr.T Al l. tnko note of thn excellent chame'er of rtiultienipli- mailt' a II K H"iinfr'., Nt. li (4 Ar.-h .irt'et. Lin-si.i plisl 'Siul'lis In oh t ulnd, It ury types, carte, lit' vl-lto YViiT be troubled with Coughs, Colds, ltoarse-ut-as, or any Pulmonary Otmiplaint.wlien susuri' art'iDedt' a. -layie'it Kvpteloraut tar. tin uliiainett: Bnl't at Nu. Jll I lies i. ii t klrt'oi. Dll. lil.CKKIl's Cl Ll.llKATI.il l'.VP. H tl.SAII. A Ci rlabi .pic Oc lur Inttaiurd. sore, and w ak eti'l. Prep-nod ht .liilai Al'.ire. Iiatvllle. I' it up in Jia-t pil.. 1'rl e. vtii eeiits sale a.fuis, UynK A Co, Jt'o. S3i S. bt-culitl tlrtt'l. I'llll.AtiM.I'tllA IKADK IttrOUT. Mo.viiAi, Septeuiber l'J. Cotton is very dull, nud prices ure nominal. Quercitron Hark is steady at I'I, ' i'i "0 1 ' I m. l'rovisions are inactive at prices which aro uiiiharigi 'i ami -i'"1' There atill eoiitiutics a very limited deinan l for Flour, but supplies eoinu forward -lo rly and II Hoik has run icrv low for export; .'.ltd bbls. ex'ra lamliy were taken at ill oOo' I-' ' bill. ' iint of which w s L nica-Ier cotiuiy, and 2'U.l i hi Is. W. H. Thomas' extra nulla, on prha'o i ttrms. To the tra-'e sules aie limited ; superiiiu ' ui o ex'ia arc vert icarc; t x'.i i I'iuiiiy riojoi ' Irom s.li'."iOto si;i for common a "1 choi -c I liruiiils. Kye 1 lour Mid Com Meal are itueiive. S heat Is uneh.i'iged , """tl bushels of old nnd I new ied s. ld nt r'J l'J to fs-''.ii, 'ol new S uuhe 'il i ut .t-'Mill; white rai.gns from t ' lisJ-S'i II ' I lui.-liel. Tliere is no i haue lu Kye. Corn is ilnll uinl held wiili list iii iiiiiess; yellow sods I In n mi, nil wiivat - l 71(" 1-7 J, and mixed Wesleril nt !1 711. o.tis ure iu lair ii''iie-l, and 11 id i.i 111 ut irom bushels new Delaware and 1 etnisylviuna s Hoc. Km lev Is dull; Hurley Mult ranees ij- J-iiU to ."ill. There is lut little ilenmud for Whisky, and sa'es ure limited lit fc'l-Ml lor I ciin-ylvania sjl'So;" i-s; for brijtl Ohio bids. . au.l l'llll AIll I I'lIlA 4 Al II K M.VUKIiT. M iMitv, September 11). The recei la of Beef Catt e continue very large, nud tl.o market is dull mil 1 heavy, with sales of c.tta Western and Piiitisylviinia Steers at Hit" 17c. ; fair to good do. at lb'i.la'.e., nnd common at from lOhol'lc. '' lb , as to tpiuliiy. The loUotving uio the paitieu lurs of the su!es: o7ii Mnriin Fuller ix Co., t'e-tern, lb" 17. Ill Gustavu MiaiitlK-rg, Western, lllei It. 100 P. lluthawiiv.Cliestei co. ami Weslorn 1 1 n lij. lVi Mootiev Smith, Ohio. 1 li HI. 72 J. Si lilt'.riindo, Iowa, 1 l'.i" Hi I. hi M. I llinan (v Co, Chester county, IIkjU V It tl J. Mel-Tien, Chesier county, Hy liii. 7il A. Keniiedv, Weatern, lOpa 1 1. , l.c.l Jones MeClc.-c, Western and t'hOJ. CO. i:'.t. s2 Owen Smith. Ohio, 12(nT5. 100 H.lltanl, Cheater county, l.lfS'lfil. '..2 li. F. Scott. Peuusylvauia, 11(1' 1 . 01 H. C. Haldttin. Chester county, 1" J'i. 4,i 1). Hi antloli, Chester county, l J("il A. Sheen Tho receipts are large this week, reai u inir ulalut O VSJ bead. , The market oOlltinues lit tu nt about former rates, with sales at i-H"4 cettts JI'' lb. gmss, lor common to sxti-a quality. , Cowa Aro without change. About U"i liead sold ut from $W I" for Springers, and yJieiti 0 11 ' head for cow and calf, us to i.uulity. lloj-a The mui kei is linn, .and prices are rather heller, with sales of about 2100 head at the t'uion and Avenue Drove Yaius, at Irom IjlSei-O the 100 lbs. uvk riNANCE AND COMMERCE. Omen nr Tiia kvihtis TvT.atjipti, I M.i.tla--, aaptctaoae IV. The Money Mark- t oomlnoes rather stringent, hnt thf rates are wh hotit chinge ; loans are orTorod on en 1 at f'(" 7 per ot nt. per annnm, but paper la filing nt 8(" l per cent. The Stork M trkrt is dull, anil there Is menu disposition to w 11. (iovtmtnent rxintls are withont any material change, with fales i.f fi.'JOs at 110, th conpoo on; and lo:il with coupons off; 6s of 1M81 ara aelliug at ltisi ; 7 30, are quote 1 at King 111. Kiiilroud tib'tres aro dull, and there Is very little doing. Camden and Amb-iy sold at MS; l'hilad. Iphia atidl'.rhi at 33; Philadelphia and Trie bonds at 111; and Ilea llnir Rtllro-a-i at (.'iiivMi.i'l, which Is an advance; 731 w bid for Tetiiisj Ivauia; l il for Ll tlo Schuylkill 8,5 for Heaver Mcndow ; 3-1 for North Pennsylvania; 10J for CiUawisaa c imoion. and .TJ for preferred; new. City (s urc selling at lUO.aud rennsylvanui 5a nt !H. Ci al Oil shnrc ; aro dull and lower, with sales of Kolarts' Oil at 3; Noblo and Delamnler, 15 j (ilobe, 2; Dalzell, 10'; MeClititock, 6J ; Egbert, .'ll ; lllbbctd.Il ; Maple Shade, 1 ; and Densmure, Fie 11. C. ul stocks are also (lull, with sales of 8 wa tars. Falls to notice at l-lijrtt 1 11, and Fulton at 9. City Piin n.-rr Kailroinl shares are dull and tin io is very Utile lining; 70 was bid for West Philadelphia, and 2ii for fiirard Callego. . Ia Cuiiiil sliares there is rather m ire doing. Schuyl kill Jiavjgatloii preferred, sold at .1l,.Ji 6iu)ue hiinna t "aiiul at lsleo l'.i ; Sus piohanot Canal bonds nt t'i,0;uud Lehigh Navigation stock at 71' . Hai k shares continue firm, but there Is llttlo or rothing dning. lhjij was hid for N'.irth America; I il'l for I'biiadelplna; W for Commercia! ; 69 for Northern Liberties; '2 fir Moch inles'; PI for 1'enn Town-hip; Sit fur Western! 27 tor Msun facinttra' ami Mechanies'; 70 for Tradesmen's; Hi;) tor I'nion ; antl tfl lor Commonwealth. A de-patch from Washington this miming suy, the Comptroller of the National Bank Our iciiiy has issued during the past weak to tha ifspfctivo banks tho following aaiount; jla01 ,io. TnUl to date, Sltt,l83!iJ0. The following Na ional Hanks have boon es tablished during the past w eek: The Hlaekstona Nutional Hank, of Huston, S7"','I00; tho National Hunk of Ke.leniptiJti, of H iston, J 501,70(1 ( tha I-'ir-t National H ink of Yarmouth, Massachusetts, fc:i.iii,(i00; tho National Mount Wollaston Bank; of (jnincy, Mass., $l."-0,0no. (io'd is more activo and prices have adeanct ;d, opening nt i'.'l, udvantved and sold at 2211 at 11 o'clock and 2.ti at l'J o'clock, fell off and sold at 'll'i ut li.11 o'clock. Pill t.AOKM'l 1 1 A HTOCK E ( til A N (IE S ALEA, -tEPT . HeiKirtetl by C'larksoi. . Co., Ilrokera, Ns. Ill 8. Tulr4 BKKUIIK UUAKllH tr 1, ls'j -.-en sh I'nrfn (ill im th stnaiiln. flln .ll H t ala al'nal.. II'. ntsi.ti do. .lied 111 Pn -h lino s nil S',' '-:'.l nn '- ... jt e ' ii -tt hctiiiiiia It ni'. suu .a do;: v; ...Tt Husk tl .ti.'ti r. c. I, PI KMT IIOlKn. f.'ii u. s.A ?n no 0 .a i i'olxt Oil . flo ill tin. ....up ull.PlI'; SH !' I' !-. lu III U7 si.-'si i . h us. el I' S'4 SI sh i 'ny now. ,.1'H tasi .tilt Kh. i u.,e.t0. hi f-.sso I'. iiiui !s S'.'-i ll -Siit. fan. tut. ..t- i-i Slu-J cliil. it l iloils 111 b etli-li N rri-sk l.'uab. I', iiti-ii ii.'i'eit- :i lisiili N 't.ie.t lli'l ... I:. I :'.. all I'i. .u. nl . . tl... 10 101 -ll l.ai.rll Oil.... ;si th rtca av nr.... J. 4 .li l.t rt'tih -rip... . ? tSSUIl U.. CI11..0.IO '-.t lorn .lo. ow--V KMlshj do me is.? 4 oi l.liulu' N .".i'i .1 thC'iiu ,v. Am. ...l.s lntnii I'loUAKne.... Ill lnf ,, (rt la Oil. ..tiki" 7 yaiaii Kauri o I ;V( in o an Mc Jautock.,.. iJi Pllll'i:S OK N IOCKH IS NEW YOKlt. Itepurtid by Clark.un A Co., Brotora, "fo. Ut 8. Third St. rxi 'i van, ate in vm. rnit.ti Hiaii'tiu, lssi.tntonr. Keek l-lai,a ItaOroad It' tiiliiiil PalTiit'l Iliiuiih frioral Hailruad.... N'H llittt snrn Nets 1 4i a Oniral llaumau. liie ItallM'tiJ !tir ion U.nlrtjail tl. rii 1'iiil.d S..I,. a .'ua Mart.it .10;', Old Did . ta.ea WI nal.t. (I'd it; ..-a i lil aaftt ulS -.i-a aioa -, llV..tlel .. 'tt'l , tillaa .. aalt-a . Flrai. . 0.'.'i oil . .. hid . . .. t 1 .IsliS lud .In.', att .117', b ,1 .HI b.l .im'; Lul .. I ino. Ni.tv Yoiik, t-op'eiiutor Ilk Stocks are Brmer. llm .nn ami It ck Isint'il. loii.; ('iituli.-riAiiil pn-tarrttl, S '. .11 t- l eiaritl. l.'7'i -. nn. tianUs. l:ll Keatluia, IsrO.,'; lltuls'iii llt.-r. il,'-.; I mil, in C.i.ai1.; V Irmia lis. I'sl; , I- on il it is'.; ilea lour I erii!lcres.!i't':Tr-i.itr-7:ali, Mi -, ; I. li- lor It a. ; I, ; livo- I tvei.ta' Culipoua Utijatttn fctstir, il l.s ..I I t:-, C'l; i.eltl, '-.'ii. Quotations of Gobi ar the rhlladelphia Gold F.xehaiige,No.31 !S. Third street, second story: hi A. M 221 12 M 22 11 A. M 22.1'i 1 I'. M 22-54 Market strong. Jay Cookk -x Co. tUote Government Seeuri ties, ic, to noou to-day, as follows : Attvtntf SelHnf. V. S. r.s, lKHl lo?! 10KA 111 Oil 91 2i71 111 U. S. 7 3-10 Notes no Ci rtilleaua of ludobtiMness, new. (MJ (Jnsrierina-ter's Youchcrs 112 Gold J2lv t-20 Bonds 110 Dk IIavkx & Hno., No. 20 S. Third street, (note as follows guying. . 2M . 20li Amcrlenn Gold American Silver, l's aud i'n.... Dunes ui. d Half Dimes Spuni-h (Quarters 1't iiD. C'tirn ncy New York Lxehunge 227 . 2:d . 201 . Jdis. l-adis. . 1-10 " par. Quotations of the principal Coal and Coal Oil stocks at 1 o'clock to-day .- i Mil Ait. , md Atk. Hitlon Tosl s', !' I'nion Polnitoiuo.. :i. -I bis -Mouniitiii t.'tial. u 7. Ileanoa nil. .. 1'4 N . 1 A Mnl .r..al. .'.-. M Mentha Oil llre-i, Mi. I't al.... I ',' J,', (irvanie Oil lftj l' N i .'In in alt .... 1 II I raiiklli, till l'J Itt . er l am Coal. SI II 111 Howe KJilyOil.. l'V I nl I iiiiinii t nai I '4 1 . Irvina Oil tt'a 7 Aii. i ri. nn kttt'lin.. .. 3 Pi! Farm Oil 1 !'t till Mining 7 H'gllo'io i'i liuilt-r c al I'i l it'll. more .. II ki'tstiiiic niu.... 'J V1., Iiait-llt.i. ,. ll)'a J xi i l-nr On 1 11 I , Molliiaiinr S l.i.liiliK J, Itntatrla Oil H I uliluit utal. 2 till K ( tn-Uiail 'i',' il'a laiifii li li'. Niiiili'.v lii'ianituar. li 1; Oil I'rt-fk ft .'i1, I'tlrtileutu Cenlro. I'. I". M i.l.. sW,le (ill..l7'j ls'J Kfli.Tl .'l'J '. Mt l 'lir.i.u k Oil.,.. (. '. 7 (lute Island V, l't-i i v till -1', I', IhlOiiril !l' ". M ii, era I On U , H istory Kara. ...... 'I'. 1 ki-t-ii.nt (ill 1 '.' Uruuor I'i' . t-nai.au t '11 1 I'i I.ATCST It! A CINE IVTELLItEVriC. rl.KAltl ll lilts M'IKSINtl. SI Ip N"' ' 1 u. html. Kan. tall, I't-n-a.-ola. I. Wrt'ttl AS. nt. lln".U" I nr tlil Mur i.r.), W l-tt, i , Ma:itti,l,j. J r Ph. nt -V t'n. s. iirr.St- n .tu. Resitiati . He. ton, I. A llees.her ,1 I' . M. hi 1 l.t ilia Ol it-,uil, llane l-.Gl iUst'-Ie'r, tlo. AltllltKll T.IIS MtlitMSll. I mtt d Sinti - t ui'i'lt -it'iU'T P'tti'.iiiiilit. A':'lii.-'-i' "i 'firl i u't'iiuul .-.uii.li, lit, in I'll'til' st'-n llai 4 l'. M .., It ln n, nt. sl.ail'litia Am. Hluit.il-, VI tla.t i'rniu lurk, l-i ... I, f io ..;i t.. o r ti i aa .1- Sun-. I'.,.r.i.f I'.-tr. s. stnr. Is, 3 dni. 1'mni P- rt Itoya', tu fcal litit in tt ni km. in A ll.'. Ilitnine 1 .nllli',1 "llt-r, 1' days frntu Ship Islaud, tU b.OI-.st tn .1 t'.. Ua.lct & l.'u l.ri' Mane l.' Ui-e (sttt-d ). Aliaci.I i, frotu (Irt-en I-lo, .i.i., l-ili un . , wuh ual.c in liari-nr A. Itraud vea.ttlt.ij. K. )nlt- k I u. 'il.t tilt., oil lap. bt. Auttilli,', saw a u a . ino a-li'ire. api treiitly not knit, In that ci-alumn, 1 1 e i s i . it 1 1 1 1 i.i-iuitiuli-d; when nil Itiiiit.us, tiie Wane 1 "..ee tt a - sti u l t,y lislitiiins itiit'i- time-, e.rrt iii aaar l,'it'..'.aiiai.t and iU'iiuliipiu.ial, mid .'. illlliia ttiiiia ul ib.s eel. . i. a'l C"t.t:ai t .. ill. Is moot ol Hal p:lsiitl,i i I'M t, ii ,hith in. rill ni II., .'aii.Ttiaya fr.uillvil B '"li li iSallast I'.n. I am le Mt It I'.r.i; l mui e. "ian' 7 ilat . ftom CliarlfstuU J,ult.Ja bsl ' 'iii'ii Jialt "!:'. Uiinnei.'.'iliirliier, A days favui JTorlrc-s M;v.7i.'H,.-.k;: ffi.:. ix?, '"'seiir s fi t' r...Apl.!n, dloolt, 4 -lajr. frotu Fortress ''sl'S'tmurluMay. '"J'.'b'l M.o)' pi'iT".?. Phitlipe. 1 days ftwtft Matati.a., In I, iii. si 1., K. A. euiitl.T A t.'o. sai.r l.uwi. Matron, 1 day iruai Hi aiish-wlne, PH., with "sl,ri.r,!ian.u!ni'Ht.i'i', Ptilll day frnia Milfora, Del., Willi yraln I.. Jainea Itarrult. .',,,. , i.f li. iatai.-.i . .iniui 1 1 day from Smyrna, ln)., Willi 'grioii to Jaint Harrell. " . ' . aiuaiuir oaiaii, -a uvui. iioim sgiv laaa, tst..i. J,i It, V. 51. liaiid Cu. ' - II tu-1 11 Mr.Xb lit AND V.' lu-'S Ai'.aiidsn, Muliai, Leoea, al fsntaiohucsluli ull. , . 1 . J MPOltT ACTIONS. I - , .. .... .If .. Tl.. L' .1 t : i ... fi it s-i n .,u(Mra ifnifmi'ii. . Ti aasHt im. Ship (MarliAnii,''-lti!is(m'-iirtit'''ii'-1l-t Saltft,l Hiajlt stotta. , . '- t, 1 1 ' I.T-Li (II,. ,.,. iiio.w l-i .. -,'lt,,u irrt.. I .at s. Aim,-U. -T-'4 UMia lostttasdtl..lU.iSiliii4it.iui(J ds tuu'i"'''V" J lius. flint aia.'l al t-,,,,1. uiili ,(iialliny .'1 elj, ..' ' Ik l 4. Uial.d, tiitw Vuik. i " l.MKsT-CLASS HOARD WANTKI, BV A J' ..uiilyoi mar, .......la . iiaJavnu-Xot ik.swa'