TITE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. riTTLADELPITIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1861. 8 PATCRDAY, 5trrKMnF.il 17, lMf.l. D4M.ADH ron Rio nmomM. A frfnndil xrno tit forward by persons fkril to pit l lite derlariulun "ibt the r would be dflO-bud, If tlioy eon u I ti'nirmi.rrth wor-.l-.' As word". 1" i ho in-n'tit My Id hi Hinaiwr, il"y ult.r ty Hull', r (iio "the foil .win),' nw ' M !i'pie it the kin. I ol tl i i tliut ma ln'smitf ptoj'li1 with Oiort iin ii'urie s. Oh, If t bml a liimty Im.i timifv tinn !, 1:) Die Ittinl ot the olive mil ftf , 1 won,. I mi ft nl Uiu Iuii:t Iimu tuinri to you, At.il p! on my tlitngunijr-jy. A n. I if io llieliimfy turn Imulo I full, A ilium urn's I lhl 1 '' ; Ob, bury mo iiwp In tin. wh itvouinny r:ill, Ami lit lit ilii.ignmljnl.s over my gruYv. In rare thin tlinuld In: too i?n'ut n Olnrt lor tie miniuiT, we tuiv (la'-linl oil tl 10 Mi.vi-i..lin, t ii.'r, in h lii. h, l.r it i ll nr a .u lou.l d. livrry tlir cnilf i l il' lim, tire In urcr will iui.iiuc li.j iLiri b.u It l.s all nljout.j Purity, O'nity, rtnnitv, love, Ii'imty, ilut.ty, li.tiirt, Uuii.ty, dnmrv, tliitntjr, ,nm', Dumty, tlliiiy, jiiut : llunity, dnnitv, ilninty, meet. 1ii ruty, lnt jy, eny, llutt.ty, unify, iltiiut.v, uct ! D.nniy, did.ly, joy ! Dumty, ilumty, cliimfy, btis., Dtiiny, Utility, stuno, Dutnty, unmtv, .lninty, kii-s! Duu.ty, diddy, nnuo! THE 0B161N OF FRLhMASOflRY. TVe bavo received a letter ti ,aking In Uii ies con Mining the origin urj.l history of tho Ur.lor. Ui ks: "Are tli. ro any ground for rUiinitig th : tifetrm-p of Musourj in the, period preceding the lilrtli of CtrLt? or that Solitiimn nnd llnm, KingofTyte, worn Masons; or Unit it had Bny oiiiieriion whatever with the Klousmiun Mys teries " The subject is an intoreHtinir one., bnt to ent.T Into even a cursory examination of it would re quire lar more time mid apace than wo have at our co u.B.ii ml. Upon no mi) .jeer, probably, have iearuril writers moie w idely differed. A cerium clnn ot men, it little ovi r-anxlous for the dignity of the Older, bave represented It eoevil witn tbc world; others, inriacneed by an O.po"ito rno'ive, have maiuUiued it to be the invention ot 1iikIi1i Jesuit,, to pT mote the views of that Iritriitin nd di.njteruus iismk iullon. Some philosophers bave labored to prove thut ' Frcemanonry uroso, tjnrit'g the Crusudes; that it win a secondary order of chivalry ; that its forms originated from that warlike institution, and were afterwards adapted to the pence fu I habits of s.ieiitiilc men. bo rue lntve iiticni'ted, with conoideruble Iiiro nuity and learniinr, to deduce Its origin from ttio institution of l'ytii.ijtors. M. barruel, in bin "Memoirs of Jacobinism," nppoAts it to be a continuation of the Templars ; Bile others, with a dey no (Vina I lee nnd audacity rarely to be lound in the character of ingenuous men, have impuK li the oritjin ot l-'reema-onry to accret askociuiious adverse to tho iutciet.s of good government, and pursuing tho villunous and chirm ricnl project ot Icveiin? the distinc tions of society, and freeing the human mind ftom the sacred obligations of morality nnd reli gion. The precise period when Freemasonry nrosc muht ever reinuii a subject of mere von lecture: it is Mitllcient that it can justly lay claim to an iifiin lar more remote than that of any other :iety in cxistcn. o ,rj ' l(J)tl are pood reasons for lielieving that the ' CHterie of Uionysta and Kleuis were societies re- ma-ons, formi d lor scientitic improvement, onih tinctured with the doctrines of Egyptian nyihoiogy. . About fifteen hundred years before the com tnencenient of our era, the Kicusinian mysteries were instituted in honor ol Ceres, who, 'hiving come to (jreico in iiirst of her daughter, rsi led with Tripiolrmns, at Elensis, and Instructed him in ihe knowledge of agriculture, and in still more irDiormat knoxledgo ot a luture state. Anout the same time the Dionvsmn niytcries were in stituted in honor of Uuccbus, who invented tlieo trcs, acd it struct d the Gtecks In many usef ul rts, but particularly in the culture of the vine. The striking similarity in the external forms of tLese secret associations, and the still mote strik ing similarity of the objects tbey had in view, are strong pro.. is thut they were only ditluretit streaii.s l.njing from a coixinon source. Those who Were initiated in the EleuMiiiun mys teries wire bound i.y the uio-t awtul engagements to co. cent the innru.'tious they received, ua 1 the cereroonin tbitt were performed. Nouu were admitted a candidates till tney arrived at u cer - tain ate, and particu lar persons were itppuiutcd to examine nnd prepare them for Initiation. Those whose conduct was found irregular, or who bad been guilty of crime, were rejected us un woitliy of initiation, wbilo the successful candi dates were instructed by siguiticant symbols in the principles oi religion ; exhorted to .juod every turbulent appetite and passion; und to merit, by the improvement of their niiridi, and the purity of their beans, those iuelliible beuclils wuicu they were siill to receive. Significant words were communicated to the inembers; grand otlicers presided over their as semblies; their emblems were exactly similar to those of Freemasonry ; and the candidate ad vanced from one dcgreo to another until he received all the lessons or wisdom and virtue which the priests could impart. These are some of the features of resemblance between the iileu sinian mysteries nnd tboee of freemasonry. The opinion of Freemasons that the Order cx ifiteu and flourished at the budding of King Solo aion'f Temple is by no means so pregnant with absurdity as some men would muke it appear. From authentic sources of information, we know that tbe mysteries of Bacchus, or the Dionysian mysteries, wtre instituted about four hundred yeurs before tbe rmgn of Solomon ; and there are strong reasons for believing that even the associa tion 'f Dionysiau Architects existed before the bnilding of tt.e Tcniptc. It was not, indeed, until about three hundred years before the birth of Cnrii-t thut they were Incorporated at Teos, under the .Kings of Pcrcamo, but it is universally sllowed that they arose long before their settle ment in Ionia, and that they ulso existed in the land of Judea. Dr. Kobinson asserts that they came from Persia Into Kyi la und Introduced that stylo of .architecture which is caded Grecian, and since we are informed by Josephus thut th it species of architecture was .used at tho erection of the Temple, wo may well Infer, not oniy that these jnchiiects exisfd before the reign of Solomon, but that they aslicd htm in building that mag niuctut fabric which lie erected to the Uod of Israel. Jsotin'ng ran be more simple and consistent tl un the rrco.l of the F'raieniity concerning the state ot ihu Order at thai period- The vicinity of Jerusalem to Igypt the connection of Sjtuuion with tL.e n) nl b unlyof that kingdom toe pro gress of th Kgjptiuus in urchite. tuial science their urru. liiiie.it to mysteries un l hieroglyphic ntbolK, nnd the probainlity or their Ocitig ctU' ph yid by the King of Israel, Hie aduilijual con uleuitius weicli wrrobo.'ntu the sentiments ot Freemasons, and absolve them from the charges ot ciedu.ilv aud pride v.ithwIiicU they huvc been o irtiUently LrHi.ued. Ill Kiimirs' I'orlrnlt Uullery. V wi t'f .V. . 1 1 jf n'tnU Thieves ore us thick in Xe York as leave In the vale of Vullombroin. Their ranks uro not tbiuEcd by war, because they tre generally cowards and tiaitors, and do not enlist, save tihtn tbey can poiket the bounty aud escape the ervice. Uetecivts have classified these wretches, and taken the portraits of hundreds of them. At police lieud.piurtcrs there is a picture gallery of a vast multitude of burglars, highway -robbers, tncak-tliie ves, and pickpockets, males and their fcnmle accomplices, with a brief rweotd of their Iiiatui y. Some facts and reductions In ailatioti to thntn nd their iiK.do of operating may In erest the gii.eiul render. M'i'.h few exceptions, they urc loreigncrs, or the iinmediue ilcscciidants of h ieisijir-i. The sharpest und I. est educate I uro Americans. A 111 ijoiity ol tin in arc the Inblicn of uruuken Slid dishonest parents. '1 heir heals and f ees indicate a bad orani.at tin. Thero is an lnitcseriljatile something about tlieir pr. senee imm which juiie thiluhood aud virtuous womuu lio.id in.tin,t,vely shrink. At t e present time the city swarms with pick jujci.ut ,, mhu ply ti1(;ir vocation day and night in Mage-ci aehts, in omiilljuv s, in hotels, iu tlil'it In s. in cliur. hes, in stores, ou street-corueis.itnd in lionioi new,imr bubeims T he telliirs, garreia, ,nd kUIeU in wh, h ihcv l. d-'e are pime.pa lly toeat.,1 in ,Ue FdtU and l.i j lilh W aius, and paru of Moeke.elville. Tbey lu .y l,c seen neqiKuliy in f.oi.tof i,,u hotels oi li oadway aud other thronged thorough! ires. Kt.uing ladies cut of eounUuauives, sud Wutchini raugeis whoarn siiiposed to have corpulent jo kel-books. They steal rings, piu, cUjIus svatihei., purses, nnd whatever aitiueaof value t Lev. ai jiut their hands on; so that la ties ami p i tlciutn who inske a c.relc-s display of their je niry n;c;a Iv cast their pearls before swine, Mho turn auti ivi.d them. Sometimes they travel I jiit)'. l", toiut-lltuva m pairs, sometimes singly. refcc'lves know the mi rltv of them f.r lht, b ft riet know" It's parl-tiii n. r-, snd are fami linr with the MHitv of runny of them. In the path rj to winch e refer, iherc are por trnits f men, wrnien, and children even, who h..ve teen arri"ted. tried, nnd found guilty of a no "t ivrry t riine IliHt blackens tho e itnlogue ol vl. i- SMI si S'ne. That widl-ilrrsaed young nii.n with avl ilo haf, w hi. h looks likeuiiin Ycrud iilil oisl, and a rutti.n in his hand, Is a nob il pfi l.p ki t, who has just s. rvert a short li ra, nt Mi p Sing, llnr ncerone state s that he is St I is old tin k again, and is closely wa'ehcd. I nvat. r wou.d have pionoiine. il sin h a pin, as In- vriiri the ii tl. ot a coriept . hn acfer iimI.t.1 tl.rre ure lew tac , in this v:i-t . ol (ion tint are I ft al. oiiit.l repnl-iu-. 'I o .r. M nt nco-oition, ini Tit oftbrm ...MM, or wl.or grin, or pull tL. n i n s ilon i v, r ill, Ir Li. ws h, n n,,.,r j)r. tic h nic 11-0". The women g. ueraily dr. pllicir vc. Is over Hi. Ii I'a. i , .New nnd t a tilil lirn.uv ll.ii.r nt.tv 1ia ioiii o, w i n rasi s j ains m rppenr to the hi st ad vi nicv'e. ( thing v roud ol his picture, and not iisli.tn. d ol Ins usm.. lines. Th .-re is u m irked -it. 'lar. ly i f tc.itnies in in. n nnd women wlciiiro miii icn d to ps i tn u lar i nines. Those w ho malte I nrili.i a s eci lity tune bul'.oas heads, with en .ii iillh I i t ecu the cars, r; c- deeply sunken in il u.nr'p Ii n-tin i.crallv. ' r icpiiies inoro I I I.I:., e to -toi in A -tore . r ,'W; "in" !,omc than ; l i.k n n hp's ioel,ci. r.ur.rlurs n mill v go inn ", in..! wi I i.i. I i.e- t .( to l.n or st.i'i any j ( r'i li ho Mai (Is In tl.eir path, f-'t.p ili-tlii.'Ves lie wi !l 1 nici il, and n Mrnr. r, with nr.liniry powers ol i li. i a i. ii , a i . r seeing i no, wl.l be I lc to i out c ut o'lu is vc o li.ivi: i.imle a choice t.f tl nt .n C 11111:1 111 of iln ft. T l.e n.me in ly be mcl i f .ro'.;v.ls,-'(iiili.loiice. n.tn, eounti lie t rs, i,i;d et! i r rnf-.it. ills who I ue Ii It il ir sluuii ws (,,, ilcw.'Isol Miii gl hiy. in i.ot a lew inst.ince-. -psvt:. ii'ur eriines s.iri to f rm ii fnmily tr.i'.i. Hero are two bn Ibrrs win etr sent to Mate prison lor for gery ; u father nnd s n were found ituil v of l.ifaktitg. A luine ni iiil.er of tue uick- poi l ets nrr Irorti London, end some nf the'pro- iftyiisoi tnetro pic'ines liuvehicu recogmcd y lr.spec:or 1 urn cr, who iccent v came to this ci'iil.tiv to nrrest Mu lcr, eh irircil with the mur der of III isgs in n r.iilro.nl carriage, in KtiKl uil. lielnnd scpiilies u consi'lciutilc nuuiber of high- wuy tiiiui ; I uiiice nml Oeiinniy are represented nun rg the coi'i tert. iters. 1 1 e dnsl.v in ad of the nerro is heve ami thnro visible in this croup of rriminuts vindicating bis rehit.orshlp to the human niceontlinsliu.lv nt d wicki d, i. a well ns on the siinnv a. id honeful side .f life. It is a tact win thv of uoU; that even now at a time when so manv women have been di priced of the support of their husbands and uioiik is, who are in the army, they arc not mi metonslv represented in tliis'eollcction of pic tures. This mm- be attributed teirtiv to tho gal lantry of the iillie, rs, nnd t.nrilv to the fii-t that tin i' crimes do not demand the exposure of their poltni.ts to tbe public stare; tmt it must be ron ci di d thi. I miin is by tar the ;ro itcs' trau-grc-or. Iter pus may be ihc loathing with wuich we cotiuniplu'c these portraits, it Is impossible to sti piess a feelingor pitv.or to drown the inward itiurro(iiitor) How mum is society responsible tor whnt society punishes ? Of all these critnlnals, how mniiy were burn to bo nuubt else ? We say their tacts arid lends tietray them do we con sider that, in n large meiisnrr, they are as little responsible for these ns they would be for a de formed spine, or hand, or toot, with which they might have er ti red this breathing world ? Add to this natural Inclination toward vice nnd educa tion deiivcd from drunken homes nnd filthy stttcts. View the lot of the young in t'ie haunts of poverty of a pi cat city like' New York, and the wonder is, not that so many grow up deprave. 1 nnd r pi; for villanv, but that any escape; not that the metropol tun world is governed so badly, but that it Is governed so well. LOVE IN A LTAGE-COACff. PY A I!Al Ill:t.OU How It poured ! Rattle, rattle itgainot the casc m. nt ; splash, splash on the ground underneath, all night; nnd now, when I awoke here, it was raining awsy harder tlinn ever, as if a second deluge were nt hand. Confound the breakfast boll! I do wish there was no such thing as a breakfast on n rainy morning; for then one might lie abed all day, or until the storm cleared off. l'hilosopheis tell us that ruin Is necessary for the economy of nature; It may bo true, though I never troubled myself much about such things; but if in, men ought to be made like dormice to sleep In unconsciousness until the rain sees fit to cease. Nature never IntendoJ ua to he nut in n shower, or we would Imvo been born with patent oil-cloth or Indi.i-ruMier skinn. Down it poured I W hat on earth was I to do i ! The dr.y Inline bad been the brightest one of tho bright month of May ; nnd us I hud a passion for walking in the country more fool for it! I hid trudeid awuy oil here, eight miles or more from tow ti, to see ii country wedding, after the or ler used unit tig I'rici.ds." I must s iy that the thing aasvciy handsomely done, ami that I was tnucti edit ed. So much so, that one of those days I shall tell how tbc parties deported themselves how many new ha s there were in the we. Id tig eoinpuny, who drove th.1 finest bor.-cs, and all other mattirs of gossip, so inter, sting to young ndi scs und old bachelors like myself. The day passed ml', with a bright blue skv, until towards dusk, when a thunder shower came up that lusted till bed-time; hut 1 retired fully res dved that tho moiinng wou'd see a c ear sky over my heal; but the in. ruing had conic, at d here it was, pour ing down in one duik,spltt-hy, continuous stream lor ail tbe world like an out mum i objurgations when her tongue gets wagging. I low n l hurt led to the brenktast table. 1 had just buttered my breud. und was swallowing the first in (jut lit ii 1 ot cotlee, when the horn ot tho couch to tow n was heard, nnd, looking out of tho window, I saw the vehicle, with its lour smoking horses, dashing down the turnpike. It was my only cliunce to reach the city mat day. touted my bread, gulped down the cotlee tin my throit was scalded, jammed my hat on my h. ad, and made a dive thiough the door. Tbe driver did not n c me ; but cracked bis whip with a tlourish and went on. 1 snouted ; sil'l the old villain did not notice me, but with another tlourish of li s w hip, set his four-in-baud on a brisker trot, and rattled down the hill. l)e.-p rate with the fear of being left, I pitched alter him, scattering the mud around at every step, and shouting at the top of my lungs; hut I might uave shouted on till diKiiusday, ha i not a 1 usurper k en me, und stopped the old sinner. O nt ot biruth, wet to tbe skin, covered with loud from head to loot, and not in the be-t humor from the lis-, of my breaklu-t, I mounted into the coach; but the instant 1 placed my font inside ihu veliiele, all my sulkiness vnnishnd, for one of the loveliest nt gels tbat evi r blessed a rickety old roiuh, or wanned the soul ol u sour, break lastlcss bachelor with her presence, sat upon tho hack sei.t. Dldjonivir fall In love? Of course And the ludy Wi.s the l iveliest of her sex f To he sure J'beii the singe-coach beauty was twi -e as handsome ns your swei tlieart ; and If, afiwr tbis, ou don 'i think my fellow passenger a cherub, then I sivc up ull hope of musing you appreciate her. Such e , such teeth, u id then lips egad ! it u'lnos! n ukes me eray to think of them. I pui n.yielt down tor the luckiest dog in tho word. She was dres-ed in a plain stouv collage ikii, r. er w uu a glei n veil ", list s icD u (Ostium), sunt 1 "a; a leal ludy .tuns when iravuimg" n nd ti.eu she f.-ave me su di a sweet, but half ropnish siiillc. as 1 tiimli'cl into the couch in tho pl'gl.t 1 L..c tlc-ci il,. ,i. ti nt 1 knew her a' ouce to he a puragou in the war of education, t isi. fortune, und ail Hint ; nnd I resolved w hat kuow- Ii g one w. u'd t.ot r to make tho s'Teeable oil hand, lor H ere is no'liing like nieeiiugan heiress in a slckc-eocoli. v here she thinks she is uiiknau u, and dicariix tln.t every attention paid to her s rins lion, true line--uhi in ! on tour purt. I was in clover. What cared 1 fo" rain? t plash, splash, splu-b. u.c! rain away there, like i. mos -win. car. s .- line doe-n t Pet a I. l.-a-t- U with a pret.y girl every nay ot the Week so I in ti i inn id io muke flu1 tn st ol it. Ai d, lidtli. wuh a lew sly compliments, and my i xicordiiiury g. od looks, 1 soon pot ns cosy with mj unknown beauty, und she n un me, us if we liud la-.-n acquainted' since the days of .Noah. W'c tall. (I ot the h i i. dim.', lor she too bud been there nl Ihc .-c p. 1 1 ot th - rain nnd of whatever clue npi a in.' ! ; and ihtue was -ucli u charming fiiinl.n. ss in c'i she said, that 1 re. il y thougnt hci the most iiiiiur little cicatine I had ever sci n ; nt;! J . r y believe il' tine lloor Jnt l Ic.-n soltcr, and 1 hn.l k now n the. ac ura'e nunilcT ot bol.s. s ot ul,;i h 1 vviaild be tLl, tut, ill cnm't j- y, 1 siiouiil Iikm- ;etie dov. ii on uu- knees to her ut mice, i hate - how ing one's le .rui.ig cdi' in puV In , .-0 I moidiii anything like literal lire, tlioii::h I s.iiv by t! c inieliipent eyes of ihc charmer, that si e hud u tolil iinve to u 1 the liner suu-iliilily of liatiiic. At h nplli we ; ol on the si.l.ji t of house-keeping. Now , il there is inn thing I hate, it is a wntiaiii tliut can't keep house, und 1 trembled ut (very wi id, let my charmer stiouid confess her ipnoiance of tlic.-e matters. Shade of Apicitis! how my heart leaped when she told me that I ai illy a day passed in which she did not in ike lirettd, or pii s, or sisinue cnke, or some other of those sldiiishaws that delight the heart of man; ai d in expatiating on such delicacies she rose to a pitch ol eloqin ucc tlnU 1 never heard surpassed. I could not icslbt my fcuiing-, but suatclied her Inn d to my lips and kissed it. Yes! licit that she wus destined to be initio, for if there is anything thut u wife ought to know it is this. I come of a race of caterers. My grandfather lunched on half a doon rabbits, aud died at lust of a surfeit produce J by eating two roust pigs. My father can break his last on a brace of ciipous, or devour a pair of ttirkevs without having to pick his tei th ; aud a bro her of mine can tuek;Ui a hundred oysters aud dishes of clilcken snliiil. which doe s honor to the family. My own exploits In this line my tno'lcsty fori. ids li i o to mention. No wonder I lovcl this roy littli heauty, who could get up such a choice fry, and bake such delicious cukes. Ah ' what a lite of domestic Ii ip plncss rnc betore rny vision, when 1 pictured my fc f returning I" me from conrt at nii'ht, to in .et a hcclslcuk ready Isro. U d.or n bow l of itie richest tnitle soup, served up br the fair hand of the at iel nt my stile. I resolved, if there was nny viitue in a pair nf whi-kirs, in nu ehupunt tongue, oi in my nev blue coat, t win this 1 il Il Ol pie-l Ill-el S. 'I I ei e is no pi, ice like a stage coach for in iking It VC. I' c ti e nn'iiral' Yon do It, cm I, In u'l en-v, ilo'.'t . iiie-for-iii yt'img style, tint von c u t loi the Itf o' you ii- unie in any oth r nl i e. W luit bctw il si to g on the nine sest to t Ik more ci nvenii titly. and putting yout ur.n aronml In r w.-ii.i to keep 1 er trout jolimg o(l, you -.win get to he woti.lcrlul io, and Ii u t i oie Cot 't cntih Miur-clf sipieeing her you n Mid. I efoie ) on lire iiw are ot it. l or in v pint, us I have sn,, i r..jv t01.ir. n i ill r nt disc. i tu.n, and I aliem- ( ,, n-d mv si If lightct.tiii! the dear ere.-ifjr,, in- ot ihn tn ublesf me lu y ot eolte. ;4,lu, tll0 M,nt. f ,.r vnr uns I ne I on-1 s. It vifl, ehsriiftig t i ihink of the irngKss I bad M ,.(. j r,,.r ,n,. -lions. Won a i ilic.te y rosy c,,,, k (t w, tn 1Mt lh,.n sljiy k'-sid sl'd mushing the de.pir at my v nt m'h. At j uu.,, ,ei sain v, pou'ing lips ; nnd llien 1 er I -i.p., juhi tlic sic for a in in who hated voi.rtl' ,n wea'cl shiipcl winm: luis-e- a lie hated epi.'., piles. Ah, whit a' wife she would make ' l.itw 1 ihniil.ctl my srais that I had liulierio set li. y la. e like u Hint iigaiu-t every teinpi.atioii to marry lor Hi w my firmness was rew ir.lcd by this beauty t its heiress eliopplng into my moll h. Ai d tin n I )'li a. hi d to inyselt u mental hoin' V on ti c si i rt-s'ghti dn. ss ol in in, as I ventured to steal iiiiolber k ss from the conscious and tvmh ing I ttle lit pel in m -l ie. I was about to pop the question itself, v.lun the coach slopped, .nd II e in ver Hi feetui. d ndoetied the door. My churn er ro e I wast. ken uliubick. ' I'd you get "lit heic " said I, in surprise. " es !" suld shc.-l sec Mr. l'owell is waiting for me." "Mr. l'owell, " said I, lor thut was the name ol" a trie! d of mine who lived up tins vciy la c, u it ball a u.ilc from the riirnplke ; "do voi then live w ibbiin 'r I'ci haps you're a relative ? Strange," 1 niutn red to mvseit, "I never heard him speak ot tins charming creature." lli lore 1 1 ould iiu-wcr, l'owell npproii 'hed, und while he hat ed me. mv fellow passenger spra:K to the ground as if by nuigtc, and the next minute was inmv friend's vehicle. 'for Inavet.'s sake," suid I, half mad that the hearty gripe ol Towi II prevented mo from has en Ing to his whio's assistum e, " i ho is th it angel ? Is she a relative, a ward, or what ? I'm dyin lor love i f her '." l'owell burst into a laugh, nnd lanirhed on, till tears rumc In his eyes. Confound die fellow, what did he nit an ? I began to look angry. "I'oinc.tny dear i.oy," he said, don't get in! ) n passion, but consider how o id it Is that, von, of till men, should fall in love with my cook." I never niaku acquaintance in u stage-coach now, until 1 have cxi hinged cards. Forty-five years ago one thbusiind bushels of potatoes were delivered at tho .State prison in Concord, N. II., at ten cents a bushel. They don't sell potatoes at that rnto novv-a-days. A young womnn in Milton, Wisconsin, died lust weik from the effects of the sting of a beo ou her wrist. She survived tho sting only twelve hours. yAIllNOCKi'M OL.U HUVNI. E. E. LEE, Sl'CCKSSOU TO WA KNOCK, N. la N. KUJUTII STKKKT, Hut now open One case CHOICE KIIAIIKS) rtnuli'o Twilled PEENOH MED,0E3. 11)0 pletel DA UK lK LAIN EN at .'SI Ctnts. A full lute of LADIES' HKMSTI I CIIEl) 1IH1FS, from 38 to tl 25. LADIKS' IRON FKAMK AND PATKMT UK OWN AND "WHITE HOSIERY, AT l.i:K8 THAN IMfOKTlill'S 1'ItICKS. C () It K K 'V h, t; n S K T . ritENCII MECHANIC WHALEHONE COIISETS. A.MI E1CAN MALE dn. do. HOOP SKIBTC, HOOP SKIRTS. JW uoicn HOOP SKIHTH. JiEW SHAI'EH, warranted beat 'iiallty, mado express! lor (Jiir bulca. H No. 4.1 H. KI0U1U 8TUKKT. V SUN iS, UA VINCI U AT) A LAUGK 11 nt iV tn slfirt us tl lmve aiaiict J,l am uuw fctllipji Ht Ii m ilirtii itiv n-j-ulHr inark' t jrk"c. It tm hcl MtioMn hi if. 8 . nl .)c lull yurtl wide, nl Vt nnd .', itmi ro n4i muni fur the mom'y. AIm Itliv iost;r), mull is New Vurk Mill, WiIilmilN vlfle, AVaiiitiitiu, liav hiato Ml.M, White Hnck.itc., H ict- ItuB. JS, 2. 5 '.it ami V'i yttMs wide, i.mf tn mo Uet matli', at Itut iinceg than ihfycAii bo madti jr imw . Hhi-ctliifis and Hhlrtlima In all thnvurlotiB WhllliH hlltl iUklMi(K. i'HJitoit Khun H. hlea -hrd. uuhlt-aehod, and colored. In the yeiy htuvlist guoils matle. CRANV1M.R B. HAINES, No. 101 1 M UK KT tr t, ft 17 Aboo TcMith ttri-ut. t;lannei.s.-my stock of tuksk is j now compu te. lh'if.e In ii-ed f unyi'nr the winter will nave Honey by huyluu them now, ai all MnJ uf wuolent wl I timloiibtedly ( higher. I lmve Huhirtivu 0 Kai.neU.tn fi, and yard wide, fr 111 To cenm up ; alto oil er nut e, that am od, at lower I r ct s. Iltuvy luiker woods, that ae very durable, beiiiK very wide and lu a v. A iuryv variety of striped, plaid, ami pliln double-w idth yodtiH, tor t-hiii", heniK 01 the best U'ityv lleut y lilue Twlih d for -all. tit' use Iit uv) irav, white, mid red i with d. that I bcli'-ve are cl t-aptr than the Mine, tire teli soi l at. till ANVII.LK U. lUINKS, Ku. V'l.l AI AURKT Street, l'-17-t Abuve Tenth. 'I'AOG fit lUiO., C'OUNUl TENTH AND A ITS V St nt !. en Harfciiiiih iiom Aurt'un. if ( oltired Allium, douhlf niiith, To nnd Fine. 1 lot Kit v (Unci do do !",. 1 t 1 inl.' seotcii Ualmtirnl SWttn, $., I l t Mfen co 1 o do f-.'-.'iO. ) lot l.edi V ;.iuntJt mo'knkln tlloven. l M. 1 l"t do Id u xi K htd HiiWts ,'i nuh hordt ri,60e. 1 lot do Iti hi bt d uni) HroH n loiu Hose, uit t'ic. ) lt (it-nt' ti nt town t Hone. t.c. 1 lot lt f blcRi l.rd K Hour, v:,c. 1 lot tit nth' vit ti n. v Art-tn- iltTlno Prawers, tt-'.O. 1 I'dluh co lent, 1'isiil 'elvt.'i Kiboiii-t uv., or W pnr plu. -.' 'uiu him k A Ipiifit Bniid, :m: ard pb-ces, f 1 7K. 1 bit 1 hi id limine! Liobohn. No -ti', tij ,c. li'ib I'Ih'u untl Imj-'Ii iitortt lionnet it'b'JOii, VM t 1. A Imp stick uiui Hlnitii liannelh, tn-i lico J, ( 'raih, Ni.j.l 're. Ti.l.lf I lin-n. Ac k li - I ini hth . oli m I'hiitU, 'or Misites' wenr.aU w- ml IllllPif Tie. lt i; all cj o t j t . THOMAS W. EVANS & CO. HAM'. NOW (JI'i:N AND AKK HAILV ,'KI I S' 1, 1 ALL IMl'OKTATION n i; y g o o i) s , i miiiiai in.; nit; XKWI.ST STYLKS AND FAmUOS, lowl.k-l.f.e.v I" He atl.nl. n. H-l". i.t Kos. CIO and C20 CHEGNUT STREET, JKLIA EnAVIS AND SCARFS, GEORGE FKYER, No. OHi CIli;SNTT HTUKKT, flai letei'iJ h.s 1AI.L IMI'OUTAIIOX ttf KKAL INDIA SII inLS, LONG AM) 6U AUK. With a few Cl oJ- c FAI.1. GOOIS, to uhu.h the attt utiou ol the hadk-l 1 init(d. ae7-l'Jt wi;avijn; ia;iiini:s. Y!' Ah MAVI HKKN HPKT ' K Jill Hi rKHflirriOW, A ' 0 U AIM 1" IITHI 1I1K FOLI.OWIN'. Al. N TAlii.S C'l'l ANY AV-'I A I It KIH.'.KH - I I; 1 Ih'' or.Iy M i ' t1 V m rrirf ft r nc !of III U-f lr.l. 1 r- it ,,ii" j.-'r .i;'-t. vt -V .'..., It k , "'I, hi .mil i;xi k ii"' (hi "ti) ant it? wn-no nm-Chim- r.H-h ntt. b -.l':' '' I' oi: "4 :? il. u".r! , ai'd n ')() fr t f 1 111-m lil rn' I. tiT" t tan tin- r.-". 1 utic."..';l. the pfra:or, ly .niIy ttitrn n a thiimh lcr.-Wtto t iv wi.ili run tllfKT to ihr rljil ' r l it to itj any i aft "f t' 1. f in nr fri-t D (be 'nli of tfi m arni, i:t ill'- liirrun . tL. ialrl(,'7 '1 ' it ,til"tttftfi? I'trr aU'ifftrrt, I .f ( hmi'ni; tin leii; T li oi the Uk h, and Irom rn- Kind ol st It h t" MDilitr, cttn ri-ft'lllj he dnno v. hlh- tht kf hirii' R lu action, i, f.t-1. it 1-r-: ii uriKiiiif th-' ft it scCiim at d uni'i.nii ttf It In aiiiio-i 11 ",. In it b njertf.i.i. I r" lis 1111111T11 ar- 'I r1 liirrr tfiTi- irf w- ,,i ,. (.! vut nut of vt r. ami If thnplit ity p.iMck tin- m..t in - lHiD-pd UMitnTiltr ll. C j tn ill t"t "il If" tc.-nof HiP oi'criiiur, an nil (ho niHrhhu ty f on the tp oi" the tiilHe. B H n th nt-'St mi-i'i $. i-tr tn V" ir-r'-l, U'r.tnt( flvo it Id he tu crj r volutin. r Its tttt' h is tl-" "n-.Vr " -(''.hoouiro of iti eoia Llr.fd flu tr i.'v, .ti cU'j'.htnl ''C'l'itij, 6 it 1 tv' s ft. f'"i i- or r' :u:t! c ,i l w ith C jlliil facill)', vitt.'.ut f.nn-i. nf htnion. 6T Every Mn hluc has one oi'Ji-nvk putrrit hemiiM t at I m 1 cd (the rijJit lu ds' w hh.h we otitrol), euuhling tlio operator t' (urn ami irt-ttmf h m nV.iro. KIT There Ih no other Ma' liloc whlco Will do no Urgi a ruiienf work hb tin- Florence. I" 11 iK'OK i."t rrfjuite finer thread on tho iintl'T Fi-le than it ihiiA nn t1 r iipcQr, hiiU tite.s an) kind of Ihread -r Bilk. g if- The n .illfis more cas'l udjintcd than In any other Mi' liiiic. Bi It will ow (icri'f-f! the hcavl(34-t scnmi withm ttiaim 'f leiuh.n, or brt akliifi nf thread, or ki(;tinb ttiuhoa. B'It Is fully prctrutt d by nine l-tt ri patent, ani licet sed ty KIU- Howe, Jr. , and hit itftftoeiatei Z?f To awdd the ttnnu on the "., t?nt po.ifi.ir., 'h.-e (tjt iratt'nn, und fnivjuing cixtv, htrettiforu nect-s.cy on a luie proporlh n oi work done on other Hew ln Ma ea we now f 1. rnhh cjeli Maelilno wlilt Uarnnm s Silt 8?rt r," " "( niti'li-t the v ork ifse.'f, and Ii ot vre.it value espec &iiy to tncjki crh need operators. ( fWhiN- ii'Bses8li.(f the uhu o, and iminy otlitT atlvati tni-ws, the l lop-n- v is s ld at eurre sending rl-e ,U oiln r Mi -it-i last, M.tt hint'M. B? 'Wo rci'rflin I'mmiPtiblifililOKHic highly eompJtmeutarv potlees ot'thu press with which we aro daily iuvored, and, plut c our .Maebine before the public, knowing thai aa In teil.K nt examlnutiun of iti merit will full-Hiihs anMut -all that we hae ehmm d lor it. and iuitfy the asertlon we now muke, that it In 'ftt'Ocst .S'-trii'j Machine in the. M'.r.' C .' Wi-wurrunt very iu.u.-hin-to be all thut wc claim fur it, u:d will iivt a ritteii warranty if re-iu r d. rot" (.'ircultir n:id Samples of Sewing, encljbe a nturnp and a'idu -s I I.()!ll-N('l'. SKWING MACHINE COMPANY, No.(i'U) CII I : S N I IT HT KK lT, riULAIiELrillA, I'A. N. K.-It Is the out) Mae hi ne warranted to kWo entire b.ttislacllun, and kept lu order for one year. Full instruc tions accompany each kla nine sold ; obllRlnK lady opera tors, with or without machine, sent to the houe nf pur chasrrs when d'Blred. We lake pleiihiire In reb-trinif to a portion of tbe list of nauivt. and residences of persons who have pure hand the celebruted lT.OltKNt'B SFW1N0 MACHINE since Nov, mbtr, 1:1, tlu- time the Compiny opened their Mpleml.d Wiireroomt, ttt No. tuiO CHEHM'T Street. Tho "FbT' iue" is universally acl:iiowieded to be the Iest Family Hewing Maeli. ne lor ail practical purposes, pns icshln in tiny ud iint.ues and improveineut over all others Aniien.th.('lni!e". No r.Oi; South Tweuty-flt street Allen, Mrs, No H i: Tuphtr utreet Ab xiimli r. V r-. No ;,' No th Heventeenth street Ambler. M . No 'I l-'r ukila ttreet Alb n, M f, No n ! N th Kitth street Abi'i-tt. ,Mi , N' 1H.' South Seven h street Aiiftinn u. hiiuhi ill, No 114 Vine street AbUiei ii, t'lipiMn, N ITt Ho nib rtixth struct A kt r. .) 1, N ...: Nin ili Ti lid street lim k ey. Mm Ib-w.inl ireet, between Twenty-second Kin) T vn; -Mi-.rA Ittiriou, Mr II, No 11" virt Fourth ntreet Uutr. .lii- s, N:'r North I mm street Itm-h A Kurt, North Third street lltrvt-t Id. a N 4 ' .mh TwuMth street litii, t, N ' i TweiitF-s-Joni itrc.-t ltri.nn, i 'j i'1, N- A W .illb tlroet Vt r. , I . . '7 I ir street lint, i . ul; iuv, t. Hhaik;imaon Ut 1 f.ii'i it I., N" i Sortli Fi ti-entti Mrcct Hi :t. t i, Not,. . wtmrton slro-t . 1 1 1 1 1 i i ' i it. i wriiileth and Tle'u streets l.i!-, M . ,1 in- . o 1" 10 VVulniit btrt It inn r. ' A . V , I- 'iChiiut street ;.iKm". f , N.y.'. N-Tib T entiLth street V.i . , Mi N" 1-1 iniiuer direct Itioun.H A , No 1 2 Wallace tr.-t JKn.'k, Jlit- 11, No IK1' M 1 "U fcircct Jtramh ck, Ellen, I r,inki.nl Koad, below A'lunn atieot l;l;,tk,it' A,N I1 I ('hriMinn stn-it Jfii) iii:tn,,'Ji!iiitr., No .i'i Almond struct, b' lou IT; nt liaiio s, T, No lito i Vint Htrt't t liiickliih'.' i', .MiN Frnnkl'-rd ainl Units hlr "!-, r.iol.i.-M, uiiuu, No 11 North Se-Mioi a tret t )t..rt, fitM-r. Hi p iwi jil-et'i, I'c'tm Nor.'it P. Mis S.i Nil. I 1. No Mi Hi k-. I ..ilf.'t I: in ler, I s. No s.nit h I'h.ii t cut li j.t ret i i:ro n, h..oiin-l, lr, No ci; in l . in h ;-l i i (.'oltiiir-, I , No :J 0 V rlh 1 Vnih btiect t aoUiwni.r C, N"4ll Nith Klvi-mh tr. - t it.t -tnnl. W, N" Ml Wali.oc htu-t I jmnut. n, l' r . No lHi North Eh vci.lh ttUe t t hew , Mi. No7U HouthtUh htreet ( uoiuhs, ItUbrrt. NolliW MulshalUircet Chm.dKr, Mint, No J-'.'.'o Kace utroet ( othiali, I Mine, N' 71 Houlh Kmnt at net ( nl) i , S A , No .'"' U.irkct street Irtjiieron, William, Nu Norih i-i,-L''' t- '. ( hiy, iioin1", No II W North fl'-''"iid fil.tet (.'ariui: e, H J, ht-coiul itieet, it hove oik t'otih-j , N, No Hl'2 (ilraid avenue t'l !,e. i, i aril , No KM! North Ken. ml str-cl iiduiilrtt er,Mr, No l.ViO Nuilb Hroad t i c l Ca dwell, MlfcS. No I ds Lombard streel I'ooj er, Mr., No'-'i'lfi I'lne htn et Co tmitii.l.eore N lo.'H North Sosenf - Cuiii-, Willi-ou, No 7H. North .Seventh ti-et l oiiiland. Mrs, No 1 fn; Kprm-e tie. t Conway, It A, No.iitf K -ntb llmd bliuel "o.k, Mr. No l-'.'ti Fra-ikUn ire-! Curn-r, lli.aiti. No I ah I'lne am-et ln-nuU, aim, No Vil 'oei ry ir t iMMur, Wra, Ni. fit! I..mtel Mie t Dennln.MlstC, Vo.T"7 Qu. mi str . Deil rr. W main, r.'-. I.ann-I street Iiennf, ft i. No I'm ft oinh ititi -tr-t Iienal ue, Ht riutntowu fond, tntv. ru Klaitir and Davf.H. No '.1 N irth flfood Mr et Prnnman, tt, No ni Frit tVlin t r.- t Tain It A 'M', v.. in !o-ith Vr mt st t Iteuiy. Jjmes, No 7'W rayunV ten 1 rlnnals W It, N'nS Hphrg ;..f.l.ni ,.-et I. Intvit, Mm. N''2"2 Fronklm T'--t Pteki'Uf.n, M, N.t i IJi "till.. 'i Mr". el. Fvnn i, .l.imei, ht iitlriu n'reet, ,,.,, t nirt.-enth vre. K'lw rd, J in e4, 1 iRi ,iiin j v -hv. 1'nlip Kn M.l ,.l.iini, Nii !irrsh n-r K K i.h, dauioft A., v N'.rh C, wn.ti -ti E nei. Mr- Jvi No th '"r ir -t- t r"j ''iti-m i-. V'.Ti N inii F ".-ill :re t Km r .1 W, No i.m v in" vreet ) irtri Mri f, N-. lo- tiri'i lir.-, Iti fun id J- Iftk L ll No l.( I (ill ild .L t il : Fofl, TM"Htii, so 1 -I t in ,tr t F.dd . J No 7 Krie n :. v M.irttn. :-Vi Nor:. .-nd stun t r l-tyd, I . No V-r h r en-y iMid mi t F nur, Mi No . .'. h' iry -in- i fount .tlii"- li, NoI'' ivt Km Mr, No I 1 .' ' a V. .rir.e ire I f "tr k . M t -, V " 0 ' ' lU -ll' i I I r. M 1 . No I..IH ll-..vn ti ' . F.Tle.-, Win. NV 'd i , ,.t.r, tr-vl F -ii.' , -I.t'in 1. n,i I'i ion tti e : I nik. . It, Nov..'.. N .rtfi I 1 fh tr.-.-. I oh.- , Mr N. l.'.ii Fop ui stent t r i hu., A M , N i b :n , ii. re. o str4.;i (.o din .11, , No vyt lie iry -ireeL lira ion. J ', No I'd.' i m; nirv-f l.fl hhe.er N , N i H. I r run's hn stn "t l.e ri(e, Mr, N l,-uiiiittd stie-t li Hat., Mr-. N..;i I Hoiith rtlttenth -tp ft ( nhtiill, Mi. t;. No H (,' MAlk'-t street t.re utrirt. .Mli., No ".".l .wr-'ii" tr tt I er I' tii,.iuiiti- No 1.1 i Wv i,. tr..' II ai'.' thi'-r. f. No :sl.' M.. nit Vernon t i e -t Hare. Th inii, N I". I Sorfi Stxfi e r-et i b?'-.K It, No ills ilrard avenue, li t K"l. A l, No Il.'7 Su ited st'e.'t II re V W. No K.-ntliHeve:it-tl: s'r ll itrtl , V r-,. Mot. ii iiory nv, he ion .uikird road Dili i er, Sr No ll-.' U.it un r tr. et J:offu au,.l. ni .ik; ,r' h 'tre'.'t lli tinan. N L, No pn ;. I'ljiiioinh tr i t If. w son, K-No I'M'.' Pmr street J t - t, Mrs r, No M I F.a .hhii Mr. ft I ,i. In Ii n , ,!i.o b, N j 1 1 1 N4rth Sixth hfreet Ih II, H F, No l.reen stieel Hot lift . I' It, Nn;t-Vi North Front it reef ll i.mji f, (I. I'liiuborlhiiU 4lret, bj Ainbei III h, M s. No M! Nonh sH"o-id un -t It trpe . I H -t nd -tn "t . w ir i 'lie j. V II, d. son, M . l'ltt enth an 1 ' '.irpiiii r Htreets B.iiu, Mm, No '.Ti M.ru- e utr. et I.nbbel . W W, No Uhristlm dtrcet II nc Kn. K.I, N" I '" ' itrar.l aetine l)old n,.l, I innkfotd roud 11 , n l crer, .', N vOlo Kraud;. win'1 tieut Illicit t bur. J K No -Ml .la "Ohy sti etd II nnd A; Itntntier, N '21 North Filth Street Hawkins, Mrs, No '2!ln tirvtui tr':'t Irv iti, Mii, l ull n Motel, A'O'i street Ivnih K N'lm Manhull sinvt Jiiliint, f np'.ni.i, llrujid and I. miburd tre. is Juiihcrt M A. No IV17 Lolnlnnl strc t do vend, W W, No 1 1 I'i Mount Vern.m --treet .hm-,l'haihs. No VO Wntkin- sticet Jack miii, SI A, No stil 'tw Mnnttt street Kirk, W T. No Mm Poplar atm-t Kemb nlitie, l, I bird tiett, b"hw ullowhill Ken-ill, Mr, No Til Norm 1 liirteenUi strnct Knrn. Mi s. No 4 tl VOt k nvenue Kriitu, Mis, No .'HI Htsuioti street KeartiB, Ju 'oh, ot'0" M' ss ntn-.'t, Leiow WattldHton Kirn, Mrs. No 1 ;: ilreeii utreet K' hler, Mis. No H tilmid avenue Klot, tieorue W, No --'lit 'ontei street Klnderhn, Mm, No Ifioli (Jreen ttrert King. Ml- Kaie.lvth nnd (lertuant.ian mud Fee, J'ojt ph. No l21 rinealiecl l.uaf, H.ninel, No. WO 'iteon itrcet l.iimpltinb. Mn. N 2W Wlli:--.u.soii street .ukcns,C H, 1'Uiny rhai Hotel Levy, O, No T'H"i I arriiih ntroet I.ee, Mrs, No Vno Month Fifteenth street Lewis, F A. No ll'i Vilieitreet Lmthn p, Mi -, No ll 'i North hihth street Lu shawtaiisHB, No. I' in North Fourth street I.i'Wffi, Lawrenei', No U'.iCh inni stre-l I.tproan, h A, No 1: Mount Vernon sirevt LontfMro'h, WIh, N l '2 North Kl''vtnth fttrett l.amb, Mrx, No '2t North Thirteenth utreot Moiitleth, Thomas, No MM I'.nnkion -Hircoi Mint zei. Miss, No lsHi (Joates Ptrct Mjern, S M, Noi'i K ir:z fsireet Moore, I'iiliih r, N'jti.'i H Tiiirteentli itrert H iiili, Mrti. Nu L'r ti Franklin street .Mel llev, M A, No fait. alader street Muon, AiTb, No l7Ji Hpruce street Mntchett, It W, No Ufa Houth street H. t reiti. L, N U12 Site htreut JInklioue, .Mrs, No Hil i Mon.roHO tr. et .Met'uiioigh, II, Mhlwr's Hotel, b'-uut itivet, below Fourth Al.tnn, Mrn W 11. No .Ht:i Uraen s'reet Wi-C'U ley.JiilK-, No '2'.'V t'oitei stie.it BlU'f , S, No Wi lieorKO Ireet, above Toplui-liorti.-in, Mrs. No Krlc Hiret M'Ti;an,Mrt. No Kmi-j Olhe street aicMaiu my. air, lasr.ni.k road and tier man street .Mutiny. Mia, No 'Jl'" ;,ouih I went-ilrat ttreet Haddock, Wil iani A, NotW7 Federal street Miller. Wi ilium A. No I2A t'oaios s.rcet Mutphy, Mrs, No 4 lb lii bm- n 1 stteat Miilnir, IHmi, No 2i) South FiKhtlt htreet AloneM. Aim, NollHKouib Nineteenth street kiti hell, M rs, No 1UU!I Clintou street Normon, t aptiiin, No -U'J Wtiarton street Nb hot, J allies, No I ;V! North Hecond street Nok B..1 tl. Mo LO H l.cnrmrd street oeI, M F, No fit North Ninth street Nassau, Wi s, Nu H -'l't North Fifteenth Direct NetT. t ol II. Nlne.etnth and Mount Veruoo strve Na)lor, Mr-., H N. No..'), York plnco dnlii'.Mlsa No LU North Ninth atrect Outer brldne, A A, Nol'tol Oreeo street Under, 8, ( 1'ftoii htntiou, t'entisj lvanla l'enihtan, H, liroad and Keed htreet Pi ice, J 0, No Mouul Vrnon str et IN inr, J M. No 7;; l'oplir street Tutt, t;eor e, Castor load, Oxford, I'a V cntxell, fa D, No llhjs Njrth Twelfth street fat tee, J M,:il4 South Tenth street 1 eddlr, Ml-s. o lo23 spring Caiden street I'edr'ck, W F. Nu UliTllron street Teltz. !., No TK' Federal street I'niteri-on, Mra, No :t.'ii North Twelfth street reiirotc, W, Nu (iuo Nuttli Uroad street l'inmtr, lttv Dr, No UU Spruce street rani, Kdward F, So lJll KprlOK ilardua sine. J'l.lllipi-,!. W, NoMI Varahall slicot rblllipiiCli tile-. No ltd) North Eleventh street Feurose, T Ji, Twentlet'i and Loiuurd streets lu-uihiii, t.torne, Nu bb'i North Filth sirve: Ki-es. Murv, NftM 1'oplar street iieinhj;!, Kun.iKl, tjodiroy avenue, between Y urth and Filth litchey, Mrs. No V-ft'.' H,irme itreet Itta.J.. N Tt'l North Nlnutetntb street ltu.heitoru. T C. No '.'.'0 Norih Juniper street KubertN M:m Notr.M l ear street hunu-au, No Locust sir. ot ilcio.nbun-T, Mi it, N'i M14 North Meventh street id b hut un, k r, i.hert street, bei w tu Eibth und Ninlli Hitbii ioii, .Mra J , No oU7 Nortli Klevntli Mtteet Ittinuuy, Mi's K, No jnt Mount Vernon btree; Itt pplief, 1), No V-r22 lACUhl street lt 1.1, John W, N(. faii 4 ticny gtifet ItifcS, J, Nut Not 111 i U-Velith btfret Khelly, S. (.. o -i."! I.iiwreiice street , above It row u Kluiiner. .Ml", N -' No-th Third -lieet fcharp, w I., No I -7 I ill-ert street Maph-r, J W,N'o7n:i Wanhlnntoll aveimo tStiitu n, fvnioii'l, No is a ii n. m street Fl ru j-ri, It. I'.ioiid stieet. l.eio Whuiton, St'ickt.i nu , C, l'ranl.iord road and Alleghtny aveii e hui:t)i, .1 A, No vnll Loiiihard itriet Knti:e( Mrs. N 7l0 Wood btreet hi m i n, Thomu.-, No J '. I North Front 3: net Fehhi;t r, 1. 1', No lw.'ii Vine-yard stu-ol H wan, J ll, No VAi Hwnlti btreet M.eiiiiai). 11 .tie. No M2 Suatb Juniper street- Mil pi t , M J, Nu North Tenth Mrtet Km. tli, M i:. No 1 .ol N,,rlh H. veutli tlrCct N. l'ii !t 1 , Alrn.No lliu Tulip iiliei-t l-cl.i'.ei'e-, Mia Chin lea. No FitMArch atreet tiiuith, Muii , No ,IJ Moi'i ni street Mr. I i. nt and Vine uri-eta t,.meiB. Mil-. o 7'S .Ncv Murl.et tlect SciUinu.il, M, No I .! t prueo stleet Mu'in, Mrs K, No 1 ttl Howard eireet Mal.orJ. M: Sluilli. l . . S.' t.l. f. , ;( .A n, :i ! 1 1 1 . , -M : , M' !tb. A. N r ;. inh: tt'i MriUK 1.. ? hi. lie. lb Ittllll, U n. No U'J i,n,.n. - itr'.et ! . t'l't M-'l'T treet . ' I . l J it :. f.;ieet , No .j-'i ilui'ieel- it!o- t ! Noit'i il.hl'i -t'-cu N r,i' .-'un ., ! .itu'.'i, It. n; 1, No ,.i'S No! lIl hecoiidbtifi't '. S u'l, s, v. eolith Mud 1. ? N, 1 th '1 hlitei'ii.h .sft't- ). -s Mai i-t atu-( ; N 0 .' 1 NMl i. le' tlili. stixct 1. -H .ic II, .. ,uli . tieel .;1 I'.lh Mleel .1, N't hi.-1 u h, .'..Lu r . Kd nh, i- M, T. Hm-:.. r, MinN'.'T Monuket, rt. lo:i Nori b Fteenth btnel hw ienv , il .1, A,, 4:,; h, .in II ir 1 ati. t UYci..vii li C, No . .l Hotl h SlMe. iith -trcet H lair, W I :o I eio Fun stre.-t SmhIv, Nt 10, No liti Kit htuoi.il Mrcet hhott, A 11. No MS N..rili a;Mh ot.eut Ktt eii, John. No lint, N-rib Seioiid direct Huiethurst, John, No li'll Klde avamtc Toy.jhintB u, No K1.' Mount Veruoo street Tin). ill, A, lhMiphln atieet bebiw Tulip TeI, Mr N, No J j North Eleventh street Tay-Ar, Vf, No 111 I 1 in Mrert Tieinnin, Mra. No I lot 1,1 nid -r( ct Tliotupi n, Il A 1 I ti mi 'feet, n jovc Fine TUiy,MiaN"'.C'H UU'.'Ie st eet Thomas, W It. No It 41 Ror h 1 h'rteenth strrt Troth. 1 , No 7ii' j r h atreft Tepp''i, Mrs, No 2 l N orth J inlir s-r -t Trtey Ai re, No ,rM N r h .Viit 1 T. ' t 1 1n.) er. ,J..mt 1, No v.V. h. uth L e eptn s ff t Tl i.m'4 it , 1 ier,e, s uthw t corner Li.wi'civ 0 ai d I op ler Mtt ' tn Ti'un r, V Wii.liy stl el, bel.ov Vienna lomliti'ti'i. Mr? No ; i N .t.li - everto n h strict nr r t ranKiord toinl a il tumbejland Tm r.- r. MuH, . nr r sre W.11. Mt- V,N- M W oo- Y:i- 1 5 ' f eiiwi. b street, hriow H- oj u .iw'niiii-i1l'Vp-yfie t W.i o,.-r, u-fo-. No N'-'f'b K-t.h ti 0 t V Kn. , . i , N-. .. I:.im-'"I h Mteet V. 10. Mrs.i:-"'- I no rNo.'h ! ll-. wn s ,la 011,. 1 1 h. N 1.V7 f .i o vrel. i'iov. C -a'e W if .'I . I n II' 1 s s' reet , Ah e Frnty W.ili 1 1 . W . V, I !.t. nrii -4-stb BT.'' W.i'.i.i ". Mn .(thai !ti-, I r. ikfrd nu I .-itvi Ar or atf et WI. I". W II. N.i v.' .! ...t. M. ry. N l'f .' 'ite-Mi 'rt Tin Mo-h r.- t '. -J I'M r B'rfr.f 1, o I I t:; 1 id.-n tic' N., 1 -; , N r'!i K ir : s!f v lion. r , N" Woil II". Mm N mv 'erSt t . lit h .r .l.r.-i h M Mtmar-h. M W.N -: IV .M 1 ,.!-. I a. N . t Mm Wnk tl I ', n in, No I . 1 ;onnt( .id- u s:r. et in k cret Ne 4tret W ti er II, Mis-. N U'.,.,. I. Coin1. M'O Within, ("'nt n, W. aver, l..-is. N 7 W.-t i) thodox -tr"4 t '.oiir-r ll t4'', ixth sir- et o ui, N'orih r h ve in, street .'17 H -uth F ojrlh stro-it Wi-rt'-ll, I v' I enth jiid Hprhi.' i;ird-Ml trett Wr ar ht. W II No N rtb hc ind street Wlky. Mn. No I il-- ll.-w.iM s r- et W eavt r. V II, N'-r-hw-t .-.tii-t S'-'or d and New streru e .hi I, V. 10, To'itv-flt:1! att,i f4prini;iarle'i sirt'et oi;ti(;,.l' h" 11. N.. !."." tliiard .i-.eiiiie Y aini.li. I. II, No .;l l.v-"''y tie-'i ntove Vim? Yetk , Mis .hoo-ph No Jt 1 - 'tit!i Nm h etrttft elU, I ted, No l.h.'i 1 .11 :il.n. ton n Hoad Wl SI rim.MM LFiHA. Alb n, J' l D W Motler, M-s M llrunnell, M.a, i;nrden treef 'orell, H , No il.- M irk t Street fVnovr. W ll, H,il.lluitMn tottt-r. A S, No pk :; Lo4Mt trett Frei eh. .fames. Ilettonvllle r.iiodwin. M, lhirb Kmd uiiI Walnut street Hunter, Samuel, Hestum file Mtkhnde, lr, Frnnyh ania Insane HoipiUl I.ewl-, Mrn, hpinre ut 1 eel . heloW T'lll ty -iiln tL Lvii- h, M 1 , crm r I'res'on and Uk tie vr, I'll, 'thirty '.e.-oud and ll.nuiltoii Mehwin, Mrs, M' ip n strc-t Keiileni.n' h, F W 1', I.au aster pike hhnrtletl. Mrs.Marke'. si-ei't, above Tl irty- se ntli H.auldi!'r, Mi. Uio tett street, above Th rly-seventh fllmpsm, Mrs F'-ar Ntree-, Hoitonvillc Th.-rpe.J H, northwest eornerF..rtieth and Pinp Trulll, K.I,Hr.di.e tie?t, almvo Ihlity-sUth (ii.HMA TOWjIs .Airt'-en,.!umo M Hoi -kh a, Fdwiitd. .Main fi'ieet I'.l-t. khnm, C, Tulp .Ilk-ken sir"l Itrcwn. A r, Seiiuul la-ie 1'or- hull. K, I'm e street ( ope, F It, Fa t.t Wulnut lane Iiiinath, James, Cheicin avenue Ijairuch, Mis, l.reen sticet Fii,ke,.lohn li. Linden street lit IteiiMeln,.! C.t.reen street liii-sb r Ma v.Ct-ntre street Kr.use, Mury, Township l ino l'je, Ilei,ry,''nnihrlutid sticet I hipfS, K K, Main t.eet Htoever, Mri.corr.er Eweil and f tin struf ts Wilson, ! hn, North Ariuar itreet oddio,), Mii-s, Centre street W itl.'iihd u,.)HU.e- Il.ttcbool lane Yaiulcy, Wiintn, ;iieit.-n avenue and Chew street i FIIANKKOUH. lint khfi-dscr, Mr-, corner Fniikford ruad aud Unity Mn CL Craiikstmw. .1. Fiiul street, below (.'reen Cr.ihtri e. Mis.i, hell- ri sir.-ct Kinsley, .Mis A, No 71 Miln street Lentier, Mia II. Ortho lox street Miller, litiieeea !')r(.un,( buries Hwope, haiiei. Fan streel, below Oi ihodot Wut rsChaii';i, Uu-ileion pike W etn rill, -Ml 11, No 7 Orthodox sir -et Walton. Israel, Heller tieet, above L'ulty Yt-rkes, Mrs J, hxi'ord street CAMDKN', H J. AmbruMer, Mary llartlne, L W, No o'M North Second str et Jtitimitd, F.J. Linden street und Fr.eude arctm Clhtord, 11 A, No 11, Merkley -tteet Co,rer.; M llumtltt n, M It, editor "In-taocrdt'' llellinilu ad, J C VcniH)i, t, 1 hrd and Federal st recti rit.e. Amy, No Mickie Mrcvt Tiolor, JCIb u, No. Ill I'luinb street lMNNMVLVANIA. Abbott, C F, FalU. Schuylkill Acker, Jiimen, t heater valley Allen, Saiah, Falls of Sejt.ujlkill Arnj'trr-im, W ilier, Fenn Station ItaeJ man, A F, Maueb Chunk Itrown, Kii k.tiosben, Lancaster county Iticklcy.M Il.Ch.si.r Itrown, t F, Heading Bentke, Mrs, Wtssuhiekon Fallow, M ias, Koa borough bt low Ceruuntowu aaue Itaiinon.d, Fotttvllle Buldle, W F, Lewlatowu Itrow n, Khther, Fulton Itutkr, M, York llrinun, Mrs t'heltoii Hill Blake, fctoh. ri H, Ilolincahurg Brown, C F, Fitf-huu Bukk'i Janus, tViuhohocl eu Chamhi rs, I T, Ni wtowii 4 ChriMnur , J"hu, Fin nii. v 1L Conrad, .Ml Hon, We-d tirose Casile, Aanr, Upland Chadwlek, Mr, I pland Cno-wclltM, Feterahui'K C)-)k.Charlct, WaJlintord IStation CoLover, Win It, Ilt-hlliiK'ton OH (lord, Mia, Nicctown tcavtr, lli'nm, Kpread Kagle heimis E 11,1 nil) town In-wee-, Miss, Uoxboiouh Fiona Id, 811 nh, Main atret, beluw (.rape Italic, in, W F,il7 Machines, j J Auoaa'.er Dickey, fa ihiJ, Hopewell iJoiit'luar, James I,, Hedidin iiouO 1 William 11, fahaiuvkiii litbon.Fhunlxvlllo lu-lcm-odc. 4ivt.)sburg Knu'ee. Joseph. Mount Nebo, Lauetttr Caaty FetheiolrtMt L,(.i, Tamaina Fetheru IT, Wllium, ('.',) Hamburg Feaiw eil. Lev, Cresor.a FoMr,C,(.l,) Aihlaiid Fltae'u d, J, Mill Cnek tiiaham, lfr J.Chester t.ulden.B M. ( ',) l'olts IhV tjreeu.U F,tlhn Milla store (.,! a. 11.lt It. Linden ti ilideu, It 11 Fottavihe ti.iube. Hamuel, N'orristown llee ner.Mia, Norrlatosu llal', Mi-a I., I idoimlie Ilein.,.I bn.l'errjMlle IIUie , f'i ;i, N-'irlctown liare . E W , 1 limntrtom iile lilTsl.C, Norristii Jliilubu t iii.C, KlkvieW Un ti in, J W, beuderaon street, I'a llair.ir,Mia Wm, Luvermton Matlou Ihiiitl. y, J J,( hesiiut Hill llHiut-i, .e,.4,e, Avir.Kion Illhhs, J P, IlunibburK lli yfluim, lr, Newton !iiare Thomas, tfurah, Firt Wnxblugtou llak-tt, M''s,Chatuberhuifc' Hu Jsiiiun, J, New ton S'iiiaro Uvtii,l!. WiK-nhhkon Jlallowcll, Mio, llridcihurg Ihiopes, ll L, Av "tulaU-, I'h Jiubaoii, Fiaiik, Frui-i.ind lutpl.u-, I W, rotiMkillu livin, Jul. ii A, Siiojuial.i-iTowu J(,ue-, M 1 tiiiu-uiinon J. iie-, Jonutiu.u, 1 '.', rhtlloii Townjjhlp Jni k-on, We-t Lliovo K erst, Jacob K, IVrt Clinton K"l 1 r, Mrs, Toiii.tsd.tle Krmias A Urotl er, (,'uakertow 11 Kuu'iiiiiin, (' H, Colun, bin, Fa b 1 1 1 f , t' M, Watstinlown Kitin.cr, M , Sclu-ylkill Haven b u.v, Tbciiuiti, . plmnl Kml.ad. , Mra t , 1 IH t in -liurA 1 Intoti, A, ' it CrtMt, tVieattr Comity 1.11 I lij,' el , F . I hi unhiir Lt r., W. Spi-uee Ceek Store 1 awituee.J l',Aveudale Tvc, '1 I.t lu.tF. t. hebier Ft wieiice, F t , Miiitravilie l.iwicM e, J s, Aiiiicibville L)t 11, Mis, Moutourivlllo Lill.v.tieiieinl, Main h Chunk. Lncke, John, Lew h burg Lynch, Hubert, Lewisvllle Luke l'livid, Cutueroiita Mat. J F, (lu machines,) AnnMlle McDowell, L, (i.) W llliamapoit Mend ul all, .1 1 1, Doylestowu MorrjhciitW N,Msiiayuuk M- moe, W M. Cb M. i.r, p.,r( t , tti l-inl.-i',; Mafha'i. M II, ."ii . oklu M.irtow, John, Wh te Hall Hatu. t Nycnm A Ron. Kaj IDH Jiickiim. Wm, vi.) rt-'thitbtm Vave, Mil J, Iltiil ch m Fote , M , Nu.'it i 'ti.M.rjt -tr- N rr,t( t lb rt e, Mr-., Wat reu Faul D. O.) nni'itn T r, M's T, M on I s I He ralmet, Tn"- . Me H i - Palm. r. John, In' ) tov u I'srrmi, .v CnyMih 1111 ,'!,) WdV. a'' ir'e Fotf, '".ip'rllil K , I'o' t-v lte.-s, snide-, Wll'ow :mi Itei pil-r M, d- X fo, .-b!md Itti, MmI-'iui'hi; M cs. r. Mr-, Mii.'M i".ti Hhn'p, a " n. t sit-'ii Hi.- .b-, Wto.oln- y Hi lis, t. W, ( iHi. -nn"-,) lli.T'.la.. si' .rs K i-ry. Mi-. A I lent n h ah It., Lev I. Hinilit.i y rTl tt.,0 H, N-TtiiUll b(l.tl Ni hob , Me :tf , It iso-ir outi hl.cr lieoM, ItiiHile.oii 1'ik. W ll'.o M-s .1 Mdton Wlnt- rs li"i. Kuphri'a t i'Imti W.-iit'-. y, T ho-, ( I .' m.irh!ne,; N o r- .wn 1y. r, Ii M , ( l1 -n.i' 1 nt t ) v .'s t 'l.-'ale r. NKH jkkf.y. i s i: o'er. Itrv.I M.iliK'its.o.- , New J'-f H'j. i' (i, ,1 I , wiihain-,1 ort HUeKt.-ii), W m, I anierr ti n lliiii'.'tk. J S, Kay hu a F.ltit 11 - n. Jam. Lrvh e on rlinrc' tern. ri, Mnrhiik'ton ( lark, D A.T.ent'iii CiH-h , J, I'l tm n CrU, Fo, l 'nrkh 'ton b Corn, w.Ci.iytiiii, F-lo Hsl ip Dli'-oi". Mrs J , r.r.'teton Dlll.ui.-, b'obi rt. It idvefnn eton, D.iac. Horovtituwri Duhot'. J, Kmltfctoil Kvnr.a, J. Oitkltud Station F Iti. 1 1 Mls. Itordi titown Fitch, .Imnfi, in land Field- r. (1 W, !ll;f taiiMvn Faiklnbur-, A'.il, Itui 1:iY'"D s r 11 , lie. , I isbn ble I'atiRio k. J II. HurihiHton llinchtioiii, M, Chirks opoili )':i'. H F, I U mhul. u llai urd, Jrhn, I'.nnb alow 11 Haines, Mit: tha, KhI iiiP dnt Lai. mi, J M, Hitieui J.nkms.D W, Vlnel.ind Kerr, Wm J, Mount Ho'lf Lippit cott, A T, CUniatnonson 1 1 ipplin ott, J K, Hnd loutle.d I.Ipl Imotl. John, Cr-Mr.wl.-ka Milti-an. Mrs, Haddontltld Muliord. J. Br dctnii Ivdri. k.Char,ei, I'ecrh'ktown I'aiMn A Mount, He-h'.-tow n I'h.tro, Miu rt, Ttickerton Fenioek, M H, Loim a Coua.n.' Fettit, Mra 1-, I lyrenro Ferder, liurh-s, No s I Ferry slrc-M, rrei:'(in Hti ph 11 aen, New Brunswick tttouh'cr.Mrs, ( ilaaaboro' W (odwa.rd, Thoo, Mtlford WoodrulT, F D ItndKtou Weatl.erly, Mary, -Mill. tea Hill DFLAvVAHF.. It. II, W M. Smyrna Itudd.J D, Mid-lietown Cornlt, Mrs Chnilei, Delaware 'lty (Mrtion, J bn, Delnwure elty Knon, Thomas, Odessa F ItGerald, M, DehtwHrn city Hadawuy. Clara, (3 ) Wiltnltmton Janvier, W iiliiim K, HttUorncs Lncb, Anio, Mldtlletown l.ecM'iu. K M, Ilavtrlord Township Mavw 1 11, Airs, Ee.uware city tauudera. John W. Lewes Wicl-e. bt nm, 11 N, Wilmington MIS .'KLLANEOl S. Allen , Mrs D M, Jamcatow c, N Y If mt, Dr William 11, Washington, D C Benson, F T, HojdH'aV, Md Cltlna' Volunteer Ilop;al, Fhlladclphiu Carfou.Ctii talu, Wu-liintfton, l (J Cruikhaiik, Mist CccFtown, Md Clements, David t'heste mile, Md CairiUKtoii Jfc Seynit ur, (J ) Fulton, N Y Cafl.ero, Cap.aln (J,) Italy F.vans, Fred, WushiuK'on, D C F.ve iett, tieoTe L, Council Haiti, Iowa Hull', J, :i,) acatocui. Mexico Joi:es.Mrs J, Adams Centra, N Y Jones, Fbin, Adums, Centre, N Y I.oialo.Ciiptaln V 8 A, Weal Fuint,N Y N e, A F, Mdiletta, Ohio D Dilaroll, M.a. Cincinnati. O IMeitlcr, Mrs K, Wehinxtnn, DO Fipi r. Jot n, I. ne 11, Illinois Itiifn-'luro, L. Fi.i Italy Ko;ertA Ouk.ey, No sit Peotl street, N Y Niueallle, Itev James. ( I,) Da enpori, K Y 1 racy, H C, Alexandria, IrK'iita W.'In,ilry Brutbcra, (IU machines,) Haltimore, Maryland tV AT peraons havlni; d-.uhts about what Sewing Mu ch ii es a re 1 lie beat for all Family Pm ise, are rfl-pect-Itilly leiened to the uboelitof p-Tseus, who have the Mueiifne in practical use. benieu.her, hat all te objec tlocs to other tlrsl-cl.iss Machines aro overcome in thej "Fleretice," and thut the "F.orence'' Is ihc Oni.t M AcniNE Wakhm ku to (livr. Fntihk. Ha tfai:thn. It simplicity enables Ihe ino-t inexrerlenced to operate lu li mtkei four dUU-reut stitchu Look, Knot, Double Lock, and Double Knotand has ihu Keveraib e Feed Motion, with A uuliorm and scif-rtKUlatliiK teuaiou of threid, and no fprli.k' to get out of older, and does all kinds of work, be sides possessing many other advantaKei overall other Ma eblnej. Call and examine l co-ta notainK to teet Ita merits at d Lote the hnprovemeits over all others. lu s'.riictlona given without charge. FI.OlitNt'E SKWINQ MAC1IINK COMPANY, NcJiMoCUKKNUT KTKKET, PBlI ADF.LPIUA, PA. y't-f'tti ti i't.i'uilttflna PrtM, Tub NiNLTttNTii Cknti uy Tjib Aob or 1'hi.i,hisam ls hviioN We are lost im amaxeuaui w hen we look around us and contemplate the numerous) inveutions and Improvements that hive been made III labor tu Ting nine iluer) within the last lew yean. To ennmertte ll e wonders that bavo been aoc-ompllshed to thihMirtitlofi would, ihdetd, be a herculean task. Could our fnrcfutliers leave their peaceful graves, and revisit the scenes of this "mmdaiie sphere," they would certainly think they bad inat'.e a mistake, aud had eoltjn Into tie wrung word, 10 chany d Is the aspect ot' thing alnce they bade ir adiei. Imihie their sutprlae ai eeib the earth hoo.ied with Ir -n bands, and thou sand of mighty, ncve'-tiriiiif Iron horses, wiJi long tiains ot human uelht, courting In ve-y direction, at what would aceiu lu tb-m a break-neek speed 1 And what would be their astonishment at b arnliu that thdr descend- ntc are dolnn btiritier. by lightning, and -e ho dlim can vert e wlih each other n ilmu-and tu es away betwe!n th ii-ini( and the aetntw of the him! Think, of the de light uf hoae who were "tillers of the soil," ua beholdlug tlewoikoi the larui icndtred easi and expediii-ms by naeb.i vr , whliat their el ildren ) perfonning the larger Pirtlen 01 their h'iua'bld dullts by the same iui'htr ay nt ! lloiior and tbanka, then, t the u -b'C iu a who have be- imathttlto ua and p- eterhy iuuh liteailojablc blessings, and rerdeied labo: a p eamiie rather tbn a drudgery L t "Mc'biiton auu hla ateam engine," "Fulton and hi I t an boat, ' 'Mono umi hla tele rapli," "McCormlek and b' reaper, ' "iic.,dyear and hla ruboer K-iods," "Hoe .itid hla pieas,' und all the liivcntois amt inventions that have contributed so vuMly to the coii.ioit and prohperlty of the liutioiiaoi tl e em th, ever bo held In ttra et ui remembrance-. To them are due univciaul tluiuka! And let the "g-Mitler aex " the lair dunchtorn of America, e-p ciall' uui:e la tpnalnK tlieir Krutiliu'e to one w ho, anxious to emanci pate them from oithiutit toil, and ath-i'd them opporiunity tor In tilt lit ul recicition and lntt 11 ctu.il liuproveonent, ,'tnn.'li d w 111. i nt tl r. uli inuny uiry mouths in tho pursuit -f hla - Ik ridded oieet-. t ili- iu ever remember 1 luia llovt e, Jr., it 11 4 hth w omtertnl i vv ,uy M;i. hine, Ot all muihrn liiM-i.liona 110110 have proved mre fin po tant than thi Sew ii.g ,a nine, uud none, wa btlies, have be n inoie fcin-i t ptihle to iiupiuve:aviit F. r yeare hlierita lutiodiicuoii, tbough e oonautlv autiiceted to I111 pr,if n t nt In the l.aiuU 01 bkilbii ;.rt.an. It retained cer tain crude, hupeih ct leutiires th a uutit:ed It lr geiiernt uditptH'iou, Ihu time and talent hive triumphed, snl to the "Hi renco Sew ing Marli nu C tiupuny,' of l oreme, Miaa- biiM'tis, be. 01 ik a tho honor ot producing the tir&t iu ftvt Sev imj ifarmifi u uia- blnu that as ttir excels it cot u.po'arie as a chronometer does tho old woodeu cloek, or nu Kile railroad locomotive doc a Conestova ix cait ! Indeed, Bogi tat ii our faith in the "Fi.Mti.M'K" that, were the ciiterpmiDk mmnii'.u turciatoluvoke us tor an lu icriptlou lor ill "eoat of arms," we should doclare "tho A nte of Prrt'ertion" the moat appropriate. liuudteds of the "Ki outscK'' are now in practical opera tioii In FlTladeldiia ai.d vK lulty, and II thrones of people, busy c'orks. and runs ul cases awaiting trattportatln,bo at all indicative of prosperity, then uuat the "Fi.okescb" Cr mpany be on the bigh road to lortuue, for their sales rooms daily prmeut ouoof the must active, business-like, acetic In our city. In conclusion, w e would advlao all those who f -el aa Iuteiet luihe "wonders oj the nineteenth century'' to visit the "Iflotenee ' aalesrooms, at Xo ti 10 Chesuut afreet, and examine what may Justly be tenuid the perfection oi BowiPfc Machine.