The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 17, 1864, FOURTH EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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retting Selcpapfo
SATl RDAV,'.MIlKU 17, lH-ll.
tiif. iiMti viiiii: r nil. nu uu.
! mi M Til I 111 H M (1 01 III I r II AMI
Ilrf.Te tlie HIK'irnt l'nUll0il-bOUd
Al I- rt i'Mirk' s
A lit t'i n Trie, wlins,1 rer hint lion :li.
Wmv,- in the ,rr
Willi rilMlinK villa.! ; 'le'in - il iluy
Wlici il tins Imt ii f.i,lnl -iruf.
On n lrm p wnrr nr's !i Imrt then
llml it ln'i n Ii 'iii't,
Ai .1 lii' v ho wit. 'I, mi Mnrt' n'. pi. mi
S.,1 lieil hi. ::l i m n . I ,
II r, l'i n tl. m 'o: y w ii-, w,n,
In Hgn Of lriniiili put it imi.
T lie Kroi'mru 1 1 r i- " ewiinintnl hi"inl
"linn hi'iiii' ii ii-1 'hv
W.'v ii'ii the li. h' ' It ug .:.r iVii inN wui .1
1 hi- vert il .
Tlic mm r llm In r tl. u'-t at'u;:,i"l,
'llm .pnr'u mill ilnn uii.tii.Ii eii'l'"
Al "tire Hi' iirH'iir iiii'.si ncr
1 nil m i I'd .1 ,fh run :
11 in I 'nil lull's l h,' ri, h
tl are,
mil Hi' n il nt. iim ! .
I-'t m l Ins (!, it' -I i; in Hint lie
Cun liri:i(f kIh-I tii'itn ol victory '
. 1 no iTuvt' j ouiii; limn :
lie rum in Im-ie ;
J 1 0 Hues not -liiv,
Nnt unrc, io i iit "r ill ,
i IT! III, lllllL' WllV '.
ik or re-t
Tlu't' rrmt loiim-, tin- jim kIi i in-- but,
Nifcli lnc.iK-lii" limn lie hei'ila l! nut.
I'.xl irnm .1, pun'iiis, rrii,'lica ho
I 111" limn ill lust ;
Mnl i n miIb (,f ImiiIii t-i, lnmtilr,
llifailili-s lmi i.nssi il
Stlllllll vt here til.. .limit- I n l, n t rot
Now vt lives lis liriini lH'S wln.-p'rinKljr.
UO drives llli Mieiir in I'liiTli tt-ith mic'it
'1 ln'rimi t'l Ii' in ;
His ImMiin pan's, liis eye lieains brilit
With jay lie's n'l'ii
T' WHVer- l-'il'llet illir HI reniftli lilt I'n'nc -
icti'i v : linn he sinks nnd din.
Jsxiiltlni in tr-iiul lmnnineas
, i ii i ,1 1 , i 'm in iii ,
TIip li.ire.lnrs, li-.M'il from their ilia'.rcss.
In sorrow t art ;
Their joy, their triumph turned to turn,
lheir fisiuui H iimcral train!
I'rom the Imt'i. helmet .lid thcr idiuk
1 he witlicri'il spiny,
And theio into ihe ground they stuck
ii. vi tiiiu lie lily,
At the same pl.ieo where now wo sec
i hi: green iuiu sunny linden tree.
Mt sill II. 1. lASOXI.Klt tVHAXAI.I., HAITI.
A niediiHl commiiislon had sat upon me, ami
tnlmouoly dei ided thut her Maicstv'n Imliun
rces would heneefortli count ono cnpmln the
. Ihcy ulliiiid thut It nm the, piece of slug
' ich hud loili d In my h ft sliotilder-bone, at
i first relief of I.ucknow, which did tho busi
sbjbut I had my private opinion. When a
in docs not know exactly how Ion ho lias to
e. lie tiiuv nrovp rui'Ll.iLfl ..n.l .I.1..L. . .n
j ! . . -' f ou'l U1II1& IllUtU
r:indy pawricc than is gixjd (or hiin;nor aro
PR niarchcs In a torrid sun, nnd camping out
iuo jun,'10 dew, condiielvo to health. After
', I was not liarticiihirlv sorrv aliout lining
olved. The I'isIiiIiil' was over for a while. I
lis tolerably well before tho world, as I had
ld the command ot a regiment of irregulars,
1 bad no opportunity for spending my pay.
jiere was a trille of loot to the good, my pension
a allowance amounted to a very decent sum
1 1 had the Lucknow prize-money looming In
M future. Luckily, I was not dependent on the
When I returned to I'.iiglaud tho medical man
lorn I consulted aliout my shoulder, which,
mod to hiire reached a sta-m nf rhnnt ri...,.
r-tism, told me mysteriously that I wanted
tiling up." The best way of doing so won Id
hv n li,li In .niiin ...:.. ...... ..i . .
I .... ........ n DUiv , t-u'snii: piace, taK-
.s' regular exercise, bathing every day (it was
,wmt.H rtauici nuicii nan oecn Known tor
ire), and geuerully looking alter myself. This
.ice was. Iiertnitm. ooirrli llm trnim'.a I ....i.i
I nut the dilheulty lay In delecting the quiet soa-
v i'imu. x iiiu im cii iiosL-iifc iroiu i'.nianu so
g that I was quite innocent of such matter,
1 fancied that Brighton would be about the
llut my medico shook his head, as he told mo
... uiiKdfal'll n. a n 111 ITIl 111 l.ll'lililll (Iml n..
ps more conducive to dissipation than the enpi-
, ,, mm iun, wuiim noi io at all. It ho
iht suggest, I'entnate wai the very place for
; it luy tome miles from any railway station,
1 henee was not Invaded by excursionists
ring tho months; tho socioty was
ict and quiet (this meant slow, I could seo,
i his dignity did not permit bun to uso the
in I . mill in khnrl I, w.. i. i.A u . ...i.i i.
aid suit nic. liy u curious coincidence, mv
vsician had a son eslablished at l'eu'giuo as ii
Jicai man, to whom bu would be happy (j
tun II Intti.r nf iiilr,.lt,..,
Vs it was a matter of perfect indiflorence to mo
um i pnt'ucu my icin, i ueciiieu on I'entgito;
1 there 1 nnd my faithful StuMx, who had
a uij r, i Tim, ,,,r jiars, uuu reiitsen to remain
urn wuvu m. n-ii inula, louno oursoives towards
ui'KiiiiniiK oi reoiuary. t:ertainlv this is not
best period of the year to judge of the aitrac-
fl nf u U'Atj.rinir.iil ii... u...l .1......
7 . ?"'"" unno vuollll
llfTlltA lllllLPll Willi i. .1 .
: "-- iw iiuustin Biiiiiinreu
Wllllfl Wllltllllf for tllfl UlltninA, uor .11..... 1.1.
luaint little place though a sort of compro-
i'gikoi u a iiBiou'puri mm a waiering-puce,
unable to deeiili' I'Vtaf'tl V U'lii'K it I ......
tot the latter theory there is a certain num-
v. Dunir anu (.-rcBruillH, very WlMO-taCL'O.
Krcen sbultcri d : bill. unlm Lilv m, ,i...
ses still remain in the shell, as colonists did
arrive fast enoni'ti in untufv ti. t. ...i.i. ......
, ...... .llv u l I i V, , 1 o
Kiilne ex pee tai ions. turougu the t.'ourt and rolirod on a
ipetei.eyj and there the houses stand, until
collapse, through tho fishermen and their
'S steilinir tha inists nnil Im.iniu r..r a.....
.CatC an a fllue (if hmbn nr,iml.n.
i time royal iluko had visited it ilnrinir tt,n
imer, and expressed his determination to
11 IIUHin. Of eolirRP thiu n.m.l.l mnt.
. munu iuo iyr
o ol 1'eDtgate, and the wildest spirit of speeu
m seized on the townspeople; nothing less
ild satisfy them than "shutting up" Brighton.
uippuy, tue royal nuke lorgot his promise, or
I, or something of that sort, and lVnigatewas
lamenting that it had put its faith in princes.
ied in these umbiiious views, tho townsfolk
" icingaio suomu tiecome celebrated
its tisheries.
frigbUully ugly kyanlzod Jetty was run out,
usiuuK-uuaia were estutiiisned. and
ork they went w ith an nr.i,. ..,,i. ... .
ler cause than "luriag the tinny brood with
mnart and human guile out of the silvery
i i, air. lueouoro Martin has it after
Mthe; but the lVntaatites forgot that inh were
.ngiiisbed by their absence oif these coasts
U uaul of mackerel was not remembered even
What nuisance, the oldest inhabitum ii.
ited aguln, Tcntgato subsided into a place
i h had seen better days. Clergymen's widows
ltd lodging-houses of the upinove 1 s -a-side
lei ; a w leket was put up at tho of
jetty, where, by pavment of a penny tho
:ors could enjc,y in the iiiiiitn-r the diih-. t
s of a starveling brass bund; some mighty
ultitor erected half a dozen bathing mae'iiue'
thus prepared, i'entgate sat dow n to wait for
lierity to visit it.
it there was uu element in llm
irred progress. A colony of hall'-piy oui ers.
largo small luinilies, giailually retiring
e the invasion of civili iri.m ...i.l.i
....... ....u uuu .,ii n. 0
linally mndo a stand ot I'entKate. The town
ledlvhadits advantages. In the lirst piiee
'is ten miles from nnv r.iilwnv a i.i ..m,, ,.'!
lest speculator would not dream ol' making a
to it. Next, living was i h. ap, and tint was
nsiderution ; for the nir was very hca'.'hv,
induced mighty appetites among' the ln!f
nigs. These families, then, formed a sob m i
nee, and resolved to defend i enl-it.' it all
uds against the invaders. '1 his did it at ul!
the I'entgatitcs ; for tho hali'-p'.vs did no
id any vast amount of money ..i th town
N were In the habit of having down pan els
m , London tho greutost of all oileiics in the
It of n country tradesman. Anoibcr ei- m n'
y -cordwaserc long introduced ; several retired
.try lawyers, iloetors, and wealthy trule-
-mviiiiuicu, i7 .1I..HU iiiiverti-einents in
local papers, to establish their iaioi in
lirst thpy ti led to I'nile'-i'e with the h ilf pav i
were itreeied wiih sm ii A ,i ...
ired i a war to the knife. In this war the ladies
ess them ! wen; the npirressors, and the bat in i.a. i. . i . .. . . . '
ijiui e in me cnurcli. As the new
era were relatively mud, wealthier, they were
iistenir7. uT.V; V" :.8 1 u V77 P.-',Tr
need V'. ",o.8 01 w"" "
vmimr ueai t-ourning even
4 fheir vV.l t0 hJ eo iustructed
TlsiuKi'. ' . 'W Vf '"ouze veteran,
n his .Yx h r" ''lmeet,
tears and dt,ciu 7!i u,'u'ur" """ailed him
course their msnima barked them up, and the
veteran would end by striMni olf his port wine
ration, ami solacing his wounded feelings with gin
and water.
Of course, the two antagonistic parties met as
rarely us losstblc, but there were occasions hen
they could not In Ip meeting. In win er, for (n
st.mi r, when It was found absolutely neces-ary,
in nidi r to avoid o(teiiiiu ol the britin, l have
seme relaxation, itn kly d m.'e- took pl'0
at the iim mbiy-rooins. whero the two pirtles
nu t as en n-utral ground. I he voong panpli
wi n na-iirally coindled to dance t nr. iher or sil
tiiiiii i lian. e ; bin ii , laity a .Teed Hi r. no
claim to ititiiniicv should be ri'scd on tins
in cm tit. Henee, when Miss Finn Mienite'ietney
not lor piutjur of tho prcvi is tiwiu, Mr.
I'll ey.oo ihe litv.toey p i-m-i! cnho'licras
I l ' 1 t s o a t o-ct . Slli h was the agree t'llc tior
i' i : t 't .n to whit h I . poor innoe n', ien'u i-d.
Ihe 1 1 ai it r ol the atistocr ifs r is M ii ir l i Mit
el i'.it y , miiM'tiline p iit'ot of the nf ir 's iiit M tss
I Ii r.i, an I he claimed the pro. id distill, ti n
II rotii h ln rank unit hi wes'th. lie iv is r.' rly
eii oil. i . r a ivoihb r. bavnir inirned the si.ter
t'i I, i. i.i I.h iiteinit.t. Sir I'll irlcs Dishoicr,
x . Ii t'nie I.i '..eif no slight mis, l.y tho w iv ; but
ti n Into he i.ot done so. his ni triial ib un nior
. olil Inn e entil e. I him to cs,'i II iil..n-,
l.p to the ch;ti anil ilispl.ijltnz as litt'c u title as
I't ..l't.-. be i.ariulcii the jetty every in. h a sol
tin I. ' 1 1-cii an ilnneu i Inn woold hive gia..
t'i i.. d ti c In Art of Sir fii' iii." drown, n I I his
litaek wlrskci's uere h eninpri'iii-e t,.,t-. M )0
iiiii.toi. i I op and the no I'.i.ln oiii'il.' :ir:i':.-rr
sly e. Slid tin re was a mystery attti-'ilru to tha
ii'inor ; hi coiilui to his on n hints he ha 1 seen
sitiiee in nearly every part of the world, bit
none i ver remembered noticing bis nv.ii' in d
patches ; but there was no doubt thai he was a
gallant and distinguished veteran of t'le old
Miiis, and C'lii-cqiiiT.tly cnti'lcl to loo: do.i n on
the Ciitncans ; w hieh, to render him m-tiee, he
il"! to a considerable extent.
A tin hi i! b a s ranter to eicry one, I tl it t -r inv
sell I prodii.fd a sensa'ioa in I'en'i; i'e. My
httirof introiluetion, if not p irtieularlv b.-n-ti-i
isl to 1 1 1 v health, was of service minikin; mu
kiinwn; nnd as my doctor's position rcn lere I
him un enforced neutral, I was soon on friendly
lei nis in bo'li c.nnps. 1 did no' s c any ica-oh
whv 1 should pronounce for either partv. 'I he
civilians gave exee lent dinner-parties. which
eu not muter of frequency anion g the mil it irr ;
w hile ihe latter. I regret to say, smelt terribly of
the shop. '1 his was no! surprising; forced on the
soeiity id their fellows, tiny told each other old
worn-out tales, which they taeiilv agreed to
accept ii s novel nndoriginal. Before I had known
l'uj iiiasicr-wlili-the hoiiorary-iank-of M ijor Wo-ther-pm
n more than a we1 ii, that distinguished
vctciiin had favored me thrice with his story
about Irs incniora'ile duel with Knsign Widgeon,
of the Cli tiakilty Fencihlej.
Hie lir-t time, I remember, the trtrrrimi mini
wii9iin impertinent remark mule at a ball to a
young Isdy to whom Woiherspooii was paving
his addresses ; on the second, it w is a disputed
bet at a billiard table ; and on tho third, a card
quarrel after mass. 1 can only account for the
divergent statements on the supposition that tlio
peppery paymaster had been engaged In so many
ullaiis of honor that he had, in the course of time,
confounded them. However. 1 was on good
terms witli all except Major Mountchesnev, who
informed "his young friend," as ho was pleased
to term me, that this friendship depended on my
resigning the fellowship of the civilians, (rreat
ns the honor of his amiiy was, there were certain
reasons of a perfectly private nature w hich ren
dered it impossible for me to give up visiting at
least oiic house. Hence I sacrificed the pitronngo
ol Major Moiinti'hcsncy, and I trust that 1 bore
the loss with man y resignation.
Another circumstance materially enhanced my
popularity. In I'entgate, as in all seaports, the
li-bermeii were starving in the winter, and con
sidered that they had a vested interest in the
charily ol the townspeople; they ignored all idea
of Ihe woikhoiise, and sat down patiently while a
committee was collecting funds lor their support.
It had been found by expeiicnce that the charita
ble liked to have something in return for their
money, and hence it had become a rule to engage
a lecturer, or un orrery, or the musical glasses, as
a means of augmenting the funds. Any amuse
ment was such a rarity in I'entgate that people
looked forward to the lecture as a complete mailt il
dissipation. Somewhat to my surpriso, our exeel
It nt rector waited upon mo with a suggestion that
I should deliver some lectures on the Indian
mutiny a subject not so honeycombed then us
it is at the present day.
Probably the cold bathing had trenethened
my nerves, for after a little consideration the idea
smllid on me, as the French say, and I assented
to make an ass of myself in public. It is tnio
that 1 had delivered several lectures, while in
India, to the troops, but that was a horse of
another color, lino whose mouth people did not
li nk. Hut in the pre-ent case mv audience would
pay, nnd consequently had a right to be critical.
However, I jotted down my recollections, sent
them to a literary friend in London to be licked
into shape, and awaited tho coming trial. Fre
long, though, 1 received another "facer" from
lute; tho to n was placarded with handbills an
nouncing my lecture, with u fnorliuc to tho eil'eet
that "Capiuin Muiilovcrcr Sniitti (mv name,
ladies and gentlemen ) would, by particular re
quest, appear in the iiuiforin of tho Miistee Fus
tic irregulars, which regiment ho had com
manded during the mutiny."
Now I had fought the hist campaign in a mess
jacket, a pair of very ragged overalls, mid a straw
hat ; and thoso articles, hud they been in exist
ence, would not have conveved a very exalted
idea ot the fabled Foist. I' thought, therefore,
that there would tie no harm In stealing a march
upon the worthy I'entgatitcs, and 1 w roctomv
agents, requesting them to procure me the uniform,
of an ex-iaptain in the O-iuanli borso, with which
Holywell street was glutt !. As every oil! 'or in
the lint-Ids invented Ins own cos nine, my agents
fullered from an embarrassment of riches, but
they picked me out one which was, peihaps, a
trille gaudy. It con-i ted of a light blue, vory
tight-fitting tunic, without buttons or collar, and
covered with, ut a moderate estimate, tTo thou
sand yards of gold lace; over this was a sleeve
less tabard, open in front, consisting of a pink
ground all winked over with gold; and tho rest
of tho costumo was composed of cherry-red
trousers, nearly all gold Btrqie, Napoleon boots,
ilver-f,ilt chain gauntlets ami gorget, and a very
rakish red bus.-ur cap.
In this attire, and w ith my medals on my chest,
I made my uppearance on the piatiorm, before a
most fashionable iiudicnce. 1 was greeted with
loud applause, only si ghtly marred by M nor
Wountchesney leaning across tbreo bunches, and
remarking, in un elephantine whisper, "I say,
Wothorspoon, no wonder wo lost casto in the
Crimea, when fellows are allowed to moiintooank
in that way. Great (iod! I wonder w hat the
Hook would have said to it." To whom the pay
master "Hoot toot, Major, the service has been
going to the dogs ever sin' yo left it." Wother
spoon was an old soldier, und know that this pub
lic compliment would secure him a dinner, which,
I am glad to say, it did. After taking tha usual
sip at the glass of water, which forms tho lec
turer's lenten-fiue. and which I may bo paidoucd
for having fortitied with a couple of wine-glasses
ol tilenl.iiat, I plunged boldly into my harangue,
and succeeded beyond my expectations. Mv suc
cess wus extraordinary, and tho lecture brought
in a sum of money such us never had been
before, nnd 1 became quite a Triton among the
I'entgate minnows.
Shortly after these oc 'iiri-ences, Fngland was at
tacked by the periodical (iailo-phobia, whi. li, on
this occasion, came to a head in the volunteer
movement. Of course, Peutgutc was not behind
the rest of tho world, lor evoiy man felt con
vinced thut the French, it' thev did come, would
inevitably land at their jetty'. This excitement
was intense, aud for a w Uilo nothing less would
satisfy the population of one thon-uiid live hun
dred, than establishing a cyi d'nriwt at least.
The hull-puys put themselves at the head of the
movement, but, sooa finding that il they occupied
commissions they might be called on tosubsnhj
largely towards the uniforms, they gradually
backed out, and formed themselves into a com
mittee of management, whieli enabled them to
otleru maximum of advice with u minimum of
cash. I was almost unanimously elected captain
of the lirst company ; my subs were j illy fellows,
ciiieiiy iroin tue cuuian class, who S'HijJiibcl
handsomely, and matters w era soon in train. j
There wus a little hitch nt lirst about the uni-
form, as all the men wanted one like that in
which I had fought my Indian campaign; but I
evaded that by suggesting that it was only used
by cavalry, und so we agreed on ritle-gre'en. I
appointed my invaluable 8tubbs drill-sergeant,
and we got ou famously. Humors were uiloat
aliout las bihavioi, 1 am sorry to sav. Thus, a
Quaker, u rabid opponent of the volunteer move-
meiit, dee'ared on alhrmatloti, in lion of oath, I
thi.t he had seen Stub. is engaged in initiating an I
awkward squad in tho mysteries of the g.iose- j
Hep. "uuu : siioii'etl the sergeant, and the legs
duly went up. Thin Suibbs uuu.ieionsly sa:d,
Now, gentlemen, unless voii promise to stand
Inilf a gallon of bucr, 1 shau't say Two!" Of
( i ur'c the most obstinate recruit could not stand
for an undetermined period with bis leg at uu
angle of forty-. ivo digrtes, and so thev com
promised for the beer. Hut 1 urn inclined to
rtgurd this sl',.y as a weak iiivoution of the
stiibln and I b. eaine immense favorites. I did
not bother the meu with too much drill, but took
them out foi country inarches, und got them to
tLe targets at the carliist possible, moment. My
civilian friends subscribed for a handsome chal
lenge cup, which promotes oiuula'ioa and go id
feeling, and, in : word, a company of tho II. P.
H. V. was more like a baud of schoolboys than
stern soldiers. All very wrong, I e linos.-, Lui, I
went in for the fun of the tiling, and could never
be induced to regard the serious sido of the mut
ter. I only know tual my ineu prved crack
shots, and as sharpshooters would have given a
?ood account of any enemy that dared to land,
lut in the midst of our'ro'le we received a
heavy discouragement , several companies wore
formed into nn dmitdirntion battalion, nnd
thr. iifh the Influence of hi brother in-law, Major
Mom tcl.i'sni y was appoinicd to the command.
My stitii ipatioiis as to mischief were not dis ip.
pou ted, tor m two or three days iho lollowing
oi di r nn Ii It nt our headquarters
"tint s o , Nn a? T'o. Mt or (..nan sn.lint tin' So-,
'.ml I'M! I. ..- A-lli.ei.a rft e.ii P. ,1 1 ..h,, will in. ..., A
' ' " !' ' s , nil M, ii. vt slir. cm...
i... n u to'-if ..n li e I'trs 'our aina In fie,,
II so l
(in ii ad ng th s misivc.n'l mv sins of omission
stand inc in Ihe lace, and I Ii It thai mv conieaiiy
w ns nut nt all in the condition to s itisf v a mi 'i
net. ltwns true that th. Ir inu-kets ii ere clena
and ii gi od oiib r. but the men were not setup,
and li an In d in Ii a pr uhai sh i"ihle, oil -, ,:!
it is inipo-sithe to bieak nn"i a-. it-tomed to t e
sen. Mom nt, 1 put uiy mist in Provi le ici'.ai' I
iiali.ccil a'l.iut hall the compinv 10 promise, as a
pn.-on:d taw i, Hi. it thet would appi ar on ihe
j hi h iff-m . ,u ml . I ncisely at the ap,in.peil
ii.oic.ii.t tin Maior came n.liiig u n, and w as so
piet i nut ti ' :il I sin), that I thought his its', order
wi uld I .-w::l o r.ltinoo-." 1 Ins still is ot'
bis render' d Hie oo-ei es of nivl.llovs all t'.ie
tnoie 1 1-1 1 us. He sp. ii: s uue time itti t'm
tin li. and pi r i o mc I sotiie in m en . r. s of ,i in h
tiny hail I, illicit.) Is'iii Ide-sid v ignorant. At
ii i eih 1 i Inn c. I. li e.
"(ilea! II. hi ' -it, lii s is even worse tli 01 I h id
f.iiiii.. I was nnarc ih'it di p ine i',is uev ,v
in lour 1 1 nip, ii .' . I. ii' I wa ten at a I prcparid
ti r tb:. .lu-t im k nt th t man, 'r'"
And I.i' p.. no. I with a toonr tha' ft."-i'.'
with .'.s'l'ji:, at an lint-.rluii ,ie lelnni hti. tor
the sa'.i t l liisc, had hit tl'e bo'loiu b, it in of
Ins Mine iititu-tcm d I iqol .., ,1. ami -aid that
the men would produce a more t.ioni e impres
sion if seen at ritle prac ice ; but tl. it .set the
Major i n I is hobby. horse at ,,n, ,-.
' l'loi'i talk to ii. e, sir, ab nn ritle'i ho
splutu ii ,1 ; it 1 bad my way, n..t a volniiiivr
sli'itnd hie a shot lor the first iw elvc lu orli .."
I noo k y sngge' d that it su, h a 1 nv were ci.
li.tcid thirciioiild be very Ica voluoteir.; t,ut
Major Moiinichi siicv n ould not li-ti u to me, ami
ii de i ll in high dudei on, to send in a lengthened
icpO't nl out ihe iia tlieii m v ot my company. 1
ci uld do i oilnt'g. for he was right from Ins 'point
of view nt d so, perhaps, w.i- f,.,,,, ,.M..
Win re we dub rid was that he w into I to ire-it
cm ry aimed man as a true so'dicr, w hi!c I thought
it siillieu rt lo tc ich linn the us.-of Ins we ipon,
bow to work iiigcther, and obey the word nf com
mand, lint then 1 had had to do with irregulars
in India.
1 have un space lo describe all the nnnovances
whit h the Minor brn light don a on my devoted
bead, and my fellows would have resigned hilf
a iloen tiiin s, hud Inoturgul th -m to refrain
out of consideration tor me. Still, I moie and
more felt ikat l'nitgate w is not large enough to
bold the Major and myself, and tliit ono of us
must give way. At this crisis I obtained nn un
expected nnd valuable ally. Mv cousin, .lack
1 an yof mine, of ours, ot evcrv tiling and every
body, the darling of the w hole "iirmv w ho had
gained Ins V. C. by a deed of 'unex impled
bravery, esen aiming that body of liratu
nu n, took it into bis head to get married,
lie coiisi quently sold out of the l'iuugers, of
which regiment he was lieutenant-colonel, and
wus now in town to have his last lling before set
tling dow ti to the curb. To him I
applied in mv sore strait, and the next train
brought him tu I'entgate.
"1 he old humbug'." he fai l, after list, ung to
my grievances; "I'll pill him. I suppose Hie loel
it'g against him is pretty general, eh ? How many
companies have you here ?"
" erv general. Two," was my laconic replv.
"Well, do you get the olliceis together quietly,
mind nnd we'll talk the matter over."
The same night the conspiratois assembled at
my quarters, and we discussed the matter. At
length Darcy said i
"Look here, geiith iiien ; I see the way to bowl
out Major Mariincl ; but, before I undertake it,
you must pledge mc your word not to remon
strate, however extraordinary my conduct may
appear to you, and to kci p it dark."
This was enthusiastically promised, and Darcy
set to work. In the course of a day or two a
rumor ws ulloat that the olllcers of tho R. 1'. It.
V. Intended to pre-ent their commandant w ith it
testimonial, as a token of their esteem. A visit
which Darcy and myself paid to the silversmith
of tho country town, and an Inquiry after pat
terns of rpinmt, seemed to confirm the report,
nnd a paragraph about tho testimonial slinped
into the local papers. This had a marked cifeet
on Ihe Mu jor, aud ut the next parado be deigned
tocompiimeiit me on the decided improvement in
my company, i no report was converted Into a
certainty when Major Mountchesiiev received a
letier ill the name of the oflieers of the 11. P. II.
V., inviting him to dinner.
None wi re more puzzled than the ollicei s when
they heard of this, for they had not the slightest
wish to pny for a dinner for their gallant but dis
agieeibli' commander. Moreover, they had not
In en culled upon to contribute to the testimonial
which il wus town talk would be presented on tho
occasion. However, they had promised to hold
flu ir tongues, and consoled themselves with tho
thought thut nine would clear up this as well as
other "iinievealid mystciics."
There is u story flouting about mess-rooms,
that ou the occasion of a regimeuuil presentation,
the Mcjor pushed the testimonial a, ross the table
to the Colonel, who was the recipient, saying,
"Colonel, that's tho mug." "Oh," tho Colonel
replied, "this is the jug, is it ?" And so the mut
ter ended to their mutual relief. Hut the II. 1'.
It. V. were not going to hide tlteir caudle under
a bushel in this way, nnd the ceremony was as
grand ns it could bo made with our resources.
The chair was occupied by Colonel Darcy, as
spokesman for Ihe olllcers, whose feelings over
powered them. The honored guest ol ihe eve
ning was on his light, und before thuin was the
testimonial, still covered with green baize, Imt
evidently valuable.
After the usual patriotic toasts, Darcy proposed
lo make the sieech of the evening, lie alluded
in the most allectiug terms to tho urbanity which
the Mnjor bad constantly displayed, an I to tho
skill be had shown In gaining the good wishes of
all with whom he came in contact. Then he
passed to the testimuui il, w hich, humble though
It was, would, he fcltussured, be treasured by tho
Major as ait heirloom. Thendexterously whisk
ing away tho green baize with one hand, be
rulsed bis glass with the o.hor.uud bade us drink
the health of our Major.
Iho cheers which greeted this speech had
sciircoly died unity ere wo saw the Major turn
black ill the face as if ho were going into an apo
plectic lit. Dashing his baud down among the
glasses, ho gurgled out, " Great Ood ! you shall
hear from mc about this," und rushed from the
room, leaving the testimonial behind liiin. A
glance at tho piece of plate, however, explained
to us the motive of his flight; it was really and
truly a piece of delft plute, with its j tgged edges,
lying, as if in mockery, on a blue velvet cushion.
The trick was scandalous, I confess, but we could
not retrain from penis of laughter, such as tho
assi inbly rooms had never before heard. Flven
if tho poor Major could have held his ground in
Penigate, which would have been dilllcult, ho cut
it uwny from under him by bis own io dish
At six o'clock the next morning the I'entgate
hiti lliijeni ir appeared Willi u flaming account of
the banquet, which could only have boon sup
plied by tho Major himself, us the speech he had
nut delivered was given in erVi.vo. This was
copied into the country papers, and thence fonnd
its way to Loudon; und this, in turn, obliged
"One who was present" 1 1 wondcrwho he was)
to state the plain facts of the ease, aud the well,
there was the deuce uad ull to pay. The lord
lieutenant took up the cudgels for his brother-in-law.
There was a heap of angry correspondence,
and the result was that the two companies of it.
P. V. K. were broken up. llut Major Mount-che.-iny
has never shown himself iu the pla:e
again, and is popularly supposed to have migrated
to liiissia, wbeie the fellows w ho insult held olll
cers lire scut to Siberia I
Dlping Ihe o lier day at the "Hag," I s'umblcd
over the gouty foot "f that distinguished "illcer, !
I ii liteliaiit-l icncr il Jowlcr, K. C. li., K II., K, ,
T. IS., and so for the rest of the alpha' er who
knows every li llorv w ho has been in the army
since the held of t'ull.idi ll. After appeasing tho
veteran's well founded wrath and listening to a
ft ling of expletives w hi-Ii seemed to relieve his
pain. 1 usktd, in tho course of coiiv rsal ion :
"Py-llic-bj , (ieneral, did you ever come across :
A Major .Mouiitchesney i" I
"Monnti hesncy let mo see," he remarked. '
"Oh yes cutting nnd carving fellow ret Major, 1
but Surgoou-Maior to. k u bullet out of my leg I
utter Salamanca, and d.d it (.nevermind nii.ili i
clumsily too."
'Iho inurdei' was out; only a no.i-coiii'
ollicer could have proved himself so tliorouga a icaiiiiiet.
I ll IT t ill IK II.
TLere is an old eliur. li in Wet Or.iiiby,
As Ufdy grim ns it can be;
And its wails are as black
As a duty bear's buck
This dismal old church in We-.t Oianby.
Its pulpit is faded and dirty,
And its windows, some twenty or thirty,
Have lost a'l their glazing",
And cuttle are grazing
Hound this airy old church in We-t Oianby.
Its roof is still rotten and leaky,
And its timbers are shrunken and Squeaky ;
Its news swarm with n.ts,
And its spaces with hats
This furiiiken old church in West Or.uibr.
If I bad my home in West Gruuby
(It's as pieity a village ns can bcj,
I'd pud ihe thing do", n
In the midst of the fowl,
And beat all Iho ovens In Wcjt (,
Damns the cliurcli.
'y 1
No. 110 Markot P-tro.-t
ill I W 1 1 N I la iNT AN It M.roMI si nn is.
1 i . w lo.ait. r. ii. i v, . .
D It li (I C, 1 is T S, I' II s I C I A N S,
I.I- " MM I 'l.iltlidl f IIS,
r ip i.ii-t si sin . .' -' ".' -i ,i '. i . . . I n, . nt .-i I- iei a
siitl'e. ".'il'ii v 1'. ,.ii ir f'-e nt M.-ll -n".. Pain'
I , , ..,!, M ,., ' , I.,.., p,, . , . v, A . ,.
1 i r - . -e-i'-i ' ' - . ,!.. i-s'i l . . ,:,.
I im: f ssf s, i i u on s
l' r r. ft. tl. iii-is, iii n v ol, Iv. rua! ,.f IN- tu'.i .piatltv.
... iiir ll. i- l' ( .1 in, Mh.i I r. 1 . 1. A -li, I M. I r,
a Ash, M' in Hi' .H r,' i.m,atl .,r.'s .-rs I'm, sot
'-' I. lki -i . i o: m i its- ii-ii, j ,i - s .n hsn.i, it
I tl .1 li, 1 r:i,h , i a rt
Pi l:p ii"ri s i on rAV'H.i l si,,
l.l.a tl-l rs r. -- 1 r - nits'. . mi-' I.i ! irli wft Or-a.i
I' r s'lrni.. n . I !'... n witi , f o-ii il.i,. Mt, lot,
'. ' v ''.'' ", -' ;.' ", IT s .". ,' '., ,( -., a- ,
" -'' s t.y A , ,r i p..,'. tl di 'iifol Still i.t-irit si
t. n i t'.t'i s J , . . . ,n .1 .il- i;. will l In, a..-'i.''l !e a io
lie -. -I.
WHKiiir , smnM.r,,
W e, ,-', Or. i; W.oo I.M.- .'.
)'l'ly N.v h M AI Kl T Str.-.'l.ii -.v, t, vn.
yr,rciNAi, cod liver oil.
,?OHN 1. 11 K- It ,v !).,
No. TH ..I lltkllt .- I RKI.T,
sir p tt r.'ci-l. In - tl;. r i'l.-.h fr -m :1 .hot tot.
1 1 e f i p. -r I.- - m ..: it . ii ul t. in ovi-rv r, s-, a t, list etf l
f' r II n ri'pulao. li n 1 ! Lojunil sin other Hi iail In tin
ni ok. t il'i't.n It. arc Jotcrmiiiisl I.i n sill. Is
t' s ins- Is. ,"iti , o i-.-'ud ..ri f..r to -s..r-. sa.t ;. nil v.
Ho. n -I. hi, . ! -, I ' , i -' rs lit M-,1 i- il f illi'BOt. sell
II A ll'l I Ki,
fllTon'ar sr.t V'k'HII i. Ivmr ef ll.s
A 11 1 I I I r I A 1. 4 K M,
Apeinvo'l and a.t,,ptrd
io 1 If k
l Kl.KO.(,K.SKPAI. (ll- rut.: t'MTF.n STATIC
l.-r S..ttort,
list prrrssnon'tv ' m sits hit oin, o ,'el Kart.-rv s( Vo 311
is. Kid It I ll Mu.,-t, tit iksirs bi-low Ki niee, 1'hllsaa.
Jo '-.'
rnii.ADr.i vii i. v suiwikons'
-jJ''v' 'MX 1'A' K. Ilii I I I IITJ-:, No. 14 North
' MM II HU-H'l, s'.'ive M.irk.'t. Knpturut
rs.tlrnlly onroa In ll. V. V.Vt.l.KI r'H I'rrialitm I'-ocnt
l,rsiliiiniii iTosHir Trust. Hmirrlnr Klsstlo BvlU.
K.astic Huepurisrl, aiaiuatcr Urcs, ISniutlii-
orteS Outelii.
I aillcs nil, ii, li, I by Mri. II. C. KVPRKI'T. mri'-ly
W K A hi II, 11 HALT 11, AND
HF.AI T( .
II to Ksin a-lrrdrlnc ovot :
If In i's"s,' Intnl. ait tlnhs;
ll ut 1st a I. Iimi nuns' Manor,
Kuttliig, ill lug In n hour-lln tci v !
If t.i have a host nf frlandt ;
li fer t fro to fr.a ,o ami-uilii ;
ll will hi.h lie: ii I, ...Ml io tto.f ;
Ii a la.ublo si, .ne wlion il.-a-l- -Wsai in 1
II lo tti i' Ihrooa-'oro anil leu,
Wisl'ins' il'o as Inn if iwsl'i ;
II tu Use a 111,- in peaec ;
Il to die ami no to -fr. a'o UwALrM !
If )on wish a life "f plosturot ;
ll tun value this warn! t ireiunirei ;
ll ITITJ .''lt '"" MUilld
Tako luj aiti a o, unil ti ith nil hrtA,
Then, havlnif rb alfh, Wealth, and Hoanty ,
lou'll lie nt'iaro,l for every iluty.
liy a raroful iirrusal ol Hr.wll I.IVM Mil'Sira Now
Bi.ek, Till: MAIlltl ;K 1.1 ll'l. ivhl. Ii MiouI.I ho read
t'y every one. Hold to lluoasellers Melicalli. and nt Ihe
Iiueti.r uilice. No. Il'i IHl'KL'CK MTIIKKI'; prl. e V
centi. an;, tf
RlM tl.'ITA V t THE.
IS '1 A ll I I A N H (I ItK.
HA il Aid I A N S ( I UK.
HAM Alll r IN S ( I UK.
HVMAllirAN H I t llK.
HA M A It I t A N S) ( I 111-;.
H M mi r.i v s i t i;i'
HAM All I TAN'H (11 UK.
HAM Mil I AN a I ttUl'..
The onlv sure anil eufe renifily far lii-norrhuM, flloef,
Ptlletm.', Ac. i tiros in ail tdtrs la Iroiu tu.. la t.
I'r.ti' f'.' .Male or l, male -sent to mad.
IUIT ii CO., Sl Annm.
(MM-tltl l N H ( tri.'K.
HA MA Itl'l IN H l UK.
HA.MAiill'tN as ennr..
Hv.MAI.'irAN'.S I flu:.
HAM Mil I AN H llltK.
SAMAI.'irt.N'.s 1 I ItK.
S.V.MAIfl TAN'H I I'liK.
H WAKI I A N N t'l ItK.
THE l.lir.AT spiiiHi: ,S MK'urT I'lSKAsKH
s. Tiiinal WeHkni'ss, l.f.iiairlai a. lilr.'i, .Vo.
Ka' h I. os e .iil.ilng ao fills, an J alii i utt- la Iroia two to
six iinis. I'r'ee '
It I. also I'frtain to roslorc tuno imfl puivor tu those who
nn-uebillla'i il by em oss or uni ollu-r eaHsi', and trill
rt"t'.e till to t'lill tiol ul onth. ti U' ii Ihe i'dis are u.e.1
without the iiiji'i'lloii. In tlmae ejM'.s,one Pill thrte times
a tlay.
tiseiii ly uiail.)
C. I'KICK kOHK, Proprlelur,
1'. FUll K I'roiirleliir,
'. I'Uli K Host:, I',
'. I'Kll'K Husk,, ITaiTiilor,
i:. ritlC-'K ItoSK, IToprioiur,
lio '.'ii-.i: I'ani onice.
llu. -.ll,rf, I'.lslOlll. O.
It.. 1'uti iltllce,
lion .s -si I'oil liltlee.
Hot i Post lull,-,..
Sole Asoult, fll)l I t Itl),,
Hale As'iat. I'vurr . ni
Hole Adonis, in in r .t (M.,
Solo Annuls, I'VIII T iV CI
Is.-If Asellla, llliil f A I'll.,
No. .' : N. HM'dN t S're.'t.
Nil. i l.' N. HKl i 'N 1 1 HI reel.
No. mi N. MK 'OMinuoel. N. HKi'ONIi si root.
Mu.if.ii S. hlSI.'U.V'U Hlreet.
Be sure and aV for
8A M A It 11 ASH CI ItK.
HAM AIII I AS .S I I tit;.
HAUAIU'I AN H I I'lll'..
HtUAIlll AN H I I ItK.
BAM A HI I AN H CI lltl.
HAM A It I'l' A N H I I lll
KA MA Kit A N H 1 I I.'K.
HA.MAIll l AN S CI In:.
HTRI P liEII "l:ll.
h itn ir ittrsii'ii.
HVIII'I' I'K Kit OHfl.
HVI.i I' I'K l;ICOIll.
M III I' I'K ItK'nlill.
at iii t t'i: itiroitti.
HY it I I'
H lo V Itl-'i'llii.
s iti f liK HI :i)Ui.
Is III 1' I'K It Ii 'id! 1 1.
H l. I f I'K llli'tiKU.
hi iti r I'K km laitii.
I'K Riruiii
I'K Itli't'iil'.
Hviicr iik ittcuitii.
HVItl I' Id'. Ml' Kill'.
to nip I'K uu "in..
Mill I' UK lliri'l.l).
HVI.'i V UK Kit' I:.'-
at hit I'K Itn niiu. m iter Di: Hicnmi.
i iti r m: in oiiu. Mm i" in. i.i " n: o.
st in r nr. Kit! :. si lit c tu: kh iiiik.
HV HI T ItK liil'l'lil'. S III r I'K Kleili li.
sviil.'P UK mi iiitii. saari' in: 1:11 "i:u.
H) HI f I'K Hll lllll'. st hi 1 I'K Hll'i'llfl.
A crtaln cure Ti.r all I ivmi nf V-ii- i' ul liisiet-oi I si
in lite KiiiopoHQ Huaiillale, aud the aiiiia- ltiriif!i.
Klirupe and Aiaeru s.
'1 las pi. pai anu ii l,as no oii'inl as an oi a ii star ol rii
lorliiol dis.-ast'. nnd sin lis'la'iil tl '' ' o a -i.i -ii-.i, ;,.-.ier.,l
ll ti 111 sure all Hares, H...ts. i'l Irt. 1 ,.,-a'i
ei lipllons, lio lualltir linui wual taasu er liui'. 1 a, i Stan.
frlil' tl fir Lottlo.
C. PUII'K KOr, Proprietor,
c. I'Hn K ItusK, l'rui.rii'lar.
C. I'ltlCK l.iisK. l'niiirie'or.
i'. I'l;i. r. l;nK, I'rai -i 'I't'.r.
' . l'i:li K HOil'. I-- 'i.ra'U.r.
IHOl f ,v I 'l.
In "I I' x i ".
fit "T" I' .v, i n.
lit 'IT k i n.
iitul I .1' 0.
I't'HT .'' I''.
-Ne. a 'I tf. HKC.IMU sir
a, i la t.ila , tu,
U' l t--,1s'
A. n-
.s, lilt
htm .. un ait-tm -
jKVlIS'l'INiJ I- 1 I
Al'.Ot K l IIK1.MT . 1'lliLAUrLPlIl.l.
1A11Y V; liKOTl IKK,
House, EigPi and Orrnmeutal Painters.
Ciainlns'. i:Uin.,ia.ii;ivoii GlAi.Kiiltaiiiiiiiiif.I'Ap.'r
Varr.i-baiik', etc. aplu-tf
i)iuis'i a. f-.ti;iioiiatec"o.,
l illl AbKLl JlfA.
KTlVtl Ml A. ftfH'hKK, i
K h tnr. il II Mil),
iu. tf
T'i1 fTf Itn .Sp i
t !-at
One ntDilr-vl Tlnusaad Frtinilie
In rrnn-jlx tn.n !.,.
It i ?int.lp uptiti tntlrr!" new itr'tir-i.i'M , of itTHM'tlv
T'lrr n alrr t!n, jiinl 'i i- s m t'n- mt wny. Ii .Iium
y )ih ihf ii-i' l a v ,i li I. ntit, t-Tio w ill aili t rr
h Min. i i h.iiic, w - I, iW triiMf. t i.,., t !. Any - utter
H.i,i) tii.hU' l'i tl t I Hid -I SUti'i.
lift nlneMt .vtaI .,(,',.,,, -m m i I.. Initrt'-lt
In cir.ii.' . -w it , Rn. I. , , (.tvnnc .p, i( .,d'i rl,rnf.
in i-iinrt; . .1 tl. i ri. i tl t ,t n;,tii. 'injini.-ir ou rl9 .,, ,r
kut i t tiif iin" r 1'ntHti' fi m iinn . ( v ,.ftr I t ,Mvc,
I r. t tt -ir;i t, t" t U' t ,hp t,.rf rtonj. i;on,d r-:nnn
I'll M f lIlMl
I- I'l.iiip.-.f .ii I. VI" 1(V M rth Simp Uri.,rfl(' J
: ' im rim. ti'i f.'-uiA.
(1.0II(.K f-i'l'l'lMiM, ,JIl.,
'-'01 N" 1' -I N-HKClN-li ST.. 1' I,1 U
li:AM 11K.V1IN0 l'Dll I ACTOKII s.
i si l..i'-. H, ,1 iv ul, ,!ir,-. t or wiisi,- stoaai. Al-u,
Call- tar 1 IllfOll.l ..,a..,,.,.rs. ,', , J-nratO! S . f
' ' I"" M. I "HI-M t N. N... .4 N. SI I ll Hti . I.
J. mkiki; ,i isi;oTiir.K,
Iliivo ri-iiiote.l fr-m tin. I.'.'. N. Serund stroot to tl.p S. K.
i .'i i i'riil MKCOMi ami AKCll Hlro. lt. ttli.-ro Ihey have
en I ii d :i t 'uil -a,ck ol Cl.OriH, ( ASI tlKttM, and
Vt.-IIMIS. lanto-lni
Alto, a ipleinltit assiirtm.nluf reartv mniloCI ni'MlNll.
I 1', M t) V A !.. THOMAS M. l'l.OWMAN,
II iio., uler atullliillitir, Iia. reiiiuvoil hiH tlu. loin
Ni. ."J Sliiiitt'l'iry tlreel tu N,.. .' ,J llAK I'l ,K isiri'..iii.
"ei.' tie oil i'l'st iiiiiio liniliiiii. 1 1 .n i im In .-rot sod
i .i lllil. . t. em rs mi: un tho I.iisluos. etti'imtifljr, lie Ir iH-i
tu o -i .le a shaie ol I'uli'i. iialreiiaso ,a7
1 )A'l liNTI'.l) Jl'I.Y HI,
.1 O S H I 11
MOllIll Ill'Olll.
1 rinlll.T, .lo furls. Kiineli
ami Mt i.tirlii.' en any klml nl ttearltn; ii,iarol. lor liMf.oa,
lii'Tit, anil l hili.rin. 1'iilenl ai'i'tirittiii ler sliot. lii'ia
l-aiils loan I't'e to nse tni lien. Nu. 7-i HACK Hoeol.
r.r.iiiiUi Ko.' flircat. fuilaiKlpiiia ami-iiio
I) 'lhla 9mt popular. cnv, nnd wrll ktimvn plrtcfof
wf'r.ip' vittltaliHti nt llic H. K co ncr rilll niiil
Ml MK Mrt'lM. It dniftK a tlio-t tlmviiu: t0Hlit , lllHliT
t,e aupliT atid lunm uiatt' nUn'rtl-tiiii if
Tin Admirnl rpareH niUuT time, monit, nor atUntt'in
to i i is ij lii p.ii ri -ni ltd tlio h-'lrcit W mi'i hii.I l.i.Miorrt,
aii 1 1 Mipcrtor Scotch ami OU HtocK Ale on ilranM, vrhU-h
cannot tit i ijuhMi iI In'liiMa
I t rviry n an wfio tvt t,ia country Ami In fon.l of
Ko l dnna. f h tt.c AtliiuiAl it t ail. an.-)) liil
i;i.(l'lUMUN(i HOT 1.1. S. A M NUST
1 pntilic lioitK In ami around rhiliWlphia. there urn
PM'lie to nt pa - n tho imvr "ItiNi'lNK." In it K K 1 II
HIttat, ahov- t IIKiM I' ; nr. Ihe oM ami wtil known
k hCl H" Hotel, ut the corner ot NU KiO-VN Lnn
! Pp't-rU'tor ( t both, wliti h is imlt i a auflc.-nt ituarnnitfti
for tt fir cm Ire Micet,. The v i-rt h.-m ol o ry (tiinn et
o f 'If end Mhililn will lie found at carl. oWco, iiil.iioiwiili
xtttiulii g l nut b are out ot mint, tri termt will he ioi(n
U'H . A plenuil Lut ih et ery tiny, (roin lltulJ o'clock,
anPO Im
J I IIMKIl au1 I III MM I Kireela,
l l- MHTaN'S Ol.I H' ANII.
til) MK A N I ! K.S, WIM'.H, (HN-4, WIIMKIr.S,
ANU 1 1 K A N K , I Niil.lfll, HUSH,
SCOli il, A NO AM Kill 'AN YLht
am hkown hum r.
TMfl eedhrntau old Ma-ni lutvlia ln rennval1 and
thon-tmhlv n IKieil, Ith .nr ol the Anoat.Hiorki.iH Altia
i d i I 'lpior In ti e i ll? . tho proorle tor Invite thu
lt l ic to Kie hitu cull, tunihlcut un he la of thair ap
proval. au.V Im
p ii i
1. A 1 K 1- I JI 1 A
i:i;ai in(j raii.iioah.
t'llANUH (! iiont.
Ih, VernliiR Train for Ro.ditg, roittvillo, Cul.nnl.l a,
lioirisbiTir, aim ail -uiint tt est and N irta, will leave the
Depot. Tbiitoentli ami Callowbill Streets,
At H O't'loclt, A. M.
Tlil. Traill tt III uut .top I'l'tttet-ii I'liUai elnhia ami Nor
ri.lnn. rafisein-era frum Tails, Manayunk, and Itan
feliohoilten, fur Iteadlri;. Ai'. A'o., will lako tlio Treiuta
Nun i.ti'tt n, ttliU Ii l.iiit. I'nllii ! at ii :ll A. M. ; Kalla
at 71. A. .tl,; Manii3'imk at T'tm A. M.; anil Coiiiaolioi'ki'n
ai HA. M.
CJ. A. NI(.'OI,l.a,
liKMItlL 81'1'KltlNTKNIlKN'T.
X, I.O.tll.-CIIANl.E I'K HIM Its.
KALI. AfiltANiil'.tllONT.
On unit alter II11M1 tt . riepioniiii r I:' ln. iho Trains
ot tl. 1- llund nill li.. vo 1 Illicit 11ml TUuMt'SUN Ktroela,
a. lolluti h :
I ..1 III llilelii 111 at 7'.(l A M , 1. 1.1 1'. M and ." f t P M.
Tor tun lesiuit 11 i.t (ei-', A. .tl., 11 JO f. 11. a. id Ti t I', tf.
T, r Li iinlalii ul 'el-'. P. al.
or lorl tt i.-l.liiL-l.-ii at 10 l'i A. M. and tt P. tl.
1 'IAIN'S loll I'll 1 1. A KKI.I-1 1 1 A.
I.evo rtethlehtiii atti :ai A. M ,1'J I" noon, and -l-'. P. U.
1 oaie Hutlosli.wn al t. Ml A tl , II P. At., and b III P. 31. Liiiifetlule .11 ii'ill A. .tl.
lame i oil WasiiuicU'D al iO'VI A. 51. and I P. 14.
t'-lti KI LLS (T.AKK, Ai'ont.
lOW'il. K.l.tK KAILKOtl). JOtl k.
1 h's Iir. al lino trnterti' the Niirthortl and N'.rthw.!
coo n li, it ut Peiiu.y Ivanla to tliecilyol lut icon Lake I'trlo,
It has horn leaned by Ihr PKN N.-sV I.VASI A liAll.KO.ttl
f'OMPANY, and under their au.plct'. la being rujudlj'
opi'in-d thruushoiil Itn eiillre length.
It is now 111 o.e lor'er and frehiht bii.lnoia frum
Harrikburk' 10 Tluiiorhiin. (:'.. iultei.),un Hie Kasleru llnl
hlon, and Horn hh,tltiilil to rirle (7H miioit), on th, VV'oaturn
ittir or i'.taii.i 1: thai Na at I''KI.I'iii..
Mall 1 ruin lone. loo A. tl.
l.ajiri'si T ruin leavi-a I0'- P. M.
Tan run tiiruiikh iilTin.l T 1 iiam.i. ImiMi ttay.un lhe.e
train. Let wet a I'hlla.ti Iphlaand Lock llaieil, aud beltvm.D
llnit mure and l.ek Haven.
Ftekiinl a teptiin I'arh on Hie Kxprost Train both waet.
Kor liilorinatlon rei.p"(,iliur I''iiKcr hiikiiiest, apiily al
the S. "...cornel ol KI.KVhMTi and tIAItkKI Hlroola.
And tnr r reirlit otisim ol thu 1 'iniipany's Ak'enls 1
M. II Klni' .oortier (ilM'KKNTli aud .tlAllltKi
trii ts,
J. tt'. Iti-tiiuius, K.iia
J. at. Drill. Aci.i, M. V. C. K., Ilaltlmnre.
II. linrsiTO't!.
(leiiL-ral KrelKht Anoul. Plnlad. lp iia.
I.KWM I.. Il'll l'r.
Oeueral Tll'ktt Al'i'lll. I'll, 1.1,1, -n, I, i
JOeiliPII II purrs,
Ja4-lf 'ttwaoral alanauor, tVUiuoiitoa
pool, toi i hui .' ut l.'U' i li-ti tn, i'.i'k llirlnir.
1 tt 11 siiHOO il Ol t.'ifrj 4" I'-M.L N f w t k .
! And
ijnt'l, !iia W'u.Hiieiiiu tmip thy are mi. nduJ to
1 kail ti-- lcll v.
MTV OK WAIllVt.'rON-.Katimlrty.M.M'trPilrn.
t 'ITV Ol X. Wi 'D i.sTKif , H .'iit'.lav.-i iu-n.l-r
I HIV 4 l,ii.M.U. SatiiMlft.'.n.t 1.
Atiitnin stiocti Jin-, hatiu.t-, , at ii , l'.cw Tltr Nu
' 4. .-rili Kit, r.
i HA i i s ), I-AH-".!".! I'WAHl K IN ri'l:l;r.N"''. "
I 1 u -l ( lu ti-" " " " "
r ll I ( lltl. f i (i i I i r il' li I 7 "It C ' if l ' I 1 '! .o 1 . . ,
I i.t' n i' I'.i-.. 'i-i - . , t V r - ....
. l t ' li j, ii !( ,mni' : - ii h:e. r ;l rii'i n:,
I :i- hum ni.. i ii. . l td ,' .'.. hit-nun i:,
' ' ni. A' . -j p ,V , ,ii f '.ialK ii v. .i.i.
U im I .v.ii.m. i r
' Y .ii ".'
it il -i.i;
A). I..
. ni w ai.m r
;STO AM) rilU AT.Kr.riUA
rti uiu-1 l:t 1 im, nailing " ' chcJi - rt n
rt-. i . iii'-i ) . j 1 1 iu ii t i u i ,.i 1 1 ,i t oi v l l t. Mr. t:,l'iii;a
1lil a. iu .1 I .fin.' VMi,i"f, i'.i-i.n. fi.-m tlrnt Himi'f
autivi- TIN I". h t n s.n null. f. Sept iintn-r 17. W I.
Tl. st.-inii-;,ii XtiK.M AN. IJ..V.. r, Hill'r"m 1 :i liuli-N
jl.iii i r li. tt hi, f n s.4inrii. , i t u inif-r 17. wt iii a. m,,
m1 i' h Uiihl,!p K '.ti.s, M.utiifwg, iiuqi ilt-U)ii iur
f line- 'i hi.i, - n -liiin Ui-t , M V. il.
'Ii.isu m-w i il -iii--.i-iiitiiil hi. ..iiiihp- f-Ttn a rfi;'iUr
IW c, 1 1 , - in, in in ..t' li l'i 1 1 j-iii i u. 1 0 iB Si, iii il .
liif .ri-ji- 4 m viii4 uJ 4i i-it. J.ii.i u.t i-riiiojuiii U un
nix v-,.;-..
I n -uiiia inkt-11 nt .'nir rii ,
HI. ii .hi. mi it.,iniMi lutind tSilp Ri.thta and B.Ua
Ltnliiii; ti -ii -. "1-.
Kor 1 vt i'Httai (i.i'ii(: flu ap' Onnio.lAUona)
IM 'y IIi'Nk Y Wi -tt-lt A, t o.,
144-1 1
"'J. t. M. L4WAKK AvmlaV
V()t N l-'AV t ti u- lii. wi. -i-. ii
- - ........ . uhh, IM..TI .lltll
, aiJ Lin. t. via -.u.l
j.4.1 14..M . un . i M. --it .in,, in i,i w.i su imt. it,) la iv.nij
lianj pr '"Vt m., UIU O U .101 & tr. il., IrOUl tUllJ flu
abovw Walnut alici t.
J-or iri-itsl.i, wliUh will be tAken on Kvomiiioilliii
lrm, ii).lT to W ILII AM H. UAUCIJ J. CO.. No. lJii.
18(4. AUNtAw(.'.Ii.K;:i18 0F
II,. f ., t. ...V.".A"-"K. 'J y'- IO')4.
7 ll. 1 11111,11 RtlH ln.lw. ...I L . . . . . . -
D..I. ii, h . ' " tnuajoioeia ann Trenuta
W aVlTae". " """""'ll'l"' Yor
Al '' A
i . r , nnid. n nd A mbi.f, C n tl A. Ac
At1 . M , via ( ATniftn ni jrrnVjr V itV. MoVitii
F I'd r
Al i'i l .( Crtnid.-ti nd AniUjy.C nd A.' A.-com
At s'l'.it. via ('luniii-n nnl
AiiiImi), i:. tnd A Vx.
At 1 IV M., rnimln ni( Anil.
( I it ti t,t -iti'l p.n-i i.i r t
oy , Acrimai.Mtiii
, A ' U in ( am-li'ti fiTul Aml'rtT. . ritiiiiiiu latlorl
I ri iu) ! i . J-h-v r n r i 1st ( im. 1 j. ki t
:. ih. ii ;;;;;
I At i I' M ., t .'fiintl. n nnd Ani'n'V Ac- m, inn 1
1 -0
i 1 1 1'Vlii mnl r-rn;i r), Itt ('htm Tli krl. ,
-- I .i
i or Munch rtriiiit, u,-Mt" n, !' Hilt iinn, uivilere,
Ka-tf i.. I.HtniMi tvi,ir f l, niint.n, A r , . P.M.
I r 1. an. U'l t i;e nnd iht rrmti Art H'ittl(Mi. nt f P. H.
I ! Mi nn. Hull.. lAfi.i-vi i.t, r.-D-.tiorioii, an4 Vmcoo
t.'V II. Ht A . , ull-l I . M .
1 ot I r-f' lil nt i. . M. ttii -I P V.
I r I'fil'n i it , ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 p . i !i n rt) , n-vf"lv, R .rlinct -it,
f I. :e- i.., Itui.i. i.,.WM. A . ;.t t. A. M .. J M , I . t a. ...
I'til " I . M . Ih, , ;i , p M ll,,... nn. ,iir.-t thnniph
I lull
i l..t 'lut ua, Kiterieii, I ,',., io.
1 . n ai : I', tl
t rtr, an,l Iturllnff.
. Si. suit.,,, ii fr l.rlti..!, Ittirli'iirton. t'otcrlr, '
I'-'t. uliili . nt I I e ui.y i u i, A tl i.ti ' . , ' I' M.
I IM S ll(..t hKN-INt.l'J.N I'KroT !
tt ii' ie.iv. at 1. I' - -
'IA tl iil HI Ot K"i.'l,kln. tliltr. l.vrk,
tt llsl.-l-V" '1 -H ll N, M l..ik tlil'l .'Jf,
j At lll-t A.M.. iirtKfi..-ii.l.:, nuii .le-t. 1 lit la-
At I' .1 I'. M , i, i K' tls.i.Kli a. I ,l--.,-i di v l.h-
I "'
.T 00
Ai l 'i - r. M . Ma l.t-usintiun ,., j,.,,, . citi.
tt i
3 11
i lie i
A. tl.
..I I. i
Tliero will
l,r i
tl I A. tl
1 N T
I .
tt afer i . .p, v
i. .1-1. 1
. iointnti, tVilVesl.arrs..
mil.. Ailf.'iiiiii itoifilo
s H'. . Honililfc'tuii. ,Vr , at i
. u,. tiaiu l.saiina i:aii.a
l -I , I f I l' I'., -I ,, t',.-.-,
-. Ii .: o . I '.t.-n. I am!
M II i. in,. , . ni. .is.
I a tltuu t, i I uni, .. :.i, i' v
t r'.Tti llu- in,' ,"l r,,e ,li tie ' itl r.t nt
I "t Hi HI. I, 1 uni, tc. al ; i.i anil II I . A
i f
and -l
I ,-r l'i tnti "i'tii-i-, 1 n. ..lit , Wi.-r.oiiiinu. HH !.-,liiirii, an f
I rani I- r l nl 'i A. .tl , ,'., .'. T.. anil s 1'. .tl. Tl... 9 A M. I.i 1,0
r. 1 . ... lo 1,1 -1
I f' 1. r V iv t ork nn.t tt'at l.ln.-t l.',oiiiii Kentln-tin
1 a j.ut I :.. i- 11 ,- . sr I uili -'lo.-t. ,il',.ie t rtlrinl. hail an
I,, 111 1-. t, -e .li fiirluri- Ti..-I'srt run in'u II10 it. pul, anil
n't noun! i.i ii, H 1, tr ti rim II, -in flu- l'i ,iu.
I 111.1 i 1111. is i.i l.u'.'iu,. "i,,y aloiieil OH.'fl ia.on,',r.
Tats, 1 h). s .r, iin.l.ii.ii, ,1 l, m t.iiiiiii.' mini. in.' n- l.Aii.i,'
Iml tl,. n m nilm a','.nel. t'l I siniiie over llfu ...ioi,li
I" l.e , a,,l Inr e 111 'llic I "in inv 11 nit lln'lr rosu.,i,.
I'll", 1,. 1 l.iiiinti'e tu (Ino t--lliii ,.,-r 'iniuiul, .ml it Hi nui i, lurai.) aiu-auiil lietuinl ,1imi, ttoo,it liy iiee-laloou-
l.riil'Hn 's Tl'i"L-ni r Trn,ts Kill ..all 1,-r an.l -lelivor lit,
l-aie HI ll,,- li,'ii..o,. Ooler-t" no '."t at Nu'tWtLNliT
l" ' t II DAT.., Auont.
A11.1 sl s,ls,.(.
HMD SKtv Viiiik TOR Ttlll.Al'Kl.ritlA
Will. I.KAVB
Krom of Conrll'in.1 at reel nl I'M. and I IV M, via
.'ei .-o) ( ll) ai,.l 1 iiiiiocoi ; in ; ami 111 A. M.,0 I'. M., anil
I' M , via
1 son, 11 1a ." rsey 1 nt anil Kenoiiiilnn
l imn iisitn- llnrelai t-in-i't, ni 1, .v. tl. anil 2 r lot I iimileii
t'rniii I'll 1 N... I Snrth ltlior. af I? M , 4 anf P.1I.
ll rt'lylil and l'a..en,'..'rj vU Anil. or and ratnden.
.1 ail Iho etiitleiih on'ainili'ii and AinlMiy nnd ean
iii't tlnii liailroaiN.
im i;i:as ii iiKsrATiii.
The ruHidon anil Ainliuy limiruail ard Triintii.irtatl"it
Culii,.atj Treitlil 1 in.'t h.r ,-w t ork ill leave Walnut
inn ttharf 011 ano alter .Unnary . dall tXundai.ov
ci I'll r 1 111 1 1, el.,, k I M .
(o 1 n 1 11 ii'u.', in, aom e l.ini - v., II leaie K,-w Turk at 1 anil
I r tl.
Kr.Hhl niiol be delft orctf her.. tl'al'.M.Io be Ihr
War.loil ll e.lne ita.
I reirlit ler 't o men, Trltieefon, Klniiatun. New llrnna
n lek . and all ni'liils nn I l,o I'miitlen ami Ain'i-iy ll.ilri'.ul 1
nisi 1 un Iho lleli Mere, I 'elan ai e, 11 ml Kit' um itu'i, 11." .tJea-let-ev,
ii:o t reehuiii and Julnetl'iirii, and llio IlitrNi'iitun I
mid .tluiii.t llulli llMilruails. reeeiivd 11ml ,,r-t ardi'il up to
liO,i.'el". k I'. ,tl. Muni, packiiirc- tiir.tluiiiitltulli recotvod
. t..'J 01 !..,-k I" .tl. 1
The r.oltnlere l.i-liiituro Kullruail ounnaotii at l'hllll,t
bure iih Iho l iillov IJallni.-i.l. 'llu- Neiv .l,t...y
ltiiilriia,! lunmeia m 1:1 atietli with th" .N'-w .lornev
Teiilrnl linlrniid, .iml at Nemtrk ttilli it,, M irrn and
htR'' lOiilmnd.
A kit,' nu niurum'nm, sporliviim Ihe tnarkH and nnm- I
bti a. elitpjiei k mid i'oiisi.'!'i'. iiiintt in etory Instanco h,
.em t hli eaeh l.'inl of iiimds, ir no roeeipt will he ulvon. 1
lnori' inelii.ii t hni mi.'lieen inaile tor tho irati.imrta- ;
tlisn nl I.I VI. H I iM'H, uroviT. are invited in try 1 hi. mutts. 1
tt hen tl e stuek Is funii.heittn iinantiile. of TWO l.'All i
I.HaDH i-r rnnre. It w ill bo dellT,rid at the fuul uf Tiirttetn
flriel, near Ihe llrnio t arils, r at Tier Nu 1 North 1
Hiter, as tho Bl,i,-..TM niav ilosl.nato at tlie lime ol lli,
.iiipinent. tN, I'roli-ht Aisiit,
Jto. '.'"i M. tlelaitaro nveiiiie, rtnlndolfilila.
Illiil. II KAtMOSli, Krolkhl Atoiit.
!"' tf I'lirlio. 1 North ltiter, New Tork.
rllll.ADl.l.rillA AND TRKNTON AND !
I'A.tlt'KN Al AMIlliy ItAILliOAl) COAli'AMlid.
On ard after ill N PAV, January 4, lHtil. the Train, for 1
'ow York, loioliik' Kmsliiiiun Jieiiot, Philadelphia, nt ;
11 A. M (.NiKhtl.aud J ao K. M., aim the Irani, loavlnii I
New Vi.rk al h A tl . mid "'.' It I'. M., 't III hi'roiilter ho run
I'M'liMioly fur lllllli'd Hlalel Millla und New York
and tt Blitiiiitnii 1'n. neiik-er., and tt ill uot lako 111 nor lot 1
out ant pioM-naera uetuei 11 miI-i t'ltieii, i
'I he lu A. M. 11 ml I'.' Mliltilulu Lines f-um New York to '
YVnstiihiiloii. anil tho 11 Nl A M ' I. M. I. lues inna I
Washliikion lo New York, will eolitiuue as at present, and
( liny pa.aei-iiiTs tu ami ir.iiu the inti'rniediateatatlon. and -llelliiiu.ri',
tViisliiP4tou. a"it New Yurk.
AJIlfAM.l:.Mf.NT.t Ill'lttKKN I'lllI.ADKt.rillA AND 1
NKtV VllllK. I
T.lnri leave P)''pttia, lioru Keiisiniflnn Iioput, at
II l.iA.M , 1 1"', and 1; I., r. H.,ainl l.'.o iiildnU-nt, and
Horn Itiilinit Nl'o.M tvimir tvla raindin), al U and HA. '
M.. i'i M ., 4 aril li 1' M . lor New York.
And leaves New Yoik, from to t ol Cotirtlandt stroot, I
at J A. .tl . In A. .tl , 1.' .tl , 4 mid 11 T. .tl , and at 1.' mi 1
11I1I1I, aud tloui loot of lurilay .troct at li A. M.,aud ,
IV Al . tVM. A. llATZMKIt.
Ja'-tf Auent. I
'HIT I.IIKAT li"l)lll.,.-THAl h UliOttr Itlll'TK IO
IIIK tt I NT, M'lllTllt'K.'sT, ANU Mt THIVKST.
liiiiupini'iitk mul I.ti il.tloi, lor the sale, speedy, anil cutn
fuit -hie trail, pm im lun of pasbt'tisier., uiisiirpasti'd ojr an
r-nte in tlie i-oniilrv.
1 ritlliB hale the I'l-Dut ill K.l.T.Yi-'NTll and VAItlCRT
Btlet'a ilk follow.: '
Mall T nun at 7'W A. M.
r.i' Llm nt H i.-. A. M. I
TlTntoh l.xpreseai ii;iop.-t. 1
park, alniiaa Trii.ii, Nu. 1. ai 10 Kl A. tl .
I'arke-biiiii Truiii, limp. M.
Hairlsliurn Aceonauudatlon at 9 iVi P. tl. 1
Lalu-aster T rain al 4 0ul.M. I
Paoll Ami uniiOsialiull (leiivb. Wt.l PhlUstt-l-
phia) in feOnP. M.
Throiikh Pas., iirer. bv tlie Fast Line reaeh A
supper, w berf tt ill l.e foiinil etealleni aeooHimodatlnna for I
tl.e iilk-bl at ihe Lo.-an f louse, and in the inorniu, tuay 1
take either Ihe Philadelphia or lldltiinurt' Kxpreaa, oaob of .
which biakea cunnectluna nt plitsl.ur h.r al' polnla. A I
da 1 Hk-lil we w la llius alli'Med of ihe I'liliro Hue and iu I
lutiL iniiceiii aeetiery.
Ihe Throiik'h T-ipne. Train rum dailyi all Ui, oUior
frame daily, eni'eiii .sundaya.
The Ainu Train, l-'ast Line, and Throiitfli Knreaaeon
neel at Put shirk w ill, tl.ri.uifti train, ell alt diverainir roads
Ironi thai I'.Ji.l, Nm ih b. the likea, tt est to the aliola
ail'Pl and Mis.ouri ICttera, and S011II1 and Southwest to all
poll. Is aei-oasitile hy railn'uit. Tnroiikll 1 leket. 10 Cleve
land, In null, CI. leak". M Paul, ('uliiiiihli!,, IndianapoMa,
ht l.utila, l.eiiveliwoeih, aHli.aa, WheeiiiiK. I lav ton. Cln
I'lnnnll, Louiatille. Cairo, mid ull other principal pniut,,
and liiii.n'C eheeki 11 ttinuik'h.
IM'tANA HKAM'lIlt All.ltOAD.
I lie Tliroiikh l-:apira. lent iBk' at III .10 I'. M., cttimeeta
al I'lnlrnllle li i, iMiilou niu, a truin 011 Una road lot ,
llli' irn II It-. Indiana. Ac. i
KIlLNSIll itll AMI CLKMSON llll tNCIl KATf.liO f. '
1 ne 1 nruiiiiU r.proa.s 1 tain, leas iu, at In .IU P. M .i-on-
t u 1 n -ttiun. al lo-J A 41. . with h truin on tl,a riad
Inr I- Iffii-hiiiij. A train uino leaven Cri'iiuu tor Ebyn.tiura
I8l.ll. j
IIOl.l,ll)AJ.HI ltd lif.ANcn ROAD. 1
Thv MhiI 7raln Ht A. '..ami Thnniifh rlxurotaa at
10 u P. ,M., I'.tnnc -t at AltiK.u with tntio lur ll"liiavt- ,
bniK at 7 V r .M . and H hi a. M f
l lu' If. Kitii 1 ram. I-hchh. at lu ;m I. M . om- '
nvt ai T.r. ne wiih a irniii iur Siiidy ii.nv and i'it.;iii- I
hum. uU I'V itnlil Kuic alloy KMmad lor I'urt Maiif Ja
MiK'-'tiiru, a id IIHm i. nt-..
Ill N I'l Nt il)ON A ll ItlttlA 1 TOl KAII.UOAU. I
I hv '1 hioiit-h lLri!4 1 rain, h-Hviitiv at In .t r. M , con- 1
llfrlti at liuiitiiiftiluii with tralu fur lloiic v cJl unUliiidj
iiitn at t;-.4, AM i
F.IC1I-; KaI1.RO viS.
1'or Siinl ury, w tiiiMin-sjiou, .ot;it Uuten, F.'inira. Ko
cJhvt, llui al-t. mitt N in-tin Kuiu. ifif-i iiurtrn lak-iiu tha .
I Vail Ti ,iin h) 7.'.. M-, ami llm 1 'im-n h r:ire-n at
j tr.,n r ftt dail i-ci t rxiiKil.ty-. uu rtirf' t! ti'.riMun.
I wi t an. o ul cara bi tnttu i'luJade jhiii aud Wil-
I -r.r UI.KJI A NiVF.It. and : i;rTVM.r' t, the tralm
) living Ml H A. JM, unit '.' ' I'. M ., c.nini ct at Columbia
it llli tiriiiii on tli Niiithrii Jtmlioad.
ci vt Ki-;it ),, si Vali,i;v i;aMjKiI.
1c Vail 'i mitt nt 7 :' A . M , un I t. nn ;li i:.trfs(i a
; 1 I. St , loiitu-ri at II inlNi.iiirf una tmliM f.r a Jlila.
L ln.iiil'4 r-l'i k , ami lliat ihimi n.
; W A N I Sill I.,; IlKASt'll HAlM.'MIi.
. tin-tiani-iui In-r 7 -J A. i il . r. M., r itntvt
1 at I)" nn k'-w n ii h Irfinii. mi till ma I to W ayiekluii n
j v.hI - 1 in. m iir .li mi- ii. ii 'ii-.
' tri'i Im ilii r inii'i nn i i.ii ai ih .ittln lu Mailon,
N. K. ruiin l ui 1.1 1 IMII M A hl I'.i' Mio U.
1 .IAVKS fnvvii.'V.Th-aiU Ant.
: Ciivnil VuitiN nt'KKlw.
I l or 1, f,''. ..r I-' i.i ni i.t, ai v im y I .w i-dlr .. f.r tit m.
i'. I. ii it n'a ; n ii .1,1-11 .- iv.ii,, oui oi unwi.oi iucalrJ oil
i t-r t- Mt It r Hue ot l'-i' ru i.V
l lt. N 't'H'K r TH,
Fr .-ti ti j - I tt i "M an v ft' i noti, , ,,t a1, nt lw c -ni
't r n if. i ii. .. ii, ,,-t-. . i,i;.M,..t-l i.t thu o. ,;i l!!..'. h
j tr.t- i-lU lr M M Mtlv, .(u.l I i't4t IU JylaatUjl
I Hsa i Ufc trlt.i.
I ht ' I H HlL TT) KETS,
1 1 r ;ip ' .r tr rvv. uit-iuhi. lur tin: ut" ui icliolari attenUuif
! l I in the ci v
An Yn.l .r.-..,:.,-..l-i:,. ti u.nn l-.iv.- Vn. V'7 l-irtfj
1 1 1 I'l .... t a .n fil .it 4 i.VUk 1. M ,.:. rin-;
l-a.t'l In I'.lnllK e ls'jlir H i i . u t
; i'. nt I r.i'i' ! i.t -" 1'.
t llliol I l
'''e", M )llt 11 t I . '! -4 ,.r J
i-it l. n t- ..u.1' tra ii ..It t-dtrn
ll.i i b.ii i il, i t-i 'o
I KAN '1 1
mc,, .im
Vo I 17 l -
t i.:. iti-.-
Ht4;- t t l,:i.
, iv wiH 1-411
t'll "i
i .ni'
.I .
, I.. i
u . ll)
,il ot
M .It K
i ni- vit.l. i: i'.i i
I HM I'Li i lu ,ul,
i iT'i.-r .irv
h.i.i.l M.irr-f' mr. i't.. T'li'travtr
)HJ I i" hC dUiii' It,. (J ,:
l r.i A
Mv thW route ft ri-.', i, (.
a.inl''. I., n; (1 m in u. T i ii
iVl (l.n.TlMt'.tn'i rin bp tr-
i! k nil llto l .ill r.... Ju r ii...,.
h. I.I.I. c', I n.l ui ii. i, utti.uu, Wititjo iitin, Inv. ji,. r .) iin.
i'V iu'ii .ni oi. i ' t,4i in ;,-iv i i.u: i u ti j liu.i,., .j.e vjj
M Wc-t, hy-f .iiii. rt irom I'ittshu-i..
I In- riu. oi i.i-i. io u-'.i rr..ia h'i . twiln n ;! V -"-f
ly u.- iflvdii.Tij nuiil j.; a.. ,.ni.t ,i,
ia--ia: !-i;rtj . l.ii'ii-i ly ..thw r on-iu.
MTi.I.iit.t-. hfi'l -I ,.r tnrtust.i I.u ti .. u. i-.-rt . : l'
thfrtv in 'islit lo tin-, Coiii-,iiiy ctto rt! hjI1 ; .'!;...-
lU H-i il.. Ii an Ml.
I or iii-ihlit ci'iitrai t- or t)tl-iiltiK dl'tn-tioL-i, a tJ i' J ' or
.Mr t' i A ,.'1111 i.t tho iii.-.o.v -
ti. 11. hlMM'A, .tr., I'
1). A hll.n.VKi', Pl.tubUi-e.
1 I.AIfK .t i ll., t till-ait. ... , Q ,
1 lr ll A ( O 4. 1 .-utor Hou.e.or No. 1 8, Wnliiai
trt t. Kiw . ork.
1 I Kt 'll it r . Kr. 77 W .ml iti.'t'm Boitori
l) l iA.M HiiOVv N, No. tti Nujih irvut, luklmor,
lii... o.'J..i.-,.U.,.llu,lw.i, h n,)1;g l.0Si
n tra) FtoUiit Ait. ut. riil.i.lchihi4.
I.KWW L. i(t!iM.
Uvncrtil Tkkut A.'-nt, FliiU.i.-iiitnt,
tNOCll I.t vVH,
Uutial Buiiiuteudut. Ailiuu, Fa.
1 im. 1 A III R
rn and iflirMOM'AV, Mar Hi, Vt, untfl rthf
Li ttf iffrntritttoi n.fl, 7. 7 .1 H hW.fl V) It U A.M.
I.V,H.4. S,tf', fl.H's. 7. . 1, Id ll and II I. M.
1 hi k ii)uwn. and and i trains up, do H it
Qti tli Oimiarti. n ItruM n.
l.avCh(.aM,t Hill, 7-IO.H.940, 1140 A. Mil
I 4". I'. U H U. , ,1 h U' I M
l-tvr PtiilnO' Irh' ti.H II it, A M IL l BU
,? An.) 11 A. M.; I,
C't .ti,'. Ii p. u
.,1.i,r'''.''v"".,",",w"1 WlMalili-koa, Manty.Bk
. . ... .. . I"U V tAt fTVK.
' aso I Mlani-li.t,!. r. n at. i, . ll . e . jlt .Lf
1 1 Hi'-
'a'o Msnarnn.
Sf.l JO, HS.ll.H A. If ., I, , T.
til.! i
i 1' M.
u. k.ismith,' rnrrai Sai.orlrtemlonl.
l"l"l. NI .1 Mtrnu.
l iiii Ai'i' i i'MiA t
iiiilin nil IN I ItK IIOI.H4.
I Mil. .'.
t-M'l rstntlll'liHs,,,,..,,,,, vm Till'.FP p.ya
i iiieCaiiiilen and Au
itr'lo and loirnan 101,1 li,', sre i'.av Vr
'V"'" '-" ''. ainr.-.J-B.-JJ
.1-01,1 At'ioui. lOieo'. Iiruuktin; ren,,,,, nt-. leitv.. iii
no,',e Mii,llll, irl ttiriday (Sunday, excepted), at U
l'i.''er I., the oily of New Yurk are nntmod no! Is
ai-plylul piiss.k-e h. ti l. Hue, h. of Now jZmt
I, at ii"! 1 rami il iu II o Cmieen and Anilv IS'i'ioi, ,1. O11I
t tr liisue pill il, bo ..t onrn Inv and fromiit be.
twn 0 ll e eille. "i Pi, I... 1. I.. I. in an.l Sow t o-k. ItTJ-it
tt . T. I.hll I 1 1 I 1.1 nerai Huas.rlutenden.
I I HAII It" tl'. tit Ml i A.
0" and nfli r I II I HA t , AjirlU, Im.l.ihc 1'ralu will letr
at mil -v. - -
I o.-ivo I'i iia-ielpl'ta frum tho tii-not, romor of TfTIRrr.
I' I ti VI anil ai A 11 h r.T Mreeia.H A. M tTiat A.M..S- al
T. IH.. . a I' jii. ti,.. P. II. ' "
I I itaffelf'tiia l'op,. cti'i'i.od fnim FI'illTTKNTH an4
Mtl.KIT HietU lo 1 lit u f Y-l IUNT and MAliKt.r
Mr.-, ts.
Leave Wo-t f'hester. from the Henot on ftast MARKgT
Bin el.t. Jn A. M., . s . A. .tl., 11 A. Al ,i p. m.,, M-
'I hoi nr. uf Hie tve-t PI iimi, l,.hla Passent-er Itallwaf
r. n,i"'i 1 itlMiket street ti HI convey I'aaii'iiL'ora to au
Pun, 11,, i t l.,l, Iplna l'- i "t.
Lent e Philadelphia at H :lo a. M. and ""Jtll1, M.
1 i-iite tt i .i 1 I 1 .11 r nl t A -tl. and 4 .HI P. tl.
Tia ii- leioliiK Pin:,, to phtu at n A tl. and I'M T. W..
anil t e.u ho.ier at e. A. M. and 4 .' P. M.,ooniteo4
"" ah ti ,.n the Philadelphia and lUlllruoie 1'entral
Kn.'-oiul h.r Oil, td anil Intel peliita.
j4 11 HKMit Uo"li.i.eiierilKuporlnund.nt-
-)Iii.AI,I.'r,.niA, WILMINGTON.
-L Bali l.ttoLK'i.tu.
On and aiier voshay, Aiituit 1, 114.
ratirtieer irams leave Plillaaelplila lor
liaininure an trri iK.xpia... MoiitUjr, excepted), K A.
l.. IV tl..'.' una' 0 In .-o I'. M.
(Micter el tl l'i, 11 li A. .tL.l'.'iO, 3 ai,4nO,G'OOandll-04)
tt lln liislon at 4 ro (tlondata eaeoptod), B'06, ll'LSA.
M., 1 an. etui, 4 .m.iiH. li'ioand Il iaiP. M.
New iasllr al H'l'.'. A. M. anil Tan p. M.
flit it at N 11". A . M. anil 4 110 P.ii.
MHIeld ai H It. A. M
Isali.i.ury at I A. M.
TKtiNs ton rntt..M)Ki.ptff..
f.eave Kaltimnre at K'44, H'W A. M. IKiprou). 1'lt.
"JA ami In :i P. II.
ttiliiilukluii at I 41, 6 It, DA. 11., La"VI,l,l 46, 4'00,4'SO,
7 ai d tt In P. .tt.
Halisburv at It'.'..'. A M.
Mlllonl al if 4.. P. U.
I'oier ai i . '41 A. M., and 4 I P. M.
New rattle at H in A. M . atul li".'7 P. M.
Ijhe.ler alT I.t, U 10 A. M., TuO, If ii, 4 40, 0 00, 7'Ki, t'M
l.e iivo Baltimore for 8aliahury anil iatermedlataatatlttaa.
Leave ttaliiinore for Dover and IntermodlaU ataUoa, ai
110 P M.
Leave (lie iter at K 1(1 A. M , -.' and II lli I . Sf.
l.eavo VillinitiHH'll at ttli-i, ii A.M., S 40 and ll-OS
P. M.
Kroliihl Train,, with I'ataengor Car attached, wm nn
aa lollinta:
Lea ve tt ilming-too for Perrytille and Intermediate Dlaoaa
H I N I i'a Y H Onlv at 4 H) A. M .. 1030 P. M., from rkllaw
delphia 10 Hallltnore.
From piiiiadcliliia to Wilmington at 4-30 A. M.
and II P. M.
Krein Wllnrltik'ton to IMilladolphla at l4ft A. M. and 7S3Q
P. M. Only at Ill-M P. M , frnra llaltlmore to Phllailrlphla.
Ia4 11 F. KKNNKY. HilperlnbandenL
I ? On and am r TUKSIIA Y, elop eniber 6, ltj64, will
feme flreui Wafniil Hin-i't Wharf aa nulowa:
tun CAI K at AY.
At A P. at.
For diilrm and nrl.Uetun. at ll A. M and 4 P.M.
For lilasahnn.. al A. M.. nnd J and 4 P. M.
Kor ttouilhiiry, 4c. a' ti A, M and ID M. ti and 4 P. af.
1 or Ololicealer. Ir. at A. Al.. I.1 tl . H, 4. and 8 P. at.
H.IIIIMMI 111 Alts a LtAVK
Tape Mat- at A. tl.
Hillvllli-a, H 1)7 A.M.
hi.lem ai li A M-. and Tl.'. P. M.
liiltlceiun ai l. It A. M-. 1 in P.M.
(llBsalii.ri.Bt7 111 anil I'll A. M.and 22 LP. M.
Vto"Ubiirt at?, 7 IU and 17 A. il., and ibOlMt.
Onire.No. I.ti AINI T Htiuit, willeiill for and deliver
HarK,!-, and alii nd 10 all Ihe ii.ual br-innhea of Kapreaa
buaiucs.. A peelal uiea.engcr aeeompanloi each train.
i. VAN,
'JI tf tiuottriutemiant.
'THAI. HAII.KOAl), OI'KN TO 0.roKI Sl'Ultia
AltllAM.KtIK ST.
Ou ard alter r BlUAY, April 1, I.!, the train, Witt Imt
a. i.iiji.w.
ai A'lll'k.s. A.M.
p. tr. NrATIOS.I. A. M.
. v.
Oxlool 11 tut
I t eM l.ruvi- I'.'.''7
Atomlalu 7 no
I Ki'tint'it 7 V)
I ( luiiil lord. ...7 -l'i
, ,-lneril '8'Hll
; W.r..l,u:tlno.. H-I.'i
1 l'hlhiili Iphl.l V W
I Wei,l I ln-aler Ii lltl
"K Phllailelphia.... 8 IW
a ..J Weal ITieater... 7 49
4 ill . IJ .luiiouon.. w "S
417 I'oiiii inl 9 a
4 II I hailil aKeril,... ti ll
is henii-lt lllSk
i l.'t Aiontfii' -il
4 .Kl
4 t
A 14
1; an vt est 1 trove.... to a
-Hi iir,.rd in :s
Paist'iieer I " lsil In Philadelphia haa hoen ohnnited from
F.ljl.l.en Ii lied kluikst .lnuis. tu I'lUUTY UltsT and
MaliKK.T Htreila, tVetl I'hllailelphla. Markot H treat
1'a.aoniier Kaiina Car, convey l'ita.tiuiier, to aud fracat
ti e I "P"l.
j l'aa.eniors go tlirouch without ohanire of ears.
I Ja4 IlKNItt WeioU, eluperlntendent
U Al L lt 0 AD.
gl K.UANNA.ItT.tlllliliLANO, AlVl
PA.i:N(u:k tiiainu
leavo the rrnipanv H p il, at TlllllTa"F.VTH and
( Al.l.l'H HILL (sirecu. 1'lillailt'Uilila, al tha foUowlai.
ll'illMNll MAIL.
At H in A. M . for Miadlux, LeO,u,,.n, Eohrata, Lltla.
roltirnbla, llarntburir, Poilavilie, pinok'rove. Tama.iia.
Hunliurv. tt lilianitporl. tintlra. Kuchotler. Nlairara Kali..
Ku'tal". Allet..wo, tt i keabaire, Pittaton, York, Carllal,,
Chat. Iter. bur, llam mint n, .tre.
T he train eomieeii al nKADINU with Kaat Pennaylra-
ma nanruau train, inr Aiii'ninwn, ac, ine neautna aua
luuil'lu Itailronl fr Klirta,'a. and Columbia, an-rj
wlih tht 1.4 1.... urn Vall y irain lor IUm-biif ir, Ac; at P8 f
MNToN w hh t'utnw tia linlli oud trains ior WilkMarr,
WtlilHtiiKoort. l.orh llavtn, Kinilra, Ac; at IIakUiS
HIKH witii - SortKein r Mitral." t 'umlwrlnnd Vally,,
aii'l 'rhuvlklll anil Hi)ii. Iiaon"' trains Ti Nortvim
bcrlanil, UiiMiui-i- -rt Oi k.t'haivlHTMiiirtf, Pmgror1Ao,
IMillntl. ii'lnn at ) P. M. tr Heailtnn, Potts-
llh , rio uruv, llarrlnunrv, Aa., 04Dn-iln'c tU llariia
liyrc w ltd I'enii-iyli aila t'nitral train tr PittstuirK, c.t
Ncrtl aro 'rntrat Itiilimail tr.uit4 tor Muuhiirr, Nortlmin-h-eiianit,
I-luiirit. A- ,Hhil at Tort 'Union lta Cu taw la a
ltatiriMid trahit for Klllion, ft I'ltamaort. KUiiira, Uuilaio.
LT''i Hi'Milu k t 1. 1 ti a. ftioiipinn at all wayaUu
t loiia. arriv Ir if in ri'll Mt'-lphlii at .' "i A. M.
Kfini iiIk. Inivf-i Fi:iiadtl)li a at .'uo . m. j arrive lm
fttvu'Mii.' at n Ui F M.
Train is lor I'IhIimJ; lhU lave II ttrrt-tntr at A. M.,ani
I'titi'.villf-at !'!.' A. M , arrlvii'if In lMiilnUHthia at 1 .jO
1. M. Al'mo.fii irMiim li-ive lliirrtniiirK at t P. M.,
roii-vili-t at -.'-.ot . M ri iv ini; In I'hl a del oh la at 7 P. M.
Murki'i tiaiiii. wit u a iaiii'iitf'r rar atiai-he-d, l-av-Ptuladt
li)itn at I I. Al . lor lit-atlm. and all way Rtalhnut
l. avr R i.l in. at I-.', n.-kin, and liownlntowu al 12 M P.
It vt i I.U.-i tU-tj. hir a-al till -a itnil in-,.
AH tt.i- ni. i.t irrtn a mu (ia:ty. Sunvl.iy rxceptd.
4Hinti4 uuiDs li .no l'uii tlie 4i 7 A. M., aud Phila
dri.)'ia m .1 i 1 H .
Pj--m.--r f..r l'oHrtina'i..wn and iiitruii'tlat. point
tuKc ihr .s -.i A- M. ttti't ' i 0 . M.tiiiiti. from I'tiiiadelpnia,
ii-uirun u n. iii ()!,iwn al 40 A. M., and 1 i ii
n:w .I'Hu KM'i.iifi ki: vrnsuuRd and tub
w i.r.
1.--RV". Ni n Vuvk itt 7 1. hi., msinit Itp&dlnpat 15mld-r.-.l-i
iii-.i '.i.i-ii.- tl--.- a' Ihiirn- "r wah ivuu.ylvai-Ua
Itiii'iM.'-tl l : iimii- i r I ;t shore.
i: i in nit,-- r s j.r. - i nun ltivi Ha. rlaburgoa arrival of
inr fiMi-'. i. aii'a 1 i'n - I. 'ii i l'.tt-.''Ktit at -vt . M.,
pa'-'iu I;. . ..1:11-4 .Iia "-I . an-! urriv.nij dtNiworfe
at 1 4T- P M. ti1. a- t nm a- fomiunv thvmv traina
ijiioiii-h, btitvetu .leritr ttiy and i'lilttuurg, wttiiuui
t M ilt t n.ttn for Vi w York li ITarrSburi,' at 8 A.V,
tot 'i .'. M. Vtwil tfiiihif iwi ll.u rlburj.' luava Svvr lot
a. A.M. t"il J M.
M in . i kii.r. vat.t tr i:iLROAn.
Train- i.iiv. I'littsviilt-ut 7 1 A.M. ami ,i m P. V,, r
tnrTitMk Inn, Tu . t.i A.M. mm! 4 !' P. M.
hi' HI I Ml.l. AM) fer su. KM AN N A RAW ROAD.
T i a. ii Lt -vl' A.ilor'i iit ; i- A.M. !.-r 1'iiiwn.w n
llm -r- hoi. . hii.I ,.t 1 .0 nui 7 i P. M. Lr Pln.'xrn only
i.nilli.i u hilt. 11 irri'liiT,' ft 1 ! P. Ai., mid ttouk Pi.
fi.vt ut ft l' A . il ., ai;i! 4 li! .. P. 1.
Throoth f-iit-. .Nit m-fc. - au ..iti-riit llrkcta to all
tl e l.rl- . ., ,i j .4 ii t .i, tf.t- N- it:, nt -d IV. a.idi Kiou!a.
T f i.;....t m.j lo Kt t Hio ul ..I u J"'V rh" l,tl,,,fl f
S p.R-Vi-r i !'.. ir.a-.uer. S IO' Ki ll Htreot.
PM .,.). J ur..f A- MfOl-Li, tiiBtiral tuifi-uitt-
4!( lit. lilJijo.,
fi V.MVTATl'W TH k t.T.
,,r , ,i. , .ii!-, u,n.tu any puiut ileitrttl
t Ht
,1. - I t"
,i an p. .iiit. al ti ;K5 eftcb.
fi r J-iim
-K T IT i"!
it fat .lOiiitraon-y,
10 l .. , I...- l -I V '.:
. I ' .; .iVVS
ir -...; : i t'n in " ! :i i r - t.'. w '1 f i rn' 'hf J with
Miii-,i!i ' -ii li i ' ' jt i v v'l t-.i.a vi iv a to iiLKa-w al knt
' I ' .1V S 'I T"K i'.TS
J't ir ., i ' (, .! nun i fii. d for Ra'nr-
f 'id V. 'ii1 r-d'iOf1 ta-'ti. t Iia hid on'y
. t .. i i.J.,.i-,ai J i.liii all . M II aiid CAJLO UklU
i tf, t,
ii. ( d i t tt di"., rtuiton. torwurYf' i a ill the t
I o'i.i t, iti ui u.c t'oin ,u new treit:t tta-v-tj:, ll.v-U
a .u VH.l i.r bUet'U.
I.i Vliilad. MMa d.u.v at ii .. M ., 1 P. V ,.'' P .
I r il- t. l.eb-iii n, (tiarruburtt. 1-wlUTU.a, 1 -
lU4e, nd LtJiiil a Ll..4jOd.
Cl..e at tho Phlla-.ivlrMa IV-'. om.-a A .all P'''!
i Hl m il il lir.on )n at & A- Mu A-ivt lu KU--
Miloii. ui.l al J li- P. At.